Whispering Statues

A visual reference to Hampi

Whispering Statues A visual reference to Hampi

Sangeeta Balasubramani “ The city of Vijaynagara is such that the pupil of the eye has never seen a place like it, and the ear of intelligence has never been informed that there existed anything to equal it in the world. “

Abdul Razzak Arab traveller who visited Hampi during the peak days of the Vijayanagara Empire Contents

1 Introduction 4

2 Pictorial Categorisation 6

3 How to Use the Guide 7

4 Divine Forms 9 Visual index 10

5 Themes & Decorative Motifs 36 Visual index 37

6 Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures 49 Visual index 50

7 Iconographic Index 58 Introduction

Commonly known as Hampi, the site of the imperial city of Vijaynagara is located on the Tungabhadra river in central Karnataka.

Vijaynagara’s fame derives from its role as Capital of South ’s largest, wealthiest and most powerful kingdom; hence its name ‘ City of Victory’. The artistic movement at Vijaynagara created a new aesthetic that determined the direction of subsequent artistic activity in southern India. The innovations that occurred in , sculpture and paintings at Vijaynagara influenced the development of the arts over a vast area under the empire and its successor states.

A vast quantity of sculpture was produced at Vijaynagara and a substantial amount is still existant. There is an astonishing variety in scale in Vijaynagara sculpture. The imagination of the Vijaynagara artist is unrivalled. Categorization

Vaishnavite Icons Shaivite Icons

Icons which are associated with the Icons which are associated with the Hindu God ‘ ’ Hindu God ‘

Popular Vishnu Icon Popular Shiva Icon

Vitthala Temple Hazaara Temple Virupaksha Temple

Human Divine Forms Human Divine Forms Gods & Goddesses associated Gods & Goddesses associated with Hindu god ‘Vishnu’ with Hindu god ‘Shiva’

Themes & Animals, Birds & Decorative Motifs Mythological Creatures Common set of themes, decorative motifs, animals, birds & mythological creatures across temples of all types

6 Guide

Here is an example of how this guide can be used for easy recognition of sculptures being viewed, on site.

1 You are standing in front of a sculpture, in a particular temple.

By the look of the sculpture, you would be able to identify if it falls under any of the three categories, namely, Divine Human Forms, Themes and Decorative Motifs, Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures.

2 The book has been divided into 3 categories for easy interaction and each of these categories has been segregated by assigning a specific color to each of it for easy navigation. Once you know which category the sculpture belongs to, you can go to that section by using the tab provided in the book for that section.

Blue color for ‘Divine Human Form’

Red color for ‘Themes & Decorative Motifs’

Green color for ‘Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures’

3 Once you reach the desired section, you would find a ‘Visual Index’ of that category for easy location of the details of sculpture your looking for.

The images of sculptures are listed in alphabetical order and according to the Family (Vaishnava or Shiva) 32 32

Page number on which the 32 32 details can be viewed is mentioned 7 Guide

The page you see below is how the details of one particular icon would be shown.

4 Narasimha Icon Name Icon The Man-Lion Incarnation is the fourth incarnation of Vishnu. When the demon Hiranyakashipu acquired a boon from , indicating Divine Human Forms which gave him inordinate power, Lord Vishnu appeared in the Background form of half-man/half-lion, having a human-like torso and a the family lower body, but with a lion-like face and claws. Hiranyakashipu description/ could not be killed by human, or animal, Narasimha is to which the neither one of these, as he is a form of Vishnu incarnate as a history of the sculpture/ part-human, part animal icon. idol belongs Kirti Mukuta to i.e Vishnu Ito restart the new creation and to restore the purity of or Shiva icon conduct in people's lives

Shankha Chakra Ito restart the Ito restart the new creation new creation and to restore and to restore Description of the purity of the purity of conduct in conduct in each attribute people's lives people's lives of the icons

Varada Abhaya Mudra Ito restart the Ito restart the new creation new creation and to restore and to restore the purity of the purity of conduct in conduct in people's lives people's lives

Ornaments Ito restart the new creation and to restore Icon/ sculpture the purity of Places conduct in image where the people's lives icon can be seen. Virupaksha Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple 32 Page Number

The attributes of the sculpture are explained in detail with the help of the following icons used for each attribute

This icon is used to This icon is used to describe the type/ kind of describe and explain the the headgear/crown worn mudra/ hand gesture of by the idol/ sculpture the idol.

This icon is used to This icon is used to describe the weapons describe the various and other objects ornaments worn by the handled by the idol. idol.

