Issue 177, Year 4 October 14, 2018 UK £2 EU €2.50 Interview Promoting China’s Former president tolerance in ambitions of South the Maghreb in MENA

Page 8 Page 20 Page 17 Pastor freed after presssures but US-Turkey rift widens over Syria ► Even while Turkish diplomats were hoping for better days in relations with the United States because of the resolution of the Brunson case, the spat over Syria worsened.

Thomas Seibert but the tone of Turkish statements about Brunson changed consider- Istanbul ably in the days before the verdict. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Er- urkey has solved a ma- dogan, who had verbally attacked jor political row with the Brunson publicly, distanced himself United States by freeing an from the trial by saying he had to re- T evangelical pastor but is spect the court’s decision. facing mounting differences with Details of a suspected deal be- Washington over Syria. tween the two governments were A court in Aliaga, near the Ae- unclear. Eissenstat wrote: “Did the gean city of Izmir, sentenced Pas- Trump administration give any- tor Andrew Brunson, a missionary thing away to win Brunson’s release from North Carolina, to more than and, if so, what?” 3 years in prison on October 12 but The Brunson verdict strength- also ruled that the 50-year-old cleric ened hopes in Turkey that the Unit- could return home because he had ed States would cancel its sanctions served 2 years in pre-trial detention. and thereby provide a shot in the Brunson left Turkey on a US military arm for Ankara’s ailing economy. plane only hours after the verdict. The Turkish lira firmed against the The ruling ended a trial that in- US dollar even before the decision. volved bizarre accusations that Gonul Tol, director of the Cen- New chapter. US pastor Andrew Brunson and his wife Norine arrive at the airport in Izmir, on Brunson helped coup plotters and tre for Turkish Studies at the Mid- October 12. (Reuters) Kurdish rebels through his little dle East Institute in Washington, church in Izmir and saw an extraor- said Brunson’s release showed that dinary final day of proceedings, in “playing hardball with Erdogan ers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish rebel YPG fighters were ignoring a US- ror nests east of the Euphrates,” Er- which one witness after another pays off.” The decision “will clear group that has been fighting against Turkish agreement that calls for dogan suggested that the Turkish withdrew his statements against [the] air between Trump and Er- Ankara since 1984 and is seen as a Kurdish troops to leave the north- Army could start another incursion the American. dogan, which might help negotia- terrorist organisation by both Tur- ern Syrian town of Manbij. into northern Syria. Turkish troops Analysts said the court acted on tions on other issues,” Tol wrote in key and the United States. “They are now digging trenches have been deployed in Jarabulus, the wishes of the Turkish leader- an e-mail. The rift over the YPG has poi- in Manbij. What does this mean? It Afrin and Idlib. ship that wanted the row with the She warned, however, that Tur- soned Turkish-US relations and is means ‘We’ve prepared the graves, The pro-government media in United States to end. key had less room to manoeuvre in one reason Turkey has been seek- come and bury us’,” Erdogan said Turkey reported that preparations Howard Eissenstat, an associate other areas. ing closer ties with Russia, the main at a rally in southern Turkey. “They were underway to drive the YPG professor of Middle East history at One issue that is likely to be more military power in Syria. US officials said they would abandon the area from the border in the towns of St Lawrence University and non- difficult is Syria. Turkey is angry warned Turkey against following in 90 days but they haven’t. We will Kobane, Tal Abyad, Ras al-Ayn and resident senior fellow at the non- about US support for the Peoples’ through with a plan to buy a Rus- do what is necessary.” Qamishli. One pro-Erdogan news- partisan Project on Middle East De- Protection Units (YPG), a Syrian- sian missile defence system. The Turkish leader repeated paper reported that Turkish sol- mocracy, said the Brunson case had Kurdish militia that is Washington’s Even while Turkish diplomats warnings that Turkey would send diers would establish a “safe zone” been “hostage diplomacy from start most important on-the-ground ally were hoping for better days in soldiers into Syria to drive the YPG stretching east of the Euphrates to to finish.” in the fight against the Islamic State. relations with the United States out of areas east of the Euphrates the Iraqi border 50-60km into Syria The Trump administration With the help of US backing, Syr- because of the resolution of the River, a region that has been off from Turkish territory. strongly pushed for Brunson’s re- ian have established a region Brunson case, the spat over Syria limits for the Turks because of the lease amid reports of a deal between of self-rule close to the Turkish bor- worsened. presence of about 2,000 US military Thomas Seibert is an Arab Weekly Ankara and Washington. Trump de- der. Turkey says the YPG is the Syr- Erdogan, on the day of the Brun- personnel there. correspondent. nied there was such an agreement ian affiliate of the Kurdistan Work- son verdict, told an audience that By promising action against “ter- P14 Viewpoint Social media projects soft power in the

strategy is working to the leaders’ ing them in the conversation,” eration. However, as some astute individual benefit and that of their said Tamirace Fakhoury, associate millennials note, there isn’t much Khadija countries. professor of political science at the interactive messaging between ac- Hamouchi Consider what government mes- Lebanese American University. count holders and their followers. saging is meant to do, said Ralph “This is the kind of positive soft Nourhan, a 25-year-old Jordani- Sfeir, the Beirut-based founder of power that uses social media as a an job seeker in Lebanon, said that, ordanian Queen Rania Barb Marketing and Communica- vector of inclusiveness.” despite all the social media activity al-Abdullah has 4.8 million tions. It’s meant to shape public That said, social media are by regional leaders, she hardly ever active followers on Insta- opinion “and to produce emotional increasingly seen as another tool knows the truth of what’s happen- gram. Egyptian President rather than rational reactions.” for governments to advance their ing. “I have to say I have not learnt Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is fol- Sfeir explained some of the tac- political agenda and grow soft so much of what exactly happens lowed by little more than 7 tics commonly used by leaders to power. This is hardly surprising when the law changes. What I hear Jmillion people on Facebook. project soft power. These include considering social media’s grow- is more of a political discourse that When public figures in the Arab the “high-frequency” use of social ing prominence in the Middle East reaffirms who has power,” she said. world don’t have active individual media, “an emotional rather than and North Africa. The “Arab Social And that power, for all its fuzzy social media accounts, they feature a rational tone in messaging (as Media Report 2017” stated there projection as soft, may really have on social media by letting people well as) simple and repetitive mes- are 156 million Facebook accounts, a hardcore. take selfies with them, which sages” and allowing breaking news 11.1 million Twitter accounts and subsequently get posted. King Mo- “to divert attention from internal 7.1 million Instagrammers in the Khadija Hamouchi is a hammed VI of Morocco frequently issues.” Arab world. Belgian-Moroccan social poses with fans. Gaining soft power through so- In the MENA region, social me- entrepreneur and founder of With the viral selfie, the pithy cial media is not all about manipu- dia appears to generate immediate SEJAAL, an initiative that is hashtag and the endlessly retweet- lation, however. public reaction to developments, building an app for young people. ed tweet, Arab leaders are visibly “Governments also communi- creating “for” and “against” camps engaged in a new public relations cate messages and share informa- Between the lines. A woman and reaching millions of people, Soft Power in MENA strategy. PR professionals say the tion with citizens (thereby) includ- uses her laptop in Istanbul. (AFP) particularly the millennial gen- P12-13 2 October 14, 2018 News & Analysis Syria Assad likely to survive Syria’s brutal war

Simon Speakman Cordall tive to the current Syrian govern- ment and that retaining it, if not President Assad himself, is the least Tunis bad option,” Columb Strack, princi- pal analyst at IHS Markit, said. “Re- ussian Deputy Foreign gime change is most likely off the Minister Sergei Vershinin’s table for the US.” comments to the state-run From the West, ostensibly led R Sputnik news agency dur- by the United States, to the Gulf ing the UN General Assembly were backers of Syria’s rebel insurgency, unequivocal: “No one raised the which have seen their proxies de- question of the Syrian president’s feated and subsumed by a combina- resignation.” tion of the regime and the region’s That no foreign minister thought jihadist groups, there appears little to bring up an issue that just a few stomach to maintain the fight. years ago was a key foreign policy Despite the Syrian government’s aim of many Western and Gulf apparent battlefield victory, much countries is a remarkable achieve- of the country lies outside Assad’s ment for a president accused of grasp. International support will be Survivor. waging a genocidal war against his vital in reclaiming it. Russian own people. Idlib remains in rebel hands, its President fate dependent on an agreement Vladimir brokered between Russia and Tur- From international Putin (L) key. The country’s oil and arable and Syrian condemnation in 2011 to rich east is controlled by a combi- President narrowly avoiding nation of Kurdish forces and the Bashar Assad Western military United States, determined to stay in in the Russian intervention two years Syria to defeat what remains of the Black Sea later, Syrian President Islamic State (ISIS) and counter Ira- resort of nian influence. In the north, along Bashar Assad has come a Sochi, last the border with Turkey, Ankara’s long way in the face of May. (AP) unlikely odds. forces with their rebel allies con- trol a broad buffer zone separating oil fields located there, gives them “Syria is likely to put pressure on hadist groups,” Strack said. “This is, Vershinin, suggesting that events Turkey from the chaos of Syria and some leverage over negotiations countries to normalise diplomatic however, still bounded by pressure at the United Nations confirmed potential Kurdish attack. with Damascus concerning the fu- relations with the Assad govern- not to give the impression of rel- what the Kremlin has held for many Elsewhere, large sections of the ture of the Kurds and the Iranian ment as a precondition for award- egitimising the Assad government years, told Sputnik: “There is an country beyond Damascus are in military presence in Syria,” Strack ing contracts to their companies,” by normalising relations.” understanding that this country ruins, with cities from ISIS’s former said. “It’s not enough to force Strack said. “They hope this will Denied military or financial lev- (Syria), which is a UN member, has capital of Raqqa to the once indus- President Assad’s removal though. gradually relegitimise the Syrian erage to force Assad from power, all the right to choose its path and the trial powerhouse of Homs shattered He knows the US will withdraw at government and lead to a removal that remains is an electoral victory people of the country should and and their populations dispersed some point, and he can wait it out.” of sanctions.” for Syria’s opposition, which looks will determine who is in charge of across the region, Europe and else- For the West and its Gulf allies With Europe home to approxi- unlikely. them. Therefore, I would say that where. looking to Syria’s reconstruction mately 1 million Syrian refugees “Syria is likely to call an election we have already overcome this is- Reconstruction is likely to be a as a means to determining Syria’s and more than 5 million others dis- once a solution is negotiated with sue and this is very good.” very costly business and well be- future, it is worth remembering placed across the Middle East and Turkey over the remaining opposi- From international condemna- yond Damascus’s war-strained theirs is not the only game in town. North Africa, it is not clear where tion-held areas in Aleppo and Idlib tion in 2011 to narrowly avoiding treasury. However, in accepting “The Syrian government is in no the greater pressure lies. provinces,” Strack said. “However, Western military intervention two that Damascus will need support to rush,” Strack said. “Foreign inves- “European governments have President Assad enjoys widespread years later to standing upon the reclaim and rebuild lost territory is tors from non-aligned countries a greater incentive than the US to popular support across most of the threshold of near absolute victory not to overstate the influence do- like India, China, Brazil and South support reconstruction in Syria country and is likely to win an elec- in 2018, Syrian President Bashar As- ing so will provide over the Syrian Africa are lining up to benefit from due to their interest in facilitating tion.” sad has come a long way in the face government and its Russian and the expected reconstruction boom, a return of refugees and the impor- of unlikely odds. Iranian allies. in addition to firms from Russia tance of intelligence sharing with Simon Speakman Cordall is “There is broad consensus now “US-Kurdish control of eastern and and Turkey in the north- the Syrian government in the con- Syria/Lebanon section editor with that there is no desirable alterna- Syria, and particularly the large west. text of the continued threat from ji- The Arab Weekly.

Viewpoint Idlib is set up for a fall — anytime

t is not a question of whether lence, it serves as a continual prop the Idlib province ceasefire in a broader propaganda war. will take hold but how long it If HTS demonstrates any desire James Snell can last. to flout the agreement or displays The agreement between any intransigence, it would repre- Turkey and Russia affects sent a stumbling block to general Iproxies and allies of each. Russia’s compliance. The presence of HTS, client, the government of Syrian along with al-Qaeda’s leading Syr- President Bashar Assad, has indi- ian affiliate, Tanzim Huras al-Din, cated that it views the ceasefire as in Idlib is a boon to Assad govern- a “temporary measure.” ment and Russian propaganda. This is inauspicious but the The jihadist presence in Idlib, regime’s violent ambition has especially as its forces become en- become the Syrian conflict’s trenched, supports that mainstay constant feature. It has neither the of Damascus propaganda: that manpower nor the political lever- those opposing Assad’s expan- age to begin a campaign against sionism are jihadists or jihadist the well-armed and entrenched sympathisers; that they seek remnants of the country’s revolu- violence and oppose peace. tion. An assault is at some point The language in which the inevitable but its success and its Peace at the barrel of a gun. A Syrian rebel fighter from the agreement was concluded is clear: timing remain dependent on the National Liberation Front secures a tank in one of the group’s rear ceasefires do not apply to terror- Assad regime’s external allies. positions in a rebel-held area in Idlib, on October 9. (AFP) ists. Assad and his forces have Turkey’s allies, found directly in never been punctilious in their the form of Syria’s organised secu- use of the term; it can mean any lar rebels and indirectly in various likely last in the medium term. Idlib contains secular and group that opposes them if they Islamist groups and alliances, However, the deal still favours organised rebel forces under Turk- so choose. However, in HTS and must acquiesce to the demands the eventual attackers. ish protection and moderate Is- their like, they have a ready-made of their protector. Turkish forces The ceasefire enforces condi- lamist groups with similar though enemy, one that meets even their moved into Idlib when a Syrian tions on rebel forces designed less direct affiliations. Each can be more hyperbolic descriptions and government onslaught appeared to put them at a disadvantage. trusted, in the immediate future, that seems ready to trample over likely. Syria’s northern neighbour It demands the evacuation of to keep the peace. any agreement between war- can both assert its influence heavy weaponry from a buffer But the continued presence of ring parties with ease and likely directly and steer peaceable action zone many kilometres into Idlib. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a fur- pleasure. through the calculated risk of As a way of playing for time, ther link to al-Qaeda’s franchise in The jihadist presence in Idlib deploying its people. This leaves complying has its advantages but Syria, presents a course difficult to is unavoidable. The fighters are little scope for movement left to withdrawals of this kind hardly parse or predict. hemmed in but, while they appear Idlib’s insurgents. guarantee rebels the ability to HTS is keeping its part of the to be complying with the tenets Those defending the province mount a sustainable defence of regional bargain, withdrawing of the ceasefire, their presence is must await the inevitable violence their remaining positions. its heavy weapons from the Idlib anathema to the ceasefire. Idlib without knowing when it will be- In the lead up to the mid- buffer but this accordance with is set up for a fall, the situation The regime’s violent gin. Their position is unenviable, October deadline for compliance, what others have agreed cannot rigged to allow Assad’s forces to ambition has become though it may prove tenable for rebels reluctantly withdrew heavy be taken to mean much. Not only begin the offensive at any time of a time. Rebels can perhaps take weapons from the specified areas. does HTS have its own inscrutable its choosing. the Syrian conflict’s comfort in the likelihood that, the This was not the whole story, how- internal politics and unstraight- constant feature. ceasefire having held so far, it will ever. forward relationship with vio- James Snell is a British journalist. October 14, 2018 3 News & Analysis Lebanon

Viewpoint Lebanese innovation stronger than Iran’s grip

in Lebanon are also disintegrat- ing. What is left of the media are platforms dedicated to protecting Ali al-Amin the prevailing power equation and game. Newspapers are closing and journalists are being threatened ebanon is deteriorat- to ensure that the only relevant ing as a state and as an media are the ones serving the Arab country. The new prevailing interests. stars in Lebanon are the We can longer talk of an in- heads of the security dependent media in Lebanon. and military agencies, If some platforms even appear Lthanks to efforts by Hezbollah to to denounce the red lines put in push the agenda of security above place by Hezbollah, the judicial all else. system and security apparatus in If Hezbollah brought security the country will make sure they to the forefront of the Lebanese won’t do it again. scene, it was not to stand up to However, Iran’s project for external threats but to confront Lebanon and the region is not Lebanon’s cultural and political sustainable. It brings about losses Clock is ticking. Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri speaks at the presidential palace in diversity. at the national level and can- Baabda, on September 3. (Reuters) One can better understand not guarantee what may seem the deterioration of public ser- personal or sectarian gains. All vices and public institutions in indicators portend social and eco- Lebanon, such as the water and nomic downfall and do not bear electricity sectors against the any glimmer of hope. An-Nahar’s blank pages background of the fraying Leba- The absence of hope or of the nese state. These are two aspects dream of a better future will not that best illustrate the breakdown be an obstacle to maintaining at the level of state institutions Hezbollah’s grip on Lebanon. It is, and are direct consequences of the rather, the absence of alternatives reflect Lebanon’s crisis changes occurring in Lebanon. that would justify a popular upris- This change must be understood ing for the sake of protecting the within the framework of a larger state. The Arab Weekly staff ing well-established newspapers The failure to form a govern- project that marginalises the no- It’s been five months since the and publishing houses, to close ment is precluding Lebanon’s ac- tion of a Lebanese entity to allow election and Lebanon still does shop or lay off reporters and em- cess to billions of dollars in grants for other ideas planted in Leba- not have a government. To drive Beirut ployees, as An-Nahar has done. and loans pledged by the interna- nese society through intimidation away suspicions of being the cause The political and economic stale- tional community in support of its and protection. of the delay, Iran must demon- n-Nahar, the oldest Ara- mate in Lebanon has exacerbated economy, as well as stoking fears The project is to prepare for strate that the problem lies within bic-language daily news- the media crisis. Despite a political of deterioration that could affect Iranian control of Lebanon. the Lebanese state and society. paper in Lebanon, was settlement that resulted in Michel the Lebanese pound. To achieve that goal, Lebanon Hezbollah has enough power to A issued October 11 in eight Aoun’s election as president in Oc- Forming a government in Leba- must be stripped of its collec- exert pressure on all parties — foes blank pages to protest the dete- tober 2016, Saad Hariri’s appoint- non is not possible without the tive identity and replace it with and allies alike — to bring them to riorating political situation in the ment as prime minister and the concurrence of all major political sectarian and religious identities. form a government within hours. country, where contending parties election of a new parliament in forces because the political system This is exactly what is happening: Hezbollah succeeded, using have failed to form a government May, the crises did not end. is based on a quota system that stirring up sectarian tensions by threats, to prevent Saydet el-Jabal, since elections in May. Lebanon Hariri has not been able to form distributes power among Leba- luring each sect and faction with an anti-Iran-influence group, from also faces economic, environmen- a new government since the elec- non’s sects and political groups. the belief it can gain power and meeting. The topic of the aborted tal and social crises. tion. The fluctuation of his politi- A new cabinet would allow Bei- control of the country. conference was to be “Standing up “The people are tired and An- cal consultations and manoeuvres rut to undertake significant finan- Lebanese President Michel Aoun to Iran’s occupation of Lebanon.” Nahar is tired of printing your ex- are a result of sharp disagreements cial adjustments, which the IMF and his Free Patriotic Movement At the height of the civil war in cuses and your repeated empty over the distribution of ministerial says are necessary to improve Leb- (FPM) have adopted the strategy Lebanon, neither the government promises,” An-Nahar Editor-in- portfolios. anon’s credit score. of giving Hezbollah and Iran nor any other force could prevent Chief Nayla Tueni said to Leba- Parliamentary Speaker Nabih It is also likely that the formation security and diplomatic covers in political or cultural activity from non’s political forces during a news Berri said on October 10 that there of a new government would inject exchange for assuring the FPM taking place regardless of its conference. were reports of a “promising at- infrastructure investments worth and its Christian coalition have a theme. Today, it is possible to en- mosphere” in talks to form a gov- more than $11 billion that were free hand in grabbing control of a gage in all sorts of actions against ernment and that his office was pledged at a donors’ conference maximum of internal resources. any given state or in support of Not only did the paper, involved in the deliberations, al- last April. “We would be wrong to Wanting to curb the FPM’s any given cause, except two: Iran’s which was founded in though they require more time. think that the world will wait for us greed, other sects and fac- policies and illegitimate weapons 1933, issue its paper Berri said the economic situa- to save ourselves. There are loans tions seek Hezbollah’s help to in Lebanon. version with blank tion was “very delicate” and urged that can’t wait,” Hariri said. protect what they perceive as Within the context of Iran’s grip pages, it did the same on the Lebanese to “shoulder their Lebanon has been experiencing their acquired rights. Thanks to on Lebanon, the worst danger is its website and social responsibilities,” Hezbollah’s Al- a waste crisis for years for which power game, Hezbollah, with Iran the spread of fragility at the level media accounts. Manar TV reported. the government has yet to find a fi- behind it, is in the position of of the state and its institutions, Hariri said on October 9 that all nal solution. Citizens have report- referee and guardian of all sects in the level of the sense of belonging “All we are doing is watching parties had made concessions dur- ed on social media issues with the Lebanon. to a single sovereign country, the this quota power-sharing game ing negotiations and he expressed water supply. Activ- Better yet, it allows Hezbollah to level of freedoms and the level of and only God knows how long we hope to have a new cabinet in ists have posted fend off accusations of weakening cultural diversity and innovation will have to wait to see the deliver- place after Aoun returns from a pictures show- the state and to divert them onto characteristic of Lebanon. ance day,” she continued, referring trip abroad. ing fields of other forces in the country. Hez- However, no matter how vicious to the process of forming the next Lebanon has the world’s vegetables bollah profits from the internal and destructive it is, Iran’s grip on Lebanese government. third-largest debt-to-GDP ra- soaked in squabbles between the sects and Lebanon won’t kill the capacity of Tueni said the decision to pub- tio, amounting to more than brackish feeds them, while maintaining the the Lebanese people to innovate lish the newspaper with the blank 150%. The new government is water. lofty role of conciliator whenever and rebuild. pages represents a different way expected to reduce the deficit. it suits it. of “expressing our deep and moral The International Monetary To make matters worse, media Ali al-Amin is a Lebanese writer. sense of responsibility, as a media Fund (IMF) urged Lebanon institution, towards the disastrous to make “substantial and im- state of the country.” mediate” fiscal adjustments Not only did the paper, which to improve its debt sustain- was founded in 1933, issue its pa- ability. per version with blank pages, it did the same on its website and social media accounts. On the margins of the confer- ence, Tueni said the newspaper “has always had a role in spurring change at certain political stages,” adding that “our cry today is not in favour of one party or at the ex- pense of another.” For decades, An-Nahar has played a prominent role in Leba- nese political life but it has been suffering from a major financial crisis for years. The media in Lebanon have been operating in a state of crisis mainly Vicious dominance. Supporters of Lebanon’s Shia movement due to the drying up of domestic Hezbollah hold posters of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah and Arab funding, in addition to Ali Khamenei (L) and the movement’s slain former military declining advertising revenues and Louder than words. An-Nahar’s Editor-in-Chief Nayla Tueni holds commander Imad Mughniyeh during a parade in Beirut, last flourishing digital journalism. This a blank edition of the newspaper during a news conference in September. (AFP) has led many companies, includ- Beirut, on October 11. (Reuters) 4 October 14, 2018 NewsCover & Story Analysis Interview Iraqi protests seek ‘change in political system, not just services’

sein in the mid-1980s and co- founded the group “Hezbollah Mamoon Iraq” in the Ahwar marshes in Alabbasi 1994 before fleeing the country and settling in the United States. He returned to Iraq after the US- London led invasion in 2003. Safi said the Basra protests, ass demon- which flared up in July, were a strations that continuation of demonstrations rocked the in the southern city and Baghdad Iraqi city of in the past five years. Basra, which “The protesters wanted Away from sectarian politics. Iraqi political activist Mustafa al-Safi sits in The Arab Weekly’s office sometimes complete change in the political in London, on October 10. (Mamoon Alabbasi) spread to system, changes that affect the Mother Shia-majority areas in election process, the govern- southern Iraq, were not merely ment, the constitution and the minister-designate. scrapped. The state should not issues and not be frequently about providing jobs and basic role of Iran,” said Safi. The poor “We had called for boycott- just be about government power involved in politics. The good services but were also meant to living conditions in the country ing May’s elections because but it should also build strong name of the marjaiya could be protest against the entire were symptoms but the cause we knew they were going to be institutions,” he said. stained because politics is dirty. governing system, political was a bad system of governance, fraudulent, like the previous Such changes, he argued, are It should only speak out during activist Mustafa al-Safi told The he argued. ones. Most people have boy- unlikely in the current political major crises and not interfere in Arab Weekly in an interview. In July, Safi founded the Iraqi cotted the elections. You cannot order, which is heavily influ- who is going to be the next prime He is from the respected al-Safi National Trend for Change, an expect the right solutions to enced by Iran. “I consider Iran to minister,” he added. family in the holy city of Najaf, advocacy group that includes come from a crooked base. You be an occupier of my country. It Safi said he belonged to a Iraq. He said he was an opponent sheikhs, community leaders must fix the base first,” said Safi. interferes in Iraqi politics. That’s movement that wanted to see of Iraqi President Saddam Hus- and young activists. He said the He said the electoral system why the protest movement in Iraq have good relations with group was part of some 20 move- favours established parties, leav- Basra blames Iran for many of neighbouring Arab countries. ments leading the protests. ing little room for newcomers. Iraq’s troubles,” he said. However, he also called on Arab “Parts of the Safi said that, although he had Also, those who monitor the Safi accused Iran of seeking states to deal with Iraq as one constitution need to taken part in protests alongside elections are not independent. to undermine its critics in Iraq, country — not as different sects supporters of influential cleric “It’s not unreasonable to ask the even if they belonged to the Shia and ethnicities. be amended and our Muqtada al-Sadr in previous United Nations to take charge of branch of Islam. Some of Teh- “We call on Arab countries ethno-sectarian years, he opposed participat- elections in Iraq until we are able ran’s actions, he argued, were to stand by us; a strong Iraq ing in the political system as it to do it transparently,” he said. based on rivalry. “Iran wants to would be of benefit to the Gulf, quota system must stands. Safi called for a secular weaken the Iraqi marjaiya [Shia especially at a time when Iran be scrapped.” Al-Sadr’s bloc secured the and civil state that respected religious authority] in Najaf seeks to destabilise the region,” largest number of parliamentary people’s religious beliefs and because it sees it as competitor he said. seats in May’s elections and the traditions but was not Islamist. to the Iranian velayat-e faqih Political activist cleric agreed with Iran-backed “Parts of the constitution need system,” he said. Mamoon Alabbasi is Deputy Mustafa al-Safi militia leader Hadi al-Amiri to se- to be amended and our ethno- “At the same time, our marjai- Managing Editor and Online lect Adel Abdul-Mahdi as prime sectarian quota system must be ya must be devoted to religious Editor of The Arab Weekly. Will Iraq’s new leadership enact needed reforms?

