


[Prire-Rs. .5 J


Preface Population Map . 1. Introducing the District . . • • • • • • 1

%. Scheme of Tables-Census Tracts . . • • • • • • ix PART I


I.-Area, Houses and Population .o' •• 11.-Variation in Population during fifty years . . • • 3 II.-Towns and Villages classified by Population so;<- •• 6 .;' , rv.-Towns classified by Population with variations since 1901 ...... :, ' .. 8 V.-Towns arranged territorially with Population by Livelihood Oasses 10

4. B-EcONOMIC TABLBs- I.-Livelihood Classes and Sub-classes · . · . 1% II.-Secondary means of Livelihood · . • • · . 16 IlL-Employers, Employees and Independent workers · . • • 3S 5· C-HOHSEHOLD AND AGE (SAMPLE) TABLES_': I.-Household (Size and Composition) · . S6 II.:-Livelihood Classes by Age-groups • • · . · . ~8 IlL-Age and Civil Condition · . 61 TV.-Age and Literacy · . 65 V.-Single Year Age Returns . .. · . · . 68 6. D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL T ABLES- I.-Languages-(i) Mother tongue • • • • · . 71 (ii) Bilingualism • • • • · . 73 II.-Religion .. • • • • • • 74 III.-Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward and Non- 76 backward Classes. IV.. -Migrants . . . . · . Subsidiary-Livelihood Classification of Immigrants . . VII.-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards ... • • 7. E.-SUMMARY FIGURES BY SUBDIVISIONS, REVENUE THANAS AND POLICE STATIONS.


(1) Area and population, actual and percentage by Revenue Thana density 102. (2.) Variation and Density of General Population ...... 10.1 (3) Mean Decennial Growth Rates during three decades lOot

(4) Immigration . · · . · . · • .. . 103 (,) Distribution of Population between Villages ... •• .• 104 (6) Number per 1,000 of the Population and of each l,ivelihood Class 104- who live ill Towns. PAGE (7) Agricultural Oasses per 1,000 persons of General Population, number 10 4 in each class and sub... class of 10,000 persons of all agricultural Classes.

(8) Non-agricultural Classes per 1,000 persons of General Population, lOS numbe,r in each class and sub-class of 10,000 persons of all non­ agricultural classes and numbers of employers, employees and in­ dependent workers per 10,000 self-supporting persons of all non­ agricultural classes.

(9) Persons per 1,000 houses, and houses per 100 square miles • • (xo) Distribution by size of 1,000 sample households of Rural and Urban Population.

(II) Family composition of 1,000 households of General Population 106

(12.) Females per 1,000 males (General, Rural and Urban) and comparison 106 with previous censuses.

(13) Females per 1,000 males in Agricultural Classes and Sub-classes .. 106

(14) Females per 1,000 males in Non-agricultural Classes and Sub-classes

9. STATISTICS RELATING TO RAINFAl"L AND AGRICUJ... TURE- l{ainfall-Normal Rainfall ...... l08 Cultivation- (II) Classification of land . . . . l08 ( b) Progress of cultivation during three decades .. 108 (c) Land area per capita (195 I) ; and trend of cultivation per capita 109 during three decades. (d) Area under principal crops .. (e) Distribution of 1,000 Agricultural Holdings by size of holdings

10. SUMMARY FIGURES OF LIVE STOCK CENSUS, 195 1 - (a) Distribution of Live Stock and Poultry. . • .. • • 110 (b) Distribution of certain important categories of Live Stock and 110 Poultty per thousand of population. (c) Variation in the number of classes of Live Stock (includ­ 112. ing Poultry) during the years 192.0 to 19,1.

II. FIGURES RELATING TO INDUSTRIE.S­ (i) Small Scale Industries-

(a) Distribution of small scale Industrial Establishments, Table I 114 (b) Employment in Textile Establishments, Table II . . •• 114 (ii) Industries registered under the Factories Act ... • • II,

1.1. VITAL STATISTICS • • .. . . . • • • • 116


14· VILLAGE STATISTXCS- PAGE Police Station- I. Arrah MuffasjJ • • • • • • • • 122. 2.. Sandesh 4 • • • • • • • 13 0 ;. Barhara '.. • • · . • • 132. 4· Shahpur • • • • • • • • 13 6 5· ]agadishpur · . · . • • • • 6. Piro · . 140 • • · . · . • • l44 7· Shahar. · . · . · . • • 0 8. Tarari · . 15 · . • • 9. Buxar • • 154 • • • • • • ISS 10. Rajpur 162- t I. Itarhi 0 12.. Dumraon 17 174 13 · Nawanagar • • 14. BrahaOlpur 180 .. . 18 15. Bikramganj 4 186 16. Dinara · .. · . .. 6 17. Dawath · 19 • • · 18. Karaghar . 2. 0 4 19. Nokha 208 2.18 2.0. Sasaram · . · . . 2.2.4 2I. · Rohtas III • 22. Chenari 23 6 2.40 23· Dehri · . · . · . 244 24· Nasriganj 248 2. 5. Mohania • • · . 26. 2.52 - Ran_1gar~ • •. 27. Durgawatt · . 256 · . • • 2.8. Kudra · . 262 • • · . 266 2.9. ·Bhabua · . • • • • 2.70 30 • Chainput . . • • • • 2.86 31. Adhaura • • • • • • • • 32.. Chand 292. • • • · '" • • • • • 2.96 15· lJRBAN STATISTICS- I. Arrah • • • • • • • • 02 2. Sasaram Municipality 5 · . • • .. . 3. Dumraon Municipality . . 302 • • • • 0 4. Buxar Municipality · . 3 4 ,. Jagadishpur MUnicipality · . 30 4 • • . . 6. Dehri M'unicipality 306 • • · . • • 7· Bhabua Municipality 50 6 · . 0 8. Nasriganj Municipality 3 6 306

PREFACE nus Handbook contains mainly statistical data and is not intended to replace the District Gazetteer which gives a comprehensive account of the district in narrative form. Most of the sta.tistical tables included in the vQlume are based on materials collected in the 19 S I census, but some non.. census statistics have also been included and a brief introduction to the district has been furnished in order to enable readers to follow the statistical tables without much difficulty.

2.. Before this, District Handbooks containing important census tables and other statis­ tics were published in 190 5 and 1916 in the form of statistical supplements to District Gazetteers. These Handbooks did not contain any statistics relating to individual villages. Madras and certain other provinces and Indian States published village statistics of some districts at the 19.2. I, 193 I and 1941 censuses. In Bihar also, there were proposals in 192.1 and 193 I for publishing similar statistics, but they did not materialise. The idea of publishing Handbooks like this containing both district tables and statistics of area, population, liter~cy. and live~ih~od p~ttern for .each vill~ge besides, other useful statistics relating to the dtstrtct owes Its InceptIon to Shrl R. A. Gopalaswaml, 1. c. S., the present Registrar-General and ex-officio Census Commissioner of , who made a recommenda­ tion to this effect to all State Governments in March, 195 1. This recommendation was readily accepted by the Government of Bihar who have sanctioned the publication of the H.andbooks at their own cost. 3. As already indicated, detailed statistics for villages were not compiled for any district in Bihar before this. The task was fornlidable, and the compilation and editing had to be done within a limited time' simultaneously with the preparation of the State census tables and report. Every effort has been made to ensure correctness and accu... racy of the data and, though there' are short-comings it can be fairly clain1ed that this Handbook removes a long-felt want for a book of reference containing the basic statis­ tical information for the district and smaller units down to the mauza. 4. I have indicated at appropriate places the source from which the non-census statistics have been obtained. The brief note "Introducing the District" is based on materials drawn from varied sources. 'Thus, information refating to geology and rain­ fall, etc., has been obtained from the Geological Survey and the Meteorological Department of the Government of India (through the Registrar-General); information relating to Agricultural Statistics, from the State Department of Agricultural Statistics ; and, rega.rd ... ing n1ines, from the Chief Mining C)fficer, Bihar. My indebtedness to ()'Malley's District Gazetteer of Shahabad and l-Iubhack's final report on the Survey and Settlement Operations in the District of Shahahad will be obvious to all who have read these invaluable books. 5. The compilation of the census statistics included in this volume was done in the Patna Tabulation Office under the able supervision of Shri A. K. Banerji, Deputy

1. Shri Bl·ahma.nand Prasadt Technical Magistrate and Deputy Collector. I desire to acknow- Assistant. ledge my obligation to him and to the marginally 2. Shri Hari Kinkar Bu,ner ji. named staff for the care and interest taken by them Tabula.tion ASRist,!111t,. in the work. My thanks are also due to Shri Rameshwar 3. Shri ShiVGilhwal' Dayal, t, Nath, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, who has 4-. Shri Umesh Nath Pando, n helped in the editing of the non-census statistics and 5. Shl'i Pravash Chandra Chaudhry, u supervised the proof-reading. Lastly, but very far 6 .. Shri Bala. Nand Sahay, Head Typist. from the least, my thanks are due to Shri S. N. Chatterji, Deputy Superintendent, Government Printing and his staff for the care and interest shown in the printing and publication of this Handbook.



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. Constituted in the year 1865 out of ~e ~ldOc 3. Topography and Hills .-Ex.cept for the Sarki¥'s . of. Roh.t&S .apd Shahabad, the Q Dl~trlct Kaimur hills which rise up to 1,200 ft.-near Rohtas .of .SltAHABAD ~xtends frOw. 88°19' to ~4 15 east the altitude is 1,500 ft.-the whole district. is a flat lon,gitude ~nd 241>81' to 25°4'6' . no~h latItude, ~nd country with few eruiuences. '!'he terraln slopes has an area now of 4,406- square tntles. A p :s.v~ue lItoord. of the .state ~t. the atea.1:if the distriei w~" {lIit" ~ 4,. *l,Ii8te mn ... . ' ",_) ii

ways, the Main Line and the Grand-Cbor?, inter­ garh,. Banjari, Dumarkhar, Baulia, and Ramdihra~ eect the district at two places along the wIdth. A Between Baulia and Banjari, there is a, limeston& light railway of the small gauge from Arrah to bed of an average thickness of as much as 30 ft. Sasaram conneots the two broad gauge lines of the Portions of this bed near the Murli hill contain lDore· Eastern Railway. Another light Railway connects than 80 per cent of Calcitun carbonate. IJirnestone­ Dehri with Rohtas in the Sone valley between the is being used for the manufacture of lime, bleaching Kaimur tableland and the Sone. A net-work of powder, cement, calciunl carbide, calcium cyana­ metalled and un metalled roads measuring over two mide and glass. thousand Iniles is also available as an extra means 7. Soils .-The soils of the low lying stretch of communication. The most important among the along the Ganga bank which receives fresh roads is the Gra,n,d-Trunk Road which entering and deposits of silt almost every year is known as· leaving the district at the same places as the Grand Kadai. The oblong shaped north-western portion Chord line of the Eastern Railway and running of the district consists almost wholly of clay almost parralel to it, traverses a distance of abo11t except near the border of the Uttar Pradesh where 55 miles within the district, 'The statement below it is found mixed with Kankar. 'l'he clay JS shows the mileage of metalled and unmetalled known as Karail and retains mOIsture for a consi­ roads ma.intained by the various Authorities :_ derable period. It is exceedingly suitable for grow­ Metalled. Un- ing rice and also rabbi crops, e.g., wheat, linseed,. metalled, lentils and gram. The soils south of the Grand­ Public Works Department 292 Trunk Road up to the foot of the plateau and east, District Boards 238 1,{jOn of the Arrah Sasaranl railway consists of clay and ... 32 19 sand in almost equal proportions. This is. Water communication is also available In called Doras in the vicinity of habitation, and abund~nce. The Ganga all the year round and the d1~hi, goenr, etc., further afield. It is suitable for­ SODe intermittently provide the important means. growing rice, sugarcane, mustard and linseed. At. A small goods traffic is carried along. the canals of some places in this area. the sand content of the which there is a net-work in the district~ There i$ soil is higher still and in this proportion it is known a vigorous goods traffic along the Ganga with as Bahnat or Balsundar.. In the Sone valley bet­ Calcutta on the east and places in the Uttar ween the plateau and t.he river, the soil c~nsistE; Pradesh 'on the west,' chiefly of fine sand called Bal or Benga. This re­ 6. Geology and minerals.-Three distinct quires continuous irrigation for prodneing good stratigraphic,al subdivisions are noticeable in the crops. Kaimur hills t the Kaimur sandstone, the Bijaigarh 8. Climate and Bainfall.-December to Feb.. shale a.nd Rohtas limestone. The whole of the ruary are tIle coldest months when. the luean tern­ ~orthern edge of the tablela~d il;ld the upper por­ per~ture. is ".62~F:· 'l'he temperature .goes on rising tIons on the' other sides consist of; the Kaimur sand­ t~lereaf~e! tl!l'lt reacheR the pea,k i.n. May when the­ stone which is excellent building material. It has mean. IS 9~ F. Th? average maXImum tempera ... 0 however, never I been quarried to a.ny considerabl~ tU!'e In thls month 18 102 P. As in other parts of extent except long ago at Karaundia 'and Dhan­ BIhar, the monsoon sets in some time in June dhanr. The lower stratum consists of the brittle accoz:n.panied with fall· in .temperature' and rise in and splintery Bijaigarh shales. . The .. Rohtas lime­ hum~dlty, ~n_ the ~onth '.of September there is H•• stone is a very fine bedded' rock, even~y gained. fall In hUl~ll~lty, Whl~h. l'ecords a rise again there-· The, whole of tIle tract from the foot of the Kaimul' after. ,It lS at ~ts IDlnl11ium during the months of plateau up to tlle Ganga is of alll,lvial f()rmation ~ar~h and AprIl. .~rom June to September, P~e. e~cept. small po:tions at places where anci~nt dlS~r1Ct gets ,an . un~nterrupted easterly wind of voleanlc beds wIth ,fine porcellanic texture are w}l1ch. ~he dIrectIon 18 completely' reversed during found. The only rocks outside the Kaimur plateau the perlod !rom October to May. ':rhere is practi­ are the low hills near Sasa!am consisting of coarse call! no ~a1D from November to :May, the total quartzose and' felspattic sandstone. .No minerals dUf1Il:g thIS whole period being not more thal} &bout. ~orth the name are .found in the dist:r:ict except two ll~c~es 011 an average. July and AugU&t are. hmestones and pyrItes. The latter ar~ . mainly the ralrl1eB~ ~onths. , D~ing the .last decade, the­ found impregnated on the Bijaigarh shales. These ralD"lD tbe . ~o~th. of ,July varied from ...... not yet been commercia.lly exploited . ha~~ 1!, .48 to l~, .80 and ID the month o~ August,'Eram, .~:~' work is now being done by the Geo.. 9 .2~ to 18 ,20. . The: •.t~soo~ dwmdles. down in logy of llldla. ,The shales are being opened up and September. The averagEfannuBl r&infall during the­ ~. LImestones have been worked for a last. decade w~s 46",61 $ld the average &Dnu&l lOllS· ~ Tbe best quality is found near Rohtas.. number of ralny.. tiJys was 52 .. 4. The southern. ... w,

-portion of the district generally gets Inore rain than 11. Population.-The district returned a. the northern. popUlation of 2,688,440 at sUl1l.'ise of the l~t, March, 1951 the reference date of the Census .. 9. 1mportant monuments and ar(}ka~~ogi~al The figure ~s larger than that for Patna in spite of re'main8.-Unlike the rest of the Patna DIvlslOn the great CIty., It has, however, a lnuch larger where st.!-lpas and other archroological reluains are area so t~lat th~ density is. only 610 persons pel' found strewn about alnlost all over tbe place, there are few ancient relics in this district. rrhe squa~'e mIle agalDst 1,168 of Patna and the average denSIty of 572 persons per square mile for the State -only Budhist site is on the Cbandanpur hill ea;s~ of Sasararn town where oDe of the caves bears an 1ns­ as at whole:, .. l'lJe district had a de,nsity of .only 528 III 1.)·11. S.lIwe t.hen, the populatIOn has lncreased ,cription of 231 or 232 ~3. C. At Mahadeopur by 15.5 per cent which is lower than the iIlcrease of :about 10 miles south of Pll'O have been found t.he 16.8 per cent recorded in the previouB decade. rrlw l'uins of an old brick teluple by, a Prlll­ cro~ned, rate of increase during the last decade wag the Dacle very similar to the one which IS belIeved to tIl ird highest aIllOng the districts of the State after have crowned the tenlple at Bodh Gaya. Anot~lel' Dhanbad and Patna. rrhe highest increase was 'ancient temple at Mundeswari about seven ~~llies recorded· in the Sasaram (19.7 per cent) and iroIll Bhabua il:) believed to be the oldest) HInd 1,1 Buxar (17.~ per eent) Subdivision. In the Bllabiu1.' monulnent in the district and is attribut)ed to Udal Subdivision t.he increase was not speetacullll" Sen's ti'me (635 A. D.). Two other temples of hut the population of the Mohania, Revenue' considerable age are found at l)eo Barunarak. rrhana of that Subdivision increased by 19.1 per One of them bears an inscription of Jibita Gupta cent. Alnong Revenue 'l'hanas the highest in­ (740 A. I).). The other affords no such. evidence ~reaAe of 29.2 per cent was registered by Dehri but is believed to belong to the same penod. Yet followed closely by 26.2 per cent of Buxar. another telnple at Baidyanath in the Bhabua Sub­ division bears an inscription of Raja Madan Pal I)ev of the Pal dynasty. A large DUIn be,r of build­ . 12. Distribution of populati{)'tl.-The Sasaranl ings dating back to early and llwdieval ~raiHl~ and Bhabua llevenue rrhauas which CODHist rnainlv manisrn are found scattered round the VIllage. ot the hill tracts of the Kaimur plateau, are ~f There is an ancient Fort at HohtaHgarh of which COllI'S?, sparsely populated. The plains area shows the age has not yet been determined accurately. two different patterns of popUlation distribution. "rhe phtce is named after Rohitaswa, son of Haris­ fl'he north-eastern portion where the soil is gene.. .chandra of mythology. The :Fort was taken by rally better and irrigation facilities are also avail­ 'Sher Shah in 1539 A. J). and iIuprovernents able ill greater abundance, has an average density therein were effected by Manl:)ingh when he rnade of HOg persons per square lnile. In this tract no it his residence as Governor of Bengal and Bihar. Revenue Tha.n~ has a d~nsity of les8 than '870 At Sasaram is a rnagnificient lllauso}eum built by persons per square mile, e;x.eept Bikramganj where 'Sher Shah for himself. Mention can also he made the denSIty falls to below 800. 'rIle average density here of a great m.ausoleum of Bakhtiyar Khan at ()f the 8o~th-western portion consisting of Revenue Chainpur seven llliles west of Bhabua. 1'his T~la-?a~ Ka~aghar, Buxar and Moha.nia wbere the mausoleum is also attributed to the time of solI IS Inf~rlOr and facilities for irrigation are also Sher Shah. In the same village are the ren1ains of cO~llparatlvely meagre, is 630 persons per square a Fort believed to have been built in the time of uule . and no Hevenue Thana in this area reaches a Sher Shah or Akbar. d~nsIty of even 700 persons per square mile, while Raraghar has only 550. 10. Subdivisions and Thanas .-The district is divided for administrative purposes into four Sub­ divisions· which are further subdivided into 11 13. Growth oj populat~pn (1872 to 1951).-Tlle Revenue Thanas and 33 Police-Stations. The first census of 1872 was very deficient 80 that an statement befow shows the number of Revenue increase of 14 per cent was recorded by the 'next Thanas and Police-Stations in each of the four census of 1881. The increase in the decade Subdivisions :- Revenue Police­ 1881-90 was only 5.7 per' cent 011 the 1881 total. Thanas. Stations. ~hereafter the populatiQD declined at every Census Attah Sadr 8 9 tIll 1921 which year completely cbanged the trend 4 10 Sasar&m ... and a rapid accelerat~n of popUlation was regis­ ·8uxar 2 6 Bhabua 2' • 8 tered at every CensuIJ thereafter. In spite of the . IV l"ise recorded' in ~the 1881-90 decad~, the popula­ has been increasing steadily since 1901 although tion at the 1921 Census was less than In 1881. The- there was a fall in 1911. In the decade 1911-2(} . average annual rate of decrease in between. works also, this town -recorded· an increase in the popula­ out to 0.17 per cent. After 1921 the populatIOn has tion although there was a decline in the district as a. been increasing at the, rate of 1:6 per ~e?t per year. whole. It ig situated 011 the Bastern Railway MaIn Bad public health and economIC condl~I~D were ~Tl I.~ine on the junction with the Arrah 8asaram Light the main responsible for the state of affau's prevall. !{ailway. It was called Chakrapur or Ekachakra ing before 1921. Persistent, fevers brougl~t about in legendary tiInes and .is supposed to he-en a hea.vy IllOl'tality in tlhe penod between 1879 and named Aralnnagar by t,he Budhists. It has no in­ 1886. Thereafter also it persisted but the rate of dustry w?rth the name exce;,t nlet,alware for loc~l mortality was lower. _ Plague in 1900 and consumptIOn. SaSaralJl (29,265) is also an old continued to take heaVy toll of lIves over a long town. 'fhe only industry deserving lnentioll is th~ period.' '1'0 this were "added virulent. epidenlics of lHanufacture of lacquered pottery. 'l.'he chief iIll~ cholera which appeared in several years. There portance of this industry lies in the small cost of was a serious outbreak of plague in 1912 and of the produetion and the high price that it fetches. 'The cholera epidemic in 1915. Both cholera as well as town has the advant.age of being 011 the G-rand plague appeared in 1917 and to these was added the Uhord line of the Eastern ]{ailway and also on the-­ great influenza epidenlic of 1918 and 1919. In Grand 'frunk Road. It is connected with. Arra.h.. 1896-H7 there was a farnine in the southern parts of town with a light railway. Dehri (24 ABO) which the district. Failure of crops in 1H07 to 190n was recognised as a town for the fil'Ht tilne at the. brought about scarcity condition. The decrease in 19.~1 Census. haH . developed into a fine township. the population between 1881 and 1921 would have It 1S on the Junotlon of the Eastern Railway Grand been steeper still but for a large increase in im­ (:',lOrd line and the l>ehri HohtaR Light Hailway, migration eauRed by the opening up of the Sone Sl~llated on the western end of the long railway canals and also the extension of cultivation in thp brIdge acrOAS the Sorle, it lies on the Grand 'l'runk eighties, and developnlent of the linle industry in Road also. '!'he luain Sone canal starts from here the decade 1911-20~ The increase of 5.7 per cent and it }las the head-works of the canal Avstenl with in the population during the decade 1881-90 h~ an ~nicut on the Sone. The main work~hop for the largely illusory because hut for large immigration lua.lntenance of !!rovisions for the canal re(luire-· in ~his period, the population would actually have 1lHmts are alHo situated here. '1'he present inl-' rHg11stered a decrease. After 1921, the epidemics portance of the town is. however, due to the cleve­ ~id not stop altogether hut, although they appeared l(:)plnent of eelllent, iirns and. sugarcane industries In a few years, they failed to cause equal havoc in since the early ~~~ntjeH: Apart from the greater­ t~e grow~h of population. Crops also failed par­ m;nployment famlItIes offered by the industries, the tlally durIng the years 1925 to 1928 and 1950, and hIgb rate of increase in the population durjng tIle the Bone floods of ltl23 wa,shed away considerable last as shown by Table A-IV, is due mainly crops towards the BOuth. A large part of the period ~o the assirnilation of some of the suburban areas, was, however, free fronl these calamities and the Jn~o the -t~n on a~count of the large scale indus­ genetal oondition aided by improvement in the tnal eXl)anSlOD durIng the period. Buxar (18,087) balance, of migration was conducive to steady on the bank of the Ganga and on the main line of growth In the recorded population. tl,le Eastern l{ailway has the advantage of both the kinds (~f tr~de conlmnnications. Dumraon (16,605 \ 14: Rural .an(~ Urban.-There are only eight o.we.8 )tR IIllportance. to. the Dumraon Raj. It towns In the dIstrIct and 4,729 villages. The ratio I eglstered a large fall In Its population at the 1911 of the ~rh(~n to rural population works out to 1 :14. Census and also a fall at the 1921 Censns with the· . Four vlllages in the district haye a population ,-)f ~'esnl~ tl~~t although the population bas been rising ~o:e, than r 5,000 persons each. All the four sub­ steadIly SInce 1H21, the 1901 mark has still not been dtVlslonal he~dquarters are towns and the other reache~. J agdishpur (11,322) ,although an old ~our urb~n a~'eas are J?ehri .. I)uln['~()n, Jagdisbpur to'wn, IS more properly an overgrown village. Over- all~ NaRllgan~. Arralt IS t,lle only town with a popu­ 54 per. cent of ItS. popUlation are dependent on latIon exceedIng 50,000,' The second largest town ~grlCultural occupatl?nS ~ for their subsist~nce. It Sasaraol ,has ,less than 30",000. Except for Dehri lS ~n the Eastern Rallway Main Line a.nd the hOItle and ~.~8rJ~~nl' all the other towns are quite old and of K!lar .~~~gh~" the hero of the Sepoy mutiny. munICIpalItIes ,were constituted for them in the year N asrI~anJ (8,741) was a town for the 1869. ATrah .1S the headquarters of the district and first t1me. at the 1941 Census. It is situated a,bQut. ha.,a a populatlon of 64,905 p~rS<)ns. The population half , mIle from the Bone on the Koilwar Dehri v

Road and is a trading centre for ~rticles ,of internal 16. Age St1 uctU1'e .-Able bodied persona of oonsumptiQn. At one time, ·Harlhar~anJ a p~rt ?f age 15 years tind above but below 55 years consti .. tl~e town was f&lnOUa for haud manufacture of ,thln tute a little over half the total population of thft pal'cluuent paper known aH Ba8aha . . Bhab~a wlthbi~ district. Young children of less thall 15 years of population o~ 7,858 is. the headquarters of a au Age and old perSOUR of 55 years and ahove form the division bearIng the saIne, na:me.. . ' " . remaining less than about 50 pel' cent. 'l'l!e distri. As elsewhere, urbanlsatlon of t.ile ~lstllct hali bution of 100 persons by age-groups is shown been luaking rapid strideH. The ratIo of ~he urban below:- to the rund population is 1 : 14, today agai;nRt 1, ~ L5 l.JeiSt-l than five Yean; 14.1 " of 1041, 1:16 of HJ31 an~ 1: 17 ?f" 1,m~1.. ~ he Five yeUl'H and above but below 25.~ 1\)51 Census recorded an ll~creaBe of ~2.4 pel ~ent 15 years. in the urban population against .13.8 pel' cent of the 15 years and abo\'c hut les8 tlHUl 30.H rural population, over the ,1941 total. , .. 35 years. 1:). Male Fe-rnale ra.t'W.-In the ovel'a~l 'picture 35 years and above but lesH than 20.4 for the district. tllere· iH a shortage uf feln~les 55 years. by about 28.000 and thB ratio is 979 fcumiel-; aga.ll'~t 55 years and above 9.5 every 1,000 ruales. Fenudes were !;Letually. 1~1 17. Civil condition.-Marriage is universal. excess in 1921 when there were as Hlany as 1. ,02._J Only 3.0 per cent of females and 12.6 per cent of felna-leg against every 1.000 Inales. In l~nn. ~11e InaleA of 15 years and above are unmarried. ~rhe picture was reversed and there was ~. 8hortj~ge of five proportion of unma·rried persons is reduced to only females for every 1,000 n1ales. SInce tllen tho l.1 per cent arnong females and 7.4 per cent among 'Rhortage has been ever on tlle increaKe .. Between Inales who have reached their 25th year. Thai t 1.0 l1 and In51 the shortage of ferllaleH agaInst every ll}arriage takes place at higher ages also is shown 1,000 luales has gone up by two only. rrhe sl.lOrtage by the {act that among people aged 85 years and is not confined to the urban area,~ where female!;, above only 0.6 per cent of females and 5.3 per cent are too short by 117 for every 1,000 lllal(>s, In .the of males llave remained unmarried. Quite a rural areas also, felnales nuruber only H84 agalust: large nunlber of marriages take place very early in every 1,000 luales. Although a defieiency l)f life. Seventeen per cent of males and 27 per cent tIle feruaIes in distrjct as a whole was t'pvealed by of fema.les of age between 5 and 15 years were the 19.31 Census, they were still in excess in the found to have been married already. The corres .. rural areas till tlleu. AnlOng persons dependent on ponding figures in 1931 were 25.8 per cent and agriculture also there is now a sllin·tage of. six 39.1 per cent respectively. Considering the high feInales for every 1,000 lHales. Females eontmue incidence of early marriage in this district, it must still to he .ill excess suumg agrieu1tural labourers be said that the vogue of early marriage has been .und rent receivers. Tlwy nunther 1,024 jn tile former dying out rapidly although not quite satisfactorily. class and 1,112 in the latter against every 1,000 nlales. Persons following the non-agrieultul'al 18. Literacy and Education.-Literates number occupations, however, only 909 fmnuIeH against 15.9 per hundred of the total popUlation. 'l'he every 1,000 luaies. The shortage of felnaleR in the figure includes 2.8 per cent who have passed at least urban areas is not evenly distributed. As stated the Jniddle FJehool exalnination and also persona \\o'ith above in· paragraph 14. J agdisllpur town is nwrely higllel:' educational qualifieat,iollA. AUlOng Inales, an over-grown village. Its rural characteristic is 28 pel' cent are literate which figure again -includes further evident froln the fact that it has actually au 5.2 per cent who have passed the middle school or excess of feluales. Such an excess is alHo notice-. some higher examination. Literate females number able in Nasriganj town. only a.5 per cent and the proportion of those who have passed some exax:ojnation is negligible. Edu­ In spite of the shortage of females in the dis­ cation is naturally more pupular and easily available trict as a wIloIe, there is actually an excess in the in the urban areas where 39.8 per cent of males are Arrah Sadar Subdivision notwithstanding the liter&te as against only 27 per, cent in the rural shortage in Arrah town which has a total popula­ areas. Among persons dependent on non-agricul­ tion of over 64,000. Subdivision-wise, the large~.:;t tural occupations, 32.8 per cent of males and 9.7 shortage (19,000) in Sasaram. In Dehri Police­ per cent of females are· literate· as against the Station alone, the shortage is over 7,000 of which (~orresponding figures of 27.1 per cent and 2.8 per more than 5,000 is accounted by Dehri toWD. cent respectively for persons dependent on the 'rhe incra.sing shortage of females cannot be agricultural occupations. Education is by far adequat.ely explained by improvenlents in the advanced among persons dependent on transport-­ balance of migration. More male births have been which includes the railway services-for their main­ registered every year since 1921. tenance. 44.6 per cent of the males and 19.6 per . Vi

cent of fema.les among them literate. Bataidars The most important itemB under production are the worst oft educationa,uy. Only 8.S per cent other tha,n cUltivation are stock raising,· fi$hing t of their males a.nd 0.7 per cent of their fem&~e8 are m~nufaeture of food .. stuffs, textile goods, footwear, literate. Agricultural labourers who would mclude daIrY products, tobacoo produots and metalwo,re. for the most part, the scheduled and non.. BChedu~ed and wholesale trade in food-stuffs, textile backward classes, are only slightly better off Wlth and. leather goods and metlliware can be mentioned 9 per cent of their males and about 1 per cent of un~er ,commerce. Th~ bulk of the persons depen­ their females being literate. The statement below den t on transport receive succour from the various shows the number of educational institutions and kinds of r~ad transport, e.g" trucks, buses, other the scholars reading therein :- nlotor vehlCles, bullock"carts,, etc. The Number of Schola.l'S figures against miscellaneous and services include Description of Number 625 beggars and vagrants and also 1,544 other Boys Girls institution persons. who are employed on other non-productive Colleges 1 1,821 3 ~)CCupatlOns, e.g., pe-:8ona living primarily on 60 24,566 342 IDc0I?-e from non~agrlcultural properties' or on High Schools .. penSIons, scholarshIps, doles, etc. inmates of jails, ),196 Middle Schools 167 23,256 asylumR and almshouses. Among persons gainfully 115 elnployed can be named employees of the U nian Senior Basic )0 1,734 i an~ .State Governments, local boards and munici~ Upper Primary 421 92.491 7,«5 pahtleR, Professor~, Teachers, Lawyers, Doctors Lower Primary 1,266 } and Health SerVICes, masons, domestic servants, barbers, washermen and reereation services. Junior Basic .. 16 1,760 "'----,_"--'''- -~ 14';,61 R 9,101, . 20. Social and Religious Group8.-Hindus cons .. Only 6.24 per cent of the scholars in aU kinds tltute the bulk of the popUlation as a~l non .. Hindus of eduea.tional institutions are females. form only 6.7 per cent of the population. Of these 6.6 per cent are Muslims. Hindus include the 19. Livelihood Pattern.-Persons dependent Schedul.ed Castes whose proportion in the total on agricultural occupations for the primary source populatIon of the district is 13.7 per cent. The of their livelihood constitute 83 per cent of the total non-~cheduled Backward Classes (both Hindu and population of the district,. a.nd non-agricultural Mushm! number 11.8 in every 100 of the general pursuits account for the rema.ining 17 per cent of :populatIon. The Scheduled Tribes number 16 993 them. The statement below shows the ~ivelib~od class distribution of 10,000 persons (lnclud1ng In all: .

agricultural and non-agricultural classes by their not only can water fronl these reservoirs be ta.ken ~conomic status :- to the fields through drains in times of need, but Self- Non- FJnrning also the fields nearby can get a continuous supply Supporting earning de,pendants of moisture. Irrigation from wells is used mainly dependants on uplands close to the habitation. The water General 31 .:! 64:'8 4- frOlll wells is brought to the surface by means of Latha,. Mot and Bair are also used for raising AgricultunLI :t.?·, 63'9 4: water to higher levels from artificial reservoirs or Non.Agricultural 26'4 69'4 4.2 Ahars. Even to-day, irrigation from Ahars and wens is practised in areas outside the scope of the 'l'hus 100 self-supporting persons of the general Sone canals, mostly in the B}mbua Subdivision. population have to support, besides themselves, Irrigation frOll} Ahars does not, however, meet the 20H other persons who are entirely dependent on" lwed fully: for one thing, it is fully dependent on them for their subsistence. For the reason already rain. and it is mostly in times of droughts tbat the stated t this burden is slightly smaller among agri­ need for artificial irrigation is felt most. The Sone cultural classes and 100 self-supporting persons ell nal R:VRtcm conRists of ancient across the Sone thenl required 199 oth~r 1:\nlong are to support only Itt Dehri., the main canal and a number of diatribu­ pel'ROllH. Among persons following the non-agrI­ tn,ries. The length of the main canal and the cultural occupations, however, 263 persons on an diRtributaries within the district is over a thousand supported by 100. breadwinn~rs. average have to be III iJes of which a distance of about 132 miles is Among the agricultural classes agam, the heaVIest naviga,hle. The openjng up of these canals has burden has to be borne by labourers, 100 earners been a.n immense boon to the district. It has Q,111ong whom have to feed, clothe and generally accelerated the extension of rice cultivation. Even support 225 other persons. ahollt 40 years back at the time of the last Bettle­ 22. Culti-vation.-The total land area of the ment, only 32 per· cent of the gross cultivated area, district is 28.2 lakh acres and the population is was under rice. To-day it is 41 pel' cent. During 2(). H lakhs. rrhe total geographical area per head r~cent years the non-canal areas benefited of the population thus works out to only 105 cents. considerahly from the minor irrigation drive of th~ 'fhe total cultivated area is 17.3 lakh acres and pel' State, ~overnlne~t. The proportion of the irrigated capita, it Gomes to 65 cents only. Of the total al'eaR In the cultivated lands has risen from 41.9 geOjraphical area of the district, 9.3 lakh acre~ are per cent at the time of the 1ast Settlement (1907- t:I.DI* hills, rivers, canals, homesteads, vIllage 16) to 5].7 per cent to-day.' common roads! etc., and are thus not available for 24. E;xtension of cultivation.-As stated in cultivation. Current fallows based on average paragraph 22 above, 9.3 lakb acres are not available figures for the quinquennium ending 1949-50 for cultivation out of the total land area of 28.2 amount to 0.8 lakh acres, and culturable wastes to lakh acres. Of the available lands, 96.1 per cent 0.73 lakh acres. The cultivated lands together have already been brougllt under cultivation. The with current fallows and cultivable wastes work culturable wastes amount only to 33 tbousand out to only 72 cents per capita. 41 per cent of the acres. Most of this is in the Bhabua. Subdivision tota.I gross cultivated area is under rice. Maize wb~re t?e construction of a large scale irrigation and other cereals and pulses account for 54 per cent project IS not an economic proposition. There is and cash crops are grown on 5 per cent of the gross thUA hardly any scope for 11, further extension of cultivated area. At the time of the last Settlement enJtivation. (1907-16), 32 per cent of the gross cultivated area was under rice. :J5. Size 0/ holding~·.-At the request 9(the D.epartment, a sample suryey of~~}~e size of : 23. Dependence (In irrigation.-The terrain of hold Ings In the State was carried out in April, 1969 the diiJtrict slopes gently from south·east to north­ h,v thA St~te Government of Agricultural Statistic's. west. Although the gradient is small, it is. sufficient Acc(~rdin~ to this survey, the average size of & to dra,iu the rain water away qui~kJy enough. If holdUlg 111 the Shahabad district is 4.19 acres artificial ilTjg~tion we~e not practised, crops would including homesteads a.nd other lands not avail­ be precarious. Before the construction of t,J Ie able for cultivation. If cultivated lands alone are Sone canals late in the last century, the oul;y irriga- t,akpn into account, the average size works out to tion that was done was with the help of. Ah4ta and 2.44 acres. At the time of the last Settlement wells. AkaT8 consist of artificial' embankments (1907-16), the average size of holdings in the for storing rain water at convenient places so that district wa.s 5.48 acres. The statement below .... '. V1l1 I based on the results of the said sample survey, not only cultivable lands but also homesteads, etc., abo"8 the distribution of one thousand agricultural ~hich are not available -for eultivation. There is holdings by size :- no doubt, however, that one person might well be Up to 0.5 acres ... 299 in possession of. more than one holding. We may look at the problem from another angle. There Exceeding 0.5 a.nd up to 1 acre ISS are 4.62 lakh self-supporting persons among Exceeding 1 and up to 2 aeres 209 occupancy raiyats in the district. The average net Exee~ding 2 and up to 8 acres lOS area cultivated per self-supporting person of the oceupancy raiyats works out to 3.75 acres. Exceeding 3 and up to 4 acres 49 Exceeding 4: and up to 5 acres 27 26. Live,ytock.-The livestock Census of 1951 has revealed that the district has 99 cows, 69 she­ Exceeding 5 and up to 10 acres 88 buffaloes, 55 goats, 29 sheep and 43 poultry per Exceeding 10 and up to 15 3S thousand of its popUlation. All kinds of cattle acres. J'egiAtp,red an increase over the previous livestock Exceeding 15 and up to 30 19 Cf'nRUA figllre'~ in H)·H>. acres. 27. Indu.stries.-20,627 persons or 2.46 per Exceeding 30 acres and less 11 eent of the total number of economically active than 50 acre8. perRons in the district are employed on the various Illanufactures and industrjes. There are Total 1,000 jn all 189 registered Factories employing 7,900 persons. T11ese registered factories consist of rice, flour, oil and dal nliUs, sugar-mills, paper Thus 67 per cent of all the holdings in the a.nd paper-pulp manufacture. cement manufacture, district are of not more than 2 acres in size, while general engineering, manufa.cture of chemical, holdin,as of not more than 5 acres each' constitute ete. rphuR the majority of the persons ea.rning about 85 per cent of the holdings in the district. their livelihood through manufactures and indus­ And the figures for the size of the holding include tries, are employed on small a,nd cottage industries. • IX


The following tables in this Hand-book are based on the 1951 Census:­ (1) A-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES- I.-Area, Houses and Population. II.-Variation in population during fifty years. III.-Towns and villages classified by population. IV.-Towns classified by popUlation with the variation since 1901. V.-Towns arranged territorially with the population by Livelihood Classes.

(2) B-EoONOMIC TABLES- I.-Livelihood Classes and Sub-Class. II.-Secondary Means of Livelihood.

IlL-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services bv... I)ivisioU£J and Subdivisions. (3) C-HOUSEHOLD AND AGE (SAM'PLE) TABLES­ I.-Household (size and cOlnposition). II.-Livelihood Classes by Age Groups. 11l.-... Age and Civil condition. IV.-Age and Literacy. y .-Single Year Age Returns. (4) D-SOCIAL AND CUL'l'URAL T ABLlJS­ I.-Language. II.-H,eligion. - IlL-Scheduled Castes and Tribes. IV.-Migrants. VI I.-Livelihood Classes by Educat.ional Standards. (5) E·-SUMMARY· FIgURES FOR SUBDIVISIONS, HEVENUE TIIANAS AND POLICE-SATIONS- 2. The A, B, I) and E series of tables are aJl based on total count; The C series tablm; have been prepared fronl a 1010 randorll sarnple of the Census Slips. 3. Oensus Tract8-Iteference to CensuR Tr'actR will be found in a, large nuruber of tables. Census Tracts were fonned Inainly for the convenience of dist.ribution of work anlong sorting and compilation teanlS. In lnost cases, they correspond to Revenue Tlul1HLS. A list of Census Tracts is given below' with names of Revenue Thanas and Police-Stations included in each.

Number a.nd Name of Tnwt Name of the Cm·t·osponding Nanw of Uw PoJieo.I'H atioll Rovenue Thana ineludcd in tho Truf't

------____~ ___ ~ •• - ._ ..,--- .... __• ______._. __ .... ____...... _._ ...... " "_"'. __ c_ ... _._~ " __ "''-_ ._ ~_ ..._. ______._._ .. __... ____ ._, .... '_.___ .. _ •• __.. 1 2 3 ______~_w_~ ____ ... _. __ .___ .____ .______~,_ .___ -__ ... __ -_ ...... ,,__ "" .. ___ ._____ ~ .______~_._ .. ____ ., ____ .... __ ._"_ ..... "._,.,.., .. ~_, ___ _

34:. Arrah (Rural) Arrah ( 1 ) Arrah MufaHsiJ (2) San

35. Shahpur (Rural) Shahpur .. (1) Shah pur (2) J agdishpur 36. Piro Piro (J) Piro (2) Sahar (3) '1'cl'ari 37. Buxar (Rural) Buxar .. (1) Buxar (2) Rajpur Ca) ltarhi Number and Name of Tract , Name of'the Corresponding Name of the Police"Station Revenue Thana inoluded. in the Tract ---_._------_._------_•. _-----_.. __ ...... _. __ .. _--...... "--'_'-"_'---'- 1 2 3

_._...... ----- .... "'---.. ----.-.... ~ .•. -~-~-. -_.. _._ ..•. __ ._--_._-_ ... _-_ ..... _-----_._ .. _.... __ ..... _, ...... _._--- 38. Dumraon (Rural) Dumraon ( I ) Dumraon (2) Nawanagar (3) Bl'ahampur 39. Bikramganj Bikramganj ( I ) Bikl'amganj (2) Dinara (3) Dawat,h

40. Karaghar Karughat' (1 ) Karaghar (2) Nokhtt

41. Rasaram (Rura.l" ~t18al.'aln , • ( I ) Hasaram (2) Rohtas (3) Chenal'i

42. Dohri (Rural) Dehl'i (1) Dehri (2) Nasl'iganj

43. Mohania Mohaniu. .. (I) Mohanin (2) Hamgu.rh (3) Durgaoti ( 4) Kudra

44. Bhabua (ItUI'l~l) Bhahu8. .. (1 ) Bhabuu, (2) Ohn-input' (3) A

45. All t,OWIUI of Shahabad District (1) Arl'nh (Urban) (2) Sasaram (3) Dumraon (4) Buxar (5) .J agdishpul' (6) Dehri (7 ) Bhttbua (H) N u.sriganj ---_.-.._----_ ...... _------..._..._..------4. Rural and Ut'ban Statistic8-These are also based on Census data. 5. Other Statistics-Other statistical tables are based on materials obtained from different de­ partments. Every possible effort has been made to ensure correctness of the data. The sources from which the figures have been obtained, have been indicated briefly in appended to the tables, where necessary. PART T 2

A-1-AREA, ROUSES AND POPULATION This table shows for the Distriot and for ,each Subdivision, the area,. the number of towns &tld villages, the number of occupied houses, and the total urban and rural population, male and female. 2~ The total area of the District has been shown in this table aB 4,323 square miles only. This has been arrived at by totalling the figures of constituent units e.g., police-stations. The Surveyor-General of India has reported the area of the district as 4,406 square miles. The difference between the two figures is not large and can be ignored. 3. "Villages" in column 3 mean revenue villages or mauzas other than those which are wholly absorbed in towns, and uninhabited mauzas. 4. "Houses" in colum:rrs 5, 6 and 7 mean buildings or homesteads with separate mttin en­ trances, and not commensaral houses. 5. The urban population of the district is 180,579 ; and the urban-rural ratio is 1 : 14.

------Occupied houses .. ---- DISTRICT and Area in SUBDIVISIONS sqllRor~ Villn.ges TownR miles Total Rural Urban

._--,,-,---_.. _---,---_.__ .... _- _. __ ._ -_--_._- _. "----_.. _"------_- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-____. __ ._._._._-_. __.. __._~._., __-- __ ._."_.,. ______... ____ .. ___ .. c_ ... _. __ .. __ ...... ______

DISTRICT 4,828 4,729 8 420,475 389,874 81,101 : SADAR SUBDIVISION 920 1,081 2 137,059 1:U),Of)7 12,002

BUXAR SUBDIVISION 683 724 2 76,560 70,343 6,217 eASARAM SUBDIVISION .. 1,483 1.668 3 1,33,701 122,276 11,425

BHABUA SUBDIVISION .. 1,237 1,256 1 73,155 71,6U8 1,4fi7


DISTRICT and Persons Males Females SUBDIVISIONS -- ._ -_._ ,-_ ..,-- --•.. _.... _,_ --- ._--_._,_ .... _._-- .. _._ ... _.__ .._ ... _.... _--_._-- Rural Urban TotAl Hu rill Urban 'l'otal Rural Urban

------.------_._--_"_ .------... '.------.... --~---'------.. ~,'------1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

-...... _....------.-,-.---...... ,,----.-~ DISTRICT .. .. 1,688,440 2,507,881 180,579 1,358,448 1,283,944 95,499 1.,829,997 1,244,917 85,080 SADARSUBDIVISION 885,270 809,743 75,527 441,077 401,790 39,278 444,193 407,044. 36,249 BUXARSUBOIVISION 636,754 502,062 34,692 270,519 252,291 18,228 266,235 249,771 .. 16,464 SA.SARAM SUfSDIVI- 836,278 763,776 62,502 422,641 388,707 38,840 403,781 375,069 28,662 SION BHABUA SUBDIVI- 440,138 432,280 7,858 224,aO(f ~20,147 4,153 215,838 212,133 8.706 SION 3


'l'his table compares the 1951 population of the Di~triot and also of eaoh Subdivision and Revenue Thana with that of five previous censuses (1901-1941).

DISTRICT, NAt SUBDIVISION and I)crSOlll-l Variation variation Male8 Variati

--_._--_._--,_..-,._?'_ .. _------...... _ -- - .--~, ,_-_. __ .. _ ., ..... ,,_- ._- ._._ - .,-_.'-_ --..... ~-.--.---.. -.-, ... ------~ ...... -- ___.----_.- ..... _ ".... ----_-_ ..,_------,,-- 1 4 5 6 7 .__... .._ ___ ._ ,,_ "" ___. ____ -_~~. _____ .___ .__ "" ... ______w_··_ ...... __. ____ '.... ~ ... ___ .____ ... ____ -,.-,~ ... _. ______.. ___ .______._ ...... _____.. ____ ... '.... _... ______

SHAHABAD 1901 1,959,896 . . 985,208 1,024,688 .. 1911 1,862,998 ---96,898 908,659 "--31,549 959,889 -85,849 }1)21 1,814,229 -·-48,769 894,227 ---9,432 920,002 -89,337 1981 1,993,489 "1·179,260 999,099 + 104,872 994,89D +74,888 1941 2,328,581 +335,092 · . 1,176,707 +176,608 1,162,874 + 158,484 1951 2,688,440 +859,859 +728,544 1,358,448 +182,786 1,829,997 +177,128 SADAR SUBDIVISION-

1901 , 699,956 329,564 370,892 1911 681,226 ·:-68,780 805,198 -":""24,366 326,028 -f.4,384 1921 627,795 "-3,431 306,798 +1,595 321,0()2 ··-5,026 1931 696,088 +68,288 845,951 ,·39,158 850,082 +29,080 1941 796,871 )-100,888 896,262 +50,311 400,609 +50,527 1951 885,270 +88,899 +185,814 441,077 +44,815 444,198 +48,584 ARRXH·_

1001 313.n~:~ .. 14{),03;~ J08.1M) 191 I . 274,113 . ---···3H,670 132.401} --13,164 141,t>44 -26,50n 11121 275,:l6H + 1 ,253 1 3:~,H20 .+ l.:~f)} ] 41,.')46 ·_-US lH31 307.885 -32,510 152,430 + IH.tH () 155,4(,5 + 13,{l09 IH41 344,OOG +36.120 · . 170,32:i + 17,RHa 175,6S2 ·f·18.227 In5} 372,252 +2S,247 + 58.46U ) 84.fil H . +14,lUH lS7.7:Ja + 14,051 I .. SHAHPLJH- 1001 ISS,otH) R!;,408 . . {}»,651 · . ISH} 16J,S04 -2U,255 78,062 -10,346 83,742 -lJl.»O{} lil21 153,623 --8,lS1 74,702 ---·3,300 78,861 -4,881 1931 161),971 + 16.348 84.21S +U,4Jl6 R5, 75:~ : ·+·6,892 IH41 200,644 +30,673 · . 100,436 + 16,218 lOO,20M + 14,41)1) 1951 222.H67 + 22,32:~ + 34.908 110,548 +10,]]2 112,41H +12,211 PIRO-

1901 197,72H U5,335 . . 102,304 1911 195.30H ,-2,420 94,667 . ·--66!; 100,642 -1,752·. lU21 IUS,806 +3,4~7 U8,211 +3,l'S44 100,505 ·-47 1931 218,177 + 10,371 109,303 +11,002 108,874 +·8,279 1941 252,222 +34,045 125,50:J -,16,200 126,719 + 17,845 1951 290,051 +37,829 +92,322 146,010 + 20,507 144,041 + 17,322 BUXAR SUBDIVISION- '.

1901 416,704 196,986 219,718 • • 1911 382,971 -33,733 .185,836 . -~-1 1,150 197,185 -2i,688 1921 ~"S52,187 -30,834 175,603 ···;...10,283 176,584 ···_·10,601 1981 383,050 +30,913 194,919 +19,316 t88~181 +11,597 1941 457,902 +74,852 .. 230,864 +85,945 227,038 +38,907 1951 538,754 +78,852 +120,050 270,.i19 +~9,655 266,~35 +89,t9~ BUXAR- , .. 1901 .~. ' 156,426 74,836 . 8 J ,5f)0 · . 1-911 148,840 . -7,586 72,635 . . ·-2,201 76,205 -5,38ts. U121 .. 131,274- -17,566 65,659 -6,976 61},615 --10,590 l.D3l, • 141,179 +n,905 72,432 . +6,773 68,747 + 3,132 1941 171,383 . +30,204 86~762 + 14,330 84,821 + 1:5,874 19tH " ...... ) , 216,302 ·'+'4,919 ,,' .. + 59,876 110,4'87 +23,725 105,815 + 2J, It"- 4


1 • J:bISTRICT, Not SUBDIVISION and Persons Variation variation Males Varit\t.ion FemalcK Variation REVENUE THANA 1901·1051

-'--._----_. "--~'------'-""----'--'- -"~'''''''-~- '"'_ -~,- --,'----- .... _.. _- 1 2 :i 4 5 6 7 8 .-.--... ,~-~~---~- .... ,- ,_ ...... _-_._- ..._. __ ._,"'" __ --...... -~.----- ~.- _, __ _._.- DUMRAON-

1901 26{),27~ .. 122,150 138,128 HHI 234,131 --26,147 113,201 . ---8,1*41' 120,930 ~ -l7,] 98 IH21 220,~fi3 . --I:i,26~ lOH.944. - -3,257 ilO.HIH ---to,Oll 1931 241,871 +21,008 122,487 + 12,543 1 I !l.:384 +~,465 1941 286,519 +44,648 144,102 -+21.615 142.41i . r- 23.033 HUH 320,452 .+ 33,933 +60,174 160.032 + 15,930 160,420 + 18,003 SASAMAM SUBDIVISION- 1901 539,635 .. 260,210 279,425 · . 1911 544,874 +4,739 .. 263,078 +2,868 28J,296 1-1,871 1921 588,908 ~ -5,471 265,216 + 2,188 '~B,687 --7,609 1931 589,565 +50,662 294,865 +29,189 '.~ 95,210 +21,628 1941 690,220 -t-100,655 850,784 +56,379 839,486 +44,276 1961 826,278 +186,058 +286,646 422,547 -171,818 408,781 -+- 64,245


1901 186,482 ~H, 707 !H).771) · . 1911 192,53] + fS,04!) H2.71H +3,012 HH,81t I ~ 3,037 1921 189,737 . -2,794 Ha,084 +- :~()il H6,()f)3 -3,15H 1931 208.190 + 18,453 103,47ft + J O,3Uf) 104,71J +8,058 1941 240,832 +32,642 122,6HH +lH,21H IlS.J34 -1- 13,423 1951 286,077 +45,245 +9H,fi}W 144,5:!1 + 2l,~23 14- I , ()f)6 +23,422 KARGHAR- 1901 U6,736 46,583 50,15:3 · . 19l1 99,561 +2,825 48,006 1-1,423 f)J,5!)5 -+- 1,402 IQ21 H5.512 ---4,04H 4tS,(i 7 J - -_ 1,:-1:15 48,841 . --2,714 1931 100,188 + 4,670 4!l,723 +:J,052 50,465 +] ,624 1941 1l7,H40 + 17,7!)2 r>H,ltZ +H,3HH 5g,tH8 +~,353 1951 144,805 +26,865 +48,06H 7~,O52 + 14,H30 70.7!S3 I-I] ,B3,"j

SASARAM- lUO) .. 166,250 80,099 86,151 HHI 160,583 -5,667 77,H63 --2,136 82,620 ~-- 3,531 1921 .. 158,116 -2.467 77,950 --·13 80,ltl6 ---2,454 1931 176,583 + 18.467 8~,664 +10,714 87,~)19 +7,75a 1941 204,301 .+ 27,718 ]04,013 -+- 15,34H lOO,2~8 + )2,36!} 1951 231,146 + 26,845 +64,896 118,722 +·14,70H 11 !!,424 +12,136


HJOI 90,167 43,821 46.346 1911 9J,601) + 1,532 44,390 +569 47,30U -1' H63 .IH2l 95.538 + a,839 47,511 +3,121 48,027 +718 1931 104,604 +9,06{S 52,489 +4.978 52.110 +4,088 1941 127.147 +22,543 ()4,901 + 12,412 02,24() +- 10,131 uun .. 164,250 +37,103 +74,083 85,252 +20,:ifil 78,HH8 + 16.752


.1901 .. . 306,401 149,784 .. 156,617 1911 .. 307,089 +688 150,838 +1,054 156,251 -866 1921 297,986 --9,108 147,996 ---2,842 149,990 -6,261 1981 324,841 +26,855 168,874 +15,d18 160,967 +10,977 1941 888,588 +68,747 .. 197,847 +88,978 185,741 +24,774 1951 440,188 +66,650 +133,787 224,800 +26,463 216,888 +80,097 5

A-II-VARIATION IN POPULATION DURING FIFTY YEARS-ooncld. __~._. ______._. ____ .. , ______,______I' _ _ _

DISTRICT, Ni:~t, SUBDIVISION and Persons Vtll'int,ion variation FmuaJelil Variation REVENUE THANA 190}·1 H5J

_•... ,,_ .._ ... _- ._---_ ...... - ,,_.... _.... - - _...... _., ._ ... _.-- .. ' .. _.... _...... __ ..... _-_.- •.. __ .-.__ .... _.- .. _,. .. ----._. __ ...... , .._- .. __ ....•. _------_... , ... __ ._ 1 " 7 _., ____.. __ "___ •__ -~" ___ --_... __ .,_..._,._ .._ ... _____ .••..~_ .~...,. .• __ , __ --'c," .. _-__ ~~ •. ' __ ..... _-...... - ----.-,."" -.-.. ---.------'... - • -- .. ,---...... ---.• -~ ,-,-.--~-- ~- ... ~ .• --~ ..._"----.....--.- .... -----,-...-.---- .. """.~----


HWI 140.67:1 t>8.874 71,7Un HHI 136.!)67 . -·4.106 t>7.334 ·1.540 tW.2:1:~ ·--·2,5H6 lU21 132.322 -4.24f> 66,lf>7 ... _1, 177 (j(l.165 --:\,068 IB31 I :3\),72:3 .+ 7.401 70.574- t· 4.417 {;H,14H -+ 2,H84 HI41 175,563 t- 35,840 HO,40 1 -1 } ~,827 ~f>.l(S2 +1(),0l3 IUSI 20B.018 I 33.45f) + OH.341,) lOti.546 -+ 16,145 102,472 +·17.310


IHOI HS5,72S 80,010 M4.818 1011 170.522 + 4. 7B4 83.504 I· 2,5H4 87.018 +2,200 Ifl21 I 65,tW4 - 4.S5S ~ 1.~3H ... ) .60f> 83.82f> -3,193 J !)3 J 185.118 .+ I !J.454 B:1.300 + 1] .461 IH,818 + 7,993 IH41 :Wk.02!i 1 22,007 107.44() +14.146 tOO.57U + 8, 761 .j J ] :l.3H6 12,787 ] !~51 2:H.I 20 ~. 23.00;') + nii.3H2 117,7 :J4 IO,a08 + 6


The basis of classification here is numerical, and not urban or' rliral..

,----~ ...... :......

Total population Tow n I:'! itnd vi11agoh- DISTRICT 1'otal num her of inhabited and Tot,al SUBDIVISION towns Aud villagef:l Male~ JI"emales Numb~t· Fernllh'8

.---.-.. ---~.--.-----.~.- --.--. -.- .. --""""'''~~'''''''.-''''''---'----'-.--'--'-'-'-''--''-- -.~--... ,-.-. _,-.. _. __ -..,_._- ... -~ .... _

1 2 3 4 5 7

---,,------_'...------.. ~, .... -, ... ~ .... - _...... -- ..... _ ._--- ...... _ ~-~ -- ___.- .------.._-- .... -- ___... --_- --.~.------.------~--~------,~~-.

DISTRICT 4,787 2,688,440 1,.358,448 1,329,997 4 t 581.I •,. 1,058,71.S 1,042.766

SADAH 1,OB3 880.270 441,077 444.1 !}:~ 1,042 33SJ>H6 344.8HR

BUXAR 7:W 536,754 270.51!t 266,235 70t) 2H),:n:i 217.228

SASARAM 1,671 826.278 422,547 403,731 1,(UH 3IH,naH 3ni ,3()4-

BRABDA 1,257 440,138 2:!4,:iOO 215,8:HI 1,220 180.7H5 173.311

------. ___ Town8 and villages with n population of 2,000 -·10.4100 T()ww~ and

DISTRICT 2,OOO~ ---5.000 5,000·-10,000 TotRl and SUBDIVISION ___ .• ______•. __ .. ___ 'c_'.'_· _...... •.•••.... ______._._ ••.. _._._ ••

No. No. Malfls Feulitles

_.,... ' .. - __ • .....,._ '- ._ ----._--- -.- .. ¥ ... - ...... --- "_,_-_ ••• _------_- --¥-,-__ .. --_...... _ --'_'--_"------,_ .. - ...... _._-_._-_._--_ .... _ .... - ._-_---_

1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2R 2H

------._..-_- _.--- .. ~ ..... --~---_ .. ----,....,. .. _._-- .~,-.-.-- ... ''''.. -~.- ..... , .. _---- .-. ---- _.' ..... _---- DISTRICT 150 212,616 210,365 144 189,231 187,151 6 28,885 28,214 6 87,114 76,866

12,39) ....') 39.Z7t-! :Ul,2-'9 SADAR 39 63,203 63,076 36 51,135 50,6M5 3 12,06R . .

,) BUXAH 24 32,918 :~2,548 24 32,U18 :~2,548 ... 1H,:.!28 16.464 SASARAM 50 72,mW 72,214 48 65,810 6.5,096 ...) 7,164 7,JIg 2 20,608 24.L5:i

BHABUA 37 43,515 42,5~7 36 3\1,362 !~8,822 I 4,153 3,705 7


·T.he large villages may, thus, appear in the saIne class as minor towns.

---_ ... _------.. _._---_ .... _.. -..-..-_------wHh less than 2,000 population DISTRICT f\,mi LASS t,han 500 500--I,o()()O 1,000· --2,nOO S{iBIHVISION

Number Males Feml.l.los Numbm' Ma10R F'omale~ Numht>t·

10 11 12 13 14 11; 16 17 1

.~-- ...... - _ .. _ .. _._- ,-- ., - ,_ ... --~.--~.- __ ~- ...... ~---~ _ -, -...... _-_ _-_ _._ _---_ _ _- _ ..... -_--- ".- --- - .. __----_ -- ...... - ..... ------.. .. _---_ .. ... _--_..' .-- 8,302 474,416 468,496 935 274,127 271,099 344 310,170 808,171 DISTRICT

721 164,0:",8 171,440 206 fi2,OH!'i (;),431 ) 15 ] 12,453 11 I.UM8 HAV.AH.

477 117 ,7=~3 1) 6,4Ua 165 47.676 47,144 uS !)3.U64 53.5H6 HUXAH

1,HH 117.0n5 105,873 323 fi5,:~52 04.2BH 115 107,512 I 07 .:.W~l SA~ARAM

H2:~ 75,530 09,681 24] 69,014 68.236 ;'(1 at1.241 :15,31:.14 BHABUA

------_... _------vi~la.ges wit.h It popula.t,ion of 10.000 u.nd above

__•• __ .. _____• ._., .... ______~. ____-- .. _ ,_. ___.- __~_. ___.... ___ -~. ___..... • ....b~._~k __._. __

10,000-20,000 20,000---00.000 50,OOO~-lOO,000 100,000 and u,bovt) DISTRICT and ~UBlJIVJSION

No. M~les Fam~le3 No. Males Femo,lea No. Males Females No.

30 31 32 34 37 38 39 40 4J 1

8 23,828 22,191 2 29,608 24,168 1 83,688 80,622 DISTRICT

1 5,595 5,727 1 33.683 30.522 HADAH. 2 18,228 16,464 .. , . HUXAR HASARAM •• . ~ 2 !!H,608 24-.153

I .. ••• • • .. . . BRABUA 8


This table gives a list of all towns In the district olassified and arranged aooording to th~ size of popula4 ,ion, and oompares the 1951 population figures with tho8e of five previous censuses (1901-1941).

Net Sub- variation TOWN Division l'ersons Variation -_ .. ~----. - -- Mule", Variation Females Variation 1901-1H51 ------_.. _------_._--- 1 3 4 6 7 8 ---_ ------~-.- --_--- CLASS 11- (50,000 to 100,000)


1001 46,170 !!2,0 I H 24,1.'51 lOll 38,049 -7,621 19,H5G --2,004 18,594 --5,5;)7 1921 40,70H -+·2,220 21,564 + I,60f} I {I,t05 +61 J lU31 48,U22 + 8,15:3 26,035 + 5,071 22,287 -t::J,OI'!2 1041 53,1 :t2 +4,200 28,456 + 1,H2J 24,fH>6 +2,37H 1951 64,205 + Il,083 a3.68a + 5,227 30.5i~ + i>.85() CLASS III- (20,000 to 50,000)

SASARAM " Sasuram

1901 23,644 lO,38~ 13,262 1911 23,mn -547 1O,4R3 +101 12t H}4- --048 1921 22,308 .. -780 10,674 + 101 11,6:H -HSO 1931 25,175 +2,867 12,47:l + I,71W ]2.702 +] ,O{H~ 27,201 1941 +2,026 13,710 -+ 1,2:n 1:i,4U] -+ 78H 1951 .. 29,265 +2,064 -+ 5,621 14,782 +- 1.072 14,48:3 -1-!W~ DEHR! Sasaralll

1901 1911 1921 1931 .. 1941 8,281 4,591 !J,6UO 1951 24,496 -+- 16,215 14,826 + IO,:!:J5 9,670 -+ 5,SHW CLASS IV- (10,000 to 20,000) BUXAR Buxur

1901 13.945 6,857 7,088 HHI 11,309 -2,636 5,827 -1,030 5.482 -1,606 1921 10,098 -1,211 5,256 -571 4,842 ~640 1931 13,449 +3,351 7,430 + 2,174 6,019 + 1,177 1941 14,879 +1,430 8,036 +606 6.843 +~24 IHol 18,087 +3,208 +4,142 9,742 + 1,706 8,345 +] ,"/)0;) ... DUMHAON- Buxar

1901 17,286 S,05H 9,177 1911 15,042 --2,1 Sl4 7,402 -657 7,640 -1,537 lU21 14,1:l2 -·-910 7,137 -265 6,995 -645 1931 14,421 +289 7,602 +465 6,819 -176 1941 16,316 + 1.896 8.473 +871 7,843 + 1,024 195] •• • • 16,605 +289 -631 8,486 +]3 8,119 +276 J'AODISHPUR Sadar

1901 11,451 5,347 6,104 1911 8,924 --2,027 4,229 -1.118 4,695 -1,409 1921 8,564 -360 4,201 -28 4.363 -332 1931 9,661 + 1,097 4,7Hl +590 4,870 +507 1941 10,658 +H07 5,318 +522 5,345 +475 1951 .. . 1l,322 +664 -129 5,095 +282 LS,727 + 382 A-IV-TOWHS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-c.oflcld.

N(~t) Sub. vnriat.ion TO'VN division PerSOIlS Nal'indoll. -,----~,-- l\Iu.lf'S Va.riation F('IIHllt~K Variation 1901·---1051

----_.--.-._-- .. " ... ~--... ,- .... ---.. ~.--~- ...... --- .... --.-- .~- ---...... -.--~--.. _--- ._----, ------~, .. - .. --"". -.-----,~,-, .. ---~--,.".-.------.. "",~ .. -,----.---. '. -_.-. __ --, ------..,.,. ... ,... _...... __. 1 4 7 __ ...... ""' .,,-.. -- ...... ---.-----...... -.--...... ------"'-~---.--.,------..... , -.-.------~ .---- ,.. ----.-"'-" .. "--.--,,... ,..----.,.--'"-...... ---~' ------,--, ..... ~.-. -.--- -, --.--...... -...... -.--.. ,,'---.-~--- ..... -

CLASS V- (5,000 to 1d,000)

NASRIGANJ InOi 1 Hll 1\)2) lO:~ 1 IH41 7~~1 7 3,7Sti 4,O:~ I lB51 8,741 +H24- 4.~a2 4,500

HIIAB'UA. Hhubuu 1001 5,(WO ~.(HII 2,!HW HHI 5,452 --2()K 2,057 -- :l4 2.7Ho -""" L74 H~21 5,435 ----17 2.731 +74 2,704- --HJ ) n~31 n,002 +5(;7 :{,2~O +4ttH 2,7~2 +7S ".J IH41 7,] 04 I J ,I 62 a,SOH +f)SIl 3,:~5[) +G73 1051 7,HGS +HH4 +2,1114, 4, I 5:i +:144 :J,705 +350 10


This table shows the territorial distribution of the urban population in the d.istrict,


Non· agricultural

___ ~ ...... ~._c~._ ~,~ ____ '"' ... _- __ ,_. __ ,.' .... ___ Persons (including dependants) who li velihood

DISTRICT No. of literate v VI and X ame of 'fown Population persolls SUBDIVISION Product.ion (ot,hOl' Commel'ee than (lultivatioJl) ----_ .. _-'_ ~- ,"'_ ------,._. -_ ..... - .. _.. _._ ...... <----- Pm'sons Males .Ft~mfl,l(ls M."l@H Fema.les Mu.lcs Femu,lps M.1ler Females ------_._._------._--_-- -_.. ------. - _-._-_- .. _.. -- ___ ._,_._--_~. "'u_-__ ·.• _·_~ ___·_~_· __ ------..... -~--.---.-- 1 3 7 8 10 11 ------~"-----.------.---..... --,-... - ..--- -.-.--~." .. -..------... ,.--~------SBAHABAD .. 180,579 95,499 85,080 46,085 14,287 10,772 9,739 21,419 20,182 (Urban total) SADAR SUBDIVIHION 75,527 39,278 86,249 20,759 7,510 3,647 3,806' 8,657 8,148

Arl'u,h (M) 64,20r; 33.U83 30,522 18,562 i ,OM, :l.OfH ~.712 7.376 6,K78

J agdil!lhpur (M) 11,:322 5,595 5,727 2,lH7 455 i)!o\6 5B4 1.2~1 ],270

BUXAR SUBDIVISION 34,692 18,228 16,464 8,171 2,216 2,098 1,952 4,575 4,233

Buxa.. 18,087 »,742 H,:H5 4,702 1,:lOO SilO 761 2.360 :?,O78

Dumraon 16,605 8.486 H, lIn 3,46H H07 1.20~~ l,Wl :!,;!lfi :? ,W!) SASARAM SUBDIVISION 62,502 33,840 28,662 16,465 4,068 4,694 4,151 7,098 6,791

Raso,l'am (M) 29,265 14,782 14,4R3 6,44:~ 1,677 ;!,741 2, H7 4 4.140 4, 13~

Vehl'i (N. A. C.) .. 24,496 14,8:'w B,670 7,590 :?,20H 1,415 HOi 2.liO 1.7 Sf)

Nasriganj (U) 8,741 4,232 4,5(1) 1,432 li~:3 5:~H 570 H4:3 HUS

BHABUA SUBDIVll-;ION 7,858 4,153 8,705 1,690 448 338 330 1,089 1,010

Bhabua (M) 7,858 4,15:3 a,705 1,tWO 443 3~~S :~:JO l,mHl l,()lO

(M)~MUlli(~ipulity; (0) "--Union COlllmitteo ; 11

POPULATION BY LIVELIHOOD CLASSES and also the distribution of t,he population of ea(~h town by livelihood classes.


Agricultul'H.l C'laSSOR

dt~rive t,hoir prilleipal nH~.U1R of IV 1·111 from- DISTRICT NOll -(·,uhivnt.illg ('ll It.i ,'n.t.ot·H. ('ulli­ N n.nw of {.OWIl t\,nd VIl vnl owners of land v ati l1g llLholll'PJ'A. HUllDIVlHION Ot.iwl' Rnt'\'i{'l~H l\,gri(,lIltut'u I J'tliit l~1l d til(' i I' Trfll1Sport and Inis('pllltW'oU8 n;(!eiVtW~ulld the';,. d('poudu.n t" BOIlr<'BB df"lpelldu,n t,~

_ _ --...- __ "'--'__ ,,,__ _ -_ • __ ._-._ ___.~_ •• 4 _ •• _,._ ___ ~ ___ " ...... _ ._. ____ , ..... ______• ____ • __ • ~~ __ .....__ •••• _ ... _.__ _ ...... ____...... - __ • I:! 14 ] 7 HI ')

..- .~_ ------,,,,, ... ~._ .- --_" - - -- __ -_-_ _ -""," __ .. _ - _ _ ... _ .-_ .... _____ '"1 ••• __ ... ______._. ___ • ___ .-__ ,._ -__ _ __-•• _" --- _ ...... _ •• ,.. ~

5,424 4,163 33,522 27,927 1,902 1,881 22,460 21,188 SHAHABAD (Urban total) 1,665 1,348 14,146 12,923 1,191 1,116 9,972 9,408 NADAH ~UBI)lVIHION

l.H 10 l.:!KH I :Lt4H 12.:!HK \15;; t-W:l 7.~a5 H.4H3 Arrah (M)

-,.. ti.) t"" ,),. tiO 700 _,) :! :{() :! ;'";:{ :!.737 :!,!I:!5 .Jag!lishpur (M)

986 797 5,949 5,036 144 149 4,481 4,297 BUXAH SUBDIVISION

7(:;4 (lOt) 4,0 I:! :l.2Hr. ()I';,) 7 [) I ,(,[) I 1,540 Buxnr

222 l!H l,~:n 1,751 7ll 74 2,H:~O '2.7[)7 DUlnru,Oll

2,584 1,855 12,591 9,309 469 530 6,404 6,026 KANAB,AM SUHDIVHHON

4~H 40() 4.ti[)4 ,~.O:H 3HO 413 :!,3ti3 2~5:l1 HaRt1l'anl (1\1)

I,H35 1,3~7 7,IH7 4.441'\ IH 21 2.lO0 J ,512 Dohri (N .A.C.)

150 1 .).)...... 7flO H:1O 70 oH 1,8SI 1,H!l3 Nasriganj (V)

189 163 886 659 98 86 1,608 1,457 BHABUA ROBDl VISION

18f) 16:1 s:w 05H HS Sf} ., ,603 1,457 Bhabua(M)

N.A.C.-Not.ified Ar(~a Committf'o. 12 • B~I~LIVELIHOOD CLASSES This table shows the distribution of the population into eight livelihood classes and further (i) Self-supporting persons; (ii) Non-earning dependants; and (iii) Earning dependants. 2. The principal means of livelihood of earning dependants and non-earning dependants, have dependent. 3. A 'Self-supporting person' is -one who earns enough to maintain himself. "A non-earning dant" is a person who earns something, but not enough, for his maintenance. 4. The -rural and urban population of the district shown in this Table differs from the rural and Females-4,509) relating to Nasriganj town, was wrongly included in the rural total In the course

ATRICULTURAL ------,------All Clao;solS Total population S,O.-1 S.O.-II Number and name Total Self-supporting Non-earning of Tract persons dependants ------Persons Males Fe-male~ Persone Males -FemaJes Males Females Males Females -~---" --..~------~--- 1 ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ----...... _--____:.".------,~--. RURAL------

34. Arrah (Rural) 308,047 150,836 157,211 257,381 125,72,8 131,653 48,717 19,544 69,535 106,518 35. Shahpur (Rural) 211,645 10,1,953 106,692 178,906 88,821 90,085 37,019 9,266 47,632 76,156 36. Piro I 290,051 146,010 144,041 262,301 131,360 130,941 49,948 22,008 79,621 37. Buxar (Rural) 1~6,403 198,215 100,745 97,470 176,659 88,785 87,874 39,258 33,128 46,742 52,045 38. Dumraon (Rural) 303,847 151,546 152,301 257,750 128,299 129,451 48,817 43,075 74.992 70,822 39. Bikramganj 286,077 144,521 141,556 257,966 129,334 128,632 '51,446 27,916 74,180 95,434 40. Karaghar .. 144,805 74,052 70,753 131,941 67,143 6i,798 31,553 12,473 33,204 49,125 41. Sasaram (Rural) 201,881 103,940 97,941 170,232 87,418 82.814 41,023 17,656 42,63l 42. Dehri (Rural) 60,434 139,754 70,426 69,328 116,469 58,429 58,040 26,929 13,702 29,1l1 41,078 43. Mohania .. 209,018 106,546 102,472 184,714 93,514 91,200 40,183 17,901 50,278 44. Bhabua. (Rural) 69,807 223;262 113,601 109,661 200,l37 101,179 98,958 50,058 19,669 47,714 75,572 RURAL TOTAL 2,516,BO~ 1,267,115 1,2l9,426 2,194,456 1,1.00,010 1,094,446 464,951 242,369 595,640 808,394 URBAN- 45. All towns of Shahabad 171,838 91,267 _80,571 43,391 22,411 20,980 8,442 2,442 13,395 District 18,Ol59 DISTRICT TOTAL .. 2)O;JS,440 1,358,443 1,329,997 2,237,847 1,122,421 1,115,426 473,393 244,811 609,035 821,453 ~

AGRICULTURAL - --_------,.------II-Oultivators of land wholly or- mainly unowned and their III -Cultivating labourers dependants - _,------_._------_-_---- -'_ ---. _'_---''''_----_ ~umbel' and Name S.C.-l S.C.-II S.C.- -III S.O.-I of Tmct Total Se If-supporting Non-earning E!J.rning Total ~elf'8upport- persons dependants dapendants mg persons ------_ ------..._...,_---_ - _, __ ._--,--..._ ------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males F£lmales Males Females Males Female'S ------. _--" --- ...... _-._---__._ -____,..._ ___ ' ______'n __• ___ ...... _ --.. ___ I 22 23 - 24 - 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ------_------.-- _------,_ ------. ..;..:;.....----- HURAL- __

B4. Arrah (Rural) '13,550 17,206 .. 6,301 1,138 8,439 14,!)60 1,810 D28 33,441 36,077 12,16,2 6,858 35. Shahpur (Rural) 11,907 12,036 4,486 792 6,346 10,759 '1,075 485 20,665 21,600 8,392 3,112 36. Piro 11,899 11,037 · . 4,216 2,107 7,113 8,480 570 450 35,!)28 33,941 14,192 5,638 37. Buxar (Rural) 13,361 12,994 2,51!) 2,104 _ 9,602 1.0,495 1,240 395 22,923 23,44!) 7,9Y3 38. Dumraon (Rural) 27,629 27,106 4,334 6,390 10,810 20,249 13,2D2 990 3,004: 29,313 31,398 S,3.:!!) 5,433 39. Bikramganj 11,892 12,106 6,919 1,195 .4,445 10,728 528 183 26,7!)l 26,431 13,')08 40. Karaghar 5,360 5,266 6,380 · . 1~952 1,051 2,986 3,605 422 610 16,421 16,302 6,070 2,991 41. Sasaram (Rural) 5,147 5,130 2,059 1,895 2,719 2,508 369 727 21,283 23,187 10,240 42. Dehri (Rural) 5,264 4,449 5,277 2,177 1,357 2,876 3,497 211 423 13,212 13,166 5,18D '3,106 43. Mohania 7,157 6,531 4,172 · . 1,257 2,835 4,884 150 3BO 26~376 26,894 11,314 5,842 44. Bhabua (Rural) 9,340 D,009 4,288 -2,690 4,303 5,652 749 667 3),865 32,762 15,726 8,989 , RURAL TOTAL 125,506 123,518 45,479 26,396 71,913 88,860 8,114 8,262 281,218 288,207 113,415 57,132 URB.A.N- 45. All towns of Shahabad 2,155 1,856 697 568 1,365 1,246 93 42 ~,454 7,440 3,046 District 1,050 DISTRICT TOTAL 127,661 125,374 46,176 26,964 ... 73,278 90,106 '8,207 8,304 288,672 295,647 i 16,461 58,182 18


of each livelihood class into the three sub-classes. The sub-classes are-

been assumed -to be the same as those of the persons on whom they are fully or partially

dependant" is one who earns nothing and IS cOIUpletely dependent on others. An "Earning depen-

and urban 'population given in Table A-I, oWIng to the fact that a figu~ ot 8,741 (Males-4,323 .of compilation.

-=---~------~~--~--~--=------~------~~----~------=~ CLA8SEE' ------_-----_------, I-Cultivators of lant;l wholly or mainly <;,..wned and their d~pendants, ------_____. ______._~ ._.1._ S. C.-III S. C.--I S.C.-II S. C.-III Number and name of Earning Total Self. sup porting Non-earning Earning Tract dependants persons deperidants dependants ------Males Females ,Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

------.~-:~------.------. ------_. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 ------_----

7,476 5,591 73,901. 76,300 29,287 1l,058 40,525 61,974 4,089 3,268 Arrah (Rural) 34 4,170 4,663 55,000 54,974 23,544 5;088 28,951 46,288 2,505 3,5913 ' Sllahpur (-Rural) 35 1,791 2,530 82,349 81,686 30,930 13 ,772 50,389 66,334 1,030 ] ,580 Piro 36 2,785 2,700 51,895 50,796 28,480 26,370 22,710 23,334 705 1,092· Buxar (Rural) 37 4,490 9,554 69,751 69,057 33,297 32,356 35,314 32451, . 1,140 4,250 Dumraon (Rural) 38 3,708 5,252 89,820 89,017 30,620 20,206 56,350 65,101 2,850 3,710 Bikramganj 39 2,386 3,200 44,Q16 42,740 23,304 8,323 20,071 32~?42 1,541 .2,075 Karaghar 40 3',764 4,724 57,258 53,753 28,351 11,125 26,009 39,340 2,898 3,288 Sasaram (Rural) 41 2,389 3,260 39,481 39,050 19,376 9,104 18,277 27,624 1,828 2,322 Dehri (Rural) 42 3,053 3,492 59,393 57,188 24,347 10,704 32,676 43,824 2,370 2,660 Mohania 43 3,407 3,717 58,959 56,159 29,608 7,842 27,1l7 45,664 2,234 2,653 Bhabua (Rural) 44

39,419 48,683 682,723 670,720 301,144 155,948 358,389 484,276 23,190 30,496 RURAL TOTAL

574 479 10,970 9,899 4,2!.l6 721 6,493 8,820 181 358 All towns of Shahabad District (Urban) 4.5 39,993 49,162 633,693 . 680,619 305-,440 156,669 364,882 493,096 28,871 30,864 DISTRICT TOTAL


-.----_ -----.~.ur=_-. -. -:----:---.--_ --~-._---;--_ -:---_--::------c---'.-:--:--~"""""--c -_·~~-~-_--c .-. -. c_ and their dependants IV-Non-cultivating owners of h;md, gricultural rent, receivers and their dependants -r------,-----: ---- , -,-_. --.....;-:--. ---.------r-=---.------.------,.- S.C~=~II- . . .s. C.~,,-III S. C . .,.-1. S.C_-.. -II 8.C.-.-1II. - Number and name Non-earning Earning Total Self-supporting Non-earning Earning of Tract .'. dependant~ dependan ts persons dependants dependants

-_~~~-----.-...... ~------~-_--~ ------_ ---_-- Males Females Males Femal':l8, Modes , Fem3,l~s MaleE! Fcmg,les Males :}i'emales Males Females

~-~--:-=-. ---_", .------. ---,._------..-._------34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 ----_. .:.--:---. ------_.~---.:...... -_.__.._.._.-~--- ...... ----.---~------.------_ ------_. ----.:------

19,484 28,310 1,495 909 1,836 2,250 667 490 1,087 1,274 82 486 Arrah (Rural) .. 34 11,765 17,984 508 504 1,2,19 1,475 597 274 570 1,125 82 76 Shahpur (Rural} 35 21,556 30,983 180 320 1,184 1,277 610 491 563 606 11 180 Piro 36 14,100 17,916 830 1,199 606 635 266 321 330 300 10 14 Buxar (Rura.I) ... 37 18,834 24,025 2,150 1,910 1,606 1,890 801 476 .595 1,054 210 360 Dumraon (Rural) 38 13,041 18,824 242 1,227 831 1,078 399 165 344 781 88 132 Bikramganj 39 9,971 1.2,830 380 472 446 490 227 108 176 330 43 43 Karaghar 40 13,645 18,140 398 5)8 730 744 373 187 258 446 99 111 Sasaram (Rural) 41 7,747 9,648 276 412 472 .547 187 135 211 309 74 103 Dehri (Rural) 4;2 14,590 20,651 472 401 588 587 350 98 177 448 61 41 Mohania 43 15,786 .2-3,464 35.3 309 1,015 1,028 436 148 50S 792 71 88 Bhabua (Rural) . .- 44 160,519 222,784. 7,28j 8,291 10,56.3 12,001 4,913 2,893 4,819 7,474_ 831 1,634 ,RURAL TOTAL

4,222 6,358 ·186 32 1,832 1,785 403 103 1,315 1,635 114 47 All towns of Shahabad District (Urban) 45 164,741 229,142 7,470 8,323 ~2,395 13,786, 5,31~ 2,996 6,134 9,109 945 1,681 DISTRICT TOTAL 14



All Classes ,,------, Number and name S.C.--I S.C. ,·-11 S.C. -111 of Tract Total Seli',ul'lpporting Non·~Ul'lljn~ Earning pe I' f,I 0 118 , dtlpOudant8 depewhmts

~ ___ •___ • ,_. ___ ,_~r ... _,' _ ..- __., .. ____ ~_ ...... ___ , __~_ Pe1'8ons Males Fernale8 Mnlt's ll't_lmales ---,---- Males ._------MaloH 1 46 47 48 4H 50 51 52 54 -----..--- ...,---",,-_ .. _--,._------,.. __ ._---_.-... _------~- ,------~----.-., .. -..---


34. Arl'ah (Rural) 50,666 25,108 25,5;18 10,H15 2,8f)t} 13,4BO :W,777 1.OO:l l.H:?t) 3li. Shahpur (Rural) 32,730 16,1:J2 HI,flO7 7.1tH J,4S:J ~,tHHt 14,lOR ail:! LOlo 36. Piro 27,750 14,650 l:-J, I 00 O.4!)3 l,2tHi 7,M~7 lO,H!)7 HI0 1.177 37. Buxar (Rural) 21,556 11,H60 9,5Hn I'), 161 1,Oaf) H,2:!4 8.202 f)6f) :HW 38. Dumraon (Rural) 46,OH7 23,247 22,H50 H,al~3 2,267 14,:WH 17.HUi !)fiti 2,767 89. Bikramganj 28, III 15,187 12,H24 f),5(i2 2.01lS H,:U (l lO,4f)2 a09 4f)4 40. Karaghar .. J 2,864 6.0(1) 5.Hn5 3,f)42 HIO 2,H5:l 4,fiH5 514 4!lO 41. Sasaram (Rural) 31,040 16,522 15.127 7,74tl 1,61lH 7.984 12,54K 7\12 B2:l 42. Dehri (Rural) 23,285 11,!)!17 11.2HH 5.ti4!J 1,357 5,7H4 H,007 !)i)4 ~J2!) 43. Mohania 24,304 1:-J,Oa2 11,272 6,04B 2,28B ().tl:37 8,38J 34H H02 44. Bhabua (Rural) 2:l,125 12,422 10,70:3 6,22H 2,164 5,78:l 7,IHHJ 410 580 RUR.AL TOTAL - 322,146 167,166 154,980 72,580 19,800 88,575 124,501 6,011 11,179 URBAN-

'5~ All towns of Shahabad 128,447 68,856 59,591 22,075 4,969 46,030 53,609 751 1,013 District. DISTRIOT TOTAL ... 450,598 286,022 214,571 24,269 184,605 178,110 6,762 12,192

NON·AURICUL1'UItAl, ---,-_._--_..... _-... _._._." .. _-_ ..,,-_ .. ,_-_._,,---_.- ,,------" .. __ -,._. __ .. "".. _--_... __ .,.. - ... _.... _- .. ---.....-. ,,- Persons (including dependants) who derive their prillcipal means of livelihood from-co'Hid.

VI-Commerce. VIl---TranRJlort

Number and name S.C.-I S.C.-··II S.C.-III S.C.-I of Tract Total Self-supporting Non-earning ~~arnjng Total Self· supporting persons dependants dependant,s persons ____.~ ______•• _~_~, ___• __ _,_,~ H ___'~_~______... ___ , ___., •••___ , ..... _. Males- Females Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les -----'-_... ,-_._------_._------1 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 --"------_.. _-_.,_ RURAL-

34. Arrah (Rural) 6,884 6,738 3,478 1,189 3,377 4,837 29 712 1,255 1,260 396 188 35. Shahpllr (Rural) .. 5,160 5,035 2,506 632 2,571 3,874 83 529 648 634 299 32 36. Piro 4,80U 4,477 1,873 599 2,884 :~,514 62 364 667 497 340 51 37. Buxar (Rural) 8,184 2,998 1,522 383 1,50n 2,556 153 59 639 610 241 28 88. Duml'aon (Rural) .. 7,080 6.~f)2 2,403 627 4,460 5.!!H 217 1,034 950 972 325 29 39. Bikramganj 5,302 4,5!)~ 1,50+ 1,04U 3,656 :i.41S 82 91 423 322 181 19 40. Kasaghar 2,31 (1 2,(}53 1,:U6 62 841 1,855 153 136 217 172 104 II 41. 8asaram (Rural) 3,823 , 3,604 1,720 392 1,880 2,997 223 215 489 435 226 42. Dehri (Rural) 3,337 3,140 1,607 347 1,4.U3 2,421 237 372 541 457 341 55 43. Mohania 4,041 3,686 1,800 781 2,146 2.665 95 240 544 419 136 64 44. Bhabua (Rural) 3,215 2,822 2,024 605 1,081 2,136 no 81 484 . 384 342 RURAl... TOTAL 49,145 46,968 21,818 6,666 25,898 85,464 1,484 8,888 6,867 6,162 2,981 477 URBAN- 5. All towns of 8baba- 20,576 19,284 3,264 952 16,969 18,224 54S 108 5,274 4,041 2,376 S5S bad Distriot DISTRIOT TOTAL. . 69,721 85,247 25,077 7,618 42,867 63,688 1,777 1,941 12,181 10,808 6,807 886 15


CLASSES ----,------'_ - ._- -~-, ._._"".,... _... _--- .,--__..... ~, ....-, .. -.,--... ,.'"-.--. '-~,--....-- .. ----.--.. -~.-." ._,_ ._ ...... _...... ---~,---.-- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal meallS of livt.llihood from·--·

V-Productioll (other than cultivat.ion) Number and name __.. _ .... __. ____ ,__ ,, __ ,,_,_ ..... _.__ .e._ ....__.~, ___.... _... , __ ,"' __.. M __... __.~ ...... __, .., .. __, • ___~ of'l'raot S. C.-· .. ·J S.C.---,-II S.C.- -Ill Total N on -earning Earning pel'solls cit'lpeudant,t; dt.'lwndan t.s --'_ ------_.,_ .. _.. ,- ...... _ Ms.,les Females Male~ Fmn""les Males Females M u.les _(I'mnal{ls

• ___ ... -_ ----_ .----.----•.------...... _ ---- ,,_._ ,_ - - ... -- .••• ~ - .... - -"_'--"", .--.-... _-_•••• _-...... _ ----•••• ~-.'.- '. --..,•••• _ •. _.' -.--- .• _ •••_ •. ~.-.-- ~--- •.-~. - •. ~- ...... - ... __ r,••• __ _ 55 56 57 60 61 62

._•• _ ' .._ •• _._.___ --.. __ ~ __ .,..... _ •• ______._ ,,_. __ "" __ -."-.. ___ ~ ...... ____ ,"_" __ • "'M ." __,_._ •• __ • __ ,,_~""'~ ._o .. _.•. _ ... ", ..__ .,.~~. ____ •. ..._ .. ___...... __ " ,.. _.. ,,,,,,,_,_ ._ ...... ~ __ ..___ ... ,_


5,456 5,610 2,145 753 :~,()51 4,:l66 2flO :;00 ihrah (Rural) a4 3,321 3,347 1,62B 281 J ,5U3 2,025 nH ]41 l"ihn,hpur (Hurs.l) 35 3,848 3,401 2,380 430 ] ,OtH 2.780 407 185 Piro 36 2,387 2,100 1.14H 34a 1,103 1,674 48 H2 Buxar (Rural) " 37 6,421 6.303 2.861 8]6 3.47~ 4,00n 81} U78 Duml'lton (Rural) :l8 3.653 :\,212 I ,:~33 38(S 2.208 2.528 112 298 Bikramganj an 2.005 1,870 !l88 443 837 1,344 ]80 83 Karaghar 40 4.772 4,245 2,O~5 fif>O 2,375 :l.205 :J02 4HO SRlitUam (Itu rnl ) 41 2,702 2,6:J4 1,028 140 J .556 2,302 J18 ]02 Df)hri (Rural) .. 42 :1,388 3,028 1.621 669 1,616 2,10:1 151 :~f)6 MohH.niu, 43 3,H07' 3,644 j ,465 653 2.403 2,736 OU 255 Hhabua (Hur·ttl). . 44 4t,920 89,412 18,691 5,470 21,872 80,472 1,857 8,470 B U HAL TOTAL URBAN-

0,169 3.501 6,714 8,601 It) 189 All towns of Hha.habad 45 District 52,154 48,581 22,192 5,849 28,086 89,078 1,876 8,659 DISTRICT TOTAL

CLASSES -,.------.,," ... --, _,._._------_._-"_ -- .~-~, ._ -- .... ------.. ~-.~ ._- ---""-'-~-~ ." -- - .,,-.~ ,---...... _-. -- ...... _- .,.-.-...... -.--"'~ ...-- ... ~----...... ------.,.._-- Persons (including dependants) who d~t'ivo t,heil' prin(~ipal means of livelihood from--.concld.

__ ~ __ . ' ... _' ____._ .. __ . __ ,_. ______. __ ' .• _ •.--y"' __ ...••._" .... __ .. _._ .. ____ . ~~_. ____ ~ __ ._ .. __ ._.. _._," •. ~ ___._ ,_ .. ___ ... ,.~ ___ . ___ ... __ ." ...... __ .... , ___ -.W ••• __ _,.....,._...-_._

VU --Transport --conel(i. VII -OLhel' sorviees H.1H.l miseollannouH HOUJ'('·OS

S.C.--u H. C.--·III H. C. ·-1 s. C.---U S. C ... ·-lII Number and lH\m~ Non-en,rning l~arning Sf~lf·:"Iu pport,ing Non.eal'nillg J~al'l1ing of Tract depondant.s dependants pet'HOllli dependt"nts dependallts

Malos Females Males Females Males Fema,)es Males Females Malt~s Femalt)8 Males Females

,~.-.---- -.------~---. ~...... ~ ..... _. __ --.-.~ .... ,.----.•. ', --_.- -...... -~.___, .. ~----,----~--"'.,.-___,.~ ... ,.-~--.-... -.--.. -- .- .... -.-- .. .. ------,--- _.- -- .----.---_ ------.....,._- ---- _ .. _-.- ,,'._------75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8:J 84 86 J __ .. ______., ___ .. _._ .__ .. ____ ...... ______-_ .___ .__ ._.".", ____ "_' ______.~", _____ -. __ .~_ .. _... _..... _A_ .______.___ ...... _ .. ,_ .. __ .__ .' ____ ... ___ ...... ,. ____ .. ,______.. _",..

RUHAL-.. -

808 849 51 223 11,513 11,041 4,OU6 725 0,254 10,720 663 4HI Arrah (Rural) 34 320 55n 29 43 7,OO:J 7,591 2,747 538 4.115 6,750 141 303 Shahpur (Rural) 35 274 413 53 33 5,326 4.725 1,860 l80 3.368 3,950 98 ' 50f) }liro . . 36 :lJ)~ 555 45 27 5,750 3,879 2,252 281 :i.17H 3.417 319 18J Buxar (Rural) 37 5g3 862 42 81 8,7H6 8,723 2,804 700 5,776 7,254 210 674 Dumraon (Rural) 38 221 294 21 » 5,80H 4,832 2.484 564 3,231 4,212 94 56 Bikramganj 39 77 126 36 3~ 2,377 1,860 1,134 304 1.008 1,270 145 196 Karaghu.r .. ' 40 247 416 16 IH 7,438 6,843 3,705 714 3,482 5,930 2l)] 199 Sasaram (Rural) 41 162 215 38 187 5,417 f),057 2,673 815 2,583 4,068 161 174 Dehri (Rural) .. ~2 882 314 26 41 5.059 4,139 2,4»2 775 2,403 3,290 74 65 Mohania 43 130 841 1'2 43 4,756 3,853 2,3U8 H06 2,160 2,746 189 201 Bhabua (Rural) 44 3,667 4,944 869 741 69,244 68,448 29,145 6,687 87,748 68,621 2,851 8,185 RURAL TOTAL URBAN··-

2,860 3,620 38 63 32,772 27,097 12,934 3,280 19,487 23,164 351 653 All towns ofSha. 46 habad Distriot .,417 8,164 407 804.0 101,018 90,64.00 42,078 9,96'1 67,186 76,786 1,70B 8,788 DISTRIOT TOTAL B-II-&EOOBDARY MEAKS

This table shows tbe number of persons who are self~supporting and have got a secondary distributed under eight livelihood classes acoording to the secondary source of livelihood. In. they______Inake their earning. ------.----_u


Cult,ivntion of OWTlod land CuIt.ivat.ion of ullowned ltwd

LiVE-'lihood ChLFlHOR Ht'lf- 8(,1 f­ 'l'otnl 811pport,illg I~nrning Totnl Hupporl ing .Earning porsontil dflPf'lldu.ilt.o pnl'HonS' eft'] lI'ndailt.H

1 2 4 7 10 11 I:! la -_.. -._-__ ...._ ,._' .... _- .• -_._-_ .. _...... _-.-.. _. -_ ... __ .. _-,,---_...... ~--- .... _...... _--_... -..... _--_...... _.. __ .. --_ .. " ...... _ ...... _-.. _. - -..... -~_._ .... __ .-...... '-_ ....._- ALL AGRICULTURAL 6,411 4,950 2,988 1;898 3,428 3,052 4,591 3,208 2,342 1,077 2,249 2,131 CLASSES I-Cultiyutol'H of la.nrl 4i3 - 98 2,524 1. 740 l.tlfii) 77ti Ht.i!I whollv 01' mainly owrw~j JI-CllltivtLt.OfH of land 2,630 2,4S7 ],116 1,fH}9 j ,514 I.HHH fi7 I J :! Hi 1 L2 wholly 01' mainly nn- oWlled III-Cultivating If.l.bolll'ers 2,554 l,ii72 1.432 560 1,122 l,olt l,HfiH ] .3fiO tH'i I 2\);) l,Ori;") IV-Non-cult.ivatirlg ownflfS 754 440 23~j 314 51)4 41 ti :ltl 6 of land, fLgrimllt.ural rent recoivers

ALL HON-AGRICULTURAL 6,198 4,492 4,174 820 2,024 3,672 1,694 1,149 1,050· 191 644 958 CLASSES Persons who derive their principal means of live­ lihood from- V"·-I'roduetion (oth~r than 1,22H 8!l6 811 116 41H 741 fi:J4 :~:Hi a:n 44 IH7 2H:! eultiva,t,ion) VI-Oomml:"'rce 1,S 12 1,593 1,137 230 671) 1,3()3 278 3[i:.! 185 4H 9~{ 303 VIT--1.'ransport :WO 111 180 21 110 HO 101 32 71 II :30 21 YIn-Other fH~rvi(.'L'R a.nd mi~· 2.~6i 1 ,H:~2 2,04() 454 H2l 1,478 7~1 429 457 87 :124 :l4~ . oclln.neollR Hources

NUMBER ()F PEItSONS DEltlVIN(J THEIR ------,----.".-~------Produotion (other than cultivation) Commerce , -_._--- ...... Livelihood Classes Self­ Self­ Tota.l supporting Earning Total Rupporting . Earning perSOnB dependants persons dependants ------_---. _. Males Females Males Females Males Females Mules .Females Males Females Malt~s Females ------_.... _------._ .. _--- 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

ALL AGRICULTURAL 16,441 12,747 4,849 7,101 8,898 11,166 10,781 6,645 4,022 4t5~1 6,769 CLASSES I-Cultivators of land 9,883 6,627 2,131 3,917- 4,496 7,278 7.491 4,666 2,865 2,612 4,626 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 2,527 2,832 1,396 1,222 1,131 1,610 ·1,845 1,318 973 397 872 921 wholly or mainly un· owned III-Culti vatiIlg labourers 3,903 3,215 , 1,890 967 2,013 2,248 1,576 1,671 730 695 837 976 IV-Non-cultivatillg owners 128 73 88 29 40 44 467 301 . 261 65 200 236 of land., agrioultul':(:\l rent receivers

ALL HON-AGRICULtURAL 1,909 1,813 1,189 866 720 947 .1,611 1,734 91'1 464 840 ,1,270 CLASSES '. Penons who derive their priDelpai. ..'~~ .~ Ilve¥.­ hood from­ V-Produotion (other than. 323 864 21! 71 111 293 527 654 296 71 231 583 cUltivation) VI-Commeroe 605 '62 396 161 210 301 248 681 155 266 93 416 Vn-Tra.nsport ... 151 121 80 27 71 94 153 19 101 8 152 ·61 VIU-Other servioea e.ud mis· S30 366 602 107 328 259 683 840 '19 120 .2M ·220 cellaneous sources 17

OF LIVELIHOOD source of income, as well as persons who are earning dependanb~. The self -supporting persons are case of earning dependants, the means of livelihood shown in this table is the menus by which

SEOONDARY ME.ANS OF I,IVELIHOOD FROM--· _-_. ,-~.--.-- .-~.--...-.------Employmont 6S eultivu,ting labourers Ht)llt on n.grieultural ltmd

.-..Ii ,"'_._ .' ____T.~ __ - ... ----.-- ....---- ...... -_ • .,.." ... ~_ ~.-,._ •• ______~--_"_. ___"'" HeIf· Heir. Total SU ppot't,i n g gal'ning Total supporting EaI'ning pel'sonA dopendantl'l pOl't-lons depOlldl\nts

Males Fomn,IN:I Males Femnlo8 Malos FemaloH MaloR FOHlaloR Males FOllla.leR MaloH .F'omalm.

