Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-16
, ,,. 1;" Ration Calendar Colder - CO"EI •• un :14 ....Ir.. April "; D, I a~d F blue .,alDp' upl,. A"II ., IOWA: Colder \aday; fresh to A aD' II ' •• 016 ... ,. t.",. .. ,,,, ., GAS """ eoa,.as G .Jrplre .., 111 troll&' winds tbroughout IUGAa ... ,on ,12 ox",e. lila, II, the state, IBOIS ••• p.. 17 ..,1... J... Ill. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper • FIVE CENTS TBIII: ASSOCIATED .a1ll:88 IOWA CITY. IOWA FRIDAY. APRIL 16. 1943 rBB AS80ClA~ID ".ss VOLUME XLID NUMBER 172 Ir t -. Is • I • ,'I) IQ a · ers· DO III 00 n of ld TICKLISH JOB NO. 11 CLEARING ENEMY MINE FIELDS Furore Over Pacific lSe on OWl Gives General Prospecl u.s. B,)lribers.. Roaring Eires lid Confinue~asSfimson 'e- n- To Americans ' on Home Fronl Hit Jap ,Base Pledges More Plan~s Envelop Vilal lie Damage 3 Convoy MacArthur Assured WASHINGTOl\' (AI') - 'rho oniet) of WUl' iliforUlution Jast Arms·(enler m Jlight said American ciyilians tbis yeu,' face yurious shortage~ - Vessels Approaching Of Enough Aircraft oz either occasionally !lOV OI'O 0 1' conLi n lIUUS - ill U "serious food New Guinea Harbor To 'Counter' Enemy IIY situulion. " .,. he British Lose 23 Planes le, , Tho OWl ·1I.i<llhis is the gellOl'ul prospcct - govel'lleu by many ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON (AP) - Planes In 400-Mile Journey leo fucto1'8 not completely predictable- fol' t he yeaI' 011 tire nome AUSTRALIA Friday (AP)-A en 0 ugh to "counter" Japan's Id front: . ' stepp~up air attack in the To Blast Motor Plants he , More food produccd Lhan in l'eeonl-bl'cokiJ1g 1942 but less of it strQng Japanese attempt to sUQply southwest Pacillc will be forth- ,e for civiliull consumption, and man their bases at Wewak, on coming, Secretary of War Stimson LO 'DON (AP )-GcI'mariy's ie 'rhis is the pialure : thc north coast of New Guinea, assured his weekly press confer- war industries werc dealt au e "Consen 'ati\'cly and l'oughly esti mated, anu assuming average now is under attack by General ence yesterday.
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