
TWIN FAL'LS/lbAHO, SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1970 -yOl-r67,H0.60' ——

SAIGON (U F I)-A 4,000™an advanco of Uio SouUyviotna* tho now front as CommunlB^ mese warplanes flew rpund4ho-, South Vlotnnmeso' task force moso thrust. rorceii suddohly intensified op* clock-Mrtles Snturdiy In an. opened a niw fro n t' Inside Tho push was largely fl South poaltlon to the Allied campaign, effort to lift a three^lay____ ^ Cambodia Saturday, pushlhg Viotnamoso____ show, but _ oI ..kM to destroy frontier basM. Oomrhunlst sloge of the pro- -across the border' Into a —Americans were reported killed Deeper Inside Cambodia, vtnce capita^.'ol Kompong Communist stronghold softened in another bordor area south of Cambodian arid South VIetna- ' H um . up by waves of U.S. Air Force B52 Stratofortreasei. - - — M ilitary sourccs said Ihe |~ 3 rlv e was launched by m eirot South Vietnam's 23rd Infantry

frontier Ihto the So &ang.Rlver valley, one ' of the fpw Cambodian bordor .areas stUI. untouched hi tho allied often- sive against Communist sanc­ tuaries which began April 29. No fightlhg was reported in tho first 12 hours of tho now drive which mncontratod hi an area west ot South Vietnam's Central Highlands oppdsiteTJar- .^lac-Provincc Jho^iargct was_| , . about 100 miles south of tho . pohit whore the bor.der of South ------viotnam, Cambodln and .Laos

TIIB B U C K PANTHERS, a Negro mllJUDt organluUoii. demanded naUonwldo lupport for a QjniUtutlon “ relevant to- CommunUrtorcoar demanded tt-new-U, 8. CoiuUtudondttftog ■ ja lly - ^ the liBcoln Hack people" — and backed the dem a^w llh a threat of more - Allied sources said tho South Mcmoriall W day - j a iJilHllMlftinM ------viotnariioBo lis n s r a ;'K ie iH ir black people by *'^g i.'' A Panther i Ing armored units and artillery batterlii;, brought to 34|000 the number of South Vietnamese foldlors operating on Cambo- _ Churchmen Decla^rfe San 8oir«J^12W 0fi"'UX'| troons are operating In Cambo- ! The U ttlo Buckaroo Rodoo Is d la l^ a t President Nixon has Faces ^Great Mortal Peril’ next week. said all wlU bo withdrawn by The rodeo, a fund-raising Juhe 3o; . . BS2 crews dropped hundreds WASHINGTON (Upf) -T w o "Our nnllon In In mortal and anger endemic in our land of tons of bombs on Jungles In prominent churchmen warned diingor/’ aald tho Rov. Ralph today,.^~R T= northeast Cambodia Friday Saturday that hilemal tensions, David Abernathy, president ot Espy, gonoraly s e c re t^ ot the ( y j ^ , , a , dt 8 p.m. n l^ t and Saturday momtag hi goneratod by Hie Vietnam War— tho Southernuthem ChrUUan Loadec-.Notional Council or,Phurchos, at F r S w F ^ ld ^ lL iS in g - ' ...... ond social conHlct, have ship Conference. ~ Espy spoke "• • '" v ;;” ___ " brought American to the brink "Thoro Is a'high degree ot boToro the general board oHho P . ^ J O O l C S S ptgceot peril. danger In the dtaUiualonment NCC.eom|x«edot2Ml.aderaot “ "C d a te s

—r-inprrwiNVER, r«ri«____ _ "on unfeeling power structure cdngtatulated by her father, 8. R. HeKlnney, t«celve ■ tMt-Mliobnhll) Wd «tU l«pMeal‘ w ioH iH /'T riM /iiD ii A K U Evergreen Drive, after she was leleeled U Twin Fills In yMt') Mlu Idati* PaiMat In H eath Taps Boise. ------W ould^ Boost ^ ^ Costs ______lintoilllInstead___ of constructive. ^ , ______T -tord-predlcted-S8lurday_that_ WASHINGTON (UPI) -Con- lease of a now edition of an iHUin.,. . t - A i d c S F , now ot a flve- -sumer-tood-bUls'wiUJump-at A^riculturc-Gom ralttoa stta U nto itf^ackaon yea,'Sro?1'MrU‘tVto' F a r/a McKinnev Is Crowned least t t billion a your If tho publication entitled, ''FooT- 1 . . work force, will increase to on ' - govormnenl drops Its 13 billion Costa - Farm Prices." • .____ L a D l l i e t repression" of protests a{;alnst progran), the chairman of the pcimor of facts about agricul< I nuiTViN Androw F. Brimmer said the the war ond racial .discrimina­ House Agriculture ConuDittee ture, food and govorniTlent ti steady climb ot unemployment Faria McKinney, a dark pageant. She Is a vocalist., Jeanne Pierson, M lsi said Saturt&y.. operations * designed to tion.'' n '**” ’’•'P “""P*" •>“' blonde boouty with a smooth/ Lynn.Summerfield, daughk Rogeraon Restaurant,, . *‘ Qvcn with these pride enli^ten city people about singing voice, woa crowited of Mrs. R. L. Summerfleld, w lia 'presented a travelouge ^ support programs; producers bosic economic conditions' In Mh»rtwln-PaUs-lWO-Saturday=-vi>ted-Mlaa'Congenl»Uly-by-lhii —ESurope—whila—demonstratingl ►-barely^brealdng-BVUnnanrraBrlcuUurOt-inrm-ani m W ^fr«uainysir-Aii^„^ many ore not," Hep. W. H. price , trends, and sim ilar nIgHt, and will represent Twin other- conte8lantaTISimir:M0“ H a n e w liig T ib llitle s ir'_____ FaUs hi next year's M i^ Idaho - persona were on hand for the Darlene GUers, Miss But- Poago,' D-Tex., said in ' t) matters, Douglas-Home, a former pro-. ^ dUemma; In fla tio n Pageant, the next step toward pageant sponsored by the Twin treys,-dressed bi a lavender stat^ont. th» 'yiU 'lw 't'P fl^a M u n o m p lo y -' the Miss America goal. Falla Uona Club. over turquoise evening gown, "The money to finance HMtb had hiOTled to till the ment continuing to'rise, l\ow Miaa McKinney, the la-yeor- . Roger Vincent, a touring presented a character w tc h of modem farm operations hoa to ' oadjng posts t a c ^ g , unemployment U the D epicted old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. vocalist, got the evenUig under Tea and Crumpeta. 'come from some place. It President, public 'rtlllns «> « a R. McKinney, won both the way by deacrlblng-tHe eon- Lynn Summerfleld, M lu should be porfecUy clear,that U H / I , . , - . swimsuit and evening gown testants as “ nine beautiful M ayfair, dressed in green it doesn't come from govern- ,1 .T J IF !9 . 1 ^ 1 X 0 1 1 l E M i ' s j a portions of the competition. She young ladies, each one (.with); leotards and tii^ t t with a clew ' mont programs, it will hove to selltaftor 12,871,72 In 30 ye a rs^ .jj,o i.,jo y ^ ^ saiu. - , come diroctly from the consu- Is five feet, s ti Inches tall,-the lucidnesa of a clear day, the' raincoat and ^ b r « lli , dariediLH' THe new Conjervalivc prime weighs 122 pounds and has freshneiu of a June evening a modem soft shoe to “ Raln- Celebrate . measuremonts ot 37-JiM«. breeze, tho warmth of a sum- drops Keep Falling, on ^my ._BlllgeJ10ltl-lt prpbablywBUlii THUKMONT, Md; (U P D - Hlf^ he huaUed about tormtag his . i W M l f t n f C I Shq was crowned with a gold mer afternoon;. each one a Head''. , r ' take at least (8 bUUon.hi higher^ Presidont. 1. and J .U Mrs. . Nixon quiet. Unbelievable as they sound, govornmont, had his day " ■ crown. In commemoration ot rahidrop ot beauty." Kathy Brackett, M ill rejall tood'prlcea to replacelhe ly observed theb- SOth wedding these prices would become a niairod only by one incident— the SOth anniversary ot the MUu ' He introduced the contestants Shelby's dressed in a bright ■ n billion In direct government a n n lv e rs ^ and a Father's Day reality If the c* ta lta U " ' l«U<« in. and Delsa Allen, da u ^te r of one at a time, had tho op- mosphere of big fluffy plUsif^ Poage's conmients came In a honoymopn on a leisurely trip to statlsUcal calculaUon ot adlust- S S m "a eV etarv’ from"l88M3 8 " “ >" Vienna, the U MMr. r. and Mrs. John C.C.AUen, Alien, was portunlty to display their „and dressed _ In a harem c statement o^comparijringre- Mexico after thoir IMO wod- tag a family’s bicome upward 6 £ d served as prbne mlnUterI? ? !? SUtea hat entered a new second runnerup. The other " talents...... before Ihe audionc(! and.. pUiyed an-Oboe Soto, "Song ding, Nbton h u n te d tho staff per cent each year on a com- fmm nctoher. 18M in nrtoh«r. finalUU were Cheryl Arftiga. judges. • India'' at tho CatocUn Mountota camp pounded basis. . ^ ^ Uvephase of noctow armament daughtejot Mr. and Mra. Larry Cheryl Armga, Miss QuaUty FarU J. McKlaney, Mlsa to have a supply-ot-Ucos on Using Uila scale,-the. Amerl- I v “ PlcylpS multiple Mepen- ji. Armga, and Kathy Brackett, check, dreaaed in a long pbik Sierra Ufa, wearing a white Navy W-ives hand. . . can. breadwinner earning - Reginald' Maudling, tS, dently-gulded nuclear war- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. formal, sang "As Ung as he peasant blouse M th a yellow And to. hla wife, tho former 110,000 In 1970 vfould have to deputy leader of the Con ' -Robert ■ • -Brackett...... Miss Alien Need*- Me", a'song taken from and white tuU skirt .Thelma. PatrlcU Ryan, Nixon earn I97,43D in 2000...... to maintabi MTvatlveservatlve partynarty and chancelloichancellor won the talent portion ot t(ie (he musical "O liver", dolsy covered swi _Seel Mrs, OonnefI said Hanoi- re^ I pm. wluntaees found ihe'very «m w i«d Ihli ye«r,' w«. during tha entire co«alruc»lM..i^wui'ri»y.H

-WEVIEW-OFESSinVEATHEin^lOlUTORECJCnTirfnirKMrE^ ♦ - 2 I -1 0 r x . T o JO MONriMiMiiD ^mraOEtPjitA(UPI)-^The ^TqM N tO y.^^ IMTON FDI.iiold Saturday a stolen , -v — ------■Wosa Lyda lifjilng to get keys chock rln'8, «pocloli?lng , In ««“ [>«. .dfivch Ihcte. ol-Jockod c it ... -.. E. C. ------Woodi taking It easy . — Tabb ^ „ j . i . Hardtag-teachlnrhls-dog'lricks- -T -li ■FBI ond S«crot Sorvlco Twln Falls. Sho WMjraduated; v , U rry Sabln makhig phone ogonta arrostod sovon porspru Mao Thompson. Doc. 24,1037, Ur « « and cany S a ^ - . - dty.SS? ' ' dny morning .hero, ln_Ducks at the David 0. McKay Hospital Idaho where «ha rMoWed a B. —

Uiofl occurred around May 2.1 Hwvor hod driven sciiMi buses, from ellher Iho T re a s u ry S u rv iv o rs Inoludo one U f I WEATHER FOTO»ST0 dlsbursoment contcr hero or ' “ ' “ y Berry Bragg tellbig secrets. . . from the malls. "Wo’ro looking Suoj to o ld , Perkins, Mo,, ono.. Dorothy CrockottK6ndrlck! huabandr Sholbyfono sra. S;^'" ■at both aspects,', he said.' «>". Jomoa iC llpover,_Kd(!n: ono son, Honnld,B. Kendrick! a Anthony Vonnllllon, mother, A laroo auanlltv of stolen broUior, Colvin Hoover, daughter,Mrs.DanJensen;one Mrs.ClarenceStanger,adby; taen Srvta ctecte,ldS donil^^^ M l aiJ'. ‘ l ° ! r granddaughter; and two three sistora, Mrs. Myrna StlW AY WILL FIND scallcral ihowcn and States. Generally fair weather Is Indfcatcd was recovered when the aus, EHio Hoover, DllnolS, and five brothers In the magic Valley Hondorson, R o A y Mountain , ^ Jerahowers In the OhJo'Tcnnmsec valleys, clRcwhere, cxcept for possible shower activity ‘‘^ ra S K y v i c e s wli, be area,EltonKendrlck,Buhl, and House, Albcfta, Canada; Mrs. . —Uk«i-reKl«B-«iid-pari*^ftf-the-Mld-AUQnUc----- In-uMwr-ToxaB^ Doan-Kondrfokr-TwlnFalU.— -Claudla-WllsonT-Bolso, and Y ^ ^ y n i i-'tv '------Franklin Dloterly and Dolores Funerallllcrvlces w ill bo held Lorono Slangor, Shelby; ^ I f U I l i y __ Pollak,allot Philadelphia, wore at 1 p. m. Tuesday at Myors grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. • . . _____ clinrBod with larcony ot govern- S Z ' Idaho, M 52 Foriecast mcnt property and conspiracy. Oinpel, J e r o m e , frotn Funeral Homo in Ogden, Utah. James A. Stangcr, Hanseit; 7 ^ i v i o ’ ' \ Burloy ' ' maternal grandmother,' Mrs. Gooding 01 50 Fair today and Monday. M. low 52, 86 nt 4 p. ni. with 87, , GrangovUlc M.»-^.Hendcrson , Rober-rW/eeks • » “ R^eCt.Setj. ' ' • Lewiston HEYBURN — Robtlrt. Aaron Malad There will bo o Twin Falla , 2L 4 ? _ u m e .. ______, Weeks, 44, oPHeybum, died Top Ariab , County Zoning iheetlng 8:30‘|); . ^ Pocatello___ . 87^50 Probability of rainfall, is near 6i. m ere has been 1.35 inch of novcr/lmont 'Dro’oortv and' con- died l^lrfay at Uio Wood UlvorJ^-Thursday at tho Veterans Salmon 00 47 m. l^esday at tho Judical lero. Camas Prairie ^ d Wood preclpltatfon slncc Jiine 1 • v Potersor^wos clmrcod Convfllescont Center Hospital In Salt Lako City, Building oa Shoshone Avenue, . Twin Falls, M 52 niver Valley highs 84.94, lows Total precipitation since Jon. 1 ^ chin of^^ Shoshone after o short U ln e ^ Utah, of a short lUnoss. Leaders announced E. C. Woods. ,4«5. is 7.39. compared with 1031 last - Ho was bom Jan. 0, 1676, at Ho was bom March 10, 1028, ^ . . IliRh Saturday in Twin Falls year. oD»8«uons. Several Items of recon^g will Glasgow, Mo., and was' of' nt Twin Falls, and. married I ' ^ t i Y A i « t * i T l < y bo discussed. .Tho zoning Mary Kato Gay at Twin FaUs FrnnkiGlordano, Bronx, N.Y., filiated with tho Insurance’ and commlttoe w ill, officially con- was orrested-lnTrevose, Pa. on • Tor“ a ,v.. .««w w. sanitaryJaod'fill to bo located High pressure, both surface should make good progress. mo°nTprdM rtV3^ Mrs. Charles Sewell, Elko", and in August, I960, a handful, of lessor losders'. south of town on the EUls Fuller ahd aloft, continues to dominate Winds will bo mostly light and one son, Hoyden Henderson H , ' Mr. Weeks served with the U. !„ Trlnoll Rnturdav to property. Explodes ijje Western States and the vorlable with some increase In Mnrvin Rnnr«if/??n' Phiinrlnl of Elko. ' celobrntfl tho oiSino of Amorl- The committee also w ill °°-" pphin. i'i» .» was » » °rroatcdarrested ntat n motelmoioi “ nnnfntcM fromJihvimju^iUnd-Considci^-a^PequoBt^ • hereon clinrgos of larceny of assess their escalating war with Inc., for toal approval of o ----- A ■!6rdnr8M^Mf'-WBl‘flVinS‘ ^ covernmcnt toroncrtv and con- Pi^noral IJome In Elko, with At tho Umo of his death ho held trailer court to bo located pouth Jewelry blew up Saturday when !^±esrilrrrw1v.r.VMa;r^^^^ - — Dtek-Bflrien, ow ntr-of-Darttm- iolaH mostly In the mldand upper DOS \ for generally fair weather to White Mortuary of Twin Falls. Simplot Food Processing Co. In to ™ o rk*S ? S p a rtS *'o 'tT h o Jewelry, started to ignite gas comer. througliout tho western valleys continue. There wUl'bo some MngicVnllcy McmorinI Ihepyinic is Invited to q ^ d . behig emiltod from It, Mr. ;uid in tlie upper 80s and 90s In ' increase In cloudiness from a . Barton reported.. the more eastern Idaho higher surge of moisture moving In Admitted " The torch was bollevod to Soccer tinH B.gny InnV thtfKmiighf- valleys. The night time lows will around the high pressure ridge Charles VanEaton, Sam King, bo mostly In thd 5Us and . ; Mrs. Donald Miami Studies fire before the flame actually although some ot. tho higher be If little cooler, tho high’s will Parker, Mrs. Humberto' Madness Mrs. Connie L. Farrenburg and b „( p„uUcal sources - reached the notzl< Valloy areas w ill havo lows In continu6"ln the upper 80s and Puentes, E a rl T. Gardner, Laura D. Weeks, both of Arab leadersProgram would To Aid Iho back room was damaged/- . 90s, with nlglit time lows mostly Samuel Austin, Anna Marie only ‘ slightly, slncc firemen ^0®* tako-the opportunlty-toTllscuss Dustlng^ and spraying in the upper 50s and lower flOs. Martinez, Qara E. Collins, fill Hits Italy WUllomWoolnnd, and a foster u,„ Race Palestinian Relations arrived promptly and ex­ operations, as well, as haying, of Twin . Falls;------Mrs. Kevin „ noM E (U PI)-Joe Nomnth brother, Charles Vree and, toth guerrillas and the Jordan tinguished tho flame. A propane ta>^ was located In the comer Tracy, M alta; Mrs. G ary thinks-' will win. Sophie of Hageiroaqj one brother, p r l government that led .to five .MIAMI {U P Il-A program to McVay, Hansen; Evelyn M. agrees. The polUlclans Weeks, Klm terly; fo ir sisters, of bloody fighting last Improve-• black ; and white of the room where the fire Darling, Jerome; Dr. Louis q^c sending good luck messages Mrs. Laura,Sword, Mrs. Mary week In A m i^ . Tho question relations In M lnfnrs.^cttoca^ started. . Magic Valley Hospitals Earle, PaUn Sprinfis, Collf_.;__nnf} ,snn IrnirfrftlBhtinB of Amorlcahwarplane-supplics was put Into operation Saturday Cuffbiii M e m o ria l Minicsponslbllitlcs. '• -review-sectlon. damage was done to! the car. _sor^ Paul; Vlcklo R. Eddlngs, ------^ uu -I/- ■ Mrs-. Joyce Doling and son Ley Smith, aU of Jerome; Jana children gaga with excitement BOISE (UPI) - Two Twin r _____rr< m/t _ Hoybi^nnlMre:i^by::KT 3 rtind:Mr6.rRogcr-Davisjindjon*.GouldjmdJ^8JvMSchroodor,-nrid-prlde;------______’~all3~cbhtractlftg'nnnB~ngcecd G r a n g e + « H V l^ e l= H a r d y a m s o n .R ^ ^ ^ ^ . f,y Mrs. Doc both of Buhl; Mrs. ‘ A u g u s tM illio n s da-ncedrsarTgrshDUtr ^ Births WaTra^rWertdCll;------Tmcitntock,------M 7rcm Heyburn|-Tla«-«l/«nd-w«v>^-red,:grVcn-and_Tr/to;mtor^^ tt0ck, r«,l crr“ i.n flnH tOpayOVCI ■ TUTTLE-TheJune'meetlng A son/wfls bom to Mr. and— Mplhvnn Und Hockey Sliockey, _j»|UtenatlbnalflaglLin aU night endedalTS lib o 'r Deoarbnont’ 'o f the Gooding County Pomona' Mrs. Daryl Scott, Paul. . .Twin Falls both ol Khnberiy.; Mrs.. Roy celebrations, J.wo nights o g o ; - S 3 | t u , | l J 5 “ Grange will be held Monday Ip ' m • i- i Sexton, Hnzelton; Gladys Dice, when Italy score a dramntlc 4-3 'Department the Hagermpn Grange Hall, H.hiino C o u n ty News In Brief Shoshone; Dick Johnson, ovortlme victory over West |i,„ „.tlon last Janu- Instead of the formerly on-, , Admitted Jorbrldgo Nev.; arid Mrs, Germany in tho seminnals, • • . S X in s t J a " PLAN nounced placc. . . - Angle West and Mrs.' Albert Robert D»lra, Jarp, Calif. Among those watching was ('dlvTduaUy and dotag busl- Charles .Case, SCS range Knight, both Hailey. Mrs. VcimaspringM^xniacloa* vMillLii»UlU»Vt.t-^UIU,iba------BhHhs~ ~ ------.■Nnmntli, ■« hit-tu. the dandy who V guar, HCSS„casas UH il.J, A. UniWHUH.WJnBirUW-Chwson.Construe- • PA-Y-SiumR^l^M-LtS- , analyst, will .speak. Members— B irth s ------:------Smaiel and Mrs. Christine- Daughters were bom to M r. terbacked the Now York Joto to ■ „ „ „ (j, yalley As- are asked to bring items for the a , son was born to Mr. am) jjihJJahlberg, ib e rg ra all U TwinTwlii Foiis.Foils, have ™d Mrs. Robertnobert Bailey,Balley, Buhl; the championship of footbaU, p„vinfi. Inc.- j ^.glft table and Mr. and Mnk. Mrs. Mbet . Knight, HWl.ey. boon-admUtcdtotheJIwh)Falls Mr. .anil Mrs. Koy!n_Xrncy.^_Aiiiericnn style.- He.^thl.nks_.'' p „j|,r„, „cords show- The Idoho Purple Shield Plan ii the'oniy Furteral "Tliomas Crow w ill ' serve Clinic Hospital for medical Malta; Mr. and MrS: Donald Brazil's offense Is too strong refreshments. . • ed tho two firms -stipulated to Plon sponioied and recommended by (foodiiiff .M.cmoriul Parker, Twin Falls. Boys were for Jtaly. ■ ^ an agreement whereby they .members of iKe Idoho Fui^orol Service Association. e Admitted ...... - bom to Mr. and MrSj.iGary So does ^ 0 Academy Award , , 370.0, ^ back over- LONG ‘JOLT'. McVay, Hansen; and Mrs. and wlnnhig MIm Loren.''I wiU go tin,„Vagos. ADD SEX APPEAL Floyd Eklund and Wayne Forgusson, both’ Gooding. DA1.US (UPI) - Anlenio «■:»- H °^ y Boom, Twln_FoUs. ;c ra iy if Italy wins," she said. R e c u m m c iu lc il l>y HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The. , DIshifsscd Rodriquez. 27. accused of producers of “ Mission: Impos­ Mrs. John Renner and son, sible'- have-decided to add sex selling three ce series - a year, ,w „ „ a i; J i^ Hutcl.i™ T s o i y r P™ "n after the-departure ot Barbara EMund, Mrs. Ronald ^ S , ”y the Z ije s l priSon Bain - b y signing Lesley Pauls p „ ^ j and jUkoMike Rlcliai^s,Rlcliartls. all term In Texas history. WarrOn as a regular , cqst Gooding. ' member. • - FUNERAL CHAPEL DO YOU HAVE A QUESTIOM itBOUT IDAHO GOVERNMENT? AD DISO N AVENUE EAST St USCnil'l'loSi HA IKS ■TWIN FALLS, IDAHO . ■ ■ A s k PHONE 733-4900 tiii:tim ks-m :ws. I'wln FI^TKTMiiho H)Cjirrirr- ' Vernon Ravenscrdft IVr moiiih - l)BMO€IUTICCANl)liMTIi for . Helps ynu pmviito l\ 'AD\ A \(:E :- ' • ( Diiily & S in iilii\; . SU.2.i ily Mail 1970 MONTEdrO • FUNDS FOR FUNERAL EXPENSES I’nid iit Adxtix-r HARDTOP r> {hiilly ii Sniiiliiy) O o v e r n o r • . ONE PERSON or ENTIRE FAAfil.LY . I Monih • ...... S2.r>0 IN PERSO N ...• AGES.V.to90' ■ (» Momlth...... • I Y.Mir ...... SPORTS COUPE At Buhl American Legion Hall • LOW-.COST AAdNTHLY PAYAAENTS ■ M iltl hi||ui'ri|llil>llh tKM'l'pl- > d only wlH*rr n irfli-r drhv- SPECIALLY BUILT SPECIALLY PRICED rOR • G O O D ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD nry ih mil iniiinininiM). THEISEMMOTORS . KKTfUKty^KW i ■ ■ I’iKlrrurillriili, I’irrrr Nj|lii„^uU.i(rlii,i,t4iii,.(^iMi|uiii.L<- • SPECIAL DEtUXE INTERIOR • SfECIAl TRIM. THjloUOHOUT-*-SPEflAl DELUXE —TIM ICiM ^JvW S- WHEEL COVERS • SPtCIAl O.UTSlOE CHRPME TlHM^WH-WHITeSIDE-WAlt-TIRE6 -lO A H O rUKHB SHULD PLAN ■■ _Sl)BSCRIBEHS ENTEHTAINMENt BY __ P.O. 7766, Bslu,. Idoho B3707 ' ■ ’ ' f DELIVERED ANYttHERE IN MAGIC VAllEYI! GKNTI.EMEN: Pleo.e lend tne..wilhoul olilipnlion, .vour ■ . ' for hurviev nn . W AL»i!N BROS. plflntorejievomy(aniilyor{illliinprale]ipfn*r>. I*nperj)elivcry NAM.P , ------' . Call your carrier Brief rom orkf ityltttpT navchscriari w ill lie THEISEN ADDRESS' qucgllnila from the niiilieiicc.;- ■ : ■ :^ a i’ORS.^^ £ S £ U • Btfore fi p .m . ]iMrl M ** >HMii tu 'nHlifc ;22iii^g|a^saas;£ssLiaaii^^ I iT ^in F ^lls

===1 -N f.w g.ijrtfB giefv

— 8*iU«r-8Mlal-g J1r?t-Unll luU oT tlW church Yor the monUiJy raeeUn* uid poUuck dlnim. A >pw^ dinner Uplanntdtndg osco -Invited^

. . Sewing Cl------...... ' 733f-0342 Magic Valley Memorial Hospital auxUla^ «IU meet ot 9 a. m. Tuesday in the group's room to sek. Any member Is BLUE UKES..;^.HOPPING CEKTER^ ALWAYS------SHOP^ . bScdi^UttREYS FAMIlV SHOPWFRnCEI^ERr wolcomoi PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY THRU W E D N KD A Y - S T O R E H O U R S : 9 . O itn . t o 9 p .m . M o n d iiy t h r u ^ t u r d a y ------S u n d a y H o u r s 1 0 n .n ]. t o 7 p .i Suiaa Randall and Kobert M & vy, Twin Falla iJEfluUtr«eti_ $1.59 Sill Burley, and Robert Workman. MMING BATH OIL Rupert, were awarded Dean's^ V 13 0,Z. IJst. bijnors for ■ the spring 200 ^ SOFT JOHN MARTIN •emester at the ' College of STYLI^ Idaho. j mm Cosmetic G an L. Chirk and Paul L. Hair SPRAY Pink, both of Twin FalU and REG., SUPER, UNSCENTED PUFFS —Warida CJJ«rlln,aansen,j»i^ ■ awarded degrees Jude 14 at . Stanford Unlverslty.’Mr. Clark ANACIN received a Master of Science QQc PAIN degree In mechanical REG. engineering, Mr. Pink received H P SIZE $1.49 RELIEVER < 79‘ SIZE. a Bachelor of Arts degree In. music, and. Miss Martin . -GLA

Twin Falls Friday Night CANDY .Duplicate 0u b held tournament play at Duplicate Hall. Winners RAID were Mrs. V. R. Teajley and H .. BARS C. Powers, first; Mr. ond Mrs. HOUSE.& GARDEN L. J. Robertson, second; Mrs.' ' A. jrW e e ks'm d Mrs.,H. D. REG, 15' Fltipatrick, third; Mr. and Mrs. 9 9 « Faren Paler and Mr. and Mrs. BUG KILLER BABY RUTH-BUTTERFINGER John Hahn, tied for fourth. JMPORTED ------— P-AUL-^p g rERS<»H Lawrence E. Browning,. Rich* has been admitted Jo Tiidn SUN I Clinic Hospital for REG. FOR W-T jGLASSES BeghuUng Wednesday, the Scotch -Bazaar of the 1 GAL Presbyterian Church odU have JACKETED a halfsii'Ice sale . during the 3 SPEEDS 20" PORTABLE | sununer. '^WINDOVTFRrt------^ The Mountahi View Club wlU have a tea at the home of —•-X ig h vBN6R. school’s Leamhig center. In* attend the National Agency StEEL * CONVENIENT 06AIN struction was g ive n . In Sales Conference. , SHANK •- lAROBiAPACirV. 'cataloguing,_ shelving and npalriog boolu, usinif pveri^ead AjtlsmoUsm is on aberrotlon transparoicies, flannel b

Youth R^nch . Hio JiinC mcollng of Mnglc Ethetf Vo)loy Choplcr ot.Amisrlci Association of Retired Persons M Ic h s n e r was hold In Bishop' Rhea Auditorium of the Episcopal Oiurch last week with o pot luck dinner. . . . Oil lltf taiidcr tucctii, doii'l M ip bark Ki Mr. and Mrs. Fred Qralg and your warb. Mr. Harold Waggoner furnished music for,the 03 members and guests who attended. Tixlayjftivcr iwo millitin pcrtup* Mr. U o Childs, manager of .in Ihit cuuni^ wcur hearing aiiis, includlnii people of all ayes, in all the Idaho Voulh Ranch, Rupert, wulkfoflifcAffioniJ famtmipcople was guest, speaker. He told of who have worn or weor hcarln# 3,133 teen-agers In the stme who nliU: Wlniion Churchill. Hlennor had a recorded charge filed R(X)icvell. ncrnaril Ouruch, und linitercomcdicnncNaneitcFuhruy. against them and of 3,044 Ufoughrboforo-tborcourrloii' neglect or abuse. ... . _ To mak(> a hmg siitry shorl, iht'rv h noihinK likv havinn - Hie neit meeting'will‘be a iiiilk in. > picnic on the Idaho HlstbHcal Associatlon^ounds at Curry, Dill you know ihui u)me hearins. Sunday, July 12. aidt can he adiuttcd lu “(ill in Ihe mittinK paru' of each penon'i hearinn? Thii it imponant. be* cainc, like ringcrnrinli. no iwo D-Scholls hetrlna lottei are alike, and limple ampliircailoh may noi be enough. Our “cudoni'lined" hearing aldi are truly remarkable.'Can we thow ARCH-LIFT* you how they may help you.hear bener?

. Semc^pUVawloKnlam* SoWlcMsttliA' bhtoii. bul bait lo wailv'U

IVIAICO ■Um i »nnttt4 Mm k Untkf' HIAMNG AID C I N f I R 194I.Ulh Twin M b IkirUy 7a3-7djb 678*9312


WASHINGTONT' (NBA) — , porinanently widfned war, t«U. But some df thbm might down.-But If organised U. S. Even here, however, li might Hlaf(i£ Valley'f Home N em paper ■ DomDcratlc leaden alralnbig' economic troubles apprpBChine ease » ((a good deal before t|io combat units are out of there take only a couhle of monthajif hard foi'''w ays to cripple IhijdliastfirotdepressloriigBps /all-elections,' and.morethaiva before,,Tune endsand thtfnetTif ^ consistent goodgooi .economic-news President Nixon In WO. and that surely must run ti) th6 few of th^ crdilB«-lers could su ii^y, Juno 31. i,no Al WBttergren, Publl^r PHONE 733-0931 It somehow shrikes tho avcl-ago bi late sbmmer and early fall to beyond may Iw getting out on earth’s core. wind up loolcing lllce fools. Not to American voter as goo^ the take the sting out o fth e lr. ------, Mambtf ot Autjit Burtou,qI Cluulutlon ond UPf- “ *Olfitral cfsyTJotl CounrV : .sohiinnrllousIy.'creBl^ limbs. They had better watch oiit, In mention losing their shirts In Resident—mliiht- be~a~sub-. eeonomlc-argument agllnst ■Codii' Thuotlny It liariby d ttlgn n fd pi '[tf doy ol ih# w*«li on wfikS.Uqol They are developing a breedv the liUorost o flh clr o ^ sldnsT jtantioLgain him. penchant (or pronouncing ; . The preB|(jont’a d lt^ U o s KTdy riifiiy unowli. flf It Is common In this town Top Democrata moKe much of HHIi. In Twin Folli, Woho, MWV, umi.i 'h. . ■• ' ■ failure before It Is failure,''for' aro real enough, as eyerybody ;e, how. our Cambodon today to auggcst that Nixon, by tho fact they cannot match the JmondiStcoke— fopeoaftU-—o f - yonturlng over Uie border, may. Tjn- hovd indonnltoly bcporpo en« television, even when they .are . trapped by a corpblnptlon of ’-hi? willing to pay fdr Hhe time,-. own goneroU and tho un- ^Vhonevei* : recent history* p.rcdlctablo“ Soli^bir-mllitnrj{^ coiild the "outa" do that? advonturors In Cafnbodla; Leaving aklde thp question of. Yot ho has already, hod some their time-matching‘argument, • {ion good fortuno (n portraying , tho tho truth ts tho Democrats, have - U. S. move as a successful plenty of political nolMmakers .’There can bo no denial that Twin we'll jijst have to wait to see what .smashing of Rod sanctuarloa. on their sldo and they manage Falls is a pUce of actioir — of therchlangos will really look like. And tho Propldont'8 oagcr to cop plentjJ of prlRnhnomcnta Yes, Twin Falid is in the action advoi'sftrlos cannot aafoly on the-big evening nowa ahowst ” change. ■ " dismisa tliD idfio, war being tho As one seasoned Whlto House It is one of tho few places In the. belt, and as Ibtigjis the downtown < rif •'uncort&in. thing (t is; that man fio(ed, not Improperly,* world — perhaps oven tho only merchanu can: keep tlieir cool _-:^_ Nijcon's portrait of. tlio Cam* Democratic conunand ,of boUi Jilace — where a .street goes one their-hurtior^— ■we^Hl-probably- _ bgdlnn_nffatr^nfiny prove real. houses of Congress gives- the way one day. And then that same survive along with tho city. Furthormoro, though the opposition ample chonce '{o“ Keop an eaglo eye open because SouUr Viotnamoso porslstontly splotch lip Nbion’s’lmage. street, tho next day, goes ijoth exhibit the small ally's stubborn ' But they may get their whole ways. And then, the next day. It \Ve will lay you two to one that the Insistenco on doing thoir own pack in troubJo it they whinny doesn’ t eveii go. It's closed. ,.- current traffic changes —■ for In- tiling, no koy Democrat can too loudly about Nixon's "ctHsis It is one'of the few places — other ptapoe — are not the,last ones really bo suro that the final of confidenco," only to- find whh;b, w ill, come along tefore ro'iiult of Saigon's m ilitary things turning-much better for ■ than a tornado belt — where a~ him in the months Just ahfjad. . building stands one aay ana is gone ~every^lBg-l9-(vm pleter- forays Into pimbodin^ will bo the next. . Modern planners are .capable of dnnger to the President's an- ' Demo^ratff say they do not gel a ' It is one of the few places where most anything. .nounced troop withdrawal' > blgenough'pleceofhasawayof . drivers avoid certain areas Meanwhile — Just to turp your -program;' , • 'hulking issued into'fashions that becaijse they just can’t keep,up -thoughts. In another direction and Tho Demoefqts, queried wear out and of banging out the leave you with a bit of something privately and publicly, eoncede shouted criticism so per* with the sudden changes which' they feel themselves on more slstontly the voter finally develop iri traffic direction. wHich will not change — this is the comfortablo ground. when changes channcJs. The cries for It is one of ihe few places where^ first day of summer! chopping at tho Proflldent for' i‘‘peace now" rt'ay iB ad^m e _____ picture after picture, drawing after And to leave'you! you with another not ■‘busting Infjation and tllstcners to seek quickly the drawing of a to-be-improved , thought -t-if yoii thlni^ this eutbrijil .keeping unemnloyment from ponce of Lawrence'Welk. rising. section of town are shown and then, is sorl'of mixed'iip, it could be that -v ^ months later, a city official says we are confused about this thing — along with scores of others.

RAY CROMLEY Ethics Again Cut The ‘‘Take” Ifi-members of Congress were^ - cumulated inve^men.ts before WASHINGTON (NEA) - No more Uimcult. But UUs may not held to the ethical standards by taking office? ofdclnl Uils reporter has Uilkod w o rk'y well In prnctjcc. to has any hope for o quick end It’s not tho money the Turklsl) which they Judge appointments to A study, of congrdssional ethics to the lieroin trudc.ln Uie Unlled ' farmor . makes. Opium' may the other.' two branches of the undertaken by the New York City ..Slates. ■ account for but J50 out ot an -fcdoral'govemmentj-many-oMhem— — Bar-AasociBlion=polnts=up=this^d But one lons-rane; npprooch annual income -of something wouidfaii. othei^ discrepancies and makes ------holds premise...__^ _ ' more than But It Is'd This simple fact continues to • some valid recommendations for It Is hosed on the thesis thory handy-caah-crop-fanners-con the underworld men In the grow In the off-season. More reappear as a thorn in the side of - updating congressional ethics. ■ heroin IraHlc, besides beln'ff. Impoi-tanHy, opium growlne individual mtembers of Congress The study \ found 12 of* the .35 ROWLAND EVANS AND ROBERT NOVAK criminals,, ore hard-headed and smuggling : are old who take the ethical considerations members of the House Banking and liuslneasmen — and that iHey trodiUJns, ones the farmers of their positions seriously, as well Currency Committee reported will drop a product (heroin) if It won't give ^p easUy. as to outside observers who Mitchell’s Man doesn't pay off. Tho U. S. Bureau ot NarcoUcs holding' positions. 6r financial in­ and Dan^erous'Dcugs ' frequently ask wliethe’r a double terests In banks during 1M9. The ■ ' This approach Involves a WASHINGTON - The fine criticized tho Nixon ad food . program _ since his return to ------scries of piecemeal ,------attacks, ,, .putTSWIes"OfTnTmU-bnt-«)stly- standard exists. study group recommended that hand of Atty. Geni John M it­ ministration's handll/ig of the Harvard University’^ school of year In imd yernr out, oimed at roadblocks ot'each step of the •What appears to be the double both House and Senate require chell, top'dergeaht of tho Nixon antl'hunger p rogrom "Ih o public health In January. Mayer making operatlbns s6 costly for • road from on thcough standard^may-bo-more- an in­ members of committees to—avoid ..Cabinet,. was^puUing atrings private letter to the White orgorilwd last December's the worldwide complex of the chain of Interlocking Ulegol feriority complex, which in itself all economic InterMts which may behind tho scenes In tho sur­ House. ^ White- House-conference-.on.'smugglers, - “ bankcolIoft^'iv'OfifonlzaUona through which the prising switch of Elliot ' The Juno 5 letter to aomesUc hunger and battled fiercely - contact men and processors pplum-morphine-heroin moves would indicate something basically be socially affected by legislation ' Richardson from...... the.. panelled policy chief John Ehrllchman and surprisingly aucceaafuUy — Uiat they'll turn to other, more to the U S. addict. wrong in the checks and balances within the jurisdiction of th« hijjUs i ...... of tho State - -Department to confirms re ^ rts that Mayer fot an expanded food stampprofitable Unea. . • Thfc aim is to find the F-the-three-independent-branches— -committee ___hwSilnnrfy-hiiitlirfjftM^f-Honlth,—jodjrbaMleflel______luia.bccalrQubled bv the Nixon pr<|pmnf."^______■ ■ Experts say they’ve seen this vulnerable points iri the system of government. The^ panel also recommended -Education flna-'Welfaro (HEW). ■md-erBhtft-lirlhc-pastr -and-attack~thescr Whatis it that prompts a wealthy thatseno.tprs,.after thelr.first term Mitchell, architect of tho The Ilrst step is to make .This means looktag at "the Southern strategy; told heroin harder to get and organization" • - Uio skilled senator, who ho l^ stocks and bther in office, and reptesentatives, after • President Nlicon that Richard­ Uierefore more cosUy where it's'scie ntists who produce-the ' ■ securities in industries'ovtfr which ^thelr .third term,Vtotally refrain son was his first'choice to head ANDREW TULtY grbwn.' - heroin in ' the- French .i^he.has some legislative influence, _®DyJpVw practice." the Job being vacated by HEW By agreement, Turkey toboratories, Uic couriers who to demand that a caDineiTSffh hat s u ^ H llrs iT jW illw T r^ u lu r- -Secretary RobertiFinch,-bloody- ___ Ltoourceit-BIl cer.cehLof,ll-'S'. carry Uie heroin trom' to Supreme Court appointee or other in\ Congress ad a <^se of the after repeated bruising con* Pdlitician horoUi) Is cutting back on the Canada, iJraiil or Uio IJnited fnontations with tho Attorney ______provinc<:s-in whlclf opliim may States, Uie'smuggler operathig official divest himself of 13s ac- measles. . ___ -G e n rn iT '------• “ WASHINGTON - In his role fiscal 1071, And the top brass legally be.produced.* , In TurkoyrUieTurkish former, ;In view « f liberal Richard* as party pollUcian, President has warned mlllUiry. budget This won't reduce opium tho Mafia ond oUier bperoUons son's commitment ui school Nixon g n w “ Inmclrich— of— ptjrarers-Uiat-^ay—incrensos7oqtj)ut7Dutir»linHak(rBrowing~iirthe--Unitcd States, Uio moo dasegroBaUoh « u th ls Eastern JsRiil)IiEn'n_stra!egiats hojidod over the next two years 'illi.giil In the horiler prnvljtclis.' whA make Uie deals qIqujJI io cstablishmenl political base In by NaUonal Chairman Rogers _ probably------w------ill require a cut---- of W^ PoUdnaPolicing could bebo more effective roiSe ro ^ e and and setUe settle i ' whatever MB?SPECIAIOR Boston, his sponsorship by C. B. MortiDn their Uiemb for billion in spending. .(ijth legal producUoii Umlted to arguments orlie — ond Uiroiigh TonjorviiUvrlWtchtinTOnirbo . this, tail’s .Congressional “ CummllyrtheiPentagon+asa-jrToiiitlvely-srraill-rtgioniirUw—Uilnletentiino-Ui«»»olt-Ji6hits.- — : increilllile save for this fact: campaign: »71,8 bUUon budget request conteV of Uie country. But first, of course, Uie U. S. Story Of A Kidney Mitchell had become frustrated . "H'a noUiing complicated," before Oingross..Itls planning a_ The U. S. govornmont is also agents Ihust find ond Identify ; tho. point of apopleity In his Nixon told'Uie group Uie oUier fiscal 1072 l^dget toUUllng n doing what It can to help Ankara Uie organlzaUons. That Is not i Came acrOss an article in Stars illBgs with HEW's chaotic dayT^-“ Qult(f sim ply,— tho touchovert70bUllon.ThoreJsa.j|,uy^gnd store Uie opium crop turning out to 1» easy. — A Berlin' fire deWrtriiont am­ bureaucracy.. Democrats aro the war party go«l possibility Uio current immedloUily at harvest. The The U. B. govornmont hos and Stripes which was written by- bulance and crew were standing by . WlUi i^'lnch, an admittedly and tho Republicans aro Uio budget w ill bo slashed by II between harvesting and iitUb .InlormaUon on how Uie Capt. Nile C. Greenhaigh, whose when the plane landed a.t 9:25 p.m. poor manager, luivlng been peace party. And wp’ve got Uio billion on Capitol Hill. government purchase for distribution, systems operate, mother Is Mrs. Lazeile Greenhaigh to take the packa^o to"the.,clinic eased out, Mitchell advised M r. facts and figures to back us up.” President Nixon . seems to „ ,e j j an active wh the key men are in each Of Heyburn. Nbion to replace him wlUi a aolf. As usual when Nbion speaks glory in Uiis oconomhing. His period tor smugglers. country. They have bits, and ’ where the team of doctors was as the party leader, he offorbd a It Is interesting because it shows preparing the patient: assured ladministrator capable constant Uiomo. in talks ^ I h on paper, Uicse steps should . pieces ot, infocmaUon. That is of knocUng hogds togeUieri valid argument. The ad­ party leaders, Is.Uiot Uio G(iP ronko Uio Job'of Uie sm uggler'ulU ' that, in this old world, tiJere are a' The six-hour deadline was met Spociflcaliy, Mitchell wanted ministration has announced a must sharply cut back Uie . . . few nations which are ntjt fighting and the operation termed a suc- someone who could take a reducUon of oneinllllon-men In “ bloated” armed forces ' . ' , one another. A fornier TImcs-News .cess, thanlcs to th'2 three countries poslUon and stick to It, wlUicut Uio strength of Uio armed forces establishment "foisted on Uie . . - carrier boy,-he is stationed in backing and filling. by tho ond of fiscal 1072 — Juno -Amorlcon people" by. two - . . . - working tolgether.' ‘ Mltcholl intimabis say he 30,1072. It already has trimmed successive. Democratic ad­ _ Berlin and has only recently , I ' ------' recommended Richardson Uio nujnber of Amorlcons in m inistrations. This Is good returned from his base after a becauso he was convinced, after sorvlte by-* -about 400,000,, politics, not only because It will r s ' i special assignment In: Spain. - i : ' GIVEAWAY DEPT; studying Richardson’s handling. thoreby cutting ttiom back,fronll get. men out. of uniform but But here's, excerpts from his . A male^dog was dropped oft and ttie flabby State IJepartmont the 3.5 million level inhoriUid because It will wye a great deal article In the service newspaper \ye already have five dogs, so we .bur. 'Mitchell Intimates say ho from'- , Ihe - Johnson'-' ad- of monoy. would like to give away this or-_ recommended .. Richardson mlnlstraUon to 3.1 million. ButUio'ita-ategy is notwlUiout and it proves a- pblnt; . . ' becauso he was Convlhcod', after. Moreover, the President pltfalhi unwltUngly arranged by BERLIN — Cooperation among - phaned. animal. He is well-' studying 'nchardson's handling alreadjr has withdrawn 110,000 Nbidn himsolf. Ih Uie first three coun.tries saved a life mannered and looks like a. cross - of tho flabby State Department b-oopa trtfm VIeUiam, and has place, Uio Cambodian operoUon Thursday night when a U.S. Air ' between an Austriilian-and Ger­ bureaucracy and watching h h n ' reatflrmed his pledge to wlUi- must succeed, and Nixon must draw bn ad<|ltlonal 150,000 Force plane flow a human kidney man Shepherd. Please call 423-5054 in innumerable Whlto House- moot ttie June 30 deadline set .,at. Hanson. meetlngs, Uiat ho had» Uie fighting men wlUiln a year. If for tho withdrawal of si) from Brussels to Berlin. mental . discipline to ond lie meets his thnoUible, some American U-oops from Uuit- The flight was Mggored at 4 p.m. . disorder at HEW. Ehron before men will have, been country. Any setback during an . v^lih a call from a Steglitz clinic to . ‘UNDERPRIVILEGED’ Uiat, MlteheU hsd boon high on taken out by April, W l. Ho says oleqUon summer coulJ'lio fatal . Col. Gail'S. Halvorsoh, Air Force ■ The ligual view of % poor child Richardson, recommending* lio.opo of Uie addlUonal 180,000 ' „ 'Tepubllejm 'Congossiorisl him for Under Secretary of will teeutby Oct. urofuila year cai idahis. Second, there can. commander In Berlin.. (or, in today's sociological ter-, State to serve u a buffer bet- .a coiy two weeks taforo bo no major enemy successes - A 40-year-old woman was in,need miriology, an "underprivileged"' ween Ui« troublesome Foreign election. Uiat woiild slow, troop ,wlUi- of fhb kidney which had-been ., child) Is thiit he is' one whose Service and Secretary of ^ ( o Thus, the OOP will b« given drawals.Cram^ietnam. . removed from a 53-year-old woman "pareiifs haven’t the money . to. William'P. Rogers. . Uie hook on which to harig its Here, anoUior Nixon pledge rproslde:hlnnBcpli!thoi:roftoysTind- A------(oothotej^_SouthoiiJtIL,M!Bt!a!gn_lmptto: The lid rise UP to haunt mm. In "^n-B8lBliimrllrtaid-t(rbsisliSB6diHr Republican leadenr, including- Democrat* -June S television s p m l, , her body within lix hours. . goddi*.- ciTT------7-'— - — -Tntist of the state chalmen, the-Bepub ‘ Uiat-lf-tha-en«imy--ln— ^ By 4;30, a T-30 Saberllnof (jet) . But Js' the child, wh^ Is : ^ r in' have been warned by them out. , creased its attacks “in a way . . and creAr were alertlpd-^^ worldly goods really th ^ 'u n - MfSslMlppi State Chairman Meanwhlje,...... thg- adT that jMpardites the safety of — .Wiesbaden Air Base to fly to deiijrivileBed”? .Or . Is the un- □arke Reed not b crow over miniatr(itlonconUiiue« tomak«. our remabUng-.fotce» in- Vlet- - - Brtttwb, pick up thc^ kidney and the reslgnaUen of Finch ,(a headline* with lU economy naip," he would take "strong .fortuMte.,youngBter''.'(he eoe wjio Southern halrahirt for 17 plaiuforUiePentagon.MlUtiiry uulettKUve’'measureslodeal _ , _ return it tp Berlin, gets everything he wants and never mfknthilv Rli»lifii>«1*nn ba. 'i(nnkli*num HAW MV* (hat tha. alhiBlinn. .UannL ftf ' "" .■i The pilot, :Lt. Col. Jerry W. experiences the-joy oT doing to need, may . be mllllon-nun outbaok - In . tha course, wouId .be delighted to - ndtf that there was a short something lo r Mmeoi^e really hi on civil right! Uuii armed forcu could be s;(UM^ MroW a monkey wrench hilti ihe. r M t:)!! pnuMls for the heUcot>ter A ^,|m eohe.truly appreclaU^^ - Finch.: into the Hscil jeaTlMglnhliig .ReBublloan mkdhlnery by next July 1 U Ooilgreu. makes . L-/ .t(f rkifirlv^ from .Ghent University. ^-Move ybunsstei’s who do not have acting up. I Dr. Jean Mayer, former furUier . cuts In Uie already. But a; o( now, Uie RapubUoan "Pan'f mk^mt why. JuHuVrrfW lihlhir UidhitiJ juil ‘‘ ^wWhifce kltliiey, but other the chance to 'do this 'are the ijMClal hunger coniultant to, reduced' ' ' defense budget (br posture «a "the pmm party" Is “undetfrlvUeged". President Nixon, ahariily__— —1 good ,! ,y' . 1, W . T I ■

Mohday Main AvaiuoVnderwent o tralfid change 6r»m a way ilreot to a two-way atroot.'Swjiralfpebplo, both local ou(«Mdwn, expressed tbelr oplnluul^lout the change, Lo AoUer,’TwltlKallt, says, "I^’s tigood Idea. It gives pobple ’'chanceto^et'aroimd downtown and It helps buslneu)." — ''It’s-imd«r(ulU!-(aeU-Bob-Qre


WlllU ftr-T fiU ure-ldT jicld^hrO ccia talal Avo.,^Burloy wa> $10 by Judge WlUls • fo/ no be sot. riglit of way. flnod 110 by Judge Willis for Watch Out, Locusts, Valley Traffic Courts * driver's license on person. Elvina H. Seamans, 10, Route .'Martha J. Shaw, SI, IM l ocplred driver’s llccfiM. Merle Pean Hodden, 17, Box 2, Burley, was fined $15 by .loAnn Mayer, 34, Burley, w/is . YqIo Ave., Burley, was fined $10 Paul, Jorfolted $18 in Burley Judge Willis for 0 stop/sign W orld’s Gjbanging Fast flned $10 by Burley Police by Judge Willis for no drlv6r ’s violation. Isabella Tetcrsfin, 43, Judgc^ Roland 'E.vWilHs for license on person. Max CasinS, Police Cdurt for speeding. Hlginlo L. Duron, 20, Route 2, Burley, nyDICICWEST years. failure to register vehicle.' Jr., 35, Rupert, was fined 115Jjy \yASHlNGTON (UPt) ~ U t!s Put when the locusts .begnn —l»eor-4l-6Ut-thore-for-mo( ■ coming out again last m p n ^ mont, Burley, wos fined |14 by backing. nature! .1 driver's license on person " B t r r r Vightjorftl'jo dot,-1 had to admit Judge Willis for, speeding.. Joe V. Ocanas, 17, Heybum, \ Once ngnln this spring she that mqtbor nature had the act Uoyd U Kodel, 4B, Paul, was was fined |10 by Judge Willis for Alvin D. Lawson. 42, Oakley. SME has ^ucc6ssfulIyj>erforn]cd her perfccti'm . fined 120 by Judge Willis for no,driver’s licenses. V was fined $160 by Burley Police, gtjcker- —JUN64^ULY-1— famous IT-yoar'Iocust trick, one • Appearance of U19. locusts failure to. yield the right of way, DelmV Decker,'3G, 135£ JuUgo Roland E. Willis for . LuAnna M. Bowcut, 17, 2270 of Die most difficult, spectacu­ always produces a lot • of Geraldine White, 48, 2600 Miller Ave., Burley, was fined driving on 0 suspended driver’s Conant Ave., Burley, was (Ined lar,fascinntin? nnd mystifying speculation as to how Uiey can F a ir m o n t, Burley, was fined $10 $i5by Judge W lllls'forfallureto .license. $17 by Judge Willis for stunts over seen on the faco.y>f toll when ,17 years have ...... — ' — by Judge Willis for stop sign register/-vehicle-and .$10 for Jpc-D. HlttMB, 2732 Rocky speeding.. WIUSMOTOR the earth, or wherever eUe you elapsed. violatlorr, expired drivers’ license, . Rond. Burley; posted $100 bond Margaret A. Lee, ID. Route 1, might Mk. ■ „ J Some, biologists have theo-- pgn, q . Delgado. 10, 1058 Verna Christenson. 18, 2100. in Burley .Police. Court for Rupert wos fined $15 by Judge. As always, she pulled it off rj^od that banks send them free ■ • . . • . : > right before the eyes of many calendars. OUiers believe the o r UB. .Ana sn W ^ to d y can— locusls atlcnU uut uf Uie gtuond- figure out how she dges-lt. overv now and check ■' Enlergefice d f~ lli^ 7 *y c a r Uieoalato.'Stlli otheribelleve the“ .' locusts, (actually, of c.ourse. locusts have, tiny translstdr . ..they ore cicadas, not locusts ot radios concealed somewhere on -nllT-buH . ^ ■tJTCirlRidli SPECI AL DIRECT^ by the name of tlieir much Ceridinly Run a Risk . more destructlvo kin) undoub­ Regardless*' of how Uiey tedly win land nlbther nature In manage it, there is no doubt OFFAl^CIBSDNPROPUCTS^MlOSTLATEFOR the hall of fame of legerdemain that they ,run a big risk b y. ■ - along witM uch othJr masters • staying Underground for 17 of prestidigitation as Block- years at a time when the world stone and Houdlnif Is so swiftly changing. '• .OlfcerTricks are Easy 1 moan, put yourself in a . Comvarod to the locust trick, locust’s position. You know you pulling a rabbit out of a hat Is are going to have Just one big 8 th ANNUAL os simple as sawing a woman monientln life and'ypu have to. -Ih~hairT^Jdea Ifl to-takc-n— waiflryeara for-lfto arrive. ------boby locust,-bury-it- in_thc------As.the months drag by, you ground ond, without ony further- become more and m o re lm p a - STOREWIDE oction visible to the naked eye, - tient’. Flnolly, Juat'when yoii get It .to remain} there for • think you can’t stand It anoUier

By LOUIS CASSELS iichultz. can find valua'ble clues . _ UPl Senior Editor to areos in which there lA ■WASHINGTON”(U PI.r-Any- needless overlapping, duplico- one who wonders why FYesldent tiOn or even direct contradlc* Nixon/eltltYiecessary tos{!tup tion between government prb- a new—office—of-exe(jiitlve 0 *ams. ’ _ — maWBcment~of thq' W hlto^r^At present;the government's House will find the answcrJniQ . left hand_often_dQesn!t-know- •massive _Joosc;leaf • catalog^ or care—what its right hand Is 'w hich hasJiist come off the doing.Asthefcat^ogreveals,it is far from unusual to find S or It is tlie most comprehensive 10 different agencies attempt ever made to list and the some fleld with little or no describe all of the domestic coordination. 1 , programs throufihjchlch-fcder- How, much oyerlopping arft A— THIS BIG SIDE-BY— SIDE ol money, odvico or service is duplication exists among these made available to Individuals, /,proBrams no one can organizatlonSj cities, counties say at present, becaus6 the FROST CLEAR C O M B iN A TW |[^^ and states. ' government has neve hereto­ It identftles no fewer than fore made any serious attempt 1,010-that’a rlglit, more than 0 to find out, B—THIS DELUXE ^ - ^ thousand—such programs. The catalog wa^ compiled by Car Hits Hoi^c the Office of Economic Oppor* FROST CLEAR C O M B IN A T g |lV ^ ^ hinlty on the basis of official reports fcpm 57 federal depart­ Near J.eromc ments and agencies. Its publi­ JEROME - A white ^THIS^BIG -SI-eU-FFrDEI cation is a triumph for T CSirysIer, driven by 18‘yoar*old Willlary^ V. Roth Jr., Jl-1 Uron Adams, Wenxlell, struck n UPRIGHT FREEZER -'who Wo’(as ‘—been needling horra______two miles west of Jerome government for several years ^ H l^w o y TDal ,6:30 p. m.' to publish such 0 compendium, ’n^ursdoy, police . The stated purpose of the After coming over a hill crest, D— THIS BIG 18 CU. FT. DELUXE "Catalog of Federal Domestic Mr. Adafns saw a 'horse stan* Assistance," which anyone may ' ding In the robd; UnaUQ to stop FROST CLEAR REF-CQMB^^^^^^ buy from vUie government his car, he struck the horse and printing office for $8.75, is "to tlie horse went into the wind* Vaid potential beneficiaries ^ In , .^ield. All Models Similar to lllvstrdfions Identifying' typos of assistance The two possengors, Don ond available opd how they may* peb^^e Npvak, Wendell, ond obtain It/' Adorns sufltmned no in- .GIBSOHHItSlllO m W lR M N tm T H E U l There lslanother_uge to w hLcll_juriosT-but-^-dam agfl Ht-CBin>o;pnin>owever, and lif done to the car. - - the long run It could prove to Eugene Hite, Route COMPRESS VCOMPUTEW PAm ^ ,lu Most Important to taipay- jgromo, om er of the horse, era. stited that the horse broke out ICE COID DRINKS . In this catalog,. President o( the pasture and wandered SHOP A ll OTHER pEPAtlTMENT NI»oi)..!ind his now deputy for away without hta..kno\

