1934-07-15 [P ]
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I-1 SPORTS SECTION r- Base Ball, Tennis Boxing, Wrestling Pari S—4 Page* _WASHINGTON, D. C„ SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1934._jnnq Harder Tribe Masters 2-0 : Beat Yanks 1-9 After■ ■■■■'■ ■ ■■ Griffs,...... — III ■■■ ■■■ ■■ »■' « "■■■■■■ ■.■■■I I. M__—. — — ■■■ ■ Trailing■ of A Tigers Wry Much Harrier PEACOCK STRUTS OUT. —By JIM BERRYMAN BEATS WHITEHILL WASHINGTON AH R HO A E DRIVE GOMEZ 0111 Srhu.tr ef 4 n n n ii » Myar 2b 4 u n 2 2 *' Miniali If :t <i 1 4 1 <i f > t n « i; ntn ...... l § Trivia :ib. ...3 n 1 I I <i Harris rf I O O O 0 n IN PITCHING DUEL Kras*, lb M n ] JO 0 " IN WINNING, 12-11 f*»*|i 3 U ll ! II (I Whltrhlll. p M o n " 4 n <1 4 Total* .. 2» 24 14 0 With Four Gives Only Four Safeties. CLEVELAND AB R H O A E Williams Declares He Has Top It Off Runs Holland rf 4 o 1 1 0 n Ktiiek*rbf/rkar. a* 4 n 1 1 3 0 in Avarlll rf.2 " J 2 1 n in in Ninth—Just 2 Points Both Runs Counted Voamik If.2 1 I 3 0 n Never Seen Players T.-osIt' lb. 4 1 1 14 I n Hat* 2b .4 II 1 1 « l> Second Inning. Kinir lb 2 n 7 1 4 ll Better Fettle. Back of Rivals. PMiak t a o o a n n Hardrr p 3 0 n 1 3 n Total* 2b 8 b 27 1» ll Press RV JOHN R KELLF.R. BY GAYLE TALBOT Bv the Associated Wa».hln»ton Oiin min Hurt—o 'SURE I TAKE GOLF A**oci*'fd Press Sport* Writer. 14—Wab- 8t»r ...... IHMI July (t'sff Corr. por.rt'nt of The ClrvrUnd n20 HU*—2 SERIOUSLY, BUT NOT Rots banad In— Hal*. Haltin’. Two- ONDON. 14.—After bling around on the verge Ohio. 14 ha** July put- K TOO SERIOUSLY...! LEVELAND. July hits Holland Manu*h Sarrlflr»s— of a knockout in the 'o«mls Cronm and his five-man early Mel Harder must be on Doubt* plav ting squad DONT LET GET MY T i* v|* Laft on hasas Washinston 2 P IT Detroit.innings today, the Tigers a two-hour de- on Whifa- through prac- my pitching staff," Ovaland Basr ball*—Off f GOAT.... WHEN T MISS to the hfll Strurk out By Ha'dar 3 bv tice session on Wimbledon's came back administer — clarrd Joe Cronin right WbitrC fl! | Messrs Moriarty AND tlmpir** R Norris tDicki Williams, A SHOT 1 STOP finishing blows themselves in the after he was named manager and 0*is*i Tim* 1 35. courts, team of the United FIGURE OUT WHAT WENT ninth and defeated the Yankees of the American leagues all- • captain State Dav-is forces, declared WROAJ6...THEN TRY TC> 12 to 11, to regain the American star team. "He's the best right- Cup PLAY IT RIGHT THE League lead. Ihc today his players were "cautious- hander in league today. The triumph, which thrilled a crowd In the bailie In New ly confident” of ending Great NEXT TIME.... ,r Harder big L.j ot 23.000 as Mickey Cochrane's club ...... ... a* he saved the lor his < ir- Britain's international tennis El'.,. C2\, York day finished with a stirring four-run rAlly Cronin right And reign cull. made appear in the ninth After trailed by "I as having he did so again todav. although In a think they are in fine shape as much as eight runs, gave Detroit didn't Chuck- as I ever saw a buncfl af tennis play- manner Cronin fancy. first place by two percentage points, thi* time. Harder ers." Williams said. "They act like ing for the Indian* 625 to 623. One more game remains into a 2- a lot of young colts. deftly curved the Nationals In the "crucial" scries. "Even Wilmer Allison, despite his to-0 defeat Playing sensationally behind Ver- in this now some- boat trip, appears in an excellent With fourth plare non iGoofy) Gome*, the Yanks built at stake, frame of mind. You can say that if what straggly pennant race up a 9-to-l margin In the first half Crawford and Quist Place we are beaten it won t be because of the lanky right-hander performed of the fourth, reaching their climax the hero's lack of condition." even better than he did in when Babe Ruth belted hla fifteenth Today's practice session in no way role in the "dream game" Displaying One home run with two mates aboard. Antipodeans Up resembled "test matches.” The marvelous control of his hook and oc- play- They drove Vic Sorrel out in the first ers took turns each casionally mixing in a fast one. es- informally against and Eldon Auken hard for a on Czechoslavakia. other without rapp-d when serving the right, hand completing any of the after the fourth their pecially UP while, but only Na- matches. HE/S BEEN BURNING batters. Harder permitted the tallies camp on Frank Crosettl’s homer local courses... holds tionals nothing more than four safe- in the seventh. F" the Associated Pres*. Allison Following unofficial over three innings. Plays Raggedly. ties spread S the excellent who was RECORDS In the fare of this RAHA. Czechoslovakia, July summoned OLD STAR OF Started in Fourth. RAPIDLY RISING 23 YEAR INDIAN SPRING 62. Get F.arl Whitehill 14 —The Australian dou- from the United States a few game left-handed by un- In- ALLISON, INDIAN SPRING...MARYLAND STATE AMATEUR MANOR. 