

; PEGISTRATION 0F: LETTERS MKTnODKTS ON DANCING.' GOOD.FRIDAY SERVICES TlIBKliDISAD INWJJECK. TWo ConferencesfSuggestriftlDg^tlte, Bn'h ,' . ; [By Publlfhefs Press.l . =. Postmaster Dey Will I nail gn ^ato t he_ Now .Bay anti ISvenfoir Meetings , W in Be H*ld WE’VE SAVE .L-. ' ^ f pisolpllno^ Spreading' Itails’Cause 8 es,Sou»- A ccident wind, w ----- | System In a Portion of Tills City in a Number -of Local. Churches*; net If the general conference of the Methpdlst V l n - Fennsylwania-.Today. oxt^Blon(1 ay^Aprll 10. . .. -Xhe I’ro^ranis Outlined. .. ■ Episcopal.. ,c(i\irph "adopi^ the sugaesilona Bollefonte, Pa., -Tfcuraday.--Th'toe men A STORY “ PCce -your 'Ffe rn- >Next AfondayV lO, PoBtnjaater A< Aprll W; fflf'ade Tuesday ,;by the Nowj York, confer ■ Tomorrow being Good Friday, religion* are dead and one badlyinjured as the result THJ will put' In pperatldii ln' thta clty tho soniaes wiii bo held in a number ot the local El E A- '-sstwa'ftde...... ■ v*i*v.*vv wltii > : ■ the. old- * ehce, meeting ii Now YOrk, and the New of av?rock neiir Clarence Staliotf this m ora TTO TELL y o u -Bystem of - wSlatratlon ot letters b f York Bait conferehce,"ln ses8lon In Dan- ohurchei during the day and evening, inijr The accident occurred m the Sugar est and pest v coh^fe oarrl?tB,’'aa piyvtaed.-for by the po3toOIoo ,bnry, bbnn,1, menibere of the seal naay The union ^errioea which .wore,beg«tf In’ Cirap branch, cff the Belleforite’and Snow Cause Disaster to Life and Prop* departnfBDt. For, thb present th& territory the Flrat Presbyterian church yUtsc night Of how happy you n£ould in a ; :; "papiek in the w orlds dance, play cards or go to theatre without Shoi'tiallioad,: and f t as causad by-spread. erty the World ‘ Ovfer;- v ba. In wtilch the oarriercwlll b© authorized io breaking at!" of the pr^sarlbed ralatrof coh- will be continued toalglit and also tomorrow Jug r a i l s . . '.' > home of your own, and one to of- • apcopt registered letters will include .Ssw- duot. • , . n l g h f , “ .- - ■ ' -; .'. : al! iivenuH ami all.tbe.teiritbry uorth to the In Trinity Church, Itev. A. J. Miller, ST R IK ER S OIV13 UE CONTUST.. fer for, sale at a low . price, with> TMa aoefi not meau that these worldly E n g l a n d w i l l b e w a r n e d 6r,il of the tree dellVery 4liiea,v exoladlng pieaiiures .a ^ r o r y ’ bf Methpdlsts, rector, services will i^ m foiiowB: JlornSttg small payment down. ■ buslneps liousefi’nnd hotels, .hitran couth Resume W ork for*ttie American . Woolen MONEY b’utthe-prepoS tfci ' is made to revise the prayer and litany at .10.8 0 ; "Watching , by of SetoraU avenue will oe reijdlred to sall at Coinpany^tJncX^r the O^d Scal^. The rentals saved in a few years book of discipline so1 that tha amusements tho Cross,’’ s:1 noon to 3 p. m,; evening Not. U> Use Rallwiiy lu Kust Africa .to -the ottlcejto register lettera. The system XjOwkI!, M ass, Thurmfay,—ffceetrlkerp a t Would gd a long‘ way toward pay* ' frowned, upon by the church; will not be prayer at ti o'olook. ■Transport Troops—Collapse of Pittsburg b y ; , ; v. wiii .bo,extended m soon as pbsBiWe so as, to specified.',; A t the West Grbve M. E, church tomor­ tha Bay State mills of the American Woolen Building Causes Many X)eaths—-Flaguo ing th? balance. • r ■ ' ", Represented' Include the, entire olBtrlcti This Is the New Yo£k'conference eeolu- row evening “The-life of Christ'’ will be company resumed work this noon. They I at Caivnpore, India—Ilo^rs Ifarross tlio Let us give you particulars. In the general ordew Issued by.-tfiS^de- tion Introduced bj/the Rev. J5, A, Tipple pf illustrated by. a stereoptlcon. N. H. K ll gave up the contest and returned to vwor& British—Revolt Serious in Gold Colony. partme'ntfcir the establishment of the slew mer of Ocean Grove will have charge of the uader the old saiie of wages. St- Jajnes' efaurch, New York. Stockholm, Thursday,--A private des­ D. C. COVERT eyatem it is plainly se t. f crtli that carriers, “That proylded the committee on the con­ pictures,- i t will, bo s religious servlc;,. are to spenfl no more tfmti In the jfaglstra* wittf the.', pastor,' ' Hev. W, d,^Moyer,-iB ‘ F ig h tin g a t W’.'®pener A gain. patch from St. Petefsburgaaya that an ul stitution of She church shall Saclde .tha’t London, Thutsday.—A'despatofi from Ail- tlmatum signed by Russia/ France and Hol­ tion of, a letter than ia abaolutefy iiecessary paragraph 2i8 of the:'dlBo|jpline is constitii- charge*’ ■ *•- :n_- • . 208 Bond Street . to write th^.receipt and.promptiy daliyer It'. At the Bradley iBaach M’. E. church to wai 'North"Says heavy fighting began again land Wiii be presented to-England it the MILAN ROSS AGENCY tlpnal, the general conference be memorial- at Wepener yesterday. railway from Belra to Dmtall, In Portu- > v: " _ # ' ' ■' Wblto. thejr are reqfulred to too courteous Sse'd to omit from paragraph 248ths'ineom- morrow evening a’Good Friday service wiii and i * ft so patrons, they'are posi­ te hold. Kov. T. 8. Brook,' tiie pastor, wi’j guoae East, Africa, be used to transport Asbury Park. N.J. plete cataiogue of;^prohibited,, amusements, troops-iata--Hhodesia,.-: The-despdtch-also ~ — 208 Main Street.— tively forlildden to engageJn discussion. If and-tpaubstltuter^fonthooniUted-clauseB' speak jp o n -“Thei-Seven-Last- Words-ot STRICKEN IN COURT- aTetraTis properly prepared for registra­ Christ From the; Cross,” The choir will oonfirma the story whloh was printed by the the following {paragraph in the chapter of' ATEeubladet here to the effoot that tho czar tion the oarrier will accept it and tender a Speofnl Advice—Christian Conduot’: render special snusic bearing upon the Bramatlc Scene In Brooklyn IFi’.rliij; Di­ receipt. IE it. Is not, th6 carrier will declias intends to mobilize the reserves Immediately “The. command to follow Christ Is ari ap­ theme. vorce Procoeillngs-—Action Hr*,ughf'~ to talte it and,hand tha persoa a card which attar the-ultimatum hiis been issued. KEITH'S EXPRESS peal to the humblest oliristlan ■ living. We Tomorrow evening at- 8 o’clock, in the . - About l>y a. Visit to Tills City,' wiltexplalij'hla refusal to acccpt the letter. are np longe&free to follow our own jncll* tfirsb-M. E. eliuroli of this city, a cdmpli-' A dramatic scene was enacted In tho.su" b i g St r u c t u r e coixArsES. Moomouth Trust ASBURY PARK and OCE AN QROVBv '• AtfcarHers are specially enjoined against - — AND— ' nations, having' become servants to do the mentary organ recital descriptive of tho preme court in Brooltlyn yesterday wben making overtime It Is absolutely necessary ( Hotel Brunswick, Will of God. / ,v- - death and resurrection of Christ will .he Judge Dickey ordsred a decree of divorce In Tlie Casualties t?nbnown at Armstrong O m c fi < Railroad Depot and • that they should not be subject to delay. A given ‘ by the orgaulsii"' .Mrs.; Bruce' B fayo'r'bf Samuel Frbligh’. The.contend’riK Ss McKelvey Building, ‘Pittsburg, ■ 1214 Bangs Avenue. . ‘ ‘We are to please One who.ls.ouriifasteri clerlJ will be detailed a t the mnin otHco tp- even Chnstr lii all things, even in our rec-' KeatoPi This recital will taka the place couple’s son, who had testlfljd against his Pittsburg, ?a„ Thursday.—At 8.85.1 hie Safe Deposit Coibpany PrJnclpil Office..;..V..806 MAIN BTRKBT receSe tho registefed iettbrs from the car­ read on a audouf pleasures,' we are to do nil of the regular prayer service of, the mother, fell tn a f«iat before the julge’s morning the Arm^trpug.&McKeivey -- build' Hdnmofem Buuiiiag, Park, If. J,‘ Uoods stored 4t .reasonable rates,' ' . riers and give him a receipt.for the same,. Astmijr Telephone ooonectlon. unto the glory of God. It is therefore urged church, and Via intended that a deeply re­ bench, and the mother dpcia-sd tlv itjt -wife' Tng, a t Thlrd'avenue and Wood street, col- This, lift s k will mako aute that the letters P* O. Boi 667, - - - . r . AflBUBT PASS. ttiatalS members of our sjburehesshaH 're- ligions spirit shall pervade I t Appropriate Heaven’s righteous judgment. lapsed. A number of people were in the CAPITAL/. aro- fully, prepaid tjnd eatltled to, be dk- doam the time, making wiseusBof ttjo lim3 quotations from tee Holy Word will be read," Mr. and.Mrs Freligh were married in 1874. building at the time. 4 .$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . patched, If they, are not he will notify the which God has committed to tho'keeping ot each one followed by a descriptive organ Eiist summer Mrs. Frelig^i came to Asbury 1.13 p. m.-^Tiirea Injureil and one dead SURPLUS, sender direct by a “lieW tor postage" ao- -25jO O 0.v A “SPRING” NEED every.• map,. to grow.la grace’and,in tie selection.' Among the organ numbers will Park. When her trunki was’ Sent back to have beers taken out ot the ruins so far. ties or a special form provided for this purr her.Ugmaln Erooklyn^tha.liuab.uifLfoiind a Two others can now be seea, but .they have indwledgaot-auEjiCird-Jesus^Chrlst^tliat be heard “A TwUteht 'Pliture,” (3helley): I-vAcciie* ^t! tr u s ts h w i i -o th e iftw . •posor*-"— rrr: ; T '' they be not lovers'of pleasure more than of rhe^CUerublo Host,” (Gaul); “Mareli tb card upon it tearing the following: “Mrs. not been reached as yot.: Twenty -five others Loads money oa bond and a o r tg ir t. ' This now ajstpin will doubtless be a great Receiyea defeosita subject to check mad allows God; tisat they abstain from all »ubh'diver- tlie Judgment Hal),11(Buck); “He waa De­ W, L. Baker, Shadyside cottage, Asbury are believed to be In the debris. Interest on doily balances. a - - You may wind and wind forever. convenience to the pooplft of the city and sinns as cannot be'used In the name of tire spised,"•(Handel), and a(siumberof. others. Park, Muriroe avenue.” U'pon the reverse m c r a u S ’T ' Re*1,trar $n.a»#a*fer Aseot. But when the spring: is broken the carriers are requested ta Urge the regis­ BUBONIC PLAGUE AT CAWNI’ORE. tord Jesus (see the genera^ rules, chgpter A male and a female quartet will each sing side Of the card was written: "Mias Ida c^akeSj demand and tlme loans on spprored ' It Is 'rdead.M . tration of valuable lettera and packages. SO); tliat they avoid tha very appearance of a selection, and the choir will, sing as the Frellgh, dance 'impersonator. No.. 633 Lex* Soldiery Killed.in ijefendlnjf Sfegrogatlon Brins It to me and I will restore The extenslon of the' Bysfem • Is. left, td the Bale deposlt.vaiiUs. evil, aaci that if in anything causeth offense closing number Dudley Buck’s “FestlvaVTe jngton avenue,' Brooklyn, N.- Y.” On this -^ ^ -rO a» it|> “Fri»*ir- Itlo te rg r— ~ st,to'life. hands-pf-thp-postioiist'er-and-honauBt^bo evBenceTheTusband' became jealous and they will deny themselves for/ the 'sake of 'Deuin.”” . t ' • - ... . Ailahabad, India, Thursday .'—Tho bubonic A. C.-TWININO, Pretldent. - govonied by clrcumbtuncos, The' territory- instituted an action for divorcer His wife G...B. M. m R.VBY, Vicc prtslaenf. ' I. lW® ODly th e. BEST; M ATERIALS their weaker brethren.’.” '■ '*• ~T~%\ plague has broken'outsat Cawnpore, and 'and GUARANTEE my.wofjt., 1 proposed to 'b o "covercd. at tlia' iiturt Is .. ... |t.A . T08TING; 8ccrrt»ry. At the Danburjr_ conference Professor COUNTY A P STATE filed a counter claiai'thrbugli her counsel, J- tile precautions by tho^ 'authorities have B. C. CORNUIA, Treuur* r&rthectTram the dfflce. After the export You mey .have 57sjjrlne need In Bice of Weslf-yau university Introduced a J. Bennett. caused much disorder. The segregation DIRECTORS: - meat has been 'tried the postmaster will be summer, fall or winter,' I -shall be similar resolution and spoke very plainly. Mrs. Theodore. Heislg: of' Freehold-will MrrBennett. asserted that the pencllln g cimp to which^he nlagna eu.Tereru were re- . O. H. Biewn, . R. A. Tu'stiEg, v better qualified ttj'rtiiniie resulis. pleased to do your repairing all the He said: • . . '. . • . I spendjtho Bummer visiting, her r>arents~ln on the card was written by .Mrs. Fr.ellgli’a. m ovedTras-aj^ired'^'ssterday'by’Pfotsrs -^'-5'Sva'a,?oa- .,.5;r.nry-Miid!elIrit,-D,- ..year:round. • • S j.^1 §ro'tl>— John P. ( n,-J “The attempt to legislate .evil out- ot the Gori . son to injure her, and several of -the garrisoii were liill&d. iV( JAH5rl f,soA> Perry R. Smith, ■K, Ida Freligb, her jdaughier, testlii. d that Col. G. R M. Harvey, s. A, Fsttefton, REPUBLICAN DELEGATES Mothpdistchiirdh has proved an evil In it­ Fi'rfnki/n Pierce Stryker has been appoint, Yolunteers hSvo beenyalled out ' George F. Kroehl A; O. Twlntos' self worse even thnn that which it tries to. ed a menlber .of tha Red Bank board of she went tu Asbury Park with her mother, Bruce 8. Keator. M. R. H. m Vreeland. Prim ary Names .Iteprc^esniaUves to Attend prohibit. P enonatl/i am opposed to card- health, to fill the vacancy caused by the and while there occupied the Same room VOLUNTEEI^S CA tlEI) OtT. ■. G. D. w , V-reom. GLdUDEJ.WISEMN, * Two Conyontlonij and Endorses o. death of James Walsh, with.her, and that while, there her mother playing, theatre going anti dancing, but I R evolt in. th e R ritisH <*^ld Coast Colony II. Brown for Dolog»to,- Mrs. Sigan H. Denver, who died at .Tersqy was never^out of her presence. > * • Jeweler and Optician think It Is a sad mistake to have such ex- ^ Is llccomlng Serloiia. ' C ity..Jl0 nday,.,wa8 -la«t'raii(idaughter:0 f< It.was »lIeged=by-counsel /or-tlie plaintiff, High Grade Fishing Tackle . The Jfopubllcan vuterspf Neptune.town-, .pjic.it clauses ln the. book of .discipline.1’. - Accra, British Gold Coast Colony, Africa, v . ■ • 645 Cdokman Ave. ship, including Asbury Park, assembled at Major John Pauidlng, one pf tha captSrs o£ that Baker, named as corespondent, was Ih- Repairing da Eofls and Bsete, Major Andre, ’ Mrs. T)6nvbr waa 59. stra'etor In bicycle riding, and had fallowed Thursday.—l^lio revolt in the Ashanti dis­ CIGARS AND TOBA(?Cp Park.hull last nlghtfor the purpose of elect- EXCITING BASKET BALL tric t's becoming Eerlous.. I t,is reported John DicS&won^/a night watchman of Mrs, Frellgh to A’hury P;ark. . . Imported key.Wsg and Bdmestlc Oliauand nil ' log delegates to the state and oon'kressional that five European officers and ;40 liuzami,, * - . - /. s ■ Trenton, died suddenly of .heart failure!^ fes. Freligb denied all the allegations , .Smokers' Articles. • • . conventions. Wllllan GiSard.was elected Orcos Teams Proved tho Victors in Both natives of the governmont fbrcB5,havo been - - Tlio b eat. elg.r that Scent 8 can buy. hls homo yesterday morning white reading bat Justice Blckey decided against tier;. C o r r e c t chairman, !»ud. P. P. Dodd w al nam^d jaa 1 Gumcs W ith t ; - - t . j ’z' ■ ■ -. killed in lighting with the rebels. All the the election rbturna. He whs-a ISemocratic Her counsel will a3k for a new trial. J. F. SEOEB, c f f i A . , secretary,, / I _ -■ ^ , Z IIimI 15r,nk. volunteers have been called out. The state convention will bs- aeld to* • Two Intereatisg and exciting .games of ward workfii*, and had ju^t expressed regret G l a s s e s Trenton next Thuraduy. Ao/II 19, for the basketbaU we^e played Sn’Central hali'iaBt that tt(e «Itjr liad heen carried by tha B&- H. B. MARTIN THE WINNER EARTHQUAKE IS MOHESIIA, - i" : ' 1 ■■■ A R B A HBIjF purpose of selisctlog four delegates to the publlcayps, when lie fell over and expired. EASTERCARDS night. The rontestto teams represented Forly-t,no Houses Destroyed, Several Per- to weak-eyes and. often relieve dtatno&i nations convention, which will be' held In the. St. James Athletic' olul- of- Red Bank ,Mi|3 Mary Hauftoh acted as tally clerk for Handicap Pool Tdurnanient Closoa .at A«- ■ sK illed -and Many iniilred. " ALL LATEST DESIGNS •• and headaehe. If jo b th in k y our glasses Philadelphia on Juns 19. The delegates and the Oreos Athletic ciub oi 'th is city. the'Sepubllcon .party on ‘T&esday in the i>ury Park Whcplmen’e Club- Vlanna, ’Thursday.—The town o* Klapr are not correct oall anS havo your ayes ex­ ohoson tb attend the state convention-ware Ttti attendance-wais very good and the. S'ecoud ward at Pertp Amboy. Miss Han­ .PRICES WITHIN REACH OH ALL ' par, in .'Bohemia, Waa . visited lay au earth­ amined FBKE OF GHARGE. Yob may as ifbHowas George F. Kroehl, Ty Frank Ap­ players were liberally applauded, llio game son was apipointed by hor father, John Han- The handicap tool tournament, which has quake yesterday and 41 houses wero demol­ have your frames repaired and, adjusted pleby, • Ii. C. Uubbejt, Frank Tantum, between the seco'ntt seams of tho' two or­ aoa, the ward memBeroftfiecIty executive been In ‘progress at the clubhouse o t the ished.