Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Wascher, Dirk Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail(s)


Date of birth


Work experience

Dates 2001 - current Occupation or position held Senior-researcher and Lecturer Food Planning, Sustainable Development & Land Use Main activities and responsibilities Lecturing university classes (2010) . Climate Change impact on land use and Sustainable Design Solutions at University of Michigan . Graduate class in Landscape Architecture and Planning at Wageningen University . Design Studio on metropolitan landscape planning (agricultural landscapes of Almere- East) . Lectures on international aspects of landscape architecture

Project coordination, e.g.: . Metropolitan Solutions: Development Index sustainable regional food provision (2015- 2016) . Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions FOODMETRES ( , FP7 KBBE Food Collaborative Proejct (2012-2015) . Biomass for Climate - A Biomass Infrastructure and Innovation Strategy for a Climate- Smart Agro-Food Sector(B4C) KIC project (2013 – 2015) . Rotterdam Food Cluster – developing a future perspective for the Rotterdam Agro-Food Sector (2013 – 2015) . Transforum project ‘Vision, Assessment and Design for Sustainable Metropolitan Agriculture’ SUSMETRO (2008-2010) . EU 7th Framework Programme Project Geoland2 – Landscape Indicators based on EO- Data (2008-2012). . Biodiversity values of landscape types – Farmland Birds, LUCAS and LANDMAP2 assessment for WOT (2009)

Recent projects: . Development of a Leisurescape Map of Europe depicting recreational landscapes in the context of land use change scenarios (input ot Triënnale van Apeldoorn) . EU Integrated Project Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions (SENSOR), Leader of Module 3 on Regional Sustainability Problems, Risks and Thresholds (2004 – 2009) . EU Project European Landscape Character Assessment Initiative, ELCAI (2002-2005); . Benchmark Studies on landscape planning mechanisms between , England and The Netherlands (2009) Name and address of employer Alterra Green World Research, Landscape Centre, Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB, Wageningen,

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Dates June 2010 – June 2014 Occupation or position held Policy Research Fellow on Sustainability Impact Analysis Main activities and responsibilities Applications of tools for Sustainability Impact Assessments in particular for the spatial modelling of the impacts of planned policies. The studies are undertaken within the Network of Excellence (NoE) LIAISE in which both Alterra as well as Freie Universität play a coordinating role. Activities include: . Analysis of the Policy-Science Interface at the level of the European Commission with regard to the use and development of Sustainability Impact Assessment tools for the preparation and design of policies. . Development of a user-friendly Toolbox to facilitate impact assessment for researchers as well as policy makers at the European and national level, . Implementation of case studies in the field of resource efficiency at both the European and national level. Name and address of employer Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) at the Freie Universität Berlin Type of business or sector Research and Policy Support

Type of business or sector Teaching

Dates 2006 (Sept. – Dec.) Occupation or position held Guest Professor for Sustainable Design Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer for MLA Course on “Landscape Analysis and Planning”, including Studio Lab on GIS Applications (4 credits) Lecturer of Seminar “Landscapes in Transition: International Perspectives for Policy, Research and Planning (2 credits) Name and address of employer School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Type of business or sector Teaching

Dates 1994-2001 Occupation or position held Senior Programme Coordinator Biodiversity and Landscapes Main activities and responsibilities coordination of projects in the framework of the European Environment Agency, Council of Europe and European Commission in the field of biodiversity, landscapes and agri-environment;

Name and address of employer European Centre for Nature Conservation, Reitseplein 3; 5037 AA Tilburg, The Netherlands Type of business or sector Consultancy, Policy Support and Research Project Coordination

Dates 1991-1994 Occupation or position held Research Consultant Main activities and responsibilities . conceptual approach, coordination, and editing of the chapters "Landscapes", "Nature and Wildlife" and "Loss of Biodiversity" for the pan-European State of the Environment Report "The Dobris Assessment" in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the IUCN. . completion of the CORINE Biotope Programme, for extending the programme to the Central- and East European countries; . preparatory work for the establishment of an European Topic Center for "Nature Conservation"; Name and address of employer European Commission, DG Environment – Task Force for the EEA

Type of business or sector Environmental Reporting, Data Management and Institution/Capacity Building

