AVEBAOB DAlLT OBOCUkTION for the Month of Aagart, 1N8 THE WKATHEB ritneoeet D. 8. Weether '* ' H ertford 6.026 Member of the Audit tomght M« Boreea ef ODealstloiie rs aUghtly MANOIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM '

VOL. LVII..N0.292 (Clemined Advertlalac on Pnge U) - MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE Three CENTS



MONKEY BUSINESS PBOVES EXPENSIVE tie To Set Stage For Pecora Takes Aiiion After IN AWAITED SPEECH New York, Sept. 12—(AP) — Monkey huainess proved expen-, Conyentions This Week Two-Hoir C o n fe i^ In sivis to Henry Treinicb, animal DAYBOY LAlifPUQHtEBi dealer. COMING BAC» TO TAOS. Offers Ofi?e Bruck To -A female rtiesus monkey led With Democrats F irst BRIUSH Chambers With Dewey three of her pals on a 3-bour Taos, N. M., Sept. 12.—(A P )- rampbage after breaking out of The day of .the vlllage lamplight- France As He Tells His their cage in hia store. They By ASSOdATED PRESS er la coming back In this lltUe And Defense ConnseL broke a window, damrgred a SHOULD H IIIE R colony of arts and letters. i*\ fruit stand and caused a pursu- An element of mystery was in- UmU>le to- pay electricity costs. Cheering Followers Both ing policeman to tear his pants. jected into Connecticut’s politlmil Taos plans to install oU-burnlng New York, Sept. 12—(AP)—The Treffllcb got a ticket for speed- picture today as both of the state's ODDER ACTION lamps on the dark coVners of Uu- Democracy And Bobke- state's cbneem over possible col- ing while hurrying to the scene. major parties hustled to set the village's meandering streets. Vil- lapse of its conspiracy case agalnat TreffUch took Inventory: 325 lage youths will be recruited as for speed, 312 fpr the window, stage for their conventions this lamplighters. r James J. Hines, 61-year-old Tam- 35 -damage to the fruit stand, week. • Cabinet Holds Two-Hour Each lamp Is, to be a memorial vism Are Arrayed h Sol- many district leader,. inereaaed to- 37.50 for a new pair of panto— to some of the famous figures of Shrouded in secrecy ,was the tost ss Supreme Court Justice Ferdi- total 349.50. of a convention'eve speech which Emergency Meeting; 00 Taos’ past. id Front Against Germany nand Pecora adjourned court until All that," he moaned," for-^ Cong. Herman P. Kopplemiann, >nkey worth maybe 33 whole- 2 p.m., e.s.L,' to further weigh a de fighting for the DempcraOc U. S. fenae motion for a miatrial. sale." aedatoiial nomination, announced, cial Silence Blocks Efforts Nurnberg, Sept. 12—(AP)—AdoM Without explanation. Justice Pe- * ------— — ' ' he would broadcast tonight Hitler told his cheering foQowers Kopplemohn, a so-called "true Cora ordered the' adjournment after To Learn Decisions Made. SAYS REMOTE tonight that “we see Demoeroey a two-hour conference, in cham- New Deal” rival of Senator Augus- bers, with District Attorney Thonoas tine Lonergan, has stated he would and Bolshevism arrayed to a solid , E. Dewey and C3iiel Defense Attor- BARBER PLEADS make on announcement of "great NATIONS CANT front” against Nazi Germany. -V"'ney Uoyd Paul- Stryker. Importance” to the delegates to the London, Sept. 12—(AP) — The The Fuehrer, opening the opeeeli It was understood\that the jus- convention slated to take place at British cabinet apparently satisfied for which' the world waa walttng, Eastern Point tomorrow ind Wed- spoke at length of what ha ealled tice, burrowing deep ib law tomes, Hermann Wilhelm Oeering, Hitler’s No. 1 aide in, Nazi Germany, that It had done all it could for the was still undecided' whether to grant ms INNOCENCE nesday. STAY NEUTRAL "the sufferings" of Nazi adharantz is shown at the tenth annual Nazi Party Congress In Nurnberg as be moment both to head off war and to In Aaiatria before the annexation. the defense’s- strategic'' move The congressman's headquarters brought thousands to their feet cheering with the declaration that quaah the caae before it reaches the said Kopplemann ^ rk e d yesterday be ready if Adolf Hitler tells hia The first portion of his pmiaunoe> IN GIRL’S DEATH and would devote much time today Germany’s armament industry is ''gigantic” and that “we got the army to march to the east. ment before the climatic mdetiM of J««T. start on everybody and are laps ahead.” It was ofriclally an- President Of Leagne Of Na- the tenth annual Nazi Partyty Con. Both Present Long Brt«fa to the address and its contents nounced today that Gocring became 111 Jpst night and would need sev- Official silence effectively block- Both Dewey and Stryker present- would not be disclosed until be ed efforts to learn what the minis- gresa was devoted entirely to 'went On the air.” eral days of "absolute re st’’-(A ssociated Press Radiophoto.) calling the party’s fight for ouprama ed long briefs to Justice Pecora, ters said and did. Rut the fact that tions Conncil Voices power to Germany. arguing the pros and cons in. the Held Without Bafl As Case May Be Floor Fight they decided not to meet later today Then he turned to his attack dramatic interruption which de- Kopplematm previoualy bad indi- was taken unofficially to mean they were convinced that further diplo- In Midst Of zgotost the democrodez and Bot- veloped when the district attorney, Is Continned One Week So cated ha would carry the bitter sbevlsm, oaaerUng that they wei« ^ on Saturday, questioned a defense fight onto the convention floor. Also matic steps before Hitler's address witness about "Hines and- th£ at Nurnberg (at 1 p. m. ex.t.) would united ogotoat NozUsm under "tlia described as a "true New Deal” foe CZECHS MAY P R O C U lM The Czech-German Crisis. slogan of liberty, equoUty, fratezn- poultry racket” as investigated by ^ Analysis Can Be Made Of of Lonergan is Archibald McNeil of be futile. Ity.” the 1935 "run away" grand jury. Encouraged by political and pub- Bridgeport, former Democratic na- lic support on all sides, the cabinet "Bloody Moohmy Of nMlWII* The fateful words, that *pre- tional .coqamitteeroan,-who has.been "'^'clpltated a defense' motion for i Blood Stams On Qotliing, MARTIAL LAW TONIGHT wag believed to have given—'first Geneva, SepL 12.*-(AP)—Wtt-^ fTt la A bloody. moekMy-iaC U»> promiaad the support of the "home place to military steps If British tory,” the Fuehrer eoatlnued, *That iniatrial on the contention that town" delegation. Horn J. Jordan of New Zealand Dewey had prejudiced the case, warnings proved Ineffective and the democracies are allied with tk# On the political agenda today, there developed the likelihood of opened the 19th aesslon of the most brutal dlctatorahtp to the framed a question about "Hines and P ort^outh, N. H., Sept. 12. — iM gue of Matlona ooMmbly today world. the poultry racket"—a m%rket dis- (AF)~^trbeTt W. Sprague, 53. of getting away momentarily from the Action Will Be Taken In So- war over Czechoslovakia. j state picturo as a whole, was the The mlniatera were said to feel with a warning that '‘even these ‘Tt waa they which attempted to trict shakedown system that was Portland, Me., an itinerant barber, BONNET TALKS city election in New London.. Vot- that they had taken every step ad- countries that may appear to _ be hinder Italy’s aetloa to Ethlo]^’’ broken open four years ago. today pleaded limocent In Municipal ers were to cast baUota for mem- deten Area "(filly b Case visable to advance of the speech to Hammering home the point They were spoken Saturday -while court to a charge of murdering Bar- bers of the city council, board of convince Germany that Britain most remote" may not be iacutrai to the Nazia bad built Germany Into Dewey waa cross-examining Lyon WITHBULUTF, would,fight at the moment France's the neZt war. bara Dtiacoll, 8, whose skull-crushed education and board of selectmen. a mighty nation again, HiUer tur#> Boston, former aaalatant to William Despite the fact that the Republi- Of Extreme Necesmty” integrity were menaced. The warning of the New Zealand ed to. Pttoh.qalovokla. C. Dodge, Dewey's pretodecasaor as body was found stullsd imder a building li> a railroad yard early can state convention la to take place Bmiew PreooaUoaary Meoaarea delegata, proindant of tha L«i "Storn is being heaped on na to: district attorney. The district at- in New Haven thin Thuraday and They were underatood .(o have re- Council, came to the midst of day, but thank God we a n to h pool* - torney.'The dlatrlct attorney waa Septembers \ CZECH,BELGIAN Judge J. R. Waldron held him Friday, party leaders were reported viewed in their meeting the mili- Czecboslovakta-Oerman criala. tlon to prevent any rape of OeiwiM addng Boston about testimony be- without bail and continued hto caae as still canvassing sentiment among tary, naval and aerial precautionaiy Before the assembly met, the many,” he declared. ^ fore a Grand Jury investigating the thgir delegates over the week-end, measures already taken. Observera League's battle of sanctions was \ *T am now speaking about Czeebo- for a week on request of Rocking- Prague, Sept; 12.---- (AP) — The , p oultry rack et. ham County Solicitor Stephen I French Foreign Mim'ster Has thought these were „ considerably brought to on end when the -Scan- atovakto. This state was founded *T>on't you remember any teatl- Wheeler who was awaiting patholog- (Continned on Page Eleven.) Czechoslovak government today more extensive than meagre an- dinavian countries. The Nether- actordtog to damocratie prinelplea. ical a n a lj^ of blood stains, alleged- reached a decision to invoke martial nouncements would indicate. lands and Belgium decided against BflUlofM M anhandled (Oonttoaed on Page Ten.) ly found on Sprague's clothing. law to sections of the Sudeten Ger- Confereoces Before Meet^ H ie moat obvious naval move- attsmpttog to alter materially the "Azy. these democratic prtoeiplee Governor Visits Priaoner man-region tonight if eerious dis- ments were at InvergorJon, on the League's punitive rooebtoery, lotv- are apjiUed, mlliiona of people Ore ing With Cabinet Tp Re- .north coast of Scotland, where num-^ ifig it a potent weapon to the event being maphandled end suppreaaed. As Sprague.waa arraigned, it wak MARYLAND EDGES orders develop following Reiehs- ieroua volunteer reserves joined of a general European war. The great democracies want to announced that Governor Francis P. fuehrer Hitler’s Nurnberg speech. home fleet' cruise ships for two eonvtoee th \ world that Czeehoole- MAINEHOLDING Murphy had visited, him last night in Martial law wlU be Imposed “only view Preparedness State. weekz "normal” training. Believe United States Meant vakia has m' specialspectol politicalpoll aqd hia,cell and urged him to “commune INTO LIMELIGHT to case of extreme necessity," ac- The stately aircraft caniar Jordan did not name specific military mlaeibn to fuliUL with hia God” because of the serloiu cording to the, decision reached by Courageous steamed out into the countries he warped might be in- "Three and d, half mlUlon Oar- RECnON TODAY charge agalrikt him. Premier Milan Hodza and hia chief choppy North sea for aerial maneu- volved to the next war, but many to mans to Csccho^vokla are being Murphy also commended the Paris, Sept. , 12;—(A P )--U iilte d vers in conjunction with planes Leaguq circles expreaaed belief he systemaUcally rutoad and doomed Portsmouth police for their ' "effl- ministers. clency.” But to government offices ii* was States Ambassador WjUiom C. Bul- from land airdromes. meant the United States aa well-aa to slow extinction.’' \ Tydiogs-Lewis Primary Bat- said that order would be maintained litt conferred today- with Foreign In Moray firth destroyers and British Domtoiems. ;--iThe depri'vtog orstheae human Sprague was arreated last night at all costs. minesweepera maneuveredN^to and He appealed to the nations of the beings of all rights itout come to Ready To Herald Ontcome when. poUce aald they found him Minister Georges Bonnet os the an end,” the Fuehrer ttnindned. asleep in an abandoned warehouse, Hear Report On Disorders French cabinet, worried over com- fro. world' to seek abolition of aerial tle Rivals Voters’ Action No communique issued forth bombardments. Holds Out Olive Bi several empty bay rum bottles by A meeting of the governrheht's plications to the grave central Eu- But again the German As Trend On New Deal, his aide.- toner council heard / a report by ropean crisis, assembled to review from the shiny black door of 10 President's toltlatlva to the refu- Inspector Dennis Kelly Questioned In Maine State Election. once again France’s military and Downing street, but it waa under- gee question, he asserted, "brought held opt an olive branch Josef Cemy, mlntstai of the Interior, stood that key mlniatera would- be Strasbourg means much, concerning diaorderri in the Sudeten political preparedness. welcome and widespread-response.” Townsend Pension Plan. (CopUnned On Page Two^ districts last night, .where Nazi fer- Sources close to the government to constant communication with In their decision to' abandon the have aurrendered it to the ii ______vor reached new heiglits. aald the cabinet discussions would Prime Minister < CTiamberlain until fight on aanctlons, the Scandinavian of peace to settle for once and Tor By ASSOCIATED PBE8S - a late hour tonight. all the eternal atrife with France;.’: The Tydlnga-Lewla primary in Meanwhile the little republic, Include a report on "exterior prob- countries. The Netherlands and Bel- Portland, Me., Sept 12.—(AP)— fearing a bitter and threatening lem:^ and diplomatic conversations" Public Barred From Downing Street gium agreed they would be satisfied he said, referrtog to the cession Maryland edged today into the lime- In sunny Whitehall, a»bIock away Alsace-Lorraine after the Wor' Maine voted today for a governor speech by Hitler, kept her troops in as well aa form a preliminary to the with a series of declarations that War. L and three U. S. representatives In JAPS CONTINUING light^ usually reserved for Maine's readiness along her border with Ger- anxiously-aWalted speech pf Relcbs- from the premier's residence, long each member of the Lieague waa many. fuehrer Adolf Hitler on German for- lines of Londoners stood patiently. "On other frontiers too we ha.w the nation's first 1938 election, with state election, forerunner - of the free to decide whether it would join made sacrifices. We have acted partisans ready to herald the out- general November balloting. Officials emphasized that adequate eign policy tonight. come as a trend on the New Deal OVERLAND DRIVES measures had been taken to resist Bonnet returned from League of ' (Cipnttatted on Page Eleven.) (Conttaned on Page Ten.) more than loyally-” ,and the Townsend old age pension Voting in t!he two states Inaugu- any display by force by Germany Nations meetings at Geneva and bis Germany Not ladUfemt plan. ' rated a busy political week, which in the dispute between Pragtie and conversations there were expected believe that the cause ot Euro- The New Deal issue brought into will go far In deterininlng the success the autonomy-demanding Sudeten to furnish much of the review before pean peace la not served by creat- i tlrt campaign both C h a lm ^ John or failure of President Roosevelt's Germans but reiterated there had the cabinet. DEBTS OF.MAJOR ing the impression that Germany is Concentrate ^ o rts ()n Cion- efforts to defeat Congressmen op been no general mobilization. Besides Bullitt, the foreign minis- indifferent to the fate of the three D. M. Hamilton of, the Republicap National Committee, and Postmas- posed to those on the President’s They said no military measures ter also saw Stephan ' Osusky, and a half million (Sudeten Ger- blacklist, was up for Democratic such as strengthening of garrisons LATE NEWS mans)- in Czechoslovakia’’, be went ter-General James A. Farley,' head paign Toward Railway For Czechoslovak minister to Paris, and on. - of the Democratic organization. renomination against Rep. David J. to the Sudeten .regions were contem- Belgian Ambassador Le Tellier. SHOWN AT TRIAL Lewis, whom Mr. Roosevelt lauded plated, nor was It considered neces- The, tension slowed trading on the "Let the gentlemen to Londito be Hamilton led the four Republican as a social security pioneer. Georgia assufed of this”, he shouted. candidates in an assault on the Direct Bonte To Hankow. sary to have soldiers on patrol. bourse. Almost all government will settle a similar contest Wed' Empowered To Take Action FLASHES! Reviewing the first weeks-of the ^ "New Deal" and its reciprocal trade nesday. . - - • bonds-dropped and moat bank stories program. But Cemy was empowered to take lost slightly or were inaetWe> Prosecutor lotrcduces List, crisis arising frqm the autonomy de- There was no Senate seat at drastic action tonight without fur- The Franc slipped to 37.12 to the mands of . the ,Sudet^ Gennoiia, Farley gave bis personal blessing Shanghai. Sept 12. — (AP) — stake in Maine,' one of the two DODD DENIES THREATS Hitler denied, (Germany 'had any in- ^to liouls J. Branh, governor for two Ihe Japanese continued today to states lost by the Roosevelt-Garner New Haven< Sept. 12.—(AP)— erms from 1932 to 1936, and tmre- (Uontlnued -On Page T ko)^ (Oonttoaed On Page Two) Amounting To- $6,500 tention of marching into Czechoslo- concentrate their efforts on new tlcifet ill 1936, but Democrats were Tbomoa J. Dodd, Jr., state director vakia at that time, four montha Fservedly praised F. Harold Dubord. overland drivea toward the Pelping- g to defeat a Republican gov- of the' Natlqnal Youth Administra- ago., ' Democratic candidate for the Hankow'fMlwayi which Would gtra ernor and three Republican House tion, dented today he witiidrew from tlonal .'House'in the Second Maine them a direct approach to Hankow, Taken From Brooke Home AsserUohs to the contrary he members. 'he race for' Democratic nomination branded as' "lies.” ■ poitZ‘-b -uSiSI* erraneons tiieory.> that the Mahtd ;, : ■ BUTutETiNr; ^ cause of "threats Implied or real," and men of the anhy.yair force ahd' fieeiM.Yo Braak..Pteoed(«t ampil'about 12S miles a p a ^ ^ aim'^ election . indicates. •-Batldfial-;:=#ratt" as he sold was hinted by Mayor B ra^,‘seeking s' third tenp, un- ist fit HiuChangT 40 mHea south of Goloinbns, Oa ; Sept.^^12.— msrtnex earlier today, asanrad tljein. ment. brought both Democratic Thomas J. Spellocy Of Hartford in ‘‘you have the best' weapons exist- precedented rihee Maine has bod the Lunghal railway junction, and CTiairman JameaA^. Farley and Re- in^Battks Above $3,000 (AP)—The government rested .a formal atateroent. two-year gubernstdriol terms, aift the - other at Stnyang, 100 nifies publican Chsdrman John D. M. Ite murder case agaln'st .Major ing today, you are.getting toe beat north of Hankow. ' John R. Brooke, Jr., today after training and I know you have toe strong opposition in incumbent Gov- Hamilton into the state - campaign. TO DECaOE ON. POUCY ernor Lewis O. Barrows, his succes- The northern column waa roport- Talking Point Elsewhere Washington. Sept. AP)—Bony wealcness to ,the banlcs. He said offering testimony Indlruflng beat character.” sor in office. There is a third can- ed to be within 50 miles of the rail- Chairman Loo T. Crowleyi„. disclosed — .. they Were to ) scHbed as "fantastic; caaualtiea. but Barrows- declared the issue was 000. Crowldy, recalltog that Chair- bill of Senator Glass (D., Va.), to ters. . Crowds standing befora hia hotel man Steagall (D.. Ala.), of the Defense Counsel T. ■ Hicks Fort ^The ChUeon cabinet resigned to- The i;ownsend organioatien had The Japanese destroyer Mlgoma_ whether Ms Iim wanted to replace the prevent further growth ef bank day OS sin aftermath of the unsuc- merely were told by a loudspoakor. endoraed'all the Maine Republican with two large shell holes amidahip present aUte admtnistraUon with House Banking Committee advocat- a^eed- he would admit installments “toe police president wishes to an- holding -companies, and eonsollda- on the amount of indebtedness had ceasfnl Nazi imtscb ef Sept. 5. Luis congressmen. —waa bowed to the Kiangnan dock- one aympatheUc to the New Deal. ed the increase, said the FDIC yon of the three federal bank ex- Solos Borne, senetory of the Inte- nounce that Field Marshal Goertog The third Democrat seeking elec- yard for repalie. It had been re- The Townoefld old age pension wanted to find out bow much an ex- been paid through May. presently ia not at his hotel nor Is amlntog agencies. The wife of the^rm y officer waa rior, rtolgned yestefday and other tion to the House, Melvin P. Rob- ported bunk near Kluklang. This program haa been one ot the prin- tra risk would be- involved. '' Reserve Board officials believe cabinet ministers followed htoa to- he likely to return toon.” makes the flftb Japanese ahto cipal issues in the congreaaional No ObUgatioD If BUk « ferund alaln In their quarters 'at Fort - HiUer, whoee portenUotto odilTzas erts, oppo^ng Brewstqr, Joined hia any upturn to business has not pro- Banning June'8. day. . - fellow p o r^ members in defenaa of brought to the dockya^ fbr re- eontestk, for the three Republican Crowley declined to commit the gressed far enough for them to de- . • • • . on . foreign policy will oonctudn tbe President Roosevelt and the admin- pairs. ment of Townsend groupe. . corporation to advance of the sur- termine what, if any, new credit ■ Banker Testifies On Account Congress tonighL apoks oovnn Roeeevelt Ally Orealeet Hops vey, but he expreaaed belief that if Ford Pearce, Columbus banker, SfABKETS AT A GLANCE. ' minutes to toe military fanen. istration program, and like them, controls are.^eeded. testified that on June 9, Major was praised by Farley. BOB(B OfL PROPEBTY * Some Democratic leaders express- the additional risk was very small, The Otoos bill may be studied to New York, 4 S e^ 12.—(AP)— He assured them that only by Hc^kong, Sept 12.—(AP)-Chl- ed . the belief their greatest hope there would be little or no objection Brooke's bonk account showed a de- Stocks—Finn; prices hold despite The Brann-Barrowa compaijm ro- connection with the cnirrent toveatl- posit of 31.000 and a balance at tb* volved locally around the candi- nase reported today that a lone Jap- waa to the Second dlatrlct, where to toereosed insurance. gatlOn of monopoly.. European ■■certainty^ anese plane Saturdiv bombed Stand- F. Harold Dliboitl, a Roosevelt sup- Previous estimates have shown day's end-of 3700. The balance'on Bonds Irregular; . Oovenunents datea' records in office, with Bar- The admlntatratlon is divldied on June^ waa 33.94 and on June g, raws pointing to a balanced budget ara OU company property at Hoi- porter, was running against Rep. that 95 per cent of the nation's de- what cenaolldatlon of bank examin- how. on Hainan island off the south Clyde Smith. Farley singled out postu ore covered by the 35,000 in- 31.94; Pearce stated. and comfortable afirplus deqilte old China coast ing duties should be made. The Major L. H. Sima, Fort Banning age aaaiatance to 12,000 persona. Dubord for special pralM. to the surance now provided, but no recent FDIC, the Reserve Board, and the One botnb was sold to have struck campaign. studies have been made and depootts finance officer, testified that army, Brann -contended stole ware aunepe manager's nsidenee. comptroller of the currency exam- reguiatlpna state an officer's offl- "good bocauae .J left them eo^” o|M Mr. Roosevelt did not taka port *tooe have grown to the-naar record ine different acts of and ex- w i^ WM IMng tte Amsitaan flag to the Mdtaa campaign, but ha about 34TJM)OJ)00,000. Cial bills must be pakl hofore Um and hMI la oilltiqB two IMMB A a i^ toHi MANUHESrrEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 2 ,198ff VANCRESTER EVENlNa HERALD, SIANCHESTE^ OONN* MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 12,1988 'Satturday morning haa shifted south dustry andd east, and it now extends from peraanal property and also tha In* tloo'a few RapubUeaa govurDora. Rslebanbsrg, Aaeb, Eger and hun- needs. ' sought renominatloa agalMt Harrj' dreds of vinsgea in ths mountainous Here’s Republican View BLUEFIELDS m c r the vlcini^ of Nova 'Scotia south- WATERS OF OCEAN come froni the residuary eotaU. weyt to 'Tennessee, Alabama, and Numerous Fapen O^'AvlatAaa Tbo will provides ttuit If it falls at T. Pboenbue, while the Democrata region of Bobemis, followers, of Su- FOUR LOSE LIVES The "brain-dusters' they work «jv BARBER PLEADS had a four-way gubernatorial coS' daten Leader Konrad Henleln wen NEW E N a A N D RECORDS northern Florida. Due to'the slew any time to reach *40.000 a year, Of Social Security Plan movement Of this high the rain are shown by title: of soma ot j a t the difference is to be made up out teat. talking about "the day of deliver- SALE IS CONTINUED 120 technical pa^rs on the ik's Introductory Sale! ance." area haa moved east very slowly. GREAT WINDMILL Prtmariea la Other Stataa DURING WEEK -END At the morning observation hour [ program. O ^ is the “pi. ^ '•Lwuiz NAMED IN WILL **^/Irtar*tSo'^^tb of bla widow, be- HI S I NNOCENCE Thera will be aenatoriai prlmariae N» Sarlooa laeldsata. SMASHED BY LOCAL HRM problem1 of<»f ,sra systerirsystem of Jt6rcm act-1 Knthuelaam tneraased, but as ths ^ WhlteAprovlde for the repeal of the full rain was faUlng as far east aa cen sides the Manchester resident^ and tomorrow la Arisons, Colorado, tral New Tork and eastern Pennsyl- ing on ^hole.” Thera''ara numer- a number of ^ther relatives, several New HampUblra, Vermont, Utah, afternoon won on there wen no , House holds up 'Soclkl Security _ reserve plan and the substitution of Indicidsnts of serious proportions. the. private, property of tlm'Demo- Hurty-three Moire Lots Sold vania, while cloudinesa waa increoa- Scientists Hope T9 Predict ous papers on avlaUdb, one on the religious' and cultural Institutions mCIRI^ DEATHSid Washingtoii; but' In moat of Two Fatalities Od ffighwijs a direct pay-as-you-go system with of bhlp^-’ind air aorta pf i The Sudeten Oermsns planned to cratic Party. Every thinking per- only a small contingent reserve. ' ing in the Atlantic coast states. loi 1 ficU o il« 4S are named the beneflclarles of the these atatea the IncumbenU have Hale’s SeH-Senre D i s p ^ Within the last 24 hours rain haa rare calculatlbna on what happens | estate. . . . (0 >ntlnned from insga Qna) little or no intra-party oppoeltloii. listen to Hitler's addrese at buq- •on knowa .that Social Security be- '"This will achieve several health- On Saturday; Only khovA dnda of meetings. BONNET TALKS longs to no party. The Republican fallen in the province of Ontario Weather Changes After |;to masses whin in motion. p'- Ur. Bickford, who lives at 40 Laa- Lbulslana aUo wUl have a pri- Crowded With Motoriits ful results. Tha progresatvely in- and southward in the Ohio and Mls- Harvanl"Unlverilty and Massa-I Lucaster Road It Be^ easter Road, 1s manager of produc- Sprague about the Zlrlscoll sUylng mary, but Demoorata there already Last night Sudeten Oermana, in Of (hrer 1 6 Tons Of Geld ^ position has been misrepresented so creoaing pay-roll taxes in the pres- tion equipment at Cbsney Brothers. a aeries of demenatntlons in many often that a re-statement of this Seyenty Are Left, •Isalppi valley to the Texas and chuset^Tnatitute of Technology are whan, ha said he noticed 'stains have declared Senator John H. ent Social Security Act asseased on Louisiana coasts. Temper/ttures Studying Cnrrents. / thelxiata Moat of the foreign dele- towqg and dtiea, chorused demands Enjoying The Weather. WlTHBULUn, pos(tlon,.aa made by Senator Arthur both employer and employee—2 per fM adied $ 10,000. which appeared to be blood oh e Overton renominated. ' Mlehlgan, for a pleblBcite on Sudeten auton- have risen slightly In the notthem g a te are quartered as guMts in one green sweater the man was wearing. ^.hlch has no •enatorsblp at ataka Medal Flour In One B u i- H. Vandenberg of Michigan, Senator cent to 1940, 3 per cent to 1943, 4 omy. They also appeand to be - J(dm G. Townaend.