1 Ration CalenCiar I'HOCESSED FOODS green .tamps, D, E and P' (book 41 expire Jan, 20; MEAT brown otamps R, S and T Colder (book 3) expire Jan. 29; SUG AR rtamp 2t (book 4) expires Jan. IS; SHOE , tam p 18 (book II and airplane Itamp 1 (book 3. vaUd Indefinitely. GASOLINE A-9 IOWA ; Partl)' clopdy. Colder coupon. ~"plr. Jan. 21; FUEl. OIL per. 2 coupona THE DAILY IowAN .Kplre Feb. 7. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper = f'NE CENTS TRI! AS80 ClATilD PRlI8S IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY. JANUARY 18. 1944 VOLUME XLN NUMBER 95 I . THESE FRENCH COllABORATIONISTS MARKED FOR DEATH Russians p:us'h, Toward Latvia; · Prav~Q ·. Rumors Peace Feeler British-Nazi, ILord Halifax 'Labels ·Patrol Bombers Si~k Soviet Troops Drive Nearer 10,OOO .. Ton Jap ShiP, K R II d ( I ,I Cairo Report Untrue Set Afire Two Others ey al roa, ommunlca Ion By HENRY C. CASSIDY Planes Catch Convoy 1110 OW (.i\ P)- 'J'hc Communist pO I·ly org-nn, 1'l'ovda, y s· Hubs in North, Polish Sectors terday pllblishE.'d a report whi('h, IIlthoug-h plainly lalwlpd Ils 11 Off Base at Kavieg 1"1111101' f.·om 'uiro, OJ)JOUl.t d to lin off'i('iul a (,lIf;ntion f hilt Rrilain In South Pacific Area LONDO ,Tuesday (AP)-NOt·Oleru Russian t roops hummer­ was soulI(ling' Ollt Ol' I'many 011 thl' pof,sibility of /I sPpllI'ntl' )1PIH't'. jug towaro lh Latvian frontier 70 miles beyond drove to within 'PhI.' lO·lin!.! dispatch, published Ilt till' (lJ' l'J'!lvdo's ADVANCED ALLTED HEAD­ top fOI'l'iltll S VOIl mil S of the I·ail junction of Novosokolniki yesfet·day, while news pnge IInd!'I'!l ail'o datt'linp IInl) eJ'(>(litpd to "a "pl'cinl COI'­ QUARTERS, New Guinea, Tues­ far to lit southw, t another Red army plung d to within 14 miles re!lponlienf or P ravllu", sllid two British of'ficiuls had met SPc l'p tly day (AP) - Bombs Crom navy of RoYno, HII impol'tant commu nicatioJls bub fO I· all easteru wit h .Jou'him YOll Ribbentrop, (Jerman fOl't'ig'1I minist!,!" with tlI(' Catalina pall'Ql plan!!s sank n 10,­ Poland, "aim of f'illtliw' Ulil thl' ('rHH]itions of n f,(' purllt(, pruI·(' wilh th f' OOO-lon Jopnnese vessel and set A Moscow c·ommnnique early today said thc Russia ns hact killed ermnns. " Mire lwo olher merchanlmen of a o total of' 2,300 tl'OOp~ Y ,lerday, ] ,200 of them in the I' duction of ulltit'I'SI(jod n'mllin It said "it is the II1I't'tillg did 1I0t willlUnt six-ship enemy convoy caught off fiv\' Ot'rrnlill Sll'ollg'JloiJ11~ i ll Ule north where the Red IIrmy's Marcel Deal Femond de Brinon Sacha Gullrv Jacque. Doriot results"- n plll'lIse which calorie I 10 H.u ·s iam! the po~iti\'(l '011- the Japanese b<1Se at Kavieng, New latl'st offensive bad entel'rd its fifth day. notation t hnt it I.IH) mel at least pUl'tial slIl'cess. Ireland, Sunday night, ailled heod­ S l'Iin Ilccouuts ssid, howey r, that 250,000 Russians were ALREAD Y MARKED FOR DEATH for their dealtn,s with the Nazis are the seven French collabora­ Exeited intert'st lind slIl'prise 1I'('t.p stil'l'ed among Hussians hj' qua rt rs announced today. lIttllckin/! along It 2!i0-mile front below Leningrad. lIolllsls pictured above. 'I'helr death sentences have been handed down by the French underrround, the s 11·1l n g I' alld distlll'billf{ • * * 'rhe c'aplHI'1? of 'l'ncllin put Gen. Nikolai P. Vatutin's forccs of which also has listed many other prominent French citizens for trial to determine whether they wllllnr l.v RtOI"),. Left burning were an 8,OOO-ton til!' J'j I'f;t lJkruiuc !trmy only 14 miles northellst of Rovno, and worked with the German occupiers of their homeland, Pictured are Pierre Laval, chief of the Vichy AliiI'd qnai'ltfJ's W(,I'P itlC'reon- U. S. Intervenes ship and anolher of 0,000 tons. re&ime: Jacques Doriot, head of the French Fascist party: Marcel Deat, pro-Nazi editor: Sacha GuUry, Enemy escol't crGft put up stilt Moscow dispatches said Rovno' JOllH. Brit ish Of'fiC, jIlIN >wid t11l'Y In Polish Dispute • capt 111'1." IJIl eiIrly po. ' ibilit.y, aclor and lllaywdght: Fernand de Brlnon, former Vich y ambassador to Paris; Gell. August Nogues, form­ Gnti-aircraft fire, but none of the could not understand either the wonlc! impcril the O('rman grip er governor of French North Africa, and Pierre Bols son, former governor of French West Africa. Amon, report or the publlcation of It, WASHINGTON (A P) - The Catallnas was hit. Eisenhower Reports lbose listed for trial Is DanleUe Darrieux, stl1or. Formerly listed were Maurice Chevalier, music hall 011 IL vast ut'pn of southern film ane! that they did not be)jeve it. United States government 5t ppcd The Japanese have slepped up star: Georres Carpentier, heavywelgbt boxer, and Ml sUn, uett, famous singer, but their names no lancer iheir air activity, communique re­ Itlls,<;iu. appear on the list of those condemned to death by tbe underr round. ("There is no truth in the story," gingerly but hopefully into the porls Indicated, and allied WeI's Soviet lroops first by-passed Pre-Invasion Plans ------said Lord Halifax, British am- dispute betwe n RUSSia and Poland continued lheir blows at en my Tuchin, said the bulletin broadcast bas.sador in Washington, in an yesterday only to find itself bur- bases al Rabaut, New Britain, and by Moscow and recorded by the Proceeding Smoothly emphAtic denial. Celed by a new wav at misunder- along the norlheast coast of New Soviet monitor" Then, "taking ad­ Returns Indicate GOP Majority· Settlemen~ of Polish, British Denial standing between Mo cow and Guinea. vantage of the panic that broke (British official quarters in Lon- London. An attack on the American in­ out among the Germans, Soviet Omar Bradley Slated •• • Russ Dispute Hinges don said they knew nothine what- The latest uphl'ava I in Russia's vasion area at S::tidol', on the New flghters wip d out about 300 Hlt­ ever of the report. They reiterated stormy relations with her Eu­ Guinea coo't, cost the Japanese 17 lertles," and captur cI several guns, To Command Yankee that Britain would make no separ- ropean allies was brought on by tighten and on divebomber, wilh an ammunition dump, and olher Land Units in Drive In Voting to Fill State Vacancies On Anglo-U. S. Efforts ate peace. A London spokesm(ln lhe publication In Moscow of the propable loss oJ lwo more booty, expressed doubt such a story hud "CaIro "umor" tllat two BI'JLish tighters, wh n the ,Ittuck was in­ Rovno, 0 mil inside 'P1'e--wl\r LONDON (AP)-With conti dent DES MOINES (AP) - Returns was Noreli lJ s' DemocratiC oppo­ passed the British r nsorshlp at official 11ad conferred with G r­ tercepted by allied P-40 lighlers Poland, Is 011 obj ctlve or troot's good humor, G n, Dwight D, Eis­ frolp the voting in y81terday'~spe­ nent, Diplomatic Reshuffling Cairo. man Foreign Minister Joachim von which suttered only minor loss, attacking on the southern side ot enhower declared yesterday he cial election to nn vacancies in the Results in other races: May Bring Necessary (There was no hint ns to th Ribbentrop on conditions of a the c:ommuniqu soid, an 8S-mile Russian bulge Inside had found the pre-Invasion ma­ Fo r Senator, second district identity of the Britons reported separale peace. The altack, Sund:ty morning, lhat territory. It is a junction on Iowa legislalure showed last nighl chinery rumbling briskly when he (Jefferson, Van Buren eounties)­ Border Reconciliation engaged in the negotiations. A American offiCials, frankly puz­ was th heaviesl the nemy had lhe Berdlchev-Warsaw and Sarny­ reached Britain, and disclosed lbal the Republicans were assured Charles W. Wade (R), f'airIield, Bern dispatch said the Ankllra zled by lhe way In which lhe rU- attempled against American Sixlh Lwow railways, and also is astride thal Lieut. Gen. Omar N, Bradley of retaining five, and probably six, 1,127; S. C. Simmons (D), Fair­ LONDON (AP)-Healing ot the radio had quoted Pravda as saying mol'S were play d up In Moscow, army troops who invaded Saldor lhe hard-surfaced Kiev-Warsaw was senior American general head­ 01 the eight seats at stake. field, 43 1 (29 out of 39 precincts). breach between the London Polish I "two former British slalesmen" k pt silent on this scOt'e, but Jan. 2. highway. ing the great and swiftly-mount­ Two senators and six represen­ For Itepreselltative-- government and Soviet Russia ap- had met Ribbenlrop.) British Ambassador Lord Halifax Allied Liberator heavy bomber.; Tbe broadcast - communique ing numbers of U. S. ground troops tatives were to be elected. AJI Jackson county, Lloyd A. Meyer pea red last night to hinge on The Pravda dispatch In ils en- haslened to reassure lhe American and Mitchell mediums poured 87 recorded by the Soviet monitor in the United Kingdom. eight places were held by Repub­ (R), Sabula, 815; Frederick J , whelher diplomatic relations can tirety was as follows: public with this assertion: tons of bombs on Japanese de­ was one of the shortest Issued Eisenhower, giving his first LOll­ licans in the 1943 regular session. Swift (0), Maq uoketa, 69l. be reestablished through the ef- "Cairo, Jan. 12 (By Special Cor- "There is no lrulh to the slory. fensive positions at Arawe penin­ In I months. The only other don press conference as supreme Yesterday's election was pre­ Mahaska county, Dick H, Van­ forls of t he United Stales and Brit- respondent of Pravda)-Accord- People who believe it will believe sula, on the southwest coast at sector It mentioned was "north allied commander in the west, liminary to a special session set derwilt (A), Oskaloosa, 933; M, C. ain. . to' f tl' Ii bl anything." New Brilaln, Inland .from whel'e mg m orma on lrom re a e About the hOUr that Hali/ox of Uman" In the lower Ukraine went no .further in defining Brad­ for Jan. 26 to consider means of Blom (R), Oskaloosa, 37 6. Poles, who feel the problem con- Greek and Yugoslav sources a Amet'ican invasion troops are in­ where other units directed by ley's role, but dlsclos re of Brad­ , spoke, Secretary of State Hull told provldlnr votes In the 1944 Taylor county, Paul Parrish (R), cerns all the unlt.e downed one Japanese above Novosokolnlki, wid e n e d all the British. counties. Willard F. Russell, Re­ 10 ng ou e con I Ions 0 a r~ues t of the Polish , ..vern - Zero lighter. urday. separate peace wlth the Germans. Inenl, whOt!e ambassador, .Jan lheir hold along that railway with It was strongly indicll led out­ publican, of Toledo, was unop­ It is believed in London that a I h· " "d All these aerial blows followed side the conference that the choice posed fo r state representative fl'om To Settle Disputes It s understood t e meetmg \II Ciechl1onowskyl, arrl10naed Ie see allied ground victories in New lhe seizure of five additional lo­ reshuffling of Polish officials to no t rema ln w ithou t resuIt s. " Undersecretary of State Stet- calities In advance of two or more for the over-all American gl'Ound Tama coun ty. eliminate WlaClyslaw Raczkiewicz, I Britain and New Guinea, giving In Marlon county. the vote Supreme Court Rules Russians Qu et Unlu yesterdl10Y afternoon. more force to Gen. Douglas 'Mac­ miles. command had not been finally de­ Gen. Kazimierz Sosnkowski, com- P dd t Berlin said lhe Russians were cided. But Bradley, who proved was close. Paul Harp, Republi­ mander in chief of Polish armies rav a rna e no commen , nor The American response to the Arthur's campaign to drive the can of Pleasantville, received Carrier Not Entitled did Soviet ollicials. Polish request apparently did not atlncking norlh and northwest of himself as commander of the Sec­ Japanese from the south Clank of ond corps in Tunisia and Sicily, 962 votes tor representative, and To Court Injunction in exile, and Lieul. Gen. Dr. Mar- While Pravda's back page, cus- go so far as lhe Poles had desired. the Bi marck sea. Nevel, 28 miles below Novosokol­ jan Kukiel, minister of defense, tomarily devoted to foreign news,' Hull said that Ambassador W. has been in Britain many weeks, Ed G. Doughman, Democrat, of and giving the Moscow Union of .