TWO BELLS Pany, Was Retained by the Los An- Geles Railway to Act in an Advisory TAKING OFFICE Capacity
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V ME PETROL CORPOIRATIONI One Man Operatic)* Means More Car Mile and More Work Hour VOL. 20 MARCH-APRIL, 1939 No. Staff Photographer DIVISION SCRIBES he on he its a -41 HOWARD L. JONES R. C. RUGGLES, L. VOLNER, C. J. Eve : ei th, for he` re a es Staff Artist KNITTLE, FRED MASON, CHARLES r el GUY GIFFORD H. HARDY, F. ARLEIGH FRAZIER, he ea Rai a as Address all communications to D. S. COBURN, F. F. ROBEY, L. F. editorial offices, 1060 S. Broad- SPARKS, WALTER WHITESIDE. F C. ial), Edit r way, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: PR. 7211, Station 295 and 296. VOLUME 20 MARCH-APRIL, 1939 NUMBER 3 HIS is the last T time I can speak to you all 9,t .91/14 94ue from the President's chair, and it is with s sincere appreciation that wish to thank Mr. P. B. Harris Will Take I New Office 3 you as a whole for the cooperation and Testimonial Dinner for Presi- courtesy you have dent L. S. Storrs 3 shown me ini my 4 three years iin your Succeeding on the Job midst. It is a satis- '39 Diamond Season Opens.... 5 faction and By C. J. Knittle pleasure to know that my Vernon Wins Hoop Crown.... 6 interest and Hold Basketball Banquet 6 contacts are not entirely Moscow Metro 7 ending with By Herbert Mueller the Los An- New Library Books 10 geles Rail- way, and it Personnel News 11 will never cease to remain of vital interest to me. These years have been happy ones for me, and I Facts on One-Man Operation 12 have never been associated with a group of finer, fairer, more understanding people, and I am glad of Patrons' Plaudits 14 this chance to say so. In leaving I could not turn over the helm to a more Clubs and Vets 16 esteemed, more efficient, nor more acceptable chief Around the Divisions 19 executive than my friend Mr. Phil B. Harris—a man who is so well known and so well thought of by you LARY Revenue for February 23 all. I know a better choice could not have been made. Page 2 0 TWO BELLS pany, was retained by the Los An- geles Railway to act in an advisory TAKING OFFICE capacity. Although at that time he had determined not to undertake again administrative work, he was President of this company for a limited period. Mr. P. B. Harris is the new Presi- dent and General Manager of the company. Mr. Harris is now Chief Engineer of the Railway system. Shortly after the turn of the century he was employed by the late Mr. Henry E. Huntington, and acted as Assistant Engineer of the Pacific Electric and other railway systems owned and operated by Mr. Hunt- ington. In 1910 his permanent con- nection with the Los Angeles Rail- way began. He then had charge of Way and Structures until the United States entered the World War. Dur- ing the war he was Captain of En- gineers, serving with the 22nd En- gineers in France. Upon his return in 1919 he was made Chief Engineer of Los Angeles Railway. He was elected General Manager in April, 1932 and served in that capacity until September, 1936. He now President-Elect P. B. Harris. holds the title of Vice President and Chief Engineer. HE directors of the Los Angeles May 1st. Mr. Storrs will remain as TRailway Corporation have reluc- a Director and has been appointed tantly acceded to the request of Mr. General Consultant. Lucius S. Storrs that he be relieved Nationally famous as a railway Lower photo—Guest of Honor at a of the duties of Chief Executive of expert, Mr. Storrs, immediately recent testimonial dinner, President the company and have accepted his after he had retired as chief execu- Storrs receives the well-wishes of resignation as President, effective tive of the Baltimore Transit Corn- his staff. MARCH, 1939 • Page 3 SUCCEEDING ON THE JOB Southern California Telephone Company presents views on the subject in another article of Two Bells series of interviews with leaders in different industries. FOR an illustration of how em- ples and the facts underlying its customer's needs are being met by of the Southern California policies and practices. the installation ordered. Unques- Telephone Company discharge their "Our employes, through their tionably, he is reflecting the train- three-fold obligation to themselves, knowledge of the fundamental rea- ing which he has received and some- the company and the public, consid- sons behind company policies and thing more, his pride in the com- er an employe on the job. practices, are thoroughly equipped pany and