Eitrtiftis Arcracc Daily Clrenlatkii The Weather For the Month of Oetober, 1888 Foraonot of U. 8. Weather Tbo •lAtflsa’ Aid sodsty Of ths Tbs brick work baa bsaa start- Mrs. Harman C Hm. ascratary sd on ths DOW Jswlab synagogtM of tha Manchester BulUHng and Swedlab Oougrsgatloiial church Loan Aaaodatlon, Was elected Sec­ Fair tonight and Friday, rising About Town will nteet tomorrow evening at at Myrtle and Unden streeta. The b PPERS 6^8.’> work was laid out on Monday and retary of the Connecticut L«aguc temperature today: o o lte Sotnr- T^4ft'at the church for their month­ of Building and Loan Secretaries Meoiber of tha Audit lEn^tting H ^ralh *»y. Pinehurst ly meoting. yesterday three to four courses of Pinehurst A card party will be given tin brick wers laid around the entire at the annual meeting held In Bureau of Cbenlatloas der Um auaplcaa of Pin* L«ko Meriden, Saturday, November 18. Manchester— A City of Village Charm MEAT ItST. Loonard C. Harris, district building. Extra men atartsd work FRESH FISH Community club, Inc., Friday ovo- today and an effort will be made OKE KRAUT DINNER nlng at 8 o'clock at Anchor Inn, suporlntsndont, will dsUvsr ths Oysters...... pJnt 33c address this evening at 7:80 at the to get the building encloeed before 6 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 1 1808 Main otreet East Hartford. snow hinders the work. VOL. LIX-, NO. 46 (Claaaifled Advertising ou Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1939 Spare R ib s ...... lb. 17c Prlzea wUI be given and refresh- First Quarterly Conference of the THE El W TR IC Jumbo, Fresh Methodlat church. The meeting PEB roM Kraut ...... Ib 10c menta served. Mrs. M. Glenn FURNA. E MAN CASH Shrimp...... ib. 25c Edgecombe and Fred Jones, both will follow the harvest supper The Army and Navy Club aux­ Lowest Cost Automatic Heat! 612.SO M ealy Shank Soup B ones...... Ib 15c of Hartford, are in charge of ar­ served at 6:30 by the Willing iliary will bold its regular meeting Workers group of the Wesleyan tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Sold ExelB«lvely By Two Hurl When .Vriuv Plane Noses Over _ Ctan4^"P" ...... P‘"‘ Super Cubeil Steaks, average 12c to 1 tc ea. rangements. The club has local L . T, Wood Co. OMwSer Cl«n^ Butter Fish ...... ib. 15c re.sldenta among Its members. Guild. Election of officers for the coming G. E W IU JS A SON. INC. Beef L i v e r ...... Ib 27c year will take place at this meet­ 3 Main Street Tel SI35 81 BlsaeU St. Tet 4486 Cooperatives Are Six More Ships Are Ce^ dBonelean (Sktnl«»«) The Toy Lending Center on Mrs. Major James W. Beech of ing. , roOock- I’nilock Fiilfls .. lb 20c l,arge Sausage...... Ib. l-'»c Chestnut street will be close all the local Salvation Army corps / Belmaa. Whnlr lladdnrk. Corned Spare R ib s ...... Ib 17c day Thursday and Friday of this has returned to her home here af­ noUBder Fillet*. f " ' * ' .Msrkrrel. week end Thursday and Friday of ter spending six weeks In the Seen Alternative next week. Evangeline Booth and New Eng­ CHESTNUTS ...... Ib 10c COOKING FIGS land Baptist hospitals In Boston. Added to Heavy Sea W M t« or Bl«ck MU*l«in Charles Peckham who was con­ Mrs. Beech underwent a major Fancy. 1-arge 2 pounds '{.5c nected with the Rogers Paper operation In the latter Institution 'rwosTt r o o ” • Manufacturing Company, ts to and U now much Improved In HALE'S SELF SERVE For New England anNACH ...... bn\ 2V C.XUMFI.OMEH...... ea. 20c tt f 10 A ft start a silver fox farm In Man­ health. Mra. Betty Chick of Bos­ ♦ %rutt THE ORIGINAL IN NEW ENGLAND! WAX B E A N S ...... bo' He chester. Ho lives at 448 Lydall ton, daughter of Major and Mrs. MUSHROOMS. pi. box 19c Beech. Is caring for her mother CUT CORN ...... box ISc street and already has three pair Aiken Urges Farmers to Sells Lot of Turkeys Losses During W eek of the animals In cages at his during her convalescence. B u rs Devil Food. Ginger IV O R Y S O A P home. This will be the first farm Organize Groups, Es­ But Robbed of Receipts HOUDAY SPECIALS Bread Mix, White Cake or ...... 3 for 25c of Its kind here. I.a rge .. pecially Emphasizing I San Francisco, Nov. 23.—(/Pi ...... 5 for 25c .•x HEALTH MARKET Driver Still in Scat After j Britinh Lose Three Vet* Spice C a k e ...... box 21c Medium —Jeff Jacobs, a butcher, sold a ASPARAGUS TIPS The Polish Women’s Alliance. Entry Into Field of Experts See Car Turns Over 3 Times Group 518, Is aponsoring a supper FU EL o n . lot ot turkeys to the 'ilianks- sel», French Two and fWBri— MX 9 9 c givlng trade, but he didn’t feel ______I ■•MMieiBh (Uot.) for Sunday afternoon, November 24-Hour Service! Electric Powrer Distri­ 26, In Pulaski hall. North atreel. . much like eating one himself Denver, Nov. 23.—(45—L. J. Greece One as Victima STRAWBERRIES In charge of Mrs. Albert .Malek | bution; Baldwin Talks I today. Nazis Behind Nelson's automobile made a SmhithMl- DIAL 4151 302 MAIN STREET T. WOOD Thursday Spedals three-point landing after turn­ O f Mines and S n b w ^ and .Mrs. Felix Godleskl. It will i Two young robbers seized tarts (l6ot) ing over three times. Htclil rfen <• >wn Nf II eriTf lil? OF POST OFFKt ■ ONE dLOCKEMM SWEM/IORY be preceded by an entertainment Phone 4496 Boston, Nov. 23—(iC)—Farm c6- him last night, forced him to rines; Naval Writera Mines Adrift One of two machines In a ; at 3 o'clock. ' : operatives were proposed today by drive to a lonely mountain road, and took 81,000—the re- collision. Nelson's automobile! Suggest Use of *Mag> g r e e n s t a m p s GIVEN WITH CASH SALES |Gov. George D. Aiken of Vermont celpts at his shop for two M ys landed right side up. Its motor netic Mines' to Eix* an alternative to government before Thanksgiving. Cluslers Reportutl Arc |tan resting on a Are hydrant Sp. t>/i Csn Extra QuaUty Burt Oiney ownership and regulation." Too Big to Have Been and the rear wheels prettily plain Increasing TolL The Republican chief executive balanced on a three-foot retain­ liry Hams spoke with five other governors at Wre«le 26 Shopping Days Until Xmas! plane was cn route from Mltchel Field, Long Island, to Washington. trols—but with a broken right 8nnllght Selected Cold Storage Marrow Squash Council, which was opened with an ' hand and shoulder. aels today were added to^hasvy . LAY AWAY A GIFT A DAY UNTIL XMAS! Take advantage of oiir lay away plan— Always Acceptable appeal by President C. F. Weed Washington, Nov. 23.—0*5 — A maritime losses of tbs psst WMII ' for uniformity of state laws to Of State W m Navy announccmenl that 39. drift­ from mine and submarine wni>> Eggs Doz. 29c 2 cons 19c facilitate a "freer fiow of com­ fare. » small depo.sit will hold any item in the store until you are ready to use it. merce thixmghout the area." Kidnaper Kills ing mines have been sighted In the Losses disclosed today worst - North Sea in the la«t two days t-5-Poond Smoked Fancy Sweet Aiken asserted. In a prepared Get More Pav Rumanian Government Hitler Ponders The British steamer DorinOb L*- addre.ss, that "the cooperative deepened the convictions of some 351 tons, sunk by a submnriiw movement has gone too far to turn maritime experts today that they Nov. 19. Sixteen of the crew www Potatoes Lbs. 13c Himself Aftei* had been set adrift to make British Shotilders Lb. 15c back now. Increases to Become Ef­ War Progress believed mliMlng. Elevsn survtomta , 4 BEST SELLERS FOR XMAS GIFTS Changing Eoonomlo Structure Resigns in Body Today waters a no-man's-area for all landed on the east ooant af8st < OoM Medal Extra Fancy Quality "It Is resulting and wlU further fective Jan. 1; None of shipping. spending three days In From the Domestic Department. Buy These the Ka.sy W'ay — On the Club Plan. result In a changing economic Being Trapped Storm weather often has wrested rine before being transferred to oa mines from their moorings, but sel­ With Leaders pkg. Bun. structure In America," he said. Aficlitional Money Is Follows Breakdown of Italian ablp. Bisquirk 2Sc Celevy "The quicker this fact Is recog­ Gestajjo Ends dom In such clusters ns Indicated The 4A76-ton Greek freighter;;; nized and all groups adjust them­ From General Fund. Auto Salennian Virliiii Trade Negotiations in ty the Incomplete reports broad­ Enena R., 'sunk by a mine; twoBty*.) Twin Bjtter Dish FREE! cast by the Navy's Hydrographic Fuehrer Holds Annual w^- R 'giilar $5.OR Rentififiil selves to the change, the quicker Which Nazis Sought four persons saved. . 'i will purchasing power and pros­ Hartford. Nov. 23—(/P)—Salary Says Unidentified Man C.fllce. Most of the reports came The British steamer qiiilihak.l Campbell’s Tomato Air Contacts from the U. 8. 8. Trenton Fall Reception to Get perity be restor^ to all." Increases for 435 state employes ji s Lower Piirehase 1‘rices 2,494 tons, formerly named ttS'd HEALTH MARKET Abdiieteil Him; C II Treaties prescribe automatic Condleston Castle; 36 saved. . Emphasizing especially the en­ amounting to 837,000 a year will Report of Military A o Soup 3 Cans 23 V try of the cooperative Into the Poliee to Kansas Hotel With British devices to assure that mines aocl- British Trawler Sulby, 2S7 Chenille Bedspreads field of electric power distribution, become effective Jan. 1, Finance Bulktin! (>ntally set adrift will be rendered tivitiefl During Year. sunk by a submarine off the FISH SPECIALS Aiken said that unless adequate Commlsoloner O. Glenn Saxon said Biichiirest, .Nov. 28— i/T’— harmless within an hour, but those tUh coast; seven enved an' Campbell’s Topeka, Kaa., Nov. 23 i/Fi , afloat In the North Sea have ac­ service and "proper rates" were today. King Carol today asked For­ Berlin, Nov. 28—(IF)—Adolf Hitler mlMillfe Fresh Th? increases will benefit 182 Trapped In a tear gas-filled hotel Germans ClaiiB Opera­ counted for most of the 18 ship* French fishing trawler established, farmers would not mer eremlcr George Tatares- discussed the progrero o.' the war V . X ^ hesitate to "align themselves" Highway Department employes room, an accused kidnaper shot eu to form a new government sunk or darhsged In the last live Clair B-922 sunk by mins; Beans 3 Cans 20c tives Wormcfl Espion­ days. 12ic with the government in operation who have been receiving less than himself In the head and died early to replace the cabinet which today with the leaders of . Ger­ of 13 crew members fsorsd Mackerel and control of power plants. the minimum set up for their clas- nwlgned after a breakdown of rooeluslnns Nuggeated many’s armed forces In a meeting French fishing trawler No. 2 Can Wegner ti>day after a gun and word battle age Seerels from Foe The latest development In the SI'oed Aiken declared that farmers had siflcBlions. Their Increases will trade negotiations with Ger­ at the chancellery. 1 1 sunk by submarine: 18 sav $4.98 with a detective. By Posing as Rebels. Kuro|>ean sea warfare suggested Geoffrey Shskesproro, Pi to "go Into politics" to obtain their amount to a total of 812.0t'O a year many. Carol summoned 'I'atar- It was the Fuebrer'a annual fall Grapefruit Juice objectives in legislation, adding or about 860 per employe. The In­ Floyd C. Wadden, 30. Daven­ escu after conferring with the these tentative conclusions to roentory under-secretary to quallfled experts; Come In and pick yoiir chenille npread with nil poeel- Boston Blue Lb. 12ic "agriculture today in New Eng­ creases will come out of the high­ port, la., auto salesman, told Police crown counrilora on the crisis Berlin, N iv. 23—(45 . .Hearty reception 6f the henda o€ the three, Admiralty, told tho House at f Dinner Service land and In the United States Is a precipitated by the cabinet’s 1. The recent neavy shipping branches of the armed forces with mono that 15 rnlDea, all C ble apeed If you want aome that arc really lovely. Vel­ way fund. Chief Charles D. McKnaught the greetings from your affectionate losses are due to the numbers of vety white cheniile tufting with smart (loral.i>attern In 4 for 25c more powerful force to be dealt in addition Increases for 253 refusal to meet Geman de­ bad coma oshon on tho in Godey print.s, an old time theme applied to dinnerware. man, still unidentified, alKluctcd German opposlUon, German Ges­ the mines and their free drift rath­ their staffs at which be gets a two-tone colorings. Blue, green, orchid, inalsc, i>cach. Also Butfrerfish Smoked with than It has been before." employes In the Unemployment mands. Tatarescu until a few rounded report of the past jrenr'a BhigUab coast within tha A 6.3-piece set, service for eight persons . . , None-Such him In Davenport Tuesday morn­ tapo. . er than to the perfection of revolu­ fortnight rose, dubonnet and all white. Asserting the farmer "doesn't Compensation Division, State months ago was Rumanian tionary new undersea weapons. military activity. Fillets, Salt Codfish, Hal­ like the Idea of government own­ Labor Department. Including State ing. minister to F'rnnce. With those words, according to Leaders at tha ohanesUerv In oddlUon Tha Exchonga ' ership," Aiken continued "but Papers In the dead man's pock­ a DNB (official newa agency) ac­ 2. Virtually all the mines have gnqih Agsney rsportod that Mince Meat Employment Service will receive ets Indicated he waa registered been laid by oubmarinea built for Field Moishol Hermann WUhetm ibut, Swordfish, Fillet of neither does he like the Idea of Increases totaling 825,000 a year, Bucliarest, Nov. 23.—(./C)—The count published today, were ended Goerlng, numbor twn Nnal and man pianos flying low arm turning the right to exploit hu­ with the Iowa Employment Service 21 days of wlreleM contacts be­ tha purpose. Thamm estuary last night 72” X 90- or about 850 per year per worker. at Marshalltown, la., os A. L. Mor- Rumantan government resigned 8. Betting them adrift has raised chloC of tha olr foreai OeL Oon. pkgs. 23c Hodddock, Filet of Sole, man and natural resources over to, Commlaatoner Saxon at this time tween the German secret police Walter Von BrauehttsCh, com' sd mlnlnturs, 2 or back to. a comparatively few ford, a butcher. today after*'a breakdown of trade and the British Intelligence—21 olfflcultlea calculated to tax Britlah mlaro by paraebut* $12.50 could give no assurance that the Wadden said he slipped away and French means of keeping open mender In ehlef at the Army; Fancy engaged In private business. negotiations In which Germany days In which the German opera­ Ths Admiralty rslntad thSts Oysters and Clams. Increases will be extended to other after the kidnaper took a sixth vital commerce lanes. Grand Admiral BHch Raador, Ihiid High Rates departments although he said he brought pressure to obtain more tives wormed espionage secrets commander In chief of the Navy; drotroyar Gipsy wan bond Lady Pepperell floor room at the Kansas hotel 4. The Allied blockade and the tha sost oosat Tuesday Ib. "Year after year, farmers paid hoped also to authorize raises for oil and foodstuffs from Rumania from their foe by posing as anU- German flght to create a counter and Ool. (Jen. Wilhelm Keitel, Dry Figs 19c r i6 high rates for electricity and late yesterday and called police. Hltler revolutionists. striking a mins. POrW Spinning Wheel Pattern other employes who have not re­ Detective F. L. Thomp-son and oth­ at a lower cost. blockade has not differed basically chief of the armed fereee high watched officers and stockholdefs The whiplash dlaclosure of the command. craw wars missing and I11 la cello, ihane package. ceived increases for many years er officers rushed to the corridor Premier Constantine Argetolanu from the 1914-18 pattern. BuUt m 1888. she enrrien a ) Weave Lb. of corporations have all conven­ and who were recognized as being handed the cabinet’s resignation to real Identity of the "revohillonlats" Pot (Jut By Hubroariaes Uirgeat Oonacti HcM Corned Beef 11c iences that money could buy, pur­ outside the room. was said by DNB to have been complsmsnt of 145. underpaid. King Carol, who asked him to at­ In the World War Germany laid The reception regularly Is the Tellow Q'ube chased with unearned dividends nrcM at Ik'tecUve given only yeaterday. Destroy Air Enidro Employes In institutions are In­ tempt to form a new government. 43,636 mines, by offlcial count Urgest regular military oouneli and unwarranted profits. Thompson called the man to the That waa one day after the Ges­ An partial oaaaolatloa,* cluded in this group. door. The man fired, striking the Argetolanu formed the cabinet Ninety per cent were put out by held by Hitter. Turnips 10 Lbs. 15c I ink Sausage u 29c "There are today private cor- tapo had announced obtaining a mine laying aubmarlnea, a special It was assumsd ths Polish cam hod the spectacular dostruetMi'i porationa making 29 to 30 per cent Depends Upon Income detective's pistol. Thompson fir­ Sept. 28 confession from Georg Elser ot a Oermaa air raider off the Carol waa expected to call a type that originated from the palgn and the future campaign on Blankets profit each yet, there are still tens Commlasioner Saxon said that ed back, hitting him In the hand. Munich that he plant^ the Biier- coast which wUnissfd aerial state income and economies will All the time he kept talking to the meeting of the O ow n Council to earlier atruggle. the weetern front were the main of thousands of New England gerbraii time bomb Intended for On the first day of the 1914-18 bat for the third succeaatvo determine how far the state cqn go kidnaper, trying to get him to consider the crlals and any emer­ toipicca and the third time la one day. . ^ farmers without the services of Adolf/Hltler. The announcement war, a German ship placed the Aral DJNB, offlcial German news electricity because extension of In bringing up the salaries of the surrender, gency steps to be taken. Informed said 'Elser had British financial VllUgers over a wide orro 1*81*1 persons said that German pressure of the deadly submarine weapons, agency, in a report on war devel lines Into their territory would state employes. "Tve got too much hanging over backing. In letters to heads of depart- me." the man said. ' I’ll never drop caused a cabinet split, some mem­ each bearing about 300 pounds of opments, aseerted Jermoa subrnS' not pay the desired dividends on In the same connection, the Ges­ TNT or similar explosive. In tha rinan had sunk five fishing steam « I On Page I k> boxed Inflated capitalization. this gun." bers wanting to yield to demands tapo also had announced the ar­ Look At This G. E. Refrigerator (Oontinned On Page Bight) Thompson kept up his argu­ of the Retch while others held out open sea, rather than near a coast guarding the northern en­ "So, farmers are taking thingc rest of two British secret service aa prescribed by 'The Hague 1907 trance of the EnglMi (flionnel $5.98 Into their own hands and have al­ ments, but after 40 minutes the Agetolnau was named premier a men. Identified as Capt. Richard convention. The German high oommand to­ ready built hundreds of miles of^ man slammed the door and dared week after the aasasalnatton of Henry Stevens. 42. chief of the Mew and Dlfferentl An all-over pattern with a border pattern of spinning wheels. The famous the officers to come after him. Premier Armand Callnescu by To Allied protests, Germany re- day reported "unusually valunb.