Manuel Langendorf as “the least offensive candidate”, solutions.” Mansour said. The Sadrists first Offline, Abdul-Mahdi will have pushed for Abdul-Mahdi but, given to balance the various demands of London his reputation and religious creden- the powerful political players who tials, “no one had anything against put him in power. Muqtada al-Sadr, he Shia Dawa Party has him.” Abdul-Mahdi is no stranger whose electoral list won the most been the dominating force to Iraqi politics, previously having seats in parliament, has demanded in Iraqi politics since the served as vice-president and oil that key security portfolios should T toppling of Saddam Hus- minister. be given to independent candi- sein. Parliamentary elections in Similar to previous elections, dates. This could provoke a clash May, however, reversed the party’s foreign powers such as Iran and with other political parties’ tradi- fortunes. the United States tried to influence tional efforts to secure key govern- After the appointment of Adel the selection process for top politi- mental posts to wield influence and Abdul-Mahdi as prime minister- cal posts. In this context some saw distribute resources. designate, for the first time since the election of Halbousi as a victory “Abdul-Mahdi’s position is not 2005 the Dawa Party is set to lose for Iran. The situation, however, yet secure and it must be remem- the most important political post in is more complicated, said Kirk H. bered that he lacks a political base the country. Sowell, publisher of the Inside Iraqi and does not yet head a solid par- The elections May 12, which de- Politics newsletter. liamentary alliance,” said Fanar livered a blow to outgoing Prime Haddad, a senior research fellow Minister Haider al-Abadi, were fol- at the Middle East Institute of the lowed by months of political ma- Beyond the top National University of Singapore. Challenges ahead. Iraq’s newly elected President Barham Salih (L) noeuvring. “Iraqi politics is usually ministerial posts, it will “In other words, there is a real risk stands next to parliamentary Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi (C) governed by backroom deals,” said be key to observe who of Abdul-Mahdi being an unusually and Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi in Baghdad, on Renad Mansour, a research fellow obtains deputy roles and weak prime minister.” October 2. (Iraqi Parliament Office via Reuters) at the Chatham House think-tank. other posts in the For Salih and Abdul-Mahdi it will From mid-September on, the bureaucracy. be “a question of capability, not de- Ministry to announce plans to re- quota] system is over.” new leadership took shape, start- sire” whether they can implement duce the areas in which 2018-19 Haddad said structural change ing with the election of Mohammed Halbousi was elected through a meaningful reforms, Mansour said, winter crops will be planted by in Iraq needed time. “For now, the al-Halbousi, the governor of Anbar deal with the pro-Iranian camp but adding that the political parties, 55%. An overall failure to tackle un- political system is likely to survive province, as speaker of parliament. he is not in any way ideologically not the voters, put Salih and Abdul- employment could lead to further and recreate itself in the form of an- On October 2, parliament chose pro-Iranian,” Sowell said. Observ- Mahdi in their positions, meaning mass protests. other government divided among veteran Kurdish politician Bar- ers see Salih and Abdul-Mahdi as they will be answerable to those Protesters’ demands have in- the main political forces,” he said. ham Salih as president. Within two respected by Iran and the United powers. cluded an end to the ethno-sec- Beyond the top ministerial posts, it hours, Salih named Abdul-Mahdi States. Amid strong demands for change tarian quota system that has been will be key to observe who obtains prime minister-designate. Abdul-Mahdi is trying to form a by large parts of the population, the the foundation of Iraqi politics deputy roles and other posts in the Adhering to the power-sharing governing coalition before a consti- new government will face many since 2003. Mansour said there has bureaucracy, he said. formula that has dominated Iraqi tutional November 1 deadline. In an challenges. been progress in the sense that all Haddad said he expected “some politics since the US-led invasion unprecedented move, he started a A series of bombings in Baghdad sides agree on the need for “major limited progress here and there but in 2003, Halbousi is of Sunni origin, website through which candidates showed how vulnerable the secu- change” and political leaders are the reform agenda is likely to domi- Salih is Kurdish and Abdul-Mahdi could apply for a ministerial role rity situation remains after the offi- also no longer able to simply rely nate political rhetoric more than Shia. online. As part of the application, cial defeat of the Islamic State was on identity-based politics. How- political action.” In debates among the largest po- candidates must provide a state- claimed in December. ever, he added that “no one doing litical parties about the next prime ment on their vision for the chosen In the economic realm, a water serious research in Iraq is saying Manuel Langendorf is a writer minister, Abdul-Mahdi emerged department and detail “practical shortage forced the Agriculture the muhassasah [ethno-sectarian focusing on the MENA region. October 14, 2018 5 News & Analysis Iraq Interview Forming Kurdish coalition government still ‘possible’

PUK around 20, maybe 22. I still situation right now and I think believe in a coalition government. there is a sense of shock that a [A coalition] with the PUK is pos- mechanism that had been agreed Sharmila Devi sible. There’s also Goran, the New on in the past, had worked in the Generation. There are the Islamist past, was reneged on at the very parties and there are also 11 seats in last minute. It’s not so much about London our parliament that are quota seats the personalities. It’s more about for ethnic minorities. So it’s pos- agreeing to something and not ayan Sami Abdul sible there could be a coalition with agreeing to it. Rahman has been the one or more of those groups. “The KDP was arguing the PUK Kurdistan Regional “But even though I believe we’ll has had this post [the Iraqi presi- Government’s (KRG) end up with some kind of coalition dency] for 12 years and the KDP did representative in government in the KRG, it won’t much, much better than the PUK Washington since be the old 50-50 basis where the in the Iraqi elections [in May]. So 2015. Before that she KDP and the PUK would essentially as the leading Kurdish party, why Brepresented the KRG in the United share the ministries almost on an shouldn’t the KDP put forward its Kingdom where she grew up. equal basis even when the election own candidate? That’s what the A former journalist, Abdul Rah- results didn’t quite merit that. I thinking was. man’s links to Kurdish politics think that might not necessarily be “But all the Kurdish parties said run deep. Her father, Sami Abdul the case.” in the run-up to the elections — and Rahman, was a veteran of the Kurd- TAW: “Will the KDP be able to even now they’re all saying it — that ish movement and deputy prime work with Barham Salih, now we need to be fully engaged with minister of the KRG before he and elected Iraq’s president by Iraqi Baghdad because in the last few his son Salah were killed in a terror- MPs?” years we weren’t really. ist attack in Erbil in 2004. Abdul Rahman: “This process “So we want to be fully engaged. Like her father, Abdul Rahman didn’t just upset the KDP, I think We want to be decision makers and is a leading figure in the Kurdistan it upset many in the PUK. Some of we want to implement the constitu- Democratic Party (KDP), one of Ira- the PUK TV channels didn’t even tion and that ranges from Article qi Kurdistan’s leading parties, along mention the fact that one of their 140 [of the Iraqi constitution that with the Patriotic Union of Kurdis- members, one of their leading requires a referendum on disputed tan (PUK). Relations between the members, is now president! It’s not territories] to actually setting up Fully engaged. Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, the Kurdistan parties are strained. They failed in so much about the personalities, the governance system the way it’s Regional Government’s (KRG) representative in Washington. September to settle on a candidate it’s about the way this was done. envisaged in the constitution.” (Courtesy of Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman) for president of Iraq, a provision “Let’s see what steps he takes, TAW: “Is the situation calmer allowed under the country’s de what steps his party takes, what since the referendum a year ago, our international friends… fully, ISIS [the Islamic State] as a facto power-sharing agreement. steps the KDP takes. It is a tense in which voters overwhelmingly “If you understand the context in caliphate is defeated but it’s not The PUK’s choice, Barham Salih, is backed independence? It provoked which the referendum took place defeated by any means as a terrorist now in office. a strong response from Baghdad then I don’t think you would be organisation. It’s still very strong. Abdul Rahman spoke about “We are still part of and the KDP claimed PUK forces as angry with the Kurds for trying “In Kurdistan, our economy suf- Kurdish and Iraqi politics via Skype coordinated with Baghdad.” to split up our beautiful country. fered enormously for four years with The Arab Weekly (TAW) a Iraq and we want to Abdul Rahman: “There are some It also then makes sense why we because of ISIS, the fall in oil prices few days after the September 30 engage fully with in Iraq and maybe in the wider want to engage fully with Baghdad and Baghdad keeping back our elections for the 111-seat Kurdish Middle East who will see the refer- because we are still part of Iraq… budget but the economy is just parliament. Baghdad.” endum as just an attempt to break We want to make sure the constitu- beginning to turn and we really TAW: “What are the KDP’s plans up a country and there are people tion is implemented in full. need the next four years to put it given that it looks to have won the Bayan Sami Abdul still angry about that. The referen- “I would argue this is a critical completely back on track.” most votes?” dum was a reaction against being time both for the KRG and for the Abdul Rahman: “The KDP, Rahman, marginalised… federal government of Iraq. Corrup- Sharmila Devi is a former British according to the preliminary KRG representative in “We had a decade of disappoint- tion all across Iraq needs to be dealt correspondent in the Middle East results, has done very well and will Washington ment, a decade of setback, a decade with, better services, electricity and writes on political and social probably get 43-45 seats and the of promises by Baghdad and even and a stronger economy. Thank- issues in the region. Nobel laureate draws attention to Yazidis’ plight

Stephen Quillen most Yazidi women live in deplor- able conditions and thousands are still missing and likely held captive. Tunis We are happy for Nadia… she is a voice for our people… but it is hard- hree years after the Islamic ly a happy celebration. I’m sure she State (ISIS) was ousted from would say that, too.” the northern Iraqi province The Yazidis, whose religion com- T of Sinjar, the Yazidi people bines elements of various monothe- indigenous to the area continue istic faiths, have often been subject to suffer the effects of the extrem- to persecution. When ISIS estab- ist group’s brutality but are deter- lished its self-declared caliphate to mined to forge a better future for Iraq in 2013, Yazidis bore some of their community. the worst of the extremist group’s “We must not only imagine a bet- abuses because ISIS deemed them ter future for women, children and “pagans” or “devil worshippers.” persecuted minorities, we must Yazidi men were killed by the work consistently to make it hap- thousands and women were cap- The fight goes pen, prioritising humanity, not war,” tured, tortured and forced into on. Nadia said a statement by Nadia Murad, a sexual slavery. An estimated 3,000 Murad, a 25-year-old Iraqi Yazidi woman who women and children remain in cap- 25-year-old was announced as a co-recipient of tivity and countless others live with Yazidi woman this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for ef- the scars of war. and co-recipient forts “to end the use of sexual vio- Many areas in northern Iraq once of the 2018 lence as a weapon of war.” inhabited by the Yazidis are in ruins, Nobel Peace Murad, who was captured and with landmines and booby traps lit- Prize, speaks in enslaved by ISIS fighters when they tered across the towns, making it all Washington, on overran her village in Sinjar in 2014, but impossible for them to return. October 8. said she shared the award “with all On top of the physical barriers, (AFP) Yazidis, , Kurds, other per- Yazidis’ strained relations with their secuted minorities and all of the Arab and Kurdish neighbours, who countless victims of sexual violence have long competed for influence in around the world.” and around Sinjar, make reintegra- “No jobs, bad living conditions said, but they are wary of an interna- for their rapes and murders. Yazidi activists said Murad’s vic- tion more difficult. Yazidis are infu- and a grim future: That’s life for tional community that has too often “Awareness and awards must be tory meant a lot for the community riated that some Sunni populations Yazidis who came back after, some- used their plight as a prop and done followed by serious action and em- but should not draw away from the accused of supporting ISIS have re- times, years of captivity,” Bahar Ali, little to effect actual change. powerment of Yazidi community overwhelming struggles many con- turned to areas in the north. director of the Emma Organisation, “There is no justice… Terrorists itself, not dependence on local or re- tinue to face. As a result, most members of the told Al-Monitor in June. “They faced who (have committed) genocide gional government or national gov- “Yazidis feel very happy. We all community have either fled the all this sexual violence and just and mass rape and torture… must ernments and also not permanent know the Nobel Peace Prize is a huge country or live in camps for the dis- sit there in the tents, with all their not only be seen as terrorists but dependence on foreign aid. In the accomplishment,” Pari Ibrahim, ex- placed across Iraqi Kurdistan, where memories.” tried in real courts for what they did long run, that won’t work.” ecutive director of the Free Yezidi they often lack access to adequate Yazidis yearn for both justice and to our people, including what they Foundation, said via e-mail. “How- medical care, education or employ- a world in which they can live and did to our girls,” said Ibrahim. “We Stephen Quillen is an Arab Weekly ever, the world must remember that ment opportunities. thrive as they once did, Ibrahim want these perpetrators to be tried correspondent in Tunis. 6 October 14, 2018 Opinion

Editorial Imagining a MENA ‘moonshot’ approach

igh unemployment rates and frustrated ambitions are among the main reasons for instability in the Middle East and North Africa region. To overcome this, the World Bank says, Arab governments must Htake a bolder approach, one that embraces a vision of the future driven by digital econo- mies. The World Bank’s “A New Economy for the Middle East and North Africa” report states that the region would need fully integrated efforts to reap the rewards of the digital era. The efforts would include eliminating bureau- cratic hurdles to innovation, modernising educational systems and development of technology and communication platforms. Graduate unemployment remains very high in the region. It is, in fact, one of the highest in the world. Digital technology could be the backbone of the new economy that would generate value-added jobs. This is all the more pressing because young men and women are pinning their hopes on education as a force for advancement, the ultimate social elevator. That elevator will go nowhere if educational content does not include a digital shift that spurs economic © Yaser Ahmed for The Arab Weekly activity. Rabah Arezki, World Bank chief economist for the Middle East and North Africa region and lead author of the report noted: “The key Is Iran finally accepting reality? is making sure young people are taught the skills needed for the new economy, have access to tools such as digital payments, and Khairallah Khairallah that obstacles to innovation are removed.” The economies and societies of the MENA Granted, Iran has a strong lobby in Washington but a Republican victory region should be driven not by the frustrations would make it accept the limits of this lobby’s influence. of its youth but by their vigour and ambition. Social pressures are causing governments to pursue policies that mean more big spending ommon sense says However, the Iranian regime to negotiate again. and more borrowing. But as Ferid Belhaj, World Iran has no option knows that shifting the battle The threat of US sanctions has Bank vice-president for the Middle East and but to renegotiate its to the economy is like bringing worked and it is no wonder. If North Africa region, said, the challenge “must nuclear deal — and it inside Iran. Since the ousting partial sanctions and the threat be turned into an opportunity... The focus even more important of the shah in 1979, the regime of more penalties shook Iran’s should be on building a modern economy that things — with the has conducted its battles outside economy, there is no telling what leverages new technology and is driven by the CUS administration. The fact that Iranian territory the sanctions promised for this No- energy and innovation of young people.” Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister For example, one of the vember might do, especially when Somehow the region has become complacent Mohammad Javad Zarif called regime’s great achievements oil exports are on the line. based on its sense of what it has accomplished for a step in that direction is an is playing with the Palestin- The mullahs’ regime in Iran has a in terms of technological development and extremely positive signal and an ian cause and with Jerusalem. lot of experience playing two horses administrative reform but tangible efforts are indication of Iran’s reconciliation Another, this time in Lebanon, at the same time. At the height of needed on both fronts. So, for instance, access with reality unless, of course, is creating an extension of the the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, Iran to the internet has improved, as has the rate of this turns out to be an Iranian regime called Hezbollah. With was, as usual, shouting “death to connectivity. However, the quality of service manoeuvre to gain time. time, the latter has turned Leba- America” but also welcomed an has not kept pace. It is unacceptable that the non into an Iranian arena. MENA region keeps the dubious distinction of Above all — even above American delegation headed by the lowest bandwidth per subscriber and that renegotiating the nuclear deal — Zarif, in an interview with the Robert McFarlane, national security it lags behind many sub-Saharan African what must be dealt with is Iran’s BBC, said Iran was willing to adviser to former President Ronald nations in terms of internet speed and busi- behaviour outside its borders renegotiate with the American Reagan. Iran wanted to negotiate ness use. — its expansionist project and administration under certain purchasing weapons it needed from Governments must do more to ensure the its ballistic missiles programme. conditions. Could this mean that Israel. availability of high-speed internet to their Iran uses the missiles for various Iran has come to its senses and More recently, before completing youth. They also must do away with obstacles purposes, including threatening decided to accept reality? the nuclear deal, Zarif was behav- to innovation, which keep young people’s via the Houthis from It is perhaps premature to ing with former US Secretary of dreams and ambitions hostage to bureaucratic Yemeni territory. tell. Iranian Supreme Leader State John Kerry as if they were old considerations. It looks like Iran has finally Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is still buddies working together for world Until this changes, the internet will be more understood that the Trump talking about charging anyone peace and stability in the region. a social media platform than a project incuba- administration is not playing who wants to negotiate with the It is doubtful that Iran has ac- tor. Limited opportunities at home are leading games. That is apparent because Americans with treason. That, cepted its reality. To do that means well-trained young cadres to look for greener the Iranian government has however, is probably part of the it must admit that it is an average pastures abroad. started to focus on the economy usual strategy adopted by the country that has failed to find a There is a need for tangible reforms and a and its vital heartbeat, oil. Iranian regime during its crises. It source of revenues other than oil different notion of the time frame in which It can still be claimed, however, always plays two horses. and gas exports. results must be achieved. The World Bank that the Trump administration For the sake of internal propa- A careful look at Iran’s behaviour report is probably right to insist that “a gradu- has let Iran have its way in Iraq ganda, the regime must appear since 1979 shows that the Iranian alist approach to change is not viable.” Instead, it advocates for a “MENA moonshot” approach, and therefore score a couple to be standing up to “world regime knows only one strategy in an “all-in effort akin to the one the United of points there. Iran removed hegemony.” In reality, it doesn’t dealing with reality: forge ahead on States undertook after it decided in the early Haider al-Abadi from the position mind negotiating with the “he- the wrong path. 1960s that it wanted to land a man on the of prime minister and imposed gemonists.” Today, too, Iran will try to bet moon.” as speaker of the Iraqi parlia- The Iranian regime has spent on the outcome of the midterm US What the World Bank is advocating is akin to ment its local agent Mohammed some time testing the Trump congressional elections. Perhaps US the United Nations’ view of developing al-Halbousi, who happens to be a administration before concluding President Donald Trump will lose countries’ abilities to “leapfrog” their current Sunni Muslim. that it had better declare its wish his Republican majority in Con- status. The United Nations’ “World Economic gress. If that happens, the Demo- and Social Survey 2018” states that new crats might rekindle the personal technologies can help the developing world scandals the president has buried jump directly to a more efficient and more during his time at the White House. technologically advanced way of doing things. Trump, however, got US Senate The UN report, however, also talks of the confirmation for his nominee to “great technological gap” that separates the US Supreme Court, Brett Ka- billions of people in developing countries from vanaugh. So, it would be a mistake the rest of humanity. to underestimate someone whom The Arab world is mostly in the technologi- everybody thought would never cally disadvantaged part of the world, the part make it to the White House. that could miss out on what UN Secretary-Gen- eral Antonio Guterres calls “frontier technolo- Granted, Iran has a strong lobby gies.” These range from DNA sequencing to 3D in Washington but a Republican printing, from renewable energy technologies victory would make it accept the to biodegradable plastics, from machine limits of this lobby’s influence. learning to artificial intelligence. November is going to be crucial for The transition to digital economies is a Iran. Then it will be known whether transition to youth-powered societies in the Tehran has accepted the idea that way a transition to youth-sensitive systems is it must — first and foremost — take bound to be a transition to digital economies. care of its people and its internal Such a transition would be the Arab world’s crises and leave the rest of the equivalent of landing on the moon. One world alone. having been achieved, there is no reason the other cannot. Khairallah Khairallah is a Lebanese Acute crisis. Iranians walk inside Tehran’s Grand Bazaar. (AFP) writer. October 14, 2018 7 Opinion

Only Syrians can save Syria Published by Al Arab Abdul Basit Sida Publishing House Syrians need to stop believing in the fantasy of a magical solution perpetrated by Publisher populist slogans that prove to be disastrous for the country and its citizens. and Group Executive Editor Haitham El-Zobaidi, PhD hat can be are seeking to pass a fake solu- The international powers opposition, those groups artifi- Editor-in-Chief inferred from tion to the Syrian crisis. They might agree on some solution cially implanted by the regime Russia’s fo- might bring about a temporary in Syria, just for the sake of or the Russians or the Iranians. Oussama Romdhani cus on the is- truce but the problem will be pretending that the crisis has The opposition we speak sues of a new far from resolved. been resolved. The Syrians, of is represented by the huge Managing Editor constitution Indeed, different opposition however, know that the desired reserves of competences and Iman Zayat Wand elections in Syria is its wish factions have exchanged ac- settlement is far from being goodwill among young Syrians. to misguide international pub- cusations and there have been born through the approach be- It is those extremely competent Deputy Managing Editor lic opinion into believing that demonstrations questioning ing adopted. It will never work young men and women who and Online Editor a political settlement has been the competence of the High without implicating all Syrians have concluded that the only Mamoon Alabbasi reached with the participation Negotiations Committee and its themselves. solution for Syria is a Syrian- of all Syrians. legitimacy as representing the Relying only on the opposi- Syrian agreement, based on Senior Editor By “all Syrians,” Rus- will of all Syrians. tion that exists outside Syria mutual respect and a commit- John Hendel sia means “those who have This means that the distance will not do. The latter have ment for improving the foun- decided to sit together within between present circumstance proven its inability to perform dations for living together. Chief Copy Editor the context of a constitutional and the final settlement desired the tasks required of its mem- We must strive to put to- Richard Pretorius committee representing all by all opposing Syrian Presi- bers. The reasons behind their gether a solid core of commit- Syrians.” This committee will dent Bashar Assad’s regime is failure are many. ted youth, capable of working Copy Editor supposedly ignore the concepts wide. There is opposition inside with the different components Stephen Quillen of opposition and loyalty and What is being undertaken in Syria. Anti-regime activists of society without prejudice or concentrate on drafting a “bal- the Syrian file by international have amassed tremendous vengeful inclinations. East/West Section Editor anced” constitution that would powers does not go beyond experience and know the intri- As to the opposition groups Mark Habeeb lead to elections. Then the Syr- sustaining their priorities in the cacies and sensitivities of the outside Syria, it must be left up Gulf Section Editor ian file would be closed as far region first and their desire to Syrian reality. They can bring to the internal opposition to as the international community negotiate solutions between all Syrians together around a decide on how to include them Mohammed Alkhereiji is concerned. themselves and for themselves, national project designed by in the peace-building process. Society and Travel The problem with this ap- be it in Syria or elsewhere. everybody and for everybody. What is important is that Sections Editor proach is that the Syrian drama For each of the countries that By necessity, this project preparations must be made to Samar Kadi will not be resolved by resort- have a military presence in Syr- would have to break the cycle deal with the reality that what ing to a constitution that will ia, the Syrian card is a mere tool of oppression and terrorism is truly desirable cannot be Syria and Lebanon mean nothing to the Syrian for settling internal or regional and lay the foundations for a achieved easily but will require Section Editor regime while its oppressive and international scores. state trusted by all elements of time, tremendous effort and Simon Speakman Cordall security apparatus exists. This In the meantime, the Syrian Syrian society. Such a project great sacrifice. apparatus exists thanks to Rus- people have become convinced must be based on respecting Syrians need to stop believ- Contributing Editor sian and Iranian support. that the keys to their fate are everyone’s rights and specifici- ing in the fantasy of a magical Rashmee Roshan Lall The Syrian opposition is far no longer in their hands. What ties. It must make room for all solution perpetrated by popu- from a united body to negotiate they are getting are vague those who are qualified, with- list slogans that prove to be Contributing Analyst with. It lacks leadership and promises that they understand out discrimination, to serve disastrous for the country and Ed Blanche legitimacy. The opposition in as being mere wishful thinking society and build a future. its citizens. Syria has been playing cards in that do not even convince their When we refer to the opposi- Senior Correspondents the hands of regional and in- emitters, let alone the Syrian tion inside Syria, we are not Abdul Basit Sida is a Syrian Mahmud el-Shafey (London) ternational forces. These forces people. referring to the domesticated writer. Lamine Ghanmi (Tunis) Thomas Seibert (Istanbul)