TWIN FAUS, IDAHO— N W N I7330373 HAvjeir' . ., Twl»^ litoho Synd«t;,^iIn*-3i.-lW0- T riffic Courts. ' CharllBS J.' phrchult. It, Burley, was Hned IIS by WUUi (dr.stop aM :vW iilIen.-1 ' WUraaE.HIckSt,67,RonteS, Rimert was flpod $16 by Judge tor (allure to yield , the It Otway. -jhn C, NovaMl, M, Declo brtelted $18 bond bi Burley lurt tor.speedlng.' - „ LTTJHESnrTop- _ )fWa«h.T(or(«Hed$lSbond- ■ By CABOL BUItNAM, Burley Police Court lor ’ Drossed-IiOEiilUbottamiii failure to roglstor.a vehicle, - ^ E r S|Ham !liiilUr; M, Cald- - VMts, boota/wnnla ulioes and w«U. lorteltod , $15 bond In baro foQt^ approximatoly <60 Burliiy Police Court ,to r.n o ' - p e o p le ‘^m ek«d^ul“ ot the driver's license on person. Araerlciui' Legion Hall Thur­ Walter Short, 80, 743 Gtlmd. sday ovonUig. • ' view, Burley, was fined $10 by Tho JaycMS arc sponsoring Judge WlUis for Stop dlgn dancos tor tho young pooplo on viblatlon. niursday ovonlngs durUg tho srnm or monlhs to give them somothing to do and somo placo to go. ■ Tho 'Tragllo Urao," a rock group from-Soattlo was pralsod . by -Thursday-nlghtls -dancing group. . . "Tho music Isn't hoavy," said Pam Roval, local girl. "It's not country wcstorn, It's variety o f ' TUESDAY good music." TODAY I Playing songs like "Proud . ConMnuous Fomlly * | T IIB FinST OF the couples to arrive at the Am erieib Legion ynung people's entertainment hi Twin I nds will Mptin»»ftfr0m 13:15 i Mary" and “ You’ve Lost That _Hall are pictured dancing to Ihe music of Ihe Fm iille Ume. Tte play each Thursday night at 8 p.m. ATUi4S4tlO-*i1S^9iW ■Uvlngtcollng", Ui o during such ti7 lnB times. Nixon is planning a "quiet time" of family togotliemess -Sunday-to-celebrale-Fatl»or-i Italy accepted' an Allied to hnvo nt tho Notlonnl Guard Day and her wedding’anniver> armistice Sept. 3, 1043. Armory,"- M id- John Jensen, NI2W YORK (UPD -Hcy the summer working->for- mo­ sary. ' Twin Falla; kids!—Worried about what to ney. Many- of tho. young people Blve Dad this Father's Day? —Tell him you plan to spend {uiKpd why tho danco was not Henlly want to show the Old the summer studying to ■-5------^ClOfpD-MON» -rBrIng back Ule family car here's Iho coup de graco; NoJurc/ Worm W a lo r P o o f in Mounfoin S tilU n g ■ with tho dancos, as well as the of gas. an oil —Tell him it's unbelievable to PUBLIOCAMPGttOUNDS N tA M Y MOTOR-VU chnnge and a lubo job. •you how ho and Mom could m iir a a p ig i Hard Times Are Here With tho Joycoes sponsorhigUie _ to| i |,im you believe In • PHONE 733.6336 j dance,wo toiow that ttere won t putting yourself through college Eoit on U . ^ 0 ia E q,|lnn£D ^ ^ In Aetihg Profession ^ ^ghS'’" ’’ *" ” ‘'- POSITIVELY, ABSOLUTELY JohnMai,amdmborofalMnl HOLLYWOOD (U P I)-It Is a Curtis and oUier film stars. Who iband. the Fifth Wall, remarked m,,;' y„ur ago. ENDS TUESDAY!! bad time for actors. disdained television are hugging that It was "great to bo able to juyp ,1,^ Many are selling tholr homes, tho medium with the'abandon havo good groups coming Into bio bond days of Glenn Miflcr, THIS IS YOUR V Umouslnes and other status of a how-found love. Jw in Falls. It only saddens me jom m y Dorsej^and Bonny UST CHANCE TO SEE -,ayitibola_to_koop_solvonl.^'ni!L.a)Dsplte_the_acnnmbllng.._Wnt_ tec® _»r“'!^™ 5yJ*!?_Goddm nn, and about sudi-cars- THE PICTURE THAT A ll • imempIoyihBht Inauance. lines aroiind, actor Leslie Nellsen hero." as 1930 Ford roadsters with OF M A G IC VALLEY are liberally .«pi;inkled with has managed to rcmnin cm- Several’ young people com- rumble aenta IS TALKING ABOUTI famous faces and names. .ployed in feature fihns, movies- plained about the smaU number _Ten you think mar- Natlonal economics aside, for-tolevislon and in video who attended tho dance, | j basically a sound social ^thcro ^oro._slmply too. many series, j .. - • "K id s say there Is nothing to |„j(|,u(|o„ "T H IB IfT actors and too few movies nnd Ho ascribes the anemic plight do In this town, but now that wo _Havo a date with a boy AMniCAN.WAR _lolo.vialonjhQW5_to_kocp. thcm _of_tlio _ hctot_lo_too jnany_havfl_good_banda-comUig In, w),o-whcnintroduccd smiles ^ o midV unci__ busy...... ‘ -- mcmber|M)f------the------Screen------Actors everyono slays nt home and fOUND CAMI INI" . Some havo opted out for G iilld ^ d the fact that does nothing,'' said Miss Ravai. „ „ y pleased to meet — Now Yorker ■LVISMISUY S THE CHEYENNE SOCffilCLUB other kinds of work. Others'are American performers aren’t Some of thft,jroung people you " DONAID SUTHERLAND ELLIOn GOULD TOM SKERRin MARYTYUR MOOR! hojjslngon.owoltlngnmlroclo, protected from poaching by argued that the « asked for dresses (•hrofuiliuulluu Ktlliuttt n tk tltO M “ SHIRLEVJONES 'CHANOI-Or HABIT One major star announced English actors and other admission was too high ond-Mr. clothes out of ajCAHEUWCOOH . MGOK)(MING£R pOtfRIUTIWI RlNGUffMR.if A UKMRSAt PICTURE ■ IlCHNICIHOII* . grandly that he was- prepared foreigners. • , Marrow agreed .to question his discarded-protest banners, t M h lotuo•Okji. », IM0n lUMXI to offer his services to “ in England actors arc company in regards to lowering _ gtop usinc the word Color by DC L UXE* PANAViSION* roSITIVtlY STARTS PUIS AT 11:20 “ • television-after o-long-and- protected by 4heir unions and the price Blrlsrslnce most--^cjjQj„^.. j,-g-p-pYe'3pgQle-^^^ rfdWs'idbAY'AT ‘arso—4 T jr^.-a rro r* ; ------hcady^carccr-ia-mQvlca^Lthe^gQvcmmcnt^eilscnsald. tecn-aHe girls do not work and dumb." tMONOAY —TUESDAY AT 7;30 • 9i45 iT't^three networks wished him well“They don't allow Americans, find themselves shorior money. _Tnii him ninn tn nn^nd and declined with thanks. to come over there and work In " I don’t care how much it ' ^ lo Henry Fonda, Jimmy Stew- their films except on a quota coSta, it's griat to have a goc^ -art^Shirley-MacLalrc.JoDLsyjtsin,! _band .with good singers,' Nellsen has been sufficiently G nrid'Cuellar, Twln"Falls. busy to refuse a guest, role in For Uie most part, tho young the opening segment of an people agreed that "they really . established television show , to dug the band." enjoy a two-week vacation. ^Thirteen-Joycces and two TV i_jUict.lhatJieJaceajLmountain_4)oUctracn_wcte. w iliib lo -to - NOTES of work. ■ handle any', problems that the He w ill star in the title'’ role young people might have had, . ‘ of . '‘Bracken's World," a but there were no problems, hivw vnnw /nm» _ Mnn-c' tlron^i»tlc television series accordirig to Doug VoUmor, ^ f nj- . which limped along last season mpnager of tho Amor.lcan The y.rBiniaa es w I bcjlo n^malor mole charoc, Legion Hall. Its ninth fioa&on in tho foil under ter. Tho danco started at 8 p.m. " n e ahoK will drop Dennis' 'with four pooplo there and by Shiloh. James Drury nnd D o u b ■ Stephen Oliver, 10:00 p.m., tho majority of tho’ McClure, proijrsm Vclotont, will 50 - young people...... had arrived, remain as liie yiminian and and wore dancing or sitting Ttampas, rrapectlvcly. Stewart u „,,| u,„ charnctor of along the wally Just listening to :GtanBor-andXce .M o|Q rs.wlll-bo_B„j|,j^ has been limited lo on tho music, ...... - - taportont now playocs on a „(( jcroon'voice, or a hand Future dancea wili bo hold at TC8U ar -baslB. rhiiro will bo picklng-tip. a. telephone. In the American Region Hall at 8. Bioalor uio of Bu«t stars of episodes this faU Nellsen wlU bo p.m. Thursdays and the public mn or cnllbcr. ,1 ho time olomoni Bracken, affording him his first Is Invited. No alcoholic opportunity to play a role other. bo^ri^bs aro allow^U.. Intd ilio lB90t: , than an nctlon.advonture hero. 1)nero .is a danger that tho. , /■" /*. ■ * ""Tl w ill also Prevent him from dances w ill be discontlnuod U Film star Glenn Ford joins atsndlng h) iinemploymont, tho' support doos not incroaso. '■'It’s your thing, do want’you ' television’s comedy-drama ranks dig," said the load singer for the in 'the 1071-72 soo&orf in a i? vni akiatio m nnir wookly hsIMiour Borlos to be . EXPLANATION DUE. Fragile Umo. made by 20ili 'Cenlury-Foir ' LONDOK (UPD-Prinrte Mi- ■ ' Television for the CilS network, nistor; Harold Wilson, -asked SETS nECOUD ’ No title yet, but Ford will play a. today about his pacly's ejection HONG . KQNG . (V P I)-Tho dciccllvo tctsoaht wllo oporates' losses despite earlior'favorable Sing,Too ^ o rts Qub set what a luvcnHc.cealer. " public opinion polls said, ‘'I It said was a world record * » * , - think, tho public opinion poUs Sunday By cromming Ot-por- hnvo a lot of eiplalning to do." sons Into n. Volkswogon. ____ » ''The CHS TuMdav N ijllt MovIob" Is a summof, sories of ’ fllms ' that wlll~ bo,w in' the 7i30.0:30 p.m. sp'ot on Juno 30, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY ^coBtlnuinii-tlitD uK h Sept: a. I f .w ill Oil tho "Lancer" and lied SkeUon timo. Tho network will DAD! continue Its' weekly Thursday •and Friday two.hour movlM. It'igood to have a^day to 'your-' w lfTTTbul icmatln^«i t H r ^ lv ^ :je!rad_JVstalro, _ wiio h ii^ h ^ d . Itlai that ar^planned tor ypli' =^14iW()'=t«lo»lBlnn:;o!iponito^thfc :nrtfyr^lnd yoir^of-feellnQTup^tO': , ' iH u n ln " U Takcs 8Th|efJllwlll. your uiuaj lalf. To (m I ^repj, r^ .'^"asBMK'In ■ woatorn for tho:flnt m#M5ar KlnoiburyV for o' com* • t l i i H m— orm)— vri— the plate laleetlon of phdrmqceull* < ' ' mad«-far-video films tor ABC's rMieicv .M U lw lC tnU rM tan nacy ^ ...... ■ SiJnday, J u rtf 31. m o Tlnit»*N#wt» Twlrt, f •Illy fdiho 7 ■‘ .4- T el^visidn S chedules -3 b l. —-5— -NawirWehtharanif'Sports-^ ------U iJ ftrr------^ B o x - . 3 -7 -P ilm n -*N # w i, W aalhtr and W f » 3B — Nlih arid Oama Raporl . BUM^ufo^tftN^CK., RUN - Th# 7aL —. Tha Show...... • .4 — Movla "T h i R ait It Sltanca'* ' By BRDC VANEBS found some of .Jhw filled with , . . ______3B — AAO■T^•Cl<*M••t ' IBllS UlOO . SKUKUZA. South Africa sbnes; thrVvm m 6y bushmen . »By Crank Schall 3 •» AAU Track M aal 3B — Nawi — Harry Raatonar 3SL — Movla "C had'Hatwa" m»n lin d t lh « (awn W p « d In • 5 - AAU Track Maal 7D AAovla "Rock-a Dog Pound For thousands______of tho smaller Huorls.of woler-diiUy. In Cap(SrMmelUnB-ahoul-lf-W«r«-haU— T1w4i«B-dlin«-wa«-niliited «iM ------4—-001 ...... 4 — .VoMmlta Park 10»4I jonlmals-ln______Urgottof-Soutb^Jown^anyontteaugbtJuivliifrhU-dlmMmado brfor# Ui»JUtttc»nt-unlll—HTSr^ao^lt—wa»—no»- 7iM a - ~ro ^ ~'*Zaro Ho~ur» Atrlcon gami! parka, Ihoro Is no Harden hou connoclU to o tap piece? Did . the United Statei dlicontinued until aeven yeara - Tom and Jarry . ttiOO ■ H a ^ B u s y » — NPL Actlw*^ 4 — N aw *. W eathaf and Sporti w ater.’ (aces an Immediate Mne ol have both the haUdltne and the alter the “ nickel" 4aa bant. - Tom and Jarry ' N FL Action - Faith for Today 5 x- Country Carnival Drought brings .out the |I4q. There, people have almost nickel a t the same Umet The halfKllmea o( 1M9, are not n o m .K w.M» .r.r . ^ s tln c L fQ f.jfllfw ftc S in fi^rgotteiTwhat f -M6vle.vvoung at Heart" 3 - Batman . • — Death V a lle y Daya' animals will hove bobn brought powerful. proceed until 1794, The eat’ly million. In Good condition, they 4 — Dudlay Do Rlflht - oat It Together MONDAY, JUNB 33, mo ' to the^nlmal shelter by the end I. —-^.Dudlay . Do Rlqt>t - Ool P Tournament Tho elephant, the buffalo and half-dlmes are Vei7 valuable ~ bdng about $3, very fine about II ~--- I^UUIVrDudlav WWTl'Klli)Do-Rlght, ■> of Juno, Keith Sdvlllo, Twin — Golf Tdurnsment ** 9:00 SSL. 9, 70. I . I I the othor larger beasts uso the 1704 and 1705. brln^g- |Sto|d. - Look and LIva - -Goll Tournament Falls humane officer, reports. - Pallh f o r Today • OILLY ORAHAM - Hlohlldhll itt thbli' bulk . and ferocity to R a ilro a d around »50.00___ In only _ F a ir From L S., Buhl; Has the — Colt Tournament- the .BHIy o rah a m Bait Tennetiee This total w ill excood the ' l iM - Talent Showcaie ' ' shoulder aside the smaller and ■ ■ ^ o n d U lo ii and rapiSy__*d-pidly_.pd- United States ever had« SSL - Sclanca In Aorlcullura Cruiada. taoed Mav 39. number brought in last month 3i30 * Graham'i sermon: "Ood la BJi weaker at tho watering placds. 3 — Cathedral of Tomorrow SSL - In Which We L iv e’ by 67. S — Cathedral of Tomorrow • Deceived."' And the grey rhebuck, spring' Loses JO - - Amateur Hour BVHNINO The Humane Shelter has - Cathedral of Tomorrow 5 - Amateur Hour bok, Impala, kllpsinger and thousand dollars, and the 17®5 time? 4 — Fantaitic Voyage . 5 — .Amateur Hour. I accomodations for K20 dogs per Pantffitlc Voyage SSL — New*, W eather, Sport* kudu must stand aside when about half of that. Answer: Tho UiUted States 4iM SO — Now*, Weather.,Sport* • month when tlje dogs aro kept F ro m U.S. — Sundy Scene tho big game comes along. 1116 flrst half dimes had a has never coined a fifty dollar ’ SpldeRman 70 — New*, Weather.'Sport* for-a 724iour yiialUng period 30 — New* — Roger Mudil There oro somo -50 major Liberty Head on them, called gold piece for general clr« . -Spldarm an...... 3 — Walter Cronklte before being destroyed. WASHINGTON. (UPI) -T h o ftM watoring holes In tlio park, but the "Flowhig H air" and in 1796 culation. In 1915, to celebrate 3 — New* Roger Mudd 5 - Waller Cronklle Nixon administration has yield* •— Sacred Heart S — New* — Roger Mudd - ' l ' , If the animals aro to be kept many already aro practically . Pn. ______„ ______- Revival PIraa 4 — I Love Lucy thlsdesignwas changed to what the commemoration of the . ^ . 4iJ0 8 r - Death Valley Day* alive for this waiting period, the 3 — Camara Three . 3 l l - V ariety Show no more tlian mudbaths, and ^rttlidrawiS a promised $200' *• "Bust" d e ^ n , Panam-Pacinc EEjn^oslUon, i ^ i the. 4 — Oullwlnkla — M y .Three Son* owners must take precautJons SO — Overland Trail « iN Oio streams thaHood them are changing tOth6"Uberty Cap hi United ^ e s Issuedd a set of 7D > Bullwlnkle 3 — La**le to Insure their dog’s, safety by oullwlnkla Oaieball down to trickles. . nnanclal ditncultles of the ' “ *• ""•* *° "Seated gold coliSrVl. U M ; » 5 — New*, Weather. Sport* licensing the dog, for im- Piv-™. IfnnhnI ,Uri.rfnr n f Iho 01 ino • ...... T tl. 1. k Day of Olicoyerv . ' — Da*eball R«co^oW director or rte S;!r,„rgoat rallToad"'P^n lB «r^l.‘li'iin'. »lS d'fj^c;;'bS th'ta • Herald of^ Truth — Da*eball ■ mediate notification of the 3SL - Wild Klnodom — Da*eball Nntlonnl Parlu Bonrd. sold tlint * dojAledy the.tyi» you have, round coin and an octagonal ♦its 70 — Wild Kingdom ' _____r found dogs, and by sivlng the Ffom thg^Cathytra^ . — Trulo C - J S L z : - “irufy/pv ■lhapen 3 — Ouflt-Ounny-Road-^unnej; pieces «re-pre«ently w orthr- SSL - Olblo Aniwer* >«i1S shots, Mr. Savllle said. 4 — Land of the Giant* — Mltte^oQer* at the water holes, drlnkina „vcrsed ait earlier dodslon to the "SWeW" Type, becauae^ somewhere around t3,U0 to , 30 Face the Nation 5 — L a d le When such a strain is put on 3 — Tim e For Meditation 4:30 ■ JHem dry and moving on .to .- r the shield design on the obverae IS,000 each — eqMclally in the L — Here'a Lucy the Humane Shelter’s facilities, n — Lai*le . „ __ — H^re'* Lucy other water holes. Hje small Z a Z g r a H S original presentation cases. I SjM — Here'* Lucy as there.has been the last two 0 — DI«coverv • . SSL — World of Dliney como only hours after two waaanlctaiamaforlhetlye.cent believe the Mint also ex­ — 'It Take* A Thiel months. It Is not olwoys possible . II — Dlicpoery 70 — World of Dliney perimented with a fifty dollar 5 — Film 0 — World ol Dlinoy

- , IllHf onst. Ull^sH»s\vvJM) ( ‘

(A) OCTAGONALC0CKTAILTABjJ2^^ '(D)lAMPTABLE ■ - r J - ReB.$134,95 . , r ...... J, . . . . * 9 9 9 5 , Rig. v -iV . i ____ _ . .. (B) DOOR COCKTAIL TABLE ^ COMMODE END TABLE R«ft. $149.95 ...... • 1 1 7»® R«fl. $94.95 ...... (C) COCKIAIl TABLE , (p.KMSSfEW r

(OMniSMION .... w , . .r...... ‘ s ® ” ' 31, 1970.. M o U.S.' Puts M-|[>iiie.y’, : WASHINaTON(UPIl -ip f« (- enguUod tne captiaJ JO a n ta i. m Idont Nixon, In ,a televlllM- W JteH biue. Q|, jd d re ss to th« nation, Am ll '34,; I^lwn, who Ignored a i l i ^ - « , L ______O ii CaiTi'^odians^ WOi 'THl«Ts'jiiy a e c ls lo n .~ ^ -l« **^ ten hla to doal with the w ir Usub.; ''In cooperation with tho' mansion in tho early-dawn . S ' ' . m O M PEW^, Cambodia N61 moved quickly to rovcrso ^ormod lorops of South Vletitam, houni..M«tabU«h-a:dlalogue_::y^ ‘ ( tjp l) — The Uttilod Slatofl has i Slhanouk^a pollctoaIctofl of tolerating attacks aw being launched this irla tlt Jet^ii -placed—Its—money- on—the- North “ VlBtnamBM~and Viol week to clean out maior enemy MncolnMtmorlaJ, He (ailed. . Cambodian arpiy, Uio longest Cong troops on Cnmb^lan soil. I sanctuaries.on the Cambodian In November, the sUidenta A * - - abot lintela-The-40,00&TOfln •. Hanol^ actferdlrttf'torPw-befil- I^VJetnanrborden*"- • protested and lefl. I W Ume JTMUS^S /i l -foree-Ja-woflk, pooirly-trfllnwl—Uiformntlon—avaUablo— hcre^ •-’-'The—Presidenl's-rannounoe' responde d -*111) a strategyand] Ul'Oqulpped. responded -*111) a strategyand] blent stunned tho nation. , by othors. For the first time, r j f „ h A major 'rebuilding program change in mid*Aprll which gave It came, a week after the way, and both Cnmb^ia Uio hlgboet militaryIs aOmlnlstroUon said anaUditloir HILL A m FORCE. BASE, -XamI] \dlaa-i AUatlatn- dlploi- pfiarlty In iwtn-and- al 150,000 Americans^ would moderates. U tj^ (UPl) - ^ tttousa^ds o f mats arc convinced tlie United The schomo wn» to oveitun come homo by May, 1071} by Nor was the dissent limited northern Utahns captuhed.a.. States is hbt going to lot this CnmBodln nnd ojipOM South ^ ; v k m ‘ recent standards, the campuses to students. Lawyers, doctors, stately view,of the new C^ country go. down the drain Vlclnnm.'a wMlorn. n'nnk and m k j- ' - i- v T were SimmeringsimjTiering but Silent;silent; and englneors, engineors, all oil established established ------oalaxv carao'let-billed despite President Nixon's drive n Conununlst wodgo .., Congress was plodding along, professlonalswho never parUoi- ,,orW’i IsrSesi a k m tU -n It ' pledge that'direct Intervention bclwocn nm llnnd. and South oyoing fl U bor Day adjoum- pated tofore, came u consU- .jJ,m here lale Prl- . with ground troops will end Viclnnm. I*-*' ‘ ^ ‘ ■' ' mont"aml mAnt nn«) UMin.0 )»lltlcnlnnllH^nl cam-'rflm« tiionis tn plead nlnnil theirIhalr* c ^ . ... day momlng and 61rclod tOgdon __ June 30. At Icnst part ot Hanoi's palgns.of tho fall. .'The mall, o v e rw h e lm in g ly -h o a d ln a west. ■ North Vietnamese ■ and- VIct timctnlilc wos Joltod April 20 .Overnight, alUhat changed^ against the Ca.mbodlan Inour- “ C m 3 , " “ craft, spew- Cong commanders are pressing when Soutli Vlotnomoso troops _ Tho campMos oiplodod, tho slon, vfos so heavy that. ,„ g ,, yack clouds of vapor their campaigns in Cambodia in struck across tho.trontlor In on -y-] fury, of tho students reaching o deliveries on Capitol Hill ran as tJdod down the M r Force a movA to crash the Cambo­ o.'(onslvo ngnlnst Communist nowhlghi lawmakers grudging- much as five days behind. runwav llttodo ffatlO :IJajn.; dians bofpro they arc strong bafio chmps and snnctuarios ly assenting to NUon's pullout Dut It was In tho .Congress, „ „ |,our behln'd 7 army-gonornl,' Un NQi. 08 territory-to stay*'“ aB long students, cmbroiltd in a protest Novombor-olections.Some son- was-so gigantic." w^mlor. they are needed,” ftccording to (ignlnst war, m rc gunned to otors suggested a hto week |[ (<„|( off tho cro/1" Vice president .Nguyen Cab Ky, TALK ABOUT IltyTJ- Not only are tho too hot and headed for the «hade ot a tree In a donth by National Guardsmen, school holiday prlor'to oloction drdod Hill Field flow over and they are already Involved sweltering temperatures around Starkvllle, MISRiflslppI State University pasture area for Cambodia and Kent . State d a ^** • „ . ' , Ogden, went back over HiU and • in a crash program of training Miss., getting to the people, even tho anlAillls relluf; (UPI telephoto) ' . fused Into one ^ue^., The Invasion of Cambodia Ujen turned south to Salt Lake ' Computer the Cambodlrins*to fight.- ■ are feeling the heat. Apparently this ole bull got . Nearly 100,Ow, mostly young, also ended Senate daydreams of Despite the broomstick status of tho Cambodian army, m ilitary experts are convincod Russ Laud May Aid it can mqet tho test-given time, Hiousands of weapons for •tlrer Uuups have been flown-to>- JEJight By D riving from South Vietnam, including many rinos and_machine gims S p a c e m e n ' nOLLA, Mo. (UPl)-A com­ captured frdm Conrmiunist puterized version of that back ISHOP&SAVE i ,ces. The Cambodian air force is .MOSCOW (UPI) - Soviet H r% I I nt I Ik I ^ . B H I ‘ scientists expressed aausrncuon ?,avo';o al?po™r.“ Saturday with one day soon save your life. ~Tho task aheUd is hard.. space mission At the University of Missouri Entire companies of ibodlan ‘ lers were shocked to learn, computerized drlver-asslstance his Inherent cfeotlve endeavor, In the first stages of the war. preserves his characteristic system wjilch would pick up that tho rifles tjjey drilled wil;h qualities” under welghtle!>s Information stored In magnets In training actually Iclcked when In tho road and guide you'’on . conditions. , , fired. Many soldiers had never yoiir way. The near IB-day flight of fired a shot, even at a practice cosmonauts Andrian Nikolayev Dr. Ken-Ihinlpacc and Dr. target. and Vitaly Sevastlanov showed Stanley Marshall at the univer- The Conununists . nlso have ' • sity’s transportation Institute “ in practice^ tho possibility of problems. Their supply lines ------jWT-workinff-on-the system. mans effective activities In the info- Cambodia' are long and course of a long space flight;" They aay this is how it will under attack in many arens, work: * ' ■ said E. Kharadze, director of and the ancient hatreds Cambo­ the Abastumanl Astrt>physlcal Magnets will be installed on dians bear Vietnameae are the road at a certain spacing. A . Observatory In Georgia. •making It difficult for the sensor in your car w ill plck'up- The* flight, was made to test Communiststo-obtain coopcra^ road information from - tlio the cosmortauts’ ability to>of-k ____ _ . . .. ,, lion from peasants In the in space for a long period,, ai magneta and feed it Into countrvsldc computer Installed In the rear they would, have to do If an of yoiir cor. information will ..,orbltal platform was set up. rTr-.^thenr-bo^rolayod-to tho driv * The Soviets see such platforms visually by means of arrows as theinbp“ p?IWIt>n»rfl|nn^ and dots on tlie windshield. i* Kharadze raised the possibili­ "We will, probably use a U C L A ^ r o j ty of new astronomical discove­ ‘ technique oalled-vortual-imag- - f - — jr^-m------j . . ries from future orbital obse.r- vatbrles, anldea"echoed by the “ ing,‘ ".whldh—will—CTuse—the—I S JT l P € € l ^arrow8.and dots to appear to director of > tho . Kazakhistan on-the rofld,'^' Dunlpace said. _Astrophysi(^al Laboratory, G. “ The driverr Tvon't hove to By B oard "idiis, who claimed that “ terre­ refocus his eyes to follow t)ie strial optical astronomy Is . arrows and dots. It’^ a lot like l^ S ANGELES (U P l)-A fter gradually approaching Its U- the information pafcected_QnJot_ 10_months' of trying, the mlta..** Both men published plane automatic landing and University of California Board articles in Provda,”tJre tommu- terrain nvoldnnce systems.” of Regents Friday flnaUy was .nist party newspaper,, The arrows and dots will tell able to remove Angola Dovis, "Now we can be sure that, in you which way your wheels an admitted miimbor of tHo a s lro ^ e r s :=thouIdWrolidod7»nd-wnrnI»o=Communiit=qjnrty^tom-lhe—“ ijtbe^ablerlorotafflS ^fc outline tho way the .rood Is foculty at U C U . - . universe imder ftrp -flta o s - lurninB up ahead where you Tho hoard voted 15-to.fl with phorl' condiUons from orbital can’tsee, Dunlpace sold. throe abstentions not to ro llirq ‘ .“ hservatories, Wlaradze sold. Tho need (or some form of Uie 25-year-old black assistant Idlis said orbltol obse^atlons dr^S^i aS^tance to help rriuce , of phUosophy citing would die soaring number of automo-' Uiol she. was _ guUty of bile accidents is agreed upon by . u n p r a ^ o n d conduct for mak- “ s'Fhlng ^ of the almosl evcryone.^ut there is i"e eitrom isl speeches al earto.atmosphere._

whatt l>T>eIj-pc of system should be academic y e a r ...... an endurance record of 17 days, The decision not to renew her used. Dunlpaco thinks , his hours and 59 minutes, were throc-hour. meeting and over­ 'g e tim r'’UBBanirthrBnrth* economical. they went, through extensiye "Probably the system would ruled recommendations for renowal'from the UCLA facul- physlcl .examinations. be Installed in all new cars by ilie y were flown from the automobile manufacturerswhcn tyS ACADEMIC SENATE, UCLA 1 Chancellor Charles E. Baikonur- Space Center In first put Into, use," Dunlpace.; central A^la to Moscow .:flnd said; “And It would cost.only Young, and -.•the pbllosophy department. taken to a special hotel in "Star about 1100 for each car." City," a suburban community Magnet.*) cost only at>out 50 The board's efforts to fire the controversial Miss Davis began where''cosmonauts rpside, to cents ench, he continues, so tlte- rest and prepare their prelimiin* cost (|t Installing them in tlie shortly after she was lUred last ary reports. road ■ would 'be rolatlvelv . ineiSeiiavcr compared 'M lh thennif her. am m un st party installing a whole new nutomo- membership. In a letter. The L IT tic highway system sucji ns regent's first attempt was Sept. Uiose which call for electric 10 when tliey ordered UCLA 'D IC K cables to aid drivers. officials to fire her, citing a B O Y D ; * Tlie director of Uie Missouri W p rulUig agabist tho hlrfng of SAVI division, of highway .safely, Communists. 11101 order’ was o.vertum(! court but appeal YOU Robert Burgess,.is enthusii^stlc M O B lM O N f about-the system.. efforts ore still pending. VTlie research to tliis point Hien, last month,' the board : THAN YOU HAVf looks Interesting and appears to voted to take tho docialon IVIR DRIAMID huvt fl treiijendous potenlinl,” wliether or not to rehire Miss Burgess said. "Wd now need to „Davis . completelyompletely out ot determine the feasibility-and. •?'lands. Such personirsonnel Monomlc soundness. of tho ' mattbra ore norm all in the W’ system. ^ far, the future jurisdiction of eoch campus ^ h i s to hold p^ltive outcomes chancellor ta tljo.nine-school for both feasibRHiLDhd econO' system.. Gov.'tlonald Reagan led the. WILLS '"ijnlverslty ot Mli batUo to get rid of. Miss DsvIb- 'searchers say the compul Inslsted after the docialon MOTOR . -dysUiiii Pnuid bo on tho highmy-. not been "fired." X iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> 'In five- yoara und It rany "TSCTtMlly^aT’anrthmrlrait— ■l«n you which way to turn. ^ JDWlpara'Sald'll could, bo . '..rellntd to meter'a'driver's ■lod of • he— Ifl. Furthec ■Mil the whether he 1b alert for highway drivinii, [veJihn a little nudge lf a ipistdke, and^uld -oHcy-tir-wet^road- laho LEADER BOB AUTeNRIBIH, right, Jtron u game blolog lil,' Moontabu. Ih e boya are divided Into t m teanu of five, faming Initnicbi crew of ten memben of the Plih and Qamo Depart* out over the deiert about U feet apart lo learch for lage jronae menl'it Explorer Poet M l In tbe work of neit m reblnc about n eiti. Later the bovi «0I nork wltii a wmlaUon of uge gtouu eight m llei ■outhmit of Oreana. They are paid the going rate hear Triangle t l l t r birdi have migrated U mllei toihat atea. for labor, and live te trailer house* la foolWUf of O ^hee Bui hens oro ahy, secretive. ' Fish And Game Department $ludy 'lonora" who como out of the —0 f-Sage Grou^^-Nears-€ompIotion —

By JIM lajMBIRD harvests wdro-51,700 in 1M7; bo completod this yoor, par* spotlighting hens is as hard as 34.800 In 1066; 24.400 In 10&5; ticularly 1! huntors continue fU^ g ^ a n^ l q j n a haystack. • Department 26^700 in 1064; 21,200 ^verogcd roturnintf-mvKcrs from birds IComparlson of a nUgrat^ry from 1950-63; and 10,000 from they bog. a radio transmitted this year' ___ p^pillflfinn. nf itngo gyngnn in 1P54^. ‘ ^ Autonrloth says that Qyyhcc was a yearling and made no O^heo County . with two 1110 u s ^ rwiro telemetry is County has one of th^W gca l uttcwpt- to^ i cstr hut yielded— seden tary popula tions. which do not now this year to 1h< bbbc s^ o grouse populations In the important In/ormation not move for In the Shoshone ^oustf study,gr, sinceQuevw three » iu v v hp.ns iiyiM e state. u l u j . n Workers u tK U ia t have*u t v v UUUIIIUU counted ------nonetheless o on oe^ing'sag ii-' Basin and Little Lost Country, _lod" In the Shoshone 3,600 cocks on 80 strutting gmuso migration. Tlio second is ' nearing completion. lone of the trio nested' groundih-He adds that just "Iwcpa-" hen laid a clutch of Altogether, the work has been a ...... safuUy...... or brought...... off. t a ------donUnant------cockB------are-—- sew - ... and ,f«vM ^ .eggs j. and . Incubated them, seven-year study of one of brood of ^M ic cks k s andmid only one counted, counted. yearlings hririrTiZr nert fpr Idaho's few native upland game appiored to takio'nesting stiitusandJusthangbocklntlKJ re a so n s., bird species. . ' seriously at all. The Owyhee, sagebnish. He estimates total Eiam lnatton of the eggs Owyhee sage grouse migrate phase of the study now Is three numbers of sage grouse In ^Jpwed perfectly fopgpod ^ ^oiir__years oldJiavln'g started in 1067 wiatorn O v^e c County to be in “ V® short of strutting grounds. on Bates W a joint project of the Bureau the nelghbot:hood .of” 10,000 — »-•*--- Creek some ten miles southwest of Land Monagement end Fish birds, including would yearlings pip and throu^i the «ho^ of Oreano, where the birds and Gome Department But the hens. ___ Her efforts nere not In vabi,' " Winter at'low cf' elevations In Bureau of Land Management Mostly cocks however, have ^ been .^bocauso shol_lnad- short sagebrush and, after withdrew the following year and marked f o r ^ evortantly reason ^ thot yielded valuable mating, \ ^ l k through the the.department is completing catdilng hens isInrormatlon hard to do. concerning . fpothllls of Cinnabar tmd War the Job alone. Autenrleth says Roosters on struttingmovement grounds from strutting to ^ l e mountains to Oreana. most cf the work con be ac« and. later on' duringjM itlng the hens dry In the Oreanii ana - According to Bob Autenrleth;— —------season,— congregated^on-")°lCM'"°g»kW!a°“j-B'.°nJB^ Jerome gome Biologist and------Autenrleth-eriiployod—ton-m«adow»jnd-noac.walocJialflS._'lL“ grouse leader of the sago grouse study membors of the Fish and Game aro caught with cannon nets. P»l*MtroM“ air«M ro«m lii«d;^ for the Idaho Fish and Q am o ' t>«P«rtJiiont'sEiplorer Post S07 ^ Department, the goal la to loam to work as nest searchera In the what Und of vegetative cover or short sflgobrush southw ^ ol nesting ■ haWtat-sage grouso Oreana. A grpupl of^Ira llq i^ ^ n s choose, and the dUtanco campers In the foothills dione from strutting grounds to nests. Batos Crook housed them, ^ A total of 600 markers have providing bun houses and Ut- -taen-placDd-on-thoM-blKla-tlia- chens. 'nirce of the boys who past two summers in Owyhoo worked as nest seorchcrs on the CountyrUnd four grouso (a pair Owyhee p ro je c t'la s t yeor of c o ^ and two hens) have returned and ore wokrlng as h«i«i ■'iiiimivi nriH tiny ra,iin tjo-Blds__ Ihoy__a rt -Gary— trammlltcra thU spring. Copoland, Pocatello; ’ Larry Autenrleth, of courso, would Sturapf, Twin F oils; ond 'llk o lb catch a sompUnfof hens nichord Hows, Shoshone, on the sirutUng grounds, w ire -' This year some ’« cocks hove them for sound, ond monitor been, outfitted w ith back their movements for ibout markers, and somo of them three months, ieambig how long should be shot bi' the Triangle after breeding it bi before a hen region by hunters this season. starts nesting, what kbid>of Others should be observed soon habitat is needed, how long she In that area by the work crew. If remabis In the nestbig area ■' birds morked near Oreona are after tho brood Is hatched, m ~ w * " 1"

Comparatively little U known are migratory, do come ^ m about sage grouse. The Lewis Oroan. Inforniatlon gleaned by and Clark Eipedltlon described studybig sedentary sage ^'u s e - them in-lSOJ, and sage gii)u«- . populations lo c a te that hens ; was offlciaily classified bi 1831 nest within a radius of about two as Centrocercps urophaslanus, miles from strutting grounds. .the spiney-tailed pheasant. Autenrlolh says that n _ .Some Indian dances have hens may be strung put from the mimicked the antics of male stnittlng groun bands, plus paunchos, if- hena. Jscenttolhebroad curve of the Pauncl^s are phistlc xiothlike Snake River ..across ’ the material that fibi over the head soulhem part of Idaho. These and'portly, covers th r back. flat laiids are near water, and Cocks liave wing or back sagebrush Is replaced by . markers. Most of thbi work will Irrigated r6 « crops and pasture. Not too remote are the days when saga grousa. ■ "darkened the w n " a s'thejtt flushed from meadows anii - our Fii-e^ form swim suits , ■ h u n firi beastecf o t shpeiliig - enough to fill ■ wagon box.IiLB_ AMlilinuMlMiltnlliiii hut ih* ■Hd lh« |kmI. T o b* e«rl*lR lh«l romI f«rlun» !■ ’-H«r=Tit~>hw>lHig «ud i r —¥WtMr'VHTIl~»~IWr»Bltiiiw-TT«MTtlnai mt Mmnn IfLls. fl.-l...... num b«^jtS!Sq^'

Fivodta hwtlng pUcei 111 the. old d*yt Indluded -a tm ii _Pt«friei_OwyJiM,^AiiWoi» • “ B S L U r ' Creek, Capper Baala, 8bel(un SALE ^/*sh lo ii atop V ViU ay u d otiitn. .Tbtu AT loeaUowtUUIuwHiai CHARGE IT on j^ r s Reveling (^ r g e . --Y , but ■ ■■ Satli/aell«i Oaiu^ y sil.o f Vour Monty fiaeir SHOP^.S&UU' ! ,

a y te v iit n 'rd iu / ruo^iu &unuay> juns. tu .ly/u . Car Runs lht6 Rieuhion'Held,. Driver ls Cile4 olKLBy - A .4?-y«at. po«t»WWockfig dom I 'Overhanging _____reunlonwjis_ h^d_____ by^ ______^ ^pole.

-^GBTS-PORESTiWWIj V . David U» Langdw; 21. aiid' &turday after Die vehicle he> ■ Micbeal ToUey, wn of Mr. and Mr*. Chester TaUey, IIM PiimroM Drive, r®celv«d a BS depee In forestiY'from the C «TO orrcilnhX University of Idaho and has da forester's poiltlon on traclc^loaiM Sand'oieei»'an(i K d " w m . t. SAuroa 'S wasm Bort^dPrfii; il_ •' • MOVIE RATINQ8 TOR PARENTS AND ~ S a'W iS^'Sed‘ ’’lriui''lSlS EocKctasnmate gav« a brief, Y0 UNQ^>60PIJE .. . 0 2S0 South Park A v o .W«*” . ^ „ , y o' Ws Ilfo th« fa rt « W .'lt!?. AUred'a auto started iwisOiiily of wo¥>t eonfcnr lo/ ¥i§*mg br ti>t„ ifm aitn around the rear of Uie trilck and caughtUio load ot-plpe agalnii( -.iomi.' (hnrm nf (hft ui,hlr1o ■ ■ FJUSB — Seventh ana olgntn No W r t e were auslalnil, srado honor roU U announced J C j d S i y ' w S K IW B lU J ^p ., Filer elementary the Allred vehicle, The accident •„ n«hw« U ^^g IhT^«« 8«ted.--poUce..p— ^ report. - Johnson, B ill BItienburg, Carl HltTRIOTID K c n c w a l s Jones and Hockne Lammors. Uno«» 1T (fquoat «(ln',.no Piftnl or Adult Quitann Cbnslructlon fim u M d to g - f i^^qonsoB as Public Works Plorce, Joanne Holloway, . -K>- . Contriictors havo until Juno 30 Dflvld—Ohon, -Mary NolL Is renew them, annouqpoa John Pastoor, Kathy WUllpms and P. Molton, the Uccnso Board Lauron Rccd. Janlo Vlncont was on tho high honor roll for MAOIC V A L L B V 'lilG lI school Junior*^ watch a keypunch • ' Um itla, Shoihone! MIclbael Ochiner, Filer, m d Barry roRlslrar. -maohloe prepara winch cards foi^compiitec-durliic alwikncok- -Buckendorf,J)ahI. StandlafcjBinUeB,jr^JLHltamM^me, nie Ilccnse la neceaaary for tho eighth erado.' _____ ; cempuler prD(rammlns jiummenchool at the Unlvenlty of Twin P allii Gary Burkett, SIMhonei Ricky Bllia and Srenl any prlrtie contractor, sTlb- ""construct IM I ~P5pSlP or“ j —I— ACL-rO—f o j^ AND l^-fllM$flCCen'e7»HS BMl |Q 2 OF Tht UOTIO‘4 PICTURE coou OF oeLf-ncouun«3M Waho. From left. icalcdrJn! Cary FrMmaa^TnU Fallii ' Wllklna, both Paul, and CharlM Day,. Hansen. contractor or specialty, con- toconstructlon of public work In ' ------• - - ■ rWleri-Jeluiuy -l^nntnr-tn I'l.l nr piirfnrm tht

N . ~ LAST

I Ends Thss-Satisrdi It has been the most successful safes event in our 24 year history — Don't miss it!

Hgpnftttia * BpapiMfi v a i .u e s DININGROOM & DINETTE VAtUES ■T^Ii»WiIB5rwllK-|llailll1«plh>l«xt-7^------SUtpir Sola wllh loom moll ...... rag. 269.95 far I9 8 * * OoM «r M ilsn chain ...... r»g. 79.M lor 2 piece Guild French Provincial • 3 9 5 0 0 Sofa A C hoir C e le d o n ...... re o -649.95 Quaan i Im tiaapar lo la w llh innar iprinp rnqtlrau 7 placa w o lttiil w ith pfaitic.lap (holco of Ootd Gold rRuil lap. 399.93 (or •2 1 8 ** Broyhill Medilerrqnean Sofo uncut velvet $ 2 9 9 « s or Malott ( b o i r t ...... rao-139-Wf« *98“‘ Vj. by Scaly Avocoda, — Avo«odo-or.OQld. reg. 379.95 7 piaea Sportith In Toro Oak ploilU S. choUa • Tur{)VBi** Of Dronia r«0. J«5.»5 lor * ^ 9 8 ? * ff2Soo :^KtoahlBf trQn»itlonol lo fo . 1 0 0 % nylon print. of Rad or Gold ai . Mopla 4 drowar itan(len 5 placa modarn W olnul dining DoitaM Frullwood franth Provincial Itipla diowai M l w llh ho *228®® DaMallFruifwoodFranchProvincial, , , ^ 7 piaca oval pacaA w llh 3 fllla ri and ho»l rag. 495.00 for Guild loots pillow back %ofp Avocado, Avocado- 5'dtawar'chail i ...... *98" chair by Broyhill ' ...... with polm or m oil wifh Ruit . . . reg. 339:95 for *198®® 4 p)a<* Slonlay M»dll»rranman Badfoom Swll* )r> pwan. Tripl* . ' • dran«T w ith mirror,'than, b»d l> nlla iio n d mo-SB9.^5 for ■ V * # 0 - Pair of (uilom 'buill lu it nylon valval iludio banchat. 6 (!■ lon g Matching50"chlnocal»Tnar. i'. . . . . rJg. 38V.95-for *198“®^ 3 plica Modarn Walnut barroom luila, doubla draiMr with , • 2 1 9 - wll^i ilyW>fad foam cuihloni & Hiddan thappard coailari . . mirror 4 drowar chatl la bad rag.)89.00- D'oyhlll Italian Piovincialtelo w ith leat*plU»w «•«! !■ lytli.'C taM ani lOO it«n| Geldar> Avecoila w llh (lu'iwofld lln iik . . . ' reg. 379.95 for *299®* dratiar wllh mirror & bad ...... rag. 393.95 for 1 9 9 Chad lo match . . -...... rag. 169.95 f o r ' l a i . M _ Kroehler Iradilfonol tofa w ith 1Q0% Nylon Night (land to m o K h ...... rag. 89.95 for print, loose p illo w ...... roig. 329:95 for *258“® Saaly 3 /3 Innaitpilng m a llra ii bon tprlrig. 2 piece loonotti Sofa in Avocq^do 100% Tuxetfo Staal froma Si choha of haodboaid . , . . ___ _ rag, 109.95 for Sofa Black V inyl ...... rtag. 2 99.95 for *198““ . Saaly full O' twin tiia butlom fraa m a llra it qr boK t p r in g ...... r.g.49.95 »38- Saaty King «iia innar iprlng m o llra u 1 Box ipring qiilllad complalo « a l...... , . rag. l99.95^or *1 5 8 “ King and Ouaan liia ihaalt, pillovi/ catat, blankali A ipra'od*. Balanca of Invanlory ...... 40%off_ ECONOMY StORE VALUES. . Whlta & Gold Frartch Provlnclol flacat doubla diatiar w llh rnlrrc^r . . tag, 169.95 for *1 2 9 “ '■ Bod davsno & hatching Chair ...... • I 3 8 “ 4 drowar chait ...... 1.0. 7 « .M I« r *5 8 “ Sleeper Sofa Gold twood v ...... 9 9 * * . Singla drauar With m irro r...... lig . U9.«I«,^89“ - 2 Step lablesA a cockMt table Wolnut oil thii* ’. -. . •2 4 “ CAKPET VALUES Factory irreguldr'white &^gold French Provincial Bedroom plecei . Sdiawarnilatldnd ...... : ....« .„., ^49“ 3 drawer choil ...... rog. 89.95 •» 4 " 100% Nylon foam iiecliod carpal. Bliia 3/3 or 4 /6 ipirtdal bad Qroan or Candy i l r i p ...... rag. 7.95 lor •3 .9 5 ., vd 4 drawer choit ...... /. 1. . reg. 79.95— *4 9 " *S4“ 100% Mehawk nylon hoal M l i^a g . .Tripledrouerwithmlr«r ... r«g.'lfl9.95 ’ I38** 3/3 or 4 /6 canopy or pOMar bod ...... „..« .« i,,*7 ft“ Brortio, Oold or AvModo . . . r«g.9,9S •4 .9 5 De«k------. . reg. 109.95 * 5 9 " 100% nylon Hi>low«ui A utKuf dtiifln ^ Beds, Nite ita nd t bnd ether pieces ovailable from regular t(bc|(. . Powdar lo b lt wllh.m lrr^r or d««b...... ' rag. ie.93 b t •68“ tolld l i lw « lo it* colon ...... , • 5 .8 8 .W 3 " thick Kodol thoo il> boaullful docoralor Hl-boclted Kroehler fockeri rog. 89.95 far *48*^ colon, M ild* A tw o lo n o t...... ,r«o..ll.95 •6 .9 9 ., V- , iifcibi o lampt ...... each*8*^ ■ utotM wHb U « dllukuMla '3 piece badrosm lUlla, dreiwr Allh mirror and bad •9 8 “ FREE PARKING IN OUR lOT BEHIND THE HORC

w m r — ------w n L i i i i i t v

r :■ v' I . ' , /'.'I ...... ’News Q f Servic'ieipen Stinda/, June 21, 1970 limts-Nenn, Twin ,Palis, Iteiw >1 ^ , A rm y ' S,' Sgt. icelth A. Army S. Sjt.l H iry R. Hyde, . t>himp«, .S8, M n - o fMm. - I . .. . . J4,____ «on_____ of Mr,______«nd-Mr«..Cecll ...... I ’ ..... - M«r*»ltaS.Pliimpi,Ciireyrha« Hyde. Jerome, - recently — -■^iwImaTlSWnMBSSrMOT^w^^ - tthUe gerving hear'DaNang,/tthlle serving |ti y ie b ^ . . ^VIeUum,_.,______i _ ___ \ He wa» ^reaenled toe award . -Bjti phinipa waa given Uw lor merltorloUB aervloe ln^- ■ award for, merllorloua'aervlce conneptlon with m ilita ry In conneollon 'With military o'peratlonii against hostile r . iperallons against hostile forcos ' in Vlotnam while — '^-‘torn!r7iir=Tri4tif5sr=whnir‘8M iB ii«i^^ ------»aslgned-«8-a-»mmimlcaHorat—teehnlelan—In— • « n te r spfclallst In the W th Trans|)ortaUon Battalion of the Signal Co., «37th S lpal Bat- 1st Cavalry ;Plvlslpn (Alr^ ' . tallon, ; ■ ■ • molillo). . . His wile, Mary, lives ot 1:9) Airm an l.C Larry L. Sevehth Ave. W. Garrlsin, soh of Mr, and .Mrs.- , .. - r ^ ’ . Harold J. Garrison, IV In Falls, ■ Diehard W, Baker, son .of Ison duty at Udom Royal Thai .M fs. M arjorie Ashmead, Air Force Base, Thailand. Fairfield; has been prpmoted to' Ho Is a' communications Army Specialist Fifth aass oqliipmeriTrepalrmah wlth tho while serving near Bao Lof, 1973rd C o m m u n ica tio n s, Vietnam, whore ho Is serving as 'Squadron, a imlt of the A ir a courier with Hqadqunrters Co. Force Commiinlcatlona Service of the JOth Engineer Battalion. SAVE BIG AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT 5H|Ofsvra®n ______muhlcations and ^ air traffic SAVE AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT ON EVERY SHOPPING TRIP! control for the U. S. Air .Force. G, Crumrlno, son of Mrs. Ho Is a 1M7 graduate of Twin Margarot A, Crumrlno, Fails High School and attended Hazolton, Is presently serving the College I of. Southern Idaho. at Tan Nhut AB, Vietnam., . Sgt. Crumrine is . a management analysis specialist. Ho is assigned to &venth . Air Forco hcadquar-' torn for nir oporotlons In SouUioast'Asia, the Far-East and Pacific area. ’ • ‘ ^ScrgcahLCcumrineJs-a .lOfiO*- CRTOER- graduate of Valloy High School, Eden. Before going to Vietnam Marine 2nd U . Michool J. he served at Mnther Air Forco Crydcr, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Base, Calif. * OrJs D. Crydcr, Twin Falls, His . wife, Janet, \ls the rocontly comploM his first stop daughter of Mr. and* Mrs'. toward [becoming a Naval Froncw Utt.Eden. — ttviator-by -BololnB-iR^Navy-Tt— »■'». ■ S'iB Mentor q lrcra ft with Training Squadron One at the — — N n v b l-A ir-S tn tio n r SauHey, Field,-PonsAcola, Flo. ' After completion of primary ------andrfldvornHHUrdlnlngrho-wiU: bcisligiblo for hia Na\7 ‘‘Wings • -o f Gold,” Eakin Navy Ensign .William' C. Stuart, Gooding, is now serving at North Naval Air StaUon, San Capt. William D. Eakin, son Diego, Calif. of M r. and Mrs. E. C. Eakin, Jerome, has been klecoratcd ^ Na_^ Seaman Apprentice j Gary IS. Potoicr, Gooding, is „ i a,oppard presonUy-jcrvlng^in_he-^jj.-p5j^5-^ ; Modltcrraneon aboard the presented USS Harwood. the award for m eritorious scr^co ar'a Ti37-jet-trainer— Navy Petty Officer 2.C aircraft acndomic instructor I?onflld L. L^eria, hpband of apd instructor pilot with -the the former Katliy Kofoed, Twin 3030th Student Squadron at Falls, is scrping oboard the Sheppard.• ' , heavy cruiser USS St. Paul, Ho Is a 1057 graduate of . deployed oh its fiftli cruise In Jerome High School and five years to the Vietnam coast. received his B. S. degree froni — Dlego,-l8-tho-flag8hip-of-the Commander'Crulser*Dicafroyer ■ ------Group, U. S.' Seventh Fleet. u. S. A ir Force Tbchnical Sgt. ------Gary C.’ Bates,~son "Of Mrs; ■ Spec. 4 Larry-G. Burton, soji .Eyjij, BaW. Twin Tails,' Is , of .Mrs. borqthy Burton, serving at Loingley Air Force Rupert, recently received, me RiiHn, Vn.______" \my_Comracndaiion_Mcaai—-Sgti-Balos-ls-a-proouroment-^ • while, serving with the 101st supervisor > with the •Airborne Division (Airmobile) headquarters'squadron section In.Vietnam. of the )500U) Air Base Wing, a He earned the oward for unit of the Tactical Air. Com­ meritorious servlce'os a combat mand *which provides combat correspondent with units tor Mir support of U. 3. Headquarters Co., 2nd Bat* ground forces. tallon of the division’s 327th He is a 1052 graduate of Twin infantry. Falls High School and has previously served at Binh Thuy U. S; Air Force Sgt. Verne E .’ Air Basef “ VanEveTy7~5orr-of-Mr#;-Gon~ '"Btance-A-VanEveryt-Hupcrt,. has arrived for duty at Ft. T w in F a lls —— ~i Stewart, Ga. . _ ' K .- r # — Sgt. VanEvtry, who is a ------T ~ " weather specialist. Is serving News In Brief _ D«t«rQ»fil with DoUclunent ID of the 10th 4 4 « r ■ i Weather Squadron, a unit of the'tho ■ The -Twin Fails chapter of the Brocade Soap D iedoranI N ( k 43' - -Air-Weathei—Service-which—Idaho-WrltorsJ^guo-wilLmcet— -providos weather infominUon '-iit-Spim .fiolilrday in the Idaho, Coffd^ Cheese , "cn;i9“ ,-i .for mUitary flight operaUons.’ Power Co. auditorium. Ilio roU l l ^ t . ! Ho was graduated from Rupert call w ill be answered by Gelatin Salads 3 VoililUi CM. 34' High School in WM and at- original pooma on steeples. I ^ 'l . ^ tended Idaho State CoUege. Alice Woodipy wUl bo leader Qf . lucerne Di^s Vorlall.l CtH. 34' i\ . the meeting. ► • siprnTTSO iiW t , Pototo Salads CM. 69* 3 „ - Charles Smaiai, Twin Fails, BuHermllk Bread S' ;; B ylin tedftess InternaUonai has been admitted to the Twin 30V Breakfast Drink . o « iu k 49- ' TTie first )JogroU.S. senator Falla Clinic Hospital fo r 29« Safeway Aspirin Oroln 'l4 b . was Hiram, n. Ite vj^, elected,-, . Here'8 Proof of Savings With from Mississippi in 1870. 49(1 Skylark Bread U * f 25' Safeway Discount Pricing - Toothpaste r ; r M t l . Skylark Rolls Hr#. 26' Pint itr.; 68' ' 1 » 4 i. StoUh Bel-air Raspberries H f . 35' Frozen Lemonacle Tr«ol 1 0 ' Bel-dTr Strdwberries 2^ ■ Bel-air Creom Pies ’^ 3 1 ' lA ^ I . Bel-air Deluxe Pixzas • . W«MK 78' Swanson Meat Pies 24' W Bel-air Baby llmu Beans r - H , . ' 3.Couri’i ' ' 67' 22 1.uasons M o ilp n bihners «vj,i.,i., n,. - r • LYN W O O D Saleway Dlicount Stares Prell Snampoo In All OI Theae Towiwt ^ ^ - Concentrate ____ 3«ex. BIG SirMNIER Foroiula >>ob<» / # * BlacltfMl nwlnPalli lavoris Mwiliwasli " * Idaho Falls ^Mtif. Hem *' :' brql 14-01. Rigby Ruport , ^ I S A tE *Pay*ltrf'' BurUy ' Anll«»pH<: ....: boH l^ ; M6ntp«ll»i'^ s t a r is z a x a Ooodlno^-"^ M ^ C a p s u l e ^ ;^W «l»i^7V: HI- • i 2-Hour-(>laidl -T 0

WATCH FOR OUR SALE AD- GET r-gATEONAL S^AS^DS AT DBSCOUr T O M 0 R I ^ '■V. ' .... • ...... ';Vl ■flm iZN.wi, Twin P«ll«, Idaho Suncfay, Juna 31, 1»70

' . . V" i- '' :"'V 1. . f f i j ',1 L—- L . ■ I

-h«ck|[niuBd;h«vrloiigoniu(8atalere«Hor their «eMnliigcoi>- propoied SOO-aere jr lie ^ ^ r e the State Parka Board phiiu a new , ueetlon to other “ lo ll water" which conica out ol the Snake park with 'nalurb tralli, camping laclU'tlei, overlook and Hlver Canvo' a Ilanerninn Valley, The tprlnga, pjuijhe sheer rcstroomi. .Malad River Gorge Park

t©_0£fer^S^eenery^Histar^ TUTTLE — A combination of nnd two miles of occcss ronds wheeled wagons sllU arc plainly voro used to build two tjlveralon sconory, history nnd gcoloey will be Included. visible. danis across the river. After *>,Jv vlHU bo nvallnblc for tourists Nnturo. trails arc proposed The old Kelton trading post is 1672 the road was used for f v * - " noni^ Interstate QO when Uio along tho rim with.retaining on the north side of the river, shipment of goods oast as well Vl proposed Malnd Uivcr Gorge - walls for protection. Walla, of Stones from the building lator as w est.. ipark bocomcs a reality.. the canyon arc of sheer Jovo. m m “ icrn site, locnted a The Malnd. aometimcs called mile north ^ the 'IHitti^o com- the shorleat river in mo world, ■ f . s n munity, has been approved by is only«bout four milea long and the State Parks Board nnd THjla aourcc la the convergence of purchase of the land already la the Big and Little Wood rivers. ■ ..C '■ V-^ttle-th«-river-plungea-|—authorlred—nlUiough-no-work- has been done yet, according to- under the railroad and Highway officials of t)]C Magic Valley 25 bridges, swirling over huge Rccreallon-Councll who hove rocks Into a 15d-foot chasm. In a S -1(r-rehll*e—Uie-rllio-spdnBtimc-tbc-rivcr-lajL. dream of a stake part. wild torront, but sometlmea SWmUNG WATER of the Malod river, long' Board. Purchase of the land bas been Camping facilities to ac­ goes almost dry In summer. a (buriit ottractJoD near Tuttie. os Highway U, authorized, but work has.not yet begin at the commodate up to 100 camping The canyon, long a tourist U tli6 focal point of tbe proposed Malad River' site',Mahout a mile north of tbe Tuttle com* units, as well as restrooms, attraction with Its sheer walls Gorge state park, approved by tbe State Parks munity.' -i informotion center vond and falling water, provides overlook areas are planned at opportunity to study .Idaho!^ the top*” of the* canyon • underground water and some overlooking tJie steep Malnd 1,000.000 acre feet , per year of Hijackers Get Rough Treatment Rlvor gorge. Guided tours for lost water re-emerges as MONTREAL (UPI)-Jnstood chairman of the y.S.'delegation tlic history of the organization, naturalists and* phologfnphers springs flow Into the Malad ------canyon, of being treated as heroes, to the emergency assembly on went into its third day of __ ^e rlc a n s who hijack airliners alrl[pe s e ^ lt y convened by the sessttfts Thursday, attended by to got “ bad tr'ca^ent" Iniemationar ~Civ\\ Aviallon - delegates from lID riallons. from the Castro government, Organization.(ICAO) a branch' ^■ Of Americans who haVe salda State Department official- of the. United I^aUons. . ■ hijacked airllncra to Havana, trentmenl ol hijackcra seemed, . ^ ,, q„„.. ,.j|i Frank Loy, U.S. asslstanf The assembly, only the “ not'one wo know of received deputy aecretary of state, Is second emergency meeting in the status he hoped for, that of l: “ on‘S 1 - fte river. >r.n^ hero, or whatever," said Loy. an Issue raised In a pnper “ They received bad treal- presented by the U.S. delcga- HAVE A PROBLEM • News Of Record ment at the-hands of the Ciiban'-Uon-ta-thc-conferencc-Wedncsi- ____ PRQEEBIYJ?____ » government; tlioy wero^ jailed day. > Rtal •tio l* counialing and ax- CASSIA COUNTV Hoyburn, and Ermellnda and so on." chonoing.-C«m Slal* flcally. •‘I don't think we have any Coll Mr. Thwion, 7J3-5336, tsq ya S-JiaekTape PlayersTRAVEL Clerk’s Office Garzo, Burley; Daniel Soto He said this was based bn the criticism of the pres.1,". U y (or appolnlmanl. Mflrrlngo‘_.llcciv»w WQrp Munoz and M ary Martha reports of. 10_hljackcrs who said; - ...... - ' issued to Danny Kay Cheney, Reyes, both .Burley; and By auto/camper/boat/plane/burro.,,j. Burley, and Q7 stal l^ e tte Lawrencc Joseph Carlson and Myers, Em m ett: Dwbyne Kathy Louise Hoffman, both ■ ANYWAY.. .ANYWHERE Y O U GO I —Mlcheal'Unde-ond-Joan-Amesr -Burley,— ^ ------both— Bellingham,__ ^Waah.;_ Steven Michael Johnson, Burley Police Court Burley, and Alice La^oe Robert L. Hlgley, 2fl, 200 W Hunter, Oakley; David Eugene 24th St., Burley, and Cruz Wilson, Paul, and. Sharon Garcia, Jr., 20,1718 MUler Ave., MODEL 314 Margaret Horsley, Burley; Burley, ISO each^ disturbing the Fauatino-. Err\pst Alanls peace. . , iBOrPMGE PACKAGE MODEL401 „,CT $00^5 S-fRACK TAPE PLUS RADIO . . . . . J U b I * ^ TheJ,D500 iERlES-B- _IBAVEUN_THE,BES_1L£QMPANy:iW.IIId^— tO ADER B ACKHOE PARAIHIOUNT'tapesi great a r t is ts i great so u n d s i Features . . .

Net p'noine flywheel hortopoWerf 7 7 :7 - gasolino; 60 Dietel Backhoe dlggino ' depth, maximum 17>ft. Two level backho0 control. Single.lever loader coi^lrpl. Choice o l two tell-tovelino loodor buckets. Swing arooncf jeat. Power Shift tra ni- ftiijiion. Power tleerinQ— p o w ir b'rokoi. flot deck and large fendert:

Hank Thompso’n Roy Clark Salutes Okfahomn YoS'leiikiv Wlii?n , ... ModOl ATM-P49-2 PA B1083 I Wtis. Youm.l PA R io 'li i'

S.flOO BTU \y h ir lp o o l 7.5 ahip. , .... Si Carry it home... Compact air contlitioner ^OBUpiJSTON • Put this llsMwolBltt air conditlonor In your trank and tako SAIES REPRESENTATIVE Installs quickly. It with you • Installation Is fast anti iiasy - no spoclal Sorvftip Plug it into any tools noodod^ Bits most doublo-hung wlhdowsr South Idaho . , .....I^iOMo.SS" • A'liiiiflnum cablnqffaslslj rusV^t adequately wired ' TUberaco " , .Billy Vfluqhn ■ Dulat opnratlon« Porinancnt, wasb'alllll.llltiir.- >h.-733-^1490-. :115-volt-househo1d Mv Most . .. TfuoT^r T w ih F a llr • ■ Rnqiiosli)(l ' PA 81080 'PA 81089,. , . B,eatJriie Heat Tonight*And Sdvc^! -RECOIID

Ay*. Phan* «y8::s;ss' East Main & tn^^lCefchum ,. ,,YM,GA ■■ -ActivitiesT -

XisteH ■ • ^ . ^YMCA BCtlyJtles for the ‘ [ week were announced — ^mFdsyrbyrchBt^nartiattr-

____ meet at. noon on Monday-for ^olMW«TTOnthlyTTO^tlngr- Carfip,. Adventure will get under way again Mopday. Doors will open at 7:30 a'.m. for parents to drop their children ... off dr to register them If they haven't done m plre'ady. > The Judo dub' V ill meet on Tuesday and, • Thursday evenings at 7:30 at Lincoln Schoot. •___ The Smhmer Fun Club wilL T V j i * l hold.its weekly trip on Wed- * * v r i i i nesday and will hike In the South Hills and swim, at Nat- Soo-lPa. H The Guitar for Fun Pass will begin 3 p.m. HiteMday, and thb group piano Instruction will Sonyo.BaDolson, doughtcr of begin 1:30 p.m. Frl^Jay. Mr. arti Mrs. Itobort BaJJoJBon, The Summer Dance Com­ 1410 Olh-'^ve.'E.. will begin mittee w ill meet 2 p.m. Thur­ training J^ino 20 for a carecr as sday to make plans ^or the a'stowartlcss for Pan American summor dance schedult^ Local Air Linen. bands interested In playing are Tlie flve-woek session hold at asked to call the Y office and '■ loavD lnfonnnilun,nbuut dltli* Europpm nigbis from the

^ “unior high and hi„h «hool K « ro u n ? l„"ftc„o h a S o ! youth, who plan to nftond the Junior high cnrnvan trip to 1^ j, CraiOjln In AuausUro asked to Qark College, Portland,

C n U arrromlndod that SS”re "'’" to '^ ° ™omo'^tJr'J ‘Advontoo Education at the corn- period of Camp Adventu™. mencoment cxorclses June M. ------h?8to>!n8JuM ^ should bo she wore |ho tricolors of Franco - madrffTI5inromco-by:noon-^^^,,l,, j AUTOMATIC Krway. _ ceremony because she studied ^ hen ^fgv^p^s ygm Iha tnm iuFLo® country in the American Damages Heritage Program of Northwesti Colleges. ' ^ WASHER Sought In She was one of 38 students _£h applicants to study In Avi){non Crash Suit In Southerri Franco, and In Hero's Iho wnsihor to \nko nil the h ( ^ wcrtir^ooii Paris, from February to Sep- work mjt of your loundnring- Court action was flJed Friday tembOT. Sonya lived with a ' Pormnncnt-Pross cycle fealuroa the in FlfU) District Court by Mr. Frcnch fam ily from whom she cooldown ipray rinsn lo prevent spin* BUY N O W ;.. and, Mrs. James F. Brock for learned about the social sot crensRS, ^ . *■ . Injuries received in hn accident. customs of Franco. Family Two wnsh/spin speeds and IhVoB ONLY Named ,os defendants were living also i^ovldod her the wnah cyclna Irnnt your clathes lust Mark James Rupert, driver of opportunity to perfect her right, from louRh to frngiln fabrlct. the car causing the accident, fluency In the language. She and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert A. studied art, history, French, Rupert, owners of Uie car and international affairs aLa. causing the accident. FYench University. Damages in the amount of Sonya _ traveled ' to various 120,563.00 are being, sought by clUes* bi during her M r.'and Mrs. Brock for lost seven-month stay, visiting, earnings, damages to auto, among others, Slngen, Ger­ EVERY UNIT CARRIES THE FAMOUS GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY WARRANTY medical expenses, expenses of many, tlie slater city of Twin _ fravel, and general damafles for -Eallfi.-She w o sjeceivcd-aon_ their injuries and pain. official gueal of the city bythe Thriftyrfreezerconveiiience! BDIlTilN SOFT- -Mr.-Brock, Twin -Falls,- mayor, a friend of the family. ScU-rleaning! alleges that on Sept. 3, -IDCO, Stores up to 406 ibs.Jrozen foodsT FOOD DfSraSER James Rupert, 'IVb’ Falls, struck Mr. Brock's’ car from • 4 Wsih Cyclii; Dtlly , Improper Turji II.6cu.ft. L o id i. P oll • P e n irC h ln t/- - Low Cost! behind, when his vehicle was Cryatil. Rinit A Hold stopped In obedience to a red I Economy ilak(!(l-(iii (ivnii iirtMsi! -4lght » 3 'U v tl Th6ro*WiBh. Causes Mishap w iihta from all lidei iiiid iiriiiK! .sliiijilv viinislil M r. Brock also alleges that Food Freezer James Rupert was driving the .Homer Hazard .Hooblcf, 71, »-exelualv»-Powftr«Flo- ".,'EItclMijnllyT:linmB-thirTTTOvon . .. ovon sholvcs auto with the owner’s per- was cited at 5:14 p.m. Friday, Keeps food on hand for . . Inner door ... nnd Ihe surfaco unit rclloclDr. mission, and"nnrncgllBcncfl-on-for-making--0n-improiw--lof^ unexpected company, Mr. Rupert’s part l*s the turn and striklng the vehicle of pans hu.'sy days, had weather. responsibility of- the - owners. Judith Kay Reed, police report. M rs, Reed and her two Economical, takeadvnn- F i i o r C 5 .-1 T o f c daughters.wer1ylllip passenger of Mrs. Dlckard's car iiiTJ ” <,11 . and U8lIe*-CliiWbr-_wa8.:a ^ passenger in Mr. Jo|uuon*i car. - -/—

~iSolld,Sl»»Am|)!in»r'------^ S(iiM!sRehianufa(^ ■.dSiiwUdSiiiMSyiWin--— - 7 “* S il1 r fin 6 » M w r c a W ------CampUl* llii(lnM : ■ml illMir ibduj liutalMsn A^laU* .•'Use,|®«rSKn«N,iENT c it ie ir lp ^

401 MAIN AVI. Wil " ^Twin P»lj». lcl«ho 5un^y/Jun» ^ lwo~ Gcflden 6ate^Dpesii’t^WSnt^o~B55^^ — SAN-FRANOSOoUuEHrp^— H ial lttmiiW Uio mo>t »ul- ^p iaijh U kt-lM a slnicture_itoe»ll!UMtiJlkeJt,_-,— ^spandroppeddr«m»UtaUy-l»it_ ' The Golden..•Osto Bridge^jp.ciaon. U has mrpaMed Uio yC reSM ouC Trto mpre lliwi But thehi mo other things year, ' ' - tnrlng very hard hot to b« MtT. ElKol Tower In Pari«. wHIch, that: can- bo dene,-■ Bridgo^-In lS6(hlhere mre SO known; ■ 1 '" .wa«bulltlnlB?9aitdUiiiiihada mouth of the MisflUtlppI River. BultorltlflS are several suicides from the Golden Gate ‘ . Tho span, o ^niid gn May 2«,' 4S-year aUrt, . O n o ^ th of San FVanciBco Bay and the suicide rate from the Bridge: .. 193?, 1« 0 ajmnbol b( man's "The Golden Oalo, Bridge has empties Into thff ocean at the. ' —enalneerlng-genlusr-It-waa-lho-ljocn-tho-Urmlnallt/iuslnlotal bridge; ■"bridge that couli|n’t bo built," least 382 lives and probaM yf Jen and several of hjs. »nd~terTtiBnry°ani~,WBS^thB-|ot j nore.----.------.— i— - -ootleagueBthlnk-a-(efioe;'fihou)d' PICK A SPECIALIST FOR YOUR HEimiHG world'sworiu s lOHKcailongest hmikiusingle span^anh|;uji,-oh. _ ^'f'nio *«iu truo.niroberot h u« , suIcWm bo placed along* th^al^es of the honor tho OoWon Gate lost \n Is considerably grepter/' said bridge as step 'to suicide A» a port of our coijipj*!# hegring old wrvice, offtr ■ IflM to the Vorratano^arrows Dr. Richard H. Solden, a {M'ovontlon. ', ■' a Ire0 audlom«lrk ,(Ail'd)tcl'*hearlno evaluation in our Urldgb In New York. 'Itie Now clinica l' psychologist at tlie IIowovpc, Ddio W.. Luehrlna, oM lrt'br your home. Come in or coll lodoy and firid York structuro monsures 4,2flO University of..Collforhla who tho span's genera) manager, out whol "Comfort ^»ound" by TElEX can do lor you. foot betwoorf Its supports, specializes In sulcldology. snys A suicide barrier would : hosting Its prodocos®i'by 60 “ Tliorft Is a stronrpOsslbl'ity “ require extensive work and fool. ' . that many persons have ruii into onglnobrlng dlfficUK But tliD Golden G(ito still Is ^Jumped from the bridge, been tlo«.f’ Luohring emphasizes that TELEX HEARING AID SERVICE “ the lending location for self- swept out to sea, and tJiclr »9.M olnW ««l, Twip Pfllli, Idaha destruction In tlio wostem deaths unrecorded," he wld. such a barrier might someday Phon< 733-0&0I world.------Tho tidal flow at ebb tide bo a possibility but right, novir ft

