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Th€ JW .IU U CORR Eitrtiftis Arcracc Daily Clrenlatkii The Weather For the Month of Oetober, 1888 Foraonot of U. 8. Weather Tbo •lAtflsa’ Aid sodsty Of ths Tbs brick work baa bsaa start- Mrs. Harman C Hm. ascratary sd on ths DOW Jswlab synagogtM of tha Manchester BulUHng and Swedlab Oougrsgatloiial church Loan Aaaodatlon, Was elected Sec­ Fair tonight and Friday, rising About Town will nteet tomorrow evening at at Myrtle and Unden streeta. The b PPERS 6^8.’> work was laid out on Monday and retary of the Connecticut L«aguc temperature today: o o lte Sotnr- T^4ft'at the church for their month­ of Building and Loan Secretaries Meoiber of tha Audit lEn^tting H ^ralh *»y. Pinehurst ly meoting. yesterday three to four courses of Pinehurst A card party will be given tin brick wers laid around the entire at the annual meeting held In Bureau of Cbenlatloas der Um auaplcaa of Pin* L«ko Meriden, Saturday, November 18. Manchester— A City of Village Charm MEAT ItST. Loonard C. Harris, district building. Extra men atartsd work FRESH FISH Community club, Inc., Friday ovo- today and an effort will be made OKE KRAUT DINNER nlng at 8 o'clock at Anchor Inn, suporlntsndont, will dsUvsr ths Oysters.......... pJnt 33c address this evening at 7:80 at the to get the building encloeed before 6 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 1 1808 Main otreet East Hartford. snow hinders the work. VOL. LIX-, NO. 46 (Claaaifled Advertising ou Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1939 Spare R ib s 17c Prlzea wUI be given and refresh- First Quarterly Conference of the THE El W TR IC Jumbo, Fresh Methodlat church. The meeting PEB roM Kraut .................Ib 10c menta served. Mrs. M. Glenn FURNA. E MAN CASH Shrimp...........ib. 25c Edgecombe and Fred Jones, both will follow the harvest supper The Army and Navy Club aux­ Lowest Cost Automatic Heat! 612.SO M ealy Shank Soup B ones................Ib 15c of Hartford, are in charge of ar­ served at 6:30 by the Willing iliary will bold its regular meeting Workers group of the Wesleyan tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Sold ExelB«lvely By Two Hurl When .Vriuv Plane Noses Over _ Ctan4^"P" ............P‘"‘ Super Cubeil Steaks, average 12c to 1 tc ea. rangements. The club has local L . T, Wood Co. OMwSer Cl«n^ Butter Fish .......ib. 15c re.sldenta among Its members. Guild. Election of officers for the coming G. E W IU JS A SON. INC. Beef L i v e r ......................................Ib 27c year will take place at this meet­ 3 Main Street Tel SI35 81 BlsaeU St. Tet 4486 Cooperatives Are Six More Ships Are Ce^ dBonelean (Sktnl«»«) The Toy Lending Center on Mrs. Major James W. Beech of ing. , roOock- I’nilock Fiilfls .. lb 20c l,arge Sausage................................Ib. l-'»c Chestnut street will be close all the local Salvation Army corps / Belmaa. Whnlr lladdnrk. Corned Spare R ib s .......................... Ib 17c day Thursday and Friday of this has returned to her home here af­ noUBder Fillet*. f " ' * ' .Msrkrrel. ter spending six weeks In the week end Thursday and Friday of Seen Alternative next week. Evangeline Booth and New Eng­ CHESTNUTS .............. Ib 10c COOKING FIGS land Baptist hospitals In Boston. ADDeD to Heavy Sea W M t« or Bl«ck MU*l«in Charles Peckham who was con­ Mrs. Beech underwent a major Fancy. 1-arge 2 pounds '{.5c nected with the Rogers Paper operation In the latter Institution 'rwosTt r o o ” • Manufacturing Company, ts to and U now much Improved In HALE'S SELF SERVE For New England anNACH\ 2V C.XUMFI.OMEH....... ea. 20c tt f 10 A ft start a silver fox farm In Man­ health. Mra. Betty Chick of Bos­ ♦ %rutt THE ORIGINAL IN NEW ENGLAND! WAX B E A N S' He chester. Ho lives at 448 Lydall ton, daughter of Major and Mrs. MUSHROOMS. pi. box 19c Beech. Is caring for her mother CUT CORN ISc street and already has three pair Aiken Urges Farmers to Sells Lot of Turkeys Losses During W eek of the animals In cages at his during her convalescence. B u rs Devil Food. Ginger IV O R Y S O A P home. This will be the first farm Organize Groups, Es­ But RobbeD of Receipts HOUDAY SPECIALS Bread Mix, White Cake or ..........3 for 25c of Its kind here. I.a rge .. pecially Emphasizing I San Francisco, Nov. 23.—(/Pi ..........5 for 25c .