transThe Findhorn Foundation presentsform an annual magazine 2020 EDITION In this issue: New Guest Accommodation Essence of the Arts in Community Returns! Leading from the Core Programme Dorothy turns 100! Transformational Leadership Planetary Game of Transformation 2020 programme of workshops and events who we are The Findhorn Foundation is an international living laboratory for transforming human consciousness u we welcome you to join the ongoing exploration or however long you come, you will be part of this unique spiritual community, taking part in our daily life and practices. Our service is to provide transformational learning to people from around the world. To really serve, transformation must be a process that includes all inner and outer levels. Therefore our educational work engages people’s spiritual, personal, social and ecological dimensions. We aspire to bring three core principles into everything we do: The Findhorn Foundation The Park, Findhorn, Moray IV36 3TZ, Scotland love inner co-creation Scottish Charity Number in action listening with nature SC007233 Honouring our past, SHAPING OUR FUTURE happened many times I decided to say yes. Then I understood the meaning by Thomas Miller, Fundraising inner But it seemed a little crazy. I was not aware of my guidance that (my new listening that the Foundation was even considering house) was to be a cornerstone building new guest houses at that time. It turned out that Iris, my former housemate for something new. It was a who was holding awareness of Foundation symbol that our mode of living buildings, had also tuned into a vision for needed to change. The time had rebuilding the entire Park site. come to upgrade our members’ Iris soon found an architect, Tom Raymont, who had grown up in Findhorn accommodation and get rid and uses co-creative principles in his of the draughty, wasteful and work. Groups of meditators began to walk uneconomical caravans. They around the site of the seven bungalows, had served their purpose, but inviting input from the plants, the land now it was time for us to live and the non-physical partners of the place. They shared their inner listenings with in houses that reflect the Tom, who incorporated the attunement lifestyle we believe in. into his designs. A rhythm of meditation, Eileen Caddy, sharing and integration emerged as we In the late 1960s, Eileen Caddy heard instructions in meditation to build seven Epilogue to Flight into Freedom and cedarwood bungalows on the site of the then-tiny Findhorn community. wove new forms. Beyond , 2002 Listening to the God within was the founding impulse that brought the original group together: Peter Caddy took out a loan and built seven houses. The Plan The plan that evolved from this process like climate change, political uncertainty Not long after the paint was dry, people They have survived decades beyond their includes five seed-shaped guest lodges and accelerating social changes are asking came from around the world, purchased the expected lifespan, and they are worn out. and two buildings with meeting, office us all: how can we build a future that is bungalows and launched the community Their non-sustainable design is no longer and work spaces. The energy-efficient, good for people, our planet and all the into a phase of rapid expansion. Peter appropriate as the community’s principle of eco-appropriate buildings will invite beings who share it? was able to pay off the loan and today the co-creation with nature has led us to become contemplation, connection with nature For decades, the Findhorn Foundation bungalows still stand where he placed them. a pioneer of the ecovillage movement. and a sense of community. has answered this question with learning This kind of manifestation was common When I inwardly connect with the programmes. Now we are also trying to in the community’s early days. As people Design by Group Attunement essence of the emerging guest houses, answer it with bricks and mortar. listened within and acted on the guidance The emerging vision for new guest houses I feel an extraordinary sense of joy. I they sensed, the right materials and people sense sacred spaces that foster wholeness touched me while I was meditating to Find out more and be part manifested at exactly the right time. These prepare the space for our Co-Creative and connection between people and occurrences happened so often that the Spirituality Conference in 2018. I sensed a communion with the other realms of life. of building the next step: community embraced the motto Expect clear request from the spiritual presences I sense places built to express love for all a Miracle. that hold Findhorn to propose a fundraising life, places that can support people who are Now it is time to let these bungalows go. campaign for new guest houses. After this stepping into new possibilities. Challenges Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and 31 October 2020 - 22 January 2021 kiss the ground. Jelaluddin Rumi Work is love in action is art is spirituality. Making things and sharing them unites individuality and community. We offer each other food, gifts and crafted objects. We share emotion and meaning EEAC will be offered again from October through storytelling, movement, 2020 to January 2021. visual art and many other techniques. In EAC, both beginners and Following the intuitive flow of creation experienced artists can explore a variety in the present moment, we open to our of art forms and discover the playfulness inner selves and to