...... _ ... -.. ,...... --.----.~.,,--.... ~.-" ...... ,------,,- _._- .,_._"_ __ ------...--- ... ---,--,,--.~-- 14 15 16 17 18 HI 20 21 22 24 "'--.-.'~- _.-- ,----.. _-- '.--_-_- .... _._------_-¥,------_,--- -.--- ...... -~-.-.. _._--_ ... _- ,----_.. ,,, .... __ .. -,... _,,.,.... _----- 15,327 12,496 8,015 4,334 7,312 8,162 5,897 4,619 3,869 1,165 2,028 3,454 ALL AGR'ICULTURAL CLASSES 10.245 8.421 5,5n7 2,81.5 4,648 5,nOt) 5.67:1 4,l!W :l.78f3 nH4 1.887 3,20r; I··-Cultivat,orH of lund wholly or mainly ownod 4,977 3,976 2,378 1.493 2,5HH 2,483 133 .t02 32 n:l 101 lOH Il--·--CuJt,ivut,oJ'8 of land wholJy or mainly un-owned !)!) ,'5 n 67 J 52 r; I 78 J () 74 III-,,·Cuitivating lahoul'tu's 100 90 40 26 64 U6 24 IV·--Non.cuJtiVtlt,ing owners ()f ltmd, agricuJt,ural ron t rocni Vtl1'8 3,383 3,317 2,007 614 1,376 2,703 1,276 893 811 226 465 667 ALL NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES Persons who derive tbelr prlneipal' means of liveli­ hood'rom- 1,427 1,375 242 605 J,1:i3 114 50 39 ]4 7f) 3H V,.-Prod uet.ion (ot.hor than eu l1,ivftt,ion) 478 720 308 ] 36 170 584 3St) 387 22] 6n lfi5 32 J V 1 -Commel'ee 265 358 178 21 87 337 31) 10 21 ...') 14· 17 VIl--:rnuHlport 1,213 8t14 6HH 215 514 649 741 437 5:30 144 211 2U3 VHI-OUwl' servieeM and miscellanoo'llI'1 sourCflS


Transport. Other services and miscellaneous sourcel.i

Self. ------Self­ Livelihood Classe8 Total supporting ~~arning Total supporting En.rning persons dependantB per~on8 dependants

Males Femall's Males FemaloR Maloe Females Males Females Males Females Males ,Females

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1

5,288 8,210 3,418 935 1,865 2,275 28,665 19,518 17,171 4,587 11,494 14,931 ALL AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 3,634 1,700 2,401 445 1,233 1,255 20,810 14,016 13,078 3,412 7,7:J2 10,604 I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 954 811 603 189 351 622 3,386 1,447 1,814 388 1,572 1,059 II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly un.owned 644 669 388 300 256 369 3,674- 3,269 1,761 689 1,913 2,580. III-Cultiva.ting labourers 51 80 26 i 25 29 795 786 518 98 277 688 IV-N on-oultivating owners of land, agricultural rent receivers

888 850 36' 119 259 531 1,861 1,748 1,027 804 884, 1,444 ALL IfOX-AGRICULTVlIAL. CLABS£$ . Peno... ' w)Jo dIrt,. tllelr prinolpal meaDS 01 UveU.. hood from- 127 183 67 11 60 172 467 506 288 97 179 409 V-Producti.>n (other thaD cultivation) 321 U2 161 4:6 160 206 689 006 4:78 159 211 447 VI-Commerce IS 108 11 4: 1 104 119 128 77 38 4:2 90 VU-Tranaport lea 107 125 68 88 49 886 G08 1M 10 202 498 VIlI-other aervicee and miIoe1laneoua lOurc. 18


._--'_'---,--- NUMBER OF !'ERSONS DERIVING T.REIB Cultiva.tion of owned land CultivatioIl of un-owned land _-_ --.--"----.---.~--....---"---.- .. --- '---'.-~-... --.-- •. _-_._,._------_ .. _--.--...... ,_ ... _--- Livelihood Classes Self· t;e1f. Total ~llpporting Earning Total Rupporting Earning pm'sonR dopendall La PtlfSOUB dependants .. _._._ -,.,.------_ y,_._--'---_ .. ~".. --.- .. ~-.---"- ---,...... ----.--.~ .. -.... ~ ~.~------" .. """-.---...... '"."" ... ".., .. -" ..... ---_._ .. _--_._- Malt~8 ~~ernn.los Mah'ls Females M~t\e~ ,Fomalos Mltlos Femltlos Males :Femah~8 Ma.lfl!~ ~"'ema,1l\8 ._...------_-_---- .---.-.'---.-- .. "'-.--"'.---,-----,.... -..------"~ .. --~-----~-,-_. '- .. -.~.-~-...... -.~-.----..- .... " ... "''' ..... -~ .. --.-~-.-....,~-, ...• '"---.._-~~,-- 1 3 4 6 7 . 10 )] 12

-- - ~- .~----._ - .,._._ - "'- -- .~- -- ' __ "--'_ --- '''- '---_._ - .. ,-,,-~.----_ "._~ __~ __ .'M" ___' __ ~" _,, ______L __ ,_,_ ., .._. __ " _ .,_ ..... _n _ .. _. ~ ."•• _ ..... --"-_._ I-Cultivators of land whony or mainly owned -

DISTRICT TOTAL 473 98 473 98 2,524 1,740 1,655 776 869 964 34. Arrah (Rural) 98 379 98 365 269 124 179 241 no 35. Shahpur (Rural) 27 60 14 14 l:~ 46

36. Piro 71 140 40 30 :n 110

37. Buxar (Hura) 343 410 256 87 155 38. Dumraon (RU1'a.l) .. 256 2J8 202 :~8 330

39. Bikramganj 680 170 70 320 100 40. Kara.gbar U4 94 204 11 1"'1":..,.) 1 29 10

41. Sasaram (Rura.l) 142 H4 98 14 44 80

42. Dehri (Rura.l) 40 7 30 10 ·f Mohania, 43. 252 23 241 11 21 44. Bhabua (H.ural) 109 14 79 2 30 12 4/). of Shaha. All towns 35 ]0 20 1 15 9 bad District (Urban)

II-CultivatoR of land wholly or mainly unowned-

DISTRICT TOTAL 2,630 2.487 1,116 1,099 1,514 1,888 67 112 61 112 34. Arrah (Rural) 15 9 4 4 11 1 1 35. Sbahpur (Rural) 357 28 192 20 165 8 3 3 36. Piro 209 29 180

37. Buxar (Rural) 416 9 30 '9 . 386

3S. Dumraon (Hural) .. 350 1,326 170 802 180 524 39. Bikramganj 51 41 10 ·. 40. Karaghar 107 18 39 8 68 10 ·. 41. 8uaram (Rural) 81 313 45 62 36 251 .. 16 • • ·. 16 42. Debri (Rural) 16 50 10 4 6 46 • • 43. Mohania ·. ·. • • • • • • '44. Bhabua (Rural) 443 241 344 103 99 138 • • • • • • • • • • •• -45. All towns of Shaha­ 845 233 282 17 563 216 63 96 63 bad District (Urban) • • • • 96 19


SECONDARY MEANS OF LlVE1.mOOn FROM--Conid...... ,._-_._.- ...... _...... _ --'-'-~-----'-----'---"------'" Employment as labourers R(mt. on Etgrieu]t,urnl land

... _., ...... , ...... ----~-. _,,_-_._------..--- _-_. __ _... _ ------.-----.~-" .. ~.------...... ---... - Solf.. S(~lf­ Totul supporting Earning 'fotal Euqdng cieptmduntR dopendllll t"

---_.,,- .... -... -----~-- ...--.- .. "~,,." ...... ~- ... -----,.-... ,,------,._ .----~- .".. " ..... " ...... _._-_ ...------"'_ ...... _-_.. ,_"-_._._--_..... -- ... _.,._-_._._-_----_ ... __ .. -,,_-- --_.. _-----_... _-----_._--._. ____------14 15 16 17 18 In 20 21 22 24 25 _ ....M ______.... ". ______•...- _"______.._, .,_ .. ___. __ 'C~_ ... .._._..._._"... ___ --_._--_._------I-CultIvators of land wholly or mainly owned. 10,246 8,421 6,597 2,816 4,648 5,606 5,678 4,199 8,786 994 1,887 3,205 DISTRICT TOTAL

608 43:1 385 502 438 602 2H2 7H 146 ,r;~6 Al'I'uh (HUNtl) 34 72H 607 364 75 361) 532 536 4HH 202 21 334 478 ShahpuJ' (Hurttl) 35 • 5BO 1,210 310 540 289 670 70 270 70 60 Piro 3tl

1,082 60U 874 452 208 157 60 ll:~ 60 60 oil Buxal' (Hura]) 37

814 378 612 08 202 280 322 640 302 280 20 360 Dummoll (Rural) 38

852 1,210 400 420 45:! 790 1,200 2:W noo 40 300 180 Bikramgunj 39 666 641 431 120 235 521 750 554 563 232 187 322 !\arughar 40

1,372 888 220 716 608 641 466 335 06 306 370 Husul'urn(Rurul) 4) ,)·) 790 337 381 41 415 296 ...... 3 52!) 200 85 122 444 Dehl'i (Rurt\l) 42

1,120 927 401 218 719 70U 589 309 23 280 3:~O Mohnnia. 43

1,177 67fi 238 502 432 138 30:~ 7 129 131 Bhn.hua (Rurul) 44-

103 33 60 43 2!l a3 15 50 4 11 A 1L towns of Sha- 45 hfi-hud Dial,rict ( Urbau) II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned.- 4,977 3,976 2,878 1,498 2,599 2,483 138 202 32 98 101 109 DISTRIVT TOTAL

44 23 17 10 27 1:1 3 2 1 Arrnh (Hural) 34 430 100 179 17 251 ]73 14 15 7 7 In Shahpur(Hural) 35

400 140 130 20 270 120 9 9 Piro 36

564 154 150 28 414 126 60 60 Buxar(Hul'sl) 37

960 1,650 580 798 380 852 138 90 48 Durnrn.on(Hul'ul) 38

495 52 242 30 253 22 21 :.: 1 Bikralllga.nj 89 273 .03 ll3 78 160 325 Kara.ghtu 40 279 243 140 87 139 156 1 1 Sasaram(Hural) 41 136 133 62 34 74 99 2 5 2 3 2 Dehri(Rural) 42 120 136 89 85 31 101 41 12 29 Mohania 43

684: 682 374 329 810 253 4 2 2 2 2 Bhabua (Rural) 44 192 270 302 27 200 243 9 11 7 2 11 All town. ofSha· 45 habad District (Urban) 20


NUMBF;R OF PERSONS DERIVING THEIR ".--,-.---.------~ .. -, ...... -.---- . .., .... -.. ,,--~.- .... ~~--- .... " ...... ,... __ .... _-_._ ...... _-.. _.-.....--- Production (ot,hor t,han cu)t,jva,t,ion) Commm'(W --_.. _--._---_. __ ..... __ ._--_._. .,.----_ ...... _-- .... _-- ---, .. #-.~-~---- .---...... -._ ...... _-._-_ .. --.-~---~---.. ~-----.-... -- .' ... Livelihood Classes Self­ St ..l)f- Total supporting I~Hl'T\ing Total S UPI)()l'(,j llg Earning porsons dupendnllts p{lt'sons d~pendants

Males Females Males }<'munles Millo!'! FemH.l(,H Males Fetnalo~ Males 1<'fmHt)cs Mall'S :Ft~mal(l8 --."-.-,,_-..... ---.-----~-----, .. -.--."'.... -- ..... -.------, .... -- .. --.- .... --.. -- ... -~, ...... ------., ..._ ..-.------1 26 27 28 30 31 ------_.. _-,_,_ .. __ .. _._- .__ ---.. - --_ .. _._._------'"_.,---_ .. _----_.,.•.. ,-----_ .. ".-----_.... _._ .. _.. - I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned DISTRICT TOTAL .. 9,888 6,627 5,966 2,181 8,917 4,496 7,278 7,491 4,666 2,865 2,612 5,626

34. Arrah (Hural) 7711 ~l49 4~n 140 2~3 20H HI B S6H 5BI a~n

35. Shahpur (Hul'aJ) 7S4 264 31)5 23 42B 241 735 400 373 7n 362 411

36. Piro 441 7:10 ~3!)O 400 HI 240 48B 1,170 :lao 800 15H :HO

37. Buxar (Rurttl) 648 483 534 216 114 267 267 284 186 l:!H 81 1 fiO

88. Dumraon (Hurs.l) .. 240 1,228 168 450 72 778 416 1.210 7:!A 21 H 482

89. Bikramganj ],751) 630 noo 190 851) 440 1,0]0 1,100 !l20 2]0 1)0 800

40. Karaghar 671 382 404 88 267 294 620 447 14!> 228 302

41. Sasaram (Rural) 1,863 B06 1,100 23n 673 670 08:.! 457 41H 263 332

42. Dehri (Rural) 677 410 387 53 290 366 725 450 4-""')'l 80 30a :no 43. Mohania .. 680 472 350 91 330 381 552 :20) 4H 201 449 44. Bhabua (Rur'al) 1,287 700 7HS )47 489 553 458 43H 73 293 385

45. All towns of Shaha- 54 64 44 7 10 57 131 51} ]01) 7 26 52 ba.d Dist.rict (UrbaIl).

II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly lID-owned DISTRICT TOTAL. • 2,527 2,882 1,896 1,222 1,181 1,610 1,8406 1,818 978 897 872 921 34. Arrah (R ill'a] ) ·. 239 In3 146 41 U3 152 42() 148 212 214 115 35. Shahpur (RUI'al) 457 179 280 42 177 137 319 105 188 131 97

36. Piro 270 30 160 10 110 20 200 107 130 42 70 65

37. Buxar(Rural) 112 9 103 270 144 30 14 240 130

38. Dumraon (Rural) .. 440 1,260 190 690 250 570 411 •• 201 .. 210 39. Bikramganj ·. 165 50 66 • • 99 50 187 10 143 44 10 40. Karaghar •• 131 110 66 18 65 92 98 73 54 o 44 64 41. So.saram (Rural) 200 194 127 46 73 148 65 69 30 11 26 58

42. Dehri (Rural) • • 117 205 60 77 57 128 45 53 19 2 26 51

48. Mohania • • 50 80 18 21 32 59 50 131 32 29 18 102 44. Bhabua (Rural) 419 406 260 262 159 144 157 56 ),01 40, 56 16 45. All towns of Shaha· 39 13 23 6 16 7 .:.28 11 25 8. 3 8 Dad District, tUrhan) , ,I 21


SECONDAR.Y MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD FROM···-contd. _,,_-,__ -,," ...... ____--._ ... _ ,.,_ ..- ____ .. "._- .• _ ...... _-.-...'._ "_. __ ... __ .. ~ ••. ___ r_" .~ •.,~.----"., •.,-..._.-- .--.-...... -.,~.. - ... ------... ,'.,.-----.-.- ...""~.'~----.--._ .. Tran8pOt't, OtllOf Am'viccA and miRcnllnwlouR ROUl'C08 -, ..... ---- .. - .. .. -~- .. ". _..••... __ ...... _ ,...... __ ...... _...... ___ ._--_ -- _ _------_- ----.~-- ....,. ... -- "---'---"~-'------~- _... __ .. _ ------. " .. , ... -- _-_--,.."" - -._-"------Livelihood Classes Self- H(M· Burning rrotal l~arning Total supporting pnrsolls depml

I ··Cultlvators of land wholly or maInly owned

3,634 1,700 2,401 445 1,238 1,255 20,810 14,016 13,078 3,412 7,732 10,6040 DISTRICT TOTAL HH4 2,05H 1.578 Al'I'H,h (Rural) 34 :l12 6!1 lin 1 ~ t.t 2 fi7 :~,:! 11

S)f) 1.,781 :-\hfthpur (Hurtt)) 35 l:W 36(; 17 ) Sf; lOH 2,17] l,sn3 1,3!):; 82 ZfiO Piro 36 ISO 150 30 ] ,200 fi:!O 830 270 370 lo[) ] 7::l HUXEtI' (Rural) 37 190 60 131 ] • J 35 51B !IHO :J4fl

.'):lO :?,020 DUml'ltOll (Hllr.... l) :18 182 1 .)-- ') I)() 1.300 2,472 7ill H70 BikrlUngHlIj 39 370 4f)O 28B ItO no :\40 1,77\) 1,500 1,040 411 !)58 Karllighar 40 ~91 70 201 no 68 1,2L6 71H ROfi UH mH SaHaram (Rural) 41 350 407 133 207 217 L,70B 1,1fi8 1.0:20 207 689 737 Do}U'i (Hul'nJ) 42 131 lOR 23 l1n lOH 1,350 876 777 l:~O 700 Mohaniu 43 lS8 88 IH) 18 8B 70 1,OnO 802 LOlO 102 680 748 Bhllbuu. (Rural) 44 416 lon 17 .1 57 H73 no] 125 634 7 66 :wn 152 319 14. 77 138 All towns ofSha· 45 110 74 Ion hu.bad Distl'iet ( Urban) II-Cultivators or land whoJly or mainly un-owned 1,059 DISTRICT TOTAL 954 811 608 189 851 622 8,886 1,447 1,8 t 4 388 1,572 70 Armh (Burn.!) :l4 193 27 119 74 25 H83 95 472 25 511 55 ShahpuJ,' (Rural) 35 232 123 109 435 62 203 7 232 30 l)iro 36 120 26 80 40 26 210 38 130 8 80 36 Buxltf (lturul) 37 10 10 130 3n 130 200 180 34U Dumraoll (Rural) 38 •• 600 140 451 560 540 380 50 Bikramganj 39 110 20 88 22 20 143 50 33 110 84 Karaghar 40 63 37 41 2 22 35 140 99 77 15 63 88 Sasaranl (Rural) 41 lH 15 33 6 18 182 U5 105 7 77 73 Dohl'i (Itural) 42 lil 27 31 3 20 24 84 78 56 5 28 40 120 Mohania 48 •• 19 11 8 198 129 158 9 95 Bho.bua (Rural) 44 64: 32 43 13 21 19 274 198 172 103 102 All towns of. ' 41) 45 3 15 (; .47 18 28 9 10 9 60 ,8 ,. Sbahab4\d Dis· triot (Urban) 22


NUMBER OF PERSONS DERTVING THEIR -----_.. __ ._-_._------_------_.__ ._-- Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of un-owned land ------_._---- -.~------_.,,-...... __ ._-----.---,---_.... _. Livelihood Classes Self­ Relf­ Total supporting Earning Total support.iug ~~arnjllg persons dep~:ndant8 persons dependunt,s ------_--_._---_.... --- Malt~8 Fomales Males Females Males }"'Iomales Males }"'Iema.Ies MaIm'! Females Males }"'Iomaltl8. ---.-._-_ .... _-._------1 ------_._--_._--2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IIl.-Cultivating labour­ ers and their depen­ dants- DISTRICT TOTAL .. 2,564 1.672 1,482 560 1,122 1,012 1,959 1,850 651 295 1,808 1,055

34. Arrah (.Rural) 89 137 57 90 32 47 246 55 21 8 220 47

35. Shahpur (Rural) 412 226 205 25 207 201 61 40 43 26 18 l~

36. Piro 18 71 18 71 59 40 37. Buxar (Rural) 480 88 330 ...... ')9 150 66 270 616 10 66 260 550

3S. Dumra.on (Rural) .. 722 366 402 146 320 220 1,2(;8 170 518 750 170

39. Bikramganj 33 97 33 97 348 200

40. Karo.ghar 157 86 103 32 54 54 12 13 7 9 .5 4 41. Sasara.m ( Rural) 258 244 124 52 134 IH2 18 20 4: 29 14 42. Dehri (Rural) 42 65 18 18 24 47 14 6 5 6

43. Mohallia 107 90 55 71 52 19 2 2

44. Bhabua (Rural) 153 80 74 23 79 57 25 14 15 II 8

45. All towns of Sha.­ 83 22 46 10 37 12 14 1:3 1 habad District (Urbt\n) IV.-Hon",cultlvatlng owners ot land, agrl. cultural rent receivers and their dependanis DISTRICT TOTAL .. 754 793 440 289 814 654 41 6 86 6 34. Arrah (Rural) 67 102 36 15 31 87 4: 4: 35. Sbahpur (Rural) 95 2 6U 1 26 1 36. Piro 18 91 18 41 50 1 1

37. Buxar (Rural) 14 5 10 5 4

38. Dumra.on (Hura-l) .. 82 400 11 91 71 309 39. Bikramganj 36 20 16 ·. 40. Karaghar 8 5 8 • • • • 41. Sasaram (Rural) 115 64 71 32 44 32 9 D ·. • • '2. Dehri (Uura1) 27 31 8 17 19 14 16 16 . • • • • '3. Mohania • • 178 26 129 26 49 .. 2 .. • • • • ". Bhabua (Rural) 60 64 35 10 26 44 •• •• 415. All towns of Sba­ 54 18 28 1 26 17 15 • • 11 • • 4 •• babad District' . ('Urban) 23

MEAlS 0' LIVELIHOOD -·-~~mtd.


---_.____ ., ...... _~ .. ,.. ,.... , .... -.~.--.-.• - ...... - __ , .... ___,., .• _,_. ____~" ••• ___ ... _._.__ "._ .. _.~_,. __- ..• , .. , ...... ______•• _"'". __ .• ______'."'v,n.'- _____-,_ ,._ .. __ J~mployment as culHv8,tJiIlg labourers Hlmt. on agricu}t.ul'nl laud

Self­ Solf- Total Bupport,jrlg . Earning Total Earning POfSOllS dopeudant.s I )(1 rHO Il H d tll)(~ll(t 1111 t 14

_,_ --_._---_-_ ----.... -.. ---.-.,-.~---.- .....------.~-- .. -,- ... --.---~---- ...... ,- ...... -----~-.-.-,--.-.---~- ... --~-----.---...... -- ...... , ..... , -~ ... --.- ... --.--..._...,. .. -.-,.-... - 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 I

1I1.-Cultivating labour· ers and thelr de­ pendants

5 9 5 9 67 152 51 78 16 74 DISTRICT TOTAL.

AnEth (HuI'Hl)

5 :.!4 7 1 17 Rhll,hpUI' (Hurll,) 35

2H :W .Pit·o 36

Buxu,}' (RIlI'al) :\7

DumraOll (Rural) 38

no 40 4 nO Bikmmgunj 39

5 1 ] Ku,ra,ghal' 40

6 4 3 1 3 3 Sasuram (It U I'U,}) 41

2 3 3 Dehl'i (Rural) 42

25 Mohauia 43

1 1 1 1 Bhabua. (Rural) 44

13 12 1 All towns of 45 Shahu.bad Dis­ triet (Urban)

IV.-.Non-c u 1 t lvatlng owners of land, agri­ cultural rent receivers and theIr dependants -_100 90 40 26 60 64 24 66 66 DISTRICT TOTAL 5 5 41 41 Arrah (Rural) 34

1 1 Shahpur (Rural) 35

10 10 Piro 36

Buxar (Rural) 37 11 .. .. 11 18 18 Dumraon (Rural) 38 Bikrarnganj 39 1 4: 4: 1 6 .. 6 Karaghar 40 12 .. 12 24 24 Sasaram (Rural) 41 ..38 37 9 3 29 34 Dehri (Rural) 42 ... . ·. Mohanio. 43 34 17 9 17 25 • • ·. • • •• Bhabua (Rural) 44 2 •• S • • • • • • • • • • All tQwns , of 45 Shahs"Qad ;Dis­ trict (Urban) ~ . ., . II, h. I (!, " .. "'(/'~"'\"'I"'~' ~ " ' ,"•.. IIM"" '"r!o'" \',"<""- ",. t. ' ",.'1' ('"' •• \ ," ' , I " • .- NUMBER ()F PERSONS DERIVING THEJR ----,----.--.-.~--.. --,-.. -----,.. ------... ------Produotion (o'thor than (lUltivation) CommerCQ ---,------, --_.. _._---_.. _ ~--" Livelihood Classes Self­ Solf· Total tlupporting Earnill.g 1'ot,al support,ing Earninp: persons depenchmts per~onH depondant,s --.-- --_.. ,._,.,._- .. "-_ ..,------_. __ ... _... ".-, .. _, .. _.. _-_._-,,._--_ .. _-----_',,"_ .. _. Mttles lremales Males .Females Malm; Females Males Females Males .FamalAR Malt)s FemaleR - ...... --.._-_ ... _----,------,._-_._---- .------.-.,-~------_.-,-. 1 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

------~~ .... _-,--,... - _...... _...------.... ---,_----...,--- ,-_._--,--,-_._----_._.-._ ... --, III-Cultivating labour­ , er. and their de­ pendants

DIST,RICT, TOTAl. . . 8,908 8,215 1,890 967 2,018 2,248 1,576 1,671 739 695 887 976 34. Arrah (Rural) 893 466 444- 180 440 277 258 120 120 39 138 8] -.., 35. Shahpul' (Rural) 282 121 I H3 41 89 SO ]55 07 01 40 64 DI

3~. Piro 402 .50 272 21 130 29 ]30 01 130 40 21 I', 37. Buxar (Rural) 95 165 77 88 130 66 30 11 100

38. Dumraon (Rural) 5.90 1,256 100 216 490 1.040 250 60 135 190 1\)0'

39. Bikramganj 260 252 110 102 150 150 66 646 22 298 44 " 40., Karaghar 264 154 145 38 119 116 130 163 70 71 60 92"

41. S~(\ram (Rural) 201 281 115 120 86 161 102 sn 55 20 47

42. Dehl'i (Rursl) 207 153 123 5b 84 HS 12H 69 52 10 74 43 .. Mohanitt 322 200 161 59 161 141 lOR 1) 49 II 5H 44. Bbabua (Rut'al) 192 104- 123 48 69 56 80 20 3H 5 44

4~. All towns of Sha- 13 104 1 91 12 4] 7 24 6 17 1 habad District (Urban) IV-Mon-cultiv attng owners of land, agricultural rent receivers and their dependants- ' DISTRICT TOTAL .. 128 73 88 29 40 44 467 301 267 65 200 286· 3'. Arrah (Rural) 5 7 5 1 6 42 04 17 8 25 86- 35. Sr:.r..Fur (Ru1'&I) 12 4 8 3 4: 1 65 47 54 10 II 37 36. Piro 32 32 10 10

37. Buxar (Rural) 3 15 15 3 12 1 12 1

38. Dumraon (Rural.) .. 159 2U 29 60

39•. Bikramganj 29 20 9 47 31 20 27 31

40. Ka.raghar 4, 3 4 3 17 26 IS 10 12 16- 41. Sasaram (HursI) 10 3 3 7 3 31 30 Ili 3 16 27

42. Debri (Rural) 6 10 6 10. 11, 18 3 1 8; 17

48. Mohania. 3 14 2 1 1 13 20 9 11 ••

". Bllabua (~,ul:'a.l) 9 4: 6 4 3 8~ 2 I} 2 • • • I

.5~ to",Q,B of, Sha. 15 13 6 7 8 23 3 .20 All 8 45) 28" j 17/ ,I hAh d '. District (trr~~ i:

'" 25


SECONJ>A.RY MEANS OF' LIVELIHOOD FROM -_:._contd. - ,_",-_ ...... -_ ._--,,_ ... _.... --_._._ .. _.. _.. _ "- ... ~--~-.,-----. ,-,--.".-.--.------..---.--..----- ..... -.,---~ ...... '•... -.. ----~ Tra.nspo~t Oth~r sel· and mis{',(,)us gO\lt(~(,R

Self- S61f~ LivolillOocl GlfHolf es Total supporting Earning Total 8up}lortin~ Earning ptW80118 dep(c'miarltk perSOllfl (iepelHJu.ll·tH

....",_ • __" ___... _ ..._~ •• ~_~ •• _ ...~, ... _._._._,._...... ~, ••• ~,,. ••• ,_ •• __._. __ ~ ...... _ •••• _._•••• _ ...... ,, ___.,...... ~ ____.. __ •• _.... ,~ _ • __ ~_ •• __ ~ __• ...... , '" ._. ___ •• _. ____ ., __ , ••• _~ .... w •• _. _____ •• '_·'__ • __ '

39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 4H ___. - '_ -- ,_ - -- -_ ... _.--- -_ --... _..... _----._ '"-----_",,--_. __ .,,- _.------_ .~ ...... ----..,------... '-..--- ...,." .. __ ._ .. _--"" .. " ..... -'-_ .. _.•. , "' .. --- III-Cultivating labour­ ers and their de­ pendants 644 669 888 300 256 369 3,674 3,269 1,761 689 1,913 2,580 DISTRICT TOTAL

21; HO I ·,_I ... ill :~(ja 12H 524 42H Arl'ah «((,tlml) :14

141 114 27 171 H7 135 Shahpm' (Burul) :15

17l 2HO 121 (;0 50 230 Pit'O 36

40 22 40 ...... ).) :310 42!l lao 11 180 418 fiuxuT' (Bural) 37

4() 50 40 50 700 360 no 400 270 DUlllt'non (Iturnl) a8

532 tHO 242 2:30 55 HO 1L 140 Bikrarngnnj 39

18 1 10 280 225 L4~ 21 204 Buxar (H.ul'I11) 4()

18 HI IH 15 176 175 28 81 147 KtHutI'arn(Hurnl) 41

7 6 1 175 292 90 8:! 202 Dohri (B,ur'al) 42

3H 271 230 71 200

14 13 3 16 11 323 21H) ISH 12H 102 Bhu.buu, (Rural) 44

44 4 1 17 47 8 4- 22 4- All t,OWIlS of Kha- 45 hlllmd Distriet CUrhan)

IV -Non-cultivating owners of land,agrl­ cultural rent receivers and their dependants 51 30 26 1 25 29 795 786 518 98 277 688 DISTRICT TOTAL 13 13 61 269 35 21 :.W 24H Arru.h (rtural) 34 Iun 50 118 14 41 au :::;hu.hpur (lturaJ) 35

11 130 11 1:10 Piro 36

21 14 18 3 14- Buxtl,r«({,uraJ) 37

11 11 171 no 121 50 50 .; 0 Dumraon (Hural) 38

47 101 20 27 101 Bikramgnnj

13 2 11 3 31 24 21 3 10 21 Karaghu.r ') 7~ 2H 46 4 .3.. 25 SaRarn.lll (Hul'al) 41 19 30 7 2 12 28 Dohri (Hural) 42

31 28 31 28 Mohanin 43

4 2 2 2 60 16 . 39 1 21 15 Bhabua (Rllrsl) 44 3 1 1 3 106 ,l) 51 3 55 2 All towns of Sha- 45 hablld District (U ban) 26


------_._---_._------_._--_._--NUMBER OF PEltSONS DE1{lVINO 'tHEtR Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned land

Livelihood Classes ------Self­ Self­ 'l'otal Bupporting Earning Total supporting Earning persons dependants persons dependants

Males Females Mn,les b\~males Males ~'\~rnales Males ,It'omales Malos 'F'f)Jl.mleij MaJos Fernalos ------_._- -_.--_._.. _------1 3 4 5 ------V-Productlon other than cultlvatlon- DISTRICT TOTAL .. 1,229 866 811 115 418 741 534 386 387 44 197 292

34. Arrah (Rural) 172 107 130 18 42 156 101 75 4 81 H7

35. Shahpur (ltural) 116 26 74 9 41 17 16 7 6 36. Piro 128 3 45 83 3 83 2 40

37. Buxar (Hural) 30 27 21 3 24 3li 24 3 21 38. Dwnraon (Rural) .• 190 48 10 5 180 82 102 IS ., 39. Bikramganj 7U MO 41 6 3S 74 14 .. I 6 13

40. Kare.ghar 89 31 60 4: 2H 27 31 3 14 ....) 17 1

41. Sasara-m (Rut'al) 274 166 203 32 71 134 30 21 3 42. Dehri (Rural) 67 5:J 35 5 32 48 31 23 12 19 23

43. Mohama 133 62 84 12 4B 40 21 14 IH [) 14

44. Bhabua CRura.l) 82 88 66 16 16 72 27 26 3 I 10 45. All towns (If 8ha­ 7 33 4 3 ...) 10 2 habad District (Urban) VI-Commerce- DISTRICT TOTAL .. 1,812 1,693 1,137 230 676 1,368 278 352 185 49 93 303

34. Arrah (Rural) IOU 339 92 54 17 285 .22 44 21 18 1 ,.. 35. Shahpur (Rural) 173 134 133 18 40 116 12 4 I

36. Pil'o 108 Sl 11 18 H7 9 1 35 37. Buxar (l{ural) 115 17 73 3 42 14 10 14 3 7 3S. DUIDraon (Rura.l) .. 19S 380 129 22 09 358 f,o 200 40 6 25 203

39. Bikramganj 72 46 20 4 43 42 1 5 1 3 40. Karaghal' 88 68 55 11 33 07 5 3 41. Sasarwn (Rural) 309 202 178 61 131 ]41 10 4 12 3 7 1

42. Dohri (Rural) 199 130 90 5 Ion 125 35 11 1 24 4

43. Mohania. •• 08 113 71 21 27 92 13 5 8 44. Bha.bua (Rural) 145 54 126 20 19 34 71 3 71 3 45. All towns of 8ha­ 207 2 80 127 2 24 4 20 habad District ,(Urban) 27


SECONDARY MEANS OF UVEI,TIWOD FROM-contil. -_.__ .. __ --_.,,---- Emp]oymcnt as (l(llt.ivt! labourers Bent OIl a.gricuJt,ul'al lund ------,------Self­ Helf­ Livolihood CltlASUS Tot,u.l supporting Earning Tota,} supporting Earning pel'~OllS dopcndf111 tIS persoI:lJOI dopendnnts ---- _.-... _--. Mu.108 Fernu.lcR MalpK Fomalos Malo!? Fmnu,)oB Malei':! Fomalos MaloR Fmfmles Mal(18 Foum}oH --_.. _-,,-----_. 20 21 22 2:1 24 25 1

V-Productlon (other than cultivation) 1,427 1,375 822 242 605 1,133 114 50 39 14 75 36 DISTRICT TOTAL

lSI 176 4t) 124 7 2 7 Armh (Burn.1) 34

H3 86 15 42 78 3 1 Hhahpur (Hul'al) 3G

1S2 8:l 53 15 129 68 38 8 30 36

36 10 26 ....) 2 Buxnr (Hural) 37

228 231 Ins 30 ]95 11 10 11 13 3 Dumraon (Hural) 38 77 171 30 15 47 156 4 1 .. 3 Bikramgunj 39 74 51 31 42 5 5 Karaghar .. 40

247 136 74· 173 101 1 1 .. Sal:mI'tUl1 (Hural) 41 84 76 55 1 2H 75 19 16 1 10 15 Dohri (H.uml) 42

78 128 35 20 38 108 6' 1 5 Muha,nin. 43

109 135 so 32 2H 103 In lU Bhnbua (Hural) 44

6 5H 3 57 1 1 {} All t.owns of 8ho.- 45 hn,bn,d Distriot (IJrbo,n)

VI-Commerce- 478 720 SOS 1S6 170 5S4 SS6 887 221 66 165 821 DISTRICT TOTAL

31 139 31 42 97 26 7 26 7 Arrl.1h (I{,ural) :l4

33 4H 20 6 13 43 11 35 6 5 30 Shalipuf (Hura]) 3()

24 58 17 15 7 43 27 14 21 3 6 11 l>iro 36 17 25 11 1 () 24 10 3 .. 3 Buxar (Hural) 37 64 148 38 10 26 138 50 119 39 25 11 94 Dumraon (Hural) 38 36 24 21 5 15 19 8 4 4: Hikl'amganj 39

40 27 19 2 21 25 26 35 19 3 7 32 Karu,ghar .. 40

30 13 21 6 15 7 35 17 22 13 17 Sasaram (Hural) 41

78 73 52 12 26 01 02 94 18 44 89 Dohri (Hural) 42

53 72 31 17 22 55 1 37 1 20 •• 17 Mohania • • 43 47 42 40 20 7 22 1 1 Bhabua (Hural) 44

19 50 7 12 50 137 18 64 1 73 17 All towns of 45. Shahabad Dis­ triet (Urban) 28



Production (other than cUltivation) Commorce

Livelihood Classes Self­ Self­ Total supporting Jt!arning Total supporting l~al'nillg persons dependants persons depen dan t,s .• ...... -_.__ ._------_ __ _._._ _._------.--~.-- Males }i'emalos Males }i'emales Male~ ]'ema,les Malfls Fcmn.lc8 1\'lal08 }4'emales Males Females ._----_._------1 26 27 28 20 30 31 32 33 35 36 37

...,------.-.. -~.-.-- V-Productlon (other than cultlvatlon)- DISTRICT TOTAL •• 328 364 212 71 111 298 527 654 296 71 281 '" 583 34. Arrah (Itural) J42 59 105 13 37 46 82 51 66 10 16 41

35. Shahpur (Rural) 42 16 40 5

36. Piro • • • • 72 • • 19 53 76 41 3 67 37. Buxar (Rural) 30 9 9 21 !) 38 Dumraon (Rura.l) .. 63 250 49 28 14 39. Bikramgu,nj .. 43 3 40 40. Kal'sghar 138 .. 79 59 42 In 23

41. Susram (.Rur~l) 26 150 16 :n 10 119 68 40 28 84

.42. Dehri (Rural) 31 20 13 18 20 43. Mohania 22 4 21

44. Bhabua (H ural) 17 33 12 6 27 33 22 17 4 ]6 18

45. All town~ of Shaha- 50 2 48 14 26 5 26 bad Djl!ltrict (Urban) VI-Commerce- DISTRICT TOTAL .. 605 462 395 161 210 S01 248 681 155 265 98 416

34. Arrah (Hurnl) 37 141 34 48 3 93 96 20 76 35. Shahpur (Rural) 35 48 29 22 6 26 .. 424 104 230 36. Piro 40 30 28 12 21 3 154 3 49 105 37. Buxar (Hural) 16 9 7 1 9 8 .. 3S. Dumraon (Rural) •• 149 10:-1 IOn 52 40 51

39. Bikral:uganj • • 11 14 4 4 7 10 . . 40. Karaghar • • 29 4 9 1 20 3 102 75 27

41. Sa.sara.m (Rural) 70 37 36 1 34 36 6 5 1 3 42. Dehri (!tural) 35 19 22 13 19 38 34 4 43. Mohania. ·. 30 30 11 15 19 15 4 2 2 44:. Bhabua (R",ral) •• 77 14 71 1 6 18 55 17 38 .. 45. All towns of Shall&- 76 13 35 7 41 6 44 21 23 .. bad District (Urban) 29


·SEOONDARY MEANS OF IJIVELJ.HOOD F.RO'M--contci. ,------_._._._--, """._------_._.. _".-_._------Tralll"lport Other serviees and miaeellanoous SQUl'ees

Self­ Self. Total suppol·t,ing Earning Total HUJlporting Earning persons dependants pCrAOl1S dopondtUl1:s

,-.-,,-~.-.-.,--- --.~.'-"."------•..... --~.,..,,.-- Malos Females Malt.~s Fcrnl1lt~s Mn.lo8 FemaJes MaleH ~'t~mH.]tl8 Mulos ]i'cmu]os Males ]'ornA.les

38 3n 40 4!1 I -.~ .... -,,-.. --.~ .. ,,~"'.,--.-.--~-.-.. ~, ...._.-- ..... ~---,-,.,.-- .... ,~ .. -

V -Production (other than cUltivation \

127 188 67 11 60 172 467 506 288 97 179 409 DISTRICT TOTAL

1 1 127 121 !I(; Arl'll.h (Hum.1)

I 1 1 1 40 33 8 6 25 Hhuhpur (Hut'a}) 3.'"

23 3 20 4!J 33 11 10 :~()

.) 1 ] I 1!J ,w 10 Buxul' (HuJ'tt]) 37

1:J7 14 5 ]29 17I) 48 ]0 )8 1()5 Dl1llll'lH'JI (Huml) 38

7 12 10 7 l2 12 4 4 8 Biluumgallj 30

7 1 4 3 1 14 18 3 Ku.l'l\,ghar 40

7 II) 43 :W !) !J

1 I 18 11 11 Dohri (Huml) 42

20 6 14 4H 25 24 2 10 23 Mohnniu. 48

19 11 15 1 4 10 25 16 () Bhahuu (Hum!) 44 ., 3 3 ,w 1 3 15 8 4 7 5 All t,own:.! of 45 ~hahn"'HI Di 8· tl'iet (Ur·b~l.n) VI-Commerce- 821 252 161 46 160 206 689 606 478 159 211 447 DISTRICT TOTAL IH 6 1 70 214 63 U2 7 122 Armh (Huml) u 7 ] 83 46 11 74 HhlthpuI' (Rural) :15 25 30 In 7 6 44 42 2 20 Piro :w 82 1. 10 72 1 ]23 12 Buxltr (H.ural) 37

38 117 25 17 13 ]00 88 l:H 55 31 no Dumraon (Buru.]) 3S

4 5 4 5 24 12 12 4 12 8 Bikramganj 3U

16 11 4 4 12 7 40 10 7 I 33 I) Karughar .. 40

19 1 13 1 (j :~6 10 20 16 10 Sasaram (Rural) 41 18 11 10 8 11 37 09 28 6 9 63 Dehri (Rural) 42 12 18 11 10 1 8 59 55 33 12 26 43 Mohania 43 38 10 24 2 14 8 46 3 21 2 25 I Dhabua (Rura]) 44- 41 26 19 .. 22 26 53 7 28 25 7 All towns of 45 Shahabad Dis- t,rict (Urban) 80


NUMBER OF 'PERSONS DERI.VING 'lHEIR. ------.------.~,-----•. ~.----.---.--.--.,-, .. - --- Oultivation of owned In,nd Cultivll,tion of un -owned land

Livelihood ClasRos Self­ H(~lf. Total support,ing Earning 'rotal Btl ppnt',u: J~nl'ning porsons

DISTRIOT TOTAL .. 290 111 180 110 101 82 71 11 80 21

34. Arnl.h (l~ural) 38 20 13 7 24 21 3

35. Shahpur (Rural) 19 12 13 I:.! 5 5 5

36. Piro Ii 3 5 7 2 2(; 1 LI ',I

37. Buxar (Rural) 65 10 2H 36 10 6 6 38. Dumraon (Rural) .. 25 11 18 3 7 8 18 n

39. Bikramganj 8 4 3 4

40. Karaghar 38 19 18 20 In 4

.~ 1:1. Sasaram (Rural) ]3 3 8 .J i 4 1 ]

42. Dohri (Rural) 11 2 10 1 1 1 1 1

4.3. Mohania 7 10 1 5

44. Bhabua. (Rural) 7 11 7 11

45. All towns of 811&­ 47 6 4,0 .,... 7 4 13 11 4 ha.bad District. (Urban) VIII-Other services and miscellaneous sources-

DISTRICT TOTAL .. 2,867 ~,932 2,046 454 821 1,478. 781 429 457 87 324 342 34. Arrn,h (Rural) 605 351 325 8 280 343 148 2 51 -') H7 35. Shahpur (Rural) 185 197 155 44 30 15:l 120 33 77

36. Piro 129 27 84 5 45 22 IH 40 ](1 :1

37. Buxar (Bural) 122 8 73 49 8 If> 43 50 In

38. Durnraon (Rural) .. 187 399 127 51 60 348 11(; 84 70 10 46 74

39. Bikra\"1\ganj 73 47 26 37 4: 28 11 4:

40. Karaghar 111 113 57 19 54 94 21 11 P3 3 11 • 41. Sasaru.m (Rnral) 239 82 180 9 59 73 27 8 14 2 6

42. Dehri (Rural) 164 89 93 3 71 86 37 6 21 2 16 4

43. M.ohania 80 41 68 11 12 30 54 2 2] 2 '4. Bhabua (Rural) 206 104 161 45 45 59 52 81 42 •• 10 81 (5 All towns of 766 482 676 257 90 225 55 143 44 68 11 75 Sha.habad District (Urban) 31



-.-•... --- .. ---... ---.• ---.--,.-.. ------.------.~-- Bmployment as culUvatiug labourers Rent ou agriculturul land

Ht~lf­ Solf­ Li velihoocl Classf.:)s Total supporting gaming Total SUl)portillg I~ltrlliIlg pl~rson8 dependants persons dopendanta ... ~ ..... -., .. -.. ""--.. --...... ~".------,, ... - _._------Mu.les :b"'emal£~H MaloH .Females Males Fomales Mahls l~'Hmalos Mulos FomLdel:! Malos FOllmles .>,) ]4 15 ]6 17 l~ II) 20 21 ..... 23 24 25 1

VIl-Transport- 265 858 178 21 87 337 35 19 21 2 14 17 DISTRICT TOTAL

2H 80 12 ]7 76 2 t) AlTft,h (Burnl)

.....3'> 12 21 11 1 1 1 tnmhpur (Rural) 35 10 7 1 7 ..., ...) 1 I 2 Pil'o 36

8 10 7 ....) 1 1 Buxur (Hurttl) 37

Hi 12 4 3 17 7 7 7 ])UUU'UOIl (Hural) 38

1 1 17 11 Bikrnmgu,llj 39

7 7 KUl'ughar .. 40

7 5 [) 1 1 SasarmH (l~urn.l) 41

123 171 89 171 Dehri (Hum) 42

7 3 I 24 Mohania 43

]4 ]5 10 4 15 Bhabua (lturuJ) 44

21 1 I 3 3 All tjowns of Hha· 45 huJmd District (Urban) VIII-Other services and miscellaneous sources 1,213 864 699 215 514 649 741 437 530 144 211 293 DISTRICT TOTAL

162 49 4 itO 4·5 113 :n 58 :n ArrH,h (Hurttl)

1:40 uo !I-i :.!n 01 It) 18 1 15 Hhuhpur (Huml) 35

6H 167 6 23 HH 40 20 :U 9 20 Piro 36 15 126 H7 15 59 3t) 2:1 36 3!) Huxnr (Huml) 37

103 00 57 JO 46 so . H6 :~o 7 16 59 DUllll'tton (Rural) 38

H 25 17 11 43 2 :n 1 1 Bikrarnganj ,') 43 7n 21 13 22 63 27 I, .. • • 10 ~7 Kfl,raghflr •• 40 74 24 24 3 50 21 34 8 18 16 8 I::)asu,ram (Rural) 4J 66 35 50 () 16 29 7 6 1 Dohrj (ltural) 42 46 30 6 18 24 17 17 .. Mohania 4.3 153 77 64 50 13 11 21 10 1 21 Bhabua (Rural) 44

105 200 62 74 126 322 205 289 135 33 70 AU toWJlS of 41> Shahaba


NUMBER OF PEBSONS DERIVING 'rRET:&. ------,..... _- Production (other than cultivat.ion) CommOl'oe ______• ____~ .. _ _,..______.i' _____ .... _ ...... -- __" ... __" _____• __ •• __.~ .• +_ Li velihood Classes 801f Hvlf Total supporting Earning 'fotal support/jng Baruing persoIls dopondtmt.s persuns deptHulan t!ol _._---- ._--_._------_._------_•. _ .. --.,--_..... --,,_ .. __ . __ .-- .---.. - Malos Females MaI(,s ll'emales Mal(,,~ Fernalos Males J1"omales Mnlm:t Ftlmal{~s MaleR Females •.. --_._-_ .---.-.-.--~- .. -.---,.-.---.. --... "'--... "--.---.. ----.. --_._- 1 26 27 28 20 30 31 33 34 35 36 :17 ------._---_. --_._... _._---_ .... __ ... _--_. VII--Transport-­ DISTRICT TOTAL .. 151 121 80 27 71 94 1S8 59 101 8 52 51

34 •. Arrah (Rural) 5 12 2 3 12 14 7 10 4 4 3

35. Shahpur (Hural) 7 1 6 1 1 3 1 2

36. Piro 41 10 14 27 10 21 4 17 4:

37. Buxa.r (Rural) 2 ...,> I 1 1 1 13 4

3S. Dumraon (Rural) .. 47 35 28 19 35 5 4 I 3

.) 39. Bil;oNl.mganj 11 4 4 7 4 "" 1. 1 40. Karaghar 2 2 ..,> 7 41. Sa.saram (Rural) 7 5 4 3 17 15 -') I 42. Dehri (.Rural) 2 2 4

43. Mohania 15 8 12

44. Bhabua (Rural) 17 13 13 4 13 12 4 4

45. All towns of Sha· 10 39 (\ 26 4 13 40 4 14 habad District (Urban)

Vlil-other lerv1081 and mlsoellaneous sources- DISTRIOT TOTAL .. 880 866 502 107 328 259 688 840 419 120 264 220 3'. Arrah (Rura.l) 93 9 43 50 9 112 39 60 52 39 a5. Shahpur (Rural) 74 24 61 11 13 13 30 34 9

36. Piro 33 9 19 2 14 7 14 13 11 4 3 9

37. Buxar (Hural) 78 20 36 1 42 19 90 21 58 32 21

38. Dumraon (Rural) .. 90 58 56 I 57 54 55 44 3 10 52 39. Bikramganj 36 1 26 10 1 50 2 44 6 -.) 40. Karu.ghar 5 1 1 4 1 2 1 1

41. Sasaratn (Rural) 31 13 15 16 13 21 11 12 2 9

'2. Dehri (Rural) 210 48 163 47 48 30 7 20 10 43. Mohania. 58 4- 35 23 4 20 7 20 2 5

44. Bhabua (Rura.l) .• fi3 16 18 13 35 3 13 2 7 I 6 1

45. All towns of 8ha.­ 60 163 29 79 40 84 247 149 117 99 130 habad District (Urban) 38



Transport Other services and misoellaneous souroes Self Self Livelihood Classes Total supporting Earning Total supporting Earning persons dependants persons dependants )la.les Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1


12 108 11 4 1 104 119 128 77 88 42 90 DISTRIOT TOTAL

74 74 14 53 5 12 9 41 Arrah (Rural) 34 11 11 9 11 3 2 6 9 Shahpur (Rural) 85

4 12 2 5 2 7 Piro 86 · . 8 1 5 " 3 1 Buxar (Rural) 37 14 9 9 4 5 5 Dumraon (Rural) 38 Bikramganj 89 ·. 8 3 5 Karaghar .. 40 1 1 7 3 6 1 ,3 Sasaram (Rural) 41 1 , . 1 15 16 13 2 2 14 Dehri (Rural) 42 · . ·. 14 7 9 5 5 2 Mohania. 43 .. 6 5 1 Bhabua (Rural) 44 33 29 20 16 17 8 3 8 All towns of 45 Shahabad Dis­ trict (U rban)

VIII-other servloel anel mlloellaneoUi louroel 168 107 t25 1S8 88 49 886 508 184 10 202 498 DISTRIOT TOTAL

22 1 11 • • 11 1 29 17 10 19 17 Arrah (Rural) 84 15 2 14 1 2 9 1 5 4 1 Shahpur (Rural) 85 4: 3 8 2 1 1 ·. 840 ·. 2 338 Piro .. 86 29 • • 16 • • 13 ·. 68 ·. 68 Buxar (Rural) 87 4:5 • • '1 4: ·. ·. 4r ·. ·. • • 4. Dumraon (Rural) 38 7 5 ·. 2 • • • • .. • • • • Bikramganj 89 ·. • • • • 64 13 ·. 51 Karagbar .. '0 5 8 3 3 2 154 77 68 8 86 69 8asa.ram (Rural) '1 4. 5 4: I) ·. • • Dehri (Rural) 19 19 ·. 9 .. 9 Mohania 5 80 I) 8 • • 22 121 1 79 • • 42 1 Bhabua (Rural) 4r4r

8 68 4 40 4: 23 • • All towns of '5 Shahabad Dis­ trict (Urban)



Th_is t~ble. relates only to economically active persons whose principal means of livelihood i! non-agricultural. Economically active persolls are such self-supporting persons as derive their income from productive activities. 2. The scheme of classification adopted in this table is different fro In that of Tables I and II. Instead of the four non-agricultural classes, this table gives figures for industries and ser­ vices classifi"ed tinder 10 I)ivisions and 8R Subdivisions. 3. Economically active persons shown in this table have been shown under three Cftteg')ries namely, (I) EJuployers, (2) Enlployees and (!l) Independent workers. The nunlbers arc separatnd by sexes. 1.'otals have have been furnished for the I)istrict and for each rrra,ct. 'rra,cts for which the t,otal figure under a IJivision or Subdivision is Nil, have not been shown under such I)ivi­ sion or Subdivision. 4. Persons coming under non-agricultural livelihood categories, who derive their income oUwr­ wise than through productive activities and who are included undor livelihood class VIII in table B-1., do not, appear in this table. ~rheir nunlbers are given below in five sub-groups Males }'emales (i) Persons Jiving principally on incoJne from non-agricultural pro­ ao 26 perty. (ii) Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships 477 241 and funds. (iii) Inmates of ,Jails, asylullls, alnlshouses and recipients of doles 5:~f) 89 (iv) Beggars and vagrants 396 22B (v) All other persons living pdncipal1y.. on income derived from 37 102 non-productive activity. The total-of all industries and services in this table plU8 the total of su h-groups rnentioned above is equal to the total nUlllbcr of self-supporting persons of all non-agricult,ural classes in Table B-1. 5. The scheme of classification adopted in this table is hased on the Occupationa,l Scheme of the 1 931 census, but fairly extensive changes have been made with a, view to simplify and im­ prove the method of presentation and to secure conlparability of data with the Int,ernntional Stalldard In~u8trial Classification adopted by the -United Nations Organisat.ion.


Oecupa,tion Total Ernployel'H Employ{~e8 IIld{~pondont (Division nnd Subdivision) workors and Tract __W ___~ ____"""'~ ____ PorsoIlR Mnlos j·'ernnles Males FOnlu,}eA Malos Ji'mnalfls . Malos .F'ornaleH ."....-...... ".. _._-_._'--, _ ...... " ...... ---....._.,_'" - _ -~------" -._-- 1 ....J 3 4 5 6 7 S U 10 AU Industries and Servlces-

DISTRICT .. 116,755 98,173 23,582 9,908 2,645 30,940 6,538 52,325 14,399 34. Arrlllh (Rural) 13,277 10,530 2,747 ] ,fUj7 ]67 2,016 438 6,567 2,142 35. Shahpur (Rural) 8,504 7,125 1,469 701 ]20 2,062 610 3,772 739 36. Piro 7,613 6,:W5 1,218 931 54 1,350 134 4, l.J 4: 1,030 37. Buxar (Rural) 6,082 5,072 1,010 510 85 2,589 151 1,H73 774 38. Dumraon (Rural) .. 10,527 8,316 2,211 385 400 1.710 381 6,221 J,430 30. Bi~ramganj 7,514 5,512 2,002 1,315 566 1,096 442 3,10J. 994- 40. Karaghu,r 4,390 3,.510 880 921 19 ) ,123 106 1,4t16 755 41. Sasa.ram (Rural) 9,358 7,715 1,643 218 • 09 3,012 174 4,485 1,400 42. Dehri (Rural) 6,960 5,608 1,352 455 477 2,589 323 2,564 1.S~2 43. Mohania 8,249 5,999 2,260 1,187 456 982 396 3,830 1,398 44. Bhabua (Rural) .. 8,266 6,151 2,115 413 81 837 758 4,901 1,276 45. All towns of Shahabad District (Urban) 26,925 21,240 4,685 933 151 10,983 2,625 9,324 1,909 86


------~------~~------Oooupation Total Employers Employees Independent . (Division aJld Subdivision) workers and Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DlvlaloD '0' Prima'1l 1 ndustriea not else- where specified.

.. .. ~... . DISTRICT 2,807 781 449 56 866 78 1,992 602 34. Arrah (Rural) 433 '200 55 178 35. Shahpur (Rural) 170 95 1 170 94 86. Piro 382 14 39 91 252 14 87. Buxar (HuraI) 134 33 31 7 103 2U S8. Dumr&on (Rural) 453 193 15 38 400 H)3 39. Bikramganj 282 68 76 35 75 26 131 7 "'0. Karaghar 81 29 11 18 52 29 41. Sasararn (Rural) 229 77 21 13 1 27 207 37 4:2. Dehri (H.ural) 11 18 1 1 H 18 43. Mohania .. 189 108 56 5 20 4 113 99 i) 44. Bhabua (Rural) 285 80 :10 .w HI 7 236 71 45. AU towns of Shahabad District 158 16 1 17 I 141 14 (Urban)

SubdIvision '0'1' Stoc.k Raising.

DISTRICT 1,430 241 187 18 209 16 1,084 207 84. Arrah (Hural) 30 30 30. Shahpur (Rural) 62 28 02 28 36. Piro 382 39 91 252 37. Buxar (Rural) 134 33 31 7 I03 26 3S. Dumraon (Rural) 303 15 38 250 39. Bikramga.nj 18 5 7 3 I 10 \ 2 40. Karaghar 51 23 11 18 22 23 41. Sasaram (Rul'al) 192 40 20 10 1 5 171 25 42 Dahri (Rural) . . •• 1 .. .. 1 48. Mohania 157 108 45 6 20 4 92 HO 44. Bhabua (Rural) 52 1 52 I 45. All towns of Shahabad District 49 2 9 40 2 (Urban)

Subdivision '0'2' Rearing of smaU anima18 and inatct8.

DISTRICT • • • • 97 75 • • 2. o • 7 97 66 3lS. Shah pur (Rural) 90 66 90 . ,66 41. S,a.saram (Rural) 7 7 "4. Bhe.bua (I-tura.l) 9 2 7

Subdivision '0'3' ,. Plan'ation I ndwtrie".

DISTRIOT 12 23 11 S 10 1 •• 1. Sasaram (Rural) 28 3 20 .. 3. Mohania .. 12 11 .. 1 37


I,' ~. , I f I ~, "

/. Occupation Total J~mployers Employees Independent (Division and Subdivision) workers and Tract Males Femules Males Femalos Males Females Males Females --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --9

Subdivision '0'4' Forestry and Woodcutting. DISTRICT 27 2 2 6 1 19 1 35. Shahpur (Uural) 1 1 39. Bikramganj 23 1 2 6 :, 15 1 41. Sasaram (.l;tural) 4 4

Subdivision '0'6' F'ishing. DISTRICT 1,241 390 299 33 151 29 791 828

34 •. A rl'ah (HuraI) 403 200 Gll 148 35. Shahpur (Rural) 18 18 30. Piro 14 14 as. DUlllI'ROn (Hurn,}) 150 193 150 193, 30. Bikl'll,mganj 241 62 67 32 68 26 106 4 40. Karaghar 30 U 30 6 4]. Sasaram (Rural) 26 14 1 2 25 12 42. Dohri (Rural) 11 17 1 1 {} 17 43. Mohania !W 20 44. BhaLua (IturaJ) 2~J3 70 30 19 184 70 45. A 11 towns of Shahabad District 109 14 1 8 1 101 12 (Urbu,n)

Division '1' Mining ancl Quarrying.

" . DISTRICT 47 4 9 84

36. Piro 9 9 38. Dumraon (Rural) 2 2 · 41. Sasaram (nural) 1 1 . 44. Bhabuo. (Rural) 31 31 45. All towns of Shahabad District 4 2 2 (Urban)

Subdivision '1'1' Goal mining. DISTRICT 11 2 9

36. Piro. 9 9 38... Dumraon (Rural) 2 2

Subdivision '1'5' Stone.. q.uarrying, clay and sand pits. DISTRICT 86 2 84 4L. Sasaram (Rural) 1 1 ·. 44. Bha.bua (Hural) .. 31 31 ·. 45. :All tow~ of Shahabad District 4 2 • • 2 • • (Urbanl' 88


Occupat,ion Tota.l 1~mployer8 Employees Independent. (Division and Subdivision) workers and Tract ----,_...... ,,,---" Males Females Males Females Malt 8 Fema.Ios ... ,.... _-,,_ ... _._- .. _.. --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---._---,""---,-_._-- Division '2' Processing and M anufacture- FoorMtuJJa, 7.'ext·ilea, Leather and Produ('l.,y thereof. ___.'"~. DISTRICT 9,338 2,609 1,574 218 1,286 187 6,478 2,104 34. Arruh (Rural) 874 12 520 5f) 20U 12 35. Shnhpur (BurnI) 7]0 69 75 3 58 U 577 (,7 36. }'liTo 802 324 178 8 149 6 56.'5 310 Buxar (Rural) 37. 4:1:\ OH ]5 7 93 3 32(; 81) 38. Duml'aon (Rura.l) 1.001 238 4:9 178 774 39. Bikramgunj 238 585 109 207 85 III 24 267 00 40. Karaghar 407 232 48 2 171 10 ]88 220 41. Sasaram (Rural) 1,023 233 22 35 63 6.1 938 1:-17 42. Deht'i (Hural) 556 91 100 102 354 43. Mohanilio Ul 621 344 237 39 4.2 45 342 260 44. Bhabua (Rural) 574 465 38 24 15 20 521 42] 4:5. All towns of Shahabad District 1,662 233 85 15 249 n 1.,328 (Urban) 209 Subdivision '2·0' .Food Industrie8 olheMse uncla88'ifled. DISTRICT 228 97 55 34 22 10 151 53 35. Shahpur (Rural) 4 4 4 4 36. Piro 2 2 39. Bikramganj 69 35 38 22 6 I) 25 41. Sasaram (H.uTal) 128 26 8 8 8 10 I) lJO 13 42. Dehri (Rural) 12 1 4 7 43. Mohanill. 13 32 8 4 [) 28 Subdivision '2-1' Grains and PulBu. DISTRICT 648 216 211 96 ]7 341 34. An-n,h (Rurai) 136 60 11 56 35. Shahpur (Rural) 9 9 ... 36. :Piro 37 2 IH 2 1.0 37. (Rural) 95 30 8 2 21 .66 30 38. Dumraon (Rural) 36 6 9 21 39. Bikramganj 5 2 3 40. Karaghar 8 13 2 6 9 4 41.. Su,• .,n.rft.m (H.un~l) I 6 ] 3 {) 42. Dehri (It-ural) 1 ·2 43. Mohania. 117 6 80 {) 6 28 44. Bhabua (Hural) 117 117 45. AU t.owns of Shahabad District 201 42 17 36 2 148 (Urba,n) 40 Subdlvlslon '2'2' Vegetable o'il a,na. dairy p1'oduct8. DISTRICT 1,179 485 59 142 86 921 84() 34. Arrah (Rural) 28 12 .. 28 12 35. Shahpur (Rural) 204 22 9 173 36. PiI'o 236 10 43 50 143 37. Buxar (Rural) 87 19 10 4 10 77 15 38. Dumraon (H.urttl) 96 60 3 11 82 13 60 Sf}. Bikramganj - - 56 3 20 5 83 S· 40. Kartl.ghar 81 20 5 30 46 41. Sast\.raIlJ (H.ural) 139 96 20 9 20 3 17 127 59 42. Dehri (Rural) 24 3 24: 48 3 4:3_ Mohania ts 1 19 20 7 11 26 • ']7' 4:4 Bhabua. (Rural) 167 122 11 12 I 1 15G 109 45: All toW118 of Sllahabad District 10 32 1 3 1 2 8 (Urban) 27 39


Occupa.tion Total Employers Employees Indl~pendent (Division a.nd Subdivision) workers and Tract ------,-- Males Females Males Females Males }'emoles MalON }\~male8 ------•.-- 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 ------

Subdivision '2·8' Sugar 1naul1triea.

DISTRICT 267 18 58 201

44. Bho.bua (Rura.l) 13 2 II 45. All towns of Sha.habad District 254 13 51 190 (Urban) Subdivision '2'4' !Jeveragea.

DISTRICT 579 121 46 8 34 499 118 34. Arrah (Rural) 54 19 7 2H 35. Shahpur (Hural) 21 11 21 11 36. Piro 75 40 18 3 13 44 37 37. Buxar (Rura.l) 9 1 3 l) 38. Dumro.on (Rural) 103 60 103 60 SQ. Bi.kramganj ]8 4 14 41. So,sara.m (Rural) 159 159 43. Mohania 10 1 4 5 44. Bhabua (Rura.l) 22 45. All towns of Shahabad District 108 10 3 7 98 10 (Urban) Subdlvislon '2'5' Tobacco. DISTRICT 1,207 112 245 22 169 11 793 79 34. Arrah (Rural) 261 183 ]5 63 35. Shahpur (Rural) 20 1 1 16 4 36. Piro 4 4 37. Buxar (Hural) ·. 13 3 10 39. Bikramganj, 13 21 1 15 1 3 11 3 40. Karaghar · . 17 16 4 6 7 16 41. Sasaram, (Rural) 62 ]0 2 5 6 57 2 42. Dehri (Rural) 44 16 18 10 43. Moha.nia. .. 47 11 5 31 44. Bhabua (Rural) 33 2 31 45. All towns of Shahabad District 693 64 30 4 98 2 56!) 58 (Urban) SulHllvlslon '2'6'

Cotton t~tile8.

DISTRICT ·, .. 928 125 126 16 51 7 746 102 3'. ~h (Rural). 26 7 19 .. ,35. Shahpur (Rural) 122 , " 122 86. Piro 63 50 18 3 4.2 50 37. Buxar (Rural) 27 8 1 6 21 7 38. Dumraon (Rural) 108 108 .. 39. Bikramganj ' ... 33 12 26 12 4 3 41. S ....ra.m (R~~) 157 12 7 150 12- 42. Dehri (Rural) 110 18 17 12 81 18 43. Mobani. . . .. 179 25 56 3 10 7 113: 15 45. All towns of Bhahabad District 98 . , 2 9 .. 87 (Urban) 40


Oooupa.tion Tota.l Employers Employees Independent (Division a.nd Subdivision) workers and Traot -_.- ,-_. Ma.les Females Malea Females Males Females Males Females ---0- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --

Subdivlsion '2'7'

Wea1'ing apparel (exoe,pt footwear) 'and made up textile goods.

DISTRICT 1,872 780 257 84 322 84 1,298 882 34. Arra.h (Rural) 81 46 5 80 35. Shahpur (Rural) 130 47 17 2 8 H 105 at) 36. Piro .. 287 45 23 5 46 5 218 35 37. Buxar (Rural) 101 16 5 2 34 3 62 11 38. Dumraon (Rural) 255 llS 10 .. 78 167 lIS 39. Bikramganj 64 13 31 4 5 ....f) 28 7 40. Ko.raghar 180 95 24 2 66 1 BO 92 41. Saaaram (Rural) .. 133 3R 10 ]() 123 23 42. Dehri (Rural) 106 17 25 10 71 17 43. Mohanio. .. 130 182 42 12 7 13 81 157 44. Bhabua (Rural) 130 III 17 2 6 13 107 9fl 45. All towns of Shahabad District 275 48 17 5 47 :J 211 40 (Urban)

Subdivision '2'S'

Textile I ndU8trie8 otherwise un· cla88ified·

'DISTRICT 438 211 43 12 54 S 841 191 85. Shahpur CRural) 25 6 25 6 89. Bikramganj 51 2 26 24 41. (Rural) 3 22 3 22 42. Dehri (Rural) 137 22 31 25 81 22 4:3. Mohania 28 33 2 2~ 31 4:4. Bhabua (Rural) .. 194 115 10 10 4 6 180 99 45. All towns of Shahabad District 13 2 11

(Urban) 'i-'

Subdlvllion -2"9' Leather, LM,ther product8 and foot. wear.

DISTRICT_ " 1,997 462 462 88 848 84 1,192 190 34. Arrah (Rural) 288 196 17 75 .. 35. Shahpur (Rlp'sl) 175 27 25 1,23 .. 36. Piro .. 188 177 57 33 1 9,8 176 37. Buxar (Rural) 101 26 1 16 .. 84 26 38. Duml'aon (Rural) .03 30 80 293. 39. Bikramgal)j 276 75 102 32 48 9 126 34 40. Karaghar 121 88 13 6:l 41) 8& 41. Saearam (Rural) 241 23 5 5 28 18 208 ... 42. Dehri (Rural) .. 120 31 9 33 78 IU 43. Mohallia 46 18 20 6 26 12 44. Bhabua (Rural) 15 15 45. All towns of Shababad Distriot 23 24 2 1 21 23 (Urban) 41

B-III-EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES AND INDEPENDENT WORKERS IN INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES BY DIVISIONS AND SUBDIVISIOHS-(continued) ------~------Occupation Employers Employees Independent (Division and Sub-division) workers and Tract, ----_.. _._---- MuIm'! FemuloH Males Femu.leR Males Females MaloR J;\mul..les ._------1 ..,,) 3 4. I) 6 7 ---_._------._------_._------8

Division'S' Proce."II,dn{l and Manujacturc.- .Metals, OhetnicalH and Pro­ dUCt8 thereof...... DISTRICT 2,942 277 695 95 391 S4 1,856 148

:14. A l'I'u,h (H.uml) 388 ~Hl 1:W 3i5. Nhahpul' (Hural) 140 a 40 )O;! 3t>. Pin) 20H ...., 23 120 ".) 37, Huxtl,I' (Rural) 110 11 ... ~ Sf:) 11 3S. ])nmraoll (Rurn!) 46J 27 50 60 ..." 374 3H. Hikntmgallj lO:J 8B :lH 32 16 24 111 3:J 40. Karnglmr :W 37 :1 4 lU 37 41. NnsarllHl (H,urnJ) 15.1) ...) :! 1 25 12S 1 4:!. l)f'hri (Rurul) 17:l an 16 12l 43. Mohnnia 232 17:~ 12 Hi 44 42 44. Bhabun (Hnral) 108 30 :1 7.") 45. All townH of ;-;ihahabttd j)ist,r'ict. 771 IH H3 131 547 (Urban)

Subdivision 'S·O'

..Manufacture of metal ]J1'0r/urtH, other- wise un cla INnfied .

DISTRICT 2,492 240 588 87 349 S3 .1,555 120 34. ArJ'u,h (Burnl) aSH 223 120 !J5. Hhu,hpur (Hural) 146 3 4 l02 3 36. Piro 209 2 Of) 120 37. Buxur (Hural) 110 11 2 86 ]] 38. Dumraon (Hum.]) 407 fi2 19 50 60 328 30. Bikt'tungnlJj 161 SH 35 32 In 24 1.10 :13 40. Kuraghft,. 6 37 6 37 41. Sasaru.m (}turnl) ]9 2 1 3 Hi 1 42. Dehri (Rurul) 137 2B 11 H7 43. Mohania,. 13~ 25 117 4: 7 7 14 14 45. All towns of Shahabad District, 771 19 H3 131 547 IH (Urban) Subdivision 'S·1' .Iron and Steel (Basic Manufacture).

DISTRICT 426 87 102 8 S7 t 287 28 38. Dumraon (Rural) 54 8 4-6 41. Rasaram (Rural) 136 2 22 112 42. Dehri (BuraJ) 34 6 4 24 43. Mohatiia H4 37 56 8 8 1 30 28·. 44. Bhabua (Rural) 108 30 3 75 ·. Subdivision '80 6' Machinery (otlter than electrica.! machine1'Y) indy,ding Engineer~ ing W orkshop8.

DISTRICT 2 1 1 o •

39. Bikramganj 2 1 1· • • 42


Occupation Total Employers Employees Independent (Division and Sub· division ) workers and Tract ------.------_._- Males Females Males FemaleI'! MalEls Females Malos Females -----,,------1 2 3 5 6 7 8 Subdivision '8'6' ------BaJJic I ndwtrial Chemica./.8, Ferti­ lizer and Power Alcohol.

DISTRICT 20 3 4 13

""0. Karaghar 20 4 13 SubcUvlslon '3'S' Manufacture of chemical produ.cts otheruriRe Uru"l(188ifu-4.


42. Dehri (Rural) •• 2 Division '4' Procuaing and Manufacture.- -Not el,ewhere IIpeciji,e,d.

DISTRICT 7,058 2,332 1,176 286 759 239 5,123 1,807

34. Arrah (Rural) 450 741 248 100 27 H~ 17'-, r,49 35. Shahpur (Rurnl) 603 114- 82 48 ] 473 113 36. Piro 888 96 ll3 8 208 4 567 84 37. Buxar (Rural) 469 200 24 18 llO 36 33;') 146 38. Dumraon (Rural) U44 333 66 110 64- 20 8t4 203 39. Bikramganj 303 60 11M 24 :U 10 Hi 4- 26 40. Karaghar 474 145 :!27 III 1:J6 145 -41. Sasararn (Rural) 687 238 45 4 J3 44 629 1nO 42. Dehri (!tural) 288 31 30 4-2 216 :n 43. Mollt\nia 579 1115 187 J ;) :H 26 301 114 44. Bhnbua. (Burnt) 467 108 12 1 14- ...) 441 105 45. All towns of Shaha.bud District H06 III 24 n 60 82:? 101 (Urban).

Subdivision '4'0' Manufacturing Jndustn:e-8 otherwise Unclfl8l.Jijied.

DISTRICT 1,496 229 223 7 170 20 1,tG3 202

35. Shahpur (Hural) 180 1 40 :W 120 I 36. Piro 238 26 2H 4-5 164- 26 37. Buxar (Rural) 158 50 12 7 40 18 106 25 .38. Dumraon (Rural) 123 84 10 Ii) US 84 39. Bikramganj 77 10 67 40. Kuraghar 125 59 35 3ll 60 -41. Su sn.ra.m (R ural ) 230. ..,> 26 20t 42. Dehri (I-turat) 4- 1 .) 43. Mohania 249 ... 5~ 17 .)... L74- 44. Bhabua (Rural) 112 [) .') ..0) 108 5 Subdivision '4'.2' JJriclc8, tiles aruJ. other 8tructural products.

DISTRICT 392 58 6) t 76 1 253 56 35. Shabpur (Rural) 50 o 3 42 36. Pira 85 20 33 23 37. Buxat' (Rural) • • 3 1 2 • • 38. Dumraon (Rurs.}) 147 17 6 124 ':) 'le) ·. 39. Bikramganj 40 - ...... 16 -40. Karaghar 2 2 41. Suaram (Rural) 15 56 1 1 Vi 54 42. Dehri (Rural) 7 1 4 44. Bhabua. (Rural) • • 45 .. 10 30 • • 48


Oc(~upation Total Employers Employees Indt'pfmdml t. (Division and Sub-division) workers and Tract Males Ft\males Ma10s ~~emaloR

1 4 5 6 7 ." ,,_ ... _•.... -'" .- .------.... -., ... -~---,.----"' ... ----- ..... -----... ---.... _...-".. ---~ .... ---.. ----.. -.---..... --.-.---.------.. --.---.---~.- - ... --_._-...... _------Subdivision '4'8'

Cement ··Oement pipu a.nd other c,ernent producf:8. DISTRIOT 87 12 75

41. ~(\sUl'am (Rural) Hi 12 75 Subdivision '4'4'

Non-metallif,; mineral prod'U(~tH.

DISTRICT •• 2,46~ 998 46) 103 2()S 146 1,8~3 744-

34. Al'l'ah (Hural) 268 148 64 18 66 102 22~ 31). Hhallpu!' (.~ural) 149 20 ]0 1 11H 1)2 an. Pil'O 352 :J6 4 lIB J Hi 4 :{7. Buxar (Huml) 210 8 1-\ 47 17 155 1O~ 38. Dumraon (Hlll'al) 377 377 39. Bikl'amganj 83 =~8 58 15 24 ]4 40. Karaghar IW 5U Ill) o(~ 41. S .. u~u,ram (Rural) 271 120 ,.. 27L 83 42. Delu'j (Hu('al) 107 12 10 j HO 12 43. Mohanin 123 80 no 5 4 11 5U 64 44. Rhabua (Rural) 80 77 72 45. An towns of HhahabH.d District 334 4 :l32 ot. (lil'bMl) SubdivisIon '4'S'

Rubber products.


:IH. Bikramganj 2 2 subdivision '4-6'

Wood and wood proriuct.s other than jUrYI.,it«re and ftxture8. DISTRIOT 2,884 872 388 125 264 52 1,687 691) 34, Arl'ah (Rural) 182 383 ]00 36 o 26 73 321 35. Shahpur (Rural) 216 60 17 15 184 60 36. Pito 213 62 19 4 II 4- lR3 54 37. Buxar (Rural) 98 22 4 3 22 1 72 18 38. Dumraon (Rural) 107 69 2 60 31 164 ~ 39. Bikl'amga.nj 101 22 46 9 8 1 47 12 40. Karaghar 2:~4 28 77 81 76 2~ 41, Sasaram (RuraJ.) 84- 00 10 2 1 7 64 51 42. Dehri (Rural) 170 19 17 33 120 H~ 43. Mohania .. 197 73 fJ9 10 10 IlR 50 44. Bhabua (Rural) 230 28 2 226 28 45. All towns of Shahabad Dist,riet 412 46 11 1 41 360 45 (Urban) Subdlvtslo.- '4"7'

Furnitu't'e and fl;etures.

DISTRICT •• 195 180 42 50 28 10 180 110 38, Dumraoll (Rural) 100 180 37 50 12 20 51 ll() '5. A.ll towns of Shahabe.d Distriot 95 5 .. 11 79 (Urban) 44


Occupation Total Employers Employees Independent (Division and Sub-division) workers a.nd Tra.ct ---,------,-----,------_._-----...... _-_._------Males Females Males. Females Males Females Males li'emalea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------,---,------,------.--..------9

Subdivision '4·9' Printing and AUied IndUlltries.

DISTRICT 83 6 8 6)

35. Sha.hpul' (Rural) 8 ~ 43. Mohania 10 10 45. All towns of Shahabad District 65 6 51 (Urban)

'It Division '5' Oonatruction and Utilities.

DISTRICT .. 2,358 588 276 22 706 289 1,876 227

34. Arrah (Rural) 117 12 6 24 87 12 35. Shahpul' (Rural) 3 3 36. Piro 75 5 11 50 37. Buxar (Rural) 267 9 49 1 183 3 35 () 38. Dumraon (Rural) 76 22 1 69 20 6 2 39. Bikramga.nj 104 12 14 11 79 12 40. Karaghal' 73 20 27 2(i 41. Sasaram (Rural) 218 17 24 3 34 2 160 12 42. Dehl'i (Rural) 177 50 15 17 22 15 140 18 43. Mohanin. 77 156 37 12 34 28 122 44. Bhabua (Rural) 41 3 38 45. All t,own~ of Shahabad District 133 257 105 1 310 212 718 (Urban)

Subdivision '1)'0'

OO'nlftruct'ion and maintenance of works-otherwise unclassified.

DISTRICT 78 4 10 64

41. S88tlI'am (Rural) 78 10 04 Subdivision '1)'1'

Construction and maintenance­ Building8.

DISTRICT f;5S4 256 247 4 827 70 990 182 34. Arrah (Rural) 80 6 8 .. 66 36. Piro 73 5 11 57 37. Buxar (Rural) 264 9 49 I 183 3 32 5 38. Durnra.on (Rural) 15 2 1 8 6 2 39. Bikramgltllj 104 12 14 11 70 12 40. Karaghal' 72 20 26 26 41. Sa.saram (Rura.l) 102 4 20 21 1 61 3 42. Dehri (Rural) 163 14 15 2 10 7 13S 5 43. Mohania. (RuraJ.) 77 111 37 12 28 111 44. Bhabua (Rura.l) 38 38 45. AU towns of District 576 104 80 1 37 59 459 (Urban) ," 45


Occupation Total Employers Employoes Independent (Division. and Sub.division) workers and Traot ------Males Females Males Females· Males E~emales._-_._------Males j:I"lorna)t"s 1 2 3 6 7 8 Subdivision '5·2' Oonstruction and mairLtenancc,·--Roads, Bridges (lnd other 71ransport works.

DISTRICT 61 5 61 5 as. Dumraon (Rural) 61 5 61 Subdivision '5·S' Construction and maintenance -- Telegr(lph and Telephone l1:nes.


42. Dehri (Rural) 1 I Subdivision '5'4' Oon8truct'ion and maintennnce opera­ tions-Irrigation and other a,gri­ cultural works.

DISTRICT 50 37 10 14 8 36 '19 37. BUXltr (Rural) 3 3 41. Sasttram (H,ural) 34 6 3 31 (j 42. Dt)hri (BuraI) 13 31 10 11 2 13 Subdivision '5'5'

Warks and P01J)(>;r and Gas Supply.

DISTRICT 118 I) 5 65 5 48

45. All t,ownR of Shahabad Difltrict llS 5 ,3 65 5 48 (Urban)

Subdivision '5·6'

Works llnd Ser'lJice8--Dornestic and I ndustrial Water Supply.


45. All town" of Shahabad District 20 20 (Urban)

Subdivision '5'7' SanitarlJ Warks a.nd Service8- Including Scavengers.

DISTRIcr .. 4S5 S85 2) 8 20B 201 23S 26 34. Arrah (Hural) 37 12 16 21 12 .35. Shahpur (Rural) 3 3 .36. Piro 2 2 38. Dumraon (Rural) 15 15 40. Karaghar 1 1 41. Sasaram (Rural) 4 7 3 I 4: 3 42. Dehri (Rural) 5 5 43. Moha.nia 45 34 lJ 44. Bhabua (Rural) 3 3 45. All towns of Shahaba.d District 419 148 20 188 148 211 (Urban) 46


Oocupation Total Employers Employoes Independent (Division and Sub-division) workers and Tract ,_._- Males Females M.ales ~"emales Males Females Males Fema,les .. ---_."---, ---"------1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ------.... --

Division '6' Commerce.

DISTRICT ' ' 25,077 7,618 8,725 1,277 3,049 844 18,808 5,497

34. Arrah (Ruru.l) .:~,4 78 I,HW 316 54 307 4~ 2.795 ],087 35. Shahpul' (Rural) 2,506 632 34 ,105 1,~~:J8 188 1,1:-14 3:iH 36. Piro 1,873 599 240 18 34 47 1,5H9 534- 37. Buxar (Rm'al) 1,522 883 332 35 359 10 831 338 38. D1.lmraon (Hural) 2,403 627 141 185 7.'l 182 2,187 260 39. Bikramganj 1,564 1,04U 709 :178 6r;,) 180 790 401 2 3U 2 743 58 40. Kartl.ghaJ' 1,316 02 534 ,.. 41. Sasaram (Rural) 1,720 3HZ :J4 I 2:l 1 1,66:J 384 42. Dehri (Rural) 1,607 347 246 4U 14H 85 1,2] 2 2]3 43. Mohania 1,800 781 42U 361 140 ~3') .. 1,2Hl 3S!O) 44. Bhabua (Rural) 2,024 605 180 54 42 46 1,802' 50a 45. All towns of Shahabad Distrid, 3,264 952 530 2H 418 23 2,::J16 HOO (Urban)


Retail trade otheru,,;,se uncla8sifie-

1,858 DISTRICT •• • • 11,807 2,988 1,866 723 1,948 857 7,998 34. Arrah (Rul'aJ) 2,397 110 177 24 25U 3 1,964 ' 92 35. Shahpur (Uural) 2.360 435 :U 71 1,300 140 1,029 224 36. Piro 1,075 348 163 18 ]8 33 804 207 37. Buxal' (ltural) 193 24U 29 29 2H 7 138 213 38. Dumraon (Rural) 1,00 J 175 76 64 48 37 967 74 39. Bikramganj 1,225 521 605 2:1H 41) UO 575 192 40. Karaghar 653 45 365 2 21 2 267 41 41. Sasaram 481 333 15 4- 11 1 455 328 42. Dehrj (Rural) 813 94 99 25 82 32 632 37 43. Mohania .. 1,020 520 255 247 68 5 697 268 44. Bhabua (Rural) 146 89 8 2 7 136 82 Jt) 45. All t.owns of ~haha.bad District. 353 10 43 71 23H (Urban)

Subdivision '6'1'

Rewil trade in Jood-stujJlI (including and na rc.otics. )

8,690 8,241 DISTRIOT •• • • 11,258 4,105 1,609 466 954 898 34. Arrah (Hural) 1,081 1,070 139 30 111 45 881 .' 995 35. Shahpur (Hural) 110 175 1 24 31 43 78 108 36. Piro .. 582 liB 55 9 1 518 I5() 37. Duxer (Rural) 1,180 116 290 4 323 2 567 110 3S. Dumraon (Rural) 1,215 448 66 121 22 145 1,137 182 39. Bikramganj 289 417 76 103 16 71 197 243 40. Karaghar 401 15 140 15 246 15 41. Sasaram (Rura.l) 1,190 45 19 3 12 1,159 42 42. Dehri (Rural) .. 551 194 111 11 47 32 393 IlU, 43. Mohallia .. 581 208 132 111 39 12 410 81) 44. Bhabua (.Rural) 1,762 462 141 35 14 39 1,607 38S 45. All towns of Shahabad District, 2.311 804- 449 24 315 8 1,547 '772 (Urban) B-III-EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES AMD INDEPENDENT WORKERS IN INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES BY DIVISIONS AND ,SUBDIVISIOIIS.-(oontinued)

Occupation Employerli Bmployees h!dependent. (Division and Sub·division) workers and Tract ------,.... _--_._,-- ,.. _._--_._---- Males F'emales Males }4"'-tnnu.les Males Females Malos ~~omfl.le8 .-----~------~.~-~_ ... - --.--.... '.------.---.... --.---.. ------.... ---~.------_._-- 1 ').. 3 5 7 '------_._-'-._._... _----_ ...,-_ .. _-.-_.... _. __ ..... _---_._-_.... _." __ .. ------'_.__ .• _-'-".._.. _--•.. _--- Subdivision '6·2' Retail trade in fuel (including petrol).

DISTRICT 412 110 6 16 1 363 103

.25. Shahpur (Rural) 4 .36. PiJ'o 1 I 37. Buxar (Rural) 33 )2 33 J2 38. Dumraon (Rural) 24 ) 21 .39. Bikramganj ]6 )() ....) 4 40. Karaghar 1~5 t) 186 ·41. Hasaram (Rural) :-\2 14 32 14 42. Dohri (Hural) 27 7 IH 43. Moha.nia .. H 1 3 1 fj 1 44. Bhahua (Rural) r,O ...., 4.1) IR ·45. All towns of Shahahad Distl'jC!t 25 .) 2 18 :!6 (Urban) Subd.ivlsion '6·3' Retail trade 'tn textile and leather good 8.

DISTRICT 1,811 480 160 80 88 76 1,068 274

35. Shahptu' (Hural) 27 16 1 6 4 5 36. Piro 211 100 .).)_.. 7 13 lR2 87 37. Buxal' (Rural) 73 3 ...) I 6i 38. Duml'aon (H,ural) 62 1 6 54 .3U. Bikramganj :14 8:1 I~ 36 11) 14 40. Karaghar 7 6 I 42. Dohri (}tural) HiB 52 ::W ]3 J8 21 111 l~ 4:t Mohu,niu. .. l()(S 30 22 14. 114 :.w 44. Bhabtla (Rural) 2:-1 11 7 17 4». All towns of Shahabad Dist.ri(.lt :J2 3 4UO HU (Urban) Subdivision '6·4' W hole,yule trade in foodstuffs. DISTRICT 81 2 28 28 30 2

37. Buxar (Rural) ]5 2 6 6 3 2 42. Dehri (Rural) .:W ttl ·43. Mohania 6 3 1 44. Bhabua (Rural) :14 )9 •• Subdivision '6'6' Wholesll.le tra,de in commodities other tllt

DISTRICT 88 10 •• 38 10 41. Sasaram (Rural) 2 .. '} 42. Dehri (Rura.l) 32 5 •3 iJ -5 48. Mohania. 4 5 4 5 8ubdJvJsloD '6'6' Beat Estate. DISTRICT 84 18 S 1 2 12 29 3 "4. ~habua (Rural) •• 9 2 .. 7 • • "6. All towns of Sha.habad District 25 16 1 1 2 12 22 3 , (Urbat.) 48


Occupation Total Employers Employees Indcpenden t (Division and Sub. division) workers and Tra.ot ... ----- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fo-nales


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H --- '"-----

Subdivision '6'S'

M oney.lencUng, Ba11Jkir~g and otM?' jlnancictl busines8.

DISTRICT 141 7 31 1 18 97 6 35. Shahpur (Rural) 9 1 3 5 36. Piro .. 4 4 37. (Hural) .. 28 1 2 4, 22 1 38. Durnraon (Rura.l) 11 3 2 J ~ :J 40. Karaghar , 60 17 43 41. Sasararn ( 15 15 42. Dehri (Rural) 2 2 43. Mohania .. 14 1 9 1 5

Division '7' Transport, Storage and Oommunica. tion.

-..... " ... ~ DISTRICT 6,766 885 507 44 2,782 258 3,477 588 34. Arrah (Rural) 432 188 96 Ian 76 197 112 35. Shahpur (Rural) 395 32 139 189 13 67 19 36. -Piro 350 51 29 109 iH 212 35 37. Buxar (Rural) 430 28 1 250' 11 179 17 38. Dumraon (Rural) 36H 29 21 a Ian 2 209 24 30. Bikramganj 353 19 106 205 42 IH 40. Karaghar 104 11 104 11 41. Sasaram (Rural) 228 6 47 175 42. Dehri (Rural) 374 55 19 1 83 8 272 46 43. Mohania. .. 155 64 55 24 75 24 25 16 44. Bhabua. (Rural) 342 10 15 317 45. All towns of Shahabad District 3,234: 858 25 16 1,531 108 1,678 234 (Urban)

Subdivision '7·1' Tt'an8pOf't by road.

DISTRICT 8,927 798 412 48 509 2&1 3,008 499

34. Arrah (Rural) • 1 • 148 188 56 45 76 47 112 35. Shahpur (Rural) 205 26 104 .. 45 10 56 16 36~·'·Piro .. 256 51 24 32 16 200 85 37. Buxar (Rural) 157 28 1 1 11 155 17 38. Dumraon (Rural) 144 21 21 3 25 2 98 16 39. Bikramgsl1j 156 19 106 8 42 19 40. Karaghar 100 10 .. 100 10 41. Sasaram (Rural) .. 191 6 15 .. 170 42. Dehri (Rural) 148 4:5 4 7 4 137 41 43. Mohania .. 86 54 55 24 9 24 22 6 44~ 'Bhabua CRural) 326 10 1 Slii •• 45~ All tOWIlS of Shahabad District 2,010 351 25 16 321 108 1,664 227 (Urban) 49


--'------....--...... ,.------,-_-._u._, ____ ..... ___ ...... ,..,.,_.c ...... A ....._· ______Occupf~tion Total gmplo~lor'8 Ernployoos Tlldl'pNHj(mt (Division and Rllbdivision) workN'S un(1 Trant

1 ,., :3 5 I ,t ------.--~-----"~~--- '._--- .. _- -..... --~ .. _ ..... ,,_._-._-._. ,,----_- '_- ...• ---,.....-.--.-~- ,..... ------~-.------.. - Subdivision '7'2'

'l'rrln8port by wafer. DISTRICT 045 4:.! !I[) i!.1 7 ·n1 :I·~

!H. Af'I'u,h (rtul·Il.l) :!O;i .... 0 1:1 JliO :~!) . :-; hl.llm p u (' (l{' ural ) H1 f) :J[> ..H' :l 11 :1 :W. ]'il'o 24 ,,) 7 I:? :n. Baxu.r (Itm'al) :!4 :.!4 3s. Dllm.fU.On (Hural) III H III H 40.!1l' ,t- J .~ 4 I. :-;u,sarl),1rl «(=tur'at) r; Ii 4:!. f)l}hri (Huntl) Hij 10 ] I:.! ! :Jri f) 43. Mohania I,:l 10 :3 .10 44-. Bh lbuu. (l{'uI'u,l) ... .,... 4·[i, All t·OWJl:-l of Shahn.bad DiHtr'iet .. 14 7 ! ,t I (U l'lHtn) Subdivision '7'4'

./lailwa // '[Ira n8port.

DISTRICT 735 735

:{..t.• Arrah (Rurnl) t~~ 4:J :l!). ShlthpUI' (l{,ural) :~ :l :~6. Pi1"o :;0 fiO 17. Buxat' (nUl'al) (j() tlO :lS. DUIl'll'aon (BUI'lll) 70 70 :iB. Bikramga,nj 25 25 ,t!. Sasamnl (}-tural) :lO :10 42. Dohri (ltural) ~U :Jl 4:~. Molll1uin, 4:7 47 ,H. BlmlnHlo (Runtl) 14 14 45. All tOWllS of Shu,hn,ba(l Distriet, 3J):! ]52 (Urban) Subdivision '7'6'

DISTRICT 973 973

~H. Armh (HaI'al) :~() :IH 35. ShahI'ur (gurul) !H,; HH 36. Piro 10 10 37. Bllxar (RUl'll1) 18f1 189 3B. DlltUra,on (Rur'al) 44 44 30. BjJ.{famganj Ji2 172 41. Sll~ltrttm (Hurttl) ..,') ..,) 42. D)hri (Hural) 3:J 3:1 43. Mohania .. 10 ]0 45. All t,owns of Shahabad Distil'jet, , 372 372 (Urban) Subdivision '7'7' TelegrapJ. Service8.

DISTRICT .. 108 108 • • ·45. All towns of Shahabad Distriot lOS 108 (Urban) •• 50


Oocupation Total Employers Employees Independent (Division a.nd Subdivision) workers and Traot Males Females Males Females Males Females MaJes Females ----_.. __ ._-_._--_._ 1 2 3 4 is 7

Subdivision '7'S' • Telephone SeMJ'ices.

DISTRICT 359 359 45. All towns of Shahabad District 3.159 359 (Urban)

Subdivision '7·9' Wireless Sert,ices.


45. All towns of Shahabad District 19 19 (Urban)

Division cS'. Heallh, Education and Public Admin'istraUon.

DISTRICT 8,621 1,761 84 20 7,761 1,513 776 228

34. Arrn.h (Huru,l) 1,02:1 18 3 851 10 HW 8 35. Shahpur (Rural) 132 10 1 132 () 4 36. Piro 202 1 . 3 132 1 67 37. Btlxar (H.urEtI) (SO 2 12 57 5:38 1.2 7 38. Dumraon (Rural) 324 f)9 3 276 27 45 42 39. Bikramgo.nj 57U 13 2 495 5 R2 8 40. Karnghar 527 5 6 4,H~ 3 105 ...') 41. Sasaram (Rural) 132 2 1 109 ...') 42. Dehri (nuTal) 2H7 19 4 19 274 If) 43. Mohania... 602 2 4 587 2 11 44. Bhabua. (Itural) 117 9 70 2 47 7 45. All towns of Shahabad District 4,084 1,601 1 •• 3,881 1,444 202 157 (Urban)

Subdlvision '8·1'

Med',:cal and other Health Services.

DISTRICT 918 348 84 19 288 107 541 222 34,. Arrah (Rural) 101 3 3 49 49 3 35. Sbabpur (Rura.l) •. · . .. "4 .. .. 4 36. Piro .. ·. 42 3 15 24 37. Buxa.r (Hurs.l) .. 85 . . 57 21 7 38. DUInro.on (Rural) •• ·. 42 59 3 8 17 31 42 89. Bikramganj 95 11 2 13 4 80 7 40. Karaghar 141 2 6 30 105 2 41. Sasar&m (Rural) 28 1 5 22 4:2. Dehri.· (Rural) .. 31 19 4: 19 8 ... 19 .. 43. Mohania .. 21 4: 6 11 •• 4:4. Bhabua. (Rural) .. 19 7 4 .. 16 '1 '5. All towns of Shahabad District 808 243 1 129 86 178 157 (Urban) 51


Occupation Total Employers E~mployeos lndeptmdent (Division and Subdivision) workors and 'fract Malos FClnttles Males FemulBs Malos .I1'ollluloR --_._------1 2 3 4 (j 6 7 8 9


Subdivision '8'2t

Erlucntional Services and Re8CfJ,rch.

DISTRICT 2,244 214 1 2,009 207 285 6

34. Arro.h (Huru.l) 4!)3 IG 333 10 120 35. Shahpur (Hural) 51 6 1 [II 36. Pil.·o S}r, I 1 43 37. Buxar (Hural) 325 12 325 ]2 38. Dumru,on (Rural) fJ7 10 R3 10 14 39. Biluamganj 130 128 1 ....) 1 4·0. Karaghal' 136 ] :w 2 41. Su,sariun (Rural) 71 71 ..,I) 42. Dohri (l~l1ral) 4:~ .J. :l 43. Mohania .. 7H 7!J 44. Bhu,blUl. (Jturo.1) !)U 2 27 ....) 45. All town::; of Shahabad District 70G 162 tiKl 162 (Urban) Subdivision '8'4' Pol-icc (other than 'vWage watchmen).

DISTRICT 1,739 1,739

34. Arrl1h (Rural) . 422 ar,. Shahpur (Rural) 73 73 36. Pi,'o 53 53 38. J)llmra.on (Rural) 107 107 31). Bikra.mganj 122 122 40. Ku,raghar 26 • • 26 •• 42. Dohri (Rural) 35 :l5 .. 43. Mohtmia .. 42 42 44. BtHilbua (J:tllral) .. .. 12 12 45. All 1:.owns of Shahabad District 847 847 (Urban) Subdivision '8·5' VUla,ge officers and servant8 including village watchmen.

DISTRICT 367 .. 367 '34. Arrah (Rural) 5 5 36. Piro 12 12 .37. Buxar (Rural) 178 178 38. Dumra.on (Rural) 2 • • • • 2 .. • • 39. Bikramganj 16 • • • • 16 • • 40. Karaghar 4 4 4 I. S as&ram (Rural) 33 33 42. Dehri (Rural) 32 :J2 43. Mohania .. 21 21 44. Bhabu80 (Rura.l) .. 27 27 45. All towns of Shahabad District :J7 37 (Urban) Subdivision '8'6' If}mployee8 oj Municipalities and Local B()(J'f(}".

DISTRICT 458 252 458 252 .. • • 6 ~4. Arra.h (Rural) 6 38. Dumra.on (Rural) . . • • 32 32 ·. 1 40. Karaghar • • • • 6 1 ·. 6 • • • • 45. All towns of Shahabad Distriot 414 25 • • 4:14 261 • • (Urban) 62


.' _. • _ .;uw cpr • ...... ___

Oocupation Total Employers Employees lndn}lI'Jllkr. t (Division and Subdivision) WOl'koJ'foI and Tract Mnlos l!' Mnlp8 Femalos ------_._-,--- -_ .. ,.•. .,_.__ --_._.. _._. 1

Subdivision 58·7' Employees oj State Government.

DISTRICT 2,089 947 2,089 947 38. Dumraon (H.ural) Hl In 39, Bikramganj 130 130 40. Karilghar 103 ] 0:1 42. Dehri (Rural) 114 114 43. Mohania. _ . 381 ....') :~81 45. AU towns of Shahabad District, 1,:J42 H45 1,:i4:? (Ul'ban)

Suodlvlslon '8'8'

EfnplO1Jce8 of the Union Govermnent.

DJ&TRICT 811 811 34. <-trl's.h (Rural) 36 36 :l5. Shahpur (Bural) 8 8 37. Buxal' (Hural) 14 14 3f~. Dumraon (Rural) 25 25 39. Bikramganj 8f) 8f) 40. Karnghar III q] 42. Dehri (Hural) 42 4~ 43. Mohania .. 58 !)S 45. All towus of Shahabad District 431 431 (Urban) Di vision '9'

Sef'vicetf not el8ewhert 8pecified.

DISTRICT 28,159' 6,981 1,418 627 18,851 3,101 12,910 8,253 34:. Arl-all (Hw-al) 3,335 587 345 13 462 212 2,fl2S 3132 35. Shahpur (Rural) 2,463 511 :167 II 847 300 1,240 no 36. Piro 1,515 131 258 20 584 60 (;73 51 37. Buxar (Rural) 1,105 235 30 24 1,003 69 72 142 38. Dumraoll (Rural) 2,283 648 60 52 8ll 128 1,412 4()8 39. Bikramganj 1,579 023 47 12 87 17:1 1,445 338 4:0. Karaghar . 502 359 54 15 338 HI 110 2f)3 4:1. SMarum (Burnl) 3,322 682 63 6 2,607 37 562 ()!J!) 42. Dehri (Rural) 2,125 741 4 391 1,~.WO 215 221 ]30 43. Mollf.6Ilia._ J,744 578 U 60 221 1,675 :W7 44. Bhabua (Hural) 2,162 8M~ 11.3 656 681 1,303 167 45 •. All towns of Shahabad District 6,024 1,138 68 83 4,386 824 1,570 231 (Urban) Subdivision '9'0' Sero';'oclJ otherw'i8e UnCla88ifled.

DISTRICT 10,600 2,644 940 430 4,566 902 4,994 1,312 34. Arrah (Rura.l) 1,177 290 10 877 35. Sha.hpur (Rural) 1,550 173 317 8 748 138 485 27 36. Piro 924 43 192 8 478 27 254 8 37. Buxal' (Rural} 813 58 28 11 77:i 17 12 30 38. Dumraon (Rural) 572 183 16 11 129 54 427 US 30. Bikramganj 1,106 226 8 6 7 15 1,091 205 40. Karaghar 57 US 25 32 25 03 41. Sasaram (Rural) 176 515 14 4 39 4 123 507 42. Dehri (Rural) 1,903 573 382 1,900 84 3 107 43. Moha.nia .. 1,071 181 1,071 181 4:4. Bhabua (Rural) •• 1,151 574 50 .. 450 538 651 36 53


Oonupat,ion Tot,lll F~mp)o.vers BmployoPA Indopmlci(mt (Division and 8ubrliviAiOlI) wOI'k~rH

__• ___ ~__.. •• ,_~ "H ..... __~ ______.... R""'_.. _ and Tra,('t .-----~.----... ,-.--.--.,-~---.. ---_.-...... ------...... ,.._ ~------_- ." .. ---~~ '~"'---- -.-.,~- Matos "F'omulel'> :Males FmnaltlA Mnll'H F'olIlUIt'A Mnll'K (1'Cllnnlos

--.----.~ ~.- ., ...... -----...... _, -- -~ ... _'''-_' - .-.----- __ _--- '-"'----.'_ ._-_._ .... _-_. ----.._,._-,---... ------.~.---- .. -.-.~" ._--_.-_._---. --~--.---.' .... ---_,.., .... ~-.~.-" ...... ~--.-.--... --- I .) :! 4- I) n 7 8 {)

...... ______, ...____ ~ ••• _ ...... _,. _____ ...... " ••_ '.w __ ~.4.· __. -, •• _~ ____•. _ ...... _ ___4 _____".L.~ __ ~,_,. '_.0 ..._~ __~,,~~.~ ___ .~_ ..... _ .. -_.,_ ...... _...... ---- ,_ - -- _',,, ... -----._ -_ ---." ... ~------_,,--.. Subdivision '9'1' J)omeNtic 8enn:GP;8.

»ISTRICT 7t 742 1,772 7,742 1,772

34. Anah (Hurn.l) 12H JHB 12() lHH :l5. Shahpnr (B,ural) 24 242 24 242 :lO. I'iro or, J :~ Hi) I :~ :H. BUXfU' (Rural) 216 10 :! H; 10 :38. Dumrn.on (l-{mnl) U4r, 211 (j4!i 2B :{H. Hi luamgn,nj 73 1 :lH 7:~ Ian 40. Ku,Y'u,ghal' 2r;4 fir; 21)4 f,!i 41. Sl1Rf1l'u,nl 2,f>77 30 2.577 30 4 :? Deht'i ( Huru.l) 87 ~7 43. Mohania 07 13n El7 l:W 44. Bhnlmu. (H 111'1l,1 ) HH 14:~ 8H J 4il 40. All t.OWllS of Sluthabad DiHtl'id :J,fil H HRH 3,610 f)86 (Urban)

Subdivision 69·2' JJarlJcr8 lIn,z Bell'llty 8hop8. DISTRICT 8,210 621 168 26 811 82 2,736 518

34. Arrah (1~ul'al) I,O}f; '27 15 4 137 1 804 22 :1':; • Shll,hpIH' (Hurnl) 21ll 3(, r,f) ]28 :3H. Pil'O 2f)] 21 24 3 :W 11 207 7 HtJxltl' ,) 37. (Hurttl) 4:l ~2 't" 4 12 El 2H l:i :lH. l>umraoll (Hura,l) 262 HHI !) 17 24() ]Hf) :W. Hi kf'u,mgn.oj 117 (,1 1 ,)r; 4 H 102 30 40. Kara~har B2 HH HI !I 1 :~ 3 00 87 41. Hn.safnnl (H.untl) IHO HI 21 ...3" 137 IH 4".... l)nhri (!-twollo1) 4{) (la ,t4 4(. ]H 43. Mohaniu. .. 2U2 44 2U2 44 .) 44. Bhahua ( Runt!) a.:;o I) 2:1 OJ 32.') () ') '>') 4!). /\11 t.OWJlR of Nhuhabo.d J)j st,riet. 332 8J 4 .., .. OJ .10 300 6H ( Urbftt.l)

Subdivision 'g'S'

La'wndrie8 (tnd .Laundry ~""ert'1:(',e",.

DISTRICT 2,525 1,288 151 40 374 148 2,000 1,100

34. Arrah (HtH·a.l) 21)H 320 6 ...., 7.') ]2 177 306 35, Shahpul' (Hural) 2:JS 86 15 3 IU 6 204- 77 36. Piro 14H 3""" 15 7 10 7 124- 18 37. Bnxar (Hura}) !) 40 U '2 8 3 23 3H. Dumraon (Rural) 240 UH 6 5 22H 161 39. Bikramgtmj 135 82 23 2 ...() 11 110 6H 40. Karaghal' 74 52 10 6 37 H 27 38 41. Hasaram (HuraJ) 226 66 26 2 28 172 64 4')... Dehri (Runtl) 17 18 4 0 1:J 9 i3. Mohania 247 HW n I 82 240 107 44. Bhabua (Hural) 532 123 4-0 115 377 12:~ 45. All t.owns of Shahabad Dist.rict. 404 lIB 80 14 324- 105 (Urban) Subdivision '9'4· Hotels, restcntrants and eating houses. DISTRICT 229 87 81 5 168 80 30 &S 35, Shahpur (Rural) .. 28 46 . . 28 '6 45. All towns of Shahabe.d Dist,rict 201 41 31 5 168 80 2 6 (Urban) B-III-EMPLOYERS, BMPLOYEES AND INDEPENDENT WORKERS IN I.NDUSTRIES AXD SERVIOES BY - DIVISIONS AND SUBDIVISIOXS.--.r...ontinued Oocupa.tion Total Employers Employees Independent (Division and Subdivision) workers and 'l'ract -'-- Malos Females Males Forru),les Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Subdivision '9'S' ReN'eation set'vice.s. DISTRICT 367 278 21 49 226 120 120 109

85. Shahpur (Rural) 4 4 36. Piro 29 10 2 2 2 27 6 37. Buxar (Rural) 58 29 2l) '38. Durnru,on (Rura.l) 36 15 2 15 7 27 39. Bikrarngu.nj 10 H~ 10 ]6 40. Karaghar 3 7 3 7 41. Sasaram (Rural) 9 52 1 a 8 49 42. Dt~hri (H.ura1) 21 21 ') -43. Mohania .. 12 2 12 oJ 45. All towns of Shahabad District 247 114 17 32 218 82 12 (Urba.n) Subdivision '9'6'

LegaZ ana bU8iness services.

DISTRICT 728 13 253 462 "36. Piro 1 1 38. Dumraon (Rural) 11 8 3 39. Bikrarnganj 13 1 /) 7 40. Kara.ghur 1 1 41. Sasaro.m (Rural) 44 2 10 32 -43. Mohania 14 3 2 9 4.4. Bhabua. (Rural) 10 10 ·45. All towns of Shahabad District 634 7 228 :19H (Urban)

Subdivision '90 7'

ArM, lel&6f'8 ana journalism.

DISTRICT •• • • 297 42 4 42 50 243 41. Saaaram (Rural) 14 14 45. All towns of Shahabad District 283 42 4 42 50 229 (Urban) Subdivision '9'S'

_B~, Charitable and Welfare Se",ice8.