^ Several persons,, jvere killed aha while you wait. Charles Burney, R. W. Klrkbrida and P. F. ganisations, proved very exciting. It re­ committee. She served as an assistant »t ^sbnry Park Wheelmen, has b^en hroughfc EA5TEK ^00KLET5 A1I work £aHv warranted, at prises with­ Dodd. They will select their own" alter­ sulted in a tie, which had to Jbe played off. the election last fall and her services were to a close. Dr. H. C. Millar, >£the city and its people makes government meat bill. . 1 fhat something is wrong pay atten. knownas “Indlnu.Kate,’’Starting a fire'in him wolTquallfied to act aa probation of- congregation of 1854 who' are still in the Brussels. April 12.—King Leopold has -jinttfrttnrrd that he ilosires on the occasion - tion to It.1 i \ . ■ the pine*. .Had they, not; been, found as "acerT •.-.... church aro John J^itA’ausney, 83 years-old REPOIIT NOT CONFIRMED. and Miss Mary SpiJer, 84 years old, both of of liis sixly-iillh birthday (l«r wiis born Headache and • Neuralgia quioStly On A 'sbury Park property. Gilt- thoy wore’disastrous results woald have foi- Judge Fort will no doubt feel, it his per­ April IK to present the country with relieved. ' whom will bo present tomorrow night to -edgo security. Title porfeot. In. lowod. .' v . \ sonal duty' to soe that the initial operation all his estates, which will contribute to No Oniclnl Notice of lludon-POwell’s .Ke- After the Are was exlinguishod tho pris­ of the act shall bo successful, and set the welcome their formor pastor. . ' tht* beauty a»id charm of the localities- —- parted Death Kocelved at London, ! Baranco to coyer loans.' oners ,were_ fa)£on before Justice Haines,, pace for its future administration. Tho law where they at e sit\tiiteil.- I lo pointed out London,-Thursday —No confirmation "of STILES & CO. - -...... whfrgbmmltted thom to'awalt tho action of Is one of tiie risults.of Juilgo Fort'a,studies ISTOI.K G IF1A IIIV 8 I>AIN’T. the necessity for opdi spaces and gardens tlia' reported death of Col. Badeh-Powall at thegralndiury;r. “ . of tlie penal system made by him last ­ near growing cnies for the benefit of hy- Mafeking had been received by the war.of- :’r- Eye Specialists, ~7 mer, -The new ldjy Is essentially a humane Township Collector Thinks MeSAs KdowI- ■gieue nnd artistic effects and expressed, flce up to 11 o'clock today. | . • r OBITUARY KECORl). . odire"of- the Guilty.Tarty. " the hope' that -the^e naturally adorned one, ia that it makes justice a benlllcent re­ spaces -would- not be allowed, to deterio­ 222 MA|N STREET W . H. BEEGLE, former for first o£fonders:who are capable Township Collector William Giffafd TOWN FIRE .STRICKEN. rate. A bill has been introduced in the , EVERY FRIDAT , .’ —— • Kdward Voorlieos. of reformation, and arms it.with Increases mourns the loss of about ti5 worth of paint. chamber to permit the country to accept YeBterday Edward Voorhoes died of con- severity for those offenders who appear to vThloh ho hud purchased for use on his cot- his majesty.’s offer. Only Two Business Houses Remain in " H onrall to lp . m,, a to 5 p. m. ,826 Main St., Asbury Park j ...... : ^ Iloivllne Grcon, A’a. % " ■ • sumption at his homo on Sylvan avonue, tie incorrigible...... _1,____ lagei.Hb.orlglnaUy. bought jibout {25 worth Free ezamlnatlon. ■Ail Glasses guinntMd. ' Wfat-Park, aged-ac-yeairs andO’monthS. • It is a moral h\w, "Hit turns back from tie and hail ueed less than one half of it. The Fltz-llngli L c c ' n X c w Comm’nnd,/ Richmond, Va, Thursday .—Tho ^iv,’n.of Ho loaves a widow and lour, small children, ptiiion gates the convict who would porbapa balance he placed under tile front porch of 'Washlr.gtpn. April 12.—The president Bowling Green was nearly wlpait out by firo ggpltal 150.QB6 .“ “. w r W5,i)00 find ia'alfio survived by his mother, Mrs, ba hopelessly ruined by penal associations, hie residence, expecting to uso it the next has issued an .ordei’ merging the depart­ yesterday. Only two business •housGs're- Mary. B. Vobrhees, and ono sister, Mia. ments of' Havana"Hml Pnuir'deT IUo. Cu­ raain. . . ■______f and tells himio-go and sin .10 mdro,r It day. Durjbg the nlfeht some —i>lniii^yn—will _t» whoso death occurred three yoar3 ago. No­ and th ^ te e m of others. > ... At present ..General' Lutilow is in coin- >eniH Determined to llavn a Naval * Sta­ OF A5BCJRT PARK- tice of tho funeral will ha given later. , ' It Is an economical iaw.’There is u saving l’ool-for.tho Cltain]Hoi>ship.. maud nf the * department ' of. Havana tion at >I»*apo, Corea. for the state In every caso of probation. In ■William Keliyi proprietor of tho botol at which is. to be .amalgamated with Pin ah. Yokohtfma, Thursday. — Advices from Mattison Avenue and Bond Street B A N K “ . ‘ MUs.BrSwn 1»* Coming. Tostorlng jh e oSoader to Boplety the law Locust Point, oeur Atlautie Highlands, is del Rio. Quemados is the present -head­ quarters of Ihe ilefmrlJiieiif bf Piimr del' Cijiea atato thnt Russia lias renowedthe.de- “The Strange'“Adventures of -Miss gives baclTfi worker wiibso liiboi'or talent arranging foi* a handicap pool tournaineat m'mils for a naval station near Masapo, in Corner M attlaon >,va. aid M ala St., Browii," the amusing Ihree-aot'farco to bo for the championship of Monmouth county. Hid nnd is the site o’f “the camp where the '*! Between Postofflco anjl J)ei>ot hHB a efirtain pecuniary value to the world. major part, of the American g orris cm U ASBURY, PARK. N. 3 ~ r given under tbo auspices of Company B at. It prevents pauperism of families, which is Ono huodred dollars in^Izas wlll badtvided c5r? \ :... J . ' quarterpd. • : ORQANlZEb FEPKUARY, 1866 Park Opera ^ouae .on Thursday evbiilng, a publlo expense. ____ among the winners. The high man will, al­ ^ I I ouhc aiid, Cpntentn llurutid. . * • Corrier Main Avenue an! W lgrijn P athtay April 19, is said to be a production of greiit so recelvo a gold medal. . ' Station Sliip T op AIumIcH. . John Warner’s uniccnpled house at Red • - OCEAN QROVE. dramatlo forco, abounding in comptex and To Institute.. Now K. G. K. Castle; Washington. April 12.—The secretary Bank ??as deatroyed bylire ot unknown or-,. bewildering situations.-'.There are captains A delegation of Corinthian Gastie. No. 47, . . Jlettor W.catiier Predicted. . • of war hafl ‘authorised the purehuse by Igin early yesterday morning, Tho house and majors, nirgeanta.apil the whole gamut Knights of the Golden Ejigle, of this oity, ' WaBhlngtott, Thursday, — Showers this the ilii nr ter master's department of the OFFICERS: , ' Inew stcan\er Diekinstuf, in Seattle, was fully furnished. -Tlie building is said GEOBl jE F- KROEHIj,.I>r66ldent HHNBT 0. WXNSOB. Preefdoat. of a rotlltaty tine, wb. ft'rh' mixed up -wkh will-go to Perth Amboy t'onlgUt to partici­ afternoon and tonight.; Friday, fa(r, brlfib to have been worth'?2,000. It was Insured (1BO. Mr. EVANB, VlCfrPKul-leaL \Vnsh., 'iwith'a, viqw to. her use’as a* sta­ O.H. j IROWN, 1st Vice President SDilOND.E, DAYTON) Caahler " pretty fiohbol girls in ftmualng,intrlgiVe ibat pate in tly) organizatjon of. a new lodge at aputeeaeterly shifting to southwesterly tion ’ship in -tlie1 liow iliilitaiy, .depfiHment for $1,000 And the furniture forlSCO. Every­ tha); place’.' Grand Vice Chief Arthur H. i l . h, * <=. ,1 H er i'jra llod*. Owlnp; to the .stormy weiithpr the recep- C,C. ;jI^TTOH -t* ■/; UfS^ZS ssjujOu * a t Perth Amboy. "• •* lea, is president, The Dickinson is ..de­ MllUunry Opening-. ■ ‘ Famous Wiles ManufwetVirUifr Co. iron — ■«■•»—: ..._ . tl5n of tfc6 aabury Park ’BulMiag Supply scribed* as a iliie vessel for tlie 'Alaskan . ata. ■w.tuur , Company will bo postponed until Saturday GraUd nilUlntry ooonlng Thursdayi- Frf1 3, t. naa jsoH • • • til/to* beds at I4.9S; usually,sells at 13.15and,*5.Sl>, . . ' M illinery (^p'ciung, service/ Sliu is owned in Seattle.- •'* day.ana Saturday. CboK's iiRElIrvB. Patrons’ valuables repel ved'for «af« anmv 0 , wihboh • afternoon from 8 so B o’olock. • 88 Also- sole aft«Pts for.-the siernstelu. beds; ■ Graail millinery openinrf Thursday, Frit .« ; '.. , - ■ ,: • 87*60 ‘ keeping free pfoharge.’ ■'. ■!$:) :.‘- v aprluge guaranteed live yoaro- t day andSaturdayv Cook’s. Bbk H^iVk. 70tf. BvISIND.iOU COMI'ANY. ‘ Foreign exchange boutrHt arid, sold V '■ MUUnory O pening. - . MIIlino«y Opening. CommoniiinTat t ^ 0 ' olook Hatiirdsy Aooo'u>\ta Respectfully Solicited. brand i!:;|lin0ry opening TharMayi Fri*' Gran'. miiilneiry. opening Thursday,' Fri- afternoon, tlcsets for "Miss Brown", aS.the Collections proinntiy aoknowiedged 8 a f0jD»poalt. Boxes

"By WOLCOTT LE OLEAB BEABD. Ifcopyrlgrht, 1839, by American PresB Asso- • . '^Aclttdon.J . ■ r:

• [CONTINtmp.] » • •***'•• • i"' Still, ns 1 said, for two or three even, -jugs thero was 'qniot,. aiid then tbs ^jpLaps wero. flniiBed. Spider wore them -)continnally, to “liniber’em np some.” ho said. Trnly thoy needed Umbering. ..for tho leather, when mado into tnbes oil so smdfl a diameter, wns so stiff that Spider’s knees could not bend.it in' the 'smallest degree, tftid he was obliged to jnaik in mncb the • samo manner tjiat ono steps oQ distances on' n map with M mm a pair of compasses. Tbo ret, • ., . • . ■- ...... «^4rzfT.uj~'wi . .. , • - r - - • « •• . . -followed most qnxiously, When^the de­ cision was reached. Spider, knowing Besides this tliey are wholesome an^ satisfactorf for breakfast, lunch, or afternoon tea, whether that every hand would bo required in tjie-herding, begged .to bo, allowed to kue weather is warm or cold. There is nothing in the combination which could be otherwise tbn palatable form one of tho forco, and. afterlconaul- tation with tho foreman and thct Ballet Girl, I consented, and as a temporary and wholesome. And the price, io cts. for a 2-lb. package, is reasonable, isn't it? meaBuro Spider was' taken on as a cow­ boy. ! f [TO BE CO.VTI.VUKD.l, [ 2 lbs. The rl-O Co. s Pancake.Flour) oil in p OfOTPfQ PlBgne* SI’taatl^nM n H nunfl. ' j 1 lb. H-O (Hornby's Oatmeal) { alA IOC., SI grOCCfS .Washington, April 12.—A report on bu­ bonic plague'Conditions in Hawaii up to March 31 has-been received by the mu­ rine hospital service from Surgeon Car­ michael, Stationed at Honolulu,. The tn- .tnl cases to dute number 70, of which 00 died, nine recovered and one is in the pest “ hoifiital. Of'-those-who- died 32 \vere * Chinese, 8 Japanese, 10 Httw-niiaus nnd 1 whites. The active pint o f^ -e ’diseasi;,' the surgeon - says, seems to havo passed and hopes* for a dpo°dy cessation ot the plague. • Jletarn of.an Kxlle.v t ltochest >r, April 32 — Afti# evading the Xc\V .York, April 12.—Brigadier Genor- author! (io: and' suffering*, an exile from FOR A NEW CREED. lieVe in* tiio* salvation of. all children. 2,400.people In my'congregation' 500 of Dr,‘Gregg say’s uc is‘not afraid of be i c y c l e e f home and frionds a quarter of a century What, liave tliey done to be eoRdeinnedV 'them have ever read the. Westminster ing tried by the presbytery for the .viewy;, _al John B. Frothinghnm, whose cdunec- B R The docjt.rin(‘H of reprobation' mid th at of confession of faith.' I t is not necessary tion wiilrthe national guard of the'state A Gustilvus Bates lias returned, to Volunta­ Dr. Grtlg Wants Wr»tm|n»trr Co»- he lias expressed': neither docs he feiir NH^KELINC Dlffldu rily give himself up to the. law and jsiifTcr - ^««lon Revised.’ the. condemnation of 'noneleet 'children for entrance to tfnr'cliureh today to. sub­ that liis chur<;h will do. aught but suji- has extended over a period of 30 years, is an d whatever penalty might, lie imposed on were put jn the confession of faith 250 scribe tb It. Wliyi oflict-TH of tlu-. eliurcli, •port bill) In’, upholding thei\i. He wdli boB ii to retire from lila place as asslatfint 5NAM EL1NO Our ! New York. April 12.—Itev. Dr. David adjutant-general on the staff of Gcrierul hint-for: tlio selfc confessocj crime of for- ■-lircKg^pastor of lhL' Lgfayette Avenue years ago und are not in' line with the ad- elders hud Others, are c'lectcd they, lire conies the signs of-n revision of the^crcpd • ALL0UR W0RKQU/ gerv.' vTlle~*indictmOnt to-iv!lli.:I«_ Bnte» ?vanced t hought.pf today. I don’t lielieve asked if they bplleve ,in the confession as of /l’resby terlaiiisni. • ' . James McLeerf commander of.the Second, I’ri-strvfnrinTV-^lnirnh. HrnnktviV. hilB.romp .. /• _ • ^ brigade in Brooklyn boroudi. 'General FULL LINE OFtUNDI lilcuded (girllty was forgery in the. third out with Rev. Dr.' Xewo’ll DwfgKt HilliH there ii^'oiiB'memberi.ot .the general as­ It-iipplJeaTgeiitoilly to the teachings of '. degree, brought', ill by the Monroe county sembly. of tl# •presbytery that (today be- the Bibl6. They ure not usked to express . Y .lipw .F cver ou TiTU.SIlLiiN.' '. I’rotliinghnin got a ba d fall from his horse and Professor Arthur 6. McGiffert.iri re­ lieves-itrtbcscr.two .doctrirics. These parts on his -way to the Dewey jjsfn^e and has J.-EDGAR grand jury iii"J37tl: 7~ V “ pudiation of ecrtrim pacts ot the* West­ belief, in the. detailed dottriiics., Few ■Vew York, April 12—Yellow..'fever on .of the .confession o£ faith are dead-letters would at this time of advanced .thought. not yet recovered. It is at the advice of 312 1-2 Cookman minster confession of faith. the Brltlsh'.Btcunishlps. Itagusa aud Dun- his physician that he Is-going to' retire / '\ H. Clartr, Chaunoey, Ga..- says' De Witt’s and'rire looked u'p'ori as fossils ot the past. Sfiow me a pastor o f the PresOiyterliin stan, from :■ Brnsdliun ports, 'resulted' in Opp. Pirtrldge & Hlohanlsoa’i ■ witflb Ho i p ) • Salve cured him of piles that '‘The . Presbyterian church,’1, said Dr. from tbe guard.'•• He has, been one of Gregg yesterday,."need? a new and sim- “The' Preshyteriftn 'church: is a pro­ church, who will dispassionately assert the detention of the vessels yesterday, hKd,afflicted him for twenty years. It Is gressive church 'and. has- advanced some that his little: child may. pos»ibly^-be one Gcpcral JdcLeur’s tight hand men -and ,al6 0 a spwdy ouro for skin diseases." Be- ,ple creed. I t is unthinkable ttiat young and Health OIDcer Doty bas:ordcced that since thfcsc doctrines were'incorporated of tllose foreordained- arid doomed .to „evtr- 'they beheld until nll'diiugorcf "Contagion 'for the past three years'hasjjeen pr.csl- Tho circulation of tha D/ vrate o f. dangerous counterfeits;—'W r R. children who arp -unconscious ,6f fcasoii. dcut pf the brlgadf board ol qxa'iiiinatioh. forwani steadily and rapid! BSamUdTMaiu streot. Euould bo cuudeOiu>i’t' Vfc,teve~6ut.of.tha lpstiue1 brimstone and hell.”,..^=-rr. . ;... .• .his passed. A.. ■><1 anbury i>at'Aebury aveauer and Main street.'• < , . 1 BLUE FLAME OlL STOVES HUSE BBFUBLiOiHS tft BOOL'S M,ls36s) Mautl and Peal Sbafto areooa. / ONLY THE OOOb ONES. OUR'LARGE CONTRACTS MAKE LOW PRICES. | ' . . ■ iHSiKTvr Ol fined tb tlioir home with a severe attack of ^ 3 n ly One ^Dempicrat...Vot«» W ith Mo- the'8 rip.kv,. 'r...... ■ Jorlty, but pitr^V'In F*»- New offloera will be ,elepted .at the amiua] > These Oooda, Are Being Shown and Explained. - ' Tor of M eam^-Sennte Panel Hn- meetSog tonight of Corson Cdmmnnaery,No. t - 1 v: I Tvalian *CableOB111. . * . ’’ ‘ f 10, Knlghte'Toinplar. ' . v ;' I v- ...... r.{ (■■ .l'n n :v- ' . . .. fry--;, --I ■ 3 * Washington, A"prili 12.—The long anti Miss Grace E. Miller of Bangs aventie. ld OIL CLOTH WASH BOILERS AQATE IRON WARE speadlog Her. Easter vacation In Jfov? York blttor^trutfglo oVer the .Po^to Rtco tariff FLOOR AND TABLE ALWAYS CHEAPEST CHEAPEST AND BEST W, ■ ’ , "t *, Z •" bill 1h onded; 1 Tl(e.’bill now.1 rcn ui res 0 rily1 city With .her aunt, at tho Hotel St. Albans ★ ■ ;• -■: y • , tho signature o{*fbe( speaker of,ih'fe^lim]se An eihibltlon of blae:flame itil stoves (s ir I nnd the president or tho'sendtp before prograjis at the Tuttlo store, Mattison avfr ★ ■■ going to the prefiidenf for hiH niJproval. ntje, The merits of tbeae useful articles We go^n more for stock than (6r fixtures. A glass dish certainly loqjcs fine vyheH dis TUu vote .van tUl to 153,t11 pivired imtj ★ i - v * 1 not voting* Nine Republicans voted will be eiplaltie^l to callers, '. placed-on a> plate glass mirror; ..But when you get'it home it’s the same old glass dish against th6 bill;i Messrs Hea,twolo' of ...Palms: and :bloomIngIplants for Eaker ★ ■ kT v‘ . ' ’ ' Minnesota, Cruin|)hcker of .liidta^n, IiAhe* decorations way be procured at Heymrin’s sold at io cents everywhere.: You don’t get the plate glass mirror with it, you know. of Iowa, Lilttlefieiil of Maine* McCall of f store, U i CooUraan-avenut*. - A fine,display ty-M rnm :m M M ^y: Mnssntfliusotts, H** C. Smith of Michigan, from the Sea' Girt farm is now on exh!bt> Warner of Illinois. Fletcher of Maine and I Lorim&r of lUlfriits. Two Democrats, tloHv-7.