C M Y K C M Y K - -


8 . P-02 P-02

 ...P P6  P-02 

The Balakot The Balakot PAGE - Four children Four

.....LIFE & TIMES LAST LAST Heavy firing and shell Heavy 6 Injured in Blast in Blast 6 Injured Munda Lower Near Site Encounter : in among six persons were near encounter in a blast jured Munda on Mon at Lower site and one of afternoon day them SMHS Srinagar to referred was while three hospital 4 Children Among Among 4 Children

0194-2502327 General Bajwa being Pa the Bajwa General ex said heavy sources Police known immediately not It was came in, spo reports last Till In an article in the 'Green Book In an article in the 'Green : -

tron-in-Chief of the journal ex in a his view pressed LOC Cross Heavy Uri Rattles Shelling Srinagar- on Mon started ing exchanges Indian and between day ofLine the armies on Control of sector and (LoC) in Uri . of in Hajipeer started fire change started troops as Pakistani area firing and shelling, unprovoked the Indian soldiers which after using same weapons. responded shelling was Pakistan the whether the infiltra facilitate to intended the Valley. tions of into militants were shelling exchanges radic on in the area. going still Aug 5 Has Changed Changed 5 Has Aug Geopolitical Bajwa Situation: (PTI) ISLAMABAD of Ar and the abrogation airstrike of the Indian Constitution ticle 370 Jammu and Kashmir bifurcate to that significant events the two are onimprint" a "lasting have will ofsituation geopolitical the South Army Pakistan to Asia, according Bajwa. chief Javed Gen Qamar journal of the 2020', a research is recog which Army Pakistan the Higher Educationnised by and Commission of Pakistan Gen Bajwa publishedbiennially, also describes Kashmir as a nu clear flashpoint. - - -



FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS & - - - - P-02 02

 hundred people, defying lockdown curbs, offered defying lockdown people, hundred PAGE Three militants militants Three 

ver ver the militant Asif in absentia for Dar, prayers funeral on Mon Munda encounter killed in Lower reportedly overnment forces Monday launched a Cordon and a Cordon launched Monday forces overnment in South Kash in a hamlet (CASO) Operation Search districts. mir’s CCORDING TO THE SENIOR , (SSP) Police of Superintendent has ended with Singh the operation Gurinderpal Soldiers at an encounter site- KO File photo Soldiers at an encounter site- KO 02

People Hold People Hold Funeral Prayers in Absentia O morning. day CASO Ends Without Success in Pulwama G in Putrigam launched was operation and search A cordon The gunfight ensued after PAGE A militants. of three the killing  with government forces at forces with government of Munda area Lower dis in south Kashmir's Kulgam Bodies of all trict on Monday. been recov have the militants officialsered, said. of CRPFa joint team Police, Rifles Rashtriya 19 and army's a cordon-and-search- launched amid spe in the area operation of presence the about cificinputs the militants. Lower Munda Encounter Encounter Munda Lower Ends, Bodies Of 3 Recovered Militants SRINAGAR: killed in an encounter were

 ------ConfirmingDeputyincident, the P-02 P-02 heavy rains, reports said. reports rains, heavy Tariq (DC) Commissioner Hussain Ganai said that the sib resulting away washed lings were to due death spot the their on in the drowning. the inci Soon after launched were dent, the searches re and bodies of the minors were Kutebal, near canal a from covered The Deputy Com added. DC the missioner   - - 3 ` Internet

| Price: | Price: Postal Regn: L/159/KO/SK/2014-2016 Regn: Postal The United Nations Nations The United The Government on Government The Report  08 UN In his report titled “disease pan report In his is being submitted The report It said the misuse of services data In a latest order issued by the issued by order In a latest been have restrictions “Such J&K's Internet Figure Restrictions In SRINAGAR: of on freedom Special Rapporteur has said opinion and expression the imposed by that limitations in Jammu & on internet government basic made access to Kashmir have difficult information healthcare for professionals. ofdemics and the freedom opinion UN rapporteur and expression”, con has expressed Kaye David in restrictions internet cern over by has been “It reported Kashmir. in Kash professionals health-care imposed by mir that the limitations made access have the government difficult ob information basic to to the report. reads tain,” ordinating (militant) activities, and activities, (militant) ordinating designs from the nefarious defeat (mili propagate to the border across issued here the order reads tancy,” Home depart Secretary Principal by media reports. to ment, according has the elements” “anti-national by scale up violent activi to potential “which public order, ties and disturb been maintained has till now Govt Extends Govt High Speed 11 May Ban Till SRINAGAR: the continuation ordered Monday of in the ban on high-speed internet 11. Jammu and Kashmir till May cit Home Department, the reason ed the decision includes spurt for of violence, the launch in militant ap outfits and “well-founded” new ofprehensions the “field agencies” Pak “enhanced efforts by regarding in the (mili recruitment for istan as infiltration well as ranks tant) depend on heavily which attempts, high-speed internet.” curb uploading, to placed in order of circulation provoc downloading, rumor- against videos, guard ative the prevent news, fake mongering, use of messaging and encrypted and co infiltration services for VOIP | Pages: | Pages: Reports said that the two sisters sisters said that the two Reports The incident occurred when the the evening while they were tak were while they the evening bank. on a river ing a stroll and Rukhsa (14) Rumaisa namely of Ghulam Rasoolna (6) daughters thein away washed were Hajam in late Kul flash floods at Rangwar the afternoon. the cattle in the grazing were two the field when suddenly nearby amid the flash floods hit the area 90 - - - - - 02

KASHMIR | Issue: 23 PAGE  facebook.com/kashmirobserver facebook.com/kashmirobserver On the second day of Ramazan, a man is seen praying on the banks of Dal Lake on the banks a man is seen praying of Ramazan, On the second day In two tragic incidents tragic In two  EPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE (DSP) WAJAHAT HUSSAINEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE (DSP) the of the bodies retrieve to launched was operation a search the incident after that soon said P-02 igher fares, fewer routes, pre-flight health checks and less free food: The coronavirus pandemic pandemic coronavirus less free food: The and checks health pre-flight igher fares, fewer routes, reassess world’s airlines as the A seismic is underway era of air travel. shift in a new is ushering mask- from the crisis. At eerily empty airports, will look emerging they how their operations and  D on going out the bodies were find to the searches 9 PM, in at around came last reports When duo. In the first incident two minor two incident first the In He observed that the increased that He observed The Lt Governor away by flash floods in Central and flash floods in Central by away South Kashmir on Monday. flash killed due to were sisters rains heavy by floods triggered of region in the mountainous Kashmir’s in central area in the morning district Budgam carried away were sisters and two in in a village currents by 2 Pairs Of Siblings Washed Away In Away Of2 Pairs Siblings Washed Shopian Flash Floods Chadoora, SRINAGAR: washed were girls young four effective rapid response mecha response rapid effective can steps nism so that pro-active emerg deal with any to be taken ing situation. in identifying is the key testing pan and combating covid-19 officersthe asked and demic, to of the sustainability the ensure the explore speed to and testing possibilities of the increasing effective for same. He directed in of implementation restrictions the spread contain to Red-Zones of virus. the deadly SOLITUDE: Abid Bhat Photo by KO amid lockdown- 1441 Hijri | Vol: 1441 Hijri | Vol: H travellers few staff and the among change already show a behavioural social distancing and wearing after limits ..... is set to touch almost every aspect of flying that lies ahead shakeup left. A long ------


P-02 02

 takes swab sample for Covid-19 test of a city sample for Covid-19 swab takes PAGE PAGE 

.com / kashmirobserver / kashmirobserver twitter.com uthorities on Monday started door-to-door health survey health survey door-to-door started uthorities on Monday for planning & response better in a bid for Srinagar across COVID-19. fight against  “Door-to-door health survey has started across Srinagar. We re We Srinagar. across has started health survey “Door-to-door Door-to-Door Health Survey in Srinagar A and on the ground with our teams cooperate to all residents quest admin district Srinagar health audit,” in this important participate handle. twitter in its wrote istration A HEALTH OFFICIAL OFFICIAL A HEALTH Abid Bhat Photo by in Srinagar-KO at a centre resident Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Advisor Advisor Rai Bhatnagar, Rajeev LG the importance underlined Ramazan-ul-Mubarak | Ramazan-ul-Mubarak pandemic. Chief Subrahmanyam, LG; BVR to Dilbag Singh , DGP; Secretary; Commis Financial Dulloo, Atal sioner Health and Medical Edu Principal cation; Shaleen Kabra, Home Government, to Secretary Prin Bipul Pathak, Department; LG the attended to Secretary cipal meeting. of continued effortslevels all at in fightof the administration in the UT and coronavirus against an asked the officers formulate to Officialsixthat said sources 04 people, all hailing from town, town, Tral people, all hailing from under Public booked who were Jail in Agra and lodged Act Safety after shortly but released, were quaran were they Tral, reaching tined a period of for cial status ofcial status Jammu and Kashmir year. last in August ------If progressive breathing difficulty breathing If progressive diagnosis Although the definitive is a misno “The fever’ ‘hay term He further emphasised that these hav said that those Jehangeer Dr - - - develops prompt medical assistance prompt develops should besought, he said. clinical and can be is not of COVID-19 laboratory confirmed through only therethat said Dr Jehangeer testing, zome clinical signs that can still are fever/pol hay between differentiate infection. and COVID-19 len allergy in is no fever mer as there drugs are not inadvisable, and there inadvisable, and there not drugs are scientific that evidence a strong was fever hay use for steroid intranasal immunity. nasal innate improves develop allergy fever/pollen ing hay with COV compatible symptoms self-iso will need to and they ID-19 and moni their doctor inform late, else. their health as everyone tor 23



www.kashmirobserver.net www.kashmirobserver.net A group of 369 students, hailing from different districts of districts different of hailing from A group 369 students, Lieutenant Governor, Governor, Lieutenant A two-year-old girl girl A two-year-old ONE AMONG THE WOMEN IS AN EXPECTANT MOTHER WITH ONE AMONG THE WOMEN IS AN EXPECTANT MOTHER WITH and would SKIMS to She has been shifted her delivery. for left just days few treatment,” further for JLNM hospital to be referred probably Six Kashmiri youth re Six Kashmiri youth Soon after their arrival, they were screened for COVID-19 and later later and COVID-19 for screened were they their arrival, after Soon The Lt Governor was chairing a chairing was The Lt Governor 369 Stranded Students Return Home – in Kota from Monday on here and Ladakh, reached Jammu and Kashmir buses, officials SRTC said. 15 onboard Territories Union in the two their home districts to proceed to allowed before quarantine administrative undergo would they where hensive strategy for the post 3rd 3rd the post for strategy hensive com to scenario in advance May pandemic in the bat COVID-19 of Jammu and Territory Union Kashmir. ef control on COVID-19 meeting soon after Bhavan at the Raj forts with the Prime the interaction through Modi, Narendra Minister, discuss to video conferencing, situation and plan the emerging the COVID-19 tackling ahead for Prepare for Post 3rd May Scenario: LG To Officers To LG Scenario: May 3rd Post for Prepare JAMMU: Murmu Monday Girish Chandra a compre called preparing for Over 200 Kashmiri’s were de 200 were Over Kashmiri’s Regarding the five cases from cases from five the Regarding Among the fresh cases, 15 were were cases, 15 Among the fresh confirmed cases were other Seven reported Also, the “ INDUSTRY AND THE WAY WE FLY INDUSTRY AND THE WAY Free From Agra Jail Jail Agra From Free School In Tral Quarantined AGRA: Jail reached Agra UP’s leased from they where Tral town their native in a school. quarantined were jails oftained in different Uttar have some which among Pradesh were been These arrests released. of spe the abrogation made after Shopian, the sources said includes Shopian, the sources and a girl 2-year-old confirmed at Viral Diagnostic Lab of Diagnostic confirmed at Viral each and include five SKIMS Soura and Shopian, three from from and one each Bandipora from districts. and Budgam laboratory testing at the COVID-19 Drugjan Disease hospital at Chest dis and include six from Srinagar. trict and one from a na case—a 46-year-old, one fresh his with travel of Mahore tive case from His is the first UP. to tory added. the sources district, Reasi Covid-19 Cases In J&K Covid-19 Cases Include 13 Women Fresh Positive Cases SRINAGAR: on the from became the youngest Monday have in Jammu and Kashmir to corona novel for positive tested cases were virus. In all 23 fresh twenty-four in the last reported hours and includes an expectant besides thirteen at least mother women. other 2 Year Old Among 23 More2 Year Old Among Dr Jehangeer asked such patients asked such Dr Jehangeer asymp have possible to “It is very President JKSCD, Dr Maajed Je JKSCD,President Dr Maajed HOW CORONAVIRUS WILL FOREVER CHANGE THE AIRLINEWILL FOREVER sible control and that means using sible control inhalers corticosteroid intranasal medicines as prescribedand other said. Dr Jehangeer their docto,” by hangeer, advised children and advised children hangeer, medications on maintenance adults as inhaled cortico such allergies for (in and/or bronchodilators steroids and/ inhibitors halers), leukotriene tablets) (allergy or antihistamines as pre continue their treatment to scribed their doctor. by discontinue their medication to not of fear for COVID-19. asymptomatic or almost tomatic sea it for mistake and to COVID-19 Therefore, fever. sonal rhinitis/hay should keep fever with hay patients under the best pos their symptoms nerable to COVID-19, it said. COVID-19, to nerable AM

:45 ------

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:PARTLY CLOUDY :PARTLY P-02 -  P-02 SUNSET Today SUNRISE 05 Tommrow 04:11 04:14 2020 P-02 TODAY SEHRI  TOMMOROW

 Digest



VMC VMC TH The J&K Society ofThe J&K Society Con 04

Maximum : 23°c 11°c Minmum : Humidity : 60% FIQAH

FIQAH 28 JAFARIYA HANAFIYA Any moderate to severe asthma, asthma, severe to moderate Any Although pollen allergies, includ Although pollen allergies, A statement issued by the JKSCDthe issued by statement A

News Doctors Issues Advisory Allergy Panel for Pollen cluded in the list of chronic lung of cluded list the in chronic a patient vul conditions that make advised public to remain cautious. remain advised to public pa where of trigger, irrespective is in treatment tient needs daily ing mild allergic asthma have not not have asthma ing mild allergic factor risk beenidentified major a as thr JKSCD infection, COVID-19 for and watery eyes, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, eyes, and watery sneezing and nose, persistent runny cases, wheez severe to in moderate ing and shortness of breath. here said that a large proportion proportion large said that a here of seasonal the population reports pollen, the to related symptoms common ofmost being which itchy SRINAGAR: SRINAGAR: (JKSCD) Doctors on Monday sultant issued advisory a health ahead of the pollen season in Kashmir. retariat and expressed and expressed retariat CMO Srinagar, Health Officer SMC, and other officials. Sarmad Hafeez who is also incharge visitedEstates Department, sections of the civil sec various the opening of offices at Civil 04. on May here Secretariat attended by The meeting was Engineer Secretariat, Executive Gardens & Parks Department & Parks Gardens a chaired today Sheikh Fayaz the to review joint meeting here being made for preparations Srinagar: Secretary Youth Ser Youth Srinagar: Secretary vices and Sports Department, Sarmad Hafeez and Commis Floriculture, sioner Secretary companies put forth their companies Opening Of Offices At Civil Sect of ), the specific queries the prospective submitted by discussed in detail. bidders were of these The representative the course of meeting with bidders and the prospective T L expert/Consultant survey Survey Director Sharma (Former floated on 5th of March, 2020 forfloated on 5th of March, bids for modernization inviting in Jammu and of land records During under DILRMP. Kashmir Kotwal today held a Pre-bid held a Pre-bid today Kotwal with prospec video conference bidders to discuss theirtive queries seeking amendment in (RFP) for proposal the Request Of Land Records Srinagar, Apr 27 : Financial Com Dr. Pawan missioner, Revenue, Modernisation Modernisation called VMC GURU. At VMC, all of VMC, all At called VMC GURU. batches classroom their regular running on schedule, withoutare or disruption, with best delay any of the faculties taking At VMC, they had it covered even VMC, they had it covered At started as the pandemic before pro own their developed had they prietary Online learning platform & NEET. With the restrictions on With the restrictions & NEET. programs, conducting Classroom trying to findmost institutes are to teach students Online.ways certain sections of society such as students need to continue for some of the tough preparing JEE like exams est competitive Through isNew Delhi: While the world and with Coronavirus grappling has hit a pause,the economy Learn From Home Learn From Home From Front page... Tuesday | 28-04-2020 02 Ko Photos by Abid Bhat