^ Lady Pepperell triple weave blankets that are fin% wim.1 and extra large size. To re-order tinlay we Full Of Special Features. A electric lines serving sparsely pop-' European Intelligence Division, reconnoltsrlng rasults" from nsrl iRated communities that remained ■Quake Shakes Thompson ordered tear gas membeni o t the outlawed Fascist F la sh es! would have to get |6.98 for Iheae. A practical gift. Ill and Slglsmund Payne Beat, 54, an (Contlniied On Page Eight) al excursions ovsr Pronos and Bridge Table and sparsely populated because they spurted Into the room. A minute Iron Guard. His appointment ended aide. (Lata I I of the on tMro) later the officers heard a shot. an Interim military rule with Gen. Great Britain "dooplta strew pur I lacked the means of providing Gives Aooouat of Contacts suit pisne and anti-aircraft de- Christmas Gift To A ll The Family. comfortable hqinea. While New Middle West They found the man lying on the George Argeaanu as premier. Yesterday the two men were ac­ rode Unlea Workers Strike floor critically wounded. He died In fense." Hand Made 72” x DO" England farmers are generally op­ Follows Blow at Oermnn Hoped cused of direct connection with Flva Prsnrh lianro Doww HortfCri, Nev. Chair Set posed to government ownership, a hospital soon after midnight. His The resignation followed closely the Munich bomb plot from which Closes Session mdnd AFL trade fingerprints were sent to the Fed­ This morning's communiqua rs- they will not hesitate to align Shock Lasting Average upon Rumanian's refusal to grant Hitler escaped by only I I minutes poftod flvs Prsnch pursuit planes at the Waat Hnrtferd Lace themselves with the Federal gov­ eral Bureau of Investigation. an increase of nearly 50 per cent on Nov. 8. Last ntgbt DNB dis­ jeb far Pratt and Whitney Alt metal table wltn padded top and braced legs. Wadden Ordered Held Of Parliament wers shot ^awn In hoftlsr combat Fmir (41 metal folding rhal'S with padded seats. ernment in the operation and con­ O f 30 Seconds Appar­ in the exchange rate of the Ger­ tributed for publication an ac­ ysoterday but acknnwlsdgsd no a t NUee-BaaMro-PWii am trol of electric plants and Unea un­ McKnaught ordered Wadden man mark—a blow at German count of 21 d^rs of coded wireless ently Does No Damage "to German looaea. r MWt an atrilw tedny. « less they get adequate service and held on a vagrancy charge hopes for greater trade with this contacts between the Gestapo end (This BwrBtng*n Preaeh eom- otrikn anefflriniy tran'ted 8n Inie ftgo thr»v i»ol(1 proper rates and get It aoon." check jorae discrepancies |n his country. the Britioh IntelUgcnce. New Session Scheduled Thrff* bfHiiUful munlque reported deotructien of sympathy move la boholf WUI Dtsensa War at. Louis, Nov. 23. — (jp) — An story.” What. If any. connection there Quoting "competent quartera," six German flihtlag plaaaa,yeatsr- w rite re at the < ml innili* of Conference directors indicated earth shock which lasted an aver­ was between the two developments the news agency aatd that the To Open Nov. 28 with uutrd hnnl twlntrcj uottons. age of SO seconds, but apparently Pratt and Whitney 5 piece set (Continued On Page Eight) was not at once apparent. contacts were ended at 10:10 a. ro. Full Debate on War. (Ointlnsii On ragn Tara) United A lrc fte I’ho lowiN^t prluc evor on (CoflUaoed Od Page Two) did no major damage, was felt In A German economic mlsalon, yesterday with the following mea- hffO' N*Ui*r Mam! made liiCD $6,98 Boot Hartford. Triable hen hssn many Missouri and lUlnois cities having failed to get the rate ralred aage: blowing In Bast Hartford boenSSS I'ltha A ppt nxlniHtf^ 8 lu between 9:16 and 9:30 a. m. (C. B. from 41.5 Rumanian lei to 60 Id "In the long , conversation London, Nov. 23 — (85— King 2" X {Hr. T.) today: George VI prorogued Parliament the Jeb waa being eandnetsd am a s Murder Trial for each mark, left for Berlin by with self-important foolish per­ open shep bnrie Per aevsssi drors The Rev. James B. MacElwane sons is boresome. You will under­ todAy. Paris Alarmed ‘Golden Angel’ air last night. * picketing haa been enrrted en. i St. Louis University seismologist, (In terms of American money, stand If we break off. Hearty A new Acuioo Ifl scheduled to • • • i4 |a| c o m i said the center apparently waa 25 Has Recess such a change would have raised greetings from your affectionate open Nov. 28 with a full dress de­ to 30 miles from St. Louis, either bate on all aspects of tha wsr. By Nazi Plane Syraensa Seann VIetey To Be Witness Oellago Park. Md„ Nev. 2t « - west or east. (ONittnaed on Page Eight) (Oontiaoed On Page Two) The king's atateqpient ending -he * (4... ./•, One of the needlea on the uni­ (45—Syrnesme'e Bgktiag Oranga- $4.98 S M I ^ A V O R Fiimier Policeman Te«- present session dc^red tha war versity seismograph waa knocked with Germany was being fought to Anti*Aircraft Guns Turn own eanm from behind today In Kuhn Remorsefully Ad< off Us hinges, so sharp was the | tnra bnek n etnhbern g re *» i t t ific B He Saw Defend­ preserve the birthright of liberty. mits Mrs. Camp Is Not shock. He called the Invasion of Poland B«i;k Invader as Citi­ Mntylaad TerrapTOs and wind an Shocks were reported at Kansas ants at Time of Flight. Green Asks Murphy Policy "S challenge which we could not zens Huddle in Shelter. their Golden inMIee footiwa s s «. Fine Lady He Thought City, Jefferron City, 8te. Genevieve bav« declined without dishonor to •an with n 18 to 7 vletory befeco * Columbia. Foetus and Hannibal. ourselves and without psrll to the Tnrkey-Dny crowd of 5d88. a w » Mo., and at. Belleville, Alton, New Haven, Nov. 28—(45 — The # . . . improve the New York, Nov. 23—(4V-The "liberty or death" murder trial re­ cauae of freedom and the progress Paris, Nov. 28—Of)—Thunder­ ones eeered en n Said goal iMte . . . with Silex. Springfield and Chester, 111. On Prosecuting o f Unions ing anti-aircraft guns ahortlv Phall and a ono-yard toneMssrii,. proceedings in Frits Kuhn’s lar­ KMcked Om sf Bed cessed today until tomorrow aa the of mankind." ceny trial were pointed sharply to- Points to Peoee Efforts after midnight today turned back ptaage by ZUndahL Maryland'a ( Pyrox breed flem# Mra. Nora CoIIlgan at Clayton. Superior court cleoed in observ­ an Invading plane while Parisians sy toward the witness stand ap- ance of President Roosevelt’s Washington. Nov. 23-1^1—The " Arnold said the department had 'The king’s atatement. read to tonthdowH Come oa a pretty 88- Two Tone Reversible uerenleed efelnit Mo., near St. Louis, said she was huddled In air raid aheltera yardma by Murphy. cel broekefe. earance ot Mra. Florence Camp knocked out of bed by the tremor. choice of Thanksgiving Day. American Federation of Labor, ! “no choice In this matter," but the members, said that despite cf • a I time "golden angel" of the i Green replied with the statement forts of Britain to presarve peace, Alarms gave the city a five-minute J. J. Auer, Wabash raUroad paa- Edward O'Donnel, former police­ angered by government prooecu- margin of srornlng. Cordcvl Ed^e fuehrer's transcontinental man and a defense wltneas, teaU- tlon of labor unions under the ; that the anti-trust laws do not per- “Germany, In violation of her Beldsni Sought Near Equate. aenger sgsnt shaving at his Kansas The plane was sighted at 13:12 B mton. Nov. 33—(45—PtsMMS correspondence but now consider­ City home, eaid the shocks lasted a fied that he saw the defendants, anti-trust laws, iias asked Attor­ ; mit such prooecutions. solemn undertakings, wantonly In­ ably fallen from his grace. "Let me make tt clear," Green vaded Polanil.’’ a. m. (7:12 p. m., Wednesday, e. e f a Britlah aircraft cnrrtsr, n Rayon Taffeta ^ t ^ e x minute and a half and described Georga Parelll and Camlllo Vene­ ney General Murphy for a "frank s. L ) It wheeled over the capital British cruiser aad a Preuch u ri 159 "I though Mrs. Camp was a very them as “terrifying.” zia, charged with slaying Armanda statement" of poliey. I added, “ that the American Feder- Of Britain’s alms be said, "ws « and then flew out of range of anti­ •er la otid-Atloatie, oeor the mpfrnt. fine lady, but I found out she Dlabca rattled, furniture waa Salvione, Bridgeport racketeer, in President William Green of the ’ ation of Labor does not contend seek no material gain. Liberty and aircraft guns. 'There were no re­ Isn’t,” Kuhn remorsefully admitt­ \ that Illegal acUritias of any labor free Institutions are our birth' tor, apparently hunting Oernsw shaken and some buildings shook. the Annex et a time when the AFL made the demand on Murphy ports ot bombs dropped. The all raldera, was reported teduy Iff ed yesterday, after the prosecu­ sUte alleges they were fleeing the yesterday In a letter replying to union or members or ofllcars there­ right, which we, like our fore­ Comforts. $2,95 tion had read into the recorda of should go impunished. On the clesr signal cama at 1 a. m. pameug ers orrlvlag ou the Amesi> trays, one press-out tray, rubber dl- Ught Hkseks Fait epot where the body wee found in the announcement of Thurman fathers, are resolved to preserve.' One minute before the Paris eoa nsetershlp OtaOesiger ef thn 1. Super Freerer Door — on sUinlesa three of Kuhn’s letters to her Kknsas-Clty, Nov. 33. — (85 — Orange. Arnold, aslslant attorney general. contrary we urge that such of­ The king thanked Parliament studded with protestations of un­ alarm northwestarn France waa Asserteoa Senth African Hae. Tho steel Evaporator. videm. Light earth shocks were felt In Saw Me* in Aateowbile Uiat anti-trust prosecutions would fenses be prosecuted under the for "prompt and ungrudging" oc- put on a state of alert Several pneerngrrs sold they were oar- dying love. insas City at 9:20 a. m. (10:20 The one-Ume member at the An be Instituted ogainri any labor proper laws applicable thereto." ceptonoa of heavy financial bur­ wool filled That renunciation of the blonde hours earlier two air raid warn­ nrtaed to see load plUnm ololt • • Junior Floor Lamp 4. Porcelain Vegetable Crisper Pan. m. E. B. T.) today. Bcorea of .nex police force, remaining collect­ union engaging In "unreasonable ladletoMwta Obtained Already dens which he said "has deeply ings were sounded In northern far at sea until they sighted thn In six-way lighting with indirect globes 2. Interior Light to flood interior of cab­ divorcee capped a double recanta­ persona phoned newspapers to re­ ed throughout troea-examlnaUon restraints." The Justice Deportment already Impressed the world and demon' A moot acceptable gift:$5.98 Warmth without tion by the redfaced Bundfuehrer: Prance. aircraft sorrier. and silk shades. Hea\'y bronxe or Ivory port an "earthquake.” Green said that If Arnold’a has obtained anU-truot Indict­ strates the unflinching determlnm- weight. Gorgeous colors In two-tone combina­ inet. *Note position of light— this 5. Wire Fruit Basket. An admission that be bad Ued to by Assistant State’s Attorney The French high command re­ • • • finished bases. Dtahes ratUsd In aouthside Abraham S. Ullman. maintained be Statement was the policy of the ments against the A FL’s Carpen­ tton of roy people to make every tions: Rose and gold, rose and green ruse and Mrs. Camp in 1938 by telling hsr homes. Ute ohock was felt acroes ported today that six Oermaa Men Dies aa Bangar Bursa is not a make-shift affair. 6. Set Dishes— 9 Pieces. saw the two men In an automobile Justice Department, It was "a ters Union and offices In St. Loula sacrifice for victory." fighting planes were shot dosm Dea Mobiee. la.. Nov. 28 ' blue, blue and gold, etc. Corded edges he bad divorced hia wife In 1984 Um state line In Kansas. grave perversion of the law.” He and the Tramsters Loca' officers In Bend by Lord Caldecete (he’s still married), and an ad- at 1:45 a. m. on the day of the yesterday, flvs on French soil and On# werkmna w w k B M end tUfS argued that the Sherman anti' Washington on charges that they *1110 king's atatement waa read 3. 4 Ice Trays— one 3-Ib. tray, two 2-lb. 7. General Electric All Art Recipe Book. mlaaton that he Ued when lie tes­ Benstfis Ugkt Bhsek alsylng five years ago. the sixth on Belgian torritory. bijared critically today no llnaroi' STORE HOURS DURING DECEMBER: Salvlone’a body, trussed In e trust act was amended by the violated the law by engaging In by Lord Caldecotc, the lord chan­ (Three of the orew of the lost deotrayed the Dee $9.95-$i0.50 tified, yestehlay morning, that be Milwaukse, Nov. g i.—ije)—The cellor. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Thursdnys and Saturday.^. , never had told Mrs. Camp he was sack, was found baeide a rood In (Dayton act to “completely jurladictkmal etrikes. plane were reported to have died pal otoport luwgar doetrayhqf *491 BASEMENT Marquette Unlvertity oeismograpti exempt" labor unions from anti­ Green argued that jurlsdlcUooal Prime Minister C%amberlaln Store Open All Day Wedne.sdavs During December. divorced. recorded a light enrtb ohock short­ Orange * few boare after he left In a flaming craoh In westarn olrpUneo valued at f7 8 teL UBF The state has announced Mra. home osteneibly to meet the ac- trust prooecutions. strikea were legal. eaiUar told a questiooer In Com- Flanders last night srhfle the pilot asthorttiea fixed the «M sl ly before 9:30 a. m. today. In attacking Arnold’s announced mons thnt this waa not the time Camp wiU be called, as a rebuttal Father Joeeph CairoU. heed of cused In New Haven. Slay BeceoM IBegnl parachuted to safety.) 8I8M 88 eeveriug GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES. ______witnesa against Kuhn, who Is se- the University Physice Depart­ The "liberty or death" term wee Arnold aaid Sunday In a letter Intention to undertake anti-trust to consider offering to let other This nxMiUng's communique pie nee and oqoInHnL An -used at stealing money from bis ment, eald it was a "mere tremor" applied to the case after the Su­ to the IndionapolU Ontrsl Labor prosecutions, Green said; oouiitriss join the British empire said; Imagnr nenthy wan ':;nnan-American Buna. end expfiesed the opinion H was preme Court of Errors ordered e Union that union practices may "It aoems Inconceivable to nw as n pnrt at wnr reconstruction. Qolat Night •• Frant The 4am* man. trog Headquarters Free Parking |‘ Th€ CORR The appearance of the letters caused by tha fall of huge rocka retrial of the two man, who al- become Ulegsl where they have no that an admtnistratlea notable tor Ths government, be told Oppo- "A flirty quiet nlqht on the for J W . I U U In Rear obvioualy waa tha cauae of Kuhn’a to cs'verHa deep in the earth. It roody bava eervod two years la reasonable conaection with sacb Its frieadllaeae to Inber riwuld rition Libnrnl Oeoffrey M onte, front ArtUlory flra at various l a M. AppUancss T|kJW.IUMcOM ttm agalnat tha woman be said oecunrod aouthwest at WlecoeMn. prlsoe oa a ascoail dtgrsa anadar "tegltimate objectives" as wsgss, adopt a retrogressive policy ad­ “atm no advnntngs in cooaldertng points. n WPA t ik JW.IUU Of A6ANCHESTIR CONH* sad MANCMitTut C o n n * be loved "with my whole soul and be added. convlcUoB. berm use tli^ bow face hours, safety, bcottb, undue speed- vocated hitherto only by tha most the ponritaillty suggested Is the "During tha day at Nov. 28 w# Sudas Bangas MANCHISTIR COHN* S)ore H m shock Isstsd tyro snd s hall pcoeWe death in the electric choir ing up, or the tight of coUccUve extreme reactionary enemies of question unless and until It arises bi Faga Tirol ‘"I la ynettoal focm." (C •>

-.I# Solons to Get dckville Resident Vote Tuesday Presidents Thanksgiving Baldwin Lauds Plans This W eek On Precincts Joining Hands Probe Report Is Fatally Stricken Is Not Observed Locally or Hospital Addition Request* Investigation Elected Chairman at Or­ Birthplace of Holiday ______— ------:------Machines Will Re Used; There waa litUa to ImllcaU, h>-4 Tha only buslnass astabliahmanta Congratulate* Manufac­ O f Financial Affair* ganizing Meeting of Will Celebrate Thank** Herman G. Z s c h ir p C y ! •lection of offlceni on Monday Plan Is Shown Costly cally. that Thanksgiving waa be- to obeerve the holiday by cioaing turer* and Labor on nirector Guest ! PcMent Building Con- evening, December 4tJi. ing oboervad in tolatots ajcUon.aecUon. I Manchester Truat Com- And Election Practices New Authority. giving Next Week. | Lifelong Resident Plana ara under way for a ban- And Unnecessary. Aa far aa Manchester waa con­ Cooperation on Bill*. / ' quet to be aerved all paid up cerned the day pasaed Ilka any pany, the Bav)nga Bank of Man­ Of Parents Here COUGHS < ! l t y D i e s F o l l o w i n g III* memhera aoma time In January, other week day with all stores and chester and the Manchester Build­ sidering Need*. Past Provldanca, R. I., Nov. 33— (>H— Hartford, Nov. 23.—(;pi - John Plymouth, Mass., Nov. 28.—(Hi eswewJsM aJpstMs Meeting late yesterday after­ Bridgeport, No. 23— — Gw. ^ « ! « > ■ : < O ___ — Ih* date, to be a Saturday, to be factorlea open and doing bualneas. ing and Loan Association. Attorney General Loula V. Jack- (Thrtetensen, Windsor vegetable —T-xlay may be Thanksgiving Spend s tew csnti today st any sood noon, the Board of Selectmen vot­ Wuf ttore far ■ bottle of iuchlev't Sufferers fittd Buchlsy’t ghias ouMi ness of Bui Few Hours. choaen later. Schools continued with the reg­ Some eoncema in Hartfonl Raymond E. Baldwin, relteiwlng Six Month*. grower, headed the new (Connecti­ Day In half of the nation, but In lief f r « that panlilonf, naehr. i S w ed to laaue a call for a special Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Strickland ’ vony Informed Governor Vander­ CANADIOL Mletufa (triple ect>n(l— Take c< x ^ due to ephto or brandiW Irtitetta A Chrlatmaa party for tha chil­ ular schedule In towm but school , cloned for the day today but all that Industrial confidence in gov­ cut Marketing Authority ns chair­ this, the birthplace of the holiday. a co««le of doiat m bedtime— feel (ft town mretlBg to be held at the bilt today he Intended to refer to But be sure you fat Buckley’s CAfiAT Rock\illa. Nov. »8— (Special) — dren of the Legion and Auxiliary boards In some of the outlying of the larger Insurance offices de­ ernment was nacassary |o bring of Washington, D. C., are gueats , The Board of Trustees of the man today; It's nothing but another Thurs­ iratent powerful, puntent action •preed Mlxmra— by far the j e w t aalllna * . state armory next Tueaday from a ’Legislative Committee a grand He waa elected yesterday at an tnru throat, heed er>d brorKhlel tub^ It m^lcne tor coi^» dua fa coMi Is « will be held on Tueaday evening, towma permitted children to re­ cided to conform to the atate hol­ for a few days of Mr. Strickland'a, Manchester Memorial hospital ex- j day. •terti at once to loeeen up rhlcV. choklnf Harman Guatave ZachIrpe, age 61, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. at which time iday proclaimed by Governor Ray- about business lmprovenp4nt, con­ Jury report requeatlng investiga­ organizing meeUng of the agency, i wintry Canada, (jsnfalna ne tuiar as rierembcr 19th aa In former yeara. main at homa today If parents had parenU, Mr. and Mra. C. J. Strick- i rweWe plana and apecl- ■Tbe town of Plymouth, from phlefTn— KMlhe raw membrenae and make baha take"'‘ kwTjsy diabetica.■ “ (Had at bU home at 37 Ward alrect the question of ealahllahmenl here gratulated Connecticut manufac- tion of financial affair* aad elec­ created by the 1939 General Aa- I PfMtning Ovw Bridge Open made plana to obaerva tha holiday < mond B. Baldwin for November land of Main street. Laat night ‘ ^ whence ventured huntsmen to bottlai foUowlas an illnaaa of a few houra The Wlndaor avenue bridge in of four voting diatricta will be set­ aa proclalroMl by tha President. ' SO, one week hence. turera and labor on ty M r coopera­ tion pracUcea In Pawtucket. aembly to develop facilities for I tled by voting machine. The the younger Strickland who has to the hospital building Jackvony made toe statement kill the turkeys for the first laat wight. Ha waa atrlcken ill at the Weat end of the city waa open­ tion In connection w^h bills before been director of the U ttle Theater , Haynes street. Such an addi­ marketing the state's agrlcujtur-1 Thanksgiving hick In 1621, dis­ hla borne lata In the afternoon. ed for traffic on Wedneaday. Thla Board made no recommendation, the last itate Legiyature. tion has been under discussion after the Republican governor al products. I either In favor of. or against the at Washington as well as director agreed most hearOly when Presi­ Mr. Zachirpe waa bom in Kock- bridge was one of thoae wh.ch waa should occupy a definlta pi "Until the p eo M hre back to among the members of the trus­ asked him to search state law for A member of the Connecticut ! ■wFRt New Turk ...... ftJD propnr.al to enlarge the number of of tha Berkshire Playhouse at authority under which appropriate dent Roosevelt proclaimed Nov. vUle January 19. 1878 the aon of waahed out In the hurricane and diaeusalon of Naw England ’ re­ work, bualneas can be no better," tees for the piuit aix months. House of Representatives, Chris-' 23 as the holiday Instead of the New OrieoM . . . IM S the late William and Rrne.atine voting places although It la as­ Gestapo Ends action could be taken on the grand l.a iiaed by many of the workera In sources and prospects, that it said the chief uecutlve In an ad- Congested. tenaen was chairman of the Re- ' tradiUunsl last Thursday of the Oeover ...... ST.M Kraaa Zachirpe and bad been a serted that a majority of the Se­ Jury reporL The Legislative (Com­ g o i n g Tmtm. the milla from the weatem arctlon ■hould command attention along dresa last nIgM at the annual din­ For a period of three yeara the glonal Market Study Commission : month. So did the rest of New Memphis, . IC W raaldent of tbla city all hla life. lectmen do not favor the plan, mittee has broad power to InveaU- Waahtaigtoa. D. a BID of Kockville. with our forestry, our agricultura, ner of the Bridgeport Manufactur. hospital haa been facing (xinges- named by former C!ov. Wilbur L. ' England. In Ha waa employed in the local mllla Oourt Of Honor holding that greatly added ex­ A ir Contacts our land Industries in any deliber­ tlon. It haa become the rule gate election frauds and other CTroaa. | CewterL Miami, na. ....*ltff9 . pense will result If It Is made op­ ara’ Association. As a result, Plymouth—and iS t many yearn where he waa a The R(k kvllle Ulatrict, Bn Emil Kroyman of Kockville la Britlah radio operators who got has been proposed and the plant Jpal accounts Is strongly recom- Meanwhile. Regan was In a hos­ occupy or raised In a nursery M d GRE\>HOUNI> alon of Ib e nieiisure at stake. Increase mir maritime commerce. tended to create confidence and games will be played. Including and authority members 'went over Buurday afternoon, at two thirty chairman of the t'uurt of Honor In toe last word by acknowledg­ expected thla week would cover' ' mended.” pital here re, ,ip':'innug. later transplanted. ./ J // / 1 0’dock from the Luther A. White , Ailion on the petition, signed We know that more bualnesa knd told of various committees named ping-pong, darta, numerous table the legtelaUve act creating the Bridgeport, Nov. 23 .J', The committee ami la In charge of the ' ing receipt of the farewell mea- thnt need. The plans will call Grants Extension of Life fuoaral home. Kev. Eric O. I’eljier, program with the Scoutiiiastera of by 67 pcr-ions. asking for the spc" mors employment will result. to confer with industrial and labor Judge Frost Immediately grant­ games, shuffle hoard and other agency aa a step in familiarizing Bridgeport HeraUng. Tlie ctal meet Ing waa taken laat night leader* In a buaineaa promotion ef­ meet the hospital requirements ed the request of the grand Jury, held six bids today for ccnstruc- church will officiate. Burial will i)nigram will be open to tlir pub- anil the date set on recommenila- Apparently Htill Unknown Gov. Raymond E, Baldvrin of fort. which has been Investigating th sporta. Jhls activity period will A budget will be drawn up and Don of the $6,500,000 Fast Bridge­ Connecticut declared that govern­ for a number of years to come. continue from dinner time until b« iB Grove Hill cemetery, ^enda H(, I (Ion of Tf)Wn Cminael William .S "Hlnce the exposure of the Eng­ Tn Consider Ways and Means. 