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1889. 7o^9


«^ # 1^


The present Catalogue has been compiled by Mr. J. F. Blumhardt, in continuation of the

series of similar works on which he has been engaged for several years past in this Library. The

general principles of arranging the names and works of Indian authors have been set forth in the

' preface to the Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the . . . British Museum ' issued in 1886

while the particular modifications applicable to Hindustani literature are noticed in the preface to

the present work. GEO. BULLEN Keeper of the Department op Printed Books. I


— — ;


The present Catalogue of Hindustani books has been compiled, as far as possible, in strict accordance with the cataloguing rules in force in the General Library of the British Museum. The

transliteration of authors' names and of the titles of books is also based on precisely the same method

as that which has been approved of and adopted in the preparation of other Catalogues of works

in the Oriental section of the Department of Printed Books in the British Museum.

The Catalogue comprises: (1) purely Hindustani works; (2) translations of such works into translations, English, or other European languages ; and (3) polyglott works, in which occur Hindustani paraphrases, or commentaries on Arabic, Persian or other originals. Dictionaries and grammars written

in English for English readers have been excluded. A few remarks are necessary as to the arrangement of authors' names, and more particularly of Muhammadan authors. Fortunately the same difficulty does not present itself, in dealing with

Muhammadan names, as is met with in the case of Hindu authors, more especially of English-speaking Bengalis, who would fain assimilate their names to the English forms of Christian and surname, by

adopting the caste-name, or ' upadhi ' as the latter, and making the personal name, generally a compound

epithet, stand for two distinct Christian names. The impossibility of adopting this system of

nomenclature for cataloguing purposes has been fully dealt with in the compiler's preface to the

" Catalogue of Bengali Books," and needs no further notice here. This unworkable expedient of

Anglicizing Oriental names is happily not to be found in the case of Muhammadan authors in India.

Their names usually consist of the personal name, by which they are always known, to which are added

the patronymic, and Nisbah, or name denoting the place of birth or residence, trade, or religious sect

as RauTm Beg ibn Bakir Beg, Khairabacll, Nur Aiim^d, Chishtl.

A Muhammadan author therefore, if a native of India or of Persia, is entered in the Catalogue

under his personal name, precisely as it occurs in the book. His patronymic and Nisbah have been added

only when it has been considered necessary to do so, in order to distinguish between two or more authors

of the same name, as for instance in the case of common names, such as Isma'il, or Muhammad Husain,

or whenever an author is well known by these names ; as 'Abd al-HAKK, Dihlavl. The patronymic has

been printed in the same tj^pe as the author's name, and the Nisbah is added in italics.

Poets invariably take a Takhallus, or poetical name, in addition to the forms noticed above,

and are very frequently known by the takhallus alone, the personal name being lost sight of ; the poet

Muhammad Rafi', for instance, being always known as Sauda. In consequence of this it has sometimes

been by no means an easy task to ascertain the real name of a poet, when his takhallus only is mentioned

in the book, and that perhaps only in an incidental manner in one of the concluding verses of the poem.

This difficulty is necessarily greatly enhanced when the takhallus adopted happens to be a popular one, as

Fakir. When the author's name has been satisfactorily established by means of bibliographies, or by

reference to anthologies and other sources, he has been entered under his personal name, the takhallus V —


FakTe. In all such cases, and as a general being mentioned after it ; as—Muhammad Htjsain, called rule, whenever an author is known by any name, title, or epithet other than his personal name, and also whenever a name is spelt in English on the title-page in a form differing considerably from the adopted method of transliteration, a cross-reference has been made to the correct form.

Titles, such as Mir, MunshI, Saiyid, Maulavl, Khwiijah, Hakim, Shaikh, and the like, have been retained only when considered necessary for purposes of differentiation, or when an author is usually in the case of Nisbahs, titles are placed in known by such title : as—Hasan, Mir, Khusrau, Amir. As italics after the name, or patronymic. The word Khan, though strictly speaking only a title indicating Pathan extraction, has been treated as part of the name. The same general principles have been followed in dealing with the names of Arabic authors, translations from, or references to, whose works are to be found in this Catalogue. They usually

have, in addition to the Nisbah, or Takhallus, a Lakab, or title expressive of religious zeal, or military distinction, as Majd al-Din, Saif al-Daulah, and the like ; and also a Kunyah, or name denoting a family relationship, or soubriquet : as—Abu 'Abd Allah, Abu Haraid. In the general arrangement of their names the Lakab and Kunyah are placed in parentheses, after the personal name and patronymic, and before the Nisbah, or Takhallus: as— MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD (Zaim al-DlN Abu Hamid)


' ' The words ibn ' and al ' do not enter in the alphabetical arrangement of names, and are there-

' fore printed in smaller type. The Arabic article al ' is, for a similar reason, retained in its original form,

with a connecting hyphen, and is not spelt, as pronounced, in assimilation with the following word : as

'Abd al-SAMAD, instead of 'Abdu's-Samad, so also 'Abd Allah, instead of 'Abdu'llah. Names of Hindu authors have been entered according to the plan adopted in the Sanskrit and

Bengali Catalogues, and the same system of transliteration has been adhered to ; viz. that of spelling all purely Sanskrit names as Sanskrit words, i.e. with the inherent, though unsounded, short vowel 'a': as

Vishnulala, Sambhu Raya, Ganesadiisa. On the other hand, if the name be not a pure Sanskrit form, it is spelt as pronoxmced, with the omission of the inherent vowel 'a': as—Kanhaiya Lai, Amiinat Ra'e, Bulaki Das.

The spelling used in the case of English names of places of imprint, when not given on the title- page, follows that of Sir W. W. Hunter in his " Gazetteer of India." It has been deemed unnecessary to make use of long vowel marks for names of places, or of languages. English title-pages are reproduced verbatim, with any errors, orthographical, grammatical, or typographical, that they may contain. The omission of unnecessary portions of such title-pages is indicated by dots, thus . . . ; matter supplied by the compiler to render them more complete, as also in descriptions of works without English title-pages, is shown within square brackets, thus [ ] ; and, whenever quotations have been made from any part of books, other than the title-page, they appear in parentheses.

At the end of the Catalogue will be found a complete Index of Titles of all the works, and also a Subject-Index of all but a few of the less important works, arranged alphabetically.

The compiler would here express his hearty thanks to Mr. A. G. Ellis, of the British Museum, ready for his and valuable assistance, especially in all matters connected with Arabic and Persian authors and their works, more particularly in the case of polyglott works.



<-_> b J d U» s i-r 8 ^' t_> P d L> z J 1

LU t z L t r m cJi;' t r 1^ z J l:* n


1 Peculiar to Iliudustani only. ' "When corresponding to the Sanskrit ^.

Hamzah in the middle of a word '.


Xao. Bexo. Nao. Beno. Nao. Beng. Nao. Bbno. ^ 'ST a ^ ^ ka 7 ^ tha ^ ^ ba

^ 'srf a ^ «( kha ^ vff(vS ') 4a (rai) >T 'S bha

T t i T ^ ga S T>(7 ')dha (rha') ^ 3r ma

I t ^ ^ sr gha TIT <1 na ^ ^(?) ya

'3 ^ u <8 na ^

•* ri chha da ^ ^ ^ ^

^ ^ ai ^1^ ^ jha T 5f na ^ ^ sha

^ iia ^ ^ 43 ^

^^ ^ au •z ^ ta ^ Tp pha I ^ ha

' In words not purely Sanskrit.

* The signs ?, S and represented by m, h and n, respectively. —


Col. 2, line 26, for 14594. a. 3. read Pers. 836 (4.)

„ 4, „ 2, for VishnusARMAN read Hitopadesa.

„ 13, 41 \ \ -^for 'Arbl read 'Arabl. „ 302, 32)

„ 24, „ 26, for Great Britain and Ireland.— Colonies. East Indies read India.

„ 28, „ 23, /or Alif rearf Alif.

31, „ 37 for Abu read AbT. I 397, „ 25

45, „ 29 for 14112. a. 1 (1.) read Hindi. 456 (1.) 70, „ 42 69, „ 44, for Jivanamuktiglta read JivanmuktigTta.

71, „ 5, for 14112. a. 1 (3.) read Hindi. 466 (3.)

72, „ 9, for DEVfDAYALA read DEVIDAYALU.

82, „ 9, /or MahT read MuhT. 82, „ 42, /or Sai^karadayala read Sankakadayalu.

129, „ 32, /or 'AKubat reat^ 'Ukubat. 194, U, read „ for ^J^,\ ^j^, 194, „ 17, /or al-tartll rea^ 111- tartll. 263, „ 16, for Nuwwab read Nijwab. 290, „ 24, for firman 7-ead farman.

407, „ 13 /<"" roz-mara read razm-ara .^^ ,,^ 1 426, „ 16

416, „ 38,/orSadikreac^SiddIk. 420, „ 32 Khan read Hasan. , for CATALOGUE.

ABA—ABB ABB—ABD ABAD. See MahdT Hasan Khax. 'ABBAS KHAIT, Sarvdnl. Un chapitre de I'histoire de rindo Musulmane, ou Chronique de Scher Schah, 'ABBAS, Mir. See Jalal al-DlN Husain. luliy L»-« Sultan de Dehli (Tarikh-i Scher Sch&h ou Tuhfa Jl [Musiifir-namah. Translated from the Persian Scher Schahi). Traduite . . , par M. Garcin de by 'A.] [1886.] 8°. Tassy. [From Mazhar 'All Khan's Hindustani 14109. b. 4 (1.) version of the Persian original.] pp. 164. Paris, [I^"jt pahell. A book of ij^-i H^i'. 1865. 8°. riddles.'] pp. 16, lith. iaii [Belhi, 1866.] 8°. An extract from the "Bevue de P Orient," Annie 1864. 9057. b. 2 Imperfect, breaking off at p. 16. 14109. b. 4 (2.) ABBOTT (Saunders Alexis). [Administration.']

See Kishor. yoJi] [Tawarikh i

'"'^^ nadir al-'asr. account of the various festive occasions.] pp. 24, lith. ^JjiJ ' An administration of IDclhi, 1873.] 8°. Colonel S. A. Abbott, Commissioner, Lucknow 14119. d. 4 (10.) Division.] [1863.] 8°. 14109. a. 15 [Another edition.] pp. 24, lith. • \< [Delhi, 8°. Jo 1^1 [Jflmi'al-fawa'id. Tables 1876.] f-"*^ .> 14119. d. 6 (7.) for the conversion of acres into bighas and vice

f^^yi\ —l-srLil *isjs^ ^j-e izA^^"^"^^

14119. e. 14 (9.) [Musfalahiit i sarfiyah, also called Tuhfah i sadikl- yah. Definitions of the terms used in Arabic •ABBAS, Mlrzd, called MalTh. ^i ^ ULII iuv«^ grammar, in Arabic, with Hindustani translations L«!' (j*

and explanatory notes.] pp. 104, lith. ' fl" m verses of five lines each, in memory of several jyj^ [CawnjMre, 1880.] 8°. distinguished Hindustani poets.] pp. 80, lith. 14594. a. 3 ^^ inr [Bombay, 1875.] 8°. 'ABD al-'ALi, Madras}. *Li ^ Jj^J (__>bT JiLii 14119. c. 21 (2 ) j 'ABBAS 'ALI, Baroghah Hdji. An illustrated his- [Fazii'il o iiditb i duriid o salam, also called Duriid i torical album of the Rajas and Taaluqdars of Oudh, sharlf. A compilation from Persian and Arabic compiled and illustrated [with photographs] by sources of traditions regarding congratulations and Darogah Haji Abbas Ali. Engl, and Hindust. salutations. With Arabic quotations and marginal

lith. 8°. Allahabad, 1880. 8°. notes.] pp. 64, i iaa [Lahore ? 1871.]

760. h. 13 14119. e. 17 (6.) 'ABBAS 'ALi ibn NASIK 'ALI. njc^ K ^^ 'ABD al-'ALI ibn NAWAZISH 'ALI. Jr/ji- [Subh ka sitarah, or The morning-star. A work ^-jLj _ Jb [Hakk-go'I sharh i salo'I. A treatise ex- on the creation of man, death and the resurrection.] posing the absurd and immoral teachings of the Hindu pp. 58, /iVA. I Avr [iHcA-HOi/;, 1873.] 8°. Shastras.] pp.xii. 276,lith. l^j^ [Meentt, 1879.] 8°.

14119. e. 16 (5.) 14104. e. 23 1 4 3 ABD ABD

Saiyid. See ajUfta- 'ABD ALLAH ibn MUHAMMAD, 'ABD ALLAH, Maulan. ,_j

Hindi, . . . Edited, prayer, Vishnusarman. Akhlak i .\-Uj [Haklkat al-salat. A treatise on with an introduction and notes [in English] by followed by Risalah i be-namiizan, a poem on the Syed AbdooUah. 1868. 8°. same subject by Nizam al-Din, with marginal notes, 14112. c. 12 and translations of Arabic quotations.] pp. 24, 'ABD ALLAH ibn SALAM. i)lL**^ Xyi, [Haziir lith. ^^.^^ lAvr \Caicnpore, 1872.] 8°. 14119. e. 23 (1.) mas'alah, or Selections from the thousand questions

put to Muhammad by 'A. A., with the Prophet's [Another edition.] pp. 24, lith. ^^^^ iava Taken from the Arabic] See Majmu'ah \Catonpore, 1878.] 8°. replies. 14104. g. 4 (5.) Jli \r'\r Muslim et de ses deux fils, traduit de I'Hindoustani [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. par M. Garcin de Tassy. See Haidar Bakhsh, 14119. d. (20.)

Sail/id, called HaidarT. Les Seances de Haidari, t^joJs Jj"Luu«^U> [Another edition.] pp. 60, etc. pp. 241-261. 1845. 8°. lith. t'rif ^Bombay, 1877.] 8°. 760. e. 17 14104. f. 4 (2.) •ABD ALLAH, Mud'i. ji»^y>- t-^s-LJ ^->^lc (Ji^^ [Another edition.] See Majmu'ah %s.ja.s^ - B-c"|< ['Azab al-harlk. A tract on the Muhamma-

lith. [Bombay, 1886 8°. 'ABD ALLAH, MunsM. See KawusjT PalanjT ^^ ?] " 14104.6.30(1.) Khatan. 45<>i Wi^fl ete. [Fareb i ifrlt. A drama by Kawusjl PiilanjI Khatan, assisted by 'A. A.] •ABD ALLAH ATHIM. jl J--* [Sulh i kuU. [1855.] 12°. An essay on toleration.] pp. 10, lith. JLiLp-j^'iAvr 14114. a. 28 [Gujranwala., 1873.] 8°. 14106. b. 7 (9.) na|\n WVk <|| imn ^yi^l [Nairang i •ishk or The magic of love. A drama in four acts.] 'ABD ALLAH BEG. ^^)j (J^ [Naksh i pp. 61. vjoifcT \LL\ [Bombai/, 1882.] 12°. ruhanl. A treatise on charms, amulets, and incan- 14112. a. 22 (3.) ^v tations.] 2nd edition, pp. 76, lith. ^Xnxi ' ^ [Delhi, 'ABD ALLAH ibn AHMAD (Hafiz al-DTx Abu 1876.] 8°. al-BARAKAx) Nasafi. y^ jj.1 l*:>y ajs*! Iks^ 14119. d. 5 (18.) [Tuhfat al-'ajam. A treatise on Mu- (ii\i^\ 'ABD ALLAH KHAN. LJl d-1* ll>jl [Insha i hammadan law, being a translation, by Muhammad muf Id al-nisii. Advice to women on domestic duties, Sultan Khiln, of the Arabic Kanz al-daka'ik of in the form of letters.] pp. 117, lith. ^i] lAvr Nasafi.] pp. iv. 448, lith. lAvf \_Lucknow, ^0 [Luchiotc, 1872.] 8°. 1874.] 8°. 14117. d. 33 (2.) 14104. e. 15 ^,Li«. it*

^sf- (UJa! [Latlfah i 'ajz. Muhammadau 'ABD ALLAH ibn GHULAM 'ALI. fi^fl hymns.] 8, lith. [Meerut, 1877.] 8° ^tOM'fi'd'l'T'l [Kisso Lell Majnun-no. The story pp. 14114. b. 7 of the loves of (3.) Laila and Majnun in verse.] pp. m, lith. "i'^K^MLX IBomhay, l^Sl.'] 12°. 'ABD ALLAH MASHSHAK. See Muhammad

14114. a. 17 (3.) UbaTd al- Rahman. ABD ABD d

'ABD nl-'AZIZ, Dihhnl. See Muhammad 'Abd •ABD al-'AZiZ, Shdh. See Durud i taj. [Another [Kissali 8° al-IlAMli). *Ut - L

14112. d. 15 (2.) [Mu'jizah i hazriit Hasanain. An account of miracles

ascribed to Hasan and Husain.] See Majmu'ah i See Muhammad Salamat All.ah, called mu'jizat. J\ ixy^sr* [1873.] 8°. KashfT. ^^jl^^l jjAi [TakrTr al-shahildatain. *^ 14119. c. 32 (11.) A translation of the TaHrlr al-shahildatain, a Persian 'ABD al-FATTAH, also called Ashraf 'AxT. commentary on the Sirr al-shahadatain, of 'A. al-'A.]

A^x!! <_»li^ 'jA\ . . . Arabic first Reading [1871.] 8°. *^J^ Jj)!l 14119. 0. 32 (4.) Book. Compiled by Sayed Abdool Fattah Moulvi. pp. 96, lith. Bombay, 1868. 8°. Aj^^ ir^fi c:-'^!^ i^\o-jJj ^~^j^\ U^^^ljiA 14117. b. 16 [Hidiiyat al-Miiminln. Advice on the due obser- Ashrafool Kawanin. A Hindustani grammar vance of the Mohurram, being a translation of by Syed Abdool Fattah (alias) Ashraf Ali Moulvee replies given in Persian, by 'A. al-'A., to certain of Dhoolia C^^lyi!! i_J^1). pp. 55, lith. Bombay, questions on that subject.] pp. 32, lith. \_Delhi? 1867. 12°. 1873.] 8°. 14117. aa. 5 14119. d. 4 (19.) Third edition, pp.55. ^o/« Say, 1870. 12°. \i\s. i—^Jt> ^y* [Maulid i sharlf. A treatise 14117. aa. 6 on the birth of Muhammad, compiled from various First book of Hindustani. Third edition

Arabic sources.] ii. lith. Iavi pp. 160, y^ \_Luclinotc, (L_;li^ Jhj). pp. 69, lith. Bombay, 1868. 12°. 1879.] 8°. - ' 14117. a. 22 14104. g. 22 (1.) Hindustani First Book, originally compiled i^'jlyjjl _) [Sirr al-shahildatain. A history by Moulavi Sayad Abdul Fatah, revised by the of the martyrdom of the two Imiims, Hasan and Hindustani Translator, E[ducational] D[epartment]

Husain. Arabic text, with a Hindustani interlineary (t_jli^ jJ.^ |Jli»j.Jc.Jt). Sixth edition, pp. 86, lith. translation by Khurram 'All. Accompanied by Bombay, 1887. 12°. notes from Wiiris 'All's Takrir al-shahiidatain, a 14117. a. 26

Hindustani translation of a Persian commentary Second book of Hindustani (^i'j-jjJ Jl:;-;tJiiJ» called Tahrir al-shahiidatain, by Muhammad Saliimat <_jIu^). pp. 206, lith. Bombay, 1867. 12°." Alliih, and by other notes taken by Mirzii Hasan 14117. a. 23 'All from the Rauzat al-ahbab, and various other Third book of Hindustani (<_)li^ i_sy*^)- 171. Bombay, 1869. 8°. works.] 4th edition, pp. 40, lith. y^ i Avr \_LuchioiD, pp. 14117. d. 21 1873.] 8°.

14561. c. 17 Jl«i^l j:La^ <_jli$' [Masiidir al-af'iil.] . . . Amadan Namah, or the collection of verbs in Hindu-

stani, Persian, Arabic and English, etc. Compiled »i_,U^ ijj^Jl^\ ^j\^Jii\^\jj

'ABD al-*AZiZ, Shah. See Durud i taj. Jjl^ See FarTd al-Dix 'AfilR. ^JJL^ .u-ij*. _lj JUjJ [Faza'il i durud i tiij. Arabic An prayer, [Chashmah i faiz. A versified translation, by 'A. with a preface by 'A. al-'A.] [1873.] 8°, al-Gh. Kb. of 'Attar's Pand-namah.] [1862.] 8°,

14119. b. 5 (3.) 14119. b. 10 (6.) 8 7 ABD ABD Muhammad) 'ABD al-GHAFUR KHAN (Abu Muhaimmad) 'ABD al-GHAFUR KHAN (Abij called Nass.Ikh. ,uisr, ^bj [Zaban i Eekhtah. A called Nassakh. See FarTd al-DiN 'Attae. the origin and growth of the Hindustani [Another edition.] [1874.] 8°. paper on 14119. 0. 29 (2.) language, with numerous quotations from the

writings of Hindustani poets.] pp. 16, /»Y/«. ^.^ lAvp [Lucknoic, 1874.] 8°. [Kulliyat, or The complete works of 'Abd al-Ghafur 14119. 0. 28 (3.) Khan, consisting of the following distinct works: 'ABD al-GHANI. Jl jLjj 'i\ Lj [Ziya al-absar. Marghiib i dil, a Persian poem. (2) Shahid (1) A work in prose and verse on the life and sayings Ash'ar i i 'ishrat. (3) Daftar i be-misal. (4) of Muhammad.] pp. 80, /«Y/«. j^Jc^inf \_Sitapur, i ParsI, Nassakh. (5) Chashmah i faiz. (6) Kand 1877.] 8°. i Eekhtah. Kit'ah i in Persian. (7) Zaban (8) 14104. f. 2 (2.) muntakhab. (9) Sukhan i shu'ara, and (10) Ganj i 'ABD al-HAFIZ, called Hafiz. t_y: jL^j [Bahar i tawarikh, a collection of Persian and Urdu chrono- 'arab. Poems chiefly by 'A. al-H., interspersed with 8°. grams.] nth. ji^irli [Lucknow, 1^74i.'] verses by Muhammad Nazlr.] pp. 44, lith. ^i^ iavo 14114. b. 19 [^Lueknow, 1875.] 8°. 14119. e. 22 (1.) Alj .Uil [Ash'ar i Nassakh. Miscellaneous

iavP 8°. Great Britain and Ireland. poems.] pp. 94, lith. y^ ILuchiow, 1874.] 'ABD al-HAIY. See 14117. d. 33 (1.) —Army.—Infantry. 'J\ \^j>^^ ^Jjuj [Rifle Exer-

cise and Musketry Instruction, 1877. Translated J^i-*:H pj'^ [Daftar i be-misal. A dlwan bv'Aal-H.] [1879.] 12°. poem.] 180, lith. uvp [^Lucknoic, 1874.] 8°. pp. y^ 14106. d. 14 14117. d. 33 (5.) 'ABD al-HAIT and ISMA'IL, Maiildnd.

^^iutStif^S^y^ [Granj i tawarikh. Persian <_jl^s- i!i\~3j [Muzih al-hakk J Jl^ ^ ^^\ f'y* tracts containing decisions and Urdu chronograms ; followed by Armaghiin. and Su'ill o jawiib. Two

a dlwan poem.] pp. 50, 128, lith. i^^ ""i'' on points in Muhammadan law, translated by Kurbiln

\_Cawnpore, 1875.] 8°. 'All ; the former from the Persian of 'A. al-H. 14114. b. 30 (1.) and I.] pp. 37, /em ^ iav {Lueknow, \'&10.'\ 8°. 14119. e. 2 (7.) ifosj i-j\^^\ [Intikhab i nuks. A criticism aI-:fiAIY WA'IZ. See Muhammad ibn on the marsiyahs of Dablr and Anis.] pp. 32, lith. *ABD J^^u^^ lCawnpore,lB7^.'] 8°. Isma'Il (Abij 'Abd Allah) Bukharl. ^f^U^ i^j^ 14114. b. 30 (2.) [Faiz al-barl. Containing a translation of, and notes on, the Taisir al-karl, by 'A. al-H. W.] [1877,efc.] 8°.


Li^^jlai jjsilii [Shahid i 'ishrat. Verses in a Persian commentary on the Sufar al-sa'iidat.]

praise of female beauty and attire.] pp. 18, lith. [1881.] 8°. 14104. f. 26 y^ lAvf ILucknow, 1874.] 8°. 14119. d. 9 (8.)

\jitJ^ ijsr' [Sukhan i shu'ara. A complete [Majmu'ah i khutab. A book of khutbahs for the list of Hindustani poets, arranged alphabetically whole year, containing, amongst others, those which by their takhallus, or poetical names, with short are used at Mecca and Medina. Arabic text with specimens paraphrases in Hindustani.] 4th edition. of their writings.] pp. 582, /iY/«. y^ lAvf metrical [Lueknow, 1874]. 8°. pp.128,64,28, /jYA.^y.^ ir-- [Bangalore, 1883.] 8^

14114. a. 15 14519. d. 12 (3.) ABD ABD 10

'ABD al-HAEE ibn GHULlM RAStlX. See 'ABD al-fiAKIM, called Hakim. m^J^ [Fikr i Hakim. Verses on good behaviour.] pp. 92, lith. 'Abd al-HAKK, Dihlavi. <_» Jill c_; J^ <_j^i^ "^^TV l2^^ IMeerut, 1879.] 8°. [Jazb al-kulub. Tran8latedby'A.al-H.] [1864.] 8°. 14104. e. 22 (3.) 14104. g. 2.

•ABD al-TcLAKk., Dihlavi. See Muhammad ibn 'ABD al-HAKK ibn ILAHI BAKHSH, Maulavi. Ya'kub (Majd al-DlN Abu Taiiir) Ftruzabadi. See 'Abd al-'AzIz, Dihlavi. Jl ^^^\^\j)ja? ^^^j* Jl CJjltJIy-) -^ [Misbali al-bidiiyat. A '•^^J [Sirr al-shahadatain, accompanied by a metrical translation of a Persian commentary by 'A. al-H. on translation by 'A. al-H., entitled Riyaz al-shaha- the Sufar al-sa'adat.] [1881.] 8°. datain, or Tiimar i gham, of Salamat Allah's Persian 14104. f. 26. commentary.]^^ [1879.] 8°. ,iiS JjU*J1 ji-. [Sufar al-sa'iidat, trans- ^ 1451. b. 13. lated from the Arabic of Majd al-Din, with notes from the commentary of 'A. al-H.] [1877.] 8°. 'ABD al-HAMID, also called KADIB WALI. [Life

14104. f. 17. and miracles.'] See Ghulam Mustafa, called

Marghub. i^^yt iJM» [Hadlyah i Marghub.] See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Dihlavi. jlj [1873.] 8°. •.»,«;h 'U-il _.^ [Zad al-'ukba. An ^ Jj*^! 14119. c. 6 (8.) abridged translation of a Persian commentary by 'A. al-H. on the Asma i husna.] [1868.] 8°. 'ABD al-HUSAIN", Saiyid. See Hasan 'AlT, Hqji.

14119. e. 15 (2.)

'A. al-H.] [1881.] 8°. fc-.>jii!l t—s'ss^ '-r'fy^ <*-«^y [Jazb al-kulub, 14104. g. 21. or a description of Medina and its pilgrimages.

Translated, from the Persian of 'A. al-H., by 'Abd 'ABD al-JABBAR, Deputy Magistrate. culxJil^l -.ir* al-Haklc ibn Ghulam Rasul.] pp. iv. 284, lith. [Mukhbir al-wiiki'at. A tale.] pp. 174, lith. 8°. t TAi \_Luchioic, 1864.] J^\f^'^ iriA [Patna, 1881.] 8°. 14104. g. 2. 14112. a. 1 (6.)

CJ^I ^jlj*^ '"-^y '^^^ [Manahij f*^ 'ABD al-KADIR, Badu'uni, called KadieT. i^.^...-sL^ al-nubuwat. A translation by Khwiijah 'Abd al- jj.l J^j\A\ [Muntakhab al-tawarikh. A general Majld of 'A. al-H.'s Madarij al-nubuwat, a Persian history of India from the Muhammadan conquest work on the life of Muhammad.] 2 vols, i'^^'" j^^ to the fortieth year of Akbar's reign, a.d. 1004. {Cawnpore, 1873.] 8°. Translated from the Persian of 'A. al-K, 14104. g. 11. by Muhammad Ihtisham al-Dln.] pp. 545, lith. lAvp ^^*^y [Sabllal-jinSn. uW^^ Si^ ^J^^ J:?^ \_Lueknow, 1874.] 8°. An exposition of the principles of the Sunni sect, 14109. d. 7. being a translation by Mir 'All of the Persian 'ABD al-KADIR ibn 'ATIK ALLAH. cu!^lji^ Takmll al-Iman of 'A. al-H.] pp. 46, lith. ^^^ if»$jJl [Kanz al-khairat. treatise lAvr \_Caicnpore, 1873.] 8°. iS'..^-'*^ ly A on

14119. c. 6 (2.) almsgiving.] pp. 38, lith. jy^'^ ""*' \_Catcnpore,

[Another edition.] pp. 46, lith. \_Caicnpore, 1864.] 8°. 14119. e. 3 1881.] 8°. (6.) 14104. f. 2 (18.) 'ABD al-KADIR ibn MUHYI al-DIN, called - called Sadik. 'ABD al HAKE, JjU ^^^^•i Wafa. LUjl^ cuUjIj [Waki'at i shahadat. An [Diwan.] pp. 91, lith. y^ lAvr ILucknmc, 1873.] 8°. account in verse of the Prophet Muhammad and 14119. c. 30 (9.) his immediate successors and descendants, translated

Persian.] lith. irii [Another edition.] pp. 120, lith. i^j^ from the pp. iv. 308, ^-L/»j \Meerut, 1881.] 8°. IBomhay, 1874.] 8°. 14114. b. 34 (3.) 14104. f. 10. 1

ABD 12 11 ABD

ibn WALI ALLAH, DiJilan. See •ABD al-±ADIB itn MUSA (MxjhyT al-DT^') Jl- 'ABD al-KADIB Kasim, Kur'an. J\ j«js^ i j3^ [Another Idrii. [_Life and miracles.'] See Muhammad Jl^ ^ji/, u^^r' Maulavt. Jl .iJjijUfl [I'jazi Ghauslyali.] [1873.] edition.] [1870.] 8°. 14507. c. 7. 8°. 14119. c. 18 (2.) See La'l Muhammad. ^^^Ul '-r'^yr Arabic jjj [Kibrlt alimar. An [Jawab al-sa'illn. Compiled from an Arabic work See Prayers prayer with Hindustani translation.] of'A. al-K.] [1872.] 8°. of Arabic prayers.] 14119. d. 9 (4.) Jl jAs>.\ <'^:^jS [A collection Isma'Tl (Abu 'Abd [1871.] 8°. See Muhammad ibn b. 14 14519. (5.) Allah) Bukhdn. t^Ull (^^J-J [Faiz al-bari, con 'ABD al-KADIB ibn WALI ALLAH, Dihlau. See taining a masnawl by 'A. al-K.] [1877.] 8°. [The 14521. d. 14. Kur'an. Begin. -JS ^L^^ ^j^ /J^ ^\ Koran. Arabic text, with an interlineary trans- See "Wherry (E, M.) J^J LJI [A'inah i lation and marginal commentary in Hindustani by Kur'an. An Index to 'A. al-K.'s Urdu translation 'A. al-i.] [1829.] 4°. of the Koran.] [1881.] 8°. 14507. d. 16. 14104. e. 19 (7.)

Qura'n . . . [Translated by A. al-K.] 'ABD al-KAHIR ibn 'ABD al-RAHMAH" (Abij 1844. 8°. Bakr) Jurjanl. ^y J.

14104. f. 1. 14112. e. 12. [Text with 'A. al-K.'s translation and [Another edition.] [1883.] fol. extracts from his commentary.] 4°. [1876.] 14112. 6. 14. 14507. d. 14. 'ABD al-KARIM, Schoolmaster. ul>^Ls~ _1^ [A [Another edition.] [1879.] 4°. prospectus of the Siriij i khalwat, a treatise on 14507. e. 1. domestic life and duties, according to the Mu- [Another edition.] [1881.] fol. hammadan law.] pp. 8, lith. Bombay, 1883. 8°. 14507. d. 17. 14114. a. 27 (4.) [Text with notes on the margin, being extracts from 'A. al-K.'s Muzih al-Kur'an.] 'ABD al-KARIM, called KarTm. cijjI^

^1 ^j;_ji/*i»-^ fS^J^ ^^Ji [Another other on his martyrdom.] pp. 24, lith. [Delhi, edition.] [1868.] 4°. 1873.] 8°.

14507. d. 10. 14117. d. 36 (1.) 13 ABD ABD 14

'ABD nl-KARIM ibn AMIR ALLAH. i_--JJv 'ABD al-RAHMlN. See LTlaprasada.

[Tulizlb al-atfill. Advice 'ABD al-RAHMAN, CMshti. See Akdar 'Ai.T JJ^\ t-r-V.V ) J'^^^ to students on education and etiquette.] pp. 20, lith. ibn Muhammad i^j^ lAv^ IMecrut, 1878.] 8°, [Khulasah i tawiirikh i Mas'iidl Compiled from the

14104. f. 19 (2.) Persian Mir'at i MasTidl of 'A. al-R.] [1871.] 8°. 'ABD al-KARIM ibn GHULAM MUHAMMAD. 14119. c. 30 (6.) The Takallum-al-madrasah, or School Dialogues, in See Muhammad Kutb al-DlN, SMhjahdn- English and Hindustani, for the use of Anglo- abddl. j^M^Ljcl 'U-jI —ji) J J<:«&U [Zad al-'ukba. Hindustani schools. (

'ABD al-KHALIK. (}l^\ (Wi iSAS. 'ABD al-RAHMAN, Hafiz. A\s. i^^Jar j-^'-^ ,»)^^ j J^. J> [Mukhtasar jughrafiyah i 'alam. elementary jjl ['Umdat al-kalam fi bayan al-Halal wa al-Karam. An

geography of the world.] pp. 56, lith. jjii I Ave A treatise on clean and unclean birds and animals, {Lahore, 1875.] 8°. with marginal notes. Followed by 'Asharah i 14106. d. 3 (3.) kumilah, or decisions of learned maulavis on ten [Another edition.] pp. 68, lith. ^^ I AW questions on Muharamadan law, compiled by Mu- J. {Lahore, 1877.] 8°. hammad 'Abd AUiih.] pp. 12, lith. .^1 \_Lahore, 14119. c. 2 (3.) 1873.] 8°. 'ABD al-RAHMAN ibn ABI BAKR (Jai>al al-DTx 14119. c. 23 (4.) Abu bI-Fazl) Suyuti. .y ^^srji ^j I.«iyi i—i^ Khicajah. See 'ABD al-MAJID, 'Abd al-HAKK, i^jtJJl [Kashf al-zulmat. A treatise "on Friday and

Dihlavi. jJl iSJ^\ jf*li^ [Manahij al-nubuwat. its religious observances, being a translation by A translation by 'A. al-M. of the Persian Madarij Muhammad 'All Moradabiidl of the Arabic Nfir al-

al-nubuwat.] [1873.] 8°. lam'at of Suyuti.] pp. viii. 114, lith 14104. 11. g. {Moradabad, 1881.] 8°. 14104. e. 29 'ABD al-MAJID, Maulan. See Tytler (A. F.) (1.) Lord Woodhoit^elee. Tytler's Elements of General 'ABD al-RASHID KHAN. Ju^^ iu-jj/ [Guldas-

tah i Rashld. Verses written on the occasion of History . . . Translated into Hindoostanee ... by the assumption of the title of Empress of India by L. Dacosta . . . assisted by Hukeem Muolvee Abd-

Ool-Mujeed. 1829, etc. 4°. Queen Victoria.] £E. 17, lith. iJLCL: {Aligarh, 760. g. 16-18. 1878.] 12°. 14114. a. 24. 'ABD al-RAHIM, Dihlavi. j_

ti-'U! 4cj-4-s:* [Majmu'ah i lughat i 'Arbl. 8°. ^jC An sect.] pp. 162, viii. t nr [J/een<^, 1879.] Arabic-Hindustani dictionary, arranged alphabeti- 14104. f. 4 (7.) cally, being a translation by Sadasukha Lilla of A. 'ABD al-RA'UF. See Muhammad 'Abd al-KlDiR, Arabic-Persian al-R.'s dictionary entitled Muntaha Bandrasl. MoaUim-shatranj. . . . [Instruction in al-arab. With the roots indicated in the margin.] chess by Muhammad 'Abd al-Kadir, assisted by

I AW 2 vol. jl)liiL< [Daf' al-tahrlfat, i murad. A collection of prayers, jL. [Samrah Rami al-jamriit. A treatise on the principles of the with one in Arabic accompanied by an beginning Shl'ah creed, being a reply to the Ayat baiyinat.] interlineary version in Hindustani, and followed by pp. 614, lith. y^ iriA [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. others in Persian, Hindustani and Panjabi.] pp. 36, 14104. e. 28. 8°- nth. (i^L-. I AVI [Sialkot, 1871.] " 'ABID HUSAIN". J^xll lj\si> [Hidayat al-'awiimm. ^ 14104. f. 7. Advice to parents on the training of children.] pp. 'ABD al-SHAKUR, called Marhaba. Ls.y'* ^^j 45, lith. ^ lAvr [Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. [Riyaz i MarHabii. A poem in praise of Mu- 14119. b. 4 (4.) hammad.] pp. 16, nth. jj^^ irll \_Cmvnpore, ABOOIi PIDA. See IsmaTl ibn 'AlI (Imad al- 1881.] 8°. DiN Abu al-FiDA) Prince of Hamath. 14114. c. 30 (6.) ABtJ DA'tJD, Sijistdnl. See Sulaiman ibn al- Fdroki. See Muhammad ibn 'ABD al-WAHID, Ash'as (Abu Da'ud) Sijistanl. Muhammad (Zain al-DiN Abu Hamid) Ghazzali. ABU al-PAZL ibn MUBARAK. The Khirud t::-oljLft t_jUil

Ufroz ; originally translated into the Hindoostanee lation by 'A al-W. from the Arabic of Ghazzali.] language, by Muoluvee Hufeez ood-Deen Uhmud, [1881.] 8^ from the XJyar Danish [a Persian version of Bidpai's 14104. e. 29 (2.)

fables], written by . . . Shuekh Ubool Fuzl [and 'ABD al-WAHID ibn MUHAMMAD MUGHNI. founded upon Husain ibn 'All al-Kiishifl's Anwar See Muhammad Muslim. i_jjxJ^ .\j^ [Gulziir i

i suhalll] . . . Revised . . . and prepared for the Sikandarl. An adaption in verse of Pt. iii. of the press by T. Roebuck. 2 vol. pp. xxx. 412, 386, vi, 'Aja'ib al-Kisas of 'A. al-W.] [1882.] 8°. Calcutta, 1815. 8°. 14109. b. 18 (3.) 14112. c. 3.

^_;a.^\ i jLsf ['-^j'i'ib al-kisas. ^Uj 'Ustt' The Khirud-TJfroz : translated from the The history of the prophets from Adam to Mu- Oordoo into English, and followed by a vocabulary hammad. Translated by Muhammad Fakhr al-Din of the difficult words and phrases occurring in the

original of 'A al-W.] i. Husain from the Persian Pt. text, by T. P. Manuel, pp. 49. Calcutta, 1861. 8°. pp. 892, nth. jbUl^il^ inc IDelhi, 1849.] 4°. That portion only of the work, which it contained in the 14104. h. 1. "Hindoostanee Reader," vol. 3. 760. e. 36. [Another edition.] 2 pt. pp. 424, lith. mu^ ^L-«J^ J-i-< [Mufid al-sibyiin. The third lAvf [Lucknow, 1874.] 4°. the Khirad-afroz, in Hafiz al-Din Ahmad's 14104. g. 12. part of translation.] pp. 305, lith. j^1i lAir [Lahore, 'ABD al-WAHID KHATT, called MiskTn. l^iJus^ 1862.] 8°. [Chashmah i Shirln. A poem on the loves ^^J^ 14117. d. 14. of Farhad and Shirln.] pp. 40, lith. »i^ iaT) ABU HANIPAH. See Nu'man ibn Sabit (Abu [Lucknow, 1867.] 8°.

14119. e. 5 (1.) HanTfah).

See KakTm al-DiN. *r,\j [Another edition.] pp. 40, lith. .i^ lAve ABU al-HASAN.

[Lucknow, 1875.] 8°. ^li«j.4\:Js [Tarikh i Hindustan. A new and revised 14112. 0. 19 (1.) edition by A. al-H. and Karim al-Din.] [1872.] 8°. ABDOOL PATTAH. See 'Abd eI-Fattah. 14109. a. 18. 17 ABF—ACA AOA—JES 18

ABU al-HASAN. Nuzhat-un-nazir (JeU\ u:i-^AJj). ACADEMIES, etc. — Paris. — Ecoh spSciale des A selection from articles which have appeared from langues orieiitaks vimntes. Chrestomathie Ilindou- time to time in the Educational Gazette, Oudh, stani (Urdfl et Dakhni) [Prepared under Garcin de compiled ... by Maulvi Abul Ilasan. pp. 82. lith. Tassy's direction by T. Pavie, and provided with a

Lucknow, 1876. 8°. vocabulary by M. I'abb^ Bertrand], etc. (<_jla£?0^ 14119. f. 11. JL-)^ jiii) t_fljL=!i) [Intikhab i tasanlf i HindHstanl,] ABU al-WARA'. See Muhammad ibn 'AlT, Shau- pp. 128, 104. Paris, 1847. 8°, 752. f. 9. kdiil. [Another copy.] ABU ZAFAR SIBAJ al-DIN MUHAMMAD Four pages of "Errata" printed in 1849, are inserted in this copy between the Chrestomathie and the Vocabulaire. BAHADUR SHAH. See Bahadur Shah ii. 760. g. 22. Emperor of Hindustan. ACHHAI LAL. See Akshaya Lala. ACADEMIES, etc. —Ajmere.—Social Progress Asso- 'ADALAT KHAN. Selections from the history of ciation. Proceedings of Ajmair and Rajpootana India and Bagh-o Bahiir. Translated into literal Social Progress Association, from April to August, English, with copious notes on etymology, history 1872. {ij\iy^\j Ac i^j ilLi.) [Anjuman i ^J-*^^ and geography, pp. 151. Calcutta, 1877. 8°. Rafah i 'Amm i ESjputanah.] pp. 81, lith. jysJ 14112. a. 26 (1.) lAvr ILahore, 1873.] 8°. 14119. f. 9. Selections from the Prem Sagar and Bagh-o

Bahar. Translated into literal English with copious AiAGAKH.—Scientifc Society. See Burn (R. S.) notes. Second edition, pp. viii. 399, Calcutta, Outlines of modem farming . . . Translated into 1881. 8°. Urdu, with certain additions made to the original, 14112. a. 26 (2.) by the Scientific Society. 1865. 8°. Shaikh. •J\ ^_sXJb jsA^j [Zawiijir i Hindi. 14119. f. 3. ADAM, A collection of traditions, translated from the See Elphinstone {Hon. M.) The history Arabic of Ibn Hajar Tamlml, i.e. Ibn Hajar 'Aska- of India, the Hindu and Mahomed an periods . . . liinl ? and other sources. Followed by Iblls-niimah, Translated . . . into Urdu by the Scientific Society. a traditional conversation between Muhammad and 1866. 8°. Satan, in Arabic and Urdu.] 150, lith. irif 14109. b. 6. pp. [Bombay, 1878.] 8°.

See EoLLix (C.) A compilation from 14104. f. 18. Rollin's Ancient History of Greece, with additions.

version of the London Pharmacopoeia . . . [trans- . . . Nizam-ud-deen . . . Revised and approved by lated from the London edition of 1809 by P. . . . Vans Kennedy, d—i-j^. CuLLaJ) [Nakliyat i

Breton]. Printed . . . for the use of the students Yusuf.] 2pt. pp. xix. 85, 184. Bombay, 1850. 8°. of the Native Medical Institution, pp. vii. 232, Pt. i. contains the English text. Ft. ii. the translation in xxii, lith. \_Calentta,'] 1824. 8°. lithograph. 14106. g. 28. 14112. a. 11. ;

20 19 ^S—AHM AHM

AHMAD (A'lN al-Dix) Mumhl. See Karamat iESOP. eu^.«il»- Ai-.saf [Ganjinah i Hikmat. ^sop's trans- 'AlT ibn Rahmat 'AlT. Mubda-i-Uloom . . . Fables, translated by Rajab 'All.] pp. 203, lith. lated into English by . . . Ayenooddeen Ahmud. lAvi \Amritsar, 1876.] 8°. 14119. c. 5 (2.) 1870. 8'. 760. b. 36. AFSOS. See Sher 'AlT. AHMAD ibn 'ABD ALLAH. j\^1\ tr-^M [Lubab APYU2Sri-NAMAH.

^^ i Arabic text.] 80, lith. tab [Bombay, 14119. e. 11 (2.) pp. ^^^^ 8°. [Another edition.] See Farkhand 'AlT. 1863]. 14521. b. 13 (1.) ^' J^C']r\~'- [Another edition.] pp. 80, lith. jyiiDiriA [1877.] 8". [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 14112. a. 6 (2.) 14521. b. 13 (3.) [Another edition.] See Iram. i!^»l; ij»y>- AHMAD ibn 'ALI (Shihab bI-DTn) called Ibn [Chuhe-namah.] [1881.] 8°. Hajar, 'Askaldni. See Adam, Shaikh- i_sJ,iJbjS^\jj 14114. b. 20 (8.) [Zawajir i Hindi. A collection of traditions, trans- AFZAL 'ALI. See Lallu Lal, Kavi. The Lutaifi lated from the Arabic of Ibn Hajar Tamlml, i.e. Hindee . . . Edited by W. C. Smyth [assisted by

A. 'A.] 1821. 8°. Ibn Hajar 'AskalanI ?] [1878.] 8°. f. 18. 760. d. 32 (1.) 14104. AGHA 'ALI. See Sivaprasada, Raja, C.S.I. AHMAD ibn MUHAMMAD (Hafiz al-DiN). See Khirud Ufroz CLjIJUI culiljl*. [Hikayat al-salihat. A trans- Abu Al-Fazl ibn Mubarak. The lation by A. 'A. of the Hindi Vamamanoranjana.] originally translated into the Hindoostanee language 8°. [1869.] 8°. by Muoluvee Hufeez ood-Deen Uhmud, etc. 1815.

14119. b. 12 (3.) 760. g. 4.

^.aJii [Tafzlh. A reply to 'Abd al-Ghafur The Khirud-Ufroz : translated from the Oordoo into English, etc. 1861. 8°. Nassakh's Intikhab i nuks, or criticism on the poems 760. 6. 36. of Dablr and Anis.] pp. 232. iv. lith. ^$3 ir^A i^iL^l Jui.^ [Mufid al-sibyiin. The [Lucknow, 1882.] 8°. Khirad 8°. 14114. b. 37. third part of the Afroz.] [1862.] 14117. d. 14. AGHA HASAN-, called Amanat. ci^Ul ^.j^^^Jj See Hindustani Reader. The Khirud- jji

Imperfect, wanting last leaf containing verses 291-307. < ilaJl .x.£ [Rajm al-shihab, also called Radd 'Abd 14119. d. 4 (18.) al-Wahhilb. A refutation of the Wahhiibl creed,

[Another edition.] pp. 36, lith. lAve abridged from the author's larger work on the same [Bombat/, 1875.] 8°. subject. Arabic text, with a Hindustani interlineary

14119. 0. 25 (9.) translation by Muhammad Nur al-Hasan.] pp. 66, AHKAR. See KarTm Bakhsh. lith. y.^ inv [Lucknoic, 1880.] 8°. AHMAD, Dairahl. ^^J cr-'b^jsr* 1*.^' [Mujarra- 14104. 6. 31 (5.) bat i Dairabi. A work on the efficacious use of AHMAD 'ALI, Faizdhadi. ji^ } J^^^yi^ [Gul o yerses of the Koran as charms and amulets. Trans- Sanaubar. A Persian romance translated into verse lated by Basharat 'All Khan from the Arabic of A.] by A. 'A.] See 'Inayat Allah, ^^jojs (^bjLyj 371, Uth. IAV6 pp. \_Lucknow, 1875.] 8°. [BahSr i danish.] [1867.] 8°. 14104. e. 18. 14112. c. 16. 21 AHM AHM 22

AHMAD 'ALI, Gopdmu'i. See Gnu lam Mu- AfiMAD HASAN, Maulavi. Jui ^ Ijcjilll \,\j^ hammad ibn TTpD Sultan, c::j1*».) (iC.jwj»- IjcJiill [Sirat al-ihtida fl bayan al-iktida. Opinions [Hamliit i Ilaidarl. A translation by A. 'A. of of learned doctors on questions on Muhammadan

the Kurniimah i I'laidarl.] 1849. 4°. law.] pp. 33, lith. [Delhi, 1873 ?] 8°. 14109. d. 1. 14119. e. 25 (6.)

AHMAD 'ALI, Khwajah. \j\ »jj ^L; [Risiilah i AHMAD HASAN, called Ruswa. \^j ^\^j razm-ara. A treatise on fencing.] pp. 39, Kth. [Diwan.] pp. 84, //;!A. Jjkj i/sv-i [Z)e//«, 1879.] 8°. ji^il lAVA {Lucknow, 1878.] 8°. ^ 14114. b. 34 (2.) 14119. d. 14 (3.)

AHMAD 'ALI, Maulavi, Ea'is of Makur. See AHMAD HUSAIN, Saii/id. ^'X*^\ i-JfL* [Mak-

Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DlN Abu tiib i Ahmadl. A letter-writer in the shikastah

Hamid) Ghazzall. Sa^-^ *L«! i^i-JlaJ"

Ghazzali's Khulasah i 'ilm i sulQk.] [1881.] 8°. [10th edition.] pp. 56, /«VA. y.^ Iaai [Lucknow,

14104. e. 29 (3.) 1881.] 8°. 14117. b. 36. AHMAD 'ALI, Mir, called MTrza'T. See Rajab

i 'AlT Beg, called Sukur. ^.^Lul [Insha Surur. AHMAD HUSAIN, Shah. »^b,j . . .^^ .Jj jjj^^ Compiled by A. 'A.] [1879.] 8°. JjJcj- (^yl* *Jy»<-« [Objections against the passing 14117. b. 31 (3.) of a bill introduced into the Viceregal Council on

AHMAD 'ALI, Ea'ls of Ghazipur. [^jaJ^\ ^Sx^* the subject of the Muhammadan law of inheritance.] [Ma'dan al-faiz. A poem.] pp. 26, lith. ^^ \r•^^ pp. 24, lith.

.^-ai^ [Kissah i Jumjumah, or the story of Emperor i jam i jahiin-numa. A translation by A. H. of Jumjumah and the miracles performed on him. portions of the Mir'St al-'alam.] [1873 ?] 8°. Also Kissah i Shaikh Mansur, or the story of the 14109. d. 6. saint Mansur. Two poems by A. 'A.] See Majmii- AHMAD KHAN, Saiyid, C.S.I. [Travek.'] See 'ah i kisas f^joSi iAy^^ [A collection of five stories Ikbal 'AlT. 4_-»Vs1) i^\jjA^ [Safar-namah i Pan- in verse.] 8°. ' [1869.] ' jiib.] [1884.] 8°. 14119. 6. 1 (7.) 14109. c. 16.

See Kur'an. J I <0>4.a^l uJ-jLu [The [Another edition Followed by Risjilah i mautna- Koran, with translation and commentary by A. Kh.] mah, a poem by Muhammad Hasan 'Ilmi, and a ~ [1880, etc.'] 4°. tarjrband by Rafi' al-Sauda.] pp. 20, lith. y^ 14507. c. 18. [Lucknaw, 1870 ?] 8°. 14119. 6. 3 (10.) See Muhammad Ihtisham al-DiN. AJi\ JujIj


14109. a. 23. 14119. f. 23. —


[As5r AHMAD MUSHTAK, Saiyid. iUJT [Moral pp. 1434. h.l. [_Sialkot, 1872.] 32°.

pamphlets entitled "Chashmah i faiz," The Causes of the Indian revolt. Written One of a series of having the same title as the preceding but a different work. by Syed Ahmed Khan Bahadur in Frdoo . . . and 14119. a. 12 (3.) translated into English by his two European friends. •AISH. See Fida 'AlT. pp. vi. 65. Benares, 1873. 8°. 760. f. 1. AITCHISON (Chakles TJmpheeson). See Great ^Jcx^jSUJb ^jcJ *llij *JjJs Ji^.j'i

nizam i dih i HindQstan. A treatise On the ancient C->Lsr»l3 Juji ['Ahd-ntimajat. A collection of treaties village systems of India.] pp. 55. iS^Jlc iava relating to India and neighbouring countries. Com- [Aligarh, 1878.] 8°. piled by C. U. A.] [1866-69.] 4°.

14106. e. 24 (2.) 14106. f. 8.

The Mohomedan Commentary on the Holy 'AJIZ. See Anwar 'AlT, Saiyid.

Bible by Syud Ahmud . . . i\j^\j^u^ ^J A^\ ^;--v See GopTnatha. Pt. i. and ii. ^ J-js:* Slj [Tabyin al-Kalam.] Hindust. and Engl. Ghazeepore, 1862. 4°. AKA HASAN, called NamT. See Krishnamisra.

i No more published. J\ JlL* I .\^ llLj [TahzTb makal. An Urdu 760. i. 5. translation by A. H. of the Prabodhachandrodaya.] AHMAD KHAK, called Sufi. Jo>i.»- i—flJ^ jJy« [1871.] 8°.

[Maulid i sharIf . A work on the life of Muhammad 14119. c. 22 (3.) compiled from various sources.] 2nd edition, pp. < [Zakhirah i jang i i^j'.i^i ^=r i;^^'^ 84, lith. jy^^ irn '\_Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°. bahadurl. Moral and instructive tales, in fourteen 14104. f. 2 (15.) parts.] lith. {Sialkot, 1876.] 8°. al-shahadatain. ^oLjIJI ^O [Zikr An ac- One of the series entitled " Zakhirah i Eafah i 'dmm." 14119. a. 13 count of the martyrdoms of Hasan and Husain.] pp. (3.) 156, lith. j^^ lAAr \_Caimipore, 1883.] 8°. [Another copy.] 14104. g. 20 (4.) 14119. b. 22 (10.) 25 AKB—ALE ALE—ALT 26

AKBAR 'ALi ibn MUHAMMAD BAKHSH. ALEXANDER, the Great, King of Macedon. [Life.'] See GoKULAi'RASADA. - [Khulasah i tuwarlkh i Mas- i_jj,xS^ Sikandarl.] 8=. 'udl. Episodes from the life of Siilar Mas'ud GhazI, [1873.] 14119. c. 6 (7.) describing his exploits in battle, and his death at ALEXANDER (James Edward). See I'tisam al- Bahraich. Compiled from the Persian Mir'at i DIn, Mirzd. Li-o^. A^U i_J;X.i Shigurf naraah i MasTidl of 'Abd al-Rahman Chishtl.] pp. 10, Uth.

Velaet, or . . . the Travels of Mirza Itesa Modeen I TAA \Lucknow ? 1871.] 8°.

...... into Hindoostanee, with 14119. c. 30 (6.) Translated an AKBAR HUSAIN. See India.—Legislative Council. English version and notes, by J. E. A. 1827. 8°. 14109. a. 1. jJl ^L;Jy^y*) '—^j^ •^y* (Anu Mansur NIsir al-DTx). iLj (^,-= iJ^.j^ [Maulid i sharIf, also called by its AKSHAYA LALA. See Nanak, Baha. *^lii.^ chronogram 'Arz i Bahar. A poem on the birth of 8°. Muhammad.] pp. 66, lith. i rAp [Lucknotc, 1867.] translated into verse by A. L.] [1876.] 12°. 14119. e. 1 (11.) 14106. a. 12 (2.) 'ALI, Sahjid Shah. A Spelling book, English and AL i HASAN. See Pfander (c. g.) Hall-ul- Hindoostanee (in which not only the meaning of ishkal ; a reply to . . . Kitab-i-istifsar [by A. H.] every word is explained, but the correct pronuncia- [1847.] 8°. tion ... to which are prefixed certain rules in 14104. c. 5. Hindoostanee to be observed for pronouncing the 'AIiA al-DIW, called Shakir. English words), pp. 94. Madras, 1852. 8°.

14117. d. 6. [Laia'if al-Shiikirl. Anecdotes of Mulla Diipiyiizah 'ALI ibn ABI TALIB, Caliph. [Life and miracles.] and Birbal the Vazlr. Followed by a few riddles.] See Bakir 'Ali, Mirzd. }s'^j^ Ji*^ [Faza'il i 48, lith. i^j^ [Meerut, 1882.] 12°. pp. Murtaza.] [1878.] 8°. 14112. a. 23. 14104. g. 17. 'ALA al-DIN, called "Wisai.T. jj,t ^^l»JL.U [Ma- 'ALI ibn 'ALI, called Murad 'AlT. ^|^«11

'ALAM KHAN. ijji.}^ ^U ij^^=- ^^^i.^ shuhada.] 2nd edition, pp. 276, ii. lith. j*-jl^ "'I'' [Mukhtasar jughrafiyah i zil' i MuzafEamagar. A [Cawnpore, 1875.] 8°. 14104. e. 21. short account of the District of Muzaffamagar.] pp.

25, lith. .}-jjL-j i-^vA \_Saharanpur, 1878.] 12°. 'ALi ASGHAR KHAN, tl-'l^ll

14117. d. 25 (2.) [Majma' al-kaba'ir wa al-shakkiyat. A treatise on

ALEXANDER, the Great, King ofMacedon. [Life.'] grave and on minor sins, founded on the teachings See CusT (r. n.) Uicl ^ aJL. 0^) [Waka'i' Sikandar of the Koran.] pp. 156, lith. obL.lic [Patna, A'zam.] [I860.] 8°. 1881.] 8°. 14119. c. 10 (13.) 14104. e. 19 (6.) ALL 28 27 ALI ALI— 'ALI MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD. ^ ^^ Persian i'.fel^'Tl 'UH-i^'-ft ^^IM^l [ Farhad. A *j_« [Kissah i Bibl Maryam. A Muhammadan romance dramatised in verse, and written in the account in verse of the life of the Virgin Mary.] Gujarati character.] pp. 44. ^-niTl. LL\ {Bombay, pp. 72, nth. ^^ irv IBomhay, 1880.] 8°. 1881.] 12°. 14112. a. 28 (2.) 14104. e. 14 (4.) 'ALI MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD MU'IN. [Another edition, in (IVWI rHf^ M^HM il JyiujJl 'ii\s& [Hidayat al-niswan. A work on the lith. '^'^\f\LL\ Gujarati characters.] pp. 75, social condition of Muhammadan women, based on 8°. ^Bombay, 1881.] tradition, being principally a translation of the Persian 14114. c. 29 (2.) 'Unwan fi suluk al-niswan of 'All Muttakl.] 2nd [Mu'ai- 8°. •ALI BAKHSH KHAN. J^^\ Joj^ ilL, edition, pp. 32, lith. y^ ita^ \_Luckno2/r, 1872.] 14119. c. yid al-Kur'an. An explanation of difficult questions 6 (9.) on the Koran.] pp. 62, lith. y^ lAvr [Lucknow, 'ALI MURAD SHAH, called Fazl. ^\/ jt,]y>- 1873.] 8°. [Jawahir i giran. Verses in praise of Kamal al-

14119. e. 19 (6.) Dln, a Chishti saint, taken from the Makbzan al-

'irfan.] pp. 80, lith. ^^fij [Bangalore, 1881.] 8". 'ALI HASAN, Sail/id, called MalTh. isjj ^L>j 14114. b. 33. s.b *li3 iJ i_-.>aL« ^jAJ Jjiti ^Lj; ^^ Cjlj^i^J^ Jy J 'ALI MUTTAKI. See 'AlT Muhammad ibn Mu- [Zubdat al-mufradat. A medical treatise in verse. hammad Mu'In. ^\jMj^\ Lljjb [Hidayat al-niswan. Pt. I. on materia medica, Pt. II., under the dis- Principally a translation of the Persian 'Unwan fi tinctive title Nazm barik, on the pulse and urine.] suluk al-niswan of 'A. M.] [1872.] 8°.

62, lith. •xj.O I AW ^Lucknoic, 1877.] 8°. pp. 14119. c. 6 (9.) 14119. d. 13 (4.) ALIP BA. ^j^j\i i_flll [Alif-ba i Farsl. The ^_f\} 'ALI HASAN" ibn NIYAZ AHMAD. See Malik Persian alphabet shewing the various combinations Muhammad, Jd'isi. \^l^ CJ^Ujj [Padmavat. A of letters.] pp. 8, lith. ^j i tai [Delhi, 1872.] 8°. Hindi poem. Transcribed in the Persian character, 14119. c. 22 (1.) with a commentary by 'A. H.] [1865.] 8°. ALLAH BAKHSH, Maulau. (^=< aIT LiUj^U Hindi, 499. [Barah-masah, or a description of the twelve months in verse.] See GopTchand Bhartrihari. 'ALI KHAN, Mirzd. ^J^}\ J^j^ [Siraj al-imiin. iXXs>- j^it-2' [Kissah iGopichandBharthaii.] A Muhammadan religious tract.] pp. 41, lith. ^^.^ 18-20". i^^^ lAVA {Meerut, 1878.] 8°. pp. [1872.] 8°. 14119. c. 31 (3.) 14104. f. 4 (6.)

[Another edition.] 8, lith. Isni \r\r 'ALI Saiyid. pp. MUHAMMAD, ^^i^&o^ '—>ij*^ - ^\j [Irshadlyah, also called Chaudhawin rat 14119. a. 18 (1.) ka chand. A collection of thirty sermons. Edited ALLAH BAKHSH, Mitkhtar. See Sivadehala. by Bakir Husain.] pp. 718, /lYA. y.^ \>^^r \_Luchioic, jji-is

ijy> )SeeTAUHiD. ,i.^yUy^ pp. 9-16. [1877.] 8°. J^ ^j\j [Tarikh i subah Behar. An 14114. c. 16 (2.) account, geographical and historical, of the Province

of Behar.] iii. [Another edition.] See Muhammad Zardar pp. 241, xxiii. ii. lith. o\i\^Jas.'^ ' -js, i rah i [Patna, 1880.] 8°. Khan. Jl fjj>. ii\j [Rahbar hakk.]

14109. b. 15 (6.) pp. 117-124. [1877.] 8°. 14119. e. 28. 29 ALL—AMA AMA 80

ALLEN (Alexander) Ph.D. and COBNWELL AMANAT 'ALI, called Amanat. \/{\ ^<*\l; MH (Jamks). See Sadasukua Lala. Grammar for \l«A y\\ "i"^ M^m^l-Tl . . . 'fik^l- [Another edition, beginuers. Adapted and translated into Urdu [from in the Gujarati character.] pp. 40. ^

Allen and Cornwell's English School Grammar], etc. 1880.] 12°. [1859-60.] 12°. 14112. a. 22 (2.) 14117. aa. 2. ^\ L:i-^il«l [f^ jiSj\ [Another edition.] pp. Jlc^^I -Isi-* [Miftah al-kawil'id. Gram- 48, lith. jyJ^ lAAr [Cawnpore, 1882.] 8°. mar for beginners. Another edition.] [1862-65.] 12°. 14112. c. 19 (7.) 14117. aa. 3. AMANAT 'ALI ibn AMAN 'ALI, called Sihr. jS^^ l::->^^1^

^^-^ji-j I—aJlj j^\j jjJ\ [Tazkirah i witsokht i Silir. Three wasokht poems.] pp. 12. JU. ^j\j J^ nth. [Delhi, 1860 P] 8°. rasul i Akbar, caUed also by its chronogram Hal i

14119. e. 14 (15.) paighambar. An account in verse of the life of AMANAT. See Aoha Hasan. Muhammad.] pp. 80, lith. y^ iaw [Lueknow, See AmANAT 'AlT. 1877.] 8°. AMANAT 'ALI, called Amanat. See Muhammad, 14119. d. 15 (1.)

Sail/id, called HarTf. niii'^ ^IttrKIl [TuMah i 1*^'^'^^ Uls'l i^jj [Tazkirat al-khidafa. An dilkusha. A drama founded on A. 'A.'s Indra-sabha.] account in verse of the lives of the Caliphs.] pp. [1885.] 12°. 281, lith. yj] iaw [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. 14112. a. 31 (2.) 14114. a. 16. [^^jyA [Indra-sabha, or the Court of Indra. IjkfiJ^ [Tazkirat A fairy tale in verse.] pp. 27, nth. .»-J^ ir^ (y^^^^ *^JJ al-shuhada. An [Cawnpore, 1853.] 8°. account in verse of Muhammadan martyrs.] pp. 243,

14119. c. 11 (1.) lith. jj-jl^ I'^vo [Cawnpore, 1875.] 8°.

14104. f. 13. [Another edition.] pp. 28, lith. j^^ irA. [Cawnpoi-e, 1863.] 8°. AMANAT ALLAH. See Davani (Jalal al-DTx). 14119. 6. 14 (2.) Jaumay-ool-ukhlauq, translated fron Persian Akh-

[Another edition.] 30, /jY/«. .»->^.^iai6 pp. lauke Julalee . . . by . . . Amaunut Oollah, etc. [Gorukpur, 1865.] 8°. 1848. 8°. 14119. c. 17 (1.) 14112. b. 10.

[Seventh edition, illustrated.] pp. 36, lith. ' [1872.] 8°. [Delhi, 1872 ?] 8°. 14119. e. 20 (3.) 14114. b. 20 (1.) [1881.] 8°. cl^^^ ^JTR?!^ [Another T^T^mi ^ 14104. f. 25. edition, in Devanagari characters, with illustrations.] Hidayut ool Islam, (compiled by Muoluwee pp. 40, lith. ^'^ f\(i^^ [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. If Umanut Oollah,) in Arabic and Hindoostanee. 14112. 0. 22 (1.) Translated under the superintendence of, and by J; i:ii\j)_yj3j u:-Ot«! 1|.,„i.Jl;1 [Another edition, ^-^ Gilchrist. In two volumes. (|»LjS1 "Sl^-*^)' ^o^- !• illustrated.] pp. 28, lith. [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. pp. ii. 307. Calcutta, 1804. 8°. 14119. d. 6 (1.) No more published. [Another edition, T^T ITF ''?WT«!cI in 14619. d. 1. Devanagari characters.] pp, 40, lith. ^fwt «<«^'0 jtij\ i_J^ [Sarf i Urdu. A Hindustani gram- [Delhi, 1877.] 8°. mar in verse.] 109. iai • [Calcutta, 1810.] 8°. 14114. b. 28. pp.

14117. b. 1. [Another edition. Followed by a poem with the AMANAT HA'E, of Delhi. (j:^U

lith. I AW pp. 48, jjj^ [Cawnpore, 1877.] 8°. [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. 14114. c. 20 (2.) 14114. c. 30 (2.) 32 31 AMA—AMI AMI—AMM

AMAEANATHA. See Eupakrishna and Amara- AMINCHATTD. ^„}yi ^i^ "^^ uL^Asi, [Hida- for NATHA. ji J l^-«d [Sabha i farrukh. A drama in yat-niimah ta'llm i patwariyan. A handbook patwaris.] 96, lith. j^l iacv verse.] [1882.] 8°. the use of village pp. 14114. a. 27 (3.) [Lahore, 1857.] 8°. 14106. dd. 10. AMAITNTJT OOLLAH. See Amanat Allah. :i uei [ia^ore, 1859.] 8°. 14119. c. 8 (2.) 14109. b. 2. DU (^Lf [Gyan-mala. Instruction in Hindu AMIR. See Jvalasankara. ceremonial law, in the form of a dialogue between AMIR AHMAD, called Amir. '—^i/^jli^^ Arjuna and his preceptor Krishna.] pp. 32, lith. iJ'ii.'^ «L« ^

.,; i khiitim al- [Lahore, 1876.] 8°. n , /-! ! *jU>- Jk^ls^ [Mahamid 14119. d. 6 (14.) nablyln. A poem on the life and virtues of Mu- \rs'\[Lucknow,1872.'\ 8°. [Kissah i hammad.] pp. X. 142, ^«Wj. Jii^ is^,^ ^^ Goplchand. The story of king Goplchand Bhartrihari, in verse, with 14119. 0. 29 (9.) illustrations. Followed by 'Ishk-samundar, a poem AMIR 'ALi, Sail/id. See Karamat 'AlT ibn Rahmat by Ziimin 'All.] pp. 28, lUh. Ifcj irir [Delhi, 'AlT, Jaunpurl. Makhaz-i-TJloom, . . . Translated 8°. 1876.] into English by . . . Moulvie Syed Ameer Ali. 14119. d. 10 (7.) 1867. 8°. 8708. k. 4. j»S

Lai, the 'Ishk-samundar of Zamin 'All, and a few TaslTm. JaJ . . . *j i—i}jx^ cr^^ '^^\ j^\'^ i-uLK short anonymous poems.] lith. i-^^r pp. 32, iJjsJ ii:-^*s>-'ry [Kulliyat, or Complete poetical works, called [Delhi, 1882.] 8°. by its chronogram Nazmi arj-mand.] pp. 384, lith. 14114. b. 20 (9.) I TAi [Cawnpore, 1872.] 8°. 14114. b. 14. yj ay^s. ij Myy* CU-i-jU ^j^j^ }y*] *i [Kissah i maktul i jafa, also called by its ketu.] pp. 140, lith. [Sialkot, 1876.] 8°. chronogram Fasanah i gham-amod. A tale.] pp. The title page hears date a.h. 1290, the year of composition. 45, lith. ^ lAvf [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. 14119. d. 2 (6.) 14119. e. 16 (6.) AMiN al-DIN KHAN ibn ABU al-MAKARIM, AMIR HAMZAH. See Hamzah ibn 'Abd al- Haram. jU3! ci^U^jt^l^p-y i_^ls*il jIL* [Matla' MuTTALiB, Amir, called Asad Allah. al-'aja'ib. A translation by Mahdl 'All Khan of the Persian Ma'lumat AMJAD HtrSAIIT. See ZakarTya ibn Muhammad, al-afak of A. al-D. Kh. ; a geographical treatise, with descriptions of wonderful itazwini. jj.l cuU^li:''^! k_-4ls.-^ ['Ajii'ib al-makh- birds, animals and objects of natural history, prefaced lukat. Translated by A. H.] [1869.] fol. by remarks (pp. 1-106) on traditions and the sayings 14109. e. 9. and doings of Muhammadan saints. "With numerous AMMAN", Mir. See 'Adalat Khan. Selections illustrations.] pp. 304, lith. y^ uvr [Lucknow, from the History of India, and Biigh-o Bahiir [of 1873.] 4°. Mir A.] Translated into literal English. 1877. 8°.

14109. e. 12. 14112. a. 26 (1.) —


AMMAN, Mir. See 'Adalat Khan. Selections AMMAN, J/l;-. See Knvanav, Amir. [1878.] 8°. from the Prom Siigar and Biigh-o Bahar. Translated 14112. c. 8 (4.) intoliteral English. 1881. 8°. [1882.] 8°. 14112. a. 26 (2.) 14112. 0. 19 (6.)

of The Adventures the second Durwish, The Tale of the Four Durwesh ; trans- extracted from the Bagh of [sic] Buhar. See lated from the Oordoo tongue of Meer Ummun, etc. Hindustani Selections. Ilindeo and Ilindoostanee 1825. 8°. Selections. Vol.11. 1830. 4°. 760. h. 5.

760. g. 12. 1851. 8°.

760. e. 21. See HusAiN Va'iz, Kashifl. ^jiyi- J^ [Ganj 1852. 8°. i khiibl. A Hindustani translation by A. of the 760. g. 43.

8°. Akhlak i muhsinl.] [1846.] 8°. 1862. 760. e. 37. 14112. c. 5. [1875.] 8°. 1870. 8". 760. f, 14104. e. 8. 1877. 8°. See Khusrau, Amir. Begin. \^ jJJl ^^U-- 760.0.

JJ> jJL» [Bagh o bahar. A translation by Mir A. of See Shamlah. (Jo^^ X^ J ?V [^"©i " the Chahiir darwesh of Amir Khusrau.] [1802.] 4°. bahiir manziim. A paraphrase in verse of Mir A.'s 14112. b. 2. Hindustani tales.] [1866.] 8°. Bagh o Buhar. A translation ... of 14119. e. 3 (4.) the . . . Persian tale entitled Qissui Chuhar Durwesh, 'AMB ibn BAHR (Abu 'Usman) called Jahiz. by Meer Ummun. 1804. 4°. [Kaul i Hakk. A Shl'ah tract, translated 14112. 6. 2. ^J^~ J^ from the Arabic original of Jiihiz by Sajjad Husain.] 1813. 4°.

pp. 14, litk. I riA ILucknow, 1882.] 8°. 14112. 6. 4. y^ 14104. 6. 30 1824. 4°. (5.) 14112. d. 6. AMRITAVANi. ^ yjj\jj ^^ ^\ic:jjj\ 1832. 8°. ^ [Amritavanl. Treatise on Vedanta philosophy in 14112. b. 5. the form of a dialogue between king Yadu and the [1834.] 4°. sage Dattatreya.] pp. 16, lith. lIj^L^ [Sialkot, 14112. e. 6. 1877.] 8°. 1840. 8°. " 14112. b. 9. One of the series entitled ZalJnrah i Bafah i ^dmm."

1846. 8°. 14106. a. 12 (4.) 14112. c. 1. [Another copy.]

1849. 8=. 14119. b. 22 (8.)

14112 c. 2. " AMRITSAB. Muhammadan School. ij1\^ 'i -„-l a? 1859. 8°. iU^Swjl ^ [Kaifiyat i sillanah, 14112. a. 8. •^\ j^j^\ or

1859. 8°. Annual report on the Muhammadan School at

14112. a. 9. Amritsar for the year a.d. 1872.] pp. 32, lith. 8°. [I860.] j^i [Lahore, 1873 ?] 8°.

14112. 0. 7. 14119. c. 22 (6.) [I860.] 8°. AMULAKA BAMA. Sec Smith (B.). ... 14112. c. 9. J*. [1863.] 4°. <_j\i^ ^S t_jL*». [Hall i Hisab ki kitab. A key

14112. d. 9. to Barnard Smith's Exercises in arithmetic] [1876.] 8°. [1879.] 8°. 14119. e. 25 (3.) 14117. c. 36. AEA 36 S5 ANA—APO I ARABIAN NIGHTS. Hikayautool jaleelah. Trans- ANANTA KAMA. i_X!U^ ^.lliijt ^^y*^ '^ji'.J Nights lation of Alfalylattinolielah, called Arabian ; Adminis- 'J\ (oja;^ i-^-^Vj [Report i majmu'I, or for the use of the College at Fort St. George. reports on the government of the Native trative Translated by Moonshy Shumsooddeen Uhmed. States of Kashmir and Jammu, with Tibet and (alls^l iuliK:^) 2 vol. lith. ^jJjS^ [Madras,] during years a.d. 1875-77.] pp. x. Ladakh, the 1836." 8°. 8°. 300, ii. vi. 78. im [Xa^/wre, 1879.] Containing a translation of only the first 200 Niglds. No 14106. e. 27. more translated. 14112. b. 6. -TJBDU FIRST BOOK. Anglo-Frdu ANGLO [Another copy of vol. 1.] First Book. pp. 72. Allahabad, 1869. 16°. 14112. b. 7.

14104. a. 9 (4.) ^ aJJ (__ttll Us>-Jj [The Arabian Nights, 'Ai.T, Mir. ANIS. See Babae translated by MunshI 'Abd al-KarIm, from the

English of E. Forster.] 4 pt. lith. i taa \Bombay ?, ANJUMAN I PANJAB. See Lamoub.— Societi/ I860.] 8°. for the diffusion of tiseful knowledge. The date of imprint appears at the colophon of Ft. I.

14112. b. 16. ANWAB 'ALI, ilafiz. J» Jjl A-as- i^yiJl -^-^

^U^ [Fann i kah-ruba'I. A dialogue between a [Another edition.] 4pt. .jjl^ i rvi-A- \_CawH- master and his pupil on electricity, being Part I. im-e, 1862-3.] 4°, 14112. 6. 10. of the Majma' al-funun.] pp. 8, lith. i^\^'i\jS^jf

[Gvjramcala, 1872.] 32°. [Another edition.] pp. ii. 523. jj-J^ ' r^i {fCaicnpore, 1869.] 4°. One of the series entitled "Chashmah i faiz." The pagination is continuous. 14119. a. 12 (2.) 14112. e. 12.

[Fann i kah-rubii'I. treati.se [Another edition.] 524, lith. .^l^ir-- ,J\)j^^ 1^ A pp. {Caimipore, 4°. on electricity.] pp. 48, lith. cijjflL-) [SialJcot, 1883.] 14112. 6. 14. 1876.] 8°. Tarjuma-i ba-zuban-i-Urdii. (Do One of the series entitled " ZaJchirah i Rafuh i ^amm.'" Entirely different from the above tract. jild baharfat-i-Yiirop.) Romanized under the

superintendence of T. H. Tolbort . . . and edited 14119. d. 2 (7.) W. by Frederic Pincott. pp. vii. iii. 480. London, ANWAR 'ALI, Saiyid, called 'Ajiz. ^\ ^J^J jJi' 1882. 8°.

Containing the first two Jilds only 'Abd alKarini's [Kalld i bab al-hajj. Advice to Muhammadans of translation. lith. "^^i on pilgrimages.] pp. 116, .^^ \^Cawn- 14112. a. 30. pore, 1871.] 8°. 1*?^'* '—^^^ [The Arabian Nights in 14104. g. 7. y ^ verse, in four Jilds, viz., Jild I. translated by ANWAR al-HAKK. Js^V^ [Tawali' al-Anwar. f^\^ Muhammad Asghar 'All Khan Nasim ; Jilds II. A short sketch of the life of Maulavl Fazl al-Rasiil, and III. by Totaram Shiiyan ; and Jild IV. by leader of the Kadirl sect.] .ylii--; the pp. 92, lith. MunshT Shiidl Liil Chaman.] pp. 1244, lith. ji^! ISitapur, 1880.] 8°. I rvA-As [Lucknoic, 1861-68.] 4°. 14109. b. 19. The first Jild is divided into 251 nights, the other three Jilds into 250 nights each. The pagination is cotitiniwus. APOSTLES' CREED. Aqida aur hukmon par 14112. e. 9. suwal o jawab. A Catechism on the Creed and Commandments. [Rendered into Romanized Urdu ^j\i-jtj j\\Jb [Hazar diistan. A prose trans-

by the Rev. Nehemiah Goreh.] pp. 64. Allahabad, lation, by Totaram Shayan.] 4 pt. lith. ji^ i r.\f 1875. 16°. \_Lucknow, 1868.] 4°.

14104. a. 9 C3.) 14112. 6. 11. 37 ARA—ASA ASA—ASH 38

ARA'IZ O t^larJ- Uia,iz o I ASAD ALLAH KHAN, Mirzd, called GiiAMn. KHUTUT. j u^„\;^ Kliootoot. A collection of letters and urzees t_-4U

literally transcribed from the originals for the use A. A. Kb. to Mirzil RuhTm Beg.] pp. 16, lith. tAie of students, pp. 135, lith. Madras, 1846. 4°. Jut,j) [Delhi, 1865.] 8°. 14117. b. 10. 14106. f. 2.

i^JcJk ['Ud i Hindi. A letter-writer in ARITHMETIC. t_jU^ *L: J^l . . . [Usnli 'ilm i j^ elegant Urdu style of composition.] hisab.] An cleraentar}' treatise on arithmetic in pp. 188, lith. 4*^--, irAfi [i/berwif, 1868.] 8°, Hindoostanee ; accommodated to the European 14117. b. 15. system, pp. 78, x. Calcutta, 1831. 8°.

14117. c. 1 (1.) [Another edition.] pp. 188, lith. jj^^ '^va [Caicnpore, 1878.] 8°. AENOLB (William Wklfield). ,^1.1jJLfi k^\j su) 14117. b. 33 (2.) [Paud-uamuh i 'ij'ill-diiran. A caution to parents

Begin, . . . ^^^^y:Li t_8..-.^V against the foolish practice of putting valuable j^ ^ ""f-W."^

I—-^3-U i_c.x.^ V. i jewellery on their children, and thus exposing them pp. JJjt^ iJf'i)^ [Urdu mu'alla. Letters of Mirza A. A. Kh. Edited, with a preface, to the risk of murder.] pp. 15, lith. j^i i^cv by his pupil [Lahore, 1857.] 8°. Mir MahdI.] pp. 464, lith. iaii [Delhi?, 8°. 14119. b. 8 (4.) 1869.]

Wanting title page. ARURA RA'E; J'^i-f« [SohnI Mahlnwill. ^J^y^' 14117. b. 17. A romance in verse, founded on a Panjabi legend.] ASAR I MAHSHAR. yLs<* [AsSr i mahshar. 8°. j^\ pp. 80, lith. j^l I AVI [Lahore, 1871.] A poem on the resurrection and judgment day.] 14114. a. 11. pp. 64, lith. [Lucknow, 1865 ?] 8°. ARYA SAMAJ. &f JIvaxadasa. Jl 14119. e. 6 ^^yr j ij^}-' (1.) [Su'al o jawiib. catechism A of the Arya Samiij.] ASGHAR «ALI. See Ghulam Imam, Hakim. 16°. [1882.] Jl liiJl J:Mf*»^ [Tashll al-shifa, also called 'Ilaj 14112. a- 23 (3.) al-ghuraba. Translated by A. 'A.] [1865.] 8°. ARZANI. See Muhammad Akbar. 14106. g. 3 (1.) [1879.] 8°. ASAD 'ALi KHAN, called Kalak. jjj i^y>i-« 14106. g. 20 (3.) [Masnawi i Kalak. A tale in verse, with illustra- [1881.] 8°. tions.] pp. 186, IM. [Litcknow, 1880.] 8°. ^ 14106. g. 25. 14112. c. 8 (5.) ASGHAR HUSAIN. ^jjl^l i ^ ^^Ul jy (jU Ci-v>.^|^ [Wasokht, and other short [Fauz al-diirain fl barr al-wiilidain. Advice on poems.] 18, «/i. \rw<\ [Delhi ?, 1862.1 8°. pp. filial obedience and parental affection.] pp. 52, 14119. 0. 3 (15.) lith. t^Ls\i I riF [Fatehgarh, 1878.] 8°.

ASAD ALLAH KHAN, Mtrzd, called Ghalib. 14106. a. 4 (3.)

t_JU ^^y.J [Dlwiin.] pp. 104, lith. .^1^ irvA 'ASHIK. See Kanhaiya L.ala. [Caicnpore, 1861.] 8°. See MahdT 'AlI Khan. 14119. c. 11 (6.)

'ASHIK KA JANAZAH. ij\is^ 1^ juiU ['Ashik [Another edition.] pp. 103, lith. .--^(^ iaai ka janiizah, or The lover's funeral. An anonymous [Lucknoic, 1881.] 8°. poem.] See 14114. b. 34 (5.) Khushdil •J\ iJ\\^\^ «Lj [Kissah i sipahl-zjidah.] pp. 30, 31. [1878.] 8°.

14119. d. 6 (10.) See Muhammad HadT 'AlT. <


ASHBAF 'ALI, Mumhl. See Muhammad 'AzTm. 'ATA ALLAH KHAN. See Dah Majlis. KJI ^^^ Mohammad Azeem's History of Kashmeer, translated ['Ain al-buka. A translation by 'A. A. Kh. of Followed by Chihal majlis, from the Persian into Urdoo by Moonshee Ashraf the Persian Dah majlis. or lamentations on the Alee. 1846. 8°. also called Shat al-'azii, 14109. a. 4. death of Husain.] [1872.] 8°. 14104. g. 10 AHTTRA-p 'ALI, Sail/id. See 'Abd al-FATTAH. ATISH. See Haidak 'AlT. ASHBAF 'ALI, called Mast. J^ jiy^ [Taswir i impassioned lover in praise gham. Verses by an ATISH-BAZI. ^-Xi ^Ji3\

Kth. i ta'i of his lady's charms.] pp. 23, y^ bazl. On the preparation of native fireworks.] 1872.] 8°. \Lucknow, pp. 16, lith. \Belhi, 1869 ?] 12°. 14119. c. 32 (3.) 14119. a. 8 (2.)

Kth. i^vi [Another edition.] pp. 23, jy^% ATMARAMA and PINDISANKARA. See Euclid. \Cawnpore, 1876.] 8°. (.jJil [Tahrlr i Uklldis. The Elements of 14114. b. 20 (3.) jij:^ Euclid, translated by A and P.] [1878.] 8°. JolliljJ.l [Ashtavakra-samhita, ASHTAVAKEA. 14117. c. 36 (1.) or aphorisms of Vedanta philosophy, translated •ATTAR. See FarTd al-DlN 'ArrlR. from the Sanskrit by Kevala Krishna.] pp. 121,

lith. I AVI \Lticknow, 1871.] 8°. AUGUSTINE, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. 14119. c. 18 (1.) tj^,J „ .-.,.. T [Arlliyas Agustinas ke clS\S^\ ^ ,^ j_^iX».l io liil [Ashtavakra-upadesa. The ikriirat. The Confessions of St. Augustine, trans- Ashtavakra-samhita, translated by Jaganmohana lated from the Latin by J. Hewlett.] pp. 47, 362. Lala.] pp. 22, Uth. \_Luchiow, 1877.] 8°. ,^V,-« I AVI \Mirzapur, 1876.] 8°. 14106. b. 9 (1.) ^^•^^ 14104. c. 23.

'ASI. J5'j i"! i^ [Kissah i Agar oGul. A fairy al-DIN, Balgrann. Ci^'Ulll (jmjUj [Nafii'ia tale.] pp. 61, lith. j^^ 'Avr \_Cawnpore, 1873.] 8°. AUHAD 14119. e. 19 (3.) al lughat. A dictionary of Hindustani words and phrases, explained in Persian.] pp. 636, lith. j^^ [Another edition.] pp. 61, Uth. .vj^ i-^^* lAVA [Cawnpore, 1878.] 4°. ICatmipore, 1880.] 8°. 14117. 6. 11. 14112. 0. 19 (4.)

'ASi MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL. See Sa'dT. i4J>y AUHAD al-DIN AHMAD, called Sheftah. t^L*-^

(jli*»*K L_->li$^ [Gulistiin, with a Hindustani translation. uu-iils- [Klmiyii i Kikmat. Moral anecdotes and Edited by 'A. M. I.] [1857.] 8°. precepts in prose and verse.] pp. 53, lith. ^u^ 543. Pars. lAvr [Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. ASIR. See Muzaffar 'AlT Khan. 14119. c. 19 (5.)

i [TahzTb al-nisii. Dialogues on ASMA HUSNA. *l3 aj ^ jy [The ninety-nine UmJI i_-oJmJ for names of Allah, with Hindustani equivalents.] See morality and good manners, specially designed lith. ^i/J lAvr [Lttcknoir, Prayers. ^l^r*^1 ^-^^^ [A collection of Arabic female readers.] pp. 60, 8°. prayers.] p. 30. [1871.] 8°. 1873.] 14117. d. 33 (4.) 14519. b. 14 (5.)

[Khawass i asmS i husnii, C5~**^ l/'V^ AULAD 'ALI, Mir. ^Ju\j) 'ij^J ^\^j [Zakhlrah or The ninety-nine names of Allah in Arabic, i danish. Two lectures on European civilization, followed by the names of Muhammad. With their and on the manners of the English, delivered by Hindustani equivalents, and a description of the Mir A. 'A., the one at Shahabad, and the other peculiar merits of each name, by Muhammad at Lucknow.] pp. 66, lith. y^ lAvr [Lueknoic, 'Abbas.] pp. 16, lith. inr [De//»-, 8°. ^Jjsj 1875.] 1871.] 4°. 14519. d. 13 (4.) 14119. S. 3. .


AITLAD Saii/id. il . [Riih I sunnat. Mirzd. [Tiirikh i HASAN, cu-i-j A'ZAM BEG, CLi\^ f^Jj A religious treatise.] Sre Muiiammad Isma'Ti., Gujarat. A Settlement report of the Gujarat district, Bihlavi. (^Uj.^I [Takwiyat al-Iman. Hi^ With containing a detailed account of the country, its 8°. Huh i sumiat on tho margin.] [1876.] natural features, cities, roads, produce and trade,

14104. g. 14. and statistics of population. With illustrations

AVICENNA. See Husain ibn 'Abd Allah (Abu and plans, and introductory remarks in English, iav 'AlT) called Ibn STna, or Avicenna. by E. G. Wacc] 2 vol. pp. vi. 606. jjn'i [Lahore, 1870.] 4°. AVINASACHANDRA VANDYOPADHYAYA. 14109. e. 7.

— i • See India. Legislative Council. ti-.olj j^ i-^^-^.^ 'AZIZ al-DIN. Jac ys^a- [Jauhar i 'akl, or The c I AW ,u-o [Majmii'ah i ziibitah i dlwiinl. Act pearl of wisdom. An allegorical tale.] pp. 94, No. X. of 1877, or the Code of Civil Procedure, with lith. .y^:i lAie [Lahore, 1865.] 8°. notes, abstracts copious and of rulings of the High 14119. c. 13 (2.) Courts. Compiled by A. V.] [1878.] 8°. [Another copy.]

14106. e. 23. 14119. c. 10 (8.)

tAvv [Another edition.] 94, lith. .ya>i iaia c ii.j *•::—jIj ^ j^ '-^-^.^ [Kaniin pp. [Lahore, 1868.] 8°. i dad-rasi i khilss. Edited by A. V.] [1879.] 8°. 14112. b. 19 (1.) 14106. 6. 26. 'AZMAT ALLAH. See India.—Legislative Council. AYENOODDEEN AHMUD. Sec Ahmad (A'Tn JCJs CjL)J*j r^ly \Ai [Walcii'i' Baba Nanak. Translated from 14106. f. 7. the English by Suraj Bhiin, assisted by A.] [1862 ?] e. [I860.] 8°. 14106. e. 29. 4°. 14119. b. 7 (9.) [1870.]

14106. f. 18. ^\ jJcJL. jjlij [Waka'I' Sikandar [1872 ?] 8°. A'zam. Translated from the English by A.] 14106. e. 31. [I860.] 8°. B., A. M. See Rueki.— Thomason Civil Engineering 14119. c. 10 (13.)

College. Technical dialogues in English and Urdu . . jl'sJi>i CjIjK». [Hikayat i dil-pazlr. A [by A. M. B.] 1877. 8°. collection of moral and amusing anecdotes.] pp. 99, 14117. d. 38. Uth. [Bareillij, 1876.] 8°. ^j" ' BABA NANAK. See Nanak, Bdbd. 14116. c. 20 (1) BABAB, 'ALI, Mir, called AnTs. See 'Abd al- AjJ il,a>- lLi\jXs^ [Jughraflyah. Geography Ghafur Khan (Abu Muhammad) called Nassakh. of the world. Translated from the English by A.] ^Jaiiu <_>lsajl [Intikhab i nuks. A criticism on the Pt. 2, pp. 180, Uth. j^i 1A11 \_Lahore, 1861.] 8°. marsiyahs of Anis.] [1879.] 8°. Incomplete; wanting Pt. 1. 14114. b. 30 (2.)

14117. d. 13 (1.) fju^\ j^ i_jU) i^j^ [Marsiyah-ha, or The elegiac poems of AnIs.] 4 pt. lith. iaw t_>L

i^iy^js^ i 14117. c. 8. fjM.j\j^ i^j.^ [Majmu'ah marsiyah.

Selections from of AnIs.] lith. AZAD. See Ghulam 'AlT, JTusaini. the poems pp. 332, y..J3 [Luchiow, 1877.] 8°. See Muhammad Husain. 14114. c. 17 (1.) 6 BAI 44 43 BAB—BAH BAH—

BAHADUR 'ALI, Shaikh. ^l) uJj^ [Madak- BABAE 'ALI KHAN, called Za'ir. )\j ^y-^ namah. A poem on the evils of opium smoking.] [Masnawl i Za'ir. A poem in praise of MuHammad.] nth. [Cawnpore, 1860 ?] 8°. 8°. pp. 8, jjJ^ pp. 14, ^jYA. lCaimpore,l?>74t?'] 14119. a. 1 (4.) 14119. e. 15 (7.)

BAHADUR SHAH II., Emperor of Hindustan, BABURAMA. JuJs ^^^Alf^^ ^:;.^ [Mukhtasar called Zafar. y^ ^-^U^ [Kulliyiit, or the complete sair i gulshan i Hind. A brief history of India, poetical works of Abu Zafar Siraj al-Dln Muhammad describing more especially the rise of the British Bahadur Shah.] 4 pt. uii-v \_Lucknow, rule and the present state of government.] pp. iv. y^ 1869-70.] 8°. 540, nth. »-J'^ lAVA \Caicnpore, 1878.] ^^ 14114. b. 10. 14109. d. 15.

yli cijU^ l^ [Muntakhab i Kulliyiit i BADE. al-DIH" KHAN, Khwajah, also called Zafar. Selections from the poetical works of B. Sh.] Khwajah Aman. See Muhammad TakT, Ja'/an, pp. 183, nth. ^^1^ i*A. ICmmpore, 1880.] 8°. called Khayal. J^t^J^- [Hada'ik anzar. A J^\ 14114. 0. 20 (3.) translation, by B. al-D. Kh., of the first part of BAHAE. See 'AlT, Mirza. Bahar ii. of the Bustan i Khayal.] [1876.] fol.

14112. f. 2. BAHAEIST3.N I SUKHAN. ^^s-" u^^^ [Poems [Misbah al-nahar. A by Niisikh, Atish and Abiid, in parallel columns.] jV^^ r-V'^^-* pp. 230, lith. [Lucknow, 1860 ?] 8°. translation of the sixth Jild of the Bustan I Khayal, 14114. c. 18 (1.) commenced by B. al-D. Kh.] [1881.] fol. 14112. f. 3. BAHMANJi DOSABHAI. ^SeeDosABHAi Sohrab.tT. A new self-instructing work entitled Idiomatic [Shams al-anwar. jV^^ u*-*"-" A Sentences . . . With notes explanatory and illus- translation by B. al-D. Kh. of a portion of Bahar iii.

trative, to which are added copious vocabularies . . . of the Bustan i Khayal.] [1870.] fol. by B. D. 1873. 4°. 14112. f. 1. 752. k. 11. BAHADUE 'ALI. See Yishnusaeman. TJkhlaqi BAITAL PACHISI. Selections from the Baital-

Hindee, . . . translated from a Persian version of PachlsT. See Shakespear (J.) Muntakhabat-i-

the . . . Hitoopudes, ... by Meer Buhadoor Ullee. HindT, or Selections in Hindustani. 1817. 4°. 1803. 4°. 760. g. 1. 14112. d. 2.

The Baital Pachisi ; or. Twenty-five tales of [1845.] 12°. 14112. a. 3. a demon. A new edition of the Hindi text, with

1868. 8°. each word expressed in the Hindustcini character 14112. c. 12. immediately under the corresponding word in the inter- [1875.] 8". Nagari ; and with a perfectly literal English 14112. c. 23. linear translation, accompanied by a free translation [1879.] 8°. in English at the foot of each page, and explanatory 14112. b. 29 (2.) notes : by "W. B. Barker. Edited by E. B. East-

wick, X. 369. Hertford, 1855. 8°. BAHADUE 'Alii, Mir, Husainl. See Hasan, Mir. pp. 760. g. 42. Nusri Benuzeer, or a prose version by Meer Buhadoor j^"Ij ^AM.>=sr Jl:i-J [Another edition, with Ulee, of the Sihr ool buyan. 1803. 4°. illustrations.] lith. i^v 14112. d. 1. pp. 86, !i^\ [-A^ffro, I860.] 8°. See Shihab al-DiN I'alish (Ahmad ibn 14112. c. 13.

Muhammad "WalT). Tarikh-i Asham . . . traduit [Another edition, with other short stories

sur la version Hindoustani de Mir-Hu9aini, etc. on the margin.] pp. 98, lith. i^\ 'Air \Agra, 1845. 8°. 1862.] 8°. 760. e. 15. 14112. b. 19. 45 BAI—BAL BAL—BAN 46

BALAKRISHNA. See Punjab, Government of. BAIZAH-PAROSH. Jl^l 1^ J^jji t^ [Baizah- i sarkulariit farosh kii aHwal, or The story of the egg-sellcr. J-ixj j^ cyl^^ ^--xisnii^ [Muntakhab

i judlshal. selection of judicial circular orders. A Christian tract.] pp. 12, lith. (OUjJ uia [^Lodiana, A 1868.] 16". Compiled by B.] [1871.] 8°. 14106. e. 7. 14104. a. 3 (11.) BAKHSHISH LAL. See Periodical Publica- BALA SASTBI. See KasTshthah Sastrarthah.

II [A report of a discussion tions.—^/MrtJafc/. ^'UaJ jJj [Kalld i naza'Ir. A ^Snft^ ^T^T^: monthly law reporter. Translated from the English between Dayiinanda SarasvatI and B. S., and other Benares Pandits.] 8°. by B. L.] [1877.] 8°. [1880.] 14112. a. 1 (3.) 14106. e. 20. BALDEV BAKHSH.

report of a religious controversy BALLALA. jLi Jiijy — »fJ carried on at ^^^•^y u^ l-j"*'^ Chandapur, on March 19 and 20, a.d. 1879, between [Gulshan i faiz. A translation by Nandakisora

Dayiinanda SarasvatI Sviiml and Muhammad IJiTsira, Liila of the Sanskrit Bhojaprabandha, or anecdotes the Rev. T. J. Scott and others. Compiled and of king Bhoja, from the Hindi version of Vamsl- published by B. S.] Ilindi pp. 38, and Hindust, dhara.] pp. 106, ^«i!/j. ju^ t'^'^f [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°.

lith. iBTTft tier's \_Bemres, 1880.] 8°. 14119. c. 25 (5.)

14112. a. 1 (1.) BALLANTYNE (James Robert). Hindustani

I \;.i (.::->-jL::»j . [Satyiisatyaviveka. A work Letters lithographed in the Nuskh-tu'leek and containing the substance of a religious controversy Shikustu-amez character, with translations, pp. 9, 12. Pandit 8°. between Dayananda SarasvatI and the London; Edinburgh, 1840. 760. g. Rev. T. J. Scott, which took place at Bareilly in Hindustani Selections in the Naskhi and

August, 1879. Compiled by B. S.] pp. 24, lith. Devanagari character, with a vocabulary of the words, j^\^i\i, IShahJahanpiir, 8°. 1879.] pp. X. 39, 20. London ; Edinburgh, 1840. 8°. 14104. e. 19 (8.) 760. g. BAKIR 'ALi, Mirza. ^^ jJUi [Faza'il i Second edition. London, 1845. 8^ 760. Murtazij. A work on the life and miracles of 'All.] h. pp. 300, lith. i.^j^ [Meerut, 1878.] 8°. jjki-*!^ tV^ ^L>; [Minhiij al-mantik. 14104. g. 17. Elements of logic, translated from the English of BAKIR HUSAIN. See «AlT Muhammad, Saiyid. J. R. B., by Muhammad Razii Khiin.] pp. 37, lith. (OjLi^^ [Irshiidiyah. A collection ^1 of sermons. ^ lAAi [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. Edited by B. H.] [1882.] 8°. 14106. b. 10 (1.)

14104. f. 29. DAS. BANARASi JU- ^y, ^\^J\ ^^Uj ^^H BALAGOVINDA. ^Ji [Bustan i kisas. Jc^y [LiiwanI i Baniirasi, also called Marahtl khayill. Entertaining stories translated from English and Verses on Hindu philosophy in the liiwani metre.] Bengali works.] pp. 84, lith. ht,j iavi [Delhi, pp. 106, lith. jy^^ lAvi [Catcnpore, 1879.] 8°. 1876.] 8°. 14119. i 11 (2.) 14106. b. 8 (2.) 47 BAN—BAR BAR—BAT 48

BANARASi KHAN. See Nisar 'AlT Beg and BABSTOW (Henry Clements). See Shahj.^^han Banarasi Khan. ^-i.li JkilJ [Kawa'id i Farsl.] Begam, Euler of the State of Bhopal. The Taj-ul

[1866.] 8°. Ikbal Tarikh Bhopal ; . . . Translated by H. C. B. 14119. c. 14 (10.) 1876. 8°.

760. h. 7. BANDAB-SABHA. IliHl siiH'i-n «(1mXI- "^^^ [Bandar-sabhii. A poem, in the Gujarati BARTH (Christian Gottlob). K l-jI^^ (-.aL* yen I kitab ka ahwiil.] character, in imitation of the Indra-sabha of Jl»:9-1 [Mukaddas Scripture history [translated] from the German of Dr. Barth Amanat 'All.] pp. 24. ^"MfcT \L^^ [^Bombay, Hoernle. vi. 272. Agra, 12°. 1877.] 16°. by T. pp. 1847. 14114. a. 17 (1.) Two parts, corresponding to the Old and New Testaments. 14104. ^- b. 14. BANKE BIHABI LAL. w^^. . . Gohur- Fourth edition, pp. viii. 253. London, i-shub tab, or a poetical Oordoo translation of 1860. 12°. [selections from English] poetry. Part ii. by . . 14104. b. 5. Bankey Beharee Lall. pp. 21, lith. imh Etawah, ^ ^:iA^ i^\:i [Kitab i mukaddas ka [1869.] 8°. J'^1 14119. c. 17 (6.) ahwiil. Another translation of the Old Testament BANKIMACHANDEA CHATTOPADHYAYA. portion of Barth's Bible stories.] pp. 149, lith. jJ,ii iSJ^r^ ^^^y [Mujarrabiit i Dairabl. Trans- and the disturbances in Orissa in the year A. d. 1591. lated by B. 'A. Kh. from the Arabic] [1875.] 8°. Translated by Kevalakrishna.] pp. iv. 262, lith. 14104. e. 18. 8°. »i^ I AVI [^Lucknow, 1876.]

14109. c. 14. See Muhammad ibn STrTn (Abu Bakr) Ba'sri.

*L.«JI uV.?^ [Tawll al-manam. A translation of the BANNI KHAN. The "Hedayut Namah " ; a Arabic Ta'blr al-ru'ya by B. 'A. Kh.] 8°. treatise on the veterinary art by Farrier Major [1874.] 14104. e. 17. Bunnay Khan, of the Poona Horse. [With an jJij\ English preface by C. D. LaTouche.] i.::.-.j1jl& *^*i _yxi i.A.Pry '~r^j^ *ij^ [Ghazah i Jjji

i kamil.] Bk. iii. [1874.] 4°. BANWALI RAM, called Wali. ^j ^\y^ ^J^j 14109. d. 9. (_-.>s>-L! [Dlwan.] See Jawahirat i khayalat. ^"^'^y ijjjLa!! ^\ cuiLi. cjl/.lj=|- [1877.] 8' J.^f^' s/j^ i'^j^ i-^^*^ 14106. b. 10 (3.) [Magliiizi al-sadikah. A translation, by B. 'A. Kh. BARK. See Husain. Muhammad of Wakidl's Maghilzi al-rasul, or History of the

BARKER ("William Burckhardt). See Baital wars of the Prophet.] pp. ii. 358, lith. See (Abu WaUidi. PachTsT. The Baital Pachisi ; . . . A new edition Muhammad ibn 'Umar 'Abd Allah)

i . . . with each word expressed in the Hindustani Jl J-«l^ Xzy^ [Majmu'ah kamil.] Bk. i. character . . . and with a . . . literal . ; . interlinear [1874.] 4°. 14109. d. 9. translation . . . and . . . notes, by W. B. B. 1855. 8°.

760. g. 42. BATIN. See Kutb al-DiN. 49 BEA—BER BER—BHA 00

BEAL (John William). j,^\ lii^ [Miftilli BERTRAND (FRAN901S Marie) AbhS, de la SociHi Asiatique al-'uliim. Lectures on natural philosophy, translated de Park. See TaiisTn al-DlN. Les A ventures de Kamrup texte by J. W. B. from the English. Second edition.] Hindoustani Romanise . . . par M. I'abb^ B. 1859. 8°. pp. 186, nth. s/\ lAei lAgra, 1859.] 12°. 14112. b. 14. 14119. a 2 (3.) [Another edition of chapters 1-7 only.] BESAWT (T. H. G.) The Persian and Urdu pp. 20, m. li/JL-o [Siall-ot, 1876.] 8°. letter-writer, with an English translation and

One of the series entitled " Zakhirah i Rafah i 'amm." vocabulary. Compiled and translated by T. H. d. 14119. 2 (8.) G. B. . . . with the assistance of Namat Khan,

BEHARI LALL. See ViharT Lala. Munsbi Akbarabadi (Lut '^'ii- xS i'^j' j)^ iSt)^^- PP- BELL (Cyril William Bowdler). See Hasan, 175, 191. Calcutta, 1843. 8°. Pars. 213. Mir. The Nasr i Be-nazir . . . An Eastern fairy-tale, translated 8°. from the Urdu by C. W. B. B. 1871. Second edition, pp. viii. 175, 191. Calcutta, 14112. a. 17. 1845. 8°.

BSNGAIj.—A rmi/. The Standing Orders for the 757. e. 24.

Bengal Native Infantry ; with a translation into BESAlfT (William Henry). See Muhammad Oordoo . . , by S. C. Starkey. pp. xv. 285. Cakutta, Zaka All.\h. *L: ['Ilm i fusul i 1846. 8°. Ji^j^ J^ makhrutl. Conic sections, treated 760 f. 22. geometrically, Board compiled from the English of W. H. B. and others.] of Revenue. ^}C.i\ ^^ [Kawa'id i [1876.] 8°. abkarl. Rules for the collection of excise duties. 14117. c. 33. Issued by the Board of Revenue at Calcutta, and BE-TAB, See Ja'far 'AlT. translated by Sadasukha Liila.] pp. 69, 68. obl<01 lAVA [Allahabad, 1878.] 8°. BHAGAVANDASA. ^^,J..s^ ^lys [Hawa'I majlis, Interleaved with blank pages. or The fairy-court. A tale in verse.] pp. 16, lith. 14106. e. 22. [Belhi, 1874 ?] 8°. BENTBAMA, See Venirama. Jj»j 14114. b. 20 (2.) BENMOHEL (Nathan L.) See Sher 'AlT, called LJ O^Aa^ [Vishnucharitra. Jj^j^ cT"'^ The Afsos. JLs^ [Ara'ish i mahfil]. . . . lM\j^ story of the Daitya Prahliida and the god Vishnu.] Translated from the Hindoostanee, and accompanied pp. 16, lith. ^j lAAp IBelhi, 1883.] 8°. with notes, explanatory and grammatical, by 14114. b. 20 (11.) N. L. B. 1847. 8°.

760. f. 8. BHAGAVANPBASADA. 5«?e Yadunatha Mukho-

BENSLEY (Joseph) called padhyaya. ^^^JJ ei.-%s-' laA=- [Hifz i Fana. lii J\y^^ [Dlwan- ''^>-'*^i^ Revised and edited after his death, with an intro- silihat kl 'umdah tadblrln. A translation by Bh. of ductory preface, by George Penche, called Shor.] the Bengali Sarlrapiilana.] [1878.] 8°. nth. pp. 80, ^j^ [Meerut, 1876.] 8°. 14106. g. 1 (2.)

14119. d. 9 (6.) BHAGAVANTA BAYA, called Rahat. ^[i^y, BERTRAND (Francois Marie) Abb^, de la Societe ij:j i jjjjklii (Uii ei-ii>-l^ [Bustiin i Riihat, or the Asiatique de Paris. See Academies, etc. —Paris.— story of Prince Fitan. A romance in verse.] pp. 144, Ecole spiciale des langues orientales timntes. Chresto- lith. ju^ lAA. [Lucknow, 1880.] 8°. mathie Hindoustani. [With a vocabulary by M. 14112. a. 1 (4.) I'abb^ B.] 1847. 8°. BHARATA. (^JJ^jl c:.^^ [Bharata upadesa. 752. f. 9. Legendary stories of the sage Bharata.] pp. 11, See Haidar Bakhsh, Saiijid, called HaidarT. lith. ii\^\j=^^ [Gujramcala, 1874:?} 16°. Les Seances . de Haidari . . ouvrage traduit . . . One the series " par M. I'abbe B. 1845. 8°. of entitled Chaamah i faiz."

760. e. 17. 14119. a. 12 (6.) BIBLE 62 51 BHA—BIB Concordances. Niti-, Srin- BHAKTRIHABI. lJI- LJji'ji'. [T^e into gara-, and Vairiigya-satakas of Bli., translated c_>li^ljJi [Kalld al-Kitab. A concordance (j>V. Hindustani.] See LalajT. J] Lis- <^Ci to R. C. Mather's Urdu translation of the Bible by iava [Allahabad, [Madan makhchatiya.] pp. 25-67. [1865.] 8°. R. Hoskins.] pp. 1195, lith. jbWl 14119. e. 1 (8.) 1878.] 4°. 14104. d. 4. BHOLANATHA, Pandit, ^.li^l culL:^. [Khayiilat Selections. al-sana'i'. Meditations on the power of God as evidenced by His works. Translated from the Chida dyaton ka majmua waste manadi English by Bh.] pp. 80, Hth. j^l iaoI {Lahore, karnewalon ki imdad ke. [Texts of Scripture in 8°. preaching.] 1859.]- Roman characters, suitable for bazar 14119. b. 8 (8.) pp. 64. Lodiana, 1867. 16°. [Second edition.] pp. 114, lith. jLUI iaii 14104. a. 7.

8°. \ Allahabad, 1861.] '- Scripture 14119. b. 7 (3.) i»Kl\ J-"^ [TafsTl al-kalam. texts arranged for the use of ministers, teachers, called Farigh.

760. 1. 5. . . . Tarjuma asal zabanon se zaban i Hindi men. Bible in the Hindustani language, The Holy Lugat i Kit^b See Mather ( ) Mrs. pp. 988, 306. Calcutta, 1843. 8°. i Muqaddas. [An illustrated Bible dictionary in In Moman characters. The New Testament has a distinct Roman characters.] 1875. 8°. title page and pagination. 14104. d. 6. 3068. c. 18.

Kitdb i Muqaddas, ya'ne purana aur nayd abridgment of the See Sellan ( ) An

'ahd-nama, . . . Inka tarjuma 'Ibrdni o Yunani Holy Scriptures, . . . translated into Hindoostanee. hiia, etc. zubanon se zuban i Urdu men [Third 1822. 8°. edition.] pp. 1002, 313. London, 1860. 4°. 14104. c. 1. 3068. e. 16. j^^^Ju ^\J J_ ^\ L_-^ [Kutub i Ilahl iT"^'" '~r>^ [Printed under the superin- ^ ke kawanin kl tafslr. Aids to profitable reading tendence of Dr. R. C. Mather. Fourth edition.] 2 pt. lith. [Lodiana, 1866 12°. 1AV. .^Vj^ [Mirzapur, 1870.] 4°. of the Bible.] pp. 59, ?] 3068. g. 5. 14104. b. 10 (2.)

Kitab i muqaddas, ya'ne, purana aur naya ^Jl i_-~^ [Musaddik i kutub i Iliihi, 'ahd-nama. [Fifth edition.] pp. 1110, 337. London, l3"'"''^ or a comi^arison between passages of the Bible and 1878, 12°. lith. 3070. da. 7. the Koran. A Christian tract.] pp. 10, ^,y,

:J\ (jwjX* t_jli^ [Printed under the superin- I A If [Bareilhj, 1864.] 8°. 14119. b. 13 (2.) tendence of D. Hutton.] iav^ 2 vol. jy^jr* \_Mirzaiiur, 1879-80.] 8". An Urdu Companion to the Bible. Miftah 3068. e. 28. ul Kitab. [Translated from the English in the [ Printed under the superintendence of E. M. Roman character by R. C. Mather.] pp. iii. 422. Wherry.] 2 pt. lith. [Lodiana, 1883.] 8°. Mirzapore, 1864. 12°. 3068. 6. 27. 14104. b. 6. 53 BIBLE BIBLE M

Old Testament. Old Testament.—P«a/ffj« [continueit],

Pentateuch. i^vJl ^'*^7' [Muhammadan Turjuma i Maz4mfr : p&dri Yusaf Owen

version of the Pentateuch in Arabic, Persian and sdhib ne Ibri zaban se zab4n i Urdd meg kiyi. 462. Allahabad, 1863. 16°. Hindustani.] pp. 954, lit/i. y^ iaai [^Lucknow, pp. 1881.] fol. In Roman characters.

3070. f. 6. 3068. aa. 3.

J\ t_>li^ ^^ j^j [Another transla- Genesis. <_>ls^ i' J^\j^^ [Paidii'isli kl tion.] 175, /«i!/j. lArc 8°. pp. jJj/" [i?am"%, 1865.] kitjib. The Book of Genesis in Hindustani.] pp. 185. 3090. dd. [Calcutta, 1823 ?] 8°. "^^ jJL« No title page. ij Ji^j '=^ u^ w 1004. g. 8 (1.) [Another edition of the preceding.] pp. 197, lith.

JiiUjy I All [Lodiana, 1866.] 12°. 3068. aa. 27.

[Another edition.] pp. 144, lith.

