Transforming human consciousness in everyday life

In this issue: Restoring Inner & Outer Nature The Efficiency of Silence Living FINDHORN Finding Your Purpose fOU NDAT ION A New World is Calling Contents It is easy at this moment in history way forward emerging for us as Who We Are 3 Who We Are to find old systems and ways individuals and as a collective. We Inner & Outer Nature 4 The Findhorn Foundation is a living laboratory for of being that are falling apart. discover that nature is conscious Co-Creative Spirituality 6 Environmentally, politically and and we can work with it.. We find transforming human consciousness. We welcome you The Efficiency of Silence 8 economically, upheaval and that our inner work affects the to come be a part of the ongoing exploration. William Bloom 10 disruption are now the norm. But outer world, as well as inspires Spiritual Retreats 11 this unpredictability that our minds us to right action. We find that, Centre for Ecovillage Living 12 cannot grasp does invite us to find instead of feeling at the mercy The , one of the 14 a deeper knowing. The truth the of events beyond our control, we oldest and most successful in the world, Finding Your Purpose 15 55 year old Findhorn Foundation gain ways to shape our individual grew out of this community’s close Robert Holden 16 and community on the Firth and shared future. There is a partnership with nature. It is now one Seven Gifts 18 in demonstrates is that world of potential within you. of the Foundation’s key partners in our Connect With Us 21 when we take time to become How will you answer its call? sustainability education. 12 Calendar of Events 22 still and turn within, we find the Location 24 Support Us 25

The Findhorn We bring Foundation three core The Findhorn Foundation principles into The Park, Findhorn, Moray everything IV36 3TZ, Scotland we do Spiritual Community Tel: +44 (0)1309 690311 Our full-time, international, Email: [email protected] residential community seeks to Centre for bring spirit into all our activities Transformational Learning and honours all spiritual traditions and practices. We seek to demonstrate a way of living in 18 partnership with our own wholeness, each other, nature and spirit. The community holds retreats, workshops and events to support people from around The Scottish Highlands is home to our four the world to experience this way of being and to live locations: The Park, near Findhorn village, Cluny Hill in “Being at Findhorn always reminds me that powerful and positive into their full potential. 22 , our satellite community on Erraid and Traigh Bhan, findhorn.org visions for the future can be realised... I constantly ask myself how our retreat centre on the sacred island of Iona. 24 I can integrate this sense of joy, connection and inspiration into my daily life, both personally and professionally.”

Ed Gillespie, Co-founder and Creative Director, Futerra.

2 3 There may be more happening slipperiness of a forest stream, look In this consciousness-focused view Restoring Inner when we connect with nature than just out at the splendid colours of a of life, it’s not surprising that stepping changes in vitamin D levels and healthier sunset or hold a newborn child in into a midsummer forest seems similar blood flow, however. After all, hormones, our arms, we are experiencing other to slipping your arms around a loved & Outer Nature pheromones and neural circuitry play consciousnesses. one. What we are doing in both cases a part in human relationships, but few is coming into contact with another Why Being in Nature is Even Better of us would say that they completely “The world is alive and conscious.“ conscious presence, like ourselves. by Thomas Miller, Editor for You Than You Thought explain what happens when you put As ’s experiments in your arms around a loved one. The The world is alive and conscious, the Findhorn Garden show, sometimes Scientists and shamans bathing’, nature retreats and other ways walking a path in a summer woodland, world’s shamanic and indigenous shamans tell us, and the way to deepening this connection can lead agree on something: being of immersing themselves in nature, smelling warm, fallen leaves, hearing traditions, as well as modern spiritual understand and relate to it is by paying to extraordinary external results. The in nature is good for you. they are finding that their creativity and the soft burble of a nearby stream and teachers like Findhorn founder Dorothy attention to our inner experiences. possibilities that unfold when we Studies have linked even relatively inspiration return. bird song. Did you notice any change Maclean suggest what that ‘more’ Listening to intuitions and our sense cultivate our relationship with nature small amounts of time spent in nature Even thinking about being in nature within yourself? One study indicates might be. of when meaningful ‘coincidences’ are endless. But perhaps the best to better mental health, improved is enough to benefit people. For that just thinking about nature like this When we look into the eyes of a happen are ways of touching the other place to begin is just by going for empathy, lengthened attention span instance, notice how your body feels at is enough to lower your heart rate, pet dog, dip our feet into the cool lives we are present with in nature. a walk. and boosted immune system, to name the moment. Then think of a busy city change your breathing pattern and only a few benefits. As more artists, street, cars whooshing past, sounds of improve your energy level. Clearly, writers, business people and others construction, rushing people. How did there is no shortage of benefits being wake up to the benefits of ‘forest your body react? Now think of yourself in nature provides us.

