Title Glossary of Interest to Earthquake and Engineering Seismologists 1

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Title Glossary of Interest to Earthquake and Engineering Seismologists 1 Glossary Title Glossary of interest to earthquake and engineering seismologists Compiled Peter Bormann, retired from GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, and Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; E-mail: [email protected] amended Keiiti Aki ()(1930-2005) by William H. K. Lee, retired from U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA; [email protected] Johannes Schweitzer, NORSAR, Gunnar Randers vei 15, P.O. Box 53, N- 2027 Kjeller, Norway; contact via: Phone: +47-63805940, E-mail: [email protected] Version 1 November 2011; DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_Glossary 1 Introduction This is a preliminary glossary, still under development, revision and amendment, also with respect to co-authorship. Comments, corrections as well as proposals for complementary entries are highly welcome and should be sent to the editor, P. Bormann. He has compiled the current version by combining, harmonizing, amending and sometimes correcting entries from three major earlier published glossaries of terms that are (see References): 1) frequently used in seismological observatory practice (glossary in the first edition of the IASPEI New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP; Bormann, 2002 and 2009; see http://nmsop.gfz-potsdam.de); 2) of interest to earthquake and engineering seismologists (glossary compiled by Aki and Lee, 2003, for the International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (see Lee et al., 2003); 3) now widely used in some rapidly developing new fields such as rotational seismology, (compiled by Lee, 2009). The following glossary includes some 1,500 specialized terms. Not included were abbreviations and acronyms (with the exception of just a few that required more explanation), Acronyms have been added as an extra file to this Manual (see NMSOP-2 website cover page). Alphabetization is strictly letter-by-letter of the glossary terms (in bold face), ignoring hyphenation and space between words. Words included in parenthesis are also ignored in the alphabetization. Words which are written in italics in the explanatory text refer to other glossary terms for which more explanation is given elsewhere. ??? behind figure, section or table numbers in this first glossary version indicate that they still refer to the respective numbers in the electronic NMSOP-1 Chapters or annexed materials currently under revision but accessible via http://nmsop.gfz-potsdam.de. The questions marks will be deleted and numbers be replaced when the revised NMSOP-2 items are uploaded. Terms in this glossary may be encountered when reading literature in seismological observatory practice, earthquake and engineering seismology and related fields. The purpose of the glossary is to provide a short definition and/or a starting point for readers to learn more from cited references. Although rather extensive, this glossary is by no means complete. We 1 Glossary attempt to give commonly used definitions, understandable also for non-specialists. But readers should realize that terms may be differently defined in some literature. We avoid giving mathematical formulas (except for a small number of cases). For key formulas in seismology we refer to Yehuda Ben-Zion (2003) as well as to Aki and Richards (2002 and 2009). When compiling the above mentioned earlier main glossaries many earlier and widely scattered ones were consulted, such as glossaries published by the US Geological Survey (http://www.usgs.gov/), the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (http://www.mbmg.mtech.edu/), the International Data Center of the CTBTO (http://www.ctbto.org), and in addition several standard reference sources, including Aki and Richards (1980, 2002 and 2009), Ben-Menahem and Singh (2000), Bormann (2002), Clark (1966), EERI (1989), Hancock and Skinner (2000), Jackson (1997), James and James (1976), Lee and Stewart (1981), Lide (2002), Meyers (2002), Naeim (2001), Richter (1958), Runcorn (1967), Sigurdsson (2000), USGS Photo Glossary (2002), and Yeats et al. (1997). Some glossary terms and texts have also been contributed by chapter/section/entry authors of this Manual, amongst them J. Schweitzer, T. Diehl, and L. Kueperkoch as well as by authors of the International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (eds. Lee et al., 2002 and 2003) and of the BSSA special issue on rotational seismology (ed. Lee, 2009), amongst them (for the latter) R. DeSalvo, J. R. Evans, E. F. Grekova, C. R. Hutt, H. Igel, C. A. Langston, B. Lantz, E. Majewski, R. Nigbor, J. Pujol, P. Spudich, R. Teisseyre, M. D. Trifunac, R. J. Twiss, and Z. Zembaty. Further terms and/or suggestions for revisions were provided by R. Adams, J. Anderson, J. Andrews, Y. Ben-Zion, M.G. Bonilla, D. Boore, K. Campbell, Ch. Chapman, C.B. Crouse, A. Curtis, A. Douglas, L. Esteva, B. Hall, D. Hill, B. Hutt, P. Irwin, K.