[The Book of Genesis, and the first 20 chapters of Ailjjjl I AVI [Zof//««a, 1876.] 8° Exodus. Eevised by R. C. Mather.] pp. 96. 3068. dd. 10. jy>}jj^ I A If [Mirzajnu; 1864.] 4°. Appendix. See Mather (C.) Glos- 3068. e. 6. sary Hindustani and English to the . . , Psalms. 1861. 12°. [Another edition.] pp. 230, lith. 12906. b. 21. Ajbjj! iMi [iorftrtnrt, 1866.] 8°. 3068. aa. 25. Proverbs, ili jb ^ JJj^l ^ ,_2-j J_ jjb 1^}^^ ijUjL) pp. 92. iz^ lAn [Calcutta, Exodus. See : ^ above Genesis. .\SL^ ,h^ lT 1826.] "8°.

1004. g. 8 (2.) cJo [The Book of Genesis, and the first 20 chapters Isaiah. <_jI::^ Lci,l pp. 189. .fcJll^ of Exodus.] [1864.] 4°. ^ ^ " 8°." I Are [Calcutta, 1825.] 3068. e. 6. 1004. g. 8 (3.) [1866.] 8° Daniel. ^ J^^J ^ ^j^ ^1L* t_jli^ 3068. aa. 25.

4_>\i^^ pp. 58, lith.

lith. I AVI [Zabur aur gTt. Psalms and hymns for divine ser- pp. 5,

I AM ILodiam, 1859.] 8°.

3089. cc. New Testament.

The Book Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum in linguam of Psalms . . . Zabur ki

kitab, Indostanicam translatum a . . . B. Schultzio etc. pp. 188. Hindust. and Engl. London, . . 1860. 8°. Edidit J. H. Callenbergius. ITal(p, 1758. 8°.

3089. bb. JSach book has a separate pagination.

1005. b. 13. ^,-^lj.< [Maziimlr.] pp.335. &;j3.S'iaii [Another copy.] [Calcutta, 1861.] 12°. Imperfect ; containing Acts only. 3068. aa. 5. 3068. aaa. 28. BIBLE 56 55 BIBLE Nevf Testament [continued]. ITew Testament [^continued]. into the Injil i Muqaddas, ya'ne hamare Khudawand The New Testament . . . Translated Yisu' Masih ka naya 'ahd-n^ma. Hindoostanee language by Mirza Mohummud Fitrut aur najat-denewale compared [The same as above without the English version.] and other learned natives . . . Revised and 1860. 8°. with the original Greek by W. Hunter, pp. 481. pp.^^ 338. London, 3068. b. 23. Calcutta, 1805. 4°. This edition contains only the four Gospels, and is in the Naqari character. I Ale [Lodiana, 8°. 3068 h. 3.

Hindoostanee language ... by H. Martyn ; and Gospels. The Gospels and Acts, in English afterwards carefully revised with the assistance of and Hindusthani. St. Matthew, translated by H. Mirza Fitrit and other learned natives: for the St. . . . Martyn ; St. Mark . . . W. Bowley ; Luke British and Foreign Bible Society. (l:;^ 1849. 8°. 3070. c. 11. 720." Calcutta, 1844. 8°. J^\ ^"-^.*u^) pp. 1108. f. 12. [Another edition.] pp. 327, lith. Sixth edition. [Edited by J. Thomas and 8°. Aj\jjJ^ lAvr \Lodiana, 1873.] " 3068. de. 2. C.B.Lewis.] pp.536. Calcutta, ISbl. 8°.

This is stated on p. 1 to he the seventh edition. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew, in 3070. b. 41. Hindoostanee and English. Printed for the Cal- Injil i Muqaddas ya'ne Khudawand Yisu' cutta Auxiliary Bible Society. [Translated by H. Masih ka naya 'ahdnama. Second edition, pp. 271. Martyn.] Calcutta, 1819. 8°. Mirzapore, 1858. 8°. Without any pagination. '^ 1106. c. 23. 842. e. 10.

The Testament . . . JoJ>s>- New ^^^ (_>li^ L^AiL* C_J t-^^ l/ (-5^ '==^ llW^ J-££:*\ fV"*^ 9y^, -^j^J^ PP- ^^^- London, ^ \,J^. pp. 150, lith. T' [Lodiana, 1862.] 12°. 1860. "8°." 3068. aaa. 8. 3068. cc. 15. lAic [Lodiana, The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour, PP- 133, lith.

Jesus Christ, in Hindustani and English. Injil i 1865.] 12°. 3068. aa. 24. Muqaddas, etc. [Translated by the Benares Transla-

tion Committee and printed in Roman characters.] pp. 136, lith. AJliJ^ lAv. [Lodiana, pp. 702. London, 1860. 8°. 1870.J 12°. 3068. aaa. 55. 3068. aa. 41. 57 BIBLE BIBLE—BIS 58

New Testament.—Matthew [continued], New Testament [continued],

Romans. Ilumion ke n6m par muqaddas Begin X^J ^ ^juX^^ le"^ j}^ [The Pulus ke khatt ki tafsir, etc. [A commentary on Sermon on the Mount. Matthew, Chapters v.-vii.] the Epistle to the Romans, including a translation pp. 12. [London, 1860 ?] 12°. 14104. b. 11. of the text, by J. Kennedy.] pp. 213. Mirzapore, 1871. 8°. Appendix. See Thompson (J. T.) 3068. dd. 7. A commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, ... by BIDPAI. See Abu oI-Fazl ibn Mik.Xrak. The J. T. Thompson. twN ??TfH^ Ti^X- 1« JO- 12°. Khirud Ufroz ; originally translated . . . from the 3068. aa. 4. Uyar Danish [a Persian version of B.'s fables], etc. Mark, J-=c^l <_jIi^ ^ u^j"^ <=^ lif^ c/«"**^ 1815. 8°.

pp. 67, nth. ajIj^ I ait [Lodiana, 1866.] 12°. 14112. c. 3. 3068. aa. 29. See Husain Va'iz, Kdshifi. c:-~«j^ ^Jc^

pp. 90, nth. *Jl.oJ 'Av. [Lodiana, [Bustan i hikmat. A translation of Husain Vil'iz

1870.] 12°. Kashifi's Anwiir i suhaill, a Persian version of the 3068. aa. 44. fables of B.] [1870.] 8°. 14112. b. 22. Luhe. J-.as:'! ^ 1^^ ^-j ^^j-^ ^_;«,JJL« i_>b.^ Dukhnee TJnwari Soheilee. A trans- pp. 199.

lation . . of the Persian . . . [version of the Fables 3068. aaa. 7. of B.] 1824. 4°. '^'^'' pp. 110, /iV/i. <0V.-^ [Lodiana, 14112. e. 6. 1866.] 12° i-Y-» .\y\ CjLsfL^ ["Muntakhabtit i -4 different version to the above. Anwiir i suhaill. Translation of selections from 3068. aa. 26. Husain Va'iz Kiishifl's Persian version of the [Another edition of the above.] fables of B.] [1861.] 12°. pp. 152, /i7/«. ij\jJ^ lAv. [Lodiana, 1870.] 12°. Pars. 259 (2.) 3068. aa. 42. ^' JCJb ^tCM.d [Sitiirah i Hind. An

Appendix, juj^ ^U.i/J' [Gumgashtah abridged translation of the Anwiir i suhaill.]

farzand. A Christian tract on the parable of the [1876.] 8°. 14119. d. 9 (7.) prodigal son.] pp. 14, lith.

.1 [Arzhang i Riizi. 14104. a. 14 (6.) ^^\, t—Oj A paraphrase in

verse of the Anwar i suhaill.] 4°. John [1879.] J-=^l ^ ^y. c=? (jt^< ^/~o>iL« i_.'li^ 14114. d. 9. pp. 80, «/«. ijlj^ \"^^^^ [Lodiana, 1866.] 8°. 3068. aa. 28. BINAYAK PHASHAD. See Vinayakapr.4Sada. BINDRABAN. See Vrindavana. Acts. See above : Gospek. The Gospels and

Acts, in English and Hindusthani, etc. 1837. 8°. BINGHAM (II.). X u/> d''^ uW J-^ ^^j f. 1108. 7. [llisiilah dar bayiin baniine sarakonke.]. . . Notes on

1841. 8°. road making, compiled by Captain H. B. . . Trans-

1108. f. 13. lated by Behari Lall. pp. 43. Roorkee, 1861. 8°.

1849. 8°. 14117. a. 10 (2.)

3070. c. 11. BIRBAL. See Mah.Inar.\yana. -S1i\ cJ-Ak!

[1873.] 8°. :^\ [Latil'if i Akbar. A collection of anecdotes and 3068. de. 2. witty sayings of B.] [1876.] 12^ 14119. a. 18 (6.)

pp. 192.


BISHEW LAL. See Vishnu LIla. BRETON (Peter) . Anatomy of the urinary organs. i^^.j/^.ylJ' [TashrlH gurdon kl.] pp. 18, 22, BIST RISALAH. aSL, c:,^ [Bist risalah. A lith. Calcutta, 1828. 8°. collection of twenty miscellaneous poems.] pp. 64, 14119. c. 10 (6.)

nth. I riA rDe//«, 1851.] 8°. male organs of generation. 14119. e. 14 (4.) On the f^.f^ I— [Tashrlh kuzlb kl.] pp. 22, Francis). ^ -rr^ ci'V. U*^ BLANDFOBD (Henry ^.^^ (i^l/*^ iith. [Calcutta, 1828.] 8°. [Jughrafl i tab'I. A translation of H. F. B.'s 14119. c. 10 (4.) Rudiments of Physical geography.] pp. 246, lith. On vegetable poisons (K lijjr&j ciW ^^,^t lAvi [Lahore, 1879.] 8°. ^J^ i_<-=*^ .^-Ji s 1= [Bayiin ba'zl un 14117. d. 32. t=^ er? '^^V' i^^ zaharon ka jo nabatat se 'ilakah rakhte bain.] BLOCHMANN (H.) Mirat-ul-arz, or Translation Calcutta, 8^. (with copious additions) of F[irst] G[eography] pp. 176, lith. 1827. 14106. g. 1 (1.) by H. B. . . . Translated ... by Muhammad- BREWSTER {Sir David). See Kanh Singh. ud-din. Jlc (Ujl'y^ [Mukhtasar jugbrafiyah r>^ Calculation of solar and lunar eclipses, translated i 'iilam.] pp. 60, lith. j^l iaw [Lahore, 1877.] 8°. from Brewster's . . . astronomy. [1876.] 8°. 14119. b, 15 (1.) 14119. 0. 1 (1.) BOWLEY (William). See Bible. — New Testa- BRIJBASi LAL. See Vrajavasi Lala. ment.— G^o«/?

Hindusthani ... St. Mark . . . and St. John, translated BRITISH INDIAN ASSOCIATION, of Calcutta.

8°. by W. B. 1837. _.\^i! tii^ljjlj «jUj . . . ci-v-jl^ii^J [Darkhwast . . . 1108. f. 7. ba-mildah bajyaft i lakhiriij. A petition of the

B. I. A., to See Bunyan (J.) Musafir ka barhna . . . the Lieut.-Governor of Bengal, on the

The Pilgrim's Progress . . . abridged and translated subject of the resumption of lakhiraj lands. Signed into Hindustani by W. B. 1838. 12°. by Devendraniitha Thakura as Secretary to the

14104. b. 3. Association.] (UiUi^ uer [Calcutta, 1852.1 ^°-

Hymns on the most important doctrines of 14119. b. 18 (1 the Christian religion ... for the use of native BROWN (Charles Philip.) See Ghulam 'AlT, Mir.

Christians. aft

760. b. 760. f.

BROWN (John David). See Morris (T. A.) BBAHMA SAMAJ. ^^ jJl cjUli [Kalimat al-dln. Bishopof the Methodist Episcopal Church, etc. The principles of the Brahma Samaj, translated lie. uJ^jJ [Ek wa'z. A sermon by Bishop Morris, translated from various Bengali works.] pp. 25. ..(] iaw into 8°. [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. Hindustani by J. D. B.] [1866.] 14104. c. 11. 14119. b. 14 (6.)


lith. I AH [Lucknoic, 1866.] 8°. Translated from the Bengali.] ^ pp. 23, lith. ^ 14112. a. 16. lAvv [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. (Colin A. R.) i

14103. g. 28. 14119. c. 28 (7.) —


BRUCE (Jambs) Earl Elgin. [Mission to China BUSHNELL (Horack). clIj^ ['Isii ki of ^ Jj*-j; (L.) and Japan.'] See OnruANT ^^^r i cT?" ^^ sirat, or The character of Christ. Translated by ' 4°. rTiirIkh"~ i Chin o Japan.] [1867.] H. E. Perkins from the English of H. B.] pp. 60. 14109. e. 3.

'Abd Allah). BUSIRI. See Muhammad ibn Sa'Td (Sharaf 'Abd Allah). i ni'mat. al-D7N Abu BTJLAKi DAS. ui-v^ju ^J>j^ [Alwiin cookery book, in three parts, containing recipes A BUTA MAL. See Ayodhyaprasada. i__>L».sM irjuj according to the Muhummadan, Hindu and English [Zubdatal-hisiib. Pts. ii.-iv. by B. M.] [1863-4]. 8°. 8°. methods of cooking.] Lith. [Delhi, 1876 ?] 14117. c. 8.

14119. f. 21. BUTLER (Joseph) successively Bishop of Bristol c_jljlj Jk»sj- [Jauhar i niiyab. Specimens of and of Durham. The Analogy of Religion to the ornamental caligraphy.] Liih. ^Jj»J ''^^i [Delhi, constitution and course of Nature. Part I. Of 1876.] 4°. Natural Religion. . . . Translated into Urdu, with 14117. e. 15 (2.) a brief life of the author and explanatory notes, (_^b lij^ir* <0 i_Jjiy«^^.JJii Iass:^ [Tuhfah i by H. R. Williams, pp. iii. 192, lith. Agra, dil-pazlr, also called Makhzan i danish. Instructive 1873. 8°. anecdotes and moral precepts.] pp. 63, lith. ^jl^J 14104. c. 25.

I AVI [Delhi, 1876.] 12°. BUYERS (W.) -See Jewish People. A brief 14112. a. 23.

account of the Jewish people . . . Translated . . . <--j\}j iJ^ [Tuhfah i nayiib. Curious speci- by W. B. 1854. 8°. mens of caligraphy and architectural designs. 14109. a. 7. Second edition.] Lith. iaj [Delhi, 1873 P] 8°. C, F. See Muhammad, RafT', called Sauda. Free- 14117. d. 34. Trade a Bunya's Owl [by F. C.]. 1849. 8°. BULAKI RAM. Jj Jj ,^\a^ [Mihman Ram-niim. 760. e. 18. Verses on the efficacy of repeating the name of CALCUTTA. — British Indian Association. See Rama.] pp. 4, lith. [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. British Indian Association, of Calcutta. One of the series entitled " Zakhlrah i Ha/ah i 'amm."

14106. b. 10 (13.) CALEB (John James). Intikhdb tarikh i kalisyd. compendium of Church history, translated from BUNNAY KHATf, Farrier Major. See BanxT [A Khan. the English in Roman characters, by J. J. C] pp. 172. Allahabad, 1871. 8°. BtTNSIDHAR. See VamsTdhara. 14104. d. 3.

BUNYAN (John). Musafir k4 barhna . . . The CALLENBER& (Johann Heinrich). See Bible.—

Pilgrim's Progress . . . abridged and translated into Old Testament. Psalms. Psalterium Davidis . . .

Hindustani [in the Roman character] by W. Bowley. Edidit et prsefatus est J. H. C. 1747. 8°. pp. 98. Calcutta, 1838, 12°. 1410. g. 2. 14104. b. 3. Neic Testament. Novum Jesu Christ i BURN (Robert Scott). Outlines of modern

Testamentum . . . Edidit J. H. C. 1758. 8°. farming, with illustrations . . . Translated into Urdu, 1005. b. 13. with certain additions made to the original, by the CATALOGUES. j^jAi.* ^^^-^j^ Scientific Society. i.::,,*-ij Ac ^Ltj [Risiilah i 'ilm t^^ ^"'^fTy '-r^ i falahat.] 252. Allygurh, 1865. 8°. ji^ jjlj jyH^ [Fihrist i kutub. pp. j^'^ J Jy A 14119. f. 3 (1.) classified catalogue of English, Sanskrit, Persian, BURVETT ("William Joseph) called William. Urdii and other books, published by Nawal Kishor t—^^^^ [Jauhar i Farang. Miscellaneous poems.] at Lucknow and Cawnpore.] pp. 116, lith. y.^ i^vf pp. 96, lith. ^ [Lucknotp,'] 1878. 8^ [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. 14114. a. 22 (1.) 14119. b. 21. CHI 64 63 CAT—CHI

[Chihal masii'il, CATALOGUES. [An enlarged edition of the CHIHAL MASA'IL. JjLv< J^^.^- [Lucknow, precepts of the Prophet Muhammad, preceding.] pp. 126, iv. lith. y^ ^^^^ or Forty quotations.] 8, lith. [Lucknow, 1879.1 8°. with Arabic pp. -' 14119. f. 17. 1873?] 8°. CATECHISM. Catechism for young children. 14119. e. 20 (5.) [Second edition.] Sawal o jawab larkon ke liye. [Another edition.] See Majmu'ah. .t^i^-vsr* 16°. IJiigl. and Hindust. Allahabad, 1852. ^^pp. 61. .JL.c^.^ pp. 43-49. [1878.] 8°. 760. a. ^ 14104. g. 4 (6.) Kazim 'AlT, called CAZIM ALI JAWAN. See CHIRANJI LAL. See Imdad 'AlT, Tah's'ilddr.

Jawax. t_j.lj!b tuli ei-oljJi [Hidilyat - namah i patwarl. Revised by Ch.L.] [1866?] 8°. CHAMAN . See Rangalala. 14119. c. 17 (9.) See ShadT L.Il.

See Krishna Datta. ^ J&.i.J ^J>-~j

CHANDRIKAPRASADA, called Janun 4_xI-> See Reid (H. S.) Urdu-Hindi-English compositions . . . . assisted J^uuLm.* [Silk i musalsal. Short prose vocabulary, compiled . . by H. S. Reid in which are introduced several words with double by Ch. L. 1860. 8°. 7. 8". 14117. b. meanings.] pp. 28, /iY/t. ir'^t [i«cA-«o«i', 1864.] 14119. e. 5 (5.) See Sivaprasada, Baj'a, C. S. I. tiiU=>- [Phelan, afterwards CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH c:j\iifsr y*!i\ [Haka'ik al-maujudat. Sivaprasada's [Sher Tonna]. Judah's Lion. ^Lt 'i \dy^j ^ Hindi Vidyiiiikura, translated with the assistance Elizabeth, i Yahuda ka bayan.] By Charlotte of Ch. L.] [1858.] 8°. translated by Iswari Diiss, etc. pp. 278, lith. (j*jUj 14119. b. 11 (2.)

[Benares,'] 1885. 8°. (SeeSRTLALA. i:L^ *jJi>J tui [Kissah i Dharm 14119. c. 9 (1.) Singh. Translated from the Hindi, with the assist- CHEROUNJEE LALL. -See ChiranjT Lal. ance of Ch. L.] [1865.] 8°. CHETAN SHAH, uj'^j^ ^1 [A'inah i soziik. 14119. b. 11 (5.) On the treatment of gonorrhoea, according to the jyi.^,y^ i'^ [Kissah i Siirajpiir. A English, Greek and Hindu systems.] pp. 176, lith. tale, translated from the Hindi by Ch. L.] -uJ-»\ lAvi \Amritsar, 1876.] 8°. [1858.] 8°. ^ ^ 14106. g. 16. 14119. b. 8 (11.) CHHOTE AGHA. See Muhammad 'AskakT. [I860.] 8°. 14119. c. 10 CHIHAL HADIS. LZ-i^ f,^ [NasTm i jannat. (11.) A collection of 40 traditions in Arabic, with a Hin- [1862.] 8°. dustani metrical paraphrase.] See Kifayat 'AlT, 14119. b. 17 (4.)

called KafT. 'J\ ir-i^^j' uVW" [Khiyabiin i ci;UU^ iSj\^ [Mir'iit al-sa'ilt. Trans- with the firdaus.] pp. 23-69. [1872.] 8°. lated from Srilala's Samayaprabodha, 14119. b. 5 (2.) assistance of Ch.L.] [1858.] 12°. 14119. a. 9 (4.) J Ji>- collection of forty (Jv?" t!-^ traditions in Arabic, with a Hindustani interlineary translation.] L:i^i>-Uu-*!l ^V*^'* [^lisbiih al-masilhat. See Muhammad Kuth al-DTx, Bihlavl. J!>1.J1 ^Sx.^ A translation of the Kshetriichandrika, by Vamsl- [Ma'dan al-jawabir.] pp. 1-5. [1880.] 8°. dhara, assisted by Ch. L.] [1864 - 59.] 8°.

14516. cc. 8 (6.) 14119. c. 13 (11.) 65 cni—COL COL—CON 66

CHIBANJi LAL. See Todd (J.) D. D., Author COLEBROOKE (Henry Thomas). The translation " of the Students' Manual." Hints on Self-improve- of Colebrooke's Mitacshara with . . . additional notes,

ment . . . Translated into Oordoo by . . . Charles comprising precepts and maxims from Vyavahara

8°. C. Fink . . . with the assistance of Ch. L. 1847. mayukha [of Nllakantha Mimatnsakabhatta], Vira-

14104. c. 4. raitrodaya [of Mitramisra], Smritichandrika [of Devilndabhatta], Vyavasthachandrika [of Syama- [Ta'llra al-nafs. ,_/*ii31 |,Jj»j

Datt. ( .i-ol^ .u.jc\r) [Ganjinah i shastr.] 2 vol. JliA-j Jlj-«1 [Amsjil i be-misal. A collection lAAi Agra, [1881.] 8.°. of proverbs and popular sayings in Hindustani and 14106. dd. 19. Devanagari characters, with their explanations.

Second edition.] pp. 64, lith. i^j-^ '*iv \Meerut, COLLECTION. A collection of moral precepti 1867.] 8°. and reflections, gathered from various sources, in

14119. b. 12 (1.) English and Hindostany, and translated for the

instruction of youth. (^^^Laj ^ Aij) [Pand o nasa'iH.] jt),! (^LiJl [Inshji i TJrdu. A letter-writer.] pp. 169, xvii. lith. Lucknoic, 1833. 8°. pp. 32. oIjWI I at I [Allahabad, 1861.] 8°. 14119. f. 1.

14119. b. 8 (1.) COLLIER (William Francis). ^^kJXjl^l^ jjl5j

[Wakii'i' nigiir i Inglistiln. The history of the CHORI. ^j^iij}j 1^ ^ji^ [Chorl, thagi, zabar- British translated dastl. On crimes of theft, thuggee, and violence.] Empire by W. F. C, into Hindustani.] iv. 741, lith. tAvr [Lucknoic, pp. 12, lith. [Gujranwala, 1873.] 8°. pp. y-^\ 14106. b. 7 (8.) 1873.] 8°. 14109. b. 12. CHUNNI LAL. ujLlj ij^~»/ [Kuraata niisaka. COLOMBO (Cristoforo). [Life.'] See Sherring Arguments in favour of the Hindu religion.] (M. A.) ^\>Ji\ ij^j [Tazkirat al- 'iikilln.] pp. 104, lith. lAAi {Fatehgarh, 1881.] 8°. J^ [1861.] 8°. 14106. b. 9 (3.) 14117. d. 11 (3.)

CLARK (Robert). See 'Im.Id al-Dix. A COMPENDIUM. A compendium of geography, Hindoostanee and English. 1^ i^l Ac iJLi- [Khu- Mohammedan brought to Christ : being the auto- biography of lasah 'ilra arz kil.] 147. Calcutta, 1824. 12°. a native clergyman in India . . . pp.

Translated . . . [into English by R. C] 1869. 8°. 14117. a. 3.

4986. bbb. 38 (19.) A compendium of geography, in Hindoo- stanee. pp. 73. Calcutta, 1824. 12°. iju\j^\ _\ii,. [MiftaH al-Taurat. An account Same


(L.) An English grammar, in Hindoo- COOKE (Charles Eichakd). See Euclid. j1,jS^ CRADOCK stani, for the use of Mohammedans. i_J^ ^j^.J^^ ^jJjI [TaKrIr i UKlidis. Bks. i.-ii. translated [AngrezI sarf o nahw.] Trial edition, pp.217. byC. R. C] [1872-74.] 8°. ^^ 14117. c. 22. Madras, 1857. 8°. 760. b. [1876.] 8° 14117. c. 30. CRICKET. ^y_p\ ^t^ ^^ A\^j [Go'echaugiin COPEBNICAN SYSTEM. The Mejmua Shemsi i AngrezI. The rules of cricket, translated from or a Summary of the Copernican system of as- the English.] pp. 90, lith. {Allahabad, 1868 ?] 12°. tronomy. Translated from the Persian into Urdu. 14119. b. 9 (3.) (^-*A-i.^ ijiy^js^) pp. 52. Agra, 1843. 8°. 14117. a. 9. CURUMOODEEN. See KarTm al-DiN. COBCORAN" (James). An account, geographical, OUST (Robert Needh am). i_^lj blj ^jljj. [Waka'i' historical and statistical, of the Chinese Empire; Baba Nanak. A biographical sketch of the life of from the earliest antiquity to the Treaty of Baba Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion. Trans- Nanking ; comprehending a full . . . description of lated from the English of R. N. C. by Suraj Bhan, its dependencies and tributaries : . . . Tartary . . . assisted by Ayodhyaprasada.] pp. 24, lith. .yiU Tibet, . . . the kingdom of Hami and Tonkin. In

I AT {Lahore, I860.] 8^ ^°^- the I/rdu language, i^^;i^ i_j3U^ fCj^"^ ^ 14119. b. 7 (9.) pp. iv. xxii. 459. iv. Calcutta, 1848. 4°. 760. g. 24. [Another copy.] 14119. b. 8 (12.) t_^U^ fCj^ [Tarikh i mamiilik i Chin. Another edition.] 2 pts. pp. 212, 326, lith. jAi^s- *). j-jIjj [Waka'i' Ramachandra. An lAif \_Luchiow, 1864.] 4°. account of the life of Ramachandra, king of 14109. 6. 2. Ayodhya, by R. N. C, translated by Suraj Bhan. COUPEB {Sir George Ebenezer Wilson) Bart. With maps of ancient India in Hindi and Hindu- dJjL-i i^y^ i^ls^ [Khulasah i Kaniin i shahadat. stani.] pp. 33, /tt A-.C, ^\ij [Waka'i' Sikandar i A'zam. A pp. xxii. 152, lith. iaiv \_Lucknow, 1867.] 4°. brief history of the life of Alexander the Great, 14106. f. 9. translated from the English of R. N. C. by Ayodhya- [Another copy.] prasada.] pp. 20, lith. j^i lAV {Lahore, I860.] 8°. 14106. f. 10 (2.) 14119. 0. 10 (13.) COURT (Major Henry). See Muhammad RafT', called Sauda. Selections from the Kulliyat ... of DABIB. See Salamat 'AlT.

Mirza Rafi-oos-sauda . . . literally translated by M. H. C. 1872. 8°. DACOSTA (Lewis). See Tytler (A. F.) Lord

14114. a. 12 (1). Woodhoiiselee. Tytler's Elements of general history

See Sher 'AlT, called Arses. The Araish i . . . Translated into Hindoostanee ... by L. D., etc. 4°. Mahfil . . . literally translated . . . by M. H. C. 1829, etc. 1871. 8°. 760. g. 16-18.

760. f. Second edition. 1882. 8°. DAD KHAN, called Saiyah. _L-) j^ [Sair i 14112. c. 34. Saiyiih. A short account of the travels of D. Kh . COUET MARTIALS. The Collection of Court through various cities of India, in 1872. Followed Martials for Officers studying the native languages by a collection of odes by well-known poets of

. . . translated into Hindoostanee by Moonshee Syed Lucknow and Cawnpore.] pp. 66, lith. y,^ lAvr Hoossian. 302, vii. lith. 8°. pp. Madras, 1853. {Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. 14106. e. 1. 14119. e. 17 (3.) J


DAH MAJLIS. IIJI ^^ ['Ain al-buka. A prose DAVANI (Jalal al-DTx). Jaumay-ool-ukhlauq. translation by 'Atii Allah Khiin of the Persian [A treatise on ethics.] Translated from Persian Dah majHs, or account of Muhammad, Fittimah, Akhlauke Julaleo [of Jalal al-Din Muhammad al-

'All, Hasan, and the martyrs of Karbalii. Intended Daviinl] into Oordoo by Moulvy Amaunut Oollah, etc.

for recitation during the Muharram festival, and {^\~>.%\ w»U-) pp. 368. Calcutta, 1848. 8°.

followed by Chihal majlis, also called Shat al-'aza, 14112. b. 10. or lamentations on the death of Husain, for recitation [Jami' al-akhlak. Another J^''^ J--»^" during forty days after the festival.] pp. 151, iv. edition.] lAvr \Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. nth. lajUAi [I»e/>%,-, 8°. 1872.] 14119. e. 20 - (3.) 14104. g. 10. [Another \jAjs^ iJ [A translation in verse of the Dah edition.] pp. 172, lith. .j-j'^ 'am {Cawnp&re, 1881.] 8°. majlis, with additional matter.] pp. 124, liih. y^ 14104. f. 26. I Ave [Lucknow, 1875.] 8°.

The ten majlis of the original have been made into twelve DAVENPORT (John) Teacher of Languages. jaL« and two others added. aXA\ [Mu'aiyid al-Islam, or An apology for 14119. c. 30 (7.) Muhammad and the Koran, translated from DAIBABI. See Ahmad. the English of J. D. by Muhammad 'Inayat al-Rahman DALEB SING. See DiLER Singh. Khan.] pp.200, /jY^. laj iav [i)e/A}, 1870.] 8°.

DAMODARA DASA. See India. — Legislative 14104. e. 11.

tAvv |. Council. ii^ (J^J iij,*^ [Majmu'ah i DAVIES {Sir Robert Henry). <_jb.J ^'y>j zubitah i dTwanl. The Civil Procedure Code and 4— i sjj^ y) of a famous Hindu saint. Followed by a religious pp. 344, lith. Agra, 1855. 8°. 14112. a. 4. poem by Lalajl.] pp. 8, lith. [Delhi, 1880 ?] 8°.

14114. b. 24 (2.) [Another edition.] pp. 168, lith. y.^<] tAV ILucknow, I860.] 8°. DASTUR al-'AMAL. 1^ by J^\ ^^.j [Dastur al-'amal 'urafa ka. Moral precepts in the form of 14119. e. 5 (6.) a catechism.] 4 pt. pp. 14, lith. db^L.^ [Sialkot, DAYANANDA SARASVATI, Svdmi. See Bakh- 1876.] 8°. TAWAR Singh. ^RgV^t^^TT; II [Satyadharmavichara. " One of the series entitled ZaTJiirah i Rafah % 'dmm." A report of a religious controversy between D. S. 14106. a. 12 (18.) and Muhammad Kasim and others.] [1880.] 8°. DATTATREYA. liJ" l::,X, [Jlvana- ijj-^ ^*srjj 14112. a. 1 (1.) muktigltii, translated by Lala Simha.] See Pur.Inas. I—\;-; u:,,-!Li«> [Satyasatyaviveka. —Brahmandapurana.— Uttaraglta. -J Hi^J.l - A work containing the substance of a religious [Gulshan i asrar.] 14-16. [1877.] 8°. pp. controversy between D.S. and T.G.Scott.] [1879.] 8°. 14108. b. 10 (2.) 14104. e. 19 (8.) 72 71 DAY—DEV DEV

DAYAN"ANDA SARASVAVI,SvamL /SeeKAsTsTHAH DEVIDASA, LaJiorl. \sisL ^\Jj [Bigyiin sudhii. [A report of a Yedantist tract, being a translation by Jagan- Sastrarthah. ^^^: ^Wr^: ll A discussion between D. S. and Visuddhananda Sara- mohana Liila of the Sanskrit Ajapaprakasa of D.] svatl and other Benares Pandits.] [1880.] 8°. pp. 50, lith.

called NasTm. ^yi^ 14106. b. 10 (9.) DATASANKARA, ^^ j\J^ , 1 [Gulzar i Naslm. The Persian romance Gul i [Another copy 14119. d. 2(2.) Bakawall of 'Izzat Alliih, in Hindustani verse.] 8°. I rvi 1859.] pp. 46, /«YA. .»J(^ [Ca?c«iJore, DEVIDAYALA. CLjJ ^d [Devlkrita. A poem 14119. e. 3 (13.) on the worship of Siva. "With illustrations, and a 8°. [Another edition.] tAii [XmcA-mo^p, 1866.] glossary in Persian and Devanagari characters.] 14119. e. 4 (8.) pp. 136, lith. ^ [Lucknow, 1865 ?] 8°. iavi [Another edition.] pp. 32, ftYA. [C«?m- 14106. b. 3. pore, 1871.] 8°. DEVIPEASADA. See Sivaprasada, Itaja, C.S.I. 14112. c. 9 (2.) JUtUl j,Ajij [Ta'llm al-atfal. A translation by [Another edition. Illustrated.] pp. 32, lith. D. of Sivaprasada's Hindi BSlabodha.] 12°. [Lucknow, 1876 ?] 8°. [1872.] 14112. c. 19 (2.) 14119. a. 6 (2.) DEBI SAHAI. See DevIsahaya. [Arzhang i Chin. A treatise on ii;:?^*" '~"^J^ (Daniel). [Buzurg caligraphy, with elegant and curious specimens DEFOE y^.J ^^f^^j ^jj^. of Riibinsan Kruso. The Adventures of Robinson writing. Second edition.] pp. 74, lith. iavj [Luck- Crusoe, translated into Hindustani.] pp. 323. noic, 1879.] 8°. 8°. 14117. d. 46. ,w.jUj I Air [Benares, 1862.] 14112. a. 12. ( )^\ iti-jjiir [Guldastah i adab. Moral dilchasp Buzurg Rabinsan Kruso ka bayan. precepts, exemplified by numerous anecdotes.] pp. vi. [Another edition in Roman characters.] 182. pp. 160, lith. y^ lAvc ILuckmw, 1875.] 8°. Benares, 1864. 12°. 14112. a. 21. 14112. a. 15.

DELHI. ^AJ (jUi [Fighan i DihlT, or The lament [Kar-namah i nau ii'In, also called Taliwim mu'aiyid of Delhi. Verses on the destruction caused in that al-mu'arrikhln. Chronological tables for Christian, city during the Mutiny of 1857.] pp. 72, lith. Samvat and Hijra eras.] pp. 70, lith. ju^ iava ifcj irA. \_Delhi, 1863.] 8°. - [Lucknow, 1878.] 8°. 14114. b. 2. 14119. d. 16 (4.) DELUGE. (j^lijL

notes . . . . from . . Smritichandrika [of D.], etc. l^\i.MJ.^-\t >\jS^ [Khwab i Rajasthan. A [1881.] 8°. treatise on the condition and government of the 14106. dd. 19. Rajputana States.] pp. 74, lith. y^ lAVi [Luck- DEVENDBANATHA THAKUBA. See British now, 1879.] 8°. Association, Indian of Calcutta. . . , LS-^-ilys- .J 14109. b. 15 (4.)

^l^rs-U l::~^\j\\} sj\aj [Darkhwast ba-madah bazyaft _;,jj jj^ [Mazhar i Kudrat, or Evidences i lakhiraj. A petition of the British Indian Asso- of religion. Fourth edition.] pp. 44, lith. j\j\i}t\ iaii ciation, signed by D. Th. as Secretary.] [1852.] 8°. [Allahabad, 1866.] 8°.

14119. b. 18 (1.) 14119. b. 7 (7.) 73 DEV DEV—DOS 74

DEVIPRASiDA. 'Ui\ jLm^I^j [Mi'yiir al-imlii. DEViSAHiTA. |ji!cu-j>-y i^ [Nuskhah farKat- A treatise on orthography, with a list of incorrect afzii. A Vedantist tract.] pp. 4, lith. \_Sialkot, words in ordinary use, their meanings, and correct 1876.] 8°. i^vi modes of spelling.] pp. 54, lith. y,^ ^Litcknow, One of the seriei entitled " Zakhlrah i Rafah i 'amm." 8°. 1876.] 14106. a. 12 (IS.) 14119. e. 22 (11.)

(jlj t::-Oi Jii^ ) *J^^ k.::-^ '^^^j' [Tattva- [Risillah i kiyiifah. Outlines of

JCJk >lj [Tarikh i Hind. A compendium *C 14106. a. 12 (17.)

of Indian history.] pp.82, /«ifA. [£arej%, 1858 ?] 12°. DHARMANAKAYANA. t^Vfc-l^ i^'juU- ^_j\j 14109. a. 11. j'i\> (Uajc-Mj [Tarikh i TrbV* i U^^ii.'^ i J^'^ [Another edition.] pp. 96, lith. \_Bareilly, khandan i rajha i Dhiir o Dewas. A history of the 1860 P] 12°. royal families of the States of Dhar and Dewas, 14109. a. 12. and of the family of Maharaja Sindhia.] pp. 43, lith. AC. t_jlsu j^_y*lir <0 <—jWO [Tiirlkh i likj I {Delhi, 1850.] 8°. Jj,.4.*w« «iCj^ ^ 14109. b. 1 (1.) Panjab, also called Gulshan i Panjiib. A history of the Province of Punjab. A new and revised DHAEMAPATHIKA. %jj ^yb^ ^^p*j ^^^ k,*J:.£>. [Occasional tracts on ethics by several contributors.] edition.] pp.229, lith. y^ lAvr \_Lticknow, 1872.] 8°. Lith. lAvr {Sialkot, 1873.] 8°. 14109. d. 6.

Ten tracts, each distinct in itself, published at various dates, [Tarikh i zila'i ii^}^j» f-l-e fCj^ Farrukhabitd. between June and October, 1873, being parts of the series entitled " Zakhlrah i i 'amm," under An accoimt of the Farnikhabad district.] pp. 46. Rafah the distinctive heading of " Chashmah i faiz." oL»1a!1 U6l lAllahahad,im^.'] 8°. 14106. b. 7 (1.) 14109. a. 8 (1.) Dili. See Kanhaiya L.\la. i—ijj^\ [TashrlH al-hurfif. A spelling- fCj^ DILER SINGH. A collection of knowledge, or book and primer. Sixth edition.] 20, lith. pp. Maj-raa-ul-aloom [being lessons in the English S

1876.] 8^ 14119. d. 8 (3.) 14119. d. 9 (3.) DIN. [Din kl tarik, or a Guide to ^Ja ^ ^Ji^ l:l.%»-w^

pp. 174, lith. jblill lAV [Allahabad, I860.] 8°. 14104. b. 7 (3.)

14117. c. 4 (1.) DiNADAYALU TIVARI. ^li^^j^iA Li]^ [Jugh- DEVISAHAYA. See M.uiABUAUAiA.—Shagavad- riiflyah i Hindiistiin. A geography of India.] gitd. ^U:uS ^jj^ [Gitilsara. An abstract of the pp. 118, lith. c\j\ii\ lAvi [Allahabad, 1879.] 8°. Bhagavadgltii in prose, by D.] [1866.] 8°. 14117. d. 25 (3.)

14119. a. 13 (4.) DOSABHAI SOHRABJI. Idiomatical sentences in the English, Hindostanee, Goozratee and Persian CL^^ <^j1 [Anubhava krita. A tract on languages, in six parts ... by Dossabhaee Sorabjee. Vediiuta philosophy.] pp. 4, /«ifA. \_Sialkot,\S7Q.'] 4°. Bombay, 1843. 4°. One of the series entitled " ZaWirah i Rafah i 'amm." £ach part has a separate pagination. 14106. a. 12 (14.) 763. k. 6. 10 75 DOS—DUR DUR 76

DOSABHAi SOHBABJI. A new self-instructing DTJBGAPBASADA, JDihlavi, called Nadir. j\j ^j^llS work entitled Idiomatic Sentences, in the English, [Gulshan i niiz. Notices of Persian and Hindustani

Gujarati, Hindustani, and Persian languages, . . . poetesses, with specimens of their works.] pp. 36, in seven parts. [Enlarged from the first edition nth. Ifcj inr [2)e/Aj, 1876.] 8°. - 14119. d. 10 of D. S.'s Idiomatic Sentences.] With notes ex- (9.) planatory and illustrative, to which are added DUBGAPBASADA, of Queen's College, Benares, copious vocabularies ... by Bahmanji Dosabhai, See Kasinatha. ^•^.^g^l ^^-.^Li* [Mazamin al- Munshi. With a memoir of the late Mr. D. S. Hasanlyah. Essays and articles on various subjects,

[and a supplement entitled

14119. f. 12. of the work in Oriental characters.] pp. xviii. 427, 290. Bombay, 1873. 4°. See Periodical Vvslicxtio^s.— Allahabad.

AiJb [Naza'ir i kiiniin i Hind. " Indian The supplement is lithographeA. i^y>^ y.^ 762. k. 11. Law Reports," translated by a translation com-

mittee under - 8°. DOSSABHAEE SOBABJEE. 8ee Dosabhai Soh- the secretaryship of D.] [1876 77.] 14106. e. kabjT. 24 (1.)

Guide to legal translations ; or a Collection DBEW (William Henry). See Muhammad Zaka of words and phrases used in the translation of legal Allah, ^^ij^ J r^ (^- ['H™ i fusiil i makhruti. papers from Urdu into English, pp. 177. Benares, Conic sections, treated geometrically, compiled from 1869. 8°. the English of W. H. D. and others.] [1876.] 8°. 5319. c. 14117. 0. 33. Second edition, revised and enlarged, pp. iv. DIT'A i MTJ'AZZAM. ^ax^ IcJ [A prayer for the 208. Benares, 1874. 8°. family of the Prophet. Arabic text with interlineary 14106. dd. 19. translation.] See Prayers. jK^I [A prayer for 14119. e. 26 (2.) Muhammad and the former prophets. Arabic text DUBGAPBASADA, Assistant Inspector of Schools. with an interlineary translation. Fourth edition.]

^^j^ks~\^\ [Anis al-saiyahln. Outlines of 8°. ij^\ 5ee Prayers. ^\jj\ ^^-j-*^ PP- 20-24. [1877.] geography, translated by D.] iaicti y^ [Luclcnoie, 14619. b. 15 (4.) 1865-66.] 8°. DTJBUD i MUSTAGHAS. (JL)U.Um^ J>»jJ> [A 14117. d. 23. prayer for Muhammad, preceded by ten short pieces ti-'\ jLil^ A£y4js^ [Majmu'ah i kaghaziit L^^VJ^ of tradition and another prayer, entitled Durud i i kiir-rawii'I. letter-writer, A and specimens of hazirl. Arabic text with interlineary translation, official documents in the shikastah character.] marginal notes and preface in Hindustani.] pp. 48, pp. 202, nth. I AVI ILucknow, 1876.] 8°. ^ lith. .^"i lAvr [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. 14106. e. 16. 14519. b. 16 (3.) .;


ELPHIKTSTONE (Hon. Mountstuart). The his- DUR©D i TAJ. _Ij JjjJ JiLai [A prayer for tory of India, the Hindu and Mahomedan periods, Muliannnad iu Arabic, with a Hindustani preface

. . . Translated . . . into Urdu by the Scientific by Shiih 'Abd al-'AzIz, stating its proper use and Society. Jl y;lx_)^jLiJk [TitrTkh i HindSstan.] virtues.] See MajmO'ah. Jl Ity^s* pp. 14-16. ^Ju [1873.] 8°. pp. xii. 475. Allygurh, 1866. 8°. 14119. b. 5 (3.) 14109. b. 6.

^ji.AiL^ [Tarlkh i _Ij J..J [Another edition, containing also an ENGLAND. - [Jantrl, EAStwiCK (Edward Backhouse). See Baital or Almanac for the year a.d. 1864.] pp. 20, lith. PachTsT. The Baital Pachisi ; . . . with a . . . i/\ [Agra, 1864.] 8°. literal . . . translation ... by W, B. Barker. Edited 14119. e. 7 (4) by E. B. E. 1855. 8°. -r lAiA i_c^:?- [Almanac for the 760. g. 42. ^y year 1868. Containing also Railway time-tables, See Forbes (D.) Professor of Oriental Lan- Postal rules, Schedule of stamp-duties, and a map guages, King's College. Two letters addressed to of the East-Indian Railway.] pp. 58, lith. i^ia

E. B. E. . . . containing . . . corrections of that ILuckmw, 1868.] 4°. gentleman's recent lucubrations on the Bagh o 14119. f. 6. Bahar. 1852. 8°. i^yj^ 'Av

See Ikhwan al-SAFA. Ikhwanu-s-safa . . 14119. e. 3 (7.)

Translated ... by J. Platts. Carried through the I AVI t_y.»».-£ i^jX^ [Almanac for 1871.] press E. B. E. 8°. by 1869. pp. 60, lith. j^'i [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 760. f. 14119. e. 10 (2.)

See Khusrau, Amir. The Bagh o Bahar; [Another almanac for the same year.]

. . . literally translated from the Urdu of Mir Amman, pp. 96, lith. .y^5! [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 14119. e. 13 with copious . . . notes, and an introductory preface, (1.) by E. B. E. 1852. 8°. [Another almanac for the same year.] 760. g. 43. pp. 16, lith. [Agra, 1871.] 8°. 1877. 8°. 14119. e. 13 (2.)

760. c. c I Av I ii^ ^c,iiJ»- s^Jis^ [A small almanac for

£COIi£. Ecole speciale des langues orientales the same year.] pp. 8, ZiYA. ,^'i [Lahore, 1871.'\ 12°. vivantes. See Academies, etc. —Paris. 14119. a. 2 (1.)

c lAvr

EPHEMERIDES. ^y*^ ''^vi

Bk. I. is of the fourth edition. [Nasikh al-takawlm. An *j,Uj Jl iiT^lJ 14117. c. 22. year a.h. 1299, corresponding to almanac for the [Another edition of Bks. I. and II. translated A.D. 1881-82. Compiled by Ghulam AHmad.] by C. R. Cooke.] pp. 102, 40, lith. j^i iavi [Lahore, 36, nth. ini ^Bombay, 1881.] 8°. pp. ^^_' 1876.] 8°. 14119. f. 18 (2.) Bk. I. is of the sixth, and Bk. II. of the fourth edition.

14117. 0. 30. c tAvr

See Muhammad Zaka Allah. ^tlUU ^^liJ ^\}\

^-.jjjil Aj=^ ''^T^ [Natljab i tahrlr i The Elements of Euclid . . . comprising the Uklldis. A key to the solution of problems on first six Books, and portions of tbe eleventh and Bks. I.-IV. and Bk. VI.] 2 pt. pp. 108, 156, lith. twelfth Books, with notes, an appendix, and exercises ..a,'i iAii-ir [Lahore, 1861-62.] 8°. by J. Todhunter . . . Translated into Urdu, by 14117. c. 6.

. . . Mohammed Zaka-TJl-Lah, . . . Second edition, J^l jJlL* (-.jJil jjs? (Ji^ll^ [Su'aliit i tahrlr revised and corrected. jjwjiJjjl [Tahrlr i A-s^ i Uklldis. Problems on the first book of Euclid, with Uklldis.] 267, 170, lUh. ij,j \As,r [Delhi, pp. solutions.] pp. 90, lith. ^^1 lAir [Lahore, 18^.} 8°. 1873.] 8°. 14119. c. 3 (4.) 14117. c. 23. [Another copy.]

14119. b. 11 (4.) [Fourth edition.] pp. 269, 172. ^o FAGAIf (George Smoult). See Macpherson (W.) [Delhi, 1879.] 8°.

14117. c. 38. The Procedure of the Civil Courts of the East India

Company in the Presidency of Fort William . . .

ijj, jj.il jijs^ [Tahrlr i Uklldis. The Elements Part ii. comprising chapters ten to twenty inclusive, of Euclid. Bks. I.-IV.] 2 pt. pp. 159, 122, lith. rendered into Urdoo by G. S. F. 1852. 4°. ^ykll iAii-if [iaAore, 8°. 1861-64.] 14106. f. 5. 14117. 0. 6. PAIYAZ al-HAKK.

(jwjJJl y.j=^ ^. An account of the Muhammadan paradise from

traditions sayings lith. [Usui i 'ilm i handasab. The first four Books of and of the Prophet.] pp. 26, Euclid, by R. Potts. Translated by Muhammad [Delhi, 1873 ?] 8°. 14119. d. 4 (1.) Zaka Allah.] ^j \^'^- [Delhi, 1870.'] 8°. PA'IZ. See 'Umr-daraz, Hafiz £aek book has a separate pagination.

14117. c. 12. PAIZ. See Shams al-DlN Muhammad. .


PAIZ ALLAH KHAN, See Nisar 'AlT Beg. FAKHR al-DiN HUSAIN, called Sukhan, ^j^ mjj\ jkcl J aILjj [Kawil'id i Urdu. Pt. iii. by Nisiir ^i-> [Sarosh i Sukhan. A romance.] pp. 134, 8". 'Ali Beg, assisted by F. A. Kh.] [1866-67.] lith. I AVI [Lucknow? 1871.] 8°. 14117. b. 13. 14119. e. 19 (2.)

^jMjScW (w->(iXyJ [Tahzib al-nufus. Useful and PAIZ al-HASAN. |«lc ,j^ [Faiz i 'amm. An moral advice from a father to his son.] pp. 72, lith. account of the life and martyrdoms of the descendants y^\r<\- ILucknoic, 187^.1 8°. of Muhammad. With numerous traditions regarding 14119. 0. 30 (4.) prayer, fasting, ablutions, and many other cere- FAKIR. See Mahi al-DTN Khan. monial observances.] pp. 164, lith. ij^'i^ \_Lodiana, 1873 P] 4°. See Muhammad Husain. 14106. f. 10 (1.) See Shams al-DiN. PAKHB al-Dllf, ilaftz, and GHULAM NABI, FAKIR, Dihlavi. .U.* y:H,=H <}* ilrJ Hakim. Treatise on physiognomy. c:^-«Xa. jsP wlrri J'^jT^ s?

[Fakhr i hikmat. Translated from the English.] ^-\^ J aJjfC La«

ceptors.] lith. Jjbj 8°. FAKHB al-DIM", Maulan. The Urdu Second Book, pp. 24, ^ [Delhi, 1876.] 14119. d. 6 (5.) for schools in the Central Provinces, etc. (^c^^j See ibn jj,l (_jli^) [DusrI kitab i Urdu.] pp. viii. 99. FAKIR ALLAH. Muhammad Ya'kub Bombay, 1879. 12°. (Majd al-DiN Abu Tahir) Fimzdbddl. iijltJl J«j 14117. aa. 1 (4.) [Sufar al-sa'adat. Edited by F. A.] [1877.] 8°.

14104. f. 17. FAKHR al-DIN AHMAD, Kadin. See Husain FAKIR MUHAMMAD, called Tegh. J^\a Va'iz, Kdshifi. Jl ^-:..>..u.-»» .^^.i." tOj\ i^^^y [Tafsir ^ jUc I—^l/J ^. i—^ij*^ [Sitarn i Human, also called i Kadirl. A Hindustani translation by F. al-D. A. Jj Fareb i 'azazil. A drama in two acts on the evils of the Tafsir i Husainl.] [1879-80.] 4^ of drunkenness. Second edition.] 48, lith. 14514. d. 11. pp. \r'\^ [Bombay, 1881.1 8°. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN 14112. b. 31. Abu Hamid) Ghazzali. Jl i.::^_ljiJ» [Iksir i ^c*^' FAKIR MUfiAMMAD KHAN, called Goya. See hidayat. translation by F. al-D. A. of the A Husain Va'iz, Kdshifi. ij:,^a^ ^h^j [Bustan i Kimiya i sa'adat.] [1866.] 4°. hikmat. A prose translation by F. M. Kh. of the 14104. g. 3. Anwiir i suhaili.] [1870.] 8°.

CL!,^ jS-i ^Lpj [Risalah i satr i 'aurat. 14112. b. 22. Directions to Muhammadan women regarding dress, li^^^ljjj [Diwan.] pp. 228, /jVA. ^^I^ita- based on the authority of sacred tradition.] pp. 16, [Caumpore, 1863.] 8°. 14114. a. 9 (1) lith. .4-jl^ I rvA [CaM-H/Jore, 1861.] 8°. 14119. e. 6 (4.) FAL-NAMAH. jujjsr» ^Jj 1

Major. Kddiri. [Life.] See Anwar al- PARID BAKHSH. See Sutherland ( ) PAZL al-RASUL, Trifling sketches from the lives of English kings, etc. Hakk. j\yl\ jjl^ [tawilli' al-Anwar.]

[1860.1 8°. PENWICK (Henry) . The handbook of agriculture, 14109. a. 8 (2.) horticulture, and farming, containing practical al-DIH" 'ATTAR. [Chashmah PARID ^ ^•^'^ hints on the improvement of produce by change of i faiz. versified translation, by 'Abd al-Ghaffir, A seed, rotation of crops, artificial grasses, etc. (iji-^Lj of Attar's Persian Pand-numah.] pp.47, iii^irvi jjjs) [Daulat i Hind.] pp. vi. 220, iii. Calcutta, 8°. [Calcutta, 1862.1 1847. 8°. 14119. b. 10 (5.) 14117. d. 3.

[Another edition.] pp. 49, lith. i ^vip [Luck- 4VJ6 eiJjJ [Another edition.] pp. 144, lith. now, 1874.1 8°. .5-jl^ ir^v [Cawnpore, 1881.] 8°. 14119. c. 29 (2.) 14119. f. 3 (3.) FARIGH. See Bholanatha. PERGUSON (James) F.B.S. See Kanh Singh. ^' PARKHAND 'ALI. O^y.^ j-" j/(*W Calculation of solar and lunar eclipses, translated popular story of [Kissah i Bahramgor. The from . . . Ferguson's astronomy. [1876.] 8°.

Bahrain V. king of Persia, and the fairy Hasan 14119. c. 1 (1.)

BiJnu. With illustrations.] 40, lith. ^^jLfcJ pp. An easy introduction to astronomy. —{iL* [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. i^h'i\ [Miftah al-afliik.] pp. iii. 272, iii. iJS^ lArr 14119. c. 22 (5.) [Calcutta, 1833.] 12°. [Another edition.

j^'^ I TAA [Cawnpore, 1871.] 8°. i^:,..^yj\, AcyKsr*

PAZIL KHAW. See 1868.] 8°. Hafiz, Shirazl. ^x^ A<«,:^ ^ 14114. c. 8. [Ba'd Hamd. Translated by F. Kh. from the Per- sian.] [1870.] 8°. PIDA HUSAIIf. See Muhammad 'Abd al-GHANi.

14119. e. 16 (3.) PINK (Charles C.) See Todd (J.) D.D., Author FAZL. See 'AlT Murad Shah. of the " Students' Manual." Hints on Self-improve-

ment . . . Translated into Oordoo by ... C. C. F. PAZL 'ALI *Lo^3t XA^ [Muf Id al-ajsiim. Amedical 1847. 8°. work on the treatment of ordinary maladies.] pp. 14104. c. 4. IA1V 64, lith. [Lucknow, 1867.] 8°. [1859.] 8°.

14119. e. 5 (8.) 14119. b. 10 (3.) ; .


PLAVELL (John). Chashma i zindagi : yane, Masih k&. zuhur, us ke zdti aur mansabi jal41 meji. jjfc 1^ ^UaLii *Uj [Khusrawiin i 'Ajam. Firdausl's

[The Fountain of Life opened ; or display Shilh-nilraab, translated into Hindustani verse by A of Christ in His effectual and mediatorial Mnlchand, from Tawakkul Beg's abridged version glory. A series of sermons by J. F., translated called Shamshlrkhanl. Edited by Ghuliim Haidar.] by J. "Warren.] pp. ix. 468. Jldhdbdd, 1848. 8°. pp. xvi. 592, iv.

. . . into Hindustani ... A new edition, revised jj^l

14114. b. 32. ... by D. F. 1846. 8°.

14112. c. 1. [Another edition.] pp. 180, /«YA. .^1^ iavi [Caumpore, 1879.] 8°. 1849. 8° 14112. 0. 14114. c. 29. 2. 1859. 8° [Another edition.] pp. 208, lith. Af!-^ 14112. [Meerut, 1881.] 8°. a. 8.

14114. c. 30 (3.) Translation of the Bagb o Bahar . . . [Another edition.] pp. 210, lith. ^^^ [Luck- by L. F. Smith ... A new edition, revised and now, 1882.] 8°. corrected by D. F. 1851. 8°.

14114. b. 38. 760. e. 21. PIBISHTAH (Muhammad Kasim) Astarabddi. Bagh o Bahar ; or Tales of the four ^jlyJl ^UaL) [Sultan al-tawiirlkh. A history of Darweshes, translated . . . by D. F. A new edition. the Bahmani dynasty of the kings of the Deccan 1862. 8°.

being a translation by Haidar 'All of the first part 760. e. 37. of the third makalah of Firishtah's history of the See Muhammad KadirT. Tota-Kahani ... in rise of the iluhammadan power in India.] pp. viii. the Hindustani language ... A new edition ... by 224, lith. lAAr jysr [Bijnaur, 1883.] 8°. D. F. 1852. 8°.

14109. b. 21. 14112. c. 17. PIBOZPUR.-i>ya Samaj. ^U- <0^1 <0U *-ij Acly Oriental penmanship ; an essay for facilitating

[Kawji'id i the reading and writing of the ta'llk yatlm-khunah. Rules for the manage- character, . . ment of the consisting of various specimens of fine Orphan Asylum of the Firozpur Arya writing . , . Samaj.] together with notes and observations, pp. 14, ix. lith. ^y^^ i aap [Lahore, 1883.] 8°. pp. iv. 8, 22. London, 4°. 14106. a. 14 (2.) 1849.

752. 1. 20. ^U-. ijj\ AjU. ^_ AjUL <-l>j^^j [Report Two letters addressed to E. B. . . . saliyanah i yatlm-khanah. A report of the Orphan Eastwick, containing sundry important Asylum of the Firozpur Arya Samaj for the year corrections of that gentleman's recent lucubrations on the Bagh o 1882.] pp. 23, lith. j^^ lAAp [Lahore, 1883.] 8°. Bahiir. pp. 39. [London,] 1852. 8°. 14108. a. 14 (1.) 760. f. 9. PITZPATBICK (T. H.) Rev. See BiBLvi.-Selcctions.

I»W1 iJtr-jij [Tafsll al-kalam. Scripture texts, POBSTEB (Edward) Hev. See Arabian Nights. translated from the English by the Rev. T. H. F.] ^ y [Translated from the English of [1874.] 8°. E. F.] [I860.] 8°.

14104. d. 2. i 14112. b. 16. —


I HIKMAT. See JTvanarama, Ndrnoli. FORSYTH (Sir Thomas Douglas). i..lj^ [Safar- GANJ i^js^ [Tajribah i dauran. A collection of namah. A Hindustani translation of Sir T. D. F.'s i^lj.J tales from the seventh chapter of the Persian Ganj Report of a Mission to Yarkhund in a.d. 1870.] ihikmat.] [1873.] 8°. pp. 124, liih. j^i rAvi [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 14112. b. 24. 14109. c. 7 (1.) GABCIN DE TASSY (Joseph HfLiODORE). See [A reprint.] ff^vr [Lucknow, 1872.1 ^°- 'Abbas Khan ibn Sher 'AlT. Un chapitre de 14109. c. 9. I'histoire de I'Inde musulmane, ou Chronique de FBANKIilN (Benjamin) LL.B. [Life.l See Scher Shah . . . traduite ... par M. G. de T. Shekking (M.A.) |^;JjI*J1 iSJJ [Tazkirat al-'akilln.] 1865. 8°. FBANKLIN (Sir John). [Life.'] See Sheering 9057. b. 2. (M.A.) ^^Ull iJsJ [Tazkirat al-'akilln.] See Academies, etc. —London. Oriental Trans-

PULLEB (A. R.) and KASfM al-DIN, Maulavi. lation Fund, etc. TahsIn al-DiN. Les Aventures de i-jSi\ Juj [Sullam al-adab. Arabic selections for Kamrup, . . . traduites ... par G. de T. 1834 8°. the Entrance Examination of 1869-70 for the Univer- 752. k. 4. sity of Calcutta. With a Hindustani translation and Paris. — Ecole spiciale des langues notes.] pp. 331, lith. j^1i iaii [Lahore, 1869.] 8°. orientales mmntes. Chrestomathie hindoustani. 14686. d. 25. (Urdu et Dakhni.) [Prepared under Garcin de FTJREED BUKSH. See FarTd Bakhsh. Tassy's direction.] 1847. 8°.


Howard (E. I.) The English primer by E. I. See Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C. S. I. Descrip- tion des monuments de Dehli en 1852, d'apres le Howard. With translation and pronunciation . . . 8°. by Ganpat Mahadew Airekar. 1868. 8°. texte hindoustani . . . par G. de T. 1861.

12984. f. 5. 1434. h. 1.

GANAPATI BAYA. See Vvrajjas.—Bhagavata- See Ikhwan al-SAFA. Les animaux, extrait purdm. cu^[^_ c^^^_fpj [Bhagavatapurana, trans- du Tuhfat Ikwan Ussafa . . . traduit . . . par M. G. lated by G. R.] 8°. [1869.] deT. 1864. 8°. 14106. b. 4. 1298. 1. 6. GANESADASA. ^^_^\^Jj^ ^^ ^j^jii J^^^ See 'IzzAT Allah. Abr^g^ du roman Jl [AstiitI o prarthana Sri Shankar Mahadevajl. hindoustani intitule La Rose de Bakawali. Par M.

A hymn of praise to Siva and his consort Parvatl.] G. de T. 1835. 8°. T 2045 (9.) See KarTm Chand. . . ,

See Makbul Ahmad. Hir et Ranjhan . . . j^j^J^ U^^ L5- [Khulasah i Chaubis avatar.] Traduite de I'hindoustani par M. G. de T. 1857. 8°. pp. 10-15. [1872.] 32°. 1298. 1. 1. 14119. a. 12 (1.) See Muhammad Taki, called Mir. Conseils GANGAPBASADA. See Napoleon I., Emperor

aux mauvais poetes, poeme . . . traduit . . . par G. de T. of the French. 4ijbU^ ^^^ d^j^ [Sarguzasht i Napoleon Bonaparte. Translated from the English 1826. 8°. 14576. b. 34 (2.) with the assistance of G.] [1871.] 8°. 14109. b. 8. See Nemchand. Gul o Sanaubar . . . traduit GANGES CANAL, jj^gft ^ ?i^x: Ganges Canal. ... [by G. de T.] 1861. 8°. 1434. h. 6. LJ<^j^ [Nahr i Gang. A short account of the work, and the objects for which it was made.] See NiHAL Chand. La doctrine de I'amour pp. 24, 12, 28. Engl. Eindi and Hindust. \_Eurki,'] ou Taj-ulmuluk et Bakawali . . . traduit . . . par 1854. 4°. M. G. de T. 1858. 8°.

760. k. 1298. 1. 2. — —


GABCIN DE TASST (Joseph H^liodore). See OABBICE (H. B. W.) See MansukhT. Mansukhi illustrations SiiAMi,AH. Eag o Bahar . . . Poeme hindoustani and Sundar Singh. With twenty-four traduit en fran9ais par G. de T. 1878. 8°. by H. B. W. G. [1879.] 8°. 14112. 0. 27. 14112. c. 30. See TahsTn al-DTN. Les Aventures de par GAEVABA NAEAYANA. jjjLu ji-^^r" Kamrup . . . publi^es en hindoustani M. G. ^ ^ [Sita-svayamvara. The story of the marriage of de T. 1835. 8°. 14112. a. 1 (1.) Sita in verse. With illustrations.] pp. 66, liih. 1859. 8° 8°. y^ I AW ^Lucknow, 1877.] 14112. b. 14. 14119. d. 16 (3.) See WalT Allah, Shah, called WalT. Les GAUHAB. See Gendan Lal. ODUvres de Wali publi^es en hindoustani par M.

GarcindeT. 1834. 4°. GAY (John) the Poet. Fables, by the late Mr. Gay, 760. k. 7 (1.) with its translation into Urdu poetry by Raja Kali- 1836. 4°. Krishna Bahadur. (laclj-»3\ (j*u^l) [Ahsan al-ma- 760. k. 7 (2.) wa'iz.] iv. 218. Calcutta, 1836. 8°. Analyse d'un monologue dramatique indien pp. 14114. a. 4. 8°. [entitled Duwazdah mansah] . pp.23. Pam, 1850. [Another copy.] 1434. h. 2. 760. e. 6. Les Auteurs hindoustanis et leurs ouvrages. 47. Paris, 1855. 8°. pp. GENDAN LAL, called Gauhar. ijij^^ *^ 760. g. [Panj ah i Gauharin. A tale in prose so arranged Chants populaires de I'Inde, traduits [from that the words contained in the four vertical W. Price's Hindu and Hindoostanee Selections] par columns, if read downwards, make four other G.deT. Paris, [I860?] 8°. [_Bareilly, separate stories.] pp. 16, lith. i^-^/. Extracts from the '^ Revue Contemporaire." 1882.] 4°. 1298.1.3. 14112. e. 13. Histoire de la litt^rature hindoui et hindou- stani. See Academies, etc.—London. Oriental Trans- JLi;. y^ ^ fipJ^ [Sa'In ke sau khayal. One lation Fund, etc. Garcin de Tassy (J. H.) Histoire, etc. hundred miscellaneous poems.] pp. 50, ^*YA. i\\^\jS^S 1839, etc. 8°. I AVI [Gujranwala, 1876.] 8°. 752. k. 5, 6. 14119. e. 24 (2.)

Seconde Edition . . . augment^e. 3 torn. Paris,

1870-71. 8°. GEOGEAPHY. Geography in question and answer.

761. d. *-Hji^l 'i\y* [Mir'at al-akalim. Compiled from English

Manuel de I'auditeur du cours d'hindoustani sources.] pp. v. 206. Calcutta, 1832. 12°. ou themes gradues pour exercer £i la conversation et 14117. a. 1. au style ^pistolaire ; accompagn^s d'un Yocabulaire GHAFIL. See Munauwar Khan. fran9ai8-hindoustani. pp. ii. 89. Paris, 1836. 8°. 760. g. 2. GHALIB. See Asad Allah Khan, Mirzd.

Marciya . . . de Mir Abdulla Miskin . . . GHANI. See Muhammad Mukarrab Husain Khan. traduit . . . par M. G. de T. See Haidar Bakhsh, Sail/id, called HaidarT. Les Stances de Haidari. GHAZIPtJB. Jalsah i Islamiyah.

GHAZZAIii. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad GHULAM 'ALI, called Azad. jii,\ "U^jy *jTJ^lL« (Zain al-Dix Abu Hamid). i^bj LjJ/^ uWv^' ^r^~s L-jh^ [Mazhar i adam. A GHIYAS al-DIN AHMAD. ^Ai (j:^-J ^jj/ translation by Maulavl Shams al-Din of the Arabic Subhat al-marjan of Gh. 'A., containing traditions [Guldastah i bait-biizl. A collection of verses, the lines of each one beginning and ending with the concerning India, anecdotes and sayings of learned 8°. men and poets.] 122, lith. iava [Liichiow, same letters.] pp. 16, /«YA. jjUjJ \_Lodiana, 1877 J] pp. y^ 14119. d. 10 (8.) 1878.] 8°. 14119. d. 14 (6.) GHOLAM ALL See Ghulam 'AlT. GHULAM 'ALI, called 'Ishrat. See Malik GHOLAM DUSTAGHEEB. See Ghulam DastgTr. Muhammad, Jd'tsi. jO^l "^j^^J^ [Padmiivat. A GHOOLAM UKBUB. See Ghulam Akbar. poem translated by Ziya' al-Din 'Ibrat, and com-

pleted with a preface by Gh. 'A.] [1858.] 4°. GHULAM AHMAD ibn GHTJLAM MUHI al-DIN. 14114. d. 3. See Ephemerides. (^.j^ J^ f^^ [Niisikh al-ta- GHULAM DASTGIE. See Husain, MunsM, Saiyid. kawlm. Compiled by Gh. A.] [1881.] 8°. true translation ... of the 14119. f. 18 (2.) A second edition of

the Hindoostanee Selections . . . revised GHULAM AKBAB. See Khusrau, Amir. Bagh by Moonshee Gholam Dustagheer Sahib. 1856. 8°. o Buhar . . . Second edition by Ghoolam Ukbur. 14112. a. 5. 1813. 4°. 14112. e. 4 GHULAM HAIDAB, Sirishtaddr. See Firdausi.

j^sf- ^\jjuj.~^ lUsA) (t^y [Khusrawan i GHULAM 'ALI, Mir. See Madras, Presidency of.— (J^^'~* "V. Army.—Native Infantry. Dukhni translation of 'Ajam. Firdausi' s Shah-namah abridged and trans- Standing Orders for the Native Infantry ... by lated into Hindustani verse. Edited by ~Gh. H.] GholamAli. 1849. 8°. [1846.] 8°.

14106. dd. 5. 14114. b. 4.

English and Hindustani phraseology or See HusAiN Vl'iz, Kashifl. ,-Jyi- [Ganj Exercises in idioms, English and Dakhini Hindu- ^ ikhubi. Edited by Gh.H.] [1846.] 8°. stani, prepared under the directions of C. P. Brown 14112. 0. 5. . . . [and translated from J. D. Pearson's Vakyavali, or English and Bengali phraseology] by Moonshee *See Muhammad RafT', called Sauda. Intikabi Coollyat Mir Gholam Ali, pp. 235. Madras, 1855. 8°. Souda. Published ... by Mouloowe Golam

. . . edition. 760. f. Hyder Second Revised with the addi- tion of some new quseedahs and guzzals. 1847. 4°. Khulasa - i - tawarikh-i-siyar-ul-muta, akhkh- 14114. d. 2. irin, or Selections from a Persian history of the

Muhammadan rulers of India, and of the rise of the fJis^fs Jk-i.* [Mufid al-ijias. A Criminal British power in Bengal. Published in Roman Handbook for Indian magistrates.] pp. 102, lith. character [with an English preface, and introductory j^-L^ lAOA \_Jabalpiir, 1858.] 4°. remarks on the Hindustani alphabet] by Mir Guldm 14106. f. 6. 'All. pp. viii. 273. Madras, 8°. 1860. GHULAM HAIDAB, called Haidar. See Mu- 14109. b. 3. hammad ibn SaTd (Sharaf al-DlN Abu 'Abd GHULAM 'ALi, called Azad. ji^U \, [BillT- Allah) Bu'sln. ij^ ns^ -jJi, [The Burdah, with namah, or The story of the cat going a pilgrimage a Hindustani translation and metrical paraphrase to Mecca.] See Iram Jl rf^U L j

14119. e. 11 (2.) See NizamT, Ganjam. l::,.,^!^ <)ii-jjJi' [Gul- [Another edition.] See Iram


I Ave 12°. men.] pp. 360, nth. jyj'i [Catcnpore, 1875.] 8°. Kamar.] pp. iii. 338, /iVi. i r«,i [ZmcAmom;, 1879.] 14119. a. 4 (2.) 14114. 0. 35.


prayer-book for the festival of 'Ashura, with Hindu- J^^ - is-yt^Jac. ['Itr i majmu'ah. An stani interlineary translation and notes.] pp. 57, explanation of passages in Pt. I. of Sivanarayana's i sukhan, or selections nth. I rvA [Lucknotv, 1862.] 8°. Majmu'ah from the writings 14619. d. 12 (1.) of Hindustani poets.] pp. 348, /«YA. ^i^ lAvr [it^cA- GHULAM HAIDAB KHAN. J^ Ljl [A'Inah i now, 1873.] 8°. 14114. b. 18. 'ukiil. A tale intended for the advancement of female education.] pp. 288, lith. y.^ uvr [^Luck- GHULAM HUSAIN, Kanturl. See Husain ibn now, 1873.] 8°. 'Abd Allah (Abu 'AlT) called Ibn STna, or Avi-

14114. b. 17. CENNA. U--) Le ^-ii ijiy^ '"'•^T/ [Tarjumah i [Another copy.] y kaniin i Shaikh Bii 'All Sina. 14112. b. 23 (3.) Translated by Gh. H.] [1878-79.] 4°. i}}Ax^

1873.] 8°. • GHULAM 6USAIN KHAN. -y ^'LJ\ i\^ 14112. b. 25. ^ji_jd..h.^\j^ ^j\j . . . [Mir'at al-salatln. The [Another copy.] Siyar al-muta'akhkhirln, or History of the Indian 14112. b. 23 (2.) Empire from the death of Aurangzlb to a.h. 1195. (-^j^ ^^JU^^ [Gulshan i ghairat. A tale.] Translated by Gokulaprasiida, from the Persian of pp. 76, lith. ^ lAvr {Lmknow, 1872.] 8°. Gh. H. Kh.] \^yf ILticknow, 1874.] 8°. 14119. c. 19 (9.) 14109. d. 10.

i^Ujkiil* J»-i« i.cyt.si* [Majmii'ah i mufid i GHULAM IMAM, Rakhn. _ic Juj»y liiJl J-^ malguziiran, or The landlords' guide. A handbook Uyil! [Tashll al-shifa. A work on medicine, being of useful information on landed property, payment a translation by Asghar 'All of Gh. I's Persian of revenue, trial of rent cases and other matters 'Iliij al-ghuraba.] pp. iv. 249, /j^A. .^^ tat \_Cawn- connected with land in India.] pp. 230, lith. y^ pore, 1865.] 8°. I AVI ILucknow, 1871.] 8°. 14106. g. 3 (1.) 14106. 6. 6.

[Sixth edition.] iv. lith. j«-jl^ iavi al-zar'In. pp. 248, crHvlj'^ '*;^*^ [MufId Rules and [Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°. regulations concerning landed property, the collec- 14106. g. 20 (3.) tion of rent, and trial of rent suits. A handbook of useful information in four parts, in the form of [Seventh edition.] pp. iv. 248, lith. J^« 8°. a dialogue.] pp. viii. 296, lith. ^^il [Luck)ww, lAAi [Caicnpore, IBBl.] 14106. 25. 1873 ?] 8°. g. 14106. e. 30. GHULAM IMAM, called ShahTd. JJ^ JA^ [Sair i Makbiil, or Jy^j^ The travels of [Gulzar i khalll. A poem on the martyrdom of Agha Makbul, a merchant of Ispahan.] pp, ix. the family of Muhammad.] pp. 73, lith. .--^Q iava 242, iv. liih. j^^ uvr {Cawnpore, 1872.] 8°. ILucknow, 1878.] 8°.

14109. c. 8. 14119. d. 13 (6.) 96 95 GHU GHU

called ShahTd. Ju^^ <^y* GHTJLAM IMAM, called ShahTd. J\jsXjj\^_ ^lU^ GHULAM IMAM, '^..j^ [Maulid i sharlf. An account of the birth and [Insha i bahar i be-khizan. A treatise on tbe com- miracles of Muhammad in prose and verse. Inter- position of official documents, petitions, and the like.] traditions and anecdotes.] 120, lith. 8°. spersed with pp. pp. 78, nth. I All ^Lmknow, 1866.] yj'^ lAvr [^Cawnpore, 1873.] 8°. 14119. e. 2 (2.) 14119. e. 18 (3.)

[Another edition.] pp. 96, lifh. jj^^ irle »Jju cyljJ .U«»J j^rs? [Tahrlr dastawezat [Cawnpore, 1878.] 8°. S 14117. h. 31 (2.) kl ta'lim. A treatise on the composition of official

documents.] pp. 24, /tYA. .^l^[Cawwpore,1865?.] 8". [Kasa'id i na'tlyah. A collection

lith. IA1A \BomUy, 1868.] 8° pp. 41, \,S^ <0 Ax«j ^U-U-

14119. b. 4 (3.) (t_y,jL»a- clAas^') [Hamlat i Haidarl. A Hindustani translation, by Ahmad 'All Gopamu'I, of Gh. M.'s

Wanting title-page.

14112. a. 1 (2.) 14117. b. 37.

KHAH", called KhabTr. JL ULij^jis-

See NusKAT 'AlT. lij [Wafat-namah.] several Hindustani poets on the occasion of the pp. 14-18. [1876?] 8°. marriage of Bahadur Khan, the heir-apparent of

14119. e. 20 (6.) the Native State of Junagarh in Guzarat. Followed by a brief adaptation in verse of the Chahiir darwesh [Another edition.] See Niyaz Ahmad Khan, iavo of Amir Khusrau.] pp. iii. 146, ii. lith. y.^ Nawab. •^\ ^Ji\ J^-j^ '^^y* [Maulud i rasul i akram.] {Lucknow, 1875.] 8°. pp. 20-32. [1876.] 8°. 14119. e. 22 (4.) 14119. c. 21 (3.) GHULAM MUHI al-DIN. Jc^l ys^ [Sihr al- [Another edition.] *SeeMAJMXJ'AH. 'J\ i^y^jsi* Hind. A work on divination, charms, and incanta- [A collection of four poems.] pp. 10-16. [1878.] 8°. tions.] pp. 20, /lYA. Jjbj IAV1 [i)e//«, 1876.] 8°.

14112. a. 1 (2.) 14119. d. 6 (7.) 97 Gnu GHF 98

QHULiM MUHi al-DIN BEG. See Great GHULAM SABWAR, Mufti. [Another copy.] Bkitain and Ireland.—Army.— Cavalry, Cavalry 14104. f. 19 (1.) Equita- Regulations, 1876. Oordoo translation of Jili .hL>

14119. e. 10 (4.) ^c.j-j {J'ji.

[Gulshan i Sarwari. and Ghulam NabT. Treatise on physiognomy, y^ \^jjj-^ ^^xi^ Ethics in »j:..v*i:». [1881.] 8°. verse.] pp. 76, lith. y>^ trie [Liccknow, 1878.] 8°.

14119. d. 1 (6.) 14114. b. 7 (1). [Another copy.] GHULAM NABi, TaKslldar. j^=r Arp [Tiirlkh 14419. d. 14 (5.) i Jhajhar. An historical account of the town of J>^=.- [Hamd i Izidl. Moral Jhajhar.] pp.xvi.320, /jifA. \^^^\_Meerut'i 1866.] 8°. i^JJjl uV-'^

14109. d. 2. poems. Second edition.] pp. 109, lith. y.^ iaai vU [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. i^^ [Tajribah i malakh. Locusts, and 14114. c. 30 (4.) howto destroy them.] pp.54,/«YA.

pp. 124, lith. j^'i I AVI [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. GHULAM NABi ibn 'INAYAT ALLAH. See 14119. e. 6 (7.) IsHAK ibn Ibrahim, Nishajyurt. \^'i\L>L>. [Khu- iava lasat al-anbiyii. A translation by Gh. N. of the [Another edition.] pp. 180, lith. [Luck- Persian Kisas al-anbiya.] [1881.] 4°. now, 1878.] 8°. 14119. d. 14104. g. 19. 15 (4.) GHULAM SAFDAB. jMu> ^Lul [Insha. Persian [Another copy.] letters with 14112. c. 24 (6.) Hindustani translations.] pp. 86, lith. ^'^ lAvr ICawnpore, 1872.] 8°. t_fj.j-j u:--*; [Na't i Sarwari. Verses in praise Pers. 403 (1.) of Muhammad.] pp. 60, lith. j^'i irv [Lahore, GHULAM SA.-RWAR, Mufti. ^j,j^^l^\ [Akhliik 1873.] 8°. i Sarwari. A collection of anecdotes, interspersed 14119. e. 23 (3.) with verses, illustrating moral virtues.] pp. 154, [Another edition, considerably enlarged.] lith. j^l irAA [^Lahore, 1871.] 8°. pp. 129, lith. y^ IAVA [Lucknow, 1878.] 8°.

14119. e. 9 (1.) 14119. d. 15 (5.) [Another edition.] pp. 156, lith. ^^ iava [Another edition.] pp. 169, lith, y^ iaa. [Lucknow, 1878.] 8°. [Lucknow, 1880.] 8°. 14119. d. 16 (1.) 14114. b. 20. 13 .

99 GHU—GIL GIL 100

GILCHRIST (John Borthwick). (See 'Izzat Allah, GHULAM SABWAR, Mufti. t_>lic{j ^^j^ ^jlj Bangall. Muzubai ask. A translation ... of the [Tarikh i makhzan i Panjiib. A gazetteer of useful 4°. . . . Goolai Bucawley. 1843. information regarding the Punjab.] pp. xviii. 587, 14112. d. 5. 8°. nth. ji^ I AW [Luchiow, 1877.] 14109. d. 13. See Khusrau, Amir. Bagh o Buhar. A

[Another copy.] translation into the Hindoostanee tongue . . . under

Without the index. the superintendence of J. G. 1804. 4°. 14109. d. 12 14112. e. 2. 1813. 4°. "-^-"^ c:j\xi\ Ssjj [Zubdat lA'Jjr' ^. ^ij^^ 14112. 6. 4. al-lughat, also called Lughat i Sarwarl. A dictionary 1824. 4°. of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and other foreign words 14112. d. 6.

in use in Hindustani.] pp. 594, iv. y>^ i aw [Luck- See Muhammad KadieT. Tota Kuhanee. A 71010, 1877.] 8°.

translation into the Hindoostanee tongue of the . . . 14117. e. 10.

Tootee Namu . . . Under the superintendence of GHULAM YAHYA. Xjjj^ ^L, [Eisalahi Karurah. J. G. 1804. fol. treatise on urinary diseases.] 39, lith. »i^ A pp. 14112. e. 1. tAvv [^Lucknoic, 1877.] 8°. See Sa'dT. The Rose garden of Hindoostan, 14119. d. 14 (3.)

translated from Shykh Sadee's . . . Goolistan . . . [Another copy.] •

14106. g, 20 (1.) under the direction and superintendence of J. G. 1802. 8°. GHUNCHAH i DIL. J Is^i [A collection of J 14114. b. 1. Barah-masahs and other short poems, by various 1844. 8°. authors.] 24, lith. [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. pp. 14114. a. 5. 14119. d. 6 (9.) The Hindee Moral Preceptor: and Persian GHUNGCHi. ci-jl^ ^irr^i^ [Ghungchion ^ Scholar's shortest road to the Hiadoostanee language, ki hikayat. A Christian tract.] pp. 18, lith. ijljjJ or vice versa. Translated, compiled, and arranged, I AVI \Lodiana, 1876.] 32°. by learned natives . . . under the direction and 14104. a. 14 (3.) superintendence of J. G. xxxii. 45, 253. Calcutta, GILCHRIST (John Borthwick). See Amanat pp. 1803. 8°. Allah. Hidayut ool Islam. Translated under the 760. f. 23. superintendence of, and by J. G. 1804. 8°.

14519. d. 1. jJ,l ijlj : iXcliJi [Kawa'id i zaban i Urdu.] . . 8ee Hasan, Mir. Nusri Benuzeer, or a prose (Gilchrist's) Oordoo risaluh, or Rules of Hindoo- stanee grammar, 8°. version ... of the Sihr ool buyan . . . Composed pp. 181. Calcutta, 1820. 14117. b. 2. . . . under the superintendence of J. G. 1803. 4°. 14112. d. 1. ij:^^J^S i.}\^j ij j^t^ jtij\ ^\ ja:ly [Another Bee Hatim Ta'T. Araesay Mehfeel. A trans- edition.] pp. 134, lith. Calcutta, 1831. 8°.

lation . . . of the . . . Qussu, e Hatim Tai, executed 14117. b. 3. under the direction of J. B. G. 1845. 4°. <*1U, i_jAii> [Another edition.] pp. 82, lith. 14112. d. 7. tAcr [Madras' IS52.'\ 12°. See HiTOPADEsA. Ukhlaqi Hindee, . . . trans- 14119. a. 5 (3.) lated from a Persian version of the Hitoopudes, The Oriental Fabulist, or polyglot translations ... by Meer Buhadoor Ulee, under the superinten- of Esop's and other ancient fables from the English dence of J. G. 1803. 4°. language, into Hindoostanee, Persian, Arabic, Brij 14112. d. 2. B,hak,ha, Bongla, and Sunkrit, in the Roman See 'IzzAT Allah, Bangall. Gooli Bukawulee character, by various hands under the direction and

. . . translated . . . under the superintendence of J. G. superintendence of J. G. pp. 37, 316. Calcutta, 4°. 1804. 1803. 8°. 14112. d. 3. 752. e. 2. 101 GII^-GOK GOP 10!2

OILL (John) of the Normal College, Cheltenham. See GOPALA, Son of Rumasahdya. %^^TWnr [Vedar- SivANARAYANA. ^*^jl«J1 ^ojJl5[Kanun al-mudarrislu. thaprakiisa. A Sanskrit religious treatise by G., Coini)ilcd chiefly from J. G.'s " Textbook to school with Hindi and Urdu translations by Munshi 8am- bhuniltha, education."] [1867.] 8°. with the author's assistance ; being a 14117. d. 24. refutation of the opinions of Dayananda Sarasvatl GIBDHJLBI LAL. ^L JiijT [Anandasiigura. A SvSml.] pp. 411. ^z «iQ^M [Meerut, 1878.] 4°. work on Vediinta philosophy.] pp. 228, lith. [Saha- 14033. d. 13.

ranj)ur, 1878.'] 8^ GOPALADASA, Extra Assistant Settlement Officer.

14106. b. 9 (2.) [Jantrl kankarm i c'Tf^j tAiWi C^u^ ^x^ JiLa ^\S [Gyan-siigar. A treatise on the paima'ish i zamln. Tables for calculating areas of

principles of Vediinta philosophy.] pp. 93, lith. ^i^ land, according to the native method of measure-

lAvr ILucknoic, 1872.] 8°. ments. Second edition.] pp. 60, lith. .ykl tAv. 14119. 0. 32 (10.) [Lahore, 1870.] 8°.

Jijf' olyj [Pahliid charitra. A poem on the 14119. f. 7. legendary story of Prahlada, taken from the San- GOPALADASA, Sirishtaddr. See IsmK.—Legisla- tive Council. jcJi. (jLi\jiyu Xc^ajs^ [Majmu'ah skrit.] pp. 42,/»YA. ^ lAvi [iMcA-«o!i', 1871.] 8°. ^^\^ i kawanin i 14119. 0. 32 (2.) ta'zlrat i Hind. Edited, with notes, and rulings GIBIRAJA KISORA DATTA. See Colebrooke of the Chief Court of Punjab, by G.] 8°. (H. T.) The translation of Colebrooke's Mitacshara, [1872.] 14106. e. 28. with . . . additional notes ... by Girraj Kishore GOPALA Datt. [1881.] 8°. KRISHNA, Rajaof Sikandarabad. [Life.] See Karta Krishna. 14106. dd. 19. ^J Jb^«u>-1^ si/-*^ f^^y GIRBAJ KISHORE DATT. See Giriraja Kisora [Sawiinih i 'umr i Rajah Gopiil Krishna.] Datta. GOPICHAND BHARTRIHARI. AXs- j^ Lji

[Kissah i GopTchand Bhartharl. GITMALA. HU l::-,-^ 1^ ^^^ [Larkon kii gitmala. ijjiiji> A tale in

prose ; followed Hymns for Christian children.] pp. 68, lith. by the Barah-masah of Allah .ybi lAvr [Lahore, 1872.] 32°. Bakhsh.] pp. 20,/8VA. y^ lAvr [Lucknow,l812.'] 8°. 14104. a. 1. 14119. c. 31 (3.)

GLEN (W.) See Jewish People. called A brief accoimt GOPINATHA, 'Ajiz. ^\i ^^^ ^j ^J^

of . . . the Jewish people Revised, with new transla- t_-o-Ltf [A collection of ghazals by G.] See Vr.i.j.4.- tions, by W. G. 1854. 8°. VAsT Lala. ^f^. !-J ^j-^ -1 [Astut Sri Bha- 14109. a. 7. gavan.] pp. 5-8. [1876.] GOBIND LAL. See Govindalala. 14106. a. 12 (13.)

GOKTILAPRASADA. See Ghulam Husain Khan. U..Sibj! cUj^ [Bhagavata upasanil. Vedanta

j^Ul i\j^ [Mir'at al-salatln. The Siyar al- prayers and hymns, in eleven parts.] Lith. lAvf muta'akhkhirln, translated into Hindustani by G.] [Sialkot, 1874.] 8°.

[1874.] 8°. I'tn. 5-11 have a continuous pagination. One of tht series 14109. d. 10. entitled " Zakhlrah i Eafdh i 'amm." 14106. a 12 (12.) i_j^Ai^

^. |_5-^"^ ^^^^lJ-«.:sr« l^s^y [Nur i crH= jy (j^*^ Xy^rV [Parameshar ke bhajan. Ve- 'ain. A metaphysical discussion on the corporeal and diinta hymns.] 2 T^t. lith. i^^\^ [Sialkot, 1877. ] 8°. spiritual conditions of man, being a translation by One of the series entitled " ^akhirah i RafCh i 'amm." G. of the Persian Majma' al-bahrain.] pp. 13, lith. 14106. a. 12 (9, 10.) [Lucknow, 1872 8°. ^ ?J [Another copy.] 14119. e. 26 (13.) 14119. b. 22 (11.) 103 GOP—GOV GOW—GRE 104

GOPINATHA, called 'Ajiz. i\^ *j j [Prem-sagar. GOWAN" (BoYCE Edward) Captain. ^jj> iJU-jjjcJLjj^

Short poems.] pp. 28, lith. t^^\^^ \_Gujranwala, Ji ^ [Outpost duty, translated from the English of

1873 ?] 12°. B.E. G.] pp.72, lith. jyi,"! lAvr [Lahore, 1872.'] 12°. 14119 a. 6 (1.) 14106. d. 4.

GOBEH (Nehemiah) Rev. See NTlakantha "^Z^fte ^Z^ WiT ^rW [Another edition in Gore (N.) the Hindi character.] pp. 85, lith. '^[^X. 1^-^R [Lahore, 1872.] 12°. [Jantrl GOVABDHANA DASA. ^\ ^j^Sj lSJ^^ 14106. d. 6. bar-award ekar. Tables for converting acres into WZVTZ wi\ TT srw [Another edition in the bighas and yice versa.] pp. 36, lith. 2f J6^i \_Fateh- Gurumukhi character.] pp'. 88, lith. 75To3 'i^^^ garh, 1880.] 8°. [Lahore, 1872.] 12°. 14117. b. 30 (2). 14106. d. 6.

GOVINDALALA, called Saba. Ja:^ j J^^lji ^/<^ GOYA. See Fakir Muhammad Khan. jjly [Ma'riz i Kawii'id o manzar i fawa'id. A Per- GBEAT BBITAIN IBELAND.—^rwy.— sian grammar in Urdu.] pp. 132, lith. »i^ uvp AND iaii [Luchnow, 1874.] 8°. Cavalry, c

pp. 324, lith. Aao [Delhi, 1869.] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 132, lith. ^i^ iavs 14106. e. 4. \Lucknow, 1875.] 8°. 14119. e. 15 (9.) c IAV6 ^^j'i'j-^j L^Jy^ [Cavalry regulations, 1875. Translated by Muhammad Murtaza Khan, ua^\ -(^iA/4J V^amj^ liJlj. [Mushtahir al-faiz. Risaldar.] pp. 212, /«YA. Uj iavi [2>e/A«, 1876.] 8°. A work on mensuration and surveying.] pp. 442, 14106. e. 11. lith. ^ iMl [_lMcknoiv, 1869.] 8= 14117. a. 24. 5^ iaia [Luchiow, 1868.] 8°. Regulations for the instruction and movements 14117. c. 4 (2.) of Cavalry for 1876. Part iii. including terms of

GOVINDAPRASADA, called FazI. See Sa'dT. formation and manoeuvre, distances, intervals, skir-

Ajli^-* [TheBustan,withaninterlineary mishing . . . and dismounted service. Literally ^J^ ti»*--'^ translated into Hindustani language. (Devnagri translation in verse by G.] [1878.] 8°. characters.) qi^T^ ^RTTTT [Kawa'id i sawaran.] Pars. 650 (2.) pp. iii. 158, ii. Foona, 1877. 8°.

14106. a. 6. Translation into Oordoo of the Carbine GOVINDAVIHARi, called " Nashat. <_jU-1 tliJ Exercises, 1877, for the Native Cavalry," by . . . [Nashat i aHbab. A dlwan poem.] pp. 82, lith. Luchmun Pershad . . . assisted by Moonshi Sheck M.

I AW j^^ [^Cawnpore, 1877.] 8°. Roshun. pp. 61. Meerut, [1879]. 16°.

14114. b. 29 (1.) 14106. d. 12. —

105 ORE ORE—GUL 106

GBEAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.—-4rOTy.— GBEAT BRITAIN AND IRELA-TSH.— Civil Service. Lifimtnj. ilJI^^ WT^rO' ^1?^T TT^TI T^ The Pension, Leave and Acting Allowance Rules. a|4Itf«i. Ungruzcc lushkui'ee kuwacd ka turjuinu, Corrected up to March, 1880. Relating to Uncoven-

Oordoo zulmn m^n. [The Field Exercises of the anted Servants, translated by Babu Murli Dhar . . . translated into Ilindustani, in the Devanagari Army, ij-ijj jixly [Kawii'id i penshan.] pp. 64. oUili character. transcript With an accompanying in lAA. [Allahabad, 1880.] 8°. Roman characters, by A. Hogg, assisted by Najaf 14106. dd. 18.

'Ali.] pp. xii. xii. 260, 260. Calcutta, 1837. 8°. GREENFIELD tx-^Jjn Ac ['Ilm i hai'at. 14106. dd. 1. ( ) A short treatise on astronomy.] 58, lith. Translation into Oordoo of the parts of the pp. .^^j^ [Gorakhpur, 1872 ?] 12°. Field Exercise of 1877, relating to Extended Orders 14119. a. 6 (6.) . . . also of Part vi. relating to Advanced and Rear Guards, and Outposts, by Moonshee S. M. Roshun. GREGORY ("William) Professor of Chemistry in the pp. 96, nth. Meerut, [1878.] 12°. University of Edinburgh. See Muhammad TakT, 14106. dd. 16. Saiyid. .UiJDl ^Ij *JLj, [Tasir al-anzar. A work

on mesmerism, taken from the Tilsam i farang, a t—J^y^ J ^j^yJ J^jmSj ixLj [Field Exercise " and Evolutions of Infantry, 1877. Translated by translation of W, G.'s Animal magnetism."] [1866.] 8°. Muhammad Ya'kub.] pp. 168, 90, xi. lith. .«lilj '^^a 14119. f. 6. [Bangalore, 1878.] 16°. 14106. d. 7. J^^ y^**" ci*! ^—^j^ ***A1j [Tilsam i farang. The Catechism of Field Exercise, 1877, in Animal magnetism, translated by Moti Lai.] pp. 485, Hindustani, by Tamil characters, translated by lith. ^ lAv. [Lucknow, 1870.] 8°. Subadar Mahomed Yacoab. Bangalore, 1878. 16°. 14119. f. 8.

14106. d. 8. GREY (Henry). j "Ujs-y [Mahimnah stava, trans- by Subadar Mahomed Yacoab. pp. 75. Bangalore, lated into prose by the Dharma Sabha of Gujran- 1878. 16°. wala.] [1866 .P] 16°. 14106. d. 10. 14119. a. 7 (2.)

GULAB SINGH, Schoolmaster. Jiii Lil^ -axi^ ^lAvv [Rifle Exercise and Musketry Instruction, [Mukhtasar jughraflyah i Hind. An abridged translated 1877, by 'Abd al-Haiy.] pp. 213, lith. geography of India. Fourth edition.] pp. 24, lith. [Bangalore, 1879.] 12°. j^ jj&'i I AW [Lahore, 1877.] 8°. 14106. d. 14. 14119. b. 15 (2.) u 107 GUL—HAB HAD—HAI 108

See IsmaTl Juejani GULAB SINGH, called Mushtak. JcJl^_ *is? HADI HtrSAIN KHAN. (Zain al-DiN Abu Ibrahim). •J\ J Uj i^ [TuHfah i Mushtali, also called ^^ ir:^^ J^ '—V" C)}}^ [Zakhlrah i Khwarazm-shahi. A work on medicine, Kissah i Bugga Mall. A popular legend in verse.] 4°. 8°. translated from the Persian by H. H. Kh.] [1878.] pp. 12, Uth. Iaj I am [Delhi, 1881.] 14106. h. 9. 14114. b. 20 (7.) HADIYAT al-STJ'ADA. IiXxaJI hs3k [Hadlyat al- GULAM 'ALI. See Ghclam 'AlT. su'ada. Directions for offering Muhammadan GULDASTAH i SHU'ABA. \jxJa ii-=J>ll [Gul- prayers. "Written in the Arabic character and con- dastah i shu'ara, also called Anwar i akhbar. Selec- taining an admixture of Gujarati words and in- writings of Hindustani poets, in ten parts, tions from flections.] pp. 64, Uth. {Bombay, 1881.] 8°.

5 iaw, i r'ie [iwcA-wojc, with a supplement.] -pt. Uth. 14104. e. 25 (2.) 1877-78.] 8°. HAnz. See 'Abd al-Hlriz. 14114. a. 21. HAFIZ, Shlrdzl. ^jcJs ,i,Aa- Joo [Ba'd Hamd. A GULZAB 'ALL j^lJJVri-jIjjU- i_eJj i^y\ijU HJyjj^2fJ, S^^Ji ShI'ah poem on prayer and religious observances, *Lj1 Jjtt [Objections to a Bill introduced in the translated by Fiizil Khan from the Persian and Viceregal Council on the law of Muhammadan ascribed to Hafiz, i.e. Hiifiz ShIrazI ?] pp. 28, Uth. inheritance.] 16, Uth. [Patna, 1880.] 8°. pp. I TAv {Liichiow, 1870.] 8°. 14106. e. 19 (6.) 14119. e. 16 (3.)

GULZABI IjAL. See Napoleon I., Mnperor of the HAFIZ al-DIN AHMAD. See Ahmad ibn Mu-

French. ji^^-j i hammad (Hafiz al-DiN). <_l>.l)ljy i-y^K^ ei-wi [Sarguzasht Napoleon Bonaparte. Translated from the English HAFIZ 'UMB-DARAZ. See 'Umr-daraz, Hafiz. with the assistance of G. L.] [1871.] 8°. HAIDAR. See 14109. b. 8. Ghulam Haidar.

HAIDAB 'Alii, Maulavi. See Tafazzul Husain (_P^ i^lj^,^^ [Gyan-prakash. A treatise Khan. •J\ <__»\s^ i^ [AhwfTl i sih kitiib.] on various points of Hindu philosophy, taken from J^^^

Kanhaiya Lai's Alakh-prakash, or Translation of Account of three mathematical works . . . drawn up fifty avv by . . . 'Ullee. 1819. 8°. Sanskrit Upanishads.] pp. 70, Uth. ^u^ i Hydur 14117. a. [Lticknoiv, 1877.] 8°. 2 (1.) 14119. b. 14 (7.) HAIDAR 'ALI, Sahasivdnl. See Firishtah (Mu-

GYAN-PATBIKA. 1^ j^Lf [Advice on marriage, hammad Kasim) Astarabadi. fC})^^ jjUaLj [Sultan and the rearing of children.] pp. 8, Uth. \_Sialkot, al-tawarikh. A translation by H. 'A. of the first 1873 8°. ?] part of the third makalah of Firishtab's history of 14106. b. 7 (6.) India.] [1883.] 8°. H., E. J. Majmua i intikhdb. [Tales of early 14109. b. 21. Christian times, translated from the English by HAIDAR 'ALI, called Atish. See Baharistan i E. J. H.] pp. ix. 86. Allahabad, 1876. 12°. suKHAN. ^^^^ (jli^'^l^ [Poems by Nasikh, Atish 14104. a. 10. and Abad in parallel columns.] [1860 ?] 8°.

HABAB, pseud. (\H<^l^M ^^\\ [Tanbih al-ghurur, 14114. c. 18 (1.) or The punishment of pride. A drama in four acts (jiul '^\^ [Kulliyiit, or Poetical works.] in the Gujarati character.] pp. 68. ^•MfcT \LL\ pp. 255, Uth. j^^ lAvr {Cawnpore, 1873.] 8°. {Bombay, 8°. 1881.] 14114. c. 11.

14112. a. 27 (8.)

HAIDAR 'ALi KHAN, j^ys^! \ ;--Ksr» [Majma' al- HABERSAK (A.) Conversational Hindustani bahrain. A treatise on human physiology and the phrases ... by A. ; H. The Hindustani by Munshi treatment of diseases, contrasting the ancient Greek Nasiruddin A'hmed. pp. 137. London, 1861. and modern European systems of medicine.] pp. 608, TJi^ ITmdmtani it in the Roman character. Uth. lAvf {Lucknoiv, 1874.] 4°. 12901. a. 26. 14106. h. 6. 109 HAI HAI—HAM 110

tLAlHAR BAEHSH, Saii/id, called HaidarT. See J^AIDAR BAEHSH, Saii/id, called HaidarT. LtJi

Hatim 'rX'T. Araesay Mehfeel. A translation . . • U^J ?^ J^ [Kissah i char bagh i rangln. An adap- of the celebrated Persian tale entitled Qussu, e tation in verse of the fifth story of the 'totakahani 4°. Hatim Tai . . . by Sueed Hydurbux Hydree. 1845. ofH. B.] *See Jamal al-Dix. i^i ^ J)\^j .j^i^ A^ 14112. d. 7. [Kissah i Sikandar Zu-1-kamain.] 128-131. [1872.] 8°. pp. 8°. 14112. 0. 18 (1.) [1881.] 14112. b. 32 (1.) [1877.] 8° 14112. b. 28. [Another edition.] See KhushdTl.

[1879.] j! i(j|ji-ftL-> [Kissah i sipahi-zadah.] pp. 20-23. 14112. b. 26 (6.) [1878.]" 8°.

[1881.] 8°. 14112. d. 15 (1.) 14112. c. 32. HAIDAB JANG, Bahadur. Key to Hindustani; See Muhammad KadirT Tota Kuhanee. A or an easy method of acquiring Hindustani in the original character translation ... of the . . . Tootee Namu, by Sueyud ... by Hydur Jung Bahadoor.

Huedur Bukhshi Hueduree. 1804. fol. pp. xxviii. 196. Ungl. and Hindust. London, Hert-

14112. e. 1. ford [printed,] 1861. 12°. 760. [1836 ?] 8° a. 14112. b. 8. HAIDARI. See Haidar Bakhsh, Saiyid.

1852. 8° HAIRAT al-FIKH. jj,l AwJl i^-j^ [Hairat al-fikh. 14112. 0. 7. A solution of difficult questions on Muhammadan [1859.] 8°. law, translated from the Persian by Ibrahim HusainL] 14119. e. 3 (9.) pp. 30, nth. y^ lAvr {Lucknoic, 1873.] 8°. [1864.] 14119. c. 33 (1.) 14119. e. 4 (2.) HAJI ABBAS ALL See 'Abbas 'AlT, Eaji. [1876.] 8°.

14119. d. 7 (2.) HAjf MUHAMMAD HASHIM. See Muhammad Hashim, Haji, The Tota KahanI ; . . . translated [into English] from Saiyid Haidar Bakhsh's Hindustani HAKIM. See 'Abd al-HAKlM. Tersion of Muhammad Kadirl's Persian abridgement HALLEN (James Herbert Brockencote). _1c of Nakhshabi's Tuti Nama. 1875. 8°. 760. d. 30. ^\j^\ ['Ilaj al-mawashl. Cattle diseases and their treatment, translated from the Gooli Mughfirut ; or the Flower of forgive- English of J. H. B. H. ness, being an account ... of those Moosulmans Second edition.] pp. 96, lith. y^ lAvf [Lucknow, called Shoohuda or Martyrs, from the time of 1874.] 8°. 14119. b. Moohummud, to the death of Hoosuen at Kurbula. 4 (2.) ibn By Meer Huedur Bukhsh Hueduree {cijJJt^ jf Asr*^) HAMZAH 'ABD al-MUT*ALIB, Amir, called

pp. 248. Calcutta, 1812. 8°. Asad Allah, ij.*.^ j^\ JtJ[j [Dastiln i Amir 14104. 6. 33. Hamzah. A Persian romance in four parts, of un-

Les Seances de Haidari, r^cits historiques et known authorship, containing an account of the life ^l^giaques sur la vie et la mort des principaux and exploits of Amir Hamzah, uncle of Muhammad, martyrs musulmans, ouvrage traduit de I'hindou- translated by KhalU 'All Khiin.] Pt. I. pp. 346, lith. j-w*j tni [^offjJay, 8°. stani, par M. I'abb^ Bertrand, . . . suivi de I'^l^gie 1850.] de Miskin, traduite de la meme langue, par M. Garcin Imperfect ; wanting pt. ii.-iv.

de Tassy. pp. vii. 342. Paris, 1845. 8°. 14112. c. 4.

760. e. 17. [Another edition.] 4:^i.Uth. y^ iatj \_Luck- [Another copy.] notv, 1869.]- 8°.

760. e. 23. 14112. c. 17. ;


EAMZAH ibn 'ABD al-MUTTALIB, Amtr, called HARIGOPALA. j^y^Ai^

AsAD Allah. [Dastan i Amir Hamzah. Another An account, geographical and historical, of Jammu, edition.] Lith. Jj»j [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. Kashmir and Tibet.] 3pt. Lith. .^i \'^^r [Lahore, Wanting last leaf. 1883.] 8°. 14112. c. 21. Uaeh pt. has a separate pagination.

[Another edition.] Lith. iXst»i iavi [Delhi, 14109. b. 20. 1879.] 8°. HARIHARA HIRALALA BHATNAKARA. See 14114. c. 28. Meerut. —Kdyasthadharma Sabhd. i^f^j^ jljjt.

l^--j Jtj&ii [Ru'idad i Kayasthadharma Sabha. [Tilsam A xjA.s>~j^\ j^Lrfl J

MunsM. Insha-i-Hindee . . . with an entire trans- 14112. d. 12. lation of the Insha-i-Hui'karan. 1850. 8°. HARACHANDRA EAYA. j\k\i j\^ [Gulzar i 14117. b. 5. be-khar. Miscellaneous poems.] pp. 14, lith. iaii HARINATHASAHAYA. Uj ji^ hj\ [A'inah i [Lucknow, 1866.] 8°. giti-numa. Outlines of geography, compiled from 14119. e. 4 (7.) G. Duncan's Geography of India, and Pyarl Lai's \^\s!^ [Makhzan i shauk. Dlwan verses ij^ Miftah al-arz.] pp. 36, lith. ^jlfcj lAvr [Delhi, by Zauk, reconstructed, the original poem and the 1872.] 8°. author's composition appearing side side in by 14119. 6. 26 (2.) ava parallel columns.] pp. 166, lith. ^^ \ [Lucknow, HARISANKARAPRASADA, called Hasham. ^J^j 1878.] 8°. JL^ [biwan.]pp.35,/jY/i. ^_^Uj [Benares,1855?] 8°. 14119. e. 27 (4.) 14119. e. 8. (2) ii-'lj

Masihl T'alim : seu Catechismus in Urdu. Auctore HARADEVASAHAYA. j^j <^-t^ (.::^L 1=3 Rev. issimo A.H Editio secunda emendata. pp. 74. ..^c^ [Sangit i Rajah Raghblr Singh. A tale in Patna, 1865. 16°. verse of a yogi who personified Raja Raghblr Singh.] 14104. a. 12.

Hp_;^ IAV1 [i|feen<^1876.] 8°. HASAN". See Muhammad Abu al-HASAN. 14119. d. 9 (10.) HASAN, Mir. See Mahmud, Miyan, called Raunak.

HARAGOVINDASAHAYA. JJJ^ uJJb [Tallf «^«i£3^ "H^^^-fl^. [Benazir Badr i Munir. A drama- i Hargobind. A treatise on ethics in forty chapters.] tized version of Mir Hasan's poem.] [1879.] 8°. 14112. a. 27 pp. 128, lith. jyj!^ I AVI [Cawnpore, 1871.] 8°. (1.)

14119. e. 22 (3.) NusrI Benuzeer, or a prose version by Meer Buhadoor HARASUKHA RAYA and GOVINDA SAHAYA. Ulee, of the Sihr ool buyan, an enchanting See Nanak, fairy tale in Hindoostanee verse, by Meer Husun Baha. ^J^y^ i_-^i>- [Japa Paramartha. composed for the use of the Hindoostanee students Followed by Janam sakhi and Gurbilas, translated in the College of Fort William, under the superin- from the Punjabi by H. R. and G. S.] [1870.] 8°. tendence of John Gilchrist. LJaJ,—jJJ) pp. vi. 129. 14106. a. 6. Calcutta, 1803. 4°. HARIF. See Muhammad, Saiyid. 14112. d. 1. 113 HAS HAS 114

HASAN, Mir. Sibr-ool-buyan or Musnuwer of Mccr HASAN ibn 'ALl, Caliph. [Life.] See Muhammad

IIusiiii, being a history of the Prince Benuzoer, in Salamat Allah, called KashfT. ^-JjL^I jJu Hindoostanee verse, pp. 163. Calcutta, 1805. 4°. [Takrir al-shahiidatain.]

14112. e. 3. HASAN ibn MUfiAMMAD (Riza bI-DTn) Sa(jhani.

i^jIaO^ I i^vw* [Masnawli Mir Hasan. j\^'i\ j^Uu Wy J^^'iS iisr' [Tuhfat al-akhyiir. Another edition.] pp. 68. See MahdT 'Ai,T Khan, A work on tradition, being a translation by Khurram called 'AsHiii. \idj i—Ljjj

[Another copy.] I TAT [Lucknow, 1869.] 4°. 14119. e. 3 (14.) 14104. g. 4.

^^LJl jsr'' [Another edition.] pp. 48, lith. [Another edition.] pp. viii. 672, lith. ^jL^ lAvf 8°. WW [Bombai/, 4°. ,fj^ ICaimpore, 1874.] 1875.] 14119. e. 22 (5.) 14104. g. 13.

^j,^jj>- ijy-t^ [Another edition.] 64, j^ pp. [Another edition.] pp. 494. ji^ [Lucknow, lith. 43.^ \_Meerut, 1876.] 8°, 1882.] 4°.

14119. d. 9 (11.) 14104. h. 11.

^^L-l\^^s-' [Another edition.] pp. 48, lith. HASAN 'ALI, ildjl. See Ja'far 'AlT, Mirzd, and .^"i lAVA [Caicnpore, 1878.] 8°. Hasan 'AlT, Hajl. Jiyi\ jjly [Fawa'id al-'awamm.] 14112. d. 11 (4.) [1840.] 8°.

The Nasr i Be-nazlr. An Eastern fairy tale, 14104. e. 7. translated [into English] from the Urdu by C. W. JUjUI *K?-1 [Ahkam al-a'immah. A treatise Bowdler Bell. pp. 129. Calcutta, Hull [printed], on prayer, based on the injunctions of the four 1871. 8°. Imiiras, containing the text of the Arabic prayers. 14112. a. 17. Compiled by H. 'A. and revised by Saiyid 'Abd HASAN, Sail/id, Mir. See Muhammad Ghaus. al-Husain.] pp. 116, iv. lith. y^ iaai [Lucknotc, jjij\

Ahmad, Munshl. i^Ijlj^- [Ganj i shahidan.] ^ HASAN 'Alii, Maulati. j1jjIs>- ^y^ i^yj^ JjJy [Death."] See Muhaaoiad HadT ibn MTrza Ji-jl Jj»l ^IjjUi. (.juj [Objections to a Bill before 'AlT. t_-0La4H Lais- [Khulasat al-masa'ib.] the Viceregal Council on the subject of the law of

Muhammadan inheritance.] pp. 16, lith. Aiii [Patna, [Death.] iSgg Muhammad Nasir 'Axi, Qhiyas- 1880.] 8''. pitri. j^'jLyjiJl^Lc ['Anasir al-shahadatain.] 14106. e. 19 (3.) 16 116 115 HAS—HAT HAT—HET

HASAN" 'ALI, Mirzd. See 'Abd al-'AzTz, Bihlam. HATIM TA'i. «ll^tH^I H^l^H MH felflMflli/'Tl [Another edition in the Gujarati character.] ^jlfiJl -J [Sirr al-shahadatain. Accompanied by i\%"=Hl 1877.'] 8°. notes taken by H. 'A. from tbe Rauzat al-aHbab and Pt. viii. -^oiif M^a^s [Bombay; various other works.] [1873.1 8°. Incomplete ; wanting Pis. i.-vii. 14561. 0. 17. 14112. b. 28.

HASAN 'ALI, Walcshaband-t. The Magzan-uth ^jLs^ tAlb' [-^iiot^sr edition.] pp. 196, lith. tawareekh, a History of India {^_^y^\ u}^^ PP- ^^^• jwt.x, irli [Madras, 1879.] 8°. 14112. b. 26 nth. Bangalore, 1877. 8°. (6.) 14109. a. 21. [Another edition.] pp. 188, lith. [Bombay, 1881.] 8°. Jjl^l .^^ [Mazhar al-fawa'id. A catechism 14112. c. 32. on Hindustani grammar.] pp. 20, lith. i^i^ '''^'' HAUSEB. (Isaiah L.) See United States of [Bangalore, 1878.] 8°. 14117. b. 28 (4.) America.—Methodist Episcopal Church. Talimat aur

Discipline Methodist Episcopal Kalisiyd ki. . . . HASHAM. See Harisankaraprasada. [Translated by I. L. H.] 1866. 8°.

