'Bring Troops Home Now!'

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'Bring Troops Home Now!' workers.org Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! OCT. 6, 2005 VOL. 47, NO. 39 50¢ Líder sindical asesinado FBI terror attack en Colombia 12 Monopolio imperialista de la tecnología 12 in Puerto Rico Snipers gun down independence hero, provoking anti-colonial outcry By Tom Soto Rosado and himself, leaving one FBI agent San Juan, Puerto Rico wounded. iHONOR ROSA PARKSi On Sept. 23, as hundreds of workers and Rosado speaks to media DEC. 1 STRIKE their families were participating in the annual Elma Beatriz Rosado addressed the media against racism, poverty pro-independence commemoration known on Sept. 26. As she did, the body of her hus- and war 10 as “El Grito de Lares,” agents of the Federal band was being viewed by thousands of sup- Bureau of Investigation descended on the porters gathered at the Ateneo town of Hormigueros in western Puerto Rico Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican Literary and fired the shots that killed Puerto Rican lib- Society) and later at the Colegio de Abogados eration hero Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. (College of Attorneys) in San Juan. HURRICANE RITA El Grito de Lares—The Cry of Lares—marks “My husband Filiberto, fearing for my life, Evacuation plan the historic 1868 uprising carried out by peas- urged me to leave,” Rosado said. “He yelled ants and workers against Spanish colonial out to the agents, ‘Someone is coming out, 3 stuck in traffic rule. This rebellion is considered the birth of someone is coming out.’ We kissed and the Puerto Rican nation. hugged. ... When I finally came out of the FBI agents armed with helicopters, military house ... they attempted to force me to kneel. vehicles and machine guns, and sharpshoot- When I refused, they threw me to the ground, ers carrying sniper rifles—aided by the Police WW PHOTO: DEIRDRE GRISWOLD pinning me with their knees, forcing my MUMIA of Puerto Rico, who closed off regional roads New York, Sept. 26. hands behind my back and handcuffing me. and streets leading to the rural municipality of Hormigueros—all “After an extended period, they blindfolded my eyes, and it on KATRINA surrounded the home of 72-year-old Filiberto Ojeda Ríos and was then, at that moment that I felt in my heart and knew that Of race & Elma Beatriz Rosado, his wife. they were going to execute him. ... When I was finally taken nature’s wrath Ojeda was the leader of the Ejercito Popular Boricua— away, Filiberto was alive ... He told the FBI he was willing to Los Macheteros (Popular Army of the People—The Cane Cutters). turn himself over to reporter Jesus Dávila. ... The FBI lies. They 2 At 4:30 p.m., in a military-type assault, the FBI crashed murdered him. through the property’s entrance fence, firing over 100 rounds, “It was not until the next day, in the afternoon, when I was which struck the front of the farmhouse. Ojeda defended Continued on page 11 HAITI 300,000 surround White House, say TRIBUNAL ‘BRING TROOPS HOME NOW!’ Exposes WW PHOTO: G. DUNKEL WW PHOTO: U.S./UN bloody occupation 8 PHILIPPINES REPORT Bansa Moro struggle 9 SUBSCRIBE TO WORKERS WORLD Trial subscription: $2 for 8 weeks One year subscription: $25 NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP EMAIL PHONE WORKERS WORLD NEWSPAPER 55 W. 17 St. NY, NY 10011 212-627-2994 WW PHOTO: LIZ GREEN www.workers.org The Bush administration's criminal response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster fueled the anger already high over the Iraq war. Washington, DC., Sept. 24. See page 5. Page 2 Oct. 6, 2005 www.workers.org From Mumia Abu-Jamal on death row and federal prisons are swelling with millions blamed and punished under scores of new laws that they’ve passed. They started a war Of race based on blaming a nation’s president for stor- ing “weapons of mass destruction!” And what is war, after all, but blame writ large? Blaming In the U.S. and nature’s another country — an entire country — for cer- Mumia Abu-Jamal: Of race & nature’s wrath . 2 tain wrongdoings? Hurricane Rita exposes capitalists’ lack of planning. 3 Yet they bellow, “Now is not the time for Black colleges struggle to reopen . 3 the Blame Game.” wrath Why New York City teachers are angry . 4 Rapper Kanye West, in a crystal-clear n the aftermath of the horror of Hurricane Katrina, moment of emotion evoked by the harrowing pictures Anti-war rally at AFL-CIO building . 4 voices of anger and outrage are heard throughout flashed of Black and poor misery in New Orleans, said, On the picket line. 4 the land, and just as quickly comes the chastise- “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people.” 300,000 march on White House . 5 ment of the media censors, who rush to the fore to Networks cut his live feed, and promised to tape Thousands march in West Coast protests . 