uled from June 15 to July 3, 2020 incident also occurred in . Group of stan armed forces had superbly tackled through According to the report, the continuation of re- youth pelted stones at police. However, there cross-domain responses. 2 Year Old Among strictions on internet has been troubling, amid was no retaliation from the police. Former diplomat Shamshad Ahmad Khan in his outbreak of COVID-19. “In the context of the Doctors Panel article, 'India-Pakistan Relations: In Perspective', 23 More pandemic, it has been especially troubling to wrote that Pakistan has been living with a lin- 12-year-old boy. Both hail from Heerpora vil- observe the continuation of several instances Issues Advisory... gering suspicion that India had never reconciled lage. Three others a 12-and 17-year-old besides of Internet shutdowns. The most prominent has CASO Ends hay fever whereas fever, sometimes high-grade to the sub-continent's partition and facing In- 75-year-old man are from Beminipora. With two been the long-term disruption that the Govern- is common in COVID-19 infection, ” he ex- dia's hostility and belligerence. fresh cases, Heerpora, a small village now has 48 ment of India has imposed on Kashmir,” reads Without Success. plained. He said that as one of the oldest unresolved in- COVID-19 patients even as a few among them the report. village after receiving inputs about the presence Similarly, cough is rare in hay fever whereas ternational conflicts, Kashmir is today "a nuclear have recovered. Referring to UN experts’ statement in August of militants there, police said. there is a dry and persistent cough in COVID-19 flashpoint." Regarding Baramulla cases, sources said that 2019, the report states that the government im- Soldiers from 53 Rifles (RR), Special Operation cases, he added. There are other articles in the 'Green Book 2020' they include three females each aged 32-years- posed what several mandate holders found to be Group (SOG) of and He further explained that fatigue and myalgia about the regional and global situation. How- old and two males—one 32-year-old and other “a form of collective punishment of the people 183 Battalion CRPF launched this search opera- (muscle pain) are rarely encountered in hay ever, disclaimer by the publisher reads that the a 6-year-old boy, all residents of Malpora Sheeri of Jammu and Kashmir, without even a pretext tion. fever whereas most patients with COVID-19 view by authors do not imply the official policy and contacts of previous patients. of a precipitating offence”. Official sources said that all exit points were infection report severe fatigue and significant of the Pakistan Army as an institution. “One among the women is an expectant mother “Early in 2020 the Supreme Court of India found sealed and house to house searches launched. myalgia. with few just days left for her delivery. She has that the Government must periodically justify They further said that additional forces were de- “Also, symptoms of hay fever are relieved by been shifted to SKIMS Bemina and would prob- its continuing actions in Kashmir, but even as of ployed in the adjacent area to prevent any law over the counter anti-allergy tablets like anti- ably be referred to JLNM hospital for further this writing, reporting suggests that people in and order problem. histamines, leukotriene inhibitors, whereas CO- Learn From Home treatment,” informed Deputy Commissioner Kashmir are only able to access limited Internet During the search operation, door to door VID-19 symptoms do not respond to these over Baramulla Dr G N Itoo. sites and with extremely limited speeds,” the re- searches were conducted and the identity cards the counter cold medications”. Through Vmc ... Regarding cases from , sources port states. of the people were checked. The President JKSCD said that there was no rea- Live Online classes. The Live Online classes shall said that they include five females aged 41, 44, On 22 August 2019, a group of five United Na- Sources said that the operation was called off af- son to self isolate in case of a simple pollen al- continue till the restrictions are there and then 45, 46 and 75 of Wangam Nowgam besides a tions human-rights experts had issued a joint ter no contact with any militant was established. lergy. the students can gradually return to the class- 55-year-old of Pushroo Nowgam. statement asking the government to end the He however urged people to follow the gen- room delivery as things go back to normal . Regarding three cases from Bandipora, sources crackdown on freedom of expression, access to eral guidances for physical distancing, maintain They have ensured that all of the batches said that they include 36-year-old woman, a information and peaceful protests in Kashmir. hand hygiene and avoid touching ones face and that are scheduled to start in the coming weeks 14-year-old boy and 65-year-old man from Prepare for see a doctor non-urgently. “However, if symp- shall also start on time with the Online Live de- Gundjahangir village, one of the severely affect- toms get worse, or there is fever and/or progres- livery. The response to the Online Live Classes ed areas in the north Kashmir district. Post 3rd May... sive difficulty breathing seek urgent medical has been inspiring with thousands of students Regarding Kupwara, they said, a 6-year-old boy Lower Munda urged J&K Bank to reach out to the masses with care, ” he said. joining and participating. The feedback has also from Muqam-e-Shahwali tested positive for the the digital banking facilities by encouraging Dr Masood Rashid Spokesperson JKSCD request- been very encouraging from both parents and pestilence. Encounter Ends... them to use UPI, BHIM, QR in addition to the use ed administration to provide free masks to all students alike. Students are also getting their Budgam case is a 30-year-old female from Rat- According to the Senior Superintendent of Police of Aarogya Setu application. patients who seek medical advice in the health doubts cleared in smaller batches from their sun area of the central Kashmir district. (SSP) Kulgam, Gurinderpal Singh the operation He further directed the officers to take necessary set-up. centre teachers during the Live Classes for good Srinagar’s case is said to be a 75-year-old woman has ended with the killing of three militants. measures to fulfill the nutritional requirements Quoting a study, Dr Rashid said that if both COV- clarity of concepts. from Rainawari in central Kashmir district. “Bodies of all three militants were recovered of the vulnerable population with special focus ID-19 positive patient and his/her casual contact On the current scenario Vishnu Dutt Sharma, With these fresh cases, Bandipora now has 127 during the searches at the encounter site,” the on destitutes and slum dwellers. are wearing a mask the risk of transmission of CEO of VMC said “The pace at which VMC and COVID-19 patients, highest in all districts, fol- SSP said. the virus is very low. its students have adapted to the new reality has lowed by Srinagar (86), Shopian (68), Baramulla Meanwhile, sources said that the bodies were “As such, the benefit of wearing a mask ( even been a pleasant surprise for us as well as our (67), Kupwara (48), Anantnag (49), Jammu (26), taken to PCR Kashmir and as per the new poli- homemade one) cannot be overemphasised es- students and we are proud to say that our stu- (20), (15), Budgam (14), cy, the bodies would be buried in Baramulla or Free From Agra pecially now that evidence is forthcoming that dents are well on track to prepare and ace com- Kulgam (6), (4), Samba (4), Pulwama (3) Ganderbal after their funeral to be participated many patients (upto 50% in some parts of world) petitive exams like they always have. It is a great while Kathua, , Ramban and Reasi dis- by select members of the family in presence of Jail Quarantined with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic, ” he said. achievement as we have managed to eliminate tricts have one case each. a magistrate. two weeks in a private school. the impact of lockdown for most of our students’ Meanwhile, twenty seven people have recovered In case of the unidentified militants, the police They include Farooq Ahmed Bhat (45), son of preparations.” including 13 in Srinagar, 4 in Baramulla, three in hands over the body to local Auqaf of the area Muhammad Akbar Bhat of Larrow Jager, Ajaz Students are gaining admissions into Ganderbal, two each in Shopian and Udhampur where the bodies are buried and they perform Ahmed Tali (35), son of Ghulam Nabi, Muham- Aug 5 Has Changed VMC’s programs through their flagship National besides one each in Bandipora, Kupwara and their funeral by complying with the norms amid mad Rafiq Bhat son of Ghulam Ahmed of Tral-e- Admission Tests, which too have been conduct- . With them, 164 have recovered pandemic. Payeen, Muzaffar Ahmed Baba (44), son of Gh- Geopolitical... ed Online with unprecedented attendance rates while seven people six in Kashmir and one in ulam Muhammad, Bilal Ahmed Bhat (26), son Note at the first page of the publication. not seen even in offline classroom based tests. Jammu have died, leaving active cases at 375. of Abdul Hamid, a resident of Larrow Jager and "Year 2019 witnessed two significant events This isn’t the first occasion where VMC Meanwhile, according to officials, till date, 67570 Muzaffar Ahmed Bhat (53) son of Muhammad which will have lasting imprint on the geopoli- has managed to stay ahead of the curve, but travellers and persons in contact with suspected 4 Children Rafiq of Tral-e-Payeen. tics of this region; first, the unwarranted Balakot they have done so over the years: They were the cases have been enlisted for surveillance which Strike by on 26th February and first to introduce admission & talent screening includes 6320 persons in-home quarantine in- Among 6 Injured second, the unilateral annexation" of Jammu test for IIT-JEE coaching in 1990; First to intro- cluding facilities operated by government, 259 others require “surgical intervention.” and Kashmir on August 5, through abrogation duce computer based feedback and analysis of in Hospital Quarantine, 375 in hospital isolation, Official sources said that the blast occurred soon 369 Stranded of Article 370 and 35A, the Pakistan Army chief performance to students in 1995; In 1995, first and 9984 under home surveillance. Besides, after government forces withdrew from the en- said. to introduce a revision course for IITJEE prepara- 50625 persons have completed their surveil- counter site. Students Return. "Former was a coercive attempt to carve out tion - Final Step (FS); In 2007, for the first time lance period. With inputs from GNS Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kulgam, joining their families, the officials said. space for war under nuclear overhang and en- in India, VMC introduced online assessment for Gurinderpal Singh said that the area was sani- They said six students from Kargil, who also force compellence; adroitly denied by Pakistan IITJEE coaching; and in 2011, VMC launched its tized of the explosives while the announcement completed their quarantine period of 14 days in Air Force the very next day, through a calibrated Classroom Courses in 18 cities where classes was made, urging people not to venture into the Kathua, also joined the group from Ladakh. and proportionate response Indian craving for were conducted through latest VSAT Technol- Door-to-Door prohibited area. “We have also erected banners “The Jammu and Kashmir government had dis- establishing a New Normal was stymied com- ogy. there, asking people not to go near the spot. patched 15 SRTC buses three days back to bring prehensively. On the “Learn From Home” side, with VMC Health Survey... While we sanitized the area, it seems that some back 369 students who were left stranded in "The latter, despite condemnation by the World GURU they have been enrolling and educating Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Shahid Iqbal explosive had been left unnoticed which these Kota due to the lockdown. The students entered at large, continues to haunt the lives of over students who want to study completely online . Choudhary said that the survey is indispensable persons fiddled with, leading to the blast,” he Jammu and Kashmir this (Monday) morning, eight million Muslims" of Kashmir..." he wrote. They have courses that feature live classes from for better planning & response in fight against said, adding that five persons were injured and District Development Commissioner, Kathua, General Bajwa goes on to say: Kashmir is a nu- some of the best and hand-picked faculty across COVID-19. have been hospitalized. O P Bhagat, who himself received the students, clear flashpoint and in total disregard to interna- India. The live classes follow the same pedagogy “House-to-House Health Survey/Audit under Sources said that five of the injured were shift- said. tional norms, Mr (Narendra) Modi has not only of teaching and the same high quality of teach- progress in #Srinagar. Indispensable for better ed to SDH Dooru and one critically wounded, He said all the students were screened by the endangered the immediate neighbourhood, but ing as their coveted classroom programs but planning & response. Sporadic reports of non- 15-year-old Obaid Beigh son of Bashir Ahmad special team of doctors and later allowed to has also raised the ante for the entire World. turn out to be more cost efficient as VMC incurs cooperation. Request Citizens to pl help visiting Beigh of Lower Munda was admitted to emer- move towards their respective districts. The powerful army, which has ruled Pakistan for lesser costs in delivering these programs. teams for accurate health data. It’s a collective gency hospital Qazigund. “Eight buses with students of Kashmir and La- more than half of its 70 plus years of existence, The online students will get access to the fight against COVID-19,” Choudhary tweeted. Dr Asima Nazir, Medical Superintendent of dakh left for Srinagar. Six students of Kargil, has hitherto wielded considerable power in the same resources – scientifically designed study emergency hospital Qazigund said that one in- who had completed administrative quarantine matters of security and foreign policy. material, national level test series, personal- jured was administered first aid and later shifted in Kathua, also boarded the Ladakh-bound bus,” Pakistan and India were almost on the brink of ized analysis and mentoring – as is available to SMHS hospital Srinagar for specialized treat- he said. a war following the Pulwama in to the classroom students of VMC. The Learn Govt Extends ment. Officials said a group of 57 students from Ladakh Jammu and Kashmir in February 2019 that killed from Home solutions have both light as well as Dr Rafiq Salathia, Medical Superintendent of Sub is travelling from Kota to their home districts. dozens of CRPF soldiers and prompted India to detailed courses tailored to the unique require- High Speed... District Hospital Duroo said that three of the five Bhagat said all the students would go through carry out air strikes on allged militant camps in ments of different students. This turns out to be due to the gradual easing of restrictions on ac- injured were referred to GMC Anantnag as “they mandatory administrative quarantine as a pre- Balakot city in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa a great solution for those students who don’t cess to the internet while ensuring that rights needed surgical intervention.” Two others have cautionary measure after reaching their home province. have an access to VMC’s centres due to distance and interests of the citizens are not affected ad- been admitted and given required treatment, he districts The strained ties between India and Pakistan or cities or those who require a more flexible versely.” added. further nose-dived following the abrogation of program that can fit into their daily schedule or “Now, therefore, on consideration of the overall The five injured have been identified as Aakash Article 370 in August to withdraw the special even those who want the high quality prepara- security scenario and the reports of the law en- Ayoub Rather son of Mohammad Ayoub Rather status of Jammu and Kashmir. The move an- tion programs of VMC at a much lesser price. forcing agencies, I am satisfied that there is no of Badermuna, Sameer Ahmad Beigh son of Mo- 2 Pairs Of gered Pakistan, which downgraded diplomatic VMC is also offering flat 35% Anti-COVID schol- other alternative but to continue with the speed hammad Sidiq Beigh, Mehran Showket son of ties with India and expelled the Indian High arships for these programs to help students fight restrictions in respect of access to the internet Showket Ahmad Ganie, Zubair Ahmad Shah son Siblings Washed Commissioner stationed in Islamabad. Coronavirus and achieve their dreams. through mobiles while providing unrestricted of Syed Abdul Ali and Khurshid Ahmad, all resi- said that Rs 8 lacs, 4 lac each, would be given as India has categorically told the international fixed-line connectivity i.e. without any speed dents of Lower Munda. ex-gratia to the bereaved family under SDRF. community that the scrapping of Article 370 restrictions, and, accordingly, in the interest of A report from Shopian said two sisters were was its internal matter. It also advised Pakistan the sovereignty and the integrity of India, the killed due to flash floods triggered by heavy to accept the reality and stop all anti-India pro- Modernisation Security of the State and for maintaining pub- rains in Chotipora area of the district on Monday paganda. lic order, ....I, Principal Secretary to the Govern- People Hold evening. In the 'Green Book 2020' editorial, Editor-in- ment, Home Department, hereby direct that Reports said that the two sisters who were walk- Chief Lt Gen Sher Afgan made a case for the Of Land Records there shall (restrictions on access to the internet Funeral Prayers... ing on the bank of a stream were washed away changing global order due to the impact of the suggestions and requested amendments in RFP. with mobile data services restricted to 2G only,” Reports said that at least 3 militants were killed due to the flash floods. latest technologies and revolutions in the mili- reads the order, adding that these restrictions in Lower Munda Kulgam encounter. Among The sisters have been identified as Khalida (25) tary and strategic thoughts. shall continue till May 11. them one is top militant commander Asif Majid and Sumiya (23) daughters of Ghulam Moham- "New players like & are pushing the Dar. mad Pal. US led International Liberal Order towards an Opening Of KNT news agency reported that over 100 people The incident occurred late Monday evening, re- era of more multipolar power centres. Regional- offered funeral prayers in absentia for the slain ports said. ism is gaining currency, Populism sentiment is Offices At Civil... militant at his native village Dangar Mohalla Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Waja- high and traditional power centres are grappling his satisfaction over the arrangements. He re- J&K's Internet Kakapora area of South Kashmir’s Pulwama dis- hat Hussain said that soon after the incident a to remain atop, he wrote. viewed the facilities at the health dispensary trict. search operation was launched to retrieve the He said that South Asia, due to its strategic lo- and directed for ensuring availability of medical Restrictions... The funeral prayers were offered after the culmi- bodies of the duo. When reports last came in at cation and role in world politics, is also under officer and keeping ample stock of medicines in to Human Rights Council’s 44th session sched- nation of Zuhar Prayers. around 9 PM, the searches to find out the bodies a great impact of this rapid transformation in the dispensary. According to the report minor stone-pelting were going on the geo-politics and geo-economics and Paki- Tuesday| 28-04-2020 3

