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Neurocranium NEUROCRANIUM Andrea Heinzlmann University of Veterinary Medicine Department of Anatomy and Histology 8th October 2019 THE SKULL (CRANIUM) FUNCTIONS OF THE SKULL: • forms the bony framework of the head • houses the barin and meninges • houses the higher sense organs • houses the parts of the respiratory system • houses the parts of the digestive system • provides attachments for the facial muscles bo • provides attachments for the mastications muscles ca eq ridle-fit-important-horse-saddle-fitting/ SHAPE OF THE SKULL - differs from species to species - the viscerocranium (splanchnocranium) is larger than the neurocranium a. NEUROCRANIUM: forms a protective case around the brain b. VISCEROCRANIUM: form the skeleton of the face as well as parts of the jaw BONES OF THE SKULL • flat consist of: 1. LAMINA EXTERNA Lamina externa 2. SPONGY MIDDLE LAYER – DIPLOE 3. LAMINA INTERNA diploe Lamina interna!ut/p/a1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKN_A0M3D2D Dbz9_UMMDRyDXQ3dw9wMDAzMjYEKIvEocDQnTr8BDuBoQEh_QW5oKAD4ENaS/dl5/d5/L2dJQSEvUUt3 QS80SmlFL1o2XzJPMDBHSVMwS09PVDEwQVNFMUdWRjAwMDcz/?bone=CMF&segment=Cranium&sho wPage=A&contentUrl=srg/popup/additional_material/93/X40-Harvest-bone-graft.jsp PNEUMATIC BONES OF THE SKULL • lined by respiratory mucous epithel • contain air • connected to the nasal cavity • known as paranasal sinuses (sinus paranasales) • the diploe disappear • the lamina ext. et int. fused BONES OF THE NEUROCRANIUM UNPAIRED BONES: 1. ethmoid bone 2. sphenoid bone 3. occipital bone 4. interparietal bone PAIRED BONES: 1. parietal bones 2. temporal bones 3. frontal bones BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) the skull has: 1. ROOF (calvaria) 2. LATERAL WALLS 3. FLOOR 4. NUCHAL WALL 5. NASAL WALL BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) THE ROOF formed by: 1. interparietal bones 2. parietal bones 3. frontal bones BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) THE LATERAL WALLS on each side formed by: 1. temporal bone Lateral view of a dog skull (P: parietal bone; T: temporal bone; F: frontal bone; O: occipital bone). The arrows and dashed circle indicate the regions where the transducer was placed to perform the ultrasound examination of the brain BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) THE FLOOR formed by: 1. sphenoid bone 2. basilar part of the occipital bone BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) THE NUCHAL WALL formed by: 1. squamous part of the occipital bone 2. lateral part of the occipital bone BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) THE NASAL WALL formed by: 1. ethmoid bone OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) - situated on the nuchal wall - encloses the foramen magnum FORAMEN MAGNUM: - links the cranial cavity with the vertebral canal OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) Pars basilaris consists of: 1. SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS) 2. LATERAL PART (PARS LATERALIS) 3. BASAL PART (PARS BASILARIS) Pars Pars lateralis squamosa 5. Pars basilaris 12. Pars lateralis 22. Squama occipitalis OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 1. CRISTA NUCHAE (nuchal crest) on its outer surface • in ca, eq OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 2. CRISTA SAGITTALIS EXT. (external sagittal crest): • runs on a rostral direction • in ca, eq The sagittal crest lies along the middorsal line of the interparietal bone. It is continuous with the nuchal crest (lamboidal ridge) of the occipital bone. The occipital condyles are the points at which the skull articulates with the vertebral column Posterolateral View OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 3. LINEA NUCHAE: • in bo • nuchal crest corresponds to the linea nuchae Linea nuchae upper-and-lower-parts-than-in-the-horse-the-mastoid-foramen-is-at-the-junction-of-the-occipital-and- temporal-bones-it-is-frequently-very-small-fig-138cranium-of-jersey-cow-nuchal-view-the-fig-139cranium-op- polled-angus-cow-nuchal-greater-part-of-the-processus-cornus-has-been-view-sawn-off-1-foramen-magnum-2- occipital-condyle-3-paramastoid-proceas-4-bulla-ossea-5-meatus-acustieus-externus-6-mastoid-foramen-7- external-occipital-protuberance-8-median-occipital-crest-9-linea-nucha-image236813624.html