-Jr., of Delaware Thirty-three lot* .were sold by and middle Atlantic coast states. if the Harvard yard dormitories. A "man in a^ green aweatar" had this yaar, will deoidc other ooateata percent to 1946, 8 per cent to 1949, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 12;-'^ All technical raeetliigs will be at] HRS. PRONKE OBSERVE 1 raising u issue jO( "sAvlnf CsMbO' By THE ABSOGfAntD PRESS. and Representattvea Daniel A. Reed and 6 per cent, hereafter — are Auctioneer Robert Reid on -the Blue-' been sought aner the drlaeoll ehlld'e in pTtnmry.' sidvskis ffon CZECH,BEGIAN ness Day. YAP)—The waters of the ocean 1are Massachusetts 'Tech except bn Fri-| JfMr Tm1». 8 * p t 1*— (i p « :W ) — body was found. Nailghbers said Although tba.Naw Deal la not an Four violent deaths wire repsrtsd of New York and Thomas A. Jen- largely neceaeary only to build up fields tract, McKee street apd Hart- day, the last day, when, they move | Aithou^ ths poramuniats hold (Coattsued from Page One) kins of Ohio, on the'occssion -of sub- the world’s greatest windmill, the ''ISuitfltsB J. Btekfbrd af MkaehMt»r. HER 81ST bir t hda y thair ehildren complautad df an' laaua in tha Democratic aanatorial in Connecticut du^ig tha past weak- the forty-seven billion of reservea ford road on Saturday, bringing the OpiG OF COMPANY 4 to Harvard. ‘ and Mra. Ham D. Aldta. of prlmarlea Tuesday, It ia tha oantar but 48 ^ ths 400 seats in ths mission of a concurimit resolution We ore advised by competent au- fifth Internationa] (Congress for 'ap-' noyancaa by a man wearing a gar- CSechoalovak parUsmsnt end no ed ^ Two persona lost their lives Halo's Setf-Ssrvo total number sold during the two gtafford Spriaf*. Bopbtw u d ataco ment of tpat color. of Oeorgla'a four-roan aenatoriai calUng on the Social security Board thorities that with thia latter mon- piled Mechanics was..lhformed here Her Children And Grandchil- osblnst posltloiiia, the Budetens on the state's highways, many of dollar during ths morning in oom- lisbed what rsglonal r^ r ,'for a report on the soundneas of tbe first days of the sale-to 63. The lots MOST ENJOYABLE EY B IT today. .z NO TARDY TOTS «!• bequMUhod $10,000 OMh, to bo AdmiU StHkIng imild battle; The p rim al in that state strous burden curtailed, it will be pointed to thS' npubUe's slUsnee whioh wars crowded with motorists B16M of the Waahburo, Orosl^ .< current law Is In order. were sold at good prices it was re- dren Gather At Andover Wheeler said Spragua admitted Wadnaaday will be between Sana- witb Soviet Russia as a nossibla _ . . however, was possible for at least 5 years to rest ported. The cSongress, of Internationally ■» Des Moinea, la.—Storks that were I MOahrcd afi«r tbo dooth of bit tot Walter Oaorga, whom the prast- Uking advantage of the beautiful 1 “We are completely sympatheUc on the present 2 per Cent tax and known scientists who work on the wMow, imdor tbo wlU of tbo Utc Lake To Honor Maneheeter ■trlking the child with a stone when avldanes ..of .communistlo tanuane weather." , 87.08. declared was a record (or Yesterday was “inspection day” a little tardy flve years ago have eke repuiaed his advanMui after he deot wants dsfsstsd; Lawrsses w l^ the objectives of tbe Socisil Se- at thk same time to improve social Members Of South End De- problems of Archimedes, Galileo and Itobvt a Dodfon, former portner Resident. This was^lB Una with ebaigss : The vlotlma: Flnanolal souress. sold that they, land Saturday, when .1A4 to n k ^ curity Act,” the statement said. at the tract and' salesmen were on caused the board of education a lot | lured her to the toolshed. Wheeler Camp, White House eholea; former like government officials, wsra wait- security undef the act. • duty throughout the day showing partment Spend Week-End Newton, began Its first session In I ’ t n h - F f \ F 1.1. Ml rabnoteek A Co., Now Tork m- OQVsmor Eugsna Talmadgs^ and psatsdiy caiTisd In tba Osrman Raymond Gudaltia, 33, of Tany- fiour, a grand total o t 1840-84^ "Any changes in it should be “We believe, for example, that four years today with a study of of bother. iMOtment Arm, according to the will Mrs. Mary Bronka of Hartford quoted Sprague aa saying ha did not Brass s ^ dsnlsd by Prsgus of- vllle, died Sunday In tbo Oisrlotta ing to boar what Hitler said lota-to prospective purchasers and At Cottfige Bolton Lake. The board ruled underage children j WUUam O. MoAaa. Numbsrg. , pound baga of Gold Medal flour strengthening changes. It ff£e benefit paymenta can commence oceans. The ol^ect Is to learn how fOad on Suffolk County .SuiroKa^ o Road, who reached her 81st mUa. remember, much, about events thst flels ls - tbst great n)unbsi» of war- Hungsrford Ubapftm. Torrlngt^, « f passed hurriedly and all Informed pointing out im ^rtant details entering kindergartens that • have ! Omirt Tbo prominent inVeytniant night, beduse be bad drunk a quart senator LboergMi or ooimsetreu*, Ths Froneh poblUoa was simply: ntailed at a SDecial prioa. It was trtthln'a year or two instead of about this well located residential to predict long-distance' w ith er atone yesterday was (ha guest of planes from Russia wsra being Injuries received the previous day persons agree that it needs substan' waiting until 1942, aa the law now The. annual ouUng..^^of Hose and ■eml-annual promoUona muat be 6 | iMBkor died Auguot 31 at btk'mm^ honor at a family party held at the of ale during die afternoon and "tala who Ilka Oaorga and ladings op- m'slntsinsd in sserst bangsn in whan an antomobUs be was bparati- Freneh Rmidy Far War the largest sale ever eendnetsd' by property. ,• and climate changes freim discover- posed tbs IBS? court bill, will come Wa era doing all ws can to pro- am Individual retail establiiriuneat tlal correction. rides. We believe that increased Ladder Company No. 4 of the South ing the laws of ocean currents. ‘years old on or before Oct. 31. Pcppercll Red L a b e l lSll66te BHr borne In fVost lollp, L. !• cpttaga of her son, John Bronka. at mind was hasy." Ckseboslovskla. ing, eollldad with a truck On the The sate will be continued this Immediately, camel< requests for j His widow la loft 1100.000 out- up for renomlnatlon In s state Dsm- servo psaes; ws are ready for war. with the nattonaUy known Waab- "We raise the basic point and ask Ceflt paymenta are poaslble for Manchester fire department was More Energy From Wind' Ahdovar Lake. Mrs. Bronka la the Wheeler said ha leamad Sprague As tbs nation amdously watebsd Thomaston-Torrington road in Har- for a report thereon, that most of afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, exceptions from parents whose rtfbt, aa well as real osUto and wldow^^rf Adolph Bronka, and has had a police record dating back 3U oorstlo, oonvantlon Tuesday end wlnton. Three ouers were Injured. As a last mlnuta prsoaution, tsis burn, Crosby products aa the prin- workers now in middle age who will. the sale each day beginning at .two l)eld Saturday and Sunday at Harry The windmill study Waa reported Large, -double size — Numbsrg for tha dsoiaratlOD by cipal sale attraction. its mistakes and weaknesses attach If existing law be not changed, re- McCormick's cottage. South (Cov- children were bom In the early been a resident of Manchester for years in Portland, Mie., pnd had Wednesday. Ha has basn endorsed tha Oarmaa Fubsrsr, dsvtlo|pe: Mrs. Brigidla Ctolturt, 78. of Hart- bona and telegraph offioere o’clock. There are about 70 lots left by Dr. H. U. Sverdrup, of the Uni- standard Pepperell qual- more than halfw^entury. . by Attorney Qsnsral Cummings. 8iroughout Ute nation were ordered The aale, for ona day only at a to the fact that its 'contributory ceive only a pittance at the age of entry. There waa 58 present at versity of Bergen, Norway, and morning hours of Nov. 1, 1933. The | servsd a numBSr of short terms In la tba Sudstsn tarrltory rsmeted ford, was killed last night when the old-age pensions are baaed on the In the tract to be sold; tbe chicken dinner which waa served board, stood Arm. Teatarday all df'hat children, six ths county- jail. c y in which she was rimng, erasbsd to keep lines to Paris constantly ■pedal''price of 81 cents a bajg, 'was 66. Thus the, average benefit pay- University of California. It U prob- ity packed in boxes, ■one and one daughter.^ together mounting axcltsmonE. open, in ease cmergonoy orders conducted by the regular store foreo \fuU reserve system. We submit that ment in 1943 will be about $18 a at 2 o’clock Sunday by the Oak able, he said, that the energy trans- laundered and ready to For Sorviec and Quality Spragus, bs said, had 'a wlfa, from Right Pollosnaii Injorad into a sUts highway fanes at Glaa- Stroet Grill. . 89e should bs Issued. kuch a reserve ia unnecessary in with all tha grandchUdrau gathered whom he had been separated' for tonbury. and with a aurnrlsing rapidity. month as agalnkt an average of $46 MAJ. ATKINSON CHEERED mitted-to the ocean by the wind is "ase. Each SHOE REPAIRING SEE In Andover to help celebrate the CzknSIlUY PROCLAIM aflgbt poilesmsn wsra Injprsd In An estimated 3,000,000 men were cdmpulaory, tax-supported system a month In 1980, unleas the former Early Saturday the advance many years. and two married strest flgbting at Llbsrse after a ^d rew PIntao, 38, drowned Sat- The huge stock of flour, tbs first much greater than that from heat. event On# ion. Henry, canie from urday afternoon in Long Island under arms In tbs Maglnot Uns carload lot of Washbuni, Crosby' thaMta ultimate accumulation of is corrected as we believe to be pos- guaiti of the company went' to the "If this Is true,” he added, "the An Amazing'Vatue! Sold Only In Box of 2— SAM YITLYES Buffalo, N. y., with hie family to be daughters. His mothar also Uvea in crowd, singing "Deutsohland Uber along the OSTman frontier, and at 47,00Q,000,000 reserve is a positive lake where the committee, headed ^bu*s Cold Portland .^ MART I AL L AW TONI GHT Sound off Shippan Point when he products ever delivered to a ret sible. This would not mean increas- BY VISIT OF FRIENDS ocean represents a machine which fiiseaiiiiafta relieved 51.78 SHOE REPAIR SERVICE resent' They remembered Mrs Alles" and other German aOngs, fell from a rqw boat in which bS concentration points In the Interior. establishment In New England, aenace to free institutions and to by Wesley Shorts, prepared for the clashed with poUee. Four demon- ed benefit payments to the younger members who came later In the day, Is principally kept running at an without dosing—M*e 701 Main Struct Imnke with individual gifts, flowers waa fUhing. Plans were ready for the army to removed from the cor several day^ 'sound finance and that it is a per workers of today when they are old average constant speed by the fric- ( Don’t Ask Us To Break the Boxes) . apd sums of money, and aha spent a . (Oenthraed from Pegs Oos.) ■trstors were srresjM. take over operation uf railroads at petual Invitation to the maintenance several staying over night at the Olrl’a Dress Set Aflra. v before the big sals and placed In the' But it would mean. that these Members Of Salvation Army cottage. tional drag exerted on the surface happy day. In Prague, a youth waaridg white Veronica TanskI, 4, lostT her life *a moment's notice. A committee of an extravagant public debt; that MARYLAN^ DGES baa been named to mobilize national Self-Serve underground etorage. younger workers will he relieved of Corps And Band Serenade (Clam chowder and sandwiches of the sea by the fast-running at- ther consultation with other mem- socks, .which are rtgardsd ss the in Bridgeport' Saturday afteriioon The night before the aate went on It will. In effedt,^ transfer the burden ^ USf I) BY 3 M01HI MS O U l Ol This Introductory Special On a Limited Sudeten , emblem, was sttacksd in a Industry. a large parL of the burden which Him At His Home—A Dou- were served at 11 o’clock aqd a pro- mosphere.” CimiSTIAN SCIHNTitflT DIEfl bers .of the government. due to burns aha received when ten tons, of flour was placed on dis- of debt retirement from the shoul- otherwise would be imposed upon Dr. Sverdrup 'proposed an alter- The government decided to Vtly downtown strsst, A Czech cbal- burning paper from a bonflre set her In preparation for the cabinet ees' ders of general taxpayers to the ble Surpri^. ' gram of water and land sports was Quanti^ Only." INTO UMEUGHT ■Ion Daladler at l a. m. was. In con- play In the center of the store, thklr private funds for the care of carried out. native for the- Idea that the ley wat- Newburypprt, Mass., Sept. 13.— chiefly on the oIvU authoritiee. It ienged the youth and an alterca dress on flrs. shoulders of the \loweet income their elders. was hoped that the police would be tlon developed, oauelng a crowd of sultation with Air Minister La available for quick delivery to cus- ' Major Edward J.* Atkinson of The dinner was served on the ver- ers found at the bottom of all trop- Gash and Carry On Sale Till ‘ (AP)—Mlaa Sarah Thurlow Prlmy, (Continued from Page One.) In addition, a man Identlflcd by tomera group of tbe countrjrln the form of “We also ask tbe Social Security anda of the cottage, the day being ical oceans are due to sub-surface (Or delivered with , ,x r « reputadly ths oldaat living atudanfof adequate to meet any emergency. several hundred to gather. Police hia widow as Jules Landiy. 81, was Chambre and Naval Minister .Cam a gross‘Income tax oh. labor; and Bigelow street who is recovering Prague continued calm aa the rescued the youth Sihd dispersed the pthoht. Foreign Minister Bonnet Alinoet AU Sold Board tir formulate plans for theVex from a serious heart attack which perfect for an outing. Following culrents flowing from polar regions. other pnrehases) W e d . NOOtt tha lata Mary Bakar EMdy, founder found dead in a lot near bis Meriden that it Involves a needlessly high tension of the old-age benefit sys' The Mme thing can happen, he said, G. E. of Chiiatlan Science, died today In Into Maryland a week ago to apeak hour for Hitter's speech spprosched, crowd. home Sunday. Ho had bssn miss- spent Sunday in Geneva building At the close of business Saturday bas confined him to his home for the the dinner there were other sports in behalf of Lewis. awaiting it as a pronouncement thaf tha last intsmational political pay-roll tax In the immediate years tein to certain groups now exclud' enjoyed, the members leaving for without much current. her 00th year. DIsturbsaees lets last night seem- ing since Aug. 8. Dr.' H. D. Lock- night the Self-Serve management to oome and a needless postpone- past seven weeks wss given , a Tha 8S-year-old repreaentattva. might mean war or peace in Europe. fenoss. was surprised to find that three ed such as agricultural workers “Cheer Up” visit by the membus home at 5 o’clock. Like Row Of Men Pasobig loe ' Keep VQUR €ve o n ed to spread over a wider region wood, medical eaamiaar, said ths ment of earlier and more adequate and domestic servants.' These W I L L I S Carnations are available In so who roaa from coal miner to lawyer Millions of Czechs prepared to with incidents reported at Fischem, man committed suteids. Ont uneonflymsd report In Paris, fourths of the stock bought for of the local Salvation Army Corps The new mechanism for this Is FO LLO W ME! and legislator, oontanda that Tyd- lliten to tha Numberg address in publishtd la the newspaper L'Oeuvre benefit payments. groups now can receive old-age "lateral mixing.” It Is like a row of many shades that practically any Ausslg, Maehr, Trjsbau, Tsplita- John Downs George, 16, of Stam- .this spsolal event sale was sold and “Sweden, probably the most pro- and bimd which gathered .outside color Bcbemt in rad. yellow, or white Inga has voted more as a Rapubll thslr homes. which Is an organ of Premier Oala- sistance only on the humiliating on the lawn and rendered several men passing a chunk of ice from & SON, Inc. m Be Beck Tomorroyr- Schosnsu, JosobImstabI, MuegUts, ford, died In the Stamford hospital delivered, exactly 840 out of 1880 gresalve country in the field of so- basis of a pauper test. can be matched. oah than aa a Democrat Ilia eeba- Police in Uis Sudeten regions were Sunday morning, after being acci- dler's Radical Booiallst Murty, >aaid suitable musical selections. Manchester band to hand. The polar cold passes ordered to take mors energetic Kartmanits and WInterbsrg. that Foreign Minister Bonnet bad bags remaining In the store for ad- cial legislation, furnishes strong evi- “The basic question is the reeerve • COAL tor, who at 48 le aeeklng a third Swatatika flags wars flown from dentally shot last Wtdnssday by a dition to. the store's regular prldad At the request of tbe Major they toward the tropics without the tarra, has argued that hla opponent msssurss to prevent disorders. Up playmate at b{e home. persuaded Rumania to permit Rus- dence against the use of the prin- system. If it be deemed wise to played for the closing number “Auld water having to flow except in small • COKE io now they have been instructed houses in Bsscb|||tetnlts and road sian troops to cross her soil should flour etook. ciple of the reserve fund. ' After would be merely a rubber atamp. Waabbura, Crosby offlolals from leave benefit payments at existing Lang Syne.” Da te .Book eddies set side by side like the • FUELOILS Dnuittal Vote Counting System not to use flresrme end to swing signs were defseed. - A shot was Csoohoalovakla be attacked. trying It for years, Sweden dropped levels, we are confident that the Although unknown to the band It wheels of a clock. their truncheons only in esses of flrsd at a Czech soldier a t Troppeau, Uttia To Ba Donew-But Walt Boston and from ths horns offices It and Is now on a pay-as-you-go • BUILDING SUPPLIES ' The outcome of their battle, one at Buffalo, N. Y., and Minneapolis, abandonment of needless and often was Major and Mrs. Atkinson's wed- Tonight Reason for.this belief, Dr. Sver~ of the moat Intenae Maryland haa extreme provocation. Tbs order but h* was not blL A Priest left That, with the firm British notlos basis. . J menacing reservea would make it ding anniversary, and it wa'a a Armistice pay committee meet- drup said, is a recent discovery that • MASONS’ SUPPLIES against use of flrssrma was un- Trlebendcrf, deelsrtng Nssl sympa- that Britain would fight with France Minn,, were loud ia nralkk (Of tha “There Is no anuogy between the pleasing coincident that thirty-seven )• CEMENT AND ' wltaeaaed In recant years, la eom- management of the Balf-Serve (or possible to also abandon' Increased ing at State -Armory. similar passage of cold occurs in the plloatad by an unusual vote count- changed, but It was indicated It thizers thfeatensd him. should a general war result from need of private Inrarance com- pay-roll taxes on employer and em- years ago Major and Mrs. Atkinson V , This Week earth's atmosphere. \ P L A S T E R might bs lifted before the govern- In tha scattering dieturbaneea, Local Stodks Chancellor Hitler's efforts to force the manner In which the big flour panlea for full reserves and the need who had just been married at Yon- ing ayatem. Each county hasMfrom ployee for at least 10 years to come. Sept. 17.—First of annual series About 300 delegates from a dozen • FLUE and DRAINAGE Of*albl%),SdiMl ment felt Itself pushed to the ex- police used no weapons except light concessions for Cseoboalovak'e Sude- sale was supervised and conducted of the government system for full The ultimate decision whether to In- kers, N. Y., were welcomed by the of fall dances at ' Country (Club, three to aeven unit votes, dapand- tremity of martial law. Rticke. ten German minority, left little to be Saturday. countries comprise the present Con- TILE M • nckodiar^Comi. D O W NSTAIRS T H RIFT STORE Ing on Its Isglslativa repreaanta- Furnished by Mllisr sod Whitney revenues. The latter is compulsory Army band which took part in the Art McKay's orchestra. gress. They labor on application of InstmotioiM Handicap PoMoe. 48 Pearl Street done—except to wait. _me.rcy of uncertain and fluctuating taxes for a. longer period wllHie for reception accorded them at the At Coming Events • • NORFOLK PAINT J . ™ Offers the-GreetiBi ______tlon. The candidate getting a popu- Pol|M were. said,, tq .Ijaye been., FraMe waa waiting with almost the laws of mechanics to problems lar-majority la a eoimty wins' Ita -----Hartford, OiHuii It la'but anotbtr example, (hsM reevnues. liie latter is compmaory Congress to make in the light of the kinson homestead. Center 'street. Oct. 6.—“Ladles' N|ght” of Scan- whose solution It is hoped wlU make • HARDWARE hamdicapped list night by their in- WIlUaiQ B. Martin no outward indication the situation officials stated, that the public in in and is guaranteed a continuous flow Bandman William Platt who. took dle Lodge, Order of Vasa, at Orange 2 Main Street Tel. 5125 unit votes. etniction.^ not to molest singing, Local Repreeontative was so acute that war might come facta that will be developed by this' machines, airplanes, buildings, FASHIO N V ALUES The -Democratic victor will op- tbe last analysis the best judge of of revenues.'' ' *• Study. Either objective is infinitely part in that reception is still an ac- halL bridges and all the materials of In- shouting groups aa long as there 1:00 p. m. Quotatlone today, or tomorrow. The only no- “It seem* deslrabls, therefore, to tive member of the band. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD — IT PAYS! In Muiy A Season pose either Oscar Leser. former were no flghts. ticeable eigne on Sunday ..were spe- both good quality products and worth while." saving prices and that if those two The Major is most appreciative Baltimore judge, or Oalen Tait, for It was expected that toni^^t po- N. Y. S t o c k s \ Ineuranoe Stoolu cial prayer services for 'peace to of tha kindness of his neighbors, are to be combined aa they were la DRESSES 33 years Republican state chair- lice. would to prevent .luim dem- \ Bid Asked many churches. friends and comrades for their pray- man. Harry Nice, one of the na- onstrations. I Aetna Casualty...... 91 98 -Political clfcles suggested that tbe Gold Med.al sale Saturday, the torical Society. It has been ascer- ers, gifts, flowers and cheering mes- of Crepe - Span Reyon • and The govemment'c policy continued Adams Exp ...... 10's . Aetna F ir e ...... Daladler might be ready to form a net result will always be a record- tained-that the house was'built in Air Reduc ...... 88*i 45% 47% NAYfRESERVE sages received during his illness. ChalHa to be one of watchful wMttng. Fur- ; Aetna. Life '...... 22 24 national union government of all breaking sale. the 1740 decade by John GIant o r tbo Crew Lav1ck*CUlsS sale waa brought up, Waddell wOs led to suspicion that he had. been We get ’ your nw es. Give your nerves a frequent Onardlan having exKIhlted He annual Office, In eald .Manehetter, ha *-nd Gen Elec ■...... 41H Sllex Co...... it remarkably limilar to yourt. Like yours account with aald eatat* to thI* Copn the earn* I* aealgned for a haaring Gen Foods ...... 35% eoyered yesterday. Officers ^ were lervlce Oil company on Petty’s Is- r.ot in favor of the transfer, with drinking. Examinations by a police rest—a soothing breathing spell—u ke time for pn th* allowance of eeld account Stanley W orks...... Call For and T it is delicate, complicated. Biit here is where a for allowance. It la Gen Motors ...... 47% wateblng the home of Yern'e.sister land In the Delaware river. Physi- tbe result that the water committee surgeon brought the opinion-that a Camel. Camels help you to remember that OltOKRCP: That the I7lh dev of with laid eetat*, and thia Court di- do., p fd .'...... ; two miles from the Jama farm. cians said none waa seriously hurt did not release the structure. Sy^Re was not In a fit condition to Deliver Your big difference comet in ; The dog can spring Peptemher, A. D.. lOlS, at 9 o'clock rect! the Guardian to gt-v* public no- Gtnette...... 8% Torrington ...... Doctor’s Preocription! ,you need a brief^ bit of leisure, for they are tice to an peraone Intereeted therein Hecker Prod ...... 7% Brought up at the last regular operate a car. into flashing action — and then relax. While (d. a t..) forenoon, at the Prohat* Veeder Root . . . meeting of the’ Selectmen, the ques>- mild and mellow^ a supremely enjoyable ciga- Orrice, In atid .Manoheeter. he and th* to appear and be heard theraon by Hudson Motors ...... 8 Vi The police patrt^ halted Croath- WELDON DRUG CO. man’s'nature makes him unkind to his nerves. came le eailgned for a hearing on Ih* publlehing a.copy of thia order In 'New York Banka . tion was referred for Investigation walte Saturday at 1:30 a.m. at the rette, made from costlier tobaccos. Smokers com* nawapaper having a oiraulation Int Harv ...... 61 Bank of New York PrMoriptloo allowance of eald eecount with eald Int Nick ...... - 4BVi to Mathias Splees, who has bMn intersection of Center and East All too often, we work too ha'rd,.worry too much, find.that “ Let up — light up a Camel” putt »tat*. end thia Court dlracte the In eald Dlatrlet. flve day* before Said Bankers Trust __ in touch with the Glastonbury His- Center streets. 90S Main 8tre^ are fatigued or sleepless from strain. Nelves cry Ouardlen to giv* piihllo notice to all day nf hearing and return make to Int Tel and Tel ...... 8 Central Hanover . more joy into living, and that Camel’s costlier peraone Intereeted therein to eppear ihl* Court, Johns Manvtlle...... BSVi for rest, but we do not hear. Don’t let tension •WILLIAM 8. HYDE ‘ Chase ...... Ward E. Krause tobaccos are .mild and soothing to their nerves. end he heard thereon hy publishing Kennecott ...... 39% Chemical .'...... a copy nf thi* order In aome news- Llgg and Myers' B , .... 68Vi paper .having a circulation In iabl | k.»-iy-^i. - City Instructor ‘Dlatrlet. Il,ve daya before eald day 'of Loew'a ...... 49.. Continental . . . . . AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Lorlllard ...... 19% haarUtg and return make to thie at Manohaater. ' within and for th* Com Exchange .. ‘niURS.. FBI., SAT.:; CLARINET AND There’s more joy in CourV'" » Mont Ward ...... 47% First National . . . . when ■WILLIAM S HYDE DIetrlet of. .Maneheatar, «n th* 19th Nash K elv...... 9% ERROL FLYNN in -Judge'. day of September, A. D., 1981. Guaranty Trust ... SAXAPHONE CONTINUING • THIS W EEK Preeent WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Eeq.. Nat Btac ...... 24 IryUig Trust' . . . . . I “FOUR'S A CROiyD" HO-IJ-II. „ Judge.' Not Cash Reg ...... , . . . 25% Truet Eetat* of Ethel Wlleon h-w ManufacL Trust ., FLUB . . "The Chaaer” WELL ‘ you “Let up—light up a Camel" •Nat Dairy ...... 12% Manhattan ___ Studio, of Oeorg* W. Woodbridg* 1st* of Nat Diattll...... 23% pj:ain garments Mapeheater. In paid .Dlairiot,. dgcaadc . ^ w York Trust Ceaiteg Bept. l ^ l B i ' ad. ' ■ N T Central 18 ' ■' Public National . 87 Walnut S t OFFI CI AL NOTI CE North A m ...... RALPH GULDAHL (n/AO. . .The , Manehaataf Trust Company, ...r IBVi Title Guarantee . EDW. O. ROBINSON WISELY Hs8ti5Sen8t!i5 for alloWnnoa.'It te ’a r a m ' P I ^ '. , pl u s' . . “ALWAYS aide’.’ story. ’‘I've.leamcd to -Ol'(tpEliEDwThai. tha . ITtb: Penn 19% '.•Si..-GOODBYE.* - . case up nqm. and agsio—to Septitmbar, A.' O. lS3t,. *t » o'olakk Pbeips"X>Odge 35 fi- called FOR AND DELIVERED ■ taketiine fora Carnet. It's the The Selection and Town Clerk of (d.. a t .t.) ) forenoon,forenoan, at thathe Probata Phil Pete ...... 39% NEW OAKLAND BRDGE ~ Cemiag Soon: little breaka in daily iiervt DfllSf. In said Manehes^r. be and 'tlA Pub Berv N J . . . This apeclal price applies to plain I.-plece dreaoea, ■ : the Town o r Manchester hereby tarn* 1* aealgned for a hearing on tiri 28 >.4 tension that help to keep a fel- I give notice that thev will be In aes- Radio ...... 7V4 SONJA im e plain 2-plece tailored aulta and plain coata. Also allowanoa of aald account, with aald low on top. Smoking • Camel slon at the .Town Clerk's Office In eatat*. and thli Court dlrae'tt th* Reading ...... 6EUEYED NECESSARY ^ R E N I E mefi's 3-plece suits (coat, veat,,trbuaera.)' gjveameafeelihgofwell-being. I the Municipal Building for the pur- Trusts* to slv* publlo notle*' to all Rem l ^ d ...... hi “MY LUCKY know pose of examining the quaJIflcatl'ih paraona Iniaraatad therain to appear Republic Steel . . . STAB” __ MANBNI8 TIB Here ia a- cigarette that it vio you : and b* haard thereon by publishing Rey*Tob B ...... 