- niki, wilh .fresh :formations, north BUEsey, had 958, according to WASHINGTON (AP)-A railroad carried the Cairo rumor, the fro nt Averell Harriman lin Moscow had of Lake Ilmer; south Of Leningrad, and seems a logical choice. Even cemplele unOfficial returns, must make every reasonable efforl Pol is h patriots representation page displayed the Soviet declara- been told In a dispatch sent Satur- Recleves Safety Aee and south ot Oranlenbaum. The il someOne else is chosen for the to settle a labol' dispu te before it might bring lhe two governments tion that negotiations with the day evening to inform the Soviet NEW YORK (AP)-W, E:trl In lier city is about 20 miles west post, the square jawed infanlry­ Tn Crawford county, 15 out' of together. HI ' 28 precincts gave E. A. Norelius, is enti tl ed, under lhe Norris-La­ 1L is understood here that Pre- present Polish government were government of th e will ingness of ai, managing edItor of the of Leningrad, where the Russians man seems a certain bet for com­ Republican, of Denison, a lead of Guardia act, to a court injunclion mier Stanislaw Mikolajszyk and impOSSible. this government to' offer its fa- Mason City Globe Gazette, was hold a bridgehead about 15 miles mand of an army. 734 to 548 in the voting on state restraining striking employes from Foreign Minister Tadeusz Romer Alongside was the slntement of cil ilies for opening discussions be- presented the national safety coun­ wide and five miles deep on the Choice of the American ground repre ~e n tat i ve. commiting violence against the will discuss the situation with For- the Polish government in London tween the RUssians and the Poles cll 's 'Safety Ace" award last night soulh shore ot the gulf of Finland leader will complete the western WIlliam F. Hul burd of Dow City road, the supreme court ruled yes­ eign Secretary Anthony Eden soon Which the Soviet declaration an- wilh a view to resuming oWcial In a program broadcast ovel' the opposile tile Soviet island naval Invasion command in all import­ lerday. and report lo the Polish cabin.et. swered, relations between them. Blue network. base of Kronstad l. ant details. Eisenhower went Washington Specifically, the court held that In the meantime the Poles feel ------to ' Try the Toledo, Peoria and Western for a lew days to see President Senate Defeats railroad, a 239-mile road between that purposely avOiding acceptance IT TAKES A LOT TO FIGHT A BATTLE, BUT Roosevelt and Gen. George C. Keokuk, Iowa, and Ef!ner, Ind., or rejection of the Russian Curzon Marshall and also had a brief re­ o epea eo ax had not made that effort and re- Ii. proposals was wise because union witb his family in Kansas TR I 01 T ve rsed a federal district court at settlement of complex frontier belo re coming here from his Med­ I Qyincy, TIl., which granted the problems is unlikely in an inter­ iterranean po s t. He likewise ~ASHINGT ON (AP)-The sen- carrier an injunction during a change of broadcast messages. talked with P r i m e Minister Qie yesterday defeated an attempt strike of 104 employees two years Some Poles expect that it Rus­ Churchill enroute, 10 repeal a 10-cents a pound fed- ago. sin rejects aU negotiations, she He paid tribute to naval, air, era/ tax on yellow colored oleo- The court's unanimous opinion would set up some kind of a com­ SUpply, and other force:> "for the margarine. by Juslice Rutledge said that the miltee of liberation tor Poland I"iv­ work that "os been clone In ad­ A healed attack by dairy state railroad had comp)jed with all re- aling the Lodon government. vance of my coming," and pl'aised 5enatQrs was climaxed by a 55 to quiremenls of the Norris-La- American iniantrymen who "are 23 roll call vote against the pro- Guardia act and the railway labor . , getting themselves ready a nd PoIJ!lI by Senalor Maybank (D., act until it came to the "final and toughened tor any job that lies S. C.) to suspend the ta lC for the crucial slep of arbitration." Earthquake ahead." war's duration, If arbitration had been used, the The supreme commander said The attempt lo repeal the tax, court said, "it would have averled Death Toll Mounts; he was much pleased with the of­ levied aga inst oleomargarine 'when the str.ike, the violence which fol­ Damages High ficers serving wIth him preparlnl lila manufactured in the color of lowed and lhe need for an injunc­ for invasion and emphasized that, butter, was rejected ea rli er by lhe tion." as in the Mediterranean set-uP. lenate finance committee. In another 7-2 opinion, the cour t BUENOS AIRES (AP)-Latest this would be an allied command. taid down the rule that the right government reports from qllak ~ - to become a candidate for state 6tricken San Juan said last night ~~A Authorizes Pork office is a right or privilege of the loss at life is expected to 'Random Harvest' state citizenship, not federal citi­ mount far beyond 500, with 900 On-the-Farm Purchases zenship, which alone is PI"otected to 1,000 seriously injured and Cho.. n Best 1943 by lhe 14th amendment. 4,000 less seriously hurt. Film by Reviewers WASHINGTON (AP)- Advance The decision upheld the dismis: The government press bureau Iae of 120. red meat points to sal of a $50,000 damage suit filed said it was too early tor an ac­ NEW YORK (AP)- "Random stimulate on-the-fa rm purchase of by Joseph E. Snowden, Chicago curate calculation of the materia I Harvelt" topped a list of the 10 Pork was aulhot'ized yesterday by Negro, against Illinois state offi­ loss but estimate9 tt would reach best motion pictures of 1943 as the oUice of price adminlstml.lon. cials in 1940 on grounds that they at least $75,000,000. chosen in a poll 01 439 newspaper The ' red stamps in book four had refused to certify that he had The task of removing the dead 8pd radio reviewers, Film Dally nUmbel'ed "eight" and lettered "A" been nominated as a Republican frOm the rubble and. administering announced last night. through "M" were validated :tor candidale 'for general assembly to the wounded went on amid The picture, produced by Metro­ ilnmediate use .i n on-the-farm pork from the Illinois third senalorial huge piles of debris which still Goldwyn-Mayer, slnrred Greer Purchases by the OP A action. district, The question of racial blocked most streets in the once MANY TONS OF SUPPLIES and equipment are required to fI.. M Cape Gloucester, New Britain, to unload the 'remendo.. , .....tU •• Garson and Ronald Colman, The last 96 brown poinns re­ discrimination was not raised, piaturesque mountain cit y of even a cOlnparaUvely 811'all batUe and the probleln 0' ,elUne Ihese Itt vehicles, ammupltlon,-,unl, food and other suppUel that are packed Tied tor second place in the bal­ lIlaining in book three may a)so be Snowden asserting that he was de­ 30,000. Rescue squads cremated 1U11clea to \.he baUlefronl Is one uf the createst that m .... be IOlved Olt lhelr deckl and In their bolds. The cralt are mallDelI b, UIe UnHed Used for advance purchases of latina were "For Whom the Bell nied cefillication because he was scores of unidentU'ied bodies at the by a tnllllary commander. T~ photo shOWI how It Is done In Ibe Slates Navy and Coast Guard. This I. an offlctal United 8tate. COW Tolla" (Paramount) and Yankee Pork, the OPA said, . not a "reiular Re{1ublican,"· orders of health authorities, South Pacific. BaH a dOKen L8T'. are pulled ilP on lhe beach on 'Ouard photorfapll. • Doodle band1" ",Warner Broa.). I PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JANUARY IB, 1944

THJ: DAILY IOWAN Published every morning ex­ OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN - cept Monday by Student Publica­ tiODS locorporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Can the United States Support Board of Trustees: Wilbur L. Schramm, A. Craig Baird, Kirk H. Queen Dolores Moran'-s NDCl...,...,... bY Porter, Paul E. Olson, .Tack FR&D G. CLABK Beauty Holds Court General Chalnnan A $300 Billion Debt? Moyers, Jeanne Franklin, Sarah Amerlean lI:eonomlc Bailey, Donald Ottilie, Charles By ROBBIN COONS J'oundaUon Swisher, .HOLLYWOOD-In this town of As debated by UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Fred M. Pownall, Publisher ours you see the funniest j,hings. Honorable Jerry VoorhIs O. GJellD Saxon Tuesday, Jan. 18 torium. PresIdent, Pennsylvania Economy Marie Nau Mallire, Advertising You see funny things like Dolores Ooncressmall, Utb INstrlct, 2 p. m. Bridge (partner), Uni- 9 p. m. Dance, Triangle club. Moran, in a clinging silver gown Leacuej Professor of Ecou8lllle8, Manager versity club. FrIday, Jan. 21 Prl Shirley McKim, Managing Editor designed to reveal her intelliient Cdlforaia Yale Dnlvel'llity 4:15 p. m. The reading hour, face and other charms, stepping 4 p. m. Meeting for prospec tiv~ University theater lounge. sddrf OONGltESSMAN V 0 0 It HIS the 1 Entered as second class mail out of a romantic scene with Jack our country must have means of teachers (undergraduate) "221A 8 p. m. Basketball: Illinois VI. Benny and hurrying over to the OPENS: Under our present mone­ maintaining h.igh national income Schaeffer hall. Iowa, field house. secon matter at the postoffice at Iowa 566 c City, Iowa, under the act of con­ schoolroom for some reading, writ­ tary system we cannot support a and preventing depreSSion withou.t 7:30 p. m. University Camera Saturday, Jan. 22 iled . eress of March 2, 1879. ing, and arithmetic. 300 billion dollar debt, without in­ further increasing the debt. But, club, 314 chernlstry building. 2:30 p. m. A. S. T. P. Matinee: Miss Moran is just 17. When she creasing it. At 2%%, Interest alone sddrE under us News never touch the stuff is an estab- tioned and a bottle is the ration rtaaons ment and upon the lessons tive foreign policy based on in­ 6-1 Love a Mystery field. Th be your SODS and brothers and fathcn American invention to develop. .2:1Il-Organ Melodies lished factor in the growing de- for each adult. The drinker can learned through common ex- ternational cooperation. Out of 6:l5-Harry .t.mes . medic and hwbands and uncia and rousins death-dealing boat which has cost 2.:30-Radio Child Study Club mand for a scarce product. manage to get two, however, by periences of life! Then we shall fear that "the people were not I the United States many lives tn 3-Flction Parade 6:30-AmerjcanMelody Hour medi and dear friends. . 7-Rig Towll Paradoxical it certainly is, but buying the second through a non­ know what needs to be done: ready" for such a policy the his b.rCl;Bdcast tonight at 7 o'clock 3:3I-News. The Dally Iowan committee members can offer an drinking friend. •~ e laId. Today you measure your uamces 7:30-Judy Canova We shall seek the way \0 country has been left to drift over "Mutual. 3:35-Iowa Union Radio Hour explanation-in fact, several: • • • BerOte formulate and present simple in to another world war of against theirs, whether JOU will fote­ 7:55-News wlllll4 nc go what is yours by right in ordi aarr 4":::""Elementary French Hoarders, they say, wlll be IncidentaUy, the war e h 0 use choices to which the voter can which the people had no AMElUCAN FOaUM B-Bums and Allen hoarders. It seems to be psycho- stocks of stored Uquor continue to hoW It h times, to place JOur te5OU~tt1e 4:30-Tea Time Melodies a reply yes or no. means of realizing the danger OF TIlt: .AlB- 5-<:bildren's Hour lI :"3O-"RIlP(Jrt to the 1IJation logical thing. When something bother senate investigators, wbo PhYSiCIan or big-back of your lisJttiaa .00,.. "WJlat Can We Do .About 9-Fourtb War Loan Drive party 5:3O-Musical Moods starts disappearing from counters see in storage stocks a means of u.~ n, Our system.is sup- -another case of lack of lead.­ Buying Extra War Bonds may zqean Strikes?" will be discussed tonilbt 5:U-News, The Dally Iowan 9:30-Clyde Lucas the hoarders start laying it in. ending the whiskey shortage and Why WOI posed to help people make ership, no simple poliCies pre­ tcm..{'OfaQ' hardship to some iodlvid­ at 8:30 over Mutual by three IOV­ D:45-Confidentially Yours simple choicaa. But pardee. sented to the people for choice. '6-Dinner Hour Muisc So when whiskey started getting getting some quick cash into the lOme bn UlIis in this coaUnwUty. Ynu can be erommt representatives and one 10-Doug Grant, News Ph'SieJan thouqh they have dona an Yet genuine faith in the voice 7-,United States in the 20th scarce, hoarders started buying. federal treasury. cemio of one thing-dut if your pur. railroad expert. 10:15-FuIton Lewis Jr. It isn't that they want the whiskey You can expect an attempt to Berore It excellent lob in orqcm1zlnq of the people leads to the be­ Century chase of Exu& Will Boods does not Debating the subject will be 7:30-Let Freedom Ring 10:30-So1diers of the Press so much. They just don't want to be made in the new session of 10 Canad: the voters. have failed to lief that when simple choices Julius G. Luhra.en, ext!Cutive sec­ 10:45-Music You Love entail a true sacrifice on ~,part Q{ B-Norway Fights On g~t caught without it. congress to put a federal tax on "ere COr retary of the Railroad Labor "Ex­ formulate qovenunental lao on fundamental issues are ,pre­ you and Y041 faa".ly, )'~ have DOt 8:15-Welleyan Chapel Hour ll-News • • • all whiskey more than four yean ~Wltl au.. simply and unequivo- sented. the people are qualilied full y met the dWlenae of che 4ch ecutives SISOCiatipn; Sen a tOT s 8:.5-News, The Daib Iowan ll:l5-BuffaJo Presents That takes care of the out-and- old. The tax exemption now goes Dr. KI cally and to nominate ccmcll- to choose. War Loan. Clyde M. 'Reed 01 Kansas and 1l:30-'News out hoarder. But there are syn- for eight years and officials est!­ theoretiC! Edwin C. Johnson of Colorado, dates pledged to those poll- It is unthinkable that at the ~~ltle cUess for your home, besin­ thetic hoarders among the non- mate there are 117,000,000 lIallons f~lnl and ReptelentBtive Joe Starnes 01 Network Highlights 1'fB8 - • '!'lIday th, des. They have instead kept moment when the danger to ning today. will include « ted, white drinkers, some committee mem- of seasoned whIskey still too YOUIl' A1ab8Jlla. WON ('720) ear to the ground trylnq democracy has been averted and Wue emWem-the Treaaury 4th bers think, who jumpd into the to pay taxes which would come I/Iduale an NBC-Becl to quess what luues and only by the skin of our teeth. War Loan _hleld which ,Proudly pro­ retail liquor market because they rolling out ot warehouses If the tax To obt 8JNFON1£T'I'A- WHO (1148); WMAQ (1'70) 7-CQntidentiaijy Yours saw a chance to turn a good thing ceiling were lowered. ~ble candIdates would a p p a " 1 there shall not be a renais­ claims: "We boughtextta Wat bonds." .Haydn', u$ymphony tOI in D 7:30-Plck and Pat "wI's .It &ck the Attlldc.N wfth tor themselves. The protlt motive The senate finance committee ~""'yea most to a v~ .Jedorate. 