14104. c. 14. HASIB al-DIN AHMAD, called Sozan. ^jooui^ijlLli. HAWAS. See Muhammad Taki Khan. [Ganj i shiiyigan. • A short treatise on prosody.] 8°. 18, lith. c.^ I AVI [Lucknow, 1876.1 pp. HAYA LAL. lJ/A> ^\) '^ [Kissah i Rajah 14104. f. 14 (1.) Bhartari. The story of king Bhartrihari. A poem by H L., translated into Hindustani.] See Ambe- *y4M^^ ijk/ [Tiryak i masmiim. A work on snakes, and remedies for snake-poisoning. With PRASAD, called Madhush. Ju..a-^^ iLas [Kissah i '" GopTchand.] 8°. " illustrations.] pp. 70, lith. ji^ iava [Lucknow, [1882.] 14114. b. 20 (9.) 1878.] 8°. 14119. d. 1 (4.) HAZABA SINGH. See Great Britain and Inn- [Another copy.] i,A.NT>.—Army.— Cavalry. 5

HASEAFI. See Muhammad ibn 'AlI ('Ala al-DTx). by H. S.] [1876.] 8°. 14106. e. 9.

HATIM 'ALI BEG. JLyiJ J>-£ ['Id i kaisariyah. HAZEAT 'ALI. ^i'^l'Hrl'ilMfe : [Sakhawat-namah. Verses composed by several Muhammadans of Agra A tale in verse, and in the Gujarati character, in honour of the anniversary of the Queen's assump- illustrating the virtue of benevolence.] pp. 27, lith. tion the title of of "Empress of India," on the '^M^l^iU \tc\ [Ahmedabad, 1881.] 8°.

1st Jan. 1877. Compiled by H. 'A. B., himself one 14112. b. 30 (2.) of the contributors.] pp. 16, lith. !if\ [Agra, HEAET-BOOK. A'lna i dil. [The Heart-Book. 1878.] 8°. A Christian tract translated from the English in 14114. c. 18 (3.) Roman characters, with coloured illustrations.] HATIM TA'i. Araesay Mehfeel. translation A pp. 56. Allahabad, 1876. 8". into the Hindoostanee tongue of the celebrated 14104. c. 22. Persian tale entitled Qussu, e Hatim Tai, executed HEEKLOTS (G. A.) See Ja'far Sharif. Qanoon- under the direction of John Borthwick Gilchrist . . . e-Islam, or the Customs of the Moosulmans of India by Sueed Hydurbux Hydree. Jis" .( 322, iJ^J'j'^) PP- . . . Translated by G. A. H. 1832. 8°. lith. 4°. Bombay, 1845. 760. e. 14. 14112. d. 7. HETUEAMA. J^ jT [Gul i bahar. An account Cjl^.^ ^ Jisr^ ij^}j\ [Ara'ish i mahfil. of the District of Derah GhazI Khan, its history, Another edition, illustrated.] pp. 136, lith. ^^j population, trade, commerce and administration.] KAi [Delhi, 1872.] 8°. pp. iv. 338, /4YA. ^jjk^ lAvr [irt/iore, 1873.] 8°.

14112. c. 18 (1.) 14109. 0. 12. 117 HEW—HIN HIN—HIR 118

HEWLETT (John). See Augustus, Saint, Bishop HINDUSTANI SELECTIONS. Hindee and Hin- of Hippo. i:Li\j\j»\ ^ |jji.,:...-.Ai,.Sri u^J\ [Arlliyas doostanco Selections : to which are prefixed the rudi- Agustlnus ko ikiarut. The Confessions of St. Augus- ments of Ilindoostanee and Bruj Bhakha Grammar, tine, translated by J. H.] [1876.] 8°. also Prem Sagur with vocabulary. Originally com- 14104. c. 23. piled for the use of the interpreter to Native Corps

HIDiYAT. iz^\si, [Hidayat. A Vedantist tract of the Bengal Army [by W. Price, and Tarinl- in the form of a dialogue.] pp. 4, lith. lAvf ^Sialkot, charana Mitra.] Second edition. 2 vol. Calcutta, 1874.] 8°. 1830. 4°. 760. g. 12. One of the leriet entitled " Zakklrah i Itafah i 'amtn."

14106. a. 12 (20.) HINDUSTANI SPELLING-BOOK. ^^^ cj\i^ [Another copy.]

[Kitiib i . . . Hindustdni (jrr* uVj }'^)^ tahajji.] 14119. b. 22 (3.) Spelling-book, in two parts. Part I. pp. 40. Cal- HIJB ibn MUHAMMAD. See Muhammad Ghulam cutta, 1850. 12°. Imam Khan. 14117. aa. 1 (1.) HIKlTAT. lXj JiU J lJLj JSU: t.:^.!^ The Hindustdni Spelling-book in the Roman [Hikayat i 'akil beg o gbafil beg. The story of the character, pp. 32. Lodiana, 1866. 16°. wise and foolish princes. A Christian tract.] pp. 11, A different work to the preceding. lith. iJ\jj^ IA1V [Lodiana, 1867.] 16°. 14117. a. 15. 14104. a. 3 (10.)

HIKAYAT i LATIF. Begin, ^j^j^^^ '^.'^ lA-J HINDUSTANI STORIES. ^^ J^^ *{{ [Navl Chandbl. A Literal translation [into English] of the drama in three acts, in the Gujarati character.] Hikayat Latifah [from the Hindustani version] of pp. 44. ^

lith. pp. 26, djljj^ I AVI [Lodiana, 1876.] 16°. [A reprint.] pp. 8. JjbJ [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. 14104. a. 14 (6.) HINDUSTANI 14119. d. 4 (5.) PRIMER. L^22cr' ^WUl J^ jJi' JU

In Roman characters. I AVI [Peshawar, 1876.] 12°. 14117. a. 8. 14106. d. 3. 119 HIT—HOE HOG-HRI 120

HITOPADESA. Fkhlaqi Hindee, or Indian etiics, HOGG (Arthur). See GreatBritain and Ireland.

translated from [Taj al-Din's Mufairrli al-kulub] a —Army.—Infantry. ^Jf'^^ ^TT^Tt «*«1!<^«*[ rlT^Rn

. lushkuree Persian version of the . . Hitoopudes, or Salutary ^^^ W^TTfl. Ungrezee kuwaed ka

Counsel, by Meer Buhadoor XJlee, . . . under the turjumu. [Field Exercises, translated by A. H.] superintendence of J. Gilchrist. -;J' ^yJc^a J^O 1837. 8°. 14106. dd. 1. (1^ cj^l ^yo, ^,^\ ^\J j^ pp. ii. 171. Cal- J" HOIiLIlfGS ("W. C.) A translation of popular cutta, 1803. 4°. 14112. d. 2. Rekhtu songs, with the English and Hindustani facing each other in each page, by W. C. H. pp. 78. Begin, ^Ijcl. j^l JJii u^U* End. jlri-l Calcutta, 1852. 4°. Aaj (-J\ ^jiD i_gXJb [Akhlak i Hindi. Another 14114. c. 1.

edition.] 280, lith. j^ i acf [Madras, 1845.] 12°. pp. ^ HOLROYD (William Rice Morland). Ta'lim ul Wanting title-page. mubtadi, or Urdu edition of the Indian Vernacular 14112. a. 3.

Series for elementary schools. Edited by . . . "W. R, Akhlak i Hindi ; or Indian ethics. Trans- M. H The First Reader. (The Second Reader lated into Urdu from a Persian version of the Hito- by R. Aberigh Mackay.) pp. 31, 47. ^jaJ iavi padesa, by Mir Bahadur 'All. . . . Edited, with an Bombay, [London, printed, 1876.] 8°. introduction and notes [in English] by Syed Ab- 14112. a. 25. doollah. pp. xii. 33, 196. London, 1868. 8°. Jjl i..n=- (»W1 ITashll al-kalam. An 14112. c. 12. (Jrv**-' English grammar for the use of natives. Compiled t_fjuJ!> J Ls-l [Another edition.] pp. 122, /e^/*. by "W. R. M. H. with the assistance of Muhammad ^^ lAvo [Bombay, 1875.] 8°. ^" Ziya al-Dln.] Pt. i. lith. .ysl imi 14112. c. 23. pp. 110, [Lahore, 1866.] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 136, /«%. (-,l.jw« im 14117. d. 22. [Madras, 1879.] 8°. [Another edition.] Ill, lith. .y^l!l^v. 14112. b. 29 (2.) pp. Extracts from the Ukhlaqi Hindee [trans- [Lahore, 1870.] 8°. 14119. e. 8 lated from the Hitopadesa.] See Hindustani Selec- (1.) HOSHTAR. See Kevalarama. tions. Hindee and Hindoostanee Selections . . . Bible.— Vol. I. 1830. 4°. HOSKINS (Robert). See Concordances. 760. g. 12. <_-jliiJI \^ [Kalld al-Kitab. A concordance to the Selection of tales from the Hitopadesa, trans- Bible by R.H.] [1878.] 4°. 14104. d. 4. lated into Hindustani. See JTvanarama, Ndrnoli. k-iji.^ lughat. Hindu- ^jj^ hjs^ [Tajribah i dauran.] [1873.] 8°. cuU! [Mutawassit A 14112. b. 24. stani dictionary.] pp. 420, lith. ^o»dW ^'^''^ [Budaon, 1882.] 12°. HIZBAB. See Muhammad Hizbar 'AlT. 14117. aa. 10. HOERNLE (Christian Theophilus). See Barth HOWARD (Edvtard Irving). The English primer (C. G.) J\^l 1^ ^^^ (_^j^ [Mukaddas Kitab kii by E. I. H. With translation and pronunciation ahwal.] Scripture history [translated] from the into Marathi, Hindustani, and Persian. Translated

German . . . by T. H. 1847. 12°. by Ganpat Mahadew Airekar. pp. xxii. 45. Bombay, 14104. b. 14. 1868. 8°. 1860. 12°. 12984. f. 5. 14104. b. 5. (John) the Philanthropist. [Life.] See [1873.] 8°. HOWARD [Tazkirat al-'akilln.] 14104. c. 19. Sherring (M.A.) ^^J^\l^\ ijjj L^\iS ^ U^j ^r-axsr* [Mukhtasar wa'zon kl HRIDIRAMA. (_J^jlj ^UyJs [Hanuman niitaka. kitab.] Miscellaneous sermons in Hindustani for A poem on the exploits of Hanuman, the monkey- general use, . . . with an appendix of prayers. Third general and ally of Rama, in his combat with Ravana.] edition, 354. London, 8°. pp. 1860. 12°. pp. 192, lith. jjit,i I AW [Lahore, 1877.]

14104. b. 4. 14112. c. 25. :

121 HUE—HUS nus 122

HUEDTJB BUKHSH HUEDUREE. See Haidar HUSAIKT, Munshi Saiyid. Hindoostanee Selection*,

Bakusii, Sail/id, called IIaidakI. compiled by Moonshee Syed Hoossain, in obedience to the orders of the Military Examining Committee, HUPEEZ OOD-DEEN UHMUD. See Ahmad ibn in two volumes. Lith. Madras, 1849. 8°. MtHAMMAI) (Hakiz al-DT.N). 14117. d. 4. HUGHES (Thomas Patrick). See Kur'an, The The Hindoostanee Selections : or Test book. Quran . . . with a preface and introduction in English as established by the regulations of the army for by . . . T. P. H. 1876. 8°. military students. Second edition. Madras, 1856. 8". 14104. f. 1. HUJJAT al-ISLAM. See Muhammad ibn Mu- Interleaved with blank pages and containing numerous inter- lineary notes. hammad (Zain al-DlN Abu Hamid) Ghazzali. 14117. d. 17.

HUKM CHAND. See Punjab, Government of. A true translation—Akhwansaffa excepted. JU CLi\JSj^ ^_-^sru.^ [Muntakhab i sarkularat i mal. of the second edition of the Hindoostanee Selections A selection of Revenue Circulars, compiled by H.] . . . Translated by Moonshee Syed Mohammed Zakir 4°. [1870.] Sahib, and revised by Moonshee Gholam Dustagheer 14106. f. 14. Sahib. Madras. 1856. 8°. iihj^^y 4j-«jJl .y:-jJ [Dastiir al-'amal i patwa- 14112. a. 5. riyan. The Patwari's manual. Revised edition.] HUSAIN, Son of the Caliph 'AH. [Death.'] See pp. viii. 84, im. jyi>1 I AT [Lahore, 1863.] 8°. 'AlT Ahmad, Munshi. ji-.^ [Ganj i shahldan.] 14119. d. 1. ^1 JS HUMPHREY (E. J.) Mrs. Akhlaqi kahanidn [Life.] See Muhammad 'AlT Khax ibn desi I'saion aur larkon ki talim ke liye. [Moral Muhammad TakT Khan.

HUNTER (William) M.D., Secretary to the Council h^ [Jang-namah i Karbala.] of the College of Fort William. See Bible.—iVc;p [Death.] See Muhammad Had7 ibn MTrza

Testament. The New Testament . . . Translated into 'AlT. i_^La4jl ArfiLi- [Khulasat al-masa'ib.] the Hindoostanee language . . . Revised and com- pared with the original Greek by W. H. 1805. 4°. [Death.] See Muhammad Nasir 'AlT, Ghiyds- 3068. h. 3. puri. ^^'jLjiJl -

See Roebuck (T.) A collection of proverbs Mashhadi. *jU

HURKARAN. See Harikarana, Multanl. [Tarjumah i kiiuun i Shaikh Bii 'All Sina. A work on medicine, being a translation by Ghulam Husain HUSAIN, Munshi Saiyid. See Court Martials. of Bks. I. and IV. of the Canon of Avicenna.] The Collection of Court Martials . . . translated into 2 vols. Lith. lAVA-vi [i«cZ:«Oir, 1878-79.] 4°. Hindoostanee by Moonshee Syed Hoossain. 1853. 8°. y^ 14106. h. 8. 14106. e. 1.

[Tilsam i ruhanl. See Ikhwan al-SAFA. An English translation HUSAIN AHMAD i^^jj ^^

of Akhwa noos-safa ... by Moonshee Syed Hoossain. Dreams and their intei-pretations.] y.^ 1 aw [Luck- 1855. 8°. now, 1877.] 8°.

760. c. 4. 14119. d. 16 (3.) 16 123 HUS HUS—HYD 124

Kashifi. tl-«Lsru^ HUSAIIT BEG, called Jarrak. ^j>- iJ^^^^i^ [Dlwan, HXTSAIN" VA'IZ, ^J-^r-^ }y>\ or Poetical works.] pp. 119, litli. iri- \Luchiow, [Muntakhabiit i Anwar i suhaill. Selections from 8°. 1873.] H V.'s Anwar i suhaill in Persian with Hindustani 14119. e. 19 (6.) translations on opposite pages.] pp. 105, lith. j^l HTJSAIN" MIEZA, called 'Ishk. j^ 1J^ 6,zy^ lA-ii [Lahore, 1861.] 12°. Pers. 259 (2.) ^y^s. [Majmu'ah i marsiyah. Elegies by H. M.] 2pt. tAAi-AT \Lucknow, 1881-82.] 8°. ^ As^.u *U i__5«fX.^ ^L«jy-j •'•Ji jsiy S^ J(_jC-i Each 'part has a distinctive title-page. Ft. I. is called Guhdr L::^/«Xr>- i^\^ [Sitarah i Hind, also called by its i akam, Ft. II. Burhan i aham. 14114. c. 32. chronogram Ziya i hikmat. A somewhat abridged translation by Muhammad 'Umar 'All Khan of H. HUSAIN BAHMAT ALLAH. ^^U?! vi blh al-jahilln. Religious advice to Muhammadans [Meerut, 1876.] 8°. in verse.] 16, lith. <_!L>y3L-! irv \_8ialkot, pp. 14119. d. 9 (7.) 1873.] 8°. 14106. b. 7 (5.) f»MiSJ OJ f^MU.^ lT^

i translation HUSAIN VA'IZ, Kashifi. See Abu al-FAzr. ibn ,c,jU [Tafsir Kiidirl. A Hindustani by Fakhr al-Din Ahmad of H. V.'s Tafsir i HusainI, Mubarak. The Khirud Ufroz ; . . . translated or Persian commentary on the Koran.] 2 vol. pp. 689, from the TJyar Danish, written by . . . Ubool Fuzl 658, lith. _ji^ ir^i-iv [Lucknow, 1879-80.] 4°. [and founded upon H.V.'s Anwar i suhaill.] 1815. 8°. 14514. d. 11. 14112. c. 3.

HUSAINI, Munshl. See Elderton (C. A.) Outlines See 'AlT Ahmad, Munshl. ^s^^ *aS [Ganj

of the Practice of Physic . . . compiled . . . by C. A. i shahldiin. Founded on H. V.'s Rauzat al-shuhada.] Elderton, and translated with the assistance of [1875.] 8°. 4°. 14104. e. 21. Moonshee Hoosainee. 1853. 760. f. 21. ^\j ^'-^jj' [Arzhang i Razl. The Anwar See Macnaghten {Sir W. H.) Bart. i suhaill of H. V., translated into verse by JanI J^l i—aJ^ W. H. Macnaghten's Biharl Lai R5zl.] pp. 475, lith. ajS [Agra, 1879.] 4°. ^^^ jj)j\ ^Jjj ^ ? j^

14114. d. 9. Principles of Mahomedan Law, translated [by H.] into Urdoo. 1846. 4°. (j:-v4.C&- (^l:u*^ [Bustan i hikmat. A prose 14106. f. 1. translation, by Fakir Muhammad Khan, of the HUTCHINSON (Robert Fame). A glossary of i suhaill • Anwar of H. V.] pp. 638, lith. c^ i av medical and medico-legal terms, including those [Lucknow, 1870.] 8°. most frequently met with in the Law Courts. Second 14112. b. 22. edition, pp. 164. Calcutta, 1881. 12°. Dukhnee Unwari Soheilee. A translation into In Roman characters. the Dukhnee tongue, of the Persian Unwari Soheilee, 14106. g. 26. [or H. V.'s version of the Fables of Bidpa'I,] ... by HUTTON (David). See Bible. jJU t_j^ [Printed Mohummud Ibraheem. pp.441. Madras, 1824. 4°. ^^ 8°. under the superintendence of D. H.] [1879, etc.'] 14112. e. 5. 3068. e. 28. ^^^^^ ^ khubl. A translation by ^^ tf Sahasicanl. HUZUB AHMAD, lyVj J^-i; Jj^ Mir Amman of H. V.'s Akhlak i muhsinl. Edited [Faza'il i rasul i rabbani. A treatise on the virtues by Ghulam Haidar.] pp. 464, iv. h^ lAf i [Cal- of Muhammad.] viii. 192, lith. jJjLLc irn cutta, 1846.] 8°. pp. [Aligarh, 1879.] 8°. 14112. c. 5. 14104. f. 3. [Another edition.] pp. 288, ii. lith. ^^^ " irlr [Bombay, 1875.] 8°. ' HYDUR JUNG BAHADOOB. See Haidar Jang,

14104. e. 8. Bahadur. 125 IBB—IHS IHS—IKH 126

IBBETSON (Denzil Chakles Jelf). i/jl«-i> *J;^ IHSiN «ALI KHAN. J,L^\ ^^JV1/ [Karilbildin i Ihsani. t_;lsu [Mardum-shumar i Panjiib. Two circular A treatise on compound medicaments.] letters^ viz., No. 1428 of the 29th Augt. and No. 1431 of pp. 168, /iV/i. jj^^ \r^y> [Caufnpore, 1880.] 8°. the 30th Augt. 1881, addressed to the Commissioners 14106. g. 4 (3.) of Divisions in the Panjab, on the subject of the jjL»»-l (jyllUL* [Makaliit i Ihsiinl. A dic- preparation of the Census.] ii

IBN 'ABD qI-WAHHAB. See Muhammad ibn 'Abd jLuTk-l cuWU^ [Mu'alajiit i Ihsani. A eI-Wahhab. work on therapeutics.] pp. iv. 132, lith. y^ iaii IBIf HAJAR, 'AsValdnl. See Ahmad ibn 'AxT [Lucknow, 1869.] 8°. 14106. g. 4 (1.) (Shihab al-DlN) called Ibn Hajar.

IBN SINA. See Husain ibn 'Abd Allah (Abu JLu»-1 LZj\J^y [Murakkabat i Ihsani. A 'Al7) called Avicenna. treatise on compound medicaments.] pp. 164, lith. ji^ lAvr [Lucknoic, 1872.] 8°. IBN SIBIN. See Muhammad ibn STrTn (Abu 14106. g. 13. Bakr).

^Lu-a-l LZJ^ [Nikat i Ihsani. A collection IBRAHIM ibn ADHAM, Atwjro/^a/M. [i«/e.] See of witticisms and anecdotes, partly in Persian and Muhammad Abu eI-Hasan. (^\yi} ^j^ [Gulziir i partly in Hindustani.] pp. 54, /»%. \ /^vr [Lucknow, Ibrahim.] 1873.] 8°. IBBAHIM 'Alil KHAN. See Kvr'an.— Selections. Pars. 406 (7.)

/X-s>-\ i._-x:^L^ [Muntakhab aHkam al-Kur'an. i^^jsi\ ^L*&-1 i»^ [Tibb i Ihsani. A manual of A selection of passages from the Koran, with transla- medicine.] pp. 98, lith. ^J itai [Delhi, 1864.] 8°. tions and commentary by I. 'A. Kh.] 8°. [1877.] 14119. e. 2 (10.) 14104. g. 4 (4.) ''^v [Another edition.] pp. 96, lith. ^Ls>J ' IBRAHIM HirSAINi. See Hairat al-niCH. S^^o- [Delhi, 1870.] 8°. j^j\

14119. c. 33 (1.) [Another edition.] pp. 96, lith. jJjkJ ir^r IDIOMATIC SENTENCES. Idiomatic Sentences [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. 14119. d. 7 (1.) and Dialogues in English and Hindustani, pp. 63. Lahore, 1872. 8^. IHSAN ALLAH. The history of the Greek philo- 14117. d. 31. sophers, translated from Arabic into Urdoo by Ahsan

IHSAN «ALiKHAN. ^L^l jj^^l [Aurad i IhsJinl. Ullah . . . ^l)jj t^UL*. ^_j\j [Tarikh i hukamii A treatise on Muhammadan worship, containing i Yuniin.] pp. 56, lith. \^ \f '^'^f [Gorakhptir, prayers for various occasions with explanations and 1883.] 8°. directions for use.] lith. i tat pp. 44, ^l&j [Delhi, 14106. b. 19 (2.) 1869.] 8". IKBAL 'ALI. <_;Us{; (UUyi-j [Safar-namah i 14119. 6. 3 (3.) Panjab. The travels of Saiyid Ahmad Khan in the ^Lxft-l ie <0 ^y^ytjjA:i\ ['Ilaj J JlyJi ^jj i ir- 8°. Punjab.] pp. V. 281. ilLb 1 [Aligarh, 1884,] Ihsani. Domestic animals, their diseases and treat- 14109. e. 16. ment.] pp. 82, /<7A. y^ lAvi ILtccknow, 1879.] 8°. 14106. g. 31. IKHLAS. See Isma'Tl. 127 IKH IKH—ILA 128

IKHWAN al-SAPA. See Manuel (T. P.) A com- IKHTWAH" al-SAPA. \LA\ iJy:i-\ c_>lsfU! [Intikhiib, plete vocabulary to the Ikhwan-oos-suffa. 1862. 8°. or Selections from the Ikhwan al-safa. Edited by

760. f. J. Michael.] pp. 80. London, 1829. 4°. 14112. d. 16. Begin, o^jl^ '—r^^i U"^ u^u ascribed by tradition to IKBAM 'ALI. See Ikhwan al-SAFA. Begin, ^jj.^^ ^ Jj) f [Ikhwan al-safa, Jt> [Ikhwan al- Abu Sulaiman and others. Translated from the i}^}f '^iTi'^ S"^!^ U^ u^ '=r> Arabic by Ikram 'AIL] pp.299. [Ca&M««, 1811.] 8°. safa, translated by I. 'A.] [1811.] 8°. 14112. 1. Without title-page. b. 14112. b. 1. [1855?] 8°.

14112. b. 11. liJl ^y^\ [Another edition.] pp. 136, liih. 8°. .Jil [Lahore, 1855 ?] 8°. 1861. 14112. b. 11. 14112. c. 11.

Ikhwanu-s-safa. Translated from the Arabic 1862. 8°. into Hindustani, by ManlaTi Ikram 'All. A new 14112. a. 13. edition, revised and corrected by D. Forbes . . . and [1862.] 8°.

C. Rieu. {[LA\ i^\y>.\) pp. vi. 176. London, Hertford, 14119. e. 2 (1.) [printed,] 1861. 8°. [1879.] 8°. 14112. c. 11. 14112. b. 26 (6.)

The Ikhwan-us-safa. . . Third edition, revised An English translation of Akhwa- and corrected by W. Nassau Lees. pp. 157, ii. noos-safa, [from the Hindustani version of I. 'A.] Calcutta, 1862. 8°. 1855. 8°, 14112. a. 13. 760. c. 4.

Uill u^^l ^•'^y j'^j^ [Another edition.] 1860. 8°- pp. 130, nth. irvi [Lucknow, 1862.] 8°. 760. g. 14119. c. 2 (1.) 1869. 8°. [Another edition.] 128, lith. [Madras, pp. 760. f. 1879.] 8° Wanting title-page. Les Animaux, extrait du Tuhfat Ikwan 14112. b. 26 (5.) ussafa traduit d'apres la version hindoustanie. An English translation of Akhwa-noos-safa, 1864.

1298. 1. [from the Hindustani version of Ikram 'All,] by 6. Moonshee Syed Hoossain. 104. Madras, 1855. 8°. al-DIN, pp. IKBAM Rdfiz. ^^ t_-4 [Tibb i nabawl. 760. c. 4. A treatise on dietetics and rules for preserving health, The Ikhwan-oos-sufEa, translated from the founded on traditional sayings of the Prophet.] original Oordoo into English prose, and followed by pp. 54, lith. jx^ I TAT ILwcknoiv, 1869.] 8°. a vocabulary of the difficult words . . . occurring in 14119. e. 2 (9.) the text, by T.P.Manuel, 8°. pp.42. (7a/cM«a, 1860. ILAHi BAKHSH, Hakim. (rtr* .Uil 760. g. t^.j^ />yiji\j^ii^ (U [Tashrlh al-asbab, also called Mazhar Ikhwanu-s-safa; or Brothers of Purity. al-'ulum. A medical work on food, drink, sleep and Translated from the Hindustani of Maulavl Ikram other subjects connected with the preservation of 'All, by J. Platts. Carried through the press by 8°. health.] pp.254, lith. i aw [Cawnpore, 1877.] E. B. Eastwick. pp. xii. 234. London, 1869. 8°. j^^ 14117. e. 9. 760. f.

Les Animaux, extrait du Tuhfat Ikwan ussafa ILAHI BAKHSH, Maulan. ^\S lEX [Bikat traduit . . . d'apres la version hindoustanie par M. kahiinl. Love-tales in verse for each month of the Garcin de Tassy. pp. 118. Paris, 1864. 8°. year.] pp. 16, lith. Jjsj [Lelhi, 1868.] 8°.

1298. 1. 6. 14119. e. 14 (5.) 129 ILA—IMA IMA 130

ILAHI BAEHSH, Maulavi. [Another edition.] 'IMAD al-DIN, D.D. See WalT Allah, Ilafiz. pp. IG, Uth. lAvf \Lucknotc, 1874.] 8°. j^Lj^I L::-^L.tf [Siyiinat al-insiin. A reply to 'I. al- 14119. e. 26 (3.) D.'s TaKkik al-Iman.] [1872.] 8°. 14119. 0. 23 (3.) [Another edition.] pp.13, Uth. ^^1^ iaai \Cawnpore, 1881.] 8°. A Mohammedan brought to Christ : being 14114. b. 20 (6.) the autobiography of a native clergyman in India

(the Rev. Imaduddeen) ; to which is added his ILAHI BAKHSH, called Sha'ik. fCjV '^^ treatise (Tract No. II. of Haqiqi arfan) on justifi- [A'Inah i tawarlkh. An ingenious arrangement of cation by faith in Christ. Translated from the words, under their numerical values from 3 to 1401, as Hindustanee [into English, the former by R. Clark, aids ill the construction of chronograms.] • pp. 334, the latter by H. Perkins.] pp. 31. London, 1869. 8°. Uth. ,^l^ ine [CaiCTi/Jorc, 1878.] 8°. 4986. bbb. 38 (19.) 14117. b. 33 (1.) ^^y^^.s.^^ ^j\j [Tarikh Muhammadi. A [Gulzar i *^o:^ <0 V»^ (jiS^ uV-"^ J])^ «— controversial work on the life of Muhammad.] manzum. Dlwan poems.] pp. 144, ^iW*. j^l^irlf pp. viii. 312, Uth. .ybH iavi [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 8°. \Cawnpore, 1878.] 14109. b. 9. 14114. c. 23 (1.) IMAM 'ALI ibn NAJAP 'ALI. See KvR'Afi.—Selec-

'ILM i MUSALLAS. i_l-i.i^ *L= \y>- [Jawahir al-Kur'art. A i musallas i mustawl. Plane Trigonometry for the selection of passages from the Koran, compiled ^vr use of schools in the Punjab.] pp. 226, Uth. j^sti i by I. 'A.] [1873.] 8°. ILahore, 1872.] 8°. 14507. c. 16 (2.) 14117. c. 20. IMAM BAKHSH, Maulavi. A Grammar of the Hasan. 'ILMI. See Muhammad TJrdoo language in Urdoo by Moulvee Imambux of ILTAP HUSAIN. LJl l^V* [Majalis al-nisa. the Dehlie College, ^j.) JlcIJ

14112. a. 29, and 14112. a. 10 (2.) i sukhan. ^jsr' ^li-j^l^ [Poems by Nasikh, Atish

and Abad in parallel columns.] [1860 ?] 8°. ILTIMAS. j-

14104. f. 16. i-j\j t::jLK [Kulliyat, or Complete works.]

8°. ^J»j\j ^js^ [Lahan i Da'udl. A reply 2 pt. Lith. irvi [Lucknote, 1872.} 14114. c. 10. to 'I. al-D.'s Na^mah i tambQr.] [1872.] 8°.

14119. 0. 22 (7.) ^^ J 1

[Makhraj i 'aka'id i nurl. reply descendants of the Prophet.] 48, lith. 'avi ^jjj .XjUfi 7^ rs=^ A pp. j^^ 8°. to fourteen questions challenged by 'I. al-D. in his [Cawnpore, 1876.] 14104. e. 19 (1.) Naghmah i tambur.] [1880.] 8°. 14104. f. 4 (8.) »jVt'- T i.y*\jiSJJi\^ [Shahadat-namah i manziim,

See Muhammad Ihsan Aixah". i^\s.-^ [Mu- or the martyrdom of Hasan and Husain. An abridged

hakamah. A reply to 'I. al-D.'s Hidayat al-Musal- version of the preceding.] pp. 24, Uth. i rl r [Delhi, mln.] [1881.] 8°. 1876.] 8°. 14104. 6. 30 (3.) 14119. d. 6 (8.) 17 131 IMA—IMD IMD-INA 132

IMAM BAKHSH, called Sahba'T. See Shams al- IMDAD al-'ALI, C.S.I., Deputy Collector. o\s^\ iX:9-L*^l [Imdad al-masajid. On mosques and the DTn, called Fakir. iju^iLlI JJjJji*- ''-^y [Hada'iK al-balaghat. A work on rhetoric, versification and respect due to them as places of worship.] pp. 72,

I AVI 8°. prosody, translated from the Persian by I. B.] 13, X. Lith. jlb]^ \_Moradabad, 1879.] 14104. f. 3 [1880.] 8°. (4.) 14119. f. 19. [Imdad reli- tiT*^^ alj»^l al-muttakln. A gious controversial tract in reply to another tract ,_^L^ Ci^Lli^ [Kulliyat, or Complete works. entitled Nasr al-Musalmln.] pp. 36, ^«

IMAM al-DIN", called Akhund Darwezah. See ChiranjI Lai. Second edition.] pp. 80, lith. ^u^ MusHTAK Ahmad. j^jJIwJI ^J^ [Makhzan al- [Lucknow, 1866 ?] 8°. 14119. c. 17 (9.) ma'anl. A collection of moral precepts, taken from ilaji. c_J'l:.-*i- l»lji>,J [Dard- a Pushtu work by I. al-D.] [1876.] 8°- IMDAD ALLAH, *1L| namah i gham-nak. A love- poem.] 8, lith. 14119. c. 20 (6.) pp. iaj lAvr [Delhi, 1872.] 8°. IMAM al-DIN" AHMAD, Curator of the Agra 14119. c. 25 (2.) Medical School. See Periodical Publications.— iXt>y» o\j^\ [Irshiid i murshid. A treatise Agra. Mirror of Medicine ... [A monthly medical on prayer.] pp. 20, lith. j^l^irn [Caionmre, journal, conducted by I. al-D. A.] [1879.] 8°. 1879.] 8°. 14106. g. 3 (2.) 14104. e. 26 (1.)

IMAM al-DIN AHMAD ibn 'ABD al-FATTAH. IMDAD IMAM, i^jh k..Al£» ^,y<^ USlJl 'i\j^

[Mir'at al-hukama, also called i ^}^\ As^ Uj5!l ^_j\j [Tarikh al-auliya. Brief notices Guldastah Farang. treatise on the various systems of European of Muhammadan saints. Part I. from Muhammad A and Arabian philosophy.] vii. vii. 540, lith. to A.H. 500.] pp. xi. 488, lith. 1^ tni [Bom- pp. lUii

" bay, 1874.] 8°. ^ ' [Patna, 1879.] 8°. 14104. e. 24. 14104. f. 6. 'INAYAT ALLAH. ^^^ ^b j\j [Bahar i IMAM SHAUKANI. See Muhammad ibn 'Ali, danish. verse translation by Mirza Shaukdnl. A Muhammad Isma'Il Tapish of the Persian tales of 'I. A. Followed IMDAD al-'ALi, C.S.I., Bepuiy Collector. ^^ by the Gul o Sanaubar by Ahmad 'All, the Tazhlk- As?"-* ji «jU^ jUj t::^Al^ [Fatwa i karahat i namah, a wasoklit by Mahdl Hasan Khan, and a

i namaj janazah dar masj id. Opinions of learned collection of ghazals.] pp. ii. 126, 24, lith. i rAf Muhammadans on the legality of reading prayers [Bombay, 1867.] 8°. over the 14112. c. 15. dead in mosques.] pp. 16, lith. jliL'L, ' ]Moradabad, 1876.] 8°. *jlai^ jL>,l ,JLj\^Xj^_ [Another edition of the

14119. c. 20 (3.) Bahar i danish only.] pp. 88, lith. y^ lAvr t-jjill Ci\x^\ [Imdad al-adab. An Arabic [Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. grammar in four 14119. e. 19 (1.) parts.] pp. 306, lith. ,^^ rAvt [Cawnpore, 1871.] 8°. 'INAYAT ALLAH AHMAD. c_---Jl cUoUl 14117. e. 6. iij^x^\ [Ahadis al-habib al-mutabarrakat. A col- -^^^ '^^^^ [Imdad al-Hujjaj. On the duty lection of forty traditions of the Prophet in Arabic, of making pilgrimages to Mecca.] 2 pt. Lith. with a Hindustani interlineary translation and mar- [Moradabad, 1881.] 8°. ginal commentary.] pp. 8, lith. .ys)! iaat [Lahore,

14104. f. 28. 1882.] 8°. 14521. c. 2 (2.) — —

133 INA—IND IND 184

'INAYAT ftXJSAIN, Bilgrdmt. J^**ww« LUIji [Gha- INDIA. Army. Articles of War for the native

zii-nSmah i MasTid. An account of the life and troops of the army of India. (ljX^J ^^^) [A'ln martyrdom of Siilar Mas'ud GhazI, and of the i lashkarl.] pp. 167, lith. Madras, 1848. 8°. invasions of Sultan MaHmud of GhaznI.] 84, Uth. pp. A different translation from the preceding.

.»J|^ I nr ICmcnpore, 1876.] 8°. 14106. d. 18. 14109. e. 14.

The Articles of "War for native troops, in 'INAYAT HUSAIN, ilaliim. ^^J^^ 'i\j^ [Mir'at Hindustani, translated by Col. R. S. Wilson. (

^lJhi^. ji-i.* [Mufid i kliala'ik. A treatise Hindustani by Telugu characters. Translated by

advocating female education, both for Hindus and Col. R. S. Wilson, pp. XV. 132. Bangahre, 1880. 12°. Muhammadans.] pp. 72, lith. l^ i^vi \Lucknow, 14106. d. 16. 1871.] 8°. The Rifle Exercise and Musketry Instruction 14119. c. 19 (7.) for the cavalry and infantry of the native army in 'INAYAT HUSAIN ibn NAWAZISH AHMAD. India . . . Translated in [Hindustani in the] Telugu See Muhammad ibn 'Umar (Abu 'Abd Allah) [character], byHafiz SyedMahommed Sahb. pp. 187. Wdfcidi. Jl A^\ _jii [FutiiH al-Sham, translated Bangalore, 1879. 12°. by'I. H.] [1869.] fol. 14106. d. 13. 14109. e. 8. TNTilA. —Legislative Council. i—J^y ajj^x^s^ (.jUti-Xi.) l»lsJl -.yii M.^ *U«3J\ Jalji t-il:;^ [Another <_>Us:\j -[} jii\j^ [Legis- edition.] See Muhammad ibn 'Umar (Abu 'Abd ^j^yjf lative Acts passed for the Punjab by the Governor- Allah) WaKidi. Jl J^l^ is.y%^ [Majmu'ah i General in Council, from 1836 to 1870. Compiled kamil.] Bk. II. [1874.] 4°. as far as 1869 by T. W. Smyth, and continued to 14109. d. 9. 1870 by A. Roberts. Translated into Hindustani by INBISAT APZA. LLm-jI ijsit, [Hadlyah i inbisat. Munshl Muhammad Latif.] 3 vol. Lith. .ysS lAv-vr iaw A treatise on prayer.] pp. 66, lith. i"ilsfii [Za/wre, 1870-72.] 4°. 8°. [Fatehgarh, 1817 .1 14106. f. 15. 14104. f. 2 (8.) <_j'v^X)

2pt. j^&i I AW {Lahore, 1877.] 4°. Compiled by C. U. Aitchison by order of the Govern- 14106. f. 19. ment of India, and translated by Kanhaiya Lai.]

Lith. ^ tAn-i

in English, Persian, and Hindoostanee, the latter in 14119. c. 16 (1.)

Naguree, and Roman characters. ^\ ;1 *K3-\ ^axj [Another edition.] pp. 114,iv. Lith. .^i iavi ^1 J . pp. 49. Calcutta, 1796. 4°. [La/wre, 1871.] 8°. 760. h. 11. 14119. 0. 15 (1.)

Articles of "War . . . Translated and printed [Another edition, in English, [and] Hindoostanee. See Nizam al- with notes and rulings of DiN, Munshl. A useful collection of translations. the High Courts.] pp. 292, lith. .^D lAvr {Lahore, 1847. 8°. 1873.] 8°.

14106. dd. 7. 14106. e. 8. IND 136 135 IND


pp. 132, lith. jyJ iavi [Lahore, 1871.] 8°.

14119. c. 15 (4.) 1859, or the Indian Limitation Act.] pp. 48, lith.

i]jj "'^' ' 1870.1 8°. JCJi uy^ ? '*-^ ^^.jbl! lAv [Lahore, 14119. c. 15 (2.) [Kanun i wirasat i Hind, or The Indian Wills Act.

edition.] 97, lith. iaw [Lucknow, ix.y^ [Majmu'ah i Another pp. y^ J>ia> cjl^jjjo ^Jij\^ 1877.] 4°. kawanin i ta'zirat i Hind. The Indian Penal Code, 14106. f. 17. Act No. xlv. of 1860, translated by 'Azmat Allah,

I 1 xi. 1865. with the assistance of Muhammad Karim Bakhsh c Ale ii^ 1 _^ (.i-^.^ [-^ct No. of and Nazlr Ahmad.] pp. xxvii. 342, xxir. Lith. An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating 4°. ^^,ii$3 I AT I [Lucknow, 1861.] to Courts of Small Causes beyond the local limits 14106. f. 7. of the ordinary original Civil Jurisdiction of the [Another edition.] pp. xxvii. 334, xxiv. High Courts of Judicature.] pp. 20, lith. j^l iav

Lith. \_Lucknow, 1863 ?] 4°. [Lahore, 1870.] 8°. 14119. c. Wanting title-page. 15(5.) 14106. e. 29. c IA16 jI; ''•^^ i^i-^.^ [-^ct No. xx.

[Fourth edition.] pp. xxiii. 185, xii. ^ybU i av of 1865. An Act to amend the law relating to

[Lahore, 1870.] 4°. Pleaders and Mooktears.] pp. 20, lith. [Sialkot, 14106. f. 13. 1873?] 8°. 14106. b. 7 (11.) [Edited, with notes and rulings of the Chief

Court of Punjab, by Gopala Dasa.] pp. xxvi. 252, c IA11 ,u-> i^:^\j 6 r-*J i-2-^J [Act No. V. of xii. vi. vi. Lith. .ynj uvr [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. 1866. An Act to provide a summary procedure on 14106. 6. 28. Bills of Exchange.] pp. 6, lith. j^t^i iavi [Lahore, [Another edition.] pp. xxxii. 326, xxi. 1871.] 8°. 14106. e. 5 (1.) [Calcutta, 1874 ?] 8°. Wanting title-page. of c. lAiv yu jf^^\ j-J r~i [Sarl'al-fahm i ta'zirat appointment of Municipal Committees in the Punjab.] i Hind. An abstract of the Indian Penal Code, and pp. 8, lith. [Lahore, 1870 ?] 8°. criminal enactments of the Indian Legislative other 14119. c. 15 (6.) Council. Compiled by Muhammad Shafl'. Third IA1A (S.i^ TA^^^J Sj} [Act No. xxviii. of edition.] pp. 78, /«W».

14119. 0. 15 (2.) c lAiA

c tAii

of 1861.' An Act to amend Act viii. of ""'' 1859.] rulings of the High Courts.] pp. 45, lith. 'y^j/ ' lith. [Lahore, 1871 8°. pp. 12, j^l ?] [Gurgaon, 1872.] 8°. 14119. c. 15 (3.) 14106. e. 5 (2.) 137 IND IND 138

INDIA.—Leffislafive Council. t-u-^V '"j^ t-^-^.^ INBIA. — Legislative Council. isJtXn^ uy^ A^lLst.

c lAv ij^ [Act No. xxvii. of 1870. An Act to amend c lAvr Ai-j 1 l2-X)1 [Khulasah i kiinun i mu'ahadah. the Indian Penal Code.] pp. 6, lith. j^iti lAvr An abstract of the Indian Contract Act. Compiled {Lahore, 1873.] 8°. by Riijanatha, and Muhammad Mahdi.] pp. 18, 14106. e. 6 (3.) lith. .^1^ [Cawnpore, 1877.] 8°. 14106. e. 19 (1.) c lAvi iij K^-.A} I jfAJ (.2-X»l [Act No. i. of 1871. An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to trespasses by cattle.] 7, lith. {Lahore, pp. c I Av r ,u.j [Act No. X. of 1872, or the Code of Criminal 1871 ?] 4°. Procedure.] pp. 236, lith. [Lahore, 1872 ?] 8". 14119. e. 12 (1.) 14119. c. 24 (3.)

c I AVI ,ji^ ls-ajIj fj^ <-i-^.^ [-^ct No. iii. of [Second edition.] pp. xxxvi. 292, lith. j^bJ 1871. An Act to consolidate and amend the law lAvr [Lahore, 1873.] 8°. relating to the Government Paper Currency.] pp. 6, 14106. dd. 14. lith. {Lahore, 1871 ?] 4°. I Avr 4i^ i.::^l) 1 -^ [Act No. ix. of 14119. e. 12 (2.) '^-^} 1873, or the Punjab Appeal Act.] pp. 2, lith. c lAvi ii^ 'j^ i-S-^J [-^ct No. viii. of 1871, [Lahore, 1873.] 4°. or the Indian Registration Act.] pp. 41, lith. .^^ 14106. f. 16 (3.) [Lahore, 1871.] 4°.

'AT 1 1 i-2-.^.l [Act No. xi. 14119. e. 12 (3.) c ii^ LT^ob j^ for the appointment of [Another edition.] pp. 72, lith. ^ysH iavi of 1873. An Act to provide [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. Municipal Committees in the Central Provinces.] 14119. c. 15 (8.) pp. 6, lith. [Lahore, 1873.] 4°. 14106. f. 16 (2.) [Another edition.] pp. 40, lith. .^H tAvr [Lahore, 1873.] 4°. c lAvr dCwo l::.^jIj ^r j^ >-2-^.^ [Act No. xii. 14106. f. 16 (1.) of 1873, or the Repeal Act.] pp. 8, lith. j^i c tAvi ii^ ui-^jIj ^jf^ "-^-^.^ [-^ct No. ix. of [Lahore, 1873.] 4°. 1871, or the Indian Limitation Act.] pp. 44, lith. ITie translation of the Schedule does not contain the repealed the Madras and Bomlay Presidencies. jaD iavi [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. Acta of 14119. c. 15 (9.) 14106. f. 16 (6.)

c:_--u*k:j culj^JJi '-^j cK^ lJ^ isV*^ . . .

[Act No. XX. of 1871. An Act for the levy of local ^\s- [Kunun i dad-rasi i khass. Act No. i. of rates in the Punjab. Together with orders issued by 1877, or the Specific Relief Act. Edited, with notes the Lieutenant-Governor, on the 12th April, 1873, and rulings of the High Courts, by Avinasachandra for the of due administration the same.] pp. 10, Vandyopadhyaya.] pp.ii.264. iij\ [^^rra, 1879.] 8°,

lith. j^'i lAvr {Lahore, 1873.] 4°. 14106. e. 26.

14106. f. 16 (2.)

lAvr c

lAvr I AW fjtii (ojj^ [Another edition, c ii^ i-^V ^yr^ '-^-^.^ [^''t ^o- i^- of i' edited by Nisar 'All Beg.] 182, 140, zxxii. 1872, or the Indian Contract Act.] pp. xiv. 112, ii. pp. lith. j^i lAvr [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. Lith. ij\ [Agra, 1877.] 8°.

14106. e. 5 (6.) 14106. e. 18. 18 — —

140 139 IND IND—INS

North Western Provinces. Acts and Orders INDIA. Legislative Council.

14106. f. 3. Jl jtoj ^U JOiX;*- (ojjlji [Another edition, edited by Roshan Lai.] pp. xxx. 188, 147, iv. JU-tf ^ '^W'^ [Dlhat kl safa'I. Suggestions 8°. Lith. jUIaII I aw [Allahabad, 1877.] for sanitary measures to be adopted in villages, to 14106. e. 14. prevent the spread of epidemic diseases. Issued by

• of the Government of the N.W.P., and I I [Another order i^\ c AW ii^ i.::-^b j^ i-2-^J translated into Hindustani.] 6. Allahabad, edition, with copious notes, and abstracts of rulings pp. 4°. of the High Courts and Privy Council. Compiled [1866?] 14119. e. 12 by Avinasachandra Vandyopadhyaya.] pp. x. xvi. (4.)

544, 98, lith. !ij\ [Agra, 1878.] 8°. Pos^ INDIA.— Office, j ij*^.'^ 14106. e. 23. ^^j J>i>^ ^J^ "^V [Kawa'id i Money Order, or Rules for the issue of 16 L5..^^.^ S:^ Hj^ iju«cl.*«j ^i^y• oy>^ TJ^ Inland and Foreign Money Orders, for the use of Avv jllij Ajt^ c I

Edited, with notes and rulings of the High Courts, 14119. d. 1 (5.) by Muhammad Zafaryab Khan.] pp. xxxii. 203, INDIAN TABLES. Dainty dishes for Indian lith. i^^n lAVA [Aligarh, 1878.] 8°. tables (^i.Lt t_jliO [Kitab i tabakhl. Translated 14106. e. 25 (1.) from the English.] pp. xx. 585. Calcutta, 1879. 8°. a'lj) tiyjlS ^Lc-'l *Lj, [Risalah i askkhas i 14119. a. 14. kaniin i peshah, or the Law of Legal Practitioners, containing Act No. xviii. of 1879, with extracts from INDRANABATANA. jojn aU^ [Hamlah i Hind. other legal enactments and decisions of the Privy Discussions on Hindu and Muhammadan religions Council, and High Courts at Calcutta and Allahabad. by a Deist ; being chiefly a refutation of two Compiled by Syamalala.] pp. 104, lith. j»*J^ 'aa- anonymous works, the Hidayat al-asnam, and the [Cawnpore, 1880.] 8°. I'jaz i Muhammadl.] pp. 180, lith. d\j\j\y iaa' 14106. dd. 17 (1.) [Moradabad, 1880.] 8°. 14106. b. 14.

[Kanun i lagan. Act No. xii. of 1881, or the Rent INSHA ALLAH KHAN, called Insha. liji diU^ Law. Edited, with notes, and rulings of the High ^li-

14106. e. 25 (2.) INSHA i UBD tj.

Afilji ci. ujr*'^ ji^ CL-~jy [Post aur afyun ke Urdu. Urdu letters in the shikastah character.] kawii'id. Rules for the cultivation of the poppy pp. 62, lith. j^l lAvf [Lahore, 1874.] 8°. plant and sale of opium in the Punjab, sanctioned 14117. b. 23. by the Legislative Council, in accordance with

Sect. 49 of Act No. iv. of 1872.] pp. 6, lith. [Another edition.] pp. 52, lith. ^ysS iavi {Lahore, 1873.] 4°. [Lahore, 1876.] 8°.

14106. f. 16 (6.) 14119. d. 8 (1.) 141 IRA—ISM ISM—ISV 142

[Chuhe- ISMA'lL (Zain al-D7N AbD Ihrah7m) Jurj&ni. lEAM.

lith. .jJi^ lAvf [Catmpore, 1874.] 8°. of Abool Fida from the creation to a.d. 1328 . . . 14119. e. 20 (4.) The first . . . part of Abool Fida's Annals • . . trans-

X) . la»»- d^ [Another edition of the Chuhe- lated by Moulvee Curumoodeen Sahib from Arabic.

/iYA. \r<\r [Bombaj/, 8°. namah only.] pp. 24, 1875.] , . . The History of Adam the prophet and wild 14114. b. 24 (1.) Arabs, pp. 260, lith. Bombay, 1881. 8°.

14109. e. 18. iJ\^ [Another edition. Together with

the Billl-namah of Ghulam 'All, theAfyQnl-namah, ISVARIDASA. See Charlotte Elizabeth

the Chnhe-namah of Wahid, and the Achar chuhon [Phelan afterwards Tonna]. Judah's Lion , . . ka of Nazlr.] pp. 24, lith. j^^ '^*' \_Cawnpore, translated by Iswari Dass. 1855. 8°. 14119. c. 9 1881.] 8^ (1.) 14114. b. 20 (8.) See Tucker (C.) Miss. Daybreak . . . trans- lated by Ishuree Dass. 1855. 8°. ISHAK ibn IBRAHIM, A^sAajOwn. "L^y \^1\ Ui-^ 14119. b. 2 (1.) L-J^l ,_^,fl-^ [Khulasat al-anbiya. A translation by Ghulam NabI of the Persian Kisas al-anbiya of I. iSVAHIDASA RAMASANEHI. ^jlt <^^lj uuyJjJb

ifij. i shadi i Third edition.] pp. 476, lith. JL-4J fl'^ \_Bonihaij, trjvjs-). *y [Hidayat-namah kaum 1881.] 4°. Eawah Rajput. A tract on marriages amongst 14104. g. 19. Rawah Rajputs, advocating a curtailment of ex- 'ISHK, Mir. See Husain MTrza. penses.] pp. 32, lith. jijiji^ lAAT [^Muzaffarnagar, 16°. «ISHK 'ALI, called Shah. i>::--ajJs ,^j^ [Fatawa 1882.] 14119. a. 19. i tarlKat. Duties of Muhammadan devotees, in 180

quatrains.] pp. 40, lith. iiit trie [Patna, 19>7S.'] 8°. iSVABiPBASADA. Kj jU- ^ y^ ^^1 ^^ J'^ 14104. e. 19 (3.) instructive LwJ\ I—-~ijl

for their use in Hindustani prose and verse. Written of the world.] 2 pt. lith. Ji\j\i!i\ ^'^^^^ty lAllahabad, in the Arabic character and containing an admix- 1866-67.] 8°.

ture of Gujarati words inflections.] and pp. 244, Pt. i. is of the eighth, Pt. it. of the seventh edition. lith. ,_-i^ ir-r [^offjJay, 1885.] %°. 14117. d. 25 (1.) 14104. e. 32.

^joy-^ • • J^^y [Gulshan ^J^i^ ^, (>yy •i'^j' ISMA'lL (Muhammad), s.a.s.'* iZJj.A:>~ l«lifis«- i fuyuz. An elementary grammar in the form of a CUjlfii ^j-iiS *j I—J«r«^ <>i.:>.-w [Gulshan i shahiidat. catechism. Third edition.] Pt. ii. pp. 24. *^Jrf^ An account of the wars of Muhammad Hanifah, in lAAr [Meerut, 1882.1 12°. verse.] pp. 148, lith. Jjjia.* irv [Muzaffarnagar, Incomplete ; wanting pt. i. 1881.] 8°.

14104. f. 3 (6.) 14117. d. 46 (2.) 143 ISV—IZZ IZZ 144

iSVABIPBASADA and KALYANA RATA. See 'IZZAT ALLAH, Bangdli. Muzubal Ask. A trans- Hindoostanee tongue, of the popular Smith (B.) <_jL»J1 J:>- [Hall al-Hisiib. Barnard lation into the

Smith's Arithmetic, translated by I. and K.] Persian tales, entitled Goolai Bucawley, by Moonsey [1879.] 8°. Neehalchund Lahoree, under the superintendent [sic\ 14117. c. 37. of John Gilchrist. Sixth edition, pp. 182, lith. ISWABI DASS. See IsvarTdasa. Bombay, 1843. 4°. 14112. d. 5. ITESA MODEEN, Mirza. See I'tisam al-DiN, Mtrza. 'J\ ijJijs. i_^JbJ^ [Another edition.] pp. 216.

id\^ I r^r ^Calcutta, 1847.] 8°. I'TISAM al-DIN, Mirza. iji-^Jj ^ in Great Britain and France. Translated from the edition.] pp. 85. See MahdI 'AlT Khan, called original Persian Manuscript into Hindoostanee, with 'AsHiK. Lsnlj <-J-i^ iJ:f^ [Yusuf Zulaikha.] an English version and notes, by James Edward [1850.] 8°.' 14114. b. 5. Alexander, pp. xv. 221, vi. 197. London, 1827. 8°.

14109. a. 1. [Another edition.] pp. 64, lith. .vj'^ i rvi [Another copy.] \_Cawnpore, 1859.] 8°. 760. e. 5. 14119. e. 4 (11.)

'ITBAT HUSAIN. CL>^ ^^\i [Kanun i 'Itrat. ^pRifW^ [Another edition, in the Nagari A manual of medicine, compiled chiefly from the character.] pp. 112, lith. ^\^ «i^^R \_Delhi, 'Tibb i Akbar of Muhammad Akbar.] pp. 200, lith. 1872.] 8°. j^^ lAvr ICawnpore, 1872.] 8°. 14112. 0. 22 (2.)

14106. g. 8. j;*..,f. i_..%fcJL^ [Another edition, with illus-

IZHAR al-HAklKAT. trations.] /«M. tAvr 8°. cua^I J^\ [Izhar al- pp. 104, ^j [i)etti, 1873.] haklKat. Answers to questions on Muhammadan 14119. d. 3 (6.) belief, religious observances and interpretation of [Another edition, illustrated.] pp. 92, lith,

I AW traditions.] pp. 32, /«

[of 'I. A. under the special title Mazhab i 'ishk] by pp. 96, lith. jjbo {Delhi, 1881.] 8°. Moonshee Nihal Chund [and revised by Sher 'All 14112. c. 24 (10.)

Afsos]. . . . Under the superintendence of J. Gil- Abr^g^ du roman hindoustani intitule La Jjll) de christ J^ a^r>y j^ c^Jw.) pp. vii. 220. Rose Bakawali. [Translated from Nihal Chand's ( Ca/ct<««," 1804. 4°.- Hindustani version of 'I. A.'s Persian romance.]

14112. d. 3. Par M. Garcin de Tassy, Paris, 1835. 8°.

Muzhubi Ishq, or the Gooli Bukawalee, Extrait du nouveau Journal Asiatique. written [or rather translated] in the Oordoo dialect, T. 2045 (9.) by Moonshee Nihal Chund ... and afterwards Extracts from the Gooli Bukawullee [trans- revised by Meer Sher Ulee Ufsos . . . Second edition. lated by Nihal Chand.] See Hindustani Selec- Revised ... by T. Roebuck, pp. xviii. 354. Cal- tions. Hindee and Hindoostanee Selections. Yol. ii. cutta, 1815. 8°. 1830. 4°. 14112. b. 3. 760. g. 12. 145 JAO—JAG JAG—JAII 146

JACOB (Joseph). t_>lsi' (_Jlj XfiSjiur- [Jughriiflyah JAGANNATHA, PanMa. c^jUw »;-^ J [Zakhlrah i Pak Kitiib. Geography of the Bible, in the form i sa'adat. Moral precepts in prose, being chapters of a catechism, by J. J., assisted by Vamsldhara.] i. and iv. of J.'s Hindi BhiiminlviliisT, translated by

i/! IA1V lAgra, 1867.] 8°. Liilajl, assisted by Riimacharana.] pp. 45, lith. 14117. a. 21. y^ lAvi^ [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. 14119. c. 30 (8.) JAESCHKE (H. A.) An introduction to the Hindi JAGANNATHA LALA, called KhtjshtaR. See and Urdu languages for Tibetans, pp. 66, liih. Puranas.—Bhdgavatapuruna. .j.1 Jaj dJjS l^ [The Kyi-lang, 1867. 8°. 761. a. Bhagavatapuriina, translated into Hindustani verse byJ. L.] [1863.] 8°. JA'PAB, 'ALI, Mirza, and 'ALI, Haji. HASAN 14119. e. 2 (3.) J«j«ll Jj^)i [Fawa'id al-'awamm. A treatise on See TulasTd.^sa. ^}^^j ^ 15-*-*^ • • • s^y*^ religious obligations. Compiled from traditional [The Ramayana of Tulasldasa, translated by J. L.] and other sources, with Arabic quotations.] pp. 101, [I860.] 4°.

lith. irei [D^/Aj .? 1840.] 8°. 14114. d. 8. 14104. 6. 7. [1863.] 4° 14114. 0. 5. JA'FAE 'ALI, called Be-tab. i^^jX^ .yds- t^\}j^ [Chitra- ^. • • • ^^'Jr^ "-^ij^^ i*"^' o^'Vv ^jsA js^\i3

JA'FAB SADIE, Sixth Imam. lUj.As>~ I»li JU JAGANNATHA SAHAYA. tjiX^^Jc^j^y^ .^1

^»:i- 3 • jUs J*;^ [Fiil-namah o khwiib-namah. [Gajendramukti. A mythological poem on Gajendra, A book of fate, and interpretation of dreams.] pp. 16, the elephant of Indra, taken from the Bhagavata- 1AV1 lith. 1aJ IDelhi, 1876.] 8°. purana, Bk. viii. Chap. 4.] pp. 4, lith. ^^ iavo - 14119. d. 6 (8.) ILucknow, 1875.] 8°. 14119. e. 15 JA'FAR SHARIF. Qanoon-e-Islam, or the Cus- (6.) ijuSt^^ .jij>_»_sr ^_jJ»_» [Gajendramoksha. toms of the Moosulmans of India ; comprising a full and exact account of their various rites and cere- Another edition of the above under the Sanskrit monies . . . By Jaifur Shurreef, composed under the title. Followed by Sat-niim, or 100 names of direction of, and translated by G. A. Herklots. Krishna in verse.] pp. 6, lith. »i^ 'aw [^Lucknow, London, 1832. 8°. 1877.] 8°.

760. e. 14. 14119. d. 14 (4.) eu—j [Satya Narayana katha. JAPPTTR SHtTRREEP. -See Ja'far Sharif. i*)^^^* W^ ij;iV>^ A mythological story in verse, taken from the JAGAJJIVANA DASA. ^^L^ J^^ [Khush- Itihiisasamuchchaya, a section of the Mahabharata.] hal i sibyan. Songs for children.] pp. 10, lith. pp. 16, lith. tAvi [Lucknow, 1876.] 8°. j^^ lAvr [Camipore, 1872.] 8°. 14119. e. 15 (3.) 14119. d. 9 (5.) JAGMOHAN LA'L. See Jaoanmohana Lala.

JAGANMOHANA LALA. See Ashtavakra. JAH. See Muhammad Husain. (jlojj jl ^llil [Ashtavakra upadesh. The Ashta- JAHANGIR BEJANJI KARANI. silM<1 vakra samhita, translated by J. L.] [1877.] 8°. fell^ltl [Hindustani gayan-samgraha. collection 14106. b. 9 (1.) ^41^. A of over 1600 popular Hindustani songs, ballads and See DevTdasa, Lahon. Ujwj [Bigyiln i^^L^ poems in the Gujarati character, in two parts. Com- sudha. A Vedantist tract, being a translation by piled by J. B. K.] ^'oifcT [i?o/«A«y, 1880-81.] 8°. J. L. of theAjapiiprakasaofDevIdasa.] [1876.] 8°. Fat-t i. is of the second edition. 14106. b. 10 (9.) 14114. a. 26. 19 JAR 148 147 JAH—JAN JAN—

JANAMEJAYA MITBA. Nuskha i dilkushd, or JAHAN KA NUR. j^ ^ J^^ [Jahan ka nur, or The Light of the world. A Christian tract.] pp. 16, notices and selections from the works of Urdu poets.

Uth. lUljjJ UV1 l^Lodiana, 1876.] 16°. (liiJj ik^) Vol i. pp. iii. 204. Calcutta, 1870. 8°.

14104. a. 14 (4.) 14114. c. 9.

JAHIZ. See 'Amr ibn Bahr (Abu 'Usman). JANAM-KITNDLi. jli^*^:?- [Janam-kundll, or

Christian tract.] JALAL. See Zamin 'AlT. The horoscope. A pp. 20, Uth.

14112. c. 24 (3.) JALAL al-DIN HUSAIN, Bukhan. a^S^ .uU^L^ JANI BIHARI LAL, called RazT. See Husain [Musiifir-niimah. A jj,\ J^y_ t::-^^^;^ U^Vr Va'iz, Kdshifi. (—Xjj.1 [Arzhang i RiizT. The book of travels and adventures, translated by Mir ^\ Anwar i suhaili, translated by J. B. L.] 4°. 'Abbas from the Persian Makhdum i jahilniyan of [1879.] 14114. d. 9. 8°. J. al-D. H.] pp. 34, mil. I All {BelM, 1866.] 14109. c. 4 (1.) See Sa'dI. ^^\ (S^ii [Dilaram i Riizl. The Bustan, translated by J. B. L.] 4°. JALSAH i ISLAMIYAH. See Ghazipur.—JflfeaA [1879.] 14114. d. 10 (1.) i Isldmlyah.

[Nigiir i Rilzl. The Gulis- JAMAL al-DIN. J\ ^^yill^ J ^jjLi

j^'^^. [Yiidgiir i RilzI. An Arabic Kissah i Shah-Jahan o Roshan Zuhiil, an adapta- ^^j grammar in Hindustani.] Vol. i. pp. xxviii. 717, tion from the Persian, Kissah i Miyan Saudagar, Uth. iS\ {Agra, 1879.] 4°. and Kissah i 'Isa Gauhar o Achchu Guliib. Followed 14117. e. 13. by Kissah i chiir biigh i rangln, an anonymous JANTKi. jL\ jJjLj [Jantrl ^ i^ J ijji^^ poem, Kissah i Mahmud by MuHammad 'All, and tabiidulah ekar o bighah ki. Tables for reducing the Tandurusti-niimah of NazTr.] pp. 136, Uth. acres to bighas, and vice versa.] pp. 11, Uth. „^ iriA {Bombay, 1881.] 8°. '^' {Luehww, 1868?] 4°. 14112. b. 32 (1.) 14106. h. 1 (1.) JAMI. See MahdT 'AlT Khan, called 'Ashik JAR. j£ t^jUp-j: j^\ i_jj^>\^\ ,j^ cTrff- ji^ j=r ^JMJb Lki!j I—i-j»J i.s^ [Yusuf Zulaikha. An adap- cuUJLscr' [Jar aur chetan, or Mind and matter. An tation of Jami's Persian poem.] [1850.] 8°. essay.] pp. 8, Uth. [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. 14114. b. 5. One of the series entitled " ZakMrah % Eafah i 'umm."

jjjl \=s:^\ [Zulaikha i Urdu. An anonymous 14106. b. 10 (16.) translation of Jami's poem.] Uth. pp. 77, jyj^ [Another copy.] lAVA 8°. {Catmpore, 1878.] 14119. f. 13 (4.) 14114. c. 22. JARRAR. See Husain Beg. JAMILAH KHATUN. ^yls- -nL*^ ^^li-il J [Dastiin JARRETT (Henry Sullivan). See Muhammad i Jamllah Khiitun. A tale for children.] pp. 57, Rafi', called Saud.T. 1j» .*\)^ii.< sfCi^ (Mus- Uth. jy^^ [Cawnpore, 1865 ?] 8°. nawiyat of Mirza Rafi us-Sauda Revised edition 14119. c. 17 (4.) byH.S. J.) 1875. 8°. JAN. See Yar 'AlT, Mir. 14114. a. 12 (2.) 149 J AS—JAW JAY—JES 150

JASSU SINGH. t_^^ >ij^ LUi^lj [Barah-miisab. JAYADAYALU SIMHA. uJ^y«^ JyJ» (_-^j^

expressing n i.i i Verses on each month of the year, ^J^i^ji ^J|f^ [A'Inah mazhab i Ilunud, also

lover's grief at separation from his mistress.] pp. 8, called Makhzan i Brahma-gyiin. A treatise on the 12°. m. laj irir [De/At, 1876.] doctrines of the Hindu religion.] pp. 129, lith. 14119. a. 18 (2.) .jjl^ lAvr [Caw-vj/wr, 1873.] 8°. JAIJHAB. See Jawahir Singh. 14119. e. 16 (1.)

[Third edition.] .jyj'^ "^'^' \_Cawnpore, JAWAHIB LAL, Hakim. ^J^yi^ L_-^iri:^ [Mun- 1880.] 8°. history of India from the takhab al-tawarlkb. A 14106. b. 15. time of the Moghul dynasty to the formation of the East India Company, being an abridgement of the JAYAKARANA LALA. l^l^ (Uii-.v- ^_jfiy^ [Sat- author's larger work entitled Makhzan al-tawiirlkh.] niim. One hundred and eight names of Krishna, in

pp. 156, filh. ^0 |AV [Lucknow, I860.] 8°. verse.] pp. 8, lith. y.^ [Lucknow, 1872.] 8'.

14109. b. 4 (1.) 14119. b. 17 (3.)

JAWAHIR LAL, Munshl. yj>~ [Ballabh JAYASANKARA. See "Walker Dr. Dr. ^ ^y^ ( ) charitra, or The story of Jiinaklvallabha and Raja Walker's Moobtudee kee puhlee kitab [Com-

Rilmakrishna Simha of Gayii. A poem.] pp. 21, piled with the assistance of J.] [1861.] 4°.

lith. I'^vi \l,ucknow, 1871.] 8°. 14117. e. 4. 14119. 6. 16 (8.) JAZABI. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Shams JAWAHIB LAL, called KadTm. *j ji e;^^. J [Dlwan.] al-DiN Abu al-KHAiR.) pp. 70, lith. ^ lAvi \Lucknow, 1879.] 8°. JERROLD (Douglas William). -Le i^y^. u'ji'^ 1856. 12°. " ^' khayalat. Essays on various subjects by several Forming M. xxi. of " Urdu Series " tracts.

writers ; with a dlwan poem by Banwall Ram.] 14104. b. 13 (1.) pp. 26, lith. \8ialkot, 1877.] 8°.

One of the >erie» entitled " ZakhJrah i Ha/ah i 'umm." ^i**^ u'^^Ul J ^^s-«l [Istiba gh o imtihan i 19-26 pps. have a second pagiriation, 1-8. Maslh. Thebaptism and temptation of Jesus Christ. A 14106. b. 10 (3.) poem.] pp. 19, WA.

"f^^-s^ :^5^ [Kalld i panj-ganj. Salvation tuULi- tzj\j!i>\js^ [Moral maxims. Differing through Jesus Christ. A Christian tract in five from the above though with the same title.] pp. ii. chapters.] pp. 68, lith. AjLjjl iaii [Lodiana, 10, lith. t^^L-, \_Sialkot, 1874.] 8°. 1866.] 16°. One of the series entitled " ^aWirah i Rafah i 'amm." 14104. a. 3 (1.)

14106. a. 12 (6.) i^^y [Maulud i Maslh, or the Birth of [Another copy.] Jesus Christ. A poem.] pp. 27, lith. ajUjJ i^n 14119. b. 22 (6.) [Lodiana, 1866.] 16°. JAWAN. See K.\zim 'AxT. j ' 14104. a. 3 (2.) —

151 JES—JIV JOH—KAL 15i2

JOHNSON (William F.) See Periodical Publi- JESUS CHRIST. -iw« qj)}^ [Mu'jiziit i MasTli, cations. —Allahabad. Makhzan i Masihi . . . [Edited or the Miracles of Jesus Christ. A poem.] pp. 18, by W. F. J.] 1878. 8°. nth.


Precepts of Jesus Christ. A poem.] pp. 21, lith. Sherring (M.A.) ^^;JiU!l i^SJ [Tazkirat al- djlijj iAiv [Lodiana, 1867.] 16°. 'akilln.] 14104. a. 3 (6.) JURJANi. See 'Abd al-KXHiR ibn 'Abd al-RAHMAN i__v»L3J' [Tasllb o Kiyiim i MaslH, ^jM^ *^ J (Abu Bakr). or the Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. i^iv A poem.] pp. 35, lith. tUbj^ [Lodiana, JVALAPRASADA BHARGAVA. See Mahabha- 1867.] 16°. 14104. a. 3 (9.) RATA. Harivanisa. crjs.l^L^ Ur^ [Makhzan i cpLi-4J' [TamsTlat i Maslh, or the T'i**'^ Mahiibharata. The Harivamsa, with a translation Parables of Jesus Christ. A poem.] pp. 31, lith. by J. Bh.] [1877.] 8°. ajUjJ iMv [Lodiam, 1867.] 16°. 14065. bb. 1.

14104. a. 3 (7.) JVALASAHAYA. ij\iy^\j jJU^ [Waka'i' Riijpu- tanah. A History of Rajputana in three volumes, [Trust in Jesus Christ is precious. A poem.] compiled from English and other sources.] Vol. ii. iii. AjbjJ lAiv [Lodiana, 1867.] 4°. Lith. ii/\ lAVA-vi [Agra, 1878-79.] 8°. 14104. c. 16 (2.)

Imperfect ; wanting vol. i. [Wafat i Maslh, f'i*'*^ cuUj or the Death of 14109. b. 17. Jesus Christ. A Christian tract.] pp. 18, lith. ijUj^ IMV [Lodiana, 1867.] 12°. JVAIiASANKARA, called Amir. l-Ass. ij1 J L^y-^ 14104. b. 8 (11.) ^jl .Ij i..^-^ \^

lith. 8°. A vocabulary in verse of synonyms of Persian and ( J^^^ ^ U^.'ij*'.) PP- 296, Agra, 1854, 14109. a. 7. Arabic words, in use in Urdu and Punjabi.] pp. 40,

lith. [Sialkot, 8°. JiVANADASA. See India.—Legislative Council. (3/JL-: 1877.] 14119. a. 3 (2.) t_}lrcO jj-jly i.£jAj^ [Majmu'ah i kawanin i KADIM. See Jawahir Lal. Panjab. Edited by J.] [1877.] 4°.

14106. f. 19. KADIR WALL -Sec 'Abd al-HAMlD. [Su'al jT^ ^.j* J^ i:;'*''^:^ ^^j=r } ij^}-' o jawab. A catechism of the Arya Samaj. Compiled KADIRI. See 'Abd al-KXDiR, Badd'uni. by J.] pp. 24, lith. [Lahore, 1882.] 16°. KAPI. See Kifayat 'AlT. 14104. a. 15 (1.) JIVANARAMA, Narnoli. ^\^,^ hjs^ [Tajribah i KAIS. See Muhammad 'Inayat Allah Khan. dauran. A selection of tales translated from the Hitopadesa, the 7th chapter of the Persian Ganj KALAK. See Asad 'AlT Khan. i hikmat, and the Tutl-niimah of Muhammad Kadirl. KALANDAR HUSAIN. See Muhammad ibn Followed by an account of the life and official career of Kanhaiya Isma'Tl (Abu 'Abd Allah) 5«Ma>"«- Lai Alakhadhiirl.] pp. viii. 240, viii. ._? iM^ t^C-^^^?

Lith. AiUjj! iAvr [Lodiana, 1873.] 8°. al-bari. With a preface by K. H.] [1877, etc.'] 8°.

14112. b. 24. 14521. d. 14. 1-53 KAL KAL—KAM 154


[Dlwiln i suriTpil. A poem describing female dress CiiArn'i'ADHYAVA. JjLsr« j-«^ [Sham' i maHfil. and personal charms, each stanza ending with the Mriniilinl, a Bengali novel, translated by K. S.] name of a portion of the body or of some dress or [1880.] 8°, 14112. c. 31. ornament.] pp. 172, lith. ijijsvi iavv \_Fatehgarh, KALI RAYA. Futtuhgurh 1877.] 12°. Naman [or an Account of 14114. a. 20. the District of Fatehgarh] by Kalay Rae Deputy Collector.

14106. f. 4. KALiCHARANA. See Pratapa Simha, Raja of [Khet-karm. short work on Jaipur. ^Li ijy^l [Amritasagara, translated from j»^ '-^^'^r^ A native agriculture, the Braj Bhasha version of K.] [1878.] 8°. and agricultural implements. illustrations.] 14106. g. 22. With pp. 54, lith. ^Jj»J lApl [Delhi, 1849.] 8°. KALIDASA. t_^'lj Lil- [Sakuntala niitaka. The 14119. f. 2. Sanskrit drama of Kalidiisa, translated by Kazim [Another edition.] pp.55, lith. .m^ iao- 'All Jawan from a Hindi version.] pp. 31, lith. [Sikandra, 1850.] 8°. y^ lAve [Lucknow, 1875.] 8°. 14119. a. 16. 14119. e. 23 (6.)

*lc jui« [Mufid i 'amm. A treatise on the KALIKRISHNA DEVA, Eaja. See Gat (J.) the different Poet. Fables by the late Mr. Gay with its trans- eras in use in India, with tables of weights lation into Urdu poetry by Raja Kali- Krishna and measures, postal rules, schedule of stamp duties,

Bahadur. 1836. 8°. and other useful information.] y^ i rvi [Lucknow, 14114. a. 4. 1855.] 8°.

14119. e. 6 A Collection of pleasantries; or Fables and (10.) stories, translated from English and Persian into J^l^ <-r'^^^ jr^ t_jliS^ [Sair i Panjab. A history of Urdu and English (i_jiJLkJJl ;-_4_sr«) [Majma' al- the Province of Punjab in two parts. lata'if.] pp. vi. x. 166. Calcutta, 1835. 12°. Pt. i. by K. R. and Pt. ii. by his brother TulasI

760. b. 1. Rama.] pp. viii. 580, lith.

. lAii y.^ ILucknow, 1869.] 8°. aX.mjA &-^\j (JL-'lJ-tf

14119. e. 17 (9.) KAMAL al-DIN", Maulavi. See Muhammad IsmaTl, [Another edition.] 36, lith. \m<\ pp. ,yj^ Dihlavi. j^ (_^Li i_yy^ [Silk i niir. Followed by [Cawnpore, 8° 1879.] a kasldah by K. al-D.] [1873.] 8°. 14112. c. 19 (3.) 14119. c. 26 (6.) 20 —

155 KAM KAM—KAN 156

EAMAIi al-DIN HAIDAB, also called MTJ- KAMAB al-DIN KHAN. [Another edition.] pp. 32, lith. lAvi [Delhi, 1876.} 8°. HAMMAD ZA'IR. CLi\=£^\^ Jj^ A>- (jsJjl ^jV^ 14119. d. 6 (2.) [Tawarikh i (fCjy^^ j^ (J'^ ^^ ^'^i^ liT^^ [Another edition.] pp. 24, lith. i^^.;^ Awadh, or History of the kings of Oudh, in 2 vol., [Meerut, 1878.] 8°. with separate title pages. Vol. i. called Sawanihat i 14117. b. 3 (1.) Salatln i Awadh, comprising the period from Nawab

iSM^Jii Isir ^jx*.:>-\ Ss^ri- [Khutut i Ahmadl. Sa'adat Khan to Amjad 'All Shah ; Yol. ii. called A letter-writer in shikastah.] 31, lith. ^liij Kaisar al-tawarlkh from Wajid 'All Shah to the pp. lAvi [Delhi, 1879.] 8°. suppression of the Indian Mutiny.] Lith. y^(J i av i 14117. b. 33 (4.) \Lueknow, 1879.] 8°. 14109. d. 16. KAMMALPOSH. See Yusuf Khan, Haidardbddi. KAMAR. See Muhammad Ahmad.

i. , •!..A...lK KAMTAPRASAD. _w.uii . aJL:, j *^*jj j^JO.jjo <)JU^ ^^

KAMAB 'Alii. tJi-v*.^!^! irji^j [Zubdat al-hikmat. c^la^j ^U 1^ [Kaurai risiilah. A treatise on the

A treatise on popular medicine.] pp. 52, lith. i tap origin and development of the Kayastha caste.] \Lucknow, 1867.] 8°. Jj^ lAAr [Bareilly, 1883.] 8°. 14119. c. 17 (5.) 14106. b. 18 (2.) KAMTAEIN. See RamdTn. KAMAR al-DIN KHAN. Bee KhalTfah Shah


Khalifah Shah Muhammad, with translations by [works on] astronomy. (cjL^! jlsfl) [I'jaz al-

8°. K.al-D. Kh.] [1864.] hayat.] pp. 72. ii, Lith.

See Sa'dT. uIs-jjJ CuLs^x^ [Muntakhabat, KANHAIYA LAL, called AlakhadharT. See or Selections from the Bustan, with translations by GulzarT Lal. [Gyan-prakash. j_^1^ u^ ^Ji'ii K.al-D.] [1863.] 8°. A treatise on various matters of Hindu theology, Pers. 47. based on K. L.'s Alakh-prakJish.] [1877.] 8°-

Jl ijliAulf ci^Ljsru^ [Muntakhabat, 14119. b. 14 (7.) or Selections from the Gulistan, with translations See India. cyU^lj x^ ['Ahd-namajat. A collection of by K. al-D.] [1863.] 8°. Treaties. Compiled by C. U. Aitchison

Pars. 264 (4.) and translated by K. L.] [1866 - 69.] 4°.

14106. f. 8. <_>b ^^\ ^ i^liUf [The eighth [Life.] See JTvanarama, Narnoli. chapter of the Gulistan, translated by K. al-D. Kh.]~ jo^;".^ ^r=^ [Tajribah i dauran.] [1864.] 8°. 14117. a. 19. See M.AulTinlTiATA.—Bhagamdgitd. ^il^^ ^Uf [Gyiin-prakash. The Bhagavadglta, translated into JiT" b [Insha i khirad-afroz. A prose by K. L.] [1877.] 8°. letter-writer, with specimens of official documents 14106. b. 10 (12.) and correspondence.] pp. 42, litJi. Li j lAir '" ' \Bareilly, 1863.] 8°. See PuRANAs. Bhdgavatapurdm.

14119. c. 10 (2.) •J\ *oLu-) ^ [Raja Janak ka sambada. An extract [Another from the Bhagavatapurana, edition.] pp. 31, lith. ^ \^^^ translated by K. L.] ILucknow, 1866.] 8°. [1876.] 8°.

14119. c. 3 (1.) 14106. a. 7 (3.)

[Another edition.] pp. 24, lith: lnj [Delhi, See Upanishads JiXy^ ^\ [Alakh-prakash. 1875.] 8°. Fifty Upanishads, translated 'by K. L.] [1874.] 8°. 14119. e. 25 (1.) 14106. a. 13. 157 KAN KAN—EAR 158

EAITHAIYA LAL, called AlakiiadharT. Sec KANZ al-MUSALLl. ^JuaJ! Ji^ [Kanz al-musalll. IJpANisHADS. [Alukh-prakasli.] [1876.] 8°. Muhammadan purificatory rites, prayers, and alms- 14106. b. 20. giving, in verse.] pp. 11, lith. jJj»J • f"" [Delhi, —Ij-^^ [Alakh- 12°. See YooAVAsTsHTHA -^i^i 1870.] 14119. a. 8 (4.) amwiij. Yogaviisishtha, translated L.] The by K. KABAM CHAND. See Parkkr (E. W.) t.;:.->.ib jlj 8°. [1876.] tiJjl^ ^y\> [Yiid-dasht i kunun i shahiidat. Edited 14106. a. 3 (2.) byK. Ch.] [1872.] 8°. t->/^ uu-<«il>. ^jye\ jJkU.i«»lj j\^\ [Anwar i 14119. c. 24 (4.) na-mutauahl. A treatise on the principles of natural and moral philosophy, compiled from various oriental [Dastiir al-'amal i 'arii'iz. A handbook of notes and works.] pp. iv. 59, lUh.

.-^ .Lib J lj]j*^ i_->;UsL« lJ>Xy*j\ ments, rulings of the High Courts, Circular Orders and other judicial sources.] pp. 156, lith. .Jti lAvr .LsJ! _y« [Armaghan min-jiinib [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. ehu'arii i Dihll. A criticism on Kutb al-Dln's 14119. c. 24 (1.) Gulistan i-bckhiziln, or selections from the writings KARAM BASUL. t:i-.^Lu_«Jl J^^ [Siraj al- of Hindustani poets of Delhi.] pp. 8, lith. ^LfcJ masahat. An elementary treatise on mensuration lAvc [Delhi, 1875.] 8°. for the use of schools.] pp. 53, lith. »i^ lAvf 14119. d. 5 (1.) [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. i.AXjj>- [Hardil 'azTz. Jjj£ JjfA cjjo ^JA»i A 14119. c. 6 (3.) treatise on ethics.] pp. 56, lith. <_ljy3L-, \_Sialkot, KABAMAT 'ALI ibn BAHMAT 'ALI, Jmmpun. 8°. 1876.] The Origin of Knowledge. *^Uju.^ dJL^ [Mabda' 0ns of a series of pamphlets entitled "Chashmah i faiz." al-'ulum.] pp. 40. [Calcutta, 1870.] 12°. 14106. b. 7 (4.) 760. b. 35. JkiJk CiJ.Uj fCj^ [Tarikh i baghawat i Hind. Mubda-i-Uloom, or a treatise on the origin

A history of the Indian mutiny, compiled from of knowledge by . . . Kerramut Ali ; . . . translated various English sources. Also called by its chrono- into English by . . . Ayenooddeen Ahmud. pp. 55. 8°. gram Muharabah i 'azjm, or The great war.] pp. 262, Calcutta, 1870. 76O. b. 36. lith. I All [Lucknow, 1861.] 4°. (r**^ 'Ow* ^L). lUi^^ [The Appendix to 14109. e. 1. K. 'A.'s Mabda' al-'ulum, containing an essay on KANHAIYA LAL, called 'Ashik. i-Jjyt< t>^^= 9^ the question whether the Persian or Nagari character jtyoi^jij:^ \j JS lUaS <(j [Bagh i 'Ashik. A metrical and language is preferable for official use.] pp. 18. version of the Persian story of Gul and Sanaubar.] &:JlK. I All [Calcutta, 1869.] 12°.

pp. 56, lith. I AW [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. y^ 14117. aa. 1 (3.) 14114. c. 16 (1.) Makhaz-i-Uloom, or a Treatise on the origin

(JJL\£ li^l^O [Dlwiin.] pp. 58, lith. ju^ lAvr of the sciences, to which is appended an attempt to [Lucknow, 8°. 1872.] trisect an angle by Moulvie Syed Keramut Ali, 14119. e. 21 (2.) . . . Translated into English by Moulvie Obeyd-Olla, KANHAIYA LAL, called Dil. See 'Al.\ al-DT.N, al-Obeydee . . . and Moulvie Syed Ameer Ali. called WisalT. ^^U-i^U [Miimuklman. Translated pp. 130. Calcutta, 1867. 8°. by K. L. from the Persian.] [1876.] 8°. 8708. k. 4. Begin. 14119. e. 22 (10.) ^ ^1^ ^^Ul u-iiyu" t_-v-. [MiftaB al-jannat. A work on Muhammadan religious KANHAIYA LAL, called Talib. /.^^ A-oL* s.\j observances, with 12 pages of Arabic prayers.] ^^j\j HjJ iO [Barah-mJisah. A love-poem, also pp. 222, xii. I rov [Calcutta, 1840.] 8°. called Birah biirls.] ^p. 25, lith. ^^1^ iavi [Caum- Wanting title-page. pore, 1871.] 8°. I4II9. d. 9 (1) 14104. e. 3. 159 KAR EAR 160

KABAMAT 'ALI ibn RAHMAT 'ALT, Jaimpun. KABIM al-DIN, Maulan. ^J,l ^\^J^ [Inshii iFrdii.

^ ^Jl appendix.] A letter-writer, with specimens of legal documents, , [Another edition without the e: .jcs^e and official correspondence.] 43, /«YA. .ybU uif pp. 113, nth. y^ tAvr [Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. pp. 14119. e. 26 (11.) [Lahore, 1864.] 8°- 14119. 0. 11 (3.) 4_f,Uill ij^^; [Zinat al-Karl. A treatise on [Another edition.] 60, lith. iav- the correct method of reading the Koran, translated pp. j^i [Lahore, 1870.] 12°. from the Arabic by K. 'A.] See Kur'an. Jl ^ lAvp-iv [Lticknoio, 1874-67.] 8°. •J\ i^\, [Wafat-namah.] pp. 23, 24. [1876 ?] 8°. J'art i. is of the 2nd edition. 14119. e. 20 (6.) 14117. b. 22. KABIM. See 'Abd al-KARiM. [Another edition.] pp. 32, lith. ^^lii>j iaw KAEIM CHAND. . . . y' UJij>- ^J^_ ^i [Belhi, 1877.] 8°. 14119. d. 11 (1.)

[Jughrilflyah i :^\ jj>- ji^ii^^ [Khulasah i chaubis avatar. Stanzas 'r-'^^^i ^\/^ Panjab. Geo- graphy of the by K. Ch. on twenty-four incarnations of Hindu Punjab.] pp. 87, lith. .^ \A^f [Lahore, 8°. deities. Followed by Astiitl o priirthanii Sri Shankar 1864.] 14117. d. 20 (1.) Mahadevaji, a hymn of praise to Siva and his consort ParvatI, by Ganesadasa.] pp. 15, lith. [Another edition.] pp. 92, lith. .^1 iav ti/IL-, {Sialkot, 1872.] 32°. [Lahore, 1870.] 8°. 14117. d. 16 (2.) One of a series of pamphlets entitled "Chashmah i faiz" [Another lAvr 14119. a. 12 (1.) edition.] pp. 48, lith. ,^1 [Lahore, 1873.] 8°. KABIM al-DIN, Maulavl. See Fuller (A. R.) and 14119. c. 22 (4.) KarTm al-DiN, Maulavi. <_>jl!l *Lj [SuUam al-adab.] [Seventh edition.] pp. 69, lith. .y^^ lAvf [1869.] 8°. [Lahore, 1874.] 8°. 14586. d. 25. 14119. 0. 26 (3.) See IsmaTl ibn 'AlT (Imad al-DiN Abu al- Fida). Riazool Akhbar, The History of Abool [Eleventh edition.] pp. 69, lith. ,^1 iavi [Lahore, 1876.] 8°, Fida . . . translated by Moulvee Curumoodeen Sahib 14119. c. 1 (2.) from Arabic. 1881. 8°.

14109. e. 18. cljUUI *j^ [Karlm al-lughat. A vocabulary of Persian and y ^ ijyji^l i-r>^ >^j^;'^ [DusrI kitilb Arabic words explained in Hindu- stani.] 8". Angrez! ka tarjumah. Second English Reader, pp.232,/j!!A. ^Jj\ I Air [Anarkali, 1862.] translated by K. al-D.] 14117. b. 8. pp. 145, liih. ^^^I(,l3l [Anarkali, 1863 ?] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 432, ^jY/*. ,vjl^ lAvf 14117. d. 18. [Cawnpore, 1874.] 8°. *— **'^*- 1.^^'' 'ir^ 'Ki [Huruf i tahaj jl. Hin- 14117. b. 24. dustani orthography.] Pt. i. 40, litA. pp. J[:\i]\ [Another edition.] pp. 230, /j^A. .^l^ iava

I 8°. AM lAllafiabad, 1859.] [Cawnpore, 1878.] 8°. 14117. a. 14 (1.) 14117. b. 32. 161 EAR EAR 162

KABiM al-DIN, Maulam. [Another edition.] pp. 215, KARllS. al-DlJH , Maulari. [Another edition.] pp.16, nth. ^^1^ lAA- [CaiCT!/;ore, 1880.] 8°. lith. ^i^ lAvf [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. Pers. 691. 14119. c. 28 (2.)

jcjc->Jl SsS^ [Kawii'id al-mubtadl. A Hin- i> • ^ cyljtjlj [Wiiki'iit i Hind, also called dustani grammar. Third edition.] pp. 120, lith. Tawiirikh i Hind. A history of India, compiled i/\ lAOA [Agra, 1858.] 8°. from various sources, with the assistance of Rama- 14119. 0. 4 (6.) chandra and Muhammad Ziyii al-Dln.] pp. 270, vi. 8°. Lith. Uj I Air [Delhi, 1863.] [Another edition.] pp. 146, lith. j^'i lAir ^ 14109. a. 14 (1.) [Lahore, 1862.] 8°. 14119. c. 10 (12.) [Another edition.] pp. 194, lith. j^i iaio [Another copy.] [Lahore, 1865.] 8°. 14119. c. 9 (2.) 14109. b. 4 (2.)

ji^ Lri- [Khatt i takdir. A moral and [A new and revised edition by Muhammad instructive story with prefatory remarks on the Husain, and Abu al-Hasan.] pp. iv. 255, lith. necessity of a good education.] pp. 112, lith. ji^ lAvr [Lucknow, 1872.] 8°. a. 18. j^l I A If [Lahore, 1864.] 8°. 14109. 14119. 0. 13 (4.) [Another edition.] pp. 201, lith. j^'i lAvr fc_jlai{j

14119. e. 9 (4.) KABIM al-DIN, Panjdbi, called SharTr.

jj^Jj-j Joj [Pand i sudmand. Proverbs and [Jogin-niimah. A poem by K. al-D. Followed by with maxims for the young.] pp. 20, lith. .ys!! iaif Jogl-namah, by Wall Muhammad NazTr, each [Lahore, 1864.] 8°. a tazmin, or poetical amplification by Kutb al-Din 14119. b. 8 (3.) Biitin.] pp.20, /;%. y^ i Avf [i?«cA-«o?

[Lahore, 1876.] 8°. KABIM al-DIN, called San'at. i.:u^«i-» CuLl^ 14119. d. 10 (3.) [KuUiyat, or Complete poetical works.] pp. 307, lith.

8°. [Takrim i Zuhiirl. A commen- »iii] I AW [Lucknow, 1877.] t-CjJlr* f^j^ ^ 14114. a. 23 (2.) tary on the second of the Sih nasr, or three pany- gerics on Ibrahim 'Adil Shah, by the Persian poet [Another copy.] 14114. a. 22 (4.) Zuhurl.] pp. 90, lith. [Lahore, 1861.] Pers. 179. KABIM BAKHSH, called Ahkar. (.:uv*.a.c ^;Us;-y love-tale in verse.] 41, t^jyio jfVfjiJ [Tashhir i Zuhiirl. A commen- [Tarjumiiu i 'ismat. A pp. tary on the first of the Sih nasr of Zuhuri.] pp. 114, lith. lAAi [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. 14112. c. 19 (5.) lith. j^bH IA1I [Lahore, 1861.] 8°. Pers. 178. KABIM BAKHSH, called MarkCm. ^T^?[?rrfV

fTZ^ '^T?: WP^m- [Dad i Ilahl, Jirl^l J*V**»J" [Tashll al-kawil'id. An ele- ^ -g^ ^^rrf^ or Chandan Mailiigirl natak. A drama in four acts, mentary Hindustani granmiar.] pp. 28, lith. .ykS ij^ lAif [Lahore, 1864.] 8°. founded on a Jain legend.] pp. iii. 98, iv. ^F^

14119. b. 8 (5.) [Poona, 1885.] 12°. In Kagar^ charactert. [Another edition.] pp. 24, lith. .jiH iav. 14112. a. 31 (1.) [Lahore, 1870.] 8°. 14119. c. 10 (3.) KABIMDAD. See MusHTAK Ahmad. ^^\jtAi\ ^J^ al-ma'anl. collection of moral precepts, [Another edition.] pp. 12, lith. .yoj iavi [Makhzan A [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. taken from a Pushtu work by K.] [1876.] 8°.

14119. c. 3 (3.) 14119. c. 20 (5.) 21 163 EAR—KAS KAW—EAZ 164

i astI ja:ly [Eawa'id i abjad. KARSANDAS MULAJI. c_-^iiUll aJ^jI \J<^ji^ KAWA'ID ABJAD. spelling-book.] 15, lith. "JULtJ^ \_Lodiana, jiib z^\ [Sairistan i Ingland, also called Akhtar i A pp. 12°. buland, from its clironogram. A translation by 1865?] 14117. a. 12 (2.) Ambeprasad of K. M.'s Gujarati "Travels in 8°. KAWA'ID i KURKI. Ailjji aJL, [Eawa'id i England."] pp. US,lith. J^j iav. IDeUii, 1870.] ^j regarding attachment of 14119. c. 8 (2.) kurkl. Rules property, and distraint for arrears of revenue.] pp. 24, lith. KARTA KRISHNA. Jlj/ i^\j ^Jj^ ^^j-" uvi [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. ^^J ^.^1 [SawaniH i 'umr, or An account of the life of Eaja 14119. e. 6 (4.) Gopala Erishna of Sikandarabad.] pp. 46, lith. KAWUSJi PALANji KHATAU. ^^ fcT^^ld Ml \r'^^ [^LiicknoiD, 1879.] 8°. y^ '^rH fc/^tflW- [Fareb i , or Ab i iblis. A 14104. f. 14 (3.) drama in two acts in the Gujarati character, by E.

KASHFI See Muhammad Salamat Allah. P. Eh., assisted by MunshI 'Abd Allah.] pp. 90. ^"iW \£.«.q [Bombay, 1885.] 12°. KASIGIRI BATfARASi. See BanaeasT Das. 14114. a. 28. KAYASTHADHARMA SABHA. See Meerut.- KASIM PIR MUHAMMAD. ^^ajTi^iii^i. [Ghun- Kayasthadharma Sabhd. chah i gl^am. Verses in the Gujarati character on

the death of Hasan and Husain.] pp. 24. y^n KAYASTHA ETHNOLOGY. ^_^^^j^\ ..f^_^ ISurat, 1878.] 12°. [A work on the origin and history of the Chandra- 14112. a. 19 (3.) gupta and Chandrasena families of Eiiyasthas.]

pp. 96, viii. lith. [Liwknow, 1879.] 8°. ^sa^ :t\y\ [Turrah i gham. A collection of ^ 14109. b. 16 songs in the Gujarati character, on the death of (2.)

Hasan and Husain.] pp. 35. y.rl \C>Ot \_Surat, KAZIM 'ALI, called Jawan. See Muhammad

1878.] 12°. RafT', called Sauda. Begin, iju _a=>- ^-^ Lii-v*} jji-waS 14114. a. 18. ^-Lj^I Ay.i [Intikhab, or Selections from the writings of Sauda. CompQed by E. 'A.] [1810.] 4°. KASINATHA. • Ml, tM jj--^Uj.« [Mazamln al- 14114. d. 11. Hasanlyah. Essays on various subjects which Suckoontula, or the Fatal Ring. [The appeared originally in English and Hindustani news- Sanskrit drama of Ealidasa, translated by E. 'A.] papers in India. Compiled by E., the English See Hindustani Selections. Hindee and Hin- articles being translated by Durgaprasilda.] pp. viii. doostanee Selections. Vol. i, 1830. 4°. 114, lith. j^jy*\ I'^vi [Amritsar, 1876.] 8°. 760. g. 12. 14119. f. 12. See Kalidasa. i_J1jIj LiLo [Sakuntala

JoJb jy^i^ !iSsj [Tazkirah i zantin i ^J^J nataka. Another edition.] [1875.] 8°. i Hind. Stories mashhur of celebrated women of 14119. e. 22 (6.) India.] 90, lith. j\jU\ [Allahabad, 12°. pp. 1879.] See Muhammad Taki, called Mir. Eooliyat 14112. a. 7 (3.) Meer Tuqee . . . Edited by [E. 'A. and other] learned KASISTHAH SASTRARTHAH. Moonshees. 1811. 4°. ^^ft^: TTP^^: II 14114. d. 1. [A report of a discussion held at Benares on the 12th Eartika 1926 Samvat, between Dayiinanda See Vikramaditya, king of Ujjayini. -jl^io-j

Sarasvati on the one side, and Visuddhananda Saras- jk^ ijiy* |c«*-:iJ [Singhasan battisl. Translated by vatl, Biila Sastrl and other Benares Pandits on the Lallu Lai and E. 'A.] [1866 ?] 8°. other side, on the Vedic authorities for idol- worship, 14112. b. 20. wearing of sacred beads, and such like religious The Bdrahmasa, a poetical description of the observances.] 14. pp. Sindi and Hindust. eRTlft year in Hindoostan, by Mirza Cazim Ali Jawan. c^^%^ {Benares, 1880.] 8°. (LUj^Ij) pp. 114. Calcutta, 1812. 8°. Hindi 456 (3.) 14114. a. 1. —

165 KAZ—KEA kha—Km }66

KAZWINI. See ZakarTya ibn Muhammad. KHADIM. See TJ.mmaid 'AlT Khan.

KEEN (T. B.) See Sivanarayana, Beputi/ In- KHADIM 'ALI, called Zaiiir. ^Uj JuLy [Faras- jector of Schook. j-J^Li. j^\ji-tflj [Kasidan i shahl. namah. A treatise in verse on the horse, and the

Stories translated from the English with the as- treatment of its diseases.] pp. 64, lith. iai- sistance of T. B. K.] [1859.] 12°. [Agra ? I860.] 8°. 14117. a. 12 (1.) 14119. c. 4 (4.) KEMPSON (S. Matthews Edwin). See NazTr [Another copy.] Ahmad, ^dn Bahadur. —^-aJl iiy The Taubatu-n- 14119. b. 13 (1.)

Nasuh . . . Edited, with notes and index, by M. K. KHADIM 'ALI ibn KABAM 'ALI. -U^J^ -s^U 1886. 8°. [Tarikh i jadwaliyah. A tabulated compendium of 14112. a. 32*. general history from earliest times.] pp. 577, lith. The Repentance of Nussooh. Trans-

I AVI ILucknow, 1871.] 8°. lated . . . by M. K. 1884. 8°. 14109. d. 4. 760. 0. 3. KENNEDY (James) M. A. See Bible. — New KHAIRA SHAH, ili \j^ tJi^sXi [Barah-masah, Testament. Romans. Eiimion ke ndm par muqaddas or a poem descriptive of the different months of the Piiluske khass ki tafsir [by J. K.]. 1871. 8^ year.] See Ghunciiah i dil. J J ijsxi- [A col- 3068. dd. 7. lection of Barah-masahs.] [1876.] 8°.

KENNEDY (Vans). See ^sop. English and Hin- 14119. d. 6 (9.) doostanee ^sop's Fables. Revised and approved [Another edition.] See MajmiJ'ah i barah- by ... V. K. 1850. 8°. masah. i^\^!ij\j J^^AJs^ [A collection of Biirah- 14112. a. 11. masahs.] [1876.] 8°.* See Nizam al-DTx. A useful collection of 14119. d. 5 (16.) translations, viz., of the Persian Moonshee, of the

New Articles of War, and two Court Martials . . . KHALIPAH SHAH MUHAMMAD. cyLsrUw«

Approved and revised by V. K. 1847. 8°.

14106. dd. 7. the Persian letters of Kh. Sh. M., with translations

KERAMUT ALL See Karamat 'AjlT ibn Rahmat by Kamar al-Din Khan.] pp. 83, lith. .^"i lAif 'AlT, Jaunpuri. [Lahore, 1864.] 8°. Pars. 270 KEVALA KRISHNA. /See Ashtavakra. ^{iJijjj] (2.) [Ashtavakrasamhita. Translated by K.] [1871.] 8°. KHALIL 'ALI KHAN, called Ashk. See Hamzah

14119. c. 18 (1.) ibn 'Abd al-MuriALiB, Amir. i\.A~s^j.^^\ ^Ju.^\^

See Bankimachandra Chattopadhyaya. [Dastiin i Amir Hamzah. Translated by Kh. 'A. Kh.] j\y*L>-\j ^^j [Waka'i' Rajkumiir. DurgesanandinI, [1850.] 8°. 14112. c. 4. a Bengali novel translated by K.] [1876.] 8°.

14109. c. 14. [1869.] 8°.

14112. c. 17. KEVALARAMA, called Hoshyar. U.^» ^\y}.i

[Dlwiin, or the poetical works of K.] pp. 168, lith. [1876.] 8°. y^ "Nvv [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. 14112. 0. 21. 14119. 6. 27 (3.) [1879.] 8°. JJsIjSI J, [Radd al-abatll. A treatise against 14114. 0. 28. witchcraft, the use of charms, talismans and the KHANDAN. See Munauwar 'AlT. like, showing also the absurdity of many popular KHAYAL. See Muhammad TakT, Ja'fari. superstitious ideas.] pp. 88, lith. y^ uve [Luck- now, 1875.] 8". KHIRAD-AFZA. The Pleasing Instructor, or a 14119. c. 31 (2.) selection of moral and entertaining pieces, in Hin- KEWAL KISHEN. See Kevalak^ishna. doostanee. \\s\ j^ pp. 92. Calcutta, 1824. 8°. KHABIR. See Ghulam Muhammad Khan. 14117. d. 1 (1.) )

167 KHI—KHU KHU 168

KHIHAD-APZA. [Another edition.] pp. 96, Kth. KHUSHDIL. jJl !)J\j ^[^iLai [Another edition.

Madras, 1847. 12°. Followed by Kissah i Mahmud Shah by Muhammad 14119. a. 6 (2.) 'All, Kissah i char biigh i rangin, an anonymous

[Nisat i zarurl. KHUDA BAKHSH. i_Sj,j^ C^Lu poem, Kissah i saudagar bachchah by Shah Rahman, A rhymed vocabulary of Persian words in Hin- 'AshiK ka janazah, and seven miscellaneous poems dustani and Punjabi.] 32, lith. j^l 'M' [ia- pp. by Nazlr.] pp. 36, lith. jj^^ i*^^* [Cawripore, 8°. hore, 1873.] 1878.] 8°. 14119. c. 25 (8.) 14112. d. 15 (1.) 'Alii, Maulavi. See 'Abd al-'AzTz, KHITBIIAM KHUSHTAB. -See Jagannatha Lala. Bihlam. ^o\^\ j^ [Sirr al-shahadatain, with an KHUSBAU, Amir. See Ghulam Muhammad Khan, interlineary translation by Kh. 'A.] [1873.] 8°.

14561. c. 17. called KhabTr. ij)r-i ^„j=>- [Kharitah i surur. Followed by a brief adaptation of the Chahar See Hasan ibn Muhammad (Riza al-Dm) darwesh of Amir Kh.] [1875.] 8°. Saghanl. Jl jL-jJ-^1 LLs^ [Tulifat al-akhyar. A 14119. 8. 22 (4 translation by Kh. 'A. of the Arabic Masharik al- [Arth pahelT. riddles of tc^^ -i'j' The Amir anwar.] [1865.] 8°. Kh. expounded.] pp. 8, lith. [Delhi, 1877.] 8°. 14104. h. 2. 14119. d. 10 (1.) [1869.] 4°. 14104. g. 4. Begin, j* «JL> \J,

under the superintendence of J. Gilchrist. ( iLj j i'j) See Muhammad IsmaTl, Dihlam. t,_^\ ,_y»ii^ pp. 269. Calcutta, 1804. 4°. i nur. Followed by yerses .J [Silk by Kh. 'A.] 14112. e. 2. [1873.] 8°. Second edition, by Ghoolam Ukbur. pp. 206. 14119. c. 25. Calcutta, 1813. 4°. See "WalT Allah ibn 'Abd al-RAHiM, Bihlam. 14112. e. 4. •J\ JJj«ll 'U-i. [Shifa' al-'alll, a translation by Kh. Third edition, pp. ii. 210. Calcutta, 1824. 4°. 'A. of the Arabic Kaul al-jamll.] [1883.] 8°.

14519. e. 8. Containing numerous notes in pencil. 14112. d. 6. KHUSHDIL. i(jU ^Jb\^ [Sipahi-zadah. A story in verse of the adventures of a soldier who was [Another edition.] pp. 225, lith. Caumpore, robbed by two highwaymen. "With illustrations.] 1832. 8°. 14112. b. 5. pp. 20, lith. [Delhi, 1870 ?] 8°. 14119. e. 14 (11.) Begin. ^^ ^Le L-i' &H\ i^L,j_--j [Another [Another edition.] pp. 16, lith. ^linj iavi edition.] pp. 194. [Calcutta, 1834.] 4°.

[Delhi, 1876.] 8°. Without title-page. 14119. d. 6 (10.) 14112. e. 6.

[Another edition.] pp. 16, lith. ^j [Delhi, [Another edition.] pp. 280, iii. lith. Madras, 1877.] 8°. 1840. 8°. 14119. d. 10 (6.) 14112. b. 9. 1G9 KHU KIIU 170

KHUSRAU, Amir. Bagh o Bahiir ; . . . A new KHUSBAU, Amir. Translation of the Biigli o edition, carefully collated with original manuscripts Bahar ; . . . by L. F. Smith ... A new edition, revised

... to which is added a vocabulary of the words and corrected throughout by D. Forbes, pp. vii. 287. occurring in the work, by D. Forbes, pp. iv. 130, 257. London, 1851. 8°. Zo«5oH, 1846. 8°. 760. e. 21. 14112. c. 1. The Biigh o Bahiir, or the Garden and the

Second edition ... by D. Forbes, pp. iv. Spring ; being the adventures of King Azad Bakht 8°. 259, 120. London, 1849. and the four darweshes : literally translated . . . 14112. c. 2. with copious explanatory notes, and an introductory [Another edition.] The Hindustani text preface, by E. B. Eastwick. pp. viii. 251. Hertford, carefully printed in the Roman character. To which 1852. 8°. is added a vocabulary of all the words occurring 760. g. 43. in the work, by D. Forbes, pp. iv. 135, 124. Biigh o Bahiir; or Tales of the four Dar- London, 1859. 8°. weshes, translated ... by D. Forbes. A new edition. 14112. a. 8. pp. 315. London, 1862. 8°. Bag-o-Bah4r. The Hindustani text of Mir 760. e. 37. Amman, edited in Roman type, with notes, and an The Tale of the Four Durwesh, translated introductory chapter on the use of the Roman . . . by L. F. Smith . . . With notes by the trans- character in Oriental languages, by M. Williams. lator, etc. pp. xii. 169. Lucknow, 1870. 8°. xxxvii. 240. London, 1859. 8°. pp. 760. f. 14112. a. 9.

The Biigh o Bahiir ; . . . literally translated [Another edition.] pp. 259. ^^»XiJ iav ... by E. B. Eastwick. pp. xii. 255. London, [London, I860.] 8°. Hertford [printed], 1877. 8°. 14112. c. 10. 760. c. [Another edition.] pp. 146, lith. ^jjl^ i^t The Adventures of the second Durwish, ex- [Caienpore, I860.] 8°. tracted from the Bagh of [sic] Buhar [translated 14112. c. 9 (1.) from the Persian of A. Kh. by Mir Amman.] See [Another edition.] pp. 152. j \r'\r [Delhi, 1876.'] 8°. -f?"y *^ 14119. 6. 25 (3.) to Amir Kh.] pp. 16, lith. ^la.J [Delhi, 1879.] 16°. 14119. a. 17.

[Another edition, in the Gujarati character.] Pt. v. [Khiilik biirl. A vocabulary in t-?jV (J^^=^ i'^if XL^-a [Bombay, 1877.'] 8". verse of Arabic and Persian words explained in Imperfect ; wanting all other parts. Hindustani.] pp.20,/;YA.^y»i! iMf [Zff/w>-p,1864.] 8°. 14112. c. 26. 14119. b. 8 (6.) jl^ ilj [Another edition.] 146, lith. J pp. [Another edition.] pp. 12, lith. [Lucknow, jjl^ lAVA [Cainipore, 8°. ^ 1878.] 1867?] 8°. 14112. c. 8 (4.) 14119. e. 6 (2.) [Another edition, illustrated.] pp. 128, lith. [Another edition.] pp. 18, lith. j^bi i^v. Uj lAAr [Delhi, 1882.] 8°. - [Lahore, 1870.] 8°. 14112. 0. 19 (6.) 14119. c. 10 (9.)

The Tale of the Four Durwesh ; translated [Another edition.] pp. 12, /jVA. \r^- [Lahore? from the Oordoo tongue of Meer Ummun . . . by L. 1873.] 8°.

. . . With notes by the translator [and an F. Smith 14119. d. 4 (4.) appendix containing four letters by the same on [Another edition.] pp. 12, lith. \j^,ji^ ^ji Asiatic manners and customs], pp. iv. x. 248. Ajt^ [Brahma Press ; Delhi, 1873.] Madras, 1825, 8°. 760. h. 5. 14119. d. 5 (6.) 22 172 171 KHU—KIF KIF—KNO

KHTJSRAtr, Amir. [Another edition.] pp. 12, Mth. KIPAYAT 'ALI, called Klri. i—cj^-i LL»- [Hilyah

\_Narayanl Press ; Delhi, 1873.] 8°. i sharlf. A poem on the personal appearance of ^^jjl.U jt-ia^ d. 6 14119. (4.) Muhammad.] See Nuskat 'AlT. 'J\

Pers. 711 (1.) poems by K. 'A. ; the first in praise of God and translation of the [Nau-tarz i murassa'. TheChahar Muhammad, the second a verse T^r* ij^i^ darwesh of Amfr Kh., translated into prose and Chihal hadls, or forty traditions, with the Arabic 8°. Terse by Tahsln.] pp.214, M«. [^omiwy, 1846?] original. Also Kasa'id i na'tlyah, a collection of

The title is supplied in manuscript. kasidahs and ghazals in Persian and Hindustani, 14112. b. 12. by Ghulam Imam Shahld.] pp. 100, lith. j^^ i tai

[Nau-tarz i murassa'. Another [Caumpore, 1872.] 8°. f-aj^ 5 Jsy 14119. b. 5 version of the same Persian romance, by Muhammad (2.)

\'^^'^ 1869.'] 8°. 'Iwaz.] -pip. 52, lith. y.^ [Lucknow, [Another edition, without the Kasldah i hearing the A different version from that of Tahsin though na'tlyah.] pp. 88, lith. ^-Lw^j in- [Bombay, same title. 1873.] 8°. 14119. e. 5 (9.) 14119. c. 25 (1.) KHUTBAHS. Uic AjJJi [Hadiyat al-'ularaa. A

KHWAN i NI'MAT. k:i-w«.«J [Khwan i ,^1^ KISHAN KUMAR. See Krishnakumara. ni'mat. A small cookery book.] pp. 8, lith. .«1xj [Bangalore, 1877.] 8°. KISOBILALA. _.:J ic^^ [Guldastah i Kanauj. 14119. d. 1 (2.) An account of Kanauj, and its rulers.] pp. 139, KIPAYAT 'ALI, called KlrT. See Muh-^mmad ibn lith. I AVI [Lucknow, 1871.] 8°. 'IsA ibn Saurah (Abu 'Isa) Tirmizt. jj_ri. .^j 14119. b. 6 (2.) [Bahar i khuld. The Arabic text of the Shamii'il iiii}\ ^Jj\sS\jtj [Tawarikh i Ta'alluk- al-NabI, with a metrical paraphrase by K. 'A.] fCj^y dariin i Awadh. An account of the Talukdars of [1871.] 8°. 103, xiv. Lith. v.; [Lucknow, 14622. c. 3 (2.) Oudh.] pp. j G 1880.] 4°. 14109. e. 17.