This icon is used This icon is used to list to describe other the names of teh temples miscellaneous in Hampi where the idol information. can be viewed.

8 Divine Human Forms Vaishnavite Idols Divine Human Forms

Balaram 15 16 Buddha

Durga 17 18

Hanuman 18 18 Hanuman

Kalki 19 20

10 Vaishnavite Idols Divine Human Forms

Krishna 20 20 Krishna

Kurma 21 22

Mahishasurdini 23 24 Matsya

Narasimha 25 26 Narasimha

11 Vaishnavite Idols Divine Human Forms

Narasimha 26 27 Narasimha

Parashurama 28 29 Rama

Vamana 30 31 Varaha

Venkateshawara 32 33 Vishnu

12 Vaishnavite Idols Divine Human Forms

Vishnu 33 34 Vishvaksena

Vitthala 35

13 Shaivite Idols Divine Human Forms

Bhadrakali 32 32 Chandikeshwara

Ganesha 32

14 described asbeingphysically very strong. brother, Krishna, whoisshownasdarkblueorblack. Balarama is depicted asbeingfairskinned, especiallyincomparisontohis incarnation ofLord Vishnu Halayudha, istheelderbrother ofthedivinebeing, Krishna( Balarama alsoknownasBaladeva, Baldau, Balabhadra and the hala(plough) in atopknotand His weaponsare and agarlandof Balarama wears he hasearrings, His hairistied blue garments forest flowers. Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple bracelets and Hala & and thegada Ornaments Balaram armlets. (mace) ) inHinduism. Balarama isalmostalways with smalldesigns Mukuta iscovered rest oftheKirita central motif. The it hasajewel ora The front sideof ornamental top. covered by an It isaconicalcap Kirita Mukuta an

15 Divine Human Forms Buddha

With the departure of Lord Krishna (Krishna ), the age of set in, in this age, the true devotion to was replaced by

Divine Human Forms empty rituals. To enlighten the world in such times, Lord Vishnu descended the earth as Buddha, the enlightened one.

In the sculpture below, Buddha sits in padmasana, adorning a Vaishnava tilak.

Dhyana Mudra The Dhyana mudra is the gesture of meditation, of the concentration .The two hands are placed on the lap, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched Ornaments and the palms Balarama wears facing upwards, blue garments forming a and a garland of triangle, symbolic forest flowers. of the spiritual His hair is tied fire in a topknot and he has earrings, bracelets and armlets.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

16 patience. of Shiva’s wife, goddessParvati. manifestsfearlessnessand distress. She isthusconsidered thefiercer, demon-fighting form In , Durga isonewhocanredeem insituationsofutmost all sorts. The God God The sorts. all announcement of of announcement The Varada mudra sion andsincerity. favourable mudra welcome, charity, signifies offering, to hold a special aspecial hold to as a trumpeting atrumpeting as of Preservation, Preservation, of giving, compas shell is a major amajor is shell of prayer, used used prayer, of Vishnu, is said said is Vishnu, Varada Mudra Varada Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple Hindu article article Hindu Durga The conch conch The conch, conch, - covered withsmalldesigns central motif. The rest oftheKiritaMukutais top. The front sideofithasajewel ora It isaconicalcapcovered by anornamental Kirita Mukuta for protection. for symbol general a is It Vishnu. God Hindu the of attribute an as serves which edge, sharp very with weapon like disc aspinning is It Chakra dispelling of fear. of dispelling and benevolence, peace, protection, represents no-fear of mudra or mudra Abhaya The Abhaya Mudra

17 Divine Human Forms Garuda

Garuda is a large mythical bird or bird-like creature that appears in . Garuda is a lesser Hindu divinity, usually

Divine Human Forms the mount (vahanam ) of Vishnu .

Garuda is depicted as a crowned young male figure with wings and a sharp beak like nose. At times the wings are only lightly carved and are barely visible

Anjali Mudra Anjali mudra is a gesture performed by joining together of the palms. Performing anjali mudra is an honouring of both the self and the other as the gesture acknowledges the divinity of both practitioner and recipient.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