1938 general elecUon, for an ex­ a plan of procedure prepared at port bousing project, but the low n ay call at the funeral honlirfrum r.lka To .Meet ! Hyde, who ruled that by statute lish espionage action, despite the ment's relation! with buaineaa tension of Ita life. the evening entertainment com­ the next meeting scheduled Dec. bidder probably will not be known must be thoae ol a "friendly, help­ Nothing definite haa been ar­ mences. The other members of 10 o’clock Saturday morning. Vo- There will be a meeting of till- petition Is In order and the German announcement at this rived at as to a plan for raising The Jury reported that Its in­ 14. until tomorrow. vember 25th until the hour of the meeting bud l<* be called within ful, ooperatlvo force,'' and not the Game Room committee are Kockville laalge No. 1359, K I’. | time, apparently it atlll waa un­ Hiller Ponders money for the much needed addi­ vestigation of Pawtucket, a Demo- Maurice L. Beln. Inc., of Chica­ f Davis Home Bakery , 10 days of receipt of the petition. those of an "officious, mcddle.some, Roy Warren. Robert McComb. •trvlea. O, Elka thb< evening at the Elks known to the English secret aorv- tion. The tniateea have consult­ craUc atronghold with a popula go, 111., apparently was the low 519 Main St. (A t the Center) Phone 8S8i Legion Note* More Expense Ica wlrelcaa station. Both English policeman," to Inspire confidence Don Of 70,000, had brought to light (Tlyde Beckwith and C. K. Bum- base bidder with an e.'Uimate of Home with Exalted Kub-r Paul J. and produce a sound economy. ed with various architects apecial- ham. Deranged Rifleman A t the regular meeting of Stan- I lUalen presiding. Moat Republicans have openly operators, Inman and Walsh, even War Pl’ogress examples of multiple voting; D- $3,770,000. DobOM Poat on Tueaday eve- I opposed the four precinct plan on Asserting that a conflict be­ ixlng in hasnital needs in order to , 'SU/fDAY acknowledged this final message." ’’floaters’’ had voted repeatedly, Blag, tha efforta of Oongreaaman linoehle Party aicoiint of the expense involved In tween govornmoijt an.l buaineaa Stockbridge and other summer ascertain what such an ad4t there will continue to be In dramatic groups. Mias Hazel mitted to the Board of Selectmen Hartford, Nov. 38— (A) — Gov. He was committed to the Wor­ COMFORT" 1“ ' .Irnicd that any British agent and suffered heavy losses. On Drigga of this town, another Into bushes yesterday by two men CALL YOUR ORDER IN BARLYI anilry 1 adah to aay the United to give their players, and , . friends , a I Ing to some J5.000 additional In qlir states freedom of opportunity by William H. Burke in which a Series of Showers Raymond E. Baldwin, saying that cester State hospital for ten days’ chance to knew of any German "(leacribed Nov. 22 lively scouting activity by prominent member of the Mas- and struck with a stick as he was Btatw Government doea not pay njoy a «... al "v.-.dnK. , » and being .to Increase and expedite prodiic- rhar^e of building line Is desired, observation after examination by There will he as having placed a bomb in the the German olr force over France quera attended. "we cannot In sound common oense on his way home from a Boy rent on the gravea of our Amerl- e iK.th m.KJern an.l old ^,„^rally almut double the cost „ . .u /) tion without competition from the ^ a r d has voted to call a pub­ Dr. Richard Ely of Townaend. fashioned dancing from 8 to 12 Munich cellar' and England achieved unusually For Bride-Elect be bound by metboda tn vogue 15 Scout meeting In Walervllle. . c** dead who ara buried in for all elections at the preaent o government and the Impoaltlon of valuable reconnoltering results de­ lic hearing on the question, to be Lloyd, up to a few days ago FrcBce. p m. with Hl'a (kinnecticut .Nut­ time. With the single voting place rest of two Britlah BubJecta at Increasing Uxea and unrea­ years ago," conferred at length Police Supt. William J> Roach, Venloo a kidnaping spite strong pursuit plane and held December 4. Burke seeks a lieutenant in charge of the CCC who Inspected shacks said to have "In fact, the French Govern- meg 4 pleec orchestra furnishing at Ihe armory containing a large sonable regulations." \vlth high state fiscal officiate re­ barracke, created a panic at about the music. Milo Mayea la chair­ the anti-aircraft defense. change In the line from 25 to 15 Mlaa Sophia M. Oessay of Rock- been the rendezvous of the sus- Advertise in The Hendd>~It Pays BMBt haa exempted iia from the number of machines, and with free (Ke|v>rta at the time of Baldwin said bii.sincss waa "In the region around Sedan a Sermon Topic feet at the comer of East Center garding hla recommendation for 7:30 last night when be appeared man of the general cominllten rc.l vIHe. whose marriage to Raymond executive control over the annual Bdymant of taxea or diitica of any trans|M)rtatlon available for vot­ VenlOii aWair said ahota were/fir "picking up" In Now England. French airplane was shot down. street and Summit street. It being In the mess hall, brandished a rifle, which 1* comprised of the .Sporta were E. Nelson of Jackson Helgtata, $20,000,000 highway fund. kind whataoever on the land on ers, there has never been any com- and that several persona / w« Re-electa Wrexl In waters around Shetland an planned to erect a funeral home ,and sent a dozen of the campers in an>ngrr- Charles S. Pierce of Hilton was erous pursuit plane*. Four French erty must be removed Immediately. grocery shower at their clubrooms The question haa been argued by torney General Francis A. PallotU. eomanlitee reported pn the Memo­ gstlonal church. named treasurer, succeeding David chasers were shot down In cemnec- ‘’Sanctification’’ waa too subject in the Professional building. The cblel execuDve declined to tlon therewith. Selectmeiv for a long Ume, and rial treea on the ground! of the The following cunimIUcea are In ing to the town report for 1938 Koropean b r^ch of tha Brit- H. Howie of Boston. Pierce, a di­ of the sermon by Rev. Grace Ed- On Friday evening. Mrs. O. Mil- comment on the nature of the talk The Hague, Nov. 23.--0PI —The Maple atreeta. The plaqiiea have charge of the arrangementa; En­ was 1.3,802.59. Tlie net cost ac- ! ish Intel llgen cy rector of the New England Tele­ "A t Freiburg a German plane some months ago the order was ton Nelson of Tanner street, this Netherlands government an­ The German/police said Beat waniB, Nazarene Evangelist, at liwued. It was feared thnt pedes­ beyond saying that It dealt wrltb been cleaned and they will ue tertainment, Fred Kemnitxer, eorillng to the report for 1939 was - _ » phone and Telegraph Company, re­ waa compelled by French pursuit- town, and Miss Laura Nelson, "general state fiscal poUclea." nounced today It bad protested era to make a forced landing. trians might walk into such guy Fleeed on stand* set in concrete, I’ercy Cooley, lAiiiald Watruus, I 84.105.90 If the town voting place had been an Intelligence olTlcer for tired recently from the offlce.s of the revival aervlce last night. Her entertained with a miecellaneous Oiacnas Need for Control strongly to Great Britain against general ataff In the "On N qv. 21 an air encounter wires and suffer injuries for which ■a the treea are now making Everett Bell an.l Bernard Bentley: I at the armory Is broken .town Into |h" Britlah ger vice-president and general counsel text was taken from John 17:17, shower at the former’s home. Mias Reliable sources disclosed, how­ her decision to seize German ex­ ensued over French territory be­ the town might be held liable. growth rapidly. tlekrtH, Edward Iteinhold, Charles I four preclnta. Town Treasurer World war. of the telephone company. "Sanctify Them.” Gesaay received many beautiful ports on neutral ships. (He had/marrled a Nelherlaj^de | tween nine German deitroyer Selectmen also noted that guy ever, that toe ftaeetlng tvas devoted A donation waa made tn the M. U-nn, Nels.in Mead, lajuls Hch- I Wa.ldell eallmates that double ] 'Jesus prayed this great prayer glfto constating of lamps, linens, almost In Its entirety to-dtecusslng Hie Netoertenda envoy to Lon- lied Croas at the meeting. The subject agd had lived at The i r planes and seven French pursuit wires had been Installe* without l.)ll, Ur. George H. Brookes, these amounts would be necessary Just about 24 hours before he died silver and glanware. the need for executive control of dea waa aald to have told tbe Brit­ members of the Legion will attend Ch.irles H. I-eonard, Knill Y.u.1, ships. The French purauitera the securing of permission from F i to operate the elections In future Hague AllSTCr on the croas," the speaker atated. Saturday evening, Mr*. Henry toe highway fund. ish government that the measure, the Boy Scout CVmrt of Honor to H.ira.-e Weal, Harol.l iHiwdliig, years. cd The /Nctherlanda as an officer were routed and thereby our own to'.'/n authorities. The uDlltlca, It E. McOme and Mrs. John H aiti although directed against Ger­ reconnaissance planes were en­ “ At this time his great burden was Such control could be vested in be beldHhIs evening at 7:30 o'clock Georg.' .Mllnv, George Herr.og, In another way, elections wnulil and waiwa's interned. He represented ! i for the church—praying for their is reported, claim that the guy acted as hostessea at another mis- many would strike heavily against abled to continue their aoouting the governor and toe state’s fi­ tn Wesleyan Hall. Everett Bell, Edward Newmarket ; add expense equivalent to about a BrUliIsh business firm and was To Be Witness sanctification. He commended wires offer needed support for eellaneoua abowar given at the neutral countries which carry Tha Sons of the Legion will hold n.imlnating committee, Roy C. nown in diplomatic circlee. i 1 activity. Enemy planes fiying polei, and cannot easily be taken nance department only through the Income on |175.(HM) worth of well /cn. the disciples, first, for their beau­ home of Mra. Henry E. McOone on teglalatlve action. goods. Playdon, P. M. Howe, tJiarlea pr.iperty si Ihe present tax rate, over German territory remained in down. It La said the utlllDea firms Livtagaton Road, East Hartford. Slensational Mm laDivestvPlriced C arf (Ctonllnued from Page One) the immediate vicinity of the bor­ tiful, JusUfled Uvea, aa follows: The meeting o f flocal autooriUea Cause Ix'oiinrd. .hnn.T, Eranela ,S. Nrl- provlde.l the (our district system first, ’’ 'I pray for them which thou might agree to aaoume liability for About 3S friends were present from tlelon, Percy Cooley. Charles der " damage!, and would also obtain followred an address by to* gover­ nisrnmfiirt were sdopte.l. Thu*, for elections hast given me out of the world'; RockvlUe. Hartford. Manchester nor before 1.100 persons attending Ivt-onard; .spenker*. E. T. Maxwell, alone, under the four prerlnct ^oo|H*raliv€‘8 Are body." When Asaiatant Dlatrlcl pcrmis.vlon for any additional in- and TalcottviUe. The bride-elect Deaths Last Night Attorney Herman McCarthy asked second, ’They have kept thy the 25th anniversary dinner of toe COLDS Dr. George ,S. Brookes, Philip M. plan, the income on approximately / A I t s i f l l i a l i a ’fXB word’ ; third, 'While I was with atallatlona of wire* on public lands. received many beautiful and cost­ For galeh rcllel Howe and Eranela S. NetUrton; 83.50.000 worth of property would/ oSeen C d l Alternative/ A IlC rilM lI v when Kuhn found out lira. Camp Litchfield (Toimty Farm Bureau. Isn’t a "very fine lad^," the Bund Paris Alarmed them I kept them from evil’ ; ly ^ t o . During the address the chief from the mlaerr decorations, Bert Porter, George he needed to hear tha expense. fourth, ‘None of them is lost but Attorney and Mrs. R. J. Pigeon New 'York — Motssaye Joseph • f eoMs. taka 8M B. Milne and John .Staudt. The additional cost, unnecea- leader replM : executive mxde It clear that ha Olgln, 61, editor of the Jewish Judas’ ; fifth, ‘The world hath hat­ of Rockville, entertained with a tvaa opposed to diversion of funds 666 .sarlly applied to elerUona, could For New England "I found out right now." By Nazi Plane supper party In honor of Miss Dally Morning Frelhelt and a Com­ LIguM - Tableta - Salvo ed them’ : sixth. They are not of STATE from the state highway fund. munist party leader. Nose Drops he applleil to many of the other He had lied he said, to shield tha world, aven aa I am not of O MOW B m V M lB a o A s a y and Mr. Nelson at their He observed that he was "fed up Parte—Gabriel Lebnm, former- Cartl ToiiriiaiiH'iit m.>re pre.s.slng munlclpnl needs, (Continued from Pnga One) Mrs. Camp, pa well aa himself. (Continued from Page One) the world’ ." home. Sunday evening, with 24 many feel For instsnre a new Through most of the day’s aea- rK m Inooinlst4tecy. presenL A mock marriage created on half truths" on nla admlnlitra- brother of President Albert Le- Park street lirl.lge will shortly be ston, he had squirmed and per­ The Evangelist spoke at length much merriment, wdth William tlOn’s attitude toward the sublect. bnin. that a dlecuaslon of the European brought down five enemy fighters •UIS*FLIII Ernest W. Skilton of Morris waa Resiimcfl Tonight a pniblem before the voters. It war would be one of the major spired under cross-examination on the sixth point, pointing out meaamtt lienee Poehnert as toe blushing bride. .San Francisco — Dr. Hans S In our territory. Moreover, a Ger­ elected president of toe bureau Linne, 76. Viennese orchestra con­ will colt 840,000 or moi^e. Addi­ featiiree of the two-day confer­ but atudk wearily to the conten­ Inconslatency In the Uvea of the •niawTi ttm* Mrs. May Keepings oa the groom. Norfolk Point man reconnoltering plane attack­ succeeding Theodore 8. Gold of ductor and composer In the da.vs tional facllltira at the town sew­ ence. tion that hla relationship with ed by our flghtera fell on Belgian rn-called Christiana of today who Mr*. William Poehnert aa beat AND PAINTERS’ SCPHLIES The setback tournament being West CJomwall. of the empire and later conductor age .lls|Misal plant will coat some In their Invitations, they said It Mrs. c:amp waa "very, very territory." claim to be followers of Christ. OUVMlNNm roan, Mr. Keepings oa maid of I played between teams representing 820.000 and will he needed within friendly" and nothing more. This "Many today are preeumntloua honor, all of RockvlUe. Mr*. Emma o f the People’s Symphony Orches. ■Kt. James's Holy .Nsme s»<'Jrty. waa important for government ot- (A dispatch from headquartera w atoiTinSir m * ram Dogs to RMe Free G. E. WILLIS & SON. INC. a year or two. Town highways despite a note. wTllten on ship- British Air Force In France to call themselves Christiana," Davis of tola town, as tba ring- tra o f Ban Francisco. S Mate Street Tel. 8185 CamplM'll Counell, K. of C , snd Ht. flclala and New England buaineaa San Franclaco. Nov. 33.-—OH— I'.Mil.I use several limes 85.000 and leaders to meet "for purposes of board In February. 1938, In which said seven German reconnaloaance Rev. Edwards aald, "when their bearer, Dr. A. L Gesaay of Rock- Bridget's Holy Name si>clely. will worldliness Is ao pwiounced that seeing eye d$>gs. used to guide be resumed tonight. still need more spent on them. common counsel concamtng toe ha begged hci to "become my be­ planes were shot down yesterday viUe was father and Attorney As an Issue, the question will loved wife." He said that waa toe unGodly world could not be­ Pigeon toe minister. Both Mlsa Ulnd persona.. henceforth will rid* At a meeting of the officers of economic welfare of thla sactliitl" In aerial combat and an eighth free of charge on United A ir Lines Campbell Council held last night, it ^ "qmjrely up to the people at "only In fun." destroyed by anti-aircraft fire. lieve that they are follower* of Gesaay and Mr. Nelson received as New England, becausa of / Its toe Naxarene. , To be a Ctorletlan planes. The dogs may stand or was drrl,l,-d to have a working of ! « ’ "■ Interested In economy and geographic pogltlon, Permitted aa Evideare Two. French planes were said to many gifts. An additional feature LATEST RECORD.S means to be Christllke." Ward E. Kraui4e alt at their owners’ feet, but can the first .legree on M.mday night iS'O'mer |>etHU.n wish an im- , wa* "more aenaltlva to t w re- The letters were permitted In have been lost In the action.) of toe evening was the reading of RecclTcd Kach Week. Rev. Edwards then lifted out lasiroctor an appropriate poem written by not occupy a-teto. I>cc 4. Ttiere will be a regular show.k.wn. Perhaps Ihe perciiaalfina of Ihe war tKian moat evidence under the state's argu­ Destroy Two ttubmartora CLARINET AND meeting of Ihe counell next Mon-j sense of the voters will toe beauUful thought from the Mra. May Keeping* for the occa­ 35c DECCA 33t M a h i e u 's other aectlon* of our epkntry." ment that such letter-writing The French also reportod auc- Scriptures that these dladplea KAXliPHONE Ooople Feond Deed 1S3 Spruce Street day night when action will be show that they are down on addi- | Studio: 47 Watoot Otraat sion. tlonal unneCeaaary expenditure!. Weed sounded the k e^ o te of the would aid In developing the claim ^ naval warfare—daatruc- were eligible for sanctification. London, Nov. 38.—OH—Sir W il­ I taken on appllratlona of persons that among Kuhn'a alleged embex- Tei. 84*4 On Monday evening of this Unless there la a strong oppo- I conference. however..Wlth an eight Don of two submarinea within And Jeaua, praying for them aald. „week/ Mlaa Gesaay eras entertained liam James Reid, 88. former acting I wishing to liecnme memhera of the point program for .which he urged zlemente from the Bund waa some governor o f toe Indian province of , order. alt ion which Is Intrrrated enough ' three days by tha seme torpedo "Sanctify them through thv at the home of Mrs. Corinne Milne Potterton’s PRE-HOMDAY the "united and jdgoroua aupport" $700 paid to move Mra. Camp'a boat One of the aubmarines had truth, thy word la truth.” The Aosara, and hte wife were found 539 Mn-n Street to vote. It might he that this furniture acroaa the country, Markham of Union atreet. Rock­ SPE('IAI..s: menaiirr will gti over, an.l taxa- , of all New England during 1940. been s|>otted by Naval aircraft. preacher then proved bv the same vlUe, and presented with a set of dead of gunshot wounds today to Kuhn'a "leadership prmclplc" their rural home. “ Al the Cente^ Him would be Juat that much Ha urged: Premier Daladier laat night an­ chapter that Jesua Included every TODAY . FRIDAY silver teaspoona Granulated r> s% of Bund administration, under truly converted person of tiwav IVrHonul Nolirf'fi greater. If economy la to rule i 1. Continuation of effort to nounced formation of an innar Sugar, 10-lb. bag D d b C achieve economy and Increased e f­ which he maintains be had toe cabinet to intensify economic war­ In hlf prayer, when he aald: "NeF every taxpayer will be needed to , •right tn use Bund funds for any regmter his opposition to the pro­ ficiency Ip government. fare sgalnat Germany In collabo­ ther -sBray T for theae alone, but CIRCLE purpose, was brought out again for toem alao. which shall believe Plan to Launch 3-Minute Oat.s, Card of Thanks posed plan 2. Promotion of Intensive re­ ration with Great Britain. The 11 search, for the better use of land In croos-cxamlnation. members of the Inner cabinet In­ on me through their w o ^ " ! ! LAIilE S ! ! Pkg...... \\ 4 ATTEND THE MATINEE* ON 9c 'll »'• 1)u»nk «” ir f I •< ixl« and natural rosoiircea, and for de­ Under questioning by the court, clude the ministers. of finance, The miartet rendered two relec- ?' ' H i x l t I .1 I I \ I s ‘I K 11' <1 - National Drive toe Bund loader declared he felt a merchant marina and blockade. tlona. "The Man of Galilee and TIICRS. AND FRL AND GRAND OPENING NO atul » ' n l‘« t L V k lx. II »'> Ilk Bt velopment of new products and AVOID EVENING CROWDS' Fresh Prunes, i n heavy *■ II mip xf I hp ||< u 11» of rasponalbllity to Bund mtrobers m "Lord. Keep Me on the Firing Mir \8 1 f p Y. M. C, A, Notes processes. Line." The trio Bang, ^ a ftoae GLASBAKB OVENWAKE ' SILVER LANE MOTOR MART 8>TUp, largest i B f3x»te who Ix.-inpi! Urge* Better raderstandlng the use he made of the organlza- Oermoa Plan* Shot loowa I I U;r . f t L p ' I r .1 r ■ Don's fund.'., but that the only ac­ Franche-Oontc, France, Nov. of Sharon” and the aitertet plavjd Southbury, Nov. 33— (ff)—Th* 1475 SUver Lane, East Hartford (ton ...... M8ta\p Sailrotln«Ki luxl Today; 3. Continuation of effort to pro­ 10c countings he made were volun­ 23.—OP)— A German warplane on their taxophonea. "Kned at toe United Americans meet tonight on l’*B milt 4- 5 Junior B..ya' Gym (3aaa.mote understanding between capi­ |ie second anniversary of toelr tary. waa shot down tola morning by a Crora." Tonight the quartet will 5- 6 30 .Men's hadinlntnn. tal, labor and government. nding as an orgulsatlon to Diamond French purault ahip after It had ■ing request numbers. Budded 6..30-7:30 Senior Gym period. 4. Chiltlvatlon of local and na­ He Inalated there wa.s nothing preven t estabUshment of a Uor- 7;30-8:3O- Bolton Senior (lym tional appreciation of tha quality Inconsistent between this respon- circled over Franche-Oonte. The man-American Bimd camp here, to ------FREE ------Walnuts, II). ... CARI. J. NYGREN period. of New England producta •Iblllty and the leadership princi­ plan* fell In a field. launch a national organlsatlaa 23c 5. Encouragement of educational Denv AnpBoation Plumbing - Heating - JnbMng 8;30-9:.30 St John's Orm peri­ ple of control. drive reviving "toe old Yankee ONE WEEK ONLY! Krasdale Rx|tert Water Myatem od I Rubneha I authorities and private enterprise The trial. In' recess today, will spirit In Amartca." Mince Meat, 6 30 Teachrr'a banquet. to expand and Improve the train be resumed tomorrow. n-VS! "BOLUON d o i x a k The group, headed by Georg* A. Instaltellona Pnmp ,<4ervl