8CmCe of IeCll to .stablish in Major," popuarly called "The B-Fred Warinl 8:15-Belie'Ve It or Not -propably sent some abstainers off killed the proposal once but it ~!adl They have fql)bWed. IUIt 1ecL iact the ideal of democratic ClOCK Bymphony ," wUl be played 6:15-News 8:30- American Forum of the to the liquor store to lay in n pre- will be renewed on the floor of the • '''''III~1 public opiDloD. government here and every· ' over Mutual toni,ht at 10:30 with 6:30-Everylhing for the Boys Air shortage supply. senate when the tax bill comes up har'a In Lately it has .been pointed where. . ~~==~~=~~ Russell ~nnett II auut conduc- lI;~Q-Kaltenborn Edits the ,New.s 10: 30-Sill!onietta ''They're the llotential hip pocket fOl' debate. JOilla the " ~ ICttPII • TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1944 THE DAILY IOWAN , IOWA CITY, r'OW A PAGE THREE 556 A. S. T. P. Skiing? Aircraft Accountants, IN THE KITCHEN-WITH MRS. ROSCOE E. TAYLOR Student Speaker Says Today December Graduates Engineers May Ask Local Church Needs 7 Organizations Have Radio Positions Will Meet Men 10 Finish To Move With World Gen Slemmons. Phyl Willer and­ Naval Commissions Ivie Newcomers clu Luncheon. J on Lowell. former members of the WSUI staff who were gradu­ . The \':01'11 chllr~h is on the J efferson hotel. 1:15 p. m . Accountants and engineers ex­ Elks Lad Ie s - LunCheon-bridge, oted at the December Convoca­ (ourse Jan. 29. perienced in the inspection of air­ r VI'," lktly Long, A3 of Iowa Elks club, 1 p. m. tions, now bave positions in radio craft may qualify for naval re erve I I: I , ~ le' mcmbers of the First Iowa City Woman' clulr-home stations throughout the country. church Sunday deparlmenj,.-.Clubrooms of Com­ Gen Slemmons is working in President Virgil M. Hancher will commissions, Lieut. Comd. W. J. the music department of radio sta­ I'" I n l'lg 1 ~ 1 hl-r report on the stu­ munity building, 2 p. m. address a military convocation at Amoss announced trom the Des Post Office Clerks' auxillary­ tion KIRO in Seattle, Wash. While the UniverSity of Iowa lor the MOines office of naval officer pro­ t' III p: •. " ni g conference on the Home of Mrs. George Ynndo, 730 at the university she was heard on second time. when he speaks to curement. \ ,.1'1. 1 lI.i, 'ion of the church, which Muscatine avenue. 2 p. m. "From Our Boys In Service," ~56 cadets from the army special­ The reqwrements for account­ f. " . ttlndcd r(;u'ntJy in Woo~ ter , Unlver Ity of Iowa. Dames Book whl('h teatur d n ws nnd inter­ l2ed training program Jan. 29. He Uu il'). " .. he worid church is revo­ club- Hom of Mrs. Thomas views of tonn I' students or Jowa addressed a similar group in late ants who apply [or commissions itJans ench Tue. day. She was l l' li •.n;!1 ..... aid MISS Long. "while Storer, 414 Brown street, 7:30 November, when some 200 pre­ include outstanding records in the p . m. also the first woman lo pre ent a 1 II,!! I (J~ I dlUI'ch tends to be re­ meteorology cad e t s completed field of accountancy. Applicants Women ot tbe Moose- Moose hall, 15-minute n wscast on WSUI. I ~ I t, 11:.1 l - and it is uur job to their training here. must be between 28 and 40 years 7:45 p. m. Phyl Willer is now in the trllf­ I Ch Htlgl: it." • The trainees, first to finish here, I fie division of station WING in of age, in good health, and should !:',l;aking of the magnitude o[ University c u b-Clubrooms of Include 372 from the basic phase, Iowa Union, 2 p. m. Dayton, Ohio. While at Iowa Miss hold a degree from an accredited tile cunfercnce, which wos at­ 1114 In personnel psychology, and Willci' had h I' own WSUI pro­ 80 in postgraduate engineering coliege and have a minimum of tcnded by over 500 univerSity :lI1d '(;minary students Crom 18 difl­ 'U. S. and You' Group grilm, "Fu~hions with PhylliS." work, according to Prot. F. G. three years' experience. e' ent nations, Miss Long soid " As every SaturdllY morning. She Illso Hlabee, director ot convocations. To Hear Professor fi Men who have had only two the week 110 sed, color of the sleJn. gave v -minu t newscasts. Convocation will be held in the J an Low II, known for her "Ra­ yeurs ot college may be considered BOB LICKS THE SPOON as he and his sister. Mr~ . John Andcrsun. ·hare 0/ the y s, and th ound In 'Y' Meeting Today main lounge of the Iowa Union at tion Pointers" program. is now a 10 B. m. The publlc is invited to if they huve had at least five years watch their mother, Mrs. Roscoe E. Taylor. 438 Lexinglnn avenu(', of the voict.! 011 vanished and only prepare one ot her tasty desserts. The corncr m which the ramily on thing remained of importance M rs . Ilse P. Laos. assistnnt pro­ ccmtinuity w r i 1 e r for station attend. of accounting experience and it K KN in Kansas ity, Kan. Basic trainees have had 36 is gathered is cheerful with lts Swedish red Icnlhcr uphul<;\rl'l'd - that we were all Christi:II1 ." teo or of romance languages, at 0 theil' college grades were above benches and table. The lime yellow woodwork is mnoe colurful wit.h Our prejudices and hatreds meeting of the "U. S. and You" weeks of work here, the personnel average. psychologists 24 weeks. and the bright ligures of grapes, peaches. appl s and other fruit (·ut frum thl' must b replaced by 0 working group of the ~ . W. C. A. und Y. University Graduate post-graduate engineers 12 weeks Engineers wbo will be granted "County Fall''' wall paper which adorns the UPfl£'l' part uf the wall9. Iotlh in Christ be Core w can re­ M). c. A. thIS aflel'l1oon at 41 of highly advanced training in commissions must be experienced The lower cupboards are painted empire green; thu~e abo~ ' e (J1't' or l'onstruct, MISS Long pointed out. o'clock in the "Y" conference Takes Peoria Position some military speciality. in the inspection of aircraft and lime yellow as are the venetian blinds. Something Mrs. l'(JyIOl' says "Either all men sholl be Cree, or rooms in Iowa Union, will uiscuss Col. Luke D. Zeoh is in com­ aircraft assemblies. They must be she wouldn't be without In her hondy kitchen is her spIe Cllpbo31'll, 11011 shall be free," she said. South Americon relations with the M. G. Davis, who received his mand of the entire A. S. T. P. unit between the ages of 25 and 38 and which she has cleverly convel·ted from an Ironing bouru closet. " I wish yuu could have been in UnJt d States. ductol' o[ philosophy degree in ed- here. Lieut. Col. Harold Schaub must have degrees Irom accredited that chapel on New Year's eve to University women in t rested In ucntion Crom the University ot and Lieut. Col. Emery Wells are colleges in aeronautical, electrical, Desserts are*** popular in the beaten egg ***whites to which h:JS see 500 students sitting there in children's hospital work \ViII meet Iowa in 1935, has accepted the po­ in charge of companies 1 and 2. or mechanical engineering. Some Taylor household and Mrs. Taylor been added one L!;p. vUlliliu oml silence ond in prayer. At mid­ at 4 o'clock this afternoon in con- sillon of superintendent of schools night, the climax ot the service, a ference rOom 2 of Iowa Union. in Peoria, IlL, school system. University staff members con­ experience with an aeronautical has many favorite recipes which one tsp. powdered sugar. have not been affected too much yo ung man from Berlin, Germany, Hours and activities will be a1'- Davis, superintendent of schools nected with the A. S. T. P. admin­ organization is also required. Butter the pan and line the istrative positions are Dean Harry A SKI AND SKA'flNG SUIt which by rationing. Among these la­ rose and offered prayer in his na­ ranged ond instructions given to ot Ames before he rec ived his de­ Newburn, administrator at basic wins highest honors for speed, torites is a Brown Su,ar Crumb bollom and sides with roll cd gra- tive tongue - and, likewise, a all those who wish to work, gree from the university. has phase and personnel psychology; style and performance is the Cake. ham crackers or vanilla wafers. young man from Sweden-and a whether a .y" 'member or not. served as superintendent of the el- Prot. William Coder, administra­ choice of most college girls for Brown Su,ar Crumb Cake Pour the mixture In pan. Then minister Irom Ceylon-all of There will be a spccial meeting ementary schools in Lake Forest, a 5 o'clock in the Y conference IlL, since 1935. tive assistant and Prot. Claude their winler weekend holidays. I ~ cups brown sugar them praying for the same thing, Among Iowa cover wilh more rolled crumbs 0 New YeoI' In which the will or room for those who are interest d He received his B.A. degree Lapp, coordinator of basic phase. The sky blue gabardine slacks are 2 cups flour in hospital WOrk but wnnt to at- from the UniverSity of Indiana in Prot. Kenneth Spence is coor­ lopped by a brown and yellow I tsp. cinnamon und chill. Scrve with whippetl God might b realized more fully." City People !h tsP. salt cream. Miss Long told the congregation tend the U. S. and You" m cling 1914 und his M.A. degree in 1920 dinator ot personnel psychology shepherd's check waistcoat-styled at 4 o'clock. at the University of Wisconsin. and Dean Francis Dawson is ad­ jacket, trimmed with a bl'Oad yel­ ~ cup lord thot the ecumenical church is on ministrator of post-graduate en­ low arrowed band. A crochet cap 1 egg the move around the world. She Mary Lou Borg of Des Moines expressed the hope tbot a [ter tbe gineering while Pro!. Edwin Kurtz that ties under the chin keeps out was a weekend visitor in the home 1 cuP. sour milk Dr. Herbert Spinden serves as coordinator. the winter blasts. 1 tsp. soda WOlf, the devastated cQuntries will of the Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Dierks, To Lecture Thursday s h(11 their greotest spiritual po- zao N. Clinton street. She left Mix dry ingredients (except See yesterday morning for Alpha, Ill., soda). Rub in fat as for biscuits. On Art of Mayans I lentiulit~es with us_.__ _ Forecast For where she has a teaching position. Keep out one-half cup of this Strub- Dr. Herbert J . Spimlen, curnlur • • • mixture. To the rest of the dry WSUI to Broadcast Vi>iting their sister, Ruth Jeanne Ingredients, add a beaten whole of American Indian art and primi­ Wareham's tive culturcs at the Brooklyn mu­ Jarvis of the Cadet Nurse corps, egg mixed with sour milk and Education Programs New Iowa Cil, Clubs this weekend wel'e Betty and soda. Pour into a 9-lnch coke pan seum and curutol' of Mcxicon ar­ Charles Jarvis of Cambridge, Ill. and spread the one-hall cup of chaeology ond ethnology nt the A new series of programs, "Let 1944 Peabody museum of Harvard uni­ F'reedom Ring." based u p 0 n -Plans and Meetings flour, SUiar and lat mixture on top. Bake in a moderate oven. versity, will give a public lecture scripts prepared by the United Suits Campus Camera Club A pretty dessert which may on "Maynn Art" in the auditorium States oWce of education, will NlVElI.Srn:* CLUB * * . Henry Sabin* *P. T*. A. tomorrow T Sh C 1M' also be used as beautifully for of the art building ThursdllY rot begin on WSUI at 7:30 tonight A partner bridge will be held 'n afternoon at 2:15 in the school 0 OW 0 or oVles party refreshments Is II Lemon 8 p. m. with "BiU 01 Rights." gymnasium. Custard In Merln&'Ue OuPS. Dr. Spin den, a I ading American Otber programs to follow for the the clubrooms of Iowa Union at Campus Camera club will hold 2 o'clock today for members of the Merlncue authority on the ancient civiliza­ next five weeks are "Trial by University club. Mrs. G. F . Robe­ LADIES ALLIANCE OF THE its iirst meeting of the semester 1$ tsp. salt tion of Mexico and Central Amer­ Jury," "Freedom of Speech." son, chairman of the affair, will be UNITARIAN CHURCH tonight at 7:30 in room 314 of the ~ tsp. vinegar ica, has written several articles on "Freedom 01 Press," "Freedom of assisted by Mrs. T. M. Rehder, The Ladies alliance of the Uni- chemistry building. All university '" isp. vanilla that subject, and has only recently Worship" and "The Right of Free­ Mrs. Hallie Stalcup and Bernice tm'ian cHurch will meet tomorrow students.' . faculty . m~mbers and 3 egg whites returned from Soulh Am rica. dom in the Home." Katz. at I o'clock for a luncheon in the I Iowa Clhans are mVlted to join 1 cup suiar home of Mrs. H. A. Mattill, 358 the club. . Add salt, vinegar and vanilla GROUP IV OF TnE FJRST Lexington avenue. Joh~ He~g~s ot ~he University to egg whites; beat to a stiff foam. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCII The program will consist at a extensIOn dl~lsion will show koda­ Add sugar slowly and continue Mrs. Fred Roegle. 