18 miraculous tailbeinghisforemost characteristic. tail. Heissimplyclad, almostinvariably withoutacrown, his He isportrayed withahumanbody andamonkey faceanda king Ravana. fate itistoaidthehero Ramainthestruggleagainstdemon epic . Hanumanisanincarnationofthedivine, whose ( Hanuman isaHindudeity, whoisanardent devotee ofRama The long tail rises rises tail long The stemmed lotus or or lotus stemmed an uprooted tree. tree. uprooted an an incarnationofLord Vishnu profile his right right his profile Vira- Anjaneya Anjaneya Vira- his waistoften waistoften his over his head. his over Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple and left near near left and hand lifted, lifted, hand is shown in in shown is Hanuman holding a holding Similar Icons Similar ) , acentral character intheIndian

19 Divine Human Forms Kalki

The tenth and the last avatar of Vishnu, Kalki, is yet to appear. Kalki will appear at the end of the Kalyuga(he last of the four stages Divine Human Forms that the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Indian scriptures)

This avatar will appear seated on a white horse with a drawn sword blazing like a comet. He shall come finally to destroy the wicked, to restart the new creation and to restore the purity of conduct in people’s lives.

Shankha Chakra The conch It is a spinning shell is a major disc like weapon Hindu article with very sharp of prayer, used edge, which as a trumpeting serves as an announcement of attribute of the all sorts. The God Hindu God of Preservation, Vishnu. It is a Vishnu, is said general symbol to hold a special for protection. conch.

Sword & Shield Both these weapons are used by the lower hands

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

20 life. known forhisbravery indestroying evil powersthroughout his also asignificantcharacter intheepicofMahabharata. Heisalso He isconsidered tobetheeighthavatar ofLord Vishnu. Heis bellied. in wildcurlsaround hisface. sometimesheisvery plumpandpot His hairiseithertiedupinaknotontopofhisheadorarrayed As achildKrishnaisgenerally portrayed asanudechubby boy. Vitthala Temple, HazaaraRamaTemple Krishna cows and cowherds, and cows the attracting flute the on playing arms eight with showed is Krishna Madana GopalaKrishna Similar Icons Similar

21 Divine Human Forms Kurma

The turtle incarnation is the second incarnation of Vishnu. When the devas and were churning the ocean in order to get the

Divine Human Forms nectar of immortality, the mount Mandara they were using as the churning staff started to sink and Lord Vishnu took the form of a turtle to bear the weight of the mountain.

Kirita Mukuta It is a conical cap covered by an ornamental top. The front side of it has a jewel or a central motif. The rest of the Kirita Mukuta is covered with small designs

Shankha Chakra The conch It is a spinning shell is a major disc like weapon Hindu article with very sharp of prayer, used edge, which as a trumpeting serves as an announcement of attribute of the all sorts. The God Hindu God of Preservation, Vishnu. It is a Vishnu, is said general symbol to hold a special for protection. conch,

Varada Mudra Abhaya Mudra The Varada The Abhaya mudra favourable mudra or mudra mudra welcome, of no-fear charity, giving, represents compassion and protection, peace, sincerity. benevolence, and dispelling of fear.

In this icon, the lower part is that of tortoise, while the four-armed upper part is of a human.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

22 pitchers heldintheirtrunks. armed, flanked by elephantswhoshowerherwith water from two she apperas asGajalakshmi. Sheisdepictedonalotusthrone, four houses. thisledtoherimagebeingcarved ondoorlintelswhere Lakshmi isbelieved toreside inthedoorways orentrances to sculptures, Lakshmi isoneontheright. Vishnu isaccompaniedby oneortwo consortsinanumberof consort of Vishnu.Lakshmi appears aloneaswellwith Vishnu. She istheHindugoddessofwealth, prosperity .Sheisthe offering, welcome, mudra favourable compassion and Varada Mudra Varada charity, giving, Lotus Flowers Lotus Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple mudrsignifies The Varada Lakshmi sincerity.

dispelling of fear. of dispelling and benevolence, peace, protection, represents no-fear of mudra or mudra Abhaya The Abhaya Mudra Lakshmi. Goddess the as well as mythology creation the with associated is Lotus Lotus Flowers

23 Divine Human Forms Mahishasurmardini

In Hindu mythology, Mahishasura was a demon. Who was granted a boon that he could not be defeated in battle by any man or god.

Divine Human Forms The gods then decided that since he was invincible to all men, they created his nemesis in the form of a young woman, Durga.

The goddess then attacked Mahishasura’s empire, and after nine days of fighting, during which Mahishasura’s army was decimated, she finally killed him on the tenth day of the waxing moon. Durga is therefore called Mahishasuramardini (mardini = killer, fem.), the destroyer of Mahishasura.

The goddess holds a sword, elephant goad, chakra, trishula, shankha, noose and shield.

