THE DAILY EXCHANGE, FEBRUARY 6, lH.'il .Jttsnonte fcumpims. ffiiscellawans. fianhtrs anb pmsemeot*. WTREAIT: I 'IIN.YSIUT, H\M.KTT jagff Iwtpß .tnb jww &x te* MCKIM. JOHN li. MCKIM LTOLLSDAY SHtgfiT I-IUWA: FILLK INSUUANGiC n Saif xrt LIVERPOOL AND THEATBBi FCMPANV jpNit Skks. LONDON L 1 OF BALTIMOKI & T I3 ' Wednesda } ':; F, , HOWELL BROTHERS, M GKNKSKR * BININGER'S O. KVFN f- UFFK.L L AM) VALLEY McKIM, Feb. C RXEK OF SWUTH .1 rRErTS. V H. UUUfOK & app'iirani r; <. ALUABLE CO. BROTHERS i'hlrd i ? li.ues is -urdi ? u . very di -c-jptum on Insurable Proper ~£ PA LM FOR AALB MI-S CHAKL* SiiMAN, -'Lain the RUOHANAN'S WHARF TTE at Tiagtd ~f R ANDRIC : R, iKarcs* sspsssxx to, et;. \V EKS fs.e-i Jen t >. (} ' rt II iiA C 13 ET county, VV est Tti w YR;-\. !> !? ? s&*.?? :r? v' ;VF!)NEBDAY, Feh'rr, o'cloc; H. BOARP .?: "f.T. I " . ? ? , OF PIBECTO: v e &use 0 . i) IK. >Tf"i;l>:V m. Glower, .1. S-ricker J. Mr. ? 1" l(lt> HDDS. CUBA SUGAR COMPANY, To-morrow, Thors-'av, w m. Ortwjne, Btnxii.^er,ukim. heal thy,highly improved well V" INSURANCE STOCKS, BONDS AND SECURITIES, OF THIS AND M. and ;*t ROMEO AND JULIET, S n;ue| P. S'rith, K.iistiii Peiirins, S.i'.^livn* DO. P. R. I IPTO. iy, A.iron tt-ntfis, If. 230 " A( Kirjj & f-rul benefit of Misa Gusli an. 11 Storv STREET, onn 12 'F ;Ff BOTTOM LAN DS. OTHER MARKETS, . (50 p. 56 WALL 61 PINE STS. Admission 3 and 23 cent* Re-'erv <1 75 ? n'.*. :t ? :-res Hcirmnn, HIMVHPIRogers. an 1 ...1.0 -./?, \u25a0* pl'!!i'lf - :!l uxidcrJcnce, wat-r I DO. R. AND CUBA ° -MIy f admir:;J.|y MOLASSES. j . . U. WILLIA MK, GPFSJSITB IJANOVER, ? livinirpp-mjfs and l-y Hi. Cna R. LEMMftN CO jinntie Family having f.n ll parts of tl:e Union, ar,:l retut?;* ;r. up ! NOTKS, BONDS" ufc OaU ' ' ft , superseded the so-called "Gins," BOUGHT AND FOLD. C(There?sa fi -S *SA.IIt Ki, Aromatic," "Cordial," "Medicated," "Schnapps," &c., 1 made. MAR TIX I.E 117.V. LIFE VELVET, GOLO AND SATIN PAPERS, ! With.R-1,, abundant; I"PORTABLE DWELLING HOWSF? fLGDviOK now- endorsed by Farm Buildings?a superior 1 RAND SALE Cash Capital , all of the prominent physicians, chemist 4, No. 14 SECOND ST Its ET, Orchard of f OF &1 and connoisseurs, reei ia ,u" as possessing allof tnose intrinsic medi- "L\;UKRENT BANK NOTES, SIGHT or TIME DRAM' | NEAR SOUTH STREET. GOLD pSuSL beufnir,!M iGatinooior- 000 000 cinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to o/d Lays ami EMBROIDERED VA MXN 6' ' and pure an AT sells on Commission. INSURAXOS FRENCH Ft;' an jTtE t Gin. Put up in quart bottle 3 and sold by all PURCHASED LOWEST RATES OF EXCHAN't NEOOTIAPLK Bl's I ESS I*\PER, COMPANY divi'UJ i "<> '<> CM! SF.TS? Reserved Fund r druggists, grocers, BININGEK,,t CO., STOCKS BONDS &e A. M. AND IN ALL MARKETS, niither (Lstabli?hed in 1778.) PROPRIETOR*-, PAPER NEGOTIATED. GRANTS IliaClll'XT-i ('.V A PARLOR loi pjiPiiculars and t"rms of payment (whir' SOLE MERCANTILE I'l'li >VF.D SLiuURUriKJ. LA'coapor.ATso PAPERS, m street, ' ADVANCES LSSU. '^GLA^WAR^ft^f'N^^l^^^- K ' FROM SILVER. SIX PIECES, rribAN.\Mt \?i?DnKK of the L 7-5 l,; i V"KK EXCHANGE. OUR OWN MANUFACTORY AND Tllii l OZS ? VERY IIAMISOME; exact and truth whatever BU7h 'NOSEI.I.S CUAHTK . PERPETUAL. UE3T J, ,- ;." J* 1 literal of FIRST CLASS GUdUND RENI'S. A- i 1 TAiJ, ' K - l'CiiXS, ft,., Jr. 8 5°>°°0 they represent ?N. Y. Com. Advertiser. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS and attends personally to all every Broker PARIS HOUSES. Irin 5 ""t Mansimr and kind of and jn.-io-Uivlirr |>. | ~";i:h r' )on WEDNESDAY United States, j , Baltimore by GF.O. HOLUNS, DMNISON attended au22tii business. OPFIOK-VO. C ITNTTT.. iT7?lll'' IX,. t.V, MORN- & to. a inJ5-tf SOUTH 1 1 in at No. "' .*? \u25a0-?'?ru-rrv -'clock, my 8110., E H. STABLER A A CO. r t° Ck eon>|,ri 3 the ru "-'st asß the United '?Dimb store. si lyr-Wly CO., MARTIN BELT ¥ Sute ,f -rtment in FOR SALE CHEAP.?A line ;'i' and clcitaut coM-cUon rah 3 EONAED J. DWKLL- i-Tvrvrf., 1,I 4 of RICH RDERS FOR PURCHASE OR SALE-lOP TORMBY, JOHN J. DONALDSON, #3v 'Dli'.. 'T nc,v st>-1- pattern, PRESIDENT INGoa street. b. twecn anil i'n \u25a0??- and viz: RICH EAN- AND 'KS 1a Jr in l>eßt tcanncr, or s;;. SlcrußoKh BiihUe NR-'i I I'F \ Daily Revenue, BONDS STO in New York, executed HKALRR IN iu city country. -rjt.tan. three-story .!? ' SKI'S, it ;nil 77 pieces' liard- 7,500 through prompt and correspondents. COM M r RVIA L A 11, o-Ctfr'" fr nt, and three story n.Wo Br.el: V ' MANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO reliable P VE Hoildm I, tlbbyiiiiOl 111 t) ulle-i: "le so a s'Fi |'av ''i' :. various . GILDERSLEVE A WIIITRIDGE, STREET, VSUKESLIVEB FUR OX:: YEAR. TERM OK YEARS j\.'TOSQ 1 'i'o NETS. birpaiD. Arply to WM. I!. MARRIOTT, 21 i'nndzome PARIAN VASES of great va- UAVA&A CsGABS, ja?3 tfr f,l Sieoril street. I!I.TIMORE, MO. < j url< No. North f r< K, Statuettes, Stockholders M-S- NETS. | n - utrei fel-tf irfe!I)'rant ? i ; ? - C;*verß, Basque personally respon- OR FoK MOSQUITO I Knhv r r^ arge of E. LIKE. '(?; :l; ; ll nssnrtment Motto Cups TOBACCO, &O T P. BUULDKN" COMMERCIAL} n ? , , . , il*nc t^ Ks VIRGINIA SMOKING Negotiated. MOSQUITO NETS FUR RENT?The l -kf T, te "ls boxes, sible for Ve to assorted stoe O . > ana FCR IN ALL BANKING IIUI'SR ;r. \ ' s * Bull- all engagements of the offer the trade our large and well STOCK BROKKR. I'APiCK. ANNUITIES AGED \ tj >< lately occupied hy A Go i handsomelyl V the above articles, including: SpecialatU Negotiation PERSONS. AKIETIES AND PRICES AT i Jonah Lee UobiZts, Di hew figured Ditchers, 1 o { ntion dvoi to the WALTER K WVATI hJass STOCKS bought commission, Ijoans first class CROOK, Ja.'s, ".r ' ' BLANCHABD, Trustee, Company. PACKAGES OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCC AND BONDS and sold on _ sof on Securities. jalS-t Lai HfcAVY SiLVFR i 7-eo2w I ENDOWMENTS FOR CHILDREN. <- pnok-tery Paper G St. street. PLATED TEA SETS- yof standard popular brands, comprising . Goods and Hangings Store, No. Paul ( ut Cator, to b together , and everv 22<> five seven .tile*, uesrriptton ofstyle and qualify. We would invite attention Mo WINN X CO., SLAVES INSURED, Men, j-ji Baltimore street. FOB RENT, a * variety of fan *>- m useful articles, ML. & * eith r Women or Children, I AT $lB PER MONTH, A it.i r<"tt l thv Hml sell on commission --nood with large yard, g s -r- Wie ladies arc rn- ; la'lyinvited to this sale. ic., thi-j ?: and water, parlor i JAMES BROWN, ESO., . . . constantly receiving fresh supplies STOCKS AND SECURITIES of this market, BONDS< tn and o her markets. j 4-cni Tt-nns,cash. Chairman. cured of all kinds of Manufac York, as well as DIRECTORS: dining-room, kitchen, a: d six chambers >pply S. 11. GOVKR, Auc'ioneer, Tobacco, and are prepared to answer orders to an , thosenf New bought and sold on commission. . ?? rrn 1*RANT is extent. J.J. DONALDSON, ffl r N. Thi >'? GOTTEN ET, Eso., Dep'y. Ch. VT BILL AND STOCK BROKERS, RS) SOFA AND FURNITURE WAREROiiR' FOll IL\ LR willbe sold at 11 o'clock precisely. CASES CONNECTICUT HARRIS b SONS, B *l S. J. DONALDSON, A. ALDRIDGE, f AND RENT-DWELLING No. 77 E. *SOVJ SEED LEAP -TF 61 SECOND STREET. % I 25 27 NOF.TFI GAY ST. Gay North M. 11. IL M. TOBACCO SAML. 195 BALTIMORE STREET. (Near Fayette Re j Hiirhstreet, Between and Fayette in pood PUBLIC SALE THE ARCHIBALD, CONSUL. and of to purchase ar.d and make COL- C.A. SCHAEFER, GEO. oiuer; willbe rented st? OF ? ??wper; Fillers, very superior quality, Continue sell STOCKS I AWRASON k S. GIBSON, Lxteain,'r from Gay to Frederick street M owtoaja) d tenant Apply to . RALTIMiiRE IIELI.E, BALTIMORE, ftc. EUGENE LTF* LECTIONS on commission. ja!2-lm SMITH, H-jsortment 11 a DUTILH, IA. HAMILTON, BALES HAVANALEAF TOBACCO, E. F. CHAMBERS, a a " ? S. P<' wer contained in a mortgage from ESO. JR., AND ROBT. A. TA ,. 'ar e every . , e , Wit. CROSS, r-.A.-Av,' ESQ. ofour choice STOCK BILL BROKERS YLOR. Jl Pit varicr y .Ve a ers,i:i,l! wiu off-'C *t at own importation, comprising wrappery descrip NO. 23 SOUTH.KTREET, A'-fI'OFFIOE FURNlTUßE,embramux' . Ja23 J. corner I. istl-.ills \ f. is'oro avenues H,lw ,'i v-n , public ante, JOS. GAILLARD, r. F. ... Bu.eaus. f i v JA! 1 WOO,I ESQ. SANDERSON, lion, and very superior highflavored fillers. Negotiate Business Paper L* execute F \ssort.fl colors . street, in Bnliimore ESQ STE??LIMC EXCHANGE. an l ans> and orders M. COLSTON, Secretary. Bedsteads i ofTete-a-TeU*. I WILL EXCHANGE A w A'.^r ES 'AY FTLRNi,i.\, lebruary HENRY CUBA AND for M-'i'i'.-iin t:-i- an ]< r rl; jultf i Cottage Furni Ann ChaHs, PINE' "FARM i ' , . 21, l.aiii, at t GRINKELL, ESQ.; VARALEAF TOBACCO. BILLS nuS nc,ar the city, for c, k ' boom A supply ON LONDON, DR. F. DONALDSON, Medical Examiner, w^!}2? tu,r':- Booking Cl.a:r ti&sale,l!fj one near Pet. rslinrs. Va. A!ro, for K. M r BAI T1 MORE BELLE, of Baltimore, always on hand adapted to the wants v? L~ small nei .Vasts, arils, of the trad In sums to suit purchasers. aruroue.'L 2 fKJ7 FARMS suitable bans. Rigainr. Cables, BUSINESS. OL ood Chain?, Stagere , ( for Market Gardens or i Anchors, Boats. Resident Pei.L, VIRGINIASMOKING TOBACCO, STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT ANI)SOLD MARTIN LEiVIS. TF 'I Franklin street. . ''fficeChaire, | HarT.le gantry Seats: HOUSES. LOTS and (IROCNI) } F.NI s I'.ickle, Aruarcl and appurtenances. MONEY ? fahk- ) Scc'y, ALFRED ESQ. In half bbls.,and of 10 BROTHERS McKIM, q'ofn Baltimore BelL was built Church Creek. Dorches- barrels, 44 57HF.ET, 1 rMV,?.?]T?fB nATIONS m-ede, i in bales lbs. each No SKCOND OWALK'S <- L i Hack..RattierCr.Min. Seceiitiou r SOLB tand STOCKS tH county, d..