+25 Shape, Connect, Implement WISTA
We support you with our long-standing WISTA expertise as well as offering consulting, workshops, and other services tailored WISTA WISTA Management GmbH (WISTA) Business to fit your company’s needs. we get ideas done and its subsidiaries take on a broad Support Our network will help you access expe- and diverse range of tasks and services rienced industrial companies as well across four locations across Berlin as the products and services created by (Adlershof, Charlottenburg, Dahlem, innovative start-ups. Berlin South East). WISTA is a committed technology park developer and operator, successful business promoter, and experienced Events networker. WISTA.Plan WISTA.Plan GmbH is an urban developer and trustee of the State of Berlin. It has extensive expertise regarding planning, developing, and marketing state-owned Our event service boasts many exciting properties. Shape, venues that create unforgettable moments. WISTA.Service connect, You will experience conventions, conferences, The portfolio of WISTA.Service GmbH or parties in extraordinary venues surroun- contains the whole spectrum of facility implement ded by impressive architecture. Our team of management services. In addition to professionals will make sure your event will managing buildings of WISTA Manage- be nothing short of excellent. ment GmbH, the company manages those of many private owners in Adlershof and WISTA conventions plans and organises other locations all over Berlin. It is events at venues that breathe innovation. eligible for in-house procurement by public clients. +25 140 Our high-technology locations are the product of a dense network of years of technology experience leaders innovative companies as well as university-based and non-university research institutions, where we support new businesses, let out state-of-the-art offices, labs, and manufacturing spaces in attractive Establishing, start-up centres, and provide companies and project developers with renting, space to grow.
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