A LIFE MEMBER el the Tirla Falls Lions Faler is a post Club Is Paren C. Faler, right; a i be receives his Club anti has hbid life membership eertifieatrof th^clttb^frem'Wr locni'mid'i R. Nutting, president of tho 1 ^ 1 clubT Mr. . Pretty-B oy IMcNwscaster No Ldnger Js TV Must NEW YORK (UPl)-N od ‘‘There's jtist one Uiing—you ’ CalmVr bollevos tho day of stll! have to have hair. A bald pretty*boy television qcwscost'- anchorman, at least one who is ors Is over and the of a' of bald in front of the camcrn, Is . specialized broadcast reporting unthinkable. But otherwise TV has begun. is getting farther and farther ' Calmer la a consideroble away from that." aulhorlly'^ori sFch irtattcrsT ~Calnicr-beliBVC5“tclcvision-is—nnchormen-ofthcrprcscnt-kind' A fter' becoming a foreign in for'more serious chnnges in ore on the way out, tliat they correspondent for the Chicago Its nows prograrns,niirtlcu]arIy will give way to teams of Tribune Paris office, thCn for astospeclalizatlon.Hesnid; specialists, each of whom will ■Tthe JJew York Herald Tribune’s ‘Television news has become -lake- over tho-spot-whcn the __gads_cditlQn. ho turned, to less exploratory and more major emphasis of Uie news is broadcasting, ' a cnreercareer — Imnimmediato—that-could-nlmost-in-his-nren-of-knowledge ...... pursued for 27 years. .* be a motto for tcjevlslbn news. He recently took advnnlage ol Great effort Is being mode to an “ early retirement” prograin give more depth to television ___ 80,JjlLflTOjaifll.Jlo_could give news. Compare television news hirhsolf-tfino-lo-think-^d-tfl with the press; or.rndio^fonthnt write. One result Is "The matter, and you find that Anchorman," a recently pub* television has far less time for Ushed novel about tho business news at its disposal.” ho knows so well. _:_Vait.Fle!d ______“ Telovision nows Is- getting He‘ said that in the effort to farther and farther away from remedy • .television's lock of tho concept of ‘pretty boy' depth, the anchorman may be . newscasters and anchormen," on' his way out. First, he • • he said. “ There was a time defined the anchorman: . when the 'pretty boy* flou* “ Tho anchorman, in ' the rlshed, but I think that day is l^urest sense, is only an over.“ extension of the camera. But an^ ^ Matinee Idol. anchorman can be what he That doesn't mean a matinee wants to make of the jqb-Uint idol profile will disqualify is. Until he runs afoul of Spiro anyone from television broad­ 'A ^e w or the boss of the casting and he pointed out that network or similar hazards some particularly distinguished with.which television newsmcfl. -;^ooklng«-fl8-welH n rin lc n ted*— i _ i. types remain on tho’alr.N, network “ Look at Howard K. Smith," programs aror so complicated he .said. '*He's' a_Very g ^ . _and,;Cover_au^h a ^ a s t field lookUig man. And Eric SoVarold' Control is all In the choice of looks like he ought to have his the news. Frequently the face carved on Mt. Rushmore. anchorman is so'busy with tfie


WHY BUY THREE... WHEK ONE WILL DO THE JOB? the New Twin FaHs, Jerome & GoodMg County . Atlas with Rtiral and City Directory ISW^SCHEDUtED ll will conluhruii ulphiibclirni IIhi of nil rurnl fiimi'. ' _IK «,nr«l lMi;»lnpii»cirin-Bll llirre £ounlh»»i tomnlpin* numRrirol pequoncn H il of

wHl ln»lud« ih» of Twin HilU, Buhl, .Cftilerord* Filer, llnnien, Kimhrrly. ^uMauBhrJerom^rlUMlloAr'KileftrGoodinft^Wfrn’' , dall, llaB«rman omi niiM. Revl.ed jnnpn of ail >x- , Ullng rural roulei will be in Ihn new dlrcclory. A iJMpAtrn edmliulertied i^siem will b» employed lo ailur«grealeit,poiiib1»ae^ / |merlcsihl)evelopmentCdrp^ w PubltiHari of Dlr£clorl«» in. > IdahbrW djhlnjgton A Oi^«0on 4 Celebration M a r k e t • HUPEBT - Western We«r Xarry HaliteadP iiTde^SBsff^fliioiriraiSiSrtiia^iiiarTm -fiita-iism beg|iia(;«i30:Prm'.'^«acl|.nltiht, -^Day5JiiJRupert,-»che------f-. ■ ^—:■ ______/ residents' of the county HW chalrm aitnfhirlrB Tatlablrior—Band—aall-baVe TCHyv-OtherMollow-the-dlnner-andHwograni,-lhellnal-nlghtotlha.event.'!nia_Jl|ll_lls_Bob^«m!liirs ol ■ I , aslred-to-Wear-al^loast three—glva-advloe-or-to-aasUt-wlth—attracllonsJncludo1 the ELKorah—wUl.b«.iirovldedELKorah—WUl. bv.the Melody Blrl chosen queen will reign'Pendleton, Ore. downs will bo \ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ articles ol western apparel. plannbigorconstructbigafloat. In colorful Shrine .Mastoin Dand of Twin Falls...... ^ e T tHniWI~Rupert RoJeoT-Ray Moser of .Ogden,-UlaMand— ^ ’ ^ ' ^ * Relgnlng over this year's rodeo Tim Oyier of Pocatello, Plans are being made to have a Henry BreatesI Is in charge of costume, the nowly organlxed For the first time this year. to prepare fresh fruits and will be Vlckl Kent, daughter of Parl^nutuel horse races are SUN VAIJLEV - "A now vigilante commlttoeanlorco the Judging. . Cassia-Dolu) civic band, several family rates are o lh r ^ f o r the opportunity is opening for the vegetables so they, can bo -western wear edict, according Prizes will be awarded to drill teams and mounted possoo Jamboree to encourage parents Mr. and M rs. B ill Kent, aphedulod at ^he Minidoka S t y Fair Grounds JiUv M at >>ii«lneM, that o f ' delivered ready to eafc^ to Richard Maggard, Mer­ wlmiers, with Judging to be on . groups. I« bring their entire famlUos, Acequla. " ■-*- the bash] o f-io per cent for Among the first events of the The family ticket, which seibi The first night ol. the rodeo r n ...... m da lv ' supplying a ntw Institutional ■ "Wp mu« not aUow our chants Committee chairman. t p. III. UUUy. > mnvVntmarket Into nn’liu.caitor U> tknthe In-ln« ('AmnflfIncompetitors to Istake lfA new originality, 30 per cent' for celebration will be tlie annual for tO, entitles all. members of jvlU be Kid's Night, when nil , .Among the feature races will . Rupert's annual celebration creasing proparod food customers and funds away ler Chuck -Wagon Jamboree one family to attend both the chlldrenunderl2years oldw iil. be the Cassia-Doka Quar- will Include the Fourth ol July presentation of theme, 20 demand," Jack Davis, said here Uirotigh better production .and 20 Saturday, Juno 27, In Rupert's- dinner and dance. be admitted free if ac- terhorse F utgrlty and the parndo, scheduled to got under cent for artistic effect, marketing practices," he said. per cent for general appeal. civic' gym. Barbecuo,. beans. conipsnled by parents. . ' Valley livestock Two-Vcar-OId Saturday morning. way at 11 a. m. I 4. "H ils Is Candidates for the Rodeo The prealdont of the United Tlio speaker warned growers . Grand prlie of $50 will bo , apple pie and coffee will be Queen title, Eves Bryngehwn A new addition to thla year'a Thoroughbred Futurlty< My America" Is I themo of Prcsh F ru it and Vegetable and shippers to ship only the given for the best over-all float, served fromsto 8:30p. m. Hell. Carllyn Colo Debbio Gittlns, rodeo"will bo a trick roping and Inland .Emplfe'Camlval Will the parade. Organizations and ApodtUon, Washington, D.C., best g r^ e ond sizes of pcoduco In addlUon, there wUI be a IIS Houfliurg ol Twin Falls will Pmm Jenkins, Connie Van- riding act by Francisco Zamora set up In downtown Rupert July businesses entering floats In the Mr. DavU oddressod the con* Into the fresh market. first prize and >10 second prize servo as master of ceremonies devor and Tina Dells, will be of Tijouna, Mexico. Other 1, with SDOcial fomllv------' parade are o(iked to toUonLOlli eluding sosjion of the Idaho Also spoakijig at tho con- In .each of fSur categories — for a program, which will In- Introduced, and pooplo at- featurespf the rodeo, which w ill feature theme. ' ■ Growers Slilppors Association dudtag session was Phoenix convention &t. the resort' attorney, Cavett Robert, con­ ^'Hie outlook for the new sidered one of the leading produce outlet may be brighter speakers In the field et human Shotgun Wedding than the retail m arket,"' ho engineering and motivation. He said, ''because .of the proijosod said the greatest business Increase In expenditures for assets la for an Individual to Planned At Btihl food by 1080." Ho predicted love'what ho Is doing. those expendJturcs will bcrcoso' "W e are In the people BUHL - Sidewalk sales will sponsored by----- the City of. Buhl Tlmo|.News, Twin Falls.Idaho Sunday,' Juno al, 1970 by 76 per cent by the next business and people are per- 6sn6aiiirrir ny BuiitTimi cimiffii' -ilocado_becfluse _ more ^ people Biuidcd more with tho depth ol to kick off the annual Sagebrush Commerce will be held arouitd wlU be eating out. convictrons than the hel^t:OI Days celebration hero July 2 lO p. m. ot the elementary ' To' cater, to the Institutl&nal logicV ho noted. . ■ and 3, Willy Price and Jerry school playground area. market, facilities wjll be needed The Idaho group w ill hold Its Knster, general chairmen, A western dance w ill ahio bo Signal To Wagon Trek From Challis To 43rd oiiniTal meeting al Sun report. held ot 10 p. m. at the Jayceo Valley Juno 0-13.1971. ' On July 3 there w ill be an old- hall with music provided by thd Be O ff On Fund Drive Bonilo Iniming, secretary. fashioned shot-gun wedding In Walden Brothers. Salmon To Relive Old West United Fresh F ru it ond the downtown buslnoBs district Highlighting the celebration rw i Success In Vegetable Association, at 1 p. m. ond that evening-a will be the rodeo performance 1 .T . 9 tr6 6 t CHAIXIS-navorofthoOld Washington, D.C., spoke teenage dance will bo held ot otSp.m July 3 and 4 at the Buhl West w ill be relived In practical ..FVlday.^ . the Buhl high school- gym. rodeo arena. The now Miss Tho traffic signal at Shoshone faaliloh during the eighth an- Shbshone Mr. Imming and Alan Rains, ‘ nasium. MUSIC n kvenue^ul ■Wagon by the "Lost Generation." Princess will bo crowned at the West will be turned off Wed­ TYek from Challis to Salmon SHOSHONE - Final returns a s s o c ia tio n , discussed final performance of the rodeo. On the Fourth of July ac­ nesday, and wilt be' off until July W . for Salmon River In Uncoln,County for the Idaho- production -and marketing tivities will begin at 11 a. m. Friday. Stop signs will bo bays.. Crippled Children Eaator Seal cHmoto> the 70's M d followed -»llh.tha.paoiiln, fillli «reot(^-whr _ _ ■ _ 1 ' ~ fiAMMy nmnimfwi M tholr> rOTflrks with a barbiicue at Eastman park. At 3 4. announced Howard Johnson, 0:30 a’m. July 2, parade main MrSj Frank Steams, Shoshone, presentation p. m.'the board Judging contest Patriotic ^district 'engineer for the street there and proceed down county trustee for tho society, c o ^ e n t^ ,...... will be held ‘ Imd children's ^ ■ Departmont of Highways. _ 1896 Fete Guides river to Sahnon. Rost stops, reports. M*"* Inim ing noted that gomes will aUo ^ held at that - n r — Ihe-Higiiwiy—Efopadaent lunch-stoprand-ovemight-altes-r-M rg rSteams-gnld-thltrlB-nn “ L e In-EbslmSi'-pnrk.' and the a ty of Twbi FolU are T i l i . A 1 1 • all have been arranged, reports increase over lost year. ' • outlets only account for annual fireworks dlsplihc ■m remodeling the signal ^n- FlaHS At AlDlOIl John A..Gay, publicity chair- Proceeds from the sales of 'about ten per cent of the toUl For Parade stallation to bring It up to man. - Easter Seals cannot hope to store sales, they account, for •present engineering standards. a i b io n - An arUcle In the "The day wlU boaln with a flag wmpiovciy proviae au mai is noeaea ai me " T " Candidate SHOSHONE-Entries In the ProJoct will ‘ncludo now Cassia County Times dated ^uly ceremony on tho old Albion C s c ih ^ o r ”" ^ f July 4 celebrotlon parade here 3, W96, giving loformatlon on Campus foUowcA by opening ordef^o^^^^ ll»» nnS business la whether or not tHe Should follow the patriotic Don tw o lk "U g h ts .ta v e h ld ^ that year's celebraUon U being -exeklses In the city park, using t o X S K ^ f e u S to pickup our Unh\jrtAs^ thcnier-report8-^hiimbci-»8bU.for-Ach-dirccUon-and-a-u,ed-BS-a-guideline-in-plannlng-o-patrloUo-thome-and-honor«l-Sg^“ ;ei^^^^^ president, Dennlo Everett. "» » ...... tho ; 107o‘ Fourth . of July guests will bo parUclpants. i X m S rta S o rt» t |S I“ “ Wversshouiauso wtro onco ccFobrVti^n at'/Jblon.'' ’ ni«s" and conto'iuTf’ all Car Rolls each year where additional remember Uthojimnipotentlol ^HOSHO^ Win.™ , IVammel, Shoshone, .cscapcd 1770 to 1070". People hi th o : reportod'the schedule of events the city park. r ^ „ „ h J in ^ ------"WWllllOUt—Inlnrv^bntrhhl—lOM—n*BltVMmltirnraT,oVi»ltnhmnm, ltliout-|n)ury~bBtThhi—106«—c(immunltyTiro asked to boTniro—------OuTficlclliCS------“n.------TI,»-Dnnrtm.n.n-t durlnrirtownwlde-mcotlng at— rTho-PonderonaXltUffTheatrr: from___ ja quilt. qUilt.------^------attract everyone on the trahi. A Over the years the club has vtronment, labor managementlagement Dodge car was demolished to oy their flags. | the Grange Hall. will pre^nt four presentations, relations, and consumerbmi, as when It overturned three m iles' . . > rir.'S " MThn?ZoT 7 oi att^actron- will a aTou't | 5,000 -through r«lat WEISEH (UPI) - A young _ ___ as the perennial north of Shoshono on U.S. high- . Prizes for the parade w ill beta Boto m 'iiician Vlvlan"skea“n.”, C t o S 'c u a r d m th U S “ T ^ c T r ' * * ' ' way 03.' 13,12 an(J...... ^jdai'ihanta Is also given problems," Mr. Rains pointed « contestonts to P U n i H O l O S Roaring G ulch/' TOo play w ill aCovalry-Horss X - H o 7 ^ i Inta fullfu i aOvU v il Wfir_War theu,j camo Ffco_OlrU._thelr _<>“*■ — HierlK-Hiomns-Gonnerr-who-ircategorlei^tegorleF^Judglng-wlU-bo-on— _ _ the~lirdre8~dl9fSt6H~flf TWr ------— : r ------be presented-during-the-flf--^.. hivestlgated,.sald the car hit an originality,AcfntnnlUv mnetmost imilaiinlunusual andnnH. .. .. __... 1 * • . . ______i ___ i_- uniform on BUira diity. ioaderi Mrs. nobertnflMkni;~''f“ '®“ <'‘'" “' l ” “ National Oldtime. FTddlcrs con­ ternoon and evening. All riders and horsa-drawn Shoshone, and. a group of tban “ overproduction and oil slick ond tho driver lost best depletion ol tho parade test. ' I ' Readiiig The Blackfoot Parachute control, turning sidewise and theme. vehicle owners are bivlted. children from St. James F;mirio."a';rworcome“‘= S Z ilc a 'S A o id l^ aVd-goaThST^ll'tS; nipped,-l«ndlng-on-ltS:^top^^ , ^ 1 „ , . . About six rods of fence was tom Al»> pitaos of »10, $7.60 and »S ------^TAliES- TH A If(raG _ _ Program ShlrSdSln^i. is plenty- of-room tor-of,rLX~Mr“-H™ ^ ‘"e , , , down. ■ .will bo given lor tho be^ throe SHOSHONE - Bruce L. chlldrento onjoythotralnonlta DeWitt.forthoholptheygoveIn '?!“ If' scenic roufcdown the Salmon “ e illy sales and special laws on the -»"■ 'Hio slick was caused by raUi Ocats. bi tho parade made by iVCm ••iaUlAlWfl A A- ...... ' 'T s n r BnrtnfinmnawsaiRt-T*udr*nTiHV«r-und^ ------river canvo)>. Motor vehiclea w J ijc U to'raise m o iie v V '" . a^cullural-farm oil haj worked to'the surface. p a rU c ip a ^ l n * ^ ^ r a l ^ 1970 summer reading program Fiddlers wlU^U^hteVtibi’with-old entertain with ..™llenl.r«t« M r. Trammel la th e . Activities for the day will ------'-""BoagltflHouso- vri^ atthe Buhl puUlc^brary’which ttaihuios. AsquarolncewlU Republican candidate for b e ^ about noon with a riding Uncoln County Assessor this dub Jamboree ■ and fb-oworks Brigade at Camp Pendleton, - ^fchTSoS the Center. Hio ultimate goal Is a t o k aUey hold-up. faU. set for the evenbig. Calif. to help more children who have AssoclaUon, accordtag to Mrs. paubig trar ipeech and hearingproblems.".hearing.problems. . • 1 Al Karalqlf, head librarian. Some ot the Wagon broUi ^Memoriri^^f^ay^ben«de ^ iV llS tia p S

school through Junior high, la throughout tho. (hiy. ^ mall to Mrs. Harry (Roka) J provided a map showing tho of a-hanging, a bank robbery stoner, Shoshone, M emorial l i e p O r i e a . western half of tho United and at least one bloody shoot- chainnan, or to the Funeral _ . States from the Mississippi , Get Awards out. Tbo hangbig will be per- Director. A receipt is sent to the A f river to the Pacific Ocean. As smsHnw ™ 'o™"* >" 1 ^ 1 county (jonbr and a notice U given to I \ U p c r i . the reader completes a per­ ofM r _____IheJamllywhenltlsused asa tinent book, a sticker U plocod of Mr. and Mrs. a i Hess, Sr., n is rumored there wUlTie an Memorial. ------^ ^ ------on tho map and the name ot tho Shoshone and Carmen^ Jtad- i „ a i „ «)rtietbne Friday S?,. steams thanks aU who RUPERT — Two minor ac­ cidents were Investigated book Is entered on the rovors ] the ' in' '“'P®*' year '“""pal*" Friday by State Pabrolman side. Many student; have received scholarships at the ^ | „ a bonBre Dean Holloway. ah^ady begun their reading for College of Idaho awards: con- ^ j i n l * t , entortaUmierttlienaimnem andana ^ ivorrjKerry u.J. lujHarris, IS, Route 1, -Jhe summer. vocatlonr^^------aroi»-: ' “ ...... cited .for failure to . Acceptable bboks have been i—nio-traln-wlll -Ir ln n n n P - Ilf ______DQcIq, Was clt MUs Haddock received a C. . ef way after the" marked with 7mld star fer «« ved a C. -Ja^rdo Sitaonn it mabi street, at yield IhTHght 1089 DOdge he-w turdrlvlng Identification 1 Foundation scheiarship, and ^ collided with-a-IOM Rambler-- noted that Helen Markley Miller Ross racelved a Calvin C. and Of Ijmpprts” statlonwogon driven by Dora books of junior fjcUon on Idaho Fannie Cobb schohirahlpr------COOKOUT-IIELD -Veneman;W, Route IrHwbum ,— are particularly recommended. , BUHL - Members of the at the bitenectlon of Hli^ways Library hours are S;M p. DiscHarg^H GETS ALL A’s Magic Valley Radiological 30 N Md SOS near the K-Dell, oh to S p. m. Monday through JEROME — Dannis ^f. Technicians were feted at a the e u l edge of Burley. FVIday and 2:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. Adamson, son ol M r. and Mrs. cookout hosted by technicionsWASHINGTON ol (U P fl-T lie m. on Saturday. Evenbig hours Warren Adamson, has received st. Benedict's HospitalN lion ol admbilslratlon has fired are 7 p. m. . to D p. m. on straight A's for the third Jerome. During the busbieas an ... outspoken .. advocate ol Patrolman Hollowoy_ssld Tuesday, Wednesday abd quarter at tha University of mooting reports were given on bnport resWctlons on the. Harris had slopped at the slop 'Ihursday. Utah, Salt Lake City, the May convention In McCall, virtual eve of talks with sign, but did not sea the sp- Japanese h-ado offlilals.. proschlns Rambler. -Damage Assistant Commerce Secreta­ was set a t , ^ to the Rambler U.S. Skating Champions To ry Kenneth N. DavU Jr. was and MM U the Dodge. Hiere ousted Friday after expressing were' no InJUjJes. his "owii personal views" thst Sharon. L. Ij'ons, IB, F tir- Appear At Opening S.y. Show conflicted with the White House fleld, CaUf., a lu ^ p e d b iji^ on a bill to resbict bnports of at tJO p. m. Friday when I SUN VALLEV - The 1070 moved'______to the senior__ division______In tho World Championship .ilonshlpft. for —the- appanl, textiles and j j s , ^ . lost control of her ear .on In- United Stales NaUonal P a in Ice lOU, >Jlmibig thf Pacific Coast third year. They placed, flfUi In ■ ™ lUm. taraUla ai), one mlla east o( (katlng. champions, JoJo Senior Pairs____ Championship____ ^ _____^ the ^ world competition at A '• * " Burley. Hie vehicle went bilo Starbuckand Shelly, both which. . . qualified . . . . .them . for. ..the Ljubi ana, Yugoslavia ■ In K U c M A l^ and Trade Mbilstm tha center divider, resulthig to IB, w ill be featured attractions United States National March, Ken placed eighth In the KUcW »%aiawa, ^ v e « bi I3M damage. - for the openbig night o(. the O ^ p lo n s lilp that year, men’a division during the same Washtarton. Sunday to resume annual Bun Valley figure UUon. dlscussfonsofp skatbig club’s show, July 4, Th«r OlynSgSSworW 'niIntu that “ ]3tar**Ui“o'world compeUUon, <7 ^ C ilr P l^ n a O ff ■how w ill run'through Aug. 13.1. year, w ith ltt competitionscom petltlona at the “ uplo skatod In an States (..a r f lIp S i ll f _ Scheduled la_apfiearj«Jil4_atenol)IeLand__Worlds^at-lemaUonal lour whiQh ■ ^ Japan arfrfar apart. p.m. July 4 at the Sun Volley Geneva. - . Ausb^a, Germany, SmJI Higliwigy?93 rink, the i^b'ha d bew iktUhg - In 19W, the couple « u named France,. England,' Denmark; togetUer ib u » they wer« nbw -Paelflo Ouist Paira Champions' Cieoh9slava.kli,_^G;Mt. Qer Cfinnci'Sel ------Insbucted for i aacond time, and were--many, and-Russla:— ------FTfarmeii^afflMiaidlllltMtJiBl l ^ ^ — For-lha^ o u s th -iu e e ^ v e ^ l. _ U and have North American Championship yaar. eacn receivea^t»Fb«iur-Tria--b^heldi^t-l]y-Xbii^ n -; Artlo Blades and tha'IBM UnltW ■States. McMbrn'IVophyforlhe''Skater Grange h^J^M dw night - to taidertha t______Figure.' Skatinginj . Cllib,___ _ Nallon»Ui(-11i*y_MceIwd the------eJtha, y— w . .” ' . . ■ ^ ------hiinor of Father'a . Day.•y . _E«*Each /State/I IV U w ( t jia £ ^ 8a t i i i ^ pSnrammmfT'OsIKbmliL alnce dnlyritandlmi ovitlori .to-the ThaywUlhaoonmeUiigtetho .OrangeLWember^ U asked to H|a v e U i^ Ml>«:,|b|y ll r . m ■ PaWDIvtaonatthelBWWotlili Wtoter OlmplcslIn atJirtogaltaauiand^Boiiai^ , . IliaOerritoaOaUeg^atudenia Championship at Cal«ra& Bappora,, Japan, wtiera they “ P 'f.I’JS j!?*'. praeUM ibi houn a' dky. d r. flpctagi.-'; r . ■ hop* to wbt another medal for «e*f WH ta funU b ai daya .% e ek. u a tea United Stotea. ■ , ta v *. wen to every llnitad .SUtai naUonala . _ 1..' S siaea'lkqr'weM'l yt I s Twin FbIIi i Idaho- ■ Sunday, 1970

By.FREDBAI .rtrenttrln ine Mediterranean. controlled Btraiti'Unking liio;counlrS«maintain co TIve yoari, y6r the a ^ n d five-' leaa 'duty' on BriUah ,goods^ d nW tiilaha wKfcH, agreement which would'.eive •A Tito crowding of Russian Mediterranean and Black Ma«, Uon thhough London was your phase, Britain wantwi to in)poried b the WiHaTKan on: could be used fo r Soviet vessels further rigKfs VALBTf. ino c ru w u iiiK meuiwrranean anu diuuh aoiuit uon .uiri,..|^. , r ------. ------. - • ---- , / At^>mni|][a „AV0 i.flns8ols la ln(nInto Ihntho wntArWlbVwaten»6y Wwasjm ' "ini i f f MmiA«tipfjes IhAthe n number iim lu ii* nt of nil oil . fi.InniinlAadequate In- for II theiria I x fn rather ()iA .> ' rAVflritftreverse UlDtho .fAHnilln.iforttjula. MllltAMalta DTfldUCblpr^ucta frOm'Othfirfrom'other CAUntHOflicountrl<^ pfOOai and privileges in MaJtfij. H ie Soviet (lag c«n be iieen _ lourcM M ld^tl^ ___wUh.grojs!ng remiUHty otf Uie recflrttly highlighted by a other foreign naval vessels meager exchanges In trade and reiusod tlie of(er and no During his' Maltese visit, -TurkjBhTovemment-report-op .fcomblned. — ------r*culhirer------^------sr— oompromlw-has-boon-reached., Smlmovsky did not ^publicly also luggesled Riu!|)ii bulld a -Uw~numba^^U^vict-flM|W^MlfchttU^mlrnttvAky^3^ Qnt nHtnln'p ?WVyeaiMild.tlcs— Brltaln-alM-decld6d-to-8kip^mcntlon.MWlbK§9pyiS?'— cement factory in Malta since tli^ U n y , Bun-washod ThruiifR i M s f lit r . -which—gel—lla ^lr " Bfourii the non»resldont nmtossador to wlUi Malta wem to bo Malta's Julv lntomatlonal trade clal asslstanco to Malta. Bu^tl Dardunfllos Stral cement—from-^-Russifl. -H iIs- from Britain six years ago, la • In JM9. 'M a lta (also ambassador u> weakening. Thtr two couniriod ' fair, on S m i II hdd boeiT~Bald he wanted a better deal- -SArETY^ERVlCI^ Turkey sold Russia sent 203 Britain),.. recently mado a rare ore currently locked in a ■'^rtlclpatlng'iM rtjclpatlng In sisince . Its trade and culturere with Malta. ..would ^ve'the Sovieta a chance heling the push-dlplomatic as to bring ezpoerts,' engineers, Mell 4» naval—of Soviet in- ships Uirough the Turkish- visit .— ta_ thiD Medlterrapean...______financial______dispute______and. Malta_ inception a dcfcado ------In At------present,- tiwj Soviel'------Union- . ^ - ■ ' , , Island seeking ixpandod trade juiys Britain owes It $56.2 stepped tlienusslans. oxporta I3W.000 In goods to and other w orker . Into tte jiDd .cultural relations. million under Uio 10G4 agree- Soviet officiala announced this Malta against |M ,400 received M^terranean island, they ¥ r ^ * A ' n r ^ " Last year,'Smlmovsky asked mcnt which made Malta , month they will send a pavilion . in Imports fi'omsaid. the Island. l / . C l - C £ I f < | I C " Prime Minlstior Giorgio Bdrg Inilopendbnl. to tljo fair this yoar-for,tlie Tlie. Soviet almssadorThe_ Soviet also Union, which .Ollvlor to grant Russia resident In accordance with the 10- first time. expressed tho desirealready for uses mdre Malta’s dryddck- Idaho Stall inip«(ll«n $IoII«h | ) ambassadorial status. Ollvlor year agreomont, Britain has Brntaln was criticized for tlto. Russian tourlsta tq,visitIng' taclUtles Malta, tor commercial . ' • Motor Tunt-up • Broktt TJ7N. Charter Signmg refused. The Maltose leader boon giving Malta a sum of movo* In Maltose trado circles. Diplomatic soiircess h liiittm said d this m o ^ retit or repah', . Alionmtnl • SolotKino told the RusslaniTthd present money on a 7&-2&. per cent Britain Is one of Malta’s main could mean tl)o Is Soviet ah»aalHu Union be presshig tor a 417 Main E. 739-8313 SAN FRANCISCO (UPD— rovorod the sessions tor Ulo old arrangement whithereby the I lOT‘ gront-loan basis tor the past export ...... markela jand there Is wanted to...... open a .tourist ofllce Sovlet-Maltese navigation Twenly-flvo years ago, while Intornailonal News Service. A the United Stales sUUuionrncd 'brlHtant diplomat named 'Alger President Franklin D. Roose-. Hiss was secretary general of volt and'B29 bombers poundciiaK«ii 'rwin T?niin date are number 60 In the dratt “ i K L t ^ d t ^

In - iiu 'i Ihi. Btrim iriir-for— l" - -«nglnMrtag_nL CaUtomla-

Harold Brown presided at the Japanesesurrendcrod to Ameri­ annual Caltech • com­ can troops. mencement,-. Mr. Marshall is a In lOfiO' the start of the graduate of Twin Falls High. Chinesc^nusslon ideological Spilt on " tonunuhtotr was voiced. Premier Khrushchev of Russls said^at a Communist party congress, "Under present conditions, war with capitalistic nations is not Inevitable. The Red Chinese delegate replied, “ War is inevitable os long as western Imperialism exists." In 1 ^ ..Giovanni Battista Cardinal Montini was elected pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. He chose the name — Pope Paul VI. In .1905 President J o lin ^ 'sii'ned a pi.7 billion Income tax ■ biU. WARBERG’S A thought fOr the day: British scientist Havelock Ellis said, MOVIHdt. STORAGE "A mnn must npt'swallow more Coll your IocqI ' beliefs than he can digest." afl*hl 733.7371 ■ ANY WAY YOU LOOV: AT IT ISHOPPIMG BRiilWAYi I MtlNTSm SAVIMCt ■ ^ I M P J t Q V j ^ R DECOR , ^.H| K T -WITH ''^Asy^rd:'cfe4W*— ' Sunday, Jun* 31, ' Tlm.wNtvm, iTwIn Palli# icUhp ^7

CryUlcr PiniahcB F o iiT ’i h 'I n M e e t Boise Sweeps 2 Firt>m Borowiak Champ Nips COT ORANGE -»Seoll.Crj— . :» 2 r « te Twin Falls 5-1, 4-3-- Eirfif Timf^ Tn T ' itivUrt)"nr' ’''ItrflckeM ■ meet GemB-jump^i-on-l-fourth when- Kenl WIckliam ------^-B y -M IU IY HQVEY. : *' ■ • ^ sntui'drty night, ckorlIng 10 foW ------Wnchojhfor-lho-sJteorond'fltralght- thoTwin Falls l:oglon to«m for ‘airidod and kcvilT~>felsori 'Tennis K'ine^ tlmei'Newi Sportc Editor' " ■ two big innings,-one In each tripled hl(n homo., . Rambling around. Tliri event uinn won hv Dick 8"""’ Saturday night,'"and rode . But in tho'tlfth, two bit bat- _ Npto Stbphons, tho 640 Cal Claims Team Grown ' njillsbnck at 17-1 Two otlier ^ amen and a fielder's choice that '‘''TY “ potontlol au-Amorlcan who des'm'olnes, Iowa (UPD— champlonslilp since 1022. Swenson, who ran 1:40.3, more IdihbansworelnuieSt^'^^^ doubleheadiir sweep. retired no one loaded tho bosos. UCU'sJcllBorowiak.a lacking spent one year hero ot College. V e n Z Z S o l u s ' S S • T""" “ '"y® '» »<=“'>" Gary Goble bounced a single wlU, a vn^^gam c, defeated ' of Soutlicm Idaho and another Ralph Manii ot Brigham Young The Golden Bears scored 40 than one scdond under his Ihe'L A Stridors winnlna the l>o»Hng the Boise tiirough the in-drawn Twin , Stanford-^shmnn R o k o c , wltlijn-stwhUo CSI coach Eddie shaved 0 half a second off the 'points, .winning'thO' 440;yord previous boat., MO-vnrdVfin aSd ilm “ doubleheader Falls Intlold to plate two riShs. Tanner In stralBlil sets Saturday Sutton at Crolghton, has taken world record in the 445-yord ■ relay and finishing second |n UCLA won tlic mile relay jn BOI^yard run and Jim Dlals"■ Boise took a quick leod In tlio young Rick .Wentworth getting - Tile UCLA ace, despite fre­ othors that weren't^ great.' Collett 40.2. O v t ‘ i - I ’ a f l r e c ; - In IMccl ' 'first inning of tho oponor when Into trouble wlUi twj) walks and quent .(Imihle fnulU on service, 4-0 Shutout "I' got Wm between tlio 1 u u r i , b . For somo- of us^'oldtlmo" ORANGE, Cnllf. (UPD- Gary. Goblo walked and, two fniKhg down when trying to pick took commmil onrly in (he Cowboy tons, hero^sone. Dennis ^ „ seventh and eiglith hurdles," j -jr _ J W i i i Sonaatlonnl Clii Clicne Qf Qiita Inter, Ron Goblp'singled , upnbunt.Tlmtlondcd the bases match played In ao '^cliool in Southcm Callfor^ Qnd slnglcU to opcn 0 four-fun women’s • worljl ™cor°d, .and SavagcTaUcs Twln Falls got one back In Uie Pl“ y»d a potent serve and kept might bo rememborod as tho P nia.-and Mann raid he had seventh inning Hint wns hifih-„ Italy’s iiaiys Frnncoki j-mnceijco10 Arese-upseiArese-'Upset m * /..! second when Vic Wells lived on his younger opponent off balance sljortstop for tho IMfl Cowboys. Fregosl drove nevetf beaten Collett before. lighted by Wllllo McCovey’s Chuck LnBenz In 4:02.2 In tho iV la lD O r O ^ 1 ) 0 a two-base'error ond scored on WiUi backhand smashes down — “ ond 220-yard dashes, wnS wh" lm» now won r McClaln’wlUi ...... ' a hit. Twin -Falls ' ‘“ "fly...... »nd had to Uko much of tho NCAA baseball chom- ninth, win against five lojses, kissed his hand, loaned over kS volcti tlio a^l'elo of liio moe'l. »uto race, gunned his -all--all* Chance to* U ^ ir the steam off — his second offSrtj’. Blit the Anfffil BOUthnaW needed and nnttfid Ihn Tnrtnn trnck. - v.u«y iv»» u> m u ______i ______• Amor/>nn rnr n« team tflom . Ply- Plu. '«“ 1* “ o«iunv« W hu m uiu *

During the AngoIs''three*run 100 D sprln_ like he was runnino the - A1 Gnllngher’i Slate who was „ " “ n v.u.nv,, .i.a ond Wlckhm. of tho^Maglc Valley Cowboys. rally in tho eightli, Milwaukee yard'dash. ft was not until the „rou,f(ioyt seeking...... ^ to go _ under___ four___ American racing „ team boss, . 400 000 0-4 3 1 side Ujo basollno. uw « "You talk about controlling manager Dave Bristol was last 100 yards that Mann pulled pgrrv' who struck out 14 for- niinutes for the fourtli straight oyer Ip Zandvport, Hoolnd, for Tjjjfnpana olO 200 0—3 2 2 Bbrowfak had his servo Bro^ players. USC has more kWs on ojpctod by first base umpire even and passed him. Mann s his performance of the ' leekend. LaBcnz was second in f*ormuia One race, the young Hamilton. Went-' socond sot, but j tho string than the Atlar^a Jim Odum for iirguing too time also surpassed Uie.NCAA e*-motorcycle champ had a „ f i i , (L), Sturgill (4),Greves 0 scrambled back both times to Bravos,” Roebuck said, ‘"niey strongly on a called strike. Dick Railsbnck and Sam record fast lap of 103.1 miles „„d Wickham, regain It and won tho sot, 9*7. must have 100 baseball Caruthcrs eaclt went 17 feet, I per hour, well ahead of the _ whenTannorburlcdhisforohand MIlwaukM CslMsntI* 0' his'■career.,'. scholarships.” inch in the pole vault but track record of 100.04 mph set K e c o rd - ls r e n k in g shotinto tho'not. Taiinor broke H»rptr lb .... _____ .... Oregon’s .Stove Prefontalne, "Somob^y sal down and M»a*n 1 0 0 0 R ipoi r l ] 1 I 0 Railsback, former UCLA stand­ 'servico in ' the first and fifth ■figured out a Southern Cal triple U v a g t ph 0 0 0 0 FrtQDW ** 4 1 W the three-mile winner, and out, was declared Uie winner on Medirpa'!'’ T im e N ol Good Francona lb I 0 0 0 Jonnun II 4 0 0 0 . 110«'04 f' 1 J ? I Crtnipnell Jt> i 1 2 0 games after Borowiak cominlt^; A toom. I mean a tcAm of kids Hrihbrgr r l 2 0 0 0 ap«ne*r lb ] t ] I Bowling'Gr^ens Sidney’ Sink, tum ;d ^ w < jd to oo fewer misses. Donohue plnccd hla Pensko G n o iig li T o W in tod double faults, but was unable ' norda rl 1 0 0 0 McMuim 3b 3 0 0 0 that- are playing triple A ball Wsllon II 2 OT) 0 n u ll Ib . 2 0 11 the a.OOO-nieter steeplechase m’co.i', iu j o i j comVTt W-. ’ S j o World...... record...... holder Joy racing team Javelin In second pES MOINES, Iowa (UPI)— to mointoin.Uie advantage. this year. One of than would bo Snva^r It. ■ t 0 0 0 JohnVoti* cf4 0 I 0 champion, also set records. M;noc^v)n ni S ? i J o o o Silvester had his best discus spot with a qualifying time of it's not every day an athlete . In the first gome of Uio Ulird DMav cl ) 0 t 0 Aicua c 10)0 a senior this year and the rest Pana t t 4 0 10 WrigM p ) 0 0 0 Prefontalno's 13:22.0 broke G0ii«ur>,-r ib4 oo win»mn t ,1 0 0 0 throw? of .the year, going 209-0, 09.72 mph. That Is a full three under a worldj'ccord and set. the scrappy Borowiak saved Kublak 2D 1 0 0 0 KTalum p 0 0 0 0 the old meet record of 13:33.8 would have been un- Root C 1 0 0 0 V while John Carlos, the No. I miles ‘ an hour slower than logga. But UCLA’a Wayne Ilia aerve desplto committing dorclossmen if they hadn’t- Humpurvi n o 0 0 o ------" ------set—by—Gerry Undgren of sprlntpr in tlip world, captured . savage's oh-lhe-10-4eubl«-fault« DalOwIn p 0 0 0 0 • signed pro contracts," Roebuck Krau»»« p 2 0 0 0 Washlngton^t^.in 1066. Sink's SfoM pn the JOO In 9.3 and the ^OJn_row jv^e_ _Parnelli__JonM,_satufday.:att-:h(f-lQ8tJto_Rfllph_W/llch-PlflgUfld_him_In-lhfi-4filh- -MeNarlnv c-»-0 1 0------8'400 said, footnoting tho potential of ) t 0 4 0 Teiali II 4 ( « , D^slwhed "thb' previous 20.4. . Torrance, Calif., in a Bud Mann of Brigham Young in the game match. tho already champions. record of S;44.4 by Jim Barkley OtlTcr winners included Kerry Moore Ford Mustang and Sam finnl^ flGAA 440-Vnrd The contest came to an un- 'R60buclc-uld the free agehtT - o'p^J'lwauha* I. C atdorrSl^-LW — O^-OrOgOn Sltole UT FranciicD 100 00} 41 .0;Br[en_of Mstrollajn the two- Posey, Shoron. in an intermediate hurdlbsl” expectcdly qulcK nmsh m UlT Milwaukat *. CalKornla S. Ib Rapoi. J»n'D)*oe •• ' —MB'IDP C draft of baseball is being used F rtoo il,'H R Spkoctr-ISI.- S-Rtpoz. SO Sink set hfs record at the DP -Snn D'cuc lOB -S«n Frhr mile run in 8:4^2, TonTVon flutodynamic Dodge Challenger:— Tho'Brigham-Young junior -l2Ui gamo of-Uie third aot-when- by college coacheli In a pow6r Aloipar, Rtpoi. ' height of 0 driving thunder- n irtn On^o I Ruden of thli Pacific Coast Club Jones ran M.43 n^ph and Posey Ml .lhp_world niark_after nearly ^ Tanner’s attempted backhand of • ___ Iff h . r a rb b io . - situation such-as that found al 'Krtuite'U'4 10 . .7*1101 storm which sent the crowd Bond» n o i, sn Bond*; Hend«r»n. iri the BflO ln 1:40.3 and Gerald went "OT.OS. Ed luislio, Monter* two hours of heavy rains in Des a vblly from Borowiak hit Uie Humphi'vvi 0 2 1 J 6 0 USC. ‘"niey tcU a boy ‘we've got- OMiawIn I I. 0 0- ) 0 . scurrying for sbcUor early in Conley of Pacific Coast CluB in ey, Calif. In a Chaparral MolneS. net and bounced backM tanner’s a baseball scholarship for you If Wriohl W ».S 7 1 1 4 0 0 4 4 the aftomoon. The rain stopped,-> y>rni o 0 a « t S 5 ^ Uie 440 in 40.9.- Camaro out of Modland, Tbx., “ Hock, I thought Uie track first serve in Uie deciding game KTalum . 1 2 1-0. 0 0 0 1 RouriQud 0 2 2 2 you aro drafted in Uie UtA five HUitiphrty* pllchad to 1 battari however, before VlllanovnJfl «o»j : 1 0 0 Cocmnt 1 1 0 0 Ixe Evans, the Olympic ran 90.05 to qualify fifth ahead would bo slow," said Mann. “ I f ' was declared a fault, and his rounds.'-Thoy-aro-Bavlng--5gvi^-|J;!“^ ; ’o;j;Bp^HutT,phr . Marty Uquori defended his KifOy pilthta 10 2 Dfltlrf» m champion, pulled up about. 35 of George FolUnor, Arcadia,...... it would have been dry today,... "I ensed-up second' servo was Rodrigubt pilcnrd lo ) bitttvrl iri 7ir recruiting money, too, jiist by ” nille championship In 3:50.9. HOP «?r Pf"v'^OAi'on) yards from Uie tope in tho 440 Calif., who won Uiis race last don’t know what CoUott-and-J—quickly-roturnod-by Uio.attackii picking up Uie draft list and -Uquori had to stave off a late WP — ftodr.guui T-3.00. A 13.977 and complalnod of feeling sick. year in a Ford Mustangs. would have dono.” ing Bruin. finding the names. 'Hiey figure STANDINGS challenge by Dave Wottle. of if the boys aro good enough to bo t Bowling Green, who finished drafts fairly high, they aro second In 4:00.1. ' 'good eno'iigh to pTay coUogd biill .. World record-holder Curtis so they call Uiem ahd offor Wills of Tex^is AiiM was • — sdwlarshlpsr-T rrby-VillanovaV^ Doiron • M 31 .4»J 10 that way, too. And it saves CItvaland 2« « .47S II Lairy James In the 440-yflrd Uiem a lot dt money. One Wa^^lp^Jloo }« I t .44« 11'/) dash. James won in 46.5, while recruiting trip wilLpay for a lot Mills was. Ulird behind Murray of telephone calls. Stato's Tommy Turner In 45.B. icas.Atlanfo't -.>lc»oo 34 40 .37S UVI California, w]i|cn Ffiany b«* K atitai Clly n )» .371 UW fortn dlTQCtor, is more famUiar .Milwaukia }» 4J 111 11 came Uie.first team ever to go . . lalurday’! wiUt State, the team CItvaland } Oairoll ono-two in Uie lOO-yard dash, use beat hi the NCAA finals. Oaklartd • Chicago S won Uie 440 relay In "40.3 . "Last year. FSU ^ 01} it all," Soturda^. The race was Uie Lucas says. “ You know how Kantai City 5 I.,------) (nighi Calllornja 4 Mllwi^u.kH 0 lQM)__ second of the day and was run many prospects ■ they had on Natlsnal L « . ______a t^ e 'o n d 'o f' thc'rainstorm Uiat club? None, that's how^ •y Umiad fra il initrnallanil with Eddie Hart, the 100 many. __ la it I— champlonranehoring. — Roebuck said on his personal N»w Vork The Golden Bears won Uie recruiting scale, USC had two, Plltiburgh, championship in Uie triple Jump FIRST SECURITY SI. Lm U 2* i : ,47S «'/1 but more than that had been 21 34 .457 |. when Rich' Dunn; Uie team's drafted. 21 40 .14S 1]V| a n k iv ie r ic a r d Wait No. 2 Jumper, snprod second B A place with a leap of 50 feet, 5 3- ClttclrtnalU Allania • . IS I I .iU 10 4 inches. California’s ace Senators Shatter L©i A/t9*i 3 i i * .SU 10 San FranclKO 30 IS .441 1» Jumpor, .Jim Fraser, hurt his San DIKO 10 40 .42« l|i/| knee on Uie first Jump and did Buhl Legion 15-0 Houilon 21 3? .411 IV AUTHOtlllb tlONAfUail Chlcagif I ... ___ _ --- - V O UH N A M 6 BOISE — Hie Boise Senotors PItliburoh 4 Montraij i Andthbr of the. many, fine *■ CInclnnall s Lo i Angalai ^ races was the>880-yorti run, OfrOP f O O / 0 0 exploded ter 10 runs In the top ot - Phlladalphia i Navw V w k 1-(hlghO Uie seventh Uming Saturday won ‘ by- Kansas' State’s^Ken — ' ■ 1b3 123 'I5b IS'I night and rolled over the BuhJ Legion team 15-0. Hunter, Donat (4), Ruther­ MAGIC VALLEY COWBOYS Active First Socurity BankAmerlcard holders have rocoivod or ford (0), Roledo (7) and will receivB in the mail an INSTANT MONEY form like jho one Ballard, SUff (0). Keeney, (7) shown beiow. Forms are also avaiiobio al'all First Security and Barigar. • BASEBALL Banks. Or you may clip this form from today's paper — till it BOX SE AT SEASON TICKETS in - and mail to your First Security Bank p|(ico. V , CO-BETWEEN HONG KONG (UPI) ONSALg . . . $5.00» , Communist 'Oiinn said 000. Using this form is a handy way ,. million Hong Kong dollars (1180' to put yourself in the vacation picture mllllDn) worUrof goods, mainly medicines, to Nationalist China ALEXANDER’S ^ during 1009 Uirough Uie free Your INSTANT,MONEY chickJs good anytime. No need to ‘ port ot Hong Kong. -QOWNTOWN TWIN FALLS hurry or worry over iT certain deadline, if you set it asldt. put it in a safe spot and remember, like money in the bank, it's good whenever it 'i needed. Complfitejlyihg Service at Skyway's at Burley Ne«d m in t Money??- m S T A N T MONEY...Anytime W H Y W A IT 7I .Schedule yeui own lllohlr,Oui,Wp«i. if you need money for'vacatiorii, or |ust Alf Twl;'<«ivlei OM • FUCIITMSTMKTIM BbQui anylhinSi you-{(an.geUt4uiekly with your BANKAMCRICARO. JMit (ill in | I* mrus . .-the amount you needin’thii'ipaea on SCDKflKHTS the riflht.'-upio }SOQ, providing It dost | Pieate send nie a check in the ami}unt'Cif.. . a 9 not exceed your titabllihed credit limit. I Oood fef u« ts IW T Tip m ib 'il M tiitfit NmH W tu m M b a l« ^ ^ I (This limit ii printed on'yoUf itatement.) ^ Bactr-wiH-rpn^e-a-BANKAMeffiCAffO—I check l>y return mail, j t ^ u with you may .use tl\«.check i First' NAME. Security Bank checking account or rie* "iio?3n«r“ it it In your preieni sccouot* ' I ‘ The amount you fill In.will bejrnl»d , isnRTT "B T ir SKYWIlYSIiib. » Cash Advance fubjecl to your csrd* | . . . . , ’..'M iiiiiM M '’ holder egreement and the dfielosurei made theraon and Inclui

.Cell uilwinlaiwiilaa.. II Tlmtt-N»w«,.Twin Filli, Idaho Sunday, Jun« J), 1W0 ‘ ‘ '

:i:^Spring Trainiiig;’ AtlaiWa To ?Send Tbfi^ Drafi: Picks

Monday ihomlng, the Magic S S S H S ' ' t r the Brave, h «v.U .r„ ^ ^ c £ " ' ‘± ; H « “g yaUey Cowboys are pulling bi flrsf lUvlilonil tloclnrod on tho-Wilchws, (Ivo IntloWora, noven Duckworth, Boorno, T M ,,^ th ' .long' practice hours In slooKglnnli nraidrat IMUoa.mliuuod.ln 1952. pllchcrs aiid two outfielder^ ^ roturneos and newMitiw,Sigmund from lost yoar a- preparation for their. Thuinday ■ -rn lg ^'h o m d opener against Bill iJicns, assistant, farm- and No. ? draft choices, Ron Bclor for Uio Atlanta Braves, Brooddua, Oute, Tex., and Paul ’ ^ o Inllolders are JacK ■ :v, H. H, ^ k h a rt, business t l-Piul-Snydor, Cowboy field iDlvlno, Galveston,'Tex., both .Jnaiwgirfoi'Uie toaiii. Mjd t^ s k lp p c r, fool the club wlU bo pitchers, wlU Join the club along d r ^ 4 y S ^ n ew '|rco m p .lltlvo In the Pioneer wlU. five, other players...... ■ Jose third basei Joe Brookins, Hallsvlllo. Tex., third base. Kelly, Cana and Mongo were here lost year with Cana making the switch from tho outfield to shortstop. Hio t)^o outfielders ore Luis TUTOniNG THB PITCHERS, Waller "Boom Beem" beck. In with the club during the season to handle the pitchers. .Hie .Galindei.'Puorto Rico, and Jim dark glaiacs, and Ed RoehUckrknMllng, give jillchbig'Uieaiy to 'CovSboyroptd'agWliltXtldwen hew Hiliriday night; Nageleisen, Fort Mitchell,' Ky„ Uie Magic Valley Cowboy hurling staff. Beck again will remain who was one of tho Cowboys' leading hitters last year. Snyder sold Nageloisen would bo_jlhlIted to his normal Fiddle Isle^ins Invitational Turf intnta Anita, he finished "Nagdlelson had a good enoiigh horses in the stretch andstaged quez, kept driving and tho pair Amorlcon mark for a mile on year to have-gone up but duo to a prlongftd duol to defeat Forty finished a neck apart. the turf of-li34. ' no as Fiddle Isle and Puickon liis Job (teaching school) ho Marcy by a neck Snturdoy in The Flddlo Isle-Pinjara entry Fort Marcy, coming off wins Tree dend4jcatcd for first. couldn't got away for spring the second running of tho returned $5.20, $2.40 an'd'$2.20. in tho Dixlp Handicap and In an'invaslon of-Hollywood training and'that hurt hiiri." $100,000 Invitational, Turf Han­ Fort'Marcy paid $2.fiO and $2.40 Bowling Green Handicap, was "Park In April, ho wos second In- Hio. pitching sla'lf to now Is dicap at Hollywood Park to sot while Governors Party, couplcd turned back for tho third time the Century . Handicap ,tQ,. composed of Gary Hagen, 0 course . record . for iJ-^mlJrd.- with Society tl. returned ti. 20. on a Western invasion this Qullchc., ^aiohrJUt-Ed-GhUdronr-Rleh------Canyli^p-walghl Z-!e|fifllft-.Tsio,-a &.yeni‘.y Marcy. HELSINKI (UPI) -Finland CdCKTAIL WAITRESS farm director for the Allanla Bravfes, and Paul CaldweU. Landosberg, Yonkers, N. V. ■ Th™“ '“"B'W had a boom year in 1009 and Gtayiler, who wOl be the Cowboy Held lUnMr. In addition to Brooddua and was Governors ftr ly the upward swing shows no ------started In tho' . . first with Divine, AUanta expects Wilson while Pinjaro, a stablcmato o .sl({ns of lessening, the Trade 3 CHANGE GIRLS or guys double and rode homo on Amos Stallworth and Dave Bogackl, '•'c winner, was fourln tho field Association says. Ttie gross Indians Cop 7th In Otis’s single. After Cesar Tovar both from New .Jersey, ond , , national product increased 1 .NO PyONE CALLS — APPLY IN PERSON dropped Bob Oliver' long fly .Mnnuol Ruiz, Puerto Rico, ijr- per ccnt at fixed prices during MR.GUYkEEP for on error, Boswell walked by Monday. well back in the flold'for better the year, private investment Row, 2-1 Ovelr Tigers Joe.Kepugh to load the bases L u j„j |, very high on tiw than a mllo before uncorking was up 15 per cent, exports 21 CLUB 93 Jackpot, Nev. /1 th one awav. ' hltUng ability of Manuel Ruh, his closing charge on the final per cent and private consump­ CLEVELAND (UPI)-nookio ■Mini • •fcrhb/*"***...... *'•^“^brhbi • '''ho comos horo as a second turn. Roy Foster., belted two homo N.Y. 8, Boston 3. tion about 7 per cent. Tovar cj 3 0 0 0 sch#ii 3b * ? 0 O’ bascman. "I think that he could At the start of the race, runs and Dean Chance hurled BOSTON (UPI) — Mel oooo Rolir'io * i r« »i,- i,u*un «»».. «f &)clbty II went out in front and 3W«rreofflrad!mlnK»1mllcfc:3tatUcmyr 4 3 3 I Srnim cl Total* i U M ToU lt 30 U S Icam to get their feet on tho Kailnt )b .1 0 0 0 Rinwn rl 3 0 0 0 Murcer cf 4 13 1 Y tirtm tk Ib3 Minnatola «eoooo«)000 CiDbt e' 4 Q 2 J Naov p I (4). (-kaaugh. Ip h r t r bb i» from homo. It takes a lot of Wllukn p ] 1 I 1 Cltunc* p 10 0 0 Sioiiiamyr p4 I 0 Dvrrick pn I Dotwtll L 3« 4 i 1 3 1 4 adjusting for them.” Pinjara moved up headUig T t llt i }> I 11 TeUll ' i n 4 I Startga p 0 u o u wooownWoodwn 3 1 0 0 0 3 -Into-the-final-turn-tobattlo-Fort- Otirelt MIftMMft-r Scnofifid ph ) 0 0 0 u/iiii.m> wiiiiam t~~------1- 0- 0- 0"0"0 Lucas sald' the Braves ace“ Cl»vtland OOieMSli—] SanMago p 0 0 0 0 Rooktr W } 4 3 3 3 S Marcy as Society II started E Maddoi. Htidtmartn. OP CitvtUna I Salrlano ph 10 0 0 Jortnwn 3 I i> 0 9 4 still trying to sign several other Rookar pllchad______3 batter* tn Ith Savt- fading. But as the field turned LOP DalfOll ' Toialt 41 I It 7 Tolali )4 ) M players, most of whom will bo HHt Wllion N tw .Y o rk,.. . 111 030 010— • Joitftwn 1)1I H~MOP by W illiam* (Oilvarl T- Into the stretch tho final time, Sianlty. Batlon . ^ tOO MIOftt- I r3 1 A')0,01i. assigned hero. " I Imow of two Ip h r a r b b to E TCsnrtllaro. Patrocelll. LOO Niw Jockey Bill, ^oemaker had York n , Ooilon 7, outfielders that we think are 2D K*fir>«y, Murcar, Wn|l», Clbbl, Fiddle lupe In a hor({ drive as ■«i Petroc*iti -HJ», OConlolit'O _____ flnct>ro8pQC,ts__^ho]^ b®_h®re ho cut through tho field to ()). so Kannay. SF CIbb*. SlowplTch If-thoy sign,-' he said. ‘‘These 24 IP h I challenge-at the head of .the Sloltlamyra W 8 4 boys we’ll bo starting the season, A'sO, Sox 5 Nagy L 1 ) "Stretch. ' ------Schedule ------wltirwon’t comprise the entire Sanllago 3 3 2 } ) ) Fiddle Oslo’s drive got him to — OAKEANUI UPD-BerlCam-" HOP Dy Stanga (Olalary). WP Naoy. T- team." . ' -paneris-dr-ovojnJQutJuns with 3:21 A 30.71*. Announced a homer and a double,double. aiancDIm 5 YEAR -50.000 MILE “ Grant pltChRl—three—hi Uou Z. 5 . T w t n ^ TIltS-wiieicV-aiow-pltch-sfltLi. 'reilef-innings Saturday-as .th& Oakland A’s snapped d three- •Bt45----- game losing strealf with an M runs with a basos-loaded double ~ Cobra Baer~plnys -John’s— ALIG NiyiEM T victory over the Oiidligo White onU „ joio homer to power the Husky; 8 p. m. — Varsity Barber plays Shlrloy*Wyalt, transmf^ioirfr^Muir^ ?o». Kansoa“ Clty'Royals-to a M Chlfioo Oakland ...... and'0:l5 — K and T plays In­ dependent Meat. Diamond Two M etraw r l 4 I 1.1 Campnr* .. Twins Saturday n l^ t. find happiness in Aparlcio t* S 0.1 0 Driicoll 2b — 0:45 — Blitz Beer plays OK GUARANTEES May II S 0 2 0 C rttn 2b ' Mailon 3b 3)00 Jackwtt el Kirkpatrick’s . basc-cloaring Tire; 8 p. m. — Royal Xioungc • Hopkin* )b S 2 2 0 Dando..3b double capped a four»run first plays Sherwoods, .. and...... 0:15, Harrmann c 4 0 1 0 Aidu rl Miigic Valley? ■O'DrWh 2b 3 I I r Rudi II inning outbiu-st against loser ^urf Qub plays Osco-Buttreys. ftarry cl 4 0 11 Mlncher lb Woora p 3 0 ) ) Duncart c 0 . Dave Boswell, now 2-fi; Wednesday, Diamond One — William* ph 10 0 0 DokWn p 0 0 0 0 Southpaw Jim Hooker pitched ' g.45 _ cuUigan plays Oly-Ford IN UVRITING _ Cridtr p 0 0 0 0 Jonri*on pn 1 1 0 0 Malla* ph 1 0 0 0 Roland p 0 0 0 0 up his fourth victory against as Tvonsfori 8 p. m. - aerwoods Wood p 0 0 0 0 Uachemann ) 0 0 0 c ra m p O.Q 0 many defeats but needed relief pi^yg qj^ Tire,‘and 0:15 -J Osco OUR EXPERT MECHANICS DO ALL THIS WORK: T o lllt 1L> >0* Dill help from.Bob JphnMn in the jjuttrcya ploys Royal Lounge, Cblta»ltorlal. OoDw>n. 4 a 4 4 I iv Alyea before Craew smashed a Thursday, .Diamond One — power stabilizors guarantee in writing Roland 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 3-2 pitch into the right-fleld Lacl'B'^*D'' '1)34 1 ) 0 I 0:45 — Turf Club plays Oly- \ Grant (W3 0I 3 0 0 0 0 1 bleachers. - . ' ' Lachamann p(lc^e

Orioles 5, SolonB 4 ItconiriaDATSUN DATSUN also gives you these All-American fayoriles; BALTIMORE (UPI)^Brooks . FOR A l l Robinson made the 2,Q00th hit. ^ ■ A 96 horsepowe'r overhead cam engine..-, ONLY aivierican. gars of his cal-eer a dramatic Ihl'co-' the most'powerful itT it’s class, run homer in the fifth inning V Saturday night td lead tho- ■ Safe stopping front disc brakes. , ' Baltimore Orioles to a M ■ Independent 4-wheel suspension' ■ TiP»sicii« !W Tire$fone w l fir*$ to n « victory oyer the Woshlngtfln— (sedans only). ‘ Senators. B YEAR-60,000 MILE ALIGNMENT GUARANTEE . Bodg Powell iclouted a two- - ■ Up-to-25.;mil0S_peiigaMon.- Tlie ptirrliiiM of m lUbiliiM l ulivnipvnt from » PlrMtnno Storo entilTra you to k coAiplelfl inBiwcilon nm l nltinm ent «vory 5,000 miUi. or ad n(l«n nvcfUMry, In run homer In the first inning ■ A load of extras at no extra cost. Accorilnnce wlOj Uie t«rmii of our p rln l« ln iiriin (» B w rllflc a U w ith no chnr*# for . ' after Prank Robinson ^gled,* Driw g Dg|iun,tiiii ii«M<.„ll‘i i uuiul nuvi. . ’ (he lolling or ni)JiiilmM>( of*iihy aliiinment. Hniteii which miiy b« requirMl. Tliia but the Senators'rallied’'to tie Rirraemenl v itlld (or 6 year* or AO,000 m ils i regartlleu of pr«u>n( mtUaRf- . the score In the second^ Inning. plele allRnment.umtor the term* o^ thi* policy.ahall incUiile Die followins:' Doubles by Paul Casanova A . H e ifh t ftnd ■ U h illu tio n . ' •> C. Check «nd.ailJoii and Tim Cullen, a walk; 'and -i(l)'Ailiu«t coil a p r l n # - . • a tM rln f aector. ■ , 'Jo e Co)e(nan’s ground ' ■taiiilitem , 'o r. ^ ' D. Check tm l ailJURt [} produced the Senator hins...... * ------:------front wh##l-l' WaiHMitM ialUMara D. Check unA M (-m m lteri -c a a le r And (oe>ln> i n N{~UI1 MUWJir 0 i (fliHnmnTcT -iwlJndunOTfS-fli rtf II '4 0 ) 0 fRoOinin rl ) I 0 o r lirM which may have become dam aiifd p r ixce ifive ly wom.« - II }b 4 . 1 0 Powall )b 3 I > bEOANS'WAQON* PICKUP "a 4 0 0 0 BRoDlntn lb ) I 3 A WINTERLAMD SUMMER SPORT e 4 } 340 Htt^

fW INr*US,.IDAIIO - — MOmH-ClllilPAMY m a m tK x a J U . « e g « m l A v * . 1 . > jUtdiw TSaaoaar 111. T ~ li| l I ... V ..a • .... V .. ' t : , Jacklin.Widens Lead Surri.iy, Jurvo'!(. u;b 'Ciin^i.-How., U 'tln f .i|ja , IJa lio '1>.

t^IiryQ peii; . V

dte Fine For Com plam ts :■■■ , , y b u R .

