Transboundary Water Management

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Transboundary Water Management UNESCO International Hydrological Programme Transboundary Water Management Christine A. Iskandar Consultant UNESCO-IHP UNESCO contribution to the World Water Forum on Cooperation around Water Conflicts UNESCO is a partner of the Forum since Marrakech and the World Water Council (WWC) Since the 3rd World Water Forum in 2003, UNESCO has been designated as the leader of the themes on transboundary water management (Istanbul Forum), water cooperation and peace building. At the 6th World Water Forum, UNESCO with INBO coordinates the Priority for Action 1.5 « contribute to cooperation and peace » The Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO declares that ‘since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed’ CULTURE OF PEACE The opening lines of UNESCO's The purpose of the Organization Constitution are engraved in ten languages is: "to contribute to peace and on a stone wall in the Square of Tolerance security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations’. The challenge we all have How to put “water” in the minds of people? The Water Family at UNESCO 17 Category II water related centres International Hydrological The World Water Assessment UNESCO-IHE Institute for programme Programme Water Education Intergovernmental programme Inter agency programme lead by UNESCO ISARM UNESCO-IHP Initiative on Transboundary Aquifers (ISARM) In 2000, the worldwide ISARM (Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management) Initiative aimed at improving the understanding of scientific, socio- economic, legal, institutional and environmental issues related to the management of transboundary aquifers. UN GA Resolution 63/124 2008 In this context, UNESCO supported the development of the UNILC Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers. In December 2008, the UN General Assembly (GA) adopted Resolution A/RES/63/124 on the law of transboundary aquifers. In this Resolution, the UN GA notes that ‘the subject of the law of transboundary aquifers is of major importance in the relations of States’. The UN GA will consider the Format of the Draft Articles at its next session in November this year. ISARM OBJECTIVES Prepare the inventory of the transboundary aquifers of the world (Transboundary Aquifers Atlas published in 2009). Promote the cooperation among experts from the different countries that share transboundary aquifers. Promote scientific, legal, socio-economic, institutional and environmental assessment of internationally shared aquifer resources. Disseminate the lessons learnt from Case Studies. Until 2000 there was no global accurate and reliable information and knowledge on Transboundary Aquifers Exception Europe UNECE MiddleSarmatian-PontianGWB .22 2.Kupa 9.Backa&Banat 1.Dragonja 7.Sava 21.UpperPannonian-Lower Pleistocene 3.Kupa 8 20.Central Serbia 10. Srem. 4.Una 11.West Serbia 19.East Serbia 5.Cetina 23.Sarmatian&24.Upper Jurassic -LowerCret.GWB 16. Gaber-Nesla 6.Neretva 12.SW Serbia 17. Znepole 18.Tran 14. 13. 15.Zemen 43.Svilengrad 44.Topolograd 45.Malko Tarnovo 37.Nastan Sandansky 46.Rezovska 38.Smolyan Dojran34. 41.Svilengrad Gevgelija32. .33 35.Gotze 39.Rudozem42.Orestiada 29. Delchev 40.ErmaReka47.Meric 30.Pelagonija 36.Orvilos 28. & 31.Florina 25. 26.Pagoni Vjosa 27.Mourgana From Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential (UNESCO-PCCP) Mission statement: To facilitate multi-level and interdisciplinary dialogues in order to foster peace and development related to the management of shared water resources The project focuses on the development of tools (including legal tools) for the anticipation, prevention and resolution of water conflicts. Through research and capacity building activities, the programme brings players engaged in transboundary water management together and helps increase the opportunities for cooperation and development. UNESCO and GEF Groundwater Governance Project Overall objective: Global Framework of action (Fa) for the Groundwater at local, national, regional and transboundary levels. Main line of action: Promoting the national role of countries by the regional consultations based on their experiences, needs and visions. In partnership with GEF, FAO, IAH and WB How could UNESCO-IHP contribute to a «Water Legislation Helpdesk»? UNESCO-IHP could contribute by: 1. Using UNESCO’s network to disseminate the work of the Helpdesk through the countries. 2. Using UNESCO–ISARM and/or PCCP legal research results and educational tools to build a common consensus in the Helpdesk vis-à-vis the countries’ needs. Member States UNESCO-IHP Helpdesk ISARM / PCCP Merci de votre attention [email protected].
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