- ■ ' ' ' k - ' r--yy-y j-'-' 0 . • Messrs. Davey ami Moyer of Lonisioim,' The' transfer of the electrlo-light and THE TUTTLE STOR# power plans nt Alleahurst jto the borough , were paired with1 Democrats in fAvor' of 1 ±uC^,X’TIS03Sr -A.^7-E3iTXJEl ^ ■' the bill, ami one Democrat, Mr. Sibleyof, of AMenhurst has. Ivwn accomplished.' TI16+ S t * ■ '--y- 1‘ennsyl vanln, voted for it outright!. Mr. votefs recentlydecldsd' to purohase the I Devries, tho other Democrat who!Votc" vieW—tliat"the con­ isie members of tho new Junior O. 0 . A- R. S. BENNETT, M .O. ' i - The Grocer stitution extended over -Porto Kieo ex PHYSICIAN AND BUiJQEON. 3ir, Anhary ».a M, counoil at V/est Grovo turned' out in cure a Surety Company uUe, Asbury Park. Offlco bours: 8 to 10 a. m., FIELD GARDE# ★ Cor. Lake Aye. and Hain St. . pnipilo vigore. Mr. DoUlver of flowa hi Coroe at tha meeting last night, completely 1 to 8 And 7 to 9 p m, .. _____ 194-278 . reply termed Miv ^lagoon* a clerk who Bond for small ex- £ filling thelr-lodge room in Unexcelled en f t 604 to 608- Cookman Ave. allied to overrule.the great lawyer at the AND LAWN SEEDS ★ glne bouse. An Interesting Jiuslness^iession DR. SfiARQARET 9 . CURRIE liruri of the war department. Messrs. H. peiise?. Collectors, 12ff W ain a v e d U e , O c e a n G ro v e , N . X. O ffice was held. - 1 i has just arrived and as ifc comes <*. Smith of Mu*hrp:un, Warnei* of Illinois, treasurers and other of­ Hours: 7 to 1GTto 5 p . j n . . 7 t o 10"p . m . from one of the most, reliable seed Cranipaeker of Indiana, McCall of Mns- In addition to the regular opening exer­ t _ l,;\ : j.:-Myy- ' $ kuHiusoUs anil ‘Lorimer of Illinois, all cises held In tho Neptune Township High ficials n'eeding bonds 'DR, ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM! Itoneea in Amorioa, we feel that 3 on Kejn thl leans, made speeches against the 3aJ.,Thlrd avenue, Ahbnry Partt, N. J . . Office will""be bountifnlly- repaid by pnr- ★ ■ • t - 't * ■ ...... Sohool building at Oceau Grove jtlsla morn., can isecure : ratea ;;and hours until 10 n. m.. 12 to 2 p, m., 0 to 7.80 o.m , moibnilo^oncnr.t ■•:. •: • . ’ !ng„ Prof. T.' WilliamFKl'oarman ot this oity Telepliooe Call 291. chasing yonr eesda at enr Btore. We Hinny Clin^ircrt In the B ill. delighted the teachers and children by sing. particulars by applying can supply you seeds in any cjnantity $ y y > ~ A & y -yy ; yy^ yy - m . As the hill ffriginally passed the house Ing “Tho Palm?,” and-Mra. C. M. Ward also . H fS . KINNIONTH. M. D., and at prices that will bear inspec* it wns a simple hill, imposing 15 per eeffif to ; -. ' l:V ;'i! /tlO Grand avenue, and at Kfnmoatb & do»*fl ;ft " ' : ' ’^ ' y of the Dlugley rate's on 'gCfods going intor rendered a beautirul'sole appropriate to tliQ DrupfiStore, 724 Oookznan avenue, Asbury Portr. tion. - __ ’ •. Easter season. N . J • I*orto Itiey -from-tlK?—Ignited States and Sole Agent for the coming from Porto Itfco into tho United ! The remains of James C. Whitmore, late State's. ’ As amended by the senate and ot.West Grovo, will be taken toJPerriues T; FRANK APPLEBY, BURTON BROTHERS j r ' - ; - 1 1 ’ ’ • f. agreed to by tin* house all .restrictions on' DENTI8TH, 626 OooJnn an avenuo. A sbury Park. PLANET, JR, SEED DRILLS, vllie on the train loaying this city tomor-. Cor. riflln Street and Mattison Avenue Baudouino building?, 8. W . Cor. Broadway and ★ :• ; : v. . ... ■■■/:; __ gnod.s coining into.the United States from row at 7.20 a. m”. There will therefore be 28th street, New York. New York offloe closed l’orto Hteo are j eliminated, and certain from May until October. . — , CULTIVATORS AND t • foodstuff 41 net other articles which here* no services held at the tiomo of his daufjii- *“tofonrlm rtr^mnrilinr Portno carload q£ acclimated horses D istrieto* Columbia npproprtytlon bill Andrews. It has. beep uud<*rstood for ness. Acftnowledgmsnta taken for all states, ★ was under consideration, Ah passed it some, time past tlmt A n d re\\ .was the Rooma Appleby UuUdlpg.. • ■ will bo'sold at PUBLIC SALE at i earrics nearly $*£000,000. Jeadlng candidate for tin* posltlmi, hence tlio stables of • ;. \ his choice was no surprise to those who WfLLIAfiS C, BYRAlV! W ill Fir-the taoer ring, have bewi watching the trend of events. ATTORNEY AT LAW^. New York, Abril 12.-rThat Captain ; i n . c h a n c e r y , S.W.NEWBLRY Callison \h llaunt{ng»a tjag in the faco -of We hi* llaycii ^ejive* ,t|^e Armjr.. . r 23 Appleby;BuIldlu&Asbury Park^ N iJ. -. (■real Ilritnin is^he opinlou of those who **v . .. • ' Wasbingtiin,. 'April 1-i V i,u*oteiianV Sumrhierfield arid Cooknian have heard that .die is going to take his Colonel. AVebb C. Hayes o*f the Thirty- WWivC; SOTTRELL “ The Strange Adventures vessel, ihe Folaratjornen, out of this port first infantry, sonVof President /Hayes, AROHPTECT. Plnuaiind speclflcatlons for* Avenues Hying tin? Boer-:flag from tbe maintop. has been discharged honorably from the nlsned at snore notlco. Hotel work a specialty She was elearedF yesterday for Norfolk. United States army .at 'his'.own 'request. G . T . S A 5NFORD 415 Lake avenue. ;• Some of Captain Collhon’s friends here IIo has _l»een_ se| ving Ju the* Philippines, 64 5 Mattison Avenue: S a m o k ^ A . B r o c 8K— E u n b sT A ,”A e k n d of Miss Brown” 4 told him, his vessel might be seized as'Ja with Colonel Pettif, but is now cm his 1 3 pirate, but be laughs at the warning. 4*I BROUSE | ' aAREND FRIDAY, APRIL way to San Francisco. No reason is as­ A r c h ite c ts . 031 C h esi street, Philadelphia, A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS, By Robert Buchanan-and C. iWarlowe ean fly any Hag I want from that mast,M signed at.the war.department for liis re* Forat-uichey Building, ton. I^. J , - Appleby At 1 o’bloolt sharp. he said yesterday,^ “so lon^as the Danish tirenien) from the mjlitary servicer but it! Asbury Ppr^,'N. J. tlag Hies at the stern. I eould boiat a ta* Is assumed tliat lu* doW not care to,de- Nine Times Conditions on day-o^alo, TO B E . G IV E N B Y - bieeloth or a pair of tropsern if I wanted votp liis tinie to the guerrilla warfare DR. V. B. HEIHHT, ' to. The recognition of the Transvaal flag into which the operations in tho Philip-, VKTEitlNABY SURdEON. Trent* all Anl by the nations frees It from any,liability- pi lies now have degenerated. OutofTeii tnals. O fioe5088ewall avenue. Telephone No. & ' THOMAS* M. TICE Members of Co. H, Third New Jersey Regiment . of attack on the high sea or on neutral A s b u ry P a r k , N . J . ■; V- ' ground.’* . _____' « * Faanftt llnck^From Korea. Harvard'll SchoolPor Cab»n«. New -York, April V£:— Kx-State Senator When you sample a new Jew-' J. Sloat Fassett, who for nea.rlyfn year NOTICE OF ELECTION JP a j r k O p e r a . H o u s e lloston, April 12,—Superiutendent Fiye has been in Korea looking* nfteb inlning pier you get left,, but there are of tbtf Cubmi Kbhools has tel^raphed interests which he has there, was oue of GIVEN AW vY to General AVood, military governor of exceptions. Who dare try the passengers nrVivlng yesterday on the Commencing SATURDAY, APRIL Notlco is heroliy given that an election -OK- (*ubn, that the/ president and fellows of White Star steamship.Oceanic. Mr. Fas- liar.vard have voted to guarantee $70,000 7th,- and ccatinoiog the foUowing will be lield nt the Eogine House, It xht- sett is staying atUlie Waldorf-Astoria. week' unti! SATORDAY, APE5L 'C Borough of Ueptune City, in tho ci.uuty ot to welcome. 1,450 Cuban teachers. This When a report el* Called there last-night Monmouth, on action on the part of tlio university places - C asw ell inclusive, wc will PRESENT TO ALL Thursday Evening APRIL 19 with a view of*Jeanijiy? some of Mr. Fas^ purchasers of bur world-renowned . the success of the enterprise beyond a sett’s observations .w&ile in the east, lie Thursday, the 19th day ol April; •shadow of dopbti Mr/ Frye now floes was informed that the.ex-senator was fa* 639 M attison A v e n u e New Season ■ Freshly Roasted A. D., 1900, ^ U nder dlreotipn MR. IfRANK L. TUTTLJi to Washington to complete arrangements. tigued and laid'retired early. . -• ■ -...... Ui.SemlJI ry Itoot for7 fhe trausporttu. TEASiCOFFEES betw^enitho lioure of six o’clock In,the tion o f tbb gveat party. Five or si< of Judge Taft In San-Frnnclfico. inorulnir and sovon o’clock in the tvenltim- the largest aiiny transports will be. need­ New goods arriving all. the A, & P. Extracts,' Sjilcaa, CAST OF CHARACTERS San ,Francisco, April }-•—Judge Wil- Baking Powder and Siiuoe for tbo pupcsfeof electln? th8 fbllowlng of­ ed to bring the Cuban teachers to Boston. Hani'iTrTaft, uvesldent of ’tlle Philippine time,. Nothing pld in this ficers for.tno borongh of Avoa-by-tlio-Si- .'.. Captain Conrt»may, a cavalry officer. •WALTER T. HUBBAUD Plans an* .being made to take the Cuban said ofneers to bo elected'for tho term, until Major O'QailaaUer, ackyiUry oUlcer.,,__ ,.,;7TWILLIAM H. PAHCOAST comihission, aecoinpaitied. by his’ fivinily, X A Beautiful EASTER SOUVENIR the next aauual eleotlou for borough of­ party to New York, Chicago aud Wash­ has arrived from Cii/cinnatl. The other ^toirfe but experience, Mr, Bamuol Hibbertsoo, a ' s o l i c i t o r ...... HENRY -D. CHAMBERLAIN ington. _____. ; ■ ficers: — membera of the commission are expect«*d A Mayor. Sergeant Tanner, Sootland yard detective,. i...... EDWARD L. TIFFANY .".ftjiecn nntvfit Itnln nnd Wind., to arrive in the Oity tomorrow. The com­ . , r . THE GREAT . . Six Couocllmen, Prof. VonHozer, amusto teacher... ;...., ...... H .’BLAKE MARTIN Dublin. April 12.—Queen’ Vlctorhi^was mission is scheduled to. leave here 011 the ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING An Assessor, . Electric Gas'Lighting. Ono Constable; ...: . ‘ Michael Dougherty, a private soldier...... HOWARD O. WHITE compelled to abandon her usual morning transport Hancock, next Monday. a*in» RTLflNTIG mi PACIFIC Angela Brlghtwell, a ward in chance^r...;.. party will number in all *15 persons, in­ Electric Bells and Annunciators. A Collector. .GEORGE E. HULICK drive because of the almost continuous Burglar Alarms, Etc.. 1 ’ A Justice of tho Peaco. Mrs. O’Galiaghor, the major’s wife. ..'77...... hFRED; COLLIER raid, but, accompanied .by the Princess cluding clerk*, and other attaches of. the; EA COMPANY. 626-40O‘KMAN AVENUE, i • Throe Commissioners of Appeal In cases Mies rtomney, efOJcpra House Academy...... HARRY L. WISEMAN llenry of Battenherg,: she surprised, the commission nnd tlu* families of those >vho WALLACE N. BURR of taxation. ' compose the latter body. Euphemla Schwartz, (ho owns a title--and a dot, FRANK D. DUDLEY few spectators in Plncalx park by driv* 532 COOKMAN AVENUE.' ■Wltrinss iny hand this ninth day of-April, lag out in the afternoon.' lTer majesty’a A. D. 1UOO. ■ • Matilda Jones, a country belle ^...... HENRY 8EIGH0RTNER New Keutor Block. LK ROT 60FIELD. destination today was. the-Duke of Con* , ...... Emma Coverage, a veritable siren I.. v . .ARTHUR CHAMBERLAIN mmghtV home, .where she maile a-brief ; 83 !M Clark of the Borough of Neptune City. Constable^. i3chool Girls. Jorvantu. call and then continued her drive past Are Yonr Kidneys Sick v l-i»r«h rilnlicMH . ^Y: AUCTION t convent, where the scholars greeted;, h’ef. Potior, llit*' n»ullliniIHo«airo ex-prosidont of Houaotiolil Purnltuto No. 80 Wo dc'not do all.the good. ACT I—Major O’Gallafrhor'squarters.. Th8 Wedding. ------.... ' lin t the ordinliry roads* werp • desertecb tjere is an Easy Way to Find Out. of t lie Illinois HI eel Vnniimiiv, was rdbbiul Blt.'-Fi&Rah Way, Ocean Oruvij, tin 4 A(JT, II—Cicero House Academy. The honeymoon. , ' by port'll climbfrs ■while the. family wns FRIBAYjAlPItUi l» ,at l_p. m. sharp BICYCLE ... , .. . .. ACT III—Same as adt II. Amazing apothesls of Miss Brown. Be'sure you need ihedloinp before you st dinner. It Is (•Hliitmletl' tlmt Jow^lS Consisting of lied room eults. irmttressos, i m hi i . ^ — w-1»- m ^ ^ . j MENU -rou FniDAY. take it, but having once found out that you .jukJ vnhmbios !(■ llie amount-of $-1 0 ,0 0 0 pillows, chairs, rockors, Ico cliost, .crockery REPAIRING wore stolen.* The pLumlor. tlie’most yulp- nnd other goods loo iiunierous to mantlau,. need Ifr—lose no time in gotting the be3t. If Halo rain or alilno without reserve. bnt all the bicyole repairing wo do 'is it’s for the Kidneys, Llvor, Bladder or .iblv obtnhnnl by. thieves in •Cliien^b: in GOOJD. . If job.require the ecrviceB years,* consisted t»f iliumoiwls, jewelry, und H. M. CROSBiEj Auctioneer t De modest witliout.ilifildcnce, proud with* Blood, Hheumatism, Djfpopsin, -Cbronlo silverware. It is supposed tbe thieves of an expert m echanic to repair your I out presumption.—Uoi*the. Constipation, or the' sickness peetiliar tb climbed up tbe liini llle pallors .of-the porch bicycle I would be pleased to see yon vfornfn, tlia .boat is Dr. David Kennedy’s und forced opL*ii"the luilcAy windows. DltEAKFAST. _... AUCTION and-qtioto-priccs ,wj}ich-are kcknotfl-’ 20 Favorite Remedy, ar.il »;very elmpit) way to Bunaon^ nud Cream .. dd! tho lowest in tiie city. • Onr 20 Omelet., .Hacon. Und out^Jybu need It, is to put somo tirino County' C!i?rk InKPMoU Uetmi»turi‘d; At tlio old Morry tro-.’Roxmd, corner Labe U rea k fust*^ColTee. avenue and Heck etreet, commencint; specialty for, this week is a - Brovvn Uren£ Toast.- In a slasa tumbler and lot !t at^nd^ 24 hours; Ulmeu, *N. Y.. April V2.—A illspatch if It then has a Sodlmont or a milky, oloudy hus beeu jeeidveil heie.b.v ithe elilef «if po­ TireaOAY, APUHr io, at il o'clock. Good T iro for $2.SO Llf.NCHKON. appearanco; If It Is ropy orstriiigy. pale or lice from the eliief i»f twine ut IMiilmlel conalnt.ln^aL2!ili aiL tJiiia.suita,-.fold In” plilii HinnitriH'lri*r"ttio nvi^-A oi .-i iiinii suiK i fine Cooif onso and wrltlni? desk, polld St) leUucc Sandwiches.. Sardine*. dtscotoreu, you do not ueeu a physician to niKhogftny, a doz antu. odd bniiaun.l pl«no, S i 1’reservea Quince**- .i.Cake,. posed to (Mutrles lo;;orsoll. the 'fugitive S> . OtoKer Aler .•• toll’ you tlujt, you should talie Fftvorito tniuspror tif.T«»nipklns ‘:vu^-.offen.il. Dir lp«crsolP« arrest. or old tables and > ' tse” yfoods; also a lot of WNNBIt vSi,:.”.;’ . SahgertuBi^ymptpihs’'a«.! pain 'Id.tiie,fek[ A'ftl :be pa wl' i f .the \iiftn .iirresleil in - 1 Umrt- VI •.... — Vegetable Boup... , ""v ■ • 4 carpets;) Snlewlll contlSfio oach day tor CYGO BiCA OLE CO, iElaistre’s EroiJed.Rhad Uo<*. I’arlaienne Potatoes. froquejit defliro. to urinate, espeoinily at ilelpltja proves fo be luf.'et soli. tnKorsoli’s tlirafe days op until all Is aold, . ' • Browned Onton*. Htnwed Tomato'eir fit nlghti burning, scalding T»ain in pas^ins uirion in Juinpii:;rf«l>i bailri'mnd Infccost « ’ . . DunUi-iion Haladv. • ig blm ttlj.{lyinpull'^.heie, • -*• ■ , M. M. CROSBIE, .Auctioneer. - •S40Tcooltman Avenue 3* ’. * German |tlco Padding: #3 water,' tho staining of - linen by your urine Kcw Keator^ilock, 1 . « ,. Sclimlcr KUde. Pumperntckel. fit nhd all tho unpleasant iipd dangerous of- . , - { "-'Demi Tosm. • | | fects produced on the system by tho ttse of . Oniu* ..’l’tiwn; .-April” I -•“r.M r. UKdjMrti VF.GKTADLE Sf)UP.-.Place in a cliopplmi.« wblskey-and boar. All clrogglsts sell Dr; Kiphmx* iiifil Wir .!«Im I.enry »!e Villicro, BRADLEY BEACH howl utic tUrulp, one“ onlon, ono 'rout, ot ra Frank H. W alker r* lfry ^nd aoiue of Ilio ifreen^, .one ta rrot. f ■Payld Kerinad^’u Favorite Remedy at;fi:0Q chief' justice of* l ’:ipc-‘t’ohuiy, -saileij! feu « Dh.o'parunip, <*iie. w lilto potato., ono sprhc. o t f IMS .a jjottle, or ftbstties.for 43.00. . ! ., Kurland .Vetfridny i»n. bojvid ih(r-.-T:Kit|if-' Branch Station of the Asbury Park —1 parsley, omj. teaspdonful of salt und a dael! * ;r; .Practical . of • pepper. Chon line, and let-qUad "twq ( . By^4.speoial and .particular' arrniigeinent Ion'Oi slie. Mr. Kipliuu Vaiil he was f;oi’-: .fA hour n\)uia a to iu blend.' uiunu,- *I*\it qv the vegetahlea into juvi> Uvqiwi \ wltii tho lnau^fnctnrors, our roaders can ry he wiis not nble t;» rl'V'uin lon‘*;rr, ai . PA - * * - - u * .r e^y, togethei' w ith a pam phlo^st vaiUftbla. ■ Baraplca brought to yoar homo, thus af­ tw8oty.tt«a‘ yearo, .EoctorJ fsaa • cSifltlnst diate results. Ifc ciireM couehs, eolds. croup, Papers repfulurly on sale'an^jjupplfed'to now^- ffuve but Httln rollof Finally ha used Kc~ medloal Aavifcivwill'bu sent .yfeu by maii bronchitis, prrlppe, wliooplntr eCugb. ptjpu- ford im* a ixliter cbanc« to match your car­ lol ,DyiJMpal*

(VI AJ O R . E .. B. S. B ^ L L DY1N (3.

