May 1997 LOCAL COHOMOLOGY IN FIELD THEORY with applications to the Einstein equations C. G. Torre Department of Physics Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4415, USA
[email protected] arXiv:hep-th/9706092v1 12 Jun 1997 This is an introductory survey of the theory of p-form conservation laws in field theory. It is based upon a series of lectures given at the Second Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics held in Tlaxcala, Mexico from December 1–7, 1996. Proceedings available online at 1. Introduction. In these lectures I will provide a survey of some aspects of the theory of local coho- mology in field theory and provide some illustrative applications, primarily taken from the Einstein equations of the general theory of relativity. There are many facets to this branch of mathematical physics, and I will only concentrate on a relatively small portion of the subject. A sample of some of the recent literature on the subject can be found in [1]. For the purposes of these lectures I will restrict the development of local cohomology to the theory of p-form conservation laws for field equations. This theory can be considered to be a generalization of Noether’s theory of conserved currents to differential forms of any degree. Rather than presenting the theory in its full generality, I will illustrate each point via examples taken from relativistic field theory, with the principal example being the vacuum Einstein equations. In so doing I will summarize the results of a classification of all p-form conservation laws that can be locally constructed from an Einstein metric and its derivatives to any finite order [2].