Urge Working Stdly Rand GeU Offer Salvage Office First Dual Thanksgiving Is llockade by British O f^ ou re Mother Job Recreation FAHCY FRESH PLUMP NORTHERN On Jap Pact To Move Dec. 1 Rlchamood, Va., Nov. 33i— Center Hems Celebrated in 25 States (F)—Tba Greeks bad a word Has Produced Crisis Today; for Fail Dancer Bally Rand Forest . Service Head­ ^Tex., merely left the date In his Borah and Vandenberg 7*8, Woman’a Beglnnars* swim­ By The Assodated Press today. proclamation blank, so that resi­ AuttaoriUaa at Uia Untver- ming class, E. S. quarters to Be Located Families tn 25 states sat down Germany Not Only Cut P/an F/iflnXra^ivin/r Fifil, Advocatfi Start on Com- 8- 9, Women’s Intermediate dents could make their own aity of Richmond rulad that today at the "first table” of the choice. swimming class, E. S. In Willimantic Then. merrial Treaty. all fratemlUea must hava nation’s dual Thanksgiving, Join­ Indiana Found Unprepared Off from Food and Qifi Couple Found Dead boiuM mothers to the local 9- 7, Handball for men In small ■ ------ing in President Roosevelt's ex­ The early holiday left unpre­ Supplies by Water But Washington, Nov. 23 - <45—Two chapter of Kappa Bigma, gym, E. S. I Effective December 1, the U. 8. aware of the dancer's recent 7-10, Two bowling alleys open, I Forest Service office In the Post pressed nope that the world soon pared the Pamunkey Indiana, who Blocked Balkans. Pljll«d«lphl*. Nov. 23. — prominent Republican senators— money troubles, dlspatcbad E. B. I Office Building here will be dls- will be at peace. have a reservation near Richmond, —For w«eki Anthony P»I»i- Borah of Idaho and Vandenberg of this telegram; 9-7, The Flying Irish and the ; continued and future timber salv- The "second table" will not be Va. They customarily furnish the lo, SI, »nd ht* wife. Joee- ’ By Dewitt MaekMixle Michigan - urged toda/ that the "Sorry to hear of your East Side Pantbers will practice' age and Are hazard reduction served until next Thursday, In Virginia governor with a deer or phlne, 79. had looked forward basketball, E. 8. ; work will be admlnUtered from an states whose governors declined to turkey for his Thanksgiving din­ The Anglo-German argument' United States work for a new com­ flnandal bust to a ThanksRlvlnit vlalt with But come on down and 7- 8, Zion Lutheran and Red I office In Willimantic, it waafollow an- the president's declilon to ner. This time they bad to send tTeV whether the Nazi In violation their daughter and aon-ln- mercial treaty with Japan without with UB. Devils will practice basketball. ! nounced today by District Super- advance the holiday a week. Gov. James H. Price a message. e t International law hav^ set law. regard to controversies growing We have to get a new E. S. I visor H. C. Frayer of IVlIUmantlc. Despite tbe confusion over tbe "The new Thanksgiving didn't mines adrift In the crowded ship­ The aon-lD-law, Eugene out of the Hlno-Japaneae war. bouse mother. 8- 9, P. A. C. basketball team While purchases of hurricane-date, there waa unanimity in pul­ give us time to hunt. Weather has ping lanes off the east coast of Conte, came from hla home In And we’d rather have you damaged'Umber will conUnue to pits and In quiet households In been bad. We could not locate England is of small moment as •I shall contribute everything 1 practice, large gym, E. 8. Waterford. N. J., yeaterday can toward bringing about a fair than any other." be made with nearby woodlot nvention. AND A U RADIO FLAVORS 4 29c HOLIDAY CAKES I f Hitler's only sohition thus far the old treaty only to "untie our as blackmail money or as a po­ Badminton court will be marked purchase and milling of over so. It's a red letter day for all the easily levised. The second Thanks­ has been to smash a hole through hands" to negotiate a new one. litical contribution froip a gravel out on the East Side Rec gym 2,000.000 feet of lumber In Hart­ 350 patients Invited to the party. giving will find a larger number 1 lb Peoria, ni., Nov. 23. - W V T h e "If no agreement la possible it COPLEY that blockade. And eo as the gar- dealer was made today by Law­ floor and should be ready for play ford County. About 300,000 board But It's just another Thuraday of end-of-season games. vacuum HOLIDAY RING .I'L 55c rote of warahlps has tightened National Orange waa on record will then be time enough to talk rence's coimsel. next week. feet of logs remain to be milled In In Plymouth, Mass., where the With the close of the first holi­ PORK LOINS COFFEE Rogular or Drip belligerently," he said In a state Spurgeon Bowser, former presi­ yards at Blankenburg's in Man­ packed 25c about the neck of the Reich, the today with a raaolutlon aaking firat Thanksgiving was held. Resi­ day, Christmas shopping will be­ Fuehrer has struck back fiercely ment "But to permit our treaty dent of The Pioneer Materials chester, Griswold's In Wethersfield, dents of Plymouth will celebrate gin tomorrow. That was the rea- H O L ID A Y RING or CAKE 4 ib 9 9 e FRESH— 4-6 Ib ovoraga that labor organlratlona be re­ relations with Japan to lapse next with the double purpose of freeing Company, has taatiflsd at I.,aw- and Savage's In East Berlin. An next week, along with the whole .■ion President Roosevelt moved up quired "Individually and collec­ January without an earnest et CONTENTS his country and turning the tables rence'a trial on blackmail and con­ operation on the Hackett property of New England. the date—to boom Yuletide buy­ fort to solve our dlffereneea pacl spiracy chargee that be paid the Rose Wants In Manchester was complete last MOXIE by cutting off supplies from Eng tively to be reaponalble for their Two HoHdaya In Three States ing through a longer season. 2 'Kif 25c FRUITCAKE ■»25c flcally Is to Invite major trouble month and there Is now 355,278 iasid. acta." money to Lswrenca after repeated Three states— Colorado, Texas without an attempt to avoid It."- demands for twice that amount. bpard feet of lumber stacked there Tbs disastrous plague of mines Delegatea repreaantlng more To Run Fair and Mlaataalppi—got around the ia new In this war. Germany baa The State Department notified The payment waa made, he said, ready for marketing. Wlnthrop argument over dates by assigning FINAST h gal SHOULDERS than 800,000 farmera adopted the HONEY SPICE — 17c dsnied laying unanchored mines, Japan nearly four months ago when Lawrence waa aecreUry of Porter of Hebron conUnuea on a two Thanksgiving days. Mayors of CIDER iug meaaure yeaterday at the 19c that the United States would sb- the commonwealth In Penn^l- sawmilling contract In Hebron. 29c NEW ENGLAND DRESSID—TO RROIL or PRY—3-4% Ib ova but haan't denied laying anchored Grange'a 71 at annual convention. several cities did the same thing. sslne-ftelda In vulnerable apota on rngate Its 1911 commercial treaty vanla'a recent Democratic admin­ Telegraphs Offer lo May­ Mr. Frayer said that the sellers Mayor C. D. White of Atlantic Lon{ DittaRM TtItpiMN BREAD loaf The resolution opposed strikes STOLLEN FRUIT 18c tbe British coast, as the Father- on Jan. 2R Hy that time Congress istration. or o f San Francisco on of hurricane-damaged timber in City, N. J., In proclaiming two Rates te f t StatM SAUCE Iwid did through the World war. which result In the dcatnictlon of la expected to consider a proposal Diligent Croes-EBaminatlon Hartford County should be Inter­ holidays, said last night: cans property. to embargo American shipments OCEAN SPRAY In tba last conflict mines were O. K. Baton, the Democratic 1940 Opening. ested In the virtual certainty that "Tomorrow shall be celebrated Redueetl Te ^ y CRANBERRY 2 21c Another resolution, subjected to laid In fields of hundreds along the to Japnn. chairman's attorney, made known the ten percent of log prices held by the city as 'Franksglvlng,' in Horniei’s Ham extensive dlacuaalon before its Should I'rotect Interests back for administrative costs 2Sc CHICKENS Hbgliah ^ a n n e l where both A l­ hla plan for Lawrence to testify honor of our pre.aldcnt, and next adoption, condemned discrimina­ Although Sumner Welles, acting In his own defense ss he took up New York, Nov. 23—(45—Billy , would be returned to the sellers at The bargain rslti in sffacf N O N I 9 oz lied and neutral shipping passed. I Rose, the little man who does big ' Thursday shall be celebrated a.s G r a p e f r u it J u ic e K"*w**tanad A fter 191S almost all German tory ahtTTJiinltlve tax leRlalntlon ^e( re1nry of state, aabl yesterday for the second dsy a diligent the completion of the marketing '■ every evening efler 7 and eti SUCH 4 ’J,f2 S c NEW F -’^lAND DRESSED - 5-6 Ib avorogo I things, had a taste of a World's * Thanksgiving.' MINCE MEAT Pkgs designed tn destroy or burden iin- | negotiations for a new treaty cross-examination of the one-time phase of the program. | 21c mine laying was carried out by day Sunday* will alto apply 2 Fair laat summer, so now be wants | Mayor B. A. Toliver of Pecos, BUbmarlnes. necessarily any legitimate tmsl had not begun, Borah said he gravel dealer. The Willimantic Office, at 41 ; ALL DAY TODAY to the G r a p e f r u it J u ic e un^^Mtanad 2 t t T 2 9 c nets. thought It was high time that this "Dave Lawrence never got any , to run one all by himself. ! Church street will administer ac- < Tba total number of German ' He telegraphed Mayor Angelo itatai officially calebrating 9 oz mines laid In all parts of the world Can't Cooperate Fully country msde some move to pro money from Bowser and he'll say tivltles In Hartford. Tolland, and | FINAST ! Rossi of San Francla<;o he la will- ' pkgs Finest Appiesauce 3 'SL’ 2 0 e la aet down as 43.836 In Brltlan More drastic enforcement of tect Its commercial Inte.rests. that on the witness stand,” Eaton Windham Counties. Thanksgiving today, as MINCE MEAT FOWL I Ing to put 81,000,000 In tbe San | 2 15c "1 nolb'e." he said, "that our asserted. *^YiS-TNIS IS INfOIIMATION. follows: records. anil-trust laws waa a-sked In an­ I Francisco Golden Gate Exposition | sinkings Worry Britain trade with Japan Is Increasing Bowser teatlfled yesterday that Campbell’s Tomato Soup 7 c other approved raaolutlon which for 1940 If he could run It "with- , OLAO TO TELL YOU New York New Jersey ■ONILESS OVEN ROAST Naturally Britain la worried at stated it was "Impoaalble for the very decidedly. We are not going I When there were reports of a Farm er Is G ainer pound have so men- alliances with either monopollea that we can safely throw any <>I lolil him: It aside without a very sound "I'm not worried about myself Destiny I'nderlded 111 T h e ft of P igs Ditt. of Col. Oragon dent on the outside world for aup- or organized labor." ' The destiny of the Pacific coast JOHN*S Flake Pie Crust 2 5 c Ib tiles than la Germany. Her safety Other reaolutlona adopted hy reason for doing so." When I took this Job I was told Georgia Pannsylvania DIAMOND 2 Borah said he did not believe that I probably would be Indicted I fair Is undecided. Just yeaterday MEDICINE pound FACE RUMP flea in abaolute control of the the convention opposed the estab­ Illinois S. Carolina that anything could be accoin aevcral times. You never asked promoters said they had failed to stoneham. Maa.s., Nov. 23 <45 - W ALNUTS BUDDED R & R Plum Pudding i i ‘ 2 7 c seas. lishment of any form of social Ized It FINK 21c raise enough money to assure a ^ year ago. sqmebody stole 11 llt- Indiana Texas Hence British Premier Cham- medicine which would be admin­ pushed by refusing to conclude a ma tn do anything wrong and I HEAVY CORN-PID STIIR RIIP ^ new commercial treaty with Ja­ never have done anything wrong. ' aerond season. | Hg pigs, weighing 20 pounds FOR COLOl Louisiana Utah P e e ls CITRON, LFMON, ORANGE berlaln'a grim announcement of istered by any branch of govern­ FINE lb Fh« 9 c pan Just because this country Rose’a Aquacade groaaed 12.-1 apiece, from Henry T. Meighan's Maryland Virginia what amounts to an unrestricted ment, and new reclamation aetlvl- Wl use IT paper might not be In sympathy with 400,000 at the New York World’* ! farm GRANULATED blockade of Germany by the A l­ ties by the Federal government Michigan Washington SUGAR AT HOMe bag Japanese alms In China, Me said Fair laat summer and was top.s j Yesterday, police found the Missouri W. Virginia 10 Ib lied fleet. Thle extreme meaeure, SugK esl R etaining 56c until the nation needs a greater he was undlaturhed by recent lu- among the amusement concea- porkers In nearby Saugu.s and YOU BMU STONE MILL 100% which meene seizure of N azi' ex­ agricultural production. One alons. Regardless of the fate of placed three men under arrest in Montana Wyoming RIB ROAST ports as well as Import.t, Is In re­ rldents which l>rought a state­ measure urged s\ipport of Inves­ ment from Welles that this gov D ebt Lim itation hla west coaat offer, he’ll be bark ! connection wdth the theft, NOT DK FOR BAKING OR FRYING taliation for "many violations of tigations of un-American activi­ at Flushing Meadows wtlh another i Meighan la more than aatlafled. LARD Whole Wheat Bread “ i:*ii” 1 5 c FRESHLY M AD I *On Cdlli for which Ihu day c International law and the ruthless ernment Insists on the right ot mSAFFOINTeO 2 1 7 f. ties. Aquacade In 1940. because the pigs now have a com- 4a*8tnflen ruto U mar* fh9ii SI conH. brutality of German methotla." Amerlesn merchants to trade :Contalnlng whole wheat germ! A source of VlUmin B i) These latest sensational events i freely within the British and Wa.shlngtnn, Nov. 23. ' 35c Dainty Jell or Pudding 3 •*«» 11c termined by the struggle on the iliiv that Congress retain the S a u s a g e M e a t sea—by strangulation which win 111 llartfon l Sh ow S4,5,000.000.(MK) Federal debt limi­ M ediation Plan Walnut Meats ^ 19c crack civilian morale aomrwhere. Overnight News tation as an emergency brake on I O ld 2 4 S lb d ^ JC ^ in” 3 9 c Eapact Alllae to Win government spending. PRE-HOLIDAY VALUES PASTRY FLOUR HomBstBad ^^g Many observers and economic Of Connecticut Both expres.sed approval of ad- Boiton, Nov. 23.—UTt— The edi­ BUY Dole’s Pineapple Juice % ‘nf c k experts say that, barring some The State theater In Hartford. mlnlatratlnn diarusalon of cutting 2 2 1 tomorrow brings to Its stage the tors of Zlona Herald. Independent. unexpected developmoiil, the A l­ By AMHiTiMtrd I'reiie \ govcrnmentr. 1-citli has sum­ State police said the machine waa as "the world's last desperate hope med the matter up thu.v In person the "Dead End" Kids R 4 R Chickon in” 3 9 c driven by Stanley M Fuller of "Unless there Is a social or poli­ with I>eo Gorcey, you know as G a n d a n d Yietiin i prace." the announcement said SCOTCH VALVES. EAAC B R O O K S ID E SIRLOIN, SHORT, Ib tical break In the Allied front "Spit ", Hunts Hall, "Dippy" to Walluni Lake, R. I. P the suggestion waa made first at G iN VAMOVES doz Sakuri Crabmeat New Haven Yale Unlvefalty a church meeting In Newton Cm- , f a n c y f r e s h 2le ■e which will Impair the blockade, movie fans the world over, LARGE SIZE GRADE A 39c V- the ultimate defeat of Germany by Gabriel Dell "T. B." of the "Kids", announced David Rewlck, Denver, ter, Maaa., and subsequently rati­ or TOP ROUND Colo., Junior and varsity football Hollywood, Nov. 23.8-(45— fied by other meetings In New RED C R O W N 6188 Corrie m *2.45 Baby Foods '“"S eSS""” 4 cans 2 9 c the Inexorable pressure of raw and Bernard Punsley, better George 8chachter, 48, a clothing material sanctions seems Inevit­ known aa "Mllty". These young player, waa winner of the Norman York and New England. Stewart Hall memorial scholarship, dealer, was shot to death In front Evop. M ilk s k i s ; f able. It Is a question of sheer stars will appear at the State In 90 Proof fifth PITTED DATES FINAST 4 < ^ 2 7 c of hie home In what police aald weight of metal." an annual award. Argenttna Te Pleat Loan 2 .s# 17c fUCED an original comedy skit "Hold waa apparently a gangland kill­ 99 Criig’8 '**’2.25 HALIBUT F M n d Now Haven—E. W. Erickson, In­ 23c Germany's altered poalUon In Those Tigers" and they’ll be as­ vestigator for the sub-committee ing. Buenee Alrea. Nov. 23— c;P)—The the fruitful Balkans must make sisted by Sam Hearn, "Schlepper- Two men In a black aedan with­ the Nazi mighty sorry for them­ man" of the Jack Benny radio on appropriations of the House of Argentine government announced PLEISCHMANN'S Gulden’s Mustard 2 21c Representatives, arrived here for a out llcenee plates drew up betide today that an Internal loan of 75,- SEEDED RAISINS selves. Prior to the outbreak of the program. 2 15c Schachter's automobile, late last 000.000 pcaoa (822.329.975) would SpaMiag’t ' J l ^ mu *2.49 FLORIDA war Herr Hitler dominated these This great all In person stage "routine check-up" of the State dOK night, and shot him three timea be issued next month. Fifty mil­ 90 Proof fifth Belmont Salad Dressing V 2 7 c states upon which the Reich de­ show comes to the State theater, Works Projects Administration. ORANGES LARGE SIZE Ip the mouth, cheek and throat. lion pesos will be In 4H per cent pended so much for foodstuffs and Hartford. Friday for an engage­ Stonlngton—A plan calling for 1.19 SEEDLESS coloen bantam "This case has all the evidence bonds maturing In 25 years and RAISINS Finest Com 3 cans2Sc other supplies. This control was ment of five aensatlonal days. construction of a 625-foot steel and Robbie Burntuj PcMiMa*2.l9 2 13c due to the fact that Germany bad concrcta viaduct over main line of a gangland killing," Detective tba remainder In 4 per cent bonds, FLORIDA doz a monopoly on some 50 per cent tracka of the New Haven railroad Lieut. Leroy Sanderson aald. redsemabis in 10 years. |B. & G. (hrtN ad Gaisticr) WINES Finest Squash 2'1U'*19e ORANGES MED S^E aa a meant of eliminating three 6rtoi I Ynrs OM 44 oz of their trade, for which they had' P,.;,,PlltlS Priiic* B lanc T.ifht L>rr FHtfc 95e Rflh CAKE FLOUR no alternative markets. Naturally * I 1114 x 44M1 I S t l l l B grade crossings waa approved by Uther’s Stripe NiPretf SOFTASILK pkg Pabst-ett Cheese 2 rits* 2 7 c BordPRUt 25c this economic control gave him a town meeting. The Fery •9 c Pittad Dertas FANCY taking trade which the Balkans professor of education, formerly of 8APB Am trim 't i M a d o e a S a Temoto Juice 3 ^ 25c M ocSorley’s Ale 4 > ^ 2 5 c are only too'glad to give them in Princeton. N. J . Nov, 28.— New Britain State Teachers Col­ lltirvttndr a4« rmwTttmty F*rrm*it Saftly T%rt roll FlnTBf r>ry Fiftll $ 1.0 9 EMPIROR order to get from under the Get: j P*‘*^ceton ITnlveraity rIro has de- lege. waa named director of the M a c o n JEFFERSON GRAPES Ead*rt*d h Em*rt*mo Mine* M frt rnmit i. J J , GIngarAla gjSJ, 3 J r .2 S c man thumb. Herr Hitler, being ; nied Farl Browder. < ommunist Connecticut UnlVcralty extension »f Fir* Ckit/i /r»a End Bvrvundr EMi $ l.$ 9 Sugar n^Bgam, 7 c I'nrty leader, privilege of speak Driven E**rjm k*r* J P o m m a r d abort of ready ca^h and lackme program and summer session. C»Mt M CmjI Whii# Eurnody manufactered goods for barter Ing on Ita campus while under $ 1.3 9 MIddlebury- James DUlams, 27. C k a b l i t rdB R u M lyeorloarboB «. *1.49 COFFEE PILLSBURY’S fn 8 c MeINTOSH trade, cannot compete. Federal Indictment. of Waterbury, was killed In the APPLES 2 Yaars OM ~ 80 Frsef I f V M A A CUPFUL OF o t » An "Official spokesman" for the crash of his automobile Into e 1st. E m l l i o n rail naaies ©rr $ 1.0 9 university pointed to Browder’s ■ o w SATISFACTION A bag 0 7 C SNBSMEEN CANDIES bridge abutment. Police said ap­ CAKE FLOUR 2 2 c Indictment for "a criminal offense parently hr attempted to pass an­ SHERRY WINES STRATHMORE CLUR ‘R eal B attle' Seen iicalnat the law of the (Tnlted JOHN ALDEN NATIVI other car and atruck the masonry S.\FET.Y OFFICIALS IN 714 CITIES 2 3 3 c U n r id a B is c u it s n-bc f**** 9 c APPLES States" and thus look a stand 2 SWEETHOME 27c spanning Mop brook. I D uff G o rd o n AmoBltlltdo FiftK $2.79 •O n Trade Program with Har\’ard In refusing to per­ STAKE THEIR LIVES ON RYE "kaiM- «.'1.2 9 RICHMOND mit Browder t’ Maple, New London native CaKfomis Tsbls HOWE'S ing a "real battle " next srssiuo and former member of the Marine m BROOKSIDE CRANBERRIES ; to speak here, asserting Brow- They Stop Whiskey !I «-'1-99 C A R A M E L S 2 9 c over extension of the administra­ Corps. tion's reciprocal trade program. ' der's "civil liberties have been large He contended that farm groups suppressed." MONTICELLO KISSES PEANUT RUTTIR ^ 19c were exposed to the trade agree­ WINES CELERY bchs ments on the ground that they I T o n y S arg (Joes 4 ‘o 2 2 3 ‘“ * Your Che'ica sf . . Psr4 bad favored Industry at tbe ex­ Prison ers' Strike Skarry • Telay - Mvecatal -stuk Boafef lye tt*1 J 9 pense of agriculture. Into Bankruptcy Quicker C W Ralifiaa . Otakllt MINT W AFERS^ « 2 5 c RUTARAGA Capper upheld the United Mine Appears Broken 49< 8 Yaara OM — 100 Treaf TURNIPS Workers (CIO) and tbe National New TVee 0>al Aasoclatkm In expressing op- nas poaltlon to a trade agreement cut­ New York, Nov. 23.- <45 Tonv ting the excise tax on crude and food strike involving 900 FoUom 8arg, noted artist, has hle