DIAL-EMMA • TRAFFIC POLICE : 9419993745, 01998-266686 • PCR: 0194-2452092,2455883 No SoP followed to treat, bury • PDD: 0194-2450213 • FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES : 2479488,2452222,2452155 • CAPD: 18001807011 pregnant lady of South Kashmir • SMC HEALTH OFFICER: 9469409081 AIRPORTS SHIEK UL ALAM AIRPORT: 01942303311 Agencies dence and gave her burial bath. medical staff had to literally beg for vid report would have come. "As per the As per the standard operating pro- safety gears, he said, adding that no WHO guidelines, all pregnant women RAILWAYS Anantnag: The death of a pregnant wom- cedures (SOPS), the pregnant women SOP was followed as her samples for who visit hospital have to be treated • SRINAGAR: 0194-2103259 an in south Kashmir whose Covid-19 in red zones shall be enlisted and they covid-19 should have been taken before as covid-19 probable and this lady was • ANANTNAG: 01932-228243 test turned out positive has triggered shall be managed at health centres es- seven days whether she was symptom- from the red zone and made her more • BARAMULLA: 0194-102029 fears that another hotspot of the disease tablished in red and buffer zones. atic or asymptomatic. suspected," said another doctor. • BIJBHERA: 01932-228243 may emerge in Anantnag district. According to SOP, all the asymptom- "The medical staff and attendants Principal Government Medical Col- • : 01933-294132 There have been allegations that atic pregnant women shall be tested one were worried as swabs of pregnant lege Dr Showkat Jeelani said that three • : 01954-293507 the Anantnag Maternity and Childcare week before the expected date of delivery lady were taken for testing after her doctors, two nurses and few medicos • QAZIGUND: 01951-296153 Hospital, where the 32-year old woman (EDD) using rapid antibody tests. How- death," the doctor said. “The medical were immediately asked to go for home pregnant with twins died on Saturday, ever the hospital authorities have failed staff is in complete shock since her quarantine after the death of lady. HIGHWAY STATUS did not follow the proper protocol as to set up an isolation facility for the ex- tests came positive.” He further claimed that the lady • Sgr-Jammu highway - ( Open ) they handed over the body to her family pecting mothers coming from red zones Soon after allegations, an inquiry was presumed as covid-19 patient and • - (Closed) before the test result came as a result of at MCH Anantnag, there by risking the committee was constituted and asked to was buried as per WHO guidelines. • Srinagar- Leh- (Closed) which a large number of people attended lives of patients as well as attendants. submit its report within three days. Offi- Asked that there was an evidence that her funeral at Larnoo Anantnag. The A doctor, requesting anonymity cials sources said that despite knowing hundreds of people have participated in test result came late Sunday, hours after that the deceased lady wasn't kept in that she is from red zone area and taking her last rites, he said: “We too have re- she was buried. isolation ward and she came in contact her samples for covid-19 testing, body ports that few of her relatives have took According to reports, over 100 with dozens of patients and attendants. was handed over to family for last rites. part in her funeral. We have rushed a people took part in her funeral besides “She was taken to labour room but They said authorities should have team there to trace her all possible con- Prayers dozens of ladies were present at her resi- before treating her, doctors and para- kept her body in a mortuary till her co- tacts.” (KNO) FAJR 4: 16 Hijri ZUHR 12: 28 18 patients COVID holds tight grip on Calendar ASR 5:16 discharged from 04 Ramazan Magrib 7:15 Srinagar hospital Bandipora with 126 positive cases 1441 ISHA 8:43 rinagar: Eighteen persons, who were hospitalized after testing positive for es, 84 were reported from Hajin medical Coronavirus last month, block and 42 from Bandipora block. In This Day In History wereS discharged from JVC SKIMS Gundjhangeer over 51 patients have been Bemina hospital today after tested positive and in Gund-Qaiser over • 1949 - Former Philippine First Lady Aurora Quezon, 61, assassi- repeatedly testing negative for the 26 people have been tested positive so far. nated while en route to dedicate a hospital in memory of her late infection they had contracted. Deputy Commissioner Bandipora husband; her daughter and 10 others also killed Among these 18 persons, Shahbaz Ahmad Mirza informed that the • 1951 - Mohammad Mosaddegh elected Prime Minister of by only 5 are locals while rest survey is being conducted to break the the Parlia¬ment of Iran (Majlis) are those who were part of the chain of Coronavirus in the district. He • 1952 - WW II Pacific peace treaty takes effect Tableegi Jamat and hail from said in the level one, 300 Booth Area level • 1956 - Last French troops leave Vietnam • 1958 - Great Britain performs atmospheric nuclear test at Christ- and New Delhi. Group (BAG) teams have been constitut- mas Island Principal JVC SKIMS, Dr ed comprising of a Booth Level Worker, • 1958 - Vanguard TV-5 launched for Earth orbit (failed) Reyaz Untoo told KNT that 18 Anganwari Worker and Aasha worker. • 1965 - US marines invade Dominican Republic, stay until October patients were discharged from He said the teams will visit every house- 1966 the hospital after their recovery hold and shall enquire about the well • 1967 - Muhammad Ali refuses induction into army & stripped of from lethal COVID-19 infection. being of every individual, HE said the boxing title He added that among these 18 teams will update the health status of ev- • 1969 - Charles de Gaulle resigns as president of France1971 - Sam- patients, 5 hail from Kashmir’s ery individual on mobile app “Swasthya uel Lee Gravely Jr becomes 1st black admiral in US Navy and Baramulla towns. Nidhi App”. • 1972 - Courts award 1968 Kentucky Derby prize money to 2nd An official said that "more than 250 place winner due to the winner being given drugs before the race Lone brother of people in Gund-Qaiser village Covid-19 • 1973 - Over 6000 Mk. 82 500 pound bombs detonate over 18 hrs hotspot were placed under administra- in a railyard in northern California. 5500 structures damaged, six sisters dies in Total number of cases in the district now stands tive quarantine and the rest of the villag- town of Antelope destroyed, with every building reduced to foun- ers have been quarantined in their homes dations. Leads to Transpor¬tation Safety Act (1974) road accident at 126 of which 103 are active while 22 people have after the number of patients in this Ku- • 1975 - South-Vietnam Gen Duong Van Minh sworn in as president mar-Mohalla Gund-Qaiser village was in- till April 30 ulwama: A youth died on been discharged so far. A patient has also died due to creasing day by day. • 1977 - Andreas Baader and members of terrorist group the Red Monday after being hit He said that the " village has been Army Fac¬tion (Baader-Meinhof Gang) jailed for life after a trial Covid-19 in Gund-Jahengeer village of Hajin lasting nearly 2 years in Stuttgart, Germany by a Tipper in Pathan sealed off by the authorities, and every- • 1977 - The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of village of south Kashmir's one who lives there put into quarantine. the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Proce- PPulwama district. The authorities conducted a house to dure is signed. The deceased has been Agencies were found positive, who belong to Gund- house survey and screened over 2000 peo- • 1983 - Argentine government declares all 15-30,000 missing per- identified as nayat Ahmad Wani Jahangeer. “Total number of cases in ple in the village. sons dead son of Ali Mohammad Wani from Bandipora: Three more people in Ban- the district now stands at 126 of which "All essentials will be supplied to • 1983 - NASA launches Geos-F Sanzwatri village of Pulwama was dipora, who had close contact with pre- 103 are active while 22 people have been them. We have sent our teams to distrib- • 1986 - Soviet TV news program Vremya announces a nuclear ac- riding a Scooty when he was hit vious cases, tested positive for deadly discharged so far. A patient has also died ute masks to residents, conduct surveys cident at Chernobyl nuclear power station, 2 days after the event by a Tipper. COVID-19 on Monday, taking the toll in due to Covid-19 in Gund-Jahengeer vil- and anybody with a cough or a fever is • 1987 - NBA announces expansion to Charlotte NC & Miami Fla in "It was so instant that I can't Bandipora to 126. lage of Hajin,” he said. being tested for covid-19. We are now test- 1988 & Minneapolis Minn & Orlando Fla in 1989 get myself to believe it actually An official said that three more cases He said that out of the total 123 cas- ing more and more people every day." • • 1988 - Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 roof tears off in flight; kills happened. The boy was badly stewardess. injured and died on the spot," one • 1989 - Argentina, hit by rocketing inflation, runs out of money of the eye-witnesses said. • 1989 - Iran protests sale of “Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie It is pertinent to mention that • 1991 - Space Shuttle STS 39 (Discovery 12) launched the youth was a lone brother of • 1993 - Carlo Ciampi forms Italian government with ex-communists six sisters. • 1993 - Zambian plane crashes at Libreville, Gabon, 30 soccer play- LeT militant, his ers die Meanwhile, a police team • 1994 - Aldrich Ames, former CIA officer & wife Rosario plead reached the spot for investigations guilty to spy¬ing. in connection with the mishap and associate arrested in Uri • 1994 - Freddy Thielemans sworn in as Mayor of Brussels, Belgium arrested the Tipper driver. • 1995 - Gas explosion in South Korean metro, 103 die • 1995 - Sri Lankaan BAE748 crashes at Palaly, 52 die Agencies • 2001 - Millionaire Dennis Tito becomes the world’s first space tourist. People using old Chandigarh Returned Engineer • 2003 - Andre Agassi recaptures the world no. 1 ranking to become Baramulla: Jammu and Kashmir the old¬est top-ranked male in the history of the ATP rankings passes to violate police on Monday claimed to have (33 years, 13 days) arrested a militant and his associ- Turned Militant Among Dead • 2005 - The Patent Law Treaty goes into effect. lockdown: DC Sgr ate in Uri area of north Kashmir’s • 2013 - 8 people are killed and dozens are injured after Taliban at- rinagar: Deputy Commis- . rinagar: Only one ‘militant asso- the uncle of the slain said over phone. At tacks on election candidates in Pakistan sioner Srinagar Dr Shahid Police officials said that a joint ciate’, and not four militants as around 6:45 p.m., he said, someone called SIqbal Chaudhary on Monday team of Army, Police and CRPF laid Sclaimed by the government forces him and he left. said curfew passes issued by the earlier, was killed at Guddar in the Devsar “We called him at around 7:12 p.m., administration are being misused area of the south Kashmir district. The his phone was ringing but he did not an- From Ko Archives which is damaged the very motive slain, Aqib Mushtaq Lone who had com- swer. There was firing and I told them of the administration to fight the pleted engineering recently from a college (family) he is killed.” Manmohan and I will resolve Covid-19 pandemic. He said people in Chandigarh, is a son of a police officer Bashir Ahmad said that body has are using old passes issued in year posted in Srinagar, reported news agency been taken to Srinagar. “Mushtaq Ahmad Kashmir: Musharraf 2014 and 2016 to violation lockdown “There were four to six militants but (father of slain) is in Srinagar,” he added. guidelines which is very unfortu- only one militant was killed at Guddar Meanwhile, a police spokesman said SLAMABAD - Hoping that Kashmir issue would nate as entire administration is on area,” according to the Senior Superinten- that in view of inputs regarding militants be resolved during his as well as Prime Minis- roads to protect the people. dent of Police (SSP) Kulgam, Gurinder Pal. planning to abduct and murder police per- ter Manmohan Singh’s tenure, President Pervez Dr Shahid said that 30 per cent Asked whether the slain was an Over sonnel, exhaustive domination was being Musharraf has said both of them realised after passes were issued to the essential Ground Worker of militants or a militant carried out by joint forces of Kulgam Po- theirI recent talks that they should “seize the moment” services departments. “But 90 per a naka near Namla Bridge Uri where himself, the police officer said: “He hurled lice, RR and CRPF from the last few days. and contribute to peace, amity and harmony between cent of the curfew passes issued they apprehended one militant and his grenades and fired from a pistol.” Howev- “On Sunday, 26 April 2020 at about the two countries. are being misused by the people. associate, saying that arms and ammu- er, a police spokesman said that he was a 2000 hours one of such patrolling party Musharraf said he and Singh did not discuss any We have observed people are using nition were recovered from their pos- militant associate. of joint forces was attacked by militants specific time frame to resolve the Kashmir issue during old passes issued in 2014 and 2016. session. To a question about the deleting of numbering 4 to 6 in between villages Cheh- their recent talks in New Delhi but he expected it to be They have kept these passes in On preliminary enquiry, officials tweets by police regarding the encounter, lan and Asthal,” the spokesman said. resolved during their tenures. laminated form with old signa- said that the duo has been identified first claiming two militants were killed “In the exchange of firing that ensued, “We did not discuss a time frame as such. But one tures and only dates have been as Zubair Ahmad Tantry@ AbuBa- and later followed it with as many more one army officer received firearm injuries.” does realise, he does and I do, that we both now are at a changed,” he said. kar, son of Ghulam Mohammad Tan- militants killed at Guddar, the SSP said: The attack was followed by an ex- juncture in history at a time where we can contribute to DC Srinagar further said that try of Baharampora , an active “Please see the twitter handles. It was not change of firing between forces and mili- peace, amity and harmony between India and Pakistan. doctors were given red coloured militant of LeT outfit and his associate done by me.” tants in which forces confirmed having hit We are lucky, I would say to be the personalities, who passes with an aim that they will Bilal Ahmad Rather, son of Ghulam A resident of Shuch Kulgam, Aqib had 2 to 4 militants. “The exchange of firing at this time and at this point, can play a role,” he said show the same to the men on Mohammad Rather of Sahura Uri. completed engineering from a college in stopped around 2200 hrs. Due to expansive during an interactive programme’ Apke Roobaroo’ on ground from distance so that they “On search, a huge cache of arms Chandigarh, according to his uncle Bashir area of search, undulating terrain and to- the state-run FT V Musharraf said both he and Singh are not stopped. “But we have and ammunitions and other incrimi- Ahmad. Some reports suggest that he had tal darkness, it was decided to carry out realised that “we should seize the moment This is the seen these red passes with names nating material was recovered,” of- completed B.Tech. a search of the area after first light,” the word. We must seize the moment Otherwise we would changed and copies of passes,” he ficials said, adding that a case under “I saw him around 6:30 doing ablution. spokesman said, adding, “When search be letting down two nations and the people of Kashmir. said. “For instance, if an employee FIR number 49/2020 under various I asked why was he doing ablution early as started in the morning, the body of an Now what is seizing the moment if we both have to be is given a pass to travel on a par- provisions of Indian Arms Act, Indian there was still time for (Magrib) Nimaz. unknown militant associate along with a seize the moment, it should be done within our tenure.” ticular stretch, he is seen travel- Explosives Act and Unlawful Activity He told me it was better to be ready early,” pistol and a grenade were recovered.” GNS (Kashmir Observer, 28 April, 2005) ling on a different stretch.” (Prevention) Act has been registered KashmirKashmir Observer Observer 44Friday,Friday, 01 01 February, February, 2013 2013 OPINIONOPINION