Regular Columnists Nikki Haley is gone. Long live the Trump doctrine Claude Salhani Yavuz Baydar Rashmee Roshan Lall Correspondents Haley entered the job with no foreign policy experience, just a collection of Saad Guerraoui (Casablanca) Trump’s musings on the world’s alleged unfairness to America. Dunia El-Zobaidi (London) Roua Khlifi (Tunis) hat does it And the Trump administra- categorise the laughter that ter who takes Haley’s place as Chief Designer matter that tion didn’t really need Haley to greeted Trump’s UN General ambassador. A number of names Marwen el-Hmedi Nikki Haley tell uncooperative nations the Assembly speech in September have been bandied around. stays or leaves United States would be “taking as an appreciative rather than a Egyptian-born, -speaking Designers her job as US names” at the slightest bolshie derisive response. so-called “globalist” Dina Pow- Ibrahim Ben Bechir ambassador behaviour in the United Na- That said, few could have pre- ell, who subsequently refused. Hanen Jebali Wto the United Nations? So long tions. sented a half-truth as fact with Undiplomatic, right-wing as Donald Trump is president, Both as candidate and as the charm and ease of Haley. ambassador to Germany, Richard American foreign policy consists president, Trump has repeat- A good communicator, with a Grenell. Trump’s daughter solely of what he thinks. Period. edly spelt out the tough rules direct gaze that suggests hon- Ivanka, whom he described as Contact editor at: With or without Haley at the of his ideal new world order. esty, Haley went on television “dynamite” and more qualified [email protected] United Nations, the Trump These include “reciprocity,” a to describe the mirth as a sign of to be ambassador than anyone administration would have done word Trump has used over and global respect for an unusually else “in the world.” However, the following: pulled out of the over to describe his preferred candid American politician. “(T) federal nepotism rules mean Paris climate agreement; unilat- bilateral equation with for- hey love how honest he is. It’s this could require a change in erally recognised Jerusalem as eign countries. The new rules not diplomatic and they find it the law, which could be possible Al Arab Publishing House the capital of Israel; withdrawn include stumping up cash to funny and they’ve never seen because Trump’s party controls Quadrant Building from the Iran nuclear deal, as the United States, outrageous anything like it, so there’s a both houses of Congress. 177-179 Hammersmith Road well as the UN Human Rights flattery of Trump and his family respect there,” she said. Accordingly, it could be London W6 8BS Council and UNRWA, the UN and reinterpreting negatives as She worked the same linguis- anyone. No one knows Trump’s agency that helps Palestinian positives. tic confidence trick when she preference. Until she withdrew refugees. With or without Haley, some- resigned on October 9, describ- her name from consideration, With or without Haley, Trump one in the Trump administra- ing the fear and resentment trig- Powell would supposedly have Tel: (+44) 20 7602 3999 would have tied US funding for tion would surely have gered by Trump’s America as a signified a different direction of Fax: (+44) 20 7602 8778 countries to their public prostra- found a way to sign it is “respected” even if US policy compared to Grenell. tion to American foreign policy some “countries may not One would be collegial; the goals. like what we do.” other confrontational. As for With or without Haley, the The dislike Haley Ivanka, she would be her father’s US Publisher: Trump administration would acknowledges is daughter. have ignored human rights, likely to con- What does it matter who The Arab Weekly USA LLC. tinue long after democracy and rule of law in replaces Haley? She entered [email protected] its big set-piece speeches to the she leaves the the job with no foreign policy world, in news conferences and US delegation experience, just a collection of [email protected] to the United in its discussions with foreign Trump’s musings on the world’s Tel: 248-679-6624 diplomats and government of- Nations. alleged unfairness to America. ficials. It doesn’t She leaves having helped Trump With or without Haley, an really mat- and his team subcontract order increasingly inward-look- in the Middle East to Israel, Sau- ing America would have di Arabia and Russia and having stated in early 2017 pulled America back enough to its disinterest in embolden strongmen, warmon- Syrian President gers, expansionists, genocidal Subscription & Advertising: Bashar Assad’s racists and Islamophobes. [email protected] removal from None of this will change after Tel 020 3667 7249 power. Haley. With or without her, the With or with- Trump doctrine will stay as it is out Haley, Trump’s so long as he’s in the Oval Office. Mohamed Al Mufti national security prin- Marketing & Advertising cipals would have waged Rashmee Roshan Lall is a Manager a hostile war of words on columnist for The Arab Weekly. Iran, raising fears of yet Her blog can be found at Direct: +44 20 8742 9262 another conflict in the and she is on region. Twitter: @rashmeerl. 8 October 14, 2018 News & Analysis Gulf Yemen Saudis critical of ‘offensive’ media reports about missing writer

The Arab Weekly staff Khashoggi was still at the consulate. Saudi Arabia. However, Qatari-financed media Saudi Arabia’s pro-government outlets and Islamist figures, such media rose in the kingdom’s de- London as Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Lau- fence. Many repeated Prince reate Tawakkol Karman, accused Khalid’s statement and criticised audi officials have con- the Saudis of killing Khashoggi. Qatar’s Al Jazeera for its reporting. firmed there would be an Unidentified Turkish officials made “It adopts offensive political investigation with Turkish similar accusations without provid- agendas against Saudi Arabia to S security authorities into the ing evidence. serve the interests of the Iranian disappearance of journalist Jamal The Saudi consulate in Istanbul regime and the Iran-backed terror- Khashoggi, who was last seen Octo- denied the reports, saying the king- ist groups and militias,” an editorial ber 2 entering the Saudi Consulate dom “is concerned for the safety in the Okaz daily said. Mai Khaled, in Istanbul. and well-being of its citizens wher- who writes for the publication, Riyadh “welcomes the Turkish ever they are and authorities are criticised what she described as response to the request to form a pursuing the matter in this regard the “international media campaign joint team into Khashoggi’s disap- to discover the whole truth.” that did not verify the incident but pearance,” Al Arabiya television Saudi Ambassador to the United relentlessly contributed to tarnish- reported, quoting an official Saudi States Prince Khalid bin Salman bin ing the image of Saudi Arabia.” Deepening mystery. A policeman stands in front of the Saudi source. Abdulaziz issued a statement cat- Beside Qatari-funded media, Consulate’s door in Istanbul, on October 10. (AFP) “We trust the ability of the joint egorically denying that Khashoggi Khaled was referencing news out- team… to carry out its mission. had been abducted or killed by Sau- lets affiliated with Turkey’s Muslim The and ment and the measures it is taking. Saudi Arabia is concerned about di authorities. Brotherhood-friendly government. Bahrain threw their support behind All efforts being exerted in Jamal the safety of its citizens,” the source “I know that many people here in Pro-government Turkish media, Riyadh. “We always stand with Sau- Khashoggi’s case are being coordi- added. Washington and around the world quoting unidentified government di Arabia because it is a stand with nated with the authorities and the Turkey’s state-funded Anadolu are concerned about his fate but I sources, claimed that Khashoggi’s honour, glory, stability and hope,” embassy in Ankara.” Agency reported October 12 that assure you that all reports saying body had been dismembered and UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and In an interview with the pan-Arab a Saudi delegation had arrived in that Jamal Khashoggi vanished in removed from the consulate in sev- International Cooperation Sheikh daily Asharq Al-Awsat, Muatassim Turkey to join the Khashoggi inves- the [Saudi] consulate in Istanbul or eral body bags. Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan said Khashoggi accused certain circles tigation. that the kingdom’s authorities de- The Washington Post reported on his Twitter account. of spreading false, insensitive news Saudi Arabia, on October 13, tained or killed him are completely October 11 that Turkish officials UAE Minister of State for Foreign at the expense of the Khashoggi repeated denials of accusations false and baseless,” Prince Khalid told their US counterparts they had Affairs Anwar Gargash tweeted family. Khashoggi had been killed in the said. video and audio recordings that that the “fierce campaign against “Everyone forgot about Jamal consulate by a 15-man hit squad. “Jamal has many friends in Saudi confirm Khashoggi was killed in- Riyadh is expected, as well as the and his family and relatives; in- “What has been circulating Arabia and I am one of them. De- side the consulate, although it was coordination between its inciting stead they are looking after their about orders to kill him are lies and spite differences on a number of unclear whether they allowed the parties.” agendas and perceptions that are baseless allegations,” Saudi Inte- issues, including what he called his Americans to see or hear the evi- Bahraini Minister of Foreign Af- not important now,” he said. “What rior Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin ‘self-exile,’ we kept in touch when dence. fairs Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed is important now is the safety of Saud bin Naif said in a statement he was in Washington.” However, Yasin Aktay, a senior al-Khalifa expressed his country’s this missing man.” released through the official Saudi Ties between Ankara and Riyadh adviser to Erdogan, told the Guard- support for Saudi Arabia amid ac- In an interview with Bloomberg Press Agency. were already at a low point over ian, a British newspaper, that “the cusations. “The target is the King- News, Saudi Crown Prince Moham- Khashoggi, born October 13, 1958, regional disagreements, including Saudi state is not blamed here.” Ak- dom of Saudi Arabia and not the med bin Salman bin Abdulaziz said: a Saudi media personality and for- Turkey’s support for Qatar in its tay told al-Araby in an interview: search for any truth. Throw your “We hear the rumours about what mer government adviser, was last dispute with Saudi Arabia and oth- “We have our own problems with a masks away. We are with it with our happened (to Khashoggi). He’s a seen entering the Saudi consulate er Gulf nations. Turkish President deep state.” souls,” Sheikh Khalid tweeted. Saudi citizen and we are very keen in Istanbul. Saudi officials insist Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and The pro-government Turkish Jamal Khashoggi’s cousin, legal to know what happened to him. that he disappeared after leaving Development Party has affinities newspaper Daily Sabah reported a counsellor Muatassim Khashoggi, And we will continue our dialogue the building. with the Muslim Brotherhood, con- theory that Khashoggi was smug- after a Khashoggi family meeting in with the Turkish government to see Turkish reports initially claimed sidered a terrorist organisation by gled alive out of Turkey. Jeddah, said: “We trust the govern- what happened to Jamal there.” Interview Former president of South Yemen calls for political solution to war

closer to accepting a negotiated the reconciliation in South solution. “All the parties in the Yemen. They feel it is a threat to war have become certain of the their interests so they will try Saleh Baidhani need for such a solution because their best to provoke a conflict in they are convinced that a military South Yemen. That’s why they victory of one or the other is maliciously brought up the events ormer President of impossible,” he said. of January 1986. We want to tell South Yemen Ali “At some point, it seemed that them: ‘Do not dream much. Find Nasir Muhammad the round of negotiations in another needle to knit with. Our has always man- Kuwait between the legitimate people are not blind to these aged to stand in his government and the Houthis, dangers.’” own space when which had lasted about 3 months, Muhammad said “there is no discussing political bore the hope for an end to the need for an official announce- issues and develop- war through a political settlement ment or for the permission of Fments in Yemen. In an interview acceptable to both parties but that anyone” when asked why he with The Arab Weekly, he insisted hope was out of place because refused to officially participate in that he is still politically active there were warmongers who did the political process in Yemen. “If and offered his perspective on the not wish for the war to end. These what I’m doing isn’t political evolving Yemeni scene. people have amassed fortunes work, what is then?” he said. Muhammad said he agreed with from the war and they are still Muhammad said the only the idea that the solution to the doing it at the cost of tremendous outcomes in any war are victory conflict in Yemen can only be pains to the Yemeni people.” and defeat. “When that becomes political. Muhammad said the Geneva impossible, the solution is peace,” “The whole world is looking for One talks after the Kuwaiti A call for political settlement. Former President of South Yemen Ali he said. “This is in a nutshell how a political solution to the war in negotiations did not produce any Nasir Muhammad. (Twitter) I see it.” Yemen,” he said. “We’ve had solutions. “In reality, each party “I’ve presented a proposal for a almost four years of war and the went to Geneva just to gain time political solution in Yemen at the world has become convinced that and to prove that it was accepted Geneva Three round but was scatter it. Al-Hirak, however, is a Valdai Discussion Club in Mos- a military solution is out of the by the international community dismissed. Muhammad said the people’s movement with a wide cow,” Muhammad said. “I’m still question. as a legitimate party,” he said. cause of South Yemen was the popular base and cannot be convinced that it can work but “If the war continues, its cost is “They didn’t go there to make cornerstone of any settlement in contained into smaller structures every initiative will have to be going to be prohibitive for concessions, or accept a solution Yemen. no matter how many of these accepted locally, regionally and everybody, materially and in or to make peace.” “In my opinion, it will not be structures there are or whatever internationally.” human lives. Its human, eco- The South Yemen Movement possible to settle the crisis in names they may bear. It’s the Muhammad had a message to nomic and social consequences Al-Hirak was invited to the Yemen without first finding a fair cause of one people, a fair cause the internal forces in Yemen are going to be dire for all Yemenis solution to the cause of South that can’t be sidestepped… I’m summarising his view on how to before anybody else.” Yemen,” he said. “This is a given still convinced, until further end the human and economic He said: “The entire world is “I’m still convinced, fact that cannot be ignored. notice, that a federation between crisis in the country: “This is the aware of the horror of this war until further notice, “Every passing day, the interna- two states in Yemen is the best worst period in Yemen’s modern and how dangerous it will be if it tional community is more and solution.” history… We now have in Yemen continues. The world also knows that a federation more convinced of this fact. As Muhammad, asked about a more than one president, more that the warring parties are between two states in proof, the UN special envoy has possible conflict in Aden and than one government and more incapable of bringing a military been meeting with all the parties whether that could be considered than one army. end to the war. I’ve said it before Yemen is the best in the South Yemen Movement a continuation of the 1986 conflict “In my opinion, to solve the that the winner of this war is solution.” and listening to their views. in which he was a party, said: crisis and rehabilitate the state, going to be a loser. So, the option Eventually, they will have to be “That’s what they wish. South the war must stop. Otherwise, of a political and peaceful included in any negotiations for a Yemen got over that crisis through everybody will find it extremely settlement to this destructive war Former President of final settlement.” reconciliation and forgiveness. hard to control Yemen.” is inescapable.” South Yemen “Regarding the future of South We hope that it won’t happen Muhammad pointed out that Yemen Movement, there had been again. Saleh Baidhani is an Arab Weekly even the Yemeni rivals were Ali Nasir Muhammad several attempts to rip it apart and “There are forces that oppose contributor in Yemen. October 14, 2018 9 News & Analysis Egypt Egypt’s army seeks to decapitate ISIS in Sinai

Amr Emam latest statement of the army show that the operation is moving on the Cairo right track.” Analysts said the special focus he Egyptian military strate- on hunting down ISIS command- gy of targeting Islamic State ers, a policy that has not officially (ISIS) leaders in the Sinai been confirmed by Cairo, is leading T Peninsula is significantly to major deficiencies in the group’s weakening the terrorist group and command-and-control apparatus. could play a major role in its col- In August 2015, the army killed lapse, security analysts said. Selim Suleiman al-Haram, one of “It is a well-known fact that ter- Sinai Province’s most senior lead- rorist organisations fall apart as ers, in a shoot-out in Sheikh Zu- soon as their leaders are either weid. killed or arrested,” security expert In February 2017, the army killed Gamal Eddine Mazloum said. “This Hamad Salem Suleiman, another is why there is optimism about the high-profile ISIS commander, in results of the military operation the Halal Mount area in central Si- in Sinai with the army netting one nai. Suleiman, the army said, was ISIS commander after another.” a bomb maker and believed to be The ISIS-affiliated group known responsible for several ISIS am- as Sinai Province has confirmed bushes. that Abu Hamza al-Maqdisi, a sen- In February of this year, the army ior commander responsible for killed Muhammad al-Dajani, an planning terrorist attacks, died in ISIS commander in North Sinai. an air raid by the Egyptian military Just a few weeks earlier, Dajani, a Treasure trove of information. Egyptian jihadist leader Hisham al-Ashmawy after being arrested in on the town of Sheikh Zuweid in defector from Hamas, appeared in the Libyan city of Derna. (Libyan Armed Forces) northern Sinai. an ISIS propaganda video in which Maqdisi, a Palestinian from the he executed a fellow Gazan fighter Gaza Strip was among 16 ISIS fight- for collaborating with the Egyptian ers killed in the attack. He was not, Army. however, the first Sinai Province In April, the army killed Nasser commander targeted in this way, Abu Zakul, the ISIS commander Why the capture with many speculating that the in central Sinai. Abu Zakul was Egyptian military has tasked a spe- responsible for planting explo- cial squad to carry out assassina- sives and orchestrating attacks tions of senior ISIS commanders. against army posts in the area, Egypt’s armed forces launched the army said. an all-out operation against ISIS The targeted attacks, which of Egypt’s most in February, deploying tens of analysts said required significant thousands of troops, as well as intelligence to plan, were degrad- heavy weaponry, including tanks ing ISIS’s capabilities in the Sinai and attack helicopters, to the Peninsula. The army has enlisted Sinai Peninsula. the help of Sinai tribes, who pro- Although it has taken much long- vide local knowledge that helps wanted militant is er than initially thought, Operation determine the whereabouts of ISIS Sinai 2018 is slowly weakening leaders. ISIS’s grip on the territory. Hun- Sinai Bedouins have shared vid- dreds of ISIS fighters are believed eos on social media detailing raids to have been killed. on ISIS hideouts and showing ISIS The operation includes recon- fighters surrendering to Egyptian such a big deal naissance and raids in other parts authorities. of Egypt, including the Western “The killing or arrest of these Ahmed Megahid telligent’ by colleagues, he was also Salafists from the Gaza Strip. In Au- Desert near the Libyan border. leaders is a painful blow to the known as a non-conformist. Ash- gust 2012, it attempted to steal an A government statement October Sinai Province organisation as a mawy saw combat in the Sinai Pen- army vehicle and cross into Israel 8 said Egypt’s military had killed whole because it saps the morale Cairo insula but, in a few years, he would from the North Sinai city of Rafah, 28 fighters in the North Sinai city of junior fighters and sometimes fight on the other side. killing 16 Egyptian border guards as of Arish and destroyed 26 vehicles leads to the disintegration of the he capture of a former If there is a defining moment in they broke their fast during Rama- and 52 motorcycles, in addition to organisation’s cells in different ar- Egyptian Army officer who Ashmawy’s transformation from dan. seizing weapons and explosives. eas,” said Munir Adib, an Egyptian became the country’s most soldier to terrorist, it is probably With his insider knowledge about “Huge efforts are being made specialist in terrorist groups. “The T wanted terrorist could help the death of his father in 2005. He the military, Ashmawy became An- by army troops to track down ISIS strategy of the army to net Sinai Cairo and the eastern Libyan gov- was unable to attend his father’s fu- sar Beit Al-Maqdis’s training officer remnants in Sinai and bring the Province commanders will pay off ernment that apprehended him neral and turned to an increasingly and eventually planned attacks on ongoing military operation to a because these are the brains be- glean information about militant extremist reading of Islam. his former comrades. successful end,” said Khaled Oka- hind the operations of the organi- groups and terrorism financing. “This [his father’s death] left a In September 2013, Ashmawy sha, a member of Egypt’s Supreme sation.” Hisham al-Ashmawy, a high-pro- huge psychological effect on him,” and other members of the group Anti-Terrorism Council, an advi- file Egyptian militant leader, was Tamer al-Shahawy, a retired Egyp- tried to assassinate Interior Minis- sory body of the Egyptian presi- Amr Emam is a Cairo-based arrested October 8 by the National tian intelligence general, said. ter Mohamed Ibrahim Moustafa in dency. “Results included in the contributor to The Arab Weekly. Libyan Army in the eastern Libyan Egyptian military intelligence a car bombing in the eastern Cairo city of Derna, where he was said to was increasingly concerned about district of Nasr City. Although the be commanding an amalgam of al- Ashmawy’s views and, military attack failed, it shocked many Qaeda-linked groups. records indicate, Ashmawy was in Egyptians because direct assassina- Ashmawy, 40, had been a lieuten- trouble for distributing religious tion attempts on an official in Cairo ant-colonel in the Egyptian Army’s books and pamphlets to colleagues were viewed as impossible. Special Operations division before and subordinates. Ashmawy and many fighters being fired in 2012 for extremist loyal to him split from Ansar Beit views. He was arrested in the com- al-Maqdis in 2014 when most of pany of the wife and children of an- Ashmawy is being the group swore allegiance to the other Egyptian terrorist, Mohamed interrogated by eastern Islamic State. He moved to Egypt’s Rifae Soroor, who was killed by the Libya’s intelligence Western Desert and formed al- Libyan Army in 2017. officials but it is believed Mourabitoun, which became an al- The arrest of Ashmawy, known that he will be handed over Qaeda affiliate. as Egypt’s most wanted terrorist, to Egyptian custody. Al-Mourabitoun specialised in could be a major blow to terrorist targeting Egyptian soldiers and groups in eastern Libya, western army positions, including an attack Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. Ash- In 2011, during the protests in mid-July 2014 on a post in Fara- mawy was a key figure in Egyptian against President Hosni Mubarak, fra Oasis, near the Libyan border, terrorism and is likely to have valu- Ashmawy assaulted an army that left 21 soldiers dead. able intelligence for Egyptian au- mosque preacher as he delivered a The group carried out 55 attacks thorities. sermon. He was referred to the psy- in Egypt over four years, most of “This is the most important ter- chiatric division of a military hos- which were masterminded in Libya rorist to be arrested in a decade,” pital. Ashmawy was forcibly dis- where Ashmawy is believed to have said retired Egyptian Army General charged from the army in 2012 over spent most of his time. The attacks Hamdy Bekheit. “He amounts to a concerns about his religious views. included one on a bus carrying treasure trove of information about Islamist President Muhammad Christian pilgrims travelling from terrorism, the hideouts of terror- Morsi was ousted in July 2013 af- the central province of Minya to a ist groups, their funding and the ter a year in power by a military- Western Desert monastery, which sources of that funding.” backed popular uprising. Ashmawy resulted in the death of 29 people, Ashmawy joined the Egyptian is known to have joined pro-Morsi including children. Military College in 1996, graduating protests, including the sit-in at the Ashmawy is being interrogated four years later and was assigned to Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square in east- by eastern Libya’s intelligence offi- an infantry division. He served in ern Cairo, which turned violent and cials but it is believed that he will Sinai and was viewed favourably by hundreds were killed. be handed over to Egyptian cus- superiors to the point that he was Ashmawy returned to the Sinai tody. selected to attend training courses Peninsula and joined Ansar Beit Incremental gains. A member of Egypt’s armed forces prepares abroad. Al-Maqdis, a group of disgrun- Ahmed Megahid is an Egyptian before an intervention in North Sinai, last December. (Reuters) Described as “fearless” and “in- tled Bedouins and allied jihadist reporter in Cairo. 10 October 14, 2018 News & Analysis Maghreb Controversial appointments sow further division in Libya