Ways to Deepen Your Connection with Nature

Try taking off your shoes and noticing how your feet feel in contact with the ground. Notice your breathing - does it change when you enter nature? Relax and notice what images, words or feelings come up for you.

4 5 Traigh Bahn A retreat house on the sacred island of Iona, Traigh Bhan hosts spiritual retreats.

Shaping our Future with the Unseen Worlds

22 - 27 September, 2018 Follow-on workshop: 28 September

“Engaging with the subtle worlds isn’t simply to experience or explore the non- physical dimensions. The larger purpose is to engage the underlying wholeness that ties the physical and non-physical domains into a living, creative oneness.” - Sacred Places

At this turning point in our planet’s life, the This event weaves Findhorn’s 55 years of world is calling us to enter a new level of work with the unseen worlds with your loving relationship with its subtle and spiritual commitment to our planet. Together we will dimensions. Come join with non-human and explore a next level of Gaian consciousness and human fellow adventurers to explore emerging venture into the worlds of: possibilities for our shared future. • Devic and Nature Beings • The Subtle Realms • The Sidhe

Six day conference: £750/£890/£1250 Follow-on workshops: £100 if booked in advance, £120 during the event Nature Sanctuary This hand-built sacred space is designed for meditation, spiritual practices and connection with the intelligence of nature.

Erraid The rugged, unspoiled hills and beaches of this tiny Hebridean island findhorn.org/co-creative hold a Findhorn satellite community Facebook.com/co-creativespirit that hosts visitors year round. FINDHORN Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1309 690311 fOU NDAT ION erraid.com

6 7 The Efficiency of Silence by Lisette Schuitemaker, Chair of Trustees

Getting everything in our busy lives done has us running faster and faster. Instead, we could also take a minute, close our eyes, go within and find wisdom.

“What is alive in you now?” More and the seemingly disconnected jumble of their thoughts or their feelings, but more meetings these days begin with people of a moment ago turns into a that they have them - and that they this question. People come in to the group with a common focus. What do can change stance on topics as more room with a phone still pressed to these busy people do in that minute information becomes available. their ear motioning the rest to start as or two of silence? They might close This inner journey of just a few they will join momentarily. Others are their eyes as they draw their attention minutes allows them to focus their full typing away at an email that needs inwards. They engage their witnessing attention on the subject of this particular to be finished and sent before they mind to observe tumbling thoughts of meeting from a place of calm wisdom. can focus their attention on anything to-do’s. They gauge any feelings that Taking turns sharing about what is alive else. Someone else may just come out might be running through them - they in them, a picture will already begin to of an intense conversation that had might be insecure as they haven’t form about the direction to be taken with their emotions flare up. Now they find prepared for this meeting, or adamant the matter under discussion. themselves in this meeting that was that their solution will be adopted. This may seem like an ideal office in “Be still, go planned before any of these pressing a place far removed from daily reality issues showed up in their lives. “Taking a few deep breaths helps.” as most of us know it. Such ways of within, and How to concentrate on the issue at conducting business have indeed draw forth hand? Taking a few deep breaths helps. Identifying these feelings, naming been pioneered by the likes of the Closing the devices, sitting down, them, considering them, they will notice Findhorn Foundation, but a growing the priceless looking around at present company, that the waves of their inner sea calms number of mainstream organisations are heaving a sigh is all very helpful. down. If they are able to go deeper discovering the efficiency of taking time treasures Then, if the chair of the meeting asks inside still, they will find a place of before plunging in. They, too, realise that everyone to go inside for a moment peace that is unperturbed by all that is all of us carry an inner wisdom that is a within you.” and gauge what is alive in them, silence going on in their busy lives. good guide to follow. This makes inner descends in the room. Within a few Hitting this spot, they can see their listening one of top skills to develop not seconds the atmosphere changes. thoughts and feelings more objectively. just for a personal life of purpose but - An acute observer might notice how They become aware that they are not also for professional success.