DISTRICT • • • • 2,561 249 95 35 141 47 2,825 187 :34. Arrah (Rural) ·. 758 41 34 7 114 610 34 35. Shahpur (Rural) 432 6 432 6 36. Piro 96 12 25 ·. 11 60 12 ,37. Buxar (Rural) 1 1 38. Dumraon (Rural) In7 71 31 26 45 486 39. Bikramganj 125 9 125 9 '0. Kara.ghar 21 28 2 19 28 ~u. Sasaram (Rural) 86 10 76 ·42 •. Dehri (Rural) ·. 138 .. ·. • • 138 ... 43. Kohania .. •• lSI 23 o • • • • • • • 51 23 Bbabua (Rural) • • 30 S o • • • .. 30 8 "'.45. AU tOWD.8 of Shahabad District 307 65 AS 2 , 2 298 81 (Urban) 5n


In this series, there are five tables :­ C-I-Household (Size and Cornposition) ; C-II-····Livelihood Class·os by Age Groups; C-III-Age and Ci viI. Condition ; C-IV-Age and Literacy ; C-V-Single Year Age R,eturns. 2. All these tables arc based on sanlples drawn randonlly. Table C-I, IIousehold (Size and Composition) is hasad on sample of 1 in every 25 householdR. Tables C-II to C-V are based on a 10 per cent sarnple extraet.ed by taking every sixt,h s.lip as the first sanlple and sel(~et,illg every tenth slip thereafter. The lllethod of extraction of sanlple for Table C-l, is explained in the fly-leaf of t,hat, table. a. 'Age' nleans nurnber of c()Jupleteti years on the 1st, March, IH51. 4. The size of the saluple on which Tables C-II t,O C-V arc based, ]8 shown below :-

l~ersons Males Female8 IO.O°Ic) 10.10;0 9.90;0 56

O-I-HOUSEHOLD (SIZE This table shows the distribution of sanlple households by ~ize, composition of sample house­ tion in salnple households of the district with rural and urban hrea,k up. 2. A 'household' includes all the persons living together in the saIne house and having a 3. One household in every twenty-five was taken a.s a sanlple. The stunples wero selected the number of households in eaeh village or to"7n-'Y11l~d by 25 and adding one t,O the The sample households so selected were t,hen divided int,o two series ~ the first, tsllird, fIfth, Figures in the table are the mean of the figures obtainod fl'OIU tho two sots.

------"'-----,-".. _,,-,-----,---- Total Total 'rotal household pOlmlatioll number of Sample of household populftt,ion Number of sample Households households ---_._------_.,---.-----

}>ersous MalOf~ FClflnlos Pt~rSOlll'l Males ~'onutles

,----_._-_. ------_.. _._----".,,------,------'------I 6 7 8

DISTRIOT 451,224 2,688,440 1,358,443 1,329,997 8,464 50,270 25,745 24,525 'RURAL 419,U67 2,rH6.002 1,267,17() 1,240,420 46,884 23,B50 22.H:l4

URBAN 31,257 171,838 91,267 HO,571 ] ,7B;; 1,['!H

------~---~ .....,.~.- ... _...,..._...... ,...... ----.. ,., .... ~~.~'?'''' ...... _.. SAMPLE .---,-,-.---~-'-.-" ,._.--,., __ ,,,-----_._,--- Composit.ioll of

------.------Infants, Heads of households SOIlS of Daughters Other Other und t,hoir wives heu,ds of of heads tnale f~"malo Infu.nt (age less than hOU8l\­ of house­ relations relations oue ymu) holds holds of heau8 of heads of house. ofhouso­ holds holds Males Females Males .Fmnales ------_. I 18 In 20 21 22 23 :H 25 ----...... _. _____

DISTRICT 7,998 6,547 10,329 7,135 7,314 10,753 647 615 RURAL 7,437 6,07U 9,647 6,658 6,847 10,127 601 570 URBAN 561 468 689 477 467 626 46 30 57

ANDI: COMPOSITION)....." I holds by family re18ltionship and age-groups (infants, non-adults and adults) and the pattern of civil condi-

·comnlon mess. I from National Registers of Citizens on a random basis. The first sample Was obtained by dividing remainder. ~~very 25th household thereafter was takel~ a~ a. sample. and so on, sample households in one set and Uie socond, fourth, sixth, nnd so on, in the other.

HOUSEHOLDS ._----_._----_.-_.. _------.. __._-- ._------_... -._- SIZE OF HOUSEHOLDS _.. _--_._-- ._------_._._------_._------Sma.ll Medium Vel'y la.rge 3 Inembers or less -----._--4-6 rnernbors 7-9 members 10 membors or a.bove Number Persons Number Persons Number J>ersons Number Persons


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

--- ~---"----"~- 2,898 5,114 8,111 15,548 1,719 18,892 1,241 16,218

2.210 4,682 2,91U 14,42B ] ,621 12,52!l 1,180 ]1),253

183 432 1H2 1,122 ~8 8tSH 61 963


houfleholdH ---_.. _. __ .. _--_._-_._--_ .. _------_._ .. _------non.adults and adults in households --,_._.,_-----'_------Civil condition Non-adults Adults .. Widowed 01' (Age 1---20 years) (Age 2) yearR and over) Unmar-ried Mu.rried divorced

Ma.les Males Femnlos Males Pemales Males }'cnnalea Malos Females

--_... ,------_._..... _------_. -_._----_.._-

26 27 28 2H 30 31 :12 :l3 34 35

._----_._---_._------_._. 12,079 11,601 18,019 12,809 10,490 8,848 18,886 18,488 1,919 2,744-

11,240 10,853 12,109 11,505 ~,692 7,775 12,439 12,615 1,819 2,544

839 748 910 804 798 568 897 823 100 200 68

C-U-LIVELIROOD OLASSIS This Table shows the age-group distribution of each livelihood class. 2. Reference should be to the introductory note to C-Tab1es for information regarding'

L I VEL I H 0 0 l>' ,-----_,------"----_._._-_.",,.-_._-"-- AQBICUI.. TURAL

--.-,~.--..----.--- I. II. III.

Oultivators of Oult,i vators ()f' land wholly or lund wholly or labour('!f8 Age groups Sample population rntl.i n ly ()wnt\d ly un-owned and their and their and t.heir dependants dependa.nts deptmdant,s

~ .__ -_~T' ..... __"._,.. ___~~--·, _... ~. _____.,_.,. "... ,... + .... __...... _____ ...... _.~, ______• _" _ PerSOIlS Ma.les Fema.le~ Ma.Jes }"'emales Ma}(~s Females Malos ]' -_--,._,--, )0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 " ". __ .. __ ._-- -_." ,---_._---_.-... _-_."._--"..... ,,---- TOTAL 268,689 136,643 182,046 70,272 68,097 12,646 12,124 29,039 28,939

Rl1RAL 261,604 127,503 124,101 69,044 66,976 12,482 11,944 28,459 28,810 URBAN 17,085 9,140 7,945 1,228 1,121 214 180 580 629 o (Below 1) 11,356 5,777 5,579 2,815 3,004 742 495 1,12H I,Ul

Hural 10,572 5,328 5,244 2,727 2,039 708 472 1,103 1,103 Urba.n 784 449 335 88 fir, 34 23 2(} 28

1--4 26.44:0 .12,810 13,630 6,587 7.21 R 1,408 ],196 2,732 2,98R

Rural 24,859 12,086 12,773 6,4na 7,153 1,362 1,182 2,n84 2,H:!3 Urba.n 1,581 724 857 H4 65 26 14 48 55

5-14 67,583 34,8U4 32,689 18,s:n 17,a74 2.75() 2,95f) 7,446 7,008 .Rural 63,805 32.923 30,882 18,474 17.01)3 2,710 2,907 7,2UU 6.847 Urban 3,778 I,H71 1,807 357 :~:n 46 48 147 161

15-24 42,870 20,BW2 21,878 10,5B7' 11,69'"2 2,096 1.992 4,501 4,34H

Rural 39,834 19,371 20,463 10,355 11,455 2,076 1,964 4;44r, 4,!W2 Urba.n 3,036 1,621 1,415 242 237 20 28 lItS 94

25-34 39,946 20,028 19,918. 9,994 10,114 1,940 1,851 4,12~ 4,468

Rural 37,016 18,449 18,567 9,767 9,893 1,914 1,824 4,046 4,:~77 Ur9&11 2,930 1,579 1,351 227 221 26 27 83 HI

35-44 31,649 16,536 15,118 8,381 7,4-60 ] ,41\8 1,358 3,467 3,54:! RUMl 29,589 15,325 14,264 8,313 7,385 1,465 1,337 3,403 3,473 Urban 2,060 1,211 849 68 75 23 2] 64 70

45-54 23,126 12,644 10,482 1,427 5,033 1,203 2,769 2,554

Rural 21,649 Il,811 9,838 1,365 4,969 I,J 83 944 2,715 2,504- Urban 1,477 833 644 62 64 20 6 54 50

14,095 7,268 6,827 3.682 3,.253 580 671 1,742 1,673 Rural 13,368 6,fH4 6,449 3,640 3,214 570 664 1,717 1,620 Urban 732 354 378 42 3H 10 7 25 58 65-74 7,368 (3,622 3,746 1,899 1,750 276 400 671 864 Rura.l 6,890 3,345 3,545 1,868 1,728 270 396 65s} 84.2 Urban 478 277 201 31 22 6 4 12 22 75 and over ·. 4,086 1,948 2,143 1,056 1,173 148 254: 388 857 Rural • • 3,858 1,822 2,036 1,039 1,161 145 252 383 352 Urban 228 121 107 17 12 3 .2 5 IS

Age not stated • • 170 129 41 3 26 9 .2 Ii '1

Rural • • 189 129 "'0 8 26 9 .2 6 7 UrbaD. • • 1 • • 1 • • .. • • •• •• •• 59

BY AGB ·GROUPS t,he size of sample, and the manner in which it was extracted.

C L A 8 8 E 8 ---_._------_.. _----"'_ ... ---.-- ... ,-.~-.---,--.---.,,--.-- ..... - '--"'--' .. _.... _.. __ ._-_ .. _-_._ ..... _--_ Cla.sses Non-ltgrioultUl'ltl Cla~H(~R ...... " .... _----.-....__ ._-----_.... - ...... - ...... _".. ----~.-.-- -_ _---'"--_ _ _-_ _ ._-______-_._--_._--_._-- IV. Persolls (inoluding dopendanttl) who derivo Uwir prilwipa) mNlllH of livolihoocl from-- N on-culti vating .•• ,.o._. __ ..."_, __,,,. _____ .. ,,,._ ... __._._., _ .. ____.... ".•. __.. " .. __ .__ . ____ .. ____" .. _ .. _ ...... ,-_._-_.. _ owners of lo.nd, V. VI. VII. VIII. Agricultural rent-receivers Product/ion Ot,h(~r 8el'vi(~OR a.nd their (other tha.n ( 'OJnmOl'<'fl TranHport and luis(loJlalloouB depondants (~ult.i va.tion) HourCflFl -~----.,,-.-.--_-.---... '--'_'--"'---_._ ..-- .. ,-.--- ." ..__ ..... _ -----,. "-' .... _---_ .. _--..... _--_._--_ ... _._-, .. _,,,--,, Males Females MajeR .Femu,loR MItI{~8 Malos li'emalos M(.t,JB~ ~"'flmale8 ------~----.-~-.---_ .. ----.. ---..... -.. -----.--.. -.---.. -... ---~ .. ,...... - .. --... " ..----_ .. _. __ .. _-_ .. "'_._- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ._--_.. __ ._---_.. __... _._ ... _------_.__ .. __ ._ ...,-- .... _-----. 1,240 1,814 5,151 4,745 7,048 6,574 1,189 1,012 10,058 9,241 1,063 1,146 8,777 8,612 6,075 4,886 696 572 6,967 6,705 187 168 1,374 1,188 1,973 1,738 498 440 8,091 2,586 71 49 107 163 :467 208 62 :!94 :l42

51 40 114- 132 2H6 226 60 308 272 20 9 83 31 71 72 37 HI 70 HI 89 457 422 6:JO 772 134 1] 0 771

74 72 372 341 455 473. 73 64- 553 505 17 17 85 81 175 299 61 46 218 280 299 308 J ,245 1,250 1,660 1,488 278 212 2,370 2,OU4 253 2U7 J ,050 l,On8 1.224 1.088 161 103 1,752 1,559 46 41 105 192 436 400 117 109 ($27 535 197 206 810 823 1,026 1,143 Hl5 123 1,540 1,55S

164 ]72 574 583 665 S3l 108 88 9M4 1,118 33 34: 236 240 361 :~12 57 35 556 435 151 157 658 683 H36 182 1,H21 1,557 135 145 4:Jr, 486 687 726 U2 HI ) ,37:1 1,025 16 12 223 H)7 366 210 90 fH 548 532

133 166 688 926 707 163 102 1,290 118 144 307 378 737 1)44- H4 7H8 Hau 15 22 2~n lUI l~H IU3 f)9 4U2 2HD 127 116 540 783 616 U3 101 702 738 109 106 378 270 556 480 72 37 433 528 18 10 162 104 227 J36 21 64 26!~ 210 81 118 266 232 361 337 80 58 476 485 72 106 218 185 279 263 50 32 368 365 9 12 '8 47 82 74 80 26 108 ]20 .53 70 183 14.4 160 185 23 36 357 297 42 61 HSS 116 120 133 17 20 216 250 11 9 30 29 40 52 6 16 141 47 37 85 100 85 76 89 9 21 129 129

3~ 33 79 64 60 70 8 13 88 91 2 2 21 Jl 26 19 8 8 41 38 .. . .. , • • 6 3 •• •• 99 3 .. •• , •• 6 J •• •• 99 3 ...... •• • • • • 1 •• •• • • • •


This table shows the numher of unlnarried, Inarried and widowed or divorced Dlales and females by age-groups. 2. Reference should be tnade to t.he Introductory note to C-Tahles for information regarding size of sample, and the manner in whioh it was extracted. 3. Figures for widowed and divorced persons have been clubbed together in the table. The number of divorced ma,los a,nd felnales in different, age-groups is as follows:-

.-. ~ .. ~------.---- .. ,_ ---,._, ,,-,.~---- Age-groups Males Females

5-14 10 4 15-24- 13 14 25-34 18 13 35-44- 16 19 '5-54 9 36 1S5-64 8 20 65-74 3 6 76 and over 1 S Age not stated .. J C-IU-AGB AID

--.--SA\1PLII Total ------_._----_.Unma.rried __ Persons Males Females Males Females -----_."... --.

1 2 4 5 (i

.. _------DISTRICT 968,689 188,643 182,048 57,891 45,752 RURAL 251,604 127,503 124,101 53,825 42,86H URBAN 17,085 9.140 7,945 4,066 2,883

Age f>-14

Tota.l Unmarried Married ----_._-_,---Widowed and Divor(led Ma.los Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

15 16 17 18 IH 20 21 22

DISTRIOT 84,894 82,689 28,809 28,878 5,948 S,756 189 55

RURAL 32,928 30,882 26,H94 22,466 5,791 8,362 138 54

URBAN 1,971 1,807 1,815 1,412 155 3H4 1 1

Age 25-34 -_._,. Total U nrnarri cd Married Widowed-_., and Divorced Ma.les Femrues Males ~"'emales Ma.lee ~'omaleR Males Females _ ...... _ .. _- 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

DISTRICT 20,029 19,918 2,378 466 16,881 18,378 819 1,074 RURAL J8,440 18,567 2,04:5 457 15,69J 17, lOS 713 1,002 URBAN .. 1,579 1,351 333 9 1,140 1,270 JOt) 72

Age 4f)-·54

Total Unmarried . MalTicd Widowed snd Divorced ------Ma.les Females Ma.les Females Males FernsJes Ma.les Females 4,7 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

DISTlnOT 12,644 10,482 614 47 10,496 7,83S 1,&84 2,587 RURAL 11,811 9,838 684 4. 9,766 ,7,298 1,461 2,496 11RB\N saa "' 80 S 730 640 73 101 .. 63


POPULATION Age below 1 Age 1-4: _------_._------Married Widowed and Divorced Total Total ,------_._------'"-----_._------_.,---, Males Fomalo8 MalAR Fema)os Mn,)es Fema.los Males Fema.les "--'-'~--'--.--.. .,-...... ,_---.. -.-..... --,---~------

7 8 ]0 11 12 13 14 ------_.. _-- ._._--.. _-- - ...... _---_ .. --.. __ ----_... __ ._----_._----- 70,808 74,465 7,949 11,829 5,777 5,579 12,810 18,680 60,263 6H.848 7.415 11,384 12.0SH 12,773

4.;')40 4,6J '7 534 445 44U 335 724 857

Ag() Hi--·- 24

~_, ...... -a_' .. _------.---.-.... ,.." __ ~ __ ~ ______...... _.. ·· ..... ~._L_. ",., ~ ______~ __ ._ . 'Total UnmaT't'iod Ml1rritid WidoWN.t n.nd Div())'N'd .. ~-.------.-----. ----.. ---..-.---- . ---'- .. -"""-._,_... ,, .. ,,-_._--- --. -' _. _.. - .... _---.-...... _------_ .. _. __ .__ .-- -_.--...." ... __ ... ----_.. _-- Males MUItIH ,,"'~ .. -~--~ -,' .... --~--.~-~----~." .. ~ ... ~.- ~ .. ------~ ...---

23 24 25 26 27 2H 30

... _.. ".,,,.------.. -- ... -~ ... ---.- ..... -.- ~-- ..... _."... "_ ... ___ . ,..... ----~ .... -~.------..,-._.,. . 20,992 21,878 5,876 1,973 14,768 19,448 348 467 10,37 ] 20,46:1 5,329 1,710 13,7!lH J8,:l21 :i04 432

1.621 J ,41 f) 547 263 1,030 1, I 27 44 2f)

AgA 35·-44

------,_._------.... _----.. __ ._-- ...... _-_. ------_... _------'-_._----.----... ------_ .. _--_ ... _._--,,-- Total Unmat'ricd MarJ'j~d Widowed II-lid DivofPed _.- •. ------_.-_... - .. _----_.-._- .. _--_._._-,.- .. ------..... _.. MalA8 Males MalAs Fmna]es Mules ...... _-- ..... ,,", -_.__ _--_._ _---- '" .. '-- ._------_... __ .... "'...... ------_._- 40 41 42 43 44 45 4tl

-----_.. _---... - 16,586 15,113 1,088 107 14,279 13,892 1,291 1,614

15,325 14,264 909 106 13,283 12,51)5 1,133 1,563

1,211 849 129 ) 996 797 86 5J

Age 55-64

Total Unmarried Married Widowed and Divoreed ---...... --- Ma.les Females Ma.les Females Males Females Ma.les Females

55 56 57 58 60 61 62 ------7,168 6,827 896 82 5,020· 4,110 1,862 2,886 6,914 6,449 876 82 4,770 8,828 1,768 2,689 854 878 10 260 282 84 96 64


Age 65-75

Tota.l Ma.rried Widowed and Divorced Umnarried ------_._------Males Females Malee Females Ma.les Females Males Fema.les

63 65 66 67 68 60 70

DISTRIOT 8,622 8,746 180 17 2,249 1,772 1,967 RURAL 3,345 3,545 120 II) 2,067 1,636 1,158 1,894-

URBAN 277 201 10 2 182 136 85 63

Age 7 () and over --.-- Total Un~arried Married Wi dOWf'd and Divoreed -_.... _------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males

71 72 78 74 75 76 77 78

DISTRICT 1,943 2,143 51 10 1,125 747 767 1,388 RURAL 1,822 2,036 42 9 1,068 ti77 712 1,3.'}0

URBAN 121 107 1 57 70 £)5 36

Age-·not stated

Tota.l Unmarried Married Wi dowed and Di vorced ------_._-_.... _- Males .Females Males Females Ma.les FOlnalos Males ------Females 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

DISTRIOT 129 41 12 18 89 24 28 4 RURAL .. 129 40 12 13 89 23 28 4.

tTRABN •• .. 1 1 • • 6&


1~his table shows the number of literate and illetrate males and females by age-groups for the district with break-up for rural and urban. The test prescribed for literacy was ability to read and write a simple letter. 2. The size of the sample taken, and the rnanner in which it was ext.racted have been explained in the introductory note to C-Tables. 3. The nunlber of males and fenuLles who can only rend but cannot write is shown bt)low by age-groupa :--

5--14 15---24

Males Femu.les ·Males Fmnales Mu.1es Ma.lo8

____. __ ,~_ 0-"_" ___ "_'__ ... _._____ .~--. __ --. ______~._. ______...... , .. ____~ ... _. , ______. __, __"____ ~_~._. ".~ ______""'_ '.""_ , __ ~_-______. ____ ~ _____.,_ ""_...... _.--_-~. ___

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]0

1,098 215 528 100 364 87 508 92 sa8 48

55-64 65--7'" 75 and over Age not stated

Males FemateB Mo,los E'emales Males Fomales Malm~ Ifemales

------~ "---_._._,------"-,--,--_. 11 12 13 14 15 16 .. 17 18

265 36 108 27 74 14 I 86


------.....------_--. ',,\ ...... _._"'----- Sample Population Age 0·--4

, , ------, .__ ._-_ ...... __._-- .~- -._ --~-.,'------.-..... -~'-.-.".~--.-- -~---_,__~-. ~-P-~- ..... -

Total Literate Illiterato Total Tot~ll

. ...._... -----'-""--'--". -.-.•.. -----.. -~-.. --.... _ _.. -.... _---_ .. _, ... _,-... _ _,_,._ _ Males Females Males Femalol'l Maws Fema.les Males Females Males J.i.... emales

_. __ .. _----_ .... __ .. _--_ .... --_._ .. - ._.--_._------_... _- ....._-- --_._._--- -_. __ . - ---~-'- - .------~ .., 1 4 6 I 8 10 11

....-p- __._ .•. __ .. ___ ...... _'M ___._,., __ . ____

~ " "." .. -.---.-.~ .. " ' ,~-."'- ...... ---•.. ------,---.---.---... "~., .. ... , ... ~ .... - ...... __ ._---_...... _...... -.- ,...... _ - DISTRICT 186,648 132,046 88,184 4,615 98,509 127,481 18,587 19,209 17,846 16,646 RURAL .. 127,503 124,101 34,538 3,820 H2,965 120,281 17,414 .18,017 16,864 1:),688 URBAN •• H,140 7,945 3,596 795 5,544 7,150 1,173 1,192 982 1)51i

Age 15--24 Age 25--34

,,--- .- ,"''' .... ,~- ,,- -_ ._ .. ,._ ... _,_..._._-----... ----- Total Literate Illiterat.e Total Literate Illiterate -_.,--_

Males Females Males Females Males }"'emaJes Males Females Males Females Males Females

.,.,_ ...... -.~".-- ~.- ~,.,-- ...... -," ---_._-_ ..• _----_--_ --.-...... _ -- .. -_ _ _ -- _ -_- -_ --_-,_-_ - -_ _-----_._---,_ 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 _ ...... -----,_.. _-- --'-._-----_- DISTRICT 20,992 ,21,878 6,968 1,858 14,034 20,625 20,028 19,918 6,564 824 18,464 19,094

RURAL 19,371 20,463 6,116 1,(181 13,255 19,382 18,449 18,567 5,794 667 12',655 17900, .... -'··r

URBAN 1,62] 1,415 842 212 77H 1.143 1,579 1.351 770 157 800 .1,104

Age 55---64 Age 65--75

----... _-_.-._._--....• _--_._------_--_ -_.-_ - - ",_.'_' -_----,_.---,-_, .._""""".._

Total Literat·~ Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate

-----_._ ---._------._ ._ ... _ .... _-_ ... _._.._...... __

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males ]~emale8

.. __ ._...... ___ .. _ ...... _'. _. "._ ._•.. .._ ...... _",._.__ '~"_M __' __"_'_ .~-_. __._ ----_ .. , '.~------.-...------.. -, .... ," - 1 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

------_._----_._,.... - -~- DISTRICT •• 7,268 6,827 1,888 242 5,480 6,586 8,622 8,746 1,178 128 2,444 8,818

RURAL 6,914 6~449 1,643 219 5,271 6,230 3~345 3,545 1,041 117 2,304- 3,428

URBAN 354 378 195 23 lli9 355 277 201 137 11 140 190 67


Age 5--9 Age 10-14

-~- --...-'_ -._ . .. -.,_- ... ,,,_ -----.~.- ~ ... '_""'_ ...... ~- _.. """'- ... --.--~ .. -. ----- __ -- -_. -- _... -- ..... - ,,_ - - - - ,,_ _ Literate 111 it/erato TotEi)

--_... _-_...... _._

Fflrnales Males FemaleR Male:-s ... --- -,-- 12 13 14 If> 16 17 18 III 20 21

._ ~ "" ...... --...._ ""'-_"'_ - --_._ . -~------.. - -- '" -.. ---_ ------.. --- ...... - -...... ----.~ ...... 6,290 312 11,556 16,334 17,048 16,043 6,662 642 10,386 15,401 DISTRICT

6,047 228 ) 0.817 15,460 HS,O!)H I f): l!J4 0,27 f) r,:lH H.7S4 14.6;)~ H.UHAl..

243 84 73n 874- URH 84~1 387 lOt) HO:.! 743 URBAN

Ago 3n --44

._ ~- _... -.... -- .. '_ .-- - .-_ ------'- - _--.... _--_._ "--_- ~ - -_ -.. Tot/al LiteJ'ut·('\ Illiterate Total LitHrate --_ .. _--- -_ .. __. __ -

Males ~"'emalem MaleK Foma.les Males J?oma)e~ MaltlA Fomil.loli Males Fmnale8 Mil/los FnmaloH

______"_' "_'_"_"C ____"' ____ ,,_ ..__ .. ~. __ .

34 35 36 37 3R 3\} 40 41 42 43 44 4['

,-,~ ...... _--__,,-, .. ,,------_- -- .. ,~, ._------'.--._ ---_--__...... ___ .. ''- 16,536 15,113 5,038 626 11,498 14,487 12,644 10,482 3,111 392 9,533 10,090 DISTRICT

15,325 14,264 . 4,482 537 10,843 13,727 11,811 2,68!) H,lZ:! B,41HS RURAL

1,211 849 556 SO 655 760 833 422 50 411 nIH UROAN

Age 75 and over Age not st/ated

Total Litorate Illiterate Tot,al Lit-erst,e

Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma)e~ Femal(lB Malos Ii'arnalt's Males Femah'8

.. _._. -...... - .. .. - - . __ ...... -----, --.-----.. --.-~ ..•. - __ --_"______- - --- ,_ '_ ._------_-_- ._ ._-- ---_ -_-_ -----

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6~ 60 ...... --_.__ _--_ _--- -_. ,,~. '"..._~ .. --.-.----. t,948 2,148 477 92 1,466 2,051' 129 41 18 4 111 31 DISTRICT

1,822 2,036 433 90 1,389 1,946 12!J 40 IS 3 111 :17 HURAL

lSI 107 44 2 77 105 1 1 URIJAN 88


This Table shows the distribution of the male female population at eaoh year of from 0 (or under one year) upwards as actually returned. 2. Reference should be made to the introductory note to C--Tables for information regarding the size of sample a.nd the manner in which It wa.s extracted.-

Males Females Malee Females Age Age Returns Returns tTotal Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urba.n" Total Rural Urban ---' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Below-l 5,777 5,328 449 5,579. 5,244 335 51 551 485 66 418 383 30 1 1,898 1,730 163 2,318 2.157 161 52 812 750 62 675 041 34 2 3,402 3,237 165 3,649 3,367 282 53 465 410 46 438 410 23 3 3,823 3,634 189 8,805 3,591 214 ,'54 557 486 71 598 544 49 4 8,692 3,485 207 8,858 3,658 200 55 1,805 1,725 80 1,568 1,466 97 l5 4,184 3,925 209 4,094 3,872 222 56 622 588 34 481 462 19 6 8,420 3,228 198 8,522 3,335 187 57 858 334 10 416 411 5 7 8,280 3,089 lUI 3,089 2,906 183 58 606 574 32 491 473 18 8 4,805 4,101 204 8,567 3,348 219 59 514 4iH 23 327 320 7 9 2,707 2,521 186 2,874 2,227 147 00 1,842 ],758 84 2,284 2,104 180 10 5,808 5,042 266 4,862 4,617 245 11 2,508 2,317 186 2,358 2,222 131 01 878 360 18 254 243 11 12 4,050 3,844 206 8,872 3,667 205 62 487 463 24 438 424 14 13 2,864 2,178 186 2,220 2,118 102 63 801 284 17 204 196 8 14 2,828 2,678 145 2,786 2,570 166 04 860 337 23 869 350 10 15 2,746 2,583 163 2,747 2,567 180 65 1,004 058 46 1,054 H05 59 16 2,696 2,525 171 2,620 2,428 102 66 347 322 25 200 190 10 17 1,285 1,163 122 1,418 1,328 90 67 182 103 10 177 172 fi 18 2,824 2,636 188 2,809 2,629 180 68 276 254 22 253 245 8 19 1,374 1,227 147 1,489 1,383 106 69 151 130 21 185 182 :3 20 3,001 2,794 207 8,483 :i,315 168 70 1,001 B41 60 1,128 1,036 02 21 1,588 IA07 121 1,591 1,473 118 71 185 116 19 188 17H 4 22 2,355 2,171 184 2,883. 2,236 147 72 226 20:i 23 205 200 5 23 1,821 1,188 133 1,822 1,219 ]03 73 142 123 10 182 126 6 24 1,802 1,617 185 2,Ot6 1,885 131 74 158 135 23 229 220 H 25 4,568 4,323 245 3,891 !i,651 240 75 580 547 33 577 546 31 26 1,717 1,583 134 1,771 1,655 116 76 188 120 U 124 119 5 27 1,191 1,080 III 1,812 1,213 99 77 39 36 3 55 53 .2 28 2,200 2,043 157 2,331 2,170 152 78 78 74 4 105 100 5 29 1,025 915 110 1,171 l,mn 80 79 21 18 3 48 40 3 30 4,002 3,751 251 4,171 3,889 282 80 412" 387 25 491 457 34 31 958 842 116 1,008 935 68 81 32 29 3 29 26 3 32 1,903 1,747 156 1,856 1,736 120 82 68 65 3. 68 04 4 33 1,067 947 120 1,049 967 82 83 36 34 2 82 31 1 34 1,397 1,218 179 1,868 1,251 112 84 88 34 4 58 58 • • 35 8,887 3,648 189 8,229 3,041 188 85 145 137 8 122 115 7 36 1,768 1,655 lI3 1,878 1,279 99 86 85 33 2 75 75 37 802 679 123 744 689 55 87 6 4 2 29 29 38 1,483 1,363 120 1,378 1,300 78 88 28 26 2 87 37 · 39 721 642 79 687 64:i 44 89 18 16 2 18 18 . 40 8,848 3,629 214 4,058 3,874 184 90 105 101 4 181 124 7 41 1,096 998 98 886 84:i 43 91 14 11 3 16 16 ·. 42 1,822 1,202 120 1,112 1,050 62 92 87 37 6 6 ·. 43 725 657 68 702 672 30 93 11 10 1 17 17 • • 44 989 852 87 939 873 66 94 8 6 2 7 7 • • 45 8,226 3,054 172 2,679 2,514 165 95 41 39 2 22 21 1 46 1,146 1,084 62 641 602 39 96 6 6 .. 24 23 1 "7 751 695 56 540 612 28 97 .6 3 2 7 7 • • 48 1,085 1,017 88 965 909 56 98 9 9 12 12 49 610 556 54 618 693 20 99 6 6 6 6 60 8,441 3.265 176 2,980 2,730 200 100 27 25 2 82 29 ·9. Age not 128 129 41 4:0 1 stated. 69


In this 8eries~ there a!'~ seven Tables :-

D.I --Language. (,i) --Mother Tongue. Ui) -BiIingualisln. D.II -Religion. D.III ----Seheduled Castes and Scheduled 'Tribes. D.IV ----Migrants. Subsidiary-Livelihood Classifioation of ImmigJ ants. D.VII -Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards.


J)~I~LA~GUAGES (i)-··~o~ber Tongue

This shows the number of per8ons-'llialcs and fetnales-in the District, speaking different languages as mother tongue. The different languages returned have been grouped for oonvenienoe of study and comparability with pa,st census data under t.he following broa.d heads :- (1) Indo-Aryan; (2) Munda ; (3 ) Dravidian ; (4) Other language~ of India ; (5) Asiatic languages foreign to India; and (6) European languages. Within eltch group, the languages have been arranged according t.o t.ll(~ nUlnbel' of speakers. 2 .•,c\s at. past censuses, figures for 'Urdu have been shown with .Hindi in the Table. There were 164,tH6 ret.urns of Urdu. 3. As in IH!Jl, a large number of languages have been returned aH lllother tongue although the number of speakers of S(Hne WflS small. I..4anguages with 8Jnall numbers have been clubbed together under relevant classeR aR shown below:-

Languages Number of speakers

Ot,her Indo-At'yan Langua.ges 66

Sindhi •• 53 Marathi .. • • 13 Other Asiatic Languages 10

10 72

D.I-LAKGUAGES (i) Mother Toque

Languages Persons Malos Females

1 2 !{ 4 ------_ Indo-Aryan Languages--

Hindi 2,682,367 1,354.861 1,327,506

Bengali 2.610 1,531 1,070

Oriya 130 75 55

Punjabi 1,110 692 418

Marwari 485 284 201 Nepali .. 171 146 25 Gujrati 4 4

. Other Indo-Aryan Languages 66 as 28

Munda Languages-

Santali .. 184 106 78

Dravldlan Lancuages·-- Oraon .. ·. 1,018 532 486 Telugu .. ·. 91 54 37 Tamil .. 26 17 0 Asiatic Languages foreign to India 10 6 4

Chinese . 10 6 4

Buropean LancU&gel- English .. . . · . 168 97 71 73


This Table gives the number of pen~ons who commonly use another Tndinn language in t}l("ir every day life in addit.ion to (and sonlot.iIl1os largely in sllpcrsession of) their D10t.1lef tongue. 2. Column 2 gives tho t.otal nunlber of peTRons who have aR tlwir lllOt,}]fW t,ongu{:~ t/he 1an­ guage lnentioned in colunln 1. Cohlnul :3 SllOWS t.1H:~ t.ota 1 number of ])ersons from nnlong those shown in column 2, who nAn a subsidiary language. The nunlber of persons using dHforent suhsidiary languages }U1B boen slHHvn in oolunln 4 against each subsidiary language.

Tot.(l,] POI'ROTlB rot\] rnfld f1.H spflnking Iflhgun.ges MoUler Tongue Tota1 Sp<,o,lwrl'l HuhF-lidiary t,O t.llRlt SUhRid iary Languagos Rhown ill' colUll1n 1

1 2 3 4

HINDI ·. • • 2,882,367 615 Bengali 585 l)unju,bi 15 Nf\pnli 15

BENGALI .. • • 2,610 1,821 Hindi 1,80S ()riya .. 11 Nepali 2

I)UNJABI • • 1,110 916 Hindi 916 ORAON ·. • • 1,018 355 Hindi 355 MARWARI 485 347 Hindi 337 Gujurnti 10 SANTALI • • ·. 184 48 Hindi 48 NEPALI 171 41 Hindi 8u Bengnli 6

ENGLISH 168 68 Hindi 63 Bengali 5 Oriya 130 23 Hindi 10 Bengali 13 TELUGU 91 80 Hindi 28 " Bengali 2 26 13 Hindi 12 Bengali 1 GUJRATI • • 1 Hindi .. 1 74

D.II- This Table shows the

Total Population Hindus Muslims Sikhs Number and Name of Tract ------_... _- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ------_._----- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 --- ____r ___ ---- RURAL 34. Arrah (Rural) 308,047 150,836 157,211 144,217 149,013 6,536 7,233 8 I) 35. Shahpur (Rural) 211 ,645 104,958 106,692 97,995 98,585 6,939 8,101 3 2

36. Piro 290,051 146,010 144,041 138.084 135,678 7,89.~ 8,346 11 4: 37. Buxar (Rural) 198,215 100,745 97,470 95,838 92,122 4.856 5,327 19 10 38. Dumraon (Rural) 303,847 151,546 152,301 144,280 145,481 7,031 6,551 2 39. Bikramganj 286,077 144,521 141,556 137,604 133,088 6,917 8,468 ·40. Karaghar .. 144,805 74,052 70,753 70,576 66,742 3,472 4,004 4 7 41. Sasaram (Rural) 201,881 103,940 97,941 93,570 86,522 10,111 11,253 134 58

42. Dehri (Rural) •• 139,754 70,426 69,328 63,146 61,444 7,243 7,871 21 5 43. Mohania. •• 209,018 106,546 102,472 100,604 96,262 5,936 6,208 1 44. Bll&bua (Rural) 223,262 113,601 109,661 105,806 104,192 7,745 5,441 37 18

RURAL TOTAL 2,518,602 1,267,178 1,849~426 1,191,720 1,170,029 74,681 78,803 . '240 109

URBAR 45. All towns of Shahabad 171,838 91,267 80,571 77,145 69,272 13,340 10,718 242 219 District:

DISTRICT. TOTAL •• 2,688,440 1,858,443 1,329,997 1,268,865 1,239,801 88,201 89,511 482 828 75

RBLIGIOIf distribution of population by religion.

Other Religion Jains Budhists Christians Tribal Non-tribal -- --- Name of Tract Ma.les Fema.les Males Females Males :F'cmalos Males Femalos Males Fema.los _...... ,.._.. _--,__ ----____.....-- -- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 '--'~-~-" ------... RURAL

36 27 2 34 29 3 4 •• Arrah (ltura1) 15 4: 1 Sha.hpur (Rural) 20 13 Piro 27 9 .. 5 2 Buxar (Rura.l) 2 214 256 17 13 Dumraon (Rural) Bikramganj .. Karaghar 15 9 7 ..,') 84 88 19 9 Saaaram (Hural) 13 7 3 1 Dehri (Rural) 5 2 .. Mohania 12 10 1 Bhabua (H.ural)

106 56 2 78 55 313 352 38 22 RURAL TOTAL


303 179 21 16 189 154 27 13 An towns of Shaho.bad District

409 235 23 16 267 209 340 365 36 22 DISTRICT TOTAL 76


This table shows the distribution of tot/al populat.ion iut,o foul' groups viz., S~lhoduled

(2) The figures for the Anglo-Indians have been combined wit.h those of Non·BaekWl1rd Classes.

Schoduled Castes Selwduled Tribes

No. and Name of the tra('t ----,_..... _.. _-,...-_--_.----- Persons Females Persons Males F'Olnales

------_._----"'._ .------.. -,---~-,------_'_-_ ~-,_-.,-.-.------~----.--'-.-

1 .,') 8 4 ~) () 7

,--.------.--.. ----... -...... _, .... -".,-~ .. --.------~.- .- ,~- ,_.------_ .. _-.------TOTAL .. 867,458 179,682 187,826 16,998 8,814 8,t79

84. Arrah (Rurnl) 24.n04 12,382 12,522 1,527 811 716

85. Shahpur (Rural) 26,:W4 12,701 ] 3,513 624 315 309

36. Piro 41,011 10,652 21,359 8 8

37. Buxar (Rural) 24,052 12,433 12,51B 3:- 24 11

38. Dumraon (Rura]) 30,987 14,035 10,3:-2 :1.823 1, n3H I,S87

39. Bikramganj 37,312 ] 7,686 lO,G2f. :!,H38 ] ,352 1,28t3

40. Karaghar 22,222 9,012 12.310

41. Saaaram (Rural) 39,563 19,766 10,797 3,217 1.64:5 1,572

42. Dehri (Rural) 17,727 8,594 9,133 2,742 1,4:31 1,:H1

43. Mohania. 44,498 22,320 22,178 922 47U 442

44. Bhabua (Rural) .. 44,959 22,553 22,406 763 432 331

46. All towns of Shahabad District 13,019 6,908 6,111 6n4: 381 313 77

SOHEDULED BA~KWARD AND NON-BAOKWARD CLASSES. Castes, Soheduled Tr.·jbes, oUlOr Non-Sdlt'ldulod .Bu,l'kwRT'd and Non-Bu,nkwtu'd ClassoFl . Sepa,l'ate figures for Anglo-Inrlillns arc [\8 foHow8 ;-- Pf.'l'snnK Malos J<"omnlm-l l~J R4 37

Other Non-Scheduled Bu,ckward Clusso8 NOII-Bn,ekwnr'd Clllsses.

.-~---.... ------._---_-._---.... _ ~>#- ..... -_._ --_ _.___---_._--- )l J. nnd Namn of the trll,'t

Pm'SOJH3 Males FmnaJes

----______.- ....._ .. , __• ______.4_ .. , ..... ~ __ . ______._._ .,_ . ____ • ___ - ___ ---_-_...... - __ -. __ ,_-__,_' ______-_-----_-- -. _____ -,_._,,_____ •. _-,_-.....

g !) 10 11 I:! 13 L

__• ______•• ___ "'_'__ "~ __ rl .... _·_._ ...._ ' •• _ ---"...... _--- .... ' ... _ . ..._... - ..._---~ ..... - ..... - .. _- ...... - ... _- ... ------_._---, ... _----_._--_ ...... 315,762 152,389 163,373 1,988,227 1,017,608 970,619 TOTAL

19,214 O,:lHn 9,815 :Wi,.Jt)~ 1:.?l-I,~!4 134,1r;S :U. Ar[' ([{ural)

11 ,302 5,G8B 5,71a 17:l,4 I!) K(),:!;")8 87,1!)7 :\;'). Shu,hpul' ( ltm'u,l)

3B,243 IH,402 IH,8:W ~OH,78n IOti,H4t> I 02,84~l :W, Pi 1'0

:J6,71 U ] 8,603 ] S,ll H 136,i)O~} 6!l.()S5 tW,S:!" a7. HIUDU' (H.untl)

H2,HOt) 28,93!) 33,(W7 206,4:H J On,O:H~ ] OO,3H!) aH. DU1l1raon ((tum,l)

14,415 7,41:3 7,002 2:n,712 118,070 113,ll42 an. Bikmrnganj

35,826 16,242 1 H,G84 80,7fl7 47,8B8 38,8(,9 40. KH,t·n.glml'

22,800 10,382 12,418 ] 36,301 7~,14 7 64,154 41. :--lItHttram (Burn.l)

13,411 6,828 n,583 105,874 5:3,57:3 52,301 4')..... Dohr'i (!tural)

24,671. 12,480 12,1 H1 1:3B.H27 71,267 H7,()60 4:J. Mohu.niRo

2] ,813 10,aH5 11,448 1(1),727 80,251 75,476 44. Bhu,buo. (HilmI)

13,742 6,745 6,H97 144,383 77,233 67,150 4F>. All towns of Shahaba,d District 78

D-IV-ItllGBABTI This table shows the birth places of the population enumerated in the Distriot

Population of distriot District, State or Country whore hom

Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4

A.-Born In India 2,686,810 1,867,157 1,829,153

1.-Withh~ the State of Enumeration 2,649,994 1,337,452 1,312,542

(i) District of Enumeration 2,606,148 1,318,952 1,287,196

(U) Other districts 43,846 18,500 25,346 Patna. .. 14,239 5,847 8,392 Gaya. 12,261 4,946 7,315 Saran 5,265 2,252 3,013 Champaran 240 144 96 Muza.:ffarpur ·. 1,989 811 1,178 Darbhanga 567 294 273 Monghyr • • 401 212 189 Bhagalpur ·. ' .. 763 475 288 Saharsa · . ·. • • ·. 152 72 80 Purnea • • • • o • 189 120 69 Santa! Parganas ·. ·. 352 207 145 Hazaribagh • • • • ·. ·. 273 150 123 Ranchi o • • • ·. 379 215 164 Purulia ·. ·. • • .. 362 243 119 Dhanbad ·. • • • • 140 94 46 Palamau • • •• o. • • 6,195 2,366 3,829 Singhbhum • • • • o. • • 79 52 27 D-IV-MIGRAKTS-ooncld•

Population of dist.rict District, State or Country where horn

}')ersons Females

Ir.-State in India bt'yond the St,at,o of Enumoration :10,316 19,70{) 16,611

(i) States adjacent to th(~ Stato of Enumerat.ion 3u,160 19,02H 16,IS4:

West Bengal 1,312 S38 474

Uttar l"')radosh 33,667 18,082 1 f5,58f}

Madhya Pradesh .. 121 71 50 Orissa .. ·. 60 3li 25

(ii) Other Stat/os 1,150 670 477

Himachal PradeHh 8 5 3

Punja.b 638 :J82 256

Ra.jasthan 381 200 175

Q ') P. E. P. S. U. "" .. Hyderabad 1 I •• Bombay 13 {) 4 Madras 69 43 26 Madhya Bharat 4 4 ... .. 29 18 11 Saurastra ·. I) 4 1 Vindhya Pracdesh 1 1 .. 1 Mysore • • • • ·. .. .. 5 4

B.-Oountrles In Asia beyond India (Including U. S. S. B.) 2,109 1,270 839

China .• 10 6 4 .. 45 33 12 2,OM 1,231 823

C.-Oountrles lD Europe · . ·.. 4 2 2

United Kingdom and Northern Irela.nd .• 4 2 2

i 12 8 D.--countrlea In Africa • • .. · . " . 15 lr.-Oouah1" In America (U. S. A.) ·. .. 2 2 80

D-IV -SUBSIDIARY ____"""'IItInl ~-~~ Population Wost Bengal Uttar l)ra

Persons Malt'S Females Males ~~omalos Males l"'IomHlf~s

,-~ ____.- ,-~,- -......

1 2 !{ 4 5 (I 7 H -_._----- .. _--_.-.'-- TOTAL 36,811 19,701 16,610 838 474 18,082 15,585

I. Cultivat.ors of lu.nd wholly or mainly 22,:!H2 1l,280 10,1'73 118 H7 11. HI3 10,880 owned.

II. Cult.ivators of land wholly or mainly 4,367 2,533 1,834 53 :16 2,477 1,798 un-owned.

III. Cultivating labourers 2,108 .1,321 787 12 8 1,302 77[' IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agri- 831 440 3Ul 6 1 430 3S!) cultural rent receivers.

V. Production (other than cultivation) •• 705 406 229 67 42 212 l(i{l VI. Commerce .. 1,039 651 388 IH4 67 197 U:i VII. Transport 1,022 697 325 93 29 465 201 vm. Other services and miscellaneous sources 3,977 2,:~()4 l,tH3 315 224 1.836 1,257

Madhya Madhya P.E.P.S.U. Himu,ehal Hyderabnu Bharat Pradesh Pradesh Livelihood Classes

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males ~"emales Males :Females

1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ------.-,_ ------TOTAL .. 4 71 60 2 6 3 1 I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 6 4 owned.

II. Cultivators of land whol1yor mainly un·owned. III. Cultivating labourers • IV. Non-oultivating owners of land: agri- 1 cultural rent receivers. V. Production (other than cultivation) 24 19 .. 2 2 VI. Commerce I 3 2 2 VII. Transport 10 5 .. 1 VUI. Other services and miscellaneous sources S 27 20 2 1 1 .. 81


Punjab Orissa .Dollii HUjUStJlI:lll

Livelihood Ch\8~t·~


10 11 J:! 13 14 II) 10

382 256 35 25 18 11 206 175 TOTAL.

16 1. ('ult·jqttol'H of lund whoJly or HUlinl.)' oWllnd.

3 11. ellit iVHtOl'~ of land wholly OJ' Hmillly un-owned.

7 4 111. CuHivutiug In.holll't'I·S.

3 1 IV. Non .. eult,ivutillg OWJ1(_'r~ (If luud ; agri. cult-urul I'ent l'Bellivofs.

!)7 3~ i J :30 37 V. Pl'odw'Lioll (ot.h()(' thaJl cultivatioJl.) 77 n:J ..') 6 4 156 l:iO VI. Cummoree. lIn 84 B 6 Vll. Tl'uHsporL ... 56 22 IS 12 t· 20 ~ VI11. Ot,}lOl' servieos and miscL'llallooUl; sources.

Madras Bunll,uy :-Iau rastl'u, VilH.lhya Mysoro PnulflHh ------_._---_ .. _- Livelihood ClasHcR

Males FomuJoH M ales FI~rrHt1t'8 MuieR Fernu.lAf~ Mah)s 1~\~lnaleH 1\1 aleH FonmioR

.. ,. .•...... -----.--~ ._.-- . '. _-_ _-_ _-_ _--_ _._-- --_... _------_._-- ---

27 2S :W 30 31 33 34 35 36 1

------_._... _--_ .. _. __.... _------_... _----"_._-- ._-_.__ .. -•.•.... _-_ .. __ ._ ...._-_ ... _---_------_ 48 26 9 4 4 1 1 4 1 TOTAL.

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned.

II. Cult,lvatot'ti of land wholly 01' mainly un~owned. .. ·. Ill. Cultivat,illg Iubo~I'(lI·s. ·. . . • • IV. Non-eultivating owners of land; agri-. cult.ural rent l'(~coiv(ws. 10 ·. 1 1 V. Production (other than cultivation.) 12 9 .. 1 .. " 1 VI. Commerce. • • .. • • • • .. VII. Transport• 21 17 9 4 2 1 .. .. VIII. Other servioes and mi8cellanoou8 80Uroee.



This Table shows for the District and for each tract the number of males and females of different livelihood classes who are literate or educated. 2. 'Literates' that is persons who can read and write but have not passed the Middle or any higher examination, have been shown first. The number of persons who have passed the Middle and higher examinations has been shown thereafter separately for each grade or standard. 3. For arriving at totals for different standards, only such persons have been counted as have not passed a higher examination. 'Thus a person with the degree of Master of Arts or Science has been shown only under that head and not also under B. A. or B. Sc. or lower stan­ dards though he has no doubt also passed B. A.I B. Sc. and lower examinations. 4. Persons who have passed examinations, such as, Prathama, Madhyama, Sahityaratna, Visharad, Alim-Fazil, etc., have been shown under "Others". 84 O.. VII-LIVELIHOOD OLASSBS


-----.,,-.-,---.• -~--'-.---- 1. II. III. Culti vat.or~ of }I\nd Oll1t,j vut.()fH of hmd Cu}ti vat) ng whollv or l1lai n]v wholly m' JI1aillly hl.hourl.~rR and t.hfli l' Eduoft.tional st,andards and Total o\~'nml and • un .oWllnu and dnpomlant.s Tract,s thni r dflpflildant,s t.lwi l' dl'polldun tiS

--_._--_ ... - - _--"•..•..•..•. _... -- _. __ .. ,- .. " ... _ .._--_ •.. ,. .--.---."'"~-.. --..-- Porsons MalAs

1 2 3 4 7 10 .---~ .. - .. ,...-..... --~------.-.. ' -----_._------.... -----_-.. _- LITERATES­ DISTRICT 852,435 810,882 41,553 229,886 18,980 8,249 784 22,219 2,878 1 ) 3 3,886 283 34. Arl'ah (-Rural) 45,016 41,368 3,048 3l,HS7 l,OH5 1,027 2,337 35. Shahpllr (H.m'a,I) 26,871 24,125 2,74() ]8,220 1,235 HI 231 61 I,H73 260 36. Piro 43,000 an,071 3,B2H 33,71 (I 2,770 800 f)5 ) ,[)64 244 37. Duxat (Rur,)'I) .. 2;'),170 22,544 2,026 ] 7,026 1,704 Ul3 :?,708 200 38. Dumraon (Rural) 3n,on 34,744 4,320 27,075 ] ,124 2,483 308 30. Bikrarnganj 41,285 37,164 4,121 3J,4fi3 2,7:lH 768 55 ] ,452 ]25 40. Karaghar 16,063 14,782 ] ,281 11 ,776 7t;7 ) ,202 41. S{J.Saram (Rural) 19,067 17.512 1,555 }4,179 843 233 23 146 883 131 42. Dehri (Hural) 17,498 10,173 ],325 13,071 25 1,547 180 43.- Mohaniu. 23,146 20,467 2,679 ]0,481 1,303 38 47 1,308 202 44,' Dhabua (Itural) 18,110 16,350 1,760 12,404 717 543 870 45. All towns of Shahttobad 38,136 26,582 11,554 1,748 1,448 S27 152 545 District. MIDDLE SCHOOL­ DISTRICT 60,806 57,059 8,747 29,238 899 2,570 89 8,604 87 10 34. Arrah (Rural) 7,328 7,043 285 4,415 68 380 13 442 {) 35. Shahpur (HUfal) 4,305 4,102 203 2,483 64 177 394 1 15 349 2 36. Piro 5,795 5,561 234 4,112 146 235 37. Buxar (Rural) 2,714 2,560 154 1,286 77 246 15 245 3 6 38. Dumraon (Rural) 4,707 148 2,374 33 483 406 1 ]67 4 39. Bikramganj 6,797 6,479 318 5,001 235 3U3 8

40. Karaghar 3,014 2,978 41 2,083 10 72 206 208 2 41. Saaaram (Rural) 2,179 2,104 75 1,065 18 83 5 172 42. Dehri (Rural) 2,050 1,988 62 988 22 94 43. Mohe.nia 3,605 3,468 137 2,337 74 178 8 233 ! 161 4'. Bbabua (Rural) 3,116 3,043 78 1,805 16 283 4 1 45. AU towns of Shahabad 14,958 12,941 2,017 1.284 136 166 4 305 7 . District. 85



IV. Pm'HOIIS (indudillg d(\p(IJldIlJlt~) who d(~l'iw' t h("ll' )ll'j])l'jpnl IIIt'HIl'" of N oll-eulti vutilljJ; livt'lihood frolll OWJIet'Et of land agrieuhural l'l'lIt V. \'1. VU. \' ITL Ed \ It'll 1 jOllal Htn.ndul'ds tI.lHt l'Ol'l'ivIWI-j and J )l'Ollu('tioll ot l1l't' Cor IIll H'{,('(' TntllHI H 11'1. ()I hpl' Hl'l'vic'(,H TrUf'tA their (lepondant,~ thUII c'ull j\'Ht.jOIl Hllll Inise(,lIanoouH HOll t'('l'~;

II li IH 14 Iti li 11'1 l\) :!o

LITERATES- 2,316 1,256 10,219 2,594 10,137 4,041 3,415 1.626 24,491 9,399 DIS'l'RICT

ISH tlil -tl7 107 J ,SHII Hli4 :14, Al'I'al! (HllI'ul)


10] aon :! I fI :~(i. Pi I'll

tI!1 .i7 !i7!·1 Ii!) III IO:! :J7. Bux!t1' (H.llt'ul)

H,2 I, III 4H7 _"1,) r"'" \17 SH :nL I )1 I III I'll on (Hul'IL1)

III 1M) S-i3 107 SIlO 4:1;; 3H. Bik"lttllga,lIj

J7 216 410 1 1'14 .to. Kl1.I'Hghllr

15:2 132 114 113 28 !l40 :.?J 3 4 I. :-;n~aJ'am (Hur'ul)

')"" " 74 -, :w 403 '~ ....., 120 HIli

1 1;') ISS 121 ()7 SlO i Hi 4:~. Mohllllia

I=?0 III 107 5S 37:l 44. BllIlhull, (I{ul'Il.I)

257 4,21 tI H83 3,15:l 1.484 1,446 Ri3 14.U 11 5.H12 Mi, All tOWIIS of Shnhabad Distriet,


1,280 187 4,679 376 4,868 271 1,498 328 9,877 1,560 DISTRICT 183 :u 386 403 :W 145 IH tiH3 102 !H. A !'t'llh (H.ut·al)

131 15 220 13 217 7 74 12 4·oti 82 :3;'. Shu.hput' (Hul'Hl)

03 7 243 3 W7 4 (,6 306 [if) 30. Pi {'O

68 10 15S 4 176 5 47 31 ::l7. BuxaJ' (Hum1)

114 15 403 2 476 121 420 no :lB. DIHrU'll.On (ltnruJ)

82 2]3 2 208 1 3 43 3U. Bikru,mganj

47 4: ] 4:i 2 128 (; 18 16 40. Karughar

72 5 ]91 3 144 4 31 2 310 37 41. Sa~mrnm (Hural)

43 3 185 3 149 5 33 2 324 22 42. Dehri (ltmu.l)

65 10 241 3 177 5 36 3 201 32 4:1. Mohuuia 164 12 280 3 159 5 18 4 173 2R 44. Dho bU[I. (Hural) 168 53 2,016 316 2,464 208 887 271 5,651 1,022 45. All towns of Shahuba.d District 86



I. II. III. Culti vators of land Culti vators of land Cultivating wholly or mainly wholly or mainly labourers and Educational standards and Total owned and un-owned and their Tracts their dependants their dependants dependants

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MATRICULATION, S. L. t., HIGHER SECONDARY- DISTRICT ·. .. 9,631 9,166 465 3,615 75 3S5 5 271 3 34:. Arrah (Rural) 1,546 1,511 35 608 6 46 1 123 2 35. Shahpur (Rural) 593 582 11 263 2 22 19 36. Piro 748 738 10 506 2 39 13 37. Buxar (Rural) 474 467 7 214 1 97 2 18 38. Dumraon (Rural) 743 735 8 483 2 31 16 39. Bikramganj 778 766 12 513 2 23 14 40. Karaghar 317 814 3 186 1 20 16 41. Sasaram (Rural) 462 444 18 207 7 13 14 42. Dehri (Rural) 360 344 16 165 4 17 12 48. Mohania 335 326 n 193 3 IH 12 44. Bhabua (Rural) 196 187 9 62 2 18 7 4:6. All town of Sahabad 3,079 2,752 327 215 53 25 2 7 1 District. IKTERMEDIATE (IN ARTS OR SCIEBCE)-

DISTRICT 1,467 1,328 129 144 16 32 1 5 1

34. Arrah (Rural) 1~8 148 10 22 1 4 3 35. Shahpur (Rural) 51 50 1 7 .. 1 36. Piro 40 38 2 7 1 1 37. Buxar (Rural) 44 39 5 3

38. Dumraon (Rural) 58 57 1 12 1. 89. Bikramganj 58 58 .. 5 2 40. Karaghar 25 24 1 3 1

41. Saaaram (Rural) 68 63 5 21 2 1 · ". 42. Dehri (Rural) • • 57 53 4: 4: • • 2 ·. · .. 4:3. Mohania • • • • 43 42 1 17 1 1 ·. .. ·.. 4:4. Bhabua (Rural) 30 28 2 6 1 ·.. 4:5. All towns of Shahabad 826 728 97 37 12 18 • • 2 District. 87



IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive t!heir principal means of' Non-oultivating livelihood from- ownerS of land agricuIt.ul'al rent V. VI. VII. VIII. Educationul standards and recei vel'S and Production other Commerce Transport OthtW servioes Troots their dependantl:l than cultivat!ion and mi8oella.neous ------_._._._------_._---sources Males Females Males Females Males Females Malos Fomalos Mall'S Fomalos ------11 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 10 20 1 ------_._-_._.. _---- MATRICULATION, S. L. C., HIGHER SECONDARY.

505 46 659 55 623 75 307 27 2,821 179 DISTRICT 92 5 33 2 120 1 101 2 388 16 34. Arrah (Rural) 57 1 43 2 60 8 1 110 5 35. Shahpur (Rural)

47 3 44 13 6 1 70 4 36 Piro

22 11 6 1 3 96 3 37. Buxar (Rural)

56 12 2 4- 1 132 4 38 Dumraon (Rural)

22 1 30 8 3 9 147 6 30. Bikramganj

15 3 4 1 69 2 40. Karaghar

29 1 6 7 1 3 1 165 8 41. Sasaram (Rural) 12 3 17 I 16 1 4 101 7 42. Dehri (Rural)

22 4 2 1 3 71 5 43. Moharua

46 4 7 1 5 43 6 44. Bhabua (Rural) 85 32 452 48 376 66 163 22 1,429 113 45. All towns of Shahabad District INTERMEDIATE (ARTS OR SCIENCE)

109 6 167 18 146 18 99 11 626 68 DISTRICT 13 3 15 28 16 2 52 4 34. Arrah (Rural)

4 3 2 2 31 1 35. Shahpur (Hural) 3 1 2 1 24 36. Firo

2 1 I 5 1 27 4 37. Buxar ,,(Rural) 8 1 36 38. Dumraon (Rural) 4 2 7 1 .. 37 39. Bikramganj 2 18 1 40. Karaghar 3 · . 11 2 2 25 1 41. Sasaram (Rural) 2 9 2 4 1 31 2 42. Dehri (Rural) 3 ·. 1 1 19 43. Mohania 2 ·. 1 4 1 13 2 44. Bhabua (Rural) ~3 2 122 14 101 13 72 8 313 48 45. All towns of Shahabad District 88



_ ...... i __

1. n. IlL Cult,i va.t,oJ'~ of lltnd Culti vatol'S of land. Cult.ivHtjn~ wholly OJ' mainly wholly 01' mainly lal,oul'ers uud Eduoati onal st,andards and Total owned and ull-owned unci thni r 'l'racts thoir dHpondu,nt.s thoir dOpOlldu.nts depen(lm,tfol

~ _,~_u"' ______.. ... _ ...... u ... _, ", •• " ..... _ Porsons Males Females Malo8 FBmnles Males Females Mu,]os F'oHlflles

~...... -~ ... ~ .. --.. -...._._...... --.~.'-'" - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 10 ..... ,_,_ p---" -... ~ .... -~ ...... -. GRADUATE (ARTS AND SCIENCE)- ,

DISTRICT 546 521 25 28 7 34. Arrah (Rural) 27 26 . 1. :l

35. Shahpur (-Rural) 14 14 1.

36. }liro 13 It I 2 1

37. (Rura.l) 39 37 ,) :l

38. Dumraon (H.ural) 7 7

39. Bikramganj • • {) 9 1 40. Karaghar 3 3

41. Sasararn (Rural) 14 13 1 3 1 42. Dohri (Rural) ·. 32 28 4 1 2 43. Mohania ·. t) S 2 44. Bhabua (Rurttl) 10 JO

45. All tOWllS of Shnho.bad 370 ~~.54 ]6 11 :4 District, POST GRADUATES (ARTS AND SCIENCE)":"" DISTRICT 111 109 2 4 34. Anal! (Rural) ·. 7 7 1 35. Shahpur (Hut's.l) ·. ....) ..') 36. Piro 1 1 37. Buxar (Rural) 3 3

38. Dumraon (Rural) , , •• • • 41. Sasaram (Rural) 5 5 42. Dehri (Rural) ·. 12 12 1 43. Mohania ·. 1 1 .. 44. Bhabua (Rural) ·. 3 3 .. 45. All toWDS. of Sha.habad 73 71 2 2 •• District. 89



IV. Persons (including dep~ndants) who derive their principal means of N livelihood from- owners of la.nd agricultural rent V. VI. VII. VIII. Edueational standards and reneivers and Production other Commel'oe Trarisport Ot,lmr services Tract.s t,beir dependants than cultivttt,ion and miscellaneous 80ureeB

Males Females M.ales Females Males }'ernales Males Females Mules J;"emnlea ------_.__ ._._-_._------"---'-- .. ----.".-----.. ~.---.--" .. 11 12 13 14 1 ,)rr JH 17 18 II) 20 1 ------_.__ .. _---_._------_"---' ------_.. _--_.__ ..... _--"._------GRADUATE (ARTS OR SCIEHCE)- 78 5 90 5 46 2 34 2 238 11 DISTRICT 1 4 ').. 1 15 1 34. Arrah (Rural) 2 ·. 1 10 35. Shahpur O~uraJ) 1 8 1 an. Piro

.) .. ' 1 1 3 27 2 37. Buxar (Rura.l) .).. 2 38. Dumraon (Rural) 1 7 39. Bikramganj ·. 1 2 40. Karaghal' 1 1 41. Sasaram (Rural)

5 1 1 1 16 2 42. Dnhri (Rural) . . · . 1 5 43. Mohania 2 1 1 6 44. Bhabua (Hural)

62 4 79 5 3ll 1 28 2 132 4: 45. All towns of Shahabad District POST GRADUATE (ARTS OR SCIEHCE)- 10 6 11 8 70 2 DISTRICT 1 2 3 34. Arrah (Hural) .. 2 35. Shahpur (Rural) 1 36. Piro 2 ·. 1 37. Buxar (Rural) 1 ·. 1 2 38. Dumraon (Rural) •• 1 1 3 41. Sa, ·aram (Rural) ·3 ·. 1 .. 7 42. Dohri (Rural) .. ·. • • • • .. 1 • • 43. Mohania 1 · . · . 2 44. Bhabu8 (Rural) 3 • • • • 6 • • 7 49 2 45. All towel of Shahabad Distriot, 90



I. II. III. Cultivators of land Culti vators of land Culti va.ting wholly or mainly wholly or mainly labourers and Edtlc&tionw 8~ndards and Tota.l owned and un-owned and their Trl\Ota their dependants their dependants dependants

Persona Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les Males Females - 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

..-...... -___ ...... _-.....--- ...... ------...... _- TEACHING- DISTRICT 548 489 54 46 2 ·. 34. Arrah (Rural) 47 44 3 5

35. Shahpur (Rural) 40 38 2 3 • • 36. Piro 30 27 3 4 ·. 37. Buxar (Rural) 26 23 3 4 ·. 38. Dumraon (Rural) 29 27 2 5 ·. 39. Bikramganj 29 24 5 3 40. Karaghar 15 15 1

41. Sa.saram (Rural) 31 28 3 5 1

42. Dehri (Rural) 37 27 10 4 1 43. Mohania 19 19 2 ·. ". Bhabua (Rural) 35 33 2 3 i5. All toWllS of Shahabad 20r; 184 21 7 Distric6. BIQIKZBRIJ'G- DISTRICT 44 44 · . ·. S4. Arra.h (RureJ) 2 2 ·. JS. Shahpur (Rural) 1 1 ·. 17. Buxar (Rural) 3 3 ·, ·. S8. Dumraon (Rural) , . 2 2 • • • • • • • • •• •• ... i9. Bikramganj .. 1 1 ·. · . ·. ·. • • 41. Suaram (Rura.l) 7 7 • • ·. ·. • • ·. 4.S. Deluie{Rurol) .. .. 4- 4: ·. · . ·. ·. • • ·. ·. 45. AU towns of Shahabad 24 24 · • • • • Diariot. ) ·. · . . 91



IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of Non-cultivating livelihood fl'orn- owners of land "_.'---.'.. ""'-_. ---.. ----,-... ~~--- agricultural rent V. VI. VlI. VIII. Educational standards And receiverS and Product,ion other Commercl~ Transport Other services 'rroots their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources

~~-.. , ~"----'- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ,-- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I

-._ ~ ...... -.---- TEAOHING- 19 2 6 10 2 2 406 48 DISTRIOt' 6 I 3 29 3 34. Arrah (Rural) 1 1 3S 2 35. Shahpur (Rural) 2 ·. 21 8 36. Piro 1 18 3 87. Buxar (Rural)

C) 2 OJ 1 ·. 17 2 38. Dumraon (Rural) ·. • • ·. 21 5 39. Bikramganj 1 • • ·. 18 • • 40. Karaghar 1 22 2 41. Sasaram (Rural)

1 22 9 42. Dehri (R_uraJ) 1 16 ·. 43. Mohania 2 I 27 2 44. Bhabua (Rural)

3 2 1 4 2 2 167 17 45. All towns of Shahabad ·. District ENGIMEERING- t · . 18 2 • • 8 ·. 20 DISTRIOT ·. • • ·. • • • • • • 2 34. Arrah (H.ural) • • ·. • • • • • • ·. 1 35. Shahpur (Rural) • • • • 1 • • • • • • ·. 2 37. Buxar (Rural) 1 1 88. Dumraoll (Rural) • • • • • • ·. ·. ·. ,< ·. ·. . . • • • • • • ·. • • 1 ·. 89. Bikramganj • • ·. 5 ·. ·. • • • • •• 2 '1. Sasaram (Rural) • • 3 • • • • • • •• 1 • • 42. Dehri (Rural) 1 8 2 10 towns of Bhahabad • • • • ••• 8 • • • • '5. All ~ 92



I. II. III. (.,"Ulti vators of land. Culti vators of land Cultivating wholly or mainly wholly or mainly labourers and and Total owned and un-owned a.nd their Educational standards dependants Tra.cts their dependants their dependants

Persons Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males· Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AGBICULTURE- DISTRICT · . 9 9 3'. Arrah (H.ural) 1 1 37. Buxar (Rural) 2 2 .. 38. Dumraon (Rural) ·. 1 1 42. Dehri (Rural) •• 1 1 45. All towns of Shahabad 4 4 Di8trict. VETBRIKARY- DISTRICT 9 9 88. Dumraon (Rural) 2 2 41. Sasara.m (Rural) ·. 1 1 42. Dehri (Rural) .. 1 1 45. All towns of Shahabad 5 5 District. CO ••IRCE- .. DISTRICT · . 182 128 4 22

•• • 0 34:, Arrah (Rura.l) .. • • 19 18 1 2 ·. 35. Shahpur (Rural) 7 7 1 ·. 36. Piro 3 3 1 • • ·. 37. Buxar (Rural) ·. 5 4 1 2 ·. ·. 88. Dumraon (Rural) 7 7 2 • • 39. Bikramganj 1 1 ·. • • 40. Karaghar 2 2 1 • • • • . • • o • 41. Sasaram (Rural) ·. 11 11 2 .. . . . o • 42. Dehri (Rural) • • 4 4 ·. 4,£. Bhabua (Rural) ·. 2 2 •• o • 43 • .All toWll8 of Sbahabad 71 69 2 U • • • • District. 98


. .cLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES __ ...... _--- IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of Non.cultivating livelihood frorn- owners of land ---, ",.. __ ._--_._------agricultural ront V. VI. VII. VIII. gduca.tionul standB,rds and receivers and Production otiher Comnlerc'O Tra.nsport, Other kel'vje(~a Trt\(_~t'l:4 their dependants than (lultivation and miscellanoous RourCm~ ------.. _.. _._------._------,,-- ~,.,---~- Males }~emales Malcs FmnfLles Males Fomales Mnles Fomales Malt~s Females ----_._-... - .. - --._---_-----_. __ .. _- .,- .. _... _.-_ .. _-----_._-_.__ .... _.,,--- 11 12 13 14 15 In 17 ]8 IU 20 1

AGRICULTURE­ • • 9 ·. DISTRICT .-. 1 34. Arrah (Hural)

2 37. BUXH,r (Rllro.l) · . 1 38. Dumraon (Rural) 1 42. Dohri (ltural)

4 • • 45. All tOWflli of Shahabad Dist.riet VETERINARY -

t 8 DISTRICT ..') 3B. Dumraon (Rural) 1 41. Sasal'am (Rural) ·. 1 42. Dehri (Rul'al) 1 4 45. All towns of Shahabad ·. District COMMERCE­ 16 t 18 5 15 52 3 DISTRICT

4 ] I I 10 34. Al'rah (Rural) 1 ] 1 · . 3 35. Shah pur (Rural) .. 2 ·. 36. Piro • • 2 1 87. Buxar (Rural) 1 4 • • 38. Dumraon (Rural) 1 39. Bikramganj · . 1 ·. 40. Karagha" 41. S88aram (Rural) ~ .. ·. · . 1 • • 5 .., .. ·. ·. ·. • • 2 ·. 42. Dehri (Rura.l)

~ . . . • • ·. • • • • 2 • • 44. Bhabua. (Rural) ~ 12 4 13 • • 20 2 45. AU towns of Shahabad ·. Distriot 94


I. II. 111. Culti vators of land Cultivators of land Cultivating wholly or mainly wholly Of mainly labourers and Eduoational standarda and Total owned and un-owned and their Tracts their dependants their dependants depen.dants

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IIEDICAL- DISTRICT 820 805 15 4 34. Arrab (Rural) 12 12 · . · . 35. Shahpur (Rural) 3 3 1 36. Piro .. 4 3 1 1 87. Buxar (Rural) 15 14 1 38. Dumraon (Rural) 12 12

39. Bikramganj • • 11 11 • • .0. Karaghar · . 2 2 41. Sasaram (R~l) 26 26 1 42. Dehri (Rur• .!) ·. 19 16 3 1 43. ·.. 21 21 44. Bhanua (Rural) 14 14 • • ·. ·. 45. All towns of Shahabad 181 171 10 District. ·.


DISTRICT 772 772 8 ·, ·. 34. Arrah (Rural) 4: 4 1 · , 35, Shahpur (Rural) 2 2 37. Buxar (RUt'al) 2 2 38. Dumraon (Rural) 1 1 41. Sasaram (Rural) 7 7 ·. 1 42. Dehri (Rural) 2 2 ·. .' . 43. Mohania , . 1 1 , . • • • • , . ·, • • • • 44. Bhabua (Rural) , • • 4: • • • • • • ·. ·. ·. • • 45. All towns of Sh.bad 749 749 1 " ' ~ •• • • • • Distriot, 95


CLA88J!l8 NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES --_._--_._ ._ .. __ ._ .. _" ... _. __ ._._._--_._-_._ ... _._ IV. Persons (including dependants) who del'ive their principal lllOanl:J of Non-cultivating livelihood from .. -

owners of land .---.,.----~-.,,-.-.--.-- agricultural rent; V. VI. VII. VIII. f

1 1 1 36. Piro

2 ]2 1 37. Buxar (Rural)

1 11 3S. Dumraon (Hural)

1 10 39. Bikramganj

1 1 40. Karaghar 1 2 22 41. Sasaram (Rural) 2 1 I 12 2 42. Dohri (Rural) 21 43. Mohania

1 1 12 44. Bhabuo. (Rural)

3 1 6 2 3 12 147 7 45. All towns of Sha.habad District

• LEGAL­ 4 6 5 752 DISTRICT 1 2 34. Arrah (Rural)

2 35. Shahpur (Rura1)

• • 2 37. Buxar (Rural)

• • 1 38. Dumraon (Rural) 1 5 41. .Baearam (Rural)

•• • • 2 42. Dehri (Rural) • • ·. • • 1 . . 43. Mohllnia. • • • • 1 1 2 4:4. Bhabua (Rural) 2 ·. 8 2 4 737 .. 45. AU towns of Shahabad District 98



I. II. III. Culti vators of land Cultivators of land Culti vatillg wholly or ma.inly wholly or mainly labourers and Educational standards and Total owned and un-owned and their Tracts theil' dependants their dependants dependants

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

OTBERS- DISTRICT 86 69 17 9 1 1 34. Arrah (Rural) • • • • 6 5 1 • • ·. 35. Shahpur (Rural) • • 3 3 .. • • 36. Piro • • 2 1 1 ·. 37 Buxar (Rul'al) 3 3 2

38. Dumraon (Rural) 4 3 1 1 1 ... ·. 39. Bikramganj ·. 10 8 ...') 2 • • 40. Karagbar 6 5 1 ·. ·. 4.1. Sasaram (Rural) 9 7 2 1 ·. 4:2. Dehri (Rural) • • 15 12 3 2 • • 1 .. 43. Mohania ·. 1 1 .. • • 44. Bhabua (Rural) 4 3 1 • • ·. 4t;. All towns of Shababad 23 18 5 I • • •• District. ·. 97 lJY EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS

NON-AORIOtJL'l'lJRAL CLASSEN "'---... ,...----.,-...... ~---, '~.,-.-~~"'------".-~--...... _------.----- .. -. --_---_'---_ .. _ - ... _------__ ._',._ ~ ,._".~.--. IV. PerRons (induding dependants) who dtwivt, t,ht,ir principal moo,n8 of Non-cultivating Ji velihood fl'oJn---- owners of land ---,.,...,-...-_,- ... ____ .••_. ___~_,__"._ ..... _. ___ . __ .. __w..,..,L--_. ___.. _ ,_ .- .....-,--_. ., ...... ,.... , , .... , ,. ".".,,-_. _._ -"-- agricultural rent, V. VI. VII. Vill. Eduen,tional standards and reoeivers and Produntioll oUlor Com n1erOt' TJ'(Ull~pOl't, OHwr servie(ls 'l'raet,R t,heir dependants than cuUivatioll aud misllOllaneou8 souroes '------... _--,_.. ". ,---_.. _-----,,-_._------_.---- Mttles Females Males Femalfl8 Mtl,]CS Ff'mttles Malos :FernaJl~~ Males Femalos

11 12 13 14 15 H; 1.7 18 19 20 1

"-_'._-"-- ... _ --'_.______, .... _, __._--_ .,..... _., ...n'." .. ,... _. __ "__ ,______-_ ~._.- _.__ . ,_ -_ ''''_ .,.,_.-- ... ----.-.------


9 4 11 4 9 2 8 1 22 5 DISTRICT 2 a 1 34. Arrah (Rural) .. .. a 35. Sha,hpur (Bure.!) 1 l 36. Piro

1 37. Buxnf (Rural)

..,') 3H. Dm_Q,Oll (Hural)

3 ..') 2 1 3n. Bikramganj •• •• .. 3 1 ...J 40. Karaghar 1 1 3 1 2 41. Sasaram (BuraI)

2 2 1 1 4 2 42. Dehri (Rural)

1 43. Mohania

3 1 44. Bhabu& (Rural)

.3 ] 6 2 3 1 2 3 1 45. All towns of Shaho.bad District •" 08


POPULATION PEBOENTAGB VARIA· D:mN81TY AOBICULTURAL TION. ---""_"_-__ -_"'_ ----_.--, _, ...... '_--- --_._- - ._ ,."._--.. ,._- DISTRICT, Area I. 8utt-DlvIltoDl, in 1951 1941 1941·51 1931·41 1951 1941 Cultivators of land REVENUE TllANAB AND square wholly or main1y Police. Stations Miles oWned and Persons Males Females Persons their dependants

_-----. --_.--_.,,_ .... _--- ._ .. _-- ._ ... _-_._ .. _.. -- - .-~ .. _._ ._._ .-. ';- "- ,_ ----._ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 ------~.---, ...... -.~-.. ,_._"----_ ... _---- _'_'_--'-_'- ' .... _. __ . __ ._ ------~- - ...... -.------_--_------.. _------DISTRICT ·. 4,828 2,688,440 1,858,448 1,829,997 2,328,581 15'5 18'8 810 589 698,898 680,619 8adr Subdivision 920 885,270 441,077 444,198 796,871 11'1 14'5 981 885 216,506 217,678

352 372,252 184,519 187,733 344,005 8'2 n'7 1,01')£> 975 77,830 79,612

Arrah Kotwali 7 64,205 33,683 30,522 B,172 3,92H 3,312 Arrah Mufaesil 177 162,618 79,847 82,771 917 40.376 41,627 San des 83 67,264 33,491 33,773 808 17,273 17.106 Barahara 85 78,165 37,498 40,667 Hl5 16,252 17,567

BRAHPUn 253 222,967 110,548 112,419 200,644 18'1 881 793 56,327 56.380

. Shahpur 172 121,644 59,767 61,877 707 29,260 29.621 Jagdishpur ·. 81 101,323 50,781 50,542 1,2.51 27,067 26,750 PIBO ·. 315 290,051 146,010 144,041 252,222 15'0 15'6 921 801 82,34U 81,686 Piro 138 137,421 69,001 68,330 996 40,096 40,193 " Shahpur 100 85,951 43,35!} 42,592 860 23.821 23.365 Tarari 77 66,679 33,560 33,119 866 18,432 IS,12S Buxar Subdlvlslon 888 588,754 270,519 268,285 457,902 786 670 124,078 122,181 BUXAB 315 216,302 110,487 105,815 171,383 26'2 21'3 687 544 53,260 52,103

Buxar 96 85,224 43,721. 41,503 888 17,412 17,5H4: Rajpur 133 81,353 41,227 40,126 610 21,563 20,923 It&t-hi 86 49,725 25,539 24,186 580 14,2f)5 13,586

DUMRAON 368 320,452 160,032 160,420 286,519 11'9 18'5 871 77!} 70,813 70,078

Dumraon 193 176,582 88,037 88,545 HI!) :i6,813 36,638 Nawanagar 88 67,532 34,396 33,036 766 19,063 18.61:l Brahmapur 87 76,438 37,599 38,839 878 14,937 14,827 .Iasaram Subdivision 1,488 828,278 4ft,547 408,781 690,220 557 465 288,978 226,891

BnOUMGANJ 367 286,077 144.521 141,556 240,832 18'8 779 656 89,820 89,017

Bikramganj 163 145,014 72,979 72,035 8HO 45,382 45,084: Dinare. 140 78,184 39,560 38,624 558 26,005 25,851 Dawath 64 62,879 31,U82 30,897 982 18,383 18,082'

KABGHAlt 264 144,805 74,052 70,753 117,940 22'8 17'7 547 445 44,916 42,74()

K.arghar 187 82,666 42,617 40,049 441 27,266 25,536 Nokha 77 62,139 31,435 30,704 802 17,650 17,204

SASA.AM 685 231,146 118,722 112,424 204,301 13'1 15'7 337 298 58,641 55,154·

Suaram 305 145,819 74,804 71,015 478 36,567 34,379 Rohtaa 300 53,551 27,641 25,910 170 13,232 12.495 Ohanari .. 80 31,776 16,277 lLS,'9~ 397 8,842 8,28() DJ:Blll · . 167 164.,250 85,252 78,998 127,147 984 761 40,601 39,780 Dehri 90 93,612 50,421 48,191 1,045 2.2.928 21.60(. Naeriganj .. 77 70,638 34,831 85,807 913 17,673 18,17& REVENUE TBANAS AND POLICE·STATIONS --.~.~-----~------~,~".~,~,------LIVELIHOOD CLASSF~~ - ...... -... -~,'-,------".--.._._ .....' ..... - ,-.. _---_--_._ .... __ .... __ ...... -, .. ,...... _.,_ ... ~ ..... - -_-- . ...._ -.... -,._.,. _- - ._- .... - ",-..... ,_ .. _--__ ._ ,_ .-_._.-._ -_._-...... _--_ .. _---. "--''''-~'- ... _ CL"~BSES NON ·AGRICULTURAL CI.. ASSE8 -'--"--.-----... '.'-'---'-~-- ,_ ...... _... _,._-_ .. _,,'"_ '_-'--' -. _... _--_ ..... - '.--, .,,- _---._ --._ -- ._._ - - ._- ... _._ '"'' .. _,- '--'- ""-'-'~ .. - -._ -_. __ ._ II. III. IV. Porsons (ineluding dnpendant.s) who del'ivt) thoir principal moans of Cult,ivators of land CUltivating Non-nu1t.ivating liv{)lihood from··-- wholly or mainly labourers anci owners of land, agri-··~ ----. _.. ----- _. -.-.-.~---.- ..•. - .. ---,--..-.- .. -.- .. --___._1J un-owned and thoir their cuhural rent - Production Commorce Transport Other sorvioes dependants dependant,s rO(leivers ; and their other than cult·j· a.nd miscellaneou8 dependants vatioJl sourCOR --".. ,-~------.-.-- --_.__ . __ ._ ,_, ._, ---_.--_---_... - .... ----.-- -, - _.._._. __ --- -,._- - '"" .. '.~ .....----.------'- ... ---.---.-.'--- Males E'omn.les Males E'(~maleR Matos Fomalt:lB Males Fema.les _.-----,---, ... _. -". ---_ ,--_.. _------_._ -- '- ... - " .. _."-. -- - ..- -- ,_ -~-'--- - .. _._ ,-_._-_ ._- _._ "'_ "-"-_ - ,,- ._--- ._. __ . __ ._ .. _ 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 10 20 21 .....).) 23 24 25 26 _.------~~-..----- ... --- _•.. ".~ ~".- .-.... ~---.... - -_ ..._.--_. - --"_ -- ... ~.- ._--_ .. __ .. _-_- -"'-"'~'--'----"-- - -_ ...... _ ,,- ~ .. - -- -_ -....._.-.- ...--- " ..... ""~~ ...... -,.---...... _ ....,...._._._ ...... 127,661 125,374 288,672 295,647 12,895 18,786 52,154 48,581 69,721 65,247 12,131 10,203 102,016 90,540

41,428 41,052 98,688 98,855 5,460 6,118 16,272 15,678 25,510 24,898 4,235 3,739 87,988 37,1~O ] 7,15H 17,567 36,138 3B,707 2.791 3.113 B,517 8,831 14,260 13,616 2,865 2,fi48 24,H5n 24,239

60n 541 2,697 2,630 H55 863 a,061 2,712 7,:176 6,878 1,610 1,288 J3.446 12,21)8 8,122 7,9B7 17,663 18,U56 996 1.214 2,398 2,5:15 3,621 3,445 a6:1 341 6,a18 6,666 4,688 4,943 7,631 .. 8,054 271 338 6n7 699 1.120 980 144- 132 1,667 1,512 3,740 4,096 8,J47 9,OfS7 560 H98 2,361 2,385 2,143 2,304 758 787 3,528 3,763

12,365 J 2,448 21,617 22,707 1,485 1,728 :i,H07 3,941 6,441 6.305 703 7,694 7,703 8,216

6,386 U,427 11.502 12,297 721 807 2,:l88 2,414 3,676 3,66H ;,4H 566 5,285 6,076 5,979 6,021 10,115, 10,410 764 H21 1,519 1,527 2,765 2,~3(~ 154 l'o28 2,418 2,140

11,899 11,037 35,028 36,941 1,184 1,277 a,848 3,401 4,B09 4,477 667 4U7 5,326 4,725

0,024 5,587 J fi ,876 16.368 452 489 2,607 1,361 2,361 2,124 249 156 2,426 2,027 ~l,270 3,133 11,774 11 ,930 428 3H4 7H6 6H8 1,173 ),003 250 211 1,847 1,759 2,605 2,317 8,278 8,634 304 3U4 1,445 1,317 1,275 1,260 168 ]30 1,053 Ha9 41,682 40,658 58,648 56,258 2,856 2,674 10,901 10,864 14,889 14,088 2,575 2,879 20,495 17,888

13,505 13,099 23,065 23,577 671 710 a,277 2,870 5,544 5,076 1,403 1,216 n,762 7164

5,147 4,854 6,563 7,100 346 360 I,H06 1,743 3,407 3,213 1,172 SH}7 7,648 5,633 4,668 4,627 11,067 I1,HH 204 200 831 713 1,385 1,294 106 120 1,403 1,058 3,600 3,618 5,435 5,277 121 150 540 414 662 56U 125 09 711 473

28.127 27,559 30,583 32,681 1,685 1,964 7,624 7,4U4 9,295 0,007 1,172 1,163 10,733 10,474

14,712 14,540 17,H60 19,349 7:{3 841 4,573 4,452 5,B35 5,661 580 562 6,831 6,502 5,053 4,476 6,723 6,780 458 45B 975 SH8 1,037 H02 125 112 962 776 8,362 8,543 5,900 6,552 404· 664 2,076 2,124 2,423 2,444 467 489 2,H40 3,106

.18,051 28,092 82,889 80,675 2,878 8,293 17,288 15,542 21,027 19,248 4,104 8,119 82,882 27,071

11,892 12,106 26,7Sl1 26,431 831 1,078 3,653 3,212 5,302 4,568 423 322 5,809 4,832 , , 5,790 6,067 13,852 13,960 374 511 1,978 1,777 2;457 2~J50 250 100 2,896 2,296 .3,5'2 3,494 6,699 6,457 210 246 698 532 1,045 . 877 66 54 1,245 1,113 2,t60 2,545 6,240 6,014 247 321 977 903 1,800 1,531 107 78 1,668 1,423

..5,360 5,266 16,421 16,302 446 490 2,005 1,870 2,310 2,003 , 217 172 2,377 1,860

.2,562 2,396 9,168 9,062 230 240 1,026 U86 1,116 905 78 52 1,171 872 ,.2,798 2,870 7,253 7,240 216 250 U79 884 1,194 1,148 139 120 1,206 988 .5,307 5,282 25,103 24,155 1,110 1,157 7,513 7,219 7,968 7,742 988 841 12,092.' 10,87. .3,368 3,225 14,080 13,614 802 815 4,946 4,806 6,004 5,871 739 582 8,298 7,723 55~ 746 7,299 6.810 286 319 1,893 1,751 1~210 1,101 117 120 3,045 2,568 ,1,380 1,311 3,724 8,731 22 23 674 662 754 770 132 139 749 583

J};492 5,438 14,024 13,787 491 568 4,117 3,241 5,'47 4,8Uli 2,476 11,784 12,60' 9,504

:.2,404 2,367 1>,933 5,178 310 340 .2,588 1,657 3,444- 2,988 2,070 1,433 10,7" 7,624 ' ..3,088 3,071 8,091 8,609 181 228 1,529 1,684 2,003 1,907 406 351 1,860 1,881 100


POPULATION PEReENTAGE VARIA· DENRITY AGRICULTURAL TION .. _.,. __ . -.,~,~",-." "_,,, --.~- _,_ . .. ,-", ...... ~""-"---'''-''----'''------.__ -_.

DISTRICT. Area I, ... .Bub-Dlvlslons, in 1951 1941 1941·51 1O:U-41 1951 1941 Cultiva.tors of land . £EVENUE TBANAB AND Square wholly or mainly owned and Police Stations Milos .,--- ..... --'~ ...,-- Persous Males Females Persons their dependa.nts

-._,._' ,,~ --'.'-_-"-_. -, .. -.,_.... _---_...... ,_ ---_._- -._' 6 7 8 n 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 - ._ ... .. _._----.. __ .... , __• ___ ."'~ •• ,, ___._ ._,-_,,_.,.,._ ' ...... _,, ___.- •• ._--______..... ,.,_._ u __ __ _,---

Bhabua Subdivision 1,287 440,188 224,300 215,838 883,588 14'7 18'1 855 810 119,186 114,069 57,188 MOHANlA 326 209,018 106,546 ]02,472 175,563 10'1 25'7 641 538 59,393 14,866 Moha.nin 116 56,213 28,493 27,720 484 15,354 Ramga.rh 133 74,638 38,077 36,561 561 21.300 20,53S Durgawati 22 38,945 20,O[)I 18,894 1,770 12,423 1 J ,585 10,109- Kudra 55 39,222 19,025 19,297 713 10,316 59,743 56,881 BBABUA 911 231,120 117,754 113,366 208,025 11'1 12'4 254 22H 32,108 3IJ,946- Bhabua 301 126,703 64,263 62,440 421 •• IO,SIn. Cha.inpur 173 51,279 26,111 25,168 297 11,268 .'. 358 14,724 7,600 7,124 41 5,971 5,652 Adhaura 9,46S Chand 79 38,414 19,780 18,634 487 .. 10,::496 101




II. III. IV. Persons (including deperHlant.s) who dar'iva their prillciplLI Inean8 of Cultiva.tors of land Cultivating Non,.eultivating , . livelihood from-- wholly or mainly labourerR n.nd OWlU~r8 of land. agri------.,-,-- .. - ._ .~---.-,-.-.------.--.. -'- .. - ,.-, ... -.-.---.~- un-owned a.nd theil' their cult/ural mnt' J>roduetion ConllntWee Transport Other sorvicofl dependants dependant,!'! roceivers, and their (ot,hor than and misceUaJlt)OU8 dependant,foj cultiVtl,tion) sourcos ----.------,.... - .. --~-_-.-..- ...... ----~ -...... - _.. _------'-- -_ .. ,,----,---,_..... __ .. ,_ ...... _.. "" .... ' . ,,-_. .-_. __ ._--_ .. __._- MaleR FemaleR Males FemalflR Males FemaloR Mnles Femalos Mu10s FOInU.l(IR Males l~'emales Males Femalo8 _._-,-,--- --~ .. -----... ---_._ .. ,_, ... __ ...... _--_._ .. _-_._-_._" ...... -.~-"~....__ ..... -.._,~ _. , ... -"'"'... ,.~ .... - .... --~--.--.--.------~-~-~-- 13 14 16 17 IH 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .. _----_... _., •. _._.__ -...... _"-- ._-_ ..." --.... _---_._ .. _.. _ .. __ .. __ . _._------.. _ .-- "'_ .'_ ._ ...-. --._ ... _-""' .... -...... - .. -.-.... ~.---- 16,555 15,572 59,002 60,859 1,701 1,701 7,698 7,002 8,845 7,518 1,217 986 10,651 8,651

7,157 6,531 26,376 20,894 588 587 3,388 3,028 4,041 3,686 5H 410 u,050 4,139 ] ,318 ],280 7,456 7,608 54 82 1,033 046 1,344- 1.24U 22:1 JH6 1.711 1,506 3,1)38 3,171 n,503 !l,532 261 253 1,000 H40 1.129 1,064 80 66 1,176 088 HOg 872 4,212 4,250 62 62 486 4!}O 702 609 16U 13:1 1,00H 884 l,3H2 ],208 5,205 5,4H5 2] ) 190 77 !I 643 866 767 75 34- 1,081 761

9,3HR 0,041 32,626 33,4(i5 1,113 1,114- 4,305 3,974 4,304 3,832 073 547 5,592 4,~12

4,294 3,9U:3 17,876 18.711 676 651 2,667 2,570 2.753 2,447 461 365 3,428 2,757 3,098 2,032 8,087 8,107 337 352 878 75S 1,041 963 99 68 1,303 1,173 468 478 880 820 12 17 134 83 48 30 .. 85 1,538 1,638 5,783 5,827 88 H4 626 563 462 392 1,211 114 776 638'" 102

ANALYSIS OF IMPORTANT CENSUS DATA i-Area and Population, actual and percentale by Revenue Thana Density


200-300 300--450 60().--750 750 and ovor Area I'opulation Area Population Area I)opulation Area Populat,ion Area Population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 ,._ ... ' ",_...... _.. "~- ...... -.,---.. ------.-----,.,.- ,~ ...... ,-... ~-.. ---.".. ,...... - .. - ---- 910'00 231,120 68S-00 231,146 264-94 144.845 641-08 425,:120 1823-10 656,049

21-05 8-59 15-82 8-SH 5-48 14-83 14'73 42-17 62-61

2-Variation and Density of General Population


Increase (+) Percentage ------Density Decrease (~-) ._-_ .. _- '_'-- 1941-1951 1931---1941 1921· --1931 1951 1941 1931 1H21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

+15'5 +16'8 610 528 452 412

8-Mean Decennial Growth rates during three decades

Mean population of denade for area under Registra­ Mean popUlation of decade tion of birth and death .. ,-----._ ,_ __ .--- - _------_._- - ---.----.. -~-- ---... _._---_ 1941-1950 1931-1940 1921-1930 1941-·-19150 1931--1040 1921·-1930

------~-----..-- -. ------_._- ---_--_._-, - ... _-.- '._ .. _-- ..------1 2 3 4 5 6 .-- .... ------.--~~-- .. ------_ - •------.. -- __ ..-...._------..---- 2,508,610 2,161,035 1,905,155 2,161,035 1,006,11)5

Growth of population during decade Mean decennial growth rate

1941-1950 1931-1940 1921-1930 1941-1950 1931· .. ·-1940 1921-1981 ------7 8 9 10 11 12 ---,.. _-----, "9,8JS9 835,092 176,668 9'.27 108

8-Mtan Deoennlal Growth raiel during tuee dtoades-coneld.

Registered births during decade Mean decennial birth rate Registen,d deaths during (Registered) deeadt, ------. , 1941-1950 1931~-1940 1921---1930 1941-Hl50 1931-1940 1021--1930 1941-·Ul50 1931-19401921-1930

13 14 15 ]6 17 18 In 20 21 ---~.-.-~.------_... _. __ ._ .•. _--_._----_. __ ._--_._._ .. _------_._. __ .. _. _. ---_ .. _-----_. 694,024 675,634 607,466 2'i'57 31'26 36·61 476,218 483,114 559,503

Mean . deetmnial death rate Decennial ratEl of Natural increase MigratioJl.cum·ltegistrH.tion (Registered) (Registered) error ...... --.. _ ------._.... _.. _ ~- ... -.. ~---.--.---.. _ ---_.. _ ._- .__ .. _-_ ._ .. __ ._--- 1941-1950 1931---1940 1921---1930 1941··--]950 193]·-·-1040 1921-·-1930 1941-1050 ] H31-1U40 .1921·-1930

- ..... -.---- _---,,------_-_.. __ .. _ -- --~ --- _.. _ .. _--_--_-_ .... _-_ .. -----~-.-. --.- -_--_- -_ .. _.. _ ... __ ._ .....')') 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 ._--.-... _.. _._-_ ... _._-----_ ... __ ._---_. -_ .. __ 22'36 29-37 8-90 7-24 5'66 6-61 2'03



Dist.riet of enumeration Other districts of t,he same natural Other parts of the State division -_..~.-..... _---_., -... --.--.~-'-"------~.- " ..... -- -"--'---:---' ,,_ .-.. -.,.~,,-.. ---.,- Persons Males Females Persolls Males }"'emales Persons Males FemaloB

__~~ .. ___ . ___ r. ____... _~ .. ______'w .... . _ ... ._..., •••"' ...... ,_ , ... -,...... ' .... _ ,'".. •• __ .. _, ...... ,-'_- -~ ' .. _ -- .. _..... _--_._-----._ " ... --_ -~-~,--. ',...... ----.. '_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---...... ,..... ~--...... _.. ..__ ----- '_''''_ ------_.__ ._._---_._------.-... " ...... ,.~ ... _--._ ' ... --.--~-.-.-- ... ,~- _---

2,606,148 1,318,H52 ],287,H~6 27.470 11,377 16.093 16;376 7,]23 H,253

Adjacent States Oth(.,r parts of Ind.ia ---"_--' ",_,---- -_ .... _-_ .. _-_.------_._-- _------... _,,~------.. __ ...•. - '_ ...... -_ ... _."-_ ...... ,,_.,_,-- PArsons Males "Females Persons Males :Fernales ----_._._-_._. __ .__ ._ ... - .-- ... _... _,,_. __ ._-_._"----- 10 11 12 13 14 15

36,160 19,026 16,134 :,156 679 " 477


Pakistan Other territories --- Peraons Males Females Persons ')lalee Females

16 17 18 19 20 21

2,.06' 1,231 823 76 66 21 104

I)-Distribution of population between vlllages ------Number in Number per 1,000 rural population in Villages with a population Populatlion Villages of :--~ per per 1,000 village of general --'_"'--- --,._... ,---- Population 5,000 and 2,000 t,o 500 to Under over 5,000 2,000 500 -----'.,_,._--,-._-.,_----- 1 3 5 6 ----_.__ ... _,-_._-,_._.__ .. --- 530'31 933 11 150 465 374-

6-Number per 1,000 of the population and of each Livelihood Class who live In Towns

Gem.lral Population LIVELIIIOOD CLASSER (No. per 1,000 of _•.... _, ,_ .._ .... _- " ...... _--_ .. , ... "._.. _-_.,---- general population who live in towns) 1. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII.

..... _-----_..... __ ._ .. -.... - ._-_ .. ------I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --' .. _._----- '- ---_._,--- 67 15 16 27 114 204- 308 429 319

'7-Agrioultural ClasMs per 1,000 persons of general population, number In each class and sub-class of 10,000 persons o,t all agricultural classes

NUMBER PER 10,000 OF ALL AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------_._------.,_._--,------Agricultural Total elaeses ------,-I.--Cultiva· II.··-Culti- III.--Culti­ IV.-Non­ per 1,000 Self Non· Earning tors of land vators of land vating cultivating persons of supporting earning dependants wholly or wholly or labourers ownel'B of general persons dependants mainly owned mainly un- and their land, population and their owned and dependants agricultural dependants their rent receivers dependants and their dependants

1 2 3 6 7 8

832 3,209 6,392 399 6,141 1,131 2,611 117 105

8-:N'on-agrloultural classes per 1,000 persons of general populatlon, number In each class and sub-class of 10,000 penons of aU non-agricultural classes, and number of employers, employees and Indsp3nlient work­ ers per 10,000 seIf .. supportlng persons of all non-agricultural classes. - ...... "" ...... -"'-.. --... ------.... ~------.---...... "...... ~--.....,.._--.... -.__....., .. ,.,...... ---.-- .. ,-.~ ..• , ..--.-.,--~ ...... ,-.-. __ ...... ,. .. __ .. . N on-a.gricul turnl Nmnber pel' 10,000 persoflFl of aU Ilon.ngrieuU,UI·u,1 classes por 1.000 ('lasRes v. VI. persons of gOflf:)ral 11I'od uet.ion populat.ion othor t.hull C\)nlHwt'eo Helf,suPJ)(JJ' g N OJ l.narning Eur'lling ,'ult,iva-t.iml pel'AOtlH dnpendantH d("11 ){~IHJnjlt H

1 2 3 4 t)

16H ti,H40 4:!l

VII. VlJI. Nunlber pOl' JO,O()() Hdf ptWHOHA of n1l nOIl-ngt'j(,lllt,uru,l Ot-hol' cl~tRRC'H TT't\"l~portJ f.lBl'vi(~H8 alld IniA(,pllanoollA ~OUJ'ee8 EmployeeH 11 1(101'1->I1<..iol1 t, ( nhOl'H workorH

7 10 11 12

1,056 a,151 f),U II IK:!

9-Persons per 1,000 houses and houses per 100 square miles

Porsons l)er 1,000 IIo1l80S .. _-" .... --_. ------

General f{.\H'al Urban HOUR('8 pOl' population populu,tioll populat.ion 100 Hq. miles

__~_~_._~ •. 4 .~"_'."'_- . ____ -- ______• ___._-~_ ...___ ---.,_ ••-_ .~ _____.• ____.-. ______.• __ ...... ,.rr . ___ .~ ___ ._. ___ . ____ ",,_ ... _•• ____. __.. _.. __ ...... _. ' .• '_' • _ ...... _ 1 2 3 4

(),394 6,44J 5,806

10-Distribution, by slse, of 1,000 sample households of Rural and Urban population

RURAl.. ----_.-----.._'" "._._ .., ...... -. __ .. _- ____ ..• _- ~ .. - .. _.... _._- _.. ___ .__ ._.. _---_ .--..... --.-~.-,- -_._-_._--_._-- _.. .,,_ .. _.._----_-_._._. __ .. _--_.. _-_..• _ Smal1 Medium, Ltlrgo Vory lu,I'ge

Household 3 numbers 01' 4·--.6 numbers 7·-H numbors 10 number's or population less more - .. _------_._-- ---'-'--'-'-"'-'~- ~-. - -_.. _------_,._ .. _------,_,,- .._-~----- Persons Males FemllleM N umber Persons Nun1bor Persons Number PerRons Number Persons ---_._.---_ ...,-_ ... ".------_.... __ ._--...... _...... -,_, -- ,-----~-- --_ .. ,_- .... ~ .... ------_--.. _~,~.-".------_ ----...... --. __ .... _...... ___ ---~- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 ...... -•...... _._- .. •.. ._---_.______--_ _ ._-_._--_ ..... _. -- ~------.._------._--_._ .. _... _.. __ ._._._--- 5,904 3,015 2,H89 279 58U 368 1,816 2H 1, .., 77 1, J'!

URBAN .---.----.-''"--.~----.-.----- .. --.-.. - -_------...... ~------~-.- SmH,n Medium Large Very large .~_v, .... _ .. _ ,---,_-,_ ------,._,.,--- Household 3 number or 4-6 IlUmb'3ra 7 --) n~tn:Br~ 10 n 1,n'Br:-1 or Popula.tion Joss rnorc ---.-._ ,_,_ ----_-_ ----- _._------.~- --- "-'- ---_... _ --_._------Persons Males Fernales Number Persons Number Paraons Number Persons Nllmber Persons ---_.. __ ._ .... ,._----_._---- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

6,2ts9 3,333 2,926 333 816 379 2,074: 186 1,592 III 1,778 106

11-hmlly composition of 1,000 households of General Populailon

Ham pIe houst.lhold populat.ion Heads of households Soneof Da.ughter Othel' male o thor and their wi ves heads of of h(~ads relations female ---'---'---'------11()ll9K~1l()lcLs of to hends of relations to households households heads ()f PerS()IlS Males Females Males :F'etnales households

-----_.. _. __ . ".- ' .... -•... _._ 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 ----_._-_._-_._._-_... _._. __ ._._--_ ...... _...... -.'" ._--_._-

5,037 :l,040 H4G 773 1,:!20 842 864 1,270

12-Females per 1,000 males (General, Rural and Urban) and composition wIth previous censuses

General PopUlation. Hural Population U l'ban Populat.ion -.. _._ --~------_ .... -..... _-

HJ51 1941 IU3t 1921 IH51 1941 1931 lU21 1H5L 1041 1 n~~ l 1021

< ,._.,_ -.----.~---,.- ...... ,-,.----.-- ..- .. ------1 2 3 4 {) () 7 8 H 10 II 12

97H ~J81 9H5 1,029 984 985 1,0 l2 l,03:! HH:l tlOH 893 U()·;!

is-Females per 1,000 males In Agricultural classes and sub-classes

All Agricultural Cltt.'!Il:Jos J . "--Cultivator.'! of land wholly or lI.-Cu}t,i ';ators of Innd wholly 01' Inainly owned ancL their depondants luainly ull-ownod and their depon­ danta

Self NOll­ Eu.rning Self NOIl- Earning Self Non- Earning support­ earning d(~ptm. support,­ earning dep(m­ SUppOl't- flUl'n iug depcn- Total ing depen­ dante Total ing depen- dEmt.s 'rotnl jug dnpen- du.llts persons dants persons dants persona dunt,s

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12

993 517 ] ,348 1,228 9~1 512 1,351 1,320 H82 583 1,22B 1,01 ]

------._------_._--_ ... --- ...... _--- _...... ------III.-Cuitivating labourers and their dependants OWUt'lrs of land, agricultural rent receivers und their dependants.