Michel Cousins building on it by issuing letters of credit at the new rate. Sarraj followed the moves with a Tunis cabinet reshuffle. He named a new interior minister to get to grips with ibya’s Presidency Council security in Tripoli and new econo- decided it had to make fun- my and finance ministers to devise damental changes if it were and implement economic reforms. L to survive after the military The appointments have provoked crisis in Tripoli brought about when considerable criticism, even out- an alliance of forces from outside rage, especially in eastern Libya. Bumpy road. Head of Libyan Presidency Council Fayez al-Sarraj (R) speaks during a news conference the capital tried to take control. They were condemned as either with UN Envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame in Tripoli. (Reuters) The council’s first change would having been forced on Sarraj or as be to meet the demand of the main an attempt by him to retain the attacking force that Tripoli’s corrupt support of Misrata and the Muslim of the allegations against him, has again breaking out in Tripoli and is generally accepted that if it were militias be stripped of power and a Brotherhood for his beleaguered demonstrated decisively that he ensure the Presidency Council sur- forced out of the capital, it would be new security system installed. The government. does not care about what those in vives. finished. second move involves economic re- The new interior minister, Fathi the east and others elsewhere in the The forces of radical Misratan Sarraj, with Salame supporting form, which no Libyan administra- Bashagha, is from Misrata and the country think about the matter. commander Salah Badi that took him, envisions the appointments tion since the 2011 revolution has new economy minister, Ali Issawi, Others opposed to the Presidency part in September’s clashes in of Bashagha and Issawi, along with wanted to address. is a member of the Muslim Brother- Council claim Sarraj was forced by southern Tripoli remain in the area. Faraj Bumatari as finance minister, The economic system in Libya hood. the Muslim Brotherhood to accept There have been reports they have creating stability in Tripoli and al- remains the same centralised, state- Issawi’s appointment was par- the appointment. been reinforced from Misrata ahead lowing economic reforms. The hope controlled model that was created ticularly controversial. Not only is of a new offensive. is that the reforms will prevent mi- by the Qaddafi regime to prevent he accused of having been incom- Bashagha, who was a spokesman litiamen from milking the system, private business from freely func- petent when he served as economic The economic system in for Misrata military council during as happens now, and enable them tioning or growing. Its continuation minister under Muammar Qaddafi Libya remains the same the 2011 uprising, is seen as having to find other means of employment. has blocked the creation of new from 2006-09, he is a prime suspect centralised, state- the influence and power to prevent The reform plans have got off to a businesses that could provide jobs in the July 2011 killing of Abdul Fat- controlled model that was this from happening. bumpy start, however. As far as the tah Younis, the chief of staff of the For him, the decision to accept letters of credit go, some companies for men who have little alternative created by the Qaddafi but to remain in the militias. National Transitional Council. the job of interior minister is some- are getting them, others say they are Both objectives have been heavily As such, the appointments, espe- regime to prevent private thing of a turnaround. In 2015, he not. The discrepancy is blamed in urged on Presidency Council head cially Issawi’s, do little for national business from freely was invited to join the United Na- part on poor administration in some Fayez al-Sarraj by UN Special Envoy reconciliation. In the east, the influ- functioning or growing. tions’ Libya Dialogue team. At the of the banks. As a result, the black to Libya Ghassan Salame ential Obeidat tribe, of which You- end that year, he was offered the market flourishes. There are three As initial steps, a joint force from nis was a member, demanded that post of national security adviser for rates of exchange for the Libyan Misrata and Zintan was securing the Salame force Sarraj to remove Is- The response to Bashagha’s ap- the new Presidency Council by the dinar: an official rate, a surcharged capital and the currency was being sawi and that the latter’s innocence pointment was less critical. The then-UN Special Envoy Bernardino rate and a black market rate, which effectively devalued with a 183% be proven before he takes up the main argument against him, again Leon. He declined. most people have to use. surcharge on foreign currency pur- post. There is little chance of that from the east, is that he supported The post of interior minister, Members of Tripoli militias, chases. happening. the Libya Dawn regime, which in which Bashagha has accepted, ef- though, appear to have no problem The establishment of the joint The divisions have been deep- 2014 forced the government of Ab- fectively overlaps with the job he in getting foreign currency — and at force was put in limbo when the ened by a sense among those op- dullah al-Thani to flee to the east to previously refused. The difference the official rate, with no surcharge. threat of clashes in the city was re- posed to the Presidency Council Bayda. now is that the Presidency Coun- solved by a ceasefire. On the sur- that Sarraj, in going ahead with Is- Bashagha, however, is seen as cil, which he has supported since Michel Cousins is a contributor to charge issue, the central bank is sawi’s appointment while aware someone who can prevent fighting it was unveiled, could collapse. It The Arab Weekly on Libyan issues. Mauritania’s parliament elects Arab Berber as speaker

Lamine Ghanmi tee,” which helped boost the party hamed Lemine Ould Cheikh said: in the parliamentary election in “Ould Hamid was granted the posi- September. tion of deputy speaker as part of an Tunis UPR won 89 seats in the agreement that he would join the 157-member National Assembly, majority in parliament.” auritania’s parliament, far more than the Muslim Broth- Ould Abdel Aziz’s supporters are dominated by sup- erhood’s branch in Mauritania, fiercely competing to gain the sup- porters of President the National Rally for Reform and port of the minority, which M Mohamed Ould Abdel Development, also known as Te- makes up 40% of the population. Aziz, elected an ex-army colonel wassoul, which won just 14 seats However, Haratin anti-slavery and close friend of the country’s despite forming an alliance with activists have been the most out- leader as its speaker. several opposition groups. spoken critics of Ould Abdel Aziz’s The election of former Colonel Ould Abdel Aziz has promised to government. Cheikh Ould Baya, a prominent step down at the end of his second Arab Berber, breaks with a long- term next year, ending speculation standing tradition to elect a mem- over whether he would scrap pres- The selection of Ould ber of the Haratin community as idential term limits and extend his Baya as parliament speaker. Bjiel Ould Hamid, who is tenure. However, some govern- speaker fuelled Haratin, was elected deputy speak- ment ministers have pushed for er. him to run again, arguing that the speculation over what , Mauritania’s largest needs of the country and the peo- role he could play in minority group, are a distinct eth- ple should come before the consti- government next year nic group that descends largely tution. when Ould Abdel Aziz is from black African slaves. They are Ould Abdel Aziz has vowed to se- to leave office. discriminated against in the coun- cure “the continuity of the regime try, where many view them as an On the crest of a wave. New Speaker of the Mauritanian Parliament and the pursuit of the country’s underclass. Colonel Cheikh Ould Baya arrives in Nouakchott, on October 11. development project” after he They staged a demonstration The position of parliamentary (Twitter) leaves office, leading many to be- October 8 outside parliament de- speaker was previously held by lieve he will either support a confi- manding the release of their jailed Mohamed Ould Iblil Ould Em- dant such as Ould Baya to succeed leader Biram Ould Abeid, who was barak, a Haratin member of the rul- work as domestic servants, camel lation over what role he could play him or have parliament vote him in recently elected as a member of ing Union for the Republic (UPR) herders or farmers. It is estimated in government next year when for another term. parliament. party. Before him, the speaker that up to 20% of Mauritania’s pop- Ould Abdel Aziz, said to be ailing, Ould Baya, who is recovering Ould Abeid heads the anti-slav- was Messoud Ould Boulkhier, who ulation is forced to work without is to leave office. from a road accident, asked parlia- ery organisation Initiative for the heads the People’s Progressive Al- pay and denied basic rights, such Ould Baya, a confidant of the mentarians to keep their speeches Resurgence of the Abolitionist liance and is an outspoken anti- as access to education. president, with whom he has fam- short during the opening session, Movement, which has called on slavery advocate. Half of Mauritania’s Haratin ily ties, is widely viewed as a po- saying that his “back pains make opposition parties and anti-estab- De facto slavery exists in Mau- population live as freed slaves but tential successor. He previously (it) very difficult for him to sit for a lishment forces to join arms “to ritania, which formally abolished Arab Berbers are viewed as the served as mayor of Zouerat, an im- long period of time.” prevent the evil regime of Ould the practice in 1981. country’s elites and maintain the portant mining town in northern He returned to France on Octo- Abdel Aziz (from staying) another Local rights groups say thou- highest positions in government, Mauritania and head of the coun- ber 11 for medical treatment, leav- five years.” sands of people, including Harat- business and the military. try’s mayors’ association. Ould ing Ould Hamid, previously an op- ins and other black Mauritanians The selection of Ould Baya as Baya also played a key role in the position figure, in charge. Lamine Ghanmi is an Arab Weekly of African origin, are forced to parliament speaker fuelled specu- UPR’s “Reinvigoration Commit- Government spokesman Mo- correspondent in Tunis. October 14, 2018 11 News & Analysis Palestine Israel Abbas faces setbacks in bid to regain control of Gaza

The Arab Weekly staff Gaza must be agreed via his author- ity. He accused the United States of seeking to divide the occupied ter- London ritories to impose its peace plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. alestinian President “The US is trying to use the hu- Mahmoud Abbas is fac- manitarian situation in Gaza as a ing several setbacks as he tool to implement its plan,” Mo- P tries to regain control of the hammed Ishtayeh, a top Palestin- Gaza Strip, which has been under ian official, told the Associated the authority of the Islamist move- Press (AP). “We say that Gaza is ment Hamas since 2007. an integral part of the Palestinian The latest mediation efforts by lands and solving the problems of Egypt to broker a reconciliation Gaza should be in the context of a deal between Hamas and Fatah, broad political framework.” the party Abbas leads, failed but Two unidentified senior Pales- Cairo has not given up urging the tinian officials told the AP that Ab- Palestinian leader to accept a com- bas is working to ensure that an promise. Abbas said he would not Israel-Hamas ceasefire would not accept any agreement that did not materialise. Abbas is keen, the of- include the disarmament of Ha- ficials added, on stopping large mas, a condition that has been re- infrastructure projects from being jected by the militant group. carried out in Gaza. The Egyptians are working to en- Although Israel maintains a sure a long-term ceasefire between blockade on Gaza, Israeli Prime Israel and Hamas, an agreement Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ac- rejected by Abbas because it by- cused Abbas of “choking” Gaza to passes his authority. Nevertheless, fuel Palestinian anger against Is- Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas rael. Kamel will reportedly be going to “Abu Mazen (Abbas) is strangling Israel for talks on the deal. Kamel them economically and they lash is expected to meet with Abbas to out at Israel,” Netanyahu said at a Small respite. A tanker delivers fuel at the Gaza power plant in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, on attempt to convince the Palestin- news conference in Jerusalem. October 9. (AFP) ian leader not to seek to spoil any Scores of Palestinian protesters Hamas-Israel deal. have been killed by Israeli fire near the Gaza border. Israel has accused Senior Fatah official Azzam al- Egypt, Qatar and Israel to alleviate Programme. Hamas of encouraging Palestinians Ahmad said there would be retalia- the humanitarian situation in Gaza The Qatari aid via Israel and the The Qatari aid via Israel and to breach the Israeli border. tory measures if the fuel deliveries and efforts to achieve the goal of Egyptian mediation efforts are the Egyptian mediation Abbas was infuriated when Qa- continued to Gaza. However, Ha- an enduring ceasefire.” seen as weakening Abbas’s hands efforts are seen as tar, under a UN-brokered deal, de- mas, Israel, the United States and UN spokesman Stephane Dujar- against Hamas. weakening Abbas’s hands livered fuel to Gaza via Israel. The the United Nations have all wel- ric said: “The secretary-general “Abbas believes that if he keeps against Hamas. Palestinian Authority said making comed the move. expresses his deep appreciation to the Gaza closure tight, it will make deals with Hamas amounts to a “The Qatari fuel to the Gaza the government of Qatar for its $60 Hamas accept his reconciliation To pressure Hamas, Abbas has recognition of the group’s control Strip’s power plant today is aimed million contribution, which made plan, which would give the Ab- imposed economic measures over Gaza. at partially improving electricity this delivery possible and will al- bas government full control or the against Gaza, including cutting “Any international financial (supply) in Gaza,” Hamas spokes- low its continuation for the coming people in Gaza will launch a revo- salaries of thousands of former aid to the Gaza Strip should be man Hazem Qassem told Agence months.” lution against Hamas,” Palestinian government employees as well as through, or with the coordination France-Presse. Qatar, which supports Hamas, political analyst Hani al-Masri, told fuel subsidies to pay for electric- of, the Palestinian government,” Qatar “was trying to help” pre- said its aid was “at the request of Reuters. ity. The measures have worsened said a spokesman for Palestinian vent a Gaza flare-up, Israeli Energy donor states in the United Nations “This is making it easy for oth- the dire humanitarian situation in Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah. Minister Yuval Steinitz told Reu- to prevent an escalation of the ers to bypass the Palestinian Au- Gaza, which is subject to an Israeli- This is “to preserve Palestinian ters. existing humanitarian disaster.” thority… They are trying to give Egyptian blockade. unity” and to stop any plans to On Twitter, US Middle East En- A day later, Qatar pledged a sepa- them (Gazans) a sedative, some- Abbas maintains that any bid to separate Gaza from the West Bank, voy Jason Greenblatt said: “The US rate aid package of $150 million times through Egypt and this time ease the humanitarian suffering in the spokesman added. appreciates the efforts of the UN, for Gaza, via the UN Development through Israel.”

Viewpoint Undoing Palestinian reconciliation from the inside

shroud of mystery is Mahmoud Abbas wants it to in- concern. about how to solve the weapons enveloping meetings in clude the disarmament of Hamas Indeed, security was far from be- issue to keep both the wolf and the Cairo between Egyptian and end its ability to turn the tables ing the driving concern behind US sheep alive. Adli Sadeq A intelligence services in whenever it wants. Hamas clings President Donald Trump’s endorse- Still, it is possible to reach a charge of the Palestinian recon- to its weapons, considering them ment of Israel’s claim that Jerusa- solution on the issue of military ciliation issue and the Hamas and means of legitimate resistance. lem is its capital. The decision to structures in Gaza by integrating Fatah delegations. Observers noted that Hamas bulldoze the Palestinian Bedouin them into a constitutional frame- The secrecy seems to indicate seems to have become aware of its village of Khan al-Ahmar, which work, transforming them into that the Egyptian side wishes to inability to secure its maximum has 173 inhabitants living quietly the nucleus of a national military avoid controversy that might be demands and was showing flex- and not threatening anyone, was defence institution that obeys triggered by irresponsible declara- ibility on most issues, except for not due to a security concern. The political decisions, especially deci- tions from the Palestinian parties. the question of weapons. For Ha- Israeli court that issued the deci- sions made by elected constitu- When pressed for information, mas, weapons are tantamount to sion to demolish the village was tional bodies grouping all shades the Palestinian rivals usually its right to exist. For its members, not deciding a security issue. of the political spectrum among limit themselves to declaring that if they lose their weapons, every- The so-called Deal of the Cen- the Palestinians. negotiations are continuing and thing will fall apart and Hamas will tury became itself the basic excuse Since both parties are unin- that their Egyptian brothers are be unable to protect those affili- to justify the position and behav- terested in such a solution, the adamant on bringing about recon- ated with the organisation. iour of the other side. What Abbas issue will remain hanging on two ciliation. Many Gazans have multiplied considers to be Hamas’s reluctance factions. The first is trying to save The Egyptian side is irked by their complaints about the public to meet the terms of reconciliation itself politically by demonstrating the positions of both Palestinian behaviour of Hamas. The Gazan emanates from its latent desire to its commitment to non-violence rivals. Nevertheless, it persists in society is tribal and it is feared that establish a mini-entity in Gaza as and priding itself on disarming doggedly pursuing its objective, some of the aggrieved would exact a condition for the passage of the Gaza as its last achievement. The determined not to come to a dead revenge on those who have hurt deal. second faction is trying to protect end. At every occasion, the Egyp- them or killed their children. Hamas says that Abbas is con- itself because, like the first fac- tians would make a proposal, re- One of the worst calamities due forming to and supporting a deal tion, it does not want to become vise it and the Palestinians would to this rift is the emergence of that would render the Palestinian dependent for its survival on a hear about an Egyptian “memo.” vindictive feelings within the com- people toothless and unable to mature political system, with At every occasion, also, when the munity. Some sections fear this resist and the dominion of security legislative, executive and judicial content of the memo became pub- vindictiveness and are careful not coordination is consolidated on branches and that would guaran- lic knowledge, one of the Palestin- to allow the other group to take Palestinian lands, ready-made for tee rights, fix responsibilities and ian rivals would express reserva- revenge. For Hamas, the issue of the Israeli solution framework. consecrate justice. tions. Even when the memo was arms is a matter of life and death. Both parties maintain the rift and The Egyptians are adamant on kept confidential, there would be Abbas, who demands disarma- are stalling the Egyptians’ attempts pushing for reconciliation and it expressions of reservations from ment, ignores the political and at reconciliation. They realise that looks like they are getting closer this side or the other. The issue re- social dimensions of the process. the deal they are talking about is to a moment of truth. What will be volves around the question of how He is convinced that Hamas’s better served with division. said to each Palestinian side is: If Hamas seems to have to “enable” or “empower” the pres- disarmament would be the icing The Egyptians and the two ad- you are really against the Deal of ident of the Palestinian Authority, on the cake of his security coordi- versaries are observing complete the Century and think that pres- become aware of its as well as the “empowerment” that nation approach with Israel. He is silence about the deliberations in suring you or ignoring you is part inability to secure its Hamas seeks to preserve itself, the convinced that disarming Hamas Cairo so as not to make matters of that deal, let’s see you come to maximum demands livelihoods of its members and its would bolster his political posi- worse. Some, in their attempts to the reconciliation and pay your business and real estate assets. tion and that would soften Israel decipher the silence, are say- dues by giving your people their and was showing Nobody knows what this em- when negotiating a settlement. ing that Cairo is dissatisfied with rights, that way you will undo the flexibility on most powerment means and none of the This assumption is the result of a Abbas’s position and considers deal from inside. involved parties wish to find any misconception that Israel and the it negative; others favourable to issues, except for the solutions to its contentious points. Americans can be appeased and Abbas say the opposite. Amid this Adli Sadeq is a Palestinian writer question of weapons. Palestinian Authority President that the security issue is their real clamour, no details have leaked and political analyst. 12 October 14, 2018 News & Analysis Soft Power in MENA

Viewpoint UAE’s success story is not just a reflection of soft power

The engine behind these plans has been UAE Vision 2021. The aim of that vision is nothing short of Saeed al-Ketbi making the United Arab Emirates one of the best countries of the world in terms of economic and he United Arab Emirates social development. Vision 2021 enjoys an outstanding global includes four axes: United in respon- reputation. It is the most sibility, United in destiny, United in T attractive tourist destination knowledge and United in prosperity. in the MENA region and one of the The axes are ambitious work pro- most desirable in the world. Most grammes, not just slogans. international brand surveys testify To implement its vision, the to the UAE’s allure for travel and government introduced the Smart business. Government Initiative aimed at mak- Another clear illustration of the ing government formalities acces- UAE’s reputation is that its citizens sible 24 hours a day through smart may visit 75% of all the countries of applications. The next step was the the world with no need for an entry UAE’s strategy for artificial intel- visa. This is not short of amazing in ligence, the first of its kind. Artificial an age unfortunately determined by intelligence is going to underlie all Western wariness of all things Mid- future services, production sectors dle Eastern. and infrastructure installations in The United Arab Emirates has the country. Religious outreach. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (2nd-R) cuts the ribbon on the day of conducted pioneering outreach pro- The UAE strives to become the the official inauguration of the Cologne Central Mosque in Germany, on September 29. (AP) grammes allowing others to discover first open global laboratory for its culture, heritage and way of life. applying digital technology in all Its daring openness to the world sectors. The UAE was invited to join eventually paid off but its outstand- the UN secretary-general’s High- ing reputation is not just due to Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, Turkey seeks to widen creative “soft power” efforts that established to help the world’s have helped the UAE tell a unique government face the fast-evolving success story. challenges of the digital revolution. The country’s success is more To decrease the country’s influence in Europe, Africa than just image projection. It is the dependence on oil production, the result of pioneering policies by the government has taken strategic steps Arab Gulf nation since its establish- regarding clean energy produc- Thomas Seibert try has done better elsewhere. tance.” ment on December 2, 1971, at a time tion and balancing between energy “Today, Turkey is the country that Africa has become a focal point when foreigners thought of the place consumption and environmental makes the most effective use of of Ankara’s efforts. Turkey’s in- as just a godforsaken desert. considerations. The UAE has become Istanbul soft power in the world,” Turkish vestment on the continent has When the UAE tops most one of the leading countries in clean Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavuso- grown from $100 million in 2003 countries in about 50 development and renewable energies, so much so urkey is trying to widen glu said in May. to $6.5 billion today and trade vol- indices, it is reaping the fruits of that the International Renewable En- its role in Europe and Af- An important tool of Turkish ume between Turkey and Africa enlightened policies imagined and ergy Agency has chosen Abu Dhabi rica with a soft-power out- soft power is the Directorate for totalled $17.5 billion. The num- implemented by the Emirates late for its headquarters. T reach that includes build- Religious Affairs, or Diyanet. The ber of Turkish embassies has in- founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin The UAE has been soberly vigilant ing mosques and embassies as body sends hundreds of Turkish creased from 12 in 2003 to 41 last Sultan al-Nahyan, and by leaders as winds of instability swept through anchors of influence. imams to European countries in- year. who succeeded him. the Gulf and Middle East regions For years, Turkish TV soap cluding Germany, where Erdogan Sheikh Zayed was a visionary. He through Iranian expansionism, operas popular in Arab countries recently opened a newly built used the state’s wealth to invest in jihadist terrorism and Islamist at- were regarded as key symbols for mosque in Cologne. The German Building mosques abroad preparing the generations that will tempts at regional destabilisation. the soft power of a country that arm of Diyanet, Ditib, runs about has become a key means build the country and the genera- If the UAE preserved its stability sees itself as a leading nation of 900 mosques in the country. of spreading Turkey’s tions that will carry on their work. and continued its progress, it is be- the Muslim world that provides a Critics accuse Ankara of using its soft power. The Emirates has, ever since, cause it has assumed its regional and 21st-century model for the combi- religious administration to push enjoyed an unrivalled climate of global responsibility in meeting the nation of Islam, democracy and a its political agenda or to spy on In his speech in May, Cavusoglu stability under such forward-looking challenges and facing their threats. free-market economy. Turks living abroad. named the partially state-owned leaders. Its highly professional and well- But a crackdown on dissent in German prosecutors are looking carrier Turkish Airlines and the The place has come a long way equipped troops are part of Arab which 150,000 people were de- into reports that Turkish imams Turkish International Cooperation since Sheikh Zayed’s decision to and international coalitions that tained after a failed coup against handed information about fol- and Development Agency as two form a unified state above and are maintaining regional peace and Turkish President Recep Tayyip lowers of the US-based Muslim other effective instruments of soft beyond the tribal fabric of the time. security. They are a demonstration Erdogan in 2016, a growing eco- cleric Fethullah Gulen, named by power. Decades of stability allowed the UAE of the willingness of a small progres- nomic crisis and political differ- Erdogan as the leader of the coup Turkish Airlines serves 52 des- to achieve smooth and unhindered sive Arab country to stand up for ences with Arab countries dented attempt of 2016, to Turkish agen- tinations in Africa, more than any progress. world peace. The UAE armed forces, the image of the “Turkish model.” cies. Authorities in the Nether- other airline. In 2012, the Turk- It is able, today, to offer its human which were present in Lebanon, So- lands said they were concerned ish flag carrier sent the first com- malia, Kosovo and Afghanistan, are and management expertise to coun- While Turkey’s efforts to about sermons in Turkish-run mercial flight by a major interna- tries that received their independ- defending legitimacy in Yemen. mosques in the country that re- tional airline to Somalia’s war-torn ence well before the UAE did and Facing challenges with vision win influence through portedly praised Turkish military capital, Mogadishu. The city also initiate and finance international and courage, becoming a model for cultural or economic means incursions into Syria. boasts a Turkish-run Recep Tayyip programmes devoted to the future success and taking the lead on many have suffered setbacks in Building mosques abroad has Erdogan Hospital. of humanity, from the environment fronts, are among the characteristics the Middle East, the country become a key means of spreading In some places, soft power and to space. of the United Arab Emirates, their has done better elsewhere. Turkey’s soft power. A mosque hard power go hand in hand. Mog- The Emirati leadership has laid leaders and their people. for 5,000 people in Tirana, Alba- adishu is the home of Turkey’s big- out a strategic vision for ensuring To buttress its success story and In March, the Saudi-owned sat- nia, built by Diyanet for a reported gest overseas military base, which a durable future for generations to ensure the progress and stability of ellite network MBC took Turkish $34.5 million, is the biggest Muslim was opened last year at a reported come. It has established a road map the Gulf region and the Arab world, soaps off the air. No explanation house of prayer in the Balkans. Di- cost of $50 million and is designed for achieving qualitative leaps in all the UAE is shouldering the responsi- was given but Turkey has sided yanet has overseen the construc- to train 10,000 Somali soldiers. economic and social sectors towards bility for the promotion of peace and with Qatar in the dispute between tion of more than 50 mosques in Last year, Turkey agreed to re- durable development, without fol- security. Doha and a Saudi-led quartet of countries ranging from the United build a ruined Ottoman port city lowing for the usually slow and stut- countries. Like Qatar, Turkey is a States to Russia and Somalia. The on Sudan’s Red Sea coast and tering pace of change in the region. Saeed al-Ketbi is an Emirati writer. supporter of the Muslim Brother- organisation has repaired more construct a dock to maintain ci- hood, seen as a terrorist threat by than 100 war-damaged mosques vilian and military vessels. There Riyadh and its allies. in northern Syria. are plans for Turkish investment “Erdogan is in control of a much Turkey’s state-sponsored cul- to build Khartoum’s planned new greater institutional capacity, tural organisation, the Yunus airport. ranging from aid organisations to Emre Institute, has stepped up its Ankara’s grasp has limits, how- media outlets, than many of Tur- programme of Turkish language ever. Erdemir pointed out that the key’s neighbours,” Aykan Erdemir, courses. The pro-government financial crisis in Turkey, which a senior fellow at the Foundation Daily Sabah newspaper reported has sent the value of the lira down for Defense of Democracies, a that the Turkish language is being almost 40% against the US dollar Washington think-tank, said via e- taught as an optional course in ele- since the start of the year, could mail. “This would have provided mentary and secondary schools in reduce Turkey’s ability to influ- him much greater capacity to at- Balkan countries, including Bos- ence players in other countries tain soft power had he not shot nia and Herzegovina. through construction or aid pro- himself in the foot with his au- “The Turkish government’s grammes. thoritarian predilection and bel- deep pockets remain the most im- “Given the economic downturn ligerent rhetoric.” portant tool of its soft power,” Er- in Turkey and the ensuing devalu- While Turkey’s efforts to win demir said. “Under Erdogan’s rule, ation in lira, Ankara will have to influence through cultural or eco- Turkey has drastically increased cut back on transfers to its global A model for success. A 2017 file picture shows visitors attending nomic means have suffered set- its budget earmarked for humani- clients, waning its soft power,” Er- the Cityscape Global exhibition in Dubai. (AFP) backs in the Middle East, the coun- tarian aid and development assis- demir wrote. October 14, 2018 13 News & Analysis Soft Power in MENA Damascus’s push for soft power legitimacy