'xUDAY - TUSa. AND Tp Renominate socthing to my nerves!” That there are 25 diS'er- I of electors and admitting to the a- copy of thi* erdar In soma nawt- Manchester l|nprovement Gab ent types of American- ’ D I A L 7100., !el e<3TOR8' oath those who shall papar having a circulation In aald Safeway Stores .h To Ask Selectmen To Use In- All You Have Heaad! DietrUL 8v* days befor* aald day of Sehsnley D ie...... BvMythInz frown tobacco, by U. S. he found qualified on the following fluence To Bring About government standards 7 * F o r P r o m p t P i c k u p - days: hearing and raturn mak* to- this Sears Roebuck . . . 10 180 Court. Shell Union...... Xhangev Mat. - . E vm. 10-18-28% That Camel buyers study Saturday, September 17 and WILLIAM a H-TDB TOMORROW AND WED. Saturday, September *4, from T Judge. Socony . Vob ...... soil conditions, weather, S a. m. until 8 p;'m. (Standard M-9-I2-I1. South Pse*...... A letter from George H. Ratfwtn local curing methodif South Rwy be presented to the Selectnr.en MISS C L U B TUCKER '(Itfl), They know where the U.S. CLEANERS, and DYERS Time). David office manager, lays: " I can’t, 836 Main Street at a douRT^Or Probate held St Bronde ...... night asking the board's assistance choice grades are. It ia Near Montgome^ Ward’a Sald^flrat session may be publicly. at ManChattar. within, and for th* afford to get nervous. .My St Qos and El . in securing a new bridge at Oak- a recognized fact in "We Own and Operate Our Own Modem Plant" adjourned from time to time but no ' Dlatrlet ef Manebstter. on th* 19th land. method ia tor let up, and light aeea^n shall be held later thim Sat- -A- P St Oil C al...... the tobacco trade that Present vm^LIAM S. HYDE, Esq., St Oil N J ...... Mr. Hall was named as ehalrmaa SUPER OIANT up a Camel. It’s a grand way ■rda'y, September 24, except a aeg- Judge. Tex Corp ...... of a committee, at the last meeting SHOW NIGHT to smooth out tense nerves. I slon to examine and admit tltoae Truet Estate u-w of Frederick J. Timken Roil Bear of the Manchester Improvement Camel* are a metrhlea* whose quoliflcatlons mature after Lord late ot Mancheiter in said Dla, A BIO FOUR HOUR BILL! Chambers smoke Camels '■ lot. They’re bland of (iner, Club to try and bring about the trict. daceased. Trane America .. SO mild apd Bavory. Camels MORB EXPENSIVE Saturday, September, 24, and on or Th* Manchtatar Trust Company. Union Carbide . . . change. The bridge waa erected before Monday, . October ' 3, -1838, Truste* having axhibited Its annual before the days of the. automobile •re soothing to my per/ea. TOBACCOS- Union Pao ...... Modt of my friends, who Seem which aesaipn shall be helil on Sat- account with aald astat* to this Court Unit Aircraft . . . . • f . 35% and with'the amount of trafflo over" im fB R n liisi Tucklab'and Domasiio urday, October 1, 1938, from 9 a. m. for ailowanea. It Is Unit Ctfrp...... ;. v\.. ^2% the bridge at present It Ik claimed to always at cate prefer Camels.” $—T t^E T S FREE—5 until 5 p, m. ORDERED;—That th4 4Tlh day of be too narrow and also as being s e t; a*ud* RAINS rayBAlNTER For Selectman Feptembar, A D.. 19IS, at 9 o'clock Unit Gas mp ...... 9% ladUaCoepm BeiUlaGtanTilto 3^ 0 To Each of Five Wlnnert Signed Id. a. t.) foranoon. at tha Probata U S Rubber ....'. 46% at a .dangerous, angle. THURSDAY, SEPTE.MBEB l.'ith, 8 P, m ; ■ DAVID ‘(^AM BERS oaica, In said Manchestar, b* and 8 It is. the Intehtlop of Mr, Hall and ~ ~ *ToA’* “ ***" U Steel ...... 59% ‘GTORCHT BLANE IN Wlnnars .Must Be Preaent! -' JOSEPH G. PERO the samg I* aaslgnad for a hearing on West Union ...... 2T7i his committee to visit the state high- CLARENCE .N. LUPIEN th* allowanoa of said account with way commissioner and point out the PANAMA" With l e Bay — Ne Strings AftocheiL Just Fill In Coupon eald aitata, and tbi* Court dlraeti th* West El and M/g I...102H LoMLANE - Pool KELLT_ and Leave With Co. >• RICHARD MARTTN Truates to give publlo notic* to all WoolwOrth ' 45% need of the change. ^ ■ HAROLD M. REED parsons Intaraated ithsreln to appear Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 7 PULL LEVER l-A PLUS . . A GLOBIOU8 MATrilAS SPIESS and ba haard tharson by publtthlng •wl a copy of this ordar In aom* newi- Among the rules and regulations ARRAY OF SHORTSt with___ LET UP_ UP A CAAf£U PO PU LA R FOOD MA RK ET LELAND T. WOOD, apar having a circulation In said for guests posted In early American f^ r Transportotion To the Polls Call 62eo Board of Selectm ^ TYRONE POWER BoblDow BalldlBg BtitrlcL flv* daya bafor* said day ot -Tba largest valley In ths world Is taverns ware: No more than five to IJlM TO SM ^W A Yi SAMUEL J. TURKINGTON, beorlag and retern make to this ths GreatM trittt of Africa, which ho- la oae bed; no boots to be won ^ B O Y - ALICE FAYE iPM iFarB y A FrfeM) ••••OOP#•••#•B• AObJicBB. Town CtoiBT Cenrt. ftas Is the Dovtii of itto*' and I Slid PON U9tad a t Moac ^ -lOtb •WILUAM A BTDB Smokers find Camel’s Costlier Tobaccos ore Soothinfi to ^ . to., BVEKDfO HERALD. llAKCHBgtBB, CONK.. UONDAT. 8EPTEMBTO11, IM S aAWVHMSTl-BK fcVGNlNG B ^A Lt>« MANCHESTER^ CONN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,19S8 buadrad dollar ]ackpoU with ail-s^rars aecruee ter a'tlme te the ik f tot a boundary? , v aide Which atrllMS the Br^^effeoUve SERIAL S7X)RY “ U tba ohlura gum tt lotto, pla^ blow. naneh are Health and Dirt ica held claim to tee commercial going''trial teats, carried her rated per woe "pbeaomenally" short, Al- tweaa 8 ^ aai VENDRHLO’S BIRD WINS U.S.GA1HS TRANSPORT transport load lift record today af- capacity ofv83,000 pounds grace- KltHBH SIffRul ad tof ehoeolata eakaa or doUtta in the most tegUstle people la HOMO ECONOMICUS VETERANS EXPRESS lan said. Daaplta lack of wind and Alton shuttled the sfefli .1 ROOSEVETIM ter forty-oae/tons of metal, men and fully off tee glossy, surface, of Lake choppy water, wbidi -aid bydro- tba aodal parlora at a church to U they have'^Maobed tbe Everett and Tseoanaitr n TBM 'Advice PHOTOFINISH race ballast hurabd through tee skies Washington yesterday and eUll bod plones in tokebOs, tbs glaomlag sil- three houia. _____ JOOI&Al ralaa a»ooay ter ahtnclaa ter tha ______By Jartief J. O'Leary 100 u m ncEON LOAD LIFT RECORD here at Kmar than 100 miles 'an reserve power, Chief TWt Pilot Ed- Mm II ttTMt oondualon that^asl Oenaany 1^ By DB. n U N a i ttoOOY ver flying boat performed up to *BY CHARLES B.PARAdER POLLS F A Y O R im hour. ' die Allen said. ataapla and eaUad badao quite, an completely determlnod upcai a >war WILSON IN ACTS speciflcatlona. Luearne ntilwSSoM Tha gloat Boeing clipper, under- right, and the mo m faina,,,pli^ of aggression Jt la aet to be aattel- B x c m n rrB OAB Shiro Second And Carloon Beattie, Sept. IP—(A P )—Amer- The run needed by tee big clip- Flight testa wsre conducted be- alfelfs. jn|B BiTsiirms smTATioir naw» Of iliird-In N<^ Torli- To-Mflii- .X. l^ S rM S I. in t ter ataa dsDiur poti at a dl^~~a peted that teiqr will he edatant with UBDiA OOBOON— timek ncord. The oolt ate^ ! Bxeaaatvs atemacli or latastlnal piny rtOOf• * X fhester Flight; Othof. PTse- >»wmwt a right nice colt weekly index ^of businaaa activity Today there are a number of coo- ‘ give np ovaaythkig j IWnitoB And CooTene ,Peter VendrUlo’s young Uid won dent’s Declarations On ■OBKIUFTIOM BATM Aayona who tUnka ha knowi aU to a state of dafenatve warfare. has registered lie sixth succaaalva uae of foods which are either dUfl- far Uafla.' ~ and I'd thank you to send me IlOO the regular 100-mUe' race yesterday rideratfona which siM««giu»h tba cult to dlgaat In themselves or right away aa feed to mighty l^ h . i •Baa r«a r « r I ' ' tha aaawate to ihia puBria, knowa It la entirety coocaivable that the Increase, and now stands at SS.4, Ito attuarion from that of I8'i4. A t the VNOUB BANDY- from New York to Manchester, nos Maatfeh hr . which are wrongly oomblnad. Your uncle, Indicated After Meetiifg. which Affairs. £7. where It lii poaBMa to amka a ra^ French milRary authorlttas. If their bighaatpolnt alaca November B), present rime tha United Btotaa to a wmM give ep Ing out-Joe ficblro’s flyer. 1087. The flgure ter tba pH**df*lg Aa aa axampTa of a food h ^ to "ALEXANDER GORDON." placed second In tee speed trial for ttenal dinakm between gambhny government and people have decid- cradltor. nation. . Annual------turnover, digest we-haive •- atarAy ffn y tira -'j- • - Ltaida ebook her head with ex week, that ended August 37, was on tha Exohangs la 1888 and 1087 which has bean fried In a b ea w l_ ^ the jmiing pQiebn flyers. Tbs Iqpeed : o r TBB anoeuTB O that ought to ha regarded a« crimi- ed to light to end the unbearable 84.8., One year ago tha index stood aai^raUon. , That was Itka Unciej The solid support of Manchester’s of tbs winning bird was 1078 yards Rome, Sept. 13.—-(A P )—The Fss- averaged roughly right rimea tha| layer\>f graasa or fa t In this case Sandy; to run off with aoaroaly a vetsraaa will be given William C. -- *ae aaeeetani Press w sselasiveir nal and gambling that It would be Oerman menace, believa that the at 109A. Tha aatlmatad normal to dollar value of 1013 aad 1014. For-1 tha digestive Juices may not be able per minute, consuming 843 minutes ctot (editor, Vlrglnle Gayda, wt)o eamied m the eee el rseeUlaaUea 100. tha dlgeatlve Juices may not be able Tutnriari Wkaa - Uada letama shin-plaster In hto pocket; not to I Cheney and WiUtom J. Thornton. foi'or tbs run. rldlculoua to ao regard, may hare best defense agilast that menace Is alga Invastmants have lost much of to penetrate tha gtou e sufflcleatfy ■ write, till he was faring tha abarUf; 1%. ot an news eieaatebse eredltea te H ' The vmek's only loss took plaee after sariag Dob la the paee ter Republican candidates for' Repre- Other wUmers end their ptoelngs often rrilects Premier MuseoUni’s ev act eUsrwMe arsetted la this given tha matter a lot of'-' eerioua a smashing blow struck at tbs very their relative Importance. Further* I to workr up«» the March, and starchren I -- BaMy hee then to drop a casual note— sentatives and Lawrence ‘‘Lstiry’’ were: - August .Cartoon, third; Ho- views, asserts In the newspaper La ,^:v aaaer aaS alee the leaat-aews eeh- in tha oomponent for eotton-mlU ae- more, European i^ b o lo g y to dtf-17*fnentatIoB w it then result, pro- He’d have to have mciDey; majrbe Llr* HShee hereta. . thought—but It la to be doubted. outMt—and that 'tha picking of tha tivity. Although tha aaaaonal trend eoR. Converse for Selectman follOwi^ bote and Chambers, fourth; Miner Voce D’ltolla that President Rooee- GRAND RAPIDS QUALITY not all of the one hundred instantly, Informal conferences between sev- an rtahta at rapahUeatleaa sC One thing, however, ^[ipenre to meoMt must be theirs and not Hlt- was upward, oparaUoot were lower * C H A P T E R X r a . and Gleeson, fifth; Cormlns Bcblro, velt’s declorsttons on European of-; aaeeial eisaatahee hereta are alee re* but eventually. "M’glri,’’ she eral veteran groups over tee veric- sixte; Adolph Klttri, seventh; Mo- fairs ore making tee United Stotee' ha oominataly tetUa. That-ia the lerisT^ ■ • _ at 117.7, as compared with 133.3 cash out Of the country, the I “ *"****■**• ^ ^ ^ tba combhiauim I Linda couldn’t believe HKtflS to 1herselL "you’va got to dig ter the preceding week and 183.0 her ears. -end.------It was learned today, “h te ln l- Cortan and Oulnlparo, eight; John foreign policy "a growing cause ox ‘aet of lawa and atandardi which we It may b e'.a mlstalie to aasume moneyed interests ia Europe are x ifa r and atareb. This mtxtura five hundred, pronto." tnan of these overseas veterans^ - .Stevenson, ninth; Patsy Molloine, confusion and Incitement to catas- Pall servlee atlaBt of N. B. A Serv- ter the same'weak one year ago. I angloua to do the opposite That toi bappans to be readily farmenUbla ‘Tea, ma'amr callto spoke with She aat In dMp thought as OalUa CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER have Mt up, ter the guidance of po- that Franekt regarda haraelf aa ml. righteous Indignation. "You ain't concisely expressed tn two Open(lMite; BUI Plnayskl, eleventh; trophe.’’ The galas were 'lad ' la wrightsd I European capital to fleeins m bnd whan tba patient complains of tidied. the house. Confound this Forum letters sent to The Henid . Meaiher aatericsa Itewapaaer Pah- lice and courta in controlling |ra an' luto, 'We’s off thorough grounding in kiUlto^ of- coiitlnues. "It might be said he re- adverTteeaieats to the lfaeehee<*o patient' vrite colitis I **®~**“ deaoendad « team. , ILt|aind seventy-five—maybe more. And tolned ^ grounding' Ui tee old (night at 7:30. Delegatee to tee 44te by IRWIN ot Grand Rapids vented by afTalra of extraordinary For double aero oh a roulette layout, ventkm held recentlv in Roeh« cent wrong and hto real 'intehtlons tavortanca ahould mpka it hla or the qillU In faro, the rake in i vldea ter "second choFee” voting, •80* I and In particular, aparialty stores I l*arna to avoid eating large amouata I ,tf® ®‘® bacMor^ I she’d asked for an advaaea against Btructor with rank of Lieutenant, ( ter. N. Y „ wiU present their reports, were exactly oppoelte of what hto the second cholea ballots of thoaa told of Incraaaaa ranging up to 85 salads or raw fnilto. S 1 tl> «» twb ordarad storiaa. Sha later become paymaster : Captain ( The first, degree wUl also be con- previous words seemed to axpxM her bualnaBa to vote in the town I poker jgaine, tbe roimd-book pMe|. During tea past week tea atockl and <0 per cant. Tha damand saam-l formation may also result* ” ™*|bated to do K, but ttto was,no tlma who Voted for an eliminated candi- ond was a Colonel on tee staff of feyred on a class of i^didatcs; also to hundreds of mUUons of Ustenerf. ptlmarleA I bUltlea end the flat percentage of market wax ctaaracteriied by small-ad to be characterised by breadth I continued conatlpation. in I ••f**?'_ ®®, m te«uriaai yearainejr i to be aqueamIsA “This certainly to . not tee way to date going to one or the other of Governor Marcus Holcomb for six several new members for Charter Nearly without exception, if most people could choose, they would It Is always fairly Improvable | tha parimutuel box at the race trading volumea and falling prices, and a daflnlte trend toward qu ality.I*"** nature, tee correcUoa w w off to tea raom o^^^ jn three mlnutee* time ehe heard years, from 1014 until 1930. Oak. Lodge, No. 317, of Hartford- speak wlte coherence and certainty that tha Uata of candidataa preaant-1 track, the Inequality between toUl the two lending candidates, ths ac- From September 8 to September 10 For August tee Federal N e r v a l ^ copaUpatod sUte and tee ob-1 “era |,|g booming voice: "Yea, ye ^ w h a t WUUam J. Tboraton served In tee ( -AU officers and guards are reminded on -American foreign policy... prefer (Jrand Rapids Quality. Because “Grand Rapids” on furni- tea New York Hmea— A.,{dally------averages1 Board reported denartment s t ^ better InteeOnal » - ^ d if Golden Tby wins U , jt?« mud of Flanders with Connecilcut’e ^ weta.White. . ture is comparable w i^ “Sterling" on fine silver! But this finer ed to the votera oa alSetlon day vMl I priaao and taka in the lottery- tual winner in that state's tontest ' hjTicnce will probably remove tee I Jockey Club B to ^ , I Imagine | «it>s gys hundred dollars, Mn Beconaee Confusion Cauae may not be known for many boiurs of 00 combined atooka dropped from aalea 0 per cent under tee samel own "103nd Regiment’’ and return- Following tee bustness meeting a "The United States, which ought furniture has not been available to everyone . . because heretofore bo antlraly mada jip of pahMiiB wbo jtba Inavltobla mmUiemsUcel advan- 100.4 to 00.8. Once |Valn European monte last year, drawing tea ibaa tendency-toward exceaiBrs gas for- P^orman will keep hto word—give ko ss.” Thoaa were her first worda. ed to Manchester iffter that service social-time wlU be enjoyed. In charge aftpr the polls oloae. matlom- you that wedding,’ ’ "WhatT” to be a robust, neutral inatrum7»t Grand Rapids fuiiiiture has cost moi«,thah ordinary kinds. ara tha moat eempletaly quallfled tage In favor of “Rhe game"—wUl war acaras ssamed to bava brought for eight months down to 10 psf wlte tee rank of Lieutenonu Law- of Mrs. Sadie Mitchell, Mrs. Mor- of order, equUlbrium' and peace If either Tydlngs or George loees .When the patient belchee ffe-l ****“ * *4"? I “Horry, but I muM have, the ter the oineea to which they aspire. I Invariably gat all the money If the on a very cauttOito attituda on tee cant. In tea weakly report for tea I quently It to probable that he has I Idnda wtted Jerty, want mto hM I money. If my face Isn’t good, well, rence Converse, candidate for Sri- (gaivt NevUle, Mrs. LUy Foots, Mrs. among peoples, becomefi Wlte teese .. *Now . . for the first time in Watkins Brothers 66 years of serv- part of tea traders. period ended SeptombOr A tha Ra- ectman, volunteered for service dur- ( Uaty Pratt, Mrs. Sarah Price, Mrs. boeauae aomettmss auch paraona jgaune Iksta long onoiigh. The law of and the other wins, the New Deal ronned tee habit of swallowing alr,|*®om, furioua drtim booM aba dm Ipm aandlng In two cofktog good continuous contradictions and uh- A little mors than twenty-four aerve Board Indieatad a decline of I ing the Spontob-American War and Elisabeth Smite, Mrs. EUxabete ing Connecticut Grand Rapids Quality ; . un^estionable good ^ Shrink ^ m tha oonfll^ of polities I arithmetic cannot be dodged, no will undoubtedly claim a aubetantlal or that ha to overeating and using pf^much o ^ a r aud duty to to see that sueb candidates getUng Into all sorts of trouble "Oh I" the excIanaatloD of relief fMl tee vetertas way becousa he NOTICE However. If hla "purge" methods in the U n i^ States were -able to Although tenaion over develon- ” ?,^ **“ " *'’**^ • * * 7 **®“ a . . has never performed tba duty of do not get on hla party's tlekst. [from . pla^ng non^professtonal go through an earthquake without muitR abroad affarM HowRver, In tht oUitr CAMfl w wa_ . -am welled up, went over tbe wires to succeed In getting rid of. either of eoMtor. It to also pointed out tb«t So It frequently traiisplras that rgames and doing- ^ non-plofessFonal loss. marketsS “ keta during the past week, this] U th. rsmilt ‘ ‘tad* hmttd another - Mlpleas has honored a|I oomploints of the them the President win consider What were the clroumatances nervousne.P«7 colt. Want to buy half "AU right, aU right But get fire District may be dressed up. perhaps to nearly tee same,. When I for a stoady expansion of autbmo-(and using bot applicsUons over the' *“*®’^"* ’ those yams in—and tesy bettor be Into _ taddto life, to on Importut Hardwood framsa. .A!.blg..prlmary vote to at toast an Just recently thr American pub- in IIMO .Mr.. RcKwevelt should-be-a- the preaident of tee New York bile -output from now OB, after-the (abdomen Such reUM to . of course,’ Jerry must have -believed, with .consktoratlon, and It to sOi^utely All'-pcraona by law- to' pay taxes to the Soliitik serswed essential, teat Manchester veterans HaUe indication that the community's I lic has had it impresstd upon It candldata' for a third tamu Stock Exchange called hto govern- reduction which took place in the only temuorarv. and th* naH«i>» I aaomeMonte nui,HiU,-that -u i» womeuwomen wand u rcKumracing "One tost'requea^” she aaked him Best fun laced webbing. Springs ing committee together In those holiday week. Once more It may muit 'or. without a single talN send those men to tee Capitol and Manchester Fire District, are hereby notified that I will tied 8 ways with flneot Italian electorate to alive to Its responsFVlt- vritb tremendous force bow exten- to transfer tee live hundred by teto- final days of July, 1014, tee market be that the automobile industry will are la order before he may expect wag,' he got up^taberately, moved gitah to tea bonk in Lsxlngtow. to tbe Board of Selectmen wbo ore have a rate bill for the List of 1937 of 2 mills on the twine. Front legs and framea Ities—and «ven that. In a negatlva Bva auch awlndttng to—la the rava- faced tee threat of demoralisation, take ito poeition aa tee leader in tee lasting relief. unMr tee bed. Tne night train from tha racing fully in sympathy with their wel- of Hondunui mahogany. 100% aort of way, makes ter batter town laUona la tha HInea trial and now due to liquidation of huge Euro- recovery. Building construction to My 8 articles on EXCESSIVE "Collie," Linda fold at breakfast, city carried a cashier’s check for fare and oiins. - Recklese dollar due.and'collectible on. October 1; 1938, and will Cotton Felt ujdiotototy, eppitod government, becauae a big vote tbla m tba Indictment of tha mayor of pean tnveatments. Accordingly, tee averaging a little behind teat of GAS outline s good generd diet to "we’re going to let ’em stew in their 84M to Brown •Donald, Esq., core ^ existing, if but meager, aid fOr have office hours for the collection of this tax at Hose In layer*. Seats flUed wttb own Juieee at tee Downs for s few depmdent wives," mothers and chil- rime to very likely to Have tha af- phn.d„pi,u, „ d , grapt,numbar of Washington Itochange was dosed and trading July and tee August figures are follow and will be cent to those of a woman named Merle. feather-springs. waa resumed over tee counter. In running considerably under those of wishing to try tee dieting method weeks." - "CoIM, tee fall race meet has dren. earned by tfiooe that serVed, Company No. 4 on School Street from 9 A. M. to 5 P. N. tect of discouraging tha allp-lB type other persona, Including high police Daybook time, Americans came to have a the same month lost -year, Forward your request to me In care "Yea, ma'am, we to.” Crilto agreed startsd at tee Downs,” Linda said c ^ o t be Jeapordtoed by placing Saturdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and from 7 P. M. of poUUoal aspirant from atUmpt- oincUto. In tha a ty of Brotherly clearer picture of thq Immediate of thU newspaper end encloee a wlte enteurissm. • at bnskfast tea next, momlnt. those not in sympathy with tee vet- Rjr Frtttom Grs eran class Iq office of so important to 9 P< M. on each Tuesday and tlinrsday evening during ing to gat bito offtea next timal i.ova. ' future. “ITicy could see profits for . Tomorrow i Mahobeeter, the In- large, aelf-oddreesed envelope and 8 "Let them get tbe eolt in raelBg "Would you Uke to go to Loutovl}lito^e By JOHN OOLUEB many of the'lndustrial leaders, aqd I dnsMol Fatomallam. cents in stamps. shape; then we’ll pay a surprise wlte me?’’ natim, tee veterana qladm. October and from fi A. M. to 5 P. M. on Monday, October' T o m o r ^ a Frimailaa are of cihlnaaa laundryman playing fan vtolt la ths msaawhUa I rids U. S. CotwHiaaloner of Indian 'Would I? Yea, ma’am. A n 'U Sly and Tuesday, Npvmnber 1986. greater Impertsnea slnea oandldatas tan in the back room of a warti rtmp 'Affairs. QUESTION AND ANSiVEBS around, gathsr aMtsrtol—do .my t sees that triflin' Nonqsn—*’ she for R e i ^ t a t l v a . to tha Oanaral do not eenititute much of a threat (Heart too fhat) w riri^ hsrs." grinnsd, left Uia ssatsnes uafla- Bni*MISS AMERICAS” which hod Juibped from 130 to 8800. Already Linda had the bagtaataga Failure to make payment before November 2, 1938 Asaembly are named. What Influ-. to tha public, morale. ‘ Neither do a In place of dying, they were multi- Question: Dimity Q. writes: "la Ished. Washington—Thara is a wida- there any connection between my for her two ordered stories on gan- “Than pack up; wall elosa the Pleated Back cnee Manchester votera will have hptmp of women-playing conthwt plying. renders the tax delinquent and Interest at the rate of 7.2 apread belief that tea ao-eallad New Ovemight News hmrt bearing too fast sad gas to tlemsn steeplecbaas riders, on wom- house. We’ll take a cottage behind I& EARL CARROU ACTS in the Legislature - that oonyenes bridge for a tenth of a cent a point, Deal for Indiana la' a novel, unpre- The Indian Reorgontoation Act the stomach? My meals seem to en and racing. Shs would drive tee track." per cent per annum dating from October ! will be added, '.was advocated by President Roose- Wing and Lounge next year to to be determined to- gut Dutch flohultsea and rape track cedented thing which leaped Into ac- make oM w fu l lot of gas and teen to tee big breeding farms—sowe ,At tote twilight teeir oar etopped tion from the bralna of Brain Truat- velt and signed by him In 1084: Al« Of Connecticut were owned by women—talk wlte la— (A P )—The morrow. 'Ihat Influanca may be tee heart gets rapid.” in front of a tockroem on Povu^ Atto^o Clty broiity pagstat that GEORGR W* C. HUNT, promoters bribing le^Iators do. ars In 1938. The case of the Jlcarllla moat everybody said: "These Jlea- Answer: One ot tee common old trainers, Jot-down anecdotes— great or anMlI la proportim'to the By ASSOCIATED PRESS Row at the Downs; where tee one' p r i c e d a vontohing Mlos America Parhapa wp shall realise, some Apaches serves to correct that ml.v rillas will not understand the act. causes of a rapid heart rate to ex< . Three days totor tea storm broks. and two-horse stables are boused. s Collector. 'abilities of tha men who represent A letter from Berwyn: Linda sniffed M year today bod a problem of time, that gambling to not one understanding. The oiily time they have ever, taken cemlve gas. Tbe gas to usually dus "Uncle “Sandyl” Uada Nor- plural pulterltude, CHAIRS $49.75 ua In ths Oaneral Asaembly. To a Across 49 years, after the Unitad collective responsibility was. on tbe .Wsterbury—Ths two-day conven- to using wrong food oombiaattpns tee paper. Ugh! Perfumed! He man’s woolly head looked oqt broad problem, but two' that the might nave gotten paper of hto own. AraericaoJ’ j treat dagrCa tea acoompllahmepta States ipinexed the Southwest, the warpath. Their taclent forms sim- tion of the Canadian Legion closed or to using foods which in them- "Howdy, Miss Linda," then he saw laws must sharply dlfferentlata be- selves cause gas such as onions, It read: Scornfully eritleiglng tee Judges Apaches were the terror of every- ply cannot be readjusted Into a with a memorial service and in- Collie. “Went into serioa. "I—I who Saturday gavs' the nod to of such Representatlvaa. art datoit^' tween profeaalonal gambling, oper- body else, and the Jlcartlla Apaches m^ara program. Forget 'about the stallation of officers. gmlic, cooked cabbags, tad so on, "Dear Linda: _ (got business—" He aeurrlsd out mined by tea men teamsalvaa, and rooking your meolq-more slm *T was sbocksd to ssa In tee news- Marilyn Meseke, a 30.yeor-old atad aa a "buslheia," and private wer# as bad as the worst. In 188.7, JlqartUae." . ^ j ,.,New Haven—Death claimed for- blonde from Marion, o.. Earl Cor- their impriarioB upon fellow legiila- the JlcarUIas were set down on a mer Judge Sheridan T. Whitaker, 50, ie and sec If this does not remove SheR^ton gambling. Indulged In for Individu- In addition many people said: STme, m Ml ’ Suxtci# S l e ® fin t £ iiy n t o BDciut I ? X u jrour t ^ hino S K*** IS ^ t s d !’’’’You* trtSta*'* ^ U , wbo bos hod quite a bit to do trget-in New Mexico upon the high of the New Haven City court,. Ble tendency 'to flatulence. tors. This newapapar believaa that al excitement and recreation; be- "There to on Indian trader wbo for buying tea colt. Golden Toy. I Then Uncle Sandy come to ^ t e selecting beautiful ladies, tost plateau which atraddle;i the Con- 40 years has been s sort of .Fed^ Hartford—The state health' de-- Jght jptoced a ••golden” cro.wn to .the beat Intoraato of aU .of .. Man- cauaa gambltog which Is predimt- (Aasorysai) under tee improssiba Umt l aqo , VLo Linda," ; ho ooid ttnentai Diride, flose to the Coiora- eroi'overlpta of tea JleaHllas. HIS pertmint reported teat , diphtheria Question: B. owned half bf him. I still believe Ftee 'of ' CSolre James of Los cheater will be aarvad by tha ooml- ed on chance and gambling .which ia do line. S. N, Inquires "What ually. "You’ro Just in time. I esc-" Choice o r : name 'to Emmet Wirt and be will wses In Connecticut Increased from I to an aneurysm of tee .abdominal so. However, since you are posing pect Smlllni Angete and pronounced Her ttee 'PwStoaited«-