(o-~>i>- m:mJ \\ i—sijJ^ t>j. J u:-Ju!jii [Faza'il i durQd KNOWLES (Samuel). AS. J.^ [Hall i i sharlf. A poem on the blessings obtained by mushkilat. A solution of difficult passages of reciting the Durud i sharlf. Taken from the Nasim Scripture, especially bearing on the doctrine of the i jannat of K. 'A.] See Niyaz Ahmad Khan, Divinity of Jesus Christ.] pp. 25, lith. ^Jj^ ''^i'^ Nawab. •J\ *^t '^3^y* [Maulud i rasul i J^^ [Bareilly, 1864.] 12°. akram.] 34-38. 8°. pp. [1876.] 14119. c. 21 (3.) 14119. b. 9 (2.) 173 KNO—KRI KRI—KUR 174

KRISHNAMI8RA. JU t-Jj^y*-* *l^; KNOWLES (Samuel). ^J^}\ ^W--*-* [MisbaK Jli* •-r-i'V' al-Iman, or the Lamp of religion. A Christian tract ^^Uj\ ijyu [Tahzlb i makUl, also called To'wiz i written specially for Muhamraadans.] pp. 40, lith. Imiin. A translation by Akii Hasan of the Prabo- ^"^L J lAie [£am'%, 1865.1 12°. dhachandrodaya, a Sanskrit drama by K.] pp. 60, 14119. b. 9 (4.) lith. ii\y\j=^^ I TA/s [Crujranwala, 1871.] 8°.

children 14119. 0. 22 (3.) JUL! k—-o Jt,fJ [Tahzlb i atfiil. The tract written by S. K. of the Bible. A Christian KUNJAVIHARI LALA. See lymA.—Legislative with the assistance of the Rev. Rajab 'Ali.] pp. 121, Council. J\ ^^U3 i;uJ^ [^'iii"'^ i l^g""' Actxii. of lith. y^ lAiv ^Liicknoiv, 1867.] 8°. 1881, or the Rent Law. Edited, with notes, and 14119. b. 10 (4.) rulings of the High Courts, and of the Privy Jjjj>- jJy [Tawallud i jadid, or The new CouncU, by K. L.] [1881.] 8°. lith. iaii birth. A Christian tract.] pp. 37, y^ 14106. e. 25 (2.) [Lucknow, 1866.] 12°. 14119. b. 9 (1.)

jliai [Shar' i MuHammadl. The Muhammadan i.^\j Sa£^ [Wa'z-namah. A discussion on J law of inheritance, with notes, explanations and Christianity between a Muhammadan and a Christian rulings of the High Courts. Compiled by K. L.] convert.] pp. 79, lith. ^-i-f^ '^i'' {^Lucknow, pp. 100, lith. ^jjJi lAA. [Fatehjmr, 1880.] 8°. 1866.] 8°. 14104. c. 12. 14104. e. 14 (5.)

KNOX (George Edward). See India.—Legislative KUNWAB BAHADUR. jjl^yUftJj! [Lodheshar


14106. f. 18. 1879.] 8°. 14106. b. 13. KRISHNA. Begin. /^J ^j^ Jij J^j\ ^j^ ^li' KUR'AN. Begin. \ci\ 1^ ^U^l [A hymn of praise to Krishna in Persian, followed ^jj> ^j^Jj^ ^\ by a Hindustani essay on the condition of the [The Koran. Arabic text, with an in- cr! ctV i u^ people of India and the English rule.] pp. 16, lith. terlineary translation and marginal commentary in

[Sialkot, 1876?^ 12°. Hindustani, called MQzih al-Kur'an, by 'Abd al-

" i 4°. One of the publications of the Zakhlrah i Rafdh i 'dmm." Kadir.] pp. i. 850, iii. iii. rpe [Calcutta, 1829.]

14106. a. 12 (3.) Without title-page and imprint. The Hindustani title is the chronogram for A.M. 1205, the date of the composition KBISHNADASA. ij^\

. . . aur hashiye Nasara musannif ke. ['Abd al- called KRISHNAKUMABA, Wakar. ^^U^^L^ Kadir's translation, with critical notes by a native

[Baharistan i ash'ar. j\*Jit\ The poetical works of Christian.] pp. iv. 456, Allahabad, 1844. 8°. K.] iv. 104, lith. lAvf [Lucknow, 8°. pp. 1874.] Jn Roman characters. 2. 14119. e. 22 (2.) 14104 e. 176 175 KUR KUR KUR'AN. The Quran, translated into the Urdu language by Shaikh Abdul Qadir ibn i Sh4h Wall Hindustani interlineary translation by 'Abd al-Kiidir, introduction in TJllah, . . . with a preface and and marginal notes, consisting of extracts from his in English by ... T. P. Hughes . . . and an index commentary called MQzili al-Kur'an.] xiv. 548, pp. Urdu by ... E. M. Wherry, pp. xxviii. 650. 1847.] Fol. nth. y^ inr \Lucknow, LocUana, 1876. 8°. and Preceded by a Persian treatise, with separate title-page In the Eoman character. pagination, on the science of reading the Koran, entitled 14104. f. 1. Khulaiat al-nawadir. — Jl [Another edition 14507. d. 3. cT^^'^ f^j^ •^^^ ^J of the one published at Delhi in 1868.] pp. ii. 664,

lith. irir [Belhi, 1876.] 4°. (jyuLc [Arabic text, with an interlineary translation 14507. d. 14. by Rafi' al-Din, and notes on the margin, from [Arabic l^lyill iZj\Ai ,Ji.jsr^ ^j^ A:^s^ J} 'Abd al-Kadir's commentary.] pp. 848, lith. i tap text, with Rafi' al-Dln's translation.] pp. 816, lith. [Delhi, 1866.] 4°. 14507. d. 9. i^j^ IMeerut, 1877.] 8°. 14507. a. 9.

" ' .«.«i» ,.|i« A. |»_:>-j-i.^ text, with »J ji—« >-r^ L,''_^ Jl ^.jX4J>-/J (^r^ u'y [Arabic translation, and [Arabic text, with RafI' al-Dln's RafI' al-Din's translation, and extracts from 'Abd al-Kiidir's commentary. Edited, extracts from 'Abd al-Kiidir's commentary.] pp. iv. 638, lith. \r^^ with a Hindustani preface by Muhammad Hashim [Meerut, 1879.] 4°. 14507. e. 1. 4°. 'All.] pp. iv. 636, ii. Lith. i rsf [Meerui, 1868.] )\ jLj.sr» Ji^ i^ ^j) j!U- ^jJ^ [A reprint 14507. d. 10. i^' of the edition published at Cawnpore in 1870.] i\it ^liS sf-y ^Ji^j ^.jJ^ [Arabic text, with the translations 14507. c. 11. of Rafi' al-Din and 'Abd al-Kadir, and the com- 11 j^lyftJl • • •

Jiil (.ji-^sr* .J,l [Arabic text, with RafI' al-Dln's tary.] pp. 546, lith. i/\ ir'A [Agra, 1881.] Fol. translation, and extracts from 'Abd al-Kadlr's com- 14507. d. 17. [Arabic text, with RafI' mentary.] pp. 860, ii. Lith. .j-j'^ ' '"'^i \Cawnpore, (•'!V~* "^rSF^ l// 1870.] 8°. al-Dln's translation.] pp. 848, lith. irii [Meerut,

14507. c. 7. 1882.] Fol. 14507. e. 3.

[Arabic text, "V?^ u'y with 'Abd al-tafaslr. ^J^ jir'lijl f-^^- [Jiimi' The Koran al-Kadir's translation and marginal notes, and an from Surah 50 to the end ; accompanied by a Hin- introductory preface by Muhammad Zahir al-Din dustani commentary, consisting of extracts from Khan.] pp. v. 644, lith. irv ILuchioic, 1873.] 4°. various works in Arabic, Persian, and Hindustani. 14507. d. 11. Commenced by Muhammad Kutb al-Din Khan, and completed, after his death, by his pupil Muhammad

[Arabic text, with 'Abd al-Kadir's translation and 'Abd al-Kadir. With copious marginal notes.] notes.] pp. 484, ftYA. ^^aj i rir [De//«, 1876.] 8°. pp. 664, lUh. ^j \rir [Belhi, 1876.] 4°. 14507. c. 9. 14509. d. 18. 177 KUR KUR 178

KUR'AN. i.s?\j ijy^ ^jJijSj^^l 7 [Tafsir i Siirah KUR'An. See Ahmad, Bairabl. (JJ J culyc* "Us^y i FiTtiliah. The opening Surah of the Koran, with a [Mujarrabiit i Dairabl. A work on the efficacious commentary by MuHammad Ikriim al-Dln.] pp. 60, use of verses of the Koran as charms and amulets.] lith. ^ (All {Lucknow, 1869.] 8°. [1875.] 8°. 14104. e. 18. 14117. d. 33 (3.) See Bible.—Appendix. )jj i.j-i r^fMAi [TafsIr i Siirah i Yiisuf. [Musaddik i kutub i Ihihl, or a comparison between The Arabic text of the twelfth Siirah of the Koran, passages of the Bible and the Koran.] [1864.] 8". with a translation, and a poem on the story of 14119. b. 13 (2.) Joseph and Zulaikhii by way of commentary.] See HusAiN Va'iz, Kushifl. _j*uij jj.\ i^^s-^y pp. 123, lith. j^^ tfAv ICawnpore, 1870.] 8°. •J\ j^-«*>- [Tafsir i Kadirl. A commentary on the 14119. e. 2 (4.) Koran.] [1879-80.] 4°. Selections, 14514. d. 11.

See MuHAAfMAD 'AbD al-GHAFFAR. JJLiJ 'l^^'l 'H-'^%

The testimony borne by the Coran to the See 'UsMAN ibn Hasan, KJiubawl. LLss^ Jewish and Christian Scriptures [by Sir Muir, W. 'J\ ijJicl^l [Tuhfat al-wa'izln. Comments upon containing selections from the Koran, with transla- texts of the Koran.] [1883-84.] 8°- tion and commentary.] . . . Translated by Baboo 14514. c. 15. Shiva Prasad into Oordoo (^Vj ^-r^y. iVM '^'^U-i') See WazTr 'AlT ibn Munauwar 'AlT, called

[Shahadat i Kur'ani bar kutub i Rabbiinl.] 242, pp. Muhammad SalTm. ^J:yl\ j^^^ [Taisir al-Kur'an. lith. Liieknow, 1861. 8°. A glossary to the Koran.], [1879.] 8°. 14104. d. 1. 14104. f. 22.

[Jawahir al-Kur'an. See Wherry (E. M.) AiJI [A'lnah i ^J^ {J'j^'^ j^^yr A JJ selection of passages from the Koran, compiled by Kur'iin. An index to 'Abd al-Kiidir's translation of Imiim 'All ibn Najaf 'All and intended for devo- the Koran.] [1881.] 8°. tional purposes. With a Hindustani interlineary 14104. e. 19 (7.) translation by Rafi' al-Dln.] •^^^ ita^ pp. 136, lith. tij'yjls:'^^ [I'jaz i Kur'iin. A treatise against \_Luchioic, 1873.] 8°. the Koran and its claims to Divine inspiration. By 14507. 0. 16 (2.) a native Christian.] pp. 240, lith. ^Aaj iav [Delhi, 1870.] 8°- Appendix. 14104. e. 9.

See 'AlT Bakhsh Khan. a! Li. \J'j^\ jj^ ^J'ji!>\ i-X.«x ['TJmdat al-Kur'iln. A treatise [Mu'aiyid al-Kur'an. An explanation of difficult on the reading of the Koran.] See Majmu'ah, passages in the Koran.] [1873.] 8°. J I &ejAJs^ [Four treatises.] pp. 62-66. [1873.] 8°.

14119. e. 19 (6.) 14104. e. 13. 23 —

180 179 KUR—LAI LAK

KUBBAK" 'Alii. See 'Abd al-HAiY and IsmaTl, LAKHPATI RA'E, called Sabz. A^i^ ^^ ^ twin sons of Rama Mauldnd. Jl jjs}\ ^y* jM jLj-I!! iki.1. [Mashitat LAKSHMANA

1". •- - first Ashtaka of the al-akhlak, also called Mir'at al-nisa. Tales for Jl g Jj^ t-jLii' [The 8°. women.] pp. 54, lith. iaii \Liicknow,\Q&d.'] Rigveda, translated by L. D.] [1873.] 8°. 14119. e. 1 (5.) 14007. d. 14.

ttiS ysr* . i_J-.tf i-_-OWi< u^*^^ present condition of the district of Bulandshahr.]

[Armaghan min-janib shu'ara i Dihll. A criticism pp. 424, lith. !ij\ UV1 \_Agra, 1876.] 8°. on K. al-D.'s Gulistan i be-khizan.] [1875.] 8°. 14109. c. 13.

14119. d. 5 (1.) LAKSHMINARAYANA, Ea'is of Bareilly. ^^^ See KarTm al-DiN, Panjdhl, called SharTr. '^—^)\ [Khirman i zara'at. A treatise on Indian luU^Sys- [Jogin-namab. With a tazmin by K. al-D.] agriculture.] pp. iv. 160, lith. (J-J^ \_Bareilly, 8°. [1874.] 1880.] 8°. 14119. e. 26 (7.) 14119. f. 3 (2.)

i_^ JkXc iUiJ ij i^^jjt^ i^Iua*!^ [Gulistan u)/^ LAKSHMINARAYANA, Student of the Benares i be-khizan, also called by its chronogram I^aghmah College. ^Jr^ UV^ [Kanun i sarfl. The elements i 'andalTb. Notices of about 600 Hindustani poets, of Persian grammar, translated from the English.] arranged alphabetically by their takhallus, with pp. 12, lith. ^^j\ij lAfl IBenares, 1849.] 12°. specimens of their compositions. Compiled for the 14117. a. 14 (3.) purpose of correcting several mistakes in the Gulshan

i be-khar, a similar work in Persian, written TFakil. ^^li-.;>J_6l^ljl-f by LAKSHMINARAYANA, .

Nawab Mustafa Khan.] pp. 296, xiii. Lith. y-^(] fjM.j ^\z^j\~^. [Gulzar i Inglistan o khiiristan i Rus, tAV6 [iwcA-wow, 1875.] 8°. or The rose-garden of England and the thistle-field 14114. b. 22. of Russia. A comparison between the English and

LAHORE. Society fo)' the diffusion of useful knoic- Russian modes of government.] pp. 58, lith. y^ ledge. Report of the Anjuman-i-Panjab, or the uvA ILuchiow, 1878.] 8°. 14109. d. 14. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge, for the year 1865 [prepared by G. W. Leitner, President LAKSHMiSANKABA MISRA. See Sivadehala. of the Society] with papers connected with the ^juJb l^\jks>- IILj; [Su'al o jawab i i—)\}Pr } li'^y^ proposal for the establishment of an Oriental Univer- jughraflyah i tab'I. A catechism of physical geo- sity. (^1 ^j^^ j»UJU i^y^J) Engl, and Hindust. graphy, based upon L. M.'s Prakritika bhugola- Lahore, 1866. 8°. chandrika.] [1878.] 8°. 14119. f. 4. 14119. b. 14 (3.) LAILA MAJNUN. uj-i^" ^_s^ [Laila Majnun. Text-books of science in Urdu. Rudiments

A popular romance in verse.] of physical geography . . . ^x^

LA'L I'*"*' MUHAMMAD. j^LJ^ mW [J^^"^ a^" LALAJI. [A reprint.] pp. 44, lith. y-u^ sa'illn. Answers to difficult questions on the Koran, [Lucknou!, 1877.] 8°. compiled by L. M., from on Arabic work of 'Abd 14119. d. 13 (6.) al-Kiidir Dihlavl, and other sources, with an ap- ^s^S J i.:i^(^t«j1 Ji^,_^ [Umilpati dig-vijayi. pendix (pp. 33-44) by Muhammad Ja'far 'All on A brief sketch of the life of Umilpati, a Raja of

av r clean and unclean animals.] pp. 44, lith. y^ \ Oudh.] pp. 46, lith. y^ 1 Avr [Lucknow, 1873.] 8°. 8°. [Lucknow, 1872.] 14119. c. 18 (4.) 14119. d. 9 (4.) LALLU LAL, Kavi. See Sankaradayalu, called LA'L SINGH. See Lala Simha. Farhat. jSLj *j j [Premasagara. A versified

LALA SIMHA. See Puranas. — Brahmandapu- adaptation of L. L.'s Hindi translation.] [1862 ?] 8°. 14106. b. Ta.n&.— Uttaraglta •J\ l~^\ i«J>y [Gulshan i asrar. 5 (1.)

The TJttaragltii, translated by L. S. Followed by See ViKRAMADiTYA, king of TIjjayirA. .A^--„s

DattJitreya's Jivanmuktiglta, also translated by L. S.] jij-oj i.jt^ ^-..uj-^-.-j [Singhiisan battlsi. Translated

[1877.] 8°. by L. L.] "[1866 ?] 8°. 14106. b. 10 (2.) 14112. b. 20.

• See Sankara Acharya. x^^i^j [Brahma- [1868?] 8°. 14119. e. bodha. A translation by L. S. of Sankara Acharya's 2 (8.)

Atmabodha.] [1877.] 8°. i^jcjk i_Jjiy [Latii'if I Hindi] or The New 14106. b. 10 (7.) Cyclopcedia Hindoostanica of Wit ; containing a

See Tattvabodha. e:,.,iLiLs:Il j-I-^k [Misbah choice collection of humorous stories, in the Persian

al-haklkat. The Tattvabodha, translated by L. S.] and Nagree characters ; interspersed with appro-

8°. [1877.] 14106. b. 10 (19.) priate proverbs, ... in the Rekhtu & Brij B,hasha LALAJT. &e JagaNx.atha. cyjU»; ij^j [Zakhlrah dialects. To which is added a vocabulary of the isa'adat. Moral precepts translated by L.] [1874.] 8°. principal words, in Hindoostanee and English, 8°. 14119. c. 30 (8.) pp. 124, 158, 86. Calcutta, 1810. 760. g. 8. See Ramacharana. j^ .J *J>J c:-..vlujI^ [Kii- The Luta,ifi Hindee, or Hindoostanee Jest yastha dharmadarpana. A treatise on the Kiiyastha Book, containing a choice collection of humorous caste, translated from the Sanskrit of Ramacharana stories [selected from L. L.'s New Cyclopcedia byL.] [1870.] 8°. Hindoostanica of Wit] in the Arabic and Roman 14119. c. 19 (4.) characters. Edited by W. C. Smyth [assisted by JL« e:^^ [Bhagat mill. A religious poem.] Aizal 'All], pp. vii. 167. London, 1821. 8°. See Das, Miyan. J-^l»-l JU ij:--^ [Bhagat mal 14112. b. 4 (1.) Ajiimil.] pp. 7, 8. [1880 ?] 8°. [Another copy.] 14114. b. 24 (2.) 760. e. 8. (-Xi-> cr^>fJ U^-V ^ji^j^ \r>- '^^ u'^^ The Luta,ifi Hindee, or Hindoostanee Jest- -x-rl^ (y^'-^i-^ ^j^ .j^ ^^Laju ^j^ [Madan makh- book ... in the Arabic and Roman characters; to chatiya, Bharthari satak, Bidhiin bhojan karan, which is added a Hindoostanee poem, by Meer

Bidhan guru karan, and Fawii'id i nit-karm. Five Moohummud Tuqee [called Shu'lah i 'ishk]. Second theological tracts, translated from the Sanskrit by L.] edition. Revised ... by W. C. Smyth, pp. xvi. 159. 79, lith. ilrr pp. y^ [Lucknow, 1865.] 8°. London, 1840. 8°. 14119. e. 1 (8.) 14112. a. 2. ^L*»kJl tuli_o ii^jsr* [Majmu'ah i sifiit i _S L-j i^JfJ [Premasagara, containing an insilnl. A collection of stories, taken from the account of the life of Krishna, taken from the tenth Puranas, illustrating various domestic, social and chapter of the Bhiigavatapuriina. Translated from moral virtues. Compiled by L. with the assistance the Hindi of L. L. by Svamidayalu. With illus-

of Ramacharana.] 44, lith. iavi' pp. y^ [Lucknow, trations.] pp. 179, lith. ju^ I Alp [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. 14119 p 30 (12.) 1864.] 4°. 14106.0.1. 183 LAT—LEI LEI-LIT 184

LA TOUCHE (Cecil D'Urban). See BannT LEITNEB (Gotlieb William). See Lahore.— the diffusion useful knowledge. Report of Khan. The " Hedayut Namah " ; a treatise on the Society for of Anjuman-i-Panjab ... for the year 1865 [pre- veterinary art by . . . Bunnay Khan . . [With an the English preface by C. D. L.]. 1877. 8°. pared by G. W. L.] 1866. 8°. 14106. g. 19. 8356. dd.

the Beggar, J-i-w [Tamsil i LAZABUS, ^j^ Sinin i Islam, being a sketch of the history parable of the rich man and Lazarus.] La'zar, or The and literature of Muhammadanism, and their place pp. 8, lith.

. . tunes arranged for the which are added twelve 14104. e. 12. piano and adapted to English metres [by E. J. L.] LESLIE (Charles) M.A. Leslie's Truth of 1875. 8°. 14104. 0. 20. Christianity demonstrated. jV^ y^ i-Sy*^ j^J LEDIilE (John Parks). See Marshman (J. C.) cUvJ ^ [Din 'Isawl kl sachcha'i ki sabut.] pp. 114. J.4j«]l .ji-)J 1^ liLc, .\j [Daroghah ka dastiir al-'amal. Calcutta, 1837. 12°. The Darogah's Manual, translated by J. P. L.] 14104. b. 2. [1851.] 8°. (Charles Benjamin). See Smith (W.) 14106. dd. 6. LEXTPOLT Missionary at Benares and Leupolt (C. B.) j;^ ^^i |iU.«Jl j^^ [Dastur al-ma'ash. Outlines jJLsr* [Din i hakk kl tahklk.] [1842.] 8°. of political economy, being a translation by J. P. L. ^ 14104. c. 2. of an English adaptation of Dr. Whateley's Lectures on political economy.] pp. 66, lith. jjti iaoi LEWIS (Charles Bennett). See Bible.—iVejp

{Lahore, 1859.] 8°. Testament. The New Testament . . . Translated . . . 14117. a. 16 (1.) by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries, etc. Sixth [Another copy.] edition. [Edited by J. Thomas and C. B. L.] 14119. a. 1 (3.) 1851. 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 100, lith. oMiiJi iaii 3070. b. 41. [Allahabad, 1861.] 8°. LILAPBASADA, also called 'ABD al-EAHMAN. 14119. c. 4 (3.) 'j^ S Jac ['Akl kl tajwiz. An examination of [Another edition.] pp. 80, lith. »i^ lAie the claims of the Muhammadan and Hindu religions, ILueknow, 1865.] 8°. by a Muhammadan,] 89, lith. ^X.^ \_Sarun, A slightly different edition. pp. 8°. 14119. b. 17 (2.) 1880.] 14104. e. 19 (5.) LEES ("William Nassau). See Ikhwan al-SArX. Common The Ikhwan-us-safa . . . Third edition, revised and LITURGIES. — England, Church of. — corrected by W. N. L. 1862. 8°. Prayer. A compendium to the Book of Common

14112. a. 13. Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments . . . See Sher 'AlT, called Afsos. The Araish-i- Translated into the Hindostanee language [by H. mahfil . . . Third edition, revised 8°. and corrected Martyn.]^ pp. 169. Calcutta, 1814. 1227.0. [and containing an English preface] by W. N. L. 1863. 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 352. London, 1818. 8°. 14112. a. 14. 691. e. 5. LEITNEB (GoTLiEB William). See Dictionaries. A vocabulary of technical terms used in elementary Dua i Amim ki kitab aur sakriminton ki Prayer in Roman vernacular school . tartib, etc. of books . . Issued ... by order of [The Book Common Dr. G. W. L. 1879. Fol. characters.] 4th edition, pp. 428. Ca/cwWa, 1864. 8°.

14117. e. 14. 3405. cc. 4. 185 LIT—MAO MAC—MAD 186

LITXJRaiES. Urdu Version of tho Book of Common MACPHEBSON (Arthur Qeoroe). ^j ^^yli sakriiminton kl Prayer, etc. (Du'ii i 'Amm aur cylsr*lj [Kanfin i rahn-niimajiit. A treatise on the ta'mll). pp. XXV. 270. London, 1886. 8°. Law of Mortgage, as administered in the Courts of

Printed in the Roman character. Bengal, and the North West Provinces. Translated 3406. df. (6.) from the English of A. G. M.] pp. 168, lith. j^i

I AVI LUCAS (James Joseph). Alqdb-i-Masihi. [The [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 14119. c. 11 (10.) Christian's titles, translated from the English by MACPHEBSON (William) Barrister-at-Law. The J. J. L.] pp. V. 224. Allahabad, 1876. 12°. Procedure of the Civil Courts of the East India In the Roman character. 14104. a. 13. Company in the Presidency of Fort William in

regular suits by W. M. . . . Volume First. Compre- LUCHHMAN SINGH. See Lakshmana Simha. hending Parts i. and ii. Part i. comprising the first LUCHMUN PERSHAD. See Lakshmanaprasada. nine chapters; rendered in Urdoo by the author.

Part ii. comprising chapters ten to twenty inclusive, [Lughilt al-sa'Id. LUGHAT al-SA'ID. j>-)cJl CjU! rendered into Urdoo by George Smoult Fagan. A vocabulary of synonyms in verse.] pp. 12, lith. (j^)^_j euJljkfi J-4j«!l^|^j) [Dastur al-'amal i 'adalat [Delhi, 1873.] 8°. >j i dlwanl.] pp. xxviii. 587, iv. Calcutta, 1852. 4°. ^ 14119. d. 4 (14.) 14106. f. 6. LTJLLOO LAL KXTB. See Lallu Lal, Kavi. • MADANAMOHANA BHATTA. l:: . , ^ • . . . LUTF. See Muhammad Lutt 'Ali Khan. Sangit, or the rudiments of Hindustani music. pp. 28. -qz^T [Patna, 1880.] 8°. LTJTI" ALLAH, Nasa/l, called Fazil KaidanT. 14119. a. 15.

JIju^ . [Khulasat al-Kaidiinl. A work on MADAB BAKHSH, MuMtdr. ,-A*-l lasr' [Tuhfah prayer, Arabic text, with a Hindustani interlineary i Ajmlr. A short sketch of the life of Mu'In translation and marginal notes.] pp. 18, lith. al-Din Chiahtl of Ajmlr.] pp. 16, lith. i^\ I riA

IAA1 , 8°. , JL.^ [Bombay 1886.] [Agra, 1881.] 8°. ^ 14619. e. 17 (3.) 14109. b. 22 (1.)

M., J. G. See Rurki.—Thomason Civil Engineering MADAB BAKHSH, /S^a/M, called JanglT. tl^lj.Uli'

College. A vocabulary of common and technical [Gulzar i Wiiris. Poems on the life and character words, in English-Oordoo ... [by J. G. M.] 1871. 8°. of Waris 'All Shah.] pp. 312, lith. ij\ iavi 14117. 0. 2 (2.) [Agra, 1879.] 8°. 14114. b. 7 (9.) MACKAY (George R. Aberigh). See Holroyd MADABI LAL. JjJ ^^.Ij*^ lj-.j .dol [Indrasabha. (W.R.M.) Ta'Hm ul mubtadi . . . (The Second fairy tale in verse.] lith. [Agra, Reader by R. A. M.) [1876.] 8°. A pp. 31, ii\i\S\ 14112. a. 25. 1860 ?] 8°. 14119. 0. 11 (2.) MACNAGHTEN {Sir William Hay) Bart. See [Another edition.] See Amanat 'AlT. Colebrooke (H. T.) The translation of Colebrooke's t«l l^--> jdOl [Indrasabha.] [1877.] 8°. Mitacshara . . . notes . . with . from Principles i 14114. c. 20 (2.) of Hindu Law by McNaughten. [1881.] 8°.

14106. dd. 19. [Another edition.] See Amanat *Al7. .jjl \^ [Indrasabha.] [1882.] 8°. jj^\ '"^j-^ [Usui uVj ic^ 9r^ Jj-»^ 14112. c. 19 (7.) i shar' i sharlf.] "W. H. Macnaghten's Principles MADHAVA DASA. cuvJ^jt^ ijs^yj [Bustan i of Mahomedan Law, translated into Urdoo [by ma'rifat. Selections from the writings of Persian Munsh! HusainI]. Second corrected edition, pp. 90, and Hindustani poets.] pp. 281, lith. ^i^ iaai lith. Delhi, 1846. 4°. [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. 14106. f. 1 (1.) Pers. 692. 24 MAH 188 187 MAD—MAH MAHABHARATA. MADHAVA KRISHNA. ^^ jjl* LUj^U [A PORTIONS. Barah-masah poem.] See Ghuschah i dil. JoA^ Bhagavadgita [contintied[\. pp. 17-19. [1876.] 8°. ^^ '- ^ 14119. d. 6(9.) The Bhagavad- u^^y \J^ [Gyan-prakash. MADHAVANANDA SABASVATI. l^^^*^ '-r'^ gita, translated into prose by Kanhaiya Lai Alakha- treatise trans- [Mahtab i ma'rifat. A philosophical dharl, with a general introductory essay.] pp. 72, the Sanskrit SSrasam- lated by Ruldu Ram from lith. ti>/!L- ISiaTkot, 1877.] 8°. Sankara Achakya. xj^i i^jS graha of M. S.] See One of the series entitled " ZaMirah i Rafuh i 'dmm." [Brahmabodha.] [1877.] 8°. 14106. b. 10 (12.) •- 14106. b. 10 (7.) [Another copy.] ysjU [Insha, or MADHAVA KAMA. ^\j J^\ 14119. d. 2 (4*.) i^il [_Lucknow, Letter-writer.] pp. 110, lith. ^ \^^^^j^ "i^^y [Srlkrishnaglta. The 1869.] 8°. -' Bhagavadgita, translated from the Sanskrit into 14119. e. 7 (1.) prose by Eamabharosa.] pp. 36, ii. lith. c-'^L-j MADHUSH. See Ambeprasad. {SialUt, 1877.] 8°. MADRAS.—il/afi?ras«A i A'zam. Proceedings of One of the series entitled " Zakhlrah i Rafuh i 'amm." Committee on the second anniversary of the the 14106. b. 10 (6.) Madrussa-i-Auzum. *kcl i-^jX* Ji^=^ li^^jj i^^^ Harivamsa. 1854. 8°. pp. 32, 32. Ungl. and Hindust. Madras, 14117. d. 7. CJiLfjU^-^ L)/^^ [Makhzan i Mahabharata. MADRAS, Presidency of.—Army —Native Infantry. The Harivamsa, Sanskrit texl with a translation by 8°. Dukhni translation of Standing Orders for the Native Jvalaprasada Bhargava.] n ^\ i aw [Agra, 1877.] Ali. Infantry of the Madras Army by . . . Gholam Imperfect; wanting all from the beginning of Vishnu-parva, adhy. 119, si. 54. pp. 179, lUh. Madras, 1849. 8°. ^ 14065. bb. 1. 14106. dd. 6.

MADRUSSA-i-AUZUM. See 'M.kdb.as,. —Madrasah Itihasasamuchchaya.

i A'zam. c^-wj See Jagannatha Sahaya. l^ cr'.b^ LAL. See Sukhalala. ^y:.^.^ <_jb.^ MAGAN [Satya Narayana katha. Taken from the Itihasa- [Kitiib i jantrl. With an explanatory preface by samuchchaya.] [1876.] 8°. ?] 8°. M. L.] [1865 14119. e. 16 (3.) 14119. flf. 2. Dr. Dr. Walker's Nalopakhyana. See Walker ( ) Moobtudee kee puhlee kitab .... [Compiled with See KalTprasada. j^ jJj i^y^ [^^1 Daman. the assistance of M. L.] [1861.] 4°. A poem on the story of Nala and DamayantI, an 14117. e. 4. episode of the Mahabharata.] [1869.] 8°. i MUHABBAT. i^^Lk^ cu^.^ MAGHLUB 14106. b. 6 (3.) CL-«ls^ [Maghlub i muhabbat, or The love that [1872.] 8°. conquers. A Christian tale.] pp. 13, lith. Ajli'ijS 14119. e. 17 (9.)

I All [Lodiana, 1866.] 16°. 14104. a. 3 (4.) ViSHNUSAHASBANAMA.

MAHABHARATA. [Sanskrit text, with ij^j-^ (•'j^r'M^i-s ^^, PORTIONS. commentary in Hindustani by Syamasundara Liila.]

Bhagavadgita. 8°. pp. 30, //if/j. £i\^\j::^f{_Gujranwalla,\^Ti:\ .Lj\2-S ^-rf [Gitasara. An abstract of the 14065. e. 9.

Bhagavadgita in prose by Devlsahaya.] pp. 32, _jj,l L-CJL> *lyM.;^ ^^ [With Hindustani lith. [Sialkot, 1876.] 8°. commentary by Phandan Lai.] pp. 76, lith. ^J-*'^ One of the series entitled " Zaldnrah i Bafah i 'dmm." Pages 5-32 have also a separate pagination 77-104. \I)elM, 1876 ?] 8°.

14119. a. 13 (4.) 14106. b. 17. j

189 MAH MAH 190

MAHlBHlBATA. MAHDl 'ALI KHAN, Saiyid. c:-~jA». u^jJ *!^

APPENDIX. •J\ ^j\x.^\ [Risalah dar bayiin Hakkiyat i zamln-

See MaiidT Hasan, Mir, called Shamsher. darl. A treatise on land tenures in India, and the

*^^u^ di.l^L^ [Mahabhiirata manziim. Tales from rights of landlords and tenants.] pp. 108. iJiS Jlc the Mahubharata in verse.] [1870] 8°. tAvi [Aligarh, l%7d.'\ 8°. 14114. c. 4. 14106. e. 24 (3.)

See Muh7 al-DTx, Shaikh. A-v < 11 cujj MAHDI 'ALI KHAN, called 'Ashik. i-L>^„

[Lazzat al-Hind. Love stories, taken from tbe .uU jUl^

lith. \r^y [Bombay, 1850.] 8°. MAHANABAYANA. i_fljUJ iJiL^j ,^ ^.^\j^1\ ' ^ 14114. b. 5. J^l ^ r-^ i^y*\j J->j-^ 'U [Laia'if al-Akbar, also called Birbal-namah. A collection of anecdotes jj.l \Js\l\ [Another edition of the Yiisuf and witty sayings ascribed to Birbal, the favourite Zulaikha.] pp. 77, lith. .j--J^ i'^^'' [Cawnpore, 8°. of the Emperor Akbar.] Pt. i. pp. 32, lith. ^laj iavi 1873.] 14119. e. 20 (8.) [Lelhi, 1876.] 12°. 14119. a. 18 (6.) MAHDI «ALi KHAN, called ZakI. ^j Cjl-K

edition.] /«i!A. Lsj iaa- [De/Aj, 1880.] 12°. pp.32, ^ MAHDI HASAN, iir»-, called Shamsher. cuJ^^y* 14112. a. 20 (2.) Ajlii-* [Mahabharata manzum. Tales from the

[Fourth edition.] pp. 32, liih. ^jjtj i'^^'' Mahiibhiirata in verse. With illustrations.] pp. 302, 12°. [Delhi, 1882.] lith. ^^»i#i3 lAv- [Lucknoiv, 1870.] 8°. 14112. a. 20 (3.) 14114. 0. 4.

MAHARAJA LALA. f^RWT ^SUT ^ [Kissah Dallah MAHDI HASAN KHAN, called Abad. See ka, or The story of Dallah the crafty thief. Trans- Baharistan i sukhan. ^^sr' j^li-s^^j [Poems by characters Srinivasa Dasa.] cribed in Devanagarl by Niisikh, Atish and Abad in parallel columns.] 40, lith. "^«:^ [Benares, 1882.] 8°. pp. grnft [1860 ?] 8°. 14112. c. 37. 14114. 0. 18 (1.)

MAHBUB KHAN. See Muhammad 'Abd al-'AzTz, ii\j\ XJf->j>-Ji [A tarji'band poem.] See Maulavi. c-j^-^-^I _jlji>- ^,i (—J^Ua-* J. [Radd i "VValT Muhammad, called Nazir. cLii s_ "-•--,i" ~^

MAHDI HUSAIN ibn MUHAMMAD HASAN MAHMUD, Miyan, called Raunak. ^Hl^fi ^iCli, Muhammad -liKl ['Ashik i sadik. The true lover, or KHAN. --3^1 ^[Another edition.] &e §ti ^\ the Story of Hir and Ranjha. A drama in two ibn 'Umar (Abu 'Abd Allah) WdJcidi. J^l^ ^^^ 12°. 4°. acts.] pp. 36. yvtfcT [Bombay, 1880.] rMajmu'ali i kamil.] Bk. ii. [1874.] 14109. d. 9. 14112. a. 27 (4.)

"i'12:?*. "iC^y^n^ [Benazir Badr i munlr. A MAHDI KULi KHAN.

J/'H felM "&! [Insaf i MahmGd Shah. A drama in DASA. l::--^ [Bhagat charitra. MAHESA Jjj»~ two acts.] pp.56. ^ux'J^ML^ [Bombay, 18^2.'] 8°. saints in verse.] 120, lith. Lives of Hindu pp. 14112. a. 27 (9.) ii\^\,P'^ [Giijranwala, 1S79.'] 12°. ^ CrlH&ll I'V'j [Laila Majniin. A dramatised ^^^ 14106. a. 11. version of the popular romance.] \V^k [Bombay,

[Another copy.] KlnM femin §1$ sA"^ ^M5:5iH. [Sitam i 14119. f. 13 (7.) Haman. A drama in two acts on the evils of

MAHIGIB. .-fjftiU laS [Kissah i mahlglr, or The drunkenness.] pp. 52. y'^fcr[-Bow%, 1880.] 8°. 14112. a. 27 (7.) story of the fisherman.] See Majmu'ah i kisas. ^^ Ly*.s.^ pp. 33-40. [1869.] 8°. MAHMUD, Saiyid. The law of evidence in British 14119. e. 1 (7.) India, being a commentary in Hindustani on the

Indian Evidence Act (i. of 1872) as amended by the MAHMUD. See Muhammad Husain. Indian Evidence Act Amendment Act (xviii. of MAHMUD. - aIs-^ i^\jLj:ls^ 1872), together with the Indian Oaths Act (x. of

j^^lisrG [Jang-namah i Muhammad Hanlf, also called 1873) by Syed Mahmood . . . cuoLy-i ^y-jlj --^ Fath-namah. An account in verse of the wars of jjjD \jSt* [Sharh i kanun i shahadat.] pp. ii. 37, Hanif.] 156, lith. ir'if \_Bomhay, Muhammad pp. 472, 14, lith. Aligarh, 1876. 8°, 1878.] 8°. 14106. e. 12. 14114. b. 31. MAHMUD ibn TAIZ ALLAH, Uafz. jJl^l^l

[A reprint.] i riv [Bombay, 1881.] 8°. [Izhar al-hakk t—>\^'i i--r>^y=r i}^} (V t-r>^y^\ 14106. e. 4. wa al-sawab. A controversial treatise on the practice MAHMUD, Miydn, called Eaunak. 'ATn^l llMJin of making lamentations on the anniversary of the

dli (|nl4^ 11^^- [Anjam i ulfat, or The conse- death of Husain ; being a reply to a Shl'ah work quences of love. A drama in four acts in the entitled Jawab la-jawab. Compiled by M. with the

Gujarati character.] pp. iv. 42. ^'^iW" \LLo assistance of Sa'd al-Dln.] pp. 92, lith. j^'i ir^l [Bombay, 1880.] 8°. [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. 14112. a. 27 (3.) 14119. c. 23 (1.) ;

193 MAH—MAJ MAJ 194

Ohazni. MAHMITD ibii SUBUKTIQIN, Sultan of MAJH^'AH. 1 [Durud i likhl. A prayer said to have been revealed by the Prophet to Sultan M. in Kalimah-namah and Chihal masii'il.] pp. 57, lith. [Caipnpore, 8°. a dream. Arabic text, with interlineary translation j^^i 1878.] 14104. g. 4 (6.) and preface.] See Prayers. j\j^\ ijiyijsi* pp. 29-33. [1877.] 8°. 14619. b. 15 (4.) (LjJ*^ *»*"J>-« «J--3J> (V/ U^.i^ [^ collection of four

poems : (1) Kissah i dayah Hallmah, and (2) Kissah MAHMtJD HUSAIN.

MAHRUPIYA, pseud, [i.e. MotI Lal.] jJUU^ t_f;UIl J^^jl* — Jry_/J^ Ji/F^ wW— i^ytJst* [Pir i nabiiligh, or The aged minor. A drama on {J[^\ iSAs: — lSj^^ '-^^-~^j — [Four treatises on the the folly of old men marrying young women.] correct reading of the Koran : (1) Al-bayan al-jazll pp. 40, lith. {Allahabad, 1882.] 8°. al-tartll by Muhammad 'Inayat Ahmad. (2) Maksiid

14112. c. 28 (2.) al-karl by Nur al-Din Muhammad. (3) Zinat al- kari, a translation from the Arabic by Kariimat MAHTAB RA'E. j,^\ t_>Urul [Intikhab al- 'All, and (4) 'Umdat al-Kur'an. Followed by two nujiim. A treatise on astrology, compiled from Khutbahs in Arabic as a practise in recitation.] various sources.] pp. 66, lith. y^ iavc {Lttcknow, pp. 72, lith. y^ tri- [Lticknow, 1873.]. 8°. 1875.] 8°. 14104. e. 13. 14119. c. 30 (1.)

..^j-j -fs-"**^

The first poem, hy Moti Ram, is in Punjabi. MAJMA' al-ASH'AB. .U^ill ^-*jsi* [Majma' al- 14119. d. 6 (11.) ash'ar. A collection of ghazals by several Persian (UjUj.Ij

MAJMU'AH i KISAS. ,je^ Xzj^js^ [A collection i\l^u^ MAJMU'AH. J is.yA^ of stories in verse ; (1) Kissah i Shah i Rum

(2) Kissah i Shah Jumjumah, and (3) Kissah i

[A collection of five religious tracts : (1) Hazar Shaikh Mansiir, both by Ahmad 'All Sivarajpurl

Saliim. Kissah i saudagar bachchah, mas'alah of 'Abd Allah ibn (2) Masa'il i (4) by Shah Rahmiin ; samaniyah, or eight traditions from al-Ghazzali's and (5) Kissah i mahlglr.] pp. 40, lith. itai

Ihya 'uliim al-dln. (3) Sad o si mas'alah. (4) Munajat [Lucknow, 1869.] 8°. 14119. e. 1 (7.) i barl ta'ala, and (5) Hilyah i sharlf.] pp. 42, lith. L^ lAvr [Lucknow, 1873.] 8°. [A reprint.] pp. 40, lith. [Lticknow, 1873 ?] 8°. 14119. e. 26 (10.) 14119. e. 19 (5.) S6 : —


'i^y^ [A MALHAE RAO, Gaikwar of Baroda. [Trial and MAJMU'AH i MABHATTI. \J^j^ deposition^ See Damodaka Dasa. »J)^ 'u...^ collection of ballads.] pp. 4, lith. ^J [Delhi, ^^, [Kamlsban i Barodah.] 1876.1 8°. 14119. d. 5 (16.) MALIH. See 'Abbas, Mirzd.

MAJMU'AH i MU'JIZAT. jT i^-^ i^^A^ See 'AlT Hasan, Saiijid. J\ ^ [A collection of four poems on miracles ibn l&^l ^z IkiJl viz. MALIK ANAS. K U^ ascribed to the Imams Hasan and Husain ; [Kashf al-mughattii 'an kitiib al-Muwatta. The Mu'jizab i sar i (1) Mu'jizah i Al i Nabi. (2) Arabic text of the Muwatta, or collection of tra- mubarak i Imam Husain, and (3) Shabadat-namah, ditions, of M. ibn A., omitting the Isnads. With a i bazrat Hasanain by by Tasalll ; and (4) Mu'jizab lAvr Hindustani translation and commentary by Maulavi Shaikb 'Abd al-'AzIz.] pp. 12, lith. ^ Wahid al-Zaman.] 2 vol., lith. ^JJ^J 'Mi [Delhi, [Lucknow, 1873.1 8°. 14119. c. 32 (11.) 1879.] 8°. 14561. c. 9. [Hlr o MAKBUL AHMAD. j [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. 14119. d. 5 (9.) of Ratan Sen and Padmiivatl. Transcribed in the Persian character, with a commentary in Hindustani Hir et Ranjban. Legende du Penjab. lith. irAr [Lucknow, Traduite de I'bindoustani par M. Garcin de Tassy. by 'All Hasan.] pp. 360, 8°. [Paris,] 1857. 8°. 1865.] Hindi 499. An extract from the " Revue de V Orient."

1298. 1. 1. •J.l cu.Ujo [Padmavat. Translated into MAKKHAN LAL. See Colebrooke (H. T.) Hindustani by Ziya al-Din 'Ibrat of Delhi, and ^is^j\ jStyL

men. Colebrooke's Digest of • zaujab ke bayan i r called 'Ishrat.] pp. 77, lith. y^ i [Lucknow, Hindu Law, Book iv., translated by M. L.] 1858.] 4°. [1875 ?] 8°. 14114. d. 3. 14119. c. 33 (2.) MANGALA SENA. See Pukanas.—Brahmanda- JiiA i_^ jw« (J^yi<^ i-JJiX [Kasbif i daka'ik i purana. Rdmagitd. \ ^j^ [Riimaglta, mazbab i Hind. An explanation of twenty-tbree translated by M. S.] 8°. difficult questions with reference to Hindu caste [1876.] 14119. a. 13 (2.) distinctions.] pp. 29, lith. j:>^

cuLxJs -Xc- t-j^js- [Khulasah i Ramiiyana, followed by Trikala upiisana, or Ve- ) S^y^

14119. c. 20 (2.) 14106. b. 10 (11.)

MAKSTJD AHMAD, called Nutk. jiaj ^JjLi [Another copy.]

[Fighiin i Nutk. Elegiac verses.] pp. 8, /»Y/i. .yli^ 14119. d. 2 (4.) lAVA [Sitapur, 1878.] 8°. MANNTJ LAL. See Rurki.— Thomason Civil 14114. a. 22 (2.) Engiiieering College. .JL^ . . . Papers prepared for


MANNU IjA.lt. LliJ pp. 48, lith. l^Lucknow ? 1873.] 8°. 14119. c. 1879.] 8°. 29 (10.)

14112. c. 30. OjjJ iis^ [Tuhfah i durud, also called Khair al-kalilm. treatise on prayers. MANU. TJ^rT ^^5Tc^ Jn'R>iI»^in^ • • • ^jA^y^ A Muhammadan Compiled by M. A. from various Arabic sources.] Jlji-jLii j,jt!^ ,;^o [Manava dharmasastra. Sanskrit 8°. pp. 56, lith. I rAr [Lucknoic, 1866.] text with a Hindustani translation.] pp. 428, lith. 14119. e. 1 (2.) 5Hs|1^ ejx^a^ \_Lucknow, 1873.] 4°. [Another edition.] 60, /«%. iavi [Luck- 14039. d. 6. pp. now, 1871.] 8°. i.A»ry ^ 15^***"^"* [Msinusmriti. Selections 14119. e. 26 (6.) from the Manusamhita, or Institutes of Manu, MARGHUB. See Ghulam Mustafa. translated from the Sanskrit.] pp. 12, lith. tZjj^L-> MABHABA. See 'Abd al-SHAKUR. lAvp \Sialkot, 1874.] 8°. MABKUM. See KarTm Bakhsh. Being No. 42 of Vol. it. of the series entitled " galdilrah i Rafah i 'dmm." MABSHMAN (John Clark). J^l .ji«)j Kic..lj 14106. a. 12 (8.) [Daroghah ka dastiir al-'amal. The Darogah's [Another copy.] Manual, translated from the English of J. C. M. 14119. b. 22 (4.) by J. P. Ledlie.] pp. xvii. 302, xxi. s^\ iaoi

MANUEL (G. S.) ^IcJk; [Eah-numa i [Agra, 1851.] 8°. Jj!,j 14106. dd. 6. Dihll. A guide to the city of Delhi, containing descriptions of the principal places of note. "With Marshman's guide to the Civil Law of the illustrations.] pp. iv. 486, lith. i&j lAvf [Delhi, presidency of Fort William; containing all the 1874.] 8°. unrepealed regulations ... of Government. Trans- 14109. d. 11. lated into Urdu ... by ... J. J. Moore, ij-^^ [Majma' MANUEL (Thomas Philip). See Am al-FAzL j^^ljJJO al-kawanln.] 2 vol. Agra, 1845, 46. 8°. ibn Mubarak. The Khirud-IIfroz ; translated 760. g. 30. from the Oordoo into English, and followed by a vocabulary ... by T. P. M. 1861. 8°. MABTYN (Henry) Missionary. See Bible.—iVew

760. e. 36. Testament. The New Testament . . . translated into

the Hindoostanee language . . . by H. M. 1814. 8°. See Jkhwan al-SAFA. The Ikhwan-oos-suffa, 842. e. 2. translated from the original Oordoo . . . and fol- — 1819. 8°. lowed by a vocabulary ... by T. P. M. 1860. 8°. — 842. e. a 760. g. Gospels. The Gospels ... in English A complete vocabulary to the [Hindustani and Hindusthdni. St. Matthew, translated by H. M. version of the] Ikhwan-oos-sufPa ; with etymological 1837. 8°. illustrations of . . . diflBcult words, pp. 23. Calcutta, 1108. f. 7. 1862. 8°. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew. 760. f.

. . . [Translated by H. M.] 1819. 8°. See MANZUB. Muhammad, Shaikh. 842. e. 10. —


Mrs. Lugat i Kitdb i Mu- MAHTYN (Henry) Missionary/. See Liturgies.— MATHEB ( ) illustrated Bible dictionary, in England, Church of. — Common Prayer. A com- qaddas. [An Roman

characters.] . . . Revised and edited by the Rev. pendium of the Book of Common Prayer . . . Translated ... [by H. M.] 1814. 8°. M. A. Sherring. pp. 578. Mirzapore, 1875. 8°. 1227. c. 14104. d. 5. 1818. 8° MATHUBAPBASADA. Jtfirf XjA^ [Samrah i 'ishk. 691. e. 5. A love-tale.] pp. 24, lith. ^^ uva ^Lucknow, MASHSHAK. See Muhammad Ubaid al-EAHMAN. 1878.] 8°. MASIHA. See Muhammad WalT. 14112. 0. 24 (8.)

MASIHI GIT. Masihi git ki kitab. Ibddat ke MATIN. See Muhammad Husain. hymns for public worship.] liye. [Christian MAZHAB 'Alii KHAN, called Wila. See 'Abbas Lucknow, 1866. 16°. pp. 160. Khan, Sarrdni. Tin chapitre de I'histoire de I'lnde In the Roman character. musulmane, ou Chronique de Scher Schah . . . 14104. a. 8. [Translated from M. 'A. Kh.'s Hindustani version.] See Ashraf 'AlT. MAST. 1865. 8°. 9057. b. 2. MAS'tJD GHAZi, Sdlar. \_Exploits.'] See Akbar ibn Muhammad Bakhsh. i^j^xxu.^ 'AlT fC;V '^^ MEDINA, Citij of. ^ SiXj-al' [Kasldah i

[Khulasah i tawarikh i Mas'udl.] madhlyah i Madlnah. A poem in praise of the city

\_Life.'] See 'Inayat Husain, Bilgrdml. of Medina.] See Majmu'ah Jl ^y*'^ [A collection li^xjM*

vii. 226. London, 1861. 12°. pp. MEEB MOOHUMMUD TUQEE. See Muhammad The HinduBtani is in the Roman character. The glossary TakT, called MTr. is to the London edition of 1860, printed hy the British and Foreign Bihle Society. MEEE SHEE ULEE UFSOS. See Sher 'AlT, 12906. b. 21. called Afsos. Selections in Hindustani, with a vocabulary MEEB XJMMUN. See Amman, Mir. and dialogues. See Williams {Sir M. M.) An easy introduction to the study of Hindustani. WEERJJ'S.—Kdyasthadharma Sabhd. ^.f^J^ jljo^. pp. 135-230. 1858. 12°. iS^j^ lf-~j i*j^-i [Rii'idad i Kayasthadharma Sabha. 12906. a. 40. A report of the proceedings of the Kayasthadharma MATHER (Robert Cotton). See Bible (__jli^ Sabha held at Meerut on the 9th January, 1881.

-, JiU [The Bible printed under the superintendence Published by Harihara Hiraliila Bhatnakara, Secre- of R. C. M.] 4°. [1870.] tary to the Society.] pp. 20, lith. ^j^ [Meerut, 3068. g. 5 1881.] 8°. Concordances. t-jLjLll S-AS [Kalld 14106. b. 18 (1.) al-Kitab. A concordance to R. C. M.'s Urdu MICHAEL (James). Sec Ikhwan al-SAFA. t-_>l^ul translation of the Bible.] [1878.] 4°. \LA\ [Intikhab i Ikhwan al-safa. Edited by 14104. d. 4. \J\^\ J. M.] 1829. 4°. Appendix. An Urdu Companion to 14112. d. 16.

the Bible . . . [translated in the Roman character See 'Abd by R. C. M.] [1864.] 12°. MIHE. Muhammad Allah Khan.

14104. b. 6. MIHBCHAND, called MihrT. jJLsr* uJlL< -L-aJ

Old Testament. Genesis, AS.^ I (^' [Kissah i Malik Muhammad. A tale in prose and [The Book of Genesis, and the first 20 chapters verse. Translated from the Persian by M.] pp. 98, of Exodus. Revised by R. C. 4°. M.] [1864.] lith. irif [Bombay, 1877.] 8°. 3068. e. 6. 14112. c. 24 (4.) 201 MIL—MIR MIR-MOL 202

MILL (James). ^j.^^jJ^\ g\.^r..'A [Intibilh al- MIBZAPOEB EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. [For mudarrisln. An essay on education, after the publications under this heading;] See Suerring English of J. M. By 11. S. Reid assisted by (M. A.) iaca Muliammad Karlm Bakhsh.] pp. 48, /jV/j. >^1 MISKIN. See 'Abd Ai.lah, Mir. [Agra, 1858.] 8°. See 'Abd al-WXikiD. 14119. b. 10 (1.)

MITBAMISEA. See Colebrooke (H. T.) The MINHAJ al-TA'LIM. *-ljdl -l^:^ [A treatise on

translation of Colebrooke's Mitacshara, with . . . notes the advantages of education.] pp. 102, lith. ^XlA . . from . . . Viramitrodaya [of M.] [1881.] 8^ [Bareilli/, 1865 ?] 8°. 14106. dd. 19. 14119. c. 13 (12.)

MIB. See Muhammad TakI. MIYAN JAN, Mumhl. *lJ,^l j^-i-jj [Dastur al- irkam. Specimens of petitions, and of oflBcial papers MIB, Khicdjah, called Dard. "Sj^^^ t^^JcJb \^^„'i and documents. Second edition.] pp. 48, lith. o,j^» [Dlwan.] pp. 56, lith. y^ iava [Liicknoic, jljljJt lAiv {Allahabad, 1867.] 4°. 1878.] 8°. 14106. f. 1 (2.) 14119. d. 15 (2.) MIYAN KHAN. See Sa'Td al-DiN Husain. MIB 'ALI ibn MUHAMMAD 'ALI. See 'Abd al- MOHAMED JAFFEB. See Muhammad Ja'far, IIakk, Dihian. •J\ ^J^\ J,?^ [Sabll al-jinan. A Thaneswari. translation by M. 'A. of the Takmll al-Iman.] [1873.] 8°. MOHAMMAD AZEEM. See Muhammad 'AzTm. 14119. c. 6 (2.N MOHAMMED ZAKA-UL-LAH. See Muhammad [1881.] 8°. Zaka Allah. 14104. f. 2 (16.) MOHAMMED ZAKIB. See Muhammad Zakir, See Yahya ibn Sharaf (MuhyT al-DiN Abu Saiyid. Zakariya) Nmcmci. i^L-ja*. Jif^ ».^ [Nawawl's Forty Traditions, with a translation and commentary MOHANA LALA. See VamsTdhara. ^jLw»

[Mabiidl i. by M. 'A.] [1869.] 8°. <__>L»Ji al-hisab. Pt. translated by 14521. b. 13 (2.) M. L. and Pts. ii.-iv. by Yamsldhara and M. L.] [1860-67.] 8°. MIB BAKHSHI, called WahshT. t_--£ S^ j i^pi 14117. a. 17. [Pirl o sad 'aib. A poem on old age.] pp. 8, lith. Jjl - <__>L*«M isjL^ [Sixth edition \sialkot, 1876.] 8°. of Pt. I. only.] [1859.] 8°. One of the series entitled " ZalcMrah i Rnfah i 'dmm." 14119.0.4(6.) 14106. a. 12 (16.) -

8°. 1845. MOLESWOBTH (Robert Francis). x-l» is.^^ 760. e. 15. [Guldastah i Hind. Tales of Indian history, written MIB TAKI. See Muhammad TakT, called MTr. in the Carnatic dialect, and compiled from English and Persian sources by R. F. M. with the assistance MIBZA'i. See Ahmad 'AlT, Mir. of Taj al-Dln.] pp. iv. 180, iv. lith. jjuw.lji_« iaiPa MIBZA JAN. See Muhammad IsmaTl, Mirza, [Madras, 1848.] 12°. called Tapish. 14109. a. 3. 26 203 MON—MOT MOT—MTJB 204

MOlfTGOMERT (Sir Robert) Lieut. Governor of MOTI LAL. ^JCjiJii^ »-l^^-« [Risalah i - J . . . ^ ^}\ i—j\j c£. "J^i [Lucknoiv, 1862.] 12°. masahat. A translation by Muhammad Zaka Allah 14119. a. 4 (3.) of Chap. I. of Moore's Mensuration.] pp. 38, lith. [Third edition.] 24, lith. j\j\i!i\ iaio J_i,J IAV1 [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. pp. - 8°. 14119. d. 12 (3.) [Allahabad, 1865.] 14117. a. 14 (2.) MOOBE (John James). See India.—North Western MOUAT (Frederic John). An atlas of anatomical Provinces. Acts and Orders for the North "Western plates of the human body, with descriptive letter- Provinces . . . Translated into Urdu by . . J. J. M. press in English and Hindustani. Calcutta, 1849. fol. Agra, 1847. 4°. The first vasciculus was pullished in 1846. It contained a 14106. f. 3. different title-page for which tlie above was substituted on completion the work. See Marshman (J. C.) Marshman's guide of 760. 1. 2. to the CivU Law . . . translated into Urdu ... by

Elements of Anatomy ; compiled from the J. J. M. 1845. 8° 760. g. 30. most recent authorities, and translated into Hindu- stani by F. J. M. (Part v. containing The brain and MOEAL COUBAGE. =iJ«-j) |_^1^1 ^/ Jjy* nervous system. Part vi. The organs of sense and

L^ c:j'\j!>~ [In what does moral courage (^ J-.S- voice. *Cr^' f^ Jv«0 [Usiil i fann i tashrlh.] consist ? An essay.] 8, lith. [Sialkot, 1877 8°. 4°. ^p. .'J Calcutta, 1848, etc.

One of the series entitled " Zaldilrah i Safah i 'amm." Incomplete ; wanting all other parts. 14106. 27. 14106. b. 10 (15.) g.

[Another copy.] MOULOOWE GOLAM HTDEB. See Ghulam

14119. f. 13 (5.) Haidar, Maulavl. MOWLUWEE HTDUR 'ULLEE. See Haidar MOBBIS (Thomas A.) Bishop of the Methodist 'AlT, Maulavl. Episcopal Church in the United States of America. licj i-Jo^ [Ek wa'z. A sermon, translated by J. D. MU'AZZAM KHAN. See MiR Jumlah (Mu- Brown.] pp. 63. ^ iaii [Lucknow, 1866.] 8°. hammad Sa'Td). 14104. c. 11. MUBABAK. See Ramtahal.

MOBTIMEB (Favell Lee) Mrs. Line upon Line. 'ALi, Saiyid. [Huriif i MUBARAK ^^ '—'ij^ [Translated in the Roman character from the English tahajji. A Persian reader, with Hindustani transla- of F. L. M.] Talim dar talim. Pahl4 hissa. pp. iv. tions of portions of the work.] pp. 92. liil^ lAsr 125. Allahabad, 1874. i2°. [Calcutta, 1852.] 8°. 14104. b. 13 (3.) Pars. 423 (1.)

MOTI LAL. See Gregory (W.) Professor of MITBABAK 'ALI KHAN. (_i,L^ IjL^ [Risalah i Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. .f jl;. mubiirak. A brief account of the KambQ sect of •J\ L-S^j3 [Tilsam i Farang. Animal magnetism, Muhammadans.] pp. 20, lith. ,ls>J irie [Delhi, translated by M. L.] [1870.] 8°. 1858.] 8°.

14119. f. 8. 14104. f. 2 (1.) '

205 MUF—MUH MUH 206

MUPID al-§IBYAIf. J^^\

MUHAMMAD, Ifdfiz, Saiyid. See India.—Army. al-'ALA) Gopdmul. •J\,\i,\i\ ^_/3b [Riyaz al-azhar.] , The Rifle Exercise and Musketry Instruction for See Muhammad Salamat Allah, called the cavalry and infantry of the native army. . . Kashfi. i.i-v«j>- . ^ Ijti. [Khudii kl rahmat. A Translated ... by Hafiz Syed Mahommed Sahb. short treatise on the birth, miraculous power and 1879. 12°. personal appearance of Muhammad.] 8°. 14106. d. 13. [1872.] 14119. e. 26 (8.) MUHAMMAD, the Prophet. [i«7jli!l^^^ [Surur al-kuliib.] nubiiwat.] [Life.] See "WalT Allah ibn 'Abd al- [Life.'] See Ahmad Khan, called Sufi, RahTm, Bihlavi. Jl uy^^ V [Kurrat al-'uyun.] JoJo- (_s;ij^ jjj^ [Maulid i sharlf.] L)_ii *-!». [Hilyah i sharif. A poem on [-Ci/e.] See Amanat 'AlT ibn Muhammad. the personal appearance of Muhammad.] See -^1 Ji-^ iS^ [Tazkirah i Rasul i akbar.] Majmu'ah. Jl j>Mi M^ffeHin [Majmu'ah i madhiyat. A 14522. c. 3 (2.) collection of poems by various authors in praise of [Life.] See Muhammad ibn Ya'kub (Majd Muhammad in the Gujarati character.] pp. 96, Hth. al-DiN Abu Tahir) Firuzabadi. sS\xj^\Jui [Sufar ^Kb 3 [Bombay, 1880.] 8°. al-sa'adat.] 14114. c. 29 (1.)

[j:.^ i^yt.^ [Majmu'ah i na't. collection See Muhammad 'Abbas'. \^Jjl Li,y [Toshah A of poems in praise of Muhammad partly in Persian, i 'ukba. A list of 70 names of Muhammad.] and partly in Hindustani.] Hth. [1873 ?] 8°. pp. 32, ^LiJ [Belhi, 8°. 14119. c. 29 (8.) 1876.] Pers. 613 \_Miracks.]. See Muhammad Anwar 'AlT. (4.)

See Ibrahim [Mu'jizah i Muhammad ibn Husain, ^ J" h^ Al i nabl. A Hasam. ijSA.s^

[1882.] 8°. [A collection of four poems on miracles.] pp. 1-8. 14516. c. 3 (6.) 14119. c. 32 (11.) 208 207 MUH MTJH

MUHAMMAD ibn 'ABD al-WAHHAB, Najdl. MTTHAMMAD, ihe Prophet. ^Tl'H'MKKt «^'lin ^^'=t '^iC-iM^i [Mu'jizSt i See Ahmad ibn Yunus, 'Alam. '.)\ <_>^jiJl >M«.I . •• n^ll ?A^l t-lilJ" »{\\^ ^j describing certain janab Rasnl i Khuda. A poem [Rajm al-shihiib. A refutation of the "WahhabI miracles ascribed to Muliammad. Followed by Kissab creed.] [1880.] 8°. i ladbai Blr al-Alamno, a short poem concerning 14516. c. 3 (2.) a popular Muhammadan saint.] pp. 48. %'^M \tv9V. [£o»i&«y, 1876.] 12°. MUHAMMAD ibn 'ALI, Shaukanl. iU_y_J^jjJ Both poems are printed in the Giijurati character. [Durar al-bahlyah. short manual of f^J-^ A 14104. e. 1. Muhammadan law. Arabic text, with a Hindustani [Niir-namali and Shama'il-niimah. iUUjjj interlineary translation by Muhammad Siddik Hasan light that Two poems, the former on the mysterious 8°. Khan.] pp. 68, lith. \ r^^ [Delhi, 1872.] appeared at the birth of Muhammad, the latter on 14527. b. 18 (1.) taa his virtues.] pp. 12, lith. j^^ i [Catcnpore, 1871.] 8°. MUHAMMAD ibn 'ALI ('Ala al-Din) Haskafi. 14112. b. 19 (2.) Jc^\ jJ jJ,l l*:>y j^j^^ hS^ [Ghiiyat al-autar.

i^\j i\fj «_>* J IDelhi, 1876.] 8°. 14529. e. 10. - " 14119. d. 5 (20.) MUHAMMAD ibn HASAN (Abu Ja'far) Ttisl. [The Nur-niimah, followed by Kalimah-namah, ^-).l? JjyJ [Durud i Tusl. A morning prayer as- or verses on the Muhammadan creed.] pp. 12, lith. Wmmpore, 1878.] 8". cribed to Abu Ja'far TiisI, with an interlineary 14114. b. 7 (4.) translation and prefatory note in Hindustani.] [Another edition of the preceding.] See pp. 48. See Prayers. •J\ ^ym i>jjJ [A book of Majmu'ah. iULrf. ^—Lb A^yt-s*. pp. 50-57. ShI'ah prayers.] [1871.] 8°. [1878.] 8°. 14519. b. 15 (2.) 14104. g. 4 (6.) MUHAMMAD, Saii/id, called HarIf. ni^H'^H MUHAMMAD ibn 'ISA ibn SAUEAH (Abu 'Isa)

Cliil?i^U (21^ 'If/ if"i.\ W*ll. [Tuhfah i dilkusha. Tirmizi. jlci- .Lj [Bahiir i khuld, being the Arabic in two acts founded on Amanat 'All's A drama text of the Shamii'il al-nabi, a collection of tra- Indra-sabhil, or Court of Indra and the fairies.] ditions concerning the person, habits and character 57. ^LL^ [Bombay, 1885.] 12°. pp. >j«iW" of the Prophet, by TirmizT, omitting the Isnads, 14112. a. 31 (2.) accompanied by a metrical Hindustani paraphrase

MTTHAMMAD, Shaikh, called Manzur. J j.?^^'^^ r^A \^ by Kafl.] pp. 138, lith. ^ v.^.CJ i [Litcknow, [Manzur i jahiinl. A tale in verse. Followed by 1871.] 8°.

Masnawi i jigar-soz, Guldastah i nashiit o surur, 14522. c. 3 (2.) and various other compositions in prose and verse.] MUHAMMAD ibn ISMA'IL (Anu 'Abd Allah) lith. ^_yL.*j ini [^owJfly, 1853.] 8°. al-barl. work on Biilxharl. ls}4'^ u^ [Faiz A The pagination throughout is defective. traditions, consisting of the Arabic text of Bukhiiri's 14112. b. 13. SaBlH, with a Hindustani translation and notes MUHAMMAD ibn 'ABD ALLAH (WaiJ al-DlN by 'Abd al-Haiy Wa'iz of the Taisir al-karl, or Abu 'Abd Allah) Khai'ih. j>- J!>Ui« [Muzahir i Persian commentary by Niir al-Hakk Dihlavl ; to- haklc. A collection of traditions regarding the gether with a Hindustani preface by Kalandar actions and sayings of the Prophet ; being a trans- lation by Muhammad Kutb al-Dln of the Arabic Husain, and a masnawi by 'Abd al-Kadir, son of the Mishkat al-masablh.] 4 vol. y^ iav. [Lucknow, translator.] jy^. [Bangalore, 1877, efc.] 8°. 1870.] fol. In progress. 14104. h. 5. 14521. d. 14. 209 MUH MUH 210

MUHAMMAD ibn ISMi'IL (Abu 'Abd Am,ah) MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD (Zain al-DTx

Ihtkhari. ^Uil i-Jl^ijLft!! [Al-kirii'at khalf al-Imiira. Abu Hamid) Ghazzali. [Another edition.] See

A collection of traditions in Arabic, selected from Majmu'ah .ULj, cs..U-» ^ "j t 7^ pp. 39-41. the Salilb of Bukhiirl, relating to the practice of [1878.] 8°. 14104. g. 4 repeating prayers after the Imiim at the services in (6.)

the mosque. With a Hindustani translation entitled (•j-i-^ ^j_f-ijiJl 'W*-^ • • *-^^y 1^3^}^^^ (j^ j^ Khair al-kalam.] 32, 40, lith. ^laj \rS\ pp. [Maziik al 'arifin. A translation by Muhammad [Delhi, 1882.] 8". Ahsan of the Ihya 'ulum al-din, an Arabic work on 14519. e. 11 (2.) ethics by Ghazzfill.] 4pt. // jJI «_». [Raf' al-yadain fl al-saliit. ^ 1875.] 4°. collection of Arabic traditions, selected from the A 14104. h. 7. SaHlh of Bukharl, relating to the practice of raising ^J3LJI [Siriij al-salikln. theological both hands whilst praying. With a Hindustani J\j^ A treatise, being a translation by Muhammad Munir translation entitled Kiirrat al-'ainain.] pp. 36, li(h. Jjfcj irii [Belhi, 1882.] 8°. of the Arabic Minhaj al-'abidin of Ghazzali.] - 14519. 6. 11 (3 ) taa pp. 125, lith. y^ 1 [Lucknoip, 1871.] 4". MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD (Shams al-DiN 14104. h. 6. Abu al-KiiAiR) Jazari. See Muhammad Kutb ibn SA'ID (Sharaf al-DiN al-DlN, Dihlan. <,.v.^< _ _i [The Burdah

al-hasln.] [1865?] 8°. of Biislrl, with a Hindustani translation, and metrical 14519. d. 12 (4.) parajjhrase, with glosses marginal and interlineary MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD (Zain al-DlN thereon, by Ghulam Haidar.] pp. 54, /I'^/i. »i^ iav^ Ohazzdll. Abu Hamid) ij^jA^ . . (ji-o^Aa L_jliil

jjt^j jSLi-l [Aftab i hidliyat. Religious advice, J 14573. c. 11 (2.) being a translation by 'Abd al-Wahid Farokl from c ,^l JaJ [Nazm al-wara'. The Burdah of the Arabic of GhazztilL] pp. 22, lith. ^^ iaai [Ltccknow, 1881.] 8°. Bushi, with a Takhmis and Hindustani paraphrase

14104. e. 29 (2.) by Muhammad 'Aziz al-Din.] pp.ll6,/!YA. ^^tr-i ' 8°. CUjU-i ,_^L.«-^ '^'^y 1.^^.1 AJi-»*u^l [IksTr i {Bombay, 1884.] .hidiiyat. A work on religious obligations and duties 14573. c. 20.

of Muhammadans ; being a translation by Fakhr MUHAMMAD ibn SIBIN (Abu Bakr) Baku. al-Din Ahmad of the Kimiya i sa'adat, a Persian \^_,)\j^^ ^-As^jj ft^\ ijjj\j [Tiiwil al-manjim, or abridgment of Ghazzali's Arabic Ihya 'uliim al-dln.] The interpretation of dreams. A translation of the 4°. 4 pt. lith. ^^1$ I AH [Cawnpore, 1866.] Arabic Ta'blr al-ru'ya of M. by Basharat 'All Khitn, 14104. g. 3. With marginal notes.] pp. 171, ii. lith. y-^(] lAvf J'-*.^'* *U1 cJ-jLaj h>. ilLj [Khulasah Li'l/^ [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. i tasanlf i Imiim Muhammad Ghazzali. A trans- 14104. e. 17. lation by Maulavl Ahmad 'All of Ghazzali's Arabic MUHAMMAD ibn 'UMAB (Abu 'Abd Allah) Khuliisat 'ilm al-suliik. With marginal notes by Wdkidij.^] j-^-^ j-« j*liJl [Futiih al-Sham, the translator.] pp. 24, lith. y-^(] i r^A [Ltccknoiv, r}^ 1881.] 8°. and Futuh al-Misr. The histories of the conquest 14104. e. 29 (3.) of Syria, and of Egypt by the Muhammadans,

''-•'^ ^L*»-« [Masii'il i samaniyah. Eight Translated from the Arabic of Wakidi, the former traditions from the 'uliim Ihya al-din of Ghazzali, by 'Inayat Husain ibn Nawazish Ahmad, the latter learnt by Hiitim Asamm from his preceptor Shakik by his nephew Mahdl Husain ibn Muhammad Balkhl.] See Majmu'ah Jl iji^tjsi* [A collection Hasan Khiin.] pp. 514, lith. ^^ 1 tat [^Lucknow, of five religious tracts.] pp. 39-41. [1873.] 8°. 1869.] fol.

14119. e. 26 (10.) 14109. e. 8. 27 211 MUH MUH 212

MUHAMMAD ibn 'UMAE (Abu 'Abd Allah) MUHAMMAD 'ABD ALLAH, Bihdri. ^[x^ j^ WdJiidl. :^\^si\j^,j\JU^yJy*^'i^y^^ [Majmu'ah ^_^j^\ ~X^^ J^ V [Minhaj al-muwahhidln. A

i kamil. Translations of the following four historical tract on the tenets of the Wahhiibi sect, with Arabic

al-Rasul, trans- i works of WakidI, viz. (1) MaghazI authorities.] pp. 8, lith. . v ^ CJ r^A [Lticknow, lated by Basharat 'All Khan, under the special title 1881.] 8°. 14104. 6. 31 of MaghazI al-sadikah; (2) Futuh al-Sham, by 'Iniiyat (3 )

FutuH al-Misr, by Mahdi Husain ; and MUHAMMAD 'ABD ALLAH, Bilgrdml.

Basharat 'All Khan, under (dls^ ^ Edited by Fakir Allah.] 228, lith. ^jaJ irle pp. bayan al-mi'raj. A reply to objections raised [Lahore, 1877.] 8°. against the story of Muhammad's ascent to heaven.] The translation, of which this is an emended edition, appeared pp. 11, lith. >i\^j4\ [Agra, 1881.] 8°. first in Calcutta in 1840, and was followed by a Bomhay edition in 1 854. A damaged copy. 14104. f. 17. 14104. e. 30 (2.)

(_/«.-*.i.!l J^ ^/>*^1 Jy^^ [Al-kaul al-hams. A tract in support of the miracle ascribed to l:i-o1ji^1 [Misbah al-hidayat. A translation by 'Abd Muhammad of causing the sun to stop still.] 24, lith. c^\jS\ al-Haiy Wii'iz of a Persian commentary by 'Abd pp. [Agra, 1881.] 8°. al-Hakk Dihlavl on the Sufar al-sa'adat of Majd 14104. e. 30 (6.) al-Dln. With a translation of the original Arabic jlL^\ Ji*-» i^j^y^ j^\ fj^ [Shakk al-kamar. text.] pp. viii. 28, 444, 64. lith. .j \ ( •._; i nv A reply to objections raised against the story of [Bangalore, 1881.] 8°. Muhammad splitting the moon.] pp. 100, lith. 14104. f. 26. i/\ [Agra, 1882.] 8°. MUHAMMAD 'ABBAS, Saiyid. See 'AlI ibn 'AlT, 14104. e. 30 (4.) called MuEAD 'AlT. LU- [Hilyatal-'ara'is. i^\jx]\ MUHAMMAD 'ABD ALLAH KHAN, called Mihr. Revised and corrected by M. 'A.] [1873.] 8°. c_>L».5-l <)uJJ!> [Hadiyah i ahbiib. Miscellaneous 14119. e. 16 (4.) poems.] pp. 40, lith. y^ i rvr [Lucknow, 1856.] 8°.

^}j^^ ^i^^ [Islah al-huruf. A copy-book 14114. 0. 3. in three parts.] Lith. y^ ^/^^i [Lucknow, 1871.2 ^°- MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-'AZIZ, Madrdsl. See

14117. a. 28. HiKAYAT i LatTf. Literal translation of the Hikayat

MUHAMMAD 'ABBAS ibn GHULAM 'ALI. See Latifah of Muhammad Abdu-1-aziz of Madras.

i 1875. 8°. Asm! husna. J^i-^::^ \aJ\ ^\yi~ [Khawass i asma 14112. c. 20. i husna. The ninety-nine names of Allah, followed by the names of Muhammad. With a description MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-'AZIZ, Maulavi. c-j^Il, J, of the peculiar virtues of each name by M. 'A.] t-Jj-^^l L-}\j^ |J [Radd i matlub. A defence of 8°. [1876.] the Muhammadan religion, being a reply to a 14S19. d. 13 (4.) Christian pamphlet by Mahbiib Khan ] pp. 12, lith. [1876?] 8". ijLsXi [Fatehgarh, 1878.] 8°. 14119. c. 29 (8.) 14104. f. 2 (12.) 213 MUH MUH 214

MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-'AZIZ, MiinsM. ^b (__aJl MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-HAMID. i^^Lj ^^ i-j^U [Alif bii i Farsl. A Hindustani primer.] [Allah piyjirl. A vocabulary of Arabic and Persian pp. 64, nth. ^Ju^ irn \_Bombay, 1881.] 8°, words explained in Hindustani verso, with marginal

14117. b. 28 (6.) notes from the Khiilik biirl.] pp. 31, /«YA. i/l iaa. [Agra, 1880.] 8°. MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-GHAPFAB. J>j^\ JiUi 14117. d. 44. [Fazii'il al-Kur'iin. A treatise on the profitable

reading of the Koran.] 26, lith. i ta i pp. y^ *LJi UJ1 ^l>- [Jami' al-tafaslr. The Koran, with a commentary completed by M. 'A. al- MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-GHANI, Saiyid, Bihdn. K.] [1876.] 4°. J^LjSI ti-ooj [Zinat al-iskul. An Urdu-English 14509. d. 16. r ^°- vocabulary.] pp. 34, /?Y/«. \ ^/^[Cawnpor6,1881.1 14117. d. 45 (1.) c-jjUill cUvipljj [Riyiizat al-kuliib. A tract MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-GHANI, called Fida, or on Sufi philosophy.] pp. 28, lith. jbljL^ ir»« FiDA [Moradabad, 1878.] 8°. HusAiN. \s3 J>yj [Dlwan.] pp. 490, lith. 14104. f. 14 iTAA [Lucknow, 1871.] 8°. (2.) 14114. b. 12. i^^-^UJI jlj [Zad al-siilikln. Advice on the subject of prayer and reading the Koran.] pp. 32,

[Bayaz i gul-fishan. The second dlwan poem of lith. JJ^J I rA

^^yljj isAs- al- Hasan, Khubawl. •J\ ,.Vi.t\^\ LLs^ [TuHfat al- ^j\j ,j^^ 'f^-}i^^ ['Umdat ^ tawiirlkh. An account of the district of Budaon.] wii'izln. A translation by M. 'A. al-K. and Mu-

Pt. I. pp. 50, /(((A. \r^^[Moradabad,181'^.'\ 8°. hammad Amanat Allah of the Arabic Durrat al-

14109. b. 15 (5.) nasihln.] [1883-84.] 8°.

14514. c. 16. MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-HAKIM. jJi^\ cJlLi' [Tilk al-'ashar. A treatise on funeral ceremonies, i_Jj\ljjl|^^ [Bahr al-waza'if. A work on the interspersed with numerous quotations from Arabic proper mode of conducting Muhammadan worship.] sources.] pp. 34, /(M. Ij^ iavi [5am'%, 1879.] 8°. pp. 96, lith. [Lucknow, 1879.] 8°. ' y^

14516. CO. 8 (4.) 14104. f. 23 (2.) 216 215 MFH MUH

MUH:AMMAD 'ABD al-SAMAD, also called MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-KHALIK. j^ Cl-'l-jl ^^j RANMAST KHAN. ^^^JLil*J\ LLs^ [Tuhfat al- j.^ ^^icl \ *1L, [Islali i nafs i am- ^LlUll ci-vfcs" [Tuhfat al-'ashikin. Another marah. A poem on dogs and their good qualities.] edition, with the Bhajanha appended.] See Mu- 8°. pp. 22, lith. ilOo: I rle [Aligarh, 1878.] hammad, Zardar Kha]s. is-j^tjs!* b ij^~ i\j j.^j 14114. b. 7 (5.) S-iii l)j^j [liahbar i rah i hakk.] pp. 65-116. called Mushtak. MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-BAHMAH", [1877.] 8°. Luill (_>l;.$^ [Kitab al-nisa. Advice to Muhammadan 14119. e. 28. women, in verse. Second edition.] 40, lith. pp. MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-SAMI'. ^j-*-^ i—^^ ^y* irip [Bombay, 1877.] 8°. c:-ojs- jLj

MAD ROSHAN KHAN". ^^jlXj ^saj [Panjah i [Meerut, 1879.] 8°. 14104. f. 2 (13.) nigiirln. Specimens of caligraphy in the nasta'llK 'ABD al-WAHID. character.] Pt. i. pp. 40, lith. jyj^ [Cawnpore, MUHAMMAD i^;^l J-«U'» 1878.] 8°. [Mahasil al-fara'iz. A treatise on the Muhammadan 14117. b. 33 (3.) law of inheritance.] pp. 28, lith. .^ji^ [Meeruf, 1876.] 8°. JjLaijJ ^^^ [TuMah i makbni J •-'J J^r*^ 14119. d. 9 (12.) dar faza'il i Rasiil. A work on the virtues of MUHAMMAD ABU al-HASAN, called Hasan. Muhammad, compiled from Arabic sources.] pp. 24, c:_XJiJ\ .sr; [Bahr al-haklkat. Moral tales in verse.] lith. .^l^irA. [Cawnpore, imZ.'] 8°. 68, liih. lAvf ICau-npore, 1874.] 8°. 14119. e. 7 (3.) pp. jj^^ 14119. e. 20 (1.) MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-RAHMAN KHAN. Xa\L* (^V^^ j'j^ [Gulziir i Ibrahim. A poem on ^jf.^\A\ [Makilsid al-salihin. Anecdotes of Muham- the life of Ibrahim ibn Adham, king of Balkh.] madan saints. Translated from the Persian Hikayat 8*^. pp. 76, lith. ^^ I All [Liicknow, 1869.] al-salihin.] pp. 96, lith. .^Jtl i tav [Lahore, 14119. e. 3 1869.] 8°. (12.)

14119. e. 6 (9.) [Another edition.] pp. 76, lith. j^^ ''^^'' [Cawnpore, 1877.] 8° [Another edition.] j^^ [Catvnpore,l878.'] 8°. 14114. d. 4 (2.) 14104. f. 2 (7.) [Another copy.] MUHAMMAD 'ABD al-SAMAD, Valil. See 14113. d. 11 (2.)

GhazTpur.— Jalsah i Isldmiyah. ^ jLi Cl^yi.:^ j^U ^ an abstract of the arguments and controversial S^\ [Bhajanha i hazrat Shah 'Abd al-Samad. A disputes between him and a Muj tabid, or law collection of hymns.] -See TauhTd. d.^a^^ i.zy^si* '"^ doctor, of Lucknow.] pp. 32, lith. |<-i-J»J ' [MajmG'ah i tauhid.] 3-8. [1877.] 8°. pp. [Delhi, 1872.] 8°. 14114. c. 16 (2). 14119. c. 22 (7.) ;

21.7 MUH MUH 218

MUHAMMAD ABU SA'ID KHIN. JUJ31 jAi MUHAMMAD AKBAB, called ArzanT. j^«^ <1 JLyJl jLL!l T-j-^ '''--^^/J c->p-L]\ [Iksir al-kulQb. ru'yat al-hilill. A treatise on the fixing of the A treatise on medicine, being a translation by new moon of the month of Ramazan. Interspersed Muhammad Nur Karim of the Persian Mufarrih

with numerous Arabic quotations.] pp. 40, lith. al-kulubof M.A.] pp.474, /jYA. y^iAv \^Lucknow, j^^ \r'\'\ [Cawnpore, 1882.'] 8°. 1870.] 4°. 14519. e. 12 (6.) 14106. h. 3.

MUHAMMAD AHL ALLAH. «_>L» ,L>. ijL., [Another edition.] pp. 712, /jM. ^i^ lAvr 8°. [Risalah i chiir-bab. A SunnI treatise in four ILucknow, 1872.] 14106. g. 12. chapters on Muhammadan religious obligations. Translated from the Persian A., with of M. A. t<,jl5 ^_

copious marginal notes.] pp. 79, lith. \Lueknow, i 'aniisirl. A treatise on compound medicaments 1866?] 8°. being a translation by Muhammad Nur KarIm of 14119. 0. 12 (2.) M. A.'s Persian Karabadin i Kadirl.] pp. 374, lith. MUHAMMAD AHMAD, called Kamar. See y^ lAv l^Lucknow, 1870.] Fol. Ghulam HamdanT, called MusThafT. A.s:^^ 14106. h. 4.

[Selections from four dlwans. Compiled and edited [Another edition.] pp. 560, lith. jxj^ itai with a preface 8°. by M. A.] [1879.] [Lucknow, 1872.] 4°. 14114. 0. 35. 14106. g. 11.

MUHAMMAD AHSAN. 8ee Muhammad ibn 'AlT ijjJ^\ LzAijS^ [Mujarrabiit i Akbarl. A ('Ala al-DiN) Haskafi. •J\ J^^t h\l [GhSyat al- treatise on compound medicaments, translated from aufar. The Arabic text of the Durr al-mukhtar, the Persian of M. A. by Wahid 'All.] pp. iv. 150, with a Hindustani paraphrase, commenced by lith. y^ IA1V [Lucknow, 1867.] 8°. Ehurram 'All, and completed by M. A.] [1876.] 8°. 14104. g. 3.

14529. e. 10. ^J.l jS\ (-_-Jj [Tibb i Akbar. A work on See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN medicine, compiled in Persian by M. A. from the Abu Hamid) GhazzCdl. Jl ^^j^l jlj>^ [Mazilk Arabic Sharh asbiib wa 'alamat of Nafis ibn 'Iwaz, al 'arifln. A translation by M. A. of the IHya and other sources. Translated into Hindustani by 'ulum al-dln.] [1875.] 4°. Muhammad Husain, and revised and edited by his 14104. h. 7. brother, Muhammad Ya'kiib.] pp. xiii. 782, lith. lAvf \_Liicknow, 1874.] 8°. See NisAR 'AlT Beg, Mirzd. _jj.\ iXcl^

14117. b. 13. MUHAMMAD AKEAM KHAN. JUJ JL-jJ^jLs^

t_.^;»^ ^.lI^Aj 5^*M./» [Gulshan i 'ajib. An account J'jj^

MUHAMMAD AKBAB, called ArzanT. See 'Itrat MUHAMMAD 'ALI, Maulam. See Muhammad

[Silk i nur. HusaTn. CLiic tijjjli [Kanun i 'Itrat. Compiled Isma'Tl, Dihlam. jjj i_

14106. g. 8. 14119. c. 25 (6.) 28 220 219 MUH MUH

'ALI AKBAB. cjLs^-^^^^ MUHAMMAD 'ALI, Mir. »li> Jy.*?^ LiJs [Kissah MUHAMMAD ^^^1^ thagl. vocabulary of words, i MaHmud Shah. A tale in verse.] See Ahmad [Mustalahat i A

'Alt, Simraj'puri. •J\jj.ai^ i^ [Kissah i Mansur.] phrases and idioms in use by thugs.] pp. 197, lith. 8°. pp. 23, 24. [1876.] 8°. id^^ I An [Calcutta, 1839.] 14119. d. 4 (13.) The title-page is in manuscript. 14117. b. 4. [Another edition.] See Khushdil.

J>L-j [Kissah i sipahl-zadah.] 16-19. •J\ »j|j pp. MUHAMMAD 'ALI KHAN, Nawab. *L-\ ii\j 8°. [1878.]" [Rah i Islam. Religious instruction for orthodox 14112. d. 15 (1.) Muhammadans.] pp. 172, lith. ij^\ [Agra, [Another edition.] See Jamal al-DlN. i^ 1878.] 8°. 14104. f. 4 (5.) •J\ ^Il\jjjdjLji [Four tales in Terse.] pp. 132-134.

[1881.] 8°. MUHAMMAD 'ALI KHAN, Saiyid. *L^^!J^ iJJ 14112. b. 32 (1.) [Lazzat al-afham. Letters and compositions in

prose and verse, in Hindustani and Persian.] MUHAMMAD 'ALI, Munshi. cjlac* i\j [Rah i lAvr [Lucknmc, 1872.] 8°. najat, or The way of salvation. A Muhammadan pp. 104, lith. y^ 14119. 0. 30 (11.) religious tract.] pp. 24, lith. \_Lucknow, 1867 ?] 8°.

14119. e. 5 (3.) MUHAMMAD 'ALI KHAN ibn MUHAMMAD al-ghammah. [Another edition.] pp. 32, lith. jJu* J \_Belhi, TAKI KHAN.

[Another edition.] pp. 32, lith. ^Uj [Delhi, Incomplete ; wanting Ft. i. 1876.] 8°. 14104. g. 16. 14119. d. 4 (7.) MUHAMMAD 'ALIM al-DIN. ei^^Ls-' ^^Ux-uu-) MUHAMMAD 'AJA, Munshi, King's Bragoon Guards. [Bustan i shaja'at. A treatise on wrestling and The Hindustani teacher, improved and enlarged, pp. gymnastics.] pp. iv. 76, lith. aj^is^ [Fatehgarh, 254, lith. Bangalore, 1862. 8°. 1877.] 8°. 14117. b. 9 (1.) 14119. f. 16 (1.)

MUHAMMAD 'ALI, Moradahadl. See 'Abd al- MUHAMMAD AMAN al-HAKK. CjUUl i^L.1 Rahman ibn AbT Bakr (Jalal al-DiN Abu al- [Aman al-lughat. An Arabic-Urdu vocabulary.] Fazl) Suijutl. .uJJl j^ ^•*^' ^ 'LaIHoW t_a £.<, pp. 72, lith. lAv [Lucknow, 1870.] 8°. [Kashf al-zulmat. A translation by M. 'A. of the y^ 14117. b. 18. Arabic Nur al-lam'at.] [1881.] 8°. 14104. €. 29 (1.) MUHAMMAD AMANAT ALLAH. Sec 'Usman

ibn Hasan, Khuhaim. 'J\ ^J-licl^l ^a=^ [Tuhfat al- ^T wVW^ M ^^M^ ^_s^ jir' [Suriir i ghaibi, or Khiyabiin i tawarlkh. ' A treatise on the wa'izln. A translation by M. A. A. and Muhammad composition of chronograms, with numerous speci- 'Abd al-KarIm of the Arabic Durrat al-nasihin.] mens.] pp. 134, ^jYA. ^\rsr {Lucknow,l8'75.'\ 8°. [1883-84.] 8°. 14514. 0. 16. 14119. c. 28 (4.)

MUHAMMAD 'ALI, Vakil {J^j A-cl^ <_jb^ ^Laj^ ^ jjl^ ^^ ^\^}\ lliU-^ [Muhafiz i^y^^ [Kawa'id i zaban i Angrezl. A grammar of al-Iman. A defence of the Muhammadan religion the English language.] pp. 360, 34, Itth.

iAie-n [Agra, 1865-66.] 8°. 8°. I AW [Allahahad,l%n.'] 14117. b. 11. 14104. e. 14 (3.) 221 Mun MUH 222

MUHAMMAD AMIH, t^Ju4-«^ j\^\ [Anwar i MUHAMMAD 'AZIZ, il^;*! (HI^H ^ ^l'^6>. [Kissah

i Lai o Gauhar. tale Muliammadl. A controversial treatise in defence of A in verse written in the Gujarati character.] the orthodox Muhammadan religion, showing the pp.48. ^'^'^ \L*^ \Bomhay, 12°. differences of doctrine, tradition and ceremonial 1877.] 14114. a. 17 (2.) observances amongst the Sufis, the Wahhabis and MUHAMMAD 'AZIZ ALLlH SHAH, also called other sects.] pp. 137, iii. lith. .t^ls] i avs \_Lucknow, WILAYAT 'ALi KHAN. c:-jl Jc^l 1875.] 8°. -^ ^^^\ ^^ 14119. c. 31 (1.) ['Ain al-Wilayat. An account of miracles ascribed to certain saints of the Chishti order of devotees.] ijSA.si* j^J\ [Azkar i MuHammadi. Anecdotes pp. 152, lith. ^ \r-' [Lucknow, 1883.] 8°. and traditions of Muhammad in prose and verse. A 14104. e. 26 (3.) SunnI treatise.] 72, Kth. x/\ \_Agra, 1877.] 8°. pp. MUBLAMMAD 'AZIZ al-DIN. See Muhammad 14104. f. 2 (11.) ibn Sa'Td (Sharaf al-D7N Abu 'Abd Allah) Busiri. MUHAMMAD ANWAB 'ALI. [Zewar cj^\ Jaj [Nazm al-wara'. The Burdah, with a ^^} ji>.j Takhmis and Hindustani paraphrase 'A. al-D.] i Iman. An account of the birth of Muhammad, by M. 8°- and anecdotes showing his miraculous power.] [1884.] 14573. c. 20. pp. 122, lith. y^ lAAi ILucknow, 1881.] 8°.

14104. g. 22 (3.) MUHAMMAD BADI' al-ZAMAN. j_j;l.^.^l.i u-^o

[Sarf i Shah-jahanl. A translation by M. B. al-Z. MUHAMMAD ASGHAR 'ALI KHAN, called of the Mizan al-sarf and Munsha'ib, two anony- NasTm. See Arabian Nights. /»4ai^ »J

MUHAMMAD ASHRAP 'ALl. 'ALI. See ^UJ- 'ir^ MUHAMMAD BAHADUR Great [Hirz i Sulaimanl. A treatise on charms, talismans, Britain and Ir^'laixb.— Arm!/.— Cavab-t/. lsJ)^ the interpretation of dreams and the like. Compiled ij^^^j [Cavalry Regulations, 1869, translated by from various Arabic and Persian sources.] pp. 240, M. B. 'A.] [1869.] 8°. 14106. e. 4. lith. y^ I AW [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. 14106. h. 7. MUHAMMAD BAKHSH, called Mahjur. ^^jyj [Nauratan. Tales of love and adventure, witty ^U-L» (.A*^ [Naksh I Sulaimanl. A work sayings and anecdotes.] pp. 179, lith. . ^ ^ 1 i tat on divination, charms and incantations.] pp. 80, [Lucknow, 1865.] 8°- lith. y^ \r']- [Lucknow, 187S.] 8°. 14112. c. 8 (2.) 14119. e. 19 (7.) [A reprint.]

14112. c. 14. MUHAMMAD 'ASKARI, also called CHHOTE [Another edition, with illustrations.] 182, AGHA. See Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari, called pp. lith Jlaj lAvr [Delhi, 1872.] 8° Khayal. •^\ lUU ^f-X^ [MahdI-namah. A trans- 14112. c. 18 (2.) lation by M. 'A. of Books 1 and 2 of the BQstan i [Another edition.] pp.180, lith. .^l^irie Khayal.] [1882.] Fol. [Cawnpore, 1878.] 8°. 14112. f. 4. 14112. d. 11 (3.) MUHAMMAD 'AZIM. Mohammad Azeem's His- [Another edition.] pp. 240, lith. iaa- tory of Kashmeer translated from the Persian [Bombay, 1880.] 8°.

[Waki'at i Kashmir] into Urdoo by Moonshee 14112. 0. 16. Ashraf Alee of the Dehlie College .... ^.j^ fCj^ [Another edition.] pp. 180, lith. j^^ 'aat [Tarikh i Kashmir.] pp.357,/j

Testament . . . Translated . . . aao 8°. Testament. The New edition.! pp. 178, lith. ^ i [Lucknote, 1885.] ' ^ ^^ 14112. c. 36 (2.) by Mirza Mohummud Fitrut and other learned

natives, etc. 1805. 4°. (H.) MITHAMMAD al-DIN. See Blochmann 3068. h. 3.

. . F[irst] G[eograpliy] by H. Mirat-ul-arz, or . The New Testament, Revised with Blochmann... Translated... by M.al-D. [1877] 8°. the assistance of Mirza Fitrit and other learned 14119. b. 15 (1.) natives. 1814. 8°. 842. e. 2. MUHAMMAD PAKHB al-DIN HUSAIN. See 1819. 8°. Muhammad MughnT- c-^U:^ •Abd al-WAHiD ibn 842. 6. 3. ,ja^\ ['Aja'ib al-kisas. Translated by M. F. al- MUHAMMAD GAUHAB 'ALI KHAN. JjtJL^ D. H.] [1849.] 4°. hidiiyat. Moral precepts.] 14104.11.1. ti-vjlji-fc [Mash'al i 1,^.8, lith. lAvr [&-att-o^, 1872.] 32°. 4° [1874.] One of a series of pamphlets entitled "Chashmah i faiz." 14104. g. 12. 14119. a. 12 (5.)

>U.^ [Khulasah i tawarikh ALLAH. ujLtl^ i^ fk? jV ^^ MUfiAMMAD GHAFAB j\j^\ treatise the i Makkah i mu'azzam. A brief account of the city <_>l»ri. [Kashif i asrar i khwiib. A on anecdotes of of Mecca.] pp. 64, lith. jj.^G iaii [Lucknote, interpretation of dreams, with Mu- 1869.] 8°. hammad and several saints on the margin.] pp. 04, 14119. 6. 2 (6.) 8°. lith. Jjsj I rA 'AVA \_Sitapur, 1878.] 8°. 14119. 6. 14 (8.) 14117. b. 27. MUHAMMAD GHAUS. jdj\

[Fourth edition.] pp.60, lith. .^lii^ iaai i khamsah. A work on charms and incantations, ISitapur, 1881.] 8°. in two parts. Translated from the Arabic of M. 14117. b. 33 (5.) Gh . by Saiyid Mir Hasan. Pt. ii. has a distinctive

title Ahsan al-a'miil.] 104, 76, lith. iriP MUHAMMAD FASIH al-DIN, called Ranj. pp. [Delhi, 1877.] 8°. j\j i^ls-iiLj [Baharistiin i naz. Short notices of 174 14119. d. 3 (1.) poetesses, arranged alphabetically according to their [Another copy.] takhallus, with specimens of their writings.] i^j^ 14119. d. 11 (4.) lAAr [Meerut, 1882.] 8°. [Another edition.] 104, 64, iv. lith. 14114. 0. 33 (1.) pp. [Delhi, 1878 ?] 8°. Jj,j" MUHAMMAD PAZIL. hj, L.U L-^.:.^^ [Jang- 14106. g. 9 (1.)

niimah i Karbala. A poem on the death of Husain MUHAMMAD GHULAM AKBAB KHAN, called at the battle field of Karbala, and the events Muslim. *Lu.^ uV.*^ [Dlwan.] See Muhammad leading to it.] 172, lith. iava \_Caivnpore, pp. jy^^ IsmaTl, Dihlavi. ijUjU^ ^_yiu [Takwiyat al-Iman.] 1878.] 8°. [1876.] 8°. 14114. c. 18 (4.) 14104. g. 14. MUHAMMAD GHULAM DASTGIE, Hdshimi. MUHAMMAD PAZL IKRAM. \^ ^L..^ ^^j •i^^As: —js:^ [Makhraj i 'akii'id i nurl. reply [Bahar i btistan i shu'ara. Notices of Budaon i_Sj^ A poets, pupils of Dildar 'AH, with selections from to fourteen questions on the Muhammadan religion their writings.] pp. 79, lith. ^yj\sj [Budaon, challenged by the Rev. 'Imiid al-Din in his Naghmah 1883.] 8°. i tamburl.] pp. 80, lith. [Bareilly, 1880.] 8°.

14114. c. 33 (3.) 14104. f. 4 (8). 225 MUH MUn 226


UiJii ibu Biography of Nuwab Shums- Muzaffaii, i Muhammad. Shifd'i. jj.\ t./^ ^ji.'^^^? [Karabadin ool-omra Bahadur Ameer-i-Kubeer of Hyderabad. shifa'I. Translated from the Persian by M. H. H.

8°. (i-j>. I TA- [^Ilyderabad, IBQ^-I

The Engluh title is taken from the cover. See Zaka Allah Khan.

14109. a. 9. t^l^J [Karabadin i Zaka'i. Translated from the Persian by M. H. H. Kh.] [1871.] 8°. i Khurshid Jahl. 'V-' j»^ fCj^ [TiirTkh i<*^ 14106. g. 6. A history of India with an account of the mutiny [1880.] 8°. of 1857, being a continuation of the author's Tarikh 14106. g. 24. i Rashid al-Din KhSnI.] pp. 774, 20, 22, 26, lith. TAv 4°. MUHAMMAD HAIDAR 'ALI KHAN. ijU- MjAs»- t \_Ryderabad, 1870.]

14109. e. 10. j^"^ [Jiidah i taskhlr. A tale.] pp. 366, lith.

t TAr ILucknow, 1866.] 4°. jj\ Ar,*-, [Tarikh i Rashid al-Din ^l^j iflj^ 14112. d. 10. Khanl. A history of Hindustan and of the Deccan fiAKIM al-DIN. See Sivana- a MUHAMMAD in particular.] pp. 765, 24, lith. ^J jbT^Jk-s- i r r rayana, Deputy Inspector Schools, ^ytjsr* [Hyderabad, 1865.] 4°. of ^^t^ 14109. b. 5. [Majmu'ah i sukhan. Compiled with the assistance of M. H. al-D.] [1872.] 8°. MUHAMMAD HABI, Maulan. &ePFANDER(C.G.) 14114. b. 13.

Hall-ul-ishkal ; a reply to Kashf-ul-astar [a Persian 8°. work by M. H.] 1847. 8°. [1879.] 14119. d. 41. 14104. c. 5. MUHAMMAD HANIF. IWars.] See Mahmud. MUHAMMAD HADI ibn MIBZA 'ALI. iAs^ i_i-is»- >\A.s^ IjJ1

Aftiib i 'alam-tab. A treatise in prose on the birth MUHAMMAD HADI 'ALI, called Ashk. ^j^Xa^ of Muhammad, and the prophecies concerning him.]

14112. e. 2 (6.) MUHAMMAD HASAN, Ea'is. ^^1 ^Li [Ziyii

i Akhtar. An account of the reign of Muhammad MUHAMMAD HADI HASAN. See Muhammad Wajid 'All Shah, ex-king of Oudh.] lith. HadT Husain Khan. pp. 160, »i^ lAVA [Lucknow, 1878,] 8°.

MUHAMMAD HADI HUSAIN KHAN. See 14119. d. 16 (2.) Isma'Tl (Zain al-DTx Abu IbrahTm) Jiujdnl. ij^i [Another copy.] JsLi) j^*»- [Zakhlrah i Khwarazm-shahl. An /•; 14104. f. 2 (6.) annotated translation by M.H.H.Kh.] [1878.] 4°. MUHAMMAD HASAN, called 'IlmT. lcj_*_s:r« 14106. h. 9. jiv\ jU^\

14106. g. 18. 14519. d. 12 (2.) 29 MUH 228 227 MUH

SUSAIN, Kdzl. ^^;-:^-«^l MTJHAMMAD HASAN, called 'IlmT. CUj^ 'OL, MUHAMMAD i_5-?^ attack on the a^lj [Maut-namah. A poem on death.] See Ahmad [Manji al-Muminln. A "Wahhabl 'AiJ, Sivarajpurt, iLi^jb

»:..L::-.^iJb ->j<.> ^ ^^j^ D.B., F.B.S., Missionary of the Fi-ee Church of Scot- <_jli^ [Farsi kl dusri kitab. Second book of Persian, land. iuJij ^ ^^ J ^Ltl-^M^ [MusalmanI din kii with Hindustani explanations. Second edition.] 8°. radlyah.] Refutation of Muhammadism, in reply to pp. 55, lith. jyibi lAv- [Lahore, 1870.] Pers. 218. Hail M. H. 1834. 12°. 14104. c. 3. [Another edition.] pp. 56, lith. j^i lAvp MUAaMMAD HASHIM 'ALI. See Kur'an. fJ\J [Lahore, 1874.] 8°. [The Koran. Edited with a Pers. 484 (2.) •J\ ,.,,a.4j>-yu c^j^ Hindustani preface by M. H. 'A.] [1868.] 4°. [Another edition.] pp. 56, lith. .^1 iavi 14507. d. 10. [Lahore, 1876.] 8°. Pers. 508 MUHAMMAD HAYAT KHAN. ^3Ui\ CU (2.) L^\:^ [FarsI kl pahill kitab. [Hayat i Afghani. A history of Afghanistan and XtJ iS i<-=i^

its inhabitants, with an account of their manners First book of Persian, with Hindustani explanations.

and customs. With an English index and coloured Second edition.] pp. 44, lith. jy&i iav. [Lahore, ! maps.] pp. xvii. xxii. xii. 696, lith. .^Jti iaiv 1870.] 8°. Pers. 217. {Lahore, 1867.] 4^ 14109. e. 4. [Another edition.] pp. 38. lith. .^jn^ lAvp MUHAMMAD HIZBAR 'ALI, called Hizbar. [Lahore, 1874.] 8°.

jjjk (i;^y.J [Diwan.] pp. 172, lith. \Caxonpore, Pers. 484 (1.) 1881.] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 38, lith. j_j-fc^ 'avo 14114. c. 26 (2.) [Lahore, 1875.] 8°. MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, Deputy Inspector of Pers. 508 (1.) Schools. See KarIm al-DiN, Maulavl. «^ib' [Eighth edition.] pp. 38. j^l i aw [Lahore, •J\ i^li-ojjca [Waki'at i Hind. A new and revised 1877.] 8°. edition by M. H.] [1872.] 8°. Pers. 869. 14109. a. 18. *jj

Akbar, called ArzanT. ,j 1 j-r^^ v—J? [Tibb i hammadan period.] See PyarT L.Il. jiiA j_^.,fli Akbar. Translated by M. H.] 8°. [1874.] [Kisas i Hind.] [1873-74.] 8°. 14106. h. 6. 14112. b. 26 (1.) 229 MUH MUH 230

MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, Maulavl. [Kisaa i MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, called Azad. CuL*. <_j< iavi Uiud. Seventh edition.] pp. 176, lith. .yjii [Ab i hayiit, or The water of life. An account of [irt/wrc, 1876.] 8°. well-known Hindustani poets and their writings, 14119. c. 5 (1.) showing the gradual progress and improvement in L-Ai^ [Urdii kl diisri kitab. ^Jj-^)'^ iS j'ij' Hindustani poetry. Second edition.] pp. 564, lith. Second book of Hindustani.] pp. 58, lith. .ysJ iai^ ,^1 lAAr {Lahore, 1883.] 8°. {Lahore, 1869.] 8°. 14114. b. 40. 14117. d. 28. MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, called Bark. ^Uji, Ljj i^vf [Another edition.] pp. 64, lith. .yibi [Kissah i Iliimiin, A tale in verse.] pp. 29, lith, \_lMhore, 1874.] 8°. .La- lAAr {Chumr, 1882.] 8°. 14117. d. 35 (2.) 14112. b. 32 (3.)

[Another edition.] pp. 46, lith. ^^J lAve MUHAMMAD fiUSAIN, called Fakir. j_^^

{Lahore, 1875.] 8°. _-_LJ uijLp-Lo- ['Arz i hajiit i Fakir. Devotional 14117. d. 36 (2.) poems.] pp. 24, lith. j»---J^ "'^' {Cawnpore, i^\:^ |1^ i^ ^^j\ [Urdu kl pahill kitab. 1864.] 8°. 14119. e. 4 (3.) First book of Hindustani.] pp. 36, ii. lith. .yssS iaii _»!» tsicsr* [Tuhfah i Fakir. A poem in praise {Lahore, 1869.] 8°. of Muhammad.] lith. ^f"" {Delhi, 14117. d. 27. pp. 24, "^^-i-5>J 1871.] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 36, ii. lith. .yij uvr 14119. e. 6 (3.) {Lahore, 1872.] 8°. [Another edition.] 24. i'^^"' 14119. c. 14 (2.) pp. igJ-AJ {Delhi, 1876.J 8°. [Another edition.] 36, lith. jyJti lAvp pp. 14119. d. 5 (4.) {Lahore, 1874.] 8°. MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, called Jah. ^_wJJj 14117. d. 35 (1.) L::-^:>.Laj [Tilsam i fasiihat. A romance.] pp. 181, lith, [Another edition.] pp. 28, lith. .^ lAve c^ '^vf {Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. {Lahore, 1875.] 8° 14119. e. 18 (1.) 14117. d. 36 (1.) [Another edition.] pp. 286, lith, iaai MUHAMMAD HUSAIN", Rampurl. . . . i^\)yy^ {Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. i^\j-jj [Kabutar-namah, or The wild and tame 14112. b. 21 (2.) pigeons; and Riih-niimah, or a discourse between MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, called Mahmud. ^\^ the soul and body. Two poems.] pp. 19, lith. JjJ,_j [Halwa i be-dud. Moral precepts and {Delhi, 1U^?'\ 8°. anecdotes for the young. In prose and verse.] 14114. a. pp. 43, ii. lith. {Lucknow, 1873 ?] 8". MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, Saiijid. ^^j.^ Lv-^jd/ 14119. c. 29 (3.) [Guldastah i sukhan. A Hindustani anthology.] MUHAMMAD HUSAIN, called MatTn. pp. 126, lith. y- 1^^ i^ve {Lucknow, 1875.] 8°. iJ-....\€ Ll-

MUHAMMAD SUSAIN 'ATA KHAN, called MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM ibn HUSAIN, Ilasain. TahsLv, or Murassa'i Rakm. See Khusrau, Amir. X4j>.l '-^^ 0^*^ fiA^^'*

«_Is_« :l>jj [Nau-tarz i murassa'. A translation by hammadlyah. Proofs of the prophetic mission of the treatise, edited, TaHsIn of the Persian Chahar darwesh.] [1846 ?] 8°. Prophet. An Arabic with Persian

14112. b. 12. and Hindustani translations, by Najaf 'All Khan.] pp. 96, lith. j)\j\jj\ [Agra, 1882.] 8°. MTTHAMMAD HUSAIN KHAN, Rdmpuri. t«li^ 14516. c. 3 (5.) j.n^ [Jang-namah i Misr. An account in verse of the expedition into Egypt against Arabl Pasha.] MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM MAKBAH.

Physical geography of India in Urdu . . .

14104. e. 30 (3.) j^ ,_j ^j^^ [Chaman i be-nazTr. A selection of Persian and Hindustani poetry ; the former, MUHAMMAD IHTISHAM al-DIN, called pp. 5-68, being under the special title Mir'at Faryad. See 'Add eI-Kadir, Badd'um, called al-'ashililn.] 357, lith. lAvr pp. jy^^ \_Cawnpore, KadihT. jJ,\ *rj'^l i_-^.^Lw« [Muntakhab al- 1873.] 8°. tawiirikh. Translated from the Persian by M. I. 14114. b. 16. al-D.] [1874.] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 358, /«YA. .^1^ ia*. 14109. d. 7. {Caienpore, 1880.] 8°. Pers. 687. (•LjXI sJi\j [Ta'Id al-Isliim. A treatise on the orthodox faith, directed chiefly against the MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM, called Zatjk. j^j J^o Tafslr al-Kur'iin of Saiyid Alimad Khan.] 26. [Dlwan.] pp. 100, lith. ,^1^ |Avr \_Cawnpore, pp. 1872.] 8°. lith. jljb)^ irlA [il/orarfa^flff/, 1881.] 8°.

14104. g. 20 This poet is also known ly the complimentary title KhaMnl (1.) i Hind. MUHAMMAD IKRAM ALLIH KHAN. cjlfis 14119. e. 21 (1.) _l*u.«Jl [HadI al-massah. Outlines of land measure- [Second edition.] pp. IW, lith. .^1^ iavi ment surveying.] lith. • '^ iAir [Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°. and pp. 28, ^ ^ I [Lucknow, 1863.] 4°. 14114. c. 23 (3.) 14106. h 1 (2.) J^ uj-^ [Makhzan i shauk. Selections from the Dlwan of Zaut, accompanied by imitations MUHAMMAD IKRAM al-DIN. See Kur'an. by Harachandra RSya.] pp. 156, lith. y.^ iava i^M ijyi ^^>ij\j^;^i3 [Tafslr i Siirah i Fatihah. \_Luchnow, 1878.] 8^ With a commentary by M. I. al-D.] [1869.] 8°. 14119. e. 27 (4.) 14117. d. 33 (3.) 233 Mun MUH 234

MUHAMMAD 'IMHAN. ^^jSjy^ llL, [Risiilah MUHAMMAD IB8HAD HUSAIN. jA\ ^Laiil tajhiz takfln. treatise funeral i A on ceremonial [Intisiir al-hakk. A theological controversial treatise observances. Compiled from Persian and Arabic in reply to the Mi'yar al-hakk of Nazlr Husain. rAr 8°. sources.] pp. 32, lith. i ILuchiow, 1866.] y^ "With passages of the latter work on the margin.] 14119. e. 1 (1.) pp. 416, iv. lith. ^Ji-ijJ i^W 'M- [Bareilly, [Another edition.] pp. 32, lith. jj-fj^ •'^^i 1873.] 4°. [Cawnpore, 1876.] 8°. 14104. h. 12. 14104. e. 14 (2.) MUHAMMAD IRTIZA KHAN. iL^^l Cjl^ [Another edition. Followed by Musiifir- [Mir'at al-ashbiih. Short notices of the Moghul niimah, a religious poem.] pp. 32, lith. ^Jj>»i emperors, of the Muhammadan rulers of Oudh, and [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. 14119. d. 4 (8.) celebrated courtiers. With numerous portraits.]

pp. 104, lith. Jjkj \_Delhi, 1874 ?] 8°. MUHAMMAD 'INAYAT AHMAD. JjjJl JlJ\ Wanting title-page. lil-tartll. treatise on J-j jJJ [Al-bayiin al-jazll A 14109. d. 8. the correct reading of the Koran.] See Majmu'ah Jl ^ytjs^ [Four treatises on the Koran.] pp. 1-17. MUHAMMAD ISHAK. ^^l:iJi' t_-^y J^!

