Abdali, Ahmad Shah, Invasion of Punjab by 114 Acland, George 144
INDEX Abdali, Ahmad Shah, invasion of Ahmedabad Mazdoor Mahajan 10, Punjab by 114 51 Acland, George 144 Ahmedabad Millowners’ Adamji 92, 122 Association 32, 73n Adamji group 114, 116, 120, 148 Air India, Tatas collaboration with bankruptcy of 112 state in 161 Aden, merchants’ migration to 222, Ali, Mir Laik 112 229 Ali, Wazir 84, 112, 120 Agarwal Shekhawati bases/dharam- All India Trade Union Congress shalas 209 (AITUC), and Congress 10, Agarwals, from Rajasthan 194, 195 50 in banking 209 Ambedkar, B.R. 52, 67n agriculture, capitalist development American Civil War 214 in 245 Amin, Shahid 263 commercialization of 190 Anderson, Benedict 263 commodification of 173 ‘Anglo-Muslim’ legal system, on income, introduction of 57 succession 118 non-taxation of 16 Anjuman-i-Islam, creation of 77 output, stratification of 123 Arasaratnam, Sinnapah 154 rain-fed 190 Ardhakathanak 177 riverine 188, 189 Aroras, of Punjab 189, 194 agro-industrial sector, new entrepre- Arya Samaj 77, 83 neurs in 180 ‘Asiatic’ immigrants 234 Ahmad, Imtiaz xi Assam Ahmedabad, big businessmen in 27 agricultural income tax in 57 cotton textile industry in 139 anti-Marwari riots in 201, 206 as important industrial centre 140 Congress and elections in 30 mill-owners in 28, 49 Marwari merchants’ dominance in agreement with Vallabhbhai 180, 202, 206 Patel 59 Associates Cement Company (ACC) in Congress politics 48 89–90, 146, 158 272 INDEX Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam 90, political reforms in 81 102n prospect of partition of 90–1 reserved constituency in 32 Bagchi, Amiya 140, 144,
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