7:80 ThoM W e Love; 8 Repeat of THE OPEN FORUM fU N IIIA LH O M E O f Ppetlc drama, "The Planets; 9 True DAILY RADIO FRESHMEN ENROLL 'or False. LITTLE BUSINESS OemmuBlesttoiia for pubUcotlon la Uio Opon fV>rum will ^W ILU AM P. ■ - What to expect Tuesday: WOR- MBS— 12:15 p. m. Roger ^bson on bo fuanatood pubUcotlon U ttaajr oontala moro tboa 800 wordi. MONDAY, lEPTtM B KR 12 (Cutral and Eastern Btaadard Tima) ^ Tho Homld rcoa^oo tbo right to decUno to publish any mittar ATWESLEYAR^AMP "Cause and Cure of Unemploy- MEN PLAN ACTION that aiay ha Ubaloua or arhich la In had tastk Fr«s tapraaaloo .v-r {LitUngB ast. 1:30 p. m. Little variety show; 3 Mrs. Willard Steana and son W il- JOHN C.' NBTTO The sense o f direction displayed 4. When I stopp^ to chat with sev- paid us for having been ah Ameri- AFTER A LONG M E S S kfl kgw komo khq jepo kgu 8:30— 4:30-7Mkreh of Oamaa Fregram Two-Diy Galhefhig^, Club matinee; 5:15 National singlet National Affairs. . by birds In migration still is a puxzie O ^ IO N A L - aTATroN S (operaU In- -eM local men about the local po- can soldier. h lard, who have- beM visiting. her 473, Stafford . . . in matten of 8:48— 4140—New Horlaana, Ixplsrsra tennis ( Aleo W ABC-CBS). to sdsnee. Many authorltiss bsllevs terebangeably on either RED or BLUB 4:oq-<0:ao—Praaa.Ridla N4ws Farled UtMal situation this afternoon one Betwetfca): la a ti wbre wool wfea w lv Some Tuesday abort waves; DJD The ravages o f war compelled us sister. J|frs. Liiia (Tuttis) Seeley town offk^ ...... T. Paul__Manetiil,. that birds ars able to detect the costa and service will 0:08—Sd Thorgarsan, Sparta— . Of them aald: "How ia.lt you hava to get’ outside aid both fo r the ’past . The Stafford . Republicaiiia aad weMi wixt man nskn ebteUi Centraii ^^■wabc; Rhyt hm- Raundiip—chain'; Middletown, Sept: 13 — Weeiey- Berlin 6 p. m. Light music and 9;30 and family at their home in Cleve- chairman of the Democratic town earth's magnetic force. ’ which af- Wofl wtm] wlba wday Irgbz kane kew 8:18—Chicago's tonga For Y » Kaleidoscope of Opera; 2RO Rome ’ ■Pfttshurgll, Sept. IT.— (AP)-:-Th*' aot discussed the candidates tpls and future years. Let us make-sure Widow Of Dr. RockweH Who be closely foUoweii by : kaoo wbow> wood wobo wgbf wxi'ictyr 4:18-^ ah’s two- day Freshman Camp.'fbr land, Ohio, have returned home. committee has called the’-caucus. Democrata.iHIl hold their party cau- fords them a . constant directional 4:80— 8:10—Boh "Traut About "Today' 7.;S0 Symphony orchestra: GSG nation’s little business men, headed year. Even if • don’t always It Is not taken away from us by guide. \ William P. Qaish with koam; Southt wtar wptf wfajwlu wfla- 4:48— 0:48— Lum and Abnor—oast the class of 1942 opened at Camp agree with you It is^refresblng to They traveled by plane both ways. Meeting Postpone^ cuses to nbmlnate candidates for weun wlod weno wfbc antno weso wave iga by Ray Haathartan GSP GSO GSD OSB London 8 electing Bill Thornton and BUI Cha- warn kvoo wky wfU'-ikbap woo) ktha 8:00— fiOO—Senga by H aten,. Y.M.C.A. camp bu Cedar by "the butcher, the baker and the If you war* to be suddtniy dtpVivtd of your road your views." ' Mr., and Mrs.I. Wellman W. Bum- Practiced In Rockville There will be no meetln^of the Town offices tonight, Monday at 8 whom the needa' and 0:10-___ OilO-vTw___ . jvmelnls------of Amdrlaans Lake, CihMter, this afternoon with a Welsh Guards band; YV5RC Cara- candlestick maker," gather here to- ney to a position where they can bam and daughter, Betty Burnham, fefdm kfko krsvTala ktok ktam wala t:|p- S:S^NIghtlms Of the Trail . eyesight. . . you would pay untold sums to get I rather doubt that any other man V.F.W. Auxiliary this eveninii, TTie o’clock in the Warren Memorial W M ktba karirksne: Meuntalni kalr capacity enrollment of the first cas S'^45 Venesuelean typica or- morrow to pool their Ideas and fash- look out for our interests. moved last Saturday to Stainford, preferences of each hXMrJaS kghf kldo Imfa keel k ^ : t:0O— 7:0 ^T a Be AsneunetO In town would tell for whom he is next meeting will take plac8\on hall. The Republicans will gather — kgw kml kern kgu kmed t:30- y:SO-Frek and Fat, Fun—baste ‘ seventy-flv4 freshmen who applied chestra; GSI GSG GSC OSB Lon- ion them into a policy for unified ac- it back . . . IF YOU COULD . . . and if money ’Thank you, Mr. Editor, for the where Mr. Burnham haa secured a Over 50 Tears, Claimed 7:0(^ S:0O-Da Mills Radio Thsater don 8:50 Songs for two. voting'and why. But, I like to be Monday evening, September 28th.\ In the court' room on the main floor family served is a pri« Seat., Conducted by the Christian Asso- tion in national affutrs. would biiy it! So, >(hile you have It, T A K t different so here goes. abpve ppSce. position. Bible Claas ^ OtOO— 0:00—WOyne Klni Walts—fo a While the Democrats will meet in mary consideration. S:M>— ISO—Your Family and Mina S:3<^ 0:80—Dal Casino, Toner Solas ciation of the University, the theme A call for the’ four-day. meeting CARE'O F IT! Don't let e few dollsrs mean For Representative, I ’m voting.for WORLf) WAR VETERAN Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Cimmone The Allen Bible Class will meet HARVEST S:4b- 4I4S—Litlle Orphan .Annlerr. Si4S— fi4»c!-Rhythm In tho irooM . By Death; Probate Co D" the auditorium 6n. the second .floor. o f the camp Is "The Meaning of Re- of the men who style themselves ^ 11" Ofcney and------‘B U r Thornton. and family of Wethersffeld,'~ have this evening at eight o'clock at the aaat; Rax Maupln Orohaatra—watt OiOO—lOilXV—Nawai N. Suasa Orehaof. . the differsnet bfitween glsites which you think lUts likely that the Repubileana will 4:00— fiOO—Selenoe n. the Newa 0:80—10i30—Oouni Sasla Orahsatro ligion In College U fe.” Interspersed "minute men in business suits,” pro- Two men capable of representing VETERANS' FRIENDS rented the home of M r and' Mrs. Rockville Baptist church. The claas A Modem . . “ May Do All Right" and those CAREFULLY renbminate Clarence D. Benton for lilO-SBiiB—Chli " ...... l dran’ a t' t o r l aa 10:«^11:00—Roger,Fryer A Orehaatra with periods of recreation, talks will posed resolutions demanding: ■ the town and certainly no . one can Editor, The Herald; Burnham and will move io Pleasant vention Tonight. word Is- "Forward,” and the mem- first ^lectman and Milo Bradway SUPPER 4itS— l:SS—Fraea-Radia Newa Farled 10:80—11:00—Oanaing Muala Orehestra be given b;p.Prof. Charles R. Hoover LANGUAGE PURGE ms that either man Is a racial or Tomorrow Manchester will hold Vallsy soon. WEDNESDAY, SEPT.T4 / Funeral Home 4:l0— SiSO—Faul Oouglaa and Sporta 11:00—1l:0lk-Varlaty Hour—waat only Cessation of "government med- AND SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED TO YOUR here, are Reminded to^bring in their for seebnd aeleetman, present in- 4ul^ S|48—Adrian Rolllnl Bntamble on "SchoISrshIp," a n . "Religion, An EYESl religious bigot:------Its primary election.-Presented by The Abe E. Miller Poet, Amertcaa Penny Bag*. cumbents. While on the Dem—Altrad'Wallanataln Oroh. Kfsd .ktma kax kga kaea k lr L. McKuslck '39, College Body New Peal for small business. tJve administration. Converse will and sympathetic views for the ex- fore the inatallatlon- the Wlndaor rolls, eoffee— l9o—Adults. Chil- 7:00— 8:00—Joa, Charnlavaky Orehaa. NOTBi Sea WBAF.NBC for opUenal her home at iS Park street yester- year and plans will be discussed WUliam RleggeYs who has already 7:t(^ •:S0—Bddy Ouahin'a Orehaaira president, "Goals” by Dr. V. L. But- Hope To Avoid Tumult give the north end a more equitable service man’s problem cannot be degree team obligated several new dren Under IS— ^SSc. 8:00— t:0O—Mtrak WabOr Mualc—to e Hat of atationa day afterncxin following a long Ill- for future activities. announced hla 'canditecy, Maurice Cant. la st. terfield, Director of Admissions and Army’s Atheist Fighters . Although leaders expressed hope when Buying Eyewear ahare of representation and In ad- too strongly emphasized. members. Alfred E. Armstrong was ness. Munray and Angelo Argehta. Both 1:80— 0:30—L. Clinton Orehaa.—aaat: Dean of Freshmen, “ Fratemitles dition he is a good sized tahpayer A Y.D. Veteran—A V.F.W. man Ripley Fregram—repeat tor wait 0:80- 4:8(V-Dan Winslow, N avy- of avoiding "a repetition of the again Installed Commamjer, The fol- Mrs. Rockwell was bom Decem- parties will also selectKnomlnees by Raymond J. Walsh '38, and and aa a successful business.man Bill Thornton will light for fair 0:00—10:00—Dancing Orehaotra—aaat: aaat: Charlaa Osara and Toner—w tumultous sessions that characteriz- SEE AN EYE PHYSICIAN! His prescription will lowing guests were present: De ber 3, 1984, In Rockville, the daugh- for a imember of the board asses- Amaa ’n’ Andy—waat repeat 0:40— 4:40—Capt. T im , OUmpa—w]s: "Mah't Inner l i f e ” by Rev. Delton Say 'Thank God.” Lsaiw tre groesd la sor wQl be valuable to the board. Sym- legialatlon for hie buddies with that Mrtment Senior Vice Commander 0:30—10:80—Al Donahue A Ore______K. aiuekman Orahaatra—aatanirk ed a little business -meeting In Wash- determine the various eharaeteristics of the lenses ter of Benezet H. and Kate (Griggs) sors. board of reUef, board orH^uca- 10:0^11:00—Clyde Uueaa a Orehaatra 4:00— S:0IV-Nawai M* Spitatny Oroh, L. fleudder '37, associate pastor’ of ington last Winter, there already sure bterstsiy tefle- ington should have been elected a same heart and courage he had Bernard J. Ackerman of Rockville, MA^JLBOROUGH tlon; auditors and constables. \ year ago but some of hla friends when be fought with us In France, Bill. ..She had been a resident of 18:80—11:8(h-FaH Hinas and Orehaatra 4 i1 A - 0:18—U kranlan Caneart the College Church, Instructor In were prospects of lively "debate on which precision instruments h m shown to be needed District Commander Edward J Mr-and Mrs. John PancierA. of 4:80— ti80—Faul Oabln Orahaatra the department of Religion and Its KcurscyK Our sgeig- later .explained that his name was W. C. Cheney too will be for us this olty all her life.' She was a . MRS. HOWARD LORD CBS-WABC NETWORK 4:48— 8:48— Lew all Thom as — seat: Moecow, Sept.' 13.— (Correspond- "how big Is a little business?” Keleber of Newington, District West Main street recently obeei’ivei] Ethics, and executive eecretary of to aid your eyasight. Onerally, tho right eye needs so far along the line they had voted with that same sympathy and • un- Senior Vice Commander Louis member of Sabra Trumbull Chap- BASIC — Sasti wabe wado woko wcae Lola Hutchison, Saprane—west ence of Tho Associated Press)—M. The national Small Business Men's mtiir Is fhs fiiMtr mi ter, DAR, Mayflower— Rebekah 334-2, East Hampton their 3Sth wedding anniversary, witb waat wgr wkbw wkre wjr wdre wcau 0:0^ SiOO—Allas Jimmy Valsntine— ihe .Christian Aasoclatlon. e lens different from that prtKribqd for the left, or for seven before coming to hla key. questionable fairness he has always Chevalier of Glastonbury and Clar- wlaa wpro wfbl wjav wgar; MIdwasti seat; Consort Orahaatra—waat V.- Yudin, a member of the Supreme, Association has tentatively defined stest siodsra Is be had. U>dgo, and the Union Congrega- their daughter, Mrs. Geno Ambrose wbbm wfbm kmbe kmoz whoa kfab The Freshman Introduction Days Probably he wanted to start some- shown - ua, he being a former cap- ence Fairbanks of South Windsor. of Converse street, the occasioa also VOTE FOR 8:10— 0:80—Muala Is M y Handleao Soviet of the U. S, S. R., has started a little business aa a concern which vice verse. We Will translate his prescription into thing but at any rate one of the men tain in National Guard. tional .church. She leavea one son, Robert T. Buell has , donated krnt ’ 8:48— 0:48— V iv ia n dalla Chlaao, Song are scheduled 'for Thursday, the Mias May Miller of Barbe. Hill, being her 10th anniversary. Mr. and ■AaT-^wbno wps whp whao wore, efrb 8:00— 7:00—MIerephana Sing Song 15th, Lo Saturday, the 17th. Fresh- a campaign to purge the Russian employs not more than S(K) persons eyewear compounded EOR YOUR EYES ALONE! with whom I was talking this Alao don’t forget It Is Important was married to Martin Sayet of Charles B. Rockwell. piece of land near the Center for okao wlbx wmaa waag wnbf wlba wkbn 6:30— 7:80—"Those W a L a v s " - t o cot language because the Soviet army's and is capitalized at less than II,- The funeral will be held on Tues- the site of a fire house for use of Mrs. Panclera were married in whie wgbl wbrk wnbz 7;oe:>- 8:00—Footle Alitgory man registration comes on the 16tb afternoon aald: "There is really no to have on our local Board of Sel Manphester, on a recent trip to Fomo D1 Zoldo, Italy and have lived supposedly Atheist fighters say 000,000. ' fUn In a local campaign unless you day afternoon at o’clock at the local fire department. ..D IXia — wgat wsfa wqam wdod kira sioO— 9:00—Or. Hagen True ____ and 17tb, while the upperclassmen ectmen someone In sympathy with Maryland. Mrs. Sayet Is the daugh- 2:.’10 here for the past 30 years. Mr. wrao wlao wwl wtoo krid ktrh kua 1:80— 0:8(^Nttlono1 Radio Forum thank God.” Some large businesses contended and Hr. Spleaa stait something.’’ our local problems, l^wrence Coa her home. Burial will be In Grove Henry J. Blakeslee has been waeo koma kdbo wbt wdae wblg trdbj 0:00—10:00—Nows; Son Cutler Orth. will register on Mundaj^ the 10th. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of anil Mrs. Ambrose were married The fall special exabilnatlons will In Bezbozhnik. the official organ In preliminary sectional meetings This year, there Is no need for verse Is the man we need. He pos- Barber Hill section. The ceremony Hill cemetery. recent business caller In ' Newark, wwva wala wmbr ktui wcoa wdne wnoz ,0:30—10:30—To Bo Announced here In St: Edward’s church by the kwkh know wmmm wjno wcha wpar 10:00—11:00—Danes muala be held on. the 20th. of the militant Godless league, Yu- their concerns were divided into ma to say anything about Mr. aeaaes a keen'liberal busineaa mind was performed at Elkton, Sept. 2, . ITobato Convention N. J. 10:8(^11:80—Leu S ra t^ Orahaatra din described how " I often hear the Hare’s a cool, quiet, eeei- late Rev. Fell* J. O’NslU. wmaa wcoo wrva walm wrdw wOpl Fraternity; rushing bogina on the units which bring them within the ttfimt, bis pr^udices or bis lack and as to bis feelings for the ex-ser The Democratic probate conven- Both the Republican and 'Demo- ■______. / ' Miss Mary M. Tarcba, daughter 17tl> and - oontlnues for one week best tank driven, Stakhanovltes and scope of the association. fOrfable roeui where yea o f quallflcattona He went to Ger- vlcemsn ask the Vet of Foreign tion will be held this evening at cratic Caucuses Will be held hers others gaaually say 'thank God'." of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph tarcha of under regulations set forth in the many and ratumed with the report Wars, or Spanish War Vets; they aeven o’clock at the Police court tonight. 11:80—43eunt Baele’a orehegtfa. TTils, be commented, in spite of Ignored By Ohiunhera may be fitted with glaiM Stafford Hollow was - married to Who Is Again Reing _ _ College Body constitution; The first that Hitler la not prejudiced against will tell you. and how! room. For the second time in many Some of the farmers about tovra 12:00— Jack Denny’s orchestra. the fact that the ’’overwhelming William Wolfe, a Pittsburgh dele- OatboUeo or Jews. Yet, hundreds John J. Doane of Hartford, son of semester begins with 8 o'clock gate. declared that Chambers o f which have the defhiHe Remember, go to the polls i-ues WILLINGTON years there will be a contest for the are busy filling alios. Mr. and lira. Martin Morley of A.M. majority of army people are Athe- o f times Binca thm. Catholic leaders day and vote for tho above three WTIC 12:80—Ted Weems' orchestra. classes Wednesday morning, the ists.” Commerce and Boards of Trades in characterhtict YOUR eyae MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH office of Probate Judge on election Thirteen pupils from this place Cambridge, Mass., Saturday morn- Abused By Unscrupu- 21st, the Matriculation Service tak ■ ham and abroad have protested men, the best three friends we can day. Two years ago Francis J. began the new term at Glastonbury Matter of Habit the past "have piteously ignored ?«■- against Hitler’s persecution of Cath put 4n office. ing at 9 o’clock In St. Eklward’s Tieveloeo BioedeaotiBg Roroles. ing place In Memorial Chapel, with call for. You’ll find a eridt O'Loughlin, Democrat waa , elected High last Wednesday. Bartford, Conn.' Temorrowte Pragram Yudin, who holds the coveted title "the small businessman and urged oUcs. I leave It for the Catholics A daughter waa bom to Mr. an(i church with Rey. Henry Chabot, Prerident James L. Mc(jonaughy Let the - others deal themselves to the office to succeed Judge John Mrs. Etta Rudd and daughter curate performing the ceremony. lous Politicians . Be- MJMIO W. 1040 K. O. 20.3 M. A.M. of "hero of the Soviet Union” , said that little business "keep control or choice of modern, attnethw to decide whether they prefer to be- the "old deck” or the "now deal’’, Mrs. Stephen Hyostek at the Johnson 7:00— Shoppers Special. delivering the address, that after- E. Fahey, Republican who served Mrs. Lina Page have returned to Miss Eva Tarcha sister Of the bride Eaetern Daylight Saving H um he was startled at first Into think- the Association for our own preser- neve the Pope on this ^-Im portant we are going to deal ourselves thrw Memorial hospital In Stafford 7:45—^Newa service. noon at 2:30 o’clock. framM. for more than 25 years. It 1a ex- their home In Springfield, Mass., was Maid of Honor and Mlsa Ehre ing the offenders werq religious but vation."' r Catholic issue or Ur. Spleaa. sees—BUI Thornton, W. C, Cheney Springs, recently. cause He Has Coihpas-. 8:00— Shoppers Special. pected that Mr. O’Loughlin will be after spending some time In this Tarcha, cousin of the bride as after talking with many of them he Founded by' Dewitt Emery, six* When aot running for Office, Hr. and Lawrence Converse. The Delazel family, which occu- Monday,.Sept. IS 9:00— Richard Maxwell. renominated at the convention: this place. bridesmaid. Nelson Carrier of became convinced their exclamations foot-six president of on Akron let- IM sm clamors for the taxation of "tret’s GO” . pied Miss Helen Rollinson’s .home P. M. 9:15— Montana Slim. were purely a matter of habit. tmurcbes. ■■ As a member of the while shp was away, has returned evening. The Rev. and Mrs. George K. Hartford sensed as. best man and sion On the Unfortu- 4:00—Backataga Wife. terhead company, the asaociation T. D. VETERAN Arthur Benton of Hartford was an 9:25— Newa servtce. 'Ta it. not high time” , - he asked, Xaglalatucs. Hr.. Spless could land to New York. Miss Rollinson re- Antoni N. Sadlak, „ Republican, MacNaught have returned home af- •4:15—StelU Dalloa. clalma Its. 10,000 members dfd 84 per —...... BEB-EL. usher: Fblldwlhg. the ceremony a 9:30— Girl Interne—Joyce Jordan. 'to cleanse our language iof these’ much impetus to this viewpoint If turned Thursday after spending six has announced hla candidacy for ter eeveral weeks In Kokadjo, 4:80— “ Life Can Be Beautiful.'' cent o f the business In the nation jo nate Elderly Inmates 9:45—Tropical Mooda. RADIO y outworn expressions?” weeks in Vermont and Maine. this office, and It is expected that Maine. dinner was served < the bridal party last year. the church peojile of MancHhster 4:46—Girl .Alone. 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. Other missionaries of Atheism In WOITJI CORREfT.RErORT Henry Borovlcka Is building" a he will be nominated at the Repub- Mrs. Henry .1. Blakeslee attended and members of the immediate fam- want taxation of churches Mr. Editor of The Herald: . 6:00—Paul M arti^ and hla Musle. 10:15—Us on a Bus. the Soviet Union report a lack of Spless Is the man to vote for. large twp-story poultry house on his lican convention which takes place the France’s re-unlon In Durham ilies at St. Joseph’s hall on Village Easteni Standard Time GRANDFATHER AGAIN I would like to correct a report of the Almshouse! 6:80— Yoiir FamUy and Mine. 10:45— Stepmother. real evangelistic zeal among mem- Hart’s fhu room whom I .have before me Thursday’s father's farm. He Is assisted by his Wednesday morning. HIU. A reception for relatives and that I have created the Impression Monday. 6:46—Radio Ritheo. 11:00— Aloha Land. bers of the militant (Sodless, charg- Bsrald. m a smashing two-column brother. Funeral friends was held in the afternoon London, Sept. 12.— (A P )—Prime proscriptions art f ilM . In other parts of the state that I Mrs. Frank W. Fuller la a patient 6:00—Newa and Weather. 11:15— Dan Harding's Wife. New York, Sept. 12— Six hours of ing that their propaganda In fac- heading on page six I read ‘Tnspec- The D. A. S'oUoI will hold Its first The funeral of Henry Dubach, 72, at Ute St. Francis hospital, Hart- and evening. Following an unan- Minister Neville Chamberlain be- not by pickHig giaNO* off was a "deputy sheriff'’ from Man- nounced wedding trip the couple 6:15— Baseball Scores. 11:30— Big Sister. broadcasting for a double occasion, tories and on collective farms is tloa Shows Spless’ Almshouse fall dance at the bungalow In South who died at tho Rockville City hos- ford. came a grandfather for the second chester. will make their home on Cottage 6:30—Wrightvllle CTarion. 11:45— Aunt Jenny’s ' Real l^ fe tho fourth anniversary of MBS and not miUtant enough. a rack numbar," but by Charges Absurd." Wlllington next Saturday evening. pital on Friday waa held this morn- HE LISTENED time today with birth of a daughter’ I am seeking nomination as con- street, Rockville. 6:46— Adrian Rolllnl and his En- stories, ,, the addition of the Texas State net- They say members too often offer I read that selectmen, board of Charles Todd and his Serenaders will ing at 8:30 o'clock from the White 12:00— Noon—Tower Town tempos to Mrs. Stephen Lloyd of Birming- individual grinding lo that stable on the Republican ticket and furnlah music. The following Stafford residents / semble...... work to the chain, are to be set up the excuse, "everybody In my fac- health, stats Investigators all agree funeral hdme and at 9 o'clock" at St. TO THEIR PLEA! 7:00—Amos ’n' Andy. P. M. / tory Is an Atheist already." ham. the premier’s daughter. A son that tham was not a single loU of 1 believe that I am JustIfled in seek- Thlrty'-five members and friends received their naturalization papers for the WOR-Mb S stations Thurs- was born to Mrs. Lloyd In June, YOUR ayas may racahra thu ing public office because I am a cltl- Bernard's church. Burial was In at a session of the Tolland county 7:16—Rose Marie, song stylist. 12:15— News servloe. / day night. Contend Vigilance Necessary . evidane# ta justify, the great clamor attended Tolland Orange meeting. St. Bernard's cemetcrj'. A Thought "W e M « s legloa ot tpat souls, o f forgotten oM meU^aiid oM 12:30—Romance of HelenTrent >1936. -- graatast banefit . --t-. . sen o f thia coimtry, taking out full superior court in Rockville laat Fri- women: please help ns.” This he tried to do—which la n eriina '7:80—"Inside of Sports with Jack From 7 o’clock until i a7 m„ the They coihtend that vigilance la ' Hr.-Spieas made. Pity Ur. Spless An Interesting entertainment waa Tennis bfatrll Postponed 12:45—Our Gal Sunday. particularly necess.ary In the vll- that your latest pollUcal bubble was papers In 1928. I have been a tax given. Edward. Donnelly of Hart- day: Mario Rossi, Wllljngton ave- In the eyes of corrupted politicians. Stevens.” program, or series of programs, will According to estimates, there are bocaust tlia lontat FIT payer since that time. For many The final tennis match with out The wicked worketh a deceitful nue: Mrs. Alba Introvlgne. West- 7:46— Harrison Knox, tenor. 1:00—Conn. Produce Market bulle- contain contributions from Los An- lageA and that religion dies hardest t so ruthlessly burst before you had a ford showed pictures and MIsa Vote for a man who stands for Justice, honesty and sincerity! tin. nearly 400,000 nuracs in the United tyts! years I was interested In cross- of town teams waa postponed In- work: but to him that soweth rlght- ford avenue; Mrs. Maria (Armelln) 8:00—"Believe It Or Not.” geles. Ft. Worth, New York, Chica- among the women. chance to start the campaign, ^ink- Blanche Vesely of South WUllngton, 1:05— Sweet ah.d swing. ___ States. utn. country bicycle riding and other lecturer of Ti^ianil'Grange, gave a definitely on Sunday .when members eoughneea shall be a sure reward.— DeLucla, Center street: Louis A l- 8:30—Alfred Wallenstein’s Orches- go and Cincinnati. Among the The algbt of many former a- of the Octo Furniture Company of Proverbe 11:18. lard of Stafford Hollow and Mrs. PULL TWO LEVERS — NOS. 8-A AND 1«-A tra. 1:30— The Raqch boys. Mrtlclpants are to be Lee O’Daniel, cburchea transformed into ware- IB another paper. I read that Mr. sports of my adopted country. report of the Lecturers’ Conference 1:45—Tho Singer—Edward " Bpteas' newest pollUcat platform Is I t Is fairly easy to ridicule any- at Orono, Me., which she attend- Holyoke were unable to ^ome to Angela (Lazzaris)- Muzlo of Staf- AND LEAVE THEM THERE! 9:00 — GUmartln’s Vocahulary Texas gubernatorial Democratic houses. garages or museums gives Rockville because o f the Illness of ."One soweth. and another reap-, fordviUe. School o f the Air. —— MacHugh. nominee. Gov. James V. Allred xnd the . Impression that religion Is Do This I f You're '•ilmlnation o f the present require- « seeking office especially i f prl- ed. 2:00— Tour# In tone. members of this well known girls' eth" la a verity that applies to; eril The Stafford W. C. T. U. will hold (This Advl. Patd For By Registered Democrats) " ^ 9:80— Eddie Duchin’s Orchestra. Elliott Roosevelt, president of the rather thoroughly suppressed - In ment to fUa tax lists. There are a vate affairs are to he aired. I doubt, Joseph HIpsky underwent an oper- 2:16—K « T y Cool and the Har- Licssserf lot of people who- wouldn’t know however; If anyone ran boast of a ation at the Johnson Memorial hos- team. aa well aa good.—George Eliot. silver tea at the home of Mrs. 10:00— Oontented Program. Texas network. Other guest# and the Soviet union. ,Bu^ writers to Wlillam A. Abbott on .Church monettes. regular MBC talent will be heard. Bezboz'hnik say, alert workers of we bad either tax lists, public offi- better background than 1 have. pital. Bus Catehea Fire 10:80— Guy Hedlund and Company. 3:S0-^To be announced. NERVOUS JOSEPH D. C A YS O N OpHcias Addition of the Texas group. MBS the militant (godless league fre- cials or government If they did not An Italian by birth and American Miss Elate Layton and Miss Har- A atm alarm was sent in on Sat- The bold eagle Is found only In street, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 11:00—Newt anfl_ Weather. DoA’t teke^eliaaeee ob prodacte jmti Imow North America. o’clock. Among the events on the 3:00—Adventures In Rhythm. announces, increases its station quently find eWdence of the work of have to file tax lists. A t any rate, by adoption 1 exercise the right to riet Carter have returned from a six urday afternoon for a Connecticut ll:1 6 ^ W llllam Farmer’s 'Orchestra. 3:30— Four Clubmen. notblni ebout or rebo^ on temporary relief this Spless platform will not save seek public office under the Constl- eeks’’ vacation In Nova Scotia. Company bus which caught fire at 11:30— A l Donahue's Orchestra. roster to 107. priests and incorrigible believers. . when tMre'o need of a food feneral BysfoiiD 8:45—Melody I^mbllnge. An editorial in-"Workers’ Mos- t ^ e like time-proven Lydie E. Pinkhetn'e 739 Main St. HARTFORD Tslepjione 2*6648 us suffering taxpayers anything. tutton’al rights of this countr>-. I Miss Magdellne Kfapf of West the corner of Hale and Blast streets. 13:00— Clyde Lucas Orchestra. i ■■■ , Vefeteble Conpound* made etpecioi/F for cow" suggests mors energetic anti- So as a vehicle upon which to ride aak, that In'faimess to me. and'the Wlllington has enrolled Ip Morse- The iritch company responded but 1:00 a. m.— Silent., A half-hour broadcast. In which votfotfi iroD wholeeoae berbe and roote. Into office It is another bust.' Business college at Hartford, STANDPATTERS p lc k i^ from London, Paris, Prague religious agitation through work- l^t Pfokbam*a Compound help build up same fairness that every other. the driver had extinguished the fire ■/ TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Tomorrow's Program z" more phraical raaiaUoce and tbua ai(i in Pardwi me Mr. Editor for taking Miss Helen Safranrk of South and Berlin are planned. Is to be put ers’ committees, libraries and clubs. American has the right to expect, before the firemen ' reached the ..A.M. ' "Anfel-rellglous propaganda”,- it . ftiaynf J»ofly nervee, Jfeaen distreaa.from Buch valuable Space tipon 'such an that you wUT allow’ me the space' In Wtilingtfm' ts teaching another year sebne."* There was" no daniage'done WILHf'RT 1 6:00— Reveille with Jake and Carl. PoriM. City,' OWla.—The ^ n c a On at'6:80-this evening by WABC- fen early and often." Center school In Columbia. IM PORTANT EVERYB O DY'S M ARKET 8:16—"Hl-Boys." Maryland election returns __ Stalin constitution." chance tomorrow by pulling Lever VAULT 8:80— Radio Bazaar. ed the seaiKin. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD - IT PAYS! W ILLAR D B. ROGKR.S Mrs. Miriam Parker Rising, an ac- Richard F. Ilaun FREE DELIVERY! DIAL 5721! WOR-MBS 11. 2.3A. I remain. Richard Frank Haun, 85. retired 9:00—Milky Way. The club, o ^ e d ' by Earl Hamil- Respectfully vours, tive member of the Wlllington Hill GET YOUR CANNING NEEDS TODAY! Talk# —WABC-CBS 6:15, LetSa chttfch until her marriage over a mall carrier died on Sunday, his DECISIONS 9:16—Gretchen McMullen. ton former southpaw hurjer for ths DETY TO VOTE MARIO MARCHISOTTI. Madesin Phillips on "Central Eu Editor Evening Ifersld; year ago, has returned to teach the birthday, at his home on*Mile Hill. 9:80—Ward and Muzzy, plane duo. St. I>>uia Browni and Pittsburgh ropo in Suspense;’’ WJZ-NBC 9:30, 9:40—Musical Interlude. PltaCes, bad no replacementa and As an ex-service man I want to Old Hop River school. She drives He had been III for about a week. . . . like the choice of a burial vault, Radio Forum, Laurence Duggan on dAily froni* her home In Suffield. He wa.s born in Germany, and had Mologig Gropes lb. 5c 9:46— "Vic and Sade.” didn’t even sport a left-handed , warn all other ex-service men that without a knowledge of facts. When "The Good Neighbor Policy.” Substitute Mall Carrier Henry been a resident of Rockvllle for the 10:00—^Mrs. W lggs of the Cabbage hitter. WEAF-NBC —6 :l6 Rose Marie's ' It-is .their duty to go to the polls CURB QUOTA'nONS you choose'an Elmore-bnllt Norwalk or Bcrovlcka made two extra trips Fri- past 44 years. Patch. I (west repeat , Tuesday And yoU for w . C. Cheney day to the tx)wry fami m Esst w n i- Wilbert, yon are'snre b i getting a prod- Delicious Plums doz. 5c 10:l6-J6hn'o Other'Wife. ' and Bill Thornton for representa- He leaves his wife, - Augusta 9:30); 7:80 Margaret Speiocs re ington, now owned by William 10:80— Just Plain BIU. ‘H A S T E M tAKES W A S T E" tives. ’That the next two years will By ASSOCI.A’TED PRESS (gneess) Haun; two sons. Frederick uct whose high quality Is natlonalljr cital; 8:80 Eddy Ducbln- orchestra, Downes, with '.I.OOO chicks for Mr. 10:46—The-Woman In 'White; 9 Marek Weber concert; 10:30 Na- be cfucial ones In this country can Am Cftsi'Pow and Lt IH Downes, of Scovey, Montana and Ralph of knliwn yet costs little If anything more Fqncy Bonangs Chicago; three, daughters, Mrs. Ar-. lb. 5c 11 :(XP—David Harum. . Danidlle, Va.— Three succulent tional soft ball flnals at Chicago. not be denied. Am Gen .. , ...... ,’>p.4\ A si-wlal and dance will l>e held in than vaults of Iqferlor conatructlon. hams In a grocery shop window Can Marconi ; ...... thur (.'arlln of Manchester, Mrs. Ro- 11:16—Lorenzo Jones. WABC-CBS— 7:30 Pick and pat , All forma of legislation for state 1 St. Joseph’s Jhall, 'V’lUage Hill sec- looked tempting to a night prowler. I Cent .states'E l . a . ____ land Usher and Miss Edith Haun of 11:80—Federation of Women’s 8 Raturn of Radio Theater, "Spawn and national economUa fro going to 6-16 tion. next Satuiday.t No. 1 Potatoes 17c pecky 65c bu. He smaabed ^ e window, snatched I Gita Serv...... 7H Rockville: a brother, Paul Haun of : Ask Your Funeral DIrtwtor Clubs Pi)egram. of the North;” 8 Wayne Klni; waltz; be proposed. It Is a certainty' that Miss He'len Hutchinson, who re- 11;46—“The Road of Life.” the hams and fled.. 11 Jack Denny orchestra. turned to her school In Bristol, came Hartford and three eistere. Mrs. For A "Norwalk” or (»K E present state and national ekpenVi^! N la^H m T ’ ' *'*'' 13:00 Noon—Beauty New# and He’s September’s April fool—they (WILDREN .fill iback Friday night to spendKthe w-eck- Selma Rizy of Bridgeport. Bra.' N. "W ilbert" Burial Vault ' No. 1Tomotoes ^ 16-qt.: bskt. 49c WJ2-NBC3—6:30 Fred Stone an- tures pertaining to ex-service men'a ' Hints. were dummies. »• niversary program; 7 Sing song aid and relief will be aUacked, Pennroad TH end St her summer home. Hermann of Providence, R. I., and Pitnev Bowes ... — ------Mrs. Alma Wilde of Rockville. P. M. Birthday Party Saved 'The Only way to keep secure what Unit Gas ■...... 12:15— "HlUtop House.” state .aid w-e receive is to send men I One ton of sugar can be obtained I.s>ngvlew' r r . \ .Meeting No. 1 Apples 16-qt. bskta 59c Unit Lt and Pow The Longview Parent Teacher ELMORE A COMPANY 13:30— "M yrt and Marge.” to the legislatnu-e who from actual 2 ' from five tons of wood. , ' As Phonal Call Brings Association' will hold a get-together 13:46— "Slngln’ 'Sam.” ■ over-seas or military service under- I Rocky Hill supper this evening at the Longview Juice Oranges 18 for 25c 1:00—News; Weather." stands ,snd knows .what it cost 'we school. There will he a business 1:15—Voice of the' Farm Recipe Just in Time ex-service men In years of suftenng Vote Fot By Clyda meeting .'following the. supper at 1:80—Department of Agriculture .—loss of heallh',and loss of the most HOLD EVERYTHING eight-o'clock. • Green Giant Peas 2 for 29c ; ■* Program / , profitable j-ears of employment, the Lawts 1:46—HI Boys. AU members and th0se.Jntere.5ted ^NorwaOi. CeiuiL, Ssstambtt 1 6 - A 'N w -big paying yeara trf 19-17-V»'and 19 . De l . Mate...... _____ ' 3TOO^"Over ’the- FooWlghto/' • are invited:' Plans .for the'Tall ac- walk mciHisr, who was trytag mis g 1 aak you how can Mr. Spiess 3:30—Jake and Carl. tlyltlos will be discussed 'at, this Corn Niblets raka from mshiory (or her flve-ysar-old jcnow what It cost ex^crvicAj can ide I I _ablPr^‘Allaytng___YeaoL. ■-B* t(df .»HQm9B-’-r)amaiMl;B aU a«t4ipIiolatarBd--'i!uriUtiir>kgc'j ta the aeaaoo. ‘ Hbaiy - - when: he has tlever 'done that, ^ i- Our ^ W F.\BRICS and WORKMA No. 1*1 -tin samt as the last thaewlie had made Peaches 75c 'IL A 'telsplioim eaD -to -hcr neighbor ^ra*-; - - dlers dfity.- Never having done^tiiat; •An ImMrtant .meeting of the E l- __ , ” the Homes of the M6st Fastidious.” ' ^ 3:66—Rhythm o f tfla .i, duty he can- ntwetunderstand or 8:'00*-^The Story"-of Mary Marlin. Spanish-Ameildtii reeled that she had incliaded..hm choco-' lington Dismocratic. Club will be Medlumo late than the original recipd Called for. aympathize for our present or future held this evening, September 12th ■ Peaches 8:16—Ma Per kins'.’"'" y needs. tm 16-qta bskf. 49c 8:80—Peeper Young’s Family. The mistake was corrected in time. at eight o’clock (d.e.t.)., >Ians will ! Mr. SpiCss (s for. extreme econo- be discussed for the fall election ' RE-UPHOLSTERED « 8:46— "The Guiding U ght." "IndlBpcMable,” Says Mother mies regardless where applied. You 'which takes place on Monday, Oc-i Beech-Nul’ Coffee WAR Our New and Better Fabrics lb. 25c "With children in the honichold. I don't can bet your last dollar he will ap- tober 3rd, The members will also I 'gee how any woman can get along with- ply that fame pressure to all exlsti discuss candidates to be nominated : ing ex-service men’s relief.. Our. for the approaching election. Any^ 2-Piece Set, Labor Jack Frost Sugar out telephono service,” she commented status as ex-service men won’t mean John B. Glrardlnl is president of WDRC VETERAN later. many little nnezpected things any more to him than that of the the club and the other officere are and htaterial. New p o r h . 5 o happen, a telephane is almost a nc- I lO-lb. cloth bag 45c Hartford, Ueon. IISO ceeelty.’* , Wg egg and butter man who got the Mce president. Constable Paul Springs, New Cushions, big pay and big profits during the Stockser; secretary. Asses.sor W il- No. 1 Bartlett Pears * DayllgM Saving Time ENDORSED Mgr. McGorty Cites Other Uses mdnths we spent waist deep In mud liam Helntz; treasurer, Representa- New Filling Added, All In France, ^vln g all we had for tive John S. Jackson. Mosidy, Sept. U ' BY When F. J. McGorty, Norwalk telephone ’ home and country. Bleh and Game Meeting New Felt— NOW ONI^Y ______16-qt. bskt. 85c F.l*. .. menager, heard the stery, he said, "I ,.X>on’t forget Spieoa has a great The'. Rockville Fish and Game 4:00— Pattenui in swing. beliere men apprecUte a telephone In weaknees for any and aU compiainu club will meet this evening at the Small Down PpynMit. Balance 3 or ll Equal Monthly Paymenta. 4:80—^Tbose Happy GUmans. the home as mneh as women. Odd jobs Quort Jars Plago Tops doz. 79c regardless of how or by whom made club house on Mile HUl. At the 4:46—Lots ElUman, songs. . EX-SERVICE or now epportanitiee come so often by His recent handling of the criUcUm meeting plans w-ill be completed for Big Saving On AU Cnah O rd M 8:00—Ad Liner—O ^ c e program. telephone. Men like to know, too, that of our almhouse- conditions and its the approaching Fall Field trials to Fig Bora a^eeialt lb. IQc 6:80—National HlUbUly ebampioiu. in case of emergency help is as nrar as managing personnel proves that he be held on ' Saturday and Sunday, MR. GEORGE HOLMES Yotw Own Decoratlott 'Upholsterer 6:46—The M ighty ahow. the telcpfRone. Any telephone bosiness la strong for criticizing but weak September 24 and 25th. 8:00— News Service. MEN! offlee—or any telephone emproyee—will fbr investigating. . • ' ' ,, - O u glitfra of IsabeUa MB. GEORGE HOLMES — 'Tour Cjwu Deoorattvo Upholotefor. Crab Apples 16-qt. bskt. 75c 6 :10 —Baseball scxiveg. give yon full information about telephone He will use those tame methoda Sacred Heart cHrcIe, Daughters and’ Color SnggeatlonA 6:16—Songs for you. ‘ serrice fer yonr heme.” The Soothern, as.ragarda ex-aervice ,mep’a relief. of Isabella will hold a meeting this ; 6 :86—"Today”—with Bob Trout. FOR AN ECONOMICAL ADBONISTRATION . New England Telephone Company. ' ' ' He will condemn and abbliish ail ex^ evening at seven o’clock in Red Borden's Milk .. 4 cans 25c 6:46—Lum and Abner. istlng relief for ua—then having Men's Hall. There will be a grocery 7:60—Ray Heatherton. accomplished that, wiU Investigate bingo following the meeting, at ■UOogig'a 7:16—American Viewpoints. Manchester 7:30—Night Time on the Trail. •‘ V O T E F O R L A R R Y . ! " only to find no juatlflable grounds eight o'clock. A social hour with In the MANCHESTER exchangru R>r his condemnation acts. rafraohments wiu follow. Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 19c 8:06—To be announced. Large holder of real eatate sooared ffe a owa edtorta and hard So you ex-servloa men why gam- 4S M A D IS O N S T R E E T 8:30— Pick and Pat in Plpb SnxA- Democratic Oancua Ing Time. work. Intereotod In all elvie M veSeraa affairs. Thia la hla flrat There wiU be a Democratic eau- A TELEmONE IN YOUR HOME FOR AS Uphoktering Co. Boay Bine* 1938 9 ;00-:-Lux Radio Theater, gaetars In the pellHcal Said. We have eonSdenee la hte ability cue in the E31iagton Town Han this Local Pullet Eggs dofl^,25c 10:06—Wayne King's orchestra. to aerv* the Toss* of MaMhsoSor. evening at eight o'clock. Ndw FnnUtni* H T * Order. 10:80— ^Dal Chaltto. LITTLE AS 8^ CENTS A DAY (d -a t). . A t thia tine, caadldatea , J C ffT r a o i f s M U Pure Lard 10:46—To IM annoiinced. * Eimn lower in some uiehanses, INSTALLATION CHARSE — flJO to SLW wUl be noBiAwatefl fbr tbs v a tb w U.T - (This Advt. P»U For Bjr F r ie n d ^ ------"M m htr iwat*s|#gr im > KANCHE8TEB EV*NmO HERALD. BI^CHESTER. 00W «:ifbN D A T , SEPTEMBER 12,1988 PAGE iGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENINO HIBRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 12,1988