She stands on the supine buffalo, pressing it to the ground, with its body pierced by the trishula, and her lion vehicle attacking it from the rear. The human form of Mahisha emerging from the buffalo’s body and holding a sword and shield is prevented from escaping by the goddess’ firm grasp of hair.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

24 all sorts. The God God The sorts. all can bepreserved forthenextcycle ofCreation the piouskingSatyavrata from thedelugesothatlifeandreligion slayed thedemonHayagriva , recovered the Vedas, andalsosaved Without the Vedas, Creation oftheUniversecannottakeplace. He the demonHayagriva , whostolethemfrom Lord Brahma. texts originatinginancientIndia, oldestscriptures ofHinduism takes the form of a fish in order to retrieve the Vedas ( The FishIncarnationisthefirstincarnationof Vishnu. Lord Vishnu offering, welcome, announcement of of announcement mudra favourable to hold a special aspecial hold to as a trumpeting atrumpeting as of Preservation, Preservation, of compassion and shell is a major amajor is shell mudra signifies of prayer, used used prayer, of Vishnu, is said said is Vishnu, Varada Mudra Varada charity, giving, Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple Hindu article article Hindu The Varada The conch conch The Matsya Shankha sincerity. conch, conch, Kirita Mukuta side ofithasajewel oracentral motif. It isaconicalcapcovered by anornamentaltop. The front four arms four with fish half a and man half or a fish, ordinary an of that maybe icon The Hindu God God Hindu the of attribute an as serves which edge, sharp very with weapon like disc aspinning is It Chakra dispelling of fear. of dispelling and benevolence, peace, protection, represents no-fear of mudra or mudra Abhaya The Abhaya Mudra protection. for symbol general a is It Vishnu. a large body of ) from

25 Divine Human Forms Narasimha

The Man-Lion Incarnation is the fourth incarnation of Vishnu. When the demon Hiranyakashipu acquired a boon from Brahma,

Divine Human Forms which gave him inordinate power, Hiranyakashipu could not be killed by human, deva or animal

Thus, Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha half-man half-lion, having a human-like torso and a lower body, but with a lion-like face and claws.

He comes upon Hiranyakashipu at twilight (when it is neither day nor night) on the threshold of a courtyard (neither indoors nor out), and puts the demon on his thighs (neither earth nor space). Using his sharp nails (neither animate nor inanimate) as weapons, he disembowels and kills the demon.

Shankha Chakra The conch It is a spinning shell is a major disc like weapon Hindu article with very sharp of prayer, used edge, which as a trumpeting serves as an announcement of attribute of the all sorts. The God Hindu God of Preservation, Vishnu. It is a Vishnu, is said general symbol to hold a special for protection. conch

Varada Mudra Abhaya Mudra The Varada The Abhaya mudra favourable mudra or mudra mudra signifies of no-fear offering, welcome, represents charity, giving, protection, peace, compassion and benevolence, and sincerity. dispelling of fear.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

26 his body. namam,armlets, anklets, awaist bandandskandamalasdecorate The deitywearsakiritamukuta, hisforehead isadornedwith the cosmicserpentwhichspreads itsseven hoodsover hishead. on two pillars. heisseatedinutkutikasanaonthethree coilsof Lakshmi narasimha: isunderalarge makara-torana thatrests Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple Narasimha was also seated on his knees. his on seated also was goddess The . varada and abhaya in were ones lower the while hand left upper his in arrow an and abow and hand right upper his in achakra held knees, his around ayogapatta had once Narasimha Similar Icons Similar (Lakshmi Narasimha ) Narasimha (Lakshmi

27 Divine Human Forms Parasuram

Parashurama a Brahmin, the sixth avatar of Vishnu.

Divine Human Forms He received an axe after undertaking a terrible penance to please Shiva, from whom he learned the methods of warfare and other skills. Parashu means axe, hence his name literally means Rama- of-the-axe .