Self Non- Self Non.. Total supporting earning Enming Tot,al earning Earning pet'8ons dependants dependants---- persons dependants dependants 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1.024 499 1,390 1,11' l.ll~ 668 1,4:85 1,778 107

14-Female~ per 1.000 males In Non-agricultural classes and sub-classes

All non.agl'ieu It u "a1 e1aR:ilt)S V.·- ··T1J·oduction (otlWl' tha.ll V I..-CoIUn1eI·C'e cultivat.ion) ._--_._------_... _-----_. Ht,lf Non­ RUl'n­ ~f'l f- Non- Earll- NOll-­ Tota.l support­ earning Ill~ .. ' support.. oarning ing Totul HUll.port. earning jng ing ({epen­ dt~ptm­ iug depeJl. (lep('l)- 1I1.ll dnpoll- d(ljJfm­ perMonFJ dant~ dantH POJ"F.lOllA duutK dont,H .1 )('r80nA dantH dUllts . ,-.. _, .. ------.. ...__-.-----.. -.. ~.- 1 3 4 f) _ .... __ ._-- 7 10 11 12 .------.... -~~.-- -.. ---- ._---_._-_ .--~ ... _------_.... _------,--- ...... _ ...... ,... _-- 909 1,3.:?3 l,k03 .:?ti-t· l':Wl 1. !l50 :W4 .1,252 2,218

VIr. -Trrm~port VI1 1.-Other 1-\('l'VieuH und rni~('ellUJwoUH BOUf('(-lA ...... - ... ------_ ---.-.----~ ..... -... ---.------.--- Hf'lf Non. Earning Self NOll. Eut'lling 'Total sUl lport,j ng OftI'll iug (lcpondau·t.s AU pportillR ('.m·j ng dopenda.nts pt'f'~ons d(~pelldn~JltR pl't'~OIl~._-_._-----_._---- clopctldl-lllts 13 14 15 10 17 18 IU 20 ------_---_. ---.------841 1!)7 1 ,33!) 237 1,401 108


1950 1949 1l)48 1947 104:6 1U45 __ .. _"," .. _--_.- ._-_--- --..----- Ra.infall No. of Rainfall No. of H.aiufall No. of Hainfall No. of Rainfall No. of Ruinfall No. of ~ in rainy in ruiny in rainy in rainy in rainy in rainy inches days inohes days inches days in(!hcs days inches days inches days

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 10 11 12

42'64 46 44-33 47 58'18 56 37-00 4; 58-55 54 47-04 52

1944 1943 1942 1941 ---- Rainfall No. of Rainfall No. of HainfaU No. of Httinfall No_ of in rainy in rainy in rainy in rainy inohes days inches days inchos days inches dayr.l .-----...... _ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

50·56 62 38'18 55 51'45 57 38-18 48

CULTIVATION (a)-Classiflcation of land

Total area in Net area Area. sown Curren1, Area under Cultural Not avtlilablo acres (Geographical sown nlOre t.han fnllows orehaI'd wtlste foJ' area including once eulti vatioll unsurvoyed) _----~--.,. -- I 2 3 4 5 f) ._-_._-7 2,820,032 1,734,752 940,460 81,137 3H.87H 73,14H SnI,]J;'

(b )-Progress of cullvatlon durIng three decades

A verage not, aroa sown in aCTOR Averllge area sown nl0I'O than once in tt,cr(~s

1951 1941 1931 lU21 lU51 1941 19:n 1921

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1,734,752 1,436,440 1,536,400 1,619,080 940,469 350,000 387,580 440,940

Average net area irrigated in. 8eres

1951 11:)41 1931 1921

9 10 11 12

897,014 730,726 806,047 680,176 -_-- ...... '.,,_ ... --_._ NOTE- (i) The figures are bM6d on 1.he averages for five crop-years preceding the census years, 1961, 1941. 1981 a.nd 1921. (it) The 1951 figures are based on ellumerationcarrjed out by the staff of the Agricultural Statistics Department. The earlier figures are based on reports obtained through Chaukidars (RUl'a! Police) and should be regarded as under-est·imates. 109

(c) Land area per capita (1951) ; and trend of cultlvatJon per capita during three decades

La.nd aroa per capit.n 1951 Ar{'~ll. of (lultivllt.ion per capita (in cents)

---~-. Total land area AT'ell. cult.ivated and pt.,r eapita cultivahlo per (Oapittt 1951 1!>41 1931 1.[121 (in cents) (in conts)

1 2 3 4 5 6 ._-._ .... _..- .... _.._.--_._-..-. -

105 70 60 58 70 74

(d)-Area under Principal Food Crops

Area (ill ll,('res) UllCloT- _. __ .. _.. _------_---_ .. _. Rico Wheat. Muize Gram Arhar

1 2 3 4 5

1,110,060 317,342 23.722 366,000

NO·.l'E---The figures are based on I:... verago for fivo years onding with crop yoar 104U·50

(~) Distribution of 1,000 Agricultural Holdings iy size of Holdings

(BaRed on sample survey of size of holdings, 1951)

Exceeding '50 ExeO(:lding Exeeeding Exeo("Kling Exceoding Up to ·50 acre and 1 a·ere and 2 aCl'AS and 3 acres and 4 ncrPH flnd acre up to lo.ero up to 2 U.erOB up to a acres up t.o 4 ue I't'H up to r; u.. cs'os ------_•. __ ._-_._------_... _----_... _------_.. __ ._---_.. _-_._. __ ...... ---_ ..... __ ._------1 3 4 6

290 162 209 103 4H 27

14;xceeding Exceeding Exceeding l~~xeeedjng }~xeeoding 5 acros and 10 acres and 15 acres and 30 acre8 and 1)0 serUM up to 10 acres up to 15 acres up to 30 acres up to 50 acres --_ 7 8 9 10 11 88 33 19 11 --- 110


(a) Distribution of

CaUle Buffaloes

Calves of Muon Calves of three DISTRICT Yt1arR and undm' years and under and Buns Working Cows Bulls Working Cows SUBDIVISIONS Bullocks Bullocks Males Fmnales

... --"" ~.-- ,,_ .. _---_._".- ..----.--- .... _.. _ .~- -,_,----- .--. ----.------_. __ ._ - - .. _- .. - '. - ....• .,.-_.-- 1 .)... 3 4 () 6 7 8 ft 10 11 r ••••• _ .. ,. __ ~_'" _~ ___• __ "_.,, .... _ ...... _ ,._,,_, ______.-- ______• __ .~,,_ r.'_' • ____- _-_ .--. --

DISTRICT 121,193 381,413 265,415 102,413 98,674 3,874 1,932 185,415 44,992 69,468 RURAL 12,038 376,694 259,411 100,199 95,835 3,822 1,915 183,708 44,677 68,791 URBAN 155 4,719 6,004 2,214 2,889 52 17 1,712 315 677

SADAR 4.~50 87,126 51,983 24,657 24,445 1,232 264 58,207 12.639 20,487 Rural 4,2.28 85,OHB 49,811 23,807 2:1,:l50 1 ,-_')')') .... 260 fi2.400 1.2,500. 20,l4tS Urban _.),).. 2,027 2,172 850 1,01)5 10 4 1')02 1m} 34l

BHABHtJA 2,404 01,044 71.47:l 25,261 21.750 432 21.6 30.780 8,0:17 n.74U

Rural 2,3H7 91,423 7] ,036 25,070 21,0H{\ 411 24H 30,fHW 7,H74 H,721 Urban • • 7 5.21 4:J7 186 154 21 7 II!) . 63 26

BUXAR 2.013 66,102 4(),53R 19,620 21,277 ()()O 321 29,090 7,f)S:J 15,897

Rural 1,952 65,043 44,973 ] 8,934 20,382 593 :no 29.351 7,f)28 If).732 Urban 61 I,OaH 1,565 686 805 7 2 344 f)5 165

SASARAM 3,526 136,241 95,421 32,875 31,202 1,610 I,O!)! 71,728 ] 6,733 23,338

Rural 3,461 135, 12~ 93,59] 32,383 30,507 1,596 ],087 71.2~H 16,64!l 23.192 Urban 65 1,112 1,830 492 695 14 4 447 88 146

(b)-Dlstribution 01 certain lmportant thousand 01

Livestock per

Number of Cows She Persolls buffaloes

I 2 3

2,688,440 99 69 111

LIVESTOCK CENSUS. 19151 Livestock and Poultry

Of,her Bavino animals Othor an imals Poult,I'Y

.-~~~.-----.---.-.--.•. ---...... --.. -----

'I'OTAL LIVE· Borselll STOCK Shoop and Mules Donkeys Camels Pigs J.j'owls Du('ks TOTAL Ponie8 POUL· THY

12 13 14 15 Hi 17 1H IH 20 21

76,813 146,800 8,898 362 7,777 229 16,710 1422,878 111,147 4,244 115,391 75,962 138,655 8,478 338 7.290 226 15,838 1393,872 102,789 8,699 106,488 851 7,645 420 24 487 8 872 29,006 8,358 545 8,903

20,7H7 46,SOI :3 ~:3:! f) lit; !!,[)J:J 42 U.OOO !302,IH[) 2S,f}4:~ J ,Ofir, 2H.nH8

20.64B 4:1, ()2tl a.~ 17 ]74 2.3~12 42 8.!)~W :H>1,4fll 2,1),03K H:I:4 25,87l HH :J,175 JOn ., 171 41·j. J I,4G4 :l,tlOi'i 222 3,827

1:i,632 ] n,4HH J ,[i70 42 1,HI4 :1 1,23H 2UB,f3H4 2f).2fi7 1,lH8 26,4-05

13,G4:! IH,]{)O I,GI H 41 1,!)K3 3 1,220 2\17 ,HI!} 24.214 1,142 25,a!'m HO 3:~H 54 1 31 10 2,O(i5 1.043 56 I,O!)O

14,G1 H 24,701 1.n03 65 I,OH I 138 2.2G3 255,016 14,:,n 2 two 14,902

14,4G3 22,H03 1,7f):? 57 1,553 1:35 2,071 247.441 12,157 G78 12,735 (HI :!, j 88 l,tI 8 I ~l8 :J 102 7,075 2.05!} 112 2,IH7

27,805 ;)r,,20H 2.0HH 79 I,H50 46 4,211 50fi,23:i 4:l,O:35 J .301 44,:336

27.:J2l f)3.2f)() 1,08:3 ()(j 1,812 46 3,Hu5 4!J7,321 4I,:HW .~ 1.140 42.fl:W 544 1,!t4:1 J J n 18 J47 256 7,HI2 1,4:>5,1) ]f);) J ,HIO

.. .- . ---...,. ~--~--.--.------. -, - .. ~ .--- ... _.,,-...... ------.... ~.-, .._.---- '-- . -' '-, __

Categories of Livestock and Poultry per Population

1,000 Pf."TSOIlS

Goats Sheep Poultry

------4 () 6

55 29 43 112

(0) Variation tn the number of maln classes of Livestock (including

Total Cattle Male Cattle Female Cattle Year Net Net Net Popula.tion Variation Vari o.ti on l)opulation Variation Variation Population Variation Variation

1 2 3 4 ts 7 8 9 10

1920 812,684 379,225 232,178 1925 821,602 + 8,018 392,746 +-13,521 231,165 -1,013 1930 846,870 +25,268 399,707 + 6,961 243,693 + 12,528 1040 772,643 -74,227 374,460 --25,247 196,360 -47,333 1945 666,450 -106,193 345,BIO --28,550 170,109 -26,251 1951 860,]08 +lH3,658 +47,424 393,606 + 47,(i06 + 14,381 265,415 +!)5,306 +33,237

------,------,.. ,'------_._------.. ------,_",,_

.. ------• .. --~- ... ,.,...... - Cow Buffaloes Young stock f:oihoep Goat,s (Buffalo calves) ------Popu- Net Popu- Not Popu- Net Popu- Net lation Variation Varia.tion lati,on Variation Variation lat,ion Variation Variation lation Variu.tion VnriaHon 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

144,460 •• 93,350 107,879 45,6UH 158,309 + 13,849 105,093 +11,743 129,711 +21,832 145,876 + 100,177 172,553 +14,244 112,742 +7,649 119,329 -10,382 83,790 -02,077 151;,516 -21,037 109,788 -2,954 138,386 + 19,057 108,860 +25,070 137,522 -13,994 87,005 -22,783 64,058 -74,328 58,867 -50,002 185,415 +47,893 +40,955 114,460 +27,455 +21,1]4 76,813 + 12,755 --31,066 146,300 +87,438 + 100,601 113

Po~try) in Shahabad District durLng the years 1920 to 1951

Young stock (calves) Total Buffaloes Male Buffaloes

. --,------~,-, .. ,-" Net Net Net Population Variation Variation Population Vari tl.ti all Vlui ation Population Variation Variu,t.ion

------~ ... ~------~" ...... ,----~-... -. 11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 •. _----- .. -P------.. ~ _____ ,____ .-...... _4. __.

201,281 250,6H8 12,888

197,691 -3,5HO 278,:~45 +27,647 14,943 +2,055

203,470 + 5,77» 2U(),:.186 + 18,041 1l,0~n -3.852

20] ,823 --1,647 263,r,92 -32,7B4 2,288 -~-'-"',803

150,431 -51,:lH2 233,420 ····30,172 8,8n3 +6,605 201,087 + 50,656 -104 305,681 + 72,261 +54,B83 5,806 -3,087 -7,082

_. __ ...._------

Pigs ~~owla Ducks

Net Net Net-- Populti,t,ion Variation Vfl"iatioll Pop ulu,ti.on Variation Va.riation Population Variation Variation •. -__--- --.".. ~-...... ----- 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 :m 40 ---_._--_._-----_._--- ...... ~,- ~ .. ---._---~".,-

•• 38,820 .. 20,614 -H,206 H4-,200 • • 3,2fln •• .. 16,710 -12,904 -12,904 111,147 + 16,947 + 16.947 4,244- -+-H45 +045 114


Number of osta.blishments Number of handlooms in tt,xtile estahlishm£'llts Total

------~--.--- nmnber Over 6 Over 3 Less RUVOl! of Description of Over 9 lnonths months than CoUon Silk 'Vool i 1)(' hi'd i]1 g OOI\'T8 cshtblif h­ establishment months but less but, less 3 staple' Illellts thanuiuo than six lllonths fibro yal'll ------_... _------.-.• -.---....--- .. --.--.-,.~-.... ""-~-.. ------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]0 II

Gotton woaving 1,576 ] ,576 ------_,- --_.. _------_.. _-,_.

CENSUS OF SMALL INDUSTRIES TABLE II Employment in Textile EstabUsbments

Number of persons cmp)oypd ------_._------Total Industry group no. of ( Code No. a.nd oatu,. Total -_._-,_,,,----_ .. ---- -_. ----.---.- blish. Ilumll(~I' 'rotal Boys Men Tota.l Girls mOllt, ------_._----_.... -._._ .. _.. " ------.------,- ... ------~.--.. ---.'.-..-- W. T. P. '1'. 'Va T. 1). T. ",r. T. P. T. W.T. 1). '1'. '\T. '1'. P '1'. W, T. P. T. W. '1', P. T. ... ,.. - ..... - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 If> 16

2·62-Cotton spinning, 1,576 2,060 153 1,611 112 410 4H 1,201 63 44H 41 34 10 415 31 sizing and 8W8ving 115


{Based on Infolmatlon furnished by the Labour and Indus­ (Based on Information furnished by the Labour and Indus­ tries Departments) tries Departments)

Deseri ption DISTRICT No,of DCH(·ript.ion DISTRICT No. of of nnd Numbm' pel'AOllH of and NUluber pt"'rsons Illdustlry I'lubdi visionA f'mployod InduRtry Nuhdivisions employod

-_."------_._-_ ..,,--_ .... - ...... -__ ,,--_. ---_._-._----- L 1 .)... 3 4

Rice, Flour, Oil and DISTRICT 156 937 Asbestos DISTRICT 1 250 Dal MUls Hadnl' ~45 HaMil Y'fLm 250 BUXUf' 243 NUSfl,raIll :~74 Chemicals DISTRICT 2 289 Blutbuu 7[) SU!'5ltl'l'trn Sugar Mills DISTRICT 8 2,423 Soap making DISTRICT 1 25 Buxul' 1 2[)() Ha.liuraUl 2.17:l Hadttl' 1 Confectionary DISTRICT 61 RaHways DISTRICT 1 50

01 NU,lmrarn 1 50

Manufacture of Ice DISTRICT 2 18 General Engineering DISTRICT 6 624

HaduI' I H Buxu.r 1 106 NU8ttraIJ1 1 10 Sttsltrmu r, {as

Wool In1ustry DISTRICT 1 8 Automobiles DISTRICT 1 22

Ha~al'nlll H Hadal'

Talloring DISTRICT 1 550 Printing DISTRICT 2 58 Buxnr 1 !)[)O Radar 1 20 Wood working (Pack- DISTRICT 1 66 SU,Su.ranl 1 :13 ing of Boxes) I ut). Electricity generatIon DISTRICT 2 271

Paper and Paper pulp DISTRICT 8 1,237 ~f1(IH,r 1 23 HURaram 1. 24H 1,237 Water PumpIng DISTRICT 1 20 Cement DISTRICT 2 961 Works Hudur I 20 2 unl UnclasslOed Indus- DISTRICT 1 2 Spun pipe and Poles' DISTRICT 1 a3 tries. SaSltl'ltlll 1 33 Sasaram 1 2



Index Numbt)rs

Year Month Riee Wheat (Red) Granl (Medium) ~ Hien Gra.m

------~------""._---,_... 1 2 3 4 I ,------~--.--'.~----.p ... ~'.---- ... "...... '.-~' ...... -,_._--~-----.'~----.,_ ..----

l{,A. a. p. Us. u. p. RH. u.. p.,

1041 JallUu,ry 4 13 0 a 4 0 Fobruary 4 10 0 300 ] 15·f)

Mu.reh 4]0 (l 280 Ilo'H

Apr'i) 4 10 0 2110

Ma,;,' 500 2 11 0 125'0

.111110 5 10 0 340 140'6

.luly 550 :~ 4 0

August () 4 0 360 15()'2

Sept~mber 530 ;1 f) 0 129'7

October 530 3 t) 0

Novembel' G (~ 0 360 134'4

December 560 3 11 0 134'4

IU42 January 520 3 11 0 12H' ] February 520 3 {) 0 128' ]

March 530 3 n 0 April 560 300 May 560 320 June 700 360 175'0 .July 700 420 175'0

August 740 500 181'2 September 700 580. 175'0 October 7 () 0 580 175'0

November • • 700 580 175'0

December , . 740 700 IS1'2 • •

1943 Ja.nuary 740 700 181'2 • • February • • 7 12 0 700 103'S • • ·. 9 10 0 600 240'6 March ·, '9 10 0 980 600 April 240'6 • • • • Ma.y 9 10 0 11 8 0 880 240'6 ·. ·. June 25 8 0 18 0 0 15 12 0 637'0 July 22 8 0 IS 0 0 15 8 0 562'5

August 22 12 0 18 0 0 ~4 8 0 668·S

September . , • • 18 0 0 18 0 0 12 8 0 4:50'0 • • 118


Index Numbers Year Month Rice Wheat (Red) Gram ------,--- (Medium) Rice Wheat Gram

1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8

HR. 0.. p. Ita. a. p. Its. a. p.

Ootobor •• 15 4 0 17 0 0 12 8 0 381':1 November 15 8 0 16 0 0 12 () 0 387'0 Deoember 11 8 0 15 0 () 10 12 0 287'5 1944 January .. 12 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 300'0 Februa.ry 12 10 0 15 0 0 10 () 0 315'6 March 12 10 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 April 13 0 0 ]5 0 0 900 325'0

May 11 8 0 10 8 0 780 June 12 10 0 12 4- 0 800 July 12 10 0 12 8 0 8 8 () 315'6 August ·. 12 10 0 ] 2 8 0 {) 0 0 315'6 ., ·. September • • 11 8 0 12 8 0 900 287',5 ·. Ootober 11 0 0 11 0 0 800 275'0 November ·. 10 0 0 II 0 () 800 250'0 · . December 10 0 0 11 0 0 800 250'0

1945 January 10 6 0 11 0 0 800 •• February ·. 10 6 0 11 8 () 800 259'4 March • • 10 8 0 11 8 0 800 262'5 April ·. ·. 10 14 0 11 8 0 ROO 271'9 Mav.. • • 11 0 0 11 8 0 800 ~75'0 June • • • • 11 0 0 11 8 0 800 275'0 July • • ·. 11 0 0 11 8 0 ROO 275'0 , August • • 13 0 0 11 12 0 H 12 0 325'0 September ·. 10 6 0 11 12 0 980 October • • 10 6 0 . , 980 259'4

November • • 10 6 0 11 12 0 980 259'4 .. December ·. 10 6 0 11 12 0 it 8 0 259'4 .. 1946 •• January • • 10 14 0 12 0 0 9 12 0 271'9 February 17 0 0 12 0 0 9 12 0 425'0

March • • , . 17 0 0 12 0 0 9 12 0 425'u April ·. • • 10 14 0 12 0 Q 9 12 0 271'9 ·. May • • • • 10 6 0 11 8 0 9 12 0 259'4 · . June • • ·. ,10 6 0 11 8 0 9 1.2 0 259" ' , . • • 119


Index Numbors

Yea.r Month Hioe Wheat (Red) Gram (Medium) RiCt1 Wheat Gra.m ---_._------_.__ ._-- 1 2 3 4 7 8 -_._------_.__ ._------_ ..... _".,,------_._--_._--- Its. a. p. B.s. n. p. lts. a. p.

July 10 () 0 II 8 0 9 '" 0 ••

August, 1:~ 12 0 J4 8 0 16 0 0 343'8

September ] 3 12 (I ]4 8 0 It; 0 0 843'8

October 13 J 2 0 14 8 0 16 0 0 343'8

Nov(~mber 13 12 0 14 8 () ]6 0 0

December 14 8 0 16 0 0

IH47 .Tunuary 13 12 0 14 8 0 l{; 0 0 343'8 ·. February l:~ 12 0 14 8 0 16 () 0

March 13 12 0 ]3 8 0 Hi 0 0 :l43'8 April 13 12 0 12 12 () 14 0 0 343'8 · . May 18 1 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 4ill'()

June 18 1 0 12 0 0 18 1 0

.Tuly 25 12 0 14 0 0 1.9 2 0 643'8

August 25 12 0 14 8 0 20 0 0 043'8

Sept,ember 25 0 0 26 0 0 20 0 0 625'0 • • October 24 0 0 27 0 0 18 0 0 (}OO'O ·. Novomber 23 0 0 27 0 0 18 0 0 575'0

December 18 0 0 26 10 0 17 0 0 450'0

1948 January 22 0 0 26 10 0 18 13 0 550'0 ·. }"'ebruary 14 8 0 26 10 0 12 0 0 362'5 • • March 17 12 0 20 0 0 11 7 0 443'8 • • April 17 12 0 21 5 0 13 5 0 443'S ·. ... May 17 12 0 21 0 0 14 14 0 443'S • • June 23 0 0 23 0 0 15 O· 0 575'0 July 24 10 0 26 0 0 14 0 0 615'6 ·. • • August 24 10 0 26 11 0 15 4 0 615'6 • • • • September 23 12 0 27 10 0 15 8 0 593'8 • • October 20 0 0 26 10 0 15 8 0 500'0 ·. ·. November 18 12 0 24 8 0 13 5 0 468'8 • •

December 17 12 0 22 13 0 14 8 0 '43'S • • • • 120


Index Numbers

Year Month Rice Wheat (Red) Gra.m (Medium) Rice Wheat Gram _----- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s -.------.------~------.------Re. a, p. Rs. 8.. p_ Re. 8.. p. 1949 January 20 0 0 22 14 0 13 14 0 500'0 -. February 20 0 0 26 0 0 16 0 0 500'0 , . March 21 0 0 25 0 0 14 9 0' 525'0

April 21 10 0 22 14 0 13 5 0 540'6

May 21 5 0 25 5 0 13 5 0 532'8

June • • • • 19 0 0 22 14 0 12 13 0 475-0 • • • • July 21 0 0 22 8 0 13 () 0 525'0 , . August 19 0 0 22 14 0 14 8 0 September 21 5 0 20 8 0 13 5 0 ·. October 21 5 0 20 8 0 13 /) 0 532'8 · - .- November · . 20 10 0 21 5 0 13 5 0 515'6 December • • 19 6 0 21 4 0 13 8 0 484'4 1950 January • • -- 20 0 0 21 0 0 13 0 0 500'0 February 21 0 0 22 14 0 17 12 0 March ·. 22 14 0 24 10 0 16 13 0 571'9 April 24 8 0 22 8 0 15 0 0 May 24 0 0 22 0 0 14 0 0 550'0 June ·. 24 8 0 23 0 0 15 0 0 612'5 July 26 0 0 22 0 0 18 0 0 650'0 August 26 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 650'0

September 26 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 650'0 O(.;.~ber • • · . 26 11 0 25 0 0 22 0 0 667-2 -. November • • ·. 27 0 0 25 0 0 21 0 0 670-0 December • • • • 27 0 0 25 0 0 20 o 675'0 PART II VILLAGB

Total number of persons Literates enumerated ,Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in oocupied ,_----_._._ no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males b"'emales.

--~------_.. " ,------_._--_... _.. _- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

~ P.·S.-ARRAH MUFASSIL 1 Sundarpura Barja is 498 293 2,271 1,128 1,143 213 2 Pipra. 7 292 92 725 325 400 57 3 Ijari 8 147 33 167 78 80 22 4 Balhakul 9 311 53 432 214 218 10 5 SaJempur U 11 808 293 1,906 U47 959 213 6 Tetaria 13 229 124 664 389 275 179 7 Parkhotampur 15 319 51 352 157 195 65 8 8 Bakharia 16 76 182 1,111 554 557 197 10 9 Manpura 18 t-!8 76 582 292 2$}0 85 9 10 Daryapur L, U 20 513 96 1,051 531 520 175 6 11 Sarsewan U 35 65 563 260 303 117 4 12 Basantpur Rampur .. 36 765 221 1,769 870 899 347 42 13 Basantpur 37 260 104 686 400 2~6 100 14 Rampur Mathia. LIt 40 211 79 563 283 280 50 4 15 Gheghta. 41 100 41 329 151 178 15 16 Mohkarnapur L U 59 63~ 4J. 221 130 HI 7 17 Bhakhura ~, M, R 61 828 205 1,341 67() (~71 198 5 18 Dumaria t-!8 208 95 761 348 41:l 149 3 19 Bishunpura. L 89 265 86 679 388 291 151 22 20 Birampur L, U, M, R .. 90 1,303 266 1,509 736 773 74 2

21 Makhanpur L 91 253 84 660 300 360 14H 3 22 Makhdumpur 100 780 268 957 479 478 118 20 23 Makbdoompur 106 1,193 101 686 346 340 134 20 24 Pacbrukhia L 109 293 143 72U 369 360 H9 25 Mohaddi chak 110 419 268 1,281 570 771 149 26 Daulatpur L,R,G 111 544 105 .652 336 316 320 35 27 Manikpur L, M, It 113 537 111 1,125 565 560 350 50 28 Babhnauli 114 72 34 185 92 93 33 5 29 Beg Majhauan 115 358 no 560 280 280 130 52 30 Jalpura UtR 118 283 93 600 334 266 147 31 Kishunpura L,B 120 337 lIS 749 318 431 81 S2 Mokhalisa L,G 121 139 973 472 501 175 25 SS Songhata 122 658 100 1,011 581 480 186 {) 34 Mirapur 123 267 84 679 830 340 149 13 35 Pachaina L,R,a 124 253 126 705 391 404 210 35 96 J o.malpur L 126 488 141 764 888 376 140 45 37 PUl"ana Haripur G 128 298 75 369 199 170 45 24 38 Suraundha 131 1,349 212 1,626 787 839 227 16 1"39 Koilwar L,M,R 132 1,383 428 2,383 1,143 1,240 475 259 40 Se.kadbi Q 134 1,251 410 2,519 1,800 1,219 416 13 t,il Kulharia L, M, R, G .. 135 103 470 3,016 1,460 1,556 461 191 42 Kazichak L •. 136 99 93 782 37~ 4,OS 20 48 Songhatte L 138 63 504 274 280 48 •• Cidha U 139 202 1,:794 846 948 804 45 Kritpura L 141 658 210 1,360 698 662 136 12 46 Pardilganj (Brahpur) L 142 246 58 346 148 203 42 .. t47 Kayamnagar (Mathia)L, R,G 144 988 208 1,194 564 630 104 .. 148 Bhadwar L, U, R 147 657 367 2,425 1,269 1,166 387 76 49 Dhandihan L, U, R, G .. 148 1,6054 294 2,092 962 1,180 524 10 60 Farbangpur U, R •• 149 819 III 856 396 459 174 23

, L-Lower PIimaa':Y School. U-Upper Pri:mat!1' School. M-Middle SchooL H-Hip Sobool. ( )-InatitutioD. for Girla~, LV" UU, etc.~UrdtiL, P.. , U~u U. P. etc.. ·123


LIVELIHOOD CLAS.SEB Agri cultural Classes N on.agri oultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (includitlg dependants) who derive thoir Culti vators Cultivators Culti vating Non- principal means of livelihood from- .of la.nd wholly of land wholly labourers culti vating - Serial or ma.inly or ma.inly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned a.nd un-ownod and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commeroe Transport services dependants dependa.nts rent rom,ivors cultivation) and and their mi seollan8ou8 ._-- deptmdants ijOUl'oes 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hi 1 ----


],760 lU~ 2:!4 14 04- 4!) 5 47 1 513 10~ 104 2 124 43 1 a 84 228 B-1 1 :3 8 [) 4 .) ,I) 1,00H n5~ 216 :~ 11 7 ... 403 100 146 .)... l:l (} 282 21 14- 3[' 7 730 100 14H 42 8 H2 8 [) U :~62 I:H 13 65 t) 662 J21 207 12 E 38 10

210 1~H.} 140 .j I 8 11 1,080 162 415 ....)._) _, 20 U 55 J2 357 :WO K5 au 5 H 1a 2H8 134 121 10 14- 23H 35 40 5 7 a JI) 51 70 86 1 1. 12 Hi 704 112 371 6r:,) 25 If) 45 17 347 303 53 35 4 11., 8 18 512 74 73 161 2 ... IH 8')'')... .., 201 225 68 :lU 21 4:i 20

!450 150 74 46 17 10 13 21 031 102 149 20 17 11 18 22 364 150 147 13 7 r, 23 373 90 227 12 4 4 10 24 435 76 700 2l 16 ]4 19 25 414 72 147 3 4 12 2H 711 147 111 66 24 38 28 27 81 24 13 40 14 13 28 300 ]21 6~) 5 19 40 29 411 133 12 5 39 30 466 154 86 8 4 12 19 31 561 185 217 10 32 772 [) 1:~2 ]3 80 33 498 121 30 14 1 8 7 34 600 80 101 1 8 5 35 (1)2 65 195 9 31 12 an 244 69 52 2 2 a7 911 150 435 31 5n 40 38 1,307 156 478 128 33 73 70 138 30 1,918 146 293 63 7 32 4 56 40 2,321 55 262 104 133 44 3 H4 41 488 47 194 9 19 14 11 42 371 4 117 12 48 1,533 63 163 15 10 .,., 10 44 872 172 202 18 14 18 .... 42 45 97 127 16 ".)_OJ 2 82 46 646 117 l56 47 6 ]2 13 197 47 1,553 230 284 24 88 57 8 181 48 1,033 178 891 40 18 48 102 287 4H 400 72 149 ~ 63 10 44 103 50

B-Basic School. SB--Benior Basic Sohool. S-Sa.nskrit Patbshala., G-Gram Panbhayat. ' R,.;_Libraries. 'fP08t.. oiBce. I '. 124

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village in occupied -,,_"' .--.---~-... -.--- no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

----,,,._.,. ___M'_' __ '_ ---,...... __ .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ._ ... _,","_ .. ------P.·S.-ARRAH MUFASSIL-oontd. lSi Nara.hin B,U,R 150 411 153 1,366 683 683 250 107 62 Narbirpur G 152 180 174 973 510 463 90 40 53 Bahigara (Rupoharia.) 153 692 162 033 499 434 184 13 54 Chandi L,U,H,R,Q 154 858 200 1,835 924 9Il 200 100 55 Alipur. L,G 161 756 154 8HI 472 38H 200 t56 Jamira. U,R 162 2,099 561 4,000 1,960 2,040 660 126 57 l'iprahia.n G 171 174 101 606 209 307 50 58 172 329 116 679 313 366 28 59 Bhusahula L 173 202 67 392 206' 186 45 60 Gothahula L 174 728 110 845 446 390 38 61 Diliya. 175 352 40 280 146 143 37 62 Ka.rwan U,R 176 261 184 1,044 541 503 :144 63 Milki 177 114 80 411 210 20) 26 64 Gorna 178 185 128 aa7 176 161 52 11 65 Sarathua. L,R 218 2,143 282 2,210 1,207 1,001 22f5 89 66 Khajuata 224 177 14 143 77 66 19 ] 67 Dariapur 225 216 92 588 263 32f5 132 68 Chakia (L), U, L 226 166 55 371 191 180 49 2 69 Bhelani L 228 651 56 795 3H9 396 148 2 70 Kalyanpur 229 117 43 2U4 109 95 34 2

71 Chorain 230 586 102 705 328 377 135 50 72 Chaurasni 231 208 13 III f50 52 12 73 Sanadia 241 457 199 1,324 566 758 294- 50 1<) 74 Chato.rsain/tur 248 312 112 723 368 355 121 .IioI 75 Gyanpur ( 251 474 120 784 3H9 385 41 12 t76 Daulatpur 252 216 233 1,305 598 707 256 33 77 Lakshtnanpur L,B 253 531 120 818 444 374 138 10 78 Mathwalia. 255 210 49 511 262 24-H 112 79 Basantput' L,M 296 286 104 800 311 489 100 80 Dundhua 257 125 100 674 342 332 107 9 81 Balua 258 78 540 282 258 85 82 Sobhi Dumra L 259 455 133 940 477 462 224 19 83 Sarangapur U 260 704 101 731 378 353 201 16 84 Nirmalpur 261 155 52 416 197 210 III 85 Saidpur S 262 155 44 470 231 239 91 13 86 BheaJ Dumra 264 288 164 1,174 509 665 198 87 Makbdumpur Dumra. 265 416 62 351 171 180 88 .. 88 Jadopur 267 226 16 160 78 82 31 3 t8D I)irauta .. 268 454 67 516 232 284 44 5 90 Pipl'a J aipal 269 1,767 206 1,S37 668 669 176 72 91 Chanmukha. 270 159 28 154 88 66 23 92 Nagopur 271 136 24 225 114 111 27 6 91 Babhnauli 273 107 52 428 217 211 85 31 94 Sanadia kalan 274 1,031 162 1,3H~ 661 658 248' 10 1'95 Ratanpur L 276 262 120 648 324 324 166 96 Ra.tan Dularpur 277 349 38 400 ,200 200 25 97 Ganghar U 278 894 133 890 451 439 97 .. 98 Pande Cbapra 279 171 51 355 174 181 101 8 99 Bakhria .. 280 472 56 452 226 226 155 100 KhUBhalpur 281 202 71 401 201 200 105 2

L-Lower Pl"imary Soh9ol. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle Scbool. H""';'Bigh SchooL (. )-Institutj()n for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L, p~~ Urdu U. P. etc. 125



Agri cultural Cla.sses N on-agricultura.l CI88888 1. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Culti vating Non· prinoipal means of livelihood froln- of land wholly of la.nd wholly labourers culti vating Serial or ma.inly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport services dependants dependants Tont rocei vel'S culti vati on) and an.d their mi sco11 aneOU8 dependants souroes

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1


1,111 105 110 32 toI 51 299 115 4U:i 6 24 36 52 292 104 402 12 In 26 H 72 53 997 141 208 117 20 15 11 320 54 :l50 45 243 125 4 85 65 2,705 155 402 104 133 44 3 304 56 482 6~ 7 4 1 I 4:1 137 452 96 123 ...I} ...) 4 58 178 21 8 5 ISO 09 576 24 107 39 8 12 In 60

68 2H 6H 22 5 H7 61 570 56 277 24 38 7H 62 ~lO7 1 6 I 6 63 311 4 8 14 64 1,371 248 254 34 38 42 ~n 192 61) 9 98 14 In 1' .. 66- 229 172 130 H 8 5 1 34 67 201 10 154 2 4 6S 352 44 361 ...-) 8 2 ...> 24 6St 200 84 10 70 239 Hn 116 21 6 3 :iO 191 71 H2 lU 72 704 102 260 11 11* :i6 12 UO 73 3a2 21 325 2 19 24 74· 409 42 273 9 7 12 .,.> 30 75 712 102 380 18 18 22 11 42 76- 501 41 211 1 II 18 35 77 !l71 21 171 2 7 3H 78 411 41 285 2 11 17 4 20 79 378 52 160 11 18 22 4 2H 80 280 32 ]83 2 11 32 81 421 91 335 12 15 21 4 41 82 303 112 230 21 7 21 28 83 255 .125 30 3 3 84.- 215 7 159 8 3 2 76 85 581 181 24H 19 24 24 12 84 86 192 14 127 2 2 .. 14 87 141 2 17 88 200 52 124 13 4 l) 118 8!J 628 181 327 21 24 37 11 108 90 132 10 12 91 84 21 94 4 6 •• 16 92 190 172 17 49 93 651 141 271 14 19 19 2 202 94.- 232 44 243 4 14 7 1 103 96 125 14 86 5 44 I) 117 96 332 140 345 7 68 9 5 20 97 142 11 164 1 5 32 98 139 21 188 5 75 1 4 19 99 227 11 66 I 45 7 1 48 100

B-Baaw School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathsbala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Lilnariea. tPoat.OfBoe. 118

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

_...... _ ...... ,." ...... ,,-~- .. " .. ----.~.-. --"""~-"'" _,.,_ -_ _ _.- - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 10 -----...... _, -_._ ...... P ,·S.-ARRAH MUFASSIL-contd.

101 Balua 282 301 126 705 344 361 200 15 102 Kal'ari 285 814 27U 1,391 689 702 227 103 M.ohallpUl' U 286 132 42 410 213 In7 96 40 104 Deorhi 287 87 55 375 183 IH2 70 1Of> Karra (Bhadya Kudra khurd) 288 746 63 548 242 206 80 6 106' DUl'aundha 2U:J 354 ]06 7{j7 :U~6 381 1:32 107 Dhobahan 294 3t,8 8H 416 ]93 223 77 lOB Belghat 2H5 233 35 299 158 14J 50 4 109 Jura 296 257 27 233 107 12H 3f) 2 110 Aroma 207 155 17 130 64 66 20

III Ghoradei 298 245 72 515 257 258 H6 112 Ganauli 2H9 144 80 481 241. 240 73 113 Udaipur 300 70 25 168 05 7:3 41 114 Singhi jala 301 176 41 291 149 14·2 6:i 115 Baghi (Pakar Hemantpur) 302 46·1, 5H :3H8 196 202 80 7 116 Agar sauda 303 361 123 784 3B2 392 99 20 117 DharampuJ'o, U 304 322 U6 635 265 ~-nO 151 118 'ferma 305 2tm 26 200 95 105 16 119 Paut 300 657 88 784 aua 391 160 10 120 Basam£\npur 308 163 47 313 156 157 51

121 Semaria L ~i09 123 44 370 184 186 86 122 Milki 310 67 35 328 164 164 46 123 Dhamal' 311 712 172 U60 481 479 167 24 124 Chanda 312 856 75 364 163 201 42 17 125 Saraiyan 313 509 27 209 86 123 8 126 Baragati 316 204 66 379 192 187 50 127 SaS8.l'am 318 830 288 1,943 901 1,()42 303 2 128 Nawada ben :121 ),072 470 2,352 1,121 1,231 32 5 129 !'irozpur 323 133 36, 203 101. 102 26 11 130 Mahuli khhurd 324 163 66 373 186 187 8U 29 131 Nawanagar 326 573 54 401 193 208 70 3 t 132 Karisath L,V,G 327 1,568 464 2,743 1,201 1,542 456 30 133 Amarpur Marwatia .. 328 322 64 391 189 202 86 134 Khajuri U 329 918 172 1,100 580 520 142 9 135 Bara 330 159 33 214 100 114 40 2 136 Kumria 331 246 101 556 276 280 84 137 Pathanpur L 332 302 $)6 474 244 230 140 7 138 Milki 335 67 86 521 270 251 87 10 139 Kausik Dularpur 337 124 46 527 271 256 40 140 Baonpatti 338 1.003 175 ],206 551 655 203 17 141 Bishunpur 339 264 75 431 227 204 76 142 Bibhiganj 340 232 42 174 88 86 22 4: 143 Chitkundi 341 207 24 145 74 71 25 .144 Harnatb kundi 842 269 20 195 99 96 3 •• 146 Masar L 343 2,271 343 2,782 .1,202 1,580 491 38 146 Mahatww:ua 344 319 46 298 148 l50 15 147 Ramtek Dehri .. 845 50 298 150 l48 21 148 Saltar 346 190 24 158 7S) 79 14 149 Ami U,R,G 347 766 134 991 482 509 87 3 150 J·o.itpur 348 1,008 135 883 404 . 479 160 .26

L-Lower Primary Sohool. U-Upper Pr~Plari SohOQl. M.-llid~ .School. H-High Sohool. ( )-:-Intti~utio1!l for Girle. V. Ut1,,,tc._;'_Ul'du l-~~.,/U~du U. P. etc.. 127



Agrioultural Classes Non-agrioultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Culti vators CuIti vating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of mnd wholly labourers culti vating or. mainly or mainly and owners of ------BwiMv. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Produotion Other their their dependants agricultur&l (other than Commeroe Transport services dependants dependants rent reoei vcrs cultivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants souroes 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

P .-S .-ARRAH MUF'ASSIL-contd. 356 47 159 H 19 14- 101 101 742 121. 324 14 81 o 14 86 102 38~ 2 13 3 4: 103 165 a5 121 14 24 16 1M 405 18 81 16 13 1 14 105 257 44- 241 4 51 65 6 99 106 203 21 60 46 3U 6 41 107 92 14 OS 1 6 24 64 108 155 75 1 109 41 5 55 6 23 110

111 24 212 1 3 16 1 147 111 lU8 15 186 4- 15 42 2 HI 112 114 (,4 .. lla 05 4 76 94 22 114 147 25 105 1 1 15 104 IW 245 35 HHI 2 46 67 1 180 116 385 174 25 40 II 117 49 7 98 4t; lIS 215 64 14,2 15 HI 16B 11 77 1.19 101 11 142 1 - 6 52 120 154 24- 112 2 24 15 1 38 121 42 16 99 1 H ()4 97 122 342 IOU 251 6 49 101 4: U8 123 72 127 54 65 12 34 124 10 37 132 2 ..,.)')1': 125 117 242 12 8 126 621 42 789 4 15 211 4 257 127 1,030 ntH 60 B6 14H arm 128 42 1 52 [) 1 101 129 III 24 213 5 20 130

288 10 52 13 9 8 21 131 1,142 221 591 14 160 342 24 243 132 282 43 14- 4 21 9 18 133 500 50 350 30 50 100 5 1(, l34- 75 19 100 10 6 4 135 271 15 210 20 10 30 136 204 10 205 15 10 ao 137 2f)() 21 190 10 10 20 20 138 286 21 20 7 a 10 139 601 25 395 I) 40 25 115 140 278 153 141 94 80 142 75 70 143 105 80 5 1) 144 1.482 240 665 15 l()t 196 15 65 145 298 146 190 8 85 5 I) I) 147 45 4 44 1 8 17 44 148 .647 IS .327 4 .. 149 437 228 20 34 68 76 160

,. ---.- B-Buic School. SB-8enior Baaic School. S-Sanskrit Pat.hahala. G-Gratn. Pancharat. R-Libraries.. t-Poat.·Oftlce. 128


Total number of persons Literates enumera.ted Area No. of Serial N arne of village 'l'hana in occupied -.. ------..----.---- no. no. acros houses ----- l}ersons Males Females Males Females

·~'-~.-.---...·,_·--_.., .... '_.4 __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _, .. _--. __ ._"...... }).-S.--ARRAH MUFASSIL-contd.

151 Garha a 349 ~44 181 1,052 521 531 96 152 Mu,)t,ur 351 363 3n 27:3 144 ]29 3U ]53 Behru Sabnlpur 352 la~ 42 200 ] 10 110 :30 154 Ekauna L, U,R 354 865 14:3 1,10.' 552 552 205 155 Deoriu L. 0 . 35!) 401 220 2,182 1,001 1.181 328 11. 156 Bajr'Uhn :356 270 30 321 IBn If)2 24- 4 157 SHojar 357 332 4ti 373 134 zan 40 15 158 Kharauni 358 376 2r.2 140 112 159 Nima a5n 284 31 326 li')O 176 2fi 5 160 SakI man L 360 358 no 406 247 24B no 161 Kusumba 302 31)4- 68 76t) 380 3SH 162 Surain :363 510 131 826 4J4 412 100 4 t l63 Udwantnagar L. (I.) M. G .. 364 1,545 42B 3,42H 1,OriS 1,770 75 85 164 Bhupauli 36!) 89 18 155 84 7t 10 165 KohI't\ 366 433 3£1 1.53 78 7[) 30 1 166 Ra.ghopnr 367 27H 2fi 207 107 100 lR 167 Sonpura 368 1,027 IB2 1,2B3 fi41 652- ] 20 12 168 Indrspura 36H 314 18 170 86 84 18 169 Birampur 370 547 52 270 143 127 0 1 ') 170 Khiri Tammilki 372 84 "" HS 8 8 tl71 Knsnp L, U, H, R .. 373 2,403 374 2,H44 I,23B 1,405 355 29 172 Sirampur 374 154 16 108 54 54 3 173 Morath L 375 584 HO 4B2 220 272 27 7 174- Bhawanpur 376 ll5 ] 5 :3 2 175 Ekraura L a78 83G 105 6HO 345 345 88 7 176 Baso.uri 379 341 53 336 175 161 47 5 177 Demha 380 483 50 486 224 262 50 t178 Bel aUT 410 4,546 718 4,732 2,221 2,511 476 83 179 Ganj Sripalpur, G 1:l7 1S14 . R8f) 444 441 200 45 - 180 Bela L,U,M,R,L 38 120 856 435 421 218 9 181 Kheel'shian U,M 119 230 88 431 210 221 92 182 Rajapur 112 :l48 :J31 000 455 445 122 183 Sundarpur 116 347 56 35H 152 207 60 2!) 184 Tet,aria 353 221 46 433 224 209 80 1 185 Bhadea 29J 378 114- 855 406 449 168 3 186 Akhtial'pur S 232 321 245 1,367 083 684 302 81 187 MisrauUa 336 102 106 867 437 4:30 132 25 188 Mahdewa :3 104 786 421 365 24 189 Bakri I .. 179 1,100 347 1,901 951 950 299 44 190 Khiri taIlr 371 212 19 123 61 62 7 191 Galpura (Salem pur) ]80 2,735 342 2,007 1,004 1,003 219 192 Pakariabar 233 549 88 52H 264 265 40 3 193 Mahuli 283 1,314 160 1,227 613 614- 480 194 GoIa.kpur (Moviainpur) 125 83 535 264 271 lOG 27 J05 Pipra 307 232 51 302 151 151 29 196 Behra 14 577 )70 1,030 519 520 125 25 197 Gazipur 292 242 96 837 418 419 207 17 198 Siania 223 1,020 274 1,204 602 602 502 14

L-Lower Primary School. U-·Upper Prim.ary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. 129



Agricultural Classes N on-agri cultural Classes

1. II. III. IV. PersOllS (including dependants) who derive their Cultiva.tors Cultivators Cultivating Non­ pl'incipallllOan8 ofli volihood from- of land wholly of land wholly la.bourers cultivating ------...- - ~- Harial or mainly 01' mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned a.nd un-owned and tlwir land I'rociuction Othor their their dependants agri eu Itural (other than Commoreo TrlmSpOl't servioos dependants depondants rent reeoivors cultivatiOlI) and and tht-,il' miscella.neous dep('ndant,g SOtU'(lOS

''_-~'''---'-'''-'--"'---' ,-----,------12 13 14 15 J6 17 J8 1 11 '------,------P.-S .. ··,·AHH,AH MUFASSIL-concld.

H!J4 43 I ,tv 14- 4·1 4 108 HH JS8 74 11 JG:! SH 14 of) I l:l Jrm 224 ] I H 4·17 4 HH JO:.! 4 ~.7 154 102 442 6HO s 14» 2:Jfi 7 :;44- IG5 !J4 4 Hi} 1 24 H4 :11} J5ti m~ !HJ 28 tin 1 74 J57 167 85 ,I fi8 J70 140 o 1 H)!} :271 {)6 142 11 6 100 160 527 70 Wi 4(;7 7 :~4·4 8 102 _.) ') 1,n:W 2!H 807 .. 31 ]:u 6 210 16:l 4» 4 HI) 41 104· 136 10 4 a 165 :J5 11 84 4 24 44- 3 IUO 451 201 411 4!) 142 :l:l Hi7 55 2 H5 1 4 I:~ ao ltl8 41 HB 1 12 42 75 16U 10 170 ] ,276 370 547 12 259 82 5 84 171 14 2 42 1 4 15 I 2B 172 142 13 115 1 2 142 4 73 ]73 5 ]74- 242 41 III 4 45 60 1 180 175 41 12 81} 1 44 7H 4 6H J76 303 U5 88 177 1,842 166 324 145 748 14- ],039 178 342 41 121 74 44- 4 25n 17H a21 12 200 4- 15 80 1 205 180

103 167 22 11 19 42 10 57 181 121 242 406 (; 12 52 1 60 JM2 262 14- 78 1 4- t 8:~ 323 11 68 20 2 J84 514 10 208 82 2f) 16 185 164 72 397 65 125 l5B 385 186 326 378 113 o 3 38 187 121 71 461 ]4. 25 24 70 18R 842 III 452 74 1-')".. 233 14 5:1 189 24 14 44 1 12 34 1 3 190 209 412 191 14 212 342 14 613 191 141 12 211 3 42 67 4 49 102 545 109 342 14 64 91 5 57 194 191 44 113 5 24- 98 I 50 HJ4 101 33 63 I 45 42 2 ]5 195 :J44 142 44] 24 16 45 1 16 Inn 111 89 242 4- 69 78 2 242 197 542 211 241 14 66 75 14 41 19B

B-Basic School. SE-Sonior Basi(! School. S-Sanskrit Pathsha.1a. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Ijibraries. tPost.Oftlce. 130


Tota.l number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N a.rne of village Thana in occupied - .-----'_"'-.------"-­ no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

...... ,.. -,.~-~------,--~.,--. ... ,,_._--- _.,,_ ,,_,"_"_ .-.. -~------" 1 2 3 4 f) 6 7 8 H 10 '--~'-'------_.-- -- P .·S.-SANDESH -

1 Khangaon U,R 155 189 1,373 640 724 351 52 2 Guri 156 34 333 157 176 42 II 3 Man pur 157 31 285 149 136 36 11 4 Koshihall G 158 :~7 :J45 17H 166 48 12 5 Gopalpur 159 60 475 246 229 00 2 6 Lodipul' L,R 160 106 753 305 388 146 4 7 (Mathiapur) Jalpura 180 228 1,611 818 793 :~97 5 8 Ratal1pur 181 150 1,089 525 504 162 7 9 Bishunpur 182 91 725 340 :~85 6H 4 10 Sarifpur 183 144 ] ,231 553 678 183 11 Narayanpur L 185 147 1,004 439 f)f)!) 227 12 Nausagar 186 n ~)3 34 fin 20 13 Nasaratpur 187 190 1,:J74 606 708 2i)4- 14 Chilhos 188 220 1,514 601 823 204 15 Tirkaul 189 155 886 430 456 128 16 Janeosra 190 32 300 138 162 47 17 Alipul'a U,R un 112 831 410 421 Ina 25 18 Salempur 192 26 232 112 120 53 t l 9 Sandesh 193 209 1,538 791 747 230 4 20 Paupura 194 85 545 286 259 71 21 Kandharpur 195 46 502 240 262 105 10 22 Chela U 196 117 733 345 388 llO 2 23 Panreypur 197 28 209 100 .109 40 ...., 24 Ba.ea.uri lU8 23 141 75 06 20 25 Dehra 201 153 1,303 625 678 322 26 Maniachh 202 71 754 363 391 141 27 Bichhiaon B 203 175 1,201 645 646 265 3 28 Dharampur 204 95 834 435 309 ]70 29 Sa:rangapur L 205 115 826 4-01 425 200 50 30 DabJganj 207 45 522 247 275 89 2 31 Rampur 208 121 899 437 462 124 10 32 Kusaray 209 88 771 367 404 75 33 Parura U 210 190 1,458 748 710 310 34 Dewar 211 60 637 333 304 67 t35 Akhgaon 212 150 1,014- 470 544 200 86 Pratap pur L 213 55 768 375 393 195 37 Kholpur 214 85 825 443 :i82 109 88 Debra 215 70 500 312 238 35 39 Badihan 216 66 518 291 227 55 40 Jamuaon L 217 166 1,355 673 682 250 3 41 Sundra 21.9 44 324 ]72 152 43 42 Jahanpur 220 79 526 274 252 60 43 Jokta 221 226 1,723 1,000 723 77 5 44 Dularpur 881 74 451 216 235 61 45 Pipra 382 112 617 294 323 127 46 Kurkuri L 383 154 1,157 574 583 ]74 47 Dubauli 384 52 862 160 202 45 48 J~aghuani 385 70 573 273 300 100 49 Ra-mpur L (J..) 386 111 750 430 300 150 50 Sikatbia 387 44 392 288 104 82 ..

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Inatitution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urd~ L. P., Urdu U .. P. etc. 131



Agricultural Classes Non-agrioultural CIR88es I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Culti vators Cultivating Non- princi pa.l means of IiveH hood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers culti va.ti ng ------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. :no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependa.nts agricultural (other than Commerce Tra.nsport servioes dependants dependants rent l'coei vers oulti vatio:n) and and other miscellaneous dependants sources 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P.·I-;.--HANDESH

6tH 418 2 88 48 11 12a J 74 ] 76 6 ,30 10 a 12 2 ts5 55 01 7 42 11 25 3 125 45 123 H 23 4 100 HW 162 12 HI j) 5 467 35 IHO 2H f) 13 14 6 6:38 250 380 52 I'm . 103 7 486 20H 2:3~ 38 :l5 20 8 294 231 63 70 8 m~ H 829 01 2!)2 10 24 25 10

57:\ 75 151 46 110 11 U3 12 1,O:H 50 IHI 45 ] ao 13 846 3H 2!lH 121 130 51 14 62~ 7 240 1 8 1 15 211 75 14 It) 27H 14 130 12() 63 21~ 17 8H 107 8 18 578 82 11 28 55 25 43H IH 273 43 113 24 40 52 20

:H7 50 1 :15 21 3H4 116 200 13 10 22 W5 44 23 117 24 24 302 687 232 36 12 21 13 25 427 36 248 20 21 26 883 33 262 23 58 32 27 535 148 151 28 824 2 29 370 55 86 ....') 30 487 74 283 1 12 1 41 31 646 125 32 864 60 344 65 125 33 2~5 262 no 34 350 124- 109 320 111 35 378 34 103 14 19 78 142 an 429 396 37 532 11 1 6 38 277 190 51 39 966 229 134 26 40

322 2 .. • • 4:1 2R4 32 197 5 3 5 •• 42 SHl 626 156 II 10 18 9 65 43 262 4 182 3 44 430 00 137 45 404 B22 407 20 4 46 289 5 67 1 47 393 20 126 .. 34 48 509 .. 210 1 21 49 221) 80 29 39 19 50

--.~-- B-Basic School. SB-Senior Ba.aic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. O-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries tPost-Oftice. 182


Total number of personH Literates enumel·a.ted Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied ------_. no. no. acres houses Persons Ma.les Females Males Females

._._--- .----_ .. _-----,_ --_-_ .. ----~--- ~.------_. ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 ----,_.'< .------.~---.-.''''-.. ~- ... ''"'''''':---.-.. --'.... _-_ ... -----'.... -~ .. -,-.. --... ~ .... - P .-S.-SANDESH-concld.

51 Bngwan U,H. :l88 355 1,464 7(jfi 69~ an5 52 Dhawania 380 123 642 33~ ~{O4 8Z ., 53 Baraura L 390 130. H35 403 482 11U 6 54 Chakchyall 3!H 70 599 200 303 U4 7 55 Suari :i93 58 425 202 !!j3 4!) 1 56 Dehri 394 ]2 76 36 40 J7 I. 57 Sht)opur I ... 395 08 702 :321-1 373 .13B 21 58 BahadurpuI' . : 3U6 1#54 ItOn(~ 6mS 400 200 59 Paharpur L 3H7 132 1,020 53-' 4~6 l()(t 24 60 Gaura 398 34, 355 1:')0 205 4U 61 Siknrjan aOH 53 388 Inn 1HZ ]0 62 Buni 400 1Hf3 345 HJH 177 74 63 AraBa 4·0) un 770 404- 37) ]31 90 1)04 27H 22,r) 64 Bunkat 402 87 ' .. t65 !'ouna L~M,R 403 33,;! 1,6SB SG!) 8:14 434 66 Dhobn, ban 40!~ U6 658 :l30 3')')...... 11:1 67 Khauath 405 4:H 775 :W2 4 J:~ 167 68 1\1 israulia 407 182 3t:l 133 100 n:~ ~) 69 Naral1ni 408 51 417 Iftn 218 23 70 Bhagwanpur 40n 66 563 282 281 37 71 KhopirA. l .. (L) 411 158 l,WS lHiO 648 It>O 72 !)a.war L ·H4 l:'~:l 1,134 558 570 127 18 73 Paharpur 415 20 13:J 60 7:J ....">'> - 74 Rudarpul" 416 15 125 62 6:~ H 75 Ekauni 417 45 75 48 27 7 76 Bara 418 40 366 180 186 Go 6 77 Bartiar 4H). 123 601 301 :JOO 50 78 Kordihra .. 420 27 204 104 100 18 t 79 Koriu G,U 421 3n:i 2,373 1,159 1,214- 284 64 80 Khandaul .. 423 25.5 1,63·1 671 H63 156 81 Phulari I .. , G 424- 26H 1,692 872 820 337 82 Bha.t.auli L,G 425 130 822 424 398 135 ·. 83 Ralna.~at'o L,R 427 177 1,101 558 64:i 158 84 Pakhaulia 428 33 266 138 128 41 5 85 Pirjoria. 429 143 776 307 379 66 86 Nilpur .. 431 101 5J8 2:J2 :Jl () 83 87 J-Jaga. U 433 176 1,143 559 584 140 6 P .-S.-BARHARA

1 Pipa.rpanti L 12 168 .1,372 656 716 200 • • ....Q Halua U,H,'R 21 488 2,258 1,134 1,124 344 4 3 Nargada. L 22 156 1,053 482 571 230 ·. 4- Majhauli 23 .. 84 ·655 300 846 96 ·. 5 Tola Acharajrajlal (L) S 24 •• 7U 523 268 255 6 Het,ampur L 25 423 2,400 1,137 1,263 4 lSI) 18 7 Khawalpur 26 } 57 278 117 161 20 8 KhawMpur 29 9 Mouzampur SO 156 940 425 51.5 116 I) 10 Para.stll'ampur U 31 54 383 157 226 41 ()

--,..-...... -'".... ,."" .. ,' .. ,-,-"'., ...... ~,,' ..... --- l:"-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Qirls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P.,etc. .133.>


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agrioultural Classes ------Non-a.gricultural ClaascB I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derivo tlwir Cultiva.tors Culti vatol'S Culti vating Non­ prinoipal means of Ii velihOod from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers culti vaUng .---~------Serial or ma.inly or mni111y a.nd owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production o thor their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce 'rransport services dependants dependants rent recoivers cultivation) and and their miscellaneous ._----_.dependant;H 80urces 11 12 13 14 II) 16 17 18 1 l!. oS. _. SANDESH-.:lOncld.

R27 3l!) :17H 4tl n 7 2 78 51 370 f> ;14- 3 un 141 l')2 472 2·1: 307 24 12 1 29 58 4:)6 4 101 S 18 54 101 228 20 t) M5 74 56 .) 338 :w ~4~ ]f) 24 .21 ... 17 57 437 261 1M 10 75 7H 14 72 58 450 84: 43R :H 14 50 }48 48 41 12 100 60

55 142 JR:!. U 61 305 au 1 3 62 325 42ft 2L 1):1 () 210 204 76 4 4 04 40S 48 Hf) ]02 65 n:i8 374 ,t a:H 6H HH 12 51 27 tW 6:1 3!)3 :313 4 67 24;') 12 OJ 5 68 2f>3 141 Of) 2lU :344 70·

:WH 48f) iJ!)7 4 a 7J tl95 17·1 HHJ 68 G n 1~ 72 1 J20 3 ... n! 8· 108 9 74 11 02 75 1 U (, 312 au 76 37 7 32a 203 8 77 1 78, 20:i 64 212 17(; 1,210 :1 70f) :~ 70 {} 80, 540 181 883 10 2 26 56 47 81 831 222 490 20 144 231 () 23 82 418 108 162 83 366 11 454 98 8 .. !) 84 151 3U 41 22 410 207 86 20 414 14 6 86 94 32 80 49 430 73 442 337 87 p .. S.-BARHAltA

332 140 64 3 100 I 575 14~ ..,., 448 7 It; 182 103 1 62 745 1)7 () 7 262 30 91 .2 601 ] 4 10 25 4 582 33 19 58 31 25 67 0' 323 122 89 2 61 6 1,179 52 S9a 63 115 33 67 .. {~ 186 276 31 4 35 69 \) 819 10 22 281 130

B-Basic School. SB-Sollior Basio School. S-SaIllIkrit Pathshala. O-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t Post· Office. 134

VILLAGB ------.~------~------_&------....------

Total number of persons l.iterates enumerated Area. No. of Seria.l N arne of village Thana In oocupied --.------­ --_'--_ ...... _-.. __ no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Malos Females

... _.. _ ...... -_,_ .---.-.~-- . ._._-----...... --,------_.,_ ~- _-' .. " ...... -- ... -...... --_._---_ -_ .. __ ',._. ... ,_... ,.. " ... _ 0) 1 .... 3 4 5 6 7 8 {1 ...... 10 _ "",_, -_ ._ '-.. ~.---- .. -.. -',....------.--.--.-- . __ .... -- -..-._._._ -_._ P .-8 .-BARHARA-contd .

11 Kudarian 32 71 421 205 216 9l) 12 6 Jagatpur 33 116 786 349 4:J7 III 16 13 Jokaht'i L.R 34 96 677 307 370 US 14- Galchaur I ... 39 155 1,080 573 507 215 15 Jonkhipur 42 141 843 415 428 161 16 Taraiya, 43 403 2,867 1,457 1,410 60~ 17 DeoriE\. L 44 175 1,0/)O 5a7 () 1:3 23H 18 Pakari 96 4:5 190 1,187 /)33 054 25(r 6H 19 Milki 46 6H li72 27:J 2!l9 104 20 Ghaghar 4 47 65 417 275 142 J2B 6 21 Sinha U 4R 65n 5,367 2.577 22 2,700 860 73 Chim"gaon U,R 4U 2B~ 1,928 S)65 n63 323 s 23 Marha 50 63 411 204 207 ]j·t 24 Giyanpur 4 U 51 16U 924 433 491 HHl 25 Semaria. (L), U 25 - 52 15l) I J 17!) (jfjO 629 ]69 .26 Nathrnalput' L,M,R 53 208 1,457 745 712 223 27 Gaziapur U,H.R 54 359 2,217 I ,OS!) 1,162 345 4H 28 SheopnI' 55 83 530 242 28S 6H 29 Tola. Adanrai 56 32 262 134 12S 3{f 30 Gundai (L) L, M, R .• 57 639 3,404 1,611 l,n.S 706 23 31 Paige. (L) L, R 5R 180 1,064 50H 555 32 Louhar khurd 231 [) 62 .. 08 490 216 283 83 2 33 Turki .. fj3 25 162 81 81 9 34 Phanla (L) 64 144 1,058 5{)5 l)5:i 35 Ramtarampur 170 1 65 60 438 212 226 4) 36 Mohanpur Ko.rja. U,R 59 ... 66 155 1,034 495 54:9 270 3 37 Lauhar kalan LU,R 67 126 1,210 621 598 Sabalpur 226 8 38 68 47 294 148 ]46 30 30 Bakhorn.pur Purwana T. R 69 626 3.528 1,804 1,724 419 40 Bakborapur kala.n 70 326 1,729 845 884 310 I 41 Neknam tola. L,R 71 379 2,409 1,289 1,120 275 5 42 Keahopur 72 72 559 268 2fH 180 43 Semariya 18 73 362 1,648 761 887 385 H4 44 Dasuchalc: 75 82 273 151 122 H 45 Barhara 76 140 1,776 037 83B 210 1 t46 Ekauna L,R 77 383 2,617 1,193 1,424 607 47 Kapur Diara. L 40 7R 218 1,427 653 774 208 18 48 Kuiyam 7H 71 502 217 280 Ra.mpur 89 49 80 130 77H 384 395 141 71) liO Kajichak 81 Btl 671) 304 371 71 ....1)9 51 Chatar (Mirganj) L,U 82 ... 218 1.53" 753 781 222 52 Ramsaha.r L,U 32 83 285 1,255 573 682 2ga 108 53 Mtl,tukpur (GuIal Chaprs. and. 84- 41 230 110 120 36 Rani Chapra). 54 Ra.msa.gar L 85 121 'i61 376 385 119 12 51'S 86 37 189 88 101 43 56 Panditpur 87 65 420 216 204 77 57 Sl'ipalpur 92 7 72 4l.5 182 233 98 13 58 Bhopatpur .. 93 52 170 89 81 20 Chandwa. Kutdirichak 1 59 94 98 546 242 304 42 1) 60 Mathurapllr (Durj,mchak) 95 42 352 171 181 26 0

L-Lower Primary School. U-Uppcr Primary SO}lOol. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 13t;



------Agrioultural Cl688es Non-agricultural Classes -~------I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Culti vators Culti vators Cultivating Non. principal moa.ns of livelihood from- of la.nd wholly of land wholly la.bourors oulti vatillg ------.------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owneda.nd un-owned and their land. Production Other th~ir their dopendants a.gricultural (other than Commoroe Transport services dependants dependants • rent recoiveriJ culti vation) and a.nd their miscollaneous dependants sources .------.------~------11 12 13 14 16 17 1 .. ------~------_ _- P,.S. -BARHARA--contd.

194 :l5 04 1 n 3 107 11 3tH 77 102 25 1 142 12 307 56 211 4 lUtS 13 676 54 HH :1 t) Itl!! 14 450 16:~ lU3 78 1 4S 15 1,307 150 435 11 166 :i74 44 3ijO 16 560 36 :J43 2r. ;~4 02 17 7U9 127 186 17 61 :.!7 18 IB5 5 112 31 51 28 HIO 19 175 128 43 69 20

1,626 83B 72:! 213 699 400 128 732 21 261 12B 52:1 141) 366 202 89 20U 22 ~06 114 ~!) 3 J ....) 23 :~64 H7 :~6B 3 40 84 24- ·57Q 93 341 110 16 44 ~5 SU6 412 15 88 27 41) 26 812 174 420 148 130 281 243 27 172 211 7S 28 10 1. :JO 28 190 36 20 8 H 29 ] ,1~tJ 44~ Sf39 88 140 340 104 :!.i7 30 377 166 284 45 58 9\.1 31 251 34 114 46 2 32 20 32 8 77 69 11 7 33 334 123 219 79 64 134 3 102 34 168 241 9 4 16 35 628 27 172 6 49 2 146 36 626 41 HJ5 22 97 H 25 204 37 232 53 8 38 1,518 16 946 112 4]4 63 459 30 1,073 132 82 14 34 107 287 40

095 544 822 4 21. 21 2 41 468 i4 I 1 10 5 4,2 2H2 163 450 78 66 122 18i 346 43 273 44 775 12 346 12 00 20.' 176 UH 45 1,857 42 288 17 68 47 12 286 46 547 180 236 28 115 140 lSI 47 109 16 246 5 6R 8 50 48 318 52 254 53 9 U3 49 156 73 318 70 23 7 28 60 459 239 272 48 363 68 1)3 32 61 689 198 203 ·. 74 23 68 62 22 78 35 ·. 86 2 7 53 138 92 221 20 60 49 35 146 54 107 7 59 1 1 14 113 • • 65 132 2 50 • 123 56 145 • 166 14 19 27 12 32 lJ7 56 ·. 68 22 24 58 122 • • 80H 59 18 39 59 227 16 100 ·. .. o 60

B-Ba.slC Sehool. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sa,nskrit Pathahala. G--Gram Panchayat. R-Librariea. tPoetwOffioo. 136


Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of -_. Serial Nn,me of village in occupied ------~------__ no. ~creB houses PerSOl1S Males Fenlt1.1es Males Jt~emaleB

.. ,...... -.... ,_ ...... ~------.. ---_ _---_._--,,-- _._ 1 .,'J 3 4 5 6 7 S n 10 "------" ._·T ____•.• ____ ._,... _____ P.-S.-BARHARA-wncZd.

61 Agarpur 96 44 30f> 140 165 43 62 Bt\bhanpura L,lt 97 223 2,()~7 H84 1,043 410 63 Babura L, a, }f, H, It 1:)8 1,070 (i,BBO 3,022 3,8tn 915 101 6·4 Bandhu Chs-pra (Bishunpur) L, H, U9 245 1,a66 601 7H5 316 11 65 Bindi gawan 446 .. 74 575 243 :J32 134 47 P.·S.-SHAHPUR

tl Isharpura 1 2.769 346 3,465 1,646 1,819 20:~ 7 2 Milki Gopalpur ..') 45 03 3HU 211 ]88 107 7 3 Mansinghpur 3 12B 30 288 142 . ] 4U 29 4 Bhirnpatti 4 J60 fiU 40n 206 203 19 "5 Dharrnangatpur [) j')'J.... - 59 430 20!~ 221 40 13 6 Dilwanpur 7 U5 41 385 aw 190 _""')9 4 7 Bensipur 8 200 56 7:l:1 303 340· tiD _," 8 Sarna L 12 1,269 70 4~0 216 234 270 ')') 9 Tikthi 13 272 286 2,869 1.367 1,502 58 24--- 10 KUlldesar 14 804 126 1,405 7In 776 34 ...0 11 La.s.hkara 15 27n 54 347 153 194 26 t12 Bharauli 16 273 248 1,661 775 886 250 33 13 Harndatahi 20 339 162 1,542 746 79ti SO ]0 14 Kamamcnpur L, M 22 161 133 2,440 1,253 1,18H 320 63 15 Parshonda 25 626 255 1,949 1,034 915 303 123 t 16 SOllharsa L, M 27 773 318 2,956 1,498 1,458 331 127 17 Sonki •• .. 29 216 77 468 198 270 73 18 Suhiya L,U,R 80 1,296 254 2,501 1,190 1,302 207 51 19 Harkhipipra 81 594 92 684 304 :180 86 21 20 Lila.l'i 34 536 58 454 217 237 74 5 21 Sabjauli U 35 1,080 243 1,580 714- 866 255 43 22 Domariya 36 279 63 718 353 365 25 4 23 Maharaja L .. 37 282 94- 834 36U 465 156 24 Bhinariya 38 274 39 274 162 112 40 25 Misraulia. 40 119 58 320 153 167 46 27 26 It\va U 41 266 89 518 251 267 52 7 t27 H.ani sagar (L), (U), 0 43 280 376 2,228 1,076 1,1l)2 249 14 28 KaneJa 44 85 '6 33 14 19 8 29 Kaneli 45 311 66 460 239 221 50 30 Sahodih 49 471 79 413 206 .207 89 31 Birpur 50 335 130 758 362 396 55 32 Itaria 51 245 25 220 100 120 37 1 33 Hhahpur L, (L), H, R 54 2,729 647 5,799 2,878 2,921 802 98 34 ~emariyapat.ti Ojha U .. 56 630 737 5,593 2,669 2,844 400 59 35 l'")aurcpur 57 151 30 238 115 123 61 6 36 Barsaur V,M 61 903 621 4,264 2,109 2,065 640 130 37 Bahoranpur Dakhinwar L, R 62 1,518 621 3,782 1,933 1,849 544 ·51 38 Cho.marpur L, (L), R 67 298 113 842 424 418 200 .. 39 Lachhmanpur 68 93 81 264 132 132 28 40 Gaura L,R 73 219 223 1,842 923 919 281 29

L·-J..,ower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-lligb School. ( )-Il18titutioll for Girls. LU. UU, etc.-Urdu 1.... P., Urdu U. P.t etc. 137



Agricultura.l Classes N on-agrioultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Culti vating Non­ principal means oflivolihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers oultivating ------Serial or mainly or ma.inly and owrwrs of V. VI. VII. VllI. no. owned and un-owned a.nd thoir land, llroduction Other their thoir dependants agricultural (other than Couuuerco 'l'ra.nsport services dependants dependants rent reoeivors culti vation) and and their miscellaneot18 dependants ----,------8our(.~es 12 13 14 15 16 -----'--11 17 18 1 P ..S.--BARHAHA--conctd.

213 In 62 10 1 6J 68H IHi~ 34i 234 7U 341 62 3,454 470 J ,350 601 41 :3 227 374 63 H20 7f) HJ5 5 58 53 2 77 64 208 2 224 70 1 24 46 05 l),-S.-·HHAHPPR

2,38(; 216 220 27 182 17J 124 J3!1 L 20H 16 65 84 JH 6 2 121 18 J3R 1 f) 4 8 251 :u 4l :n 2~ 16 4, 22H 170 1 8 22 5 361 12 12 6 Mi3 70 ., 7 3HB f5 37 ... 8 ] ,576 134 866 4- 163 J 121) 9 H22 ()O :316 1 17 8i 46 46 10 ,... 87 17;' J 78 11 60S 40t) 90 S2 UH 11 27R 12 nll 2:34 16() 01 27 113 13 9S3 624- 44U 65 44 146 4- 125 14- 1,431 l10 231 16 27 3f) 2J 78 If) 8;)4 67 I,SOl 4: 9 146 1 74 16 342 3] 55 H 31 17 65:J 579 440 34 26t) 25H 16 254 18 414 tm lUl 10 Ie 22H 163 50 1 Il 20

1,10H 18 148 163 27 1 114 21 aos 102 256 16 4 ...') 23 22 607 58 49 7 15 4H 41} 23 107 33 1 4:3 24 216 95 U 25 154 283 60 6 6 26 n23 131 300 6 88 J44 Of5 541 27 33 28 257 36 04 26 4 43 !W 203 29 170 3 3 2 3 30 4tl4 8 HW 12 55 31 220 32 2,319 4Hl 1,0~H 152 41U 937 462 33 2,644 560 1,261 100 20H 156 38 545 34- 128 15 HO 35 2,332 63 1,277 5 198 249 14· )26 36 1,850 414- 8HU 4 131 96 18 f56] 37 339 )96 102 5 49 73 78 3S 48 26 26 20 38 106 3H 611 310 306 167 147 98 33 170 40

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sauskrit Pathshala. G-Gl'am Panchayat. R-Librarios. t-Post.Oflico. VILLAGB ------~------

Tota.l number of persons Literates enumerated' Area No. of Serial N arne of village In ocoupied --.__ ._-,_ ._- .------_._.. _.. _-_.__ ._- no. ao. acres houses Peraons Malos FemaJea Males }1"'ernaJes

----_._-,._--,---._ ... _,_"_._--_._------_, .. _,_,,.,_ .. _.. __ ",_,,--,_ -.-~-.- ... ----.-.-- -- .... _ ,-- _. __ -,,_ ,_._,_- 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10

,._ .__ ~- - .------.------.-.-~-,--.------P.·

41 Bimari 77 552 41 560 254 306 42 Karja 78 585 293 1,614 780 834 214 43 Papanpur, L,H,R 80 5Il 129 950 462 488 188 13 44 Charghat 81 705 203 1,701 791 910 282 32 45 Ramdibra 84 116 77 494 226 268 56 7 46 Pakri U 86 712 92 763 381 382 137 25 47 Kalyanpur L, (L), M, H, R 87 664 321 1,854 875 H79 183 36 48 Mosirnmpur 88 66 28 228 106 1'»)...... 12 7 49 Narayan pur 89 78 60 311 140 171 13 3 liO Amrari 90 846 135 762 3(H 40) 09 15 51 Dumariya L 91 887 261 1,820 U51 869 171 10 52 Pipra Jagdih L 92 284 148 878 3U2 4S6 113 27 63 Dhauri 94 151 nO 597 250 347 127 6 54 Bhimpatti 95 68 25 273 124 149 1 55 Kharauni L 97 428 185 1,147 527 620 133 14 66 Bara L 98 877 III H06 447 45H 157 16 57 Kiotiya 99 200 96 571 319 252 70 7 58 Chanda. L 100 373 402 2,994 1,542 1,452 190 27 59 Abtna 101 267 61 138 67 71 7 eo Rampur 102 100 25 135 61 74 14 61 Garya 103 llO 49 329 146 183 54 62 Naragada 106 245 106 767 358 409 43 9 63 Hariharpur 107 365 60 647 335 312 25 64 Dielhghat 108 149 36 272 124 148 18 65 Gorainpur 109 204 33 687 388 299 67 18 66 Randadih III 747 68 453 227 226 27 1 67 Baruna 113 320 64 315 147 168 41 2 68 Phirgi 116 375 126 969 490 479 32 69 Jamuan 1.. , R 117 436 136 725 371 354 131 ..'> 70 Andor U8 540 69 463 237 226 42 6 71 Bilauthi L, U, M, R 119 948 445 2,530 1,162 1,368 577 170 72 Narayanpur 121 114 20 126 58 68 5 73 Makhdanpur 122 219 34 196 95 101 31 74 MisrauJi U,R 123 130 58 492 219 273 57 2 75 Andauli ]24 124 12 63 30 33 » 2 76 Kewalpatti 125 319 35 255 107 148 28 77 Sharaur 126 451 127 830 413 417 161 13 78 Bandha. L 127 195 120 824 360 464 77 18 79 Basd60pur 129 302 23 200 97 loa 11 5 80 Nawada. 130 492 143 1,005 515 490 32 13 81 Sllkhari chak 131 101 43 300 160 140 48 2 82 Ram datahi 134 46 12 88 38 50 1 83 Doyhara L,R 135 624 131 1,07R 516 562 223 38 84 Kharauni 137 379 52 462 194- 268 fj8 9 85 Balauns. lag 187 57 320 146 174 33 4: 86 Dharahra. 141 123 44 487 241 246 28 4 87 Dubauli 142 69 11 74 37 37 13 1 88 Bhojachak .. 146 108 44 318 136 182 40 89 Bihea (L), (U), R, G, 147 1,003 794 3,034 1,621 1,413 506 144 90 Kabia. 149 1,437 404 2,000 031 1,069 268 36

_, ...... 'w~, ...... ,_, ___

L-J.. ower Primary School. U-Upper Primary Sohool. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 139



Agricultura.l Classes NOll-agrioultural Cla.sses I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cultiva.tors Cultivators Cultivating Non- prinoi pa.l mea.ns of Ii veti hood from- of l&nd wholly of la.nd wholly labourers oultiv~ting --~.------Serial or mainly or mainly and OwnOl'S of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. oWIled &tld un-owned and their la.nd, Production Other their their dependa.nts a.gricultural (other than Commerce Trtmsport services dependants dependa.nts rent reoeivers oultivation) and and their misoella.neous dependants sow'oes 11 12 13._---- 14 15 16 17 18 1 -----~------I).·S .-SHAHPUH-oontd.

26H 1(16 94 15 19 41 H42 28 186 5H 3 56 35 30G 42 255 135 IS2 20 113 75 170 43 1,042 1:!4: 340 5 23 23 144 44 51: 66 tn 15 6!J 22U 45 5r,2 67 16 fit) 6 04 46 3:~5 17d 45:1 107 192 17~~ 18 400 47 45 37 14H 48 .143 14U 17 4 1 49 331 101 313 6 11 50

1,077 7!) G 57 65 274 51 245 137 25 145 50 42 2:l4 52 188 59 132 45 4 20 17 1:3:! 63 40 185 15 1 9 54 14H 7f) 533 7 47 73 261.,.) 55 500 :!50 114 20 ...... 56 4ti8 (i5 1 4 3:1 57 1 ,I!,}!,} 630 60 26 273 274 523 58 44 72 69 64 46 1 1 19 60

108 35 toIO 11 31 4 60 61 898 13,! 102 11 25 31 tiO tS2 2g7 181 l7H ·. 3 63 1 tl:J 20 51 2H 64 624 3U 24 05 375 46 6 26 66 276 18 67 407 5:U 3 28 68 371 4- 284 13 50 H9 325 43 U5 70

1,016 12 563 u; 12H 343 20 71 108 18 .. 72 175 21 •• 73 213 58 97 40 24 32 2S 74 13 21 4 75 200 22 24 76 397 186 161 8 11 20 47 77 629 •• 25 88 12 70 78 152 2~) lU •• 79 189 393 83 8 47 38 238 80 203 14 78 .. 81 35 51 · . 2 .. .. 82 197 278 241 53 47 86 14 162 83 257 74- 12 ·. 2 117 84 116 45 128 7 24 85 214 26 66 17 20 38 106 86 48 1 16 7 · . 2 87 22 50 188 13 25 1 19 88 322 75 260 a 202 1,322 48 802 89 f,4.S6 106 273 • • ·. ·. 185 90

B-Basio School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sa.nskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-Post-Oftice. 140


Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area. No. of Serial N arne of village "Thana. 10 occupied ---_..... _ ""- .. _-- __. no. no. acres houses Persons Males Fernale8 Males Females

_'-"-----_.. ._-_ .. _--_ ...... ,~-" ...... ---,,---._ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 9 10 .. _... .. " ...... •. _,__ - _._-_._ _ ----.-.-.-.... -.. ------~----- ... -,-- P .·S.-SHAHPUR-con.clcl. 91 Marin pur 150 348 74 444 226 218 45 7 92 Samardah 151 255 81 .578 286 2H2 77 6 93 Kuardah 152 28) 5n 214 100 114 29 94 Kaurjya U 155 473 401 3,7H6 1,823 1,973 8S::t 37 95 Ghajha 11>6 172 286 1,857 U40 917 473 96 Barsanda Maugit, 201 278 no 527 280 247 56 97 Bharsanda Jado 202 215 202 1,239 617 622 271 98 Khakhu Bandh 203 109 48 282 ]26 156 In 99 Mau,io.1i 204 423 un [,74 303 271 134 tlOO Osen 205 1,187 437 2,:J54 1,006 1,258 ...... 3')') 30 101 Nawadih 206 278 51 371 172 19H 52 102 Shahjauli 207 444 58 422 213 20n 46 103 Gaudar rudar Nagar 208 514 189 042 486 456 71 104 Gaudar chak tal 209 110 96 795 402 :JU:J 278 42 105 Banahin V 211 861 77 468 234 23·j. 44 106 Bagahin H,L 213 236 H8 722 345 377 14 107 Karkhain 214 261 76 442 216 226 60 108 Chakwath L, (L), R 215 1,192 207 1,668 H2O 748 490 80 109 Mahuaon L, M 216 720 166 1,07S 550 528 169 110 Jadopur L 218 688 155 1,007 497 510 196 12 III KA.mariaon 220 620 152 1,113 583 530 158 2 112 Jogibir 221 488 69 478 238 240 35 8 118 Ban kat L 224 423 . U5 709 371 338 77 7 114 Sikariya L 228 870 149 848 394 454 278 42 115 Tiar 229 2,077 427 1,273 660 613 83 3 116 Manjara 231 509 566 304 262 81 5 117 Bikrampur L 233 358 100 720 352 377 81 42 P.-S.-JAGDISHPUH.

1 Mat,hurapur 157 315 86 611 3lU 292 110 2 Binawan L 160 1,798 388 .1,402 646 756 210 3 Harigaon 163 1,602 332 1,992 1,014 798 274 4 Kamus 164 2,8t)0 296 1,742 890 852 237 5 Gyanpura 165 506 46 287 ]49 138 2 6 Sultan pur L 166 427 86 530 246 284 76 7 Manduri 167 169 139 770 300 410 ll9 8 Asodhar 169 828 124 495 258 237 20 9 Banoet 170 123 30 267 143 124 28 10 Sundera 171 262 68 336 160 176 4 11 Bamaon V,M 174 2,335 510 2,895 1,466 1,429 43U 25 12 Kahan 175 483 90 655 318 337 67 1 13 Kusamba 176 626 104 674 343 331 76 11 14 IsanTi 17'7 3~8 85 482 241 241 40 )5 Babhanawan L 178 1.707 559 3,069 1,538 1,531 291 50 tl6 Hathpokhar L,R 179 589 184 1,243 646 597 197 17 Tikt,hi ]80 422 105 544 279 265 '200 18 Manjupur 18] 294 62 411 189 222 52 19 Parasia, 182 303 137 918 472 446 200 15 20 Masaurhi (1 .. ).8, M 18:l 920 336 1,773 909 864 280 29

L--I..ower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for ('}irls. LU,UU,:etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdt;t U. P. etc. STATISTICS


--.----~-- Agri cultura.l Olasses N on· agricultural CI8.8se& ------.------~------I. II. III. IV. ------~------Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivatota Culti vatore Culti vating Non­ .----principal means______of livelihood from-· Serial of la.nd wholly of land wholly htbourers cultivating or ma.inly or mainly a.nd owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and thei r land, Produotion Other their tlu~i I' dependanta agricultura.l (other than CommerM services dependa.nts dependants rent rflceivers CUltivation) a.nd and their miscellaneous dependan tiS BOUr(!6B ------11 12 ]3 14 15 16 17 18 1 ...... -...----,------_._._._._-,._-- P. -So --SHAHPUH.-ooncld. 377 5 27 HI. 259 139 51 28 5 1)6 92 135 57 22 H3 ] ,1 :i3 562 601 HI 244 775 Sa7 94 .1,230 H6 168 6,1'> 67 216 n5 11.2 2ll 70 3 45 24 5f) 96 671 53 :i80 8 127 07 115 J2 .123 14 17 US 3!l4 183 37 UO 431 !J41 690 42 15 31 JOn 100 Z:i6 24 32 8 71 101 23:1 !) 170 2 3 () 102 268 28 302 103 58 28 94 ]03 626 74 84 11 104- IHO 2:15 23 3 27 105 174 55 242 13 36 Ul 44 67 106 179 141 3M 22 8 22 10 .).)... .., 107 H70 480 140 8 5 12 53 108 ti37 380 54 7 109 709 225 8 3 4- • 68 110 728 95 1:i7 -1 11 14 .. 124 III 276 27 36 139 112 260 308 52 14 45 30 11. 500 ...... ')') ') 32 56 38 114- 1,117 31 82 6 31. 1 15 115 556 9 1 116 348 254 82 33 11 1 117 P.-S.--JAGDISHPUR

611 ]. »05 246 80 37 46 3 Sf) 2 1,746 11 200 3 24 8 3 1,428 30 167 16 15 79 7 4- 184 30 72 1 IS 362 135 2 16 15 6 503 267 7 333 162 8 257 10 9 140 IHO 10 1,875 405 548 22 16 4, 25 11 450 1Un 4 2 IJ 456 46 2 64 81 20 II 216 141 104 21 Ii 2,077 81 733 15 32 69 62 .15 590 108 393 5 17 43 6 81 l~ 139 73 297 35 17 146 119 143 3 18 607 246 16 30 10 19 940 633 50 16 134 20

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gl'a.m Po,llcha.yat. H.-Libraries. t-Post-Office. VILLAGE

~rota.l number of persons Lite1'8.tes enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied ----­ ,------.--...... ~ ..... ,..__..,.- no. no. acres houses Persons Ma.los Females Males Females

.. --.,---~ - .. -~- .... --. ._---, __ ._ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

",,,,,~_'''~ ____,~ ______·- __''''n'_'' ... _____.. ____ .,----- ... _-- P.·S.-JAGDISHPUR-contd.

21 Asodhar 184 161 38 263 148 115 24 22 Bahuara .. 185 352 83 57H 278 ,291 75 24 23 Siyarwl1 .. 186 885 267 1,461 721 740 210 58 24- Baradparwa 188 823 501 2,903 1,414 1,480 462 {) 25 Diliya IHO 194 54 46H 244 225 13:1 8 26 Sandhi · . UH 232 34 270 1:J7 133 20 27 Narayanpur 192 579 97 6:l5 313 :122 62 28 Hardiya M,B,R 195 1,9H6 358 2,316 1,1 [)2 1,164 246 16 29 Snuwan L, (L), M 198 5,065 944 5,941 :4,(}l,t 2,927 784 24 30 Chakwa .. 199 1,036 161 1,427 70 718 157 4

31 Gangadhar Dihri 217 226 _l" ... 20n lOS 98 1l 32 {H, tardaba L 234 1,332 2;)')..... 1,241. 661 580 I f)fS IH 33 Kat.oi Bagh 235 618 153 7HO 426 a()·, 151 45 t34 Hetn.mpur L 236 2,248 [ina 3,257 1,622 1,635 354 102 35 Angrua · . :la7 341 50 403 207 198 4!> 36 Anharibu.d 238 341 50 402 200 202 4!> 1 t37 Jagdisbpur 239 1,271 100 590 2SH :iOl 88 29 38 Barap(.)kbar 242 99 31 241 131 110 13 39 Sonbarsa 243 157 52 408 197 211 73 40 Debri 244 409 70 550 300 250 80 41 Shivpur L 245 1,560 186 1.184 579 605 133 42 Ara.ila L, M 246 1,015 307 1,279 65H 620 260 32 48 Manu llihri 248 217 103 4()6 205 201 51 2 44 Doorardh L 251 615 152 940 483 457 02 16 45 Kunai 252 213 64 320 l5a 167 8 46 Keshri · . 253 7fi8 113 776 401 375 81 .7 Harnatanr 254 271 73 460 248 221 76 48 Madel'hi L 257 437 187 974 518 456 93 49 Dhaugi · . 250 759 110 741 341 400 91 50 Bachl'i 260 105 76 300 157 14:l 35 H

51 Ba.secna L 261 750 95 652 201 361 130 8 52 Baluwanhi 262 60 97 570 307 263 51 1 53 Jagdishpur (Bichla Janga! MabaJ) 263 1,488 210 1,024 488 536 280 14 54 Tantuna .. 264 353 196 ],220 622 5{}8 290 18 to5 Dalippur (L), U, (U), H, R, G 265 2,785 781 4,492 2.284 2,208 688 68 .56 Kardhwa 266 443 96 674 354 320 86 5 1)7 Bclutl'sara L 268 596 Hi8 920 447 473 159 10 58 Neur pokhar 269 586 89 512 246 260 43 9 59 Kekila · . 272 1,036 347 1,57S} 783 796 168 14 60 Pipra 274 227 66 359 180 179 45 4

61 Lakshmanput' L (L) 276 85 2i'i 112 63 49 13 62 Paliyallchak 277 44 41 241 129 112 59 63 Diaul 279 890 192 1,032 534 498 146 9 64 Ugna L 280 356 188 1,110 532 578 180 32 65 Mallgorn, 1.. 281 681 148 700 329 371 117 6 :66 Gurez 282 300 68 369 198 171 28 B7 Bairhi 283 106 60 397 204 198 88 4 168 Be.ligaon U,M 284 4,155 814 5,930 3,005 2,865 942 19 69 Ba.rhi Tanuri L 285 236 36 230 122 108 29 286 219 63 352 168 184 8 __70 -Ratanp'ur L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )-,lnstitution for Girls. LU, UU,eic.-UrduL,P.,UrduU.P •. etc. 143


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ____ ...... ------_._ Agrioultural Classes Non-agrioultural Classes .....-----_._ ------I. II. III. rv. Persons (including dependant.a) who derive their Cllltivatof8 Cultivators Culti vo.ting Non- prinoipal means of livelibood from- ()f land wholly of land wholly labo\lrers cult,i vati ng ---Serial or lU30inly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-ownad and their land, Production Other their their dependan.ts agrieultural (other than Commerce Transport servioos dependants dependants rent reoeivers] cultivation) and and their miscellaneous ------_._ ---"..--_._--,------dependants souroes 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ------...... -.------.. -.-~-- ·P.- S.-JAO DISHPUR-contd. ]61 102 21 240 H lU3 27 1 »9 ...... i)., 874 4f)2 17 w:.) J2 7.1 23 1,897 480 340 I I 23 83 69 24 8') 323 "" 27 37 25 105 12 153 26 298 170 14H 12 6 27 1,064 t~36 423 92 11 44 .. 46 28 2,129 .1,662 1,107 63 Ino an2 14 :183 29 I,O:,J2 110 20U !) 71 30 94 6R 23 5 ]6 31 611 360 138 57 8 S 1 aa 32 43f) 78 151 8 47 13 58 33 1,66H 340 I,OH3 12 61 66 26 34 345 35 1~ 5 35 344 35 18 5 36 300 36 23El 18 37 1~:J 58 38 348 4 40 1 15 39 385 52 75 38 40 750 133 148 74 21 7 27 24- 41 629 354- 120 11 56 63 .2 44 42 199 105 65 21 15 1 43 74.7 ]03 44 158 140 22 .. 45 453 102 204 11 n 1 46 346 19 78 8 18 47 564 160 178 3 60 48 508 86 129 16 25 49 125 90 74 1 2 1 7 50 808 132 78 6 24- 9 95 51 204 258 101 1 3 3 52 473 292 128 14 77 1 38 53 781 125 231 7 26 14 36 54 1,924 490 466 84 257 674- 1 fi96 55 362 206 68 :l 33 .. • • .2 56 468 122 278 1 13 31 9 57 512 58 751 163 346 60 58 121 6 74 59 158 98 90 .. 60 89 23 61 195 46 62 444 351 46 125 66 63 752 42 194 15 26 9 72 64 289 146 142 87 36 65 331 10 8 18 2 66 282 1 III 1 2 67 2,718 619 2,093 136 32 190 142 68 198 32 .. 6H 168 2 180 2 70

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S·,-San8krit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-Post.Office. 144


Tota.l numoor of persons enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of in occupied -.--..-.--.-- .. ------.. - ._., .. _ ._..... _ ".. _" ..... _ .. _ .. _- - no. no. acres houses Persons Males FernaleH Males Females

---...... -~.---., ,,~ ...... _---- .--.-~- -._. ....- ____ '_--_"_ --_._ ._--..._ •. " .. ---~- .. ----...... - ---- ...... ,,-- 1 ...) 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 10 ------"---..... ,,~,--.----.------.----- .. --..... - ... ~- ..- ...... ,._- - ,-'-----.___ -- -._ - .. ---~-.-- "_------_.--- P .• S.--JAGDISHPUR-concld.

71 SihsI' 287 496 34 200 102 4 72 Hadiabad L 288 496 120 B6H 437 4:l2 135 73 Mosasiya 289 510 07 480 246 234 66 ...) t74 Acr L, (L), S, M, H 2HO 2,800 773 5,OHO 2,5J :l 2,577 871 on 75 Bhinrari .. 2Hl 763 73 a5) 173 178 :,Jfi f) 76 Suarahu 2H2 L:lO 680 3.511 1,689 1,822 557 7'2 77 Ichiri L 203 1,736 306 1,4:;8 725 733 124 10 78 Sahaiya G 294 98.) 176 l,O:l(} 501 5:lf> 2]4 8 79 Azaurnagar 295 278 35 248 121 127 4:l 80 Ram Dihrtt 296 272 19 123 61 H2 4 81 Barap L 297 1,206 250 1,333 675 658 253 2 P.-S.--PIRO

J I..ohain . . 1 410 102 667 ...... 3')') 345 Hi :~ 2 NHwari .. 2 407 46- :i30 J 6i, 1U!) 28 2 3 Khairahin 3 27;1 61 4H6 256 24() :30 4 Kheri kon 4 651 H4 078 32H 350 40 7 5 Pharaura f> 586 102 672 324 34K fW 1 6 Karauniyn 6 224 37 2H7 152 145 2fl 7 Ear 7 HH8 ISH,) ],322 6!)6 n66 245 12 8 Kukrahan 8 320 no 2un 147 140 :u 9 Waina L H 732 S:J 683 357 326 94 .1 10 Dan warU8, 10 3n5 104 537 263 274 68 2

tIl Tar L 11 2,330 25U 2,330 1,138 1,IH:! 308 8 t12 Jamuaon L,B,M,R,O 12 1,] 16 :142 2,4f>6 1,20f) 1,25J 400 149 13 Saneya L 13 184 99 620 310 310 87 14 Bamhwar L , U, R 14 406 596 1,972 H78 9H4 480 DO 15 Chaurahi Jangal Mahal ]7 1,894 278 1,605 794 811 2H7 10 16 Keshwa L 18 685 195 1,223 630 593 86 38 17 Hasua Dehri 20 327 265 1,562 770 783 2Ha 18 18 Rajapur 21 243 152 969 493 476 245 19 Akrua L 22 977 181 1,354 671 68:l 182 20 Kaser 23 301 95 887 458 429 9')... 21 Barao L 24 1,544 512 4,129 2,153 1,076 400 112 22 Hatpokhar .. 25 IHO 217 1,278 636 642 243 1,).., 23 Git-aura .Tanga! Mahal U ,M, H 26 2,394 447 2,993 1,483 1,510 379 30 t24 Rajeyu118 B,R,S 27 367 160 1,255 5H7 658 250 35 25 Baseya L 28 568 163 1,130 578 5,t',2 221 17 26 Doman Dehra L,G 30 546 ll5 793 447 346 HH 7 27 Khambha dih 31 125 24- 171 79 92 20 28 Puraini Buzurg 33 198 61 450 222 . 228 51 29 PUt"aini khurrl :i4 99 9 55 30 2f) 11 30 Pitro l- 35 498 179 1,145 596 549 300

31 Khandani khurd 1.. 37 360 9~ 448 236 212 59 32 Angr'a 38 917 133 761 396 365 122 40 33 Pitat 39 537 88 583 291 292 108 t34 Kothua I .. 40 763 149 ],032 511 521 160 11 35 Dhanpura 4] 571 82 582 296 286 100 36 Birpur 42 215 :U 236 112 124 19 37 Salakhna .. 43 306 34 315 163 152 5 38 Ma.huri . , 44 347 67 490 260 230 52 39 Kewa.tia L 45 361 163 1,633 810 823 224 4 40 BasCUha. L 46 423 58 375 185 190 53 2 ----- L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H~High School. ( )-Institution for G,irls. LU, UU, eto.-Urdu L., P., Urdu U. P. etc. 145



Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes 1. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Culti vators Cultivators Cultivating Non. principal means of livelihood from- of la.nd wholly of land wholly la.bourers culti va.ting Serial or mainly or ma.inly and owners of --V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un -owned and their land, Produotion Other their their dependants. agri cultural (other than Commerce Transport services dependa.nts dependants rent receivers cultivation) and a.nd their misoellaneous dependants sources 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P.·S.--JAGDISHPUR-oonckl. 190 1 71 430 56 263 120 72 339 101 40 •• 73 2,082 I.IH8 1,06U 126 151 256 I~ 200 74 320 17 14 •• 75 2,144 285 H42 40 25 44 44 87 76 1,165 2!) 158 3 20 41 4(~ 77 623 114 ] 41 75 17 18 48 78 193 It) 17 22 • • 79 123 ... • • 80 H37 160 232 1 21 2:1 5H 81 P.-S.·--PIRO

:140 226 94 • • ..• .. .. 1 182 14,7 1 2' 326 25 fit, .20 3 584 H4 427 I:J8 88 ...) 4 1 12 5- 81 150 4f) In 1 "6- 709 20 [iOts 58 2H 7 244 51 J g 464 72 112 7 28 9- 2H6 241 lo.

1.410 448 411 7 :J 51 11 1.376 115 714 31 72 24 124 lZ 498 41 77 4 13- 1,187 358 382 25 20 14 H05 138 230 57 143 15 117 15 905 02 7 143 15 61 16- 894 56 476 5 20 5 97 17 741 45 179 4 15 IS 875 135 263 24 16 53 19- 398 218 253 19 4 2(} 1,822 787 1,004 4n 51 303 36 77 21 464 215 3 124 394 H on 22 1,850 110 67H {} 203 50 3 Sl2 23- 82R 57 253 20 41 30 26 24 523 211 359 7 1 29 2& 623 144 26 26- 78 90 3 27 411 5 29 5 28: 82 23 29 844 69 133 25 15 12 47 SO-

302 28 94 3 • • 5 16 31 425 290 9 4: 33 32 467 105 2 9 33- 798 :J 212 7 12 34 461 50 63 6 2 36- 196 29 9 2 36- 213 81 20 1 3'l' 897 88 2 3 38 997 233 231 20 53 16 83 89. 252 43 39 18 ·. 6 22 40

B-Baaio 'School. SB-Senior BMio School. S-Sanakrit Pathshala.. G-Gram Panohayat. R--Librariea. t-Poet-Oftiqe. VlLLACI:

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied ------.-.------... ------.-.-.- no. no. acres hOU8B8 Persons Males Females Mu.los Females

.., ---- -.-~-.~,.-< .. --.. ---, ...... -.- ._..' .. ~' .... --_.-.--~------.-.---- ..--- 1 ... a 4 5 6 • 7 8 H 10 ...... , .. ,~-. -~ ...... ---_- -- _,-_ ... _._---, .... -.,,-, .... -- ... - ... _ _._._-_ __ ,._------_____ P .·S. ---PIRO-contd.

41 Amehta L ·t7 471 223 1,564 78~~ 781 208 t2 LRhthan L.M 48 2,219 529 2,S4J 1,4()() ] ,441 600 220 43 Anuwnn 49 IflR 37 220 l10 no 33 44 ~relar L 50 1)29 152 1, HH) filH 64-5 2HS 45 AgiElon I., M, R 1;1 H21 272 2,445 1 ,] 07 1,:4:18 fi82 53 46 Narhi 55 156 ~38 :138 ]H!} 16H 2H 47 Narayunpur 56 27(i If);) 5UO 2HI 309 60 20 48 Dihari .. 57 2.jl r;2 25S 134 12·~ 34 49 Baghaunn L .')8 !H5 73 456 228 228 57 6 .) 50 Sugjbag 59 212 15 42 JU 23

J.H Mot:hi L 60 415 1l~ 708 353 :l55 ]28 5 52 Mothihal ,Jangal Mahal ·. HI 76 49 309 ] {)4 ]55 40 !) 53 .Jagdishpur Pil.tak 62 236 OQ, 3H7 212 l~i) an 2 54 Bahl'i Mahadeo 63 fS5 147 1,1:W 564 562 150 ..." 5.5 Barauli L fl5 436 ISn HilU 448 4Bl 168 Jj6 Tiwarj dih 66 167 77 565 280 2S.S 131 ..57 8ukhrauli 68 407 137 1,On 16f> 546 148 58 Ja.gdeopllr L 69 ]46 25 200 HI 89 30 59 J'og~nnd 70 154 33 360 178 182 89 eo Kat,aria U 71 1,226 242 ] ,831 928 903 203

... ') '61 Basmanpur /- 443 89 1353 201 262 80 7 62 Amai IJ, U 73 7S5 167 1,227 626 600 148 63 Tetal'dih JJ 74 374 lOR 786 3fS7 419 ]05 17 ·. r-:.r,;- 64 Sahejflni L • • 75 762 116 021 •. ).)0 366 200 30 fS5 Ha.lJauli L 76 29~ 104 680 32:i 363 203 7 66 Jt\munipur. ·. 77 251 40 266 140 126 37 1 67 I ndarpat,pllr 78 89 2t'l 193 fl2 101 21 2 68 Chheohhudih 79 42 18 151 76 75 16 e9 Mot,idib .. • • 80 rm ]9 52 77 75 31 10 Pe.chrukhia U,M 81 580 156 904 ·1-44 460 117 39 '71 Kachnath 82 872 lOS 700 346 354 97 1 72 Udandih 83 101 21 139 74 6.1) 29 73 U.jaiB Dehra. 84 229 50 371 IS7 184- 32 3 74- Ihrahirnpur Rt) 302 73 386 )92 1114 40 8 75 Lohrab~ld U,M 86 72 65 ,I) If) 267 252 53 t 76 Piro 1., U , M, H, G 88 1,218 950 6,826 3,299 3.027 057 22 77 DeC)(' ha.nda L 90 07 13'~ 867 eU9 44R 165 2ti 78 Tilath 91 417 HH 963 1109 4.'}4 110 14 79 Rt~rorur I~ 94- 135 59 398 213 185 91S 10 -80 _1 ai$inghdih •• ·. H7 120 49 328 167 161 88 .2 81 Maudini •• H8 83 88 u4,l'; 3]7 228 lRl 11 82 Tiwal'idih ·. 99 244 7] 548 3tH 229 200 17 83 Tt,amha GA.nASh 100 142 51 ..iJ !? 184 228 64 8 '84 Ohihiba .. ]01 227 65 371 ] OS 178 00 7 85 Ba.chri 1. 101 635 24., 1,731 860 871 460 37 86 Bha:rtllfU' J.. 105 fOlO4- 175 ] ,002 593 409 265 .28 87 Oobinddlh I .. 1C6 2fH 68 563 277 286 100 10 t 98 Nnnar L, U , R 107 1,674 554 3,) 04 1,827 1,567 646 103 R1l Baiqadib 108 221 88 ,721 a80 841 1'86 13 90 Pa{'brnan 121 681 181 1.001 445 l'SS6 211 10 - L-Lower Primary School. U·-Upper Prim.ary Sohool •. l\I-Middle ~obO()l. H-High School. ( )-Inetitution for 'Girls. LU, UU, etiO~_._.Uniu L. P .. , Urdu U. p~ &te.