2106 E. Court vio lin solo by Mrs. Himie Voxman. chrome movies an.d color shots of bealing until very stiff. Spoon 1n street, will be hostess tomorrow Mrs. Paul Olson will serve as her Guadalajara, MeXICO. . mounds on cooky sheet covered accompanist Iowa Navy Pre-flight school with plain ungreased paper; shape Is this wHat you've alternoon at 2:30 at the meeting of . photographer, Bill Plane, will dls- Group IV ot the First Presbyterian the cups with spoon. Bake in slow ROYAL NEIGHBOR LODGE play some of his navy pictures. church. A social hour will be held oven of 300 degrees for 35 min­ after the business meeting and Installalon of officers will take Those who are 35 mm. fans are utes. Remove from paper immed­ Lura Cochran will be the assisting place at the Royal Neighbors lOdge asked to bring 2 by 2 kodachromes iately. Cool and fill with Lemon wondered about the WAC? lomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in for projection. hOstess. Custard. the K. of P. halL Mrs. Lulu Miller I Lemon Custard will be installing officer and Mrs. HENRY SABIN P. T. A. I cup sugar John Evers will serve as cere­ Prof. Ralph Ojemann will speak % tsp. salt monial marshal. Following the Rebekah CommiHees on "The Post-Wal' Elementary 5 tbls. cornstarch ceremony a social hour will be School Program" at a meeting of 1 cups boilini water held. Mrs. William Kindle is in V:! 3 beaten egg yolks charge of refreshments. Announced in Meeting Juice of 2 lemons Medicine, Nursing DOUBLE FOUR Mrs. Fred Ralston, recently In­ 2 tblsp. grated lemon rind Bridge will be played and re­ stalled noble grand of Carnation Mix sugar, salt and cornstarch. freshments served at the Double Rebekah lodge No. 376, announced Slowly add water. Cook until Discussed in Panel Four meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. her 1944 committees at a meet­ thick, stirring constantly. Add a in the home of Mrs. Don Mcllree. ing Friday night in Odd Fellow small amount of the hot mixture 421 E. £'airchild street. hall. to the elg yolks, lemon juice and At Luncheon Meeting They lare Mrs. Kenneth Heath, rind; stir into the relnalnln, hot H. G. L. CLUB color bearer; Mrs. S. A. Fitzgar- mixture. Cook in a double boiler "Women in lhe Healing Arts" A potluck dinner at 12:30 p. m. aId and Mrs. Carrie Fryauf, flow- until thick (about 10 minutes). was a topic of a panel discussion Thursday will preced the business er committee; Mrs. John Kadlec, Chill and serve in meringue cups. by Lois B. Corder, director of the meetin gand sodal hour of the Mrs. Frank Humeston, Mrs. WilI­ Another suggestion for using school of nursing; Dr. Lois Boul- H. G. L. club. The gl'oup will meet iam Kanak and Mrs. Earl Calta, the mel'lngue cups is to fm them ware of student health, and Dr. in lhe home of Mrs. William Phil- burinl; Mrs. Carl Miller, Instruc- with Ice cream and pour over a Kate Daum, director of nutrition, lipps, route 6. tor; Mrs. Clayton Singleton, cus- chocolate sauce or fruit mixture. at a luncheon meeting Saturday todian; Mrs. Milo Novak, Mrs. Puddings are always good for 01 the American Association cf PAST NOBLE GRANDS OF Mary Roberts, Mrs. Chris Soren- topping off a meal and the Tay­ Q. "What kind of lob would I do?" University Women. CARNATION REBEKAH son and Helen Eichler, draping of lors are fond of them. Among A. Anyone ot iS9 types of Army jobs. All kind.! of special skills are bel' recipes Mrs. Taylor has sev­ Miss Corder discussed the Unit- LODGE NO. 376 the charter committee; Mrs. Em- needed-clerical workers, medical technicians. mechanics, teachers. eel States Cadet Nurses corps, Mrs. S. A. Fitzgerrald, 436 S. mett Potter, Mrs. Clarence Con­ eral excellent puddings. 0 n e Women without eqlcricnce can get expert Army training-in skill. for Which was organized to relieve Van Buren street, will be hostess over and Mrs. George Wanek, pudding which is easily made is the shortage of graduate nurses. to the Past Noble Grands of Car- finance, and Adeline Witzke, Miss the Soda Cracker Pu4dlnr. which they have natural aptitude. The accelerated program makes nation Rebekah lodge No. 376 Eichler and Mrs. Ben Kimmell, Soda Cracker Puddln,. It possible lo complete nurses' Thursday at 8 p. m. Assisting her sick committee. 3 egg whites tralnlnll in 24 or 30 months rather will be Mrs. Milo Novak of North The past noble grand's pin and 1 cup sugar than in the 36-month-period prev- Liberty, Mr~ . Carrie Fryauf and a corsage were presented to Mrs. 8 soda crackers broken into IO~aly required. Mrs. Ben Klmme.1. . I Carl Kringle, retiring noble grand, small pieces 'At the University of Iowa 181 After the meetmg a SOCial hour by her children Mary Lou and 1 cup nut meats out of the 194 cadet nurses ' are will take place. Cards wi.lI be Robert. Shirley ~nd Dale Ralston 1 tsp. vanilla len I 0 I' S taking their last six played and refreshmenis Will be and Marilyn Conklin presented Beat egg whites until stitt, months of training. Of this num- I served. their mothers, serving as noble gradually adding 5upr and the ber 12 have specified that they --- grand and vice grand, with bo\l- other ingredients. Bake in a mod­ wish to be in military service," RED .C~OSS . . quets. · erate oven in a pie tin. Top it Dr. Corder said. Kmttmg yarn Will be g~ven out Succeeding the meeting a 50- with whipped cream and sprinkle Dr. Boulware discussed wom- T.hursday v..:hen the A~erlca!l Le- cial hour was held with the out­ with crushed peanut brittle. Q. ''Wh_ would I .....n'? With wh.t en'. pOSition in medicine and the glOn rooms m Commumty ~ulldlng going officers in charge. If you have been ianoring reci­ branch of ,h. Army would l,efV.?" realOns women have entered the are ?pen for Red Cross ~ewmg and pes with whipped cream because A. Now-you may reqUelit yourflnt assign­ field. There are now B.OOO women c~ttmg from. 9 a. m. until 4:30 p. m. you can't buy whippini cream, ment in the part of the country where you . medicine, and five percent of Kit ,bagS w~lI be ma~e , and w()­ SUI President Talk try Mrs. Taylor's method of sav­ to enlist-nea.r enough to get home on a week­ I medica l classes are women men s bed Jackets Will be cut at President Virgil M. Hancher of ing the tops ot the bottle for sev­ 8 e said ' Thursday's session. The usual co- end pass. You may also choose your branch ~ the University of IOwa will be the eral days, add a pinch of salt and Belore' April, 1942. the navy operative lunch will be served at main speaker at a noon luncheon whip. of service-Army Ground Forces, Army 'Woul~ not commission women, but noon. meeting of the Kiwanis club today. Another of the popular pud­ Air Forces, or Army Service Forces. Trapunto Trimmed now it has asked for 600 women dings which Mrs. Taylor makes I! ROSARY SOCIETY OF and Very Worldly-Wise ph,slc ans. The army has estab­ ST. WENCESLAUS loan drive, bonds and stamps will an loe Box h4l11nr. IIlheq no quota. This explains The Rosary society of St. Wen­ be sold. Ice Box Pud4lnr Q." Aren', th .....nough Wac. wlthou' m.?" why Women ha ve not entered 1 V! cups sUlar An extra-special suit in an all-wool crepe lor ceslaus will meet in the church Heading the social committee A. No! General Marshall says: "Many , Jome branch of the serv ice as parlors Thursday at 6 p. m. for a will be Mrs. J . W. Howe, 'Mrs. % cup cold water important occasion.s . . . yet simple enough thousands more Wacs are needed." Unless Phlllclans, Dr. Boulware said. potluck dinner. Thomas Reese. Mrs. J . J . Lechky, 4 beaten eag yolks to wear with a tailored blouse or a sweater Belore April. 1942, women went Mrs. David Shipley, Kate Donavan. 4 beaten e,g whites more women join at once, the War Depart­ on any working day. Another Swaw')W1t 10 Canada or England, where they IOWA OITY WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Pearl Mann. Mrs. C. J . Lapp ~ cup butter .ment cannot meet the demands which come triumph of versatile styling in handsome coats ~~ commissioned on an equal The Iowa City Woman's club and Mrs. J. E. Briggs. 1 cup drained crushed pineapple in daily from Army Ground Forces, Army and auits that will add distinction to any ward­ ~ with men. will meet Friday at 2:30 p. m. in A nursery for children of club 1 tsp. powdered Bugar Service Forces. and Army Air Forces. robe. Sizes 10 to 18. Dr. Kate Daum discussed the the c I ubI' 0 0 m S ot Community members will be supplied in the RoJled g I' a ham crackers or theoretical view or dietetics since vanilla wafers o.t full d.tall. at the nearest the addreu.) Or write: The Adju. building. Lieut. Col. Emery Wells small U. S. O. lounge. Children Priced $39.95-0thers at $29.95 teedlni has become a science. of the college of engineering will are to bring their own toys. Melt one-half cup sugar and U. S. Army Recruiting Station. tant General, Room "16, Muni· TOday the army wants a thousand speak on "Army Engineers in one-fourth cup cold water in a (Your local post office will give you tiona Building,.Washingtoa. C. D. AS FEATURED IN VOGUE lrIdua~e dieticians. War," during which a film will be IOWA CITY WOMAN'S double bolleI'. Add IIradually 4 Exclusive with us. To obtain a degree now It is presented. CLUB BOARD beaten eli yolks, stirrlnll con­ to take an accelerated stantly until the mixture Is thick Baek Baek ~ble Mrs. H. Xoxman, violinist, ac­ Board members of Iowa City the _-year program. After this companied by Mrs. Gerald Buxton Woman's club will meet Friday at and smooth. Cool. Cream one­ THE ARM/( NEEDS WA(S.~. 'he AUll4lk Ib, araduate 18 required to enter will p I a y "Romance" (Wieni­ 12 M. for a potluck luncheon to half cup butler and gradually AUack 1 ' Buy Buy amzke) and "Baiera" (Burleigh). precede their monthly meeting. The work In 1 cup confectioner's • hoaPI~1 orianlzed to ,ive her a Bonds Bonds )ear', training, after which she "Happy Harmonizers" will also board meetin, will take place at sugar; add to the cool ell mix­ THE WAC NEEDS YOUI JOlnl the Dietetics association and sing a few selections. 1:30 p. m. and the club meetinll at ture. Add one cup of drained ,. WOIIIIUI'I AIM, COl" ( Itttpted by the army. In cooperation with the new wa~ 2:30 p. m. crushed pineapple. Fold In four PAGEFOmf !HE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA • TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 19«

. ------~~~----~------~----~----~--~---~------~~------~--~ . 'Pass Visitors 33 to 27

Brookfield, Former All-American, Stars For Iowa State

By WALLY STRINGHAM Dally Iowan Sports Writer In a breath-taking linish, the powerful Seahawks poured in three quick baskets to win over a strong Iowa State team 33 to 27, last night in the Iowa fieldhouse. The game was a see-saw battle througbout, with the Cyclones on top most of the way. Both teams put up a wonderful defense with neither squad getting any close in shots. It looked as though the game might go into an overtime period, but with one minute to play, Win­ ter placed a neat shot in from under the basket, tying the count 27 to 27. Brookfield, All-American now playing for the Cyclones, took the ball out of bounds and passed it straight into Nelson's hands who tallied for 2 points. From this ABOVE IS EARNEST KRANTH, from platoon A-5 c.f Cleve~d, Ohio, who has Just recovered from a point on, the Cyclones went to shoulder stand position on the bars and is ea",ht 1\S be swings 'down into a very oJttleult t,,\ng jumll pieces, letting the cadets 81re two along the bars. Kran\h was runner UP In the decathlon event of the Fre-M.eteorology Olympic games more easy baskets. wee's.. Th game was one of the hest, and cIa est fought battles wit­ nessed this season on the field of Moravia, Cal;f., shows a few of his buddies house lioor. Both teams fought WILLIAM EDWARDS, pietl/red above, has just reached the top to Meteorologists End Olympic Games Monday; the correct method of doing a handstand on the parallel bars as ~ hard and bitterly, taking advant­ &ouch. off aDd wia tbe 20 fool rODe cliD1bl .. event in the Pre-Meteor­ prefunlnary to competition In the Olympic week activities of 1\1t age of everY opportunity to score. olOClsts decathlon ~s part of the Olympic ~ames week. Edwards' time: Pre-Meteorology school. It was the Seahawks' 12th straight U lleconds. win, having lost to the Cyclones in Killian· Wins Mile Run in Record Time office all afternoon Sunday of next an early season encounter, which week to publicly let people call they revenged last night. me a liar if they don't see the heEl All of the cadets played well, Hawks AliemAI Bramham Suggests The enlisted members of the ation with ond on top of thc rest and horizontal bars, and dives and From The two games played in Iowa field but Murphy was the outstanding 56th Mcteorology detachment put of the Weathermen's work. stands on the sidehorse and buck. player, although Al Shirley came house in the past five years Frida, Private Ownership aside their storm clouds and sex­ The pentathlon, five events, was For men whose tra1ning does not out of the game on the long end of tants for the time being as they shaped to fit some of the previous and Saturday nights. According to thc score with 6 points. Brookfield, entered into "Olympic games" trainlng that lhe men had had and call for aoy sort of ~ntense phys­ Jaok Spencer, the Davenport ace the Cyclone center, was the leatI­ To Hp,ld Lead Preferable to Farms Sidelines guard, these two games the boys competition, featuring a complete called for a cross countrY run, a ical program the boys of the • • • ing scorer on both quintets, as he are really going out (or and even week of track, (ield, decathlon and trip around the boys own, hand meteorology school herc set some by hit the hoop for 9 points. Burk, To fAeet lIIini Here DURHAM, N. C. (AP)- W. G. pentath Ion sports, events. made, obstacle course wearing a interesting records. though Illinois has suffered two fhe hard working cadet guard, 13ramham, minor league baseball's Such events as the mile run, gas mask, jumping into the water Pvt. Cj1arles D. Spencer of the Yoke defeats at the hands of the Badg· went out late in the game on fouls. Friday, Saturday boss, sugggested yesterday that won in four minutes, 34 .9 seconds tully clothed and swimming 200 sixth platoon completed ttie 100 ers this last weekend they are I good team and the one for Iowl Iowa Slale FG FT PF TP In League Battle private ownership of teams is pre­ by Robert Killian, 7th platoon, yards, the shot put, and marks­ yard dash course in 10.85 seconds I would say if I didn't know bot­ Whedhe, Ray, f .... 