Bow Axe An archery The earliest weapon that examples of axes uses elasticity to have heads of propel arrows stone with some , form of wooden handle attached

Parashu means axe, hence his name literally means Rama-of the-axe

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

28 resembles Ramaandcarriesabow), a lotusflowerinherhands . Heisoftenaccompaniedby hiswifeSita capturing andimprisoninghiswifeSitainthe Ashoka Garden in Lord RamadefeatedandkilledthekingofSriLanka, Ravana for man andhero oftheepicRamayana . commonly adored godsinHinduismandisknownasanideal incarnation of Vishnu God. Lord Ramaisoneofthemost Ramachandra, theprinceandkingof Ayodhya, istheseventh armlets, wristlets wristlets armlets, uses elasticity to to elasticity uses pearl necklace, necklace, pearl udarabandha, udarabandha, propel arrows propel Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple weapon that that weapon channavira, channavira, and anklets and Ornaments Ornaments An archery archery An consist of a of consist Ornaments Ramachandra Bow , ), hisfaithfulbrother Lakshmana andhisdevotee Hanuman. it hasajewel oracentral motif. ornamental top. The front sideof It isaconicalcapcovered by an Kirita Mukuta ( whooftenhold attached to the the to attached arrowhead an with shaft a of consists arrow A normal Arrow front end front tribhanga tribhanga or dvibhanga in body his with standing portrayed is He (who

29 Divine Human Forms Vamana

Vamana is the fifth incarnation of Vishnu. Legend goes that , king named , through his devotion and penance defeated ,

Divine Human Forms the king of gods and extended his authority over the three worlds. Lord Vishnu became manifest in His Dwarf Avatar of Vaman for the purpose of restraining Bali.

Once when this king was making a great religious offering, Lord Vishnu in the form of Vaman appeared before him. Bali was extremely pleased to see a holy man with such a diminutive form and promised to give him whatever he should ask. Lord Vishnu asked only for as much land as he could measure by three steps. Bali greed to grant the boon of three steps. Lord Vishnu as dwarf stepped over heaven in first stride and earth in the second stride. Then out of respect to Bali’s kindness Lord Vishnu stopped short and left him in pathal, the subterranean region.

Hairdress Hair is twisted into a knot

Parasol Kamandalu It is an umbrella It is an oblong to get protection water pot usually from the sun with a handle and sometimes with a spout. The water filled kamandalu, which is invari- ably carried by Ornaments ascetics, is stated Wears a loin to represent a cloth simple and self- contained life.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

30 all sorts. The God God The sorts. all it toitsplaceintheuniverse. carried theEarthoutofoceanbetweenhistusksandrestored lasted forathousandyears, whichtheformerfinally won. Varaha The battlebetween Varaha andHiranyaksha isbelieved tohave as thecosmicoceaninstory. the Earth appeared inorder todefeatHiranyaksha, ademonwhohadtaken The Boarincarnationisthethird incarnationof Vishnu. He announcement of of announcement The Varada mudra sion andsincerity. favourable mudra welcome, charity, signifies offering, to hold a special aspecial hold to as a trumpeting atrumpeting as of Preservation, Preservation, of giving, compas shell is a major amajor is shell of prayer, used used prayer, of Vishnu, is said said is Vishnu, Varada Mudra Varada Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple Hindu article article Hindu The conch conch The Varaha Shankha conch (Prithvi - ) andcarriedittothebottomofwhatisdescribed while the upper half ie the face is that of aboar of that is face the ie half upper the while ahuman of that is diety the of part lower the icon, this In Kirita Mukuta side ofithasajewel oracentral motif. It isaconicalcapcovered by anornamentaltop. The front a general symbol symbol a general is It Vishnu. God Hindu the of bute attri an as serves which edge, sharp very with weapon like disc aspinning is It Chakra ling of fear. of ling dispel and lence, benevo peace, protection, sents repre no-fear of mudra or mudra Abhaya The Abhaya Mudra protection. for - - - -

31 Divine Human Forms Venkateshwara

Venkateshwara also known as Venkatachalapathy, Srinivasa and Balaji is a form of the Hindu god Vishnu in Hindu mythology.

Divine Human Forms Venkateshwara means the Lord who destroys the sins of the people. According to the Hindu scriptures, Vishnu, out of love towards his devotees, incarnated as Venkateshwara and appeared for the salvation and upliftment of humanity.

Kirita Mukuta It is a conical cap covered by an ornamental top. The front side of it has a jewel or a central motif.

Shankha Chakra The conch It is a spinning shell is a major disc like weapon Hindu article with very sharp of prayer, used edge, which as a trumpeting serves as an announcement of attribute of the all sorts. The God Hindu God of Preservation, Vishnu. It is a Vishnu, is said general symbol to hold a special for protection. conch,

Varada Mudra Abhaya Mudra The Varada mudra The Abhaya favourable mudra mudra or mudra signifies offering, of no-fear welcome, charity, represents giving, compas- protection, peace, sion and sincerity. benevolence, and dispelling of fear.

