The Greek Anthology

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The Greek Anthology Iprescntct) to of tbc iJlntverait^ of Toronto bB Bertram 1R. 2)avi6 from tbc books of tbe late Xionel 2)avi6, Ik.C. THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY EDITED BY E. CAPPS, Ph.D., LL.D. T. E. PAGE, Litt.D. W, H. D. ROUSa, Lirr.D, THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY II THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. Volume I. CHRISTIAN EPIGRAMS. CHRISTODORUS OF THEBES IN EGYPT. THE CYZICENB EPIGRAMS. THE PROEMS OF THE DIFFERENT AN- THOLOGIES. THE AMATORY EPIGRAMS. THE DJiDICATORY EPIGRAMS. Volume III. THE DECLAMATORY EPIGRAMS. Volume IV. THE HORTATORY AND ADMONITORY EPIGRAMS. THE CONVIVIAL AND SATIRICAL EPI- GRAMS. STRATO'S MU:<A P DERI LIS. Volume V. EPIGRAMS IN VARIOUS METRES. ARITHMETICAL PROBLEMS, RIDDLES ORACLES. ' MISCELLANEA. EPIGRAMS OF THE PLANUDEAN ANTHO- LOGY NOT IN THE PALATINE MANU- SCRIPT. THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY W. R. PATON IN FIVE VOLUMES II LONDON : WILLIAM HEINEMANN NEW YORK : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS MOMXIX First printed 1917. Reprinted 1919. CONTENTS PAGE BOOK VII. —SEPULCHRAL EPIGRAMS 1 BOOK VIII. —THE EPIGRAMS OF SAINT GREGORY THE THEOLOGIAN 399 GENERAL INDEX . , 509 INDEX OF AUTHORS INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME . 515 GREEK ANTHOLOGY BOOK VII SEPULCHRAL EPIGRAMS The genuine epitaphs (tliose actually engraved on tomb- stones) in this collection are comparatively few in number. It would be easy to draw up a list of them, but I refrain from this, as there are too many doubtful cases. Those on celebrities are of course all poetical exercises in the form of on epitaphs, but a considerable number of those unknown the persons are doubtless the same. In order to appreciate (ireek sepulchral epigram as it was, we should have a selection of those actually preserved on stones. Cephalas has introduced a few copied from stones (330-335, 340, 346), but Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias drew, of course, from literary and not epigraphical sources in forming their anthologies. Nothing can be less certain than the attributions to the elder poets (Anacreon, Simonides, etc.) in this book: we may be sure that, while they published their lyrics, they did of occasional so that the not publish collections epigrams ; latter are attributed to them merely by hearsay and guess- work. The authorsliip of the few epigrams (some very beautiful) attributed to Plato is now a matter of dispute, but I think we have no right to deny it, as they are very short and would have survived in memory. The attributions to later writers are doubtless in the main correct—the epigrams of Theocritus being included in MSS. of his works, and derived from such a MS. and not from Meleager, who does not, curiously enough, mention him in his Proem. Here, as in Book VI, continuous portions of the three chief sources are the exception. Nos. 1-150, epigrams on of famous men (chiefly poets and philosophers), could not course comprise any such. Overlooking shorter fragments, Nos. 194-203,1 207-212, 246-273, 296-303, 314-318, 406-529, 535-541, 646-655, 707-740 are from Meleager's Wreath, 183-188, 233-240, 364-405, 622-645, 699-703 are from that of of Philippus, and 551-614 from the Cycle Agathias. Nos. 681-6S8 are by Palladas. 1 All ou animals, but in the alphabetical order of the first letters, like the fragments of Philippus' Wreath. VOL. 11. B ANGOAOriA z EnirPAMMATA EHITTMBIA 1.—AAKAIOT ME^SHNIOT 'Hpcocov Tov aoLhov"\(p evL TralSe^'O/u.tjpov t]Ka')(ov, e/c ^lovaewv yp2(f)ov v(})7]vdfi6i>oi' ve/crapi S' elvoKiai '^rjpiylhe'i i'^piaavTO, Kol veKVV uKTairj dtjKav vtto aTTiXaSi, oTTi (Bertv KvSrjve koI v'lea, koI [xoOov aWcov ypcowv, ^lOaKov t epy/Mara AapTiuSeco. oX^LCTTT) vrjacov 'irovTcp "J09, otti KCKevOe ^at.7] ^iov(xd(ov darepa Kol xs^aplrcov. 2.—ANTinATPOT SIAHNIOT Tav fxepoTTcov TleLOoOy to pue'^/a aropa, rav Xaa Moycra/9 (pOey^afievav Ke(f)a\dv, w ^eve, ^laiovLSeco aS' eXa')(ov vacriTi<i "lov a7n\d<i- ov yap ev aAXa iepov, aK}C ev epuoL, irvevpia Oavcov eXcirev, ' The riddle which HQmer, according to the storj^, couhl 2 GREEK ANTHOLOGY BOOK VII SEPULCHRAL EPIGRAMS L—ALCAEUS OF MESSENE 0)1 Homer ^ In Ios the boys, weaving a riddle at the bidding of the Muses, vexed to death Homer the singer of the heroes. And the Nereids of the sea anointed him with nectar and laid him dead under the rock on he Thetis and her son the shore ; because glorified «nd the battle-din of the other heroes and the deeds of Odysseus of Ithaca. Blessed among the islands in the sea is los, for small though she be, she covers the star of the Muses and Graces. 