2 1 3 5 from Cedar Rapids, were included manship. running barefoot on a snowy track. ter that this weekend's activities to beat if she is going to continue Whedhe, Roy, L .... 1 1 0 3 ferred to the farm system and that A decathlon or tcn event sports The 220 low hurdles event was to get a lookin on the conference. The intense incentive to remain in the individual events while the in the sporting whirl of Iowa City Naylor, f ...... 1 0 1 2 now is the time to revamp sprawl­ decathlon and pentathlon programs program followed with each pla­ won by Daniel A. Reinman of first And they are. Myers, t...... 0 1 0 1 unbeaten and therefore to con- ing idle loops into compact cir- allowed each ·platoon to send two toon's team having to run the platoon in 26.2 seconds. had turned out just about as I According to Dad Schroeder Brookfield, c ...... 4 1 1 9 tinue sharing the conference lead­ cuits. • men into five and ten event com­ hundrcd yard dash, toss the jave­ Platoon A-I took the top honors thought they would. The wrestling the rna ii-in sales of tickets for Oulman, g .. 3 1 2 7 ership will needle the University Bramham offered his ideas in a petition. lin, broad jump, high jump, run for the week posting 152'1.1 indi­ match was good to see for a tbe coming fraei have been qu,lte Sauer, g ...... 0 0 1 0 of Iowa basketball team in its typewritten statement that dealt The entire program callcd for the 220 low hurdles; and then com­ vidual and collective points, out­ change but Wisconsin had quite phenomenal for a war time year. game with title-defending Illinois with the sports' post-war prob­ 23 events to be spread out over a pete in the apparatus events, a flanking its closest contender, A-3, a dearth of talent and it turned Plans are now underway 10 an Totals ...... 11 5 8 27 here Friday and Saturduy. lems, a subject which a major­ week's limc to be done in coHabor- rope climb, tricks on the parallel by 22 'h points. into a complete rout for the Navy build bleacbers around the flo ol ( • ight. boys. Wit.h all that muscle floating Seahawks FG FT PF TP Winner of seven games, two of minor committee will study in New ------~------to take care of the overflow. chicken Murphy, r ...... 2 1 1 5 which wcre with league foes, the York on Feb. 5. around over there we should.n 't • •• . ~ tarted Wilcoxen, f...... 2 0 1 4 Iowans will meet a desperate Illi­ He also repeated a previous sug­ have much trouble Winning this One of the grea test unsung h& . light. Schutz, L ...... 0 0 0 0 nois team Which has broken even gestion that rehabilitation of base­ Byron Nelson Finishes 13 Strokes Under Par war. roes of the basketball season Ih.'l Game Played Friday night's ba$ketbaU game A1su~ Shirley, c ...... 3 0 2 6 ball starts in the schools and that year is going to be Doyle McNally, c ...... o 0 0 0 Team Statistics promotional work should strive for To Take S10,000 San Francisco Open was cOmJ)letely terrible from the the cage kids' trainer. It's not .\'1 Burk, g ...... 2 1 4 5 Indtvidual quality-not quantity-in the es­ spectator's point of view. The much the matter that he k~~ All Games (7) only t,JUnr that lifted it out of Winter, g ..... ~ ...... 2 1 3 5 tablishment of new loops. them in too condition and that tbJ , G FG FT FTM PF"fP A gag for "eruptive employees To Try·New Tsoldier's uniform today, chalked up the depths of despair on the en­ boys all respect and deeplY !iit Nelson, g ...... 3 2 1 8 McSpaden Wins 2nd Ives, 1 ...... 7 56 15 13 6 \'2.7 and others who allegedly have re­ a final round 71 and at the 14th tertainm.ent angle was the ex­ Doylc that makes him stand ou~ Danner, f ...... 7 42 10 6 1~ 94 Place Followed By cellent music by the navy baud It's his silent watchfulness tH21 II Ii==~ Totals ...... 14 5 12 33 tired in predicting the death of hole yesterday was deadlocked lierwig, c ...... 7 14 13 12 16 41 with McSpaden fOI' second place. and ODe of the most inspiring makes him probably the most in· Score at half: Iowa State 17, the tree from which they are Mangrum, Byrd Tie Gratton, g .... 7 14 5 3 6 33 plucking, or have plucked, the Foul Rule He flopped on the next two holes. exhibition of tUlllbllng to be teresting person of a very color· Scahawks 14. Postels, g ...... 7 10 11 8 16 31 f r u i t" was recommended and Byrd, one time outfielder for the seeD around the nrldwest in ful leam. Free throws missed: Iowa State SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Byron Spencer, g .. 7 8 7 12 10 23 Bramham also slapped at the prac­ New York Yankees, ended up with years. The cadets tos ed each On a recent trip to Mlnneap· - Ray Whedhe 3, Naylor 3, Myers, By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN Nelson of Tol do, Ohio, clinched Walter, t ...... 5 7 2 2 3 16 tice in which some officials wink a par 72 and he and Mangrum di­ olher around like U was )lothing. olis it was Doyle's lot to follow Brookfield 2. Seahawks-Wllcox­ Magnusson, c 5 4 0 0 7 8 at player and salary limit Viola- CHICAGO (AP)-For the last Lirst place in the $10,000 San vided third and fourth place prizes, Lieutenant Loken alia Harr, the boys around and see thal en, Burk 2. Kremer, g .... 5 2 0 3 4 4 tions. year, Bill Chandler,' Marquette Francisco victory open tournament each wining $1 ,062.50. both natlenal gymnastics cham­ they didn't I'd Into any trouble OWcials: Vic Young and Jack aughes, f ...... 4 1 0 0 5 2 Foreign 01' chain-store owner- basketball coach, has been Cham-I yesterday when he posted a linal .George Fazio of Pine Valley, pions, should tour the country and that they got back to their North. ship is desirable only when it has pioning a rule change which would round of 70 for a 72-hole total of N. J., comparative newcomer to the on a barnstorm trip after the hotel on time. 158 63 59 84 379 been definitely determined that permit a player charged with foul' 275, 13 strokes under par for the circle, toured the course war. They were truly superb. Probably the dirtiest job of al Ives averaged 18 1/7 per game local ownership lacks experience. personal fouls to continue in the Harding park public course. in 70-72-73-73-288, even par. Maybe the navy should just that Doyle has to do is pay all III Danner averaged 13 3/ 7 per fina nces or would ad contrary to game after a three-minute "rest" Nel$on put together rOl,lnds or Three tied at 289- Art Bell, San forget all about basketball and checks. It is the custom for Ill' Wreslern taq~rs game the best interests of the sport, the on ~he bench. 68-69-68 and 35-35-70 bis last Franchco, and Mary Fry of Oak­ have the cadets and officers cavort boys to go out after each game an~ Team statement sald. The proposal so completely cap- being the least impressive. For the land, both former California open around to the accompaniment of get something to eat. So it is tM Do inate p. ct~fe All Game$' (Wd'n 7, Lost 0) FUU considel'ation of the war- tured the (ancy of the Chicago first time during the tournament champions, and John Bulla of Chi­ the band. You could fill tbe place custom of Doyle to tag along, f(; Ft fTM PF TP AVG. time \\hitt in popUUition should be basketball wriler~ association yes- he hit a bad tee shot yesterday, cago. Bulla took second place in wlth that kind of athletics. Not lect the checks and pay for Iowa .... 158 63 59 84 379 54 1/ 7 gIven in reorganizing the leagues terday that it arranged for the driving out of bounds on the 15th the Los Angcles open. with the booking of wholly un­ when thc time comes. By FRANK ECK Op...... 80 49 52 99 209 296/ 7 which have suspended for the du- Marquette-DePaul game at Chl- to take a bogey 5. Olhcrwise he The leading war bond prize­ classed teams to play the SC!l ­ AP Feal.ures Sports Writer winners in the tournament follow, Big Ten Games Only ratio n, Bramham pointed out. cago stadium Friday night to be played safe all the way, hitting hawks' power-drunk cngel's. End Tonight! NEW YORK- Basketball giants (Won 2, Lost 0) played with it in effect lor the practically every green and mostly with their 72-hole scores and • • • -"goal tenders" they call them­ FG FT FTM PF TP AV? Cawthorn Doubts Lirst time. Cbandler and the young taking the standard two putts. prizes: The Iowa-A u gus tan a farce "So Proudly We Hail" are comIng oul of the west and its Iowa ...... 28 18 18 24 74 37 H Q. De Paul coach, Ray Meyer, who He three putted the fifth from 50 Byron Nelson, Toledo, 9, (275) proved one thing at least. The sec­ "Leather Burners" environs this winter and promise Op ...... 24 15 14 32 63 31 1fJ utson ' Mecans utt still is smarting from his flrst feet, but more than made up for $2400. ond tcam is as good as the first to dominate the national picture. 'Ii Ik H It' T defeat in 14 games at Valparaiso this defection with birdies on the Harold McSpaden, Phijadelphia string. At least when the fi r~t Each section will have a cham­ in two conference games and must a ! 0Pe$ . s rue university Saturday night, agreed 4th, 6th, 10lh and 12th. (281) $1600. stri,ng is playing as badly as they pion Oi' a leader, of course, out win both contcsts to stay in the to the experiment. Nelson took down first prize of Lloyd Mangrum, Monterey Park, did that night. You boys arc going from early season games the west race. AI' ~ealure s "After the 10urth foul has been $2400 in war bonds. CaUf. (283) $1062.50. to have to go some to beat the holds the upper hand, nationally. Hawkeyes will be given ,1 lot 01 FT. WO~TH, Tex-Pete ~aw- called on a player," Chandlel' said, His chief rival, Harold "Jug" Sam Byrd, Detroit (283) IIlini with that kind of play. DePaul university of Chicago, a oUense work this week, because tl)on doubts that pon Hutson s re~ " he will be required to sit on the McSpaden of Philadelphia, took $1062 .50 . They still have the potential national court leader for tbe la~t of this indifferent basket-shooting tfrem'i.~t as an active pl~yer 101 bench for a period of threc minutes seco.nd Prize with a 72-hole total Georlle Fazio, Pine Vallcy, N. J ., power to &wecp the Bii Ten con­ J 0 years, has a whale of a quintet at times in the Augustana game the Qreen Bay Packers will stick. before becOll'ilng eligible to return 6r 281, six shots behinq the winner (288) $675. ference crown right out of tbe I with veteran George Mikan, 6 foot would be fatal against a sharp eon- 'B~t th.~ coach of 'the Brooklyn to ~hc game. On every loul there- but still seven under par. McSpad­ J ohn ~ulla, Chicago (289) $450. hands of the Hoosiers and anyone 8 3/ 4 inch center, the spearhead. !crence ioe. However, the tealn ?od(cr tootbail ~am surely hopes aLter, he also will have to sit It den, who won the Los Angeles Art Bell, San FranciSco (289) $450. that misses ei.thor o! those games The Blue Demons averaged 70 has averaged 54 points per game, It'does. out lor three minutes before re- open and $4375 in war bonds a wHh minois this weekend iust points a game in their first eight whUe Illinois, in winning seven is uncanny," says turning." · week ago, picekd up $1600 in Mark F'rY, qakland (289) ,450. "T~at le~low doesn't know good basketball battles. of ten, bas an average of 49.4. ',\'exan Whlo las Chandler pelievcs that in addi- bonds yesterday. Harry Coo per, Minneapolis tl;l~ d,raw~ng s~nt when he sees it. I'll be here at the With MJkan going wild he ap­ In ge~eral, Illinois has met bet- season In the artdtrbn s btg-time. tion to giving the aggressive player Lloyd Mangrum of Monterey (291) $250. pears cerlain to break his 242 total ter competition than bas Iowa, for "1 tho~t ~ had .seen some good a I'lair break," it will increase ~he Park, Calif., and Sam Byrd of De­ Ellsworth Vines, Montorey Park in 23 con tests lasl season. Coach Illinois broke even with Great pass receivers until I. saw Hutson. livelinel)s of the game from the troit, finished in a tie for third Calif. $250. ' Ray Meyer, ex-Nolre Dame star, Lakes and Wisconsin and defeated Now I k~ow there 1', only ONE spectators' angle. Players with place at 282. Mangrum, who dons . Joe Kirkwood Jr., Philadelphia employs Mikan botb on offense Kentucky. Michigan is the only p as receiver IIhd that s ~utson- three fOUls hanging over ~hem it (294) $160. and defense but the bespectacled other team to whip them. h'e's' all. b.Y himself." ill argued, will not tend to e,!se 'Off W. A. Stackhouse, Sequin Tex. but instead of doing that, I always (294) $160. " giant has two sharp-shooting for­ Dick . Ives, Iowa freshman for- for fear of going out. They will be get a box of toothpicks before a wards in Dick Triptow , nd George John Revolta, Evanston III ward, maintained his average of by Dave Danner, the other foe-I as a&geessive as ever, and maybe game and break each one into little (294) $160. ' ., Stump. Then tbere's "LIttle Eddie" slightly more than 18 points ~er ward, ,:!ith 94 lor 13 3/ 7 average. more so. pieces during the ordeal. .. . They Mikan, George's kid brother wbo game. He now has . 