Insurance Company, Bininger's

Insurance Company, Bininger's

THE DAILY EXCHANGE, FEBRUARY 6, lH.'il .Jttsnonte fcumpims. ffiiscellawans. fianhtrs anb pmsemeot*. WTREAIT: I 'IIN.YSIUT, H\M.KTT jagff Iwtpß .tnb jww &x te* MCKIM. JOHN li. MCKIM LTOLLSDAY SHtgfiT I-IUWA: FILLK INSUUANGiC n Saif xrt LIVERPOOL AND THEATBBi FCMPANV jpNit Skks. LONDON L 1 OF BALTIMOKI & T I3 ' Wednesda } ':; F, , HOWELL BROTHERS, M GKNKSKR * BININGER'S O. KVFN f- UFFK.L L AM) VALLEY McKIM, Feb. C RXEK OF SWUTH .1 rRErTS. V H. UUUfOK & app'iirani r; <. ALUABLE CO. BROTHERS i'hlrd i ? li.ues is -urdi ? u . very di -c-jptum on Insurable Proper ~£ PA LM FOR AALB MI-S CHAKL* SiiMAN, -'Lain the RUOHANAN'S WHARF TTE <H ? t loss by Fire-at lowert -i-'-. MAXI'FACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Ob - FIRE AND LIFE liAXK E S , j who w;,l rpcaria's (!i>at Tiagtd ~f R ANDRIC : R, iKarcs* sspsssxx to, et;. \V EKS fs.e-i Jen t >. (} ' rt II iiA C 13 ET county, VV est Tti w YR;-\. !> !? ? s&*.?? :r? v' ;VF!)NEBDAY, Feh'rr, o'cloc; H. BOARP .?: "f.T. I " . ? ? , OF PIBECTO: v e &use 0 . i)<M . 170 BALTIMORE A ccEEn Mi3s crsviMAN .lamesM PomLr, 'A 'Bochatian's wharf.' STREET. ! li. '" oN MAfBEIIII; 11Xr-\ A .1. Wrnh-h.mxh, terminus i<t Morris, i;, ?,i i,t J 11. th.- (> IK. >Tf"i;l>:V m. Glower, .1. S-ricker J. Mr. ? 1" l(lt> HDDS. CUBA SUGAR COMPANY, To-morrow, Thors-'av, w m. Ortwjne, Btnxii.^er,ukim. heal thy,highly improved well V" INSURANCE STOCKS, BONDS AND SECURITIES, OF THIS AND M. and ;*t ROMEO AND JULIET, S n;ue| P. S'rith, K.iistiii Peiirins, S.i'.^livn* DO. P. R. I IPTO. iy, A.iron tt-ntfis, If. 230 BALTIMORE " A( Kirjj & f-rul benefit of Misa Gusli an. 11 Storv STREET, onn 12 'F ;Ff BOTTOM LAN DS. OTHER MARKETS, . (50 p. 56 WALL 61 PINE STS. Admission 3 and 23 cent* Re-'erv <1 75 ? n'.*. :t ? :-res Hcirmnn, HIMVHPIRogers. an 1 ...1.0 -./?, \u25a0* pl'!!i'lf - :!l uxidcrJcnce, wat-r I DO. R. AND CUBA ° -MIy f admir:;J.|y MOLASSES. j . U. WILLIA MK, GPFSJSITB IJANOVER, ? livinirpp-mjfs and l-y Hi. Cna<ornga C- ?];; p VII'L BE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION K HAKLAN' cu.iarjy w.-. adupied for nzing and , \u25a0. r, ,?5 ADDED. ( as well hi era in 5, | j 'l'"', 15 lierc'M new rron anJj A(?H AKK UNDER Ji OTFNFITFfirw ESTABLISHED J GIN. ss*ters §ro!tts. 0?i -,!?° F CULTIVATION, St,iCt,y - FirTlfoRF FINE i,re """' tlnlb, ' ldjK& 836. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, COLLECTIONS | C. ? iN J'" 1 1, , 'r The Genesee Valhv 'SiMHnally designed of G ? for the use the Medical Profession hTOCKS AND m dlvilin" 1110 "P-'iitls tt> R. LEMMftN CO jinntie Family having f.n ll parts of tl:e Union, ar,:l retut?;* ;r. up ! NOTKS, BONDS" ufc OaU ' ' ft , superseded the so-called "Gins," BOUGHT AND FOLD. C(There?sa fi -S *SA.IIt Ki, Aromatic," "Cordial," "Medicated," "Schnapps," &c., 1 made. MAR TIX I.E 117.V. LIFE VELVET, GOLO AND SATIN