f* tlio Xehreat lilvlng Relttttvd f t K8TABL18HED 188? UeorKe W iiiiltlnffton, Washington.. Ajiril t2.r-M ajor Ebene- Reliable F um itui-f. Influence Grows With Each ke» zcr Httrgtfs S. Bali, conceded to bo the •n’aresi' living relative of General Oeorgo j J. Ii. KINMOJnHj- election. Wasluugton, js. dying nt tl(c‘ res^leiico iff EDITORl AND PROFKIXTOB/ Mrs.-A. T. Leathers, (52^^ fourth street, TUB - where he has jnade his home for many' Comfortable •MORE ESPECIALLY IN THE SENATE. years pitst. Major Bail has'been best kuowji ju Washington during Jute- years :• • • p u b l is h e d : EVBRir ev e n in g .is tlio ,|n*nprict<»r-*df a eignr aiid tobacco Porch Furniture BEST C**csrt"soi/nAi() j1’ Pen- Men Win Their Way to ‘Proml- *taml in tin* corridor of the pension ofllce, iT TEE h{! having boen granted the .privilege nf • nonce Daring First Term' —. Wise conducting*, that business through a .spe-' Probably you wili recall remarkable . OAH.Y PR8SS BDILDING, • , Policy. Sew Eiiffland Staten—Ne\r crial order issued by- tile secretary of the MAT 007 Mattlacm Avenue,. Astrary ParK. 3Uen R e c o B n lre d , ’ interior. '* ; " - ■' Major .Bull is the :grnndson of Colonel values we gave In .porch • furniture a year ago. Jtki/epeonii citLa: ' - V WUsijJNGTox, April 12—[Special.] Burges'S. Ball, who wasja.eotisin of Mu* The prices were so low that we cotil'd not secure Editorial Roonu,...... 5 0 a Influence bomos j with long service l|i v Ball, mother % V a. H e n e v er m arried ,; and his pearance Is about the same, no matter what nearest of kin a cousin. Colonel (George &c. XVe offer a good strong rocker for 75 Advertising Rates ori-Appllcatton. elected _has .au assured crtreer sqf Wasliitigton/ Ball of’ (J'ebrgetown. . lie. kind of a hat they wear. In this they are mis­ success'” in that ' body. It is an lias.lived in Washington since the early cents, and the largest and best comfort rocker, -.‘Receives the. salejjriipls .tiewa ser­ interesting fact, . that only , a *' few ^ev^nties. Disappointed tit not securing taken, as one-style of hat is never suited to vice of tbe Publishers t*ros» Associa­ men i*vcv win thejr way to prominence the position_-ofveiist^djnn of the W ash­ with iron braced arms, for $2.60. . These prices during a first tenii. Sometimes the ington inonmueut, to. which he< aspired. every face. Our' stock is made up of all the tion, and tbe news service 6 t the Major * Bull secured, through Bbiger are-remarkable. The styles, colors and wood/ American Press Association—Tiyo of ability of the senator, the force of his latest spring styles, including the always character and natural qualities of lead­ Hernia nil. whom he had. niet Svliilc in are in great variety. tb e beat. Oregon, the privih^e of conducting the pretty rielville Special, the Dunlap, Young, ership win him .a place "in his: .first pension ofliee cigar stand.» term, and. lie obtains that, recognition, W e will, take real; pleasure in. showing this- THURSDAY, APRIL'W, 1900. , Youmans/and two other shapes in derbys, and oil Committ('i,s. a^d in tlio .councils' of D»a Bcqtiefit to Cooper UnlOn, %- porch furniture t6 all who call. If not pre­ his party which makes: hlm valuable New: York,- April * 12.—By (the, will of as many new styles in th^ soft h^ts. Priced MOKE MONEY. ever after, - hut* for the most part it is Fohn Halstead,-a retijetl-lea- uierchanV pared to buy now we will hold your selections. ' from $1.50 to $4.00. . , ' . ; t'The circulation V'per capita” on April a second election tim t giv.es %tlie^seua- ivjio died last Muy at his'home, 35IJ West for future delivery. .V . 1 was the largest in tlie history of tor a standing and continuous service Seventy-seventh slieet. Cooper Union is tlie-jisiduary...legatcT?.and.^ey.meejnfjiear-_ the country and showed an Increase of W f incuro-in-th ntr bodjv— Of-eo tirs er-ex-; perieuce. iu legislati ve a ffai rs ,ma Ices a ly all of his estate, which is valued at 32 per cepi. in the past four years. This fully $;t()().Q<)0. So quietly and nnostenv. senator useful, tie knows.how to go tatiotisly wns^this great benefaction^ ar-* THE DAWS FURNITURE STORE, Buyg>ne of our MacHurdle Shirts,-take it doesn’t Idok aa though tbe-Republican about business, not only in congress, party was as much afraid of inflation as ranged that tin* facts are now for tlie but before the ilepartnients. . After one first time made public. The donor was Grand and CooKman Avenues, Asbu^yPa'rfe, N. J. home; try it on,'and if any fault, real or it claimed to be^and then there are many term -he lias, moreover, learned, the, :ieVei; even-heard of by the trustees of fancied, bring it back here and we will buy it of millions more of national bank currency ways of the senate, -made lirtn ami ■i’myper I'nion. They did not kiiow tiiitil to be added unde: ohe new currency lasting friendships, and, consequently, iliey read in liis >vUb.a montfi after his you at the price you paid us.^_Safe arid sure, law, • . in his subsequent years-in service, his lentil, thnt, havirtg missed iu his boyhood influence increases^ apd__hial_§tiite re­ .he advantage jf an institution _ where isn’t it? Haven’t been asked to buy any back ceives" greater recognition.' he working elassas could.get a free edit- On April li, 1898, congress received atiou in such .branches of instruction ns Special iiaoertiscm«nts as yet. .- . . the president's message precipitating New E nslnnd'a "Way. might qualify, them to rise above their ) I . . . '• -— —1------‘r — ------war with Spain f oh April 11, 3899, the For year,s it lias been the policy of surroundings,1- lm had. determined, that Advorttseraenta containing not more than tl\e. New England states -to keep .their twenty-flve words Inserted under tnia heading ..exchange of thePratiiications of the ^radically—>;his.. ^mtire '’fortune should, DRUG STORE CHAT. for twenty-five cents 'first inBeiUon and fifteen Paris treaty by Spain and the United senators lu otiice term after t e r m . T a k e rentUiiliy be given to this enust centa each subsequent Insertion. the state of -Maine.- Senators Hale anil States were made at tlie White House, Frye graduated from the.house, to the An Autont<^»lle Trn A poor appetite is a warn- Indies, clean your k|d .gloves with La'Belle _^andrpnJ&prilai,:19QS,_thet)illirapoaing- -aemi t e i u-M dreh, 1881. Bot h w ill - be re- Dorer/Del.. April ^2.'—To gultf^eontrb! Glov^ (leaner. It Js not a liquid Lo»vos no »f nil the"lir.tofmibily inamifaeturing and in g signal that there is :>pme- odor and can be usFd wniie thn elov®. ts on the ■ Tito. •‘Hoad ” Hattera. ■ ^ a tariff on , and giving that elected as long as tljey live auies . J’hihtdelphia thing wrdng. Strength c6mes CM CooVraon avenue, ...... most flie'setTk’cy . No stat<^-ba.s R enter ^in­ mil other capitalists have organized the fluence. Little Khode Isiatfd has con* from food. Iftinsufficient food 60S Mattison A,v$mte ■. “ernnaeot concatvable, was passed by the Anglo-American Hapid Vehicle company, w a n t e d . house and pra'cticaliy became a law.. tinned Senator Aldrich in the , senate nid steps'are now being taken to amnl- is eaten strength declines— A good sewer to learn dressmaking Applv What is reserved'to occur on April l i, Since lS&nV'lIeMs at the head ^of tiie. ^amate.the, viirious coneerns iii a gigantic 704 Cookman avenue. . 88 80* trustr"""AW~ Wr"0 i bhs.—pf esideth-rif—t he perhaps slowly, but, there /will 1901, only prophets can fpretelL TfioS ffimpft.1 tnnrcoinm itte e i nilm t-body- aud is recognised as the most ihduenT Pennsylvania Electric Vehicle Compapy, be a breakdown air last. FOR. UGNT* tial amorig the senators. Vermont’s is president of the Anglo-American com­ Large, roomy house','two blocks frotn depot;, pany. The company’s /.‘harter lias been ... Keep .up a good appetite. good condition; rent very reasonable; payments • * EDITORIAL COMMENT. recordris-known.Edmunds-resigned monthly In advance. Apply i'arker'a Ilotel. Tssuerh-i^thc-— ’ecrettiry—of— —Tlie- ^lU ^tr^t^lLsQ im ipuiL-an. : ------— :------67*90 ♦- after a fltiarter of a tennfry, and Jlor- enpital stock is $75,000,000,-' all of whk'h edge on the poorest appetite, s. Biennial Sessions;— “ ~ ■— ~ i - rill died in the harness after ,U2_y.cars’ common stock,• divided into 750,000 service. 1 M assachusetts has hnd_ Sena­ FOR. RENT. « Now Brunswick Fredonlan. shares of the par value of $100 each. The build up strength, tone nerves, Furnished or unfimiished rooms; all hnprove- ALL PIANOS The state .Of New Jersey elearlyj does tor Hoar sincb 1877 autf will re-elect incorporators are II. B. Twyford, Wind- make new bltfod. It is a grand mente; second flat. Trusting Building. 80-88* not need annual sessions. The work ofj him.' l)aw es served 18 yea rs, a nd ley, England; Ernest Martin. New York this year’s session could have been done L o d g e .is n o w in liu e * f6 r a lo n g er pe^. city, mid .lames Virden, Dover, Del. remedy. From 6 to 12 bottles WANTED. in Your, weeks if the members had ad­ flod. Connecticut has litid Platt^slncc Uiehard Croker'is said to be among the will do the ,wdrk.. —- White reliable help wanted. Cooks, chamber* EXCHANGEABLE dressed themselves seriously to,its per- 1S79 and Haw-Jcy .sincC' lSSl.V^New projectors. ■ ' ■_____ maids, laundresses, housemaids and nuntes. Ap­ ply to MIsb O’Shea. Employment office, Howland , formance^ They aimply dawdled to kill H ampshire is. the.only .exceptionsto the Exports-For Mareli. 20 cents.a bottle. Six for$i. Block, Main and Munroe avenue. 80-01* time.- It is time for New Jersey tp have rufe of . long continuous- sqrvice, and Washington, April 12.—The exports of We have often wondered whether yo\i really under­ • biennial sessions!. . L - '. - i ------* . •this-stote^iH-swiuging-into^the^samc: the- foil r-- principii I--artieles.^of ..domes tie Coughs 'and coids stilW/con- line, • Senators Chandler and Galliuger products for-the •month of March were Two yoang men to W ort In paint shop. with stood tohat we imeant by our guarantee, E X C H A N G E I P some expeneneo preferred. Apply W. C. Senator Clnrlc io Hesltfn. having both been re-elected after One valued at $7LM7.3(>0, an- increase of ■CiSue. '.“WBIte"' Pine Cotjgh Wooden, First avenue and Main street. 8G-88* NOT SATISFACTORY. It means-that even when, you .. ‘Wtayhington, April fl2.—Senator. Clark’s .$is.rnl),4;« : over—those for the Same term. . These six Ne\y England States Balsam acts' like magic; The buy an-instrument and intend to pay for it or have paid for seat in Ou* senate will beepme vacant by by reason of length of service hold the month last year. Of this total bread- fi^st dose 'gives relief. WANTED. resignation and wot liy a xnate. The pres? chairmanships of the foliowip^* impor­ stuffs contributed $10.808,270,,a decrease Carpets' to clenn by the tumbllnp: process; it, it is really only sent to you ON APPROVAL. This ent n»*V£raiiuue r eonte^iplates ; delay in nf $3,000,778; provisions, £15,037,05^KyU cheapest and best method. Sattsfactlon guar­ linal action .in th(* case until the eve of tant committees:;' Finance, Jindiclary, deciettsc of $1,,‘J00,{MJJ; mineral oilsr anteed. Leavo orders with Walter W. Davfs e r promise to exchangea piano is our guarantee’ of quality Charles J. Black, opposite Postofflce 85-90 . adjournment*, ami at the Inst -moment na va 1 - a ffa i rs; commerce, m ilitary a f- JfM.081. an’ increase of ?L2(W»,-U7, fand M attison A ve. P harmacy. A piano should last you a lifetime and we' do riot 'want' to?- ‘ , Senator Clark will prt'Kont hiii.roHigiuitimi fairs, Pliiljpplnes, .Cuba, • prlvlleges^aiul eotton, .*ivW,0fK»,7r»S, nn increase, of .^21,- to the governor, of Montana’. Should he elections, agriculture, pensions and li­ 7 7 0 .7 0 0 . For the nine m ouths eliding WANTED. tie you up so that i£ you are dissatisfied you • must continue resign now. the govenior of • Montana March o i the "Value was J.(• wily of ihe ::i?;p;:y- ron.ds and n»*m her-of'finance and for­ ises to'li<* a protractcd strnggle Mr an.in­ ed, gas sad electric lights bath and all the com­ Aifeury, Parjc, N.’ J. The Artificial Sunlight flatter. forts of homo. Manager of the Buckingham in »ers of -Austin ate against ii. Advices eign relations. On tiie Democratic crease of wages and incidentally*the rec­ the sum m er.. Mrs. Geo. M. Day * 88tf. from Leam ler say th at the lloods’ h:-.ve side examples of .states obtaining proiii- ognition by the operators of the-. I’uited. Half the Cost.of Qas Light. stilitsided. ami'tins nftermatji .prrscnts an incut places by continuous service an‘ .Mine ,Worlie;s of America. The. opera- A sixty light machine can be seati in FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE* t itppnTlTn^Toss • t.ia m i sr^u-U-- shown in the prominence of Missouri to;-s assert that they will not endeavor to successful operation at Ham's 'Phar­ Eleven building lots, 60x200 - feet, ad joining *meii of , that section; Kidds* aro wnshed work the mines,,but will let them remain Ocean Grove Heights. Price one hhndred dollars atuUAi’kausas; Senators Cockrell. Vesl,- macy, 3C7 Muiu street. ' ahmist *liv>t»:id- n*ru»t;!iinn. anrl fem uig idle'miTil 'tlie"men -get lired~of inactivity Address.. ;. ' . each. Apply to .508 Fifth.aveuuo, Asbury Park. has* bet n ^vaj^iT^oii front place** here to* •loncs atyl Berry all bei’ug Uvell pin red and return to wori: of thoirv,wn volition.. ifi:^* eoiisidet.ed..lii_»ynnd-the. reiu-li nf any a n d m en of.- c o m m an d in g inlltieuce. Ull the ocher hand, the tamers claim that ■ ■ # FOR SALE. . iio7d. ’ - _•___ ^ .Senator Teller of Colormlo, Silver Ile» ihey- are- prepared to cmitintie the contest -•Jolm S. VanDyice Electric Co., Nine rooin jiouse, store' aud barn, with city puldicaii, is a member* of two great indeiinitwl.v.-^-^sru-. - • lOll Cookman Avenue, water-aod sewers., on F slroet, opposite post IIo k K- S ev en Vo a rs ...... office, Bebnnr.; Will b© sold reasonable. Arply FOR WEDDING GIFTS 85-00* Asbury Park. Nf)v Yolk. April 12.—J aims R Kel* commiite<*s; and holds a high rank iu Xew Vorlier Chnglit liy Flliplnoa, Frank Oohen, owner, on the premises. JO-89 th e s e n a te . S e n a to rs * Da n iel o f Vl'r* , log;*, the alleged‘bead -nf the K. S. l.K*ai». * New York, April 12.-^M iclmel (’. Sexton . .... THE CROWN, w a ? ginia and Morgan of Ahibama are two v-—Crrptatn Clu’sNfortl Dea’d.^ ' ’ ARTISTIC SILVER * eouipany/ w ho '/onvieted iu the court- :>f i:is iOasr.,i,w*'*nly*eighth street has just 145 Main avenuo, Ocean .Grove.. Opoa al the (.f generar sessions a few days ago., was Democratic* senators whoso long .serv­ received news /rom the Philippines that New Yor!i, .\ pvi 1 12.— I lenry A. (jlassr. oar. The most homelike boarding house in yest-eiday seini'tii^’d.by Uerotiler t.Jofl’ to ice lias given .them a first,rank in-the Iris. son. I'M ward F. Sexton, who .wits a fi/rtl, known in army n'nd iiavy eirrle^ .as Scean Grove< Steam heat, b£ths and all-Im­ provements.''Terms reasonable. - • 252tf RICH CUT GLASS seven years and six mouths in’ tin* state son,*t-u*-and prominent.places- on com- member of .{he hospital corps attached t. • ■ this "iire Senators Carter of. .Myntatia Montreal about jd years ago, his father •'*' . y <•> ,0 ka8 .J. Hour. • A . W . C o r n e liu s Grldley'n Son Gooh Into Navy-,. ainl Tillman of. Solith Carolina, ' Both Mo ve liieji tn of Wa i*h1i 1 p ji»* '' ; ' being Major Glassford of tin* British ar­ Slimmer neasonj Atlantic House, OoeiB O r o r e * AA’ashington,- Ajirfl 32.—I’hisuletil .Me* haw liceu giv«u ljlaces "i»n njiprppna- Washingtoif. * ’ "IVjii’il 1 111nlraI my.-- Iie-eame-to-tliis country.shortly be­ Kildey and ‘Admiral. I>ewey haw-kept tions. a-i'omiulttoi' wlileh, witli (iijiiiiee', IvautK-srj^tfship. tlie Philadp|pliin;-«lias- fore-tlie civil.war., broke out, enlisted in CLARENCE L>.__ Wit-SOM, . 6 M Cools'eiits;-|)i'sliies-hlrt-pi'OmU Ijc en'dnngered by political • uprisings in -Classford went to Cincinnati, where he Xlu T7-70J T H * H rcfrr* UuigiktfiiiLiaAiusiiu>sjf »Afforwardju n-i» Q'‘i nt- w »■ ent in young Minn in‘the na*.<>.' Youlig Oriiitey nenee In .the Itepublltrin'.party, has XOXCEBMlMCJgUMOS. -T fln.nnaH ni.l.'j n tt. expressed himself as doubting whether he ^nd.the Mo:»lgmnei;y have arrived at Ma* to Albany, fiually returning to New York been.glveu a plate ou tlnaHee. T h& J..& O. FisciiEa made.theJr one hundred thous­ could pass, the ucceVsary'-examinations. mnliao. Tiie.Alliame is at .lamaictt.^The city and engaging hi. the blinking busi­ andth piano In 1800, tho largest output.,of any tbruf! senators-, by Jhe piisiiIons :-tliey Scorpiim ,lnw sailed from Coloii for (.’ale* ness. • . one concern iu* the hlatory of piano makiag. T onsorial Comfort • lie was told/to di» his •best, ami the re* This make waa-sold fn Asbury Tark for $500. I suit-hecniH!*_kiiown w H iJ |te president .lioltl as parly leaders and reeogiiized donla ■ ■ patronizes '» barber to receive a eat- m arin e wirps#' • . traditions anil recoKtilze (iOnatlirs for est&hllBhed lb06, niadfe by a former super Intend^ ; A MtiHlcnl* Yrajfedy, slate that \Y? Watson, a scion of nn an­ -lsfa o to ry -sta v e , as i-iveil as' prQflapt. important iilaees. ((iirlng 11j.oif first eot of Stelniyay’s. • Bold In town for $J50‘ I oak An Aged Cotililer nie« ttfeli New York, April 12.—A lter .Uiliiug liis cient Irish‘family; attempted 'suicide at •<3^50. There aro.others, bpt Uiese three nmke^ From pp words attention. This will be.'accordod »o .'terinS. The west, or Unit part of It be­ Will serve to lllitttrate'the.differencQbetween the’ 5c R O LL I!>y wson * by shooting- on ^arel\ 24. J-Jc* — t - * •.. Slm m oliin, l >n.. A p iil l2.*-.-Sn*j)hf'ii.^J ’sweetheart yestej'day, Frederick ‘Shore dealer with hoafy frxpepsfs and t h e piano tuner, all. ttof« wbo. patronlZB ilw new yond the Missouri, lias not been nim b was.expected to die. He is ji nephew of noglmn.- a veteran of-the eivil .war.'siiiee aWiAil ml«?. th e parlor* of t h e j l u t^ i r r -101) who sells direct froin the factory (that’s me).. establishment which opens. whjch time lie had Ifvcd here in<»i*l given to tli(f*frtra of Ueeplnjt lts mett. East Sixth direct# f>fiuii*if^aTi\msic box Visetiunt'CaRtlenmino of-'Irelnnd and bore In the face of’th6 fact that thedo pianos.are still PAPER HANGING. Hie-title of lion. >it./Joiin W at son Beres- id Asbury Park anil that J havo tuned them^and • • ' '• ' : . -■> j. fihop,’ w h e re lu* njsii eobhled shoes. Oi**d In . tlie si'niite.'v.ontlimiy.isly. 'Colorado playingMue. lirlls .of SeoHnnd,”.reload­ k n o w that they are g i v i n g entire satisfaction, and 1 2 Xo roll and up.: yesterday,0 a Ud when his. papers were ex*, 'and N'evadii'-iire iilxmt the. only exeep- ed iiis"ri»volvc|*nind shot himself. lie died fOrtl of Creaduff Louise, InMami. Jle had that both, dealer vfriio sold them and manufaC- Saturday, April 7th, * I*. - • • 1 • amined he w as‘found to have left .iuv.es. 'tlons, though (:i|lifotnla, .-Ill Senator in a hospital. The heme wher/r t'l^e shoot- rbeen in..the British -army and resigned Jo turer who made theui are still retponslble for1 seek* a ‘fortmie,. .in the Klondike, . but them, 1 ask If tt Is not just a llitlo bit InconHistont VVAL.L WIOM.LDINGS; EAoh patrop may havo either a hot t a t e 'o f over* .*^>0.000.' priivipajJy in .^y.v- ■reikins. Is reeo’;;nlzln" thj> Value of tlio ing occur re* I a-as tliat of Isaac Goldsictn, for the same dealer to cry^'thump box,’!’* furni­ nml the object of 'Shore’tf wrath w'as.Fan* failed. ‘ ^ t 'm- iv ‘ . *;. ture piano;'/ etc.', etc., when JL seh the samo piano :Tp match all papers, 2o a toot anfl up. or cold towel, quick service f i ’M sa t-., . etument fhvitds.—H e lived In-iyM iurioun ifrmfrVuiKT'O!h'er VtatVs in time will faahifin ami. inadtj s!i’re*vd-Tnvestineiits- .1 nii; (?reenbamm a servant-in the house, to' ' ^firoolfo fn'#jlVn«li|initton. • * he formally sold t . ‘ ' ' -—• ' • : tsfaetory’• attoutlon.. r-Purnlslilcgs .no' do’ibt do \lUewlse.'' • • >■ Hie Princotqn, • W. 0. DOBM* ■ stocks-- lie.w tis a bachelor anil is wlugu lie had'beenpn-yiii^mucli attention 'W ashington, ^A*pi?il 12.-^tMajor. (ieneral 319 Cookmoi^ avenue... . Plano Tuner IB years. new gnd up to date.. Perfeot sanitary ed by u sister. IXLis. M aigiuet lloJhind of '•Airritup. W. pi/Ss. for m ore th a n a .vcrtr, / Brookc'hait returned to W ashington from' J A C O B DOLLi J r , •opjrtlan'oea. Frackville. H^.teQ "•? w II.. - a’visit of inspection of tnc military posts ' ,'‘'M crrliM nt'.;IIcro Proinnteil, : (The PBEfis kas Inter .toldgraphlo newe .. PRACTICAL r^ . • . J. I. Caraon, Prothonotnryy Washington, along the southern'scappard. v^IIe rQport* W^htngton,. April '12.—Osborn. Deig- r tlI thinirbeW itt's Littlft katty Risors are Pa.,- Bav^;. *;i lmvo found Kodol Dyspepsia ^d liis returii„to. S e cretary Boot in' pre[Va- than tho evening editions of tho. Now York' • ,R, FRANK GAGE unnv who was one of the crew I ' the best pills in, t^ie w o r ld .siiys W. E . CiiroTyi ejcceliiiiJt roraedy In case of stom­ ration f.or/'tlmVii^iimrtti6n of . the coin, papers whfoli reach Asbury . P a t k , ' „ Tho ■ . ' » . IiHke, Happy’Creek, Va. They remove air miniwhen that vessel was *snnk in’ the ach trouble,‘anil have derived great benefit m andof the; military dcparLnient of the PlfKSB jids* ajl tho local flows. M ta readers 'aner Hanger ans Beooiator • Cbotnian AvcnucBlocIt, ..,*■ ^obstructions »f'the liver’and bowels, ,act from its in so,” Ir.'dlgcsta what you eat and lTai'bor of .Santiago, has . been appointed Cookmaa Ave, bcSow.'Eraary.St,'; „ qtdokly and never gripe. \V. - R. IJam , 107 can not flail to .cure. ‘ W. R. Bam, 107 Matn. mv actin^boatswnin iu^ tiie nnvy and us- eyst, width is -to Tfe^-viVehteu by Major th u s g et^all tho nowfl, both local a n d goh- C p o k m a r t Hal a street. > .. .. street. \ . - >.•*.* eigued to duly on'the'M arietta. Uencr^l Mturitb’ •. ..*'* , ' ... ora], for one-cency 54*“543 Ave. .. . J ■■ • ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1900; .

