MODELING PAST AND PRESENT IN THE EASTERN HIGHLANDS OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA: SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL J. David Cole Research Affiliate, The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington Email:
[email protected] K.J. Pataki-Schweizer Research Affiliate, The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington Email:
[email protected] or their way of life. In the words of R.I. Skinner SUPPLEMENT 1: CONTACT HISTORY IN (1947–48): THE PROJECT AREA Most of the area visited on this patrol had not For purposes of perspective in considering the been previously visited. Several parties had simulations presented in this report and for un- passed through the Awka-Kasokana, includ- derstanding the increase in population growth in ing Patrol Officer G. F. Neilsen, when pro- the historical period for the study area, it is use- ceeding to Papua during 1943 (approximate- ful to consider its contact history. In the pages ly). Mr. K. F. Ubank also passed through this that follow, we discuss contact history south of area on his way from Kainantu to Papua. Mr. the Eastern Highland’s major basins in terms of F. H. Moy visited the Upper Lamari about four remote regions (see Figure 2, main text): 1937. ... C. R. Croft also visited the northern South Tairora from Suwaira to its boundary Head of the Lamari in 1937 or 1938 and the zone with Awa in the lower Lamari Valley; the route of this patrol followed the same track Auyana basin and uplands from the Kratke as that taken by Croft when crossing from the Range near Nori’arunda in the north to Indona Upper Lamari to the Nompia Area [North near Okapa in the South; Awa extending from Tairora basin].