No-Hit Game Scattered Showers Moate Pranoa Blanks Cleveland JOWA-Scalterecl lib_era I. n d 13-' ~ Enter Han of P,,_ ItO_what warmer today: tomor­ Stor,. on pace 3 row .eaeralb f.lr In northwest. I , I 0 U1 a Cit y M 0 , n i n 11 N e U1 • p a p e , FIVE CENTS Tbe ~ .. ~ 1'.- IOWA ITY, IOWA StJNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1938 VOLUME XXXVlI NUMBER 278 : De8t rbly tbli • • • • • • • • • '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .4 Few Cheers-And a Beauty! Tells Fuehrer Gerlllany Decries ~Incendiary' Speech Not to Start BERLIN. Aug. 27 (AP) - High 1"at least they contained no warn- out of a European war. cumstances in ~echoslovakia European War, G rman political quarters took the Ing of any kind for those who '(Sir John also uttered an un­ cause, does not find new fuel" This, they said, was the answer position tonight lhat Sir J 0 h n continually intensify the conflict mistakable plea to Germany to to Sir John's "hints" that any Urges 'All Quarters' Simon's talk at Lanark, Scotland, through planned terror against take pressure off the dispute In local conflict mlght spread. They today gave "virtual encourage- non-Czech nationals." Cotechoslovakia, where the naoti- interpreted his suggestions as In­ To Les en Czech ment for notoriOUS, crisis-causing Keen djsappointment was ex- supported German Sudeten party dicating Britain was encouraging el ments In Cz choslovakia." pressed over Sir John's "mere demands autonomy.) Czechoslovaks to "maintain their Ten ion by Moderation These Circles said certain reiteration" of Prime Min ister The high German political dr- thus far unyielding position to­ By The AlIsoelated Pre.. phrases used by Sir John, British Neville Chamberlain's declaration cles said it would be "timely to ward demands of Sudeten Ger­ chancellor of the elCct1equ r, gave of March 24 that Britain would take care that the hearth 01 Euro­ mans even at the risk of such a LONDON, Aug. 27-0reat BrH­ this "virtual encouragement" or be "unlikely" to be able to keep pean unrest, which present clr- confUct." ain today gravely warned Adolf • • • • • • • •• ••••••••• ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • Hitler - without mentionJng h1m - that he must not start a war over Satisfactory Czechoslovakia In which BrltIIln .. Czechs Relax Temporarily might have to fJght. Franc omment On The British government showed huon s Sp ech its deep concern over the middle After England Takes Stand European crisis by two statements: I. The foreign office Issued a PAlUS, Aug. 27 CAP) - The forcign office ministry tonight ~ plea to "all quarters" to lessen termed Sir John Simon's spcech Chemical M anltfacturing Plant Blast Czechoslovak lcnslon and praised calling (or peaceful settlement ot I Nazi Threat the Praha government's "concilia­ the German-C~echoslovak quarrel Destroy Factory; One Believed Dead tory attitude" in negotiating with "very satisfactorY" to France. Its troublesome nazi ~ supported The minIstry spok sman d I 8 - Dim. Optimism Germanic minority. closed at the same time that tbe DETROIT, AUg. 27 (AP)-The were broken. Can't Keep Out army's general staff had b en con­ chemical manufacturing plant of Firemen said the Cire was under 2. Sir John Simon, chancellor of sulted by the forcign ministry Wall Chemicals, Inc., was destroy- conlrol an hour later. Great Britain's Weight the exchequer, reiterated Prime concerning rumors G e r man y ed and one man was b lieved to The explosions s!,attered steel Minister Neville Chamberlaln's a8- would attempt a coup In Czecho­ have died in a series of explosions gas tanks over the neighborhood, Exp cted to })a1ance sertion that Britain would be "un­ slovakia this w ekend. and (lr(' tonight. onc going through a window of a Troubled Conditions likely" to be able to keep out of a Gen ral start sourccs said such Police Inspector Frank Rode said filling station 200 feet away. A European war. reports were "absurd" and that ther were four 5 vere blasts and Inew two story addltJon to the plant PRAHA, Aug. 27 (AP)-Czech­ At the same time Britain's pow­ reports Crom French agents indi­ many smaller ones. Windows In was destroyed and the older part oslovaks breathed easier tonight erful home neet was ordered to cat d "no such cvenll.lptity." bullding~ in the surrounding area , gutted. the North S a for autumn maneu­ ----------------- in the belief that long strides ver" starting Sept. 6. toward peace had been taken by The admiralty emphasized that Hurricane Wind Roar Toward Crech concessions here and Great the order was the fleet's usual Britain's Implied warning to Ger­ thrice-yearly practice, but It came Mayor MYl'On J. Walker smiles, habit of doing - as does B. M. Crucified -Dail21 lalla" Pilato, Engra1l("" many