when $6.78 per share was report- que« one \ ^ esd a y nlgbt late Kaufman and Moaa H art the {Education will try to stave off any ed. /- In New York March.-' fond collaborators. I t seems the move to redue'e the school expendi- Walt DUney's "Snow White" The stock, one of the leas active By Gaorga Rots Mesra H. A K. went up to Ran- REVIEW SCHOOL, tures this year. Lost year, through Y. FINANCIAL EXPERT Issues on thf hoard, lajtraded In odd- classic. dom Houm last week to discuss the effecting, of economies.' school \ MORIARTYS UPSET BLOTELDS IN W ILa SIlJGFES Tallulah Bankhead's husky lot shades-and Is currently selling publication of their new play, expense was cut by several thous- ■> . F around 93. Its range thlk-year has R05M TRANSFORMS BROAD laughter rolling out above the "The Fabulous Invalid" and were POUCE BUDGETS ands -of. dollars. Because of this been 82-96. It made a record high WAY INTO HIS gtgglea at Tony's. , , . , outraged to learn that Bennett economy, ICUi apparently the Im- REVIEWS ^ N AMI STOCK In 1936 100 as compared With Loulas Rainer- cAltnly ooqibjng, "8IE.MOBV lASfVr .C$rf. and. bis'! editorial board. >wara pression o f -the Selectmen . that Its 1929 hlgh'"of 8915,' Ita'tlcke'r b'er hair at one of the "front ta- In an important conference: that again tbe ecboor autborltiea asking T symbol is BM. _ bles In Dane's at 3 a. m. oblivlpus since 1909, earnings of this company, 'N e w York, Sept. 12 — Fond they would have to wait. That’s for more than they actually can get Memories; Frank Craven's leisurely to tbe stares of a score o f cabbies one thing' tbe Messrs H, A K. Eibcation And Safety Offh along with, hence the tentative cut. mwtufaclurlng a cleaning and pol- outside. • ■ ’ . To 11 Victo^ ^Chsses Company With Gold- 'compound, have held fairly stable sppech, the delicately-shaded acting won't do. They stormed -into School, officials, on the' other band, . The Icy recie^tlOtt Bruno Musso- C erfs .private office and there for the last ten years. P U Y SCHOOL TO OPEN of Martha Scott and Thornton cials Present Fiscal Stand are inclined to regard bat they are Incorporated In 1918 In Delaware lini provoked among tbe waiters found the busy conferees trying being doubly penallced for being en Sixteen Of Important to take over a business established Wilder’s dialogue Ifi Jed Harris' at that Spanish nightspot not so to figure out twelve cities outside economical. In 1886, the company has factories FOR ITS sixth' ','Our Town"—still the finest drama many months ago. / the' United States, all beginning To Selectmen. . If the school board can show that E a r l B a llsie p e r M ^ in tier In Third Series Clash at Manchester, Conn., Montreal. Gertrude Lawrence togslng )^th the letter "M ” and all with it has reduced costs to a minimum, F DIZ FRANKIE FRISCH FIRED JHndend PrlSnd^ Firms exhibU In Manhattah. crumbs to the ducks in the Cen- A population or over a hUf *11- Canada, and Sydney, Atistralla. Those superb etherized Tosca- it is thought tha!t the Selectmen Mining operations for Obtaining tral Park lake at ten - a. m. one hon. "By a stack of Gutenberg may take that condition Into con- Eabt 'Center Street Institution nini concerts. zero morning. bibles” the Messrs. H. A K. fum- In special session tonight, the O f P re sid e n t's Q o tf C up Of tb e Nation. feldspar, one' of the principal raw Board of Selectmen will explain to slderalon, and the tentative cut ( materials- u.sed- In Botf Ami. ace car- Has Come To Fiii A Commu­ The. view from atop.-. Radio. City The pleasant demeanor and ut- ed, “ we vow 'to expose you frauds might be restored. STAGES AS MANAGER OF CARDS Wi t h T ^ y I n The 9th| members of tbe Board of Education 1 rled on hy sMl)sldlsrles In New nity Need; Is Weil Equipped on a summer .eve, and the grey, ter lBc;k of pretense In Paul Vin- to the press” . In the case of the police dep(u*t- cent Carroll, author ’ of "Shadow why a tentative cut of some $6,000 EArl Ballsleper? veUran localMohnion and R. H. SmiUi, John Ech- I Hampshire. /North Care"— blurred edges of' the skyline slip- Which they promptly did. .^ d ment, most of the Selectmen felt Th* N*w Tork Datly News. In Ite and Substance." ’ was made in tbe budget asked by llnkman, captured the Pfealdent's mallan and W. J. 8l(eman, George i Quebec. ping slowly out-of-sIght. then they joined the game. 'The tbe school board for operation dur- last week that a radio, while. very Finch and E. S. Webb, C. T. E. >V11- weekly review of the "fJoIden Slx- Miss Emily and Mias - Laura 'The mazda-fnip's Ifi' tW t elec Those strapless evening gowns; Pace Setter’s Lead Cot. To Cup tournament at the local Coun- Gossip Sees Grim, Shotton core .No Funde

