A Remarkable Non-Marine Mollusc Fauna of Early Eocene

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A Remarkable Non-Marine Mollusc Fauna of Early Eocene 65: 31 – 76 2019 © Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2020. A remarkable non-marine mollusc fauna of Early Eocene age from a fissure infill in Karsdorf quarry (Sachsen-An- halt, Germany)1 Eine bemerkenswerte nichtmarine Molluskenfauna von früheozänem Alter aus einer Spaltenfüllung im Stein- bruch Karsdorf (Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland) 1 Dietrich Kadolsky 66 Heathhurst Road, Sanderstead, Surrey CR2 0BA, United Kingdom; [email protected] Revision accepted February 11, 2020. Published online at www.senckenberg.de/geologica-saxonica on April 3, 2020. Abstract Non-marine molluscs in excellent shell preservation are described and fgured from the infll of a large fssure exposed in the cement quarry Karsdorf (Germany, state Sachsen-Anhalt, ca. 49 km WSW of Leipzig) in Lower Muschelkalk (Triassic) limestones. The fauna consists of 36 mollusc species, of which 6 are freshwater inhabitants and the remaining 30 are terrestrial. Of the latter, 15 are only known from fragments insuffcient to recognize even the superfamily, but are reported and fgured nonetheless to indicate the degree of diversity of this fauna. 13 new species are named: Acroloxus aspis, Acroloxus korys, Carychium vagum, Carychium bachi, Turricarychium muelleri, Ovicarychium hennigeri, Ovicarychium ronlederi, Zuella venusta, Acanthinula (s.l.) karsdorfensis, Albinulopsis gibba, Afrodontops euro- paea, Afrodontops comes, Palaeostoa costellata, and 5 new genera are proposed (Turricarychium (type species T. muelleri), Ovicarychium (type species O. ronlederi), Zuella (type species Z. venusta), Albinulopsis (type species A. gibba), Afrodontops (type species A. europaea)). Because of the remarkable diversity of the Carychiinae with 7 species the generic classifcation of the fossils in this subfamily is reviewed and in addition the genus Carychiopsina (type species Pupa schwageri Reuss 1868) is proposed. Of note is the frst record of the hitherto oldest known members of the Charopidae or Endodontidae, Afrodontops europaea and A. comes, which is also the frst record of this Gondwanan group in Europe. The family Palaeostoidae is suggested to be removed from Clausilioidea and assigned to Orthalicoidea. These assessments add to previously identifed biogeographical relationships between the Paleogene fauna of Europe with that of South America and the Caribbean. The fssure infll is interpreted as the deposit of a pond, which was not connected to the regional surface drain- age system and may have formed in a depression caused by subrosion.When the fssure formed, these pond sediment slid into it.The land snails lived in a well vegetated and humid environment in a tropical to subtropical climate. Four species are conspecifc with, or closely related to species from the late Ypresian fauna of Grauves (France, Paris Basin): Carychium vagum is conspecifc, Carychium bachi is closely related to C. sp. aff. bachi, and Albinulopsis gibba is closely related to A. bonneti (Cossmann 1907); but Palaeostoa costellata is intermediate in characters between P. exarata (Michaud 1838) from Rilly-la-Montagne (late Thanetian) and P. cf. fontenayi (Sandberger 1871) from Grauves, indicating an age range for the mollusc fauna younger than the level of Rilly-la-Montagne (late Thanetian) and older than the level of Grauves, i.e. most likely in the range early to middle Ypresian (Early Eocene). Kurzfassung Nichtmarine Mollusken in ausgezeichneter Erhaltung werden aus der Füllung einer großen Spalte in Kalksteinen des Unteren Muschel- kalkes (Trias), die im Zementsteinbruch Karsdorf (ca. 49 km WSW Leipzig, Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland) aufgeschlossen ist, beschrieben und abgebildet. Die Fauna besteht aus 36 Arten, von denen 6 Süßwasserbewohner und die anderen 30 Landschnecken sind. Von letzteren sind 15 nur durch Fragmente bekannt, die nicht einmal zur Identifzierung der Oberfamilie ausreichen. Sie sind hier dennoch documentiert, um die Diversität der Fauna zu illustrieren. 13 neue Arten werden benannt (Acroloxus aspis, Acroloxus korys, Carychium vagum, Cary- 1 Contribution no. 14 by the author in the series “Non-marine and marginally marine mollusc faunas in the European Tertiary”. For no. 12 see Harzhauser et al. (2016), Paläontologische Zeitschrift, DOI 10.1007/sl2542-015-0277-1. For no. 13 see Harzhauser et al. (2016), Archiv für Molluskenkunde 145(1): 23 – 58. ISBN 978-3-91000656-1 | ISSN 1617-8467 | DOI: 10.26049/GEOLSAX65-2019-04 31 D. Kadolsky: A remarkable non-marine mollusc fauna of Early Eocene age from a fssure infll in Karsdorf quarry (Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany) chium bachi, Turricarychium muelleri, Ovicarychium hennigeri, Ovicarychium ronlederi, Zuella venusta, Acanthinula (s.l.) karsdorfensis, Albinulopsis