Understanding the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
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AD-A54 764 UNDERSTANDING THE PLO (PALESTINE LIBERATION /3. ORGRNIZATION)(U) NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA M E MORRISON DEC 84 UNCLASSIFIEDI/I/I/Ill/Illu F/G 5/11 NL EIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IEEEIIIIIIIIIE llllllllmllllu EIIIIIIIIIIIII 1.8. I- .2522 136 MIROOPRSLUION. TETCHR NAIOA BUEUO-TNDRS16 Ln gNAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California .CTE SN12 1985 THESIS UNDERSTANDING THE PLO by Mark E. Morrison December 1984 * Thesis Advisor: J. A. Amos Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 85 ,52 1 O UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM I. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 14. TITLE (nd Subtitle) 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Master's Thesis; Understanding the PLO December 1984 S. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHOR(e) S. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(a) Mark E. Morrison 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT. TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Naval Postgraduate School December 1984 13. NUMBER Monterey, California 93943 223 OF PAGES 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME 4 ADDRESS(I diflerent from Controlling Office) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report) UNCLASSIFIED 1Sa. OECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE If. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of tis Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abetrct entered In Block 20, If different from Report) IS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES IS. KEY WORDS (Continue an tow*?&* sde if necessary mid identify by block number) PLO Palestine National Council Yasser Arafat Operational Code Palestinians Fedayeen 20. ABSTRACT (Coneimm n revered aide itnecessary aid Identify by block number) This thesis is concerned with giving a complete understanding of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The organization of the thesis emphasizes three important factors which help to explain what the PLO is, how it operates, and why it acts as it does: Organizational Structure, Environmental Constraints, and Belief Systems. The Organizational Structure section includes data on PLO organization including the Palestine National Council, Executive Committee, Central Council, Commando Groups, and the u ,~~UNCLASSIFIED 1473 EDiON OF NOV 61 ISOBSOLETE .. S/N 0102 LF 014- 6601 1 UCASFE SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When ate Enter*, UNCLASSI FIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE ("hon Data Entered) - medical, educational, trade unions, cultural, and social insti- tutions. The section concerning the Environmental Constraints deals with the various PLO leaders, PLO ideology, strategy, military, and economic history. The Belief System section consists of an Operational Code of the PLO as an institutional .- entity. After developing all three factors the thesis gives 0 three examples of recent PLO behavior. By understanding the factors of Organzational Structure, Environmental Constraint, and Belief Systems one can more easily and logically comprehend - how these factors operate to influence the behavior of the PLO and its leaders. Ac"oesion For NTIS GRA&Z DTIC TAB Unannounced tu f i c a o - Distribut ion/ Availability Codes 4 e \@ JAvail and/or AV All_Dist Special . o **~**~- -.. .. • , S N 0102- LF. 014. 6601 UNCLASSIFIED 2 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEtanU Data Eft0?9d) . .,. ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with giving a complete under- standing of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The organization of the thesis emphasizes three important factors which help to explain what the PLO is, how it operates, and why it acts as it does: Organizational Structure, Environ- mental Constraints, and Belief Systems. The Organizational >. Structure section includes data on PLO organization including the Palestine National Council, Executive Committee, Central Council, Commando Groups, and the medical, educational, trade unions,, cultural, and social institutions. The section con- cerning the Environmental Constraints deals with the various PLO leaders, PLO ideology, strategy, military, and economic history. The Belief System section consists of an Operational Code of the PLO as an institutional entity. After developing all three factors the thesis gives three examples of recent PLO behavior. By understanding the factors of Organizational Structure, Environmental Constraint, and Belief Systems one can more easily and logically comprehend how these factors operate to influence the behavior of the PLO and its leaders.i 4 a' TABLE OF CONTENTS * . INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------- 8 A. BACKGROUND----------------------------------------- 8 