64 Tigers didn’t get started was so much wasted effort The bles team of Jack Craw- weeks ago after Georg* M. Lott, } TbWlN Booming trees- 66 til alter Ruth’s circuit drive. to him for eight safe- .1r., the veteran doubles com- CHAMPION .-..OUTSTANDING FAVORITE dians got Just ford and Adrian Quist to- player, THE for four of AND ALMOST CERTAIN AND They smashed Gomes ties and three passes and after cluster- scored a three-set plained Lester R. Stoefen for his THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC day victory runs in the fourth and their second looked OFFICIAL: hits and three ing three of the clouts in over the partner, pretty ragged in prac- TO QUALIFY FOR THE NATIONAL OPEN Czechoslovakans, Lad- sent him to the showers in the fifth batting turn for two tallies he was tice, but Williams expressed the beaver Dam 69 islau Hecht and Roderich Menzal, tournament at oroorline. as hit after hit fell into temporary master. opinion that the Texan would round their Riving the Australians a lead of in outfield for ground- into shape quickly. bleachers the two matches to one in the Davis rule doubles. In all 13 hits were list- Whitehill Shows Form. Although he insisted he has not Cup zone tennis finals. ed as two-baggers. game was by far European decided on the doubles team for the Crawford and won Jimmy Deshong, who relieved Oo- the best he has hurled since Quist by 6—4, interzone final, the impression here mes, lasted only an Inning. Then ■ 6—4. WHITEHILLS effort, of 30 6—3, was that Williams would Stoefen his sterling May give over of a Russ Van Atta took the Job set back the powerful Adding today's doubles victory to chance with Lott in view' of the when he protecting the Yankee lead, which had with a single. It was Crawford's straight-set singles triumph towering Californian's great Yankees solitary showing been reduced to one run. He did well out over Hecht all in the Wimbledon final. one of those games that 9 times ot yesterday, the Austral- that As enough until the ninth, starting the a victory. ians need now to qualify to meet the Williams must name his team 10 would get. pitcher frame with a three-run margin. Then for the Earl and the United States in the interzone final Monday, he hardly will have had Unfortunately Marvin Owen started the trouble with ball this —the winner to Great Brit- sufficient time to size Allison as cracked-up Washington club, challenge up Rowe came a a single. Schoolboy the 10 occasion. ain—Is a victory in one of the two probable doubles partner and it happened to be through with a pinch hit. and Pete that matches to be tomor- is considered virtually certain that Harder was so good today only singles played Fox followed with hts third two-bag- their row. Stoefen will be given the 29 batters faced him. and after assignment the first run. That Frank X. ger. bringing home stance at the the Nation- Crawford Shields, the first rank- second plate played a magnificant all- 1 finished Van Atta and Burleigh The ing American singles player, and Sid- als never had a scoring chance. court game to make up for the weak Grimes was called In. He got Gerry ney B. Wood, that came after the second of teammates. jr„ another United i but Goose two hits showing his Quist ap- States Walker for the second out, two rounds singles performer, worked session were split between peared far below his regular form Goslin dropped a trick double Into the batters had spiritedly during the two-hour drill and each came after two and played sc raggedly In the third temporary seats, tying the score, and and performed in such a manner ocen retired. set that the Czechs threat- as Gehringer was Inten- seriously to convince MOW IN WAKE after Charley observers time the Nationals ened to win it.