-3mr _ 176 Baltimore street. First house from Sruth street INSURANCE AGENCY, Cotton an Dribs and Cradles, C:. COMMISSION BUS!.\K.W GKN b KM.I.Y at Maryland, her length is 71 feet, hriadth2l feet Counsel, TURKISH SMOKING TOBACCO, bolstered .ir Nn t'-'N. _ inches, ALEX. HAMILTON, JR., ESO Of WM. MCKIM, to *-7 COXMXBCI.M. BCIIDISGS, ST boras, ? - Kmw street. T. N. j'.ITtf depth 4 f. et fi inches, G1.46-95 superior quality, in drums ofl and CIIAS. HIXKLLY, HOLLINB MCKIM . ~ Attends promptly the GAI 'Side Boards, /Settees. BKU>. tons; tier trails. Rigging and she measures lOlbs.each. .. F.vTENSION ar.d ac., invery NETOTIATION OF MEKCAN'IILE . T1 , B. COALE. TABLES OF EVERY LE.VOTJ Equipments, are Bankers, BANK, imt.(lSHl HAVANACIGARS,of well known an the Licensed *!TJM<- r eiuons RENTS WANTED?From good order, and PHENIX powers, disposed to - \J Asnt, lull to v to &hc of one hundred tons, carries about CAMMANN 1 verypopular brands, and every AND BUSINESS P.U'ER. FOR the k purchase are invited call an'.: S . jo° Per annum, permantnt SSO 4.5(0 ofgrain or * .Y, . variety o .... FIBE. a c an-1 well scGured. Apply bushels i f EFFECTS LOANS ? c ,aicat.on. whichfor variety quality '. & \u25a0tyle, selected in Havana expressly for us, and of our own ON STOCKS FIRE i r J: t and I " Hlh-was retimhered February, 18G0, to OTHER HARTFORD IXSUR \NTE COMFAN workmanship cannot be th. 11 v MARRIOTT, ur.d repaired in an Co. importation. We are prepared to execute with dispatch AND SECURITIES. Assets, excelled by any establishment in " . iair.tr11 No 21W\'. amount $1,20C; her :ll orders to any MAKES ADVANCES ON Cash JSS6.OOO. A iiATHIOT s SON, Worth Charles street. of timb rsand plunking are ofwhite BALTIMORE AGENCY. extent for any of the brands manufacture*! a COLLATERALS. ansßfH ak, m good oid< r, and when years old, she sold for GRANTS ON GOOD PAPER. . 25 an.l 27 < two Havana. E R S , DISCOUNTS ?* i NOB. NorthGay str< RENT?Two desirable ia BANK E IN SUItA PA F V " OFFICES, the and of very light Local Advisory EX EPUTES OK EES Poll ST..CKS in all the market:, OMK NCECOM N\\() EYI>HS IfOR? ont sto y Xp. a fast siller draft with Board: Ii Assets, 11,452,CU0. tXENUY IV. JKNKINS, ffti;nfj n °f * 5C 80 Fayette street, near si'ding keel. AND Cash r ' D. & CO., C MINER OF BALTIMORE STREET TRANSACTS THE BROKER AND HANKING Ai. i Applytt & CO., ALEXANDER CHAS. BEFOED AMI ST. FAL'L !oqV ' . HIBSON Terras liberal at sale. TURNBULL, Esq. nIS-tfr siKti, BUSINESS IN ALLITS BRANCHES. je6-tf CITY, FKACTICALCABINET MAKER J 37 S. Gay FIRE _ No. T X. Charles str Auctioneer, WM. SELL, INSURANCE COMPANY OF IIARTFCIO ... No. 16 LIGHT ST., .t . SAMUEL 11. GOYER, H. GRAHAM, Esq. BUY AND ON COMMISSION. TNG. S. GITTINGS A C< Cash Assets, $330,215. on hand p. large stool: of, and is constantly i i BfiSNTS fel-CQt2o&dts Sl Baltimore street. xroTicfi. ring, of -\u25a0? no FUR BAL£, irredeemable CHAS. MORTON Sj> BANKERS, EXCHANGE, every description CAR WAKE, ore," handsomely improved. STEWART, Esq. i-V FOR THE FALL ANI)WINTER STOCKS, BONDS, &c., tenuis and INET u st One of S6OO per annum, Ii ifpLk~PRO ? BROKERS, NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INS. CO., HARTFORD workmanship. VJiaadl per} "rRCrtTEE'S ALE ~OF VKE-SI W. CO.. STOCK AND BILL ' and I , w lnnum tvvoo^23) P-r annum, two ON Counsel, F. BRUNE, Esq., of firm of Brown A Brune NOAH WALKER !fc 29 Cash Assets, sSsl,tts. ?III; SPRING MATRESSES, i-vi-vr per annum,oi. s V of sl.-0 IL PEHTY CANNON AND ROSE STREETS?By VTA No. SOUTH sTr-rsr, ~ SPRING and .ourof per SHI K G A' OF i f<.S annum. Apply to viitue ii of KISKS TON BUILDI THIS AND OTHER MARKETS.' Buy and pell on Commission Stock in t;.i- r ' - of decree the Circuit Court for Tlr.ltimorr citv, TAKEN ON PROPERTY OF EVERY BE E"T ;nd na Securities '7 . WM. 11. MAHRIOTr, the undersigned, Trustee, GE.VTLEMEN'S AN*DT(?WH" ' other markets. PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INSURANCE CO , \u25a0 ioß ff us willoiler at public alo, at the SCRIPrrON AT LOWEST RATES CHARGED AND WINTER ISSUE COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELERS' CREDITS Purchase and sell Ground Rents. Cash Assets. 4373,233. Exchange Sates Rooms insaid citv.on MONDAY,the 25th THE BY FALL CLOTHING. made NK W FURNI TU R B ,U ot LATEST STYLES ANI) PATTERNS, Advances on Stocks, Real Estate. Notes, and oiht. "fBrfV'TKhNT. The four-story Brick AI.I..V F,TFiA'?'-,'.!,!'" 1 - "t one o'clock L>. M. OTHER RESPONSIBLE MAP.IVS. , WARERODMS. PIECE OR PARCEL OK COMPANIES, by TO ALT, collaterals. H?!!|l , K HOUSE. NO. OH I GROUND lying in "7-tft READY MADE AND MADE or., E. AVAILABLE IN PARTS OF EUROPE. Paper ITLKCHANTS'MUTUALINS. CO., ;\\ lhe uTidei3ignHlwould call the attention of f, i, . V South street. (Howlvf s wlirtrO, the city of Laltiraore, and described as follows: Negotiate Time and Stock f cans. OF BALTIMOKI the to his mis fcifrfi.having a water front on the Basin,MoClure's -0:1 the of Hie Bcginnin- WM. KREBS, WM. F. MURDOCH, Make points Assets, $214,3n. anu public his new Warermms. and his Lirvt tne rear, and Due.-: in line east side ofCannon street, ,5 GREAT MAKE collections on all accessible in the United and vanedassortnipnt of track ic the street. Apply to -MSno itboast corner feet from Secretary. AGENT IN BARGAINS COLLECTIONS, States and Canada. Pres't. Furniture. His stock being ALI & CO,, formed bytheimerectinn of Alic-anna BALTIMORE, B. WM.GRAHAM, .NEW, ana ofthe P. MALOOM and Cannon streets, 11:, 15 S. Charles street, AT Receive Funds, GEO. COALE, Sec'v. best workmanship, with very moderate Hfr". s3t t, and running tinrr-- fe. t psrailel and deposits inBankable and Uncurreat an: P' ices, he hopes for -ii U ond sttc gowly's wharf. witn line ja29-2awtfr NEGOTIATE LOANS transact tile business of Private Banking a continuance of the patronage he Idm Anceanna strett, to the of Rose street; therce 58 Exchange Place. CANFIELD & CO.'S, inail of its depart so long enjoyed at y BROTHER ntents. Il:t'-n'3T ;L!IDV.-...| (in IL. in'.*, LIFE. the 01 dStand. ,t).rtl ! ! ln hes I>arall ' wi' ?>?\u25a0? West Baltimore street. Rtokely ( the of beginning. QAMUEL SONS, " MFORby, as Boarding LYJAITLNE House. The AUGUSTA AN EXTENSIVE STOCK O BANKERS, STOCK EXCHANGE KEMt b L "' Alo, 11V. ELLIN(12il North street, above property is worthy the attention of capitalists, INSURANCE AND BANKING.COMPANY. EXCHANGE, FIRE, MARINE or LIFE eh .VE'O'iVMTH OA HE Charles north cf Fa- hemg well and favorably sitnat- d wilh.reference to future AND NOTE BROKERS POLICIES J ? 'en Will for to atunup.t CercpaniesINSURANCE be altered store if desirrd. imprnvenents of city, 0 .OF No. 196 BALTIUOES STREET, famed any in ofthe very V. ant s'r.n of in that section the being convenient CAPITAL-ALL PAID IN CASH $375,000 ng, and at the most rates. I RALE?-Original GROUND RENTS S3OO. $135, e ore and lilllaJ City CAPITAL NE IPX Y IMPORTED?- DISCOUNT BUSINESS PAPER, COLLECT on all accessible points in the United State:' an i reasonable $l2O and S,O each. W. W. GLKNN 'l'hia and Passenger AND SURPLUS Ist January, 1859 431,639 Can&d&s, promptly, information given on all to itts, fiqawi, G Raiiro"d. and nn favorable terios. INbURANCE,Pliable ioatter-: elating Mi. fit. . North Calvert street. Terms of sal", prescribed hj-the The CASH DIVIDENDS Paid to the Stockholders frc WATCHES, ADVANCE ON COLLECTIONS AND OTHE BUY ana SELL CHECKS and UNCURRENT BANK such as forms of arniic.iii . stateinenU > 2w. as decree are, thatone- NOTES, at low rates. loss. Ac., &c. J- R. RENT.?Large RQOlf on ttnril ofthe pure..ase money sliall he cash; the balance sth June, 182s, to Ist Janua y, L':s9, NEARLY TIIIRTI JEWELRY, j$V OLONIXGER & CO., the first floor at in . NEGOTIATE TIME PAPER and STOCK LOAN 5, aid SHORT RISKS on taken, with return of Pi-e- of tlit* 1- ranklin Building rent; recently up instalments four and eight months from the day of average per cent, annum, COLLATERALS, ra, months Merchandise |np MiNiS. LIQUORS AND CIGARS, for fitted at sale;enuall ONE YEARS, per after the FANCY GOODS, buy and sell on Commission STOCKS ar.d SRCUiUTTES in --mu for not used. much expense, with B:.S, wat-r. Ac. Also, the credit payments to bar interest from the cay of and *i3-tf CHARLES STREET an adjoining Sale, and to la"secured by payment of all LOOSES, EXPRNSES and BRONZES, this other markets. GEORGE H. COALE, Agent. *'.NORTH & '" Room. Apply at 50 SOUTH GAYBT. the note or notes of the purchaser DEAL IN o*' Har!n,ny Co Amorrtiilarlo, nl9 tf or purchasers, endorsed to the of the TEN PER CENT. BONUS RETURNED TO POLICY CUTLERY, UNCURRENT BANK NOTES AND FOREIG RECEIVE DEPOSITS in Bankable or Dncurrent Funds CallimwandTops'" OTS satisfaction Trustee. and transact the Banking and Exchange Business in every il-LSiiKANCK' CCMPAN Y.-" 0 1 FOR LEASE. f'l-Jlwftds d B. H. TAG ART, Trustee. 