[Another edition.] [Cawnpore, 1877.] 8°. ijJLjjyt]\ [Intikhab, or Selections from the writings 14104. 4 g. (3.) of Sauda. Compiled by M. I.] [1810.] 4°. MUHAMMAD 'INAYAT AHMAD RUH. ^j\y 14114. d. 11.

aJJI („-%--=>- [Tawarikh i habib AUiih. A history of MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL, Chilmd'i. See Tuhfah i the life of Muhammad.] pp. 201, lith. j^^ i tai Islam. Tuhfa-e-Islam 1298. [Difficult questions [Caumpore, 1864.] 8°. 14119. e. 1 (4.) on Muhammadan law, accompanied by a translation into English by M. I.] 1881. 8°. MUHAMMAD 'INAYAT ALLAH KHAN, called 14104. e. 25 (3.) [Hadiyah Kais. j__^^iLj lais

lith. I rvA IDelhi ? 1861.] 8°. pp. 14, Jl 4_$^^1 [Izalat al shukuk. A treatise on the 14119. e. 8 (3.) orthodox faith, intended to remove errors caused

taa 8=. [Another edition.] pp. 16, lith. y^ i by the Takwiyat al iman of M. I.] [1880.]

{Lucknow, 1871.] 8°. 14104. e. 27. 14112. b. 23 (1.)

MUHAMMAD 'INAYAT al-RAHMAN KHAN. .y ' '^^ ' i-i^-« [Silki nur. Verses in praise of God and the Prophet. Followed by some kasidahs See Davenport (J.) Teacher of Languages. s^Jy* aXJ\ [Mu'aiyid al-Islam. An apology for Mu- by Muhammad 'All, Khurram 'All, and Kamal hammad and the Koran. Translated by M. 'I. al-E. al-Din.] pp. 14, 4, lith. (i/lL-. irv [Sialkot, Kh.]- [1870.] 8°. 1873.] 8°. 14104. e. 11. 14119. c. 26 (6.) 30 ;

235 MTJH MUH 236

I'TIMAD 'ALI KHAN. lA MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL, Bihlavi. ij^.^}\ ^.^ MUHAMMAD r?i' [Takwiyat al-Iman. A treatise on the Muhammadan [Agra, 1878.'] 8°. after his death a second and concluding portion 14112. c. 24 (6.) Tazkir by Muhammad Sultan Khiin under the title MUHAMMAD 'IWAZ. See Khusrau, Amir. lith. iavi [Lucknow, al-ikhwiin.] pp.66, 226, >. A, y^ - ^ j J [Nau-tarz i murassa'. The Persian 1876.] 8°. Chahar darwesh, translated by M. 'I.] [1869.] 8°. Journal the Royal Asiatic Society /or 1 852, Vol. xiii. The of 14119. e. 6 (9.) Pt. 2, contains a biography of the author, and a transla- JA'PAB, Haji. AJi\ tion of his Takwiyat al-lman, by Mir Shahamat 'All. MUHAMMAD ^ ij^)\ ^j 14104. f. 15. [Ruh al-Imiin wa al-islam. A catechism on the

[Another edition. Accompanied on the margin principles of the orthodox Muhammadan religion.] 8°. of the second part by two poems viz. Rah i sunnat pp. 48, lith. j_jl^ in- [Bombay, 1873.] by Saiyid Auliid Hasan, and a diwan by Muhammad 14119.0.23(2.)

Ghulam Akbar Khan.] pp. 66, 232, lith. ^aJ [Another edition.] pp. 48,/«Y/*. \rsf [Bombay, [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. 1878.] 8°. 14104. g. 14. 14104. f. 2 (5.)

MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL, Konkanl. jj>iA J^ A^ MUHAMMAD JA'FAE, Thaneswarl. (^L^ JJjJ ^yu

[Radd i Hindu. A Muhammadan religious treatise

lith. irv- in confutation of Hinduism.] pp. 72, [Tarikh i 'ajib, or] History of Port Blair by Mo- [Bombay, 1873.] 8°. hamed Jaffer [together with an account of the 14104. 6. 14 (1.) convicts, and dialogues in 32 different languages.] iaa. MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL, Mangalun. ^^Jka^'* jjj pp. iii. iii. 228, iii. lith. j v ^ G [Ltccknow,

[Nur i Muhammadl. Instruction in the principles 1880.] 8^ 14109. 0. 15. of orthodox Muhammadanism.] pp. 175, Kih. i^j^ [Meerut, 188S.'\ 8°, MUHAMMAD JA'PAB 'ALI, Mauland. See La'l 14104. e. 30 (8.) Muhammad. ^^-J.51-mJ! c-j^^-^t [Jawab al-sa'illn. MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL, Mirzd, called Tapish. "With an appendix by M. J. 'A. on clean and un- 8°. See 'Inayat Allah. j_yAii> jjUlj ^^j [Bahilr i clean animals.] [1872.] 14119. d. 9 danish. Translated by M. I.] [1867.] 8°. (4.)

14112. c. 15. MUfiAMMAD JA'FAE 'ALI, called ShTwan.

*«Al3 [Tilsam i hairat. tale.] 142, lith. [1872.] 8°. cy^»- A pp. lAvr [Lucknow, 1873.] 8°. 14119. e. 19 (1.) ^ 14119. c. 6 (4.) MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL ibn 'ABD al-GHANI. MUHAMMAD JA'PAB KHAN. J.^ ^^J IjL, j^jJ\ «J, tuLil jJ ^^j^y.^\ jij^j [Tanwlr al-'ainain. [Risalah i din i hakk. A treatise on the principles A tract in defence of the practise of raising both of the Muhammadan religion, from Arabic sources. hands whilst praying. Arabic text with Hindustani taa "With marginal notes.] pp. 226, lith. i interlineary translation and notes.] pp. 48, lith. [Lucknow ? 1871.'] 8°. ^y>5 [Lahore, 1882.] 8°. TVanting title-page. The title appears in a chronogram at 14519. 6. 12 (8.) the end of the work. MUHAMMAD ISMA'IL KHAN. ;b, 14104. g. 5. ^ (j^V ^J ^ y**^ [Waba'I haizah men hamko MUHAMMAD JAMAL al-DIN HASAN. 4_.li^ kya karna chahiye hai, or What we should do during j^_^;J cuSU- [Halat i dihl. A treatise on land an epidemic of cholera. Useful advice for the tenures, collection of rent, measurement and manage- prevention and cure of cholera.] pp.19. j^SClc iaap ment of land in villages in the Punjab.] pp. 139,

[Aligarh, 1883.] 8°. lith. o\:\j^\ 1A6- [Agra, 1850.] 8°.

14106. g. 17 (2.) 14106. dd. 8. n

237 MUH MUH 238

MUHAMMAD JAMAL nl-DIN HASAN. [Fourth MUHAMMAD KADIBI. ^V^-^ ^5^ [Another edition.] pp.88,/»YA. jbl^l uii [Agra,\mi.] 8°. edition.] pp. 56, lith. Ajt^ i rvi \I)elhi, 1859.] 8°. 14108. dd. 11. 14119. e. 3 (9.) * iCjiA*-\ -t [Shabih i Alimadl. A poem in praise of Muliaramad, and describing his personal [Another edition.] pp. 54, //^A. .^(^ itai {Cawnpwe, 1864.] 8°. appearance.] pp. 51, /t

\_' f^ J»-«^ [Usiil i 'ajib. A grammar [Another edition, illustrated.] pp. 80, lith.

I rAi of the Persian language.] pp. 48, lith. •Jl^ ^i>j I AVI [Belhi, 1876.] 8°. [Caimpore, 1864.] 8°. 14119. d. 7 (2.) 14119. e. 3 (1.) The Totii KahanI; or Tales of a Parrot, MUHAMMAD KADIR BAKHSH. ^^fiMj\ i-J^ translated [into English] from Saiyid Haidar ^jJl *-»\r^ Zc.Lil ^J [Kitab al-arba'Ina fl isha'at Bakhsh's Hindustani version of M. K.'s Persian niariisim al-dln. A collection of forty traditions abridgement of Nakhshabi's Tiiti Nama, by G. Small, with Hindustani commentary and marginal notes.] pp. XV. iii. 240. London, 1875. 8°. ir-. [Liicknoiv, 8°. pp. 60, mh. y^ 1883.] 760. d. 30. 14521. c. 2 (4.) MUHAMMAD KAPI. See KifIyat 'Ai,7, called KafT. J^JI [Al-takrir al-ma'kni. A" SunnI treatise, containing select passages from Arabic works on MUHAMMAD KABIM BAKHSH See India.— the special merits of the companions and family Legislative Council. ji_:..a> c.*l^^fjjjl-l (^^y iX.y%..St* of the Prophet. With Hindustani explanations.] [MajmCah i kawiinln i ta'zlrat i Hind. The Indian /jY/j. ^\r-- [iwciHOif, 1883.] 8°. pp. 168, Penal Code, translated by 'Azmat Allah, assisted by 14521. c. 2 (3.) M. K. B.] [1861.] 4°.

MUHAMMAD KADIRI. See JTvanarama, Narnolt. 14106. f. 7.

,o' mJ ^y?^ [Tajribah i dauran. A selection of tales See Mill (J.) ^j.;^jX^\ iLyl [Intibah from the Tutinamah of M. K. and other sources.] al-mudarrisln. An essay on education, translated [1873.] 8°. 14112. b. 24. with the assistance of M. K. B.] [1858.] 8°.

Tota Kuhanee. A translation into the Hin- 14119. b. 10 (1.) doostanee tongue [from M. K.'s abridged version] See Reid (H. S.) ^^1, of the popular Persian tales [by NakhshabI], en- ['Aja'ibat i mihnat-shi'arl. Translated from the titled Tootee Namee, by Sueyud Huedur Bukhshi English with the assistance of M. K. B.] [1859.] 8°. Hueduree. Under the superintendence of J. 14112. a. 10. Gilchrist, (^l^^^ \jy) pp. 168. Calcutta, 1804. fol. The Ilindudani title-page hears date 1803. UVl" ^sJ^r*^ [ Jughraflyah i jahan. An 14112. e. 1. elementary geography, translated with the assistance Begin, ^^s^ \s:>- K. B.] [I860.] 4°. ^^.j'^ ci?*^ ^^ ^^ c'^*'**"^ ofM. 14117. [Another edition.] e. 3. Llis:^ ^xjt^ j-iny^ csr" fj'j^} i^ pp. 183. {Calcutta, 1836 ?] 8°. Jj: Jylj [Da'irah i 'ilm. Short lessons ii\ Without title-page. natural science.] pp. 32, /jYA. ^i^ iaia \_Lucknotc, 14112. b. 8. 1868.] 12°. Tota-KahanI ; or Tales of a Parrot, in the 14119. a. 6 (3.) Hindiistanl language. Translated ... by Saiyid .j.l cjLstu^ [MuntakhabiitiUrdu. Selections Haidar Bakhsh, surnamed Haidari ... A new in Hindustani prose and verse. Compiled by edition with ... a vocabulary of all the words M. K. B., with the assistance of H. S. Reid.] occurring in the text by D. Forbes, pp. ii. 146. 2 pt. lith. '*iP [Lucknoic, 1864.] 8°. London, 1852. 8°. j--i^\ 14112. c. 7. 14117. d. 19. 239 MUH MUH 240

MUHAMMAD KASIM, Maulavi. See Bakhtawar MUHAMMAD KUTB al-DIN, Arabic Teacher at [Satyadharmavichiira. A the Jaynarain College, Benares. cuo-Uw*!! (_^*^-i Singh. ^TWVflf^^T II report of a religious controversy between Dayananda [Shams al-masahat. A treatise on the use of the Sarasvati, and M. K. and others.] [1880.] 8°. theodolite, and land-surveying. Translated from ^iVA. (_^lij iam Hindi. 456 (1.) the English by M.K.al-D.] pp.71, [Benares, 1856.] 8°. i \ ^ i A\ cyLjl^ •\j^\ [I'jSz 14119. e. 14 (13.) Ghauslyah. An account of the life and miracles of MUHAMMAD KUTB al-DIN, Dihlavi. See Mu- 'Abd al-Kiidir Jllanl. Followed by Hikayat al-asfiya, hammad ibn 'Abd Allah (WalI al-DiN Abu 'Abd or Tales of Muhammadan saints. Compiled from Allah) Khaiih. ^js^ _bllL« [Muziihir i hakk. A various sources by M. K.] pp. 132, litJi. ^^ itai translation by M. K. al-D. of the Arabic Mishkat ILucknotc, 1873.] 8°. al-masablh.] fol. 14119. c. 18 (2.) [1870.] 14104. h. 5.

[Hairat- MUHAMMAD KASIM 'ALI. \yi\ CL!\j^=>. ^ji-*J\ *1^1 [AJikam al-Idln. Rules for afza. A love-story in verse, followed by some short the observance of religious festivals.] pp. 68, lith. 8°. poems.] 24, ftY/i. &;iK i Air [Ca/cM«rtf, 1863.] pp. ^ lAvr [Luchiow, 1873.] 8°. 14119. c. 12 (3.) 14119. 6. 26 (1.)

MUHAMMAD KHAIB al-DIN (Abu al-'ALl) li [FalaH i darain. A work on the

--j tenets of the Sunni sect Compiled, with the as- Gopamu'i. J\jii\ J^j=>-^ \^J^j^^ iu°\j sistance Subhiin Bakhsh, the Persian Mughni ijAsi* JJ;^.J [Riya? al-azhar, also called Duwazdah of from al-talib of Ghuliim Mustafa, and other sources.] majlis. An account of the life and miracles of the

147, lith. I fAi [Lucknow, 1869.] 8°. Prophet, in twelve chapters, compiled from several pp. y^ 14119. e. 10 (4.) Arabic sources.] pp. 744, lith. y^ iaia \_Liiclinotc,

1868.] 8°. u:->:>^ .Ijli" [Gulziir i jannat. A manual of 14104. e. 6. religious instruction taken from the Koran and works on tradition, chiefly bearing on rewards and MUHAMMAD KHAN, Sahdranpurl. ^^T [A'In. punishments in a future state.] pp. 68, lith. y.^ Moral precepts in verse.] pp. 2, liih.

jjjl^ t riA [Catcnpo7-e, ISol.l 8". Lukmiin in Persian, and (3) the maxims of "Wall 14117. e. 2. Allah Dihlavi in Arabic with explanations in

Hindustani. Pt. ii. al-kirahat, treatise, [A reprint.] ^-p. 216, Uth. itat [^Cawnpore, Bab a

1867.] 8°. entirely in Hindustani, on lawful and unlawful

14114. c. 6. objects in daily life. The whole compiled and

edited by K. al-D.] pp. 64, lith. jj-^^ ' Mv AJj ^Ji^L) [Another edition.] pp. 216, lith. [Cawnpore, 1880.] 8°. y>j^ lAAt [^Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. 14516. cc. 8 (5.) 14114. c. 26 (3.) LJl j»j^ ^^\ ^ LsJi\ AMsr* [TuMat al- MUHAMMAD KHAN ibn IBRAHIM JALIL ahibba, or Things prohibited in connection with KHAN. ^J\.*..s^ c [Shar' i Muhammadl. ^ marriage by the teachings of the Koran and Precepts and traditions of the Prophet in verse.] tradition.] pp. 32, lith. j'- j^^ '^'i"' [^Lticknow, pp. 90, lith. I AVI [Caw7ipore, 1871.] 8°. j^^ 1869.] 8°. 14119. c. 32 (7.) 14119. e. 3 (6.) 241 MUH MUII 242

LUTP 'AL! called LuTF, MUHAMMAD &utB al-DIN.Dj'A/atf. tjfS'r;j\ lius^ MUHAMMAD KHAN, [Fifth edition.] 56, /iVA. .^I^iaai [Cawnpore, [Tulifat al-zaujttin, or The duties of husbands and pp. 1881.] 8°. wives. Compiled from various Arabic sources, and 14114. c. 23 (4.) followed by a sermon in Arabic with an interlineary MUHAMMAD MAHDI, Munshi. i.::-^^; translation.] pp. 88, lith. y^ iaii [Lucknow, J-j-a^l 1869.] 8°. [Zinat al-kliail. A treatise in verse on the horse, 14119. e. 1 (3.) describing the peculiarities of the various species,

^'i'n--t ik^j [WazTfah i masnunah. A book and the treatment of diseases. With numerous illus- of prayers compiled from Jazarl's al-hisn al-hasln. trations.] pp. 194, lith. )-^i^ ">'" [Lucknow, Arabic text with Hindustani interlineary translation 1871.] 8°. 14106. g. 5. and commentary by M. K. al-D.] pp. 262, iv. (J^Jj

[Delhi, 1865 ?] 8°. MUHAMMAD MAHDI, Naiirabadi. See India.— 14619. d. 12 (4.) Legislative Council. .J\ iJJt\jt.* ^jy>\j AJis- [Khuliisah

^:..^Jl 'U-jl >i^j [Zad al-'uKbii -^ ^ ^^jr^\ i kanun i rau'ahadah. A digest of the Indian An abridged translation by M. K. al-D. of a Persian Contract Act. Compiled by M. M.] [1877.] 8°. commentary by 'Abd al-Hakk Dihlavl on the Asma 14106. e. 19 (1.) i husnu, or 99 names of God. With marginal notes MUHAMMAD MAHMUD HASAN. <_^1 '^J^-j taken from that commentary and from another on [Ziyarat al-'arab. Pictures of twenty-two famous the same subject by 'Abd al-Rahmiin Chishtl.] Muhammadan mosques and tombs.] lith. ^Ls>jir-> 8°. pp. 22, lith. I TAo [LucknoiP, 1868.] y^ [Delhi, 1883.] Fol. 14119. 6. 15 (2.) 14109. e. 19. (JJ^^iis [Zafar i khalTl. A collection of MUHAMMAD MAJID al-DIN. ^^^;jju«^\ i.=-OW traditions in Arabic, with Hindustani paraphrase ^jjl.^1 ^J [I'anat al-MusalmIn, or Advice to av and commentary.] pp. 236, lith. ^i^ i i [Lucknow, Muhammadans on matters of religion.] pp. 19, lith. 1871.] 4°.

I AVI 8°. 14104. g. 9. »i^ [Lucknow, 1876.] 14119. c. 7 (2.) MUHAMMAD KUTB al-DIN KHAN. SeeKvR'AS. 'ALI _»-jliill j-^^- [Jami' al-tafiislr. The Koran, with a MUHAMMAD MANSAE KHAN. cuU-L« Hindustani commentary commenced by M. K. al-D.] [Munajat. Prayers in verse.] pp. 8, /«YA. ^-^irip [1875.] 4°. [Meerut, 1876.] 8°. 14509. d. 16. 14119. d. 9 (13.) MUHAMMAD LATIP, MunsM. See India.— MUHAMMAD MARDAN 'ALI KHAN (Xizam

Lcgislatire Council. <—>lsi)

Kifiij'at 'All Kafi, on the ascent of Muhammad into geographical, and other useful information.] pp. 25,

/«V/i. iav^ [CaifM/Jore, 8". heaven.] pp.56, ,^1^ 1879.] lith. J.^ t Air [ZrtcA-Hoeo, 1863.] 8°.

14114. c. 26 (1.) 14119. e. 8 (6.) 31 1

244 243 MUH MUH


MUHAMMAD MUBIN. 14112. f. 5.

[Guldastah i jashn i kaisarlyah An account of j\^\ r-^-^-* [Misbah al-nahar. A the Imperial assembly held at Delhi in January, translation of Book 6 of the Bustan i Khayal, 1877, on the assumption by Queen Victoria, of the commenced by Khwajah Badr al-Din Khiin, and title of "Empress of India."] pp. 56, lith. iaw completed, after his death, by M. M. H. Kh.] [Fatehgarh, 1877.] 8°. Fol. 14109. a. 8 (3.) [1881.] 14112. f. 3. MUBEAMMAD MUHI al-DiN, Kddirl u^^V.-^ MUBCAMMAD MUMIN KHAN, called Mumin. i^jJij' [Bahilristan i takdis. Travels in North -«y« "-^"y^ [KuUiyat, or Complete poetical works.] India, in verse.] pp. 68, lith. irii [Bangalore, pp. 386, lith. iTAr [Meerut, 1865.] 8°. 1879.] 8°. ^j^ 14109. c. 7 (2.) 14114. b. 3.

MUHAMMAD MUHI al-DIN, Munshl. HuUu- [Another edition.] pp. 458, lith. j^jS^ \ rsf the Persian Course loqud. A glossary of Entrance [Carnivore, 1867.] 8°.

[i.e. of the 'Ikd i gul, or first four chapters of the 14114. 0. 7.

Gulistan of Sa'dl, and the Ikd i manzum, or selections [Another edition.] pp. 291, /iYA. j^jI^iaa- from the Bustan of the same author] by Molvi [Caivnjiore, 1880.] 8°. Mohammed Mohiuddin. (JjA*J1 J»-) pp. 208, lith. 14114. c. 18 (5.) Allahabad, 1879. 8°. 14117. b. 29 (4.) MUHAMMAD MUMTAZ al-HAKK. ^.r^^iiSl^Lc MUHAMMAD MUHI al-DIN, called Shams ['lyar al-kawa'id. An elementary grammar of the al-IJMARA. LrjUliJ [Nakliyat. One hundred and Persian language, in the form of questions and

fifty-two short tales.] lith. i pp. 210, rlf [Bombay, answers.] pp. 52, lith. j-i-f^ i^'"' [Luchiow, 1877.] 8°. 1873.] 8°. 14112. b. 27. 14119. 0. 33 (3.) MUHAMMAD MUHIBB «ALI. ^^U-^ *-^^ MUHAMMAD MUNIB, Maulati. See Muhammad [A'Inah i 'Abbiisl. genealogical A history of the ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN Abu Hamid) GhazzdU. 'AbbasT family.] pp. 44, lith. jLibL^ iava ^_»XJLuJl _L-) [Siraj al-siilikln. A translation by [Moradabad, 1878.] 8°. M. M. of the Arabic Minhiij al-'abidln.] [1871.] 4°. 14109. b. 16 (1.) 14104. h. 6. MUHAMMAD MU'INibn MUHAMMAD MUBIN. j_^<3*i *<»«uo- [Chashmah i faiz. A work on tradition, MUHAMMAD MURTAZA KHAN, Risaldar. See followed by a poem on grave sins, called Muzih Great Britain and Ireland.—Army.— Cavalry. al-kaba'ir.] pp. 40, lith. ^La>j trA^ [Delhi, ^Ji^ t4)y;f [Cavalry regulations, translated by 1873.] 8°. M. M. Kh.] [1876.] 8°. 14119. e. 25 (4.) 14106. e. 11. 245 MUH MUH 246

MUHAMMAD MITSHTAK BCUSAIN. See Na- MUHAMMAD NASIB 'ALI, OhiyCt^parh ^Lc I'OLKON I. Emperor of the French. ^yf> l::^wA^ ^j->JjLi^.AJI ['Aniisir al-shahiidatain, also called uljjljUy [Sarguzasht i Napoleon Bonaparte. Trans- ShahJidat al-khulafii wal-Hasanain. A work on lated from the English by M. M. H.] [1871.] 8°. the martyrdom of Hasan and Husain and other 14109. b. 8. Muhammadan saints.] pp. viii. 436, /j^A. j^iliri- MUHAMMAD MUSLIM. ^f^JcJL.^JpJ' [Gulziir [Lucknow, 1873.] 8°- 14104. e. 16. i Sikandari. A history of Alexander the Great,

being an adaptation in verse of Pt. iii. of the [Another edition.] pp. 294, lith. jy-^'^ Persian ibn 'Aja'ib al-kisas of 'Abd al-Wahid Mu- [Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°. hammad Mughnl.] pp. 108, lith. ,^1 lA-sr [^Lahore, 14104. f. 14 (4.) 1882.] 8°. ^j^\j j\y\ [Anwiir i NasirT. A work on the 14109. b. 18 (3.) sayings and teachings of the Prophet.] pp. 32, lith. MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA KHAN. ^jLaJl i^ y4$3 irAi [Lucknow, 1864.] 8°. [Safwat al-masadir. A table of Persian infinitives, 14119. e. 3 (2.) with Hindustani equivalents, and words derived

[Arba' i 'anasir. quadrilingual from them. "With marginal notes in Persian. ^Lr «j .1 A vocabulary, in Urdu, Persian, Arabic and English.] Third edition.] pp. 30, /jY/*. Ci\j\i\\ \''^^^ [Allahabad, lith. lAVA [Lucknow, S''- 1866.] 8°. pp. 51, y-f<\ 1878.] 14119. c. 11 (9.) 14117. e. 12.

[Another edition.] 30, lith. iavi= pp. ,^1 ^j^\j cuU! [Lughat i Nasirl. A Persian- {Lahore, 1874.] 8°. Urdu vocabulary.] pp. 49, lith. y^ i aa • [Lucknow, 14117. d. 30 (1.) 1880.] 8°. (_5^^ ^oUo-* [Masadir i Farsi. Another Pers. 441 (5.) edition, slightly altered, and without the marginal notes.] pp. 31, /lY/j. ^ lA-sr [Z2

proverbs . . . . (Vol. V. 3,068 proverbs . . . with t_jLkJl -rflJ [Niisir al-tulliib. An Arabic explanatory fables) and their proper application by reader, with an interlineary Hindustani translation Mohammad Najmuddin Jli-«l!l ^a^ 2 pt. lith. and marginal notes.] pp. 210, vii. lith. »^$3 ir'. i ^j I AVI [Delhi, 1876, 82.] 8°. [Lucknow, 1879.] 8°. Wanting Vol. I.—III. 14586. d. 26.

14119. d. 3 and f. 20. (8.) jLIjJI j.a\j [Niisir al-'ushshak. A prayer MUHAMMAD NASIR 'ALI, Ohiyaspiiri. jA:^ for Muhammad in Arabic, with Hindustani inter- i^y-^ 0«.JlJ i_5«j_«.^ :U ['Anasir al-khairat. lineary translation and marginal notes.] pp. 115, lith. otherwise known as Durud mu'arra. An Arabic y.^ lAA. [Lucknow, 1880.] 8°. 14519. e. 12 prayer in verse, written without the use of words (4.)

containing pointed letters, by Maulanii M. N. 'A. t

Edited with a Hindustani translation and appendix on prayer and its efficacy, compiled from various

his son lith. ^ < iaa- by Muhammad Ya Sin.] pp. 374, lith. Arabic sources.] pp. 102, y ; ^ tAvi [Lucknow, 1879.] 8°. [Lucknow, 1880.] 8°. 14519. d. 18. 14104. g. 22 (2.) 247 MUH MUH 248


ujij-i. [Maulud-namah i sharlf. A poem on the [Makhzan al-adwiyah. A medical dictionary, com- birth of the Prophet.] pp. 64, lith. JjsJ irir piled from Arabic and Persian sources.] 2 vol. [Delhi, 1876.1 8°. pp. 726, 608, lith. [Luckmw, 1865 ?] 4°.

14119. d. 6 (17.) 14106. h. 2. NazTr MUHAMMAD NAZIB AHMAD. See MUHAMMAD NUSBAT 'ALI. Lj^ i;->jif [Gul-

Ahmad, Khan Bahadur. dastah i ru'asa. A brief account of the Native MUHAMMAD NIHAL al-DIN KHAN, Sa'di. States of India, their areas, revenues, militarj'- strength and treaties with the British Government.] See PuAYERS. J I jl.jl Lc^.^^ [A collection of pp. 26, lith. iibj [Delhi, 1877.] 4°. Arabic prayers, preceded by a short prefatory - 14109. e. 16. treatise entitled Wasllah i najat, compiled by M. N. MUHAMMAD EAFI', called Sauda. 1j^ "^'U^ al-D.] [1877.] 8°. [KuUiyiit, or The poetical works of Sauda. Second 14519. b. 15 (4.) edition.] pp. 490, lith. X lAvr \Caicnpore, MUHAMMAD NIZAM. See Muhammad Shau- jy^ 1873.] 8°. KAT 'Alt. JlyUJI 'L^.^; [Ziya' al-basa'ir. "With 14114. d. 7. copious explanatory notes by M. N.] [1873.] 8°. Begin. ^Jw«o -wl iX^ trJ-ar*. u:.-xj iXy^ 14119. e. 15 (4.) ^^ [Intikhab, or Selections from the writings of Saudil.

[1872.] 8°. 1^ \^yJ!i\ ^-^j \\y* ir^j 'V.^ '^'y^ <_>Lsu\ 14119. e. 25 (6.) [A selection of kasldahs and miscellaneous poems.] MUHAMMAD Nt5"B al-HASAN. See Ahmad ibn pp. 412, lith. x/\ lAV [Agra, I860.] 8°. 'Alawi. YuNUS, Jl t—jl^l *:>-j [Rajm al-shihiib. 14114. a. 8. With a Hindustani interlineary translation by M. :u [Muntakhab i N. al-H.] [1882.] 8°- kasa'id, or a selection from the kasldahs of Sauda, 14104. e. 31 (5.) for use in schools.] pp. 173, lith. y^ iaia [Luck- KABIM. See MUHAMMAD NUB Muhammad now, 1868.] 12°. Akbar, called Arzaj^T. <—J^i!^ ji:^^ [Iksir al- 14119. a. 4 (1.) kulub. translation A by M. N. K. of the Persian (Musnawiyat of IJ.1^ '—ci;b,H'.r- Mufarrih al-kulub.] [1870.] 4°. Mirza Rafi Us-Sauda. . Revised edition by Capt. 14106. h. 3. H. S. Jarrett.) pp. 45. Calcutta, 1875. 8°. [1872.] 8°. 14114. a. 12 (2.) 14106. g. 12. Selections from the KuUiyat or complete i^Jj-^^ ir^W^ [KTmTya i 'aniisirl. A works of Mirza Rafi-oos-sauda . . . literally trans- translation by M. N. K. of the Kariibadin i Kadirl.] lated [into English] by Major Henry Court. [1870.] Fol. ii. 50. Simla, 1872. 8°. 14106. h. 4. pp. preceding. [1872.] i°. A translation of the

14106. g. 11. 14114. a. 12 (1.) 249 Mun MUH 250

MUHAMMAD BAPI', called Sauda. MUHAMMAD SA'ID, Mauldnd. <_>1^^.jj J^yxf" IjyJl tarjrband poem.] See Ai'imad ^j \\j^ [A 'J\ •^^•x>- ^^^\j itiy*^ ij^j^ bii-il [Objections to a 'AlT, SivarOjpuri. i}\ iLiijb 4,«>sr*T

Jumjumah Badshah.] pp. 19, 20. [1870 ?] 8°. subject of the Muhammadan law of inheritance.] 14119. e. 3 (10.) pp. 26, lith. ^ iriv [Patna, 1880.] 8°. 14106. e. 19 (6.) Free-Trade a Bunya's Owl [by F. C] ; to MUHAMMAD SA'ID, Mir Jumlah. See MiB wliicli is added a literal version of the original JUMLAII. Hindee [or rather Hindustani] satire of Meerza Rufee-Oos-Souda. pp. 24. London, 1849. 8°. MUHAMMAD SALAMAT ALLAH, called KashfI. 760. e. 18. See 'Abd al-'AzTz, Bihlavi. ^^jl^l^ [Sirr al- shahiidatain. Accompanied by notes selected from MUHAMMAD BAMAZAN. *LJlj ^^1 JjLai a Hindustani translation of M. S. A.'s Tahrlr al- [Fazii'il al-shuhiir wal-siyiim. Rules regarding shahadatain.] 8°. ceremonial observances for each month of the year, [1873.] 14561. c. 17. and the conduct of morning and evening public :^\ ^jfji:)\^fJ^\jjj^ Kj^j^jJ [Sirr al- prayer throughout the week.] pp. 88, lith. [Luck- shahadatain Accompanied by a metrical translation now, 1873 ?] 8°. 14119. e. 22 (8.) of M. S. A.'s Persian commentary.] [1879.] 8°. MUHAMMAD BAZA KHAN. See Ballantyne 14561. b. 13. (J. R.) fjJi3j,^\ _l_^_i^ ilLj, [Minhaj al-mantik. (.::-v«.3-j ^ IvXri. [Khuda kl rahmat. A short Elements of logic, translated by M. R. Kh.] treatise on the birth, miraculous power, and personal [1881.] 8°. appearance of Muhammad.] pp. 32, lith. jj-J^ icaI

14106. b. 19 (1.) [Catcnpore, 1872.] 8°. MUHAMMAD ROSHAIf. See Great Britain 14119. 6. 26 (8.) and Ireland.—Army.— Cavalry. Translation into i^j\^M\jiJ»j [Takrlr al-shahadatain. An account of the martyrdoms of Hasan and flusain Oordoo of the Carbine Exercises 1877 for the ; " being a translation by Waris 'All of the Tahrlr al- Native Cavalry," by . . Luchmun Pershad . . . assisted by MoonshiSheck M. Roshun. [1879.] 16°. shahiidatain, a Persian commentary by M. S. A. on

14106. d. 12 (2.) the Arabic Sirr al-shahadatain of Shah 'Abd al- irAA Infantry. Translation into Oordoo of 'AzTz.] pp.104, lith. ji^

MUHAMMAD SA'D ALLAH. See Nu'man ibn MUHAMMAD SHAFI'. See India. —Legislative

Sabit (Abu HanTfah). .*. . -S'l

MUHAMMAD SADR al-HAKK. A handbook of See Punjab, Chief Court of. "d-a-i

[KhawSss al-ashyii.] pp. vi iii. v. 410. Patna, An abstract of rulings of the Chief Court of Punjab. 1880. 8°. Compiled by M. Sh.] [1870.] 4°.

14106. g. 23. 14106. f. 12.

uJ^ywJl [Naksh i MUHAMMAD SAFDAB HUSAIN KHAN. cjy IS i^U-La^^ iV^'*'*^j cA*^ .li-j [Kanun i sitar. Rules for playing the sitar, rahmani, also called Muhr i Sulaimiinl. A treatise or Indian guitar.] pp. 278, iv. lith. \_Lucknoic, on divination, charms and incantations.] pp. 64, lit/i. 1871 ?] 8°. Jj>J [Delhi, 1872 ?j 8°. 14119. b. 23. 14106. g. 9 (2.) 33 MUH 253 251 MUH MUHAMMAD SHER KHAN. ^j^^ J-^n^ MUHAMMAD SHAH, PanjaU. ^j ^J J^\Js^ [Tashll al-tarlkh. A catechism of history and geo- jj\ jLx^ [Madar al-liakk. A theological contro- of graphy for the use of schools.] pp. 153, lith. versial treatise in reply to the Mi'yar al-hakk lAvi lAligarh, 1879.] 8°. NazTr Husain. Partly in Arabic, with a Hindustani ilLlx 14117. d. 16 (3). interlineary translation, and partly in Hindustani irA- [Belhi, SHUKR ALLAH, ^j^jl^\ r*^ '"-^J-*-^ jjjj [Kissah i dil-pazlr. A tale in prose and i sari' al-fahm i dlwani. Compiled by [Majmii'ah 8°. verse.] pp. 88, ?*i!A. .jjUj^S itai [ioc?w««, 1873.] Sh. al-D.] 8°. M. [1876.] 14119. a. 3 (1.) 14106. dd. 12. MUHAMMAD SIDDIK HASAN KHAN. See • [An I Alt rr i^^l-s- c i< cUJLiI Shaukdm. Muhammad ibn 'AlT, ^J^ *Tn-t^^jj'^ 1861 compiled by M. Sh. abstract of Act xxiii. of [Durar al-bahiyah. Arabic text with a Hindustani 8°. al-D.] [1873 ?] translation by M. S. H. Kh.] [1872.] 8°. 14106. b. 7 (10.) 14527. b. 18 (1.) SHARIF KHAN". MUftAMMAD j^Jt ^J:\j^^\ ^= '%J^! U^-^^ry [Tarjuman i Wahhiibiyat. A ['Iliij al-amriiz. A collection of medical prescrip- work on the origin and history of the WahhabI

of Sh. Kh . 8^. tions, translated from the Persian M. sect.] pp. 112, /e/!A. 4/I ir- [^jrra, 1883.] by Muhammad Hiidl Husain Khan.] pp. 828, 14104. e. 31 (4.) 8°. lith. lAvr [Lucknoiv, 1872.] MUHAMMAD SIDDIK HUSAIN, Maulavl. .Ji-^y MUHAMMAD 'TAHIR. L-J!J\ ,_^ i^jS. \AJl\ Li.j [Farhang, or a Glossary of the Arabic and Persian [Rauzat al-asfiya, also called Kisas al-anbiya. A Avords occurring in the Guldastah i akhlak of Sada- history of the prophets, compiled from Persian and

sukha Lala.] pp. 34, lith. i'S^^^ iaai \_Aligarh, Arabic sources.] pp. iv. 178, /(YA. .^l^ iatv \^Cawn- 1881.] 8°. pore, 1867.] 8°. Pers. 639 (13.) 14104. g. 4 (1.) 263 MUH MUH 254

MUHAMMAD TAHIR 'ALl, called Tahir. MUHAMMAD TAKI, Ja'fari, called Khayal.

jJi>\Jb e:->^j—)lj [Wilsokht, or Elegiac verses.] jL^^I _L»-a^ [Misbiih al-nahiir, A translation

pp. 62, Hth. ijI^Ci IFatehgarh, 1877.] 8°. of Book 6 of the Bustan i Khayal, commenced by

14114. b. 7 (2.) Khwiijah Badr al-Din Khiin, and completed, after MUHAMMAD TAKI, called MTr. Kooliyat Meer his death, by Muhammad Mukarrab Husain Khan.]

Tuqee. The poems of Meer Mohummud Tuqee, pp. 676, Hth. i^j-^ I Ma [Meerut, 1881.] Fol.

comprising the whole of his numerous and celebrated 14112. f. 3.

compositions in the Oordoo, or polished language of j\^'i\ ^juj^ [Shams al-anwiir. A translation Ilindoostan .... Edited by [Kiizim 'All Jawan and by Khwajah Badr al-Din Khan of a portion of other] learned Moonshees. 1085. » (^aj -^ cuLK) pp. Bahar iii., i.e. Books 8 and 9, of the Bustan i Calcutta, 1811, 4°. Khayal, containing the Khurshid-niimah, or Ad- 14114 d. 1. ventures of Shah-ziidah Khurshid Tajbakhsh.] (Jjie-

love. Hindoostanee poem ; by Meer A Mohummud 14112. f. 1. Tuqee. Edited [with an accompanying version in Zubdutool Khyal. [Persian tales, being a Roman characters] by William Carmichael Smyth. translation by 'Alam 'All of select stories taken pp. ii. 11, 11. London, 1820. 8^ from the Bustan i Khayal of M. T.] pp. iv. 414. 14114. a. 2. lAfi [Calcutta, 1846.] 4°. [Another copy.] 14112. e. 14112. b. 4 (2.) [Another edition.] See Lallu Lal, Kavi. MUHAMMAD TAKI, Saiyid. kLi\j^ ^L, [Risalah

i miras. index to the principal statutes of the The Luta.ifi Hindee, etc. pp. 136-159. 1840. 8". An law of inheritance.] Hth. 14112. a. 2. Muhammadan pp. 14, iTAi [Lucknow, 1864.] 8°. Conseils aux mauvais poetes, poeme de Mir 14119. b. 8 (10.) Taki, traduit de I'hindostani, par M. Garcin do Tassy. pp. 18. Paris, 1826. 8°. J^^\ jJiki dJLjj [Tasir al-anzar. A work on 14573. b. 25 (2.) mesmerism, taken from the Tilsam i Farang, a " MUHAMMAD TAKI, Ja'fari, called Khayal. Hindustani translation of W. Gregory's Animal Uajl juljkj^ [Hada'ilc anzar. A translation by magnetism."] pp. 140, /<^A. .».-jl^ iaii [Caicnpoi-c,

Khwajah Badr al-Din Khan of the first part of 1866.] 8°. 14119. f. 5. Bahar ii. of M. T.'s Bustan i Khayiil, containing

the Mu'izz-namah or Adventures of Shiih-ziidah [Third edition.] pp. 140, Hth. ij—J'^ '^w Mu'izz al-Din Tamlm.] 2nd edition. pp. 556, [Caimpore, 1877.] 8°. nth. Jjfcj tnr [Delhi, 1875.] Fol. 14119. f. 15.

The original work, a voluminous Persian romance, is divided MUHAMMAD TAKI 'ALI KHAN, t-ji^i^^^ into 3 " Bahars," comprising altogether 15 Books, which t_j»,vs^\ £j ^ [Surur al-kulub. An account of the again are subdivided into smaller sections. life of Muhammad.] pp. vi. 258, Hth. j»-jl^ iavi 14112. f. 2. [Caicnpore, 1871.] 8°. j'j.^^ i^-LtX [Kiishif al-asrar, A translation 14104. g. 6. by Muhammad MuKarrab Husain Khan of Book 7 of jli^l i^\:^ [Fsiil al-rashad. A the Bustan i Khayal.] pp. 612, Hth. <^j-^ iaat J^l 'Vir*^ {Meerut, 1883.] Fol. refutation of the tenets of the WahhabI sect.] 8°. 14112. f. 6. pp. 104, Hth. j^y^ [Sitapur, 1881.] 14104. 6. 31 (__>l:ii (j»jJ dJii*-) (1.) } Jjl 'U^r^' jOj\

the Bustan i Khayal.] pp. 294, Hth. ,--^\ iaat loves of Lain and Majniin, in verse.] pp. 62, Hth.

[Lucknow, 1882.] Fol. I rvi [Lucknow, 1862.] 8°.

14112. f. 4. 14119. e. 4 (10.) MUH 256 255 MIIH WAJID 'ALI SHAH (Abu Man- MUHAMMAD TAKI KHATT, called Hawas. MUHAMMAD sur Nasir al-DiN) called Akhtar. Begin. HiiXJli [Laill Majnun. Another edition.] pp. 61, lith. i Akhtar. Miscellaneous 8°. ^Jo\ ^\

    ^ [Huzn ^^,^t^ tAAT [Catcnpore, 1882.1 ^\J i rvi 14112. c. 19 (8.) poems.]' pp. 154, lith. ijxSAS [Calcutta, 1859.] 4°. al-RAHMAN, called 'Abd MUHAMMAD UBAID 14114. d. 4 (1.) Allah Mashshak. See Sa'dT. j>iA ijc^ [Bustan Begin. ^ id^ cJlU ^L S^y} l.J^>^^ ^^^-^^ i Hind. The Bustan, translated into verse by M. Masnawl, containing U. al-R.I [1874.] 8°. Jl^ljoil ^^jij^ Wi^ [^ 14114. b. 8. the story of Prince Mihrparwar and Mahparwin. With illuminated margins and a coloured portrait MUHAMMAD »UMAR. jji^ Jc^ [Gulistan of the author.] pp. 343, lith. [Lucknoic? I860?] 4°. i kushtl. A treatise on the art of wrestling.] The headings to the chapters are in Persian and mostly pp. 48, lith. JJ>J]Lt \_Muzaffarnagar, 1879.] 8°. manuscript with red ink. Wanting pp. 293-296. 14119. f. 1 (2). 14114. d. 5.

    MUfiAMMAD 'UMAR 'ALI KHAN, called MUfi:AMMAD WALI, called MasTha. ^_5^ru-^ il\^ TVahshT. See Husain Ya'iz, Kdshifl. •J\ j^iA ijc^ ['Ijalah i Maslhl. A pamphlet on the causes, [Sitarah i Hind. A somewhat abridged translation symptoms and treatment of cholera.] pp. 36, lith. by M. 'U. 'A. Kh. of Husain Va'iz Kashifl's Anwar y^ lAvr [Lucknoiv, 1872.] 8°. 14119. 0. i suhaill.] [1876.] 8°. 6 (5.) 14119. d. 9 (7.) MUHAMMAD WAZIR 'ALI. See Muhammad

    j^\ ^i-~jj ^yi^ ii\\ [Zad i safar wa wasllat Shaukat 'AlT. Jl yUaJl 'Lj [Ziya' al-basa'ir. al-zafar. An account of the travels of M. 'U. 'A. With copious explanatory notes by M. W. 'A.] Kh. to various parts of India,] pp. 116, iv. lith. [1873.] 8°. jlao ipelhi, 1876.] 8°. 14119. e. 16 (4.)

    14119. b. 18 (2.) MUHAMMAD WAZiB 'ALI KHAN. Li-J^Jt J^ MUHAMMAD 'USMAN. ^j^ ^ iji-v^ [Jannat [Siraj al-hidiiyat. An instructive reader for the ad- kl kunji, or The key to Paradise. Verses on the vancement of female education in India.] pp. 296,

    necessity of prayer, and religious observances.] lith. .ybS lAv. [Lahore, 1^70.1 8°.

    84, lith. [Delhi, 1877.] 8°. 14109. a. 14 (2.) pp. Jj,j> MU6:AMMAD YA'KUB, Maulana. See Muhammad Wanting pp. 67-64, there heing a duplicate ofpp. 41-48 instead. Akbar, called Arz.InT. ,dj\ j^\ t-^Js [TibbiAkbar. 8°. 14119. d. 10 (4.) Revised and edited by M. Y.] [1874.] 14106. h. 6. MUHAMMAD WAJAHAT 'ALI KHAN. UJe^V^ MUHAMMAD YA'KUB, Subaddr. See Great [Jahan-numa. A treatise on physical geography.] Britain and Ireland. — Army. — Infantry. jJ-J pp. 57, lUh. i^j^ I TA. [Meerut, 1863.] 8°. c-jlys-j ^^\^ y^jjjJ^_ [Field Exercise and Evolutions 14119. c. 17 (3.) of Infantry, 1877. Translated by M. Y.] [1878.] 16°.

    MUHAMMAD WAJH ALLAH KHAN. See Sa'dT. 14106. d. 7.

    ^^li^Ji c:,,^ [Nakhat i Gulistan. A prose trans- The Catechism of Field Exercise, 1877, lation of the 7th and 8th chapters of Sa'di's Gulistan, in Hindustani by Tamil characters, translated by by M. W. A. Kh.] [1876.] 8°. Subadar Mahomed Yacoab. 1878. 16°. 14119. c. 20 (6.) 14106. d. 8. MUECAMMAD WAJID 'ALI SHAH (AbIj Man- The catechism of Field Exercise, 1877, bur Nasir al-DL\) called Akhtar. \_Rtign.'] See in Hindustani by Telugu characters, translated by Muhammad Hasan, Ra'U. ^.?..^ \ J[^ [Ziya i Subadar Mahomed Yacoab. 1878. 16°. Akhtar.] 14106. d. 9. 257 MUH MUH 258

    MUHAMMAD YA'KUB, Subaddr. See Great MUHAMMAD ZAHIB al-DIN, Bilgrdmi. j\^\ Britain and Ireland.—Armi/.—In/an(ri/. u-J'llli^^ cu«-JI [Asriir al-nubiiwat. A treatise on the birth

    i av i^\ [New Attack Formation. Translated by M. Y.] and virtues of Muliammad.] pp. 192, lith. y^ r [1878.] 16°. [Lucknow, 1870.] 8°. 14104. e. 10. 14106. d. 12 (1.)

    The new skirmishing and attack for- LJ^ jjl J [FawH'id al-nisa. A work on the mation ... in Hindustani by Tamil characters, condition of Muhammadan women, and the necessity translated by Subadar Mahomed Yacoab. 1878. 16°. of giving them a good education. "Written specially

    14106. d. 11. for women.] pp. 188, lith. ^^ irv [Lucknow, The new skirmishing and attack for- 1873.] 8°. 14119. c. 29 mation ... in Hindustani by Telugu characters, (6.) translated by Subadar Mahomed Yacoab. 1878. 16°. AJi\ e:-^.^ '^y^^^ 1.::-^)^ JJk [Hidiiyat al-Hunud, 14106. d. 10. also called Takwiyat al-Islam. A work in support MUHAMMAD YA-SIN. See Muhammad Nasir of the claims of the Muhammadan over the Hindu 'Aja, Ghiyuspuri. •^\ ['Anasir al- c:j\j^\ j^\is. religion.] pp. 112, lith. »i^ iav ^Lucknow, khairiit. Edited with a Hindustani translation and 1870.] 8°. appendix by M. Y.] [1879.] 8°. 14119. 6. 22 (13.) 14519. d. 18. t-jl^H %--«^- r^ elegy on the death of Hasan and Husain, every [A tarjrband poem, partly in Persian and partly third stanza being in Persian.] pp. 38, lith. y^ iaT, in Hindustani.] pp. 20, lith. .JiJ tAvp [^Lahore, ILucknow, 1869]. 8°. 8°. 1874.] 14119. e. 1 (9.) 14119. c. 16 (3.) MUHAMMAD ZAIN ALLAH. See 'Abd al- MUHAMMAD YUSUP 'ALI. ^^^^Ijlf [Gulzar Kahir ibn 'Abd al-RAHMAN (Abu Bakr) Jurjanl. i Yusufl. A Hindustani anthology.] Pts. 3-5, lith. 'J\ k_vifjj\ (J-^(-«J [Tashll al-tarklb. The Arabic ^Lj\ lAAr [Umballa, 1883.] 8°. text of the Sharh mi'at 'amil, with a translation and Imperfect ; wanting all other parts. commentary by M. Z. A.] [1879.] 8°. 14114. b. 39. 14104. g. 18. MUHAMMAD YUSUF 'ALI SHAH. See MuTn See al-DiN, Chishtl. jjl .IjJl uj.sr* [Makhzan al-anwar. MUHAMMAD ZA'IE. Kamal al-DiN Haidar. A translation by M. Y. 'A. Sh. of the Persian Ganj MUHAMMAD ZAKA ALLAH. See Euclid. J^\ al-asrar.] [1879.] 8°. •J\ Ac [Usui i 'ilm i handasah. The first 14104. f. 21. four books of Euclid, translated by M. Z. A.] MUHAMMAD ZAFARYAB KHAN. See India.— [1870]. 8°. Legislative Council. •J\ li-ncIk-) jU--« uy^ tj^ 14117. c. 12. [Sharh i kaniin i ml'iid i sama'at. Act No. xv. of 1877. Edited, with notes and rulings of the High The Elements of Euclid ... by J.

    Todhunter . . Translated into Urdu by Courts, by M. Z. Kh.] [1878.] 8°. Mohammed Zaka-ul-lah. [1873.] 8°. 14106. e. 25 (1.) 14117. c. 23. MUHAMMAD ZAHIB al-DIN, Bilgrami. See [1879.] 8°. Kuk'an. -^-^ U^^ Koran, with an (^J^ ul/ 14117. c. 38. introductory preface by M. Z. al-D.] [1873.] 4°- Moore (B. T.) 14507. d. 11. See jJU,. ^ \iSj\~i\ [Asrar i Karbala. A ShI'ah account 'J\ c:-.v».L»»« [Risalah i masahat. A translation by of the death of Husain at Karbala.] pp. 52, lith. M. Z. A. of Chap. I. of Moore's Mensuration.]

    [Lucknow, 1868 ?] 8°. [1876.] 8°. 14119. e. 11 (1.) 14119. d. 12 (3.) MUH 260 259 MUH

    ALLAH. [Pt. iv. Second MUHAMMAD ZAKA ALLAH. See Smith (B.) MUHAMMAD ZAKA iavi 8°. . edition.] ^Aaj \J)elhi, 1876.] Arithmetic for schools by Barnard Smith . . 14119. d. 12 (4.) translated into Urdu by Mahammed Zaka-ul-lah.

    8°. '^^-»-* [Nata'ij i [1871.] l^J^^ l^.i'^i J;^ ^^ 14117. c. 14. Uklldis. Exercises on Euclid. Bks. i. ii.] pp. 84, 25. [1876.] 8' Uj 1AV1 \I)elhi, 1876.] 8°. 14117. c. 25. "^ 14117. c. 31. [Jabr muKabalah. Barnard MUHAMMAD ZAKIB, Saiyicl. See Husain, Smith's Algebra, translated by M. Z. A.] [1875.] 8". Mimshi, Sail/id. A true translation ... of the second 14117. c. 15. edition of the Hindoostanee Selections . . . Trans- See ToDHUNTER (J.) Algebra ... by J. lated by Moonshee Syed Mohammed Zakir Sahib. Todhunter, translated into Urdu by Mahammed 1856. 8°. Zak4-ul-lah. [1871.] 8°. 14112. a. 5. 14117. c. 17. MUHAMMAD ZARDAB, KHAN. J-5Lsl\ j-JlJ [1873.] 8°. treatise on the reading of the 14117. c. 24. [Nafi' al-khala'ik. A Koran, on prayers, the interpretation of dreams, [1876.] 8°. 14117. c. 26. and the use of talismans, amulets and the like. [1876.] 8°. Compiled from various Arabic sources.] pp. x. 14117. c. 27. 511, iv. y- (^ ^ "^"^ l^Lticknoio, 1878.] 8°. 15. (_!..>.;>- Luw« (ULm), [Risalah i masahat. 14104. g.

    Todhunter's Mensuration translated by M. Z. A.] [Rahbar i X>J JjI-, i.£y4^\j J^ ii\} j^j 8°. [1876.] rah i Hakk, a religious treatise. Followed by twelre 14117. c. 29. other tracts of a similar nature, five of which are

    8°. balah. A key to Todhunter's Algebra, translated c^ I AW \Lucknow, 1877.] by M. Z. A.] [1876.] 8°. The whole 13 tracts have a continuous pagination, hut several 14117. c. 28. of them have also distinct paginations and title-pages. 14119. e. 28. u:-,ji-Luuw« (sJLj^ . . . -j-i, [Sharh i

    [Safar-namah i Haramain. risalah i masahat. A key to Todhunter's Mensura- iijr*r^ ^^ 1^ tion, translated by M. Z. A.] [1876.] 8°. Travels in Mecca and Medina.] pp. 147, lith. 14117. c. 32. ^^i^ irv [iwcAnow, 1873]. 8°. 14109. 0. 11. A treatise on the Integral Calculus

    [Saulat i Afghiinl. A his- . . jj.l u:-J^ . . . translated in Urdu by Mahammed Zaka- i^^^ ul-lah. [1871.] 8°. tory of the Afghans.] pp. xvii. xvi. 702, lith. 14117. c. 16. 4°. ^^.^'^ I AVI Li-.[Cawnpore, 1876.] ^,jsr* fjj-ai *Lc ['Ilm i fusul i makhruti. 14109.6.13. Conic Sections treated geometrically, compiled chiefly MUHAMMAD ZIYA al-DIN". See Holroyd ("W. from the English of Drew, Besant, and Taylor.] R. M.) *ili31 jl^ [Tashll al-kalam. Compiled

    pp. 243, lith. ^Jutj) I AVI [BelM, 1876.] 8°. with the assistance of M. Z. al-D.] [1866.] 8°.

    14117. c. 33. 14117. d. 22.

    [Jughraflyah i fab'i. Lessons v_5*t>'» ^\;*=r See KarTm al-DlN. joJs CjUj^^ [Waki'iit i in physical geography.] pp. 111. ^^j iavi [Delhi, Hind. Compiled with the assistance of M. Z. al-D.] .1876.] 8°. [1863.] 8°. 14119. d. 8 (2.) 14109. a. 14.

    t_*l-u-^l ^.^i-:^ [Muntaha al-hisiib. The jiij\ Sc\^ [Kawa'id i Urdil. A grammar of elements of arithmetic with exercises.] Pt. i.-iii. the Hindustani language.] pp. 124, lith. jyi>i i avi tAiv-v. lith. J^j^ \Meerut, 1867-70.] 8°. [Lahore, 1871.] 8°

    14117. c. 10. 14119. c. 13 (8.) 261 MUH MITH—MUM 262

    [Another edition.] i Rasul MUHAMMAD ZIYA al-DlN. MUHSIN 'ALI. ^J\ Jy^j

    14119. c. 27 (2.) in verse.] See Muhammad Lutf 'AlT Khan,

    called Lui'F. ujU \J^y^>i [Dlwan.] pp. 48-55. [Fourteenth edition.] pp. 112, WA. ^ykH iavi [1879.] 8°. [Lahore, 1876.] 8°. 14114. 0. 26 (1.) 14119. c. 1 (3.) MU'IN al-DIN, Chishtt. [Life.'] See Madar [Another edition.] pp. 116, lith. jyt'i iaw Bakhsh. ^**i»-^ 'Hisc?' [Tulifah i Ajmlr.] [Lahore, 1877.] 8°. 14119. b. 17 (5.) .\jj\ J^ **>y jV^^ ^}^ [Makhzan al- i i lab'I. Lessons i<*r^ 1^ Jy*^ [Usiil 'ilm anwar. A work on Muhammadan theology, being a on natural philosophy. Compiled from various translation by Muhammad Yusuf 'All Shah of the

    English sources.] 2 pt. pp. 122, 130, lith. jyt'i i ai r Persian Ganj al-asrar of M. al-D.] pp. 240, lith. [Lahore, 1862.] 8°. .^l^irli [Cawwpore, 1879.] 8°. 14117. d. 16. 14104. f. 21.

    [Another copy.] MUIB {Sir William.) See Kur'an.— Selections. 14117. c. 7 (1.) The testimony borne by the Goran to the Jewish and MUHAMMAD ZUHUB ALLAH. -U-^aa Christian Scriptures [by Sir W. M.] 1861. 8°. 14104. d. 1. i_i\yiJljl

    Muhammad.] 94, lith. j-^-^^ ''^'^' [Lucknoio, pp. Third edition.] pp. 564, xviii. ^1 iava [Agra, 1881.] 8°. 1878.] 8°. 14104. f, 3 (5.) 14106. g. 21.

    MUHI al-DIN, Shai/ch. »;U- ^Lj^ ^^j^] ^L!l [Practical pharmacy, com- ^ LS**^^ J^^::^!/ ,--•-1^ [Al-baliigh al-mubln. "Wahhiibl treatise A piled from various sources. Second edition.] pp. 116, religious rites and ceremonial observances. With on xii. lUh. iij\ IAVA [Agra, 1878.] 8°. extracts from Arabic works.] xiv. 626. .^3 i r^r pp. 14106. g. 20 (2.) [Lahore, 1876.] 8°. 14104. e. 20. MULCHAND, called MunshT. See FirdausT.

    ^^\jj-uu»- iUiAj [Khusrawan i 'Ajam. 4^ »y^y* f'^'"* JiiJI cy JJ [Lazzat al-Hind. Hindu tales in Firdausi's Shah-namah abridged and translated into verse, taken from the Mahabharata, Bhagavata- Hindustani verse by M.] [1846.] 8°. purana, Sivapuriina, Yogavasistha and other sources.] 14114. b. 4. 8°. pp. vi. 160, lith. ysJ i tai [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. 14119. c. 23 (5.) [1852?] 14114. c. 2. MUHI al-DIN KHAN, called Fakir, j^ ^J^^j [1876.] 8°. [Dlwan.] 152, lith. [Delhi, 1875 8°. pp. ^^j, ?] 14119. d. 9 (9.) 14114. c. 13. [1879.] 8°. 14114. b. 32. MUHIBB ALLAH. ^^^^U Jf [Ganj i Farsl. A 8°. rhymed vocabulary of Persian words with their [1879.] 14114. c. 27. Hindustani equivalents.] pp. 8, lith. iavi [Delhi, 8°. 1876.] 8°. [1881.] 14114. c. 14119. d. 5 (13.) 30 (3.)

    [1882.] 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 12, lith. .^^ 'aw 14114. b. 38. [Caumpore, 1877.] 8°. Khan. Pers. 639 (2.) MUMIN. See Muhammad Mumin "J

    263 MUM—MUR MUR—MUS 264

    MURASSA' RAKM. See Muhammad Husain MtJMIN HUSAIN, called SafT. i^jj-^^ ^)^ [Tuba al-'aruz. A treatise on prosody in verse.] 'Ata Khan. pp. 26, nth. [Lucknow, 1869 ?] 8°. MUSAFIR-NAMAH.

    MUMTAZ 'ALI. .Uojl Lajh [Hadlyah i anzar. A i tajhiz o takfln.] 32. ,^JSj J*y=^ [Risalah pp. 31, tale in verse.] pp. 12, lith. ju^ lAvr [Lucknow, [1876.] 8°. 14119. d. 4 1873.] 8°. (8.) 14119. 6. 22 (12.) MUSA KAZIM, Seventh Imam. ..;,.t.,ui ^^^ ^^Ic MUNAirWAB 'ALI, called Khandan. ii-ijif [Du'a jaushan saghir, or the little " Coat of Mail

    ul,A V -!- [Guldastah i Khandan. Miscellaneous prayer ascribed to the Imam M. K., and handed poems.] pp. 26, /;

    MUNAUWAIl KHAN, called Ghafil. Jili ^)^_J pp. 40. See Prayers. •J\ ^^^a J^J [A book of 8°. ShI'ah prayers.] 8"^. [DTwan.] ^p. 128, lith. \ aw [Lucknow, 1872.] [1871.] 14519. b. 15 (2.) 14119. e. 21 (3.) MUNIS. See Nvvtwab, Mir. MUSHAFI. See Ghulam HamdanT.

    MTTNNOO LALL. See Mannu Lal. MUSHRIP HUSAIN. ^^ _ie jjjjlj UrJl ils^ [TuMat al-atibba. A short medical treatise.] pp. iv. MUNTAKHABAT i URDU. jjj\ CLjLsru^ [Hin- 44, lith. IA1A [Lucknoic, 1868.] 8°. dustani selections in prose and verse, compiled by ^ 14119. e. 7 (2.) order of the Government of the North West Pro- MUSHTAK. See Gulab Singh. vinces for departmental examinations.] pp. 265, lith.

    o\j\^\ I AVI [Allahabad, 1876.] 8°. See Muhammad 'Abd al-RAHMAN. 14117. d. 39. MUSHTAK AHMAD. Jo^ k*j>-y ^U^l ^^^ MUBAD 'Alii. lijjJ-^ ^' [Kissah i Gul-badan. ^Uil [Makhzan al-ma'anl. A collection of moral • A love-tale in verse.] pp. 28, lith. iljJ][^ i rl precepts, taken from two Pushtu works, one by [Sialkot, 1873.] 8°. Karimdad, the other al-Dln.] 150, lith. 14119. c. 25 (5.) by Imam pp. ^\j\j\j^\r'\r[Moradabacl,187&.] 8°. MUEAD 'ALi ('Alt ibn 'AlT.) See 'AlT ibn 'AlI. 14119. 0. 20 (5.) MURAD AJjIjAH., Amdn. (_J. jc«]\ d-^tJtJ J \s~^ MUSLIH al-DIN SA'DI. See Sa'dT.

    ij_Jij^j^f.^Jii ij [Khuda kl ni'mat, also called Tafsir MUSLIH al-HAL. JL='l J-^ [Muslih al-hal. A i Muradlyah. A commentary on portions of the sermon on Jeremiah xiii. lith. Koran.] pp. 388, lith. ^J'-:~^ im [Bombay, 23.] pp. 27, •tJV.'^J S? • • 1875.] 8°. I AVI [Lodiana, 1871.] 12". 14104. b. 7 14104. f. 5. (6.) MUSLIM. See Muhammad Ghulam Akbar Khan. [Another edition.] pp. 388, lith. iriv [Bombay, 1881.] 8°. MUSTA'AN, Shah, MadraM. See Jalal bI-DTn, 14104. f. 27. Ruml. j,j\ cb [Bagh i Iram. An abridged Hindu- MURALIDHARA. See Great Britain and Ire- stani translation by Shiih M. of the Masnawl of land.— Civil Service. The . . . Pension Rules . . . Jalal al-Din Ruml.] [1875.] 8°. Translated by Babu Murli Dhar. [1880.] 8°. 14114. b. 23. 14106. dd. 18. MUSTAFA KHAN, called Sheftah. See Kutb al- [Mir'at Jir^^^^j^-^l '^^j- al-hikmat DTn, called Batin. (jbs^j ^JcJ^^ [Gulistiin i be- wa 'ilaj al-jahl. A comparison between ancient khizan. Compiled for the purpose of correcting

    and modem systems of philosophy.] pp. 32, Kth. the mistakes in the Gulshan i be-khar of M. Kh.] y>^ lAAi [Lucknow, 1881.] 8°. [1875.] 8°.

    14106. a. 14114. b. 22. 265 MUS—NAD NAF—NAK 266

    MUSTAFA KHAN, called Sheftah. ^Isru ^jt\^ NAPiS ibn 'IWAZ, Kirmanl. [For a Hindustani

    [Qulshan i be-khar. An anthology of Persian and translation of the Persian version of the Sharb

    •- ^ ^ asbiib wa 'aliimiit of Nafis ibn Hindustani poets.] pp. 272, lith. j ^ uvf 'Iwaz.] See Mu-

    \_Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. hammad Akbar, called ArzanT. [Tibb i Akbar.] Pers. 358. NAGENDRANATHA VANDYOPiDHTATA. MUWAHHID, Mlrzd. l1>j^ ^\i> '^\^ JLLa-i (_^lj LJ-*jA c=>-*-i i5-*-->^ ^jl.:'.,>i»,.ww [Shabistan i j-iU-fl [Faisalah i 'adalat i Hai-kort i asmiini, or A 'ashikl. A translation by the author of his Bengali

    * decision of the High Court ' of Heaven. A Mu- drama Hemalata.] pp. viii. 237, lith. ^^ [Lucktww, hammadan tract against the doctrines of the 1877.] 8°.

    Christian religion, written in the form of judicial 14112. a. 24. proceedings.] pp. 24, lith. ^Uj \_Delhi, 1876.] 8°. [Another copy.] 14119. d. 4 (11.) 14112. a. 7 (2.)

    Shifa'i. ^dj\ ^^lli [Karil- 'Alii. MUZAPPAB, ^ji.'^^}J NAJAP See Great Britain and Ireland. bildlu i Shifa'i. A pharmacopojia, translated from —Army.—Infantry. ^j(\it{ ?JTT«»iO ^fTI^^ fTTW*?T the Persian of M. by Muhammad Hildl Husain ^T^ ««<>i«i^. Ungrezee lushkuree A-uwaed ka lith. iav* 8°. Khan.] pp. 191, [Lucknow, 1874.] turjumu . . . [Translated with the assistance of

    14106. g. 14. N. 'A.] 1837. 8°. 14106. dd. 1. MUZAFPAR 'ALi KHAIT, called AsTr. See NAJAP 'ALI KHAN. See Muhammad IbrahTm Nasir al-DiN (Muhammad ibn Muhammad) Tusi. ibn Husain, llasam. ciJj-J J-Jl) [Zar i kamil i 'iyiir. ^Lx J^^ ij A translation of -l [Hadlyah i Muhammadlyah. Edited, with the Mi'yar al-ash'5r by M. 'A. Kh.] [1872.] 8°. Persian and Hindustani translations, by N. 'A. Kh.] 14117. e. 7. [1882.] 8°.

    av . 14516. c. 3 (5.) j^\ (i)l^.c> [Dlwan.] pp. 506. ^ v g t ILucknow, 1870.] 8°. NAJANI PATHAN. fssW 'llf/'fl Nili^lni cl«ll 14114. b. 11. »ljv«ri. [Kiso NajanI Pathan-no. The story of a NABHAJi. JU ij:-.^ [Bhaktamfil. The lives of young woman who married a Pathan soldier. A Vaishnava saints, translated from the Hindi of N. poem in the Gujarat! character.] pp. 49, lith. by TulasT Rama. With a glossary in Devaniigarl ^'*\\f\LL\ [Bombay, 1881.] 12°. 14114. a. 17 and Persian characters. Second edition.] pp. vi. (4.)

    450, xxxvi. I ir- [iMcA-HOJ^;, 1873.] 4°. y^ NAJM al-DIN.

    See Kalb Husain Khan.

    14119. b. 7 (5.) 14119. a. 12 (4.) NAKL HIKAYAT. ^^^^^ JiJ [Nakl hikayat. tjL'^^^Ls^ ^j^\ [Amin i Bikmat. Short poems.] A Christian tract in verse.] pp. 5, lith.

    14119. d. 12 (1.) 14104. a. 3 (3.) 34 NAN-NAS 268 267 NAK—NAN NANDAKUMABA SIMHA. u^ [Gyan- NAKLIYAT. ^/J^ cyLUi [NaKliyat i Hindi. ^^ mi bhashkar. Discussions on the Hindu religion ac- Indian tales and fables.] pp. 36, lith. ^ cording to the teaching of the Yedas.] pp. 28, lith. [i^cW, 1854.] 8°. 14112.0.8(1.) ,,jLs-iU. [Shahjahanpur, 1879.] 8°. ^^' ^ 14106. a. 10. NAMAT KHAM", See Ni'mat Khan. NAPOLEON I. Emperor of the French. u:^^i>Sj^ ;Uj *J^L«.3. ^ ' 14119.0.11(4.) Japjl or book of Sikh prayers, enjoined by interlineary trans- Nanak for daily use, with an NABAYANA SIMHA. LI .^^^ j^}j ^ji^ [Ru- on the margin. Fol- lation, and commentary dramokshalilii. A mythological story of the escape sakhl, or an account of the life lowed by Janam of Siva from the demon Vrika. Translated from Nanak, and Giirbilas, a sketch of and miracles of the Sanskrit by N. S.] pp. 6, lith.

    Aj (j:.-.^ [Sat-niim. A poem on the merit of See Muhammad Asghar 'AlT Khan. invoking the name of Riima.] pp. 52, lith. tJ!j»flL-) called SamT. [Sialkot, 1876.] 16°. NASIB 'ALT, Bilgraml, t_^ "^V/^ lith. 14106. a. [Sariipa i pirl. A poem on old age.] pp. 18, 8°. I AW [Cawnpore, 1877.] NANDAKISORA LALA. See Ballala. ^^.vj^ liT"' 14114. a. 22 (3.) jLjjiijy ^^ ^^^J (./ij [Gulshan i faiz. A trans- iaai lation by N. L. of the Sanskrit Bhojaprabandha.] [Another edition.] pp. 20, lith. ^^i^ [1874.] 8°. [Catmpore, 1881.] 8°. '- 14114. a. 27 (1.) 14119. b. 16 (6.) 269 NAS-NAV NAW-NAZ 270

    NASIB 'ALi, Dihlavi. See Jerrold (D. W.) NAWAB 'ALI. See Nuwwab *AlT.

    Muliammad Akbar from MSS. in possession of the [1879.] 8°.

    14119. f. 17. author's grandson.] pp. 108, lith. ^j-e\j j)l^^ [Akhlak i Nasirl. A treatise on ^-^^^y lated into Hindustani, and edited with a preface by ethics, translated from the Persian by Niziim al-Din N. K.] [1871.] 8°. Jalalabadl.] 8°. pp. 364, /jVA. ^ysH [iaAore, 1870?] 14106. e. 2.

    14104. f. 24. Almanack of a Century and two years from

    j\id1\ j\^jty* 17'^'^ ^ kiimil i "U;^ jLc iS^^ jj 1764 to 1865 ... in which is comprised the Chris- 'iyar. A treatise on prosody, being a translation by tian, Mahomedan, Bikarmee, Bengalee, Fuslee and MuzafEar 'All Khan of the Persian Mi'yar al-ash'ar.] Vilayutee years. Prepared ... by Moonshi Newul pp. 310, lith. y.^ lAvr [Luehioic, 1872.] 8°. Kishore. (jJL; ^ j j Ouaio *j^.aj) [Takwim i yek-sad 14117. e. 7. wa do salah.] pp. 620, lith. Lucknow, 1865. 4°. NASIB al-DIN AHMAD. See Habersak (A.) 760. k.

    Conversational Hindustani phrases ; . . . the Hindu- stani by Munshi Nasiruddin Ahmed. 1861. j^\ jOlj *=CjV [Tawarikh i nadir al-'asr. 12901. a. 26. An account of the administration of Colonel S. A.

    ^jji^j&y>- [Jauhar i 'ishk. Love-tales in Abbott, Commissioner of the Lucknow Division. verse.] pp. 98, lith. iavi ILucknow, 1871.] 8°. With a brief sketch of the city of Lucknow and its rulers.] Ill, lith. i^ir 14119. 0. 30 (5.) pp. 174, ^i-fG [Lucknow, NASIB al-DIN MUHAMMAD (Abu al-MANsuR). 1863.] 8°. 14109. a. 15. See MciiAMMAD Zuhur Allah. ,\^\ «u-^r

    ._>LaJl [Ganjinah i asrar i insaf. A religious NAWAWi. See Yahya ibn Sharaf (MuhyT al- treatise in refutation of the Risalah i inkishaf of N. DiN Abu ZakarTya). al-D. M.] 8°. [1881.] NAZIE. See "WalT Muhammad. 14104. f. 3 (5.) NASSAKH. See 'Abd al-GHAFUR Khan (Abu NAZIB AHMAD, Khan Bahadur. See India.— Muhammad). Legislative Council, l^^.^ tuLjixJ ^_j.j1^ i.^y,^^

    [Majmu'ah i kawanln i ta'zlrat i Hind. The Indian NATAKAPEAKASA. ^y^ i_Olj [A selection Penal Code, translated by 'Azmat Allah, assisted by of dramas, translated from the Hindi.] Pt. i. K A.] [1861,] 4°. pp. 35, lith. obUl [Allahabad, 1879.] 8°- 14106. f. 7. 14112. c. 28 (1.) (jIjuJI luIjo [Banat al-na'sh. A tale of NAViNACHANDEA BAYA. tJWTT'gT wi^^ Indian life, being a sequel to the author's Mir'at Li-^ , ^ ,J^ J . . . Dharma raksha satik or al-'arus.] pp. 232, /jYA. i^l ima [^^m, 1868.] 8°. Defence of Theism. [A work on the Brahmist 14112. b. 21 (1.) religion, being a reply to Sardha Eama's Dharma- raksha] by Navina Chandra Rdi. pp. 264, xiv. lith. [Another edition.] pp. iv. 232, lith. jyj^ iavi ij\ [Agra,'] 1877. 8°. [Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°.

    14106. b. 11. 14112. c. 29 (2.) 271 NAZ NAZ-NIH 272

    NAZIB AHMAD, Khan Bahadur. [Another edition.] NAzIB al-DiW HASAN", called Sha'ik. [Another edition.] 86, lith. ""'i' [Caivnpore, pp. 188, Kth. ij-j'^ I'^^r \_^Caimpore, 1882.] 8°. pp. jj-fj^ 14112. b. 33. 1879.] 8°. 14117. d. 42. ;juj^ jJI iL* [Mir'iit al-'arOs. A Hindustani

    reader containing moral tales and anecdotes, specially NAZiE HUSAIN . See Muhammad Irshad Husain.

    written for Muhammadan women.] pp. xiv. 221, ^jsJl .Ltul [Intisiir al-Ealcli. A reply to the Mi'yar 4°. nth. y.^ I All [Lucknow, 1869.] 8°. al-hakk of N. H.] [1873.] 14104. h. 12. 14119. e. 8 (4.)

    [Another edition.] pp. 184, /eYA. ,5^^"''" See Muhammad Shah, Panjdhi. fj^\ .\s^ {Bareilly, 1880.] 8°. [Madiir al-hakk. A reply to the Mi'yar al-hakk of 14112. c. 29 (3.) N. H.] [1863.] 8°. 14516. _^^t hy [Taubat al-NasuH. A novel on CO. 9. the importance of education and a religious train- NAZM i MTTPID. j*-i^ Jaj [Nazra i mufld. A 8°. ing.] pp. 276, nth. j^^ I rn ICaicnpore, 1879.] poetical reader for the use of vernacular schools.] 14112. 0. 29 (1.) pp. 51, lith. lAvi [Lucknow ? 1876.] 8°.

    14117. b. 28 (1.) r>^^ *^y ^^ Taubatu-n-NasAh (Repent- ance of Nussooh) of Maulvi Haji Hafiz Nazir Ahmed N-EEHALCHITND LAHOREE. See Nihal Chand, of Dehli. . . . Edited, with notes and index, by M. Ldho7'i. Kempson. pp. 327, 68. London, 1886. 8°. NEK AKHTAB. j:^\ lS^ [Nek akhtar. Advice 14112. a. 32. to parents on the education of children.] pp. 16, The Repentance of Nussooh. Translated from lith. lAv. [De//M, 1870.] 12°, the original Hindustani by M. Kempson. pp. xii. 14119. a. 8 (3.) 118. London, 1884. 8°. NEMCHAND. ^ \j ^^JcJi) .t-oi [Gul o 760. 0. 3. jjy^ Jj* Sanaubar. A Persian romance, translated into prose NAZfB al-DIN fiASAN, called Sha'ik. (_^vjjJwt« by N.] pp. 114, lith. ^_^ itai [Bombay, 1864.] 8°. [Masdar i fuyuz. A treatise on Persian etymology 14112. a. 6 (1.) and syntax.] pp. 138, Kth. .»al! t^iF [^Lahore,

    1864.] 8°. ''^ [Another edition.] lith. jiy^ } J^ pp. 46, 14119. e. 8 (5.) jyj^ lAvf [Catcnpore, 1874.] 8°. f^^^ e. [Another edition.] pp. 80, ^«VA. \ \_Lucknow, 14119. 19 (4.) 1866.] 8°. [Another edition, illustrated.] pp. 48, lith. 14119. e. 5 (7.) Aaj iaap [Delhi, 1883.] 8°. [Another edition.] 80. pp. Iaj [Delhi, 14119. c. 19 (10.) 1872 ?] 8°- Gul o Sanaubar. Rose et cypres conte tra- 14119. d. 3 (7.) duit de I'hindoustani [of N. by Garcin de Tassy.] [Another edition.] pp. 84, lith. ^laJ iavi [Paris,-] 1861. 8°. [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. A fragment of Vol. vii. of the " lievue orientate et 14119. d. 7 (3.) americaine." [Another edition.] pp. 136, lith. .ytl iaw 1434. h. 6. [Lahore, 1877.] 8°. NEWUL KISHOBE. See Navtal Kishor. 14119. b. 17 (6.)

    [Another edition.] pp. 90, lith. .^l^ NIHAL CHAND, Ldhoi-i. See 'Izzat Allah, [Cawnpore, 1878.] 8°. Bangdli. Gooli Bukawulee, a tale translated from

    14117. b. 29 (1.) the Persian, by Nihal Chund. 1804. 4°.

    14112. d. 3. [Another edition.] pp. 140, lith. .^1 iavi [Lahore, 8°. 1879.] 1815. 8°. 14117. b. 6 (3.) 14112. b. 3. 273 Niri—NIM NIM—NIT 274

    NIHAL CHAND, Zrt//on. See 'Izzat AhhAii, Bangdli NI'MAT KHAN, Akbarahddl. See Besakt (T. H. G.)

    [Gul i Bakuwali.] 1843. 4°. The Persian and Urdu letter-writer. . . . Compiled 14112. d. 6. . . . with the assistance of Namat Khan. 1846. 8°. 8°. [1847.] 767. e. 24. 14112. c. 6. NISAR 'ALI BEG, Mtrzd. See India.—Legislative [1859.] 8°.

    e. I AW 14119. 4 (11.) Council. •J\ ij^ ^j uy^ [Majmu'ah i zjlbitah i 8°. [1872.] dlwanl. The Civil Procedure Code, edited by N. 14112. c. 22 (2.) 'A. B.] [1877.] 8°. [1873.] 8°. 14106. e. 18. 14119. d. 3 (6.)

    Jkclj3 [Kawa'id i [1877.] 8°. jjji ilLj Urdu. Hindustani 14112. c. 8 (3.) grammar in four parts. Pts. i.— iii. by N. 'A. B.

    [1879.] 8°. assisted by Faiz Allah Khan, and Pt. iv. by Mu- 14112. b. 26 (4.) hammad AHsan.] lith. oM

    760. g. 12. jUaII I ah [Allahabad, 1866.] 8°. NIHAL SINGH. See Puranas. MarMndeyapurana. 14119. c. 14 (10.)

    (^Aj jl j,^ ci-AJ [Nit karm upadesh. Rules on daily [Fifth edition.] pp. vi. 128, /iYA. oUy^ iavi 8°. ceremonial duties, translated by N. S. from the 35th [Allahabad, 1879.] 14117. b. 28 (5.) chapter of the Markandeyapurana.] [1877.] 8°.

    14106. b. 10 (8.) NIYAZ AHMAD, Shah. jLj [Dlwan i Niyaz. ^J^y^^ NiLAKANTHA GOBE(Nehemiah). SeeAposTLEs' A dlwan poem, the first part being in Hindustani, Creed. Aqida aur hukmon par suwal o jawab. A and the latter in Persian. Wrongly ascribed in the Catechism on the Creed and Commandments. [Trans- colophon of this edition to Amir 'All, called Nij*z.] lated in the Roman character byN. G.] 1875. 16°. pp. 64, /«Y/i. Ibj \r^.^ [Delhi, 1869. ] 8°.

    14119. e. 14 14104. a. 9 (3.) (7.)

    NILAKANTHA MIMAMSAKABHATTA. See [Another edition.] pp. 56, lith. ,-LaJ i r 1 r CoLEBROOKE (H. T.) The translation of Colebrooke's [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. Pers. 609 (6.) Mitacshara with . . . notes . . . from Vyavahara mayukha [of N. M.] 8°. [1881.] [Another edition.] pp. 36, lith. iri"! ir^e 14106. dd. 19. [Agra, 1878.] 8°. NI'MAT KHAN, Akbardbddi. See Besant (T. H. G.) Pers. 643. Persian The and Urdu letter-writer. . . . Compiled [Another edition.] pp. 60, WA. ,^.^\r--

    . . . with the assistance of 8°. Namat Khan. 1843. [Bombay, 1883.] 8°. Pars. 213. Pen. U 276 275 NIY—NIZ NIZ—NOS

    Insha-i-Hindee being Nmcdb. J^l^ NIzi.M al-DIN, Mimshi. ; NIYAZ AHMAD KHAN, f,J\ J^j a collection of some hundreds of letters, petitions,

    etc., with an entire translation of the Insha-i- [Mauliid i Easul i akram. A poem on the birth of Hurkaran [both in the ta'llk and shikastah style of Muhammad. Together with Kissah i dii'I Hallmah, writing] by Moonshee Nizam-ud-deen. (^SiJb 'Lijl) Shahid and Kissah i hazrat Bilal, by Ghulam Imam 8°" pp. xix. 291, 51, 51. Bombay, 1850. i r r and Faza'il i durud i sharIf pp. 40, lith. ^=1.^ 1 .] 14117. b. 6. \Bombajj, 1876.1 8°. 14119. c. 21 (3.) A useful collection of translations, viz. of the NIYAZ AHMAD KHAN ibn NIYAZ MU- Persian Moonshee, of the New Articles of War, and

    . . . rendered into the Hindoo- HAMMAD KHAN, dc^l^jj ^b" [Tarikh i two Court Martials stanee or Urdu language by Moonshee Nizam-ud- Rohllkhand. A history of the Eohilkhand State.] deen and printed with the English text annexed to pp. 124, lith. \_Bareilly, 1867 ?] 8°. 14109. b. 1 (2.) each. . . The whole approved and revised by . . . Vans Kennedy. Bombay, 1847. 8^. NIZAM. 8ee Muhammad Mardan 'AlI Khan 14106. dd. 7. (Nizam al-DAULAH) called Ra'na. 14114. c. 12. NIZAM al-DIN, called Nizam. i^JL* CLij[Ju

    NIZAM al-DIN, Jalalaladl. See Nasir al-DiN [Baghawat i Malwah. An account of the mutiny (Muhammad ibn Muhammad) Tmi. j^l ^-^^y of 1857 in the Malwah State.] pp. iv. 204. lith. i^jJ^ [Akhlak i Nasirl. Translated from the Persian ifA. {Allahabad? 1864.] 8°. 14109. 0. 3. by N. al-D.] [1870 ?] 8°. 14104. f. 24. NIZAMI, Ganjan. ci-vcLsr' A:^^!^ [Guldastah i NIZAM al-JiTNyMauldna. /See Muhammad Husain, shaja'at. A verse translation by Ghuliim Haidar, called Matin. u:--a^_^ [Gulistan i tarlkat. ^J:^.^ from the Persian of N.'s Sikandar-namah, a poetical poem founded on the Persian Manakib i Eazzilklyah A history of Alexander, the Great. With marginal of N. al-D.] [1863.] 8°. notes.] pp. 240, 134, iv. lith. y.^ iava {Lucknow, 14119. e. 4 (9.) 1878.] 8°. NIZAM al-DIN, Maulam. iJ^\\aj ,^11\^j [Risiilah 14114. a. 16 (2.) i be-namazan. A poem on the necessity of prayer.] [Another copy.] >See 'Abd Allah, Jfaw^ara. •J\ ^^.^1 ci-^aJio- [Hakikat 14114. a. 25. al-salat.] pp. 19-24. [1872.] 8°. NORGATE (James Thomas). See STtarama, Su- 14119. e. 23 (1.) bahddr. J^di^jya J^J^i fvjV [Tawarlkh i yiidgiir i [Another edition.] pp. 16, lith. j-LssJ {Delhi, subahdiir. The autobiography of a native sepoy, 1876.] 12°, originally written in English by J. T. N.] 8°. 14119. a. 18 (4.) [1873.] 14109. b. 11. [Another edition.]

    :J\ i^LA\ i.::-riLft5«- [Hakikat al-salat.] 19-24. pp. NORTON (George) Barrister-at-Law. Epitome of [1878.] 8°. the duties of a Justice of the Peace in India .... 14104. g. 4 (5.) translated into Hindoostanee by Hafiz Sudrool Islam

    [Another edition. Followed by the Sharl'at Khan. pp. 100, lith. Madras, 1851. 12°. lath, ka NasThat-namah and Pand i sudmand, short 14106. dd. 9. poems on the same subject.] pp. 16, lith. {Bombay, 1877.] 8°. NOSHIRWANJi TEHMULJI. ^\ju^^ t_>b^ 14104. f. 2 (3.) 'l*v6i^

    14112. a. 11. 14114. b. 9. —

    277 NUM—NUS NUS—PAL 278

    NU'MAN ibn SiBIT (Abu HanTfah). ^^1

    in i ciples of the Muhammadan faith, and Waslyat- Persian ; (2) Kissah hazrat Bilal, and (3) Kissah

    niiinah, or precepts for leading a holy life. Two i ha?rat Hallmah sa'dlyah, both by Ghulam Imiim

    short treatises by Abii Ilanlfah, in Arabic, with ShahTd ; (4) Kasidah i na'tlyah, by Kariimat 'All

    an interlineary translation and marginal notes in Khan ; and (5) Maut-niimah, by Muhammad Hasan

    Hindustani by Muhammad Sa'd Allah.] pp. 24, lith. 'Ilmi] pp. 24, lith. j^'i [Cawnpore, 1876 ?] 8°. ^laJ trAi IDelhi, 1872.] 8°. 14119. e. 20 (6.) 14516. CO. 8. (1.) [Another edition.] pp. 16, lith. jJjkJ [Delhi, 1877.] 8°. NUNDY (Frederick). -See Oliphant (L.) ^j\j 14119. d. 10 (11.) (^l»li»- . [Tarikh i Chin o Jiipan. Translated by ^^;-^»- NUTK. See MAKsud Ahmad. F.'n.] [1867.] 4°. NtrWAB, Mir, called Munis. Ir^-vsr* 14109. 6. 3. _^ to^

    fj>^y^ [Majmu'ah i marsiyah i Mir Munis. Elegiac NUB AHMAD, Chishti. jJLs- lzjXLIs^ [TahKlkat poems.] 2 pt. lith. y.^ iaV) [Lucknow, 1879.] 8°. i Chishti. saints, Accounts of Muhammadan 14114. c. 17 (2.) celebrated places, mosques and other buildings, with ^Ik^ [Mafia'. An elegy on the death of a brief sketch of the Moghul kings.] viii. 872, pp. Husain.] pp. 24, lith. i.^^^ [Meerut, 1877.] 8°. lith. .jjkH IA1V [Lahore, 8°. 1867.] 14114. c. 20 (1.) 14109. d. 3. NUWAB 'ALI. jljlij i/y>i^ [Masnawl i wafji- NUB al-HAKK ibn 'ABD al-HAKK, Lihlavi. See diir. The story of a faithful dog, in verse.] pp. 28, Muhammad ibn Isma'Tl (Abu 'Abd Allah) Bukhdri. lith. ^jyjl^tr^f [Crt2OTij9ore, 1877.] 8°.

    i^^UI ^_^ [Faiz al-barl. A translation of the Taisir 14112. c. 24 (1.) al-kiirl, a Persian commentary by N. al-H.onBukhari's NTTWAB MIRZA. See Tasadduk Husain Khan, Sahffi.] [1877, etc.] 8°. called Shauk. 14521. d. 14. NUZEEB AHMED. See NazTe Ahmad. 'ALI. OBEYD-OLLA, al-OBEYDEE. See 'Ubaid Allah, NUSEAT y,l^j j^^fr [Jawahir i zawahir. ' TJhaidi. Ornamental caligraphy, being a sequel to the author's

    i ahbiib.] 4°. OLIPHANT (Lawrence). (j;IjU- TuMah lith. inr [Delhi, 1876.] ^ t^r^^ ?=v;^

    14117. e. 15 (1.) [Tarikh i Chin o Japiin. Narrative of Lord Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857 to Begin. ^;Lj1 j«-u*r>- ^^Licl [Mufid i 'amm. 1859. Translated by F. Nundy, and revised by Siva- An English-Urdu vocabulary of useful and technical prasada.] 2 vol. pp. 183, 213, lith. ^^ iaiv words.] 24. [Shahjahanpur, 8°. pp. 1882.] [Luckmw, 1867.] 4°.

    Wanting title-page and wrapper. 14109. e. 3.


    BRITAIN AND IBELAND. See Academies, etc. **=«^ [TuMah i ahbiib. Specimens '-r'V*'^ of London. various types of caligraphy in kufl, naskhl, shikastah, OWEN (Joseph). See Bible.—Old Testament. nastii'llk and other hands.] lith. \jbj [Delhi,

    Psalms. Tarjuma i Mazdmir : pddri 1873?] 4°. Yusaf Owen

    sdhib ne . . . kiya, 1863. 16". 14117. e. 8. 3068. aa. 3.

    14119. e. 4 (12.) 14117. a. 11 (2.) 279 PAN—PAS PAU—PER 280

    on PAUL, Saint and Apostk.

    la version hindoustani . . . par T. P. 1845. 8°. 8°. pp. 12, lith. JJ^J I TAi [Delhi, 1872.] 760. e. 15. 14119. c. 25 (7.)

    1^ '—5'^^ PEARSON (J. D.) Rev. See Ghxjlam 'AlI, Mir. PAEASBHAG. ^j:^)jX/* i^J=- <=i-*-i LTJ^ [Parasbhag. Moral thoughts on human nature.] English and Hindustani phraseology [translated 8°. 2 pt. lith. ci/lU-j [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. from J. D. P.'s Vakyavali.] 1855. " 760. f. One of the series entitled Zaldnrah iRafah i 'amm." 14106. a. 12 (5.) PENCHE (George) called Shor. See Bensley [Another copy.] (J.) called Fana. Lo ^ji_'i [Dlwan i Fana. Re- 14119. b. 22 (12.) vised and edited with an introductory preface by PABK (MuNGo). ^ l_^^»-L> iSjh ^S^u^ jIj tababat. A monthly medical journal, conducted by [Yad-dasht i kanun i shahadat. Lectures on the Imiim al-Din Ahmad.] Vol. X. No. 9. pp. 32, lith. Indian Law of Evidence. Edited by Karam Chand.] is/\ I AVI [Agra, 1879.] 8°. 46, lith. j^l lAvr [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. pp. 14106. g. 3 (2.) 14119. 0. 24 (4.) *^l ^^s^ (t-jJilT [Guldastah i sukhan. A PARSONS (John) Missionary. The Hindustani monthly magazine of poetry by modern Persian and Choral Book, or Swar sangrah : containing the tunes Hindustani poets.] Vol. I. No. 4—8. n^] lAvr to those hymns in the Git sangrah, which are in [Agra, 1873.] 8°. native metres .... To which are added twelve of Pars. 686. the above tunes arranged for the piano and adapted Aligarh. to English metres [by E. J. Lazarus.] Second edition, pp. v. 103, iv. Benares, 1875. 8°. The Mohammedan Social Reformer. 14104. 0. 20. jLi-ill [Tahzlb al-akhliik. A monthly periodical. \ PASEE (Edward Hanson), a^^ «_L; i^^Ijlo ,!• -,;p-'^ Vol. VII. No. 5. Containing an account of the

    [Kaiflyat i paidawar i zila' Kangra. An account of laying of the foundation stone of the Muhammadan the industry, products and commercial condition of Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh, by Lord Lytton, the district of Kangra.] pp. 28, lith. .^1 uvi and his address on that occasion.] Hindust. and [Lahore, 1871.] 8°. Engl. [Aligarh, 1877.] 4°.

    14119. c. 12 (4.) 14119. f. 14, 281 PER PER—PET 282


    jjl^ Jul^ [Kalld i naza'ir. A monthly Law A Selection from the illustrations which have Reporter, containing decisions in suits determined appeared in the Oudh Punch from 1877 to 1881. on appeal by the Privy Council, and the High With an introduction, explanatory notes to each Courts in India. Translated from the English by plate and a postface, all in English [by A. Constable.]

    Bakhshish Lai.] Vol. ii. No. 10—12. j\j\i\\ iaw Lucknow, 1881, /o/.

    [Allahabad, 1877.] 8°. Containing 20 plates, and a postface o/ll pages. 14119. e. 20, 21. 14114. a. 18.

    Makhzan i Masihi, or The Christian Treasury. The "Woman's Friend, ^y^ jui, [RaflK i [A monthly magazine in Roman characters. Edited niswan. A bi-monthly missionary paper.] Vol. I. by W. F. Johnson.] Vol. xi. Nos. 4 and 5. Allahabad, No. 24, and Vol. IV. No. 12. ^ 1 aab-av [Lucknotc, 1878. 8°. 1885-87.] 4°. 14104. d. 6. 14104. d.

    ^•-> ^jtjli ri^ [Naza'ir i kanun i Hind. MUZAFFARNAGAR. "Indian Law Reports," a monthly journal, con- The MuzafParnagar Institute Journal. [Pub- taining decisions of the Privy Council, and High lished monthly.] (^^L2^\ i/jV^ Courts in India. Translated from the English by J:)J^ ^^ Vol. I. No. 3, lUh. [Muzaffarnagar, 1877.] 8°. a translation committee under the secretaryship of 14119. d. 17. Durgiiprasiida.] Vol. I. Nos. 2, 3, and Vol. II.

    Nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, nth. Mii\ iavi-w [Allahabad, Shahjahanptjr. 1876-77.] 8°. j^i^L^-^iLi ^^jJ

    The Sattya Prakash. A monthly magazine Singh.] Vol. I. Nos. 2-5. iava [Shahjahanpur, devoted to oriental literature, science, philosophy 1878.] 8°. and national improvement in Hindustani, [and 14106. a. 9. partly with translations into Hindi. Edited by PERKINS (H. E.) See Bushnell (H.) ^ \,^^. Vishnu Liila.] Nos. 1 and 2. Bareilly, 1883, CLJ-«o ['Isa ki sirat, or The character of Christ. etc. 8°. Translated by H. E. P.] [1876.] 8°. 14119. f. 22. 14119. b. 1 (2.) .Li-^1 iJUwC ['Umdat al-akhbttr. A weekly See 'Imad al-DlN. A Mohammedan brought newspaper.] Vols. I. and II. lith. ^ji 'aiv-ia to Christ ... to which is added . . . (Tract No. II. {Bareilly, 1867-68.] 4°. of Haqiqi arfan) on justification by faith in Christ. 14119. ff. 1. [The latter] translated from the Hindustanee [into Faizabad. English by H. E. P.] 1869. 8'=. obl^^a-j iii^ [Arorabans prakash, U^J3J^ 4986. bbb. 38 (19.) or The Arora Advertiser. A monthly journal.] PERSIAN AUTHORS. A small collection of moral Vol. II. Nos. 5—9, lith. CiKA^j^ iaaP [Faizabad, precepts from the best Persian authors, with a 1884.] 8°. 14119. d. 18. translation in Hindostani verse. pp. 25, lith. Ghazipxir. [Lucknow,'] 1835. 12°. Pers. 671. Discoveries of science. j,y^\ ^,^0^ [Mazhar al-'uliim] or Things worth reading and remembering. PETER, Saint and Apostle. ^J^^ ^^ [Kissah i A monthly magazine, conducted by R. F. Saunders. Patras, or The life of St. Peter. A Christian tract.] Nos. 108 to 117. Ghazipur, 1877-78. 8°. pp. 22, lith. iiGliJj! IA1V [Lodiana, 1867.] 12°.

    14117. d. 37. 14104. b. 8 (9.)

    36 284 283 PFA—PHA PIN—PRA

    PPANDER (Carl Gottlieb). SeeJIzTAT Husain. PINCOTT (Frederic). See Arabian Nights,

    Alif Laila ba-zuban-i-Urdu , . Edited i^lij ^/s^ [Mu'jizah i furkan. A series of articles Tarjuma-i 8°, in defence of the Koran, in answer to Dr. P.'s works.] by F. P 1882. 14112. a. 30, [1870.] 8°. 14119. e. 14 (14.) PINDISANKABA. See Euclid. ^_^JuJJ1 j-)j-=^

    [Tahrlr i Uklldis. The Elements of Euclid, trans- Hall-ul-ishkal ; a reply to Kashf-ul-astar [a lated by P.] [1878.] 8°. Persian work by MuHammad HadI in refutation of 14117. c. 35 (1.) the author's Treatise on the Divinity of Christ] and PITCAIBN ISLANDERS. ^ ^^/^ J_ ^15 UjH^, Kitab-i-istifsar [in Hindustani by Al i Hasan. "With ^jL) [Pitkern tapu ke logon kii bayan.] The an appendix containing controversial letters between ^^ transformed island : a narrative of the Pitcairn the author and the latter.] JlCiill Js-) pp. 160, ( islanders. Third edition, pp. 27. Mirzapore, 1876, 8°, 62, nth. Agra, 1847. 8°. Issued hy the North India Tract Society. 14104. c. 5. 14119. b. 19 (1.) Ikhtitdmi miibdhisah. Summary of Mu- PLATTS (John Thompson). See Ikhwan al-SAFA. hammedan discussion. (1^ ASs>-[^ *l:iiii-l) irH'^ Ikhwanu-s-safa; . . . Translated from the Hindu-

    MS. Notes, pp. 152, lith. Agra, 1855. 8°. stani ... by J. P. 1869, 8°.

    760. f. 14104. c. 7. PLAYFAIB (George). See Talif Sharif. The Miftah-ul-asrar. A treatise on the Divinity Taleef Shereef Translated . . , , by G, P. of Christ and the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, with 1833, 8°, especial reference to the objections made by the 760. f. 20,

    Muhammedans to these doctrines, (.l-o^l \ -. g -r) POLAND, Ship. A.^ [Jahaz, or Poland jahaz

    Second and improved edition, pp. vi. 67, iii. Agra, ka kissah. The burning of the ship Poland. A 1850. 8". Christian tract.] pp. 11, lith. "OliOj) fiv [Lodiana, 14104. c. 26. 1867.] 12°. 14104. b. 8 (6.) Mizan-ul-huqq. A treatise on the con- POTTS (Robert). /See Euclid, 'J\ i^xjD As- ^}yJ\ troversy between Christians and Muhammedans. [Usui i 'ilm i handasah. The first four books of [With a summary of contents in English.] Second Euclid, by E,. P., translated into Hindustani.] edition. (j-sJl uj/r?^) PP- xi. 265, viii. Agra, 1850. 8°. [1870.] 8°. 14117. c 12, 14104. 0. 24.

    PRABHUDASA DASA, On Education ; a lecture Third edition, pp. 339. London, 1862. 8°. . . . read before the first meeting of the Gorakhpur

    14104. c. 10, Reading room, August 15, 1867. {^^^ (jl-J ^^.^^Ji) [Tartlbke bayan men.] pp.11. Allahabad, 1868. 8°. Tarik-ul-hayat : a treatise on sin and redemp- 14119. b. 19 tion, with especial reference to the false views (2.) entertained by the Muhammedans on these doctrines. PBANASTJKHA. .^ ^!^ [Priinasukha. A short treatise in maladies.] (ii-*LJ\ j^^) Second edition, pp. iv. vi. 164. verse on the treatment of various

    Agra, 1853. 8°. pp. 18, lith. j^'i I AVI [Lahore, 1876.] 8°.

    14104. 0. 6. 14119. d. 5 (3.) PBATAPA SIMHA, Baja Jaipur. ci^l [Another edition.] pp. 167, lith. iibjJ iav of ^L [Lodiana, 1867.] 8°. [Amritasagara, A work on medicine, originally

    14104. c. 13. compiled in the Marwari dialect by order of Raja

    Pratapa Simha ; now translated into Hindustani by PHANDAN LAL. See Mahabharata.— FMwm- Pandit Pyarl Lai, Braj version sahasranama. from the Bhasha ^\j j,,,..^ ^ [Vishnusahasranama, of Kallcharana]. -pTp. 470, lith. iava [Cawnpore, with a Hindustani jj^^ commentary by P. L.] [1876 ?] 8°. 1878.] 8°, 14106. b. 17. 14106. g. 22. I 285 PRA—PUN PUN—PUR 286

    PBAYEKS. [A book of ShI'ah PUNJAB, ^\ ^^ jj^j Chief Court of. :J\ ^ \yj cd\J^ jJLi. prayers, with interlineary translations, some in [Khuliisah i faisalajiit i dlwiinl. A digest of civil Hindustani, others in Persian, and with intro- cases decided by the Chief Court of Punjab during ductory notices in Hindustani prefixed to each the years 1877 and 1878.] pp. 34, lith. .^bi iavi prayer.] pp. 48, 36, 80, 40, lUh. y^ i taa [Lucknow, {Lahore, 1879.] 8°. 1871.] 8°. 14106. f.l (3.)

    14519. b. 15 (2.) lPXrNJAB,Government of. t_>Wu i^JiJSi^^ Jx^J [Ka-

    :J\ Aj ij Jy . , .j^j>-\ cs-J^ [A collection wii'id i miilguzarl i Panjiib. Rules concerning village of Arabic prayers, with Hindustani interlineary authorities, the assessment of lands and collection of

    translations, containing (1) Kibrlt ahmar by *Abd rents in the Province of Punjab, framed in accord-

    al-Kadir JllanI Du'a i ; ; (2) mughni and (3) Asma ance with the provisions of Act xxxiii. of 1877.] i husna, or the Ninety-nine names of Allah.] pp. 44, lith. ^yt!) lAvr [Lahore, 1873.] 8°,

    I TAA pp. 32, Uth. j^ii {Lahore, 1871.] 8°. 14119. c. 33 (4.)

    14519. b. 14 (5.) J-ij jy»- cuU:^ c--os^:^ [Muntakhab i sar-

    Jl J\j^\ ix^.A.jEr* [A collection of Arabic kulariit i judlshal. A selection of judicial circular

    prayers, preceded by a short prefatory treatise orders issued by the Government of Punjab from

    entitled "Wasllah i najiit, compiled by Muhammad 1849 to 1870. Compiled by Balakrishna.] pp. xxii. Nihal al-Din Khan from the works of 'Abd al-Hakk 112, 58, 8, 108, lith. ^ysS iavi [Lahore, 1871.] 8°.

    Dihlavl. With introductory notices, interlineary 14106. e. 7. translations and marginal notes in Hindustani.] JU CLj\^j^ t_--sn!i-* [Muntakhab i sarku- pp. 36, lith. j^^ 1 r'if \_Cawnpore, 1877.] 8°. larat i mal. A selection of revenue circulars issued 14519. b. 15 (4.) by the Government of the Punjab, from 1849 to

    PRICE ("William) F.RS.L. See Hindustani March, 1870. Compiled by Hukm Chand.] pp. iv. Selections. Hindee and Hindoostanee Selections. iv. 469, lith. j^ti iav [Lahore, 1870.] 4°.

    . . . compiled ... [by W. P.] 1830. 4°. 14106. f. 14.

    760. g. 12. PUBANAS. *jI^ (.s^'i^;^ [Ekiidaslmahatmya, or selections from different PUNJAB, Chief Court of. 1^X« ^J:~^j^ ci?«J ^lj\ Puranas on the celebration of the eleventh day in each half Jl cyW-^ [Fihrist i madd-war i faisalajiit. An moon. Translated from the Sanskrit into Hindustani verse by Riima- index to judgments in civil suits decided by the prasada.] pp. 16, ^j^A. irv [Lucknotc, 1873.1 ^°- Chief Court of Punjab in 1878.] pp. 70, lith. ^Lahore, 1879.] 8°. 14119. c. 32 (1.)

    14106. 6. 19 (2.) BhagavatapurIna.

    Chief Court of Punjab in civil suits, from 1866 to See MuhT al-DTN. j^Jl cjjj [Lazzat al- 1869. Compiled by Muhammad ShafI'.] pp. 121, ix. Hind. Hindu love stories taken from the Bhaga- lith. AjUjjl i*v. [Lodiana, 4°. 1870.] vatapurana.] [1872.] 8°. 14106. f. 12. 14119. c. 23 (6.) —

    287 PUR PUR—PUS 288

    PXTRANAS. Bhagavatapueana [^continued']. PTJEATJ-AS, DevTbhagavatapurana. See Sankaradayalu, called Farhat. ^L >j^ taken from the tenth chapter of the [Premasagara, U^U^^ ^i^^. Bhagavatapurana.l [1862?] 8°. [DevTbhagavatapurana, translated into Hindustani 14106. b. 5 (1.) prose by Pyarl Lai.] pp. viii. 585, iv. lith.

    '< ,J.l . ^ cy^i Lfj [Bhiigavatapurana, trans- 4°. L^ I AW \Lucknow, 1877.] lated into Hindustani Terse by Jagannatha Lala. 14106. c. 3.

    With illustrations.] pp. iv. 124, lith. ^^I^ita- Ganesapurana. [Cawnpore, 1863.] 8°. 14119. e. 2 (3.) -t^-- -f \^j (A-ii [Ganesapurana, translated [A reprint.] .jjjl^ [Caimpore, 1872.] 8°. into Hindustani verse by Sankaradayalu Farhat.] 14119. e. 26 (5.) pp. 16, lith. jjJ^ lAiA [Cawnpore, 1868.] 8°. i.::.~»(_5-) [Translated into prose by u:jX\^ 14119. e. 16 (6.) Ganapati Raya.] pp. 582, lith. j^'i iaii [Lahore, 1869.] 8°. Markandeyapurana. 14106. b. 4. (jiuJjjl A^ iji^ [Nit karm upadesh. Rules iZjS\^ Ju«iC^ [Srimadbhagavat. A ^=rj> on daily ceremonial duties, translated by Nihal Singh translation of the Bhagavatapurana, in prose and from the 35th chapter of the Markandeyapurana.] verse, by Raghuvaradayalu.] pp. x. 770, lith. \^vf ;.i>/IL- [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. [Catvnpore, 1874.] 4°. One the series entitled " Zakhlrah i Rafah i 'amm." 14106. c. 4. of 14106. b. 10 (8.) ijLi«) ^ ^^jLS^ y jjl t_Xir>-U>-l, [Raja Janak ka sambada. A philosophical treatise, being SiVAPURANA. an extract from the Bhagavatapurana, translated by 5ee MuhT al-DiN. j>x,^l cy jj [Lazzat al-Hind. '."', - ' Kanhaiya Lai.] 2 pts. pp. 8, 8, lith. (] \ , ; , Hindu love stories taken from the Sivapurana.] [Sialkot, 1876.] 8°. [1872.] 8°. One of the sertea entitled " ^akhirah i Rafah % 'amm." 14119. c. 23 (5.) 14106. a. 7 (3.)

    Brahmandapurais A. See Sankaradayalu, called Farhat. \^\j^ j~i> [A short paraphrase in verse of the Sivapurana.] Ramaglta. Liljj ^ ^j^ _^ i-*^J ^^(*b '-?r' [1865.] 8°. [Riimaglta, or Hymn of praise to Rama, being a 14119. e. 3 (8.) portion of the Adhyatmaramayana in the Brahmanda-

    >j- ,* [Sivapurana, translated from the purana, translated by Mangala Sena.] pp. 20, lith. ^j^ tl>/!L- \_Sialkot, 1876.] 8°. Sanskrit by Siva Simha.] 2 pt. pp. vi. 406, iv. 366,

    lith. I AVI 4°. One of the series entitled " ZalJnrah i Rafah i 'amm." [Lucknow, 1871.]

    14119. a. 13 (2.) 14106. b. 6. [Another copy.] PURUSHOTTAMA DASA. See Makgala Sena. 14106. a. 7 (4.) L.i)ljjl [Jathartha Ramiiyan. i}^J> } ivri'^l; 4'J'f^ Uttaraglta. j\jj\ j^^Aif

    14119. f. 13 (1.) 14119. b. 22 (1.) —

    289 PUS—PYA PYA-RAF 290

    ^^a^^ 5-*i»-y PUSHPADANTA. ^j^}Oj\ Joj ^ ^j~> PYABI LiL, Mumhl. «__>\ii' }Jj^ [Urdii ^jfjf- ^J [Jlahimnah stotra, translated into Hindustani by the kl chauthi kitab. Fourth book of Hindustani.] Dharma Sabliii of Gujranwala.] pp. 10, lith.

    jJi-i "UiUi*- [Jughriifiyah i zila' Firozpur. PYABI LAIi, Kashmiri, called Ragou. See Pratapa Jiij}j^ A geography of the district of Firozpur.] pp. 32, SiMHA, Ilq/a of Jaipur. ^L> cy^l [Amritasagara. lith. ajUjiy IAVI {Lodiana, 1876.] 12°. Translated into Hindustani by P. L.] [1878.] 8°. 14119. a. 18 (3.) 14106. g. 22.

    BADHAKEISHNA. (-jU^J Ojf [Goshah i Pan- See PuRAXAS. Devlbhagavatapurana. ijt'^Ji jiib. A history of the Province of Punjab.] pp. 98, iSJ^\^_ [Devlbliagavatapuriina, translated into L<^'.'^ lith. ^y^^ IA1I [iff/wre, 1861.] 8°. prose by P. L.] [1877.] 4°. 14119. c. 12 (5.) 14106. c. 3. BADHA LAIjA. («Lo£^!\ ^j^S^

    -- -^ '. [A'Tnah i gltl-numa. Outlines of Uj _;M other useful subjects.] pp. 72, lith. j.v.^.G iava geography, compiled from P.L.'s MiftaH al-arz.] {Luclmoic, 1878.] 8°. [1872.] 8°. 14119. d. 13 (2.) 14119. e. 25 (2.) [Tarikh i »Jj1 (iJ^V) li)^/ f^j^ firman-ra- See "Wheeler (J. T.) i^j-aJi - f^,p wayiin i Awadh. A brief history of the rulers of [Tiirlkh i jalsah i kaisarl. The history of the Oudh.] pp. 42, /jYA. iava [iwA-noiP, 1878.] 8°.

    Imperial Assemblage at Delhi, translated by P. L.] 14119. d. 13 (1.) [1883.] 4°. .h,^jcu cjUj^^ [Waki'at i panj-hazar 14109. 6. 20. salah. Chronological tables of the chief events in juJb ijo^ [Kisas i Hind. Tales from Indian general history since the beginning of the world.] history. Part I. by P. L.] 60, 200, lith. pp. pp. 156, lith. y^ iava {Lucknow, 1878.] 8°. .^% lAvr-vp {Lahore, 1873-74.] 8°. 14119. d. 14 (7.) 14112. b. 26 (1.) BAPi' al-DIN, Dihlavl. See Kur'an. Jl Jujsr* J\y [Another edition.] 60, lith. ysD i av i pp. 176, . [The Koran, with an interlineary translation by {Lahore, 1879.] 8°- Rafi' al-Dln.] [1866.] 4°. 14112. b. 29 (1.) 14507. d. 9.

    ^Jl^ _\xL« [MiftaH al-arz. A geography of [1868.] 4°. the world.] pp.80,/i

    14119. 0. 17. [1868.] 4°. 14607. d. 13. [Another edition.] pp. 80, lith. {Delhi? [1869.] 12°. 1873.] 8°. 14507. a. 7. 14119. d. 4 (16.) [1870.] 8°.