gibba, Afrodontops europaea, Afrodontops comes, Palaeostoa costellata), und 5 neue Gattungen vorgeschlagen (Turricary- chium (Typusart T. muelleri), Ovicarychium ( Typusart O. ronlederi), Zuella ( Typusart Z. venusta), Albinulopsis ( Typusart A. gibba), Afro- dontops ( Typusart A. europaea)). Wegen der großen Diversität der Carychiinae mit 7 Arten werden die Gattungszuordnungen der fossilen Arten in dieser Subfamilie revidiert; zusätzlich wird die Gattung Carychiopsina (Typusart Pupa schwageri Reuss 1868) vorgeschlagen. Beachtenswert ist der erste Nachweis der bis jetzt ältesten bekannten Mitglieder der Charopidae oder Endodontidae, Afrodontops europaea und A. comes, die zugleich die ersten bekannt gewordenen Vertreter dieser in den Gondwana-Kontinenten beheimateten Gruppe in Europa sind. Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Palaeostoidae von den Clausiloidea zu den Orthalicoidea zu versetzen. Diese Bewertungen ergänzen die bereits bekannten biogeographischen Beziehungen zwischen der Paläogenen Fauna Europas mit der von Südamerika und der Karibik. Dier Spaltenfüllung wird als Teichsedimentiert interpretiert. Der Teich war nicht mit dem regionalen oberfächlichen Entwässerungssystem ver- bunden und könnte sich über einer Subrosionssenke gebildet haben. Als die Spalte sich bildete, rutschten die Teichsedimente in sie hinein. Die Landschnecken lebten in einem humiden Milieu mit reicher Vegetation in einem subtropischen bis tropischen Klima. Vier Arten sind entweder konspezifsch, oder nahe verwandt mit Arten der spätypresischen Fauna von Grauves (Pariser Becken, Frankreich): Carychium vagum ist konspezifsch, Carychium bachi ist nahe verwandt mit C. sp. aff. bachi von Grauves, Albinulopsis gibba ist nahe verwandt mit A. bonneti (Cossmann 1907). Palaeostoa costellata steht in ihren Merkmalen zwischen P. exarata (Michaud 1838) von Rilly-la-Montagne (spätes Thanetium) und P. cf. fontenayi (Sandberger 1871) von Grauves, was das Alter der Karsdorfer Molluskenfauna als jünger als das Niveau von Rilly-la-Montagne und älter als das von Grauves belegt, also höchstwahrscheinlich den Bereich frühes bis mittleres Ypresium (Früheozän) Introduction Karsdorf quarry exposes a succession of basal Low- er Muschelkalk strata: Lower Wellenkalk and Zone of Oolith Beds (“Oolithbankzone”). Locally the overlying The fossil record in areas subjected to erosion is nec- Middle Wellenkalk and Terebratula Beds are also pre- essarily non-existent unless exceptional circumstances sent. The fssure infll also contains Muschelkalk mate- provide protection from erosion and destructive diagen- rial attributable to the Upper Muschelkalk (Trochiten- esis. One such circumstance is preservation in fssures kalk, Ceratites Beds). This proves that at the time of and other rock cavities in carbonate rocks. A large fssure karst fssure formation an almost complete Muschelkalk flled with Palaeogene sediments in the limestone quarry succession was present in Karsdorf, implying erosional of Karsdorf (Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt, ca. 51°16.5’ N, removal of some 130 m of carbonatic sediment since that 11°40.3’ E) had been investigated between 2005 and time (Henniger et al. 2011: Fig. 3). This implies a total 2012 by A. Müller and his team from Leipzig University. original depth of the karst fssure of some 200 m, assum- In this quarry limestone is extracted for cement produc- ing it extends down to the Röt Formation underlying the tion currently by the company Opterra GmbH, and earlier Muschelkalk. The quarry operations exposed only some by Lafargue Zement GmbH. The fssure is exposed at the 15 m of fssure infll below present-day land surface. A upper quarry face at the SE edge of the quarry; it runs stratigraphic differentiation of the karst fssure infll was NNW-ESE. The geological situation in which this fssure not possible, as the sediment did not show lithological was formed has been described and interpreted by Hen- differences. Likewise the fossil content appears to be niger et al. (2011) and is summarized here: biostratigraphically rather homogenous (Henniger et al. The karst fssure is located in limestones of the Low- 2011, and this study). Nonetheless it should be born in er Muschelkalk (Triassic: early part of Anisian). The mind that much material was recovered from scree gen- Muschelkalk is regionally present in the Querfurt Plateau erated by quarry operations. and continues southwards into the Naumburg Syncline, a Apart from Muschelkalk clasts and a small amount large low-relief depression (Fig. 1). The present-day area of quartz sand in all grain sizes, the sediment consists of the Querfurt Plateau was in pre-Lutetian times low rel- of dark bluish-grey to occasionally yellowish-green silts ative to the Geiseltal area. Salt movement in the underly- and clays with common plant debris. A diverse assem- ing Zechstein caused uplift of the
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