CHASKA, Mlnn.'CUPD-Sllm ship Snturdoy wilh a two-undcr ‘ Jocklln boRan tho round wlUl'' criticism -of tho golf' courso, Tony Jacftinc’ playing 0 wot par 70 for a 544iolo total of 211 athroostrokolofad'on Hill, and who lost grqpnd’with a 71'21&. “ golf v'coUrflO—with— nmating—and-a*fourHilrokft-load-ov«r-hlfl—ywy--pIttyod-to8oU iei^ut^.it—^t^o-polnt-durlng tlic-round^— cohslstortcy, widened hlfl load in nonroat challongor, hardrbltton wos'rall, who was fined .$150 Jacklln wos six strokes in front Super Duty FordJKstute Uic U.S. O^n golf chnmplon- Davo Hill. before tho game bcRan for his of tho fl “Course W^fr’rM iizzle H iirr Jackllti. wlU) his big lead, ■. * became n top heavy cliolco to CHASKA,Minn. (UPD-Dave sipncr, announced tho fine and wiUi a tliroe'>under par 00 that , coost homo in Sunday's fourtl) SUPER LOV^TER PRICES! •Hill, who,says thejr can take his reprimand and tjio irropVossi' left him In second place, only round and become tho fir^l money but tlioy can't sliut him ble, 330PEm5UTY one (the olflhth). A monkey is Open field. In *niuraday'MVtfid,'^~ as-goodTis a-man out therej’'~gusung ns iitgli hb l l mllis.pcr Astros Past Atlanta and '' ■ ' hour, he shot a Jl, Friday, in —"The man wlio designed Uie "perfectV conditions, he had a . ATLANTA (UPI) ~ Jesus Cuhs 8^ Cardfi 3 golf course had Uie plans upside 70, and Satucfiay, on n course \ Alou’s b(ises-fllled single fea« CHICAGO (UPI)~Bllly Wil- down." soaked by a nightlong rniri, he - ■. tured a five-run fifth inning and llpms' triple and S’ two>run When Hill was asked whaVhe nailed down his third straight Johnny ' __1 1 '' ' ___ ^ »r— round:— HI.9— score------A-1, ' • S0 51-A Watson homerod Saturday night six-run explosion In the first said ^‘Hbout 00 acree of corn. equalled the best round of the to lead the Houston Astros to a Inning^turday and BUI Hands and a few cows," and later in day._ W triumph over the Atlanta pteh'ea on elght-liitter as Uie Uie players’ locker room he JacKiln'siexcepllonnlrecovery 1963 INTERNATIONAL 1963 FORD T 750 DraV6fl. 'qi|p«i{0 CulM' doi Ticd-ttnr-Str -mi»tft^mou»lditlQnaLrnniatlm>jhnt.s-hclpgfl_h{m nn thn ho[!|;v Alou delivered his single after Louis Cardinals,'M. .which had to do with U»e links. He missed five greens, ■^^■90" A 139—GT-Vfl~«r»g»nft;—5—speed—molrv^ - Wlliibmson-oluminum-^ump- Watson’s double, a fielder's Hands, picking up his ninth general mentality' of Robert but each time chlppcd close transmission, 2 speed Easton 34^000 lb, tandem body and hoist. 5 speed main transmission, 4 Trent Jones, Uie designer of Uie enough to the pin that he could drive roar axles, 9,000 lb. 'frdni"axle,-900 x 20 speed cux. transmission; Coston 32,000 lb. tan­ choice ond George'Stone's error victory against five defeats, tiros— new,cops, 10 hole —the first od Uiree Brave gave up eight singles while course. . . get down In one putt, and he dem drive reor qxlei; Budd wheels, full air||' 9,000 tb. fronf a x le ,^ ' ^ errors in Uie Inning -filled Uie walking three and striking out Dey took pains to make It had eight one-putt greens, bases. AH Uiree.runners scored ^ Uiree a"s he twat the Cardinals- clear Hill was not fined for his , His birdies came’on an 8-foot 900 X 20 tiros — n e w ^ # 1 when Rlcd Rarty booted Uie 'u i lOUi time in his career. criUcism'of the course specifl* putt on the third hole, a' 12- ^ 4 2 8 0 cops, 330 vV8 engine. boll for the first, of Ills tyiro cally,' but raUier “ for the footer on the ninth, a M-footer errors In Uie game and n fourth manner” In which he made that on the.llth, while his only , run scored on nn infield out by criticism. bogey of the dny was on the ' > 0 Jdmel t1 Marty Oartincz. Ennnnon 3b « I 0 0 HlckfTAn r "In determining such mat- 3(M-yard flfUi when he three-, Denis Menke tripled In the Hngur rl ] I f I Sanio It) tecs," Dey said, ‘‘distinction is putted. Auernainy p 0 ) 0 0 Smiin lb final run of the inning after an Simmoni- c ,made betwc'en objective, criU- Hill bogled two holes on tho cal analysis of a golf course front' nine, the first* When he ci^-iu I fi-l-Q handi 0 } i_0 > SD-15 A I hit a tw( Mdnvni I t 2 0 1 0 , “and the kind of criticism which left his approach short out of S0^ 2 A Ramlre/ti 7C00 in tho sUUi after, Watson’s Torrel p 0 0 0 0 tends to ridicule and demean the rough and the ninth when McRool p .1 0 0 0 ' single and Watson led off the L«« ph 1 0 0 0 Uie club. It Is considered that he hit over the green from Ui& 1963 FORD T 750 1953 INTERNATIONAL . eighth with his homer. Cumpitl p 0 0 0 0 Hill’s crlUcism was the second, tec, but got under par. wiUi a ' QeschiVip rl I 1.1 0 RF 195 A 13B*‘ CT RD 450 Mgino, now overhaul,'' Reliever Jim Bouton pitched Tolill DtDTolalh 10 lit kind.” ’ 13-footer for a bird on the 11th, v»/ith 13' 8 yard Williamien aluminum dump 4 1-3 Innings, allowing sbc hits, tl. Louli eoSOMOifr-l Similarly, Dey stressed HUl- a 14-footer on tho 13Ui, and a body ..and hoist. 5 spoed main tfonsmission, 4 5 spaed main transmlssiQ(f,.‘3 spoed aux. trans­ Chtt»9» «OIOOO»)X~-I mission, 32,000'lb: .tandem drive tear oxi®, full to pick up his Uilrd victory of LOO-&I. LouU 7, Chicago wasn’t being fined for what he 15-footer to birdie the 15th. ipofid auK. transmission. Easton 02,000 lb. (an- )0 W iniam i S K iitlng er. SF.Hac\at, . brakes, 9,000 lb. Uie season although Fred ...... Hagu*.. had" said about Jones in the Brewer wound up wiUi a 71 drive rear axles, locker room. for a 217 total, three over par 9,000 lb. front ‘ oxie. Cnt oxie, 1000 x 2 0 ^ Gladding retired Uie last batter.. \ ' 1 3 tires. 10 hole B udd^ , Hank Aaron, hit hla 20Ui Camplti ' “ The locker room is the and six strokes behind Jacklin, 900 ■ X 20 tires, now Abernathy caps; 330 VO engine. wheels. 20' Siems stool homor of tho year off Tom Hanilt W f S players’ private domain,’’ Dey while two-time Open fhamplon potato bulker. ' JjHffin In Uie fourUi Inning. WP.. lorrei.... T . . jjUji. Mid. "Hill was not punished for Ju^us Boros taUied a 70 for 218 ^ 4 9 7 0 llauilon AllinU P i r a t e s 4 , E x p o H 2 'anything he may have said artd fburUi place. Bob Lunn, • b r n b i ab r I bl Alou.rl 3 13] carriua Jc .... PITTSBURGH (UPI)~Jerry Uiere.''* . also with 70, was 210 and flfUi, Wynn Cl 3 0 0 0 AAlllan 30 0 0 0 0 Jones,'Who fias be«n In the with Gene UtUer and Ken SUU Marlinai S 0 0 I Jackwn it 3 I ] I May’s two-rurv Ue-broaking . Csdtno cl i 0 } 0 HAarort rl S } 3 7 single capped a Uu-eo a Ca^r ii 4 t i i G«ronlino II 0 0 0 0 Ctpeda 1b S 1 7 1 in.Uic fifUi Inning Saturdoy-and—CQurses .for_Uic_poat JO_yenrfli„fl.eLdJbuncl^_up ^ five at Menke 1b S 0 7 2 Coniaitt S 0 0 0 paced the Pittsburgh Pihates to appeared at the course, on his 221 and four at 222. ' R«d*r .JB 4 0 0 0 Uoy*r lb S I 4 1 SD^9A WalMO It) S ] ] 1 .Oidier c 3 0 0 0 . a 4-2 win over tho Montreal' birUiday, incidentally, and an- None of the '‘name" players M 40 ------Edwardt'c 4 3 13 A»«nfkq. Crdim • 1 1 0 0 Sion# p 10 0 0 __ to hove a chance, T95fi AUtOCAR - Oootoo p-• J 0 » 0 Kino pn 1010 Monlriat Piitiburgh Hazeltinc wiUiout over specifi- even wiUi a "charge/IVniold Pappat p • 0 0 0 0 •bi'hbl 1961 INTERNATIONAL TAaron ph 1 0 0 0 S la thli Ji 0 Alou cl s 1 7 I 'cally referring to Hill by-name, palmer, Jack Nicklaus and DIESEL TRStrrOR . Ja ittr p 0 0 0 0 Jon«» II 0 H«brt«r )b 3 110 , Lum ph t 0 0 0 Slaub rl 1 Ca«h 70 . 4 I 7 t He said It was U“ue Uiere are Gary Playcr.all were at 228,17 model VF 190 A 13B" , a V8 54?_Mglne, 5 /Totals 4lTOiToiait 'Fairly lb O'Ollvar rl . 1 D I 0 mpny dogleg holes on the sU-okes behind, while Masters 220-Cummln» newly overhauled. 5 speed main- speed main transmission, 4 speed auxl tronimii' Houtiwi ...... tee»t7oti-t...... ■ Goigir ' cl 4 1 lobarltn 1b 7 0 Q 0 transmission, 3 speed aux. tronsmisilon, S L H D -Allanla------______LiDoyJti___ 1J)J 0 I 7 course (10 in all) but asked champion Billy (^sper was in sion, 34,000 lb. tandem drive roar axle, 1000 x E Jackton }, Stone, Carty 7. CladOIno Dalaman c 4 0 . _____ Timkin dual drive reor^oxle. 1000 x 22 Jlfoi> 10 OP.Hovt'on t, Aflanfa 3. LOO Houifon 7. Brana pr 0 0 0 0 Palek .. ^ h a t difference dT dintrakJrtrir-thcr-—grouping—arid—Loe-^— _20-5ires^l O-hole-BudcL Atlanta II,. Wina u 4 0 3 1 B la it a hole Budd wheels. }D Walum, King. 3D Carty, Menk*. Hat^n pr 0 0 0 0 Clu«tl p golfer’s first shot landed in Uie Trevino at 224. ■ ' wheels,' full air brakes,« “ • ---- _ . . ,j|_ Morton p 3 0 0 0 proper target area? Only 12 of Uie 73 players' ' r *r bb «o Rfad p 0 0 0 0 9,000 lb. front axle. 7 3 2 } Fairay pn 1000 He'said Jack Nicklaus had broke par Saturday ond hone $ ■ .Stmtlfpayr pO 0 0 ' .come hero■»with “ a negaUvo could get Into the CO's. Jacklin ^ttitMdft^-nboutIIEg.courBe. and~wgs^e-onlv-Dlaver-wiUi;^thn 3 7 5 0 ' — 4a»»»r------7 4 7 111 fiil»bur»h q)so added that HatciUnc was sub*par rounds-andronlyJuumd____ ., Save.Clafldlno in b y '-O rifltn ------LOft—AAMlfeaLIj PlIUlAiroh II ■ ^M iilan l. WP — Oappai...... ID WInl.-^C^ih.- Ja -- -A io —-,-MB»-Hawft u rM B "a Uimklna manTcourseT^------HflL-waJtC. undei- par for Uie T7;J9 A 17.S3I. , • . (II. ( —Labor*...... Ip h r t r b b t e ■^litw asn't exactly what.HiU..distonce ------bDbbDb6bb . iVorton U 4 5 S 7 ) I 4 4 t 7 Sava GlaaOlng (71 HOP by Crlllltt.tM X Rtad 1 ) 0 ,0 0 0 0 called it Friday. Both, playerff-who.-. shared. Ian), Piv<>-p»ppa». t > a W.JJI. Strohmayar * 7 0 0 0 0 0 u la it w 5 a 1 13 a 7 7 4 4 After ho made his remarks Uiird place ot tho midway point Cluth 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 he was so 'sure he'd be fined —Randy Wolff, who tied Uie Sav«,Olu»tl (10). Dalk Morton. T 7:7). A R.147 S0-310B ' - - P h ils 2 , M o ts 1 -S .I4 I Uiat he kiddingly told fellow course record wlUi a second- ’ R e d s 5 , L . A . 4 golfer Frank Beard ho alroody round 07, ond Rich Crawford— NEW YORK {UPD-nellever had a check mado out. faded. Each shot a 76 and was 1963 INTERNATIONAL 1950 INTERNATIONAL Tug- McGrow walked p’lnch» CINCINNATI (UPI)-Homc ■ I . • “ Better make that for $300 five over par tor tho tourney, LF 200 138" CT RD 406 engine, 5 speed main hitter Ron Stone wiUi tlie bases runs by Tony Perez, Johnny in^a^^of 1150,’.' Howie John- 10 strokes behind, VF 190 A 138" CT V8 engine 549, 5 speed main 'loaded 4 1 7 ) own wby, golf’s version of Joe ■AVI ninth wlUi a single off Jerry P a iktr lb S 7 1 I Dancn c Koosmaoiflnd RJck Joseph beat CrbrkwK 3b S 0-7 0 M THpNKO ri SJ)^23# ...... McGraw camo on and walked (Irtw tr p 0 0 0 0 Chanay 7b I 0 0 (T 1956 CHEVROLET ' Stone, who was batUng for Doc ToUlt ■ 41 4 U'4 Totali 37 t ( I Un^he drlnkii'b'blt. ' Lol Anoaltf 010 MO 711-4 ' Ho never showed any outward m W H Itt MODEL Edwards on five pilches to Cinclnnall OHftOOOOi-J 2 V i TON TRACTOR E Chanay. DP Cincinnati 7. LOR Lot emotion at all when Dey fined forco ' In plnch-runncr Grant , Anoiln II. Cinttnnaii $ “ B L ItZ ” WC TRACTOR _ Jacksom •. ..him before ho went out for the V8 engine, 5 speed maln.transmlsyon, 2 speed Uiird round. ■ The PhlJlios took a 1-0 load In SALE full <3ir brakes,. 36,000 lb. tandem, drive'rear axle,' 900 x 20 N/e«, air b'raket with 50' Fruefiauf Moflltr L 7'3 "Do you want the money axlesi 5 sjaeed main, ,3.speed aux. tronsrtilslion, tho third' when Edwt^rds MIkkiltan temi grain trdiler with air brakes. reached base safely on Bud Hmt) , right now?’’ ho aske,d Doy. lOOO x 22 tires, 10 hole Budd wheels. Drawer ’ "That won't bo necessary," WILLS Harrelson's second error^ took McGlolhlln W 1 rr) 3 I I second on Short's sacrifice and Carroll . 4 0 0 0 0 Dey said, laughing. "You can 17311100 aend it to tho office Jater." MOTOR $ >1220 lingloi in picking up hla fourtl^ K J m L a n e s IPo bI s victory . Qgolnat sovon dcfe'atii. Ho struck out sovon ond wolkod R are Shiilout FREE ADMISSION • two. Koojnuin suKurod his A rare diutout hIgMlghtod TO ALL STOCKHOLDERS IN THE fourth loss in sir doclilons. girl's slonpltch sottlilill this SEE THE MEN W HO KNOW TRUCKS wo|!k BB Kim Unos o( Klml)«rly MAmC VALLEY BASEBALL CLUB biBnkod Contury l^chinos 9M. Wince Morris b r D on Wemocfc - BwUiel>-lwin«rod-t<»-thi>-wli>- Brovwa f t 4 0 I e H'- * > n 'flW Johnwn IB 4 0 10 Clandann lb * 1 i Jackton pr 0 1 0 0 iwobMt rf 3 0 Sk(nner'i Homcf carrl6d Kim '-5.r»r»‘ 5S58SW I S, UnefltoaSMnodoverMBtt'B. S S J .. !SSS«.J5.»! ?! «n

0f^Shells; You’ve Got~Gimher’sJHumM4JPie ', _ _ SKVSCnAPING, three nhooters try to pick a pigeon out of the would be one hit for live shots. An avcrngc brlngs im iio to the small band at thc-tdp.of Jhc picture. Although tlie birds appear . Inccs of ammunition manulactyrcrs. II you TOUId like to keep your second shot probably tho moiV grosorlous, they fly In rnthor Bo prepared to tlrid the birds bunched nnd vulnerable lo floclTsh’ooflffg, a very good-average — sliooling oyo to ahopo for lioit prodlclnblo in tho field of tight looking bunches, ranking lly foster Uinn o duck nnd fnii'nhnntiriB fli>n«nnH. nlcft 1m n shootinH. But pigeons generalljJ^^ flock shooting appear almost a require a greater lead in pass m a t u g case of shells, find a nntural liy dive strnlghl dawirifflllirbiBit(-snnp7No sorainiiehowH)O B«von-Bhootina--And-to_lio-ifurtlii -----^LodgeJEaglesjQ-vertima way nnd spend one afternoon wUl bbrst" into several direci and on(>liaIf chill nntlem con prepared, take niongtttft more shooting hdlos in the sky above tions. That'J) wheni the turning ' flow through the IKck without boxes of shells than you figure Dutch Grand V arsity Are the Snake River canyon. nnd squirming starts, making -mussing a feather, you’ll need. , • Hole To Wiri'GoIf Meet _TJ)o growing number of the second shot flvc4lmos th3 P r i x P o l e Loop Leaders . BURLEY - Paul Lodge, who eagle, pigeons along tho canyon have problem of Uieflrst. i ZANDVOORT, The Nether- bcconfio 0 OToblem for oroo 'Hie shooting con be a con; Missile Belle Claims will be a senior at Caldwell High Mike Mickes of Gooding paui Epperson of Turf CTub lands (UPD—Austrlon Jochen School next year, eagled^ the topped Jeff 'monlson of Twin regained his batting leod In the formers. And pigeons are not on sistent day*long thing with, Rlndt, winner of last montlf’s, the'Idaho song bird list, bonds comltTg' by rather first sudden-deqth hole Friday Falls in sudden deatli for third pacific Division with a .687 Monaco Grand Prlx, Soturday' to nip team'motc Richard? .’place. They both had 77s but ^ark and Komlofskc of Coors meaning thpy are legal targets • frequently. On good days, It'is /Rich American Oaks captured the pole position for 1 Stanwood and claim tlie title in Mickes scored p birdie on the -holds the Atlantic leadership the year*round. Although nothlngtoget&OtolOOshotslna , . Sunday’s Dutch Grand Prlx by shootbig pigeons -with ,22s has two to.tliree hour period. / . NEW*YORK (UPI)-Jolm A. 'Saturday to copture the 54th the first Burley Lions Junior IfWi hole to win it. Jim bland- ^ith 5tt3 'occordinirto the latest Morris'-Mlssllo Bplle held off a ond richest running of the virtue of n one minute, 18.50 golf tournament. ford of Twin Falls claimed fifth men’s slow-pitch statisUcs. been o sporadic but rother HowGver, it is necesfifliry-tt/ second lap over the 2.5’ mile frequent sport In this area. M .b fly woy, some point /late rush, of Mrs. Hastings $133,875 Coaching Club Amerl- Tlie two tied for low over the wijli a 79. Kirk Williams Is second In the circuit in his Lotus-Ford. -rcmilntlnn 18 Imlcs^lth.foiir- In the_lM5 year division. Pot pnflifjf. n Rno guns Alongside him on Uie front tlieir mennderings up nnd dcwi l Cflthy Honey at Belmont Park ~ The homebred filly, ridden by over-par 76s to force thd playoff . M ^w n n of yale. Oro.^ w/w QveragVffith Turf teammate row of the grid will be reigning There are no tougher targets the canyon and out into ady ^ Pete Anderson, was a length In - , 1 stanwood, son of Caldwell wiUi anOl while Dan McGinnis mi7Maricilclarletw thirdth at 503 Dick- than pigeons. Although ,to the jocent farmlands for f^dlng. ' \ v c s t 1 6 X 9 S front of Cathy Honey in the 11- world champion Jackie Stewnrl, profesjional Keith Slanwood, “ ' “ “ h o F a liro J iJ lB re n t-to n o n -^ ^ j"^ ',^ ^ ^ ^ ^ casual observer they appear to four outings this siting. 4-mlle run for 3-yenr-old fillies. of Scotland In his March-Ford got a birdie on the pariUve hole of Pocatello tied for second at mnrk nnH Ron PnrBnnq of and the Ferrari of Belgian ace but..... lost it when in his 82. In tho ployoff; McGinnis won Oy straight, looking at the same the best shooting reported haa Is Adm itted Marcia W.'Schott’s Kilts N CuUlgan is llfth at .S6S. bird through a gunsight proves been IB for 50. In addition tq Kapers was third, seven lengths Jacky Ickx. on the first hole. Jim Lodge, , The.80-lpps race is the fifth In 'Moore of Keebler Cookie ii it to-be anything but straights offering tjlfflcuU targets, the owiy In IJie. field of •’s^ven P r e c i p i younger brother of the Overall second behind Komlofskc along Try to hit the birds flying into a pigeons show a surprisingly T o M V L o o p starters. this season’s* world champion ip, nipped Bob Williams, of ship series. with Shields of Keebler. Both wind and it Is like trying to hit a realHency after being hlt.'Their / DALLAS (UPD-TheMiasou- Stephen A. CaJder’i.J}(/lco W o o Falls on the 20th hole for are hitting .580. Austin of K.ond knucWebalV. 'Hiey dart nnd size generally. would Indicate .a r(' Valley conference . added who held a comraandjpg A field of 20 will start, 10 of Wth. TTiey had 83a. them havtng been automatic D n* T * OICCISteel l»Is lUUTUIfourth withWUII Ua ,<111 .577 • (lodge from side to sldo and up couple of BBs could bring them, west Texas State University to a tnile, tired, flnismng qualifiers and the others G o U C and down for no apparent 'down.-bUt^ts that.will bring a -ita mcmborshlp-Sflturday-at a '^oi^'^i- Fuller’s A. T’/i making it on tlie basls^^l^inl" ASCOT,England(UPI)-Mrs. Charles Hepworth.of Buhl reason. Another of their un­ mushroom of feathers out pf the , speijj,! meeting of Its was fifth, followed ' by John Glesier moved up into a nerving trolts is their Ybactlon target without slowing it down 1 Ifiiiu, r»nr»«t,ntnflvA» anoiiorShelter HOCKRock aiaDieStable's s uierryClierry ‘I?’'’,®- 'f'’; unlucky four drivers Rosemary Lomax claimed the second .at . 85. Bill iE^bncer „,of Simdae and Wllllnm Floyd’s eliminated from tho event wore richest prize ever gained by a Burley nipped Billy Stanwood of tie with Marlette for the Pacific to D fliwt. Most bb*d5 flare up, or forcing it to change c urse.* homer lend with three.. particularly ducks, making the Since the birds fire lo s ’, wUnoiii the University of D“yt o O'Of Bcckonlng,Reck^^^^ . woman trainer in British Caldwell fir thh-d in overtime. Peter Lovely of the.U.S., Lotus, horseracing Saturday when her ' '. LoUlsvllIc,"'Tulsa" 'Uhiversityr 7 Sccond bohlndrCnlhy- Honey -The 10.11 champion was The siandinga: in n dMfillios seHos MlMlie Belle was wliocurrently,lends the driver's. Jimmy Undley, scored at odds ■'niohosting BurMy Lions Hub Royal Lounge held la picnic following com- conference competition. Oly-Ford MEXICO CITY (UPI)-Brn- championship in 1934, and 1938. '■"•nieailliounm^^^ ...... - • - — •7 - down Uio grid, toother couple win flrjt prize-of J30.000 for peliUtn for the OSinan field. The Rrazillon front line ■ ■ Culllgan ^ • ------2iljHiaallng4 >Qsslbly-thfiJineaL ’"&nt off at M Missile Belle ^ omier Bobby McAjpi'ne.' . OK Tire, * features set of attacking forwords in the Jherwo^s world,and defense>mlnded Italy foremost xoccer player and possibly the highest paid athlete meet Sunday in the final round |LtnVconterence‘lV lhe & iL?fo? Top ScorC III of the World SoCcer Choniplon- iin the world, Jairzlnho. and showing ot $4.20. trained by a women, held off -ships. Missile Bell, by Missile-Rlver him, of watching virtually all English Derby victorvictor | „ n i o r M e e t Vnrsiiv start for he will be at the back Biakeney to win by three- I T I i- u i v ^ s ty Princess, was winning her sixth three- quarters of a length. John Irwin-fired-a-five-over— ejqjccted to be on hand and 700 The Italians, who always 5?fino L nr race ot the year in 11, attempts Alongside Hill's Lotus will be million more will watch on exceled at club play but were 5? and earned a first prizfe of Blnkeney, ridden by Sandy par 73 Friday to nip Mike Chupa -worldwido-le)evl.ton-^l^^aeh-nevef^ble^Hel^^^>'■^"°'— ^ or earni team ottempts to gain its third team, counter with Rfvern, ninn Dan Gurney, making his was French chnllengor aalrnn. over t ” wond copniiiE:------^------"^Goiaen BSoG^’ RRTff rtrmuia Uiie oppearnaco riiide’n by Jenii'Mnssard, at 7-2. golf toumomont. John’s H u ^ " ■ Brozil won the title in 1958 -Angelo' DomlnBhini- on--lhe- - ^ ° W i- i“ f - i ‘ " "O titis "°ctor$Tfor MM^ " ------Anbther-Prench "horse,'Lo The tfumameiit marked (lij - Independent, Meat law. Chouan, ridden by Yves .Saint. finale of the annu{il recreation and 1062 while’ Italy took the attack and goalie Enrico Adding lyest Texas State is who had earlier captured the 1 \ I „ | Martin, was hot favorite at 11- department Junior golf clinics, Albertosl sparking*^ ^ the defense. Umtl|p, fltst phasephase,of of tho Missouri mmanIndian ureeKCreek mnt niaieanHialeah during i i u u i v v.»i La,ver, C ourt ™liey eipansion program the winter and the la Troiehne' I - but flopped into fourth ploce'conductod by Municipal taking the Group Two quallflca- jjj at Churchill Downs last month.- I N lC k ia U S IS In a field of sbc. Professlo'nal' Clyde Thomsen. McAlplne said “ every credit Bob Packard’s 43 won the Take London ^ ,'tionin nseries, ln v l„» beaitlng T n T U Sweden T o \T ti‘„'^iB ,1-0 '“ w ''-™ al» (“ ‘ball playing Carlos H. Marquez husUed I .. . K» . , , - must go to' my trainer.” He nino-hole playoff for 12 and 13- nSrtPn.i nnfl ' «hdols to eight and from eight Office Queen to tho front at the_ I N o t W i n n i j l g said Precipice Wood runs next year-old boys with Jeff Osborne. N e t T i t l e s ' - The.Itallans thbn rompedVstI playmg institutions start of the Oak and U,e.filly ,i,P.)_T„e In tho Prix Kergorlay at taking second with o 49. In the WNDON {UPI)’-Wimbledon Mexico 4-1 In the qilarterlinnl , favorites Rod Laver nnd. af't* upset West Germany 4-S In Margaret \^ u rt of Australlo, one of the most hotly contested won the.ilngles*^llej^ of ihe -'^8nmes qf the.championship. London gross courts champion- finals. ships SatuPday.'although- ...... - Mrs. Brazil ripped Czechoslovakia Court hq4- to" struggle' back: 4-l,‘-nlppod -Enalond -1-0 and As Office Quen began to tire - ^ Ml« playoff I from qn overwhelming deficit.' beat R6mania 3-2 b Group ploy ■ midway on tho back stretch, golf players?" was Nicklaus' Iv l a s t c r s l i f l In tho girls division, Julie Ijiver took the men's crown before beating PeVu 4-2 In tho Cathy Honey took up the chase reply to this observation. . ' ' ‘ King won the 8 nnd 9 division In routine style, boating compa* quarterfinals and'ousting Uru* and begon narrowing Uio gap. Nlcklaua. who barely made V l S l t with a 30, one sliot oho'ad of . trlot John Newcombe, M , fi-3', guay .1-1 In ,the semi/Inals. I ln s i Just as Cathy Honey attempted tlio cut for the final twoTOunds ■ . Martha Cronin. Tho 12*14 -after Mrs. Court ^overcame •Both , oountrles take their IVIf»#»i to catch tho tiring leadej. of tho U.S. Open golf champion- Four peoplo • Tocoived champion was Sharon Blond- Winnie Sbaw of Scotland, 24, 8- soccer very seriously. Brazil • ship, hfls said tho Hazoltine ford who had 09 over nine holes 0, ^2'. Tho A\istralian No'. 1 lost reached the finals in 1050 only . MEXICOj UTVCrTY (UPI)-WoIf-(UPI)-W OH- ^ " ( S y ° ‘’no!|or n*Ja Nniionn'l Golf Club course on ItoatcM urday during n visit igVliisi w'roViinnor-up D o S 15 points In a fo'w at one stage to b6 upset by Uuruguay___ _ 2-1_ gang Oyolirnth scored w th a X'“| ’ which It is being played''lacks. otKajIKumI masters Raymond Harris.’ and was down 1-5 in the second - and 10 persbnd committed blistering ielttotodshotintholoti K e'Jad^ite SlS,.'”"' ^.flnlHon^ » made his an^Toby Tobosa o _ sot before rallying. suicide. T^e Drnziiian coach Wtli-mlnuto------„... --Lnint.Pincoy .j,,,., w,nmv .ir Jr. setnm ijimv Cathy - L------' r H ’T l ' i " ' ----- Pairs « to ado ^ local Sfinsei Robert . . Laver, the defendlng'Wimble- was run out of tho country in West Germany a lucky. 1-0 win Henev down for tho drive and I" commenting on what ho ' t o aio local Scnsei Robert don champlon.Js seeded first In the Inst Cup .games four yours over Uruguay! in tho g.amo. Qiu ,}j| considers criticism of tho .™ 4 - ,“ “lo i"™ ‘'[‘''.'"S,’ “ dofensc of tho title he won last ago' after his team was for third plac(J in Iho World tha margin but was unable to " rnonms tour of the mainland to A BUSINESS aar and Nowcombo, the boaton~ eliminated. ^ c e r Cup , ' » «r|„riv toM U !rLw l5ner n Snoliqt in 1000< Is soodod Italians considered it a. The UrL„Iruguayans , ...... missed- a (),„ ynrds Nicklaus hasn't pjayed well promotions in OF YOUR OWN second. Wimbledon starts Mdn> national disgrace 'when their-donen of the’ the’easiest easiest < chancos pe^o JVi lorson sold of the l»™“sii "ho cnrao hero Murday s review were Glonn day and If form holds'Laver team'wor~ busted by lowly ' seen in tho ninth champ! winner " I ros^md mv fiu j »!«> « nttitiide," and •« Ddtl , Start part or full- time, . and Nowcombo will meot in regarded North Korea 1-0 four Braill and Italy moot Sunddy :J?,7dldJ'I^S S ^takom uS - l»oaus. ho and Arnie » „to r“ '. No.-experience necessary another ?})owdown Jul>' 4. years ago and near riota broke in the (Inal. ■ i out Of her chflfilnc the Jfifldor nrcf^ power hitters “ who nood n Tom Nloworth to Yellow Beu. - DKomt-^nMtoci»Hi of m fjpidlf-npiffdiAf nillonil •nfo.Sl-year-old Lover comes out when tho Italian coach trlBd.. . Apart from ■ ornaniiillon wlltiout inltrlirint wilh your puMnl-tm* to Wimbledon fltter, stronger .to returnito his country: TT^liiutoirtta-tMriinmt^^ „p IhoT ploytnonl, WiiOikd a man or woman or pirlnarihip (aam promoted to ycllb.w belt. lo klip ricordi piOe«i« ipallinn and ordin- lor Cpm> —1,------14iU-UtlU-A UUWIUUU-UUIb-WtUI-UIU... ■ ' --■■aany-»telutlwly-mppliad->cccunti-utlliiins-yn rUnt-yoor, when ho-downed ,. , ^=====jfeK«iffafr:Tniri^PTMrnwtliBB^t^le<«PhMit:conti N«()(combo In tho final, W, M ,. D ies A f lc r C rash nio the 1 quW dur buiinttt ii Mnduclid by mail with a uft^ui M; M . H» VOS In superb form . _ ball , from doionso to ot. the quarter polo and mulvaiional proiram. We supply all'typit'o/ pant and attackj GOLFCARS ImprlhlicTv linli to commirclil. induilriil .Saturday and never appeared in CARPENTRAS, Ffadco lly In tho WE ARE BRINOINO A TRUCK AND -TRAILER LOAD OF ■ ' trouUe. ; ; (UPI)-pelolan driver Mi^'o thon_ . ini) IniUlulional compuliiiMd aeeounli. You can ilirt - )HWI. Court, on the' other washed SaluMay, and Ipi^shid Iho ball over the NEW WESTINOHOUSE AND VARIOUS MAKES OF RE­ pari or.lull iinr* froVn your priianl addrm ind tal your CONDITIONED OOIF CARS AS FAR AS TWIN MltS . own hour!,' An inviiimml ol Jl.l87.00 lo J3397 00 br iJ i required.JHfl!^nlory• • lory raquitamani requiramenl H'Aje t li ' ’ S i^ 'd ^ a v w C M to.-Wlas Mon^ Ventoux aoty race and ' moner Claims , m iu iMMDiArny on c a u c o u e c r f o r ois- ' nol a factor and no ipaciai iMIliIII! ire tequirad, bul you : a u « , the Ihird-t'uiklng"player died on reaching tha hospital. the ihost astonishing O uccn’sPU«le , ' COUNT m ats on eou c a r s t o s t d i u v i k c d nied'«bllily lo work withi " ! and a deiire lor 1111 1 m ■ In Blrtaln.'neetled onlyto hold WlUem,. at the nheel of a norpobrnnlshlngsoen ,, O N THIS TUP your owrt.... Md...... / you i)«e/e and • • laDRO^iTQ tU P lj'i- Jockey meii thtia Quililicaliont pleati write and ineiuaiInelude yyoui6uriuilili(a|ion» htt'iWvelntheBevonthgalma ' li)tu« 1000, was tn a ^ g his In champlMn ahd rfflMr fo; more detalti by relurn mail to: t f tlM «Mond Mt lo win tha, firit appearwM o n ^ a Mart how the 'Amerl-. ^nfoM HoU^ piloted Almonor KlORTHWESt GOLF CAR m«KH, but her nerves got thfi Ventou* circuit, Hl« wlte and cans Imam _ i toil'score , ___ only _ . from /a r b i& d In the field 693t Empire Woy S, SaallU, Wash. 9S11« ' DOUQLAS J, MOLHERN, Gen, Mgr. ' b«tt«r o( her and aha lost It at young chlld.tti!i» at the track lour lals .In tha; six gsmes. Saturday"iturday tqto win tho 114th Wiciiuu; * OlVlllOH or NIIION uuiriNC.,.lUIII m c A in b t y a f ia n g c o m e r m i ' ''TVhwt-' 1 ‘ »h«n he crashed,, • . they, ive play^ nere«: > nmnbid of the Queen's Plate. rIoNiii couii, ,mn maiio, aiuowi* « » i T Averages-Soai^ 4 "^^^D eathM f-. r^MitrtrGelel>F;^s^ NEW YOBK (UPl)-Hope» •"»« (!>«!«' In the JawlMnlng _ B o t ^ P i i o t ^iris^s-NeW s^ P u M Uut ttw natlon'i tariallonvy. arei. ' . r'BOISE (UPI)-F« to mis, money P’?"«y is -r.vlouslv been^lhorouahly etobllih Cambodia as a linvcn ’Ir J u y ex 5T“ . “I “".tt l?5,000 and «0,000, •n.e arUcle neqded to help defer'the S e d l» revoallng that plan. This In which ^Conmunlsts could nuke,” one analyst commented, high—Increasedpoctod. moro than ex- Includes an address to which hospitalized olght weeks to All tllerrm uTbcar -Ihe uPP»««losetothe5gjosou)ine ''blit at least It's the fW alg nP octM . .^ ^ the control tower and was hoaa- Interoated In helping ward off posalWUty of rejection -i-il.u J l «!^ «I ‘ would involve the ap- .wea of figluina. TTioy would uiaithat theU10 aominisu'auonadmlnUlraUon's B Bnur anU: . .-OthflC.-pihflt; raomtarsmemlwrs ofQf _ the ee „ back back to to the the aairport lr^ rt when when thethe Uieir follow man could send a and required ' ' 'to' rombln In wfitcr The name ol the wrlt'ir of military force not.ncod to leave a substantial Inflation campaign may be admlnlslrallon alM voiced con- „ircrofi caught fire. fow dollars to help tblS'famlly. Seattle .for an additional four U,iu me lUimc urh.n oi me niihll.hM wrticr ™uplod wi»h With nnnAiintinna nogotlallons in In nAritrltv security fnmi* force hniii behind »nto nun«>«i guard working;" com over the timetable on Witnesses at the scene said ...... T P " '* ' TO be effective and these batts. ; - President Nixon's long-prom­ Inflation. w n . 1,. - Bullock buuock was was on on fire lire when wnen ho no to oil local resldonU to help medication and functional toaU.Ei, h, tactical any plan, bspoclally the This Is so because the . ised ecbhomlc report, however, Paul W. M c&ac^n' chaU'- ballod out of the crippllod plane, raise monov to flnanco a kidnov Tho cost of tills Is additional to TJJ ...A - r « I detalU of operations conducted President would hove to plend prompted only an anticipatory r „ U l c K « r s ( S ) J d never U e d -in d S p T a n t " t o X S ' G ^ g r by tho m lfc y , miut romahi- before to U. S Consre^ iSfore . spurt-nearly 10 points 1" ' "Ul» ‘ ^om m lc Advisees (CEA), to d officers say ho probably was (Frankie) Maraason surgory. secret until such operntlons are each tactical foray Inside DJ Industrial o n ju ,™ ,,. - j - — . . . .. killed Instantly upon hitting tho "Mrs-. MargaSon is'a llfo-lbng "Total .coat has not hoan-'-J^N u', Implemented.'Hila la obvioua to Cambodia. The moat Important In fho CooDOratlon fot-Development In . . . i- . . . . i ______win eiiner _oe uniniiii i r . . . . „ nf nnu nttnrV »m,i.i k. Hiere was mue iSHcUon to the CooporaUon fot-Dove ppment Ui gr,„i„a. roaidnnl of KMInoo. 27 voars estimated, but may bo aalunh in i,. m ihr '" “U™ that Uio oloment of element of any attack would be 'Tcfual address troTnlHrlnwt^Pafla-ttia^llf-b«tll<^»goln«^^^------;— — ------old, tho dauahtcr of Mr and"'as |i57o6oVW»,ii40'^ ^orprlae-w orks-to-our-ad—lpsf-That-elemenl-U surprlaoir^ ment community slnco. ■ It “i"' M olorisl FrelS Mrs..Fred Tapper and the - why help Is needed...... vantage and against tho enemy. If the Cooper-Church , contained few surprises. results are tohlndschediue. . . mother of two small boys. "Donations by mall or person In Uie meantimo, he has amendment ■ pasaes, the' «iaM hA p»nnftti^ fA Hcrboft Stein, 8 mcmbor of (jge„ ■ ^ ji{ j>e*wfltefuHy aceented-by ■■ ■ - ...... ■i'.«-~publlely-ftniwyige i . drown. He Has yet to lot the continuing dissent will fo(ce the focus public opinion on oxces- cent. Eklltor. Times-Nows: Kidney Center to undergo a Margnson’s alster, Mrs. Wnlter O a m S K a c k i n c ; nation down on tho^ pledges President to his knees. , slve wage and price booata. ‘" “ ■'ists enter. Twin FaUs wdney transplant. Dr, Thomas KalanlV Ifl E. Kellogg, In ' . ' 'and is continually reducing tho TTio CongroM of the United ■ Newton saniler, analyst for E. in g m o ro s w w ^ from tho west, Uioy aoe where Marr, attending physician, has Kellogg; Kay Tapper, Box 155, I ' r o r t i N i g e r i a numoHcal involvement of U. S. States has every constitutional ■ F. Hutton 4 Co., said Wa l boon in contact wiUi tho SoatUe Sllvorton, Idaho,„and Kellogg .fighting men in SouUi Clast Asia, right to pass Judgment on the Strootprobably was disappoint- tho east, where all tho people Center and their medical staff Jayceea, Box>70, Kellogg. All „ In addition, ho has said that tho Initial deployment of U. . S. ed In pUon's speech. He noM , go, and upon entering Blue have advised this procedure bo contrlbutlona arc lax- the Times-Npws found south .VIetnamcso military la troops against.a foreign power, that 0n0-«>W«ctod,Nlxon to werest In s ^ Boulevard North, they done aa soon as posslblo,- -• de^iictable amand receipts will bo way Into tho remote village rapidly gaining .the ability and This Judgment could take the — m-as-fiiiLJi i wage and price Now York Stock Exohange. ^ „l,v thev b o ."Although all m e d ic a l' las'ued ' ' u6on requMt.. Plcaso Modagho, deep Jn the confidence to handle more of form of a resolution or it could ordc’rs m.angrovo jungle of the midwest the actual fighting.' Recent-be an actual declaration of war. Board^ reported -The biggest -slatenjf-NlgeriirrWral Africa, oporan6nsin~camb6ala cajTled However, once, iroops ore drove through,; or the'- -whftrg T hnvn rrnii the forces of South committed and the shooting WBBU IN R IV IIW t ' S h e"ndS”j r r w « ; ™i«l"8o;t: Frtlie” ;r«vder'who S rth e J ^ T p T o c e c d '.’vi^S ' 5i7rname7"ard T d = oi -glalered alien f o r ^ ^ i e l a H - ^ ^ Tcrfpnce to atartsr ■tactical IV UnM*d Pr«ii lnl«rnill»n*l i HBW YORK—Tht WMb Isr t ■'T i J® L t-i croseawiua«o Uieuiu Hansen«t4iM9VM bridgc bridge and8nd iho'surserv. tho’surizcrv. ■ donors accompany alloil con- three years, I readreau theme articlearucic , Ujeae views. t»\eae views. maneuvering of the troops must -Itia WMk M d in f Jun* t f i L . trlbutlons made by mall. • appearing in the News Forum, • Several weeks ago the remain in^the realm i)f the DOW J O N II STOCK A V IR k O il S t S i n o S r i “ 'ln(i,5n»t“t "Mr. Margason Is employHd 0»«n HlflH Lew Clei* Chg Inlerest to u,„ „ute through town Is „ l the Bunker Hill Smolter and “ If you con find it In your Way 17, concerning the president launched massive Conunander-in-Chlef. Only the U Indutt iH.U rU.U m.V Ii«.4]+U.}J » T rin i 1)M*l4«.utll)t.t«l3t.lT4- I.M f f l l U n S «LJ1 8“ '"8 help of the people W thia dying gratitude of her entire Nelson, who was brutally klU^ borders inside Cambodia. The. To expect that tactics can be ;^'^™Bh-town-and Icavlng-vla-urslrrci:------family and friends." Thank you. on^thc evening of Oct. 18,1065, attacksliad all the elements of debated In tho halls of Congress S In il ' "Tho figure of 114,000 is the while crossing Filer • Avenue good mUltary plarinlng. Ttiey Is foolUhness as the mos¥ Im- unit ».n ».M MRS. ALBERT MICIIALS FiUmoro were massive, swift, and portant“ element of surprise Iflduil li.v h-O'i' I some future date to turn a is an abundance of combined total of $10,030 for the Inc. RRl <*.13 <».1T 4l.f> 4f.»— t.U ■handsome profit for short (j,), route, many recipient nml 12,740 to cover r^/vUno^ Street. executed.with a maximum of could not be preserved. There Vslumt w«ih aos. tiviruf ------^------J-WholeheaCtcdly-agECC-With-BMMoyT-r______------nn»iir hi^nla majnr Bnr. . Mr. A. E. Larson. There should 1116 operations have been cessful m ilitary campaign__ " » Mme^”"^“reSan”' aUd W ritcF Com plains O ver be something done about the most successfd in Uiat the Viet conducted by a committee of .' » drive-ins. Kudos for a planning ■ ^ safely of pedestrians who walk Cong have been, for aU prac* men such as the U. S. Senate, W*dn*tdav “ m im ii - i;i.rm~galn-of-M.a-to-jai.«, along or across Filer Avenue. Upai purposes, dlsarroed for at Throughout history every ' Thurtday .... 7.777,»• —...... Friday ■ --- ... (0.tlt.44t 1173.tW The New York Stock Ex Myaonwashltbyomotorlstj loJstsbimonths^eyshoiildboi. major successful, tactical TalaU ... . 47,tI#^W JI.W.J7# change. Index, .which reflects wishes to see-lhe rlm-toH'lm - « v, ^-----..----- ; . ana nift_D0 Qy_was nuneo uhable to launch anythlng-mlUtary-vlciOfy cw be al- WBlKtV tA tll the change In all conmion brldfio and the scenic canyon Editor, Times-Newa: are doings Sometimes I wonder through the air 78 feet before apprbaching a majoroperation-trlbutedto the.briUianceofohe Thli Wk. Yr. Ag« , N«w York llOChi .47.t7t,iU U.4M.44A stocks, gained 1.62 to 42.06, and te ow K e Is the Jenan^e of ® side they are on. Is landing on the pavement. (o7tlils length of timealn ad- man. Men*such as H ahnlbilr - MawVATb landt Wo.t4l.7M l74.3U.fM SvTna dSwn besides myself are getting fed someone tiylng to make such a shortly after burying my son, ditlon they will never again feel Caesar, Napoleon, Washington. A/narUan lleclta- U.t«f.7t8 I).741.14« the UPI ln^cator of all stocks Mldwail IlKhi . t.MI.ftMi.w i.eoq .i.ia traded jumped 1.57 to 70.16. ttrf^NorT; w£ »cure I? massing i m any'U e,. Rommel, Patton, and WMAT X HI I MARKIT DID Si Poor's index of 500 “ Vembies a * 'faihlonable " W " ‘w t^cdV at“ FUcVlnd _SuppJ1m7 eq^lpmcn"!, " and , MacArthur. . .. Indad — — off might this country be If the artd say. Lets try Com* Fillmore to slow down the munitions so’cI6~se'to'theborder~V Juna l». u i» - ...... - Ia A/\AnA«*n4A 14 liA * n m . tarA*.. t__.l_ a1_i______1 _ _ — . . . _ . -Itte operations in.Cambodia ore Juna tj, WO . .,n ..7 l» .J3J »373-.n4.. w w e^S M M W low ^sItiw S " “ Hyde‘‘S onX ™ facto? 1” “ ^ munlsmi it can't be5any wor- wUhourinvoT^ng a much ------tactical maneuvers against the JUNI }«. M lt U 7W 311 1)4) Ifll Junt I I . 1*41 3M ) l U4 U7 lU Turnbver KiggregatOd involved wim Twin Falls moroand fight each other leaa. so . , crosswalk jutated which would greater aocurlty force to protect same same enemy enemy whom wo are tTANDARD'i POOR IM STOCK INDM 47,070,650 shares, up from motorists' When driving [/p o o ^ a t there needs to be How mojiy of us would |rndo „dd to tho sifely of pedestrians these bases. ThIa wffl Involve fighting flghtlngbiSou in South Viet Nam. The 58,002,370 shares the previous j„™,town. It ...... — . . - 4)1 Induiirlala u ! li iV,*ii i f . n + ).» week, but mi«lderobly-below~Ju„J '- - 30-Rallreadi 3i.)i }«,S4 tf.ll tho Sdi456,660 shares' which t l U lllllla l ' 4 t.u 41,43 «.4I with plenty M O IlM kl 7I.QI ,74.)l )M changed hands during the year ihoy Slow even more for the ' ' While at homo laat aummer a Cambodia could forco tho dlrecUy operating against our W IIK ‘1 MOIT ACTIVI ITOCKI ago period. other fellow Those aame people public? Must mey wonder about these thlnga. apeodlng motorist bounced .his Conununlsls to negotiate more troops and the Cooper-Oiurch _ l« l» ( HiBh tew Clat* Chg IKt T A r 7t4,IM I|V| )1V) )IW-t-)V> Point'plus gainers were will aton without alimalllna. '''''■'“ '''S "f an How many of us ore gelling fed car on and off the curb;ln front 'oarheatly at the presbnlly amendmqnl ahould be defeattd, O anl»bUIII»).1M Ufa spread throu'ghout the list. BEk>. JOHN T. PEAVEV Talax Car* <47,4M UW I4v U|i> uvu >v (Miwiuu wm* eiiuiv wviw4u«*t»Mw»i- ■ AT&T 343.IM«43U 4IW 4]U-fl«« get botoro party and selfish In Pim tan- J4i,7M J3H )iv , n +3U ' shopping center on Uiey makotawstostopwhatlhe done,-but did'nol-know whore-should b o:g lvc]U iL dQ aln g ,th (L .C /im C S C .5 /m /l- Palarold 137.IM 7« 4«V| «i —3«j 1 ulue LOKCS Jhey 80 openly Commies are doing to our the u,o money would' come from, doors of the court to tho face of a Pair cam )tt.tM )ih 3«M )tt^U« M M M )tl.4M 1)1. U 43 + M l - Why Dp Many country? Did prayers ever do as After retumlng'ti) my home, my deeply grieved father and W rtron^ti} T nllcc UnlvCempDll.tM )7H- )t .}4«t+v. much hahn? I think not. Many wife and I considered paying for mother and denying them ac> " c ir » u w J u » f i» Occdnll Pll 3tM M U U II |lt(» -f I* tell which way a tourist has „n • - M»M1 OJ) 4*^. 44«» 4H>...... RuirlFor Office of us don’t see what’s happening iho ught ourselves. cess to the court records, and WASHINGTON (UPI)—Q)m- Xarex )li,3M hl«t^ n v i .u .-f)W ' Taaacv < 377.4M 37W 34 .3ri%-f h .. - ...... because we-den^t want to sec. And we remembered t h e ...... ' ‘ • .lurrougha 34I.7M i n i l l e^J^iral'lhVtr^ >ei!»«mpeFori— It^a-— too— upsetting^— t fAMAA mniihn') 'PMiinn 4n . • . . __’ LORENt L. NELSON Chinese ambassadorial talks in III* proaocutor’s ofncc? From mosf wem ihfougn ine ^wmio\TO ^ ^ maybe? Trying to our son's death. It -was my (Nigerio) ^Wtfsaw. Aiamara C 4I3.7M n» Isdlfficultformostcountiesor -say-aloud,-- No^.wonder,^ , ------— politicians? Waiting to see H A S A m 'lt).» M . 3«H - IT ^ »^*+)H dUw'tociUes to got a competent lawyer they’vethey ve traveled down Blue Quite often when an ^ows? , ■:— , ■■ ■ ,,,.___ U) tlU-thls-Dost-because-of-the—Liakcs.North, tclllgontTTJDn’ovorBstiJTTOtcs ...... i-off- ‘" hJh"L.v “'-s .” *c".r.*''c■„ low’— pay. “■—From what I have been — • NOELNO T. KREPT Intelligence or underestimates' ~ofTthT:wfonrMde? What has Wk Aga Y r A»a able to find out the pay for the (Twin Falls) WHIAT« the Intelligence of other people happened to pride and self* JIV ».3»* >■3*'* !■?!'» Twin Falls County .prosecutor is .. . .41V, 1.)0'/4 he outsnmrts himself, even respect? 3.4Sl« l.44tt. I.44^ ,4*V. l.34/< ,4»H' I.40'/!. Driver Noticcs ...... i.4;v4 ,4l'/i 1.41 >^y are three people vying the time because his selfishness politicians and political ac­ for this office with such fervor? . tivists, remember tliat words ____ f orThe Sale — - JIV I.DW I-]}<1 1-11 No Signs Point has ntade him nearsighted; iao l.33(k 1.11 Vn>4 1.11% M t • Why all the' interest in this It seems to me that President wore made to be used by men - - 1,741. 1.34'i 1.34U 1,1*H 1.)4H particular county position? Wft l . i n i l,30ti> I.M U 1.31 1.}«'4 Way To Canyon Nixon is doing the best he can and not the other way around. Mat 1.34'i 1.3JV, 1,J)U l-13Vi l.i;»« have Leon Smith running for under the circumstances and Are wo as a free people in a free V^EDNESPAYJUNE24 ...lit*' ‘ ,*41»- -M’V ■ -M" -** <»1*« this office, who states that he-is Bdltor, Times*News:' WQuld do a lot better if not for nation to be 'robbed of our Sap .43i.» «'■> •M'* Dk ,44Vt>-!U<1 -UH -4S^ II partner...... in an established Iflw My family and I just returned the Jackasses 4n Washington______freedom by those with smooth Mar .t7)» ' .47*'^ -47U ,4a l,n<’< L ll'/l. Communists, us included. because we have done wrong? Dac 1,11V. 1,10 M l l . l i 1-)l*ti of these jobs he could probably which wo live: Manmade. We have a great liberal with our freedom? Are •of our own? Why are we afraid ...... l,7Ji^ 7I<4'‘3.7I^ 1.4ita Aug 1.77U 1,71V. 77W 3-71 3.44W them than he could as county'^countryoiit there just waiting to they really so dumb that > they to use it? Why? Sap ••1.7JV, :.7)l» .?4<1 1.7m 3,4I*/| prosecutor. be seen. ROGER ROBINSON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. Nov . J.TlVi '1,7m ,Jl'/e 1.7ll> J-)lVs can't see what they are dolng? Jan 3.7m }.74^ ,77H ),74'A. l,46Vi Wg have Golden BSnftbtt We turned off the Interstate Or are they aware of what they (Twin Falls) Uar l.llW 3.UV, ...... 3,441a Mav }.U l.K W 114V. 3.14 3.41.^ running as a Democrtt for tHIs“ and down toward Twin Falls, tO V ip A N OIL office, who states, that he is 'Before we know It we came over jiy n'o n.oi 11.3) 7.41 Auo lO.VS >0'*0 partner in a well>08tabUshed % hill and down onto tho Perrlne 10.11 I0.s« 10.14 lO.W 0 ^ 10,i0 lO.s* )fi.u Twin Falls law flnp and a man Bridge. A waterfall cascaded USED 7,11 6r numerous years of down before our eyes. Beneath SALE EVERY M O N D A Y -n ;30 d.m. Mar 9M ^ ^ «.U^ t.ll perlence in the legal profession, us was the canyon—one of the t.TID 7.31 It SMhru quite apparent that he nrust spectacular wenes we had r>,« J ..» too must be offering to take a seen in all of our journey I CONSIGNMENT FOJl JUNE 22nd SALE i!o n il ».w - I M ! TI.U. liS » : » 7>.U 11.1171.01 . cut In pay If he shoiBd win this ITieh It struck us. Ther0 *had Vi” iVim 'VA u“ . Job,’ ‘ i, Itien,•nien. of courw,course, wewehave have be«n-irbsolutely.n(i,evlden<;!>■'• a jj; the Incumbent, Mr, aalley, who. {'office, "'as ’algna on tlie Interatale were •riH C Model 57 4b LItfhl H«lf«r fa iy *f % question i l simple, and U c o n c e it, .E^'en coming Into u.'i"New o«;sss.«T' T.Mw b»ii" ihii any readers o{ this tatter, have Ihe city toward the river — no • 2 Massey-Fergusoii'Model 10 146 HoklAin CalvMlSO'SeOlbt. . -waak. - I, M.,1 ^ tnawer.lweuldcertalnlyllke ilgnal Nothing to IniUcate the •^IHCModel46- lakH M d BMdl.H«n*fon|jB«wiW «_ ihTitn3HI 1«n MW Nov ' 'iiiil .ilBl'liTiij^ittrflctiveiboutlhlsifflce^-Are—canyon^— the—bridge^— the— 4* 1*7) fab W.M >4.4 + .» ==^^piMira5a5iiiiiisJiate 3V|i i h t i Jun ! » there fringe benenia vith thla 'Hibuund ^ In g i, Ihe worM’i ^-^Niw^HsHinid-Msdslisr-’------20 H M iiftfilC «w s W'T.U. H-. U.U H.0 + .. . . o(flc« that we, the publie, know largeat trout farm, Balanced ■Ml «;I1 M.J !MI M.» + .< ! » ' nothing about?,» there a Rock, etc., etc., etc. In every • 214 John Dnere. the proaeetitor'i .other 'atate we paiaed through , ( we. the pubUo, there would have been m-'. • 2 Freeman. 1 Ford.= - , raenethlAg about? I-fCrmaUonatilBity.**:|iHc«d Is Mev* CanwaiidiOai-'Eml _____ K iit u ! : " aubmll Out there muat be >I can only conclude that the- sis, SS* !!S 8 J‘J “4 !SS. »om4!hliigel«etav6lveda«dwe, la id t t a ^ . ot out are* l» WuyheMoy K 8 :° il;" w:‘ t ll’iu u-lnterM^membenl-ot th«^Mhaiiudo(-wlutllw-hivi| or ■ f l ' " ...... & a J‘- Ji' ‘ a " t J W !* * “ «• t« know. that It i i ladOog In twarenaia, S tl® SSllKSi.™ M M I M M w r H m ; 1 unwi''Nuwiii r-dllk« Idaho ounoiiy. JunJ 2i>. 19/0 i m in c E "BfjScoBT for a moment. Then ho would Bold Thief Cons lead a spa(lp nt)d.if6t those fiamo throe jfpndo tricks. .' "Bad Good Player A good player would do tho BRAINS - Say you own o horic, a cow and a muje. And the ...... V.— same but remombor. this bara catchei fire. How would you go about getting the three . NOnTII West. Is our candldoto for .anlmali out to 'uft}^? So Inquired a liubtcriber, qnd I aaked a • ■ ^ worst good p I n y 0 r tn tKe' ----- vetm1h5r1anrSald-*hfff” Dy~thtrTlTmr7mr-|iet-1hcre7^he-mul»— V a J52 ' ■ world. 'will have kl'cked'^rTo door down and be gone. So you ihoo the ,> K A 3 As a good player he was cow out, then blindfold tho horso nnd load it away lott." If «K1fA2;iAA2 familiar with that typo of ■ccurate, this giVos you a rough idea pf the relotive intelligence >VEST KAST ([ucen piny in ordor to Bbt up Ol.mules, cows and liorsos. . ‘ ^ 4 A0n2 a fincs.sing situation acalnst Vflfl 1 'V 100743 a-jack.. Me then decidod that LIL ABNER MIRACLES 7 the Second Chance Club is an unorganized . ♦ 10 D ■j>outh dUl hold tlio ace and association of citizens w one way or ntiothor have «J07(I4 in of spades nnd for some JDikui ■; To'vu.qM’ e O M liH O W - I'M NO LOM6EI HUMGRV.y - / / ^ ,^- TM E miracgloualy. survived, almost'certnhi doatli..I.belong. How souTir(D5------—renflon-wnntod-to-bo-able4o- win the next npndo In his dtfliR O K lE IS FF«DM . aboulf y6U7'tb'ni*tlwrpreaidont of the group vVoj-rsongoing- M ftDlCAL carpenter named McWhlrtec. During WorlcTWar I, a German VKQ own hand. Anyone with c o m m o n fb A m a J i v/ii^oi2LauLV\, • naoAJbUill SCHOOL// submarine shot out from under hitn tho Dritish ship Aboukir. ♦ AQJ72 ^ He was rescued by the Dritish ship Hogue. ‘It was promptly ♦ Q 5 3 -.- • si*iisu could 800 that South would have plenty of dln> torpedoed by the same sub. He then was rescued by the nritish Doth vulnerable siiti Jaoa. ship Cressy.'It too was immediately sunk by lhat sub- All West niond entries to his own hnnd North Eaat Sniilli but our player aX^Jivir within one hour. Here's to Mr. McWhirter - clink! - wherever .1 had no common sense. Ho he bo. Incidentally, It was that trilogy .of terror which led to P ams I V ■ Pa«# 1 N.T. ^xaj. JunuJr . led a henrt and instead of the rule now common among all navies - that no ship engaged P ukb 3 N.T. . PflHfl Phss 1 - ^ , - P a m boing down one South made In sea battle shaU stop to pick up survivors. ’ hi.s contract plus two over- Oponina lood>-4«(} tricks. _ lL lp .A J L o -x u ^ \. CONSIDER THIS - He died in. 1966, but n half dozen of his Some years ago we be- INtwipopti [Hittpmt Ann.} felatives still get Christmas presents from him every year; With -CQmo-lnvoIvcd-in gtua>:'^‘Th'B ^thBnl/.iiiluii ly titrj i w; fin‘i'r I'Q:^ lann fltzreonient on tjiis point 15 years or whatever to mail such prcscnts*"to beloved bul wp db fecf ihai iouay's“ -Q—The47iddhnr+ "survivors. Lawyers set up me scr9Tl-ftva-^o-tiiunip~Bnd-^tk-fo» carefuUy played the (picen kine»- If your partner holds tw6 of the time. So reports a fnedical fellow. In other words, if you from durhmy. liincs you have seven.'If he CAPTAIN EASY worked as hard as your heart, you would he up and at it 20 West was all read’y to lead liotds none you won't l>e past JOHW HAtUWr...PC'KJ'T BELIEVe I s “ THB FACT 1&. I'M VV0RK1W5 OW A ’TOP-?ECRET THE^KA? T1»3ATI0N FOR WTERFO:; AWD THE U.S. , , THAr$- THE .W ^ T \\VB WAWT i often as do married men. Divorccd womeir, however, do not 'tie In diamonds nr he mav not 1W5IPE CAI.U7 ULTRA*LJl.TRA*^ECRer h o K B P R n ' get sick any more often than do married women. Or so the wlwyeupuij 110 iUlU lus pwt— neoa ii. ' INTEatGBNCP ARM OP./THAT WAV... nor would, collect three more ■ "^-iynni P PPPpgA; yurnipu unup - statistics indicnt&.-Can you cxninin this ncculiantv?. srfode tricks but this queen " lOVBRNVENTn/ RBA50W X plav cove him cause to stop Your questions and comnienis are wclcomcd and he • and reflect. used in PASS JT^ON, wherever posMbie Addrcsi y our Iviien A beginner, a poor i , 10 L.M. Boyd', P.O..Box 3760, Santa Momca, Calif. 90403" . oy a fair player would not ((c) 1970, McNaught Syndicate, Inc ) . reflect long. He might pause A HAPPY VACATION tmiNl into «t«k - ■topped f(K.a j»it-andJHu(ln_udjL)ii

■ u n t-i ■ i i * r - 34 TImM'Newi, Twin Falli« Idaho Sell That Bike With A Want Ad r

LADY-(o coolt«^.|>ouM lor- CAN-MltK-rom« ln-JiroW» ir*a .- > elderly oenlllifnaiv Beard, room, Laro* voluma and good truck. and, wagti. SO-m*. Buhl R ta s o n a b lfl, CMII 334-31H, evenings Please. » •______^ LADY alona naada compalant eeok* DUPLEX, nearly new, spacious, 3 heuukaapaf. no nuralng cart. bedroomi sppUances, tlee lrlc ' Driva. Aoe about SO. Winter In hfal« ' carports, 133,000. Ace- Calirornla. WrIla Bom Kat* R M lty , 733-S317. .Ct>U|W. £il££BieM£ED-bBtlendti m a id , a p p ro n lm a ta ly 33 houlu r i par ------SA;L-E*pR-t£ASE------week. Partonal vnd w o rk Cafe and souvenir stiop, Ollss. rate ra n ca i. 934-MSI, Idaho. Myron Harbauoh, Gooding. Idaho, phone 934-4113, o r W4 4043. GBNBRAL malnlananca man. Mutt have atactrlcal axparlenct. Contact Bud Walbert al Bertla* 10 SPAC6 tra ile r p a rk In AAaglc PouUry J»a rm . 733-334S. Valley, ready (or occi^ancy, P.OOO.- STOCKMEN'S R E A L T Y , WANTBD: COMBINATION body 400 South L in co ln , Jorom e, 334- and fender man. Inquire: Jim's 4I4S. R od ne y P a uls, 835-SS74. , Shop, Buhl o r S43;44<4, ” -^CarJyl - Bent ..... ___ l^ge. Excellent location (or trailer . oxtrcitB nqulpmoni a I court, motel, etc. Terms available CUSTOM SWATHING and baling. BANNER PURNITUR b ' and w ill consider tra d H on homes, Jerom*^34S3U. (armsi etc. Phon» 47I-939I, Verl 137 3 n d A ve .W o *l 733 U 3 I McBride, 1S37 Yale Avenue, .B urle y, Idaho. Tranipoilatloh—Cor Pool. 10 WANTED: CUSTOM orfen chop- SNAP-ON -DRlV.ING_to_Nobra>ka around Pino and baling. Call Huber noddle July, tak* two or Itirae, Huber Peed Service, Jkom e, 33i- T P O l/ Kelp e x p e n m . 433 4193. 4331______. . . CORPORATION

~& q|fy^lir«rt-^C fiild Car* Tfi) dflalor In )hr» ar®n. Wb a rc looklnfl lor mon who Aro hone«t, wlltlno lo

selves, and accept manhoi^nient' WANTED; Hay ita'ckloo with position, as all promotions are . harrow bed. Or/il Bradley. within. This is one o4 our lop CHU.D»CN'S VILLAGE, ctilld-care Jerom e, 334 S53B. lerrllorles. eamli^gs can be ever c ih t t r . a g n 3 and up. Ptione 733- I13.0M per year. . ■ __ 7 m . 733 9010. S«)a / h i n g and iallnfl. DiaJr’e C all L lo yd Casper, 33^ 3030 or send Cuitom Forming, call, early resume to Roul0 I, Wendell, Idaho. WANTED: Reliable babyillter In mornlno* or evening*. 334-44S9, Jorom e. m v hom e. Ca II.734 3057 a lte r 5:00 THi

