Investment Potential of Brest Region
Investment potential of Brest region The population of Brest Region is mostly active in the Out of the total workforce of Brest Region, over 22% has industry (24%), agriculture (14%), and commerce and higher education, 44% has either a vocational or specialised catering (13%). secondary education. Employment by sectors of economy, 2010 WORKFORCE QUALIFICATIONS, 2010 Workforce, total 560 393 workforce with the following education: 4% 11% 24% higher 125 492 7% vocational 130 800 specialised secondary 116 101 7% industry 14% general secondary 173 002 10% Source: National Statistics Committee agriculture of the Republic of Belarus, 2012 10% 13% commerce and catering 2. Region’s economy education 1. Labour resources construction The principal sectors of the region's economy are light, food Quantity of population active in sectors of economy, 2010 industries, electrical power engineering, machinery (thousand persons) public health service, physical training, and construction, production of construction stone. The region Total active 643,4 public welfare specialises in production of incandescent electric lamps, transportation compression-type machines, single-bucket mechanical self- including: propelled excavators, cookers, chip boards, cotton fabric. Industry 153,2 public utilities Large industrial centres are Brest, Baranovichi, Pinsk, Kobrin, Agriculture 89,1 Beryoza. other sectors Commerce and catering 82,4 The agriculture specialises in production of meat and milk, cultivation of potatoes, grain, sugar beet, and vegetables. Education 63,1 The official unemployment level in the region is 0.7% of the Construction 62,4 economically active population, which exceeds the national Public health service, physical training, and index by 0.1%. The average monthly salary in the region Gross regional product (GRP), 2011 47,4 public welfare amounts to 86% of the relevant index in the country.
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