VIEWPOINTVIEWPOINT KKASHMIRASHMIR OOBSERVERBSERVER SRINAGAR,SRINAGAR, Friday, Friday, February February 01, 01, 2013 2013 AA LONGLONG WAYWAYSunday TOTO Observer GOGO undone whatever little may have catedcated forfor thethe ObserverObserver GroupGroup else-else- hehe would would like like to to remain remain Indian, Indian, but but I I ILOOFAR URESHI undone whatever little may have NNILOOFAR Q QURESHI beenbeen achievedachieved byby thethe CBMs.CBMs. wherewhere in in difficult difficult economic economic times. times. willwill request request the the government government of of India India However,However, despitedespite bothboth sidessides re-re- However,However, asas expected,expected, thisthis (to)(to) please please provide provide him him security.” security.” StrikingStriking atat RootsRoots FORFOR THOSE THOSE WHO WHO HAD HAD iteratingiterating that that the the bilateral bilateral ties ties had had not not ‘noble’‘noble’ proposition proposition with with fiscal fiscal import import NotNot content content with with his his ‘request’ ‘request’ to to PLACED THEIR BETS ON beenbeen derailed,derailed, thethe recentrecent turnturn ofof failedfailed to to cut cut any any ice ice as as the the issue issue un- un- thethe Government Government of of India, India, Malik Malik went went OCIETAL TRENDS guided by the political elite have shorn PLACED THEIR BETS ON events suggest otherwise. New der discussion was an open debate on to appeal to the Indian public that, OCIETAL TRENDS guided by the political elite have shorn ‘’, 2013 HAS events Sendsuggest your otherwise. write ups New andder feedback discussion at was an open debate on to appeal to the Indian public that, thethe teaching teaching profession profession of of its its status status and and sanctity, sanctity, turning turning it it ‘AMAN KI ASHA’, 2013 HAS Delhi,Delhi, suddenly suddenly like like a a bolt bolt out out of of the the onon peacekeepingpeacekeeping andand notnot onon auster-auster- “I“I wouldwould likelike toto requestrequest allall IndianIndian | CERTAINLY BROUGHT blue,blue, raked raked up up the the [email protected] ityity measures.measures. brothersbrothers andand sisterssisters andand allall thosethose intointo just just another Tuesdayanother vocation vocation with with28-04- little little to to distinguish distinguish2020 it it from, from, CERTAINLY BROUGHT BADBAD NEWS. NEWS. BUT BUT AREN’T AREN’T issueissue ofof thethe rel-rel- WhyWhy NewNew DelhiDelhi WhyOpiniWhy NewNew whowho areare talkingtalking o inin aa negativenegativen wayway say,say, hawking hawking garments garments on on the the streets. streets. The The adventurous, adventurous, glam- glam- evanceevance ofof thethe UNUN DelhiDelhi decideddecided toto aboutabout Shah Shah Rukh, Rukh, they they should should know know THEY THEMSELVES TO BE Military Observer decideddecided toto deviatedeviate fromfrom deviate from its he is a movie star." orousSorous and and challenging challenging enterprise enterprise of of kindling, kindling, illuminating illuminating and and en- en- THEY THEMSELVES TO BE Military Observer deviate from its he is a movie star." S kashmir BLAMEDBLAMED FOR FOR EXPECTING EXPECTING GroupGroup itsits age-oldage-old policypolicy ofof age-oldage-old policypolicy ofof WhileWhile NewNew DelhiDelhi maymay bebe an-an- lighteninglightening tendertender youngyoung mindsminds hashas becomebecome aa lack-lustrelack-lustre andand (UNMOGIP) on ‘letting the sleep- noyed at Malik’s ‘request’, the THE IMPOSSIBLE? (UNMOGIP) on ‘letting‘letting thethe sleepingsleeping ‘letting the sleep- noyed at Malik’s ‘request’, the uninspiringuninspiring activity activity devoid devoid of of its its sorely-needed sorely-needed spirit, spirit, mainly mainly be- be- THE IMPOSSIBLE? thethe LoC LoC in in Jammu Jammu inging dogsdogs lie’lie’ toto peoplepeople of of India India will will perhaps perhaps remain remain and Kashmir. dogsdogs lie’lie’ toto bringbring upup thethe bring up the ever grateful to the Pakistani Inte- causecause successive successive leaderships leaderships (if (if they they deserve deserve that that name) name) have have been been and Kashmir. bring up the ever grateful to the Pakistani Inte- XPECTINGXPECTINGNeed THATTHAT thethe DeclaringDeclaring thatthat VentilatorsUNMOGIPUNMOGIP issueissue andand UNMOGIPUNMOGIP issueissue riorrior MinisterMinister forfor enlighteningenlightening themthem tootoo occupied occupied with with other, other, more more lucrative, lucrative, concerns concerns to to bother bother about about venomvenom ofof hatredhatred infusedinfused “UNMOGIP’s“UNMOGIP’s role role andand thethe timingtiming itit withwith the the fact fact that that Shahrukh Shahrukh Khan Khan is is Printed & Published by Sajjad Haider on behalf of the the timing it chose whatwhat is is the the corner-stone corner-stone of of the the well-being well-being of of a a people. people. This This has has had had intointo their their people people over over the the hashas beenbeen over-over- the timing it chose chosechose toto dodo so,so, “a“a movie movie star!” star!” Kashmir Observer LLP yearsyears byby thethe leadersleaders onon takentaken byby thethe toto dodo so,so, defiesdefies defiesdefies compre-compre- CanCan bilateralbilateral tiesties betweenbetween IndiaIndia aa direct direct bearing bearing on on the the condition condition of of schools schools and and their their performance. performance. both sides could easily Shimla Agreement hension. So, and Pakistan improve if Pakistan both sides could easily Shimla Agreement comprehension. So, hension. So, and Pakistan improve if Pakistan ByBy an anPublished ironic ironic twist twist from: of of #circumstance, circumstance, 5- Boulevard, Srinagar-190001 the the teaching teaching profession profession has has andEandE quicklyquickly bebe remediedremedied merelymerely byby ofof 19721972 betweenbetween comprehension. So, whilewhile nothingnothing agreesagrees that that the the UNMOGIP UNMOGIP is is not not re- re- the antidote of ‘Confidence Build- IndiaNot and Paki- Bombscame out of this quired any longer in J&K and India beenbeen for for long, Printedlong, the the at: last KTlast Pressresort resort Pvt. of of the Ltd,the capable Rangrethcapable and andInd theArea, the destination destination Srinagar. of of the antidote of ‘Confidence Build- India and Paki- whilewhile nothingnothing camecame outout came out of this quired any longer in J&K and India inging Measures’Measures’ (CBMs)(CBMs) whilewhile theythey stan,stan, signedsigned byby of this debate, old debate,debate, oldold reciprocatesreciprocates byby providingproviding ShahrukhShahrukh choicechoice for forRNI those those Registration who who are are No:unable unable 69503/98 to to fit fit in in anywhere anywhere else. else. When When the the themselvesthemselves continue continue to to foster foster an an en- en- thethe HeadsHeads ofof thethe of this debate, old woundswounds werewere re-re- KhanKhan ‘Z’ ‘Z’ category category security? security? vironmentvironment of of mutual mutual mistrust! mistrust! twotwo governmentsgovernments woundswounds werewere reopenedreopened openedopened andand ThoughThough the the recent recent exchanges exchanges be- be- screeningscreeningPostal process process Registration for for entry entry intoNo-L/159/KO/SK/2014-16 into this this field field - - on on which which the the entire entire social social edifice rests - should have been highly stringent, it had largely be- TheThe reactionreaction ofof NewNew DelhiDelhi andand andand ratifiedratified byby andand normalisationnormalisation ofof normalisationnormalisation ofof tweentween New New Delhi Delhi and and Islamabad Islamabad may may edifice restsEditor-in-Chief - should have : Sajjad been Haider highly stringent, it had largely be- IslamabadIslamabad to to the the recent recent incidents incidents on on theirtheir respectiverespective thethe bilateralbilateral tiesties bringbring a a whiff whiff of of humour humour into into our our lives, lives, comecome a a hit- hit- and-trial and-trial exercise exercise with with the the barest barest minimum minimum regard regard for for thethe LoCLoC servesserves asas aa grimgrim reminderreminder parliaments,”parliaments,” thethe thethe bilateralbilateral tiesties betweenbetween NewNew thethe dismal dismal future future of of the the bilateral bilateral rela- rela- Legal Counsel: Tasaduq Khwaja thatthat thethe basicbasic philosophyphilosophy ofof ‘build-‘build- IndianIndian representa- representa- betweenbetween New New Delhi Delhi DelhiDelhi andand tions,tions, whichwhich thethe presentpresent ‘line‘line ofof en-en- talent,talent, skill skill and and temperament. temperament. ing bridges’ through CBM initiatives tive suggested its Islamabad has gagement’ portends, is disquieting Switchboard: (0194) 2106304 ing bridges’ through CBM initiatives tive suggested its Islamabad has gagement’ portends, is disquieting HavingHaving been been active active partners partners in in ruining ruining the the state-run state-run school school sys- sys- byby increasing increasing ‘people ‘people to to people’ people’ con- con- termination.termination. andand IslamabadIslamabad hashas takentaken yetyet anotheranother andand sendssends shiversshivers downdown thethe spine.spine. tem,tem, the the rulingEditorial: ruling classes classes (0194) now now2502327 abdicate abdicate all all responsibility responsibility by by dumping dumping tacttact is is flawed. flawed. AsAs expected,expected, takentaken yetyet anotheranother bodybody bodybody blow.blow. ItIt is is high high time time that that leaders leaders of of both both Flawed,Flawed, not not because because the the concept concept PakistanPakistan stronglystrongly IslamabadIslamabad tootoo countriescountries stop stop behaving behaving like like school- school- thethe educational educationalEmail editorial: sector sector into [email protected] the the private private lap. lap. This This is is seen seen in in the the lavish lavish inin itselfitself isis wrong,wrong, butbut becausebecause thethe denounceddenounced NewNew blow.blow. IslamabadIslamabad tootoo seemsseems toto bebe itch-itch- childrenchildren andand remedyremedy thethe seriousserious supportsupport to to fashionable fashionable and and prohibitively prohibitively expensive expensive private private schools schools leadersleaders themselves themselves don’t don’t seem seem to to be be Delhi’sDelhi’s contention contention seemsseems toto bebe itchingitching forfor inging forfor aa chancechance ‘foot-in-the-‘foot-in-the- mouth’mouth’ disease,disease, whichwhich andand the the mushrooming mushrooming of of lesser lesser copycats copycats who who are are making making a a finan- finan- interestedinterested inin settingsetting anan exampleexample byby byby sayingsaying thatthat nono a chance to ‘take toto ‘take‘take on’on’ NewNew seemsseems to to have have afflicted afflicted them. them. Till Till this this displayingdisplaying confidence confidence in in each each other. other. bilateralbilateral agree-agree- a chance to ‘take Delhi.Delhi. JustJust aa dayday happens,happens, ‘Aman ‘Aman ki ki Asha’ Asha’ will will remain remain cialcial killingkillingExiting inin thethe absenceabsence ofTheof aa dependabledependable Lockdown andand affordableaffordable publicpublic Though,Though, bothboth countriescountries areare nownow mentment betweenbetween thethe on’on’ NewNew Delhi.Delhi. afterafter thethe Jamaat-Jamaat- aa distantdistant dreamdream andand bilateralbilateral rela-rela- structure.structure. It It is is nothing nothing short short of of a a scandal scandal that that parents parents should should avoid avoid showingshowing somesome sanitysanity inin theirtheir deal-deal- twotwo nationsnations hadhad ud-Dawaud-Dawa Chief,Chief, tionstions willwill becomebecome anotheranother ‘comedy‘comedy sending their wardss to the government second phase schools of onlockdown account of nears the latter’s the ings,ings, thethe damagedamage donedone toto thethe pre-pre- “overtaken“overtaken oror affected”affected” thethe rolerole oror HafizHafiz SaeedSaeed offeredoffered ‘asylum’‘asylum’ toto circus’!circus’! sending their wardsend, to government the union government schools on account is in a of bind the latter’sas to cariouscarious bilateral bilateral relationship relationship between between legalitylegality of of the the UNMOGIP. UNMOGIP. BollywoodBollywood star star Sharukh Sharukh Khan, Khan, Paki- Paki- ushtaq urra dismaldismal record,record, andandthe preferprefer future. seedyseedy The andand government crowdedcrowded privateprivate is unenviably optionsoptions nono thethe twotwo byMby irresponsibleirresponsible A H statementsstatements NewNew DelhiDelhi initiatedinitiated thethe stanistani Interior Interior Minister Minister Rehman Rehman Malik Malik mattermatter how howA mercenary mercenarycaught they they between are. are. the desperate need to flat- likelike “there“there cancan bebe nono businessbusiness asas UNMOGIPUNMOGIP debate debate under under the the garb garb of of tootoo joinedjoined inin byby sayingsaying thatthat thoughthough NILOOFARNILOOFAR QURESHI QURESHI is is based based in in New New Delhi Delhi and and ten the Covid-19 curve and to revive the economy. It usual”usual” andand “war“war mongering”mongering” hashas betterbetter spendingspending ofof resourcesresources allo-allo- SharukhSharukh Khan Khan “is “is a a born born Indian Indian and and cancan be be reached reached at: at: niloofar niloofar.qur.qureshi@[email protected] StudentsStudentsis a tough clearedcleared situation byby thethe state-runstate-run to be in. school schoolIn fact, systemsystem the urgency inin KashmirKashmir to oftenoften barely barelyreopen make make the the the economy grade grade in in rudimentary isrudimentary becoming literacy, literacy,greater particularly particularly by the day in in What is the logic across the world. But in a country like India where a ruralrural and andsignificant remote remote areas. areas. population This This is is sought sought ekes to outto be be a cloaked handcloaked to by bymouth the the perfor- perfor- exis- behind the scare mancemance ofoftence, aa handfulhandful it is impossible ofof privateprivate schools, schools,to continue withwith with nono thoughtthought an indefinite forfor thethe createdTiredTired by the ofof Thinking?Thinking? ComeCome toto aa ConclusionConclusion colossalcolossal amounts lockdown.amounts spent spent More on on so,running running when a a vast thevast governmentnetwork network of of under-per- under-per-is in no If he wereHE a cricketer WORLD — has which come I rather to a ofpower. marks, remember.”USA and the former USSR toldof totalme thatfreedom his toailing pursue mother the pathways was of position to extend a monetary help to the poor and If he were a cricketer — which I rather of marks, remember.” of total freedom to pursue the pathways of KKpandemicEVINEVIN M MARTINARTIN when its doubt since hestandstill. possessed not Every one jot heartof cricket is foughtThis generallythe prolonged got the ashen-faced battle ofones inone’s dire own need mind, of afrolic ventilator in the fields but of all an idyl- formingforming institutions. needyinstitutions. beyond Howsoever Howsoever a point. So,sound sound the the unionthe system system government may may appear appear faces on on doubt since he possessed not one jot of cricket nervesThis generallypopularly got theknown ashen-faced as the ones theone’s available own mind, ventilators frolic in the in fields SKIMS of an idyl- vocabulary in hisbroken speech and — butevery if he soul were isa moving a few feet forward in a determined lic nature and dream of writing lines that paper,paper, onona thethedifficult groundground choice. itit isis asas And ricketyrickety it has andand to run-down run-downmake this as aschoice thethe schoolschool in a mortality rate is just vocabulary ingrief his speech stricken — but and if he everywere a movingCold war. a few This feet politics forward of in power a determined led Souralic nature were andoccupied. dream Iof do writing not need lines that ‘IN‘IN CONCLUSION’CONCLUSION’ was was a a favourite favourite cricketercricketermindT Mr Mr is P P wouldobsessed would have have with been been thecategorised categorised fear of efforteffortto the to to accumulation overcome overcome their their ofresisting resisting deadly wills. wills. weap- torhymed rhymedgive data and and anddescribed described figures life life ofin in amedical a more more natural natural houseshouses spread spreadfew days all all over over from.now. rural rural Kashmir Kashmir chronically chronically starved starved of of staff staff and and Initial pointers from the prime minister Narendra Mo- phrasephrasefour of of a a teacher teacheror five of of mine mine percent. — — a a man man of of scien- scien- asas an andeath. all all rounder. rounder. People This This are is is because because frightened he he was was of three three the ons,ChemistryChemistry missiles, periods periodsfighter were werejets andabout about other tables tables equipmentswayway — — a a way wayavailable that that had had in nothing nothing our tertia to to do do- with with properproper equipment. equipment.di’s meeting Reports Reports with chief of of under-manned under-manned ministers on Monday schools, schools, have particularly particularly under- tifictific qualification; qualification; a a man man who who looked looked at at you you sciencesciencetragic teachers teachers disaster rolled rolled which into into one. hasone. almostHe He taught taught as- withwithsophisticated cryptic cryptic symbols symbols armoury. and and water water thatThe that changed changedtwo ryscience? science?care hospitals. atat the the primary primarylined thatlevel, level, the are are states a a routine routine with featureafeature growing such such number areas, areas, whileof while Covid-19 insti- insti- andandWhy perceived perceived are atoms atoms lockdowns and and molecules. molecules. Mr Mr P, P, let’s let’s Physics,Physics,sumed Chemistry Chemistry the shape and and when whenof a monster,the the frogs frogs were wereand colourcolourblocks magically magically and their with with allies the the introduction introduction made every of of dif- dif- TheAA young youngstory man manis no dreaming dreaming different is is how howin theI Icome come to to cases are likely to see a stricter lockdown post May 3 than callcall him, him, for for he he very very well well may may still still be be alive alive plentifulplentifulis likely he he was was to found engulffound in in the the humanity. In possible attemptferentferent powders.to powders. put down I Ionce once remem-each remem- countriesviewview my my school schoolof the reports reports Indian of of that thatsubconti day day and and- age age tutestutes inin thethe citycity appearappear toto burstingbursting atat thethe seamsseams withwith needlessneedless other. They, probably, did it delib- nent. After the colonial rule, sub- those with Green Zones. However, “the mode of restric- monitoringmonitoringimposed? the the masses masses thatWhy that passed passed are through through BiologyBiologythis rooms roomsextreme giving giving desperation, lessons lessons someLIFE are IN A berber naively naively being being drawn drawn into into whenwhen I Iglance glance at at them them occasionally occasionally these these staff,staff, Schools Schoolstions in inand far-flung far-flung modalities areas areas of function functionexit” from at at the the lockdownsweet sweet discretion discretion in Green of of hishis hands. hands. onon dissection dissectionlooking towardswhich which non-bi- non-bi- the skies for divineLIFE INerately A or theytakingtaking lacked a a deep deep the sniff visionsniff from from to a a continentdaysdays yellowing yellowing won inits in a a freedomplastic plastic sleeve. sleeve. but Mr amMr P -P obvi- obvi- bitious rulers didn’t let our chains Zones would be announced before the second phase of the economiesIt was the Sixties, of course.left Theto Hippie ology-inclinedology-inclinedhelp while ones ones some like like others my- my- CLASSROOMare looking let humanity OF bottlebottle bloom of of chlorine chlorineand live that that hap nearly nearly- ouslyously had had a a kind kind heart heart too too for for his his marks marks theirtheir often often lone lone teachers, teachers, and and instances instances of of just just one one or or two two tutors tutors It was the Sixties, of course. The Hippie CLASSROOMpily on OF the planet. Conquering the to break. We are still facing the lockdown ends Movement was winking naughtily from out- self forfound a medicalhard to stomach, science miracle. The took my sinuses for a walk awardedawarded to to me me in in their their own own scientific scientific way way Movementcrumble? was winking Why naughtily are from out- selfspike found inhard COVID19 to stomach, positiveTHETHE cases SIXTIES SIXTIES Mars and thetook Moon my is sinuses not a sinfor buta walk pangs of poverty, hunger, casteism, handlinghandling multiple multipleAs of classes Monday,classes and and India’s hundreds hundreds number of of students students of Covid-19 are are common. common.positive right out of my body. reflect a kindness. sideside classroom classroom windows, windows, “Come “Come out out and and taste taste especiallyespeciallyacross the the drawingdrawingglobe is of ofemerging as a depriving a rightcommoner out of my of body. his/her illiteracyreflect a kindness.and above all poor and The standardscases ofhas such passed schools 27000. and The the number education has beenthey doubledimpart can in The standards of such schools and the education they impart can thethechildren freedom!” freedom!” deprived of bloodbloodHerculean or or the the severing severing task of of fleshfor flesh inthe in order order world to to peer peer to birthPhysicsPhysics right was wasis indeed about about equations, aequations, big sin. balance balance substandardIfIf the the dissecting dissecting healthcare of of a a frog frog facilities. taught taught me me any- any- wellwell be be imagined. imagined.around eight days, an average that gives some hope that, TheThe band band Uriah Uriah Heep Heep did did indeed indeed sing, sing, atat the thebattle undercoating undercoating with. Developed and and the the insides. insides. and the de- andand sticking Thesticking politicians pins pins in in paper paper of while whilethe worldtrying trying to to Athing bigthing chunk it it pointed pointed of populace me me in in the the in direction direction the sub of of- veg- veg- if all goes well, the country may be able to get a handle on TheThe situation situation has has been been allowed allowed to to drift drift for for far far too too long long in in the the plaintively,plaintively,their Free Freeeducation? Me, Me, which which may may well well have have veloping“One“One has has to countriesto have have a a stomach stomachare in thefor for these samethese tracetracehave angles anglesnever of ofbeen reflection reflection the realand and refraction statesrefraction- continentetarianismetarianism has and and no a a kindness kindnessaccess to to allany all animals animals kind great great the runaway infection in near to medium term. But this is beenbeen the the anthem anthem of of many many a a classroom classroom bound bound things,”things,”queue, Mr Mr watchingP P would would instruct, instruct, their people directing directing dying his his throughthroughmen. A a a thickstatesman thick glass glass slab. slab.cares about the ofand andmedical small. small. facilities.Science Science provided provided The pandemic me me with with an an in- in- hopehope that thatwhat with with makes time time the theeasing growing, growing, the lockdown engineered engineered a fraught preference preference proposition. for for pri- pri- schoolboyschoolboy of of that that time. time. wordswordsfor at at the the the oneslack ones who’d ofwho’d necessary gone gone a a whiter whiter and shade propshade- welfareMostMost things ofthings the in peoplein Mr Mr P’s P’s classwhile class started started as a pol out out- as as hassightsight exposed into into laterality. laterality.the real That designsThat is, is, you youof ourcould could be be vatevate schools schoolsOnce would would the markets phase phase the the open government government and people system system start gatheringout out of of existence. existence. again ItIt was was also also still still the the Years Years of of Collusion Collusion — — ofof pale paleer and medicaland generally generally facilities stood stood in inand the the back services.back rows rows premisespremisesitician beforecares before graduallyabout gradually absolute working working powertheir their way way politiciansseatedseated in in the thewho lap lap ofwould of science science brag and and aboutbe be totally totally at at things could go back to square one. So, it won’t be an easy betweenbetween teacher teacher and and parent parent to to ensure ensure at at all all atat the theWHO dissecting dissecting like table internationaltable so so they they missed missed organisa a a good good- throughthroughto extend a a series series their of of reasoning reasoning rule over stages stages masses, to to a a finely finely theireaseease contemplating contemplatingpolitical manifestoes poetry. poetry. and ItIt remains remainsdecision to to be be seen seen to lift how how the well well lockdown. measures measures The taken taken government in in desperation, desperation, will have like like liberal outlooks. These hypocrites costcost that that Johnny Johnny put put his his head head down down peered peered dealdeal tionof of what what has was wasalmost going going knelt on. on. down and ac- drawndrawnleast conclusion.bothering conclusion. about their welfare ScienceScience didn’t didn’t care care because because ultimately ultimately it it recruitmentsrecruitmentsno option scrounged scrounged but go in infor haste, haste, a gradual are are able ableeasing. to to turn turn the the tide tide for for soci- soci- into the laboratory microscope and averted PREPARINGcepted defeat. TO FACE LIFE: “Life is going to andDispute development. that, he’d The say, pages pointing of the to a standseems exposed everything to isthe relative. masses There , and is no end, into the laboratory microscope and averted PREPARING TO FACE LIFE: “Life is going to historyDispute are that, testimony he’d say, to pointing the fact to a theyseems should everything be held is accountablerelative. There foris no end, ety, particularlyAlso, low-income, any decision rural to reopen and agrarian the economy classes will for require whom his gaze from the classroom windows. The toss thingsHere, at you at that this are cruciala lot harder juncture, to take, solved equation on the blackboard. Of course, no conclusion to be drawn because like some ety, particularlythe government low-income, to ramp rural up andtesting agrarian and tracing classes protocols for whom to his gaze from the classroom windows. The tossa things billion at youdollar that arequestion a lot harder pops to intotake, solvedthat there equation have on the been blackboard. just rulers. Of course, theirno conclusionsins. to be drawn because like some state-run schools were the mainstay of hope. worldworld outside outside can can wait, wait, a a good good education education soso get getthe used used minds to to it. it. Inof In anymany. any case, case, What you you have have is the to to do logdo it it- whowhoOne could? could? can citeEspecially Especially the example who who could could of who who rulers had had his his wisewiseIf expertsperson person once onceare tosaid, said, be “A “Abelieved conclusion conclusion In -is is the the state-runavoid schools the wereproliferation the mainstay of new ofCovid-19 hope. clusters. The week yourself come exam time. It carries a good deal head wrapped around other notions — those place where you got tired of thinking.” ahead will thus be busy. Government will have to expand couldn’t.couldn’t. yourselfic behind come exam the time.scare It carriescreated a good by dealthe headlike wrappedHazrat aroundOmmar other Bin notions Khataab — those diaplace and where Pakistan you got will tired be of the thinking.” next testing and also ensure there are no fresh outbreaks in ma- pandemic when its mortality rate is (RA). With a kingdom spread over hotspot of COVID19. Given the jor urban centres. More so the 13 such centres comprising just four or five percent. Then, why twenty two lakh square miles, the density and the population in these OTHER OPINION caliph had no fort to live in and two nations, people may suffer im- ...... OTHERMumbai, Delhi, OPINION Ahmedabad, Indore, Pune, Jaipur, Hyder- ...... NONOare lockdowns HOLDSHOLDS imposed? Why are BARREDBARRED ...... mensely to poor healthcare facili- abad, Thane, Surat, Chennai, Bhopal, Agra, and Jodhpur — economies left to crumble? Why are had a single pair of garment to children deprived of their educa- wear. He would often be seen in ties and services. I am of the firm which account for more than half the cases in the country. tion? World has witnessed lakhs of the graveyards of Madina. And our belief that the post Corona period However, the upcoming week will be crucial in terms DiscriminationDiscrimination AgainstAgainst CricketersCricketers deaths to H1N1 flu as well but there ambitious politicians, including in will cause big political changes in of the trajectory of pandemic in the country in the country. was no such hue and cry then. Ob- that very sacred land, have put the the world in general and the sub- HEHE PAKISTAN PAKISTANA women’s diminishingwomen’s cricket cricket team’s team’snumber visit visit of ThiscasesThis discrimination discrimination will make itis is easierundoubtedly undoubtedly to plan unfair unfair eterseters will will be be able able to to stay stay in in Mumbai Mumbai in in the the viously there is something terribly whole humanity on a pile of bombs continent in particular. Belliger- TTtoto India India for for the thean World Worldexit Cupstrategy. Cup has has turned turned And into into in anyandand case, puts puts our theour team teamgovernment at at a a significant significant can’t disadvan- disadvan- ig- currentcurrent climate climate if if we we reach reach the the final. final. serious which forces us to take the to exhibit their false pride and ence and provocation in the name aa security security and and logistical logisticalnore the nightmare. nightmare. growing First, First, urgency the the tage. tage.to reopen The The team team the has has economy. been been conciliatory conciliatory And toabout about TheThe ICC ICC also also needs needs to to consider consider if if India India should should extreme measures. Leaders of the hollow showoff. Now, the whole of nationalism and communalism teamteam could could not notstart go go to towith Mumbai, Mumbai, the bestwhere where strategy its its its wouldtreatment be butto considerably the International ease Cricket be allowed to hold multi-nation tourna- world have obviously failed to in- world has understood their vision will no more lure the electorate. ... the lockdown from the leastits affected treatment areas but the of Internationalthe country. Cricket be allowed to hold multi-nation tourna- matchesmatches were were originally originally scheduled, scheduled, after after the the CouncilCouncil (ICC) (ICC) should should take take note note of of this. this. mentsments at at a a time time when when it it can’t can’t guarantee guarantee safety safety vest public money in right places, and mission. These ambitious kill- Time for these hypocrites and big- ers have left the world barren. I ots to get ready for a changes which ShivShiv Sena Sena started started issuing issuing its its usual usual threats threats InternationalInternational teams teams have have refused refused to to visit visit ofof all all players. players. like in the vital areas of healthcare against visiting Pakistani teams. Pakistan over justified security fears. It seems, It is now too late to reschedule the World and education. challenge them to try their atomic may be beyond their imagination. against visiting otherPakistani teams. opinonPakistan over justified security fears. It seems, It is now too late to reschedule the World Today, the biggest challenge bombs and highly skilled military Raising armies and investing Now,Now, hotels hotels at at the the alternative alternative venue venue of of however,however, that that if if we we simply simply put put international international CupCup and and our our pulling pulling out out of of the the tournament tournament before the world is the sharp and to kill this tiny virus which is not on the defence of a nation, is not CuttackCuttack andand neighbouringneighbouring citycity teamsteams at at clubhouses clubhouses in in stadiums stadiums and and refuse refuse inin protest protest will will only only heighten heighten tensions. tensions. We We scary rise in COVID19 positive even visible to a naked eye. It is a bad deal. But, investing only in BhubaneshwarBhubaneshwar have have refused refused lodging lodging to to our our toto let let them them go go anywhere anywhere else, else, the the security security shouldshould make make clear clear that that we we are are only only playing playing cases. But, ironically, the virus has proven fact that ambitions lead to the weapons of mass destruction playersplayers out out of of fear. fear.The Other problemVirusproblem would would apparently apparently be be solved. solved. underunder duress duress and and that that such such conditions conditions are are exposed deficiencies of all. World disasters. The present crisis is the to prove ones false pride is crimi- OurOur cricketers cricketers now now have have tomid to play play the this this coronavirus all-im- all-im- NoNo crisis, country, country, three of of course, course, states would would framed accept accept a such such unacceptableunacceptable if if any any of of our our sportspersons sportspersons tour tour lacks sufficient and adequate result of this ambitious approach of nal. Building skyscrapers and fly- portantportant tournament tournament under underterrible virtual virtual house houseeveryday ar- ar- conditionsbigotryconditions —but to to play play also, cricket cricket and in in Pakistan. heartenPakistan. Yet, -Yet, our our IndiaIndia again. again. Instead Instead of of appeasing appeasing the the anti- anti- healthcare facilities and services our so-called leaders. Had they been overs is no measure of progress rest,rest, with with their their accommodation accommodationingly, being abeing swift pro- pro- and lawfulwomenwomen state cricketers cricketers response. are are expected expected In Mumbai to to put put up up with with PakistanPakistan extremists, extremists, the the Indian Indian government government to tackle a challenge of this mag- sincere and honest rulers, then the but lifting the common masses out videdvided at at the the clubhouse clubhouse of ofthis the the week, stadium stadium a resident in in thisthis of in ain suburbIndia. India. Additionally, Additionally, who refused the the to final takefinal of of the the mustmust ensure ensure the the safety safety and and comfort comfort of of our our nitude. It may sound bizarre but it world would not have been short of of poverty is. Let the world seek a Agroceries from a Muslim delivery-person was arrested. The is a reality that the so-called great ventilators and medical infrastruc- new system of governance. Com- whichwhich all all their their matches matches will will be be played. played. Every Every tournamenttournament isis supposedsupposed toto bebe heldheld inin players.players. other team will deliverybe staying person in five-star had hotels. recordedMumbai. a video India of the needs bigoted to explain behaviour how our crick- -EXPRESS TRIBUNE champions and ambassadors of ture. It is pathetic to mention here munism, nationalism, socialism, other team willhe be was staying faced in five-star with on hotels. his phone,Mumbai. Section India 295A needs of to the explain IPC howtreats our crick- -EXPRESS TRIBUNE human rights and democracies that the country like America is communalism and liberalism have as an offence “deliberate and malicious acts, intended to out- have failed to invest adequately in begging before the world for ordi- all been proven irrelevant and ob- rage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or the healthcare system. They have nary face masks and hand sanitis- solete. From Chanakya to Machia- religious beliefs”. In , arrests have been made for cir- AllAll letters letters intended intended for for publication publication must must include includefooled the thethe writer’s writer’smasses name nameof the and and world address, address, in even eveners. Andif if a a pseudonym pseudonymwhat is the situation is is used. used. Letters Lettersin the are arevelli, edite edite alldd as asthe clarity, clarity, models space space have proven culating messages on socialOBSERVEROBSERVER media that cited the Tablighi MAILMAIL Ja- andand accuracy accuracy of of expression expression require. require. Our Our publishing publishingthe name a a letter ofletter nationalism does does not not mean andmean patri we we -agree agreecountries with with everything everything like India or or and even even Pakistan, anything anything in ininefficient. it. it. -EDI -EDITORTOR Model propounded by maat congregation in New Delhi — which did contribute sig- otism. Their monopoly of the global one need not to mention. Mohammad (Pbuh) some 1500 years nificantly to the making of a COVID hot spot — to call for the economic system has brought us Almost a year ago, I was about ago may hold the answer. Kashmir’sKashmir’ssocial and economic boycott FateFate of the entire isis Muslim JustJust community. Consequential!Consequential!to the virtual destruction and the HailHailto board my carKiranKiran near the casu- BediBedi .. In , after it came to light that a private hospital threatened the human race from alty gate of SKIMS Soura Srinagar The writer is a teacher and a DEARDEAR EDITOR, EDITOR,had issued an advertisementofof saying mistrust. mistrust. it would Could Could notyou you admit also also tell tellMus us us- who who countries,countries, one one wanting wanting to to and and the the theretherethe is is planet something something called that thatearth. seems seems to to DEARDEARwhen EDITOR, myEDITOR, eyes caught sight of one of killingskillingscolumnist. and and Heheinous heinous can be reachedcrimes crimes at I Iwould would like likelim to to patients comment comment unless on on the thethey tookbeheadedbeheaded a COVID and test,and mutilated mutilatedthe Meerut the the police bodies bodies of of otherother avoiding avoiding its its role role in in Kashmir. Kashmir. inviteinvite and andAfter incite incite the the thesecond elements elements world to to war, a closeAproposApropos acquaintance news, news, ‘AFSPA ‘AFSPA who Immu-was Immu- bit- [email protected] by by its its army army and and such such letter, written filedby one an ShoaibFIR against Bhat, the ownerthe underIndian Sections soldiers? 188 This (Disobedi should not- world witnessed a mad race of nityterly For crying. Forces’ I rushed Sex Crimes towards Must him all other agencies that too with letter, writtenence by one to order Shoaib duly Bhat, promulgatedthe byIndian public soldiers? servant), This 295A should and not ItIt is is not not in in the the interest interest of of any any of of Kashmir.Kashmir.economic It It is is part parthegemony of of the the history historyand nuclear of of the the nityand enquiredFor Forces’ about Sex the Crimes reason. Must He all other agencies that too with KashmirKashmir Observer, Observer,505 (statements Jan Jan 22, 22, titled, titled, “conducing "Who "Who havetohave public happened happened mischief”). in in any any Such case. case. action twotwo countries countries India India and and Pakistan Pakistan to to sub-continent.sub-continent. End’,End’, Kashmir Kashmir Observer Observer, ,January January thethe help help of of Indian Indian puppets puppets of of isis Responsible Responsibletaken For For LoC LoCin Killings?" ,Killings?" I I Gujarat UNUNand roles roles Uttar in in KashmirPradesh Kashmir has —has states been been indulgeindulge in in any any misadventure misadventure here here or or WeWe need need to to overcome overcome it it for for our our 28,28, I I want want to to say say that that we we the the KashmiriKashmiri origin. origin. mustmust say say to to Shoaib Shoaibthat are, that, that, incidentally, you you seem seem to ruledto byminimisedminimised the BJP and post post the 1971 1971 Shiv for for Sena, India. India. par It It -is is anywhere.anywhere. eternaleternal peace. peace. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, peoplepeople of of Kashmir Kashmir appreciate appreciate -M.-M. R. R. BABA BABA know a lot. ties not exactly known for theirjust symbolic political now.commitment to the what Dr.Kiran Bedi said but who Via: email know a lot. secular principle —may not justdeter symbolic the next now. act of hate on the NoNo one one should should man man Kargil Kargil or or other other Kashmir'sKashmir's fate fate is is just just consequential! consequential! what Dr.Kiran Bedi said but who Via: email IfIf it it is is true, true, there there should should be be ItIt seems seems that that the the United United Nations Nations higher reaches, the rough terrain and Shoaib,Shoaib, keep keep writing writing and and stay stay safe. safe. hashas to to initiate initiate the the action. action. street, but it points to the way forward. At a time when anxiet- higher reaches, theOBSERVER rough terrain and All letters intended for publication must include the writer’s name and investigationinvestigation andies and and appropriate appropriate fears sparked action action by a sharedhashas not nothealth played played crisis any any are role role threatening in in this this sector sector allall this this is is in in the the extreme extreme frigid frigid cold cold KhudaKhudaaddress, Hafez! Hafez! even if a pseudonym is used. LettersItIt is is India India are who editedwho has has as to toclarity, take take the the X X X X MAIL MAIL YOUR YOUR LETTERS LETTERS takentaken against againstto those those drive who who the provoked wedgeprovoked deeper betweenforfor a a long long communities time. time. In In my my and view, view, sharpen it it is is more more andand hostile hostile environment. environment. The The military military spaceand accuracy of expression-VORSHAL-VORSHAL require.action,action, Our but but publishing this this country country a letter is is never never does P.O.P.O. Box Box # # 337, 337, GPO, GPO, Srinagar-190 Srinagar-190 001 001 peace and createdpolarisation, this environment rendering the aMuslim political community point on part doubly of both vul these- on both sides shouldMA be minimisedIL but not mean we agree withVia: everything email readyor even to anything bother for in it.innocent -EDITOR email:email: edit [email protected]@[email protected] peace and creatednerable, this the environment state needs to, quitea political simply, point uphold on partthe law. of both these on both sides should be minimised but Via: email ready to bother for innocent The problem, of course, is that for the most part, the state either looks away from acts of religious prejudice and dis- crimination that violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of fellow citizens, or becomes complicit in them. Or, responds Impact of Internet Curbs on Kashmiri Students defensively, as when the charge is levelled by governments ashmiris are locked down in the information can be accessed and rights under Article 21 of the Indian also leads to our mental distress and and organisations located abroad — as it did, recently, after their homes with internet on which the students of Kashmir woe- constitution yet we are denied this agony. I know many bright students the OIC spoke of a rising “Islamophobia” in India in times of 2g speed amid panic of coro- fully are not able to access. right by the same govt which swears who in frustration have taken the in- the coronavirus. The Indian envoy to the UAE, and the Indian navirus. The students in Kashmir are beset by this constitution and imposes iquitous steps like smoking and fallen embassies in Oman and Qatar rose immediately to douse that KWe are well cognisant of the fact with many problems due to the secu- curbs on us in its name. to drug abuse. controversy, lest it affect the country’s image and ties in a re- that the high speed internet in J&K rity situation and which also has led Now the world is quarantined Apart from internet there are other gion crucial to India’s diplomacy and strategy. On the other has been suspended from last more to the delay of exams. due to the outbreak of COVID-19, and issues too which affect the students life hand, it is inadequately realised or acknowledged how griev- than nine months now. This has af- Nowadays we are more dependent I am sure the students in their homes in the Valley like frequent lockdowns, ously religious polarisation, and the failure to act against it, fected life of every citizen, especially on internet whether it is education, elsewhere are able to listen lectures curfews, encounters, power cuts. It is could hurt, and even roll back, the hard-won gains that India is the student community. business, marketing or studies. The or to seek study material provided my humble request to the administra- slowly and laboriously making in its battle against the virus. Nowadays social media plays a more one is dependent on something by teachers thus they keep pace with tion kindly restore high speed internet In fact, heightened vigilance against the communal virus, cardinal role in every student’s life, as the more it becomes part of ones daily their studies. Alas! Kashmiri students so that we will be able to at least com- and a firm resolve to act against it, must be, and must be seen it is elementary and convenient to ac- life. We the students of Kashmir re- are denied this right. We are not able pensate whatever little for what we to be, an essential part of India’s anti-COVID strategy. The cess information, provide information main clueless about new updates on to access study material due to agonis- have lost during past nine months. state must be on guard against communal bigotry, not just be- and communicate. Teachers from dif- different subjects as compared to our ingly low speed internet (less than 70 cause it can erupt in violence, but also when it takes a costly ferent institutions of the world use so- peers elsewhere in the world for no KB/s). We are paying for 4g internet Kamran Ashraf toll on the many solidarities that shore up the fight against a cial media as a tool of teaching. They fault of ours. but in return we are getting 2g inter- [email protected] common enemy in a public health emergency. create pages on Facebook or channels Right to information and right to net & sometimes no internet at all. It Student of Law Indian Express on YouTube for the students where be educated is among fundamental does not only affect our education but University of Kashmir, Srinagar Tuesday| 28-04-2020 Lockdown Dairies: Imagining Kashmir from ‘But for me the most relatable and turning resonating point with Kashmir and the valley’s people was when back home, my state was enveloped in infinite curfew…’