Sami Moubayed tional aid off the backs of the refu- gees, repeating the experience of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Beirut Syrian authorities have provided returning refugees with construc- n several occasions over tion materials, electricity and run- the past seven years, soft- ning water, nudging them into power techniques have physically rebuilding their homes, O been used to rally support hoping this will inspire interna- for popular causes in Damascus, tional donors to pitch in. seen as more cost-effective than In recently retaken territories, sheer military might. former militants have been par- Initially immune to public criti- doned if they join the Russia-led cism, Syrian authorities have reconciliation process, surrender been surprisingly attentive to their weapons and inform on the what is being said about them on whereabouts of people in the un- Facebook and, to a lesser extent, derground. Those who want to Twitter, especially when it comes join the government armed forces to the whims and complaints of are being welcomed, especially in their constituency. They never re- southern Syria. ally cared what the opposition was On October 9, a pardon was is- saying, looping all its branches and sued to army deserters and con- figures into a one-size-fits-all jiha- scription evaders. The objective di basket. was to bring as many young men as possible into the government fold, using them as a powerful labour While no leader has force in post-war reconstruction. emerged in the Within Syria, the government’s pro-regime online presence on social media has be- community, social media come a fixture in the daily lives of influencers are on thousands, as Damascus exerts its the rise. influence on Syria’s populace and Re-imagining Syria. A participant attends the opening of the Syria rebuilding exhibition at the fair signals how power might be chan- grounds in Damascus, on October 2. (AP) nelled in post-war Syria. The Assad government is us- Domestic activists have increas- ing soft power to peddle its ver- ingly been relying on the internet tolerance of illegal bars in some (Awqaf). How far Damascus will go in pre- sion of events, so successfully it and social media, using its power of Damascus’s oldest neighbour- Saleh started an online cam- senting itself as a new and moder- seems that its official channels on as a tool for change, no matter hoods, the Syrian government has paign that snowballed into “#I am ate force in Syria’s internal politics YouTube were shut down in Sep- how slowly or sluggishly that may been at pains to show itself as a Syrian opposed to Law # 16,” whip- is not clear. Much of the country tember. Contrary to what many come. In many cases, online cam- reasonable interlocutor more than ping up an impressive assortment is in the hands of foreign powers, believed, most outreaches were paigns have been ad hoc, triggered capable of admitting to and even of artists, journalists and poets. with the almost certainly savage never aimed at convincing the op- by reactions to bad government, rectifying mistakes. They objected to the new powers battle for Idlib ahead. However, position but at uniting the convert- corruption or lopsided legislation. While no leader has emerged vested in the ministry, raising such for now at least, Damascus is ready ed behind a single cause. Much of that activism started af- in the pro-regime online commu- an uproar that Awqaf Minister Mo- to use every means at its disposal More recently, however, Damas- ter the battles of the Damascus nity, social media influencers are hammad Abdul Sattar Sayyed de- to establish itself as a government cus has been reaching out to the countryside ended last May, which on the rise. Nabil Saleh, a secular fended the law in a televised ap- ready to forgive, forget and build millions of refugees abroad — espe- shifted the attention of many Syr- writer and member of parliament, pearance, saying its clauses were again. cially the politically neutral among ians from the military conflict to recently leaked via Facebook con- no Quran and were open to debate them — trying to lure them home, other issues affecting their daily troversial legislation giving wide and amendment. However, the law Sami Moubayed is a Syrian at the urging of the Russians. The lives. and unprecedented powers to the has not been revoked, amended or historian and author of “Under objective was to attract interna- From education to the official Ministry of Religious Endowments put up for debate in parliament. the Black Flag” (IB Tauris, 2015). Viewpoint Iran’s ‘influence operations’ in the region not adequately countered

o longer do Arab overlooked dimension of Iran’s campaign in Iraq since 2014, said a visceral level to many people in governments influence operations in the region: Alaoui, “may represent the most the region and generally conforms have the monop- its public diplomacy outreach promising example of Gulf Arab to Iran’s foreign policy. “ public diplomacy in the Middle Alaoui expressed concern that, Mark Habeeb oly on informa- aimed at shaping the information tion flows in their landscape and public opinion of East.” while the Trump administration countries” and, key audiences in the Arab world.” This campaign has included has made countering Iran its num- as a result,N the Iranian government, Iran’s public influence campaign everything from re-establishing ber one regional priority, it is not in particular, has utilised social has focused on themes that have commercial air travel between the making a serious effort “to develop media, internet news sites and Ara- the potential to resonate with Arab countries to organising a friendly a complementary public diplomacy bic-language television channels to publics — such as anti-imperialism, football match between the two strategy or an American counter- influence the Arab public. Neither Islamic unity and the Palestinian national teams. The main theme of narrative that directly competes the United States nor the Arab cause — and are designed to turn Riyadh’s public diplomacy efforts with Iran in the influence space of world are responding sufficiently the Arab public away from not only in Iraq is Arab unity — a powerful key Arab countries.” to the Iranian challenge. the United States but from their narrative to counter Iranian inter- The fundamental problem is So concluded a report by the own governments as well. ference in Iraq. that a public diplomacy campaign Centre for American Progress, a Alaoui noted that one of Tehran’s The US State Department also cannot compensate for unpopular Washington think-tank with close common methods is to spread maintains a public diplomacy op- policies or lack of a broad coher- ties to Democratic Party foreign conspiracy theories — such as the eration but has been handicapped ent strategy. If the United States policy experts. theory that the Islamic State (ISIS) in the Middle East by the fact that is unclear what its goals are in Sarah Alaoui, the report’s author, was a US and Israeli creation, a so many aspects of US policy in the the Middle East, it will be hard to said: “Social media platforms rumour that was actively promoted region are unpopular and thus not develop a narrative that connects have made it easier for US adver- during the campaign against ISIS in easy to sell to regional audiences. with people in the region. saries such as Russia and Iran to Mosul. During a decisive period of Alaoui argued that under President At the same time, Iran’s narrative disseminate disinformation as that campaign, members of Iraq’s Donald Trump the United States can be undermined by making peo- news — including anti-American Iran-backed Popular Mobilisation no longer practises a “values-based ple aware of the reality of Tehran’s narratives — on an unprecedented Forces spread rumours that the US approach to diplomacy,” making policies, which includes support scale and at the same time make it military was protecting and hiding it hard to develop an attractive for a regime in Damascus that has more difficult for the United States ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. US mega-narrative to counter the virtually destroyed the Syrian na- to respond.” Saudi Arabia’s public diplomacy Iranian narrative, which appeals at tion as well as involvement in the The Iranian government has internal affairs of Lebanon, Iraq used “soft power” methods as a and Yemen. “key purveyor of anti-American Alaoui concluded her report by rhetoric in the Middle East.” While arguing that the United States must Tehran cannot hope to counter US devote more resources and energy “hard power” in the region — such to a soft-power public diplomacy as economic sanctions and military campaign in the Middle East — but capabilities — it has proven highly this suggestion does not address effective at using relatively inex- the fact that the United States is pensive “soft power” to compete fundamentally devoid of a con- with US influence. vincing narrative. Tehran has targeted its disin- Perhaps it would be also more formation efforts on neighbour- fruitful for Arab states to take up ing Iraq, where its on-the-ground the challenge of countering the influence already is great, and Iranian narrative — the way Saudi If the United States is Lebanon, where its Hezbollah al- Arabia has done in Iraq — and en- unclear what its goals lies effectively control the national ergise their own largely untapped are in the Middle East, government. “soft power.” Alaoui argued that the United it will be hard to States has relied almost exclusively Mark Habeeb is East-West Editor develop a narrative on “hard power levers” to counter of The Arab Weekly and adjunct Iran but has failed to undertake Overdosing on emotions. Iranian protesters wave placards professor of Global Politics and that connects with “a significant, overt effort to denouncing the US and Israel during a demonstration in Tehran, Security at Georgetown University people in the region. tackle a more insidious and largely last December. (AFP) in Washington. 14 October 14, 2018 Debate Turkey Brunson freed, now what?

Workers’ Party (PKK), the insur- gency movement deemed terror- ist by both the United States and Yavuz Baydar Turkey.” The article also mentioned other cases linked to the US Em- bassy: Metin Topuz and Nazmi Mete Canturk. The fourth detainee also has a o, a happy ending for link to the United States. Serkan American Evangelist Golge, a US citizen and NASA sci- pastor Andrew Brunson entist, was sentenced to 7.5 years and his family. Although in prison on the charge of “be- he was sentenced to 3 longing to a terror organisation years, 1 month and 15 responsible for the coup attempt Sdays in prison, Brunson became a in 2016.” free man on October 12. He is free Relatives and friends of all four to leave Turkey, to meet a joyful detainees say they, like Brunson, crowd in Washington. Months of are captives held as pawns in a agony ended with another seem- rough game of give-and-take be- ing parody of the judicial process tween the two governments. in Turkey. Then there are all the other Brunson may leave Turkey with political prisoners, including 175 a bitter taste of oppression, just journalists and several Kurdish as thousands of others — many of politicians, not least former Peo- them foreign nationals — know. ples’ Democratic Party Chairman Were the legal proceedings Crisis fatigue. US pastor Andrew Brunson (C-R) arrives at his home after being Selahattin Demirtas, and thou- against Brunson all for nothing? released from prison in Izmir, last July. (Reuters) sands of Gulenists. But the Trump Not if you ask autocrats and wan- administration may see them as a nabe autocrats. The Brunson case domestic issue. is another successful exercise in on Middle East Democracy, mused Turkish prisons. Many of them Even with respect to Brunson, hollowing out the justice system. on the imponderables. If Brunson are dissidents, facing bogus there are no clear answers to the In a world where mafia meth- isn’t released, further storms are charges as the Turkish judiciary question about quid pro quo be- ods are increasingly used as certain, Eissenstat said. If he is becomes increasingly subordinate tween Ankara and Washington. If, operational policies of the state, it released, things look brighter. In to Erdogan’s super-presidential as has been suggested, there was seems there is a new era. It is one neither scenario does the relation- regime. The prisoners in Turkish a secret deal, what were its terms? in which international relations ship “end” or become “healthy.” jails will probably be regarded as Erdogan has been very frustrated will be defined by the treatment The court’s ruling means Eis- an irrelevance in a United States by the Zarrab-Halkbank case in of individuals, some of whom are senstat’s second scenario will be overwhelmed by its victory in the United States and has been targeted as hostages and por- in play but it’s not as things will securing Brunson’s release. struggling to deal with Turkey’s trayed as victims. look brighter all around. The question remains: What declining economy. The frustration and anger sur- True, the allegations against will happen to the thousands of Perhaps the timing of the Brun- rounding Brunson’s fate — a good Brunson were ridiculous. He was imprisoned people? There are four son verdict may prove fortuitous. example of this trend — reached charged with espionage and col- other prominent cases of deten- The mystery over Jamal Khashog- the point of frenzy by the time the laborating with both the Gulenists tion and three of them are linked gi, a journalist who has been Turkish court ordered his release. and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party with the US Embassy. Their plight missing since October 2 when It was reminiscent of the case of (PKK) at the same time with the was recently highlighted in an he visited the Saudi Consulate Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-Turkish aim of overthrowing the Turkish article in the Washington Post by in Istanbul, overlapped with the gold trader who was arrested and government. It is well known that Henri Barkey, an expert on Kurd- Brunson trial. Perhaps Erdogan put on trial in the United States the Gulenists and the PKK are at ish affairs, and Eric Edelman, a may have calculated that grant- and became a key witness against odds with each other. former US ambassador. ing Brunson his freedom will help Turkish President Recep Tayyip The real reason Brunson’s Barkey and Edelman reminded change his image in Washington Erdogan’s government on its al- case caused US President Donald the world of the facts of the deten- and will help the argument made leged breach of Iranian sanctions. Trump and his Secretary of State tions: ”Jailed since February 2017, by those who say the United As with Zarrab, so with Brun- Mike Pompeo to take on Erdogan’s Hamza Ulucay is a 37-year veteran States must not lose Turkey. son. The future of political, eco- administration was his religious of the US diplomatic service. Dol- If so, there may be an end to nomic and even military relations identity. The pastor belonged to lar bills found in his home were the deterioration of relations. between two key allies seemed to Pompeo’s church and his case offered up by Turkish authorities Perhaps there may even be the depend on a single court ruling. became a way for Trump to please as proof that Ulucay had some- lifting of Magnitsky Act sanctions Ahead of the Turkish court’s a key voter base ahead of Novem- thing to do with the attempted on Erdogan’s interior and justice verdict, Howard Eissenstat, a ber’s midterm elections. July 15, 2016, coup d’etat against ministers. non-resident fellow at the Project For both Trump and Pompeo, the Erdogan government. It is In a nutshell, the Brunson case it was about winning a symbolic especially bizarre that Ulucay is seems to have served political battle. After the October 12 ruling alleged to have connections both interests but not the cause of judi- The Brunson case seems to in the Turkish court, Trump can to the network of Fethullah Gu- cial independence. have served political interests declare victory. len, a Turkish cleric living in the However, the outcome of the United States whom the govern- Yavuz Baydar is a Turkish but not the cause of judicial Brunson case won’t mean much ment accuses of organising the journalist and regular columnist independence. to the nearly 50,000 others in failed coup, and to the Kurdistan for The Arab Weekly. Could economic crisis mean the end of Turkey’s Erdogan?

constituency. This line of thinking Since traditional concepts such Erdogan, Turkey may witness a emphasises the pragmatic nature as electoral behaviour are no long- Once problems new type of crisis in which those in of Turkish people, who would er relevant in Turkey, propaganda become power resist change even if social demand political change because theories are critical to understand- structural and and economic conditions worsen. Gokhan Bacik of an economic crisis. ing how people learn, think and entrenched, The golden years of Erdogan and There are examples, such as the behave. Alongside propaganda, there is no way his Turkey are over. It has been 2001 Turkish economic crisis, that the state will continue to suppress to solve them almost six years that Turkey has changed the ruling party and the protests of the government. in a short time. been a country of political and general rules of the economy. Using both tactics, Erdogan ex- economic instability. In that time, ric J. Zurcher, an expert Erdogan has signalled that he pects to smother disaffection with Erdogan has survived but the cost on Turkey, said in an fears the economic crisis may lead the economic crisis until the point has been poverty and growing interview with ahval- to social unrest and the state does of recovery. In this model, what is authoritarianism. that only an not tolerate even the smallest expected from the Turkish people These are not merely abstract economic crisis could protest. is to wait patiently while internal- concepts. Behind them lies dete- stop Turkey’s drift A worker at the construction ising state propaganda. rioration in standards of public ser- Etowards fascism. Umit Akcay and site of Istanbul’s new airport who If Erdogan’s plan works, his vice, poorer education and decays other economists are of almost protested the late arrival of a bus regime will survive but Turkey will in cultural life. If this continues the opposite opinion. To them, the to take him to work was arrested. become more authoritarian and for several years, Turkey could crisis in Turkey is likely to foster Police questioned a journalist for poorer, supporting the thesis of become another Egypt, where the more authoritarianism. posting a video on social media economists such as Akcay. poor and unemployed are regis- It is possible to find arguments of council workers in the Black What about the other possibil- tered in the tens of millions. backing both Zurcher’s and Akcay’s Sea town of Rize cutting down a ity? What if Erdogan fails to turn Turkey, like Egypt, is a large positions. 100-year-old tree in the city centre. around the economy? country with a big population and Those who share Zurcher’s thesis Erdogan knows there is no There is one critical point to that means, once problems become argue that only a deep economic possibility of challenging him in grasp. Unlike Bulent Ecevit, who structural and entrenched, there crisis can weaken the attach- elections so worries are focused was unseated as prime minister is no way to solve them in a short ment between Turkish President on protests of worsening economic because of the 2001 economic time. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his conditions. Thus the state employs crisis, Erdogan is not a standard a pre-emptive strategy of not toler- political leader. He is also creating Gokhan Bacik teaches political Losing power for leaders such ating protests even by individuals. a political system to replace the science at Palacky University. There is a simple calculation Kemalist one. His research interests include as Erdogan who have an agenda behind this strategy. Erdogan Losing power for leaders such modern Middle East, Islam and of building a new regime is expects an economic recovery at as Erdogan who have an agenda politics and Turkish politics. This some point. Until then he has two of building a new regime is costly article was published initially in costly and the price is usually instruments to deal with the crisis: and the price is usually more than It is reprinted more than the loss of office. propaganda and oppression. the loss of office. In the case of with permission. October 14, 2018 15 Debate Iran Iranian terror plots send a message to opposition abroad

gian nationals are Amir Sadouni and Nasimeh Noami, a married couple. When arrested, they al- Ali Alfoneh legedly were in possession of half a kilogram of explosives and a detonator. Later, a certain Merhad A. was arrested in Paris on charges of being an accomplice. Iranian here was a time Iran media have since released photos systematically as- of Sadouni at MEK gatherings and sassinated Iranian claims the MEK staged the ter- opposition members rorist attack. The fake attack was in Europe. Some of the supposedly meant to be an act more prominent assas- of provocation and discredit the Tsinations of the 1980s and early regime in Tehran. 1990s were: Shahriar Shafiq, the A third possible plot was shah’s nephew; General Gholam- discovered by the Danish intel- Ali Oveissi; former Prime Minister ligence services in September. Shapour Bakhtiar; regime critic Police began a manhunt, which Reza Mazlouman in France; Ira- briefly paralysed Denmark after nian Kurdish opposition leaders in the authorities cut off the eastern Austria and Germany and Kazem island of Zealand and Copenha- Rajavi, representative of the Peo- gen, from the rest of the country. ple’s Mujahideen of Iran (MEK) to Police said they were looking for a the United Nations in Switzerland. Under scrutiny. The conference room of the Zahra Centre, the headquarters of a Shia black Swedish-registered car with The practice of assassinating association in northern France, after it was raided by 200 policemen, on October 2. (AFP) “possibly three people onboard” opponents abroad ended in the in connection with “serious crimi- 1990s when the regime in Tehran lipped. Mashregh, a news outlet The second sign of revival of nality.” The vehicle was found but tried to gain respectability and close to the Islamic Revolutionary Tehran’s terror squads became authorities have yet to report any international acceptance. There Guard Corps, disclosed that Dutch public in July. On June 30, the arrests. are signs, however, that Iran is authorities were investigating two National Council of Resistance Several days later it became turning the clock back to the bad murder cases, which they attrib- of Iran, which serves as a front apparent that the Danish police old days. uted to Iranian agents. for the MEK, had a gathering in expected the assassination or The first ominous sign appeared Ahmad Mola Abou Nahez, also Paris. It hosted several promi- kidnapping by Iranian agents of in July when the Dutch General known as Ahmad Nissi, founder nent guests such as former US an individual who goes by the Intelligence and Security Service of the separatist Arab Struggle House Speaker Newt Gingrich pseudonym Yaqoub al-Tostari. He confirmed it had expelled two Ira- Movement for the Liberation and former New York Mayor Rudy is the ASMLA spokesman and de- nian Embassy staff members but of Ahwaz (ASMLA), was killed Giuliani, US President Donald fended the September 22 terrorist declined to provide details. The November 9, 2017. Mohammad- Trump’s lawyer. attack against a military parade in Iranian side was not as closed- Reza Samadi Kolahi, also known The French government ac- . as Ali Motamed, was shot dead cused “Iranian intelligence” of All three incidents appear to in the Netherlands on December plotting to bomb the gathering. send a uniform message to the All incidents appear to send a 15, 2015. Kolahi was a former The alleged plotters, arrested Iranian opposition abroad: The uniform message to the Iranian MEK member and wanted by in several European countries, regime is willing and capable of the Tehran regime for planting a included Assadollah Assadi, an turning the clock back to the bad opposition abroad: The regime bomb at the headquarters of the Iranian diplomat based in Austria. old days. is willing and capable of Islamic Republican Party in 1981, He was arrested in Germany on which killed 75 people, including the charge of handing a bomb to Ali Alfoneh is a visiting scholar at turning the clock back to the Mohammad Beheshti, Supreme two Belgian nationals of Iranian the Arab Gulf States Institute in bad old days. Court chief. origin, in Luxembourg. The Bel- Washington. Iran’s conflicting narrative over Ahvaz attack

attack when the attackers were of the shah and after the Islamic eas, such as markets and schools, killed during fire exchange and Revolution. The region has wit- There are with the goal to create fear and none of the four survived to be nessed protests by locals over air reasonable claim as many lives as possible. Mona Silavi interrogated? pollution, water shortages and doubts over By doing so, ISIS reaffirms its Iranian authorities accused unemployment. the source and power and dominance over the Israel, the United Arab Emirates Consequently, it is highly the accuracy population. and Saudi Arabia of supporting militarised, like Kurdistan, of the The third and most important factor is that the perpetrators Ahwazi groups to destabilise Iran. Baluchistan and other border information n September 22, the It started a mass arrest against regions where minorities reside. were familiar with the area and anniversary of the Ahwazi . Local human Throughout the modern history presented by knew which zone — the park beginning of Iran- rights organisations said some of Iran, Ahwazi Arab movements the IRGC behind the commander’s stand — Iraq war, an Islamic 300 people were arrested. struggled to achieve self-determi- commander. was unattended. Revolutionary Guard Later, by publishing a video nation in various ways; how- Some refer to the video pub- Corps (IRGC) parade showing three young men, two ever, the response of the central lished by ISIS as the only le- Owas attacked by gunmen in what of whom spoke Arabic and one government always remained gitimate piece of evidence that call “Ahwaz” but Farsi, the Islamic State (ISIS) took aggressive. proves its involvement; however, what is officially referred to by responsibility for the attack. Days Arab cultural and environmen- there are elements in the video Iran as “Ahvaz.” later, Iran fired rockets into Syria, tal activists and protesters have that raise doubts about the ISIS Within hours, an IRGC com- claiming to hit ISIS targets as been accused of receiving sup- narrative. Nowhere in the video mander stated that members of revenge. port from foreign countries and do the young men use the name “Alahwazieh terrorist group stood The time and the place of this fundamental terrorist groups. The of ISIS or use the literature that behind the attack.” Here it is event are important aspects to Ahwazi question in Iran is one of ISIS usually uses in its videos. essential to note that there is no consider when grasping its signifi- national rights and demands and Taking this into account, movement or resistance under the cance. The city of Ahvaz is in the has never been a sectarian Sunni another possible scenario is the name “Alahwazieh” inside or out- oil-rich province of Khuzestan in versus Shia conflict with the cen- involvement of an independent side of Ahvaz. This word simply south-western Iran where Ahwazi tral government. group that received intelligence means “the Ahwazi” and using Arab residents of the region call it First, most are and logistics from inside elements the Arabic name of the region was Al-Ahwaz. Shia and ISIS does not have sup- to undermine the IRGC narra- a way for the Iranian authorities Ahwazi Arabs are an ethno- porters among the community. tive of total control over Iran’s to announce that Arab resistance linguistic minority in Iran. The Having said that, I do not claim security. is behind the attack. region accounts for 80% of Iran’s that only the Sunni sect of Islam Ahwazi Arabs have legitimate In the same interview, the GDP, standing as the backbone can be radicalised because we are grievances because they are commander of IRGC in Khuzestan of Iran’s economy. Yet it is one of witnessing Shia fanatic groups in subjected to systematic discrimi- confirmed the death of all four at- Iran’s most underdeveloped bor- the region. nation by the central government. tackers, adding that the weapons der regions and among the world’s For years the Iranian govern- Unequal distribution of wealth, used had been hidden in the area most polluted areas. ment accused Arabs and other systematic violation of human from which the attack took place. Bordering Iraq, the region wit- ethnic minorities, such as Kurds rights, destruction of the environ- There are reasonable doubts nessed great destruction during and Baluchi, of being infiltrated ment, ignoring social and cultural over the source and the accuracy and after the 8-year Iran-Iraq war by ISIS to legitimise executions demands of national minorities of the information presented by because the central government and long prison sentences for reflect the extent and depth of the IRGC commander. The ques- failed to attend to its reconstruc- political prisoners belonging to Iran’s conflicts at home. tion that rose among the Iranian tion and development. those minorities. The Islamic Republic of Iran public was: Who provided this The extent of destruction is Islamic fundamentalist terror- approaches its 40th anniversary detailed information about the such that cities of the province are ist groups have a religious agenda experiencing existential threats used for locations for movies with and not a nationalist one and here and challenges domestically and war themes. The Arab residents is where doubts over the Iranian internationally. Adopting con- Adopting conspiracy of the cities have not yet returned government’s narrative about the spiracy theories and scenarios theories and scenarios of to their homes 30 years after the perpetrators of the Ahvaz attack of foreign plots underlines the end of the war and reside in other are raised. detachment of Tehran from the foreign plots underlines the cities away from Ahvaz. Second, the method in which reality in peripheral regions of the detachment of Tehran from Ahwazi Arabs have a long his- ISIS operates is different than the country. tory of conflicts with the central method witnessed in Ahvaz. ISIS the reality in peripheral government over their national makes use of car bombs or suicide Mona Silavi is an Ahwazi rights regions of the country. demands, both during the rule bombers in civilian populated ar- activist based in Brussels. 16 October 14, 2018 Opinion East West