127, followed Otb'er ~owa scorers in ora~r. are Tho veteran officia l, Nick are in II. neat pile if we win ,lnd slands 6-6. Lloyd Herwig, center, 41 ; Jim Kearns, said t\lat Chandler's prO­ scattered all over if we lose." G,rafton, 33; Ned Postels, 31; and posal would result in games bcing Jack ~ncer, guard8, 23 . .,layed mostly (rom the {ree throw eorse B. Selden Iowa has made 158 field goals line. Il1vel1led to opponents' 80. Hawteye free • • • ~owi,ng, ~owever, Is less suc,ess­ Art Morse, Chicago attorney Ihe firsl tw, tor \he team has ~unk o~~ wrio I.;; promoting the wcekly bas­ TODAY and WEDNESDAY ti ~ulomobile 51 % on 63 made and 59 missed: ketpall doubleheaders at the sta­ I dium, ha ~ had a reel of movies LUm Ind A Pal .. alenled Ihe H..-ilew WlAi .uo. '·L.'~ taken of coaches sweating it out G,ound Blad. fo, coole" -HElD (OIIFOI:TillYSIUG on the bench while their teams are 11- quic~er, "fealherTouch" ,having It's 110 In action ... One sequenc · shows THE larly­ Ed "Moose" Krause of Notre Dame place by WA1"'NITON dentist'. fprmula. breaking uP toothpicks . ... ~a\Jse WONDER LDr.Weme/.'sPow­ e.xplair\ ~: "Some coaches sweat JOYS! de!' IetB -)'0\1 enjoy aod raM and boil 011' the bengh, .oIid roode-avoid embarrlJ88ment of looae platel. Helpe 4.o.Wernet'apow­ prevent !lOre rums. derla punI, baritI\i!18 ~''=~'':''L,.:':::I Dr. Wernet's Po~Jer ,~ ,~~~~~.~ USI I AlI L r ~l SIIIINC PLAT( - I ... .-..... ' ...... ST... 'II' .... ., J·ow O f P ! N ,HJ WOHI () J TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1944 THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA • PAGE FIVE OFFICIAL BULLETIN Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 4:10 in room I CRRISnAN SCIENCE (anol Pipeline Once Necessary I~?.!!~~~~~~~. ~~D SOL H,\VnESS~ON HOLLYWOOD- (Continued from page 2) 22lA, Schae!fer hall The services OItGANIZATION oC the educational placement office Members of Christian Seiene.. bathing lults. Lin& Roman, ,.. . , wllI be explained and suggeslions organization will hold a half-hour given Cor writing applications. service Wednesday evening at 7 CUpt'. ' . with Bette Davis, Claude Rain lI£LEN M. BAJlNE According 10 Kansas G~olqgjsl I ==~~:~er TAJNEERS o'clock in room 10, Schaeffer hall. and Bob Shayne. Turned out to Actin,. Dlre-clor, Motion pictures will be shown Educational "Placemenl Office RUTH JEFFERSON be Moliy Lamont, British girl who "The Canol proj eet, like the Ai­ at a meeting 01 Iowa Mountaineers Presidenl I ieft pictures several years ago Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in room 223, CRAFT CLUB can highway, was a mllltal·y ne­ Navy Band to Play i when she married. "Now my hus- engineering building. A meeting oC Craft club will be WEDNESDAY EVElI.'ING cessity of the early days of the 'MaSic Flute,' Czech band's busy with bis aircraft job," . J. EBERT held Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in MU Ie HOUR war," said Dr. L. R. Laudon, head she says, "and as I haven't, un­ Pre1lident the craft building west of the Kathryn Rose, A4 of Story City, of the geology depst'tment of the F.olk Tunes Thursday women's gymnasium. Hawkeye will present a piano selection, l{niversity of Kansas, last night in fortunately, any chi I d r e n, I GRAD ATE PLACEMENT pictures will be laken. AU pros­ "Carnaval, opus 9" (Schumann), lecturing on tbe subject "Oil from This week's radio concert by the thought I'd set back to work." ETDfG pective members oC Craft club are Wednesday night over WSUI at Ibe Arctic." band of the Iowa Navy Pre-Flight She had .>tepped in on short notice A meeting for all graduates who invited to come. 8 o'clock.. A studio audience is wel­ arc interested in ecuring teaching Dr. Laudon stated that early in school, which alrs Thursday at 8 to replace Dorothy Tree, a flu PIIYLLIS SHAMBAUGH come. the war, after the Japanese .d positions for the next year will be p. m., is highliAthted by two out­ victim .... It may be early to say President PROF. ADDJSON ALSPACH invaded the Aleutian islands, there held Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 4:10 it, but "The Song of BernAdette" in room 221A, Schaeffer hall. Willi actual danger of their invasion standinf compositions, one from NEWMAN CLUB IOWA MOUNTAINEERS of Alaska. At the .same time Ger­ the present and one from the past. -regardless of fine contenders like Emphasis will be placed on uni­ verslty and college placements. Members of Newman club will The Skating schedule for this many was sinking American tank­ Outstanding from the classic is "Tender Comrade," "Madame Cu­ meet tonight at 7 o'clock in roonl week is Thursday evening and ers so rapidly that the United Mozart's overture "The Magic rie" and others-looks like a cinch PLACEl\IE, TT MEETING 107, Macbride hall. Sunday afternoon. Stales :found it almost impossible A LARRY BARRE'M' Flute." Jar 0 m i r Weinberger's for an Oscar, as does Jenifer Jones meeting of all seniors expect­ R TO NOR IAN to ship oil from the Gulf of Mexico in the title role. ing to teach next year will be held President Chairman to the eastern seaboard without "Czech Rhapsody" is based on old fatality. Experts who planned and folk tunes of 'the composer's native plotted the course of the highway land. Written for orChestra in POPEYE and the Canol project saw a defi~ 1941 it was later transcribed for nite need for a petroleum source concert band. as l).ear Alaska as possible and The third feature of the broad~ started on the hundred million cast will be a composition for dollar project which would pipe three clarinets entitled "T~e oil trom Canada into the heart of Blind Mice," by Carleton Colby. Alaska. I Musicians Donald McGinnis, Gor­ Now that Japan is no longer so don Terwilliger and Robert N. threatening an enemy, the need Bates will perform ihe solo pas­ for the pipeline has decreased, ne sages. ~aid. The complete program of the "The part playcd by Canada in concert is as follows: "Fidelity ,lis project is particularly im­ Mar c h" (Blankenburg); "The portant today," stated Dr. Laudon, Magic Flute Overture" (Mozart); "as she truly played the part of "Czech Rhapsooy" (Weinberger); a good neighbor in allowing the "Three Blind Mice" (Carleton United States to develop Canadian Colby); ''Sol A Sevilla," a Spanish resources to defend Alaska. Petro­ march (Jose Jordana); '"Four leum resources are declining today Rhythmic Oances," a descriptive and this means 'a sacrifice in the suite, (Heywood S. Jones), and future on her part." "On the Mall March" (Goldman). Dr. Laudon stated that while the "The concert band of the Pre­ possibilities of the project look Flight school is under the dlrec­ eKtremely good, they may not be tion of Chief Musician J. J. Court­ realized. Legislators are today de­ ney. bating whether or not the project is worth the remaining 30 million dollar investment. Serving as ch ief of engineer3, Prof. N. C. Meier's Dr. LaudOn spent the summer Book Commended By months mapping and photograph­ ing the Alaskan route of the 700 Military Authority mile pipeline now being built over the McKenzie mountains. His lec­ Prof. Norman C. Meier's book, ture, sponsored by Sigma Xi, was "Military Psychology," the first of -Nursery Rhyme Settings I accompan ied by illustrated colored its kind ever published in English, stills and movies showing the ter­ has been praised as "a valuable ritory ov-er which he and other study on an important subject" by • Ail castles have* * cornerstones- * -still shedding* *leal'S * into the lit-• geologists were traveling. Col. C. H. Lansas, military expert even doll castles! tle pond nearby. of the Chicago Tribune. Dr. Laudon, an Iowa graduate, Colleen Moore's doll house, now Immediately inside the gate and received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. In his review of this book, "a degrees from the University of step in the right direction in the on exhibition in the recreation to the right is the famous "Rock:­ Iowa between 1928 and 1930. He application of psychology," Colonel hall of the Methodist church, is a-bye baby" nursery rhyme tree, HENRY CARL ANDERSOl!! has been with the University of Lansa declared t hat Professor no exception. with the wind rocking the pearl Kansas as head of the geology de­ Meier's work can be suitably used This particular cornerstone-one st.udded cradle in its topmost partment for two years. as a guide for officers In the vari­ inch by two inches-was placed in boughs. The bough, contrary to ous aervices. the doll mansion on April 5, 1935, the rhyme, is stiU unbroken. by Sarah Delano Roosevelt, when If you arc a firm believer in Chicken House Fire she visited the faJ ryland home in fa iry stories, you would expect to A blaze in the chicken house at B row n gravy without meat? New York City and dedicated it see the real Cinderella, 101' her the Dale W. Welt home, 1610 E. Here's howl-Brown vitaminized to the crippled children of Amer­ silver pumpkin coach and four sil- College street, was responsible for margarine over low heat, add flour ica. ver horses are on the mirror path an alarm shortly after 9:50 Sunday and brown the two together. Add The entire castle, 1,2 feet h 19h near the weeping willow. ,ight. An overheated stove in the bouillon cube, water and .season­ and 7 feet square, is, as Mary Ann Jus t outside the two-st.ory chicken house Is believed to have ings. Cook until smooth and thick- Burns, who travels with the doll etched-glass window in the hall "1 slarted the fire. Damage was ened. It's delicious over mashed house, says, "a fairyland in itself." i3 the old gum-drop tree with h . light. . potatoes! ! ! Everyone of the 200 pieces of blossoms of rubies and pearls on the 6,000 pound house and the its boughs and branches. 2,000 separate pieces of furniture The feathered nightingale, the are built to exact scale, one inch Wizard of Oz, and ev n Old Santa to one foot. with his sleigh and reindeer are ~ ! ,baily Iowan Want Ads The "wrought-iron" gate in the there. garden wall looks like a gate at Father Neptune is thel' too, in any royal paiace. Just inside the his sea-shell chariot drawn by six tIIi.t'oul *** LOST *AND * FOUND* gate, which is flanked by two sea horses with water spraying BRICI BRADFORD CLARENCE GRA't CLASSIFIED columns bearing small scale-per­ i"om their mouths. DUMps· OF TilE CAV~LRY PAR~ BLOOM fect electric lanterns, is the royal ADVERTISING LOST-Gray Parker "51" pen, A 161h century carving oC a 1l0WLING TE~ROR SEIZED THE Tf~ THOUSANb "'UK''':::' RATE CARD sterling silver cap. Reward. fairy land orchestra. beautiful maiden and a satyr, and ! • x486. Anyone familiar with the story an 18tb century Fleroi 'h plaque of Aladdin and his famous wish­ CASH RATE of ivory from which hang tiny LOST - Waltham watch between ing lamp will recognize the royal red enameled hearts, as well as lor2days- court as the garden in which two ivory statues or Venus, grace 10e per line per day Hotel Jefferson and Union. Re­ ward. 3313. Aladdin found himself after his the Garden of Love. 3 COIlBecutive day&- wonderful dream. Even the china-potlcd plants 7c per Une per day In tbe center of lhe garden is on, the steps to the library porch e consecuti~e day&- LOST-Blonde leather wallet con- fic per line per day taining personal papers, black the weeping willow-lhe only are built especially for tile doll 1 month- kid gloves, blue leather compact. true weeping willow in the world house. 