1 M#rch & -' I( 03 ~ HOLDERS. FANS, department. I OFFICE ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER SO"; Co We sh Ji 220 feet on Montgomery street, - COIN, - mhMy' OF I a ' ' ? ea?.t f Wilhe U Y AOIL HON dt PARIAN AND SKCOND STREETS. CH AMPAGNES?L. Koedercr.Ch, GJ feet on North street, north of Eauer CO BALTIMORE, February 9th, 1859. ? T H. LUCKETT, .R.surcs apainat LO-A or P.amaye hy FIRE on ALL D'-VF-P ann the Farre, Vendc Clic.juot, 24 feet on Cathedral street, south of Head. TRUST GOODS, RECEIVE DEPOSITS, IIONS various Ilt-ulsick brainls. street, EE '"fx SaLE.?By virtue of ti de- IIOLLINS' BUII.PINO,Exchange tl ? NOTE, OF PROPERTY within the city 60 feet on Mad,son binding the Falls. Place. J STOCK, BILL, the limits of BRANDIES?J ilennessy. otard, Dupuy i Co., and on cree ~f the Ci'cuit Court for Baltimore city, Gross premiums received from Ist January, 1858. WORK AND HENRY P. DU-HORST,. PRESIDENT, asti'lon fe Apply to the to Ist 1559 HEAL ESTATE BROKER op i in<*t, < to. K. K. HOWARD, Atto.ney, undersigned, Tin tee, willr.IT.r for sale at PUBLIC January, $172,485.46 TRANSACT BOA maacTOKa: M " BOXES, AND A GENERA 81 SECOND STREET, Baltimore. an WHlSKlES?Ramsay's 11 stre t. U "'. Less?l.osses paid 68 John H. Ehlen, L>,-nn-tt, k Stctva-fs Scotch, Old Rye and . , , Bt. Haul n Promises, on MONDAY, the eleventh $63,004 WRITING REFERENCES: F. W. Bourbon. ,_nhl-tf Orat tin' Ex-h.-.n^lMßc !?' visUteen hundred at four Return premiums and expenses 54,699.99 P. Gibson, Cashier Bank Augustus J. Albert. Samuel Hart, SKL ru D'f and sixty-one, au2l-tf BANKING BuS,,e!lrl and Pine streets. Apply on the noriheast side of ARTICLES, J I Edward to street, av.nue ninetv-two $51,780.79 Late of Bcnner, J.ate of Late of Thomas J. Carson, Banker, Baltimore. Jenkir*. John G. Rcaney, UAZLITT *CO., M HENRY RIKIIAN fc SON'S, Howard sIl!-tf feet six inches northwesterly from Moslier street, and MARINE ALBATA A & Achey, run- POLICIES ISSUED Spurrier, Co. | Purvis & Co. Purvis Co. Thomas D. Johnston, Baltimore. Frederick Thc-uias Creamer, AN!) ning northwesterly on said avenue fift feet, depth inomas W. I.eve.l'lG, ... IMPORTERS DEALERS FOR -.n witha - WARE, & J. 0. Adams, Baltimore. James Fields, -fe-EStea IN WINES, RENT.?A fbur-etory WAREHOUSE Of equal width cf twenty live f. to alley AT LOWEST RATES. OPURRIER, HONEYWELL EVANS, Warwick, Ball, Natlian Tyson, A BRANDIES ANDLIQUORS rr front, cellar, improved by t an six fe.-t wide, VASES, 0 Frick fe Baltimore. \ Garrett Brown, 39 )I SOUTH GAY STREET, it! ,' ;? and fine dry cn the rorth a three-rtorv BRICK DWELLING with two- AND TEN PER CENT. IN CASH Ac. AT THE OLD OFFICE OF PURVIS h CO., R. Mickle, Cashier Union Little Shaffer, John M. Gait, and BALTIMOF.S. AtSide of street, a few doors story Back a DIAMONDS BALTIMORE STREET, Bank of Maryland. Baltimci- Y. A-arge superior stock of PURE KV Baltimore above the tu- Building, and is the seventh house on the ? of all premiums on risks end ng without less, tc an J other Precious Stones, in great variety 203 B. A. Bank, Joshua Dryden, i,rr t-'e E WHISKEYS U'e ApP y toSMInI & opposite. oHst side north returned AND Bends, and all Yickers, President Marine Baltimore. Thomas Wilson, ' : most celebrated Distillers. tf ' ' NICODKML'S, of Haiti avenue, counting northwesterly the dealers at low prices. BUY SELL Stocks Securities in Johnston, Bro. ACo.. Bankers. Baltimore. John Cashing. ; Henry R. iauderma . mrl7-tf tßsn street, (.round from th s office. at jn2l-tfr this and other markets on commission only. Co., Bankers, Charles Grinr.EL, Moshvr rent forty five dollars ($45). and Josiah Lee fe Baltimore. A. Caleb Parts, Terias One half cash, an-i in six AllLosses promply atljustcd paid at this Agency. .MAKE COLLECTIONS on all points inthe United Stale.- i Hugh A Co., Mendesl. Cohen. THOMAS SHIELDS A CO., balance months witli V A L and Canada on Jenkins Baltimore. David 11. Phriver, interest, ana note of purchaser and aporoved by WM. F. MURDOCH, the most favorable terms. Young fe Carson, Baltimore. George B. Gibson Joshua Jones, pljogcspkts, Trustee. endorser ||EMO . RECEIVE DEPOSITS country Sp>#3£*i Ig?OHTIK3 the JOS. A. THOMAS, Trustee. in par and money, an 1 Wm. Pinkney Brooke, Washington, D C. myls-tf George Rogers Isaac M. Denson, or AGENT pay checks in the same. James >1 A . I Ja2l-2aw3w&d ADREON A- CO., Aiicths. WM. K KEB3, Secretary. ju2-2awtfr ALLOW INTEREST ON dersor John A. Shriver A KRKBS, DEPOSITS BY SPECIAL COHEN, JU7 tr FRANC! 4 J. MEGINN IS. Sec ret Arv WIN K S PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, PARK'S CHINA HALLS CON TRACTS. " BROSS ENGRAVE' KREBS, ANI) ISRAEL STOCK, BILL AND NOTE BROKER, jHlliifree of the Superior Court of Baltimore sitting BUY SELL ON COMMISSION BUSINESS PA 6 STRTET, AND LIFL INSURANCE. of city, . PER,and No. NORTH COLOR PRINTERS, ? a Court Equity, WILLIAMINSURANCE BROKER, AIIE REMOVED TO are prepared at all times TO MAKE ADVANCES olTer for the subscriber, as Trustc*. will approved Collaterals, and will do, iu every Buys and sells on commission all the Securities of this and NO. 101 'fki'T LOMBARD ST. F.K sale at Public auction, on the premises, on respect, a negotiates Notes, Loans, BIIAN D I E S b, on TUES- other markets: fee. my4-tf .. ,M OF . EALTIMOr.iI. - t h .<];< Fr ' uarv* 'lr Hi _ . ADJUSTER AVERAGES. No. 210 BALTIMORE STREET, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. an 16 tfr OFFICE, Bu t; m!,lrm iX4?fx v i o'clock V. M: A LEO, Broker in allbusiness connected Vessels, NO. 63 SECOND STREET. Heads, Checks, AlJj THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF GROUND situate with Da- And deaiers in all kinda of DOMESTIC Lading, and maged Goo-Is, ami claims against Insurance Companies. BETWEEN ST. PAUL AND CHARLES STREETS, JAS. F. PURVIS, JAS. P. THOMAS 0.145 LIQUORS Kills of 13 ing 111 the citycf Baltimore, and described as follows, STERLING EXCHANGE. .5 North Howard slrt't.DolHmnrt, Cards, that is to say: Beginning the the south 58 ExciiANcr. PLACE, Baltimore, Aid. , , r.n hand, a large superior on line of side of ROSS CAMPBELL fe CO., UNDOUBTED SECURITY AND LOW RATES stock of Old KYE WHS Circulars, '?eorge street, at the distance of fifty feet oastwardly from REFERENCES: Immediately ooposite the old stand, STREET, kTfor family use, and of the beat my The Great Western Insurance Co., New & 24 HANOVER brands. 23 ? t Maps, the corn< r formed by the intersection of the south side of York. PURVIS CO., Have George A.B Neilson, hsq., do. Whery I am now opening a large lot of new and choice constantly for sale B. I'iaDS, street and the east side of Brune street, and run- & BILLS ON LONDON. FTDLMAN, , . . Title Pages, ning thence eastwardly, bounding (-11 the Messrs. Johnson do, The represent, ! /,? somh side of Flig::ins, mhl9 tf Jr. snms-to suit purchasers. undersigned at their old established EVEN- t®teNsj IMPORTER AND DEALER IS J sane is. apl7-tf Gecrge street sixty-two to Mess s. Satterthwaile Bros., GOODS, of my own importation, and am BANKERS, cy, the followingfirst-class Companies, ; vgr,-"ar fe't and six inches the ground, do determined to capital with an BRANDIES, which by indenture bearing th ? day of April, Messrs. Jones, Neilson WhitloH:, do. GILMOR, JR.. exceeding Nos, WINES, 4'c., " date 14th ::ra h, \\T i, , s and 7 NORIMGAT STREET, ' was by Robert A Taylor and wife to _ : ' l Esq , .Mutual CUT J'OWN to possible at V AND \\ .lames President Union Insurance PRICES the lowest figures, 192 BALTIMORE ST., V ? STOCK BILL BROKER, 3 store Cray arid (.eorge Bain; Co., PhiladelpMa. OF constantly in and United States Bonded Ware §OSKS ART . th nr - souihw:rdly, bound- No. 77 SKCOWD STREET- SIX MILLIONS DOLLARS. STEMRETNJ. ing on that ground and parallel to hun- Win. D. Sherrerd, Esq., Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Staple goods, as Bays and sells on Brune street, one Tyler, (NEW OFFICE,) Commission Stocks and Securities in ' COGNAC BRANDIES: IVfARfES FOR 1861. dred and thirty one feet nine inches more or less, to John S. K-q , Boston. this and other markets. AETNA i.'AP.TF ? $2,0"U,0U0 Hennesey, Bruce Messrs. Tucker, A sell,on INSURANCE CO.. 'RI> Pinet Castiih-n. Vine Growers', Cni it For the it: at variety alley; thence westwardly, bounding on the north side of W hitrie Carrere, Boston, WHITE FRENCH CHINA, Buy commission. Makes advances Stocks and other Collaterals. jaiil Proprietor. ed Via coming year we have a of Bruce alley s:\ty-two inches, Nath'l Foster, Jr., Esq., on London Dock, &c 111 aHI ~, ry size e feet six or tliereab ut. to a do. Negotiates Time Paper and and style, which \t are selling "t point INDIA CHINA WARES, STOCKS, Stock Loans. nIU-tf PHOENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD SSt),H)O . ROCHMI.LE AND IIOP.DEAUX BRANDIE'S low prices. examine. hfiy feet eastwardly from the line of the ta*t side of W m.Graham, Esq., President Merchants' Mutual Insur- Call and brune street, and northwanily by nce Co., Baltimore. Pellevoisin,Camus, Rastean, Unlt.-a P.-Pric CUSHINGS & BAILEY, thence a stiaigbt line one WHITE IRONSTONE GOODS, BONDS, BONINGER, hundred thirty-two feet '.ess, Messrs. Kirkland, MERCHANTS' INS. CO HARTFORD 250, DU0 ° anil and suv. u inches, or Chase fr Co., Baltimore. AND BROTHERS No. 20 SOUTH CHARLES :TRJ:ET. (UP to more ALL KINDS OF SECURITIES, stairs.. ~ ' , , HOLLAND ;i\ the PIHCC of beginning?subject to annual Messrs. Thos. Whltridgefc Co., r the ground AND lour market in OFFER SALE FOREIGN EXCHANGE ooh.en Wcesp, Royal , fj, Vi "".Vc'l'lf i'. Nt i>. h -lf iinorovemcn Messrs. Spence /t; Reid, ju2-2awtfr own person, and ofother markets through on all the NEW INS. CO., HARTFORD 000 s 1 Jon, Mc iar Sv/an, Fish, fei- I IS I Oil! js11" payable y c.rly Tin - s do. principal cities ofGermany, on London, Paris and Amster- WINES: A then < n being a one-story a d attic Brick CdTTAGE CUT GLASS WARE, teliable correspondents. dam. mhio-tf h.unpagne, Madeira, CO.?BOOKSRLLBRS. PUB" the ISO, witli INSURANUK COMPANY Shirry, Rhenish, Hungarian. &?. 1.iSHSKS, hall in centre No. and a three s;ory Brick D WELL- (ESTABLISHED COMMON Also, buy and sell, at lowest rates of exchange, UNCUR- MASSASOIT INS CO., .