against making war. at a time wh n Europ Is tense In sbakes hands with Walter Lee, Ricketts, commander oC the Roy American Legion convention In Te a ~Mexican Bord r Town ~ R formed Prj oner Is Not even the most optimistic in fear of war. gr.and chef de gare or MiSSissippi's L. Chopek post of the American Los Angeles, stopped in Iowa City this Impertul'bable capital, how­ eek nail briefly yestcrday morning. Its 40 and 8. while Elaine Russell, Leaion. Nailed to Cross ever, believed the threat to cen- A concerted array of British members were briefly intervlcwed _-~ ________....: tral Europe's precarious peacl) statesmen moved ilrmly but plead~ "Mjss American Legion"" merely The Mississippi notilla of five on the ail' and then parad d , torm Warning" r ate RENO. Nev., Aug. 27 (AP) __ was past. Ingly to halt middle Europe's smiles - as beauties are in the cars on their way to the national through tbe downtown stl·eets. Near."allic in • 11Ulli . Britain AIds brewing conflict before it stArts. Hitch-Diking Fowl F.d Collins, 27 - year - old 101'- But ther was a general feellng At their head was Sir John, who Coastal ViIlag mer con.-lct who was found that Great Britain, by her new warned armament-bristling Ger­ Raises Hue nail d to a cros/! on a Reno road- manifestation of interest in the many that "the beginning of a con­ Semi-Automatic Rifles for Army? BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Aug. 27 side, refused today to further iden- fate of Czechoslovakia, had put a met Is like the beginning ot 8 fire (AP) - Hurricane winds ro red PORTLAND. Ore., Aug, 27 (AP) powerful force on the side of in a high wind. ~" . 1 e tify two one~time "pals" who aUe- peace'ul adjustment o' this gov- • • • • • • • • • t ower d th (' T elCIl8-,ne)(ICan coas -As the Rev. H. Hagelganz drov • l "It may b limited at the start. So-Called World' t luf antry Weapon May G l Trittl tonight, trappin",, at least 10 Tex - away from a church service, a by- gedly put him there because he re- ernment's tssue with lts Sudeten But who can say how tar it would ans and threatening to moved in- fused to help them "pull a Job." German mJnority. spread . ..or how many may be WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 (AP) army had submitted to the pres­ land over a spar!;ely s HIed sector stander called: "Skip It; I forgive them," Col- "The word which was missing caled upon to beat it out." have de~eioped submachjne. gubnS of northeastern Mexico. "Hey, you'v got a chicken with Iins said repeatec\ly when police In the crltical days of 1914 has Gra.ve Concern "':'1'be army has proposed ro ident as the basi& ~o.r such orders. of heavier firepower, none IS e~ Lowering clouds extended along you!" been spoken," said one newspaper. Along with Simon and the usu- President Roosevelt, reliable per­ A special war department lIeved by American army experts the Gulf cOast from Freeport 400. The minister nodded agreeably pressed him 10 describe the two "Twenty-four years ago the attl~ 811y light-J1pped 10re!gn office. sons said today, that steps be tak­ hoard. headed by Brigadier Gen­ 10 have an infantry weapon of mil 5 down to lhe southcrnmOlit men. tude of Great Britain towards Winston Churchill and Defense Co­ r.ompDrab l simpliCity. I1ccurac)', lip of Texas. Thcy crept inland lIls wi1e blushed. Given a narcotic to ease hls pain continental conflict was unknown. en now toward arming troops ('ral Harry A. Arnold, a1r corps ordination Minister Sir Thomas In­ '-' light weight and g ncral efflcien- Iikc giant Ceclers tor II blow ex- At home, a bedraggled rooster aeter police had pulled his nUde Now there is clarity on t hat skip bespoke the grave concern of quickly with its new semi-auto­ assistant c~ef, selected the In- cy. pected within a few hours. climbed off the rear spring of the form from the crude wooden cross, point." the British empire over the fate of 1 rna tic rifle in the event of war. fantry weapon as important tor The rcsult of 15 years of work Apprehension was tell tor th 10 automobile. Collins said. he hlld known the two Go~rnment Prepared , The semi-automatic rifle, whlch I' mergency mass production. Czechoslovakia where autonomy by II senior ordnance engineer, Texans reported marooned on the men as "Swede and Joe," and that An official government state- the army calls the world'S best First of the ,¢ucationa] orders demands ot a 3,500,000 Germanic John G. Garand, the new weapon Mexican coast 75 miles below he used to "go around with them a ment said the government and. the minority have the support of nazi infantry weapon, is made at pres­ a I'e expected to be placed next fires with great.er accuracy and Brownsville.
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