AVEBAOB DAlLT OBOCUkTION for the Month of Aagart, 1N8 THE WKATHEB ritneoeet D. 8. Weether '* ' H ertford 6.026 Member of the Audit tomght M« Boreea ef ODealstloiie rs aUghtly MANOIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM ' VOL. LVII..N0.292 (Clemined Advertlalac on Pnge U) - MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE Three CENTS -6M HySTERVVQU **Laps Ahead in Munition R ace” FEARS HINES kt- TOMGHrSTilU HITLER REJECTS IDEA CASE WILL COLLAPSE BYKOPTlEMAIi OF CZECH AS COURT ADJOURNS State’s Major Parties Has* MONKEY BUSINESS PBOVES EXPENSIVE tie To Set Stage For Pecora Takes Aiiion After IN AWAITED SPEECH New York, Sept. 12—(AP) — Monkey huainess proved expen-, Conyentions This Week Two-Hoir C o n fe i^ In sivis to Henry Treinicb, animal DAYBOY LAlifPUQHtEBi dealer. COMING BAC» TO TAOS. Offers Ofi?e Bruck To -A female rtiesus monkey led With Democrats F irst BRIUSH Chambers With Dewey three of her pals on a 3-bour Taos, N. M., Sept. 12.—(A P )- The day of .the rampbage after breaking out of vlllage lamplight- France As He Tells His their cage in hia store. They By ASSOdATED PRESS er la coming back In this lltUe And Defense ConnseL broke a window, damrgred a SHOULD H IIIE R colony of arts and letters. i*\ An element of mystery was in- fruit stand and caused a pursu- UmU>le to- pay electricity costs. Cheering Followers Both ing policeman to tear his pants. jected into Connecticut’s politlmil Taos plans to install oU-burnlng New York, Sept. 12—(AP)—The Treffllcb got a ticket for speed- picture today as both of the state's ODDER ACTION lamps on the dark coVners of Uu- Democracy And Bobke- state's cbneem over possible col- ing while hurrying to the scene. major parties hustled to set the village's meandering streets. Vil- TreffUch took Inventory: 325 lage youths will be recruited as lapse of its conspiracy case agalnat stage for their conventions this for speed, 312 fpr the window, lamplighters. r James J. Hines, 61-year-old Tam- 35 -damage to the fruit stand, week. • Cabinet Holds Two-Hour Each lamp Is, to be a memorial vism Are Arrayed h Sol- many district leader,. inereaaed to- 37.50 for a new pair of panto— to some of the famous figures of Shrouded in secrecy ,was the tost ss Supreme Court Justice Ferdi- total 349.50. of a convention'eve speech which Emergency Meeting; 00 Taos’ past. id Front Against Germany nand Pecora adjourned court until All that," he moaned," for-^ Cong. Herman P. Kopplemiann, >nkey worth maybe 33 whole- fighting for the DempcraOc U. S. 2 p.m., e.s.L,' to further weigh a de fenae motion for a miatrial. sale." aedatoiial nomination, announced, cial Silence Blocks Efforts Nurnberg, Sept. 12—(AP)—AdoM Without explanation. Justice Pe- * -----------------— — ' ' he would broadcast tonight Hitler told his cheering foQowers Cora ordered the' adjournment after Kopplemohn, a so-called "true SAYS REMOTE New Deal” rival of Senator Augus- To Learn Decisions Made. tonight that “we see Demoeroey a two-hour conference, in cham- bers, with District Attorney Thonoas tine Lonergan, has stated he would and Bolshevism arrayed to a solid , E. Dewey and C3iiel Defense Attor- make on announcement of "great front” against Nazi Germany. BARBER PLEADS Importance” to the delegates to the London, Sept. 12—(AP) — The NATIONS CANT The Fuehrer, opening the opeeeli -V"'ney Uoyd Paul- Stryker. It was understood\that the jus- convention slated to take place at British cabinet apparently satisfied for which' the world waa walttng, Eastern Point tomorrow ind Wed- spoke at length of what ha ealled tice, burrowing deep ib law tomes, Hermann Wilhelm Oeering, Hitler’s No. 1 aide in, Nazi Germany, that It had done all it could for the was still undecided' whether to grant ms INNOCENCE nesday. STAY NEUTRAL "the sufferings" of Nazi adharantz is shown at the tenth annual Nazi Party Congress In Nurnberg as be moment both to head off war and to In Aaiatria before the annexation. the defense’s- strategic'' move The congressman's headquarters brought thousands to their feet cheering with the declaration that quaah the caae before it reaches the said Kopplemann ^ rk e d yesterday be ready if Adolf Hitler tells hia The first portion of his pmiaunoe> IN GIRL’S DEATH and would devote much time today Germany’s armament industry is ''gigantic” and that “we got the army to march to the east. ment before the climatic mdetiM of J««T. start on everybody and are laps ahead.” It was ofriclally an- President Of Leagne Of Na- the tenth annual Nazi Partyty Con. Both Present Long Brt«fa to the address and its contents nounced today that Gocring became 111 Jpst night and would need sev- Official silence effectively block- Both Dewey