PAPERS, ! With.R-1,, abundant; I"PORTABLE DWELLING HOWSF? fLGDviOK now- endorsed by Farm Buildings?a superior 1 RAND SALE Cash Capital , all of the prominent physicians, chemist 4, No. 14 SECOND ST Its ET, Orchard of f OF &1 and connoisseurs, reei ia ,u" as possessing allof tnose intrinsic medi- "L\;UKRENT BANK NOTES, SIGHT or TIME DRAM' | NEAR SOUTH STREET. GOLD pSuSL beufnir,!M iGatinooior- 000 000 cinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to o/d Lays ami EMBROIDERED VA MXN 6' ' and pure an AT sells on Commission. INSURAXOS FRENCH Ft;' an jTtE t Gin. Put up in quart bottle 3 and sold by all PURCHASED LOWEST RATES OF EXCHAN't NEOOTIAPLK Bl's I ESS I*\PER, COMPANY divi'UJ i "<?><> '<> CM! SF.TS? Reserved Fund r druggists, grocers, BININGEK,,t CO., STOCKS BONDS &e A. M. AND IN ALL MARKETS, niither (Lstabli?hed in 1778.) PROPRIETOR*-, PAPER NEGOTIATED. GRANTS IliaClll'XT-i ('.V A PARLOR loi pjiPiiculars and t"rms of payment (whir' SOLE MERCANTILE I'l'li >VF.D SLiuURUriKJ. LA'coapor.ATso PAPERS, m street, ' ADVANCES LSSU. '^GLA^WAR^ft^f'N^^l^^^- <fm No. 19 Bread N. Y. all transactions MONEY ON LI.ATKRAIS. ONE Ti:A SET OF STERl.i'xii Invested in the] 0' A Binlnger & Co., 19 Broad street, is a \u25a0 advances made when desired,and <.t s -'-s >K ' FROM SILVER. SIX PIECES, rribAN.\Mt \?i?DnKK of the L 7-5 l,; i V"KK EXCHANGE. OUR OWN MANUFACTORY AND Tllii l OZS ? VERY IIAMISOME; exact and truth whatever BU7h 'NOSEI.I.S CUAHTK . PERPETUAL. UE3T J, ,- ;." J* 1 literal of FIRST CLASS GUdUND RENI'S. A- i 1 TAiJ, ' K - l'CiiXS, ft,., Jr. 8 5°>°°0 they represent ?N. Y. Com. Advertiser. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS and attends personally to all every Broker PARIS HOUSES. Irin 5 ""t Mansimr and kind of and jn.-io-Uivlirr |>. | ~";i:h r' )on WEDNESDAY United States, j , Baltimore by GF.O. HOLUNS, DMNISON attended au22tii business. OPFIOK-VO. C ITNTTT.. iT7?lll'' IX,. t.V, MORN- & to. a inJ5-tf SOUTH 1 1 in at No. "' .*? \u25a0-?'?ru-rrv -'clock, my 8110., E H. STABLER A A CO. r t° Ck eon>|,ri 3 the ru "-'st asß the United '?Dimb store. si lyr-Wly CO., MARTIN BELT ¥ Sute ,f -rtment in FOR SALE CHEAP.?A line ;'i' and clcitaut coM-cUon rah 3 EONAED J. DWKLL- i-Tvrvrf., 1,I 4 of RICH RDERS FOR PURCHASE OR SALE-lOP TORMBY, JOHN J. DONALDSON, #3v 'Dli'.. 'T nc,v st>-1- pattern, PRESIDENT INGoa street. b. twecn anil i'n \u25a0??- and viz: RICH EAN- AND 'KS 1a Jr in l>eßt tcanncr, or s;;. SlcrußoKh BiihUe NR-'i I I'F \ Daily Revenue, BONDS STO in New York, executed HKALRR IN iu city country. -rjt.tan. three-story .!? ' SKI'S, it ;nil 77 pieces' liard- 7,500 through prompt and correspondents. COM M r RVIA L A 11, o-Ctfr'" fr nt, and three story n.Wo Br.el: V ' MANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO reliable P VE Hoildm I, tlbbyiiii<!, tji to win :<l \u25a0-' : r gmx'A VAsis of No. 10 >Ol 111 t) ulle-i: "le so a s'Fi |'av ''i' :. various . GILDERSLEVE A WIIITRIDGE, STREET, VSUKESLIVEB FUR OX:: YEAR. TERM OK YEARS j\.'TOSQ 1 'i'o NETS. birpaiD. Arply to WM. I!. MARRIOTT, 21 i'nndzome PARIAN VASES of great va- UAVA&A CsGABS, ja?3 tfr f,l Sieoril street. I!I.TIMORE, MO. < j url< No. North f r< K, Statuettes, Stockholders M-S- NETS. | n - utrei fel-tf irfe!I)'rant ? i ; ? - C;*verß, Basque personally respon- OR FoK MOSQUITO I Knhv r r^ arge of E. LIKE. '(?; :l; ; ll nssnrtment Motto Cups TOBACCO, &O T P. BUULDKN" COMMERCIAL} n ? , , . , il*nc t^ Ks VIRGINIA SMOKING Negotiated. MOSQUITO NETS FUR RENT?The l -kf T, te "ls boxes, sible for Ve to assorted stoe O . > ana FCR IN ALL BANKING IIUI'SR ;r. \ ' s * Bull- all engagements of the offer the trade our large and well STOCK BROKKR. I'APiCK. ANNUITIES AGED \ tj >< lately occupied hy A Go i handsomelyl V the above articles, including: SpecialatU Negotiation PERSONS. AKIETIES AND PRICES AT i Jonah Lee UobiZts, Di hew figured Ditchers, 1 o { ntion dvoi to the WALTER K WVATI hJass STOCKS bought commission, Ijoans first class CROOK, Ja.'s, ".r ' ' BLANCHABD, Trustee, Company. PACKAGES OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCC AND BONDS and sold on _ sof on Securities. jalS-t Lai HfcAVY SiLVFR i 7-eo2w I ENDOWMENTS FOR CHILDREN. <- pnok-tery Paper G St. street. PLATED TEA SETS- yof standard popular brands, comprising . Goods and Hangings Store, No. Paul ( ut Cator, to b together , and everv 22<> five seven .tile*, uesrriptton ofstyle and qualify. We would invite attention Mo WINN X CO., SLAVES INSURED, Men, j-ji Baltimore street. FOB RENT, a * variety of fan *>- m useful articles, ML. & * eith r Women or Children, I AT $lB PER MONTH, A it.i r<"tt l t<o numer- particularly to our stock of EXTRA FINK Tobac OA HARRIS SONS, JR. STOCK A D BILL BROKERS, oui to partijulariz -, &c., DIRECTORS IN NEW-YORK: coa, which and FANCY STREET, at the rates FOllt STORY Hulle E, in the western pa;t of kc. Kvery article will be sold is unsurpassed. As we are Agents for the lea l 198 BALTIMORE STREET, No. c north lowest ao-city,ml the Without reserve. tog L 3 No. fSh near tranklin bquarc-firit-dass neighb of exclusively STACKS, Manufacturers Virginiaand North Carolina, we are STOCK BROKERS. _/>hv Hml sell on commission --nood with large yard, g s -r- Wie ladies arc rn- ; la'lyinvited to this sale. ic., thi-j ?: and water, parlor i JAMES BROWN, ESO., . constantly receiving fresh supplies STOCKS AND SECURITIES of this market, BONDS< tn and o her markets. j 4-cni Tt-nns,cash. Chairman. cured of all kinds of Manufac York, as well as DIRECTORS: dining-room, kitchen, a: d six chambers >pply S. 11. GOVKR, Auc'ioneer, Tobacco, and are prepared to answer orders to an , thosenf New bought and sold on commission. <!22-tf & stiv. atS ?V ' G. HARRISON, A. iiATHIOT SON'S H?ettc r. n2M,.t ~U-i,? T , Hi Baltimore street.

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