,KEA1, ISSTATE THANSFEKS. ii.MW'; ‘foi ■ ., t ' k FOR THE -TOOK. EN’DIKO ATRIL 7, 1000. J NEPTUNE TOWNGfJIP. Asbury Airk and - Ocean 0*-ovobank t Prime Rib Roast Beef, such as you pay i 6 i 8c lb. for. v i y i c lb m g e ' . ....------...... 1 0 c lb Grandin VanNoto to Henry Echoenlln; lot Omit styles are.all in; have been, in at Long Branch, $3,250. fact, for a week or more. A Legs of Lamb, not Mutton. V...... lie lb B o lo g n a .: . / £ * ...... ------.'..... , k . 3 lbs 2 5 c C. iVllbnltnlna Dobbin!1, trustee, and others to Richard Porcy Dobbins; lot at more^ompjlete line it would be hard Fore Quarter of Lamb. .^ . ---. . ------..... 9 c lb Bacon, by the strip ...... t ic lb Long. Branch, $4,500. to find. Small checks and- narrow Good Chuck Roast.....;...... ; ...... c lb Laura' C. Brown to Bertha W. Stemplg; Sirloin Steak, the best. 1 5 c lb 8 lot at Long Branch, $2,250. stripes will be the prevailing styles Jessio Meyer and husband to Geot-go this spring. Porterhouse.Steak s...... h ...... i6-i8c lb Cross Rib." ...... ______Moore;lie lb two lotA at Long Braucli, f-l.OliO. Jessio Meyel-and Lusband to Oonrad'N. C huck Steak...... 1...... — 3 l b s 2 5 c Top Sirloin... ;...... j 2c lb . Jordan; lor/at LflngUraiiclirMOO. CHARLES KRAINZ - - Jessie Meyer nnd husband to Henry L Chuck Roast, the finest...... _____...... 9 c lb Extra Fine Large Roasting Chickens...... 14 5 c lb' Sprague; lot at Long Branch, 1100. Extra Fine Diy Picked Turkeys,....,.f ____ •' i c-lb Josolo Meyer and husband to Estelle LEADING MERCHANT-' TAILOR Good Pot Roast ...... : ...... 7 8c lb 6 Moore; two lots at Long Branch, $1C0. 31 S'BO N D STREET. " Shoulder Lamb Chops...... ■ ...... ' . roc lb S au sage, ------....,... . v V ...... 8 c lb Jessie Meyor and husband tq D. Soils Rit- terbunc; lot. a t Long Branch, $100. =1= -s8ea BtlghtrLauii-and-CoMstructlmr com -Jljb-JLambLChops . .,.,...... ^ .^ .^ .^-. ! ; .. ;■:> .T.V.—;i4 c ib Pork-^Lbin^or-chopsTvrfr^y;;; ;;vfvTVv. ;; rrrrrr:1—iotflbT pany tc mayor and council of Sea Bright; S tew Lamb.’.-...... T7...... 4c to 6c lb R ound Steak...... ______...... ;...... 2 lbs 2 5 c land at Sea Bright. SI. Henry Hatchet; lot at Long Branch. $025. AHeuburst Electrle Llgut and Powercon!- i;iny to borough of Alienhurstj land at Al JERSEY VEAL A SPECIALTY, onhurst, t-14;500. We have a very-desirable-prop­ David]H. QrilTlii to Martha A. Carhart; lot at North Long Branch, $300. erty to ofEcr for sale a t ' LOCH Pressed Ham, Prepared Ham, Headcheese, Liver Pudding, Blood Pudding, Pigs Feet, Fresh Tripe, Hams, Bacon, Glenwood cemetery to Carrio Nowing; cemetery lot at Long Branch, $52. ; ’ ARB.OTJR, Horise • has IO Corned Beef.. In fact'we handle everything appertaining to a first-class Meat Market, Not only one thing cheap'but FREEIIOLIJ JOWXSII1P. William C. Irwlu to Sarah E. Etnmoos rooms; 5 bod rcoms. Two'lots everything, we handle at the lowest prices. Don’t make a mistake or forget the number, . ■ ' piece of property, $4,750. Pfltc* Bowne •• nd others to . David C. 50x180 ft. each, for only Bowne;. plcce of property,' $4,000. Frank T. Coopoi to A. J. C. Stokes; tbreo lots atFrcehold, $1. , . —• - / • - y - S20 0oolim an A v e n u e . j A. J. C. Stokes to Mary E. Coopor; three # 4 ,5 0 0 lots a t Freehold, $1. Georgia A. Woodward aad othois to Mary TEUSFHOKE 8h. . ” BDWARD B. E. Cooper; lot at Freehold, $170. Let us give you full particulars. Juliet 8. Ryaii to Aaron E Johnston; land at Freehold, $100. - Taking] .\" v ' Annio H. Wlilre and others to Charles H. Clayton; lot a t Freehold, $400. Emma-Jauo Jones to Ella Augusta Jones; NEW WALL PAPER STORE * -v ' lot at Freehold, $1. . • . JUannah M, Jones to Ella Augusta Jones; Monmouth Realty Co. ll o f th e latest In FOREIGN AND DOM ESTIC ' A ll th e ecw and protty pattercs tn .tbla eprint;*a dealffiie. Iu addition to lot at Freehold, $1. . .' . “ 'jarrySng tlio most up is-dato atock of WALL PAPBR we alPO onrry fo* ___ ROOMS ia>i3 ^ "" A WOOLENS. line of **A1NT8, O lLa, VARNISH iirji! all PAlNl-fclRS’ llOWELL TOWKfllUP. B argains PAPER HANqiNQ AND HOUSE PAINTING A SPECIALTY Susa -, Reynolds and husband to Robert MONMOUTH BUILDING H. Morris; piece o f property, $700, . -V. '...•...... EXCLV8IVE PATTBBNS. •I- Before placing: your outer lot ub give you an estimate. All papers purchase;! frojn us will bo trimmed free ol charge. v,-> ’ I MAP.LBOKO TOWNSHIP. Northwest Corner Mattison Avenue James H. Baird, adralnlst'rator, to Cor- and Bond Street nelia Tilton; land in Marlboro and Mannla- PINE LINE QF REM ADE CLOTHING FOR MEN & BOYS NEW JERSEY DECORATING CO pan townships, $4,250.. • ». ASBURY PARE, N. J. Brooch Alfred Hnrdy to Seth Bennett; four lots Newark, N.J., 616 COOKMAN AVE./ASBURY PARK. nt “Iona," $450. • • i Al| the latest In HATS, CAPS and . MILLSTONE.TOWKStllP, Charles A. Anderson to Jacob L. Ander­ PENNSYjLV/lNIA RAILROAD son; piece of property, $75.- FURNISHINQ GOODS Mary E. Andersou aud husbituri ‘o Ivins Tho Standard Railroad of Atrorica Kew Store new goods B. Thoaipoon; piece of Droimrr.y, *ir>l). W e e k Obadltui' E Davis, sheriff, to Livlneston . . . FOR THE SPRING OF 1900 .... DuBols. execntor; pit ce'o£ property, SJ.000. Od and after November 19,1S09. J. L. THOM PSON, Zadock A. Childs io Mary Emm,; Cloven.- TRAINS LKAVC ABUORV PARKj—WltaKTDATS., ger; piece of property, 525. For NewYork and Newark, 7 10, 8 M a m, 2 S5 aiid Francis R. Perrlne, fxeuutor, to J.Symmes, 5 83 pm. T H E GROCER Duncen;' piece of property, $2,000. 6EO. W. PATTERSON, • For Elizabeth. 8 60 am.fi 25 iuid5 88 pm, - No. 17 South flain Street, Rachel Mount aiui husband to Elizabeth For Itahway, 8 60 a m. 2 26 and 6 83 p m; A,.Perrino; piece of property, $1,549.32. For Matawan, 8 60 a m, 9 25 and 5 top m. . -M.ANAL.U'AK TOlVKSIlll'... — - i t Will Ciertainly Pay You Tc v THE LEADING For Lopcf Branch, 710, 8 50; 11 00 a m* 215. % 25, opp. Ocean Grove Gates, with a choice :-.5 83, fTio, 7 or p^w. _ .* >.;y, ; ...... j... 8C|eetlOIK>t = ^ •; .... James SUpftE! to Jacob VrRu97T)ioce of ForBfd.Jjai^c,7.10,860.a-m.^&anil 5 SH p m#— proporty; $3,600.- —*— —; - Know Our Store v •' For Philadelphia, Broad 8treet,aad Treated,? 20’ William Hess, j r , to William. Gleason; 8 05 am, 12 15, and 4 07 p m. .* Staple and Fancy Groceries. TA! I^R^€LOTH |ER^*F U RNISHER For Camden via Trenton and Borden town, 7 20, piece of proporty, $405. * 8 05 a in, 1216 and 4 07 p m. .. - UPPKtt FltBEHQLIJ TOWXBIItr. 622 Cookman Avenue.. For Camdefi and Philadelphia via Toma River, Trustee, support public schools, to J. 123 p Et>. A For Toms River, Island Hfetghta and IflteimedU to 22 Frei Eggs for 25o Hojmea Probasco;' piece of property,(?l,40if. MONEY BAQIC' IF NOT SATISFACTORY stations, 1 28 p m. '• • . SIlUEWSIIUItY TO.WNSIIIP. j , For Point Pleasant and> Intermediate stations, 10 60 a m*2 68,3 19 and 0 48p m. George Fosti>r fo Marcus M. Davidson; For New Brunawiok, via Monmouth 'Jonctltn, lot at lied Bank, $1. W .fPIIW LE! CO. 8 05,a m, 12 15 and 4 07 p m. *• " ( Harry ,W- Morforti to Tlntern Manor Special Bargains i s satMag Water company; lot (it Red Baiik, $;. *TRADfS LEAVE NEW YORK FOR ASBURT PARK. Butler is high and BUTTERINE Is taking From West Twenty-Third Street station, 8 56 a m E Hartshorne Williams to Amite U. Wil­ 19 40, 8 26 and 4 65 p m. Sundays, 9 26 a m, and •its place. liams; lot nt Red Banlt. $2.8011. China Hall. WIIXIAM GRIFFIN, Jr. 4 66 p m. ~ Best Creamery PrlD t...... SOu per lb Charles E. .Wyokoll to William 11. Wyck- From Desbrosaes afreet station, at 9 00 a tn, 13 60,* Best Creamery...... ! lOo per lp o(T; laud at Red Bank, $1,000. T. F. O’EBIEN ^ WEST WANAMASSA 3 40 and 610 p m. Sundays, 9 46 a m, and 6 If "JITOULETOWN TOWNSHIP. pm. . 3 !bs Oatmeal, Co. • A large 'bottlo 'Pre- NO. 162-164 Haiti Street AGENT FOR KELSEY FURNACES -' DEALER IN From Cortlandt street station, at 9 00 a m, 12 50, fervea, lOo. A Lartro bottle .Kewhup, 5c. William. V. Wilson to Benjumiii Griggs; • 840, ^ad 610 p m. Sundays.946 am and 61t Large glass Jelly, 5c. Best Cold .Pat;]cgd pieeo of proberty, $50. Best and Most Economical Furnaces Mada • m. ■ - • • *» * ■ Jersey Tomatoes, 8a Condensed milk, 3 Charles il Peterson to William S. Arm­ Asbury-Park. 8p Sunday will stop at Interlaken and Avon'In strong; lot at Highlands, $1,100.' •---- IMJPQRTBD BBBRS place of North Aabury Park and Asbury Park to cans for 25c. . ..— — 642 MATTISON AViEME *it off passengers. : • i_. — -—ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. ' - -- ITtAINB LXAVK PI!ItJlDKU’EOA,(Broad st) FOB John C. Conovor so Atlantic Highlands . ASBCKY PARR, W. J. . •. ALL THE BEST BRANDS OF WIRES AND IIOUORS * ■ ABDUHY FARE, Fine g m T8ss and csftees Wharf company; piece of property, $1, At 820.1110 a m, 8 80,4 02 p m week-days. Afar Atlantis. Hlgbliiiili's Wharf company to Hot .. ket Street Wharf, vta Camden and Trenton John Leslie; plcce ot property, $1. COTTAGEITRADE SOU(CITED] 7 30, 1080. a m, 2 80, 330pm, woek-daya. Lea^o jr. M.' TEtbMPSON John Leslie to Atluntlis aigliiands Wharf Market Street Wharf via Jameaburg, 7 SO a m, N o. 17 .South ■ Main St., opposite. company; piece ot property,'?!. - V P o s t o f f i c e ' 4 0Q p m, week-days. r ■ Joint Hubbard~to- Atlantic Highlands Box 9 0 5 ASBUR^PARK* N. J WASHINGTON AN0 THE SOUTH Ocean Grove Gates. Wharf company; piece of property. $1. LKAVK BROAD STtlKETrPniULDKLPIIIA. - FOR CASH ONLY. Atlantic Highlands Wharf company to Gross mayor of the borough ■:.£ Atlantic High- BriG-fl-BraG Jfsbury parK Bourn Jlsbury ParK fioteis For Baltimore and Washington, 3 60, 7 20. 8 f?, ' Art 1 10 20,1188, 11 88 am,(1236 Limited, Dining Car} lands; piece of propertyi'S!. ' 118 (Dining Car), 81 2, 4 41 (5 26 Oonpresalei;*l. Anthony I'. Campbell \o the mayor of the FRENCH BRON2E ^ N b - i FAMILY HOTEL . Limited, Dining Car), 6 03, 6 20, 6 65 (Dining borough of Atlantic Highlauds; pleee of - IMITATION TERRA COTTA Car),.7 31 (Dining Car) p m, and 13 20 nlffht wo< k. property,.$1...... ,i: ...... Bung STATUARY. ----- J Grand and Sewall Avenues d»ya. Sundaya. 3 60, 7 20, 912, il 23, 1183 irm^ ftlGYGLES . John ta Hubbard to the mayor of the bor­ . 113 (Dining Car), 8 J2t 4 41 (5 20 Congressional Very pretty and at reasonable prlees. OPJBN A l* THfi YJfAK.' Unified, Dinlag Car)* 0 05, 0 55 (Dining Cor). : ;. ... • -1 .. ■ j ough oJ Atlamlc Highlands; piuco oi proii.- 781 (Dining Car), p m. and 1220 night. trty, $1. > l e a v e ypuv:. ___ ..... • Steam beat. ' Electric Hglitt. : Timetables of jJI other trains or the system Daj'ton - Orient Cleveland XATOKTOWK TOWKSUtP. . UMBRELLAS, .Etc.- AU modern topravomoma, . may baobtalned ai the ticket offices or statipni. o rd e r w ith , J. R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. g Yale. ^SpaWing White. Algoron P. Stiiitb and othtrs to Susie A\ Tho ustlal complete lino ot Watches, Ban parlor, IPsaaonablo pjloea J n. Hutchinson vOeh. Manager. Withers; lot At Oceanport, $1,000. Diamonds, etc.__ Baines Eagle , ' Crawford BAltlTANTO\mitll‘. Tribunt Quaker Sterling William M. Youn©;to William S; Grifllu; WINCKLERfor The Stafford GEHTRfil R. R^JF NEW JERSEY lot al Keyport, fSOO. . Hot Cross Bans on Tllesn fire some of the wheels I am selling Mary Matthews to William Brown; lot. at H B JOHNSON Corner, Filth Avenue. and Meek Stm st Open A)l The Yea* . Anthracite Coal ttsol Excinsuely, lasnr- thlsyear. • : ;• • ■ < ' Koyport, $450. i,- • « - FRIDAY MAJAWAN lOWMfllir." Oppo»lte5ynaet Lake J ..._t Special accoTnmcxlallonc ior bicyile& Sng Cteanllness andComlort HAVE A FULL LINE OF SUNDRIES. Cookmaq Bve. ni BseH 8t Fannie I. Lyioand hu8bandto James Wll-' 717 M A T T I S O X AVJB. : ASBURYPARK '• ~^For terina Wflresa • ; "itlRS. A. I«. ODY. ^WHEELS EXCHANQED AT FAIR VALUE. so u land In Mat.awan and Holmdel town- ■] A SB U R Y T-AUIC 1 : . : : ----- [Time table In effect January 8,1500. ^hip»,$4,000. ' > Engravlnc while you wait. ^ • ‘j- ^ MR• Munroo avenue. Open all thu yeft*-. Tits m'fo^ns- . TRAINB.fcKAVB ASBURT'fARK. SncccKNfol WtrclciJ* TclflirnnliliiK. 1 moJorato. M. J. QEN^O, ' **or New York, Newark and ElUa^eth vl^ all rail •liable repairing. • '' route. 6 17, 800 a m, 12 10 4 00, 6 29|p m Sun-* Le.tons Given and Wheels for Renting. Beiliii, Apiil'f-V—It is aumitiuri'd nlii- JAMES fl. SEXTON fFttrraerlv8t, JaraeaX QotlS* r^Cookman at a liall.v that the tests With the.MaVconl nue and Webb street. Open all the year. Cons daj^.p?pto.Interlaken station, 7 87 aw, 418 p m. “ •; .-.' .V^__ PATTERSON,"SARQENT & CO. Commercial Hbtel mandfng full Ylew of tha Bropd porche3 Foi1 Philadelphia' and Trenton via* EUxabethport, S.Viteirt. nP-. wireless ieii'R.rapIij* IV'fwe'eri larg*. alrV» comfortabl« rooms. Steam heated throughout. Service and cuisine exc*ltp«t. ... S17* BW n m, 131P..4C0 pm.A Sundays from In­ 'lilt'-Kiiisi-i. Wiihehii der (IniKse and Other Funeral Director -V------...... — ‘ ~ " 7 ~ r & : V a n a k e n . terlaken station, 787 a to, 4 l&j> m. M. i r .; F E M K i S •anirrsraml tlu- lUhrhtm.-t’ on, llio.islmul B. P. S, PAIN T, For Baltimore and Washington, 017, 800. a ip, .ti'i 13 10;. 4 00 ft mi Sundays from Interlakea.sta* Central Hail, * 714 Afattlson Avenue of Burknin.' »t ihu mouth.or.the' Kn)s, ' $1.00 Gaflon. tion, 7 8^ a m,. 4 18 p m. • ft lt:i ;e proved zineeessftil. Morse/writing he- esiair pbrk Grand A¥en.ue,H oteIiSSSSSSS For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown- and- Manch inis pi't'l'i’i tiy- reprmiiiN'il nhit (listliuce of iso i p f v ; B tiC H A N O N ■ :&: S w ip C K , Chunk, 017,8 00, a m, 1210, (4 00 lo Easton), p John N. Burtis N18 mile m, Sundays from Interlaken station, 418 pm. 1 A .711 iHofn St.,. Asbury Psrfei , tan 6 rove Potiis 0 « a« (iroue Betels For'Wilkeebarroand 8cranton, 800 a m, 12 lOp xii: t v .UNDERTAKER A fSue'lirie of caskott; on iiand to se­ * • ' « ' . • 3 and 0 P'tman avenue, 4 and.6 MeCtlntoof streot.. ThU hotel I For Buffalo and Chicago via W. Jtt., Cleanse the liver, purify tho hipp'd,- invig­ lect frota: Fiower ctealgna a specialty. h p l . _ open fdl H e year«8un par lore add well heated ro o m for the coo QOOam, 400 p m/. ', 708 Mattison Averiut orate the body by using DeWltfe Little Open day and night. I V i c A I f l 'H K JSL toooth* rhe'only hotel tn Ocean Grove*supplied .with pea watei Early Risers- Those famous little pllIt- al­ ^ * bathH. The location la of the tost, 100 feefc. from boardwalk aotf J. H. OLHAUSEN, Qenn giipt. ' Coffins an] Burial CasSere ’on band'or ways act promptly. ■ W. It:-Ham, 10".Muin Telephone,. 21 a. - - : '. v * ' uipse to auditorium and post office. N. If, KILMER, Proprleto* H,1P Baldwin Gen. Pass Agt . fumlshej tc ordsr. ' ’ j street?. 1 . , Kesidence, 410 Bewail amme,1 READ THE PRESS .1 • 4 1 * . ' * . f * . ' • .. \ j l . .* , . - . . . t>i. . - ... .. ; . £ 1 ^ ASBURY PARK DAILY l»Iii;»-fv TIH.HSDAV. APRIIi M, 1900.