Viewpoint Does Francophonie matter for the Arab world? mong the repre- sentatives of the 58 countries and 26 ob- Claude Salhani server nations at the recent Francophonie summit in the Arme- nianA capital, Yerevan, were Arab leaders, notably the presidents of Lebanon and Tunisia. The International Organisa- tion of la Francophonie includes fully or partially Francophone countries, a loose definition that gives it a wide reach encompass- ing many countries of the Arab region. Do Arabs have a stake in the international French-speaking community? Does France play an important role in its former domains? Paris likes to think it does. Whether the French and the Francophonie matter in the Arab world are debatable. Lebanon, or at least a large seg- ment of the Lebanese population, still turns to Paris for political support when in a crunch. Paris thought it could influence Syrian President Bashar Assad early in the conflict and avoid the blood- shed in the country, a former French protectorate. It turned out that the French were preaching in the desert. Zone of influence. French President Emmanuel Macron (C) gives a speech at the 17th Francophone Still, the Francophonie could be countries summit in Yerevan, on October 11. (AFP) a bridge between the Arab world and other parts of the globe, such as Europe and Africa. One of the on which the International sion of French culture. When one that Armenia, a former Soviet assets of the Francophonie is that Organisation of La Francophonie talks about French culture one republic, not a French-speaking it’s reaching out to different cul- is based. must not forget French cuisine, country by any means, would tures. This can only be a positive Created in 1970, the Inter- French haute couture and French host a Francophonie summit? development amid globalisation national Organisation of La politics. Beyond promoting French trends that place all cultures in Francophonie sees its mission The two leading colonial lan- language and culture, the Fran- one single mould. as formulating a deep sense of guages continue to influence the cophonie preserves France’s France has always been an solidarity among its members Arab world. Language represents political and economic zone of important partner for the Arab and observers. Together they culture and a way of life. influence. From luxury items to world. It can still offer prospects represent more than one-third of The great divide between medical equipment and aerospace in the future, providing a counter the United Nations’ members and French and English is far wider industry exports as well as the view of the world as presented by account for a population of more than the narrow body of water sale of its weaponry around the Washington. than 900 million people, includ- that geographically separates world, France has a lot at stake. The International Organisation ing 274 million French speakers. the two former colonial pow- The French know, however, Francophonie could of La Francophonie represents The French language — and by ers. These days the battle for the that in juicy deals knowledge of be a bridge between one of the biggest linguistic zones direct association French cul- hearts and minds — and tongues French is not a prerequisite. The in the world. Its members share ture, i.e., books, newspapers and — takes a different approach. merchants of French weapons the Arab world and more than a language. They share magazines and movies for televi- While Britain has the com- systems, for instance, also speak other parts of the the values and interests promoted sion as well as for the big screens, monwealth; the French have the fluent English. by the French language. The and now the internet with the Francophonie, where not the only globe, such as Europe French language and its “human- capability of accessing the web in French speakers are members. Claude Salhani is a regular and Africa. ist values” represent cornerstones French — allows for the expan- Who would have ever guessed columnist for The Arab Weekly. Viewpoint US ramps up rhetoric on Iran but not military posture

S President Donald to include an oil embargo and China and Russia. citing her vote in 2003 as a US Trump seems to be penalties on companies doing Nonetheless, the anti-Iran senator for the war in Iraq. Gregory pursuing contradic- business with Iran, with the aim rhetoric continues. US Secretary At the same time, Trump Aftandilian tory policies vis-a- of squeezing the Iranian economy. of State Mike Pompeo announced denigrated the nuclear deal with vis Iranian activities However, the Trump adminis- that the United States was pulling Iran, promised to get out of it in Syria. tration also appears to be sup- out of an obscure 1955 treaty of and claimed that he would not be UOn the one hand, he and his porting a less militant approach. amity and commerce with Iran. naive as President Barack Obama team upped the rhetoric on James Jeffrey, the new State De- The move comes after an Interna- had been in dealing with Tehran. Tehran and have stated that US partment point person on Syria, tional Court of Justice ruling in a But toughness in rhetoric military forces are going to stay in has suggested that US military case brought by Iranian authori- needs to be matched by a credible Syria until Iranian forces are with- forces might not be necessary to ties, who argued that the treaty military position; otherwise, the drawn from the country. John accomplish the goal of remov- precludes the United States from United States looks like a paper Bolton, the US national security ing Iranian forces from Syria. He prohibiting humanitarian aid and tiger. adviser, said: “We’re not going stated: “This is all about political assistance to Iran. Hence, if Washington is signal- to leave as long as Iranian troops pressure.” Whatever government Pompeo, in a briefing at the US ling that it is not going to use force are outside Iranian borders and is in Syria at the end of a political State Department, said Iran was to change Iranian behaviour but that includes Iranian proxies and process, he went on to say, “would trying to interfere with the “sov- will try to do so by economic and militias.” no longer feel the need to have ereign rights of the United States political means, that may not be These comments came on the Iranian forces there.” to take lawful actions necessary to enough to deter the hardliners in heels of Trump’s speech before More revealingly, Jeffrey added: protect our national security.” He Tehran. Undoubtedly, the latter the UN General Assembly in “We’re not going to force the Ira- implied that the case before the are watching the reduction in the which he took a tough anti-Iran nians out of Syria.” International Court of Justice was US military presence in the Gulf position. Not only did he praise Perhaps indicative of this less bogus because the United States and are analysing the contradic- his own decision to pull out of the militaristic approach is the US would continue licensing policies tory statements between Bolton Iran nuclear deal but he declared military posture in the Gulf that for humanitarian- transac- and Jeffrey. that “we cannot let a murderous has been geared towards protect- tions with Iran. Unless faced with a real pos- regime continue these destabilis- ing the sea lanes and serving as a What does this all mean? sibility of an actual military ing activities [in the region] while deterrent to Iran for many years. In many respects, this assort- confrontation, there is no com- building dangerous missiles… It is A recent report in the Wall Street ment of policies regarding Iran pelling reason for Iran to leave time for the entire world to join us Journal said the US military has reflects the contradictions in Syria. And knowing that Trump is in demanding that Iran’s govern- been reducing its presence there, Trump’s foreign policy thinking. not interested in war, despite his Toughness in rhetoric ment end its pursuit of death and removing ships, planes and mis- During the presidential campaign occasional rhetorical bombasts needs to be matched destruction.” siles. of 2016 he promised the American Iran is likely to remain in Syria for by a credible military Trump also said the Iranian For example, there has been no people he would avoid wars in quite some time. leaders fear the “vast military US aircraft carrier strike group the Middle East and referred to position; otherwise, power of the United States” in in the Gulf since March and the his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as Gregory Aftandilian is a lecturer the United States addition to their own people, who Pentagon is pulling missile de- being “trigger happy,” claiming in the Pardee School of Global want change. fence systems out of Kuwait and she would be inclined to get the Studies at Boston University and looks like a In early November, Trump is to Bahrain in a realignment away United States bogged down in a former US State Department paper tiger. impose new sanctions on Tehran from the region and towards another Middle Eastern quagmire, Middle East analyst. October 14, 2018 17 News & Analysis China in MENA China opens new shipping line to Tripoli Jacob Boswall creating places for refugees to re- turn to.” “[Chinese President] Xi Jinping Beirut is betting on having good relations with practically all the players in vast container ship called the region. China does not have CMA CGM Congo arrived the historical legacy of many oth- October 9 in Tripoli, said ers. It hopes it can simultaneously A Xinhua, China’s state me- deal with Iran and Saudi Arabia; dia agency. Israel and Lebanon. And in Leba- This is the latest overture by Bei- non, infrastructure is its main fo- jing to debt-ridden Lebanon and a cus,” Quilliam said. follow-up on promises made at the Lebanon sorely needs financ- China Arab States Cooperation Fo- ing for infrastructure. The Capital rum in July, when China pledged Investment Plan commissioned more than $23 billion in credit, by the World Bank ranked Leba- loans and humanitarian assistance non 130th out of 137 in quality of to the Arab world. overall infrastructure. In April, Big plans. A ship is loaded with container boxes at a port in Qingdao in the Chinese province of It is no secret that China is inter- Western partners at the CEDRE Shandong. (Reuters) ested in Lebanese infrastructure. conference proposed investment In 2009, the China Harbour Engi- in several sectors, including $10.8 neering Company won a contract billion devoted to infrastructure. main outcome of American and “The risks involved are thought ping and electricity, it seems Chi- to build a 600-metre quay exten- However, it comes with the pro- European sanctions against Iran to be predictable. As for financ- nese investors need no convinc- sion at Tripoli, with a view to re- viso that reforms are made to re- is that China has moved in to fill ing infrastructure, China’s large ing. Beginning in February, a new building the disused railway to duce fiscal deficit and public debt. the vacuum,” said Thomas Schel- conglomerates are looking for op- 450-megawatt power plant is set Homs. Tripoli has strategic impor- Lebanon is third in the world for len, editor of Executive magazine portunities on a scale which Leba- to provide the capital with 24 tance as the only deep-water port government debt to GDP — behind in Beirut. non cannot offer. They are not in- hours of electricity for the first in the region that is not controlled Japan, a booming economy, and “There is no doubt that the West terested in deals of a few hundred time since the end of the civil war by the Russian military. Greece, a failed economy. paints Chinese money darker than million dollars.” in 1990. “China sees Lebanon as part of “Western nations have an inter- is necessary. For the time being, I Eliana Ibrahim, president of “On October 13, I am welcoming one package, including Syria, Iraq est in keeping Lebanon stable for see confrontation on trade fronts China Arab Association for Pro- Power China to Lebanon. They are and central Asia,” said Neil Quil- two reasons,” said Lebanese jour- far more likely than military. Nev- moting Cultural and Commercial interested in financing up to 80% liam, senior research fellow with nalist Nizar Hassan. “First, it is a ertheless, small countries may get Exchange, said she agreed that of the new power plant,” Ibrahim the MENA Programme at Chatham [domestic] political issue. They caught between larger powers. Lebanon’s size presents difficul- said. “Despite this, Power China House, an independent policy in- want to prevent a further influx of Lebanon is one such country and ties for Chinese investment in was not able to send their head stitute in London. Quilliam leads refugees to Europe. Second, Leba- it should be wary of entering rela- infrastructure. “China really has boss! This may be a big project for a project mapping China’s Belt and non is a stage for proxy politics. tions with the Chinese.” money. China really has the will to Lebanon but it is small for China.” Road Initiative and specialises in This is Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s invest. A project joining Lebanon, Ibrahim said Tripoli’s port is relations between Arab countries last chance to save the economy. Syria, Iraq, Iran — that would be a special case. “Tripoli has even and China, India and Japan. His ties to Europe and Gulf make Tripoli has strategic something the Chinese would re- greater potential than Beirut be- “China recently appointed a spe- it appealing for Western investors importance as the only ally be interested in,” she said. cause it has space,” she said. “In cial envoy to Syria and a special to keep economy going and there- deep-water port in the Ibrahim frequently acts as a general, Tripoli should have more envoy to the Middle East peace fore him going. He is also an ally region that is not mediator between Chinese and opportunity — it should have.” process,” he said. “I was in Shang- against (the) Assad regime.” controlled by the Russian Lebanese markets. “The Chinese hai recently discussing the se- However, there may be a third military. are slower than Western investors. Jacob Boswall is a freelance quencing of Syria’s reconstruction reason for Western patience with They need to watch and feel safe,” journalist and videographer in process. While the US and Europe- Lebanon. Any punitive measures However, Schellen said there she said. “In China all my friends Beirut. His films can be found an powers want a political settle- taken by Western investors against was a limit to the possibility of ask what are good projects to in- at http://askadinyaproductions. ment before reconstruction, China Lebanon might allow new inves- Chinese investment. “The World vest in? They trust me because I and he can be views it the other way round. They tors to gain a footing. Bank’s plan has considerable fi- am Chinese.” followed on Twitter deem it necessary to already start “As we have seen before, the nancial advantages,” he said. In some sectors, such as ship- @jacob_jboswall.

Viewpoint China’s Middle East policy runs into problems

hina’s rise to the rank country to condemn China’s policy. Libya and its establishing paral- tion, torture and abuse to root out of major world power That puts pressure on Turkey (the lel relations with the opposition extremist elements, a report in has mostly been on Uighurs speak a Turkic-related National Council did not save it the Guardian, a British newspa- Francis Ghilès its own terms. That is language) and Saudi Arabia. being identified with the old re- per, stated. As many as 1.1 million true considering this China has created its first foreign gime. That evacuation was the first people — about 10% of Xingjian’s rise from an economic military base in Djibouti and its of similar ones in Syria, Iraq and adult Muslim population — have Cstandpoint but it has also been true growing portfolio of Belt and Road Yemen. Chinese workers have been been detained in re-education in the country’s foreign policy. Initiative (BRI) investments speaks kidnapped in South Sudan and the camps, the NGO Chinese Human In recent years, however, espe- of a growing military presence Sinai. Rights Defenders and Equal Rights cially in the Middle East, Beijing’s overseas. Chinese leaders might What worries China is that Uig- Initiative estimates. A recent Hu- major source of crude oil, but also be comfortable with the idea of hurs and Chechens joined jihad- man Rights Watch reports offers a among the Muslim countries of exporting their own model of the ists in Syria and Libya. China has detailed account of how internees Asia, China’s discombobulation surveillance state to other auto- certainly changed the world but are mistreated. has shown up in several incidents. crats but blowback could come seems to be slow in understanding How convenient for the Chinese Potentially, the most serious is from unexpected places. that it has also changed the world’s authorities to present all Uighurs the detention of an estimated 1 As China builds and manages a view of China. as hard-line supporters of al- million Chinese Muslim Uighurs port in Gwadar, Pakistan, it risks Not only will it find it increas- Qaeda. Chinese policies, which are in re-education camps in the “inadvertently embarking on its ingly difficult to remain on the deeply racist, are the best way to country’s north-western province own colonial adventure in Paki- sidelines of the multiple conflicts radicalise the Uighurs. As much as of Xinjiang. That could be a black stan — the biggest recipient of its that beset the Middle East but it Chinese authorities protest mount- swan with serious consequences BRI investment and once the old can only blame itself for the fallout ing evidence that suggests its for China’s foreign policy. East India Company’s old stamping of a campaign in Xinjiang that crackdown in Xinjiang is a perfect The wall of Muslim silence is ground,” said the Financial Times’ challenges the fundamentals of the black swan. beginning to crack on the harsh re- Jamil Anderlini. Islamic faith itself. This campaign As the old Great Game played out pression of the Uighurs. Anti-Chi- He said Pakistan is “virtually a is very different from past inci- in the 19th century in Central Asia nese feelings are rising in neigh- client state of China. Many within dents, including Iranian Ayatollah between the Russian and British As the old Great Game bouring Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, (Pakistan) worry openly on its reli- Ruhollah Khomeini’s fatwa against empires is being revived, this time where the forced assimilation of ance on Beijing, (which) is already Salman Rushdie’s novel or the with multiple players, it will be played out in the 19th Muslims across the border feeds turning it into a client state… It 2006 Muslim boycott of Danish difficult for China to stay on the century in Central feelings of guilt and helplessness. is easy to envisage a scenario in products because of controversial sidelines of the conflicts. China’s Protests have occurred in which militant attacks on Chinese cartoons depicting the Prophet harsh repression of the Uighurs Asia between the Bangladesh and India while criti- property overwhelm the Pakistani Mohammad. could well show the limits of the Russian and British cal articles appeared in Pakistani military and China decides to The camps China set up have country’s traditional foreign policy empires is being media. As Germany and Sweden openly deploy the People’s Libera- led, a recent US congressional as it gets entangled in its repressive banned the deportation of Uighurs tion Army to protect its people and report stated, to the “largest domestic policy towards Muslim revived, it will be who have taken refuge there, the assets.” mass incarceration of a minority Turkic people. difficult for China to Trump administration is consid- China knows that an economi- population in the world today.” ering Xinjiang-related sanctions. cally driven approach is no magic China’s “strike hard” campaign Francis Ghilès is an associate stay on the sidelines Senior political figures in Malaysia wand. In 2011-12, China had to is using extrajudicial detentions, fellow at the Barcelona Centre for of the conflicts. have become the first in a Muslim rescue 35,000 of its citizens from surveillance, political indoctrina- International Affairs. 18 October 14, 2018 Economy

Egypt, Greece and Briefs Cyprus expand East Egypt’s inflation rises to 15.4% Med gas cooperation amid price hikes Egyptian officials said inflation jumped to 15.4% in September, Amr Emam centre of our discussion on energy a rise of more than 2 percentage cooperation today,” he said. points over the previous month The Egyptian-Greek-Cypriot com- and the highest level since eight Cairo ing together is changing relations be- months ago. tween the countries and allowing for Data released by the state sta- gypt, Greece and Cyprus have stability. tistics bureau showed an increase agreed to establish a forum New natural gas finds off the in food and beverages prices, the for natural gas-producing na- coasts of Egypt, Cyprus, Israel and single largest component in the E tions in the eastern Mediter- Lebanon are making cooperation be- basket of goods and services used ranean to capitalise on new gas dis- tween those countries a necessity for to gauge inflation. coveries. continued development. Optimistic outlook. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (L) It showed that food prices, The forum is to include countries Egypt, Greece and Cyprus previ- shakes hands with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (C) and which rose by a monthly rate of that natural gas pipelines cross from ously agreed to pump Cypriot gas to Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades during the Greece-Cyprus- 4.8%, were the main reason for the wells to liquefaction plants and then Egypt for liquefaction and then use Egypt Tripartite Summit on October 10. (Egyptian Presidency) jump. Vegetable prices increased to international markets, the Egyp- it in the local market, the making of by a monthly rate of 17.2% and tian presidency said. petrochemicals or export to interna- fruits prices rose by 7.4% in Sep- “It will help natural gas producing tional markets. natural gas cooperation. parliament. “The three states need tember, the data indicated. nations and those gas pipelines cross Egypt has two major liquefaction “This will bring about more peace to work really hard to make these coordinate natural gas policies on the plants and 11 huge petrochemical and stability in the region,” Anasta- economic cooperation figures match (Associated Press) road to achieving maximum benefit factories, which are at the centre of siades said. their very close political and histori- from current and potential reserves,” Cairo’s strategy to become an energy The talks touched on cooperation cal ties.” Egyptian presidency spokesman hub, a target closer cooperation with in electricity, tourism and invest- In 2017, trade exchange between Bassam Radi said. Greece and Cyprus can ensure. ments. Egypt, Cyprus and Greece Egypt and Greece totalled $460 mil- Saudi Arabia to The announcement followed an “This cooperation is very impor- hope to establish an electricity con- lion, between Egypt and Cyprus less Egyptian-Greek-Cypriot summit on tant because it brings Egypt very nection project. Following the sum- than $300 million. Greek companies supply extra oil to Crete, which took place within the close to achieving its goal of becom- mit, they signed agreements on in- invest $155 million in Egypt and Cyp- framework of a cooperation mecha- ing the energy centre of the region,” vestment cooperation. riot companies $280 million. India as Iran nism agreed to in 2014 that aimed said Gamal al-Qaluibi, a member of Local media reports said Cyprus Apart from energy, tourism can be to increase cooperation between the the Egyptian Society for Petroleum and Greece were considering invest- an important area for cooperation sanctions loom three countries. and Mineral Resources, an advisory ing in the Suez Canal region, which between the three states, experts Egyptian President Abdel Fattah body of the Egyptian Ministry of Pe- is prepared to turn into Egypt’s next said. Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest al-Sisi said the mechanism is turning troleum. “With small domestic mar- major investment hub. Despite their proximity, Egypt, oil exporter, will supply Indian into an important path to economic kets, Cyprus and Greece will benefit Several countries, including Rus- Greece and Cyprus have been un- buyers with an additional 4 million development and stability in the re- from cooperation with Egypt whose sia and China, are establishing in- able to present themselves as part of barrels of crude oil in November, gion. “We are committed to working geographical location makes it more dustrial zones in the region, which a single tourism package to interna- several sources familiar with the together to explore more areas for capable of marketing their gas.” will benefit from its proximity to the tional tourism markets. matter said. cooperation,” Sisi said at a news brief- Last February, an Egyptian com- Suez Canal. “If they do this, the three coun- The extra cargoes indicate a ing following talks with Greek Prime pany signed a deal to import $15 bil- Despite the optimistic outlook for tries will benefit greatly, given the willingness by Saudi Arabia to Minister Alexis Tsipras and Cypriot lion of Israeli gas over ten years, an- natural gas cooperation between fact that they are close to each other increase crude supply to make up President Nicos Anastasiades. other step towards Egypt becoming Egypt, Greece and Cyprus, econom- and that each of them can present the shortfall once sanctions by the This was the sixth meeting be- an energy hub. ic cooperation between the three tourists with a unique tourist expe- United States on oil exports from tween the three leaders in four years. Talks among the leaders of Egypt, countries does not reflect the depth rience,” said Adel Abdel Razik, an Iran, the third-largest producer in Tsipras said Crete would serve as a Cyprus and Greece October 10 also of their political ties, experts said. Egyptian tourism expert. “The three OPEC, start on November 4. meeting point for future economic covered means of involving other “Look at the figures,” said Bassant states also need to work a bit harder cooperation among Athens, Nicosia eastern Mediterranean countries, Fahmi, a member of the Economic to encourage the movement of tour- (Reuters) and Cairo. “It [the island] was at the particularly Jordan and Lebanon, in Affairs Committee in the Egyptian ists between them.”