spirit. and spiritual richness of creative flow. Arts and crafts and have been integral Sharing and reflection support discovery “I am passionate about the to the Findhorn community from the and depth in body, mind and soul. transformational power of art beginning. Well over 100 committed that enriches the lives of both artists now live locally, working in a practitioners and audiences, as wide variety of art forms including pottery, dance, singing, drawing, well as expanding the concept of painting, stained glass, storytelling, who can participate in art making.” weaving, sculpture, theatre and writing. SHARON TOOK-ZOZAYA, EAC Focaliser Started in 1994, Essence of the Arts in Community (EAC) is a three-month residential programme that integrates Young people aged 18-25 receive practice with a variety of art forms into a £1000 reduction! community life, along with participation in the Foundation’s service departments. Dorothy turns co-creation with nature We shape our future in partnership with the other beings, physical and non-physical, 100! that share this world with us. “How we wish we could pass on to you humans something of the quality of joy! We cannot say much to you on what you do, orn in Guelph, Ontario, funded through a number of avenues. Those not knowing about choice, but we cannot Canada, Dorothy has dedicated sources are still in place but some are now her life to a deep enquiry into running out and her increasing care needs help but say something on how you do things spiritual matters. Whilst working means an increase in care costs. when we see you going around clogging up for the British Security Co-ordination from Since 1996 the Community Care your energy as if what you do is a drudgery. 1940 – 1945, she relocated from Canada Circle (CCC) has held a Community Care to the UK. After the war, staying on in Fund which, over the years, has assisted How can anything be done perfectly if there London, she met Peter and Eileen Caddy. Community members to remain in the is no free flow of energy or if the energy Their meeting, personal spiritual journeys Community when care at home was needed. and shared work-led to the founding of the The Community Care Fund is now seeking is discoloured by a foreign substance? It is Findhorn Foundation Community in 1962. to raise £3,000 per month for Dorothy, so like trying to do a washing when there is Dorothy left the Community in 1973 to that the support and care already established no water in the tap or only muddy water. travel, write and teach about connecting can continue to be provided in her own to the divine and to the intelligence of home. Joy is necessary. It is a natural quality of the nature, a committed engagement she only expression of life, coming straight from the relinquished in her very late 80’s! In 2009 To support Dorothy and this Source in creation. All life has it. It is the CCC initiative please go to: she returned to Scotland to settle back into response to Life itself, for life is perfect and the Community as one of our Elders. The circle of care and support established we-support-dorothy when you are one with it, joy flows.” around her has evolved as her needs have or contact increased. She now receives 24/7 care and Sylvia Robertson, CCC's treasurer: Dorothy Maclean companionship. To date, her care has been Deva message recorded 1st May 1971 I love that I have been given the opportunity Planning and growing food I love the connection I love living with people to participate in this rich experiment of for the FF community with nature, here it's who are creating a creating a different world, more sustainable, is a passion and a joy! astonishing, it's beautiful. different way of living kinder to ourselves, to each other, and to Sometimes life here feels I love the power of co- together: seeking spiritual Nature.
Dynamic Coast Scotland’s National Coastal Change Assessment Dynamic Coast – Scotland’s National Coastal Change Assessment Site Summary Culbin (including Nairn) (Site 33) 0 Dynamic Coast Scotland’s National Coastal Change Assessment Disclaimer The evidence presented within the National Coastal Change Assessment (NCCA) must not be used for property level of scale investigations. Given the precision of the underlying data (including house location and roads etc.) the NCCA cannot be used to infer precise extents or timings of future erosion. The likelihood of erosion occurring is difficult to predict given the probabilistic nature of storm events and their impact. The average erosion rates used in NCCA contain very slow periods of limited change followed by large adjustments during storms. Together with other local uncertainties, not captured by the national level data used in NCCA, detailed local assessments are unreliable unless supported by supplementary detailed investigations. The NCCA has used broad patterns to infer indicative regional and national level assessments to inform policy and guide follow-up investigations. Use of these data beyond national or regional levels is not advised and the Scottish Government cannot be held responsible for misuse of the data. Culbin (including Nairn) (Site 33) Historic Change: The beaches and sand dunes at Culbin stretch between the mouth of the River Findhorn and Nairn, its inland dunes and beach ridges covering an area of 5,000 hectares. Whilst much of the dunes were stabilised after the First World War and now contain extensive pine plantations, the beaches are some of the most spectacular in Scotland and are our most dynamic beaches.