, I' 14.7 l'ATQTI(lS

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agrioultural Classes N on-agrioultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Culti vators Cultivating Non- prinoipal mea.ns of livelihood from- of la.nd wholly of land wholly la.bourers culti vating Serial or mainly or ma.inly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. . no. owned al).d un-owned a.nd their land, Production Other their their depen.dants agricultural (other tha.n Commeroe Transport servioos dependants deptmdallts rent recei vcrs cultivation) a.nd and their miscellaneous dependa.nts sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .-S.-PIRO-conttl.

798 5 451 14 70 IUS 6 ()4 41 1,474 lR6 818 :i4 77 212 11 2H 42 198 2 20 4.3 839 107 lol5 20 42 21 ·. 22 44 1,604 81 491) • • 248 • • 17 45 85 253 .. 46 412 14 164 47 173 68 21 111. 2 48 277 146 21 fi • • 7 49 :i3 6 3 • • 5() 20H 132 62 5 {) 23 185 51 243 • • 6:J ·. • • :i 52 129 257 1 J ·. ... · 5::~ 005 302 2HO 12 . J 7 ('4 028 96 IB4 21 ()[) a53 30 13a 3 37 5t). 248 37U 315 37 I J 21 57 15ti 6 36 2 5S 277 40 34 [> 4: 51) 1,122 138 476 ,).)..... :13 7 33 O(}

490 4 57 2 • • .. 61 1,0 II. 4 194 ·. 15 2 1 62 475 ·. 274 • • 19 3 15 63 5U5 ·. 166 • • 6H 18 73 64 542 72 72 65- ] Sf> 4 69".) 5 66- 86 85 """'" 07 82 17 46 6 Os. 125 8 16 3 6~ 390 12 440 15 20 27 7() 407 117 118 8 36 4 2 8 71 53 08 18 72 109 89 108 1 n4 73 194 5 181 1 4 1 74 263 16 209 .. 31 75 1,978 308 2,097 6 330 794 90 72 76· 490 :l59 3 11 4 77 769 192 .)... 78 303 45 30 3 10 1 79- 177 151 80·

255 280 •• • • 10 81 347 194 • • •• 7 82 146 187 2 25 11 41 83 189 160 18 2 2 84 847 210 422 44 59 28 15 106 85 894 52 128 18 86 469 2 45 27 8 12 87 1~413 274 873 108 289 171 7 59 88 335 24 299 26 HJ .. 18 89 640 80 1;t2 6 23 22 16 72 90

B-Basio Sohool. SB-Senior Basio School. . S-Sanskrit Pathlhala. G-Gram Panohayat. R-Librariea. t-Poet-OfBce. ]4:8


Total number of persons Literates enumerat.ed Area No. of Serial N n,IDC of village Thana in occupied ------"_._--- no. no. ae1'eS houses Persons Males Females M.ale8 Females

.. _---- -_ ...... _ ... _-_ .. _.--- ..... _ 1 2 3 4 !i 6 7 ~ It 10 _...... '_ .... ___ .. _.. ______..... R_._. ______.. __ -,. __ --___ '___ '_ .___ -... ______.. ..,...._ ...... ___ .. ~ --.... ~ .... ---~-.- P.-S.-PIRO-contd.

91 Kat,at' L, U, It 12:! 1,.68 52B 3, 50 6 1,771 1,7al 51:~ 8 92 Garahata L 123 301 64 440 20J 23U 1~3 oa Narayan pur L,M,H,G 125 1,093 402 2,233 1,078 1,155 341 4 94 Jamaurahi U,H,It 128 872 UH 7:H 400 331 l!W ,r') 95 Karma Misir 130 207 {;:1 ,1)22 24"~ 274 £.)6 96 Gudn.ndih 131. 28H H H,! ,4,1 47 3 3 "H) 97 Bhuthll6 176 ~ I ... HI 6(H~ 33H :00 130 !J 98 Harpur · . 106 105 20 132 72 (iO H ...., 99 Sonharsa L,U,M,O 197 822 ] 88 1,27H f>7:1 600 HH 16 100 Kusumhi .. 201 43a 80 405 206 ] tlH ,3') -

101 Roel L,G 202 ~21 58:l ) ,.')20 i7fS 744 200 13 102 Dhanauti L,G 210 543 ]:lH :120 255 27(i 03 .).).) 103 Dubo DUtra 211 "*'- 23 JSO H4 Rfl !?l 104 Ropura ·. 212 324 2!l 25~ 13H , ] 1H :.l:3 105 DherhR · . 215 252 38 200 !l4 ] Of) ;·w 106 Kumhaila, U,R,G 216 3H2 ]21 7RI 411 :170 8H 107 Ttaura 218 518 114 785 40l) :J80 80 20 108 Madhuri .. 219 309 !!8 121) 73 52 109 Mansagar L,.R 221 39i) 123 796 3H5 401 11:1 110 I{a,.QhjrHh 222 188 50 365 ]80 ] 85 61

III Majhiawan 223 775 126 8~0 403 477 188 112 Panl'edih 224 180 ,154 33U 182 157 76 113 Betari 228 150 67 375 205 170 4l a 114: Malipur 230 227 21 133 07 66 25 115 Kari 233 aS8 108 750 3BO 360 21 3 116 Balihari 23.5 20,rj 47 267 119 148 20 fl 117 Bal'uni L,Q 236 584· Jon 803 4]5 388 67 118 Kathrian L 237 4.17 1:-12 000 ·i6H 4·1,0 13'7 28 119 Siyadih J..,M,R 240 1)17 Jfif) 099 1)15 484 146 38 120 AmUTr.a · . 241 379 45 427 204 223 28

121 Sahaspura 242 ~?32 85 427 20n 218 28 .122 Madariha I.. 24-3 372 H7 707 31)3 354 ]40 10 123 Madain · . 244 275 71 512 240 272 14 1 124: . Chfj,nd [)ihri 245 190 32 272 142 130 ao 125 Kharauti .. 247 215 18 103 51 ~0'" .. 11 126 Charpokhari 1.. 248 2FS5 43 432 221 211 70 127 Dehura · . 249 2n5 57 40,1 194 210 SO 128 Ekauni · . 250 27H 50 :174 103 ]81 71 129 Barar En.gHRY 251 186 11. R!'i 39 46 8 1 130 BarRr .. 252 307 !H~ 495 238 257 100 11 131 Bhftil'odih 253 267 53 ·'i23 108 225 44 10 182 Mal au", U,M,G 255 677 IH4 971 452 inn 156 30 133 l\takundpur L,R 257 726 -_9')<) .... 1 ,50!) 73~ 767 200 53 134 Nagl'i r..,A 26() 540 34,1') 2,J61 1,102 1,()59 375 42 135 Na.gra,on .• 262 3n3 128 558 200 26g 80 29 )36 Kanhhtthi · . 263 140 51 205 113 92 40 4 137 Dhan Pakha,)' 264 306 49 32,1) l6U lli6 20 6 138 Harpnr · . • • 265 25l 103 645 332 313 JliO 14 139 Ta·hkuri · . ·. 267 46R 107 810 413 397 70 20 140 Jaitpura L 268 337 103 62fi 280 345 100 17

L-Lowo-r Primary Sohool. U-Upper Primary School. l\{-,Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )-Insl.itution {or Girls. LU, UU, eto.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. 149



Agrioultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who deri va their CuI t i va.tOl'S Cultivators CuUi va.ting Non- principa.l mea.ns of livolihood from- of land wholly of la.nd wholly labourers oultivt},ting --<~- Serial or rna,inly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and ull-owued and their land, Production Ot,her the it' their depEmdants a.gri cultural (othor than Oommerce Transport sorvices dependants dependants rent rnCHi vers oultivation) and and thHir misoello,m~ou8 dependn.nts sources -_..... _ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .-S.---PIRO-cont .)... 44 113 4 4H U9 285 (I 108 .,') 1 100 8U3 IOl 4:W 1 54 43 .)... :W 101 418 6f) 2 ]2 2:J 102 167 8 5 103 108 135 6 9 104 131 68 1 105 375 84 22H 17 25 :U 21 106 437 :U 21')4 7 8 10 8 107 117 7 I 108 247 HI 402 :n 9 40 109 234 125 3 a 110 tH8 28 Ins 14 22 111 IH4 144 1 112 223 129 23 lIS J21 5 7 114 15l) 2(12 323 3 25 4() 2 115 18U 70 8 116 482 292 5 6 4 14 117 444 .. 457 5 S 118 72M 26 151 13 27 5 49 119 294 15 96 8 14 120 183 175 68 1 121 604 57 3 6 :n 122 371 ?8 105 6 2 123 164 40 6S 124 U3 8 2 125 353 62 ]() 1 126 167 31 39 2 4 9 152 127 76 264 7 3 5 10 128 71 10 4 129 217 88 168 10 4 6 2 130 282 10 131 131 715 7 234 1 14 132 989 U5 301 8 11 19 7 70 I3:J 1,287 15 624 59 80 n6 134 342 23 179 14 135 58 96 49 2 136 126 8 ln1 137 239 28 373 1 1 1 2 138 654 6 141 2 1 6 ]39 871 .. 250 4- 140

B~-~Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sankrit Pathshala. Q·-Oram l?a,nchayat. R-Libra.ries. t-Post·Oftice. 160


Total of penons enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied ------.-.--" ..... --..-- ..... ---~.-_. ___.. __._. no. no. ac.res hous("g Persons MaleR Females Males Females

.. "..... __ ...... ,,,., ___...... _1'._----'._------...... ~._. ---- , .... ---".---...-~.--..... -...-----, 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 ]0 ._--..... __ ..... ---.~.~"--- " .... ,~.-.".- P. S.-PIRO-concld. 141 Kanai 26H ·iUS 106 715 361 354 9] 14 142 Kasrnariya L 270 562 102 51)0 267 28!l 70 15 143 Dhabdiha U,M,R 271 237 fH 435 220 206 H 144 Madraha 272 203 35 253 137 116 40 ..') 145 ]:)anrariyo. 274 Hl3 62 465 240 225 40 17 146 Dumariya 275 432 4n 312 15{) 15:J 16 8 147 Liluri 276 270 83 550 33H 211 34. 10 148 Pac:jaur L, R 277 ],377 379 2,173 1,044 ].J 2!.t 451 1)0 140 Chakiya 278 131 40 320 15,5 165 !l5 150 BagUl~ara 280 225 62 338 176 162 '17 .1-

151 Barahara L 281 311 79 1)09 2(,4 255 nu ]0 Ui2 Seomraon 282 1,045 21i0 1,730 876 854 153 2:> t ,1]8 153 Deodhi · . 287 ·W 3!?5 161 161, 4'"•• 4 154 Bnlbandh G 289 720 117 02·' 41S 1)06 IU2 2B 155 Bahri 290 ,')Si 70 51U 257 21'\0 H9 25 )56 Karnaul 291 613 123 R!)8 4·t·:J 415 Hi} 35 20!.! Z,75 157 Chandi · . 195 1,270 67!) 600 224 [) 158 Mukundpur 293 106 22 106 54 02 J.1. 159 BR.rdiha · . 294 34R 54, 3R!) 201 lR5 30 160 Bhaluauna . , 207 249 S8 4HS 251 24-7 109

161 Pil·t.ampur 29R 244 38 312 16~j 146 1~ 162 Gangaj a1 Dehri 209 150 42 277 11-2 135 40 163 Dego Dehri 308 2fl7 30 HH 94 97 16 164- Ka.J iB)npur 310 30U 47 215 107 108 30 12 165 Bajon 311 455 56 483 234 24-9 40 6 166 Sohari 312 151 31 279 130 UH 30 1 167 Kaup 313 1,370 304· 1,081 805 776 454 150 168 Pathar 314- 272 82 503 2f)4 24H 21 4 169 Dhanclhauli 315 802 29 197 Of) !)g 10 8 170 Oarhani · . 316 419 58 504 254 . 250 80 ]2 171 Parariya 317 348 92 5l!) 256 263 116 6 172 l\1anaini 400 302 48 325 158 167 · . 40 • • 173 Tntal'iya .. .. 4:02 228 24 138 70 US {) P.-S.-SHAHAR 1 Babubaudh •• 301 5SH 60 463 244 219 86 1 2 Chit'a·Ii 302 223 36 246 119 127 11 3 Dilya L,G 303 1,144- 175 1,172 564 610 120 13 4 Anantpnr 305 177 Og 234 119 115 15 5 Akunha · . 306 242 37 227 102 125 20 16 Berat.h L 309 2,225 327 2,028 1,047 OSI 225 7 Ratlll~rh L,G 318 1,317 259 1,503 794 7~9 228 1 8 I..a.harpa L 319 317 51 aH5 199 196 80 9 DUlUariya L 320 164 32 274 121 153 34 ·. 321 180 56 ·. 10 Dhakaul .. 419 210 209 52 ·. 11 I .. a.sarhi L,R,G 322 534 97 793 385 4t08 100 10 12 Bishamhara 323 106 11 itS 43 50 15 ... 13 Situhtl-\'i L 324 907 127 865 470 395 4-8 · 14 Narain~' L 325 1,448 356 2,244 1,102 1,142 218 '16. 15 Hbalauni L,G 326 228 108 608 808 800 103 9 16 :\!ardpur 328 288 84 371 143 128 19 17 Chaprapur 329 555 145 704 403 301 120 10 18 Dihara 330 231 37 206 103 103 28 ! 19 Chaudi 832 8lJIJ 66· 1.2li8 678 575 185 2- 20 Banaul1 G 333 66.7 17. ~f,883 .694. 689 184 1

L-Lower Primary School. tr-Upper P.rimary School. M-Kiddl. S~l. B-BiSh School. ( ,_,Inttitution for OirJa. LU. UU,.eio.-lJrdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. : 161


._------_._---- ,------,,------LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes ------._.----N on-agricultural Classes --~------~------'------.------I. II. III. IV. Persons (induding dt)pondants) who derive th(.'ir Clilti vators Culti vatofs Culti vating Non­ pt'in.oipal moans of livolihood from- '0£ land wh.olly of la.nd wholly la.bourers culti vating --'------.----- .---Soria.l or m:lrinly or ma.inly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-ownod and their, Production Othor thair , thei r dopondanta agrioultural (other than Commoroe 'rransport Borvioes dop :mda.nts dopencia.llts ront fnc[)i vers oulti va.tion) and and other mhme]}o.noou8 deponc.h\n ts SQllf'(lOa ------_... _------_._.__ ._ ... ,.. -.-.---.,-----.--.--~- ---,------_.. -- 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1 ___ ...-.... ______- ______'_ •. ______...... ______'a _____·_ " __"_'_ --_._--_._-- P.-S.-PIHO--concld. {)lH 8').... 4- 4 4 I·B 430 I U~ 1 142 4:-\2 a 143 22B ]0 14- 144 440 25 145 na In7 Z 140 43 452 r,n 147 1.1:~4 180. !)()H 110 45 8~~ ;') I 148 :!:~H [)4 n .J. H 149 }[,4 3U )4[) 1 1 J J t>O

275 :3H 42 37 l() :.W 80 151 HHH 13t) 4Hl) "_, 7 :!:J 10 8U 102 22B :l:~ 4H 1 B 4 153 757 50 7f) 1 \) :11 154 478 20 18 155 ;).) ]l)ij 4~)5 1)4 l(;5 11 r,:J :W ..... 32 443 101 1416 20t) 26 27 I fl7 20 82 4 J58 272 H2 _," IH 4 169 274: 1:\5 4H ....) 4 34: 160 r)o .., .J 161 185 71 "" .... 2 151 18 38 1 1 68 162 103 80 4 4: HiS 169 28 10 8 }(}4 267 85 125 ;3 1 16G 255 6 10 160 823 32" 552 17 44 1 112 167 448 51 4: 168 177 10 3 7 J69 .) 170 310 74 99 "" 2 1 7 308 80 0 10 22 171 135 144 24 22 172 109 29 .. 173 P .. S.-SHAHAR 281 67 108 1 1 1 • • 4: 1 246 · . ·. 2 7H2 57 297 2 2·1; 3 180 33 2 19 4: . 194 29 4 5 1,626 8 310 20 6 40 6 557 534- 396 1 1'2 21 3 69 7 101 190 77 15 3 .. 1 8 8 274: •• ·. {} 339 36 17 1 13 4: 9 10 631 14 108 4 17 19 11 46 18 20 12 552 50 107 4H )4 3 13 1,154 2R 527 16 12 27 120 14 289 31 39 2 1) II 281 15 208 11 38 3 11 16 568 3 87 6 3 IS '82 17 204: . . • • ·. 18 915 • 58 ~75 {) ·. ·. 19 (l09 344 .339 • • '3 87 ... 9 20

,.J3:..-Saltio Sohool. SS--8oDior Basic School. S--S8.ns.krit Pat~hala. G-Grara P&1u"hayat. :Q.;-Libr.ries~ t-POIt*Oftloe. 152·


Total number of persons Litera.tes enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village in occupied _.__ ... _-_._-- - .. ~-.--.--- no. nQ. acres houses . l'ersons Ma]es Females Males Females

------",y_, ---,,-_ .... .--.....-- ...... _.-.-.. -- ... ~- -~-.- "."_"_,,-,,, -_.---, 1 2 3 4 I) 6 7 8 9 10 .... - .. -. _------...... ~--. . _ __ '-._- P.' S.-SHAHAR-contd. 21 Chapauliya. 335 110 17 160 66 94 14 22 Agiaon L, l\{, B, (} 337 858 176 1,346 6U7 64H 280 6 23 Kharaicha 338 326 56 423 205 218 60 2 24 J sharpura :J30 120 28 187 106 81 II 1 25 :Pa!olwan 1. 340 843 150 1~11l m4 407 12H S ... ~ 26 Kbari 342 488 It) ;,J5 263 252 4!l ...') t27 Bargaoll L 343 3,083 1,174 3,944 1,H8U J ,95:. 57·1, )47 28 Meghariya L 344 357 l:~O !W!) 488 511 1M, 13 29 Kamariya 345 478 100 645 3"'"'"'" 318 83 (j 30 Chipula · . 347 116 17 164 83 81 fi 31 Narainganj 34~ 41){i 132 9H9 !HW 490 168 03 .3')- Dundhua 349 ()7 II 100 iH 4H 12 33 Barahmpur MohAdar~ L 350 ] ,2IR In7 1,;'572 7S2 7UO 270 2:J 34 Chilhar L,M 351 742 250 l,51~ S94 R24 274 32 35 Tarachak L,R 3:')2 212 9H 601 312 28H #'\02 6S 36 Karb!.tsin II 35:J 1,07] 203 1,174 i')68 006 JI)'"... 1 Hi 37 Gordiho. · . 3fH 222 47 376 17ft 107 87 0 38 Nadhi 356 674 277 1,31 H 673 346 471) 39 Nonf\ur I~ 357 1,049 210 ] ,603 8a:1 860 242 ...<)" _ 4:0 MU7.&ffarpur .. 358 553 us 522 248 274 Hi) 7 4:1 Maclhopur 35U 110 56 28U 146 143 Ii) 42 Bu.¥hi L,M,P :l60 552 IOU 603 327 276 1a:J 43 Ba,lraill L 361 626 114- 878 443 4,3t; 175 44 Bishanpura 362 202 29 220 106 114 87 t'5 Baruhi L 363 1,860 295 2,065 .1,050 1,006 851 22 46 Sebantha L :164 527 133 R17 405 412 121) 47 Baruna · . 365 844 99 727 377 350 5.'5 Maranpur L 366 1.836 316 2,OOH 1,002 1,007 188 25 Rkw81'i L, M, H, R, G 367 3,150 760 4,808 2,536 2,272 835 25 l!:60 lns,rkhi 368 538 92 745 388 357 65

:$1 Newada T.. 370 301 161 932 45H 463 103 () 52 BaMidih L 371 432 76 521 261 270 80 53 Kaurandihiri 373 559 119 833 421 412 147 44 ,54 P~ur L 374 226 114 670 349 3!H 132 t55 L,M,H 876 878 288 1,6,'2 80H 833 302 18 56 Abgila' . L' 377 685 114 650 303 347 117 37 57 Mathurapur 37S 518 130 387 193 194 to fi8 Patrihan 379 207 06 612 284 328 •.8 1 59 Shj"ohak J., .. 380 199 102 644 828 321 71 '8 60 Anuwar J.. 881 405 122 714 436 274 182 8 61 Gulwapoon L,R,G 382 J ,016 226 1,503 760 743 301 18 '62 KarWMing L 383 70n 127 854 420 4.34 1.')1 63 Kbaira. , . 384 602 61 460 214 246 50 26 64 Pal'hap L,R,G 386 1,284 2()4, 1,614 86R 746 438 35 65 Hati~anj 887 144 32 254 132 J22 45 :> '66 Bhauri 389 4:21 133 437 216 221 141 4. 67 Khaura.uchaterbhuj T•• n 390 1,388 161 1,078 567 511 . 9S) 68 Sakha.u'n& 391 85 71 503 237 266 62 .69 Ohakchaudhari L 392 998 1Of) 1,265 6~7 668 197 10 70 Kanpahar.i 393 243 28 219 III lOS 20 1

~,.""" L-Lower .:fr.imary School~ U-UpptJ' Primary School. .-)lidd~e, School. H-High Sehool. ( )-Inetitution for Girl.. LU, UU,. etc.-Urdu L.P., Urdu U. J». etc.

",,/," , 153



------,------,------"------Agricultural Classes N on-a.gricultural Cl88se8 I. II. III. IV. Persons (inclading dependants) who derive their Culti vators Culti vB,tors Cultivating Non­ principal means of Ii velihood from- of lani ,wholly of land wholly labourers oultivating '------Seria.l or ma.inly or. mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un -owned and their land Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport services dependa.n ts dependants rent recei vers culti vatioll) and and their miscellaneous dependants sources =------,------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P.-S.-SHAHAR-conkl.

105 51 3 • • • • 1 21 362 23.') 403 III • • 10 7 12S 22 233 13 l.i2 3 18 4 23 13!) 8 18 12 19 24 SUI 21 202 19 56 65 liS7 25 34R 93 94 26 2.498 14S 1,002 22 60 214 27 362 624 Ii 8 28 468 lBU ·. 5 8 29 164- ·. • • ... .. 30 333 28 211 • • 129 64 38 196 31 72 12 16 • • .. 32 828 13 698 ... ·. 28 ;') 33 72Sl 3 742 1 11 1 26 34 323 ""79 181 ... 18 35 624 64 469 2 2 13 36 ~56 8 3n .. , 16 23 37 37 ;56 ]3 276 67 38 125 44 38 882 05 511 5 77 46 Ii) 58 31) 2'12 24 224 15 15 ,2 40 51 82 137 10 3 6 41 465 126 6 1 5 42 348 165 98 210 3n 6 12 43 131 89 44 1,0:53 ' tiS 577 3 73 150 15 126 45 405 112 225 9 7 20 I) '83 46 488 70 163 -. , 47 1,374 99 411) 21 43 30 23 48 2,220 . 33U 1,333 15 130 576 88 212 4:9 633 26 58 4 24 30 510 53 253 18 10 88 51 257 245 17 62 479 2 288 55 9 63 309 114 18~ 14 10 4 2 IH 54 304 106 iS80 96 202 54 300 55 240 39 149 1 84 :n ] 90 66 297 80 2 4 4 57 302 7 255 7 3 5 33 5S 522 118 4 (;n 615 2 97 60 87~ 268 261 34 3 41 18 61 663 38 153 62 197 16~l 23 65 12 83 770 106 611 101 14 5 2 6 64- 153 52 49 ·. • • 65 296 97 4,. .'. 66 546 29 442 ·. 12 1 43 67 201 82 209 1 ·. 10 68 775 446 3 .. 82 9 69 22 14 166 • • 17 • • ·. • • 70

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries t-Post-Oftice. ,1.54


.Total number of persoll.a Literates enumerated .Aree. No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied -.---.-----.:...-..­ .----. 110. no. aerea , houses Persons. Males Females Males Females

_____... _~ ______-·r_'I'._ . ._ __,...... _ ..... __". ______•

~- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _- -_._,.. - _--" ~-'~--'''_'''----'' ,"- ---- ~-" --.~.-,. -----'-----_. P .• S.-BHAHAR--concld.

71 Amruhan G 394 933 218 1,509 760 749 281 14 72 Kusbiyar L 395 . , 633 147 1,259 61·i 645 210 21 73 Corpa . .. 396 434 52 415 222 193 81 74 Bhikbampur L 397 ,300 74 591 2!~4 297 35 75 Kharaicha. 39R 309 7!J 451> 235 ' 220 171 6 '76 BighaQlbharpnr 399 16H 72 298 152 . 146 31 77 Purhara 403 528 no 606 316 '!PO 39 1 78 Nima, 404 lR7 57 327 176 }O] 27 79 Koria 405 257 46 3S8 170 218 74 2 80 Baduti 406 290 51 411 216 196 60 1 81 :Rahuara .. 407 357 99 868 412 456 94 ,82 Koni 408 222 23 245 125 120 16 83 Chauri L,M,R 409 776 50 933 453 480 73 "4: ~4 Mababirganj 4II 126 22 141 68 76 16 4 $~ Janpuriva. .. 412 435 51 466 282 234 8S 12 'ft6 KouJo bhri, L, R, B, G 418 771 543 2,723 ·1,84!) 1,374 350 146 t~J Dhlmt"hhuhan L, 1\1. R, G 414 1,073 234 1,840 861 979 230 88 Pat.arpura 415 212 1)2 377 195 182 57 ~9 Chattarpur L 416 !!ll 116 639 296 '343 72 24 10 Kharaubujurg I~, M 417 803 166 1,312 641 671 117 91 I..odipur .• 418 569 48 326 155 171 37 .92 FatehpuJ' 410 1,263 112 872 436 436 187 25 93 Dharampur L 4-20 456 68 604 315 289 ]·19 9 94- Ojhauliya - .. 422 238 ~6 528 248 2~5 91 19 95 Alldhari L,R,B,G 428 622 281 1,392 658 734 20n 26 96 Harpur B 428 78 44 803 11)5 148 66 lR 97 BhopatpuJ' L 430 41 2 17 7 10 1 98 Janaidih 431 62 22 143 69 74- 37 2 99 Kl\ruhan 15 135 71 64 6 100 Nekapllr 26 160 IS2 78 14- 101 OjhahafjB L 44 400 .190 210 72 102 Mirjapur .. 5$ 403 236 2p7 l~ 2 loa Amia .. 341 852 Jl3 769 379 ,09 90 104: Seothara 327 178 56 214 113 101 ...".,


1 SedhA. L,M,R ' 100 1,606 333 2,324 ] ,130 1,1 fl4- 885 3{l '2 Beldehti .• 110 a36 fH 418 210 208 82 10 3 Rarnnagar L HI 453 95 60S 8~7 ,341 104- 8 BaghAanda I~ 112 344 101) 598 :'.83 '316 90 is is Gopnlpur US ,RS 80 163 7~ 85 29 4 " 81) ' 64 n ,6 Bipindih 114 29 182 68 i 8" _, 7 Amahura ·. U5 306 38 837 185 152 90 6 R Kusdehra ·. .. 116 244- 26 171 76 95 31 is D Qabrua • • ·. 117 403 81 573 436 137 118 7 10 HRJ'dia , •• ·. llS 2gS 76 500 252 248 52 10 , __. L-Lower Prim&TY School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middu, School. a-High School. ( )-lnstitution for Girla. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu tr. P. etc. -135 IrA-nlmS

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural CI888e8 Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV.· Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non. principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of la.nd wholly labourers cultivating Serial .. or mainly or mainly , ' and owners of V. VI. VII . VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependants agri cultural (other than Commerce Transport services dependants dependants rent receivers culti vation) and and other miscellaneous dependants BOurces

'.. 11 12 13-- 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .-S.-SHAHAR-ooncld. . . , . 531 474 399 12 38 14 I 40 71 803 167 185 23 35 17 I 29 72 174 143 98 73 385 7 199 · . 74 316 2 137 75 235 63 · . 76 291 41 26() • • 14 ·77 99 !!JU 9 '78 243 134 8 3 7Q 302 56 44- 3 6 80

419 230 214- ."i. 81 90 ]55 .. ~2 460 10 322 6~ 25 54 R3 99 l:! 30 84 3155 53 38 12 3 II 85 837 51 1,245 ]4 155 211 310 86 1,418 4:21 1 87 3 243 8~ 2 26 17 88 213 5 343 .2 11 65 89 566 42 5.')6 6 4 19 119 90 1 ' 150 173 ...'l 91. 420 8R 309 11 24 15 92 307 277 1 ..." 17 93 811 217 94 428 19 553 I 134 182 31 44 ·95 94 2 127 12 5 34 29 86 17 . . n7 104 4 35 9S 101 14 18 •• 2 99 94: 6 35 25 100 260 34 72 2 2 1 29 .101 291 21 112 1 4: 1 63 102 . 692 4 60 18 103 130 30 54 104-


1.145 66 637 54: 163 79 8 172 1,,_ 230 179 8 1 .... 232 96 184 3 78 22 If} 64 3 452 17 115 13 1 4 127 36 I) 83 13 27 6 I 2 ·6 126 211 7 82 55 34 S- 336 167 47 28 9 )88 288 24 10

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-8anskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libra.ries. Total number of ,ersons Literatea .. eIlll'trierate . . Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana. in ocoupied no., no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Femalee

... , __ ,----- 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 ._-_._10' P.-5.-TARARI-contd.

11 Getht1&~ Bhn.t L 119 805 28lS 1,405 707 698 160 8 12 Burhi Oethuar 120 299 26 ·18S 85 98 21 4 13 Itman L 126 413 47 3D4 198 196 102 7 i4 Kusunhi L •• 127 421 67 500 261 230 69 10 15 MaJwe 132 224 46 ~40 HS3 177 32 1 16 Burrua 133 tf)'7 24: 250 Jl4 ]36 40 1 .. {)2 .'17 Bara.~ya 134- .123 28 179 S'!] 23 J8 Bhakure L 138 IRS 106 791) 425 370 154 3 19 Dhamua ., 140 .322 62 424 233 191 76 1 C) ~O Sarphora I, 14.1 372 77 446 230 216 95 .. 21 Kudariya 147 168 25 205 103 102 48 I 22 Shanlu~rdih L )48 Rli! 67 463 223 240 50 4 28 Sara J... 149 670 146 838 427 411 7,t 14 24 Kisaidih •. 150 48 23 114 54 60 10 25 Duntpur 151 106 SO 427 214 213 52 2 '26 Karath L,M Iii;) 1,887 409 3,345 1,70J 1,6~4 186 38 '27 Mliobe,hdih 156 320 64 398 212 J80 37 5 '28 Mahadeoplll' 157 341 82 533 275 258 60 2 .29 Akraunj 158 344 61 424 240 184 III 1 '~ Ta.rari L 159 971 209 1,255 620 635 143 3 31 Bhopatpul' · . 160 137 1·5 111 49 62 33 1 32 Paranpura 161 160 58 355 162 193 8S IS S3 Saidanpur 162 513 93 liH7 299 298 57 2 34 Bandhua L 164 322 105 841 440 401 110 7 35 Barkagaon L,M 165 1;271 470 2,74U 1,346 1,403 467 39 .36 Surmaua 166 210 32 219 106 113 41 2 37 Bhad8era L 167 4ij4 160 631 312 g10 ]32 8 38 Dihri 168 292 87 441 214 227 28 2 39 Gangti · . 169 112 31 314 166 148 4f 1 40 Dumaria L 170 647 18" 1,2S}3 612 681 237 25 41 !tahri L 171 259 1')7 407 204 203 09 I ~2 Rauni L .. 172 47.'5 ~'4 800 283 317 133 2 4'3 PatkhA.llli 173 114 69 411 221 JPO ~ _,0 Ba"lR.uri L 175 622 14R 1,048 501 f)47 Ifl6 20 45 Sikraul' L,M ]77 968 131 RR4 fi25 459 l69 ...0 .'46 Fatenpur 178 223 53 834 172 162 43 1 47 Labna ·. • • 179 231 76 491 2M 230 106 5 48 NirbhAi D(·hra ]80 295 7a 447 23Fi 212 112 2 49 Chanda 1. 187 82(l 212 1,134 580 554 190 24 .ti0 Shikarhata. MiJik ]89 76 32 205 98 107 36 1

51 Shiko.rha.ta L, H 190 • 2,212 ~98 2,433 1,155 ] ,278 324 85 62 Shikarhata kburd I. 191 'Ill III 757 350 407 20R 86 53 'Nonidih ]02 12!! 42 315 145 170 60 R !l4 Basra ]03 231 54 86] 187 174 72 {) 56 Bagar LtR,B J94- 1,818 350 2,~27 1,216 1.111 3£10 22 56 Khirulla.chak 191) 178 2R ]53 74 70 13 57 Kurmohri L, M, R 199 1,718 530 2,572 1,311 1,261 6e2 30 58 ChftkiR L 203 574 248 1,509 766 743 290 12 59 NdtwQ(Uh 206 198 57 413 207 206 68 1 HarIa ... 207 204 48 U2 108 1'4 70 11 60 • • - L-Lower Primary Sohool. U-Upper PrimAry SchQol. . M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Inatitution for Girl•. LU, UU, ~. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 157


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ------,------,_-----,------Agricultural Cl&He8 Non -agricultural CI888e8 I. II. m. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Culti vatore Culti vators CulM vating Non­ prinoipal,lJ,LMIls of livelihood. from- .of land wliolly of land' wholly labourers cUltivating ----,------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. tswn:etf antf un-o'Wned' and their land, Produotion Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport servioes dependants dependants ren t recei vers oultivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants sources

IT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ------_...... _.----_._-- P.-S.-TARARI-ccmtd.

1,06ts 16 258 22 16 28 11 127 56 12 294 100 18 339 31 130 1" 31 12 14 1 3 16 250 1'5 140 20 10 9 1'7 508 16 205 6 50 10 18 140 98 122 6' 19 230 3 153 50 10 20 lIH 6 48 21 51 265 129 2 2 14 22 375 413 25 26 28 54 32 8 2 18 24 27R 96 25 28 26 1,197 112 411 20' 378 4-3 26 239" 93 4:1 6 8 7 2 2'1 296 38 126 52 I) 16 28 385 39 29 482 206 307 15 77 16 152 30 81 27 3 31 267 67 7 11 3 32 492 65 30 1 88 40l 123 232 23 25 20 17 S. 1,110 363 715 74 157 213 37 80 36 167 36 16 ~ 246 64 219 22 11 37 3S 3' 244 22 135 29 11 38 160 1~ 110 5 21 39 791 (')02 40

192 30 183 2 41 39' 182 3 21 42 ]94 f) ]69 13 22 '7 48 773 69 ]50 19 11 I 21) 44, 649 24 2H3 17 1 45 107 III 116 46 219 2fj 91 87 .50 47 194 10 102 104 2 48 585 538 1 8 49 163 21 .IIi 16 50 737 272 713 50 240 244 2f.l 148 51 337 69 145 29 53 33 9 82 52 112 36 126 41 58 .200 28 127 3 2 1 54: 906 287 442 10 373 202 5' 103 55 79 7 67 56 1,270 82 938 6 106 96 25 4Q 57 1,143 153 202 •• 4 7 58 238 In 11)6 69 112 lSI 17 83 30 •• g 60 .' • • ----_".,..------_...... _-----_ •. _"-" ..• B-Basic School. SB--Senior Basic School. S ...... ,sanskrit p ..thshaJa. G-Gram Parlchayat. R-Libraries. t-Po8t.Oftice. 158

'. .Vtt~AC~

Total number or persona Literates enumeratNi Area No .. of Serial Name of' village Thana , in occupied '------no. no. act'eM houf!les . 'PCfl'SOna ' Males Fettlales Males Famal~

------.------.1 2 8 Ii 6 7 8 10 ------~------.._.------.------.------.--p .. S.-TARARI-cotlcld. 61 Rajmaldih 208 176' IH 362 HH 171 97 7 20n 344 164 807 461 436 154 62 Naua L , , ]0 63 Daridih·". , ,220 6'7]) Ion 6Ri ; '\321 363 1.22 3 64 Panwari L,M,R 410 981 267 1.807 8R7 920 286 25 65 Imadpur L 425 1,561 255 1.513 759 754 284- 21 66 BB.hadurpur 427 11)6 34 212 101 III 84 4 67 La('hhiclih 420 43 23 152 74 '78 4J ) 68 Bi"lhnrobbarpur 432 87 47 269 )43 126 67 5 69 Moap Buzurg J.. 434 1,01~ 308 2,052 972 1,080 424- 5J 70 Khut.aha ' L 430 l~!l 118 ] ,J f)!) 6]4 551 140 6

71 Saur&. 437 292 54 352 193 159 45 1 72 Bernjn 439 325 60 396 206 190 98 1 78 N 8.rayanpur L 440 113 3R 231 131 100 54 1 74 Deo L 441 1, In!? 259 1,854 951 903 313 48 76 Kab Debra 442 568 118 919 450 469 175 5 76 Dhangawf\n J.. 443 817 J41 1,133 56!) 568 185 3 77 "Tarsi L 444 753 136 834 432 402 ]33 1M 78· Moap khurd L,G 445 792 161 1,024 lS14 510 143 2 79 Bishunpura. L 447 90S 2,.2 1,343 61)0 693 ]72 I) 80 Rajpur, .. 448 1,6'6R 120 9J2 470 44-2 45 2 81 Bihta L,H,R 449 3,694 434 3,648 1,857 1,791 1485 41 P.-S.-BUXAR 1: N arhat-pur .. 1 714 183 1,471 7Sfl 735 167 50 2 Chansa SR, M, G .. 2 662 446 2,876 1,400 1,476 520 12R 3 Cbundi U 4- 1,307 143 1,084 ."70 514 65 ' 4 Kuhipur 5 252 ]0 101 43 58 4 6, Karhandi B, (1 .. ) '; 1,888 225 1,823 945 878 227 3 6 Bhagolwa 29 374- 82 252 139 113 37 7 Nyayapur •• •• 33 282 63 454 221 233 45 8 KlUlak ~ arayanpur •• 34 289 32 295 165 130 16 9" Akhauripur L 36 224 46 477 236 241 11 1 10 Khelafatpur •• 38 400 34 244 114- 130 18 11 Banarpur 40 736 203 1,726 881 845 163 10 12 Moho.npurwa 43 209 201 1,718 ~ft6 852 13 Mathia. .• 277 J19 40 290 152 138 n 14 Ijrisram 278 ~33 310 5115 275 240 40 15 Ijribidhan 280 202 SIS Il5 '56 5~ 7 16 Hukab.a .. 28) 58R 77 491) 226 273 37 17 RahMi<'bak 282 690 85 6(1) 350 849 138 18 tTa'dg~wan 2At 286 86 566 280 280 42 19 I..arai , 285 115 21 137 68 60 13 8 20 Dubauli .. 286 . 91 8 74 42 .,'} ....) 2 .. 21 Nawagawan .. 28M 115 27 173 01 82 13 22 Korarwo. 28!l 85 9 100 5.5 45 12 23 Har.i.pur L 290 251 50. 413 210 203 29 24 Gobindpura 291 66 54- 508 258 25/S 65 13 25 Sauwan haudh 203 236 15 84 43 41 26 Pauni . . .. 294 657 157 1,062 ~22 1540 04" 4; 27 Dhund ha.ri .. .. 201) 341 71l 42 8~ 11 28 Mahuari 2H6 225 49 429 184 245 57 29 Kathgharwa L 298 224 74- 481 210 221 64 13 80 HU8sainpur 299 308 85 .500 251 .24.9 S4. 3

L-Lower PriMary Schoo'l: U-Upper Prima,ry &ohool.' X-Middle "Sohool. H-High School. ( )-;Inatitution for Girls. LU, 00, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 169 tTA1'UTICI


Agricultural 'C~asses N on~agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. PenJons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Culti vato1'8 Oulti vators Culti vating Non- principal means of livelihood from-- 'Of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivatinf Serial or mainly or mainly and owners 0 V. VI. VII. VilI. no. owned and un-owned and t,heir land, Production Other their their dependants agrioultural (other than Commerce Transport services dependants dependants rent recei vers cultivation) and and their mi80ellaneous dependants sources 11 12 13 14 US 16 17 18 1 P ..S.-TARARI-concld. 264 53 37 11 7 61 541 101 128 55 31 25 .-'l 14 62 490 19 - 158 ·. 11 1 4 63 860 26 531 48 134 84 8 116 64- 818 4 415 12 115 121 2 26 65 100 85 23 ·. 4 66 lOS 36 8 · 67 110 ' -16 119 24 . 68 1,295 305 275 25 .i)" - 100 69 431 121 195 57 162 89 26 84 70

229 19 54 10 12 28 71 270 56 ,1)2 16 2 72 7 9 188 27 73 1,913 no 3H6 19 123 18 10 76 74- 398 17 476 12 16 71) ;89 91 132 £0 43 48 10 76 580 83 144 8 · . 19 77 781 105 13' 3 2 30 78 824 64 343 16 8 38 50 79 764 53 52 II ' 6 14 8 80 1,601 326 1,249 26 82 268 22 74 81 P.-S.-BUXAR

884 154 270 • • 14 46 23 71 1 987 591 067 83 218 245 85 2 657 ' 33 172 9 52 67 U4 3 37 1 53 . 10 1,158 122 214 · 63 134 13 119 5 134 26 88 3 1 "6 67 ·286 • 93 8 7 204 42 31 12 6 S 291 64 102 17 3 9 175 24 45 · . .. • • ·. - 10 976 ,126 295 • • 31 49 19 230 11 852 73 611 32 26 14 III 12 273 3 · . · . . 14 13 389 15 97 · 14 14 68 4: :lO . 12 1 15 362 70 3 ' . 64 16 326 99 151 83 7 28 17 170 7 389 18 61 35 21 12 8 19 55 19 20 112 28 13 20 21 32 :57 11 · 22 181 82 132 18. 23 382 15 82 · . 29 24 65 19 2.~ 606 12 411 12 21 26 54 19 2 27 2'63 19 116 4 7 .2.a 23 £,06 r. 220 . :.!9 24:9 is 59 16 15 33 9 114 30

", B-Basio 8ohOQl. SB-Senior Basic School. S..:_sa.nakrit Path.thala. G-Gram Panohayat. R-Libraries. t-Post.OlJloe. 160

Total n\1:mher pf persons Lit.erate-8 enumerated Area No. of Th(lllo. in occupied ------~-­ llO. no. acres houses ---- Persons Ma.les Females Males Females:

-- ~--.--, l 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO P •. S.-BUXAR-contd. ------

31 Hl\dipur 301 157 17 96 42 54 6 32 MiBr~",lia .. 303 257 67 501 238 263 80 3S Kamharia 304 IOn 31 220 III llS 28 ..'> , '81, Kamarpul' L 305 627 103 ] ,017 III 5 503 145 8 35 Kira.tpura 307 160 62 592 2B5 2U7 9.5 7 ,36 Lachhmipur 308 147 62 .')95 295 300 .. :37 Ba.luwa U 309 198 135 394 ]91 203 9!l 10 88 B~labi 310 99 41 355 180 17.5 5J 3 39 Jokahi 312 ll6 12 88 45 43 11 40 PuUya 315 243 25 258 ] 2,1) 133 ]5 5 41 Chhotka N auwa.n 316 315 60 457 227 230 7!l 16 42 Bark... Na.uwan L,U 319 303 53 (150 319 331 62 ]7 43 Thora 321 165 54 406 18n 217 67 7 44 Paure patti 1.,G 324 1,289 22~ 1,513 703 810 201 77 .4,.') Misrautia .• 325 426 67 501 236 265 75 1')') 5 46 Mathiya Grdaru 326 ..... 30 207 94- 113 13 3 47 La.lgunje L 327 306 100 606 3:~O 276 78 8 l\{anauwar chak 329 )'02 48 144 1,062 521 5U 4:9 Jaso .. 330 562 127 :to 50 8a.rimpur L 333 250 H)6 1,337 645 692 424

~l Ahirauli L, U 335 772 330 1,778 907 871 600 200 52 Katkauliya. 336 51 9 55 24 31 8 t53 Nadaon L 337 1,158 227 1,731 868 863 322 30 54 Sondhiln 338 642 150 9H3 488 nOS 144 15 55 I'anditpur 339 219 42 298 150 148 46 10 56 Jagdisbpur L 340 706 16R 1,474 764 710 lR4 {} 57 Kulh3.riya. L,G 341 33 258 1,395 691 704 153 27 58 Bhato.uliya L 342 667 96 923 471 472 162 4 59 Parasiya 343 203 56 414 208 206 50 59 10 122 49 73 60 Patelwa .. , .., 344 99 24 61 Harkishunpur 347 S{} 54 409 ]88 221 72 62 Dalsag'ar 1... , L 348 340 274 1,524 712 812 181 52 63 Gogaup,a .. 349 200 38 334 ]69 165 40 1 M Sahupara 3tH 78 47 457 244 213 02 5 65 Parari' .• 352 369 28 403 215 188 42 10 t06 Chura.!Uanpur L, M, G 3,53 606 300 1,313 64H 664 335 50 67 Darappur 354 ]80 08 318 151 167 40 68 Arjunpur I .. 355 488 322 1,462 710 752 819 35 69 Sherpur .. 356 178 47. 299 116 183 52 2 70 Balapur .. 357 166 • 35 330 162 168 46 7'1 Dungurpur 358 46 5 33 1.') 18 7 72 Tiwaripur 359 56 58 304 136 168 39 73 Dahirnar U 362 264 119 935 .51 484 138 19 74 Garani 363 130 29 172 78 94 12 5 t'15 Majhariya L,H 364 1,223 203 1,504 759 749 384 14 76 Dudharnhak .. 367 51 13 96 48 48 10 ,. 77 Kharanti .. 368 123 10 117 57 60 32 2 78 Ramub&riya L 369 160 61 511 218 293 40 79 Punropur 375 75 49 351 16·io 187 40 80 IT padhyaypur 376 67 52 367 164 203 38 --- I_Lower Prima1'Y Sch()ol. U-Upper Prima.ry School. :M-M:iddle School. H-Higb School.' ( )-Inatjtution for Girle. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., et,c. 161


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES AgriculturaJ. Ol888e8 N on-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derivo thoir OultivatoI'8 Culti vators Culti vating Non- principal means of livelihood from- of la.nd wholly of land whoUy la.bourers culti vatitlg Serial or mainly or mainly a.nd owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned a.nd un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other tha.n. Commerce Transport services dependants dependantF.l rent receivers CUltivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants sourcos

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .. S.-BUXAR-contd. 46 50 :n 284 72 l~l 2 .,') 20 32 153 41 :i4 J 33 5S.Q 211 163 11 20 11 12 34 284 198 107 2 1 35 285 IH9 107 3 1. :36 337 16 25 5 4 7 37 115 20H 10 5 6 6 5 38 47 24 15 2 39 189 6 24 39 40 210 21 180 5 35 41 296 1 73 4:-l 108 10 9 10 42 :377 11 18 43 652 145 384- 92 3U 43 1 157 44 296 22 98 14 20 13 2 26 45 50 56 101 46 181 116 105 151 53 47 4H 161 :JU 135 { 48 678 49 106 25 222 12 72 42 473 385 50

837 120 476 2 48 139 126 51 33 2 15 2 3 52 865 85 240 21 un 179 11 160 53 4H4 232 150 22 25 70 ti4 264 13 21 55 433 706 334 1 56 484 489 176 30 29 45 26 83 57 705 169 13 IS 2 29 58 288 6a 61 2 59 53 11 23 17 18 60

203 84 ll8 2 2 61 700 310 339 If) 69 36 55 62 132 154 23 19 3 3 63 144 2 51 260 64 204 74 68 3 11 17 26 66 894 220 50 235 89 31 324 66 175 108 .. 26 9 67 687 59 465 47 18 110 76 68 65 264 4, 6 10 69 169 10 18 138 70 24 7 2 71 290 10 4: 72 553 8 212 56 19 13 72 73 88 44 21 19 74- 488 337 228 85 98 165 27 76 75 77 19 76 75 10 10 82 77 813 81 43 74 78 72 .. 105 26 27 32 89 79 145 , .. 122 .. 80

-'--'~"""-~'---'-""""" B-Baaio School. SB-Senior Baaic School. S-Sanskrjt PathshaJa. G-Gram Panoht'y.t•. R-Libra.rie8. t-Poat-OIIloe. 162


Total number of/ersons Literates enumerate Area No. of Serial Name of village 'rhana in occupied ------,-­ --_._- no. acres houses Persons Males Females Ma.les Femalos.

------._-----",_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _.. ,,_"'__,--- --~.- P. -S.-BUXAR-concld.

81 Jagdara 378 122 44 340 17:l 167 26 ·82 Parari .. 381 132 45 267 123 144 40 3 83 Nat L 382 99 86 650 286 364 104 . 4 84 Umarpul' Dial's. 383 379 296 1,649 947 712 15 85 Rampur 387 51 13 185 92 93 15 3 86 Sonbal'sa L, H 389 306 152 968 432 530 142 10 87 Balaur 399 293 51 526 245 281 87 88 Baruna. .. 402 2,122 299 2,474 1,269 1,205 365 39 89 Basa.uli L 403 2,203 153 1,.283 65H 624 172 32 90 Ba.ksa L 404 1,581 213 1,751 858 893 '28:l 44· t9I Mahdah L,G 405 3,566 390 2,B76 1,519 1,457 553 121 92 Bhabhuar 411 274 35 301 14.0 152 32 ]0 93 Nuaon L 412 187 38 277 127 150 :U 6 94 Ramdihu. 413 207 30 29;:. 318 157 4:l In 05 Nidhua 414 492 68 490 238 252 48 3 96 Sagrampur 421 149 26 200 1011 05 I) 97 Babhani 423 268 50 3;;8 1~4 174 35 1 tos Central Jail - 1,670 1.506 164 691 102 P.-S.-RA.JPUR

1 Becbanpurwa 28 709 114 066 470 490 104- 2 Sikra.ur · . 41 668 198 1,379 687 6H2 In7 21) 3.. Kocharbi 44 253 140 956 539 417 264 14 Sarenja G 46 1,048 366 2,570 1,225 1,345 28H 40 IS Kusrupa 47 291 78 640 328 312 195 6 Bharkhara 50 891 53 369 190 179 67 7 Dllanaipur 52 154 14 81 40 41 2 8 Taranpur 53 114 34 181 87 94 12 9 Uttampur 54 502 92 681 331 350 10 Rajpur L 56 1,511 262 2,008 1,061 947 264 40 11 Makuria. 59 181 39 500 255 245 19 2 12 Bhalanba 60 114 8U 223 100 114 23 4 13 Trilochanpur 61 121 6 60 33 36 10 14 Sa.raon · . 62 183 20 89 48 41 24 15 Ragbunathpur 68 215 84 544 268 276 30 7 10 Ora ·. 64 476 64 446 218 228 77 17 Pithari · . 65 399 56 410 220 190 36 18 Burhadih 66 441 57 310 170 140 63 19 Rsjapul' 68 379 14 755 386 S6H 118 10 20 Gosainpur U 69 315 £) 566 280 286 85 4 21 Kathtar 70 1,089 130 n47 475 472 1) 4 22 JaJilpur · . 71 1,394 241 1,853 919 934 115 25 23 Soupa L 72 1,091 216 1,654 834 820 91 12 24 Naw81' ·. .. 75 279 49 486 246 240 52 25 Saud 76 183 65 490 246 244 52 26 Palia 77 305 81 585 302 283 161 27 Kbaragpura 78 273 69 344 174 172 42 12 28 l:tohini Bharan 80 218 71 509 .238 271 53 1 t29 Dehri L,M,H •• 82 1,.524 286 3,091 1,680 1,511 739 18 30 Rampur ... 8S 1,163 230 1,286 638 648 249 4: --- L-Lower PrimarySchoot. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle Sohool. . H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU. 00, etc.-UNiu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 168



Agrioultural Claues Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependa.nts) who derive their Culti vators Culti vators Culti vating Non- princi pal means of Ii velihood from- of la.nd wholly of la.nd wholly la.bourers cultivati~ Serial or mainly or mainly and owners 0 V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their la.nd, Produotion Other their their dependantf$ agrioultural (other than Commeroe Transport services dependa.nts dependants reut recei vcrs cultiva.tion) and and their misoellaneous dependants sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 -- -...- P .-S.-BUXAR-concld.

121 32 179 8 81 156 15 96 82 147 2~.2 89 40 82 83 1,179 :163 12 51 44 84 157 8 20 85 5]8 301 49 90 llO 80 285 67 149 25 87 1,060 7B6 520 6 24 9 59 88 745 319 193 6 5 5 10 89 1,080 151 340 81 24 75 90

1,235 1,227 316 )0 46 63 II) 64 91 120 48 118 12 3 Q2 125 33 60 6 12 22 1 13 93 170 74 37 l' 94 108 In4 210 8 95 58 101 38 2 1 96 IH5 93 68 "., 07 ],670 98 P.-S.-RAJPUR

598 101 238 4 H 11 •• 5 1 798 384 8 154 35 2 710 20 156 3 58 3 1,487 2HS 501 28 25 34 11 186 4: 274 142 211 2 7 4 5 201 14 103 11 40 6 81 7 33 148 8 403 43 131 18 6 80 9 815 502 56a 4 21 06 7 10 372 80 28 20 11 83 121 11 8 12 58 11 13 77 ..4) 3 7 14 43 43 77 29 24U 103 15 220 226 16 334 13 50 ..') ..." 0 17 175 102 ]S .-' 15 18 278 ... 372 3 42 33 3 29 19 311 41 164 11 5 34 20 138 20 630 159 21 1.084 401 230 8 124 6 22 756 844 13 19 22 23 177 117 ISO 2 10 24 318 100 \} 12 45 25 325 240 18 2 26 2'21 113 9 3 27 71 205 192 30 6 5 28 1,364 ' 541 1,070 4 19 16 77 29 205 11 69 300 698 3 80

B-Baaic School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sanskrit Pathsbala. G-Gl'am Panchayat. :a-Libraries. t--P08t.Offlce. Total number of pel'8OntI Literate. enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied ------no. no. Boree houses ,-- Pel'AOns Males Females Femalea

_ ... __ ._--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 __ .. __ - P. -S.-RAJPUR-oontd. 31 Tiwaya. .. 92 587 176 1,847 965 882 390 22 32 Dharampur 93 lOS 28 167 82 85 6 88 Sa.gra 97 415 55 383 187 196 77 4: 34 Nikris 98 895 71 440 222 218 260 8 35 N&gpur L,M,H 103 638 157 905 450 4515 187 20 36 Gaidhara .• 104 250 74 478 243 235 44 87 Kharika 106 334 14 82 46 36 3 38 Soni 108 290 47 228 ' 115 113 21 1 39 Kajuiya 112 309 96 460 255 20.5. 32 4: 40 Itawa 114 703 81 400 194 206 41 8 41 Mangraon L,G 116 498 183 1,079 527 552 171 19 42 Sagra.wan .. 124 932 169 OS3 515 468 215 45 43 Baroatur .. 126 319 82 544: 271 273 60 2 44 Ma.T i .. 127 352 31 149 71 . 78 19 45 Malahipur 128 123 68 457 239 218 95 46 Utari 129 361 68 466 237 229 95 .. 47 Rauru .. L 131 470 121 947 4ti] 486 141 45 48 Ja.itpura. .. 135 175 28 246 122 124 12 49 Chhotki Puraini 136 297 37 293 131 162 12 &0 Barki Purs.ini 137 309 53 120 59 61 51 Jamauli .. 139 556 125 9aR 4fj4 484 100 2 52 Saithua. .. 141 272 58 368 191 177 77 I} 1)3 Dewarhiya 143 1,082 269 1,744 VOl 843 328 45 54 Hauka.rpur 144 50S 63 344 196 148 32 1 S5 Khhi L,G 145 2,026 293 1,984 1,001 983 400 23 56 Konouli .. 147 610 85 49.'; 259 236 74 4 .57 Cbhitandihra US 224 45 228 105 ]23 54 58 Bhagwanpur 149 119 30 318 161 157 69 Magedehri 150 429 23 146 74 72 4: 60 Akbarpur 153 612 42 4tH 190 261 21 61 Basahi .. 15! 767 55 356 199 157 18 1 62 Suga.ha.r 156 400 25 166 81 85 27 2 63 Orwar 157 413 21 158 74 84 23 '64 J amuni Dehri 159 204 43 230 124 ]06 28 · . 66 Chhitan Dehra. 160 473 45 811 152 159 34 2 66 Rasenkalin 161 438 79 534 255 279 57 4, 67 KiBhunipur 162 134: 1 7 4 3 · ~8 Shahbazpur 163 III 13 94 49 45 11 . 69 Ahiyapnr 165 227 9 82 39 43 8 1 70 Sa.ikuwa. .. 166 169 16 14:6 79 67 23 3

71 Jalhara 168 314 86 602 315 287 101 29 72 Tiara 1\1 171 705 154, 1,023 527 496 181 25 '73 Bhagblwa 172 214 36 232 121 III 14 74 Manobarpur 173 344 77 560 309 251 80 11 76 Sakhuana 176 371 71 479 244 23~ 42 76 Akaurbi 177 423 35 298 152 146 29 is 77 Bahama .• .. 179 870 62 395 .201 194 19 1 78 Doopur .. .. 180 99 9 56 82 24: 14 79 Chandpur 183 216 16 81 41 4Q .. 80 Khempur 188 173 US 91 43 48 ., ·.

L-Lower Prime.ry School. U-Upper Primary S.cbool. M-Mid~ School. . B-High Sohool. ( }-Inatitution for Girls. L'9, :OVt of,o.-l1rdu L. P., Urdu 'U. P., etc•. 166



Agrioultural Cl808S6S Non-agrioultural 01&8168 I. II. III. IV. Persons (including depelldantl!l) who derivo their Oulti varon Oultivators Non. principal means of livelihood from- -of land wholly of land wholly labourers culti vating Serial or mainly Or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned -and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport servioes d~pend&llts dependa.nts rent recei vers CUltivation) und and their miscellaneous dependants sources 1 11 12 -----13 14 15 16 17 18 P.·S.-RAJPUR-conta. 513 103 1,184 3 8 36 31 167 .. 32 181) 55 64 ... 32 14 31 33 230 35 105 "r; [) 45 15 34 181 108 3:')4 46 2H ll3 7 67 35 231 13 224 10 86 42 12 28 37 156 49 20 :J 38 314 144 2 39 188 102 2 7 11 40

608 25 :-!32 29 7 23 60 41 509 96 176 33 8 21 ),iO 42 307 215 8 13 1 43 149 44 4:l6 21 45 311 18 84 4, 4 45 46 603 50 254 9 31 47 159 26 5~ :1 48 62 45 184 2 4U IlO 10 50 636 210 10 ] 47 27 7 61 203 114- 5 4 7 35 52 705 723 316 53 lnr, 140 · . 54 710 HH 623 16 140 230 66 55 295 43 157 56 131 7 31 /) 18 14 27 57 58 30 230 58 20 12 U4, .. 59 .J 2U4 18 101 3 H) oJ J~ 60 203 111 11 7 24 61 166 • I 62 106 33 IH 63 144 34 45 6 .. 1 64 184 }O4 5 18 65 335 143 23 143 66 7 67 68 9" 'J. ·. 58 23 1 · . fig 56 60 26 4.- 70 345 un 101 5 71 333 292 301 21 15 13 2 46 72 lot 91 34 4 .." 73 806 119 126 2 7 74 208 246 5 19 1 75 193 - .7 26 1 11 20 76 198 31 143 4 3 1 15 77 41 15 • • 78 62 4: 13 2 79 '11 .2 14 2 2 80

_____.. ~_ ....r" .... "·

B-Basic Sohool. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Patbshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-P08t.01floe. .166 VILLAGE

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied. no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 I>.·S.-RAJI)UR-oonta. 81 BaJmikpur 189 52 Ei 38 18 20 82 Chhatauna 192 287 96 231 121 110 83 Parbat.chak 194 102 43 299 }40 159 45 1 )84. ')9') Da.d\lra 197 363 67 458 "" ... .., 236 20 7 85 HarI>ur · . 199 1,034 155 961 476 485 67 28 86 Ismailpur 200 301 28 205 103 102 7 8 87 Kanchri 201 I,O}1 100 528 287 241 02 9 88 Piprah .. 203 1,111 73 697 :J48 349 16 89 Khanpur ·. 206 173 20 172 81 91 28 1 90 Banni I .. 207 772 142 1,179 580 599 85 36 91 Madhubani 208 144 46 204 147 147 :36 1 92 Dhobahi .. 209 116, 42 384 193 191 26 93 Raghunathpur 210 114 14 120 64 56 94 Tajpur .. 212 228 11 92 40 1)2 9 95 Bharkhara I .. 213 509 125 974 513 461 162 6 96 Sisrarh · . 218 841 136 729 381 348 148 aO 97 Kishunipur 219 54 19 182 96 86 ]9 98 Hethua 220 1,609 138 992 512 480 157 2 99 Choubepur 221 96 13 71 37 34 4 100 Gyanichak 222 225 13 79 37 42 101 Naniaura 223 360 26 177 94 83 10 102 Magopur 224 290 10 92 46 46 1 103 Ekdar 225 263 12 IH4 92 102 55 104. Bijauli 241 335 53 291 149 142 28 ...,> 105 Nawo.gawan 288 II5 31 200 102 9H 16 106 Dehria 0 489 UH 8 4.'5 24 21 9 107 Dariyapur 490 120 23 186 9:1 92 a9 3 108 Kakariya 492 435 55 450 226 224 86 5 109 Inglish L 526 495 47 349 185 164 55 110 Kailakh .. 528 526 13 85 42 43 111 Amarpur 529 522 105 7]0 390 320 140 5 112 Sukllapur 530 97 12 75 37 3S 12 113 Mohanpur 531 214 56 290 151 139 18 1 114. Kamila 532 146 42 324 167 157 34 115 Ohakia · . 533 221 41 241 124 117 26 116 Katharai 536 190 28 169 91 78 16 117 Jalalpur 537 208 82 480 249 231 118 Dhanaoi 539 1,258 144 060 452 508 HI 2 119 Kharaunia 544 263 49 394 207 187 36 1 120 Chacharia 546 216 28 247 127 120 34 4: 121 Kharhana 547 654 71 592 292 295 40 3 122 LaJuchak 548 167 16 150 78 72 25 5 123 Sita~ur 549 297 30 220 ]07 113 9 2 124 Dey pur 550 272 41 266 129 137 33 3 125 Kurwa •. 551 170 {) 57 28 29 8 126 Gangapur 553 156 2(} 165 81 84 18 127 Rampur 554 221 23 219 118 101 20 128 Gagaura .. 556 324 77 386 206 180 49 129 Chhatupur 560 158 51 305 161 144 26 130 Samahut&. 561 421 117 627 310 317 43 8

..... "' ...... ' L-Lower Primary'Sohool. U-Upper Primary Schoot M~Middle School. H-Higb School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 167



Agricultural Classes N on-agrioultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cultiva.tors Culti vators Culti va.ting Non­ principa.l means of livelihood from- of land wholly of la.nd wholly la.bourers oultiva.ting Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un.-owned a.nd their la.nd, Production Ot/ber their their dependa.nts agrioultural (other than Commorce Tra.nsport services dependa.nts dependa.nts rent reooivers oultivation) and a.nd theil' miscella.neous dependants souroes 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

P. -S.-RAJPUlt-~ontd.

38 ...... •• 81 191 12 •• 3 25 82 110 15 169 5 83 152 11 256 .. 1(; 3 20 84 4UO 71 355 8 11 26 85 147 as 10 2 2 2 4 86 28H 7 ]36 5 31 38 22 87 3n4: 111 ]43 17 22 10 88 121 27 lU 5 8U 766 Hfi 240 9 23 31 42 90 122 3S 113 11 .. 10 01 208 84 82 6 4 92 107 ]() -... 1 2 03 65 10 17 .. 94 636 41 260 18 19 95 500 229 H6 162 12 8 97 716 14:3 13:J 98 51 4 8 8 09 1 78 100

US 13 41 3 2 1 If) 101 59 :J3 102 194 10:~ 126 7:l 56 19 17 104 106 12 7H 3 lOG 41 4 ·. 106 83 3{~ .7 3 1 1 (> 107 209 114 93 34 lOS 201 41 ·81 4 6 2 1 13 109 85 •• 110 382 191 110 7 10 1 1 8 III au 29 .. ... -4 • • 3 112 126 42 117 1 2 ..,~) US 146 148 18 9 3 ·114 241 ·. 115 142 19 S 116 117 261 24 117 866 53 8 13 · 118 210 48 112 4 1 1. 16 119 83 72 IH ·. 1 120 110 282 132 7 9 10 • • 42 121 68 25 53 ·. 8 1 122 181 14 17 ·. 1 7 123 135 2 124 • • 5 124 39 4 14 • • 125 92 12 58 ·. 1 2 126· 201 . . 18 .. .. 127 232 142 4 4 4: 128 184 110 11 .. 129 318 118 141 14 6 5 1 25 180

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basio School. S-Sanskrit Pathsha!a. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-Post.Oftlce. 168


Tota.l number of pet'8On8 Literates enumerated Area No. of

Serial Name of village Thana in occupi~d ,.,,,* no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 P.·S.-RAJPUR-concld.

131 Patkhaulia 564 407 73 426 230 IU6 2H 132 Atraulia 568 255 5 41 21 20 .. 133 Itarhia L 569 770 76 520 271 249 36 1 134 Karma · . 570 405 69 485 254 231 37 135 Kharannia 571 178 17 100 48 52 8 136 Birna 573 356 43 297 192 105 24 137 Indapur 574 156 12 96 54 42 11 138 Jagmanpur 577 180 35 230 124 106 22 139 Udhopur Kita Awal 578 77 13 77 as) 38 6 140 Moharihan 579 500 52 2~O 141 130 39 [; 141 Khochrihan 580 367 60 441 223 218 87 18 142 Dha.rnipur 581 205 24 123 60 63 20 6 143 M.aniah · . 582 :l23 134 70 64 144 Narsyanpur 583 IH4 22 . 13:1 65 68 1) 145 Bamhanlia 584 102 26 95 fil 44 30 146 Matukipur 585 343 52 333 161 J72 35 147 Lalchak .. 586 170 107 400 251 235 136 2 148 Jiwapur 587 )15 73 446 211 235 88 149 Gobardhanpur 588 201 29 19ts 91 ]05 150 BishunpUl' 589 130 :11 74 41 3:1 20 2 151 Semariya 5UO 270 27 231 llU 112 37 6 152 Kathra.i · , 591 745 80 664 333 33] 165 153 Kusa.hi · , 592 303 25 200 101 HU :n 154 Patej 593 244 22 151 75 76 7 155 Babanboudh Manrajgir 594 106 56 34H 181 168 .W 2 156 Babanboudh Gouri 595 327 1~ 13H 65 74 4 157 Mallikpur 596 217 78 467 251 216 64 36 158 Manikpur L,M,H 597 285 72 496 251 245 21 4 159 Khoraitha. 598 702 27 5fl5 . 275 280 55 3 160 Sarayan 599 250 11 82 41 41 2 161 Kaithahar Kalan 600 1,075 92 325 163 162 40 35 162 Parsia. 604 356 126 502 243 259 163 Lakhma. 605 67 2 13 7 6 164 Kanhupur 606 195 15 111 58 53 4 165 Dulpha · . 607 464 133 804 399 405 40 2 166 Sujayatpur I~ 611 611 15 908 473 435 121 15 167 Sigti . . 612 1,273 134- 839 408 431 101 9 168 Kaithahar Khurd 613 775 96 522 260 262 57 1 169 Milki 9 15 97 44 53 22 170 Debi Debra 94 249 26 208 105 103 7 ) 171 Gopalpur 96 71 35 231 118 113 8 172 Mani 109 160 3 29 14 15 173 Pipra 110 153 11 96 51 45 1 174 Kaths.ja. ll~ 272 25 180 90 00 3 175 M.a.kundpuJ· 175 149 13 80 38 42 2 176 Mahadewa 30 295 6 29 14 15 .. 177 Sieandha 535 989 95 457 271 276 28 2 178 Hundrahi 25 94 20 142 70 72 2 179 Katariya 217· 707 69 488 265 223 34 4- 180 Rajtm Khurd 182 20l! 88 689 819 320 156 14

., ~ ,,- ~ -, --, ~ --~,.-- -,.,."~"...... ~",~-' -----...,....--___,.~ ..._ -~.".,~,._._ ,.- ~-- ...... , ... - ...... ,., ...... •...... -,. ~ ...... - _.,--_ ...... _-- ,----"' --.-- ...... -." ... - - L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary Sohool. M-Middle School. H-Bigh School. ( )-'Inltitution for Girls. LUI UU,etc.-Urdu L.P.,Urdu U.P., etc. 169



Agricultural 0188888 Non.agricultural Clueea I. n. III. IV. Peraons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cutti vators Cultivators Culti vating Non- principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers oultivating Senal or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependants agri cultural (other than Commerce Transport sorvioes dependants dependants 'rent receivers cultivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants sources 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P.-S.-RAJPUR-eoncld.

324- 102 131 36 5 132 274 16 181 11 14 4 20 ]33 474 11 ]34- 81 4. 15 135 145 38 96 4- 8 6 136 59 7 17 11 C)... 137 174- 40 li .') 6 138 50 {\ 15 . , 3 1:-\9 109 24 131 ..C) 1 1 12 140 166 79 ]49 19 28 ]41 . 85 13 25 142 85 14 35 143 82 4 28 10 144 67 2 26 • • 145 199 101 27 2 146 289 102 89 1 7 •2 14~7 204 111 123 2 3 3 148 128 18 31 6 3 10 149 59 8 8 150 169 62 151 477 148 24 15 152 112 76 9 3 153 91 4 56 164 151 .4 112 1 2 89 155 81 4 54 156 247 9 162 22 27 157 213 103 155 12 2 2 1 8 15& 226 199 79 5 18 28 159 71 • • 11 · . 160 • 194 29 83 8 {) 2 161 196 50 182 8 1 1 47 17 162 13 163 72 4 33 ·. 2 164 365 124 209 18 14 2 2 80 1.65 386 ts7 S08 5 36 19 2 H5 166 855 65 349 12 37 21 167 290 15 147 '", 43 10 10 168 8 Sf) · . 169 88 16 91') .. 4 1 4: 170 181 2,4 20 2 ·. ·. 4: 171 27 2 .. ·. • • .. 172 84 4- 8 .. ·. .. 173 88 26 61 1 ·. 4: 174 53 19 8 • • 175 21 8 ·. 176 SOl 121 181 18 2 16 177 J4. 21 24 " ·. 8 178 213 121 112 fS 16 4 • "• 16 179 339 124 144 9 12 5 2 48 180

B-Baeio School. SD-Senior '_e School. S-San.krit Path.hala. G-Gram Pu.chay&t., It-Li'brlriea. t~POlt·Oftloe. 170


Total number of persons Literates : enurnorawd Area. No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no, no. acres houses PerRons Males Females Males }"'emales

1 2 3 4 [) 6 7 8 {} 10 P.-S.--ITARHI

1 Atrauna L 10 1,217 200 1,723 952 771 HI 10 ... Sahipur 12 328 37 272 126 146 42 3" BhiM.har L 15 Bon 81 619 342 277 72 4 Mitallpura. 16 213 18 145 76 69 [) 5 Dows,at.hapur 17 490 58 412 131 2!H 50 2 6 Khakra.hi 21 310 60 3~o IUS 187 56 5 7 Hakimpur L 24 1,008 113 1,050 586 514 120 10 8 Sukraulia. L. M 26 1,302 149 063 4B5 468 165 9 Rholupur 22(l 243 36 211 108 103 ]5 10 Sidhbnndh 227 436 26 UH H2 90 11 11 Ohiuria. .. 228 449 55 400 207 ) 9:l 62 I 12 Kadipur kalan 230 421 25 214 106 108 2H '1. IS Chilbaln. 231 3SH fm 489 2f}H 230 62 f) 14 Kukurha. 236 2,134 240 1,585 856 728 22H 7 15 I.oh'l.udi 237 304 !J5 604 3U 293 114 27 16 .Tamuaon .. 238 3S)O iO 460 250 210 79 :1 17 Karmi 239 406 (j!J ·":35 2ltl 2lH 41 .) 18 Kharhana 245 317 62 4:?0 21:J 207 43 1 19 Kalyanpur 248 505 87 610 :J34: 27() 7H 13 20 Barhalll~, . , 250 220 76 413 210 20:J au ....,

21 Chilhar .. 25:l 8·~2 142 1,045 Jl23 522 60 5 22 Unwari B 255 91H 160 Sfa 577 277 105 a~ 23 Pnru,si 256 544 85 440 237 203 41 24 Kanpufll. 258 425 53 2.12 ]76 136 20 25 Bhar(!hakia 260 3S 17 161 82 79 21 I .26 Gopinathpur 262 175 28 174 84 90 6 27 Konoh 264 32H 57 400 207 11)3 .3') ... 28 Baksara 266 550 108 750 378 372 64 ...., 29 Hi,ihaura 267 1,340 16~ 869 420 449 79 3 80 Khatiwa 268 458 33 no 49 4)0 3

31 Siktanna 269 453 80 683 363 320 20 32 Jahanpur 270 120 33 171 83 8~ 21 83 Sal·a..~ti 271 7'~ 42 374 , U.5 179 31 34 Bairi 273 62.') 53 402 HW 213 46 1 35 Ori 271) 333 50 408 193 215 53 8 36 Nathpur .. 27H 24l 26 336 166 170 5 37 Marpur , . 408 611 143,.. 1,082 537 545 H2 5 38 Laohhrnanpur 400 88 4 66 26 40 5 39 Kapurpatti 4lS 77 lR 90 5() 40 \} 40 Dhara.tnpur 4lH 134 65 519 266 253 30 9

41 Orap 420 434 II :? 662 343 319 107 () 42 PMht'a 4!H. 328 23 lU4 100 '~4 42 9 43 Khoksi 425 545 47 313 151 162 4H 1 44- Dr.1,~a.on L 426 436 52 374 184 190 70 10 45 Jt\lwa.~i 4""-. 418 47 364 202 162 65 If) 46 Ttt~rh.i L9 M: 428 89f) 276 1,821, 926 895 214 43 47 Pakri 42H auo 14 )01 55 46 5 48 S()ueh 430 407 44 325 165 160 42 49 Mnhila G 431 1,224 123 1,052 546 506 127 5 !'So Kawfllpokhllt' 432 mn 37 3R2 194 188 37 1 --- L-Lower Primary School, tT-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( J-Inst.itution for Girls. LU. UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 171


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes N on.t\gri(.~ultural,.------Cla.sses I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultiva.ting Non· prineipal means of livelihood fl'om- .of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------,------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VUI. no. owned and un-owned and their ltt.nd, Production Other their t,heir dependants agricultural (other than Commer(\6 Transport services dependa.nts dependants rent receivel'S cultivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants 8ouroos

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I P.·S.-ITARHI

1,083 46 474 8 ::w 68 15 1 175 ,:}3 4 2 375 1 163 8 10 IS 3 J45 .. 311 ~·t 5 "I) 2 f).'} 63 57 " 6 641 133 38 70 J68 7 543 123 253 [) 14 11 8 115 96 {) 125 54 12 " 10

195 133 55 3 I 13 ,11 156 52 6 12 201 102 J!H 28 7 13 1,060 1I6 185 62 120 15 26 14 :~3H 32 190 13 7 17 6 15 375 57 27 1 16 343 20 07 17 262 40 lOtS 11 J J8 4U2 56 81 4 11 1 5 19 236 41 llS 6 2 8 2()

819 112 62 4 10 2 5 21 ()38 142 54 11 4 a 2 22 331 46 61 2 23 121 HI HO R 24 07 56 8 25 RH 60 16 26 302 14 50 9 2[} 27 4JO 25 }tolfl 37 38 45 28 6tl:l 7" 120 7 1 29 ..') 96 I ao 232 86 361 4 :n 109 4H 4 U 32 332 7 35 83 23H 11 54 25 73 34 nUl 73 76 21 ~3 16 all 84 50 78 ]02 13 86 3HS 401 220 8 10 15 26 37 13 3.1) l~ 3H 70 20 ao 212 S2 118 4 2J 4 70 40 415 80 107 21 19 20 41 75 101 i8 42 IUl 155 18 2 6 4:3 128 29 186 4 27 44- 226 48 uo 45 701 201 318 82 3t:! 84 123 46 71 30 47 20R 82 2 48 t\i9 266 16 67 24 4~ 382 ~o

B-Basjc t"ichool. SB·-Senior JjaHill S(.'hooJ. t:;~.,8an8krit PathIJhaJa. G--Oram l)a.lwhayat. R-Librarit!8. t·-J'()Ht.Oftiee. 1'2

Total number of parsons Literates enumerated Area No. of Seria.l N&me of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Males Females Males Femalea"

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 P .·S.-ITARAHI-comd." rn Bagahi pa.tti L ·. 434 192 95 701 312 aSJ) GO 52 M.anoharpur 435 283 53 366 184 182 5ft •, 53 N ara.yanpur 436 5R7 89 608 3"9.-- 286 J1 54 Dehria 437 4:62 68 436 22i'i 211 ~8 4: 55 Qangapur • • ·. 488 130 30 171 84 87 34- J 56 Bhakhwa • • 439 307 60 346 ]58 l88 60 4. 57 Nahro.r · . 441 167 28 158 81 77 30 1 58 Tirpurwa. 443 84 19 147 74 73 9 69 Ba.sudhar L,G 444 ].741 287 1,563 838 725 260 12 60 Ba.runo. ·. ·. ·. 445 644 40 318 161 157 J7 61 Htl.l'pur ·. «a 623 77 603 300 303 93 11 62 Malkaudha "7 20' 25 172 91 81 14 ) 63 Turati Dehra 448 204 32 231 113 llS 52 eli Ourna. Ba.ndh 449 249 25 162 80 73 25 65 Sonwa bahar 450 281 25 172 76 96 23 66 Jaipur 4iH 353 51 541 284 257 46 3 87 Sara.ria · . 453 179 15 162 86 76 26 68 Mi~raulia .. 455 04 62 608 302 306 63 69 Bn,rka. gaon 458 I ,ll'; 7 327 2,278 1,140 1,138 254 .8 '10 Chandi · . 459 366 25 148 79 69 6 71 Itannha .. 461 764 30 70 40 39 III 72 Kalenpur 462 137 18 138 71 67 6 73 Baikunt.hpur 464 26·4 39 325 189 136 64 7 74 Balmara .. 466 SOl 27 150 89 70 11 Mangolpur 467 174 13 9!) 56 43 2 '576 ChamoIs. .. 469 4,38 41 258 120 138 26 .. 77 Sha.uns. · . 471 820 27 217 117 100 10 78 Chameli .. 472 212 32 240 lOR 132 7 '79 Gopalpur 475 355 23 133 85 48 13 80 BBsantpur 477 371 62 a45 ]58 187 21· 81 PUl'8ottimpuT 479 167 46 306 153 153 15 2 82 Fatehpul' 482 129 22 157 86 71 26 6 t 8S Indaul' L 483 390 87 563 275 288 71 26 84- Kaithna. 485 269 34 300 168 142 48 11 85 Pithui 487 268 41 270 144 126 42 I) 86 Chandu Dihra 493 144 40 326 160 166 38 87 MurarpuT 494 139 27 222 112 1I0 41 3 88 Chilbili . . .. 4U6 221 44 332 158 174 21 1 89 Ra.kMia .. 407 H;~ 9 92 46 4' 4- tk) Raipnra. 500 168 15 123 87 H 2

ill Hemrajpur 501 120 8i 53~ 252 287 49 6 92 Kasimpur 504- 343 11 117 60 1S7 7 93 K.A.ra n j i WOo 505 430 48 310 184 1&6 30 1 94 SalUda .. 506 219 11 60 30 BO 2 .. 91> R.vmlpur .. 507 153 20 44 13 81 7 1 96 Ba.!dewn .. fj09 278 6~ 307 US7 140 45 11 893 142 . 591 ~7 LodhM U 511 1,J8! 571 161 18 98 Pll.harpnr :n3 '285 63 275 .., 128 8 002 816 410 816 88 99 Ji~na 514: 142 7 1,6tH 898 '761 100 Ba~n.o 515 1.063 281 180 25

---... ,,_---~."'-.~__.'-- L-Lowar Prinu~.ry School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middlo So~l. H-High School. ( )-Inet.itution for Girls. LU,oo, etc.-Urdu L. P.~ ;V~ U. p". etc.. 173

...." • I,' , JJCS,.,'


Agrioultural Classes Non-agrioult.ural Cl8B~8

I. II. III. IV. l'e1'8ol18 (ineluding' dependant-s) who derive their Cultivators CuUivators Cultivating Non. principal means of livelihood from- of la.nd 'wholly of land wholly la.bourers cultivating Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Produet.ion Other their their dependants agricultural (ot.her than Commerce Trall.8port eervi(''''~8 dependants dependants rent receivers oultivati.on) and and their misoellaneou8 dependu,n ts souroes

11 12 13 14 II) 16 17 18 1 P.-S.-ITHAHI-corutl. 300 104 242 12 12 31 lSI 207 41) 95 7 2 ]0 lS2 21)4 137 188 4 3 22 lS3 222 116 84- 2 2 4 6 54 60 45 06 65 180 01 88 8 56 84 12 6:! 57 H3 5 44 5 5M 662 24H 496 26 37 24 41 28 59 181 2'~ 102 4 J 6 50

f9f) 7 42 6 4:~ 6 61 161 J 10 62 144 12 fl6 {} 63 60 37 60 4 1 64 73 33 61 5 fl5 282 78 117 8 35 13 S flt) 81 22 5U 67 348 242 5 13 tl8 1,250 411 436 37 49 44 i) 46 6~. 144 4 70 71 8 71 31 71 36 72 163 46 116 73 101 58 7. 54 8 37 75 112 26 U4 4 22 76 94 91 32 77 166 67 7 78 82 25 7 19 79 166 18 102 22 7 30 80 148 41 llO 2 1 4 81 87 14 56 82 190 157 184- 1 1.., 9 21 83 12] 102 20 42 .. 4 6 3 84- 151 16 81 22 85 122 52 112 4 6 2 2 26 86 214 .. 8 87 211 21 OR 2 88 51 41 .. " 89 44 21 .58 .. • • • 00 218 121 156 4, 12 6 6 16 91 63 27 27 02 112 43 155 U3 60 94 86 8 95 146 67 64 1 17 12 US 799 151 63 2 1 J46 U7 171 6 8~ 2 4, 3 98 619 119 4fJ 10 J5 99 788 496 2R2 /) J3" 35 !l 21 100 ..-- ... ----- ~ ·... ---._-·-·---··--_.· .... '_··· __ ·,·". __ '.. _r ...... ~ ..... __ ~ __ ,.._ ...... _, .. _--...... ,_ B-Buie Sohool. SB-Senior Basic School. 8-Sanskrit Pathshala.. G-Oram Panehayat. R-Librariea. t-Post.Omce. 174 VILLAGB

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area. No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P.·S -ITRAHI-conold. 101 Baradih .. .. 516 158 27 ]96 93 10=~ 10 102 Girdharpur .. 1)17 ' 166 28 1H4 9H 95 IH 103 Goppo.r 518 225 39 2ijl 14Sl 142 29 6 104 Hansl'ajdih 519 61 11 105 60 45 6 105 Kauresarai 521 2~) 22 IH7 99 t~S 8 106 Kaur08tl.r .. 522 117 21 UO 43 17 1l 107 Mnhtlnpur 523 102 23 J51 77 7·1: 15 1 108 Inda.rpur 524 78 21 153 63 90 17 3 109 Nihalpur 525 278 29 IHO 107 8H ll7 6 110 Madan Dehrs. ,')27 41n 43 2'37 I3n ]48 43 7 III Bishunpur 540 138 20 156 74 8.2 ](; 2 112 K'hAJlta .. 40n 324 88 617 206 321 87 II tU3 Indaur U fl03 315 78 fH2 310 302 125 20 114 Alaulpur •• 502 III 25 181) 96 R9 n P.-S.-DUMRAON tl Manikpur L 4 232 155 1.313 683 630 70 12 2 Keshopur L,G 5 702 335 2,351 1,240 1,] ] 1 358 26 3 Simri L.U M 6 2,016 942 7,079 37,542 3,537 68l 91 4 Nagpur J.. 8 814 176 1,341) 056 6k9 134 12 I) Ba.lihar L,M,H 9 668 212 1,5U8 760 ~:~8 212 38 6 Khandhara. 12 443 41 351 178 173 2H 7 J>anrepur 13 76 78 422 19~ 224 47 8 Parari L 17 207 143 902 468 434 178 9 Gop Bho.rauli 1. 19 61 38 353 167 186 16 10 Uajpurkalan (Bishunpur) ·20 58 ]66 1.469 756 713 130 30

11 Ra.j purkalan (Oalpntpur) 32 262 63 769 372 397 2:1 3 12 Rajpurkalan (Parsanpah) 34 1,085 140 1,469 739 730 130 34 '13 Rajpurkalan (Jagdishpur) 35 664 16 181 HI no 3 14 Raj purkal an 39 894 452 3,415 1.700 1.700 4HO 70 +15 41 258 4.ri3 ,/)6:1 ~ Dullahpur J.. 113 1,016 136 4 16 Bhakura 51 123 61 470 241 229 75 17 Narayanpur 54 118 65 426 216 210 54 1 Hl Sahiya L 55 203 235 1,,534 812 722 315 21 19 Arjunpul' 59 228 68 604 304 300 HI 20 Niazipur (PoI'8otimpur) L 60 425 136 1,010 503 507 68 3

21 Niazipur 61 1,288 153 1,606 784 822 fi2 13 22 Prat,appur 62 627 40 310 147 163 ]6 28 Dubha 65 371 44 521 266 255 53 24 Rajapur U,M,O 66 1,214 258 2.394 1,250 1,144 302 20 25 Ekauna L 68 615 342 2.233 1.111 1,122 405 34 t26 Gangaoli L 72 267 3]7 2,698 1,388 1,310 334 15 27 Kharha tnnr L,M 74 85.'> 26! 2,183 ) ,075 1.108 320 7.5 28 Duhauli .. 75 405 81 590 269 321 108 17 29 Mahrauli 76 111 88 ()42 304 338 104 19 30 Nemuwa 77 91 26 216 103 113 23 1 31 N a.garpura. .. 78 168 116 907 413 494 170 48 Itani ShingharpUl'll .. 83 306 32 ).008 33 Rani paU.i 84 174 } 146 490 518 l68 33 34 Nag Singharpura 89 243 520 3,418 1,775 1,638 507 117 t35 l)umri L 92 1,263 541 5,508 2,251 2.257 732 36 DiRt Panneshwar 93 757 79 004- 474- 430 56 37 Bbarathpa 102 1<)')... ., 34 310 136 174 46 1 38 Kat,har L.G 103 862 279 1,874 H44 930 264 Ii 39 Diama.:n L l04 673 180 1,544 775 769 230 2 40 Durasan •. 106 336 60 697 328 369 70 ..

L-Lower Primary School. U-Uppel' Prj~a.ry School. M-MiddlE? School. H-Higb S(lhool. ( )-Institut.ioo for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 175



Agrioultural Cl888es Non . agricultural CJ8&1I~'8

I. II. III. IV. I'ersons (including dependant,ti) who <\oriv(, t.1wir Cultivators CuJt.i vat,ors Cultivating Non. prindpal means of livolihood froUl- of land wholly of land wholly labourers oultivating --.- .... ----.---- St,rial or mainly' or mainly' n.nd owners of v. VI. VII. VllI. no. owned and un-owned and their land. Prod uotion OUter their their dependants agri{!ultural (ot.her than CommerC(~ Transport services dependants dependants rent reotlivers cultivntion) nnd and t,heir m.ise()llanoouR dependants SOUI'(~UR

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 1 ------.-----.------. p.-s. -ITHAHI-·C',,(mcld. 88 ~1 75 4 ..I) Jot 102 41 21 3 102 112 38 13H 103 3n 57 9 104 41 56 100 ]01) 61 4 25 Ion 72 12 (i3 2 2 107 110 43 J08 52 11 13:.\ IUS) 112 61 97 4- 6 110 51 10.') 111 20n 2ll 10:'>­ J() 41 6 22 liZ 3 J I 102 ] 82 4 2 6 5 113 HI 16 82 2 l14- P.·R. --DUMltAON " 44B 39:; 408 1:1 n 24 16 ~39 3HZ t)OH 24 188 H7 10 !t 3,Om 1.255 ).660 130 534 110 lOB :l 703 180 31 ) )0 4:1 41 22 4- 4BH J 11 :n2 5 203 J 10 257 I) Ha HI HI-! 18 6 5 40 (~ 110 6U sn 64 35 :~ lin 7 247 98 lK3 23 86 48 23 IH4 K 182 54 llO 7 H 716 358 238 6 1M 10

:~n3 50 121 ]2 30 30 124 JJ 2H3 8~m 207 10 20 !)O 12 173 4 4 J :~ 1.046 1,071) 404 30 348 2H4 32 210 }Ii 214 150 371 37 UU 54 71 I!) 378 19 55 Iii 16 74- 135 207 17 17 574 222 446 56 52 .)... 175 J~ 342 61 106 2 5~ :14- 1» 355 225 148 28:! 20

505 345 340 416 2l HlO 22 H8 22 261 232 25 2 1 2:J 1.428 114 30n 15 184- 187 13r. 24 n68 454 407 40 165 9U IOU 2f) 1.304 291 041 80 200 12 220 2t~ 958 348 465 49 165 98 toO 21 352 76 127 J8 £) 8 4- 21S 330 61 156 em 34 2~. 107 8 88 3 1 {J 31.. 345 227 271 31 32 494- 21 252 5 1(12 5~ 7;; aa I,J60 810 85U 67 135 2;)1 ua 34 2,258 351) 80!) 74 434 J3H 3:~5 :~~ 205 103 207 12 63 HJ6 ll~ 3f~ 249 )5 46 37 843 296 617 Hi 30 48 6;) a'S 55S.. 380 349 4: 24 40 16 172 :Jft 499 23 160 5 10 40

B-Baelc School. SJ3·-&)Uior Buic Sebool. S·-·Sa.nakrit Patl:uJhala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-Poet.. Offtoe. 176

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N &me of vill&ge Thana in occupied ------no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 .2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 P.-S.-DUMRAON-contd• • 41 Kazipur 108 108 235 1,532 737 795 167 50 42 Khaira 110 58 20 148 63 85 13 43 Cha.kari 111 212 118 426 205 221 50 10 44 Churidn.ur 114 140 63 384 182 202 56 1 45 Oayaghat Ill) 321 81 780 38~ 391 133 16 46 Pailadih llU 164 33 198 92 106 23 47 N agwan J agdishpur 122 215 69 542 273 2.6H 88 19 48 DullaJlpur 124 250 299 2,204 1,074 1,220 293 14 49 Oopalpur 125 304 16 158 75 ,88 3 • • 50 Dhanaba 126 215 63 491 271 220 144 • • t51 Majhwari • • •• 127 569 180 1,627 811 816 226 SO lS2 Dhanrajepur L 130 137 29 296 154 142 33 5 53 Chandpali 131 263 53 3U6 192 204 31 64 Rampur Mathiya. 137 356 60 469 195 274 IS 55 Misl'auliya 138 100 6 47 28 19 ... 56 Parmanpur 139 80 26 270 131 139 5 t07 Chilhari I .. ,M '146 1,278 310 2,862 1,364 1,498 325 10- 58 Chanda. 147 278 12 164 73 91 2 59 Pratap sagar 148 79 246 1,753 910 843 98 3 60 Kusalpur •• 149 328 38 407 201 206 is • • ell Kulhawa 150 453 21 294 137 157 18 ... 62 Suraundba ]51 275 99 711 347 364 140 3 63 Samhar .. 153 406 3~) 276 130 146 14 • • 64 Bhojpur Kadim L 154 2,369 598 4,903 2,534 2,369 885 · 66 Bhojpur Jadid L 158 1,202 664 4,329 2,128 2,201 657 69. 66 Dhakaich 161 1,351 567 4,061 1,943 2,1] 8 435 25 67 Chaukiya 162 255 50 576 288 .288 69 68 Chhatauwar L,G 163 1,956 130 1,790 905 885 155 2 ~9 Rampur 164 541 64 494 249 245 154 70 Bankat 170 247 51 379 IU5 184 7 • • 71 Hata 171 102 25 206 94 112 6 72 Nenuan L 173 1,069 175 1,411 708 703 205 9 13 Bha.rkhara 174 109 26 188 95 93 10 5 7. Kudriya .. 175 178 30 295 171 124 5 75 Mungasi 176 315 36 191 94 97 J7 76 Piriya 181 237 60 503 236 267 43 1 '77 Misrauliya 186 132 13 101 40 61 1 78 Rajdiha .. 187 417 82 565 284 281 63 1& 79 Tulsipur .. 188 86 I) 3U 14 25 13 80 Karuj 180 512 92 538 234 304 60 ·8. 81 Nikhura 190 107 19 145 75 70 14 82 Araila 102 283 36 330 171 159 37 88 Lakhan Dehra 1.. , G 193 1,OtH 143 1,226 619 607 203 25 t84 Nandan L,.O 195 1,994 326 2,274 1.143 1,131 Ba3 51 85 Atnat,bua 196 352 128 844 439 405 118 12 86 Sirampur 197 212 15 104 60 44 15 • • 87 Sarora 198 330 40 403 221 182 90 88 Dhaka 199 198 16 164 96 68 18 . 89 Turiganj 200 533 69 656 328 328 96 ·.2" 90 Kumbhi •• • • 201 24:1 14 67 32 35 11 ••

L-Lower I'rimary Sobool. U-Upper Pl'im8l'Y School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-lnstitution for Girls. LU, 0'0, etc.-Urdu L. P.~ Urdu lJ. P., etc. 177



Agri oultura.l Classes Non-agricultural Cl888C8 I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principaJ moans of livolihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cult.ivating Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their la.nd, Product,ion Other their their dependants agricult.ural (ot,her than Commerce Transport servioos dependants dependants rent receiv{'rs oultivation) o.nd and thoir lllil'lo()llaneous dependants aourCf}S

11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1 P .-S.-DUMRAON-c()ntd.

283 n07 287 J5 20 ~O 4.1 19 75 35 7 12 "2 257 H 53 38 40 :10 4:-\ 110 41 201 5 ...() 25 508 17 114 rm 41 41 45'4 IUS ..() ...) H 2 3 1..., 4U 4f)0 7H H 4 47 1,637 14f) 277 3 87 HH 1 45 48 71 48 :n 8 49 160 uf) 221 1 :1 42 i)()

m)l 4:~2 441) 8 IH 18 17 51 207 16 5 3 5 52 386 10 53 408 53 H 5~ 47 1)1") :~6 15 5n H) 8~ :J 53 ISO 1,188 50 ) ,213 87 31 115 J7k 57 35 no 2H 11 1)8 1,101 23!) 334 2 S 44 tu em 77 176 154 60

263 16 7 3 I) 6J 344 105 250 3 4: 5 02 6r:.) 105 17 7 12 :i6 :14- 68 3,OH4 1)80 91.8 11 34 72 J.1H 64 2,173 1,12H 530 20 l3B 137 33 JIm 65 ],626 311 68r, 110 IOU 206 10 {}86 66 444 68 55 2 7 67 670 475 235 410 68 145 2H3 56 Ol} 60 200 119 lln 70 50 131 25 71 407 351 349 74 40 lUO 72 158 2 2 U 2 4 11 73 88 107 100 · 74 140 1 50 . 7f) 57 327 llS 1 · 76 79 22. 77 178 175 171 16 21 7~ 21 1 " 6 H 7U 446 79 $) 4- 80 107 19 5 14 ·. 81 230 96 4 8.2 603 174 219 1 54 65 26 84 83 958 4:07 505 4:9 161) 90 100 84: 160 164 267 30 71 110 42 85 57 7 38 2 86 136 19 224 19 5 · 87 41 87 36 . 88 159 292 194 I) 6 89 31 29 5 .. 1 ·1. 90

______' .... ·_,,..,·~ ... _ ...... ,, ..u ...... _._.... ,,, ••••••" ...... -.... ~----," .. ".".,-.. , -, ._ . B-Baaio School. SB-Senior Baaic School. B-Hanakrit PatbahaJa. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-P08t. Oftloe. ]78


Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of .village Thana in occupied no. no. aoros houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 {) 10 P.-S.-DUMRAON-contd.

91 Barbatara 202 233 13 149 89 60 6 92 Noaon L 203 1,771 193 1,765 864 901 150 1 93 Sowan L.M 266 1,305 357 2,560 1,296 1,264- 294 57 94 Rohia L 267 1,035 167 1,251 6·i6 605 109 8 95 Reuutiyu 268 201 34 249 126 123 54 96 Birpur 269 442 76 548 277 271 60 97 Belhari .. 270 511 42 205 150 14f) 47 98 Chhotaka dih L 271 261 56 370 200 170 39 99 Nachap .. 272 651 147 931 454 477 114 100 Puraina G 273 213 14 121 61 60 101 Dangauli 276 337 84 575 293 282 82 102 Ojhabarawan G 277 1,076 198 1,469 726 743 242 42 103 Phaphdar L 270 899 128 1,032 442 f)90 167 104 Palatpura 284 III 11 112 52 60 24- 105 Chaugain L 318 1,813 1)43 5,729 2,930 2,7H9 887 205 106 Masahariya 319 1,230 132 1,167 ,'>97 570 175 ),07 Mangpa .. 322 524 64 463 225 238 21 tl08 Ariyawan L,M,G 323 2,970 589 3,098 2,124 1,874 667 152 109 Dubkhi 324 132 50 541 262 27U 44 1 110 l.'hori U,G 325 627 110 1,072 508 564 210 23 111 Panrepur 326 638 85 679 361 318 III 1 112 Baida 327 135 70 442 220 222 51 113 Murar L, H, G 328 1,335 261 1,747 856 SOl 253 49 114 Ko.chainiya 341 35H 107 890 444 446 137 3 115 Dakhinawan 343 248 55 421 223 108 77 t1l6 Kuran Serai L, U, M, G .. 344 1,456 268 1.619 808 8ll 287 II 117 Khewali 345 384 102 741 376 365 69 U8 AmsaTi U,R,O 346 772 176 1,541 745 79f) 234 24 tH9 Mugaon L 347 1,054 278 2,161* 1,080 1,089 299 15 120 Kopwa L 349 810 179 1,373. 657 716 201 34 ]21 Kashia 351 862 196 1,5HO 776 814 200 136 122 Sikta. 352 236 24 207 09 108 40 123 Ekauni 353 759 150 1,110· 5i5 565 140 57 124 Khaira.hi 354 337 27 190 93 97 30 125 Athaun 355 1,226 265 1,631 776 855 150 44 126 Udhopur 358 218 25 172 79 9S 11 127 Chuar 359 430 121 807 410 397 140 20 128 Bairiya .. 360 200 38 187 99 188 28 129 Lahana L 363 497 III 703 343 360 1I3 130 Ka.rndharpur 364 99 54 352 178 174 46 6 131 HarnjohatU 365 170 26 162 81 75 7 132 Parmanpur 372 180 60 392 196 196 24 1 133 K.,njharun L 373 567 109 64:8 390 358 110 11 13' Pip.ri 374 142 13 101 54 47 4 135 Niranjanpur 375 119 29 218 119 99 18 2 138 Adpha L 376 248 66 -412 221 191 67 4: 13'7 Ma.rsa.ra. •. 377 305 20 120 55 65 8 138 Matbi1a L,G 378 4,132 560 3,744 . 1,855 1.889 545 48 139 Na.zirganj· 379 173 78 548 285 263 43 140 Nokbpur 191 . 426 59 504 234 270 103 10

L-.Jjo~r Primary School. . U-Upper Prilnary School. M-Middle School. B~High School. ( )-IDStitution for Gir1s~ . LU, U-U. etc.-Urdlr L. P., Urdu U" P., etc. 179



Agricultural 0188868 N on-agrioultural Cl8&loS I. II. Ill. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive thoir Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal Ill,cans of livolihood frol11- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cuJti vating St)rial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIll. llO. owned and un -ownod and their land Produot.ion OthlW their their dependants agrimllt,ural (othel' than Commeroo 'l'ransport, sorvieOR dependants dependants rent roeeivel'S cultivation) "-nti and their misc(~UtU\OO\lK dependants KOUI'(lett --- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lS ,I P.-S.-DUMItAON-ocmul. 35 101 10 3 (II 803 2116 517 15 21 2~ Hr. I.~ 1,44(; 235 '42B 71 138 07 14[; Uil 676 4H4 81 U4 ]35 97 J7 05 288 232 25 .,.) t Otl 65 124 17 7 12 36 :J4 U7 () .) 100 37 201 -' 2[) UM 421 227 271 I:! un UH 22 100

44B 100 1 10 H lOJ 774 ':l43 213 64 25 50 102 300 IfiO 371 37 40 ()4 71 103 .-, 88 lB ... 3 lOt 2,lla 1,()47 1.117 49 384 227 :J3 251) J ()) 501 71 :lOI 52 no :!5 J27 1(1) 216 8 53 116 40 :w 107 },046 1,321 7;}7 34 348 204- 32 210 ]OK 111 2:~O 187 4 7 .,,)2 lOS) 478 232 264 3:1 43 ..... 110 4St) 23 160 ]f) 11 J 75 366 1 112 845 256 517 15 21 28 6f) lJ:J 235· 25 201 20 108 186 12 10:1 114 213 15 148 6 3H IH) 683 432 445 8 16 18 17 116 249 200 261 5 26 J 17 686 333 456 16 34 I 15 US 1,066 412 276 156 It5 20 124 110 698 214 21U 112 51 70 120

81U 432 214 20 10 49 6 40 121. 91 116 .. '. 122 799 170 " 49 12 l) 75 123 83 8 99 124 662 354 236 9. 118 95 8 J49 12.) 100 72 12tl 219 142 223 8 54 82 4 75 127 14 173 128 401 17 114 109 41 . 21. ).21. 50 183 119 · 130 160 2 131 392 132 635' 9 63 14- 13 14 13:. 79 22 134, 142 76 J35 245 31 100 .. 4- .. 23 137 40 80 · . , .. 137 1,261 911 859 67 135 251 38 222 138 271 232 36 2 ·. 1 139 80 207 64- 18 102 ·. 33 140 - ~ .. -_._ .. _...... '-_ ..... '._ .... B-B_lo Sohool. SB-8ellior B_ic School. S-SafUlkrit Pathebala. G-Gram Panchayat. B.-Libraries. t-Poat.omce. 180'


Total number of ~r80ns Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P.-S.-DUMRAON-concld. 141 Niazipur G 40 331. 218 1,793 864 929 387 77 142 Majhuari Gautam 142 354 318 2,429 1,164 1,265 311 18 143 Lohsar .. 145 272 33 264 137 127 6 144 Kunriya .. 144 150 104 683 28U 394 127 t145 Sheopur Diar (Pachhim Beyasi Bazar) 686 837 4,{}49 2.310 2,039 636 200


tl Rallllaia L 303 1,011 ...999 _, .. 1,550 794 756 19·J ...'J ') ... Baraon 311 2,746 468 3,18H 1,fl40 I t 64B 640 61 3 Ohanwnth ·. 312 859 220 1,67H ~~B 701 328 30 4 Bagiawan 313 485 101 662 314 348 146 ..99 .., LS Raghunathpur L,U 314 200 40 :Wl ISH 162 72 6 8 Baijnathpur L 31.5 446 57 393 202 01 75 2 ? Shiwapur 316 82 88 580 282 298 82 8 8 KuJmanpur 3]7 IiI 64 486 233 253 60 9 Kharagpur ·. 330 43 3 32 14 18 7 . . 10 Jairampur ·. 331 88 10 100 59 41 13 11 Siddhipur 332 392 17 155 87 68 19 1 12 Pawanrpur 338 149 53 360 184 176 III .. 13 Dihupur •• 334 348 181 ],310 63~t 671 160 14 Nokhpul' 335 336 39 353 124 129 u; BA.sdewa 336 176 98 663 327 336 58 tl~ At,har L,B,G •• 837 1,408 275 1,897 060 H37 1J48 31 1.7 Chakaura 338 338 146 451 238 213 41 1.8 Panrepur Pekhu · . 392 237 ' 2U 257 127 130 41 1 1'9 Bikrampul' ·. 369 250 11 69 27 42 1 20 Barahra ·. 371 135 15 100 58 42 10 21 Raika 380 .688 133 1,073 533 540 205 ... 22 ParE'agBnda. 385 411 62 385 103 192 '104 39 is Patarkona · . .386 242 43 278 132 146 63 3 'l 24 Knnjia .. 3a7 536 84 553 252 301 36 WI 2ti Kharaioha L, M, 8, H .. 389 568 102 669 340 329 93 11 26 8atoharidih 390 216 41 290 176 123 21 ~7 Narho.ndih SfH 321 12 79 42 87 10 .28 .M.akundput" 392 !56 {} 60 30 30 20 8aJempul' 393 88 an 226 112 114 12 30 Parmesbarpur .. 394 274 27 148 82 66 38 .. .31 Kunjuara 3H5 296 32 188 104 84 16 32 Dhan8J .. ·. 396 277 22 166 90 76 18 39 Dafar Dehri ·. 897 252 124 404 208 196 4S) 1 . 34 P8ol'biye. .. 398 354 36 253 126 127 23 SIS Arapldrord 399 4S9 33 221 117 104 22 ,6 Narayanpur ·. 4:00 167 10 111 53 58 10 .3'7 Darahi· 402 353 36 218 124 95 27 Ohhatre.dhariganj ·. 408 88 11 89 41 48 7 .= Kbaragpur 40tl 44 18 106 52 54 11 to Kariyakant • • 405 90 6 59 31 28 4)

L-LOW61' Primary 'SchoQI. U-Uppel'. Prb;n~ry SohoQ~ JJ\l~Midd1~ .. School. H-Higb Sohool. ( )--4nstiilition for Oi~lB~ . LU.:'t1tr,".elto.-Vtdil L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. , • ,.,' , f .' •. ,! • 181



Agrioultural Clas8eS Non-agricultural Classes I. II. In. IV. Persons (ineluding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal mNUl8 of livelihood from- of land wholly of Jand wholly labourers cultivating ------,--- Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VU. VIlI. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Ot.her their their dependants. agrioultural (other than Commerce Transport 8Orvic.~e8 dependants dependants rent receivers cultivation) and. and their misc(lllaneoWl dependants S()lll'(.,'t~iI

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 1

I) ..S .-DUMRAON-concut.

