August 1917) James Francis Cooke

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August 1917) James Francis Cooke Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 8-1-1917 Volume 35, Number 08 (August 1917) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 35, Number 08 (August 1917)." , (1917). This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AUGUST 1917 PRICE 15 CENTS $1.50 A YEAR AVGUST 1917 THE ETUDE PRESSER’S MUSICAL MAGAZINE RENEWAL.—No receipt is sent for renewals. On the wrapper of the next issue sent you will be SIS!^^pknVm";: printed the date on which your subscription ii r_ 21& '" C.n.d., <1.75 p.r ye.r. In En/ up, which serves as a receipt for your subscription. m MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addreL_ REMITTANCES thoald be mxde by post-office THE ETUDE. Write on one side of the sheet only. Con¬ orel! money orders, bank check or draft, or registered tributions oo music-teaching and music-study are solir’- 1 Although every possible care is taken the publishers ar_ responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will DISCONTINUANCES.—Owing to th. —iracterx..-* of THE'T*LIC ETUDECTIinF a* mninritv , do not w» mils an issue. Therefore, the pub- Ushers ere pleased.. to extend-a—-* credi■ -t covering'---Twelve . Months' subscription beyond expiration of th. Edited by James Francis Cooke >rlod. Th< vtSLl fcrataK Entered st Philadelphia P. 0. at Second-class Matter lstsr will please send a notice for dlscor Copyright, 1917, by Theodore Presser Co. ^aonsxcr-o;; The World of Music “Hotv many a tale their music tells”—Thomas Moore The Philadelphia Orchestra Association Pilgrims from twenty-seven 8tates as¬ number of banda, each to be supplied with a has subscribed $40,000 to the Liberty Loan, sembled to hear the Bach Festival at Beth¬ suitable library of music, and the fact that Irom Its endowment fund. lehem, Pa. The B minor mass was t> some of them number nearly fifty players, . signal honors: the honorary degree of vlfce de resistance this year. It is an inter¬ the quantity does not seem so summing. Master of Arts at Atlanta University, and The Society of American Musicians (Chi¬ esting fact that this festival had a prede¬ the award of the Splngarn medal, a medal cago) has voted to divert half of its avail¬ cessor in Bethlehem just 175 years ago. The The National Arts' Club, which recently which la given annually to that member of able hinds to the purchase of Liberty Bonds. early Moravians who peopled this town were offered a prize of $250 for the best Amerl the colored race and American citizenship conspicuous for their love of and culture in can war song (which was not awardedl, has who baa made the highest achievement dur¬ music. The first copies of Haydn's quar¬ now increased this aum to $500, which it ing the preceding year. tettes to reach this country came to Beth¬ offers ."or the beat musical settings of Daniel lehem, and it was there that the Creation M. Henderson's poem, The Road to France. The members of the Chicago Symphony DB, P. P. Claxton, United States Com¬ and the Seasons had their first performance Copies of the poem may be obtained from the Orchestra (formerly Thomas' Orchestra), to missioner of Education, hns been urging that In this country. National Arts' Club Defense Committee, the number of elghty-aeven, are to be In¬ aeekdaj organ recitals, specially adapted to Grammercy Park, New York. The competi¬ sured, on the group plan, to the amount of children, be given In all churches. Percy Grainger conducted several of his tion closes September 15, 1017. $1,000 apiece. The association of public- own works at the Norfolk (Conn.) and spirited Chicagoans, by which the orchestra John McCormack, tire noted Irish tenor, Evanston (Ill.) musical festivals in June. Is owned and supported, baa arranged to has taken out United States naturalization Rumor has it that the eminent Australian uiviueu uvvi mr - - — - provide for the premiums. papers. pianist has enlisted In the United States Louis Koemmenlch, the former leader. Army as an oboist. Though Mr. Daroroacb baa been appointed The Iota Chapter of the Mu Phi Epsilon by the Executive Committee, a large number Sorority announces that It will give a Performances of American composers’ of members favor Mr. Koemmenlch, and a scholarship In a musical Institution In Cbt works In the larger forms are becoming more split is threatened. cago to a needy student passing a specified frequent. As an instance, Stillman