KILL TIME in LOATHE DIES Ollicisls^ of - Thiswestchester Community Are Aroused Over the Conditions Dmcribed As “ Idiock- Ing” by Park Superintendent Martin
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;i; 'A-:^ -iS. W- ^ 1 - s K- V s W i.--. "A •! KTrJ'-/> A .'H ,4’f- --J. .. ■/ ' m . for the Bttetli ef .-/A-t'-V.J? 5,488 :v‘.-. t •> ■evkwa of th* Ae«lt w-of- C|*cvl«(ton r -, %* ^ «gry Bot eo v;a > -’j ,1.' ■>‘ 4 V-. ir Afc-ti;..i 4:. < VOL. XU V., NO. 247. ■Mv^n hOmg oo FBse' PR I(^ THRSB 4i!U£. OFSTGIALS ;BB0WN DPQM’ AN AlJTOeitifBBB TAN TREESWEEPS ' - - - ■ I ' t 'i. i » F ir^ Lady at M i^nrainSf^eoil ."CjHnmenc^ Ryoi N. Y., • July-1»^(AP)— Women blithers in sdar^ of an . y - - : r unbroken e^panw o f tsn which MANOFFHAY goes well imtii evening . gowns will do wdl-to avoid the Rye' town park hereiafter. KILL TIME IN LOATHE DIES Ollicisls^ of - thisWestchester community are aroused over the conditions dMcribed as “ idiock- ing” by Park Superintendent Martin. Martin r^>orted that Hillstown Fanner Killed By after taking a dip many women T ^ New Ha?en foK cfi^ .made a practice o f seeh^ig' more thorough sun bathes in the se Fall To Road— Had Been clusion o f the park. He Is W ^^ for Faces Another \ 2 Hour Remarking that ^*women now DUP Warned Not To Ride On adays seem to have lost all u sense o f propriety*’ Mayor Platt SatioS; H <4 H arder; sion Today-^arm ors of ordered the chief of police to sta ^ A H O S P IT A L Top of the Rick. tion a man at the, park, to stop Di^’tHeaajToKiHer. the practice. Fililmster F reep u ^ y Brushed o ff a load of hay o n ; New Haven, July l^ (A P )—^Ar Mistake^ Dimyered Three Heard-'-Adjoomed which he was riding, by the branch.' rested here this morning after he of a tree, Thomas Scrivens, 29 years | had hitch-hiked his way frpm.Dpr- Night At 10 (Fcloch; Ih y old, of 460 Hillstown Road, suffered I BRUEPGTORULE chester. Mass., Bernard 'Thompson, Days Aftonrards wiles a a fractured skull late yesterday aft* i 26, a railroad worker,' today cm- emoon and died at the M em orial' fessed police say to the blackjack Take Vote Next Tsesday* hospital at 8 o’clodt Uiat night. A n ' ALL GERMANS NOW slaying of his aunt, Mrs. K. Edith ^ autopsy performed? by Medical Ebc- (Thompson) Wight, in her Saugus, Washington, July 19—(A P)—^ Mass., home Tuesday. Cbiesigo, July 19.— (A P )— The aminer Dr. William R. Tinker, re Senate settled down to an endurance Thompson, police say, tifid tivKm Charles Bambergers and the W il vealed the exact cause o f death. For Next Three Heaths Na contest of its own today and -won Warned. he had gone to the home c f' his liam Watktais xhay have the wrong aunt a private detective In Boston dered how much more time must Scrivens was .*iding on the top of babies butMr.' Bamberger wants tbe the automobile load of hay against tion F ifl Be Uoder a Vir stores, Tuesday morning, add both elapse before tbe volumble foes of the advice cf his fatheMn-law, Phil had had several, drinks. Then Mrs. one he has ziow even if the hospital W ight had made an' imcomplimen- tag says it belongs to the Watkins. the London naval treaty run bUt bf lip Hoffman sipd John Suchy, all of words or breath. whom are employed on the Cullman tual Djetatership. tary remark about his mower he Both babies were born June 30 at Brothers plantation. The load of “No more lessons, no more books—^no more teach ers ...” I t was the end ot the first term in the little said. He picked up a blackjack and the Englewood hospital. Both are Murmurs of "filibuster” were hay which was -to be used for Virginia mountain school endowed by President Hoover and others,! and Mrs. Hoover was a surprise g^ekt at struck the woman two times. boys. It was Mr^. Watidna’ first heard with increasing frequency hut the commencement exercises. The First Lady is shown above, at the right, as she bade go^-bye to the Thompson said he attempted to bedding purposes was gathered at Berlin, July 19.