Ornaments Ornaments consist of a pearl necklace, channavira, udarabandha, armlets, wrist- lets and anklets

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

32 . Ten Vishnu incarnationsare generally recognized as Vishnu to setthebalancerightagain. the balanceisdisturbed, Vishnu thenincarnatesinahumanform time, goodandevil forces are evenly matchedintheworld. When with Vishnu’s consortLakshmimassaginghisfeet. Mostofthe Vishnu isoftenrepresented resting onthecoiledserpentShesha, universe andmaintainsthecosmicorder. goodness, theself-existent, all-pervading powerthatpreserves the protector ofcreation. Vishnu istheembodimentofmercy and in Hindureligion. The Hindugod Vishnu isthepreserver and Brahma, Vishnu andShiva are revered astheSupreme Trinity Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple Vishnu left hand and embraces Vishnu with her right. her with Vishnu embraces and hand left her in aflower has Vishnu, of knee left the on seated generally goddess, he waist. godesses’ the encircles left lower the and mudra abhaya in is right lower the while hands, upper his in chakra and shankha a carries and arms four has He down. hanging leg right his Lalitasana in seated normally is god The Similar Icon Similar

33 Divine Human Forms Vishvaksena

Vishvaksena is a trusted attendant of Lord Vishnu and is believed to be Vishnu’s attendant who is in-charge of the Lord’s wealth. Divine Human Forms Vishwaksena is considered to be very powerful with the abilities to create and destroy life with his thought. Vishvaksena is also considered as the commander-in-chief of Lord Vishnu’s army.

Kirita Mukuta It is a conical cap covered by an ornamental top. The front side of it has a jewel or a central motif.

Shankha Chakra The conch It is a spinning shell is a major disc like weapon Hindu article with very sharp of prayer, used edge, which as a trumpeting serves as an announcement of attribute of the all sorts. The God Hindu God of Preservation, Vishnu. It is a Vishnu, is said general symbol to hold a special for protection. conch,

Gada (Mace) Abhaya Mudra The Abhaya mudra or mudra of no-fear represents protection, peace, benevolence, and dispelling of fear.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple

34 Varkari sectofMaharashtra andtheHaridasasectofKarnataka. Vithoba isthefocusof monotheistic, non-Brahmanical accompanied by hismainconsort Rakhumai a darkyoung boy, standingarms-akimboonabrick, sometimes manifestation ofHindugod Vishnu. Vithoba isoftendepicted as Vithoba alsoknownas Vitthala andPanduranga, isconsidered a necklace armlets, armlets, necklace or boththehands The godhasone hips, invarada- placed nearthe Varada Mudra Varada Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple wristlets and and wristlets consist of a of consist Ornaments Ornaments Vitthala anklets mudra. central motif. side ofithasajewel ora an ornamentaltop. The front It isaconicalcapcovered by Kirita Mukuta () left hand left his in shell conch a holds Vithoba Conch Shell .

35 Divine Human Forms Themes & Decorative Motifs Themes Themes & Decorative Motifs

Acrobats & Jesters 39 39 Acrobats & Jesters

Courtly Figures 40 40 Courtly Figures

Donors & Devotees 41 42 Hunters & Animals

Foreigners 43 44 Musicians & Dancers

37 Decorative Motifs Themes & Decorative Motifs

Lotus Flowers 46 47 Vijaynagara Emblem

vishnu Emblems 48

38 Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple Two acrobats forming a circle with with acircle Two forming acrobats Acrobats &Jesters their bodies on a pillar relief. apillar on bodies their Acrobats figure. ajovial him make knees his of because stance crooked his and countenance jolly and smiling His ascarf. or achauris carries clown the occassions some On shirt. sleeved afull and garment lower ashort headgear, conspicuous other capor apeaked wearing sometimes clown kneed A knock Jesters 39 Themes & Decorative Motifs Courtly Figures Themes & Decorative Motifs

Royal Figures Two men, one is a high dignitary, maybe even a king as he wears a scarf on his left shoulder addressing a minister. The size of the two figures conveys their difference in the status.The minister carries a stick in his hands..

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

40 Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple Donors &Devotees dants or children or dants atten their by also sometimes spouses, their by accompanied often mudra, anjali in folded hands their with stand They temple image. the flanking or facing location, their by recognized easily are figures donor devotee or The - 41 Themes & Decorative Motifs Foreigners

Arab or Turkish horse traders are seen repeatedly on the Themes & Decorative Motifs site. Here, the man is dressed in a long coat whose sleeves conceal his hands..He is shown paying homage to the ruler sitting on the throne.