Six Benefits of Silence

1. A wider smile 2. A wiser approach 3. Acts of kindness 4. No sweat 5. Done with drama 6. Knowing what to do Being silent, even for as short as a Whatever the turbulence around or Even in a short moment of silence we What if everything always happened In the words of the 13th century Three minutes of sitting still, going minute, has us recoup our breath, inside us, through a moment of silence can come out of a narrowed awareness exactly at the right time? What if things poet Rumi, “Out beyond ideas of inside and listening to the small voice connect again to what gives our lives we can access our inner wisdom that that focuses on what we gain, and could not happen differently than they wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a and what was unclear, becomes clear. meaning and purpose, and smile. helps us respond more openly and expand into wanting to give without did? Notice the relaxation in the system field - I’ll meet you there”. In silence, we Our inner wisdom acts like a compass lovingly to what is occurring. needing to get. when we entertain such an idea. can move beyond our need to judge. to a life of purpose and fulfilment.

4 Findhorn Foundation 2017/18 Findhorn Foundation 2017/18 5 8 9 Truly there is something magical about the Findhorn community. In the middle of gardening, or cleaning, or teaching, or administering, a shift may suddenly happen and a wave of love and magic starts to flow through the people and the situation. In these wonderful and joyful moments there may be unplanned silence and healing, or song, dance, music, prayer, or impromptu comedy, as hearts open and people feel a serendipitous exhilaration at the sheer wonder of being alive; and everything can be sensed as possessing sentient life: plants, rocks, clouds, washing machines, buildings, the pulsing and spiralling hum of the universe. These blessed happenings may last only a few minutes or continue for weeks. For some people their whole experience of Findhorn is suffused with this exhilarating grace and creativity.

William Bloom Spiritual Teacher and best-selling author of The Power of Modern Spirituality and Soulution: The Holistic Manifesto Findhorn Spiritual Retreat Weeks

Take time apart to be still, replenish and deepen into what is truly essential. Findhorn Spiritual Retreat weeks Diploma in Applied Spirituality give you an opportunity to explore your own spiritual and Beginning 13 October 2018 personal journey within a supportive, caring community environment. Give yourself the gift of a week of renewal, Jointly developed by William Bloom and the Findhorn Foundation connection and inspired action. Return home with greater College, this is the first nationally accredited diploma course in purpose, creativity and joy. applied Spirituality & Wellness. Findhorn Spiritual Retreat Weeks run year-round. findhorncollege.org/programmes/applied-spirituality findhorn.org/spiritual-retreats

10 11 Co-creating a regenerative culture Ecovillage Living The Park Ecovillage, an essential community partner of the Foundation, is one of the oldest and most successful in the world. Designed through locally owned, participatory processes, it aims to regenerate its social and natural environments through addressing all levels of sustainability.

Our Biomass Boiler provides heat from Whisky Barrel eco houses made of renewable local woodchips recycled vats from local distilleries

The community only maintains a few The Living Machine processes the Chemical-free gardens produce much light structures on our Hinterland so community’s wastewater through of the community’s vegetables and nature spirits, trees, wildflowers and recreated marsh ecosystems of local provide a teaching space for guests people have ample space plants and fauna

The community supplies a substantial portion of its energy from wind and solar power Eco houses in the Field of Dreams The Park Ecovillage hosts ecovillage are models of training for groups ranging from day visitors to university students Inspired by Nature

Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - 7 April, 6 October 2018 findhorn.org/spiritual-retreat-permaculture

Workshop leader, master permaculturist, author of Permaculture: a Spiritual Approach, potter and community ‘feral elder’ Craig Gibsone beside his hand-built whisky barrel house.

A community meal from local produce Harvest Festival in Cullerne Garden celebrating Autumn Equinox

12 Findhorn Foundation 2017/18 12 13 Finding Your Purpose Thomas Miller interviews Robin Alfred, a Findhorn Foundation alumnus and organisational consultant to the UN, PricewaterhouseCoopers, BP, Greenpeace International and the Carbon Disclosure Project. He helps both organisations and individuals align their lives with their true purpose.