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Dates 1985-87 & 1889-91 Occupation or position held Technical Officer Nature Conservation Main activities and responsibilities . preparatory planning for the designation of the National Park "Waddensea", integration of ecological criteria for the coastal projects at "Leybucht" and the (former) Dollart harbor project; . assessment and designation of nature preservation areas according to the legal principles and laws of Germany and Lower Saxony; . expert evaluation of specific plans of other administrative departments, use and implementation of the "impact principle" according to nature conservation legislation. Name and address of employer District Authority (Bezirksregierung) Weser-Ems, Dept. of Nature Preservation, , Germany Type of business or sector Legal-technical impact assessment and site designation

Education and training

Dates 1987-89 Principal subjects/Occupational skills Master's of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA., USA covered Areas of specialization: environmental planning, wildlife biology, ecosystems, wetland sciences, botany, geographic information systems, Thesis Title: The Role and Function of the Geographic Information System for the Management of Natural Resources in the National Park Service Name and type of organisation University of Washington, Seattle, WA., USA providing education and training

Dates 1994 Principal subjects/Occupational skills Engineering Diploma in Landscape and Nature Conservation covered Thesis Title: Analysis and Management of a Watershed Area Name and type of organisation Technical Collage, Department of Landscape Planning and Design, Osnabrück, Germany providing education and training

Dates 1968 -1976 Principal subjects/Occupational skills English, Spanish, History, Biology, Geography covered Name and type of organisation Gutenberg Gymnasium Mainz, Germany providing education and training Gymnasium Barmbek-Uhlenhorst, , Germany (Abitur)

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) German

Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent German Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Dutch Good Good Good Good Good French Basic Basic Good Basic Basic Spanish Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

Social skills and competences networking, contacting, representation, presentations,

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Organisational skills Communication, organisation of events and programmes, design skills

Technical skills and competences Office software: MS word, Excell, Access, GIS Software: Basic ArcGIS, Arcview

Other skills and competences Editor of the ‘Journal for Nature Conservation’ (Elsevier)

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Publications Wascher, D., Jeurissen, L., Jansma, J.-E. and van Eupen, M. 2015. An Ecological Footprint-based Spatial Zoning Approach for Sustainable Metropolitan Agro-Food Systems. In: Springer Book Series – Urban Agriculture: Toward sustainable agricultural-urban relations: innovation, integration, governance. Chapter 4. (in press) Wascher, D., van Eupen, M., Corsi, S., Sali, G. and Zasada, I. 2015. Metropolitan Foodsheds as Spatial References for a Landscape-Based Assessment of Regional Food Supply. In: Cambridge Scholars Publication (in press) Bournaris, T., Moulogianni, C., Arampatzis, S., Kiomourtzi, F., Wascher, D.M. and Manos, B. 2016. A knowledge brokerage approach for assessing the impacts of the setting up young farmers policy measure in Greece. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 57 (2016) 159–166 Wascher, D.M., van Asselt, E.D., Fels-Klerx, H. J. van der, Jeurissen, L. 2015. Food Safety Strategies for Metropolitan Regions. In: Adjacent Government (Aug 2015) Wascher et al. 2015. Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions. In: Parliament Magazine (June 2015) Wascher, D., Sanders, J., Annevelink, B., Elbersen, B. and van den Berg, N. 2015. Food Cluster Rotterdam – A Living Lab for Developing a Metropolitan Bio-Economy; In: Adjacent Government (Nov 2015) Wascher, D., Pintar, M., Doernberg, A., Groot, J., Jeurissen, L. Piorr, A., Glavan,M. Istenič- Černič, M., Schmutz, U., Kneafsey, M., Bos, Venn, L., Mbatia, T., Sali, G., Corsi, S., Monaco, Simiyu, Owour, van Asselt, van der Fels, I., van Eupen, M. and Zasada, I.. 2015. FOODMETRES – Metropolitan food planning connecting the local with the global; In: Urban Agriculture Magazine Vol. 29, p. 41-44, (Aug 2015) Pintar, M., Doernberg, A., Wascher, D., Groot, J., Jeurissen, L. Piorr, A., Glavan,M. Istenič- Černič, M., Schmutz, U., Kneafsey, M., Bos, Venn, L., Mbatia, T., Sali, G., Corsi, S., Monaco, Simiyu, Owour, van Asselt, van der Fels, I., van Eupen, M. and Zasada, I.. 2015. The FOODMETRES project in the case studies from North to South. In: Urban Agriculture Magazine 29; pp. 45-47. (Aug 2015) Corsi, S., Mazzocchi, C., Sali, G., Moanco, F. and Wascher, D. 2015. L'analyse des systèmes alimentaires locaux des grandes métropoles. Proposition méthodologique à partir des cas de Milan et de Paris. In: Cahiers agricultures. 24(1):28-36 Wascher, D., Zasada, I. and Sali, G. 2015. Tools for Metropolitan Food Planning - a New View on the Food Security of Cities. In: Deakin, M., Diamantini, D. & Borelli, N. 2015. The Governance of City Food. Utopie 35 – Globalizzazione. Pages 68-100. Wascher, D., Kneafsey, M., Pintar, M. and Piorr, A. 2015. Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions – Synthesis Report. Wageningen UR publication