The nation's iaroe*! franchise- Cmplbyn t A f le ,d.7TT5l organliatlon has a rimlted number ol new opportunities for the AN ARTIST’S CONCEPT, of eipanded airport - begins carryliig pakieuserfl, moit major airports wlU have doors and passenger cabins about the same size JOB OPENINGS al Pflrionnel BALING Wanted, big job or small. sportsmlnded man or woman lo rnclllties needed to accommodate both the Doeln^ 747 have been modernized to handle these and other ad* Service of Mfloic valley. «9 Filer Have Freeman Baler. Herman aet inlo ihe Held that they enjoy and helsht, and loading ramps and facilities at airport Avonue. Box 1313. 733 SS63. I , Phipps, phone 733-WVO. the m ost, >• and the Rlsnt aupersonic transport (SST) depicts the vanced-tcchnology jets. Both the 747 and the SST will will handle.both planes. (UPI telephoto) size of the planes at Seattle. By th^^tlme the SST HAY STACKING. Experienced We need an ambitious Individual MAGIC VALLEY Placement sta ckin g w ith h a rro w J>ed. Go Mtio would lik e lo reap th e rew ards -ConsullA n|». 3nd F lo o r, Bank o t an yw here. 343-4041, Duhl. Dob and ol tho ever-increaslno recreation " Idaho, 733.4530, Nell R ing. explosion — a pftrson who is aspiring lo oxiremely high ear- " ir 'ii'._____ :------1------...... -— . ~— stacking. Historic Second Praft Lottery Due Wednesdiiy:— ^ ^ COD WarehouMman, T n ylo r Oros. F ile r, r-334 3145, 334- 'nils is one of the most amating, j electrical supply house, 4410. b(jt lun businesses you'll ever have WASHINGTON (UPI) - I f . wlUidrnw all U.S. combat In ivddition, about 450,000 men ,7 The ndw lottery will feature major lines. Salary open, fringe an opportunity to look Inlo. ../two big changes from tho benefits, m ult relocate to south­ you aro on ablo bodied male forces from Vietnam according with ^ student deferments will west Wyomlna. Send resume, Box born In 1951. Wodnesdoy, July to a secrot timetable and on tho reach 10 this year. They will December drawing. First, there 1S3. Green River, Wyo, 1, will be a crucial dny in your Internatlonol situation general' not be called up as -long -as ' will bo no random drawing of HAY STACKING in Jerome area. Write, giving phone number, lo: the letters of the alphabet; The Oarney K rue ge r, 334-4048. ALL SEASONS ' — life.- ly . their deferments are in forqeP PART- TIME WORK.- Wo-have' letters were matched with the openings in nations finest Fashion SPO RTING GOOPS CO. On that doy, the Selective Defense Secretary Melvin A. Blit the drawing will determine Show Plan. For Interview call Ms. HAY k^lino and Hacking. E. W. P, 0 . Dox S4A, Dept, 307 F e a th o rs to n , 1337 Sth A ve nu e last names of men with the Ashcralt. 733-3?SB between 3:00 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Scrvlce System, with which you Loird hopes to reduce the their place In the callup in _ East. 733-3314. ------roglstorod-last-yonr when you —*rmod - forces—from their' -Whatever, .future year they same blr^days to_detennlne and 4:00 p, m. .reached 18, will conduct n-new current level o[ about 3.1 become eligible. , wouirbouirbe {nducted first. MIDDLE AGE, seml retired man WANTED; CUSTOM hay swaihfng for light work. For ■|nierview cali -a n d c o m b ln ln o . John T r ip lo ll, -714- -Famous-Brand.Namd - __draft, lottery to determine tho million to 2.D million on July 1, Officials said It Is impossible O fficia ls said this procedure 37S3, Twin Falls. . order of Induction next year for^ ; '1071, ond'^iaps cverituaHy to ' ~ to gay exactly" when each was of no.value. — ^—'— CANDY&SNACK-nOUTE Tlie other change will be in (PARTOR FULLTIME) men who ottaln ID in 1070. 2.5 million. But any major now number In the new order of ------VBRr>!rcmNCOME“VCRTMU j M IN L U M L . , • , The lottery is fairly simple: crisis could upset these plans, Induction will be called. Nntion., the actual------_sfilcction—of------—_tho— -RETIRBD-COOPCE 6r nurses a We need a d is trib u to r In ih ls ar.oa ich-0LthcJfl5.dayaj)Lthc.ycaE____ .with-a-resulUng-offoct-on-drnfl- —nl*Sclcctive15crvrcfclvlU assign— uutes. &me n^athemoUcians WANTED: Cuslom swathing and lor.our^candv..(NBSllo4...Rlant®ril hay baling or will bale on shares. Tootsie Rolls. M ilk Duds, etc.). No will be selected at random. The calls. monthly quotas to each state Ana .statisticians complained ' M ID D L E A G E D lady lo.llve w ith mo O urley are a. 478 8440. selling Involved, We furnish all flr^t dote sclcction w ill be No. 1 The July 1 lottery will be the and local draft boords will then.-., that tho December method— ' night and day, Housekeeping. accounts. Y ou m ust have 3 to I h rs. I Phono 733 3539. ' per week spare time (days or in the 1971 order of Induction, second in seven months. Ijist coll up men In order eata- which involved dumping cap- eves). liic sccond will be No. 2 and so Dcc. 1, the order of,induction . blished In theo lottery. The aules containing the dates Into HELP WANTED; Iry cook. Evening tnSO lo S19S0 CASH REQUIRED on until a number hoa been for 1970 was determined for number‘ of men ovallable to a huge “ fish bowl" and then shin. R L R Cale, Duhl, phona 543- For more inlormatlon write 9983. Got W06d Problems "OrSTRIBUTOR DIVISION No. asflioped to eoch day of eodh some 850,000 men. who reached each board con vary widely, selecting them .by hand—was 5", P. O. Oox I73ff. Covina. C a lif. month. their 10th birthdays In 1969 or however, and it is impossible to unscientificppctactually did not SHE WHO htsltAles . . . is losing an IN YOUR FIELDS OR PASTURES? 91733 • Includ e phone nO.______opportunity lo m ako'lU serving Hava light weight equipment. Call . Every young man in the 1970 flUll were 25 or younger. — say how far down tho llst-any give. a-tnio-random..8olection^ - O III - NewbPy-at 733-4eOT, —friends'and ntlghtjors w lttr suportj Music U sioni 40 “ pool" thus, will have a r6ugh Tho number of men affected one board will have to go to Most of Uio critics said only a Avon Cosmvtlcs And TollotrlM. computer could do the "Tob Own territory. Own hours. C«ll idea of his draft status. If.(he by lottery will be much meet iU quota. now 733-7413 o r w rile A von D ist: CUSTOM SWATHINfi' GUITAR INSTRUCTION: steel and ' number nsalgnfid to his birth­ smaller since only the 19 yeor Congress still has not acted right. AAdnager. Phyllis M clnturf, Route Arlyn Krohn Eden 835'ifp3) ‘ Spanish gJJtar'instruction. Cer on Nbcon’s request forauthorlty But Selective Service officials 3, K im b e rly , Idflho, titled Instructor. Call Gooding, H34 day is Jow, and if he qualifies 'olds of 1970 will be touched. HAY HAULING and slacking. 57V4 o r S hoshone. J o h n n y 's otherwise, he can figure on Selective'Service officials said to establish a Ainiform national feel that public reaction to , E dgar O a lla rd, 734-3374- ^ Country Store. 884-7S04. WANTED*: Christian lady or girl lo being called up. If ho has a there aro 140,190 men In this Induction system under, which computer selection would be live-in. bpard and room., and high number, he can make at group now'-classlfed as lA Selective Service' could an­ adverse. They intend to im­ salary lumishod. Ideal Motel, prove tho previous system, F lie r 334-M33. CUStOM. CHOPPING S c h o e lt least tentative plans thot do not (eligible for Induction) or lAO nounce, for example; that all Cra^nHaySllaaqa;. innUirto mllltprv Jiervice. (Eligible for induction for numbers from 1 to 45 would be including the use of some new MECHANIC Wanted. Ford And C ustom Swathing , - Much depends, of course, on noncombat service because of called up In January; 40 to 62 • ■"hardware,", vbut are keeping y pm o n O lan de r, 543-4S73, Buhl. SUN VALLEY the actual method^ secret until ne<;essarv'. Contact .E rn ie K rug er, ___ SUMMM SCHOOL.^. President Nljon’s plan to consci^lousobjections). - in February and so on". Senvlce M an age r, at Oill Workm a n lote In-June;------—- •'Miy-thould^ieaming-'tlop-vi»fiBn — — c o s m sctiool ends? CIve your cl^d this -GR&EN-CHOPI>mG- LEGAL NOTICE YOURDEALER FOR 'jrv’lduallied «tiuity*dlrecled iT” H Y L A G E FO R A G E SAVER stimulate and refresh young saves the valuable natural minds. Primary and (nfermedlafe Lack O f ^Sense^ ‘Snag’ Halts Firm Faces iFULLER BRUSH needs male and p la n t luices. c la u e s In .rea ding , E n glish; AAath, fe m a le , p a rt tim e , t40 — <70 week. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Science and Social Studies, July 6 - 541-4734.713 7405 THE ■ FIFTH JUDICIAL August 31- For registration in- . DfSTRICT OF THE STATE OF lo rm a lio n w rite .B o x 887, Sun Proposal To FCC Charge V a lle y, Idaho W t } . ____ « Can Prove Fatal IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE MAN FOR general farm work, COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS. WILLS MOTOR COMPANY, an : JVANTED^ ^h « r ^ .1* NEW YOnK(UPI)—A father, governments and public and .1 Idaho Corporntlon, Plalnlilt, Clear Junk .1. O f Fraud iuyahinia«irt.ti!KtLij •-and son sailing through the privote groups ore.carrying out SALES M ANAGER i HAY..STACKrNG“ Man-womeo II and over. Secure . . .ftWaters of a New Jersey lake on intensive cducatiqnol programs TRAyElwE U \Y, Mich. lobs. High -itartlng *pay. Short And two saiesrrien for now car and With. New H ollan d S tacke r. E x -’ you are here’by notified, hours. Advaneemenl. Preparatory '■n recent' Sunday met' lo prevent 'such careless CUPD-i-A two^nonth.program F'ederal Trade Commission truck dealer. Nearby city. Write, perienced operator . . . EKiclenI training. AS'long aa raquiriid. ^.sudden trugedv _when the-Jncld^nta. ' ______^ tojHsl2l|se ^ f Junked automo- . (FTO h.» ohoracd. A,mco c-o Tim eS'N ews, Box Z-1- service.’ • Thousands of* fobs open. E x > lUes husTuh mloTrSnag. Automatic Transmissions-Inc., aaainst mo doiondanis, wiiiiam w. perience usually unnecessary. alumlnum mast of their boat The Big problem, it seems, is , Phone 543-6234, Buhl FREE.bookler on iobt, salaries, picked up current, from to get boatmen lo take a few A spokesman for the firm which advertises as- the pff'iS S rK raqulremtnta. Write TODAY, LVNN LAPRAY. giving-hame, address'and phone. ‘3-l,500-volt high tension line hours a week lo attend these hired to haul away tho 2.000 “ world's lorgest transmission and cqsn oi suii, Lincoln; Service, Box R-W, c-o ere kitchen. Rell clean. Priced a t' reached 1,350, an Increase of remove them without .the removal and Inspection, for |23. a tte s t My hand and seal Qf sairf tommensurate with ability and tISOO.Call H Arold K e llh ly , 733.3400 ■' »recovered. Police said eitlier six-tenths of one per cent over owner s corisent, and many of ‘‘Although may Court Iho day and year llr'stwjhovo experience. Pald.hisurance plan, or Land Olflce o f Idaho Realtors.. *^the mast touched tho line or the w ritlo n . vacations and Vdiiy week. Our 733-0714, across from sears. Uie previous year and the. owners were getting sen- be performed from time to employees know of this an­ YOUR HAND'saw and circle saws "“ high-voltage current leaped H. A. LANCASTER, sharpane<^ >- automatic machine highest since 1065 whin the “ bout their old rusting Ume,” the FTC said, "these C lertt nouncement. Alt-replies treated ARGE FAMILY honie for only" (s) CLEO ROBINSON, • w ith s tric t contlclence l( so desired. p ro c e u . Shane Sharpat^lng Ser from the line witliout. actual • vice, S43 sm Avenue Noiith. 733 t7,S00l 3 bedrooms, gas furnace, faUility figure was .1,360, Coast u ^ . advertised offers ore insincere Deputy Clerk W rit* Box Z-3. c« Times News, . contact taking place. 3454. comer lot. Excellent terms, Call Tlie boy was among the first Guard Coimnandant Adm. Wll- . Pun»se Is to P ublish: Ju n o 15, 16, 17, 10, 19 a. 31, B ill R alp hs to d a y . 733 1033. lord J. Smith liQd thls to’sayi “ especially if It's been a get leads to prospects in order 1970, ■ Good Man Wanted CUSTOM roller tiarrowlna, grain Mountain States Realty 713-S974- "Trauiballv.acrentmnhv^f good one, ond you vo hod others to -sell them much more planting, discind, harblcfdes and r boaters who will die In water Local, ranch and farm needs an IniecflQldM. Harold Peterson, 334- u : s r w t & d ' u f c " ' Z : 8 B»„a*'.aatd Cuck o«ponslvo repair lobs." experienced man for yM r round 4334 — 733-SMO. "accrdents in tho United States work ' , Irrleatlno, cattle, nlce basement, -ground floor devicea.aval]able but failed to Whllcford,,an employe of tho Ttio FTC said Aamco- has C lassifred utility, nice fenced yard, good .tliis year The father had the niachlnery, small'house suitable IRONINGS, shirts a specialty. t).3S firm hired by General Motors refused to reassemble transmls- for couple or may live off ranch flifraga. Just U,500, good terms lo . use them. . per ho u r. Phona 433.S470,.. _ ■' dubious distinction of making Corp. to haul away the Junks, slons ' le i/a n d Faund T l with sdlustment. Good tlarllno right party. Immediate t the list of fnore than 1,000 who saitfKy bonus to right man. ;^rlfe "It has tiiken tremendous Dox Z-Si c.o. Tim es News, g ive WA^JTED: Lawn mowing lo^s. Call ; will be injured. LOST: black w alltl, southaatt 733 3433. . ’ efforts-by qil concerned to keep datlpn, al tha Dowladronlftt > 3149 0T7S3-453I- 17. KMp monay, ratum blllt.. • This accident' /night l»e Uie number of liccldents sanllmantal y'alua. Catl 7V-40i*j Week In Review: BuUhVM O pparluKlflai JO Pu«)iM« O ppertuhlllei M ‘ "^termed bizarre, unusual, un- relatively steady In the (ace of 7 J 4 3 iW .- ' SI. -.provortablo-butmostfatalltloa .“ Incrcaso In (ho number R E W A R P fo r re tu rn o( sm a ll brd (yplit. aecuracVantT voiim n. ~tariyNanca A XiioalaUir— ‘Btbariancvd laerttarlM .artd. Build_____ to . full ._.l tImtima a with unilmltad aarnlngi; sboitll llllure to take precau- figure In four years. Also, government In ii) oulcotne former prime' mliUiiter, who’ . ...jftrarefllcaglrlialwayii^M ded. ' UoAi u a liu t nre when refuel- boating accidents rewrted to which stunned pollsters, pundits malnUlned close relaUoni tMlh PMI lim a fa rm iob fo r a h a rd • An Invaitm ant of $1,696.00 to $3,287.00 uttrkATrHoma tva lla b lt^r family , raQulrad. ' • . JngCMUure lo heed weather tho Coast Guard In lOBO were and public alike.'” > .. .. Wwiilngton during .his tenure man. (S) N«ad nait •mbltloUa vsung man for |eti Inqulrlat. Wrifa Mir^Wi ycari lil' g itliBtln r tllir h f w tl fw M u iSSiJ_OISENiKIOtPOli.i-J4l — D llimlbirtMHiyrNANOlMHU^ . ■ _ ^tjnsaceldenta topM froiiD office breausa polls said the I oevalue tl». pound, riturna lo Contact Ih* Dept. ' l . ______QUALII^IED PEOPLE . , W the MwUt of pleasiire ' W.M'mlUloit In 1068 to W.37 lib o r pjfty woiud win. ' • I the EarllEneillary role , of Aulatanet. 7U<99£l;,434 AddliAn \ vWl,lliiJ, the'fe^raf and state million lost year. ' ,For Americana, the eleartv. ' Avanut Wast, Twin P a lli., i ' , 1* b •I A Sun'day. June 31, \ m Tlme>'N«wt< Twin Pallt, ld«ho » — No-tangeiiUsed^

I For SaU 50 Hemat For SdU^

• F ive DCDROOM. 1V> bAlht. ouli'a bV OWNER.: Comrflrtelv rflmodeloO AVAILA’DLE now. boautllul brick nY'OW NER: Excollont colleb«' UO ACRES; \o w i« Iho Mmo io tee UAKG OPPBR: Immediate FOR SAL^i 19«9 M ebllt Home. 13 x WANT6B>:-Hm...... •|*rg# Jlwino roorrt, n«w drjipo*, " oldor home. Four-.bBdroomi. ...horn*. AAorfilno»ld« local Ion. bedroom . 3 bAths. huge the nroducllons, now gr'ewlng< l»isosslon..AAodern cabih In Twin A4 oxpando. locatsd on 8 lot*, IIS. for Q lrit. near center el lewh. . ciirp«l. W fllkout bJiioment (Inrgo CArpDtoU, 1340 Spruce. 734-309S. b e ite n S a lu rd a y o r Sunday III 3r00 kitchcn,.-lArgD fenced back yard. alfatla. corn. >grain and beef. ra il! Auto Court, t k 76‘ . Contact 3nd Slreet WMI. Wendell, w llh or-. Norlh or Bast center preferred, c«rp6f««»-t*rhtlv room). Noiir p.m.. 974 Delmar. Drive. 73119347;.^ Largo modern horno. perfect C. A . s tro fim e y e r. C ab in 4i wltf^oulJoU. e jth K dorm llpry er tf/lvale hem*. ■ _,Atornlooilcj« School, 733 M40. (lY OWNBR; OeAulilul nenrly now c o rra l*. Priced- at lust Horitago Manor. IN Flier Avonue Would llh* to make arrenaim enii. ■fully CArpeled oold MadAlllan Wed End Realty. 130 UroAdwAy W f t LA R G E tw o bedroom and d m hom o, THE New modern*way lb hfive your WANTCDto buy:'Large uiedlrBllir.. m u«: s«<-"b.r.o«up„c. LAROE HOUanreKCmieillllcitlocAtJon. locAtio homo. Excolloni locAllon. 733'Mn, nearly one acre, lots Ihnn 1 mile Soulti, Huhl. Phono j.0 4409, house fo r east>. Phont 733 0&07. _aMUiQmfl^mi£5ijaflUuJut-ci)au. piele line of pro cut and sectional bntomoni. 3CAr OArftu^^^llUM! a freo ttieajre ticket MVRNA DELL U .lh f wlnrter-of a irae th N ir t tlcKol,______. STATE HOME roprosontallves. IB' TRAILER house. OH (love, oil See our lin o lin e o f Llndal Cedar 7B' RO AD R U NN E R House tra ile r, heater. electrK or Ice refrloeralor. com plotoly'solf contalnod. ex- SHORT ACRE wllh 3 bedroom homos. Swiss Villa [development <400, 733 6B47. ______HOUSE 3600 Ac'^bs in Falrflold. A tWo ccd^t fondillon, like now.* To UE.AUTiFUU NORTH SUNRISE Itomo with full baiemont. Alto, Company. 733 0716, or Gene Hop, bodroom lovely home. Good approcJiK U ltUS t. soa. 433 S9BB. '■> Uovelv 3 bedroom brick - bulIMn ODAY ■; •horse barn and corrals, cl’otp to kins. 543-4645. • corral. Evcollenf land. Priced at MOLYNBl/X ■ MacWnerv -Co; Twin, . , 133,500. mllo we«l of RedCflp corner: APpllAncBi' 'Gold ModAllion ovor t3 > 6 p im . . SllJ Dpr-,acrc^Munioy-JiBalty «. MOBILE H O M U I.SQO ft.quAro fo o t; oxlrA bAth,* Hqv« b a « n .U a n iU rr*d , > FELDTMAN-REALtOR! (tRAND neW vacant brick, three insurance. 934^781...... _ MO . H1961 Olympia, '' hardwood And CArpolod. Tho low . bedroom, l'> balhs, liroplaco. * V o n D y k o • ^ rlc e w ill SAvo v o u ^ o n o y . M aoIc TM iHam a Hiiai I*)!! O il SlwshOfie SI, No. I J33 1988 FOR SA^B: Treemin B altri, lamily room, bulif Ins, Plus shao PILG R 40 a c re s ,'5 room hom o, now bedroom , phone S bylino Twin Falls..May trade lor clear O nool tho best stock ranch ueaiS in Edna Irish, 733-0S02 . lu)mo or larm property- Ca |I lor MAGICVAULEY hAfdwood And CArpoMng. Tho low PAllo, cAll todAy. Won't lait on ttie Wosi lo r 300 stocii cows. Priced ftp po lnlm w it to SOD. All Bank fin an cin g ' U SED H A Y SW ATHER5 and balers, ■ price w ill tave you money. Magic lodAy’t market. Call Eunice Both WIckhajn, 733-S47« right. Good terms, MOBILE HOMES all makes. Twin Palls Tractor l V A lloy R e a lly, 733 5M0. Evenings Cooper, 733-4^ or Land OMIco of GLOBE REALTY .G eno.Larsen Sales Co. Travel Trailer Motor Homes 733 SS30 o r 733-3169 o r 733 6S31. Idaho, RoAliort. 733 07U, acrou " ' C. LOONfey, Pho/iiJ 733 QS53or 934 5171 3' 4 m ile s west o l West 5 Points Irom Soars. ' 733-2673 733 6U1 — Closed S aturdays NON RESIIITEN.T ow ner ta v& : Soil REALTOR _____loadac— __i}3^7$3. -FOWiie-BF&HN-FAR A lte r lioui>s. 733 5457. 733-3340. K lm b tfly . ______each unit, new oaa (urnAces. { CLEAN 3 bedroom home with a • (308)733^40(11 H.W _IT'SBARNES-- cohveriiont location. An oxcollont ! boautilulvArdonnqulol— - ."Mon^bor of MuUlpltf LJtlIno" TRAILER SALES ;m E 5 S T 6 n aio iw a th e r, 13', en: I slroet .______Ha,SOQ | NASHUA ^ celle nf c o A d lllo n . t3,700. Call 7U- .... la lp s ia fts RBally i^o iD O U . ' LARGIa. well koptt. 3 bedroom, Mobilo Hontoi 3 A C R p s. anyone? t7,soo. o u t in 1 brick, finished basement., ideal Burlsy, Idaho 0 area $34,600 ENJOY YOUR . C. . HAYS com binf for tale- Call quiet country. House enough for • ■ KIT-KEN CRAFT O H * tueiey ly A ^ ia lM M t O aly-'. evenings 671-0361. Burlay. your kids and the neighbors loo. If "1 _ I ! 3 BEDRO O M home on shor< CONSf- TraVol Trallol's you're not afraid ol a little fixing LUXURY living lor only $19,700 WANTED: Used tracfor drawi^ and can p A y 't l,000 down plus S60 aero, e le ctric heat. F ile r ’ Ttils elogantjiome I; all briCk wilh DERATION ’''t li ] KIT CAMPERS . Aparfmonli-'Furnlihod 70' month At 7 per cent see this. Call j Area $15,500 3 bedrooms. You will bo pleased to d a y ! 733 8033 433 4137 o r with tho largo family room and 'Inlngtily li Out Chi«l Stock in DUPUEX — 3 units, 3 baUrooms, Mountain Stales Realty 733 5974. |f e l d t a a a n -r e a l t o r s fireplace. Also included Are l'> REAL ESTATE • EXCHANGE, TroHn” • baths and lots of wall to wall one side, 7 bedrooms on other, Solet - Service • Porll • SuppliAl 911 Shoshone Si. No. 733 1988 .plus basomenf apartment, problem propertiesaiDcclalfy, by THREE BEDROOM. wal| lo wall carp etin g. See th is to da y! . appointment only, (Globe'N^oaify, Honett Priest —' Fair . Daolingt should rent for UOO per month. carpot. 3 baths, utility, family • Phone 733 3633, - 13 V'^eori Sirvifing Magie - Vollty OA.CHELOR . APARTMCNT, RE l X x a t j o n and p riv a c y .These ■room, dooblo fireplace on main A ll m is only .(35.000 te rm s. comloriaple 4 room'and priuaie come free with this huge homo on floor, basement. 3 car garaao, bath, carpeted, complete privACy, 3.6 a c re s . 4 b e d ro o m s, 3 GOLOMEOALLION-3bedrQoms, ILLNESSFORCESSAUE ' shake shinolos, oulalde city on B aker’s 1 person only. Available about July N.E. location, two bathi, 01 Nevada ca ttle ra n ch .'-W e ll 1. M agic V a lle y Realty, zaJ.SSftO^ Foils Avenue East., $73,900. 733 •p improved, good gracing rigtiis.. 3363. fireplace, it's boautllul, you Mobile Homes • ■ Twm Falls fl c h a r m in g , D R IC K, 3 bedroom . garAQe, covcrcd patlo. birch 4 BEDROOMS - 3 up 1 flown, J' j hothi. 3 lireplaccs, fam ily roorrt, JUST RIGHT FOR MAMA AND kitchcn , $15,400. Aco R oa lly, 733 PAPA 10 U nit rfiotff! ______5317. lormal dinina_rflQr -O N E HBSSTON model 360 ■ AV . garago, good forms . lounge. Excellent lishing, and hunting, FURNtSHEOsludio apartrnant. tSO, - 153 10th A V E N U E n o r'ih .. Exposed' iim e trade ___ utilities paid, private entrance • Moa«i *».■ U'.' windroQTar beams, new carpet, quiet location, WESTERN APPRAISAL parking. 733 1866 afler i. $17,000 Ace R e a lly, 733 5317. ft 131 UNITS. CONVENTION CEN ATEWAY —TWO JOHN D b e n e 3U T balert* IN V E S T M E N T CO. TER t apartman —SEVERAL OTHER OOOD 7)))31S 'VV tTBAiiva b a i u b j i I LOOKING FOR an (Vjoming icJatio c ity Take house? Call Quiircl;l. 713,W40. USED DALERS , NEWER 3 bedroom, lovely carpeted Pleoia coil 733r4079 (onylime) Afler hrs Gcorgo Gould 733 9642 CBMTBP —ONE NO. 31 FORAOE h*rv#*Ur living room, liroplaco, pullman l.irge farm, ranch or other ir>- i Ann Hsffmaiter 733-3B10|Homt) 1 bodroom. nicely fumlstied. All w ilh 3-row corn head ahd hay kitchen, colored bath''fixtures, -veStmonl propLfty on Irade. NEW 3 DEOROOM. lovely living Utilllies excOpt electricity. pickup carport, storage,>odwood fencing, room wllh double liroplaco. ! FINEST HO/Ag EVER OUILT Out ol Town Homes 51 PREPARE ’FOP YOUR C n illo rn ia A partm ents 7a4-3197. near Momingside school. Coll 733 boautllully carpol»d.-handy kit­ 5450 a n ytim e a fte r 3 p. m . fo r $35,000- h o u se . 3' ca rp e te d RETIREMENT GEM EQUIPMENT chen with electric bullt-ins, dining J.bedrooms, -7 bAfhs, utility room, DYOWNER: 3 llt'droom homr. cojy B PIen, 2 bedrooms . cach unit Thli Woelt'i Mobile appointment. Priced lo sell. area, 3 baths, 'double attached 733-7373 J largo carpeted living room, dining livinQ room, nicc kilchcn dinino Furnished, .well maintained, ex Aportrn/inti—Unforn. 71 garage, nice.yard and patlo. roo/n, co m p le te ly b u ilt in kitct^en, area, carpeted, attached carport. cellent.rental record ' Homo Spoclal R eally a dre am home. $36,900. Assume S'4 percent loiin. 543 <595, OUT OF TOWN owner must big double garage, covered patio, \ STUDIO, close In, Adulls. single, or Hoavy Equlpmonl 93 . _ sacrillco small 2 bedroom home. b e a u tifu lly landscapped, 115x190' o fltT 5-30 p. m THIS WEEK'S TRAVEL , 1 I couplc>. Appliances, heat, water Full . basement.' JusI ri'ohl lor' .ROOMY AND NTCE.I bedrooms lot, gArden space, olectnc J. A. MARTIN main floor, I’ ] baths, large living TRAILER SPECIAL lurnlshod Air condilioned. 733- UTILITY” flat bed trailer, grain ___ .starting-OT.-older couples. $7.7D0. lireplace, full basement wllh Farmi For Solo 52 A G E N C Y . . See at 394 V an-B urcn, room with lireplace and carpoi, large kitct^en. full basement with paneled lamily -room and lam llv room apd lireplace, l(^t* bedroom, storaoe and fruit room 5HOR-T-40rTTPBrty-ncw-rTJWnnrm- ~ frailer — automiilic loilel pres'suro SPACIOUS'3 room's and bath. — BY-OWMeir-Moriniving lor your closets and storage space, OUTSiae^orclty llm ils in Kimberly. urick home, attached garage, ft7li 5377 - 43B 5564 water system. 3 llanting systems, U tilllie s furn ishe d. US. 733 0931. Hoy, Qrqln and Nod, ^ 94 ^ money; beautiful split-level. 3 big beautiful yardr«well kept, outdoor radiant heat,, boautilui land sleeps 6 people, turoace, stove and bedrooms, largo family room, lireplrice and fenced. You w ill like scoping, all pnsiure. Our best, lo tf and Acreogoi WANTED: Hay, w ill conlract on FdIU relrigerator, V i . 350 N o rth WAShmglon, 733 1B42. f ACRES of pasiurf for rant. Phont Dusineu Properly 5^ 336-4679. T-T.BA&T-»VEt— t» 'cbfTim'orciarpropertv ... f'r9 p ifl« o ,, alo.vQ, and, re (r!g # rfllo r Sensati.onai ------A b P E C IA L T Y ------• turnltked, adulls, no pol». all Feldiman Realtors - 733 19B8 u lllltie s lu rn lsh o d .-733-5071 o r 733* JUST B349; Vacallen Proporty St; The New Caveman's H outti—Furniihod DUY piece ol beaulilJl Sawtooth p a s t u r e pOR r e n t . . Oannttt AAiniTuris'te Valley. Excellont^ business op- ARRIVED O NE DEDROOM a p a rtm e n t. t60. area. Can h#ndle up le 100 head. portunjfi<>s. Sconic viow cabin Water pal'd, also can be rented 7H:3I33. Th'e r9 Ft. M OTORLODGE M O UNTED sites, rustic summer homes, Q u r F irst with large shop or storage space. acreages and ranches. For in- 733 0016. O N THE 1970 FORD E 300 VAW __fo rm a t ion on rne above see W ^yne zsnsxm -M O D E l' PnHerson,' roallor, Lynwood' —l4-Fopt-W ide- IN FILER. One bodroom tiouse, no GREEN CHpPPINO- Realty, Smiley Creek Lodge, Call ■ \,^^N d$/iua Cujfofw Children, no pels. Older couple 774 3530, Stanley, evenings. ■ pre le rre d . Call 326 4704,______• M o b il f r - rVOUR-DfrAbBR-m)!) Call u$ todoy to tee Ihis ullra*neat two bodroom homo. Comport HYLAOE PORAOBSAVER Carpoted living room; well-kept fenced yard; Momingside Ii a molor lodge loo larga.lor you( n«edi7-U o campot to o.b ^r'ton 'r V 7 j i S«ve« tha‘V llu ib t« natural and too tmall? Then her* it Iho be\t ol both Tho MINIIURISTE it plant jglcai. school area; large low interest loan con be assumed. Mod­ juit 1 9 J e *t from bonjpor lo-bum per. It it im oll enough to handle FOR SALE or tr-ade; 10' Travel TWO ROOM home at Curry wllh estly priced at S13,000. - like o df#om on Iho highway yel the.inlonor ly appjioncei Dorothy Kolar 733-6848 Ford long wheelbaso pickup sanitation furnished. 514 3rd Anlmoi Brooding lO C i ond hand ttyling provide luxury on the go Phono 3265237, alter 5fl.m , Avehue E ast. 733-1017. 733 1376. AR TIFIC IAL Braading to A B S grait EXCEPTIONAL two bedroom. lull proven d ra t, natlon'i h lp h n t typo baierrient. .garden. laUn main production tjrta . Alio •irb ra a d ie f INCOME PROPERTY Baker’s Mobile Homes beef avallabit; Buhl calla«t; SJ3- FOR SALE.'ExCcllent'Camper shell 6103; Jarom t. .M4-3dS3j_Sho^on>. Nice ] bodroom hom o lo r old er p icku p. 5‘ x 7‘ 7' 733 3769. after 7:00 p. m. 7)3 3 NEW HOME .ALS-AddisonJA^t- ton*, 139-5303. See at 79.4 Van Quren. UNFURNISHED newly decorattd 1/ 1968 A P A C H E c a m p in g t r a ile r , bedroom house to 1 responslbl* excellent condition, sleeps 6. stove. cBuple. phone 7U-663>. ' SELECT______»lra«___ Incoi corporatftf. AM. Homot For Solo _50 Homot For Sol* 50 Homoi For Salt Ice bo x, s in k. Phone 733-7865o r see b r ^ i ^ dairy, baaf, Wallar LaltcHi $ at .405 P a rk D rive . FRAM ^O RK lor pickup camper, We Hove a aeetl Selactfen af V' steel tubing with windows. 3053 CaltU IM K im b e rly Road. 0 5. i r Wide M«bk Homes. . From $S m TOP QUALITY ItoM wMOhl CilWH.* S5Per Month m i s r TtAxT... All U M I- W l Ol Biltlt on BUY THE BEST. Airmodels 1970 , to $9695 'HiOhway 10, $4] 47a- . ; I RESIDENTIAL I I COMMERCIAL I Travel Queen cam pers; Now In I W IL L C A R E 'lo r ald e rly p « ri0 A tn . A i litllo A< $245 Down We Have 9 Baautiful s to c k . 5 p o r1 sm a n Lo d g e , 1000 .mm y hihome.-Can Q iv* re te rw tc * . lU MBaiftTBUBO Plut 1 y to rt paid-up (ire RESlbENTIAl W ill fX C H AN O r 16 unit motel Springs. Hagerman. Idaho. f - s s h . C B ah« 4 SUM. t u r n . * j inturonce, 3 monlht real 24'W id«IMil«HMi« for poper or oilier properly, lo> ^CLOSe-IN. cl*antrtacaltan»«lo«^ •tlofataiti. 3-8EDROOMS, full botemenl, car­ COUNTRy FRENCH. 3 tiory, 3 ' Fmm $11,500 pel, and dropet, liraploce, panel­ fireplacei, I ir> matter bedroom, colion open Growing in eicett ol J33.000 , J65.000 ls$M,SOO led living rOom. lerm t to quoli- 3bedroom t. 3 >/3 balht S29,SOO In Ihe Northwest and still selling lied buyer ...... 511,350 like craty. come tee why Kit's the PLUS... NEW TRI-IEVEL. 4 bedrocxnt. Travel Trailer Buy, ROOM, board, custodial core tar DRICK 3 bedroom. 1 in lull b a ie ^ MA & PA.MARKCT in Magic Vah Many Moddi of 3.1/3 'b ath i, tunlien living room, ley, eacellent return , , S30.000 elderly lady, m y ham* r ment, corpet and dropet, double formal dining room . , .$37,500 SEi:uiiirYc»MpeRS v a n aapariance, <33 W i goroge, covered patio , S12,930 and TRAILCRS. 4 lEVEl on Sunrite. gold madol ■Come Over fo . SHAG CARPET and new dropet in lion' 4 bedroomi, 3 1/3 bolht, LOTS b th or Bowtjbtt Ihit 3 bedroom, lull botemani carpet and drapet. double B/IOOF AN ACRE iV, High low n . RENT OR L E A tf. tiome, fireplace and garage, g o ro p e ...... S43.900 BA KICK’ S tub'divition, protective cove- warehouse, w ith tracki 3 BEDROOW^- V BATH^ " ...... 113,900 DIue Lakes South n o n ii...... "J2,300 MOBILE FULL BASEMENT & C A ^ DRICK 3 bedrooni, attached ga- DRICK 4 bedroomt.’ 3,1/3 balhi, PORT. CARPETED roge, carpet and dropet, will . ,3 fireplacet, family room, forrpal RIM VIEW ACREAGE-lott in beau- HOMES frode lor mobile home . . SIS,300 dining room, aicellent Pretident tilul'Dlue loke t Acret'adjacent lo Roady lo m o v Into. 413Aiddiior)W. - tireet locotion- , .-MJ.'SOO ----- Ooif co u n e ,-10% -down,-$1,095 733-3330 W here Quolity aod Price ond up. , UOurOool recreation room.’ lorge ciinind (MIWMlt«UOrf«rWMOMIMiaM • $ 1 6 , 6 0 0 areo, n«w point . . . SU.SOO H ib h w o y 34 360 poymenit ol IBS per month for COMMERCIAL FARMS Mobllo Hom of ..j ° flf 4 fUflkinoUa.^^- ____la itm i-ia ii .it. g -.-Jr lomtf clow u morgogt Iniuronct. Interfft lubtidy corpet ond dropei, carport. •FIIER.6A ACRES wilh- lull water ii 71/3% to ocfuol intirvit poTd by rerrtodeled. completely lurnlthed, . . - • - ...... $16,930 , could be dormitory . *. $33,900' righlt, good productWe toil. , USEDINDUSTR .. : oboy* family U . 1 %=. Swblidy .wi|l Qo ‘U- ,_, , . . , $39,000 MID-YEAR CLEARANCE; EQUIPM ENT-/-^ dowrt ii family income goei up or BRICK, 3 bedroomt, 3 botht, car- family ( ill detreoiit. . -pet ond cirapet. lireplace. fu ll UNIT op ortm en l houie t^ R T H ‘ SIDE 130, eicellent im- iDMlel dilryl»l»~ V M iem ent. double goroge. - Goodirtg, excellent la i th eller , (I'rovementtinnl lond, Qoofl' dairy ____ Biilll uwdar th# 33S Vra^raw'...... r . . ■$33.000 ...... $40,000 _ orcqttle tet gp,. , , . 1970 12'Wides I»IH| d a ii., I —8»fn». Moximum Family Income To Quolily.'M a^t Hove • IHC M 0 0 8 L ro ll erowlor wim (Mtar. 14400. * . Approved Credit. . • LOUTHORSbH 733-2291 •Dblie.VOUMER 733=345T 3 Only JOhA pi»i;4»cr«M4«r-^< ' J ...... I '• LW. MESSERSMITH 733-4546 ePlCMMESSERSWTH 733-9069 3P.opi...... I l-12x4B,M2x6b.2Bedr^ i^CASBM S.lo»air,.Ui90.— .: SP topU . V I 2 X 60^TB«lroom ~ IN 4-Wo 6 People . V IT 4 M .

Coll 7^3.2891 doyftor 733-8460 ntohU — tbyv-Uitt,.— Ath fM *’Wi» ^ 'rth# ioiWw" • >liiiis,iiic. 3i T|mal-Ni'wi, TjUn F«IU, Idaho.. ‘ Sunday, Jun» 51, W;o '

’MU<^Haneou» For SaU • 140 M lK«itqn*«ui Fet^ Sole 14^ Boafs (‘or S«ll# 16? “ S J t i T >*ali';Bncl Rat^upptl** 110 AM>lianc«« & HH Eqbli). n o M ubIcoI t l 4 M licallonHU i For SaU 140 MUfrFLERS installed whlje you SHAMPOO your own- xacbel.^ CANVAS 1 R»olit«r«(i HoUtolrTTlDrrmv ~VIZSLA, mnle. AKC reolilereci PACTO h V t r a i n e d appliance. FOR fiALB;--Oood used upfloht_, CHRYd^CO-biats and-motors.-- piano at niacker's Furniture anr ' wall. Complete muMler service, prdlessionalresulls. Rent a Clarke .moniht. Mu«ll*r bulk. t«nk, 400 Phone 543 6346, ^ color. TV. and stereo repairman. Starcralt boats. Camper trailers . All work,guaran|eed. Call Tempo. Appllrtnce,-331-3nd-Avenue -Eait. including custom c^als, Abbott’s . shampooer with companion Harley-Davldson motorcycles. ' ' gallon and wAth'luba. Sunil Suro« v«uum , Banner Fur.nJfure. 733- R U BBE R BOOTS R GG fS TER ED Pud PUPPV. « Weeks, Auto Supply. 30S>Shoshohe St. JEROME IMPLEMENT. &. m ilker. buckAl lypo. I mlle CAil of Soulb—. -SHOVELS DOhl, 543 SI06. ’ • 3 » M nln. tluh l. 54I 5264. ~ . NBVy Yamaha planoi; Used planoi; A ^ n iN A . GAS re frlg e rA to r,t3 S ,g a s stove, t35. :VoV guitars and ampTlllers. KLH. WATER PUMPS Phone 78B-3S3I. '1 FD R S A L E : 333 F ord englnti, —iD&AU—aifi—IQC—tUithee*—Dav- ••• „>carooleloLy-ovQri)aLUcd«..coKivvJD> ■l4‘-FtflB»OtrA»S-bont-iintf-tntlterr- LAbrndor pups. AKC r.ooltlered. a rup. Call eB6-753S. 35 Horse Evinrude m otor, (49S, weeks old. IdeAl for trjiln ln a fh li FACTORY trained service for color POUR GOOD used pianos. Free 733 4S34, FaII. Top hunting bAckgrouno. S43' TV, AutomAtIc waihera — dryers, ;-^pU C E EXCESS fliilds with dallverv and terms. Also, one like- 46S0, Duhl sm all appliances. Call Tempo. 733- F L U ID E X . 11,69 - LOSE SOO HeAO. HOLSTEIN helfofl. 96B0 to da y: j newilereo. Claude Brown's Music WEIGHT safely wllh Deu A Dlel, I. Furniture. 20' F R U E H A U F pull tra ile r, fu ll n ir, Mole(cyel«i • w H o h In o 300 • jO O Ibi. SShoAd c o w t g e r m a n s h o r t h a i r s . W ire- ICC hllch And lights, good Shape, i ‘ 98 cepts At Oscg .pruqs, with calvoi. Hoistain ileeri. hAired; poinlino Griffons. 30' UPRIGHT freezer, pric? cash. 900 X 30 rubber. 334 4043, Jerome, 6S0 TRIUMPH din bike, strictly - Sfttlsfnction ounrAateed.. LArry's ' NOT- RESPONSIRLE for carpels 313 Robbins Avenue, Twin Falli. Bodfo and TV SeU 125 competition., 'Racing pistons, ...... , Kfnnelti 733 3467., . ■ ■. ldaho'B33QI. Phone 733-50D0 a fte r S REFRIGERATOR, living room set. I ■ cleaned any o lh ^ r w ay, ren t HOST CAmi, Lucas competlllon mag. I' for'cloan carpels, Noneed lo move p.m., excepfWednesday. - range, w.iiher, bedroom set, bunk- 733 9*63. TWO AKC registered .PoodI* pups, I rvjrnilure, 11 Wilson- Hales, ?02 Swln« Phone 733 0B56, bods, crib, bod hnd matlress, dlnnottu sol, book case, 734 3109. No.' A Woodstock C ircle. CUTE ADORADLE vi4ille hAlli of COLOR (rade Ins: Save now. Mci . fur. AmerlcAn Eskimo pupplH. Quale Service Cbmonnv. 73j 4910. SSO GALLON steel lank and pu/nn,_ . HOOVER UPRIGHT,v«uum.wlin ' Case rubber tired wagon. Ptiono t«ro R«}istfred,.U0 Apiece. 7M »;r7.' 164 Purnltur# & HH OottdB ’ 12? MOTEL CHANGING to color TV, settings for lino dlflerent carpets, 734 300>>, BKceptlonal .blaVk and-whljo, tso rucommonded by All Carpet mfgs. HUSQVARNA r e g i s t e r e d AKC .orlttflny ^.SPOT cash fo r used fu rn itu re , ap­ 733 B;61. . re g u la r t79,95 o nly t69.95 at Cain's 196? WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia, . REGISTEReD ArAltliin «l «hid. 5p.iniul puppies to r SAle. S43-4954 pliances. baby things, coal stoves. 733 7111. Save tlOO, Comploto w ith year 360 CC M otor Cross HMR Ph«rlo U5 orodc. or Cienr Lakes Power PlAnI, antlquH. Hayes Furniture, Oarage SaUi book,.beautlfut. like now. Dox 1134, p u reb re d. BU-7S17. Is p ECIa l i Clean, o il, And ad just any T w in Falls, 733-6920. ,1 oight (pood trontmUiion, USED ‘furniture and used GARAGE SALE, Furniture, dishes, make or, modol sowino< machine, I WHETHER YOU NEED A ’ like now conciition. TWO woll broke oeldlnot> two grocn %k C registered Toy Poodle, 3 now and * used clolhlnu. I (2.99. New and used machines SMALL camp irallor'and small * BATTERY FOR CARi TRUCK. ' broke’ m flrec And two vovtriinu . i p r i k o t ^ b la c k . S37 4454, mIsccillAneous, Sale slarts June 3?- ! Commercial machines a specinlly: ir r ig a lio n pu m p, 606 N orth TAACTOR, BOAT OR RIDING 6 7 8 - 9 7 2 6 , co lts, 33< ? « 1. HAOcnijin. ’, M usic. and lasts 'til overvlhlnp is sold, I D ra c k c ll's , 734-3465. Wnshlnglon Street or 733 3515. LAWN MOWER. YOU'LL FIND m ile south ot MotorVu corner, 2nd ’EM AT D 4 B SUPPL.Y . . . A-NO Burley LESTER Spinet piano. Admiral. ALL TYPES of horiei, bouiiht. u)ld PUREORE'D German Shepherd - housi> oast on Sugar factory ronO. -STOCK RACK, fits 6’ bed, (65. 303 AT A LOW PRICE THAT WILL c o lo r T V . c o n s o le . 434 South M a rtin ‘ttre ct. 733 9^09. PLEASE YOU, irA do d. P le nty o f rAnch aclcfings, puppies, Phone 543 5569. • L incoln. Jerom e. 334.?96fl,______BUY TODAY Ron HAley, 733 «OSS. 1966 Y A M A H A , low mlloaQO, lop Good Things To EpI 133 300 SHARES 01 Twin Falls Highlino LIVE IN IT TOMORROW stiape. Blue LakevOK Tire Storox POODLE PARLOR UNFINISHED FURNITURE. Ciinal lor sale to highest .hid. Will BNCORCPBpSENTSi TWO ARABIAN Sinllloni. .11 sfod, hlohest (juAlity. good selection. or. 733 7010 after 6 p.m . ' ' ProloulonAl Groomlna QINGHAM DAIRY, drivu oul and .jtliJn.lcls.iincl.iirriO unt lo-5uit.-Wc_ Ilic_n flw REGAL TRANSPORTABIE --ontHbflvronDDrflVT-O^^Ji-^OSJ; — Any DrMdBrt»o-i7Tniw ------*M Arv~Cnrtcr~f»tiint8.—-331- Mnin -s A v e . w hole "m ilk 77 c o n tra anrtnrrr rese rve Ihe. rifjh t lo reluse any or MODUIAR HOME roa d/ to »et on A venue E a s i, : . nothing adduO, nolhing' tnki-n BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLES. .111 bids 'W rilu'DoiTZ 4X irTtm M - yoiir tioTvbanrmBnt or baiemen'i 3 Y.EAR OLD cuiflfiir. florsc. 114. away. Ad'dlion Avenue E.isl. -b yv- scii_ Qf-irade._Repajr <^ii Ooldlno, w»ll breflT Must jfiirU M tivetlock Wanted SPOT C ASH,. type ? and 3 bedroom. 9 bpil>>, makes, Cycle and Trailer Conier. For Furniture.Appliances ______J______iirn t - H ig h w a y 30. ?i4 m ilos West ol ^ ^ o r t?p^t_Q]fpr. J3t <035. R u p c r^ ._ &TRAWBERR4E&.'piekMtr-V1.50-per- -tOAHO-HIOE-fc-TALLOW - Tfiing'sWValuo :xceiiant (inancing. All (hit. PIUS DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP gallon plus lax at Meyer's. Phon^ weok. Danner ' Furniture', phono DANNER PURNITURE W E L t BROKE pnpect‘0 AppAloo»» Phone collect 733 r»« —u im lv ^ : 196 P ^ L C O . rP CTRtaSC MUHAI» '16ra, slieT Shifti—prints ond ploidt tertainment cenler, stereo, stereo S A L L Y 'S A N T IQ U E S , ,431 5950. M u p INTERNATIONAL, model COF- horsot,; weanllno* on up. Jack sectional. t3B at Cain's 733 711V. Round dining tablet, chairs, Uniformi—oil «f beautiful cabinet. ISTORAGE SPACE for your dual Axle, wllh sleeper cab. VI DoudreAU, F ile r. IdAho (JOB) 334- SI99 At C ain's 733-71)1. hutches, dishes, wash stands, i snowmobile, camper, trailer, boat. Shoes a n d.S o nd dli 3 5 - up s a s . other furniluro. dieiel en|)lns, 13-sp>ed Iran- MuiUal lnstrum«ntt ! ca r. MensPonfs . . irting-Geodfl WESTINGHOUSE washor and CamoronJSalfli. Inc., 43^? ' 'guaranteed, t)9aat CAin's733^71)l. • (400. Call 733 6349. inglon. Quv .and sell dishos, lur i LEFT HANDED golf cfobs. carl. fi -_i ■ 1 ' 3 up l e e ’ p o n t ia c MO'YEARLING ewes, 'j .md h nituro. RctiniSM ri'p a ir, nualiJy.. BA5EI1ALL GLOVE special! Ofidal gow ns '3 5 op orn de . Sell ooy Am ount, P/iono 543 __knowhow. JEROM E Si-v(T>11. m o^jrlj QualilV mer ■C.cHnilw.o, ^ Y.u,Cl.d..'«0 GMC TRUCKS — In Jerome c.tuituiiM' anil wor.kinansriip. Close ROSS LE E FORD. Inc NOW AT our' nc-v^ lo c .itio ir R i-liC i, oul pnc(.-s. Call 733 4074. WANTED: A Cor'dell buck E n c o re BM ifi For Sal* - — 169 gIMs. gem motori.ils, tjotilcs, ..... purebred. 3 lo 4 years old. 629-5090. DODGE. 1960 l-ton truck.dual slock Oecorative slont.' .incl 'nd M e rc u ry SAle. Phone 436 304B. 100 w est, 87 EASTERDAY- Antiques, dishes, ;nULK MILK TANK. Solor 400 dealer. 1163 blue Lakes North. 733: norlh ol Rupert. THEATRE TICKETS DAILY glassware, RoscviHf, (l.iilon biiiinless .steel, like new _1194, Your choics of Ihe all nsw Cinoma. Molor-Vu miscoilancous. 330 Ma.n, Buhl. . I cofiU it.on. i37 6666. CasilelorcJ, . . HIKERS 1963 CHEVROLET 4wtieel drive, or'Ihe Gtond-Vu thaolret 543 536J HeADQUARTERS ' DID YOU KNOW ttial Century heavy duly pickup. 6cylinder, 4 - HOTO TILLER. 4 horsepower, 36’', SUPLUS MOUNTAIN CLIMBER { Automotive MAChIno will custom' speed, long narrow bod, spotlile, WATCH FOR YOUR NAME TO W E U S U A L L Y liavO lUe unusu.ll. ■ AMT brand, hue new. J139 Nylon Rope ! build Q 13', 15'. 16' or 17*/]' boat In new pa in t, locking hubs, good R fickson M otors, 733-4000.______I. your cholcoQf metal flake, or plnin Pets and P«t Supplies 110 APPEAR IN THE TIMES-NEW S Pete Johnston, ..iflj.—Soii'h -UACK-PACKS ______^______condition inside and oul. SIO^. “ WS5Wriglon“ T A irp o rf RoacH 7J3 Aluminum frame-nylon bag- C 6 lw ? * P |------~pnonB"iTir'4e36rHagBrTrHn:------'— "CCSSSlFIElTSE'CTrON. 2345. German ' surplus pack ' POODLE CROOMMNG. Stud ser- LEFT IN STORAGE I BOATS, motors andm v^Allors, Al Bob — vicK-pupptos,-Ctiorl Miller Ken 1, Savarol n o m ti will be uo tte red 1l1rauol^ou1 iKe . fram es,..J4.95 ■*' I Greer. Aulomotlve, Highway 37, Necci Alco sewing machine. Surplus .British Everest pack engine, 10 vs nels, Weil RodcAp. corner, Kim Timei'Npwv C lb u ilitd Soction daily. ' Paul, 438 5344. - ' fram es, reg . V4.95. NOW »2:95 combination spud and hay bed. be rly , 4J3 5104. iJuMonholes. overcasts. 543 6933. Buhl, 2_,'Nam«» «!rill be pickcd ot random Irom the Magic Dlind tu-ms. monograms, ap Baby Totor bgck fram es ...J10.9B ^FEMALE pocket Poodle, 1'i yoAtt ’ Valley phone diteclory and the TirrevNewi C loii- '“YANKEE p iiq utiv J iid cSouS'-many d e co ra tivc. Back packers dchydralcfi loods,. SEA FLITE. nicest boat going. old. housebroke,. must sell. ilied lile.'. • ■ •jlitchgs Everything Duill in, no 0,1 ralions Inboard oulboard or outboard, .1949 CHEVROLET ’ jlo n " pickup ' Wendell 516 2704. .iit.%ctimi-ni'.. ncod’ecl, Costs J339.95. Surplus women's hiking bools also, used IS' Fiberglass boat with wilh camper shell, excellent 3. When yq ii'fia d your name in ihe'C lattifiecJ Sec­ ’ ski reels.^HP'engitlp. lillle Dude Condition. Phone 733 9383 a lte r 6 p. tion, you t>0»e 48 houf\ lo lo ll. y

FACTORY molal c.W py lor 1949 lo ijooer Jl. Krongel's 1957 short w tioeloase pi'ckup,. J50. PICKUPS M A&I€-VALLEY 733 1631. ’ ------BUSINESS^ TRUCKS -WeiiwavsHa^TheBest! SERVICE All Styles and si/es. Oi R ECTORY DOUBLE sink, 31 x 33. with rim and fa u c e tv Used, 513. 734 3303, Consoles, component systems, Bolow you will lind-mony larvicoi ovailob'lo Jrom Magic Volloy Busi-' iiipi' I’OijipiDtni. 8 track and -1960 DODOE'r7~$2395' c.ibsetle All near perfect con 1964 CHEVROLET $095 1964 DODGE . . . $850 I neiioi, look undor llie town in your or«a . . . contaci ono.ol Ihoio f'rm! 5 HORSE CLINTON trolling ni'olor, Impolo 2 door hordtop, V.8 en­ 4 door QflO, V6 ertgine. oulpmal- . Poloro 4 door ledon. Vfl engine, . new c a rb u re to r. 135. 733 3600, 733 gine, 4 tpeed lloor ihifl. power ic tranimiition. pow^r^feering, aulomotic Irontmittion, power for the finest in service ond quolity products. ' 3140. evenings. « r Q B e x a m >’ I 'I > iteering. chrorrte wliealv. power brnltei. ------tieering and broket, 6-woy power Console Siereo Diamond teol, laclory oit. one owner. 60 W ATT siereo a m p lifie r. 160, B.ns nccinc- A speca changer. 8 speaker 1949^I1YSIEB $3795 g u ita r, MO. Portable TV $35, 734- .lujiio '^ysicm, solid slate. Fully $ $ 9 5 '300 3-door tiardlop. 440-engine, A P P L IA WC I:' SEMVl t e ’ vinyl covored'fop. low (tiileooe; • 733 0038, o r a fle r 4 p.m . 734 3113. , "loctory w orranly. NU'LIFE ' Building, maintenance 1969 DART . . . $3595 Swinger. 340 V-8 engine, 4 »p#id arid painting. Commercial — TERMITE a PEST CONTROI. re s id e n tia l. O ffic e , 733-6756. FOR SALE; Girl's bike, butterlly trantm ittion, 9, ad uo l milei, li1966OLDSMOBILE$1880~ _1965_CHEVR0LET_$1-195- Evenings, 670-3500, 734-3334. C O M M E R C IA L T o rm iteito andorm And Pest handlebars, *11.50. . WaiMod;__h_ -lilV n tw :------Impolo 4 door hardtop, -V-B on- J & P Professional Window Washing — la y in g t\ens7Xair433'575B. 90 luiu ry tedan. VO engine, ouio- npBetl6n w ith no matic trorttrniuion. power tleer- gine, automolic Ironin^inion. piTEPflINT Ing ond broket, windowt ond MUc«tlan«eui For SaU 140 1964 PLYMOUTH . $795 •''Ouarformastor Brand" taot, belled tirei. lu-tone painl. 4-doot. V8 engine, autamoliC| 1969 DODGE Don CHIROPRACTOR T A K E OVER $9.00 paym ents on 3 traoamltiion, oir eondilioning, .|L Swinger . . . 340 V-Q engine, TREE SERVICE month old console stereo phono 1967 DOdOE. .' .$1695 ALMA HARDIN — C hlr^ractor. 157 SEPTtC TANK SBRVICg and clean, ’ ■auloa^olic ironim iition,'. |>ower r a d io . Cash' b a la n c e . $124, * 2 * * g a u o n Poldrb 4 door, V8 ongine, oulo- North Washington. Twin Falls. TOWN A. COUNTRY frfte Service tleiring . Ihit w ot a demontlra- Guaranteed. Claude Drown m o lif Iranim ittion, air-condilion- Phono 733 4741, ROTO-ROOTER sower service ] Trimming, Topping) Removing (8 Gal. or More *2 .7 0 ) )r on d.ho t 3,600 milet, cpmet Sewer lines And sepllc tAnk clean Furniture Company, 1963 CHEVROLET. $59V ing, power tteering. Free BsIJmatei — Iniurod Slolionwagon, V0 .engine, qulo- o lull factory warranty. ' ing. Also all types of excAvaflon. I 733-6008 Box 311, Twin Falls POOL TAT3LES, Place your order , oialit tfontminion, power iltf' John A. Haken. 733 3541, I Largo, S m all. We Do Them an now. $500,00 to $700.00. Freigh t . 1965 CHRYSLER $1295 I Expert Shrubbery Trimming New port, 4 door tedon, V-B Classifieds CRAVEN'S Sower Service; sepllc prepaid, PonnyWiso Drug. lank - sewer line cleaning. Power engine, automolic tranim ltiion, 1964 CHEVROlei $495 power tle e r j^ , brakei. reol equipment, fire inspection, 733- REE SERVICE •POLES, REELS. ,lishinn liickto, 1966 CHEVROLET $1695 Stotionwogonl V-B engine, 3053,. . : ■ used mechanics lools. varmini Caprice 3-door Imrdtop. Power tiandord trantmliilon. rodlo. ‘ WORK! /ALLEY i TREE' SERyiCE. Trim ritleyl scopes, reloading lools ahd (leering, poy/er brabet, outo- and heoler, rurit good. ' ’ * your shrubs now, FrUo estimates. components. RED'S TRADING 153 3ndAve.S.. Tia Falli molic. Very.clean. 1963 01DS98 . . $645 It's The . B ox'S S .'T-F. 733 3331, POST, , 4 door, V-8 engine, oulomolic H 65 FORD. . $955’ ’ lrar^tTTlitllo^, pow er' tteering, 1966 DODGE. . . $1195 Good Thingt To Eat 133 Foirlone ilo lio n wagon. Vfl en- power b/oket, lactory oir-4teering, ond,power 1966DUICK . , . $31' m e n t, crutctie s, w alkers (or ren t or vice and repair all makes. A good CHQICE Electro 2 3 } 4 door hordlop. tuii t t l me power rako »nd fortlMie your selecilon o( rebuilt vacuums, engine, oulom olic trontmitiiOn, brokei, loctory air-conditioning, l i w n ^ o n e 733 662». > ____ sale, Klrigsbury\, ^arm acy, 117 tpeciol th ii week only. ' power, laclory oiruonditioning, Main East, 333 isyjor — ' VJcuumCleanersof Idaho. Cornw one owner. of Blue Lakes and 3nd Avenue STEER vinyl covered lop,;eicellent,. - ' ; l a w NMQ w h r » Ea st. Call 733-1037. FEDEFfALLYoldS.^. s^ r a y Tn o ” :...... PB N B W A N D USED InMnmowers'. VACUUMPtServlce .Center: Parts- Sttarpening and repairing, Fre? SPRAV for dandelions, woods and 30 Ib i, m in im u m — Olckopi-lntermounlaln-Fuel-Com*- _ri!pfllr»-oa_Kltby_compaci*Jitasi- HEIFER -a ll typero^tn^ectr-sv^TomIrIaw^■*. dn M ea TH a m liufQ er f o r. . • p in v . /33 6631. oth o rs. T )v ln .F a lls , 733 6041, TRUCKS^ tortilliatlon. Gem Spraying Service, ?W;4306.- - 14,Uied i and 3 lori, trutlii, Dadgci ■ Fordt - Chevy't - GMC - Inler- MAIWTBNWCB f WBPAIBt ' inatlonal ■ V ..8 bnd 6 cyl|nderi, 4 apd 5 tpaed Iranimkiloni, TV IB R V Ice ppUtTRY P|)OCBStlNO -ASPHXLT-lhlnoiei-tpplied, com- axlsi, iome la's axlei,'ne'w 1.6 ' and 16'ttack'and gralii badi. '' ' w m tre lll rooU repaired, coaled, VtOME ENTERTAINMENT SER BEEF -+-p*rm no-^irf#*-rep»lred-te»iBin- - r v ie e :-R e A- Q :e ,M ,- 3Brv iCT‘~- ...... >33-fclJ5. 733 0571, P arti And,Labor Warranties, (Lew Supply. 733;3UI. Fort. 4V3 3nd Avenue Eatt. 733- MflMH Hoiwa Tfinsportlftfl 9443, . . c u t,'w r Ai>i>Bo A FROZEN HuoHti Moblit. Homes. Locally Iniurad carrier. U cal ahd ■^24-MbURi yo ORDER', . . :1b. lO &llEESrs^ ’ : I ,^1 l' I j I I. At>iwarltig «rvle«. Tha advertlief will b* notlflflct to . pmcEs (UBJia TO u.sji.i.Fh1 SOO BLOCK> C K 9 N 1 D0 A v e n u e s e i i t H ___ of.oriy:adv«rHwr In tMi. 5 0 ^ nARKiT cHtNOi llnrlecHlK e^-HAUL National iruck-irailir ptfteCTOttY^trTiBT-falwj | r r t H lo t-r3 9 '8 3 M /-T^ ------« J (E N N Y ,M O O N « ^ E BUTLER • W IN ELIIS |>hon» Aniv<«rMB Folli, Doy or hllgM. Buhl, Idaho ,. ' :.Piioni9-Coll«ct. !I43j I 3S8 ^ B E IU X E IIIN G S 'T IL 8 P .M . . ~ v.-:-, ' . ■ I : ■ ■ ' , ' ...... ^ ...... - ...... r ’ . , ' ...... ■■ -I '//' Sunday, June Jl, IWO TlmM->hWf/Ywli« (i*IU,'-ld«hi> p

Xtu/lU* 196 AutMrMSal* 200 Aulof r«r SoU T oo AutotfySqU I m s PORD ^ ton with lO'camptf. MUST 8BLL. m t C hevall*. 396. 4- JERRY KUYKENDALL'^* —iU-309S.------1------^ ^ 1 High book wlnnar-of ufree theatre tlckqt. ■ l9i3DODGB power wnpon. winch, mlco bPBkM. wnrn huBii Irnnifar e«ifl.'tlSOS. 733-70S3. 1967 DODQG ''^;lon pickup. ciMtam box, cuilom cab.with automatic — ioa-ooDGE-HQn.,lQ,whMl8ri hwy, trantmlulon, e^ultj^ and laka r tc k , PTO, oootJ rubbw-. new paint, rebuill enginf. Schlffler hay Harmon Parky^venua. loadDT. eKcellQnl condition. 734- 37B1 o r 733 3003. m n ln o » . FOl)' tale: 1961 Chevrolet 3-door. W lille w ith red » trlp «. 4-tpe«fd, 3 tf engine,hAiliad overhaul, chrome Somefhihg New A t. • • Aul«f ForSoU .300 wheeli, new tire*. 1300 cnth- 335- S444, Eden, . NASH, m93-dopr i6dart.oneownef. GIEN JENKINS CHEVROLET 41,000 BClunl mlle».*.Carl FOR‘ -S A U E :.o r trad e (or m obile R Ictiard ton , «78-94a;, UurlDV. homo. S^iarp 1967 Im pa la 7-door hardtop.' 35,000 m lle«, AAaonum •W«9 GRAND PRJX M(idBl J. n.SOO it«eeli, i^ichellni. Jack Donner ;]UBl mlU -713-33S8, w eek-dayt, - ^■t037. ■______PERFECT (or lum m er. 1968 GTO T O R S A LE : S P O R TS-CA R. i94fl convertible. Power %te«rlng and Oal»un 7000 R ofld slcr. IZx^ollonl ■brakei, ipeclai automajlj:. Iran- . condition. Rolow t»ok. Dr. S, J. %mliilon, AM-FM radio,iorand Sm ith. 5 0 sa to .n ilo f AiOO-- i new Selberllno racing tlrbi. (m- QY O W I^ER : I960 Quick cuttom ' m flculate condition. .Phone Sun SkylArk, Automniic, V -0, g o ld V alley weekdays, 776-5335. maiallic. oxcollont condition, ono ow ner. 733 50?! or 733.BJ49.

DY O W ^ E R ' 19M 4 door O ldim obllo 1963 PONTIAC Oonnovlllo. 4door M DoUuKO. F u lly poworod, fnctory hardtop, automatic, full, power, flir conditioned, now toni covor», excellent. (&S0. 316 A&h. 733.3703. ’ good ru b be r. S43lU)3], Ouhl. B /opt fidll Compor,. ico box, 3 burner itovo, furiVoce> 4-WHEEL drive-- TOYOTA 1965 MERCURY, automatic tran- chemical toilet, undercootod.. L A N D C R U IS E R I ,1966. G re a t tmlstlon, power tieoring. Sharp. family tun, hunlinp. ''Jeeplno", or 1631 Maple. 733 6743. - - : J970 1/2 Ton.iong.'whoel boitf pickup, ■350 'V-8"enalho, around town, outstandino con- chrorr\o front bumper, gouQos, full loam teat, heavy dut/ “ dltlonl M utt le ll quickly. 536-3497, rear ipring^.

camphr convoriion., Robyllt OLDSMOOIUES onoine, oMellent condition. 1950. 733 8387. . '______Both LGORICE MOTORS GOOD clean 1963 4 door Chevrolet pcx)dlnu. Idflho For bnly ^ 3 6 4 2 Impala. good mechanical shape. W o h a v e 2'tO loot and 1 II foot Bflli Camperi avoiloblo 334 3925. ^WORKMAN ; (or immodialo delivery. 1961 Ford Ranchero. License : BROTHERS California LHX95J. • Serial No. PonHaC'Cadillac WI NEED GOOD PICKUpS AND TBUCKt, g: 1966 CHEV. 1/3 TON IH37flti3t37. W l» *el» for Sforag®- GMC . i ' - I 1966 CHEVA 1/3 I . n | WE ARE WIILINC TO M V PBKMIUM long wiienl bois. 4 tpeed HJpe‘iridoI'0. 4J6--34yy . i r -- m -.u.^«i.~.b«..„p..-long wtitel bate, 3 ipied • ' t :•:* —------TMD«iH-#BICEfc------tiantm itiior^, biQ 6, tiiitb. il'I CORVAIR. 1966 CorsA convertible. 4-ipeod, supercharger, full In­ struments, beige. White top. wine NO GIMfiAICKS — InTertor7VlBtnamtjoond.-WOO.-Jim- * 9 9 5 * 9 7 5 * 7 9 5 * 9 9 5 Fiolds.*336 4939. F lie r. ' -JUST SAVINGS END-OF-YEAR PRICES CHRY51ERS STILL IN EFFECT TIL T H E - P lYM O U TH S EN130FJUNE!!!!! . FOR SALE or tra d e : I960 Corvette. 1964 FORD 1 TON I966CHEV, l/3Ton , | 4speod. both tops. excol)ont 1968 BRONCO 4x4 DODGES 1967 GMC 1/2 TON ^ 4 tpetd Irorv^ittinittion, long whaei bo»«. 4 ip t id condition. 734 31BS., 1970CAMARO Hubi.tulUob, \ . 1970Fleet«idt Pickup lon o w tie o lh o i*. V-8, 4 ' ij;: bio 6, ‘Juolduol lirti,lirti trantmiition. V-B tngirK. oil Direct Factory Dealer TirMod olo“ . wliilowall libat<|inu vp«ad Iranim ittion. hilcti radio. V-B logine, ■ miirort, htnvy duly. iti« e itto t. 34.000 ociuol 1963 FORD FAIRLANE 500. clean, \>dii mouldingt, rto r leni -very good condition. Phono' 733 J irc^_{tntCf_CQniQ|p. tport< fnir- _ m irron. low mileag*, nica very low milaage .m iln - •<'. T prin^. power .brolrfei,-350“V’fl — 3B04. tort, 250 liortopowcr V-B ongino, Harbaugh Mofors engine, lutbo Kydromatic liam - ^ 9 ^ S - —— i lurbo liyd'omalic troninoiwon. ^ r e 9 r > 2 3 5 0 ■65 MERCURY COMET, 6cyllndor, power iteorlng/iftu'torf* mli*fior: mittior>. pow ei -lo om • automatic, sntety inspeciod. Very GOODING Rally Sport, Mulionne Bluo Slock scoU, 2-ione. Slo, power iteei- ISO 3rd AVlNUI tufbo iiydromniic iionimmion. -^33»I0<9- irg, Mhilewoll libeiQoiit tirnt, po w ti itoering, wliilcnoU lilier OPiN 8 am to 9 pm WIEKDAVS ClOSWftUNDAYS • heel covari. .radio. Imlod O lgu tim t, radio, V-0 V B enQino. Stock No 47, Siickat 1968 FORD Stock No. 297 1968 FORD Plica $3Q96.3S -Galoaia 500 latlbock tport Ggla«j« 500 A door. V-0 «n- • 3 0 3 5 ” P5 WASS3>95 NOW* . * 1 8 9 5 NOW . . * 1 8 9 5 GLEN JENKINS 196S Chevrolet 1968 FORD CHEVROLET &«l Aif 4 door tedan. V-8 en- Cutlom 500 4'door tedon, V-B NEW CARS 313 Main Avenue West 733-3033 Qin*. oulom otic Ironim iikion, engir>e, oulomotic Ironim ittion, USED CARS ...... 734-2450 power ileeting. air-condilionlng. powaf tleoing, oir-condilioning. W AS $1999 -WAr51995~ NOW .'*1595 NOW . . * 1 5 9 5 E.O.M. we're dealing YOUREE MOTOR CO. CLEARANCE NOW!... 351 Main Avenue Edtt ' 733-2954 FROM THE PRICE FIGHTER! Ben'Eldrecfge' ‘ Dqlp Sorenson 1969 PONTIAC G.T.O. * 1 8 9 5 PRICED l E O R — ^ ■ ■ ' ■ Jack Cox Hord'op coupo, power visering lurbo hydromofic trornmivvior, radio, healer, new premium tircv Only 20,000 milo» SUMMER” Savings 1967 OLDS 98 . . * 2 1 9 5 — NOW^IfOUIUHAMCETO H ofd lop coupe, lull pOwcr. 'Conditioning, rodio, hfoter. ~M *K^A^GRt<^T^iS|DXAItlUm Ja67,DOPgJ DART . 7:T777T ■ HofdJop covpe, d cylinder engina. tK ''i(tarfi tram m ni(«nr*----- THE HOTTEST * door 4 door r^ew lubber, radio, heater. -THINO^INCE DELIVERED IN * 2 5 9 5 * 9 9 5 ^ TW IN FALLS 1968 FORD CUSTOM 1965 CHEVY IMPALA 1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA ...... * 1 5 9 5 ------4 door Mordlop coupe. .VD engine, fodio, heolaf, new rubber, o' Equipped with;200 . 4 door trantmiiiion, power iteedng, iec.thit ono CID Engina * 1 1 9 5 * 6 9 5 Vinyl Interior 1966 CHEVY IMPALA 196STHUtgD6BpiRD 1966 OLDS ooS8 « •>• •-« •*••••#>/* 1 5 9 5 Sedat\. tijll pow Safety Pkg. 3 door hardtop, itandprd trarti. Fully equipped lor only. Sedat\. tijll power, air-conditioning, good (uhbei, lodio, h«atar. /tink automobile>fni ' * l i 9 5 * 1 2 9 5 1966 PONTIAC Cdtallno ■ i , 1963 PONTIAC 1964 PLYMOUTH FURY *895 ."''I' 3door Sedan, V-B engine, outomalic Irontmiikion, rodio and heoler. Miehelln liret, lo ti of mllai left in th li one. * 1 1 9 5 * 3 9 5 ,9660mSMpBllE4^ ^ , p y y B U Y 1967 OLDS DELMONT 88 ...... * 2 1 9 5 4 door hardtop, vary tow mileci^a, full power, oir-condiliopino. •■cap- * 9 9 5 N-O-W!!! tionolly clfiart. ’I966CADIUAC . , * 2 5 9 5 Coupe Oe.Villa, only 39,000 attl/o l mile», lull power, lilt whaal, SPECIAL w hilew alhirai. laoth«r inteiior, 3Mone blua^radifl ond haalar. I966C0RVITTI ..$2495 ■ Q b lip p n AreolbloulKultportKor. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA-SS . * 1 0 9 5 ^Flow Thru Vtnlllotlon ^_AlM ^yJJfa«rJor H oidtop foupa, V-C engine, 4 tpae'd trontniiuion, bucVet tto lt. radio, Courteiy Lighli — Color Keyed Floor Mott — heolar, naw.rubbai, , Fiber. GIoh Balled Wliite Sidewall Tlrei, Body- PICKUPS ijde-mouldirtg, AM radio. . 196BChevv Pickup, r«alcl«an ...... 9 1 8 9 9 ;196y P0Trf;P«t^ p, ojj tBrtir t lrlTqn im lii loy . : . 9 9 9 9 1963 Chevy Nekup, 4 tp««dfranim Uf(on . . . 9 3 9 S ■ a,.„, . jj,

T H I S W E E K S BEST SELECTION OF CARS ANtf TRUCKS IN MA0IC“V7SCLEY S P E C Iftt Worth ol oro a rlti will> iv iry Ok' s uicd caror Niw car. 1 0 0

.•]a unit Cut 01 Tht Way ■ But e le t Pfy ciwvraM, rMriU«, ■«ld(, -W4U4M . ; '■ ■ i-i- ' ■ .■ ’■> .....