The Findhorn, Nairn & Speyside Local Flood Risk Management Plan
Foreword The impacts of flooding experienced by individuals, communities and businesses can be devastating and long lasting. It is vital that we continue to reduce the risk of any such future events and improve Scotland’s ability to manage and recover from any events that occur. The publication of this Plan is an important milestone in implementing the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 and improving our understanding of flood risk and how we will manage floods in the Findhorn, Nairn and Speyside Local Plan District. The Plan translates this legislation into actions to reduce the damage and distress caused by flooding over the first planning cycle from 2016 to 2022 and beyond. Within the Local Plan District (LPD), areas with the greatest risk of flooding have been identified and these have been designated as Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs). The actions identified in the Plan are within these PVAs. The current PVAs were designated using the best information available at the time and additional PVAs may be identified when investigation work is done during the development of future plans. In summary, there are fourteen areas that have been identified as being potentially vulnerable to flood risk across the Findhorn, Nairn and Speyside LPD. Across the entire district there are a total of 1,800 residential and 580 non-residential properties at risk of flooding with estimated Annual Average Damages of £5.9 million. The Findhorn, Nairn and Speyside Local Flood Risk Management Plan published by The Moray Council has been developed in partnership and with the agreement of: The Highland Council, Scottish Water; SEPA; Forestry Commission Scotland; and Cairngorms National Park Authority.
.... Dreaming Humanity's Path .... 1r nu ~ CQ) ncdl lMI @ rro 17 CQ) rro § y rro ~ Thur illl rro ll ~ ll ~ y It is a gray, overcast day. I am in a park, which seems fairly deserted, except for a park bench. I go and sit on the bench. Beside me sits an old man, hunched over. He has the appearance of a bum. We take no notice of each other. I am feeling sad and wondering what life is all about. Heaving a heavy sigh, I say to the vast, empty sky above me, "What does it all mean?" Suddenly, the old man beside me lurches forward and shouts, "Life is bunch of hints! Goshdarn HINTS!" ~ 'Ioucfi 'lJrawinJI 611 '1Je6orafi J(p(f-Cfiapin Vol. 14 No. 3/Dream Network 3 . ............ .. ............ .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. 4 Dream Network/Vol. 14 No. 3 Vol.14 No. 3/Dream Network 5 As a species, perhaps we can take .... Lessons From Geese Guidance comes to us daily You may remember about two in many forms .... through those Fact 1: As each goose flaps its wings, it years ago, some of this editorial column lovely, blessed synchronicities, creates an "uplift" for the birds that was devoted to taking strong objection from nature and always, in our follow. By flying in "V" formation, the to various attempts being made to dreams. whole flock adds 71% greater flying activate 900# lines for the purpose of The visionary dreams in this range than if each bird flew alone. doing dreamwork (Dream Network Vol. offering of Dreaming Humanity's Lesson: People who share a common 12 Number 2).
The 'Campbellites' and the New Age Movement Eryj Davies
The 'Campbellites' and The New Age Movement EryJ Davies The 'Campbellite' churches and the more Eastern-orientated New Age Movement are both developing in such a way as to be troubling some Christian churches in Britain and in the United States. This article is a response to those who have requested reliable information about these two radically different movements. The 'Campbellites' In Britain, concern was expressed soon after the founding in 1982 of the Central London Church of Christ which now calls itself just the London Church of Christ (LCC). There are other Churches of Christ in London but the LCC now claims over 800 members and it is in the process of establishing other branches in Britain. For example, the Central Birmingham Church of Christ was founded in 1988 and is growing apace. The LCC in turn was the product of a missionary initiative taken by the Boston, USA, Church of Christ; the latter being only 10 years old. Four areas of concern have surfaced in Britain recently concerning the LCC. First of all, the LCC has concentrated its work amongst students. The church has set up Bible Study groups in a number of colleges and halls of residence without identifying themselves clearly to the students. Some college chaplains and leaders of Christian Unions in the London area have been unhappy about the Bible Study groups but in some cases LCC members have also joined in the activities of CUs without revealing their motives and affiliation. Due to this intense activity within the student population, a high proportion of LCC members are or have been students.