4c per line pel:' day Please return papers. Betty Ladd. -Figure 5 words to lIn_ 322 N. Clinton. Minimum Ad-·'l linea Drunk Driving Charge SKATE SHARPENING for Anamosa Parolee ClASSIFIED DISPLAY Skates sharpened. Hock Eye Loan 60c col. Inch Company. Robert Wingler, 22, route 4, on Or $5.110 per month parole from thc Anamosa reforma­ FOR SALE tory where he was sentenced in All Want Ads Cash In Advance Panble at Daily Iowan Busi­ FOR SALE-Complete dance band 1941 on a charge of manslaughter, a_ oUlce daily until 5 p.m. library, also stands with ligh ts. I, was arrested by Iowa City police Call N. Beck. X495. Saturday night on a charge of CIDcellatlona must be called In NATIONAL PRESS nUll.DlNG drunken driving. before 5 p.m. W ANTEO-:Laundry shirts 9c. Flat finish ' 5e pound, D i a I 3762. JP ASfllNGTON, D. C. Charged with drunken driving BeipODllbie for one Incorrect in connection with the manslaugh­ Insertion onJ.v. Longstreth. By ANNE GOODE ter charge, Wingler was paroled WANTED-Plumbing and heatinl{. to his father after serving two and Larew Co, Dial 9681. Washington aut h 0 r i tie s say one-half years of his eight-year chances are slender that civilians sentence. DIAL 4191 \ INSTRUCTION will get more gasoline in 1944. In DANCING LESSONS - ballroom, fact, unforseen mltitary require­ ballet tap. Dial 7248, Mimi ments might necessitate regional FURNfTum: MOVING Youde Wurlu. • • • AM ERICA- Brown'. Commerce Collele WPB has lifted all restrictions (Continued from page 2) Iowa City'. Accredited on the use of wool in production oC ~~HER BROS. TRANSFER BUliDea School clothing, draperies and upholstery a post-war national income of 120 J . Ifticlent Furniture Mov1Dl ' fabrics. Ban continues on finer billion by the same methods, con­ • Ask About Our Eltablilhed 1921 OLD HOME TOWN BY STANLEY grades of alpaca except for mili­ tinuing deficits will exceed debt ROOM AND BOARD BY GEm' AHERft . ARDROBE SERVICB Day School Nilbt School "Open the Year 'RoUDd" tary use. retirement, and we will constanUy IAL - 9696 - DIAL Dial 4682 • • • owe more and more. As pointed WI'rr, 'IOU o,o.~ For quick casserole toppings, out in my book, "Out of Debt, Out GAL.OOr!···THE keep a covered jar of margarined of Danger," the only solution is to 1ll...Oo.PE FELL 0lJl' bread crumbs in yoLlr refrJgerator. divorce our money from our debt. OF THATOL"O BREAD'ICNIFE Mix one part melted vitaminized Only then will full employment, ! margarine . with two parts dry high national income, and reduc- ,··,.EU- PINKY bread crumbs. tion of debt, all three, become pos- 10 GIVE 'IOU A CAR'{ING KNIFE, • • • sible. • ..THEN GO Got 'roubles! Crarlberries are the latest thing MR, SAXo.N REPldES: Let's OUT IN WE in the "dehydrated" 1~ld. Sliced Iface facts. World War I also doub­ ALLEY! and packed in jars or glassine en- led national income; yet in tbe -Don't Waste Valuable Time velo'pes, an ounce of the dried ber- next 20 years, including the de­ rles will make a pound and a half pression, income averaged prac- Worrying Ov.r· Lost Articles, of sauce. ticany the wartime peak. Over the • • • next centu~, we'll top the 150 II you can't think ot a salad to billion dollilr mark. With a tax­ Employees, or Someone to Do Your ,. "freshen" up yoUr winter's dinner, take of only 23 % for all govern­ try an old .fashioned frUit salad- ment (the 1938 level), we can re­ Laundry while the Littl. Woman', on th. Swing mlIJie with the liuit you canned deem the debt slowly, but hon­ this summer,. of course. Dice an estly. We .need no white rabbits. Shift. apple for extra crispness; blend in We need only to unshackle aari­ mayonnaise for extra flavor. And culture, labor 8'nd industry from don't forget to use real mayonnaise the dead hand of bureaucracy­ USE THE DAlt YIOWAN WANT ADS. -the kind with eggs, Oil, vinegar return government to its proper \ and seasonings - then you won't functions of regulator and pQlice­ You'll Be Glad You Dldl have to worry about it getllng man rather than dictator of our watery when added to oth~r in- competitive profit system and all gredientli. economic life. PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, tOWA TUESDAY, JANUARY lB, lW 'Sound Off,' Army Production,' 'SOUND OFF' HOSTESS DISREGARDS RULE I Emmet C, Gardner HOLC IGNORES OPA; SHE'S OUSTED Many Rural Districts Appointed Chairman Falling Below Quota Ready for Last Rehearsals Of Rural Bond Drive In Waste Fats Drive .------Emmet C. Gardner, director 11 University Women Although Iowa City residents ==- the county extension seL'vice, was have almost filled their quota II f1VE Will Participate; New Pistol Practice appointed rural bond drive chair- the collection of waste fats, rural ==- Music to Be Featured man for the Fourth War Loan districts have been especially ne'4' City Policemen Learn drive which begins today, it was I Jigent in turning in waste fau, As "Sound ocr," the army show To Hit Mark announced by Frank D. Williams, according to Mrs. Albert Husa Jr, to be presented in the University and Ben S. Summerwill, co-chai.·- Johnson county chairman of worn- men of the bond drive Cor John- en's salvage activities. thea leI' this weekend, goes into "Ready, aim, fire," is popular son county. orne rural townships art its last few days oC rehearsal, final police stallon vernacular since Township chairmen ror the without a contribution," she said. acts and skits have been arran&ed, target practice became a routine rural bond drive recently appoint- " With 30,000 people in JohnllOli some or which include university with Iowa City policemen. At a ed to have charge of the campaign I county, 15,000 pounds of discard- women. rifle range in the basement below in each township of the county ed fat a month could easily be Ticket sales for the show show the station, the men are trained met in the fnrm bureau offif'e turned in." an encouraging interest in the pro­ twice each week in the art of Saturday to make final plans for Rural families may leave waste duction, which is being produced handling a gun. The sound of the campaign. fats at stores in their vicinity rll - entirely by army tal en t. bullets piercing the target at the Chairmen apPOin ted Cor the 2 l collection by a truck. Let\en Several university women have end of a darkened, 43-foot range townships are M. A. Stahle of telling where collection truca been included in one skit, which Ru proves the men's aim. Solon, Big Grove: Glen Gleason s h 0 u I d be sent may be ad. . satirizes a night at the USO. Two rounds are shot by each of Sololl. Cedar; P. C. Springmire dressed to Mrs. Albel·t Husa, 324 Jeanne Gittins. Al oC Sioux City, man, ten with a .22 and 10 with of Tiffin, Clear Creek; Joh n R. Fairchild street, Iowa City. Marjorie Blair, A4 of Dubuque, a .38 caliber revolver. Each man O'Connor of Lone Tree, Fremont; Because of the critica l need, De Eugenia Manoon. A2 of Aledo, loads his own ammunition with a Merrill Douglas oC West Branch, Mrs. Husn UJ·ges the followin& Ill., Fritzi Mathis, A2 of Des reloading machine. Graham; Mead J. Le ney oC Ox- women to act as "spark-plugs" in Moines, Abbie Morrison, Al of Since Sept. 8, an official scor- ford, Hardin; Frank A. Ziskovsky theil' communities to remind indi. ' LO: Onawa, Mary Lou Link, A2 of ing chart listing individual com- of Swisner, Jefferson; J . L. Yeggy viduals to turn in waste Cats: to Bri Waukon, Mickey Shuttleworth, At petitive scores has been kept at ot Riverside, Liberty; Emil Meyer Mrs. G. J. Dinsmore and MI"l. same· of New York, N. Y., Ann Tra¥\!, the station. Of a possible 100, Pa- of Lone Tree, Lincoln; Joseph W. Wade Ru ssell, West Lucas; Hed. IQr ru A4 oC Kansas City, Mo., and Polly trolmen Art h u r Schnoebelen, Miltner, Ro~te. 6, East Lucas. RENT REGULATIONS of the Office 01" PrICe Administration don't wig Showers, East Lucas; Mrs. A. Pra Norment, A2 of Glen Ellyn, Ill., James Ryan and Laurance Ham - Eve~'ett Williams, Route .4, West Iapply to the Home Owners Loan corporation, another federal agency, H. Svoboda, Monroe; Mrs. S. N, "rum. will assist the army men In the have scores near eighty. These Lucas, J.esse C. Fu~rmelster of according to nOLC officials, so Mrs. Catherine Tsavalas, I05-year-old Yoder and Kathryn Dunn, Ox. production of th is pa rt of their a scp: three officers teach the other men North LIberty, MadIson; M. F. grandmother, ha been ousted from her home in Mineola, N. Y. Mrs. ford; Mrs. Lee Schneider and Mrs. lUbbel show. the art of "getting your man." Dubishar of A ma n a, Monroe; Tsavalas Jives with her son and a grandson in an nOLC-owned home Lou J. Quinlan, Hardin; Mrs. Featured with the ASTP orches~ The Until several months ago, the Frank J . Krall, Route 7. Newport; rented by a friend. HOLe has given them a 30~day eviction notice, Frank McKray and Mrs. Chris- called tra, which is directed by Sigmund men in the department hadn't 01'10 L. Ives of Oxford, Oxford; Intimating the place has been sold, although OPA regulations requirp. topher Nalzizer, Washington; Mrt Skowronski, is Cadet Carry MiI­ men t. learned why they w~re actually I Byron D. Coglan ~f Route I, Penn; 90-day notice. The aged woman is shown looking at the photos of Joseph Krivanek and Mrs. Harry , owina, who will sing a song of manning a gun, accordmg to Chief Glen M. Fountmn of Route 5, her three grandsons in service. 0 Ziskovsky, Jefferson. Tas! his own composition, "Gardenias O. A. White. The present instruc-I RULE NO. I may clearly state "No Kissing" for junior USO hostesses, Pleasant Valley; Sam A. Hunter I Mrs. Donald Wolfe and Mrs. over tl in Your Hair." Lyrics for the song lion enables each man to become but In "Sound Off," the army show to be produced In University of Route 6, Scott; Lee W. Schwim- George Swenka, Madison; Mrs. ore by Sergt. Paul Kieler and expert at his own gun in fulfill- theater Saturday and Sunday, rule No. I Is not always respected, as iey of Kalona, Sharon; Paul Leen-I AI'r WAC Recru'lts es, hangars, control towers, radio J ay Baldwin and Mrs. Richard Corp. Dick Wood , with arrange­ ing his duties at the station, in a Is demonstrated by Fritzi Mathis, A2 of Des Moines, In her treatment ey of Tiffin, Union, and Frank • operating and other similar occu-I Madden, Clear Creek; Frank I, I Mr~ . ment by PvC John Pomeroy. An­ squad car or on a beat. of Sam Feldman, ASTP corporal In Company F. The scene also McKray of Wellman, Washington. patlOns. Jerns, Union; Mrs. Evan Swarlz. New other original composition to be :1 Now he is assured that if occas- features a number of university ..Iris as Junior hostesses and their Will Be Interviewed entruber and Mrs. Roy Lackender, presented is the theme song, ion demands, 'a shol at a fleeing harried chaperon. Sharon; Mrs. Ralph Cht1l1sky and fore "SOllOd orr," by Pte. John Lewis, car would hit a tire or gas tank Regl'onal Conference Funeral Services For· Mrs. Mayme Kent, Big Grove. director of the show. rat Ii e r than a !ive-year-old ·Of J ' C f C A speCial traveling army air- Mrs. James Prybil Mrs. Clifford Koser and Mrl The overture of "Sound Off" youngster on a street corner. Former Students- unlor ,0. force team wm be in Iowa City C I air Hamilton, Penn; Mrt . Expll :features a girl singer, Ardis FroYd, Crom Jan. 21 to 24 to interview At 10 O'Clock Today George R. Krall an~ Mrs. William Al of Villisca, and was arranged ' (' t d Dvorsky, Newport; Mrs. F. D. by Ptc. Norman Garmezy and To B egm Ja ur ay and classify recruits fo " Air-WAC The funeral service for Mrs. DeBrie and Mrs. Clarence Deach, Tech. Sergt. Larry Paulus, co­ Planning Committee Serving the Nation specified .jOfb assignTmhentt and dU~IYI .James PrybiJ, 82, who died Satur- Liberty; Mrs. William Fouchek, writers of the show. Lyrics are by Regional conference 0 f the in the mrorces. e eam WI Pleasant Valley; Mrs. John Krall h 'ts he"dqlla ·tel~ at the po t day night, will be held at 10 Pte. Blake Flint. Adopts 4·Point Plan -Former Iowa Citians sou thea tern district of the Junior ave I u I ~ S and Alberta Musser, Fremon!; Lenore Neumann, A2 of Aurora, Chamber of Commerce will be held orrice. o'clock this morning in st. Well- Mrs. Bert Campion and Mrs. Ill., is featured in the production A resolution drawn up by the Saturday and Sunday in Hotel The opportunities for women ceslaus church. Joseph Paulus, Scott; Mrs. Charles WAS interested in service with the Mrs. PrybiI, who resided at 830 Apitz and Mrs. Oral Horil, Gn. as a member of a dance team. city planning executive committee • Nine fledg*lin *g flyers* from the Recently* transferred * * Crom Far-• Jefferson, according to Jack White, the tan "Sound OU," which was origin­ Air-Wacs will be presented. Any E. Fairchild strect, was born in ham; Mrs. F~'ank J. Slofer and to establish immediate objectives University of Iowa were in the ragut, Idaho, to the navy training general chairman of lhe meeting. cow's r nlly planned as a means of in­ Registration begins at 12 M. woman preferring duty with th~ Bohemia in 1862 and came to Iowa Mrs. J . M . Z em. s Ile, k C ear.d for post-war planning in the com­ first graduating class of the year school at Williamsburg, Va., is army service forces may obtain City when she was a child. "Britist creasing the ASTP regimental munity was adopted by the Iowa Saturday in the hotel, aiter which held last week at Randolph Field, S/ 2c Robert Morley, former Uni- information about this branch of Three sons, William, Rudolph lite rou fund, promises to be a sell-out for City planning commission at a open house will be held. Dorr all of its four pertormances. DI­ Tex. The combat pilots were versily of Iowa student and son of Hudson is in charge of registra­ service also. and George, all of Iowa City, sllr- sian fo general meeting last night. Under this program, any woman vive. Sugar Stc;Jmp 30 reelor John Lewis will act as mas­ Major objectives