First Showing for Soldiers at Recreation Building No. 11
VOL. !-NO. 45. Published . Every Friday Drew FielJ, Tampa, Florida Friday, January 22, 1943 ~'HULLBALLOO FROM-¥___.: ___________ DREW"_ HERE TONITE -------------------------·¥-------------------------- Rest and Relaxation DREW FIELD PlAYERS WILl ENACT ' Generar s· Aide FIRST SHOWING FOR SOLDIERS Wa r Friend of AT RECREATION BUILDING NO. 11 Col. 'Buzz' Wagner .-------------------------- - TGnight, out at Drew Field, "They said the 'Gremlins' al shades.of Broadway will descend. most got me," explained Major One of the zaniest, most musical ATTENTION, WRITERS Robert L. Coffey, aide to Brig. and most promising of all soldier All men interested in serving Gen. A. H. Gilkeson, command musical revues. ever to hit the as reporters and feature writ ing officer,· III Fighter Command, south will knock them into the ers for the Drew Field Echoes as the cause·of his recent mishap. aisles of Recreation Bldg. No. 1. are urged to write a letter re En route to Johnston, Pa., to at "Hullaballoo · From Drew," lating their writing experience tend the funeral ·of his late friend written, directed and produced and send it . through :the Mes and former buddy, Lt. Col. Boyd by "the men of Drew Field, really sage Center addressed · to this· D. "Buzz" Wagner, as an hono should be an outstanding hit. The newspaper. rary pallbearer, bad weather music is delightful. New, full, and forced the major's P-40. down out · goo.d. This is definitely not just I side of Moundsville, W. Va. Mak another soldier show,. but .a real ing · an emergency landing on a production. Men will laugh them &noyv-covered field, made soggy selves sick, and tomorrow those Caught In the Draft underneath by the Ohio River same men will sing and whistle flood a week earlier, the plane the turnes from the show.
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