    [Another edition.] pp. 136, lith. .y»^ iavi 14607. 0. 7. {Lahore, 1876.] 8°. [1876.] 4°. 14119. d. 8 (4.) 14507. d. 14. 37 292 291 EAF—RAn RAH

    KHAN. Quara-badeen Raheemee, or The BAFI' al-DIN, Bihlafi. See Kur'an. J\ j-jst* JT^ RABCIM

    elements of materia medica. . . 5th edition, almost [The Koran, with an interlineary translation by re-written ... by Raheera Khan. ^_^^-^^ cJ^.'^V)/ RafI' al-Dlu.] [1877.] 8°. 14507. a. 9. pp. 559, lith. Lahore, 1880. 8°. 14106. g. 30. [1879.] 4°. 14507. e. 1. Tib-i-Raheemee, or The principles and prac-

    [1882.] Fol. tice of medicine ... by Raheem Khan . . . Second 14507. e. 3. edition. Enlarged and much improved. ^^*-!r^j <-r^ Selections. pp. 606, lith. Lahore, 1877. 8°. 14106. g. 29. hir al-Kur'an. "With an interlineary translation by

    R. al-D.] [1873.] 8°. RAHMAN, Shah. (tsT^b^-j lUaJ [Kissah i sauda- 14507. c. 16 (2.) gar bachchah, or The merchant's son and the daughter or The signs of c:-.^^LJ .151 [Asar i Kiyiimat, of the Wazlr of Ghazni. A tale in verse.] See the resurrection-day. poem translated from the A Majmu'ah i KisAs. ^jo.^ ^r[Lucknow, [Kiyamat-niimah, also called \^ 'UaS pp. 56, lith. I riF {Bombay, 1877.] 8°. ^Ju^ 8°. iJ\j [Kissah i sipShl-zSdah.] pp. 23-29. [1878.] 14104. f, 2 (10.) 14112. d. 15 (1.) RAPI-OOS-SAUDA. See Muhammad RafT', called 'iju^jo [Tarikah i Husnah. Sauda. RAHMAN 'ALI.

    14119. b. 3 (2.) BAHMAT ALLAH, Kardiiam. ^ (J^_jl=-l!l ^\ f^\y\ BAHIM BEG, called Nadan. , __ ij>^ dJ^ \ ', -. \\ al-ahadls fl ibtill al-taslls. v_^ , JLLjI [Asahh ['Ishrat-kadah i Ibrahim, or The life of Abraham. A Muhammadan arguments against the Christian doc- Muhammadan poem.] pp. 100, lith. Aj_w« iavi trine of the Trinity.] pp. 64, lith. ^J-H^J) 'Mr [Meerut, 1876.] 8°. [Belhi, 1876.] 8°. 14119. c. 2 (1.) 14119. d. 10 (2.) RAHIM BEG, ibn BAKIR BEG, Khairabadi. i_fyM^j[s^\ [I'jazi'IsawI, also called Miskalah Jc^

    RAJ BAHADITB, son of Dcripmmlda. J^ 1^ U^j^ RAJAB -

    [Khayal i Zakhml. Dlwiin verses.] Uth. pp. 92, j^T-" k.?^-^^ [Inshii I Suriir, or Letters of .yJvi iriA [Fatehpur, 1881.] 8°. R. 'A. B. Edited 'All Mirza'I.] "'^ by Mir Ahmad 14114. b. 34 (4.) pp. 88, Uth. ^ irn ILttcknow, 1879.] 8°- RAJAB 'ALi, Ret. See ^sop. c:,-.4Jla- <^?^ 14117. b. 31 (3.)

    [Gaujinah i Hikmat. iEsop's Fables, translated by RAJANATHA. See India. — Legislative Council. the Rev. R. 'A.] [1876.] 8°. iJJi\jt-^ - [Khuliisah i kJinOn i 14119. c. 5 (2.) ^\ ui-^^ mu'ahadah. A digest of the Indian Contract Act. See Knowlks (S.) JUIjI ^-V.Jmt' [Tahzlb CompUedbyR.] [1877.] 8°. i itfal. Compiled with the assistance of R. 'A.] 14106. e. 19 (1.) [1867.] 8°.

    14119. b. 10 (4.) RAMABHAROSA. See Mahabharata.—Bhaga-

    See Muhammad MTrz.I Muwahhid. vadgitCi. \iS^^ <'»**'_/ [Srikrishnaglta. The Ji^ ^^ 8°. i^Jw^Jc* [Nur i Muhammadl. A reply to the Sharif Bhagavadgita, translated into prose by R.] [1877] nisbaten of R. 'A.] [1879.] 8°. 14106. b. 10 (6.)

    14104. f. 2 (14.) S-^^ ^**^ ^. Cy^y* j-^T^

    treatment of ordinary ailments.] pp. 53, ii. Uth. RAMACHANDBA, Son of Sitndara Lala. See jyJi irv {Cawnpore, 1873.] 8°. KarTm al-DiN, Maulam. x^ c:jUj|. [Wilki'at i Hind. 14119. c. 32 (6.) Compiled with the assistance of R.] [1863.] 8°. RAJAB 'Alii BEG, called Surue. See Bhola- 14109. a. 14 (1.) NATHA, called Farigh. (»^Ls.^ 1jLa*J > . U •. , ^-L«l^l LS^JJ [Tazkirat al-kamilln. Notices [Manziim i Fasjinah i 'ajii'ib. A paraphrase in verse of some of the most eminent men of ancient Greece of the Fasanah i 'aja'ib of R. 'A. B.] [1865.] 8°. and Rome, and of modern times.] 199, Uth. 14119. e. 2 (11.) pp. * _ y4\ lAvr [Lueknow, 1872.] 8°. See Shafa'at Allah. 14109. a. 17.

    i ghara'ib. A versified edition of the Fasanah i BAMACHANDRA SENA. See Brownixg (C. A. 'aja'ib.] [1879.] 8'^. j--.lju« i,s^}jji> i 14114. c. 25. R.) is^^JJ

    madaris i dihatl. Compiled by R. S.] 8°. i.zi\ji_yjzi\i t_-^U:* <0LJ [Fasanah i 'aja'ib. [1872.] 14119. c. 28 A romance in prose, interspersed with short passages (7.) of poetry.] i tap pp. 178, Uth. \Lucknow, 1866.] 8°. RAMACHARANA. /See Jagaxnatha. c^oU-j J(,-.»- j

    14119. e. 11 (4.) [Zakhirah i sa'adat. Moral precepts, translated with

    [Another edition.] pp. 176, /jVA. .nA-^irlr the assistance of R.] [1874.] 8°. 14119. c. \Meerut, 1876.] 8°. 30 (8.)

    14119. c. 20 (4.) SeehlLAJi. ^\ujj\ lu\su) ijiy^jst* I'Slaimu'ah.

    [Another edition.] pp. 188, Uth. .vJl^ iavi i sifiit i insanl. Compiled with the assistance of R.] {Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°. [1874.] 8°. 14112. c. 24 (9.) 14119. c. 30 (12.) RAM 296 295 RAM BAMASAEANA DASA. [Another edition.] pp.17, BlMACHAHANA. ^^^jJ) ^^J eu-^l^ [Kayastha- Uth. [belhi? 1858?] 12°. treatise on the origin and dharmadarpana. A 14117. b. 6 (1.) principles of the Kayastha caste, translated from [Another edition.] pp. 8, Uth. jyjt,i iat the Sanskrit of R. by LSlajI. Followed by Kaiflyat Sivasankara [Lahore, I860.] 8°. i mandir i Sri Lodhesvara, a poem by '- 14119. 0. 14 (1.) Lala on the consecration of a temple at Lodhesvara 8°. [Another copy.] to Siva.] pp.l79,/!YA. ^ lUv [iMcA-«o?f,1870.] 14119. 0. 10 (1.) 14119. c. 19 (4.) [Maptul. Elementary lessons in J»j (_jU 1 a_xj '

    • i ziibitah iJ\ lAvv i iat 14106. e. 17. [Lahore, I860.] 8°. BAMAPEASADA. See Puranas. J\^ ^<^'^^} 14119. c. 13 (9.) Translated into verse by R.] [Ekildaslraahatmya. c-jU;-^ ^ Ljj'yJ [Patwari kl kitiib, or the 8°. [1873.] duties of a village patwiirl, and his method of 14119. 0. 32 (1.) keeping accounts.] pp. 52, Uth. t^\ Mfe [Agra, BAMASAHAYA, called Tamanna. ^'^^^ J^^ 1845.] 8°. 14106. dd. 2. ^-'*=^ [Afzal al-tawtirikh. Part ^.1^1 m/*^*-^ Ci'^

    \'^t>'r ii. of the Ahsan al-tawarikh, a history of the [Another edition.] pp.50. i^\ [Agra, Province of Oudh.] pp. iii. 248, Uth. y^ iavI 1853.] 8°. 14119. b. 8 {Lucknoic, 1879.] 8°. (2.) 14109. b. 18 (2.) [Another edition.] pp. 54, Uth. j^ iaoi

    (.)^='^ [Gltiimahiitmya. A poem, [Lahore, 1859.] 8°. (*^V*^r^ *- 14119. a. 1 (1.) translated apparently from the Sanskrit, but differing from the works known under this name.] pp. 32, Uth. [Another edition.] pp. 50, Uth. j^J^ iav

    Av • I [Lucknow, 1870.] 8°. [Lahore, I860.] 8°. 14119. 8. 16 (7.) 14119. c. 14 (3.)

    Jl c:.-.-jIj. .\^l( [Yadgar i riyasat i Alwar. i_i>.L.4j [Phailawat. An elementary arith-

    A short account of the Alwar State.] pp. 16, Uth. metic] pp. 38, Uth. ij\ lAfo [Agra, 1845.] 8°. c^ {Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. 14117. 0. 1 (2.) 14109. b. 15 (2.) [Another edition.] pp. 24. iJillS iao- uuwjIjj jI^oIj [Yadgiir i riyasat i JLjj^ [Calcutta, 1850.] 8° Bhiipiil. A short account of the Bhupal State.] 14119. b. 12 (2.)

    20, Uth. t rip [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. pp. ^ ia61 [Another edition.] pp. 28, Uth. j^t 14109. b. 15 (1.) [Lahore, 1859.] 8°. ^ 14119. a. 1 (2.) BAMASAEANA DASA. ^\^\ ^;f=-l [Achhar abhj'iis, i.e. Akshariibhyiisa. An Urdu primer.] [Another edition.] pp. 38, Uth. jyJbi iav pp. 24, Uth. !i/\ lAfi [Agra, 1849.] 8°. [Lahore, I860.] 8°. ^ 14119. c. 14 (4.) 14119. b. 2 (2.) 297 EAM—RAT RAT—REI 298

    RAMDIN, son of Ddtdrdm, called KamtarTn. loj*'* RATAN NATH. JyC^I ^„^*-«Ji [Shams al-juBii.

    (-_-~jU:r \ [Makhzan al-'aju'ib, called also Nau-chaman. Lessons in natural philosophy.] pp. 184, lith. A treatise on divination, charms, enchantments and j^^\^^'\ [Catcnpore, 1879.] 8°. the treatment of diseases.] pp. viii. 296, Uth, 14117. c. 7 (2.) .U-fl- lAvr [Jabalpur, 1872.] 8°. ^-- - -«^ EA'UP AHMAD, called Rafat. i-J-.^ Lai , , 14106. g. 10. ^.::-^-J^ LsrJj [Yiisuf Zulaikha. A poem on the story

    RAMSABUP, called ShamTm. >-Jjr«^ i<*rr*^ u^ of Joseph and Zulaikha.] pp. 194, lith. ^^^ i ne ^j*-f^ 'JL-^i^yJ^j Aj [Faiz i Shamlml. Wasokht [Bombai/, 1849.] 8°. 14114. a. 7. verses.] pp. 40, /»YA. y.^ iavo [i«cAnoz<', 1875.] 8°.

    14119. e. 16 (10.) RATTNAK. See Mahmud, Miydn.

    RAMTAHAL, called Mubarak. l^(.::,-ijl [Ananta- RAUZAT al-SHTTHADA. \,y^\ iJ^j [An account katha. A poem on the efficacy of religious vows in verse of the martyrdoms of Hasan, Husain and made to Vishnu.] pp. 8, lith. y^ iaw [Lucknow, other Muhammadan saints.] pp. 158, lith. j

    14119. b. 14 (1.) 14104. f. 11.

    RA'NA. See Muhammad Mardan 'AlT (Nizam [A reprint.] ^^_^Laj \r-\ [Bombai/, 1884.] 8°. al-DAULAH). 14104. f. 30.


    RANGilf. See Sa'adat Yar Khan. REID (Henry Stewart). See Mill (J.) iLijl ^^^jX^\ [Intibah al-mudarrisln. An essay on HANJ. See Muhammad FasTh al-DiN. education, translated by H. S. R.] [1858.] 8°.

    EANMAST KHAN. See Muhammad 'Abd eI-Samad. 14119. b. 10 (1.)

    RASHiD al-DIN AHMAD KHAN, called RashTd. See Muhammad KarTm Bakh.sh. cyLsrii^ jjj\ [Muntakhabat i Urdu. Selections in Hindustani j-i}^ J J i^y-^ ^. >—'jy*'* j'-*^ lajl^ [Zawabit i prose and verse. Compiled with the assistance of 'ushshiik, also called Masnawl i dil-awez. A love- H. S. R.] [1864.] 8°. story in verse.] pp. 31, lith. lAvr [Lucknow, y^ 14117. d. 19. 1873.] 8°.

    *S'«e *^_^lj 14119. e. 23 (2.) Wilson ( ). Jlc [Tarlkb i 'alam.

    Outlines of general history, translated by H. S. R.] RATAN LAL. lij'lf,. ''^^^ hir' ^"^^J \Ji^j [1859.] 8°. [Mukti ratnavali. A Vedantist tract in verse, with 14109. a. 13. marginal notes, being a translation by R. L. of an i-ij^ tj:-.cs^ iSjV^jisP- ['Aja'ibJit i milinat- unidentified alleged Sanskrit original, the Durgii- shi'arl. The phenomena of industrial life and glta.] pp. 26, lith. tiry^L- [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. conditions of industrial success. Translated from One of the series entitled " ^'akhlrah i Rafah i 'amm." the English by H. S. R. with the assistance of 14106. b. 10 (1.) Muhammad Karim Bakhsh.] Pt. I. pp. 114, lith. [Another copy.] it\ IA61 [Agra, 1859.] 8°. 14119. d. 2 (9.) 14112. a. 10 (1.)

    3S 299 REI—ROE ROE—RUM 300

    BOEBTJCK (Thomas). A collection of Proverbs, REID (Henry Stewart), ^l;^ "Mlr*^ [Jughril- and Proverbial Phrases in the Persian and Hindoo- flyah i jahan. An elementary geography of the world. Compiled from various English sources, and stanee languages. [Commenced by W. Hunter.] translated into Hindustani by H. S. R. with the Compiled and translated chiefly by the late T. R. [Edited, with additions, by H. H. Wilson.] assistance of Muhammad Karim Bakhsh.] pp. 51. Pers. 4°. Hindust. and Engl. pp. xxxi. 397. Calcutta, 1824. 8°. 1 AT [Luchww, I860.] 14117. e. 3. 757. h. 10.

    Urdu-Hindi-English vocabulary, compiled BOIiLIN (Charles). A compilation from Rollin's Ancient history of Greece, with additions. Trans- for the use of beginners, by H. S. R. . . . assisted by lated into Urdu by the Scientific Society. . . Chiranji Lai and . . Bunsi Dhar. (cjUJJl t-t-^jdiJ' ^ ij^i^ Tre^tWS'TRl) [Taslis al-lughat.] Second edition, ^_j\j j_^

    [Third edition of pt. i. only.] pp. 212. BOSHAN 'ALT. See MotT Lal. J^jLj^^ LUjcj Allahabad, 1868. 8°. [Pand-namah i kiisht-karan. Compiled with the 14117. b. 14. assistance of R. 'A.] [1857.] 8°. 14119. c. 11 (5.) BEVATIPBASADA. \,)^ J^Ji^\ [Insha i dil-rubfi. BOSHATf LAL. See India.—Legislative Council. A letter-writer.] pp. 23, /»Wi. jXf$3 iaw [^Lucknow, 'J\ ^-JljjJ (liajLtf Ji-JJ>J»- [Kanun i jadid i 1877.] 8°. ii)j-5^

    14119. b. 14 (2.) ziibitah i dlwiinl. The Code of Civil Procedure.

    Edited by R. L.] [1877.] 8°. BIBBENTROP (Berthold). j_yjcj Jis^ tul.lil 14106. e. 14. t_»lsaj [Ishilrat nakhl-bandl i Panjilb. Hints on BOYAL COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS. See arboriculture in the Punjab, Translated byThakura- Academies, etc. —London, dasa.] pp. 232, lith. i Avf \_Lahore ? 1874]. 8°.

    14119. f. 25. BUPEE-OOS-SOTJDA. See Muhammad Rafi', called Sauda. BIEU (Charles). See Ikhwan al-SAFA. Ikhwanu- s-safa. BUH. . . Ruh ke bay Translated . into Hindustani ... A new an men. [A Christian tract, edition, revised in the form of dialogues between a her and corrected by . . . C. R. 1861. 8°. mother and son.] 122. Lodiana, 1863. 16°. 14112. c. 11. pp. In Roman characters. BIND. See Muhammad Khan. 14104. a. 4 (2.)

    BOBEBTS (A.) See li^mK.- Legislative Council. BULDU BAM. See Madhavaxanda SarasvatT. t_jlsaj c:-^j^ t_->ls^ [Mahtab i ma'rifat. iAx^ . . Translated . ^UtSXl [Legislative Acts passed for the Punjab from the Sanskrit by R. R.] 8°. from 1836 to 1870. Compiled as [1877.] far as 1869 by T. W. Smyth, and continued to 1870 14106. b. 10 (7.) by A. R.] [1870-72.] 4°. [Si-harfl. Lsl/*" L<^ A poem, each verse 14106. f. 15. beginning with one of the letters of the alphabet.] BOEBUCK (Thomas). See Abu al-FAzi. ibn Mu- pp. 10, /«'

    301 RUM—RUS RUS-SAD 302

    RUM. ilyi ^li^^M*^! if^lftlMi. [Another edition in RUSUM i HIND. [Another edition.] pp. 246, lith. the Gujarati character.] pp. 47, lith. ^"Mt/ W^X .^1 iAvv= [Lahore, 1874.] 8°. {Bombay, 1874.] 8°. 14119. c. 27 (1.) 14112. a. 19 (1.) RUSWi. See Ahmad Hasan.

    M^j aLijb ^ imI [Lucknoto,lBQ2.'] 8". \_Bombay, 1874.] 8°. 14119. e. 10 (3.) 14112. b. 26 (2.) [IjSd i Rangln. Moral tales in [Another edition. "With a short poem called cJ^J '-*WC^ verse.] pp. 31, lith. i tav [Lucknow, 1870.] 8". Musafir-niimah.] pp. 16, lith. lJ-^'^ [Delhi, 14119. c. 30 (2.) 1876.] 8°. SABA. See Govindalala. 14119. d. 3 (4.)

    [Another edition, illustrated.] 16, lith. i pp. SABA:& SAIiIS. ^/u-Lj JU-j Subuq-i-sulees : Intro- Jjbj [Delhi, 1876 ?] 8°. ductory exercises for translation from Hindoostanee 14114. b. 20 (4.) into English . . . Compiled for Bishop Corrie's BUMI. See Jalal al-DlN, Rutm. Grammar school, pp. 78, lith. Madras, 1860. 4°. RUPAKRISHNA, and AMARAlfATHA. ^J \^^ 14112. d. 13. [Sabhii i farrukh. A drama in verse.] pp. 16, lith. SABHAPATI SVAMI. J ^'r- JH' jJjbJ lAAr [2)e//«, 1882.] 8°. j5_Jc.-« tiJUU. [Yog! Sabhapati SvamI ke 14114. a. 27 (3.) ^^j halat. An account of the life of S. B,TrRKI.—Tho))iason Civil Engineering College. ^JLj. S., published by the Rohilkhand Theosophical Society.] pp. 8, lith. i^j'i^ • ^J^ ^^ j\j ^iSj;j ,\yJ\j ^fT • • Papers Ijjj [Bareilly, 1883.] 8°. prepared for the use of the Thomason College, " " 14109. b. 22 (2.) Roorkee. No. i. Materials. (No. ii. Strength of SABZ. See Lakhpati Ra'e. materials.) Translated by Munnoo Lall. pp. 74, 67. Roorkee, 1858. 8°. SA'D ALLAH. See 'Ishk 'AlT, called Shah.

    14117. c. 2. SA'D al-DIN. See Mahmud ibn Faiz Allah, Safiz. Papers prepared for the use of the Thomason •J\ i^\yA\j j\^\ [Izhar al-hakk wal-sawab. Civil Engineering College, Roorkee. Elements of ^J^\ Compiled with the assistance of S. al-D.] 8°. Hindoostanee grammar, pp. 28. Roorkee, 1872. 8°. [1872.] 14117. b. 19. 14119. e. 23 (1.) SADASUKHA LALA. See 'Abd Technical dialogues in English and Urdu. , al-RAHnr ibn 'Abd al-KARiM, Prepared for the use of the students of the Thomason Safipun. ic^j^ cuLiJ 'k^^^.s^ Civil Engineering College, Roorkee [by A. M. B.] [Majmu'ah i lughat i 'Arbl. A translation by S. L. of 'Abd al-Rahlm's Arabic-Persian dictionary entitled . . . ^kiii j_y>-)lktfl [Istiliihl guft-gu.] Fourth edition, Muntaha al-arab.] [1877.] 8°. pp. viii. 144. Roorkee, 1877. 8°. 14589. b. 8. 14117. d. 38. See Bengal.—Board A vocabulary of common and technical words, of Revenue. ^Jij\ sj^^ [Kawa'id i abkarl. Translated by S. L.] 8°. in English-Oordoo, designed chiefly for the use of [1878.] students of the Thomason C. E. College, and 14106. e. 22. European subordinates in the P. W. Department, See Muhammad Sher KhIx. iL-jAJi* t—^ j J. [by G. M.] pp. 68. Roorkee, 1871. 8°. jL>-l [Farhang, or Notes on the Guldastah i akhlak 14117. c. 2 (2.) ofS. L.] [1881.] 8°.

    i Pars. 639 RUSffM HIND. ,x^ *^^ [Rusum i Hind. A (13.) work on the Hindu and Muhammadan races of See SivANARAYAN A, Deputy Inspector of Schools. India, together with several Indian tales.] 5 pt. cyl«--lj *Lc

    I All [iaAore .? 1869.] 8°. S. L.] [1861.] 8°, 14112. b. 18. 14119. e. 14 (10 303 SAD SAD 304

    SADASUKHA LALA. See Sivanarayana. ['Ilm SADASUKHA LALA. JoJo Jrjj [Tarikh i Hind. i tabl'ySt. Translated by S. L.] [1864.] 8°. A history of India from the earliest times, compiled 14119. e. 20 (7.) from various English sources.] pp. 112, iv. lith. Grammar for beginners. Adapted and trans- 8°. »i^ I Alp [Lucknow, 1864.] lated into Urdu [from Allen and Cornwell's Englisb 14119. c. 13 (1.) for the use of native students, by School Grammar] _JiLii<*]l i^sj [Tazkirat al-mashahlr. Bio- Lall. (juilyiJl ^.lii^) [MiftSh al- . , . Sudasukh graphical sketches of celebrated men in ancient and iM'-el [Allahabad, kawa'id.] 3 pt. ^Jjj libWI modern history. Translated from the English by RurH, 1860-59.] 12°. S. L.] 6 pt. lith. lAcv-v [Allahabad, 1857-60.] 12°. Pt. i. was printed at Allahabad, and is of the 5th edition. 8°. and Ft. a. and Hi. at Rurki, and of the 4th edition. Pt. i.-iv. are of the 2nd edition, and 8°. si%e; 14117. aa. 2. Pt. V. and vi. of the first, and 12°.

    14117. a. 18. [Another edition.] .ysill lAir-ic [Laho7'e,

    1862-65.] 12°. [Another edition of pt. 1-4 only.] Lith. ,^'i 14117. aa. 3. iAT-11 [Lahore, 1860-61.] 8°. ij^^ &:-.;Air [Guldastah i akhliiK. Moral 14117. d. 10. advice.] Pt. I. pp. 80, lith. lAer [Allahabad, ij"'^ J>^^ <'^^) [UsQl I nakkiishl. The 1853.] 12°. elements of drawing, translated by S. L. from articles 14106. a. 2. in Dr. Hunter's Madras Journal of Art.] 2 pt. lith. [Another edition.] Pt. I. pp. 57, lith. jUdll lAoi [AUahabad, 1859.] 8°. 8°. j^i I AT [Lahore, I860.] Pt. ii. is of the 2nd edition. 14119. c. 3 (6.) 14119. 0. 13 (6.) [Another edition.] 2 pt. pp. 64, 104, lith. SA'DI. See Ishak. |^li*ulf j\j\i]\ 1A1V-V [Allahabad, 1867-60.] 8°. Muhammad C-CaJ [Farhang i Gulistan. A vocabulary of the words Pt. i. is of the 6th, pt. ii. of the 2nd edition. occurring 14106. a. 6. in Chapter i. of Sa'dl's Gulistan.] [1878.] 8°. J^l iU2^ SiJ> i.^\jk=^ [Jughraflyah i Hind. 14117. b. 29 (3.) Geography of India.] Pt. i. pp. 38, lith. ii^\ iabi See Muhammad MuhT al-DlN, Munshi. [Agra, 1859.] 8°. Hulluloqud. glossary [of the 'Ikd i gul, 14119. c. 10 (7.) A ... or first four chapters of the Gulistan of Sa'dl, and the [Another edition.] 2 pt. lith. .Jn'i iAii-ir 'Ikd i manzum, or selections from the Biistan of the [Lahore, 1861-63.] 8°. same author.] 1879. 8°. 14117. d. 16 (1.) 14117. b. 29 (4.) JuiljJ . . i^Jjj^\ . [Kawa'id i Angrezi.] [Bustan. moral poem English Primer, prepared for the use of beginners. (V^^*^ t^J^ ijj'^'-^y. A Fifth edition, pp. 38. Agra, 1867. 12°. in Persian, with a Hindustani interlineary trans-

    lation in verse by Govindaprasada.] 332, lith. 14119. a. 9 (2.) pp. lAVA [Cawnpore, 1878.] 8°. ^^li^JXil ^j\yj.nis:^ [Mukhtasar tawarikh i Pars. 650 (2.) Inglistan. An abridged history of England.] pp.72, jJ,\ [Another edition. With lith. ^y^^lA1. [iaAore, I860.] 12°. ^J^ li)^^ 14119. a. 8 (5.) a Hindustani interlineary translation in verse by

    WilSyat i ava [Another edition.] pp. 34, lith. .^il tAie 'All.] pp. iv. 332, lith. y^ [Luck- [Lahore, 1865.] 8°. now, 1878.] 8°. Pers. 651 14119. b. 7 (6.) (2.) ~- i.,\. >.i.ij-O i [Mukhtasar [Bustan i sair i U^ U^jV ^. '—'i/^ '^'^^ u^^'^ Inglistan. Another edition of the preceding under Hind, also called Baharistiin i kartan. The Bustan difEerent title. a Fourth edition.] pp. 64, lith. translated in verse by Muhammad Ubaid al- Rahman.] 12°. j\j\ii\ [Allahabad, 186Q?] pp. 228, /iY/i. ^^jirAi [Vellore, 1874.} 8°. 14109. a. 10 (2.) 14114. b. 8. 305 SAD SAD 306

    SA'DI. ^\j Aji^ [Diliiriim i Riizl. The Bfistiin SA'DI. ^\j j\Jj, [Nigar i RiizT. The Gulistiin, translated into verse by Jiinl Biharl Liil Razl.] translated into verse by JanI Bihiirl Lai RazT.] pp. 127, Uih. »/l lAvi lAgra, 1879.] 4'. pp. 40, lith. ij\ {Agra, 1879.] 4^

    14114. d. 10 (1.) 14114. d. 10 (2.)

    i^ls-jy (JuLi?Ci-» [Muntakhabiit, or Selections fJcM^ ij:—.^ [Nakhat i Gulistiin. A prose from the Biistiin, with a Hindustani translation by translation of the 7th and 8th chapters of the

    Kamar al-Din Khan on alternate pages.] pp. 180, lith. Gulistiin, by Muhammad "Wajh Alliih Khan.] lith. 8°. j^i I Air {Lahore, 1863.] 8°. pp. 79, oWjI^ {Moradahad, 1876.]

    Pars. 47. 14119. c. 20 (6.)

    ^jl'-.MiS <_jla^ [Gulistan. jjjl \ifi^ i'^_} uVj ^ *'>>-/

    Muhammad Isma'Il.] pp. 442. i:^ i rvr \Cahutta, pages.] pp. iii, lith. j^Sii lAir {Lahore, 1863.] 8°.

    1857.] 8°. Pars. 264 (4.) Pers. 643. t^Ji*~i irOi .j L^-jj^ [Another edition, with the ICatmpore, 1878.] 8°. RahTma.] 20, lith. 'r^v {Cawnpore, Pers. 650 (1.) pp. jy^^ I860.] 12°. « [A reprint of the preceding.] i av {Cawnpore, Pars. 261 (3.) 1879.] 8°. J J -5 [Another edition. Pers. 651 (1.) t».-.>- |j_». With a tazmin, or poetical amplification by Wall (-r'^ ^ ijlij/ [The eighth chapter of ^J')^\ Muhammad Nazir, and the Rahlma on the margin.] the Gulistiin, with a Hindustani translation by pp. 52, lith. irir {Bombay, 1875.] 8°. Kamar al-Din Khan.] pp. 59, lith. j^l lAif 14114. b. 25. [Lahore, 1864.] 8°.

    14117. a. 19. n«v>il^ i^HMl ^ '.felll [The preceding in

    Gujarati characters.] pp. 52, lith. 'A.'*\^ \3,fe-3 The Rose Garden of Hindoostan ; translated [Bombay, 1880.] 8°. from Shykh Sadee's original Nursery or Persian 14114. c. 31. Goolistan of Sheeraz, by Meer Sher TJlee Ufsos . . , under the direction and superintendence of J. Gil- Uj^ i_^Juu.» [Another edition. With the christ. {^jj\ ^) [B5g^ i Urdu.] 2 vol. Calcutta, poetical amplification by Wall Muhammad Nazir, 1802. 8°. and followed by four short poems by the same 14114. b. 1. author.] pp. 24, lith. laj {Delhi, 1876.] 8°.

    Rose garden of Hindoostan, translated Pars. 614 (8.) by Meer Sher Ulee Ufsos under the superintendence i—Jjit^ (•*rr^ ^~^ [Another edition. With of J. Gilchrist, pp. 266, vii. lith. Madras, 1844. 8°. an anonymous Hindustani translation.] pp. 32, lith. 14114. a. 5. jy^^ irn {Caimpore, 1880.] 8°.

    tjx^ ^Jc^ [Another edition, without the The Hindustani translation in tins edition is different from prefatory matter.] that entitled Rahlmd. pp. 260, lith. ^JL^-o i nv Pars. 709 ^i^ • (8.) {Bombay, 1851.] 8°. •

    14114. b. 6. SADIK. See 'Abd al-HAKK. 39 308 307 SAD—SAJ SAJ-SAM

    {G.)Barrister- '^\ JjiuiJi SADR al- ISLAM KHAN. >See Norton SAJJAD HUSAIN. ^ ^U! f*J\ of Justice of the at-Law. Epitome of the duties a Jl [Al-rumh al-maskul. A Shl'ah treatise.] Jj-j la-«) Islam Peace in India . . . translated ... by Sudrool pp. 220, lith. jX^ MAT [Lucknow, 1882.] 8°. 1851. 12°. Khan. 14104. e. 30 (7.) 14106. dd. 9.

    SAKHAWAT 'ALI. ^J,1 [Sakhawat- 8°. 1876.] namah. Anecdotes in verse on liberality.] pp. 6, 14114. b. 26. lith. .^1^ tAvr [CaM'w^ore, 1873.] 8°. SAPI. See MuMiN Husain. 14119. b. 16 (2.) SAPINAT al-NAJAT. A^\ L [Saflnat SALADIN, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. J^"^ ci;U^ al-najat, or The ship of salvation. A Christian ^^jJI [Wafat i Muslih al-Din, or The death of tract.] pp. 24, lith.

    14104. e. 31 (2.) _jj dJ-« [Marsiyahs.] 2 vol. lith. ^-i-fiU IAV6-V1 [Lucknow, 1875-76.] 8°. SA'ID al-ZAMAN, Hdji. Begin. Jj-^l f'^^^ ^ 14114. c. 14. lj,{".,"'U i~u.c mS\^ Uj s^'ss^ [A collection of forty traditions in Arabic, compiled with a Hindustani SALAMAT ALLAH. See Muhammad Salamat

    translation and marginal commentary by S. al-Z.] Allah, called KashfT. pp. 28, lith. ^^L^j irif [Bombay, 1878.] Fol. SALIH MUHAMMAD, Usmanl. CLi\j}i.A\ j-^^- 14521. d. 8. [Jami' al-hikayat. A collection of anecdotes, in SAIPI. See Nadir 'AlT Shah. nine chapters, exemplifying moral virtues.] pp. 155, See Waris *AlT. lAci [Bombay, 1856.] 8°. 14112. a. 7 (1.) SAIYAH. See Dad Khan,

    SALIH MUSA ZARIB. L.^.7cLj if^J—s [Salat tu- SAJJAD 'ALI.

    14104. 6. 30 (6.) 14119. b. 5 (3.) —

    309 SAM—SAN SAN—SAU 310

    SAMBHUNATHA. See Gopala, Son of Rdmasa- SANKAEADAYlLU, called Farhat. See Pu-

    - [Gaijesa- hdya. ^^T^Hcirni [Vediirthaprakasa, translated by RANAS. Oanempurdna. *»l3i-« ^J'Ji ^" ^ S.] [1878.] 4°. purana, translated into verse by S.] [1868.] 8°. 14033. d. 13. 14119. e. 16 (6.) The Student's friend, or a vocabulary of

    See TulasTdasa. ^j.! Jaj ^^jUI . [Ramayana, Hindustani and English words in verso by . . Shimbhu Nath. (Ula!\ k^^") [Muhibb al-tulaba, translated into verse by S.] [1866.] 8°. also entitled flj^ ^?fT) Sishya suhrit.] pp. xiii. 125. 14119. e. 17 (1.) Agra, 1877. 8°. ^_L«K ij:->^j\ [Adbhuta Ramayana. Tales In Persian and Nagari characters. in verse from the Ramayana. Second edition.] 14117. b. 9 (3.) pp. 20, lith. yif\ lAvr \LucknoWf 1873.] 8^ SAMBHU BAYA. ; •- ^- i-.L.»^lj [B.Trah- ^\j j { 14119. e. 26 (2.) miisah.] See Ghunchah i dil. Jj tsxs. p. 9. [1876.] 8°. ^L) *jj [Premasiigara. A verse adaptation 14119. d. 6 (9.) of the Hindi work of Lallu liil.] pp. 63, lith.

    SAMSAM al-HAKK. U>J li iJ,' *>J-,^ JoJ_j [Lucknow } im^^ 8°. 'J j (»LjlJ.al ^IjJli. [Objections to a Bill introduced 14106. b. 6 (1.) in the Viceregal Council, on the subject of the ^t.Jl>- t::-*^ [Shakta chalTsI. A tantric

    Muhammadan law of inheritance.] pp. 16, lith. poem in forty stanzas, in praise of Durga.] pp. 8, lith.

    [Fatna, 8°. 8<^. Ail) 1880.] y4^ I Avr [Lucknow, 1873.] 14106. e. 19 (7.) 14119. c. 19 (2.)

    SANA AIiLAH, itdzi, Pdnipatl. |*V-*J1 ^La_)j>.*- -UJl i-_a_lu^ [Kashf iJi'ij' 14119. e. 3 (8.) al-hiijat. A work on prayer and ceremonial ob- [Another edition.] 176, lith. ti^L-j servances, being a translation by Muhammad Nur pp. [Sialkot, 1876.] 12°. al-Din of the Persian Mala i badmanah of S. A.] 14106. a. 8. 8°. pp.96, lith. ^ I All [Lucknow, 1869.] JjjM^^j^ [Sivasahasranama. thousand 14119. e. 4 (4.) A [Another edition. Followed by a poem on names of Siva in verse, in the Nagari and Persian

    •- heinous sins, called Guniih i kabir, and four other characters.] pp. 16, lith. j ^ ^ ) irii [Lucknow, religious treatises on the margin.] pp. 96, lith. 1874.] 8°.

    [Delhi, 1872 PJ 8°. 14106. b. 8 (1.) 14119. e. 25 (6.) SAEDHA BAM. See NavInachandra SAN'AT. See KarTm al-DTx. Raya. %|7^^]fj^^ u-Cl.. \A^j *yij • • • Dharma raksha SANKAHA ACHABYA. ^^jLfc .^xxj *Jjj i-^j-i satik . . . [being a reply to S. R.'s Dharma-raksha.] ^jA\ [Brahma-bodha, also called Iladl al-'irfan. 1877. 8°. translation of S. A.'s Atmabodha, by Lala Simha. A 14106. b. 11. Accompanied on the margin by Mahtab i ma'rifat, i^j\iiU »jS>ii

    14160. b. 10 (7.) SATJDA. See Muhammad RafT'. 311 SAU—SEL SEL-SHA 312

    abridgement of the SATTNBERS (AubreY William Ogilvie). Manual SELLAN ( ) Bev. An of Musketry Instruction for the native army of Holy Scriptures, by the Rev. Mr. Sellan . . . trans- lated into Hindoostanee. Jl^l -ai.=^ i^^/« jJL* t_>la^) India; together with . . . papers on musketry ( Calcutta, 1822. 8°. subjects, in English and Hindustanee . . . New and pp. 353. 14104. 0. 1. revised edition, pp. iii. 672. Bangalore, 1878. 8"^. 14106. dd. 15. SHAD. See 'AlI Muhammad.

    Manual of Musketry Instruction, em- A SHADI LAL, Ra'is of Sikandarabad. (_i,U-y *^-> adapted to the latest edition of bracing a catechism [Dharmaprachiiraka. A treatise on religious ob-

    Regulations for native troops . . . with the Musketry servances, and hymns to Hindu gods, taken from for Armourers ... in Hindustani. instructions the Sanskrit Achariidarsa of Sridatta tlpadhyaya.] Second edition, pp. 274. Bangalore, 1879. 12°. 3 pt. lith. i\\^\jS>-^ IGhijramvala, 1876.] 8°. 14106. d. 15. One of the series entitled " ZakMrah i Rafah i 'amm."

    SAUNDEES (R. F.) See Periodical Publica- 14119. a. 13 (1.) tions. — Ghazipur. Discoveries of science ... A [Another copy.] 8°. monthly magazine ; conducted by R. F. S. 1877. 14119. b. 22 (9.)

    14117. d. 37. SKADI LAL, called Chaman. See Arabian Nights. SCHULTZE (Benjamin). See Bible.—Old Testa- Aj hv t ^

    Indostanicam translatum a . . . B. S. 1747. 8°. 14112. e. 9. 1410. g. 2. SHAFA'AT ALLAH. i--ol^ &j\yi [Tariinah i New Testament. Novum Jesu Christi ghara'ib. Tales in verse, being a paraphrase of the Testamentum in linguam Indostanicam translatum i 'aja'ib of 'All lith. aB. S. 1758. 8°. Fasanah Rajab Beg.] pp. 232, 1005. b. 13. Mj>\j^ irli [Moradabad, 1879.] 8°. 14114. c. 26. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, See Academies, etc.— Aligarh. SHAH. See 'Ishk 'AlT.

    SCOTT (Thomas Jefferson) D.B. See Bakh- SHAHID. See Ghulam Imam.

    TAWAR Singh. ^niT^fWrT II [Satyadharma- SHAHIDI. See Karamat 'AlT Khan. vichara. A report of a religious controversy between Dayananda Sarasvati, and T. J. Scott and SHAHJAHAN BEGAM, Buler of the State ofBhopal. others.] [1880.] 8°. The Taj-ul Ikbal Tarikh Bhopal ; or the History of

    Hindi. 456 (1.) Bhopal. By H. H. the Nawab Shahjahan . . . Trans- [into t_v ,« . ] L::-^.-JLi«J [Satyasatyaviveka. lated English from the Hindustani] by H. C. A work containing the substance of a religious Barstow. pp. viii. 240. Calcutta, 1876. 8°. controversy between Dayananda Sarasvati and 760. h. 7. T. J. S.] 8°. [1879.] SHAH RAHMAN. See Rahman, Shah. 14104. e. 19 (8.) SHAH-ZADAH. uu^,!^ »jh&li> [Shah-zadah The science of logic. Kawaif-ul-mantiq, etc. ^ [In English and Romanized Urdu. Second edition.] ki hikayat, or The Story of the king's son. A pp. xi. 298. Lucknow, 1879. 12°. Christian tract.] pp. 23, lith.

    14117. b. 28 (3.) Poet. See IlahT Bakhsh.

    ijuJLa lJ\::^ [Eitab i sails. A collection of Writer on Caligraphy. See Harivamsaprasada. anecdotes short tales and for children.] pp. 36, lith. [Meerut, 1874.] 8° SHAIKH JANGLi. See Madar Bakhsh, Shaikh,

    14112. a. 20 (1.) called JanglT. .

    313 SHA SHA 314

    SHAJA'AT 'ALi, Chishtl. ^La^l t_^ [Zarb al- SHAMLAH. Bag o Bahar le jardin et Ic printemps. Poeme hindoustani [by Shamlah] traduit en fran^ais samsiim. Muhammadan arguments against the par Garcin do Tassy. Paris, 1878. 8°. Christian religion.] pp. 16, lith. .uSj irle [Patna, The half title it headed " Publications de VicoU det 1878.] 8°. langues orientates vivantes." 14104. f. 4 (4.) 14112. c. 27.

    called TasallT. jr^j ^j^b lys?^ SHAJA'AT 'ALI, SHAMS al-DIN, Maulavi. See Ghulam 'AlT, called

    [Mu'jizah i himi waghairah. Accounts in verse of AzAD. Jl |» jl r^la^ [Mazhar i adam. A translation Muhammad.] miracles said to have been performed by by Sh. al-D. of the Arabic Subhat al-marjiin.] lith. [Delhi, 1873.] 8°. pp. 8, JJ^J [1878.] 8°. 14119. d. 4 (16.) 14119. d. 14 (6.)

    [Another edition.] pp. 8, lith. ^Uj [Delhi, SHAMS al-DIN, called Fakir. fj^\s.»- *..«.j>-^ 1877.1 8°. Lii^hW [Hadii'ik al-balaghat. A work on rhetoric, 14119. d. 10 (10.) versification, and prosody, translated by Imiim Bakhsh Sahbii'I from the Persian of Sh. al-D.]

    pp. 192, lith. lAA. [Lucknow, 1880.] 8°. [Mu'jizah i sar i mubiirak i Imam Husain, or an ^ account of the miraculous lustre that proceeded from 14119. f. 19. the head of Husain, after its decapitation. Also SHAMS al-DIN AHMAD, Mttnshl. See Arabian Shahiidat-namah, a poem on the martyrdoms of Nights. Hikayautool Jaleelah. Translation of

    Hasan and Husain.] See Majmu'ah i mu'jizat. Alfalylattinolielah, called Arabian Nights ... by Jl ^j^^ pp. 9 and 10. [1873.] 8°. Moonshy Shumsooddeen Uhmed. [1836.] 8°.

    14119. c. 32 (11.) 14112. b. 6.

    (JuU>-Ish1 j-«o^ »lf,jj cyU>-L.» [Munajat ba- SHAMS al-DIN AHMAD, Saiyid.

    760. f. 10. 14117. d. 44 (2.)

    Muntakhabat-i-Hindl, or Selections in Hindu- SHAMS al-UMARA, Nizam of Hyderabad. Bio- stani [from the Ara'ish i mahfil of Sher 'All Afsos, graphy. See Muhammad Ghulam Imam Khan, Sihr al-bayiln, Singhasan battlsl, Baital-pachlsl, called HiJR ibn Muhammad. Biography of Nuwab Fables, and Dialogues in English and Hindustani] Shums-ool-omra Bahadur. With a verbal translation and grammatical analysis SHAMS al-UMABA, Writerof tales. See Muhammad of some part. (^_^XJt> cuLsru^) 2 vol. London, MuhT al-DlN. 1817-18. 4°. 760. g. 1. SHAMSHER. See MahdT Hasan, Mir. SHAKIB. See 'Ala' al-Dm. SHAM SUNDAB LA'L. See Syamasundara L.Ila. SHAMIM. See Eamsaruf. SHARI' al-TA'LIM. *Jjdl c ^Li [Shiiri' al-ta'llm.

    SHAMLAH. h • ,^ j^j ^Lyj J i\j [Bagh bahiir A treatise on the expediency of teaching Persian to manzum. A paraphrase in verse of Mir Amman's native scholars, and hints as to the best method of

    Hindustani version of the Bagh o bahiir.] pp. 83, lith. imparting instruction.] pp. 76, lith. .^1 uii

    I TAP [Lucknow, 1866.] 8°. [Lahore, 1861.] 8°. 14119. e. 3 (4.) 14117. a. 16 (2.) 40 ;

    315 SHA—SHE SHE 316

    SHARIR. See KarTm al-DiN, Panjdhl. SHER 'ALT, called Afsos. The Araisb-i-mahfil

    . . . translated by M. H. Court. . • . Second edition, SHATJK. See Tasadduk Husain Khan. revised and corrected, pp. vi. 198. Calcutta, 1882. 8°. SHECK M. ROSHTJN. See Muhammad Roshan. 14112. 0. 34.

    SHEPTAH, Moralist. See Auhad al-DiN Ahmad. J_Ls^ (./u-jU or Assemblage of Ornament. Nawdh, of Delhi. See Mustafa Khan. Ten sections of a description of India, being tbe most interesting portion of J. Shakespear's Mun- SHER 'Alii, called Afsos. See 'Izzat Allah. takhabat-i-Hindl. . . . Translated from tbe Hindoo- Gooli Bukawulee, a tale translated from tlie Persian. stanee and accompanied with notes, explanatory and [Revised by Sh. 'A.] 1804. 4°. grammatical, by N. L. Benmohel. xviii. 49. 14112. d. 3. pp. Dublin, 1847. 8°. 1815. 8° 760. f. 10. 14112. b. 3. SHER SHAH, Sultan of Delhi. Chroniqtie. See See Sa'dT. The Rose garden of Hindoostan 'Abbas Khan, Sarmnl. Un chapitre de I'histoire translated from Shj'kh Sadee's . . . Persian Goolistan de rinde, etc. by Sher Ulee Ufsos. 1802. 8°. 14114. 1. b. SHERRING (Matthew Atmoke). See Mather - 1844. 8°. i Kitab i . . . ( ) Mrs. Lugat muqaddas. Revised 14114. a. 5. and edited by M. A. S. 1875. 8°. Araish-i muhfil, being a bistory in tbe 14104. d. 5. Hindoostanee language of tbe Hindoo princes of i_JjyiJl cl3\.\a£ ['Imarat al-ma'ruf. Places Dihlee from Joodishtur to Pitboura. Compiled from and objects of historical interest.] Edited by M. A. S. tbe Kboolasut-ool-Hind \_i.e. tbe Kbuliisat al- pp. 103. jyjj^ t^T [Mirzapur, I860.] 8°. tawarlkb, a Persian work by Sujan Ra'e of Patialah] No. ii. of the " Mirzapore Educational Boohs. Urdu Series." and otber autborities, by Meer Sber Ulee Ufsos. 14117. d. 11 (2.) pp. 310, xxi. Calcutta, 1808. 4°. 14112. d. 4. Al Kitdb ke maqdmdt ul mariif. [Famous places mentioned in the Bible.] Edited by M. A. S. [Anotber edition.] pp. 220. K-:>.0_$' ia^a pp. 104. Mirzapore, 1860. 8°. [Calcutta, 1848.] 4°. iVb. i. the "Mirzapore Educational Books. Roman 14112. e. 7. of Urdu Series." Tbe Araisb-i-mabfil, printed for tbe use of 14104. 6. 5 (1.) tbe junior members of Her Majesty's Indian Civil ^^y^\ Aj^ [Mir'at al-harakat. Remark- and Military services. Tbird edition, revised and able facts in physical geography.] Edited by corrected [and containing an English preface] by M.A. S. pp.70, jyjj^ i^T IMirzapur, 1861.] 8°. W. Nassau Lees. pp. viii. 300. Calcutta, 1863. 8°. No. V. of the "Mirzapore Educational Booh. Urdu Series." 14112. a. 14. 14117. d. 11 (5.) [Selections from tbe Ara'ish i mahfil.] See fcj^JjLil T-j-i-^ [Mufarrih al-kulub. An Shakespear (J.) Muntakhabat-i-Hindl. 1817-18. 4°. instructive reading book. Edited by M. A. S.] 760 g. 1. ">•• [Mirzapur, Second edition, pp. 98. j}i})j^ Extracts from tbe Araishi Muhfil. See I860.] 8°. Hindustani Selections. Hindee and Hindoostanee No. iv. of the "Mirzapore Educational Boohs. Urdu Series." Selections . . . Vol. ii. 1830. 4°. 14117. d. 11 (4.) 760. g. 12. [Mimtakhab al-'ilm. Lessons The Araisb-i-mahfil, or tbe Ornament of tbe Edited M. A. S. Second Assembly, literally translated [into English] from the in arts and sciences.] by 8°. 106. ' ^"i • [Mirzapur, I860.] Oordoo by M. H. Court, pp. xviii. 354. Allahabad, edition, pp. j^U^

    1871. 8°. No. i. of the "Mirzapore Ediccational Boohs. Urdu, Series."

    760. f. 14117. d. 11 (1.) r

    317 SHE—snu snu—siv 318

    SHERBINQ (Matthew Atmore). cyUl^-». J^ SHUBMAN (J. A.) Tdrikh mutaqaddimin o mu-

    [Niziim i haiwiinat. Studies in natural history.] taakhkhirin ki. [A compendium of ancient and modern history, in the Edited by M. A. S. pp. 241. jyi}jj^ " '>il° [Mirzapur, Roman character.] Pt. i. 1864.] 8°. pp. 124. Allahabad, 1851. 8". 14109. a. S. iVb. vi. of the" Mirzapore Educational Books. Urdu Seriet." SIHB. See Aman 'Al7. 14117. d. 11 (6.)

    SIKANDAB. f^'^l^fl ^iffiMI [Riwayat Shuhrat ul mozhab ul Masih. [The spread ynHMl Fatimii Sugrunl, or story Sugra, of Christianity in heathen lands.] Edited by The of the chieftain's daughter. Together M. A. S. pp. 78. Mii-zapore, 1862. 8°- with other short poems in the Gujarati character.] 31, lith. No. ii. of the "Mirzapore Educational Hooks. Urdu Roman pp. '^•^iT IL'XI Seriet." {Bombay, 1875.] 8°. 14104. e. 5 (2.) 14112. a. 19 (2.)

    ^^,-JjLJ! ij^sJ [Tazkirat al-'akilln. B 10- SIBAJ al-DlN. jjy^ ^ u**^ J"*^ [Nakl i graphical sketches of the lives of James Watt, Sir majlis, or Anecdotes of the Persian court. With

    William Jones, Benjamin Franklin, John Howard, illustrations.] pp. 64, lith. [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. Sir John Franklin, and Columbus.] Edited by 14119 d. 5 (19.) M. A. S. Second edition, 64. ''^'" pp. jy^jy* SIBAJ al-DlN KHAN. it.^j. AHMAD t>r- » [Mirzapur, 1861.] 8°. i^x«jr< [Khulasah i shar' i Muhammadi. A short No. Hi. of the "Mirzapore Educational Books. Urdu Series." treatise on Muhammadan law.] pp. 29, lith. iaw 14117. d. 11 (3.) [Allahabad, 1877.] 8°.

    SHIFA'i. See Muzaffar, Shi/a'l. 14104. e. 19 (2.)

    SHIHAB al-DIN TALISH (Ahmad ibn Muhammad SIBAT al- ISLAM. Jl ^^Ol Ll^ [Siratal-Islam. A WalT). Tarikh-i Asham. R^cit de I'expedition de collection of precepts and traditions on the principles Mir-Djumlah [in the year 1662 a.d.] aupays d'Assam, of the Muhammadan religion. With marginal notes traduit sur la version hindoustani de Mir-Hu^aini and occasional Arabic quotations.] pp. 60, lith. [of the Persian Fathlyah i 'ibratlyah of Sh. al-D. t.] y^ \'>'^f [Lucknow, 1874.} 8°. 14119. 6. 22 parT. Pavie. pp. xxxi. 312. Pans, ^w^ers, [printed] (7.) 8°. 1845. SITABAMA, Munshi. ^Jiu.s^jlsf-]

    SHiWAN . See Muhammad Ja'far 'AlT, SITABAMA, Sabahddr. jb

    SHUJA' al-DIN. iJis\ u-iii [Kashf al-khulasah. of a native officer of the Bengal army, originally Directions in verse on prayer, alms-giving and other compiled in English by J. T. Norgate, under the religious observances.] pp. 28, Kth. j

    SIVADEHAIiA. ^^ytJ: SHUMS-OOL-OMBA. See Shams al-IJMAKA, Nizam ^\;^ '^W J J^^ ^^J of Hyderabad. [Su'al o jawab i jughrafiyah i tab'I. A catechism of physical geography, being a translation by Alliih SHTJBMAN (J. A.) See Bible.—Appendix. The of a Hindi work by S., based upon Lakshml- proper names in the Old and New Testaments, Bakhsh sankara Misra's Priikritika bhugolachandrikii.] rendered into Urdu and Hindi. [By J. A. S.] lith. .^.Cj lAVA [Lucknow, 1878.] 8°. 1850. 4°. pp. 49, 3061. g. 5. 14117. a. 6 (3.) 319 srv SIV 320

    SIVAGOPALA. t_-^Uf cljU-uJ-L [tilismat I SIVANABAYANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools. 'aja'ib. Medicinal recipes, interpretations of dreams liJUl Jl»L« [Mufid al-insha, A Hindustani letter-

    and charms. Followed by illustrations of wonderful writer.] pp. 41, /iVA. y^ I All [Lucknow,lSQQ.'\ 8°. forms of men and animals.] pp.40, lith. ^jljsJ '^^r 14119. b. 11 (6.) [Delhi, 1882.] 8°. SIVANARAYANA AGNIHOTBI. Jftr j^l ^_-^&j^ 14106. g. 9 (3.) [Mazhab aur 'akl, or Religion and reason. A Brah- SIVANABAYANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools. mist tract in the form of a dialogue.] pp. 22, lith. See Ghulam Hasanain. ij^y^js^ ['Itr i maj- Jss. jj&l lAAr [Lahore, 1882.] 12°. mu'ah. explanation of passages in Part I. of An 14104. a. 15 (2.) Sivanarayana's Majmu'ah i sukhan.] [1873.] 8°. SIVAPRASADA, Baja, C.S.L See Day (T.) 14114. b. 18. Author of " Sandford and Merton." The history of cijU-Jj «L: ^Lo, ['Ilm i tabl'yat. A treatise Sandford and Merton. Translated by Baboo Shiva on natural philosophy, translated by Sadasukha Prasad. 1855. 8°. Lala from Sivanarayana's Hindi Padarthavidyasara.] 14112. a. 4.

    8°. pp. 52, xii. \^^\ [Allahabad, l^QLI [I860.] 8°.

    14119. e. 14 (10.) 14119. e. 5 (6.)

    [Another edition.] pp. 49, lith. ^^ iMf See Kur'an.—Selections. The testimony borne [Lucknow, 1864.] 8°. by the Goran to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures 14119. 6. 20 (7.) . . . Translated by Baboo Shiva Prasad into Oordoo. 1861. 8°. iJjl - [Jughraflyah i Awadh. A geo- 14104. d. 1. graphical account of the Province of Oudh.]

    tAvif= 8°. See KuRBAN pp. 51, lith. y^ [Lucknow, 1874.] 'AlT. ^^ ijM ^c^ [Sachchi 15*^ ijtjk^li [Kasidan i shahl. The four bahadurl. True heroism, a tale translated S.] messengers. Allegorical stories translated from the by [1870.] 12°. English, with the assistance of T. B. Keen.] pp. 78, 14119. a. 6 (4.) lith. ij\ iA6^ [Agra, 1859.] 12°. 14117. a. 12 (1.) UJ Jrju

    cljUJ [Lughat i Farsl. history of India, being a translation of the author's jjj) liT--*^ Lf't'^ Paradigms of Persian verbs explained in Hindu- Hindi Itihiisa timiranasaka.] 2 pt. lith. jljldJl iaiv stani.] pp. 29, lith. ^^ lAvp [Lucknow, 1874.] 12°. [Allahabad, 1867.] 8°. i^. i. is the third edition. 14104. f. 10 (3.) of 14109. b. 7. ^j^ is-j^-s^ [Majmu'ah i sukhan. Selections [Another edition.] jIjIjJI iava-vi [Allahabad, from the works of Hindustani poets, with a glossary. 1878-79.] 8°. Compiled by S. with the assistance of Muhammad Pt. i. is of the second, and Pt. ii. of the fourth edition. Hakim al-Din, and Ghulam Hasanain.] Pt. i. 14109. a. 22. pp. ii. 107, lith. jjj^ I AVI [Caumpore, 1879.] 8°.

    14119. d. 41 (1.) i^ 1^ t-ji^ .jl J-j/fs- Chameli and Gulab.

    [Another edition.] 2 pt. .*—J^ 'aa., lAvr [A tale] for Indian girls, boys, ladies and gentlemen, [Cawnpore, 1880-72.] 8°. pp. 133, lith. ^ [Lucknow, 1868 ?] 8°. 14114. b. 13. 14119. 0. 14 (6.)

    I ;.

    321 SIV SIV 322

    SIVAPBASADA, Efu'a, C.S.I. [Another copy of SIVAPBASADA, Raja, C.S.I. Ui ^lysr (•^- ^3i>- Chbotil Jam-i-jah4n numa. [A geography of Asia, Pt. I.] 14119. b. 7 being a translation of the author's Hindi Chhota (2.) bhiigola hastiimalaka, abridged version an of his [Another edition.] 4 pt. lith. .^ iaii larger geography. Second edition.] pp. 53, lith. [Lahore, 1861.] 8°. jU

    14112. b. 16. ^Jj!>K!l ttly* [Mikra'at al-kiihilln] or A whip [Part I. Sixth edition.] pp. 32, lith. jUJl for the indolent. Extracted and translated from

    I AW [AlMabad, 1877.] 8°. " Life in earnest," by Babu Sivaprasad. pp. 41, lith. 14112. a. 10 (4.) iij\ lAoi [Agra, 1856.] 8". (JLi\iij^y^\ jJLjLL^- [Haliii'ik al-maujiidiit. 14106. a. 4 (1.) Lessons in natural philosophy, being a translation Subjects of examination in the Urdu language by Vamsldhara, assisted by ChiranjI Liil, of Siva- selected by Babu Sivaprasad, and appointed by the prasiTda's Hindi Vidyiinkura. Third edition.] pp. 96, senate of the Calcutta University for the Entrance lith. i^\ lAjA {Agra, 1858.] 8°. examination. (^^^Li*) [Maziimln. Second edition.] 14119. b. 11 (2.) pp. 189, lith. Allahabad, 1878. 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 96, lith. .^ lAif 14117. d. 40. \Lahore, 1864.] 8°. JUt^l fjijti [Ta'llm al-atfal, or Instruction 14119. c. 14 (8.) for children. A translation by Devlprasiida of Siva- [Another edition.] 91, lith. .^ iaio pp. prasilda's Hindi Balabodha.] pp. 20, lith. ^^ lAvr 8°. \Lahore, 1865.] [Lucknow, 1872.] 12°. 14119. c. 13 (3.) 14119. a. 6 (2.)

    [Another edition.] 101, lith. y^^ lAvr pp. Ijcj^l tUj.:^ ^^ U-Ji ^}^ [Tawarikh i [Lucknotv, 1872.] 8°. kalisa min haia al-ibtida.] History of the early 14117. d. 29 (1.) Church .... translated [from the English] by

    Henry Carre Tucker . . . late Commissioner Babu Siva Prasad, C.S.I. , for the use of schools, and Governor General's Agent, Benares. [A short pp. 271, //1 [Urdu sarf o nahw.] pp. iv. vi. 156, al-salihitt. cr-'L^LflJl d^Lil^Lr*. [Hikiiyat A iv. lith. ivJ^ 'Ave [Caicnpore, 1875.] 8". translation by Aghii 'All of S.'s Viimamanoranjana, 14117. b. 25. or Tales for women, in Hindi. Second edition.] (Revised) Urdu Grammar, pp. viii. v. xi. 120. pp. 87, lith. jLUl 1A1V [Allahabad, 1867.] 8°. 8°. jb\A!\ I AW [Allahabad, 1877.] 14119. b. 12 (3.) 14117. b. 6 (2.) tkj uV^ (*^ Jami Jahan Numa. [A geo- SIVAPBASADA, called "WahbT. .^jj*.^ ^^^ t^'U^ graphy of Asia, more particularly of India ; being

    LpJC* 1

    SMITH (James Hamblin). See Euclid. SIVASANKARA LALA. S^>r- J JlJw^ ^tj^,^^ J^-^^^^^ [Euclid, i. Lodhesvara. jJlL* J • • • i^i.^ Bks. •J\ -u(-J!>jJ [Kaiflyat i mandir i Sri J ^-» X i-r"^^

    ii. translated from J. H. Smith's Elements of A poem on the consecration of a temple to Siva, at and 8°. Lodhesvara.] &e Ramacharana. ^^jJ^ysJ ci-vujl^ geometry.] [1873.] 14119. c. 28 (1.) [Kayastha dharmadarpana.] pp. 144-179. [1870.] 8°.

    14119. c. 19 (4.) SMITH (Lewis Ferdinand). See Khusrau, Amir.

    The Tale of the Four Durwesh ; translated from the srVA SIMHA. See Puranas. — Sivapurdm.

    Oordoo . . . by L. F. S., with notes by the translator. u'.y^^ [Sivapurana, translated by S. S.] [1871.] 4 . 1825. 8°. 14106. b. 6. 760. h. 5.

    SIVASITALAPRASADA. iJ-J_i-< J-c ['Hm i 1851. 8°. lith. musallas. A treatise on trigonometry.] pp. 155, 760. e. 21. ,i^ lAvr [Liwk7iow, 1872.] 8°. ^^ 1870. 8° 14117. c. 21. 760. f. SLATER (Samuel) Senior Professor of Bishop's SMITH (William) Missionary at Benares, and College, Calcutta. Sarchashma-i-muhabbat ; a tract LEUPOLT (Charles Benjamin). ^j-o- ^J on the attribute of love as exhibited in true religion, ^ (J.J^ [Din i hakk ki tahklk. An enquiry into the (o:^-^ tjlj>.jj) pp. 100. Calcutta, 1860. 8°. true religion, being an examination of the Mu- 14104. 0. 8. hammadan, Hindu, and Christian creeds.] pp. 286. SMALL (George). See Muhammad KadirT. The jUUI lAfr [Allahabad, 1842.] 8°.

    Totii KahanI . . . translated from Saiyid Haidar 14104. c. 2. 8°. Bakhsh's Hindustani version . . . by G. S. 1875. [Another edition of pts. i. and ii. only.] 760. d. 30. pp. 102, 135, lith. y.^ iaii [Luclcnow, 1866.] 8°. for schools SMITH (Barnard). Arithmetic by 14104. c. 15.

    Barnard Smith . . . translated into Urdu by Munshi SMYTH (Thomas Watt). See India.—Legislative Mahammed Zaka-ul-lah . . . t_jL*r>- t—jU:.^ [Kitab Council. 4_jls:ii iULcu^ . . . ^\sti lL^} [Legislative ihisab.] pp. iv. 468. ^J iavi [_Delhi, 1871.] 8°. Acts passed for the Punjab by the Governor General 14117. 0. 14. in Council from 1836 to 1870. Compiled as far as iavi [Fifth edition.] pp. 467, lith. ^J 1869 by T. W. S.] [1870-72.] 4°. {Delhi, 1876.] 8°. 14106. f. 15. 14117. c. 25. SMYTH (William Carmichael). See Lallu Lal, <_>LuJl [Hall al-hisab. Barnard Smith's J.3- Kavi. The Luta,ifi Hindee . . . Edited by W. C. S. Arithmetic, translated by Isvarlprasada and Kalyana 1821. 8°. Raya.] 3 pt. /«YA. .^j^ ^\jj \'^-'S\^Bareilly,Meerut, 14112. b. 4 (1.) 1879.] 8°. 1840. 8° Wanting Ft. iv. Pts. i. and Hi. were printed at Bareilly, 14112. a. 2. and Ft. ii. at Meerut. 14117. c. 37. See Muhammad TakT, called MTr. ^jJi.c iix^

    Shooulu,e ishq ... A Hindoostanee poem . . . Edited, L^\sS <__)Luu_s- . . i ^ . J_^ [Hall Hisiib kl [with an accompanying version in Roman characters,] kitab. A key to Barnard Smith's Exercises in by W. C. S. 1820. 8°. arithmetic, by Amulaka Riima.] pp. 230, lith. 14114. a. 2. j^i I AVI {Lahore, 1879.] 8°. 14117. c. 36. SOCIAL PROGRESS ASSOCIATION. See

    Academies, etc.—Ajniere.

    14117. c. 15. SOZAN. See HasIb al-DiN Ahmad. ;

    325 SPR-SRI SRI—STE 826

    SPBENGER (Aloys). A catalogue of the Arabic, SBILiLA. cyUU\ .jyl^[Mir'iital-8ii'iit. Dialogue* Persian and Ilindustiiny manuscripts, of the libraries on time, its division into days, months and seasons. of the king of Oudh, compiled ... by A. S. ... Translated from Srilala's Hindi Samayaprabodha by

    Vol. I. Containing Persian and Ilindustdny poetry. Vamsldhara, assisted by ChiranjI Liil. Second 12°. pp. viii. 645. Calcutta, 1854. 8°. edition.] pp. 96, WA. »/\ \ ^,6^ [Agra, l8o8.] 821. k. 43. 14119. a. 9 (4.)

    SRIDASA. ,^Lj ^ ^^U!l >L>j iZj\Le [Sifilt Rabb .{m^S j-l-wM [MisbaH al-masiihat. A al-'iilamin kii bayiin, or The attributes of God. A treatise on surveying, being a translation of Srilala's Christian tract. Second edition.] 79, lith. pp. Hindi Kshetrachandrika by Vamsldhara, assisted by ^\J\i\\\>^^• [Allahabad, \mO.'\ 8°. ChiranjI Liil.] 2 pt. lith. jjjtii lAif.ei [Lahore, 14119. b. 12 (6.) 1864-59.] 8°. SRIDATTA TJPADHTAYA. See ShadT Lal, Ra'is 14119. c. 13 (11.) of Sikandarahad. t_/,U-^ A,ji»i [Dharmapracharaka. [Another edition.] Lith. jj^^, )-:-i^ '^*' Taken from the Sanskrit Achariidarsa of S. U.] [Cawnpore, Lucknow, 1871.] 8°, 4°. [1876.] 8°. 14117. 0. 18. 14119. a. 13 (1.) [Another edition of pt. i. only.] pp. 15, lith. SBILALA. See VamsTdhara. <_jLu^_s'\ ^/jL^ j^i lAvr [Lahore, 1873.] 8°. [Mabiidl al-Bisab. Part ii. translated from the Hindi 14117. d. 26. Ganitaprakasa of S.] [1860-67.] 8°. [Another edition.] 2 pt. lith. .ykj I AVI 14117. a. 17. [Lahore, 1876.] 8°. it:^ *J>J i^ [Kissah i Dharm Singh, or 14117. c. 34. The story of an honest zemindar. Translated from SRINIVASA DASA. (See Maharaja Lala. pfti^l the Hindi of S. by Vamsldhara, with the assistance ^irr ^ [Kissah Dallah ka. Transcribed by S. D.] of ChiranjI Lal.] pp. 12, lith. .^i \^^f [Lahore, [1882.] 8°. 8°. 1864.] 14112. c. 37. 14119. c. 14 (9.) STAPLET (L. A.) Pt. i. (Pt. ii. etc.) of a series of [Fourth edition.] 13, lith. J[i\i]\ iaic pp. graduated translation exercises, English-Urdu, Urdu- [Allahabad, 1865.] 8°. English, with rules and remarks, etc. Second edition. 14119. b. 11 (5.) Allahabad, (Calcutta,) 1872. 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 12, //

    14119._b. 14 (5.) 760. f. 22.


    Hindi of S. by ChiranjI Lal. Fourth edition.] tract.] pp. 12, /i^A. ,ij\jjj! [iorftana, 1867?]. 12°. pp. 17, /eVi. i/t lACA [^^m, 1858.] 8°. 14104. b. 8 (7.)

    14119. b. 8 (11.) STERN (Henry). Catechism of the Christian re-

    [Another edition.] pp. 13, lith. y^3 iai- ligion [in the Roman character] translated and [Lahore, I860.] 8°. adapted [from two German catechisms] for the use 14119. c. 10 (11.) of native Christiana by H. S. (Suwal o jawdb mazhab 12°. i fsawi ki). pp. iv. 114. Benares, 1868. [Another edition.] pp. 12, lith. y^ lAir The Urdu title it taken from the wrapper. [Lucknow, 1862.] 8°. 14104. b. 14119. h. 17 (4.) 13 (2.) 327 STE—SUL SUN—SUR 328

    STERN (Heney). Chand mufid hikdyaten, dini o SUNDARA KALI. Ji' .Jii-j LU !ij\i [Barah-masa. dunyawi. (Entertaining anecdotes, moral and re- Verses on each month of the year.] pp. 12, lith. ligious, .... selected from German and English AVI 8°. ji^ I [Lucknow, 1871.] authors and translated into Urdu [in the Roman 14119. 0. 7 (3.) character] by H. S.) Mirzapore, 1872. 12°. pp.134. SUNDARA KAViSVARA. See Vikramaditya, 14112. a. 18. king of UJjayinl, jlj-ai y3L-! [Sialkot, at New Town Cuddalore. pp. 193. \_Cudclalore,'] 1876.] 8°. 1808. 4°. 760. h. One of the series entitled " ^akhlrah i Rafuh i 'amm." 14106. SUBHAN BAKHSH. See Muhammad Kufb al-DlN, a. 7 (5.)

    i darain. Compiled with copy.] Bihlavi. j^ ,1 J ^^ [Falah [Another 14119. b. 22 (7.) the assistance of S. B.] [1869.] 8°.

    14119. e. 10 (4.) Jo (j-ij ")Ls»-*-sr* [Majmu'ah i Bishanpad.

    Verses in praise of Vishnu.] 8, lith. [Sialkot, SUDROOL ISLAM KHAN. See Sadr al-IsLAM pp. Khan. 1877.] 8°. One of the series entitled " Zakhtrah i Rafdh i 'amm." See Haidar STJEED HTDTJEBUX HYDREE. 14106. b. 10 (18.) Bakhsh, Saiyid, called HaidarT. [Another copy.] SUFI. See Ahmad Khan. 14119. f. 13 (2.)

    SXTGRA, Daughter of the Imam Husain. ysi^l «1l»1l ^ys-^-: [Siharfl. A poem in 30 verses, [Sugra-nilmah, or The story of Sugra. In verse, each beginning with a letter of the alphabet. and in the Gujarati character.] pp. 268, /«9 Followed by miscellaneous short pieces.] pp. 14, lith. {Bombay, 1881.] 8°. ci/lL-. [Sialkot, 1874.] 8°. 14112. 0. 33. One of the series entitled " Zakhirah i Rafah i 'amm." SUJAN RA'E, Patiyalati. [For editions of the 14106. a. 12 (7.)

    Ara'ish i mahfil, a work founded on the Persian [Another copy.] Khulasat al-tawarikh of S. R.] See Sher 'Al7, 14119. b. 22 (5.) called Afsos. StJRADASA. L-)L« iXj [Barah-miisa. Verses on

    of the year.] 8, lith. j^lS [Cawn- SUKHALALA. ^<^ _:u.j»- <_jLx^ [Kitab i jantrl. each month pp. Tables for calculating the areas of plots of land by pore, 1859 ?] 12°. 14109. a. 10(1.) the native system of measurements. With an ex- planatory preface by Magan Lai.] pp. 18, lith. (UL* i\^ ^ (juutj,^ [Another edition.] See [Lucknow, 1865 8°. ^ ?J Majmu'ah i Barah-masah.

    SULAIMAN ibn al-ASH'AS (Abu Da'ud) Sijistani. StJRAJBHAN. See CusT (R. N.) jJ^a^j «-5lij jj'j ^\ iji^ Z*s>-jjxj iiyi.s^\ ^S^\ [Al-Huda al [Waka'i' Ramachandra. Translated by S. B.] mahmud. The traditions of Abu Da'ud Sijistani, [I860.] 8°. the Arabic text, together with a Hindustani preface, 14119. c. 14 (11.) translation and notes by Wahid al-Zapiiin ibn Maslh (_jOlj bU j-jUj [Waka'i' BSbii Nanak. [Lahore, 8°. al-Zaman.] j^'i 1882, etc.] Translated by S. B.] [I860.] 8°

    14621. c. 12. 14119, b. 7 (9.) —

    329 8UR—SYA SYA—TAH 330

    StJRAJ MALL. t_;UU t_;lsiil [Intikhiib i nayiib] SYAMALALA. ^^^ iJL, [Risalah i rahn. The or Urdu selections [in verse and prose]. i}-^^ Law of Morlgage with ruling of the High Courts.

    [Caimjjore, 1879.] 8°. Compiled by S.] Pt. i. pp. viii. 250. m-j'^ '*'*• 14112. a. 26 (2.) [Cawnpore, 1880.] 8°. STTRUR. See Eajab 'AlT Beg. 14106. dd. 17 (2). SYAMASUNDARA LALA. 5eeMAHABHARATA. SUSPENDED ANIMATION. Treatise on sus- Vishnusahasrandma, •J\ j»lj ....^..1 [Sanskrit text pended animation from the effects of submersion, ^^ with a commentary in Hindustani S. L.] banging, noxious air and ligbtning, and the means by [1877.] 8°. employed for resuscitation. (ci--J!>L« jj\ Ls-^i-i:*- 14065. e. 9. •- 'j^) [Haklkat aur mahlyat dubne kl.] ^ , SYED ABDOOLLAH. See 'Abd Allah ibn Mu- pp. 30, 35, Hth. [Cakutta,] 1824. 8°. hammad, Saiyid. In the Pertian and Nagari characters.

    14106. b. 1. SYED HOOSSAIN. See HusAiN, Munskt Saiyid.

    Ulajor. Trifling SUTHERLAND ( ) sketches SYED MAHMOOD. See Mahmud, Saiyid. from the lives of English kings, with a few his- SYUD AHMUD. See Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I. torical remarks, translated into the Hindustanee language . . . by an Officer of Artillery, [i.e. Major TA'BIR-NAMAH. i„UJlj Ax.^ t-J^^ '^^jn

    Sutherland] and revised by FureedBuksh of Bunnut. [Ta'blr-namah i khwabma'ah fal-namah. A book of

    (^^li^J^l ^ULijb ^JC 4_>lsXil) [Intikhub i tarikh fate and interpretation of dreams.] pp. 64, lith. Iaj [Delhi, 8°. i badshilhiln i IngHstan.] pp. 270, lith. Calcutta, ^ 1876.] 14119. d. 6 1838. 8°. (3.) 14109. a. 2. TAFAZZUL HUSAIN KHAN. <_>'c^

    (•^5--^j^lri-|_^^--.MS- J..iiftj [Ahwali sih kitab.] Accoimt [Another edition.] pp. 164, Uth. ^JJ^O '^i- {Delhi, I860.] 8°. of three mathematical works, of Tufuzzool Hoosyn

    14109. a. 8 (2.) Khan, . . . drawn up by Mowluwee Hydur 'Ullee. 23. Calcutta, 1819. 8°. [Another edition.] pp. 97, lith. j^ lAif pp. 14117. a. 2 (1.) \_Luchtoic, 1864.] 8°.

    14119. 0. 26 (1.) TAHAUWUR 'ALL J *U <(!L>, ks" ~J ^r^ J (* i*^ SUYUTI. See 'Abd al-RAHMAN ibn AbT Bakr [Faiz i 'amm dar 'ilm i riyiizT. A treatise on (Jalal al-DiN Abu al-FAzt). astronomy.] pp. 152,^jYA. lAvr [iMcA:no(r, 1873.] 8°. 14106. h. 7 SVAMIDAYALU. See Lallu Lal, ^m. ^L *j^ (5.) [Premasagara, translated by S.] [1864.] 4°. TAHCIN-UDDIN. See TahsTn al-DTx.

    14106. c. 1. TAHIR. See Muhammad Tahir 'AlT. JL>- .jJI [Indrajal. A treatise on astrology, TAH^IK al-IMAN. On various ceremonies prac- magic charms and incantations, compiled from tised by Muhammadans. ^^Uj^il JUaa^ pp. 22. various sources.] pp. 188, /jVA. [iMcA«

    SYAMACHARANA SARKAR. See Colebkooke 14119. a. 9 (1.) Mitacshara (H. T.) The translation of Colebrooke's TAHSIN, Poet. See Muhammad Husain Khan. with . . . notes . . . from . . . Vyavasthachan- Translator. See Muhammad Husain 'Ata drika [of S. S.], etc. [1881.] 8°. 14106. dd. 19. Khan.

    SYAMALALA. See India.—Legislative Council. TAHSIN al-DIN. Les Aventures de Kamrup, par Tahcin-uddin publi^es en hindoustani par M. &JL^ uy^ i/'^^~'^ *^) [Risalah i ashkhai i kanun i ; peshah. The Law of Legal Practitioners, compiled Garcin de Tassy. (1^ j <_jjw»'^ JUaj) [Kissah i

    Kala.] ii. 96. Paris, 1835. 8°. by S.] [1880.] 8°- Kiimrup o pp. 14106. dd. 17 (1.) 14112. a. 1 (1.) 42 —

    331 TAH—TAL TAM—TAR 332

    TAfiSIN" al-DIN. [Another copy.] TAMANNA. See Muhammad Husain. 14114. a. 3. See Ramasahaya. Les Aventures de Kamrup, texte hindoustani romanis^, d'apres I'^dition de M. Garcin de Tassy, TAMIM ANSABI. ^^Lajl ^^ i.^ [Kissah i par M. I'abb^ Bertrand. pp. 68. Paris, 1859. 8°. Tamlm Ansiirl. A legend in verse of a Muhammadan

    14112. b. 14. saint. With occasional couplets in Arabic accompanied by translations in the Dakhni dialect.] pp. 120, lith. Les Aventures de Kamrup . . . traduites de iris [Bombay, 1873.] 8°. rhindoustani. See Academies, etc. — London. 14114. b. 21. Oriental Translation Fund, etc. TahsTn al-DiN. Les [Tanblh Aventures de Kamrup, etc. 1834. 8°. TANBIH al-GHAFILIN. ^^4^UI^ "^^J" 752. k. 4. al-ghafilln. A work on Muhammadan religious TA'IB. See Fath Muhammad. observances, according to the school of Abu Hanlfah. Persian five additional TAJ ibn MU'IH" al-DIN, Malikl. See Hitopadesa. Translated from the with

    i taa chapters.] 254, lith. :. ^ G [Lucknow, Ukhlaqi Hindee . . . translated from [T. al-D.'s pp. j 1871.] 8°. MufarriH al-Kulub] a Persian version of the . . . 14104. f. 8. Hitoopudes. 1803. 4°.

    14112. d. 2. TANBIH al-NISA. L.....-.J1 i^ [Tanblh al-nisa. 1868. 8°. Moral advice to women, in verse.] pp. 34, lith. 14112. c. 12. \r\f [Bombay, 1877.'] 8°. 14104. e. 22 (2.) TAJ al-DIN". See Molesworth (R. F.) JcJb &;-jjlf

    [Guldastah i Hind. Tales of Indian history, compiled TAPASVI BAMA. [Tapaslbhas. with the assistance of T. al-D.] [1848.] 12°. Vaishnava songs, and episodes from the popular 14109. a. 3. story of Rama and Sita. Extracted and translated by the author from his Hindi work of the same TAJAMMTJL RASUL KHAN". L^ Jy-^^'V *^ title.] 222, lith. jljy* [Monghyr, 1881.] 8°. [Kissah i sauditgar o maina, or The story of the pp. 14106. b. 16. merchant and the maina. A tale in prose.] pp. 8, lith. in- [Delhi, 1873.] 8°. TAPISH. See Muhammad IsmaTl, Mirzd. 14119. d. 5 (11.) TAEACHAND. <_jL-.3- f^j"^ ''^''^ (_jli^ [Kitab jW^^ ^ [1^*°] i'jaz, or Five miracles of the i 'umdah dar 'ilm i hisab. Arithmetical questions Prophet, in verse.] 8, lith. ^Xiod ifAl [Delhi, pp. and answers.] pp. 32, lith. .^i iavi [Lahore, 1873.] 8°. 1876.] 8°. 14119. d. 4 (2.) 14119. d. 5 (6.) TAKI, Mir. See Muhammad TakT, called Mir. tABIK i TAHKIK. jJisr* Jjjb [tarik i tahklk, TAKMIL al-TA'tlM. *-I-«.iJl J-^ [Takmll or The right path. A Christian tract.] pp. 8, lith. al-ta'llm. A Hindustani reader.] pp. 140, lith.

    .y^i lAvr [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. 760. g. 12.

    14117. c. 1 (3.) Fables in Oordoo, for the use of schools. TALIB. See Kanhaiya Lal. [Translated by T. M. from a collection of fables in TA'LIM al-MUBTADI. ^^::^\ ^ [Ta'llm al- Bengali, compiled by the translator from Arabic and mubtadl. A Hindustani reader, containing short English sources.] j^\ u:-^sx^ iTjUKs- [Hikayiit i a tales and anecdotes.] pp. 46, lith. ^^ i i ^ [Litck- naslhat-amez. Pt. i. Second edition.] pp. 40. now, 1869.] 8°. Calcutta, 1819. 8°.

    14119. b. 10 (2.) 14117. d. 1 (2.)

    I 333 TAS—TAU TAW—THO 334


    hammad, Kaziciiii. jjj\ (jyU^Li^l c_-«5ls^ ['Aja'ib editions of Mulchand's translation of Tawakkul Beg's Shamshlrkhilni, or al-makhlnkfit. Transluted by T. H.] [1877.] fol. Persian abridgement of Firdausi's Shah-namah,] 14109. e. 15. See FirdausT t^\jAJi> [Shiih-namah.] TASADDUK HUSAIIT KHiN, called Shauk. TATLOB (Charles) D.D., CL}\jj_y^\j jULfijlyj [Bahiir i 'ishk. Followed by Master of St. John's College, Cambridge. See Muhammad Zaka Allah. Zahr i 'ishk, Lazzat i 'ishk, and Fareb i 'ishk. Four ['Dm i fusul i makhruti. Conic love-stories in verse.] pp. 94, lith. j-(^\ '^11 ^ij^ dy^ A^ [Lucknow, 1869.] 8°. Sections, treated geometrically, compiled from the

    14119. e. 3 (6.) English of C. T, and others.] [1876.] 8°.

    14117. 0. 33. fjJLsj2i>\ i^^ii.^ [Zahr i 'ishk, or The poison of love. A poem.] pp. 31, lith. jj^^ tAir [^Cami- TAZHiK-NiMAH.

    TASAIiLi. See Shaja'at 'AlT. 14112. e. 15. TEGH. See FakTr Muhammad. TASHIL al-TA'LIM. ^Judl J-.^^" [Tashll al- TEKCHAND. ta'llm. A Hindustani spelling-book and primer.] JjJ^^ jJuo Ju^^^ [Majmu'ah i pp. 123, lith. ii\i\jS\ lAcf [Agra, 1854.] 8°. ta'lTm i patwariyan. The village accountant's manual, containing lessons in arithmetic, 14119. c. 4 (2.) mensuration, the keeping of village accounts, and notes on legal m^jcW (Sf^Y^ [An abbreviated edition of the enactments concerning the settlement and manage- preceding.] pp. 50, lith. j^'i \f.^r [Lahore, 1864.] 8°. ment of land tenures.] pp. 96, 86, 191, 84, lith. 14119. c. 14 (5.) j,i'i I AW [Lahore, 1877.] 8°. 14106. 13. [Another edition.] pp. 56, lith.

    14119. c. 17 (2.) THAKTJBADASA. See Eibbentrop (B.) cl>\\J:,\

    [Another edition, with slight variations.] c-jlsdj (_f Joj Jis^ [Isharat i nakhl-bandi i Panjab. pp. 32, lith. Iaj [Delhi, 1873.] 8°. Hintsonarboriculture, translated byTh.] [1874.] 8°. - 14119. d. 4 (3.) 14119. f. 25.

    TASLIM. See Amir Allah ibn 'Abd al-SAMAD. A Collection of English-Hindustani phrases, idioms and proverbs for the use of students, by TATTVABODHA. ci-^jJl L^ [MisbiiB al- Thakur Das. pp. 32. Benares, 1880. 12°. haklkat. The Tattvabodha, a Sanskrit work on 14117. aa. 9. Vediinta philosophy, translated by Lala Simha.] THOMAS (John) Baptist Missionary. See Bible.— pp. 8. lith. [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. New Testament. The New Testament . . . Trans- One of the series entitled " ZaMnrah i Rafah i ^amm." lated ... by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries. 14106. b. 10 (19.) Sixth edition. [Edited by J. T. and 0. B. Lewis.] TAUHID. S.^-^^ i^j.A^ [Majmii'ah i tauhld. 1851. 8°.

    Four religious tracts in verse, viz. : (1) Alif ba i 3070. b. 41.

    Wajhan; Bhajanhii i hazrat Shah (2) 'Abd al- THOMPSON (Joseph T.) A commentary on the

    Samad ; Masnawl Alliih nam ; and Prem- (3) (4) Gospel of Matthew, in Oordoo . . . l(lft^ »

    TiPU SULTAN, Naioab of Mysore. [Life.'] See TODHTJNTER (Isaac). aLlL.^-^ ^^ [Sharh i Ghulam Muhammad ibn TTpu Sultan. {cls'L*^- jabr mukabalah. A key to Todhunter's Algebra, Allah.] 324, lith. ^^jS.^^) [Hamlat i Haidarl]. translated by Muhammad Zaka pp. 8°. I AVI [Delhi, 1876.] 'Isa ibn Saurah Jjbj TIBMIZI. See Muhammad ibn 14117. c. 28. (Abu 'Isa). -Uu^ i [Sharh i risalah i "J ZJ^ "Students' TODD (John) D.B., Author of the masahat. A key to Todhunter's Mensuration, trans- abridged from Manual." Hints on self- improvement, lated by Muhammad Zaka Allah.] 2 pt. Lith. the papers of John Todd in the Weekly Visitor, 8°. ^^Uj I AVI [Delhi, 1876.] by H. Carre Tucker. Translated into Oordoo by 14117. c. 32. Fink, with the assistance of the late Charles C. A treatise on the Integral Calculus and its Cherounjee Lall. (,j-i3 *-i«J' [Hida- <-r'Vj'^ c^-^'^^ applications, with numerous examples, . Translated lith. Agra, dar-bab ta'llm i nafs.] 206, . . . yaten pp. . . . by Mahammed Zaka-ul-lah *J_c «-—.. 1847. 8°. cuLKSl t_>Luj>- ['Ilm i hisiib al-kuUiyat.] pp. 333, 14104. c. 4. lith. ^>j lAvi [Delhi, 1871.] 8°. ioiiilt A-Lu ^'^j [Ta'llm al-nafs. Another 14117. c. 16. edition.] 2 pt. pp. 31, 35. jU

    1859.] 8°. bian Nights. Tarjuma-i Alif Laila . . . Romanized 8°. Wanting Pt. 3, i.e. chap. 8 and 9 or pp. 109-206 of the under the superintendence of T. W. H. T. 1882. Agra edition. 14112. a. 30. 14119. b. 10 (3.) TOTARAM, called Shayan. See Arabian Nights. TODHUNTER (Isaac). See Euclid. The Elements ^L-b ,Uji [Haziir dastan. The Arabian Nights,

    of Euclid . . . by I. T., . . . Translated into Urdu. translated by T.] [1868.] 4°. [1873.] 8°. 14112. e. 11. 14117. c. 23. ()^='^^ ^-^^ ['^^^ Arabian Nights in [1879.] 8°. y ^ 4°. 14117. c. 38. verse. Books ii.andiii. translated by t.] [1861-68.]

    14112. e. 9. Algebra for beginners, with numerous examples

    Mohammed Zaka-ul-lah . . . Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-MuTTALiB, Amir. . . . Translated ... by See

    Third edition.

    8°. T. of the Persian Dastan i Amir Hamzah.] pp. iv. 304, lith. Juk^ 'Avr [Delhi, 1873.] by

    14117. c. 24. [1862.] 8° 14112. d. 12. [Fourth edition.] pp. 304, lith. L^J iavi AXft ^jUumj ^\i [Tarlkh i sitarah i Hind. A [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. history of India from the earliest period to the 14117. c. 26. brief annexation of Oudh in a.d. 1856.] pp. 68, lith. Algebra for the use of colleges and schools. 8°. I TAA [Luchiow, 1871.]

    examples, . . . Translated into Urdu with numerous 14119. c. 30 (3.)

    by Mahammad Zakd-ul-lah, . . . ilj\Ltj^s^ pp. vi. jcJfc **Ji? [Tilsam i Hind. A history of India 551, lith. LbJ tAvi [Delhi, 1871.] 8' from the earliest times to the British conquest of 14117. c. 17. Bengal, followed by an appendix containing a brief

    t::,^->.LyL^ilt», [RisalahimasaHat. Todhunter's TUCKER (Charlotte) Miss. Daybreak by Charlotte Mensuration for beginners with numerous examples, Tucker . . . translated by Ishuree Dass of Futtegurh. Muhammad Zaka Allah. Fourth translated by (^yjUl) [Aghiiz i nur.] pp. 104, lith. Benares, 8°. edition.] pp. 284, ;?i!A. la>J I'^y'i [Delhi, 1876.} 1865. 8°.

    14117. c. 29. 14119. b. 2 (1.) 337 TUC—TFL TUL—UBA 338

    TUCKER (Charlotte) Miss. ^j>i\j ,^s^ [SacLchl tULU' i iPTAB i SADi5.±AT. ls^^Juj ^J^sjT e ^ bahadurl, or True heroism. Translated from the [Tulu' i iiftJib i sadilkat, or The rise of tho Sun of English of C. T. by Sivaprasiida. Third edition.] Righteousness. A Christian treatise on the evidences pp. 124, lilh. lAv. [Lucknow, 1870.] 12°. of Christianity, and the history of the Christiaa

    14119. a. 6 (4.) Church, translated from the English.] pp. 176. London, 1801. 8". i^li>JXiljj iL^-sr" [SaKargiih dar Inglistiin. 14104. 0. 9. "Daybreak in Britain," a talc of Christianity in TURAB 'ALI, Maulavi. See Muhammad Nizam. ancient Britain, translated into Hindustani.] pp. 82, <(i-ii i!Ljj [Risiilah i 'akikah. A treatise on the nth. A3\jjjl lAiv ILodiana, 1867.] 12°. ceremonies to be performed on the sixth day after 14104. b. 7 (4.) childbirth ; taken mainly from a Persian work by TUCKER (Henry Carre). [Life.} See Siva- T. 'A.] [1861.] 8°. PRASADA, Baj'a, C.S.I. Henry Carre Tucker. 14119. e. 4 (1.)

    See Todd (J.) D.D., Author the " Students' of TURAB 'ALI, SMh, called Turab. «_j1^ ili cyU^ Manual." Hints on self-improvement, abridged from jjj\ jJji [Kulliyiit, or Complete poetical works.] the papers of John Todd . . . by H. C. T. pp. 344, vi. lith. j^J^ ita- ICaumpore, 1863.] 8°. 14104. c. 4. 14114. d. 6. TUFUZZOOL HOOSYN KHAN. See Tafazzul TUSi. See Muhammad ibn Hasan (Abu Ja'far). HusAiN Khan. TYTLER (Alexander Eraser) Lord Woodhouselee. TUHFAH i ISLAM. Tuhfa-e-Islam, 1298. [De- Tytler's Elements of General History, ancient and cisions on difficult questions on Muhammadan law, modern. To which are added a table of chronology, in Urdu and Gujarati characters, accompanied by a and a comparative view of ancient and modem translation into English by Muhammad Ismii'Il geography. The ninth edition, corrected with Chilma'I.] {AJ\ hss^) pp. 9, 10, 9. Bombay, additions [and a continuation to the decease of 1881. 8° George III., 1820,] by E. Nares. Translated into 14104. e. 25 (3.)

    Hindoostanee . . . by L. Dacosta, . . . assisted by

    TULASIDASA. ^^^.U)^ <0 ^<«-*^ . . . ^Jy^ [The HukeemMuoIvee Abd-ool-Mujeed, and other learned of Tulasldasa, translated Ramiiyana into verse by natives. 3 vol. Calcutta, 1829-30. 4°.

    Jagannatha Lala Khushtar. With numerous illus- 760. g. 16-18. trations.] pp. 166, nth. I rvv \Lueknow, I860.] 4°. 'UBAID ALLAH, ' Ubaidi. See Karamat 'AlT ibn 14114. d. 8. Rahmat 'Ali, JaunpUri, Makhaz-i Uloom . . . Translated into English by Moulvie Obeyd-OUa, -;/ es*^-' o^^ ,0j\

    [Another edition.] pp. 93, lith. »i^ • \_Lucknow, al-Obeydee. 1867. 8°. 8708. 4. 1863.] 4°. k.

    14114. c. 5. ^Jlj-sc ^^^y.J [Dlwan. Followed by a few

    _jj.! *laJ i^;l»|i [The Ramiiyana, translated short poems in Arabic] pp. 82, lith. i^\ irn into verse by Sankaradayulu Farhat. With illus- \Agra, 1879.] 8°. 14112. a. 3 (2.) trations.] pp. vi. 158, lith. j^^ 'All \_Catcnpore, 8°. 1866.] j^U >A£lJ ^j£. ci«J c_>j!I1 -liL* [Miftim 14119. e. 17 (1.) al-adab.] (Arabic Grammar, compiled in Oordoo by

    TULASI RAMA. See Kali Rata, j-^^-.^j (__>bi.^ . . . Obydoolla-al-Obydee, . . . First portion :

    J^l^ i_jlsnj [Sair i Panjiib. Part ii. by T. R.] Orthography and etymology.) Second edition,

    [1876.] 8°.' pp. vii. 104. Calcutta, 1866. 12°. 14109. a. 19. 14117. aa. 4.

    See NabhajT. JL« e;,X^ [Bhaktamiil, [Another edition.] pp. 120, lith. .^ i*vi translated by T. R.] [1873.] 4°. \Lahoi-e, 1876.] 8°. 14106. 0. 2. 14119. b. 18 (3.) 4S 839 "UBA—TJMM TJMM—URD 340

    'UBAID ALLAH, 'Ubaidi. A supplement to the UMMAID i JANNAT. tii-J^ Jl--^1 [Ummaid i Arabic grammar compiled in Oordoo by Moulvee jannat, or The hope of heaven. A Christian tract.]

    I ATA [Lodiana, 12°. Obydoollah al-Obydee . . . 3rd portion. Second edition. pp. 8, Uth. juUjj! 1868.]

    62. Calcutta, 14104. b. 8 (2.) (i_jJl _l:iJ^ jy jJ-^r ^--ir-*^-^) PP- 1869. 12°. UMMITN, Meer. See Amman, Mir. 14117. aa. 1 (2.) UBOOL FUZL. See Abu eI-Fazl ibn Mubarak. 'UMR-DARAZ, Hdfiz, called Fl'iz. ^LJl u^}^ [Fa'iz al-bayan. A work on metaphors and similes.] ULFAT HIJSAIN". ^j\iy »J^^ [Mu'jizah i furkan. pp. 60, Uth. ^y^j IAV1 [Lahore, 1876.] 8°. A series of articles in defence of the Koran, in answer 14119. d. 11 (5.) to Dr. Pfander's works.] pp. 56, Uth. ^JjtJ iav. [Delhi, 1870.] 8°. ^l*Jl L/^l^ [Fa'iz al-ma'anl. A treatise on 14119. e. 14 (14.) rhetoric, adapted from the Persian.] pp. 144, Uth. ULLMAT^H(JuLIUsFREDERICK).l!l•cL-^-f [Gitamiila. lAvv 8°. ^ y^^ [Lahore, 1877.] Christian hymns for school children.] pp. 39, Uth. 14119. d. 11 (6.)

    iav I \_Lodiana, 1871.] 8°. ^IjJj! UNITED STATES OP A.WER1CA..— Methodist 14104. e. 6 (3 ) Episcopal Church. Aqaid-niima : yane Methodist

    Gitawali : containing hymns and songs, and Episcopal Kalisiya ki sawal o jawab ki kitab. No. i. "The old old story," in [Romanized] Hindustani [A catechism of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in for children, pp. viii. 134. Allahabad, 1876. 12°. Roman characters.] pp. 29. Bareilhj, 1864. 16°. 14104. a. 11. 14104. a. 9 (1.)

    Jij *jjij( xs.*^ S) [Wuh 'umdah kadim nakl, Aqaid-n4ma : . . . No. 2. Mai ayat i dalil. or The old old story. A Christian hymn, translated [An enlarged version of the above with Scriptural IAV by J. F. U.] pp. 11, nth.

    tTLTAPULTA. ISJy^llSj^ [Ultapultii. A Christian Talimat aur Discipline Methodist Episcopal

    tract in verse.] pp. 8, Uth. iULfi^^ [Lodiana, Kalisiya ki, 1866. [Doctrines and discipline of the 1868?] 12°. Methodist Episcopal Church. Translated in Roman 14104. b. 8 (3.) characters by I. L. Hauser.] pp. vi. 166. Lucknow, 1866. 8°. 'ULtJM. ^j^ |ji^ ) '^^ (_jJ-^ ['Ulum ma'iid o 14104. 0. 14. ma'iishmen. Moral preceptsandanecdotes.] pp. 8, /jY/i. 12°. I Avf [Sialkot, 1874.] UPANISHADS. .^\ [Alakh-prakiish. Fifty J:.^y^ One of a aeries of pamphlets entitled " Chashnah i faiz." Upanishads, translated by Kanhaiyii Lai Alakha-

    14119. a. 12 (7.) dhiirl.] 12 pt. Lith. [Sialkot, 1874.] 8°.

    tTMATTUT OOLLAH. See Amanat Allah. Each part has a separate pagination. Pp. 9-184 of Pt. i. have also another pagination, counting 125-300. UMAPATI, Eaja, called Digvijaya. [Life.'] See 14106. a. 13. Lala.j7. le^^J c:^i^\^)\ Jw»;_?^ [Umapati dig- vijaya.] [Another copy.] 14106. a. 12. UMESACHANDRA SANNYALA. See Euclid.

    ^\ ,^S^j\ [Uklldis. The elements of Euclid, Bk. i. [Third edition.] pp. viii. 408, ^i^A. (ubj^ iavi translated by U. S.] [1879.] 8°. [Lodiana, 1876.] 8°. 14117. c. 4 (3.) 14106. b. 20.

    UMMAID 'ALi KHAN, called Kh adim. ^Jjs:^ ^JiA^ URDU EQUIVALENTS. List of Urdu equiva-

    [Gulshan i be-khiziin. An account in verse of lents for English technical terms, used in conducting famous battles in which Muhammadan saints were presbyterial and synodical business. To the members slain.] pp.40, /(

    14119. c. 32 (9.) 14104. d. 341 URD—VAM VAM 842

    URDU PETITIONS. A Collection of Urdu VAMSIDHABA. See Sivaprasada, Rq/a, C.S.I. Petitions, etc., made under the orders of the Govern- [Hakfi'ik al-mauj udfit.] [1864.] 8°. ment of India for Her Majesty's Civil Service 14119. c. 14 (8.)

    Commissioners, pp. 181, lith. Calcutta, 1869. 8°. [1865.] 8».

    14106. e. 3. 14119. c. 13 (3.) [1872.] 8°. 'USMAN ibn HASAN, Khuhaici. ^ l^ «- tj U li^ 14117. d. 29 (1.) jj-.s^li!\ ijj "Usr/ [TuMat ul-wii'izln. Comments upon texts of the Koran, compiled from various See SrTlai.a. it:^ *yj(j

    14514. c. 15. 14112. b. 26 (3.) 8°. UWAIS, Karanl. [1877.] ^J u^.}^ ^^i^ cUj-A^ li$' i_?b cUiLib)- [Jughra- 14117. c. 34. flyah i Pak Kitab. Geography of the Bible by J. A)\L*jj^ iJLjj [Jabr o mukabalah. Jacob, assisted by V.] [1867.] 8°. Algebra 14117. a. 21. for schools, compiled by V. with the assistance of

    See Krishnadasa. j-i^^ cu\j^ [Mir'at al- MohanaLala.] 2 pt. pp. 171, lOQ,lith. s^\ lAevi- sidk. An essay on truth, translated by V.] [Agra, 1856-60.] 8°. [1861.] 8^ Ft. i. is of the 2nd, pt. it. of the 3rd edition. 14119. c. 13 (10.) 14117. a. 11 (1.)

    See Krishna Datta. ^ Jij^j}\ ^J>-->

    See Reid (H. S.) Urdu -Hindi -English I Ate [Lwknow, 1865.] 8°. 14117. a. 20. vocabulary, compiled . . . by H. S. Reid, assisted by

    8°. . . . Bunsi Dhar. 1860. ArfLi. [Khidasah i niziim i shamsl. IS***'*--' (^^ 14117. b. 7. A brief sketch of the solar system. Third edition.] SivAPRASADA, Eaj'a, C.S.I. j^jLLt^ See pp. 50, lith. s/\ I ABA [Agra, 1858.] 8°. [Haka'ik al-mauj udat. translation by LLj\j^yt\\ A 14119. b. 12 (4.) V. of Sivaprasada's Hindi Vidyiinkura.] [1858.] 8°. [Another copy.]

    14119. b. 11 (2.) 14119. b. 8 (7.) —

    343 VAM—YEN YIH—VIS 344

    VAMSIDHARA. [Another edition.] 36, Uth. pp. VIHARI LALA, Munshi. yils. ^_ [Bl 'Almo. A

    I Air .yjbi ILahore, 1862.] 8°. tale in verse on domestic unhappiness.] pp. 16. 14119. c. 13 (5.) AiLl IAV1 [Stah, 1876.] 12°. [Another copy.] 14119. a. 7 (1.) 14119. c. 10 (10.) A v ";g%-te L-CjI—j [Sang i Harichand. A t-jUuJl ij>i\^ [MabadI al-Kisab. An arith- dramatized version of the popular legend of king iava metic for schools in 4 pts. Pt. i. translated by Harischandra.] pp. 32, lith. L^l [Agra, 8°. Mohana Lala from Pt. i. of the Hindi Ganitaprakasa 1878.] 14112. c. 24 (7.) by V. ; and Pts. ii. to iv. translated by V. and

    Mohana Lala i.e. Pt. ii. from Pt. ii. of the Ganita- VTHARI LALA, Native Master at the Thomason prakiisa by Srilala, and Pts. iii. iv. from English College, Rurki. See Bingham (H.) ^^Lj .j ^lij . . . Notes on road making . . Trans- [Allahabad, Rurki, 1860-67.] 8°." lated by Behari Lall. 1861. 8°. 14117. a. 10 (2.) Pi. i. is of the 7th edition, Pt. ii. of the 4th, Pi. iii. of the 5th, and Pt. iv. of the 3rd. VIKRAMADITYA, king of Ujjayinl. See Rakga-

    14117. a. 17. LALA, called Chaman. ,j ^ - .,, ^ -..< ...A ^t: .

    [Singhasan battlsl manzum. A metrical version of [Sixth edition of Pt. i. only.] pp. 78. the Thirty-two tales of king Vikramaditya.] ^Jjjj '^'^ [Hurki, 1859.] 8°. 8°. 14119. c. 4 (6.) [1869.] 14112. d. 11 (1.) [Another edition.] 4 pt. lith. ji^ iaic-v. Ij^jwj [Singhasan [Lucknow, 1865-70.] 8°. battlsl. The thirty-two tales of king Vikramaditya, trans- 14117. e. 19. and 14117. c. 9. lated, from the Braj Bhasha of Sundara Kavlsvara, VEDAS.—ElGVEDA. J\ (_

    1868 ?] 8°. VENIMADHAVA. y,jl, LUi^U [A Barah- ^ 14119. 6. 2 (8.) masah poem.] See Majmu'ah i Barah-masah. Selections from the Singhasan battlsl. See iUj^b is^^^^jst* 6. 8°. pp. 5, [1875.] Shakespear (J.) Muntakhabat-i-Hindl. 1818. 4°. 14119. d. 6 (11.) 760. g. 1.

    VENIRAMA. dojk ljljb>- [Jughraflyah i Hind. VINAYAKAPKASADA. t_-JU» j\j^\ l^-rr-stf A geography of India, compiled from various [Ganjinah i asrar i talib. Reflections on the vanity

    English works.] pp. 95, lith. ^fl iaa- [Agra, of human existence.] pp. 8, lith. lAvr [Sialkot, 1880.] 8°. 1873.] 8°.

    14117. d. 20 (2.) One of a series of pamphlets entitled "Chashmah i faiz."

    14106. b. 7 (3.) VENN (Henry) Vicar ofEuddersfield. (^Lilliu^l-^ VISHNIT LALA. See Periodical Publications.— [Jami'at al-fara'iz. The complete duty of man ; a Bareilly. The Sattya prakash. A monthly maga- Christian tract, translated from the English.] 8°. zine . . . [Edited by V. L.] 1883, etc. pp. 203, lith. j! I ait [Lodiana, 1866.] 8°. 14119. f. 22. 14106. a. 4 (2.) VISHNUNARAYANA. See Abercrombie (J.) [Third edition.] pp. 204, /tVA. .uUj^ iavi <_>l^=i-

    VISHNXJNABiYANA BAMANIYA. See Ephe- VBAJAVASl LiLA. u-Cj J ^J^ [Gyiin-dlpak.

    i **? MERiDES. c lAvr iiu-j ci-oU /»Lc (rJ.)^ [Takwim i A tract on Vodanta philosophy.] pp. 36, lith.

    'amm. An almanac for the year a.d. 1873, com- [Sialkot, 1874.] 8°. " pUed by V. R.] [1873.] 12°. One of the series entitled ^akMrah i Rafah i 'amm." 14119. a 8 (1.) 14106. a. 12 (11.)

    VISHNUSARMAN. [For editions of the Hitopa- [Another copy.] 14106. a. 7 (6.) desa, ascribed to Vishnusarman] See Hitopadesa.

    VBINDAVANA, Maharaja. ^j}\jJjj J^ [Bahar i VISUDDHANANDA SARASVATI. See KasTs- Bindraban. A treatise on Hindu philosophy. Second report THAH Sastrarthah. ^I^ft^! ^n^H^: II [A 8°. edition.] pp. 322, /«YA. iah [Lncknow, 1866.] of a discussion between Dayananda SarasvatI, and 14106. b. 2. V. S. and other Benares Pandits.] [1880.] 8°.

    i bahiir i Bindraban. Hindi 456 (3.) ^\jMjX^_jAj [Samar Two lectures on the principles of the Hindu, Mu- VISVAMBHARANATHA. cJj^^^^ [Tashrlh hammadan and other religions.] pp. 86, ii. lith. al-huruf. A spelling-book and primer.] 12, lith. pp. ^ iAvf= [Lucknow, 1874.] 12°. 8°. 14119. b. 3 (1.) , laj [Delhi, 1876.] ^ 14117. b. 28 (2.) WACE (Edward George). See A'zam Beg, Mirzd. VRAJABHUSHATfA LALA. See Couper {Sir ijijLjs? f^Xj [Tarikh i Gujarat. A settlement Q-. E. Bart. ti^jL^ &JL>. [Khulasah i W.) ^^y[> report of the Gujarat District, with introductory kanun i shahadat. A treatise on the Law of remarks in English by E. G. W.] [1870.] 4°. Evidence, translated by V. L.] [1867.] 4°. 14109. e. 7.

    14106. f. 9. WAPA. See 'Abd al-KJoiR ibn MuhT al-DlN. See KiNLOCH (C. W.) i^ jJli^ [AYakS'i' WAHBI. See Sivaprasada. Kep. Adventures at the Cape of Good Hope, trans- from the English by V. L.] [I860.] 8°. lated "WAHID 'ALI, Ilakim. See Muhammad Akbar, 14119. e. 6 (11.) called Arzani. uS^-il CLi\jj^ [Mujarrabat i Akbarl. Translated from the Persian by W. 'A.] VBAJALALA. jj,\ cl->J1-jIj [Nasiket. A popular [1867.] 8°. legend in prose.] pp. 24, lith. .^5 iaat [^Lahore, 14104. g. 3. 1882.] 8°. 14114. a. 27 (2.) WAHID 'ALI KHAN. t_-.-u.i t->L^-> [Sailab i ghazab. A religious controversial treatise in reply VRAJAVASI LALA. ^L:>-j} jls^\ [Akhlak i to the Bunyfid i i'tikad.] pp. 20, lith. j^^ ir«p Brajbashl. Moral and salutary advice to the young.] [Cawnpore, 1877.] 8°. liih. (JL>/]L-. [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. pp. 59, 14104. g. 4 (2.) One of the series entitled " Zakhirah i Rafah i 'amm." WAHID al-DIN KHAN. ^^ji-. f-r>j^ '''*" 14106. b. 10 (10.) (i?*=^

    [Hadd i tahklk ba-mashrab i Sunnl. An exposition [Another copy.] of the Sunnl creed.] pp. viii. 832, lith. i rif [Patna, 14119. d. 2 (1.) 1879.] 8°. Xj [Astut Sri Bhagavan. 14104. f. 20. ^ >rfj^ A religious poem. Followed by ghazals by Go- WAHID al-ZAMAN ibn MASIH al-ZAMAN. See plniitha and others.] pp. 22, /eV/*. tSij^L^ [Sialkot, Malik ibn Anas. l&^\ (_>li^ ^ ILmJI ^ii,^ [The 1876.] 8°. Muwatta with a Hindustani translation and com-

    One of the series entitled " ZaM^irah i Rafuh i 'umm." mentary by W. al-Z.] [1879.] 8°.

    14106. a. 12 (13.) 14561. 0. 9. 44 '

    348 347 WAH—WAK WAL

    "WAHID al-ZAMAN ibn MASIH al-ZAMAN. ' WALI. See BanwalT Ram. See SuLAiMAN ibn al-Asn'As (Abu Da'uu) See "WalT Allah, Shah.

    Sijistam. •J\ dy%js!^\ i^J^l [Al-Huda al-maHmud. "WAIii, Hdjl. j [Rahbar i rah i hakk.] Translator. tSee Muhammad 'Umar 'Ali Khan. pp^ 125-143. [1877.] 8°. 14119. 6. 28. i Wajhan. "WAJHAN". ^^^} b i_flll [Alif ba A WALI ALLAH, Hafiz. ^Jj^j^ CjUrl [AbHas i poem in praise of AUiih, each line beginning with zaruri. Muhammadan arguments against Christian one of the letters of the alphabet.] See Muhammad doctrines.] pp. 48, Uth. .^^ i r^A \_Caionpore, Zardar Khan, j^ a^jj^j [Rahbar i rah i halili.] 1861.] 8°. 110. [1877.] 8°. pp. 109, 14119. e. 14 (1.) 14119. e. 28.

