(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-19
18. 19.43 = • Ration Calendar Warmer 0"'8 UA" ", •• pDDI I , ... ,IN Ma, . 11 Ian· ~ CI)TJ'B~ .. p... 19 "p~u "'a, 91 IOWA: MIld temperature to.] y: • OA& c... ,.... I! e.~". .....1 III Ke. 1'.. r. O.ll moot . lamp... plto Ma,aJ : IOWAN sbowers In lIOuth and G, H, aGd J lamp. espl,e ••, II: THE DAI-LY 8 ttOSS coupon n el,lre. J ••e lGl eentral pOrUons. f EL OIL eup." N • . ~ OI<pl," Se," .., Iowa City's Morning Newspaper , 2<l. Son mE CENTS TBB ASSOCIATED paBU IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 19,1943 1'BII: AlI'OCIA1'II:D PUll VOLUME XLm NUMBER 200 ln, 431 t nese \lris~ r was in. e war de. I repo~ e of Cor. hOd bEen nOre Inan n enlisled ottly after . Patrick'i ra ·os --------------------------------------------~~--- . t SICILY - ALLIES' STEPPING STONE TO EUROPE? tobbtry Flood Waters Surge Unchecked Retonquest of Emballled Aleutian Island House Defeats d Avenuf May Be Attomplished Within Few Days ' ! to lOcal , ili"cA· s car wit 01 Mtdiferrmlflrn -' lay night Through Valley Ruhr Riyer If Weather Does Not Interfere With Attion Ruml Tax Bill, ling and ~ !n from it - By RICE YAHNER parked i~ Main Enemy Defenses Along Holtz Bay Smashed; ! street. LO~·m O;.J (A P) - Dl.'slt'uctiv(' flood Wlltt'I'fl looscd by thl' 202·194·Vote R \1<". bl uRlinA' of lWo of Ger'many's large t mil wer e shown by Yank Warships Continue Bombardment; or\\' n('ria l photO,:tl'!lphs lnst ni ,:tht to be sll rjri llncl1l'ckec1 down U, S, Calualtles Slight raternlly Threat of F.D.R.
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