disn's and Maternity Ward. This iMiQ aiulyst oC hfa own depart- tlrsljr fr r a the assriUms wi pies, although In the minority for Big Decrease Manehe$ier Says Auxiliary will add 36 rooms to tbs hospital, 2,394,000 C hts theths week, weak also reached their great-gri IIUnrlr»Btfr mental rssponalblUtlM and pon- MOM, .10 M to be btraad m «k «f ^RIAL STORY whlA vHU rsqulr* a new supply est total for the three months. ssased of the kind of sMCuttvs the teeth, hobnails and thumbo, Washington D ate Book of linen, a la r^ part of whlA Despite thsse srtde fluctuations mind to know what to do about they might create a sltiiatlon In New York * In W A Rolls Is Vital Unit will uniioubtedly be supplied by Used Parkway tn direction during ihe summer Perfect Tee — Convcwleittly doming Bfralb 5 WOULD KILL the Linen Auxiliary. the net difference was 14,132 more them. where Oennony and the AlUss Tonight "On December 1. In the Hotel PUWLJItHKU BY rH B ^ Daybook Nov. 38.—Thanksgiving tea and weatbound vehicles for tho entire ■XRALD PRINTINQ CO^ iNu Alao, It U evident that Com- would be compelled cither to fight Oothua Oops Bad Thoaibe Dowmaof Alshama’s teaai. la fact, absll J BY TOM HORNER ^ coFmiaHT. less. Bond Ballroom, the Auxiliary, NSA •snVics. INC. Christmas sale by Sidvatlon Army period of nineteen and onc-balt It BIsmII atr««t or Uas. In which eveat it Is not aa rsople lA e — Tbetr OWB give odds. 8bs hasn’t had such s State Head Reports That Judge Hyde. Head of with the co-operation of Mr. Wil­ Figures Given Out for weeks. With reference (o vacation ManehMiar. Cunn, wlssloner Cos U a rMtlsas and Women's League. THDMAR riCHrU'KON self critical official who will for­ Unpoasibls that they would choose Fm sb A g ^ good sssaon thus far. and the Many Men Getting T ^ Week Hospital, Says Group lard B. Rogers will conduct a 19 Week Period; Vaca­ travel. It is believed that a sub­ 0«n«rit Man«c*r hsavlast winner o f Bankhead cash Washlngtoa—Such a queer turn Cast O t Characters Nov. 24. — "You Can't Take It dance— the proceeds of which will stantial part of this diltcrencc V^«nd^ aarllcr. since It NSW York, Nov. 33—Tbs N. T. less, bis Us sskew, he gasped tor GvBtfByt and HolldayB Bnter^d a* nomlcal methoda taken the lead In just such a solu­ Tbs first night Prince Michael of American cotton, the price may Helen Beathorn^-Hls eharmlBg New Haven, Nov. 23— State Also, "The IxMt Clown", on op­ Judge William S. Hyde, presi­ Hartford, November 23—A well is an established fact that vaca­ tlM Pnat OfTlca Bl Mancheatar. Conn Police have a blotter-record ot Romanoff rstumsd ot Manhattan, bs jacked up a half cant or a cent jrouag wife. breath os Jameson, ever placid, dent of the Manchester Memorial tion travel gets under way earlier aa Garond Claaa Mall Manor Thsrs U one point In particular tion by withdrawing all her ships answered. WPA Administrator Vincent J. eretta the Junior Choir of St. developed pattern of vacation press agent stunts which have ho sngsgsd in a noos-puUlng con. a' pound In the domestic market WUHam Alston Benthorne’s Sullivan said today that employ­ Mary's Episcopal church. hospital corporation. In discussing travel Is revealed by the State ; than June 21 of each year. on which Mr. Cos will find plenty from the seas. test with SI gent who didn't csrs In the next few months because “Is Mias Ara Johnson here?" he dUIM<''KIPTl<>v r a t e s caused trouble by blocking traffic. fnther-ln-lnw mad boalnooe nooo- demanded, puohlng past the buUer. ment records of the state WPA Also, RambUng Cowboys at Hol­ the women's auxiliary of the hos­ Cliib Licenses Highway Department's figures on O d # Taar by Mall .. If vu of cltlsens to agree with him. for his Imperial Highness' com­ of a technical shortage. einta. A ow a marked increase in private lister Street school, sponsored by pital today said that the local In­ I •e counters of the recent elec­ which was originally designed to er and gangster. • o' OalTvorad On# Taar . t» (H) ment of many of our older second­ "A young girl, with dark hair, Naugatuck Valley area and In the Nov. 25.—Gibbons Assembly tea 'nate that the group has continued Are Suspended collected—and Saturday, Nov. 4. The Federal Power Commis­ wherein Faith, attired In ecentles, tion ballots in Brooklyn yester­ put a floor under prices but now Ara Johnson—The myetery girl. and card party at Y M. C. A. I ary roads, in connection with dark eyes. Old a policeman bring three larger cities of the state. to function smoothly year after During that period of nineteen MEMBER or THE ASSOriATBU sion is seeking to have the Hart­ led a fawn up Park Avenue. Well, day found 11 Write-In votes for oan be used to pu& them up, the Joha Douglas—A young mining Said Mr. Sullivan: "During the Coming Cvente I year for the benefit of the Insti­ To Pay Interest PR K88 the genius who conceived thla riot­ her here?" Douglas shouted. "Out and one half weeks a total of 2.- Tba Aaaociared Praaa ta aaetuaua- which be says; Lee Durocher, manager of the Department of Agriculture has ongtneor. In love with Ara. period from October 16 to October Nov. 29.—Annual 'Thanksgiving tution.” ford Electric Light Company file ous stunt t» the same follow who of ray way—I'll see for myself!" Convicted Recently of 394,010 cars used the Parkway in anvitlad to th# uaa of rapubliea Many of our older roads are Brooklyn Dodgers snd one ballot 11,000,000 bales of surplus tied up Oaptnln Dawson — A detective 31, a total of 702 persons left EJve "Turkey. Goose and Pig” so­ Judge Hyde’s statement fol­ both directions, with the heaviest »■ of all nawa diapatrhaa cradPao certain accounting data. The helped to publicize the Police De­ who Ukee to listen. He hurried toward the study. tolerably satisfactory In line and voting for such worthy • City by loans or outright ownership. "You’ll find all of them in the WPA employment for private Jobs cial and dance at Cheney hall aus­ lows : Having Gaming De« traffic recorded for the week ot New Haven, Nov. 23 - {/P\ — ato It or not ofharurtaa eraditad in Hartford company, holding that partment's exhibition at the Councllmen as A. Hitler, B. Mus­ This coming ysar there will bs s of one kind or another, and dur­ pices bf Hose Company No. 1, thia papar and alao iha Inral nawa grade but arc hazardous snd World's Fair! dining room, to your left, at the "A well organized and properly vices on Premises. September 3 to September 9, in­ Trustees of the New York, New 1 OQbliahad naratn unfit for modem travel because It Is not engaged In Intcritste solini, B. Browder, H. Lamarr and world demand for 13,900,000 bales Yeeterdayt Officer Flynn goes end of the hall," Jameson ven­ ing that period we assigned only S. M. F. D. functioning Women's Linen Aux- clusive. That week included the Haven and Hartford railroad may I All nabta of rapubiicaMona oi A chap I know recently made Gen. Moseley. of cotton, the department estl- to sleep In n taxi, awakens to eee 62 to WPA work who had return­ Dec. 1. — Hospital Auxiliary opaojai diapatrhaa haratn ara alao they are high crowned, bumpy business, disputes the jurisdiction a trip to the west snd boarded tured. Douglas ran past the study, first Sunday in September and soon have authority to pay bond i BUY Eugenis Leontovlteh a couple of matea, 7,500,000 bales for this Nick Smith, die taxi driver be was without a glance, to the dining ed from private employment. dance at Hotel Bond in Hartford. Hartford, No. 23 — (IP) — "The Labor Day. The total travel on and debenture Interest amounting . roaarvad snd combine slippery surfaces of the Federal Commission over bis train at Grand Central In good hunting, going Into a loneh-stand. Dec. 6. — Caledonian Market at with unbanked curves. For per­ years ago was playing a Russian country and 6,000,000 balsa room door. “Then for the period from No­ State Uquor Control Ccnnmlaslon ths Parkway for the week was to >3.465,993. ' rira etiant of N C A time, wearily dived Into a soft Ha forcea Smith to load him to (Jenter church. , .V ’ Youp Bradix Home Laundry No^I r o l l a a r haps >80,000 we can complete­ Its affairs and refuses to file the Grand Duchess In Tovarlch. In abroad. "Ara!" vember 1 to November 15 another announced suspension for one week 157,126 cars. Federal Judge Carroll C. Hlncks Barvira inr seat and hung this sign around the show she’ll soon do for George However, the crop just harvest­ Ara Johnson, nabo her as she. pre­ 307 left the WPA for ^ v a te em­ Dec. 14.—Turkey supper at Sec­ ot the licenses held by eight New ly reconstruct one mile of such data. During a hearing In the pares to leavetown. The girl lumped to her feet at Vacation Pattern said yesterday that he Intended to Pttbhabar* Itaurraanfatlv e« Tht- hlB throat: “ Look, I think Hitler's Abbot—"We the Living" —she’ll ed brought only ll.SU.OOO bales. the sound of hla voice. In another ployment while we assigned a to­ ond Congregational church. Britain fraternal and social organ­ The vacation pattern Is Illus­ Take 24 Months to Pay road, perfecting line and grade, matter at Washington special crazy; Washington full of politi­ Dec. 31.— (Sunday night), Tall Issue the nece.ssary order follow­ JultUB Mathcwa Sparlal Agarx-y- cmas-sectlon and surface. But have the role ot a ^mmunist That means that more, than 1,500,- Chapter V n i second she was In his arms. tal of 107 returning from private izations convicted recently on trated by the excess travel com­ ing notification of interstate Com­ Now York. Chiraro. Datrolt and counsel for the Connecticut Pub­ cians; business Is picking up; I sympathizer. 000 bales of American cotton employment. So for that month, a Cedars New Year Eve dance, No Finance Charges Boatun If we are content to retain the Patrolman Dan Flynn herded "Darling, darling,” Douglas was charges of having gaming devices ing Into New England that pre­ merce Commissioner Charles D. lic Utilities Commission declared don't want a footstool and my Good break for June Walker, must be found some other place. hla two charges Into Benthorn's whispering In her ear. "1 had to total of 810 persona went oft Sports Center, Wells street. on the premises. vailed for several weeks and the existing alignment and not to berth Is a lower. Wake me up In Mahaffle, who presided at the ICC Now Only S139.50 M E M B E R a u d i t B U R E A U O F destroy the existing rosd but that If the Federal Commission who after years at Invalidism, study—the sullen, mumbling taxi find you. I was afraid. When I WPA while we assigned 199 whose Those affected as a result of subsequent reversal with the hearings on the railroad's re­ CIRnnjtTinNS Kansas City.” He remained un­ turned up In L. Stillman's flop re­ private employment had termin­ r. o. B. merely to Improve It drastical­ were to decide that the Hartford Goxxwnineat Will Hold On driver and the calm, self-possessed found you were gone. . . . Ara, state police raids Oct. 28 were: greater number of cars leaving organization. Tba Harald Prlntlna Company disturbed. vivals and quickly thereafter got girl. Nick was terrified—alter­ darling. I'll never let you go again, ated, plus 3869 others for a total New Britain Lodge, B.P.O. Elks, New England. Temporary count­ See It Today ly, we can flatten the crf>wn.s, Where will thla extra cotton 'Hie jurist Indicated, however, Oa Demonstratloa At . , . Ibc. aaaumaa no n flnanrlal n N n rl a t ra*poti*l- Company Is Interstate in Ite char­ Rather dlaccmcertlng to be wit­ the lead In "Ring Two." come from ? Of course, the gov-1 nately begging and threatening. Why didn't you call m e?" Shen« of 3868 asaignments." Promise Help 30 Washington street. Jsmes F. ing equipment made It Inadvisable bllltjr for rypogratihirHI arrnra ap- smooth out the bumps, hank ness to the embarrassment of Mrs. that the order would be withheld acter the f^mnectlcut Commis­ Also Violet Heming who was In emment could release some of Its ! There was no fear in the dark tried to stop the flow of words, Manufacturing Areas Coleman, liquor permittee. to break down the direction of p oa iin f in advarnaem» nta in tlia the curves and apply a non-.skld Harrison Williams, nft-publlcizcd Mr. Sullivan added; "Our rec­ If MahafTle objected, asserting that Ifanrhaatar Evamna Harald surface to eight or ten miles of sion would "feci obliged to ascer­ the flopefoo, "Summer Night.’ own cotton to prevent an upward eyes of the girl. She met Captain and failing, finally kissed him fu/ Loyal Order of Moose, 242 Main travel for the first four days, but he would be reluctant to permit as "the world's beat dressed wom­ She has a fins part in "No Code to Dawson's stare defiantly aa she on the mouth. Hla arms crush ords show that the great majority On Defenses street, James E, O'Brien, permit­ beginning with June 25 there was road for the same >50.000. tain the correctness of such find­ an." losing the heel of her shoe! price squeeze— but the govern­ such payments should the commis­ Thurfday, November 23 Guide Her." ment has been trying to get the entered the room, and he realized her to him. fo'ind private jobs In the manu­ tee. a apace of seven weeks ending This policy has already been ing." It Is said to be possible If aver a non-shy cinema star that bluff and threats would never facturing areas— particularly In sioner feel that reorganization The bandage around Sam Le- market to climb and Is not likely "Keep quiet, fool," she whis­ French Model (Council Social August 13 during which there was might be delayed or in any way put Into effect by Commissioner that In case the Connecticut Com­ blew Into town, it's your Dick vene's middle finger conceals a break down her will. pered angrily as she broke free at those areas where war or allied Central American Coun­ Club, 90 Arch street, Omar Du- sn excess of esatbound traffic ot Handbill Decision Powell who doesn't care who ob­ to push it down, not In 1040. Jeopardised. Cox's department. It Is In mark­ deep cut he got from a barber's The cotton will have to come As he studied her, Dawson com­ last. Industries are located. The eastern mals, permittee. 26,515 automobiles. The greatest mission's opinion differed from serves his entrance Into a cafe. pared her with Helen Benthome. section of Ckmnecticut was only tries Willing to Aid SoiMthlDf of a tcnaullon hat ed contrast to the policy with re­ razor the other day. No, not sab­ from supplies held by the grow­ Dawson smiled as he watched Society of St. Jean Baptiste of excess of esatbound travil was re­ that of the Federal Commission Even with a consistently high otage; an accident. Where Helen Benthome was sort, them. He had missed nothing, not very slightly affected, while the corded for the first week of the THANKSGIYWO baaii eraated by a United Statei lation to the old roads maintained batting average for hits, nothing ers. Of course, they don't actual­ Inspection Group Told New Britain. Inc., 104 Lake street, the former might order the Hart­ Long ago. Anthony J. Fokker, ths pampered daughter of society, even the angry whisper at ttae last. Naugatuck Valley area, and the Alfred Lacasse, permittee. period, June 26 to Jqly 1, Buprema Court opinion, handed seems to be able to chase the ly hold It. They turned It over to this girl was hard—not unpleas­ three larger cities Aowed marked Lst Mt Wbispsr . , . It*s by the prererllng highway admln- ford Company to withhold from the plane wizard who has a huge the government aa aceurlty for Here was hla break, the chance he Austrlan-Hungarian Singing and Inclusive, immediately following down yesterday, which invalidates iHtratlon. That policy clearly was gloom from dramatlat George 8. factory In Holland got word that antly s o -b u t because life had not had been awalUng. gains in the numbers leaving WPA Guatsmala City, Nov. 23— (ffl— the close of achool, when 11,514 the Federal Commission the data Kaufman's fare. loans. Last year these loans been generous to her. Her haniU for private jobs.- Sick Benefit Society Donau, Inc., dty onUnancea forblddlnft the dis­ the Germans wanted factories In amounted to 8.3 cents a pound. He waited until the youth, hla 'Twelve United States senators and 648 Arch street, Charles Miller, more vehicles moved east than Thursday, Nov. 30, 1939 that until an old road could be which the latter seeks. were not soft, nor faultlessly arm still around the girl, turqed "This Is as It should be.” he tribution of handbills, leaflets or the lowland countries to continue To get their cotton back out the representatives, returning from an permittee. made the westward trip. The re­ Ths Ssns Goarsntssd Quality Foil Ceuna entirely rebuilt, straightened, re­ Connecticut never goes any­ Tallulah Bankhead for Football full-schedule operations with a manicured. Her dress was simple, to face him. continued, "and It bears out my maining six weeks varied some­ pamphlets on the streets and In growers will have to pay the 8.3 serviceable, only moderately at­ oft-repeated statement that the Inspection of the Panama Canal, Varpas Dramatic Society, Inc., graded and re-engineered, nothing thing Ilka so patriotically atates- Tallulah Bankhead, the pride of guarantee of s steady flow of raw "I'm sorry to break in like this." what, with the week of August 6 cents a pound plus a carrying- tractive. Here was a girl, Dawson Douglas apologized. "1 just had to vast majority of those on WPA said today they had been assured 352 Park street, Joseph J. Jsnu- DINNER AT $1.25 other public places. The opinion at all should be done to It. The re­ Jasper. Ala., has a new hobby now material. of Central American cooperation sonis, permittee. to August 13, Inclusive, showing rlghts as when the Interests of Its that the baseball season's over. It's storage charge, which makes the realized, who worked for all she find Ara. When they said at the rolls ore not only willing but Judge W. S. Hyde From 12:S0 totaadttoTP. IL la baaed on the Bill of Rlahts and sult has been that the secondary There’s a new canine soap on total 8.9 cents. for strengthening defense of this Franz Ferdinand Stamm No. the smallest excess, or 387 extra utilities companies are threatened. football, naturally, and she'll take the market. Called Shampooch. had, who had never known lux­ apartment that ohe had gone with anxious to get back Into private lliary Is a vital and Important de­ esatbound vehicles. PIsass Hssorrs At Y ew BarHesU aupporta freedom of apeech and system of roads has been griev­ bets even from strangers on the U. Market specialists have already uries. a policeman—I—I—” be concluded jobs at the first opportunity, and hemisphere. 298, V.O.R.M., 191 Arch street, But Just why this state should Ooch! estimated that few farmers will The group, which has visited a partment of every hospital. The Joseph F. Schurman, permittee. From August 13 to August 19, et the press. It expresses the ously neglected save in those In­ Her eyes fascinated him, as they lamely. In spite of such work being ot Manchester Memorial Hospital la Inclusive, the first week when SUNDAY DINNERS 75e . permit Itself to be put In the posi­ take their cotton out of loan un­ did all men. "Smoky," Flynn had Dawson's smile widened. The temporary nature. The current number of countries, planned to St. Stefan's sick Benefit Society, tlaw ot seven members of the stances where old highways have fly to Mexico (?lty today and pos­ particularly fortunate in ^ a t Ite 346 Arch street, Karl Hotsl, per­ westbound traffic gained over Dally Apedals ProM 4Re. tion of direct conflict with the less the price reaches 9 1-2 to 10 called them. Dawson wondered others had remained In their lck-up In business Is compsra- esatbound, the flow most nearly court, the ultra-conaervative Mc- Germanic ancestry, who at heart belonged to the opposite party and cents a ^und. S sibly arrange an interview with Linen Auxiliary—an outgrowth of mittee. been converted Into something ap­ federal government, In the Inter­ remains'- loyal to his race havliif; Just how much It would take to chairs, but all eyes were upon the Is to that of 4937 when the state approached balance. COCKTAH. LOUNGE Itaynolda diascntlng and the late so the League of Nations came to fan those glowing sparks into couple. WPA rolls went to an all-time low President Lazaro Gardenas. the group organized originally for proaching super highway stand­ est of a public utilities concern— a picture of Kaizer Wilhelm In hla life through a miscarriage. Had i; Red Cross work during the World Alnaoel Dalanoed Justice Pierce Butler nut having Wallace Protests blazing, destructive flames. "Just how, -young man, did you mark of some 13,000. Today* there Cooperation Promised Open SondiyB From 1 to t P. M. ards. Indeed millions of dollars when such conflict Is totally un­ home, concealed by a landsrap been otherwise In all probablllt; Rep; Paul W. Schafer (R., War—has continued to function , There were only 124 more west­ view and will show you with pride The bureau of ths budget got She was Just leaving the apart­ know Miss Johnson would be here. are more than 17JK)0 on WPA and Plainville Girl bound vehicles than there were participated in the consideration have been spent needlessly In there would have been no war wind of this situation and told Mich.), said, "In efforts to smoothly year after year for the necessary will not be quite clear the Kaizer. There is no censorship today. ment when I got there," Flynn In Arnold Benthome’s house?" I note that there has been an In­ castbound. The succeeding three Of the case. straightening roads that did not Secretary of Agriculture Wallace explained. ''Grips packed and all. Dawson asked slowly. crease In WPA employment strengthen the United States' de­ benefit of the Institution. ROCKVILLE HOTEL to those of us who continue, as In this country as In Germany. The fenses in this area we need Central 'The Auxiliary is divided Into weeks carried the extra westbound Sridantly the opinion will ren­ greatly need straightening but did "Kaizer" can be exposed as well, "Our part in the war was be­ that of course he wouldn't need But she won't say where she was Douglas paled. He was trapped. throughout the nation recently, an Killed by Tnick count to Its peak during the eo- ScKkf400 Impossible for communities to old roads falling further and fur­ them. Temporarily, w‘e will give o. of hla cotton there would be a lot By Dr. Praok MeOoy Six Persons Hurt when struck by a truck. federal courts as a recourse If for ca did come In, instead of Jump­ of panicky selling of this year's 'Now here- is something else Shafer said a four-day Inspec­ each year to partially cover the Frank Carbo, 898 Burr street protect themselves from the nui­ ther Into futility while a very few loan millions and 'will enjoy some expense of the hospital linen bills. any reason the company feels It­ kind of pence again, but unfor­ ing in and helping wherever she crop. Moreover, he said, the grow­ for you—find out all you can about tion of the Chmal Zone bad con­ New Haven, driver of the truck sance of street and dooryard Ut­ could, she delayed until it was pos­ Kindness Helps Health "In addition to this yearly con­ were being made over Into models self outraged, with the Supreme tunately we are buying peace. Wr ers had been promised a loan Benthome. As soon as the broker­ When Autos Skid vinced the party that new military owned by M. Sebiavons and Son, tar resulting from wholesale flood- sible to get organized as a separ­ age offices open, start tracing bis The art of kindness is of ths roads were ne^ed. tribution, the Auxiliary has pro­ In advance of present needs. Court as s final sanctuary. A don't experiment with history and when they sl^ ed up for crop very greatest value to those who New Haven, told state and local la ( o f public and private spaces we even had no time for the per­ ate unit and Insisted on fighting control last year and It was no business operation, back to bis vided many material comforts for police Investigating that the child If In the course of s certain Connecticut-United States fight ■’on her own" apparently so thst first purebass of stock. Get all wish to enjoy good health. Raid Newspaper Offices the patients as well as for the with unsolicited and undeslred usal of "Mein Kampf” born before time to be fooling with such When you are unkind, you are Portland, Me., Nov. 23—OP)— was bit by the side of hla truck. time we can have a thousand would have to bs settled there the sacrifice of Czechoslovakia. the Allies could not claim any premises. He got the moeny for the help you need. We've got to She persons were hurt, three seri­ Basel, Switzerland, Nov. 23— (IP) nurses snd employees of the hos­ SENSATIONAL NEW PROCESS BRINGS printed matter. credit because of her assistance. find out some more about Ben­ indulging In a destructive mental ously, In the skidding of two au­ —Swiss ontl-propmganda police pital. The nx)st recent gift was miles of satisfactorily good sec­ eventually. In any event. If, at pro.sent according to your the loan and It is fixed at 9 cents state, and one which is a great Ambassador to Boll Dee. 3 The trouble wUh most of the comment we are only 25 per cent "We did not get back the money thome and this ‘Big Red’ he men­ tomobiles on the Ice-fllmed Port- today raided the offices of the one of five ovcr-thc-bed tables and Brussels, Nov. 23.