1 Ration CalenCiar I'HOCESSED FOODS green .tamps, D, E and P' (book 41 expire Jan, 20; MEAT brown otamps R, S and T Colder (book 3) expire Jan. 29; SUG AR rtamp 2t (book 4) expires Jan. IS; SHOE , tam p 18 (book II and airplane Itamp 1 (book 3. vaUd Indefinitely. GASOLINE A-9 IOWA ; Partl)' clopdy. Colder coupon. ~"plr. Jan. 21; FUEl. OIL per. 2 coupona THE DAILY IowAN .Kplre Feb. 7. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper = f'NE CENTS TRI! AS80 ClATilD PRlI8S IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY. JANUARY 18. 1944 VOLUME XLN NUMBER 95 I . THESE FRENCH COllABORATIONISTS MARKED FOR DEATH Russians p:us'h, Toward Latvia; · Prav~Q ·. Rumors Peace Feeler British-Nazi, ILord Halifax 'Labels ·Patrol Bombers Si~k Soviet Troops Drive Nearer 10,OOO .. Ton Jap ShiP, K R II d ( I ,I Cairo Report Untrue Set Afire Two Others ey al roa, ommunlca Ion By HENRY C. CASSIDY Planes Catch Convoy 1110 OW (.i\ P)- 'J'hc Communist pO I·ly org-nn, 1'l'ovda, y s· Hubs in North, Polish Sectors terday pllblishE.'d a report whi('h, IIlthoug-h plainly lalwlpd Ils 11 Off Base at Kavieg 1"1111101' f.·om 'uiro, OJ)JOUl.t d to lin off'i('iul a (,lIf;ntion f hilt Rrilain In South Pacific Area LONDO ,Tuesday (AP)-NOt·Oleru Russian t roops hummer­ was soulI(ling' Ollt Ol' I'many 011 thl' pof,sibility of /I sPpllI'ntl' )1PIH't'. jug towaro lh Latvian frontier 70 miles beyond drove to within 'PhI.' lO·lin!.! dispatch, published Ilt till' (lJ' l'J'!lvdo's ADVANCED ALLTED HEAD­ top fOI'l'iltll S VOIl mil S of the I·ail junction of Novosokolniki yesfet·day, while news pnge IInd!'I'!l ail'o datt'linp IInl) eJ'(>(litpd to "a "pl'cinl COI'­ QUARTERS, New Guinea, Tues­ far to lit southw, t another Red army plung d to within 14 miles re!lponlienf or P ravllu", sllid two British of'ficiuls had met SPc l'p tly day (AP) - Bombs Crom navy of RoYno, HII impol'tant commu nicatioJls bub fO I· all easteru wit h .Jou'him YOll Ribbentrop, (Jerman fOl't'ig'1I minist!,!" with tlI(' Catalina pall'Ql plan!!s sank n 10,­ Poland, "aim of f'illtliw' Ulil thl' ('rHH]itions of n f,(' purllt(, pruI·(' wilh th f' OOO-lon Jopnnese vessel and set A Moscow c·ommnnique early today said thc Russia ns hact killed ermnns. " Mire lwo olher merchanlmen of a o total of' 2,300 tl'OOp~ Y ,lerday, ] ,200 of them in the I' duction of ulltit'I'SI(jod n'mllin It said "it is the II1I't'tillg did 1I0t willlUnt six-ship enemy convoy caught off fiv\' Ot'rrnlill Sll'ollg'JloiJ11~ i ll Ule north where the Red IIrmy's Marcel Deal Femond de Brinon Sacha Gullrv Jacque. Doriot results"- n plll'lIse which calorie I 10 H.u ·s iam! the po~iti\'(l '011- the Japanese b<1Se at Kavieng, New latl'st offensive bad entel'rd its fifth day. notation t hnt it I.IH) mel at least pUl'tial slIl'cess. Ireland, Sunday night, ailled heod­ S l'Iin Ilccouuts ssid, howey r, that 250,000 Russians were ALREAD Y MARKED FOR DEATH for their dealtn,s with the Nazis are the seven French collabora­ Exeited intert'st lind slIl'prise 1I'('t.p stil'l'ed among Hussians hj' qua rt rs announced today. lIttllckin/! along It 2!i0-mile front below Leningrad. lIolllsls pictured above. 'I'helr death sentences have been handed down by the French underrround, the s 11·1l n g I' alld distlll'billf{ • * * 'rhe c'aplHI'1? of 'l'ncllin put Gen. Nikolai P. Vatutin's forccs of which also has listed many other prominent French citizens for trial to determine whether they wllllnr l.v RtOI"),. Left burning were an 8,OOO-ton til!' J'j I'f;t lJkruiuc !trmy only 14 miles northellst of Rovno, and worked with the German occupiers of their homeland, Pictured are Pierre Laval, chief of the Vichy AliiI'd qnai'ltfJ's W(,I'P itlC'reon- U. S. Intervenes ship and anolher of 0,000 tons. re&ime: Jacques Doriot, head of the French Fascist party: Marcel Deat, pro-Nazi editor: Sacha GuUry, Enemy escol't crGft put up stilt Moscow dispatches said Rovno' JOllH. Brit ish Of'fiC, jIlIN >wid t11l'Y In Polish Dispute • capt 111'1." IJIl eiIrly po. ' ibilit.y, aclor and lllaywdght: Fernand de Brlnon, former Vich y ambassador to Paris; Gell. August Nogues, form­ Gnti-aircraft fire, but none of the could not understand either the wonlc! impcril the O('rman grip er governor of French North Africa, and Pierre Bols son, former governor of French West Africa. Amon, report or the publlcation of It, WASHINGTON (A P) - The Catallnas was hit. Eisenhower Reports lbose listed for trial Is DanleUe Darrieux, stl1or. Formerly listed were Maurice Chevalier, music hall 011 IL vast ut'pn of southern film