-'PRINGFIFI.D 2:'.0,00FL , MTJRPHY PRINTERS. t* No. 162. BALTIMOREFIREUP YARDS (>K WARES, WHISKIES: AND IN HALFA CENTURY RENT AND Q HARRIS, JR., ?ocrbon, Monongulielri and Old Hye s jve '1 he terms of sale, as prescribed by the Court, >. W . CORNER SOUTH ANI)WATER STREETS. KINDS, BANK NOTES, CHECKS, TIME SIGHT r a no x r Hard the are?One- ALL O. BASEMENT CHESAPEAKE BANK, SPRINGFIELD INS. CO., SPRINGFIELD 5I:0,n0O u . FRUIT KB>. ! cash on day o! sal-, upon m Pany A(iAINST DAMAGE DRAFTS on ~_ ' BRANDIES: v. LUJLDIXG,182BALTIMORE&t. or the satisfaction there- principal - r, DV -ri£££IKE, T L>*SERES LOSS OR very all the cities of the Union. Make NORTH BTREXT. ) rV RbickbL-rry,,L;ivrndt i%Gi::;*er of, and the balance in two equal instalm cts of ex inthe city or country, on the various descriptions Always on hand of the best quality, Buys securities cf .-ETNA , V &r'; in straw Si-tf BALTISIORS. six and of property. Collections on all accessible points with prompt returns and sells all the stocks and other this LIFE INSURANCE CO., iiARTFoRD 2W," i : ': ,A ,e > bfsuperiorquJtlitv to any twelv< months, with interest from day of sale; the credit HOTEL GOODS, &c. money and other markets on commission. sell tf MLus.ihiladelplua,g i'- r ?V ora\.;w pay men tiito be red by 80. 4 RT> OF DIRECTORS. Receive on Deposit in current or uncurrent funds i'ork m.irke-s, and at lower . LANK BOOK! PAPER A.N I' seru notes cudorstd to the satisfac- J. L INTERNATIONALLIFE DO, LONDON 2,5 SATIONERY tion of the undersigned. 0 , COHEN, JR., ja3o-tfr and by agreement. 0,00 WAREHOUSE. President D. PRESTON PARR. allow interest special CORDIALS: XXil JACOB BENJAMIN, Trustee. Taylor, Wm. Gilmor, Vov? , - . SAUITEI. X. Tim Negotiate loans amltbusiness paper. au3 tfr Stotfcsu&tjpgt, vZ" Anis3ct<4, atoyeau, arrl3on &t. POLICIES ISSUED and I.r.ises paid at the Agency. ?> 'r. Cinnamon, Peppermint, .1 Sol ill CHARLES STREET, i'MEo. (ii/JCh*KR, Attorney. i N 'i^ ' J- Penningtoc, OLDEST ESTABLISHED STAND rcriecc liove,r fee., JCC. . SAMUEL (JOVER, S. T. - 11. Auct..' Tliomyson, Joshua I. Cohen OAS A '?' v v> IN THE err7 CAROLINA BANK NOTBS PUB- PAPER NEGOTrATED~by~~ si: 'f J. !T ON HAND VERY SUPERIOR A'- ;;|- A B'tlt'ini-rr str-el pOO-.R. Viewers, FrancisT. King, B. & TIME G. i'ROUD SR^FS. ce-i . ? : t ANDREW WARNER, SOUTHCHASED BY JOHN WILLIAMS SON, i- SAME. HARRIS & SONS, kW, '"""*^icrl, S "lsß 1.8. KOKTMEXT OF PAPER, STATIONERY BLANK n vi lfn' Henry Carroll, No. 10NORTH GAY sT?.te.r. n24-tf 99 Smith's wharf. ' ACCOUNT BOOKS. Arar.;i*r his stock vriilbe found V."!:' David 8. Wilson. R. 196 Ilaltimorestrt-et. R^SYo^Life ami S. Stewart. MA NUFACTiitER OE JalT-tf S,? au :? TIXI* LETTER PAPERS, bcth don* ;;lcand foreign, c: if.PTI W. F Worthington Wm. H. Brune, BANK NOTES, bought at best llitals, fit. ' -^bimthe.Scliiedaru -bnapps. all the,in'ist approved SILVER WAKE AND FINE GOLD JEWELRY. ON NEW YORK WANTED trade* 13 to my manufacturer:. . ? 11. Von Kapff. rate* by fn24-tf] BY FrnU solicited X"1 <1 variety ANT) DJALSU IN UNCURRENT THO. J. CARSON. GITTINGS, * fUat Li C .-H ' ? PAPERS, RuU and invt rv r--.-.t fe22-eotfr FREiPK WOODWORTH. Becretsrv EXCHANGE LAMBERT SONS, 1 S Ut!:, 17 IL? f,. fels-tf EN VELOPES Plain* O \ TJ VER PLATED WARE, jal7-tf N >. 5s t of all kinds. AN!) Bucha-ian'a wliarF . MUTUAL AND FANCY ARTICLES GENERALLY /CHECKS AND DRAFTS, on all points South ARKUTEB56 BALTIMORE STREET, Si'i CHARLES H. ROSS & Uu.. STATIONERY ofevery deseriptb,.,. f >r ofS-v,-nud privat VJ | SAFETY" :ors in a beautiful Vv and West, cashed at lowest rates, by W YOBK EXCUANGE WaNTE bby IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN iifPORTERS AND us.-, viz: STEEL PENS, PEN HiVi.!>/.R>,SKALING WAX, WOO I) store assortment of New Styles and Pat- n24-tf TOOLS, LLOUSKFUKNISHIXG fcfcSr7f-i DEALERS IN WAFERS, The b A q 11alitips i,f terns ofRich Jewelry and Silver Ware suitable f r presents, THO. J. CARSON. NE MARTIN LEWIS, HARDWARE, GOODS, &E wStiMi . WINES, LEAD and SLATE Pi;NOILS, INK STAND;'-, ' variety jal6-tf Oder for sale a superior STOCK of Cabinet makers LIQUOR9 Ac Ac., Ac. WHITE j\NI) RED ASII r embracing agreat ofSet and Plain Gold BROOCHr.B; 44 Second street Tool-, and . No. COMMERCE STREET, OLD Hardware, kc., " *.f ail the For family superb Mo-iac. Carbunkle,Coral, Pearl. Lava, Cameo, Etruscan, Ac. PURCHASED AND FOR SALEby Huilders' such as 4 instore: ' n;< United States .1 INK,Writing and C-pylng. h?t makrs. LF:I u:o. and r OF EAR RINGS; RINGS, n2! tf THO. J. Spear and Jackson's,and Disston's SAWS: houses Bond Ware- i'ER COPYING PRESSES, PORTFOLIOS, i'OX- j Cr.ORGU. S CREEK AM)CI'KHr KLAND PHILADELPHIA. BRACELETS; FINGER set CIX CARSON. E BUSES ESS PAPER FOR SALE by '< FuUTE for with KINDS; N'AIF.S, Ac., Grates and S'.cam Also, in th,length, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Pear), Opal, Ac.; Ladies' GOLD PRIM MARTIN LEWIS, PLA ICS OK AJJL COGNAC BRANDIES, Ac. I Purposes. WOOD CHAINS; and Chal-ns; JIADK O.V MERCANTILE PA- jalG-tf BRACKS AN D BUS, HATCRKTS, otard, Also a law assortment of WRAPPING* PAPER. 2nd Vest Guard Miniature LOCKETS; PER AND 44 Second street. Hennessey. Ac CABDS, SAWED AND SPLIT Fo t KIN* Gold Thimbles; Cut! Buttons Pins; Signe;, (,'ha.ed ADVANCESAPPROVED COLLATERALS, I>v , . SQUARK.S, GAS PLYKRS.dc. ; ROC HE I, Nil! PLAYING PRINTERS' do., Ac. A<\,all at ioT7 DidNO, and and nlll-tf ?'?11 LK BRA E at the lowest prices. A. HOUSE, INCORPORATED 18 3 6 Plain Gold Rings. Peacil and Pens; Sleeve BUTTONS ar.d THO J. CARSON. NEGOT IABLB PAPER kind*< of HOGS- keeping articles. Scignette, Pellevoisin,;,c. prioea. market V*. fluid IRSTTJLASS FINK IVORYKNIVRS Ciil MEKOil to WM. B. SLACK, STUDS; and Jet Crosses; Jet Bracele's: by LEWIS, AND FORKS, HOLLAND MK\ ANTS willdo well f -22-tf I - Ag't, Pins and t>r MADE PROMPTLY, F" WANTED 3IAKTIN AVI)FORKS, GIN, ?. D Soul cor Rings; Flair designs, Ac. 1COLLECTION'S AND j PLATED SPOONS Grape, ,tc. ith and 1 omha ri sts. Jewelry of beautiful iic-tf 44 Second street. WAITERS, VYS, A VI) Imueri?! Eagle, complete assortment VJ ON FAVORABLE TERMS, bv' TR SHOVEIJS TONGS. , A so a of Best Quality Heavy Silver n24-tf WiN K S AL. -assets November Ist, 1563, 104,907.51 Plated TEA SETTS, Waiters, Ire Pitchers, Cake Basket. THO. J. CARSON. AND BONDS, in the New York and KITCHEN UTENSILS of all kinds. Guampagne. Sherry.Port, Maioc£ties, at. Fruit, Butter and Stands, Castors, Candlesticks, other markets, bought As vdl as n lv?.utifiilassortment of r Salt Pearl STOGKS and sold evclusivelv en coiu- KAVCYPOUTMON! \ G . AMLiUCANLIQUORS, 3 indie f).-ssert K lives, Spoons. Forks, Ladies' FANCY mtssion. by MARTIN I.EWIS, A I F.S. DRF'SSING CASES. special .attention is solicited their FRESH UKKKNAND BLACK AND anb LADIES' WORK BOX ES A N D <* AliA>, Ac. to stork of TEAS, ARTICLES, Ac., the jal6-tf .... Dl.!* KV WItISKKY, jjf WOOD. which willbe sold on most reasonable shsic. 44 St cond stre -t. Allat most . . , K OUBA* .Mi-.1, MAItINK, fianos the reasonable prices. ;*' begins Wednesday * '' W. comer FayHtte strevts. DRAFTS ON CHARLESTON, K. C. VIADUCTAND LAUREL i'.MLLKIRON WORKS, Wharf-xri " tKutaw street, Bpring pany Country. is years- " September. of in the Every Piano warranted for five and a privilege ?WEIGHT'ht,nghtby [n!6-tf] in The course instruction in the usual Gardens. au29-fef of xchange at THO J. CARSON. ELK SHEET IRON MILL, BRISTOL j branches W. 11. McFAKLAND. President. GILLETS & NO YES, t granted any time within six months, if it agents for Pennsylvania and MarylandFOiUiK. is full and thorough, being under the direction of a AND !. SAMUEL.!. HARRISON. i'res't. GILL, should not prove TERLING Also, the best ? i A CARD. an efficient Facui ty of able and experi enced Teacher**. E very COTS GEORGE 8 Vice entirely satisfactory. EXCHANGE. ANriiKACiTE and CHARCOAL Pi IRON of general PIEDMONTJL CREEK COAL by cargo or car loai. Medical Examiner, Dr JXO. C. M ACKENZIK. Personß in want ot a ood PIANO, at price, by & I Ft'RNAUF.i: i ft? RMfPose doing a more CASH necessary appliance required for Female education iu at the LV'LE CLARKE, Agent, NEW YORK, had better a reduced S~ For sale KNOX CO , - N, I have made arrangements to .ny ofthe who thorough CAPKON A CO., Agents, J. call and examine the contents of our areroom. aulßtf 9 Grocer's Exchange. fori Ca.'h, sell command Institution. Parents desire a ja9 tf No. 94 Lombard strei-t. SECOND-H A.N I) PIANDS at all prices, from ?25 to $Jl)0. & stock ofGoods at the lowest remunerating pii- -n duration for their daughters, with the comforts and ad- ' rn Exchange. MELODEONS AND ORGAN HARMONIUMS, ON RICHMOND, PETERSBURG, "JENKINS. This arrangement t. ill be extended to all family accoi:ut y art -Res ofthe Christian family, arc invited to examine the from the COMMISSION HA U A N paid promptly every and January. pO AL. " !IS COUi'OU ATKD 1810! WHOLESALE DEALERS best makers, suitable for Churches, at from $4. > V, NORFOLK AND FREDERICKSBURG, bought bv DUGAN RD RK MERC HA I June A liberal allow- r sloo.'. DRAFTS No '<3 SOUTH CH>RLES STREET, ance will be made to wholesale purchasers for cash. ofadmission and further information, \J C'UMBKKLAXD :i u i.quality, from the WM. nl-'i-tf THO. J. I ce.r mid add res J Ami-rican Company's amiCDAi..:i KNABE&CO, CARSON. \re Agents for the following Manufactories: for sale in bond and in store, STALKY,Principal, Washington th- minia in ttiu George's Greek . No. 350 Buitimore street, .t SONS, LEWIS Mount V alley, constantly f r saic by cargo c;r ja3o-ur ?Best single and double-name busi- THOMAS TURTON CAST AND SULAR S ?