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[email protected] Wiedling Literary Agency Pappenheimstrasse 3 80335 Munich, Germany authors fantasy, LitRPG / cyberpunk World of Arkon Fantasy, LitRPG/ Cyberpunk. Eksmo. Moscow 2014. 9 volumes Rights available: Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak Publishers: amazon US Vol. 1 – Patch 17 350 pages A new update arrives to the ultra-popular online game, Realm of Arkon. With Patch 17, the level of immersion experienced by players in their gaming capsules has made virtual reality indistinguishable from the real world. But every gamer’s dream becomes a nightmare for Roman Kozhevnikov after he gets confined to Arkon against his will. And not just to Arkon, but to its deadliest zone–Demon Grounds. Playing, or rather living as his character Krian, it’s not just about survival for Roman. He longs to exact revenge for his banishment to the virtual world where the sensation of pain has rea- ched one hundred percent… THE AUTHOR Vol. 2: Damned principality 450 pages samples available An immortal wanderer in an enormous alien world, Krian struggles to survive in a full English closed plane populated by powerful mobs and hostile NPCs. With bungled stats, ina- dequate gear and no friends by his side, he is driven by only his willpower… and by his hatred toward the people responsible for his misery.