    > ,.,Uji\ i^Ull Lrf [Siya- [Another edition.] See TauhTd. J*-.:^^ i^y^.s^ ^J^ nat al-insan. A work iii defence of the Muhamma- [Majmu'ah i tauhld.] pp. 1-3. [1877.] 8°. dan religion, in reply to 'Imad al-Dln's Tahkik • 14114. c. 16 (2.) al-Iman.] pp.248, Uth. j^l itai [Lahore, 1872.] 8°. c^^^U> ^j.as^ [Siharfl. A ^^^^i ^J^^ 14119. c. 23 (3.) each beginning with a letter of poem in 30 verses, WALI ALLAH, Shah, called WalT. Les ceuvres alphabet.] 2. Uth. t^/JL-.- [Sialkot, 1877.] 8°. the pp. de Wali, publi^es en hindoustani par M. Garcin de One of ike series entitled " ZaMlrah i Rafsh i 'dmm." Tassy. (.^j u^jJ,^) [Dlwan i WalT.] pp. xx. 144. 14119. d. 2 (5.) Paris, 1834. 4°. WAJID. i..',\j^y>- [Chuhe-namah, or The story of 760. k. 7 (1.) called the rats. A poem.] See WalT Muhammad, [Another edition.] pp. 206, ^«YA. ji^ ir'ie 4-6. NazTr. - Les oeuvres de Wali. Traduction et notes [Chuhe-namah.] pp. 23, 24. [1881.] 8°. par M. Garcin de Tassy. pp. 64. Paris, 1836. 4°. 14114. b. 20 (8.) 760. k. 7 (2.) WAJID 'ALI KHAN. ,j^\ *i-.jl^ <_jU^ [Grul- WALI ALLAH ibn 'ABD al-RAHIM, Dihlavl.

    dastah i anjuman. A Hindustani manual, contain- See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Dihlavi. Jt>\^\ ^^Sx.^ ing a reader, collection of proverbs, tables of genders [Ma'dan al-jawahir. A collection of pieces, religious containing amongst others the maxims of nouns, rules of grammar, and simple arithmetic] and ethical, of W. A. in Arabic, with explanations in Hindu- pp. 600, viii. Uth. s/\ lAfl [Agra, 1849.] 8°. stani.] [1880.] 8°. 14117. d. 6. 14516. cc. 8 (5.) WAJID 'ALI SHAH. See MuHAMMAD "Wajid ^JJ\s^\ jjj^ -.jl:> ^y^\ 'iji [Kurrat al-'uyun. 'Ali Shah. A translation of the Surur al-makhzun of Shah

    WAJIH al-DIN". AJ\ j»llij [Nizam al-Islam. A Wall Allah, a Persian translation of the Niir al- or Life of Muhammad, an Arabic work by treatise on the Muhammadan religion.] pp. 156, Uth. 'uyun, Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Saiyid al-Nas, itself ji^ lAiA [^Lucknow, 1868.] 8°. an epitome of his larger work the 'Uyiin al-Asar. 14104. f. 4 (1.) With Arabic quotations and Hindustani translations.] WAKAE. See Krishnakumara. Vol. I. Uth. ^ [Lucknow, 1879.] 4°. WAKIDi. See Muhammad ibn 'Umar (Abu 'Abd In progress f Allah). 14104. h. 8. 349 WAL WAL—WAR 860

    WALI ALLiH ibn 'ABD al-RA^iM, Bihlavl. WALI MITfiAMMAD, called NazTr, .uU ^i^

    . . . *JL_i . ^OJ--«Jl iJi [Another edition of [Jogl-niimah. With a tazmin or poetical amplifi- Part vi. of Vol. I. of the preceding.] pp. 90, lith. cation by Kutb al-Din Biitin.] See KarTm al-DT?f, ij\ [Agra, 1879.] 4°. Patyabt, called SharTr.

    WAIii MUHAMMAD, Mnnshi. See Muhammad -jlaj (jv^^E^ ^L! [Lain Majniin. The romance

    'Abd al-KXDiR, Banarasi and WalT Muhammad, of Lain and Majnun in verse.] pp. 16, lith. jvoli

    Munshl. Moallim. shatranj, etc. [1883.] 8°. [Cau^npore, 1866.] 8°. 14119. b. 14119. c. 3 (7.)

    WALJ MUHAMMAD, called NazTr. See Khush- [Another edition.] pp. 16, lith. [Delhi,

    DiL. i^l »j1j ^jhL^» A .a'"! [Kissah i sipahi-zadah. 1873.] 12°. Together with "seven short poems on various sub- 14119. a. 18 (5.) jects by Nazlr.] [1878.] 8°. -j \i}j^\ jJaJ '•^\^ [KuUiyiit, or Complete

    [Another edition.] 220, lith. i Mv poetical works.] pp. 315, lith. iav- {Lucknoic, pp. 1870.] 12°. [Bombay, 1880.] 8°. 14114. b. 38. 14114. a. 10.

    [Another edition.] pp. 192, lith. ^iftJ WALKER ( ) Dr. Dr. Walker's Moobtudee [Delhi, 1877.] 8°. kee puhlee kitab. <_»li^ [Hindu- ls^^ ,_s^ t^J'^V* 14114. c. 19. stani First book, compiled with the assistance of

    (L^LS i.Lslj [Two poems ; viz. Banjarah- Jayasankara, and Magana Liila.] pp. 50, lith. niimah, or The story of the grain merchant, and jbljjj I All [Allahabad, 1861.] 4°.

    Achar chuhon ka, or Pickled rats. To which is 14117. e. 4. added the Chuhe-namah of Wajid.] pp. 8, lith. WAHIS. See Waris 'AlT, Shah. [Lucknoiv, 1860 ?] 8°. 'ALI, Shah. See Madar Bakhsh, Shaikh, 14119. b. 11 (1.) WARIS called JanglT. ^^liS^J^^ [Gulzar i Waris. Poems [Two poems ; viz. Banjarah-nilmah and on the life and character of W. 'A.] [1879.] 8°. Motl-namah. To which is added a tarjl'band, by Abad.] ju^l lAvp [Lucknow, 1874.] 8°. 14114. b. 7 (9.)

    14119. e. 26 (4.) WARIS *ALI, called SaifT. See 'Abd al-'AzTz, j-lai iXJ ijS [Jogl-namah and a few other small Dihlavi. ^^\Jil\ j^ [Sirr al-shahadatain. Ac- poems, the whole bearing the title Girih-band i companied by notes selected from W. 'A.'s Tahrir 8°. Nazir.] pp. 16, lith. [Agra, 1860 ?] al-shahadatain.] [1873.] 8°. 14119. e. 6 (6.) 14561. c. 17. 351 WAR—WHA WHE—WIL 352

    WABIS 'ALI, called SaifT. See Muhammad WHEELER (J. Talboys). ^f

    Salamat Allah, called KashfT. ^jIy^1^_^' [Tarikh i jalsah i kaisarl. The History of the [TaKrlr al-shahadatain. A translation by "W. 'A. of Imperial Assemblage at Delhi, held on the 1st assumption of the the TaKrlr al-shahadatain.] [1871.] 8°. January, 1877, to celebrate the 14119. c. 32 (4.) title of "Empress of India," by Her Majesty the Queen. With photographic portraits. Translated WARREN (Joseph). See Flavell (J.) Chashma from the English by Pyarl Lai.] pp. iv. 123. i zindagi . . . [Sermons by John Flavell, translated ^'i lAAr [Lahore, 1883.] 4°. 8°. ^ by J. W.] 1848. 14109. 8. 20. 14104. b. 1. WHERRY (Elwood Morris). See Bible. <_>^

    Qa'ida i 'Ibrani : jis ko padri Joseph Warren ^„dc«-« [Printed under the superintendence of liye taiyar s4hib marhum ne 'ibrani sikhnew41on ke E. M. W.l [1883.] 8°. kiya. [A Hebrew grammar in Hindustani printed 3068. 6. 27. in Roman characters.] pp. ix. 322. Allahabad, See Kur'an. The Quran . . . with an index 1879. 12°. 8° in Urdu by . . E. M. W. 1876. 14104. b. 12. 14104. f. 1.

    WATT (James) the Engineer. \_Life.'] See Sherring i Kur'an. index to i^\ J *iJl [A'lnah An (M.A.) ^^;-JjUJ\ iJsJ [Tazkirat al-'akilln.] 'Abd al-Kadir's translation of the Koran.] pp. 151,

    [1861.] 8°. lith. AJbjjJ lAAi \_Lodiana, 1881.] 8°.

    14104. 6. 19 (7.) WAZIR AHMAD. ^,J^\ ^U^ [Miftah al-tarlkh. WILA. See Mazhar 'AlT Khax. A catechism on the history of India, compiled from 'Aziz Allah Shah, English sources.] 2 pt. lith. ^X)ji i'^'^' [Bareilly, WILAYAT. See Muhammad also 'AlT Khan. 1880.] 8°. called Wilayat 14117. d. 43. WILAYAT 'ALI. See Sa'dT. .J,\ fTj-^ J'^ii WAZIR 'ALi ibn MUNATJWAR 'ALI, called Mu- [The Bustiin, with a translation in verse by W. 'A.] hammad SalIm. [1878.] 8°. ^j^\ cjW ffCj^ U^J^^ ji^ii^ Pars. 651 (2.) [Taisir al-Kur'an. A glossary of the Koran in WILAYAT 'ALI KHAN". See Muhammad 'Aziz Arabic and Hindustani.] pp. 192, lith. \r^^ Shah. [Cawnpore, 1879.] 8°. Allah 14514. b. 15. WILLIAM. See Burvett (W. J.) [Another copy.] WILLIAMS (H. R.) See Butler (J.) successively 14104. f. 22. Bishop of Bristol, etc. The Analogy of Religion to

    WAZIR fiUSAIN ibn SABIT 'ALI, Mashhadi. the constitution and course of nature. Part i. . . .

    8°. Translated . . . by H. R. W. 1873. *jL* <(Jblo w^^-^ iS^ [Za'ikah i 14104. c. 25. matam, also called Chihal majlis i Shaplr. A work in forty chapters on the events of Karbala and WILLIAMS {Sir Monieb Monier). ^e Khusrau, text of martyrdom of Husain.] pp. iv. 743, iv. lith. Amir. Bag-o-Bahar. The Hindustani notes, _ji^ lAA- [LuchiotD, 1880.] 8°. Mir Amman, edited in Roman type, with and 8°. 14104. g. 23. an introductory chapter ... by M. W. 1859. 14112. a. 9. WHATELEY (Richard) Archbishop of Dublin. See An easy introduction to the study of Hindu- Ledlie (J. P.) J^\x/i\ [Dastur al-ma'ash. jy^j Hindustani, with stani. . . . Also . . . Selections in A translation of an English adaptation of Dr. W.'s a vocabulary and dialogues, by Cotton Mather. Lectures on political economy.] [1859.] 8°. 12°. pp.^ xii. 238. London, 1858. 12906. a. 40. 14117. a. 16 (1.) 353 WIL—YAH YAK—YTT8 864

    WILSON ( )• jJlr ^Ij [Tiirlkh i 'alam. Out- YAKBANO. LXyL;*::«,jj/[Gulda8tah i yakrang.

    lines of general history, translated by 11. S. Reid Miscellaneous poems.] pp. 48, lith. irip [Allahabad,

    from the English. Third edition.] Pt. i. lith. 1878.] 8°. 14114. b. 7 I AM lAllahabad, 1859.] 8°. (6.) 14109. a. 13. YlB 'ALI, Mir, called Jan. AjiJ^^j.^ «^M-^ WILSON (Horace Hayman). See Roebuck (T.) [Kulliyat, or Complete poetical works.] pp. 116, lith. A Collection of proyerbs ... in the Persian and l»j lAv. [Delhi, 1870.] 8°.

    14119. e. Hindoostaneo languages . . . [Edited with additions 4 (6.) by H. H. W.] 1824. 8°. YATHARTHASNANA. .fi^lfj»- ciJ«J u^ l*.i.a. 767. h. 10. ^Ixll [Jatharth-ashnan. A tract on cleanliness of

    l--;-.. See YiEVAS.—Riffveda. 'J\ i^%^j > «l - < mind and body.] 2 pt. pp. 8, 8, lith. lAvr [Sialkot, [The First ashtaka of the Rigveda, translated from 1873.] 8°.

    H. H. W.'s English version.] [1873.] 8°. One of a seriet of pamphlett entitled "Chathmah % faif," with a second pagination 1 1-26. 14007. d. 14. 14106. b. 7 (2.) WILSON (John) B.D., F.R.8., Missionary of the YEMEN. ili LiS [Kissah i Shah i Yaman. Free Church of Scotland. .lUJ^ ^ ita. ^^ cH.'^ LT^ A tale in verse of a king of Yemen, and of the [Musalmiinl din kil radlyah.] Refutation of Mu- miracle worked on him by Muhammad.] pp. 20, lith. hamraadism, in reply to Haji Muhammad Hashim Jjbj iTAv [Delhi, 1870.] 12°. by the Rev. John "Wilson, pp. 126, lith. Bombay, - 14119. a. 2 (2.) 1834. 12°. [Another edition.] pp. 12, lith. i r 1 1 [Delhi, 14104. c. 3. 1882.] 8°. WILSON (R. S.) See Ijfm\.—Ariny. The Articles 14114. b. 20 (10.) of War for native troops, in Hindustani, translated YOGAVASISTHA. See Mum al-DTN, Shaikh. by R. S. W. 1880. 12°. Ji-i^l i-:;-"JJ [Lazzat al-Hind. Hindu love-stories, 14106. d. 17. taken from the Yogavasishtha.] [1872.] 8°. The Articles of "War ... in Hindu- 14119. 0. 23 (6.) stani by Telugu characters. Translated by R. S. "VY. -4^^ [Alakh amwaj. The Yogavasish- 1880. 12°. r-'j-*^ 14106. d. 16. tha, a Sanskrit philosophical poem, translated by WISALi. See 'Ala al-DTx. Kanhaiya Lai, in twelve parts.] Lith. «iy3L-i [Sialkot, 1876.] 8°. YAD 'ALI. j^y>- ,_5-^Ij LnJ [Kissah i KiizI i 0716 of the series entitled " ^a^irah i Rafilh i 'dmm." Jaunpiir. A humorous tale in verse.] pp. 4, lith. 14106. a. 3 (2.) Jj6j [Delhi, 1876.] 8°. " [Another copy.] 14119. d. 4 (12.) 14106. a. 7 (1.) TADTTNATHA MUKHOPADHYAYA. e:-vs-' lii^ YOUNG (R. J.) Instructions for investigation of ss^ji [Hifz i sihliat kl 'umdah tadblrin, 1^ r-jjj ^ grave crime and questions and answers for chauki-

    or Rules for the preservation of health ; being a dars. cljUjJL* ^Ia^jhj ij^jii . . . ti--jljjfc ^j^;^ _j translation by Bhagavanprasada, of the Bengali ^;j^i«> [Third edition.] pp. 11. Mirzapore, 1876. 8°. Sarlrapalana of Y. M.] pp. 96, lith. r^y* "^""^ 14119. b. 19 (4.) \Monghyr, 1878.] 8°. Haidardbddi, called Kammalposh. 14106. g. 1 (2.) YUSUP KHAN,

    YAHYA ibn SHARAP (MuHYi al-DiN Abu Zaka- i Farang, also rTya) Nawain. ti-oju*. [Nawawl's i^l:..>*.J.Cjl (_$CL« ['Aja'ibat called J-y-^ zj-"^ i^pj.^ Tarikh i YusufI, or Safar-niimah i Yiisuf Khiin. A Arba'iin hadls, or Forty traditions. Arabic text with narrative of travels in England in 1837. A new a Hindustani translation and commentary by Mir edition.] pp. 169, lith. lAvr [Lucknotc, 1873.] 8°. 'All ibn Muhammad 'AH.] pp. 41, lith. j^'^ iai

    ZAPAB. See Bahadur Shah II., Emperor of ZAKHMI. See Raj Bahadur. Hindustan. ZAKI. See MahdT 'AlT Khan. ZAHIB. See Khadim 'AlT. ZAKKUM, King of Armenia, a^j s\jt> i.^ [Kissah ZAHIB. See Muhammad ZahTr al-DiN, Bilgraml. i Shah Zakkum. A poem on the defeat of king See ZahTr al-DiN Husain. Zakkum, by Muhammad. Translated from the Persian.] pp. 30, lith. ^Li^ [Bombatj, 1875.] 8°. ZAHIB al-DIN AHMAD KHAN. jLj^^^ . . . Do- 14119.0.25(4.) paiker, or an Urdu grammar treating specially on the distinction between the masculine and feminine [Another edition.] pp. 80, lith. ^^^^ ir^r genders, with 1,500 exceptions with their examples [Bombay, 1876.] 8°. 14119. b. 16 alphabetically arranged, pp. 116, lith. Calcutta, (4.) [18791. 8°. ZALIM SINGH. ..^ij^ JUi Ll« !ij\j [A Barah- 14117. b. 29 (5.) masah poem.] See Ghunchah i dil. Jii

    Persian by Zahlr.] pp. 460, lith. j^^J-aJ i^'^'" ZAMIN. See Zamin 'AlI. [Delhi, 1883.] 4^ i 14112. c. 35. ZAMIN 'ALI, called Jalal. Jh>- iJi^J [Dlwan

    jaliil, also called Shahid i shokh-tab'. The poems ZAIN", Mulla. See Muhammad Zain Allah. of Jalal.] pp. 284, lith. ^ [Lucknow, 1884.] 8°. ZA'IB. See Babar 'AlT Khan. 14114. c. 36.

    ZAITtJN. sHWI K^^'l H ^6M^ ^'Am. [Kissah i ..L), «<.•«... '<\S u^ u- J/.^.p ^^jj'^fj^j Zaitnn o Muhammad Hanlf. A tale in verse, in i faiz. [Ganjinah i zaban i Urdii, also called Gulshan the Gujarati character.] 84. ^-MtT \l^^ pp. A dictionary of Hindustani words, phrases, and {Bombay, 1875.] 8°. idioms explained in Persian.] pp. 800, lith. ^^ i rV 14112. a. 22 (1.) [Lticknow, 1880.] 8°. ^ ^jl^j 14117. b. 35. ZAKA ALLAH KHAN. ^..^'^}j^ i^j^ ^^-*=r/ [Karabadin i Zaka'i. A treatise on compound ,'U1]| ^Jiij [Tanklh al-lughat. An alpha- medicaments, translated from the Persian of Z. A. betical list of popular orthographical mistakes in Kh. by Muhammad HadI Husain Khiin.] pp. x. Persian and Arabic words.] pp. 70, lith. y^ i Avr 396, yii. lith. iav. [Lucknow, 1871.] 8°. [Lucknow, 1873.] 8°. 14106. 6. ^ g. 14119. c. 26 (2.)

    [Second edition.] pp. 404, /jYA. [Cawnpore, ZAMIN 'ALI, called Zamin. ^^;-^^ ^i^y-^ ^^H'^ 1880.] 8°. i ma'rifat. li--i jl/ ffJ [Guldastah 14106. g. 24. i^Jjji^ g^j. ,^ av Complete poetical works.] pp. 168, lith. ^^ i ZAKAEIYA ibn MUHAMMAD, Eazwlnl. ^\^ [Delhi, 1870.] 8°. '- CLiXsyiJ:^ \ ['Aja'ib al-makhlukat, or wonders J j,\ The 14119. e. 14 (6.) of creation. An Arabic work by KazwInI in four [Another edition, without the first poem, parts, on curiosities of natural history. Translated '^'"' pp. 1-16 of preceding.] pp. 70, lith. ^-^-^ by Amjad Husain from a Persian translation of the [Lucknow, 1877.] 8°. original made for Ibrahim 'Adil in the year ^ Shah 14119. e. 27 (2.) A.H. 954. With numerous illustrations.] pp. 634, x.,^^ jUt^ ['Ishk-samundar, or The ocean nth. y^ 1M1 \_Lucknow, 1869.] fol. short poem.] See Ambe Prasad, 14109. e. 9. of love. A called Madhush. j^^_yj^L-3j [Kissah i Gopl- [Another translation of the same work by '8°. chand.] p. 27. [1876.]" Tasadduk Husain.] 572, lith. iaw [Luck- ^ pp. y^ ^ 14119. d. 10 (7.) now, 1877.] fol. Ibrahim. 14109. e. 15. ZAUK. See Muhammad 357 ZIL-ABD ZU-AHM 858

    ZILL al-KABIM. See Sana Allah, Kdzl, Pdnipaii. ZU al-PAKAR iCAIDAB. Jjjj .J -laJg-j J^as* J^l ^_s^ [Hadlkut nl-mariim. translation A by j»Li! JaI ^IjJU;. i_ijjj jtjul*- ^yU [Objections to Z. al-K. of the Persian 8°. Haklkat al-islam.] [1883.] the introduction of a Bill in the Viceregal Council, 14104. e. 30 (9 ) regarding the Muhammadan law of inheritance.] ZIYA al-DIN, called 'Ibrat. See Malik Mu- pp. 28, lith. AiiJj inv [Patm, 1880.] 8°. hammad, Jd'isi. jjj] lU^Ujj [Padmuvat. A poem, 14106. e. 19 (4.) translated from the Hindi by'z. al-D.] [1858.] 4°. 14114. d. 3. ZUHUB al-HAKK. LjUI i_-vu^

    ZUBDAT al-HISAB. cjLu^'l ifjuj [Zubdat al- ZXTHfBI (NiJR al-DTN Muhammad). See KarTm hisab. al-DiN, Maulavi. ^^jy^e [TakrTm i Zuhiirl. An arithmetic for the use of schools.] 3pt. ^«7A. j^^Jj ^y!,5 lAv-vi {Lahore, 1870-71.] 8°. A commentary on the second of the Sih nasr of 14117. c. 11. Zuhuri.] [1861.] 8°. Pars. 179. ZU al-PAKAB 'ALL iSJjSJi\ jlj [Ziid al-fikhirat. An account in verse of the martyrdoms of the Mu- >.Jjy^ V^Jif*^ [Tashhir i Zuhuri. A hammadan saints.] pp. 226, lith. ,--L-w«j ini commentary on the first of the Sih nasr of Zuhuri.]

    " ' {Bombay, 1874.] 8°. ' [1861.] 8°. 14104. f. 12. Pers. 178.


    'ABD al-HAKIM, Ea'is of Meerut. ^^Xj tjj ACADEMIES, etc. —London.— Oriental Translation [Farrah i Farsl. A Persian-Hindustani vocabulary.] Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. Garcin de pp. 58, lith. ^j^ [Meerut, 1876 ?] 8°. Tassy (Joseph Heliodore). Histoire de la litt^ra-

    Pers. 499 (6.) ture hindoui et hindoustani. 2 torn. Paris, 'ABD 1839-47. 8°. al-HAKK, Maulari. Zaw4bit-i-F4rsi ; or a 762. k. 5, 6. Persian grammar in Oordoo, prepared ... by AHMAD BAKHSH. J,l.£ jj.^ [Soz i 'ishk. A Maulawi Abd al-Haqq. (^— .li kjl^) Fourth poem on Bilal, the mu'azzin of the prophet Mu- edition, pp. 71. Calcutta, 1869. 12°. hammad.] lith. irv [Jrt//a;)rfar, 1881.] 8°. No. 1 of "Zee's Persian Series." Imperfect; wanting pp. 8-16. Pers. 128 (1.) 14104. £. 31. " . 1

    359 ALL—BIB CHH-LIT 360 RAM. [Allah CHHABELI . ALLAH KHUDA'i. ^lj>^ ^^ ^^ > Lp .. . ^ y ^ y I description of the months of the Khuda'I. A rhymed vocabulary of Persian and [Biirah-masah. A in Persian prose, with occasional verses in Hindustani words.] pp. 16, litk. lAvr [Lahoi-e, year lith. '^^^ \Sitapur, 1873.1 8°. Hindustani.] pp. 46, j^^f-> Pers. 94 (2.) 1878.] 8°. Pers. 709 (1.) AMIB SINGH. ^^\j\j^\ [Asrar al-Eunud. A DICTIONARIES. A vocabulary of technical terms treatise on charms, talismans, interpretations of used in elementary vernacular school books . . . Issued dreams and such like ; being Pt. i. of the Indrajal, ... by order of Dr. G. W. Leitner. pp. 40. Lahore, a work complete in four parts.] pp. 48, lifh. [Jj»0 1879. 4°- [Delhi, 8°. 1880?] 14117. e. 14. 14119. f. 24. FAZIL KAIDAWT. See Lutf Allah, Nakafl.

    ASMA i HUSNA. J^-JLc ii^ [Toshah i 'ukba. 'IZZAT ALLAH. La doctrine de I'amour ou Taj- Another edition.] pp. 20, lith. \_Luckiioto, 1876 ?] 8°. ulmuluk et Bakawali. Roman de philosophie re- 14119. c. 29 (8.)

    ligieuse . . . traduit de I'hindoustani par M. Garcin

    'AZIZ. See Muhammad 'Aziz Allah Shah. de Tassy. pp. 123. Pa»-is, 1858. 8°. 1298. 1. 2.

    BASHARAT ALLAH SHAH. CiJj,^ji^Jj\ [A'inah KAIDANI. See Lutf Allah, Nasafl, called Fazil i wahdat. A dlwan poem, partly in Persian and KaidanT. partly in Hindustani.] 66, ii. lith. ^^^ [Luck- pp. KALIPEASANNA SENA GUPTA. Urdu-upadesa, noiv, 1882.] 8°. or an Urdu treatise in the Bengali character in- Pers. 709 (11.) tended to help the Bengali gentlemen in learning BIBLE. Old Testament (New Testament) in Urdu Urdu ... by Kaliprasanna Sen. ^'^-^^fClpt etc. with references. u^\ ^j^,\l^ t_;l^ 2 pt. British pp. 190, ii. 5|5feT?Ff^ ^v-ll [Calcutta, 1877.] 8°. and Foreign Bible Society : London, Hertford [printed] 14131. g. 15. 1887. 4°. lilTXTRGl'ES.—E'SGLA'ST), Church of. —Common Prat/er. 3068. g. 7. '^\ t—jli^ fH^*^ ,^lcJ [Du'a i 'amim kl kitab. The Appendix. The proper names in the Old ^ Book of Common Praj'er in Hindustani.] pp. 48, 301. and New Testaments, rendered into Urdu and 1/1 lAfv [Agra, 1847.] 8°. Hindi. [By J. A. Shurman.] pp. iv. 102. Allahabad, 1850. 4°. Duae amim ki kitab, etc. [The Book of 3061. g. 5. Common Prayer in Roman characters.] pp. 223. Old Testament.— Genesis. The Book of Agra, 1847. 8°. Genesis in Dakhani. (jiol juo ^ L_>li^ 1^ ^ ^y* Omitting the Collects, Epistles and Gospels, the Psalter, and the Forms of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating Bishops, ji pp. 290. Hertford, 1858." 12°. J\<. ^ Priests and Beacons. 3068 aa. 36. 3406. bb. 11. INDEX OF ORIENTAL TITLES.

    \_The references in this Index are to the names of the authors or other headings under which the works are " catalogued. In the case of anonymous works, which are catalogued under their titles, the phrase " in loco

    is used in referring to them. Oriental titles only are entered in this Index, or those in which English words

    occur only as forming an essential part of an Oriental title.']

    Ab i Hayat. AKsan al-a'mal. See Muhammad Husain, called Azad. See Muhammad Ghaus. iblTs. kawa'id. See Kawusji PalanjI Khaiau. See Muhammad Najaf 'Ali Khan. Abbas i zarurT. mawa'iz. See "Wali Allah, Hafiz. See Gat (J.) the Poet.

    Abyat i sbukr. tawarlkh. See MuiiAMMAB 'Abd al-KnlLii:. See ElMASAHAyA, called Tamajtna.

    Achar cbuhon ka. Abwal i sih kitab. See "Wali Muhammad, called NazIe. See Tafazzul Husain Khan. Achbar abhyas. I'In. See Eamasaeana Dasa. See Muhammad Khan, Sahdranpurl. Adbbuta Kamayana. A'in i lasbkari. See Saxkaeadayaltj, called Faehat. See India. —Army. Adib al-nisa. 'Ain al-buka. See Dah Majlis. See IsVAEIPEASADA. Wilayat. Adillab i kamilab. See Muhammad 'Aziz Allah Shah. See Mahmud Husain. A'Inah i 'AbbasT. Aftab i 'alam-tab. See Muhammad Muhibb 'Ali. See Muhammad Sasan, Hakim. abl i Hind. hidayat. See Eavakhishna Eava. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-Diw Abu dll. HImid) Ghazzali. See Heart-book. gltl-numa. See Nadie 'Ali Shah, called Saifi. See Harinathasahaya. Afyum namah [_in loco]. hidayat [»« loco]. Afzal al-tawarlkh. jahan-numa. See Ramasahata, called Tamanna. See Eamajivana.

    Aghaz i nur. jam i jaban-numa. See TucKEE (C.) Misi. See Bakhtawae Khan (Muhammad). Abadlg al-KabIb al-mutabarrakat. Kur'an. See 'Inayat Allah Ahmad. See Wherry (E. M.)

    'Abd-namajat. mazhab i Hunud. See Indla. See Jayadatalu Simha. Alikam al-a'immah. See Hasan 'AlI, Majl. See Nabayana Dasa, ChunarJ. 'Idln. — sozak. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Bihlavl. See Ceetan Shak. 46 363 INDEX OF TITLES. 364

    piyari. A'inah i tabiibat. Allah See Periodical Publications. —Agra. See Muhammad 'Abd al-HAMiD. tarikh-numa. Alwan i ni'mat. See SiTAPBASADA, Haj'a, C.S.I. See BuLAKi Das. tawarlkh. Amadan-namah. See Ilahi Bakhsh, called Sha'ik. See 'Abd al-FATiAH, also called Asheaf 'Ali. 'uKul. Aman al-lughat. See Ghxilam Haidah KHly. See Muhammad Aman al-HAix. waHdat. Amin i Hikmat. See Bashaeat Allah Shah. See Nadie 'Aii Shah, called Saifi. 'Aja'ib al-liisas. Amritasagara. See 'Abd al- Wahid ibn Muhammad Mughni. See Peatapa Simha, Raja of Jaipur. makhlukat. Araritavant [in loco]. Am sal i be-misal. See Zakabita ibn Muhammad, Kazwinl. V V

    'Aja'ibat i Farang. See Chieanji Lal. See YtJsup Knlif, Haidardladi, called Kammalposh. Amsilah i jabriyab. milinat-slu'ari. See Palikama. See Eeid (H. S.) Amus A'mfild ke kai ek qisse.

    'Aka'id i sharfiyah. See Pabkeb (E. W.) See Ahmad Mushtak, Saiyid. Anandasagara. 'Aka'id-namah. See GiBDHABi Lal. See Sakhawat 'Ali. Anantakatha. See Ramtahal, called Mubarak. See United States of America.—Methodist Episcopal 'Anasir al-khairat. Church. shahadatain. 'Akd al-jawahir. See Muhammad Nasie 'Ali, Ghiyaspurl. See Manzue Ahmad. Angrez! lasbkari kawa'id ka tarjumah.

    Aklilak i Brajbashi. See Geeat Britain and Ieeland.—Army.—Infantry, See Veajavasi Lala. sarf o nabw. Hindi. See Cradock (L.) See HiTOPADESA. AnTs al-saiyabin.

    • Nasirl. See DuBGAPBASADA, Assistant Inspector of Schools. See Nasik al-DiN (Muhammad ibn Muhammad) tusi. Anjam i ulfat. Sarwari. See Mahmud, Miyan, called Eaunak.

    See Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. Anjuman i Rafab i 'amm i Eajputana. Akhlaki kahanian. See Academies, etc. — Ajmere.— Social Progress See HuMPHBET (E. J.) Mrs. Association.

    Akhtar i buland. Anubhava krita. See Kaesandas Muui. See Devisahaya. Akhwa-noos-safa. Anwar i akhbar. See Ikhwan al-SApI. See GuLDASTAH i shu'aea. 'Akldah aur hukmon par su'al o jawab. Mubammadl. See Apostles' Ceeed. See Muhammad Amie. Akl kl tajwiz. na-mutanabi. See Kanhaita Lal, called Alaehadhabi. See LiLAPEASADA, also called 'Abd al-KAHMiN. Aksharabhyasa. — Nasirl. See Muhammad Nasis 'Alt, Ohiyaspuri. See Ramasaeana Dasa. suhaill. Alakb-prakash. See HusALN Vi'iz, Kashifi. See IJPANISHADS. Ara'ish i mabfil. Alf lailah. See Aeabian Nights. See Hatim tl'i. Alif ba. See Sheb 'Ali, called Afsos. See Wajhan. 'Ara'iz o kbiilul [in loco]. i Farsi. See Alif ba. Arba' i 'anasir. See Muhammad Nasie 'Ail, Ohiyaspuri. See Muhammad 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Muhammad Mahdi. Arlliyas Agustinas ke ikrarat.

    Alkab i MaslliT. See Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. See Lucas (J. J.) Armaghan. Allab Khuda'i [in loco]. See 'Abd al-GnAFDR Khan (Abu Muhammad) called AUab nam [in loco]. Nassakh. )

    365 INDEX OF TITLES. 866

    Annaj^an minjanib shu'ara i DIlili. Badr al-kamal. See Kaniiaiya Lit, called ALAKHADHAKi. See Muuamkas AbO Sa'Id KbXit.

    Arorabans-prakash. Bagh i 'Asbik. See Periodical Pcblications.—Faizabad. Se« KanhaitI LIl, called 'Arhik. Arth pahell. Irara. See Khuseau, Amir. Set Jalal al-DiN, Jtuml.

    'Aruz i Faza. Urdu. See Govindaphasada, called Faza. See Sa'dT. Aryadarpana. Ba^ o babar. See Periodical Publications.—Shahjahanpur. See Khuseau, Amir.

    'Arz i Bahar. manzum. See 'Ali, Mirtu, called Bahar. See Shamlah.

    Hajat i Fakir. Baghawat i Malwah. See Muhammad Husaiw, called Fakir. See Nizam al-DiN, called Nizam.

    Arzhang i Chin. Babar i 'arab. See Detiprasada. See 'Abd al-HlFiz, called Him. Razl. Bindraban. See HusAiN VI'iz, Kashifi. See Vrindavana, Maharaja.

    Sha'ik. bustan i shu'ara. See Habivamsaprasada, called Sni'ik. See Muhammad Fazl Ikeam. AsaHH al-aHadla ft ibtal al-taslls. danisb. See Rahmat Allah, KardnaicJ. See 'Inatat Allah.

    Agar i kiyamat. Hind. See Rafi' al-DiN, Dihlavi. See Safdab 'Ali. mabshar [in loco]. 'isbk. al-sanadid. See Tasadduk Ausain Khan, called Shauk. See Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I. jannat.

    Ash'ar i Nassakh. See Muhammad 'Abd rI-Sami'. Muhammad) called See 'Add al-GHArtJR Khan (Abu . kbuld. Nassakh. See KiFAYAT 'Ali, called Kafi.

    'Asharah i kamilah. Babaristan i ash'ar. See Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Ssfiz. See KrishnakumIra, called Wakar. 'Ashik i sadik. kartan. See Mahmud, Miyfin, called Raunak. See Sa'di. 'Asbik ka janazah. — naz. See 'Asnik. See Muhammad Fasih al-DiN, called Ranj. Ashraf al-kawanin. sukban [in hcolj. See 'Abd al-FATTAH, also called Asheaf 'Ali. takdis. Ashtavakra-samhita. See Muhammad Muhi al-DiN, Eadirl.. | upadesa. j tarlkh. See ASHTAVAKRA. See GnuLAM Saewar, Mu/fi. Asrar al-Huniid. Babr al-bakikat. Sse Amir Singh. See Muhammad Abu rI-Hasan, called Hasak. al-Ilabi. waza'if. Dasa. See Pauamesvaei See Muhammad 'Abd al-KABlM. i Karbala. ) Babramgor. al-nubuwat. See Faekhand 'Ali. See Muhammad Zahie al-DiN, Bilgraml. Baital-pacblsi [in heo']. Astut Sri Bhagavan. Baizab-farosb ka abwal. See Vrajavasi Lala. See Baizah-farosh. AstutI o prarthana. al-Balagb al-mubln. See Ganesadasa. See Muiii al-Dbf, Shaikh. Aurad i Ibsani.- Ballabb charitra. See Ihsan 'Ali Khan. See JawA am Lal, Munthl. 'Azab al-barlk. Banat al-na'sb. See 'Abd Allah, Mudi. See NazIr Ahmad, Khan Bahadur. Azkar i Mubammadi. Bandar-sabha [in /o«o]. See Muhammad Amie. Banjarah-namab. Ba'd barad. See Wali Muhammad, called NazIb. See Aafiz, Shlrazl. i —

    367 INDEX OF TITLES. 868

    Barah-masah. Bigyan sudha. See Allah Bakhsh, Memlavi. See Devidasa, Lahorl. Bihisht-namah. See Chhabeli Eam. See Faiyaz al-HAKK. Bikat kahanl. See Jassu Singh. See Ilahi Bakhsh, Maulavi. BiUt-namah. See KANHiiYA Lal, called Talib. See Ghulam 'Ali, called Azad. Birah barls. See Kazim 'Ali, called Jawan. See Kanhaiya Lal, called Talib. Birbal-namah. See Khaiea Shah. See Mahanaeatana. See Madhata Khishna. Bist risalah [in loco]. Brahmabodha. See Eamachandea. See Sankaha Achaeta. Buhur al-ghammah. See Sambhu Rata. See Muhammad 'Ali Khan ibn Muhammad Taki Khan. See SuNDARA Kali. Bujh paheli. See 'Abbas, Mir. See SUEADASA.

    See Khuseau, Amir. See Venimabhava. Bulbulon ke naghme. See Zalim Singh. See Safdae 'Ali. Bayan ba'zl un zaharon ka jo nabatat se 'ilakah rakhte hain. Burhan i gham. See Breton (P.) See HusAiN Mebza, called 'Ishk. al-Bayan al-jazll lil-tartll. Bustan. See Muhammad 'Inayat Ahmad. See Sa'di.

    Ba'zl aKkam az a'ln o kawanin. i hikmat. See India.—Army. See HusAiN Va'iz, Kashift.

    Benazir Badr i Munir. Hind. See Mahmud, Miyan, called Raunak. See Sa'di. Bhagat charitra. Khayal. See Mahesadasa. See Muhammad Taki, Jafarl, called Khayal. Bhagat mal. kisas. See Lalaji. See Balagovinda. Bhagat mal Ajamll. ma'rifat. See Das, Miyan. See Madhata Dasa. Bhagavata. Rahat. See PuEANAS. Bhdgavatapurana. See Bhagavania Raya, called Rahat. Bhagavata upasana. shaja'at. See GopiNATHA, called 'Ajiz. See Muhammad 'Alim al-DiN. Bhagavat-namah. Buzurg Rabinsan Kruso. See Mahesadasa. See Defoe (D.)

    Bhajanha i hazrat Shah 'Abd al-Samad. Chahar darwesh. See Muhammad 'Abd al-SiMAD, also called Ranmast See Khuseau, Amir. Khan. Chaman i be-nazir. Bhaktamal. See Muhammad Ibeahim, Munshl. See NabhajI. ChamelT aur Gulab. Bharata upadesa. See SivAPEASADA, Raja, C.S.I. See Bhakata. Chand mufid hikayaten. Bharthari satak. See SiEEN (H.) See Bhaeteihaei. Chandan Mailagirl natak. Bhunchal-namah. See Kaeim Bakhsh, called Maekum.

    See Waxi Muhammad, called Nazik. Chashmah i faiz. Bi 'Almo. See Faeid al-DiN 'Attar. See ViHAEi Lala, Munshl. Bidhan bhojan karan. See Mohammad Mu'in ibn Muhammad Mubin. karan. guru Chashmah i Shlrin. See Lalaji. See 'Abd al-WiHiD Khan, called Miskin.

    ir —

    369 INDEX OF TITLES. 370

    Chashmah i zindagT. DastOr al-irkam. Sm Flavell (J.) See Mitan Jan, MunihU ChaudhawTn rat ka cband. ma'ash. See 'AlI Muua.muas, Saiyid. See Ledlie (J. P.) Chhota Jam i jahan-nuina Daulat i Hind. See SivAPEASADA, Eaja, C.S.L See FenWICK (H.) ChhotT kahaniyaQ bachchon ke waste. Daulat-namah. See Hindustani Stokies. See Wali Muhammad, called Nazib. Chldah ayaton ka majmu'ah. Dawa al-baha'im wal-tuyur. See Bible.—Selections. See Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Chihal hadTs \_in loco]. Devlbhagavatapurana. See PuHANAS. Devlbhagavatapuraifa. See Yahta ibn SnAEAf (Muitn al-DiN Abu Zaka- Devikfita. kIta) Nawawt. See Devidatalu. Chihal majlis. Dharmapatrika [in loco]. See 'Ail Allah Khan. Dbarmapracharak a. i ShapTr. See Shadi Lal, Ra'U of Sihandarabad, See WazIr Husain ibn §abit 'Ali, Mashhadi. Dharmaraksha. Chihal masa'il [iti loco]. See Navinachandea Rata. Chitragupta. Dbriillla. See Lala, Jaoannatha called Khushtae. See HIralala. Chori, t^iigij zabardasti. Dihat ki safa'l. See Choei. See India.—North Western Prwinc«$. Chuhe-namab. Dilaram i Razl. IsAH. See See Sa'di. Dil-bahla'u. See "Wajid. See Sivaprasada, Raja, C.S.I. Dab al-akbirat. Din i bakk ki tahkik. See Rafi' al-DiN, Dihlavi. See Smith (W.) Missionary at Benares. Dad i Ilahi. Din 'Isawt ki sachcha'T kl sabQt. See KabJm Bakhsh, called Maekujt. See Leslie (C.) M.A. Daf al-tabiifat. Din ki iarik. See 'Abid 'Ali. See Din.

    Daftar i be-misal. Diwan i Amir. See 'Abd al-GHAFUE Khan (Abu Muhammad) called See Amie Ahmad. Nassakh. 'Ishik. Dah majlis [in loco]. See Kanhaita Lal. Da'irah i 'ilm. Asir. See Muhammad KaeIm Bakhsh. See Muzaffar 'Ali Khan. Dakhni Anwar i suhaill. Banwali Ram. See HusAiN Vi'iz, Kdshift. See Banwali Ram, called Waii. Dard-namah i gham-nak. Fakir. See Imdad Allah, ITujl. See Mufti al-Dbf Khan. Darkhwast ba-madah bazyaft i lakhiraj. — Fana. See BErnsH Indian Association, of Calcutta. See Benslet (J.) Daroghab ka dastur al-'amal. — Fida. See Marshman (J. C.) See Muhammad 'Abd bI-Ghani.

    Dastan i Amir Hamzah. Ghafil. See Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-MuTTALiB, Amir. See MuNAUwAB Khan. Jamilab Khatun. Ghalib. See Jamilah Khatun. See AsAD Allah Kban, Mlrta.

    Dastur al-'amal i 'adalat i dlwanl. Goya. See Macpheeson (W.) Barrister-at-Law. See Faeie Muhammad Kbait. 'ara'iz. Hasbam. See Karam Chand. See Harisankaea Fbasada. patwariyan. - Hizbar. See HuKM Chand. 8«« Muhammad Hizbas 'Ali. 'urafa ka. - Hosbyar. See Dastue-eI-'amal. See Ketalaeama. 47 371 INDEX OF TITLES. 372

    Dlwan i Jalal. Durr al-mukhtar. See Zamin 'Aii. See Muhammad ibn 'Ali ('Ala al-DiN), Matkaft. Jarrar. Durrat al-taj fl bayan al-mi'raj.

    See HusAHf Beg. See Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Ils.fi%.

    Kadim. Durud i Haziri [in loco]. See Jawahie Lal. likhl. — Khwajah Mir Dard. See Mahmud ibn Subuktigin, SuUan of Ghatnah. See MiE, Khwdjah. mu'azzam \in locol- — Lulf. mukarram [in loco]. See Muhammad Lutf 'Ali Khan'. musta^as [in loco]. — Musliafi. sharif. See Ghttlam Hamdani. See 'Abd bI-'Ali, Madrdsl. — Muslim. — taj [in loco]. See Muhammad Ghcxam Akbae Khan. — Tusl. Nasikh. See Muhammad ibn Hasan (Abu Ja'far) Tasi. See Imam Bakhsh. DusrI kitab Angrezi ka tarjumah. Niyaz. See Kabim al-DiN, Maulavi.

    See NiYAz Ahmad, Shah. i Urdu. — Bind. See Fakhe al-DiN, Maulavi. See Muhammad Khan. Duwazdah majlis. — Buswa. See Muhammad Khaie al-DiN (Abu al-'ALl) Oopamul. See Ahmad Hasan. Ek wa'z. Sadik. See MoEEis (T. A.) See 'Abd al-HAKK. Ekadasimahatmya. sarapa. See PuEANAS. See Kalb Husaist Khan, called Nadir. Ellen aur Maiyam kl guft-gu. — Sarwari. See Ellen.

    See Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. Faisalah i 'adalat i Hai-kort i asmanl. — Shahldt. See MuwAHHiD, Mlrza. See Karamax 'All Khan. Faiz i 'amm. — Sha'ik. See Faiz al-HASAN.

    See Ilahi Bakhsh. 'amm dar 'ilm i riyazT. — Shor. See Tahauwuk 'Ali. See Penche (G.) bakhsh. — 'Ubaidl. See KabulT Mall. See 'Ubaid Allah. al-barl. — Wall. See Muhammad ibn Isma'il (Abu 'Abd Allah) See "Wali Allah, Shah. Bukhari.

    Zamin. i Shamiml. See Zamin 'Ali. See Bamsahup, called Shamim. — Zauk. Fa'iz al-bayan. See Muhammad Ibbahim. ma'am. Dopaikar. See 'Ume-daeaz, S.afi%, called Fi'iz. See Zahie al-DiN Ahmad Khan. Faiz-jari. See Shams al-DiN Du'a i 'amlm Muhammad, called Faiz. \ Fakhr i hikmat. 'amm )

    See LiTUEQiEs.—England, Church of. — Common Prayer. See Fakhe al-DiN, Hafi%, and Ghulam Nabi, Hakim. Fakir. Falah i darain. See Fakir, Dihlavt. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Bihlavi jaushan saghir. Fal-namah. See Musi Kazim, Seventh Imam. See Ja'fab Sadik, Sixth Imam.

    mu'azzam [_m loco^. Fal-namah i Ku'ran i majld. mu glim [in loco']. See Fal-namah. D ukh sukh-namali. Fann i kah-ruba't. See Wali Muhammad, called Nazie. See Anwae 'Ali, Sdfiz.

    Dulhan-namah. Faras-namah i BangTn. See 'Abd al-KAEiM, called KaeIm. See Sa'adat Tae Khan. Durar al-bahiyah. Zahir. See Muhammad ibn 'Aii, Shaukani. See Khadim 'Ali. —

    373 INDEX OF TITLES. 374

    Fareb i 'azazll. Fikh al-akbar. See Fakie Muhammad, called Teoii. See Nu'man ibn ^abit (AbO ftAwiFAH). ifrlt. i sharflyah. See KamtusjI Palanji KHATitr. See Ahmad MushtaiJ, Saiyid. 'ishk. Fikr i Hakim. See Tabadduk flusAHf KnlN, called Shatjk. See 'Abd al-fi[AKiir. Farhang i Guldastah i akhlak. Futtuhgurh Naman [i.e. See Muhammad Sheu Khan. FatHgadlh-iiamah]. See Kali Rata. Quiistan. FutuH al-'Ajam. See Muhammad Ishak. Misr. Farrah i FarsT. Sham. See 'Abd al-HAKiM, Ea'ls Meerut. of See Muhammad ibn 'TJmae (Abu 'Abd Allah) Waliidl. FarsI aur Urdu ki insha. Gajendramoksha. 1 -Sea Besant (T. H. G.) mukti. ) FarsT ki dusri kitab. 1 See JAGANNATHASAHlrA. pahll kitab. ) Ganesapurana. See Muhammad Husain, Maulavt. See PuEANAS. Oanesapuruna. Fasanah i 'aja'ib. Ganj i Farsi. See Rajab 'Ax! Beg, called Sunua. See MuHiBB Allah. i manzum. khubi. See Bholanatha. gham-amod. See HusAiN Va'iz, Kaihifl. shahidan. See AmIe al-DiN, llufiz. ma'kul. See 'Ali Ahmad, Munshl. shayigan. See Ghuiam Haida a Khan. Fatawa i tarikat. See HasJb al-DiN Ahmad, called Sozan. See 'Ishk 'Ali, called Shah. tawankh. FatKgadh-namah. See 'Abd al-GiiAFUE Khan (Abu Muhammad) called See Kali Raja. IfASSAKH.

    Fatli-namah. GanjTnah i asrar i insaf. See Mahmud. See Muhammad Zuhub Allah. asrar i talib. Fatwa i karahat i natnaj i janazah dar masjid. See ViNATAKAPEASADA. See Imdad al-'Axi, C.S.I. Deputy Collector. fiikmat. Fauz al-darain fl barr al-walidain. See ASGHAE HUSAIN. See jEsop. Fawa'id al-'awamm. shastra. See COLEBEOOKE (H. T.) See Ja'fae 'Ali, Mir%a, and Hasan 'Ali, Hajl. al-nisa. zaban i Urdu. See Zamin 'Ali, See Muhammad Zahie al-Diw, Bilgramt. called Jalal. i i nit-karm. Gauhar shab i tab. See Lalaji. See Banke Bihaei Lal. Ghalbah i Haidarl. Faza'il i durud i sharlf. See Sajjad See KiFAYAi 'Ali, called Kafi. 'Ali. al-Kur'an. Ghamzah i dil-ruba. See Ambe Peasad, See Muhammad 'Abd al-6HAFFAB. called Madhush. Ghayat al-autar. i Murtaza. See Bakie 'Ali, Mlrza. ^«e Muhammad ibn 'Ali ('Ala al-Dis) Jlaskafi. i Eusul i RabbanT. Ghazah i 'Arab. See HuzuR Ahmad. See Bashaeat 'Ali Khan. al-shuhur wal-siyam. Ghaza-namah i Mas'ud. See Muhammad Eamazan. See 'Inatat Husain, Bilyraml.

    o adab i durud o salam. Ghazalistan. See 'Abd al-'ALi, Madrdsi. See Noshiewanji Tehmuxji.

    Fighan i Dihli. Ghunchah i dil [in loco']. See Delhi. gham. Nuik. See KisiM Pie Muhammad. See Maksud Ahmad, called Nutk. rag. Fihrist i kutub. See Muhammad Maedan 'Ali Khan (Nizam oI-Daulah) See Catalogues. called Ra'na. madd-war i faisalajat. Ohungchion kl Hikayat.

    See Punjab, Chief Court of. See Ghunqchi. 375 INDEX OF TITLES. 376

    Girdab i nishah-bazT. Guldastah i ma'rifat. See Beowx (J. D.) See Zamin 'Ali, called Zamin.

    Girihbaiid i Nazlr. na't. See "Wali Mfhammad, called Nazik. See Muhammad Husain Khan, called Tahsin. Gitamahatmya. nishat. See EAMASAHAi'A, called Tamanna. See Mannu Lal. Gitamala. nishat o surur. See Ullmann (J. F.) See Muhammad, Shaikh, called Manzue. Gitasara. Eashid. See Mahabhaeata.—Bhagavadglta. See 'Abd al-EASHiD Khan. GitavalT. ru'asa. See TJLLMANif (J. F.) See Muhammad Nuseat 'Ali. Go'e chaugan i Angrezi. shaja'at. See Ckicket. See NizAMi, Ganjavi. Gohur-i-sbub Tab [i.e. Gauhar i shab i tab]. shu'ara [in loco^. See Banke Bihahi Lal. sukhan. Gooli mughfirut [i.e. Gul i maghfirat]. See Balfoue (E.) See Haidae Bakhsh, Saiyid, called Haidaei.

    Gosbah i Panjab. See Muhammad Husain, Saiyid. See Eadhakeishna.

    Gul i bahar. See Peeiodical Publications.—Agra. See Hetijeama. Takrang. bakawall. See Takeang. See 'IzzAT Allah. Gulistan. maghfirat. See Sa'di. See Haidae Bakhsh, Saiyid, called HaidaeT. bo-khizan. ra'na. See KuTB al-DiN, called Batin. See Muhammad Husain, called Tamanna. kushtl. Gul Sanaubar. See Muhammad 'TJmae. See Ahmad 'Ali, Faizahddl. iarikat. See Muhammad Husain, called Matin. See Kanhaita Lal, called 'AsniK. Gulshan i 'ajlb. See Muhammad Akeam Khan. See Nemchand. asrar. Guldastah i adab. See PuEANAs.—Brahmandapurana,— Uttaragita. See Dbvipeasada. akhlat. be-khar. Sadasukha Lala. See Mustafa Khan, called Sheftah. Amanat. be-khizan. See TJmmaid 'Ali Khan, called Khadim. See Amanat Ra'e. anjuman. faiz. Ballala. Wajid 'Ali Khan. See bait-bazi. 'Ali, called See Ghiyas al-DiN Ahmad. See Zamin Jalal. char yar. fuyuz. See Mithammad Siddik Husain, Maulavi. See ISVAEIPEASADA. Farang. ghairat. Imdad Imam. Ghulam Haidae Khan. Hind. — naz. See MoLESwoEiH (E. F.) See Dukgapeasada, Dihlavl, called Nadie. 'isbk. Panjab. See Muhammad Khan, called Eind. See Deyipeasada.

    jashn i kaisariyah. Sarwari. See Muhammad Mubin. See Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. Kanuj. shahadat. See KisoeTlala. See Isma'il (Muhammad).

    Kashmir. Gulzar i be-khar. See Habagopala. See Haeachandea Eaya. Khandan. gham. See MuNAFWAB 'Axi, See Husain Mieza, caUed 'Ishk. —

    377 INDEX OF TITLES. 878

    Gulzar i Ibrahim. Hodlyah i Inbisat. Set Mduamuad AbO al-AASAir. See iNBisIi Afza.

    Inglistiin o khariatan i Riis. MarjjhQb. Sm LakshmInIrayana. See Guulak Mus+afa. jannat. • marghubah. Set Muhammad Kutn al-DlN, Dihlavl. See Muhammad 'Inayat Allah Khah, called ^ais. khalll. Muliammadlyab. See GiruLAM Imam, called ShahId. See Muhammad Ibrahim ibn Husaiit, Aatanl. manzura. HadTyat al-su'ada [in loco']. See Ilahi Bakhsh, called Sha'ik. NasTm. 'ulama. See See Datasankara. Khutbaos. panj-tani. Hairat al-flkh [in loco]. See Panj-tani. Hairat-afza. shahi. See Muhammad Kasix 'Ali. See GnuLAM Sabwah, Muftt. Haka'ik al-maujfulat. Waris. See SivAPBASADA, Raja, C.S.I.

    See Madar Bakhsh, ShaiTJt, called Janqli. Hakikat aur mabiyat dubne kl. Yusufl. See Suspended Animation. See Muhammad Tusuf 'Ali. al-salat. Gumgasbtah farzand. See 'Abd Allah, Maulavl. See Bible.—New Testament. Luke.—Appendix. Hakk-go'T sbarH i salo'T. Gunfib i kablr. See 'Abd al-'ALi ibn Nawazish 'AlI. See Sana Allah, Ka%i, Ponipatl. Hal i paighambar. Gurbilas. See Amanat 'Ali ibn Wali Muhammad, See Nanak, Bdha. Hakim. Gyan-bbashkar. Halat i dthl. See Nandakumaha Sim ha. See Muhammad Jamal al-DiN Hasan. dipak. Hall al-Kisab. See Vrajatasi Laia. See Smith (B.) mala. ishkal. See Ambe Prasad, called Mabhush. See Pfandeb (C. G.) patrika [in loco]. i musbkilat. See Knowles (S.) See Sundaba Lala. al-'ukud. - prakash. See Muhammad Muhi al-DiN, Munthi.

    See GulzIri Lal. Halwa i be-dud. See Muhammad Husain, called Mahmud. See Mahabharata. — Bhagavadgltd. Hamd i IzidT. - sagar. See Ghulam Sabwar, Mufti. See GiEDHABi Lal. Hamlah i Hind. See Indbanabayana. See GopiNATHA, called 'Ajiz. Haidari. Hada'ik anzar. Hamlat i See Ghulam Muhammad ibn TiPtJ SuLilN. See Badr al-DiN Khan, Khwajah, also called Khwajah Aman. Hans-namah. See "Wali Muhammad, called Nazib. al balaghat. Hanuman nataka. See Shams al-DiN, called Fakir. See Hbidirama. Hadd i taKliTk ba-mashrab i SunnT. See Wahid al-DiN Khan. Hardil 'azTz. Had! al-'irfan. See KanhatyI Lal, called Alakbadhabi. See Sankara Achabta. Hawa'i majlis. —— massab. See Bhaoatandasa.

    See Muhammad Ikram Allah Khan. Hayat i Afghani. Hadikat al-maram. See Muhammad Hatat Khan. See Sana Allah, Kazi, Panipatl. Hazar dastan. Hadiyah i abbab. See Arabian Nights.

    See Muhammad 'Abd Allah Khan, called Mihr. masa'il. ) anzar. mas'alah. J See Mumiaz 'Ali. See 'Abd Allah ibn Salax. 48 379 INDEX OF TITLES. 380

    Hedayut namah [«.e. Hidayat-namah i faryarj. Hirz i Sulaimani. See Banni Khan. See Muhammad Asheaf 'Ali. Hidayat \in loco'\. al-Huda al-mabmud.

    Hidayat al-'awamm. See Sulaiman ibn al-Asn'Ag (Abu Da'ud) Sijistanl. See 'Abid Husain. Hulluloqud [i.e. Hall al-'ukud]. Hunud. See Muhammad Muhi al-DiN. See Muhammad Zahie al-DiN, Bilgrami. Huruf i tahajjT. Islam. See Kaeim al-DiN, Maulavl. Amanat Allah. kaunain. See MuBAHAK 'Ali, Saiyid. See Muhammad Mu'in al-Diu, Mashhadl. Huzn i akhtar. Muminln. See Muhammad "Wajid 'Ali Sbin (Abu Mansuk See 'Abd al-'Aziz, Dihlavl. Nasie al Din) called Akhtae. niswan. I'anat al-Musalmin. See 'Alt Muhammad ibn Muhammad Mu'in. See Muhammad Majid al-DiN. Iblls-namah [in loco]. Hidayat dar-barah rah-numa'I o takmll i makaddimat i sangin. 'Id i kaisanyah. See ToOTG (R. J.) See Hatim 'Axi Beg.

    Hidayaten dar-bab ta'lTm i nafs. 'Idl-namah. See Todd (J.) D.D., Author of the " Students' Manual" See 'Abbas, Mir.

    Hidayat-namah i faryar. Ijad i Rangin. See Eanni Khan. See Sa'adat Tae Khan.

    madaris i dihati. 'Ijalah i hadiyah. See Browning (C. A. R.) See Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Bilgrami. patwarl. Masilil. See Imdad 'Ali, Tahslldar. See Muhammad "Wali, called MasIha.

    shadi i kaum Rawah Rajput. I'jaz i GhausTyah. See ISVAEIDASA Ramasanehi. See Muhammad Kasim, Maulavi.

    ta'llm i patwariyan. al-Hayat. See Aminchand. See Kanh Singh.

    Hifz i siHliat kl 'umdah tadbirln. i 'Isawl. See Yadunatha Mukhopadhtata. See Rahmat Allah, Karanawl.

    Hikayat i 'akil beg o gh afil beg. Kur'an. See HiKATAT. See Kue'an.—Appendix. Hikayat al-asfiya. MuKammadl. See Muhammad Kasim, MauIavJ. See SiiAEAMA, Munshl.

    i dil-pazir. Ikhtitam i mubaHasah. See Atodhyapeasada. See Pfandee (C. G.) al-jalilah. Ikhwaa al-safa [in loco]. See Aeabian Nights. Ikslr i hidayat.

    i lailf [»>j 1000"]. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN 'Abu naslHat-amez. Hamid) Ghazzdll. See Taeinichaeana Mitea. al-kulub.

    i salatin [m loco']. See Muhammad Akbae, called Aezani al-saliEat. 'Ilaj al-amraz.

    See Sivapkasada, Baja, C'.S.T. See Muhammad Shaeif Khan.

    Hilyah i shaitf. ghuraba. See KiFATAT 'Axi, called Kafi. See Ghulam Imam, Ilakim.

    i Ihsanl. See Muhammad, the Prophet. See Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Hilyat al-'ara'is. al-mawashl. See 'Ali ibn 'Ali, called Muead 'Ali. See Hallen (J. H. B.) Hindi risalah. 'Ilan i hakk. See Gilcheist (J. B.) See Muhammad 'Abd al-KgALii. Hindustani gayan-samgraha. 'Ilm i fusul i makhrutl. See Jahangie Bejanji Kahani. See Muhammad ZaeI Allah. pahli kitab. hai'at. See 'Abd al-FAiTAH, Saiyid, called Asheaf 'Ali. See Geeenfield ( ) Hir o Ranjhah. hisab al-kulliyat. Set Makbul Ahmad. See TODHUNTEE (J.) —

    381 INDEX OF TITLES. 882

    'Ilm i rausnilas. V Intikhab i kulliyat i Shah Nailr. Sm SivasitalaprasXda. See Nasib al-DiN. i mustawl. nayub. Set 'Ilm i musalla?. See SuEAj Maix. - tabl'yat. ' al-nujum. See SivANAUAYANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools. See Mahtab RI'e.

    Iltimas [«>» loco']. i nuks. 'Iraarat al-ma'ruf. See 'Abd al-GHAFOK KhIj» (AbO McAamiad) called See Sheeeinq (M. A ) NassIkh.

    Imdad al-adab. \ tarikh i badshahan i Inglistan. Hujjaj. See Sutheeland Major. I ( ) masajid. ( i kallsiyah. muttakin. ) See Caleb (J. J.) See Imdad bI-'Ali, Deputy Collector, C.S.I. IntiBar al-hakk.

    Imtiyaz i SunnT. See Muhammad IeshId Uusain. See Muhammad Shuke Allah. Islam. Indrajal. See Muhammad Hcsain, Zahorl. See SlTARAMA. Irshad i murshid.

    See Imdad Allah, J^aj'l. 5m Svamidatalu. Irshadiyah. Indra-sabha. See 'Ali Muhammad, Saiyid. See Amanat 'Ali, called AmInat. 'lea kl sirat. See Bushnell (H.) See Madaei Lal. 'IsawT Iman kimati hai.

    Injil i MuKaddas. See Jesus Christ.

    See Bible.—New Testament. Isharat i nakhl-bandi i Panjab.

    Insaf i MaKmud Shah. See Ribbenteop (B.) See Maumud, Miyan, called Rauwak. 'Ishk-namah.

    Insha i bahar i be-khizan. See Mahdi 'Ali, called 'Ashik. See Ghttlam Imam, called Shahid. 'Ishk-samundar. dil-ruba. See Zamin 'Ali, Maulavi, called Zlvur.

    See Revatipeasada. 'Ishrat-kadah i Ibrahim. Harkam. See Rahim Beg, Mind.

    See Haekaen, Multdnl. Ishtihar i abatil i tawa'if i Isma'Iliyah. Hindi. See 'Abd al-RAsuL Muhibb Ahmad. See Nizam al-DiN, Munshi. Islah al-huruf. khirad-afroz. See Muhammad 'Abbas, Saiyid. See Kamab al-Ditf Khan. i nafs i ammarah. Madho Ram. See Muhammad 'Abd al-KniLii. See Madhava Rama. Istibagli o imtihan i Maslh. mufid al-nisa. See Jesus Cheist. See 'Abd Allah Khan. Istikhraj al-tawarlkh. See 'Abbas, Safdar. Mir. Istilahl guft-gu. See GnuLAM Safdab. See RuEKi. Thomason — Surur. Citil Engineering College. 'lir i majmu'ah. See Rajab 'Ali Beo. See Ghuiam Hasanain. — Urdu [in loco]. 'lyar al-kawa'id. See Muhammad Mumtaz al-HAKK. See Chieanji LXl. Izalat al-shukuk. See Fakhb al-DiN Ahmad, called AakIu BIdshah. See KaeIm al- Din, Maulavi. Izhar al-Haklkat [in loco]. Intibah al-mudarrisln. Hakk wal sawab. See Mill (J.) See Mahmud ibn Faiz Allah, Hafit. Intikhab i Fasanah i 'aja'ib. Jabr o mukabalah. See Rajab 'Ali Beo, called Sueue. See Aloebba. Ikhwan al-safa. See Ikhwan al-SAFA. See Smith (B.) kuUiyat i Sauda.

    See Muhammad Rafi'. See ToDHUNiBB (J.) .

    384 383 INDEX OF TITLES.

    i nayab. Jabr o muKabalah. Jauhar See YamsTdhaka. See BuLAKi Das. Jawab al-sa'illn. Jadah i taskhir. See Muhammad Haidae 'AlT Khan. See La'l Muhammad. i giran. Jahan-ka nur [tn loco]. Jawahir Jahan-numa. See 'Ali Muead Shah, called Pazl. See Muhammad Wajahat 'Ali Khau. khamsali. Jahaz. See Muhammad Ghaus. See Poland, Ship. al-Kur'an. Jalsah i kaisarlyah. See Kue'an. — Selections.

    See Muhammad 'Abd al-GnAFUE. i zawahir.

    Jam i jahan-numa. See NusEAT 'Ali. See Bakhtawar Khan (Muhammad). Jawahirat i khayalat [in loco]. Jazb al-kulub. See SivAPEASADA, Haj'a C.S.I. See 'Abd al-HAKK, Bihlavl. Jami' al-akhlak. JlvanrauktigTta. See Davani (Jalal al-DiN). fawa'id. See Dattateeta. Jogl-namah. See Abbott (S. A.) called Nazie. Hikayat. See WALi Muhammad, Jogin-namah. See Salih Muhammad, 'Usmanl. Panjahi, called Shaeie. kawanln. See Kaeim al-DiN, Jughrafi i tab'I. See Sell (E.) (H. F.) taMsir. See Blandford See Kue'an. Jughraflyah. See Atodhtapeasada. Jami'at al-fara'iz. i 'alam. See Venn (H.) Vicar of Huddersfield. See Isvaeiprasada. Janam-kundll \in loco]. Janam-sakhi. Awadh. Sivanabatana, Deputy Inspector of Schools. See Nanak, Bala. See Hind. Jang-namah, i Karbala. Sadasukha Lala. See Muhammad Fazil. See Misr. See Muhammad Husain Khan, Rampuri. See Yenieama. MuEammad Hanlf - Hindustan. DlNADATALU TlVABI. See Mahmud. See

    - jahan. Jannat ki kunjT. (H. S.) See Muhammad 'TJsman. See Reid Jantrl. Namar. See Ephemeeides. See Muhammad Akeam Khan. bar-award ekar. Pak Kitab. See GOTAEDHANA DiSA. See Jacob (J.)

    • kankarm i paima'isb i zamln. Panjab.

    See GoPALADASA, Extra Assistant Settlement Officer. See Kaeim al-DiN, Maulavi. — tabadulab ekar o bighah ki. tab': See Jantei. See Lakshmisankaea Misea.

    Japa paramartha. )

    Japjl. ( See Muhammad Zaka Allah. See Nanak, Bala. i Hind. Jar aur chetan. See Muhammad Husain Khan, Schoolmaster. See Jar. zila' i Flrozpur. Jatharth ashnan. See PyiEi Lal, Munshl, and Jvalapeasada. See YatharthasnIna. Kabutar-namah. Ramayan. See Muhammad Husain, Eampuri. See Mangala Sena. Kadim nizam i d!h i Hindustan. Jauhar i 'akl. See Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I. See 'Aziz al-DlN. Farang. Kadir-namah. Mlr%a, called Ghaiib. See BuRVETT (W. J.) See AsAD Allah Khan, 'iskk. Ka'idah i 'Ibrani. See Nasie al-DiN Ahmad. See Waeren (J.) 385 INDEX OF TITLES.

    i Bulandshalir. Kaiflyat Karabadln i Shifa'I. Set Lakshmana Simita. See MuzAFFAB, Shifi'l. mandir i Sri Lodhcjvara. Zaka'l. Sue SiVASANKAEA. See Zaka Aixln Khan.

    • paidawar i Zila' i Kangra. Karim al-lughat. See Paske (E. H.) See KabIm al-DiN, Maulavt.

    salanah. Kar-namah i nau a'In. See Amritsar.—Muhammadan School. See Detipbasada. Kaisar al tawarikh. SikandarT. See Kamal al-DIir Haidab, also called Mchahmad See GOKULAFBASADA. Za'ie. Kasa'id i na'tlyah. KalaK-namah. See Ghulam Imam, called Shahio. See Aonl Hasan, called Amanat. Kasb al-anbiya. Kalld i bab al-Hajj. See ZuHUR rI-Hakk. 'Ali, Saiyid, called 'Ajiz. See Anwau Kashf al-Hajat. i taKsIldan. ganj i imtilian See Sana Allah, Kail. See HlRANANDA. khulasah. al-Kitab. See Shuja' al-DiN. See Bible.— Concordances. mughatta. i naza'ir. See Malik ibn Anas. See Periodical Publications.—Allahabad. zulmat. — panj-ganj. See 'Abd al-RAHMAN ibn Abi Baxb (JaxIl al-Dhr AbO See Jesus Chbist. rI-Fazl) SuyfUl. — sukhan. Kashif al-asriir. Husain, Saiyid. See Muhammad See Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari, called Khatal.

    Kalimah-namah. i asrar i khwab. See Muhammad, the Prophet. See Muhammad Ghafar Allah. Kaliraat al-dln. daka'ik i mazhab i Hind. See Brahma Samaj. See Makkhan Lal. Kamishan i Barodah. Kasidah i madhiyah i Madinah. See Damodara Dasa. See Medina, City of. Kanun i dad-rasi i khass. na'tlyah. See India. —Legislative Council. See Karamat 'Ali Khan, called Shabidi. Isirim. Kasidan i shahl. See Ja'far Sharif. See SiVANARATANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools. 'Itrat. Kasid-namah. See 'Itrat Husain. See Wali Muhammad, called Nazib. jadld i zabitah i dlwanl. lagan. KasTsthah sastrarthah [in loco'\. See India.—Legislative Council. Katha sat Narayan. al-mudarrisTn. See Jtalasankaba, called Amie. See SivANARATANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools. Kaul i hiikk. rahn-namajat. See 'Amb ibn Bahe (Abu 'Usman) called JIbiz. See Macpherson (A. G.) al-Kaul al-hams. sarfi. See Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Ilafii. See Lakshminabayana, Student of the Benares College. KaumT risalah. Shaikh Bu 'Ali Sina. See Kamtapbasad.

    See Hdsain ibn 'Abd Allah (Abu 'Aii) called Ibn Kawa'id i abjad [m loco']. SiNA, or AVICENNA. abkiirl. sitar. See Bengal.—Board of Revenue. See Muhammad Safdar Husain Khan. Angrezl.

    wirasat i Hind. See Sadasukha Lala. See India. —Legislative Council. Bargista. Eanz al-khairat. See Ghulam Muhahmad Kban, Deputy Inspector of See 'Abd al-kiniR ibn 'Aiik Allah. Schools.

    musallT \_in loco^. Farsi. iCarabadin i Ihsani. See NisAR 'Ali Beo, Mind, and Banabasi EnZir. See Ihsan 'Ali Khaw. intizam i ja'idad i dewaliyah. Balilmt. See Punjab, Chief Court of. See Eahim Khan. kurki [in loco]. 49 —

    387 INDEX OF TITLES. 388

    i zara'at. Kawa'id i malguzarl i Panjab. Khirman See Lakshminarayana, iJa'?« Bareilly. See Punjab, Government of. of Money Order. Khiyaban i firdaus.

    See India.—Font Office. See KiFAYAT 'Ali, called KafI. al-mubtadl. tawarikh. See KabIm al-DiN, Maulavl. See Muhammad 'Ali, Murdddladl.

    i penshan. Khuda kt ni'mat. See Great Beiiain and Ieeland.— Civil Service. See MuRAD Allah, An'surl. rabmat.

    iS«« Great Britain and Ireland.— Army.— Cavalry. Muhammad Salamat Allah, called Kashfi. Urdu. Khudawand Yasu' Maslli ki uliihlyat ka sabut. See Imam Bakhsh, Maulavl. See Jesus Christ.

    Khulasah i chaubis avatar. See ISVAHIPRASADA. See Karim Chand.

    faisalajat i dtwanl. See Muhammad Zita al-DiN. See Punjab, Chief Court of. 'ilm arz ka. 'Ali Mlrzd. See NisAR Beg, See Compendium. yatim-khanah. jantrl. PiROZPUE. Samoj. See Arya See Ephemerides. zaban i Angrezi. kanun i mu'ahadah. See 'Ali, Vakil Muhammad See India.—Legislative Council. Urdu. shabadat. See Gilchrist (J. B.) See Couper {Sir G. E. "W".) Bart. Kawa'if al-mantik. nizani i shamsi. Scott (T. J.) See D.D. See Vamsidhara.

    Kayastha dharmadarpana. shar' i Mubammadi. See Eamacharana. See SiHAj al-DiN Ahmad Khan. loco~\. ethnology [in su'al o jawab i 'ilm i tab'iyat. Khair al-kalam. See Makkhan Lal. See Manzdr Ahmad. tasanif. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN AbO See Muhammad ibn Ism.v'il (Abu 'Abd Allah) Hamid) Ghazzdll.

    BuMmti. tawaiikh i Makkah i mu'azzam. Khalik ban. See Muhammad Fakhr al-DiN Husain. See Khusrau, Amir. Mas'udT.

    Ehamsah i MuHammadlyah. See Akbae 'Aii ibn Muhammad Bakhsh. See Najm al-DiN. siyar al-muta'akhkhirin. Khamsat al-buka. See Ghulam 'Ali, Mtr. See 'Abbas, Mir%a, called Malih. tibb.

    Kharitah i surur. See Elderton (C. A.) See Ghulam Muhammad Khan, called KhabIr. Khulasat al-anbiya. See IsHAK ibn Ibrahim, Khatt i takdlr. NuMpurl. See Kahim al-DiN, Maulavl. Kaidanl. Khawass al-asliya. See LuTF Allah, Nasafl. See Muhammad Sadr al-HAKK. mantik. Devipbasada. i asma i liusna. See masa'ib. See Asma i Husna. ibn Khayal i ZakhmT. See Muhammad Hadi Mibza 'Ali. See Raj Bahadur. Khurshld-namah. Khayalat al-sana'i' See Muhammad TajcI, Jafarl, called Khayal. See Bholanatha, Pandit. Khush-bal i sibyan. Khazanah al-'ulum. See JaqajjItana Dasa. See 'Abd al-FAiiAH, also called Ashbaf 'AlI. Kbusrawan i 'Ajam. Khetkarm. See PiRDAUsi.

    See Kali Baya. Khulut i AlimadT. Khirad-afroz. See Kamar al-DiN Khan.

    See Abu al-PAZL ibn Mubarak. ba-nam jawanan i Hind.

    Khirad-afza [in loco']. See Khutut. 389 INDEX OF TITLES. 890

    i Riijnsthan. Khwab Kissah i ha/rat Yunus. See DkvIprasada. See Muhammad 'Add al-dAHio. Khwan i ni'mat [m loeo']. Hir o Ranjhah. Kibrit alimar. See Makbul Aiimad. See 'Abd al-KXDiR ibn MusX CMduyi al-DiN) J'lluni. 'Isa Gauhar o Achchu Oulab. Klmiya i 'anasiri. See Jamal al-DiN. See MunAMMAS Akbah, called Akzani. Jani Begam. hikmat. See JanI Beoau. See AuHAD al-Ditf Ahmad, called Shbftah. Jumjuinah. ka bayan. See Ahmad 'AlI, Sivarajpurl. See Conversations. Kamar al-zaman. Kisas al-anbiya. See Muhammad 'Abd al-KlDiB, Munthl. See MUHAUUAD 'tlHIR. Kamrfip o Kala. i Hind. See Taiisin al-DiN.

    See MuHAUUAD IJCusAiN, Maulavi. KazI i Jaunpur. See Tad 'Ali. See Ptaei Lal, Munshl. ladhai Blr al-Alamno. Eissah i Agar o Gul. See Muhammad, the Prophet. See 'Asi. Lal Gauhar. Bahramgor. See Muhammad 'Aziz. See Farkhand 'Ali. mah Eamazan. Bakawali. See 'Abd Allah Khan. See 'IzzAT Allah. mahlgir. Bhartari. See MlniGiR. See Haya Lal. Mahmud Shah. Blbl Maryam. See Muhammad 'Ali, Mir.

    See 'Ali Bakhsh ibn Sa'adat AlT. maktul i ja^. Bugga Mali. See Amie al-DiN, Ilafiz. See GuLAB Singh, called Mcshtak. Malik Muhammad. chabar darwesh. See MiHRCHAND, called MlHRI. See Khusrau, Amir. Mansukhi aur Sundar Singh. char bagh i rangln. See Mansukui. See Haidar Bakhsh, Saiyid, called Hatdari. Mansur. chuba bill!. See Ahmad 'Ali, Sivarajpurl. See Iram. Miyan saudagar. da'T HalTmah. See Jamal al-DiN. See GnuLAM Imam, called Shahid. Mumtaz. — Dallah ka. See Zahie al-DiN HusAiN, called Zahib.

    See Maharaja Lala. padshah i Eum. i Dbarm Singh. See Rum. See Srilala. Panjab Singh. dil-paztr. See Kabim al-DiN, Maulavi. See Muhammad Shukr Allah Khan. Patras. GopTchand. See Peter, Saint and Apostle. See Ambe Prasad, called Madhush. saudagar bachchah. GopTchand Bharthan. See Eahman, Shah. See GopicHAND Bhaetbihaei. o maina. Gul o Sanaubar. See Tajammul Rasul Khan. See Nemchand. Shah Jahan o Roshan Zuhul. Gul-badan. See Jamal al-DiN. See MuEAD 'Axi. Jumjumah.

    HalTraah i sa'dlyah. See Ahmad 'AlI, Sivarajpurl. See GnuLAM Imam, called Shahid. i Rum. Haman. See Rum. See Muhammad Husain, called Bark. Yaman.

    liazrat Bilrd. i See Yemen.

    Halimah i sa'diyah. ' Zakkum. See GnuxAM Imam, called Shahid. See Zakkum. Mansur. Shaikh Mansur. See Ahmad 'Ali, Sivarajpurl. See Ahmad 'Ali, Sivarajpurl. 391 INDEX OF TITLES. 392

    Krisbnanamah. Kissah i Sikandar Zu-l-tamain. See Jamai al-DiN. See Mahesadasa. sipahl-zadah. Kuchh bayan apnl zaban ka. 1 Hal i janab Henry Carre Tucker, See Khttshbil. j See SivAPRASADA, Raja, C.S.L siyah-posh. Kulliyat i Amir Allah Taslim. See Muhammad 'Inatat Allah KnAir, called Kais. See Amir Allah ibn 'Abd al-SAMAD. subuddhi aur kubuddhi ka. Atish. See Krishnadaita. See Haidab 'Ali. Surajpur. Insha Allah Khan. See Seilala. See Insha Allah Khan. Mir Takl. See Najm al-Diif. See Muhammad Taici. Tamim AnsarT. Mir Yar 'All. See Tamim Aksaki. See Yar 'Ali, Mir, called Jan. iufan. Mumin. See Deluge. See Muhammad Mumin Khan. TJwais Sarani. Nasikh. See TJwAis, Karanl. See Imam Bakhsh. Zaitun o Muliammad HanTf. Nassakh. See Zaitun. See 'Abd al-GnAFUE Khan (Abu Muhammad). Kisso Lei! Majnun-no. Nazir Akbarabadl. See 'Abd Allah ibn Ghttlam 'AlI. See WalI Muhammad. Najanl Pa^han-no. Nizam. See Najani Pathan. See Muhammad Mardan 'Ali Khan (Nizam al- Shah-jahan tatha Sbahpari-no. Daulah) called Ea'na. See Muhammad Husain, Verse-writer. Sahba'I. Kitab al-arba'ina ft isha'at marasim al-dln. See Imam Bakhsh.

    See Muhammad Kadib Bakhsh. San 'at.

    i Kisab. See Karim al-DiN. See Smith (B.) Sauda. jantri. See Muhammad Eafi'. See SUKHALALA. Turab 'All. Mukaddas. See Tueab 'Ali, Shah. See Bible. Wahbl. ka aHwal. See Sitapbasada. See Babth (C. G.) Zafar. ka mukhtasar aliwal. See Bahadur Shah, II. Emperor of Hindmian. Rev. Zaki. See Sellan ( ) — al-nisa. See MahdI 'Ali Khan. See Muhammad 'Abd al-E.AHMAN, called Mushtak. Zamin.

    — i sails. See Zamin 'Ali. See Sell (E.) Kumata nasaka. — iabakhl. See Chunni Lal. See Indian Tables. Kurrat al-'ainain. tahajjT. See Muhammad ibn IsMA'iL (Abu 'Abd Allah) See Hindustani Spelling-book. RMiari.

    'umdah dar. 'ilm i Kisab. 'uyun. See Taeachand. See Wali Allah ibn 'Abd al-RAHiM, Dihlavi. al-Kitab ko makamat al-ma'ruf. Kutub Ilahi ke kawanln kl tafslr. See Sheering (M. A.) See Bible.—Appendix.

    Kil'ah i muntakhab. Lahan i Da'udl. See 'Abd al-GnAFUR Khait (Abu Muhammad) called See Muhammad Abu al-MANsus.

    Nassakh. Laila Majnun \in loco"]. Kiyamat-namah. See Kafi' al-DiN, Dihlavi. See Mahmud, Miyati, called Baunak. Laill Majnun. See Shams al-DiN Ahmad, Saiyid. See Muhammad Taki Khan, called Hawas. Krishnagita. Sue MahIbharaia.—Bhagatadgtta. See Waj^i Muhammad, called Nazik. 393 INDEX OF TITLES. 804

    Lufke logOQ ka guldiistnh. Mafid i sabiydn [i.*. Mufid i sibyan]. See Hindustani Fbimeu. See Hindustani IIeaubb. Lafkon ka gltinfila. MagliaxI al-RasuI. See GItmalI. See Muhammad ibn 'Umar (AbO 'Abd Allah) WaJcidJ. khel. sadikuh. See Raj BahIdus, son of DevlproiSda. See Bashabat 'Ali Kiian.

    Lashkan a'ln. Maghlub i muliabbat [tn loco].

    See India.—Army. Magzanuth tawareekh [i.e. Makhzan al-fawarlkh]. Lala'if al-Akbar. See Hasan 'AlT, NaEshabatidl. See Mahanakatana. Mahabharata manzum.

    i Hindi. See Mahdi Hasan, Mlr, called Sbausheb.

    See Lallu Lal, E'avi. MaKamid i Khatim al-nabiyin. al-Sliakiri. See Amir Ahmad, called Amir. See 'Ala al-DiN, called Shakie. Mafiasil al-fara'iz.

    Latifah i 'ajz. See Muhammad 'Abd al- Wahid. See 'Abd Allah Khan. MahdI-namah. Lava Kusa. See Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari, called KgAriL.

    See Lakhpati Ea'e. Mahimnah stava. )

    Lawanl i BanarasT. stotra. ) See BanarasI Das. See Pushpadasta. Lazzat al-afliani. Mahtiib i ma'rifat. See Muhammad 'Ali Khan, Saiyid. See Madhavananda Sabastati. Hind. Majalis al-nisa. See Muui al-DiN, ShaiMi. See Iltaf llusAiN.

    i 'ishk. Majma' al-ash'ar [in loco]. See Tasadduk Husain Khan, called Shaue. baHrain. Lodheshar mahatam. See IIaidae 'Ali Khan. See KuNWAE Bahadur. kaba'ir wal shakkiyat. Lubab al-akhbar. See 'Ai.i Asghar Khan. See Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah. kawanln.

    Lughat i Farsi. See Maeshman (J. C.) See SivANAEATANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools, laia'if.

    Kitab i Mukaddas. See Kalikrishna Deta, Eaj'a.

    See Mathee ( ) Mrs. 'ulum. Nasirl. See DiLEE Singh.

    See Muhammad Nasie 'Ali, Ghi'yafpuri. Majmu'ah i barah-musah [in loco]. al-sa'id [in loco]. Bishanpad.

    i Sarwari. See SuNDAEA Lala. See Ghulam Saewar. chihal risalah.

    Lujjah i fasahat. See Muhammad, t/ie Prophet. See Muhammad Itisiad 'Ali Khan. intikhab. Lukman Hakim kl hikayaten. See H., E. J. See ^sop. ka^azat i kar-rawa'T. Mabadl al-Msab. See DuEOAPBASADA, Assistant Insptctor of Schools. See Vawsidhara. kamil. Mabda' al-'uluni. See Muhammad ibn 'Umae (Abu 'Abd Allah) JFal^idl. See Kaeamat 'Ali ibn Rahmat 'AlI, Jaunpuri. kawanln o afikam. Madak-namah. See India.—North Western Provinces.

    See Bahadue 'Ali, Shaikh. kawanln i Panjab. ) ta'zirat i Hind. Ma'dan al-faiz. ( —Legislative Council. See Ahmad 'Ali, Sa'is of Ohazipur. See India. jawahir. khutab. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiJf, Dihlavl. See 'Abd rI-Haiy Wi'ig. Madan makhchatiya. See Lalaji. See JIuhammad Aasan, called Ilmi. Madar al-Hakk. kisas [in loco], See Muhammad Shah, Panjahi. lu ghat i 'Arbl. See 'Abd al-RAUiM ibn 'Abd al-KA£iM, Ba/lpHrh Madlilyah i Shamslyah. See MuiiAMMAD Ghulam Imau Khan, called Hub madlilyat. ibn Muhammad. See Muhammad, the Prophet. M .

    395 INDEX OF TITLES. 396

    Majmu'ah i marhatti [in loco]. Makhzan i Shauk. marsiyah. See Haeachandea Eata. See Babae 'Air, Mir, called Anis. al-tawarikh. See Hasan 'Ali, NaUshabandi. See HusAnf Mihza, called 'Ishk. Maktab-namah [in loco]. Maktub i Ahmad! See NuwAB, M'lr, called Munis. See Ahmad Husain, Saiyid.

    mufid i malguzaran. Muhammadl. See Gholam Haidae Khan. See Muhammad Farzand Husain. mu'jizat [in loco]. Mamuklman. na't. See 'Ala al-DiN, called Wisali. See Muhammad, the Prophet. Manahij al-nubuwat.

    sari' al-fatm i diwanl. See 'Abd al-HAKK, Dihlavi. See India.—Legislative Council. Manava dharmasastra.

    sham 81. See Manu. See CoPERNiCAN System. Manhaj al-najat.

    sifat i insant. See Ghulam Haidae ibn Muhammad Nakauh. Lalaji. ManjT al-muminin. sukhan. See Muhammad Husain, Kozi. See SivANAEATANA, Deputy Inspector of Schools. Maniismriti.

    ta'llm i patwariyan. See Manu.

    See Tekchand. Manzum i Fasanah i 'aja'ib. tauHid. See Bholanatha.

    See Tatjhid. Manziir i jahanl. wasokht. See Muhammad, Shaikh, called Manj^ur. See FiDA 'Alt, called 'Aisn. Maptul.

    zabilah i diwani. See Eamasabana Dasa. See India.—Legislative Council. Marahti khayal.

    Makalat i IlisanT. See Banaeasi Das.

    See Ihsan 'AlT Khan. Mardum-shumar i Panjab.

    Makasid al-saliliTii. See Ibbetson (D. C. J.)

    See Muhammad 'Abd al-EAHMAN Khan. Ma'riz i kawa'id o manzar i fawa'id.

    Makhaz i 'ulum. See GoviNDALALA, called Saba. See Kahamat 'Ali ibn Rahmat 'Ali, Jaunpuri. Marj al-bahrain.

    Makhraj i 'aka'id i nuri. See Muhammad 'Ajsd al-GnAFrlR.

    See Muhammad Ghulam Dastqib, Sashimi. Marsiyah i Dabir. Makhzan al-adwTyah. See Salamat 'Ali. See Muhammad Nue KaeTm. jami' la-jawab. 'aja'ib. See Muhammad Zahie al-DiN, Bilgrdmi. See Eamdin, called Kamtakin. Mir AnIs. anwar. See Babae 'Ali, Mir. See Mu'iN al-DiN, Chishti. Mir 'Ishk.

    i Brahma-gyan. See Husain Mirza. See Jatadayalu Simha. Mir Munis. danish. See NuwAB, Mir.

    See BuLAKi Das. Masadir al-af 'al.

    al-dastur i hundawiyat. See 'Abd al-FATiAH, also called Ashraf 'Ali.

    See Nanak Chand. i FarsT.

    i fasaKat. See Muhammad Mustafa Khan.

    Jawahir Singh, called Jauhar. Masa'il i samanlyah. bikmat. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN Abu See Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. IIamid) Qhaizull.

    al-ma'anl. Wahbabiyan i gustakh. See MusHTAK Ahmad. See Sa'id al-DiN Husain, also called Miyan Khan.

    i Mababbarata. Masdar i fuyuz. See Mahabhaeata.—Harivamsa. See Nazir al-DiN Hasan, called ShI'ik.

    manfa'at. Mash'al i bidayat. See Mahtab Ea'e. See Muhammad Gauhae 'Ali Khan. MasTlii. Mashiiat al-akhlak. See Periodical Publications.—Allahabad. See KuEBAN 'Ali. — .

    397 INDEX OF TITLES. 898

    MaslKT gtt [iV» loco]. Mazhab i 'ishk. ta'lTra. See 'IzzAT Allah.

    See Hahtmann (J. A.) Bithop of Derbe. Mazhnr i iidam. Magnawl Allah nam. See GnuLAM 'Au, called Azad. Set Allah nau. al-'aja'ib. i dil-awez. See Fakhe al-DiN Ailiius, Munthl. See RashTd al-D!if Ahmad Khan, called Rasbid. fawa'id. jigar-soz. See Sasan 'Ali, Nalishabandl

    See MuiiAMMAD, Shaikh, called !&[an,zur. i kudrat. KalaK. Set Devipbasada. See AsAD 'AlI Khan. al-'ulum. Mir Hasan. See IlahI Bakhsh, JTaklm. See Hasan, Jlfir, JDiMavi. waf adar. See Periodical Publications.— Ohatipur. See NuwAB 'Ali. MiftaH al-adab. Za'ir. See 'TJbaid Allah, 'Uhaittl. See Babar 'Ali Khan. aflak.

    Masnawiyiit i Sauda. See Feequson (J.) F.M.S. See Muhammad Eafi', called Sauda. arz. See Pyaei Lal, Matakhanda tattva vada. Munshl. asrar. See Devisahata. See Pfandee (C. Matla'. G.) jannat. See NuwAB, Mir, called Munis. See KaeImat .'Ali ibn 'Ali, al-'aja'ib. Bahuat JaunpUri. kawa'id. See Amin al-DiN Khan ibn Abu al-MAKlEiM, Haravt. See Sadasukha Lala. i khurshed. kitab. See Manzue Ahmad. See Bible.—Appendix. Maulid i sharif. tarlkh. See 'Abd al-'AzIz, Bihlavi. See Wazie Ahmad. Taurat. See Ahmad Khan, called Sufi. See Clark (R.) 'ulum. See 'Ali, Mir^a, called Bahab. See Be4l (J. W.) Mihman Ram-nam. See Ghulam IhIm, called Shabid. See BuLAKi Ram.

    Mihr i darakhshan. See Muhammad 'Abd al-SAMi'. See FiDA 'Ali, called 'AisH, Mikra'at al-kahilln. See Muhammad Hasan, Hakim. See SiTAPBASADA, Raja, C.S.I. Maulfid i Maslli. See Jesus Christ. Minhaj al-mantik. See Ballanttne (J. E.) Easul i akram. muwahliidln. See NiYAZ Ahmad Khan, Nawah. See Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Bihart. Maulud-namah i sharif. [in loco]. See Muhammad JTasr Allah Khan. ta'lim Mi'raj-namah. Maut-namah. See KiFATAT 'Ali, called KafI. See Muhammad Hasan, called 'Ilmi.

    Mawa'iz i Haidariyah. See Muhammad, the Prophet. See Ghulam Haidae ibn Muhammad Khan. Mir'at al-akallm. Mazak al-'arifin. See Geoobapht. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN Abu 'arus. Hamid) Ohai%ali. See Nazie Ahmad, Khan Bahadur. Mazamin. arz. See SivAPRASADA, Raja, C.S.I. See Blochmann (H.) al-Hasaniyah. ashbah. See Kasinatha. See Muhammad IrtizZ Khan. Mazamlr. 'ashikln. See Bible.—Old Testament. Psalms. See Muhammad IbbIhim, Munthl. Mazhab aur 'akl. ghaib. See SlVANAEAYANA AgNIHOTEI. See Amib Auxad, called AmIb. 399 INDEX OF TITLES. 400

    Mir' at i gltl-numa. Mufid i 'amm. See MnHAMMiD Ahsan Allah Khait. See Kali Raya. al-Earakat. See Sheeking (M. A.) See NusRAi 'AlI. Hikmat wa 'ilaj al-jahl. — al-ijlas. See MURALIDHAEA. See Ghulam Haidab, Serishtadur. Hukama. insha. Schools. ImDAD iHAItl. See SiTANAKAYANA, Deputy Inspector of - musrifin. — i khala'ik. See 'Inayai flusAiN, Saklm. See 'Inatat Husain, Hakim. nisa. — al-sibyan [in loco']. See Fatimah, Bill, daughter of Maryam Zaihir. Abu al-FAzL ibn Mubabak. See KuEBAN 'Ali. sa'at. See HiNDUsiAsi Reader. See Skilala. salatln. See Ghulam Haidab Khan. See (xHtTLAM HusADf Khan. Muliafiz al-Iman. sidk. See Muhammad Amanat Allah. See KbishnasIsa. MuHakamah. Misbali al-Hakikat. See Muhammad Ihsan Allah. See Tattvabodha. MuHarabah i 'azim. hidayat. See Kanhaiya Lal. See Muhammad ibn Ta'kub' (Majd al-DiN Abu Muliasabah i haft-rozah. Tahib) Flruzabddi. See Muhammad Husain, Zahort. Muliibb al-tulaba. Iman. See Sambhunatha. See Knowles (S.) Muhr i nubuwat. masaKat. See Muhammad Mardan 'Ali Khan (Nizam al- See SrIlala. Daulah) called Ra'na. nahar. Sulaimanl. See Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari, called Khayal. See Muhammad ShafI'. Miskalah i taHrif. Mu'izz-naniah. See Rahmat Allah, Karunavi. See Muhammad TAiii, Jafarl, called Khayal. Mi'yar al-imla. Mujarrabat i Akbarl. See Devipeasada. See Muhammad Akbar, called AbzanL Mlzan al-Kakk. Dairabi. See Pfandee (C. G.) See Ahmad, Dairabi. Moallim-shatranj [i.e. Mu'allim i sLalranj]. Mu'jizah i al i nabl. See Muhammad 'Abd al-KlDiE, Banuraii. See Muhammad, tJw Prophet. MotT-namah. furkan. See Wali Muhammad, called NazTe. See Ulfat Husain. Mu'aiyid al-lslam. liazrat Hasanain. See Davenpokt (J.) Teacher of Languages. See 'Abd al-'Aziz, Shaikh- Kur'an. liimT. See 'Ali Bakhsh Khan. See Shaja'at 'Ali, called Tasalli.

    shu'ara. janab Rasul i Khuda. See Manzub Ahmad. See Muhammad, the Prophet.

    Mu'alajat i Ilisani. sar i mubarak i Imam Husain. See Ihsan 'Ali Kniif. See Shaja'at 'Ali, called Tasalli.

    Mu'allim i shatranj. Mu'jizat i MasTli. See MuHAMMAB 'Abd al-KiDiB, Bandrasl. See Jesus Christ. Mubda-i-uloom [i.e. Mabda' al-'ulum]. Mukaddas kitab ka abwal. See Kabamat 'Ali ibn Rahmat 'Ali, Jaunpurl. See Baeth (C. G.) MubtadI ki pahll kitab. Mukhbir al-waki'at.

    See "Walkek ( ). See 'Abd al-jADBAR. MufarriH al-kulub. Mukhtasar jughrafiyah i 'alam. See Sheeeing (M. A.) See 'Abd al-RAHMAN, itafiz. Mufid al-ajsam. See Fazl 'Ali. See Blochmann (H.) 401 INDEX OF TITLES. 402

    Mukjitosnr jnf^rilftynh i TTind. Musaddas i Kartma. Set 'Abd oI-UaumIn, llujis- See Wali Mcuammad, called NazIk. madliiyah.

    See GcLAB SiNon, Schoolmaster. See Muhammad Had! 'Alii, called Asbk.

    zWa,' Muzaffamagar. Musaddik i kutub i Ilahl. See 'Alah Khan. See Bible.—Appendix. al-masuKat. Musafir ka baflina. See GoviNDALAiA, called Saba. See Bdntan (J.)

    sair i gulshan i Hind. Musafir-namah [in loco^. See Baburama.

    sair i InKlistan. See Jalal al-DiN Hcsain, BuH^rl.

    tawankh i Inglistan.! Musaiyab-naruah. See Sadasukha Lala. See Sajjad 'Ali. •w^a'zon ki kitab. Musalmani din ka radlyah. See HoEENLE (C. T.) See Wilson (J.) D.D., F.B.S, ]^iui

    See Mahanabayana. MusliB al-Kal [j're loco'}.

    Munajat. Mustalahat i sarflyah. See Muhammad Mansab 'Ati Khan. See 'Abd al-'ALi, al-Karl

    ba-dargah i kazi al-Hajat. thagl. See Shaja'at 'Ali, called Tasalli. See Muhammad 'Ali Akbab.

    i ban ta'ala. Mutawassii liighat. See Majmu'ad. See HosKiNS (11.) Muntaha al-Kisab. Muzahir i Hukk. See Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah (Wali al-DiN See Muhammad Zaka Allah. Ab8 'Abd Allah) KhaJlb. Muntakhab i alikam al-Kur'an. Muzib al-hakk. See Kur'an.— Selections. See 'Abd al-llAiT and Isma'il, Mauldnd. al-'ilm. kaba'ir. See Sherring (M. A.) See Muhammad Mu'in ibn Muhammad Mdbin. i kasa'id. Kur'an. See Muhammad Rafi', called Sauda. See 'Abd bI-Kadir ibn Wali Allah. kuUiyat i Zafar. Muzubai ask [i.e. Mazbab i 'ishkj. See Bahadur Shah II., Emperor of Hindustan. See 'IzzAT Allah. Nazir. Nadir al- ghaib. See "Wali Muhammad. See Pabamesvabi Dasa. sarkularat i judtshal. mal. Nafa'is al-lughat. See AuHAD al-DiN, Bilgraml. See Punjab, Government of. al-khala'ik. al-tawarlkh. Nafi' See Muhammad Zaedah Khan. See 'Abd al-KJDiR, JBada'tlm, called KadirI. Naghmah i 'andalib. See KuTB alDiN, called Batin. See Jawauie Lal, Hahlm. 'ishk. Muntakhabat i Anwar i suhaili. See Ghulam Imam, called Shahid. See HusAiN "Vi'iz, Kashift. sitar. Bustan. See Hahim Beo ibn BliiB Beo, Khairaludi. Gulistan. Nahr i Gang. See Sa'di. See Ganges Canax. Hindi. Nairang i 'isbk. See Shakespeae (J.) See 'jVbd Allah, Mumht. insha i KhalTfah. Najm al-aniBal. See KnALiFAH Shah Muhammad. See Muhammad Najm al-DiN. \in U)Co\ Urdu Najm i tali'. See FiDA 'Ali, called 'Aish.

    See Muhammad Kaeim Bakhsh. Nakhat i Gulistan.

    Murakkabat i IKsani. See Sa'di. See Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Nakl hikayat [in loco']. i majlis. Murakka' i arzhang. See SiVAPEASADA, caUed WahbL See SiEAJ al-DiN. 61 —

    403 INDEX OF TITLES. 404

    Nakliyat. Nazm i arj-mand. See Muhammad Muhi al-DiN, called Shams al-TJMAEA. See Amie Allah ibn 'Abd al-SAMAD, called Taslim.

    i Hindi. barik. See NAKLiriT. See 'Ali Hasan, Saiyid, called Malih.

    Yusuf. i mufid [in loco]. See JEsop. al-wara'. Naksh i raliniani. See Muhammad ibn Sa'id (Shaeaf al-DiN Abu 'Abd See Muhammad Shafi'. Allah) Busiri.

    ruHam. Tfek akbtar [in loco]. See 'Abd Allah Beg. Nigar i Chin. Sulaimanl. See Muhammad 'Abd al-KioiE, Munahl. See Muhammad Asheaf 'Ali. Razi. Nal Daman. See Sa'di. See KalTpeasada. Nikat i Ilisani. Namah i Ghalib. See Ihsan 'Ali Khan. See AsAD Allah Khan, Mina, called Ghalib. Nisat i zarurl. Nashat i aHbab. See Khuda Bakhsh. GoTiNDAviHAEi, called Nashat. See Nit kaiin upadesb. NasiHat i MasTb. See PuRANAS. 3[arJcandeyapurrina. See Jesus Christ. Nizam i baiwanat. al-Musalmln. See Sheeeing (M. A.) See Kue'an.—Selections. al-Islam. Nasibat-namah. See Wajih al-DiN. See Muhammad Shee 'Ali. Nujum al-'alamat. See Ghulam Muhammad, Munshi. See Nizam al-DiN, Maulavl. Nur i 'ain. Nasiket. See GOKULAPEASADA. Veajalala. See Mubammadi. Nasikh al-takawim. See Muhammad Isma'il, Mangaluri. See Ephemeeides.

    NasTm i jannat. See Muhammad MIeza Muwahhid. See KiFATAT 'Ali, called Kafi. Nur-namah. Nasir al-abrar. \ See Muhammad, the Prophet. mushtakin. f Nuskbab i dil-kusba. tuUiib. I 'ushshak. / See Janamejata Mitba. See Muhammad Nasie 'Ali, Ghiyaspuri. farbat-afza. See Detisahata. Nasr i be-nazir. Nusri Benuzeer [i.e. Nasr i be-nazir]. See Hasas-, Mir. See Hasan, Mir. Na't i Sarwan. al-nazir. See GnuLAM Saewae, Mufti. Nuzbat See Abu al-HASAN. Nata'ij i TJklidis. See Muhammad Zaka Allah. Padmavat. See Malik Muhammad, Jd'isi. Natakaprakasa \in loeo\. Pablad charitra. Natljab i kawa'id. See Kaltana Rata. See GiRDHARi Lal.

    tabrlr i Uklldis. See Euclid. See Ramabhaeosa. Naucbaman. Paida'isb kl kitab. See Ramdin, called KAMTAKiif. See Bible.—Old Testament. — Genesis. Nauratan. Pand i sudmand. See Muhammad Bakhsh, called Mahjur. See Karim al-DiN, Maulavl.

    Nautarz i murassa'. See Khuseau, Amir. See Nizam al-DiN, Maulatl. Navl Cbandbi. Pand o nasa'ib. See HiEAJi Lalaji. See Collection.

    Nawa i gbarib. Pand-namab i 'iyal-daran. See Muhammad Maedan 'Ali Khan.' See Arnold (W. W.)

    Naza'ir i kanun i Hind. kasbt-karan. See Peeiodical Publications.—Allahabad. See Moil Lal. —— —

    405 INDEX OF TITLES. 406

    Panjoh i Oauharln. Itubat al-nalikln. See Genban Lit, called Gauoab. Set Muhammad Oijapar Allah. nigarln. Rahbar i liaklfil [in loco]. See MuuAHMAD 'Add nl-RAHiilN ibn MuAaujiad rah i HakU. KosHAif Khan. See Muhammad Zardab Khan. Panj-ganj [i» loco^. Rahlma. Panj-i'jaz. See Nazie, Miydn. See Tajamucl Rasul Kniu. Rah-numa i Dihll. Parameshar ke bhajan. See Manuel (G. 8.) See GopiSATnA, called 'Ajjz. Riija Janak ka sambada. Parasbhag [in loco']. See PcRlyAS. BhUgavatapurOna. Pa^wan kl kitab. Rajm al-shUiab. See RImasaba^a Dasa. See Ahmad ibn Yunus, ^ Alawl. Paulus ka kissah. Ramaglta. See Paul, Saint and Apostle. See PcRANAs.—Brabmap^apurapa. RGmagttd. Phailawat. Ramayana. See RlMABABAijrA BIsa. See TuLASiDASA. Plr i nabaligh. Rami al-jamrat. See Mahkupita, pseud, [i.e. Moti Lal.] See 'AniD 'Ali. Pirl o sad 'aib. Ran don ki shadl. See MiE Bakhshi, called "Wahshi. See 'Abd al-RAHiM, Dihlavt. Pitkcrn tapu ke logon ka bayan. Rangln-namah. See PiTCAIBN ISLANDEBS. See Wali Muhammad, called Nazib. Post aur afyun ke kawa'id. Rauzat al-asfiya. See India.—Legislative Council. See Muhammad tAHiB. Pranasukha [in loco]. shuhada [in loco].

    Premasagara. Report i majmu'i. See GopiNATHA, called 'Ajiz. See Ananta Rama.

    dar bab tijarat o paidawar. Lallu Lal, Kavi. See Davies {Sir R. H.)

    saliyanah i yatim-khanah. See Sankaradatalu, called Fabhat. FiRozpuB. Aryd Samaj. Prem-namah. See See y^AiA, noji. sal-tamam i anjuman. Puran Bhagat. See Lahore.— Society for the diffusion of useful See MahmCt), Miyan, called Raunak. knowledge.

    Qa'ida i 'Ibrani [i.e. Ka'idab i 'Ibrani]. Rigveda. See Waeren (J.) See Vedas.—Rigveda.

    Qanoon-e-Islam [i.e. Kanun i Islam]. Risalah i 'akikah. See Ja'fae Shakif. See Muhammad Nizam. Qur'an. 'aruz. See Kue'In. See Muhammad Ahsan. Radd al-abatil. ashkhas i kanun i peshah. See Kevalarama, called Hoshtar. See India.—Legislative Council. atish-bazT. i 'Abd al-Wahbab. See Ahmad ibn Tunus, 'Alawl. See Atish-bazi. Hindu. be-namazan. See Muhammad Isma'il, Konkani. See Nizam al-DiN, Maulavl. mallub. char-bab. Allah. See Muhammad 'Abd al-'Aziz, Maulavi, See Muhammad Ahl din i fiakk. Raflk i niswan. See Peeiodicax Publications.—Zuctnow. See Muhammad Ja'fae Khan. Ragamala. 'ilm i falahat. See Hasan, Saiyid, Mir, See Burn (R. S.) karurah. Rah i Islam. See Muhammad 'Ali Khan, Naw&h. See GnuLAM Yahta. najat. khwab. See Muhammad 'Au, Munshi. See Abkrcrombie (J.) M.D. Bunnat. kiyafah. See Aulad Hasan, Saiyid. See Detipbasada. —.

    407 INDEX OF TITLES. 408

    Risalah i kusur i a'shanyah. Rumuz al-hikmat. See Baldev Bakhsh. See Rajab 'Al! ibn Kasim 'Ali. masaHat. Kur'an. See MooEE (B. T.) See Muhammad Hasan 'Ali.

    Rusum i Hind [in loco].

    See TODHXTNTER (I.) Sabak i sails [in loco].

    miras. Sabha i farrukh. See Muhammad Taki, Saiyid. See Rupakeishna and Amaeanatha. mubarak. Sabil al-jinan. See MuBAKAK 'Ali Khan. See 'Abd al-HAkk, Dihlavi. rahn. SachchI bahadurl. See SrlMA Lala^ See TucKEB (C.) Miss. roz-mara. Sad o si mas'alah. See Ahmad 'Ali, KhwSjah. See Majmu'ah. satr i 'aurat. Safar-namah. See Fakhe al-DiN Ahmad, Kadiri. See Amin Chand. — shauhar aur zaujah ke bayan men. See CoLEBEOOKE (H. T.) See FoESTiH {Sir T. D.) tajhiz o takfln. 'Imran. See Muhammad See YusuF Khan, Haidarahddi, called Kammalposh. Eisalah dar bayan banane sarakonke. i Haramain. (H.) See BiNSHAM See Muhammad Zaedab Khan. liakklyat i zamlndan. Mungo Park sahib ka. 'Ali Saiyid. See Mahdi Khan, See Paek (M.)

    Risale madrasah Rurki kc. i Panjab. See EuEKi. Thomason Civil Engineering College. See IkbIl 'Ali. Riwayat Fatima Sugrani. Safinat al-najat [in loco]. See SiKANDAE. Safwat al-masadir. Riyaz al-akhbar. See Muhammad Mustafa Khan. See Isma'Tl ibn 'Ali (Imad al-DiN Anu al-FiDl). Sahar-gah dar Ingliatan. azbar. See TucKEE (C.) Miss. &« Muhammad Khaie al-DiN (Abu al-'ALi) Gopamm, Saif al-Sulaiman. See Mahmud, Miyan, called Raunak. i Marliaba. Sailab i ghazab. See 'Abd al-SHAKUR, called Maehaba. al-shahadatain. See Wahid 'Ali Khan. Sa'in khayal. See 'Abd al-HAki ibn Ilahi Bakhsh. ke sau umara. See Gendan Lal, called Gauhae. i Makbul. See Rahman 'Ali Khan. SaLr See Hatdae Khan. Riyazat al-kulub. Ghulam See Muhammad 'Abd al-KiciB, Dihlavi. Panjab. See Kali Rata. Rudad i maMl i nazma'i Madrasah i A'zam. Saiyah. See Madeas.—Madrasah i A'zam. Khan, called Saitah. Rudramoksh alila See Dad See Nabayana Simha. — Sri Nasiket. Ruh al-Iman wal-islam. See Ambe Prasad, called Madhush. See Muhammad Ja'fae, Saji. Sairistan i Ingland. Ruh ke bayan men. See Kaesandas Mulaji. See RtJH. Sakhawat-namah [in loco]. Ruhani tazkirah. See Rajab 'Ali, Eev. See Hazhat 'Ali. RuH-namah. Sakuntala nataka. See Muhammad Husain, Rampurl. See Kalidasa.

    Ru'idad i Jalsah i Islamiyah. Salasat al-kutub. See Ghazipue.—Jalsah i Islamiyah. See AiKMAN (W. R.) Kayasthadharma Sabha. Salat tunajjTna. See Meeeut.—Kayasthadharma Sabha. See Salih Musi Zaeie.

    al-Rumh al-maskul. Salwat i Nasirl. See Sajjad Husain. See Muhammad Nasie 'Ali, Ghiyaspuri .

    409 INDEX OF TITLES. 410

    Samajh bujh [in loeo]. Shablh i Alimadl.

    §amnr i bahfir i Bindruban. See Mi'iJAMUAD Jamal al-Dl5 iLukn.

    See Vhindavana, Maharaja. Shabistan i 'ashikl.

    Samrah i 'ishk. See NAOKNDRANATnA VANDTOPADnrlYA. See MATnURAPRASADA, Shahadat al-khulaia wal-llasanain. muriid. See MuuAHMAD Nasir 'Ali, OhiyOfpUr}. See 'Aud alSAMAD Giidlam Muuammad. Shahadat i Kur'ani bar kutub i Rabbanl.

    Sang i Harichand. See Kuh'an.—Selections. See ViHARi Lala, Mumhl. Shahadat-namah. Sangit. See 'Add al-KARlM, called Kariu. Set MADANAMOnANA BUATTA.

    Sangit Rajah Raghblr Singh. See Shaja'at 'Ali, called Tasalli. See Haeadevasahai'a. i al i nabl. 1

    Sarapa i Kuzur. manzum. ) See Ja'fae 'Ali, called Be-tab. See Ihau Bakhsh, called Nasikh.

    piri. Shahid i 'ishrat. See Nasir 'Ali, Bilgrdml, called SamI. See 'Abd al-GHAFfJa Khan (AbO Muhammad) called

    rasul i akram. Nassakh. See Mbhsin 'Ali. Shah-namah.

    Sarchashmah i muHabbat. See FiRDAUsi. See Slater (S.) Senior Professor of Bishop's College, Shah-zadah kl Hikayat. Calcutta. See Shah-zadah.

    Sarf i Shah-jahani. Shakk al-karaar. See Muhammad Badi' bI-Zaman. See Muhammad 'Abd Allah, BAfl%. Urdu. Shakta challsl. See Amanat Allah. See Sankaradatalu, called Fabhat. Sarf o naHw. Sham' i mahfil. See Bankimachandra Chattopadhyaya. See KuKBAN 'Ali. Shama'il-namah Sarguzasbt i Napoleon Bonaparte. See Muhammad, the Prophet. See Napoleon I. Emperor of the French. Shams al-anwar. Sari' al-fahm i ta'ztrat i Hind. See Bade al-DiN Khan, Khwajah, also called See India.—Legislative Council. Khwajah Aman. Sarosh i sukhan. jughraflyah. See Fakhr al-Diy Husain, called Sukhan. See SankARADAY ALU, called Farhat. Sat-nam. masahat. See Jagannatha Sahaya. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Arabic Teacher at the Jaynarain College, Benares. See Jatakarana Lala. zuha. See Ratan Nath. See Nanak Chand. i Muhammadl. Satyadharma muktavall. Shar' See KuNJAViuARi Lala. See Sarsha Ram. Satyadharmavichara. See Muhammad Khan ibn Ibrahim JalIl Khan. See Bakhtawar Singh. Satya Narayana katha. SharK i jabr mukabalah. See Jagannatha Sahata. See Todhunter (I.)

    Satyaprakfisa. kanun i mi'ad i sama'at. See Periodical Publications.—Bareilly. See India.—Legislative Council. Satyasatyavivcka. shahadat. See Bakhtawab Singh. See Mahmud, Saiyid.

    Saulat i Afghani kasidah Burdah. See Mdhammad Zardar Khan. See Ghulam Haidar, called Haidar.

    Sawalat i talirlr i Uklldis. — risalah i masahat. See Euclid. See Todhunter (1.)

    Sawanih i 'umr i Rajah Qopal Krishn. Shari' al-ta'llm [in loco"]. See Karta Krishna. Sharl'at ka luth.