How do people know they are and relationships that support us, our soul, our purpose, and we’re not connecting with their sense where we can sit and feel we belong fulfilling that appointment. Another of purpose? in the world. And we need a sense of thing is that being connected with your If you’re aligned with a sense of becoming, we need to be evolving - purpose does not mean you do not purpose, there’s usually a sense of what am I evolving into? Belonging and have doubts, fears, rocky moments “We can build durable and even graceful vitality, electricity, you vibrate at a becoming - two balancing energies. I because when more light comes into ways to inhabit this new planet.” higher level. You might experience think we often sacrifice ‘becoming’ for your system it means more shadows Bill McKibben times of flow, of synchronicities. These ‘belonging’ and then we don’t fulfill our are illuminated too. My experience of are feedback from the universe that potential. Maybe we need to cultivate the spiritual path is that when more An international conference, 20-26 April 2019, Findhorn Scotland you’re doing the right thing. So you new friendships, maybe we need to light comes in you have more access CCC19 will be a participatory investigation into how we can steward a sustainable need to cultivate the conditions for move to a different place, maybe we to intuition, inspiration, but also your future on a radically changed planet Earth - how we will survive and how we can thrive! deep inner listening, whether that’s need new skills or awarenesses to shadow is illuminated and also gets The event will bring together eminent scientists, wisdom keepers, activists, artists, through meditation, or paying attention honour the call to become more. stirred up: more levels of anger, for poets, young people, parents and parents-to-be, to envision and begin to inhabit our to our hunches in our daily life. You can example, might be felt. future. It will be an international, intergenerational and multi-disciplinary gathering. Awake • Celebrate • Act “You need to cultivate do it for five minutes a day, you can do Charles Eisenstein, internationally renowned Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, 17 year-old indigenous the conditions for deep speaker, philosopher, programme facilitator and (Aztec) climate change activist, hip-hop artist and it on the bus, when you’re driving, at inner listening.” If someone feels out of touch with author of several books, including The More Youth Director of Earth Guardians, a worldwide the gym, gazing at a flower... a million their sense of purpose or calling, Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible. youth-led environmentalist organisation. different ways. We need to create a What are some of the symptoms what’s a first step they can take? Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary of Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, instigator of practice of spaciousness where you when people aren’t living into their It’s really good to welcome the irritation the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change the fast-growing fossil fuel divestment movement (UNFCCC) who directed events that led to the and passionate voice for the contemporary can sense the deeper calling, the full potential? you feel. Irritation can be two things. It historic Paris Agreement of 2015. grassroots climate change movement. deeper river running through your life. Irritation, as if people are irritated with can be an evolutionary stress: I’m not Polly Higgins, holder of the Arne Naess Jonathon Porritt CBE, eminent environmentalist, And it’s a whisper, it’s not strong, so life, because they know that some living my full potential, something’s Professorship at Oslo University and a lead author, commentator and the founder and advocate for Ecocide law. Ecologist Magazine Director of Forum for the Future, the UK’s leading you have to be very quiet to hear it. part of them isn’t fully expressed, but calling. I’m going to experience that as named her one of the top ten visionary thinkers in charity. the world. really it’s a deep irritation with their stressful. I need something else. Naomi Klein, award winning syndicated journalist Vandana Shiva PhD, world-renowned How do you often see people own self, their own soul because they It may also be a sign that some environmental thinker, activist, physicist, feminist, and best-selling author of several seminal books keeping themselves from living aren’t living fully into themselves. shadows are getting activated that including: The Shock Doctrine, This Changes philosopher of science, science policy advocate Everything and No Is Not Enough. and author of over twenty books. their purpose? Depression, boredom, anxiety, all need integration. I have swept this I think we often decide for safety the symptoms of dis-ease with life, under the carpet for too long and now and comfort, rather than living on our because we’re not really honouring it needs attention. CCC19.org edge. So we cultivate and then sink what life is calling forth from us. So we Welcome irritation as a teacher and Email: [email protected] CCC19Findhorn into habits, like an old pair of shoes. carry that as, literally, dis-appointment. inquire into it. FINDHORN Tel: +44 (0)1309 691933 @CCC19Findhorn fOU NDAT ION We need a warm base of friendships We have an appointment with our self, 15 Robert Holden Living Your Purpose Enneagram Retreat on Soul Calling & Life Purpose Sat 31 March 2018 (three days) “I’ve been presenting talks, workshops, and conferences Join Robert Holden for a spiritual retreat featuring nine soul meditations on your life purpose using the Enneagram, a map at Findhorn every year since 2005. I love to sit in the original of consciousness over 2,500 years old. This retreat features garden. The beautiful, empty beaches of Findhorn are ideal for discussions on each Enneagram archetype (ennea-type) and how it a walking meditation. The forests offer me shelter and rest. The affects your life, whether you are conscious of it or not.. community of people here inspire me in so many ways.” Key themes include:

• Purpose of the Enneagram - how to use the Enneagram in Robert Holden, author of Happiness NOW, your daily life and work Shift Happens! and Life Loves You. • You are Your Purpose - daring to express more of the real you • Make Me an Instrument - surrendering to the bigger plan and a higher power • Opening Doors Within - opening up to inspiration, grace and soul guidance • Doing the Inner Work - meeting the inner blocks - the basic fear, fixation and passion - that hold you back • Honouring Your Soul Gifts - embracing the Virtue of your ennea-type • Living your Dream - sharing your purpose with the world • findhorn.org/robert-holden