MAJOR E.. B». S. 8AUU- 0^1 NG. The Daily P ress/ lu (lie Scii'tMt -UitntL- ''ItelatlTe. ,r *OTABL!8Ht'D 1087 Wj»iflJ,li»Kton,- ^ ..>• . . - 1 - ;,r\\'asiiing>on. Apill 12.—Major Ebcne-- Influence Grows With;Each Re- 2or Hurges S# BalU conceded to be the nearest livmg‘roln(ivc of General George J. Ii, KlfiMOKTJH , ; v election. ' AVa^hiijgtou, is dying at the residence of . . - i J W ' • ' .< • EDITOR. A2TD PXOFUSTOK., THB * • ; > • . \ Mj’s. A..T. Leathers, (IlitlV-; Fourth streot, tfiicif* he hits made his^om e for ’nmny /Comfortable , / ' • ' MORE ESPECI ALLY IJi TIIE SEN ATE.' Veiits tmsli. .'M ajor Hajl has been best ■ kpowji in. Washiiiglon during .Into, years, PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING' is the proprietor‘of a cigaj* »uid_ tobacco, Porch Furniture BBST > (BXCiPT SUNDAY^ : ■ } ) k-~r’ejr Men Win Their Way to Promi­ .a a nd in the corridor of thepwisJon i>olij>ted at uof securing taken, as one style of hat is never suited to vice of the Publishers Press Associa­ men ever .win tlieji* way to proinlncnce tiie position o r custodian of the .\Vash- with iroii braced arms, for $2.60. These prices' (luring a, first:.term .. SomOtJuies the inglou monmnent, to which he aspired. every face. Our stock is made up of alfc^the tion, ana the news service of the Major. Ball, secured, tliro^Jp Bmger are remarkable. The styles, colors and woods American Press Association—T\Vo of ability of the senator, the;force of liis. latest spring styles, including the always charaeler and natural,<(ualit!es of lcad- Hermann, whom lie had'iiiet while in t h e heat. Oregon, the privilege of conducting the are iii great variety. erslilp win him.a place in his first peusioti^Qnice cigar stand pretty Tlelville Special, the Dunlap, Young. term, and ho oUtaiiis that recognition, We will take real pleasure, in showing this Youmans.’and two other shapes in derbys, and on. committees and lu the councils M DIk HcVuiei M&cHurctlG • 32 per cent, in tha past four years. This fully JflttJO.OOO., So quietly and. unosten­ seiiatpr useful. • He know^s how to go tatiously was this'great bcucfaction ar­ THE DAVIS FURNITURE STORE, Buy one of our MacHurdle Shirt-s; take it doesn’t look as though tha Republican about business, not only in congress, party was aa milch afraid of inflation as ranged that tlu* facts are now for' the but before the departments. After one first time made .public. The .donor was Grand anp Cookman Avenues, Asbury ParK, N*‘. J» home; try it on, and if any fault, real or” it claimed to be,and then there ave muny term lie has. moreover, learned the icvcr even heard of by the trustees of fancied, bring it back here and we will buy it!of millions more ot national bank currency ways-of the senate, made linn* and ?ot>per rnion. 'l’lie.y did not know until to. be added under the Jiew currency lasting friendships, -aud,.-consequently, hey read in his will*, a month after his you at the price you paid us. ’Safe and sure, law. ‘ • iu his subsequent (years in service, liis teath, that, having missed in his boyhood iuiluenee Juereases. and his state re- he-advantage ill an institution- w*imre isn’t it ?. Haven’t been“asked to buy any back he. wo'rkiug classes could gct.a free ‘edit- Ok April .11, 1898, congress received ceives greater recognition. * as yet. ' ’atiou in such hranclies- of instruction as Special ifduermcttienfs the presidents message precipitating Sew Enjclancl'B W ay, might'qualify them to.rise alniyc their, war with Spain; on April il, 1S8Q, the ir’dr years it, has been tiie policy of srtrroundiugs. he had* determined that Advortiseiaenfa containing ' not more than kwenty-flve words IrjBorted under this heading exchange of the ratifications of the ■the New England states .tb keep their iracticai.ly his entire fortune should DRUG STORE CHAT. veil tu ally be given to this eh Use. for twenty-flv^ ^ebU ' first InBettlon And fifteen - -Paris treaty by Spain and th8 United senators in otlice term after term. Take centa eaoh.mibaeqojBtit insoruoa. the state of Maine.' Senators Ilale and States were made at the White House, Frye graduated from the house to the - An Automobile trnst. A poor appetitf is a warn- Ladled. cleapr,your kid gloves with La Belle -and on April 11, 1900, the bill iinpouing senate in March,.1881. Dover. Del.. April 12.—To gain.control Qlovo ('leanyy-dt la not a liquid Loavoa no >fYiirtlie;afftoiiiobiie hninufaefiirlupTTnTd ing signal that there is some- x ii oc. nn (L c a m h a ii aexl-w h 11 e - t h «_ t;ln v« -1 a- o n - t b e . . . ,T he“U ainl"U atters . a tariff on Puerto Kieo, and giving that eleetcd as long as they live or desire hand. , For sale only at Chadwick’s pharmacy, ransportation .companies rhihidelphia thing wrong. Strength comes C14 C o o V m an a v e n u e . island the most pernicious form of gov­ the service. . No.vstate has greater in­ nul-other capitalists have organised the QoS M attison A v e n u e ernment conceivable, was passed by the fluence. Lit fie lthodc Island has con­ ^nglo-Americau Rapid \*eiiicie company, from food. If insufficient food tinued Senator Aldrich iu the. senate W a n t e d , house arid practically tiecametwa Ikw. uid steps are now^being-takeh-to-aitial- is_eaten-^istrength declines— A good sewpr to learn dressmaking A p p lv What is reserved to occur on April 31, since. 1S81. lie* is at the head of the ^aiiiate the various concerns iu a gig;intic perhaps slowly, but there will 704 Coofcmnn avenue. - • 88 89* 1 OUl.liin^y propEeTs'cim foratel I7~ tn os H m por t a ri t: coin mittwi4u4.ha t-hody^ nW t?-^\V ^\\^^X ^ibhs^4uesideiit. oft-Uie: anti is recognized tis: the most inlluen tVnnsylviinia Klcctrif* Veliicle -oompany, belT breakd?^~ariasF.^' FORRENT. tlol luuoag • tlKr^tnyjrtiTrs; -Yerutontfs- -Keep - up -a-good- appetitis? =.Large.-roomy-houB9*,-two-bloclts-froar-dBpot;' winy. -The company’s charter has been good condition; rent very reasonable; paym ents EDITORIAL CdiyiMENT. rueonl' 1s known. EUmiinds resigned monthly in advance. Apply l*arker'a Hotel. . ssued by the secretary ^of state; IMie Malt Extract will soon put ,an 87*90* after a quarter of a cettTurj>aud Mor­ capital stock Is 000,000, all of which rill died (a tho harness aftor'32 years'- $77*, edge on the poorest appetite, -Biennial Sessions. ■/ is coutuflon stock, divided info^rop.OOO FOR RENT. Now Brunswick Fradonian.. I service.' Slilssaehusetts lias had Sena­ sharesof the par value of J?10() each. The* build up strength, tone nerves, Furnished or unfurnished rooms; all Improve­ ALL PIANOS The Btate of S en Jersey clearly does tor Hoar since 1S77 and will re-elect incorporatoi^ire .11. B. TwyfordT Wind- make new blcfod It is a grand ments; second flat. O usting BuildLnjr. 86-88* ■ not need annual sessions. Tiie work ot him. Ptnves served 18 years, and ley, .Kngland;fc rn e st Martin. New York this,year’s session could have been done Lodge is now lu- line -for a longer pe­ ity.' and .lames ““Vitden,. Dover, Del. remedy:- From 6 to 12 bottles WANTED. in four weeks if the "members had ad­ riod. Connecticut lias had 1‘hitf since Uichard Croker is said to be among the will do the work. - W hite reliable help wanted. Cooks, chamber* EXCHANGEABLE dressed themselves seriously to its per­ projectors. » - 'maids, laundresses, housem aids and nuroee. Ap* 1870 and Hawloy since' 1881. New niy to Miss O’Shea. Employment office, Howland formance. Tiiey aimply dawdled to kill Hampshire Is the only exception to the 20 cents a bottle. Six for $1. blocks Main and Munroe avepuo. 8&-01* time. St is time for New Jersey to have r Exiiorts For M arch. riiltr of long cSntiunoas service, nnd Washington,' April' 12.—The exports of We have often wondered whether you really under­ biennial sessions. tlils state is swiuglng into the -same the four principal articles of domestic Cqughs and colds still con­ WANTED line. Senators Chandler aud Gulllnger products for the month of MarcJj. were Two young men to work In paint shop, with stood wliat we meant by our guarantee, EXCHANGE IF tinue. White Pine Cough some expenenco preferred. Apply w.. O. Senator Clark to Rciflffn, having both been re-elected after one valued at STI.DSlT.oUO. * an increase of Weeden, First avjenuo and Main street. 80-88* NOT SATISFACTORY. It means that even. when you Washington, April 12.-r Senator Clark’s term. These six N'exv Kng.iand states $18.qTi);4»l • over those for the same Baliam Tacts' like-magicr -The month last year., Of this total bread- buy ah instrument and intend to pay for it or have paid for seat in tho senate will bturome. vaoant bjr by reason of length of service hold the WANTED. • resignation anti Hut by. a vote. .Tlu* pros* stuffs contributed ^10.808,^70, a decrease first dose gives relief. ~~— cMIfihanships of- the following !itipoi>- Carpets to clean’ by the -tumbling process? . it, it is really only sent to "you ON APPROVAL. This • out programme contemplates delay in of $M,01JO,Jr78;* provisions, ^ir»,."»ii7.r»51i a cheapest and beat method. Satisfaction guar­ linal action .in thb cu^e. until {he eve of tant committees: Fiuaneo, judiciary, decrease cf mineral'oils, $<},-• anteed. Leave orders with W alter W. Davis or promise to exchanges piano is our 'guarantee of1 quality- J Charles J. Black, opposite Vostofflce 85-90 adjournment. mul nt, the last moment naval affairs, commerce, ptilitnry a fJ I, an increase;of;Jj»1,2t)o’,147, and M attison A ve. P harmacv. A piano should last you a lifetime aiid wtf'do not'f-wantf to^ Senator Clark will present* his resignation fairs, l’hllippines, Cuba, privileges and_ cotton. .$i0,O5)p.7r>S, an inereasv of ^21.- to tho governor of Montana. Should he elections, agriculture, pensions .anil II- 770.705. For the nine months ending ' . « . WANTED. tie you up so that if you are dissatisfied you must continue resign now*, the governor of Montana Mjirch ol the value'was Jj>o8S,8(5,’).0|^0. an An experienced white waitress, with good ref­ lira ry .1 erence Apply at once to Commercial Ilotel, As­ dissatisfied. We are determined that we shall please you. would immediately- appoint.nn nuii:Clurk- ——Some OtUer-Eiouiptc?.,.-----^ increase of J?l.‘l,7f>2.028 compared with To get a good DECORATION bury Park. E VanAken. Sltf •riian, ami this’lie hopes to avoid .hy hav­ There are other notable Instances of the same periud of the previous' fiscal Our pianos are made up of ~a line tliat 'cqvers the best in' all • ing liis friends in -the ‘senate antagonize long service obtaining 'commanding year. > * ’ ■ * - of . • . v - * ♦ j FOR 8AtE. any effort foi; immediate action, lie has grades, from the great Weber down to a/'piano- -that costs-— And high positions, but not so numer­ The X lcnrnffua tfiirtsInBr. 1 onyx soda fountain, complete, new; 1 show .been, iu consultation with several of his c a s e , 4 ft. long; 18 nickel candy trays, 1 doz. soda only $ 195. closest friends in tiie senate-for the pur­ ous as'iu New England nor eoulined to Washington, April 12.—In regard to bolder.i, silver; 3 doz. aoda jrJassrB, 2 pair fine pose of deeicllng upon a plan. With, ap­ any particular sectiou.,. Senator Alli­ tiie revolutionary expedition under com­ Paimsaiia Bioening Plants counter scales; nieo candy jars. Ice cream dishes, A first payment of $10 and regular monthly payments- mand of GeuerUl Herrarra which issued soda sporns. ico cream and candy boxes, 2 doz. propriation bills crowding for action andt son of Iowa, witii-s'ervico since 187:1, is a ■ -— - bent wood chairs, 4 tables,,etc Apply at Strick­ of $0, $8, $12 or $ i 5 ‘wilf be'sufficient. the other pending business, it .will require clralr.Bian of appropriations aud uiem- from Nicaragua, sailed down the western land Bros.1, 018 Cookman avenuo, or Harry const of C'ostii Hiea'and lauded at David, FROM SEA GIRT FAR51 DUflle d, (116 Asbury avenue, A sbury P ark, N, J, only a few speeches to be made at ojtpor- ber of the tinaiiee committee. IJeJs f - TGtf. Should you wish to rent a piano we would deliver to . timc.times to keep th e ’Clark case .drag­ a; point tat the Pacific side of the strip of the only man iu the senate holding a Colombian territory which forms the isth­ - . -GO TO- ' you a new upright oL~your own selection, and wheij the ging along imielinitely. -*-r ■. place ou tiie two liioSt,important com­ FOR SALE. mus of Panama, bod**'.' nor Calderon, the rental is at an end we wilt allow you every dollar you have Texnw Flood* I n . mittees of the--senate. Senator-Davis Colombian minister, aqd Senor Calvo, the Two young horses iti Rood condition; wll til' .Minnesota, after being re-elected, work any way; six years old; kind and gentle paid on that piano or any other piano that you may wish ‘••.Austin, April* I'J.—The waters arc rr- Costa itican minister, agree'upiijr the fact HEYMAfl’Ss. . STORE . ' '*• mi *”Tertns...... “moderate. Apply to Wesley HuirginsI . ceding rapidly, aud no.I'm-;her damage is was made chairman of foreign rela­ that the umvonieiit^Wus 'not' made" its a A v o n 4 7&L to purchase. - - expected from the Hood. There is a hot tions und-member pf judkial-y. Sena­ •means of attacking. Cost a Uiea on the 714 COOKMAN AVE. -TXT- political wrangle on in this1 city ln>can.<(v tor Cilllom of Illinois,* with - IS years' south, as was assumed, but rather that- MATT^ APPLEGATE, of the loss of the .dam and ’power house. service, is cbnlniM'u of iVitersiate'com­ the invasioy-is directed at Colombia. Contracting Painter and Deoorator. Estimates fJ’he tc*ity is.without water, aud tin* old merce and memberi of .iipproprlntlous prom ptly given; water company ha* cinue forward with a 1. Five Tbousnntl 31t:ier«\0?it. ' T.O. Cox 100^ .59tf aud foreign I'elations. Senator Wolcott Taylor & Tustlng Building, proposition lo rMiy..Hi|.lluu»roper«y...int.er;., Fj’bstburg, -Md.. April 1^.—Five thou- BOARDERB WANTED. e>ts ni id good** w iii »jf the city's piaijt. Tlijs ofCdliinidiiT a fte r .a r re-el'oeilpu,". ^vas . and .mii;e.r.s-. of .1 he <»eoj’ges creek region Mattison; Avenue Boarders can secure first class accommodation R, A. Tusting ..pmpoMtum. made chuli-nmyol' iii/stoiiices'aud post hj.^t.jngh.t.ainf^U'gan’. wjia.t..pi;,aitr at 409_llilf d avenue; term sftasonable; house heat* aiid Bond Street in*! ieved \ ha I t lie ma j»»ri ly o f T he a’>: p:: v- roads ami nh'inber ot' tiniiiico aiiil Wi- ises to be a proLi‘JteM»d'-stpuggle fdr nn in­ edv gas and.eleclrio lights'b'atH arid'allthe com ­ Artlllcliil SnnllKht flake forts of homo. Manager of the Buckingham in - ,^r Asbtiry7 Park;"N. J. efs of Justin ar<* against it. XrtVhjes eign relations.! . Ou "tiie Democratic crease of wagei^and incidentally the roe- the summer. Mrs, Goo. M. Dyy ; 88tf from Leatider Aiy that’ tlr«* dogd.' Iv.’.ve side.e.\ani'i)les iii states obti^luing pvoin- nittou hy the oj;i*ratprs of the".United 1 ftotl .the-Cost.of Qns Light.' ysubsided. and lb** aftermath prrsents nil Inent places liv.coutiuuous servicc are Mine Workers of America? Tht* opera­ A sixty light machine can be aean in FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. appalling loss to the funiiiV' 'and stork- shown iu tlie lirouiineiV5^)C jiissimii tors asse:t. jhat they will not endeavta* to successful operation at Hum’s Phar­ Eleven building lots, 60x200. feet, adjoining •men of that s ret ion. [•'iehU-are washed work th^niues. Imt will Jet them remain macy, 107. Muiu street. i Ocean Grove Heights. Price one hundred dollars iuid .VrUiiusas. ^enatorsWpckrell. Vest. cach. ■ Apply to 608 Fifth avenuo, Aabury Park. nlmiist' l• New .YVo k, Ap’vil 1*J;—Mtchati'l C. Sexton THE CROWN, rotnpauy.*who way 'jiaivieled iii the court ginia anil Morgan’of Alabama are.two “^eniiinla C ItiS N f O r tl D e a d . • ARTISTIC SILVER .tl* i:*S KasvTu tMiiy-cighth street has just J4S Main avenuo. ‘Oceah Grove. Opon al tha of getieral sessions a few d::ys |igo.' was Dcmoi-ratlc senators Whose long serv­ reetdvrtl news frnin the J.milippines that New YorkrffcYprjl 12.—Ilenry A. fllnss- yaar. The most homelike boarding house In yesterday sentenced by .Uecordi'^r-ttnfl’ to ice has given them a lirst l-a.nlj in flip; his sou. lytlward F. 'Sexton.* who was, a ford, known in army ami navy circles as Ocean Grdve. 8team heat, batha and all Un- soWn years and'm o»ihs in.thj' state member «»f the hospital corps* 'at lit died to Captain Glass ford, senior menibe.r in 'the lirovemonta. Terms reasonable. 262tf ‘ RICH CUT GLASS senate and 'prominent places on c o m - banking house- of.Charles T. Wing Co., prison at Sing Sin?. Tho.teebnieiil eliarijt* .uiitLC-es.ti ...... :...... ___: . . . t Jcnei*al_‘Sellwan’s brigade in'ImxonT has JOSvJU DIJREAH 7 a g'a i list 'KeJ Inggwa >"X Im t_ I ft* "IfmPT* V/illM r dietl-at-t his-home--i 11-tnis^eity -yesterday Elt-PosnlU.n of New ‘Men*. ■ Ta'llVm'i n t"v Tile" lia ml s' frf Tl u “en e iny-! liere Plastering, Brickwork. Cementing. Jobbing iS!IT-0011 sent to the.Dean eompanv_for in* pei:lmps been- killed. The news came after-an illness, of several -months. Cap­ promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. • ORNAMENTAL CLOCKS ' vesttnent. Myron fi. Uerpnrd. lis jiroM-. J t t is \seldom that tlio senate gives, in a - letter dated Santa, Cru::,. I.agutia tain GInsfcford served with credit in the ggQ-lM 607 THIflD AVENUE, tlcnt of the I >ea a.'company-,.-.is-now under recognition to. new .mpn, but some, provinc<% *Marelh:-7v-wrlt-frwi by Surgeon. army and hi t4u*~ navy-during,the civil . indictmt/nt. as is .also .Jnetdt Keller, who through their foreefulness and ability, Major Frniiois A. \Vinter of the Thiity- war, altht>ugli it wan in the RifVy tha.tjie ■WHEN m I.ARMWOOjr*”™ lAmost exquisite assortment at .ihe Jewelry Store of was general- manager o f'th e concern. eotrfjr lo the front during .their lirst evcuth t*'uiied States vulunterr infantry, ejpericneed fhe' hardest lighting. . Dis : Stop st tbe Towers, Hols street , opposite Laurel Keller turned state's evidence and was term. Tiie must notable examples of wlio is. in «*ot:*niaml the Santa 'Cruz death was 'due to a complication «it’ Hotue. tho chief witness against KfrUogg. —as----- hONpjt/li..; . ______[______-' ‘ . / _ causes’.