Ecovillage Community Hostel “Living Space Inspired by Nature Connection for Youth and the Young at Heart to Transform”
EcoVillage Community Hostel “Living space inspired by nature connection for youth and the young at heart to transform” Findhorn EcoVillage: Findhorn Ecovillage is an experimental architectural community based at The Park, in Moray, Scotland, near the village of Findhorn. The project's main aim is to demonstrate a sustainable development in environmental, social, and economic terms. Findhorn Foundation, founded in 1962 is a “dynamic experiment where everyday life is guided by the inner voice of spirit, where we work in co-creation with the intelligence of nature and take inspired action towards our vision of a better world. Findhorn Foundation shares learning and way of life in experiential workshops, conferences and events that take place within a thriving community and ecovillage” Demand Findhorn Ecovillage enjoys 4,000 attendees at programmes and conferences and around 10,000 visitors each year and generates over £5m for the local economy each year. Orignally the Findhorn Foundation encompassed all areas of community life and ran all courses, programmes and facilities. Today there is a thriving community of around 600 people (NFA estimate) connected to Findhorn EcoVillage with its 35 independent organisations. Findhorn Foundation has over 50,000 followers across the world on Facebook. New accommodation is needed ● To replace capacity being lost with the change of use of various bed and breakfast facilities ● Visiting friends and family as part of the expanding local community ● Overflow for conferences, events and festivals several times
63. Jahrgang Verlag der Evang. Gesellschaft Postfach 103852 70033 Stuttgart Nach den Ursachen fragen: Zum Rechtsextremismus Kommunikation mit dem Göttlichen? Zum Phänomen „Channeling" Informationstechnik als Herausforderung Universelles Leben (UL): Neue Aktivitäten aus dem Würzburger Raum Evangelische Zentralstelle ^ T für Weltanschauungsfragen INHALT ZEITGESCHEHEN Nach den Ursachen fragen: Zum Rechtsextremismus 337 IM BLICKPUNKT Matthias Pöhlmann Kommunikation mit dem Göttlichen? Zum Phänomen „Channeling" 339 BERICHTE Axel Seegers Informationstechnik als Herausforderung 355 Michael Fragner Universelles Leben (UL) Neue Aktivitäten aus dem Würzburger Raum 359 Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Juden in Deutschland heute 364 INFORMATIONEN Psychologie / Psychotherapie Transpersonale Psychologie auf dem Vormarsch 367 Hellinger im Aufwind 368 Transzendentale Meditation (TM) Neue Entwicklungen 368 Scientology Wirtschaftliche Verflechtungen mit Scientology 370 Anthroposophie Wieder leichte Zunahme der Waldorfschüler 371 BÜCHER Irmgard Oepen, Krista Federspiel, Amardeo Sarma, Jürgen Windeler (Hrsg.) Lexikon der Parawissenschaften 373 Karl-Josef Kuschel Vom Streit zum Wettstreit der Religionen 374 Karlheinz A. Geißler Vom Tempo der Welt 375 Reinhard Kirste, Michael Klöcker, Paul Schwarzenau, Udo Tworuschka (Hrsg.) Vision 2001 - Die größere Ökumene 375 dem Rechtsextremismus zugrunde liegen- ZEITGESCHEHEN den ideologischen Annahme der Un- gleichheit der Menschen? Wie kommt es Nach den Ursachen fragen: Zum Rechts- dazu, dass sich die eigene Gruppe als Ge- extremismus.
10 0 I w! Fig.2.1 Moray. MANIN MORAY 5,000 years of history Ian Keillar Synopsis The extent of Moray is defined and the physical conditions briefly described. Traces of Mesolithic man have been found in the Culbin, and later Neolithic peoples found Moray an attractive place to settle. As metal working became established, trades routes followed and Moray flourished. As the climate deteriorated, so, apparently, did the political situation and defensive sites became necessary. The Romans came and went and the Picts rose and fell. The Vikings did not linger on these shores and MacBeth never met any witches near Forres. The Kings of Scots divided and ruled until they themselves set a pattern, which still continues, that if you want to get on you must go south to London. In distant Moray, brave men like Montrose and foolish men like Prince Charles Edward, fought for their rightful king. The Stuarts, however, ill rewarded their followers. Road makers and bridge builders half tamed the rivers, and the railways com pleted the process. With wars came boom years for the farmers, but even feather beds wear out and Moray is once more in apparent decline. However, all declines are relative and the old adage still has relevance: 'Speak wee] o the Hielans but live in the Laich.' Physical The name Moray is now applied to a local authority administrative District extending from west of Forres and the Findhorn to Cullen and stretching down in an irregular triangle into the highlands of the Cairngorms (Fig.2. l ). In Medieval times, Moray reached as far as Lochalsh on the west coast and there has always been some difficulty in defining the bound aries of the province.