Viewpoint New Iraq oil Iberian gas link has strategic implications for Maghreb, EU contracts to have local hire by the fact that Spain has 61 bcm Francis Ghilès of regasification capacity, of which stipulations only one-quarter is being used. Connecting the Iberian gas Iraq will stipulate in all new con- market to the rest of the Euro- tracts with foreign oil companies pean Union would have positive that 85% of the workforce hired benefits for all members, France on a project be Iraqi, Oil Minister he debate about Eu- included. It would enhance Spain’s Jabbar al-Luaibi said. rope’s supply of gas strategic position as a gateway to The requirement will affect all usually focuses on how North African gas to Europe. contracts whether in extraction, dependent Europe It could also encourage Algeria refining, making use of by-product should be on Russian to kick-start a domestic renewa- gas or developing infrastructure, gas. Ever since gas bles revolution. This would lead the Oil Ministry said in a statement Tflow from Russia to the European not only to a switch in consump- quoting Luaibi. Union was interrupted because of tion from gas to solar but increase the dispute more than a decade export revenues. It would lay the (Reuters) ago between Moscow and Ukraine, foundation for the development of the country through which the gas a second export industry involving passed, critics of Europe’s heavy solar-generated power. dependence on Russia have argued When calm returns to Libya, that Bahrain’s that true security of supply, as country could increase its gas sales Workers walk past the In Amenas gas plant promoted by the EU Commission, Huge potential. to Europe via Italy. This would south-east of Algiers. (AFP) parliament means diversification. Norway has enhance energy links between the been Europe’s second supplier of two shores of the Mediterranean approves draft gas for decades, Algeria following whose leaders, particularly after of natural gas resources. Lack of and make North Africa a more as the third. the NATO-backed military inter- investment and rising domestic interesting strategic partner for VAT law The Dutch government recently vention in Libya in 2011, remain consumption have eroded export Europe. decided to progressively close the suspicious of European — and potential over the last decade but The instability that stretches Bahraini legislators approved a giant offshore field of Groningen, more particularly French — inten- in 2017 Sonatrach exported some across the Sahel belt of Africa — be draft law that would see a value which was producing as much as tions in its Sahel backyard. 55 bcm, most of which went to EU it al-Qaeda-linked groups, smug- added tax (VAT) imposed for the 54 billion cubic metres (bcm) a Such a solution would mean countries. glers or gunrunners — worries all first time in the kingdom, state year in 2013, because of evidence increasing gas capacity of 7 bcm Algeria’s potential is further Maghreb countries and many of news agency BNA reported. of seismic activity emanating from over the French border and con- underpinned by plunging costs of their European partners. Techni- The House of Representatives the field. Groningen will be shut nect the Iberian gas market to the solar power. Technological devel- cal, market and political circum- approved a Gulf Arab agreement down by 2030. That decision ends rest of Europe. The main blocking opments have sharply dropped the stances may be aligning to create to introduce a VAT after a royal the golden age of natural gas pro- factor has been the political power cost of solar panels. The Interna- a winning situation for France, decree ordered parliament to have duction in north-western Europe, of Electricite de France, which tional Energy Agency predicts that Spain and Algeria, more broadly an extraordinary session, BNA which led to the development of protects the interests of the French from 2017-22, 1,000 gigawatts of for the two rims of the Western reported, without giving details of fields in Danish, Norwegian and nuclear lobby. solar power would be rolled out Mediterranean. the vote. British waters. To import gas from Algeria via worldwide. This is equivalent to At a time when EU relations with The move came a few days after An Iberian solution could help the Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline half the global capacity of coal- Russia remain very fraught and Bahrain’s wealthier neighbours close the supply gap and reinforce underwater system, Spain has a fired power stations, which took the continent depends heavily on Saudi Arabia, the United Arab the European Union’s and Spain’s capacity of 20 bcm, of which 14.5 80 years to install. Russian gas, buying more gas in Emirates and Kuwait offered a $10 relations with North Africa and Al- bcm was used in 2017. The possibility that Algeria North Africa would seem to make billion aid package to avoid the geria, which has proven a reliable Algerian state-owned Sonatrach could cut its domestic natural sense. This would lessen Algerian risk of a debt crisis in the coun- supplier of gas since 1964. is looking to expand the capac- gas consumption of 40 bcm and suspicion of EU policy in the Sahel try, which was also tied to fiscal It would also encourage a broad- ity of the pipeline from 8 bcm replace a substantial proportion and underpin a stronger European reforms. er strategic dialogue with Africa’s to 11 bcm — and perhaps even 18 with solar power is a real pros- strategical dialogue, not only with largest country, whose stability bcm — by 2020. Algeria is sitting pect. The supply potential of the Africa’s largest country but with all (Reuters) is key to European stability but on at least 3 trillion cubic metres Iberian Peninsula is strengthened countries in the region. October 14, 2018 19 Economy

Algeria eyes Russian wheat imports in break with France

Lamine Ghanmi million, imported 8.2 million tonnes of wheat in 2017 and 8.4 million tonnes the previous year. This year, Tunis it expects to buy 7.2 million tonnes after recording its largest harvest in lgeria dispatched a delega- five decades. tion of senior government Algeria’s cereals output for 2018 officials to Russia to assess reached 6 million tonnes, 74.4% A the quality of Russian wheat higher than in the previous season. ahead of a potential agreement that “It is a record production of cere- would replace its wheat imports als (that) Algeria has never achieved from France, with which Algiers has since its independence,” Algerian strained ties. Agriculture Minister Abdelkader Algeria, the world’s third largest Bouazghi said in a statement last wheat importer, previously brought month. in up to 40% of France’s wheat out- An Algerian expert said the coun- put annually but its move towards try previously bought French wheat Russian wheat was an indication of “even when the quality and price of worsening ties between Algiers and Russian wheat was competitive” due Paris, analysts said. to close trade ties between Paris and “In the context of current relations Algiers. between Algeria and France, the is- “There is a shift in the wheat mar- sue of the shift of import to Russia ket recently with importers increas- far exceeds the framework of grains ingly selecting less the French wheat market,” said Algerian political writ- and traditional clients of France er Abla Cherif. “The Algerian move to turning more to Russian and Ukrain- turn to Russian wheat comes when ian wheat as they find the qual- ties between Russia and Algeria are ity better,” said Algerian economist at their highest level while relations Hamadi Riad. with France are frozen.” Algeria had been an exception to Grain superpower. Combines harvest wheat in the region of Krasnoyarsk in Russia. (Reuters) this rule, Riad said, because the state grain buyer, the Algerian Interpro- For Russia, taking a larger fessional Office of Cereals (OAIC), for him, is now being kept alive arti- foreign policy advance but it would market. share of Algeria’s wheat imposed “criteria in favour of the ficially.” He added that the Boutefli- come at the expense of western Eu- Nearly half of the world’s coun- market would be a foreign French wheat market.” ka’s leadership was a major impedi- ropean farmers, especially in France. tries import wheat from Russia, the policy advance but it Algerian political writer Hani Abdi ment to improving French-Algerian France is the top supplier of wheat largest buyers being in the Middle would come at the said Algeria’s move to import Rus- ties. to Algeria, which uses a large portion East and North Africa, including expense of western sian wheat products in response to Bouteflika, 81, has not announced of the money earned from its crude Egypt. France’s pressure on Algeria to stem whether he will seek a fifth term in oil sales to feed its population. Russia’s wheat production has in- European farmers. the flow of illegal migration from the office in next year’s elections but the Algerian agriculture experts said creased in recent years, with good Sahel and expend more resources on country’s political establishment has Algeria would benefit from cooperat- growing conditions such as more “If Algeria joins the list of African the fight against jihadism in the re- rallied behind him. ing with Russia to develop its farm- fertile soil boosting farmers’ gain, countries like Cameroon, Senegal gion. Bajolet, who served as France’s ing sector. Both Algeria’s and Rus- allowing them to reinvest in better and Egypt, France will suffer a trade Abdi pointed out that Algeria’s ambassador to Algeria from 2006- sia’s farming sectors were previously seeds and equipment. blow,” Cherif added. shift in import policy came two 08, this month said Algerian authori- under central command but Russia Bolstered by state support, Rus- Algerian news website Alg24, weeks after the government was an- ties were “protecting” the chief of a developed its agricultural system af- sian farmers incur costs as low as which is seen as close to the Alge- gered by comments from the French jihadist group in neighbouring Mali. ter the Soviet Union collapsed while half of their major competitors, rian presidency, commented that intelligence chief regarding Alge- Many Algerian media outlets ar- Algeria struggled to make advances. making their goods competitive on “France was put in a cold sweat as rian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s gued that Bajolet was on “a mission Russia can more readily transport the international market. In addi- government officials from Algeria health. to speak for (French) President Em- wheat to the countries in the Middle tion, lower oil prices since 2014 have and Russia discussed the imports of Bernard Bajolet, France’s chief of manuel Macron.” East and North Africa region, which caused the Russian currency to de- wheat from Russia.” foreign intelligence, said: “President For Russia, taking a larger share of account for 25% of the world’s wheat preciate, making Russian grain more Algeria, with a population of 41 Bouteflika, with all the respect I have Algeria’s wheat market would be a market, giving it an advantage in the attractive to importers. Viewpoint Inflation is worse scourge than war in Yemen

he value of the deepened the crisis. Early in 2015, Yemeni rial against practically all foreign embassies Mohammed the dollar and other and international development al-Maytami major currencies is and humanitarian agencies had left dropping in a wor- Yemen. They took with them their risome manner. Its aid programmes and development Tdevaluations threaten to eat up the projects and loans to Yemen. We must keep in mind that infla- very thin margin of hope for millions of Yemenis to live above the poverty tion is worse than war. If weapons in line. Yemen are responsible for the death In less than two years, the Yemeni of hundreds of people, the downfall rial dropped in value by 200% and of the rial and unbridled inflation was at 77 against one US dollar by will certainly lead to the death of the end of September. At the same hundreds of thousands if not mil- time, the average annual inflation lions of Yemenis. Without exag- rate stands at about 40%. geration, inflation is truly a weapon The fast devaluation of the rial of mass destruction. This is why started an upward spiral of inflation UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin in prices of goods and services that Griffiths’ recent warning about this has never been seen in Yemen. If aspect is justified. The devaluation of the currency this phenomenon continues, mil- Signs of hopelessness. Protesters block a street with burning tyres in Yemen is the logical outcome of lions more Yemenis will be driven to in Aden after the Yemeni rial severely plunged against foreign structural problems in the country’s the verge of famine. currencies, on September 2. (Reuters) Inflation is one of the worst economy and of years of armed con- economic woes that can plague a of war. with what is called “money illusion.” flicts and instability. The monetary country’s economy. In the case of When warring parties start mint- The civil war in Yemen is the main policies advocated by Yemen’s Cen- Yemen, it must be pointed out that ing their own paper money, you culprit in preparing the country for tral Bank will not do. This institution fast-moving inflation, spreading know the situation has become “judgment day,” when there will not has really given enough proof of its like cancer in the body of Yemeni hopeless. Since the beginning of be a social structure to deal with as shortsightedness. economy, is more than just an eco- the war in Yemen, and up to the in the past. As alleviating remedies to this nomic phenomenon. It is the tragic third quarter of 2018, 3.5 trillion Runaway inflation will “termi- catastrophic situation, the countries consequence of the war in Yemen. rials that had no economic backup nate” whatever is left of the social of the Arab coalition must pump Consequently, any purely eco- were pumped into the economic foundations, the material ones as $5 million-$10 million in Yemen’s nomic solutions to inflation in Yem- channels, principally as wages and well as the moral ones. Central Bank and facilitate remit- en will be mere temporary band- salaries and military spending. Yemen’s economy was weak and tances made by Yemeni expatriates ages. The problems will continue. Fearing further devaluation of the exhausted to start with and it began in Gulf countries. These funds ought In times of war, military expendi- rial, people quickly seek to convert to shrivel and falter when this latest to be managed jointly by the Yemeni tures rocket and, with the appear- their money. The crisis in Yemen evil civil war set foot in the country government and the donor countries The ultimate and ance of scores of armed militias today is dominated by the phenom- during the last quarter of 2014. By to ensure efficient, professional and noblest solution that who make handsome profits off war enon locally known as “hot cur- the end of 2015, the country’s GDP transparent governance. and have insatiable greed for more rency” or “dollarisation.” had shrivelled by one-third. More However, as usual, the ultimate will stop judgment consumption, inflation becomes an Of course, in such situation one than half of the Yemeni labour force and noblest solution that will stop day from befalling unstoppable flood, destroying all disaster hides another. Yemen’s was suddenly without jobs as the judgment day from befalling Yemen Yemen is to quickly barriers across its path. trade with the outside world has vir- agricultural, industrial and services is to quickly end the war through Add to that the propensity of tually stopped because of the war. sectors faltered. Very soon, two- a solid, fair and permanent peace end the war through a governments to rely on minting Naturally, the country’s reserves of thirds of the population had no food settlement. solid, fair and currency without cover to finance hard currency are almost depleted. security. their military and civil needs, in In the absence of any oversight The financial and economic Mohammed al-Maytami is a permanent peace light of the breakdown of economic or monetary control that might embargo on Yemen, put in place by professor of economics at Sana’a settlement. and production institutions because mitigate consumption, we ended up international and regional powers, University. 20 October 14, 2018 Society Tolerance in the Maghreb Tunisia passes landmark law against racism

Lamine Ghanmi his native Medenine. Later that year, three black Af- rican students were injured in a Tunis knife attack on Christmas Eve at a train station in Tunis. The incident unisia has become one of fuelled protests. the first African or Arab The government drafted anti-rac- countries to make racial dis- ism legislation after an incident in T crimination punishable by 2016 in which a black Tunisian girl jail time after its parliament over- was publicly berated in Tunis, said whelmingly approved an anti-rac- Mehdi Ben Gharbia, who stepped ism law. down as human rights minister in The legislation reflects shifting July after submitting the blueprint attitudes in a country that has long law to parliament. been at the crossroads of different “When (the) Tunisian girl Sabrina religions, cultures and ideas and was verbally abused on the main where a growing number of peo- Habib Bourguiba Avenue in Tunis ple say protecting racial minorities in 2016 and went to the police to should be a priority. complain and she was turned back “This law elevates Tunisia to the because of the lack of specific law, I rank of civilised and developed invited her to my office to apologise countries as it becomes one of the on behalf of the government,” Ben first countries in the world and the Gharbia told The Arab Weekly in Au- first state in Africa to penalise rac- gust. “The process of drafting and ism,” parliament Speaker Mohamed discussing it began after Sabrina’s Ennaceur said after the vote October incident.” 9. Only one of the 125 members of “Today, many Tunisians, most of parliament voted against the meas- them with good intentions and good ure and five abstained. faith, say that we have no problem (AFP) A home for all. A view of a street in the Mellah Jewish quarter of the Old Medina in Marrakech. Eleven civil society organisations with racism but the first act to tackle and governmental bodies, including the issue of racism is to recognise it,” the Human Rights Ministry’s anti- said Ben Gharbia, adding that some racism committee, are to monitor people carry deep-rooted prejudice implementation of the law. They as a result of the country’s history of Moroccan king stresses have been tasked with writing a re- slavery. port each year on its enforcement. In Tunisia, the pejorative terms The law stipulates that “any dis- “kahlouch” (blackish) and “wassif” tinction, exclusion, restriction or (servant) are commonly used to re- preference based on race, colour, fer to black people. Activists cite the role of education in ancestry” is prohibited, as is any absence of black politicians, busi- other form of discrimination that nessmen or celebrities in public life leads to “disturbances, an obstruc- as an indication of pervasive racism. tion or privation.” Apart from protecting the rights of Under its provisions, those con- minorities in the country, promoting promoting tolerance victed of using racist language could racial equality is likely to help Tuni- be sentenced to 1 month in prison sia expand ties with other African and fined $350. Those convicted countries. Saad Guerraoui cised past,” King Mohammed VI witnessing a rise in radicalism. of inciting hatred, making racist Tunisia joined the Economic noted. The 3,000 Jews in Morocco make threats, spreading and advocating Community of West African States The discussion was presided up about 0.01% of the country’s racism or belonging to an organisa- as part of its efforts to extend eco- Casablanca over by UNESCO Director-General population against almost 300,000 tion that supports discrimination nomic ties in Africa. Tunisia is eye- Audrey Azoulay, the daughter of in 1948. Morocco’s Jewish commu- could be imprisoned up to 3 years ing African markets to ship goods oroccan King Moham- King Mohammed VI’s adviser An- nity is the largest in the Arab world. and fined $1,050. and services worth $4 billion by the med VI has emphasised dre Azoulay. She wrote on Twitter: The king recognised Judaism in The landmark law builds off Tuni- end of 2020, an ambitious goal for a to world leaders the role “To address anti-Semitism, it is to the post-“Arab spring” constitu- sia’s status as a force for progress in country whose total exports stood at M of education in fighting defend the equal dignity for all hu- tion as a key element of Moroc- the Arab world. In January 1846, Tu- $14 billion in 2017. anti-Semitism and fostering toler- man beings. Education is the best can identity. However, there are nisia became the first Arab country Tunisia has turned to the rest ant minds. tool to prevent all forms of dis- no plans for teaching Hebrew in to abolish slavery. of Africa for trade opportunities Moroccan Prime Minister Saad crimination.” primary school curriculum, unlike However, rights groups have long because Libya, its main market in Eddine El Othmani read a message the Amazigh language. advocated for an anti-discrimina- Africa, continues to present chal- from the king to participants at a Mourad Alami, a professor at tion provision that would protect lenges due to its 7-year conflict. The high-level discussion on education The king’s message Mohammed V University in Rabat, racial minorities, especially Tuni- Maghreb Union, which includes Al- and tolerance on the sidelines of warned against hate said teaching Judaism at schools sians of darker skin tones and sub- geria, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania the UN General Assembly in Sep- speech, which fuels “is impossible now” due to the fact Saharan Africans, from abuse or and Tunisia, has been paralysed by tember. racism, xenophobia, that conservative forces “are very mistreatment. The call for such leg- rivalries. “Education has the distinct and Islamophobia, anti- strong.” islation grew after a series of highly With the European Union ac- crucial power to help transcend Semitism and other forms King Mohammed VI has intro- publicised, racially motivated as- counting for two-thirds of Tunisia’s fear of the other, reject deliberate of discrimination. duced a multimillion-dollar pro- saults. exports, diversifying the country’s confusion and break down preju- gramme to restore hundreds of In 2016, Jamel Ksiksi, a customs trade market is seen as critical. dices. As a powerful antidote and a King Mohammed VI’s message ancient synagogues and Jewish agent, was beaten by a hotel worker Tunisia was among the first coun- salutary weapon, it cements social also said migrants were too often cemeteries nationwide as a com- in the coastal town of Mahdia. Au- tries to join the African Continen- cohesion, is conducive to equality made scapegoats, refugees are mitment to preserving Jewish her- thorities, however, said they found tal Free Trade Area, a trade bloc and is an essential prerequisite for instrumentalised and minorities itage and the country’s religious no legal ground to prosecute the that aims to expand to 55 countries development,” the king’s message stigmatised. diversity. case as a form of racial discrimina- with a combined GDP of more than said. Morocco has become a desti- The United States Holocaust tion, prompting a street protest in $3 trillion. “Through this quality education, nation for sub-Saharan Africans Memorial Museum and the Ar- our children must be taught his- fleeing poverty and war to seek a chives of Morocco signed an agree- tory, using, to this effect, a wide better future in the country with ment in May to share documents range of historical sources and nar- its stable political and economic on North Africa’s Jews during the ratives and shedding light not only situation. second world war. Morocco is the on humanity’s glorious moments King Mohammed VI said last only Arab country with which the but also its darkest hours. Educa- January in the framework of the Holocaust Museum has such an tion must help children to embrace African Agenda on Migration that agreement. openness and human and cultural migration deserved a fresh, Africa- The US Holocaust Memorial diversity.” centred approach combining real- Museum is to pay tribute to the The king’s message warned ism, tolerance and a commitment late King Mohammed V for his against hate speech, which fu- to make reason prevail over fear. resistance to the racist politics of els racism, xenophobia, Islamo- Morocco has regularised the sta- the Vichy government and his hu- phobia, anti-Semitism and other tus of more than 20,000 migrants, manistic and solidarity-based en- forms of discrimination, providing granting residenc­ y permits and gagement with the Jewish world, a breeding ground for violent ex- setting up pro­grammes to inte- which was then confronted with tremism and growing insecurity. grate migrants into a society strug- Nazism. “Racism in general — and anti- gling to accept their presence since King Mohammed V refused the Semitism in particular — are by the king called for the government Vichy regime’s request to send no means just a way of thinking. to address the issue in 2013. Moroccan Jews to a concentration Anti-Semitism is the antithesis of King Mohammed VI has spear- camp during the second world freedom of expression. It implies headed Moroccan efforts to high- war. a denial of the other and is an ad- light the Jewish component of the mission of failure, inadequacy and country’s history and promote re- Saad Guerraoui is a contributor A victory for equality. Tunisian children hold placards, one an inability to coexist. It implies an ligious tolerance at a time the Mid- to The Arab Weekly on Maghreb reading in French “No dignity without equality,” as they take part anachronistic return to a mythi- dle East and North Africa region is issues. in a demonstration against racism in Tunis. (AFP) October 14, 2018 21 Society Women in Conflict Zones The many challenges Libyan women face

Yemina Hamdi It seems the picture of Liby- an women standing proudly at the front lines and demanding London Qaddafi’s departure and more free- dom and equality for women has ibyan society is not pre- vanished pared to give its women the The challenges facing women in voice they never had, even Libya are much greater than those L if women’s participation in faced during Qaddafi’s rule. There public life is considered in prosper- are several complicating factors, in- ous and stable societies as an in- cluding the growing influence of Is- vestment. lamist currents, which are a threat Seven years have passed since to the lives of every woman not the fall of the regime of Muammar abiding by their principles. Qaddafi. Throughout that time, Sheherazade Kablan, an interna- promises were made by politicians tional education consultant, said who said they were willing to es- she deplores the condition of wom- tablish a state in Libya that respects en in Libya. “The infiltration of the human rights. Women pinned Muslim Brotherhood onto the Lib- hopes on those promises. yan scene has been a major cause At the beginning of the post- of the deterioration of the political Qaddafi era, Libyan women and economic situation in Libya. achieved some success, winning 33 The first signs of this infiltration ap- seats in the National Congress dur- peared on October 23, 2011, when ing the parliamentary elections in Libya was proclaimed ‘liberated as 2012, the first such elections after an Islamic state’,” she said. 42 years of Qaddafi rule. “The controlling role of the Mus- lim Brotherhood was established more firmly during the ceremony The challenges facing celebrating the power transfer in women in Libya are much Tripoli one night in August 2012, greater than those faced when the young TV presenter Sarah during Qaddafi’s rule. Meslati was ordered to step down Daily struggle. Libyan women attend a sewing workshop supervised by a charitable association to from the podium because she was help widows, divorcees and the needy in Benghazi, on September 22. (Reuters) However, what has not been not wearing a head scarf and was achieved far surpasses what has replaced by another one who was “Women in Libya are caught be- tiple obstacles that pop up on her mained in place. This is not what been. There is virtually no state in veiled,” Kablan said. “These two tween a rock and a hard place,” said path if she wants to work in politics happened in Libya. Libya due to political infighting that events had an important effect on journalist Lobna Younes. “They because decision makers in Libya “In 1969 in Libya, a group of has wiped out any chance of demo- women in Libya and marked the struggle daily to stay alive and keep are interested in women’s issues in small-ranking and inexperienced cratic governance. The country is beginning of the process of exclud- a job. No matter how qualified and Libya only as a means to win world officers had put an end to 18 years run by armed militias, which im- ing Libyan women from the politi- ambitious a woman may be, she will sympathy and United Nations of efforts to build a modern state. pose their will by force and Libyan cal process.” always remain a second-class being funds.” They had put in place a dictatorial women live in a spiral of poverty, “My friend Salwa Bughaighis was in the eyes of some managers and of- History Professor Khayriyya Faraj regime that fused the state with the despair and personal insecurity. assassinated and her husband Is- ficials. This sombre picture reflects Hafalish compared the status of dictator. So, we can’t say that there “The fall of the Qaddafi regime sam al-Qallal kidnapped. Four other a systematic policy to keep females women in Libya to that of women in had been a state in Libya since the portended a gradual opening up of women were assassinated. This is away from the political scene, espe- Tunisia, concluding that Tunisian state was the person of the unique Libyan society to women’s rights, another bloody message for women cially the qualified ones.” males and females reached an ad- ruler. When the dictator was gone, especially after women took the in Libya to stay away from the po- Younes said it’s not just decision vanced level of equality in political the state crumbled as well, and lead in supporting the army and litical process,” Kablan added. makers who look down on women practice that does not exist in Libya. Libyans must start rebuilding their police forces and stood united Amid the fragmented political but “the entire Libyan society con- “The great Tunisian political state from scratch, just like their against terrorism,” said activist Ines scene in Libya, many Libyan wom- siders women second-class beings, leader Habib Bourguiba has put in predecessors in the second half of Boshanaf. “They tried with all their en do not expect their opinions will good only for those traditional pro- place in Tunisia a civil state that the previous century.” might to have their voices reach the be heard or sought or that women’s fessions that have historically been still breathes his name. It was the Hafalish insisted that “the prob- world. rights will have priority on the associated with the female sex, like state that nurtured diversity and lem in Libya goes way beyond the “Our participation may be sim- country’s political agenda. Their education, medicine and nursing. equality at all levels, socially, eco- apparent issues related to gender ple but we always strive to be in biggest challenge is the absence of “Even when a female comes from nomically and politically, in Tuni- differences. It’s a problem of intel- the front lines so that we do not get legislation protecting women from a family background that is open sian society,” Hafalish said. “As a lectual immaturity.” marginalised in the political pro- violence and deteriorating living and supportive of her ambitions, result, when society revolted and cess.” conditions in the country. she won’t be able to avoid the mul- overthrew the regime, the state re- Yemina Hamdi is a Tunisian writer.