Robert Holden with Hollie Holden plus special guests Love & Fear A Course in Miracles Retreat Sat 27 October 2018 (three days)

Robert & Hollie will share key teachings from the A Course In Miracles text, lessons from the workbook, and inspiration from The Song of Prayer and other ACIM literature. The emphasis will be on how to apply the teachings to your daily life, your relationships, and your life purpose. findhorn.org/robert-holden

16 17 Seven years ago after meeting a friend who had lived at Findhorn in the 70s, I woke up with the phrase ‘Findhorn Life Purpose’ on my mind. I discovered a workshop of that name, booked my place and a few weeks later returned to Findhorn’s Cluny Hill. I instinctively knew the Foundation was the place where I could most learn and most contribute. I innocently thought I’d stay a few months and return to Australia. Seven Gifts My soul knew otherwise and here I am still. The Foundation has been and still is my ‘University of the Soul.’ in Seven Years - Christine Lines, Network Weaver Lessons in Community Living Inner Authority 4 Through the three year journey of leading the community’s council I discovered my inner authority. I invested my natural enthusiasm and commitment into the role, along with my passion for community life. Leadership required me to step up and I did that slowly over time simply by showing up. I listened to my intuition and asked for feedback when I felt uncertain. I firmly believe there is strength in vulnerability and this community is an amazing playground for exploring that.

Resilience 6 My capacity to grow and learn continues to expand and I feel deeply grateful for the Deep Listening 1 strength and resilience I’ve developed over I still remember sitting in my Experience Week, an Attunement 2 Group Skills 5 the years of living in community. I followed introductory programme to the Foundation, surrounded by I savour stillness, and here I found attunement, In my role now of Education Director of the my soul calling into the transformational new friends, my heart so open to life. The practice of deep a practice of pausing and connecting with my Holistic Centres Network, I appreciate how journey from my first week here to staff listening to each other was introduced from the beginning, innermost self, becoming aware of those around much my time at Findhorn has shaped me. and beyond, through the shattering of creating a safe space, and that felt deeply healing for me. me and breathing in the ever-present spirit of life. With peers at a recent gathering in Hawaii I old beliefs about myself. It’s no fun to do I could sense everyone give their genuine attention. Over From this space, I can act with clarity and intuitive could draw upon what I learned here about so publicly in community, but thankfully, time I’ve learnt to share more of myself, as I discover more certainty. I believe it supports me to live in a more facilitating groups, feel sustained by my community also offers a tremendous about who I am, and how I think and feel. Through this, I grace-filled way and it allows the uniqueness of spiritual practice, witness each moment and amount of support. I feel a new resilience can be more present with others. each one of us to flourish. embrace the growing pains. that can more easily withstand the emotional ups and downs of life.

Finding my Voice 3 I’m naturally soft spoken and feel more comfortable with the written word. I knew speaking in groups was my growing edge. During the Findhorn apprenticeship program, LEAP, I asked my mentor about public speaking. Soon afterwards Love 7 she nominated me to focalise Council and I found the willingness to say yes. When I first stepped up to do this, my I’ve developed a self acceptance and discovered a sense of wholeness that has firm foundations body shivered with the unknown, tears rolled down my face out of fear, and I felt the love and support of those around in love. From that place I share and experience love more easily than before and more often find a me. Listening more deeply, I’ve developed my intuition and strengthened the connection between all aspects of who I peaceful way of being in the complexity of life. am, healing the disconnect that occurred early in life. I’ve learned to voice my perspective in ways that transcend early “It’s not always easy or perfect being here, but it’s the learning journey of a lifetime.” conditioning, with less self doubt. The Foundation seems to create opportunities for each one of us to feel nudged out of our comfort zone and actively engage in our personal path.