1,313 106 340 10 to 14 141 1,350 291 541 15 232 142 140 97 [, -.).J.. 143 490 23 160 lO 144 1,649 861 1,181 5S 227 726 12 235 145


f\65 434 ·1:30 8 4 1 8 1 1,880 3r;~ 538 201 41 llB U 43 ...) 1,215 810 114 8 2 11 lY :J 507 ]5:' 4: 234 ~)7 /) a23 1) 25 6 16 11 3 o 524 8~ 17 1 7 23U 55 11)2 .. t'.I 32 .. 9 81 10 10 US 30 7 11 226 120 14 12 851 84 301 4: 13 21 36 ]3 239 2 J2 14 519 IO~ 19 17 US 724 264 496 92 74 104- 12 131 16 387 11 ;',3 17 127 93 35 1 1 18 6U lY 12 74 5 U 20 !)94. 76 3 21 246 27 03 JO 22 175 '>') 61 9 2 28 195 --23 335 24 406 31 IDS o. 26 26 155 102 35 1 6 2t)

19 37 23 . " 27 60 28 98 109 3 29 III 16 12 30 63 ]05 16 4 31 94: 43 26 .. 3 32 255 18 84 21 2ES 33 110 62 76 5 34 190 31 85 90 10 11 .. 36 104 65 12 80 7 37 89 , .. .38 82 10 11 8 au 69 .. 40

B-Baeic School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-$anakrit PathBhaIa. O-Gl'am 'Panchayat., &:-Li~" .. 1';_PoSt·Oftlce. .. . 182


Total number of persons enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in ocoupied no. no. acres houses Persons Ma1es Females Males Females

1 ..') 3 4 [) 6 7 8 9 10 P.-S.-NA WANAGAR-contd.

41 Bnhllganj English 406 584 106 678 301 ' 317 54 1 42 Purainiyan 407 36 12 67 41 26 10 43 Kowat.iya · '. 408 289 20 13·4, 70 04- 11 44 Haroj 40~ alH 59 3U7 182 215 37 1 45 Belson L,lT 410 1,523 381 2,317 1,11K 1,IH9 341 2iJ 46 SikrauJ' · . 411 U67 146 U37 460 408 82 H 47 Du buuH .. 412 179 31 200 97 10:1 j9. .., 1 48 BolB,hri · . 414 5H4 157 1,000 483 526 ]2,1 :l 4H Khnrauniyan 415 176 20 221 llO IOri 26 50 Dnoriya. · . 417 210 2 7 4 3 1 51 Ohapchhuha 418 437 H3 691 414 277 50 ] .,ti2 Bhacia,r 1.1, U 4Hl 888 30n 2,254 1,124 1,130 256 31 53 Dubulllli · . 420 14S 37 226 118 108 50 1 54 Atmi L 422 2,557 2{}5 2,1.01 1,1 J(S 085 150 24 55 DewRnpura 423 323 34 20» 112 07 20 6 .56 Manhatha 424 !!53 62 422 208 214 18 ...'.. 57 Ghorsarj .. 425 488 40 305 158 147 5l 1 58 Usra 426 362 52 312 201 111 13 3 59 Dhanbakhra -:127 25~ 66 436 2...90 - 214 85 2 60 BharklUndia 428 36 S} 85 43 42 4 61 BisuQ, 42U 253 44 285 145 140 28 2 62 Jitwa Dehri 431 . 212 56 400 205 204 27 63 Ranbirpur 432 817 132 762 408 854 78 4 ·t64 Nawanagar I~, S, 1\1 . 433 964 399 2,712 1,373 ],339 48{; 35 65 Rupsagar U 437 763 384 2,625 1,300 1,325 328 32 66 Turaon khas 43K 523 19 108 46 62 6 67 Gunja Dehl'i 439 304 57 378 193 185 62 2 68 Parman pur I~ 441 411 135 860 446 414 104 7 69 Tetarahar 442 238 30 214 115 99 24- 2 70 BhlU8Uli L 444 955 348 2,510 1,295 1,215 45:l :~ 71 Kharaunjyan 445 361 83 501 292 209 58 72 Kukur Bhuka 446 408 125 856 487 369 132 " 73 Barleo 447 143 28 194 113 81 "Ill 74 Gobinapur 448 400 90 607 316 2fH 00 21 t75 Kesatb L,U,M,R .. 449 8,142 897 5,718 3.066 2,652 581 196 76 Dehra 450 456 66 499 251 248 57· 77 Sonbarisa. U 451 713 286 1,437 697 740 187 78 452 145 40 288 151 137 46 2 79 Ikil 1. · . .. 458 783 59 352 181 171 49 5 80 Mahuari 455 224 16 117 61 56 () .. 81 Piprarh · . 456 306 51 333 185 148 39 4 82 Deguli U 457 240 27 196 100 96 14 83 Kimi 458 222 123 844 423 421 126 10 84 Katkinar L 459 730 149 1)76 482 494 132 85 Sewai 4.60 194 22 182 88 94: 24 2 86 Burbaila 461 287 77 619 325 J94 60 8 87 Parariy& ·. 463 300 60 438 216 222 88 88 Rewatia 464 275 66 484 218 216 60 11 89 Ka.l'R&r L 465 1,579 411 2,198 1,099 1,099 4.00 .7 484 18 . 183 94 89 18 1 00 Bhelwariya · . " .. '66 ...... ~ "

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle! ... Soh~l .. H-High Sohool. ( )-Inatitution for Girls. L'Q'. UU, etc.-Urdu JiI. P •., Urda U. P., etc. 188


Agricult.ura.l Classes Non-agricultural Claeaes I. II. In. IV. Persons (induuing deptmdant.s) who derive t.hoir Cultiva.tors Cultivators Cui tivating Non- principal meanfJ of livelihootl from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating SuriaJ. or mainly or mainly a.nd owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. 110. owned a.nd un-owned and their la.nd, I.)roduction Othor their their dependants agricultural (other t,han Comm.crce Tl'ansport Borvi(~~s dependants dependants ront receivers CUltivation) ,\nd and Hwir mis('(,11 u.neoU8 dependants 8()Ur(!08

11 12 13 14 15 H, 17 It-! I P.-S.-NAWANAGAR-cQnclcl. 380 262 2!) 1 6 41 36 IH :l H 4~ 86 ] 41 n 4:) 173 11)4 55 3 7 5 44 1,000 20j, :l5U 2C\ 4S H H 102 46 577 HI ]84 11 13 H 52 46 145 38 7 7 3 47 331 65B 20 4S 91,., 53 77 .0 • 60 .J,82 150 15 17 In H tH 1,199 201 322 56 217 43 112 104 52 )67 :JO n In 1 I):J 9)4. 615 506 42 24 (j4 )05 30 (S6 8 [I" 223 115 711 4 1 56 61 154 90 .. f)7 163 13 136 68 269 nn 8 11 4H ISO 85 60 ., 144 87 52 oJ 61 37 277 95 02 678 10 45 {} 20 O:J 1,008 160 22U 60 506 414- 28 217 04 1,413 401 684 11 40 47 29 65 108 00 261 76 35 4 4 8 87 61)3 201) 2 08 89 ]01 13 6 5 fW 1,019 614 697 46 80 4 44- 70 276 73 125 5 11 11 71 376 165 248 8 15 39 5 72 193 1 73 428 35 83 37 4 13 7 74 2~125 635 1,839 107 300 403 20 28U 75 463 14 12 10 76 439 230 232 67 107 238 124 77 195 26 .58 0 78 207 98 33 7 7 79 117 80

242- 74 16 , " 81 196 82 640 137 50 17 83 690 17 171 27 55 16 84 174- 8 85 417 no 56 35 3 9 SU 231 ' , 71 109 4 2 21 87 234 lIO 13 39 8 88 1~401 443 249 19 34 46 6 89 94 42 39 2 6 90

B-Baeio Sohool. SD-Senior Buic School. S-Sanskrit Path.baJa. .O-Gram Panchayat• R-Libraries. t-Poet·Oftice. 184


Total number of persons Litera.teB enumerated Area No. of Serial N of vi1lage Thana m occupied ------­ no. no. acres houses Porsons Malos Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


91 BarRath 467 17a 24 136 71 65 33 ....) 92 SamoRar 468 135 44 2H6 14] 15!) 67 93 Nonphar 46H 153 11 Of; 2H 28 ;1. f}4 Katalpur 470 370 55 3nn 21.5 ISO Sl 95 Ncwazipur 388 101 16 108 51 fi7 2 06 Barhuana 308 191 6 56 23 33 4 97 Poiriari 309 240 101 526 200 257 60 2 98 Sara. U 307 527 91 6Rn :155 3:l4 157 11 99 Mariyan 305 847 174 1,134 576 558 15:~ 12 100 Dihri 304 17] 52 342 104 178 :18 101 Maudiha. 302 264 66 432 2:n 201 50 102 Tikpokhar U 301 530 5S 445 212 233 72 14 103 UBra. 300 3!J0 31. 100 102 88 {) 104: Itaundha. 290 334 62 36S .202 106 49 1 lOtS Wains. U,l\{ ::nO 1,012 203 1,344 654 6UO 244 50


tl Arak L, S, M, G H4 686 736 5,693 2,74f) 2,048 710 Hi) 2 Parusia. L.M 95 246 121 952 44:~ 60n 132 3t-) 3 Bhoria 96 145 1)3 700 294 406 . 70 4 Cha.nda L,G 07 480 132 1,015 46S 647 106 li Bedauli HS 141 38 412 183 229 81 10 6 KitKlgarh 204 52H 25 156 88 68 8 2 7 Gorhattakhurd 206 390 31 358 HH Hi7 31} 2 8 Ramgarh 207 141 40 250 108 142 22 t9 Nirnej L, M, H, G .. 208 837 308 2,586 1,lU7 1,3S0 424 77 10 Gorhatta kaian 209 169 48 282 130 152 31

11 Bbagauliya 210 236 94 689 334 ~~55 92 6 12 Jogia LtG 211 503 161 1,441 663 778 222 ...,,> 13 Hemdapur G 212 106 83 578 292 286 76 14 Liladharpur 213 68 34 , 413 208 205 75 2 15 Oauaghatta. L,U,G 214 865 307 2,519 1,223 1.296 347 77 16 Nandpur 215 .123 127 1,003 493 510 133 7 17 Balua 216 281 467 3,4.27 1,656 1,771 502 210 18 Cbaubechak 217 38 9 30 21 9 6 19 Bahia 218 ·238 . 30 140 71 78 21 3 20 Panapur 219 220 125 782 359 423 182 20 21 Uddhua .. 220 666 63 579 280 299 126 10 22 Po.rnahai 221 64 32 185 101 84 17 23 Dul1uapur 222 31 72 523 256 267 124 27 24 Chakan 223 777 186 1,384 666 718 154 11 25 Ekdar 224 98 84 479 230 240 6 26 Milki Bishunpur 225 88 629 304 826 54 1 27 Bishunpur 226 81 514 241 273 62 12 28 Nain ij ore U 228 3,052 726 6,662 3,314 3,348 500 11 t29 Maubs.ur L 229 889 395 3,148 1,530 1,618 297 16 30 Chand arp ura L 230 515 170 884 442 442 172 21

-_,.~ ... ~". . .. ~ .;~··7·1·~·

L-Lower Prim.a.ey Sohool. U-Upper Pr~y Sohonl. M-Middle Scb;ool. H-High School. ( )-Inatitution fo,l' Gula. LU, UV•. etc.-Urc1u. ,L,.P.J.Urdu U. P .• etc. 185


LTVELIHOOD CI.. ASSES ------.------~------~------Agriculture.) Classes Non-a.gricuUural Classes ------_._.. __ ..• _--_._- .__ ... _---- T. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding depen

11 12 14 15 16 ]7 18 ------_._._----_... __ ------.---. P.-S.--NAWANAGAH.---corwld. 13(; HI 162 14 lOS 4 t) 02 44 12 H:J 241 7:1 a:J au fl4 S1 s In 1If) f)f) H6 308 104 45 ]4 21 If) IH H7 241 207 Hi 3fl 41 17 8 42 OR 7H2 !! I J 88 12 Jl 2 l~ 1m 141 s:~ J 14 -'1 ...') 100 122 74· 2tH 4 4 10) 214 III InH 2 [) 102 Ion 21) ./)0 1O:~ 141 84 134 3 ....') 4 104 67S 40·1 184 16 26 11 3 22 105

1).-8.··_· -BltAHAMPUR

... 1,857 niO 1,384 00 274 3:n 1 870 ., 440 HI7 30 7 72 81':.) 151 .... IB5 S al3 67 52 til) 3 11'18 408 2Hi S5 05 5 57 4 181 7:3 .140 18 {) 121 :l5 ., u 177 110 24: ~18 2 5 .... 7 104 :12 24 31) 2 41 8 8 6H3 680 1;'8 70 121 267 5J 5a7 H 184 :H 24 20 2 () a 10

24:J 274. 42 U2 :~8 11 610 lOS 101 7H 14a 7T) 128 lH2 12 180 241 t-I8 14 Jf) au fa 280 6 30 20 77 14 747 7!30 323 62 lJ!) 267 35 :uo IT. 148 23:3 1()4 08 115 7S H7 140 lfS 1,510 1.023 67·! 6 20 48 47 un J7 18 3 H J8 71 52 10 JIi JH 502 42 143 8 4 2 '3 iii 20

37l 38 112 5 J~ 10 25 2J 54 50 41 7 10 2:1 -,..,., 38 270 U6 )(I ....*, ...1 8 2 HI 2:-1 ~) r.: 228 731 13i) 60 34 ... ) HiZ 2,l 69 19M 5j) 26 44 14 72 2r. 2S!) 178 82 3J 22 31 2(~ 251 135 4ft 30 21 2·8 27 2.168 1,42l 84H 24 1,130 ()40 U 421 28 1,363 672 60:J 4:i 55 07 6 30H 29 308 264 64 81 38 7n 6:1 30 ... _------... --,---,------, B~Ba.sic . School. SB-Senior Buio School. S~····SQn8krit 1)& tlHdulJa. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-,P08t Oftice. ISiS


Total number of persons Literates enwnerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no. DO. acres houaes Persons Males Females Males Females

1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P .-S.-BRAHAMPUR-eoncld.

31 Harnathpur 231 169 53 417 184 233 46 2 32 Hathjpur 232 302 17 102 47 55 25 7 33 Kaparpur 233 181 31 230 107 ]23 II 1 34 Jaipur 234- 73 23 174 81 U3 2!} 3 35 Umdalmr G 235 227 116 1,088 532 556 181 21 36 Dabauli 238 231 63 512 240 272 40 37 Kunw61l 2a9 420 53 313 149 164 41 38 Ma.harajganj 240 147 26 162 88 74- 17 139 Dakuli U,G 247 209 316 2,141 1,076 1,065 376 80 40 Dhan Chappra. 248 131 28 207 98 IOU :i3 3 41 l)urwa 249 244 86 554 237 317 88 12 42 Dhelbani 250 140 8 76 41 35 Ht 143 Brahampur L, U, S" H, G 251 2,241 615 4,216 2,187 2,02H 686 1m) 44 Kanta L 252 1,591 238 1,800 896 n04- IH8 37 45 Baswa.r L 255 373 H7 400 184- 216 76 4 46 Pakralli 256 165 21 94 42 52 4 47 Hajpur 257 891 87 518 265 253 62 2 t48 l~ghunathpur U,O 258 1,394- 532 3,696 1,H06 1,790 795 169 4H Dhoranpur 259 226 34 243 119 124- 24 13 liO Bark bar 260 332 62 450 242 208 99 6 51 Rat-hue. L 262 1.465 141 1.181 580 601 ]45 25 52 Kaithi L 263 2,269 247 1,764 902 862 131 8 53 Dharauli L 264 1,066 208 1,116 546 570 138 16 54 Kochiawan 274 368 71 536 288 248 10 55 Paharic}u),k 280 69 20 153 71 82 27 1 56 Bha.tsori 281 693 92 623 302 321 66 I 57 Gha.nshampur 282 14,6 30 224 119 105 43 4 58 KukulIJura 283 57 22 181 99 82 44 1 159 Ekrasi L,G 285 2,189 162 1,443 693 750 258 4 60 Pokharchak G 286 1,689 241 1,571 832 739 131 1 61 Piprarh 287 264 61 419 213 206 23 62 Ekauri 288 394 48 309 146 163 33 1 t 63 Bara.han L,G 289 1,099 215 1,408 705 703 241 2 64 Kurthia 290 2H4 69 437 239 198 57 8 65 Bagit" I ... M 292 2,306 380 2,423 1,277 1,146 341 79 66 Bhod\l 293 937 235 1,542 752 790 181 3 67 Barhari G 294 1,248 266 1,605 767 838 119 32 4J8 Bhadoar L 296 2,280 344- 2,470 1,186 1,284 417 68 4J9 Ramdihe. 297 290 23 176 91 85 14 1 '70 Kodai 298 889 38 233 126 107 11 71 Manki 306 444 63 809 404 405 52 P .. S.-BIKBAMGANS 1 ADlaithi L 239 701 120 934 474 480 77 5 ! :Maaauna L 242 752 174 1~226 669 557 196 .0 a 8ikati 244 191 18 148 75 73 23 4 4: Susn.ri L 245 697 146 R46 424 422 11$0 18 5 Simba\lta (L) 246 269 41 Soo' 152 148 30 6 Udaipur L.G 249 1,024 201 1,404 699 705 222 21 7 Chaita Bahor! .. .. 250 272 81l 575 274 301 128 2 8 Chaita 21S1 504- 52 411 225 186 59 li 9 Cha.rpurwa 252 215 43 360 ISIS 175 25 .. 10 Chhulkar 258 357 83 2.2 122 126 16 ...

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. X-Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )-lDatitution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P~, etc.

:' .'

, I ~ ',' 187


LIVELIHOOD CI..A8SES ,----- Agrioultural CIQ.S8(~S Non-lwicultul'al CIl\8S0R

I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependa.nts) who dt)rivo thoil' Cultivators Cultivat.ors CuIt.ivat,ing Non· principal Jnl'... ns of Jiv<'lihood frorn _,_. of land wholly of land whol1y labourers oultivating ---.. ------.",-'-.--- Horil,l or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. vn. vln. no. owned and un-owned and th.~il" lund, Production Ottll'l' their their dependants agricultural (ot,her than Comrl1erco TranHport, 8flrv i O(lii dependan ts dependa.nts ront, rneeivers cultivation) and and t,hcir III il:l('o I hmflou!ot depllIldant,s SOUl'(\(lK ...... ,"'_.. ,--_ ... _..... _--,_._-_ ... _...... _- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

P .• S.-BHAHAMPUR-concld.

11:\ 100 IB!) 15 2 61 8 10 13 2]7 33 37 4 2 40 20 7 :n 324 351 2:14 21 44 1 HI) 72 2S:l lIS 30 II 164 Kf) 31 15 ) H ~H 20 Jf) 12 III J:! 089 26g 453 55 170 :l I:H~ 55 107 31 5 H 275 184 90 40 In 17 74:~ 6:~H 638 78 ()34 US!) ... r.ti 943 420 172 ill U4 I:!O 254 10!) 21 52 33 H 3]2 I02 IH 624 61ft H3~l 17 328 4tH 140 47 54 20B \-It) of) 3() 13 6

496 324- 163 37 72 m JiL 1,280 2Ha 125 ]4 15 :~7 r;2 764 68 117 J :J 27 127 53 293 14H 40 21 2U 54 50 ] 41 2 7 Ji2 55 403 4 16:l 14 16 ~:,~ 50 219 I) G7 155 ] 25 58 802 304 220 2 48 31 50 752 507 116 31 57 60

189 15 200 13 2 61. 190 43 76 62 753 435 145 14 8 fi:J 63 198 82 79 32 8 38 64 607 634 741 66 51 81 243 65 875 216 430 7 6 6 2 66 502 532 300 109 6 36 30 67 1,249 732 242 93 81 59 44 68 88 79 o 69 140 85 8 70 673 67 37 11 Hi 6 71 P .·S.-BIKRAMGANJ 707 204 •• .. 23 1 1,013 33 168 8 2 2 2 145" 2 1 3 499 135 151 .. 13 24 24 4: 217 83 5 950 101 190 96 42 25 6 487 77 3 4 7 306 , 8~ 17 2 8 360 .. 9 142 12 84 4: 10

B-Baaic School. SB-Senior Baaio School. S-Sanakrit PathahaJa. G-Gram Patwbayat. R-Librariee. t-p08f,-Oftloe. 189


Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in oocupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males FemaJes Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P.-S.-BIKHAMGANJ-contd.

11 Chauriya. 254 381 14 92 48 44 {} 12 Bazidpur 255 151) :16 297 14:9 148 54 S IS Buknawan (L) 257 401 37 322 176 146 04 10 14 Garura 258 263 31 307 ]64 143 45 2 15 SajhauU U,M, S 259 1.071 240 1,600 806 794 257 24 16 Khutaha 261 106 64 424 21U 205 53 1 17 Bairi 262 277 67 462 227 235 )8 1 18 Koni 2(i3 212 fiO 319 155 164 43 19 Khetalpur 264 297 19 177 83 94 31 8 20 Bagia 265 316 54 379 104 185 82 21 Jigri .. 266 338 59 428 201 227 as 22 Tendn&. 267 :~H4 67 501 2f)) 240 91 ] 23 Karma 268 263 37 321 156 ]65 57 2 24 Usra 269 III 28 188 91 97 12 25 Kaithi U 270 645 75 672 344 328 UB 6 26 Ms.; hauliya 271 3nO 82 514 259 255 55 27 Bass aurs. 272 302 73 575 2HO 285 75 28 Siarua L 273 530 72 (i80 340 346 98 11 29 Jamuhari · . 274 1f57 15 1.43 68 75 12 30 Motihari 275 258 27 24H 110 139 43

31· THai L 281 1,100 122 943 49:1 450 114 () 32 Rajadih 282 346 64 455 248 207 53 38 Misrauliya 283 93 22 182 94 88 14 34 Ka.rmaini L 284 624 132 935 452 483 13H 12 35 Aunrai L 287 359 102 672 :H4 358 70 5 36 Khaira. Bhutaha 289 /)56 97 612 328 284 32 87 Chand English L 201 7U5 102 774 388 386 97 4 38 Parbatpur 298 62 8 79 42 37 ]5 39 I.\.hiro

L-Lower Primary Sohool. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High Soiloot . ( )..;.....lnstitution Girla. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. . " ... ;ror ., , 189



Agricultural Classes Non-a.gric\1}t.uraJ ClaHS6s

T. II. III. IV. Ilersons (including depoudant,s) who (h~rive thoir Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal nwnn.s of livelihood fl'oJll- ·of land wholly of land wholly labourors cultivating Soria.) or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VII L no. owned and un·owned and their land, .Production Other t;heir their dependants agrieultural (ot,h('ll' than ComJll<,ree 'l'rtUlSport 8OI'vi('''H dependants dependants rent receivers oultivation) and and their miM('(~1IA.neOU8 dopendants .------sOllroell 11 12 ]3 14 15 16 17 l~ 1 ------_.. ---_ .. ,------P.-S.-BIKRAMG ANJ-contd. no ...) II 158 18 110 .)... 3 (J 12 304 12 fJ 13 306 1 14 862 145 211 34 II 320 17 II) 237 15 foI6 ..<) 72 12 16 44U 13 17 301 4: 13 1 18 10:l 36 35 a }I} 103 85 B2 1 ...., 6 20 327 2 80 ...) 17 21 386 3] 46 2 6 21 U 22 272 4 45 23 71 04 U3 :!4 477 100 78 () 6 21') 305 139 UR 1 1 2n 2Rl 72 142 2 4. 6 68 27 522 106 2 H 4. 43 28 143 2U 248 1 30 741 77 122 3 31 lRO 32 207 1 16 II 8 :J2 80 3 \)9 33 651 70 U7 5(\ 6 ]9 66 34 279 133 169 4 5 6 2 74 35 327 67 195 3 1) 1 14 36 514 31 15~} 19 28 23 87 55 24 38 145 35 120 39 263 26 US 7 16 40 199 26 86 6 22 17 41 100 34 65 2 143 42 126 2 22 11 1 40 43 255 85 103 44 277 35 173 43 13 45 201 8 46 4 12 46 600 14 86 ... 21 47 45 14 2 5 48 326 15 03 2 49 172 48 9] 4 1 50

386 113 212 26 37 J6 51 107 . . • • 46 62 201 20 • • 03 115 47 {)8 • • 12 54 1,224 368 337 7 29 274 30 239 1S5 256 .. 28 28 56 154 167 85 25 23 39 fJ7 302 42 117 22 68 250 141 174 4 26 27 39 1,000 43 467 20 60 ------...."....------,._-_._...... - B-B&sic Sohool. SB-Senior Basic School. H-8aJlskrit J).tlUJhala. G-Gram PaDGbayat. R-Librar;ee. t-Post.Offioe. 190

VILLAGES ------...... _------"._._---

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village Tbana. in oocupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females MaleR Females

-- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 {} 10 -- -.-,~- .. -.... ,. P.-S.-BIKRAMGANJ-contd.

61 Dnrgadih 471 H2 215 1,542 750 792 277 17 62 Dhawan U 472 250 135 900 505 485 lOti 7 63 MOl'auna L 478 042 186 1,225 622 603 210 10 64 '0, M, H, S. G 4tH 573 106 7~2 390 392 237 65 Inrath khurd L 4R2 417 100 736 367 ::um 107 60 Inmt,h ku.lan 4~4 21)0 57 452 227 225 67 67 Noawall L 488 41)6 126 821 3n5 42() 100 68 Bargainian 481) 77 27 165 80 8!l 21 SU Mohni L ~1-90 746 204· 1,405 6:17 748 14H 70 Baruna. L 496 220 104 605 340 35n 101 2 71 'l'llrt,i 499 671 100 675 320 346 60 72 Tenduni L, (L) 500 I,] 70 121 1,H;8 612 586 212 ('7 73 Basgitiya U 501 415 1'17 640 336 304 UH 17 t74 Dhanguni L,L U 503 780 37n 2,634 1,273 1,361 356 85 75 Kolha 505 18.'5 18 200 108 92 to 76 Baluahi L 506 204 45 510 260 250 35 77 Mnnpw' 508 370 46 4H5 255 240 85 6 78 Somra 510 24-3 71 502 250 252 71 4- 79 Jogia' 511 175 31 234 121 11:-J 23 80 Parsa Madhopur 512 .).) 186 30 244 1:15 109 ... '" 1 81 Kajhai 513 258 00 623 304 :UH 142 82 Lokaiya 514 90 38 237 110 127 33 83 Dehri Udai 515 222 26 235 J27 108 37 3 84- Bhosio. khurd 517 331 81 633 338 2U5 128 85 Roriya 519 626 87 558 283 275 143 34 86 Kanda dih 522 350 41 373 173 200 23 87 Bik.l'amgo.nj L,U 525 614 306 1,872 Ho6 916 232 24 1'88 Dharopul' (L)U, M 526 1,302 270 1,841 {)71 870 348 24 89 Salempur 528 354 102 739 383 3!j6 115 90 Sugibal 529 lR6 142 1,015 500 515 33 91 Munji L 531 566 211 1,322 627 695 208 ]0 92 Adho.ura 532 163 26 lSB .103 85 47 1 93 Mahuari UU,R 536 155 38 330 177 153 95 94 Dhanchhuha L 537 205 53 265 149 116 63 5 05 Mohanpur U,R 539 5J2 200 1,226 593 633 200 40 96 Barna 540 148 47 363 171 192 64 97 Jonhi L 0, L 541 1,028 195 1.374 748 626 500 50 98 Karakat L, M 543 372 54 348 167 181 70 99 Misl'auliya (L) 545 87 46 439 209 230 156 81 100 Jaisari B 546 721 172 1,372 689 682 178 7 101 Kha,\a.riya. L 547 200 107 872 435 437 44 102 Got,pa. L 549 244 114 860 400 460 115 31 103 Ghusia LU, (L),U 5lH 1,042 546 2.618 1,289 1,329 383 78 104 Lachchmanpur 553 329 43 384 185 199 62 1 105 Matuli .. 564 411 43 392 205 187 84 11 106 Amdad .. .. t>55 200 41 366 183 183 33 1 107 Soni 556 23 30 247 114 133 38 108 Mani U 557 1,878 201 1,905 983 - 922 329 120 109 ~iqa 558 616 70 56] 288 278 49 110 Ra.n:lna Dihm J~ 5Sn 5')')... - Ilfl 836 •.. 05 431 73 3

L-Lower Primary ScbooL U-Upper. Primary S.ohool. )I-Kiddle- Sch~l. H-High School. ( )-Inatitution for Girls. LU, 00, etc.-·Urdu L. P., Urdlil U. P •• etc~



Total number of persons Literat,cB enumel'uted Area No,of Serial N arne of Thana. in occupied ------­ no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Ji"emales.

______w ____, __

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 10 ----_... ------,--_.-- P.-S.-B1KRAMGANJ-cG'fttd.

III 'KoF.lhodih 560 111 71 4B4 254 230 125 10 112 BOl1Sttllar 1" 561 1,044 304 2,]67 1,393 774 l,OHO 1:10 113 KhuirRdih [,62 3RO 31 226 ] }.1. 112 :!3 114 Bhopatpur 563 300 65 400 IUO 210 47 U5 Itharia 566 864 ]!j7 888 404 484 136 116 Karup L 567 371 84 667 :138 32!) 79 117 Amou1,hlt L 568 1,260 150 1,504 780 724 2,418 US Nanhu L a6H 411 38 27i 14H 126 20 l l}9 Karma {)70 06 ~R 271 I :~4 137 fiS 120 Rl\jo Dihri 571 Hl6 60 37!l HiS 211 33 :{

121 Tirma Chaughadi 574 176 30 2H4 .J3R 156 ...... "oJ ...') 122 Ganhhai L 575 :m:l 74 60i> 318 287 HI II 123 Ohaughari 1176 22f) 12H HU 4\)2 4~H 107 11 124 Kulha,ria 577 lSg 40 31~ 15~ 161 fi3 125 Majharia 579 ·31S 26 230 .121 1.(1) !W 126 Nawadu. aBO 374- 73 ,0:17 327 31n HB 2 127 Manikparati .. .'583 ,'153 S:l 544 286 2fiS 141 2 _. '} 128 Padumanpur 5H4 22~ 14 n4 42 0_ 21 120 Dharmagai Paraji r;S7 JUS 31 1.32 4- •., 1" 260 137 "" 4 130 Oorakh Parasi 588. 282 58 484- 242 24!! 12!) 11

131 Itwa. L 589 507 67 541 273 2H8 ]00 4 tIS2 Biraiui 580 161 34 267 116 151 21 133 Motha. LU. (L).U 5Ht 1.008 a5!! 2,51:1 1~26~ 1,245 321 143 134 Pipro. 502 186 41 483 212 221 31 lar.; Itaghunathpur 1.. 5H4 566 80 600 362 238 30 1 138 Oora 595 162 37 2H3 144 lao 45 137 Chandi L 5B6 20a 72 :106 2f)1') 251 50.. 138 Ki~hundflA dih ()U8 ]80 ...')9 - 160 84 7l; 14 139 Sanaat' Dehri 509 164 43 337 167 170 74 140 Kurur U.M,G 600 I,OOB lOa 1,200 570 630 200 47 141 Chik~il 601 337 ] 4] H71 460 511 86 142 Bed walia 602 134 24 ]l)H 76 S:J 18 143 Pardiha 603 265 51 31H 157 162 46 32 144- Duari 604 402 82 5(il 266 29f) 43 145 Mangl'R. 606 IB!) 61) 453 213 240 65 146 Thamhia 007 182 68 429 22:1 206 64- 147 Hatia 64U 407 1m 53~ 265 268 100 . 14 148 Knrawt}u 650 103 28 230 112 118 15 149 Na.warlih L 6;\ 1 177 41 303 148 155 47 2 150 Amonrn U,l'{. 652 410 \It tJ30 3I5 315 120 · . 151 Ilori 'Bamlh L 653 54l .5'").. nOl 230 271 75 8 152 Ja.mult 654 44,2 46 373 207 166 44 153 Karup U 655 284 148 93n 464 475 ]26 2 154 Nad 65n 443 63 41)8 227 231 25 155 Nokh Para...qj 657 lSf) 36 242 118 124 46 11)6 GRmhaMa 6"59 37] 1)6 72:1 380 343 77 ·. 157 Titho 661 161 81 ]95 02 103 30 t 15'l L,M.G 662 44:6 173 1,108 535 573 180 12·. lliV Ohilha 66~ 241 78 602 80S ,294 84 160 Sadi 665 578 90 67» 337 342 105

L-Lower Prima.ry School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU. etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 198



Agricultural Cl888e8 Non -agricultural Classes I. II. Ill. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivat,ors Cultivating Non- prindpal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivat,ing . Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependant,s agricultural (other than Commeroe Transport serVi(~8 dependants dependants rent rt-coivers (lult,iv8.tion) and and their misoo)Janeou8 deptmdunta 80uroes

11 12 13 14 15 IU 17 18 1 I> .-S.-BIKHAMGAN.1-·con,td.

353 45 47 [> 5 20 JJ1 1,077 153 5U7 211 120 9 112 193 7 3 22 1 113 369 20 7 4 114 528 151 141 17 16 17 7 11 Jlo 312 142 IH2 4 6 6 2 3 116 983 227 1~2 38 Gl 2~~ 117 181 Hi U5 10 118 218 30 23 1l~ 284 So 8 7 120

263 10 to () 121 aU8 10 IH6 ] 122 588 2~m 24: 4 0 123 J 2:1 27 H7 12 12 58 124 227 :1 125 551 75 2 :J 1 5 126 419 122 3 127 65 1 14- J4 12~ 176 a 73 2 13 2 J2U a58 104 I) 1 ]2 130

:J80 51 45 9 8 1 47 131 2f)() 1 132 1,449 4H 18:J (} 147 :l33 120 229 J :J3 241 46 81 6 50 UH 210 13 :~50 1 11 15 J :i5 202 44 37 J :16 318 68 110 10 J37 160 I:UJ ~87 34 I.U3 2 11 J3H 764 183 119 33 47 54 ]40

292 87 508 (} 47 31 14·), 159 142 2t33 8 47 1 148 292 26s) J44 361) 20 68 145 237 16 110 4 32 10 U~ 1 146 416 46 61 1 U 147 149 18 63 148 130 43 130 149 379 215 11 10 15 I/.)0

267 U2 136 1 5 )61 304 34: 3 3 24 r; 152 723 33 142 3 9 21 8 16:~ 347 99 6 6 154 189 19 30 Hili 613 5 69 2 3 16 15 166 163 20 "3 157 675 36 334 7 31 26 158 445 151 6 1.69 371 303 ... !', .... . ,.., . 5 .. . . J60 --- .... _ ... .,._ ... _... " ... ~jQ~;~lMlol-!r 8B,~~i~H~ t~L ·~:~"ritl.·,i~I' ",Q~ J18;pqbayata._ ~J.t.,r~.l " '~~4 ': VILLAGB'

Total number of persoru; LH.erates enUIUel'atod Area No, of Seria.l Name of village Thana in ocoupied no. no. acres houses Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 10 P.-S.-··BIKRAMGAN.l-contd,

161 Gorari L, (L),S 6H6 498 268 1,776 877 80H 300 45 td2 Kaeth B~.huara fi67 443 43 2H3. ]35 l5R 24 ...) 163 Kurh Bahuara 668 221 41 314 144 170 no 24 16t BartvUh (L},L 060 44] 141 1,370 664 706 195 7 165 JlJora wllrpur 670 549 llO 830 404 426 100 32 166 Kurrna L 671 114 ]49 924 462 4()2 139 60 167 K(~Ru.ri 6;2 232 25 183 95 88 11 H$S Jadura 673 377 86 5HO 264- 326 00 3 HS9 Tonuu. 674 284 18 ]87 98 80 () 170 Denri 675 413 8H 591 300 2HI 53 3 171 Burhawal L,H,O 677 718 337 2,133 ],066 1,067 400 24 172 Paraiya. 678 266 84 623 2H3 330 100 an 173 Duhiu,ri L 687 193 133 874 422 452 130 H 174 Bilkhoiya 468 256 43 2H8 15[) 143 100 175 Shiwpur (L),U 4H) 5sn 261 2,023 J ,018 1,005 442 176 Parariya. 50!! 430 33 221 100 J 21 40 4 177 Dihl'a 5:J3 416 74 OUI 331 360 ]06 178 Bn,} ~hall wan 523 J24 70 ,'}54 283 27,1 43 179 Jalhtt 319 I()7 34 233 97 J36 15 180 Dumariya 504 ]70 4 34 ...... f)" J2 I 181 Parsal' L 648 1,016 216 1,502 815 687 231 182 Jagdishpur 676 233 141 nOI 453 448 6n 183 Deo L 681 1,881 184 1,427 744 683 160 37 184 Dhanhara U,M,R 682 426 205 1,412 686 726 203 26 185 Os'awan 683 355 161 976 491 485 230 11 186 Ghat'wasdih L, U, S 684 a25 123 865 441 424 200 83 187 Paharma 695 332 67 457 213 244 85 IS8 Nawadih L 686 249 47 3fH 185 166 78 3 189 Chandi Patti 6lH 270 44 385 186 199 61 1 190 Basdiha 303 2()3 66 449 221 228 46 7 191 Belwai U 5S] 835 68 523 255 268 62 10 192 Sabiya 572 112 33 224 116 108 4~ 193 Pa.nredih L 612 232 108 81)3 431 422 164 20 194 SakJa L,M 614 638 299 1,640 751 889 276 52 195 Kopa. 617 97 59 484 251 233 43 4 196 Kopa. L 618 148 73 504 237 277 71 10 197 Kechua 620 202 73 474 248 226 43 198 Bhara.lcdia 621 416 89 764 393 371 102 •6 199 Dharhandih U 622 331 91 543 263 280 170 15 200 Niranjanpur L ·623 256 144 906 463 443 78 6 2()1 Ma,lpara. L 640 366 91 746 376 370 191 10 202 Samahuti L 635 918 23R 1,560 773 787 126 27 208 Kuri R 637 629 102 743 381 362 135 21 204, Koni 638 312 138 786 371 415 141 37 20lS Amonna. LU,U 633 762 251 1,5aS 751 807 215 11 206 Ta.rwa 632 49 10 1>2 28 24 8 1 207 Belarhi 6..14 61S 47 329 . 161 168 37 4: 268 Dewa 639 187 52 314 Hi9 165 47 1 209 Sohda L 630 4,92 130 829 4:16 ,U3 142 11 210 Bh&retha Rampur LU 631 180 83 476 220 256 35 11

. ._----_._- -':#-...... L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-MiddJe 8,*001. H-High School. ( )-lnatitutiOll for Girls. LU, UU. etc.-Urdu L~ P., Urdu U. P., etc.

,','" ',; 196



Agricultural Classes Non-agrioultural CI088t,S I. II. Ill. • IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal means of livo1ihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers oultivating ------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIU. no. owned and un-owned a.nd their land, Produet.ion Ot,}lor their t.hoir dep(:lndants agricultural (other thu.n Commeroo ~rran8port HOrv ices dependants dependants rent reet,ivors cultivat,ioll) ami and their misooUn.nooufi depelldants ROUl'eos

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .. S.-BIKHAMGANJ-c:ontd.

9116 78 310 33 130 204 46 HH 227 13 22 30 I 102 :U4 J H:I 870 8 142 15H !.)H U2 164 1)21 17 t 51 40 2·1 20 1(;i) 607 40 125 20 21 102 !fiU 12:4 36 107 341 15 05 51 55 H;S 176 11 1(10 409 53 19 I!J 1 170

1,51;' 367 376 36 Hl 171 4·U 58 102 2 .,... 172 .) 7fl7 6

728 724: 28 181 fi04 81 286 :1 J~2 1,0m·1 18 249 17' 31 :J5 JSa !l31 31 1·14 31 1 2:Jn IS4 ~L2 13 21 25 J05 J85 184 3r.4 240 JO J8 5H IHfi 269 174 4 JO IS7 220 6 125 ISH 206 Ill) 44 1 III ISH 309 I:H 9 J I:H>

410 18 3n :!7 IfH 215 !J IH2 700 18 H4 28 7 (} J H:J 6lH 11)9 :1~7 7 7H 210 .150 IH4 192 64 ]{m 20 6 3 W5 218 2H2 IV6 300 7 164 IH7 393 H9 !W7 7 3 {)5 lH8 181 71 201 2 6 4 78 I !HI 746 1.0 118 2 U 6 15 200

419 121 206 :~Ol 777 259 235 ·52 92 97 4H 202 574 7 116 1 tj 11 18 8 20!i 280 60 367 20 ) 40 204 1,096 135 222 80 21 205 Ii 41S 1 20(; 222 54 51 2 207 222 11 H2' 1 15 20ti 727 35 30 . .. 17 20 209 '10 46 20 210

______------:------:--+-~.r..""'1'-0-..:,..------.-..... ~ .. --.. ----.... B-Baaic Sohool. 8B-Senior Buic School. S-Swklit PatluJhala. G-Gta.m Panchayat. R--Lib~iee. t-P08t..Office. 196


Total number of persons Literate!o( enutrwratod Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana In occupied n.o. no. acres houses Persons Mu.lcs }I"emales Males }i'ema168

1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 n 10 P .-S.-BIKRAMGANJ -concld.

211 DallWal' U,M,G 626 3,620 320 2,081 1,066 1,015 368 7 212 Gujl'U 627 127 64- 428 :Wl 227 6H 1 213 SOllbarstl. L 641 5ll) !J2 813 419 3H4 ]60 30 214 Chaugai 642 272 119 760 369 3fl! 137 31 215 Hariharpur 643 273 06 477 2:i5 242 50 J5 216 Barmadih L 644 HiI 1.1) 100 51 4!) 8 217 BadIa dih 64-a 150 67 650 34] 309 Ilia 17 218 Bhartha. dih L 646 159 45 2fl2 151 141 55 3 219 Kirhi 647 53!) 110 714 353 361 60 4

J~ ... H.-DINAHA

1 Suratpur 2 667 123 600 3:3~' :~:H 55 2 Bhandi .. 3 266 :.!5 113 n5 a8 Madhopur ('j 259 R 3 44 23 21 ~ . 4 Saisar L,M,H 6 614 281 1,354 704 650 155 18 5 Gangri {} 307 87 415 212 203 55 8 6 Mai.ra 11 363 52 256 115 ]41 Hi 7 Khakharahi 13 272 fi\ 24H l:n 112 20 8 Jogiu l4 a07 56 250 13H 120 21 U Mtl.uihari .. 15 32ft 60 45] 211 240 18 10 Koiria L 10 638 174 624 315 30!) 35 10

11 Dahingun .. 17 412 72 335 16~) 166 27 12 Samra. L 20 210 26 .130 71 5H 13 Durnra 21 338 38 317 162 155 25 14 I.aheri 24 290 45 352 176 176 42 15 barpura 25 250 45 440 215 225 57 {) 16 Biri khurd 26 710 47 422 In9 223 56 2 17 Biri kalan L 27 591 182 817 43n 381 13t, 9 18 Bensagar 29 634 120 683 313 320 71 19 Pouga.rhi 30 119 25 177 96 81 35 20 Mednipur L, M 31 912 199 902 48n 503 105 46 21 Chorpokhar Inglish L 32 821 105 721 3(J7 354 67 11 22 Bharsara . I ... , M 33 490 135 701 342 359 105 23 Belhan L 34 483 70 457 21St 238 13 ) 24 Mohanpur 35 ]22 45 217 112 105 29 4 25 Bichhi8.lluan 36 379 27 223 112 III 23 3 26 LiJwach L 37 487 217 886 417 469 115 24 27 Titarhar 3P 198 52 254 ]23 131 34 28 Dehri 40 260 15 99 47 52 21 6 29 Baradih L .. 41 431 164 443 235 208 49 30 Kauni 44 179 42 196 103 93 7 31 Dalipur 45 148 17 13SJ 79 60 6 32 Ohilbila 47 394 77 363 181 182 15 33 Bhui 49 706 22 146 77 69 6 34: 8eml'i 50 423 (;6 233 109 124 29 85 Bhairodehl'i 52 249 20 1.6 7" 71 6 36 Sujanpur 53 31Sl 22 114 60 .54 ]4 37 Bhanpur U 55 1,935 350 '1,981 967 1,014 186 15 39 Dh"r kardha L 56 979 87 642 840 302 177 It 39 Puh!lpi 1)7 237 28 19J 98 98 4 40 Bisbunpur 58 81. 5 61 25 36 5 ... . ---,,_ ...... __ L-Lower }'rimary School. U-Upper Pr.imary ·School. M-1fiddle Sohool. H-Bigb School. ( )-Ill8titution for Girl.. LU, UUt etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 197 STATISTICS -- LIVELIHOOD CI.ASSES

Agricultural Classes N on-a.grioultural Clo88os I. II. III. IV. Porsons (inoluding dopendants) who dtlrive their Cultivators Cultivators CuIt.ivatiing Non- prineipnJ means of livolHlOOd frorn- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivatin~ Serial or Inainly or mainly" and ownorR of V. VI. VII. VIII. 110. owned and un-owned and their land, Prod ud.ion Ot.lWl' their their depondant,fI agricuItUl'll1 (othor t.han Conuner(~t~ Transport sorvi('os dependants dependants rent reoeivers cult.i vatioIl) and and their lIli8(~}lhmt'ous dt'pfmdunts Hom'eOR

]2 13 14 }5 16 17 110) 11 --- ._-,_-._ 1 11,·S.-BIKRAMOAN,l-concld.

1,362 115 231 lOt'') 1m 81 6 8!! 21 J 36:! :J 50 1:1 212 4~7 41 257 11 8 n 21:~ 102 ]2] 161 48 77 91 70 214 365 15 SJ2 4 1 215 71 Jl l~ 216 337 On 187 ::W 1 217 100 un 67 218 375 (i:~ 250 7 13 21U


306 Hl2 154- 6 32 1 113 2 39 5 3 696 34() 20n 18 44- 4!! 4 299 21 93 2 f) n 223 ~7 4 ... n Vii 1 H~i 3 7 212 3H 8 ~ 116 335 H iII'i 41' 141 U 11 10 H7 HlS 42 4 11 119 11 " J2 192 IH 106 13 221 30 10J 14 294- 78 49 4 8 7 15 297 "')...... , 103 16 241 98 195 5 8 129 9 72 17 327 95 165 16 29 1 18 107 64 5 1 19 634 25 149 21 33 130 20 684 21 4: 4 8 21 543 75 88 22 338 46 49 3 17 4: 23 118 9) 4: 4 24· 12 211 25 369 143 127 23 37 59 .3 88 26 137 113 4 27 92 7 28 354 20 69 29 114 61 9 n a 30 89 38 12 31 203 14U 11 32 4: 5 13 146 66 21 34 46 49 51 35 54 40 20 36 1,666 131 17 38 92 37 37 420 62 106 8 10 15 3 18 38 132 51 8 89 61 4-0

B-Baaio School. SB~nior Basic School. S-Saruduit Pathahala. G-Gram Panohayat. R-Librwiea. t ...... Post-Offlce. Its

Total number of persona Literates enumerated No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied DO. no. acres houses PerSODB Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 P .. S.-DINARA-contd.

41 Ghot'wanch 59 525 on 540 281 259 144 5 42 Goul'a 60 301 25 192 95 H7 8 43 Khonita 62 411 84 437 218 210 104 10 44 Bishambharpul' 65 354 03 681 355 326 107 }.'; 45 tienubath 67 S31 OJ 414 230 )84- 94 ]3 46 Khairika. 70 189 27 205 101 104- 39 10 47 Madhopur 71 152 25 165 74 HI 20 48 Mandohrn 74 20·1, 115 527 284 243 83 12 40 J-amohi 75 472 44 364 HI," lAO 2H 1)0 NadauA.n 1, 76 752 123 tl28 :W8 320 124 25 51 l\fahraul' L 77 BI2 192 HI7 402 425 100 20 52 Sonhn,rsa. 79 241 IH 155 72 83 28 53 Rajpur 80 1H6 ])6 530 201 2tW 129 -10 54 Bardiha 81 305 4!) 361 218 143 42 5 55 Harbansapur (L) 8')... 470 ] o:~ !)f)2 232 320 ]]8 11) 56 J'aohauli 83 277 62 265 147 118 35 8 57 Sarana 84 562 ]21 64n 3J8 :328 4H 13 58 Mu.kundpur L 85 262 :n 2fi2 127 ]25 40 5 59 Karanj U 87 345 148 874- 4l{) 4fW »5 5 60 })anrria H3 420 12 H2 4:.! fiO

61 Bl"lwaiya L,M 94 425 U4 5(,7 286 271 126 36 62 Dharamgatpul' 96 425 20 13S 50 79 7 68 Pnrasrampur H7 450 78 38:~ 205 ]78 fi5 ]8 64 Jjgna L !J8 360 60 444 211 23:1 17 ...t) 65 In,gdishput' chak UO f32 38 IH3 80 74 44 li 66 Sakhua 101 84 6 50 35 24 5 67 Hehi 102 265 43 312 11)tj. 158 40 12 08 Sarna 103 43:J 3~'8 4Mi 24:l 252 25 ]3 69 Btl,mhi khu.rd ]O!) 193 t> 80 an 44- .14 70 I3arahi kalan 106 2S2 no- 460 211 24U f)7 24 71 Shambhu Dihri ]()7 186 If) 90 4:~ 47 10 ... t72 Dinara L,M,H e\. 109 1,454 272 ],661 842 8IH 300 108 9 0 )') 7:J tTamtanr L :110 708 ~6J6I 1,87H H74 HOo 227 150 74 K.aua Khonch III 246 29 107 84 83 18 1. 75 Mirzapur Gaganpurwa 11ft 7H 18 J30 60 70 n 76 Kishunipur 118 Ill) 5 50 24 26 8 17 Anela-ur 110 978 H2 679 327 352 111 78 Chitawan I.j, M 19 ') 743 69 515 266 24H 79 79 Dt"lhu6 .. l24-- 669 63 418 227 HlI 42 80 Sar(lth .. •• 127 555 39 309 148 161 53 1

81 Helha 128 208 24 173 ~6 87 7 82 Bhunrwa 129 328 17 140 74 75 7 . " 83 Dhabchhaha 130 36l) 20 98 ,')4 44 8 •• 81 Khadawan 131 658 38 183 87 96 16 85 Hal'dasplir 138 332 29 179 84 95 9 86 Bharhua 134 363 48 343 160 183 20 87 Bhagatgallj 185 219 16 100 52 48 1 88 Bhagirathi 137 19a 25 232 124 108 8 89 Nl\rWar 138 1,525 100 741 372 369 70 90 Khudru 139 256 67 400 200 200 66 ..

.L-Lpwer Primary School. U-Upper Primary &o~ool. X-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, ete.'-urdu L. P.t Urdu U. P., etc. . ~.! ..: "', 199·



AgriculturuJ CJasses Non-agrieulturru CIMsos

I. n. III. IV. Pt')rBonlol (induding dt~pel}(hmtH) who dtwivo thoir Cult,ivators CuJtiVU.tOl·& Cultivating Non­ Tl1'incipai means of livulihood fl'om- of land whoUy of land wholly labourers cuJt.ivating Serial or mainly ot'mainly and owners of V. VI. VI1. VJlI. nil. owned and un-owned and their luud, Prod \1l~("ion. Other their t,heir dependu.nt!'i ngrieult.w·al (ot,hor COll1merct~ Transport se r'vi OtiS dependants dependtmts rent J'oceivers

]2 13 14 If) 17 18 1 11 ------_._---_._-_._------._------I). -S .... _- DINAHA-c()nt(l.

383 11 107 16 17 41 106 81) 4:! 401, 10 21 4!l .) 2~1. 113 H 3 14 .. 23 44. 297 64 53 4" 107 ~ 40 8H 10 fH If) 47 448 66 it 4 48 HHi l!H 6 8 :1 4U !l57 04 6 10 14 .) 18 flO

659 H\~ 4 24 10 fil 101 36 IS 52 (S. 8!H JH 102 [) 53 283 l3 t)a 54 552 or. 23!) 30 06 447 51 U3 15 18 2 1)7 I HI) 62 I)S 641 78 Hl 14 IW 92 60

31f) 21 171 15 14 21 til 110 10 18 62 300 13 5.> u'') 12 6:1 266 21 140 15 64 141 .12 6 2 2 ()5 57 2 on 235 5 62 J 67 300 116 65 2 12 08 62 IS 6U 250 95 106 o 70

7~ 15 7) 822 96 251 28 66 180 2J6 72 783 374 163 21 47 94 3U7 73 92 43 32 74 90 40 75 43 1 4 2 '16 484- .168 4- H 5 U '17 441 35 16 8 15 78 325 16 50 16 6 5· 79 224- 30 45 10 80 126 11 36 1 81 114 35 •• 82 89 9 .. 83 111 72 .. 178 1 81S 181 124 4: 86" 100 '4 8" 215 17 88 361 155 198 6 11 10 80 213 161 9 7 )0 90

.---- .-~------.-.-.. ----... B-Baaic School. 8B-Senior Baaic Schodl. S-S8.JI8krit PatlHbala. G-Gram Paoobayat. a-..-ubrariel. t--POBt-Wlke. 200


Total numbers of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied ------­ no. no. acres houses ------Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P .·S.-DINARA-contd.

91 Naus. L 143 665 112 805 409 396 86 • • U2 Kh,~jri •• 144 127 66 400 1~4 206 55 • • 93 D ha,nchhaha. 145 320 30 234 100 134 8 • • 94 Do.yo. daho. 148 56H 77 574 2!l9 271) 49 2 95 Usrawlln 152 253 49 343 170 173 J8 96 Majhauli 153 24·' $) 103 61 42 16 97 Darhawan 154 583 50 401 ~OO 201 15 98 Kati para. 155 712 81 511 242 269 72 8 99 Basudehra 156 120 6 35 21 J4 13 100 Kut'sa 157 563 35 273 136 137 30 8 101 Hunrrah8 158 129 15 JOS 66 4')... 10 1 102 Mo.nipur 160 R5 19 03 4H 44 30 3 103 Doya 161 444 47 409 206 203 50 8 104 Rupi 104 511 40 :HO 170 140 17 1 105 Tithwaiya 165 8L8 45 361 182 179 30 1 106 Bathori 166 192 14 92 38 54 3 107 Panchu Dohri 168 450 33 194. 100 H4 5 .)... lOB Ankorha 170 945 187 1,206 5HO 616 170 38 109 Bar~arpur 171 359 25 147 70 08 14 110 Panditputa 173 131 12 157 74 8:~ 20 3

III Maruwa 175 256 :~5 248 )31 117 35 2 112 Khalsapur 176 186 31. 174 Sf) Sf) "4 I U3 Girdhariya L 178 525 41 330 l67 163 86 15 114 Dhlmniya. 17U 416 36 281 138 143 ...... 9') 115 Kusahi 180 464 101 403 235 258 45 lI6 Turki 182 140 20 136 66 70 H 117 Bishrampur 183 4lH 28 152 78 74 18 U8 Babhandiha 184 ]82 10 101 45) 52 6 .).)"" 119 Kaniari J.. ]86 I,On4 71 452 ... "",1 225 59 25 120 Bhnrki 187 371 22 107 00 08 !}

121 Dihri 189 358 46 325 168 157 55 11 122 Ma.thia H)o 174 170 305 146 159 35 ... 123 Bhanae 195 1,060 124 687 372 315 65 124 Gopalpur 197 9a5 104 535 293 242 105 25 125 Kha.rhi 199 182 ]6 117 54 63 2 · 126 Milki L 200 80 48 384 172 212 53 5. 127 Pithui M 201 474 65 476 219 257 60 I) 128 Pipra. 204 227 20 124 04- 60 7 129 Basdiha .. 205 700 57 457 211 246 21 12 180 Arang 207 1.175 158 {l29 481 448 80 8 131 Samra 208 515 57 465 218 247 54 15 132 Bhalari Pachhihari 209 353 14 89 50 39 8 133 Bhela.ri Bicholi 211 450 44 272 154 118 27 2 18' Parga 212 163 17 225 67 58 11 135 Ohicharua 213 1,288 83 588 280 308 57 2 136 Dhanfura 215 75 51 400 179 221 71 1 137 Bhua 216 439 88 197 106 91 32 •• 138 Majha khora .. 217 73 18 117 55 62 17 • • 139 Kori 218 620 104- 585 358 227 102 10 14.0 Balia 219 664 153 741 868 373 119 16

L-Lo\1!er Primary Sohool.. U-Upper Primary School. M...... Middle School. H-Bigh Bcbool. ( )-:-Institution for G,irla•. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu' L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 201 ftAtllTlCS


Agricultural CI888eR NOll-agricultural CIB88es I. II. III. IV. l)or80ns (including dependants) who derive theil' Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- princ~ipa.l mea.ns of livolihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers oultivating Serial or mainly Ot" mainly and owners of V. VI. VlI. VIn. no. owned a.nd un-owned and their land, Prod uet.ion Othor their their dependants agricultural (other thu,n COllUnOl'{'O Tra.nsport, serVl&)t& dependants dependa.nts rent recoivers ouIt.ivation) lloud a.nd their m iHO()UU.lwous dependa.nt,s sour<~t'S

11 12 13 14 Hi 16 17 .18 1 P.-S.-DIN ARA-eonta.

".) ') 498 92 121 4 ...... "" t~6 01 203 47 141 2 3 4 U2 121 12 71 6 ....) .. 22 H:J 440 106 1 ....) It} 94 20!~ 11 108 .2 13 n5 95 8 H6 2j)(j 90 15 97 374 18 74 5 27 4: H Uli 3t) HH 190 2H 28 10 1 15 100

94 14 101 93 102 198 38 134 3 14 4 2 10 103 190 10 84 ..') 6 2 IU ]04 229 23 91 U 1 1 7 lOu 72 ....) 18 J06 156 5 24 1 2 U 107 828 36 126 110 57 2 47 10M 105 42 IOU 149 8 ·- 110 120 51 60 9 S 111 72 21 72 • • H ll~ · · . .) 266 13 49 . ... U:-l 246 28 2 [) 114 439 12 30 · . 4 ·. ~ } J 5 1.02 16 18 ·. liB 88 24 40 ·. 117 72 25 4 · . . 118 241 4: 156 30 17· ,i JIU 110 .. 83 4: ·. 120 279 33 1 10 ...'J 121 266 2 21 ·14. 2 12;.! 436 64 138 1 6 12 30 J2a 271 18 192 3 10 16 2 23 12'l 81 36 121) 197 22 126 24 If) 126 295 130 6 35 ]0 127 76 6 38 a 128 443 2 12 12H 697 192 1 11 3 21':.) 1:JO SOt) 14 112 2 11 2 2 13 131 89 . 132 171 ·6 95 · 133 7 69 4U i84, 380 9 111 30 12 I 4{) 135 '326 52 20 ·. 2 136 160 2 2'* · . 3 3 187 82 a5 188 269 119 168 15 () 7 2 (} 13U 563 Ifl 109 8 33 1 11 140

B-9asic SChool., SB:S$lior ~88j(}. Sol;toql, S--a~it Paths_WI , " ' ' , O~Gram ·p,.nohayat. 'R..:....;1:..iDraries. t....:.POlt.OftlOO. 292


Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No.-of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females. Males Females

--I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P ..S.-DIN ARA--- (contd.) 141 BiraUt\ khurd 22() 125 55 269 176 9a {} 142 Kiahunpura 222 202 32 202 106 96 22 143 Arila Raghwatpur L 223 883 102 678 3a7 341 80 7 144 Sahua,l'i · . 224 150 23 176 84 H2 15 1 145 Bha.luahi 225 294 24 IHO 95 95 40 146 Karmoini 226 656 128 514 246 268 50 5 147 Oariganwan 227 177 23 172 75 97 15 148 Bholari Purwari L,M 228 526 35 325 ]76 149 60 17 149 Bairipur .. 229 182 22 189 ]05 84- 24 150 Baruna. · . 230 437 21 172 87 85 26 12 151 Milki 231 778 15 108 53 (,5 30 152 Muswath L 232 936 ] 84 B33 473 460 70 14 153 Miarauliya 233 148 16 132 68 64 15 1 ,154 Jagdishpur 234 424 35 231) 123 116 21 155 Karhansi L 235 1,613 205 l,J:U 553 578 280 104 156 Khairahi 236 334 48 351 188 16:1 47 2 157 Dharahra 237 2f)2 32 226 124 102 51 158 Kharwat 238 845 77 507 251 256 21 159 ltampur khurd 276 102 65 439 221 218 34 7 160 Sarawan .. 278 772 134 846 444 402 03 10 161 Karaundi 279 693 99 707 368 339 100 19 162 Bidhi khap 280 67 !J 95 49 4f) 8 163 Bishunpura 292 126 22 127 60 67 10 ·. 164 Ahirawan 203 ·478 115 423 217 206 06 165 Asia 294 404 94 398 20G 193 32 166 Sanauj 296 379 164 825 421 404 114 1 t 167 Natwar kalan L,M 310 325 116 663 376 287 134 168 Pipri 312 237 73 445 232 213 54 169 Naua 313 273 83 369 190 17{J 48 · . 170 Amuwa 314 207 30 282 149 133 34 · . 171 N atwar khurJ 315 464 165 796 396 400 92 172 Dehri • • 849 179 41 309 159 150 58 173 Bo.suhari 351 360 61 400 198 202 42 ·. 174 Gunsej L 852 790 140 1,039 526 513 123 175 Lohra 858 160 18 326 149 ]77 8 • • 176 Bakra. 355 420 103 691 318 373 80 12 177 Pa.njari 357 177 69 499 251 248 31 ·. 178 GOfsa.ra 359 240 45 428 221 207 81 ·. 179 Madhukartur 360 123 8 83 42 41 21 • • 180 Basudeo ehri L 361 253 84 497 242 265 53 • •

181 Bhainsara 362 168 52 356 187 169 46 o • 182 Arthu L 367 483 110 754 866 388 100 8 183 Manoharpur 370 66 79 460 227 233 38 o • 186 Knnr 193 647 170 929 522 407 87 .2 186 Baa.tari Dihra 194 324 17 81 42 39 7 o • 186 8amuhati B:uzurg - ·. 188 508 96 673 353 320 84 8 1.7 8aa;y_ •. o • 115 307 37 239 130 109 66 • 0 181 TON •• 172 244 19 131 68. 63 16 • • 18t Sadhura .. ·. 121 810 8 43 26 18 .2 • • 190 Ghau. .. ·. 159 208 33 222 111 111 20 8

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Illstitution for Girle. LU, UU, etc.-:-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. 203



Agricultural Classes Non -agrioultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derivo their CultivatOJ's Cultivators Cultivating Non­ prin.cipal means of livelihood frorn­ of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------Serial or mainly or mu.inly and own~rs of V. VI. VII. VIn. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Otht~r their their dopendants agricultural (other tho.n Commerce Transport servioes dependants dppendants relit receivers cultivation) and and t,heir misc(\UaneOU8 dopendnnts Boureos

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

P .. S.-DINARA-contd. l:iH 24 80 I ~ 6 141 171 31 142 4U8 I i-~ 27 143 ll4 21 32 () .J... l 144- 151 35 4 145 337 129 36 7 5 14H 85 87 147 200 (i() 11 25 148 Hf) H7 27 140 83 89 150 H5 H 4 151 507 :.W 301 50 17 4 20 152 12H 2 1 153 206 154 808 117 58 40 too :~51 ]56 171 50 4 157 321 54 UH 4 ..,.J ..') 2() 158 238 lfi lAH 17 21 15H 600 48 104 12 ...... ),) 100

40 10H J 61 ~4 1 to 162 119 H 16:J 2H2 131 16! !l74: 24 165 i()4 220 154 1)3 57 147 lU 1.1 166 346 III 140 9 11 26 '2 18 167 Hm 10H 39 20 8 1)5 6 Hl8 200 51 81 H 17 12 169 182 20 80 170

4:03 sa 176 10 13 63 171 254 1~ 35 I 1 172 280 20 63 28 173 635 197 04 48 23 ]2 30 174- 86 107 104- 15 3 11 175 580 40 20 10 30 11 176 329 44- 85 () 16 2 1 16 177 236 52 140 178 68 15 179 SOg 85 103 180 279 74 2 1 181 739 15 182 397 15 34 4: 10 183 833 41 31 24 184 81 185 355 7\J 115 33 8 10 3 70 186 172 3 40 3 21 187 129 2 188 29 11 3 189 180 36 6 190

B-Basic Sohool. SB-Senior Basic School. S-S$nskrit Pathshala.. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libral·ies. t-Post-Offioe. Vil-LAG.

Total number of pel'80118 Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in oooupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO P .• S.-DINARA-concZd. 191 Gajauan .• 240 llO 2 10 7 3 1 192 Nadau,an 241 120 68 553 290 263 78 193 Rampur kalan 277 114 31 255 135 120 28 · . 194 Nio.zipur 78 146 57 383 196 187 57 3 195 Mausinha Dehri 297 148 22 108 56 52 21 · . 196 Jagdishpur 23 128 6 47 26 21 11 2 197 Chakia. 42 196 3 12 7 5 1 198 Dehri ·. 48 215 [) 29 14 15 199 Simt"i dih 51 :i66 9 55 31 24 200 Kumhaurat 61 300 38 241 134 107 1 201 Ranni 91 201 32 233 118 ll5 28 202 Paranpur 1)2 88 26 140 72 68 18 203 Bilaspur •• 354 257 18 154 83 71 14 P. S.-DAWATH

1 Kharauj kalan 329 197 129 744 426 318 163 5 2 Surajpura L, LU, (U), H 332 485 761 4,,325 2,220 2}105 731 233 3 Shrikant.pur 333 64 26 200 H7 103 7 4 Harpur · . 334 90 65 5:32 260 272 67 9 .5 Barull 335 612 227 1,252 609 643 213 89 6 Bhurkunriya kburd 337 213 17 108 58 60 7 7 Surhuriya a:JO 399 30 :~O4 153 161 47 () 8 Dobariya 340 508 52 445 201 244- 33 4 9 Rampur 343 204 13 82 42 40 6 10 Bakhanpura 344 !!5H 27 240 113 127 27 · . 11 Angrer khurd U,1\1 350 724 129 979 475 504 55 2 12 Barariya 636 2:14 12 105 51 54 (j 13 Bithni ._. 364 187 20 150 77 73 37 8 14 Bhurkurnriya kalau 336 211 18 207 II7 00 25 3 15 Choranti 365 228 3S 197 105 92 29 16 Anwarhi .• 372 7S8 140 1,143 536 607 199 17 Damdiha. 374 240 33 3li7 176 181 26 18 Akhora · . 37.'5 403 40 281 132 149 26 19 Dharkhan.a khurd 876 251 10 103 53 50 26 20 Harakmaho.l Dohri 377 165 28 244 128 lI6 69 21 Patkh8uli 378 133 31 271 122 ]49 21 22 ParAiy80 khl,lrd 379 346 53 377 197 180 68 23 Pal'Q."liya kalan .. 380 358 67 519 259 260 69 . J.j, M 24 Sernri 381 2,068 39U 2,981 1,479 1,502 342 18 25 Dharkhana. kalan L 382 367 41 294 161 133 63 26 Jamsona. L 383 655 147 989 479 510 125 27 Rajaudha. 384 335 8 64 33 31 1 28 Para.riya U 385 358 39 295 161 134 35 4: 29 Kamdhunwan ·. 386 77 9 71 38 33 4 1 30 Chitui 387 263 61 482 229 253 92 {)

31 Cbhatra .. .. 388 159 97 50S 265 243 100 9 32 Doma. Dehri 389 170 19 148 68 80 6 .. 33 Agrer ka.lan 390 1,294 137 1,104 539 565 121 18 84- Bf,orhi ·. 391 543 69 421 208 213 51 35 Mahus.ri 392 334 103 6U3 365 338 40 10 86 Sahina.wan U,M 393 359 76 584 262 272 76 .. 37 Bodhari L :i94 472 91 760 378 382 82 S 38 Da.uwa.t L,M ·. 396 1,418 32() 1,851 930 9.21 894 83 39 Bithwa L, (1,,) • • 397 55 135 823 424 899 182 97 40 Bahhnaul U, (U) • • 398 2,366 828 3,329 1,6'83 1,646 607 107

L-Lower Primary SchoOl. U-Uppor Primary SchQoJ. X-Middle School. H-Higb School. ( )-lnstitution for Girls. LU, W, etc.-Urdu L. P .. , Urdu U. P. eW.

, ~ 206



Agricultura.l Classes Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive tLoir Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- prinoipal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly la.bourers cultivating .•. Soria] or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, I'roductioll Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commeroo Transport Bel'vi(~es dependants dependants rent receivors cultivation) and and theil' miscellaneolls dependants sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

P. -S.-DINAHA-concld. 10 191 400 100 42 ..') :3 3 3 J92 207 46 2 I ~:3 218 44 107 6 8 19! 55 46 7 ,lUI) :l3 ]4 JU6 12 197 29 lOB 53 ...) lUI} 147 40 4{S 8 200 133 ]2 86 .,.) 201 109 13 18 202 76 2 f')) .. 2 12 203 P.-S.-DAWATH

434 124 15 138 5 28 .1 1,841 9 1,088 68 210 705 30 4,15 2 200 3 234 52 246 4 710 5 238 1 61 184 1 52 I) 4H 5 54 6 249 7 48 7 334 108 3 ~ 54 10 10 4 4 9 226 7 3 3 1 10

722 7 292 24 {) [j 11 77 2 26 12 89 13 48 .. 13 165 42 14 140 13 14 11 11 8 15 623 359 47 53 12 49 16 339 1 17 17 138 102 32 2 7 18 89 9 G 19 198 35 11 20 249 15 7 21 239 14 124 22 153 70 2fn 5 23 1,814 226 63H 44 55 104 1 98 24 211 75 8 25 634 40 126 68 75 46 26 26 3 35 27 204 49 19 23 28 60 11 29 345 16 94 7 10 10 80 198 233 .. 24 13 .. 40 Rl 74 35 39 32 800 123 108 •• 19 24 .. 80 33 279 68 62 7 ·. I) ,34 268 8 211 9 ·. 14 IS8 3li 362 11 157 ·. 4 .. 36 414 130 125 25 49 10 *I 37 753 207 291 18 100 332 1.i8 92 88 640 20 81 20 62 39 1,385 446 757 187 64 119 20 362 4,0

B·--Baaio Sohool. BB-Senior Basic School. S--Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Librs.ries. t-Post-OJlioe. 206


Total number of persons ..- I.literatcS6 enumera.ted Area No. of SeriR.l N arne of village Thana in oocupied no. no. aores houses Persons Mtllos Females Malos Females

-----....,...------1 2 4 H 3 5 6 ------_._--7 9 10 P.·~ .-DAW ATH-contd.

41 Dllaichak 309 320 2H 220 120 100 20 42 l>oogana 400 3H3 66 fi3t 270 201 5R H 43 Banda dih 40:! 282 36 24H 117 .l :~2 38 :~ 44- Bat8a L 403 195 :34 2:J2 118 II4 }8 45 Shahpur ., 404 162 8:J 482 243 23B 70 46 Param Dehl'i 405 211 43 325 164 Hil 56 () 47 Kairathi .. 406 28{) 4H 338 126 2]2 11!) 12 48 Hahuara .. 407 277 92 5HO 2H2 :~O8 :la 49 ltwa L, M 408 253 III 852 436 416 JOB 20 60 Bahuani 1.1 40n 77 401 200 lH2 41 3

51 Gajad hara 410 236 H3 356 201 ]55 40 2 52 Hamir Dehri 411 254 36 284 132 152 fi3 4 53 Bal'aia 412 ] 53 51 415 220 195 8f) () 54 Jbarkhariyn 413 140 3:J 206 82 124 27 55 Majhauli U 414 IUft 8J 668 335 :J33 ] 20 lB 56 Gangt,j 415 43li ]06 7H3 3S0 413 lfiO 1:l 57 Kowath L,U,H 416 814 1,061 6,061 :J,5liH 3,372 il,058 114 68 Aldlir Chaunari 417 .1 ,6:~6 11 J06 52 !)4 J3 59 Chaunari Kedar 418 146 :19 37H ] ~4 1 n5 50 4 60 Sundar 420 ] 20 47 426 2:!fi 201 115 ]0

61 Usarhi 421 337 n5 733 36.") 368 107 62 Sadath Dehra 4')".., ... 477 $) 70 3f) :-J5 1 ft3 Ragha Dehra 423 71 43 281 ]46 lSn 14 1 64 Sheo BahaT' 424 158 9:J 501 275 22() 07 ] 65 Kailani · . 425 562 48 4:-J2 219 21:J 23 66 Gothani · . 42t) 42H 79 536 278 258 67 8 67 Narayan pur U 427 164 72 595 206 209 82 7 68 Dhauwai 428 567 36 233 07 ] 36 13 69 Paraiya · . 429 243 32 168 88 80 30 70 Kosanda 432 ]55 30 310 ]50 ]60 50 71 Kosanda Buzurg .. 433 214 32 315 158 157 53 72 Gosaldhi L, (L),M 434 149 99 865 437 428 177 30 73 Dhangan 435 240 36 209 107 102 18 74 Chal.ll'aBi 430 40f) 29 2fi4 )] 8 136 40 75 Ra.tan patt.i 437 174 68 472 235 237 72 76 Dergaun L, (L),U, H .. 438 203 a6i' 2,689 ] ,440 ] ,240 1,005 284 77 Gidha. L 439 1,677 172 1,065 !l54 511 ]28 18 78 Bodh Chathar 440 442 22 220 Ion 11] 21 79 Harna Chathar 441 143 6 35 18 .17 8 80 Chak (.;hat.har 442 70 36 224- 14~ 82 46 81 Naktauli 443 167 81 375 221 154 11 82 Phatauli .. 444 324 22 192 100 92 8 83 Gops1 Dehri 445 I8N 16 87 52 35 9 84: Sllgahri .. 447 267 3 J3 6 7 1 85 Pamlf:lJlpUr L 448 26H 53 419 211 20~ 67 14 86 Hat.dihan 440 432 85 606 :124 282 170 10 87 Ramnagar 450 442 172 1,008 583 425 151 5 88 TilBkpura 451 304- 34 264 167 197 80 1 , SP Katailbal 452 141 50 361 186 175 28 1 '.:0(\ Hanrahabal 453 90 7 1)0 27 23 11 : ••

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High Sohool. ( )-Inst,itution for Girls. LU, UU, et,c.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. 207



Agricultural Classes Non -agricultural Classes

1. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------.-- Seria.l or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Ot,her their their dopendants agricultural (other than Commerce . Transport, services dependants dependantR rent rflceivors culti vation) and and their miscellaneous dependnnts souroes

11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 --_------lR 1 P .. S.-DAWATH-COtttd.

68 00 57 5 4] 111 372 3] 10 7 42 39 210 43 110 112 1 44 340 4 ]26 1 11 45 276 ]5 33 I 46 254 74 7 47 2:J5 197 136 IG 3 4 48 712 H5 22 23 49 lOr; 30 206 50 267 7 HA 11 3 IH 209 75 52 :J24 fl8 8 15 53 55 5 ]46 54 !)f)5 60 I 28 15 55 3H4 106 313 10 56 3,101 69 1,147 I5R 539 9H5 22 {l30 57 (,2 3A 12 4 58 InI llU 62 7 50 :130 7 H} 66 4 (JO

463 9H 171 61 70 62 168 ]00 13 63 222 74 1 32 172 64 3H4 38 65 290 119 f)7 (> 12 53 66 298 86 16 79 16 67 162 1 68 2 68 146 2 69 197 95 5 4 1 8 70

195 98 5 4 5 8 71 427 364 59 2 2 )J 72 125 22 62 73 254 74 272 72 110 .. 18 75 1,770 58 613 145 75 28 76 798 101 80 1 66 o 10 77 143 .. 77 78 35 79 154 .. 48 12 10 80 194 131 36 14- 81 85 56 12 39 82 58 34 .. 83 13 84 262 81 99 15 12 85 802 253 33 18 86 700 19 188 .. 74 19 3 87 809 55 .. 88 189 143 29 80 39 11 90 ------B-Buic School. SB-Senior Basio School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-P08t-Ofttoe. 208:

Total number of persons Literates ,enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in oocupied no. no. a.cres houses Persons Males Females Males Females-

1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P.-S.-DAW ATH-ooncld. 91 Jamuara 455 468 65 469 247 222 00 92 Madaina 456 IH2 29 216 lln 97 64 93 Hrmkadih 457 153 28 274 131. 14::1 58 2 94 Nima 458 126 16 144 71 73 20 95 Kawai L 460 337 92 626 320 207 36 2 96 Chauriya 461 195 36 252 126 126 44 4 97 lmirta 462 191 36 326 170 156 39 3 98 Aligftnj · . 463 643 96 6UI 437 254 88 2 99 Anha.r 476 193 61 514 243 271 125 II 100 Ka.rma L 477 682 166 1,288 658 630 257 5 101 Qaha. dih 485 104 67 467 234 233 135 ]0 102 Kalyanpur 486 142 23 192 102 HO ]0 103 Buari L 487 322 52 412 187 225 79 P.·S.-KARAGHAR 1 Ha.rihar Dehra ·. 1 278 21 161 91 70 34 2 KorigBwn · . 2 333 13 95 50 45 II 3 Jagdishpur ·. 4: 142 12 75 35 40 8 4 Shiwpur · . 6 444 22 131 74 57 41 5 5 MaUoo Dehra ·. 8 260 4: 35 17 18 6 Padumei Dehra · . 9 139 25 178 82 96 33 2 7 Khaira · . ·. 10 450 12 Il2 58 54 12 8 WojbawaUa ·. II 315 28 176 90 86 30 9 '9 Semariya ·. 13 414 29 290 157 133 16 10 Govindpur ·. 14 90 6 50 26 24 .. 11 Harnathpur ·. 15 183 13 64 39 35 4, 12 Sareya J.. 18 245 41 256 128 128 44 13 Phuii · 19 459 60 368 192 176 25 · . 14 Trilok Dehri. ·. 20 81 2 10 5 5 III Nawalia 22 446 37 269 133 136 34 16 Bighata L 25 249 68 424 193 231 41 17 Ekauni U 28 200 36 249 128 121 39 18 Khairi · . 32 168 19 126 65 61 10 19 BalM 34 629 92 572 272 800 71 20 KOThari ·. 35 220 18 110 58 52 11 21 Chila.ini · 36 582 60 487 243 244 89 1 22 La.heri . L 37 822 110 718 346 872 69 2 23 Bara.dih ·. 38 241 20 168 81 82 18 · . 24 Adilapur ·. 39 174 9 68 34 29 10 25 Khairi 40 250 22 21)0 119 131 8 26 Andaur 41 313 28 182 97 85 8 ·. 27 Chetan Dehra. 42 130 14 97 55 42 7 28 Nainakon .. 45 507 59 355 192 162 54 . 29 Rupin Bandh 46 189 35 92 45 47 · 30 Barbauti Kalan 48 382 21 166 80 86 34 81 BahuQl'o, L 49 309 89 598 802 296 97' 32 Sohasa. .. 50 336 26 186 90 96 20 '5 SS .Pa.r&sa.tus. ln 415 57 394 204 190 25 84 Petphorva 52 217 16 126 65 61 16 • 35 Ekauni .. 53 187 6 In 25 26 10 ·. 36 Bho.radih 54 119 15 103 45 58 .2 ·. 37 Patna r;6 293 17 144 77 67 28 . 38 Matna. L 57 266 31 290 141" 149 83 · 39 Katharo.i n L .. 59 1,125 100 650 au 817 .92 8 40 SakruuJi •• .. 60 216 13 105 60· 65 3

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary SoooC)l.· M-Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )-IIUJUtution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P.- etc. 209


4gricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of la.nd wholly la.bourers oultivating ------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land Produotion Other their their dependant/s agricultural (other than Commerc9 Transportl services dependants dependants rent receivers cultiv"tion) and and their miscellaneou8 dependants sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

I~ .·S.-PAWAT li-cmwld. 280 89 75 3 22 91 InS 2 56 92 241 5 24 3 1 08 69 75 Qf, 436 28 144 10 2 6 U5 163 5H 30 U6 173 60 71 22 07 371 52 172 U5 1 98 459 7 29 ...1') ['j 2 99 871) 141 187 27 54 100 336 6 63 28 34 101 143 4H 102 23n 50 III 4 4 4: 103 1'. ·S.-KARAOHAR

116 11 26 •• • • ·. 8 1 95 • • • • • • 2 32 24 7 • • 12 3 105 12 ·. 14 4 35 •• ~ 88 .. 00 5 • • 25 6 112 ·. 7 84 32 7 8 12 30 8 228 H2 9 (,0 ·. 10 7 51 6 ·. 11 IaH 5 ti!) 4 16 30 12 241 110 5 5 7 13 10 14 2[)H 10 1.5 288 8 10:1 2 7 2 14 1.6 128 48 70 3 ·. 17 86 40 ·. 18 315 69 l:n 7 30 5 • • l2 70 • • 40 •• • • •• • • 20 400 • • 42 .. 11 ·. 34 21 345 • • 310 7 52 ·. 4: 22 81 8 74 23 58 4 1 24 128 58 56 1 2 IS 25 113 08 .. 1 26 88 7 2 27 208 7 137 1 2 28 75 17 29 106 60 ao 451 42 94 3l 86 4 66 4 82 SOO 4 66 21 33 86 34 U 51 .. 36 46 57 .16 76 62 37 170 liS 18 8 10 38 509 101 30 7 3 39 105 jI • .. .. 40

B-Baaic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Patrhshala.. G-Gram Panehayat. R-Libraries. t-Poat.Oftlae. 210,·

--~----,-.------.~~------,-.----,--~------'~'.. -.'- Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area. No. of Serial Name of village Thana in ocoupied no. no. . acres' . '. houses Persons M alt)s Femfl,les Males Females

. ,- . -~- .. -.- .. - - '"'' .. -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 ---.. _ ... __ . P. S.---·KARAG HAn -cmtd. 41 Sobhipur .. 61 174 29 206 148 148 30 42 Beclwa.lia .. 67 170 21 142 76 66 15 43 Sohba.1ia L 69 630 10(S 620 323 297 80 7 44 Kapasia M,H 70 1,087 III 684 354 330 60 9 45 Manpur U 72 106 10 221 117 104, 25 46 Ba.radih .. 74 640 63 362 18!) 177 61 2 47 Ma.hauri 75 230 47 256 128 128 40 10 48 Jalo.lpur 76 152 7 Of) 31 34 I 49 Siwo.n 78 1,479 189 I,31l) 580 550 160 50 Shiwapur 80 264 37 234 1 ]6 118 6

51 Nimdehra •• 82 322 67 494 255 23B 23 52 Babhan barahta 83 410 53 86B 191 178 47 7 53 Bhai nsadih 84 24H 8 28 15 13 8 1 54 Barahta 87 246 a:J 254 13t 123 7 55 Kumhila 88 365 40 309 160 14U 41 56 Ararua. · . 91 270 .55 356 180 176 32 57 Hamirpur 92 2BIl 33 259 141 liS 4U 2 58 Akorhi U4 538 58 287 142 145 39 2 59 Kharej 96 759 69 462 229 2:13 60 8 60 Dhanej U,R 97 052 137 816 30n 420 140 11

61 Nomura 98 334 22 175 Hl 84 14 62 Inta.wa L 99 182 4) 313 103 150 37 5 63 Bhagwanpur 100 410 31 203 106 97 26 64 Bo.stalwa .. 101 246 40 229 110 119 23 3 66 Bhuara. .. 102 2]8 25 166 82 84- 5 1 66 Tenuni · . 103 583 52 408 207 201 53 9 67 Shaha.r · . 105 533 71 460 243 217 77 2 68 Karwar · . 107 324- 20 172 87 85 39 69 Loknathpur · . 109 356 42 288 143 145 80 70 Khoreya ·. llO 241 23 18P 89 100 11 2 71 Jhalkhora · . 113 209 81 253 121 132 33 72 Mathiya. .. 115 145 11 88 4U 39 3 73 Biso Dihri U,M 116 845 15 123 57 66 30 9 74 Ba.ksara · 117 594 125 729 362 367 70 75 Samhota . 119 190 13 105 62 43 30 2 76 Sahwa.lia khurd 122 241 17 120 60 60 24 3 77 Sohwalia. ka.1an 123 287 27 220 ]05 115 21 78 Baisapur 125 447 59 392 214 178 32 79 Ratanpura 126 255 19 188 96 92 21 80 Chhitni .. 127 313 19 163 83 80 10 81 Greys. 129 271 33 162 87 75 66 82 Bhokhari 131 760 112 794 415 379 122 7 ,83 P athalpura ·. 133 236 15 141 73 68 16 8. Sosna 136 39lS 34 212 105 107 .21 1 85 Basudhara. 136 205 15 105 60 45 9 • • 86 Uuna 137 880 27 191 97 94 24 ·. 87 Kharhari .. 188 568 49 381 198 183 45 • • 88 Sajan Dehra ·. 139 287 -43 310 160 150 61 1 89 Akhtiarpur • • 142 282 27 272 138 134 48 ·. 90 Manti 143 566 92 628 817 all 66 · . '" -... ~ .. ,.--.. -~.,,- ... ,,_.-~, ...... ~--...... ---.. -- L-Lower Primary Sohool. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )--Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L:P., Urdu tr. P. etc. 211

'8TATlITlCS1· .


Agricultural ClaYs€ls Non '.l.grieul t,ul'al Classes

I. n. III. IV. PerRons (including dt'penda.nts) who derive their CUIt.i VA tors CuJii vu.t,ors Cultivating Non- prineipltl meaus of liv()Jihood from- of land wholly of If'lnd wholly )H,bouJ'f'l's cultivating SeriaJ or mainly or mainly It-Uti owneJ'~ of V. VI. VlI. VIII. no. owned anrl un·owned nnd. their land, Production Ot.her their their clependant,s agricult.ural (other t,han Commerce Transport services dependaD ts depend an t,l'l rent receivers cuJt,ivat,ion) and and their miscellaneous d('pondants sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P. S.-KARAGHAR-eonf,d.

114 13 106 43 20 41 109 32 1 42 351 6H 11,)3 1 6 43 3!J4 4 170 90 17 44- IU7 1 21 2 45 326 20 10 6 46 176 an 22 11 3 5 47 04 1 48 6H3 16 :l72 10 12 3 30 49 ') 141 82 ... U' 50 2BR 57 1:,W 7 6 In J68 42 l:W 12 13 1 13 52 18 10 53 1 :J7 70 fi 10 26 [>4 202 »0 .i7 55 }O» 36 127 60 14 I) 56 ]40 48 1)6 15 [,7 143 :W R~i 13 1 U fj8 2;)0 15 il!l 20 5 59 [J!} 587 39 186 4 00

140 ...... ).) 2 ..,.) n 61 1[)2 67 66 H 20 62 11'7 14 2 63 124 18 fiU 15 13 64 no JO fW 65 206 20 no 14 Of; 285 :i6 83 4 4 21 2 25 67 102 10 60 68 156 71 61 69 H4 4 (So n 10 H 70

160 70 1 17 71 81 4 3 72 71 20 29 3 73 380 57 200 63 27 74 58 2 44- 1 75 11R 2 .. 76 136 12 tJ8 1 3 77 224 24 115 14 2 13 78 157 24 7 , . 97 148 15 15 80 121 29 11 1 81 514 61 207 8 4 82 107 34 · . 83 135 53 . 20 4 .. S4: 11 .. 57 (> 7 11 14 85 137 26 ·. 21 7 86 226 87 107 1 10 87 195 91 24 88 218 25 2lS ·. 89 S56 ,; .' , 180 21 71" 90

B-Basio Sohool., SB--8el.lior Basic ~ehool. S-Sanskrit Pathahala. ,G--G.ram ~aDoh~yat; R-Libraries t-Po8t.~ce. ., " , 'ILtAC.

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area. No. of Serial Thana in occupied bo. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P.·S.-KARAGRAR-contd.

91 Rowan ]45 381 82 498 252 246 2;l5 92 Panhauti .. 146 241 17 120 63 57 12 98 Chilbili .. 148 225 17 73 37 36 1 94 Dho.rampura 151 130 2 13 7 (S 95 Baur 152 52:1 68 526 261 265 42 96 Lerhra 154 383 IfS 14H 72 77 14 97 Baheri L 155 655 80 407 IU8 209 55 98 Kharhano. 156 821 59 413 202 211 15 99 Tali a 157 148 11 78 49 29 6 100 Bhawadih 158 131 17 131 63 68 14 101 Q"rva ]59 628 43 307 165 142 43 102 Gori L 160 1,176 131 821 4lH 402 124 21 lOS Gogahra .. 161 277 :J7 21B 113 106 2J 104 Bhalauni 162 320 33 187 101 86 22 105 Ba.huara .. 163 608 60 332 185 147 50 106 Pipri 165 173 47 26.') 137 128 32 107 Siri 167 570 83 5B2 307 285 83 108 Khorsan .. 169 334 83 . 516 261 255 54 109 Yogi pur 170 354 2U 142 77 65 3 110 Torni 171 564 75 487 246 241 84 10 III Phakla .. 172 785 35 ISH 100 89 28 112 Nanaulia 173 191 6 38 24 14 8 113 Phakli 174 268 41 251 125 126 11 114 Baradih .. 176 176 6 41 23 18 116 Basdiha .. 177 538 73 520 245 275 82 116 Sagarpur 178 306 20 152 78 74 21 117 Ghordiha 179 346 52 357 176 181 46 118 Dhangua .. 180 221 26 186 88 98 14 119 Bha.irawa. 181 247 14 8f} 46 40 21 12" Koriari .. 182 349 57 313 145 168 30 121 Mominpur 184 184 24 166 87 70 Belari 185 507 50 317 153 164 32 }'Iii Mohanpur Kharsan 187 157 5 59 30 21 12'4 KalyanJ)Ur 188 444 64 401 lUH ~02 22 126 Meraripur 189 168 7 37 21 16 3 1~ Harnarayanpur UH 261 20 147 76 71 13 127 Maniari U 192 321 19 117 53 6' IS} 128 Ugarsenpur 193 61 13 6U 30 39 8 129 Tilkapur 194 292 57 315 165 150 20 100 Belaspur 196 228 3n 293 154 139 22 13.1 Sarodih . . 198 247 29 240 114 126 42 .., . 13~ Tilokpur 199 286 14 72 43 29 ISS Mohanian 200 888 68 461 221 237 64 I~ Bha.lauri 201 268 38 249 127 122 28 l~'~ Khairari M 202 1,435 124 748 379 369 70 1 136 Sonbarse. 203 282 22 198 94 104- 60 • • IS7 Khargapur 204 127 17 108 63 45 10 • • I. Mathurapur 205 296 39 223 117 106 30 • • 13'9 &rr.ariya 206 279 20 140 69 71 14 ·. l~ Dumra L 208 711 105 660 339 321 120 13

. _ ..,--- ...... --~ L-Lo~r Primary Sbhool •.. u-'tt~ l>J:im~ S~hool. M--.rddle 8$bool. H-High School. ( )-IMtituUon or Gfr18. tr. 'Uu, 'etc.-UrdU. L. t.. Urdu U. P., etc. 211l



Agricultural Cla88ea Non-agricultural Classes I. II. ni. IV. Persons (including dependanta) who derive their Cultivatonl Cultivators Cultivating Non- ,Principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII, VIII, no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependanb~ agricultural (other than Commerce r:rransport sorvices dependants dependants rent recl,ivers cultivation) and and their misoellaneous dependants soure,os

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 I> ,- S. -KARAG HAR-contd,

228 8 240 8 6 8 91 96 24 92 73 93 13 94 337 71 83 12 7 16 95 116 25 3 5 96 257 20 110 1 16 3 07 266 131 2 0 3 6 98 78 99 127 4 100

220 7 61 4- 6 101 470 US 163 3 16 41 30 102 52 74 45 11 2 85 103 129 40 5 8 1 4 ]04 244 38 10 8 31 105 178 2:_1 57 7 ]06 21:1 It) 288 24 4 28 19 107 210 43 81 44 128 4 6 108 7 135 109 258 88 22 88 31 IlO 90 82 12 5 III 35 :3 llt 133 69 3H 10 113 35 6 114 312 304 4 115 fl9 71 11 1 U6 250 62 ..,') 5 8 30 117 122 4 53 7 118 56 18 5 1 119 202 26.. 72 2 2 I _120 68 54 41 • • S 121 243 56 12 3 3 122 18 41 41 123 284 20 44 4 32 ·. 17 124 37 •• •• 125 80 65 ·. •• J 126 61 53 ·. ., 1) 127 69 • • •• 128 222 72 21 • • • • 129 194 11 76 ·. • • 12 rIo 138 102 ·. • • III 11 61 ·. 1:12 354 5 84 "1 2 ·. 9 1'13 143 6 98 .. .2 lk 139 "'22 152 11 1 n 116 175 2 20 1< 1'36 89 18 1 "•. t- 137 173 50 ·118 105 33 •• J 1119 347 22 228' 21 19 • • 18 140

I ...... ·lhhcml. SB &'"tor,BUic hhooi. S~ P~. . ~ ·P.. n~. B-Li...... ,. ~


.. Total number of pel'liK)ns Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Persona l\fal(~8 Females Males Femalea

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Po-S. ·--KARAGHAH-contd.

141 Sukulpura 210 150 32 212 111 101 14 142 Delhua .. 211 323 4-5 280 146 134 20 143 Pannpur ., 213 2')').... ~7 592 367 225 74 .2 144 Pipra U 215 6HO 1')').. '" 7BH :i~m 4(H) 106 1415 Samdiha 217 483 t)J 422 202 2:!O 45 146 Raghopur 2lH ]59 12 62 31 31. S 147 Maehandih 220 188 :H 206 158 I:J8 14 148 Ju.lalpur L .....0)')') - 173 67 480 261 225 50 140 Arnbalia. .. 224 317 Hl 160 73 87 10 ,150 Kanak hon eh 225 236 22 252 125 127 41 151 Hirdisarai 226 253 10 40 2J III :1 152 Sarea 227 217 8 39 ...'.)0) - 17 5 J5:J Sahuar · . 22U 321) 81 5HS 2H2 286 08 154 .Rupait,ha 231 170 80 502 271 2:0 tl5 155 'l'hOI'Ran 233 7S1 tiO 420 2(H 216 25 15tS Humpur 2~l4 422 21 142 81 HI 20 157 Ohuranpur 235 21:}t) 18 124 63 HI 20 .158 Kha.naithi 236 58!) 61 :U7 174 14:.1 49 InS) ~T ugdadpur 2:n 173 29 17) H5 76 7 J60 llipri 23~ 275 :30 187 76 111 27

161 Kusahi .0 240 . 331 47 344 177 167 25 1 t162 Karghar L, (L), U, M, H 242 1,544 3U4 2,oau 1,1t)2 877 416 lO 163 Roni 243 208 40 251 1:30 ]~l :J8 1 16i, 245 2H2 33 201 HI) 102 31 16') Silllri 246 ()72 127 728 301 367 1:~!) 16J Lakhanpura 247 H3 22 177 U:l S4 12 167 Sinlia 24S) 450 106 70H 37:1 336 21:} 168 Oarbhi 250 163 10 86 42 44 7 3 169 Kap~tia 254 146 18 130 07 6:\ 20 , 170 Narayanpur 257 132 8 54 :3.1 23 16 171 }larandehr(\ 258 151 33 232 113 119 17 1 172 Simaria kanak 260 4,J 3 35 2:lH 124 115 2H 173 Khaira 8ahmal 261 394 63 42~} 218 211 54 2 174 Khail'l\ Dev 262 6!}B tin 463 232 ~31 90 1 175 K hur!l.uriya. 263 35 57 :l2H 160 166 30 Bnsal~tpUl' 265 545 38 181 94 87 23 176 . .. , 1 177 Rnt.tichak . 267 182 6 72 38 34 12 1 178 Oopa!p'UI' 268 108 36 256 128 128 18 179 Misraulia. , ... 270 3U> :n 255 122 133 42 180 Kohk~ .0 271 273 36 314 162 152 17 181 Sanwandehri V. 273 122 33 234 133 101 83 13 182 8ataRa 276 632 101 642 326 316 80 8 183 Balthari L 276 1,292 158. 1,024 537 487 140 4 184 Rampur 277 505 56 342 184 158 26 .. 185 Debaria · . 278 619 60 464 233 231 49 11 186 Tet,aria. · . 281 357 44 272 137 135 38 187 Parasiya 282 , 450 80 401 254 237 31 . lsa Goura 283 364 35 245 126 119 16 t1.89 Kochas L, ~~), LU, U,M,. H 285 2,155 256 2,129 :1,067 1,062 375 32 llW) Dautha. 286 )71 19 153 82 71 4 . , ... . I • . ..

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. :M;-)liddle J:lcb.Q4pl. a-High School. (. )-Jnstit.ution,fof Girll. ·LVtUV,e~.~Vrdv; }:.,.l?...... ;\Jrdu U.P.,eto. 216

ITA. TlSTlca


Agricu}t.ural Classes N on.a.gricultUJ·a.l Classes I. II. Ill. IV. Persons (itwluding dependants) who dorive their Cultiva.tors CultivQ,tors Cu1tivfl.ting Non. principa.l means of livelihood from- of la.nd wholly of la,uef wholly labourers cu}t,ivating -----.,...------Serial or mainly of'mainly and owuerliol of V. VI. VII. VIII. 110. owned and un· owned and th~jr I.ctnc! 'Production Other their their df)pendants agrieultural (other than Commerce Transport services dependants dopendants rent recei vers cu]t,ivatioll and nnd their miscellaneous dependants 80ur(.108

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .. S.-KAHAGHAR-cancld.

163 l:l 27 \} 141 178 25 :-14 1 23 4 15 142 420 60 98 5 3 143 402 206 7 20 40 8 ]7 144 287 109 ..,') 7 17 145 57 5 146 208 29 48 11 ]47 308 18 147 13 148 J28 o 16 7 .149 148 64 31 2 7 150 26 14 ]51 39 152 :144 83 70 3 32 5 22 153 274 56 114 24 12 7 15 154 377 21 22 155 81 3 55 3 ]as 95 24 3 2 157 239 7 38 3 9 1 20 ]58 168 3 159 99 1 17 70 160 237 73 8 1 25 161 1,440 fi2 380 8 130 19 ]62 02 U6 63 163 155 1 40 2 1 2 164 37ij 35 65 50 14 113 18 55 165 134 37 5 1 166 376 232 10 50 41 167 74 10 2 168 130 ' .. 169 54 170 129 102 1 171 113 7 87 1 3 13 15 172 149 154: 117 8 1 173 323 88 35 4 3 10 174 192 11 03 .2 22 6 175 147 24 4 6 176 65 7 177 210 38 8 178 98 21. 125 10 1 179 279 85 180 167 • • 54 •• , . .. .. 13 181 391 8 178 • • 26 19 4 16 182 618 30 332 • • 7 23 14 183 226 .. 65 10 9 82 184- 272 57 122 7 6 186 201 1 55 10 ._",- • t fj 186 299 86 147 ·. 6 3 187 107 12 84 1 5 15 3 18 188 1,548 124 206 • • 89 123 89 189 147 2 3 • • 1 190

B-Buic School, SB-Seruor Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Librariea. t-Poet Omoe. 216 'ILL"••

ToW number of persona Literates enumerated .Area No. of Serial Name of viUap Thana in occupied ------­ no. no. acres houle8 Persona Males i'emales Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P.·8.-KARAGHAR-contd. 191 Bindauha. 287 102 10 66 :J2 34 2 192 N arayanapur 288 224 23 163 H2 81 24 193 Bahoranpur 289 294 37 273 142 131 23 3 194 M.emrazpur 292 lOa 7 48 2() .).)_.. 6 195 Lakri 2B3 262 2H 2f~2 1:37 121) 19 196 Pakri 2H4 162 17 202 101) ~n 8 197 Karjar .. 297 :l49 70 316 177 13\J 26 198 Amarsidehra 208 305 27 HH) 84 82 27 199 Ghewra. 2H9 338 70 412 232 I80 H:~ 4 ~OO Mama 300 140 24 127 H8 5H 22

201 Barahi 301 327 28 14:1 70 73 %02 Rengarya 303 357 55 :UW 204- ]Ui) 42 203 Nimiall · . :lO6 412 42 254 L2!J 125 :H 204 Kothua. · . 30H :~I)H 1)0 2RJ 13!> 14t> G8 205 Ni80pur · . 30 131 29 217 115 102 .:20 206 AgarMidehra. :U2 775 Oti 448 221 227 22 207 Karmaiui 314 214. 21 234 123 III 28 208 Purahra 315 408 38 170 100 61 4 209 Latra U :U{) 475 57 400 204 196 42 .210 Maudihra 317 187 4:5 263 144 11!) 21

211 Ubdih 318 532 76 5i~7 271l 262 44 212 Bharaara. 31H 377 43 254 134 120 17 213 Barahri L 323 1,153 164 1,063 537 526 IHO 214 Rehari · . 324 446 51 3~U) 170 166 16 215 'l'enduni L 325 680 83 472 24U 224- rw 216 Adain 326 268 35 210 105 105 :J4 217 Ima.mdihri 327 301 24 211 lOS 103 61 2 218 Khairahi 32~ 315 33 309 162 147 31 219 Senwa Bahar B 320 540 41 224- 120 104- 32 1 220 Akhorhi L 330 496 209 nOI fiOS 483 221 221 Mahesbpur 331 377 54 373 191 182 87 222 Bishunpura. 332 107 27 17:J 74- ~HJ 12 223 Larui 333 245 nO 366 189 177 00 .224 Jalwaia. · . 334 643 } 47 336 171 165 15 %25 Panrepur 335 230 226 Tetrarh · . 337 211 14- 84- 42 . 42 14 227 Khakhra 338 672 64 409 210 19H 45 228 Tandwa .. 345 364 34 239 125 114 34 229 Senduar 346 865 106 624 301 323 86 230 Bhanpur 359 248 28 un 84 77 12 2.31 Bahuara .. 362 336 64 378 20:l 1.75 16 %32 Balbhadrapur 363 229 27 18H 01 i}8 10 :238 Pan ail i L 364 240 44- 312 154- 158 21 234 Panaili 365 236 25 ]41 84 57 40 235 KamaJpur 366 208 23 199 110 8SJ 14 236 Tekari 367 404 18 163 87 76 10 237 Sambauta. 368 468 50 351 194 157 57 .Ja8 Kauwadih 370 507 47 345 242 103 37 239 Bhagwanpur 371 17.9 .9 73 31 42 2 •• 240 Larui 373 23 36 246 142 104- 15 ..