s a young girl from Assam, which is some 3000 kilometres away from the ‘paradise on earth’, I believe I got too fortunate to actually visit the valley at a very early age Aas a school kid and spend some days soaking in its Rakshanda Afrin pristine allure. My childhood memories of being there was mostly about the shikara rides in Dal Lake, snowfall and the ‘gandola’ ride in and picturesque landscape and meadows all around me and the val- ley’s apples and rich cuisines which the young heart relished throughout her stay. But what stayed with me for long was when one It is still hard to of my neighbours commented that it is our good for- tune how our family came back alive from Srinagar. reason where their That time I was too naive to make too much fault lies, or how the sense about it. But then growing up my perception and knowl- prime time edge widened too about how post-1947, Kashmir has rarely been free of controversy ever since. ‘nationalists’ TV I still remember once when I was watching a debate on AFSPA and Kashmir running on TV, my anchors are always father then made me understand how many people from the rest of the country will come and give shouting a battle cry their opinions on Kashmir but no one tries to hu- manize the issue but rather focuses on demonizing against Kashmir. the entire state. As a media student, joining the University of Delhi, I came to the realization that everyone who is not a Kashmiri felt they were some expert on the Author’s pic from her Assam home state but would never try to read or understand its ever-changing geopolitics. rented house in Delhi as the landlady did not want anchors are always shouting a battle cry I evidently remember about the evening after to risk her life. against Kashmir. the Pulwama attacks, when two of my acquaintanc- It is still hard to reason where their fault During my postgraduate research thesis on Ar- es hailing from Sopore were asked to vacate their lies, or how the prime time ‘nationalists’ TV ticle 370, I realised that the decision as claimed by the Modi government is to ‘free’ the people of the valley but whose freedom was it anyway? The whole country was enveloped in national- istic fervour and chest-thumping completely delu- sional by the constant propaganda. But no one dared to ask basic humanitarian questions like why Kashmir is the world’s heaviest militarized zone till date which has changed the en- tire narrative of the everyday lives of the ordinary Kashmiri. But for me the most relatable and turning resonating point with Kashmir and the valley’s people was when back home, my state was en- veloped in infinite curfew, Internet shutdown and heavy deployment of Indian forces during the introduction of the controversial Citizen- ship Amendment Bill. If not fully, in some way it triggered in me the feelings of how living in a state of total communica- tion blackout and constant turmoil would be.