B. OVERVIEW-------------------------------------------- 12 I. ORGANIZATION ----------- ------------------------ 17 A. INTRODUCTION-------------------------------------- 17 B. RESISTANCE GROUPS--------------------------------- 17 0 1. Fatah------------------------------------------ 18 2. Popular Fronts-------------------------------- 26 3. Arab-Sponsored Groups-------------------------- 31 4. Other Groups---------------------------------- 34 C. PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION------------------35 1. PNC-------------------------------------------- 36 2. PNC #1----------------------------------------- 37 3. PNC #2-----------------------------------------37 4. PNC #3----------------------------------------- 38 S. PNC #4----------------------------------------- 38 6. PNC#5----------------------------------------- 3 7. PNC #6----------------------------------------- 40 8. PNC #7----------------------------------------- 41 9. PNC Extraordinary Session---------------------- 41 10. PNC #8----------------------------------------- 41 PNC ---9 --------- --- --- --- ---- --- - 4 12. PNC #9----------------------------------------- 42 5 13. PNC #11--------------------------------------- 43 14. PNC #12--------------------------------------- 43 15. PNC #13--------------------------------------- 44 16. PNC #14--------------------------------------- 45 17. PNC #15--------------------------------------- 45 18. PNC #16--------------------------------------- 46 D. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS------------------------------- 49 1. Palestine Red Crecent Society------------------ 49 2. Institution for Social Affairs and Welfare for the Martyrs' and Prisoners' Families ---- 51 3. Arts and Culture------------------------------ 53 4. Popular Organizations-------------------------5S6 III. LEADERSHIP---------------------------------------------5S9 A. YASIR ARAFAT--------------------------------------- 59 B. GEORGE HABASH--------------------------------------- 63 C. NAYIF HAWATMEH------------------------------------- 67 IV. IDEOLOGY----------------------------------------------- 70 A. FATAH---------------------------------------------- 70 B. POPULAR FRONTS------------------------------------- 77 1. PFLP------------------------------------------- 77 2. DFLP------------------------------------------- 81 3. PFLP-GC---------------------------------------- 82 V. MILITARY STRATEGY-------------------------------------- 83 A. ORGANIZATION--------------------------------------- 83 B. RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING-------------------------- 89 C. DOCTRINE------------------------------------------- 94 6 I VI. OPERATIONAL CODE OF THE PLO ----------------------- 97 A. PHILOSOPHICAL BELIEFS ------------------------- 102 B. INSTRUMENTAL BELIEFS -------------------------- 111 VII. MILITARY AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT ---------------------- 123 A. MILITARY ARMS TRANSFERS ----------------------- 124 1. Types/Amounts of Arms --------------------- 125 2. Sources of Arms --------------------------- 129 3. Arms Delivery ----------------------------- 133 B. FINANCIAL AID --------------------------------- 135 1. Sources of Aid ---------------------------- 135 2. Financial Expenditures -------------------- 139 VIII. THE PLO AS AN INTERNATIONAL ACTOR ----------------- 145 A. INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTACTS --------------------- 146 B. DIPLOMATIC RECOGNITION ------------------------ 149 C. MEDIATION EFFORTS ----------------------------- 153 D. CONCLUSIONS ----------------------------------- 156 APPENDIX A THE PALESTINE NATIONAL CHARTER OF 1964 ------- 163 APPENDIX B THE PALESTINE NATIONAL CHARTER OF 1968 ------- 170 APPENDIX C 1983 PNC POLITICAL STATEMENT ----------------- 175 APPENDIX D MILITARY EQUIPMENT --------------------------- 183 APPENDIX E FINANCIAL AID -------------------------------- 188 APPENDIX F INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTACTS ------------------- 191 APPENDIX G DIPLOMATIC RECOGNITION------------------------- 195 APPENDIX H SESSIONS OF THE PALESTINE NATIONAL COUNCIL --- 198 ENDNOTES ------------------------------------------------- 205 BIBLIOGRAPHY------------------------------------------------ 219 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST---------------------------------- 222 .................. ......... .. 29.- . .°" ,. , INITIAL................................................... 7 I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND At the time of the 1948 emergence of the state of Israel the Palestinian Arabs were hopelessly disorganized and even faced serious internal divisions. The two traditionally prominent families, the al-Husseini and Nashashibi clans, each attracted Palestinian Arabs. The former favoring military S opposition to the Jewish immigrants and the British overseers, the latter choosing to work with the British and Jews in trying to effect an agreement along the lines of the 1947 U.N. Partition resolution. One member of the