—OF)—Ambas­ ondary roads at a cost of five Unless the Public Utilities Com- we loaned". I wonder do you know for standard gradsa. waster of energy. If you are earn­ ordinances In question is that siding with the Allies, I wish to The funny part of It la that in tions In the aVe. See what you land-Lewlaton highway early to­ Neue Baaler Zeltung, a pro-Nazi two cabinet tables for the pa­ sador Joseph BL Davies arranged milllon dollars It Is certainly more ' mission proposes that Connecticut that Britain loaned more money can dig up." He turned to the estly seeking g ( ^ bsoltb, you can nesmaper which has a large cir­ tients. . they have been drawn either with j communicate that people whom I aplte of the technical squeeze, the day. today to sail for the United States to other nations than the U. 8. girl and the taxi driver. not afford to throw away energy Dr. Roland Cummings and culation In Germany and almost "The plana and specifications to the Interest of everybody that „ecede from the Union. You nev- meet. I find 75 per cent to "go and department will find It necessary in this manner, and should set from Genoa, Italy, Dec. 3, aboard a vlsw to Buppreaslng some par- I fight", 00 per cent wish the Al­ loaned to her and that if she could "Well, Mias Johnson, perhaps George Thompson, 22, both of none In Switzerland. Authoritlea are practically completed for a the liner Rex for consultation! In ws should do BO than that we er can tell how far slatea-rigbls collect what was due her she to continue the export subsidy you'll bs able to help us clear up about cultivating ths constmctlva tlcular type of advocacy In di­ lies victory and possibly even to Increase tt. Peaks Island, suffered possible laid a number of documents were proposed addition on the west side Washington on Belgian trade ne­ should havs at the end of that folks will go. A lot of them down could pav the U. 8. and have a a few things.” bablt of kindness. skull fractures at North Gray. seized. of the Hospital, to contain a (Thll- rect conflict with the spirit of the | It Is my belief that neither per­ Without the subsidy it,is likely Yes, be kind if for no other rea­ gotiations. certain time one hundred miles of Soidh Went a long wav In the centage Is correct, and 1 know thst comfortable balance left over. It "I don't know what you’re talk­ 'They were hospitalized at Lewis­ CxtnstUutlon—or in a louse and i will be recalled that when the the expected export of 6,000,000 son that it will help you to enjoy .extraordinarily fine roads snd following the massacre of Poland bales would fall short, which ing about." the girl answered In ton. carslesi manner without any In­ ■GO'.s question of war debts came u; a calm, steady voice. “Ttae officer health more abundantly. Edward Poirier, 19, Lewiston, nine bumlrrd miles of dangerous, our people are more "built up" and would throw extra cotton on the telligent ettempt to avoid such should Germany Invade Holland that Britain offered to call thie aald there was a murder—a Mr. Kindness ehould be cultivated was treated at a Portland hospi­ outmoded and uncomfortable debts off all around, as aha knew, American market. for the additional reaaon that it conflict. Synthetic Thnnksgiving or Belgium frontiers, no sympathy Benthome was killed, I believa tal for Internal Injuries and a frac­ apologlea for roada though we did not, that It was I don't know anything about that.' will make you happier. When you tured pelvis after bis cor tipped The Supreme Ouurt Itself In- but flic would follow as we know The only thing about this syn- full well that the last bulwark Is absolutely Impossible to pay; wc "Can you explain why you were are doing a kindly thing for some­ over at West Falmouth. Kenneth fecsntially points out one definite Mr. Cox scema to have an would not accept goods but want­ in front of this bouse lakt night, one else you wlU enjoy a far great­ Etetes, 20, and Frank -Mills, 18, Ihellc Thanksgiving Day for England thus our attitude would More Indictments limitation to the right to dlstrtb- amazingly comprehensive graap change entirely. ed gold, and they Just didn't have why you helped this young Doug­ er happiness than when you are also of Lewiston, and Norman which to be thankful la that all It. How much better off from a thinking only of yourself. Nightingale, Fort Fairfield, Had uts such printed matter on the of the entire highway altiiutlon. We are not blind and we know las trick Officer Flynn, and why six of New England's governors that we are the spot for the Huns, good neighbor point of view, wc Expected Today jrou and this taxi driver almost Train yourself to eey the kindly cute or bnilsea. Michael Stone, Btrests when It denies the power Nowhere, however. Is his program would be today had wc accepted thing, do the kindly thing, and had the good srn.se and the loyal­ history will certainly repeat it­ ran over Flynn trying to get 18, fifth occupant of the machine, c f an ordinance to "prohibit a per­ more convincing than with rela­ the British proposal. away?” think kindly of other*. For ex­ escaped harm. ty to their states’ traditions not self to take up the Iron arm and to son rightfully on a pubUc street tion to the hitherto sadly neglect­ destroy Prusslanism forever. Regardless of who won the war Boston, Nov. 23—UPi—Members The girl laughed at that, but ample, when you are talking to to let Mr. Roosevelt wheedle them and by-thc-bye General Pershing of the district attorney’s staff ex­ there was no merriment In her your friend, standing there face from handing literature to one ed older roads. Copy of thla letter la mailed Into accepting It as the real thing. likewise to the Editor of the Man­ never claimed that we did. Is it at pressed belief that a grand Jury in­ eyes. "Just because your patrol­ to face with him, let your mind be Colchester House wUUng to receive It" Obviously all surprising that the Allies felt man is clumsy Is no fault of mine. hunting for some U ndy thing you A fitting dinner for the phony chester Herald, at Manchester, vestigating the 13-month admlnls the oourt recognlxea the equal Connecticut with the request for sore, when ^ ter the fighting was tratlon of Former Suffolk Cbuhty I think the driver's foot slipped can say. Then aay It Say It out The Unhappy Neutrals Thanksgiving day would be a tur­ over America turned her back on 0 right of the passerby to refuse the publication. Sheriff John F. Dowd, resigned, off the clutch pedal; then, when loud. Bums to Ground Gasoline key made of varnished paper- Respectfully yours, the "desperate mess" leaving th; would> return further indictments we saw the officer trying to draw The good results which will fol­ proffer of the handbill or what­ If two Individuals were to pro­ Allies to settle things as best they mache, with cotton potatoes and B. Sulkowskl. today. his gun, we hurried away. I’m low wlU soon convlncs you that it ever and would doubtless sup|x>rt claim their Intention of belting might. One has only to look at ■lire Mr. Douglas was not -far Is better to say ths kindly thing‘s red cellophane cranberries. Might WllUmantlc, Conn. The grand Jury already has tO' NorwlA, Nov. 38— —An old 0 |0J2e the right ot a community to pro­ cm h other Into helplessness and the statistics to realize what a dieted Dowd and four others on away. After all. Captain, we had than to say ths critical thing. Colchester landmark, known as then proceeded to make good S “ " *>• srUficlal all around. ■mall part we had In winning charges connected with an alleged done nothing but ask where we Kindness will leave a good taste ths old John Watrous place, was tect Its citizens from having Take* Britain’s Side the war and none whatever in might find a minister.” printed matter forced upon them. U.elr declarations by punching the Roosevelt's The Editor, The Evening Herald: county “Job selling” racket. Nuni' In your ,mouth, and after your bunted to ths ground early this maintaining the peace, sueh as It erous witnesses appeared before The girl knew the answers, friend has left you, he will recall morning by fire of undetermlasd. In the matter of tba nuisance bystanders Instead of each other. ** humorist enough to give Your editorial in Saturdsy's was) achieved after the war. Dawson rssUsed. She would leave Herald In reply to the letter re­ the grand jury yesterday. your conversation with pleasure o r i ^ . In recent years tha house of doorstep dlstrlbuU'in or can­ It would be generally regarded aa I him such a dlimer this evening — Admittedly the VersaiUez Treaty DO openings—now. Aa long aa ahe w blA was completely remodeled, ceived from Mr. Reece was a dis­ was a long way from being per­ The search for Dowd, mean­ and will wish to see you again. a strange proceeding. Yet Uiat le very confidently, that Is while, turned toward the west and Smith, Joey, Mrs. Benthorhe Very often you will find kind- was owned by Lucius (Took, a play­ vassing for dterature, it Is prot>- tinct disappointment to me. 1 fect, but after a lonj war with and Alston were here in the bouse, sbly entirely possible to Imple­ Just about what Germany and the have generally found The Herald emotions stretched beyond the coast, os Asslstaat District At­ neae Is returned to you In fuller wright According to Sergeant torney Frederick T. Doyle diaclos there was no hurry, Dawson real­ measure than you gave, os It Is a ‘ PettlnglU of ths Colchester sUte ment the principle of trespass so Allies ars doing. Technically at utterancea to be unusually fair breaking point, what could you ized. Sometimee these murders and unbiased but In this case me- ed that Charles A. Hussey, indict common occurrence for it to be in­ police. Cook has been In New York that persons who desire protec­ war. neither side dares to attack expect? As was stated in a re­ almost solved themselves. Just Op en Forum thlnks you assume too much. Be­ cent Herald editorial the Germans ed political aide of the former be patient, Dawson told himself, vestment Most oseuredly, kindness and there wes no one at home tion against this form of violation the other, so both take It out on ing a Britisher also a U. 8. citi­ signed the Treaty with no tnten' county official, had Informed him ■nd something will break. Aloud pays dividends and these dividends when the fire broke out. ot their privacy might be able to the neutrals. This kind of thing zen perhaps I am In a better posi­ tion of living up to It and whether of Dowd's Intiwtlaa of going to he said: take the form of health and bap- Firemen from Colchester and California. ptneas —two bleaelngs which BMst Hampton hurried to tbs scene obtain It under a properly drawn has received the courtesy appella­ nivee War V1fprlcod pamphleteer as well as the news­ what success nobody knows. Ger­ oasiired that they will come out to Daladler and Chamberlain was to be at least a considerate host­ look around for some kindly thing - W o r m M o b il o a o STB* land 'fhe writer has sent bis let­ on top whether or not with our as­ paper editor—which Include the many took similar steps by slnk- not worth a brara farthing and ■an Frandsoo, Nov. S3— ess. Her eyes were still red, and you can do. Find eomeoDo for cui.i.insdo ta a n o w way< ter, of wMcb the one below is a sistance, as I feel assured that U that they knew it and by their Dawson knsw she hstd not slepL whom you are able to perform a right of circulation quite as much ■ng ships carrying supplies to copy, direct to Mr. Recce. Tbs Federal bankruptcy court Plan Conference to giso you aa obtointaly now Russia and Italy should get Into actions doomed (Czechoslovakia. may decide whather or not ths If she felt hatred for these strang­ email Undnese. Or, find eome way asm for hard wtaterSdTtag as the right to print S4. long h.s Fog land, most of them neutral Dear Mr. Editor: the war on the side of Germanv. Now don't you think that la a to speak words of kindness to a ktad of bcflllaat, doahliit aw In reference to your letter di­ Golden Gate Exposition will be ers grouped about her, she did not On Salary Delay .~along with the soaMgrmt those rights arc not inlr'ng4,r00.' table. He sat at Mrs. Benthoms's fish reason tor practicing the un- for which It says Federal funds or, rtoonsr than any previous averted, x "If It had not been that there right, directly across from s vs- not be able to pay with them for by me. 000 indebtedness. Indicated they selflohneas needed in being kind. have been mods avoUsble. wtater goaoltas. And no sput­ statutes, of this character, as a Too bad "we dislocated our own was private money to bs made by would go to court to have the ex­ , cant chair. Alston was stlU atletp. Tbs lExscutlve Committee of the war materials they have been ex­ There is a notable contrast be­ economic system to become ter...no “ ptag"t goown^M nnt On. On. Ina means of suppressing the dis- tween the thirty years ago and maintaining ‘peaceful relations' position re-opened. Ara sat beside him, and Nick (^seetleas ood Aaewei s association, an Independent union pecting In return. source of supply for the Allies In and trade with the Nasi’ ". This is Smith next to her. The girl's food of department employsa, will take ssmlBaUon of Ideas. Henceforth that of today. Prior to the World the World war. when defeat stared (Bair la the Noolrila) This would be pretty rough War, a German and the German an outrageous statement and was practically untouched. Smith's ()ueation: U. oaks: *Ta It harm­ up the matter srlth the chief that trick Is out. them In the face" but bear In mind surely calls for ampUftcatlon. We appetite sssmsd to have vanished, K w p n s C o n fighting, with everything permit­ language was not only highly re­ ful to cut the hairs In the nootrlls executive, sold the bulletin made that prior to that time, when have been told on this side that Hundreds Feared too. Only Joey dl Torio. across public yesterday. ted including kicking, biting and spectable, but practically they John Bull said to Uncle SMn, you with eelasorsT As In my coat they C«x and the Old Roads were everywhere on the “top '. we were forced Into the World war ths table, and Krone, seemed to are black and very'noticeable. L gouging, even.if it svera confined hold my coat while I lick thlsi by munition makers and caplteJ- be enjqylng the meat QET NEW WINTER MOBILBAS AT Their wrar operations rapidly al­ bully, Uncle Sam ran a«-ay with Dead iu Quake clip them to keep them from show­ Tba address at Hicbway Oom- to the beliigerente. When it is tered the citisebs oplnlona. TOey late but this Is the first time I If Joey had killed Bentborne, ing.” the coat, enabling Bethlahem have heard that Britsia fought to Dawson's thoughts romteed on. Mystic Man Found Wtealnaer William J. Oox. dallvar- neutral outsiders who get pracu- were "Huns". I have met Oerman Steel. Colts and the other war Answer: If you ore careful, 1 sea descendants, who years ago when make money, > private money at oould bs bs c^-blooded enough •ttsni,6011 «d at the Baal Elatete Boards' con­ caily all of the bites, the kicas babies to make enormous profiu. that, now Just what ^ does that Ankara. Turkay, Nov. 38— to eat Benthome's food—ond''ap- no reason to believe that clipping Dead in Wreckage another war was hot predicted "This was ^le only nation that Hundreda w en feared today to tbeee hairs would bs injurious In vention at New London on T ubs- ' and the gougings. It appears to oe QMftD T porantly onjoy it? iori said. "We will not send our boys sought nothing In the way of war bava basn killed and many vlUagea any way. 4ay, constitutes « m of the finest over there again". Now, it is per­ Youn truoly, How about AraT tt Dawson tnsfis approaching the question wheth­ •polls But a-e did ask for n sys­ S cot. dcstroyad by vlelsBt. tntenntttent could have knowff fear, he would Ledyard, Nov. 33—CJP:—A man departmanteJ reports ever mads er this U a war or a dual attack fectly clear to me that oqr fellow tem of International justice. What aarth shocks over a pwiod of 34 (nogoraaO FaMt) lentlfled from his automobile citizens of Oermanle blood recog­ have been afraid at tha girt She la the state of Connecticut of extremely vtolent dementia, happened?" ThU Is what happen houn throughout AnatoUa, ths ilmost too calm, too qulcL Qusstloa: Doris (X Inquires: reglstrotloa as Ronaldo Onl. SO, ot nise the footstepe of war and dur­ ed. Woodrow WQson brought back ^ Karrserlj Baeapsa Diatk erestsrn sectloo of Turkey. "Does fingomoa poUah hurt the For .our No one can read that addreu with the problem confronting the ing the past we have heard ot un­ Was ail this port of bar pmo? Mystic, was found dead today tn to the United States a plan (or a M vUlsges were reported tevel- Her handland was steady as A s lifted nails?" ” 'e wraAoge of bis car on ths Socony Dealers sdthout nsoomina stronfly of the neutral world ot what to do about derground m pheay that we LMgue of Nations whicb __ Boatoa Nov. 23—09V—Henrtatu ed'tn east Anatolia. Dsatha wore Answer: As a general rule. :Co. should not tight "over than" lur coffee cup to herMr ite»—not a :-oevflle rood hero. that Onmmlsslnnsr Coot restraining the lunatics. pracUcaUy noemtod by the Wallaoda. asambar ot tka fiamad high aapatiaHy ta Bntngaa. on tha qotver. Jast hoi m a n did tba Ja a-Yew very lai* coses where State poUca a M ths cor appor- again, ao that tor tho paat twenty nations ot tlM wocl4 but WaDsoda troupe, ctreue aerial par- f a m o u s s io n to tbs positlOB Perhaps If the neutrals were yasrs or so we havo our own min- tataro adga ot AwatnMa, on# re­ gM know? Host ssneb would tbooe nstag tha poHoh ara ssBtlUva -A tty hod M t the rood whOs A r m e op^FmENour 8 0 0 (1 0 1 ” M by Bemy Cabot Lo^ie. tbs torassTA aaRowIf aacapad death port aald. M I? What oould brook ffowa that to ooine o f the tiigremeBte. thtra roAdhig a curve oad that tbs much criUdsm willing to make the great aacri- loas thst a war in Europe Is not RepubUcan party (to their eter- our hiislnoss during a parforiBaaoa a Boat ereatker^^imoaaa^tka^ag- wall ot setf-eontral? lay ho a raoetioB but moot womea driver hod b sA dead two ot Arss h6 MS *Mt a toad bidUv.’* la lavelvad In wUMrawtag ao- ) rsfussd ta fallow Oeidea laat e l ^ w k * ttist I know OM s ( oar -ITIsiTig at Not tadteff on aaower. Oai Mm to bo,Ohio to uas angsraoll boon whA found. iMA without any IblinY. nNM ENTERPRISE 1450 WHimrt Ctaiie w MAMUnfasri-fill Eviu^lMU HKKALD, MANCH18TEB. I E 1 6 H T ______1______■ ' ------■ ...... ~.u poatUia e*ch cott*r* with num* bered MgoM, dealgned to expedite 435 Employes Solves Damage Trade Pupils homier Pastor the location of the owners to cases Oldest Cars Registered O bituary of emcrreacy. Clayton E. Hunt, chairman of Of State Wm At Hemnann^s Given Prizes At Conference the ColumMa membership drive In State Are *04 Fords for the Tolland County Farm Bu­ Funem ls T reau, said this week that the or- Get More Pay Under the title "Where Are Thesvolved to traffic miataspa. That Boys Are.Found to Be Leaden in Athletin Are Rtr. L. C Harris Prr* ^enlzatlori now has 10 active and Mrs. Daalel Radaz to associate members to this town. Cara of Yesteryear?” the State etudy to to ^ogrea^thto report on Miscreants; Parents to A WHALE OF A LOT OF LOW PRICE Recognized by Awards aides at Meeting of the Hna Cora Hutchins has been (Ooattaasd fron Page Oae) ^ ^ k.. 