Linea nuchae Crista occipitalis externa Protuberantia occipitalis externa Protuberantia occipitalis externa OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 4. PROTUBERANTIA OCCIPITALIS EXT. (external occipital protuberance): - lies between the nuchal crest or nuchal line - in ca, eq, bo OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 4. PROTUBERANTIA OCCIPITALIS EXT. - directed towards the foramen magnum as CRISTA OCCIPITALIS EXT. OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) INNER SURFACE (lamina int.) OF THE SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS: bears: 1. FOSSA CEREBELLARIS (cerebellar fossa): - for cerebellum Fossa cerebellaris cerebellum Fossa cerebellaris OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) INNER SURFACE (lamina int.) OF THE SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 2. PROTUBERANTIA OCCIPITALIS INT. - in bo Protuberancia occipitalis interna OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) INNER SURFACE (lamina int.) OF THE SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 3. PROCESSUS TENTORCIUS (tentoric process): - in ca, eq - part of the tentorium cerebelli osseum OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) INNER SURFACE (lamina int.) OF THE SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS) bears: 4. IMPRESSIO VERMIALIS (vermiform impression): - impression by vermis cerebelli vermis Dorsocaudal view of normal dog cerebellum. inner surface of the parietal bone Impressio vermialis OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) INNER SURFACE (lamina int.) OF THE SQUAMOUS PART (SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS): bears: 5. SINUS FRONTALIS CAUDALIS: - in bo - Septum sinuum frontalium OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) PARTES LATERALES: form: - the lateral limits of the foramen magnum 1. CONDYLI OCCIPITALES (occipital condyle) - forms the atlantooccipital joint OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) PARTES LATERALES: 2. PROCESSUS PARACONDYLARIS: - lateral from the condylus occipitalis - known earlier as the jugular process (processus jugularis) OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) PARTES LATERALES: 3. FOSSA CONDYLARIS VENTRALIS: - between the condyle and paracondylar process - depression ventral to the condylus occipitalis 4. FOSSA CONDYLARIS DORSALIS - depression dorsal to the condylus occipitalis Fossa condylaris dorsalis OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) PARTES LATERALES: 5. CANALIS NERVI HYPOGLOSSI: - passage of the hypoglossal nerve 1. premaxilla bone; 8. zygomatic process of squamosal bone; 14. jugular process; 15. palatine process of maxilla; 16. palatine bone; 17. vomer bone; 18. presphenoid bone; 19. basisphenoid bone; 20. basioccipital bone; 1. tympanic process of the alisphenoid; 22. zygomatic process of maxilla; 23. pterygoid bone; 41. prearticular process; 42. retroarticular process; c. foramen magnum; d. palatine fissure; e. maxillopalatine fenestra; palatine fenestra; g. caudal palatine foramen; h. choana; o. caudal alar foramen; p. carotic canal; q. transverse canal foramen; r. stylomastoid foramen; s. hypoglossal canal; I1–5. upper incisor teeth; C1. upper canine teeth; P1–3. upper premolar teeth; and, M1–4. upper molar teeth. OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) PARS LATERALIS: 6. CANALIS CONDYLARIS (condyloid canal): - in ca, bo - canal for the sinus condylaris OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) PARS BASILARIS: forms: - the posterior part of the base of the skull - in front of the foramen magnum - articulates with the sphenoid through the synchondrosis sphenoidalis OCCIPITAL BONE (OS OCCIPITALE) THE OUTER SURFACE OF THE PARS BASILARIS: bears: 1. TUBERCULUM MUSCULARE: - paramedian tubercle
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