*IL. OLD COGNAC BRANDY, 15years old. 3.h -.n - Co.. Maryland julT-tf th> or load near Eutaw street. WILLIAM GREJ V/ A iL'NS. i r;.-; .R- SCOTCH, IRISH, STICK NEY & CO., for OLD ANDKYE WHISKEY, ?- MONEY.ness paper sale t-y MARTINLEWIS, --WALES AUOSR, AIMEI; OLD JAMAICARUM AND j\ at) - : Ex lange nis-tr 41 Second stret-t. FRENCH Oilvs, AC. HOLLAND Plaoe. HARTFORD J. (J. IIOVKY Boa:no MACHINES. MADEIRA WINKS. DONALDSON'S SERCIAI TEA. GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM " M nh-tfr DAYS LOAN A. RANDALL, TAOKS, Fisisirisro NATLS. Ac. RESERVE, and other WINES, : ye- , WBARTNERSTPG BANAL fIU BBS LAND COAL OF GEORGE'S WANTED?On Canton, l' the antt Ohio PROVIDENCE TOOL COMPANY, NUTS, W . . SKERRIES, WIDOW HARMONY'S ? ?. ? i, or car 'Lilirfft from mine.? ! SIXTYRaltimore and Railroad Stocks and North CKLU: S. LbN, Axenr. sii Gay PIANOS PIANOS!! Virginia Bonds, PLAN* Iro^s. TOPAZ. OLD POSI.MtK, and other brao,,?.' M Kl HKN South st. nulfi tf HAZLE & PIANOS!! Western Railroad endorsed. The firm ofWEILBACIIER & thisdAy FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HURST CO." "l-'Iif MARTIN 44 st. AMERICAN BUTT COMPANY, BUTT HIHGB;;, SAD I*.: \u25a0 IDE OLD PORT, CHAMPAGNE,(my own imoortation,; DISSOLUTION. PAUL is RUE'S LEWIS, Second Ac. with RED LACH. ii>M)LVEDby mutual consent, Mr. Wm. Paul r-.tiriug 4 TliO CREEK COAL, WW ANTON GOLD LACKASSOCIATE th. refruin. VAMINKS BTRI-HKN S K::, OF OF BALTIMORE STOCK WANTED CHARLES H. KELLOGG, CURUT COMSS, SOALSS, AC. VKKZENEY, I Agent, HARTFORD, CONN. PLATXT) pnd Mr. P. WEILBACIIER taking charge of ihe assets and Si'l S Gvv itrf WORKS, BANKly JNO. S & CO., HAU., ELTON t CO., SPOONS AND FORKS HEIDSICK, other vood brands. VULCAN GiTTINCS O. LEIDEN'S liabilities of the late firm,shall _Btf 29 South SCOVIL MANUFACTURING CO., BRA , i - CELEBRATED HOCK WINES continue the business with ?Cu;ah;-:liiii-.l Cuul of at. ' all its t!a: CAPITAL ASSETS, BPABS BHTTS. ST ELTON, G LOSTEK, ARMF.SAN AN D branches on his own account an I under his nam*'. best quality AND BUILD SNYDER, AMERICAN Mr. WM PAUL continues business at No. 451 W. BALTI (AOAL.> J from the American Company's and other mines in the OF ALL DKSGKIPTH.'NS ROCGHT DAVID Shotils ANDSPAMS. 4 IEKSES. Georges Creek valley, for shipment & STOGKSand sold by JNO. S. (HTTINGS BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY, BRASS Glrj.ii- OLD MOCHA, JAVA, and other TEAS MORE STREET. ja26 tf from Baltimore or (HON HULLS AND NEWMAN, BRO. SONS, A CO.. COFFXES. of all Alexandria. Constantly for sale by STJCKNEY CO , ENGINES FOR sltf 29 South st. ?JftCiS. ..-.nds arid best quality. 1 IMITED PAHTNfiKSHIP.?The undersigned Exchange Placi DFUSJF.OP A IFADFIUAS. J7SS. TJATFUFTR*. KC 'v*') ? FRENCH PEAS, UUBHROOMB. TRUFF'I.EB. MEAT'S J have formed mhl4-tf 5936.709.00. STEAMERS. 235 Baltimore Street, near Charles St. G S ,nd SOUPS sealed; M a Limited Partnership, under the style of L M FOR SALE BY hermetically PAMK-DE FOIOK S. F. STABLER &. COALE, the purpose of conducting the TuNS n A 'r u A CO., :itall siae. for C_> 1 KE~COMPANY'^ POLICIES ISSUED AND RENEWED. MISSOURI JNO. S. GITTINGS KANN'S Wholesale Drug, Paint, Oil, Dye Stuff, Ac., busin--ss in the Y7 V/ i.l MP COAL for sale bv STEAM FIRE ENGINES. PIANO, sStf 29 South st. 43and 15 Ilarge assortment of FOKU'-'N and I of the H. GILMOR, SIGN OF MINIATURE AT HARRISO.*-* bTr.ui T, d ALE, of DOMESTIC Co it- | city Baltimore, (as successors to firm of E. STA- , , OHAS. Sole Agent. LOSSES ADJUSTED, IS THE BEST and fine GKOCKKIKS e.-.-rv descriptions, for sale & d.-tf 5S Second street, the EQUITABLY BONDS PLACE TO BUY bv BLER C0.,) said partnership to begin January Ist, 1861, m ar Post Office. AND PAID IMMEDIATELY UPON SATISFACTORY IRON ROOFS. Those in want of a k 0. R. R. 18G7 WANTED BY EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GEO. HOLI.INS, ; and to terminate January Ist, 186G. ? ii B JNO. S. GITTINGS & CO., BUILDERS' HARDWARE, N. Charles street, EDWARD 11. STABLER is the special partner, NEW FUNDS, SUPERIOR SBtf 29 RDW my:a tf ofFayette and has PROOFS, IN YORK IRON PREMIUM PIAAO/ South St. OA BIXET liA AUK, " corner contributed twenty-five thousand dollars towards the capi- filter Wtot gttetei, fee. li\' THE UNDERSIGNED, BRIDGES. BEST tal and S. Withour patent double sounding board, for which we def BANK STOCK FOR SALEBY QUALITY TOOLS, HUNGARIAN WINES, ofthe firm. FRANCIS STABLER ROBINSON THF. DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT, competition; and 1 ROM THE LOWEST TO THE BEST QUALITY COALE are the general partners, and willconduct the bus- W. WEBB, RAILROAD CARS AND MACHINE V those interested in Music, should call and MERCHANTS' JNO. S. GITTINGS & CO., Jp-Q IMPORTED BY patent TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY", iness. GIEO.r GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER. GEORGE B. COALE, Agent, see our over-strung Grand Concert PIANO, which . sß:f 29 South at. RAZORS, RUDOLPH POLLATSEK, rannot be excelled. SCISSORS, Ac 134 FRANCIS STABLER. 3. E CORN£II JiALTIMoRt AND LIHIITSTRKETR. feZB-tfr Cocinu-ri' BuiMinus, Gay street BOILERS, PLATED WARE, No. WEST LOMBARD STREET, S. ROBINSON COALE. inufacturer, importer iiini JEWELRY, CASTINGS, &C. They are Recommended by INSURANCE STOCK WANTED street.) M dealer in rich .-uHii-fimr ERG, liUITTANIA WARE, \u25a0 Two doors east of Hanover EDWARD H. STABLER. WATCHES, and SILVER WARE. T TON SfUTUAL THALB hy SAMUEL HARRIS, Jr., Baltimore Md. ,1861. I If INSURANCE COMPANY FIREMEN'S JAPANNED WARE, IMPORTER BALTIMORE, January is 1 Particular attention is paid to neatness and durahilityin IT'INGSTON, PA., July 04, 1860.?1t having VIEUXTEMPS, julT tf Basement Chesapeake Hank EVERY DESCRIPTION- AND DEALER IN HUNGARIAN WINKS, tun repair STRAKOSCH, OF In connection Who!, manufacture ami of Jewelry. jl-tf OF JfYcome to our knowledge that certain parties in Bali BY COOKING UTENSILS, PLAIN TINNED AND WHITE withSAML. POLLATSEK. sale Wine MAI.TBY'S AND OTHERS STOCK ISOO WANTED WARE, Dealer in the District ofTokai, Hungary, lias just STABLER & COALE arc moving their more are OFFERING KINGSTON COAL lor Allour Instruments 5 years, A ENAMELED per "Columbia," received SUPERIOR QUALITY GOLD WATCHES. are warranted for with the JNO. S. GITTINGS CO., Bremen ship genuine ? of goods & sale, hereby certify Sf Co. MARYLAND fe23-tf . the first invniceof stock to their new Warehouse, on the S. W. NEW YOP.K. we that WM. McCLYMONT are privilege ofexchanging within 6 months if not perfectly sStf 29 Souths WHOLESALE OR RETAII "Tokay," in cask, and superior Hungarian F KJ> CANFIELD, BHD. CO., the only parties from whom THIS Red Wines? the corner of Baltimore and Sharp streets, (entrance on Sharp 22'J COAL can he obtained. satisfactory. Terras liberal. A call is solicited. celebrated "F.gribor." street.) day persons having business . . BALTIMORE TTRSZT, C. S. MALT BY. President. COMMERCIAL & FARMERS' TI7ATERS a SCOTT. felt-tf and after this with Are noiv r eeivinv extens:-. additions to their already WM. G. Superintendent. BANK STOCK them, or E. 11. STABLER & CO., willplease call there. large WATCHES, they CHASE, NEWMAN, BRO. J wanted by & CO., V f No. 5 SOUTH CIIARLIS STREET, IV II 0 L 15 S L stock ofGOLD which offer to the WA K A S AXD MAXU- HSfesgaa LIQUOR rates. feti tf near Charles, _ at. WAREHOUSE. COMPANY'S COAL.?W E ARE FA C TCREIt S' A(JE X TS, & ...... s r GRAFF, I. 0. OANPISLD. w. l mi|| ? 'K n Miniature Piano. CI.ABAUGH OARfIILH. J. Q \u25a0 $ 5 ,7 0 O O now receiving regular supply PERCENTS. OF Have jn full 0,0 KINGSTON our of this JUSTLY 12' 18 an(i 20 W. LOMBARD ST., 1890 eonsantiy store a stock of 38 SOUTH PTRZST. opposite Exchange Plan*, Baltimore. ®iis, SteM, £Ms,ftc 'ANFIELD, BROTHEP. & CELEBRATED WHITE ASH COAL prepared to BALTIMORE, n5-tfr and 1875 fur sale by DISSTON'S CAST STEEL MILL, CROSS-CUT ANDCIR- faints, gs ( CO., cargo and are MD. BALTIMORECTTYG ISRAEL COHEN. DISTILLERS OF DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Vd IMPORTERS, deliver by or ton at regular market rates. Also, I.y- s7-tf No. sNorth street. CULAR SAWS. Ac! Dealers in ' . MANUFACTURERS. ken's t alley aud Short Mountain Red Burning WM. WILCOX &CO.'S PLATE AN!) PAD I.OCKS CHEMICAL "PAINT and AND DEALERS IN Coal, Ash Free FOREIGN LIQUORS, WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY DIVIDENDS FOR IMS, and George's Creek tor blacksmithing and manufac YORE MARINE INSURANCE'SCRIP KAO'LE LOCK CO.'S CABINET AND OTHER LOCKS every description BALTIMORE VARNISH WORKS. '"triugpurposes (iwns, Sides aub pistols. NEW ENGLAND or W A 0., SILVER AND PLATED WARE, WM. McCI.Y MONT ft CO., NEWwanted by KNOX & CO., GIMLET POINTED SCREWS. C. O. invite the attention ofpurchasers to a general £'. . M. DAVISON C avenue, ap2B-tf Exchange UNION BUTTS CO.'S BUTT HINGES, Rc MASUFAGTUMRS, MILITARYAND FANCY GOODS, THIRTY FIVE PER CENT. West Kalis Place. ii f LIQUORS, particularly choice OLD KYE WHISKEY, iui No. 10# LOMBARD ST., DIAMONDS AND First Yard below Pratl street Bridge. s PISTOLS, RIFLES AND RUSSELL ERWIN MANUFACTURING CO.'S LOCKS taticn COGNAC BRANDY, ofseveral varieti**-, PRECIOUS STONES Agent, C if. DF.SHO.W No (VOLTJ , , C PER CT. FOR SALE AND OTHER GOOD-'. SWEET anil I Beg leave tocall the attention ofthe trade to their various 229 BALTIMURS STRXIT, -t SECOND SHOT-GUNS. & fee MALAGA WINE, brands of LEAD. nSlfr Wholesale Agency for COLT'S PATENT by HAP.P.IS, W. B DOUGLASS' PUMPS, fee., carceiy to the allof wr.r WHITE Their BALTIMORE PREMIUM Baltimore. FIRE ARMS BALTIMORE SAML. Jr., inferior imported article, which are ' they warrant equal to in country, cry".Applications for Insurance in the above Company MANUFACTURING CO. A arge stock constantly Jnl7-tf Basement Chesapeake Bank. BLOODS AND THE DOUGLASS AXE CO.'S EDGE anted to givf sa :.!.