18 19 C O NNECT

Workshops and Events

See our calendar of events for our complete list of workshops and special events. Sign up to connect with the workshop or event that will catalyse your next step in life. findhorn.org/programmes

Short Term Visitor Come and immerse yourself in this dynamic living experiment, surrounded by the beach, bay and forest of our Scottish Highlands home. findhorn.org/visit

Blog Join the conversation about inspired living, connecting with the consciousness of nature, health, love and more. findhorn.org/blog

Network of Light The Findhorn Foundation is part of a worldwide Find tapestry of holistic communities. Find out Inspiration about our global network of partners. “Love whatever you do. Learn Join the thousands findhorn.org/global- of people around networking to love the place you are in, the the world who receive weekly inspiring people you are with and the messages. work that you have to do.” findhorn.org/inspiration Experience Week The best way to experience our experiment in new ways of living is to be part of the community for a week. Answer the call to open your heart, mind and soul to a world of new possibility. Held by our expert facilitators, the week invites you to join a group of fellow adventurers as you explore spiritual practices, community dynamics and your own dreams and identity. findhorn.org/experience-week 20 21 july september november Saturday 7 Saturday 1 Saturday 3 2018 Calendar of Events Experience Week Experience Week Experience Week Brazilian Experience Week *Being in Community *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Clay *Being in Community *Iona - Introduction to Meditation *Iona - Transformation in Retreat January april june *Iona - Creations in Nature Chakra Constellations Saturday 10 Cultivating Life Force - a weeklong Essence and Empowerment - The *Being in Community Saturday 6 Saturday 7 Saturday 2 Chi Gong Retreat TARA Approach Game of Transformation - 4 days Experience Week Experience Week Hinterland Experience Week Saturday 14 Learning to Lead Sacred Dance Saturday 17 No Living in Community (LCG) *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Permaculture *Coming Home to the Garden - Experience Week Saturday 8 Experience Week Saturday 20 *Iona - Transformation in Retreat Gardening at The Park *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Mindfulness Experience Week *Being in Community Experience Week Saturday 14 *Iona - The Way of the Pilgrim *Iona - Summer Retreat *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Living *Spiritual Deepening - Living from *Being in Community Experience Week Spiritual Activism - Leadership as Service Festival of Sacred Dance, Music & Song Intuitively Purpose and Soul Walking the Amazonian Shamanic Path *Being in Community Saturday 9 Saturday 21 Animal Communication and The Alchemy of Transformation Saturday 27 Iona - Lifting the Veil Experience Week Experience Week Nature Connection II Saturday 24 *A Gift to Cluny - Spring Clean Saturday 21 *Being in Community French Experience Week Working With Subtle Energy: Embodied *Being in Community Celebration Experience Week *Iona Spiritual Retreat - Co-Create a new ‘I’ Family Experience Week Skills and Capacities for Life Amazonian Magical Sounds *Being in Community Nature as a Spiritual Path - Journeying *Being in Community Saturday 15 Being with the Inner and Outer Spirit with the Four Elements Game of Transformation - 4 days Experience Week december of Nature Saturday 16 *Iona - Summer Retreat *Being in Community Saturday 1 February The Children’s Fire: Ancient wisdom Experience Week Saturday 28 *Iona - Transformation in Retreat Experience Week fuels a new story *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Wild Nature Experience Week Advanced Essence and Empowerment Saturday 3 Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Primal Saturday 28 *Iona - Transformation in Retreat Family Experience Week Saturday 22 * Experience Week Painting Experience Week Saturday 23 *Being in Community Co-Creative Spirituality - Shaping Our *Sprinklings of Light - Spring Cleaning Saturday 8 *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Introduction Experience Week *Iona - Summer Retreat Future with the Unseen Worlds at The Park *Being in Community to Meditation *Being in Community Creations in Nature *Iona - Space for the Heart Game of Transformation - 4 days Saturday 15 *Iona - Wholefoods and Detox Retreat Game of Transformation - 4 days The Alchemy of Transformation No Living in Community Guest (LCG) Saturday 10 Experience Week Spiritual Intelligence - Next Level Reconnection and Renewal: A The Elusive Obvious Saturday 29 *Being in Community Being in Community Leadership programme run in partnership with Your Exquisite Body of Light Ecovillage Experience Week * Saturday 17 A Christmas Retreat Way of Nature *Love in Action - Maintenance at The Park Experience Week Saturday 22 Saturday 30 *Iona - Autumn Retreat *Being in Community No Living in Community (LCG) may Music Experience Week Game of Transformation - 4 days Saturday 24 august Christmas Retreat on Iona Italian Experience Week Drawing Out Your Soul -Touch Drawing * *Being in Community Saturday 5 Saturday 4 Saturday 29 *Being in Community and Sacred Expressive Arts Experience \week Ecovillage Experience Week Living in Community Guest (Restricted *Iona - Japanese Summer Retreat This Being Human -Telling True Life Tales * *In Perfect Timing - Gardening at Cullerne German Experience Week intake week. Only those who have done march Game of Transformation - 7 days Youth Experience Week LCG before can apply for this week.) Saturday 12 Saturday 3 *Family Experience Week Follow-On Game of Transformation - 7 days Experience Week october Experience Week *Being in Community New Year Celebration - Crossing German Experience Week *Being in Community *Iona - Summer Retreat the Threshold *Coming Home to the Garden - Saturday 6 Game of Transformation - 4 days Animal Communication and Nature New Year Retreat - Turning Within Gardening at The Park Experience Week Project Earth - Balancing the grid Connection I and Moving Forward Animal Communication and Nature Saturday 11 LGBT Experience Week of our planet Findhorn Spiritual Retreat - Permaculture Connection I Experience Week * Saturday 10 Sacred Dance - Ariadne - Transformations Music and Consciousness *Being in Community *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat in Dance and teachings of the Yoga and Meditation Retreat Week *Iona - Summer Retreat *Life Purpose Saturday 19 Dervish Turning Saturday 17 Whole Body Mindfulness - Increasing Experience Week Saturday 13 Experience Week the Power of Your Intuition *Being in Community *Being in Community *Being in Community School of Youth The Longing to Belong - Listening to Saturday 18 Essentials of Psychosynthesis Saturday 24 Introduction to the Healing Art of the Call of Your Soul Experience Week *Being in Community Esalen® Massage The Dancer within - Dance training *Findhorn Spiritual Retreat Saturday 31 Saturday 20 with The Harmony Method ® *Iona - Summer Retreat Ecovillage Experience Week Saturday 26 Experience Week Being in Community Game of Transformation - 7 days * Experience Week *In Perfect Timing - Gardening at Cullerne Game of Transformation - 4 days Embracing Change - An Open Floor Fire in the Heart - Writing and Living the Esalen® Massage - Deepening Your *Iona - Easter Retreat Movement Workshop Poetry of Your Life Saturday 25 Presence Living Your Purpose with Robert Holden Exploring Reality - Living Reality *In Tune with Nature - Springtime Experience Week Saturday 27 Abundance in Cluny Garden *Being in Community *Being in Community *Iona - Spring Garden Retreat *Iona - Summer Retreat Living in Community (LCG) starts on every *Iona - Autumn Garden Retreat On the Wings of Art - An Ensouled *Life Purpose Saturday unless otherwise stated. Glass Workshop Love & Fear with Robert Holden * These programmes require prior Integral Mondo Zen Retreat participation in Experience Week