ALCORN DECLINES ABOUT TOWN Fitzgerald, are conaldared the dom- ctal said, but ths grsat majority of MANEUVERS UKE THOSE M O V IE . COBB FALLS SHORT MAYOR ATIEM PTS. KIWANIANS HEAR inant party leaders In the atate. them already srs earning mors then h The atate< chalrmafi. Spellacy AGENTS REPORT Southern Cat To Tackle PRINCE ARTHUR, the minimum wags prescribed for REPORT W R nE m Pioneer Junior Lodge, f'o.O.F., ^ SCRAPB O O K charged, "predicted he Would get the first year of operation—25 cants ANYNOMINAilON will hold Its first fall meeting at Mr. Thomas Dodd out of’thS mce" fi r, M, nca. u. •. nav. e rr. OF SPEED RECORD an hour. BVen mors are -working PRECEDING WORLD WAR jfl:30 tonight In Odit Fellows hall. All TO BRING PEACE ABOUT TELEPHONES at a meeting of party Ieadei% in- RENTS ARE FEW! A Suicide Grid Schedule KING’S KIN, DIES less than the 44-hour maximum members are urged to be on hand Tuttle-Christensen cluding Goveipor Cross, at Hart- work week. , FOR MRS. HOLDEN■■>. as plana will be made for attend- Misa Edna Grace Ghrlstanaen, ford Sept: 2 and twd "made good ■The number Of smployss sngagsfl • ——'■\ daughter of Mr. and Mra. Christian a . Ms threat." Dodd, state NYA direc- Sbte's Attorneji Woald Pre- ance at the Jamboree In Hartford, .PrrcA C.OOAB (Thle la another of a series on In interstate commerce and subject Parallel Jo Tragic on the 17tb and 18th of this month; Rracl^ 342 MOes An Hrar M. .Cbristensea of 46- .Woodland' In Son Frandsco Strike- By tor, withdrew-last week... ----- . .il"®"** * ^ ’Yj?_**l* rongb_.bejj4yse he. to ..tha law who will win wage in- O BIT U ARY street, became the bride of Gordon BeU lalM)rat(M7~£xpert^^^^E^^ “Mr. Ahem ie Hartford’s over- Desirabie, Low Priced fr- IBM college fobtbell jprbs|^isy. doesn't know 'its' value. - ' “Handyman” O f B riti^ Roy- creases has been estimated at 1,760',- Friei^s Phn To ^ c Hdr fer Not To Have Name „ Group 6 of Center church women, Oliver rptUe, son of Mr. add Mrs. whelming ebbtee fo r. lieutenant This was true of Harry Smith, a 000 to 4,000;000. Upwards of 1,000,- \ * lE Weeks Arises In Minds Of Bat Pails to Better Mark Calling Meeting Of Union governor,” the' mayor said in clos- By ROBERT MYERS burly, 217-or-moK podnder, who 000 will obtain shorter hours. I formerly Group 7, are reminded of Louis J. TutUe of 21 Hudson street, hibits Instrnm'ents Used iers Scarce Is Opiion; Los Angeles, .Sept. 12.—(AP)— the meeting tomorrow evening at 8 St a ceremony performed Saturday ing. "Hartford, which for three, of tried at standing guard last yeaf al Family, He C arrid Out To Disruss Unification Methods Sapitert In Prinary ^ DEATHS Presented At GOP Session the last four state elections was For five weary years football hopes and sat unnoticed on the bench un- Officials said toda/s conference Informed Ofaserrers<1 Who i( o’clock In the Robbins room. Light Set By Eyston. afternoon ait 3 o’clock at the Sec- Leaders In His Office. at University of Southern Callfor- Thonvu F. Harrington ' refreshments and a social time will ond Congregational church. In Transmitting Sound. essential to Democratic success, See Housing Need Here. til late In the season. Suddenly he would afford an opportunity to dis- may well again be vitally necessary nla have soared with tha sun In the bloomed as a one-man wrecking Numerous State Missions. cuss methods of unifying. Federal- Rumor About Today. Thomas K.-Harrington, a former Hartford, Sept. 12—’(AP) — follow, the buslnes.s. M-rs. Robert summer . and dropped with ' the Watch Eoropean Mores. M. Alexander la leader of. this Bonneville Salt FalU, UUh, Sept. for the reelectlon of Governor Cross crew against Notre Dame and U. C. state wage-hour standards and of member of the Board of Selectmen, State’s Attorney. Hugh M. AJcdm San Franclspo. Sept. 12-r-(AP) — and all his associates, on the state leaves In the fall, but 1938 may__be I* A. simplifying statistical data and In- died at Wb home, 12 Winter street, group. - 12 (AP)—John R. Oobb,'London fur An intereattnr rllmpse behind the Although to. date this- yean; a said today he could not' accept any Mayor Angelo Rossi called unloii ticket. If It Is 'considered that a different story for the" men of HIs "discov'e'iy'’ is 1mp<>rtant be- London, Sept: :i2.i-(A PI—Prince cidental "red ta ^ ." • It was revealed to ^ y that saverol Sunday afternoon following a abort, brpkir, made a ooitrageoua attempt scenes of . the telephone Industry Hartford has an important place* in large number of new dwellings have Troy.' _ ! ' caus.e he has been shifted to running Arthur of Connaught, a first cousin One large employer group haa sug- Waahinaton, Sept. 12.—(AP)—A lllne.sa. nomination for political omce and Iteglna d'ltalla society will meet leaders to his office today for an was given to the local Klwanls a u b been built, thus relieving to some to King George VI and son and heir persons have been making enquiries ' parallel to the tragic weeka to shatter the world’a automobile the election, then Hartford has an Twenty-six letfermen—two for guard, a most vital position in the gested that the government provide Surviving him are .four alatcra. that he would prefer not to Have hla this eycplng. at 7:30...at the Sub AJ- mpparenUy decisive meeting In the at Its regular weekly meeting at the equally important place In the con- degree the housing shortage that each- position on the team - except Jones sy.stcm. of offense If Smith to the 88-year-old Duke of Cton- a single form (or data required by as to the,„ hiethod_of ."writing in the World war ariee* In Miss Ellen B., Catherine J., and .plne club on Eldrldge street. ' speed record here today, but fell mayors efforts to bring peace in. otherwise would have developed name preaentiAl to the Republican short by leas than three miles per Country Club this noon by R. A. vention and Hartford’s-, claims left tackle and right .end—are eligi- can handle the job, part of Jones’ naught, died In his sleep today after the Wage-Hour Administration, the name" onthe primary voting tbe '^.mlnds of Informed observers Mary ^Jlarrlngton. all of Man- San Francisco’s retail store strike. Benson, conected with the Bell lab- here with an Influx of new residents, ten months of poor health. He was Social Security Board and the state Convention. hour. - . f After a Sunday lull, hundreds of should. bs conaiderqfl and rSspected modorateIy..prlced rents continue to ble for warfar^'and Included are worries may be relieved. machines, the enquirers having in hkra Who watch the military move- ohoatcr-and .Mrs; Richard Maloney Alcorn, who unaucceaafully op- John SeIe,.of South Windsor, to- oratories In New York. The speak- if the Democratic managers really cracker-jack,rbackfleld men like Key anxiety in the backfield is 55. . Walsh-Healey Government Con of Hartford. •* day purchased the tavern located In The w ealth/ Bhigllshman, piloting pickets were ordered back od duty er brought an elaborate exhibit of be scarce, enquiries revealed today. Known a.* Hie “handyman of the tracts Board. * mind. It 'is stated, the intention of meaU in Europe. posed Gove.-nor Cross in the 1934 the Hsr^man/block ori North Main a! 7,000 pound shark-ahaped racer, before the doors of the 35 stores wish to win In 1938.” One real estate operator.said that Ambrose ^ehlndler, Bob Hoffman, Schindler’s knee .trouble. If his writing in the name of Mrs. B. May. aennaoy partly mobilizes for mu- The funeral will right existence, my soldiers!” lost the ■use of toelr speech. - ’ really attractive rents were offered, scrimmage anti gained 88 yards, one Ths work Is being dona as a PWA vtm ■ to vote of persona appearing at the brother of the bride; and N. Glen-' SILVER ANNIVERSARY — have thus. been forced to go. else- L Tba llien, another curious parallel Warner^ he la survived by a broth- Trenton. N. J., Sept. 12 —(AP) — Ground Prepared By Teaching Intoreettng Exhibit ORDEUmON attempt reiultlng in four yards, good project the district paying $28,290 Kansas (jity,' Kaa., SepL 13.— .. : with the’prescnt occurred. Britain er, Chaul^cey Turney of North Cov- primaries. denning Richards of Glastonbury. > Another Interesting Item was where for residence^ enough for Pittsburgh’s first touch- OFFiaALS PONDER of the contract price of $47,801. The Attorney General David T. W'llentz But the ground was prepared The pulpit was banked with white Operators questioned could not Packers, Redskins, Giants (AP)—Union conferees and plsat suggested as a conipromise that entry. \ SAYS REMOTE ruled today that relief recipients or ideologically In advance for ansch- OF WEDDING OBSERVED iL cable that carries 1,818. pairs of (Contlnned from Page One) down. dlstrict’a payment will be made repreasntatives rezoalned dsadl(>eked t yea* Austria be content with the occupa- The funcra) will be held at.North Friday at Klttel’s market Federal luss with Austria, Hitler said, by the hydrangea and greenery, with a pro- wires or 3,036 separate strands. (It say If-zoning regulations have af- THE STANDINGS through a bond Issue -of $40,000, Coventry Cfingregntlonal church tci- commodities will he ^ven...... out,. ~ .‘ persons holding WPA Jobs could not fusion of delphiniums from the fected the rent and housing situa- today in efforts to-settls a slt-dowa oiala|t tion of Belgrade until indemnifica- be distributed this' week ar^ 1,800 i ‘^elr right to vote work and teachings of the Nazi takes an expert splicer and his hoping tbgive a glimpse of the min- And Bears Are Victors In W, L. Pet. STATE WAGE LAWS which haa already bron sold at a strike which was paralysed Armour ty ^ tion was,paid for the assassination. morrow at ^ o ’clock. .Rev. L. H. Party, palest to the darkest blue shades, Mr. AndVnd Mrs. Arthur F. Burns helper a day and a half to splice, isters arriving and departing. Po- tion, but most generally agreed that New York ...... i 0 1.000 rats of lesa than 2 per cent interest. Austin, pastor of the church will NATIONS CANT p< unda of rice, 1,080 pounds of | "ndcr a state constitutotnal pro- and "Picardy", Salmon . pink gla- this phase has been no definite and Company's meat packing plant »elub Ib e London Times, although dis- ; "During the past vyeeks,” he told this cable.' TbS talk made the Ki- lice barred the general puMc from Green Bay ...... i 0 1.000 Ths bonds will run over a period officiate and biVlallirif will be In Center rajslns, 1,080 pounds of prunes and vl.slon barring paupers from the dlolas. ' -O f FlorenceFloi Street. Given drawback, although, they concede, here since Friday. W. B. M ewoy, ' avowed by the British Foreign office, 453 sacks of flour. ballot. the, troops, "I have had many an wanlaaa more appreciative of and Downing street Itself. First Tnssles; Washington ...... i 0 1.000 of 10 yeara, being retired at the rate superintendent, satlmaUd looses to has proposed that Germany be per- c<*metery, Cnygj^try. opportunity to test your worth per- Given In marriage by her father, Surprise Party By Friends. The cabinet meeting broke up IB some Instances, zoning rules may Detroit ...... 1 0 of M.dOO a year, with InUreet being He told Mrs. Sarah Oliver Hulswdt more familiar with' tbs telephone have held up development two- 1.000 the company from spoilage sisee mitted to occupy the Sudeten por- STAY NEUTRAL sonally. I have seen you at ma- th» bride wore a gowp of white bro- and Mr. Benaoa was acoorded riowly. Foreign Seeretary Viscount a t Chicago B e a rs...... i 0 1.000 Discuss P q r a ^ ty Of Ex- ^old on the bonda each six months. work stopped totaled $53,DM. tion of Czechoslovakia and be con- ,^Hose Company No.' 1 of the Man- of Suffem, N. Y„ national chairman caded satin, with cowl neckline. Her iir. and Mrs. Arthur F. Bums of Halifax remaining with Chamber- family or multiple bouses. Chicago Cardinals . 0 chester Are department tonight will of the "Women’s Rebellion," that he’ neuvers, at the target stand and on hearty vote of thanka for his talk. Nearly all realty agents question- CUcagO; BspL 12.—(AP)—The 1 .000 tent with t.taat. funer al s' (OofitlniiM from Fagti On«.) the training ground. ■ • ' full length veil,of tulle fell from a 123 Florence street were honor^ at The ettendance.prlze, donated by lain after moat of the ministers had Philadelphia ...... o 1 .000 On the ground that Austria also meet at Are headquarters at 6:15 would -not comply with her request their horns Saturday night with a gone. ed have agreed that they could rent national professional'football teams Cleveland ' ...... 0 tending Minimum Pay Pro- for a drill. TTie drill will be follow- that voting li.sts be purged of per- "I have arrived at the comfort- tiara of orange blossoms. Her bridal Jim Turnbull, Was won by Raymond weren’t fooling when they centered 1 .000 had mobilised tioops In Galicia, fac- Mrs. Sarah F.^Forde In pnnillve measures ag.alnst an ag- ing knowledge that thejiatlon again surprise observation of theii silver Smiling LesUe Hore-Beliaha, sec- (lulckly as they could get them”, by Pittsburgh ...... 0 2‘ .000 The funeral of Mrs.'.. Sarah Edgar ed by a company meeting. .-(orv receiving government assist- bouquet was of white Killamey wecidln/ Over.sr.guests were pres- Bowers. ‘moderate” price, the agents mean- their pre-season demonstrations on ing Russia, Csar Nicholas Issjied gressor. y cort FOR GEORGIA CHARGED two Indians. Mr. TutUe has also been active in 5-all after trailing at 2-5 but the battle Into the background for the ed In the light of a full report from scores. Baugh 'Oras forced from the- 7 p. m.. except In towns of fewer both nien and women. criminal matter ^clth which Hines troops and supplies In case Czecho- Yugoslav's soft service waa broken Discharged Saturday: James Wil- game in the second quarter with a FROM CRASH INJURIES Seventy officers and members of The largest meteor on record was John Mather Chapter DeMolay and day. Viscount Halifax, foreign minister, son, 81 Arch street, Frank Goodsell, than 300 people, which may close About 13,000,000 workers will be W.1S not charged Dewey retorted slovakia is attacked. Company K, 169th Infantry. C.N.G., that of Aug. 18, 1783. which tra- the Manchester Coimtry club. for the fourth time In the sixteenth Hewes Answers Labor’s Charge on the possibility of German attack dislocated shoulder. two hours earlier. subject to. the’Federal law, one offl- The League also had ' before It Washington, Sept. 12.—(AP) — game, which wa^ deuced only onc% 91 (3hestnut street, Kingsley (Carpen- that the defense opetied'the subject, attended the company outing and The Senate Campaign Expenditures versed Europe from Shetland to ’Ibe highlights were an address by m Czechoslovakia and information ter, Bolton, Louis Slllano, Bolton WallinKfoH Man Kiliod In- an argtinient which drew' a state- China's rctpiest rliot Ihi* Council dinner yesterday at the Rockville Italy at 30 miles a second. Col. ’Thomas Hewes in which be an- worn other branches of the govern- Committee decided today that there McCarthy in lead. Mrs. Leah Cole, 10 Middle Turnpike stantly ^ » ’hen Aiilb .And ment from .Tiistlre Pecora - that ,'lnrt machinery moving toward pu- Fish and Game lodge, Rockville. was no basis for criticizing thq Re- Ancient peoples of the world Often swered a charge shot at him by the ment on the extent of German mili- West. !‘there was no such stibjert opened nitive mo.isures again.st Japan. In Colonel Joseph Nolan and other classed leather with gold, sliver. JOHNSTON NOMINATED Oakmont Ctountry Club, Oakmont, ..Connecticut Federation of -Labor last tary po.sitiona. Trailer-True!^ Collide. conatructlon Finance Corjioratlon Pa., SepL 12.—(AP)--- Maurice Mc- > VDeath: Saturday, Mrs. Matilda hp.’’ a letter to Sccfelary-Gcnerai Joseph regimental officers were the guests, for Its dismissal of an attorney po- r Ivory, and gems, and often, gave wreek in which he was attacked as The position of the government A. C. Avenol, the Chlncso delegate, Carthy, Jr., an old hero of the show, an ’’enemy of- labor" an.'.. .2 lbs. 25c Watson,. wl,.o.,giiffored minor , In- discussion th court this mormrtg, 10 miles last year, and'a companion caudi(late for the office is elected.’’. Isms. count on a brief campaign with Fancy Rib Lamb Chops., juries.. Is being held In *2.000 b.ail and give, hla decision .later lij the mer.at their cottage at Beaob Park rights were suppressed In Jersey SEVERAL THOUSAND NEW . At the same time, Spellacy pre- •Britain and-France not Involved. Week Of SepL 11 ...... 35c lb. Point. were killed today when their Royal City last Spring. He referred to reports that ,ln the Tuesday, 9 a. m.—Dental clinic. under a technical charge. Borough day. , COMMITTEES TO PLAN Air Force boniber crashed at Fams- event of a'Democratic victory, he dicted Hartford’s 70 delegates would ’INils attitude Inspired Indications \: police are .also holding the truck', would be feappiolnted to his present back Ahem "because the party here of support from former Foreign 10 a. m.—Tonsil ahd adenoid clinic. driver, John Dunn, 1-0. o1 Broad Members of the American Legion borough, Hampshire, and burst Into HURT IN COLLISION. CIVIL SERVICE PLACES has no confidence in Mr. Hewes’s Secretary Anthony Eden, who re- Wednesday, 2 p. m.—Well baby TRY OUR SJJGAR CURED CORNED BEEF Auxiliary are reminded of the mcet- flames. Adam established hla rec- position as clerk of the Probate Bikx^ who was driving a truck GUBERNATOm BATTLE CATECHETICAL SESSION ord of 53,937 feet June 30, 1937.’ court. ngtht» with the people , on election signed in protest against Preftler conference at the “Y”. Lean Rib or N avel...... ■, jj, owm^'by h'ls mother and Ira.^ed to tng and election of officers tpnlght Hartford. SepL 12.—(AP)—Louis ------_* . Chicago, Sept. 12.—(AP)—Law- Chamberlain’s policy of seeking ' Friday, 2 p. m.—Well baby con- Fancy Boneless Brisket or Chuck pieces !!!!,'!! ! 33c lb! the Holland ’Transportation com- at the State Armory, and the food Weinstein, 24, of 61 Cabot street, ilonel Hewes asserteVl In his ad- wftat Eden held would be a too cost- ference. SFT FOLTND GBILTr son A. Moyer, executive director and l»any.' or 'Boston:,' the-airerts b'elti’g STIRSJIEW HAMPSHIRE: Hartfont: ’ Sept. 17 ’^(A py- — sale • tomorrow a t 10 o’clock' at suffered lacerations of the face and chief eocamlnef of tbs United Suites - fS’ jfia that Egan was a ’’prominent ly-peace understanding with ItMy; ,. PprkXhty^aU center cuts . ,35c Ib! made b / Lieut. Richard P ' Harry;- (.Chairmen of the cominittees arrang- Hale's stores. Contributors i an Injujv to his right eye this mom- HUlftEV WILL AFPLY t ^Vpubllcan" and Intimated ths labor from opposition leader Clement Att London, Sept.^A2,—(AP)—Robin CiVil Service CommlMion, mi<4 t o d a y I « "S''. P '■eg. 98c size. Special at 89c oa.^ ...... irl 1/: i??E :5^be,h.’ ■ccprdlng; tpl ^Hartford f h .t 4».yriAf)n», RftfKIfllhlU’l miitlirn leader^ attack on hlni jnlght have teei_and^from, frc(auenLi sxbre M good .tljbe.- .Mrs.- Beatrice wAWaliir e n ^ ff iawwsr eYiiipiuj'B HiS " ' Thiiaea with .a paasenger ’r^tr.a'oJ, .Ibe.. u-ailet truck HephbUtiins’-'sCgkihy Chris-. iGkers-Armstroflgs Lt*, British orderofJuns 24 would bring several ^ held li)»Hartforcl.. Thomas and the, AV ays. and M ea^ truck off Towiuiwood hill, 'Glaston-' thousand posittona withlU'-the. com-:. "'sign’id to swing vote's to a Republl- “ 'i’remlet^. (^hambetlalnr , pfikicftig ...., . ■'bc't'''i-4'win cdoimlUee, will be in charge...... muntUon.makera. wias' found guilty bury.' ■ — ' ' ..... can candMatc:-.r.— -i: declsrdhs'Wmsett:bn every Im- 'sevci;’of- whom nrp-attar bns office:'leet tonleht a t th e St, today.,, under the Offlclal Secrets Act, jDetiUve claailfliKl civU aervlce. Asserting that although Egan had TRY^OUR HQME SLADE'BAKERY GOOtiS highway featling %-ftb ’ 'Wallihgfvf^ todav began lh etr ’(i-Hlrtwind -fin-J - . ° ^ " Cathedral CommunUy.House, of obtaining the plan of a fuse-set- Moyer waa the principal speaker portant step In the crisis, a>peared Filled Buns ...... 23c dot. from the north, -wheh -the \S Usoh . A meeting of the permanent Ar- .POET DIES AT HARTFORD. Hartford, SepL 12.—(AP)—Pub- produead "no evidence" to support in cheerful mood as he took a morn- l-shes, prep.arnto'ry to the’ state I''’'’™ than/20.tU(0 are expected to ting machine that might be useful at the opening convention aesslpn of "hla opinion" he believbd the attack car collided • with the rear ot the mistice day committee Is called for to. an enemy. He waa sentenced to lic Works (Commissioner Robert T. the American Federation of Govern- ing stroll In Saint James’ park be- Lruilers, plain or sugared *>lc dnr prtmark.-* Ttiesdav. with a weather- “'iend- . / ” • ’ Hartford. Sept. 12.—(AP) —Car- arose - because *T have on occasion fore the 'cabinet micL Mra. Cham- MARKET trailer and. then smashed Into a this evening at 8 o’clock at the' three years of penal servitude. Hurley today was appointed agent ment Employes, an A. F. L. afflllato Rlueberry Cup Cakes ...... :.’23c doz. e.ve rocked towa'rd thf vote pirl ’ "’HI open Saturday oline Parker-Smlth, nationally ' represented corporatioqs before the berlain, as usual, was at his side. tree. The acpident occurred at about Town.-.end plan aupportere’.'r I Gct.'l fil 9 a. 'm., an«l. close at 5:30 State Armory,. for the 'Connecticut River Rridge which U working on a program dei courts," Hewes saki that he "would * 855 Main Street Ry*» Vienna, Scotch, Irish, Pumpemickle and ;l:58 o'clock." known 40-yearrold poetj whose book Commission with instructions to Signed Lp improve conditions In tha Robinow' Building The bn'tlf bet-.veen Gov. Francis' P- • Tne.sday. During that : tlme of poems, ” A Race \Vlth Death." Federal service. as soon present the case of a labor Our Home Made Milk Bread—all...... lOc toaf P. Murphy, largest IndJvlduaJ em-j more than 50 conferences, demon- Anderson-Shea AuxlUarj-, 'V. F. BBTI RN TO WORK file an application for PWA funds union If It were offered to me and ,I em .\V. 'will meet tomorrow night at, 8 was scheduled to appear this fall, with which to build a second bridge “W here T h r i f t y plcyf-r in the virtue ,i(' ."(tratlpna. lectures, dlacus.sions and died shortly after 2 o’clock this thought the cause was just.” , FRIENDS STAGE SURPRISE Mc Donough announces •■.wner.-b!p n { o’clock at- the V.F.W. home, Mab- PhlladelphlA. Sept. 12.—(AP) — here over the (Connecticut river. Believes In "OoUeotive Bargaining" Shoppers Shop**' s shoe factorj- in ’ religious serriceswill be held.' morning at Hartford hospital. Mr. Hurley said today that the AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Vasiia, a.nir’ .Mt('rnev GenenVl...... I canilnnl...... Vllleneuve...... of...... Montreal. „ I cheater Oreem when Department After 21 weeics without work, em- DENOUNCES FASCISM Ckmcemlng his ilewa on labor, the Francea . Anderson of ployes came back today to the application would ’ be mailed to candidate said' he believed in “col- AT SILVER ANNIVERSARY Famqr Native Potatoes...... is-lb, peck 19c “ ■ SraATE ASPIRATIONS Fhorias P, C'hi-ncy, for the Repuh-' Canatla will be the ranking preVaTe: KING* TOURS DEFENSES Washington “within a day or two' f jit.itcnn g'ib»rnntonal ' nomination, j at the conference for which the I Philadelphia Storage Battery com- , lectlve bargaining" and the "right Tuesday special s Fancy ^ e s h Cut Spinach ...... 25« peck I C( a r t i nue , i t ' visit. The color bearers are re- pany plant, where a labor dispute requesting that 46 per cent of . the AS FOE OF WORKERS to strike," and added: Nat ve Yellow Peaches ...... 4 lbs. 19c dominate pre-primary j Most Rev. Maurici' ,F. McAullffe. halted production of Philco radioi Alexandria,'Egypt, Stp. 12-r(AP) bridge's total $5,600,000 cost be ear- Friends And Rela,tives Gather New Britain, Sept. ,12—(AF^Xw I activities.' btshop of Hartford, U*the host. v )]UMLed to report ist 7 o’clock for King Farouk, accompanied by army “I am entirely in-aymiiathy, as are Native Tender Beets ...... 3 biinches for 13c Attorney Thomas F. SIcDonoijgh of ’ ' ______rehearsal. .Auxiliary members who last spring. marked pending the stale’s author- MexIco-(Jity. Sept. 12.—(AP) _ all just and f ^ inen, With efforts At Home Of Mr. And Mrs. deislre caps, for .ArSlsUce day, and air force chiefs today startled Izing'a bond issue for the remisinlng Fancy Large Apples for pie or baking...... 6 lbs. 25e this city today announced hlatcandl- a three-day tour of the western John L. Lewis, head of the Ckimmlt- to improve tb* conditions «of work- John Fischer, 61 Bridge SU PORK CHOPS dacy for the Democratir’ nomina- FORTIFYING FRONTIER ahould aubmit the ibrder and pay- d .W es t .\ke pr ec a t o o n s 65 per cenL tM for Industrial Organization, told ers; aind I have attempted to do so Sweet Potatoes f6r Baking...... t lbs. 15e INSURGENTS FORTIHED ment tomorrow night. desert defenses whfch extentTto the tion for United States senator. Tlie frontier of Italian Libya.' the Latin American Labor Confer- myMif, subject always to the funda- Mr. and Mrs. John Fisebsr of 61 nomination’ will be made at - the . Copenhagen. Sept. 12.—(AP) —, ence yesterday that "there are mental principle of . the common law, Bridge street, were surprised Sat- lb. atate con’yention' beginning ' tomor-’ Denmark waa reported taking pre- which is the law of the New Testa- urday night on their return from CHECK THESE TUESDAY GROCERY VALUES ' AGAINST INVASION CAPTURED POSITIONS cautionary measures today along PRAY FOR PE.YCE NEW LONDON VOTERS - grou]» In the United States which 19c row at Eastern Point. Groton. OtAer DR. W IlilAM G. FROST, ment and ths law of civilization, *s6 Hartford, to find al party of SO of BUTTER—U nd O’Lakes...... lb. 32e candidates. are Senator Augustine her Schleswig border with Germany. y' the brutal system****** of Fascism." Into use one’s own rights as not to in- their ralatlyes, neighbors and SMOKED I»nergan. Rep. Herman P. Kopple- Berne. Sept. 12 — (AP)— The King Cbristian X postponed his -London, SepL 12—(AP)—While jure another*.” , .Cheese, good and snappy, the kind Dad likes!. . . .lb. 39c Swiss government ordored mllltarv Hendaye. France—(At the Span- SHOW LITTLE INTEREST He denounced Fascism as' "an ' friends, gathered to celebrqte the mann and Archibald McNeill. ish Frjontler)—Sept. ■ 12.—(AP) —' NOTED EDUCATOR. DIES departure Tor his sjjmmer residence General Evangeline Booth barked enemy of tbsiworkers" and declared - Spellacy referred' in hla state- 25th anniversary of their mar- Eg^ Native, strictly fresh, large ...... d p t 51e authorities to Take,full measurea be'- at Scaw because of the tense Euro- semi-mtutaiy commands, 600 of her ment to uie anU-Hewes speech by glnnlng tdda),' to fortify .the Behind a protective screen of artll- pean situation. th a fj’between us and F a sc lsm ^ w riage. SCHOOL .STRIKE OONTlNl tS rlery fire and pat'rols of tanks. In- SalvaUon army followers today «t- can be no peace." Egan, saying that the action of ’The congratulations over, music' SHOULDERS frontiers against possible., invasion surgents today, fortified . poslUons Berea, Ry.'. Sept. 12.—(AP)—Dr. temately prajr^ and sang for peace New London, Sept. 12— (AP) — State Chairman J. Francis Smith Brown Sugar for pickling, in bulk...... S ibs. 17c from "foreign temtoiy." William Cowell Frost. 84. president- FOUR KILLED IN CRASH New London voters turned out slow- and games were enjoyed and a Dudley, Mass., SepL. 12_r(AP) — -they wrested from the government in 300-jNear-old Sion college on Vic- URGES UNION PEACE ' "In securing a-Hewee Indorsement bountlRiI supper waa served. One lb. For {these cool mornings — Cream of Whtet and The “alt down" atrike at the north- The official declaration"mentiiined. in a counter-offensive on the Ebro emeritus of Berea college, died last toria embanhjnenL ly-ttoday to elect four.members of by his Waterbury delegation does specifically thq mining of .railroads night of a heart attack and lung Danville, ni.. SepL 12.—(A P )_ the city coiincil. three members ot a t the gifts waa a b4«utlfully 15c n I**- west school entered lu fourth day front. congestion. not erase the political effect of the decorated wedding eaka. ’Ilielr Bulk Silver Lane Vinegar, White anil Cider (eonteate) today when fathers of the children ^ highways at border points look- Both government and Insurgent Four persons were killed y e s te ^ y REDUCE BREAD PRICE the board-of education and three denundation Of the Hewes candi- lag ^to\%*ard their possible “destruc* During a half century. Dr. Frost when an airplane plummeted to selectmen. At noon Isas than 2,000 friends left as laMng remindere of * • • • • • ♦••••••••••••eeee.#•#•#••#••••• ($'eaa flfSllOD involved and Jaroea A. Ldbban. au- dispatches reported, however, that waa-ap outstanding figure in placing the C I f t Of dacy last week at the Federation of teair ilsiL a choice collection of ptrlntendent of schools, fallerl to Uon” la case of aggressioa. fighting continued between advanixi earth near the municipal alrporL Rochester, N. Y„ SepL 12.—(AP) voters out of 12,000 had visited the union In Bethlehem Steel 'Labor convention." Good Luck Jar Rings ...... doi. 19e The military was Instructed to the needs of mountain people before The dead weps Peter BriU, 41. own- polls. - W^Ullam O r W silver, glassware, linen and other agreement at a conference uniU alohg a ten-mlle front from the country and in the promoUon of —Rochester retail bakers today The Hartford mayor asMrted that gifts. Their sons, Edward J. and BUTTER Swansdown Cake F loor...... large pkg. Me construction' of fortl Oaeta. north of Gandssa. to tha tooti er and pilot; Charles Companlca, sUoad two cents off tbs pries of The Republican and Democratic ■^'"'rtcan F e d ^ Hewes* campaign waa con- ipofttlma. modem education among the hill 48; H a r^ Ice, 40, and Jastas -Kin- parties had full slates .of candidates George H.. presented a beauttful FLAKO PIE CRUST ...... p^. He hUla «€ a * tta m M|| fwki brsa^ rsducing tbs pries for a ducted by Smith and Seahtor WYan- faaaket a t roses to tbstr parents. u -il load*, M, an OMSflUa, and tbsrs was oos tndmeiMSent can- eis T.'Kakaey, who. allied with Na- to tan esati.: didata ntoBtoff tor tha oeoRsik Oeo^ Isft this moialng to ,25c lb- tional niiwtmttoBMS. iDinM Us etoAss at — ^ - f , A.. , AA. \mj — . ■. ■ . 4 ■TSV '• y PAGE TW ELVE -MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONH.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1988 ><1^ ______Enough Is Too Much By MARTIN OW ,Ht4.WOKG» VoR, *Ofcv\ IbKvtCiiBi YKt VAjasVf MAN 1 y i . AOC»&\.«t AMO Oqp, ROtAliO 1% “l-piA ^O O V-thCMy VOvilVX’t, ©O AsYt06(%K9A ? AWPitilVhT ”THM F\t4.«0VkVi40OO FRUINDB ^BBADITOiNOT Two penaloneis of the W ar of Ba friendly with everybody. ISIS, are still reeelvlnf monthly el- CMCHw - h W It never paye to make enemies. lowaaoeif from a gmteful .nbtlon-^ -.L ife-ii'far: t t o ahbrfe- ^ the uw ted subii.— ' ...... Put Into your days kladneas and friendship to sveiyone about llaa->4 want to buy a toy train voo BUSINESS SERVICES AUTUMUBiLES FOR SALE 4 REPAIRING 2H FUEL AND FEED 49-A BOUSES FUR SALE 72 LOTS FOR SALE 73 you, and you wlU be eurprlied for my little boy. WANtED-^ LEGAL NOTICES .at the happiness you brtng 3M7 PLYMOUTH ' t'.HJor dfliuce OFFERED ^ Clerk—Next floor, pleaie. air. W'E ^PRCIALIZll! In rooflng and ONE HALF CORD. Four foot FOUR, FIVE AND SIX room FOR SAI iR™ BUILDOIQ lota on REAL ESTATE 77 yourself and others. Men's bobblea. ledan, low cloan in- notice;—FURNITURE repalruifc aiding. WorkmanaLIp guaranteed. aone FOR SALE—MAPLFlvStrcct Tavern. gfH>d running condition. Price only A’T A COURT OF .PROBATE HFILD the alhpwance of aajd account wltltl A fountain pen. a Mwlng ma- LEGAL NOTICES lay of .September. A. D., 1938. said estate, and thle Court directs the ion 8418—Just half the amount ha Inquire 21 Maple slre»L Manches- |15. Kemp’s, Incorporated. sml for th^ Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, EaqT, chine; a motor car, a submarine. OUR BOARDING HOUSE IPI.KMHI.VG AND HEATINO- District of Mnnehnster, on the l«th Guardian to give public notice to all] ooUected. ter. . AT A COURT OF I’HOBATE HELD JudK^. persons Interested therein to appear! A street car, railroad, two-cent Waler Systems. Jobbing. Carl J FOR SA LE—Used Universal WaJth- .at .ManclifSter.. n itliln and for the day of September. A. D. 1938 Estate of lajuls S. Jafte. lata' of stamp; a flashlight, an' alactrlc Nygren. 15 South street. Telephone er. dryer type. In very gtmd nin- Present WILLIAM S. HYDE and be heard thereon by publishing a t Manchester lilstrlct of Manchester, on _ the 10th JiidKe. ^ ■ Mjinchester. In said District, .deceas- copy of this order In some newspaper! lamp. a w - w a r - w j m p m I WHA-m / O W E O P T H * 84.19. . — ■ nlng condition; recently overhauled. «l«y of September. A. D., having' a circulation In said District,! A football game, a telephona; a HELP WANTED— Price only 825. K im p’s, Inc. Present WILLIAM 8. HYDK. Esq.. Estate of .loseph Aeeto of Mabclies- On motion of Rose C. Jalfe of said live days before said day of hearing 1 T H If t H A k ID - A A A DE O UKJ MAJOR'S Evening Herald ter In said District, minor, / Jl.'inehester administratrix and return m'ake to this Court. furnace, tank, and ice-cream Cone. FEMALE' ' The Manchester Trust Company STORIES P R ISSe M T B D I D M E B V M IS DMJ5CUA SALE STOVES, heaters, TruAtEatBt* a*w of Hewitt Cobum, ■** montlm from WILLIAM S. HYDE , Revolver, match, a postman, rub» MOVING—TRUCKING- Jr., late o? *Manchest>r, In estd Dli- Giiardlsn having exhibited/Its flnal the tOth daj o f September A. D.. 1938 HIOM n jK S S , P R .IK JCE P OSCb O M O POS CLASSIFIED CHRI.8TMAS CARD MONEY- of aeveral m akes., Stove account with said estate tq4hl. CouD bera, drinking fountain, EU O O N BS STORAGE 20 t rirt, ifereasi ft. .V* "m lled-and al- H-9-n-38. IN ST A M PS ADVERTISEMENTS MAKER! .Show flew, novel "R U H y Dirnarp pipe, dampers, etc. The Trustees h.aVinK exhibited their tor allnwancii. It Is ' / An elevator, movie show; typo* \ 21-folder 8,1 Assortlrieut. 100% anntiAl Account w ith said estate to 'b#^l7th’day of writer, cljcus. [AUSTIN A. CHAMiiERS when you ,Scc Jonto the stove man. at 33 Oak September A. D.. 19.1S »{ 9 o’clock (d. esIafi^Ja '' against said A.’T A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ILT niw% OoB^ sla aesraa* words u a Ua4. pront. Fast. , easy sales. Com- street, fofttjcrly at the .Green. Let this roiirt-for allowance. It Is HDecria a'l'''lnl"lr.itrlx Is at Manchester within and (or the; A lighthouse, -want ad, eoncreta- tBlUaIa,\Dumbsrs sod abbrsvIstloBS want the best tn Local sfid^lLoug plete llhe other'leaders. Free Sam- OULKUED;—That the l7Ui day of 1^"';^'’°?’ •' ‘ho/Prohate Office, directed to give public notice to the District of .Manchester, on the loth T lR f t T O f t M U L A RDQ, AAAMIlOa R IC E AFTBtt, us clean yoih;.furnace8 and chim- September A. D., 1!»38. at 9 o’clock n said -Manchester. )?e and the same walks; a bike, a queer machine that saeb eeuat as a word and eompeand Distance Moving. ' Dally felxpreas ple OITer. Chilton Greetings, Is .assigned for a hearing on the al- iV“.i claims da.v of September. A. D., 1938. talks. "■’ , 0 T 6 ^ _ 'P ! ^ A T A & L B , I A V E R T E D MIS WIFE words a* (wo words'Mtnlmam eoat la ney and clean imd Instill your oU (d. *. t.) fiirenoon. at the Probate within said time allowed bv posting Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, BJ Hartford. Manchester, Kockvuie 179-Y Lincoln, Boston, Mass, Offlre. In said Manchester, he and the lowance of said jfccount with said An elevator, an airplane. erloo of ihraa linos. burners. Phone 7; est.-ite and this/Court directs the JiJ'.f’n ^hla orflrr on the public, Judge. M B s LIbs ratosXpsr day tor iransloal Phone-6260. 68 Hollister street. same Is assigned for a hearing on the s gn post nearest to the place where Trust Estate u-w of FranklliPjBl.'3 Of^ MIS SUBJECTS nllnwanci* of said adm inistration hc- Guardian to k H-. public notice to all the deceased last dwelt within said EKJED ID eds KITCHE.N range .’Strong late of -Manchester, In N.iid , count with ■ salfl Tsta.tc, and . this inli'k ”'i appeartown and hy piihllshlng the same In — A H E M / B E C A U S E O F T O ■accllvo\|larok IT, ISat HELP WANTED— burner; oil drum, and abh District, decf-asetl. Father—Aren’t you glad now that E u e v f t f t Catb Cbargo Court directs the Trustees, tn Rlye '.h’l''' publishing a sonic yw-spaper having a circulation The .Manchester Trii.st' Comp),.', you prayed for a baby sister? in PAINTING—PAPERING 21 Mall 36 Ions of oil. Sacrifice. public notice to ail persons Interest- I I >, of this. /ifrder - — • •In• • v some* r m e i newsoaneri © W H u a i > c r bi said plT'.phatPi-—district, within ten U U S U a F A S S E D NAORMMAWOMl!? S H O T llsi t OoBaMBUTO Days I etsl $ ota having a ci/culatlon■ire In eald District Trustee having exiilhited Us annual Son (after viewing his twin sis*. J ObBtsoBUTs O aya\..| I ,atal U ata Florence street. ed therein fo appear and b e'‘heard days from the date of tfils order and Hceouiit with said estate to this Court T H IS S U M IS VUOR.TH IT S PROPERTY OWNERS —AttanUon FREE OUTFIT starts your own lo- thereon by publishing a copy of thU five days before said ifav of hearing return make to this court of the no- :-ters)—Yes; and aren’t you glad MIS M io erH E Pay ...... ^1 11 tial 11 ata and return make to this Court * lice ftlverv for allowance, it Is % I An srdara for Irranlar iBaortlons 86.05 repapers room, ceillnb paper- cal shoe business. Bonus shoes FOR SALE—Used Thor Was1ie>v order In ‘Aomo newspaper having a ORDERED:—That the 17th day of -quit When I-dltf? W CISW T IM G O W D / DIDM'T OCT will bo ebargod at tbo too tlmo rats „ ed, or kaloomlned. Material, labor glv'en. Big advance rommisslons. rlrculatfon In said District, five dayi WILLIAM S. HYDE WILLIAM 8. HTDE September, A. D.. 1938.- at 9 o’clock OUT AMD : Apoelbl rsUt for long\tom> otory with Ironer attachment. An excel- o(|fnre said day of hearlnff and re- Judge. complete. Inside, outside painting Ex[MTienee iinnerpssary. ,J,30 ease lent value a t only 820. Kemp’s, H-9-15/38.’ ,H-9.I2..’!8. Judge. fd. s. t.l forenoon at the .Probate day sdvsrtlstna glvoa apob. roqasst. furnished. Tanners .Shoes, 4529, tirNi m ake to Ihts t’nurt-. OlTIce, In said -Manchester, he and the THE HARVEST COOK — UP Ads ordorod boforo Uo ibiM or Hftb Large savings Work guaranteed Ine. \ wiLLfAM a. hvdf: same Is assigned for a hearing op the day will bo ataarsod only forVlbo so* Boston, Mass. sludge. AT A roUHT OF PP.OBATE HELD AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD A J O f t ? Lang. Phone 3692. III .Manchester within 'and for th allowance pf said account with said i Oh, sing a song of threshing time. „'tBal Biimbor of Clmst iko ad M paar* GOOD USED COAL ranges, 810 up,; ay .Manchester within and for the estate, and this Court directs th- i led, ahargine et tka rata aarato bBt District of Manchester, on the District of .Manchester, on the lOth Oh, sing of loads of wheat. some with oU burners, 820 i(p. ICth day of September, A. D., 1938 Trustee to give public hollce to all i ■a allowsnco ar rotanda oaa ka mada SITUATIONS WANTED— AT A COCr T of pr o b a t e HELD day of September. A. D.. 1988 persons Interested therein to appear | With ona and twenty thrMhar>man How Hamilton Ron OB ala ttma ada atoppad. aftar tka Watkins, Brothers, Inc. 11 Oak-St. atrv v Me w n anchestei\wltblni i v . t i g - B i . W i X t o l l l l i r i I andW 1 U forl O T thei n © / y Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Esq.. Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Esq REPAIRING 23 Judge. Judge. and be heard thereon by publishing Now coming In to eat; dftk day. —------^ FEMALE > 38 fdatrlot ot Mam>i\catcr, on the l^tli a copy of this order In some news U. S. Treasury t1 a to A # . O a b w S ^ - w , I , Ja w N . A W • 4 Vam A a Estata of Mary A. Frasier late of Hustle out Uie soap and watar and No "till forbids"! display llnaa ■ql day of RcplcmbrrvsA. D.. / Estste of Julia Acsto of Manches- paper having a circulation'In’------In- said SolA MOWER SHARPENING, repairing YOUNG W’OMAN wishes, house- MACHINERY AND T(K)LS 5’i Preaent WILLIA.MS/^, IfYDK. Kaq„ ter. In said District, minor. Manchester. In said District, deceased. District, five days before said dav of Comb and towels-to'raaka ’em neat fiTlOM a brilliant career as 8 Tbs Hsrald will not, ba raapontiblo \Vacuum cleaners .'econdlUoned J llflg© The Manchester Trust Comp.inv. On motion of Edward G, Frasier ot cleaning or weekly cleartlng by the Raid MntirhPRtor a(Im'lnlRtrat4ir hearing and return make to thU T‘_ leader In the American rev«. far Bora tbaa ona IBeorraet Insartlon making, lock repairing, aafe day or hour. Good reference. Tel- INVE.STIGATE THE Dellinger silo llRtatc of William RaKjn Ir ‘ la' of Gimnlhiii having exhibited its final Court. ' , Husks o’ chicken on the table. lutlon. Alexander Hamilton h'. et aay advartlaaraaot erdarad ter Manchester, In mild DlstrDiBtrra Uceount with said estate to this Court That r Ix nionthR from WILLIAM 8. irVDE Bora than odo tlBs combination cbanglng. Braithwaitc ephone 4985. fillers first, know about their un- ed. for allowance. It la t^he 10th day of aSeptember, A. D., 1938 Bowls of gravy, taters, my! plunged at once into the task of Tbs laadvartani oniaaloa el laeer* 82 Pearl street. excelled performances. Complete Ths Administrator having, Exhibit- ORDERED:—That the 17th day of b© and the same are limited and al- H.9-12-38. Heaping, Juicy, sliced tomatoes, launching the new government raet pablteatloB of advartlalBg will be stock Fordsoh parts. Dublin Trac- ed his administration account arlth September. A. D„ 1938, at 9 o'clock , 1938/ at 9 o’clock • ance of said aecount with said day.of Septemher. D.. I93g, whan Congras* raferrad to him a ragsUtleas OBforcod by the p«bltab* W. Vancou^. 58 Wells street. Phone FOR SALE—ONE USED table fd s. t.) forenoon, At the Prob.ite a-rd th ls'C o u rf d irsrts the within said flnr©-by posting are and Ibay rasarva the right la a copy of this order on the pubHe-sIgn Present WILLIAM S. HY'DE. Esq.. Cone on folks, room for a dores, mass of staggering problems 8388. \ . radio. Selective, good running con- WANTED—TO BUY 58 Office. In said M anchester, be and the an to give public notlca to all Judge. adit, raviaa ar rajact say aopy aes' dition, 8. tubes. <2all 3573. eame Is aijslgned fo^'X hearing on the psrBons\mtercsted therein to appear post nearest to .the place where the Now, the rest are in the lurch. bearing oh the meager financing eldsrsd------ebieetloasbla------br allowance of eald administration sc- .and be heard thereon by publlehinr a deceased last dwelt within said town Trust Estate u-W of Elisa A. K'-te Clanking silver, rush and rustle, of the new nation. Hamilton re> CL081NO HOURA—ClasslSto WB PAT TOP market prices for and by publishing ths lama In soma late of Mancbeater, In said District, count with said estate, and this Court ropy, of thlk^rder In some newspaper deceased. Betcha now’s no time to shirk! fponded with a succession of pa« (a be pabllsbed same dey must bs re- .vour rags, papers and metals. Call Ilrects the Administrator to give pub- newspaper having a eirculatlon In having a clrOvlatlon In said XUstrlct. The Manchester Trust Companv, Mived by If o’elbck aooai latardsya lic notice to all persons Interested five d.iys h e fo t^ s a ld day of hearing said- probate district, within ten days But harvest dinners just don't ‘hap- pers and/a series of administra* i#:M. 5879. William Ostrlnsky, 182 Bts- from the date of this order, and re- Trustee having exhibited Us annual pen; scll street. therein to nppr,(ir and be he.ird there- and return makeNfl this Court tlva acts that permanently marked nr^- TOWN ADVERTISEMENT on hy publishing a copy of this order turn make to this court of the notice account with s.-iW estate to this Court ■WILniA.M 8. H YDE given. for allowance. It la They take hours and days ot work! the conduct of his cabinet office. TELEPHONE YOUS In some new-Spaper having a circula- He issued two • important ra> NOTICEI tion In ssld^Dlitrlct.. five days before H-9:i J-8I. ■ \ WILLIAM 8. HYDE ORDERED:—That the 17th (fay of WANT ADS NOTICE" ROOMS WITHOU’I BOARD 59 said day of hearing and return make Judge. September, A. D., 1988,’ at 9 o'clock A gentleman feeling a bit fed up ports on public credit, one up« to thle Cmirt. H-9-13-38. s. t.) forenoon, at the Probate A m M f ACOGpf d ih% AT A/COURT OF PROBa ¥ b HELD with life decided to commit suicide lining the .idtol of a high na« PRIM.ABY C.AITCUR PR0P0,SAL NOWHERE.' on the second Tiies4lnv In' .Septem- private family, home privileges, .Scpteniber. A. D., Ur38. at, 9 o’clock (d. ORDERKD:-ilRlrlct, five iln.vR before Raid day of ' ' Judge. the eve O F TH E Auto AecotsorUs—Tiros ...... « S.EVERAL MODERN six room H-9-19-88. of the atote primaiy. tered: "Chit It out. sister, cut.it out; stamp, 30-cent' black, of the V. S. Clarence N. Lupicn hearing nml return make to llil* . AT A UOUHT OF PRCiBATE HELD "PLA N E- Auto Ropalring—Painting « . « . T flingle. houROB,/ also two family Court; * ' ■ the wife’s with me." " issue of 1870, anlorged. Auto Schools ...... t-A Richard Martin . ' , at Manchester within and for the fCopyrlabt. JMI. NEA Sarvlev. las.) A tode-sbip by' Truek 1 JoBcpli (X Pero" Fdr_Fall Sale ftatir in ejcc^H«nt -focattaTiB: Apply ------WILIaIAU4!. HVDK District of Manchester, - on the lOtli Autoe—For Ulro . .. .. ; ...... t Haroid M. Heed Edward J. Holl, telephohc Man- /ndge. day of September. A. D., 1938. If you have a farm, home H-9-1X-38. Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq- Oaraaeo—SorVlce—Storage le Mathias .Spics.s , chester 4642 or 8026, Judge. • vu, Uotcrcyelos—Bloyclot ...... n AT A COURT,OK PROBATE HELD Wonlod Autos—Motnroyoioo tt Samuel Stevenson - or ncreape at reasttnahle Estate of Moses Powers, late ot FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Harold H. Symington prices we \wiH try and at .M.inchestcr. within and (or the .Manchester, In said District, deceas- FLAPPER F A N N Y By Sytvif WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane OUT OUR WAY ■nolnru u « rrotoaoUeal Borsicee wanted It) REN'l 68 Dis^lrlct of- MnnchcBtt-F, on the '10th ed. By WilHama Bliolnsn Ssrvicso Offsrod Lcland T. Wood move it for you. Trades day of Septemher, A, l.>., 193s. -eofa. i»i lY MS scavier. mc . • t .'». ate. w. s mt . aw.- o )WW SUEEPlVja M soy cars Awd The Executor having exhibited his . SOhAEBODV BODUE IM Houssbold Ssnrioos 6frorto"ll'.ll-’A WHV, VOU 'LL H A T E T O WANTED—2 or 3-room apartment; I’rceent tVILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., final administration account with said BCPiS ,1 V B G O T T b u m e a n ! Aitw CAMS fO e WASH TUBBS . MOtSlRIE i Bulldlng-^nlroclln* ------Thomas A. LetHe**^' arranKcd. 3, salesmen. Judge. LAST MISHT AMD STOLE SEEeHIM OSMIlJ'MOW-V Florists—Nurssrlao ...... II rent not over f30.. Write Box O, estate to this Court (or allowance, R SA D NEWS T b RELA TE— W O R K ? 7WAT Registrar ^tQcko~MorigAg*o ai Raymon J. Koblmson and return-make to this Court. ^ ,AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Busln*ct Opportnnltl«« a ww •' w* M , Sedrlek j; Strajigluin Formerl.v Conducted By C. W. .MARTIN ‘ tVaLLlA’M S. H T D B at Maneheater within' and for ths PmvARC CAILIMO m . THE CINtlERlUA Hbofy toAn ..i . . , • e evfb • M Juaflts' Ilf the Pivieeg •10 Vernon Ayenue, Rockville, Conn. Judge. District of Manchester,' on the 10th MAM. T H t iX-VA4ABONO ADVEMTURER * tlelp and 9llDatI»M Robert J. Boyce He9-li-83. day, of. S eptem ber. A. D., 1938. » H « 1 b ! Wanted—Ferool* ...... m Present WlLLIAH 8. HTDE, Esq., WIXAPIMS RROIA RASS TO RICHES. Holy ...... * gg Thomgs A. Brennan Wedne-udliy, 1 P. M.. D. S, T„ September 14. 1938 Judee.. Ro.Ie*meo. UftDled ...... eeotl-A William K. Keith _____ ilttloffnieii, l.\ .t«aMUn© M otor . -fnranoon,’-st'‘tlir' ■ F F i s n a f r TOtr APPORT'T'^BOT Waf»F«d— : acre estate of WllHapi Gillette, the Office, In'said'M anchester; ha. and the- WASNT 1 BQW4 „ r.tmplvl* Cl.1(1 s Tar. Udoftng.J?ftpor, Jt.do*., actor, nicludtng - hlsf- -paiatlai eaaOe aome- le-aaslaaed-fOF a' hearina'OQ -the M B Y M JR vL^ N A riSL- Wlfttont. R. t.'‘,ari>fi^ii , ^aWjT' Fi rfe 'EA-'- on the Oonnectlcuf river which he allowance of said administration ac- .10 BE A LEADER? A SE N T - A T ; IS N TD l « C Artlclaa For 8»J# ...... 4ft H.-Olln «';r,anl. ' . .St» ■#>' .Tauk)- .1 VIoV*,^ 7 Klock and' TackleB, Xjok ahd count with »»1<1 estate, and this Court B.oats and AeooaaprUir 44 TrucW rhaUid kh! oil' Pump OU Drums. TnirW Oil and desired ohoyld never ' go to any lO T o iO K A Y? " m i n d ? Butldta# HatfflaU ...... A rthur E. MrCoan ' ^I’lti'jLftijie. it.iy Fr»rkR. RfHcir Tools and many other direct* the Administratrix c. t-a; to 47 Uemr Diinirron.- to montlun. ' "blithering ■aphead,” will be sold, atVo piihllo' notice to all peraons In- Diamond*—Watchea -sjowolry 48 Maurice T. Morlarty at Auction Oct. 1, It was announced terested therein to appear and bo EToctrlcal Appllaneoa—Radio ,, 4* Thomas F.- Sullivan ' ' Atirflonrrrs %ll of ahoT©. Itema wnat'^ aold witlioal today. heard thereon by publishing a copy Fual acd F«»d Theodore C. Zimmer •erre. Termn of ©tile Cnnh. of this order In some newspaper hav- .an Oardan—Fartr.— Dairy ProdacU* M The eetato oa which Gillette ing a eirculatlon In said District, flva Household Good...... gi .\MMWNOr. maintained a three-mile . private 7-lX IHAS\W0NTNE| UxcblOKTy gud Tools ...... , |] Johii T. Haye?. ^ ^ GEORGE I,. GRAZIADIO. Auctioneer days before said day of hearing and » IW lleiirv railroad, recently was appraised at return make to this Court. could use some sleep.** UDOPraitry Ugslcgl Instruments .vrvT-4«,.^ ii Reglsl^ of Votora. >lftncheat^r. Conn. ■WILLIAM 8. HYDE . OS ice and 8tore>'C:gtiiymsnt ..,s It Edward F'. Morlarty »68,0(X». X ' ■ CAROL UaKCE. Bsecltos SI tbs Storss ...... GlUett'dled In AprM. 1M9. Y e a h ' ^ h e y ’'hsK) a p arty next door and I didn’t close An Wssrtng Apysrsl—Furs ...... n Judge of Prohate. ear all night ** ^ ^ LOVfiUlSrAUD ES.yCi, OUR LOVESICK FfUENONLL SOON BECOA/A Wsntsd—To Buy g| ’, William S, Hyde WfALTMiSTOF . V «R»E6R001A. K CAPTAIU OF ©fpUSTRV, , Reome Bosnt—Hotels tisaercs RepresentaOvea, THE OHUTAHTfS.L JI2L A 7 M *16 u a * * t wf. Resteersata Edward J. Mdrpl’y ./ MILLIONAIRE.... UNLESS BOtAETHlNfr HAPPENS! eoet is» ». »i» si.vict me THE BU SIM BSS KBVBftSE 'T'-- n -ia . ^om e Witooui Board ...... gg Jsy E.- Rublnow MY RA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Whitey Fails - .[ Botodsre Wgntsd ...... By THOMPSON AND COLL M _ _ r wwmm mm • Board of EdnosHnss. ALLEY OOP Shocking OouDtry Board—Resoru . mb. m M Edward .1. Murphy By HAMLIN Hotel*—Reslaorsnu « '(b u WAIT me r e ! AND V Wanted—Rooms—Boa^ ^ ft CViintablea. j s a v / rv E s e e u STOW THE CHATTEa, O IU e /'H EEP TOUR. PHOMV : «M5«5UV aaffTxy seuD s T»E4KUuei2. A LL RtSH T M O W_| ■aal Calais gat Raat Fronds Joseph Bober " |FAW SOMEWHERE BE- CAPtAllJ.AMO S E T K v h i s h e r s o u .. vi^ 'LL V . WHV, VOU-VOU . WHIM 1 SRT BAOC, ^ I» 1V70 A TEeamcfOHGt. w ie as A o e s r x-rvcciorr ^ [ORTV DOUBLE-1 Apartasanta Ftmta Tonattanta -— gl Jomes Duffy ] KXZE. J WHAT /S THIS* . bach on the re 1 FIWO THE. BEA M FOR. t O u J WHV.. '(tX/lL BE STAW01M6 RlSHT Bualaaa Loeattona lor Rato . . . «« JSTTEM PT^ A , ' LE V ELE D O F© /. CBOSSEft/ HouaM For Rant ...... HEdmund F. Dwyer / COURSE, f*sr/ .BKEBARRew^ Eft* IM T H E M IOO LB ^ •■burbaa For Rant —...... M Jtarl R, Johnson IBU RE/ A JOB! tommar Homaa For Root It Aloystus.J. Murphy Wantod to Rant ...... Bernard O’NelTl, /■ Raal Caiats For tola John Rohan' Apartasnt Building (or SaJo — M Bualnaaa Proporty (or BaU T« Joseph-V. Shea Farms and I^nd (or taU . . . . « ,tj Justice of the Pnace. puaas (or Sal...... 1 | Harold W.' Garrlty ^ita (orSaJo f| George C. Lessner ^ s o r t Proporty (or Salo * » 4 John P. Limerick ’ Mbartan f*rjalo f! 'S Mftt BttftU ter Exeiftege •••» Tt Edward J. Morlarty 'OftdSTHE Waaud—Roa] Bsuta n Clement J. PontlUo .. - ,C0MIB0IA.J AasHia I sgai nmOmm WIHtam P. Qulofa •^••1 VftUftM 19 Stuart J. Wasley Dated at Manchester' this 80th 'A day of Aucuot, 1938. , . SAMUEL J. TOMXINl \r*