L-Lower Primary SChool~ U..._Upper ,Pl'im_y Sahool. M-J4idcUe. Sooool. H-Higb School. ( )-Inatitution for Girls. LU, UU,eto.-Urdu L.P., UrduU.P., etc. 217



Agricultural Classos Non-agricultural Classes

I. IT. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land. wholly labourers CUltivating Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Pl'Oducltion Other their their dependants agrioul t,ural (othol' than Commerce Transport servirn;ls dependant,s dopendants rent roceivers cultivation) and and their miscellu.neous depelldantR -----_.------sources 11 12 13 14- Jf) 16 17 18 1. P .. S. - KARAGHAH-contd.

40 2(j HH 151 6 6 192 126 7n 35 193 2~ 20 lU4 217 4fi 195 84 18 100 196 105 123 tW 14 5 IH7 157 1. IH8 24:J 7:! 86 4 4- InH »:l 22 3 200 10·~ :lH 201 343 47 ..') 7 202 150 2 Sfi 8 203 HH 55 7 6 22 204- 168 4H 205 233 26 ..') 20 1 6 206 14:; 7H 10 207 lFm 12 2 208 .> 2:~n 1 Ui 3 .... 26 12 200 95 31 83 ]0 12 11 21 210 421 2 80 13 14 7 211 188 6f) ] 212 fino ]71 IH 60 i{>3 00 213 20U 120 7 214 346 no 5i 2 4 2.15 20a 7 21U Il5 25 fl7 I 3 217 274 H 22 I 3 218 17H 21 16 4- 4 21U 750 30 1:i8 H 22 12 21 220 ]85 73 74 7 34 221 154 11 n 2 222 192 70 76 2 7 10 9 223 r 224 61 6 2 4 -{ L225 00 22 ...') 226 159 154 4- J 227 199 I 228 4HH 11 220 139 230

235 2 103 1 6 27 • • 4: 231 2 67 119 • • • • 232 152 31 IOn 20 • • ·. 233 118 23 • • 234 104- 20 75 ·. 236 128 35 ·. 236 300 4 38 1 3 1 4- 237 100 240 2 3 238 73 239 147 80 3 6 • • 1 2'0

.,." ------_._ ... ,------~,----, __ '----... -----.. -----~. ,-..• --~.-- B-Basio School. SB-·Seniol' Basic SChool. S-SaJlskrit Fathshala. G-Gram. Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-Post.omce. 218


Total number of peraons Literates enumerated Area No. of Seria.l Name of Thana ·in occupied DO. no, . aeres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 10 P ,-S.-KARAGHAH-ooncld.

241 Chandrabhtl.llpUI· :176 363 4l 31a 168 145 45 242 Kusdihra :J77 267 27 178 84 tl4 lJ 243 DhaI'uhra :178 245 23 148 72 76 :w 244 Sonadih , , 380 436 40 5!J3 28(i 307 HH 245 Tenua 381 470 27 220 120 100 12 246 l.l tl.TWUlia. 383 283 :n HHi HH 97 247 Ma.ha.uli , . 384 313 5;) :148 1HO 158 54 1 248'pur 385 482 46 267 140 127 2U 24U Pipra L " :lBO 425 05 434 232 202 2H ri 250 Bahers. · . 387 333 17 171 H2 7H 10 251 Girdharpur :i80 172 36 248 121 127 27 252 Gokhulpur 390 316 3t) 22() 118 108 :J2 253 Balapur · . 3H2 288 43 236 134 IO~ ~lH 254 Hampur '31)4 58.1 H;') 652 3:1H 313 26 255 Panjar 3H5 t>45 18 127 (lO H7 ]0 256 Sakhuan !JH6 2H7 48 315 160 155 4:l 257 Bubhni L 398 UHf) 20.') 1,28t) U7(i fUHI 224 14 258 Karup :m9 1.104· I] 2 826 42.5 401 H7 259 Pahari 400 H25 108 (WI 356 245 61 260 Aruhi L 3H3 438 59 403 204 109 94

261 Athralia 6!! 245 22 150 83 76 .,.).) "" 262 Karamehhatu. 58 412 19 157 8a 74 40 4 263 Lahuara 361 200 50 500 211 ISH :n 264 Ekaunia U 307 378 tlU 376 205 171 44 265 Sonbtl.rsa 2.')6 171 25 211 IOn J02 13 266 Amhaita ... 272 313 13 104 52 52 5 267 Basopur 23U 1.48 11 107 59 48 8 268 Dibhiya L,M,R 2(,2 26f) 52 307 232 J65 87 269 Pat,wadih 2f)H 326 28 223 107 116 21 270 Mathia · . 207 39 3 10 9 1 271 Kusmi 401 370 10 70 37 33 272 Ru.jandih . , 16 U5 4 :'17 20 17 3 273 Dharmapura 7 192 7 38 22 lU () 274 Gaugapur 23 89 () 48 27 21 ..,') 275 Jogwalia •• 153 218 20 146 76 70 10


I Dharampul'a 339 127 60 474 263 211 8Q 10 1,004 2 Majrarh · , 340 912 156 '537 557 252 102 3 Singwa Dh,1.ratnput' 341 407 18 ]22 61 61 10 2 4: Kaitlli '> 344 6~}] 64 451 2)6 235 40 10 5 Pourwa ·. 348 336 30 235 117 llS 30 6 Nausa.ri 1. 349 1,219 145 825 465 360 105 2 7 Bhika.ridih 31)0 332 45 295 148 147 5 2 8 .Jabra I", 353 419 102 675 ,33H 336 100 14- » Salompur 354 108 25 114 54 60 15 6 10 Baligawan 355 418 42 318 160 158 30 5

L-Lower Primary School. tJ-trpper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girla. LU~ UU, ete.--Urdu L, P., Urdu U. P •• etc. 219



Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural ClaBSeB

1. II. III. IV. l'ersonl3 (includin~ dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivat,ors CuJt.ivating Non- principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivaf,jng Serial or ma.inly or mainly o,tvl owners of v. VI. VII. VIIT. no. owned and un·ownE\d and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricult,ural (other than Commerco Trt\Jlsport servieos dependa.nts dependu,nts rent roceivers cuI t,ivt'ttion) and and their miscellaneous dt'pendBu t,s SOUl'ees._---- 11 12 13 14 11') 16 17 18 P.-S.-KARAGHAR-concld.

220 In (l0 9 241 8] HO 7 .. • • :!42 116 24 5 8 24:J 3A!) 10 171 11 7 U :!4-4 140 15 47 4- 3 {) 6 245 107 AB 246 14H 78 7] 42 8 247 IHO 12 38 15 4 8 24H 320 64 40 10 240 IOn 3 2 2,1>0 192 19 37 251 70 BH !)t 6 3 252 136 50 47 3 253 566 5 20 3 58 2(>4 ') 81 ~ 24 6 4 10 255 246 2 50 3 4 10 25U 724 137 ]37 6 44 34- 257 422 III l28 IB fi1 258 :39:3 6;' 12!) 6 4- 251) 271 4H 78 4 1 260 122 28 3 261 156 I 202 220 51 71 4 45 2H3 32l) 3H 1 7 2 264 141 ]0 IH 41 205 41 9 50 4 266 55 !)2 267 255 65 20 16 19 22 2flS 121 on 3 20H 2 1 6 .. 1 270

70 • • 271 37 • • 272 37 I ~ . 273 48 •• • • 274 146 .. ••• 275

P.-S.--. NOKHA

104 211 7 11 5i>O 204 ]41 ;) ') H7 13 H 3 if 203 42 111 ~l Of) .. 174 25 35 , : I 5 f.S3fi 12 1)2 10 Itr. f) 172 24 un 7 41ft 2S 161 :10 36 ~ 72 5 2() J 16 {) 26~ 35 ·15 10

B-Ba.sic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panohayat. R-Libraries. t-P08t-()fftce. 220


Total number of persons l~itera.tes enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons' Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P.-S.-NOKHA-contd.

11 Tilai a56 84.8 ~5 61H 323 296 l!W 20 35~ 104- 660 :i41 12 Badjoga 604 :i25 "- 21 :J 13 Hupahtha U 403 512 147 755 33" 417 144 20 14 Bishanpura L 404 707 75 581 286 21}5 50 11 15 Nawadih 405 404 38 2!H) 159 140 12 3 16 Hathni L, (L) 406 ] ,204 150 1,235 f)03 H:l2 In!) 84- t17 Bal'awan L,M,H, H 407 ] ,068 700 4,378 2,2aO 2.148 4B8 144- 18 Kharari · . 408 750 53 241 117 124 31 5 19 Biseni khurd L 4()H 212 77 468 230 238 8!) 1 20 Shivpur · . 410 31)7 198 7B4 418 iJ7H 108 4 21 Ku.dwa · . 411 2,068 222 J ,371 7I) 1 6~O 170 2f; 22 Nawadih 4J2 aa7 46 2nS 157 141 5:1 4 23 Meyari U,H 413 233 BO 480 17a 307 I() 4 24 Kuri •• U 414- 629 12B SH3 421 442 ]33 25 Mani U 415 347 71, 558 271 287 31 26 Maudiha I.,It 416 625 127 !Jon 500 40H 170 6 27 Chauka 417 213 52 432 205 227 H6 ·1 28 Jakhani 418 433 11 68 36 82 5 4- 20 Pauar L 41H 483 74 473 257 216 103 3 30 Kusahi 421 280 38 290 144 I4ti 14

31 Rampur .. 422 320 95 661 306 355 ~m .....) 32 Sisirta L,G 423 782 19 1,147 556 5Ul 106 62 33 Bhawandihri 424 415 47 310 161 140 32 34 J>jpra 42.5 fiSH 109 676 :178 2HS n3 5 85 Gopal Pur 426 242 104 684 a:i2 a52 144 2 36 Ganghar .. 427 266 27 15U 87 72 5 37 Tal'ar U 428 407 60 497 255 242 101 38 Dharupur 429 7:13 70 583 311 272 38 2 39 Ghusia · . 430 It 182 316 It 710 912 798 108 14 40 CharnBl'h .. 431 296 88 fi97 2~)9 309 :~6 6

41 Bhaullra 432 662 68 4H8 25il 239 51 2 42 Dudhar · . 433 2H7 55 355 167 188 30 10 43 Garnhail'ia 4:J4 a74 44 293 l3H J54 10 8 44 Baradih · . 435 175 81 300 14H 151 20 7 45 Hll.suadih U 4:)6 HH 84: 462 231 231 50 3 46 ~ota.wan .. 437 513 85 580 281 290 50 7 47 Sitalpur l.. 438 107 26 249 I:J5 II4 50 4: 48 Tendua 439 623 117 .542 252 290 30 8 49 Dera 440 3Q7 16 to! 48 ·63 13 5 50 Nokha L,U, (L}t U, H .. 441 2,038 938 5,419 2,750 2,66~ 938 188 51 Sariawan .. 442 345 56 423 206 217 m 10 52 KOIl 443 165 17 181 U4 87 .~ 53 Don 444 234 U ]01 '8'54 47 15 54 Suara 4~ 265 51 304 192 n'! 87 8 55 Misraulia. .. 446 72 20 126 70 56 ~ 2 56 Purna. Nokha 447 173 23 200 101 9~ 14 .,... 57 Ramn.gar 449 136 16 ISO 67 63 24 58 Akrahiya 400 81 18 112 62 50 .. 59 Bhaluahi ~41 430 77 576 286 290 ]06 I 60 Rahunathpur 462 147 41 287 160 127 56 4

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary Sohool. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( r:-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L, P., Urdu U. P.,atc. 221



Agrioultura.l Classes Non -agricultural CI838e8 .--~------I. II. III. IV. I'ersol1s (inoluding dependants) who derive th{~ir Cultivat,ors Cultivators Cultivating Non­ , J)rincipal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly lahourers cult.ivating Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un·owm,d and thoir land, Production Otllt,lIr their their dependants agricultura.l (other than Commer('e Transport serviees dopendant.s dependants rent re(~ei vers ('ult.iv8,tion) and a.nd thnir miscel1aneouR dependants BOUret'S

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I ...• _---_ ... _-_._---- P.·S.-NOKHA--contd.

:l4~ 3 247 () 7 11 571 til 3·:(, l~ 376 :?rm 5 .J :J 360 fiO 163 14 113 H5 14 16 35 7 15 774 2;')4- 14- 74- 00 16 2,OH8 1,400 H 7] 44 4 ., 17 Rr, ll~ 2·1 12 - 18 :~:n 20 6r, 56 10 :!U:J 8 470 ·1 .[ 3 20

78!) 74 !l01 7 21 ISH 20 37 52 22 300 14-5 12 7 I 15 2:l 581 256 4, 24 348 180 11 19 25 428 175 :HI 4 ..,'> 26 125 280 2f") 27 3~! :{4 28 24() 24 I1f\ r,3 40 29 241 5 40 1 30

:~33 27 131 42 46 34 18 30 31 7~S 327 f) 14 12 32 260 41 3a 16f) 15S , 350 3 34 5:H\ 132 3 13 35 52 ....') 82 6 14- 36 323 7 132 22 11 37 IH7 348 :17 1 3M B44 328 25H 30 1 17 39 375 60 100 !} 3 50 40

302 20 160 ]6 41 163 13(~ 39 I) 12 42 l'il 116 43 296 4- 44- 240 If) 148 10 32 17 55 262 16 2Ba 8 1 46 170 6 71 47 39f.l 40 103 48 :101 49 1~3H3 273 741) 677 1,4; ] 66 044 ()1)

1'62 158 100 2 •• 1 51 ]09 32 39 I 52 78 i! 11 .53 d 1-1-0 11 4, 25 75 54 87 38 1 56 IP3 7 32' ,._-- .-_. ,- .. 5tJ 84 14 t;7 50 28 28 11 58 486 79 7 ..'> 1 1 50 143 46 60 14- 6 5 13 60 ------._------_ B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S--Sans~rit Pathahal•• G-Grain Panchayat. R-Libraries.· t-Poet.OfJice. 222


Total number of persons Literate~ enumera.ted Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied no. no. a.c~res houses Persons Males FeJllales Males Femu.!e~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --8 9 --]0 P.·S.-NOKHA-concld.

61 Ghet-rua 4[)3 135 ....).) _ 128 70 58 20 62 Durnra 454 328 62 475 243 232 :i 63 Sikhinda L,n,n 45ri 384 122 H2O 456 404 17 i; H .) 64 Chhabilapur L 456 t65 43 265 J28 137 ...... 1 :~ 6f) Ghordihnn 457 559 74 fj2:~ 2!)7 206 110 H 66 Bisumbharpur 45B 15~) 30 184 83 101 an 0' 67 Nawadih 45B 179 38 285 248 3U 22 - 08 Chhat.aull L 460 f)f)1 70 546 257 2SH 69 }3lutt.auli 4tH 285 58 33H 170 lOB 57 :{ 70 Kujhi L 462 661 84 753 31)7 3Ha 76 4

71 Sianwuk L 463 1,031 306 ].702 881 821 134 I :l 72 Harballspur 464 7B 43 235 113 1..... ,).) 27 H 73 Bhatauli 466 :J74 Hl l)80 2H:! 288 77 n 74 Rhalunhi 466 431 3f) 24fi ) I H 126 55 :~ 75 Ghul'dihin 468 203 H7 418 227 HIl 8) r. 76 Rarnpur 46H lU8 56 300 14f) 1fir, 27 77 Gosainpur 470 487 UH fi8H :·Wl 28~ 2H 1 I 78 Sult,anpur 471 :ml 65 40B 20] 20H 4H I 7n Karanpur 472 314 78 ;:;32 2f)7 270 00 80 l\fisr·tmlin .. 474 no Hi J40 72 68 4J 81 Karmll .. 475 303 41 330 175 155 20 82 Khail'ahill 476 409 O:J 48B 237 2!)() n:l 83 Paehpokhari L,M,H 477 445 81 678 3tH 317 113 H 84 Garnharia 47B 346 51. 301 If)2 149 30 ... 85 Lilari I .. 481 814 169 u:n 468 469 7H I 86 Majhittwan 482 662 liB 735 378 3.57 81 {) 87 ltawu 483 204 37 2lH 109 110 27 88 I·Umon 484 427 104 625 :l30 295 87 8tl Chanki lJ 485 4!)8 1.18 790 372 418 ]W YO Naran 486 Goa 71 4:30 208 222 41)

01 J)n~hhAII' 48H 120 30 23(1 108 128 31 ~2 Ighara U MW 45H 100 65H 307 352 19 :m .. 4HO 2HO 70 462 24H 2la 6S 10 04- 11al'aHiu, U 4HJ 143 40 267 12H 13R 2H 1 95 Bu,ru,icha 492 2ti7 :J:l 234 119 H5 42 1 96 Malmuri .L 4ua 34:l 8i 404 248 246 )n 97 Chhanha 4H4 27S 33 262 141 121 10 US Karamkilu ~, U 495 344 6~ 380 174- 206 37 OB Bislll1TlpUr 4H7 36l 86 6tH 2:')5 24H 10() 42 100 Kusadhar 498 :n8 107 681) 351 334 73 II

101 I~aghaila. U 4HH 268 50 al!) ,. 178 141 38 4- 102 HUtaW8.11 •• 1)00 426 lOt 796 400 .396 32 103 Huara 502 666 106 707 377 ., 13;00 74 {) .104 . Sisrit U,M 351 1,338 ]95 1.363 662 701 250 ~. ~ 105 Pm·sriya. U 467 514 14g 88l 468 413 244 20

L-Lower Primary School. U-Uppcr Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )--IDstitution for Girls. LU, lTU, ete.--lTrdu L, P., Urdu U.l'., etc. 223



Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classos I. II. III. IV. PersoIlS (ineluding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livolihood from- of la.nd wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. llO. owned and un-owned and their land, l>roduction Oth~r their their dependants. agricultural (other than Commeroe Trausport services dependants dependants I'eut rec{~iVer8 cuUivation) and and t,heir miscellaneous dependants ~ourc(~s

11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1 P.·S.-NOKHA-concld.------~------

107 .1, 17 Ul 374 ]01 H2 :362 lSI) 357 10 4- ._., H3 104 141. 10 4: 64 364 46 H4 1 65 126 20 [) ~7 (\6 112 IOU 45 ...') 11 67 :~!I7 50 30 6H 289 . .. 48 ...i) (W 556 170 4- 17 70

] ,20.) 87 Il}/{ 30 ]41 43 71 148 6 44 [) 7'2 396 38 ]38 10 7:1 233 11 1 74 288 4H 28 25 75 199 73 28 7U 421 15S {} 4 77 306 73 4 17 7~ :J65 4H 73 ...') 27 16 7U 140 H(I

24H 81 .. ~l 285 63 121 16 4 b2 126 150 366 IH 7 10 sa 216 24 Ii! 84- 541 173 26 70 55 72 85 627 54 4-5 {) 86 1) 8 27 71 " 3 t;7 247 211 181 136 88 321 12 4.",7 tm 108 31H 3 DO 145 80 01 364- 8 182 57 27 IH 2 92 284- 14H ;w H3 Ir,S 15 un 94- 136 B8 95 280 100 101) lW 237 10 10 07 260 67 7 98 339 125 ]0 ...., H • H9 328 188 122 16 14 1 27 100

270 30 4 6 101 756 23 12 3 2 102 475 19 119 12 71 28 1. 42 103 689 36 637 1. 104- 474. 115 205 35 30 13 ]05 -_.. _------_._._------_.,----_.-_..• _-.:-_-----, B-Basic School. SH-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sanskrit PathshalA. G-Gram Panohayat. R-Libraries. t-Post.Office. 224

VILLAGE ------..

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana. in occul,ied ---,-----_.. _------..... '_. __ . no. no. Bores houses Persons Males Females Males Fomfl]cB

-~------.----.--.------"-- --1 2 -- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --- --_------_._-----_._---10 P ,.S.-SAHAltAM

1 Bhagwalia 1 226 34- 22J 113 ]08 24 2 Sile.rai U 2 1,800 69 567 2fH :106 68 H 3 Parasdiha 3 304 27 268 J43 126 21 1 4 Khaisharia 5 208 - 32 261 I3H 125 20 5 Baradiha .. 9 192 , 1$ 120 58 02 9 6 Gopalpur 10 H8 33 200 101 9B ]0 7 Masihabad 11 42l 42 285 144 141 ...oJ 8 Akohra · . 12 :i32 3-1) 17H 04 85 19 9 ltasauna 14- lUI 108 60t; 2H5 311 51 :~ .10 Awa.riyau L 17 552 52 350 174 17() 55

11 Pt\ro.ri 22 411 53 296 14H 147 30 ...') 12 Mieirwa.lia 24 108 5 30 15 Hi 13 Nimie. 25 180 15 Uri 04 4] 14 Pakhnari I.U 27 087 63 526 275 251 30 20 15 Chanari Chhotaki 28 647 . 48 37H 181 108 7 16 Bamhar · . 2U 507 89 658 320 338 88 11 17 Sondihl'a 31 285 24 ]85 S):l H2 33 18 Paharpure 32 172 20 135 71 64 () 19 Ji gll 80 33 2:n 20 15:l 82 71 14 20 Bahuo.ra .. 34 203 .' 2U 251 J25 120 15 .1 21 Gajanudha 35 191 38 2HO I f;() ]34 IH 2 22 Biarbandh 37 426 6t1 417 205 212 74 23 Sahua. 3U In7 21 1[)3 7H 74 fj 24 Kortha · . 41 430 34 224 127 U7 17 25 Barailn · . 43 433 42 338 174 164 63 3 26 Paryagpur 44 13!) 1:3 9H 48 51 12 27 Chamraha 45 463 51 335 160 17!l 4 1 28 Durnri 46 3n3 60 460 235 225 81 ...., 29 ~a.hpul' · . 47 248 41 2HO 152 138 18 3 30 Garnharia 48 333 21 156 78 7H 8

31 Haina 41) 3:~6 52 361 175 186 40 s 32 TOl'ana · . 50 5H4 52 350 20] IM~ 44 t) 33 Kekttrha 51 287 13 110 1)8 52 2:J 2 34 Samhut,i .. 53 180 4H 200 ]40 115 to :Hi Hojhaina .. 54 :128 :~s 233 116 ]]7 23 11 36 Kirihiri L 55 1,731 l2ti 1,OH:I 557 536 IS!) 21 37 I)ato,rhi 56 766 H2 507 21)f) 252 07 (, 38 Aumapur 07 253 50 363 183 ISO 50 f) 3" TOl'ni 59 175 5n :lH6 207 18H 57 4 40 Auandpura 60 152 17 02 46 46 7 6 41 Pipri tH 366 36 21:i 117 U6 25 1 42 Chandanpur 1. 62 383 :m 236 134 102 38 1 43 Mojari U 64 208 66 424 217 207 86 8 44 Rarnpur Telari 65 367 30 260 129 131 61 3 45 ,]~ola.ra, 66 175 26 172 82 90 II 46 Kaithi ·. 67 516 89 554 26H 285 87 24 47 Garura • • 68 564 61 386 173 213 66 3 48 Oodania 69 149 . 18 66 45 2] 49 Konar ·. . · . 70 1,657 145 1,005 522 483 128 8 50 Dhanarhi • • .. 71 186 22 155 82 73 26 "t., - --- - L-Lower Primary S<,hool. U-·Upper Primary School. M--Middle School. H-High School. { )-Inst,itutioll for Girls. LU, UU, etc.--Urdu L, P., Urdu U. P .. , etc. 225



Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. I)ersons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultiva.tors Cultivatin.g Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating or mainly or mainly and ownoI'f'l of v. VI. VII. VIII. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (ot,her than Commerce Transport scrviC6li dependa.nts dependants relit recoivers cultivation) and and their miscellu.noot18 dependants 8011reOI"

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ------P ,-S.··-SASAH.AM 102 25 4 .. 1 '277 269 4 13 2 194 10 51 1 12 3 If)O 77 )n 4 61 59 5 1)9 !HJ 6 125 51 IOn 7 184. a7 () :3 S 2H3 10 247 20 H 4 51 9 23S (W 7 10 21 10

157 13 110 1. 15 11 1f) t) J2 20 ij 6H 13 280 41 174 3 1:1 J4 83 2SH II) 344 16 218 [W 5 1 24 16 170 14 1 17 !)3 26 US 18 70 41 31 1 19 I1:J (it> 6(} 20

112 76 61 IH 22 2J 229 66 72 lU at ...... ),) 80 28 43 1 J 23 09 4 80 1 UN 24 120 74 1l:~ 13 H 25 86 3 1 26- 196 99 20 l~ 27 263 13 122 43 IS 2S 171 25 H4 2H 77 70 30

179 3t 100 51 31 253 15 92 :12 85 19 6 33 60 84 98 10 34- 121 11 06 !) 35 796 131 57 70 3~ 266 24 192 ]0 37 196 56 68 43 38 1.80 47 156 4- 30 48 44 4()'

111 81 14 7 41 163 13 ] J) 54 42 267 10 88 4- 35 20 48- 111 145 4 4. 40 28 13 3 88 45- 326 22 155 o 42 46- ISO 27 8Y 33 68 9 47 24 8 33 1 48 592 8 281. IS 37 50 1 31 49 14 ' ·8 .. ,~. ." ...... '_ .. ~~."",., _...... " ..... -, .... , .. &&-

------,-~ ... B_:_Baaio !chool. SB-Senio.r "Basic School. S-Sanekrit PathshaIa. G--Gfatn 'Pa.nohayat. R-Librariee. t-Post.Oftice. 226


Total number of pet"sons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in oClcupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 [) 6 7 8 9 10 P.·S .-SASARAM-contd. 51 Fatahpur 72 136 11 74 35 3U 6 52 Patnaban 74 288 15 93 46 47 5 53 Mosa.hebpur 75 201 31 175 104 71 14 1 04 Rasulpur .. 76 217 18 135 67 68 19 55 Samar.dihs. 78 799 95 545 279 266 49 .56 Berukhahi 80 328 45 308 144 1l>4 38 2 57 Beharu. .. 81 369 46 289 146 143 30 2 58 Rampurjoi 82 387 29 221 ]07 114 10 59 Auwan .. 87 251 21 155 81 74- 20 3 ~O Ghatakan 88 525 35 254 140 114 45 7 61 Mora L 92 502 40 320 168 152 22 62 Sarai 95 45() 138 817 438 371) 45 2 63 Kumahu L !)6 626 187 1,25:~ 678 575 240 64 Dortawa L 97 562 60 417 21(, 202 46 65 Saidabad .. 98 230 5] 272 138 134 24 1 66 Sheopur Chi toli U 100 III 60 420 209 211 37 6 67 Turki 101 172 26 206 12H 77 41} 68 Lodhi 102 120 15 86 46 40 ]5 1 69 Barawan 103 150 20 181 87 H4 37 70 Belthua. .. 105 150 25 145 80 65 17 1

71 Banra,sia •• 106 137 73 504 2(,2 252 19 72 Belarhi LU 107 396 123 811 395 416 22 73 Singuhi 108 267 54 350 188 162 10 74 Patna.wan J09 95 96 586 295 291 57 75 Nauga-in .. 111 203 24 139 62 77 {) 16 Khairi 112 260 23 123 ()5 58 16 77 Khaira. .. 113 278 78 428 203 225 30 4 78 Niranjanpur 114 42 22 125 70 55 6 '79 Bishunpura L 116 135 27 141 60 72 I 80 Maharanis. 117 51 17 120 71 49 5 81 Bhadokhara 118 460 30 214 106 106 3 82 Belhar 119 189 31 209 105 104 {S 83 Sikaria U,R 120 2,896 231 1,268 604- 664 174 53 84 Kotta 121 510 20 120 66 54 11 85 Karpurwa 127 176 80 5]0 269 241 40 2 86 Beiah (1.1 ) 129 248 61 409 190 2JO 88 87 Kausarwa. 130 283 48 96 48 48 18 9 88 Mohadiganj 136 218 110 638 335 3Q3 126 89 Dhanpurwa 137 235 143 893 469 4'24 31 21 90 Dilia 138 129 18 176 90 86 12 IS 91 Madaini .. 141 630 18 130 53 . 77 9 92 Ahrawan 143 318 20 184 96 'S8 42 .. 93 Mishripur 144 140 24 136 72 64 10 94 Dhonand .. 146 166 20 181 88 93 13 95 Karam Dehri " . 147 366 60 408 206 202 52 96 Tetari U 148 225 36 211 118 93 60 7 97 Kut'aoh U 150 251 83 522 291 231 186 98 Takia 151 237 260 1,507 805 702 167 1 99} Muradabad kalan L,LU 152 } 472 363 2,476 1,211 1,265 254 11 100 MuradabRd khurd 15.3 J

L-Lower Primary Sohool. U-Upper Primary School, M-Middle School. H-High Scho~l. . ( )-In,Btit'!ot.\Oll for Gir".. L U, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., eta.

. ,'1 ' 227



Agricultural Classes N on.agricult.ul'al Classes

I. II. III. IV. PerS01\S (including doptmdants) who derive their Cultivat,ors Cult,ivators Cultivat,ing Non. principal metUl8 of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ___e'__ .__ ----- Het'jal or mainly 01' mainly and owneTA of v. VI. VII. VIII, 110. own~d and un·owm~d and their' land, Produet,ion Oth(11' th(,ir their dep~ndant,s agrieulturaJ (other Uum COmmaT('a Transport, servicoa dependants depmldants rent receivers eultivation) atld and their miscelluneous dependltnta Hourc(:)s .---._------.------~------.---- 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 1 .------.... _----_._ P .. S.--SASARAM-cotttcl, 6B 4 .. .. 51 no 3 52 8() 24 3 53 Hi 8 8 54 412 126 2 £) 56 127 27 80 10 2B 28 56 242 31 16 57 87 37 87 10 5S L3H 8 )0 5H ]{>7 4 3U 17 ....,'"' 1 60

2~8 32 61 fil)O 2H7 62 47a 187 214 40 32 fS3 ]6.5 no 117 2 ~ H 04 18n 78 3 4 1 or. 71 rJ7 ISS :ll 7:J 06 132 72 2 07 68 2 2 ·68 98 tl IH 6n f)n 22 7()

141 107 197 33 22 4 71 7H7 4 1 72 284- 10 2 21 7:l- 4Il 113 5 7 74 101 7f) III 12 7f} 333 54 1 1 77 72 53 78 12 ] 1.5 14 79 95 1 I :l .1 J 80

214 81 ~5 (1) 37 H 13 82 551 liB 3HU I HI) 47 44 a:l 28 54 37 1 84 203 16 105 61 Hi 22 ali 85 :W9 51 12 a7 8f) 6 14 2 1 3 70 87 326 44 ~1 23 4~ ]03 88 177 174 52 132 10 :!41') 89 ') 55 ~ 14 88 4 la no

75 22 ]0 18 I') 91 33 n 110 1 ::lJ 92' 83 25 10 18 93 150 :u 94 154 52 21 1 138 42 95 137 10 33 11 2 18 90 269 97 76 8 72 9.7 560 105 634 23 106 7 72 98 !iS6 96 264 42 283 " 492 14 60!} L: -_._.. _-_ .... _'--.--._----._------_._--- B-Baaio School. SD-Senior Baaie School. S-Sanakrit Pa:thshola.• G--Gram Panchayat. R-·Libraries. t-Post.OffiC',e. 228


Total number of persons Lit.erates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana. in occupied ------­ no. no. acres hOllses Persons Males Fema]es Malee. Femalee

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10


101 Uchitpur L 154 430 l50 919 461 458 256 102 Nekara · . 155 348 64 520 247 273 141 10 103 Nian · 156 324 58 414 226 188 80 6 104 Nimia . 158 253 27 192 104 R8 20 2 105 Baradih LU 157 301 104 472 220 252 41 {) 106 Kothara. U 159 386 47 270 147 123 31 3 107 Uhagwanpul' 160 232 9 66 37 29 11 108 Samra. ]61 198 20 172 SO 83 31 5 109 Baijala L 162 259 58 243 132 111 10 110 Gamharia. 163 166 16 04 54 40 :i 111 Mokar L 164 021 154 889 419 470 122 :12 112 .'\grar 165 652 115 723 3nO 363 35 113 Re.ka.sia. L 166 307 87 492 237 255 103 In 114 Jhalkhori a 167 124 36 242 118 124 24 :i 115 L 168 H08 151 U03 458 445 62 3 116 Kunrwan 169 263 43 300 15U 141 36 2 117 Pipri 170 339 40 196 112 84 50 1 118 Oodapa · . ]71 564 64 430 244 186 70 2 119 Gotapa · . 172 564 58 353 181 172 17 4 120 Maudiha 173 211 41 236 143 93 14 121 Kharaunia 174 251 27 160 80 80 22 122 Shambha 175 441 57 H23 183 140 10 1 123 Garura. · . 176 511 115 6li3 339 314 81S 4 124 Rudana .. 177 264 35 206 ]11 91) 11 1 12f.) Babhanpurwa 179 114 31 16tS 70 H6 40 126 Gobina. · . 180 220 56 309 152 157 10 127 Karup 181 290 61 418 217 201 35 2 128 Dilia 182 154 34 230 109 121 21 129 Lok Dehri 183 155 32 192 89 .103 26 130 Illharia · . 184 143 22 177 01 80 10 131 Bhansahi 185 427 80 541 293 248 40 132 Bishunpura 186 188 35 289 141 ]48 18 133 .Jo.ipur U 188 344 265 1,115 568 547 ]34 134 Nirmalpur 190 180 18 110 60 50 20 135 Rampur 191 710 106 681 382 299 .23 136 Bakrar · . 193 353 57 366 181 185 :I9 137 Khanra. ·. 194 201 22 llO 60 50 3 138 Patia 195 291 71 328 165 ]63 67 139 Dumarie. L 196 213 68 467 250 217 58 140 Kaupadih 197 219 IS 100 54 46 12 3 141 Gasadih .. 199 421 11 98 53 45 8 142 Chhottaka. Mor 200 189 21 H)8 -114 . 84 57 15 143 BarJta Mor 201 497 55 381 207 174 31 .144 Paaiadih .. 202 86 17 95 52 48 3 145 Baradih .. 203 298 27 118 57 61 19 146 Basuhara 204 221 54 292 143 149 56 147 Nabuana L, LU 205 711 137 894 475 419 237 148 Bhorman 206 159 48 374 193 179 28 265 44 286 . 149 Pa.isara ·. 208 158 ·128 10 • • 15(> Tiwaridih .. 209 90 19 198 III 87 23 • •

.. L"";;:'Lower Primary School. U.....:..Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-:;Hig.~ . School. .( )-lnatit~t,ion for Girls. LJJ, UU, e~c.-Urd4- L. :P., Urdu U. P., eto. 229



Agricultural CI8R8es Non -llgricultural Classos -_.-- I. II. IU. IV. Pnrso118 (including dependant,s) who derive their Cultivat.ors Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal moans of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating SerioJ or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and wl-owned and their land, Production Oth,~r their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport st.,rvices dependants dependants rent receivers

11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 1

P .-S.-SASARAM-conta.

500 281 2 107 1 28 101 323 41 150 6 }O2 213 31 }(H~ (~:! J o:! 12:J 69 104 ]56 53 37 57 61 8 100 105 31 88 138 J ]2 JOn ]0 48 8 107 132 17 2 8 13 108 .) no 84 H 24 4 21 .oJ IOH 66 2:i 5 110

394 5f) 211 38 51 124 16 111 460 3 125 4 24 3 U5 112 273 53 55 6 8 i17 60 11 :J H~4 23 4 4 4 13 114 745 III 10 1 3(\ llfi In3 26 6.5 ..') 0 1 7 IH1 154 40 2 117 356 44 2 28 118 286 7 60 11U 113 84 13 26 12() 91 16 1 52 121 107 80 116 3 6 2 9 122 501 8 86 2 39 17 ]23 30 17 84 75 124 83 3 59 11 3 7 125 188 87 30 12(~ 228 ]65 4 6 15 127 150 ...i) 55 16 2 2 3 ]28 146 38 2 6 120 118 5H 130 409 90 22 8 J2 131 193 55 4 37 132 533 305 2 75 7U 121 133 7 77 26 ]34 594 7 6n 11 135 109 99 158 136 110 137 270 51 f) · . 2 138 268 134 I 63 1 130 28 72 140 98 141 103 12 83 142 207 49 125 14H 81 14 ... 144 42 74 ·. 2 145 247 2 39 4 • • • • 146 515 63 278 •• 14 •• 24 147 268 56 50 •• •• 148 205 78 .'. •• •• 8 140 171 .. 10 ... " IS 1 7 150 f ~Basic School. SB-Se.nior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Librariea. t~P08t.Office. 280


Total numbor of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of' Serial Name of village Thana 111 occupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Malt'!s Females.

--,---.... ,..," .. _ 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

.-.... --~- P .-S.-SASARAM-C01j,td.

151 Bhurkunria. 210 44 7 75 44 31 6 152 BHlwa. 211 20B 28 105 108 87 17 J 153 Khurhunu 212 440 56 438 228 210 59 5 154 .Jagina, 213 440 2:J 171 83 88 13 ]55 Tendune 214 249 36 227 1 HI 108 7 156 Sahpur · . 216 222 25 208 1.. ,>') - 8f) 13 2 157 Bishwlpur 217 153 33 23H 114 125 17 158 Chaubia 2]8 140 .3" .. IH4 Ion 8k J5 159 Bishl'ampur 219 342 20 I:J4 74 (i() 17 t160 Kal'ba,llia G 220 323 Ion 640 3Ui 3=.?4 115 3 HH Basa. 22] 250 88 305 I8H 206 100 ]62 Ja.gdawn dip. 222 120 14 12n 64- 65 H 163 DurgaJlur L 223 217 40 283 146 137 23 164 Amra. 224 n08 59 2H7 141 Hi6 34 a 165 Amri LU 225 488 134 1,140 585 555 63 166 Dawapur .. 226 589 100 525 276 240 64 4- 167 Karma. · . 277 3:n 22 176 87 liH 10 168 Nima. 228 160 ]6 100 50 50 5 160 Garrnapur 220 187 25 1.89 U1 98 18 170' 230 407 53 171 HL 80 13

171 Admapur 231 528 H2 3Uf) 201 195 H 172 Gaigha.t · . 232 517 26 330 174 156 48 173 Ka,ncha.npur 225 1,185 74- 415 220 1\)5 18 6 174 Dhankarha. 237 280 105 632 331 301 31 7 175 Kahchnapur L 238 54() 86 057 387 270 84 !) 176 Lerna. L 239 24H 84 74U 388 361 11 177 Mcdanipur 240 363 80 458 220 238 28 178 Dhaudanr U 241 2,78] 360 ] ,747 876 871 215 18 179 Lewara. · . 243 566 38 313 170 143 75 4 180 Dubauli · . 244, 126 22 197 103 04 160 181 Kushdihra 245 408 5] 329 ]67 162 ]3 [) 182 Koidi 246 312 105 707 44] 25H 14 183 Ram Dihra 247 301 47 350 167 18:l 33 7 184 Bharkhoha 248 288 24 lU7 94 103 gO 7 185 Margohi 24H 2]4- J 24· !lor; r;:~:i 462 12 186 Shewahi 250 SSt) 221 710 351 35H 1.1)0 3 187 Baradiha. .. 251 147 21 218 H3 125 1 188 Hudaka. L 252 1,043 44 87Sl 464 4Jf) 30 ]0 189 Dadha.uli .. 253 20 20 170 98 81 27 HJO Dfo)hri 254 304 4H 261 }!)4 107 25

HH J amulara. 255 375 38 ll2 62 50 11 192 Ind.l'&pura 256 652 32 163 93 70 46 (- 193 Madhania 257 618 49 11] 1)8 53· 10 194 .Tain.a.gar 258 44] 28 252 121 131 18 105 Jal'ahara. 259 707 71 457 253 204 88 14- 106 Mirurai G 260 831 51 150 86 73 ]6 197 Sheowa. 261 75 12 73 41 32 7 198 Sona.urs. 262 141 11 291 143 148 16 U)9 Alinagar .. 263 215 42 144 78 66 15 200 Patha.ra. 264 247 12 136 69 67 7 --- L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary Sohool. M-M.idcile School. H~High Sohool. j ( )-Illstitution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., eto. 231


' __''''-:S ...... - ... '_ LIVELIHOOD CJ~ASSE8 ---,------,------Agri{'.Ultul'al Classes Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. PersoIlS (including dep(mdants) who d('rive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal moans of livelihood from- of Jand wholly of land wholly htbourers cultivat,in~ ------Seria.l or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. vn. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Produet.ion Othor their their dependants agric,ultural (othor t,han Commere.e TranspOl·t servic()s dependants dependants rent reoeivers cult.ivation) and and their misoollaneol'ls depOlldantR BOUl'(:OH ------11 12 13 14 15 IB 17 18 1 ------,-----,----' ------,------P.·S.-SASARAM-eontd. 23 7 42 3 liB 79 51) 47 10 152 3~3 70 54 (> 36 103 HS 37 a3 3 J54 ]38 01 29 4 5 155 161 23 24 1»6 231 1 4: 1 1 1 157 177 8 n ]58 62 19 26 24 2 I 15U 26H ]64 141 U 23 160

117 9 '5 4 200 161 ]21 8 162 108 4 08 1.1 3 7 163 232 26 20 19 164 423 570 :~6 12 U9 165 307 180 17 14 2 5 160 160 16 167 70 8 In8 176 5 1 2 1 4 169 til} 55 10 7 170

2:~8 4 149 2 3 17] 302 6 13 1 8 172 264 5,'5 40 41 IG 173 440 68 80 12 26 174 332 7 105 7 138 22 46 175 4,63 36 280 17 1 2 176 359 4 8 23 42 22 177 1,218 343 75 3 12 ue 178 266 13 I 16 17 179 138 23 fJ 30 ISO 240 75 9 5 181 313 112 217 2 37 6 12 98 182 253 77 14 6 183 186 I 5 /) 184 313 213 162 5 48 17 15 222 186 520 3 11 102 74 186 218 187 606 156 96 13 1 7 188 158 15 6 189 196 4 57 1 3 190 66 is 1 8 7 25 191 138 1 24 192 92 14 5 19S 216 26 10 I lU4 410 4 30 2 11 195 102 6 1 50 196 73 .. 197 "215 1 50 16 9 198 124 10 8 1 1 199 136 .. 200

B-Basio School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. Q-Gram Panchayat. R-Librari6s. t"':_Post-Office. 232


Total number of persons Literat~ enumerated Area No. cf Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied ------.------~ no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males FemaJes·

1 2 8 4 6 7 8 10

P .. S.-SASARAM--·cont(l. 201 PSl'adih .. 265 186 41 2]4 110 95 ]2 202 Hamo. chi t,i 266 271 24 293 150 143 2 203 Po.tluko. .. 267 505 23 445 226 21U 204 M.itraaellpur 268 171 2U 72 36 36 4 205 M irj apur L 269 691 81 649 372 277 35 3 206 Chorkan .. 270 304 28 241 140 101 37 207 Bahero. 271 27!i 47 250 1:J4 116 !) 208 Tilatb Araj i LU 272 85 192 1,041 828 713 128 125 209 Chemani cha.k 278 77 41 223 130 HH 210 TelatllU 1.., LU, U,H 275 2,368 672 3,870 ] ,953 1,917 342 75- 211 Malpura. 276 852 III 568 317 2/H ]0 1 212 Rakia. Bigha 277 125 23 192 ~)9 B2 25 1 213 Renna · 288 976 42 342 180 162 J 214 Chanpura . 200 1,567 178 1,206 614 592 ]44 215 Sonpuro. ·. 291 Sl25 i8 90 46 44 1 216 Dighi 292 502 '7 41 ]9 22 {i 1 217 Kaithi LU 2S}3 414 70 477 246 231 () 218 Sheopur 294 530 48 141 69 72 21!} Bhadokhara L 296 679 187 1,030 5]3 517 ' 103 12 220 Ba.ins .. 298 383 16 1U9 105 94 40 25- 221 Tendua 303 50] , 26 104 93 101 ]6 222 Murhi 304 297 64 542 251 291 48 223 KarsMwa. 30!} 665 90 627 321 :i06 28 224 Gharbair 306 667 79 95 56 39 ]8 225 Basui 307 655 45 259 137 122 226 Sangawan 308 713 95 546 284 262 27 227 Ma1o.wll. .. 810 675 85 6U5 358 337 21 228 Sakash .. 311 387 68 394 ]OH 195 28 229 Dhanparwa 312 112 56 8n 50 39 10 1 230 Kirihirsepalpur 313 104 13 78 39 39 25 4:

231 Kanpa 314 223 33 161 83 78 ] 232 Kus&ri 315 314 47 348 ]77 171 233 Khari 317 87 4 H) 10 9 234 Babura. 318 110 18 127 65 62 6 235 Khaira 31n 284 36 235 114 121 26 236 Kewantahri 321 106 16 8U 54 35 9 237 P·atahri 322 378 43 258 146 112 30 23~ .Niu 823 238 29 196 H9 97 48 t239 Dariagawan J., 325 894 22(' 1,454 750 704 223 In 240 KhatoJia 326 29 54 365 190 175 31

2·H Biura. LU 328 89 51 314 157 ]57 18 242 Khudahia 32H 306 81 428 223 205 37 .I 243 Koki 330 358 49 290 ]37 153 40 244 Nadh u 331 467 105 665 860 305 93 245 Cbanari •• 332 257 27 197 103 94 29 " . 246 Shemri .• 383 195 28 163 80 83 14 247 Shemt'i Patak 334 153 88 264 139 125 66 248 Kt\jhawan ·. 386 198 40 251 129 122 88 2 249 K&riari patti • • 337· .. ,·14-0 ... -, ...... ~". ,..,.33." .. ~ ,. ,._ . ..2..l2.~ ., .. ,... 12!L,_"~ _... 9~, ... ,_i~_ ... , ,_ , .1.. '., 250 Banroa ... 8S9 820 ~3 124 ~4 60 l'

L-Lo~er Pt-itnary Scbo()l~ y--:Upper P~i:mary School. M-Middle School. H-Higb School. ( )-lh8tltution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L.]:,., Urdu U.P.,etc. 28,S



Agricultural Classes Non -agrioultural Classes

I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- prinoipal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers (lultivatinfl Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Produotion Other their their dependants agrioultural (other than Commeroe Transport servioes dependants dependants rent receivers cultivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants souroes

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

P.-H.- -SASAltAM-cont

158 14 42 201 242 31 7 K 2 a 20:! 4:l6 ~ 1 20:~ 55 17 204 5nl 6 I 57 24 205 1~4 1 !HI 200 200 15 12 23 207 l1A 112 3' 1 4 20S 115 lOS 20H 1,081 Sf) 17l 81 7!)1) 358 :3 ~Ht) 210

47~} (i4 Hi It 211 ()H II 28 '" 24 tia 212 HI 24 .."., -- .) I 4 21a 47:3 24 55 23 ]04 30 3 4H4 214 70 K 12 21J) 17 2,t 2W 456 ....) IU 217 62 5 6ti 8 218 I') 1)4 816 t)7 57 "" 24 2H~ H3 .)... 3 :~ H~ 220 172 18 .2 1 J 221 487 ..') 25 5 -22 222 432 6H 112 J4 22:1 86 4 1 4 224 174 16 24 ...) 8 26 H 225 357 88 B4 :~ 4 226 427 145 114 6 3 227 250 117 13 14 228 SU 22U 78 .. 230 94 58 8 I 231 212 55 11 8 62 232 19 233 51 1 74 1 234- 101 56 78 235 60 29 236 196 46 14 2 237 127 2 67 238 991 56 319 1 33 10 44 239 316 7 42 240 231 55 16 8 9 241 381 5 40 2 242, 169 105 1 1 14 243 297 92 143 84 '(j 38 1 5 '244: 171 6 20 245 83 35 30 1 5 246 119 28 113 4 247" 164 9 77 1 248 198 2 8 249 75 49" 250

I , : "B-Buic Sohool. 'SB-Senior Basio Sohbol.'· S.:-Sa.n.tltFit Pathshala.' G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries t-Foat-Oftioe. IS4


Tota) number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial 'thana in oocupied no. no. acres houses ------Persons MaleR Females Males FemnItv'

--_._-----_._-,--,.. ---- I 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 .------P. S.-SASARAM-r:ontd. 251 Darangia, 340 114 11 74- 37 37 252 Barawa .. 343 163 70 480 253 227 27 253 Kusahar .. 345 306 41 184 93 91 I) 254 Burhhal'ka 346 276 18 82 44 38 2 255 Agni (L) 347 328 30 J76 102 7() 36 7 256 Semri 348 412 83 547 290 257 2!) 257 Pipri 34U 85 16 109 5H 53 12 258 ~ranjaro. 350 270 40 HW 110 79 259 Karup 351 437 100 640 355 285 IH :~ 260 Malwar G 353 550 109 832 420 403 f)O 261 Marichbar 354- 251 !)4 373 186 187 12 262 ltahi ·. .. • • 355 281 29 217 114 103 28 2 263 Sonbarsa .. 356 222 33 200 97 ]08 32 264- Moni .357 240 25 ] 82 86 96 14- f) 265 Sonja 358 227 28 165 94 71 266 Mithanda 359 HW 20 178 B4 84 3] 2 267 Budhiha .. 360 131 12 74 32 42 18 268 Chakia · . 361 52 8 59 26 3:~ J 269 Rampur 362 35 7 29 If) 14 270 Sewali 364 199 21 161 H] 70 271 Chhuria · . 366 120 11 80 34 46 272 Madaini .. 867 166 ,28 166 HI 75 4 278 Thanw&' .. 368 226 27 207 101 106 38 U 274 Bhadarshila S 309 404 38 230 J 18 12] - 58 4 275 Girdharia 371 281 87 215 106 lOB 33 I 276 Sheosagar UtM 872 126 92 438 208 280 70 6 277 Chanua 874 372 58 258 12~ 12Sl 22 I 278 Sonahar L 375 1,200 186 1,475 732 748 173 .12 279 Pakaria · . 37~ 217 21 154 72 82 8 28'0 Shahpur .. 880 69 17 112 61 51 U 281 Shikror · . 381 661 103 579 802 277 51 3 282 Bahari 385 155 16 III 57 54 28;J Markan · . 886 197 27 129 63 66 1 28. Patkholia 888 234 18 127 61 66 If> 2 285 Naudiha .. 389 224 40 283 132 101 26 286 Bishunpur 3BO 135 7 41 17 24 287 Karma · . 394 ]03 46 266 125 141 26 288 Kalasahar 3H5 198 26 112 54 58 2 289 Badih U,R 307 rHO 282 1,217 626 591 151) 24 290. Amtha · . 898 187 . 45 288 187 146 17 291 Gamhsria 899 119 3 14 8 6 292 Alampu,r L,(U) 400 1,446 486 3,407 1,719 1,688 364 87 293 Khunru .. 408 341 58 380 198 182 37 294: Maghohi .. 404 516 90 542 301 241 68 6 295' Kekai 420 282 54. 354 175 17l} US 2 296 Maldaha (U) 4,21 173 26 159 84 75 55 3 297 Pitambarpur 422 242 20 133 65 68 22 •• 298 Moha.nia. .. 428 583 72 544 295 ",: 2.9 6) ] .299 Dihi 520 340 56 317 166 L 152 25 .. 300 Kajhawan 521 "8 27 184- Q2 92 U " 2 -_; ...... a..... __..... ___. ,/" .' L--~~ P~~IW"'Y Seho.ol~ ", P,~i~ary. sc~.\ M-Middle Soh()ot' H-Hll'i Scl).Qol. ( )...-tuatd,utlon for 011"la. ,Ln, ,etc.-:-t1:rdu 't.. P., Ul'du U. P., ,etc • .: UADIIICS


~griculturo.l Classes Non-agrioultural Classes ------~------~ I. II. III. IV. Persons (inclucling dep~ndants)------who derive their Cultivators .Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of la.nd wholly labourers cultivating ------.--.....---- .....------~ S~ial or xnainl,y or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and thoir land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce rrransport serVi(leS dependants dependants rent reoeivers cultivation) and and their mi8oellant~u8 dependants sources 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P. S.-SASARAM-contd. ------

40 34 !!fH 31)0 1 llS {) 6., 252 U~8 ~ 36 ... 253 55 8 In ~64 145 21 3 3 6 255 :30:\ Sl3 4() If) 21 2()6 03 LU 257 173 1 Ir; 25~ 2:36 255 llH J4- 4'~ 250 4~1 2H J44 It) 47 :WO

25f) 112 2tH 156 2 59 262 137 6 62 263 H9 tH 1 1 2U4 (i\) U6 .. 265 142 36 200 40 34 267 !W 26~ 14 1 :!4 2tiU IH 12 131 270 31 47 ... 271. 86 4 H3 2 11 272 106 101 273 18:J () 4-9 2 274 153 8 r;l 3 275 80 1 07 7 18 136 70 59 276 172 73 6 7 277 1,306 ] H7 3f) 3 1 32 278 82 44 12 16 27U 43 6 52 2 9 280

432 145 2 281 60 45 282 106 6 8 283 82 45 284 140 7 67 15 2 285 41 286 146 12 78 30 287 60 52 288 724 363 4 44 22 60 28l* 252 14 17 290

14: 291 2,044 36 ),006 10 50 7 223 292 201 77 19 7 24 293 371 10 ItllJ 6 294 217 5 122 1 2 7 2~5 141 3 9 '6 .200 104 15 12 1 1 2P~ 14:4 280 19 ,29 6 66 298 222 91 4 299 184 .. 300

B--Baeic School. SD-Senior 13uic SohoQl. ~Sanskrit Patheha1a. G-Gram. Panc.hayat. R_:'Lihrariea. '. t_:_Poet .. Office. 236


Total number of persoDi Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons MaleR Females Males Female&'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P .. S.-SASARAM-concld.

301 Chamara,li a. 524 163 24 30 15 15 12 302 Mohllapokhal' t· 52U 270 11 82 45 37 2 30S Kusumba. 563 7,4:05 ]0 53 26 27 5 304 Singhapura 565 517 32 175 83 H2 2 305 I .. uturu .. 566 615 34 188 101 87 12 306 Barkadih 560 167 20 120 68 52 307 Ka.chnath 570 93 41 :~OO 146 154 6 308 Gotahar 571 273 07 600 315 285 12 309 Murli pur 572 362 62 50] 257 244 3:~ 310 Sikandarpur 573 255 47 180 85 95 11

311 Mohammadpur 578 296 H5 563 310 253 26 4, 312 Bishrarnpur .57~ 321 76 403 245 248 36 2" 313 Khardiha L 580 283 86 509 21)8 251 43 314 Sukuhin 58) 2ilO 78 fS29 :135 204 1)4 315 Jamahalt 585 333 15 116 58 58 316 Goria 580 10,063 22 114 53 61 5 P .-S.-ROHTAS

1 Amra 278 337 40 :173 In3 180 14 2 Sarioya 27H 740 } 380 2,327 1,222 1,105 409 3 Panraria. 281 556 41 4 Basdiha .. 282 454 92 517 268 24H 35 5 Kerps. 284 1,247 117 679 355 324 506 121 6 Supasari .. 286 533 67 398 265 133 13 7 Bhisra 289 567 65 401 211 190 65 8 Churai Shunar 590 4~020 44 240 121 119 29 9 Jagdhi 592 676 45 435 218 217 39 10 Ramdehra L, M 593 753 208 1,420 715 705 173 10 11 Rupahtha 595 452 37 294 152 142 37 12 Bishnupura 596 462 13 93 57 36 13 Chitauli .. 597 1,102 71 527 260 267 16 14 Ranjitganj L 598 547 51 457 228 220 37 15 Thumba .. 59B 1,581 231 1,307 645 662 70 1() 16 Karma .. 600 882 64 374- 203 171 65 17 Nawadhi 602 855 121 791 398 393 62 18 Dhelbar .. 603 735 162 1,005 477 528 33 19. Khajari .. 604- 627 85 437 223 214 59 20 Rasulpur .. 605 68) 142 943 504 439 64 21 Tekap 606 1,150 94- 583 296 287 27 22 Kashiawa 607 736 147 822 420 402 84 23 Bajidpur 608 299 69 371 189 182 33 24 Banjari 609 666 164 851 431 420 184 25 Labura .. 610 546 98 378 216 162 74 26 Kalyanpur 611 514 55 230 112 118 77 5 27 Ka.chhurha 612 16,584 30 174 89 85 4 .. 28 Kauriarij 617 15,407 99 405 215 190 3 .. 29 Budhua 618 18,770 96 520 273 247 78 36 Chunda 619 \ 21,224 192 972 569 408 2 t •• -_... _._------L-Lower Primary Sohool. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High School.. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU,·etc.-;-:'9'l'du L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 237


.... ,.. -, '~I' ... LIVELIHOOD CI•. ASSES

Agricultural Classes Non -agricu Itural Cl88se8 I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultiva.ting Non- principal moans of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating Serial or mainly or mainly and ownors of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their la.nd, Produetion Ot,her their their dependan.ts agricultural (othor than Commerce Transport services dependa.nts dependants rent, receivers cultivation) and and Uwir rnisoellu,neou8 dopondants sources _------,_,_ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 _------_18 1 P.·S.-SASARAM-concld.

15 () H 301 2 76 4 302 2n 23 1 303 1!l4- a 2 36 304 142 I 43 2 ao!) 41) 1 27 ...... ).) 2.':) :J06 20:1 1 1)6 307 471 120 308 IBH 77 177 .....).) 21 6 30H 103 77 310 2B4 235 8 4 .....).) :n I 380 111 ..,') 312 262 203 :l 24 9 H :JJ 3 263 . 181 185 314 115 1 315 114- 316


330 3 10 30 1 U07 150 407 85 199 151 28 400 2 3 an7 In 90 11 H7 82 35 191 Jl:l 34 127 fj 4~) " 22H 34 36 50 t~ 321 12 30 11 S 10 7 142 20 21 10" .7 8 4.11 12 12 i) 608 72 367 139 234 10

208 27 10 18 3J 11 Sl3 12 30~ 77 50 In 72 13 200 ':17 14:J 20 17 14 591 20 208 8 76 SO 97 188 15 71 44 54 6 109 16 406 252 17 so 36 17 369 121 H 2GB 73 14 lno IS 324 66 21) 16 6 ]9 444 231 98 102 40 20 379 8 124 20 25 27 21 432 5 218 1')0 32 85 22 45 .172 7 ]3 134 23 561 35 "184 24 39 8 24 108 6 1 263 25 154 57 4: 11 4: 26 174 27 335 61 9 28 348 54 6 112 29 5 205 81 11 200 - 470 30 B-Baaic School. SB··-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala.. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Librariee. t-Poat.Oftloe. .) 1" rrotal number of persons Literates enumerated ' Area. NO'. of Serial Name of village Thana in oocupied no.' no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males }"'emales

-----,~-, ..... ------~-.-. 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 ._.. __M_ ...... _.. _· P ... S.-ROHTAS-cont(l. 31 Pipardhi L .. 620 12,715 20B 930 460 461 13 32 Tiara khurd 625 730 48 24H 144 105 33 Tiara. kalan 626 1,895 38 175 91 84 7 1 34 N awadha Khurc1 627 1,253 20 179 97 82 .-. 85 Amhuf.\ .. 628 1,477 7 37 21 Hi 36 Matihukaria 629 1,067 31 254 131 123 6 ] 37 Matiawan 630 1,573 34 187 ]03 ~4 4 38 Nawadhi kalan 6~H 000 16 71 34 3f) 1 39 ~t aduuathpur 632 2,761 21 In] 9i> H6 40 Belthuria. 633 490 16 H2 42 50 41 Pf.l,rcha L 635 1,603 108 ] ,110 5()() 550 40 42 Po.ruka .. 036 ~H)2 116 503 302 291 22 U 43 Tilkharo L 637 1,225 166 H40 486 4!;4 73 1 44 Parada .. 638 1,813 fi3 312 ]61 151 20 1 45 Tiura L 639 5~267 120 634 32H 30fi 27 46 Duma,ria 641 186 12 46 23 23 2 47 Chaphla 642 612 10 4H 33 16 48 Chaukhari 643 ]60 2 14 7 7 49 Lahara. L 644 649 62 307 149 Ifi8 8 50 Nahautha (L), tT. M 645 1,229 228 1,530 796 734 210 46

51 ~arna 646 276 27 151 76 75 52 irki 647 233 7 35 17 18 5'3 Daharia 648 369 16 no 46 44 11 4: 54 Karamdiha 649 391 3U 262 124 138 28 1 55 Sihaldhe .. 650 653 42 174 g2 82 18 5'6 Bhanathpur 651 133 24 172 92 80 4 57 Uli Banehi 652 1,598 144 985 508 477 252 202 58 Madho Tippa .653 109 10 57 30 27 59 Tippa . L 654 99 78 418 202 216 37 60 Adhaura 657 8SH 38 95 48 47 8 61 Bhurwa .. 659 1.289 75 356 181 175 30 tl2 Rehal L 660 8,392 174 834 420 414 4 63 Nimahat 662 759 221 825 433 392 28 64 Jaithipur 663 1,216 179 798 445 353 25 2 65 Annadhichak L 664 326 70 405 213 192 46 66 Nawadhiwa 665 272 50 330 170 160 21 3 67 Balbhadrapur 666 236 34 240 131 109 27 68 Hankarpur 667 190 22 114 60 54 5 6'9 Nawa.dih 668 706 8 38 21 17 2 · . 70 Nawara ·. 669 725 9 75 36 89 8 71 Baricha · . 671 .828 121 402 231 171 34 7 72 Kamal khanua L 672 ,611 126 527 287 .240 38 73 Amarkha 674 .767 1 15 6 9 6 8 74 Bandhu L 675 1~149 81 515 268 247 56 20 75 Khariwa khurd 676 '224 38 213 109 104 US 76 Bhadal'a U 677 1,716 149 999 506 493 84 ·. T7 . Sal'idhar .. 679 1343 75 397 201 198 29 1 78 Rathol · . 680 10~412 147 696 370 326 10 79 Bharuhi 682 '8'00 73 520 251 269 14 ~p .. ~~lJlJlhutha .683 .1,34.8 232 .1,571 814 7.67 .. 71 ·.

~, '...... ---...... -.-~-."'---, .. ~ ...... _-.__...... L-IJower Primary Sahool. U-Upper Primary School. 'M--:-Middle'Sohool. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 239 ,'''''''11'101

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES --,_.. _------Agricultural Classes N on-agricultura.l Classt}s ------_-----,------. --.--- ,,---_.---- __....,_---,-_...... _ __ ... I. ll. III. IV. Persons (induding dep~ndants) who derive UWlt' Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating NOll. prirwipuJ menns of livelihood fI'tlm-- of land wh()ll~ of It] nd wholly labourers cultivating - ..... -.....----. -----.. ----,----~- .. ,--,..... ---.. ----., .... -.-... - .. - Serial or mainly 'or mainly and owners of V. VI. VB. VIII. no. ownE'd and un-owned and t.heir lund, Production Otllt~r tlwir their dependant,s agripul t.u ral (other t,han ConlnWrC(~ Trnn~l lOl't R(~l'\'iOt~s dopendants depelldant.s rent re(mivers cultivnt.ion) and tlnd their IIlisoelinnHou8 dependants flOUre(lt!!

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IH 1

B-Basio Sehool. SB~enio.r . Uuio ~hO()l. S---r;Sanakrit Patbahala. G-·. (ltaui Panc~yat. B-1 ibrVies. t -Poat·otBoe. 240


Tota.l number of persona I"itel'ates enUJDerated Area No. of Serial Name of Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses PerSOll8 Males Females Males Females

-- I 2 3 4 5 (} 7 8 9 10

P.·S.-J:tOHTAS--eoncld. 81 Baknore U, S 685 1,787 358 1,745 942 803 103 9 82 Akbarpur (LU). M, R .. 687 824 582 2,765 1,409 1,356 310 20 'S3 Uocholia 688 1,279 J 84 906 458 448 106 7 84 Baskathia 680 441 89 510 25!l 257 70 4 85 Kusdhira .. 6nO 844 100 r,47 258 280 81 G 86 Milki OH2 75 49 284 146 138 14 87 Jamua 693 506 96 702 350 352 40 1 88 Nawadih fH.r, 645 98 fi84 2S1 303 33 89 Mt\jhigawa 096 582 un 606 :lO4 :102 45 90 Thurnhawa L 697 836 78 528 252 276 20 91 BaJiari 698 375 15 HB 52 47 92 Singhn,pur L 699 879 ()3 458 221 237 39 9 93 Sahapur L 700 672 206 1,175 581 fi04 53 94 Biahanpur 701 228 49 345 156 18B :U (j 95 Gurishat 702 448 400 1,406 806 600 135 23 96 Bhangia 703 109 23 152 85 67 ]3 97 Daranagar L 704 2,558 324 2,200 1,094 1,106 41 3 P .-S.-CHENAHI

1 Khurmabad L 18 1,407 205 1,438 7H4 644 236 2 Ibrahampur 19 23] 7 47 ·23 24 3 Sariya 20 12 104 47 57 7 4 Sahrabad 21 :377 54 355 173 182 2 5 Tokari 26 552 86 566 296 270 24 6 Bhati 381 8 59 28 31 14 7 Basantpur 402 264 33 207 105 102 10 1 8 Kinar khurd 405 248 60 379 200 179 27 1 9 K inar ko.lan 406 781 I:U 748 401 847 18 10 Sawall 407 168 11 104 49 55 14 11 Chandra kaithi (U) 408 408 44 281 138 143 44 12 Bhahhaai 409 214 26 183 80 103 19 2 13 Naraura 410 222 20 167 8] 86 ]2 14 Hamagra 411 214 9 68 35 33 3 15 Raghunathpur 413 97 9 42 24 ]8 4 16 Ba.rahtali Chhotki 414 230 15 92 49 43 1 · . 17 Barahtali Barki 415 279 22 I~Jj 104 91 3 18 Ja,gdehra .. 418 108 17 157 76 81 25 19 Dumri .. . 419 33 263 147 116 35 ·1. 20 I~fI,ng&r kake..i 424 529 47 838 171 167 23 3 21 Pia khurd 425 375 R 83 40 43 6 22 Pia kalan 426 422 32 321 155 166 55 ·. 28 Pora 427 362 15 108 56 52 ~ ..... : '. 24 Chhitra· 428 477 19 129 65 64 3 25 Chanha~a 429 261 54 a05 . 157 148 43 26 Nakta 4S0 17 91 45 46 IS 4- 27 Phulwaloia 431 129 709 ,850 359 ]46 .21 28 Telari G 432 399 40 291 153 ]38 15 29 Raurio. ,kala.n 434 '.484 60 478 ,,237 241 lIi 14 36 Kaithi " .. 435 516 26 162 93 69 3

..... : ~.I .,' .... ., ': , ~,"'.' ~ ~, . " or " .•. " .. ~ .. "''':'~ ., 'I", ',. • •• L-Lower Prunary SchoQl •. ,,; lJ-Upper PriJn.ary 'School. .}{~Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 241


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ------' I ". Agricultura.l Clal!J8es Non-agricultural Classes ._---•.. _,_,_._------1:. 11. , III. IV. Persons (induding dependants) who derive their Cult,ivstors Cu1 tivat.ors Cultivating Non­ principal moans of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------"'---,,-----"--- _·--Sorial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un~owned and their land; l)rodu(~tion 011her their their dependants agrj eu1 t'Ul'aJ (other t,han (~omnlt'J'ce Tram~port. services dependants dep~ndants rent receivers cultivation) and and their , ~!.s(.'eUnneouB d()penda nt.H sou roes ._-,------.. -.. ,_, .,."------,-,._---"",... " -"." .. - .."" ... - .. -,,--_----'" "--"_-'_ .... "_,---,-,, .. __ ._--_.. _--" 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1 --_•. _----_ ... ,---_._---_.-._ .•. _._ .... _...... _..... -_.---_._,.. _- ."_ ...... , ..... ------,-_. --_,_---_-,_,-,--"",,,,,-,,-_,,,_,,,-,,--,,,,-,, .. _-_._--,_ .•. ,--_...... - P .. S.-HOHTAH--concl

715 15~ (S4U 10.'') 118 81 59U 12 596 171 200 337 4() 750 82 45H :lO8 20 r;7 ('i2 83 .) 1., ,) IH4 ... _... 3 I5H 7 ·!2 ~4 214 232 JO :l4 57 85 144 1:~2 8 8tl 3tl4 204 HII !!fi 10 87 331 2:>3 88 283 7H 217 11 :1 13 81) 272 12 143 44 If) II :u no H8 HI 172 141 2 12 12H ~2 446 III 150 5 2:32 42 Ion H3 14·1: J :12 15 2 I I nO H4 ., 60f) Hfj 26 27 6H~ "" 47 1 f>O 41 HI !l6 710 21 725 ail 28:! JOS :l21 H7


51:J :142 77 62 .) IHO 1 28 1 2 B2 12 3 H2 148 72 33 3 1 6 4- 4]3 15 ] J 3 4 21 5 :n 28 6 181 20 () 7 100 ') 24f> 3 8 "" 21 8 415 112 221 9 52 r;2 10 204- 16 51 7 2 1 11 110 19 53 1 12 147 20 13 38 20 ]0 .. 14 42 15 43 47 2 16 189 6 17 97 2 2 40 1 15 IS 138 42 80 2 1 J9 218 14 78 20 8 20 77 6 21 233 9 63 6 8 2 22 84 17 7 23 103 24 2 24 162 6 118 11 8 25 18 31 lJ 21 3 7 26 189 42 17 143 120 46 142 27 62 23 125 50 13 18 28 326 72 61 {} 2 3 5 29 27 54 81 .. 30

...... , ...... + •• ."...... ~"~ .. ~ .... ,, '" , B-BaB'ic School. SB-Senior Basio School. S..._sanBkri.t Patbshala. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Librarie8. t-Post-OfRce. .,'! )00),"" •... 1., .

Total number of persons Literat,8s ermmt'l'a.t,ed Area. No. of Serial N arne of village Thana. In occupied no. 110. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

-_--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10

.... ._. .. -.,,--...... ~ P.-S.-CHENARI--contd.

31 Tenuni 43ft 32 20(l H2 109 IS 32 Nauawan 438 416 10 76 2~) ·17 33 Khaira · . 442 207 as 270 1:14 130 4S,.. 3 34 Dhuraha. 444 104 8 05 :JO 3f) I 35 Salthua · . 440 3 24- 1:i ) J 4 J 36 Mahuahi 44li 08 0 ()2 3:~ 2H .., 37 Ubhawan -147 151 41 2:)2 I :li lJ!) :lS 38 Dewarah 44S 170 28 178 8H 8H 10 1 .,.) 39 Shahpur .. 451 315 .3') ... 241 J l!t ...... JS 40 Gajral'h 452 152 14 JOO 44- '[)(j 1

41 Mathahi 454 70 17 ) ii:l 68 HI':,) ...') 42 Malhar 455 35 20:J 1:14 120 7 43 Karanpura 456 InH 41 207 !)n lOS 8 44- Chorahi · . 4117 309 44 311 JM) 155 1. :1 45 N arayanpur 458 437 78 4~0 25H 221. 128 46 Kinarchola 4tH) 442 26 100 ~}2 US IS 47 Ohaukhara. 4HO 10!) 0 63 :$0 3~i 1 48 Dighat 461 25!) 23 l!)l 76 7!l 49 Maura. 462 16!} 16 H:i 4!l 40 J il 50 BensiI 463 318 25 f;"m 75 84 11

51 Sa}ut_~i 464 244 20 107 Sg 7H 2.) 52 Naraiult 465 4HH 71 607 :J2:! 28!l 21 53 Sernri 468 194 15 114 48 flU H 54 Dehria 469 113 157 287 13H J48 H .55 Hata L 472 661 80 62!. 337 ~Wl IJ5 W 56 Bimagar 473 266 25 146 78 68 12 I 57 Lauji 474 !HO 66 aU7 20li 102 18 2 58 Banauli · . 475 381 54 274- 143 131 45 7 59 Bho.rdua 476 116 217 1,323 681 042 164 31 60 Chang,ri L, S, H 477 (H7 24;'') 1,698 8U7 801 401 45

61 Pa.} ann clha 479 2~'2 34- 273 14H 124- n 62 Lodhi 480 284 48 208 148 J20 48 63 Dato.uli 481 386 23 144 7~1 71 9 64- Katro. · . 482 115 ]3 89 43 40 7 65 Khadauli 483 170 47 364 174 IBO 25 66 Pewancli .. 4fH 010 151 1,079 .,)08 571 114 8 67 Ganeshpur L 487 181 44 27() 143 127 51 68 Doia 48!l 6H4 49 ari3 .18J 172 .2 Bt) Lohat'a · . 490 527 28 IaH 74 65 70 N anddUl~hihra 492 268 22 13f) 74 62 1 71 Hidhpur · . .. 49... 8 5n 3~2 27 . 72 Terari U 495 271 5t) :i26 176 150 20 · 73 Memrejpur 496 183 34 248 133 115 31. 7. .Hamgarh 4Q8 334- 60 355 IfiO 186 20 . 75 Turki 4~9 4It) 22 225 110 115 16 · 76 ~n.idokhar U,M 500 730 242 1,311 630 672 22~' 77 MlJ.huli 503 134 ....) 21 10 11 1 ·. 78 Cha,npur. 505 189 4 32 14: 18 ,. • • 79 Kiahunr... ura. 507 150 4 17 8 9 80 Urda 509 292 40 331 165 166 30

L-Lo'wer Primary School. U-Upper Primary Scho()l. M-Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )-Instit.ution for Girls,' LV, UUt etc.--.:Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P't etc. 243


LIVELIHOOD GLA88J!l8 .. _-_._------Agricultural Cl8.888s N on.. agricultural Olueee

I. II. III. . IV. PerSen8 « including dependants) who derive their CuU,ivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of la.nd wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------"------Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned a.nd un -owned and their land; l>roduction Other their t,heir dnpendants agriculture I (other than Commerce Transport 8orvi(~eB dependants dependants rent receivers cultivation) and and th{,ir miseellanoous dependants sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

P .-S.-CHENAHI-contd.

174 .:W :31 11 8 :l2 206 64 33 (;5 ~~4, 10 ti :-15 62 :l6 145 :Ul 13 37 111 67 38 1 flO 33 M~ :3H, (iO 40 40

!) J44 41 HH 4H 18 12 20 42 1:~2 43, 117 1(;2 20 7 44 27H 175 2tJ 45 Rl S9 IH 4f) 31 10 47 111 34 () 48 H:l 49 .) l:~7 ... 3 17 50

116 51 fH 272 76 249 ....) 8 i'j2 8t) 4 24 t3:J IH3 43 fit [)4 .384 4 134 50 10 J 45 !')5 100 40 6 56 Hu} 1m} 14 56 29 57 H 162 4 46 5~l 58 210 58 26() 155 468 27 l:n 59 344 24 345 242 427 121 IHu 60 205 2 48 18 tSI 132 20 77 30 62 138 6 6:J 14 13 62 64 139 67 f12 5 4 10 8 :~W 65 .589 189 7 77 101 8 108 66 172 41 1)7 67 158 69 12U 68 110 10 IH (;0 113 10 11 70 1 58 71 255 3~. 3n 72 142 8 ~9 5 4 73 J42 8 99 62 10 34 74- 84 74 f)7 75 740 40 380 4: 4-4 20 27 47 76 21 77 27 {) 78 8 7 2 79, 174 29 84 ali 8 80

B-Ba.sic School. SB-Senior Basic Scbool. S-Sanakrit Pathshala. G-~Gram Panchayat. R-Libra,l'ies. t-I'08t·Oftice.

',I 244


Total number of persons Literates enumerated AI·eo. No. of' Seria.l of village in OCCUpif.ld ----"..------­ no. no. acrus houses Persolls Males Females Males Females

.-'---' 1 .. 3 4 .5 6 7 9 10 " ----- P.·S.-CHENARI-coTZ<;{c'o

81 Mahaicha. 512 183 18 14:1 70 73 6 82 Dewadibi 515 78!) 65 420 238 lSI 28 2 83 Samhauta 5J(; 235 24 182 83 U9 16 84 KUllrwa. 5J7 55 1 24 13 11 85 Pilkhi 518 41!) 44 460 22H 231 3~ 1 1046 Belll,spur ;')lH 79 ]H 132 74 58 7 87 Jogla 5')').... , ]n J4i 83 64 6 88 Pithiaw&l1 !l2:l 274 61 401'( 271 227 27 8H Sohanchak (,28 20.1 10 12H 62 67 3 90 Pakariya E)2H 114 14 lOt) 4~ 58 10

91 Khurun kalan L 530 765 tin 665 345 320 6H 92 Magojpura 532 583 3').., 212 117 115 13 93 Neuri 534 252 32 243 ]28 110 94 Khurna · . 535 Ill) 2!) 202 100 102 6 1 95 Rakba 537 294 J.4 H:J 40 44 3 1m Ram pur 538 .150 27 185 ~3 92 17 S)7 Gallgapur 539 244 4 33 .18 J5 4 98 Jarahi 540 2J8 12 B3 46 47 4 99 Pachaura 541 718 18 112 54 58 3 100 Ugahni · . 542 863 185 1,O!l3 52!) 524 102 101 Ratanpur 543 145 14 130 74 56 1 102 Bairia 1.. 544 337 51 400 208 192 58 2:l 103 Chikhuriya 54,U 165 26 loa 83 80 Iff 1 104 Nayakpur 547 206 47 21{) 106 UO R 105 1\lalahi pur 548 425 206 1,07~ 558 521 IH 106 Karma L 54H 1,442 61 424 232 IH2 24 )07 Urdaga. · . 554 a,all 26 1I7 64 53 lOR Bhurkura 14 555 3,767 39 .1HU 101 98 ..., 109 Auriais'ft. 55R 1,511 25 128 66 62 JlO Tengra · . 558 1,385 12 00 nO 40 3 P.,S.-D~~HRl 1 Pauruhar 77 1,377 163 655 310 340 24 2 Gohi 78 303 137 548 260 288 · . 3 Gonuawan 7!~ 171 40 254 132 ]22 5 4 Maurliha .. SO 386 131 522 279 243 80 I) Shiopur · . , . 81 H)3 25 171 82 H9 ·. t6 Barawan .. 82 690 454 1,804 006 898 296 · . 7 Koeithi 87 679 146 860 40~ 4tH 03 ·. S Tetrah 93 613 240 06.1 546 4.15 87 ·. 9 Bagha khoh 94 656 127 757 402 355 50 10 lara 97 229 113 452 225 227 35 ·. 11 Piya.ripur 98 818 106 .24 257 167 20 12 Chok 1~9 426 67 268 137 131 7 13 Budhua. 100 637 123 760 420 340 62 14 Mahuarl 101 433 57 34-8 179 169 IS 4- ItS Pakaria. 102 651 118 705 323 382 94 4 16 Ralia 108 303 90 360 184 176 48 J 17 Chapra .. 105 799 204- 847 448 404 97 18 Galmhraria .. lOS 301 .106 609 801 808 174 19 Nawadih 109 (15 88 534 83~ 202 50 20 Munriar no ~9 219 1.055 65,v 40:' 1,05... ·. --- L~Lower Primary School •. U~Up~r Primacy 8c~~(t X-Mjddle Se~O()l.' ,; H-High School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, ' ,ete~-(rrdu lJ. :E'.,,,, Urdu U. P •. etc. , I ' ", 245


LIVEl-IHOOD CLASSES .------.. Agriculturu.l Classes Non· agri cultural Classes ------_.. - .. _-._---- I. lI. III. IV. PerSOIlS (including dep(mdants) who derive theil' Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating NOll· principal meaDS of )jvelihood from-- of land wholly of land whol1y labourers cuitiv8,tiUg - .. ------.,,--~---.------Serial or mainly or mainly and ownurl:l of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their Iii-uti ; Production Other their t,heil' depondalltFl agricultural (othor thau Commerce Transport. servi cas dependauts depEmrlallts nmt l'tleeiveJ's cultivation) and. and their miscellannous dependants sources

11 12 13 14 15 J6 17 18 1 .--- _...... _... ---, ... -..... _-_._._-- P.-S.-CH.ENAH.l-concltt.

IH 4 7:3 81 t75 l50 82 141 20 .)... 83 to 4 84 218 1 Of) 124 ,. , 12 8f:; 11 :l IH st> 124 I 22 87 2H7. 31) 140 88 12;1., . 8H t.),) 47 90

:Wil 61 176 f) 21 6 2 Ul 128 63 H 131 94 (i 4 "293 lOR 20 fi4 11 ~ 1 94 8~ 3 H 95 HO 6!) H 96 I 97 Gl 3(; 6 Ot) ni, S 7 2 HI) 681, 78 25L 17 11 12 100 ... (\() 10 4;) I I 101 IB2 80 107 () ];, 102 143 20 103 n» 23 7U 10 J ·i 104 825 2:U 14 6 10:) 2t>2 47 10.1 H J 106 114 1 107 115 44 36 .. 108 121 7 109 .0 41 11{) P.-S.-DEHRI 385 25 205 5 15 20 1 339 42 117 8 10 32 2 110 95 9 22 18 8 304 118 25 61 14- I- 128 20 6 •• 17 6 682 235 487 1) 62 81 •• 2iS2 18 441 112 165 6 16 7 2· 38 7 175 175 162 8 169 78 67 200 8 576 54 84 35 2 16 9 424 14 2 4: 6 2 10 291. 60 35 11 27 .. II 143 14 68 43 1~ 427 32 301 13 213 42 92 l 14- 401 32 236 10 14 12 15 153 11 127 69 16 572 28 136 4 6 101 17 857 109 15 -24 104 18 302 42 IS4 .. 6 19 642 102 200 68 4 89 20

B-,,c Sohool. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sa.nakrit Pathshala. G ...... Gram , Pat:1ohayat. R..:_Lihrariea •. t-PORt.. Oftloe. VILLAGB

Tota.l number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Seria.l Name of village Thana in occupied ------no. no. &('.res houses Persons Males Females Males Females

... -~ -_ -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 10

.--~-"- P.·8.-DEH HI-contd. 21 Barka Tenus III 543 ]72 686 359 327 8ti 22 Tenus khurd 112 172 31 221 104 117 :15 23 Koupa 113 572 Hi5 623 334 289 165 24 Tewari dih 114 JU8 60 250 11 :J J :n 57 25 Ahirawan 115 4:~4 10 127 ()!) 62 26 Khudrawsn I Hi 2H6 70 280 1 :l4 1·~6 l4 27 Chilbila · . 117 240 85 ;)7:1 27S 2Hr, 30 28 Pursuwan 118 I ~i7 227 1,018 i) l!l i)()fi H4 6 29 Tanrwa · . 110 520 52 :~!)4 .1 H3 ItS} 40 30 Majhiuwan 120 483 153 HI5 ;3f>7 :.!!)H .. .., ... 31 Ayarkotha 121 132 21 140 I I 6~J t32 I>adhat .Lo, M, H ,0 J22 2,774 1,1'67 ~,~f)4 " ,4fl4 4,41 () 1,0,' I 43 33 Bhusahub 123 718 276 1,104 (iOa {501 riO .) 34 Chuinpur .. .. ]24 768 ~J8 223 lHi 107 35 Berkap · . J 2.5 ],121 123 722 :lflH 3i):~ ~l:.! 36 Bhm'kluu·iu. ] 26 454 69 4H4 ~4B 215 HO 37 Dharahra • • •• 128 442 281 1,1:23 fiH:1 540 !t8 1 38 Sherpuf 130 2fi3 n2 :J06 Hi7 J :~H 42 t3B Akorhi L 131 72) 353 1,:1) 2 ti7T. u:n Iia 18 40 Burur:a ·. 132 443 12s} 722 423 2HH IlJ5 41 Karkat,pur 1~l3 380 63 400 232 177 40 4- 42 Hararhi U 134 4R6 2HO J,040 544 4HU 2:H 3 43 Madhurampur Dehri .. J:J5 !J68 15H H4:J 488 4T.5 50 t44 BtlTlk L l:l6 1.U05 7:l4 2,878 l,fi04 1,374 46fl 10 45 Tarawarplll' 137 442 44 W6 84 R2 8 46 Chand,i · . 138 760 427 I,70n 844 865 Ii;H :J 47 Hagen 13H 320 42 277 140 1:37 52 48 Gobardhallpur 140 1,003 15:i H70 510 400 142 5 49 Baluranpuf 141 354- 30 112 63 49 {) 00 MathufHpur 143 195 120 730 378 352 6t1

51 Ahibaranpur 144 29H 106 606 307 299 65 52 Burka 145 790 62 471 250 221 37 !i3 SidhauJi 147 667 801 1,167 628 fi3H 122 !i4- Gangauli 148 1,188 400 1.636 832 R04 287 19 115 Pahleza G 140 836 483 l,9:~2 I,OOS H26 285 10 56 Sinpur 150 146 20 187 104 83 38 3 57 Duris . 151 702 211 848 408 440 143 6 l)S 'rendua DUfmdhi 152 590 77 516 284 23~ 26 59 Mohadowa 153 433 35 27f) 143 1:-J2 123 20 60 Jamuhar 155 tHO 353 1,432 725 707 180 8

~l Rudarpura 156 520 29 247 123 ]24 10 62 Chakia ·. 157 652 92 fi26 269 2fii 49 63 Manours. 158 ]74 24 l:n 73 58 28 64 M.athuri ·. 159 701 192 8~7 465 432 147 1 65 DiHa 162 176 1 JO 520 266 254 61 (s6 Sakhara 163 1,000 :lU3 1,593 825 768 24~ 14 67 Sonara ·. .. 164 660 142 6S0 347 333 31 2 68 l)aho.U1' 165 682 2JO 840 429 411 80 69 },'atpura 166 fi4.1 25 )~!i 97 86 14 70 Bhaf..auli 170 401 89 363 162 201 57 1

---_._ -~ .. ,...... - ----.. ,,~"'~, ...... ---____.... L--Lower Primal'Y Schoo). IT-Upper ]"rimary School. M-MiddJe S~hool. B-Higla School. .( )-IrHltitution for Gir)s. LU, UU, et


Agricultural Classes N on-agrioultural Classes ------_._---- 1'. II. III. IV. l)ersons (including dopendants) who derive their CuUivators Oultivutors Cultivatjng NOll- principal menne of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly 18 bonrers (~ultjvating ---"-----,-----.--.-----"". -_'--" --_. __ .. - ... _._ Serial 01' mainly or maill)Y and ownHr8 of V. VI. vn. VHI. no. owned and un-owned aud t,hoil' land; Production Othnr their their dependants agrieuhul'al (other t,han C01nmor~o Trallsport. sm'vices dopeuoant.s dnpendanta rent l'fleeivers Mllt.ivatioIl) and und their miseella noous dependants sourees -_._------'------'---'" ---.-.----~---.. -- 11 .12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 --_.__ ._._---.-----... _--- _"-_"'-- P.-R.-DEHHI-cont.a.

449 107 111 6 13 21 102 72 20 27 22 401 65 72 15 28 8 34 23 167 81 ...I"} 24 ]27 25 108 172 26 :no J08 til 14 2:1 57 27 64-1 82 IH4 14 43 44 28 243 Hf> ] I. ]3 29 380 151 8 47 26 53 30

U6 1 IH 4 31 5,521 2HH 504 496 653 17 1,078 32 6!)3 145 240 10 26 :10 33 123 8 82 4 6 34 368 41 164 1.3 40 05 35 256 til 110 20 17 36 760 31 203 15 45 60 37 230 H 13 30 6 18 38 758 RH 30 120 272 8 a5 39 180 116 130 25 24 30 217 40 213 102 51 ]5 14 2 12 41 427 a 104 105 167 234 42 .) 610 143 H6 4 12 27 - 4H 4:~ 2,410 9 ISn 37 45 6 182 44 III 55 45 1,O~~6 163 40 26 7:1 4. 344 46 24U 18 10 47 844 36 80 1 1 8 48 112 49 409 42 207 !) 21 42 50 571 4 30 1 51 344 86 {) 52 385 275 197 15 2n5 58 1,228 153 106 149 54 732 147 169 2 183 65 612 55 141 7 3 6 30 56 372 11 226 42 197 57 509 7 58 211 64 59 802 143 245 4 26 25 84 60

242 5 61 346 48 84 13 17 18 62 131 .. 63 426 14 44: I ). all 64 367 103 .. 10 15 25 66 1,235 86 133 22 12 105 66 567 US 9 89 67 700 80 28 8 7 17 68 167 3 6 7 69 313 .. 7 3 .. 40 70 -_._._--_._,------B-Basio School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-S811skrit Pathshala. G-Gram Pa.nchayat. R-Libraries t-Posi-Office. 1'8,


Total number of persons Literates . enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

P ..S.-DEHRI--concld. 71 Wojhu)ia ...... ·. 171 48 53 296 I :lU 157 26 1 72 ohan1haha • • • • 172 236 29 147 74 73 :l 73 K.hira a. • • • • 173 333 05 475 2!l1 224 ~l 1 74 Bbainsaha • • 174 158 52 200 110 UH 25 75 Bust.ipur :M 175 1,660 447 1,7fH R8H H02 184 2 76 Katar L76 2,OOS 57 347 17(~ 171 08 77 Burdiha •• 177 233 46 363 181 ] 82 70 7 78 Sujanpur .• 178 26H lOR 072 :WH 3fS3 41 79 l\fanikpur U 17H 131 155 810 404 406 130 ...,) 80 Bhaluari 180 1,174 3H5 I, noo HO{; mlH 240 24

81 K.hapra .. 104 306 .fl') ... 4Hl IH4 225 37 82 Jadwa Ho 283 90 3(iO 11)4 IOn 70 83 Bandhpa H6 337 102 407 2lH 188 42 84 Basa.ntpur ·. 106 30H 13 IOU 53 56 5 85 Chanda 107 458 26 17n !In ~3 4 86 Bharkunaria 167 700 58 414 208 211 40 87 Guarilu. .. lm~ 360 78 r.22 2(;7 255 :H~ 1 88 Durgapur M 169 421 7H 511 246 265 HO 1 89 Nawad.ih 181 ],044 283 1,132 571 Gt)l 126 1 90 182 332 60 240 120 120 5 91 Chaknaha 184 204 57 BH4 200 ISS 24 92 Patanwa 187 1,304 141 509 204 255 {ir; 1 P.-S.-NASRIGANJ 1 Dehri 1 J94 91 818 401 4]7 ]01 24 2 Borana L 2 901 87 605 305 300 H7 7 3 Amarpur 3 580 47 395 214 181 ]4 1 4 Pakahri .. 4 559 106 798 398 400 116 5 Patkhauliya U. S. -5 106 52 348 170 178 68 13 6 Misrauliya 6 114 22 184 101 83 14 7 Raj pur L U, L, H, R .. 7 1,741 536 3,005 1,501 1,504 474 64- 8 Habupur 8 350 72 620 305 315 150 9 Kapasiya 1, 9 498 gO 498 250 248 84 10 Balgaon L,M,R 10 1,675 309 1,788 897 891 237 80 , 11 Tendu Bahar 11 266 60 388 189 199 68 12 Sabea 12 533 79 453 229 224 57 13 Rajalldiha L 13 342 172 877 446 ',32 127 14 Amrahi 14 407 48 355 170 ' 85 25" 2 15 Ne.chania 15 168 28 177 87 90 27 3 16 Mangrauliya LU 17 574 119 937 406 531 122 6 17 Malan (L) 18 282 44 437 203 234 16 13 18 Sakhara L 19 566 188 1,388 692 696 235 28 19 Jilsa U 20 157 69 524 271 253 69 33 20 Amalwa 21 352 17 124 55 69 12 21 Parasiya L,G 22 396 159 1,172 537 635 117 37 22 Darekhap (L),L 23 261 52 403 239 254 214- 17

23 Shankarpu'r L 24 532 105 770 381 898 78 'II. IS 24 Mouna LU 25 561 21H 1,460 703 757 183 16 25 Turkauliya 26 92 59 505 253 262 70 1 26 Tarawan LU, U, S 28 758 ~38 1,376 702 674 251 27 Dubdiha U,S 29 567 81 678 369 309 148 14 28 Haurdih 30 388 75 379 191 188 68 "8 29 Hamradhiya 31 ]73 32 340 181 159 11 80 Sarawan L 32 335 67 531 260 271 107 18

L-Lower P·r.imary School. U-:"Upper Primary School. M-,Middle School. H-Hlgh School. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, tJU, e·te.-Urdu L;, P., 'Urdu U. P., etc, 249



Agricultural Classes Non-agricultUral Classes ,I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependant,s) who derive their Cult,ivll:tofs Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal me&ll& of Hvelihood from-

563 1 15fi 00 20 18 1 476 I 12fi 3 2 340 11 42 2 3 407 74 286 15 4 12 4 230 25 39 4 41 it 5 88 62 34 6 964 1,025 956 21 30 1 8 7 253 5 136 35 182 9 8 339 129 3 6 21 9 848 288 462 89 34 67 10 136 143 101 8 11 281 31 141 12 458 31 Hl2 111 48 ' 37 13 181 14 130 · . 24 6 14 189 38 15 474 365 39 51 8 16 411 2 14 7 3 17 755 18 381 17 ]54 63 18 386 51 78 9 19 58 20 46 20 775 91 106 150 33 17 21 413 74 6 22 609 123 2 37 8 23 958 212 264 19 7 24 364 96 30 Hi 25 611 82 571 39 15 108 26 333 41 235 16 29 24 27 266 1 89 9 14 28 291 17 6 3 11 6 29 361 36 120 ·. 6 8 30 , , " i ' B..-B.w School. SB-Senic:M' 'Basio SchOQl. S~an:8krit Patbahal... 'G--Gram Pan~h&yat. B-Libl'aries. t-Poat.Offloe. 2f>()


Total number of pel'sons Lit,orat,6s enumerated Area No, of S9rial N arne of villago Thana in oC'...cupied ---- no. 110. acros houses Persons. M alos Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 ...... _.." ,-_ ...... _-""'-,~ .... -"".------.--.- ---_ _ _--_ P •• S.--NASRIGANJ-concld.

31 Ramadiba LU 33 215 105 823 394 425) , llO 16 32 Gamhariya 34 154 40 298 ]46 152 58 3 33 Pauni L, M 35 982 258 1,463 692 771 240 10 34 Ohogha . . 36 92 23 ]28 S5 73 .12 ..') 35 Pipludiha L, M, H 37 5H5 97 534 267 267 113 U 36 Babhandih 38 248 40 268 136 132 33 2 37 Ba.radih (L) 39 262 57 451 228 228 36 38 Panapur .. 40 364 17 136 6:3 73 8 1 39 Dohri 41 302 276 ] ,242 606 636 233 18 40 Maraujhia L 42 271 224 1,203 609 5H4 67 10

41 Ojhawalia. 43 15H 28 376 188 188- 10 ] 42 Dhanwan English L 44 1,113 226 1,692 831 861 510 24 43 Kathkauliya. 45 133 18 123 60 63 14 44 Chargoria 46 164 30 275 145 130 5:l ] 45 Itmaha .. 47 300 169 1,030 501 529 ]20 37 46 Dhanwan K11alsa 48 80 ]6 lOS 60 48 13 47 Balia (L), L 49 41U 108 736 359 377 120 24 48 Bardiha L,S 50 606 162 B70 451 519 ,20H 15 49 Modnipul' 5] .563 120 1,024 497 527 137 10 50 Agini 52 24H 26 226 116 110 35 15 51 Paiga 53 449 57 509 2.56 263 64 52 Bagia 54 189 65 [,29 258 271 50 t53 Khairiawan L 55 2,503 170 1,087 518 56!~ IOU 54 Sabri 56 1,073 120 1,001 482 519 74 55' Kai.thi LH 57 1,480 211 1,459 708 751 249 6 t56 Kachhawa L 58 725 247 1,504 852 742 269 t57 Mangrawsll U, M, R, G .. 59 - 3,483 450 2,788 1,487 1,301 1,227 30H 58 Mahadewa L 60 1,283 281 1,188 596 5H2 330 8 t59 Atimi L, M 61 1,917 229 1,580 73n 841 251 ..,.) 60 Lokhraha J amalpul' 62 676 266 1,929 H44 985 350 6 61 Jini 64 223 120 8UI 475 416 HI a 62 Manauli .. 65 283 06 595 302 293 45 2 63 Chi t,okhar 66 346 72 630 300 330 79 ') t 64 Amiawa.r U 67 1,918 331 2,405 ],164 1.241 685 185 65 Khutaha L 68 234 57 310 149 161 35 66 .. 69 1,306 50 363 183 ]80 24 . ') 67 Bha.rkaul 70 105 20 135 73 62 31 -] 68 Ghari 72 355 58 348 ]77 171 39 69 M.a.dhopur 73 187 53 271 146 125 44 70 Ma.ngitpur (L) 74 UH 43 290 ]33 157 40 17 71 Sohgi U 75 358 63 549 274 275 122 21) 72 Paunlfi .. 76 960 15() 1,179 586 503 213 2 73 Birodih L 83 162 65 347 156 191 23 4 74 Chhotki Biseni 84 234 95 670 311 359 138 36 7f) Karmali 85 232 23 .143 75 68 11 76 Bisenj kalan L 88 422 220 1,247 582 665 229 11 77 Karap L 89 243 30 259 122 137 19 78 Niman 90 304- 48 292 . 1~4 138 84 79 KUl!lmarha. 91 896 60 394 201 193 56 80 Chi t Biaawan 92 272 '74 328 173 156 33 ~ \ 81 Sikariya LU,U 186/690 1,530 14:6 1,049 6i9 380 125

---~-.,,-. L-Lowet' Primary School. U -Upper Primary School. . )I-Middle School•. H ...... High School. ( )-Inatitution fQr Girla. .LU, utr, eto.--Urdu L.l\, Vrtlu U .• P., etc.· 251



Agricultural Cla88e8 N on.a.gricuI tural CIOSS6S

I. II. III. IV. Persona (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non .. principal mesns of liveUhood from- .of la nd wholly of land wholly . IahouJocrs cultilVating Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VIr. VIII. no. _ owned a.nd un·owtlcd and their land; Production Ot/her their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport, services dependants dependants rent receivers cultivation) and 8fld thoir miscellaneous dependtlnts sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ...... _._ "...----' ...... _---._--_. .--.~.------.- _ _------P .·S.-NASRlGAN.J-condd. 565 22 216 12 8 31 125 12 144 9 8 32 662 H9 427 103 115 57 33 96 24 8 34 324 146 19 1 44 35 237 15 16 36 267 3 181 37 126 6 1 3 38 854 46 213 US 34 39 664 35 256 14 9 225 40

~l48 28 41 t,046 26 416 204 42 65 {) 12 27 14 43 251 11 13 44 675 21 37 3 48 5 3 238 45 50 8 4 15 81 46 415 4 108 18 66 65 47 073 47 ) 6:l 24 63 48 5Q2 150 366 5 1 49 163 8 53 2 50

185 295 9 (; 14 51 171 157 67 6 128 .. 52 708 82 128 24 21 23 101 53 791 17 112 2 9 20 50 54 774 67 473 49 4H 47 55 3n7 10 },02tl 51 12 62 4 62 56 1,911 163 439 227 6 42 57 586 304 12\) 54 38 20 57 58 677 458 369 46 7 23 59 919 93 253 6 17 84 390 167 60 294 585 12 61 335 13 239 6 2 62 286 338 6 63 495 167 674 . 51 373 428 7 210 64 185 85 40 65 288 55 20 66 61 68 I 5 67 23~ 6 65 5 11 6 21 68 202 15 45 9 69 154 134 2 70 262 114 164 I) 71 508 · . 589 49 33 72 142 · . 157 4 44 .. 73 470 6 119 HS 58 2 74 100 43 .. 75 297 675 184 74 11 6 76 222 34 3 77 280 ·. 9 . . . . 2 1 78 222 ·. 170 79 282 ·. 43 3 .. .. 80 f09. StS7 253 .. 71 23 86 . 81

B-Baaic ScboQI. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panobayat. ~Libr.rie•• t-Post·OlBce. 252 , ...vtI.LAGE

Total number of. persons Literates enumerated Area .No'.. of ' Serial Name of village Thana in occupied ---.----. no. no. acres houses PerSOllS . Males Females Males Females

---.-- 1 2 3 '4 I) 6 7 8 \} ]0 ------~,,-...... '"------.. , ...-- ...... -~ .. P.·S.-MOHANIA

1 Piparia U,(L) 41 654 J4:0 8n:! 444 458 101 4- 2 Mehro 120 ...... 3')') 78 624 315 30n ~O 8 Moba.ra.kpur L 122 216 78 600 300 300 86 4 Akorhi 125 388 6H 547 276 271 53 /j Usari 126 819 113 780 401 388 J50 6 Anantpur 127 126 18 lJJ 50 r,f) lU :! 7 Sadatpur 128 ]30 11 7H 34- 45 "2 8 Kekrha 129 241 46 37:~ 181 J92 4B 9 Deokali .. 130 :J63 10H 670 :136 334 53 tlO Mohania. L, U, H(U) .. 131 1,285 267 1,:J79 707 672 282 72 11 Bospurwa 132 fin 1H9 1,517 774- 743 240 23 12 Dania.lpur Kurai 133 437 32 21H 117 102 38 13 Rtl,8ulpur Karmahri 134 3~~8 114 721 3tlO 3fH 41 4- 14 Bharkhn.r KaI'Inahri L,(L) 13fi ] ,42J 251 1,450 74:1 707 ;)15 I:H 15 Bhankhanpul' 1a6 225 13 82 42 40 14 I 16 Kurra. L.(L) 1:l8 636 87 603 :l44 :349 88 17 Doghara 140 351 37 232 121 111 28 1 18 Patti 141 131 9 62 44- 18 4 19 A Idahi 145 277 23 138 78 60 8 20 Hasanpure. 146 64 16 UH !)O 49 6 21 Bba.w8fJipur .. 147 44 2 15 7 8 1 22 Jigina 148 345 53 365 186 179 50 2'3 Lurparwa 149 384 :u 364 195 16» 36 24 Edilpur 150 113 16 110 00 60 7 25 Berra 1,51 467 31 195 IO!) 05 18 1 26 DUJnar pokhar 158 856 25 167 83 84- 22 27 Sia pokha.r 159 844- 61 434 220 214 28 28 Rajia Bandh 160 298 39 231 113 118 37 29 Tu}siplll' 162 136 26 165 86 79 28 3 30 Harakhpura. 163 74 } 31 Bamhe.ur khas U,(L) 165 1,083 171 1.140 586 554 120 20 32 Bamhaur Paure 166 577 60 491 234 257 71 18 33 Barahiya. 179 636 3 14 9 5 .)... 34 Barhupur U.M. O. 385 2,992 226 1,316 643 673 207 69 35 Sabijna. 395 212 15 79 45 34 10 36 Barko. Ko.tra 408 014 239 1.362 691 671 176 22 37 Katra Bahuara 409 :J39 17 160 73 87 6 3S KaTlD0 hari 411 726 ftl 396 207 18U 26 ....) 39 Baghni L 412 1.106 119 653 326 327 ,98 0 40 Ismailpur 414 60 » 40 19 21 41 Sakrauli 415 622 48 316 172 144 1.6 1 42 Telanga 416 534- 14 132 61 71 12 1 43 Kareariya. 417 249 15 128 73 55 8 44 Kaithiya 418 248 15 116 60 56 2 .Ii Chotka Katra U 419 239 103 66U 342 327 43 46 Binodpur 420 310 } .7 Naraura 421 481 3U 207 lQ5 102 20 '8 Semaria .. .. 422 380 17 94 50 44 4, .. '9 Lahuri bari 423 262 41 33' 157 177 63 t60 Mujan U 424 1,097 911i 1,309 675 634 104 6 , ' "' .. -.... "'.,.._,...~",.----- ...... ~.""""- kLower Primary Scho(>l. U-Upper Primai ScpO<.ll. M~Middle SO~OO'J H-High SchooL .(, )---Inatitution for Gitla .. U,trt:I",eto.-Urdu L.P.,,'Q'l'dq U.P. etc. 163 ITAmnca-'


Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes _.--.'_ ..... _ I. II. III. - IV. PersoIls (illeluding dependants) who derive their Cult.ivators CultivatoI's Cultivating Non- principal menns of livelihood frOID- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ----,_... _-, ...... --- Serial or tnainly or mainly and ownors of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and tJheir land; I)roduction Other

their their deptlluJants agrieultural (other than Commerce '1'ransportJ servio(>s dependallt.s dependants reut roceiveJ'~ eult.ivat,ion) a.nd and theiJ' miscellaneous dependant,s sources ---_. .------_... "' ... - ----,.-.. ~-. ]6 1 11 12 13 14 15 ------"'-_._-17 18 P.-S.-··MOHANIA

426 441 25 1 433 71 54 34 3 29 2 411) 145 2 4 34 3 284- lOa ]9 13 16 52 4 357 :l80 9 43 6 ,) ,.. 102 _, I 6 on R 2 7 291 IS fiO 3 5 6 8 4::n 151 1. 2 18 67 9 613 6) 272 1 115 110 58 149 10

144 M) 117 428 93 676 11 lUI 10 9 12 82 48 47H 45 24 43 13 M53 6 3~2 U2 24 33 110 14- 73 6 3 15 3n~ )!)4 3 87 8 3 65 16 119 U5 5 13 17 2J 41 1R t\3 55 Ht 85 ]4- 20

8 7 21 18~ 117 15 12 33 22 242 105 ]7 23 103 5 2 24 74 4 117 25 HI) 22 50 3 7 26 133 20 101 15 85 150 25 5 27 87 107 25 12 28 135 1 24- 1 4 r30 57R 207 209 5 10 6 35 31 201 87 168 2 8 2 23 32 14 33 800, 291 23 94 lOR 34 59 20 3n 762 92 471 1 13 32 31 36 3t 37 82 3 7 37 279 4 118 3S 420. 14- 162 30 13 14 39 31 {} 4O 96 107 101 . , n 3 41 101 31 .. 42 117 11 .. 48 45 71 44

581 . 26 111 1 {'S 46 120 40 34 18 47 63 31 48 190 16 12,9 ." 49 627 153 282 14 5S 85 90 50

B,...... Baaio School.' SB-Senior Basic School. S-SaD8ktit Pathshala. . G-Gram Panche,yat.-R-Li'brariea. t-P08t,.Oftlce. YILLAO.