-f:icii< ' LEAD anv the and their & hand. of on T< -i American to received by J. HOOPER CO., Also, importers single and iOLS. French and ZINCS tLey guarantee be unsur- CORNS a BIRD AND double-barrel HALFMAN'Sfe &(j passed in WILLIAMSPEAK, WM. or SOUTH AND PRATT STREETS, DUCK GUNS, \u25a0\TORTHWESTERN VIRGINIA RAILROAD AMES',- ROWLAND'S, GOULD'S ROCHE 0~ quality. Cmiagts. Baltimore, of which we have an extensive superior BONDS by SPADES, fee. K IMPORT*TtS OP They also continue tne manufacture of their well known ? and assortment. IN for sale SAMUEL HARRIS. Jr., SHOVELS No. G5 Second street OF Allgrades for sale low by jdl"-tf TACKS, FINISHING SHOE AND CLOUT NAILS IN WINES, VARNISHES, ofevery desc ption. hand, at auH-Jf MANUFACTURERS Basement Chesapeake Bank. S BRANDIES. GINS, fee. Kefd Saltpetre, all grades. Putty, bladders StM" GARRIAUEB.?We haveon MACHINE WOVE F. B. LONEY A CO.. GREAT VARIETY. Si AND DEALERS IXALLKINDS OF in and bulk, ffv-?M/?OL'R MANUFACTORY SEINES. AND REPOSITORY LIVERPOOL AN!) TANNED, 1 sto k Alum, Whiting LONDON SEINES TARRED AND RIGGED, Nos. and 3 Hanover street, VTORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD BONDS A general of DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Copperas, Glue, and Chalk. one ,of tiie largest and best assortments of CAR- AGENCY FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO., DEALERS IN FISHING ROPE, ' f Baltini tr- eL 1' wanted by SAML. HARRIS, Jr , BUILDERS' AND SHELF HARDWARE, No. .373 Baltimore street, KIAGhS to be found in the city. Persons in want of Car- \u25a0'' _____ 53 EXCHANGE PLACE. u2O-tf CORKS,KILLING AND SEINE TWINE, Ac jul7-tf Basement Cheaan-.-akt- Bar.h. which is offered at L\> Wr S i FACTORY PRICES. (Opposite Eu'aw House,) Lampblack, Sandpaper, riages are invited to call and examine our stock, as: we are BALTIMORE, 28th January, ISCI. STEEL. Baltimore. NeatsfsotOil, Spanish Brown, determined to sell at as low rates and accommodating piLEs- - Venitian on as We tike pleasure in announcing the formation of a LO- T X73RCKSTERSHIRE SAUCE, together NEGLECT 90-day on We are sole AG EN in this market for Wilson, A large stock of Old Pure Rye WHISKEY nee, Red, \ .dlow Ochre, as any with STERLING.?£BOO P.ili London for TJS Hawks- for familv which together with their usualI terms other establishment. CAL ADVISORY BOARD of this Company inBaltimore, VV the PICK LFB AND SAUCES of Me srs. CROSSE A ?(j cxg § 0 Jetton's Pile Salve is extremely Rjsale by worth, Elliton fe Co's celebrate! Sheffield Cart Si. i t wlsieh of the most celebrated brands. jlfim. assortment cf Paint." th v MULLMYKKk HUNTER, consisting of the following viz: BLACKWHII,constantly for hv A '-£? 31821 soothing and refreshing in its aj ap24-tf A we supply from stock at reduced rates for DIRECT IM- -ffi r to the trade at the lowest market prit Ja2s-tf Corner of Howard on hand and sale \u25a0 xjcGmgTir\u25a0i jSwM JAS. CORNER SONS. or and Franklin sts., Bait. ALEXANDER TURN BULL, Esq. GREEN li YOE i for t - fte cureo f j]ie PORTATION. nl>-tf r \ G. C. ADREON & GO., WM. H. GK A Kso. oS-tfr W terriMe any BOLTON & 00., CARRIAGES CARRIAGES!? HAM. S ItAttimore street disease in form Trvit. The first application nilkfaisil IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in AND 1 We ? 'HAS. MORTON STEWART, Esq. all Inflammation will su'n;:\u25a0 ! a rapid cure in a few F. WILLIS, aSHDt ICiANDIES. WIVES. GINS CIGAR-, HUGHWHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS IN- S&rSEtihaveon hand at 23 North G.tY STREET, ?The atoirijittg. W BTBXKTWUABP. BALTIMORE, GLASS, OILS, PAINTS, Ac., gest th-1 i Counsel, F. W. BRUNE. Esn .of firm of Brown & Brunc. Co-partnership heretofore ex- days willbe the result. Old stubl>orn cases ofyears' stand- f\!\u2666 I.IGHT AND SCOTCH AND IRISH MALT WHISKEYS). assortment of FASHIONABLE CARRIAGES south c isting Lowell, DEALER IN ALLKINDS OP OLD METALS, RAGS, \u25a0 Keep= constantly on hand a general assortment of Paint New of WM. F. MURDOCH, Agent I NOTICE.between WILLIAMKELLEY. of Massn. ing. reiuire only the use oftwo or three boxes of this Salve ?A two FINE OLD MONONGAHE! A. RYE. York, all the atest fashions and most approved ehusetts, STEVENS,of to make a permanent small family having Ropes, Furs, Hides, Be-swax and Country gene- AND its' materials, which are enumerated in part as followe: styles. to for them WM. KR?.BS. Secretary. ja29-2w ! and GEORGEO. Baltimore. cure. Ask for Betton's and have no spare rooms, would let them, unfurnished, Produce BOURBON WHISKEYS Lead; The public are invited call and evainine DISSOLVED by mutual consent. persons, and female, BOARDING. furnishe !or I i rally, and thehigheatCASH PRICES PAID. felo-t< Lewis' Pure White ;Window Glass; ssivcs; of rcaj-ina'.Oe this OF ALL t'-rn s. The business of other. Many male re now using with or wi'hout Board, to two or three gentlemen. Apply AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS KINDS. and all wiiicliwilllie sold on FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY the firm will he settled by GEORGE O. STEVENS, who Ointment with the greatest success. Although some have tW .Sol..- Agents in Maryland for sale of Ib g- n's Lewis' Snow White Zinc; Putty?kegs bbls QUItR, IIAIGHT 4 trCONNEI.I.. to 127 CONWAY BTKEI , r. th-- Brown Zinc; Raw Linseed Oil; at the OF BALTIMORE. alone is authorize ! use th-ir name in liquidation. submitted to an operati \u25a1 ie, the r< s sit was no _ au TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN H2&CHAHTS celebrated SPARKLING and bTILL CATAWBA WINES Iky-Repairing done shortest notice tr.::.2-tt NATIONALIncorporated suffering Chrome Yellow; Boiled Linseed Oil: by the GEO. O. STEVEN'S. cure or relief, the pain and has been terrible ever six OR and BRANDIES. & MARYLAND, My Salve, a few days ago, applied, EIGHT YOUNG MEN Fa NCIS B I.ONF.v. Was. R. BARKY-. ROUT. FINLST 01 Chrome Green; Sperm Oil; ffL'RLETT SON'S STATE OF 1349 WILLIAMKELLEY. since. Pile was since BOARDING.?can have pleasant front or back rooms with board, S. No. SOUTH CALVERT STREET and 36 Ci,E.AP3IDE, OFFICJ NO. 50 SouTn STP.LST, Baltimore, January 20, Ififil. then they have suffered less pain an t inconvenience than ofwarm, and IRVIN NXALE. JOSEPH P. ELLIOTT. s2fi-tr Baltimore. Chinese and American Vc-r .Patent 0:1: KJ CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, the use cold and ' million; Oil; shower bath. Location verycen ' Machinery New Buiiding.opposite Second st. they have for these last fifteen years, and are now getting tr B. LONEY No. 33 NORTH STRICT. will by rapidly .1. Transient boarders accommodated and furnished F. K CO. WINKS. liRANUIKS, IICMS, Prussian Blue. Cam phone and Ethereal Oil; THIS COMPANY INSURES The business be continued the undersigned inhis well Country Merchants should make a note of let Apply at 23 TO SRHAEFF.R J: T.ONKV, The undersigned having en they making rooms without board. NORTH GAY ST., SRCCESSORH & Refined Lamp Black; Copal and Japan Varnishes; qS U-'.-" greatly DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY own name and on his own account. Bettoa's Pile Salve wh-n are up their list. a few doors north of F tyet'e. UK V IN B Urged their premises jasn-lw aulS-tf lIIFOKTEKS AND M'HOI.KSALE 1...KS P Common Lamp Black, ! Paint and Varnish Br ashes; Viir~?'b 1 aud increased their facili- IN AND OFT OF THECITY GEORGE O. STEVENS k CO. Sold by Druggists. 50 cts. a box. BaMBiP 'TJKRNAXT SON. ties, beg to of the toth- *£7"Agents everywhere. only H A R D W A ii £2, Offer : r sale (he articles, Verdegris; Leather Varnish; leave call the attention public i; AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE wanted Prepared by F. W. following of their own cats Oil. stock of ?? Principal depot at importation, particularly family Heaille Varnish; N foot extensive every description ofCARRIAGES BY FIRE. Betton. CXJTZ.ES-IT, GX72JS. &C. for use: Varnish; in the most elegant style and durable manner, Short Insurances MAR H effected for A single or fflitttco, ftc. COLEMAN k ROGERS'. paita Stales. SHERRY WlNES?Penoartine's finest pale, gold and Shellac which tiu*- day for AGENTS FOR COLT'S PATENT PISTOLS, RIFLES. &c in And every other article appertaining to cur business; are r-renared to sell on accommodating terms. REP \ 1 A longer period. JOHN' B. SEiD/.NSTKrCKER, Baltimore, Md. brown Sherries, wood and in glass. all to with and at at te2-tr WlNES?Sanderaan'scompetition of which willbe sold at lowest prices a: tended disnatch r> usonaMe price s. Presiaent I G A R~S~ My Circulars are free Druggists?get one. R MURDOCH'S STANDARD Hos. X and 'J HASOVEK STREET. PORT red ami white JOHN CUBLKTT .% RON . : SCALES, Port, l in >Bl-tf No. 81 McKtPBRRT*B WHARF. BOARD OF nrr.ICTORS Q COAL, put up BALTIMORE, in woo and glass. Jyl4-tf r,r strct. j[ FOR HAY AND at short _ ,1' 8.-Jtimrre rienry M. Bash, Wm. Heald. a CHEWING TOBACCO. o 0U N T VER NO X "00 MPA NT~ notice. Invite the attention ef Country Merchants visiting Ihi.