2.~ANTIPATER OF SI DON On the Same O STRANGER, it is granted to me, this island rock of los, to hold Maeonides, the Persuader of men, the Muses. For in mighty-voiced, who sang even as the no other island but in me did he leave, when he died, the holy breath with which he told of the almighty " what did not not guess was : What we caught we left, we catch we bring," i.e. lice. 3 h -2 GREEK ANTHOLOGY 5 (b vevfia KpoviSao to 7ra'yH:paTe<i, m koI "OXv/mttov Kal rav AiavTO<; vavfuiyov el-rre IBiav, xal TOP 'A^^tXXetotis ^apaa'\[aiv"FjKTopa irdiiKoL'i oarea AapSaviKO) ^pviTTOfjievov TreSUp. el S' oXlya KpvTVTU) rov toKlkov, XaQ^ on KevOet KoX (deTi8o<; jafierav d (3pa')(y^(aKo<i "I«09. 10 2 B.—AAAO El KoX ^ai,o<i 6 Ty/i/3o9, ohotrrope, firj pie irapeXOrj^;, aXka KaracTTtelaaf;, laa Oeolai oejSov TOP yap ULeplSeacTt reripbevov e^ox^ Moycrat? iroLrjTi-jv iirecov 6€?ov"0p,i]pov e^&>. :l—AAHAON 'Ef^aSc rr]v leprjv Ke^akrjv Kara yaia KoKinnei, avhpoiv rjpoocop Koapbrjropa, delov' OpLiiipov. 4.—nATAOT XIAENTIAPIOT 'Ei^^aSe Yliepihcov to cro(f)OV (TTOfxa, Oelov "Ofirjpov, K\€ivo<i iir^ dy)(^La\(p ti^/x/9o? e^ei (TKOireXcp. el S" oXiyt] yeyavla roaov ^(^dZev dvepa in](T0^, co piT] ToSe 0af.i/3y<Tr]<i, ^eve, hepKopievo^' Kol yap dXrjTevovcTa KacnyviyrT] Trore Ai/Xo? 6 pbrjTpo<i diT doBivcov Se^aro Ar)rotB)]v. BOOK VII. 2-4 nod of Zeus, and of Olympus, and of the strength of his of Ajax fighting for the ships, and Hector fiesh stripped from his bones by the Thessahan horses of Achilles that dragged him over the plain of Troy. If thou marvellest that I who am so small cover so great a man, know that the spouse of Thetis like- wise lies in Ikos that hath but a few clods of earth. 2 B. —Anonymous On the Same \Vayfarer, though the tomb be small, pass me not venerate as by, but pour on me a libation, and me thou dost the gods. For I hold divine Homer the poet of the epic, honoured exceedingly by the Pierian Muses. 3. —Anonymous 0)1 the Same Here the earth covereth the sacred man, divine Homer, the marshaller of the heroes. 4.—PAULUS SILENTIARIUS On the Same Here the famous tomb on the rock by thfc sea holdeth divine Homer, the skilled mouth by which the Muses spoke. Wonder not, O stranger, as thou lookest, if so little an island can contain so great a man. For my sister Delos, while she wandered yet on the waves, received Apollo from his mother's womb. GREEK ANTHOLOGY 5.—A AHAON, ol 8€ c^arrlv AAKAIOT OvB' ei /le ^(^pvaeiov utto paiar'P]po<; "0/j,')]pov Otis' ovK eifji ecropat 'Sa\ap,ivio<;, ouS' 6 MeXr^ro? Ap-T]a-ajopov p,r} ravr opp^aatv 'EXAa? cSot. dWov TTOitjrrjv /3aaavl(^€T€- Tupa Se, Mouaat Kol ^LO'i, 'FjWtjvcov iratalv detaeT eTrrj. 6.—ANTinATPOT SIAONIOT 'Hpoicov KapvK apera^, p^aKtipcov Se 7rpo(f})]Tav, ' EjWcivcop /BiOTO, Bevrepov deXiov, Moucrcof (f)ejyo<;" O p,7]poi' , dyijpavrov aropa Kuapov Traj'TO?, dXippodla, ^elve, K€Kev6e k6vi<;. 7.—AAAO 'EvOdSe d€tO'i"Opr]po^, 09 'KXXdBa Trdaav aeiae, 8.—ANTIHATPOT ^lAHNIOT OvK6Ti OeXyopLei'a'i, 'Opcpeu, Spva<;, ovKert Trerpa? a^ei<i, ou drjpMv avTOvopou<i dyeXwi' ovKert Koipd(Tei<; dvepcov /3p6pov, ov')(l )(^dXa^av, ov vi(beTcov avpp.ov'i, ov Trarayevcrav oka. ^ To call himself yours. 2 This epigram is not meant to be sepulchral, but refers to 6 BOOK VII. 5-8 5. — Uncertain, by Some Attributed to ALCAEUS On the Same. Noj not even if ye set me. Homer, up all of beaten of I am not and gold in the burning lightning Zeus, will not be a Salaminian, I the son of Meles will not let not Greece look on be the son of Dmesagoras ; that. Tempt some other poet,i but it is thou, Chios, who with the Muses shalt sing my verses to the sons of Hellas.2 6.—ANTIPATER OF SIDON On the Same O STRANGER, the sea-bcat earth covers Homer, the herald of the heroes' valour, the spokesman of the the life of the the gods, a second sun to Greeks, light of the Muses, the mouth that groweth not old of the whole world. 7. —Anonymous On the Same Here is divine Homer, who sang of all Hellas, ^ born in Thebes of the hundred gates. 8.—ANTIPATER OF SIDON On the poet Orpheus, son of Oeagrus and Calliope No more, Orpheus, shalt thou lead t\\e charmed oaks and rocks and the shepherdless herds of wild beasts. No more shalt thou lull to sleep the howl- ing winds and the hail, and the drifting snow, and a statue of Homer at Salamis in Cyprus, one of the towns which claimed liis parentage.
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