7 criticize and condemn those who dare to speak truth upcoming appearances to insure that they could edit Ito the Naked Emperor. out any other unapproved utterances that might Around the world Indeed, the central government has approved this embarrass the Emperor. FBI terror attack in Puerto Rico . 1 message, saying with almost one voice, “Now is not And yet ... who among us can imagine a flood in say, Int’l Tribunal on Haiti . 8 the time for the Blame Game.” Boston, where thousands were imperiled, and the gov- Aristide’s message to New Orleans . 8 This government and media incest reminds me of ernment waiting four days to give succor to anguished Women demand freedom for Cuban 5. 8 other occasions when it was considered “bad form” to white faces? Cuba slams U.S. decision to harbor terrorist Posada . 8 criticize the political (mis)leaders. The faces of New Orleans, their suffering, their Report from Philippines . 9 When a Black mayor of Philadelphia gave the go- squalor, their loss, could just as easily have been seen Solidarity protests around the world . 9 ahead to police to bomb the MOVE house in 1985, he in Haiti, in Rwanda, in Cambodia, and yet we are to accepted “full responsibility” but none of the blame. act as if they were cared for by the national and state Eleven men, women and children were shot, torn apart governments. Editorials and burned to death, but no one was to blame (except They didn’t give a damn. A cowardly assassination . 10 Ramona Africa, who was sent to prison for seven years, The hurried photo ops of Bush holding Black babies for surviving). showed a man about as comfortable as a klansman at Noticias En Español When 9/11 struck and thousands of people died, the Million Man March! Otro líder sindical asesinado en Colombia . 12 name one political leader who was fired. Ask the average Nigerian what he saw on TV. Ask the Indeed, when an FBI agent emerged to report that average Brit what she saw on the telly. Presidente Iraní denuncia ‘apartheid nuclear’ . 12 she had, indeed, provided tips to her superiors about They saw the dark and anguished faces, sprinkled people who were possibly involved in domestic terror- with other poor Hispanics, Vietnamese, and whites, WW CALENDAR ism, she was targeted. staring out from eyes of emptiness. Now, when political leaders sat back for almost a They saw the dark side of “the ownership society”: NEW YORK. Sat., Oct. 22 week, while people drowned, died from starvation, the society of people who owned nothing. Workers World Newspaper Public fell dead from chronic illnesses, or were tossed into They saw America, without its makeup, and mask. Fri., Sept. 30 Forum: Forging a United Front They saw a mirror of themselves, and wondered, if Workers World Party meeting. between the Black liberation, the dark warrens of the New Orleans Superdome to WWP speakers John Ramirez & workers' and anti-imperialist live or die, it isn’t time for blame! only for a minute, is this where we want to go? Arturo Pérez Saad will address the struggles; Assessing the Millions Since when have you seen any member of the This government didn’t start, a week ago, not caring significance of the FBI assassina- More Movement. See ad on this national leadership *not* blame people, for not living about the poor; for what else is the obsessive raid tion of Puerto Rican nationalist page for more information, includ- leader Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. 7 p.m. ing list of panelists. 3 p.m. At up to their ‘standards’ of so-called morality? The state against Social Security, but an attack on the poor? (Dinner at 6:30) At 55 W. 17 St., New School, 66 W. 12 St., 5th Fl., Manhattan. For info (212) Manhattan. 627-2994. A WORKERS WORLD NEWSPAPER PUBLIC FORUM Every Friday In Cooperation with the New School Student Human Rights Group Workers World Party meeting. Come hear Marxist analyses and lively discussion of world events and working class struggles. 7 KATRINA: A Challenge to the Movement pm. (Dinner at 6:30) At 55 W. 17 St., 5th Fl., Manhattan. For info (212) 627-2994. Forging A United Front Workers World 55 West 17 Street between the New York, N.Y. 10011 Phone: (212) 627-2994 BLACK LIBERATION, WORKERS’ Fax: (212) 675-7869 E-mail: [email protected] AND ANTI-IMPERIALIST Web: www.workers.org Vol. 47, No. 39 • Oct. 6, 2005 STRUGGLES Closing date: Sept. 28, 2005 Editor: Deirdre Griswold ASSESSING THE MILLIONS MORE MOVEMENT Technical Editor: Lal Roohk Hurricane Katrina, which the Million Worker Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell, March Movement has labeled the Black Na- Saturday OCTOBER 22 3 pm Leslie Feinberg, Monica Moorehead, Gary Wilson West Coast Editor: John Parker tion’s 9/11, has exposed the true nature of NEW SCHOOL 66 WEST 12TH STREET NYC capitalism.
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