Kelly's examination. The contest will be held In Aladdin Suite has had six performances the Chicago, September 5th. Full Information past season: his New England Symphony, Los Angeles Is making intelligent lovers of music by her splendid system in public may lie obtained from Mrs. E. R. Compton. tour, and his Macbrath Suite, two; all by 54^ Sheridan Square, Evanston, Ill. first-class symphony orchestras. school instruction. Not content with the i among the novelties Mr. Damrosch is usual instruction In vocal music solely, she planning to bring out next season. Not¬ John Philip Sousa, the noted bandmaster, has over one hundred separate and duly The Matinee Musical Club of Philadelphia, withstanding Us name, the composition hns who Is now charged with the task of organ¬ organized school orchestras, numbering In an organization of 800 members, meeting izing and training bands for the navy, has all over 1,400 players. Los Angeles is easily weekly In Philadelphia’s largest hotel, will no allusion to the present war, having been one of the foremost American music centers devote all next year to American music end .purchased a large supply of music for the —possessing an excellent symphony orches- American composers. The club has a small purpose, amounting, it is said, to nearly a string orchestra and a ladles' chorus of 10o. carload. When one remembers the large Composers desiring to have their works per¬ formed are requested to communicate with Mrs. S. W. Cooper, 2306 Delaney Place. Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Bonnet, the eminent French AUGUST, 1917 organist, will not return lo France, but will CONTENTS FOR The Netn York Globe has been conducting an exceedingly active musical department In make a tour of the United States next PAGE PAGE When the Honeymoon is Over, Its columns. In addition to this It has ar World of Music. 503 Ina B. Hudson 547 ranged popular concerts. One recently A short season of Spanish light opera Editorial . «05 given at the Casino was given free to Globe 5*s begun at the Garden Theatre in New Corn and Chorus.^ ^ ^ readers. Thousands were turned awav un fork early In June. The Real Accomplishments. 506 able to gain admission. Simple Cure for Stage-fright. 506 Department for Vocalists, MR The "National Rylvan Theatre," the first How to Regain Your Technic. The seventh annual convention of the theatre ever directly under the auspices of Edward Hardy 506 Racramento Music Teachers' Association was «nr national government, was opened in Department for Organists, Paths to an American National y A. W. 1/archant 552 held June 2!>th and 30th. July 1st, 2d and Washington on June 2d, In the presence of School of Music, 3d. Mr. Daniel Greggory Mason was among "important audience. It is an out-of-door Reginald De Koven 507 Musical Questions Answered. 555 the guests of honor. Washington*0'018 pait °* *hc pallt system of Department for VlolinUts^ ^ ^ A Bracelet of Fifths. ...E. A. Gest 508 The demands of the American Society of Authors. Composers and Publishers. In col¬ ,. ®T; Louis now rejoices in a municipal Humor in Music.Arthur Elson 500 Fingering of .he Violoncello.^ ^ M7 The Echo Exercise, „ . , lecting royalties for the public performance amon I °f the °Pen n|r variety located Grace Busenbark 510 of music, have been supported by a recent Bright Ideas for Musical Children. 558 Supreme Court decision. It Is. however, Spasmodic Performance, resulting unfortunately for the professional Mrs. Noah Brandt 510 Puzzle Page.Bam Loyd 559 musicians employed at hotels and similar How Can We Do Our Bit? places, as the proprietors are cutting down Modest Altschuler, conductor of the Rus- Dr. Roland Dlggle 510 MUSIC the size of the orchestras or discharging them dbti.,. Jmpho?-v Orchestra, predicts that, altogether, In view of the Increased expense. evnlvf ro.m the war, America will begin to New Material in Musical Comport- Ml Terealta .Teresa Carreno 523 voive a truly national music. tion .Cyril Scott 511 The Old, Old Love (Vocal) >w x Plaving Close to the Keys, R. de Horen 526 In London, states that, apropos t_ .. J*0™' !kL'' is faHlng into line enthusias- ' I.eRoy R. Campbell 513 creased military success of the Allies and l*5|i„ e,matter of community singing, the feeling in Great Britain that they have famiitL Sundnv Sings" of patriotic and Teresa Carrefio (obituary). 514 at last "turned the corner," comes a revival High School Credits In Texas.
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