— (AP)-M3ermany and Mrs. Bamberger’s third. the doughty leaders o f the opposi eighteen pupils who were present for the last class in the school building erected'near the Chief Ebcecutive’s re-vive her, then fled, he said. tion -vigorously denied they were the home of Chester Manning and began today a period of three Both baUes-and both mothers did when the truck had been loaded and R ^id an fishing- camp. Miss Christine Vest, the teacher, is in the foreground, at fhe left. .Decides To Flee following any such course. months during which the govern On Thursday the death of Mrs. nicely and all were discharged from Another twelve hour session lay was about to move out onto the the hospital on the same day, July 9. ment is to be ruled by a dictator Wight was discovered and Thomp before the legislators and the pro- roadway, the load fell off. son hiding in his home an4 siuddus- Three days later, Mr. Watkins Took Chance. ship, not responidNe to any Parlia treaty forces were hopeful that?by ly scanning newsi>apers fbr news of was peraooally supervising the bath adjournment tonight the verbal csit- The men pitched the h&y back cm ment for its acts. the crime, decided to escape. ing o f his son. Christened Charles and at tiiat time, Mr. Hoffman ad- nPBOONINJAPitN flow would be nearly exhausted. It remained to be seen whether WITHERING HEAT WAVE A t 3 a. m. today Thompson told EvEmS WaOdQS. On the baby’s back ■vised Scrivens not to ride on the was &s piece of hospital identifica- Night Sessions * hay. Scrivens disregarded this and the President, I^eld Marshal Von two policemen here that he was Bernard Thompson., and had just tion ta ^ .- Failing In efforts to bitog about decided to take a chance. As a re Hindenburg or the Chancellor, LIED 30 PERSONS read that the pdUce Were looking for It read “Bamberger.” ^ an unanimous consent agreement sult the accident occurred. Neither Heiiudch Brueuing, would be the STRIKES WHOLE COUNTRY him. Half an hour later, Mr. Watkins limiting debate and fixing a time Hoffman or Suchy were aware of dominating figure in the new ar Thompson broke down.and admitted stormed into the Bamberger home, for a vote, administration lead^ the mishap until afterward. It ap crying “You’ve got the wrong baby, determined on night sessions as' a rangement. he had killed the woman. pears that Scrivens was brushed o ff 10,00(1 Homes Wrecked, Thompson is being held fbr Mass yr,urs ism ine." means of expediate action. by the branches o f a tree under Political observers felt certain A Qurse had just bathed the They held ready fo r presentaUSD Continent Cooks In Temper B U H E IS TIED UP achusetts police who are expected to I'hich the load of hay passed. that the Pnssidait, were he a young arrive here soon. BMxberger baby and had removed a petition to invoke the cloture rule, Found,In Road. er man, vmuld 'assume active con Scores•4 . hjnred — Then- 'T guess I must have been out of the tab, but-she found it and it bu.; they regarded its use as a last Forrest N. Buckland of ^ush Hill trol of the situation, but believed it atures of 96 to 113— 11 my head” he told reporters after his read: *Watklna.” resort only. road, Hillstown farmer, cutting hay posable, tinder the circiunstances BY LABOR STRIKES sands Are Made Homeless arrest Hospital authorities said they TOe firs ; o f the night sessions was in a nearby field, first noticed that Chancellor Bruening and the “I didn’t mean to 'k ill - her,” would make bkx>d teats today to de- Scrivens lying helpless in the road- Deaths Are Reported in M id last night Senator Johnson, o f CaUhet really would govern, al Thompson said. teraoine the parentage. California, Republican, spoke twiee ways with the approval of the octo *T didn’t know she was dead until (Continaed on Page 2.) genarian chief executive. Tokyo, July 19.—(AP)—Thirty and Chairman Hale of the Naval the New England States. Stores and Wholesale Houses I read about it In a newspsper,” he c o n ^ tte e also spoke. Hale spent ■ New Election dead, scores missing or injured, and continued. “I didn’t try to rob her immense property damage was the an hour reading the address deliver- On September 14, the ' German and that story about the jewelry RESCUED SAILORS ^ ^®28, by Presi people will go to the ^Us to elect Chicago, July 19.—(AP) — A Closed for a Week — To known toll today of the typhoon and money is a pack of lies. I dent Coolidge. WEALTHY CLUBMAN new members o f the Reichstag, In and rain storm which swept over came here and ^ t a job but the withering heat, fastened itself upon the Loochoo and Kixishiu Tiaanda in As soon as Johnson and his col succession to those sent home by America today.. thing- preyed on my mind so much leagues have finished talking, the Use Non Union H % tbs'southern part of the Empire I had to ^ v e myaatt to'police.” R the Chancellor yesterday when they yesterday. question of ratification w ill be vot^.236 to 221 to revoke his en From Great Lakes to Gulf .