Paracchini M.L., Capitani C., A.M. Schmidt, E. Andersen, D.M. Wascher, P.J. Jones, R. Simoncini, S. Carvalho Ribeiro, G.H. Griffiths, S. R. Mortimer, L. Madeira, I. Ramos and T. Pinto Correia. 2012. Measuring societal awareness of the rural agrarian landscape: indicators and scale issues. Report from the Framework Contract Project FRAGARIA, Joint Research Centre, Italy. 150 pages

Sluis, T. van der, Jongman R., Bouwma, I. und Wascher, D.M., 2012.Ein europäischer Biotopverbund - Herausforderungen an den europäischen Kooperations- und Gestaltungswillen. In: Nature und Landschaft, 87. Jahrgang, Heft 9/10, Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn; pp 415-419

Wascher, D.M., 2012. SUSMETRO – ein Steuerungsinstrumentarium zur Erhöhung der Versorgungseffizienz metropolitaner Landschaften als Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit städtischer Ballungsräume. In: Heiland, S. & Demuth, B., 2012. Tagungsband der Veranstaltung ‚Landschaft 2030‘ des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Vilm in Zusammenarbeit mit der Technischen Universität Berlin

Jacob, K., Weiland, S., Ferretti. J., Wascher, D. & Chodorowska, D. 2011. Integrating the Environment in Regulatory Impact Assessments. OECD Report GOV/RPC(2011)8/FINAL, Paris, 57 pages

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Helming, K., K. Diehl, H. Bach, O. Dilly, B. König, T. Kuhlman, M. Perez-Soba, S. Sieber, P. Tabbush, K. Tscherning, D. Wascher, and H. Wiggering. 2011. Ex ante impact assessment of policies affecting land use, Part A: analytical framework. Ecology and Society 16(1): 27. .; 1 Tab.; 33 Refs.; 6 Annexes

Schröder, R., Wascher, D.M., Odell, S. and Smith, C. 2010. Comparing landscape planning in England, Germany and the Netherlands. Policy context and three case study plans. Alterra report 2040. WagenAlterra, Wageningen UR, 45 pages Wascher, D.M., Roos-Klein Lankhorst, J., Agricola, H. and de Jong, A. 2010. Impact Assessment Tools for Food Planning in Metropolitan Regions. Final Report from the SUSMETRO Project, TransForum, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 68 pages

Andersen, B.J. and Wascher, D.M. 2010. System Innovation as a Driving Force for Sustainable Dutch Metropolitan Agriculture. Landscape and Urban Planning (in press)

Mücher, C.A., Klijn, J.A., Wascher, D.W. and Schaminée, J.H.J. 2010. A new European Landscape Classification (LANMAP) – a transparent, flexible and user-oriented methodology to distinguish landscape. Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 87-103 (accepted)

Wascher, D.M., van Eupen, M., Mücher, C.A. & Geijzendorffer, I.R. 2010. Biodiversity of European agricultural landscapes; Enhancing a high nature value farmland indicator. Wageningen, Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment, WOt working document 195. 88 p.; 26 Figs

Kienast, F., Bolliger, J, Potschin, M, de Groot, R.S., Verburg, P.H., Heller, I., Wascher, D., and Haines-Young, R. 2009. Assessing landscape functions with broad-scale environmental data: insights gained from a prototype development for Europe, Environmental Management, Springer New York, ISSN: DOI 10.1007/s00267-009-9384-7

Wascher, D.M., Schuiling, R., Hazendonk, N. & Looise, B. 2008. Leisurescapes of Europe – Leisure and Recreation in European landscapes. Map and Methodology. In: Sijmons, D., Hazendonk, N., Hendriks, M. & Venema, H. 2008. Greetings from Europe – Landscape & Leisure. 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 192 pages.