- MADEIRA \VINK?John Howard March's fine Madeira WOODS, DYE STOFES, DRY-SALTH. L^ Adam Thomas S. SMOKING TOBACCO. I*JL\/T LOMBARD Also, on hand, all size, of FLOOR and PORTA- cityto an examination of stock, in variety in wood and in glass: also, Grape Juice. f\YB Denraead,Bartlett, Benner, ci 5 OFFICE, NO. 94 STREET. \-a\RI.K their which and RTF,S. George George Small, > PIPES > of PLATFORM SCALES. COUNTERaSCALKS, price either in or any HOCK WlNES?Jahannesberger. Steinberger. Marco it W. AND SMOKERS. Manufacturers and warranted is not surpassed this of the Northern StOUOhbis. chipped and ground DYE WOODS: Joseph Jenkins, George W BEAMS, &c.,of superior quality, durably brunner, Cabinet, Li*b frau milch, Bronneberg _ fiiancfanfc Ulasu. W. Howard, IMPORTED SS cities. aui-tt of 1840. WM. Henry FOR COTTON CANVAS 20 casks Mauder, free from sund; Woodward. Pendexter, V' EXPRESSLY ALSO. correct. KICHD. MURDOCH, WINES?Moet and finest, " GOLD MEDAL Hugh THE TRADE 46 CHAMPAGNEpints. Chandoti's in 110 Bleaching Powders, high test; PIANOS. Edward J. Church, Sisson CALL DUCK, s2S-tf No. South Charles street. quarts and " 44 RAVEN'S SEINE AND SEWING TWINT PARKER A CO., 100 Soda Ash, 44 BY HENRYGAED ' E 11. C. LANDIS, Ann %pSO-?r IMPORTERS DI) BRANDIES?Otard and Hcnnessy's fine old pale .and ' GLUE, WABEROOKS: Jeß-tf Secretary. T LIE EL. AX EA LEES IX M ITV. I 200 casks and obis. Irish and Anu-rican 5a J ra fij a!j TRY Ml SCALES. SOUTH CHARLES STREET, dark Brandies. Acids, kinds, Bond, Nos. 15, If and 19 N. STREET. HIRAM K. FOX. Old Stand, I THE UNITED STATES STA.'- Hi). and RUMS?OId and fine Jamaica, Antigua. and all Cochineal, OFFICE: Ectaw & between PHATT CAUDRSI ls'ands, Grenada, Alum, lump ana ,er- Lac Dye, AN (MARINE) INSURANCE 189 Baltimore street, TO SOUTHERN WESTERN MERCHANTS VERY SUPERIOR PLATFORM OFF£R FOR BAL£: from the imported direct from London. KORTHEART COF.:;EP. OF ECTAW 3ddoorfrom Light street. SCALES MADE TIN PLATE, HOLLAND best quality?Tiernaa Bark, Pot ami Pearl A?: * ? and FAYETTE sT?.cxTa, sold upon their own o.erits, by the inventor of every description. GlN?The brand?and Bi. F-it A Pruss. Pet Ash, The undersigned has always on hand one of the largest A N Y . 821 tf Opposite St. Paul street. no mixture ofrrromrr/t'c poion in it. Crom. OOMP RODEWALD & SINDALL, No. 55 South Charles and Balderston streets. TEKNE PLATE for roofing. BlueVltrol. Pumice Stone, assortments of PIANO FORTES in this city, which for NSW YORK NO HUMBUGGERY I ENGLISH SHEET IRON Nos. 10to 200 Itfflfchests of the fim stBOUCHONG TEA. au23-t' Borax, Paris White, beauty of power tone, o" HAVANASEGARS. " " 27 finih ; of elasticity /VHOICE - and.sweetness COMMISSION MERCHANTS mv.VI-tf JESSE MARDEN. AMERICAN 14t027 LAURENCE & China Clay. Roll Brimstone hy judges been nronounced unrivaled. " " THOMSEN CO., CI SB CAPITAL PAID UP 1500 ft C GALVANIZED" 18 to 28. Tartar, The highest Fremium?u Gold ;Jka THE AND DEALERS IN " hSEXCHANGE Copperas, Red Medal?wus n Ua m FINEST LOT WF. EVF.R IMPORTED. " PLACE. HEAD OF ASSETS NOVEMBER 30th. 1°59 31,234,443.49 EX RUSSIA ? 9to ID COMMERCE Cream Tart?,' Red Lead, aUhe late Fair of the Maryland Institute, held in October. B. C. MORRIS, STEAMER "STAR OF THE WEST.'' INDIGO, SPICES, SOAP, STARCH, VERNON (? President. YORK, MOUNT COMPANY, have OD IRON WIRE.TIXX Ei) WIRE,' to .V Ssa 0 Cudbear, ugar ofLead VIA NEW band and THOS. LORD, Vice-President. 4,000 y Carhaj&l SODA ASH, SAL. SODA, 81-CARU THE are constantly manufacturing? SHEET ZINC, SPELTER Cutch, SicilySumac, Every Piano guaranteed forfive years, and a privilege o' MOORE, Secretary. Cabanas Rrevas. FOK BRANDIES. WINES, SEGARS, Ac- granted atany six SAMUEL H. 2.000 SODA, SALERATUS and FELTING PAPER MAKERS. PIG and IIAIt LEAD. Offer torsale assortment Emery, Sal Soda, exchange time within months froia clay undersigned respectfully application do do. liOndres. 1 GROCERS' ALBO, BANC A in Pigs and aa extensive of Crucibles, of sale, ifnot entirely satisfactory. The solicits for 2,000 do. do. REGALIA Flor. TIN. Bars iIMPORTSRSBRAND I £ S: Extract Logwood Sand BRITANICA.I DRUGS, ''\u25a0' VS.. FOB TRUNK MAKERS, LEAD PIPES and SHEET LEAD Dui>uy Gum Shellac, Terra Japonica. Terms and prices liberal, and a call is respectfully solicited suraoce in this desirable office. 2 000 do. do. C&zadores Chicos. j Fine. H in. to2p6 J. Heanessy; Otard, fe Co.: Jean Louis, 1811; Supe- purchasing 1,000 do. Operas, 29 CHEAPSIDE, Baltimore, \u25a0Ffioa ?LoUDiiiD STH£IT, HOOP IRON, in. old Cognac; Robin fe Co.; A. Indigo CaraccHS, Verdigris, before elsewhere. HENRY WARFIELD, Agent. do. J yy ? *orwHr "f VY*T,k\\Ti L rior Jules Seignette; John 44 taken in exchange, hired, M. 1,000 bundles do. do. Cigarettos 'imported for the firs' Invite the attention of Merchants visiting this city to " TINMEN'S TOOLS and MACHINES. Duraad ACo.?of various grades. Allin U. S. Bengal, Whiting, Ac.* Ac Pianos tuned and repaired H. M]WARFIELD & CO., time. stock, in an BRASS KETTLES, COPPER BOTTOMS, ItiVET Bonded Ware For sale by R. J. BAK Several beconu-hand Pianos for sale low for cash examination of their wki-h vanely and price is SEWING MACHINE IAD '<*22 houses. tf i.h. u4-tfr Spear's wharf And 3,000 El surpassed either inthis any IQQ KETTLE EARS, fee., fee. :f W n2O 36 South Charley < 4 reet <*'*-tf HENRY GAEHLE. 16 Principe de Bales Conserbas. 1 not or of the Northern citie*. lt/O EXCHANGE. IDt? INKS: The finest Cigars ever imported in this market Orders respectfully solicited and faithfully executed. WILLIAMTHOMSON, Sherry, Madeira, Port, Sicily, Lisbon, Burgundv and by (). au2stf Malaga Also, Cnampage, For Bale G. DEMUTII A CO. MACHINIST AND SEWING MACHINE DEALER. COLE, Wines inca. ek*. Claret and Hock 8. T. STGD DARD, ~ Attoraep. 40, HARDWARE. HISS fe : in glass?part vcrv choice; Cor- No. X. Charles Machine Silk, Thread, Hemmers, Binders, Oil, 35 Curacr.o and Maraschino RemovalOP TIIE sfi-tf 5 above exinirt*- *t FOR SALE. Guages, No. SOUTH CHARLES STREET, dials No. 4 .Souru BTBIIT, doors l IRON Oil Cans, Screw-Drivers, Ac., and all kinds of Machine | OLD AND WELL KNOWN j j itfj 5 OAIVIRT RAILINGWROUGHT RAlLlNG?about lfinfeet. general us", constant hand MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS AND DEALERS !N HOLLAND GIN, of Bicker's "Grape" brand?of highly ENGLEHEART, CIGARS.?Just steam- Also. TWO LARGE Needles iu y on andfurniind ALL KINDS OK AMERICAN PII OTOGKAP li G.4LL Ell y ATTORNEY LAW, received, per WROUGHT IKON GATES. to order, wholesale and retail, at as low prices HARDWARE. approved quality. London Brown Stout and Porter; Scotch SOLE AGEN T MOSES AT er "Baltimore," For sale low by as in New K. HOE A CO.'S CAST STEEL, MILL, CROSS CUT ami OF FOR No 31 COURT, HAVANA a superior lot of Cigars, for sale Y'ork. jand India Ale. Bordeaux and Marseilles Sweet Oil, Sar- SPURRIER'S wholesale and retail by B. F. WILLIS, Sewing CIRCULAR SAWS ; dines, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Olives, Capers, fee., fee. JOHN H. WALZL, (Rear of the . All kinds of Machines repaired in a A 63 Law Buildings,) <*. O. k 522-tf ' figLight fltrwt wharf. and given thorough FISHER MORRIS' AMERICAN EAGLE ANVILS and ! HAVANASEGARS constantly receiving from number FROM BALTIMORE STRIFT, & LEXINGTON STREET, BETWEEN CHARLES AND S*. PAUL, DEMUTH CO.,street, manner satisfaction or no charge. MACHI a K a STREET, CIIICSEHIN6 SON'S No. 40 N. PARALLEL CHAIN VISES. of most celebrated manufacturers. A ieAO-tf TO 213 WEST BALTIMORE Charles OIL. STITCHING done to order. All orders by mail promptly FIELD'S, the opposite It Co.'s Splendid "H-a CELEBRATED ,?v ? . , BALTIMORE:. aplfi-tf ft doors above Lexington street SANDWICH A CO.'S CUT TACXB,SHOE NAILS, (Just Cortlan Marble Building, GRAND, Allbusiness entrusted Lo his care wi',l te punctually at- 50 BBLS. EXTRA WINTER. attended to. BRADS, PRACHT, VONEIPF & NEAR CHARLES STREET, tended to. LARD No. 193 W. PkATT BTKZIT, 2 HANOVER, Ac. CO. 018-lyr , , DOUBLE PRESSED. "16-tf POOR 3 lIELOW COLLINS' HARTFORD AXES, HATCHETS, Ac. No9. 122 and 124 Lombard BTP.EIT Md. SQUARE. by BALTIMORE, MP Baltimore* AND PICCOL 8 KB fi-flitsigwe For sale NEW ENGLAND SCREW COMPANY'S GIMLET POINT IMPORTERS OF ONLY ONE ESTABMSHMFNr, AND NO CON- PIANO FORTES, RLES BR, Prtirts. GEORGE & JENKINS. WOOD SCREWS. a WINDS, BRANDIES, NECTION WITH ANY OTHER. - A i Yabez d PRATT, A GIN, CIGARS, Ac thanking my customers full assortment constantly on hand. QUA G. d27-lm* 4SSouth street. COMMISSIONER RUSSELL ERWiN MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S WHOLESALE DEALERS In oi l frie'ds and for the verv ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ?Consignees of goods per ship "Er- ri OF DEEDS, Ac. LOCKS, Ac. i liberal patronage bestowed for many years is.t my N. B.?MELODEONB AND MUSIC. ~j^"OTIC.E. COMMISSIONER TO TAKE THE PROOF AC- i IN DOMESTIC LIQUORS. i at Old X V nestine.'" from Bremen, willplease send their permits OTEAM MARBLE WORKS. AND FITCH M ANUFACTURING COMPANY'S CABINET and A. Stand, lam happy to inform tin m ofmy REMOVAL to W PIANOS FOR RENT. fe23 tf 31 ST. PAUL at KNOWLDGMENT OF DEEDS, POWERS ! ! Agents for G. H. Muium a Co.'s Champagne; P. Mumm, named large splendid the OFFICE?No. STREET, onboard Henderson's wharf. All fronds not permitted O HUGH SISijON, DEPOSITIONS, PADLOCKS. & above and Gallery, which I have sent to AND OF ATTORNEY,or other instruments in j Frankfort-on-the-Main; Oldekap, Mareilhac Co.'s Bor- most withinfive days, willbe Public Store under general COKNIB NORTH MONGMZNT SIKBZTS, writing,for the AMERICAN HORSE-NAIL COMPANY'S HORSE AND deaux; Sayer ACo.'s Cognac. ap2B-tf fitted up in the best and costly style* and where I am (BETWEEN SARATOGA STREETS,) fj-iw States of CI,INCH G. IMPROVED LEXINGTON AND order. Baltimore. York, Jowa, NAILS. now prepared to execute allkinds ofwork pertaining to