    Sawanihat i Salatin i Awadh. See Nizam al-DiN, Maulavl. See Kahal al-DiN Haidar, also called Mueaumad Shai al- 'aza. Zi'lB. See 'Ata Allah KhIit. 63 . —

    411 INDEX OF TITLES. 412

    Shayastah pasukh. Sirai al-ihtida fl bayan al-iktida. See Hamchandea Eaya. See Ahmad Hasan, Maulavl.

    Sher i Yahuda ka bayan. Islam [in loco^. See Charlotte Elizabeth [Phelax, afterwards Sirr al-shahadatain. Tonna]. See 'Abd al-'Aziz, Dihlavt. Shifa al-'alll. Sishya suhrit. See Wali Allah ibn 'Abd al-EiHiM, Dihlavl. See Sambhunatha.

    Shigarf-namah i Vilayat. Sitam i Haman. See I'lisAM al-DiN, Mirza. See FakJe Muhammad, called Tec;h. Shlrln Farhad. Hamanna. See 'Ali Muhammad ibn Muhammad. See MAHMiJD, Mlyan, called Raunak.

    Shoolu,e ishq [».«. Shu'lah i 'ishk]. Sitarah i Hind. See Muhammad Taki, called Miii. See HusAiN Va'iz, Kashift. Shuhrat al-mazhab al-MasiH. Sltasvayamvara. See Sherrino (M. A.) See Gahvaea Naratana.

    Shu'lah i 'ishk. Sivapurana. See Mtihammad Take, called Mie. See PuEANAS. Sivapurana. jwalah. See FiDA 'Ali, called 'Aish. See Sankaeadatalu, called Faehat. Sifat i zatiyah i ajsam. Sivasahasranama. See Kalyana Kata. See Sankaeadatalu, called Faehat. Rabb al-'alamin ka bayan. Siyanat al-iman. Skidasa. See See Wali Allah, Safiz. Slghah i mal. SohnI Mahinwal. See HIeananda. See Aeuha Ra'e. Siharfi. Soz i 'ishk. See RuLDu Hama. See AuiLLD Bakhsh. Snkrishnagita. Sundaea Lala. See Mahabhaeata.—Bhagavadgitd. Srimadbhagavata. See Wajhatt. See PuKANAS. BMgavatapurana. Sihr al-bayan. Sri mahimnah. See Hasan, Mir, Diklavl. See PuSHPADANIA. Hind. Su'al jawab. See Ghulam Muhi al-Dix. See 'Abd al-HAir and Isma'il, Mauldna. Sikandar-namah

    See NizamT, Ganjavi. See JiVANADASA. musalsal. Silk i i jughraflyah i tab'T. See Chandrikapeasada, called Jaxux. See SiTADEHALA.

    nur. mazhab i 'Isawl kl. See Muhammad Isma'il, Dihlavl. See Stern (H.) Singhasan battisl. Subh ka sitarah. See ViKEAMADiTTA, Mng of Ujjayini. See 'Abbas 'Ali ibn !Nasir 'Ali. manzum. Subuq-i-sulees. See Hangalala, called Chaman. See Sabak i salis. Sinin i Islam. Subut i mut'ah. See Leitnee (G. "W.) See Mahdi Kuli Khan. SipahT-zadah. Suckoontula [i.e. Sakuntala natak]. See Khushdu,. See Kazim 'Ali, called Jawan. Siraj al-hidayat. See Muhammad "Wazir 'Ali Khan. Suds al-bahs. Iman. See Eadha Lala. See 'Ali Khan, Mirzd. Sufar al-sa'adat. ibn Ya'kub (Majd al-DiN i khalwat. See Muhammad Abu See 'Abd bI-Kaeim, Schoolmaster. Tahir) Flruzabadl. al-masahat. Sugra-namah. See Kaham Rasul. See SuQRA, Daughter of the Imam Husain.

    salikln. Sukhan i shu'ara. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zain al-DiN Abu See 'Abd al-GHAFUE Khan (Abu Muhammad) called Hamid) Ghazzall. Nassakh. 413 INDEX OF TITLES. M\ SulH i kull. Ta'Id al-r»lam. See 'Abd Allah Athim. See MuiAMMAD Sullam al-adab. Iuti.sham al-DiN, called Faktad. 5., FuLLEK Taisir al-Kur'5n. (A. R.) and KarIm al-DlN. Mauhvl. oultan al-tawarlkh. See AVazIk 'Ali ibn Mdnauwar 'Ali, called Mu- See FiEisHTAH 6ahmad Salim. (Muhammad Kasim) Astarahadl. ourat alkhayal. Tajhir o takfln. See See 'Ali Muhammad, called Shad. Muhammad 'Umran. Surur i ghaibl. Tajribah i dauran. See See Muhammad 'AlJ, Muraduhadu JivANARAMA, Namoll. Haidar!. malakh. See Ghulam See Ghulam Haidae ibn Muhammad Kha». NabI, TaKsUdur. al-Kulub. Takallum al-madrasah. See 'Abd See Muhammad Tak! 'Ali Khaw. al-KARiM ibn Ghulam MuAammad Swar sangrah. Takmll al-ta'lim [in loco]. Takrlm See Parsons (J.) i Zuhurl. See Ta'blr-namah i khwab. Kabim al-DIw. See Ta'bIr-namah. al-Takrlr al-ma'kul. Tabyln al-kalam. See Muhammad Kadik Bakhsh. Tatrlr al-shahadatain. See AuMAD Khan-, Saiyid, C.S.T. See Muhammad Tafakhur i abadl. Salamat Allah, called KashifL See Ja'far 'Ali, called Be-tab. Takrirl Hisab [in loco]. TafsTl Takwim i Angrezi lasLkarl kawa'id ki. 'amm. See Griffin (G.) — See Ephemerides. al-kaliim. yek-sad wa do salah. See Bible. — Seleclions. See Nawai, Kishob. Tafsir i Kadirl. mu'aiyid al-mu'arrikhTn. See iTusAiN Va'iz, Kuthifi. See Drvipbasada. al-Kur'an. Takwiyat al-Iman.

    See Kue'an. See Muhammad Isma'il, Lihlavi. i Muriidlyah- Islam. See See MuBAD Allah, Ansuri Muhammad Zahie al-DiN, Bilgrdmi. TalTf i Surah i FatiHah. 1 Hargobind.

    Yusuf. I See HAEAGOVrjfDASAHAYA. See Kue'an. sharlf. Tafzili. See Muhammad Shabif Khan. See AoHA 'Ali. Ta'llm al-atfal.

    TaMlk al-Iinan \in loco]. See SiVAPEASADA, Raja, C.S.I. TaKklkat i Chishti. mubtadi [Jn loco]. See NuE Ahmad, Chiahti. TaHrlr i bonazir. See HoLEOYD (W. R. M.)

    See Zv al-FAKAE Haidae. • nafs. dastawezat kl See Todd ta'llm. (J.) B.B., Author of the "Students' Manual." See Ghulam Imam, called Shah id. Ta'llm dar ta'llm. i Uklldis. See Mortimee (F. L.) Mr». See Euclid. Ta'lTmat aur Discipline. See United States of kmxick.—Methodut Epneopal See Smith (J. H.) Church. Tahzlb al-akhlak. Ta'llm-namah. See Periodical Publications.- -Aligarh. See Muhammad Ibeahim Masbab. atfal. TamBil i La'zar. See 'Abd al-KAEiM ibn Amir Allah. See Lazaeus, the Beggar. i atfal. TamsTlat i Maslli. See Knowles (S.) See Jesus Cheist. i makal. Tanblh al-ghafilln \in loco]. See Keishnamisra. ghurur. al-nisa. See Habab, pseud. See AuuAD al-DiN Ahmad, called Sheftah. jahilin. nufus. See Husain Rahmat Allah. See Fakhe al-DiN Husain, called Sukhan. nisa [in loco]. 415 INDEX OF TITLES. 416

    Tandurustl-namah. Tarikh i makhzan i Panjab. See Wali Mdhammab, called Nazib. See Ghulam Sarwae, Mufll. TanklB al-lughat. mamalik i Chin. See Zamin 'Ali, called Jalal. See CoRCOKAif (J.) Tanwir al-'ainain. MuKammadl. See Muhammad Isma'il ibn 'Abd al-GnAsi. e 'Imad al-DiN, D.D. Tapaslbhas. mutakaddimln o muta'akhkhiiTn kl. See Tapasvi Rama. See Shurman (J. A.)

    Taranah i ghara'ib. Panjab. See Shafa'at Allah. See Detipeasada. Tarlt al-Hayat. llashid al-Din Khani. See Pfander (C. G.) See Muhammad Ghulam Imam Khan, called Hijr ibn Muhammad. 'iarlk i taMit [in loco']. RohTlkhand. Tarlkah i Husnah. See NiYAZ Ahmad Khan ibn Nitaz Muhammad See Eahman 'Ali. Khan. shughl i kalimah i {aiyib. saltanat i Inglishlyah. See Kalimah i taitib. See England. Tarikat i 'ibadat. See Beahma Samaj. Sher Sbah. See 'Abbas Khan, Sarvanl. Tarikh i 'ajib. See Muhammad Ja'fae, Thaneswari. sitarah i Hind. 'alam. See ToTAEAM, called Shayan. Bahar. See Wilson ( ). subah Asam. See 'Ali Muhammad, called Shad. See Shihab alDiN Talish (Ahmad ibn Muhammad Tusufl. WalI). See Yusup Khan, ITaidarahadl, called Kammalfosh.

    al-auliya. zila' i Farrukhabad. See Imam al-DiN Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-FATiAH. See Detipeasada.

    i baghawat i Hind. Tarji'band. See Kanhaita Lal, called ALAKHADHAEi. See Mahdi Hasan Khan, called Abad. Chin o Japan. See Oltphant (L.) See Muhammad RafI', called Sauda.

    farman i rawayan i Awadh. See Radha Lala.. See Muhammad Ya-sin Ghabik.

    Gujarat. Tarjuman i 'ismat. See A'zam Beg, Mirza. See Kakim Bakhsh, called Ahkae. Hind. Wahbabiyat. See Detipeasada. See Muhammad Sadik Hasan Khan. Tartib al-salat. See Sadasukha Lala. See Isma'il, called Ikhlas. Hindustan. ke bayan men. See Elphinstone {Hon. M.) See Peabhudasa Dasa.

    Tasanlf i Ahtnadlyah. See Kaeim al-DiN, Maulavi. See Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I.

    Hukama i Yunan. Tasawlr i tashrib i insanl. See Ihsan Allah. See Grey (H.)

    jadwaliyab. Tashhir i Zuhurt. See Khadim 'Ali ibn Kaeam 'Ali. See KaeIm al-DiN. Jalsah i Kaisarl. Tashil al-kalam. (J. See Wheelee T ) See HoLROYD (W. R. M.) Jhajbar. kawa'id. See GnuLAM Nabi, TaKslldar. See Kabim al-DiN, Maulavi. Kashmir. nata'ij. See Muhammad 'Azim. See FiDA 'Ali, Maulavi.

    khandan i Bajha i Dhar o Dewas. shifa. See Dhaema Naeatana. See Ghulam Imam, Uakim. Khurshid Jahl. sitar. See Muhammad Ghulam Imam Khan, called Hije See Rahim Beg ibn Bakie Beg, EJiairaladl. ibn Muhammad. ta'llm [in loeo]. 417 INDEX OF TITLES. 418

    Tashll al- turTkli. Ta'wiz i Imun. Sm Mdhahhad Sheb Kniy. See Krishnauisra. tarkTb. Tazlilk-namah [in hed], Se« McHAHMAj) Zain Allah. TazkTr al-ikhwun. TashrlK al-asbab. See Muhammad SuLflN KrIv. See Ilahi Bakhsh, Jtaklm. Tazkirah i maz^ik i sukhan. gurdon kl. See Muhammad 'Abd al-HAir. See Bretou (P.) Rasul i Akbar. al-Kuruf. See Amanat 'AlI ibn Wali See DevIprasada. Muhammad. zaniln i mashhur i Hind. See Easinatha. See ViSVAMBHAKANATHA. Tazkirat al-'akilTn. — Kazib kl. See See Breton (P.) Sberrino (M. A.) kamilln. i Mulla Zain. See See Muhammad Zain Allah. Ramachandra, Son of Sundara Lsla. khulafa. Tasir al-anzar. See See Muhammad Taki, Saiyid. Amanat 'Ali ibn Wali Mu&ammad. mashablr. Taslib o kiyam i MaslK. See Sadasueha Lala. See Jesus Christ. sbuhada. Ta-^lls al-lughat. '' See Amanat 'Ali ibn Wali Muhammad. See Reid (H. S.) Tazmin i Karlma. Taswir i gham. See Wali Muhammad, called See AsHRAF 'Ali, called Mast. Nazib. i Akbar. Taswiyah i 'adl o ralim. tibb See 'Adl. See Muhammad Akbar, called Abzani. IKsanT. Tatimmah i risalah i namaz i janazah dar musjid.

    See Namaz i jana/ah. See Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Tattvaprabodha. nabawl. See Detisahata. See Ikbam al-DiN, Hufi%. Taubat al-NasuK. — RaKlnil. See Nazie Ahmad, Khan Bahadur. See RahIm Khan.

    Tausif i zira'at. TDismat i 'aja'ib. See Kalb Husadj Khan, called Nadib. See SiVAGOPALA. Tawali' al-Anwar. Tilak al-'ashar. See Anwar al-HAxk. See Muhammad 'Abd al-HAJiix.

    Tawallud i jadld. Tilsam i farang. See Knowles (S.) See Gbegort (W.) Profeitor of Chemittry in the Tawarikh i Abmadl. University of Edinburgh. See Fath Muhammad, called Ta'ib. fasaliat. Awadh. See Muhammad Husain, called Jin. See Kamal al-DiN Haibar, also called Muhammad Kairat. Za'ib. See Muhammad Ja'far 'Ali, called Shiwan. Kabib Allah. Hind. See Muhammad 'Inatat Ahmad Euh. See ToTAitAM, called ShatIn. Hind. ruKanl. See Karim al-DiN, Maulavi. See Husain Ahmad. kalisa min Kais al-ibtida. Shayan. See Sivaphasada, Raja, C.S.I. See Hamzah ibn 'Abd bI-MuWalib, Am\r.

    nadir al-'asr. Tiryak i niasmura. See IfAWAL KisHOR. See Hasib al Din Abkad, called Sozan.

    Sandford anr Merton. Toshah i 'ukba. See Day (T.) Author of " Sandford and Merton." See AsMA i husnX.

    ta'alluk-daran i Awadh. Tota-kahanT. See KisoRir.ALA. See Muhammad Kadiri.

    yadgar i subahdar. Trikala upasana. See Sitarama, Subahdar. See Pl-RUSHOTTAXA DISA. TawTl al-manani. Tuba al-'aruz. See Muhammad ibn Sirin (Abu Bake) Basrl. See Mdmin Susain, called SafI. 6i 419 INDEX OF TITLES. 420

    TuKfah i aHbab. 'TJlum ma'ad o ma'ash men. See NusEAT 'Ali. See 'TJlum. Ajmir. Umapati dig-vijayi. See Madar Bakhsh, Muihtar. See Lalaji. dil-kusha. 'Umdat al-akhbar. See MuDAMiiAD, Saiyid, called Haeif. See Pekiodical Publications.- -Bareilly. dil-pnzir. kalam. See BoLAKi Das. See 'Abd bI-Khalik. durud. Kur'an. See Manzur Ahmad. See Kue'an.—Appendix. Fatir. tawarikh. See Muhammad HTrsAiif, called FAkia. See Muhammad 'Abd al-HAiT.

    Islam [iM loco], TJmmaid i jannat [in loco]. malibul dar faza'il i Easul. Ura.iz o Khootoot. See Muhammad 'Abd uI-Rahman ibn Muhammad See 'Ara'iz o khutut.

    RosHAN Khan. Urdu i mu'alla. Mushtak. See AsAD Allah Khan, Mind, called Ghalib. See GuLAB Singh, called Mushtak. TJrdu kl chauthi kitab. nayab. See PiAKi Lal, Munshi. See BuLAKi Das. dusrl kitab. sadiklyah. pahll kitab. See 'Abd al-'ALi, al-iCarl. See Muhammad Husain, Maulavi. Sher Sbahl. tlsri kitab. See 'Abbas Khan, Sarvanl. See Pyaei Lal, Munshi. tilismat. Urdu risalah. See 'Abd al-RASUL Khan. See Gilcheist (J. B.) sarf o naHw. See Muhammad Hasan ibn Mushtak Ausain. See SiVAPEASADA, Raja, C.S.T. Tulifat al-aKibba. upadesa. See Muhammad Kutb al-Diu, Dihlati. See Kalipeasanna Sena Gupta. 'ajam. Usui i 'ajib. See 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad (Hafiz al-DiN Abu See Muhammad Jamal al-DiN Khan. al-BAHAKAi) Ifasafi. fann i tashrili. akhyar. See MouAT (F. J.) See Hasan ibn Muhammad (Riza al-DiN) Sa^anl. 'ilm i handasah. 'ashikla. See Euclid. See Muhammad 'Abd al-SAMAD, also called Ranmast Hisab. Khan. See Arithmetic atibba. tab'!. See Mushelf Husain. See Muhammad Zrri al-DiN. 'awamm. masaliat. See Hasan 'Ali, Saji. See Devipbasada. ghaib. nakkasliT. See Ramabhaeosa. See Sadasukha Lala.

    • wa izin. al-rashad. See 'UsMAN ibn Hasan, Ehubaiel. See Muhammad Taki 'Ali Khan.

    zaujain. i shar' i sharif. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Lihlail. See Macnaghten {Sir W. H.) Bart. Tulu' i aftab i sadakat [in loco]. Uttaragita. Tumar i gham. See PuRANAS.—Brahmandapurana.— Uttaragita. See 'Abd al-HAKK ibn Ilahi Bakhsh. Vedarthaprakasa. Turrah i gham. See Gopala, Son of Ramasahdya. See Kasim Pie Muhammad. Vijiianasudha. 'Ud i Hindi. See Devidasa, Lahori. See AsAD Allah Khan, Mh-za, called Ghalib. Vishnucharitra. Uklldis. See Bhagatandasa. See Euclid. Vishnusabasranama. 'Ukubat al-zallln. See Mahabhaeata.— Vishnusahasranama. See Muhammad Abu al-MANsuE. Waba'i haizah hamko kya karna cbahiye hai. tJltapulta [en loco']. See Muhammad Isma'il Khan. —

    421 INDEX OF TITLES. 422

    Wafat i Maslli. YuBuf Zulaikhi. Set Jesds Christ. See Jam!. MusliH al-Din. Sm Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Sj/ria. See Ma HOI 'Ali Enlx, called 'AsBik. Wafat-numnh. See NusRAT 'Au. See Ra'Of Ahmad, called RIfat.

    Waka'i' Baba Nanuk. Zaban i Rckhtah. See CcsT (R. N.) 8e» 'Abd al-GBAFOa Khan (AbO Muhammad) called Kep. Nabsakh. See KixLOCH (C. W.) ZaU i 'ishk.

    nigar i Inglistan. See Mohammad Makdan 'Al! Khan.

    See CoLLiEE (W. F.) Zabur aur git.it. ) ki kitab Rajkumar. ab. ( See Bankimachandea Chattopadhtata. See Bible.—Old Testament. Ptalnu. Rajputanah. Zad al-akhirat. See JVALASAHArA. See Zv al-FAKAB 'Ali. i safar wasilat al-zafar. Knmachandra. ) wa

    Sikandar A'zam. i See MuHAHUAD 'Umab 'Ali KhIn, called Wabsh!. See Oust (R. N.) al-salikin.

    Waki'at i Hind. See Muhammad 'Abd al-KlDiR, Bihlavl,

    See Karim al-Diu, Maulavi. 'ukba fl sharh al-Asma i Husna. panj-hazar salah. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Bihlavl.

    See Radha Lala. Zafar i khalil. shahadat. See Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Bihlavl.

    See 'Abd al-!^siB ibn Munri al-DiN, called WafZ. Zahr i 'ishk. Wasiyat-namah. See Tasadduk Husain Khan, called Shauk. See Nu'MAif ibn §abit (Abu Hanifah). Za'ikah i matam. See Wazie Husain ibn §Ibii 'AxI, Matkhadl. Wasokht i Abad. _ Zakhirah i danish. See Mahdi Hasan Khan. Amanat. See AuLAD 'Ali, Mir. Jang bahaduri. See Agha Hasan. See Aka Hasan, called Nami. Kalak. Khwarazm-shahi. See AsAD 'Ali Khan. See Isma'il (Zaln al-DiN Abu Ibrahim) Jurjdnl. Shamiml. sa'adat. See Ramsarup. See Jaqannatha, Pandita. Sihr. Zaman al-firdaus. See Aman 'Ali. See Muhammad 'InItat Ahmad. Tahir. Zarafat-namah. See MuiiAMMAD Iahir 'Ali. See Jebbold (D. "W.) Wazlfah i masnunah. Zar i kamil i 'iyar. See MuHAUUAD Kutb al-DiN, Lihlan. See Nasir al-DiN (Muhammad ibn Mu: ad) TieU Wa'z-namah. Zarb al-samsam. See Knowles (S.) See Shaja'at 'Ali, Chishti. Wuh 'umdah kadim nakl. Zaruri al-mutibb. See Ullmann (J. F.) See Mahtab Ra'e. Yad-dasht i kanun i shahadat. Zawabit i Farsi. See Parker (E. W.) See 'Abd al-HAkic, Maulavi. Yadgar i Razl. 'ushshak. See Jani Bihari Lal, called Rizi. See RashId al-DiN AintAD Khan, called Rashid. riyasat i Alwar. Zawajir i Hindi. Bhupal. See Adam, Shaikh. See Ramasahaya, called Tamanna. Zewar i iman. Yahudion ka ahwal. See Muhammad Anwar 'Ali. See Jewish People. Zikr i Istifan. Yogavasishtha [in loco]. See Stephen, Saint and Martyr. Yogi Sabhapati Svami ke Halut. al-shahadatain. See Sabhapati Svami. See Ahmad KhIn, called Sufi. Yunan ke kadim zamanah ki taiikh. Zinat al-iskul. See RoLLiN (C.) See Muhammad 'Abd al-GHANi, Saiyid, Bihari. .

    423 INDEX OF TITLES. 424

    Zinat al-tarl. Zubdat al-bikmat. See Kabamat 'Ali, Jaimpuri. See Kamae 'Ali. khail. hisab [in loco^. See Muhammad Mahdi, MunBhi. A Ziya al-absar. Atodhtapeasad Khayal. See 'Abd al-GnANi ibn Muhammad Eafi. See Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari, called Khatai. i Akhtar. lughat. See Muhammad Hasan, Ea'ls. See Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. al-basa'ir. mufradat. See Muhammad Shaukat 'AlT. See 'Ali Hasan, Saiyid, called Malih. i liikmat. Zulaikha i Urdu. See BidpaT. See Jami. Ziyarat al-'arab. See Muhammad Mahmud Hasan. See Mahdi 'Ali Khan, called 'Ashik. SUBJECT-INDEX.

    [This Index contains references to the principal works only in the foregoing Catalogue.']

    AES POETICA Khwan i ni'mat. KhwIn i ni'mat. Kimlya (Rhetoric, Prosody, etc.) ka bayan. Convebsations. Kitab i tabakhi. Indian Tables. A'Inah i tawarlkh. IlXhi Bakhsh, called ShX'ik. Maptul. Eamajabana Dasa. 'Aruz i Faza. Govindapeasada, called Faza. Misbah al-masahat. Seilala. Fa'iz al-bayan. ) .^ _ ^. . „ , __, Umr-daeaz, Ilajii, called Fa'iz. Mu'allim i shatranj. Muhammad 'Abd al-ifillDiB. — ma'anl. J Mukhtasar al-masahat. Govindalala, Ganj i tawarlkh. 'Abd al-GHArtm Khan. called Saba. Mushtahir al-faiz. Gotindalala, Hadri'ik al-balaghat. Shams al-Dijc, called Fakib. called Saba. Naghmah i sitar. Istikhraj al-tawarikh. 'Abbas, Mir. EahIm Beo ibn Bakik Beo. Phailawat. Eamasaeana Dasa. Khiyaban i tawarlkh. Muhammad 'Aii, Muradahddi. Eagamala. Hasan, Saiyid, Mir. Eisalah i 'aruz. Muhammad Ahsan. Eisalah i atish-bazi. Aiish-bazi, Suriir i ghaibi. Muhammad 'Ali, Muradahadl. 'ilm i falahat. Buen (E. Tuba al-'aruz. Mumin Husain, called Safi. S.) masahat. Mooee (B. T.) Zar i kamil i 'iyar. NisiB al-DiN (Muhammad ibn Muhammad) tusi. TODHUNTEE (I.) roz-mara. Ahmad 'Ali, Khwajah. Eisalah dar bayan banane sarakonke. Bin'oeam (H.) ABTS and GAMES. Sangit. Madanamohana Bhatta. Shams al-masahat. Muhammad £utb al-Dix, Arabic A'lnah i ahl i Hind. EiTAKEiSHiirA Eata. Teacher. Alwan i ni'mat. Bulaki Das. Siraj al-masahat. Kabam Easul. Arth paheli. Khusbau, Amir. Tashll al-sitar. Bauim Beo ibn BliciE Beo, KhairShsdl. Bujh paheli. 'Abbas, Mir. Tausif i zira'at. Kalb Husain Khan, called Nadib. KnusBAU, Amir, Usui i masahat. Devipeasada. Bustan i shaja'at. Muhammad 'Alim al-DiN. nakkashi. Sadasukha Lala. Daulat i Hind. Fenwici (H.) Ghunchah i rag. Muhammad Maedan 'Ali Khan BIOOBAFHT. (Nizam al-DAULAn) called Ra'na. Go'c chaugan i Angrezi. Cbicket. BuKuT al-ghammah. Miteaukao 'Ali Khan ibn Mu- GuHstan i kushtl, Muhammad 'TJmae. hammad Taxi Khan. Had! al-massah. Muhammad Iebam Aixah Khan. Duwazdah majlis. Muhammad Khaxr al-DiN.

    Hindustani gayan-samgraha. Jahangib Bejanji Kabani. Faza'il i Murtaza. Baeib 'Ali, Mlrza. 'Ijalah i hadiyah. Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Bilgraml. Ghaza-namah i Mas'ud. 'Inatat flusAiN, BilgrSmi.

    Isharat i nakhl-bandi i Panjab. Eibbenteop (B.) GuUstan i tarikat. Muhammad Husain, called Matin.

    Jantrl kankarm i paima'ish i zamin. Gopaladasa. Gulzar i Waris. Madab Bakhsh, ShaiJA.

    Kanun i sitar. Muhammad Safdab Husain Khan. Hadiyah i Marghub. Ghitlam Mustafa.

    Khetkann. Kiii Eata. Hal i paighambar. Amanat 'Ali, J/aklm.

    Khirman i zara'at. LAK8imxNiEATA:KA, Ra'U, Homlat i liaidarl. Ghulam Mchamhad.

    64 427 SUBJECT-INDEX. 428

    I'jaz i Gtausiyah. Muhammai) Kasim, Maulavl, Takmil al-ta'lim. Takmil al-TA'LiM. Janam-sakhT. Nanak, Bala. Ta'lTm al-atfal. Sivapeasada, Raja, C.S.I.

    Kar-namali i SikandarT. GokitlapeasIda. mubtadl. Ta'lim al-MUBTADi.

    Kuchh Hal i janab H. C. Tucker. Sivapeasada, Raja. HOLEOTD (W. R. M.) Kurrat al-'uyun. Wali Allah, Bihlavl. namab. Muhammad Ibbahim Makbah.

    MadBiyah i Shamslyah. Muhammad Ghxjlam Imam Khan, Tashll al-ta'lIm. TashIl al-TA'LiM. called Hue ibn Muhammad. TashriH al-Huruf. Devipeasada. Manahij al-nubiiwat. 'Abd al-HAik, Dihlavl. VlSVAMBHARANATHA.

    Maulid i slianf. Ahmad Khai^, called Sufi. Urdu kl chauthi kitab. Pyaei Lal, Munshl. Eiyaz al-azhar. Muhammad Khale al-Dbf (Abu al- ^'JnAMMAD HusAiN, Maulavl. 'Ala) Gopamul. pahl'"hi" k't^b {

    Sarguzasht i Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon I. tisri kitab, PtaeT Lal, Munshl.

    SawaniK i 'umr i Eajah Gopal Krislin. Kaeta Keishka. Sufar al-sa'adat. Muhammad ibn Ya'kub (Majd al- CHRONOLOGY. Diir Abu Tahie) Flriizdbddl. Siirur al-Kulub. Muhammad Taki 'Ali Khan. (Por Almanacs, see the heading ' Ephemeeides,' in the Takrlr al-sbahadatain. Muhammad Salamat Allah, body of the Catalogue.) called Kashifi. Kar-namah i nau a'in. Devipeasada. Tarikh i MubammadT. 'Imad al-DiN, D.I). Takwlm yek-sad wa do salah. Nawal Kishoe. Tawali' al-Anwar. Anwab al-HAKK. mu'aiyid al-mu'arrikbln. Devipeasada. Tawarikh i AbtnadT. Path Muhammad, called Ta'ib. babib Allah. Muhammad 'Inatat Ahmad Euh.

    yadgar i subahdar. Sitaeama, Subahddr, COLLECTED WORKS OF INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS.

    Tazkirab i Easul i Akbar. Amanat 'Ali ibn Wali i asb'ar. Keishnakumaea, called Muhammad. Baharistan "Wakae. Guldastah i ma'rifat. Zamin 'Ali, called Zamin. Tazkirat al-'akilTn. Shebeinq (M. a.) KuUiyat i Amir AUah TaslTm. Amie Allah. kamilln. Ramachandea, Son of Sundara Lala. Atish. Haidae 'Ali. kbulafa. Amanat 'Ali ibn Wali Muhammad. Insha Allah Khan. Insha Allah Khan. masbablr Sadasukha Lala. Mir Takl. Muhammad Taki. Tulifah i Ajmir. Madae Bakhsh. Mukhtdr. • Mir Yar 'All. Yae 'Ali, Mtr, called Jan. Waka'i' Baba Nanak. \

    Eamachandra. > CusT (R. N.) Mumin. Muhammad Mumin Khan.

    Sikandar A'zam. ) Nasikh. Imam Bakhsh. Waki'at i shabadat. 'Abd al-KlDiE, called Wafa. Nassakh. 'Abd al-GnAFUE Khan. Yogi Sabbapati SvamI ke balat. Sabhapati Svami. Nazir Akbarabadl. Wali Muhammad. Ziya al-absar. 'Abd al-GeANi ibn Muhammad Rati'. Nizam. Muhammad Maedan 'Al! Khan. i Akhtar. Muhammad Hasan, Ea'ls. Sahba'T. Imam Bakhsh. San'at. Kaeim al-DiN. CHRESTOMATHIES and READERS. Sauda. Muhammad Rafi'. Turab 'All. Tueab 'Ali, Shah. DusrT kitab i Angrozi. KaeJm al-DiN, Maulavl. Wahbi. Sivapeasada. i Urdu. Fakhe al-Diu, Maulavl. Zafar. Bahadue Shah, II.

    Farsi kl dusi'T kitab. ) -.r . Vi- -.^ , Muhammad Husain, Maulavl. Zaki. Mahdi 'Ali Khan. PjjIjU ^iiixb \ Zamin. Zamin 'Ali. Hindustani pablT kitab. | 'Abd al-FATiAfi, also called i Sivapeasada, Khazanab al-'ulum. Murakka' arzhang. called "Wahbi. ) Asheaf 'Ali. Nazm i aij-mand. Amie Allah, called Taslim. Larke logon ka guldastah. Hindustani Peimee. Tasanif i Ahmadlyah. Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I. MufarriH al-kulub. Sheebing (M. A.) Mufid al-sibyan. Hindustani Eeadee. Nasir al-iullab. Muhammad KIsie 'Ali, Ghiyaspurl. DICTIONARIES, VOCABULARIES, and GLOSSARIES. Sabak i sails. Sabak i salis. Siraj al-hidayat. Muhammad Wazie 'Ali Khan. Allah Khuda'I Allah KhudI'i. Takallum al-madrasah. 'Abd al-KAEiu ibn Ghulam piyari. MuxiAMMAD 'Abd al-HAMin. Muhammad. Aman al-lughat. Muhammad Aman al-HAKk. 429 SUBJECT-INDEX. 430

    Taiz i bnkli8h. Kabuii Mall. DRAMA. Fuiz-jari. Shams al-DIx Muhammad, called Fafz.

    Farhang i Ouldustah i akliluk. Muuammad Shee Kais. Ab i iblls. Kawuw! PalanjI Khajaf. Gulistan. Muuammad IsuXk. Anjilm i ulfat. MaumOd, MiyOn, called Rauxak. 'Ashik Farrah i Farsl. 'Add oI-Hakim, Ea'la of Metrut. i sadik. MaumCd, Miyun, called Rausak. Oanjinah i zaban i Urdu. Zamin 'AlI, called Jalal. Benazir Badr i Munir, MaumCd, Miyun, called Rauxak.

    Gulshan i faiz. ZlMiif 'Ali, called Jalal. Chandan Mailagiri natuk. Kaeiu Bakhsh, called MakkCm. Hall al-'ukud. Muuammad Muiii al-Dijf, Mumhl. Dad i Ilahi. Karim Bakhsh, called MABicCn. Karim al-lughat. Kakim al-DiN, Maulavl. Fareb i 'azazil. FAiilE Muuammad, called Ttfia. Khalik ban. Keuseau, Amir. ifrit. Kawusji Palanji Khatau.

    Lughat i Nasirl. Muuammad Nasiu 'Ali, GhiyasjaHrl. Hanuman na^aka. Hridirama. Sarwarl. GhulIm Saewar, Mufti. Insaf i Mahmud Shah. Maumud, Miyan, called Raunak. Laila Majmu'ah i lughat i 'Arabl. 'Abd bI-Eauim, Saflpurl. Majnun. Mahmud, Miyan, called RAUirAi,

    Mufid i 'iimm. Nusrat 'Ali. Nairang i 'ishk. 'Abd Allah, Mumhl. Muliibb al-iulabii. Sambhunatua. Natakaprakasa. Natakapbakasa. Navi Chandbi. MustalaKat i thagl. Muuammad 'Ali Aebae. Hieaji Lalaji. Mutawassit lugbut. Hoskins (E.) Pir i nabaligh. Maueupita, pseud, [i.e. Moti Lai.] Puran Bhagat. Kafa'is al-lughat. Auuad al-Disr, Bilgruml. Maumud, Miyun, called Raunak.

    Sabha i Nisat i zarurl. Khuda JBakush. farrukh. Rupakeishna and Amabanatha. Sishya suhrit. Sambuunatha. Saif al-Sulaiman. Maumud, Miyun, called Raunak. Sakuntala nataka. Kalldasa. Tanklh al-lughat. Zamin 'Ali, called Jalal. Sang i Harichand. Taslls al-lughat. Eeid (H. S.) Vihaei Lala, Mumhl. Shabistan i 'ashiki. Nagendeanatha Zlnat al-iskul. Muhammad 'Abd al-GuAsi, Saiyid. VANDTOPADHTiyA. Shirin Farhad. 'Ali Muiiammad ibn Zubdat al-lughat. Ghulam Saewae, Mufll. Muuammad. Sitam i Haman. Fakie Muuammad, called Teoh. Hamanna. Maumud, Miyan, called Rausak. DIVINATION. Tahzib i makal. Keishnamisea. Tanbih al-ghurur. Habab, pseud.

    Alisan al-a'mal. Muhammad Ghaus. Ta'wiz i iman. Keishnamisea.

    Asrar al-Hunud. AmIe Singh. Tuhfah i dil-kusha. Muuammad, Saiyid, called fiAEiP. Fiil-namah. Ja'fae Sadik, Sixth Imam.

    i Ku'ran i majid. Fal-namah. GEOGRAPHY and TOPOGRAPHY. Hirz i Sulaimani. Muuammad Asubap 'Ali.

    I'jaz i Muhammadi. SItaeama, Mumhl. A'inah i giti-numa. Harinathasahata. IndrajTil. Sitarama, Mumhi. jahan-numa. EiMAJiVANA. SVAMIDATALU. Anis al-saiyahin. Duegaprasada.

    Jawahir i khamsah. Muhammad Guaus. A.Bar al-sanadld. Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I.

    Kashif i asrar i khwab. Muhammad Ghafae Allah. Chhota Jam i jahan-numa. Sivapeasada, Raja, C.S.I. Makhzan al-'aja'ib. EamdIn, called Kamtabin. Fathgadh-namah. Kali Eaya.

    Muhr i Sulaimani. Muuammad Shafi'. Gul i bahar. Hetubama.

    Naksh i rahmanl. Muhammau Shafi'. Guldastah i Kashmir. Habagopala.

    ruHani. 'Abd Allah Beg. ru'asa. Muhammad Nuseat 'Ali.

    Sulaimani. Muhammau Asuraf 'Ali, Gulshan i 'ajib. Muhammad Akr.\.m Khan. Nauchaman. Eamdin, called KamtaeIn. 'Imarat al-ma'ruf. Sheeeino (M. A.) Sihr al-Hind. Ghulam Muhi al-Diy. Jahan-numa. Muhammad "Wajahat 'Al! Khan.

    Ta'bir-namah i khwab. Ta'bie-namah. Jam i jahan-numa. Sivapeasada, Raja, C.S.I.

    Tawil al-manam. Muuammad ibn Siein (Abu Bake) Jughrafi i {ab'i. Blandfoed (H. F.) Basri. Jughrafiyah. Atodhyaprasada.

    Tilismat i 'aja'ib. SrvAGorlLA. i 'alam. IsvAEIPEASADA.

    Tilsam i ruHani. Husain Ahmad. Awadh. §ITANiElrANA, Dtputjf ItUptC- Tuhfah i tilismat. 'Abd eI-Easul Khan. tor of Schools. Muuammad Hasan ibn Mushtak Hind. Sadasukha Lala. Husain. Ye^IkIma. 431 SUBJECT-INDEX. 432

    Jugluafiyah i Hindustan. Dinadatalu TivIbi. 'lyar al-kawa'id. Muhammad Mumtaz al-HAKK.

    jalian. Eeid (H. S.) Jami' al-kawanin. Sell (E.)

    Namar. Muhammad Akeam Khan. Ka'idah i 'Ibrani. "Waeeen (J.)

    Pak Kitab. Jacob (J.) Kalid i sukhan. Muhammad Husain, Saiyid.

    Panjab. Kakim al-DiN, Maulavi. Kanun i sarfi. Lakshminahayana.

    tab'I. LakshmIsankaea Misea. Kawa'id i Angrezi, Sadasukha Lala. Muhammad Zaka Aliah. Bargista. Ghulam Muhammad Khan.

    i Hind. Muhammad HusADf Khan. Farsi. Nisae 'Ali Beg, Mirza, and Bana-

    zila' i Firozpur. Pyaei Lal, Ifunshi. BAsi Khan.

    Khulasah i tawarlkh. Muhammad Fakhe al-DiN Husain. al-mubtadi. Kaeim al-DiN, Maulavi.

    Khwab i Eajastban. Devipeasada. i Urdu. Imam Bakhsh, Maulavi. al-Kitab ke makamat al-ma'ruf. Sheeeing (M. A.) Kawa'id i Urdu. Isvaeipeasada. MiftaE al-arz. Pyaei Lal, Munshi. Muhammad Ziya al-DiN. Mir' at al-akalTm. GEOGEApfeY. NiSAE 'Ali Beg, Mirza.

    arz. Blochmann (H.) zaban i Angrezi. Muhammad 'Ali, Vahll. Harakat. 8hkbein& (M. A.) Urdu. Gilcheisi (J. B.)

    Muklitasar jiighrafTyah i 'alam. 'Add al-RAHMAW. Lugbat i Farsi. SivANAEAYANA, Deputy Inspector of Blochmann (H.) Schools. Hind. 'Add al-EAHMAN. Majma' al-'ulum. DiLEE Singh. GuLAB Singh. Ma'riz i kawa'id. Govindalala, called Saba.

    zila' Muzaflamagar. 'Alam Masadir al-af 'al. 'Add al-FATTAH, also called Asheaf Khan. 'Ali.

    Rah-numa i Dihli. Manuel (G. S.) i Farsi. Muhammad Mustafa Khan.

    Sair i Panjab. Kali Eaya. Masdar i fuyuz. Nazie al-DiN Hasan, called Sha'ik. Shams al-jughrafiyah. Sankakadatalu, called Paehat. MiftaH al-adab. 'Ubaid Allah, 'Vbaidl.

    Su'al jawab i jughrafTyah i tab'!. Sivadehala. kawa'id. Sadasukha Lala.

    Tarikh i 'ajib. Muhammad Ja'fae, Thaneswarl. Mi'yar al-imla. Devipeasada.

    Gujarat. A'zam Beg, Mirzd. Mustalahat i sarflyah 'Abd al-'ALi, al-Kdrl.

    Jbajhar. Ghulam Nabi, TaKsilddr. Natijah i kawa'id. Kalyana Eaya. Kashmir. Muhammad 'Azim. Safwat al-masadir. Muhammad Mustafa Khan.

    makhzan i Panjab. Ghulam Saewae, Mufti, Sarf i Shahjahani. Muhammad Badi' uI-Zaman.

    mamalik i Chin. Coecoean (J.) Urdu. Amanat Allah. subah Bahar. 'Ali Muhammad, called Shad. nahw. Kueban 'Ali.

    zila' i Farrukhabad. Devipeasada. Tashil al-kalam. Holeoyd ("W. E. M.) Tashil al-tarikh. Muhammad Shee Khan. kawa'id. Kaeim al-DiN, Maulavi.

    Tawarlkh i nadir al-asr. Nawal Kishoe. tarkib. Muhammad Zain Allah.

    'Ilmdat al-tawarlkh. Muhammad 'Abd al-HAiY. Tashrih i Mulla Zain. Muhammad Zain Allah.

    Tadgar i rivasat i Alwar _ Tuhfah i sadikiyah. 'Abd al-'ALi, al-Kdrl. •' ) t>- ,i n m 1^'*^M'*^8Ahaya, called T.AMAMfA. 1 Bhunal Urdu risalah. Gllcheist (J. B.) sarf nahw. Sivapeasada, Raja, C. S.I. GEAMMARS. upadesa. Kalipeasanna Sena Gupta.

    Usui i 'ajib. Muhammad Jamal al-DiN Khan. AHsan al-kawa'id. Muhammad Najap 'Ali Khan. Tadgar i Eazi. JInT Bihaei Lal, called Eazi. Amadan-namah. 'Abd al-FATTAH, also called Asheat 'Ali. Zaban i Eckhtah. 'Abd al-GiiAFUE Khan (Abu Mu- hammad) called Nassakh. AngrezT sarf o nahw. Ceadock (L.). Zawabit i Farsi. 'Add al-HAKK, Maulavi. Ashraf al-kawanin. 'Abd al-FATTAH, also called Asheaf 'Ali. Dopaikar. Zahie al-DiN Ahmad Kh an. HISTORY and GENEALOGY. Guldastah i anjuman. Wajid 'Ali Khan.

    Gulshan i fuyuz. Isyaeipeasada. Afzal al-tawarikh. | Eamasahata, called Tamanna. Hindi risalah. Gilcheisi (J. B.) Ahsan al-tawarikh. )

    fluruf i tahajji. KaeTm al-DiN, Maulavi. A'inah i 'Abbasi. Muhammad Muhibb 'Ali.

    MuBAEAK 'Ali, Saiyid. jam i jahan-numa. Bakhtawab Khan. 433 SUBJECT-INDEX. 434

    A'Innh i turTlth-numri. SrvAPnAsXnA, Baja, C.S.I. Tartkh i 'ajib. MuAammad Ja'far, Thaiuiwari.

    Ara'ish i mnlifil. Sher 'AlI, culled Afsos. 'alam. Wilson ( ).

    Bai^uwat i M&lwah Nizam al-DiN, called Nizam. baghawat i Hind. Kanhaita Lal, called ALAKHADnAUi. Baharistan i tartkh. Ghulam Sabmvab, Mufti. Futuli al-'Ajam. farman i rawayan i Awadh. BadbI Lala. j Muhammad ibn 'Umae (Ab

    Gulzar i shahl. Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. mamalik i Chin. Coecoban (J.)

    Gurbilas. Nanak, Bdha. mutakaddimin. Shueman (J. A.)

    Hamlat i Haidarl. Ghulam Muhammad ibn Tipu Panjab. Devipeasada.

    Sultan. Eashid al- Din Khani. Muhammad Ghulam fiayat i Afghani. Muhammad Hatat Khait. Imam Khan, called Hijb ibn Muhammad.

    Jam i jahan-numa. Bakhtawab Khan (Muhammad). Rohilkhand. Nitaz Ahmad Khan ibn Nitaz

    Jang-namah i Misr. Muhammad Husain Khan, Rumpurt. Muhammad Khan.

    Kaifiyat i Bulandshahr. Lakhshmana Simha. saltanat i Inglishiyah. England.

    paidawar i zila' i Kangra. Paske (E. H.) Sher Shah. 'Abbas Khan, Sart&nl.

    Kaisar al-tawarikh. Kamal al-Diif Haidae, also called sitarah i Hind. Totaeam, called Shatan. Muhammad Za'ie. subah Bahar. 'Ali Muhammad, called Shad. Kayastha dharmadarpana. Ramachabana. Tashil al-tarikh. Muhammad Shee Khan.

    ethnology. Katastha ETHNOLOor. Tawarikh i Awadh. Kamal al-DiN ^Baidab, also caUed

    Khulasah i tawarikh i siyar al-muta 'akhkhirin . Ghulam Muhammad Za'ie. 'Ali, Mir. Hind. Kabim oI-Din, Maulavl.

    MaghazI al-Easul. Muhammad ibn 'TJmab (Abu 'Abd nadir al-'asr. Nawal Kishor.

    Allah) Waliidl. ta'alluK-daian i Awadh. Kisobilala.

    sadikah. Bashabat 'Ali Khan. Tilsam i Hind. Totabam, called Shatan.

    Majmu'ah i kamil. Muhammad ibn 'Umae (Abu 'Abd Tuhfah i Sher Shahi. Abbas Khan, Sarvanl. Allah) WuUidl. Waka'i' nigar i Inglistan. Collieb (W. F.) Makhzan al-tawarikh. Hasan 'Ali, Nalcshahandl. Bajputanah. Jyalasahata. Mazhar al-fawa'id. Hasan 'Ali, NaUshabandl. Waki'at i Hind. Kabim al-DiN, Maulavl. al-tarikh. Miftah Wazie Ahmad. panj bazar salah. Badha Lala. Mir'at al-ashbah. Muhammad Ibtiza Khan. Yunan ke kadim zamanah kl tarikh. Bollin (C.) salatin. Ghulam Husain Khan.

    Muharabah i 'azim. Kanhaita Lal.

    Mukhtasar sair i gulshan i Hind. Babubama. LAW

    tawarikh i Inglistan. Sadasukha Lala. English (Regulations, Official Manuals, etc.) Muntakhab al-tawarikh. 'Abd al-KlDiE, Badd'uni, called Kadiei. 'Ahd-namajat. India. — Jawahie Lal, Hahlm. A'in i lashkari. India.—Army. Eiyaz al-akhbar. Isma'il ibn 'Ali (Imad al-DiN Abu Angrezi lashkari kawa'id ka tarjumah. Gbbai Bbitain al-FiDi). AND Ieeland.—Army.— Infantry. umara. Bahman 'AlI Khan. Ba'zi ahkam az a'in o kawanin. Indu.—Army. (J. Saulat i Afghani. Muhammad Zaedae Khan. Daroghah ka dastur al-'amal. Mabshman C.)

    i diwani. Macphebson (W.) SawaniHat i Salalin i Awadh. EIamal al-DiN Haidae, Dastur al-'amal i 'adalat also called Muhammad Zl'nt. 'ara'iz. Kabam Chand.

    Sinin i Islam. Leitneb (G. W.) patwariyan. Hum Chand. Sultan al-tawarikh. Fieishiah (Muhammad Kasim) irkam. Mivan Jan, Mumhi. 65 435 SUBJECT-INDEX. 436

    Dihat ki safa'!. India.—North Western Provinces. LAW.—Hindu. rihrist i madd-war i faisalajat. Punjab, Chief Court of. Ganjinah i sbastra. Colebeooke (H. T.) Halat i dihi. Muhammad Jamal al-DiN Hasan. Manava dbarmasastra. Manu. Hidayat-namali i patwari. Imdad 'Aja, TaTi'sildar. Manusmriti. Manu. ta'lTm i patwariyan. Aminchand.

    Kalid i ganj i imtiKan i taKsildari. Hibananda. LAW.—Muhammadan. KamTshan i Barodah. Damodaea Dasa.

    Kanun i dad-rasi i khass. India. — Legislative 'Aka'id i sharfiyab. Ahmad Mushtak, Saiyid. jadld i zabilah i dlwani Council, 'Asbarab i kamilah. Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Mufiz. lagan. al-babiyah. Muhammad ibn 'Ali, Shaulcam. rahn-namajat. Macpheeson (A. G.) Durar Durr al-mukhtar. Muhammad ibn 'Ali ('Ala al-DiN). wiragat i Hind. India.—Legislative Council, Patwa i karabat i namaj i janazah dar masjid. Imdad Kawa'id i abkarl. Bengal.—Board of Revenue. al-'Axi, C.S.I. Deputy Collector. intizam i ja'idad i dewaliyah. Punjab, Chief Ghayat al-autar. Muhammad ibn 'Ali ('Ala al-DiN). Court of. Hairat al-fikh. Haieat al-Fikn. kurkl. Kawa'id i kueki. Khulasah shar' i Muhammadi. Sieaj al-DiN Ahmad malguzari i Panjab. Punjab, Government of. Khan. penshan. Geeat Bettain and Ieeland.— Mabasil al-fara'iz. Muhammad 'Abd al-WlHED. Civil Service. sawaran. Geeat Bettain and Ieeland.— Eisalah i miras. Muhammad TakT, Saiyid. Army.— Cavalry. Eiyaz al-azbar. Muhammad Khaie al-DiN ('Abu al- Gopamui. Khulasah i faisalajat i dlwani. Punjab, Chief Court of. 'Ala)

    Shar' i Kunjatehaei Lala. kanun i mu'ahadah. India.— Legislative Muhammadi. Council. Sirat al-ibtida. Ahmad Hasan, Maulavl. shabadat. Coupee {Sir G. E. W.) Su'al o jawab. 'Abd al-HAir and Isma'il, Mauland.

    Lashkarl a'In. India.—Army. Subut i mut'ah. Mahdi Kuli Khan.

    Majma' al-kawanin. Maeshman (J. C.) Usui i shar' i sharif. Macnaghien (^Sir "W. H.) Bart.

    Majmu'ah 1 kawanin. India. —N. W. Provinces. mufid i malguzaran. Ghulam Haidae Khan- LETTERS sari' al-fabm i diwanl. India.—Legislative Council. (Calligraphy, Inshas and Petitions).

    ta'lTm i patwariyan. Tekchand. 'Ara'iz o khutut. 'Aea'iz o khutdt. zabiiah i diwani. India.—Legislative Council. Arzhang i Chin. Devipeasada. Makhzan al-dastur i bundawiyat. Nanak Chand. Sba'ik. HaeivamsapeasIda, called Snl'iic. Mufid al-ijlas. Ghulam Haidae, Serishtadar. Earsi aur Urdu ki insha. Besant (T. H. G.) zar'in. Ghulam Haidae Khan. Insha. [For entries under this title see the foregoing Muntakbab i sarkularat i judisbal. ) Punjab, Oovern- Index of Titles.'] nial. I ment of. Jaubar i nayab. Bulaki Das. Naza'ir i kanun i Hind. Peeiodical Publications.— Allahalad. Jawahir i zawahir. Nuseat 'Ali. i Abmadi. Kamae al-DiN Khan. Patwari ki kitab. Eamasaeana Dasa. Khutut Lazzat al-afham. Muhammad 'Ali Khan, Saiyid. Post aur afyun ke kawa'id. India. —Legislative Council. Majmu'ah i kaghazat i kar-rawa'i. Duegapeasada, Eisalah i asbkhas i kanun i pcsbab. India.—Legislative Assistant Inspector Schools. Council. of rabn. Stama Lala. Maktub i Abmadi. Ahmad Husain, Saiyid. sbaubar aur zaujah ke bayan men. Cole- Muhammadi. Muhammad Eaezand Husain.

    bbooke (H. T.) Mufid i insha. Sivanaeatana, Deputy Inspector of Schools.

    dar bayan liakkiyat i zamindari. Mahdi 'Ali Muntakhabat i insha i Kbalifah. Khalifah Shah Khan, Saiyid. Muhammad.

    Sari' al-fahm i ta'ziiat i Hind. India.— Legislative Panjab i nigarin. Muhammad 'Abd al-EAHMlN ibn Sharb i kanun i mi'ad i sama'at, Council. Muhammad Eoshan Khan.

    shabadat. Mahmud, Saiyid, Tahi'ir dastawezat ki ta'lim. Ghulam Imam, called

    Si ghah i mal. Hieananda. Shahid.

    Tafsil Angrezi lasbkari kawa'id ki. GEifriN (G.) Tuhfah i abbab. Nuseat 'Ali.

    Yad-dasht i kanun i shabadat. Paekee (E. W.) nayab. Bulaki Das. 437 SUBJECT-INDEX. 438

    *tTd i Hindi. Asad Allah Khan, Iftrsa, called Ohalib. fiifz i siKHat kl 'umdah todblrlg. YacuvItra llv- TIra.iz o Khootoot. 'Aai'iz o KirotOt. KHOPADHTAYA. Urdu i mu'alla. Asad Allah Khan, Mlrtu, called 'Ijalah i MaslKl. MuAammad WalI, called MasiAa. GnlLiB. Iksir al-kulub. Muhammad Akuar, called Aazlxi. Zarafat-namah. Jeobold (D. "W".) 'Ilaj al-amraz. Muhammad Sharif KhIh.

    I^uraba. Ghulam Imam, llaklm. MATHEUATICS. i IHsanl. lusAN 'Ali Kiian. al-mawashl. Hallen (J. H. B.) AHwal i sih kitab. Tafazztil Husain Khan. ianun i 'Itrat. 'Itrat Hcsain. Amsilah i jabrlyah. Pali Baua. Shaikh Bu 'AlT Sina. flusAiN ibn 'Abd Allah Guldastah i anjuman. "Wajid 'Ali Khan. (AbO 'Ali) called Ibn Sina, or Avxcekna. Hall al-Kisab. Smith (B.) Karabadln i IHsanl. Ihsan 'Ali Khan. 'Ilm i fusul i makhruti. Muhammad Zaka Allah. BaKiml. RauIm Khan. Kisab al-kulliyat. Todhuntee (I.) Shi^'I. MUZAFFAB, Shi/a'l. musallas. Sitasitalaphasada. Zaka'I. 2aka Allah Khan. i mustawi. 'Ilm i musallas. Khawass al-ashya. Muhammad dADB al-&AKK. Jabr mukabalah. Algebea. Khulasah i tibb. Eldertow (C. a.) Smith (B.) Kimlya i 'anasirt. Muhammad Akbab, called Abzani. • ToDHtnfTEK (I.) Majma' al-bahrain. fiAiDAa 'Ali Khan. Tamsidhaea. Makalat i IHsanT. Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Jami' al-fawa'id. Abbott (S. A.) Makhzan al-adwiyah. Muhammad Nub KasIm. Jantri bar-award ckar. Govaebhaena Dasa. Mazhar al-'aja'ib. Fakhe al-DiN Ahmad, Munthl. tabadulah ekar o blghah kl. Jantei. 'ulum. Ilahi Bakhsh, Hakim. Kitab i hisab. Smith (B.) Mu'alajat i IHsanl. Ihsan 'Ali Khan. jantri. Sukhalala. Mufid al-ajsam. Fazl 'Ali. 'umdah dar 'ilm i fiisab. Taeachand. Mujarrabat i Akbarl. Muhammad Akbab, called Abzani. MabadT al-Hisab. Vamsidhaea. Dairabl. Ahmad, Lairahi. Muntaha al-Hisab. Muhammad Zaka Allah. Murakkabat i IHsanl. Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Nata'ij i Uklidis. Nazm i barik. 'Ali A^asan, Saiyid, called Malih. Natljah i tahrir i UklTdis. Euclid. Pranasukha. Peanasukha. Eisulah i kusur i a'sbarlyab. Baldev Bakhsh. Risalah i karurah. Ghulam Tahta. Sawalat i taKrlr i Uklidis. -,-, ) ^"'''™- al-Hikmat. 'AiJ TaHrlriUMTdis. | Rumuz Eajab ibn Kasim 'Ali.

    Smith (J. H.) TalTf i sHarlf. Muhammad Shaeif Khan.

    Takrirl Hisab. TAiEiai hisab. Tasawlr i tashriH i insani. Geey (H.) Tashll al-nata'ij. Fida 'Ali, Maulavu Tashll al-shifa. Ghulam Imam, Jtlaldm.

    TJklldis. TashriH al-asbab. Ilahi Bakhsh, Aakim. ] Euclid Usui i 'ilm i handasab. ) gurdon kl. Bbeton (P.) — Hisab. Aeithmetic. kazib ki. I Zubdat al-bisab. Axodhtapbasada. Tasir al-anzar. Muhammad Taki, Saiyid.

    Zubdat al-HiSAS. Tibb i Akbar. Muhammad Aebae, called Abzani. IHsaDl. Ihsan 'Ali Khan. nabawi. Ikbam al-DiN, MEDICINE. Hafit. RaHimi. BahIm Khan.

    A'inah i sozak. Chetan Shah. Tilsam i farang. Geeqoet (W.) Profutor of Chemistry. Amritasagara. Peatapa Simha, Haj'a of Jaipur. Tiryak i masmum. Hasib al-DiN Ahmad, called Sozan- Bayan ba'zi un zaharon ka jo nabatat se 'ilakah rakhte TuHfat al-atibba. MUSHBIF fluSAIN. bain. Beeton (P.) Usui i fann i tashriH. MOUAT (F. J.) Dawa al-baha'im wal tuyur. Ihsan 'Ali Khan. Waba'i haizah hamko kya kama chahiye hai. Mu-

    Earas-namab i Rangln. Sa'adat Tar Khan. EAMMAD IsMA'Il KhAN.

    Zabir. Khadim 'Ali, called Zaher. Zakhirah i Khwarazm-shahl. Isma'Il (Zain al-DiN Hakikat aur mahiyat dubne ki. Suspended Animation. Abu Ibeaeim) Jurjdnl.

    Hidayat-namab i faryar. Banni Khan. Zaruri al-muiibb. MahtIb Ba'e. SUBJECT-INDEX. 440

    Zinat al-khail. Muhammad Mahdi, Munshi. Baharistan i kartan. Sa'di.

    Zubdat al-Hikmat. Kamae 'Ali. sukhan. Bahaeistan i sukhan. mufradat. 'Aii Hasan, Saiyid, called Maiih. Bandar-sabha. Bandae-sabha.

    Barah-masah. \_For entries under this title see the fore- PERIODICAL LITEEATURE. going Index of Titles.'] Bist risalah. Bist eisalah. (See under the heading ' PEBioncAi Publicatigits ' in the Bulbulon ke naghme. Saflae 'Ali. body of the Catalogue.) Burhan i gham. Husain Mibza, called 'Ishk. Bustan. Sa'di.

    PHILOSOPHY and LOGIC. i Hind. Sa'di. ma'rifat. Madhata Dasa. Guldastah i Farang. Imdad Imam. Chaman i be-nazTr. Muhammad Ibeahim, Munshi. Ikhwan al-safa. Ikhwajt al-sAFA. Daftar i be-misal. 'Abd al-GHAFUE Khan (Abu Mu- Kawa'if al-maniik. Scott (T. J.) B.D. hammad) called Fassakh. Khulasat al-mantik. Devipeasada. Dilaram i EazT. Sa'di. Minhaj al-mantik. Ballanttne (J. R.) Diwan. [_For entries under this title see the foregoing Mir'at i hikmat wa 'ilaj al-jalll. Mubaiidhaea. Index of Titles.] hukama. Imdad Imam. Dulhan-namah. 'Abd al-KAEiM, called Kaeim. Tarikh i hukama i Tunan. Ihsait Allah. Faiz i Shamiml. Eamsaeot, called Shamim. Fath-namah. Mahmud.

    POETICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. Fighan i Dihli. Delhi.

    Gauhar i shab i tab. Banke Bihaei Lal. Ab i hayat. Muhammad HusAiif, called Azad. Ghazalistan. Noshiewanji Tehmuui. Anwar i akhbar. Guldastah i shtt'aea. Ghunchah i gham. Kasim Pie Muhammad. Bahar i bustan i shu'ara. Muhammad Fazl Ikeam. Girihband i Nazlr. "Wali Muhammad, called Baharistan i naz. Muhammad Pasih al-DiN, called Nazib. Eanj. Gul i ra'na. Muhammad Husain, called Tamanna.

    Guldastah i shu'ara. Guldastah i shu'aea. Guldastah i Amanat. Amanat Ea'e.

    Gulistan i be-khizan Sutb al-DiN, called Batin. bait-bazi. Ghiyas al-DiN Ahmad.

    Gulshan i be-khar. Mustafa Khan, called Sheftah. char-yar. Muhammad SiDDik Husain. naz. DuEQAPEASADA, Dthlavl, called Nadie. 'ishk. Muhammad Khan, called Rind.

    Kit'ah i muntakhab. 'Add al-GnAFUE Khan (Abu Khandan. Munauwae 'Ali. Muhammad) called Nassakh. na't. Muhammad Husain Khan, called Naghmah i 'andallb. feuiB al-DiN, called Batin. Tahsin.

    Sukhan i shu'ara. 'Ab-d al-GnAPUH Khan (Abu Mu- • nishat. Mannu Lal. hammad) called Nassakh. Eashld. 'Abd al-EASHiD Khan. shaja'at. IfizlMi, Ganjavl. POETRY. Takrang. Yaekang. Gulistan i tarikat. Muhammad Husain, called Matin.

    Achar chuhon ka. Wali Muhammad, called Nazis. Gulshan i be-khizan. Ummaid 'Ali Khan, called Ahsan al-mawa'iz. Gat (J.) the Poet. Khadim.

    A'Inah i wahdat. Bashaeat Allah Shah. Gulzar i gham. Husain Mieza, called 'Ishk 'Akd al-jawahir. Manzub Ahmad. Ibrahim, Muhammad Abu al-HASAN. Armaghan. 'Abd al-GgAruE Khan (Abu Muhammad) khalll. Ghulam Imam, called Shahid. called Nassakh. manzum. Ilahi Bakhsh. called Sha'ik. 'Arz i Bahar. 'Alt, Mlr%a, called Bahae. YusufT. Muhammad Yusuf 'Ali. hajat i Fakir. Muhammad Husain, called Fakie. Hadiyah i ahbab. Muhammad 'Abd Allah Khan, Asar i mahshar. Asae i mahshae. called MiHE.

    Ash'ar i l^assakh. 'Abd al-GnAFUE Khan (Abu Mu- Huzn i akhtar. Muhammad Wajid 'Ali Shah (Abu hammad) called Nassakh. Mansue Nasie al-DiN) called Akhiae. Bagh i Iram. Jalal al-DiN, Rumi. 'Idt-namah. 'Abbas, Mir. TJrdu. Sa'di. Indra-sabha. Amanat 'Ali, called Amanat. Bahar i 'arab. 'Abd al-HlFiz, called HZriz. Madaei Lal. Hind. Safdae 'Ali. Intikhab i kuUiyat i Shah Nasir. Nasie al-DiN. 441 SUBJECT-INDEX. 442

    Jong-namah i Muliammad ilnnTf. Ma&h0s. Nozm al-wora*. MuAamvad ibn SaTd (Shakaf sl-Dii* Jiatlrl. Jauhar i Fnrang. Burvktt (W. J.) AnO 'Abd Allah)

    Jawahir i giran. 'Ali Mckad Shah, called Fazl. BaKat al-salikln. Mu&AMXAi* Obajtax Allah. Jogi-niimah. Wali Mcuaumas, called NazIe, IlaKlma. NazIr, MiyOn. Jogin-namah. KarIm nl-DiN, Panj'dbl, called Shabib. Ramayana. Tulasidasa. Sa'lg ko sau khayal. Oesdak Lal, called Oauhab. KnlaK-nnmah. Aoiia Hasan, called Amanat. Sarapa i plrl. Nasib 'Ali, HilgrdmJ, called Siiii. Kasu'id i na'tiyah. Ohui.am Ihau, called Shahid. Shablh i Ahmadl. Muhammad Jamal al-Di.-r Aasax. Khamsat al-baka. 'Abbas, Mind, called MalIh. Shahadat-naraah. 'Abd al-KARiM, called KabIii. Kharliah i surur. GnuLlit Mcuammad Khan, called Shaja'at 'Ali, called Tasalli. Khabib. i al i nabl. ) Imam Bakhsh, called Khayal i ZakhmT. Eaj Bahadttb. maDzum. ) Nasikh.

    Khiyaban i firdaus. Kifatat 'Ali, called KlFi. Shahid i 'ishrat. 'Abd al-GnAres Khak (AbO Mu- Khusrawan i 'Ajara. FihdausT. hammad) called Nassakh.

    LawanI i BanarasT. BanaeasI Das. Shah-namah. FiedausI. Ma'dan al-faiz. Aumas 'Ali, Ea'ts of Ghazipur. Shayastab pasukh. Haeichandra Rata.

    Mabiibharata manzum. Mahdi !&A8AN, Mir, called Shu'lah i 'ishk. Muhammad TakI, called MIb. Shamsher. jwalah. Fida 'Ali, called 'Aish.

    MaHamid i Kbatim al-nabtyin. Amir Ahmad. Sikandar-namah. Nizami, Oanjavi.

    Majma' al-ash'ar. Majma' bI-ash'ar. Silk i nur. Muhammad Isma'Il, Dihlavl.

    Majmu'ah i marhattl. MajmCah i MABnATxi. Sitasvayamvara. Gaetaea Naratana. na't. Muhammad, the Prophet. TafziH. Agha 'Ali. sukhan. SivANiEATANA, Deputy Inspector Tarjrband. Mahdi Hasan Khan, called Abad. of Schools. Muhammad RafI', called Sauda. wasokht. FiDA 'Ali, called 'Aish. Muhammad Ya-sin GharTk.

    Makhzan i fasaliat. JawIhir Singh, called Jatthab. Taswlr i gham. Ashbaf 'Ali, called Mast.

    ShauK. Harachandra Raya. Tazkirah i mazak i sukhan. Muhammad 'Abd al-UAir. Mamukiman. 'Ala al-DiN, called "Wisali. Tazkirat al-shuhada. Amanat 'AlI ibn Wali MnuAMMAD.

    Marahti khayal. BanIeasi Das. Tuhfah i Fakir. Muhammad Husain, called Fakir.

    Marsiyah. [^For entries under this title see the foregoing Tuirah i gham. Kasim Pir Muhakuad. Index of Titles.^ "Wafat-namah. Nusrat 'Ali.

    Masnawl i Kalak. Asad 'Ali Khan. "Wasokht i Abad. Mahdi Hasan Khaw.

    Masnawiyat i Sauda. Muhammad Rafi', called Sauda. Amanat. Aoha Hasan. Matla'. NuwAB, Mir, called Munis. Kalak. Asad 'Aii Khan.

    Maulid i sharlf. 'Ali, Mlrzd, called Bahae. ShamlmT. Ramsaeup.

    Gttulam Imam, called Shahid. Sihr. AMAN 'Ali.

    Maulud i Easul i akram. Nitaz Ahmad Khan, NawSh. 'iahir. Muhammad Tahie 'Ali.

    namab i sbarif . Muhammad Nasb Allah Khan. Zabi i 'ishk. Muhammad Maedan 'Ajj Khak.

    Mihr i darakhshan. FiDA 'AlT, called 'Aisn. Zad al-akhirat. Zo al-FAKAE 'Ali.

    Mir'at al-'ashikin. Muhammad Ibrahim, Munshl, Zahr i 'ishk. Tasadduk Husain Khan, caUed SHAui. ghaib. Amir Ahmad, called Amir. musrifln. 'Inatat Husain, Hahim. Mu'aiyid al-shu'ara Manzur Ahmad. EELIGION.—Brahma and Arya Samjy.

    Mubr i nubuwat. Muhammad Mardan 'Ali Khan Dharraaraksha. Natinachandba Rata. (Nizam al-DAULAn) called Ra'na. Kaliraat al-dln. Brahma Samaj. Muntakhab i kulliyat i Zafar. Bahadur Shah II. Su'al o jawab. JlTANADASA. Musaddas i Karima. "Wali Muhammad, called Nazie, Tarikat i 'ibadat. Brahma Samaj. Najm i tali'. Fida 'Ali, called 'Aish.

    Nasliat i abbab. Govindavihar!, called NASHit. called Kafi. Nasim i jannat. Kifatat 'AlI, EELIGION .—Christian. Nasir al-musbtakin. Muhammad Nasie 'AlI, Ohiyaspuri.

    Aghaz i nur. Tucker (C.) Miss. Na't i Sarwari. Ghulam Sarwar, Muflt. Heaei-book. Nazm i mutId. A'iuah i dil. Nazm i mufld. M — ) —

    444 443 SUBJECT-INDEX.

    Musaddik i kutub i llahi. Bible. —Appendix. 'AUaid-namah. United States op Ameeica.—Methodist Episcopal Church. Musafir ka barhna. Buntan (J.) B.D., F.R.8. •AKdah aur hukmon par su'al o jawab. Apostles' Ceeed. Musalmani din ka radiyah. "Wilson (J.) Muslih al-hal. Muslih al-ulL. Alliab i Masilii. Lucas (J. J.) Christ. Ariliyas Agustinas ke itrarat. Augustine, Saitit, Bishop Nasihat i Masih. Jesus Paida'ish ki kitab. Bible. Old Testament. Genesis. of Hippo. — —

    Pan -ganj . Panj-ganj. Chaslimah i zindagi. Flaveix (J.) j and Apostle. Chldah ayaton ka majmu'ah. 'Qi-rxje.—Selections. Pauliis ka kissah. Paul, Saint Missionary at Benares. Rahbar i hakiki. Eahbae i HAkiki. Din i liakk kl taHklk. Smith (W.) i Zaedar Khan. 'Isawi ki saclicha'I ki sabut. Leslie (C.) M.A. rah hakk. Muhammad bayan men. E,uh. Din ki iarik. Din. Eub ke Church — Ruhaui tazkirah. Rajab 'Ali, Rev. Du'a i 'amim. ) Lituegies.—England, of. Prayer. 'amm. ) Common Sachchi bahaduii. Tucker (C.) Miss, Ek wa'z. MoREis (T. A.) Safinat al-najat. Safin at al-NAJAT. Bkown (J. D.) Girdab i nishah-bazi. Sahar-gah dar Inglistan. Tucker (C.) Miss. i Gitamala. ) Salasat al-kutub. Aikman (W. R.) ^^^^^^ (j. p.) Gitavall. ) Sarchashmah i muhabbat. Slater (S.) Gumgashtah farzand. Bible.—New Testament. Luke. Sher i Yahuda ka bayan. Chaelotie Elizabeth Appendix. [Phelan, afterwards Tonna]. HaU al-isbkril. Pfandee (C. G.) Shuhrat al-mazhab al-Masih. Sheering (M. A.) i mushkilat. Knowles (S.) Sifat Rabb al-'alamin ka bayan. Sridasa. Pfandee (C. G.) Ikbtitam i mubaliasah. Su'al jawab mazhab i 'Isawi ki. Stern (H.) — Testament. InjTl i Mukaddas. Bible. New Swar sangrah. Parsons (J.) J.) Intikbab i tarikh i kalisiyah. Caleb (J. Tabyin al-kalam. Ahmad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I, 'Isa ki sirat. Bushnell (H.) Tafsil al-kalam. Bible.— Selections. hai. Jesus Cheist. 'Isawi iman klmatl Tahzib i atfal. Knowles (S.) Cqeist. Istibagh o iintilian i MasTli. Jesus Ta'lim dar ta'lim. Moetimee (F. L.) Mrs. Jahan-ka nur. Jahan-ka nue. Ta'limat aur Discipline. United States of Ameeica. Jami'at al-fara'iz. Venn (H.) Vicar of HuddersfieU. —Methodist Episcopal Church.

    Kalid al-Kitab. Bible.— Concordances. Tamsil i La'zar. Lazarus, the Beggar,

    i panj-ganj. Jesus Cheist. Tamsilat i Masili. Jesus Cheist. Khudawand Yasu' Masili kl uluhiyat. Jesus Cheist. tarik al-hayat. Pfandee (C. G.)

    Kissah i Pairas Petee, Saint and Apostle, Taslib o kiyam i Masili. Jesus Cheist.

    tufan. Deluge. Tawallud i jadid. Knowles (S.)

    Kitab i Mukaddas. Bible. Tawiirikh i kalisa. Sivapbasada, Raja, C.S.I.

    ka aliwra. Baeth (C. G.) Tulu' i aftab i sudakat. Tulu' i aftab i sadakat.

    . ka mukhtasar aHwal. Sellan ( ). Wafat i Masih. Jesus Christ.

    Kutub i llabT ke kawanin kl tafsir. Bible.—Appendix. Mushh al-Din. Saladin, Sultan of Egypt. Larkon ka gitmala. Gitmala. "Wa'z-namah. Knowles (S.)

    Lugbat i Kitab i Mukaddas. Mathee ( ) Mrs. Wuh 'umdah kadim nakl. Ullmann (J. F.)

    Majmu'ah i intikbab. H., E. J. Yahudlon ka ahwal. Jewish People.

    Maslbl git. Masiui git. Zabur aur git Bible.—Old Testament. Psalms. ta'lTm. Hartmann (J. A.) Bishop of Derhe. ki kitab.)

    Zikr i Istifan. Stephen, Saint and Martyr. Maulud i Masit. Jesus Cheist. Mazamir. Bible.—Old Testament. Psalms. Miftali al-asrar. Pfandee (C. G.) RELIGION.—Hindu kitab. Bible.—Appendix. (including Puranas and Philosophy). Taurat. Clark (R.)

    Misbab al-iman. Knowles (S.) A'inah i mazhab i Hunud. Jatadatalu Simha. Mizan al-bakk. Pfandee (C. G.) Alakh-prakash. Upaniseads.

    Mu'jizat i Masili. Jesus Cheist. Anandasagara. Giedhari Lal. Mukaddas kitab ka aHwal. Baeth (C. G.) Ashtavakra-samhita. | ^3^^^^^^^. Mukhtasar wa'zon ki kitab. HOEENLB (C. T.) upadesa. — — —

    445 SUBJECT-INDEX. 446

    Astut Sri Blmgavan. VeajavasI Lala. Tapaslbhas. TapasvI Rama. Astuti o prurtlinna. Ganksabasa. Tattraprabodha. DevIsahata. Bahur i Bindruban. Vrindavana, Maharaja. Uttaragita. Pueanas.—Brabmancjapurana.— Uttaragita. Bhogat charitra. Mahesadasa. Vodartliapraku^a. Gopala, Son of llamaiahuya. BhSgavata. Pukanas.—Bhdgavatapurana. Vijnanasudha. DevIdasa, Lahorl. Bhagavata upasana. GoriNiiuA, called 'Ajiz. Vishflucbaritra. Bhaoavandasa. Bhaktanial. Nabhaji. Vishnusahasranama. Mahabhaeata.- Fuhniuafuurandma.

    Bidliun bhojan karan. ) - ^^''''-r Yogavasiahtlia. Yooatasishjha. gurikanin. j

    Bigynn sudha. Devidasa, Za/iorl. Brahmabodha. Sankaea Acuakta. BELIOION.—Mnhammadan. Devibluigavatapurana. Pueanas —Devlbhugavatapuruna. Ablias i zaruri. WalI Allah, Uafi%. Dharmapracharaka. Shadi Lal, Ba'U of Sikandarabad. Adillah i kaniilah. MahmCd ^^ubaut. Ekudaslmahatmya. Purajtas. Aftab i 'alam-tab. Muhammad &A8Air, tiaklm. Gane^apurana. Pueanas.— Ganesapurum. hiduyat. Muhammad ibn MuiiAMMAS (Zain Gltaniahatmya. Eamasahata, called Tamanma. al-DiN Abu Hamid) Ghazzah. Gltasura. Ma habhabata.—Bhagavadgita. AfiadTs ai-babib al-mutabarrakat. 'Inatat Allah Ahxad. Gulshan i asrar. Pdeanas.— Brahmandapurana. Abkam al-a'immah. Hasan 'Ali, Iliijl. Uttaragita. 'idin. Muhammad fi!uTB al-Diif, DiUatl. Gyan-bhashkar. Nandakujiaea Simha. 'Ain al-buka. Dah Majlis. prakfish. Gulzaei Lal. Wilayat, Muhammad 'Aziz Allah Shah. Mahabhabata.—Bhagavadgita. A'inah i Kur'an. Whebey (E. M.) sagar. Giedhaei Lal. 'Aja'ib al-kisas. 'Abd al-WiHiD ibn Muhakxad Had! al-'ir£an. Sankaea AcniErA. Mughni. Hamlah i Hind. iNDEAUAEirANA. 'Anasir al-khairatkhairat. ) Muhammad Nasib 'Ali, Japa paramartha. shahadatain. GhiyaipHrl. Nanak, Baba. ) JapjI. Anwar i MuHammadl. Muhammad Amie. Jivanmuktigita. Dattateeta. Muhammad Xasib 'Axi, Ghiyutpurl. Khulasah i cbaubls avatar. KaeTm Ciiand. Arba' i 'analir'.'^' I

    Krishnaglta. MAnJunAEATA. Bhagavadgita. Asabb al-abadls fl ibial al-taslls. Rahmat Allah.

    Krishna-namah. Mahesadasa. Asar i kiyamat. Rafi' al-DLv, Dihlavi.

    Kumata nasaka. Chunni Lal. Asrar i Karbala. | Muhammad Zahce al-Dix, Bil- al-nubuwat. gruml. Lodheshar mahatam. Kunwae Bahadue. ) Auiad i IHsani. lAsIir 'Ali KHlir. Mabimnah stava. ) ti '- P^SHPADANIA. . Stotm. i 'Azab al-barik. 'Abd Allah, Madi.

    Makhzan i Brahma-gyan. Jatadatalu Simha. Azkar i Mubammadl. Muhammad Amib. Matakhanda tattvavada. DevIsahata. Badr al-kamal. Muhammad Abu Sa'id Khaw.

    Mukti-ratnavali. Eatan Lal. Babar i jannat. Muhammad 'Abd al-SAMi'.

    Premasagara. GopInatha, called 'Ajiz. kbuld. Kieavat 'Ali, called Kafi. Lailu Lal, Kaii. Babr al-waza'if. Muhammad 'Abd al-EAsIx. Sankaeadayalu, called Fabhat. al-Balagb. al-mubln. Muhi bI-DIn, Shaikh. Eamagita. Pueanas. —Brahmandapurana. Ramaglta. al-Bayan al-jazU lil-tartll. Muhammad 'Inatat Ahmad. Rigveda. Vedas.—Rigveda. Bibisbt-namab. Faiyaz al-HAKK.

    gamar i bahar i Bindraban. Veindavana, Maharuja. Buliur al-gbammab. Muhammad 'Aii Khan ibn Mu- Satyadharma muktavali. Saedha Ram. hammad Taki Khan.

    i Mu'in ibn MuiAXMiii Satyadharmavichara. It. - o Chasbmah faiz. Muhammad .•'- 5 Bakhtawae Singh. o t 1 — Satyasatyaviveka. j MubIn.

    Sbakta challsT. Sankaeadatalu, called Fabhat. ChaudhawTn rat ka cband. 'Ali MuAammad, Saiyid. Sivapurana. Pueanas.—Sicapuruna. Chibal badig. Chihal hadis. Yahya ibn Shaeap (Muhti al-Dbi AbC "Z. -„ } Sankakadatalu, called Fabhat. ^^ ' Sivasahasranama. ) • Zakaeiya) Nawawl.

    Srikrishnaglta. Mahabhabata.—Bhagavadgita. Chibal majlis. 'Ata Allah Khav.

    Srlmadbhagavata. Pueanas.—Bhdgavatapurana. i Sbaplr. Wazik Husadt ibn Si bit Sri mahimnah. Pushpadanta. 'Ali, Mashhadl. 447 SUBJECT-INDEX. 448

    Chihal masa'il. Chihal masa'il. Hidayat al-Muminin. 'Abd al-'Aziz, Bihiavl. Dab al-akhirat. Rafi' al-DiN, Dihhvi. Hikayat al-asfiya. Muicammad Kasim, Maulavi,

    Daf al-talirTfat. 'Abib 'Axi. al-Huda al-mabmud. Sulaiman ibn al-AsH'AS (Abu Dah majlis. Dah MAJLIS. Da'ud) Sijistanl.

    I'jaz i 'Isawi. Eahmat Allah, Kardnawl. Du'a i Fakir. Fakie, Liklmi. — jaushan sa ghlr. Mtjsl Kazim, Seventh Imam. Kur'an. Kue'an. Appendix. (Zain al- Durud i liaziri. Duedd i haziei. IksTr i hidayat. Muhammad ibn Muhammad likhl. Mahmud ibn Subuktigis". DiN Hamid) Ghazzdll.

    mu'azzam. Dueud i mu'azzam. Imdad al-adab. \ liuJRi- mukarram. Dtjeud i mttkaeeam. ( Imdad al-'Aii, Leputy Collector. masajid. i mustaghas. Dueud i mustaghas. muttakin. ) sharif. al-'Axi, 'Abd Madrasl. Imtiyaz i Sunni. Muhammad Shuke Allah. taj. DUBUD i TAJ. Intisar al-bakk. Muhammad Ieshad Husain. TusT. Muhammad ibn Hasan (Abu Ja'fae). Islam. Muhammad Husain, Lahori. Duwazdah raajlis. Muhammad Khaie al-DiN (Abu al- Irshadiyab. 'Al! Muhammad, Saiyid. 'Ala) Gopdmul. Ishtibar i abatil i tawa'if i Isma'iliyah. 'Abd al-EASUL Faisalah i 'adalat i Hai-kort i asmani Muwahhid, Mirza. Muhibb Ahmad. Faiz i 'amm. Faiz al-HASAN. Izalat al-sbukiik. Fakhe al-DiN Ahmad, called Hakim al-bari. Muhammad ibn Isma'il (Abu 'Abd Badshah. Allah) BuUiurt. Izbar al-bakk wal-sawab. Mahmud ibn Faiz Allah.

    Falali i darain. Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Dihlavi. Jami' al-tafasir. Kue'an.

    Fatawa i tarikat. 'IsHK 'Ali, called Shah. Jang-namah i Karbala. Muhammad Fazil. Fawa'id al-'awamm, Ja'fae 'Ali, Mlrzd, and Hasax Jannat ki kunji. Muhammad 'TJsmXn. 'Ali, liaji. Jawab al-sa'ilin. La'l Muhammad. Faza'il al-Kur'an. Muhammad 'Abd al-GnAFFAE. Jawabir al-Kur'an. Kue'an. — Selections. i Murtaza. Bakie 'Ali, Mlrzd. Jazb al-kulub. 'Abd al-HAKK, Dihlavi.

    — i Rusul i Eabbani. HuzuE Ahmad. i Lodbesvara. Sitasankaea. Kaifiyat i mandir Sri

    al-sbuhur wal-siyam Muhammad Eamazan. Kalid i bab al-liajj. Anwar 'Ali, Saiyid, called 'Ajiz.

    adab i durud o salam. 'Abd al-'ALi, Madrdsi. Kanun i Islam. Ja'fae Sharif. Fikh al-akbar. Nu'man ibn Sabit (Abu HiNiFAn). Kanz al-khairat. 'Abd al-KlDin ibn 'Atik Allah.

    i sbarfiyah. Ahmad Mushtak, Saiyid. Kashf al-liajat. Sana Allah, Kdzi. Ganj i shahidan. 'Ali Ahmad, MunsM. khulasab. Shuja' al-DiN. shayigan. Hasib al-DiN Ahmad, called Sozan. mughatta. Malik ibn Anas.

    GanjTnah i asrar i insaf. Muhasimad Zuhue Allah. zulmat. 'Abd al-EAHMAN ibn Abi Bakr Ghalbah i Haidari. Sajjad 'Ali. (JalIl al-DiN Abu al-FAZL) Suyutl.

    Gul i maghfirat. Haidae Bakhsh, Saiyid, called Haidaei. al-Kaul al-hams. Muhammad 'Abd Allah, Sdjli.

    Gulshan i shahadat. Isma'il (Muhammad). Khair al-kalam. Manzue Ahmad.

    Gulzar i jannat. Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, DiMavl. Muhammad ibn Isma'il (Abu 'Abd

    Gunah i kablr. Sana Allah, JKazi, Pdnipati. Allah) BuMdrl.

    Hadd i talikik ba-mashrab i Sunni. Wahid al-DiN Khan. Khamsah i Mubammadiyab. Najm al-DiN. Hadikat al-maram. Sana Allah, Kdzi, Pdnipati, Khuda ti ni'mat. Muead Allah, Anidrl.

    Hadlyab i Inbisat. Inbisai Afza. rabmat. Muhammad Salamat Allah, called Muhammadlyah. Muhammad Ibeahim ibn KashfT. HusAiN, Hasani. Khulasat al-anbiya. Ishak ibn Ibeahim, Nuhupuri. 'Ali. Hadlyat sd-su'ada. H.ADITAT al-SU'ADA. masa'ib. Muhammad Hadi ibn Mieza 'ulama. Khutbahs. Kisas al-anbiya. Muhammad '1 ahib. ibn Sa'adat 'Ali. Hakikat al-salat. 'Abd Allah, Maulavi. Kissah i Bibi Maryam. 'Ali Bakhsh al-arba'ina. Muhammad Kadie Bakhsh. Hakk-go'I sharli i salo' 'Abd al-'ALi ibn Nawazish 'Ali. Kitab Hazar masa'il. Kiyamat-namab. Eafi' al-DiN, Dihlavi. 'Abd Allah ibn Salam. mas'alah Shams al-DiN Ahmad, Saiyid.

    Hidayat al-Hunud. Muhammad ZahTe al-DiN, Bilgrdmi. Kurrat al-'ainain. Muhammad ibn Isma'il (Abu 'Abd Islam. Amanat Allah. Allah) BtcUidri. kaunain. Muhammad Mu'in al-DiN, Maahhadu 'uyiin. "Wali Allah ibn 'Abd al-EAitiM. 449 SUBJECT-INDEX. 400

    Lalian i Da'udl. MuniUMAD AbO al-MANsOE. Nasir al-abrar.brar. \ MuAAinjAD Nlim 'Aii, Ohiya$. Lubab al-akhbar. ' Ahmad ibn 'Add Allah. 'usiishak. ) pHrl. Nizam al-Islam. Ma'dan al-jawabir. Muhammad fectn al-DIs, Dihlavl. "Wajih al-DIw. Madar al-liakk. Muhammad Shah, Panjabi. Nur i MuHammadl. Muhammad IsmI'Il, Ifangalnri. Majma' al-kaba'ir wal shakkiyat. 'AlI AioHAB Khak. Muhammad Mibza McwA&itiD. Eadd i 'Abd al-Wahhab. Majmii'ah i khutab. 'Add al-HAiT Wa'iz. Ahmad ibn TCsug, 'Alawl. Hindu. Muhammad Isma'il, Muhammad Hasan, called 'Ilmi. KonkanJ. mailub. Muhammad mu'jizat. Majmu'ah i mu'jizat. 'Abd al-'AzIz, Maulavl. tanlild. TauuIb. Bah i Islam. Muhammad 'Ali Khan, Xawab. Makasid al-salililn. Muhammad 'Abd bI-Rahman Knlw. najat. Muhammad 'Ali, Munihl. sunnat. Aulad £[a8an, Makhraj i 'aka'id i nurl. Muhammad Ghulam DastoIb. Saiyid. Rahbar i rah i Kakk. Makhzan al-anwar. Mu'In al-Dm, Chishti. Muhammad Zabdae Khan. Rajm al-sbihab. Manahij al-nubuwat. 'Abd qI-Hakk, Dihlavi. Ahmad ibn YOnub, 'Alawl. Ram! al-jamrat. Manhaj al-najat, Ghulam Saibak ibn Muhammad 'Abid 'Ali. Nakauh. Rauzat al-asfiya. Muiiammad Tahib.

    ManjI al-muminin. Muhammad fiusAiN, Jtitzt. shubada. Rauzat al-snuHAoX. Marj al-baHrain. Muhammad 'Abd eI-GhaffIb. Risalah i 'akikah. Muhammad Nizam. Masa'il i samanlyah. Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zai» be-namazan. Nizam al-DiN, Maulavl. al-DiN Abu Hamid) Ghazzull. char-bab. Muhammad Ahl Allah.

    din i "VVahliabiyan i gustakh. 8a 'id al-DiN flcsAnr. Hakk. Muhammad Ja'fae Khan.

    Maulid i sharlf. 'Abd al-'AzIz, Dihlavl. tajhiz takfin. Muhammad 'ImeZn. Riyaz Ahmad Khan, called Sufi. al-shabadatain. 'Abd al-Hiki ibn Ilahi Bakhsh. Muhammad 'Abd eI-Sami'. Riyazat al-kulub. Muhammad 'Abd al-KloiB, Dihlavl. Muhammad Sasan, Aakim. Ruh al-iman wal-islam. Muhammad Ja'tab, i/a;f. ke bayan Mawa'iz i Haidarlyah. Ghulam Haidak ibn Muhaitmad men. Ruh. Khan. al-Rumh al-maskul. Sajjad Husain.

    Mazhar i adam. Ghtlam 'Ali, called Azad. Rumuz al-Kur'an. Muhammad Sasan 'Ali.

    MiftaK al-jannat. Karamat 'Ali ibn Rahmat 'Ali. Sabll al-jinan. 'Abd eI-Hakk, Dihlavl. Sad Misbali al-bidayat. Muhammad ibn Ta'kub (Majd al- o 81 mas'alah. Majmu'ah. Dix Abu Tahie) Firu%aladi. Sailab i ghazab. Wahid 'Ali Khan.

    Miskalah i taEnf. Eahmat Allah, Karanavi. Salwat i Nasiri. Muhammad Nasib 'Ali, Ohiyasparl.

    Samrah i Mu'aiyid al-Islam. Davenpoet (J.) Teacher of Languages. murad. 'Abd eI-Samad Ghulam Muh-ammad. Kur'an. 'Ali Bakhsh Khan. Shahadat al-khulafa. Muhammad Nasib 'Al!, Ghiydspurl.

    Muliafiz al-iman. Muhammad Amanat Allah. i Kur'anI bar kutub i Rabbanl. Kub'an.— MuHakamah. Muhammad Ihsan Allah. Selections. Shar' i Muliammadl. Muhammad KniN ibn Mu'jizah i al i nabl. Muhammad, the Prophet. IbbIhIm Jaxil Khan. furkan. TJlfat Husain. Shifa' al-'alU. Wali Allah ibn 'Abd eI-RahIm, Dihlavl. Hazrat fiasanain. 'Abd al-'Aziz, Shaikh. Siraj al-lman. 'Ali Khan, Mirtd. liiml. Shaja'at 'AlI, called TasallI. salikin. Muhammad ibn Muhamkad (Zain al- janab Rasul i Khuda. Muhammad, the Prophet. DiN Abu Hamid) Ghauall. sar i mubarak i Husain. Imam Shaja'at Sirai al-Islam. Smit al-IsLAM. 'Ali, called Tasalli. Sirr al-shahadatain. 'Abd al-'Aziz, Dihlavl. Muntakbab i aKkam al-Kur'an. Kue'an.—Selections. Siyanat al-Iman. WalT Allah, Uafi%. Musaiyab-namali. Sajjad 'Ali. SubH ka sitarah. 'Abbas 'Ali ibn Nasib 'Ali. Muzahir i EakK. Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah (Waxi Sufar al-sE'adat. Muhammad ibn Ta'kub (Majd al- al-DiN Abu 'Abd Allah) Khahh. DiN Abu timB) Fimah&di. Muzili al-liakk. 'Abd bI-Haiy and Isma'il, Maulana. Surur i Haidarl. Ghulam Haidab ibn Muhammad Khan. kaba'ir. Muhammad Mu'br ibn Muhammad Tabyin al-kalam. Aiimad Khan, Saiyid, C.S.I. MUBIN. Tafsir i Kadiri. Husain Vi'iz, Kathifl. Kur'an. 'Abd eI-Kadik ibn "WalI Allah. al-Kur'an. ^Iur'an. Nafi' al-khala'ik. Muhammad Zahdae Khan. i Muradlyah. Muead Allah, Aniarl. NasiKat al-Musalmln. Kue'an.—Selections. Surah i Fatifiah. ) -c- ,- namah. Muhammad Shee 'Ali. Yusuf. j ^'^^• 67 — .

    451 SUBJECT-INDEX. 452

    TaEtTliat i Chishti. 'Nvu Ahmad, Chuhtl. Fakhr i Hikmat. Fakhe al-DiN, i[a.fi%, and Ghulam Ta'id al-Islam. Muhammad iHTisnAM al-DiN. Nabi, Hakim. TaisTr al-Kur'an. Wazib 'Ali ibn Munatjwae 'Ali. Fann i kah-ruba I. Anwae 'Ali, S^afiz. al-Tairir al-ma'kul. Muhammad Kadie Bakhsh. Haka'ik al-maujudat. Sivaphasada, Raja, C.S.I. Takrir al-shahadatain. Muhammad Saiamat Allah. I'jaz al-bayafc. Kanh Singh.

    'Ilm i hai'at. Takwiyat al-iman. Muhammad Isma'il, Dihlavt. Geeenfield ( ). Islam. Muhammad Zahie al-DiN, Bilgrami. tabi'yat. Sitanaeatana, Deputy Inspector of Schools. Tanbih al-ghafilTn. Tanbih al-GHAFiLix. Intikhab al-nujum. Mahiab Ra'e. Tanwiral-ainain. Muhammad Isma'il ibn 'Abd al-GnAui. Khulasab i nizam i sbamsl. VamsIdhaea.

    Tarlkat i Husnah. Rahman 'Ali. su'al jawab i 'ilm i tab'iyat. Makkhan Lal. Mabda' 'Ali. Tarlkh al-auliya. Imam al-DiN Ahmad. al-'ulum. Kabamat 'Ali ibn Rahmat Majmu'ah i shamsi. Copeenican System. Tarj uman i Wabhabiyat. Muhammad Siddik Hasan Khan. i 'ulum. 'Ali. TartTb al-salat. Isma'il, called Ikhlas. Makhaz Kaeamat 'Ali ibn Rahmat Tazkir al-ikhyan. Muhammad Sultan Khan. Makhzan al-manfa'at. Mahtab Ra'e. Maila' al-'aja'ib. Amin al-DiN ibn Abu al-MAKAEiM. Tazkirah i Easul i Akbar. Amanai 'Ali ibn Wali Muhammad. MiftaE al-aflak. Feeguson (J.) F.E.S. Tilak al-'ashar. Muhammad 'Abd al-HAKiM. 'ulum. Beal (J. W.)

    Tulifah i durfid. Manzue Ahmad. Mir'at al-sa'at. SfilLALA. Islam. Muntakhab al-'ilm. Tdhfah i Islam. Sheeeing (M. a.) Nizam i Kaiwanat. I makbul dar faza'il i Rasul. Muhammad 'Abd Risalah i khwab. (J.) al-EAHMAN ibn Muhammad Eoshan Khan. Abeeceombie M.D. kiyafab. Devipeasada. TuMat al-aliibba. Muhammad Kuib al-DiN, Dihlavl. Shams al-zulia. Ratan Nath. 'ajam. 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad (Hafiz al- DiN Abu al-BAEAKAi) JVasafl. Sifat i zatTyah i ajsam. Kalyana Raya.

    i 'ilm i tab'I. akhyar. Hasan ibn Muhammad (Eiza al- Usui Muhammad Ziya al-DiN. DIn) Saghunl. 'asbikln. Muhammad 'Abd al-SAMAD. SELECTIONS (Prose and Verse). 'awamm. Hasan 'Ali, Hajl.

    wa'izin. 'UsMAN ibn Hasan, Khahawi. Guldastab i sukhan. Balfoue (E.) Tumar i gliam. 'Abd al-HAKK ibn Ilahi Bakhsh. Muhammad Husain, Saiyid.

    'Ukubat al-zallln. Muhammad Abu al-MANsuK. 'Itr i majmu'ah. Ghulam Hasanain. 'Umdat al-kalam. 'Abd al-KHALiK. Mazamln. Sivapeasada, Raja, C.S.I.

    Kur'an. Kue'AN. Appendix. Muntakhabat i Hindi. Shakespeae (J.) Usui al-rasbad. Muhammad Taki 'Ali Khan. Urdu. Muntakhabat i Uedd. Waki'at i shahadat. 'Abd al-KiDiE ibn Muhti al-DiN. Muhammad Kaeim Bakhsh.

    "Wazlfah i masnunah. Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Dihlavl. Nuskhah i dil-kusha. Janamejaya Miiea. Zad al-salikln. Muhammad 'Abd al-KloiR, Dihlavl. Nuzhat al-nazir. Abu al-HASAN.

    'ukba. Silk i musalsal. Chandeikapbasada, called Janun. Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Dihlavl. Zafar i kballl Sullam al-adab. Fuller (A. R.) and Kaeim al-RiN. Za'ikah i matam. Wazie Husain ibn §abit 'Ali, Maahhadt. Tajribah i dauran. JiVANAEAMA, Numoll. Zanian al-firdaus, Muhammad 'Inatat Ahmad. Zarb al-samsam. Shaja'at 'Ali, Chishti. and Zawajir i Hindi. Adam, Shaikh. SOCIOLOGY ETHICS.

    Zewar i Iman. Muhammad Anwae 'Ali. 'Aja'ibat i mihnat-shi'arl. Reid (H. S.) Zikr al-shabadatain. Ahmad Khan, called Sufi. Akhlak i Brajbashi. Veajavasi Lala. Zinat al-karl. Kaeamat 'Ali, Jaunpurl. Nasirl. Nasie al-DiN (Muhammad ibn Mu- Ziya al-basa'ir. Muhammad Shaukat 'Ali. hammad) 2usl. Sarwari. Ghulam Saewae, Mufti. SCIENCES. Amsal i bo-misal, Chieanji Lal. Chashmah i faiz. Faeid al-DiN 'AiiiE. 'Aja'ib al-makhlukat. Zakakiya ibn Muhammad, ^azwlnl. Dastur al-ma'ash Ledlie (J. P.) Da'irah i 'ilm. Muhammad Kaeim Bakhsh. Dharmapatrika. DhAEMAPATlilKA

    Faiz i dar 'ilm i riyazl. 'amm Tahauwue 'Aii. Fauz al-darain fi barr al-waUdain. AsGHAB HUSAIN. 453 SUBJECT-INDEX. 464

    Fawa'id al-nisa. MuAammad ZahIb al-DiN, BilgrdtM. Bustan i Ehay&l. MuAavkad Taxi, Ja'farl.

    Fikr i HakTm.

    Ganj i khubl. Hcsain Vi'iz, Kathifl. Buzurg Rabinsan Kruso. Dkfok (D.)

    Quldastali i adab. Detipbasada. Cbohar darwesh. Khusbau. Amir. akhlak. SADASUxnA LIla. Chamell aur Gulab. ^iyav&abIva., Raja, C.S.I.

    Oulshan i Sarwarl. Chand mufId liikayateg. Sters (H.) GncLAM Saewae, Mufll. Uamd i Izidi. Dastan i Amir Hamzah. Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-MuiiALiB. Hardil 'azlz. KanhaitX Lal, called Alakhadhari. Jamllah Khatun. Jamilah KhatOn. Hidayat al-'awamm. 'Abid llrsAijf. Dil-bahla'u. Sivapeasada, Saja, C.S.I.

    niswan. 'Ali Muhammad ibn Muuammad Fasanah i 'aja'ib. Bajab 'Ali Beo, called SubCb. Mn'iK. gham-amod. AmIe al-DIs, itilfit.

    ta'lim i nafs. Todd (J.) B.D. Hidayaten dar-bab raa'kul. Ghulam !&aidab Khan. Hilyat al-'ara'is. 'Axi iba 'AlI, called Mukad 'Ali. Ganjinah i liikmat. .Ssop. Insha i mufid al-niBa. 'Abd Axlah Kniif. Gul i Bakawall. 'IzzAT Allah. Jami' al-akhlak. Datani (Jalal al-DiN). Gul o Sanaubar. Nemchand.

    Klmlya i liikmat. Adhad al-DiN Ahmad, called Shefiah. Guldastah i Hind. Moleswoetu (R. F.) Kitab al-nisa. Muhammad 'Abd al-RAHMlN. Gulistan. Sa'di.

    i liikmat. Saewae, Mufti. Makhzan Ghulam Gulshan i faiz. Ballala. al-ma'ani. Musmlic Ahmad. ghairat. Ghulam j&aidab Xhaw. Mazak al-'arifin. Muhammad ibn Muhammad (Zaiw al- Hada'ik anzar. Bade al-DiN Khan, Khm'tjah. Diir Abu Hamid) Ghazzdll. Hadlyab i marghubah. Muhammad 'Inatat AllXh Khan. Mir'at al-nisa. Fatimah, Slbt. Hazar dastan. Arabian Nights. MufId i khala'ik. 'Inatat Husain, HaMm. Hikayat i dil-pazlr. Ayodhyapeasada. Najm al-amsal. Muhammad Najm al-Diir. al-jalllah. Arabian Nights. Pand i sudmand. Kaeim al-DiK, Maulavl. i latlf. Hikayat i latie. Collection. Pand nasa'iH. naslHat-amez. Taeinicharana Mitra. Pand-namah i 'iyal-daran. Aenold ("W. "W.) al-salibat. Sivapbasada, Raja, C.S.I. Ketalaeama, called Hoshtae. Radd al-abatil. HTr o Ranjhah. Makbul Ahmad. Eandon kl sliadl. 'Abd al-RAHiM, Dihlavl. Jadah i taskhlr. Muhammad Haidae 'Ali Khan. Tahzib al-nisa. Auhad al-DiN Ahmad, called Sheftah. Jami' al-Hikayat. Salih Muhammad, ' Utmanl. nufus. Fakhr al-DiN Husain, caUed Sukhajt. Jauhar i 'akl. 'Aziz al-DiN.

    i Hargobind. Haeagovindasahata. Tallf Kashif al-asrar. Muhammad Taki, Jafarl, called Khatal. Ta'lim al-nafs. Todd (J.) D.B. Kasidan i shahT. Sitanabayana, Deputy Inspector ofSchooh. Tanbib al-nisa. Tanbih al-NisI. Khatt i takdir. Kabim al-DiN, Maulavl. TuKfat al-zaujain. Muhammad Kutb al-DiN, Dihlavl. Khirad-afroz. Abu bI-Fazl ibn Mubarak. Zakbirah i sa'adat. Jagannatha, Pandita. afza. Khibad-aeza. Khurshid-namah. Muhammad Taki, Jafarl.

    Kisas i Hind. Muhammad IIusain, Maulavl. TALES.—Prose. PyZbi Lal, Munthl.

    Adib al-nisa. Isvaripeasada. Kissah i Agar o Gul. 'Asi.

    A'Inah i niswan. Naeatana Dasa, Chunarl. Bahramgor. Farkhand 'Aii. 'ukul. Ghulam Haidae Kgiif. Bakawall. 'Izzat Allah. darwesh. Khusbau, Akhlak i Hindi. Hitopadesa. chahar Amir. Alf lailah. Aeablabt Nights. Dallah ka. Maharaja Lala.

    Anwar i suhaill. Husain Va'iz, Kathifl. i Dharm Singh. Seilala.

    Ara'ish i mabfil. Hatim Ta'i. dil-pazlr. Muhammad Shukb Allas Khan. Ba^ o bahar. Khusrau, Amir. Gul Sanaubar. Nemchand. Bahramgor. Fabkhand 'Ali. Hir Ranjhah. Makbul Ahmad. Baitrd-pachisi. BAiTAL-PAcnisi. maktul i jafa. Amib al-DiN, Ild/g. Banat al-na'sh. Kazir Ahmad, Khan Bahadur. Malik Muhammad. Mihechand, called Mihki. Blrbal-namah. Mahanaeatana. Mansukhl aur Sundar Singh. Mansuxhi. al-Dbi flcsAiN, called ZauIr. Bustan i liikmat. Husain Va'iz, Kathifl. Mumtaz. Zahir 456 455 SUBJECT-INDEX.

    TALES.—Verse. Kissah i Panjab Singt. Kaeim al-DiN, Maulavi. subuddhi aur kubuddi ka. Keishnadatia. Adbbuta Eamayana. Saskaeadatalu, called Tabhat. Surajpur. Seilala. Arzhang i Eazi. Husain Va'iz, Kashifi. Najm al-Diif, Bagh i 'Asbik. Kanhaiya Lal, called 'Ashik. Kitab i salis. Sell (E.) o bahar manzum. Shamlah. Laia'if al-Akbar. Mahanabatatta. Babar i danisb. 'Inayat Allah. i Hindi. Lallu Lal, Kavi. 'isbk. Tasadduk Husain Khan, called Shauk. al-Shakiri. 'Ala al-DiN, called Shakte. Babr al-bakikat. Muhammad Abu al-HASAN. Hakim ki Kikayaten. ^sop. Lukman Banjarab-namab. "Wali Muhammad, called Nazih. Mabdi-namah. Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari, called Khatal. Bikat kabani. Ilahi Bakhsh, Maulavi. Majalis al-nisa. Iltaf Husaiit. Billi-namab. Ghulam 'Ali, called Azad. Majma' al-lata'if. Kalikeishxa Deva, Eaja. Bustan i Rabat. Bhagavanta Rata, called Rahat. Makhzan i danish. Bulaki Das. Chasbmab i Sbirin. 'Abd al-WiHiD Khan, called Miskin. Masliitat al-akhlak. Kueban 'Ali. Cbube-namah. Ieam.

    Masnawi i Mir Hasan. Hasan, Mir. Wajid.

    Mir'at al-'arus. Nazik Ahmad, Kfian Bahadur. Dhrulila. HieIlala.

    nisa. !KuEBAN 'Ali. Fareb i 'isbk. Tasadduk Husain Khan, called Shauk.

    Taki, called Fasanab i 'aja'ib i manzum. Bholanatha. MisbaE al-nahar. ^ Muhammad Ja'fari,

    Mu'izz-namah. ) KhatXl. Gbamzab i dil-ruba. Amde Peasad, called Madhush. Mukhbir al-waki'at. 'Abd al-jABBlK. Gul o Sanaubar. Ahmad 'Ali, Faiidhddi. Mulla-namab. Mahanakayana. Kanhaita Lal, called 'Ashik.

    Nakl i majlis. SibIj al-DJjf. Gulzar i Nasim. Datasankaea.

    NakUyat. Muhammad Muhi al-DiN, called Shaub al- Hadiyab i an^ar. Mumtaz 'Ali. Umaba. Hairat-afza. Muhammad Kasim 'Ali.

    i Hindi. NaklitXt. Ijad i Eangin. Sa'adat Tab Khan. Yusuf. -Slsop. 'Ishk-namah. Mahdi 'Ali, called 'Ashik.

    Nasiket. Veajalala. Jauhar i 'isbk. Nasie al-DiN Ahmad.

    Nasr i be-nazir. Hasan, Mtr. Kissab i Bbartari. Haya Lal. Nauratan. Muhammad Bakhsh, called Mahjtjb. Bugga Mall. Gulab Singh, called Mushtak. Saiyid. Nautarz i murassa'. Khuseau, Amir. char bagh i rangin. Haidae Bakhsh,

    Nikat i IHsani. Ihsan 'Al! Khan. chuha o billi. Ieam. Madhush. Panjab i Gaubarin. Gkndan Lal, called Gauhae. Gopichand. Ambe Peasad, called Bhartbari. Gopichand Bhaeteihaei. Sarosb i sukban. Fakhe al-DiN flusAiN, called Sukhan. Gul-badan. Muead 'Ali. Sbam' i mabfil. Bankimachandea Chattopadhtata. Husain, called Baek. Shams al-anwar. Bade al-DiN Khan, Khwajah. Haman. Muhammad 'Isa Gaubar o Achchu Gulab. Jamal al-DiN. Sibr al-bayan. Hasan, Mir. Jani Begam. Jani Begam. Singbasan battisi. Vikeamaditta, Icing of TJjjayini. Jumjumah. Ahmad 'Ali, Sivardjpuri. Sitarah i Hind. HusAiN Va'iz, Kasliifl. Kamar al-zaman. Muhammad 'Abd al-KlDiE. Surat al-khayal. 'Kil Muhammad, called Shad. Kamrup o Kala. Tahsin al-DiN. Taubat al-Nasub. Nazie Ahmad, Khun Bahadur. Lal o Gaubar. Muhammad 'Aziz. Tawarikh i Sandford aur Merton. Day (T.) milhigir. Mahigie. Tazkirah i zanan i mashhur i Hind. KasinItha, Mahmud Shah. Muhammad 'Ali, Mir. Tilsam i fasabat. Muhammad Husain, called Jah. Mansur. Ahmad 'Ali, Sivarujpurl. bairat. Muhammad Ja'fae 'Ali, called Shiwan. Miyan saudagar. Jamal al-DiN.

    Tota-kabani. Muhammad Kadiei. padshab i Rum. Rum. Tubfab i dil-pazir. Bulaki Das. saudagar bacbcbab. Rahman, Shuh. Waka'i' Rajkumar. Bankimachandea Chattopadhtata. Shah Jahan o Roshan Zubul. Jamal al-Diw. Zakbirab i jang babaduri. Aii Hasan, called Nami. Zakkum. Zakkum, King of Armenia. Ziya i bikmat. Bidpai. Sikandar Zu-l-karnain. Jamal al-DiN. Zubdat al-Kbayal. Muhammad Taki, Ja'fari. sipahi-zadab. KnusHDXl. siyah-posh. Muhammad 'InIiat Allah Khan. 457 SUBJECT-INDEX. 458


    Zuitun o MiiUammnd itanlf. ZaitOn. 'tilsarn i Sliayan. Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-Mut+Atre, Amir.

    Eisso Lei! Majnun-no. 'Add Allah ibn OnuLiM 'Au. TnMah i Musbtak. GuLAo Stnoh, called Musiitak. NajanI Patluin-no. Najani PathXn. Yusuf Zulaikba. JamI. Shah-jahan tatha Sliahparl-no. Muhammad Hcsain. Mahdi 'AlI Khan, called 'AsHii. Lailii iTajnun. LailI MAJsCff. Ra'up Ahmad, called Rafat.

    Lain Majnun. Muhammad Taki Khan, called Hawas. ^awabii i 'uBhshak. RashId al-DIn Ahmad KhIn. Wal! Muhammad, called Nazir. Lazzat al-Hind. Mcur al-DiN, Shaikh. TRAVELS. i 'iahlt. Tasadduk Husain Khan.

    Lujjah i fasahat. Muhammad I'timad 'Ali KhIw. 'Aja'ibnt i Farang. Yusuf Khan, Aaidar/lbadl.

    Majmu'ah i kisas. MaJMU'AH i KISA8. Akbtar i buland. Karsandas Mulaji.

    Manziir i jabiinT. Muhammad, Shaikh, called ManzOe. Babaristan i takdls. Muhammad Muui al-DiN, Jtadiri.

    Masnawl i dil-awez. Bashid al-DiN Ahkad Khan. Musafir-namah. Jalal al-DiN Husain, Bukhdrl. Mir Hasan. Hasan, JUlr. Safar-naniah. Amin Chand.

    i wafadar. NUWAB 'All. FoEsrnr (Sir T. D.)

    Mazhab i 'isht. 'Izzat Allah. Yusuf Khan, Haidar&badl.

    Nal Daman. Kalipbasada. i Haramain. Muhammad Zasdab Khan.

    Nagr i be-nazlr. Hasan, Mir. Mungo Park saliib ka. • Pabk (M.)

    Nigar i Chin. Muhammad 'Abd al-KiDiK, Munshi. i Panjab. Ikbal 'Ali.

    RazT. Sa'di. Sair i Makbul. Ghulam Haidar Khan.

    Padmavat. Malik Muhammad, Jd'isi. Saiyafi. Dad Khan, called Saiyau.

    Sair i Sri Nasiket. Ambe Peasad, called Madhush. Sairistan i In gland. Kabsandas Mulaji.

    Sihr al-bayan. Hasan, Mtr. Shigarf-namab i Vilayat. I'tisam al-DiN, JflrtS.

    Singhasan battlsl isanzum. RAJrcALlLA, called Chahan. Tarikh i Asam. Shihab al-DiN Taush. Sipahi-zadah. Khushdil. Chin Japan. Oliphant (L.) SohnI Mahinwal. Aruba Ra'e. YusufT. Yusuf Khan, Haidur&hadl.

    Sugra-namah. Scgka, Daughter of tlte Imam Husain. Waka'i' Kep. Kinloch (C. W.)

    Taranah i ghara'ib. Shafa'at Allah. Zad i safar. Muhammad 'Umab 'Ali Khan, called Wahshi.



    rL )Q.-L- Gu

    British Miiseum. Dept. of Oriental printed books and manuscripts Catalogue of Hindustani printed books