Wascher, D.M., Pedroli, B. and Schröder, R. 2008. Benchmarking of Landscape Policy in North- West Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning (in press)

Henle, K., Alard, D., Clitherow, J., Cobb, P., Firbank, L., Kull, T., McCracken, D., Moritz, R.F.A., Niemelä, J., Rebane, M., Wascher, D., Watt, A., and Young, J. 2008. Identifying and managing the conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity conservation in Europe–A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 12 pages; available online

Perez-Soba, M., Petit, S., Jones, L., Bertrand, N. Briquel, V., Omodei-Zorini, L., Contini, C., Helming, K., Farrington, J. h., Tinacci Mossello, M., Wascher, D., Kienast, F. and de Groot, R.. 2008. Land use functions - a multifunctionality approach to assess the impact of land use changes on land use sustainability. In: Helming, K., Perez-Soba, M. and Tabbush, P. 2008. Sustainability Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes. Springer, Berlin, pp375-404

Nassauer, J.I. and Wascher, D.M. 2007. The Globalized Landscape: Rural Landscape Change and Policy in the United States and European Union. In: Westcoat, J.L. and Jonston, D.M. Places of Power, Political Economies of Landscape Change. Pp275-315

IEEP, 2007. HNV Indicators for Evaluation, Final report for DG Agriculture. Contract notice 2006-G4- 04. Authors: Tamsin Cooper (IEEP), Kathryn Arblaster (IEEP), David Baldock (IEEP), Martin Farmer (IEEP), Guy Beaufoy (EFNCP), Gwyn Jones (EFNCP), Xavier Poux (EFNCP), Davy McCracken (EFNCP), Eric Bignal (EFNCP), Berien Elbersen (Alterra), Dirk Wascher (Alterra), Per Angelstam (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Jean-Michel Roberge (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Philippe Pointereau (Solagro), Jan Seffer (Daphne), Dobromil Galvanek (Daphne).

Helming, K. Sieber, S., Wiggering, H., Wascher, D.M., Tabbush, P., Dilly, O. and Bach, h. 2007.

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Sustainability Impact Assessment of Multifunctional Land Use. In: Starret et. al. 2007. Environmental Science and Technology 2006 (2). Proceedings from the Second International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, held August 19-22, 2006 in Houston, Texas, USA; American Science Press , pp. 495-500

Pedroli, B., van Doorn, A., de Blust, Geert, Parracchini, M.L., Wascher, D.M. & Bunce, F. (2007) Europe’s Living Landscapes – Essays exploring our identity in the countryside. KNNV Publishing, The Netherlands, 432 pages

Mücher,C.A., Wascher,D.M. , Klijn, J.A., Koomen, A.J.M. & Jongman, R.H.G. (2006). A new European Landscape Map as an integrative framework for landscape character assessments. IALE FARO Conference April 2005

Wascher, D.M. 2005. The Role of Natural Vegetation Data for European Landscape Mapping and Assessment. In: Bohn, U., Hettwer, C. and Gollub, G. (2005). Application and Analysis of the Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Bundesamt f. Naturschutz, Bonn Germany p. 81-112

Wascher, D. & Rössler, M. 2005. Cultural Heritage, in: Hassan R., Scholes R. and Ash, N. (eds.) 2005. Ecosystems and human well-being : current state and trends. The millennium ecosystem assessment series Volume 1., Chapter 17 Cultural and Amenity Services, Island Press, New York, pp. pp 461-463

Wascher D.M. (ed) 2005. European Landscape Character Areas – Typologies, Cartography and Indicators for the Assessment of Sustainable Landscapes. Final Project Report as deliverable from the EU's Accompanying Measure project European Landscape Character Assessment Initiative (ELCAI), funded under the 5th Framework Programme on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (4.2.2) x +150 pp