Viewpoint Iraq should protect its women from fear of violence

ast month in Iraq was in the police and military. appalling for human The highest profile victim of Tallha rights in general and violence against women is per- Abdulrazaq women’s rights in haps Tara Fares, a former Iraqi particular because a beauty queen and social media top female activist sensation who had millions of Linvolved in the Basra protests in Instagram followers. Although she the Shia-dominated south was spent most of her time abroad or assassinated. in the Kurdistan regional capital An Iraqi beauty queen and of Erbil, she was reported to have social media influencer who has been making more regular visits to been outspoken on women’s Baghdad. There she met her end rights and other social issues at the hands of masked gunmen related to her experiences of who gunned her down as she sat abuse and domestic violence was in her car days after Ali was killed. gunned down in Baghdad not While these killings have long after. brought women’s rights in Iraq to These women were targeted, the fore once more, it is important alongside others, by ultra-con- to note that violence against wom- servative militants who hold sway en is nothing new and women’s in Baghdad and Basra and who rights have fallen precipitously have a vested interest in cowing since the US-led invasion in 2003. women to keep them out of public Late last year, Shia Islamists life. Serious concerns. Iraqi activist Hana Adwar follows online news linked to Iran almost pushed Masked gunmen killed Soad about the assassination of former beauty queen Tara Fares in through legislation that would al-Ali, a well-known human rights Baghdad. (AP) have effectively legalised pae- activist, outside a Basra super- dophilia, allowing men to marry market in September in a brazen girls under the age of 9. These assassination that could inflame the Abbasiya district in the centre ing a meeting she had with US extreme conservative factions already fraught tensions in the of Basra, was the first such overt Consul General Timmy Davis in have repeatedly attempted to restive southern city. A police incident since protests erupted in Basra more than a month ago. push this law through, which sets official said Ali, 46, died instantly the summer, though activists have In August, Rafif al-Yasiri and a frightening scene for the state when she was shot by assailants described a campaign of intimida- Rasha al-Hassan, who owned pop- of children’s and women’s rights who fled after shooting at her and tion and arbitrary detentions by ular beauty salons, were killed. in Iraq. her husband, who was wounded, powerful pro-Iran Shia jihadist Again, the prime suspects were If Iraq is to be taken seriously as Violence against as they were getting in their car. militias and political groups that radical Shia militants who wanted a modern democracy, it needs to women is nothing Ali was heavily involved in control Basra, a city of more than to impose their version of societal make sure women are protected new and women’s organising anti-government 2 million people. purity on everyone by strength of and allowed to express opinions protests in Basra and called for Militia leaders in Basra accused arms and brutality. freely without fear of violence. rights have fallen a restoration of basic services, protesters of colluding with the Again, investigations led precipitously since including water and electricity, United States, a favoured excuse nowhere and, again, this was Tallha Abdulrazaq is a researcher and for corrupt officials to be put used when targeting perceived because Shia jihadists linked to at the University of Exeter’s the US-led on trial. anti-Iran sentiments with deadly Iran can get away with anything, Strategy and Security Institute in invasion in 2003. The assassination, on a street in force. Ali was photographed dur- particularly as many of them work England. 22 October 14, 2018 Culture Interview Saudi literary critic: ‘Fight against extremism continues’

revivalists and the modernists in conspiratorial goals. Saudi Arabia are two conservative “Politicisation comes from a currents with only minor differ- sense of historical and social Zaki al-Soudeir ences between them? awareness and what it implies in “I hope that the concept of terms of responsibility. Prizes are modernity we’re talking about here politicised by necessity but not in iterary critic Saad is not restricted to the contexts of the sense that they serve some Albazei says there are culture and literature,” Albazei conspiracy or that they are biased literary efforts in said. “Modernity in these two towards one author or one region Saudi Arabia to domains is part of a more compre- in particular. document and keep hensive trend that has touched the “From this perspective, the up with current different aspects of life, such as Arabic Booker is politicised just developments in the education, media and social life. like any other prize. It is biased by country. “It is true that the changes in the jury’s views on what deserves LAlbazei insists that Saudi those areas were relatively quiet to be read first and to win second. intellectuals have been active — quite radical here and less This is a normal and natural bias against religious extremism and radical there — but that is part of because complete neutrality is are trying to make up for time lost the nature of life in this part of the beyond human capacity.” during decades of constraints and world and part of the nature of the Albazei added: “This, however, taboos. current phase.” does not mean that the Booker, in “It is perhaps too early to tell if In 2014, Albazei was president of terms of the composition of its what is happening now — after the the jury for the International Prize juries or its board of trustees, is official Saudi position with respect for Arabic Fiction, which is often totally free of taking positions that to revivalist discourse — will be the referred to as the Arabic Man might be construed by some as last witness on the grave of the Booker Prize. serving certain institutional past Saudi revivalism. For every As to whether the prize is objectives. It has in the past and force, there is a counter force and politicised, Albazei said: “I’ve continues to give rise to contro- the fight against extremism stated on previous occasions that versy each time its prize is continues, Albazei said. “I just any type of work in the domain of announced. This is the case in hope that it won’t be as fierce as culture, be it judging for a prize or Britain, where the original Booker before. writing an article, is politicised in Man Prize is handed out, and the “I hope that this despicable the sense that it is born out of an case in the Arabic competition.” extremism won’t form a force that awareness of its context and seeks On freedom of opinion and will threaten the social and to achieve certain objectives but freedom of expression in the Saudi economic dynamics that are not in the sense that it belongs to media, especially after the latest portending great changes in this some party or it defends some changes on the national scene, era of renaissance. Let’s hope there ideology or, even worse, that it has Albazei said: “Freedom of opinion won’t be concessions made in fear and freedom of expression are rela- of this backlash. I’m more confi- tive concepts that fluctuate dent than ever that what has been “I hope that the between the imaginary limits of New dynamics. Saudi literary critic Saad Albazei. (Al Arab) achieved is just the beginning of a concept of modernity absolute freedom and absolute promising road full of achieve- restriction. This is true everywhere ments.” we’re talking about on the face of the Earth. “Above all, freedoms are acceptable in some others and Can modernity power a human here is not restricted “Saudi media are no different restricted by the collective even sometimes excellent. There and social context in which from books in Saudi Arabia or interests, including questions of are neighbouring countries that do cultural freedom becomes the real to the contexts of social media platforms in Saudi privacy and other people’s lives. not enjoy the same level of engine for a new comprehensive culture and Arabia. They all must submit to Since the matter is a question of freedom of expression that we civilisational project or is moder- literature.” restrictions, some of which are degree, there is in the region a have in Saudi Arabia and there are nity just the other party in a imposed by the government and whole range of levels of freedom in others which surpass us in this struggle between competing social Literary critic some of which are imposed by the the media and publications where respect.” currents under the same conserva- Saad Albazei interests of the media themselves our situation in Saudi Arabia might tive roof? Will it turn out that the or by personal fears. seem weak in some respects, Zaki al-Soudeir is a Saudi writer. Cairo festival highlights universal spiritual heritage

Sherif al-Shafei A message of intercultural communication. He peace. Artists said that kind of artistic dialogue, if perform it does not damage the authenticity Cairo during the 11th and roots of popular music, would International lead to more musical strength, rich- airo vibrated to the mellow Samaa’ ness and multiplicity of genres and melodies of the 11th Inter- Festival for styles. national Samaa’ Festival for Spiritual Gabr said disarray in the Egyp- C Spiritual Music and Chant- Music and tian music scene is because of the ing the last week of September. The Chanting in absence of towering musical figures many music festivals in Egypt bring- Cairo. capable of evolving by learning from ing together Arab and non-Arab par- (Hewar foreign experiences without losing ticipants raise the interesting point Foundation for sight of local achievements. about similarities and differences Peoples Arts and In the world of art, there is a con- between Egyptian music and that of Cultures) stant give and take. Egyptian musi- the rest of the world. cal luminaries as Sayed Darwish, It would be interesting to deter- Mohammed Abdel Wahab, Moham- mine whether Egyptian music has ed Fawzi and Baligh Hamdi have its own specific characteristics that made significant contributions to distinguish it from the rest or per- world music. haps it has fused with world trends Abdel Wahab, for example, is because of the globalisation of audio credited with enriching tradition- arts, losing its effect on audiences. al musical moulds with foreign If the Samaa’ Festival helped rhythms, such as tango and samba. prove anything, it was that mod- He introduced new orchestral dis- els of spiritual music and religious tributions and made heavy use in chanting are similar everywhere. his compositions of Western instru- The underlying concepts are prac- ments, including the bass, violin, tically identical. In the Cairo festi- cello, mandolin and guitar. Shortly val, performers from around globe after Wahhab’s innovations in Egyp- joined to deliver the same message tian music, purely instrumental of peace and reveal the profound The concepts of spiritual com- pray together — and creates inter- ers its strength, then it will shine for pieces and symphonies appeared. common humanistic values in all monality and human unity were cultural contacts and communica- a long time. Egyptian composer Omar Khairat cultures. expressed through concrete and tion, interfaith tolerance and stops Gabr, who founded the Cairo has excelled in this genre. The festival included performanc- innovative artistic experiments in extremism. This is not in contradic- Chamber Music group, said Egyp- Egyptian ears and souls are long- es by local, Arab and non-Arab art- previous years at the Samaa’ Fes- tion with the philosophy of music tian music, in its refined models, has ing for a musical renaissance. Gabr ists in various historical sites and tival. In one experimental piece, that respects specificities of local its own personality. Since pharaonic said he is optimistic it will come. public spaces in Cairo. The festival African-American artists mixed the authentic popular music and the times, it has accumulated layer “Perhaps the state of Egyptian lived up to its promise in creating, sounds of church bells with calls shared human characteristics and upon layer from the various civilisa- music is not as excellent as it used to through art and music, a common for prayer from mosques and Sufi values. tions. It has taken from the musical be but our Egyptian creative talents space where people of different eth- liturgies. Similar experiments this Composer Hisham Gabr, inducted heritage of the Arabs, Europeans, are quite capable of a great come- nic and religious backgrounds could year brought together artists and into the French Ordre des Arts et des Africans and Turks, who had been back and they will continue carrying express and share what makes us all performers from Syria, Tunisia, Su- Lettres, said Egyptian genes, espe- influenced by musical forms from their role of being musical beacons human. It gave the proof that spirit- dan, Jordan, Algeria, India, China, cially those connected with culture the Balkans, Central Europe and as thanks to their instinctive capacity ual music knows no geographical or Greece, Congo and other countries. and art, can renew themselves after far away as ancient Andalusia. to learn, digest and create,” he said. cultural boundaries and can touch This universalistic vision seeks to accidents. He said soft power can’t Gabr praised that musical open- all people, regardless of their differ- unite arts, cultures, concepts and be forever stifled beneath the ashes. ness among performers because it Sherif al-Shafei is an Egyptian ences. faiths — let’s chant together, let’s It will remain covered until it recov- deepens the human experience and writer. October 14, 2018 23 Culture Waves, Gnawa soul and trance blend in Najia Mehadji’s work

Saad Guerraoui The Paris-born artist chose vi- brant and energetic colours in her paintings with resonant shapes Casablanca with a swirling rhythm that has possessed her spirit. Atelier 21 gallery in A black wave rolling on itself Casablanca is display- and painted on a red background ’ ing paintings of French- depicts the whirling and frenetic L Moroccan artist Najia rhythm of trance, an integral part Mehadji. Titled “The Invention of of Gnawa’s rituals. the Gesture,” the solo exhibition “The inspiration that she has features the work of the artist who drawn from the drapes of El Greco was inspired by Gnawa artists and or Camille Claudel’s ‘The Waltz’ waves. bursts in the volutes and windings Resonant shapes. Visitors look at paintings at L’Atelier 21 gallery in Casablanca. (Saad Guerraoui) “The exhibition’s title well des- imbued with mysticism and pas- ignates Mehadji’s source of art. For sion, heralding the wave,” said Gal- several years, the gesture has been lissot. and variation. almost four decades, she has com- in infinite variants, the wave is om- powerfully applied on her canvas In its undulating movement, the “The black and white are the col- bined practical techniques and real nipresent in Sufism, as a symbol of for the accomplishment of her oil wave handles a degree of uncer- ours of Sufism. The green reflects movements with culture. the perpetual movement between stick paintings,” said Nathalie Gal- tainty in terms of its amplitude. the colour of Gnawa and the white “Two representations where two poles, between the source and lissot, director of the Ceret Modern “The wave is both inescapable and deep blue are the colours of the nature asserts a superiority and a elsewhere, the near and the far, the Art Museum. and unpredictable,” Mehadji said. wave and the ocean,” Mehadji said. power almost vengeful that I can- sky and the earth… A philosophy Mehadji’s frescos illustrate dec- “It can be synonymous with sad- not help tampering by the vision, that has always underpinned the ades of inspiration that reflect ness and happiness. It is the meta- which was mine while we walked artist’s work,” Gallissot said. her Moroccan roots. Gnawa mu- phor of going to oneself and to- Titled “The Invention of on the beach of Essaouira, a fringe The aquatic element is present in sic is omnipresent in her artwork, wards the others.” the Gesture,” the solo of a white foam glittering under the Mehadji’s painting titled “Fall,” as thanks to the concerts and nights Drawn in a large, continuous ges- exhibition features the sun, drawing a surf of the sweet- white colour dominates the black that took place near her workshop ture, tuned to the rhythm of the work of the artist who was ness of a tidal bore,” said Gallissot. background. in the coastal city of Essaouira. breath, the wave is the result of the inspired by Gnawa artists The wave was also present in Me- “The Invention of the Gesture” “It’s an exhibition of my latest artist’s concentration and drawing hadji’s paintings during an exhibi- will be open at L’Atelier 21 through work, which is based on the sound experience. Like the ocean wave, and waves. tion in 2015 on the theme of migra- October 27. Mehadji’s work is waves of Gnawa and the sea waves, it carries both unpredictability and tion in Casablanca. The motive of also the subject of a solo exhibi- including their continuous back- inescapability. White on a black Her work is based on the meeting the wave is contemporarily a sym- tion, “The Trace and the Breath,” and-forth movement,” said Meh- background and blue on a white of Eastern and Western cultures, bol of human destiny. through November 4 at the Ceret adji. background, the wave is rhythm which she perfectly blends. For “Fascinating by its eternal return Modern Art Museum in France. Arab designers leave impact at London Biennale

from before and after the civil war. Karen Dabrowska The main installation featured 3D models of Mogadishu’s most iconic London buildings and monuments. Lebanon presented “The Silent gypt won the medal for the Room,” a public space where visi- most outstanding overall tors were insulated from outside contribution at the 2018 noise and other sensorial aggres- E London Design Biennale. sions. Designer Nathalie Harb said The United Arab Emirates, Saudi she meant to show silence as “a Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar and Soma- form of resistance, an act of cleans- lia also mounted thought-provok- ing needed to reclaim ownership of ing installations under the theme our thoughts and ourselves.” The “Emotional States.” room provided a cocoon-like space “Entrants were asked to explore isolated from the noise of the city. how design not only affects our The United Kingdom’s exhibit lives in a practical way but also “Maps of Defiance,” documenting how it impacts on us emotionally. the genocide of the Yazidi people Visceral exhibits and experiences in northern Iraq, offered penetrat- evoked moods and explored a par- ing insight into how architects, ar- ticular country’s design story. Ideas chaeologists, software developers about sustainability, migration, and lawyers work together to docu- pollution, energy, cities and social ment destruction in Iraq. The focus equality were explored,” an intro- was on forensic techniques that the ductory statement said. curators (Forensic Architecture, Forty countries from six conti- the Victoria and Albert Museum) nents participated in the event at said they hoped could be replicated Somerset House, a royal palace in other conflict zones. Hypnotic effect. A geometric design by Saudi artist Lulwah al-Homoud. ( from the 18th-century turned into The installation showed how an international contemporary arts Yazidis used kites, plastic bottles centre. The installation told the story of tion. geometric designs. The designs and digital images to collect evi- The Egyptian installation, “Mod- the magazine through text, taste- “The UAE’s installation looks merged into one another as they dence of shrines and mausoleums ernist Indignation,” curated by Cai- fully engraved in mirrors, photo- directly at time and its personal were reflected in strategically destroyed by the jihadists to cre- ro architect Mohamed Elshahed, graphs and copies of Al Emara. It meaning to the country,” Tinkah placed mirrors, which produced a ate 3D models that could be used was described by the biennale as featured “House of the Flying Ar- stated. “Time is subjective. In hypnotic, soothing effect. in litigation. A sculpture of a Yazidi “an elegy for a rapidly disappearing chitect,” a film made in the house youth, a year appears like forever Qatari designer Aisha Nasser al- shrine dispelled the gloom of the culture, seen through the prism of of Sayed Karim, the magazine’s and as you grow a decade passes in Sowaidi said she was inspired by sombre exhibition. the first Arabic design magazine.” founder. The film discussed his a click. As a young country at only the nostalgia that pervades life in The effect of war was also ex- The historical material on dis- 1939 manifesto “What is Architec- 46 years of age, the UAE is always Doha, which is in constant, rapid amined by the refugees’ pavilion, play had an air of melancholy and ture?” in motion.” reinvention. Visitors were invited which featured an installation nostalgia. It told the story of Al Rapid change, development and to place their heads beneath domes of a makeshift home that can be Emara, the first Arabic-language progress coupled with a sense of each with a different scent: per- unpacked and assembled in four design magazine, which was pub- nostalgia were the themes of instal- The United Arab Emirates, fume, tobacco and mango, evok- hours. On its walls was a large col- lished 1929-1959. The magazine lations from the UAE and Qatar. Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, ing the non-physical past as smoke our photo of a refugee family in documented Egypt’s modernist ar- The rapid passing of time was Qatar and Somalia [with different smells] but their northern Iraq. chitecture, which has either been the theme of the UAE’s “Time is mounted thought- outer shell was made of concrete, Adrian Jankowiak, an industrial demolished or left to decay. Subjective” created by Tinkah, a provoking installations the dominant material used in Do- designer curating the installation, “In the absence of accessible ar- design firm in Dubai. Rows of hour- ha’s redevelopment. said: “The emphasis was on shar- chives for the study and documen- glasses appeared suspended in air under the theme Somalia’s exhibit “What Re- ing the stories of refugees before, tation of modernist architecture in and rotated intermittently. The 70 “Emotional States.” mains” traced the history of Somali during and after the process of re- Egypt, the magazine is the most hourglasses, filled with sand, were architecture through images start- settlement by exhibiting objects comprehensive record of the coun- inspired by the 1970s, one of the Saudi artist Lulwah al-Homoud ing with its pre-colonial heritage they have designed.” try’s embrace of modernist design,” most important decades in UAE developed an abstract form of and moving to its British and Italian Elshahed said on the biennale web- history, which involved the emir- language evolved from the Ara- colonial past, post-independence Karen Dabrowska is an Arab site. ates’ unification and transforma- bic alphabet that she turned into socialist modernism and scenes Weekly contributor in London. 24 October 14, 2018 Travel


Carthage: Through October 31

The 24th Musical October in Carthage will take place at the Acropolium on Byrsa Hill. The festival includes concerts by art- ists from Tunisia, Japan, Russia, Spain, Italy and Austria.

Beirut: Through December 27

Events associated with Sursock Museum Late Nights occur noon-9pm each Thursday at the Sursock Museum in Beirut. Events include exhibitions, col- lection displays, late-night talks, performances and screenings.

Dubai: Through December 31

“La Perle” features 65 artists Entrance to the archaeological site in Bulla Regia. (Wikipedia) from 23 countries performing amazing stunts and aerial antics above an on-stage pool filled with 2.7 million litres of water in a state-of-the-art, custom-built Tunisia’s Roman ruins of theatre. The show takes place at Al Habtoor City.

Zaghouan: Bulla Regia majestically stand October 19-21 The fifth‎Z aghouan Mountain Roua Khlifi tinct for its underground housing Film Festival in eastern Tunisia system. Most domestic structures will include activities such as were composed of above-ground climbing, hiking, bungee jump- Bulla Regia rooms open for the sun in winter ing and hang-gliding, in addition and an underground level protect- to photography exhibition and a rom afar, the archaeological ing the inhabitants from the scorch- film-making workshop. site of Bulla Regia stands out ing summer heat. in the middle of the expan- Even today, the town’s under- Abu Simbel: F sive green tapestry that is ground level is fascinating to ex- October 22 distinctive of north-western Tuni- plore, with different houses dis- sia, which was once the breadbas- playing mosaics that are rich in The Sun Festival at Abu Simbel ket of the Roman Empire. details and vivid colours. takes place in February and The pillars and arches reflect “What characterises the town is October to mark dates associated the creativity of the architectural the existence of residencies and vil- with Pharaoh Ramses II. When minds that built the ancient Roman las with an underground structure Ramses II built his temple, it was town. Centuries later, Bulla Regia that has no similar structures in the positioned so that on his birth- has not lost its majesty and sophis- world,” said Chaouali. “The houses day and the date of his ascension tication even if its charm is mostly also have mosaics that depict the to the throne, the inner sanctum hidden underground, where rooms daily life and scenes from mythol- would be lit by the rising sun of Roman houses with rich mosaics ogy. One can visit the House of and illuminate statues of the and intricate details are on display. A view of the Memmian Baths in Bulla Regia. (Wikipedia) Hunting and the House of the Fish- sun gods. Twice a year, people Bulla Regia, 140km north-west of ing. Both houses are named after gather at the temple along the Tunis, is known for its semi-subter- the scenes depicted in the mosaics banks of the Nile to watch the ranean housing structure. Most of the town was restored under Nu- the amphitheatre, the vestiges and they host.” sun rise and celebrate with the town’s houses had well-devel- King Masinissa, who gave the baths as well as many artefacts The north section of the town food, dance and singing by local oped underground rooms showcas- the site the name “Regia” — mean- in the museum adjacent to the site.” showcases a villa structure in some performers. ing mosaics, some of which can be ing “royal” — due to its reputation He added: “One of the signs of of the town’s wealthiest residential seen today. Others are displayed at for hosting Numidian kings. the richness of the town’s inhabit- neighbourhoods. They each in- Dubai: Tunis’s Bardo National Museum. Bulla Regia flourished during Ro- ants was that it became the birth- clude courtyard rooms that allow October 24-27 The site, spanning more than 60 man times due to its agricultural place of many Roman senators. In sunlight to stream in from above as hectares, boasts a range of archaeo- wealth. However, it declined and all the North African towns, it is well as an underground level. Dubai Opera will host the Hou- logical influences, including Ber- was deserted under Byzantine rule. the town that had more senators in ston Ballet for six performances ber, Roman and Numidian. In the mid-19th and 20th centuries, Rome. Evidently to become a sena- Most of the town’s houses of “Swan Lake.” The ballet tells “The town of Bulla Regia wit- excavations revealed the town’s tor and to be close to the emperor the story of a beautiful maiden nessed different civilisations from underground level and vestiges of meant that you needed to be very had well-developed who is transformed into a swan Roman times, the Numidian rule, different time periods. rich. This shows that the town was underground rooms by an evil knight. A live orches- the Byzantine and finally the Islam- “Bulla Regia’s golden age was the wealthiest. We can still distin- showcasing mosaics, some tra will be playing Tchaikovsky’s ic period, which has enriched the during the Roman time — from the guish many names of the senators of which can be seen today. original score. town,” said Moheddine Chaouali, a first century to the fourth century,” belonging to rich families from Bul- researcher at the National Heritage said Chaouali. “The site of Bulla Re- la Regia.” Several houses are open for ex- Abu Dhabi: Institute who oversees the town’s gia exhibits a variety of monuments In addition to being known as ploration, including the House of October 26-27 archaeological site. testifying to the existence of many one of the wealthiest Roman towns Treasure, where Byzantine coins Built as part of Roman territory, civilisations. Visitors can explore in North Africa, Bulla Regia was dis- were found; the House of Amphi- “Big in Japan Festival” will take trite, which includes an exquisite place at Louvre Abu Dhabi. mosaic depicting a nude Venus sur- The festival will include an art rounded by two centaurs and cu- exhibition and events such as pids on dolphins; and the House of spoken-word poetry, screenings Fishing, the earliest of the villas. of Studio Ghibli anime films and The Temple of Apollo can be Japanese cooking classes. viewed to the north of the site, al- though the statue of Apollo that Tunis: was erected there is on display at November 3-10 the Bardo museum. The colossal Memmian Baths, The Carthage Film Festival is named after Julia Memia, the em- an annual event that showcases peror’s wife, are a testament to the films from the Maghreb, Africa town’s majesty with their intricate and the Middle East. It takes designs. place in Tunis and other parts of While most of the artefacts and Tunisia. The programme for the mosaics from Bulla Regia are kept at 29th edition will include world the Bardo museum, the town itself cinema projections, seminars, has a small museum showcasing debates and meetings in Punic artefacts, including remnants addition to the official film of the Punic temple of Tanit and competition. tombstones from different eras. “Until today, we have yet to fully We welcome submissions of explore the legacy and the richness calendar items related to of the site,” Chaouali said. “Just cultural events of interest to now, we are working on excavating travellers in the Middle East the ruins of a Byzantine church.” and North Africa.

Roua Khlifi is a regular Travel Please send tips to: and Culture contributor to [email protected] Ruins of the Temple of Apollo in Bulla Regia. (Wikipedia) The Arab Weekly.