'c**' yeeteryeanF coining to The funeral at Mrs. Artimlse wnc WDRC Department of Motor Vehicles haa ^ mtervsttog sidelight.' named to serve as s#dretary-treas- Pay Costs Involved. Rudaz, wife of Daniel Rudaa of At Today's Assembly. ments and InaUtutlona, urging prepared a report ahowtog that. T w o Ford cars, 1904 model, are 582 Center street, was held this riavclers BraaOeasUag Eaatera StaafiarS nine South Methodist. urer of the Lndlet'Ald Society to HsrtfoH, Uoaa. m the absence of Mrs. Mary Hutch­ economies. Commissioner Baxon 18:5 per cent of the 503,018 m otor; the oldest motor vehicles reglster- The cause of the trouble at tha morning at 8:30 from the Hollor- tes HarttorS. Oraa. 1830 TO MAKE YOUR THANKSGIVING - BEST EVE^ Twenty-nine students of the 50.000 W. 1040 n . C. 2S.t a«T. Lsonartf C. Harris, the new ins, who Is planning to spend the has stated that one of the objec­ vehlclee registered In Connecticut cd to Connecticut. Then comes a home of Otto Herrmann on Cen­ an Funeral Home and 9 o'clock at tives of the economy program ta as of July 31st were 1930 models *1900 Locomoblla, a 1910 Cadillac, St. James's church. Rev. Vincent local State Trade School were CasteiB Staadaie naia •opatlntendent of the Norwich Dia- > winter to Florida. ter atreet, which resulted to the The biggest thrill of a happy Thanksgiving is the DINNERI A table set to raise the level 1 tOT- j were asrarded to Captain Lawrence Professor Andre Schenker. U'Hara, Krancls Joyce, Noreen His predecessor, Joseph M. Tone, Willisms. ' EITHER END SELF SERVICE GROCETERIA li^v Harris i^-mmented favor-' had obtained Increaaes for about Mrs. Mary J. faeggett Jalbert, Francis Abeam, Heinz :45—Lowell Thomas. eWy on the splen.ild reporta of the i Gerindo, Joseph Wordeck. Regina The funeral of Mra. Mary Jane Bartel, Edward Blovish, Carl Dl- :00—Fred Waring Orchestra. 8:30—Strange As It Seems. PORK LOIRS .V) other employes In the Unem­ various organlratlons of the ' Meeghan. Patricia Karren, Nor- 3 A bout Town Leggett, who died at her home, Tarando. Arthur Francis, Francis 8:55—News—Elmer Davis. 1 5 s NO. MAIN STREET :15— I Love a M ystery. 2 1 ehuich, most of which were verbal, rine Heau< hmln. Geralillne Dcmer- ployment Compensation Division 38 Washington street, Monday, 9:00—Major Bowes' Amateur and the Employment Service. Kidnaper Kills Experts See Gorka and John Naretto of the :30—Big Town. eneept for those listing financial ' rltl .Motion pictures will tie pre- There wlU be a limited distribu­ was held at her late home yester­ Steamrollers and also to Captain :00—One Msn'a Family. Hour. Statlrttef. end enlivened the pro- eenlcd by Harry IJ. Blanchard ol The 2.'>3 who will get raises tion of federal commodities tomor­ day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. 10:00—Columbia Workshop. Fresh were not Included among this Peter Aceto, Maurice Davidson, :S0—Those We Love. gress of the program with a num- Hartford. Himself After Nazis Behind row at the Blssell street food de- J. S. Neill, rector of SL Mary's Clifford Hasaet, Raymond Johnson, 10:30—Elsso Reporter. Lean, group. :00—Good News of 1940. G4UF0RHU WUHUTS Lb. 21c 1 Dtr of appropriate Jokes, some of Mr. and Mra. Milo A Gold of poL church, conducted the services. Chester Kurka, James McCooe, :00—Bing Croay and Bob Bums. 10:35—Dance Music. Short Lb. tbam at the expenae of the Meth- West Stafford will celebrate their Rsasoa for Deferral Mrs. Bert Judd sang" Peace, Per­ 11:00—Paul Sullivan. James McVeigh, Enrico Stentellq :00—News and weather. Shsnii odlsta as a sect. Mrs. Francis | aoth wedding anniversary, Sunday The Connecticut Labor Depart­ Being Trapped Mines Adrift Manchester’s building record for fect Peace." The burial was In George Strimltis and Jo.aeph Z"! 11:15—Ozzle Nelson'i Orchestra, PAPER SHELL PEOAHS Lb. 25c Hurr served as secretary pm tern, the 2iith at the home of Uieir ;15—When Bay Is Done—Larry SHOULDERS j ment union has been demanding November continued upward to­ the East Cemetery, the bearers patka of the Tigers. 11:30—Benny Goodman's Orcbes- 1 3 ‘The harvest supper at 6:30 which daughter, .Miss Kuby Gold in .New Huard. baritone; Bud Rai­ tra. Immediate Increases, but It was (Oontinoed from Page One) (Continued from Fngn One) day aa another 15,000 single dwell­ being Everett CJone, Joseph ney, narrator. MIXED NUTS Lb. i n 1 pcccaded the meeting was served Haven. .Mr, and .Mrs Gobi arc learned today that Commissioner ing permit raised the total of au­ O'-Brien, P eter Vendrillo, l'2:00—Mitchell Ayres’ Orchestra. spending the winter months with :45—Jo n S sv ltt’s O rchestra. & the Willing Workers group of Danahcr had been notlflee0 building was also dpirnaged. afternoon a sedan coming from thsrs Is hls weekly 9:80 program IONA TOMATOES keeping with President chologa’ In public schools In Jersey ($23,580,000) dally. the north end and swinging west tuck, Conn., Poosolc, N. J., and City, N J Firemen brougtjt the flames un­ MnckercU strictly fr e s h ...... 15c lb. tonight on the MBS chain, He Provldancs. AftP PINEAPPLE Ne. 1 Modkim Sixo ^ “ORE PK” PIMPKO 2 a . I k Hooaevelt’s proclamation of Charged to town court this Order Next Week der control aftei^-hn hour's fight. on to Center street met a Lincoln wrlll devote on important ehore of Coe 13c Mm M ^ Thanksgiving, the local post office Mr and Mrs. Charles Hoffman Zephyr sedan also swinging wesL ^^resh ...1 5 c lb the hnlf-hour to the playing of of Job's HHJ are the parents of a morning with Intoxication after he An order In council form ally ------DEL MAIZ NIBLETS SWARSIOWIOAKE FLOOR observed today as the holiday. had been picked up yesterday af­ Instituting Britain's campaign to but from ■ southerly direction on B4Mton B lu efish ...... 1 2 c nr. hls theme, "Rhspeody to Blue,” to C» 2fc % 22c With no rural free delivery and daughter born at the Rockville throttle German exports probably Mato street. The first car. In turn­ Hhlibut ...... Its antlrsty. only one S tar Route trip to Wllll- ('ttv hoatiltal ternoon on Main street, Edward J. ...29c lb. Squalus Victims^ ORBBN OIANT PEAS O .. Goildard, no address, was found will be Issued early next week, State-Wide Alarm ing, waa struck at the left rear SmhU Stewing O ysters...... 29r pint 14c BEUT POULTRY Senstee Pkf. fC aantic. The elementary schools Mrs Marv RIrharrt.a haa return­ door and some of the metal waa VoakM Win observe November 30 as Uie ed from a two weeka visit, at the guilty and sentenced to 15 days In authoritative British sources said. Large Frying Oysters 39r pint Programs Tonight: Thanksgiv­ BAKED BEANS 21c Jail, Deputy Judge Charles . It was expected neutrals would be tom. The Lincoln suffered a ing features: NBC-Blue 7:45 Deaths Painless GRAPEFRUIT date for the holiday and have the home of her sister. Mrs Francis 8 Out for Thieves advised by notea on the new phase smashed right headlight and bent Chowder Clams - Steaming Clams...... 2 qts. 25c t4 Oe. Mtoual recess on that week-end. Mcl/iughltn of Rockville Houte presided In the absence of fender. No one was hurt. Worm Springs Foundation dinner; ANN PAGE KETCHUP G ot. W c Neav Books Burt C Fuller who has been a Judge Raymond R. Bowers. of Allied economic ^warfare. Fillet of Hiddock — Fillet of Sole — Fillet of Perch — WABC-CB8 10:30 Americans at Two men were arraigned British sources 'disclosed that Work, Cranberry wrorkera . . . Boston, Nov. 38— The vie- B O f. G ood Sixo FRUIT CAKE The following books have been nntlenl Ir, the .TobTv^on Memorial Norwalk, Nov. 23—(FV—A state­ Smelts — Swrrdllsh — Smoked Fillets. FRENCH DRESSING ^ ^ Jet 10c t Into drculaUon bv the Saxton hi'spltal In Stafford Springs t-charge.s of non-support. members of a Netherlands delega­ wide alarm was out today for Public Records Europe — WABC-CM 3:56, 11; time of the eubmorlne Squolua JoEo Porker 1 -L b . Uttle Free Ubrary; ' Night- I ohservatlon, hss returned to hls Chnriei Gilmore, colored, of tion, who have been conduettog thieves wrbo, late last nlghL broke MBS 9; WKAF-NBOSost 11. tragedy loot May 33 died owlfuy FoEcy Crobmoot tic 4 15 Clieeb Fill ef FRIDAY MEAT SPECIALS rfckwk of the Northwest." White- home ... the__ _Elllngton-Somera______, , Hartford, employed In Rocky Hill, i trade talks to London, were going Into a elothtof store here owned WEAF-NBC — 8 One Moa’s and polnleaaly, to the opinion ef Mfamd FniHt and Nwh road I ..... charged.w------with_..w falling to eup- homo 'in the next few days" for Mock Chicken Legs, deiicions fried in deep fat ...... "OBt Edffsd GuUt." Wells; "CTl- by the Hat Corporation of Amer­ Family: 8:50 Those We Love; 9 Dr. William J. Brlckley, Suffolk MBLLO-WHBAT ^ 3 5 < toU," Ash; "In Fine Bummer Mm Calvin McCray of Hartford ' <>* town. Several consultation with their A buUdlag permit haa been Is­ 5c CAch, 6 for 25c Good News variety; 10 Bing 1 0 ica and stole clothing worth $3 JOO. epunty medical eumlner. miow wsather," Whitcomb: "Acquittal ’ Is vlsltlnz at the home of Miss children also are Involved. GU- ment. Entrance was gained by cutting sued to George Forbes for the Oar Home Mode Pure Pork Sausage M eat...... 19c lb CTrosby show; 11:15 dance music. ROLLED OATS 7 c " lb. Bpe Lortmer; "Pa Hardv, GnUs Marlon rea.s,- of Main street I more said he was earning an aver- The talks will be ta "temporary through a wire netting and Jimmy­ erection of a single, six room, two WABC-CBS—7:30 Vox Pop; 8 He Informed tha Moaeachusette ‘ DAmy PRODUCTS "Malice of Men." Deeping; 'The Mr.s .Inhnson and Miss .Marjorie aK<- of over $36 weekly Ip a adjournment." Loin Veal Chops, milk-fed ...... 35c lb. Jim MeWUhoms quU; 8 M ajor Soclaty ef Examining Physicians 19 ing open a window. story dwelling with stteebed gar­ Killer," Wells; "Lucifer m Pme Skiff of lyingmea.low, Mns.s . were foundry, and the Prosecutor told Netherlands shipping baa been age. to be located on lot 5, Porter Veal Shanks...... 10c lb. Bowrea A m ateurs; 10 d ram a "A lost night that he boUaved ley lAke," Rogers: "Love Comes La-, recent ■ • visitors at the home of I the court that except for some brought to a virtual standaUII by Included to the heul were SO Circular Tour.” wroters forced Into tha middle ears OtAN men's topcoats, 23 assorted coets, street, and to cost $5,000. ter," Ruck, "Mr. Strang, Daly; I Ml-'s Hattie R M Berr of Main ! lapses at the present time, the the euddenl;- Increased mine men­ AppUeatloa WJ21-NBC—7:15 Mr. Kooa; 8:30 of ths men .trapped to the sub- A&P Fin# CoDoos. . . . CRSF t Beh. ^ the Sky Fall," Partridge; ' •Ireet ! accused's Intentions and actions ace and by Britain's plan to block­ 9 roen'e sport coats, 300 silk and HOME MADE BAKERY GOODS Joe Penner; 9:80 America’s Towm mereibla’e after comportmente wool neckties, 16 camel hair coats Application for a noaniage U- CELERY "Body Rolled Downstairs. Erwin - ' East Central Pomona Grsnee j tow-ard hls family had been good, ade all German exports. Britain Capeakes, assorted if you w ish ...... ---- 23c do3. Meeting, "What Does American rendered them unconscious im­ and 35 aasorted ladies coats. cense baa been filed at the office BUTTER "Fear by Night." Wentworth-' softball leacue teams of the north- : Prosecutor William J. Shea said relies on The Netherlands for of Towm Qerk Samuel J. Turklng- Cinnamon or Sugared Donuts...... 23c dox-Y^ Democracy.Mean to Me?” 10:80 mediately. 8 O 'C LO C K "Thunder to the West." Crane; "U. : cm and so-ithem leseue will hold ! he w-as loath to give Gilmore the much of her butter, eggs and sim­ ton by William Humphrey of IM 19 ^Vlekl Chose concert. Explaining that cold water in Crumb B u n s...... r doz'" wiifakia.1 ana__ • meiousv__ 8- One," s federal writeri project- I a dance and social time for mem- ; record of a conviction If he would ilar products. CriUcally lajn red In CkaMi Btosell streit and ^ylUs Hoff­ Custard Eclairs . .5c ea-^^V the middle ear ceuaea loos of con- u ,‘5 "How to See Plants.' DaglUh; ; hers and friends of the teams In I agree to contribute an amount ac- m ann of 400 HlUstowm road. What to expect Friday: Europe ■ciousnass and equilibrium. Dr. • isai-35.“Br’i c A f ' Inst'a My Story" Douglas Oor- COFKE Z 29e GMPES Elllngton town hall this Thursdav | ceptable to tha court. Gilmore Fits to Escape Benrloe Brlckley aoM the water which 2 Wtochendon. Maas., Nov. 33— (JFi Bead for Deed —NBC-chotos i Am.; WABC- Ilffan; "History of American Co«- ' evenlnc Dancing will be enjoyed \ said he would. Hence. Judge Bruasela, Nov. 23.—((F)—Twenty fleodid Into the Squolus wroa un­ I OrWI F arm tam e.” McClellan. —Warren Steplae, 31, a t Howland, A bond for a deed baa been filed AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT CBS 8 Am., 6:30 pjB . . . . W EA F- Belgian! literally threw fits to es­ Me., was Injured critically early at the office of the 'Town Clerk Sweet Potatoes for Baking...... 4 lbs. 10c NBC—1:45 Federation of Women’s der pressure of 109 pounds per M clatesh Miss Anne Dlx la U king ad i-'-.t-rtalnment will feature. Hi's onlered that Gilmore, In return, cape service to the Army, the gov- by Marcy B. Newell who la selling Clube; 3:45 Vic and Bode; g square Inch end near freextog. H<- TSOtege of the difference In dates today when hia truck collided with Grapefruit, thin akin...... /. 4 for 25c Gonrectlcut Nutmegs orchestra pay $15 weekly or be aent to Jail emmenl charged today as It held i another truck on the Wtochendon property at West street and Hart­ Torch of Pmgreas WABC-CBS— aoid the men died so quickly that RED C IR C LE APPLES I R*" ^ O rkll F arm i 2 5 a t the Omnecticut and New Jerse\ '■Mil furnish the nmslc for old snl or fined. No bond was required. two nurses and a hospital attend­ Fancy Fresh Green Peas...... 2 qts. 29t 3:45 My Son and I; 4 Devwk^tog there was no blesding at a leg Bold wine Thanksgiving and plana to oh®®r%’e new dances A well known Springs highway. He suffered a ford to Bryan A. C^eau et ux. In the case of (3corge Miner of ant accused of collecting $30 to fractured skull and other lajurlea. W arraatse Tangerines, extra large size ...... '.. .23e dog. A Sense of Humor; 8:15 Hedda fracture wrhlch one of the men holiday in both •tatea she prompter will. call off the num­ 97 Prospect street, held for n«i- suffered. CHEESE $150 from each man for instruction Benjamin R. White. 87, of Bangor, Accordtof to a warrantee deed Hopper. WJ2-NBO—13:30 Form 2 Z 35< Isft w ith h er sister. Mrs. .Newton bers support. agreement w-aa reached I to simulating the symptoms of corns F atlor at Montclair. N. J.. Sunday,' Me., riding with B i^es, was In­ recorded today, property oa end Home hour; 3 Operetta "H. after the accused had paid $40 on : epilepsy. jured slightly. Wetherell street haa been oonveyad DIAL 5137 ~ FREE DELIVERT M. S. Pinafore"; 5 Ed East qulA Loaf who spent the week-end In Colum- a back claim made by hls wife. He CRAHBERMES 1 2 5 by Edward M. Brey of East Hart­ MBS—3 Morrlaga Licenae Ro- Wkite er Colored Wa, to spend this Ihursday at the waa represented by Attorney Her- I Ruse by TeUer later's home. She plans to return Hospital Notes ford to Harold M. Kyle of Glaston­ " FRIDAY GROCERY SPECIALS - 2 3 man JPulea The case was con-1 bury. BOKAR to this state to time to observe the tlnudd to December 20 to permit a Policemen Set Out to Enforce Spaghetti, Macaroni, Elbows, and Shells. Pepe High Enables Capture helldey with friends here. settlement to be made. Soma Vtldoy okert waves: Vtgereui end WSney Pure ^ Bepsrts Safe Leeted Grade...... l-lb pkg. 9e HAT4 nudapeat 7 operetta frag­ Kad C^oaa Admitted yesterday: Charles The case of Joseph Sawickl of Refined J the first week a t the Red Boston. Nov. 38.—0^ —Clnl Parmesan or Roman Grated Cheese. Imported ments; 3RO Rome 7:30 gnast com f 2 37c POTATOES ■ ^ 1 0 LARD with Z Carson, 13 Vine street, Miss Anna HUtotowm road w as slated for S a t­ Law in City on Their Chon Time Gross roll call completed and the Maakel, Broad Brook. Ougttelmo, owner of a fashionable , 2*oz glass 15e night; TV5RC Osracas 3:30 sms- Spokane, Waih.. Nov. 23—(ff)— | urday. He also la charged with A tMler’a rune aonhled tw» bonk > major portion of the districts bav- Discharged yesterday: Robert non-support. i Back Bay Jewelry shop, reported Tomatoes, Wheatley’s Standard Qimlity, No 2 cans...... teun; TQWA Guatemala City 10 Coer. Now Lold M already reported to Mrs. Helen Lackey, Plain ville. Conn. Mrs. Huntington. W. Va., Nov. 23.—>V—The Duke ■hip" and set out to enforce the vriU eonttoue to -a-kw raids on our ' and $20,000. Cream Cheese. Fairmont’s. 3-os. foil pkgs. . .2 pkgs. 15c HOdiag COrlsea. tho teller, di­ STORES IN these are not $l subscriptions. chard, 407 Center atreet, Joseph and Duchess of Windsor attended law on their own time. , own time to the future and Com, Whole Kem^ Golden Bantam, Royal SenrieL rected the robber to coll at an­ P ric e s 5 1 ■amwver, and t hoss donstloas at Pongratz. Jr„ 127 High streeL After completing their full tours Unue to enforca the law." Om I SlftjM t ..ubbock, T s a , N ov. 23.—(iP)—A other window and otappad on an Thanksgiving sendees today at No. 2 cans...... 2 for 25r ;.l-ounoa tofnnt thnt doctors be­ ' than $1 are not eonsideied as Discharged today: Miss Lots the American church of Paris. of duty walking beats, the officers; Their actloa foUowed moca ♦aan New W ta in . N or. 38— (ff) — alarm b u ttan an ha com piled. Etfeettce Tracy. 114 North Elm street. Mrs, The duke who haa th. ^.iTIi!*^***** *‘* •**•**** • haU doaaa raids eo reputed vtee Final, amended figures on the re­ Gorton’s Codfish Cakfis, ready to fry ...... 2 cans 25c lieved could not live morn thnn two The robber bemnm frlghteaed dtiirttw l l j j y • 11MiUP • WJM g Raymond Hagenow and Infant S S '.r^ .S to^ tee* ...... ' sult of tbs IS day campaiga of the Clams, Royal hcarlet. Faaey...... 2 cans 25r '■oufw mmnlaod aUvo wtthout the and was easy m y tor Vloa Presl- /Vee. better pro- daughter, 381 Woodland s tre e t ^ t was only tha beginning ef p u S. 3» d^ra by state poitee and Oonununtty Cheat levea that con- aid of na tDcubntar 38 hours after d aat Frad U S ta a te a aad AoMst- Army, was to uniform. A special their campaign. deputy ' Don’t Forget Ta Order Yatv FmH Cake SappHeal around Richard E dgarm 311 Spruca ‘ntaakagtvtog day mass was cela- titbUtlOIW CSCMdid tlM \ff her Mzth. Ths baby was oan of oat gaeratery Ourgg QMoa. I Z S - U - 2 S "Wa hava decided to awl the! Ho « Carnmta, RaMfam, WkHa Baiaina. Otroa, Cherries. twins been to Mrm E. L. Qnitand TTv-ir.-- ,;-e 'Wv FoUce s tr e e t jlnvdad at tte Madeleins, fashion- iOftkOKMBtBir nearly gldJXK). T he goal w as Oeteettve Lee Matkwood ooid Osasus: TS nattoutiu lahls Paris cfaurtk. humlllatloo and anharraassaant, troas Mayor iiilOS,SlS. Itecelpti Lem SB Peel and Oraage Peek the man waa bookad as Oort CHpe, which h as eoBM to tk lB ------**----- ' 9U K M 8. i«w"po!i^ '"'***^ 48, iscinsHy of Volvo, N. IX j . j Uconn Huskies Wind Red Men Announce Complete Fistic Progr Good Fall Season Bgr Eddie Brtete ^Um fireworks may pop at the Cin- Welter King’s New York, Nov. 23— UPl— The clnnaU meetings . . . The Asso­ Tennessee Seems Best Bet Ten Fights at :roL . m n o . h THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23 CmnpiM by Studoita of Blaaehcotcr Higb School Of Sports Activities football Gtonta ore getting reedy ciated Preaa All-America (It's the MIm H elm Estes. Parulty Arfvi.aer to unload a flock of toelr veterans official In most books) will be re­ Hornet Style after this season, cbamptonstalp or leased December 9. For Rose Bowl Invitation Sports Center;! Football, SocceF and no . . . that cracked rib Lew Jen­ Gets New Test kins gave Mike Bellolae the other Oorrectlon But Don H Make Bet on It Stone Is Dedicated “ You Can*! Take It With Youl** Cross Country Teams Here’s Hunch: night probably' marks toe end of Yesterday we hurrahed her# Friday Nigh! Mike's unlucky ring career . . . that toe Petersburg (\V. Va.) foot­ Travel Pictures Shown toe com belt Is booming Elaat high Henry Armstrong to Complete Schedules; Thanksgiving! ball team had scored 309 points Ix>s Angeles, Nov. 23—(;P) —Un-• Needless to say. however, all of Sioux CJlty, la., (24 wins with­ tola year while yielding only 13 defeated Tennessee stands out as three are close to the guiding ath­ Riley Faces Plaeff As Token by 40 A Cagers in Training. out a defeat) for Miami’s Starlet Risk Title Against Lou . . . that was what the boy# call a the best bet for the Rose Bowl In­ letic heads of the universities, have To French Club Group Bowl gome . . . being a fight fox paw . Petersburg's Final Bout as Amateorli Ambers on Dec. 1; vitation. but don't make any bets been tn contact with toe front of­ The Uconn Huskies, with toelr Horse by That Name promoter has its headaches. So far record it Just the reverse — 13 fices, and are not given to Idle con- Polowitzer and Siler OsM Memorial Is Bur* | Tag Day for Library fall athletic season complete, w ill: Among Starts in Fea­ this year, Mike Jacobs has paid points scored; 309 yielded . . . . May Have Run Down. on It Just yet. versatton. Hi-Y Aids Red Cross | Miss Jeanne Low Siiows enloy a brie^ vacation from inter- ; out . .530,585 In state, city and fed­ anyhow, toe boys looked good for Boiled down to more wonls than The Rose Bowl picture will not Semi-Final. ted with Box G>iitain> The Book Week Contest eolleglate eompetltldn before toe \ ture at Bowie. eral taxes . . . Hugh Casey, a day. B.r Dillon Graham tl'a probably worth, predictions of be completed until Dec fi, by that ing History and Signa* which Is being sponsored by Once again It was the prlyl- Colored Film Taken in start of toe winter season Decem­ Dodger twlrler, who needs to shed Sparta Editor, AP Feature Service this kind having a way of coming time the host Pacific Coast con­ Eight of the semi-pro fightflis the Library Qub will continue lege of the Hl-Y to help the ber 14to when toe varsity basket- j a lot of girth, baa placed himself New England was bussing wlt^i back to haunt you, here Is what ference will have played out Its who appeared on toe opening o M ij ball team meets St. Lawrence Uni- | Bowie. Md., Nov. 28—CT)— tores o f the Members. through this week. The mimeo­ Red Cross by dtstrtbuUng France and Englaiul under toe care of Prof. Artie nimops yesterday that Eddie And­ At present the Unlvcr- at the Sports Center on W sllsi verstty at Storrs. j Bowie's $10,000 Bryan and O’Hara M’Govern. perpetual motion machine run behalf of the three leading teams graphed contest blanks are Christmas Seal posters. handicap offered a “natural” to erson would be fired because he down ? slty of Southern California and the »Ue*t last week have tatn now available at the library. During Her Last Trip. Barriers Brilliant was playing a bunch of ringers at eligible for the lucrative bid—Ten- Entering the final phrases of Its Tuesday morning, during the The cross country team showed bunch players today—Mra Park­ Tbs fistic puzzler -may be an­ University of California at Los second show tomorrouf:^ 1 All ronlest blanks must be In acUvlty period, the members Todsy’s Oueet Star Iowa . . . toe real dope It that ne.ssec, Texas A. and M., and Cor­ Ange'es -are tied In toe chase with liSht. It was announced today 'M'-' high achool career which will end Men marching atom; a tree-lin­ toe way to toe football and soccer er Coming’s Thanksgiving. NIxson C. Denton, Cincinnati swered December 1 when Henry nell: I by Friday night and the wln- gathered In George Potterton ■ Assigned 121 pounds—Just one with one or two exceptions, toe Armstrong risks his world welter- one tie apiece marked against Matchmaker Joe DeMstIa Of in graduation on January twenty- tekms in toe matter 6t winning nmes-Star: "In addition to having doctor ts using toe same guys who Tennessee will accept an Invita­ I ncr will be announced some­ riDom and received assignments ed boulevard dressed in green uni­ toelr contests. In six regularly pound less than toe top-weighted welghl championship against Lou them Just behind Is Oregon State. Men’s Athletic Club In mok- , aixtli, the class of IMOA started time next week. to put posters In various stores forms and bright red hats was captured moet of the football wore Hawkeye uniforms last year tion If it Is tendered; which meeU U C.L.A here this known the complete proftflOl'?