>101 FOURTEEir iOmirlfieBt^ Eointfttg S p r ^ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19,1988 'j

New Voters will be made in Man- William Jr., and Raymond T., Mrs. John Von Deck o f 32 Ster- chester this' year on September 17 The regular meeting of Hlanto: The Carron Oub for the High sons-bf MK and Mrs. William P. ling Place, has called a meeting of Inomoh Tribe No. SB. I . O. R. M.. will ABODl'roWN and' 24, it was officially .announced Qulsh, Sr., left mis morning for St. school students of St. James' pariah the Stanley group of tbw Wesleyan be held In Tinker hall tonight at 8 will bold ita drat meeflng or the today. Here it is not necessary to. John’s school. William la a senior Guild, of which'afae la lea^r, at her have bad M e's name'posted bn a o'clock at which time Importan't year w e d n e ^ y evening at 7:80 to D m North |f«thoiUat church h* and Raymond a sopiiomore, at the home tomorrow evenlng\ at 8 business o f Interest to all the-mem- "to be made list.” Prospective vot- school. ' \ St. James’ school. A t this meeting Dfao* coinmlttee will have a neet- o'clock. Mrs. John Larrabee will aa- bers will be discussed. there will be an election of officers teolcht at 7 o'clock, and the ers, who have been residents of slst Mrs. Von Deck. Connecticut at least one year, and and the program for the coming Chnrdi Council at 8. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alley of Harry W. Thompson,. the new year will be outlined. who. have lived in Manchester for at Washington street have returned Memorial Temple, P ^ l a n Sis- ledst six. mopths, may appear tb be' PhyMcbJ.iJIfector at the Manchester from Troy, N; Y., w hen they left ters, will meet tomorrow'evenliSg'In ^ 'IC r . and Mrs.' Arthur Leduc who made voters in the fall elebtiona. Community Y. M. C. A., will meet their son, Robert, to take up his Odd Fellows hall. A social tlms will The Junior choir of S t Mary’s 'w a re married a year ago cm Septem- the industrial r representatives for freshman year of study at Rens- f-Tjlow the business session, with Episcopal , church will rehears# this bar 7, were surprised Saturday e\’e> the Field Day, October 8. at the Y evening at 8:30 o’clock In the parish nine, when gueets from WinSted, Temple Beth Sholem will hold an selder Polj^cfinlc Institute. the standing .entertainment commit- building this evening from 8 to important\ meeting tonight at 8 lee in charge. house. AH the choir members are . Ith o^ Island and Manchester called 8.-30. urged to be present; to help them celebrate and to re- o'clock aha^ at the Manchester The Ladles Auxiliary o f the A. O. member them with appropriate <3reen school.' A social hour wltl^ H.. will meet tonight at 8 o’clock gifts, A feature of the buffet lunch refreidiments will follow the buslr at the home of Mrs. James Fogarty was a beautifully decorated wedding neas. 94 Walnut atre'et. eakeV'imimiounted by a miniafure bride and bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. George Dart and The Ceclllan club w ill hold Its daughter CAroIlne of 'North Elm first regular rehearsal tomorrbw Kvery Read.r Carrie of King's street left yesterday .for a visit with evening at 7:30 at the South Meth- Daughters will hold Its,, opening friends in South B|-nd, Indiana. odist church. amating tonight at 7:49 in the di- They plan to visit.Niagara Falls en ^— - V Given With Cash Sales In ractors’ room "of the Whiton Memo- route. ■> Miss Evelyn Beer of 82 Foster rial library. .The offirers will be street has been chosen a delegate to hostesses. Manchester Grange will furnish a represent the young people of the part of the program at the meeting South Methodist churrh. at the fall of Echo Orange of Mansfeld tomor- conference o f the National Council Both These Stores Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander Gole of Methodist Youth, of 88 Chestnut street left j-esterday row evening, ' which la observing /■ .Neighbors' Night. It Is hoped ss flog lima,'.Ohio, where they will visit for a few days. Returning, Mr. many of the local Orangera as poa- James Horvath. Jr., left this Special Values for Hundreds of ^’hrifty Shoppers Who Shop On .sn>re >dtl 'fd8n'fb"'go. ' FurtHer in- morning to start his four-year Day Tuesday Cole, 4^6 Beads the Cole Motors company here, will drive back an. formation.- may be had by tele- course In the Univeralty of Ver- Tuesdays to Take Advantage of DOUBLE Green Stamna mont. an-stee...... teel ambulance for delivery to phoning the lecturer. Mrs. Charles Given With Cash Sales. v-4*.- Thomas Dougan, local undertaker. Howard, 477.V-,, ■