a desire to have the com- The operator who handles the call, to serve the public with understand- pany serve the customer to the lat- the service representative who takes ing and courtesy. In other words, ter's best advantage. the orders, the installer who installs the opportunity is ever present for Similarly, the operator will be the telephone on the premises of the an employe's individuality to be at found courteous and helpful. Of subscriber, each is trained to serve the forefront and for him or her to course, she is busy at her switch. the customer courteously and quick- play a full part to make the com- board, but it is seldom, indeed, that ly. N. R. Powley, president of the pany a friendly and helpful institu- the telephone caller becomes aware company, in his annual report ex- tion." of the fact through the handling of pressed the thought in this wise: In this regard, the company seeks the call. There are countless in- always the questions, criticisms, and stances of the operator's willingness "We seek that our personnel not suggestions of employes and the to go beyond the limits of her rou- only take pride in but also enjoy public. tine to assist the calling party. their work. We earnestly endeavor Thus, when an installer, for ex- And in ordering a telephone, to maintain such a relationship with ample, enters the subscriber's home whether by telephone or in person our employes that they at all times to install a telephone he does so in the company's office, the same will desire to participate in the privi- in a spirit of helpfulness and makes eager spirit to assist the customer lege of rendering a more personal a check to determine whether the will be found. and even better telephone service to our patrons." L. A. RAILWAY BASEBALL SCHEDULE In seeking to attain that goal, the company has emphasized the train- --1939-- ing of the employes and has striven to give an all around knowledge of DATE 11:00 A. M. 2:00 P. M. the company and the Bell System to VS VS each employe. General training April 23 Div. 4 Div. 3 Vernon Div. 5 courses give employes a thorough April 30 Coach Div. 5 Div. 3 So. Park grounding in the development of the company, in its ideals and in its May 7 So. Park Vernon Coach Div. 4 manifold operations, and training on May 14 Div. 4 Div. 5 Vernon Div. 3 the job under the supervision of ex- May 21 Coach Div. 3 So. Park Div. 5 perienced employes brings that quick, cheerful service for which May 28 So. Park Div. 4 Coach Vernon the telephone employe is known. June 4 Vernon Div. 4 Div. 5 Div. 3 Along this line, the president has June 11 Coach So. Park Vernon Div. 3 said the following: June 18 Coach Div. 5 So. Park Div. 4 "The policy of the management is not to bind its people by arbitrary June 25 So. Park Vernon Div. 3 Coach rules, but to encourage them to un- July 2 Div. 3 Div. 4 Vernon Div. 5 derstand the reasons for all prac- July 9 Coach Div. 4 Div. 3 Div. 5 tices. In order that they may rep- July 16 So. Park Div. 5 Vernon Div. 4 resent the company intelligently, the management uses every possible July 23 So. Park Div. 3 Vernon Coach means to keep them fully informed July 30 Div. 4 Div. 5 So. Park Coach regarding the business, the princi- Page 4 • TWO BELLS '39 DIAMOND SEASON OPENS President-elect P. B. Harris By C. J. KNITTLE (right) prepares ITH both grandstands crowded to put one over W and standees cluttering about, the fence while a new season of LARY baseball was Manager of launched Sunday, April 16, at Ver- Operations C. E. non Yard Ball Park. Morgan signals for a fast one. The Los Angeles Railway Stream- line Band opened the program with stirring march numbers and, after Below— an inspiring flag ceremony by the South Park LARY Veterans Club and Ladies player beats the Auxiliary, President-elect P. B. Har- throw to the ris greeted the spectators in an ad- sack. dress from the field. Master of Ceremonies J. R. Lalley then introduced Manager of Opera- tions C. E. Morgan who led the crowd in singing the Los Angeles Railway theme song, "Smiles," and followed with an appropriate speech. Super- intendent of Transportation L. L. Wimberly was introduced and gave a short resume of LARY baseball activities in former seasons intimat- ing that since Vernon Yard team had held the championship for the past three years, it would be inter- esting to see the honor change hands this season. Mr. Lalley then intro- duced Mr. W. T. Reynolds, Superin- tendent of Stores, Superintendent B. B. Boyd of Division Four and Sup- erintendent W.