the METALLIC INKSTAND. MONUMENTS. New Mississippi, O. AMES A SON'S SHOVELS and SPADES, Ac., Ac. Art, in the very best style, and inall the branches THE UM-T GRAVE-STONES.MANTLES. Virginia, Arkansas, CHOICE WINES, BRANDIES, ka. known I TUX Baltimore. Md. ?Neither the Captain nor the TABLE-TOPS, TILES for floors. GARDEN STATUARY Wisconsin, WM. WILCOX A CO.'S PLATE and PADLOCKS. to first class Artists, and at prices which cannot failto ) CHEAPEST AND BEST Consignees the Ac., Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Michigan, J. B. CHARRON k CO., AGENTS please. J. NOTICE.of Bremen ship "Ernestine,'' from Ac. Carolina, Connecticut, DARLINGS A WALDRON'S BRAND CORN and GRASS is WATERMAN" Bremtn, will be responsible for any debts contracted by tST Foreign and Domestic Marble furnished the rade at North Kentucky, SCYTHES. FOR VINEYARD PROPRIETuRS As import my Materials DIRECT from in MARKET, ? A South Carolina, Ohio. \u25a0 IN FRANCE, I Europe, and THE W ? TTORNE Y-A T LA TF, of said ship. rate. taol-tf New Hampshire, STONES, very large for the crew fe4-tf aw SCYTHE SNKATHS, SCYTHE Ac., Ac. sale quantities, I can afford more liberal terms the EIGHT SIZES, 83 W. FAYETTE STREET, NEAR CHARLES, Georgia Indiana, Maine, BUILDERS'AND SHELF , Have just received and offer for verysuperior COGNAC same any i Prosecutes wi h energy all business ?Consignees Alabama, Illinois, Nebraska HARDWARE-a largeand full vintage of 1811. Charron rere et fils quality of work than other similar establishment WITH committed to him. AND per ship WILLIAM TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. territ'y assortment. BRANDIES, Brand; in this City. And as I devote my undivided attention to ' MAK*"NRMIIT r*-tnrr-s I Meade, master, Louisiana, Missouri, Florida, of ge Factory Etnile Belmont fe Co., Cognac Brandies, various vintages; Art, SPONGE CUP ATTACHED AU.N VR NOTICE.PKNN. from Liverpool, will please Just received our Fall Stock of fine TABLE AXT I All which offer atlowest Prices. myS-tf f to the I can assure the best and most satisfactory work, > by been FINE CUTLERY, Texas, California Bordraux Claret Winesf rum low finest grades; Purgun attention, Wholesale and retail notice that the ship has entered on the five-day book POCKET which cannot be surpassed by any EDWD. and the most prompt and polite not be sent to inthe city. with great by Office corner of BALTIMOREand CF! ARLF.S STRK TS M. KEITII. J NO. R. KELSO, JS. , dv Wines, from medium to very best grades produced in PETER WAI.THER, \u25a0 FOR FREDERICKSBURG. VA#I Allgoods permitted will thePublic Store under Having been selected care oneof our i JOHN H. WALZL, r ViTTr general .f HOOPER A Europe, France; superior White Wines: Champagne Wine, _ W W. I'rattsu Baltimore ?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0SHBLAND LANDINGS Oa\ RAPPAHANNOCK order. CO. fe2 4t firm now in we can offer extra inducements to pur- HARDWARE. brands; and various i Proprietor of the Southern Photographic Tcm i le ofArt chasers, and guarantee to give general satisfaction. H. REA k CO., M. KEITH. JR. A SON, HOLLAND GIN SCOTCH WHISKEYS ofprime ' aul.Tfim >ls Baltimore a Captain A. AMERICANVUFA i qualities. LEN COVE STARCH. The Maryland and VirginiaSteamboat Company's steam ?Neither the Consignees nor REUTER k SONS, JOHN CLOTHIERS, MA CTURER'i S A GEMTS, arenow-prepared will 56 street, 07 AND The above willhe sold ina United CMT to supply all for these er WM SfcLD EN,ICapt. W. B. Kirwan. wiil resume her NOTICE.of the British ship "S. L Tilley,'' be responsible No. West Baltimore CoaifSH SOUTH PRATT STRBXTS, 2.1 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, 1 house paid. Stale 3 Bonded Ware- GUNPOWDER AGENCY .We STARoHES at rders to for any debts by ja23-tf between Frederick and Gay. Messrs. JOHN ACO., take pleasure in RATES, ! or duty celebrated the factory prices, au.i in all rcute the above places, leaving Baltimore from her contracted the crew. au29- H. REA announcing OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST Also, on consignment, 10 bids, very prime ELECTRIC. case-* warrant them to give satisfaction WHARF, FOOT OF SOUTH to the public generally, that their stock of Clothing is AMERICAN FLASK CAP CO.'S i old and Monon- HAZARD DUCK INC, prepared STREET, on ?Neither the Captain rorConsignees DE FOIS GROIS.?A new invoice larger much AND GOODS, gahela Rve Whiskeys; 10 bbls. very oid copper This Starch is with great care from the best 14th, 1860, at 4 Returning just and more varied than ever before. DISSTON'S HAND, MILL, CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR . ; distilled 1 KENTUCKY RIFLE, is TUESDAY. Feb. o'clock. P. M. of the'bark "Bien," willbe responsible for any arrived. For sale by Having ! Bourbon Whiskeys; 200 bbls. fine medium grades Bourbon Southern Corn, and handsomely put up in every variety willleave Fredericksburg FRIDAY MOKNING. Feb. 17th, NOTICE. debts PATE now on hand a splendid stock of CLOTHS, CASSI- SAWS, Whiskeys, to i AND MINING FOWDhIK,* of packages. Baltimore, on tractedhy the crew. j<2Btf GEO. HOLLINS, MERES and YESTIXGS, they up to W. A and Rye which we invite the attention of those Incaanieter, kegs variety of, (or at 4 o'clock , for stopping, going and returning, which willmake order R. DOUGLAS' PUMPS AND GRINDSTONE FIX- i ' ami eveiv sale : We would direct the attention of the trade particularly at all of the usual Landings on the river, to land freight ana 131-2 m 1-t N. Charles street In a style that cannot fail to please, both inprice and manu TURES, ' by D. J. FOLF 1 SP.O, \gent, to SHOES AND GAITERS.? The un- facta re ROY ACO.'S BUTTS,STRAP AND ll'C 60 S",i th.troet the passengers. BOOTS, having CANDLES. WROUGHT T. HINGES ( STARCH, SGT" received and dersigned, refitted his Boot and ShoeI Estab- SATIY GLOSS Freight of every description Monday lishment " FURNISHIXQ GOODS. STANLEY RULE AND LEVEL CO.'S GOODS. article, gloss to linn, athis old stand, 88 BALTI MORE STRE KT, between ADAMANTINEThree hundred boxes'of Emery's'' superior Candles, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Ac., a new which gives a handsome and Tuesday, up to the hour ofsailing Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, PARKERS COFFEE MILLS. SPOONS. OF HAZARDPOWDER COMPANY. not finest fabric. article Gay and Holliday streets, with increased facilities is ena- iust received by W. WHITEI OCK A CO., and Gloves, in variety. BLOOD'S, HATCHETS, |M . will injure the very This is put up TST Blank Bills of Lading, of the form used, CAN be had by ,4 large PHILLIPS AND WHITE'S ?F.lectrie American ? packages pounds, and is well adapted bled to supply his friends and the public with a chioce ar- d7-tf South street stock A AS- AGENCY Sportine Kentucky RIFLE: Shi;'- in containing six to applying at her office, foot of South street. ticle in the way of Their of SERVANTS' aud OILED CLOTHING, is FENN'S AND MANN'S AXES. AND GENERAL I'inv,Blasting and Mining FUWDKR, in every variety ot family Through to. paid fine French Calf Skin Boots, Shoes and vorthy the attention of Planters ocls-tf SORTMENT OF SHELF IS t paneled, lipht always hand, use. ®3P" freight promptly attended Chargea Gaiter?, Patent Leather English do., WHISKE Y.?a few bbls. HARDWARE. an FOR SALE.?A close, package, on inour own Magazine. For lie W. WHITKLOCK ft CO , dispatch. do. do , water proof do. very COACH, order, r street, and forwarded with Gentlemen can rely my work being just built by Curlett, in excellent at Manufacturers' lowest prices, bv 44 South freight (having on of the latest fashion WHEATchoice received and for sale bv TABLES WEBB, BLEB, For information, or passage, excellent and most improved style. and Opera KEARNEY'S 8TA Centre st dlO-tf 1). FOLEY It 3RO , >gent, Bole A accommodations, apply Call see mv new stvle GREEN ft YOE, rjMDE . IMPORTER AND DEALER i J. 017-tf vents. State Room and berth > to Gaiters; also. and Brass Fastened o*-t£ Rfi W. Baltimore HW. u27-tf !M1 South .t' H,lt THOS. CLYDE, President, Cooper Sole Boots and street FOR THE UNITED STATES IV FUR SALS.?A fine Bay Saddle H(tRSE, & SUN'S LONDON SHEATHING Gaiters. Particular attention paid to custom work. to be IVIAN Foot of South street, all respectfully A FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. seen at MILLER'S STABLES, corner of Ger- OR PRESERVING JARS METAI, FOR SHIPS (Or is solicited. p. GAHAN, 1860, N. W. CORNER Of CALVERT ANP STREETS mag FRUIT?PATENT on hoard the Boat.) gq FOK i'RATI | and Pa<% streets. aul-tf for preserving fruit without the of cement has received the Agency ofthis celebrat ederick*burg?ADAMS Baltimore st. ITA eases Mens' and Boys'TRAVELLING SHAWLS __au2o_6m Baltimore F"~ use wax or t The seurcriber has hand, Agents in F k FRENCH. by simple, cheap and efficacious. For sale wholesale re, English Sheathing Metal, and now on and w to r sale Now leady or gratuitous distribution to shipmasters, prime and P. B.?The SELDEN willcontinue runthe above days DMP PORK, new and old, for sale by fee ? ?10 casks Ombro Dutch Mad- \u25a0 tailby GEO. HOLLINB, ' keep a supply of all sizes and doting the season. mhß-tfr 1 ? FRICK, PHILLIPS ft CO* PETER WALTHER, QTORAGE TAKEN at the lowest rates by i X?Ader,IVTADDER.received for sale by GEYER & WILKENS, LAMBERT GITTINGB hours ' JOBEPH OARSON h CO, l tu-gtf 8 South Charles street J*B-tf 70 West Pratt street. WARNER, -7 \u25a0 and , U North Charles street. OGEO. 181 8. Eutaw street au2l-t I ' 122 W. Lombard t., between Charles and Hanover. sl3-tf MLO-tfr corner Fayette apjt-tf 53 Buchnan'swaf