Sales at the Manchester Auction Market yesterday were as much as - Our Third Shipment I 16”x42 k com the entire receipts the first week Letter and Note S{m U IW IU L C J,he m.irket opened, going over $1.-| Boxed Manchbst er Cohn* 08.%, The- increased amount'yester- PURE OFF TO SCROOL day was brought about by the num- I

ber of peaches that came into the Few and fkr between«n arb.al^thsJill the Jilt tie red.sclioolhouses that were -tlM Mbject of man.r a poem-and ^ng. Neve|-thele8S. with the market. From now on it is expected' rtegtag of the school bell, the mothers know there Is another Job that there will be a steady increase^ WRITING LINEN to store for them— for the children must ha\e more wholejiome CAHOOSE-'SOH. The first regular meeting of the meals to keep them healthy in body as well as In mind. INC. 1938-p9 season of the Manchester I 17se Pinehurst delivery servire, and you mill have more time to Radio Club will be held tomorrow | Thrifty Shoppers Shop On ’Tuesday Eor Good Values 4e your planning. Please 'phone by 9:30 for delivery before noon. PAPER night at the home of Frederick Ed- SCARFS

With ClUny Lace Edges .and And Extra Savings - wards. 71 Birch street.

WILSON'S DEVILED HAM Our first two shipmenta were complete »ell-outii. Pure linen

centers with Cluny lace edges In four patterns. Exceptional value. lENVELOPES Can 15c Special^ 2 cans 25 c .All white or.colprpd edge ata- oiwiaai^iMcnic .36 Only! R egi^r 79c 17”x45” Hand Made tlonery. Value to 50c. Monarch Crnnch Peaont Batter. .y(...... 27c Rharilne Peanut B u tter...... y...... lb. Jar 21c BLANOES C. A B. Date A Nut Bread . . X ...... I9e, HALE'S SELF SERVE Sandwicb Bags ( G l a a s i n r ) . , ...... fn for 10c FULLY INSULATED TUSCANY LACE SCARFS ■" The Original In New England !■ Waxed Itoper...... y'..-...... 10c, 2 Ic and 29c box I C p i 's -

SPECIAL FLOUR y New Rye, Oraham. and . Whole W heat. WTille they last! 'ITte popular daisy pattcrn.pn.

. ' FlooMB 8-pdUhd begs arrived today. tuscany hand made lace. For dining rooms and AND HEALTH MARKET bedrooms. Size 17"x49” only. ■ ' - ■f; 1/2 Tueaday only, we will sell Gold .Medal Flour in 24 -lb. Drug Dept.

sacks at 81c. Deliver^ with other orders. n. JW HALCcoiii TUESDAY SPECIALS 50”x50” and 52”x52” Regular $1.29 900 Sheets - Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Kleenex ...... MELONS . . . Some of the flnest ripe-Honey Dews at 2Bc each and great large pink meat Cantaloupes sell at 20c to 2Sc each. All Day Tuesday. PURE tINEN 90o Prophylactle . Galley’s Pine Knob Canning Peaches are In . ". . $1.89 basket.' Tooth Brashes ..

SeedleM White Grapes, 3 lbs. 29e. Red Grapes, 2 Itis. 25c. S9o Vick’s HALE’S QUALITY MILK ' Stpiash, 6e each. Green Beans, 2 qts. 2Sc. Vapo Rab ...... ^ / C Cauliflower Spinach Berts SPECIAL 6O0 PhilUps’ . . LUNCHEON CLOTHS BREAD 2 loaves 9< Cream ...... 4 4 C TKESH DUCKS .lb. 19c In n e rsp rin g • Two smart/hew patterns. Basket weave 81.00-81.90 Haley’s M. O. F r^ h ly Chopped Ground Beef • l b , 2 9 c with center checked pattern. Novelty Meaty Cuts of Lamb Stew and Soup Bones. Pure Lord Lbs. woven checked center. Four color combi- 2k MATTRESS 67c, $1.00 nations; Rea, gold, green, and blue. Praci $1.00 90c Phillips’ j2 Derby

tlcal cloths that will give lots of wear. Milk of Msgnesto...... d4C -Each 80c California ' a Beef Can 'p.imFiLvrst G/vce?'t/.^nc. «12-9S. Syrap of Figs ...... 4UC 17c New Patterns and Colorings • DIAL 4151 ■' 302 MAIN STREET 75c Bayer’s — — 52"x52” Hand Blocked Pure Linen Aspirin ...... OcIC WRTh OF POST OFFICE ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATEARMOPy Can HormetSpain 26c KEMP'S $1.19

No. a Can Bart Olney R ed\


Hand blocked prints in four new and different designs. Florals, .Cans 29c

fruits, and modernistic. All guaranteed washable. New Shipment of Children’s SAVE WITH No. 2*4 Can Sugar Heart

New Assortment of Gem and Gordon SAFETY Make Wash Day SWEATERS Peaches ^ \ 2 cana27c in slip-on or coat styles. In At Our TaQ Can Dole’s navy, red, brown, and green. PRESCRIPTION

One Of The Easiest ANKLETS DEPARTMENT ■Novelty patterns In' stripesr also Solid PineappleGems 19c colors. Sizes 8 to lO'.j. Don’t Take ()aack Remedies. See Voar Doctor, He W'ill'Ssve $1.19

Toa Time, Trouble and E\|,ense. Of The Week With A Satin Stripe and Chalk Finish Pea Beans others at ...... -t C..$1,69 2 i^ 9 c


849 Slain St. Rublnow Bldg. Vests -— Panties— Step-Ins KNIT SUITS Waldorf ea. Tea Ro.se color. Sizes 34jto jO. In sizes 1 and 2. One-piece,

- in combbiatlOiT TOlors o f white" Toilet Tissue for and pink, white and blue, French Larger Sizes ...... 50c each blue and navy, brown end malz^ Fiegh

♦ 1 9 l Green or Wax B^ons



Cunningham Tubes Yellow.Onions 10 Lb.,17e

I'C Begt N a 1 ^ Phone 4457

Potatoes pk.lBc bu.69c Wm. E. Krah 33 Delmont Street Very large crib sixe. S8’’x48’*

I -.-grommeta In the Comers to

tlft,dowa. .Flesh only. Speclell ■

Model AW-20l| Ki'-' MARKET

^ lb.

O'Cedar Self. O’Cedar Mop and \ LONG LIFE Kleinert’s FeatheniAp Polish Combination Polishing W ax JLoin Lffitib Ch op s CEnERRl # ElECTRil UIRSHER 59c O’Cedar Mop and 50c Quick drying with a bottle O ’Cedar. Polish. Both shine. 1 quart can. G-E ACTIVATOR . . . gives long life to clothes for - ■ White only. Sizes: metUum end large. Shoulder Lamb Chops PERMADRIVE mec h an ism . . givoc long life to wosho, Generators

PERMANENT lUBRICATION never requires oil.ng U the ammeter 'pointei ______lb. 29e QUIET W ASHING OPERATION no nerve-wroclnng no.ee •w ing! back and forth rapid IC Pfi'' lOVElL W RINGER . fomouv-preccure cleoncor Lamb Stew ly or remains' at zero whiit 1-b.lOC' 15c RUBBER-MOUNTED G-E MOTOR quiet, efficient yon Are driving the genera- $1.29 Bath Mat and Seat Cover Sets' I ' tor should:-be- checked at PORCEIAIN-ENAMEL TUB good.|ool..nq eocy to clean in soft, fluffy, tufted Chenille. Plain colors f\E\ Beef Stew once. ' W e replace brushes guaranteed by general ELECTRIC Pump model at ' ■ . n>. 2 S c with center design. 18”x30” 7...... 'sPl e l l U or make repairs quickly. Tht sUgnf extra coit. FREE

cause of the trouble is elimi- Veal Stew nated. and future^ expense $1.25 H o o k M R u g s lb. 2 5 c PARKING AToided.-

Good looking desigms in this lot of Cana- - ^ j For Hale’s Costomers Mild Daisy Cheese dian hand hooked rugs. 18”x36” ...... s V U )b. 1 9 c - NORTON In Rcflr of Store"

ELEXTRIUAL WAsiffiRs ^46:;§8

Loaf Cheese IN S T R U M E N T UO. ib.-25e HWArd SL Phone 4060

Chicken Loaf lb. 29c

^ HAW COM coiu!

Manchistir Comm* anchistbr ohh IIW B en V lU n . M . C *

______f - '