22 23 FINDHORN Meeting the ‘Carrot of Plenty’ Inverness LOCATION Aberdeen Iona Glasgow at Findhorn Erraid Edinburgh Only 75 minutes from London By Molly Mettler Belfast airports - and a world away Wall Street Journal contributor, Friend of Findhorn - our centres welcome you to Liverpool The carrot I held was as tip is a teeming garden spot. An periodically to renew and recharge. I Birmingham the awe-inspiring beauty of the big as my forearm. As a ecovillage has risen; wind machines give my love and support to Findhorn Scottish Highlands year round. London volunteer veg chopper in whirr, lovely eco houses have replaced because it gives me joy in return. Bristol Cluny Kitchen, my task was funky caravans and the venerable to transform that glorious old Cluny Kitchen is now as sleek as • It gives me joy to relive my time at London to national London to Four hours carrot into a lunch salad. a spaceship. Despite the changes, it Findhorn. I’ve been my best me there. Aberdeen express.com Inverness from Findhorn staff and guests is when I am at Findhorn that I most • It gives me joy to financially or Inverness, citylink.co.uk 75 minutes Edinburgh would soon be trooping into clearly see my place in the chain of support the place, people connections uk.megabus.com and the dining room, ready to be Creation and Spirit. I see how my and purpose of the Findhorn to Forres Glasgow fed and have a bit of a rest energy - in terms of service, of prayer community. Many have given years before their afternoon shifts. and contributions - keeps the manna of their lives to help people like me I figured this impressive flowing… from Spirit to physicality, back find their best path in the world. orange giant would feed just to Spirit and then around again. For me, • It gives me joy to actively support the about everyone. This ‘Carrot the ‘Carrot of Plenty’ was yet another Findhorn principles of Inner Listening, of Plenty’ could serve as a reminder of this connection to Source. Co-Creation with Nature and Work reminder that we live a life All the energy that went into that carrot: as Love in Action, all of which have of abundance. the seed, the soil, rain and sun; the become important in my life. gardeners with their careful tending Findhorn Then and Now and harvesting; the driver who brought In English, the word ‘carrot’ also Giant vegetables brought me to it to our door; the cooks in the kitchen, serves as a metaphor for inducement, Findhorn. I first came as an Experience and the diners… we were all part of a encouragement, persuasion. My hope Week Guest in the summer of 1979; I chain of creation that was needed to is that these words might inspire you was 25 years old. It was the story of keep abundant and generous energy to connect with Findhorn in significant THE PARK cabbages and community, gardens flowing. We all played our part. ways. Your gifts, large or small, from Our Park site, five miles away from and angelic guides that lured me to your own abundance helps nurture and Cluny Hill and near the village Scotland to see the magic of Findhorn Till, Sow, Harvest sustain the Spirit of Findhorn. In the of Findhorn, sits within The Park ERRAID for myself. I fell in love with its energy As much as I love Scotland and the meantime, keep calm and carrot on. Ecovillage and blends into the local Within sight of Iona, the tiny island and kept coming back. In visits over the community, it is not my patch of earth duneland ecosystem on the rim of IONA of Erraid hosts a vibrant offshoot of past 38 years, I’ve witnessed enormous in which to take root. I am, however, See findhorn.org/support for ways to the . The Foundation runs a retreat the Findhorn Foundation. The Erraid growth and change. The sandy rubbish grateful for the opportunity to return support the Findhorn Foundation. house on the sacred island of Iona, family hosts guests year round to CLUNY HILL a historic destination of pilgrimage. experience working and spiritual Our Cluny Hill site is a former Guests can visit the local Abbey or If you truly get in touch with a piece of carrot, you get in touch with the soil, the rain, the retreats, or simply to enjoy the Victorian spa hotel set amid forested enjoy the wild solitude of the island, sunshine. You get in touch with Mother Earth and eating in such a way, you feel in touch with island’s stunning beauty and peace. hills near the historic town of Forres. its rugged hills and white beaches. true life, your roots, and that is meditation. If we chew every morsel of our food in that way we become grateful and when you are grateful, you are happy. - Thich Nhat Hanh 24 25 HAND CRAFTED WITH LOVE IN THE BEAUTIFUL FINDHORN POTTERY STUDIO Home of the beautiful Findhorn S anctuary candle/flower rings.


