Climate Change and the Conservation of Marmots

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Climate Change and the Conservation of Marmots Vol.5, No.5A, 36-43 (2013) Natural Science Climate change and the conservation of marmots Kenneth B. Armitage Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA; [email protected] Received 8 March 2013; revised 10 April 2013; accepted 24 April 2013 Copyright © 2013 Kenneth B. Armitage. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ABSTRACT for any significant evolutionary response to dry- ness. The species that live in high, alpine mea- Conservation of marmots, large ground-dwelling dows where tree and shrub invasions occur are squirrels restricted to the northern hemisphere, most threatened with extinction. Captive breed- was impacted by direct human activity through ing can preserve marmot species in the short- hunting or modifying ecosystem dynamics. Re- run, but is impractical over the long-term. Wide- gulating human activities reduced the threat of spread species are unlikely to be endangered in extinction. Climate change, an indirect human the foreseeable future, but local, low elevation impact, threatens marmot survival through glo- populations will be lost. bal warming and extreme weather events. Most marmot species occupy a harsh environment Keywords: Climate Change; Global Warming; characterized by a short growing season and a Marmot; Snowmelt; Hibernation; Temperature long, cold season without food. Marmots cope with seasonality by hibernating. Their large size increases the efficiency of fat accumulation and 1. INTRODUCTION its use as the sole energy source during hiber- The currently recognized 15 species of marmots (Ta- nation. Marmot physiology is highly adapted to ble 1) are restricted to the northern hemisphere [1]. The coping with low environmental temperatures; habitats occupied by marmots range from small, widely they are stressed by high heat loads. Global scattered alpine meadows to the wide-spread steppe en- warming since the last ice age reduced the geo- vironment. All species except M. bobak and M. monax graphic distribution of some of the 15 species of are mountain dwellers [2]. Although habitat characteris- marmots. Recent warming resulted in a move- tics vary, they share the following major attributes: 1) ment upslope of their lower elevation boundary. meadow or grassland for foraging; 2) eastern to southern This process likely will continue because warm- exposure where snow melts earlier than on northern or ing is associated with drier unpalatable vegeta- western exposures; 3) a moderate to steep slope that pro- tion. Drought reduces reproduction and increa- ses mortality; thus decreased summer rainfall in vides good drainage; 4) a solid structure that supports a the montane environments where marmots live burrowing habit and often associated with rocks or talus; may cause local extinction. Snow cover, a major and 5) typically at high elevations, above or near timber- environmental factor, is essential to insulate hi- lines or if lower, in forest openings that may be of an- bernation burrows from low, stressful tempera- thropogenic origin [2]. tures. However, prolonged vernal snow cover re- This review will be in four parts. First, I will describe duces reproduction and increases mortality. Mon- the history and current situation of the species of mar- tane areas currently lacking marmot populations mots on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Sec- because vernal snow cover persists beyond the ond, the harsh environment in which marmots live and time that marmots must begin foraging may be- the importance of snow cover will be discussed to estab- come colonized if warming causes earlier snow lish the foundation for evaluating the potential effects of melt. This benefit will be short-lived because climate change on marmot biology. Third, known responses decreased precipitation likely will result in un- to global warming, including those following the last palatable vegetation. Although some marmot po- glacial maximum, will be described. Fourth, future pos- pulations are physiologically adapted to a warmer sible responses to global warming will be described and climate, global warming will increase too rapidly will include both potential beneficial and harmful effects. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS K. B. Armitage / Natural Science 5 (2013) 36-43 37 2. CURRENT CONSERVATION populations apparently increased because deer (Odocoi- RESPONSES OF THREATENED leus hemionus) abundance increased when additional SPECIES food became available in the clear-cuts. Deer numbers subsequently declined and it is likely that wolves and Three species currently are considered under threat of cougars directed more efforts toward marmots [7]. A ri- extinction (Table 1). The reasons for the listing differ for gorous captive breeding and reintroduction program was each species; human impacts are critical for all three. established in 2003; marmot numbers increased to 300 - The Vancouver Island marmot story illustrates how 400 by 2011 [6]. human activity at one ecosystem level can have uninten- Local human populations have long utilized the en- ded consequences on the ecosystem processes and drive dangered M. sibirica for food. However, early in the 20th a highly endangered species nearly to extinction. This century a market for skins developed in Europe and an species occupies sub-alpine forb-grass meadows on steep estimated 115 million skins were prepared between 1906 slopes where snow cover and avalanches inhibit tree and 1994 [8]. Skin production underwent a slow decline growth [3]. Estimates of population numbers indicate until new markets developed, particularly in China. The that only 50 to 100 individuals existed in the late 1970’s high price of a pelt (as much as $7.64) increased the [3]. Beginning in 1981, the marmots colonized new habi- number of hunters and hunting pressure [9]. Hunting tats produced by clear-cut logging [4]. The population occurred during the reproductive season, which reduced increased to more than 200 individuals, then declined to recruitment. In 2005, hunting was banned throughout the about 100 individuals by 1995 [5]. The clear-cuts regen- erated; marmots went extinct in those habitats and con- country. The ban is ignored in some areas, but the popu- tinued to decline in the natural habitats to about 30 indi- lation appears to have stabilized in other areas. The sur- viduals in 2003 [6]. vival of the species seems assured because it thrives in The decline apparently was driven by wolf (Canis lu- areas where hunting is banned or does not occur for reli- pus) and cougar (Puma concolor) predation [7]. Predator gious reason [9]. Over the long term, regulation of hunt- ing must consider the use of marmots by local popula- Table 1. The currently recognized 15 species of marmots (Mar- tions for food, fur, and medicinal products. Recent stud- mota). The status of those species under threat of extinction as ies of the effect on extinction probabilities for the alpine listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, version 3.1, marmot for three harvesting systems (constant-effort, is indicated except for those species of least concern. Species constant-yield, and threshold) indicated that threshold that typically skip one or more years between successive re- harvesting in which exploitation occurs only in those productions are marked with an asterisk*. years in which a population exceeds a given threshold Scientific name Common name IUCN listing and individuals are removed until the population reaches its threshold provided the highest mean yields in relation Eurasia to extinction risk [10]. Thus, if the social and population M. marmota* Alpine biology of a species are used as the basis for regulating * exploitation, sustained yields and a sustained population M. caudata Red or long-tailed * are possible. M. menzbieri Menzbier’s Vulnerable Numbers of the vulnerable Menzbier’s marmot have M. camtschatica* Black-capped decreased because of past hunting, poisoning campaigns M. himalayana Himalayan for pest surveys, overgrazing, and habitat destruction. Hence the populations have become more fragmented * M. sibirica Siberian or tarbagan Endangered and breeding has decreased [11]. Restriction of hunting is M. bobak* Steppe necessary to reduce the extinction probability of this M. baibacina* Gray species. These three species came under the threat of extinction M. kastschenkoi Forest-steppe by direct impacts on marmots or their environments by North America human activities. These and other species in local popu- M. broweri Arctic or Alaskan lations of some wide-ranging species are threatened indi- rectly by anthropogenic climate change. Climate change M. monax Woodchuck is predicted to affect marmots by increasing the tem- M. flaviventris Yellow-bellied perature of their environments and by producing more M. caligata* Hoary extreme weather events [12]. The likely significance of M. olympus* Olympic warming and extreme weather events can be understood by examining the nature of the harsh environment where M. vancouverensis* Vancouver Island Critically endangered marmots live. Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS 38 K. B. Armitage / Natural Science 5 (2013) 36-43 3. THE HARSH ENVIRONMENT greatest [19-21]. The physiological response to heat stress may vary with the environmental conditions en- The ground-dwelling squirrels (spermophiles, prairie countered by local populations.
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