.... Rakshanda Afrin is an intern with Kashmir Observer. Studied journalism form Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai and University of Delhi, she previously interned with The Citizen and NDTV, where she covered politics, gender and sports.

‘Weary, Worried, Wondering’—Kashmiri Students in Lockdown With yet another 4G deadline, Kashmiri students supposed to study online find themselves grappling with weary indoors, where some of them are now drawing parallels with a ‘dystopian world’.

Hirra Sultan As part of ‘normalcy’ routine, many Worried and Wondering Kashmiri families would send their But as there’s no place to go right ver since she became a pandem- wards outside the valley to study in dif- now, many of these students—who oth- ic prisoner in her home, Mehnaz ferent Indian educational institutions. erwise would cool their heels in outside Shafi, 18, has been equating her But many Kashmiri students in the face campuses—are conveying a hard time life with a protracted plague of hate campaign and assaults, especially back home. Ethreatening her normal upbringing and after 2019 Pulwama attack, have grown “Be it 2016 or 2019, I was always student life. apprehensive for their safety and secu- away, watching home from distance,” “The lockdown is another reminder rity. says Sibtain Shah, a college student in of our cursed lives,” Mehnaz laments, Even though thousands of Delhi. “as it [closure] is what has always hap- study and work in mainland India, more “But now, as the world has become pened to our studies.” now prefer overseas. Kashmir, with police guarding every en- Even though, she says, the year 2020 “Being a Kashmiri doesn’t feel like try and exit, it feels as if chickens have started with some internet promise and old times outside the valley now,” Arsa- come home to roost. But for us, it’s wor- ‘normalcy’, it looks miserable now, as lan Mir, a college-goer, says. “It feels as if rying time. As we grow weary indoors, Kashmir, like rest of the world, is under you’ve become some symbol of suspicion we keep wondering about our dystopian the contagion curbs. now.” world.” “This is not the first time,” she continues. “At least there’s a disease out there this time, and not someone’s blood.” Photo: Abid Bhat/KO

Campus Cravings , Kashmiri students are Mehvish Akhtar, 20, was supposed to Future Tense only becoming anxious for their careers. join college this year, which amid pan- “What would become of us in the face “They tell us to compete with stu- demic, looks difficult now. of these repeated campuses closures?” dents from all over India and yet do not The wannabe architect says she has wonders Haziq Ali, a class 10 student give us the same facilities,” Shoaib Bhat, already lost precious time facing the from Srinagar. a Sopore-based student preparing for IIT- situational torment in Kashmir, which “How long are we going to suffer si- JEE, says. “Which other city has been last summer, was stripped of its special lently under the tormenting situation? I under a curfew for this long?” status. cannot even sleep at nights any longer.” Kashmiri students, Shoaib says, “After last August, schools had re- For weary indoors amid pandemic don’t have sufficient internet speed to opened this early spring to everyone’s lockdown, the online tutorial is a global even download a PDF file. joy in Kashmir,” Mehvish says. “But solution. “How are we supposed to stand up now, they [campuses] are once again But as the govern- against someone who has had a whole under a lock and key. It’s crazy to make ment seems in mood to restore 4G inter- year of classes and all other facilities?” peace with such a stressful situation, ev- net, despite the pleas from civil society ery now and then!” members and veteran unionist like Dr. Out of Valley Trials Photo: Abid Bhat/KO Life&Times Tuesday| 28.04.2020 06 HOW CORONAVIRUS WILL FOREVER Change The Airline Industry And The Way We Fly

riers try to squeeze more money from cus- A concern is that customers will be put off even if you’re not an environmentalist,” said Ce- Bloomberg tomers. Some will upgrade premium cabins by health-related entry rules that may differ line Fornaro, -based head of European while their fleets are grounded, resulting in from country to country, especially during an industrial equity research at UBS. “What is my igher fares, fewer routes, pre-flight an even starker difference between higher- uneven opening-up process. Just as airport essential travel?” health checks and less free food: The class sections and ever more Spartan econ- security tightened after the September 2001 Fornaro expects a shift from air to high- Hcoronavirus pandemic is ushering in omy seating, said Volodymyr Bilotkach, a terrorist attacks in the U.S., travellers could speed rail travel in Europe and China to ac- a new era of air travel. lecturer in air-transport management at the be subject to tests like temperature checks, celerate. Some low-cost, short-hop routes A seismic shift is underway as the world’s Institute of Technology. or they may even need health certificates to are likely to disappear. Flights of less than airlines reassess their operations and how In Asia, one of the last strongholds for all- fly, according to consulting firm BCG. That 300 miles made up one fifth of the European they will look emerging from the crisis. At inclusive fares, airlines might also increas- could be time-consuming and complicate market last year, according to a UBS report eerily empty airports, mask-wearing and ingly charge economy passengers separately flying schedules. this month. social distancing already show a behav- for things like baggage check-in, legroom and “It needs to be quick and secure. Some- If mirrored in other regions such as Asia, ioural change among the few staff and trav- meals, said Bilotkach, who wrote the book “The thing that is a relatively minor burden,” said the trend would partially unwind the avia- ellers left. A long shakeup lies ahead that is Economics of Airlines,” published in 2017. Even Dirk-Maarten Molenaar, Amsterdam-based tion industry’s dramatic expansion. Short- set to touch almost every aspect of flying before the virus struck, carriers there typically head of BCG’s travel and tourism practice in haul flights, particularly in Europe, were al- after limits on movement unwind. made only $3 of profit from each customer, ac- Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. ready under attack from the flight-shaming “We should be prepared for a choppy, cording to IATA. In Europe and the U.S., where The essential nature of air travel — it un- movement that’s encouraged travelers to use sluggish recovery even after the virus is ancillary charges are already going up, the fig- derpins trade, diplomacy, business and tour- lower carbon-emitting means of transport. contained,” Delta Air Lines Inc. Chief Execu- ures were $5 and $17, respectively. ism — is forcing governments the world Bouncing Back tive Officer Ed Bastian said in a letter to em- Cheap flights can be found for now as airlines over to prop up carriers. Late Monday in the It is hard to predict any outcome while the ployees this week. “I estimate the recovery compete for a handful of passengers, while U.S., the Treasury Department disbursed its crisis is unfolding. But there’s certain to be period could take two to three years.” inklings of a recovery show traffic on China’s first round of payroll assistance to airlines. pent-up demand to visit family and friends In a matter of months, the coronavirus busiest routes is up at least 7% from Febru- Around that time, Virgin Australia Holdings once travel bans are lifted, said Jared Harck- reset the clock on a decades-long aviation ary lows. IATA’s chief executive, Alexandre de Ltd. went into administration after failing to ham, New York-based vice president and man- boom that’s been one of the great cultural Juniac, said the wearing of face masks might secure state aid. Increasingly distressed, the aging director of aviation at consulting firm ICF and economic phenomena of the postwar reassure passengers, but keeping middle seats carrier made eight different appeals for fi- International Inc. world. The explosion in air travel shrunk empty would be challenging and reduce maxi- nancing before finally collapsing. While airlines may have to cut prices ini- the planet, created jobs and hundreds of mum seat capacity to below break-even levels. More are bound to fail, resulting in less tially to woo passengers back, hygiene con- millions of first-time fliers, and dispersed The industry has weathered storms competition, said Bilotkach at the Singapore cerns will gradually fade away, said Rico families rich and poor over continents. Now before, but none as rough as this. Nearly Institute of Technology. Big low-cost airlines Merkert, professor of transport and supply- it’s all on hold, with airlines slashing seat two-thirds of the world’s 26,000 passen- will probably survive along with flag carriers, chain management at the University of Syd- capacity by more than 70% since January, ger aircraft are grounded, and some 25 but many will be partially owned by govern- ney’s business school. according to analytics firm Cirium. million jobs are at risk. IATA has warned ments, or at least owe them money, and so will “There will be some base demand,” Merkert There’s no knowing when people will be that carriers face a $314 billion shortfall in likely cut the most marginal routes and may said. “A lot of airlines have issued vouchers so willing to pack into enclosed cabin spaces ticket sales this year, and half of them face raise prices, he said. Less-established services all these people have to be carried as well.” again, though an International Air Trans- bankruptcy in two to three months with- like London-New Orleans or Amsterdam-Salt More broadly, passengers should brace for port Association survey found 40% of recent out government help. Lake City would be among the first to go, he a new order in airlines and aircraft. travellers anticipated waiting at least six EasyJet, based in Luton, England, has said. “Fares will either stay at pre-crisis levels With overall capacity down, carriers will months after the virus is contained before data-science teams modelling various or slightly higher,” said Bilotkach, who reckons favour smaller and more manageable jets flying again. Budget carrier EasyJet Plc is scenarios for how soon demand returns, a recovery is two or three years off. “There will like Boeing Co.’s Dreamliner and Airbus among those planning to keep middle seats at what levels, what prices people will pay definitely be fewer flight options available.” SE’s A330 over behemoths like the A380, empty, at least initially, to reassure custom- and how much to charge to make a profit Essential Travel said Molenaar at BCG. Unheard-of alliances ers about personal spacing. At Korean Air on a given flight, CEO Johan Lundgren said The virus has led to a ballooning of remote might crop up among national airlines as Lines Co., cabin crew now have goggles, on a conference call last week. No one video-conferencing, which could prompt a smaller rivals wither, he said. masks, gloves and protective gowns. knows the answers. “We just need to be reassessment of the need to fly at all, accord- “The industry could look very different,” Cabins Post-Fever very flexible,” he said. ing to UBS Group AG. he said. “It could be that you go back in time, Configurations are likely to change as car- Passenger Tests “It’s definitely put it back into your thinking, almost.”