273 PINERIDGE, THE PARK, FINDHORN, MORAY - IV36 3TZ open every day including Sat & Sun 01309 690203 | [email protected] ( Tues. closed) Our pottery is also available from our online shop. findhornbayholidaypark.com www.findhornpottery.com- phone: 01309 691601:- email:[email protected] Follow us on Facebook. Become the Next Regeneration Designer! Immerse yourself in one of our transformational programmes and discover how Design for Sustainability can help you address today's global challenges. All our online and face-to-face programmes cover The New Findhorn Association is the voice Social, Economic, Ecological and Worldview aspects of the community that has evolved around the and integrate them through a regenerative design Findhorn Foundation, supporting our collective approach, to unlock your capacity to be an agent engagement with purpose and service. For more of positive change in the world. information or to subscribe to our newsletter, The Rainbow Bridge, please contact: [email protected]

gaiaeducation.org findhorn.cc

䈀䔀䌀伀䴀䔀 䄀 䘀刀䤀䔀一䐀 伀䘀 䜀䔀一 Holistic Education for sustainable living

䌀愀琀愀氀礀稀椀渀最 挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀椀攀猀 昀漀爀 愀 爀攀最攀渀攀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 眀漀爀氀搀 Further & Higher Education and continuing Professional development. courses in English as a second language, Ecovillage design, Facilitation, Permaculture, coaching and Well Being. EXPERTS IN ALL THINGS ECO 䰀䔀吀ᤠ匀 Bespoke Field study Visits offered for The best ethical news academic groups and independent researchers 䌀刀䔀䄀吀䔀 curious about sustainable settlement and Hero products 䄀 一䔀圀 and community studies. that help you put your 倀䄀刀䄀䐀䤀䜀䴀 money where your heart is! Findhorn Foundation College is a short course provider with the British Accreditation Council 匀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀 琀栀攀 攀挀漀瘀椀氀氀愀最攀 洀漀瘀攀洀攀渀琀 琀漀 ˻漀甀爀椀猀栀℀


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26 27 The Foundation is honoured to have been chosen by the P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards as their charity of the year, for its work in helping people to reconnect with nature, themselves and their spiritual path. The P.E.A award recognises the Foundation as the UK’s pioneering entity and force in this work, which it considers the crucial work of the next ten years for individuals and businesses.

To learn more, visit www.peaawards.com


Transforming human consciousness in everyday life