Children of the New Age’ – Is Qualitatively Rich but Quantitatively Limited
9 THE END OF ‘NEW AGE’ The church dissatisfies me. I know all the things they teach. I want more, you know? (Alison, Unit of Service, 1997) We are trained to listen to experts in our culture and not to ourselves. The premise of the New Age is the other way around. (Spangler 1996: 184) The whole point is our journey,not our destination. (Edwards 1993: 63) Recapitulation In this book I have reconstructed the genealogy of a multivalent emblem,‘New Age’,within interconnected networks of ‘alternative’spirituality from the 1930s to the 1990s. In the first part, called ‘Emblem’, I examined Peter Caddy’s career in the Rosicrucian Order, the activities of Sheena Govan’s group and the early years of the Findhorn settlement. I found evidence of other networks active in England, New Zealand and the US in the late 1950s and early 1960s – George Trevelyan, the Heralds of the New Age, the North American ‘subculture’ delineated by David Spangler – for whom ‘New Age’ was an apocalyptic emblem within a cocktail of occult, psychic and spiritualistic ideas and practices. In this early period the expression had objective historical status among communicants: a ‘New Age’ was imminent, its apocalyptic harbingers were on the horizon and groups had to prepare themselves spiritually in response. In the second part, ‘Idiom’, I traced the diffusion and disintegration of this emblem in the 1970s and beyond under the influence of a youthful counter culture and a concomitant decline in the authority of grand narratives (Lyotard 1979) in the culture at large. ‘New Age’ became, as it were, adjectival, a loose ‘quality’ of a person, act or social process rather than a negotiated emblem.As a 195 IDIOM sign of this shift it became self-consciously problematised by both participants and observers – one informant in Lowe and Shaw (1993: 227) said vehemently ‘I hate that cliche “New Age” ’.
A Cordoned Urn Burial with Faience from 102 Findhorn, Moray
Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 131 (2001), 101–128 A Cordoned Urn burial with faience from 102 Findhorn, Moray Ian A G Shepherd* & Alexandra N Shepherd† with contributions by A McDonald, F Powell, J A Sheridan & P Wilthew ABSTRACT This paper describes the discovery of a large Cordoned Urn containing the cremated remains of an adult female (aged between 18 and 25 years) and an infant either in the third trimester of pregnancy or newborn. The urn also contained 22 mostly fragmentary segmented beads and one star-shaped bead, all of faience. The urn had been inverted in a pit in a sand ridge and an additional deposit of pyre debris placed over the upper fill of the pit. This deposit contained two faience beads, one star- shaped and incomplete, the other quoit-shaped, and a small chunk of grey flint. The urn is very similar to one found on the adjacent Culbin Sands in the 19th century and the beads can also be paralleled there. A radiocarbon determination of 3410±50 (OxA-7622, which calibrates to 1880–1520 cal ) has been obtained from charcoal from the pyre debris. This is the largest single find of faience in Britain and Ireland, and the only example of segmented, quoit and star-shaped beads being found together. INTRODUCTION The burial described in this paper was revealed as a result of site preparation for the building of an extension at no 102 Findhorn, a house in the small village of that name at the mouth of the River Findhorn in Moray (illus 1). The village occupies the sand ridge that forms the east side of the present estuary of the river.
Maria Cooper Duneland shareholder representing Findhorn community youth April 2019 Findhorn Ecovillage Demonstration Site A proposal for North Whins off grid site My vision is a site which serves as: a learning centre through demonstration of small-scale ecovillage technologies and solutions; an entrance point for young people to the community through volunteering/woofing; a safe environment for children and youth to immerse themselves in practical ecovillage life experience; and a space open for community members of all ages to engage with ecovillage ideas and concepts. It would be sponsored by the community, built with local volunteers and woofers, and for the benefit of the community. Physical design Building Small south facing dwelling built in locally available materials (timber frame, stone, cob), equipped with solar panels and PV, woodstove, rainwater tanks. Design: Large common space/kitchen to be used as a space for learning, produce preparation and preservation, and social hang out. Sleeping loft or similar for 2-3 people. Potentially one or two other tiny homes for more private accommodation. Compost toilets and constructed wetland for grey water Vegetable garden and Orchard Producing enough fruit and vegetables for 3-4 people throughout the year Animals Chickens/ducks Experiments with, and demonstration of, simple sustainable technologies e.g. off grid living, biochar, biogas, hot composting, permaculture, biodynamics, etc. Working with the landscape Small and slow solutions through low impact techniques would mean we stay in tune with natural rhythms and can collaborate with the natural features of the site. Social design Run by an onsite manager (myself), together with skilled volunteers/woofers As well as serving as a smallholding livelihood for the site manager, it would be an entrance point for young people who want to stay in the community short term and share/learn practical sustainability skills.