1970 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY lUTmVURniTffTffRYr 4-DOOR HARDTOP 4-DOOR HARDTOP 1970 JEEP GLADIATOR Citron mist green with interior green vinyl roof and Citron gold with gold vinyl roof ond fnotching gold Burnt oronQO with whilo pearl vinyl roof. Fonder matching groon vinyl bendh ‘seats. Fender mounted interior. Fender mounted turn indicators. Time delay PICKUP V-8 mounted turn indicators, timo delay ignition light}. turn indicotors, time delay ignition lights. Headlights ignition light','headlight time deloy and warning sig­ •Power Heering drfd'TreWBr~bTnkBt7-Dolun&-wh««l—

1970 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY 1970 PLYm M sPORT FURY 4-DOOR HARDTOP__ 4-DOOR HARDTOP ■ 1970AMBASSAD0R^------Limo greet) with' w/hlfr vinyl top, matching interior. Yollow with antique gr6en vinfN oof with matching in- Fender mounted turn ilgnali. Time delay ignition light, /Aelollic commodore blue with jnotching Interior bench headlight time delay and worning signal. Power stoor- torio/, fonder mounled-turn signals/'time delay igni* Ing and power brakes. TintecT gfass'all windows, lion light. Power steering gnd power brokes. Deluxe cushion, while vinyl roof. 360 cu. in. engine. 4 barrel, Brouaham packoge. Deluxe seat belts, protective rub* wheel covers. Brougham package-. Torqueflight trans­ ber' floor' mots, .forqueflight transmission, sure grip duel exhaust system'. Tinted gloss-oll w indow s. Sports' .'diffprenfiol, 383 cu. in. engine, 8 cylir\der 4' barrel. mission, 383 cu. in. engine, 6 cylinder 4. barrel. Tint­ steering wheel, power steering, cruise-commond auto­ Air conditioning with automatic temperature control ed gloss-oll windows, rear window defogger. Air Electric clock, dresi-up pedal. Undercooting and hood DON UMV IIS conditioning with automatic temperature control. Un­ matic speed control. Wire w |idoI covers. /kM radio*. D»N insulator pod. Mouldmg door edge protectors, .bump* PFEFFERU J0W5 ' lOVD DIUUMi , dercooling ipnd hood insiilolor pad, bumper guards _ ii« L I er guards front and rear. Automatic speed control, Ondercooting and hooJ insulation, power brokes. j Power bucket or split bonch, power windows, power front and rear. Power bucket or split bench left. only. LET ONE OF THESE MEN I door locks, power deck lid release. Radio AM with Radio solid state AM deluxe, rear seot speaker. Heavy Ad|ust-o-lilt steering, outomotic trohsmission. .stereo tape, rear seat speaker. Heavy dutv suspen­ SHOW YOU ONE OF THESE sion. Tilt adjustment steering wheel. Black Dody side • duly shopks.front and,rear. Green body side moold- No. A -n . moulding. Sport wheel covers, while sidewall fibor- ing vinyl. White sidewall fiberglass tires. No. 3. , . • glass tiros. No...... » iin » — 1970 SPEC! AI.SL 1970 PLYMOUTH FURY III -4n)OORHARDTOr Yellow with ontiqulB-Ofeen vinyl roof, motchirin inter.;- — ^USlirCARiSgECIfttS^ ' Bqoutiful teol green with block vinyl r6of with. ir. Fender mounted turn indicators, lime deloy igni- matching interior. Fender mounted turn indicators.- tion light, Heodlinhls time deloy ond warning signol? 49frl^OMtTJl^DOORiEDAN- ^ lime deloy ignilion lights. Power steering brakes. Power steering aod power brakes. Deluxe wheel cov­ ers.'Air conditioning; tinte'd glass-all windows. Protec- 1964 PONTIAC WAGON Deluxe wheel covers. Air conditioning, tinTed {)lass Automatic Ifonifniltion. tive'rubber floor Torqueflight transmission, 383 — Oil windows. 383 2 barrel engine. Deluxe seat Radio, hooter, power steering cu. in..engine, 8 c0tmf»r 4 barrel. Electric clock, un»- belli. Torquftflight transmission, electric clock, un- and oulomotic transmission •880 Exeilont condilion . . . •290 dercooting ond hood insulator pad, moulding-door dercooting ond hood insulator pod. Moulding edge p'roteclors. Automatic speed control, powpr' 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4-DOOR 1965 PLYMOUTH FURY U 4-D00R door edge protectors, radio with stereo tope. Reor Bench seat. Radio with stereo tope, rear, seat ^speak­ V-Q HARDTOP. Aulomatk Iront- SEDAN. V-G Quiomatic tool ipookors. Black body side moulding vinyl. er. Green body -side moulding. White sidewall fiber­ mittion, pow«r ile«ring. radio, powtr iletiing; . White sidewall fiberglass tires. No. 29. glass tiros. No. 19. • - V«ry c lia r f...... •570 New l i r a i ...... •990 REGISTER FOR DRAWING FOR . 1968 CHEVROLET NOVA 4-DOOR 1968 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK ...... ■ m Radio, 4-ip»*d ...... B 1968 JAVELIN 2-DOOR HARDTOP 1966 CHEVROLET PICKUP CAMPER FREE FISHING CAR SST. V-0 oulomotic IrartimliilonM V O, 4-tpiid. 8 ' powy lUiring, laclory ^ tool boi. low mlliao*. SAYWRDAY AT2:00 p . m . VirycUancamptr . . nir conditioning 1988 •2175 YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN 1963 CHRYSLER 306 1963 CHEVROLET 4-DOdR SEDAN 4-D O O R HARDTOP VB, aulomolic Irantmliilon . •480

------. mMM — ..Vi-

CSI W om en's bean

Bducatlon is of prime ImporUnci^'•River Alijne, Venice, Florence, in this day and age — and wliat is a Rome,' the glamorous. Riviera, the bottei^Way to learn more“aljouf other jSwiss Alps irid Lohdon''-and—its (Copies and countries, thbn to see Westminster Abbey. ' , them'drat hand. . " ■ One of the optional features of the The chance for many Idahoans is right around the corner as Dr. Adele: Thompson, deari of women at the College of Southern Idaho, moves li the last phase of planning'fdr n ffi-dliy grand tour through eight coiintriesl Franco, Holland, Gfcrmany, Austrld,' Switzerland, Monaco, Italy and' iBngland. As hostess for the tour, '.‘En­ chanting lEuropo — 1070.,” . Dr. Thompson has outlined an out­ standing schedulo, leaVinK Twin Falls Jilly 11 and .returning Aug. 2. Since educ;ition Is her busMess — it's in­ teresting .to note she has arranged graduate or undergraduate college; credits JIf prearranged) for ail travelers interested. Various highlights' of ttie' tour, to ' ----- ^an(ifrJuBU4eWrWtll4TOlMd8-tha-Bttoe — PatsoH6-4i of Paris, Amsterdam and Its winding Idaho travelers should contact canals, a steamer excursion on the - Thompson or agency.

I' M r * ' H M igrant C hildren Benefit From N ew C enter

■ BV NORMA HERZINGER tending tho school nro unnb]o to plans for a bigger and'bettor and personnel. A good lunch Is provided for. Women'! Page Editor bccniutc of Ui6 rosponslbUlty of facility next year. According to Mrs. Marvin the more than 30'youngsters* Where there’s a need — caring for the younger brothers Women from the labor camp Molyneux, YWCA director, each day by womenv»ll«bl«^iBlniW tor n««dri «uiiBllennd nld(H. m iJT 7 ,______

1 ' ’• 1 J-1 j i i .

ONE PF' JHB IITTLB QbeS: alUndliig lh* D o ) T ^ - Can Cvtl*r, j i , yvoii«e“ Mbrtln»rr"Mor«Tf/iorrHiO^-t7“ ADJUSTING TH£ COAT-lot M a rlin n a i h i playt^oh'-lht-iw ln'g li . y e u n g ih n a rt n g iila n d a l Hi* etnltr, whjich h '-'J. THE-SLIDB'IS a ria ( allracHon lo r IIHli U rg lo ..H » riiift^ ^ Jaril* Htrnandu; dht e U jif .,diiily. hilptri a1 iht niwly organlud Pay Cart tponsortti by virriooi worm ti't, erganlxallent ' In.. cw ltr. Wemtn lrom iht^labcr Camp an h lrtd 'tS ^n ' fy^}^ X9nt9raUh»TwMalhiaknrCamp,^^^^^ ■; ' V : ' . > / KOunfl#(j Nationwide School jbistriqts Mrs. Byce Is club Speaker \M ary Jdcksori. Clarke Say Vows FILfilR — Mrs, yema .ByM, eluded M l£ jU ola Halnllne board meinWf, spoke on'Om—B ithlfm l-hffirfirD rS taaiC eiiiniiTier-pr6^jUn--t«^Maroa--PUns— — -T-—M iry~— Anne-----Orackaonr daughter of Dr. ind M n. D. A. NEW YORK (.UPJ)^-Some : Jackaon, bectoa Uia brida of school districts nalionwlde ttie le a T e r Z n iX S u f t h e i Don Ray aarke, son of Mr. and are conaldeH..considering the extendi year, fiSY'must be mandatory- He.yfavors_a_plan he caUsl^.wun-nm ? “ b voW to donate* 110 Mr. ' . Mra. Ray E. Clarke, Kexburg, WHma-Kohntopp and Mrt •chqolol year (E___ »V )rr_ :;'------to _ d -h e____ re ’s where- >noai m d l^ e this Eleanor McCauley are th _:ta rilea at (he Idaho FalU LDS Under fiuch a plah/Bchdola commnnltlca balk, Temple June 8, would stay open In thojummer -J-E rM lde nt of the temnle. ern climates.. Earley>. Arave, performi the Inspirational ’ thought. Carlson received gifta. Mri A report In T h T N S a l, ' *ant l«' ihaTlt Sir^-^islbS- ■' was co4iostesi Mromony, After the certmOny, School Management, saya edu- extended period d|iring the aavlnai-iiiuiivi tn linnrii. mnr. - - y fn ■ ------memben of the \ ! party cation administrators weighing winter. (Ilils happens when atudenta for fewer dollars, and close frienda were en­ the extended school year want vacatlon-quarters aroTotiitod ^ SUDES'SHOWM— ^ " ' tertained at a bnihch held at the to; ' throughout the year. Instead of FAIRFIELD — ’ SlidesFv^W. of NELSON . Westhank Moel by the pareiita —Save money. occurring only In summol-,)' fienqany wereMagic ahown Valleyby Rev. DIslrlbular for of the brldep-oom. —Make grenlor use of "Such,parents believe child- Robert Rush at the- June A reception, honoring the, present faclllUes. . ten heed a long,'Ia«y summer, meeting of the REALSILk Prairie APPAREL j^oung couple vaa held Friday —Delay needed construction They aUo srgue that famlUea Schooners Couple's club hi the "WE BHINC THE STORE TO YOU" evenUig In the Second Ward and thus sidestep going to need to vacation together with Conimunlty Church Recreation Cultural HaU In Twin Lbs taxpayers for. bond Issues. all the children free at one Room. Mr. Rush served In the C R UrO KSO f . Falla. —Pay teachers more. by THS WOKlb'S The bride wore n gown time." • Air Force In Germany. letting thom wotk longer and Mrs. listen’s said tho onlv President Dpnald Groff led’the MosracAuriFUL fashioned of oraania and Vonlse^ Qllowlng few teachers to handle U N iro m s lace. TheyfUted liodlcc wns person crusading for ESV with group In patriotic songs hi honor more childrcm ' missionary ieal Is George I. of Flag _ Day. , Tammy .. Miller____ highlighted at the yoke wiUi' 20T So. Uxmt St. Phor}« 733-5379 Twin FaiU garlands of lace. Tho short, —Prevent loss of looming niomas, of the' Office of read a poem. Rev.'and Mra. puffed aleeve/iand VIctorlon during long summer vocations. Research and He-evaluatlon, Rush served refreshments. neokllne were edged with -Help tho disadvantaged' . matching lace. Hio bouffant • catchup. aklrt waa flared to Uie back In a —Let bright pupils acceler­ chapel-length train. Her, ate. ' ; ^ headpiece of nylon and flower' "Tho logic (a .all • tlioro,’'^'^ garlanda held o long veil with a school management sa(!l, "but — ahoulder^ength tier edged in •buckln^fr—tradillon- — lw e :'>tlhe "carried'^an old ■cmoUQo^ii . fashlohed, ‘bouquet of roses, ThougK. tho idea of tiio' camatloM and stephanotls., . extended school‘yoar'has been - Susljo Juckson, sister of-the cropping up every so often’ brldoi was maid of honor. since 1024, there are no studios Father’s Day? Bridesmaids were Pamela that hotter education ^Warner, Brltta Orton, Carol results. 'Hrlvltl and Kathy Andreaaon.- ‘ Volmo'Gj Adanu, formerly Dole L. Clarke, brother of the executive editor of School AND AT THESE PRICES HOW COULD bridegroom, was best man. Management and author of the Mrs. Don Wllburt, ahiter of report, said:,' YOUR FAMILY HAVE FORGOTTEN?? the bridegroom, attended the M d ltrtii Spring! m n guest book.. Mrs. Norman Jackson was In charge of the F ^ H x m ? gift table. Organ mualc waa KING SIZE-SnT*"‘ .‘'““''’.''T. n w played by Mra. Glen M.. An­ MR. A N D M R S. DON RAY CLARKB T ry dreaaon, Magna, Utah.' - ■ Guaranteed for 20 Yean of royal sleeping comforl Among the wedding - guests (D u d le y pjidfo} were the bride’s grandparents. Young University May 20, with ^ Winner Named FREE LINENS, TOO! Mr. and Mrs" W. tVW Hayr . "thfl rnide nwclvlng her g r g r Mrs. Shelton Sowards, and Sally Degroe' in fashion, mer* MUnXAUGH - Mrs. Harold -ftvallnbhratr— :------Sowards, all Manassa, Colo. chandising and tho brldegrooni Kloer was named winher for the GAMBLES ...... BUHL Many relatives and friends of his degree in .business ad­ month of May at the weekly, FLETCHER FURNITURE .... RUPERT the bridegroom attended from ministration. meeting of the Pounds Chasers Rexburg, Idaho Falls and Salt After a honeymoon in the TOPS aub held at the UDS SKAGGS FURNITURE .... BURLEY Lake City. Northwest, including Victoria, CSiurch. She received the hair- The bride vas entertained at B. C., the young coupic will styling award for having the Oh WolL, Mayb» Next Yeor, Dad. showers given by Kathy An« reside at 600 Dawnvlew, biggest weight loss. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY ANYWAY dreason in Provo, Utah; Mrs. Pullman, Wash. Tho weekly . . winners...... - were — George -Warncr“ flnd ' Pam“ —^ 7 a a rlc e hasT)ccnWfirdetf“ Mr8rRo?Tt5p8Mman7nrslwcJlcT Warner and Mrs. W. H. An- an asslstantship at Washington' Mrs. Kloer, Mrs. Joffre Jensen dreason ond Mrs. Kenneth State University, where ho will and Mrs. James Miller, second: Moon. She was also entertained work-on bisjpastcrs degree in ond Mrs. Croasman, third and .a t a brunch at th&home of Mrs; buslMu adnilnlstration.-=^—-fpurth^^vebk.-^— EVERTOH MATTRESS COMPANY . Ray Uncoln, with Mrs. J. T. Highest team members ond 326 2nd. Ave. South TWI Anderson as co^iostess. Coffce trees are cultivated in winners In a partncrshlp^contest SHOES The iM'ide and bridegroom 40 countries and grow wild in a were Mrs. Miller and Mrs. wore-Rraduated-from-Bri^am— 4l8tr^Ethlopia- -Crossman______

m m e f

cotton coo /eoorote'

Fun-lirried bodygliders that are soft; supple, ' created (or a frd'e-ifnd-, easy fee^ing^f ■ 21 .rtiobllily; Curvy tb(5s in sun-kissed colors, cooled ■ with contrast to team with - stretch twill solids th£|t 'skinny down to the best looking legs In town. Cotton knit tops, S-M-L; from *5 . Shorts, 5vl3,froi«.»7.00

S«» Other-BoBbie bVooV s Sportswear SeparateUSwimwear % Sunday. June 31. 1970 Tlm^Ntwt. Twlri Pallet Idaho 31 Double Wedding Is Planned.: PecoTa^Wobd Anch^tnw^

TJBHOHB^Mrr-and-Mr«-] ■Herahel Barllelt and Mr» and .Mr^. Mlllon Olander announce Demonstrgflon Presenf^ -the - engagements 'of—tholrv L..Mrfl. VIcior Nelson j^fisented Dole Patterson family (or S,"‘W. Smith, Mrs. Alton daughters, Linda Bartlelt and I 'th'6 • brjjgram ■ on use -of assistance. Williams, Mrs.. I.G. Prcscott, • IloseAnn OUnder. de^ratlve wood_wlth flowers ;As chairman of the. State Mrs. Kenneth Hodder, Mrs. — MlBTBarUettTrillTrad-Davld- l“ \fK8H~Ttrembcnrof''tho"T^rinr—Garden“C!ub“ «mvontlonrMr8r” NeUon-Mr8r8am-PWteTrMr5r— ■, DEAR ABBY: My Jnn U m in jiln j Dm da u jh ltrp f ono of Glbhs, son of Mnluid Mrs. Tom Palls Garden aub met recently HlcHpannoiirjced the Twin Falls C. B. Requa and Mrs. C. W. ’ (ho town’« RiMt Kiclnlly prqmtoenl (DKiiUes. I am i Vorldng ■fllbba, Kennowlck, Wish;, and ■ at. the homo of Mrs. Stanley club won first lii yearbook As Daigh. widow wllh limllod mcan«. I am giving Iho bridal cotlpio a Ml;a Olander will: marry , Bodnar. ’ . • chairman of the State Garden -,M rt. Smith reported, on tho , 'Wedding gift, plui tho rohoaraol dinner. Tbeu, plua Uio' •Rlchanl Uohmnn, son- of, Mrs. She displayed several Qub, convention, Mrs. hicks !^iitioH'ol Council .of State . cloUiea for Ui« woddlng, are all I can posalbly afford. Velma Lohman. Twin FalU, arrangenfients and told whore 'announced tho Twin Palls club Gardoh Clubs meeting held in Th^re will bo lundiooni, lots, and evening parllea and Herman Lohman, Grooloy, wood can bo found’ and how it won first In yearbook awards Chicago.. . honoring tho bridal couplo. I cannot afford to Uke lAio away Colo. con bo (Inished pnd colored, for clubs over 25.members. The froiA my worlTto attend day time partloa, and I can't^fford A doublo woddlng Is planned Mrs. Nelson domonstrated two club...... rocolvo(l...... ______$50 and a citation Tho hostoas, nsslsted by Mrs. the klnd^of clothea I would feel at eau In for aAy of theae by tho couples, howovor, a arrongotnontd using yellow from Atlantic Richfield Co. for Patterson, served: .refresh^ , doflnlto date has not boon aot I^itch iris and palo orange lilies landscaping started at tho Child mehts. Guests wore Mrs. affaira, with the exception of Iho wedding IlieU. because both young mon aro Would it bo a breach of etlquello for roo to refiMe these with her wood pieces. - Development Center. A special Robert. Fries,* Mrs. • Gernld ' now taking basic training with certificate from CARE was also HeldomAnn, Mrs. Mac- Invltatlonjr Thank you. MOTIIEn OF THE OnOOWf Mrs. Hussell Miller read tho the Army In Ft. Uwls, Wash. collect ond reports Verd given presented. Mullen, Mrs. Theo Glhrlng, ' DEAn M OTIieni Are you bellig |>er(ecUy iM U it wtlh Miss Bartlett ond Miss by Clara,Walton, secretary, and Mrs. Miller reported on Mrs..Annn Bowyer and Rsncll Olaridor ^vorp graduntod from Pacific Regional meeting held Patterson, yeurulf fel' wantiag (o. ditch Ue bridal pat11. Go, and enjoy yourieUI (lomostcr. Mr. Lohman Is 0 IMS c— D., graduate of Twin Falla High CseasOH 11610 O y DEAn ABBY: 1 was Invited ta month In advance] by a bachelor friend to dinner to moot hla mother, who wja vlalt------— — — -GhapterNo. 45 .Ing Him. lie sard there would be other gueaU and wo would — ianuanuni^ to his apartment "for cockTalls" at 7:30 p.^'m. meeting.~of tho 'season of Lincoln Chapter No. 42, Order of I arrived at the appointot) time and ho greeted me with Planters.Made Basten i ' ^ r, held'recently ot the news that ho had a "cold” and hod cancelled out the D .. r - L . U * . the MaWlc Temple, Shoshone, other guests since ho wasn't In the mood to entertaih a b y n O D D y L . lu b planswerortiodoforapicnloat gr^up. I told him he should have cancellod me out, too, but ■ HAOEBMAN - Pointed clay- ’ P-m. Ji^y 21 at the Mary L. he insisted that ho wanted ME to come anyway. ■ flower pot planters and candlo- I had a few drioks with him and his mother, end since hMdirs wore made at tho rocont - Th®,Plcnlc. (“ r n,em- nothing was said about going to dinner I wondered if perhaps mootlhg of the Hagorman boraof the Star, Mason o L ^ o he intended to whip something up injils ap^artment, but he.;; Volloy Hobby Club. Tho ond Joblos and tholr fnmlllos. didn.'tmove. mootlnB was hold at Uio homo ot , Pna‘ Motrons Oub wll moot -A8_tlme_wcnLQn______I_wondered if perhaps______the resUurant in. Mm. nornld Martin, with Mrs. Monday ot the homo of Mrs. the building wouldn’t be closing soon, but naturally I didn't^ Kitty Peek nsaisting ns co- ClydcrRnpp; mention it. ' . hostess. M” . Kc ...... Finally the conversation lagged, and at 10:40 p. ra. my Candlesticks, made from JJ frlondofferodtocalli,toxlforme. . ■ I said my good-byes without dinner. H,e following nrom- . work psoject for the July Jt«X|o;cpbonod^y^i««lH.nd-.pol.glx.d^ort™ping-tt»^^ up 50 late. wanting to mako those at-tho »l>o bolne tho Brand Wliat did I do wrong? WASHINGTON, D. 0. next mcotlns should contact DEAR WASHINGTON: Perhaps when he told you he had Mrs. NIeder prior to the North "cancelled out” the other gueiti becauie he had a "cold," meotlna to assure enough »nd he being osslslant grand 7 0 a ihonld have taken the hint, net h li mother and departed. But .lace you didn't, after one hour, llnce there was no ™™e‘“sp lrtal“ “ti,ouBht was dinner^ you i^ u ld have*gone home. In any event, presented by Mrs. MnrUn. Mrs. !?„ ■ you hud no need to apolo^ie. Roy Flolds conducted the ^ m ,’ u.^cported S S w iT chidfejulJ :ew“w tii“ m»t^otM«° DEAn ABBV: Re the letter from "mRITATED," who ^ Roberta Shwoltcr, made her dUUkes having small children answer tho phone when she weekend colls. .. “ a getwoll card wa. signed ~ I used to work for a telephone aiiiwerlng aervlte, cslltag doctors, rej)alnnon to seiyiM ^ juko boxes,_pll burners, rofrlgeralors. etc. Nearlvjll-ihea«-men-h«d-tn-tiir---patlent^t-the-Aahlon-He»l!ltel:-^.^f called ot homo. It IS h-rltaUng wlion some cldid grabs the phone and says, "WHO IS THISf ” ■ After burnhig up aweral times over thla, I ftaally came upon 0 aatlafactory solution: I Just hang up without saying a word, wait about five mhiutea, then I call agahi. If the child answers agahi, I hang up again. By tho thh-d Ume I caU, the mother’s curiosity has gotten the hotter of her, and SHE heals tho child to tho phone. It works nicoly. Furthermoro, you don't havo to say anything naaty to tho mother. I Just sny, sweeUy, " I hove a very ImporUnt message-wfilch I didn't tWnk I should entnist to a child to deUvor." CordlaUy, , CLAmJB IN SEATTLE Whafs your problemT Yo«’U reel better 11 yoa get It off your eheiL Write to ABBY, Box «WM, Lea Angeles, CaL «00«s. Pot a perional reply eneloie lUm im l, addressed eov^ope.

Field Adviser. Will Confer With Organization Leaders

Mrs. Juno-B. Miller, tlold Twin Falls she will be con* adviser. National FloldOfflco of ferrlng with other councils In Camp Fire Glrhi, Inc., will b« hi this area. , •Twin Foils to conlor wlUnSlSf directors, oHIcors and com­ mittee cholrmon and will bo tho guest at tho regular, board mooting which will be hold Wctasdsy at B p. m. at tho . Camp Fire Ofllco. Mrs. MlUor has, her bochoior ot arts degree from tho University of Rodlhnd, California, and has Just com­ pleted hor master's from Chapman College, California, In Education — (Syatom — ^Twhnohjgy)------Mrs. MUlor has worked in tha tlold ol education, and has been an admbilstrator hi a Camp PIro Gh-is Council in Callfomhi. . As well as bohig a field adviser to specific councihi, she is a ■ consultaiit In camping and ~ 1riilnliig;:C^ngrhor-Btny-[* > Mrs, Gat^s Is Club Hostess WENDELL - Mrs. MolvUi Gntoil hosted tho Juno mooting ol tho Homo Improvoment Club at her homo, -i-lth Mrs.^Jesao - Donni* co^hostoss. " , Roll coll was answered by 13 , - mombors with ''SuggosUona tor ' the Fair.” Guests wore Mra. — Mnrjr-Mceioudr-MrSTrProd- .-.-Harloy »nd.Mr8,_Wnync.iJ!)nea_; . ' I^ana for n booth ot the Qoodlng County Fair wore _ discussed. .Tho booth will . • leoturo conning, cooked foods,^ ■ondhondiwork. Mrs. Ruth Wohler reviewed the book, “ MounUln Mon,".'T>y Uie your l*orlt ChaVot Plota. Vordls Fisher, ■ We'ir get on# for you — If " -Tlw next mdoling will be a. ^yeu don't.olreody hays on«. N picnic lunch ot tho homo of Mrs. • barl Lowry jit July r - H fc ------BfaW G ath'eTing Honors Fd^^ s'-T[iTi«-Nwir-Twln-IUII«Jitaha— SUnda)6 m 7 ^ BHOSHONp=.The' ,E. A“ Sflr^Hm es^Braim r;r^Uy~heilcople! ’ Braun family hosted a potluck dljKharged (rom the Air Force, Vietnam. i i 'j ' dinner andTWy BttM WwdBU--md-Ainngi l;CrlU> ^ D i^ ^ J ” Sei’'VBr21~Yems— ye torPort*HoodrTeBp»h«r*=F" ■In OES Office .'"rm U ym m bert and Wend* Mr. mid Mr«, Heman Braun, rttendJjnnn Gooding, Buhl, W -SC t^ e . His wife, the*‘lormer -----^WE^JPELL — Mr«i UllUn-.l Shoshone, ro»hono, SraiuSiJinh-of Mr. and Mra ■ Iterton-vetlrod after 21 yoart *' Cheryl Lowry, Shoshone,' #111 WendeU and P f lliiJ j ' > Ervin Braun, Shoshone homo accompany him to :-,aervlee-as-graiMLti^Uteii-otl , MrvlceiTiMi lionio were alUf ono year ol iiorvlw as a the Idaho Grand Chapter of - . Easteni Star. Mrs. Hope M. ' .Pemmons, Gooding, win serve ' as the hftw grand Iroaaurel*. Grand Chapter sessions were held June 7 through 11 in Twin J^allii Sdiool gymnssiiuh. c | + L c ^ 1^2 . !Hie Holiday Inn served as headquarters (or the grand oRlcers. ‘ . Mrs. Barton and R « r Brad­ shaw were among 42n(jOlden Gems or 60-year membora honored at the 'afternoon . Job’s Daughters of Bethel es Noted i i ' s t ik e 12t Wendell, attended the open Grand Chapter meeting t/y scq BUHL - Members of ^the dnhblingyour : the OES work perform^* iPom Good Sfjcphord Homo Auxlllory mctnt thohomoofMr. and Mrs.^ and Terri Klimes, memlwrs of . ’ f e e ! i l l a Bethel No. 12, sang during t^o Del Butterfield, Twin Foils, for PAin. - The Great View n potluck dinner featuring . session, and. Mary Trounson. SOers. Extension *Homemni(crs s f x i r k l i n g - Grand Bethel-honored.quccn^ reclpcs from tlie Good Sliepherd Club Is planning o Hold trip to cookbook. Hoslessea were Mra. WQ9 a speaker.' the H erritl Museum, with -tontatlvo-p!ahB-for-A\ig.-l3. Butterfield and Mra. U rry Sch- b r o o k ! ^ ;Printe.iH’attern t Members; and their.fnmllles wnrtz. are welcome to attend, although A frftjwlll_ offering pf $50 wna' - ^ I'd re n mu5rP8Tl f nirugu to be- MRS. SCOTT F. lARKIN attentlvo, according to Mrs. 7 . 5 0 v n k e ! ' j Maurice Murphy, .vice Mrs. Kcnnolh James uHd JuneSpeciat, '{j iji/j presVdent and program Mrs. Ed • Uorman were In Joyce Parrish, Larl

Miss Parrish is tlio daughter

Twin Falls, and Mr. Larkin Is was the tradltlonar wedding' the sori'of Mr. and Mrs. George serenodo Of the couple by tho La F. Larkin, Ogden. Dlonaedir Sorority sisters ol tho Immedlotely after the . bride. ceremony, the couple was Mrs. Hal T. Morris and Mrs." honored at a luncheon attended Dan Morris, Menlo Park, Calif., by close frlends.and relatives in and Annette Hinds, Overland the Jade Room of tho >Hotol Park, Kan., arrived In Ogden Utah, hosted by parents of the for the festlvltcs. bridegroom. In Ogden, tho Ix’ide was ex* From HawaU, Evelyn-tensively onterUlned and In Wiggins and FrartM^Wigglns, Twin Falls, f^s. W. H. An- ^ • . .. J _____ If*. fTnnn Ullll aunts of the bridegroom, derson and Mrs. Gene HuU brought flowers to adorn...... - the a --'-pcUhnhosted mlspoii taUes and orchid lets for tho for the briae at the Anderson newlyweds and tholr mothers. home. That evening,>.B, theV..W young After a wedding trip to hcnOTOd~ni—o—SoathcnrCaWf6mla7 the "couplc" reception at the Whlto Houso In wUl reside in Ogden.

9240 % o r her wedding ond A r e O R e b e k o H 0.^6 rcceptlon, the bride wore an ompirc^Htylc(l*gown-:of-3Hk~|;Q-cl n e rM 'e e tS — -^organza._with_{»lencpnnrunnTH with nicncnn laceIncc . ^ forming a' high neckline and WENDELL - Mrs.' Sid Bright bit of cool coverage for also deep ctiffs'on the-long ■McDowell, vice grand, con­ cooking, cJoBnine, pointing or - bouffant silk organwi sleeves. ducted the recent meeting of>tho whatever you're planning thfa Appllqued alencon lace flowers Rebeknh Lodge in the absence summer!- Easysew, zips up cascaded down the front pane! of Mrs. Dale BitterlU noblo front. of the gown and were connected grand. • Printed Pattern 0240: New by seed pearl stems and leaves, Mrs. Thomas Vaughn was Mlasea’ Sizes a. 10. 12. 14. 16. llic detachable tunnel train was accepted as a new lodge •'Size 12 (bust 3^) requires appllqued with lace flowers and member by transfer from tho yards 35-lnch. • pearls. Her butterfly silk Seventy-five cents for each Richfield Rfibekah Lodge. illusion veil' fell from a head­ Mrs. E. E. Parr; quilt com­ pattern — add 25 cents for ench piece of alencon lace flowers. mittee chairman, displayed the pattern ror_Air Mall ond Special •poarU-and-sUk_QrgflnzQ^h8_qulll-inadC-by_lQdgfl_mcmbcr8 Handling. Send To Morion carried a bouquet of TaUsman qs a .funrf raising projecl. Martin, Times News Pattern rosebuds, yellow miniature- : Dept., 232 West Iflth SI., New rvoceeda will be used for tho camationa and gardenias. United Nations Youth . -.York, N. YJOOiU-Prlol-nnme,. - Attending the bride were Mrs. address with zip, size and'style Pllgrimogc Fund. Val C. Parrish, her slater-ln» Plans for attending tho Guest number. ‘ » law, as matron of honor, and Big, new .spring-summer Night at tho Twin. Falls Connie Freeatono.-Vomalr-aB— Rebekah-bodgo wero^diBo . pottern catalog. U1 style’s, free maid of honor. Bridesmaids ': pattern coupon., 50 cents. In- Mrs. Fern Harris, and Mrs. were Kay Morris, Menlo Park, Ruth ■ Wood wore birthday ‘ slant Sewing Book, scwtoday. Calif., cousin of the bride; wear tomorrow. $1, Instant honorocs.. Fashion Book — Wh«l-to-weur Lynnal Larkin, sister of tho • Hoatosscs tor tho social hour answers, accessory, figure tips! bridegroom, and Karen Galvez. were Mrs. Howard NIccum ond Kent Larkin, brother of tho — ;OnlyU.------^______L Mrs. Walt Stockham Sr.

HEW HOME OF . . . FOOT-SO-PORT “S tepettes”


. ; ' Thil smort now Stopolte squaVo toe with a lO/Q^tMTl/ ' . Pool-Bo-Porl'a contribution t(i that cotnfort minded, fashion motlyited customer: She cnh wear a square toe end love __ .',..«vety step In It, Cushlonesl contoured Insok— intig (It ----- h e,l—.Vnlt.Ht4liilnfls.-J— ------1——L------:------^— J(ciren Goodman, Gbse;^^^ Louise^tone, —'7‘-sumi*yrJi)n« ji;nwr~Tiwwniitwir^tnTiiii, iifaiio n. _n„^Birrt:n.riirfi.,. n.i.rrf.- rJiib'Recesses Fferrel Plan Sheryl Bauscher- “ W»4-«i»-««tHiig-li)r IhtJi ,r^z«AQERMAN —- ’Hie ,^lden Is Engaged ,To-^ .Age dub r^essod for the -JwlyiWedding aumhler . months after the Mr. and Mrs. West' Stone fij Terry R. Riiier recent. meeting. The fall I aniuiince the engagment of meetings will commence with f .their daughter. Louise, to Olen FAmnELD-Mr^imlMn. ah election of officers Sept. 14. D. Ferre), son o( and Mrs. Don Bauschor, Fairfield, an-, Members agreed to begin their •hounce the engagement of thalr ■mMtlrtg elbow-length veil of English silk Club,will moot nt 11 a. m. Idaho Falls LDS Temple- are Morris Lattimoi* 'and Mrs. __ illusion. ^ chrrled a cascade _MQndny_AUhp_Harry Barry PatriciaJLWright and Robert Hubert Syvorson wore of yellow roses and largo jihlto Memorial Park to go to tSo ErMorsor -|)08tpsacB: Cattleyo'orchldT Twin Falls Idaho Power Park Announcenfent of tho Mrs. Carl Toupln was a guest, — Pam Browne, cousin of the for 0 'picnic lunch. Tltosc nt« .engagement' and fortheoming Slie dcmonstrntcd making egg ------briderwarmaldtrfrhonorrwith- wmiim ui u u»^uu ao ui uiu wcu ^nttrrlago—is^mDdo . by Miss- - oar-ton—poBcih— ____ MT8._iJohn„Kennody, sister of Lown table-aecvicQ.___ f f l ghi's porenta. Mr. and Mre.„ WlUlhltc. showed jnembers how the brlcVJ^ Mrs. Jarry^Otcalf, ’ TSresTA. ^Vright, Gooding. Mr. ,to make rcll mice wlUi magnets Twin Falls Chapter No. 29, • Morso is the son of Mr. ond Mrs. otlachcd. Mrs. Bob Magel and Garla MR. A N D M R S. G AR R Y G O S B . Hodklns serving as Order• of Eastern • Star, - ...... will meetEarl N. Moi'se, Portland. Mrs. Crosby Blggerstnff bridesmaids. Joni^Konnody, (Dudley photo) • ot 8 p. m.'Tuesday nt the Tho brlde^lect Is a Junior at received the special gome niece of (ho bride, was IH^wor angels, and topped with a The (^uplo will reside In Masonic Temple. Tliis will be Brigham Young University, prize. girl. Jason Carlson, son oof f m clustcrofweddlngboHs.Orystal Pocatello, whore the the flnolflnt meeting until Sep- majoring’ ■ In elementary Secret slaters were rovcniedn ■’ ______flndJMcflv5tfln_MgoniJ5flLcandolalw*a.-:Wlth—yeUow-and -bridogrooni-will- bo-attiBnding^tcmb<)rj .bducation. < with a gift exchange ond pew ■'Mr. Morfio sorvbd an LDS nmnes* drown.' " ...... ringbearer. , blue tapers flanked the cako. colloge, « « u . Dick Cannon, Sahnon, served Mrs.Richard'Young.auntoftho A rehearsal dinner was Tlie. Mentor Club wlU meet ot mission in Ohio and Michigan Mrs. Glen McKee Is hostess s best man, with Phil Bolyard, bfjdo, and Mrs. Andy Hodklns hosted by the bridegroom’s 2 p. m. Wednesday with Mrs. and is a senior' at Brigham for the June 24 meeting at her

-Chuck DoverrtonTrieiHodgeimd Emerlck and Mrs. Roy Browni^ nuptial showers were given for Mrs. Harvey Maxom os co- Larry Robtftflon as ushers and ounts'ofthe bride, poured coffee tho bride by Mrs. Jerry Metcalf hostess. . relations. English Indies of tho candlellghters. and punch. and Mrs! John Kennedy. „ ^ century wore carrot tops as .EOR Sandy Qoso, sister of tho ------^CSI Faculty Wives and CHILDREN FETED . ornaments on tholr hats. bridegroom, was In charge of women’ wlll meet at 7:30 p. m SHOSHONE - A birthday ALL YOUR tho guest book and Christy Magic Valley Favorites June 25 at tlie home of Linda party was held for Donny and Scrugg, 1815 Dorian Drive. Sonja Runberg, 6 and S-year^old Emerlck, cousin of tho bride, e d d in g and Shanda Leazer were in Weelc't Recipe Winner children of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W ^ charge of thio gifts. MRS. JoANNHlEB KIMBERLY - i Kimberly Runborgatthelrhomerecently.. Debbie Johnson was soloist,' ^ 1510 Iri St., Rupert Readers Guild will'meet . for 0, Games were played and A rrangements ! . . . no-host no-host breokfast breokfast at 0 at a. 0 ra# a. refreshments served under accompanied by. Mrs. James Phone 733-247^ Glbfion, who also ployed organ KOOLCICLEd and pour into popcicle molds Wcdnesdoy, nt the TwlnFolIs direction of Mrs. Runborg. proludo miisic and tho 1 package Koolaid and freeze. Power Co. Pork. , trfldlttonnl“W6ddlngTnQslr;----- 4^ckage-JoUo— ------(Note: This is a perfect *^embers of the Christian 1 cup sugar summer' treat for the -phc Women of tlie Moose will SAtrSTARTS TOMORROW Women's Missionary Society 2 cups hot water youngsters and so very easy to hold iheli! regular raeeting at were Inu. chargeV..U.BW of tho u.v reception.wvv^.wM Mix well and odd: make.) $:30p.m.Tucsdayondaspeclal .held4mmodi«ta!y;^;4ftor-tho-J^WI^l|IJ»lai— ceremony. Ihe bride's table Stir until well mixed and pour . vnllev ncsday at the Moose Home, was, covert with wliito satin Into popcldc^molds and freeze. ^ you have a Tltere will l» enrollments for 'and accented with a floor-length FUDG&CICLES favorite recipe, iustmoll .il to both meetings. flounce skirt. I package chocolate in- the Recipe ■ Deportment, ------llie table was centered :wlth ; stant puddhig mix the three-Uered wedding cako, SMi cups rallk ' decorated wltli yellow and blue V. cup sugar roses, blue doves and white Mbc all higrodients together

CHAHGE IT on SetTt nevoIvingJ3iMge— _ ' Sour* SelU'Only F irtl QHnlilyllo.icr)’, ... No Seconds,No Irrogulani

SHOP AT BBARB AND BAVB ■ 403M»liiA*ii,W, ' Twin FmIIk, Idalho P in rk ih g OiSp^friOO Thun., fliii...... nTrr •••• Miin liili'ilniriilMil'fa..------' ...... week* but on Comos Prairie It’s it lll spring — and Use wild flowers on the mlle>hlgh valley, prove It. Tbe wild panalei, violets, shootinfiT —stars and yellow bells ol the-very. early jp rln c . are gone, but the next cycle of the prairie's natural decoration Is In full bloom. The ex­ ceptionally wet weather has combined with the valley*! naturally rich soil to provide a colorful , dlsplayfTTheseJnowers were o ir photographed on the p ^ d i^ ^ e lf. On over Couch Summit Into the SawtoottiT&nd a higher elevation, these and different types of wild flowers are Just now beginning 4o bloom. The flowers, starting at center, Are a large yellow sunflower, probably of the balsam ro«t family, backed, by the < — foothtiln>Hhe-8»wtoeth+engo4o4b»4totib;-and— continuing, clockwisc, starting at 12 o'clock, wild Flox, sometimes called Sweet Wlllloms, ~Wch"ToTtB6~freiirulmoBt-whlte-te-B-d8rher pink; 2 o’clock, Indian llyoclnth, whose slender stems support clusters of lorge, dellcotc, blue bell-shQped blossoms; 4 o'clock,,wild sweet peas, wlnlch crawl omid range grass nnd bloom _ In 0 soft pink,Bhnde;..$_o’c|ock, small white daislei with yellow centcrs, one of several t)i)CB of dallies, ranging from white, to yellow In the . early ipring, and soft Uvcnden in the ioter months; 8 o'clock, niue Ups, so named for their shape, and bloomlAg In bright blue clusters, and 10 o’clock, yellow lupine, which, like the blue lupine,' hos attractive fiafie Rrcen leaves. You'd never know from its cool extM or , .how hot it gets inside. Wrapped in a clean, SEE YOUR white shell, and packed with insulation - ' i r S J R U E l Y O U CAN H A V E A DEALER LO W COiST F A C IO 'R V BU1L.T H O M E I • , top, bottom, and all around, your flame- :> less electric water heater has no match for OR PLUMBER. efficiency. It provides another among the rhany services.electricity performs best.


: CAPP'HOMES will l|ninc»-tnd.«r«£t the------LOW-COST ___ TROUBLES ARISE- I .home of your choica anywhtfa . . . farm,- -PINANCINO • likeilde, tmill towr^, city or luburbl ij aviilibla from CAPP' Call your "local . Idaho IIONUS •nd covtri evfry* ' It's so easy to own a CAPP-NQMEI Wo Ihmg wt do and luinitn,luinit ■ provlda all archlloctural servlco froo.^aU plumb-• ‘ ' Power oHIco .. . af nighf ■ Wa d flllvar all m nlorlols, oroct th e hom o' ln«, healins. kitchin and enci6so It for you.. Wo provldo nil and a lic lrie or on week-ends If if^ .flniiitinB-matorlal&., ly__ DlckiEis._ finlshlna work yourself, or liubcontract Annual AliriBve. Yog got a Urn) price ^ no t on emergency. and I J W o £muu an estimate. flat , . 10D*« o r PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM“ -

_J(«lLCAEtHfi«L rt|)r«Miilatlvt li: lOVAlOAIN jddhp Power Compjany IJONOrH . ____ nMDIMNOUbiDllvl VooRlis. IDAHO a^M99^7l« FLAMELESS ELECTRIC WATER HEATING FOR A NEATER, CLEANlfR WORLD M yin>H*N*wi, Twin Palli; ld«h« J5 Food Stamps Jjist Finsmcial Drain ? are eating better than eyer and Income levela. Mr, Payton eald.Jiave Mt a inlntaiun^t^^ ___W|Uia^| o|>lnion9. -----B.yjLB®JIwra|IAI^0 -1 1 ------lA: survev-oC Uie'-food itiunb -« D ili -^A;«urv«y-ot the'food ilainb-«!»lhoriM.petlUo«u for food W l K v 9^ A complex >et 9 ! afatWlca P«r munlh t r o m ^ cmnly for perimi ‘All In all; itioat p«Aple~deBUn^ 7 iM SMI Writer . pfogram In Twin FaII« wiil jitamia, are tv U ly ta f«vor of U » V "b U i« '^ th ’ the d e tm riliS lh e 'lm o im U flb S S rticlp a tln g > the food^iamp montli, the]poilbi« cojt to the with the-pMgrm i agrei. the What I fo(rf stjimM? elldt8U.theMoplnlon«-vtow« the programt ~ ' i money they__ save. _ _ atamps___ each family_ la _ allowed propam. ; ^ o)unty couldbuutu be1 very high, the “ " y .Ule Magic they helpiTOneedjf—andboMt ranglHg , from . jtrow gljr' 'Ih e DPA peraonnel believe ------. Valley are eating Ijetter and the ■'Oiwers'a^e cautiously,op- io biST'Tlie'quAiin'cation form, ’ "If Just one por»4n buys'the’ audltw wld,. )jnyrfth^coinn«ml^7_f4voraBle to vlgoroualy op; Ihtt the program will'solve tlmlstlc, but hesitate to quoiouuu«. along wltii w.ui a a signed »11(11 «U Iden- ...... couponsI— from...... a bank, for— In*- Twin Palls , County com- more ^hmcedmeals now than «dmlt-^Call«i=afd,=U=takoF=to=»>at»i>ceiat,would;COstthe^unty-nilaal(ineraworeoutoftownand '|ney did, before.the advent of pro^am only another example bepartmenl’ of Public needybut for society as a whole, that there has been a alight participating bank where'the W Mr. Uncastor saldT couldinot be reached tor their «od stamps, of Big Brothw at his most uiv Asslatance, whose ca^orkors, Hiey claim that food saleK have desirable, Intudlng where he Is b-oUied hi quallfjBS-’ w««are Increaaed and wUl bicreaso tacrease BO,far, but,, since the coupons are purchased. Each program starts less than a coupon book must bo signed not wanted? . . ajppllcation^f. analyce^\ anc|-even,mord; that nooib' month ago, say that It's too with the same signature used on I early to determine tho long- tho ' Identification card as a rango effoct. crosa^;hock on the user, Tho On the county level, opbilons . coupons are no( transtcrrable arc volcodatrongly — and often and may not be sold or gambled In opposition. Harold Lan- away — a violation could bring caster, Twin Falla County severe nonaltlgs. Vs' the auditor, said that the program program la'a. federal one and could conceivably cost the any violatloh Is a federal case, tlM ES-M EW S county heavily, deirplto a aavlng Thecoupons, sold In »J, Wand bi tax monoy formerly used for $10 denominations,. may bo aid .to the needy. exchanged at any grocery storo Correspondents^are The food-stamp program, for their face VSluo — but they -Sjcordlng to Patrick Payton, a aro good only for foods that may ■lAsHortheDPAbi-TwIn-...... inki^and-, ■Always hunting Falls, was initiated as a produced" by American stimulant to sales for tbe growers. With the oicoptlon 0/ agricultural InduBbir’s surolus, coffee, tea, cocoa and bananas, and to bolster tho gehorM no foods of foreign origin mny “Home-Town” News economy of tho nation, os well bo purchased with tho stamps. arto help-those In need.------This-would-lnclude-canned The piiigram Is funded and moats that aro marked irt Magic V^lley^— admlhjsterod by tho -U.S. “ product of Argontlna," for ■napartirfont-nfK'gr.Irultiire, ■^lampln. with tho J)PA stepping In to The grocers accumulato tho qualify the roclpljints of aid. stampa and turn them hv to tho Those requesting permission to USDA for redemption at their buy the coupons ,must presmt a full face value, detailed oiiUIno of thoir Income So far, food-atamp customers and expenses to tho DPA, astho~havo~shown remarkable skill In purchase of coupons is entirely buybig thebr foods, olteh buying dependent on tho need. case goods of fruits ^ d It may bo a fire, accident, wedding or engage- Therb are no-residency vegotables to last through tho mefit. Porhops'it's an-Interesting: personality, bus­ requlromonts or age month,'Twin Foils grocers have Umitallons, Mr. Payton said, reported. All report a notlcoablo iness prom otion, a club meeting or Q new build- “ If you're a citiuin of tho United bicreaso In overall food volume, . ing going up. iitates and'a humBn~belngrand-^incliidliig-iHil»eabl«-bu»lno.

STAINLESS STEEL M ri. Gene Bollon wrocKod near S B E C lA iS !! IHMIFY- 788-4475. Bo« 531-Hoiley Islands, the three ot them, by 9S accldont; were In a small boat M ri. Dorothea Sleeltmilh that proved to bo unseaworthy. WiiUur S^^9S HANSEN" 423-5408, Hanien Ihey managed to get to an Spit. R«g. $40 . Island that was the prlvoto PANELING Mrr. Evereff Sovag^...... , property ot a Fronch-Amorlcon S m a ll' 9 9 s MAHOGANY HEYBURN-RUPERT- 678-8493, Hayburn family. Unit. R«g.‘S r* A J k M ri. Robert Bell The three later wot Jotaed by LIGHT AND DARK OAK another shipwrecked party BOLERA GREEN JERONt- 324-4761, 616 Eott Ave. K which conslstod of a missionary NATURAL LAUAN Sandra Reinhardt nnd his daughter and throe KIMBERLY- 733-4696, Route ]. sailors. They all romataed on OUR FINEST BLOND LAUAN this small Island until the food KNOTTY PINE Mri, Arthur Greer was exhausted, then went to a KINGHILL^ 366-3358, King Hill - larger lsland-.itnd were later SKILLET SliHE ‘ HONEY TONE ELM ablo to board a.,shlp which was Slainlott Slael M ri. Fornum W arr the United States. g g A N D U P MILNER- 432-2772. Munaugh While on (ho small Island, -MrarLecka decided it was only- M rij John Silvan . right that they should pay for R»fl. 4»x8'SHEETS MURTAUGH- 432-2632. Murtaugh tho provisions they were using. $3S;95 EUCTBICFRVPflNBY M ri. Nino Bruih She suggested a certata amount FARBERWARE be placed each week ta a gtager RICHFiaO- 487-2900. Richfield |ar she tound in the very ^''cHEc!r7nffisTBoluTlaTcHE^ M ri. Harrell Thorne .-comfortable-and-welLstockcd _SHOSHONE- _ ^ _B86-307I. 8ok 366. Shothona. house tho owners had buUt -OURFINEST— — — REM00EHNG-WE-HAVE-‘PRBPTN'I-8MED—— there. The riumy compllctUons CADINETS BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFTGATIONS Mri. Comtta Brorfion that tollowed this suggestion PERKS SPRINGDALiE- 678:2077, Rl. l.BorUy make dollghtfuj reading. SlafnUit St«i( The chrcumstances of the Fa»» — Aulomalic Mn. Reynold Wright - ' meeting with the owners of-thor C L O S E O U T TUTTLE- B37‘4448. Rt. 1. Hagerman^ Island and the return to the home of Mrs. Leeks and Mri. 9 5 MfSC.^ANElING Mri. D. S. MofleH . ' Aleshlno ol all the'peopre who VIEW- 678-5705,,Rt. 2. Byrl#y , -wore together for so long' ADD LOTS TO CLEAR f-Mri. BorlSchreok...... complete the story. OVER 106 PANELS W ENDElt- 536-3761. Box*36. Wer^dtll

-OANBIDATtNAMED- » C u p _ ------piP im fO H9rlnilr(llW ------.the Indiana state Republloan convention Hiunday noitUnited' Rep. nichord L. Roudebush, . - - Ind.VUeKiofa Democratic Sen.- Vance Hartk* In thh November ^ R i c r w t ollar I I M ^ - K E W S -dKUen, Roudebuth, unoHKBedrwai o o » . >hone >33-0931 ■ noinW«t«dby M«U«»»tli)n.'Hie Gov DemocnUe :itot* ctmventlon ------r ------— -^ ^ ------. ” ■ ------. r ■ ! ------— ------" ^ - 7 -

' ' ' 1 ’ ' _ , j* -,TlmM.N»wirTwln*'P»Ui, Idaho .Sunday, 1570 ■ .■ - ...... •'

. .

‘’-^Flrsi; advei*tis<; you garngc snle In the H e r e ’ s h o w t o m a k e wMnt nds of the Trmes>IVcws. Cnll 733-0931 Totlny. ^'Sccond, usb this Ddvcrtlsement as your gnrnpSe sale poster. Just paste or staple It ^ iitgisncccss! play it where, everyone can see1t, and be ready for a great garage sale.”

-MU Ti'm es-J^ ew s 2 0 «' i b r v i n * ill 6^ r4Uir

S R tlS illtlllj? • " * 1 1 1 1

m i c s '''''' '' '' cx/kM:iPtxs ex.A XXE IStHISA/.LlKeMiMiW&'RE \ / JOlMlMGA PUT-ON'?; ( SPUTTIMS FORTHE J I COMMUNE IN. ARE VOU . No SUMMER j \ NEVADA i REAULV...

^ DEAR POLLY—A furnerf-over Jinner DEAR POLLY-SMp tite c o o V h g ol! plate mokes,^ good hand rest^ whilo bottle into a nlostic baa. Make a cuff —oppljfing noil-pQlish.r-THELM\ ■ at the top, held by a rubber band round ^ Y T E H POLLY'S the. neck of the bottle, to catch drips . POINTERS th^t^mi^ht oliterwisQ smear tho shelf. So Fcminfn'tf • TREAT YOUR LINGERIE DEAR POLLY—A gi'eotwoy ro dr/ Wardrat>« to thit handsome glasses without leaving lint—use a silk v iih lo o trimming or in law DEAR POLLY—Doit'f Ihrou^ awdv icet |ofROSE« bettor this works.)—TINA . llip . I L i voidsol 4S-inch; holU M A R |E ...... tlip Qtxf po ntitt, 2^1 yards. UPV MVRT'* W0\S ^ -ri4tg PLWT?. - _DEAII.P.0LLY—We keep dlvldod lifver------;— vore trays4.^... in bathroom L->i_____ j drawersJL____ to i._hold u ____ -make-up, combs ond odds and ends.— MRS.J.M. ------

DEAR POLLY—Seve thew ptosHc foam . DEAR POLLY—f sow fl efev«r idea ot d T o M atch meat trays. Use the small, narrow ones recent rummagd sale—buttonssewn on A 'MATCH-SET' lor ONE Size for disposable drip catchers for spoons file cords. We oU hove odds and endi and douolilor (hot ti quick and (M-16-18) of buttons— perhaps just the kind •asylosowl- __ on tho_^ove. When lined with foil they" make‘^ e a t relish trays foV picnics or' som eone elso.^is lo o k in g for.— Ho. 831S vith PHOTO' DOROTHY GUIDE it in Ne* Si»t 10-1S •Thai’ Triiti Look church supp'ors and they're dispbsablisi [butt 32>i-40). Siie 13, 34 Point cans fit like a dream in the largo TREAT a $lip-on opron to touchei of DEAR POLLY—When I have [ust a fes/ ones. Thoro's no drippy ring left on tha lust, 2^i yards e( 4S-irtch. ' bios and rtCKracV trini -for a colorful O No. 8316 with PHOTO. small items or one dross to dampcii floor and there's room'for the paint GUIDE it in Sizti 3-fl yeart. cover>up while on kitchen duty. Add a ironing/1 wrap them in my plastic roiri brush.—MRS. C. A. pretty look with embroidered pansies! DEAFl POLLY—1 keep two plastic bogs Sixe 4, 1* 4 yards ef 4S-inch. cap.'~v.M. C< in my dresser drawer. In SHe I store m/ TW0 5£PAUT£MTTE;INS. No. il3 3 hai tissue sizes H , ]6, 18; HOW COME A l-U W $ liot-iron'transfer; 'coior'chart; direc- good nylom; in tha other, the "round tioni. R E S au r VA/ORK the houso" ones with small runs.— ANN ^ . A t Easo FORME*? FEEL AT EASE, b« of eoie when’ wearing Ihi* culolti drtti DEAR POLLY-Mosklnff tape v/il| picic • ilh ill hondy poclict. • t o ORDER up those few grains of sugar alwoyt No. 8234 with PHOTO-GUIDE it In New Sizes ^Nfltdliwork potltrni uni! 50c tach . (bust 3M7). Si» n '/ 2. 3S butt, 2 'i yards of 4S-inch. DEAR POLLY— Rubber gloves will slio' efrmore epsily thyou tioid your glovedT ... '"qlid t i l l ta Ntidltwdrk (cart oMhli lionds In cotd water for a tew seconds " - k tic ra «umb«r and iis« to. Pair«Mf'(

X»RXSCXX.Z.A?S P O P toy A.1 V ^rxiieei* wxMrxxxxtop toy-Dick G avalli,

O U B B O A .X U 3 XXSTO' K O U S E -bsr;a.n. 'leRiueKe'^uiK^— H/ML.HKUO'I.x THE BMW LBSHL peniiEEW -< r i •r;)^ - \ti^ *fWO(?WAFPU V\JOO>A, AU-,RifcMr!^o7 ■S'?'" ' O O . ^

— ■-,— .

‘ ^ PPVOO n6, ju$r ^ h\0THiU4 s e r a o u 5 ,^ ./!^ . / iw f k .t i o J's'N - ■ ' • " A H . - / " t^AT’5M\ATreR, — *( >^ \»__[■ ynti - \/l?lTIW4. I Hopg^ V—^ePATiTi^jy r iM *me ■< ( dr.^

LOVE VVILU C A 6B YOU AT l a s t ; 5U 6(5& : WHV feBAT wiwasrH05E iw 5P1.ENPIP wiw„. WHEN r COULP BE CALLIWQ -rt_EKEflCHEK HEX S1GN5: •

written by-Mcj /c/rauJn-by^aank^ ' ) f f l i y


J » « W 3 '3 JVKOO»V»WW’ff BS7WVJW/HJ

: Cut'Eacl.^ in 5r Tiira^rtriiwrdth fa-Tfe-endsoP > length o' lottla ftwjuMc) ncck of ., Fill bottle: w itli ^ Q g o F * E F ^fold over CJttfa'' bottle araTJlewitVi ' waterM. osj-k It aind a - - iFrpm S layersof :2\wrtp paper, a.Pui^tVie '■ width o f ¥ 3 3 ’ "T S trlvijrp. jrpe-a«fftti5r'^ e w fftticr------lfc'3^r»dy:-toqse,l - n e w s p a p e r,c u t around U ttle w U n a . s W 9lya|vjaMd Stfina rtiiM . loni) around bottom 5»d upioothsiate. o m a

_ , ., ™»'!SV' 'SVO » tm »tg '» a i'w s 'jy <* !t^^ll'' JON M. LINDBERGH :€an We ExtfaCT

MEDICAL SCIENCE The Mystery of Premenstrual Tension


SELF-HELP QUIZ How toMeasure -Y()iiirSe}n5[i^

JEANSEBERG An Actress Still Searching for Herself

OUTDOOR COOKERY Try a New England Clambake on .Your Grill

. . r * •. FOR STkNLEY RESOR, ) Itfi tr4ie that I eat many orgnnlcnlly . . , F 6 R GIEN CAMPnEhh to think what might happen wiili a force Sfcrelary of the Arm y nurtured foodn, niany of which 1 grow / /lore n fiv rr »**«»• o that has'no civilian nuclcus of dra/icei. Wrtf a M «^n l o/ H onor in nty own garden, However, I aliio eat —fliS S S li_uttitar^liU H —yo u rt—hi^i— ffvor htten atvarAtfti to Aome non*natii7al food*. My - Do you tpenti more llic public. . InitiB. Tliloy nro: Cbaplnin Jolm M. While* [ time in your home at • No. I like my skirts almiii fdur incli^H head, Civil Wnr; Chnplnin Francin D. a CommiM$ioner than . FOR MILTON HASS, above the knee. • Hfill, rivil Wnr-,_r>iaplnln—Mtllnn L. r/A«i nrhr iiiheH~yoU~ti>fre on ~fv T ' — r x Hnncy, Civil W ar; Chaplain (Command* program i?— W r*. Eveiyn Sm /l/i, E|>- Do you jtfllieve^ at it FOR JACK DEMPSEY er. USNR) Joseph T. O’Cflllahan, World wortk, loua , sloterf/n/yoiirnoienoc- R re e n tly I rrn il alHtul Wnr II; Chaplain (Captain) Angelo J. • Not at all. On the contrary, iriy time elt **Force Red,** that the compittrr fight in Litelcy, U.S. Army>.Vielnam; and Clmp* ' in now BO fully occupied with .work al ■ there ipotthl he a tlan-. tehieh Rocky Marrinna Iain (Major) Charleu J. Watters, U.S, llie office, meetings, speeches, visilH to ffer o f the nolfon h e in jt beat Catnlut Clay for ■Army, Vietnam. (Editor's Note; An ar­ Ntores and markets, and wllit reHearcIi taken over hy an a ll’Volitnteer arm y, the all'tim e Iteavy- ticle by Captain Angelo Llleky, “ Wlial that (Ime in my home lias become a rare -Mueh at the one recently propoted I iveight Wiom/imnffiip. Our GIb In Vietnam Are Really Like," luxury. hy PreiiiJent Nixon?— TTn^. Smith', la it poBtihle to predict hoir'Iiro men appoare4_ in Fam ily W rkklv oii June Chicago, HI. . ^ who neper fought would renrrJ'— 29, 1969) FOR RON SANTO^ Chicago Ctifcj • I ibink there ix Rruve danger of such John Davidton, Creen Ray, If'it. FOR EOpiK AhRERT n^hat it your favorite a situation. Tlic Frcnrh ^only narrowly • Every righter cbonges strategy for unrh averted it after llic I okh of Algiers, (^be opponent. Each has liis own htylr. Onr I hovti l$«rtrtJ lh a t -you ti»e bat?— Mark Pink- military has too much Hoy on our coun- punch can change the outcome. You r « a l o n ly * * n a t iir a i erton^ Marion, Inih try's p'oIicieH 'right now, und I shudder predict it. I fooHa** Do yott grow M-ttny~of-U?~Whnt-ig-in^ etnttnl in your tiiel?— W a n t lA s tli • famoiii prrton * qui>«tiAnT Yna can Ikroufl* th li Mlumn,'anat size in 34 incheti long pcM< rar.1. lo A»k Thrm YourMtf, Family W .rkly, 641^ Lnincton At*., New Ynrk. N Y. . Titjinrkanti, T^xa$ ' ^ “lm d ” 32 ounces In Weight. 10022. W« rannoi ark^wM tgr qnnlloiu. Iiul 18 will Im paid for Meh .onr luril.