Lost Football Games Likely To Trigger Heart Attacks In Male Fans Boost Your Diet With Agencies EAPC Essentials 4 You, a scien- This was the only centre in tific platform of the European the city with 24-hour invasive f you love soccer or a die- Society of Cardiology, the re- cardiology services during this Vitamin C And Zinc hard fan of football teams, search team examined the con- period. The average age of pa- Iread this carefully. Research- nection between performance tients was 66.6 years and 62 per ers have found that lost football of the Jagiellonia Bialystok foot- cent were men. games may trigger heart attacks ball team and admissions for The team played 451 national in male fans. acute coronary syndromes. and European matches during “Strong emotions can induce The club is known for its large the study period. The day af- heart attacks and our study in- group of avid supporters - an av- ter the team lost a home game, dicates that losing a home game erage of 17,174 per match in the there was a 27 per cent rise in can affect supporters,” said 2016/17 season - who strongly male admissions for acute coro- study author Dr Lukasz Kuzma identify themselves with the team. nary syndromes. of the Medical University of Bi- The study included 10,529 No association was found in alystok in Poland. patients with acute coronary women, according to the study. “The findings suggest that the syndromes (heart attack and “Our study shows that poor “Fans, particularly men with These steps are the key to mental and emotional stress unstable angina) admitted to results from the local profes- unhealthy lifestyles, should take supporting your favourite team Agencies activities that help build immu- of defeat can provoke cardiac the Clinical Hospital of the Med- sional football team coincided up regular exercise and avoid as long as you wish without nity, rather than just the sup- events,” Kuzma added. ical University of Bialystok from with more heart attacks in male smoking and excessive alcohol damaging your own health, the he Coronavirus outbreak plements. Pre-existing medical For the study, presented at 2007 to 2018. residents,” Kuzma said. consumption,” Kuzma added. researchers noted. has seen a huge spike in conditions like uncontrolled Tpeople buying vitamin diabetes, uncontrolled High supplements, with Vitamin C BP, uncontrolled cholesterol, and Zinc emerging two of the etc too result in low immunity Social Isolation May Up Respiratory top supplements in demand. and these supplements should 5 Foods That Boost Lung Function Typically, in any viral in- be seen as agents that help the fection, the body's defence body withstand or fight infec- Agencies Problems In Older Adults mechanism is to produce white tions and not Coronavirus it- blood cells (WBCs) to fight self," notes Dr Anantharaman. eight-loss, hair and Agencies against the infection. The natural sources of Zinc makeup, spa treat- Zinc and Vitamin C reduces the are legumes like chickpeas, len- Wments are all well ocial isolation is linked level of chemicals called cytokines tils and beans along with seeds, and good. But unfortunately, to a heightened risk of that are harmful to the body and nuts, and whole grains. Citrus most of us hardly pay atten- Shospital admission for are produced in the body during fruits like orange, kiwi, lemon, tion to our internal organs respiratory disease among infections. Zinc helps increase guava and grapefruit are high when in reality, our bodies are older adults, say researchers, the production of these infection- in Vitamin C, along with veg- nothing without our lungs, kid- adding that this risk is inde- fighting WBCs and T cells. etables like broccoli, cauliflower, neys, hearts, and stomachs, etc. pendent of other potentially derlying health conditions, Vitamin C, while providing capsicums and Brussel sprouts. What we eat, how much we influential factors, such as smoking and physical activ- overall immunity, is the most The over-the-counter zinc exercise, our genetics and en- general health and lifestyle. ity levels was also gathered. effective against respiratory supplements are available as Zinc vironmental conditions are just According to the study, After taking account of po- based illnesses. Lack of Vita- acetate and Zinc gluconate, with some of the major factors that published in the journal Tho- tentially influential factors, min C is also the most common the former being more read- affect them. Especially these rax, social isolation and lone- loneliness and levels of social nutritional deficiency. ily available and accessible. The days, looking after our lungs liness are associated with ad- contact with friends and fam- "It has been seen that older quantity of Zinc needed by the has become imperative. mission to hospital for various ily weren't associated with a people are more at risk from the human body to achieve optimal The good news is that with health conditions, but it's not heightened risk of admission. Coronavirus. Ensuring adequate immunity is between 8 -11 mg the help of certain foods, we can clear if socially isolated adults But living alone and poor intake of vitamin C via supple- and for Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) keep them in top shape. As com- food items among fitness freaks Bananas are packed with nu- with respiratory conditions social engagement were as- ments, especially among elderly it is 500 mg. These two immu- piled from Pinkvilla, here are and why not? Its consumption trients such as potassium, fiber might also be at risk. sociated with, respectively, or individuals with risk factors nity supplements are available five items that have been prov- has several health benefits, es- and vitamin C and all these To explore this further, heightened risks of 32 per cent owing to insufficient vitamin C, individually for consumption but en to decrease inflammation, pecially for the lungs. Antioxi- help to improve lung health as the researchers at Univer- and 24 per cent, the study said. is important for the immune sys- there are supplements available open up the airways and protect dants, polyphenols and epigal- well. So, if you have been expe- sity College London in the UK In a bid to explain the as- tem to function properly and re- that combine these two into one, against pulmonary diseases. locatechin gallate (EGCG) can riencing lung problems, then linked up hospital records sociations they found, the re- sist infections. With age, the body which can also be considered by Apples be found in green tea and these bananas may be your way out. and death statistics for 4,478 searchers said that people who loses its strength to fight viruses, people, adds Dr Anantharaman. You must have heard the say- nutrients can prevent lung dis- Turmeric people taking part in the are socially isolated may be and when combined with exist- Traditionally, natural foods are ing “An apple a day keeps the eases, including cancer. The Turmeric is another com- English Longitudinal Study more physically inactive and ing medical conditions, it places the best source of vitamins and doctor away?” Well, it’s true. presence of a compound called monly used food item that has on Ageing (ELSA), a nation- smoke more, and less likely to elderly people at risk. But immu- nutrients, it is advisable to com- Phytochemicals present in ap- theophylline acts as a broncho- been used to treat many differ- ally representative long term be prompted to see a doctor nity is important at all ages and bine these natural foods along ples decrease oxidative stress dilator which makes airway ent health issues for centuries. study of older adults. when symptoms first appear. it can be increased at any stage with supplements. But in case of and inflammation and the same function better. Its inclusion in the daily diet Social isolation was mea- "Older adults living alone by keeping oneself fit," says Dr unavailability or other reasons, can enhance pulmonary func- Ginger and garlic can keep lung diseases such as sured in terms of whether that with existing lung conditions Karthik Anantharaman, Director supplements are quite effective tion. As per a study published The cooking staples are not asthma, COPD, acute respiratory person lived alone or not (do- may benefit from additional e-pharmacy, Medlife. and it is critical to combine them in The European Respiratory only rich in anti-inflammatory distress syndrome, lung injury mestic isolation); how much targeted community support "There have been reports of with physical activities and exer- Journal, apples can improve and antioxidant properties but and pulmonary fibrosis at bay. social contact they had with to try and reduce the risk of people believing in Vitamin C cises. Supplements, apart from lung function significantly, es- also several other medicinal ben- Note: Please consult your friends and family (social iso- hospital admissions," the re- to be a cure for Coronavirus, giving the desired immunity, pecially in former smokers. efits that can help to keep certain physician before making any lation); and how much social searchers suggested. which is certainly not true. come with the benefit of reduc- Green Tea lung-based health issues at bay. changes in your daily diet by engagement they had, includ- "The roll-out of social pre- While Vitamin C helps boost ing risk of heart diseases, due to Green tea is one of the popular Bananas including these foods. ing with volunteering, cultural scribing schemes may present immunity, it is basic hygiene, certain other important compo- activities, and involvement opportunities for referring good food habits and physical nents present in them. HE COOKING STAPLES ARE NOT ONLY RICH IN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and with community groups. those individuals to social en- Information on potentially gagement community activi- antioxidant properties but also several other medicinal benefits that can help to influential factors such as un ties," they concluded. Tkeep certain lung-based health issues at bay. Business

NEWS Tuesday| 28-04-2020 7 ‘Another Pandemic’: In Latin Coronavirus cases in Pakistan America, Domestic Abuse rise to 13,328; death toll 281

Rises Amid Lockdown Press Trust Of India held on Monday at the Parliament House to review the impact of the Agencies while in others, including Chile Islamabad: Pakistan’s coronavi- continuous lockdown on the coun- and Bolivia, there has been a drop rus cases have climbed to 13,328 try’s economy. BUENOS AIRES/SANTIAGO/ in formal complaints. Prosecutors while the death toll from the pan- It will also receive recommen- MEXICO CITY/LA PAZ: Lock- and UN Women said the latter demic has reached 281 with 12 dations from representatives of downs around Latin America are was likely not due to a decline in more fatalities, the health minis- traders and the business commu- helping slow the spread of COV- violence, but because women were try said on Monday. nity for formulating a strategy to ID-19, but are having a darker and less able to seek help or report According to the Ministry of deal with the crisis. less-intended consequence: a spike abuse through normal channels. National Health Services, more President Dr Arif Alvi vis- “The jump in violence has than 3,000 people have recovered ited mosques in Bara Kahu area not surprised us, it is the unleash- from the contagion. ing of a violence that was already The ministry said that Punjab there in people,” said Eva Giberti, has reported 5,446 cases, Sindh founder of the Victims Against Vi- 4,615, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 1,864, olence program in Argentina, who Balochistan 781, Gilgit-Baltistan helps runs a hotline for women to 318, Islamabad 245 and Pakistan- report abuse. occupied Kashmir 59 cases. “Under normal social circum- Asia's mosques deserted as coronavirus keeps Ramzan faithful away The coronavirus tally in Paki- stances that had been limited to stan has climbed to 13,328 while some degree.” 281 people have died due to the Argentina’s emergency 137 sickness, including 12 in the last 24 in calls to helplines suggests a rise line for abuse victims, supported hours, it said. of Islamabad on Sunday night to in domestic abuse, in a region by the justice department, has Military Spending Sees Biggest So far, 150,756 tests have been check if the guidelines were being where almost 20 million women seen a 67% rise in calls for help in conducted including 6,391 in the followed. He directed the mosque and girls suffer sexual and physi- April versus a year earlier, after last 24 hours, while the authorities administrations to ensure the cal violence each year. a nationwide lockdown was im- Jump In A Decade In 2019 announced to increase the num- implementation of preventive In cities from Buenos Aires to posed on March 20. ber of daily tests to 20,000 from the measures, necessary to control the Mexico City, Santiago, São Paulo UN Women in a report on Agencies of 3.6%, the largest spending nior researcher at SIPRI. next month. spread of COVID-19. and La Paz, families and individu- Wednesday said there was evidence growth since 2010. “Military According to SIPRI, other The government said that The president and leading als have been confined in their of rising violence against women STOCKHOLM: The Global spending has reached the notable developments includ- an in-camera meeting of the spe- clerics singed a 20-point agree- homes in an unprecedented way, in Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia, military expenditure saw its highest point since the end of ed Germany, which increased cial Parliamentary Committee ment to allow prayers in mosques often only allowed out for emer- and a doubling in the number of biggest uptick in a decade in the Cold War,” Nan Tian, a re- spending by 10% in 2019 to on Coronavirus Disease will be on certain safety conditions. gencies or to shop for essentials. femicides in Argentina during the 2019, the Stockholm Interna- searcher at SIPRI, told AFP. $49.3 billion, the largest per- Prosecutors, victim support quarantine, citing a women’s obser- tional Peace Research Insti- the increase are the centual increase of all the top teams, women’s movements and vatory in Mar del Plata. tute (SIPRI).said in its latest world’s largest spenders, head- 15 spenders. Germany’s in- the United Nations all say this has Pre-pandemic, the Argentine report on Monday, marking ed by the US, which spent $732 creased spending could in part caused a rise in domestic violence to- government estimates that a wom- the first year two Asian coun- billion in 2019, a 5.3% increase, be explained by an increased ends death wards women. They cite increasing an was killed every 23 hours. tries, China and India, were alone accounting for 38% of perception of threat from Rus- numbers of calls to abuse hotlines. Domestic violence “seems to be among the top three spenders. global spending. China’s ex- sia, the report said. penalty for crimes In some countries, like Mex- another pandemic,” said Lucía Vas- The world’s nations spent penditure reached $261 billion ico and Brazil, there has been a sallo, a film maker whose documen- a combined $1.9 trillion (1.78 in 2019, a 5.1% increase over Virus impact rise in formal reports of abuse, tary “Line 137” looks at the issue. trillion euros) on their mili- 2018, while that of India grew The global military spend- committed by minors taries in 2019, the report said, by 6.8% to $71.1 billion, it said. ing in 2019 represented 2.2 per cent of the global gross do- Agencies penalty for at least six men from mestic product (GDP), which the country’s minority Shiite com- equated to around $249 per Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s King munity who allegedly committed person. The expenditure also Salman has ordered an end to the crimes while under the age of 18, Yemen crisis deepens as represented an increase of death penalty for crimes commit- including Ali al-Nimr, who had 3.6% from 2018 and the larg- ted by minors, according to a state- participated in anti-government Southern Transitional Council est annual growth in spending ment by a top official. protests. Such activity carries since 2010, SIPRI said. The decision comes on the terrorism-related charges in the declares self-governance While Tian noted that heels of another ordering judges to kingdom for disturbing order and military spending growth had end the practice of flogging, replac- disobeying the ruler. Agencies accelerated in recent years – ing it with jail time, fines or commu- In a document seen by The 7.2% higher in 2019 than it was nity service and bringing one of the Associated Press, the royal decree Sanna: Yemen’s southern separatists early on Sunday declared in 2010 – he also told AFP that kingdom’s most controversial forms orders prosecutors to review cases self-rule of the country’s south as a peace deal with the govern- this trend could be reversed of public punishment to a close. and drop punishments for those ment crumbled, complicating a long and separate conflict with the as a result of the new corona- King Salman’s son and heir, who’ve already served the maxi- Houthis who control much of the north. virus pandemic, and its eco- The Southern Transitional Council (STC) accused the govern- nomic fallout. ment of failing to perform its duties and of “conspiring” against the As the world heads for southern cause, and said self-governance had begun at midnight. a potential global recession, The government condemned the move and said the separatists Tian argued that governments — who have long agitated for independence in the south — would be adding that the five largest China’s ascent also in part will have to weigh military responsible for the “catastrophic and dangerous” outcome. spenders, which accounted for helped explain India’s rise. “In- spending against other sec- The breakdown between the one-time allies comes as a Saudi- 62% of the total expenditure, dia’s tensions and rivalry with tors, such as healthcare and led coalition, which backs the internationally recognised govern- were the US, China, India, both Pakistan and China are education. “It’s highly likely ment in a battle against the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, has extended Russia and Saudi Arabia. among the major drivers for its that this will really have an a unilateral ceasefire aimed at fending off the coronavirus pandemic Compared to 2018, that increased military spending,” impact on military spending,” — a move rejected by the Houthis. represented an annual growth said Siemon T Wezeman, a se- Tian said. Yemen’s separatists signed a power-sharing deal in Riyadh last November that quelled a battle — dubbed a “civil war within a civil war” — for the south that had in August seen them seize control of the second city of Aden. The Riyadh pact quickly became defunct, failing to meet dead- Students return to school in China while New Zealand lines for key measures including the formation of a new cabinet with equal representation for southerners, and the reorganisation reports zero community transmission of military forces. Crown Prince Mohammed bin mum 10 years. The STC announced Agencies ance between freedom and safety. where the disease first emerged Salman, is seen as the force behind However, the decree states in its statement that it Italy and New York laid out late last year — have dwindled the kingdom’s loosening of restric- that terrorism-related cases of was declaring self-gover- Beijing: Children in China’s partial reopening plans, with as the country begins to cau- tions and its pivot away from ul- minors will be tried differently. It nance in the south start- two most important cities went and Spain to follow suit tiously lift control measures, traconservative interpretations of was not immediately clear wheth- ing midnight on Saturday, back to school on Monday af- this week, while tens of thou- although fears remain over a Islamic law known as Wahhabism, er these cases would be bound by April 25. ter more than three months at sands of final-year students potential resurgence and cases which many in the country still the 10-year prison limit. “A self-governing com- home, as coronavirus restric- returned to school in Shanghai imported from abroad. closely adhere to. Last year, Saudi Arabia ex- mittee will start its work tions eased and governments and Beijing after months of clo- Primary schools in Nor- The crown prince has sought ecuted a young man convicted of according to a list of tasks around the world began chart- sures. “I’m glad, it’s been too way were also set to reopen on to modernize the country, attract crimes that took place when he was assigned by the council’s ing a path out of the pandemic long since I’ve seen my class- Monday, along with some busi- foreign investment and revamp 16 years old. Amnesty International presidency,” it said. lockdown. mates,” 18-year-old Hang Huan nesses in Switzerland such as Saudi Arabia’s reputation globally. said Abdulkareem al-Hawaj was Aden residents re- Europe’s four worst-affected said in Shanghai. “I’ve missed hairdressers and florists, while He’s also overseen a parallel crack- found guilty of offences related to ported heavy deployments of STC forces in the city and a separat- countries all reported marked them a lot.” New Zealand prepared to begin down on liberals, women’s rights his participation in protests in Shi- ist source told AFP they had set up checkpoints “at all government drops in their daily death tolls, Students in Beijing must its phased exit from lockdown activists, writers, moderate clerics ite-populated areas of Saudi Arabia. facilities, including the central bank and port of Aden”. Military ve- offering hope that the outbreak have their temperatures in the evening. and reformers. The 2018 killing of Amnesty International and hicles drove through the city with STC flags flying aloft. may have peaked in some places checked at school gates and “There is no widespread, Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi in Human Rights Watch have long The political landscape in the south is complex, and despite — at least for now. show “green” health codes on undetected community trans- by agents who worked for called on the kingdom to abolish the STC’s declaration some southern cities said they did not rec- But leaders and experts re- an app that calculates a per- mission in New Zealand,” the crown prince drew sharp criti- the use of the death penalty, par- ognise the call to self-rule and would remain aligned with the cen- main divided on how quickly son’s infection risk, according Prime Minister Jacinda Ard- cism internationally. ticularly for crimes committed by tral government. to revive shuttered economies to the education ministry. ern declared. The latest royal decree by minors. — AP while maintaining a delicate bal- Virus numbers in China — “We have won that battle.” King Salman could spare the death