* scheduled matches, Coach Fuqua's and heavily-backed Challephen— honors in tbe com belt, Nile Kln- Ambers In Madison Square Gar­ ■ commencement season when It I Cnnlrlbutlona to the Tag one* gasoline sUUons around the Maryland,-bred distance run­ . . . some of toe emart boys den. Texas A. and M. would like one, week and which has but a defeat 1 bouts. one of the picturesque scenes brilliant runners defeated North­ nlck of Iowa Is out for a Phi Bettm but wilt not be broken-hearted If iMlcated a stone Friday after­ ' Day boxea will be accepted un- town. About eight hundred shown to the combined French eastern, M. I. T.. W. P. I., Yale. ner was making his first stsrt in around town ara betting $1 agolnet Every since toe amazing little to U.S.C. charged to It. i As already reported, toe festnrfl noon. The ceremony, held direct­ I til Friday. The money Is to do posters wlU be distributed in this state since September. Kappa key . . . It was too much $25 Steve Dudas beats Pat C:omls- black bombarder burst upon the It misses out; they'll be bidding A team by toe name of Ken- i « ' ent of toe evening tends John- ' clubs by Miss Jeanne Low In tne Rhode Island and Boston Univer­ to expect that he wouldn’t have a again In 1941; ly after school, consl.sted of used In purchasing new txniks this way. Trade School Auditorium. TueaUay sity and In none of tbe contests Thanksgiving disappointed form key; Tippy Larkin decisions AI boxing front two years or so ago tucky. Incidentally, could eliminate!">' ThompsonvIUt MOlBSt, ■peoches by Principal Bailey: Bob weak spot somewhere." Davis and Lew Jenkins wins from Cornell honestly and elncerely for the school library; students —E. Weden, '42. i morning. MIm Low took these pic­ were they really extended. In ad­ players m tbe $10,000' Rhode Is­ to astound the fight faithful witn Tennessee from toe running, and']^‘*<*'® Worcester In Lorch, president of the class of are requeated to suggest names tures this last summer while she dition, toe team finished first for land HAndlcap Oct. 11, when, Billy Marqiiart In the Dec. 15 Gar- his coasleas. unorthodox attack, will not accept a post season en­ the Texas A. and M.-Texas Long promlaea to ta a tlssUng SOtfitk m 1S40A; and Bob Doggart. presi of books to be bought If It ap­ was visiting various parts of the second straight time In toe backed down 2 to 1, toe four-year- First Bowl game gose on today den fight show . . . the Phillies tbe critics have wondered how gagement becniise of Its Iron clad horn battle is seldom decided until Riley hot a record of 17 kayoaa:^(9 Sent ot the Student Coiinrl,l. and pears that n majority of M. H. France and England. Connecticut Valley Asaoclation old gon of Bud Lerocr and Inch- . . . down In New Orleans two have hired a school teacher for a long be could keep tl up. ogtreement with Its Ivy league the final gun. hla last 18 atarta, Includtnk QWig a conret solo by William Perrett S students are for sale, don t Many views of the Queen Alary! irun which was held at Springfield cape Belle finished fourth. But, crack kid teams clash In toe "Tur­ scout. Same old Phillies. Thrre'a a limit to human endur­ Brethren. In other words, many things can technical knockout ha earned erat'f* The ceremony set a precedent foi be alarmed; those while tags Hoop Schedule on which the French teacher sau-^ ^College this year. Their 26 pointa. t(>aay'a spot gave the Coming key Bowl” game . . . It differs ance and the experts have said Idcnlttles of these three "author- happen between now and Dec. 9, EMdta Prints of Windsor LoeM^. the high school, for it is the first Ind^ate that the wearer has ed. were pictured. When the liner frhieh os exactly toe aame as last horse a send-off name-players from other such contests in that Intercepted Letter that some day Hammering Hank atlve sources" cannot be divulged and It la small wonder no sane per­ lu t week. This la to ta Rll«^'!l|| ■tone set out with appropriate conttibuleil to Tag Day. reached England, toe passengers year's total, was Just about a per-, couldn't resist. admission ts free . . coming east “Oklahoma failed to do toelr would burn himself out. Henry's L'ecauae none wishes to be placed son will allow anyone to quote him last appearance aa on amateui'-''“ OCTsmonles. The atone, a square Is Announced hod to be carried ashore by small feet score In defeating such com­ Challephen, the W. L. Brann on the St. Mary's special, Frank C3ii1qtman stopping early," Neal style has been the same tn every in toe position of speaking for con­ dlrecUy on forecasts of toU kind. he leaves shortly to take up a l granite block with '40A can-ed on boats, after the sailor had* meas­ petition as Wesleyan, Trinity, stablemate of Cballedon, was cer­ Youell, Oakland undertaker, clean­ Taylor. Kansas City, Mo. >> bout, a constant forward march stituted officials of their reapectlvc But then, there are other people rf*’" aa a professional la tft the top. Is set against the south- ured toe depth of toe water and Mass. State, Springfield and Am­ tain to get a good ride under Don ed two sports writers of $25 at with both arms flailing, his kinky alma maters. ' who Just can't keep their silence. York. Incidentally, RUoy •m end of the stone wall which Squad Ready for Initial found out how far inland the boat herst. A week following toelr vic­ Meade, leading Jockey of tbe sea­ poker. Old Frank gets ’em coming Yakima, Waahn —Harlond Clift, head bobbing, his body always hla flatle debut at the l o ^ mns tack of the main hiilldlng. Common Sense could go. tory of the Connecticut Valley, toe son with 249 wlnnars. and going . . . Judge Landis, hard-hitting Inflelder, has told weaving. Armory last fall when ha TTje stone, however. Is not the Game with Alumni at Beautiful buildings at Oxford Fuguamen came within six points Also nomlnstsd for tos "hunch " baseball's bouse cop. Is said to ta friends he’d rather go on WPA A furious offense is his defense. Mickey Rooney of Hartford, only object that was set out Pre­ Members of the cost of the Sock and Buskin pUy are; Esther Benson. Gloria White Bettv Deurev of winning toe New England arming for another offensive than spend another season with toe He keeps on top of his rival, hia a hard-hitting alugger who vious to the dedication Margaret ' Is Needed in Armory Nov. 30. were technlcolored on the screen. fraternity was Mania O'Hara, H. lick, Dick Ranney, Bob Madden Bob Richmond, Ruth Wheaton. Eskel B uckI«nd[jota ^ e y AI Scenes of Miss Low's youitg neph­ Championship run held at Boston. Frledberg's Ughtly-welgbted color- against chain store baseball and Browns. bead often pushed against bis op­ bound to give Prints sn inta Torek, class secretary, had written The University of Maine was toe ponent's cheat. HU foe must Yard-Gaining Honors Ing evening. a history of the class and secured Barry. Loulae Dewey. Tommy Blanchard. Philip Keith, Leon Podruve. 'I^e dsto^or toe^^rform w ^^U ^ ew of England added humor bearer tn toe O’Hara 'cap. with the football and soccer and intereat for toe club members. winner with 66 points, while Con­ Thirteen other horses were en­ steadily retreat, never allowed to The seml-ftns) brings Into the signature of all the class mem- Choosing Dress necticut finished second with 72 get set for a punch. Some fighters bsrs. These papers were placed aeosons completed, the basketball The pictures then took the au­ tered In the mile and three-six­ Uon Joe PolowlUer, the old •won't follow the original story and dience to Paris where the Arc de points. teenths teat. Also wsU-Ilked was conserve toelr energy by scrap­ Go to Eakin, Harmon ble of Windsor Locks, In a tin box and burled in cement It's just what the title suggests. squad has been chosen and Is be­ Trulmph, Notre Dame Cathedral. Coach Fuqua is looking forward ping In flurries, slug and rest, slug under the stone. It Is the hope ing made ready for lU first game J. B. Pstridgs's Sandy Boot, which Yale, Harvard Expect "Kid" Siler of Brietol. Polowtt F'ashion Expert Talks to ‘Fofe’ Trounces ^Harvard’ aii(l other beautiful buildings were to even better things In 1940 since copped the ranee Georges autumn and rest, but not Hennery. He’s Is a favorite with lonl toas of the class of '40A that all the with the alumni, which will be he bos his entire 1939 squad intact like a mad hornet, busy every sec­ I classes following will place stones "Inside Asia" and "Inside Eu­ shown. The camera gave a close handicap last Saturday over four torbug, has come nearer solving A r k a n s a a an<4 has appeared here many Home Economics Cluh rope". both on thd list of best played on November 30 at the Ar­ up of toe large rose window of the and in addition has several likely- ond of the three-mtnute round.#, Michigan along the wall to form a la'tlng mory. other racers In today's field. Armstrong's style than any others. i « n a during the post year. Ha sellers and both written by for­ At Successful Playday We want to warn those boys Notre Dame Cathedral. In Pans looking freohmen coming up. Emil Denemsrk’s War Minstrel, lie wears down his foes by hla Ho fought Armstrong a great duel a highly commendabla draw memorial of Manchester High —Style Definite Part of The squad for this season Is as Charlie Robbins of Manchester, Crowd of 70,000 Fans everlasting thumpings. Then when Grid IStars Lead Na< school graduating cla.sses. eign corres|>ondQnt John Gunther, once again who might possibly tbe sight of toe open market places Bel Air stud's Olympus, A. G. In 1938 when he lost the light­ Bobby BIUs of New Britain ta 1 offer a better understamllng ot follows; were enjoyed by the gathering. who bos b4en first In practically they are too weary to stand any The speeches which were given Woman's World. The first playday of the season ».such meets in the near future. The have their eyes on an athletic Vanderbilt's Nedayr, and I. Ble- weight crown and put up a better ' lion's Ball Carriers; week’s feature and should nils 1 the present European situation... scholarship. Don't forget your First team: HUlnakl. Blanchard. The markeU open at 1:00 o'clock all toe mMts this year. Bob Whea­ more, too tired to protect them­ scrap In August when he regained I at the dedication brought home was held lost Tuesday when the that sports can be Just as ber's Conde Rico were In toe smart favorite over Slier. "The Best lisys of 1938 and I foreign language! Remember. It Davis, Blow, ZamalUa, Cole, Dan- In toe morning and by 9:00 o’clock ton, BIU 'Tribou, BIU Herold, New- lineup.^ Rival Coaches Choose selves as cautiously as In tbe early the Utle. Kiiiiiick Is Near Top. The other eight bouts, with to the graduating class, which stretch girls! The tall, tllm enjoyable without competition, cosse, Murdock, Buttery, Klein- stages. Henry gets his knockouts. was gathered around, the fact that figure Is the moat fasblohable t.vpe 1039. " edited by drama critic Girls' hockey team met Windsor is absolutely necessary to have everything Is cleared away. The all Johnson, Ray Rosen and George Their lost tussle was one of toe opener cat tor 8:30 o’cloek. ora i Burns Mantle should be of Inter­ High school In Educational Square. waa also proved by the playday. your quota of some foreign lan­ acbmldt, Davidson, Wilkie, Lojes- hotel owners come early to buy Magyar will be available next Lineups Today; Both But has that wastage of energy followa; . their high school days were al­ this year. This fact waa stated by MIM McRae hopes that by plan­ kl,'■* Holmes, Brown, Bavetick, year. Clemson, 8. C.—This probably and strength finally begun to take roughest New York has seen in Seattle, Nov. 23—(/»9—For toe most over. The sun. low tn the est to Drama enlhusla-sta. . . In guage before you can be accept­ large quantities of vegetables years and Ambers' victory was Vito TsUortto of ThoopaoBvIW Mlaa Bourke, a fashion expert. In The playday waa the moat Im­ ning such activities, more girls Murphy. McDowell Thomas, Par- The varsity football team finish­ Face Hard Decisions; will start a lot of correspondence Its toll? Some boxing authorities second straight week Kay Eokln, west, added to the "farewell" at- her talk to the Home Kconomlc's fact all of this is goo (irnling elaas, last Fii- Frank Zimmerman Jr.. 42B. years ago, but In case you missed of thirteen participating schools Men’s Friendship Club. Klnnlck, lows, 986; Kenny Wash­ given to M. H. B. In the hope Unit Lx-arnlng to wear your rloUi.-s iBv, when they vIsIteiLthe store to tures on the sports and soelety Tbe Gift (Committee cbose Mr. taking a 2-0 lead st the start of ' so. He planned to give his Eagles 188 was high score for tha It. I’ll go over the high points for with a score of ISP. Manchester's Soath 3IetoodiU Church. toelr first closeup of kansas ington, U.CLJk-. 940; Banks Mc- and bo also took high thrso each succeeding < lass would fol­ well Is an easy hut Iniporlant task ^ observe tv|M's atui desli designs of rugs. pages are of both news value and team was the same as has previ­ Lynch for its faculty adri-er. Tsom No. 4 took 4 pointa from the gyinie. but was overtaken be low the precedent. In conclusion your benefit. Fran ran In the The Will Committee Is made up fore the first period bad ended State’s powerful running attack Fodden, Clcmaon. 880; Jim La- with a seors of * 874. In this day and age when u-tjinen's The studen,;. sitting on rugs! ^nman Interest. freshman three mile IC4-A cross ously run for the “ Alma Mater", the lead leading team No. 8 last Lanas, North CoroUno, 887; Oron- torch presented the stone to Rnit- fa.shlons change so raplifiy. lames used a copy of the maga­ of Grace Benson, chairman, Fred night to put them in toe running end never had a chance thereafter. In toelr lost serioua workout for Ksbsrt's oooro of 168 plied on the ll(HU. remtiideil -Mr. country nin Momlay for Fordhsm namely consisting of "Bull” Dog- Cleveland’s setback on Its owm that tnUracctlonol game. It seem- 1" r- ^ ny Lonadell, U.8.C., ldl« last wosk, Monday's matebsa was high ert Doggart. as president of the — Beatrice White’ '4()B McGnith of the I’eralan custom of zine, "Life." to demonstrate the Editorial gart. Bob Oderman, John Cervlnl. Krtsh. John Wilson. Jease LIttI" for first place. Although Walter Student Council, for the school different t y j^ of pictures. Some University. The curly headed Doris Dickson. Frances Zlto, Boh lea kept It from regaining a tie sd likely that Leahy would have 858; and Harold van Every, Min- tha week sad won tbs 10 lb I sitting on the oriental ruga, which Manchester youth placed a well- Captain Joe DlMtnlco, Riuwell Fox bit high tingle and higb 3 Bseoist, who moved up from 18th, —Bob McCormick, 40A. advertisements are so dlagulsed Duke, Johnny Olson, and ICd Cot­ Madden, and Don Fisher with atrlng for the losers toe other with the tndlsnaooUs Capitals for oU of his backfield regulers avail­ f ^ ^ Hk offered for high single. are naturally clean because the earned third In the race de.sp'te the weat*rn lead. The vrtetory able for tots contest, for Charley 884. r flftaea*s O onga (4) I’eralans remove their shoes before that It Is difficult to recognize Appreciate Your Privileges ter. Mias KIbbe acting as faculty ad­ members of team No. 4 their purpose: for this reason they a pulled tendon tn his leg that he viser. for New Havtn, howtvsr, mav O’Rourke, toe pessing star, and l , '. . -V , Thota roaUag *bahlad Harmon CorranU .... 128 107' 8S walking on them. What we need la enthuslaam! sustained In a former race. Fran Tbe runners from the two com­ through' with toe totol pinfnii in Individual rushing only, In or­ High School C'liibg j //. S. World are enjoyed. A series of pictures peting Hartford ochools complete­ The History Committee Is com­ The second gome ended up a tie prove a costly one because WUf hammering Henry Tocsylowskl, Olhson ...... 104 US lU Mr. McGrath explained that be- of baoeball fans carrying portable Manchester High U one of the waa favored to win the race Mon­ Cude. the Eagles' star goalie, was der. ora: fore the present day designs were ly stole tbe show, with Ken Gagne, posed of Harry Whitney, chair­ with team No. 4 winning toe roll toe quorterboek, were able to take Jim PontUlo . 180. 87 181 radios Is an example of human In­ moct advanced Connecticut day, and it certainly looked os struck on toe elbow and couldn’t a' light port In yesterday's drills. John Polanski and Rod Mfijr- O ea s...... 100 m 180 Aid Local Dri\ ■es' developed, rug patterns were schools; we students have advan­ of H. P. H. S.vtaklng the Indivi­ man; Anna Kutz. Erls Carlson, off. In the other nmebes S. •rry. Woks Forast; Knolls, At Large terest plgturca. Political pictures though he would, os be led tbe Marie Wurtz, Milton Stratton and finish the game. A Cleveland The only oUi4r coeebee prseOsil Twornlts .... 188 180 U 8 I cnii!e geometrical structures. tages that we never fully appreci­ field until the start of the final dual honors In the varsity race, Nichols' team had sn easy time Crslghtop; Washington. U.C.UA.; are purely of news value, he said. Bob McO>rmick. Mr. Gatchell con­ bj’ taking 4 points from Charlie amateur. Gordon Baxter, had to ta for time in this gridiron sector V 1 Close observation reveals that ate or use. mile, when the Injury began to and Weaver winning the team called Into tbe nets to help out the Jock Coin. Texas; Van Every, When passing some .M M S ' ('hatter: This department la in —Jane Irwin. '41B honora with a scorq of futy-seven sented to act as adviser for this Banks' team, both being Ued for were Tufts' Lou Manly and Moss. Totals ...... 900 080 ~578 rooms. It can he seen that f.'hnst- tlie oriental nig contains, many This year, the 8. A. A. drive take Its toll on his ninnlnT. It Is Eavles and performed brilllantlv State's Ebb Caraway. Manly Minnesota; Tony Oollovlch, Woks I receipt of a neat little booklet eon- motives and symbols. One example seemed to start the season; of points. The flashy Weaver outfit committee. second place. In the other match Forest; Norm itoadlee. fitonferd, Britlah-Amerieaa (0) seals have already made their not believed that the Injury Is Max Kaminsky, the league’s grested the return of Ralph Sher­ .‘X T ) ' McCurry .... 114 81 — I taming some mild remarks and pointed out was that of a double course. In time, all of a thousand very serious, so Fran may be ex­ also took home toe bacon when The Class Prophecy will be Otto Nelson's team took three whoa# 143 rushes lead la that ns- appearance, asking the support .-.I I Mtlel.snis on a aeleetlon of the Guard Maneuvers written under the guidance of Mr. points from the cellar team al­ leedlng scorer, on the basis of ry, bis flrgt-strtng left tackle, McCarthy .. elephant's head which was not ■tudenta supported It Did you Im­ pected to be competing In more their seconds easily copped team assists, rammed home bis first spset, and LoasdaU. UB.C _Classes . and . clubs . . the '“ '''C and ta-tter bo

'ft- ■' f ' i' I -n.- -iftoiTto