included the members of the largest group of Mrs. R. J. Manley, 229 Grand tion, assisted by Marian Means, taking ter of ceremonies. qualifying may be recommended The rosary was recited last Valid Through March creation of post-war employment fighting flyers yet to be graduated avenue. His wile, Holyce Stingley, Chamber 01 Commerce secretary. In tho A stag buC!et supper will be for specj[ic job assignment within night in the Hohenschuh mortuary. for Iowa Citians now in the serv­ tion fr~ at one lime and have gone into is living with her parents. Sea­ featured Saturday night. Head of the area of the service command Burial will be in Oakland ceme­ Sugar stamp 30 in book , 4 be­ ice, completion of the Iowa City active assignment. man Morley is taking a training in Which she enlists. Iowa women tery. came valid Jan. 16 and co sum­ be reia airport, construction of a new li­ the entert,linmenl committee is Prof. H, J. Thornton The men are Lieut. Kenneth K. course for assistant chaplains. Robert Forrest. in this program would serve in ers are now able to get the-same Russia'! brary and enlargement of Univer~ Panel discussions will take place Colorado, Missouri, Minnesota, Ne­ amount of sugar with it as in the sUy hospital facilities. Bumett, Keosaqua, who attended that po Sunday morning, undel' the gen- braska, Kansas, North Dakota, Lions Meet Tomorrow previous period, according to boraUol Urges End to Wars, At the last meeting of the plan­ the university from 1935 to 1938 Having completed his basic fly- eral direction of White. Subjects South Dakota, Wyoming or Iown. Lions club will meet at 12 M. Waldo F. Geiger of the Iowa elty ning organization a committee was was graduated as a bomber pi­ ing training at the Pecos army air to be discu sed ore; "Trade pro­ WACs are needed, however, for tomorrow at Reich's cafe V{ith the war price and ration board. It fails. It authorized to hear the recreation lot from Blackland field, Waco, field, Pecos, Tex., Cadet Max W. motiolil, led by D. A. Donohue of apPL'oximately 150 jobs at the membership drive as business to will be good for five pounds unltl ,' app~J1' 'Periodic Slipbacks' center board which wants to place Tex. Lieut. Charles R. Johnson, many bases of the airforccs to be considel'ed, President William the end of March. poStW81 its activities under city jurisdic­ Eggleston, 21, of Waverly will now Tipton, "Pan-Americanism" and Red Oak, who attended the univer­ go into advanced training there. Post-War Pl'epurotion," led by perfol'm necessary work in ofIic- Saunders stated. Stamp 29 expired January 15. Two "History hos been more kind tion. Recommendations of the sity in 1941 and 1942 was gradu­ . . White. in Mos( than unkind to us - there has committee, which Is headed by ated /IS a bomber pilot Crom Pampa A former student of the Unlvel'slty Ailer the discussions a banquet I altitude been more peace than war," PrOf. Mrs. G. W. Martin, will be pre- field, Tex. Lieut. Edward R. of Iowa, Eggleston was a member will be held with Lieut. Comdr. allies. ( H. J. Thornton of the history de­ 5ented to the council at the next Johnson, Reynolds, Ill., who was of the Phi Kappa Psi froternity. I Robert Scnwyhart, chaplain of the the Pra' partment told his audience at the meeting by Newton Weller, mem­ gradUated as a fighter pilot from Navy Pre-Flight school, as the Russian Sunday evening vesper service of ber of the executive, as well as the MOOl'e field, MiSsion, Tex., at­ featured speaker. The banquet United the Congregational and Methodist special investigation, committee. Another former stud nt who has tended the university In 1941 and j u:st completed his basic flying also includes a business meeting ingness churches. "We must get rid of Prof. Earle Waterman last night 1942. training nt the Pecos army iiI' at which various resolutions will rela'lion these periodic slipbacks-wars­ suggested the need for a commit­ Foster fie I d, Victoria, Tex., field , Pecos, Tex., is Av. Cad. be adopted. Poland, a nd build a peace for the future." tee to investigate the financial graduated two fighter pilots, Lieut. Stanley B. Brush, 19, of Brook­ Assisting White in planning the be mad, Professor Thornton pOinted out status of Iowa City. It was voted Robert F. Hoy, Brooklyn, and First lyn. He has been sent to another conference is T. Van Proffitt and Seere the fact that many persons "feaf that the president be authortzed Lieut. Stephen J. Fouchek, Cres­ station for his advanced flying William Grandrath. State presi­ press cO new th ings as threats to their to appOint a committee to report ton. Two bomber pilots graduated dent of the Junior Chamber 0/ Americl from Frederick, Okla., flying field training. maintenance of rights ... but we on finance including assessed val­ Last week Lieut. Tom C. Daniel, Commerce, Fred Schwengel, Willi reach tI have al ways made trea ties wi til uation, taxes levied. and tax mill­ were LieuL Kenneth E. Kalaher, so n of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Daniel, be present, as well as State Secre­ momin. other great powel'S, we have al­ age because "a general picture of Mason City, and Lieut. David R. 407 N. Dubuque street, reecived tary Arno Tagge. Representatives This i way~ entered into agreements taxes, bonds and relative finance Lumley, Des Moines. his second lieutenant's commission. from Waterloo, Tipton, Muscatine, denlly i with them - why should we fear is desirable for immediate and A member of the class of 1937, He has been stationed at lhe army Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Bloom­ offer w Lieut. Lorenzo R. Arnold won his such arrangements as something future activity ot post-war plans." air 'field, Douglas, Ariz., where he field, Burlington, C lin ton, Flo early ~ new?" bomber pilot's wings from Altus Madison, Keokuk and Ottumwa • out agai field, Okla., and Lieut. John E. is a pilot. A former student at the In conSidering the first of the Unillersity of Minnesota, Lieuten­ will attend the meeting. I rejected Christian piUars of peace, that Hul"ley was awarded his Crom Lub­ at the s 'Consume Less Oil,' bock field, Tex. ant Daniel is now spending a 10- the peace to (ollow the present day leave with his parents. America war must provide the political Graduating exercises or all fields Washi framework for a continuing col­ were held en masse, the largest vorable Ration Board Asks graduation of its kind ever held. Dale W. Thompson, sellman laboration of the united nations second class, is spending a 15-day cially b and of neutral and enemy nations, upon iI "Consumers who are burning Staff SergI. Elwood Edwards re­ leave with his aunt, MIS. Arthur Professor Thornton stated that 011 faster than their ration pee­ Olds, and his gl'andmother, Mrs. tween R this country must go forward turned today from Chillicothe, Mo., on diplo mils should take immediate steps where he spent the weekend with Mary Thompson, both of 519 S. without apology in bringing about to decrease their consumption," Madison street. He is in training Presid this cooperation. his wile. Staff Sergt. Edwards is lit his n Waldo F. Geiger, director of the a member of the permanent party at Farragut, Idaho. "War has taught us that cer­ Iowa City waf price and ration alternoo' of the army air corps pre~meteor­ thing D tain national groups belong to­ board, said yesterday. ology school. gether. We have stood together The heating season is about half rumor." The ct to die - why can we not stand over, and a check against the A former IOwa university stu­ togeUler to live?" he said. total yearly allowance should be All-Star Review *e was dent, Aviation Cadet Max W. Eg­ as anybc Professor Thornton declared wade. At t e r satisfying rising gleston, 21, of Waverly, has com­ Bond-Tickets on Sale that the element of force in bring­ fullltary and war industrial de­ pleted his basic flying training at ing a boLlt political cooperation mands, the petroleum administra­ the Pecos, Tex., army air field. He For Movie Premier must not be completely over­ tion cannot supply civilian oll will now go into advanced training looked. "We must accept essential needs unless cu.rtailments are there. He was a member of the "As Thousands Cheer," a Metro­ lito ¥ coercion, sensibly used, in the made in current use. Phi Kappa Psi fraternity when on Goldwyn-Mayer production to be I maintenance of permanent peace." "ThennOltats should be turned the campus here. premiered Jan. 27 at the Englert • Summ It is ProCessor Thornton'»- belief down. If pOSSible, all roo m s thea tel', is the motion pictUre in­ that from time to time in history should be insulated, and those not The war department has an: dustry's contribution to the Fourth moments have arrived for on­ actually needed should be closed," nounced the promotion of 'John R. War Loan. Harold Lyon, thea tel' ward movement. "If men are slIid Geiger. Maher Jr., a graduate of the Uni­ war bond chairman, and Frank wise and unselfish when one of Additional rations under the versity of Iowa, class of 1942, to WiUiams, county war bond chair­ those moments arr-ives, they take new provisions will be 'allowed the rank of first lieutenant. He is man, al'e in charge of the Iowa steps forward. if not, a retarda­ only in emerlencles such as ill­ a member of Camp Claiborne's City theater campaign. tion takes place. Perhaps this is ness, chanle of circumstances or station complement and is serving Only persons pW'chasing bond3 an opportunity- if so, let us ma!te In Increase in floor space used. Oil as the assistant dir.ector of the from the box oCfice of any Iowa use of it." stocks are still far beiow normal. camp's administrative bra n c h. City theater will be admitted to the I Lieutenant M a her entered the premier. The bond must bear the Prof. E. W. Hall's service in 1942, and receiVed his theater bond issuing agency stamp. Tin Can Collection second lieutenant's bars in De­ These ' bond-tickets are now on Slated for Tomorrow Articles Published cember, 1942. sale. OUR gallant fighting men are is invest In at Jeast on~ 'x"'" hit".. Singing Ka,theJ"ille Grayson and Ygiving aU they've got to pllt drYd dollar Bond (COSII $75.) •• ; "Psychology and Philosophy in Three Iowa university gradu­ dancing Gene KelTy will star in Tin cans will be collected be­ over tbe knockout blow. But you and as .-y ",QrY a. pOllible. American Learninl A it e r the ates were recenUy graduated from "As Tbousands Cheer." The bands &inning at 8 o'clock tomorrow of Bing Crosby and Kay Kyser, mult do YON" sbare to back them up. Help your company meet ill morning, according to Dale Welt, War,"· an article appearing in the the women's naval reserve mid­ February Issue of the Journal of shipmen's school (S PAR S) at songs by Judy Garland, and mu sic Y"N" .hare in this all·out drive quota. Di.play the 4tb War Loan supervisor of the salvage commit~ by Jose Itutbi, pianist and con­ tee. Higher Education, was written by Mary Margaret Bracewell, Bur­ ineansiovesting in War Bonds until emblem at home. Do this and you'll Iowa Citians are asked to walh Prof. Everett W. Hall, head of lington, who received her B.S.C. ductor, add sparkle to the picture. BURLINGTON TRAILWA YS it hurn. Tbe very leut you can do belp your C:OUDrry •• , help yourself. and flatten the Un cans and place philosophy department. Nqrthampton, Mass. They are Also highlighting the movie will be BUS DEPOT them on the curbs. or take them to The article iJ a briefer statement degree in 1940 ; Alice Denny, Des comedienne Virginia O'Brien and the city scales. If any homes are of a lecture deUvered by Professor Doty, who received her B.A. de­ blues singer Lena Horne. R.I. McComas, Agent Hall 1ut fall in the Baconlan se­ gree in 1936. The three new of-' CiIlled by the treasul'y depart­ missed by the collection trucks, %13 E. Colle,e the owners are asked to telephone ries, "American Learninc When Dcers have been assigned to spe-, ment a test of the American pub­ I.ttJAIt BACK THE AnICKI :. the city engineer's office, 45711. Peace Comes. II dalized training or active duty lic's power to sustain our fighting The second of a series of articles posts at shore stations in tl)e men, the F'ourth War Loan begins ' written by Professor Hall, "The United States, today. Freight Car Derailed Extra-Linlulatlc Reference of Lan- Eastbound trains on the Rock guale," is to appear In the Janu­ First Lieut. Robert P. Miller, Island Hne were delayed about !I ary issue of Mind, an En,llsh son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Miller, 51 Draftees Report hall hou.r Saturday aIternoon quarterly, and his paper, "The 610 S. Johnson street, is now sta­ Reporting to the induction cen­ THE DAILY IOWAN when one car of a freight train Philosophy of G. Ii\. Moore," ap­ tioned in England with the army ter for final examinations and , ... . I . ' got off lhe tracks one and a half! pears this month in the Phllo~ engineel·s. He was gl'aduated from physical induction yesterday were miles east .ot Oxford. sophical lWvJew. the Unlversity of Iowa In 1940. 51 Johnson county men. * ThI.Iou,05dalU.S. T'''IUI7IdYVll'~PCIII-;'''''''''''''''''''''oI~~'''''UA.lMII'''CoIIedL___ - *I