Hkills or merely check out nvailnble jobH. clotbes” on their jobs. He aayti many Laler, speak of the nerd for adult Bilm< large companies w ill pay for their rental ic«-and-compole-fot_thc en. and kids. EmplinBizc that a job is not _l}C8trlooking-ense(nbIea-to lure increas­ an racnpe, not a plan for giving up liome- ingly hard-to-get clerical help. But won't muking.. As n 'convincer. you can cite American Journal of Sociology statis­ Cool A t Hell Now that it’s otrielally of course, “ Hell,’' the fovorite tourint sport tics showing that familiee of working summer (as of 12:43 this Sunday, is mailing an ersatz snowball (available women feel their lives are enhanced be­ EST) you may be interested In. unique lit (I curiosity shop calTed-Den of Antiqui­ cause the lady of the household is less Rented work wayi to escape the coming heat. So we ty) from Hell. It doesn't melt.’ cfofftei for I tense, rmolionally warmer.” proffy e/«rki? low*Keyed Compolgn Wh^n wiveH-r-' U niform Trend In years to ^ome, are of liiiKlmndri who Iwlieve a woman’s place pcciple going to he leas individuaU morc Ih in the home— want fo go back to work, uniform? It look« like it. The conwnjiy they need to launcli *a domestic cam- -wliioh lu^dJialMhe-American-mnle- jiopii. ' palgn^but'lTlow-keyc’d one; ^‘Nol an of­ Irttinn of t91.S In makes girls lose .their individuality? Juflt th( fensive one, or tliey'll get ihe job and lose “ uniforms"^ for the wliitr-collar worker. opposite, M r. Rosenthal thinks: “ Wohier the husband." Thi# is advice from Lolly jJ-oight4W-Roptl>Wl| president f if - Work- Coiilh Pogrehln, a to;rpul)l)ctat and « piit ilto muney Wear Corporation, predicts' tlmt within clothes Into more coamellcs, hair piecrH happy wife with three youngsters. She has IP years half of the American women more glamorous evening-' and leifutre just written a book, *‘How to Make It In li Thoy.xoy Holl It o/r>eonc//f/on«dJ w ill bo wearing couture-designed “ career clothes, and health-club meml>ershipii ’' Man's World,” and gove Fa m ii.v Wkekly pass along this you*know*whcrc'you>c^n> some -unpublished Inside tips-for wivei go suggestion ■ from Hell—Hell, Michi­ Junt31,i070 gan, that is. For the curiosity seekers who Fam ilyW eekfy Tfia Ni r Alao0x/ne . come to this central-Mlchigan resort spot UONM0 t. DAVtDOW TmMMl lotnrr mzo MOITOH niANK PuhUAir N IA l A fH iV to see what It’s like In Hell, the one 1\ W. M O I THOMPSON D (r*«>r MAIIUI N. niNOUIVtrt mttctow - thing they won't experience is too much U H y Coff/n MiuNii Di no n r - d j:nti»T rr.; m m m M. Hullanl| M m rM tn a : heat: the town prides itself on the fact- Poflrob/n . that }iractically every place Is air-con­ making U in a lutMn t. Uarlci) Chltmpa S%U» ^ i. 0»pM>ln tw»r. WMf Cmh* ditioned. What visitors cm experience, A u U U n t A H XKrMW/ OMff* Immw m a n 's ' w o rld I. U. Nntipaiifr a*rvi^: however, is spending a night In <0 cozy motel on Hell Creek, mixing it up with ihe weekend brisade of townsfolk who dress up In devU'a coslutnes (or (un «itd hoping to talce tUelr, first post-chililreA You ere Invlleif(f,to ,fu ll .your quaitloAB w toiAmtMt ibout eny Miteie w MWftrtltwncnt m jp M iti In Fimlly m«Kiy. jrour iiiiir '*'^1win receivertcilvi ••p•■nriimpt ro m p t in iw e r * W r lii lo Service Edilor, pliolo** «nd shopping for B#tBnic-youvert-'~ Jobjir “ First, talk about wanting to so fim llK WMkly,. M641 l LexLulnglon nirion Avinui,Avanua. NKtw sw VYoik, flib N.V.M V i1IM f o99 . \ Irs, Since the communUy’i postmark is, hack to aehool or brush up on former V A n iE T Y " — An abiorlntcni ol - m r r n >>ornuthing lor everyone; ------Kplloyu'b Sugiu Tro^tetl rioKcs, Ricu Kribpic^. Kcl!oon'^ Corn rUihc^. PrciilutJ i9 . Sucjrti Pops, Spuclnl K. KoMu(ig'& n.ii!iln, nnd more. 10 indw idunl 6urviny&.

* i l o


' J l e q u e s t JUMBO"ASSORTMENT — Fur bip nppctito nnd biy rflmllio^. n solccitun includmu ttiu»o fAvonlok: REOUeST PACKS Ki'llugg'b Corn FIa Ko«, ^An fl>bor(inenl of coroali RAISIN l i A SUGAR ■ JilCEj Rice Kntpioa. grown>upt ilko best: Kollogg'b Sugnr Tra^tod riake», 2 Kelloss's Corn Fld(ie>, BRAH„ 'I I POPS Suyjr Popk. SpocinI K, 1 each of Special K, Rice Kritplet, Kolloug'k Rnltin Bran. Kelloss'k 40% Brun Flnhek, Sug>ir Snincks. Trool Loop&. and Product 19. P ro d u ct 19. ‘in d A pple J

S ^ ^ ^ C O R H l FIAKES uc »uru to )oo the new motion R un picture "Putnbtul" bttirrlnp JacK W<(d. 0l(Ne Mftrlfxi Ritye, w i t h t h e RICE I " ■ ^ rI te IKRISPIES* FLAM



iM . enoenit w* wui r«4MM «»iif c«u-


whan you buy ons of Ih c u Kailoso'* ceraal ■•wrtmanli ■I your o ro ca r't'

~1 S 0 06 00 10 ~ 1^ M ED lCjN E ■ T h e of Prem enstrual T e n s i o n

Quarrels, accidents, even crimes are caused by

condition responds to medical treatment By TH O M A S KERENYI, M D , vofii ciiy As told lo MaFtiii D. Staiman

IXccently, a Denver house­ Init thoao "black tlaya." Oven)roduction of aomo hbrmonoa to conault your family, phynicinn wife, after bitterly quarrel­ UurinR this time, wonmn nro moHt in relation to othora haa been ofTored about what apoclflc treatment should prono to ncciilontB,-and acnoolKirla doj by nome modicnl authorltlea aa nn bo preacribed fo r your particular ing with her husband and very poor work, aro forgotful-nnd > . explanation. Thia hormonni imbnl- premonatrual symptoms. crashing a tray full of dinner unpunctimli'aays Dr. Knthnrinn Dnl- nnce causea the body to retain an Both phyaiciana and paychiatriula dishes, piled into the family ton of tho Untvoraity Oolloffo HospU abnormal amount of aalt and water. Rtrosn that you_ ahouWn’t confuao Tho increaae of fluid retention can car and drove off to meet a tnl In London. Blight premonatrual diacomfort with Promonatriinl-tonsion aymptbna in- account for foelinffa of heavincfia helpleaaneaa.' I f you-feel merely- bus— head on. -cludo n number of phyaical onca,' auch nnd awelllng of breaata) lega, and oth- —little-odgy-or-tlred-for-a-dBy-ortwop ElliS'nimo^tlii'oo^mnilon^houiKj— nrH'hWdachoarb'ft'cknclusa, anti a fcel^ or body extremities. Other roaoarch- you’re probably n lucky lady who wlvofl And mothora, aho wna n vic­ injr of henvinoaa. Some women ffain ora also ^noto that tho blood sugar takes tho cyclo In stride. tim of the ovorpowerinar omotlonnl as much an three to aix pounda» main­ level goea haywire. Thia fluctuation and phyalc«1 atrnin .cnllod promon- ly due to water accumulation in tho in blood sugar level ta thought to bo I f your odglneas aeoma more like atruiU tonaion. body _tisauoa; nnd oxporlonco awell- responsible ^o r tho anxioty, doprcs' - - a ■ clIfT-hnngor, then' dfacuBa your -It'fl catimntod th iit the number o f • inff of partA of tho body. aion, jitters, laaaitudo, and irritation. problema both with your family doc- promonBtruiil tonBlon'flirfforcrfl who Ueyond tho physical are tho~'p^y-” tor and husband. Toll your husband go untronted or who treat thomaoiveu chological telltalea: irrita b ility , dc- B u t whatever tho baaic cauao may hgw guilty you fool over your Iohs , rnnffoa. between 16 to 20 million tt proBBion, tenaeneaa, jit^tery nervoa. be. tho rcault is a physicol condition ._QLcp_ntcoI,-And-bo_hQnflflt]flnQugh_nQt_ year ln'thir"UTntlR!”Stlitoa alonerTho anxioty. temper tantruma, and laaai- that roaponda-to modicnl treatment. ' to use theao days as a license to nag. moat common of all female nervous tude. Theae are tho avmptoma that And when the phyaical condition ia In fact, rocont work by Dr. William diaordora. i t occura* about n week to aro really dangerous. ofTecttvely treated, tho aymptoms, Maaters and Mrs. Virginia Johnson 10 dnya boVore iponatruation, builds both phyaical and paychological, are of tho Boproductivo Biology Research to a climax, and uaually abatoa rather N Io t all w;omen fall prey to or auf- • URually relioved aa well. • Foundation in St. Loula, auggestH dramatically with tho_onBot-Of_monr_ _fcc_all_of_tho_aymptom4.-A-study— — ^^Bocauao-each-woman-a-aymptoma- ■ thivt'floxuorrolatlons^culmlnatlhgiir atruation. For moat women, it poaaes made among normal, hbalthy females and complaints vary and may bo orgasm may alao relievo premenstrual like a -whimper. But it'e amazinff indicatoa that nearly one out of throe peculiar to her ai^ntion, treatment irrita b ility . This is something you what can happen while it laatal fomaloa aulTora protty rogulorly from can range from uae of aimplo pain should talk ovor w ith your husband A roccnt atudy showod that in aomo form of promonatrual tonaion, rellovora to paychothorapy. In try ­ —oapocially i f you notice youraeU 6 0 0 florioua auto craahea involving and at Joaat four out of'flvo experi­ ing to .rcduco tho water >otontion, havfng an Incroaaod sox drlyo before ‘ women drivora a aigniflcantly high ence one or more o f its symptoma normalize tho blood-augar level, and your porlod; many women do. pr^oportion waa found related to the fro m time to time. . - treat aymptoma,'phyaiciana uae many Above all, don't resign yourself to menatrual cycle. ~ Premonatrual tonaion la i-are difTeront kinda of preacriptioh and promonatrual tension. . Tho- mv.Ui-X>f- -younff-glriiiTTwho- MunpiUBurliJtluii dYWuu, aloni with” this needless misery should bo forever . R u r times aa many unpreWied- likoly to complain of menstrual aimplo high-protoin, low-salt diets. dispelled. I f you sufTer from it regu­ latod crin(tQB of violonco nro com> crampa. But It froquontly atiirta in larly, often, or just sometimes, you mittod by femaloa in promonatrual. . the , 20s and woraons in a woman ^n»o now modicationa include hor- can do^ something about it. Thanks days a ro n other days. In fact, cur­ during her 30a. Promonstruo) irritn - monea. tranquilizers, aodntlves, and to now'medical research and knowl­ rent atudiea of both juvonilo delin- b ility sooms to bo much commoner diurctica (compounds which roduco edge, you can use the results to main* qiionta and adult female criminals among married women than single wator in body tiaauea). Among the . tain your dignity, efllciehcy, nnd hap^ auggeat that th o ir destructlvo activ­ girls. It hits 60 percont of tho wom­ ■popular druga on tho market ‘ ore piness on tho Job or at home. ♦ ity is at a height during this time. en of childb(farlnff age. Whatever Pro-Mena tablets, Pro-Mona capauloo, It’i4 estimated that premonatrual merits or domerita the “pill” may . Daprianl tftblota, Cyclox tablolB, Vam- Vital Ouldanc* tonaion accounta fo r female-job ab- have, about half o f tho aix to oight prin tablets, and Trondar tablets.'^ On ProbUmt . Hontooiam of eight to nino million million women on it got roliof from Some of theae—auch aa Pro-Mona For a va»t fund of in/ormaHon on all dnya per year and may coat industry ■ tension, nnd almost 00 percent from tablets and Pro-Moha copaulos^—are femnh htalth problmt, dit4os9», and a i niuch aa $6 billion o yoor. monatrual crampa. • deaigned to help prevent or alleviate htalth 0iH0ro 0HeU$, ttn d fo r th* SO/!' Bringing it cloaor to horhe, a largo' What cauaes this witchy timoT . tho promonstrual-tonsion syndrome papt faet-fill4d'*Th9 N w percentage of m arital quarrala and Doctora agree on one thing: tho through multldimonaionid relief of Phytieian,'* M a il only $6.96 to "S S m aevore emotional conflicta between— cauaoa-of-promonatrilol tonaion nro baaic underlying factors. JViimrPAvtMaX," 9098, *500 N.W. JS8 St,, Miami, Fla. M ah and female women and their children occur dur- aq complex as woman horaolf. . In. ony case, it's always advisable anatomieal maNN«(rut*u itulud§d fret. 1- ' FomV/j/ JuntSJ, J970 ih Lay^ potaito chips Annual Picnic Giveaway Buy the specially mMked packages of Lay’s potato chips. Each has a Picnic Certificate. &nd us enough certificates, and we’ll send you free gifts. Sondcortificatca to;"LayVi PicnlcGivoawayl'c/o Box - Givoawny details on pbckogo. I 10193, D^laSi'Ibxaa 76207. • Woolsohavoaomothing

■' c . , L jy li'" U t irA dam trkol Pr1|o*Liy. Ino. JON M. UNDBlaieH SAYS:

In an exclusive interview, this famed-OGeanographer answers-vital queBtioi about what the seas can— a n d cannot— do to solve man's problemi

are now contaminatinff and ovon klH- ia Inrffoly baaaltic, and auch rock Jon Lindberff/i Ihflr cortain aoa llfo and may ovontu- jronorally Ib minoraUpoor. ewttrpeji fro m ally upBot tho ocoann' whole ocologlcal Howovor, thore are aomo exccn- mtapeLsiib afle . balanco. Cortain other chomicaiB-«na -tlons.yyor instance, manganeso nod- reiumtnff from rndioactivo wastes aro alao poton- llIO H, ' averaging a fow ouncoa in undornea aurvey tinlly very dangerous. weight, but occaalonally ranging up in Pacific. This, of course, threatona tho to several hundred pounda, cover ocoan *aa a food sourco. Already somp . extonnive areas of!the doop-Boa floor tablo flsh caught off California have all over tho world. There are trillionfl boon banned from commerce bocapso of tons of those, containing some very of their high DDT concontration. desirable metals: nickel, copper, co Sholinah from Now York waters bait, Tnantfanoso. may be spreading auch disoasofl as Tho problem is that the richest hopatitia. High concentrations o( ones tend to bo very deep—16,000 persistent postlcidos, auch as DDT, feet or moro. We have not yet been —are known ta affect tho baflic“ llfd able to develop a method of recover' functions of tho tiny pli^nktohic or- ing^and refining them at a coat that ganiama t h a t livp in t h e ocoan. makes it worthwhile. lit* oc*tins/ which covsr 70 p«r- cause of excess population. The moat ThoAo organisms produce most of With regard to minerals dlsHolved ' c*nf off tiM •orth'f surffac*, hav» optimjstic, reliable eatimatos are the oxygon We brcatho. So it can in rtoa water, wo already obtain -iM M i-talkod obout at-a-pot«ittlal------that-wo-can-multiply-thVnuantlty-of- -“oaaily^bir'HDon“th a t^h o lr“ oltorntlon“ much of our salt and most of Ilv ln 0 tpae* and tourca of unllm*. __ food, wo derive fromJiio.aoa-by-par-w would bo-A-m odt-alarm lng-faotor; ------magnesiunrfronrBcarwaterrWo'Tilim ttod amountt off ffood wh*n and hapa 20. PosBlmists claim we have What about m|n«ral wealth? recoveir bromine and certain other If man oxhauiU land r«sovrc«t. already reachod our lim it. I think Aro vact quanlltlos off gold, mag­ resources. However, some of the Ar« «i«h claims r«allitlc7 tho truth la somowhore in between. nesium, sine, olumlnum, illvor, more romantic elements in aolution, I t ia truo that tho ocoana have Tho ocean may allow us a little more uronlum, and other valuable mot- such as gold, aro unlikely to be re­ onormous potontial, but in tho pros­ time but i f wo arc unable to Control oU waiting on the ocean floor covered economically in tho near eat flurry of intcroat about thom the real problem—tho population ex­ and disioived In the sea water future. . many people, ineludinir aome who plosion—we w ill quickly have fa r -ffor-us-fo mine?______— ;— !------—------R Sallitlcally •pactkli^o, who! should know hotter, arc coming to- moro hungry people and no new Tho* ocean can bo broken down banaflli w ill wa derive from the regard the ocoans as an altomativo ocoana to ball us out. into two general rogiona—tho a nents thomsolvos, and the deep-sea gas production from the ocean. About quate food, and diminishing nati^al Rorlous threat from several stand­ basins, which avor^ge over 10,000 75 percont of our energy sources are r e a o u r c o A because we have tho ocoana points. Both by accident and doalgn, foot in depth. *from petroleum** products. Wo aro as an ace-in-tho*hoIe. wo uso tho ocean as a coBHpSoTrOil Th9 sea floor under tho continontal- _now_pumplng ,.oll.Jrom ; tho. groimd "Thoaowho-lobk'lo^tKenicoain'for from l ^ i n g wolla.and tankors, and shelves ia boliovod to contain about in the lower 48 states faater than ultimate Answers are docoivinflT human and industrial wastes are tho same proportion o f hard-mineral wo are discovering now reaorvoa. thomselvoa.. For instanco, Govom- obvious examples of pollution. Losh wonlth aa tho land. Thoro are, how­ Natural gaa, which is one of the ment oniciala and others who talk visible but'rnuch more dangerous ever, many more problems involved cloanost energy aources, is already about building citios on tho ocoan aro DDT and pthor porsiBtent'postl- . in finding and extracting it. From 1” _a 8tatp_of_crlUcftI_shprtage. F_o^ floor to roliovo tho earth's overpoiv cides washing-down from forcflta • what we can tle{o?mlno,- the deep those reasons. It ia vitally importhnt iTfttion aro drbaming scionco fiction.'’- and farmlands. These aro affecting sea floor appears to contain con­ that we develop sub-aea hydrocarbon Tho technology to build underwater thp oceans oven in the remotest parta siderably leas mineral wealth than reaourcos. — clttca-of-atool^nd-conoreto-eapaulos— -rof-the-worldrSome^fthearpoHutonta— '— thtrland—Ruck"Of“tho deep-son floor Wo can expect in tho '70s to re­ in to ' wRich' wo could stuff people cover significantly nioro h^rd mincr- would be poBsiblo but vastly cxpon-p, als from the continental aholvos. a i-. j sive. I t would bo much choai^r and ready there is important o ff- B h o r o even perhaps moro desirable to livo ABOUT JON LINDBERGH tin-dredging activity in tho Far HaHt. In a hole In tho ground. And tho idea Tho B ritish aro obtaining more than - - t h a t people of the future w ill be The son off pioneer avlator_Charles Lindbergh ond. I authoress Anne Morrow Undbergh^ Jon M. Lindbergh -----^10 pori^nt o f thoir sarfd nnd grav^Co swimming down underwater streets ' ------mako-eonorete—frono—offr»shor<.—Wo. -begon-hle-uiHleueu tuteoi u m ~Waval d»Wo»ll6ri | can expect tho samo In the U.S. expert. Since then, his extensive experience and e rounds o f activities has llt tllf moro Diamonds aro being mined from realistic possibility than does tho terprlse in ocean research have l^en credited by | tho sea floor off Southwest Africa, ' Idea o f moving tho world population Sc/enf/flc American Mogos/ne with ''helplno to « and although tho operation Is rela­ to tho moon; tobilsh a. new branch off engineering." He now serves os. coniultant to tively small, it became profitable dur­ Jt is another myth, although a pop­ Ocean Systems, inc.,. a company engaged In sea exploration, is chair- ing the last year. Much of the'wqrltl’a ular pne,_th»t.-tho ocoan as - ^man off the O i^ear^raphle Cormmlsilen off the State off Woshlngtonrond titanium oro, used In spacecraft and source can prevent tho maas starva­ makes his home on Bolnbrldge Island, Wash. supersonic aircraft, now comes from tion that ia expected to bogin in beaches In Florida, Australia, and Many countries. in a fow yoara be­ Brazil. We can oxpoct to sop tho do-

Family W9»kly;jun4 t l , JQ 7 0 F a m ily Weekly/ June s), >1)70

in tho fishing induatry. Wo will to of microbes and vii^ses may be per­ a fn r irrontor extent prnctico con- fected from sponges. Barnacio socro- trollod "fnrminfl:’' of AbH rather thnn tions may ofTer dentista a new way roly so honvily on tho catch-nn*cntch> to glue fillings, into teeth. can hnntinir that- gocn on todi\yr A l­ U It.pettible thof eonnicf* w ill ready in Japan, commcrcinl nsh and ariM b«tw«*n -ceuntrias ever FLJP «/irp (lloaiing p\at- nhrimp farms have boon act up in ocean r»teurc«sT - famti vpriuht i>i water or shallow, protoctod salt wators whoro Tho limits of national jurisdiction io givfi ncicntiatH stable Inh for tho fish aro fed and "harvoatod" un­ in the ocean aro not well defined. Hca Htiidii. der controlIed"co>idJtionir Qne^cbm- While rights of navigation should re- panjr- in America w ill—attempt “to - -Tmtln~n.B-brond' nfl' pPHfflblo, a •nutton*tr~ ness to our daily liveB, the ocean has harvcflt shrimp commorcinlly from soa'floor leiral boundarioR logically far more potential than spacq; at a farm off Florida this yoar. Many extend to the base of ita continental loiist in the foreflceable future. But others are doing oxtcnnivo rosoarch slope. But since this boundary is at this age will not be remembered as in tho cultivation of lobstera, salmon, present legally uncertain, there may the time when man exploited the sea: — 'pompanornnd-othor-very-hlgh-valuo- -i)o-a-lot-of-loud-talk—if-not-actual- -History-wil!-Iook“at*this-periodT^s ROR Hfa. Thorn hn« been fifwculntion > mnny .have------_thc—time—wjiciujnaa-laodccLjan- that fish w ill bo contained in thoHo oxaggerated ideaa of easy riches to moon. Space exploration is important tant Hihce most of our population “ farms” by oir-bubble foncos,or per- be pluckod from the ocean. for tho inspiration it gives us and iivoH in close proxim ity to these areas. hapd thoy’li bo horded by ultrnHonic -8em« sclentUtf and^polUicanf • _perhaps for what it does for our na­ ane»ourcei —wutci:_aiirfnpo thoro will bring a of. fish. Ho has produced spocial versy------U..between------.tho V .roceans...... and. . outer...... m ajor-alteration of climate to the strains of salmon that return from spaco. Actually, tho two areas are It's true that our ocean programs Bay region. ^tho sea one year earlier and several so dissimilar you can't legitimately have been spread among a multitude A power company in Florida pro­ pounds heavier thnn thoir parent compare them. In terms of useful- of agencies and often uncoordinatod. poses to pour enough heated water . Vwild runs.” This could do for the This needs Improvement. But I quos- from yuclear power plants into fifthlnfif'Induatry^Tvhnt-linr-Teplnce -tlo n"w ho tho r‘ ovcrythlng“ Bhoii1d-bo“ —Miami's Biseayno-Bay-not only to. m in t j j f the long-horn stoer by the put into tho flame pot, into onfe agen­ radically affect mali'Tne life but make modern beef cow hns'dQOo for the cy' juflt because it ia "wet.” Man­ large parts of the bay too hot in sum­ meat industry. agement of ofT-shore resources ties mer for awimming. Also the ocean contains u vast new in closely with management of on­ Tho irr^T-flhould firmly establish — T)otontinl“Hource-bf-tirugs-ftnd-anti- shore resources, and ocean programs its jurisdictions over our adjacent biotic compounds which we have of ton have more relationship to some aea floors to tho base of the continttn'-* only begun to develop. For example, land programs than they do to other ta^ slope, and discuss with other no^ — thero *hru reportr-that-we-iws: projocts connected with tho sea. ^ ~ t l6Mfl the ordoVly^tti^oluptiiuMt u f t lro able to got medicine from octopus W h a t li the proper role of Gov- deep-sea floor.''Wo should not wait ammoint then? - until some moment of crisia to tackle ...The basic role of the Government these political problems. should bo to coordinate in both the Tough pollution control mlist be public and tho private spheres the enforced by government w ith all de­ nation's doveloplmont ahd use of the liberate speed if wo aro to preserve • sea. We have a fixed amount of coast many of tho oceans’ benodta. Experts ino. W ith tho present^txpanslon oatimato—thn^rnmlesB—ehnngw— — . our population and our oconomy, we . made, industrial wastp poured Into Four aqtianaulB com- miuat plan b\ir use of the ocean wise­ the oceans will multiply by seven in plfled OO^nv j'*- ly i f wo are'lo obtain the maximum the 1070s. underwater miaBion in over-all benefit and properly appor­ If we start right inow Uilklng fouT'chamher habitat - tion all the different uses—transpor­ sense’ about the oceans and taking (above) aff Virgin ~ tation,.industry;'rosource-cxtraction;— RonBlblo-actiona_fta_wcn_cmr_Jiflll0fita__ hlantU. Navu'a midoet conaorvfltion, rocroation.and fishorios. from, tho sea w ill bo magnified many diving Bub XLVIN doen The proper management of our times over, and our use of it will ac­ deep aca reeeareh. coastal zones ia. particularly impor­ celerate for tho next 100 years. ♦

Fumllu WeekUl, JiiueJI, 1970 ENTERTAINMENT

Jean Run? fashion sin! — “ R om nin~nnd~r“ wUl“ romnin ■ frionds, - aho. plottcd- out'her future. ‘Thbre'a no ronaon' Now.„look liow daring not -to wo!r_e dlvott-... insr. But I don’t Wont to mnko my homo in Franco nny moro, whoro

KII\IG-SI can’t outnbliah nn identity of my own, r'm nlao beginning to miaa' apenking IfJngltah.Thoaolution will ~mailGrlrinil;| bo to got .n house in Englnnd, whoro I hftvo frionda. When. I ’m not working, I ’ll divide my time between London nnd Pnrla, whore Diego w ill bo going to achool.” Dlogo la Romnin'a only child, nnd ■ho wnnta hia aon to bo rniaed na n Frenchm^jn.- T o keep up with' lovely Jean Seberg, you need ago (H»c wnH My bio rnon had 30 laat November) Ima helped her bocomo n blttor mnn.-' your own private jet and a to {iccept dianppointmonta nnd dcn Evorywhoro ho lookod, pair of comfortable track mdto was this bold fenta n littio moro gpncofully. And look for m on... Iho now llnro shoes I Even her best friends Hho hna hnd hor ahnro of aotbackfl, Blncko, Edwftrdinn lockols. n The potito blonde from Mnrahnll- — rainbow ol bdQhl colors have to go to th e ir local ~town7lowa7YnftnnBod''to"nppoflrltr" Dul whoro In our locfll.slorua could YBrriffTwi>iTGmnivm~ I borrowed Iho calaloo. And my bi(frTfon only a nonrby roataurnntns a for- point in both hor cnroer nnd life; nnd I had o Hold dny. oolr^O through tho wnruins addroaa. Wna aho bnck Tho film wna n amnah Interna' 120 POQOS, In color, displnyino tho clothlno nnd ehooB...lho swontors, nlaoks, and homo In Pnrla, whoro aho "ahnrea’*'" tionnl'auccoaa, nnd Jonn wna once . jockptB...lho BhIrtB nnd accoBsorios...iill an. apartment with Romnin and agnln in domnnd. In Hollywood, Bpooially doBionod for TALL nhd DIQ moni thoir Blx-yoaf'old .abn Alexander Jonn nnd hor huabnnd - wot*o. in­ 'N a e k s lo a a '^'^& loo vos lo 30%. ,.inAoamfr — up to 42",..sizes to XXXLI And all famous Dioffo? No, aho wria in Hollywood troduced to tho then French Con- brand nnmoB— McGrOoor, Arrow. Olmlnfl: ^Airport."' ftul-Gonoral, Romnin Gnry..A Manhattan, Jnnlzon, Weldon. PLUS 2Q0 ■Well, nctttally ahe waan’t in Hol­ friendahip !)egnn between Joan shp o stylo s In sizns from 10 to 10. widths AAA lo EEE...Including DuPonI lywood bocniiao ahp suddenly flow nnd Gnry, which turned into "ro- Corfam, Hush Puppiea. Bnlos Ftoalora bncli to Pnirift to bo w ith her aon. mnnco.Thoy woromnrrlod In lOCIt.' nn d o th e rs . - ^ —6«4py» tho tirot timo since he'd ronchod his full incr plana to move—lock, atock, nnd TH oy hnd homes in Pnrla, Greece, growlh. And It woo nice lo know lhat mnke-up k it— to n remote aeotioii the South o f Franco, Mnjorco— - every Itom ho ordorod was bockod up .o f Mexico, whoro aho would bo nnd nil, it ’s anld, woro kept In by'lho famous KINQ-StZE Monoy-Dnck Gunrnnloo: “Vou must bo complifloly filmlnir "Mncho Cnllahan.’' • Gnry'a nnmo, though Joan contrib­ onliBfied bolh BEFORE nnd AFTER uted aubatnntinlly to the Annnc- wearing, or yoaoot on immodlato ing. All nlong, aho rotninod hor refund or oxchnngo." Whnt boltor protection'could onyono ask for? Amoricnn citizonahip. Her home­ Those day^, lhanks lo KINQ-SIZE. land tiea have romnined atrong. So my ruagbd, ho-mun husbnnd.drooBoa hna—the cwll—of—hor pTofoaaiom— - lik e n m o vie s ln r.-A n d w o fm d ------oursolvoB with o lot ol OKtra free tImo which »hp ndmita aho cnnnot'give lor fun— time wo uaod to wnsto in '^ h o -tn-— fruillots ehopplnol rlnge," Jonn wna quoted aa anying fliata. “ When work cnlla, I pnck So If Iho bio in your llfo ^ * in n Hollywood column. “ I nm a up. my mnko-up box nnd I nm olT. (husband, son, brolher, boylriond) ' Th« KING-SIZE Co.. 3440 K ln Q -lli* DldQ. • bad liur, nnd I toll Romnin'ovory' " I am like tho mnn who ahnrp- hat Iho snmo kind ol KIN0>8IZE Oiochlon. M s (i. 03401 prob|om. your story con have Iho thing," Jonn nllogedly said. Rut P loaip riiih your now 1>e.paa» FuH-Color KINO-&IZIT Cat. ona aciaaora nnd goea from plnce ■anut h o p p y o ijd ln d As m in e. nloQ ot Appnrol and Fooiwenr O e tlflo frt and pioportionad frionda cloao to tho couple know to plnoo plying hia trndo. I neyor J u s fill down and write for tho lor Tall a 010 Man. . PREE iSO-pnflo fult-color that Jean aTld Romain arotwo vory know whoro I w ill bo next. I KINQ-8I2EE'Cfltaloo. CntnlOQ. \WhdrriforHvbs, • ' ------I' dilTeront poraonnHtics— ho cun bo"" couldtft Ijak" n KiWnnd td1«sflp up~ y o u « n d y o u r T A L L and D IQ m an ■ ____ I 'overbearing* and-aho can bo ter­ with that, could l? f ^ wm b« able lo oo placoo in ribly indopondont. KtNO-eiZB 8TVLEI cilv_____ ------,I --PEER J. ohPENIlEIMER ------IIP------____I Fam ily Weakly, JuntSl,JP70 I------TUST M A IL THIS POSTPAID COUPON I COUIMUA MCOIm m »nrell m« a t a mambar of tha Club. IVaJndteitad at . . _ In e M a tha radio. Golumbia Record Club 'Vra,n*5'nW E-lfyouloJnth#______Columbia R*cprd Ctub now, M tan raoo'rda during iKa coming two m»y hav« ANY 12 Of th * M racordt». fo f onJy W .98. i^anwila oullinad In thia advartitamant. T may JS& ------— will send you ,— 9bu h*v« to ^tA ^ a O T M to buy-«*-f«w-M ^ton-r*oerd»(«tth« - J w ill ba allglbta (or tha p u b 'a ganarooa tMnuM rHul«r Club i^c«) during U ii coming two y«tr». n ta t's riffhtl-'you'K havw (wo fu ll y M n In which (e buv MY MAIN m u s ic a l IKTCfteST IS (ehaeh ona bov only): your Un I'Mordf. After dolfw to. yoo'll Hava tcquircd 22 . a U iU g liV t D M clif □ n i l HIU □ ClaitleU racorda-but1...... you'll...... htfva . paltffor lu it half of tham...(ha!'a " • practically a SOK;UVlHg off raeular Club prlcM h :air«Mh»tytHally(^ □ esHalry l. Wtittm DJm AS A MEMBSA' you ^wlll rM *iv«,-av«ry four Waaka^ • eopy o f - tha Club'a antartalnlng mutle■ magailna. Eaeh-lttua da* •cribaa tha rasular Mlaetlon for oach musical Intaraat and aimoat 300 othar rtecord«...hlt albumi from avarv il«id of H i Uh UHm m »rlo«) . mutic, from >o>rM of rocord labala. ._.lf.yoo do not want vny.rtcord in •ny.m oolh-lutt UII ut lo by ratumlng fh« fU ie iio n card by (ha data i{>adfa to tima, wa w ill offar aonta ...... II# CM*...... ~ 0 a V«o Hov« A TticiklMMf V II.. . . <9|r] MO ______Jh t-C tu tL 4fO. rFO »44r*nMi: mtl4 lor ivm U I • mV' untln your nama.. .you^ayroryour hava rwM vad tham. T h ^ wlO ba :------r«uiHiuuMniiiuNc. uuANeiuii. ~ — mallad and blllad to you at tha ragular Club prica of $4.98. (Clattlcal and occatlonal tpaclal Jbuma tomawhathlghar), plua a m ailing and handling charga. FANTASTIC BONIM PIAN. Aa w o n at you complata your riisrcuss for only SU'iSlllSi anrolimant agraamant. you w iil,autom atically t>acoma ail- r«r«lt N«. 1050 bla fo r tha Club's ganaroui bonua plan, which antlliaa you t f r i Havta, Ud. If you foin new aiMl agraa to buy tan racorda ' ona racord o f your cholca fraa (piu« 2S4 for mailing and during th« coming two yaara ( ^ '1 1 hava ghandling) for avary on* you buy (haraaftarf up to 3 0 0 racorda a month to choeaa from) SeN&fMMOIieV-^lMT-THB-POSTPAi&COUPOMA.... tha numbara o f lh « hwalva racorda you want, fo r which > BUSTNHSS REPCY-MAtt- . __and you-will also J-' ...... No Poalm>a 8Ump N a o M w ry jr tonanj -HBrb_Alp®rt.&__ The T iju a n a Brass GREATEST HITS



*>? (^ a lify fo r a lim ited issue, o f commemorative medals in Solid Bronze or Sterling S ilv^— minted in honor of these G h a t Am ericans.

______l _ Y o u join.this a'dvisory board — - ^ A m e r i c a n FREEDOM-WILL-SOON-BE —the-subjects of the 12”commenT6fallvc“ mcdals [o' In choosing the Great Americans IX. 200 YEARS OLD. This is bul a fortnifiht in • be minted in Solid Bronze and Sterling Silver dur­ to be honored in coming years ihc history of civilization. In this short lime a ing 1970, and soon thereafter their achievements DR. JAMES D. RHOADS . great country has been forged out of the tough­ will be magnificently portrayed in individual ex^ Archivitl of tlir Unlteil Slata ness of the American spirit. Free,men and women hibits in the Gallery. DR. DRUCE CATTON did it. Many of them from humble beginnings. 5 r» tp r Eililor, Amrrleun Hrrihtge Mngazinv Who should follow these men and women into DR. ERIC F. GOLDMAN . It is time that the men and women who have the Gallery of Great Americans Iri 19717 What Profenor of U ltlorii, Princfton Ihiiyertily contributed most tp our American heritage be other Great Americans are most deserving of this GARRISON H. DAVIDSON. LT. GEN. given an appropriate tribute— a permanent corri- exceptional tribute? I * U.S.A.‘(Rcl.) Pn$t IV n r P o ln l memoration that can serve as an inspiration to The selections for 1971 and future years w ill be FRANCIS RUSSELL the youth of today, and tomorrow. made by you, and by other interested citizens— Atvarii-winnins niillior ani( liitlorlnn in the most democratic nrianner, by ballot. O ut The Franklin M in t has resolved to do just that - • ' - (MRS.) RAE V. DIESTER ' - board of advisors' nominations for 1971 pppear Patl National Preiidfnl, American Lffion Aiixfliary — to ’qstablish a permanent Gallery -of Crcnt on the ballot at the right. Now^ the choice, is is. n&AC»~ _ AivcricRns at FrankUn Center, Pennsylvania, near PrttidanI, Tht American Nfgro Commaiuoralh'e Soci'ely ■ the birthplacc o^ American freedom almost two, DR. V.CLAIN-STEFANELLI , catiegory— or, if you prefer, write in your own centuries ago. The Gallery w ill bectJmc a con­ Curator of Nnm itinalict, Smllhfoniiin ln$lltute selections. . , - stantly expanding, living center of national pride HARRY GOLDEN Long after this historic celebration is past, the £(tHpr, puhliiher, writer, h clurer with permanent exhibits dramatically telling the commemorative medalo Btnickin'n’cpDnscta'this” • DU. JOHN-A^GARRAT-Y- stories'and pbrtraylrig" the achiev^ents of the balloting will form an imperishable record of our _GrertLAmcricans-honorcd.------:.... nation's history— minted likenesses of .. -To-give as.many people as possible th c.oppot_ Periclw-and-thc-'C^caars-are-parh-of-our-logacy- tunlty to become acquainted with the Gallery, from Grcece and’ Rome. . ' The Franklin M int w ill also produce and dlstrib- ute-a scries of finely engraved commemoralive „Y o ur Vote Makes You E lig ib le ------^medals immortalizing each ofJhe mcn and.women— to Acquirq a Proof Set------— who are sclcctcd to be included in this historic First E^Uion Proof Sets of this helrlpom ?erles of shrine. •. .comi^emoratiye medals arc available only to A distinguished group of citizens, acting as an th'oie participating in this election. ,. advisory board, has selected one person in each of It IB intportant to note that there l9 no ob//g

M uil b« poatmarkeci by )u)y 4.1070

Vole for only one cindid«te in each cale|jory or write in your own chofce: • *'

Slalt«mtfi ii Palrioti Buslnea* JClnduklrliil These 12 Americans w ill be honored in 1 9 7 0 with □ D«n|amin Frjinkiln Leader* . n Jhomai Iir/«r«on □ A n d re w C am e(|le a permanent place in the G allery o f Great Americans. □ Wof^row Wilton □ Marthall ------

□ Rob«r1 E. Ptary □ Edsar Allan Poe □ □ W all Whiiman !nv«ntor« A D lKevttvm Q _____ □ A ln tnd tr Crahurn Ball ArliaU i, Compoitr* □ EllW hilnty □ G eorge C erah w ln □ Wilbur &O rvllUW rl|hl □ W. C. Handy □ □ Frederic Reminiion □ ------.□-Cao.Wathlnglon Carvar- —Adore *Ehlerlalnere___ □ W altar Recti □ John Barrymore ' □ Daniamln Ruth □ Edwin Hoolh □ □ W .C. Field! E ilu c a to rf & L a w y t ra □ □ O livvc Wtnd«>l Holme* A l h U i t t i t S p o r U H c ro ta □ Horace Mann □ KnuleRockne □ John Martliall > □ George (Babe) Rulh - a - D a m a y O ld / U t d ------llum anllartinf St Social Uadtra M ilitary HJroti □ Samuel Compeni □ Elhan Allan □ H e le n K e lle r □ A n d re w J ackio n □ M a rlin Lulher King □ D ouglae M a c A rlh u r D ______□ :______

NOTE: Dallot* m utt be postmarked by July 4,1070 and received by July 10,1070 lo be counled. Reaulla of the balloting w ill be nationally publicized.


“pafliapalc"Trrthis cl^fionTTou nuiy vole wHK^ T h a $0 bathUHg lo'aequ(re~ ' a Proof StI of Iht mtdah itiu td by lUt Callfty of out subscribing to a Proof Set, b u t i/ow m n y n ot Great American$. If you to txtrcitt lh{$ right, Mihacribc to ii Proof Scl wilhout voliti^. pfea$§ indleatf $o pelow. Pleatt tio lt that Ih trt it no olfUgation to or/ter lhl$ it l of medah. On the Your own personalized Proof Set contrary, it i$ a privilege eitende^ on{y to Ihote If you dcctdc to excrcise your option to «icquirx? .t who participate in the election. Proof-Set, each medal w ill be Individually struck ^•Franklin Mini . — - in your chatce of Solid Bronzo dr Slerling Silver Franklin Canter, PMiniylvanIa 10063 —and w ill be inscribed with your personal sub-, Tlx tiMdjltAir jenitnin Jumrlrr I w ith to excrclte my option aa a participant in (lirnrr Ih4n 4 tllv tl liolUlJ-' tho Great Amtrlcana election to aubtcribe lo a F lril scriptlon number on ils rim—a perpetual certifi- lU n iU o m i a > 10 inch pUcju*» fo r • ic li yc*t, EdlHon Proof Set. wlilch C«n •llhvr b« Im m td or kept In llivli ortglnat lilpcaie, cation of its'authenticity and First Edition Prdof • ■It Includrd with .M h Fiftl Eclllion Proof 5tl. I undtriland that the madali In thU terlea w ill b« status. iiiued at the rat'e of two per month for the balance ' per month la 1971. ILU further, M inting o f the Proof Sets w ill begin in July ' underitood that I m uit cait • ballot each year In 1970. The first two medals w ill be issued in July, 1 0 subscribe to a First Edition Proof Set, you w ill order to maintain my aubtcrlpllon privilege be> then two per month fo r the remaining 5 monthsof be acquiring a collcction of slgniHcant historical yond ^071. I would like my Proof Set itruck In: • and c’dm:atl(inal~valuct—an hetrl r yuu ^ f! fcOML^- the year. In 1971 and thereaHer, only one medal □ Solid Sterling Silver ® $8.79* per, medat. per month w ill be issued. In order to maintain ally helped to create. Q Solid Bronze & $3.50* per medal. your subscription privilege beyond 1971, you All ballots and sMbscr/pfiOMS be post- ir~my eubicriptlon It accepted, I undentand that -mucl-continuc-to-participalc-in"tiyo^iinmiaUclcc>- TIP later t han JtWy 1970. ______each medal w ill be alruck enprenly for my acwunt, and I agree to pay for them promptly upon being ' tlons. This w ill also give you the satisfaction of invoiced on a monthly pre>paymenl' baela. - knowing you area.continuing part of this cxciling *riu i’iaU* lav where applicable. . Colleclort prize IhU symbol. II la the hallmark commemoration of our American Heritage. F — of-Thc-FrankUn-Mlnl^-anjuuuxancc-Qf-flawlcs*— ^ K c re is a lim it o f one Proof Sel per voting sub­ quality which will be imprrtsed on every ~nxwr" scriber. The coM is $8.75 per medal If you choose . meddl in Ihis scries. The Franklin Mini, the . ^ Iflrgcst. private mini. In . Ihc—world^ls^an-Jndpppntl.fnl.., . _ i your Proof Set to be minted in Slerling Silver or publicly owned corpar.iilon, atut it not nffiliiihul with thf . ^ -SaTSO-perincdalMf^oirBpedfy-Solid-Bronze:------~ a . S. MO>f t*r'*j»fjrmfrpnpjWPnm?>rmrTTjp’frryrTh«TranIf= ------g Please give your ballot the careful and imme­ lin, M int produces cur/cncy lor forciRn counlrlcs, mcdrtls for the United N jllons. and spccial Ueiii'S for many of the . -i • 8ICNATURB diate consideration it warrants, and mail it' groat inslilulloni of America. promptly. It affords you a rare opportunity to UM TTi ONE PROOF SET PER SUBSCRIBER take your piflcc In what our late Prcflldcnt, John F. Kennedy, callcd "the high court of history." THE FRANKLIN MINT A t the same time, i f you excrcisc your privilege Fr/infc/in Center, Pcnns}/lvania 19063. FASHIONS


'W eathered brown tf on (he nirfiee — your hands and face (ell Uie Tworld you’re BetUng old—nerhapi R ych o lo g istfi toll us th a t to sleep -thn,gnnf1 aleen. you should retire ‘T-OTnfortohlv elnd. B u t there's no hand* look white and young aeain. lim it on how pretty you can look! d u a lly effective on the face, neck and anni. Not a oover*up. Acts The new nightwear for summer (n the akin—not on it. PraKrant. BTMMleMi bate for softening. Iubrl> plays a game of lengths and looks. - eating skin as it dears up those b|emiahes. 1/ you hav» theae age- Slip into a little pinafore or a flippy revealing brown spots, bIotclte% or if you want clearer, lighter skin, circle-skirted sleep dress i f you’re in -use BSOTERICAr^i-youv-favarl(e_ drua-andJoHetry counter. 13.00. a m iru mOOdTbeTrttired-tip-to-the-— fashion-miiiute in a plunging^mtdt For a woman’s (as seen on our cover); or wax intimate romantic in a soft empire gown. deodorant problems Then spin a dream in a flower- filled garden. ♦ = » l iH l—idBodoVhnUor you_^ ...a n d for your clothes tool l-'or woinnn on ly—iioro'H ihtt Hptx'ial fumininedoodornni itinldoHtroyHodnr w h e re y o u n r e il m o re th a n cifi o rd in a r y iietnlontnt. ICm fnmaiiH, ftnny-lo-tiM QiiyxT l^ootlaranl I'o w d v r) (1) Q u » t helne keep your body odor-free —even In tlia m ost in tim a te arose. The.nottalfjie pinafore, eompleU .wUy ruffleBi wakeii vrmpn^up fiuhion * ( 2 ) - Q u iu t d e s tro y * PHOIOOMAfHi ly MAI OKUN odor on unitary rutp* potnlB in pi(fu^ voile of Kodel and eotfon. It’s from Juli of Slumhertogfr. w h trti odor {i'n«eri long‘ «fl/-under bras, girtllvs. panfy-tiaao. .SpMlal deodorant fora woman'i ipecial needs r-BACKACWe^ -Aching Muscles You Iona to aai fv e n te m p o ra rily ^m iM re rv . psin rsHei’ frySeWJtt's Famous for ovsr 60 yesn DeWlll's Plllsconlsln an anslaetlc lo ' redu'ce pain ani diuretic lo I ------fluids thus the Official IJnited y^ations -2Sth^nm m rsar^^om m m

. Jn The Cause O f Peace, Justice and Progress On June 26. 1945, delogajes Ironn 50 nations signed a Charier pledging . . rospocl (or human rights and for fundamental freedoms for a ll"—thereby founding the United Nations. • Today, as this -world body-propares-lo-markits25lh.Annlv0rsaryrJt-ropre8enls-our-4»trongostm6ral-forco-ln4ho-quesU for worldwide peace and freedom. But the task Is monumental. Much remains to be done. Arid much depends upon popular support throughout the world. • With the conviction that this anniversary cele­ bration should involve as many people as possible, the United Natrons General Assembly has author­ ized the minting of an official commemorative medal proclaiming the anniversary theme—Peace, Justice, Progress. • This outstanding collector’s Item minted by The Franklin Mint, will be a lasting symbol of an historic milestone in mar\^s progress toward international goodwill and brotherhood. “


2 /2 incfriterllng bilvor modal, , finch Slorling Siivor medal, \Va inch Slorling Siivor modal, with individual display stand in Lucile holder with baso in oasol back card $ 5.00* $30.00’ $10.00* 'PLUS APPLICAUlt !;ALL& T

AVAILABLE IN SOLID STERLING SILVER FOR A LlWfED PW OD OrTIME BEOINNING-MONDAYTJUNE 227^ AT PARTICIPATrNG BANKS, SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS AND AMERICAN EXPRESS OFFICES -rirfpr'-T;': FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK Howtofuid VI0BIN«^01L sqcgessin. _g»ves [Vigor business with- More Stamina outget ------Endurance stiicK^».» ui^ Less Heart Stress wrong franchise 'Pon'fbelieyeif? Sond for tho (roo booklot thnt ^ You \y/U whan tolls you how. It's full of facts you’r«ot^ FREE Bulfatin #15 you shQuld_kDOWJibouUainchi&i ing. And It tolls you whot our World Expert Physical Fitness scrviCQ can do for you. For In* REFUSE SUBSTITUTES - O n ly —stflncc>-QUiiJBM:afiO-CQmDUtor- holds tho lareost data . Uank'in" tho country 'on rollobto fran* chisos. Opportunltlos you novor know OKlsted. P ius a cn ro o r g u id ­ ance Profilo dovolopod for you. MELANIE DE PROFT Pi>.»l R ilito r Comploto information protects! you from a bad Invostmont. And ' helps you find tho right one. aome of ihooe lasy aummer tlaya An ancient eatinp 7ra^t7fOH along New Read about it In tho booklet. oul>o(>4loora feaating on in^nla cooked England's shore is the clambaUe. Bring VouK name w ill not b« Klvon letaurely In foil packets put onto a hot this simplified, equaUy d^Ueioujt fam ily-' _Jo any Fr»nchi»or, W grill. Aa tlie food eo4>k«-to.fl delicloua ^aizcd your ow% back yard. f o r y o u , n o t th o r n . r . » » M - i - - - I auectileneef alt bnek, relax, and enjoy yoiiroelf while whetting; your appetite for PSYComp ,Cofpor«Uon ■ clams, then chicken, cor.i, and quartered 374 Droadwuy. Pularaon ■ the fenat to come. I N*w J*nay 0/407 -g potato. I f clams are not uaqd. pour Vi I ^n d m0 tha bookUl wimout Ob- | cup canned clam juico cocktail over all along w ith the seasonings. Back-Yard Clambake H Nam a g -TJic-atnoufitJt- ■n~itp~thM-r4>cipo-ar^/or-^ ------Frank-Vceotable-Mcdloy------JWC W ELD ER o»ifl packet'; qJloiv a packet per person. I iiir " lO'in. heavy-duty aluminum iN M iriil m il Mir IR 'in. heavy>c)uty aluminum foil. foil, 4 long leni^ha 28>in. lenffth 2 tableapoona wine vinegar i . » . _____ Cheeaocloth 1 clove..Barlle, mlneed PSYCOMP SYSTEMS COnPORATION Seaweed or roekwe«4 (available at, ' 2 teaapoona Halt — A Colonial CotnmorclQl Company . flah m arbcDrilioreushly wlaYted Vt teaapoon chlli p ^d < r Waldi III matilt ~ tvin’ilumlnun. No aiai- 1 dox. unopened ateamer clama, V i' teaapoon, o rf gano leaves, cruahod AipVan Winkle tltncs fliidtd. rsllaw jlmBl>;,dirtcllont. U tn J well aerubbed and rlnaed */i teaapoon baail leavea, eruflhed eook ear of com (freah 1 amall green pepper, cut In atrlpa Nagging Backache o r fro x e n ) n green onlona w ith topa, alieed N a n ln v baeliMHa. h««(l«eK« and mua« 1 baking potato, aerubbed, rlnaed, Vi eup anipped parley Auiar Mhaa ahd paina mar coma with andciit;lengthwiae In quarters 8 frankfurtera . ovais^aartton, am olional upaata, o r «v. U.S. Hearing Aids •ry«fur. For ««n- Easy piyments. No in tim l. FREE Ear Molds. corn enr (halvoB, If long) and potato 2. Bring edges o f each fo il pioco up vanlanaa. aiwaya buy Doan*a ianra ilaa. New y nt plan.POWERFUL BODY AIDS t29 No ulesman will call. Write: LLOYD coRf quarters. Sprinkle lightly with Halt and slightly. Divide zucchini, tomato, gToen Depl.rWt. SOS 8ih SI.. Rochford, III. 61109 grind pepper oyer^ll^^cing,thQ.chcofle-— —peppor,~groan-^rilorij-and-parsloy evenl7 “ When-Yttu Order Br Mail cTolTi up to cover tRo food. Bring two among the packets, Vigorously ahako opposite edges of fo il together 6vor m ix­ m ix ^rp In bottle and spoon about 2 ta- From Family Weeiily... ture and wrap Jiecurely using a drugstore bloRpoons evenly over vegoUbles In each Please allow up to four weeks fo r fold; turn up ends and fold to aoal. packet. delivery. The ads are placed by roM-* 3. Sot packet on a hot g ri)\ and cook I 3» SUt franks almost through lengthwise, IVoublo with looic plates that slip uta b l^ companies. The Items and ■ o r cauic tore cumi? TVy Drimmi copy are checked by Family Weekly hr., or until chicken is tender. (Cover ' '’ spread cut surfaces generously w ith bar­ Plaiti>I.incr. Fkt plates inusly, for reliability, too. Yet with thou> g rill with hood if nocossary during cook^' becue sauce, and gently press together. without p o ^c r, paste or cush> sands of orders coming in usually 1(r~ ing.) Put 2 franks Into each packet. tons. G ives t'ijth'ErTasiinR fit. . our.advertisers, sometimes unlnten- -iioaal-dalayfi-occuiv^lthouflh delays happen only Infrequently, into a cup for dunking tho' clams or for , cdgoH of foil together over mixturo and troublesome upper or lower. Dite wiien they do, Family Weekly wants and Ic molds perfectly. Easy to drinking. Accompany with melted butter wrap securely using a druffstoro fold; use. Ikstelcss, odorless, harmless .to assist you as much as possible. or margarine. Serve w ith crusty bread, If you've any question about mall tu rn ’ up ends and.fold to seal. to plates. Money.back guarantee. which has been wrapped Ip fo il and A t alltlrun counters. order, Just write: Service Depart­ 5. Sot packets pn a hot g r ill; cook 20 to ment, Family Weekly, 641 Lexing- heated on g r ill; slice before serving. 26 min., turning packets over once. Open PHOTO CREDITS ton Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. ______1 Kerving -packotu~and-gontly-mix-vegetables-«nd- CevaVrHol Obbri.« franks ..Ith thplr Juices before serving. PoQ9 3i Wol»«r Scotl. Note; If HU^Htitutlng South African rock Serve with crusty bread, which has been Poo«'4i Ewing Oolloway. . FLUSHES UP lobstor tails for tho lobster, put 2 small' Pag* W Id t W orld} Ocaan Sytlami. to lewar or septic lank wrapped in foil and heated on tho grill. Inc. tw dlKBinK up f(oAr«- tails, s till frozen, on seaweed w ith tho . 4 servinos fa g * 7i U.S. Navy/ 0«naral llaetrle. W IITI , . . U«PMCRSOH, INC. Pag* 17i H. ArmMrong Robarli. ROX 1S133 TAMPA, H A SM14 Family Wttkly, Jun*SJ,J070 THE MOST COMMON lFOODSJNJ 03UR klTGHEN

a e s lv c iv in g 'ifpu'i”'

Now—world-renowned nutritionist Carlton Frederlcke* Ph-D-i ...... - ...... , ori-eaiftn.jlMtlntgnn >Un|C wiiak and opaihHio, ua mitcYi fo lh a l i>i« SKCMl NdfE nOM THEPtllllSHEII... wont fn her pliyiician. wlto, fimling TMlhlng -and famous jihyslclan and teacher Herman Goodman, M.D., re- JKi UII.V. lUa hull li M «( IIk m ost VIT*U-vtNP-l»lliOllW,WT-h««lllr-l»»«li«- -4MaUoWttB:Mlonlshlno-B«ldence-ol-how-y|nnocent!i-lood8— ever w ritten .., «a' impov.tani, IT 1(1 A on your, pantry shelf may be ROBBING you of your physlcal w e ll^ “MUST” :tkal every ramlly in Am«r(ea have Therefore, we are wakli =balngp^60RROOING=youtamotlonaUiealthizand^l^UnniNC _ waot-tuJw lmi>nrtnnl *I fine edge of awareness your child needs fortop grades In school. coitfirmitl Iho fuel ihiH CKllTAIN EVKnYDAY portunity la read and eum ln* thii book /or POODS W E flK DKSTnOYING IIEtt HEALTlll a /u il BiMly J»u$ A T O V tt M S K f We are nofrainine^ from thoM food* reiulted In a oom- ei. IliU luM)k-M vilally-impnrCant, we prr* LIC —why a '‘completa checkup" may nnl reveal lion period lo help ennire that every family Y [l(ct it w ill create a virtiiol 'Vevohitinn'’ nnl lh« (me ra iiic . . . or, .mnrr important, why thl> plelc ctire wUhin mi>«h Or take tlir hlitnry of a key employee of a ean w iln e ii and enfoy the remarkable aad only i» Ihs modlcal ileltl, hut in the luper* illneii ii.u t often rf/(i|(nom/ incorrtclly (to tla* valuable heallh benefit* tbeie renowatd mtilnr radio Malinn. Withcnit realixinji w hy, the market alm-rev®at« one of the autlior*' mrlhwU ^roat ilaiiRor of the palinit)! For riamnlei One autkon have l>rou|hl lo Ike publte. - of rccogniiing and curing nne n( ih« m o it dan* iiiffwrlnR fntm Ihit "wiinmon fewl” lllneit 'ho((aii leellnR deprpitnd-ui. duproued that iha ucnni* and unrecognIieinUn#IMi!------^wni,tn!tl Jty a doacn nl.vilrinni Hint li« u/ai the i-oitildered 4-oi»imereu itiicldttiHiCMitf on Mivfrniuivfrnl occailoniloccaiionil Inin a«Wi-addi- — nn nof delvcteil Iff/ the averafiii victim- ...... -iiTirn nf ntniroili, 77 ---- t!!"” '! ''; cmiiln Ittnilmial*. 0 „. „f Tlivr'vforn, It li up lo you. You can iland by plefe m nlicai checkup" , ...... npl.i4ilu-m«d., U .lmo.l Im ^ luid wntch yoiirielf or your loved onei Iw Eradil* - «ti MO u>iile$prfaJ, it afPicU one o f outry ■ _ n lly and nivrcU eiily ••»ickened"...v iilH ng roliof...taking dm gi and coiilinu* - (Ill flintfM U nkfd to lh » cnuiot of atlhm o, rftrii- V.'., 11,0 «iillr..r. will .Imwymi why ll.l. n in e l«cl I'",'. ' ‘ f ' ing lodel»'rJ«>ratr...ipon«llngh»tH!redi of dollari dflilroyiiifi bitth her phyilad oiid mt»tal heallh. on piychlutrlit*. gnlolng no Improvement. O r... m«*oUh oU tha oIm v «, tm iUnt$t the nu- Yri - the anaZi wm tX *•"’ T«t the autlmn Ihort fcWlw# y o u CAW CUnE AT YOUR We Iwilleve this iMNik li to im p o rta n t-o ii obio* KITCHEN TABLEI ...... y,m m ,»irt <./ yom n rrflro l clwck- . l-n l'.llAU.y HtlNC STARVEDI Wllhlii liilo tifceitily /or every famUy-that we are niak* Y«ii. theie dlitin(piiUhed a iith o ri w ill tell you up. A „J w l,y . 1 , al Ih l. T e.l inirihU iMMik available loyou willM D^O LUTELY it jy f- tMlr mellKMl o f I I into joy; fa-~tlM iiany^e It only al your Utter inilHintTlYMlUU SYMPTOM- NO FINANCIAL RISK ON YOUn FAIITI » I i Ru»> in I o-v i|(i»v r* ' -T*at_i*-«»-lm|U«tiinl_it_caii.ittVc_you-tlMinia»d»_ tlieir way lo gain GLOWING NEW HEALTIf- U|win Ihnuiiin d i n f dollars. a i well a i yvurs, of morely hy pnivenlinu certain ftHtdt /ro iii virtually puinfut and drprmlinig medical lieulmenl. Hore’s What You Do When You Receive This Book: "ilorviiiii your brrtin." For we ri'|M’a( th li b ailc and exlrcmnly iin|xir> 1. You h im fo p«Ro 0 0 nnd le a m nhouf the "m y th ’* regarding Ihc so-«n11rd tnnt filth Your illiieii can very well l»c curcd oumcctlon Iwtwoon chnlcslem) and heart attncki. lU t;ilT AT YOUn KITCHEN TAIILEI eARLYbH rR ID IIIC KI, 2, You him lo pane 81 and leam olxiiil the #/n«/p vilnmin llial rcHlorcd frrU llly to Ph.D.. IKe nulrlllon e i- Diteovaretl By A Phytlclan In 1034- moroJ|lmn ImU the "barren” women H WiO'fllvon to. M 't . It known for h li miny yoiri of radio tnd . Y«l ‘‘HuthMl Up” For Mor« Than 40 Yaaral 3; You turn In page BO and loam tliu nnd lutiic element i l b im p o rta n t, leltviilea broadciiti on Y(m rend c o rro c lly -ilu ' ih itrkin g fact Ihn^ thl< for ybu.tohaoe'at every nteal. the lubjecl or-public illn e ti—which afTocti one o f every ten Anierjcanc 4 , AND MO.ST IMPORTANT, you look In Iho table of conlenU for VOUR tiia lt li iilu e a llB ii. Da- PARTICULAR mODLGM, and then read w hat jo o d * the outUor$ »au •Met lAHumtriblt m tf —wai dlicovered and reported ntortf than 40 •ila a artle U i and hla yean agol And Iho concluilont reachcd by Doc­ /o ar/(/fo or o/fnifruiffl/rom I/our ayniilcalad nawipapar^ tor S. Ilarrii, the dltcoveror, have been verified colunvi, ha hai publlihad and lubilantiatod rounffeii tim et by loading doc- ••veral books. Inetudlnc ton tlmnifllmut the yean. Clinics, lab i>i|>eriiiioiili FHEi: FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS! A ll we want you lo d DANGEH OF liracili'in'u phyikTan!*Not only did lu> Iwgln In eliminate certain poteniially-iIangorouB ftmdi NaaHk. f u 4 raata a a i Paltaclai, earHaa M d a rte k i' U w m)K.'Tiwnce anxiety, ucule weakneti nnd allacks fnim your fum lly'a diet (aa ipociflcally alaled In CarWkHrala Blat, and CarHaa Fraderkka' tra H Maiaa TfllS "COMMON.FOOD" ILLNESSI of dlizineM.bul ho underwent a complete change far W akht W atekari. Dr*, rradailcka haa alto ta uiht nutri­ VET THE MAJOn rUESt$ HEVKAL/NG . thli liook); Tlie/eforr, wr want ym't-lo read Ihlt tion al tha Cellaia of tha Cliy c l Naw York, Droeklya THIS .ILLNE&S HAS UEES SO IC.SOnED in pt'fHm nlUy.'Tlie symplomi grew «» aeverp, he lutok for a fu ll Hxly daya-enlirely at our rlik. . collaia. and Falrlalih Dkklnun Univanliy. T H A T IT W AS F U n U S IfE D O N LY HY AN wn$ forced to lulf/ofrdii' from hit pr^tctUef Pror Wo want you lo aolually WITNESS THE " OnSCUKE ^nA'^IUAN m e d i c a l j o u r n a u liingetV v ltili lo other physli'luni'und lo payclila- CIIANGE IN THE PHYSICAL. MENTAL AND M»U SlUlL.a promlipromlflint New York phyilclin, Irist* proved nf little value. Finally, ami to for­ EMOTIONAL HEALTH OF YOURSELF AND w i( aducalad al c«V«^ia UniUnWanlly and at-tha C o llitt of Phvtlelaai aad______Xurgaena. He ... haa...... baan...... aitoclilad. tunately fur him, he underwent the Teat and YOUR FAMILY. And wo want you to aee bow with tha Naw York Ikla and Cancer Hoipltal, Beth liraal. HOW wipespneAO is this illnemt FOUNfi OUT W IIAT TJIE CAUSE REALLY C ER TA IN FOODS are linked to the very cauaei Iha Watt tide CMnIe and Hdtpllal, Ballavut, Naw York • A leading piyohtatrlat dUoovered that WASI Today ho ii enioyiiig hii practice again, of aiuiely, deprenlon, phobiae ...a t tcell a$ Unlvanlty Uadieal Celltia. and the Naw York tMpart- more than 4M ' of IiIj patio n li were lufTer- rid of every i>egative lym pltim he had eiii>t‘riencedl iitlhma, nieumalic fever, tdlerttiet, ulcer$, oleo- mint of Haallh. Ha II a fallow of tha Amaricaa Madleal tng from thla ‘‘cammon'food" lllrw ul You'll alto learn how to many olh«uri have Juilijiii, qiuiimerfl--—. ------Aiiociatioa and of tha Naw Yoik toadamy el Uadlclne, • 40C o f patienta facing p ty th la ttio treat­ ------e*capi)d-*^rlppHf^l{“ ~iyij||rt?ifn»riTWjiny byrem ov- If after that lime, you arc not nmvincednmvuicc that and a dlplbnute «f the Amarlcaa Board el Darmalolofy. 'in g certain from Iheir diel-»ueh an tills complelo and indy informative leit la lyil and Syphlloloiy. Dr. Coodnun |t tha author ol a acora of ment irtoludlng liutiluiionaliMllon CAN fdi ono nf Iho most signlllcunt nnd Iw r to fl^ l medical booki and lavaral tfwwandi of madical, pharmacal, and DE HELPED DY ELIMINATING CER­ ^tU fi piychologiil who l>egan tu loio h it tente advancoa o f our time, timply refum the book in , wlaatineartlclM. TAIN FOODS FROM THEIR DIET! of’concentratlim und his menmry span, Itegan lo fUlod voifdilion and w e'll t]/ou • An eaperlnlent proved that out of ex|H-rionce fainting s|tells,and Ixrcause'of nearly 700 neurotic natienii, more than tuiillylMiganciinlemnlatingiuicido—AuunKCAuix For here It what may very well h r Ih il we ro|>eat Ih lt Important fact once agalni 000 retponded favoraoly to a proper dlelt dt' CauTAiN Focmsl . . . ' , m C lIT NOW to younelf and your I ______.It is a virtual "muit” that you read this book Certain foodi you eat every day (and have i>eon ' ^ the four-yoar-old boy w ith aithma to had, II FOR THE PROTECTION OP YOUR FAMILY. told are good for you) ARE ADVERSELY AF- W hy hat it been >o-i|pum>d? C ould it iMOtJHT------n w k'*'a !r:1 lir llre n ip h lo” breathe.*' Elim inating So aond III the.N O TlIS irC dupon N o w l------FECTIN& VOUR HEALTHI They can actually certain f(M»d ihanufaclurert don't you to T w o Cfuiupa o r PoQoa F r q u Hia Dtirr Cunco 1)0 **stan^ln|t your bcaln'* by reduclnu Iho ««•«■•*tugar know. (Romemlj«r: YOUR knowledge nf this ill- H» Aa-nim A m n Simm*L Docroiui H ad in your boodililrram..-.prevenlinB. energy and mi- nost might save YOU from prolonged and costly Do n T€>t* u ,v .Una» u i T o H«J> H iu l...... t the I eenten, o f-y o u r- mAIAIL PULL tO-DAY> ONNOW« **Hlnwnilnn leAl modlcal care.) Could It l>e that certain pharma- ^Ihe elovalor operator who tlarteia ''ita h 'a ilo h r<^, _ccutlcaLiaimDaiilM-ffQu!f_HHfnl. UoiUQ_know? I CoaatallatlM latanalloiul fiibllatora ■ la irt-aeorrt-TfiNlanninirvnd _l»tf»fiL4mtt.-^vh|«l«-lwl-tfT Btt^lrty np*^ ■5----- Pap»rfW-a.-»iOr»HHtai Waartin taii lUllaa,------1------(Remcmlwr; Iho aut)M>ri s1k»w that IIIhlt lllneu nnd aflor having lo leave his |ob, Itegan'tuffering I • ■rMhlyn,«awVaikU2tl . . I Th» PIrtI TMao You Him I Do-IMMEDIATELV requires merely FOOD, NOT pRUGS, lo cure.) dehislnnt of per«*eulion! After being improperly You'll leam the vital fa ctt al>otit v o iir "every- diagnosed ak having latent homoseiuallty, he - l« To PInd Oul If You Or Anyone In Your dav” fnoilt-and tlwn YOU con iudpe for your- Family la Boino Injurad By Thaaa Pooda was lucky enough lo find out that it wut O ^ k leff how "pretture aroupi" itut|) l»e ivorkfiig Si'Kcii'io FtKip W h ic h WAa Ai.Moar At D an- T hink about tha mcmhera o f yo tir fam ily, very I/our health nm l your poeketbaokl •— OKaoua T o H tsi Aa CAnaot.ic A cin i carefully. T h in k about yourtalf. Have there been YM«rVe«i'll U arn How Co l^ th e young woman hotpilalixed w ith a blee