The foreigners’ boots, trousers, coats, hats, triangular beards and upward-turned moutaches are keenly observed and rendered.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

42 Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple trees as well. as trees and animals like elements landscape some involves It hounds. two by accompanied and attendant a diminuitive by escorted arrows and bows with shown is hunter royal The Hunters

43 Themes & Decorative Motifs Musicians & Dancers Themes & Decorative Motifs

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Tample

44 musicians the by played instruments the music flute were ,vina, Mridanga musicians. male two by accompanied is She figure. royal aseated before performing dancer A female hand. her in astick carries performer each which in Kolata the performing girls dancing graceful of rows Ubiquitous dance Temple Folk and depicted: dance are dancers of Two types Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple

45 Themes & Decorative Motifs Lotus Flowers Themes & Decorative Motifs

At vijaynagara lotus appears variously as a full flower, petal or bud. As a flower the lotus occurs with four, eight, twelve or twnety four petals. They can be further classified as they are inscribed in a circle, square, eight pointed rotating square, or surrounded by nagas. In case of lotus being used as a decoration on a pillar, it will be carved on the upper or middle block of the column. many lotus rosettes are carved on the central panel of the mandapa ceilings.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

46 sun and moon above. moon and sun the and front in asword with boar the showing emblem, royal their as crest boar the adopted rulers Vijaynagara The Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple Vijaynagara Emblem

47 Themes & Decorative Motifs Vishnu Emblems Themes & Decorative Motifs

These include the Vaishnava sectarian mark called urdhvapundra, tirunamam or namam.The two most characteristic symbols of Vishnu, the Chakra and the Shankha

The Chakra is depicted with the flames issuing from its cardinal points, it often has a scarf around it, with its ends hanging form both the sides. The wheel is represented at times with eight spikes symbolising the eight points of compass; at other times it has two concentric circles with a full blown- flower in the centre.

The shankha developed from a simple conch shell to the stylised variety with flames. it is generally represented vertically with flames issuing from its tips and usually with a scarf tied around its widest part. occassionally it is represented horizontally.

The namam flanked by chakra on the left and shankha on the right also with the sun and crescent moon above occurs widely at vijaynagara.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

48 Animals,Birds & Mythological Creatures Animals , Birds & Mythological creatures Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures Elephants 51 52 Horses

Lions 53 53 Lions

Snakes 54 55 Geese & Peacocks

Composite Animals 56

50 and foliages in their trunks their in foliages and branches carrying or trees, uprooting shown often are Elephants Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple Elephants

51 Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures Horses

Horses are shown cantering, rising up on their haunches, trotting and galloping. some others are shown pacing. some are led by a groom, most of them carry armed riders. Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

52 shape. like spear a in ends loops, fanciful in bent times at tail The shoulders. to its quareyers hiind its from extending motif foliated by a decorated often is profile, in depicted when body lions The aruffle. slike animal the of face the surrounds which edge curly a with mane awavy from emerging ears pointed and and fangs bared eyes, bulging have lions Squatting squatting. often most or sitting rearing, pacing, shown is lion vijaynagara The Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple Lions 53 Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures Snakes Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures

Snake is a frequent decorative motif on pillars: intertwined snakes and ‘eternal knots’ constituted by snakes are found at various places.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

54 Vitthala Temple, Hazaara RamaTemple, Virupaksha Temple which it holds in its beak. its in it holds which creeper, alotus by formed acircle in enclosed being shown are hamsas like Birds attention. artistic of focus the were birds of tails foliated and necks Elongated Geese &Peacocks 55 Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures Composite Animals

The yali is the most conspicuous animal of the Vijaynagara times. It has the body of the lion, and either the head of a lion with its ruffle like mane or that of an elephant with a long trunk, also with bushy eyebrows, round bulging eyes Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures and sometimes horns. Yalis invariably stand on their hind paws on an elephant, a foliage motif connecting the two animals. Small tusks appear on each side of the long trunk and wavy mane, neatly curled at the ends. It is a combination of two animals with a head carved in such a way that it is common yet individual.