* (,'aptaitt (Jlassford .was boru»in +.X8SW raaaonable, ", • 'rhtf;-"are,"SeitatorK-Cii.rtei-of .Montana Mtmtreal.jilifjtu-^ru'-years ago, his father “ . ' ’"~~C hA8: J ;H oieen given places op appropria­ Washington. --April * *12.*— Admin iy. He came t/» this country shortly he­ . Kinlcy and-^W n'tiral lh*wey have kept tions. it"eoiiiniittepjvlilcli, with liniinee, Kautz’s ilaxslijp, the Uhihnlelphia) ji^is re the civil war .broke out, enlisted in CLARBNCB w. WILSON, -- Q2& Cookman Avenue their promise- to take care of -Captain is usually resemaJ. strictly for. sena­ arrived nL.' San "Juan-del Sur, where she tbe Union army and served under (Jener- rid ley’s son. Several iiionlhs* ago the tors In their second-terms. Senator was ordered t'nau San Franeisco for the aij Ashoth atid Hear Admiral Henry Kr- Architect, '<• •president and atlmiral heUl a conferoiieo 1‘latt of Ni.sv .York, ouuiccouii.t of the protfdion of AmtM'icau interests siiid to ben. When the eiyil war elosfil; (Mptaih lie miriutigered by'sj^litieijl ujirisiugs iu (»lassford. w.ent to Cincinnati, where-he 185 Broadwsy. LONO BRANCH. •xr.*'mrnuT.ff'**Trri;rl“C4,k.sr/t. jm* frr~ TliT“ C*l ii cTTgo" l7fJ I “1 trbTTsi m>>r?":rAf f er wiTrd" 1 ie^u'rri f - j'lHKif: ■nt:ili (lie-u:i*.<*’. 1 oii)i> Jinmf'.v nonce In the- rtepublican party, has CONCERNING PIANOS. c'Sprcssi’d liimni'lf ns lIuitbtlnK vvlnrUifi- !«■ and the.-Nltmtgomery have arrived at Ma:* to Albiiny, liunIlyjrduirning to Xew-Vork 10 0 ,0 00 R O L I J jO F been glvPn.-a .place on linaiice.- .'^Ikjsc J. & O. FisdHEn made thelr one hundred thous­ nmld tlio. nm^snr.v i‘Xi\uM!mtiinis. rJiulmo.'- Inie Alliame is at .lamaica. The city and. engaginV the? banking biisi- andth "piano In 1800, the largest tmtput .of any II<‘.was tw!*l" to (1" liis IVmirumlrtlM' iv three. senators.^;),v - the..-positions .they Scorpion has saileti from Colon for t.’ale*. nesH. * ; " ‘ '< .."•*. ono concern in the hlatory of piano making.. Torisorial Comfort 'fjUlt-ljoeumt—Itnuwii- ivliiMi tlu- |1;qsidi'iil' hold ns party lenders-and recognized donla and Cartagena. Tiie- Adauisj.lias JThls-mako was Bold In asbury Park for $500. I De»p(indei^ >5»I»leman IiiT clontllkc. wll-them for $ 800. Sobouackkr pianos, all uTuniunVril'lhr nomillOt!1 ‘: 1 ot* iloltii I' V: abilities, .are about-the- ouly-nicii wliri readied-Santa Monicar^nre Mtmonga*- Btt inga gold plated. - Never rusts at the eeaahore. hew w i p a w Gi'idlc.v scumit Ut nteiiairt in tin- Juivo forced the.seiiaie tt) stretcir its- hebr.is at Charleston. • / . . Miunbapotis;: April/12.rrA TitncH Spe- A perfect piano; Bold bv Asbury Park dealer It te; the ffijh-e:o£-i«vcry man wlio cial from Tacoma sa y s. I)nwson advices for 8475.-. My price is $800. KnoEOKft, pfataOB, From all tbo loading m anufacturers./ 11 Itiarltii'TOfiw. traditions-, ti ml recogmzf!? senators for established ldfi2, maAPER BANGINQ. . " . . t , , - , ...... ■■.*(*■ iu. the si'imtc-cotitiuin».jslv (Joffirado IheftiU^of Hon. Wt. John Watson Heres- in Asbury Park and ihatl havo tunod them and Bliop. Wlicrc il No i:nhl>h'd slmrs, uir/1 playing VI ’hie lit I Is of St;ntb»nrt^* /relontl- know ttiat they aro giving cntlrrfsatidfactlon, and , 1 2 }ioporroll andup.' . ; ' yOsletilay, ;iml when liis impt-rs ivi'ni V» 'and..Nevada are about the only,ext$p- ed ids revolver and shtit hiniself. Jfe died; ford of Creaduff J.ouiseJ IrelUnd. He. had that both dealer who sold them and manufac­ Saturday^ April 7m> niuinOiil tie was fniinil t*i li'm'i;. k'fl'.iil1. mi- tlfins,' ll'iough California,' in Scuator in a hospital.* 'I’he bVftiie Vhere the shoot- betfn in the British army. am.L resigned' to turer who mado them are still, -responsible for them, I ask if It Is notjUBt a llitloblt Inconsiatont WA1± MOULDINGS* 1 tutf of uv«r fJSU.WO. pviLTlpally, ui, piv- in)? oi.rurred".\>*4Vs that of Isaac Goldstein, s.eek a fortune iu the Klondike,' but' .. Eaoli patron inoy Uavo either a hot Pci-kins, Is recognizing tli<> vallie of tlio .rohthe same dealer to cry "thum p box,.” ,* furni­ or qold'towel, qulok Borvlee obO sist-, cirmiicut/huiiiN.. IIi‘>Iiv(ii iii u,pemuitnr'. priuciiHe. C\tlier,Htatcfi in tim e-w ill iind the olije.ct of Shore’s, wl ath was.Fan­ failed*. . • T . *. *. — - ture piano.” etc., etc.*. when I sell tho sam o piano To ftiatoU all paperey 2c> foot aud up; fashion iiiul iiiikIi1 .’■jin^v.j i|iyi's‘’iir;;!s n nie (fieehbauin, a serv/int iii the lifVitse..to ‘ ‘'nroolfo In Wanhiiiiiiton^ ^ i . ho fonueily Bold ? '•* . ; . - Isfuotonjr nttontlon. ; Fumlsliinse rno do-ibt .do likewise.. ' l l i e F r f n c c to n , •W*. O . D O H 3 f, Blocks, lio'w as a .Imclit-Rni anil i-i ?an*iV-‘ Vbom’lu! had been payhig m\teli attention AVnshiiigtoii* April 12.—Major .Genera! 819*Cookman avenue. ■ Plano Tuner 16 years.' noWacd up todate^rarfeoc aattltary< > cd bv a-si'sti'r. Mrs. M nw ui't IWIand of :• "lAfiTiitiR W. O usx; . fbr^thore. than a^ cay. , •■* ^ # *. • Brooke lias returned to .Washington frotp JACOB BOIX, Jr. , appliances; . ' Krockvilli*.; II.'--ten w II. - ■ Jllerrlmqe Hero PromoteJ. v a Visit of ihspo.ction of tjae. niilitnVy .post*: ■ * ■ t . J. I. Carson, Prothoubtaiy, Washington, along thej,southern Seaboard. .lie raport- ‘Tho P ress^has later telegraphic .bowb1 PRACTICAL “I thi.ntj DoWitt’s Littlo Early flisors are Pa., saysr' MI have foOnd KoS'ol Dyspepsia W'ishuiglo»7. .April 12.—Os,boni Deig- than tho evenlne: editions of the .N e w te k ' ; • 1 R, FRANK GAGE. nan^.who was one of the crew of theM er- ed- his return,to. Se(yri’tilty ,ftoot in iiropa- the' best, pjlls'injhe world.” -»»y« -w.’ E. Curo an excel'ont .’roraedy in case'oB stom­ ration for' tfie :as^iiilli^Uon of the .‘conj- papers: which roaoh Asbury Park. Tho I.ntte.. Happy Crtet, Va. They remove /ilf ach trouble, and havo'derived greatjbenent riniuo. wlu*n that#.vcsAel w*aH smile in the Cookman Avenue Block, . -' ol)Struciioiis_if -tlia liver and howaln, ict from its use.” Ir,digests w h a t.y o u a n d lmrltfir''Jof.ftantjago^.Ji/is been 'appointed inand o f. the ''mil Ua ry .^department of t lio PHKSB;b a s‘alt» thd’locnl now^. ;ItareaS6re if ana DeGOiator ' (inlokly and nevier gripe. W. li. Ham, 107 can uot/fail to Cure. W. K. Ham, «J7Alain, un acting'boabnt’iiiii in t he imvy and as- east, whitdi,is ro^e^yachted by Maior thus get all-jtho news, both load and gon- .Gcsknjari Ave. btlow Emory Si. . Jauln ^trset. . ; etroot, .\ •, eigued’to duty ou the;Marietta^ ' . ... U en era I M t?rr i 11,> ! > / , . ' . ./ . .* oral, for ouo cent. !>4i”543 Cookman Ave, ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS, THCRSPAY-, APRIL 12, 1900.


• FOK TUB WEEK ENDING APRIL 7, 1U00. _ KEPTUSB TOVVNSH1P. . Asbury Park and Ocean. O-ovo bank to 6 Etlward Btrond; let at Afbiiry Park, t72.50. Gl , M i f f 5 AND 10 GENT STORE IS ALL RIGHT Elizabeth W.-Fabr and others to Georgia B. Turrell; two lots at Asbury .fyrk, 000 Sarah A. Barton to Cliarlea P. Ablum; lot a t Ocean Qrove, *5,000, Beg to an.tioance their removal from their'former Wllllum E, Lefk to Sarah Leek; two lots “ : But Don’t Forget; You Have to Eat.3 at Ocean Grove, $1. - ' location, corner M^ih street and Asbury Avenue, to Nathan D. B. Fish to Ettilty A.»TUQiaon: lot at Asbury Park, tl. }». ■ . '^Ever^bdyln.Town-Knows^-v.k^; Emily A. Tuulson un-j busband to John Ca$alo and others; lot at Asbury Park, $i. 'Cookman and Mattison Avenues^ James B. W llsou acd others So Mary Er Wilson; lot at Aabnry Prfrk, *500. ---- opposite the Postoffice, where they extend a cor- James A. 1 rjdlST'to-Piiiir.y-W.- 'Vnr.der’' vior : Jot at West asbury Pai a, *700. William Shellard.to James V. N. Cliris- dial'inviiaiion-'tb^tKeirrFnena^~*iniif ’ patrons.'to calf tiplier; pleco of rtoperty at West Asbury •Kara; H.. • ■ - • ...... upon them. ‘ -r-. Houston Fields, elifirliT, to, Asbury FJirk -i cod Ocoan Orove.bankrtwo lots at-Wtat ..Hill’s • r' ' ' Cash• V; : MeatV — ' . Marketv - r . , v-; "Asbury Park; ?500, . Owipg to delay in making alterations and improve* Aaron K. Joliustop, master, to Acton C. Hartshorne; lot at Ocean Grovo Heights, ments they will not haye their store in perfect 6 29 C O O K M A N .A/V'ZEISrTTIEl i Obadiah E. Davis, BberiCf, to Asbury Park Building and Loan association; lot at Brad­ order for a few days, but you will be none the less ley Beach, f 1,000. 7 ' • WALL TOWNSHIP. welcome , \ . . Klora Remsen and husband to Jaao Item- a n*i.plece af property, $1. Baainol Clark to Alico R. Drand; pleco of Attfactivfe goods at attractive prices will repay you property, $70. . • • ' Silas C. Force‘to^Clarence Stlnwi'Iot at ~ for your visit should you desire to purchase; ' Bolmar, $300. ■. D O N ’T fail to- gome and see us, W e sell good, first-class meat cheaper than a n y . other Harry W. f:mock to Harry Allepacb; lot at Bolmar, tl. '. . i • Ann.Elizabeth Bedell to Kelle C. Haupt; place on the coast. You can save from 20 to 40 per cent, by dealing with us and paying tlirou lots at Belpiur, $1,S00. Charles H. Clayton to Harriot Jaralsoh; lot at Bprlng Lane, $100.. ■ MAIN ENTFANCE--607/'609, Cdokman avenue, . cash. D on ’t let your butcKer tell you our stuff is not first class, ;but while in our neigh­ William L. Brown to Timothy Hurley; lot at Spring Lake. $2,800. > . JCAFPIAGE ENTEANCE —606^608 Mattison avenue Wllirnm W. Kitteil to JohnKlttell; cemo borhood stop in and convince yourself, W e do just as we advertise. -No fake' about us. tory lot ijt Gleadola, $20. OCEAN TOWNSHIP. Euphemia Robillard and husband to Wil­ IT’S NOT A BIT TOO EARLY W e have bee^t Here [(JSg enough to convince yo.O o the contrary.- liam H. Brehm; pleco of property,' £7,009. Jamea H. Slocum to Addison 11: 31o,cmn; TO ORDER YOUR , lot at Long Branch, tooo. I John B. Parmleo to Georgo C. Comstock; lot at Long Branch, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THE HARKET AFFORDS. Sylvester Ferry to Santo Morrolli; lot nt Long Brancb.JI,000. SPRING GARMENT J. Wesley Seaman to.Marla Ward Brown; lot at Lang-BranelirStSKno.— Prime RibJRoast jSeef, such as you pay 16-i8c lb. for ,i 2 c. lb Frankfort Sausage;...... ; ^ ... 10c lb GyanUln VanNo4« !o Henry Echoealln; lot Our styles areali in; have been, in at J.ong Branch, $2,250, ■ fact, for a week or more. . A Legs of Lamb, not Mutton.,...... : ------lie lb Bologna...... -----:...;...... 3 lbs 25c C. (Vllhelmlua • Dobbins,- trustee, and others tp Richard Percy Dobbins; lot at more complete line-it would be hard Fore Quarter, of Lamb...... «... • v • ...... 9c lb Bacon, by the strip ..... ’£.;4. . 1 ic lb Long Branch, $4,500. , to find. Small checks and narrow Laura C, Brown •« Ji' rtha W. Stemple; Sirloin Steak, the best!...... ;------.15c lb Good Chuck R o a s t ...... "8c lb lot at Lonu Branch, $2,250. stripes will be the prevailing, styles Jessie-Meyer aud" husband io fieorge this spring. 'i ' ' Porterhouse Steak ...... i • •...... -i 6-18cCross lb Rib...... jj.ic lb Moore; two’iots.at Lonfe Brauoli, f-(,000. Jesalo Meycr aod husband to Conrad"_N. Chuck Steak,,...,_,,.._ J ; . . ...3 .H2S 25c Top Sirloin Jdfrian; loT a t Lbng'Braiicb, HOffi CHARLES KRAINZ ' Jesslo Moyor and husbaml to Henry L. Chuck Roast, the finest...... qc lb ExitSt Fine Large Roasting Chickens 15c lb Spraguo; lot lit Long- Brunch, $100. JesBlti Moyer and liusbanrt to Estelle. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR Good Pot Roast ../...... «.:.7 . ----- 8c lb Extra Fine Dry-Picked Turkeys...... i6clb Moore; two lots at Long Branch, $1C0. ■ ^ S15 BOND STREET. Jeeslo Meyer itnd husband to T). Solis Rit- Shoulder Lamb Chops...... v...... xoc lb Sausage, ...... /& •/;..?••«....'...... 8c lb. terbund: lot a t Long Branch, $100. Seii Bright Lsnd and Construction com-' Rib-Lamb^Chops.„,.-.^r. ^ J4c-Ib Pork Loin or-chops ... ioc-lb pauy'to mayoTand (iouncli; of "SeO!rigffi; janiflt-Soft-Brlght. $1 .— Stcr'l9, J. L. THOMPSON, Zadock A. Chllda to Mary Emmu Cleven­ ' TRAINQ UUVI ABBORY PA UK—WK£LK-DAVB. ger; pleco o' property, $25: Francis R. Perrine, exccutor, to J.Bymmcs For New York and Newark, 710,8 60 a m* 2 25 and T H E GROCER Iiuncen; phico.of property. $2,800. . 6 88 p m . GEO. W. PATTERSON. For Elizabeth, * 8 50 a mi C 25 an d S 88 p m. .No. 17 South riain Street, ..?*' Radiel MontJt and huabacd to Elizabeth For Itahway, 8 50 a\n s 2 25 and 5 83 p m. A. Perrlno; pifce of property, $1,549.32; . ForMfttawan, 8 50 a ra, 9 25 and 5 83pin, v . MAl^LAI-AN TOWNTSHIP. ' It .Will Certainly. Pay You For Long Branch,? 10,-850, II 00a m , 215, S35, opp! Ocean Grovo Gates, -with a ehoico - Tc : THE.LEADING 583,540,7 07 pnL • i • :. - ' selection of '* Jtuhes-M'i’it«$ to Jacob vARueV piece nf For Red Bank, 7 10,8 50 a m. 2 25 and 5 8.H p m. property, $2,800. Know Our Store, For PUiladMphla, Broad 8treeti and Jrenton,720' ‘William Hesi, j f , to.w m ialn Gleason;- TAItORr CLOTHIER # FURNISHER 8 05 a m, 1315, and 4 07 p m .. Staple and Fancy Groceries. ForCamden via Trenton and Bordentown, 7 20, piece of. property, $103. / . , 8 05 a m, 1215_and 4 07 p m. / .' • lil’PKU FIlfiEHOLD TOWNSHIP. ■ For Camden aqa Philadelphia via Toma River, Trustee, support 'public schools; to J. - . 622 Cookman Avenue. ^ 1 1 23 p m. For Toma River, Island Heights and IntermedUte i l Fresh fugs for 25c Holmes Prouasco; pieco or property, $1,400.. MONEY BACK'IP NOT SATISFACTORY stations, 1 23 p m. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP. “ . .-fl For Point Pleasant and Intermediate sU»tIo*B, 10 50 a m, 2-58,5 10 and 0 48 p m. • Georgn J Fost'-r to liarcu3 IM. Davidson; For New Brunswlok, via Monmouth Junctltn, lot at Red Banl?, SI. - : 8 05 am , 1215and 4 07p m, . Harry W. Morforil to Tintern 3lanor ijpLEiGo: Special Bargains ifiis Saiufday Winer company; lot, at Red Bank, S.. TRAIKfl LXAVS KEVT YORK Fpn ASBUBV PAHS. Butter is high anii BUITERINK Is 'tjikiog E Hartshorne Williams to iVnnlo H. Wil­ From West Twenty-Third Street station, 8 56 a m ■ Its place. liams; lot at Red Bank, $2,Hffil. 12 40, 3 20 and 4 6o p m. . Sundays, 0 25 a m, and China Hall. W ILLIAM GRIFFIN, 4 55 p m. Best Creamery Prlot. — .SOo per Ih Cliarii-s E, Wyckol? to William II. Wyck- From Deabrb«8ea street station, at 9 00 a m, 12 50, Beat Creamery...... lOo per lb oft; land a t Rod Batik,'$1,000. > ' t T. F. O’BBIEN 3 40 and 5 10 p m. Sundays, 0 45 o m, and 5 If jriiJULEfOWNTWvSsitlP '• N O . 1 6 3 - 1 6 4 rtain Street WEST WANAMA8SA p m . - . ' - * » • 2 lba Oatmeal, 5o. A' large botllo' Pro- AGENT FOR KELSEY FURNACES DEAtEB IN , • . From Cortlandt street station, nt 0 00 a m, 12 50, forves, lOo. A Large bottle Ketobup, 5c. William: V, Wilson to Benjaoiiu Griggs; 340, and 510 p m. Sundays.945 a m and 51t Largo glass Jellv, 3b. Besc._Coh1 PiicSied pleco ot probortj., *51. Beet and Most Economical Furnaces Made 8m. . 1 Jersey TomatpesSrSc. Condensed Milk, 3 Charles M. 'Petersou to William S, Arm­ Asbury Park. n Sunday will stop at Interlaken and Avon In strong; lot at Highlands, ?l,100. ’ place of North Aabuty-Park and Asbury Pari* to cans for 25c. 642 MATIISON AVENUE IMJPORT^BlJ B B B R S . ATLANTIC !IIQlILANiJki»_:______- —y- *it off passengers. - ...... -...... — ■^rv---t.'—rr rr . THAlKfl LUTK PHILADILrUIA (BfOftd 8t.j_FOB_>, John C. Coifbvcr to Atlantic Highlands ASBlIBtY PARJC, Wi J. ALL THE BEST BRANDS OF WINES AND LIOUORS AsnnnY fabc. FiQi Glade Teas and n e s Wharf company; pieco of property, $1. At 8 20.11 10 a m, 8 30, 4 03 p m weekdays. Mar Atlantic Highlands Wharf company to H o t ket Street Wharf, vta Camden and Trenton . j r . J&. THOMPSON John Leslie: piece of property, $1. COXTAGEITHADESOLICITED! 7 80, JO 80. a m l2 80, 8 SOp m, week-days. Lea^e John Leslin to Atlautlo Highlands Wharf Market Street wharf via Jamesburg, 730 a m, company; pleco pf property, $1. 4 00 p m, week-days. . . ✓...... N6.J7 South Main St., opposite PO 8 T 0 PFICE BOX 9 0 5 ASBtfRY PARK, Nw J John 8. Hubbard to Atlantic HiiJislands WASHINGTON AND THE BOIJTH Ocean Grovo Gates? ' ’ Wharf company: pleco of property, $1. . Gross UtAV* naoAD S T R E E T , PHILADELPHIA. Atlantic Highlands Wharf company,| to FOR CASH ONLY.; mayor of tbo borough of Atlantic High- ArtBric-a-BraG! Jlsbury ParK flsburv ParH Bokis For Baltimore and Wnshlngton, 350, 7 20, 8jt*2, lauds; pleca property,,$i. ' 10 20,1123, li 83 am,(1236 Limited, Dining Oar) ot r Tr~ TOECTCH BRONZE "AND ^ 113 CDlning Car), 8 12 ,4 41 (5 25 Congresslec#! Anthony F. Campbell to ilto mayor of tho FAMILY HOTEL vljlmlted. Dining C arl,,.603, 6 20, 055 (Dining borough- of Atlantic Hlghlnutis; pleco^bf' IMITATION TEREA COTTA , f C a r) , 7 31 (D in in g C a r) p m , a n d 12 sJO .n lch tw et k property, $1. .& v 1 . . Buns STATUARY. > } Grand and Sewall Avenues days- 8undays. 3 60, 7 20, 0 1>C 11 23. 1183 a m, BICYCLES John H. Hubbard to the mayor of-the bor-' l*a. • ’ • 1 1 3 (D in in g C a r ) , 8 153/4 41 (5 20 C o n g re s s io n a l I ough of Atlantic Highlands; pieco of propf Very pretty and at reasonable pricos. OPEN ALL THB THAR. > - Limited, Dlntag Car), 6jC5, 6 55 (Dining Car). L e a v e y o tix ^—7- 81 (Dining Car).- p.m ..and.l220nlgbt.-----. 1 ——: trty, $l. — • ' _ _j._ Dayton-—-—— Orlent- Cleveland BXTONTOWN. TOWNSHIP.- ~UMBRELL'A^rE'tcT”' ~ ' " r Bt6 awti"ea'fc” "T'Elcotribllpttli Time tables of M other trains ot thesystem o r d e r w i t h 'r ■ — . AU modera ltnproycmonia . , may b^obtalnod^i tho ticket offices o r stations, Yale .* Scalding Whit Algoron P. 8mith-and others loSusio A, Tho usual.,complete line of Watches, Hun parlor. Beaisosable pHoes J. R. WOOD, den. Pass. Agt.