and Stryker present- would not be disclosed until be ed efforts to learn what the minis- gresa was devoted entirely to 'went On the air.” eral days of "absolute re st’’-(A ssociated Press Radiophoto.) calling the party’s fight for ouprama ed long briefs to Justice Pecora, Held Without Bafl As Case ters said and did. Rut the fact that tions Conncil Voices power to Germany. arguing the pros and cons in. the May Be Floor Fight they decided not to meet later today Then he turned to his attack dramatic interruption which de- Kopplematm previoualy bad indi- was taken unofficially to mean they zgotost the democrodez and Bot- veloped when the district attorney, were convinced that further diplo- In Midst Of Is Continned One Week So cated ha would carry the bitter matic steps before Hitler's address sbevlsm, oaaerUng that they wei« ^ on Saturday, questioned a defense fight onto the convention floor. Also united ogotoat NozUsm under "tlia witness about "Hines and- th£ described as a "true New Deal” foe CZECHS MAY P R O C U lM at Nurnberg (at 1 p. m. ex.t.) would ^ Analysis Can Be Made Of be futile. The Czech-German Crisis. slogan of liberty, equoUty, fratezn- poultry racket” as investigated by of Lonergan is Archibald McNeil of Ity.” the 1935 "run away" grand jury. Bridgeport, former Democratic na- Encouraged by political and pub- The fateful words, that *pre- lic support on all sides, the cabinet "Bloody Moohmy Of nMlWII* Blood Stams On Qotliing, tional .coqamitteeroan,-who has.been wag believed to have given—'first Geneva, SepL 12.*-(AP)—Wtt-^ fTt la A bloody. moekMy-iaC U»> "'^'clpltated a defense' motion for i promiaad the support of the "home MARTIAL LAW TONIGHT place to military steps If British Horn J. Jordan of New Zealand tory,” the Fuehrer eoatlnued, *That iniatrial on the contention that town" delegation. the democracies are allied with tk# Dewey had prejudiced the case, warnings proved Ineffective and opened the 19th aesslon of the On the political agenda today, there developed the likelihood of most brutal dlctatorahtp to the framed a question about "Hines and P ort^outh, N. H., Sept. 12. — iM gue of Matlona ooMmbly today world. the poultry racket"—a m%rket dis- (AF)~^trbeTt W. Sprague, 53. of getting away momentarily from the Action Will Be Taken In So- war over Czechoslovakia. j state picturo as a whole, was the The mlniatera were said to feel with a warning that '‘even these ‘Tt waa they which attempted to trict shakedown system that was Portland, Me., an itinerant barber, BONNET TALKS city election in New London.. Vot- that they had taken every step ad- countries that may appear to _ be hinder Italy’s aetloa to Ethlo]^’’ broken open four years ago. today pleaded limocent In Municipal ers were to cast baUota for mem- deten Area "(filly b Case visable to advance of the speech to Hammering home the point They were spoken Saturday -while court to a charge of murdering Bar- bers of the city council, board of convince Germany that Britain most remote" may not be iacutrai to the Nazia bad built Germany Into Dewey waa cross-examining Lyon WITHBULUTF, would,fight at the moment France's the neZt war. bara Dtiacoll, 8, whose skull-crushed education and board of selectmen. a mighty nation again, HiUer tur#> Boston, former aaalatant to William Despite the fact that the Republi- Of Extreme Necesmty” integrity were menaced. The warning of the New Zealand ed to. Pttoh.qalovokla. C. Dodge, Dewey's pretodecasaor as body was found stullsd imder a building li> a railroad yard early can state convention la to take place Bmiew PreooaUoaary Meoaarea delegata, proindant of tha L«i "Storn is being heaped on na to: district attorney. The district at- in New Haven thin Thuraday and They were underatood .(o have re- Council, came to the midst of day, but thank God we a n to h pool* - torney.'The dlatrlct attorney waa Septembers \ CZECH,BELGIAN Judge J. R. Waldron held him Friday, party leaders were reported viewed in their meeting the mili- Czecboslovakta-Oerman criala. tlon to prevent any rape of OeiwiM addng Boston about testimony be- without bail and continued hto caae as still canvassing sentiment among tary, naval and aerial precautionaiy Before the assembly met, the many,” he declared. ^ fore a Grand Jury investigating the thgir delegates over the week-end, measures already taken. Observera League's battle of sanctions was \ *T am now speaking about Czeebo- for a week on request of Rocking- Prague, Sept; 12.---- (AP) — The , p oultry rack et. ham County Solicitor Stephen I French Foreign Mim'ster Has thought these were „ considerably brought to on end when the -Scan- atovakto.
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