Iowa City, Iowa Tuesday
1 Ration CalenCiar I'HOCESSED FOODS green .tamps, D, E and P' (book 41 expire Jan, 20; MEAT brown otamps R, S and T Colder (book 3) expire Jan. 29; SUG AR rtamp 2t (book 4) expires Jan. IS; SHOE , tam p 18 (book II and airplane Itamp 1 (book 3. vaUd Indefinitely. GASOLINE A-9 IOWA ; Partl)' clopdy. Colder coupon. ~"plr. Jan. 21; FUEl. OIL per. 2 coupona THE DAILY IowAN .Kplre Feb. 7. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper = f'NE CENTS TRI! AS80 ClATilD PRlI8S IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY. JANUARY 18. 1944 VOLUME XLN NUMBER 95 I . THESE FRENCH COllABORATIONISTS MARKED FOR DEATH Russians p:us'h, Toward Latvia; · Prav~Q ·. Rumors Peace Feeler British-Nazi, ILord Halifax 'Labels ·Patrol Bombers Si~k Soviet Troops Drive Nearer 10,OOO .. Ton Jap ShiP, K R II d ( I ,I Cairo Report Untrue Set Afire Two Others ey al roa, ommunlca Ion By HENRY C. CASSIDY Planes Catch Convoy 1110 OW (.i\ P)- 'J'hc Communist pO I·ly org-nn, 1'l'ovda, y s· Hubs in North, Polish Sectors terday pllblishE.'d a report whi('h, IIlthoug-h plainly lalwlpd Ils 11 Off Base at Kavieg 1"1111101' f.·om 'uiro, OJ)JOUl.t d to lin off'i('iul a (,lIf;ntion f hilt Rrilain In South Pacific Area LONDO ,Tuesday (AP)-NOt·Oleru Russian t roops hummer was soulI(ling' Ollt Ol' I'many 011 thl' pof,sibility of /I sPpllI'ntl' )1PIH't'. jug towaro lh Latvian frontier 70 miles beyond drove to within 'PhI.' lO·lin!.! dispatch, published Ilt till' (lJ' l'J'!lvdo's ADVANCED ALLTED HEAD top fOI'l'iltll S VOIl mil S of the I·ail junction of Novosokolniki yesfet·day, while news pnge IInd!'I'!l ail'o datt'linp
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