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IN BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA June 2008 RESULTS FROM THE EU BIODIVERSITY STANDARDS SCIENTIFIC COORDINATION GROUP (HD WG) IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA June 2008 RESULTS FROM THE EU BIODIVERSITY STANDARDS SCIENTIFIC COORDINATION GROUP (HD WG) IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 30th June 2008 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON BIH.................................................................. 5 3 IDENTIFIED SOURCES OF INFORMATION ............................................................. 8 3-a Relevant institutions.......................................................................................................................................8 3-b Experts.............................................................................................................................................................9 3-c Relevant scientific publications ...................................................................................................................10 3-c-i) Birds...........................................................................................................................................................10 3-c-ii) Fish ........................................................................................................................................................12 3-c-iii) Mammals ...............................................................................................................................................12 3-c-iv) Other groups of animals.........................................................................................................................12 3-c-v) Flora and vegetation...............................................................................................................................14 3-c-vi) Nature protection ...................................................................................................................................21 3-c-vii) Other related documents, publications, studies, data sources ................................................................21 3-c-viii) Digital information existing and availability .........................................................................................22 4 COMMITMENTS AND LEGISLATION...................................................................... 24 4-a Relevant international commitments..........................................................................................................24 4-b Relevant legislation.......................................................................................................................................25 5 KEY STAKEHOLDERS AND CAPACITIES ............................................................... 28 5-a Governmental ...............................................................................................................................................28 5-a-i) State level...................................................................................................................................................28 5-a-ii) Entity level.............................................................................................................................................28 5-a-iii) Cantonal level ........................................................................................................................................30 5-a-iv) Inter-entity level.....................................................................................................................................30 5-a-v) Municipality level (in FBiH and RS).....................................................................................................30 5-a-vi) District Brcko.........................................................................................................................................30 5-b Related relevant administrative bodies ......................................................................................................30 5-c Relevant stakeholders for the process other then governmental..............................................................32 2 5-d Relevant stakeholders in the EU institutions .............................................................................................33 5-e Relevant NGOs .............................................................................................................................................33 5-f Other relevant stakeholders ........................................................................................................................36 6 RELEVANT PROJECTS AND PROCESSES................................................................ 38 6-a Past.................................................................................................................................................................38 6-b Ongoing .........................................................................................................................................................40 6-c Planned..........................................................................................................................................................43 7 IDENTIFIED RELEVANT POSSIBLE FINANCING MECHANISMS................... 44 7-a National .........................................................................................................................................................44 7-b Non national..................................................................................................................................................44 7-c Further potential financing sources............................................................................................................45 8 SOME KEY ISSUES PARTICULARLY RELEVANT TO THE EU BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION STANDARDS ............................................................................................... 47 8-a Biogeographic regions..................................................................................................................................47 8-b Identified EU natural values (“present” with scientific reference, “not present”, “scientific reserve”, including final summary figures per groups)..........................................................................................................49 8-b-i) Habitats of Annex I of the HD ...................................................................................................................49 8-b-ii) Species of Annex II, IV and V of the HD..............................................................................................52 8-b-iii) Birds from the Annexes I, II/1, II/2, III/1 and III/2 of the Birds Directive ............................................57 8-c Some identified challenges and opportunities............................................................................................61 3 1 Introduction With support form the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WWF’s Mediterranean Programme launched the project “Living Heart of Europe” in February 2008. Within the framework of this project, the “EU Biodiversity Standards Scientific Coordination Group (HD WG)” was established. The main goal of this HD WG was to prepare a report that aiming at identifying existing relevant information relevant for the identification and selection of the main biodiversity values and areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the EU Biodiversity Protection Standards (i.e. the Nature Directives). This activity follows the previous Working Group created in the framework by the WWF’s Mediterranean Programme “Living Neretva” in 2007, which came up with an equivalent report for the Neretva catchment area in BiH 1. The HD WG had three members, supervised by representatives of relevant ministries responsible for environment at entity and state level: • Vladimir Stupar, Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka, • Dejan Kulijer, National museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, • Sulejman Redži ć, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, The HD WG activity has been coached and supported by WWF’s experts Branko Vucijak and Alberto Arroyo. This report report compiles all identified existing information relevant for a potential site identification and designation process for Natura 200 sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It intedns to be a key reference for any institution or person interested in the issue. It includes information on institutions, experts, publications, digital information, legislation, stakeholders, projects and financing mechanisms, with links and contact details to make possible to get further information. It also provides some first relevant information related with the EU biodiversity protection standards, like biogographic regions, a first analysis of the presence of habitats and species of Community Interest in BiH, and some challenges and opportunities identified during the collection process, which could be useful for the definition of next steps. 1 For more information see 0001 4 2 Background information on BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina is situated in the southeastern Europe taking a central position of the Balkan peninsula. Its total surface is 51.129 km2. Border length amounts 1.537 km, of which land border is 762,5 km, river 751 km
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