‘ J B. Hutohlnson, Qen. Manaaer. i WUhers; lot at; Oceanport, $1,000. Diamonds^ etc. : Baines- -fiagle ^ ra w fo rd . . RAHITAN TOWNSHIP. >J- . Vv INCKLER for Tribune Quaker' Sterling. _ William ST. Young to WlllJamS. Grlfflit^ QEHTRfil R. RjJF NEW JERSEY lot at Keyport, ?S0O. ThejStafford . tocsn ar^somoof tbo wheolsl am selling Mary Matthows to William Brown; lot at; Hot' C ross H uiis on H. B J8HNS0N Corner Filth Ayenneand Heck Street Open All The Veaf Anthracite Coal Uso moat horoe-Uko roratr shop, This IrBUres promp1, and re- * ^ ^ AAAA^ b o a r d In k lio u bo In town. All modern Improvement*. Temis TRAINS LKAYK AMUIIY FAUX. SuccenxfaJ Tcu-ttruplifn'fti T he O range fnodorato. , - v. . . M. J. QENU^O. .liable repairing. • • For New York, Newark ofad ElU abetb via Oil rfilT Reilin. April 12.—It is njiinwiijjciulVaQt^ JAMESH. SEXTON toute. 6 17^600 a m, 1210 4 00, 6 20 p ,m Sun- 4.cssons't]lven and Wheels for Renting. fForraerlv Bt. Janies). Corntp* Cookman ai*' days from Interlaken stationt ?J37 a m, 4 18 p m. iitily tlu’it. ili.i- 'tests tt&h-'flie, Jlarfonl. rnte and Webb street, Open all tbe year. Com PATTERSON,'SARQENT&C0. Commercial. . . Hotel tnandlng full view of the eea. Bropd porcbea For Philadelphia and Trenton via* ElUabethport, U.vjitiMii. of vvholi'ss leli^-rapii.y, InrffJ*. airy. comfortnol«. rooma; Steam heated throughout. Service and cuisine excellfnt;.’ 6 17,8 00 a m. 1310, ,4 CO p m. Sundays from In­ tlie Kaiser AVhliiiiin iier (.'riis.se aiid'cwfier terlaken BfcatlOh, 787 am , 418 p m , funeral Director B. P. S. PA IN T,'.',;. , « .-■ ______; ■ . _ ■ E. YANT.AKEN... • ( X . FBHRIS sfeauiers aiul'tlie ll^lit'hoii.-e ou tlie islfiud’ For .Baltimore and WashIn«ton, .017, 8 00 am , of. Bmhlim.iat ihe niimtii of .the Ellis, $1.00 Gallon; Open all the '/ear.‘sVar. .EnlargedBn larged and. ijd.Ip. 1^ 10, 4 00 p m. Sundays from Interlaken * sta- Central Hsllf -. • • 714 Ajattlgon^venue roved; Eleotrl10 “llgbtq and - * gas.—- ** Bun------par t l o n , 7 87 a m> 4 19t > m . .*/— • have pruVi'il BueiessftiJ. Morse writing M f Grand Avenue Hotel ?rora,'--8 Uperlor table. I. BILL. Proprttror iiii: [I.'ftectiy roprodmreil al a (jistnni'e of IS9 H P T . JS1BY M i B'uc.hanon S m o c k , For Eayton, Bethlohem, Allentown and Matiph be Chunk, 04 7,8 00, am , 12 10, (4 00 to Easton), p J p hnn N i^B urtis 18 in.ihv. . • ■ ’ . i f -'- li i.’ .i nu Sundays from Interlakeq station, 418 p m. .•711. Main S t.A sb y ry P ark., , Ocean m n hotels Ortan &rm Bosels A Stils line of caiBkots on band to Be-1 ForWUkesbar^eand Scranton, 800am ,J210pm . UNDERTAKER Cleftrjic the liver, purify tbe.blop'd, mvig- 3 and B P'tman aveou«, 4 aftd 6 McClIntocff street. This hotel i For Buffalo and Chicago via *)., L. (fe W . B % J L t orate the body, by using Di!Witti< Little Sect frordi Flower dfeslgus a apeololty.1 - open all Oe year. 8 un parlora and well heated rooma for the coo , 800am,400p.m. • * , : .X7Q8 Mattison Avenue Open day nud night. month. The only hotel tn Ocean Grove supplied with pca watei Early Risers.. Tlieso'fannTus littife pills al- The Alaska batha The lotallon' Is of'the boat, 100 feet from bo^Mwnlk and - s _ * J , H . O L H A U S E N , Q e n !l Eupt, ' . Coffins an! Burial Caakete op hand or ays act promptly. , \V. 11. Hanfel«7 Main TelephQiiei 21 a.' • ■ uioae to auditorium and post office. N. If. KILMER>Proprieto* H . JP Ba l d w ih , Gen. pa^s A gt,. f.iirnlehaj teorder.. , street, Residence, .410 Bewail avehnet ; -. READ THE PRESS .‘."y 4: v l ’ ' ' L:v •• ! { * . -. • ■ ;. - .j, , : ■- * r K'-: ~r- • . t/7 >n r> - ASBtjRY par 4 daily press, Thursday, ipiiiL 12,1900; V . . . OCR GRAND ANNUAL . . . . EASTER CARDS '-40* • AT ■ MILLINERY OPINING DAYS s> OR advertising this week will, tell you of the many ^ood things we have, in stock for Eastertide^-all those, essentials demanded ladies who - 1 • " - • *• ' ' '' -. • ” '* * 1 -“'V ' j ^ ’ ‘ THURSDAY, W E D E L ’S 1 , would: dress: fashionable.*. W e have beeni arrapgipg fpr jliis^*event APRIL far months' and now that the choice stock hias arrived- we .want; ;our patrpna to ;inspect . FRIDAY and 13, 14, 15. it critically,-for we feel assured-that pur selections' will ,prove satisfactory and satisfac­ SATURDAY, • 'S pec ia l B arg a in s in tion means quick selling in most instances^ — —: " a , ,

. ■ V 1 - • • • ' • • Shades, Tinware, Enamel Ware, Tubs, yMngers,. Oil . Cloth, :V VERYTHING'in.tKe way of imported-shapes-.and- finish Wash'Boards, Baskets and general moving time necessities. LADIES’ READY TAILORED SUITS E will be ready for inspection, supplemented by a,corps of In this department are displayed Ladies’. Ready-tailored Suits, Separate Skirts and.,

proficient designers and trimmersTwith. ready. ideas, and sug­ . - 1 . - • . , , Etons, 'Jackets and Wraps and Silk and Satin Shirt "VVaists. Fashion has decreed that gestions which help to"m ake, youn millinery purchasing Fresh Garden Seeds the tailor-made gowns must form a part of the well dressed woman’s spring wardrobe < and ^easy. /• V : -I this necessity is met by our establishments, where' modish costumefc can .be obtained in a,/ AT WftpLESAL?,PRICE3 On the same datesfwe Will inaugurate the season’s open- great variety of styles and materials, with’a guarantee pf the best workmanship and perfect fit. Our suits, skirts', jacket? and waists were manufactured expressly for our Easter- trade ing m./f. . v •. ■ ).-• .. ; v cc and wS assure prospective patrons that no little detail of perfection has been overlobked. "We TTndersell” Such a stock has never before beep offered in Asbury Park and, notwithstandinf the exclu- " REAM-TO-WEARI J . * ...... ------GARMENTS------sivestyles,therichnes3^fmaterialsandthejfaultlessinaking7 theprice§;"will~be7fpundtp7 be^r 1) For LadiesV Men’s and Children's Wear; reasonable. Few stores in the larger cities_carry a more complete stock and none of them MRS. E. DILTS offers better values when quality'and workmanship is considered. .. . . ALL THE LATEST SPRING STYLES There’s nothing we ;have omitted /rom our purchasing ; . f EASTER MILLINERY . . which goes’to make an up-to date line. ■■'» . . IN HATS 700 CooUman Avenue - Our display of Easter millinery cannot be excelled. The reigning Parisian inodes )9 TAILOR MADE SUITS BADEW- POWELL DEAD? NEW EL DORADO FOUND are represented, as are the cutest creations of our American designers. Scores of shapes to • J A C K E T S a n d SKIRTS LADIES' select from and adepts in the millinery art to: arrange the trimmings -after the selection is Report From Pretoria Discred­ Surpasses the Klondike and made- Ready-trimmed hats in profusion; built by our own milliners after recently conceived SUITS, TROUSERS ited In London. Cape Nome. *__ AND OVERCOATS models. Flowers and ribbons and laces galore are shown in this departinent-i—the most T, BRABANT IS - HOLDING HIS OWN. BOOJT POB‘FIVE THOUSAND MEN complete and cheapest millinery establishments south of Newark. • v i ' ••• - I . , '■ ' •• • • ' . All particularly adapted and designed for spring service. Roberts ' llnntens Hc-enforcementa Pay S treak I^noTvn to Dc More Than For Gnrriaon. I»nl Ammrently Be- Thirty Feet Wide nutl I'iireo to ~ lt’s”unnecessary to^mention-the importance--.to-you -and.rour* —I lovea-T h n hile~6qCer lieven ~Fee j~ l ) e c stSiofgtT~. Har ^GatncrO-ileoiilIeU.U — -----...... SHOE SPECIALS .. . ■ . ' ‘ » . .’•* ~r* to Itcnch. ' 1 . " selves of our' London, April ,12,-j-A (lisiiatch from K'r.otorin announces tlie duuth of Colonel /Victoria, B. C.» Apt 1112.—Jack Bourne, No other store in thie country carries h more varied and better line of shoes for Brtden-Powell, in command of tho MnCo- who reached Dawson on March 29 with men, women and children. It has taken years to builcl.up our shoe selling reputati6n, but kihjr /rtirison. Tlw» war oflico discio^its a dog, team from Koyuktik, carried |iews . ’ • " ...... 1. .... - ■ j - . . • . HAT DEPARTMENT, tlm rqportr tn king the ground that Preto­ which fired the miners’-w ith'a new gold we are now reaping the benefit in increased sales. At .the Ocean Palace tonly can -,be found ria has no hotter means, of getting news fever. Because o^ his report very many from MflXifKing tlinn has London. men from the lower river wero strung the justly famed Jenness Miller hygienic shoe for women/while the celebrated Sorosis shoe is The latest libws* from Colonel Bnden- along trails bound,to the new El Dorado Powell direct was dated March '2Tt on at tlio head of the Koynkuk river. Be­ handled exclusively at the Mammoth, Other makes carricd in stock, but shoddy lines which fljij; a heavy Boer.bombardment o£ sides BourueV storHv reporth of almost in­ .Mafeking was .reported, while the British credible wealth are circulating all along commander liiiuself spoke- only of the the river, and it is asserted that as a gold have no place op our shelves. Cook’s— •M In C irculation. ! . —it~ will--be—a-pleasure—tordo- iilil H t a t c rbii t"hot h ing^of ~auy^l is4- ctrBfipme- says- the-wildcKtistories-are- aster to ihi* British troops. cii'cuiating. as t« the estent of the pay GOVERNOFTOF PORTO TtlCOi business with us-. 1 Still tiie feeling- exists in London th a t. dirt. One report lias it that,^100 to.tlic; President Decide* on Aaatatant Se®» Fine th.Vy cannot be too sure till another day pan is a common thiug, und he was as­ retnryAllcn. F o r S a l e Z A C H A R I A S & C O . Ifiis passed, for it must be understood sured by a reliable'nnd conservative min­ er that tlie diggings would average $50*ns Washington, April l^.—Massachusetts 7 1 3 M attison A tc, that it has us’iuiU.v taken some little time will probably furnish the* first dvil gov­ Furniture for the British version of che.cks and re­ da.^ a num. The gold Is bright and ^ery Business property pmy, tassaying more than $19 to the ernor of Porto lUeb in Charles H. Allen,/ verses to reach this country. now assistant secretary of the navy. This is uaiural whejf it is taken'into ounce. . > Made to Order paying 10%..... After/the stampede to Myrtle creek, on President McKinley made up his mind to consideration that the’ detachcd columns appoint Mr. A Men civil governor of Porto in tlie Free State are operating, a t cojisid-. t.he Koynkuk. last' summer it \vas gener­ flattresses Renovated. ally supposed that country was a failure, Hico. last summer, when no thought it ora lilt* distance from* headquarters. * would be necessary to wait for legislation The Wepenei* ^arrisou continues to. ami miners left it for better known lie Ids. Alt kinds of Cushion Work.:. Great Bargain Rome pay had found, but it was by congress before doing so, and when he Doctors hold out .against tlie Boer assault; concluded to await the actio'n of congress Old'Furniture made to leak Lord Koberts* message makes it plain smalt and limited in extent, and .there Come In and ask * e v e r y ­ was little to imhiee one to oven prosjieet- he simply held" his-purpose in abeyance. like nfew. that,while lie is moving men up rapidly to Since he learned' tliat congress ivould re-enforce*' the dt*fende]*s of the-place he in the country. r,rhe. cost of getting in A complete.' line of Uphql- .concerning it.., w h e r e supplies ,was tr>*mendotis, and only the make a-provision at this^.sossion for a does not fo|'*a uioiiieut doubt jhat tlie" civil government in Porto Itlco the presi­ - .Htering floods’ alw ays in­ garrison can continue to hold its ciwn. barest 'necessitiesj:oiild J m*-taken along.' C o m m e n d It wa sin th cf a ce o f ditntultics of the dent has been saying to members of his stock. j, ■ . CHAS. A. BENNETT, __Fi«;htlinc 1 1 1 • ______cabinet and otJUer public uien tJiat when Aeent for tho Specialty Furnace, beat and The cannonade in Natal appears- tu gravest - Winracte^-that the •discovery on •. pnWlN A WPIS WILLIAM GIFFARD .McKinley gulcli was.made last fall, file the bill became a law he would’carry out most economlcal-furuace made. have been begun by-the Boers and not by his' purpose and appoint Mr. Allen as:the ■ Blovea and Ranges, ( Jeneral Hu Her. * ___ finders being oh their way to Fort Yukon first civil governor. The president has 23a Tlali* Street Gutters, Laaders. Tin RooflaK,'Repairing, Tho Boer s. having mounted guns iu po­ and temporarily camping at the mouth of assured members of his cabinet-that Mr:: DptolsM in Oecoiatu Let me estimate for.your- worn. , sitions^ in * the “Biggn rsberg" wliicli "com- tlir'creok. Their first pah yielded $2.00. The Koyuk'iik is best’reached iu wintei* Allen wilhacqept’.the appointment. ^ ■ 6»COOK3IAN AVE, I manned some of the Briti^li camps, open­ . . ‘ ... ■ ...... s MAIN STREET, BRADLEY BEACH, by the divide' bet ween ;Fort . Yukon and The inembers of the cabinet all beUovo 4 ed tire 011 them While tlie British were* that Mr. Allen is just-the man for*the making a movement which Sir Itcdvers the lieiuiwater streams. It is only about place aiid the difficult and delica_teVdiitic« describes as a'change of front,'hut djd no 150 miles across. While by way of the of.sctting-.up.aud. starting the.first Ameri­ ib un Qg'eT' motil h"ot,“the“riTor‘it*^?-fyHyr800miles.'- About ilOOminers have(Sjtampoded to:the can civil government in Porto I^lco. They Insurance written ; best com- $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 The naval guns replied at* once, and believe tha t M r. A Hen ha^ t he confidence QUALITY cavalry ami infantry sjVTirmed out on'a diggings since llie news^ of the . strike A AT reached the Ynkntf valley, aiid as the nj; of the country and .that when his hp- . . panles, ;. reconnoissiiuce imd found that the Bofers polntment is.onadjeihere will be n g^nernl hiuMntrenehed themselviijj very, strongly,. suit fairly, good-.trallH hijve been broken. B u t We employ only — -•— recognition of its fitness. Their only re- 7? "fac’Gtliht*- as“'?liey have“liecjT wor^iiSg* gret’ls (baCihejL will" tliils“|ose~MYT'A1~ One------skilled-—labor-r anu Mon%y.taio^5^^and.6.pei;.cent 5 diligently-with the Spade for the. last Accra, April 12'—Mir. Basel, the mis­ len’s services in”* the nfiv^r department? ■■ n'l'r", V VV' m ...... ' m . M ST" PER. CEN T. IbE CSltEATiinER month, cannot surprise them. • sionary, . writes from • M’Preiso, under where he has done.such adn)U;4 ble. work. G rade use only pure white . One of the <*orrespondent^ opinions, ifT date of April 7, .that five English officers of w ork lead and linseed Makes rich, red blood, that this shelling at loiifg range was a. and *10 Hnussiis have been killed, and ij She llaa Sa4nn^ Lasiioed. Awnings, We havo the fibova.num to place in creates healthyflesh tissue, mere blind .to-dnnv-at.teut ion-front-n con­ compllciitions are fenced with Riirround­ •SbifoiV-Prt.r April'12.—Ollji^/lVeltiiolti, The jil T h e honest templated move., by the-Boers, in some ing' native vstates The-" chief 'executive an iiimate of the* Mercer County hospital,, Best. paint that lasts. '. !arse or small amounts on first mortgage soundbone and firm muscle, ot f a quarter.). • otlicei’, however, still mini;nizes the seijl- Is trying to starve herself to death. Fot' ; ..Flags, loans on Asbury Park, Locb $rbcty, so that its u sers 'i'hey are -timiight~to.be no longer in ousncss of, the situatipn. f over 40 daysi.she Jias, HUbsIsted eiitijcely' force beinnd Matawana*S'kbp, a high hill upon milk introduced into'her .^tbmo^ji by Allehhurst and Deal business or e a t w ell, K J. STHOIJD TeHts, burgees. some mil^s northwest of Klandyraagt^* a rQbbcr^tube. Mrs. Reituold labors un­ Contracting Palnt&r j. Q f!or ryw ■ ’tng'property.- . "...... sleep well, British VavJjliy, howevf»r, are ‘watching der- the delusion, that' sjio is-.rqiihing, a Pccorator, : . ■ Canvas Coyers. 1 ^ 0 passes* to prevent htiy. *uddefi_ raids race witli death. She says • tliat If satun je t well and or'the incursions of small parties./ ' t Stom ach wants her she is reiidy.'to gor but at pres­ Ksda.. of bai!, msterliU* neep w ell\ It is also repm-teil that (lejiernl Oatncre ent she has a rope around his neck. 8|ie jinit worHipaEthlp nt low- j. W« Hetrick & Son, is returning ,to Englamt* andnhat General ,./ OMt.cif Order? positively refuses to partuke of nny foefd. tet prices, j - " ■: SO LD BY Chermside’.'is* proceeding tb fake up his Twice a dn^-the'attendnnts piiy opcn her THE EXCELSIOB L i p 625 Mattison Avjmuo. command at SpHngfOntein. C ® l i 1 1 M S*C°P °r Work m oil th, i)l pee *a bty of wood ■ between iter CANQPiES >0 Hire. ’ rf ROBERT STATELY. -Vory— fi^i |i»~ j*om mont ~ to ‘j mad e ~on -1Uis teeth* insert the Rubber tube tlnd feed her .-... ^SNOWFLAKE,) -CANVASROOimiHG ----- Keator Block. • 'r~ — piece of news by this morning’s papers. milk.' Mrs. Iteimold's•‘mother stnm»U It is taken as not surprising; and, a^_Cl!lie. herself in TrumbuHeoimty several years Baa moyed Ita main .offlco frp?\ 812 COo'k- Daily .Telcgrapli-says, a ’decisioa like this ago.-,-’ 1 Vx.’ v'.'-’r * man avonUo.to 631 Mattison &veuu&—Eflator CANDY' ••cuuires no lb'Waltor- ■ ESCULETTS Minute Cough Cure. -Ur will stop a-ooneh W an hi n g foil, ^V])ril T J.—Tht» president rente appetite, indacc t^fresldngr-^tep;- au<5 . Otto Korb, Grand ChatictiUor. K~P.,Bo6n- Patronage Solicited, ' Rissiner, 8nito|iig, e t a . 1/ - : r anti care ii cold quicker than any -other adKe Work u pleaabre. Onis/A'ablct, out dose. vlUe. Ind., Baysi, ‘'1)0Witt^:Witch ftnzel sent lo^tlie seriate tjlie foilowmg nomina/ 8alve soothes the most deUoate'sMa jttnd OOBB PILES medicine,wrltep. O.-W. Williams. Sterlloor tious for postmasters in'New York state: , tin mediate, Lasting*: A grfefbfe. Utt{ 9 . B o i u n m M B N W A Run, Pa. It qures croup, ’bropchltte and all 1 5 Tjtblct*) 10 Cents. Blade u ■ • he|ils th6 mpst stubborn ulcer with^cortatn And • all rectal dlar,nif.r« or triotiay (ofunflad, throisfc and lung troubles! find prevents cos- Uoliejt J.- Buck.- Watertown; Frank S. and good reanltfllr. Cureri piles and skin fFlMaanf Not ft piiystc. * A.radic&l oura. fioo nt fH Johmon Uborttorloj, Inc.* Pbllid^Ialila* 6'V{ CooKman, 618 Mattison Aves; ' J- Blitck.T. Mi St.w urt, I., O; flrunelle, or sumption. Pleasant and llanJiUss. W- K. Kenyon, Aitams^ Charles. P. Barnes, diseases. ; Don't buy bn Imltatfon, W. R. ’ ‘ ASBURY PA ftS .. of.E tt's Dtug Or Phil,. Pn. PIhhsb try It. * Ham, lOS.Maln street. Bi'igbtou. . • *v /or sile by B. Ham nod aU lead nxdragmtA .Ham, l07*Maln strfeot . ‘ . **. Telepliono 8Bb,