> / • Same Size? Ib one of thoao - unmanned boats ^\^tdi her smile. larger than tho othera; one smaller? And why shouldn’t she? It "can help you enjoy a happier life. (See AtiBwer Box) You've given her peace of mind. W hy not get started on a life That's one or the nicest things about insurance program that fits your needs? a New York Life insurance policy, And your wife’s. You can depend on it to protect those She’ll love you for it. Silly Question who depend on you. You Name It I f a bird quacka lik e.o It w ill protect them throughout the dnok._WAlkft_llko-ft-duele:- -yeara-youriamtly-is giuwiiigup: “ New York Lriclnauranct! Company -^nd'Iooks llko a duck, what 51 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. loAio Yet, that same policy can guarantee , bird is it likely

Answer Box ^ 6^ o om Plue One oSuwqo :9m x •!« ,/ . To.-a three>lottor word •quin-quino ""“W for a cup that has no aau- ;Bnuiii-*nK :»uo Fbr a happier life cer, add a flrat lottor' and •iianp V !U o|iM nb XfliJf got a word tha^ deacrlboH _____ a n ij - -fl-pcraor^o-wel)niirttHltmt“ ■(uo||l«P»H) with hi^Bolf that few peo­ uon inpgH'itlsBnNBOA ple really like him. , *as|fl ouivB oi|) (See Aimwor Box) II* 0J» X»l|i t^M ie »B1»8

F iim ilv ir«

t ’s the rare person who -5 . V6u would be more attractive to prolonged oyo-to-eye contact because doesn’t w ant to be attrac­ tho opposite sox i f you 'wore oxtromo< you are roglBtoring so atrongly with I ly Rood-lookinsr, had a torriflc sonae * her that sho Is fe a rfu lb f bolng swept tive to others— particularly of humor, were hiffhly intollisrent. completely, off her. foot. members of the opposite sex. and exuded nn air of completo aelf- 3. Tnie. University of Texas studioa . : Nothihir in more to tho confidence and asaurance. show that, other th in i^ bolng equal, mnlo 0 ^ 0 than to fool that womon 6» To nttract n mnn nnd hold hia in­ • “ whon'two people dlscoyor thoya'hare And him both intorostinff nnd Jntriaru- terest, it’s important that a jrirl bo a common onomy or aversion, thoir Ingr-A nd- tt-

hold (I miiri. Thia true-falso quiz pro- mantle approach since women are . show that In most casea the opposite iionts flndinsa which tnkd tho it u o b r - more romantic-minded. is true, that, people who reveal their- work nnd Hpeculntion out o f whnt 8 . Everyone liken to be appreciated, true solves, arc far more attractive thinffs mnko n person nttrnctivo to and a ahrewd and aure way of boost- to others. ___ - ______.the oppaaitofeox. " — . ~hrfiryoiirTitDck-with thiropposite sex 5. Fahc. Studlos~ihow t)iat people 1. A m n n la moat auHcoptible to n IH to bestow flattorincr complimenta who have all these traits are likely woman’s charms during t h o I n t o af­ whenevej' ponslblo, . . . to como.on-HQ.atrong_that-othor por-— ternoon hours. Hons feel overwhe l m e d . ______2. a fflrl you nro~Intorofltcd~in~ ^ A N S W E R S ■ ^Surveys show, that one of ’ by rom antic considerintionB. ______lends to avoid your naze, It’a a sign 1 , F o I h c . And, contrary to notions men's pot pecfOes about womon is that 8 . False. Not only la is not sure- tho attraction lan’t mutual and your iil)out the’’ effects of moonlight and they are long on conversation but Hre, it'a often sure to hack flro. A t porflonality isn't rogistorinir w ith her. music, a recent biological study by short on listening. b e s t , the flatterer's gambit la a risky 3. A_qu|ck way to make a fayorable the British Medical Research Council . 7. Fahc. Stujiles at Florida State j one. I f the. recipient-flcoa though improBBion on a member o f tho oppo> shows that men are most romantic- UnlyerHlty have shown“ that womon V im or B onB os- thntclio Is infllncero' Bite'Box Ib to d ra w him out about hia minded and moat vulnerable to a are far less romantic-minded than .(and a woman’s intuition is often pet peevofl about people. ludy'B charms between 4-o’clock in men, take a-much , more matter-of- a man's undoing in ,thia respect), A, You will mako yourself more at­ the morning and noon. fact attitude toward love and ro- then ho runs tho chance of being tractive i f you cultivate a aubtle air 2. False. Tho exact oppoaite iH_foi^ mance^and.aro.more prone than tho — , immediately brandod a phonyr- of mystery.------more likely to’ Ue the case: sho avoids male to be ruled by practical than ->JOIIN E. GIDSON


TDCP. PEnFECTLY UATCHED TO ' • rnLC: vcun VERY OWN HAin COLOR NBVBR NEEDS SETTING Whul a fahulutu rua idea — liuinnl^ giammir in one Y ou'll adore ’’A D O R A ” . . . the new *horl 'n iwcct tenalh with i i i Inpered hair culiir. Tliick, lU’' lunn, luKtuut lOOW hack nn«J MmiUHtiuly-reliw#*!- ciirli. Wear U cute 'n curly...m t e ra iVuaria;‘%',:r,.(z^,7, i ; ^ pre^lily •i[n ig h l. , . be a Greek heaii* Wa»h ii. part ii. »wlnit ii. Iw ltl li. tw irl II. Hip !♦, cut ty... ihe three looks beauty experii ... »lyJe ii accurdinD lo your own creiiivs.urB * St U s u decree are in fo r ip rin s nnd iiim m erl 20 ailfe r# nl wa»» fn c M nu: ponHall. bonijle *n Clyde Tnpercd back,st«y« nicely liiRped— »wij/le. .toutH* i>fald, tali. bun. cfiliinon. mod lall. be*. Itlve. w iplci. »up«r rilp, empire cun«, bans*.Grecian c u rli, like you've hod b $5 trimt Nn ullins neceuory. ever— come what may, Ihe o'ha’l^c K *. curl's in to imy. lU iily tenied or DOUILK SWINGKR - Even longer, thicker, more lus- bnished into amoother aiylei! urloutl (M r «1. We Moirii I*, ywur luUr mIm tt— — Il’i the world's'moil comfortable ••i*r-e-l-« h w i|-^ru>l lo o tight, not & r c M 'S S ;p 'ii“a ' " W : ...... IwMfr.-MVer •lipa.-St/etchea 4 w«yi, illpt on M ctiily m • iw im MONEY RACK IN 10 DAYa IF NOT TMntLLED! cap. IJght/airy,,specially-made elas- rAlM IO M I U.S.A. 111. P.O. !«■ N«iUlk, V«. 99SI7 lic iw d net basel Constructed from P t IA tll W« Muir h«v« balr M ap l* • • «v«rVlMM «!•« lOnh inO% rie\^ wonder Dynel fo r com* ■wl9, ^ W l«i * l* * k * fc.»f — ••MpU l( Vfy wlih), Stml •! half hmm In ptelcly naliiral look, sreolest eaie ih cR'efree wear. A ll you do ii shampoo . . . rinse . . . shake. . . put right back □ 30 W«v U lM « « Q 11.00 33( on. C olor fast, nonflammable. . . jiisi □ D«ubl« 70-W«v SwIaiM Q tl.OO }Si made fo r warm weather funi □ Hummr tU Ir W IflUr O U .44 Order toda^O nly $16.95. I □ OOali tiu i* M u>M K al( 9 te.VS ^ 5 0 < I □ lu M f D«lu.«14».«. Half .»lU M AN -l IA rR-STRBTGH-WrG—— •| ■ i»*aUk Wl« (j^ V * . f s iiToo e. (not shown)—So lavish, so glomor- I a H g -M M a l, SOtUh W it O |9 I.« 5 II.OO C C A S O A t -nuiK)ur-raotory-di«M)uni-piie»^nly ' * "" . — - . - $21.95. u»4 c.o.D. t »MiM asy, liwtit. i -iii LOOK I 7k0(fl*i dallyarv. 7 l« 9 w.tit Wa(^«rr. i nO T H W IGS: Send hair sample, or SPECIAL PRE-SEASOM $ 1 or»Ur: Aih nionde, Golden nionde. Plalinum, Sail A Pepper, Red, FACTORY SALE ONLY Brown, niack, Qrey. any color. City------IMI*------Jim------Money>btck guoranlee.' I n ill UUn (•iM.MKlilM. Na iXIIA CHAIOI l|«l.| PERFECTLY MATCHED TO YOUR VERY OWN HAIR COLOR I n i l l l Itv lln tO ie X & C a ta lM w llti ertfM. •»•«(•) a rU nfarlla ilM il ||«e— FREE: I^MV Mi W la thi* nvbllttllahl V*. wW 4% CeWt Tea. STARVING YOUR BRAINS Checirih^thre^ltal'5ymptoms:bBlqw=^antl'theirread--how-ORDINARV^fOODS—used-in-a-i rway- may actually be able to REFUEL your vital brain cells, ACTUALLY AVOID OR BANISH MANY KINDS OF MENTAL TROUBLE!

Vc», D enr F riend: a few timple dlrcciioni, Plenw Mievc chi«— FIVE MINUTES THAT CAN ..T1ifi_niun-or-Womnn a ”ncrvoufc-wrcck:;^wljQ-i»—. What Doctors Discovered About-ThelUital.Food— CHANGE YOUR UFE “lorn npnrl" by nnxicty nnd lension jiny nfler diiy — m a y no- 'T h e moment yo«i fecijv«_Ju<|DtJIUIne'i.,e««y-l<>-fead hook,__ Substance That Keeps Your Brain "On The Joh". lu iii to pawet 37 and 3g. In live m in uie t o r le tt. read Ihc niafly h r n vicilni of his own .UanriJ hraiii! MASTER«in-miij_npU>«_tE£iLvtj — IUm -n d -w w il>fu l~ F O O D -4 C g lU *T*->ha4-^f«wgih..>11-1..I . .11.1 ......

^And So R estnrTh fVital Finretions~~— v ltlu n , puranold dclution), l>efore It w at ditccivered that hltm d-tiitiir You Are invited To Read And Use Mental Health tearchert of equal tiaiiire. The entire book It the dedicated work of Throueh Nutrition For One Fuji Month At Our Risk! Judge .nialne, who hat winnowed liioutandt of oatet lo help you tee Ihe ' nuirillon caitte of your own prohlemt—and how a timple, pleatani way The coit ii only tS.9g complele.-a lum you-may cava a ihoutand or eating may quickly Itelp you ba nitli Iroublet like ihe«e. timet overt Should you decide for any reaton to relum the book. YOUR Are you depretted. ncrvout. unhappy? Read a doctor't tinry ahoui a- PURCHASE PRICE W ILL.OE IMMEDIATELY. FULLY and woman w ith marriage iro u b le t who had been deeply depretted and CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. miterable all her life. Shc_in/Lj'/«/_or_hcr_miiery=ih«nk»_|o .ilmpJe_ — (»OCR AT ONCE. SEND THE COUPON FOR A NO-RISK ' changei'In nuirltlon and a vitamin you can buy in any drugtlore. COPYI See far, far mote than we cart tell you here! ORDER TO D A i"! ■ (page 41) i.aHji-unHilnr-of-y4>ur-lwiiUtusun*r-Jraui-uhliaphrtnlaT______------r------M A IL NO-RISK COUPON T O D A Y ------Read a le lle r from a young man 'MUo 'congmrtd tchUapkr*iila—not Lthrouuh timple changet in nuirMion. Thit letlcr INFORMATION, INCORPORATED alto reveali ilgnlllcani //outi tr4ipi l o t ' l l n o t.I Ic. avoiding Ihew tame lootl iropt may make a price- -D u lL V IL J. HIS iMAY BE THE MOST iM i difference'lo yiSur bvsHh and peaca o f m ind, (page 104) 200 MHllfon Am .. N«w Vo^, N.V. lOOIB------^ ^ CONTROVERSIAL BOOK D o jv u tu fftr /ro iii gaitrO’inttHinal ttuggUhnttty YOU EVER READI ' Thit (and tcorei of other common tymplomi) can ba a warning of TA.'g’u'oSf’Su'U'ffl'oS"! S JIS 'J htood-tugar deflclency. Read about a timple food tupplemem that It !!!*.•?* 'O’' complete. In addition. 1 under* For In ll. ■ cnHBdlnf ludfe opani an enllr* iww vliia of ho|te knoivn by uveral nameti Cgt it by any naiittl See how It ald t Ihe entire __ (M.lha.lllrr«tpeclally..for..the.inenully.lrQublcit—a n il.ilrllin ^ - gailro.lnle»llnal.lonui^(nggi.l3W ------!______Iht very roou of tome drtbodoi belkfi aboul medJcinv. nl-ef - m y-moee y-bac k. Tom R. D lin n r w il • pracUclnB attorney In 1020. Il« hai been >hyat*nt4i hy h fo rl la llu r t o r Jiroire,* O Encloaed U my pay^nt. .an'Oklahoma Mala Jud«e lincc' IM2. He beian lo tuipeci (hai □ Pleaia chart* my crwlli card: •v«n many “inuna'* |teopl», juvenlla delinauenli, and actual See why yotir pretenrVrteaA~miV contain a “ heart mltlake‘* food that —«rlwt«aU-WT<-in-»oubU^-h«cauM.iha»-auff«a4-ffOa»-toiw.Atortrf.u., nobody ever warned you ahobt before. And why you may be avoiding a tu g a r; lhal li. (Itey limply were not getllnu enough food fo rlh e ir .dellciout typ« oL food (bat ihould i^M'boiher you(, heart in Ihe leattl Slgnalur«_ □ American Eipreu Q Bank American! □ Dinar* Club Working wlih phytlclani and laboratory man, tie proved hit Why Did it Take So Lorit To Discover The lhaory and eipanded ll. TtM fact it Itial alniou anyoH*. of any Account No. _ «r<. who luttfft d lui-k o! vttalUy, mutufnt tll-Mtallh. tnii Importance Dt The Natural Braln-Food Diet JVs!-se_ irB BtrM B ntalA nrPhyslcal Health?— (rUmu prtmO . aiactly a* Judge Olaina detcrlbet In Ih li irall-btailng booki Decaute, a t you w ill s«« In Judge B lairta't fa tc in a iln i book, blood- A d d r tii Tryliatourrltk.tadayl tugar deflclency li Ihe GREAT MASQUERADER. Your own doctor w ill conRrm lha l people have been ira a ttd fo r year* fo r olh er condlllont (tuch at ulcer*, arlhrllla, every kind of indlgetiion. eihauillon, blurHd Zip INFORMATION INCORPORATED • 200 M.dUon Avenu*. New Yort, N.Y. 10019 ^Inrorm alioii IncorponiiAd, l»70 NEW YORK DOCTOR DISCOVBIS A DRAMATIC NEW BREAKTHROUGH TO CURE OVERWEIGHT.^ 10,000 PATIENTS LOSE POUNDS AND INCHES QUICKLY AND SAFELY WITH NEVER Bpii HUNGRY.-

Madison Avenue Lament l*t)« VMitehiid lhe 'atl$ f t it eoM$ and flu —And~iield-tHd{gfi$Uon, — ~ — A n d I aeeept thf'eMntB of all the eitrfiB W ith o u t a qufi»tlon, rOut Jtou) that f havA Itiarneil iHc-name —Of-nH-lfarpUi$ to MicaUow, m , THB B w imiuwiw ntty IF Hw I lost H m w K Eim m w IN OHV H u n I fin'd I don*l fc«l uwii enoufth \ ,, jg Dim... w. uiHiE ctumiH... wva HiMtty u i To watch tha,§hov) to follow, !■ h u«Hr H1H71 H tw i tiftrt h HIm b) i Nw fM M v Ml w i»NlilU« k •—/Vormn '.y in y a rjl :IUtlii;ni tetitmlrIM ktM ktN IIMl m m i|ttiinri.w N iM ^^ llty ta M Ita i H<»l< IkIi M llielMi, llm i. Dltytbii, LHt ItunM ittm iriw U llmr l«M Wi li l it a S ii^ fiir lb IbUii IlM IM Ilw TiU Hl»l« wn r«iHM H u y wall H tttf niM - III tM u ti iMrt. Ih f III H Mdiir am ikiiiw...witiimrtwwi(im>oiinuuffli[nuwNiu«uiTiiH«niii» im n u u im s III m ra n 1 U K or FDugmie w wn H . Sim ih t » Kllim W nifl m Mtii einh^ Iiwiilii h Hdltjl n m I b llM llik M ii'i Whon LBJ woa in Vfotnam on an inHpection tour, ho Ib tU ilq , put-on Army-faUffuoa-and-walked.ainoriB-thQ_ttDopf},_Ojio__ -U T U ia n ra iM n is Docnm snuTioiui n u u e n w am i u u z o m lu s t w k GI cnilod out to him, "Hoy, a oldl^f You look juat like mCHT IK THE rilST 3 DtVS THU IF IWIMLV HTDI UVTIlM H lU. Mitt m Ii | td i Proflidont JohiiflOn." ■ - . tiuiii la imv 3 UTS I Mtiiiid H - HEvn iiwuy Eva w a - (I ten I w i If H pwn ii *’I am Prosidont Jolmaon.’VLBJ replied. Hh 2 SHim w m . Ikw Hti M I iriii My n HNtli hM Ml ad Inutk Viilll Uu. Tho aoldior ahook hia hiftid in ftmnzoraont. “ Boy," ho IUM iivbwihluilitbnii|m Hliliiiiiil|H W iilllillilf.wtM .-iM iiiiliriM li flnnliy anid, "you auro must have a tough draft board." ewt iM tti tl| M |H Uu tti ««r in t «Hk PM M k i ta H iiii I w M b w liN i H. ... - . - ____—Dorothe(t Kenl !lwlm UiiW il|tti)|iliUi|iilM niduui)M .nS!TliiiitilililiiilM ym M |llb ■HI wW I »hM IM. Hw m i ttH|t I liw b III I tlW M nUM II tH» ■> Wl|kt «" 'J'tND TUTVOieANUtlMIMr. •i-^Eudora T. Sabo VUT nm uuc vfltWkiF sicl iwcsHnnuii. ind women like raiull »ho ilitvtd ind dt- W AND HI YOVI lOlY OF tTS HfU WUS... But now... this ts a}l in the pau — lotini all The Bookworm the »ei|hl you'desire can be a simple, fasi and Bmintrtt of pfoplo who borrow hookti safe eiperience forjnu by just foUowjni the ANAP^ScMEniOlT ■ They novftr bring them back, the crook* I______The only volumea on my ahelf ' A re theae I borrowed once myaelf, lame method I wed can do for you. ^ completely different penoa *ith — Susnnmi Douglata Take advanuie of the ANAPAX Method to­ day! The Iqpier you wiii the awre.yooW. ‘ IV TWittANOS OF riOHI LIU YOUISELF AU OVEI years younger but people I hadn’t seen for 2 or damaging your health and well beini-.Take . TWWinOITATBWlTN1M%IUC«$J. J months hardly could recoiniie me without my advaniige of my} Day Trial Absolulely Free, ■ -UTIJFACTION,- ANO WnN COUHH! UFRY------uwil-blwied appeanncic------. — ...... if yoQ don i st« the results imme* ^es,.by followin^this sinpIe-nKlhod you.can diatdy your money back. I'm not uyini that actually lote as little or as much eicess weight, . IIAiUTieWfllNTlOUOFSS'U-IPOUKU the ANAPAX Method may work for you. .. u you desire. All you do is follow my simple ' filHOUCANMWIItteomiSliniNIUST I uy the ANAPAX Method WILL work for directions. U DAYS 01LUS - Wtm ITOTUNI lOUlTS IN you... ot ii costs you nothing. Try the ANA* I call mv Method ANAPAX Yes. The TNI fim 3 DAYS BF MINI HY FANTAHie im D PAX METHOD at ny risk today while Ihe l A m x U t m WU ih« end D( ny - ■Th^*^wm^etboaH«»HMay^b•4«^

INFBIMATIONIUNK mmiYiiUBiH UTDHOWHKIIY YflUIUlU P.0.laKtt4,^rlU llM .I Encloisd ii my BiyrninHtrFULL-for-yeur-woiuUtftil I would tike lolote ANAPAX M e d lundertUndthat iU do not \m» poundi —pounds in 7 dayt ind lnch€s aKer following your ANAPAX Method. .. I im vlVooM ^i^M liiioiryiiilL flntlll«d to • refund of th« cofflpItU purchM* pric«. I would like to loie ....pounds in U dayt ErKlosadisi QCash DChaek DUonwOHv Twould llkTiolose Q MDAYIup^MANANXMlyltOMttaMtiJDtt) ...... ia 21 dayt □ WDAVt«»NyftlANAMX«Uy(1BM(law|SM) , ..-r ' ' I would lik'e'to lose □ IM BAY iMpp^ M ANAPAX Mly IMA0 (tm HM) .pounds in 21 days. 1 would ilka (6 lose N»»_____ 1______1 _ ■7 wonder whether the'e mature enough for marringe . . 4tounds ia (0 dayfc IjvouldUketolose „.^pouBdi in 90 (U)^ Family WeMy, JuM I I , 1170 ’ I t Final ZQOthAniiTversary O ffer LimitedrTime on this nevreditm in the Popular Anniversary Binding ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANMCA^

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Mere Are Helpfvl Pointers for You DESCRIPTION, USE On Buying, Storing and Cooking ; K e»ml.hard-ch«*i* nwrly tpjioirow jn------^ -wndwlc* - .------— With^Thia-Favorite y rn|fty. MMd tq IthlfP j"/jyy cpoKfd _ . Making naiur^l ch«««« U nit jirt conturioft old — and one •BlnK. l^rDm firm l« erumbly-ttxl It confllBtB Of aepttratlnK iQoat of tn o mine soVlds from ft Mild In flavor, in tdKiur«,< i " i s a s - r r milk by coagulatlnB ronnet dr a baotorlal culturo ' body than Chaddar. ■ppailxari#..; both and soparatlnd: the curd from tho whoy by hoatlne, draining and preulnff. Most chooses In this country are made ie«; vaflow inwior. a*n #>m whole mlllc. (But both m ilk and cronm nro uaod for ■eft to firm. NuM iVf'flivori—---- *-----. ' certain types of cHooso;'and, for other types, skim milk, wheyi and mixtures of oil these^arp^used.) • Smooth' cVaamy jr»liow w llh, adlbla whilo cru»t. Sofl, •urJaci-rlpened. Mild to punBant Th« lerm **n«iiir«I eiteeia" •pplien'lo cheoae In Its original form as coritrasted with pasteurized process choose, cold Creamy w hile, ■aml-tori wUK '.O.ny . pack choese, choose foods and spreads, or food or chib choose. Mild.lo.mallow.(lavor. . ; ^ ___. These are blonds of natural cheeses which have been shred- Ci»amy ya»owi ^m all hoi»$. , ded and mixed. , , , _ - Mild lo (harp flavor, Appotiiara. Tlic l«bel« of nmiiral ehee«e and other types of chccse carry ^ L BhI yallow. larsa holat.Tlrm . N ut-llko'tw aef •indwlehei.^ialad Important descriptive Information you shquld check when .f(avqr.; -fn cootiad foodC.' shopplnff. Look-for the name of the product: Cheddar cheoso,- Swiss choose or Blue choose. Don’t confuse tho brand name ly. Seml-iiqft to firm , 8t

' cuniNC on ag in g After chQOSe is formed Into.its characteristic shape. It's given a coating of wax or other protective coatlns or wrtip> LlEht yailow, taml-h|tHr itrtoolh ahd aoma* nine and is' illbwod to cure or;age^or varylntt-length8 of time------what ninatlc. MaJl^^loUfiart!* • ;_food»ji; dopcndlrigTn :tH(rklfid*of"ehfleii6"b*lnK maqis. 5/lW — Qioei® eured iVfO or llipce monlliaW y lie lermeil li^a (Ilirf, fliivbr ((Avolopmenl anil allBhlfy rubbery ^^.. aharppltftanl tlpvj^^^^^^^ v-._, . In , ■ body.. •• . . ' , . tfatf/nm-T-QiflMe-affe^l aix moniha may bo termed ; “ moilitom” :oV'^*m«|Iow'*l •» !• rooHow.bodledi amnoilv ifl«< -Av luretl. ChwaeieriallB nulty flavor of aged eliafiae only ■llghtly'x .'illDPSrfiifL^------^W^^------v4ffad —> Qieete ag^d over alx monilw may bij„terjn«ilfc. “ ■harp” or.'Iiigeil,” Preferred, for cooking oa it melta eailer . ^ . and lilenda well vrllh otiiei’ Ihgredlenta. Heber flavOr ' - than a yoiiii'gey cjieeae« (Aged'^dieeaea coat niiire becaUie of added co*l»'of ctirlngt^ : KEEMNG CHEESE ON HAND RefrlBcro^rs • oVid WrappfnKrf are' tho two lidst friends cheese oyor had. Warm, m oisfalr is the enemy. Refrigeration (40°F.) prosorves the original-flavor t^nd appbarance of oh«0M'Ondrlii«urwfttl)-im4Vlthdufc^wasto^ng-iuiMiaffp‘aviU]L— at riQfrlBerdtor ,itQihi)orature, wUl result in ladditlonal ouriDg " M»d^ft:?harper-flavftrr------v ^ —— - — -•------Wrapplngi, such as waxed paper, plastic film , alumihutp foU or plastlo^bass should bo used in close contact with the A M IIK cheese to exclude air to keep it frosh and moist. Of course, mold Vs easily scraped or cut frorn the surf ape of tho cheese. Oottoige choose an^ cream ch^osejiro quite perishable and THE,MIIK PRODiUCtR^i should be used within-tt few, ^ y s of puithaser Chbose with an aromatic or .strong odor such, as Llmburger, W o t r COMMUNITYI should .be stored In a tightly covered Jar or container, Such oheofos are fast curing and arvat their best when used with-' l‘,'«pQclcilllE«. in V&rvice,." In a-short time after purchase. V ’ • 'Prdtihptly dolivAr^yyith eur Ohedd^» Swiss and Italian varieties of cheese that have been kept too long and becomo dry can be grated and used :ir(iacly.. . . t M t t i t a p ■' for flavoring. ■ : ; pre-catt, and ^ . -I .fed ■ jairqduct*. «trqlflht to SUCCI^SFIJL aiBESE COOKERY ‘ • DAIRY BARNS . you. Our rep.u'lalibn for dependable Worl<- Whon cooking cheese, olwfiys keep- the heat lotd. Cheese needs juat enoush \hoat to mnlt and blond w ith other in-^ .'rmanthip . Juit. recently attetled by gredlonts. High heat'or long cooking makes cheese tough and • ttiAFINfiSHJEDS ;.our scompletton of the concrete vy/irk for , atrlngy. Dry heat, prolonged baking or high temperatures _ ^tonflW.lB'W^Wber dKd Kellwood Cohipalileti rtH-producB"lealhery- texturST; ^FEEIMltlHKS ■ Add cheese to othor.JngredlehtA in smoU pieces; It spreads. : Ren]l.Btnber; Cem pqniei eh d o u us wJhen they , . more evenly, and cooks: In a s h v te r tln[te. When making a F p FLOORS £Wqn^'lJ)o.yer^^^ '• choesQ^Ucft, add.thn Rhnn«ftJuatJit-thft-lnflt.tfilnnte and nook- only umll It melts. If cheese Is to be grated or shredded, the, Job is easier If you work wlth eold cheese taken directly from the refrigerator.- ' — , Except for Boft, unrlpenod cheoses such as cottage choese , or cream choose, all cheese tAstos better aorved unchllted. This usualJy iiequlres from 20 minutes to an hour at room . temperature to bring out Ita distinctive.flavor and texture. Cut off and sot out Ju^t w)tbt you'll use; wrap and^retutn the rest to tho refrigerator. ^ W?' —• • ->- • . r For (Icirripiln: ami auggeited wn^a lo enjoy anme pnptilnr kmerican-ninile clu eaea, check Ute c h a rt.

Royal Way with Meldn a la Mode ..Jo dlnnoc; with « c a n ta l o u p e , A l.(i ufoDK 2 medium canlaloupei l«plnl itrawberry Ire cr«Dm wg-^io, eat. Strawbnrrlei, optional . - W n * Cftiitaloupe and Ici Halve cantaloupes In "scal- - m im ■ to tho tatalo ,tn tho loped"fashlon; removtTseeds. «h»p«*’ of tanelful llttlo Scoop out several melon balls, orowno. HbIvo tho moloni fcallop-Uydo, Pin with straw n il each, hdlit w ith a'*large berry too cream. "Jowol" with scoop of ice oream; garnish 'Apbisoi^rliivi. melon balli — (roah___ with borrloi, melon balls and straw- Sunday, June 31, 1970 Tlme«'N#Wi, Twin Fallc, Idaho 3 sauco. Coo|l(o^ about 1 hour, with melted butter. Pluce un- • or until cnickon la tender. 'lo r------Pftsa a»nteer-6*B-8ervinj lo t______liver cooks very quickly- (3-4 GIULLED UVEH minutes per side). Serve with Place llvor on brollor^^pan choice of Buttfir'Bdcon Snuce bruahod’ .wlth butter or on or Tomnto Bncon Sauce, ,Brill. Brush or drizzle liver spooned overthegrlllod meat. ptasciomTfeedis made from fresh pA l^^ffrU C ^

': y > . w u

Granil way lo Irimt ffilcken fov enjoyabla •iimmer eating pillii'the ralluerle IiHikei. ln work ov«r durlng Dairy Month and every month, to delicious das* lli« v rlll, addi navdr via;an orans« tnuce.'Team Iha'olilislcftn wlilt rorn>on-ilii»>col>, «pr«A(l wlilt torts, hero. Enjoy the rich, lufcloui flavor of plot, parfaita, onlon«paral«y butlar. AiM wilad, rolU, biiMcr und m ilk lb rompleli} the mcni. cakes, puddlnat'and manV other tpoclaltiea . . . mada .... with frath dairy products. Extra goodl Butter «auco-ry Is the spq-^ tho-cob jylth..patiaijy, onion. ^ yi";»«5_— ret Ingredient o f thfa pair of buttor'iiSci seaiio'nlnVK^-' -“ “ menus, whloh the toutdoor Or mBkB B ratnl Of Orllled ai'rollcrtrycrdilckcn, chcf will welcome'for the Liver with Buttor Bacon (2Vi*3 ll>it. I'lir li) , ru t up chance to try his hand at Sauce or Tomato ' Bacon S ill artel peppttr C ocfus Pete's somfithlns different. Sauce ~ or maybe a cHolco. In small saucepan melt but­ and A swect-sour chicken treat­ ter; add Qrange, orange iulce,. ment, for Instance, gives him OHANGE DAHnECUED corn syrup, vinegar and gin­ the opportunity to perform C IllC ^ N ger. Simmer 10 minutes. with the Krlll rotlsserie., The Clip (1 itiek) liulter Moanwhlle, season chicken easy sauce makes all thd 1 amall teecIlcM oranRe, with salt and pepper; place H orse Shu C lub , flavor dirrerence. ground (ihocn cup) In rotisserle basket. Allow to Oood partner for the chick­ •/4 cHp orinis julc« rotate over slow coals, bast­ Jackpot, Nevada en Is Krill«cookod-C£>en-on«^ J4 i»yrt«p.. iv._— ing ovory-lOrlS minutes w lth - i - For Summer Supper Let Vegetables ^tar Tomato sllcdl, corn and in a smaii saucopa.. llmft-befttts-joltt-forces-wltlt*-4>ubterr8ftub6-onl«r«id-g8r' a lively butter sauco In appo- 11c untll^ onion Is tender tJzJnff, quickly put-togethcr . .(about 8■'minutes). Remove Oven-Easy Vegetable Med- garlic; add salt; set butter ' ley. Team It with roady-to- aside. Break frozen voge- eat ham,'fresh fru it salad, tables apart.Place lim a boans 1— -rolls,-butter-and-mllk-for-al-— ln-shaUow,-lV4-rquatt-caaBfir-_ most effortlofis eating. ' ole; add a layer of tomato OVEN-EASy VIXETAHI.K sllcoa, thon laypr all of tho ------MEDtKY------cornrTop w lth remalnlnB-to-- -1/4 cup ( Ilollnvred>oui plne«ppl« thelU ar« festive ■•rver* for Pin s Crab M««l Salail, an elegant 2 tnblcipanns alirrri Krrrii spoonsDUttOf mlxt\iro7TJO'^‘ o n io n i remaining butter over vege­ ffWHi, fr u it a n il n u t eo m h ln R lio n w ith fla v n re il i tables. Cover tightly with 1 rlo v e Korlic, HpUl fo il; bake In preheated 360° Wllh Dairy Dressings ■‘*4 tt;H»ponn (nil 1 parkaae (10 nz.) frr>7.rn oven for 80 minutes. Mean­ lim a brunii while, toss bread crumbs with 1 PucUbrc! (10 oj.) fro^rii reserved butter. Sprinkle over Super Summer Salads rorti o n 2 riipn frr»h rnrii __ vegetables. Return to oven; bake, uncovered, an addi­ dreaslng: In a bowl comblhe ZTniitiitnm, tlirrd (10.12 — Porhnpfl“ your"Idoa o f directions; drain and chill. •lleru)- tional 10-12 minutes. Makes auqcr salad is one that can Just before servlnff, cut ham colory aoed, salt and pine­ do >x)ain course duty. In that Into Vi-Inch cubes. Lino sal­ apple Juice; fold In sour Vs Clip Tinr -em b m lKtUIO, fllTttUBllg;------1 ' meat chunks, grpbns, pota- potatoes with artlchok^ „ garnish...... -...... wltlr reserved al­ toes, artichoke hearts and a 'hearts and ham; toss with monds and servo Immediate­ -dllled'fiour-oroam topping. Temalnlng dressing. Yield: ly. yicJd; 0 servings. Make Your Dairy If Individual-serving sal­ 0-8 servings. ads are your yen. pick Pine­ apple Crab Meat Salad — . soun cul:am coijd s l a w Especially for 1 inbiniponn Hnur fruit, crab meat and almonds Dollars Juttip C . served prettily In scooped I lu lilo p o o n ■iiRur out pineapple shells. Perfect Fruit Salads 1 traipoon lalt to start a luau'or impress a Creamy Citrus DnEXA- >/4 leaipoon cfflery aeed ladles' luncheon. ------iN fit In n Imwl lilenH loftelh<^r Uaili of pepper Molded salad fans will And Iwo inlileipttona ene/i ornnBt^ cup cider vinfisor Avocado Mold Intriguing. Juice, Inmnn Jiilcn nnil linney V4 cup WBlor Orange, pecans, fresh-tast­ wllh IV i leaapooni flrrnled 1 tnblcBpoon ffraled nnlnii ing- cottage eheeso and pi­ nrnnBA rinil, H tu ia p o o n 1 loRipoon prepared miiMBriiH(! ~nary category. Thls~cooked— dressing should be ohUlod ..H e * ' :y._ O fu iv c E . C re a m .. In a 1-quart saucepan com-_ before sour cream Is folded DRBSfllNCi niend togHhcr ~ bine flour, sugar, saltj c^ery In; then you toss and serve It two tableapMnB e a rh ho n e y I seed and pepper; gradually with the crisp slaw. and ornnsa Juice. Fold In r stir In vinegar; then add All four recipes make mar­ cup dairy sour -cream OR water, onion and mustard.: velous eating.—which Is what p la in y o s u H . C o ve r a n d c h ill. Cook over medium heat, stlr- -super-saladtf-are-alhaboutl----- jaeldi-144-cupi^ rlng eotmtantly. u ntil thick- ened. oodk two additional HAM SALAD WlTn PINEAPPLE CRAB MEAT minutes. Blend small amount DILL J)nESSlMG ____ SALAD of hot mixture Into egg yolks; OnESSING) return all to pan. Cook I m ln- , 1 ripe freih pineapple ■ _ute.^fDQ_not boll.) Remove 3~backa|«i (lUii. eacID ^ Vi cup chill uuee froien erali'nteit, ibawed from heat; add butter and > *4 eup chopped iw e it plcklea sClr uhtU melted. Cover and Koop your dalty herd down to earth, of 1 can.(11 01.) mandarin chill. Fold In sour cream. I tableapoon lemon Jalee orange (eimenu, drained > courso—but plan ypur feeding program - V* icaipoon d ill w«ed Comblhe cabbage and car­ so milk production will "shoot for (ho H cup toailed allced almnnd«> rot; pour on sour cream -SALAD. -^DRESSING-i^r------moon." We’re hero to help with sclen- 1 can (1 lb .) ilie e d polatona - -dresslng-and-tosa-jUghtly-ii -t((ically-developed, vitamin -onrlched 1 teaipoon celery aeed blend. Makes fl-B servings. I paek1ii|fl (9 01.) froien- Vi te««poon mIi i high protein foods to moot the special ■rtiehoke lieirti 1 tahleipoon pineapple Jiilcir Stuffod Tomatoes needs of colvos, heifers, dry cows or 1 pound fully.couked ham ...... Vi cop dairy aour cream - mllkersHTrust t0“us to keep-mlllrpw^— - - Salad greeiii-—------.-Turn:Mx rh'edlunwtomaliflhn ' out whole pineapple In 0 stem end down; cut 6ach In -duotlon-up-wlth modern, mllk.niaklnn.—, To prepare dressing: In a feeds. junall bowl combine sour sections, leaf ond to bottoni six sections, cutting only ^ cream, chill sauce, pickles, keeping the loaves intact and: way down. Gently spread cutting through them. Cut, uctlo n s apart; chJlI. Com­ Thnnki, Dairy Farmeri, for lemon Juice ond dill w^ed. along shell to loosen edible Set aside cup of dressing; bine a cups cottage cheese, hrlnglnf l it tome of th e beil /oorfi cover and refrigerate re­ part of fru it, being careful, W cup chopped plmlento- onearlh-r^ilnlryproduclt. maining dreaslng. To prepare not to punoturo .shell. Set stuffed olives, Vi cup shred­ LIVESTOCK. & POLLTKY salad: Drain potatoes well. asldiLphell. Remove core and ded carrot, oup chopped Add, the Vi cup dressing and dice . pineapple. In a bowl pecans and 9 tablespoons tost-lightly. Cover and re- combine pineapple pieces,: chopped onion, toss lightly. (rlgera^ at least I hour. crab meat-and oranges. Set' Placfli tomatoes on salivd FEED & SUPPLIES MeinwhUe, cook artichoke aside 3 tablespoons o f al­ greens, fill wUh cottage heart! According to package monds; A d d ' remainder to cheese mixture • and serve SIh S»r««t South plneiipple mixture. To make Immediately, ' ‘ ■ . ■ 733.4583 r - Trutliion*,- j . ,.P*»ai^>]«.tW *WB«t.tlde.:;>fAn^^^ Can be'^a Y6u*Wnffla«t onIhe natural flaybk'. ’ Milk la ffaW 'ra't own - . of auniniJK Krorti ewam-parfalt* v.; >; .Wu'llitd' ttaaK toppad w(th- fraah, and.wholeioma aoodnoti of froth quencher..Sbrva it up,'freili and ^ .k^ ••* ' 'tereamy;t>U!ttyr~^^^ dairy produeti. (And [«n*t It nice? ^ rafrMtUna

patlhg''"'"-¥^ Vv5tt^‘rKili<'rtnd' deilry 'foods.'__ ■ 'i.- ■. ■ V , i . ,' •*\. >.'■''/•■•. '■'■ I ; •-•*;•■.-•; ".'•' - ■ ■■ ■ ' : ■"• i Tliii*Ww»'Twin I Sunday, Jun« 2h 19701 G o o d Foods-on-Go Come from Pair; l a m d ‘Captain’s Dinner^ Makes Fine Fare For All Landlubbers, With b o a tJ n K Browing In lolauro-tlme popularity, many’s' W te'flm mate who finds-hersolf-anont with a hungry crcw - 4 hAfff>Wfn^wgt^thei^wcL‘kcnd.s. If your family has Just Joined the fleet, perhaps you And two-burner cookinK a voyage mio the unknown. • . . , Take aomo tips from this ■‘Captain’s Dinner", menu for, “ smooth aalim ir ‘ - — — ------^ nemombor that cooking and eating spacQ are llm lte^r Keep food simple and hearty — like Beef and Beans, a Irlo of beang w ith sweet-Bour sauce and meat balls which owe -thelr-delectable llBhtnoBs to evaporatod. milk,-.used aa an Ingrodlont. ' To accompany the main dish, use ready-to-sorve Items ' that demand no galley slavery; Rolls and butter, refreshing, milk, and fru it and cheoao, a favorite dessert you can vary.

k ? c :"SS k “ ( “ =-t ' DoS5 mucba-hcad.of-tlmo ._an InnumUd }'"'i preparation as possible. The to eat Immediately after >*Gooil luck lnile«tl for n polluek ■iipiMr talliering U II»m Rml Chwi® C*M«rol®. Onion «ncl celery . casforolo can bo made and casting off. .... ntlil Bref ii ,p«pp«r.,«n«L|i!m!r-nlP_mlfLcolor to ihc m«il.m*cuironlH!h*«»« dW i.-— .—

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Delivers upc. to 16% more traction then 45 or angle^ires. iSavfes on fuel costs and time by plowing more gcres in less time than 45° bar bngle tires, ive’s double-life on hard surface roads.

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13.6x38, 6 .p ly


lORM'S O.K. TIRE •Flovsod every year , f.. In formulating conimcrclally • • prepared pot foods.- Ingredients auch as dried : skJm m ilk powder, dried whey dnt^ other elomonta mnUe n 'slBnlflcant contribution t o . the pot foods bp Rrocory sholvcfl ioday. Dairy products furnish Rover and ICltty with calcium, B vitamins, phoU------DHnnmmd-nther-mlnernlti. — In fact, nutrition research shows that dogs and cats re------qutrtrth-nutr.l- entfl that sustain tnplr hu-: man friends: protein, carbo­ hydrates, fat, minerals and vitamins. But' pots need these nutrients In different nmountB find nroportions than people. V n rlc l> The average large super- InarKerBtocks-t... . -^ m ^ tlm es -bRwIlderlnK — variety of pot foods. But there are only three basic types; n\alntonance foods, supple­ ments and treats. Dairy prod- ~ucls‘are roUlTtTTnoptlyHn-the^ maintenance foods com-, plete-ratlon, one-dlsh meals whicii ore available In can-r ned.dry and 5eml-molflt-forn\ Maintenance foods are combination.'^ of- InKredlenls formujaled to provide pets Ulth all Ihe nutrients they need. Supplementary food.s contain prhnarlly meat, llsh or poultry. Though not com- - p letC"Ttit r-r«*rn^rfgfc:i™ gm fl-yoijr-dairv-farro^ee-us sense of security and trains _them to eat -the right foods siding, roofing, fencing, pre-cut lumDOJ'.’And Instead of~bClng~Tlnlclry — ur fR^ks again!~“ ~ Dvilry Dnin Only about 10 million pounds of butter are churned on today’s'dairy farms, com­ VOLCO pared' w ith ' nearly ii-.blliron pounds churned on U.S. fufma in 1000. Most dairymen buy their butter at the store, BUILDERS just like everybody clsel SUPPLY A woman, Kancy Johnson, Invented the hond-crankod Ico cream freezer In 1846, but, TWINVAUS JIROMI, BURLIV alas, she forgot to have It lafOHIaklanilAva.I. SIS.W.Moln 303N.O«riand patented. .So the glory went IH..n.S144l«SI |>h.n««*MS6a to d man, one M r. Young, who M«>n.Yss.*syy. didn't come along with his gadget ’tU 1B48. g Timw-N«wi. Twin P»IU. Idaho Sunday, Juna Jl, Active Year for Pretty GaMoihpian ~Arf5ljbrAiiijerkam Jlairy^^ When candidates from 30 states sathorcd for tho saleo- ilon of tho 1060-70' Alnorlcan Dnlry Princess In Ohicaso l^st “ “ yeftrrthoir f\rBtnTjoBt!ng“ wns“ aTi“ lnfomittl''Broup*pictin’e-~'ii N utrition- tolclna-MSiiloiiT-Ono-roturnod-^romxltr-to^dport-poiatlvoly-to— 1 hermotheri serving OS hoi* contosfchBporono, "It's got ta bo Notes- tho girl from California." Don’t eat .“like a lady?' - She waa right. Tho red roses and sparkling cro>;vn went." A government survey .f* -.,-t/i-.TCrnnnnt- Mniy- B lBporJ0-.a»dftgluayoV|[------Of 0-lnch cheesecake pan. tivities as olTlclal ropresonta- loan diets, and~went on to A IrihlokpnonR . I V| Chill while preparing fllllng.— tlvo of American Dairy Asso- ■flay; *‘.Ab mrtat^veryono To prepare filling: In a m ix­ ciniiun's UU1I7 luriuur i^m ilk W thn Heat ing bownnsTfi'oggs until thick- bers, speaking up for milk. 4^1144^0:. frndfoam y', gradually add source of calolum In our au5nnmd-conUnuo-4uuitlng_ She poured m ilk for tho food supply. . r> affgi Western Conference cham­ 1 ritp RiiRnr until light and fluffy. Add., pion Oakland Raiders foot­ "To help you achlovo I rtipi rottRiKt rlirriii* cottage and cream cheeses; fall toam during a photo as­ your calcium need, n utri­ I pnrkBKA ffl ox.) rrrn n i beat until smooth. Add lem- signment. As guest of hono;. tionists recommend that rlirmt* . oh peel i)nd Juice. Pour into -fiho-greotod-tho-O.OQO-dalry-- children -drink -three- or - crust. Bake in preheated a80'L_ _ 1 purknRr (3 iix.) rrniii) oven 50 minutes .or until a men-and their families who moro 8-ounce glasses of rh rn in gathered fbr the year’s larg­ ttiUk each day; teenagers knife Inserted near center est dairy convention — the 2 Ir'inpdnnR Rrulril h-nion prr-l comes out clean. Turn oven and pregnant and lactat- ______a jflb lM pn n n t |<-mon J u irr _o/)L_flpread_top_JKUh_SQiir__ “ 8ocona“ annuni“ meotlng~ar Ing women, four or more Milk Producers, Inc.—In Tort cream; sprinkle with al­ Worth, Texas. There she glasses; and adults, two or monds, If desired. Leave cake moro glasses, dally, or its TOPI'ING: shared billing with such no­ I Clip ila iry to u r rrru m in oven to cool to room tem­ tables as economlsi Dr. Wal­ equivalent in other dairy perature. Chill. Cheesecake foods.’* cup tnuslril ■livtTffil ter W. Heller of- the Univer­ nlmnniU (optional) may be served with fruit sity of Minnesota, Texas gov­ sauce, if desired. . ernor Preston Smith, and BUI Dana, tho "Jose Jlminez” of telovialOTrfamcr Fronrcn n Upo, Mcrrcil, At International M ilk Day fo rn la , wUl~tiTiV<^“ n“ l»in»jr—Jii In Buffalo, New York, Frances Dniry M nnllt u» llir 15lli .Vmrr- oi«M-i>j«-oaui£_£ialry_ irnn Dniry Prinr«M. royalty — prlncc.ssos from ican Dairy will be England and Wales, Canada, O t tm E O R N K valuable to her in whatev^ir the Province of Ontario, and , career she pursues. New York State. She was In­ She'.ll cap her year a.s terviewed at the Angeles American Dairy Princess with County Fair for a scHmont of n flurry of June Dairy Month the NBC televi.slon program, appearances. And though TIRE SERVICE "Agriculture, U.S.A.." which she’ll end her relsn with was' aired on SO stjitlons some regrets that It’s over, ■ throughout tho i-ountry. .she will have more time to iroro’d flin frnvoHhi* Bforft. Tliln tnrcTc fff rf/nfppntT, Frances will .:pi'nd the devote to her favorite pas­ $2,000 ca.shscholar.sli ip, which times — rldlhg, baseball, bas­ sloclioJ and noorccJ to givo Uio / on-llio-/arm goes with her titlu, on fur­ ketball and sewing — a fte r, snrvlco you'vn ovor Jinl on nil yonr/nrnt lironooJB- thering her education. She she crowns her succe.ssor the traclor, trucif, wogon orimpIonionL feelis her experience as Amer­ last of Juno.

Cool and Meaty MEET Dick Small or Ken Shaffer ~l^nrni^iLJteef > ■ udodyf«r •pBcinllit nnil oven lean you • t?r* If whoia prlmn'retponilbilllyia youri muit b« taken In fot u -'u — .i--— y o iir tire i and yo u r tire aer* repairi. HSitBStlOM iWhon tho woathormrfn 3 liartl'cookeil esii, sl/eed vicBUMtla. . -No Down Tima- l i hli BSVOUrilbOM calls for scorching tempera- 1 cap cTioppeil eelory Vou^on'lcomtlnlolilm.ire jnotlo. And moit Imnnriinr______~~turoff, counter w ith a keep* 1 e«n-(12rtir>'com«d'bWf;----- flflhiei uut lu you m IM !l*ld;.’ ha can-aoUver la « matter of oratlhatnolortohandlelho houra reptaceraent flrea’ftan cool m oal sohemo. L lko broken, into pidcfli - job on tha apoL Ha’ll qutckly tlie iincat llnt«np available - Crearhy Corned Beof Salad Vi cup flnely ciipppet} oiiroti npalr any make lira, flK lUla GoodyBar tirea for every v v mad& with fulNflavorod without removM^anrhreis btrliron“Vflur farrn.'A Quick corned beef, fresh dairy sour In a-l-quart-aaueepon lioat from tbe trariirrrtinbvo and call and ho'U ilellv«rl cream and a zippy comple­ 1V4 cups tomato juice to boil­ replace ZlqulcTWybur Urai* ■ ' ing point. Romovo from heat; ment of''other good things. . ------^^DWl---- ^ <3enter the. m olfi.with crisp add gelatin and stir to dis­ solve. Divide gelatin mixture • FRONT AND REAR TRACTOR tlRES • nUAlS. NEW AND USED' relishes, bring out shoestring • IMPIEMENT ANAWADON TIRES potatoes, rolls, butter and In half; set one half aside. • imuiD INFLATION 733-B761 mugs of Icy milk. . Chill othor half of gelatin • XnUCK AND AUTO TIBtS »HECAPPINO AIID MPAiniND------mixture until partially thick­ CHEAMY COI(Ni:i) KEEF ened; fold In cucumber and SAI.AI) .x--Tjovr cream. Pour In a 0 W -cup -I can (1 pi. 2 > loinotu ring mold; chill until sot. Jiilcft - Place eggs over cucumber- C.O O D>^E/% l^ sour cream layer. To second T i r e I.pirkBRo (3 o/.) Iniion half of gelatin mixture add ■CO T " - flavor Rftlatin ...... h to ld - mSEL ----*- . whn-hiT.. In celery, corned beof and ISO 3rd Avonua North Phon* eiieiimliflf « pnlon. Poui* oyer qgg layer; ' 1 cup ilalry innr cream* chill until firm. Serves 6. ' Twin P m f Idaho 9 ' LJExi8^Ejatin^—G oe^~^4h~D^^^

Suppose m ilk were a sco- Oh, yes, milk was available ply more lavish, so were the hold it from June 12 to July lafter all, signals a change In sonnl specialty like com-on- year 'round but, as summer other dairy-fresh foods made 10. 1939, It had become life-style for most of us. Ihc-cob or nenclies. approached, cows, under the from milk — including cot­ June Dairy Month, celebrated Along wljh bulky overcoats, Not so long ngo, some­ benevolent influence of balm­ tage checse, butter, sour on a calendar month basis we shed a lot of the formnlity thing very like'that was ac- ier air and >nore plentiful cream. The M ilk Season was with a national campnian to that goes with the "indoor ‘ tunllyilly the■ case. ^In-polnt-of- ’ • • —'grazing,-Inoreased-their-miljc deliciously on! promote greater-use of the season—Giothing-and-livlng— fact, that's the reason June Is production to its yearly peak. That's why. Ip 1937, when” •~ilniry“ products-in-«uch plen- pace become a bit more-cas^— Dairy Month. Instead'ot No- ' Not only wag the milk stw - National M ilk Mqnth made tiful^upply, ^ iual — and so does eating. "vember or.February. ~ “ ltri3Pwrln~8pflireinrchi3S8-ta~ 'I'tie coming of summer, '

Ida Gem Dairymen, Inc. produce fresh and flavorful Challenge Dairy Product^i ; every day'in the modern Challenge Ida Gem Dairymen, Inc....a Plant . . . Dairy Foods that reach you within hours.from the time they're pro­ duced. FirsjLfo bring you low-fat, h ig lf lyiagic Valley business entirely protein milk, lah Gem is always working to produce the very finest dairy foods ■ . ■ products on which we are proud t,o owned and operateiUiy your friends and neighbors....

People who work hard every day;. . . and go urch w itti you on Sunday. People WHO buy groceries and shoes . . . school clotnes and fiirnit.iirfl . . . who watcH television and bowl and volunteol- as Scout leaders. ''' Ida Gem iriiasicTp Magi^Valley.ecqnoniy.^ The sales and payroll is moriey th a t is earned, pent, and stays in M apc Valley,... a constant ow of money that touches all of us. And the taxes paid by_ Ida Gem and itis Producers are a major contribution tp Idaho’s schools arid ^feTgrowthr------______la TlrTHi-N«wi, Twin Falli, lilaho ' Sunday, Ju'nn ai, IWO fee^Gyeam—Ofjfermg ‘Limitless’ DessertVariety And Making Your Own Can Be As Much Fun As Serving It ICC crofim is ao inuiaputably a *'fun*' food that >t's even fun to make; Teat Its Broup cht'crtalnment-valuo next time thero's —wnrni—IplHiirMv-nftfirnnnw—nWft—o— ' everyone help fctch Ico and ov«rsQc cranking. A badminton - or croquot tournam&nt-wlll. distract while the Ico cream ’TlpenB." Winner yotH the first taste! . • VANII.IA CUSTAIU* U:E CHKAM _ I c e C r e a m H cut* Kiiitiir • 2 JHlilfopmmi. rPRulnr B row nie T«iiUe ull'Iiiirpoiii' flniir ■ */i IfnujUHMi «nh Tantalizing. That’s ‘the L* ciipi lijilii rrciim »r ncver-fall combination qf linir nnd linir brownies and Icc. cream. Par­ * J ohhh, slisliil)' hnili'ii ticularly in this version In » UbIh ftrnni «>i_^ which refreshing peppermint haiif nnd lmlf ■ m ei^eam forms aller- ' ,l >/^ liiltlRspooiih'vuiiilln ' nato layers with the choco-. latey brownies for a torte In a 1-quart saucepan com­ that could be the hit of a bine suffar, flour and salt; summer birthdoy party. gradually add 2 ctips light Besides Its Just plain lus­ cream. Cook over medium ciousness, the tor^ Is a boat, stirring c'onstantly, un­ , make-ahead dessert that will til thickened. Cook 2 addl- ama amQunt of hot mixture to Today’s Farm er oRKs: return all to pan. Cook, ir.K CKKAM UUOWNIE _stlrrlnB_cGnatantly,_l—addl= ------TOUTE:------rEfficient Toiler^ •tlonal minute. Remove from 1 iinrkuRo I nhniit 1 Ih. 6 cu.) heat. Add remaining 2 cups ' Itrowiiic mix ‘ light cream and vanilla. Chill Big Customer thoroughly. Proceed with Today's farmer is a mighty freezing according to freezer % Clip clioppKil null omclent man. Hia productiv­ manufacturer’s directions. ity has been climbing more Yield: approximately \'/i 1 i|iiarl prpprrnrint itlirk than five percent per year, Ifp rrt^oin^ quarts. - / I . - "roughly twice the rate for VAIUATION.S Line 3 round, Brlnch cake industry," as Secretary of Ag­ .Slrawlierry Icti Oeam> Re­ pans with foil. In a bowl riculture Cllflford M. Hardin duce vanilla to 1 tablespoon. combine brownie mix, eggs, has pointed out. In 1000, U.S. Combine 2 cups fresh mash­ wator-and-nuts.'Blond'Wlth-a— farmera_PrQduccd over_20 ed strawberries with. 'A cup spoon. Divide evenly into perccnt more products on six 'sugar.’'When icc cream^ ^pans.Is half Bake in preheated 3f50° perceht fewer acres than in — ovonrl6-20-minutc»r(Do nor ------nnti conttnuo /rcozlng. ovcrbako.) Cool In pans on In terms of -persons sup* Mwl.o l™ ^iro racks 5 mlnutoa. Rcmovo plied by one farmworker, the sugar, to 1 cup. Combine 'A to racks to cool completely: man who produced enough cup cocoa and-3 tablespoons carefully remove fqll.‘ About— for himself and six othnrfi nt _ lours before. aorvmg>— ' tho turn ol the ccntury wM -sugaiv dlvIH oTceci^m Into thirds. -producing enough for him ­ self and 42 others by 1008'— • Clinrnlnir Irp Crniint ■ In - Spread one-third on each sugar to 1 cup. Add 2 brownie layer; stack. Freeze' wlth'^ the aid of supply and - .squares (2 ozJ unsweetened • until serving time. Remove marketing industries. chocolate, cut up, to cream from troezer; top with choc­ Marketing farm food and before cooking. - • olate sauce iind serve. Makes fiber,alone provides about 5 l liin iin n Icc O r n m i Reduce 10-12 servings. mllllorv non-farm Jobs for vnnilla to 1 teaspoon. Add 1- which payroll and fringe benefits are $25 billion. Th ir­ cup mashed banana, 2 lablc- C O O L E R S — spoons Jemon Juice and 3-4 ty perccnt of Jobs in privaU- drops yellow food*6olorlnc to Easy to Make employment are agricujture- chilled mixture just before relatod. freezing, OriinBr-Ciifri'r Piiiiclii In ' Bbsldes being a major sup­ l*rnrl> Jre C.trttm* Combine ft largo bowl blend togeth­ plier to -^he U.S. economy, 2 cups maslicd peachcs 'and er 3'/i cups cold milk; Vi agriculture Is a $50 billion 'A cup sugar. When ice cream cup triple-strength cof­ customer. Among the pur­ is frozen, stir In sweet­ fee, chilled; 2 tablespoons chases: O.S million tons of ened fruit and continue .sugar and 1 teaspoon or- stoeLtoi the form of-tractors. o th r > r tnnLQr— iinu— freezing. flnno OTftraotn^Pftnr—in—°------chlnery and equlpme;3t; more “ Mnplli NUl lr« l.rcniiis UUb- chiljed punch; bowl.-Tbp stltute 1 teaspoon Imitation petroleum than any other with small scoops of or­ single Industry — and more maple flavoring for vanilla. ange sherbet. Servo Imme­ Stir 1 cup finely chopped nuts electricity than Chicago, Pe- diately. Yield: 4W cups. trolt. Boaton, Baltimore, ' fore freezing. ^ NOTES ON FIIEEZING ! V ' and MINERALS 1. Fill ico cream frecTier can pot more than Va full Can l«ad you to gr««n«r patturet, higher milk ■ with Ico cream mix. produellon, batt*r profitt. Banner & Bvgler can 2. Pack with I cup rock , sftit-to-oach-B-cupft-cfUshcd:— , CONCRETE IINEO IRIIIOATION DIICHES OUR SPECIAUY- help you plan your fsedlng program. ice in alternate layers u n til- ...... ofcah-: ...... le f us direct you lo the #/neif pailu/Snil^he’'‘r---T5i------a— ' 3. When ico crtftm has country built from G/obe's Grois Saedi. ^ ^ formed, electrical freezer will labor or hand ihodel will bo dunculfto turn (approxi­ A l w a y i R e m e m b o r . . . mately 20-30 minutes). Re­ move top and carefully draw out freezer whip. Press Ice' "If you Plant if or Feed H" cream Into con. Cover. Re­ pack with salt and lofijn .l —l .'j Years Experience GiTreth Sw,nl/el t6*4 mrxture aboQt 1 hour. ■~GI6be Seed & Feed Co.’ I^mon Dullermilk CcmiI. CALL TWIN FALLS 733-9424 Twin Foil*, Idaho .. rri In blonder or with elec­ •CONCRETE D ir iH LININO OUR SPECIALTY* tric mixer, blond 4. scoops • PATROL WORK* ''Will have it" lemon sherbet, 3 table­ spoons sugar and 1 p i n t . ■ . PERMA-DITCH CO, coia:Duttormi]Krsp?ypTl?y7~ “ ..... '40aiuiklM.N., . VWIMFALIVJDIHO cold. Yield: about 3 cups. . Sunday, Jun» 31, wro ■ I Tlm w-N«wi, Twin Palli,' Idaho II JEHOUGHTS ON Dairj^FcM)d8 A fl ■ A good :tm'v«Ieri wmy to Mirvo, MlUfyinKt nu triilo u i — llmt’t eliMM. Wrapped for pro* leelion from tnoUlur«t -Jl Ukei nlM ly to ice refrla[«riillon« Uae* nnbhrt»>[:lh

Plea^ng Cheese Appetizers Fi(l l}i»coOkli)J«rw}|}t BtiO ei^i^eb Cook perfect - whli m ilk or jnllk punch for *pUr of the monienl'ihaeki. Fixing crdwd-pleasing ap- -petlBer»>iB-almost-as easy as' Siirlmp, cooked, and Bake 16 minutes In preheat­ For o. Summertime .... ^ olleing bread if you slice cleaned . . , ed 33B° oven. Plaee under the loaf liengthwise. top it Rolled anchovy fillela . broUer 1-3 minutes or until w ith .lo ts o f shredded Ohed> Cherry lomaleea. halved lightly browned. Out; care­ Milk and Gookie Break da r and a variety of garnish­ Pimlento*alufffld olivea fully slide foil with appetiz­ es. 'SerVfl these Oheose Loaf Out double thickness of heavy ers onto serving tray. Serve J iu t. the , companions for cream butter; Bradualjy add Appetisers ho t fro m the oven duty aluminum foil to 1ST.X 10 immediately, 'neld; 93. mugs of frosty milk on sum­ sugar and beat, .until light to a horde.of hungry teens or inches; placo on 17xl4>lnch' mer. days aro these crisp, fla>. and fluffy. Betlt-fntgr, then a gathering o f *'over SO's." baking sheet. Trim' crusts STRAWDERRY PINEAPPLE vorf ul cboklps, froahly home» •beat Ih; m elted butterscotch. Whatever the crowd or the from bread: cut loarii>to 4 COOLElt baked- , Sift together flour and bak- occasion, they’ll flt right In I lengthwise tlioes. Place dices ' In a mixer or blender, com­ side by side on foil. .Toast CHEESE LOAll^ bine'2 cups m ilk, 2W cups (1 BUTTEnSCOTCH , ' Ing soda; gradually' odd to both sides under broiler;'bu t* APPETIZERS lb.,4Vii oz.can) chilled crush­ nEPniGERATOn c o o k ie s creamed nilxture. Blend In ter. S prinkle w ith cheese. nuts and nUslnii, If [desired. 1 leaf nni|lleflWpii------> pepper” mlsh with mint, .if desired. -wrup in wi^Jieu fai^'M'i cinii ‘ Paralay and parsley so, they w ill be • iV i eupa rc|ii1iir-iill*purpoar severaJ h o u rs 'd r bycrnlght. Auorted sarnlihei; in center of each,appetizer.' .Yield: e servings. flo u r C u trro lls in to v^4-lnch slices \ tnaapoon iiakinR aoda and. place bn baking sheet. _ «np fsitoppf({ nuf* Bake In preheated 87fl® oven ' I/i cap ralalni. oplianal B-10 minutes. Let cool about In a< small double boiler or in 1 m inute; remfove frpm bdk- a heavy saucepan over low . Ing sheet to'w lre rack to.cpol. heat m elt butterseotoh ■yield.: Approxim ately 4 doz- plecoji. In a mixlns bowl eiv refrig era tor cookies. _ ^ v v . -.-r, -jrv.. .;««

Tbit is a good 1imo; lp take o look a t our D a i^ Indmtfy. It hat becomo big businots and is galling biggor all iho llms. Our dairy, farniBrs have done a good job in incroosing production to moot growing dotnond. They are utiiyj tho most modern, up-to- date equipmont in rigidly con- trolled moaorn plants. We laluto tiiom for a job well donol AND SPReiADER-SERVICE -Tfw-very^es4r-huys-ar-e-al • Crop or pasture liifdrVinv'prafits grow, too, when the right fartUlx^n. are there to help you get more out ' of your aerasge. Rely on us for custorr)*m lxedfer^arsta fitv

|pQ<3>QSdlLBUILDlR8 selMtlon drugs and c e n t e r TwInFalli, J«rom*,'Hai*lton, . all related items. 'Open 0 a.m .- 0 p.m. WeakdeVh 10 *.m.- 7 p.m. 8ur>dsv* • .

233;SEC0 ND STRDET n o rth , tw in fa lls . BURLEY l&ANCyrQyERtAND SHOPPING CEfjITER