•x HEALTH MARKET Driver Still in Scat After j Britinh Lose Three Vet* Spice C a k e 21c Medium —Jeff Jacobs, a butcher, sold a ASPARAGUS TIPS The Polish Women’s Alliance. Entry Into Field of Experts See Car Turns Over 3 Times Group 518, Is aponsoring a supper FU EL o n . lot ot turkeys to the 'ilianks- sel», French Two anD fWBri— MX 9 9 c givlng trade, but he didn’t feel ______ I ■•MMieiBh (Uot.) for Sunday afternoon, November 24-Hour Service! Electric Powrer Distri­ 26, In Pulaski hall. North atreel. much like eating one himself Denver, Nov. 23.—(45—L. J. Greece One as Victima STRAWBERRIES In charge of Mrs. Albert .Malek | bution; Baldwin Talks I today. Nazis BehinD Nelson's automobile made a SmhithMl- DIAL 4151 302 MAIN STREET T. WOOD ThursDay SpeDals three-point landing after turn­ O f Mines anD S n b w ^ and .Mrs. Felix Godleskl. It will i Two young robbers seized tarts (l6ot) ing over three times. Htclil rfen <• >wn Nf II eriTf lil? OF POST OFFKt ■ ONE dLOCKEMM SWEM/IORY be preceded by an entertainment Phone 4496 Boston, Nov. 23—(iC)—Farm c6- him last night, forced him to rines; Naval Writera Mines ADrift One of two machines In a ; at 3 o'clock. ' : operatives were proposed today by drive to a lonely mountain g r e e n s t a m p s GIVEN WITH CASH SALES road, and took 81,000—the re- collision. Nelson's automobile! Suggest Use of *Mag> |Gov. George D. Aiken of Vermont landed right side up. Its motor celpts at his shop for two M ys netic Mines' to Eix* an alternative to government before Thanksgiving. Cluslers Reportutl Arc |tan resting on a Are hydrant Sp. t>/i Csn Extra QuaUty Burt Oiney ownership and regulation." and the rear wheels prettily Too Big to Have Been plain Increasing TolL The Republican chief executive balanced on a three-foot retain­ liry Hams spoke with five other governors at Wre«le<l from Moor- ing wall. 4 Gift Suggestions That Are Golden Pumpkin or Two U. S. army fliers, Lieut. C. H. Gould and I'vt. J. E. C. Carroll, were injured when this fast London, Nov. 23—(45—Six mar* the opening ses-slon of the I5th attack plane nosed over and Ian le<l on Its back In a landing at Logan field, near Baltimore. The Nelson still was at the con­ IVt to 8 pennda average. conference of the New England 435 Employes ingri by Storm at Sea. Britlah, French and nautrsl veO> 26 Shopping Days Until Xmas! plane was cn route from Mltchel Field, Long Island, to Washington. trols—but with a broken right 8nnllght Selected Cold Storage Marrow Squash Council, which was opened with an ' hand and shoulder. aels today were added to^hasvy . LAY AWAY A GIFT A DAY UNTIL XMAS! Take advantage of oiir lay away plan— Always Acceptable appeal by President C. F. Weed Washington, Nov. 23.—0*5 — A maritime losses of tbs psst WMII ' for uniformity of state laws to Of State W m Navy announccmenl that 39. drift­ from mine and submarine wni>> Eggs Doz. 29c facilitate a "freer fiow of com­ fare. » small depo.sit will hold any item in the store until you are ready to use it. 2 cons 19c ing mines have been sighted In the merce thixmghout the area." KiDnaper Kills Losses disclosed today worst - North Sea in the la«t two days t-5-Poond Smoked Fancy Sweet Aiken asserted. In a prepared Get More Pav Rumanian Government Hitler PonDers The British steamer DorinOb L*-, that "the cooperative deepened the convictions of some 351 tons, sunk by a submnriiw movement has gone too far to turn maritime experts today that they Nov. 19. Sixteen of the crew www Potatoes Lbs. 13c Himself Aftei* had been set adrift to make British Shotilders Lb. 15c back now. Increases to Become Ef­ War Progress believed mliMlng. Elevsn survtomta , 4 BEST SELLERS FOR XMAS GIFTS Changing Eoonomlo Structure Resigns in Body Today waters a no-man's-area for all landed on the east ooant af8st < OoM Medal Extra Fancy Quality "It Is resulting and wlU further fective Jan. 1; None of shipping. spending three days In From the Domestic Department. Buy These the W'ay — On the Club Plan. result In a changing economic Being TrappeD Storm weather often has wrested rine before being transferred to oa mines from their moorings, but sel­ With LeaDers pkg. Bun. structure In America," he said. Aficlitional Money Is Follows BreakDown of Italian ablp. Bisquirk 2Sc Celevy "The quicker this fact Is recog­ Gestajjo EnDs dom In such clusters ns Indicated The 4A76-ton Greek freighter;;; nized and all groups adjust them­ From General FunD. Auto Salennian Virliiii TraDe Negotiations in ty the Incomplete reports broad­ Enena R., 'sunk by a mine; twoBty*.) Twin Bjtter Dish FREE! cast by the Navy's Hydrographic Fuehrer HolDs Annual w^- R 'giilar $5.OR Rentififiil selves to the change, the quicker Which Nazis Sought four persons saved.
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