Wascher, D.M. and van Eupen, M. 2005. Landscape Risk Assessment. In: Delbaere, B. and Nieto Serradilla, A. 2005. Environmental Risks from agriculture in Europe. Locating environmental risk zones in Europe using agri-environmental indicators. Contribution to the EU Concerted Action Project EnRisk, published by the European Centre for Nature Conservation, Tilburg, pp 75-90

Perez-Soba, M. and Wascher, D.M. (eds). 2005. Landscape Character Areas. Places for building a sustainable Europe. Policy Brochure as deliverable deliverable from the EU's Accompanying Measure project European Landscape Character Assessment Initiative (ELCAI), funded under the 5th Framework Programme on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (4.2.2), 33 pp

Opdam, P and Wascher, D.M. 2004. Climate change meets habitat fragmentation: linking landscape and biogeographical scale levels in research and conservation. Biological Conservation, Elsevier Publishers

Wascher, D.M. 2004. Landscape Indicator Development: Steps towards a European approach; in: Jongman, R. (Ed.) 2004. The New Dimensions of the European Landscape. Proceedings of the Frontis workshop on the future of the European cultural landscape Wageningen, The Netherlands 9- 12 June 2002; Wageningen UR Frontis Series Nr. 4, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 237-252

Wascher, D.M. 2003. Overview on Agricultural Landscape Indicators across OECD Countries. In: Proceedings of the Norway/OECD Expert Meeting on Agricultural Landscape Indicators on October 7-9 2002, Oslo;

Wascher, D.M. 2003. Anforderungen an nationale Agrar-Umwelt-Indikatoren für Integration und Vorhersage. In: Proceedings des Statusseminar das Forschungsverbund Agrarökosysteme München am 27. - 29. November 2002 (in press)

Wascher, D.M., 2002. Der Schutz von Landschaften als Thema einer gesamt-europäischen Strategie. In: Czybulka. D. (2002): Ist die biologische Vielfalt zu retten? – Dritte Warnemünder Naturschutztage. Rostocker Schriften zum Seerecht und Umweltrecht 18. p/107-120

Wascher, D.M. and Dixon, J., 2002. Environmental Effects of Farming Systems in Transition and Indicators for Measurement. In: Gatzweiler. F. , Hagedorn, K. & Judas, R. (2002): Proceedings from Phare ACE Seminar on Environmental Effects of Transition and Needs for Change (CEESA) held on10-16 September 2001 in Nitra, Slovakia

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Müssner, R., Jebram, J., Schmidt, A., Wascher, D.M. & Bernotat, D. 2002. Kapitel 2 „Derzeitiger Entwicklungsstand“ in: Plachter, H., Bernotat, D., Müssner, R. & Riecken, U. (2002): Entwicklung und Festlegung von Methodenstandards im Naturschutz. Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz, Heft 70. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn, Deutschland

Wascher, D.M., 2001. European landscapes in transition - Levels of Intervention. In: Green, B. & Vos, W. Threatened Landscapes. Conserving Cultural Environments. Spon Press, London

D.M. Wascher (ed.) 2000. The Face of Europe – Policy Perspectives for European Landscapes. Report on the implementation of the PEBLDS Action Theme 4 on European Landscapes, published under the auspice of the Council of Europe. ECNC, Tilburg, 60 pages

Wascher, D.M. (ed.) 2000. Agri-environmental Indicators for Sustainable Agriculture. Report from the EU Concerted Action Project FAIR5-PL97-3448. European Centre for Nature Conservation, Tilburg, 200 pages

Wascher, D.M. (ed.) 2000. Landscape & Sustainability – Landscape assessment as a Policy Tool. D.. Proceedings of a workshop in Strasbourg March 25-26 1999; Tilburg, 85 pages

Wascher, D.M. 2000. European state-of-nature assessment at the crossroads of policy relevance. In: European Nature, Issue 4 'State of Nature', pp 6-8, ECNC, Tilburg

Wascher, D.M. 2000. Sectoral site-based monitoring network initiatives for biodiversity assessment. Report on behalf of the European Environment Agency by the European Centre for Nature Conservation, Tilburg

Wascher, D.M. 2000. The Role of Agro-Biodiversity Indicators. In: Towards building blocks for an EC action plan for the relationship between agriculture and biodiversity” Final Report from a European Workshop in January 2000 at the European Commission, Brussels, organised by ECNC, Tilburg

