365 AAK (Alliance for the Future of Kosovo), 24 Abacha, Sani, 20
Index AAK (Alliance for the Future of Administrative transitional authority. Kosovo), 24 See also International interim Abacha, Sani, 20 government model Abdullah, Abdullah, 292, 0 Doyle on, 219–220 Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 331 interim government in Cambodia Abusive practices as, 227 international intervention and Afghan National Army, 02, 0, 0 ending of, 352 Afghanistan of local community power holders, benefits of international 44, 49 intervention in, 352 Academic area specialists, on the Bonn Agreement and political Balkans and Bosnia, 265 reconstruction in, 289–291 Accountability civic education by Tribal Liaison citizen conceptions of positive Office in, 0 peace and, 46 constitution of, 300–302 construction of political elites elections and distribution of power through interim sharing in, 64–65 governments, lessons elections under Bonn Agreement learned on, 70 in, 0 in democracies, international ethnic dimensions of loya jirgas, interim governments and, post-conflict stability and, 221 297–299 government, elections in state expatriate presence in, 8 undergoing transition and, external actors and sovereign 2 authority of interim regime international intervention and, 351 in, 66–67 nation-building and levels of, 4 forecast for imposed nondemocracy for past abuses, peace process in in, 117–118 Afghanistan and, 44 imposed democratic regime in, 96, of president in Indonesia to 100 legislature, 157–158 insurgency as political challenge of UNMIK in Kosovo, 17 in, 10 Accra Comprehensive Peace interim administration Agreement, 83, 206–207,
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