Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-09-08
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----.1940 --.. ( Suit Leuglte Rnce Partly Cloudy Iyment Tigel's, Yankees Triumph t.o Galn IOWA - Partly cloudy t.od.ay, !r and On SlIpplnl Indians .bowen In northwest, cooler in rtdants See Stories on Pare " north; partb' cloudy tomorrow. t her~ -' 1 bro, 10"'0 City', Mornin, 'Ne""poller " in th~ FIVE CENTS lOW A CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, SEFTEMBER 8, 1940 fte.&. d W r- VOLUME XL NUMBER 289 1940 a : George rtdants' cotint~ {en by YOder, at the p of a m the !r. The !s an~ m the ot the -human *** , *** *** *** . *** *** *** *** es that JOhn_ , or th~ $100 a )I't fot Nazis· in Mightiest Assault on London he also lyment * * * * * * 'endant Delay President's Draft Plan 'or the Report Iron Guardists Attack Fires Rage Measure Has Provi ion That ng the cd the In Longest Actual Draft Be Deferred 60 Former King Carol's Train Attack of War Days to Permit Voluntary Trial Armed Men u.s. Seeks More Defense Isles Damage Acknowledged Bill WouJd Require All Men Between 21 and 44 r To Be Severe in City; Inclusive to Regi ter lor Po ible Try to Remove lndustrial Targets Hit Service if Needed lor Defense LONDON, Sept, 8 (Sunday) BY RICHARD L. TURNER Carol' Friend (AP)-The mightiest and the long WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, CAP) - The house passed the c~t aerial assault ever madc upon this capita I raged (or eight hours Burke-Wadsworth peace-time conscription bill tonight, but Diplomatic Circles and 18 minute.. last night and with a provi ion that the actual draft be deferred for 60 days a fuel. Assert Lupesc'u, King early today amid fire-reddened to permit further trial of the voluntary enlistment system. YOI • skies and exploding bombs which It iato ~Iay Live in Canada diu admittedly "severe" damage The vote on the final passage wa. 263 to 149. in the heart or the world's largest A vote of 207 to 200 reaffirmed th earlier, tentative BUCIlAREs'r, Rumania, Sept. 7 city. decision to defer the actual drafting of men. Thi provision t (APJ-Filty icon gUQl"dists, armed The alal'm which sounded at with revolvers and dynamite, '8:32 , p.m. Sacul'day (2:32 p,m., is not contained in the senate bill and it, with other chang s, were reported authoritatively to EST) finally ended at 4:50 a.m. raised the possibility of time-consuming delay in getting night to have attacked former today (10 :50 p.m. Saturday, EST). the two hou es to agree on the final fot·m on th m a ure. = King Carol's special train as it • • • The house measure would require all men betwe n 21 and crosscd the border into Yugo According to a statement made by those mentioned by President As dawn drew' on, the great 44 inclusive to register and make them liable to the draft, slavia, Secretary ot Navy Frank Knox, Roosevelt as being vital to the dE' fires set ,by nazi incendiary while the senate bill fixed the age limits at 21 to 30 inclu ive. Amid a rain of bullets they the United States is negotiating fense of the western hemisphere, bombs seemed to be abatfng The bill will now go back to the senate with a request shouted thot thcy wanted to re for the use of the Galapagos and Six of the eight defense bases re , someWhat, but the heavens sUIl that the house amendments be approved. The llenat will move Magda Lupescu, Carol's Cocos islands as defense bases for cently acquired from Great Britain glowed red, and a ,pall of white Representative Hamilton Fish (R) ment by Fish to the conscription smoke drifted overhead, whl'e of New York, right, is shown decline to do so, and each chamber will appoint repr nta woman friend. The train sped on the protection o( the Panama canal. in exchange fOI' 50 over-age de bill to delay start of the draft for tives for the task of bringing the two bills into conformity. without stopping. These Pacific ocean islands (indi stroyers are indicated by black fire engines al,d ambulances j above a he was congratulated by a 60-day period while a drive is sUIl c I a tl g e d over littered Since the 60-day po tponement provision was def ated in ~1ay Go to Canada. cated by arrows) were among cil'cles, Representative Harold Knutson of made for Voluntary enllstments. Meanwhile, some diplomatic streets, ' Minnesota after the house of I'ep- The bill was passed last night. the senate by only two votes any ffort by th conf r s to circles here said that Carol and • • • rcsentalives had passed an amend- drop it-the war department is opposed to the provision- Authot:itative sources described line, Lupescu were planning to -------------------------~---- would encounter intense op- Wendell WiIllcie to Come. Into the damage as "severe," but urged like up their exile in Canada, observers to considel' it in rela position, Some were already wher sh has large Pl'operty tion to ih g(lti rlli \\,;11' pictnr.. , Ilugg ting a compromise for holding~, after spending some Iowa Third Time Next We Ii. French Arrest Gamelin, Reynaud, ta"d Ito preparaUon~ [or just such mula which would involve time in Switzerland. ------------- an attack "and worse," which had retaining the hou 's GO-day post Rumania's new dictator, Gen. been expected ever s ince the wru' ponement and th sen te's age Ion Antonescu, moved to con Plans Train Platform F .R. to Attend began, Dalad'ier in War Blame Cases limit figur s. solidate his power by taking over Speeches, Appearances The lull .ferocity of the attack, ----------------------------~---------------- . Up to the lo st, the postpone foul' cabinet posts and issuing Special Church following an hour and 42-minute m nt amendment, who author sweeping decrees providing in On Way to Coffeyville raid Saturday afternoon, came in .V.I. to Aid was Rep, Fish (R-NY) was a vestigations of persons who be Peace Servicp. the pl'c-midnight hours. Oppose Loans Three Leaders subj t of deep contro ersy. Its came wealthy under Carol's 10 DES MOINES, Sept. 7 (AP) Afterward, an occasional pl anc IOlva Defense supporters contended bat since years of power. Wendell Willkie comes into Iowa roared over to drop bombs, and For Marketing The guol'dists bent on removing next week for the third time HYDE PARK, N. y " Sept. 7, searchlights still grouped thl'ough Council Survey Charged To WA HINGTON, epa. 7, Mme. Lupe~cu tded to stop the since he became presidential tim (AP) -President . Roosevelt will the morning sky, (AP) - even Iowan voted. train at the lown of Timisoara, ber, attend services tomorrow at St. • .. * Senators Call ScIJelne DES MOINES, Sept. 7 (AP)- with the majority wben the It was said here. James Episcopal cllul'ch on a day Even. alter the "lI.ll clear," re- Fall of Franee The republican nominee will in The state industrial and defense house tonlg-ht approved Ute When they asked the station vade thE! home state of Hem'y A. which .' he set aside for prayers POI'ts still driUed ill steadily of To Control American FI h amendment to the con additional dead and injured, of council, appointed today by Gov. VICHY, France, Sept. 7 (AP) master · if it would halt, he an Wallace, the democratic vice by all Americans that God Products 'Gra' ndl'ose' scription bill, under whiCh the swered "yes," but at he same presidential nominee, next Satur demolished homes and damaged George A, Wilson, will have ac- -The three highest leaders ot voluntary enll tment 8}8tem "grant to this land and to the air raid shelters, traffic was re- I lime wired n nearby station to day evening at Davenport, en troubled world a r'ighteous, en- routcd in a number or localities, WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 (AP) cess to expert scientific know- the old France-former Genet'al would be riven a SO-day trW signal Ule train to speed right 10 route to Coffeyville, Kan, during peace." .. • • -Opposing President Roosevelt's edge available at the State Uni- isslmo Maurice Gustave Gamelin befor the draft becomes ef through, The WiIlkie schedule calls for fective. and former Premiers Edouard l'ursue Train a major campaign speech at Cof The Rev. Frank R. Wilson, l'ec- The longeot previOUS, alarm was request for a $500,000,000 fund to versity and Iowa State college Representalives Le COm.Pte, It passed on through while the leyville where he once taught tor of the tiny, ivy-cwd church of I~:~~n hours and 40 mlllutes Sept. promote "orderly marketing" of in maklng its survey. Daladier and Paul Reynaud - II. republican, and Jacobsen, a band of 50 [ired pistols and threw school. which Mr, Roosevelt is senior I Just after midnight, the air western hemisphere products, a The governor said in announe were arrested today in the " war democrat, voted alalnst the blame" cases, measure. stones, The fireman on the loco The candidate, whose Iowa his warden, said the peace theme ~inist~y--of~iCiallY, c~l1in~ this bipartisan minority of the senate ing his appointments that Infor I They were placed in detention The seven who voted tor It motive was l"eported seriously tory dates back to a farmhand would be carried through the the [1I'st bIg nazI all' raIds on banking committee today called it maHon in the hands of any state wounded. job near Ottumwa, during his at Chateau Chazeron, near Chatel we reG fIe h r II t, Goodwin, , .