ane! that they did not be)jeve it. United States government 5t ppcd The Japanese have slepped up star: Georres Carpentier, heavywelgbt boxer, and Ml sUn, uett, famous singer, but their names no lancer iheir air activity, communique re­ Itlls,<;iu. appear on the list of those condemned to death by tbe underr round. ("There is no truth in the story," gingerly but hopefully into the porls Indicated, and allied WeI's Soviet lroops first by-passed Pre-Invasion Plans ---------------------------------- said Lord Halifax, British am- dispute betwe n RUSSia and Poland continued lheir blows at en my Tuchin, said the bulletin broadcast bas.sador in Washington, in an yesterday only to find itself bur- bases al Rabaut, New Britain, and by Moscow and recorded by the Proceeding Smoothly emphAtic denial. Celed by a new wav at misunder- along the norlheast coast of New Soviet monitor" Then, "taking ad­ Returns Indicate GOP Majority· Settlemen~ of Polish, British Denial standing between Mo cow and Guinea. vantage of the panic that broke (British official quarters in Lon- London. An attack on the American in­ out among the Germans, Soviet Omar Bradley Slated •• • Russ Dispute Hinges don said they knew nothine what- The latest uphl'ava I in Russia's vasion area at S::tidol', on the New flghters wip d out about 300 Hlt­ ever of the report. They reiterated stormy relations with her Eu­ Guinea coo't, cost the Japanese 17 lertles," and captur cI several guns, To Command Yankee that Britain would make no separ- ropean allies was brought on by tighten and on divebomber, wilh an ammunition dump, and olher Land Units in Drive In Voting to Fill State Vacancies On Anglo-U. S. Efforts ate peace. A London spokesm(ln lhe publication In Moscow of the propable loss oJ lwo more booty, expressed doubt such a story hud "CaIro "umor" tllat two BI'JLish tighters, wh n the ,Ittuck was in­ Rovno, 0 mil inside 'P1'e--wl\r LONDON (AP)-With conti dent DES MOINES (AP) - Returns was Noreli lJ s' DemocratiC oppo­ passed the British r nsorshlp at official 11ad conferred with G r­ tercepted by allied P-40 lighlers Poland, Is 011 obj ctlve or troot's good humor, G n, Dwight D, Eis­ frolp the voting in y81terday'~spe­ nent, Diplomatic Reshuffling Cairo. man Foreign Minister Joachim von which suttered only minor loss, attacking on the southern side ot enhower declared yesterday he cial election to nn vacancies in the Results in other races: May Bring Necessary (There was no hint ns to th Ribbentrop on conditions of a the c:ommuniqu soid, an 8S-mile Russian bulge Inside had found the pre-Invasion ma­ Fo r Senator, second district identity of the Britons reported separale peace. The altack, Sund:ty morning, lhat territory. It is a junction on Iowa legislalure showed last nighl chinery rumbling briskly when he (Jefferson, Van Buren eounties)­ Border Reconciliation engaged in the negotiations. A American offiCials, frankly puz­ was th heaviesl the nemy had lhe Berdlchev-Warsaw and Sarny­ reached Britain, and disclosed lbal the Republicans were assured Charles W. Wade (R), f'airIield, Bern dispatch said the Ankllra zled by lhe way In which lhe rU- attempled against American Sixlh Lwow railways, and also is astride thal Lieut. Gen. Omar N, Bradley of retaining five, and probably six, 1,127; S. C. Simmons (D), Fair­ LONDON (AP)-Healing ot the radio had quoted Pravda as saying mol'S were play d up In Moscow, army troops who invaded Saldor lhe hard-surfaced Kiev-Warsaw was senior American general head­ 01 the eight seats at stake. field, 43 1 (29 out of 39 precincts). breach between the London Polish I "two former British slalesmen" k pt silent on this scOt'e, but Jan. 2. highway. ing the great and swiftly-mount­ Two senators and six represen­ For Itepreselltative-- government and Soviet Russia ap- had met Ribbenlrop.) British Ambassador Lord Halifax Allied Liberator heavy bomber.; Tbe broadcast - communique ing numbers of U. S. ground troops tatives were to be elected. AJI Jackson county, Lloyd A. Meyer pea red last night to hinge on The Pravda dispatch In ils en- haslened to reassure lhe American and Mitchell mediums poured 87 recorded by the Soviet monitor in the United Kingdom. eight places were held by Repub­ (R), Sabula, 815; Frederick J , whelher diplomatic relations can tirety was as follows: public with this assertion: tons of bombs on Japanese de­ was one of the shortest Issued Eisenhower, giving his first LOll­ licans in the 1943 regular session.
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