Vitthala Temple, Hazaara Rama Temple, Virupaksha Temple

56 57 Animals, Birds & Mythological Creatures Iconographic Index

Acrobats 92, 96 Acrobats 92, 96 Adishesha 44 Adishesha 44 89 Agni 89 Animal Devotees 40, 41 Animal Devotees 40, 41 Anjaneya 87 Anjaneya 87

Bakasura 45 Bakasura 45 Balakrishna 78 Balakrishna 78 Bhadrakali 17, 10 , 19 Bhadrakali 17, 10 , 19 Bhima 45, 90, 67 Bhima 45, 90, 67 Bhringi 56. 89. 34 Bhringi 56. 89. 34 Bhudevi 87, 34, 23 Bhudevi 87, 34, 23 Buddha 12, 11 Buddha 12, 11

Calf 1 Calf 1 Chandikeshvara 12 Chandikeshvara 12 Chanura 16 Chanura 16 Composite animals 34, 33 Composite animals 34, 33 Dakshinamurthi 22 Dancers 13, 98, 90 Dakshinamurthi 22 Folk dancers 13, 96 Dancers 13, 98, 90 Kolata dancers 26, 25 Folk dancers 13, 96 Temple dancers 76 Kolata dancers 26, 25 Donors 98, 65 Temple dancers 76 Dvarapala Donors 98, 65 Shiva Dvarapala 1, 2 Dvarapala Vishnu Dvarapala 8, 7 Shiva Dvarapala 1, 2 Vishnu Dvarapala 8, 7 Elephants 32 Epic narratives 76 Elephants 32 Epic narratives 76 Gajalakshmi 39, 61 Gajendra 45, 44 Gajalakshmi 39, 61 Gana 76 Gajendra 45, 44 Ganga 33, 63,67 Gana 76 Geese 106 Ganga 33, 63,67 Gommateshvara 9 Geese 106 Gommateshvara 9 Hanuman 12, 17, 19 Hiranyakashyapu 12, 13, 15 Hanuman 12, 17, 19 Horses 102, 103 Hiranyakashyapu 12, 13, 15 Horses 102, 103

58 Iconographic Index

Acrobats 92, 96 Acrobats 92, 96 Adishesha 44 Adishesha 44 Agni 89 Agni 89 Animal Devotees 40, 41 Animal Devotees 40, 41 Anjaneya 87 Anjaneya 87

Bakasura 45 Bakasura 45 Balakrishna 78 Balakrishna 78 Bhadrakali 17, 10 , 19 Bhadrakali 17, 10 , 19 Bhima 45, 90, 67 Bhima 45, 90, 67 Bhringi 56. 89. 34 Bhringi 56. 89. 34 Bhudevi 87, 34, 23 Bhudevi 87, 34, 23 Buddha 12, 11 Buddha 12, 11

Calf 1 Calf 1 Chandikeshvara 12 Chandikeshvara 12 Chanura 16 Chanura 16 Composite animals 34, 33 Composite animals 34, 33

Dakshinamurthi 22 Dakshinamurthi 22 Dancers 13, 98, 90 Dancers 13, 98, 90 Folk dancers 13, 96 Folk dancers 13, 96 Kolata dancers 26, 25 Kolata dancers 26, 25 Temple dancers 76 Temple dancers 76 Donors 98, 65 Donors 98, 65 Dvarapala Dvarapala Shiva Dvarapala 1, 2 Shiva Dvarapala 1, 2 Vishnu Dvarapala 8, 7 Vishnu Dvarapala 8, 7

Elephants 32 Elephants 32 Epic narratives 76 Epic narratives 76

Gajalakshmi 39, 61 Gajalakshmi 39, 61 Gajendra 45, 44 Gajendra 45, 44 Gana 76 Gana 76 Ganga 33, 63,67 Ganga 33, 63,67 Geese 106 Geese 106 Gommateshvara 9 Gommateshvara 9

Hanuman 12, 17, 19 Hanuman 12, 17, 19 Hiranyakashyapu 12, 13, 15 Hiranyakashyapu 12, 13, 15 Horses 102, 103 Horses 102, 103


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Hampi is one of the most beautiful and evocative of all historical sites in south India. Austere yet grandiose, Hampi was established as the seat of the Vijaynagara empire in the mid- 14th century, a time when art and architecture flourished. Con- temporary chronicles from Arabia, Italy, Portugal and Russia visited the empire dur- ing this period and left glowing accounts of a city that was conquered by Muslim in- vaders in AD 1565, pillaged for six months, and abandoned. Hampi is an exploration of this dramatic landscapes that still contains many examples of secular architecture such as royal palaces, water tanks, market places, stables and memorial stones. It also exam- ines the temples renowned for their florid ornamentation, intricate carvings, magnifi- cent pavilions, stately pillars and a wealth of iconographic and traditional depictions.