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PDF Document (In English) Iran Human Rights Documentation Center The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) believes that the development of an accountability movement and a culture of human rights in Iran are crucial to the long-term peace and security of the country and the Middle East region. As numerous examples have illustrated, the removal of an authoritarian regime does not necessarily lead to an improved human rights situation if institutions and civil society are weak, or if a culture of human rights and democratic governance has not been cultivated. By providing Iranians with comprehensive human rights reports, data about past and present human rights violations, and information about international human rights standards, particularly the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the IHRDC programs will strengthen Iranians’ ability to demand accountability, reform public institutions, and promote transparency and respect for human rights. Encouraging a culture of human rights within Iranian society as a whole will allow political and legal reforms to have real and lasting weight. The IHRDC seeks to: Establish a comprehensive and objective historical record of the human rights situation in Iran, and on the basis of this record, establish responsibility for patterns of human rights abuses; Make the record available in an archive that is accessible to the public for research and educational purposes; Promote accountability, respect for human rights and the rule of law in Iran; and Encourage an informed dialogue on the human rights situation in Iran among scholars and the general public in Iran and abroad. Iran Human Rights Documentation Center 129 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut 06510, USA Tel: +1-(203)-772-2218 Fax: +1-(203)-772-1782 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.iranhrdc.org Front cover: Ahwazi Arabs marching in Kuye Alavi neighborhood in Ahvaz during the April 2005 protests. © 2014 All Rights Reserved. Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, New Haven, Connecticut A Framework of Violence: Repression of the Arab Ethnic Minority in the Islamic Republic of Iran IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS DOCUMENTATION CENTER (SEPTEMBER 2014) Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Timeline of Events from Early History to the Present Day ................................................................................................ 4 1.1. Geography and History ................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. The Iranian Revolution of 1978-79 .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.3. Black Wednesday ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4. The Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.5.The Khatami Presidency (1997-2005) .......................................................................................................................... 9 1.6. The April 2005 Intifazeh ............................................................................................................................................ 10 1.7. Ahvaz Bombings of 2005-06 and the ensuing reprisals ............................................................................................. 12 1.8. Continuing political marginalization: the April 2011 Protests ................................................................................... 13 2. Violations against Ahwazi Arab Activists ........................................................................................................................ 14 2.1. Executions .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 2.1.1. Executions post-1979 .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Jalel Sherhani .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Isa Yasin ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 Seif Mohammadi ......................................................................................................................................... 17 2.1.2. Executions in connection with 2005/2006 Ahvaz Bombings ............................................................................. 17 Ali Afrawi and Mehdi Nawaseri ................................................................................................................. 18 Hadi Batili ................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.1.3. Abdulrahman, Jassem and Ali Heidari and Ali Na’ami ...................................................................................... 19 2.1.4. Al-Hiwar Co-Founders ........................................................................................................................................ 19 2.1.5. Ghazi Abbasi, Abdul-Reza Amir-Khanafereh, Abdul-Amir Mojaddami, and Jasim Moghaddam Payam ........ 22 2.1.6. Al-Shabab Co-Founders ...................................................................................................................................... 22 2.2. Physical Violence and Psychological Abuse in Detention ......................................................................................... 23 2.2.1. Physical Abuse .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Hadi Batili ................................................................................................................................................... 24 Abdolhamid Nazari ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Saeed Hamidan ........................................................................................................................................... 25 Saied Alboghbaysh ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Qader Rahimi (pseudonym) ........................................................................................................................ 26 Seif Mohammadi ......................................................................................................................................... 27 Kamil Alboshoka ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Isa Savar ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Qasem Dinarvandi ...................................................................................................................................... 27 2.2.2. Psychological Abuse ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Huda Hawashimi ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Masumeh Ka’abi ......................................................................................................................................... 29 Abdolhamid Nazari ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Hadi Batili ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Qasem Dinarvandi ...................................................................................................................................... 30 Salim Karimi (pseudonym) ......................................................................................................................... 31 Saeed Hamidan ........................................................................................................................................... 31 Isa Savari ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 2.2.3. Use of Drugs on Detainees during Interrogation ...............................................................................................
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