Wascher, D.M 1999. Chapter contribution to 3.11 Changes and Loss of Biodiversity, in: EEA, 1999. Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century. Environmental assessment report No. 2, European Environment Agency, Office for Offical Publications of the EU, Luxemburg, pp 285-31

Wascher, D., Múgica, M. and Gulinck, H., 1998. Establishing Targets to Assess Agricultural Impacts on European Landscapes. In: Brouwer, F. and Crabtree, 1999 “Environmental Inditcators and Agricultural Policy”, Cabi Publishing, Wallingford, pp 73-87

Wascher, D., Piorr, H.P, and Kreisel-Fonck, A. 1998. Agri-environmental Indicators for Agricultural Landscapes. In: OECD’s Stocktaking Report for the York Workshop on agri-environmental indicators, September 22-25, 1998

Wascher, D.M., 1998. European Legislation and Strategies for the Conservation of Lowland Wet Grasslands. In: C.B. Joyce & P.M. Wade (eds) 1998: “European wet grasslands: biodiversity, management and restoration”, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore, Toronto. p 15-29

Wascher, D.M., 1997. Biodiversity Indicators and Targets – Case Study Europe. In: Cohen, Sheldon & Burgiel, Stanley W. 1997. “Report of the Sixth Global Biodiversity Forum 1997 – Exploring Biodiversity Inidcators and Targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity”, U.N. Headquarter, New York, 3-4 April 1997, published by IUCN and BIONET, p 49-51

Wascher, D.M., 1997. Policy Action to Control Environmental Impacts from Agriculture on Biodiversity, paper presented at the international workshop ‘Landscape and Nature Conservation’, Stuttgart 1996, 17 pages

Wascher, D.M., 1997. Establishment of a reference site network for monitoring state and changes in nature. Report prepared for the European Topic Centre for Nature Conservation, in submission for the European Environment Agency, Paris 1997, 40 pages

Wascher, D.M., 1997. Eine gesamteuropäische Strategie für landschaftliche und biologische Vielfalt. In: NNA, 1997. Perspectives in Nature Conservation. Alfred Töpfer Akademie für Naturschutz, NNA Reports, 1/97 Schneverdingen, pp 39-43

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Wascher, D.M., 1996. Methodology for an Assessment of Europe’s Biodiversity. MN2.1 Sub-Project Final Report, submitted to the European Topic Centre for Nature Conservation, Paris 1996, 42 pages & annexes

Wascher, D.M., 1996. Pilot Studies on Support of a Methodology for Assessing the State and Trends of Europe’s Biodiversity. MN2.2b Sub-Project Final Report, submitted to the European Topic Centre for Nature Conservation, Paris 1996, 65 pages & annexes

Wascher, D.M., 1996. Internationaler Naturschutz: Neue Aufgaben für die Europäische Umweltbildungspolitik. In: Schleicher, K. 1996. Umweltbildung in Europa. Hamburg

Wascher, D.M., 1995. Vielfalt durch Vernetzung. In: Politsche Ökologie, No.43, November 1995, Munich, p. 53-56

Wascher, D.M., 1995. Chapters "Landscapes", "Nature and Wildlife" and "The Loss of Biodiveristy", in: Stanners, D. & Bourdeau , P. (editors). 1995. Europe's Environment - The Dobris Assessment. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Earthscan, London, 650 pages

Wascher, D.M., 1993. "A European Assessment of Natural Ecosystems", in: Bennett, G. 1994. Conserving Europe's Natural Heritage, Towards a European Ecological Network, Conference Report, Maastricht, 9 - 12 November 1993, p. 91 - 103

Wascher, D.M., 1993. "Die Bedeutung des CORINE Biotopprojektes und der Europäischen Umweltagentur für den Naturschutz in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft," in: Natur & Landschaft 3/93. Bundesforschungsanstalt f. Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie, Bonn

Wascher, D.M., 1992. "Technische Zusammenarbeit im Naturschutz, Betrachtungen und Empfehlungen für die GTZ (case study report), August 1992

Wascher, D.M., 1990. "GIS Thesis Provides Insights," Park Science. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Volume 10, Number 3, Summer 1990 (with H. Fleet).

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