-H. Jäckel, R. Jeanloz, P. Jennings, R. Kind, C. Kisslinger, O. Kulhanek, A. McGarr, C. Prodehl, H. Sato, J. Savage, J. Schweitzer, A. Snoke, K. Suyehiro, B. Tilling, and S. Uyeda. More names may be added here with future entries. Nevertheless, words of caution are required at this point. Although precise definitions are critical for fostering collaboration and reducing misunderstanding between different disciplines, there are no unique definitions of terms. Every scientific field seems to develop its own “jargon” that is sometimes difficult for outsiders to understand. Even within a given field, different authors often define technical terms differently, or a given term has different usage. This is particularly the case in rapidly developing new fields such as rotational seismology. Therefore, the compilers tried to use a usage that they judged to be “common”, or to indicate different meanings of the same term in different fields of Earth or technical sciences and sometimes by providing references to alternative and more specialized sources. With respect to rotational seismology these are especially the tutorials by Peters (2009), Pujol (2009), Teisseyre (2009), and Zembaty (2009a), and the review by Trifunac (2009). Evans et al. (2010) describe notation conventions for rotational seismology, while Grekova and Lee (2009) provide suggested readings in continuum mechanics (including elasticity theories), and earthquake seismology. 2 Glossary 2 Glossary terms A aa A common type of lava flow composed of a jumble of lava blocks, with a rough, jagged, spiny, and generally clinkery or slaggy surface. Of Hawaiian origin, the term aa is applied to similar lava flows at other volcanoes (see clinkers). ascausal filter See zero-phase filter. acausal signal Output signal that exists also for times prior to the application of an input signal, a non-physical phenomenon of digital data processing. acceleration When an object, e.g., a car, changes its speed from one speed to another, it is accelerating (moving faster) or decelerating (moving slower). This change in velocity is called acceleration. In seismology this term specifically means the rate of change of ground motion particle velocity per unit time when the ground is shaking due to an earthquake or another kind of seismic source process. The peak acceleration is the largest acceleration recorded by a particular station during an earthquake. In strong- motion seismology the ground acceleration is commonly expressed as a fraction or percentage of the acceleration due to gravity (g) where g = 981 cm/s². For the strongest earthquakes ground accelerations of more than 1.5 g have been recorded. Since the weight of an object, e.g., of a building, is equal to its mass multiplied by the gravity g the additional acceleration due to ground shaking causes an extra load. This extra load may exceed the strength of the building and may cause damage or collapse. accelerogram A record (time history) of ground acceleration as a function of time produced by an accelerograph during a seismic event. accelerograph A compact, rugged, and relatively inexpensive seismograph designed to record the signal from an accelerometer, especially of strong ground shaking on ground or in structures, caused by nearby large earthquakes (see, e.g., Trifunac, 2008). Film used to be the most common analog recording medium. Modern accelerographs, however, record digitally with much larger dynamic range. Whereas a traditional strong-motion accelerograph begins recording when the motion exceeds a certain specified trigger level, at present, some seismic networks record acceleration within a large dynamic range continuously. 3 Glossary accelerometer: A sensor or transducer that converts acceleration of its base into an analog trace or electrical signal. The acceleration signal is normally obtained from the feedback current necessary to maintain an inertial sensor at its mechanical zero point. As in a linear actuator the current is equal to the applied force, this current is proportional to the acceleration within the bandwidth limits of the feedback. Outside the band the acceleration can still be extracted from the position signal, normally through a complicated transfer function. Accelerometers may be enclosed within a self-contained accelerograph, but for studies of structural response they can be located remotely, with their signals being transmitted to a central recorder. Unless otherwise specified, an accelerometer measures translational acceleration. However, accelerometers are also sensitive to rotational ground motions. acceptable risk The probability associated with a social or economic consequence of an earthquake that is low enough (in comparison with other
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