news makers Pak PM Replaces Awan Trump's Disinfectant Remark Refuses to Go Google releases S President Donald Trump's remarks doodle games to play with Asim Bajwa as PR Man that disinfectants could potentially treat coronavirus patients remain- and stay at home slamabad, Apr 27 (PTI) Paki- Raheel Sharif was the Army chief. ing in the news after four days of stan Prime Minister Imran He was credited for making themU being made was "bothering", a key mem- hether you are working Khan on Monday changed Sharif a larger than life figure ber of the White House Task Force on Corona- from home or staying in iso- his media team for the second and transforming the working of virus has said. lation, say goodbye to your Itime since coming to power in 2018 the ISPR. "I think it bothers me that this is still in boredom, for Google will amid mounting criticism of his Bajwa is also serving the news cycle, because I think we're missing showcaseW a new game based on a past government for failing to address as the chairman of China- the bigger pieces of what we need to be doing, doodle every day, starting Monday. the key issues of the country. Pakistan Economic Corridor as American people, to continue to protect one The company will choose from the Prime Minister Khan appoint- (CPEC) authority. another," Dr Deborah Brix, member of the numerous mini-games it has featured ed Senator Shibli Faraz as the new Minister for Science Fawad The changes were made to White House Task Force on Coronavirus, told on its search homepage over the years. information minister of the coun- Chaudhry, who was the first in- blunt the perception that the me- CNN in an interview. the first country that really had young people Google will release 10 of its most popu- try. Faraz is the son of eminent formation minister of Khan, con- dia handling of the government Trump on Wednesday had suggested the to this degree. Italy and Europe is about eight lar doodles over two weeks. Urdu poet late Ahmad Faraz. firmed the new appointments. was not good and its work was possibility of studying injecting disinfectants years older than us, as a median age. All of these doodle-based games Special Assistant to the “Truly an honourable and not being properly highlighted. into COVID-19 patients or bringing UV light "in- "So, this is the first experience of this vi- have been preserved and archived on Prime Minister (SAPM) for in- dignified man @shiblifaraz has However, many analysts still side" their bodies to kill the deadly virus, draw- rus in an open society, where we really can un- the Google Doodle Blog. formation and broadcasting Dr been appointed new Information wonder how the new team would ing immediate flak from health experts while a derstand what's happening to every different The company is staggering the Firdous Ashiq Awan was also minister of Pak, and brilliant @ deliver until the common people leading disinfectant producer urged people not age group. These are the things that we should games over two weeks to ensure that removed and was replaced by for- AsimSBajwa appointed SAPM on feel the benefit of the steps taken to listen to such dangerous speculation. be talking about and focusing on," Brix said. each day’s game has a variety of players. mer military spokesman Lt Gen info both ‘ll make a great team.... all by the government. Brix, a leading doctor specialising in HIV/ "As a scientist and a public health official Doodles in the past years have had (retied) Asim Saleem Bajwa. the best,” Chaudhry said in a tweet. “The way these change have AIDS immunology, said the dialogue should and a researcher, sometimes, I worry that we multiplayer support. Like the Google She was appointed as the Bajwa served as Director been made will not give a good focus on asymptomatic cases and not on the don't get the information to the American peo- Doodle in celebration of the Mexican SAPM for information and broad- General of the Pakistan Army’s impression and help the cause of president's remarks. ple that they need, when we continue to bring bingo-like game Lotería, which allowed casting on April 18, 2019, after the media wing, Inter Services Public the government,” analyst Ayaz "We should be having that dialogue about up something that was from Thursday night," the user to play the game with friends Cabinet reshuffle. Relations (ISPR), when General Amir told Dunya TV. this unique clotting that we're seeing. We are she said. or with random players online. K K Y Y TUESDAY   Observers OUT POST

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M 08 28 04 2020 K O C C Coronavirus Death Toll Rises Entrance Exams Only To 886 In India, Cases Climb After The Lockdown To 28,380: Health Ministry Ends: HRD Ministry

he number of COV- ed three COVID-19 deaths ID-19 cases climbed to each. T28,380 and the death has reported two toll due to it rose to 886 in deaths, while , the country on Monday, reg- , istering a record increase of and Assam have reported 60 deaths in 24 hours, ac- one fatality each, according cording to the Union Health to the ministry data. Ministry. According to the Health There has been a spike of Ministry data updated in 1,463 cases since Sunday the evening, the highest evening. number of confirmed cases The number of active in the country are from Ma- COVID-19 cases stood at harashtra at 8,068, followed 21,132, while 6,361 people by Gujarat at 3,301, Delhi at NEW DELHI: The entrance material had been made have recovered, and one 2,918, Rajasthan at 2,185, exams to different techni- available online for the ben- patient has migrated, the at 2,168, cal education courses will efit of students across the ministry said. Uttar Pradesh at 1,955 and be held only when the lock- country. Thus, around 22.41 per at 1,885. The government said that it is taking care of psycho-social issues in shelter homes where migrant down ends, the Human Re- The Ministry of Person- cent of patients have recov- The number of COVID-19 source Development Minis- nel, Public Grievances and ered in the country so far. cases has gone up to 1,177 workers are staying and experts and counsellors from Central mental health institutes are visiting try said on Monday. Pensions has announced The total number of cases in Andhra Pradesh and there. (pic credits: PTI) No dates for conducting that it will undertake pe- includes 111 foreign nation- 1,002 in Telangana. entrance tests for different riodic review of the dates als. The number of cases has courses for medical, engi- for the possible conduct of A total of 60 deaths were risen to 649 in , neering, management and UPSC exams, which require reported since Sunday eve- 523 in Jammu and Kashmir, other streams have yet been candidates to travel across ning, of which 19 fatalities 511 in , 469 in 'Migrants Don't Need To Go announced. the country during normal were reported from Maha- Kerala, 313 in Punjab and Even the exams conducted times, keeping in mind the rashtra, 18 from Gujarat, 289 in Haryana. by the Union Public Services social distancing and other eight from Rajasthan, seven Bihar has reported 277 Home, It'll Defeat Very Objective Commission have not been norms. from Madhya Pradesh, two novel coronavirus cases, held due to the nationwide Combined Higher Second- lockdown. ary Level Examination (Tier Of Lockdown': Centre To SC HRD Minister Ramesh I) 2019, Junior Engineers Pokhriyal 'Nishank' said on (Paper I) Examination 2019, NEW DELHI: Jagran News Desk: The laya calls for extension to ensure migrant workers and other Monday that exams like Stenographer Grade C and Centre on Sunday told the Supreme The government, which filed a sec- poor people who are living in rented Joint Entrance Examina- D Examination 2019, and Court that the migrant workers ond status report in the apex court in accommodation are not compelled tion and National Eligibili- Combined Higher Secondary don't need to travel to their native response to a plea by advocate Alakh to pay rent by their landlords. ty-cum-Entrance Test and Level Examination 2018 skill places during the lockdown, as it Alok Srivastava, said that to obviate “If any landlord flouts this direc- management courses will be testing will be conducted would defeat the “very objective of the difficulties faced by low wage- tion, they shall be liable for action held only when the situation once the lockdown ends on the preventive measure taken by the earners in the organised sector, cash under the Disaster Management normalises. May 3, 2020. government.” transfer under PM Garib Kalyan Yo- Act,” it said. Pointing out that the en- The conduct of all examina- Assuring that the government is jana has been made. It said that as per the order of apex trance exams for techni- tions across the country were taking care of their and their family The migrant workers are allowed court passed on March 31, a fact- cal courses have only been stopped after the nationwide members' daily needs wherever they to withdraw EPFO money advance, check unit has been set up under the postponed, the Minister ap- lockdown was imposed from are, the Centre warned that allowing said the government while adding Ministry of Information and Broad- pealed to the students not to March 24 midnight. migrants’ movement would lead to a that it is taking care of psycho-social casting to check fake news. panic in the given situation The HRD Ministry has said each from Karnataka, West while Odisha has 108 cases. surge in number of coronavirus cases issues in shelter homes where mi- The affidavit said, "In view of the but rather utilise the time that the candidates would be Bengal and Uttar Pradesh, Eighty-two people have in the country. grant workers are staying and experts on-going efforts by the central gov- they have gained due to the intimated 10 days in advance and one each from Punjab been infected with the vi- “In view of the steps taken by the and counsellors from Central mental ernment, presently the spread of lockdown to prepare well for before the conduct of the re- and Tamil Nadu. rus in and 51 in government, it is submitted that health institutes are visiting there. COVID-19 in India is much slower the coming exams. maining board examinations Of the 886 deaths, Maha- . there is no necessity for migration of “As per the latest statistics fur- than as has seen observed in several He pointed out that study of Class X and XII. — IANS rashtra tops the tally with Himachal Pradesh has 40 workers to shift from places of their nished by the state governments and other countries.” 342 fatalities, followed cases, Chhattisgarh has 37 occupation to the place of their resi- Union territories, 37,978 relief camps The prompt measures particularly by Gujarat at 151, Madhya and Assam has registered dence and rush back to their villages. have already been set up by state social distancing and lockdown have One Million It Staff Will Continue Pradesh at 106, Delhi at 54, 36 infections each so far. Their daily needs are being taken governments and Union Territories halted the spread of disease in the Rajasthan at 41, and Andhra Andaman and Nicobar care of wherever they are working and genuine NGOs. Nearly 14.3 lakh country so far, it added. Work-From-Home Post-Lockdown: Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh Islands has 33 COVID-19 and the daily needs of their family persons have been housed in these On March 31, the apex court had at 31 each. cases while Chandigarh has members were being taken care of at camps. In addition to the above, asked the Centre to prevent migra- Kris Gopalakrishnan The death toll reached 26 30 cases and Ladakh has re- their respective villages,” the govern- 26,225 food camps have also been tion of people due to coronavirus and in Telangana, 24 in Tamil ported 20 infections so far. ment told the apex court, as reported opened giving food to nearly 1.34 set up within 24 hours a portal for Nadu while West Bengal Meghalaya has reported by news agency PTI. crore persons,” the government said. disseminating real time information and Karnataka have report- 12 cases, Puducherry has Also Read | Cornavirus Pandemic: The Centre said that directions on the pandemic to counter the pan- ed 20 deaths each. eight cases while Goa has PM Modi interacts with CMs on have been issued to district adminis- ic being spread through fake news. Punjab has registered 18 seven COVID-19 cases. 'graded' lockdown exit plan, Megha- tration and superintendent of police (With PTI inputs) fatalities so far. The dis- Manipur and Tripura ease has claimed six lives have two cases each, while in Jammu and Kashmir, four Mizoram and Arunachal in Kerala while Jharkhand Pradesh have reported a and Haryana have record- case each. ICMR Tells States To Stop Using Rapid Antibody Test Kits From Two Chinese Firms BENGALURU: More than and parcel of the business Virus Enters Andhra Raj one million information continuity processing, plan- technology employees are ning in the future,” Gopal- he country's apex health re- expected to continue to akrishnan said. Bhavan: 4 Staff Test Positive search body ICMR on Monday work from home even after The Chairman of early Tasked states to stop using the the coronavirus-inflicted stage startup accelerator and COVID-19 rapid antibody test kits lockdown situation returns venture fund, Axilor Ven- procured from two Chinese compa- to normalcy, says IT indus- tures, also said that many of nies and return them to be sent back try veteran Senapathy (Kris) the smaller Indian startups to the suppliers. Gopalakrishnan. have found that they are In an advisory sent to chief secre- The former President of as effective working out of taries of all states and Union Territo- the Confederation of Indian home and are now wonder- ries on Monday, the Indian Council Industry (CII) said the IT ser- ing whether they require of Medical Research (ICMR) said it vices industry has actually permanent office space at all. "evaluated the kits of Guangzhou managed to transition people “We (India's IT services

Wondfo Biotech and Zhuhai Livson to work from home during companies) are not going K

Diagnostics in field conditions. The the ‘stay-at-home’ period. back to business as usual,” Y results have shown wide variation in “And that was not a triv- he said, adding, firms would M Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh the virus. their sensitivity, despite early prom- ial task. A large number of do a rethink on the office C Raj Bhavan reported four A local newspaper quoted ise of good performance for surveil- people who have to be sup- space they would require coronavirus cases while a the MP as saying that six of lance purpose". ported with technology in- and “how we need to deliver parliamentarian's family in his family members, in- "In view of this, states are advised "It is stressed that ICMR has not mand, the ICMR also provided these frastructure to work from services in the future. Kurnool district was said to cluding his 83-year old fa- to stop using these kits, procured made any payment whatsoever in re- kits with clear instructions that they home; business processes Gopalakrishnan believes have at least six patients as ther, tested from the above mentioned compa- spect of these supplies. Because of the are to be used only for surveillance will have to be changed, at least 20-30 per cent of 80 new COVID-19 cases were positive for coronavirus. nies and return them to be sent back due process followed (not going for purpose. with client permission,” the IT employees would con- across the state in the last Krishna district reported to the suppliers," it said. procurement with 100 per cent ad- Some states have raised issues re- co-founder of IT services tinue to work from home 24 hours, taking the overall 33 fresh cases in the last The health ministry on its part is- vance amount), GoI does not stand to garding their performance during firm Infosys Ltd told P T I. even after the lockdown is tally to 1,177 on Monday. 24 hours, followed by sued a statement saying that after lose a single rupee," the ministry said. the testing exercise that they have “Now I am told that 90 lifted and the situation re- While the government Guntur (23) and Kurnool receipt of some supplies, ICMR has Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has undertaken. to 95 per cent of people in turns to normalcy. That ac- bulletin gave only the overall (13). conducted quality checks on these alleged that some people were in- Additional Director General of ICMR many of the larger (IT) or- counts for about 1.2 million numbers without any The COVID-19 toll re- kits in field conditions. dulging in profiteering while supply- G. S. Toteja advocated that RT-PCR ganisations are working out people, he said noting that other details, official sources mained at 31 while four pa- "Based on scientific assessment of ing rapid test kits for COVID-19 to the throat/nasal swab test is the best use of home. And that transition four million professionals revealed tients their performance, the order in question government. for diagnosis of COVID-19. RT-PCR test has been smooth and done work in India's IT-Business that four staff members of were discharged from (Wondfo) along with order in respect of In its advisory, the ICMR said that detects the virus early and is the best very, very quickly. They have Process Outsourcing sector Governor Biswabhusan Har- hospitals in Chittoor and another make found under-performing several states have procured rapid strategy to identify and isolate the in- figured that out and I think as per industry body NASS- ichandan were afflicted with West Godavari districts. have been cancelled," it said. antibody test kits and on their de- dividual, the advisory said. PT this will now become part COM figures. NEWS MAKER SC Dismisses Plea For Free Calls, Data Usage Facilities During Lockdown Delhi Riots: Jamia Alumni Body Chief NEW DELHI: The Supreme the health ministry to take port. Earlier, even Airtel an- dia reports. The plan was Court has trashed a plea the required steps to deal nounced that it will extend launched in March to offer Arrested Under UAPA seeking directions to the with increasing psychologi- its validity for users till 17 free Internet access to BSNL NEW DELHI: The presi- was produced in a city court Centre and other authorities cal pressure on individuals April. The telecom company landline customers. The dent of Jamia Millia Islamia which remanded him in po- to ensure free unlimited call- due to the lockdown or be- claimed that it was doing so plan provides up to 10Mbps Alumni Association has lice custody for 10 days for ing, data usage, and Direct ing kept in quarantine. in order to serve its custom- download speeds with a cap been arrested under the further interrogation in con- To Home (DTH) facilities The plea had sought direc- ers in low-income areas. of 5GB data on a daily basis stringent UAPA in connec- nection with the case. for users to ease "psycho- tions to the Centre and the Similarly, the Bharat to all BSNL landline sub- tion with the riots in north- So far, 10 people have logical stress" during the Telecom Regulatory Author- Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) scribers to promote social east Delhi in February, offi- been arrested by the spe- nationwide lockdown. A ity of India (TRAI) to invoke decided that prepaid SIMs distancing and encourage cials said on Monday. cial cell of the Delhi police bench of Justices N V Rama- relevant terms of agreement will not be discontinued subscribers to work from Shifa-Ur-Rehman, also suggests that he incited for alleged involvement in na, S K Kaul, and B R Gavai of licenses granted to DTH steps to help customers till April 20. For outgoing home - limiting the spread a member of Jamia Coor- mobs during the riots. He the communal riots. which was hearing the plea service providers and ask deal with this situation. calls, a ₹10 incentive has of the coronavirus outbreak. dination Committee, was was also seen in the CCTV Earlier, Jamia Millia Islamia through video-conferencing them to provide completely In March, Reliance Jio has been provided automati- A total number of novel booked under the Unlawful footage which was collected students Meeran Haider and apparently said, "What kind free and unlimited viewing announced complimentary cally so that the poor and coronavirus cases in India Activities (Prevention) Act from the riot-affected areas. Safoora Zagar were also ar- of petitions are being filed?" facility of their channels and 100 minutes of calls and 100 the needy people continue neared the 28000-mark (UAPA) for alleged involve- We have checked his call re- rested under the Act for al- According to the PTI re- contents during the lock- text messages till 17 April. to work, according to ANI. on Monday with more ment in the riots and was cord details and WhatsApp legedly hatching a conspiracy port, the petitioner, advocate down, which has been ex- The company has said that And now BSNL has ex- than 800 deaths in India. subsequently arrested by messages and found more to incite the communal riots. Manohar Pratap, told the tended till May 3. users will continue to re- tended the validity of its The total number of con- the Special Cell of the Delhi evidence which suggests his While Zargar is the media bench that he would with- During the 21-day na- ceive incoming calls even ‘Work@Home’ promo- firmed Covid-19 cases rose Police on Sunday, they said. involvement in the riots,” a coordinator of Jamia Coordi- draw the plea. The advocate tionwide lockdown, several after the validity expires, tional broadband plan until to 27,892, including 20835 “We had technical evi- senior police officer said. nation Committee, Haider is

has also sought a direction to telecom players have taken according to a Livemint re- May 19, according to me- active cases and 6184. dence against him which According to the police, he a member of the committee. K Y M C M Y K C M Y K C