Total num,ber of persona Literatea enumerated Area No. of Serial N &me of village Thana in ocoupied no. no. acres houses Persona Males Females Males Females.

1 2 3 4 I) 6 7 9 10 P .-S.-MOHANIA·-contil. 51 Do.l1dwas .. .. 426 887 124 833 413 420 97 U 62 Chhotki Kulho.t·io. •• 429 578 89 558 312 246 50 3 53 Barki Kulharia 430 424 J 54 Khajhra .. 431 339 27 105 55 50 13 1 65 Koshopur 432 320 47 340 106 174 27 l)6 Dis 4:i5 442 75 560 2~2 278 48 7 57 Sarai 437 470 J 58 Mankawatia. 439 268 45 364 l~() 178 60 ....) 59 Bhokhari 440 622 60 480 231 249 29 I 60 Khudar Gaura 441 128 I 70 [)01 240 261 55 1) 61 Gaura L 442 407 5 62 Bhstauli 443 286 35 107 57 50 21 2 63 Ka.tra L 445 48 239 1,312 658 054 176 22 64 Panserwa 446 24:l 60 432 215 217 41 5 65 Bhirkhaira 447 353 22 255 12!) 130 25 4 66 Baraitha 449 354 35 304 215 179 3 67 Ba.lahri .. 450 237 13 113 5U 54 10 208 lOt) 102 21 .) 68 Laria 451 220 25 "" 69 Lorpurwa .. 453 11 5 33 20 1:J 12 1 70 Sarai 454 272 25 198 92 lOts 8 71 Tekari 456 69 31) 223 126 97 34 72 Bhagirathpur L 459 168 12 98 56 42 29 12 73 Shondhi 461 368 53 350 189 161 2r..) 7 74 Torwa 462 121 14 125 73 52 10 75 MohammadpUT 46:J 304 26 209 III 98 23 6 76 Arrs. 465 452 42 234 116 118 13 77 Pannapur U,M. 466 415 115 693 342 351 UO 8 78 Dasati 468 715 57 382 186 196 45 7 79 Patilwa .. 469 361 19 113 53 60 10 1 80 Bahdaura 470 247 23 ]61 79 82 34 4- '.81 Baghni L 473 1,272 140 1,113 663 550 127 8 82 Ahinaum L .. 474 918 113 756 483 273 143 15 83 Turkaulia 475 156 35 225 125 100 66 8 84 Lakhmipur U 476 la3 26 173 92 81 52 11 85 PatserWa 477 106 37 211 100 III 36 86 Chordehra 482 192 10 67 28 39 3 87 Tikait.pur 483 130 3 Hi 7 ~ 8 1 88 Hamathpur 485 276 63 473 248 67 11 89 Sarahula L '90 390 39 287 145 ::g 43 3 .90 Bishunpura 493 110 34 191 93 .~8 45 2 tl Bhaluhi •. 497 294 21 164 88 76 6 1 92 Maricha ., 499 503 39 265 - 149 U6 32 93 Panrurampw' .. fi02 232 42 332 147 185 12 94 Chand.wa .• 503 264 I} 33 21 12 2 tIS Kabirajpur 501) 157 26 234 121 113 6 J. 96 Nawagawan 506 159 9 64 23 41 ~7 Dube DebAria 508 104 53 394 206 188 38 7 98 Tiwari Deharia LHO 104 11 65 36 30 13 1 99 Paure Debaria 511 245 30 2" 128 116 21 1 100 Rampur 512 226 28 181 95 92 24 . 3

L--Lower Primary School. U-Upper, 'Primary School. M.:...... Mlddle School.. ., . . H-Higb School. ( )-l.netAtuti9D for (lirla •. LU" UU, etc.-D.rci.u L. 1:\, U~u U. P. etc•. 265



Agricultural Classes Non.agricultural Clas@cs -----,-_._-- --- I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dl~pendallt8) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of lane! wholly labourers culti vaUng -.. ".. ---- - ·---.. ------·.. '··-Seriat or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned tlnd un-owned and their land; I'l'oduction Other their their dependants agrieultural (other t,ha.n Commerce 'rransport services depondant8 dependants rent receivers cultivation) and and their miseellaneous dependants sources ----_.•.. _--_._-_._ .•.. _-- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ._-----_.... -.. -.... -_._-_. P .·S.-MOHANIA-contrl. 513 14 175 39 73 10 In 259 22 224 20 36 f2 liB 101 4 54 230 4 31 7 55 247 2()U 1 35 3 57 264 Ion r58 271 59 127 10 9 4 59

, 223 4i} 186 31 14 ...0) {60 61 87 12 4 1 3 62 H82 111) 307 19 16 9R 75 63 240 61 Hi 5 {) 26 64 217 Ii 33 65 195 no 41 54 8 6 66 75 :·l7 1 67 78 .. 1:30 6S 30 :.'. 1 69 121 77 70

62 143 18 71 71 27 72 251 n5 1 3 73 llS 7 74 74 55 74 « 75 184 48 76 :194 3 18:~ 93 38 42 77 277 4: 82 19 78 20 93 79 1;}8 63 80

470 44 520 {) 45 7 ]3 ~I 331 17 232 62 32 8J 82 129 n 86 1 83 112 57 :l R4 128 88 85 67 86 15 87 152 IRO 52 an pO 88 166 121 89 167 24- 90 152 3 8 1 91 228 1 2n 5 5 92 189 :143 93 33 94 204 20 10 95 60 4: 96 277 113 97 62 8 98 UJ5 26 63 99 116 50 ),1 100 -_._---'-_ .. _---. ------_._--- B-B_o School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat.. , R---.,...Libraries. t-POIt... Oftioe.

'.. ,r 256


, ~. ~ ~, .....

Total number of persons Literates. e,nume.rated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana .in ocoupied no. no. houses \ Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 P .. S.-MOHANIA-concld.

101 Sa.mahura U 513 532 US 583 286 2U7 82 11 102 Khudra. .. 514 Ill) 9 40 19 21 1 103 Jatapur 515 213 36 235 126 ]00 21 H 104 Horilpul" .. 516 87 H 63 3n 27 lJ 105 Shukul Pipra 519 168 58 428 Hl4 234 3'">... 2 106 Adhwania 521 270 16 110 48 62 4 107 Misraulia 522 220 ti 36 HJ 16 6 108 Bairi 52a 237 34 251 112 Jan 17 109 Dadar 1.. 524 1.211 161 ~.Hl 483 47~ 50 3') 110 Paspipra 525 306 """ 179 U3 86 8 III Sukhpurwa 526 270 2:J 135 77 08 1:i 1 112 Pipra. G areri 527 233 7 54 :.w 28 ~} 113 Kathej U,M 528 ] ,210 180 ],368 671 697 40 4 114 Majhari L 529 H71l 171 1,077 !):J6 541 42 8 115 Mamade 530 n02 65 578 28:i 2Hf) 58 2 116 Sadawan 531 262 10 80 48 41 () 117 Gheghiya 532 618 n9 440 214 226 44 3 118 Bhundi Tekari 5:J:~ 320 :17 306 173 loa ill 4 119 J)arwltn 535 800 toO U5B 4U5 464 1~7 8 .) 120 Kanhiya 536 48 16 01 43 48 10 oJ 121 Anwari f137 313 102 flHU 376 :320 lOG 24 122 Barej L 538 740 U5 700 352 :J4S no 10 123 Amarpura L 530 360 124 714 344 370 7» 21 540 302 178 1,439 711 728 164 t124 Belaunri L ,.. .. 7 125 Kaurirarn l.. 541 504 84: 5H2 300 292 I I 218 215 13 .) 126 Pakhriha 542 563 58 4:33 "" 127 Nuthani 544 3~n 88 531 278 253 30 128 Dew ari a 545 368 40 250 123 127 4U I 129 Amethu 547 627 145 93H 451 488 108 2 130 Sarayan 548 100 9 51 31 20 14 131 Barka Sagt'a 549 442 38 261 136 125 6 132 Murharia. 550 243 37 213 110 103 48 9 133 "Patelwa .. 551. l:JO 40 254 124 130 23 1 134 Atraulia L .552 443 43 336 166 170 48 7 135 Kewrhi .. 553 230 40 22U 125 104 31 2 136 Bhitti L 555 353 109 853 421 432 no 3 137 Barhuli 557 369 45 371 188 1~3 59 3 138 Karigawan 558 234 65 349 180 1.69 46 4 139 Bhopatpuf 559 138 38 277 144 l33 37 3 140 Bhopatpur 563 171 42 286 153 ,; .. ]33 at 8 141 Pusa.uli .. U 564 486 85 686 339 3t7 46 6 142 Sha.hbazpur U 569 757 78 558 2UO 268 "1 P .• S.-RAMGARH - 1 Bhata.uni ·. 87 367 105 5!H 298 293 28 • • 2 Sangapur 88 317 31 261. 139 122 39 9 3 Baijnatb U 89 570 132 835 420 415 113 12 4r Gogbri ·. SJO .268 64 402 252 240 54 2 JS Bishunpura In 152 18 152 82 70 37 7 6 Chhatarpura 93 88 24 179 97 82 17 2 7 Debahalia L,M,(L) 94 473 205 ) ,444 722 722 145 76 8 Matiari · . 98 248 54 407 203 204 13 ·. 9 Bharheria .. 99 594 73 [n6 254 262 30 2 10 Kohraula. •• 102 354 33 22' 120 104 10 • •

L.....,Lower. PrimarY School., U~Upper' Primary School. M-Middle Sohool. H-Bigh .Scbool. . ( )-4n.tJtuiion for Girls.. LU, UU,eto.• -UrduL.P.• Ul'duU.P. etc. ," , 257



Agri cul t,ural Cla88~8 N on.agl'ieultural Classes

I. II. III. IV. PerBOIlS (ine1uding dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultiva.tors Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholl3r of land wholly labourers cultivat,ing ------Serial or mainly or mainly and ownerI'! of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land; Production OUler their their (I.opend ants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport, services depend an ts dependants rent rec~iver8 cultivatiou) and and t,heir miaeolJaneou8 dependants Rources ---_._--,--,...... _------... _._"' ... _------_"..... _-.. _------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I ----_._------... ,_,-_."------,---,,•. _,_--,--_. ----, -----_.. _,---.. _-.. _-_._",--- P .-S.·-MOHANIA- c01tcld.

373 6 11 101 35 102 125 7 HS 103 23 11 104 12H 41 18 105 l10 106 28 7 ]07 166 72 12 1 108 404 324 ]7 26 125 109 ]40 25 !) 2 7 llO

86 11 3B 111 3n Ui 112 6!l6 43 270 73 129 1 127 113 77!) 2R7 4 1 114 311l 166 8 13 115 65 24- 116 2'17 l\lH 14 117 2HO Hn 1 118 405 28 2·M) 28 172 81 119 16 5 67 3 120 2'H 32 lOR 37 184: 6 68 121 2f;2 12!) B7 4t) 60 22 30 38 122 ') 230 1]4 23~ OJ 67 27 2 40 123 501 117 514- 73 48 I8n 124. 2H7 20 140 1 22 59 53 125 IH3 22H 4 17 126 267 54 ] 83 10 17 127 10{} 12 114- 1 1 13 128 545 215 liU 3 129 51 130

115 8 131 7 131 105 33 7:' 132 lR2 31) 13 24 133 202 25 75 2 18 14 134 101 125 3 135 421 12 68 1Q4 181 17 50 136 288 25 42 4. 4 ! 8 137 183 7 28 56 4. 71 13S 203 57 16 1 139 216 35 15 20 140 338 149 4. 140 8 47 141 497 22 9 13 17 142 P.·S.-RAMGARH 502 37 20 31 1 1 169 92 2 486 2S 27~ I 14- 28 3 306 7H 83 5 If) 4 1+2 10 5 81 9 80 1 8 6 634 36 385 R 161 117 123 7 174 6 182 6 11 2 17 9 8 801 56 150 9 9 140 6 74 3 .. 1 10

B-Basic School. SB---Senior Basic School. S-Sawduit Pathahala. O-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-P08t-Oftlce. 258

VILLAGB :/', " ': :

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Are$ No, of Serial Name of village Thana. ill occU'pied no. no. a.cres houses Persons. Males Fenudos Malee Females',

------.~<~.,~~ ._---- 1 2 3 4 fj 6 7 8 U 10

I.) .·S.-RAMGARH-contcl.

11 Labedaha. 167 201 33 2HO 157 133 46 6 12 Ma.R&rhi .. 1.. 16U 367 151 996 518 478 184 17 13 Mera 171 248 21 170 85 Sf) 50 7 14 Labedahi 172 183 18 IOU 55 55 (S 15 Narhan L 173 610 130 020 484 43U 80 n 16 Sahula J76 88.1 220 1,528 777 751 171 ~J 17 Jamurna. (L) 178 308 75 684 369 :H5 52 10 18 Dahrak U 180 738 217 1,:i02 695 607 200 60 19 Mahuar .. 182 1,048 165 1,212 591) 61~ 164 23 20 Pachgain .. ) S·t 184 3U 238 JlU 110 4 21 Anantpur 185 :.'12 24- 146 70 76 27 :l 22 186 131 12 80 37 43 7 3 23 Sara L IHO 612 81 5fH 272 28H 98 ....,"" 1 24 'rarris. 191 245 40 at!) 177 168 58 1 25 Imlia 194 434 60 401 194 207 45 1 26 Jandaha Ma«rahi 195 161 30 l8s) 77 112 26 27 .randaha Mashrahi ]98 242 42 288 150 138 51 28 Nonar U 201 744 165 1,31 n 673 645 66 29 ARhai deh 20:1 278 26 244 120 118 36 3 30 Bhargawan L 201) 216 50 :~2!) ]80 140 62 4

Piparia 207 266 24- 180 83 !.I 7 J7 31 · . .) 4 27 ]8 0 32 Tilsara , . 208 86 - 33 Chhewari U 20H 397 1.71 695 302 333 1:l2 21 34 Lasrs. I .. 210 137 21 184- n9 Sf) 24 35 Khorahra 211 415 38 SOH 155 154- 28 4 36 Abhai deh 212 275 41 300 154 146 58 4 37 Bishunpura 213 274 25 51 2H 22 9 tas Ramgo,rh U.(L) 214 1,00:1 255 1,640 856 793 270 57 39 Gorsara (L) 215 496 140 1,176 580 596 225 25 40 Bandipur 216 461 110 818 422 306 83 4- 41 Akorhi · . 217 738 83 520 271 249 60 4- 42 Isri L 218 512 65 483 246 237 19 7 43 Jorar 219 662 62 472 263 209 38 44 Kbanethi 220 256 21 190 107 83 16 1 45 Balpur · . 225 40 IS 142 68 74 10 46 Narhnn 230 sin 12 03 55 38 14 47 Ant,e dih 232 162 48 370 101 179 23 4 48 Tire. 234- 571 ]56 017 50.5 412 31 .. 49 Akhalli .. L 235 1,034 265 ] ,491 681 810 191 1() 50 Jujharpur 236 4,06 27 16n 87 78 8 2

51 Mahro 237 129 25 187 86 101 11 52 Taraitha. L 230 952 103 932 480 452 76 16 53 Si_anra .• 241 799 167 1,084- 553 531 95 8 54 Surajpura 243 501 53 296 148 148 50 3 f} 55 Baaanp~ .245 242 69 34 35 12 56 Mapatpur J.. 246 330 65 353 166 187 32 80 57 Bhoganpur 247 122 10 71 32 39 58' Ga.lT. J.. 248 535 119 715 360 $61i 126 59 Ga.ira 249 222 44- 281 127 154 21 9 eo Mahartlia 250 488 88 1S3B 265 268 42 2

----'- L-Lower Priplary School. U-Upper Primary School. )I-Middle .School. . B-High Sc)lQOl. ( )-Inst,itution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L,-iP .• Urdu lJ. F. etc. 259 'rATlInos


Agricultural Classes N on.agricul tural Classes

I. II. III. IV. Persons ((including dependant8)------who derive their Cultivators Culti vators Cultivating Non­ principal meallil of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating ------.-______-Serial or mainly or mainly Hind owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their t,hoir dependants I\gricultural (other than Commer('c) Truns})ort aery ioos dependa.nts dep(mda.nts rent receivers (Iultivation) a.ud and their miSC(lllatl()OU8 dependants soul'ces ------_._--_._-_ .. _-----_ .. _----_... _- ._----,_ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 1 _",-- ~.--- .--.------.. - •. --.-.----.--~----.... ----~.-----..----- .__ -- P.·S.-RAMGARH-contd.

147 8 125 1... 2 7 11 316 230 331 , 45 :14 1 32 12 148 16 () 13 81 10 15 3 14 400 63 210 H' 43 6 15 74 ]5 700 r,2 438 I 42 .1 :18 13 44 16 445 :~9 200 17 703 23 241 64 (} U8 18 fHa 198 44~ 2 3 19 It2 96 20 121 12 2 4 6 21 ·12 36 ...o 22 408 137 6 10 23 20S 132 5 24 187 156 31 27 25 149 40 26 H)2 Uf) 27 84::' 277 129 8 If> 47 28 190 14 1 31 8 29 183 146 30 127 17 31 4 1 31 27 32 l)71 106 5 {) 4 33 151- 30 34 218 81 10 35 208 H2 36 18 33 .37 710 406 2 161 ]77 191 as 1.(J!)2 13 22 37 38 14- 39 468 27 IH2 30 ~H 70 4Q 268 226 17 1 S 4'l 174 141 74 1 12 44 1 36 4'2 250 36 165 .1 11 43 131 34 16 5 3 1 44 61 81 45 9!~ .. 4'6 199 40 lIn 4 6 47 2:-16 :l31 341 6 3 48 565 187 373 108 43 82 4: 129 49 37 6~ 51 4 4 50 IR7 51 559 330 221 21 '62, 637 93 249 50 11 27 58 269 10 17 ." .. '64 6·~ . . .11 •• 5 56 233 3 103 9 .•.. I) 56 66 [) ...... •.. 6'1. 464- 9 206 13 8 c'. .... 15 58 121 15 145 1)9 440 -1 75 2 7 60

l3-~_iQ School. SB""""Setl.ior Basio Bcbo()l. ·8-Sanskrit ·Pathshala. G·-Gra.m P anohayat. R -Librarjes. t-post.omoe. 260


Total numberof persons Lit,era.tes .. enumerated Area No. of 'Serial Name of village Thana. in oocupied ------.;.------.­ no. no. a.cres houses Persons Males

..... ~-~-.------.,~,---- 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 n 10

..... ,-~-..,_-".-..... -_.. _--- 9 -,-.,- P .-S.--RAMOARH-co:ltd.

61 Akolhi 21)2 728 4H 45:1 23:J 220 2~ 6 62 Ko.riram ., 253 362 49 455 233 2:>'2 28 0 63 Ja.itpur · . L 2:>4 792 135 773 :197 376 00 10 64 Bararhi · . 255 320 114 flS:' 341 344 40 65 Pajrawan L 257 1,367 28H l,H53 003 1,050 24H -I': 66 Noawau :>.61 4-39 185 1,18H 606 583 227 .) ... 67 Khudra ·. U 262 434- 68 3H8 lUf) 202 34 68 Gorsara · . 263 470 95 6SH 33~i 353 27 69 Chaprallg 265 23] 194- 1,174· 5:'3 621 ]31 ..')' 70 Bhatwa.tia 268 144- 23 14~ 76 72

71 Deoria 269 730 77 466 226 240 10 :! 72 Goriari 273 62 26 138 01 77 2:{ 73 Ewati 274 76t; 300 ',70n 849 860 146 S. 74 Sonbarsa. 277 327 28 162 6f} H3 ...., 7~ Sotwa. 278 426 4H 19i} !}5 104 20 2 76 Morath L 279 1.7Hi 222 1,296 650 637 8U H 77 MahiIa 280 412 80 581 29:~ 288 77 10· 78 Pariari 281 1,154- 26 ]81 OJ 90 17 2 7U Konhara 282 279 40 232 J14 II S 28 80 Khairanti 284 299 33 185 no us 7

81 ChandeHh L 287 1,021 117 672 328 :l44 105 ~ 82 Ka.mha.l'i 288 386 106 688 355 333 :~2 83 Sagra 28H 215 10 175 ,8·) .. oa JO 84 Banbahuaro, 2HO 841 3f} 251 124 127 12 85 Dumduma U,G 292 2,107 226 J,148 598 650 HW 70 86 Kurhani .. 293 ~~71 69 98 50 48 8 r... 87 Guria. 294 214 36 21;') 116 on 10 88 Mukhrawan U,(L) 295 3~347 312 2,028 1,04H U70 243 Jt) 89 'Kathaunra 297 133 46 263 18H 124 40 90 Bhatpurwa 300 12U 2H 203 103 toO 25 Sf Babuka bahuara L · . 301 331 62 523 263 260 124 92 Pandi(,pura 306 245 aJ 170 81 89 23 9S" Shivapur 308 370 22 199 108 HI 4- 94 Gars. G :UO 957 117 85J 461 300 J05 S 1'5 Anhari 311 746 72 490 257 242 70 »~ Chhatra Purwari 313 795 74- 482 260 222 !W 8"1 Kuchhila. .. U 314 1,555 267 1.64U 864 78;1 ) :12 98 Kota I .. 318 141 150 932 456 476 100 2 99 Chaubepul' 3Hl 84 35 196 106 90 34- 100 Gaur. ·. 321 259 22 280 126 154 17: let Sa~ur '322 982 80 300 158 142 40 11 102 Karam ari 323 1,230 87 423 215 208 82 103 Pafasi6 .. ·. ·. 324 84() 4J 182 108 74 34 104 Taiyan .. · . 325 !'7'l 37 233 118 115 12 2 105 Uprauli .. • • • • 326 347 :j8 286 154 132 44- 327 764 26H 268 106 Paikauli • e • • 94- 537 34 3 1.07 Ahiwa.1l8 .• • • • • 328 875 88 330 290 240 37 2 108 Beda:manohak I .• • • 329 406 94 480 260 230 95 8 lO9 Up.,lbyasagar e .• 331 304 20 100 '9 51 36 a 110 Sijhua .• - ... 332 1,365 1'5 779 393 386 86 6 L-Lower Primary Sohool. U~Upper 'Prim"1: Sebool. . M-:-Middle Sohool. H-High School. ( )-Institution fOl' Girls. U, UU,etc.-Urau :1... P., Urdu U.·P. etc. 261


Ln'ELIHOOD CLASSES ------.. -- Non-agrieultural ClaSBeR

1. II. III. IV. Porsons (including dependa.ntB) who derive their CuIt.ivators Cult,ivatofs Cultivating Non. principal means of livolihoorl from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers eult,ivating ---~ Serial or mainly or mainly mld owners of V. VI. VIJ. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and t·heir Jand, Prodll(~tioll Ot,her thoir their dopendElnts agJ·jcultural (other t.han Commel'('(' Traneport 80rvices dependantR df~pmHhl nt.s rent receivers eultivation) and and their mi8ctll1anoo118 depfllidants BOllrees --_._-----_.. .,._------.-~ --_._-_--- 11 1.2 ]3 14 15 10 17 ]8 1

P .-S-HAMGARH-contd. 358 H2 .. 3 61 363 78 14 62 153 29(l 123 141 45 2 13 63 492 148 20 H 16 64 1,375 46 339 Ml 47 85 65 353 83 270 121 225 122 66 811 72 15 67 333 58 223 16 12 44 68 458 61 ~F)8 126 211 2 :;g 69 94 34 13 7 70

422 3 •• ,n 71 94 8 36 .. 72 710 268 468 105 87 7 60 73 79 H\ 67 74- 85 35 73 6 75 ~12 228 f,76 99 52 20 76 221 127 19:1 6 17 17 77 165 2 9 5 78 97 11 114 4 79 140 4.1) 80

299 160 200 3 ') 8 81 367 201 120 82" 68 30 44 83 62 12 37 no 40 10 84 fi04 226 386 27 5 85 6t 1 33 St}. 152 H2 1 8': 1,394 48 305 47 2. 83 8S 200 12 'U 9 1 R9 203 no- 32!l 61 124 6 .. 3 9l 112 37 17 4 92 95 50 54: ·. • • US 554 23 l-ta • • 62 30 39 94 198 179 12l 1 Ol). 25!) 161 38 28 96· 540 37s} f>56 4 38 66 22 44 97 371 337 21U .. .' 1 98 127 27 42 • • 9n 213 63 1 3 lO()

202 60 3H • • 101 281 12 130 )02 66 9 107 loa 168 17 48 J04- ]55 106 20 3 2 105- 347 83 148 9 2 a 106 254 171 ~4 10 1 n 1 107 344 71 63 ·. 2 108 100 · . 109 .36 75 231 13 10 6 g 110

B-Basio School. SB-Seni.or Basio School. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram· .Pa.uehaYat. R-Libraries. t-Post-Qfftce. 262

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Sorial Name of village Thana. in occupied no. no. acres houses Males Females Males Females

._-_ ... _-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P .-S.-RAMGARH-roncld. III Kalani · L 333 487 164 U97 517 480 60 10 112 Thakura . (L) 335 1,064 142 H48 491 457 80 27 118 Dungurpura 340 162 19 164 68 06 IS 114: Sarbasipur 341 106 8' 50 23 27 f), 115 Kanhua. · . 342 507 36 223 114 109 30 ...0) 116 Darauli 345 586 ,67 485 262 223 64 117 Senisaray 347 219 10 80 50 30 1() 118 Bahpura :-451 281 J5 120 6H 51 12 119 Kishunpura 352 :J62 28 250 126 124 il3 1 120 Oriadih 353 227 26 161 101 60 17 ...0> 121 Alipur 354 272 21 186 87 9!) 12 2 122 Tenus. 1.1 355 207 25 200 101 108 10 123 Darwan surat IJ,M 3uS 1,176 242 1,107 5S:1 524 172 13 124 Sa-raya 361 349 22 150 72 78 19 4 125 Dhanal.1 tiya 362 308 27 197 110 ~7 4:~ 1 126 Kanpura 365 85 ]f) 141 66 75 23 4 127 Patkhaulia 368 247 42 180 00 no 10 1 ]28 Bagarhi · . .. L 370 40f} no 5:'W 284 246 ISO 20 129 Mush... 372 110 41 2Ha 146 147 H2 130 Pat'RotHmpur 373 ] 08 4A 260 123 137 3:J 5

131 No.thua 377 07 5 38 2!l 15 R 1 132 Mahuari 378 386 90 463 260 203 50 8 138 Upri 380 f)on 93 508 3fi2 246 80 3 134 BaJuwa :.181 240 ]2 82 40 42 18 3 135 Sultanpur 383 2H8 31 228 123 )05 71 15 136 Chandrauli 386 252 15 121 67 54 12 137 Barnna , . 3~8 152 68 a28 163 Hi5 fi6 () 138 S a.d u lIa.h pur 533 754 166 1,4 7:~ 756 717 138 4 139 Rewra. 170 246 2 20 ]0 10 3 140 Chakkupur 181 265 4 41 IH .....1)1) 10 5 141 Natwa 226 201 r, 36 20 16 142 Baraura U,M,(L) 227 682 368 2,001 1,009 902 270 41 143 Chint,amanpnr 238 254 46 2f1B 147 ]lH 37 144 Rampur 258 120 11 79 30 49 4 2 145 Badrlha 2.')0 477 124 874 417 457 67 1.2 146 Partabpur · . 260 211 38 201 104 97 14 2 147 Harakhpur Sandes 286 444 ]62 ],055 554 501 ]4 148 Ruhiya · . 344 141 19 1:J6 74 62 25 149 Chit.a.han 364 185 4 53 24 29 2 150 I..achhanpura 382 104 10 J42 70 72 22 P P .-S.-DURGAWATI 1 Jamurni .. ·. 1 480 57 486 249 187 85 r 2 Kulharia L 2 1,048 7:8 646 335 311 44 '1 3 Larma ·. 8 496 33 239 115 1.24 29 3 .. •. • • IS 174 15 77 36 .1 ,0 Khajura .. 7 930 72 634 276 .268 68 8 ,6 Sakbelipur ·. 12 143 18 86 42 44 9' J '1 Dhansarai 18 .267 .26 188 96 87 12 8 Pipri .. 14 299 26 169 sa ,14. ·. :(2.{) •• 9 Dharbar .. L .;. 15 981 79 '236 ,198 *' 85 11 16 (U 10 Khanpur . . " ·. ·186 "8 ·1'1' 109 28

L-Lower .Priroary School. U-Upper Primary 8ohool. M-Mid:dle School. H..;;;,.._High Sch()Ol. ( )-Inatitution £01' Girls. LU, UU, .to.~trrdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc.• 263 '.

~"Tq,"C8 I,

LIVIl;LIHOOD Cr• .A8Sl!:8 ------_.• _------Agricultural Classes Non-wgricult,ural Classcs .. ------.---~------_ _------_._--,,_. 1. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dopendant.s) who derive thoir Cultivators Cultivatot'S Cultivating Non­ principal mentis of' Hvelihood fl'om- of land wholly of Jand wholly labourers eulti vat-ing ------.-.. -_._--_----- Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. vn. VIII. 110. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Ot.hAI' their th(~ir dependants agricultural (other than Commerce TrAnsport servir.e~ dependants dependant-a fout rooeiv€lI'f.l cultivation) and and their m.iscollaneou8 dependants sources -----.. _--_. ._-_.__ ._-_._- 11 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

--~--.---- P.·S.--RAMQARH-concld.

615 2tl2 .. 74 35 16 ]11 Sf}7 121 41fl 5 112 132 2 30 113 45 .~ 114 164- 43 12 2 2 115 234 251 116 80 117 83 37 118 12A 8g 20 119 145 16 120

149 37 121 203 6 122 616 140 315 31 123 66 49 20 1 124- 1~4R 5H 125 122 lU 126 87 25 127 235 25n 20 128 160 133 129 224- 6 8 17 130 38 ·. .. . . 131 287 64 112 ·. • • 132 347 203 2!1 ·. 4 19 133 82 134: 106 106 7 135 121 136 207 118 3 137 830 257 334 7 24 1 20 138 20 139 41 .. 140 15 21 141 1,226 30 528 2 38 27 150 142 146 16 136 143 22 57 l44 554 72 203 36 9 145 185 16 146 432 532 40 20 31 147 R9 .. 34 13 148 53 149 121 11 10 ·. ·. 1.5() P.-S. DURGA\VATI 256 162 2 13 3 1 420 52 93 9 8 an 25 2 173 44 2 20 3 26 40 6 2 2 •• 1 , 322 . . 170 2 • • 4:0 6 80 ·. ·. 2 6 174 • • • • 9 7 152 5 6 • • 6 8 238 60 79 ]7 4 31 9 220 22 1 10

. B...... ;;Basic School. SB_,Senior Basic School. Pathsha.ta,. G--Gram PaDchayat. R--LibTaries. t ...-Pon.Offtee. VILLAGB

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied no. no. aores houses Persons Males F'emales Males Females

1 2 3 4 f) 6 7 8 10

P .-S.-DURGAW AT!·· --coned. 11 Bilkhori · 17 247 14· , 108 17 91 3 .. 12 Baruri . 19 890 82 605 313 292 6] 13 HarbaUabbpur 20 226 25 173 90 83 ](; 14 Chhawan .. U 21 6H2 09 637 322 315 62 19 15 I{urari 24 ],246 un 617 203 324 60 34 16 Bhanpur 25 315 29 198 10H 90 11 17 Bhel'iya .. L 26 1,179 108 786 445 341 147 32 18 Raghunathpur 27 124 7 4U 25 24- 2 19 Madhaura 28 160 39 297 148 15H 46 23 ]42 .20 Shohpur .. .' . 29 317 2U 272 130 10 10 '21 Shidhia ·. 30 350 15 82 3n 33 22 Manipur .. . 31 73 12 H4 50 44 2 23 Ruia · 32 481 :~O ]59 7:1 H6 4: 24 Ishipul' .. (L) 33 :i:l9 3U 236 11H 118 48 ]5 25 Goral' 34 4Hl 0[> 41H 205 214 47 1 .) 26 Machhanhata 35 445 4(S 2()1 144 117 00 "'" 27 Gosainsi pur 36 183 18 128 67 6J 15 28 Iaari U 38 733 H2 547 271 276 100 19 2U Ashoga .. 30 421 40 :170 188 182 :J7 4 30 Machhkhia (L), U 42 361 73 563 266 207 ~~J 16

-31 Madhopl.lf 43 218 20 154- 74- 80 ~l 32 Dhanipur 44 171 20 114 07 57 13 33 SariaWSIl .. 45 220 M) 42H 22.'5 204 28 2 -34 Khandhaura (L), U 46 9Il 114 U14 480 434 lJO 15 35 Kharkholi 47 343 27 237 121 IIfJ 35 .36 Bhadaini 48 97 IH 138 fJ4 74 37 Khal'sara 51 478 llH 781 385 3H6 09 1 38 Dhanichha (L), L 52 56n 173 1,194 604 500 272 26 39 Dharahl'a 53 405 68 3Hu 106 180 5:J 7 40 Rohua 54 221 30 182 05 87 13

4:1 Manoharpur 55 886 40 aa2 145 178 9 2 42 Ghahria tT, (L) 56 183 ] ,272 663 non 167 32 43 ltahi 57 238 40 353 186 167 35 2 ·44 Kot,sa 58 859 131 8tl5 462 40:1 45 45 Dasaunti 59 107 31 205 120 85 5 46 Chhata L,U flO 916 Ir;O 990 484 506 192 6 47 Mu,danpura 61 133 20 130 77 62 48 Ko.rari U 63 1,427 208 1,113 542 571 232 170 49 Jewari 66 550 85 598 324 274 7 .50 Pachlakhi L 67 730 59 512 270 242 6 AS 51 Bichhia 68 295 89 583 304 279 88 6 .62 Asurha .. 69 74 31 206 91 115 4 li3 Ataria .. 71 238 53 295 145 150 4: J>4 Misirpura 73 78 30 198 95 103 13 .. DO Kalhnian '74 5!l6 45 30() 142 158 1 .66 Kelyanpur U 75 444 257 1,650 836 814 340 sa .1)7 M.eJlBurpur 78 316 99 728 368 360 42 .68 Kripalpur 80 164 25 HH 93 88 2 .59 Dllmri .. L 81 643 164 1,137 523 614 116 20 -60 Nuawan •• 83 974 178 1,394 . 707 687 66 3-- L-Lower Prim~y Sohool. U-Upper Primary Sohool. M-.. Middle School. H-High Sohool. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. ...aaIIOI


Agricult!lMl, Cl8.88e8 Non.ugricultu'ral Ola&es

-~----,------"------"-.~------.--"-~-.------.,,----.. ----.-...". I, II. III. IV. Pel'8Qns (in.cluding dO}Jtlmlants) w}m deriv(>. tbeir Oultivat,ors Cultivatorg ,. Cultiva.ting NOll­ means _____. _____pl'ineipal .. _. _____of livelihood... _._.---.-- from- ,_. 8erlal, .. of land wholly of land wholly labourer8 eultivaHng or roait'lly or mainlv and o,,"ners of V. VI. V.n. VIII. :no. owned and un-owned a;ld t,heir land, }It'oduction OthN' their tbt'ir dependants agl'ieult.ural (other than Com meN'O Transport 8f'J'V i(.lOS dependants dependants rent J'BeeiVerfol cultivation) and and theil' m i SC'AUflt1BOUS dependants 80ureC6 _.,. ____ ., .. ______.... "..., ____ .. ____ ..... _.. ~ ___ ~, __ .______4_~._ .... __ ._· ___· ______.. ". ___ .___ .. '__ -.- ______---.,-..... -~~ -_ .... 18 1 .--.-~-- P.-S. -·-DtTRGAWATI .. ··cordd.

102 6 11 386 52 156 fi ;) 1 12 72 11 84- H 13 26() 20 31r) 20 J6 14- :lOll 68 IOn I) ~ 12 25 15 1Q6 47 45 16 628 ]06 :i 10 8H 17 4U 18 1.86 71) 2:! 10 19 J 15 114 4 4 7 20

20 :!4 3S 21 40 :!J 21 fi 7 22 147 lJ 7 23 lft3 7 6S fJ 4 24- 300 18 H3 » 3 2;) 172 1 ~~ 74 2 26 5~ 70 27 34:J 145 3t) 16 7 28 ]85 131 4A . , . f) 21. :WI) 252 6 31)

6n 30 64- 31 ~O If) 32 306 41 82 3:{ 468 114 404 tl 43 19 84 Hi!} 44 33 30 74 64 36 352 116 191 ...') 26 fi8 4 32 37 951 94 47 28 74 as 227 30 101 27 at} 92 13 57 13 2 fj 4V 19f' 121 .. I 12 41 612 42 260 3 32 184- I 138 4Z 347 6 43 625 122 66 52 .44- 106· 14 81 4- 46 538 02 237 18 47 58 46 ti3 42 23 11 47 789 150 46 73 65 48 598 49 .383 51 53 ~) 16 50

364 170 26 Ii lR 5.1 206 52 256 14 Ii 17 58 186 12 ll4 137 13 57 1 ~{ 4 12 7 57 55 813 39 393 12 60 128 19 192 tI6 439 142 70 ~ 2H 40 67 116 58 7 58 611 &2 296 18 81 151 5~} 718 75 412 " 50 53 86 eo

•••• H ____ ~ •• , -~~.------,.- - "'_ •• ~ ....._--- 'y ""_ ._ ...... ,._ ... 4. __ •.. -,···_· .... ·...... ,_· " ...... _ .~ .-~,.", ...... ,- ..... _. .. - B-Baaic School. 88--Senior BaS;(l School. S-Sankrit Pathshala. G-Oram Panoh~ra:t. R~·~~ Libraries. t~Post. Office. _ :, 1) 11) .,"_ , 266


\1'1 , I

Total "number of . persollS ." .Lite.rates enumerated Area No. of Serial Name of viUage Thana­ in occupied DQ. no. acres housee Persons· Males Females Males Female..

1 2 3 4 I) 6 7 8 9 10

P .-S.-DURQAWATI--concld. 61 Garhwa •. 84 126 15 87 40 47 8 62 Maaaurha. L 85 1,760 191 1,617 890 727 248 37 63 Kabilaspur (L), M,r.. 86 486 75 609 327 282 86 6-- 64 Gimhiyan 100 209 18 125 6U 56 28 ts 6iS Kasthari L,M 103 381 88 732 363 369 120 1 66 Udhpura .. 105 306 18 146 81 65 17 87 Sawath .. 108 1,161 193 1,300 682 618 74 2 68 Dahiawan 109 395 37 243 124 119 38 4 69 Darauli llO 280 72 636 314 322 59 4 70 Dahla 111 230 96 667 383 284 132 18 71 Chogra 112 313 36 273 138 1W5 30 24 72 J anardanpur (L), U 113 48 102 639 359 280 149 40 73 Anwarihiya L,M 115 1,195 69 670 343 327 90 12 74 Sonawan 116 224 30 254 141 113 40 3 75 Sarangpur 117 284 21 133 73 60 21 1 76 Karan ura L 118 1,256 209 1,349 666 683 211 25 77 Dirkhi1 i L 119 516 68 430 219 212 45 2 7S Khajuri Arazi L 10 71 169 1,601 820 781 78 2 79 Lain 154 154 50 212 115 97 22 1 P.-S.-KUDRA 1 Parsotimpur 373 198 16 77 45 32 2 Moba.npur 3S9 863 89 400 227 182 54 3 Salthua •• 390 2,202 185 840 430 410 121 4: Subdolpur 291 225 22 147 80 67 4 I) Salthua Bahura 392 255 19 90 41 49 6 Bajarha .. 393 409 39 20S 101 107 8 7 Sarmanpur 394 140 38 145 75 70 5 8 Rotechak 396 71 14 96 47 49 9 Harpur .. 397 215 63 347 167 180 36 10 Stlaundha 398 374 68 379 191 188 17 3 11 Bishunpura 399 254 49 253 124 129 42 4: 12 Dangri .. 400 231 48 370 183 187 23 13 Dahrori .. 401 261 19 121 74 47 13 14- Sosna· 402 646 25 244 123 121 27 2 15 Jagdisbpur U 403 302 147 605 291 314 37 16 Bamhanganwan L 404 244 34 189 91 98 17 17 Koethia .. 405 307 29 134 67 67 5 .. 18 Jagtapura 560 92 8 73 30 43 19 Cha.teyan 561 398 86 360 181 179 65 20 Bhelma •. 562 344 109 522 258 264: 50 21 Patokpura (Kagra) 665 163 22 100 52 48 14 22 Jolkhoria 566 216 49 184 92 92 25 1 23 Kharahana 567 899 85 488 255 233 94 24 Bhataulia .. 570 191 23 197 100 97 40 26 Baura ghat U 572 342 11 87 59 28 8 26 Sarodih 574 182 9 46 27 19 10 27 Dewaadehra 678 264 15 202 111 91 20 28 Chhatouna .. 579 218 12 95 . 45 50 16 1 29 Paochra .. 680 147 IS 139 59 80 8 1 30 Baahuntapur ISS2 112 8 60 33 27 i, ..

L-Lower Primary SchQol. U-Upper PrimU')' Sohool. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-u.nitution for Oir)s. LU, UU, eto._;.Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. etc. , 267


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ---"-,------Agricultural Classes' N on-agricult,ural C1a88(~8 ---_... _... _--- 1. II. III. IV. Persons ((including dependa.nts) who derjve t,heir Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- 'f • of la.nd wholly of land wholly la.bourers cultivating _...... '. _____--.----.. Ser1al or mainly or mu.inly and owners of V VI. VII. VIn, no. owned and un-owned and . their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Commerce Transport 80fIVic08 dependants dependants rent l'oCeiVf'l'H cultivat,ion) and and UlOiJ' misoollanoouB dependants sources ------_.. _--,-"... " ...... _-,--"-- .__:_---::--...... ~..,._,-.... ------11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 ]8 1

}) ,·S.-DURGAWAT l-con.clrl.

87 61 ] ,271 210 . 15 50 62 62 212 3 105 55 fi 94 135 63 100 2 23 64 484 172 lJ 65 65 127 6 1 ]2 66 820 8 332 7:! 57 6 67 ]20 37 58 28 68 2BI 28!l fi5 5 69 217 15 152 51 118 70 44- 70

208 65 7] 433 148 12 ::!9 7 to 72 30f) 48 lU4 4 17 7 ...) 89 73 110 13 24 15 17 75 74 31 17 59 3 7 11 5 75 805 375 :iO 80 IW 76 18H 4 140 17 62 12 77 1,207 70 148 3 ·48 SO .5 78 JOI 30 65 16 79 P.-S.-KUDHA 72 4 1 1 234 83 83 6 3 2 345 148 80 10 66 38 153 3 130 ]7 -I 58 32 5 16:J 9 35 1 6 !S5 28 51 6 5 7 77 12 7 8 193 15 139 9 359 a 7 10 10 167 56 ...,> 3 10 15 11 172 145 47 4 2 12 63 45 13 13 202 I 35 6 14 400 49 sa 17 36 20 15 125 2!l 36 , ... 3 16 109 21 4: 17 58 15 18 235 75 I 13 25 II 19 207 247 68 20

37 63 21 135 3 44 2 22 275 18 117 7 27 24- 23 192 1 4 24 42 43 2 25 46 , 26 202 27 92 3 28 100 39 29

54 6 ' • I ., .- • 30 'I,. " .. . "

1 .. , .... ~ ,'_ • " ..... - ... " ..... ~-- . , ~- .... _.....~~-".:.;:' ..::.--.- ..... ~ '.:~. -'.. - -,--~ .. ~ .. -.... -- _":-,.-'_'--- ...... -."... --:...... -,- -....,_-.__.._ ... -.-..

B-Basio &0001. SB-Senio,r Basic School. 8---..~a.n8krit .P at,hshala.. G-Gram Panchayat. R....-Libraries. t-Poet·Oftice. Tot81 number of 'persons Literates enumerated Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in oocupied no. I • . no. acres houses PerSOIlS Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .----10 P .-S.-KUDRA--co-nt(l.

31 OJ hauli a U • • 583 271 54 254 . 125 12f) 29 32 Taruhan ·. 584 151 22 182 96 J)6 23 33 Hasanpura . . ·. 585 226 22 191 97 94 23 34 Turki • • 587 635 98 599 H07 292 15 30 Dungri · . 588 458 38 188 IOO 88 ]9 36 Bastalwa. .. 589 317 22 180 02 88 IV 3"1 Pipra . · . 590 472 39 196 ]11 85 9 38 Kandehra 591 473 65 430 221 200 77 39 Phulli . L .. 592 648 115 755 382 378 130 11 40 Basahi 1)93 1,129 04 544 284 ·260 105 41 Sisaiar L 5U7 447 87 552 271 281 35 42 Pllrain4 600 445 38 237 123 114- 9 43 Amioura 601 236 14 07 54 43 44 Ghari 603 264 4{. 271 157 114 23 46 Sariawan 607 253 56 338 170 168 45 ,.6 Sonbarsa 609 327 30 181 91 BO 42 47 Dhaturh& 611 93 9 47 27 20 10 48 Bahuara .. .. 612 153 59 414 212 202 75 49 Nathya · . 614 1,050 127 614 287 327 65 1)0 Kakrahi 615 249 < 21 145 72 73 30 .51 Ajgharo. .. 616 389 86 444 220 224 34 4 .52 Ajghari 619 189 11 64 26 38 3 53 Awraiya .. 620 412 63 267 148 119 41 M Nadakhar 621 319 84 142 74 68 8 1)·5 Sanawan 622 371 50 292 146 146 8 66 Barna. 623 293 41 195 97 98 18 ' 57 Ghataw8D L 624 1,069 194 1,251 627 624 268 8 3S Bahera · . 625 776 163 989 484 505 87 aD Ba.daula U,G 626 454 lOS 1,114 553 561 129 60 Khanethi L 627 752 56 390 205 185 ·63

~l Gangralia .. 629 498 85 563 290 278 61 4: 62 Itahi 630 339 17 98 49 49 7 · 63 Ba.ine. 631 613 50 340 179 161 33 . 64 Keorhi · . U.G 632 906 120 940 472 4:68 145' 7 65 Kahua 633 106 5 41 24 17 9 66 Bhunarwa 635 ]03 40 266 139 127 22 67 Jaruha · . 637 200 23 185 ·82 103 34 68 Nimia 638 291 2) 164 79 85 l.B ~9 Bishnatmpur Likhia .. 639 190 4: -27 12 15 3 '70 Gajirhan · . 640 275 23 156 89 67 28 11 Asraulia 642 239 24 159 76 83 89 .2 12 Deorara L 643 761 221 1,542 • 773 769 7 ,. Naahaj · . L 644 435 189 1,347 658 689 168 7. Darbhana Patti 645 248 70 415 219 196 82 3 1$ Babhan janwa 646 70 53 239 ]24 115 47 22 1. AmauU". 647 192 5 51 27 24 9 ·. '7 Patkhu&1iya 648 22R 39 223 113 llO 3.0 7. Amirtha L ·. 649 492 . 87 668 323 335 67 ·.. fD Nathapl,ir .. 650 418 al 198 100 ~s !8 80 Bharancawan .. 651 277 27 245 181 IJ4: ·. • • •

L-Lower Ptimt\r)7 School. U-Upper·Pri... ..,. SchOol. 14~dle 'SOhool. . . . B~Bigh School. ( ~1'll8titation for ·Gilrla. LU, UlJ,.et(,,~tJid.' L 1'-.-, Urdu U. fl. ~.. ------~--,LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ...... _---_._------,------,._-_.- .. -.-.~.----.-----.. -.... ------Agricultural Cla.saea N on.agricul tura} Classes -,---'-_..;,.;_~---,--,,-,--...... __.._...-...;__------_.-._ ... _ I. II. ," III. IV. P~rson8 (including dopcll

271 8 135 19 114 5 41 157 80 42 47 50 43 119 139 13 44 173 7 132 11 I) 45 130 15 36 46 35 3 9 47 :~O:l 86 47 28 48 215 330 5 18 37 {} 49 89 7 39 10 50 257 48 138 1 51 48 14 1 1 52 116 In 116 .. 16 53 92 12 36 2 54 152 28 lI2 55 146 24 18 7 56 681 29 271 21 17 182 1 47 57 476 43 4:i2 1 34 3 5~ 644 17 324 60 37 32 59 251 , 13 96 6 24 60

273 14 188 18 19 51 61 85 ' 13 62 231 13 88 8 63 444 247 197 12 20 20 64 20 .21 66 184 24 29 12 16 I' 66 III 18 49 7 67 52 109 3 6SS 20 7 69 126 26 1 3 70 104 29 26 .. 71 928" 72 439 4 73 4: 1 21 72 857 81 446 13 73 178 3 234 ·. 74 72 . III 56 ., . 15 t ·. 22 8 12 9 76 88 . 3 126 . 6 71 402 27 91 57· 24 .. 57 78 109 .. 77 ·. 7 79 , ! 184. , " " ~ 61 50 • • 80 ------,------_._------...... ------,~. ------..-.. _-._ B-Basic School. SB-Senior ,Basic School. S--Sanakrit PatluJh•• G-Gram Pancbaya;t. !\;...... Libraries f-POSt-OBlce. 270 vli.LAGE

Tot~l n~mber .bf perSOIlS , enumerated Area No. of

no. no. acres. houses, 0 " .Persons Malee E'emales

' --.-.----~ ~---.-- .. .. -~-,., ,.. --~...... _." .. -.~ .. -~---__,.--- ..... ------_ ... ----.-'""...... - - .... - .. ------. -- ._._ ...... ,.-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H' n itl

... '_'-- .... ' __ .... --- _'--- .-. _".- .-...... -_ . .. '--'---"~ ,._ --~--., .... '_'---"'--'-- -."'... "----... ~-..... - ... -.... -. _--_ ---"'_"- -_ -- - -- _._ P .. S.-KUDRA-concld.

81. Chilbile 652 865 37 287 Hlb 152 4: • '0 82 Karman 653 657 87 725 s40 35B 4,7 ~ 83 Bazarkona 654 276 41 264 lal 133 88 1 84 Gajrarhi .. 656 346 8 73 at 42 • • 85 ,J'ohanabad L, L, M 657 1,359 737 4,945 2,6~2 2.293 82H 811 ., .) 86 Chakia . . 658 66 ..... 128 tJ. 74 ·, 87 Sak,ri U,G 659 637 228 1,343 684: 659 14:J 14... 88 Bhallia&ul& 660 564 62 450 290 220 91 I 89 Neoraa L 661 862 266 1,579 7S5 794- 180 90 Dihra L 663 744- 160 n54 .'78 476 95 8

91 Golodih 664: 535 24- 184 \'5 80 24 92 Tarhani 667 115 H 42 23 ]9 93 Haridaspur 668 151 8 83 45 38 94 Bagrba .. 669 221 4 26 14- 12 95 Pachpokhri 670 719 65 534- 826 308 80 1 96 Chan wakh 671 35H 10 165 77 88 8 97 Gurha 672 321 21 188 95 93 6 J 98 Mokaram 674 214 24- 120 6~ 52 II 99 Munjia 675 347 51 267 131 136 47 2 100 Chanrui .. 676 544 4,1 243 128 J 15 .. 3 4:


1 Barauna .. 221 353 65 304 164- 140 25 4- 2 Nibi 222 149 15 90 48 42 11 3 3 Naratpnr 240 114 31 218 114 lO4 23 Awaraha 241 175 9 89 46 43 8 "'5 Khenwa .. 243 409 119 641 321 320 84 )0 6 Katra 244- 2~}6 24- 209 lOS} 100 15 7 Umarpur .. 245 140 100 601 246 255 67 .....)~ 8 Vurhwalia 246 239 83 465 226 23li 49 J 9 Manihari L 247 828 162 937 477 460 46 3 10 Goraipur 248 366 127 763 376 887 56 2 11 Hariharpur 249 263 51 415 210 205 37 12 Ruppur L~U,M 250 362 232 1,251 604- 647 196 62 13 Rampur 252 370 71 309 196 203 38 3 14- Bagahi .. 253 190 28 156 76 80 to 15 Mirchawau L 255 1).11 114 639 313 326 43 16 Darauli L 256 375 137 762 387 375 81 17 Karmiohak 257 109 5~ 326 159 167 tJ 18 Kohari .. L 258 971 73 454 238 216 42 .. 20 19 Khaira khurd 259 76 73 390 196 194 ~9 29 Khaira .. 260 97 41 262 134- 128 1S6 21 Mithapur 263 105 In 90 55 44 11 22 Denawan 265 269 48 439 217 222 33 23 .Jigni L 266 1,029 114 665 340 325 S 24 Damodarpur 267 336 64 4.15 209 206 ~14. 9 23 Dumraith 268 574 164 1~071 543 . 528 ~1 8 26 Do~hra .. 269 156 12 50 26 24 ,I 27 No. haul 270 42Q 109 556 268 S~ .; ,til' 28 Chautbi 1 ';'.. . . 272' ·140 t} '50 ' " 2~.~ 25 1 29 Bhadari L ,,', 281 4;49' 147 763 SlI'6 397 118 12 80 NaraW8n 282 1,083 134 692 341 3tH 86 9

--,..-- ""'. L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-High Sohool. ( )-Institution for Girls. LU, UU,et,Q.-Urdu L.P., Urdu U.P. etc. 271

8TA!J,r1a. .' _,~~"~~------~~----~------,------,,------LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ---..,.._--- --'-'-"'-~~ .. _."""'""' ..... ----. - ---__ .__ ... -._------_..•. _-"---.------_. __ ._-- ....._ .-_. __ .. _,.. _ ...... _____ AgrrcultuTal Cllassee· . N on· agricultural C}t\886S --_------.__,..,_..- -.---' ---,,---_ .. _..... _. -- _._---_ .... __ ._---_---_._-----. __ .-._- .'-..• -~.----... -.-- I. II. Ill. IV. Persona (including dependants) who derive their C.1.Jltiv~ors Culti vators CuI thrating NOl')­ prineipal means of livelihood from-- of land Wholly u of land wholly labourers cultivating Serial or ~nly or mainly '~~d owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned ..~d un-ownod and. their la.nd, Product,ion Other thoir theil' dependant. agricuJ t,ural (other tha.n Commeree Transport services depend8~1~ dependants fPut rec,eivel'8 cultiva.tion) and and their mi8Cellaneou8

185 70 32 81 298 59 302 66 82 129 4 131 83 67 6 84 1,977 291 744 129 578 471 46 709 85 15 6 75 1 2 27 2 86 483 88 553 32 80 51 3 53 87 189 HilS 6 8 1 46 4 41 88 6152 16 593 76 156 86 89 342 8~ 511 12 90 23 86 75 91 22 20 92 71 12 93 21 () 94 300 n5 1 51 6 III 95 16 29 117 3 96 138 25 24 1 97 26 90 3 1 98 112 10 143 2 99 161 24 58 100


247 42 15 1 64 15 4 7' 2 144 71 3 3 67 22 4: 486 125 3 12 15 5 51 92 66 6 267 106 59 52 11 3 3 7 293 3 14 77 78 8 488 288 125 12 24 {} 400 352 5 2 4: 10 346 37 1 7 24 11 888 6 295 48 4: 10 ]2 199 190 4 6' 13 156 14 307 102 189 10 f) 22 15 164 288 5 107 76 4: 118 16 75 236 15 17 308 - 71 50 14 16 lR 191 137 4: 4 3 45 19 I.) 177 35 45 . ~ 20 87 9 3 21 .302 100 19 ~ . ]8 22 1>04 113 4: 8 22 14 23 300 24 71 20 24 857 57 64 47 12 34 25 42 8 26 545 11 27 50 28 358 322 49 7 Ill' 29 311 19 334 18 10 30 ", • " " I.

B-Bufo Sohool. SB-Senior- Beeic School.:·) S-Sanskrit PatJlshala. G-Grt.m .Panch.y'" B-Libr.,ies; t~08t.omce." . . ", ~ ': 1 VI1.LAGIt

Total number of pot'Sons Litt'ra( el> ' enum~r&tf~d . Arou No. of ,,' . Scl'jftl N arne of village Thana in oceupie

~_· .w ___ ,"'____ . __ ' ___ "" _,____ . __ .. -_..... ,_.- ___._. _,... ,,_01.~.-._ ...... ___··"., .._r ____,. ___ ..... __ , _____ ., , .. --~~ ... ~ ..... ,-.. ... - ...... _-- .._ ~------...... -., -- ...... -- - -- .. .) -- 1 ... 3 {) (S 7 H It J() "'_-'-'_''''--''''---'_''''''' ," .... _... _...... _.•. _, -_" -,.-.- _.,..... "-.. -.-.~ . - .---. .. ,.-.-_- .. _.. -..,....._;;"...... " ...... _ -- __ _------._--," --_ _-- _-- .-._ -_.,' .. _-, -.- P,-S. -·BHABUA--contd.

31 Namh&n 283 134 8 57 23 34 .1 32 Sedra. Nisf 285 154 14 144 7.1 7:1 17 33 Sedra 286 7J 2:-1 91 4{) 46 II 4 3. Auraiya. Dei 287 301 59 sot) 14() 166 58 4 35 Auraiya Dewa. 288 166 20 un 62 57 J 36 Dewarahiya 289 650 44 382 201 181 21 2 37 .Jamua.wl\n 292 H73 99 • 65:l a30 323 fiO 10 38 Mahaua .. 293 374 105 57H 283 21)0 [) 3D Dewarji khurd 296 66 27 ]26 68 58 (> 40 Dewarji kalan 353 325 5H 300 146 154 18 41 Noura 3.'>4 176 27 16ti 84 H2 12 ..., 42 Kurasan .. 3M; 9!W 226 ],177 605 572 100 43 Betri 357 1,009 228 1,146 588 5M3 161 J8 t 44 Mokri L 360 1,014 556 :~;214 1,577 .1.637 :J25 IH 45 Chorghati& 361 121 8 4H 22 24 46 Matar 362 389 41) 249 115 134 J2 8 47 Umapur U 364 572 132 72H 380 349 105 43 48 Tori 366 2,180 33 188 to;) 8:~ 86 Ir) 49 . khaure :374 IIH 63 336 167 J6H 4fi 3 50 :Sasa.lltpur L 375 201 64 at)4 177 127 39 7 51 Bhata.ulia 379 80 27 14U 7tl 7:J 52 Nimia. 380 54 6n 351 186 165 13 53 '!'t)ndua 381 132 14 III fHS 55 I) 1 54 Kathaura Khamari .. 382 86 11 72 41 31 4 55 Dullahpur 1.1,1\1 383 73 25 lU2 100 H2 70 56 J 801 tpur Kohua 386 85 40 21)() 116 140 41 24 57 Sabaj kundi 388 107 23 110 60 59 20 58 Arari 38H 110 37 201 101 100 I ;~ () 59 Debra 390 76 U 77 37 40 15 60 Shivpur Pannadehri 391 172 2H 144 70 74 18

61 Nawaga.wan 393 184 16 130 67 63 7 62 Darra.' .• - 394 58 2 10 4 6 :i 63 Bahuri 395 117 7 5:~ 27 26 7 64 Pararl 39f, 182 40 23:i ]40 93 15 65 Tekra. 307 19f' 25 14!) 72 77 21 66 Pihr&, 401 200 45 332 171 161 18 4 67 Mit'chi 402 164- 26 151 HI 60 21 l 68 Kasel' 404 304- 251 1,364- 697 667 108 30 69 Dheka.hri 40.') 64 1. 12 5 7 .,. 70 Jala.ibn.r 40(} " 76 20 171 83 88 8

71 Rajpul' 408 20:i 30 206 106 100 2 72 Bhaluhi .. 4-00 05 3 6 4- 2 3 73 Ur1a.iu " 410 232 49 288 151 137 31 74 ME' t,mciuar 411 28U 48 1.02 96 96 .8'9 75 Gobrach .. U 413 220 49 286 152 136 31 76 Pal'hauti 4J.4- 511 138 710 355 355 51 II 77 Parmalpul' 415 ]2,6 64 406 204- .202 12 78 Manikput' 416 ]79 21 160 86 74 9

79 K.hiri 417 288 32 177 86 9} .)1 6 t 80 Bbagwanpur M,l.. 418 243 334 1,811 910 90} t7.9 82

._-~.--~.-.,,--- ~ ,." ..•. .. _. ._.."' ..• ...... '--' ...... ". .... ,._._ __" ,.~.,.~.- .. - -, " ~--- -_ - __ ...... ,.__ -..... - .. -...... ----.... ---.. - ..,.--- .. --, ...- .. -, ... - ...... ---- L-I..ower Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-MiddJe School. '...

B-~H:igh--8ehoot· ..( '''')'-hrBtttution for Girl8~- liU, lJU, etc. .,_,jUrdu L ..P t , Urdu U. P. etc. 273 ITA TIS TI 08

L1VELUlOOD CLASSES ----~-.----~ .. -.----..._- ... -----,~-, .. "" ...... , .. --,.-- ..... ,~ ... --'--"--~-""'-'-'---,--- . __ .. _._ ... ,_._.-.... _,_ .. _--- -~.- ... --__ ...... __ ..... ,.. _- Agri(~ultural Classes N on.agrioultural ClaaBes --~'----"-" .. , ... " ...... __ ...... _, .. ,.... '---.-__ -_- ,-_, ~,~ .. ~- ._.--_---"' .... _._---. -__,....,'.. -.~- .. -~~--.. ---.. -.-~.----- 1. II. III. IV. Persons (including depeIldant.s) who derive t,heir Cultivators CultJivators Cu)t,ivu.ting NOIl- prineipal means of livelihood fl'oll1--- of land wholly \T of Iltnd wholl labourers eultlvut,ing --.-... -.~ -.. -.. ------".... ---.------.------... _ .. - .. _--- Soria,J or mainly or mainly' and ()wner~ of V. VI. Vll. VIII. :ao. owned a.nd un·owned and their land, Produot-ion Othol' their their d fI[lfmd ants agrinult,uJ'u,] (other than Com mcrce Tr'ftnspol't serviceiS depondant;s depnndants rent, r(loeiverf'l cuJt.ivation) and a.nd thoil' Iniscell fUlf30tllJ depelHhlnt~ sources .._----_.-._---.- .. ~------... ---_ . -- -.- --.-.. --~.----- 11 12 13 14 If> 16 17 Is 1 ...... -.. __ ... _-_ ..... -... _.. _.. _-._ .. -.-., .. - ---_-- -, ._--.. - .. _._-_._ ... _--_ ...... _---- .. _ .. ---.- .... ~ ----•. - ...__ ._,,_. __ .._--- - ...- P.·R ...~BHABUA-contd.

:i6 21 77 fSI 31 H9 ,) 32 101 3:1 4fi :14- 75 (i 4!l :H 34 "'K 35 12H H In7 }I) II ~W :16 ~Ht 3:{;; 6 4fl 14 467 :n 4- l2 :!:~ 14 HI) 46 3~ 3~ II q J:J:! '.1 4 n '. 1 ... 4:0 tHi 7:' 7 J)9H 15 4J 4B:~ 7 21 42 42 R2!l 14- I Wi 5H :38 04- 42 l,08H ;JflH J .15) 43 :WI 136 .2 137 4t- 10 :10 fj :!OH 4·5 as s 4B a57 J Of, Hil :,w :1:2 17 4 ')""_I 47 is ;~B l:U . , 4& 13t) 117 HB l:l 146 104 f)4 4H (in 6n HO (11 i~(j 8H 187 fit 4H B:l 53 4~1 3 H~ 2 H!I 54 ~w 4- 55 70 Ion 61- 16 <) r: 56 HO "- ..) 24 57 JOO HI 3 7 77 5~ 91 5V 5 48 60 79 flO 61 10 36 17 62 75 14:') .. 63 ., 4- H 64: llS 2H 65 135 1»6 1 6f~ 48 10 6] 17 fi 67 820 19B 151 11 {i7 3R 38 50 68 12 69 «7 .. 103 .. 1 70 135 03 , I 7. B 72 242 4n 73 78 4-0 J~ 3 10 ') 38 74- 190 ... 67 2(1 4: 1 4 7F. 174 516 20 76 236 60 60 41 fj 4 77 147 13 )07 78 70 79 7~4 ~2 236 25 128 334 26 18H 80

____...... ~ .. '". --_------_.,-...... ---- ..... ~ B-Basic School. SB-Senior BQ8j(~ School. S-San.sla·it Pathshala. G-Gra.m· Panchaya.t. H.-Libraries. t~--post·omce. 274


--_•• & -._------_... _----_------

1~otal number of persons enumera.ted Area. No. of Serial Name of village Thana in o.OQ:upied --'_..---- .. _ no. no. acres houses Persons Ma.les Females Males Females

-_ .. '-- '"'--'... .._-.-_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO -.~---. ------P .&S.-BHABUA-contd. 81 Bhaisahi ·. 421 129 6 58 27 31 3 82 Mesabi . 422 704 79 398 207 191 34 7 83 Saraia · 424 506 163 921 489 432 77 19 84 Gaura 425 73 13 114 58 56 I 85 Pabaria 427 537 40 225 116 109 9 86 Sbabpur .. 428 146 47 287 138 149 4 87 Palka .. 431 480 67 398 UH Ul7 25 2 88 Nibi 432 115 24 132 64 68 4 2 89 Diha kalan 434 287 3 21 12 9 1 90 Ausan ·. 435 279 45 328 167 161 4J 91 Gorb&n · . ·. 437 460 55 345 170 175 42 92 Dharhania 438 114 31 231 103 128 12 I 93 Sara.npur 439 448 57 401 201 200 22 2 94 Dumdum 441 MO 117 ~721 356 ':i65 70 95 Siu 443 556 281 1,562 771 801 224 22 96 Sbeopatti 444 192 29 198 95 103 25 4 97 Bhairopur 445 219 51 244 125 U9 50 98 Walipur 447 128 24 130 66 64 22 99 Henauha • • 448 124 9 64 84 30 12 100 Dadra ·. • • • • 449 301 67 372 188 184 58 101 Darwan • • ·. 450 175 16 116 55 61 4 102 Saitha • • • • ·. 453 806 89 605 313 292 45 3 103 Pochari • • • • 456 212 56 400 207 193 47 lo. Kosdehra ·. 457 233 35 202 96 107 27 105 Semaria .. 458 141 40 100 42 58 8 1 106 Dharampura ·. 4:59 79 24 117 53 64: 6 107 Sbeopur ·. 460 82 33 186 105 81 10 108 Sitbwa .. 465 217 36 211 104 107 15 109 B okhri 463 158 14 68 31 37 15 110 Karman 470 184 35 227 U8 109 10

111 Ghordedbehra 472 .205 16 96 49 4:7 24 • • 112 Harna tanr 473 204 34 172 87 86 15 113 Amarbi ·. 476 215 69 311 167 144 10 ·. 114 JaddupUr · . 477 96 48 225 101 124 2 116 Sikkra 478 391 17 99 47 52 1 116 Marha 479 198 15 84 40 44 7 117 Kurkarh 481 401 54 266 127 129 2 ·. 118 Pachgawan • • 483 357 66 895 200 195 31 1 119 Paugayan 485 114 21 ... 117 58 59 4: 120 Silauha · . 490 622 29 179 91 .88 18 183 7 46 20 121 Hasanpura ·. 493 26 8 • • 122 Korl .• • • 494 699 80 4:02 . 209 193 J.5 6 123 ltrladbupur • • • • 4:95 280 21 135 75 60 1,0 t124 Ekhl88pur U,L 497 1,434 856 3,633 1,759 1,87' 482 63 125 Sikhti L 498 880 278 1,28' 673 611 164 16 126 Bhikaa · . L 500 586 13' 576 289 287 86 ! 127 Datiawan L 503 623 139 784 390 394 1.11 a 128 Kaw8.l' L 504 656 179 922 495 427 165 129 Akri 505 222 45 236 112 124 . .2 ·. 130 Nauajboti · . 609 423 77 458 222 231 '5 • •

. L-Loyror Primary School. U-UppeJ' Primary School. K-Middle School. B-Higb School. ( )-IDStitution tor air.... LV, UV',eto.-Yidu L.l'., Urdu U. P. etc. 275


_____.~_,' __ ~ ___.___ ... "' __ ,...... ___.. __ .~_. __ , '.W_. ____. _._._ ~_._w ___ , ..... ,_,_._, ______.... , ". ''' __. __ .___ .__ .,,_. __ ... "'" Agricultural Classes N on-agrlCultural Classes

1. 11. III. IV. l>ersol1s (ineluding dependant.s) who derive" theil' Cuit.ivat.ors Cultivators Cultivating Non­ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating - - -.- - - HHrial or mainly or mainly ann owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and t.heir land, Production Ot.her' their their dt~pendants agl'ioul tUfal (other.' t,hn.n C()mmel'c('~ TranfolpoJ't sorvi(\es dependAnt,s dependants rent receivers cultivation) l,nd and their miscellunoous dependants RO\lJ'OeS

H 12 13 I'll 15 ]f) 17 18 1 ----... _.•.. __,_-- P.-S.--BHABUA-cont~J.

as) In 81 182 95 102 -4 i 82 467 158 110 84 ~:l 5 2 9 •• 17 84 2J6 H 85 H2 113 82 86 9» 48 201 40 [) 5 R7 28 2 102 88 4 17 89 263 21 15 ....) "27 90

32 :H:~ 91 121 75 n 1 92 101 28:l 4 10 93 251 424 18 12 16 94 553 10H tS28 127 lIS 1>")_- 95 160 1:1 2J 4 .) 8 96 176 ()S 97 n2 32 5 ns 40 24- 99 186 173 11 100

70 2» 4 4- 101 :lO5 22 230 4!S 102 144 16 ISl I 1 48 103 81 20 4 42 104 64- 3U 105 32 66 4 8 7 106 7~. H 80 3 (l 10 107 12i' :l 7H 1 lO~ !{B 4 If) !J 109 4 14,'} 4» l:? 17 llO

26 50 20 HI R9 21 60 1 1 112 187 40 37 [) 34 lU~ ]0 IU5 20 114 73 26 115 79 3 2 116 74- 61 106 Il 4 117 262 28 92 4 3 6 US 45 60 8 4 ·llS) llO 64 !) 12f} 36 10 121 201 HtO 2 « 3 122 64 70 1 ·123- 1,193 99 1.033 231 462 81 04... 4:40 J24 52ll 417 174- 74- 2H I 54 125- 295 2 217 54 H 126 397 40 283 H 8 20 27 127 468 372 23 30 29 128 130 91 6 ~) 129 180 92 175 16 32 8 130

... -.-•. -.~------". ---' B-Basi.e School. 'S13.--Seflior Basic SchOol. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-Gram Panchayat. .R_;.Libraries. t":"'P08t-Office. . 276

VILLAGB ------.. ------.... ----- ._ .. _------

Total number of persons enumerated No. of Serial Thana ill occupied· _.-- ... -.. ----... ---- .... --- '-'-'~ -.. - no. no. houses Persons M.ales Femalos Mal~8 }I'amales'

--.---. ...' ___ ~ ____...... _,._ ., ____. .-_, v~, __ , __ .• _ .. " ...... _ •• ____ • ,"___ ,. ~_.. _ •. _ .. _._ ...... ~_ ... _ ", ______." . ______._, _.~ _.__ ...... "_ . __ •• ' ,,_ .•_ •....~. ____.... _ .... __._. __ 1 2 3 4 6 7 10 -----_.. _-_. __ .---_.. _---- .. ~-.------.------. -- . _. - '_"-._-.- ._" ._ ..-. ,,_.. ~-.'-. ---_---- ""', -_ .. _.- -... -._ ,_" .--_. __ - P .·S.-·--BHABUA-· .. contd.

131 Daridih 511 183 59 388 204 L84 :16 182 Ruia 512 64B 101 647 :)35 31.2 101 H 133 Durnri 513 191 67 365 186 .179 U~ 4 134 Kunj 514 640 157 820 399 4~1 135 Chaudorja, 515 149 60 336 165 171 22 1 136 j{alaunj 516 270 49 250 J46 ]04 23 137 Baheri L 517 395 43 146 72 74 7 1 138 Samaria .. ,'520 176 24 ]32 66 60 10 139 SUri 522 262 30 100 92 U8 I 1 140 Bariagaw&n 523 192 17 106 45 UJ 1

141 Birhha.npul' 524 ll3 14 87 44 43 J4 142 Bhariagawan 525 374 .l30 723 347 376 59 1 143 Kusdihra 526 253 J7 14J SO 61 :lO 144 Dilippur .. 527 256 4 26 13 ]3 145 Shoopur u 529 826 49 310 145 1{)5 21 . 146 N'ibj 530 245 19 140 66 74 ::!6 ·3 147 Nibi kruall 531 158 Hi 90 50 40 S I 148 Ratwar L 535 722 105 748 380 :W8 80 ~o 149 Kiahunpur U 536 295 83 567 2H4 273 77 7 150 Sondihra 537 865 55 654 34U :301) 53 7 151 Bare L 539 1,264 ]24 700 348 352 109 50 152 Dihra 542 571 43 273 138 1~:J5 20 3 153 Banjaria 543 174 2 8 3 154 Parasia .. 544 668 48 2H5 1.54 141 34 1 155 Kynti .. 545 140 6 38 18 20 156 Jalalpur 548 222 19 96 49 47 157 Jigri Debra 549 290 45 226 flO 116 158 Sikthujari 550 449 259 146 113 159 Kamta .. 552 365 75 437 221 216 69 9 160 ltarhi 553 829 117 623 309 314 60 6

161 Machawan 554 891 40 557 295 262 60 1 162 Tia.raghat 556 343 14. 83 88 45 4 163 Asrahi 558 437 30 257 llO 148 38 2 161 Rampur 559 270 10 39 21 18 5 165' Patti 564 183 22 140 67 73 18 166 Nati 565 591 15 139 67 72 14 167 Doghra .. 56.6 238 28 228 123 103 33 168 Khanethi 567 513 13 9. '46 48 6 169 Hathia bandh 668 229 24 88 39 49 11 170 Bishunpura 569 116 11 83 ·46 37 9 1171 Bhainsloth 570 139 21 137 72 65 6 1 172 Bahuan .. 571 724 129 815 352 463 77 l 173 Bahera .. 575 269 36 218 116 102 35 . 174. Katbaura 676 147 97 144 71 73 2. 6 176 Bahuara. • U 677 165 65 9& 47 49 .2 17. Narayanpur 579 138 8 69 34 35 11 1 177 Bugith~ 580 81 11 78 37 41 3 485 226 259 20 ·. 178 Khanethi Gurdaa 581 371 31 ·.' 179 Parmalpur 582 4'0 45 21 24 • • 180 Rampur 583 112 27 193 9" 99 26 • •

L-Lower PrimtItI"Y School. U-Upper Primary' Sdlc>91. X-Middle School. B-High SchoOl. ( )-lJ1stitut~on for Gills. LV,~, etc.-Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P. eic. 277



• "-_, ...... _ •• ~_~_.-_ ...... '_ .~ __ • ___ ",_. ___ -_ -._,,' ... ___~_ •• ....._ ...... ~ _. ______.. ,', .... _ .• ~~ ... _____ ••'n_ ...... __ ~ ___ .... _ ~ __ • ______." , •••,,_, ...... __- __ .. ------~-...... --~--- Agricultural Classes N on-agricultural Classes -" .. - .. --- .. _ "...... ___._._--._._._-- - ... -.. ------.. ~-- I. II. III. IV. Persons (jncluding dependanta) who d~rivo th(~ir CultivAtors Cultiva.tors Cultivating NOll-" prirwipaJ nWttnR of livelihood from-- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating St.~rjal or mainly or ma.inly and owners of v. V L VII. VIII. 110. owned and ull-owned und their lalld. PJ'oductiOlI Ot,hor their their dt~pondant.R agricul tural (other t,han Con\n\(~l'el'l 'frl\,uspol't, fmrvi COB dependants depCllda,fltli ,'(.lIlt rHceivenl (mlt,ivntion) and u,nd their 1 niscollaneOllS dflpenciants HOUJ'ces

__... ·' .... ~_"L-"' .• ___~ ___ ..·•·· ____ , .... ~ .. ____ .,_...... _ _._ -_, - _.. ---.. • ,.._----~-- ....y •• ------._--,_._--...... ". __ .--_. __•• _._ •••• --."" ... _._ ._---_ .. __ ..... _.... _.. _._ ..,." .... ,_------11 12 1 :J 14 15 16 17 18 1

_____• ______4 __

, ,- --~'.- ' ,,_. ---~---- ,- .._, ------.~ ', - ._ ...... -"-'~- --_...... -. _"_,, ------_...... -._--- .. _------._-_._- ... -.. --...... -.. _.. ---- ._-...... _---._, ...... -----...._--~ . P.-S.-·-BHABUA--··cmlt

tR4 2H lfia 1 3 IS 131 :JH7 16 153 12 2!l !) 4H 132 218 50 77 17 3 13:1 =~78 Rl W4 17 37 14 H!J 13·1- IHA J3R 135 100 50 (is IS S 136 02 ...') tlO 4 I{) .....) 137 U:J 20 lB 138 II H 57 15 .13~, II 1 HO 4 14·0

55 24 H 141 310 7 :~2[) 41 23 1:1 4 142 :i 1 52 4!) 4 5 143 20 144 174 6 l:~O .145 5H 77 4 14H 23 10 !)6 1 147 323 224 4- 13 l~ I L65 14H 186 ,')2 204- 66 10 49 149 331 63 :.!43 !) 4 8 150

:J60 154 22 :31 7 9 117 151 117 138 18 152 8 153 165 115 15 154 38 155 59 36 1 156 64 48 114 157 157 102 158 !!45 20 138 5 21 8 159 401 203 19 160

353 5 180 10 161 50 $} 2" 162 139 119 163 12 27 164 41 99 165 70 {>5 5 166 141 68 7 10 167 48 24 22 )68 32 4 32 10 10 169 70 1 9 2 1 170

47 48 " , . 171 218 39 {) ~24 S 16 30 172 9S 7,,> 80 0 1 10 173 86 26 2 10 20 17. 41 30 25 • ! 175 68 I , . 176 41 37 177 272 34 122 18 28 16 178 41 4. 17Q 130 1 57 , , 1 4 180

B-Baaie Sohool. SB-Senior . Basic School. . S-Sanskrit Pathshala. G-'Qram Panchayat. R__;t.. ibraries. t...... :..Post· Oftlce. 278

VILLA~B" , '

Total number of peHons Literates cnunu)l·a.ted Area No. of -Serial Name of village Thana , in oocupied no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Males FemaleS'-

------,.. '---- 1 2 8 4: 5 6 7 9 ,------8 ----_._-----,.10 P.-S.-BHABUA--eontd.

181 Saunrubhi 584 193 19 115 6J 54 4 182 Kanpara 586 198 52 245 135 110 100 183 Miria u ,')87 7nO 163 894 471 423 gt) 12 184 Sarwa 588 152 50 233 112 ] 2] 38 .,... 185 Chot,ka Kir 589 407 24 119 63 56 4 186 Barku. Kir 500 526 11 610 295 :~24 61 187 Tamarh .. 5Bl 668 44 434 230 204 ...0) 188 H.a.mpUl' 502 7!J 3 14 8 tl 189 Tamari 594 309 54 270 144 132 ...0) 190 Souhan .. u 596 832 154 87:1 422 451 H2

191 Barhuli 603 190 33 270 131 ] :JU fi7 192 Pranptu' 604 157 30 12 18 () 193 Dhourih 605 230 34 120 01 5H 11 1 194 Manchahalpur 606 245 44 211 In3 10H 20 4 195 Begudah 607 74 ~ 32 16 Hi 3 196 Mahuari 1. 608 545 121 624 :~12 312 90 197 Harnathpur 609 213 16 70 43 27 2 ... ')') 198 J agdishpur 611 102 I 4!) 2:1 3 199 Sagar 612 382 11 78 30-- 3U )2 200 Sathri 613 159 27 136 69 67 5

201 Samra 614 148 Of) 284 144- 140 20 202 Sadiquerai 616 216 28 156 86 70 11 203 HarIa L,G 717 530 73 S6n 198 171 43 204 Rawa.n .. 618 157 ... ., 108 57 51 lfi 205 Rehi 619 151 ""23 116 62 54 22 206 Baghi 620 183 38 207 15n 4g 10 207 J age Barwan u 622 787 116 584 270 314 53 208 Khormabad 623 195 13 55 30 25 6 2()9 Karaundih 624- 522 56 280 132 148 17 210 Paiyan .. 625 102 25 139 76 63 7

211 Barka Deharwan 627 II7 15 8!l 45 44 4 212 ("'hotka Deharwau 628 65 12 85 39 4tJ 16 J() 213 Kukurhi .. 629 343 43 202 99 103 o • 214 Tarhani ... 630 582 80 440 236 204 7t; 215 Karwai 632 132 28 164 7R 86 7 216 Akhori 63:l 374 27 187 98 8H 40 3 217 Warlar' .. 634 1,240 164 SfW 461 42H III J() 218 Belhari .. 1. 635 238 28 138 62 76 r; 2Ut Mahuat .. 63n 633 58 367 188 J70 14 220 Madanpura 637 tIl 16 117 fJ7 1;0 16

221 Ekauni .. 638 299 44 2HO 129 161 17 222 Khaira .. 642 133 10 65 30 35 3 .. , 223 Barka Kaghar 643 28fl 33 204 103 101 12 224 'Pian 662 374- 7:~ 487 241 246 53 225 BaJua 666 268 ]0 108 54 54 9 226 Alipur 671 265 33 225 US 107 55 227 Sandalpur 672 38 3 33 12 21 ]

228 Amarho, . 0 673 UH 24 199 US 106 7 229 :-Jam aria o. 674 122 40 330 ·j63 167 8 1

230 Pokhara. 0 L 675 132 40 204 98 106 61 ... 1 '.' >

L-Lower l)rimary School. U.:-Upper Primary SohJol. }I-Middle School. '. . H-High School. (, ,):-Inst:tution for Oilis. LU.. UU, ett'.-Utdu ·.L. rp.;' UWlb U:~. etc. t. " , " ,t., ~ 279



Agricultural ClaASeB N on-~ioult.\1l'8. Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (inoluding dependanta) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal means of livelihood from- of lind wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VIl VITI. no. owned and un-owned and their land, Production Other their their dependants agricultural (other than Conunerce Transport services dependants dependants rent receivers cultivation) and and their miscellaneous dependants sources 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P.-S.-BHABU A--con/,d. 75 5 25 10 UH 150 H:J :~ 182 a81 175 IO:l 1" 122 53 3 37 183 105 4 H5 3 15 11 184 105 14- 185 306 186 16 28 :n 52 186 231 4H 133 o.n 19 187 8 2 I 3 188 152 115 n 189 450 21 327 22 19 34 190

14-0 :lO 8f) 6 8 1 ISH 5 15 10 192 66 54 193 106 If) 86 4) () 104- 31 1 195 40f) 45 125 ....() 5 42 In6 It} 30 21 IH7 17 28 108 5 33 40 ]99 107 23 6 200

120 28 I!H :l 2 201 64- 20 67 2 1 2 202 183 13 171 .,.) 203 55 24 23 204 49 43 15 6 3 ... 205 106 11 206 205 34 234 7 • 37 49 18 207 10 45 208 80 96 83 6 8 6 1 209 78 31 27 · . 3 210 14 36 SH 211 42 34 9 212- 115 4 75 8 213 216 17 139 39 8 3 18 214 111 8 45 215 ]41 22 18 2 4 216 468 148 167 6 28 19 l~. 42 217 80 26 27 I 1 1 2 218 228 12 103 .. 10 ·. 14 219 68 49 .. 220 228 1 60 1 221 36 14 lti ·. 222 170 31 I 1 1 .. 223 '4:2 16 91 3 13 22 224 64 43 1 225 183 42 226 33 .. 227 III 78 10 ·. 228 182 64 131 3 229 163 '24 15 230

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic School. S-Sanskrit Pathahala. G-.-Gram Poohayat. R-Libraries. t-Poat·Oftlce. 280


Total nun1 ber of personR J.Jiterates enumerated Area. No. of N &lnEt of village Thana in occupied ------.-,-.-~ .. "_. ---,-.-~- .. ---- no. 'anres houses P~rAons Males 'Females MalePl Farnalt,@!

, .. ••• _., •• __ .... _...... -_____...... ,' ..... _ ~ ....__ • ____~_ ...... "_, ____ 0- --.,-... -,. ... ~ 1 2 3 !) 6 7 ~ 0 10 --_ .. _-. " ,. ~ .... ".. , .. __.._------"'" _" ._" -"-----+- - ...... ' '''-"- ---".------P.-S,---BH AnUA- - ("mid,

.231 Rampur 677' JOn {, {'9 :.?H 3J r, 232 Sukulpurwa L 678 92 :l5 J76 84 !j :? U. 233 Chitarhj 67H 91} nJ 70 36 ,(3 :! 234 SonharSu, 68:~ )a:J 22 162 104 f)R 12 235 Pat,na. 684 6f) .5" -... 287 152 13fi an 236 Panail J~ngli8h 685 243 , 58 27 :u 7 237 Kargain (iS7 844 50 307 151 156 22 238 Barka g'nwan 688 64 127 7fin 37S :177 on 239 Chot~ka Darwau Bill J42 2 S [) 3 I 2.0 Barko. Dat'wan (m2 101 .. n 242 122 120 I:'

241 Nawadih 694 274 2;') 151 6~ S:l .. 242 Dubauli · . 696 S7 H US 37 3) I 243 Kukurha 697 Sf) 4-4 253 132 12J 12 24-4 Thiloin , . 699 602 :H :~Ol 1;')3 148 3!~., 245 Dubauli ' . 700 15~ 10 5J 26 21) ,;.. 246 Siswar 70] ;;]3 55 376 181 19{) 37 247 Parasarampul,' 703 Of) 15 88 44- 44 4- 248 Lilapur 705 123 14- 107 50 57 ]2 249 Sheopur 710 383 143 1,001 (97 504 l!W ~f) 260 Tenua 712 4-83 73 41)3 21H 2:l4 24 .,

251 Dhapokhar 713 200 t) 1. 358 , Sf.; 172 35 252 Kurll,ri L 714 643 86 ROO 3nn .. 01 104- 253 Miaja 717 242 3:J 237 12J 1I6 .15 254 Pali 7J8 326 44 243 lUi 128 Jri 255' Majhganwa. 71.9 107 9 65 30 35 256 Zalalpur ,. 720 272 3) 207 104- 103 1 257 Bhaluhan 721 11~ 31 325 161 1.64- ....) 258 Lilli 723 185 4H 192 lOR 84- 17 I 259 Damodarpur 727 121 24 133 68 af) 11 1:-J 260 Banauli · . 720 169 2:~ 20!:; 87 1I5 10 261 Buni U,14 730 ,198 55 269 150 llO 56 27 262 Gangapul' 731 100 17 131 65 66 20 - 26:~ Chandrudean 732 un 10 75 34 41 15 264 Tetihan 734 92 5 40 24- 16 11 265 Akorhi . " 7a}) '647 ]42 798 429 369 127 266 Itawan · . 736 Vj2 20 138 67 71 17 26~ Sona.ra , . 737 104 21 174 78 g{) 13 J 268 Karaunda 738 209 20 163 82 81 27 260 Belawan ,. 73n 7]7 92 5H6 318 278 71 270· R&mpur 740 1~3 26 137 78 M}

271 . Baauhari 74] 433 26 ISO 03 87 8 I 272 Chemariaw8rn 742 225 22 152 77 75 IS 273 Ekauni · . 744 t 3] 2 38 ISO 100 80 19 2' 27. GOlllJ.pur 745 6a 8 64 86 28 it 275 Ba.hel'a 746 130 7 58 25 .28 7 · . . , .27~ Madhopur .. 747 102 22 135 73 62 23 ·277, Maidan k.hurd .. ' 750 93 17 119 56 6S J 278, Maidan kala.n 751 197 12 72 38 34- » 279 MiuH Hukharipur 752 768 154 8]5 '48 867 113 I) 280 RudtlJ'wQ.r kalan 753 541 80 570 288 282 15 1

...... ,..~.-_...... L-Lower Prim6l'Y School. U-Upper, Pnmari .school. 1f··-Mid,dle School. a-High School .. ( )-·-lnetitution for Girls.. ,'. U, tJU, etc.-Urdu L.t P., Udru U. p, etc. 281


LIVELmOOD CLASSES ---_-Agrioultrurai CiaeKe8 Non-agricultural Classes ---- I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependantl8) who deri:ve thei.. Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principal meanA of livelihood from- of .lanci wholly of land wholly labourers cuIt.ivnting Serial or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and their land. Production Other their their dependant.s agricultural (ot.her than Commerce Transport services depenoants dependu,nts rent re~eivorB cultivation) and and their misoellaneous dependants sources

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ---,.,,_'..... -, .... _- P.-S.-BHAHUA-contd.

IlH 2:.n 7-t :'.6 70 f) 232 35 44 2:{:l 139 23 234- 241 4H 231) 14 44 236 209 If) R~ 1 237 511 14 ; 3S :n .. IR 2:i8 5 :l 239 .) fI~ 1i lUI H - 240 67 :~:~ :l~ 2 17 24J 40 a 2!l 242 17;' 60 fi J :~ 243 !4(} !lH 57 244 20 3t 245 14K :W 202 246 ~() ;')8 24-7 107 248 fi:~O ;, 226 60 77 »4 249 :!()l () 20n 37 2flO

172 4 1 H7 84 ... 251 :~64· 20 l7H a 115 f)H 61 252 161 S If) 4H 4 253 111 :!o ) J 2 254 ~6 14 15 25;) 17~ 24 () 256 148 no 74 2 il 257 tOO 8R 2 -2 258 9H n 2A 250 187 '.' 14 1 260 223 3 30 1 1 11 261 61 5 65 262 44 31 . ; 263 38 2 264 543 149 4[) 25 :16 265 120 R J 266 18 47 106 I)- 1 207 92 60 11 . , 268 485 36. 69 6 26~ ]21 . J 6 270 72 29 79 .. 271 152 .. 272 ",- 58 273 122 • j I ~ ' 64 '.' .. I 274 53 '. j. 275 44 01 276 40 .. 7n 277 IS 5:\ . , 6 278 370 . '.360 6 23 56 27U 192 1'Q6 288 14 12 :. 4 280

...... :-- ... -----,-" ,,- ",.. , ,. ""..... ___ ...'~-.....--- ... -.-.-- B-Baaic School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S--Sauskrit Pa.thshala. G·....:;.Qr&m. ;Panohayat. :a --Libraries. t--Post·Oftlee. , .. • j ., 282


Total number of pel'BOnS enumerat.ed Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in oc~upied no. no. acres houses PersoIls .Male~ Females Males }."ernalea

------,,-- 1 2 3 4 (> 6 7 8 9 10

P .·S.-BHABUA-c~ntd .

.281 Nawagawan 754 79 26 1 :10 62 68 4 282 Hudarwar khurd 756 114 21 178 90 88 H 1 .) 283 Dharwar 758 116 Hi 101 5r, 4H 4J 284 Ora 7UO 406 53 265 13H 127 28 285 Katkarl\ .. 761 271 !H 231 12R 10:~ H 286 SUlldri 762 46 6 41 20 15 287 Chake Dehra .. 764 244- 24 1J4 OJ 53 12 288 Gho8& 76f) 225 22 11 :J 54 50 289 Ka.sturisa.rai 766 40 7 46 ;!6 21 4 290 Sisaundha 767 125 .5 20 H 11 8 I

291 .La.hI's 768 104 H 41 :!O 21 1 .1 .) 292 Dubauli .. 70n 232 32 2:37 ))4 123 26

L-Lo"et Primary School. U-Upper Primary School. M-Middle School. H-Bigb School. ( )-lnatitution for G.irls. LU, .UU, etc.-Urdu L. P., 'Urdu U. P., etc. 283.



Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependants) who derive their Cultivators Cultivators Cultivating Non- principa.l means of livelillood frem- of land wholly of land wholly labourers cultivating Seria.l or mainly or mainly and owners of V. VI. VII. VIIT. no. owned and un-owned und tht>ir land, Production Oth~r theil' their dependants agricultnraJ (other than Commerco Transport stJl'viees df.'lpenciants dependants ront roeoi VOl'S cultivation) and nnd t.heir miseellaneous dependant,s 80urO{~S

11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 P .-S.··-llHABUA -contd.

120 !I I 281 Hr, 113 282 7t) 10 7 IS 283 67 1H5 3 21S4 142 I.~') _ 7 285 2" 2 10 1 286 30 41 :l3 4 (; 287 45 40 I 3 If'i 2R8 39 ;) 2 289 1 2 10 ~ 290

i) ::w 6 291 148 2H 61 202 ~!f)O 50 107 :1 i~ :12 6 293 2ti 44 J 294 2:J~; r; 145 4- If) 125 4 I·Hi 296 IJ.J. 40 2U6 161 ;)f) 77 2!:J7 6-,I l{ 6;"> 21 298 :no 4 (Sf) .)... If} Of) IH 299 1:10 7 34 1 15 7 300

04- 8~.) 7 18 i') 301 25 31 U8 302 87 4 21 69 17 ~ 303 ::Jfi 304 166 43 9J 305 80 35 72 7 306 7U 1H ~~ 307 78 !!S 74 10 308 ]~ 3(){J 163 4:l 1 2 310

156 s 414 4 33 3H 311 131 4 21 HU 17 2 :U2 139 46 4 313 71 25 314 82 62 13 315 79 4 4 316 525 18H sa 26 1.6 317 74 85 » 217 3IS 245 5 55 3 10 W 54 319 III 10 250 1 17 4. 320

209 84 )0 l(S 321 11 .. 322 204 50 4 3 4 323 229 57 3 1 324 250 11 191 37 18 43 8....9 325 197 6 a 326 43 :l 327 82 8 32,8 109 40. 1 1 32'9 388 162 88 lU 4 830

B-Basic School. SB-Senior Basic Sohool. S-Sanskrit Pathshala. . G--Gram Pl'n'Ch8lf8t . , R,_,..,Libraries, t -Pllst·Oftlge. .. .. " Total number of persons Literates enurnel'f\ted Area No. of Serial Name of village Thana in occupied -,------­ no. no. acres houses Persons Males Females Kales P'emtdea

.,oM __ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 10 .L-_ P.-S.-BHABUA-contd.

331 ' Paohhehra 829 184 26 183 97 86 14 332 Uphrauli 831 187 17 119 65 54 10 333 Lohandi 833 121 41 221 7 124 30 ')... 334- Thakurhat M34 98 42 211 U7 114 50 6 335 Bijra 886 306 14 70 3f} 31 ] 336 Jhalkhora 837 93 17 120 65 55 10 337 Harupur 838 304 44 299 154 145 25 , , 338 Sawar R39 1,124 188 1,018 fi02 516 9B ~tl 339 Baghi 842 158 40 240 J22 118 17 1 340 843 372 52 392 .173 156 10 84.1 Majhiawan 845 310 44 310 163 147 20 1 34'2 Harna tanr 846 72 8 23 8 15 1 343 Barli 848 160 54 300 17H 121 22 344 Dariwan 840 70 10 64 37 27 1 345 Salempur 852 88 35 200 10:J H7 37 346 Maro.icha., , 853 422 15 ]03 46 57 1 347 Diyari ,. 855 137 19 111 67 44 20 348 Lakha.n.da.hi 856 ' 320 10 84 53 31 349 La.lapur .. 857 415 15 76 36 40 I 350 H88anpura 858 147 8 66 39 27 11 I 351 Lewa 859 145 24 218 116 102 8 352 Bars.wan 863 260 57 346 183 163 IH 353 Ba.radih 867 230 19 103 54 49 354: Bhitri balldh L 872 124 116 847 417 430 47 6 355 Karamchat 883 2,547 41 226 107 lID I 356 Mo.kri khoh · . 904 14,775 89 533 275 258 38 .. 357 Ramgarb U 905 501 256 1,265 666 599 148 10 358 Kunrwa 906 69 21 80 35 45 359 Bajardihwa 910 1,224 19 107 55 52 10 4 360 Parari .. 911 1.394 26 139 76 63 1 361 Nobi 610 34 )0 54 24 30 1 362 Lili · . 923 49 6 15 9 6 · 363 Dovery 225 330 81 400 200 200 31 . 364 Deos. 235 174 28 90 4-1 49 2 ·. 365 Ghurdevs. 262 162 29 160 85 7fj 25 4: 366 Damo@rpur 267 336 64 343 183 160 14 9 367 Mahetru.a 291 244- 105 541 281 260 95 19 368 Sarewa · . 294- 376 95 517 27Sl 238 39 · 369 Gopalpur 297 64 6 54 26 28 . 370 Basara · . ·. 341 44:0 2 8 6 .2 1 ·. 37..1 N&Ilikfiur 351 385 23 159 81 78 .2 • • 356 220 20 37.2 Uprs.u ia · . 112 53 59 27 • • 371 66 41 192 101 91 37'. Bari:pur .•. ·. j'g ·. 31. Ur1&ln .. 400 18S 21 110 53 57 • • 37' lIa a.ram 407 43 54 248 122 126 18 4: 371 Bhokhara 4:68 63 27 155 77 78 2 ·. t371 .Bhabu6 U,L ·. 491 8'9 56 392 208 184 48 ·. 378, Sapnautia ·. 4:69 341 78. 498 259 239 58 4- 379 'Jaaha ·. • • 484 279 18 100 64 46 .2 • • S8() MohalJlmadpur • • 499 61 9 54 25 29 2 • •

L-~wer Primary School. ~-:t1Ppe~.~ .Sahbol. X-Middle ~J,. .. H-J{lgh School. ( )-lnstdiUUon f. Gil'll. LV. tro, eto.-Urdu L •. ' Urdu U. P. et,o. 285


l.IVELl Hoon (~,ASSEB ~----.-.-." .. - Agricultural Classes Non -a.gricultural Classes --- ... _------...... _---,_ I. II. III. IV. Persons (including dependant,s) who derive their Cultivat.ors Cultivators Cultivating Non~ principal means of livelihood from- of land wholly of laud wholly In,houTors eultivRtiu.g - Serial or m.aipJy or rnailll~' Dud owners of V. VI. VII. VIIT. no. owned and un -owned and their laud, Production Othe.r their their dependA.nt.s agricultural (other t.han COlllJnOrCe rrransport Borvi(,ee dependants dependants rent receiverEl ('uI ti Vp tion) and and thoir miscelJaneouB dependants BOUT('es

11 12 13 14- 15 ]6 17 18 1

--_'-'--'-_.'---' ----~-~ ... -_.,,_,-- p .-s. BRABUA ---(~oTltd.

H;4 IH 331 IlH 332 04 J 1 ] Ofl 8 2 :l33 139 71 :l:H 3(\ 8 :W :l:!5 104 3 10 1 2 336 U",4 H8 44 1 .)... 337 52:~ 77 H8 15 un 146 4 53 ~38 111 :{,:l !l5 :~3H :!75 41 :~ 1() :J40

221 :1 HO !l41 I :l 1 B 342 ~oo H 78 6 7 34:1 :H 30 344 172 28 :J45 :H> 44 24 346 H2 1:~ 1 4 ] 347 70 fi 7 2 348 34 2 8 :J2 349 66 350

SJ3 75 :JO H 10 351 275 10 1 14 46 :l52 44 1 58 353 327 1:1 466 15 11 15 :J54 173 ('3 :i55 285 ~8 100 12 33 6 59 356 688 155 ISO 11 153 \) 19 357 3 3 74 358 103 4 35B 63 76 860

~\6 18 36) 15 362 195 100 75 30 363 4 46 40 364 57 41 4 50 2 6 365 219 28 80 16 366 285 102 2 91 54 .. 7 367 251 221 .. 3) 14 368 24 10 ] 2 l7 369 8 370 78 41 40 871 100 10 2 372 14 27 55 96 373 '4f) 28 20 4 n 374 151 87 1 H 371') 117 38 .. 376 165 61 71 85 3 7 377 '302 20 160 16 878 21 61 J5 3 379 1 ~3' 380 -.. _...___. --,~-- -- B-Baaio School. SB-Senior Basic School. So-Sanskrit Patbshala. G--GMom Panchayat. R-I.libraries. t-Po&t-Oftioe. 2Sf), .

VILLAGE: -,------~-- .. ~------

Total number of persons Literates enumerated Area No. of oooupied _.-... _ Herial Name of village in. ---~------..- --_-----_ no. no. acres houses Persons Malflf.! Females Males Female~

~." ,, __ ~. M" -_ ... - .. _., .. ------.,.- "..- ...... , .. ~ ..... _,,,-_ .. _--_ .. _... _, ...... _--,~-- ---._-----_-----. -.--_.-- _._---_ ...... "', - 1 2 3 4 r. H i H n 10 _'C, __ ._ ..... __ , ...... _.. _ -, " .. __ ... ---~" ~ ...... •...... - --_

11.·H. ·BHABUA--corw1fl.

381 Bhathani 506 195 21 l:n tiH 6H 6 382 N aun. Shahmn.1 508 30U ...• -I 4(i:! 2;{4 228 4!i 383 Lakkhudih 528 J53 17 120 7:l 47 :1 384 Maldah f)47 53 24 110 6:~ 47 I:? 385 Manpul.· · . 557 133 I !) .," 2 2 386 llanehi 560 :174 67 2UI 14S 143 :!!) -.,. 387 Kaithi 563 74H 117 56t3 27!) 3~1 ....I -I 388 Parigawall 578 I5H 14 !:n 41 4(i 4 389 Khujuria khul'd U 601 74 I} 45 IH :;(i :J 390 Nirni 610 33n :l4 220 110 lll"i [)()

:JHl .lagdishpur 6:H 125 7 4.1 24 2] 3 392 Chhottaka Dehrwa 628 65 ::w JU2 104 HI{ 11 3HS Kharsotha. 081 230 4[1 23R 12fi 113 37 :J94 Mahoshpur 724 IH!i :Jr, liH S:l ~W 02 3n5 Karaundi khurd 74H 73 !i HI J J fo! J 306 Sareya 77H .J:1J 12 80 :H~ 42 J 397 Dasatinwan 782 64 12 100 5~ 42 8') 398 Bamda 808 142 35 IHO _ .. !IS -I 399 Sonaw&n Paehbi mpatti 815 104 2(1 20B 100 JOll ~ 400 Uohnaf · . 810 20n 28 17fi !Hi 70 7 P .-S·--CHAINPUR

1 Sernaria · . 101 :i8I 60 :NH HH 16~ .1 i) ") '"' Koindi IO:l fi7:l 17 sm 44- fif> 13 3 Ohanthi L 105 401 60 332 18) IIlI J2 4 Ramgarh III 823 4H 285 .160 125 5 5 Bhaganda 112 380 6a 319 l6U ]53 ]5 6 Ismailpur 113 30.1 IS 135 64 7.1 .Il 7 Harguwan 114 300 311 250 1:J3 117 H 8 }l.amauli un 224- 50 300 ]68 132 20 0 N arsinghpur 117 r,S 116 720 372 :157 51) t{. 10 Nl,wra 118 63 9 4;1 55 J8

11 Barauna- .. lIn 407 IOU 613 354 25U 153 ,! 12 Dih Hhujaina 12) U12 ()4 3H4 H12 202 20 13 Ragbunir garh 12:J af!H 8~ 4fiO 273 2,(J7 22 14 . Dubaipur 124 46 ]2 6H 34 3!i :i f'- 15 Ka.kari kUlldi 1 !~5 204 " , 203 105 98 $I 16 Bardiha · . 12() to:. FiU 322 181 141 H 17 Dharahru, 13:l l:!n 4.H 27 t) 130 14G 2 18 Dihs U J:l4 3f>4 132 7!iH :i76 383 25 19 Lakhrnanpul' 137 145 85 452 23fi 217 15 20 Nan3 352 47 264- 128 136 ]8 . ._ ...... • . .-..,...- .-...... _...... __ _-_ -_.- _--,_._ _' .....:.:..-- ... --_'. __ " I" .. ;',fOl. ,~ . L--Lower Primary School. U-tJpper Priritarr.. Sohool. }I-Middle &hool. H-High Sohool. ( )-Institution for Girls. . U, UU, etc.~Urclu L. P;j ·Urdu U. ·P., eto. 287



___~"_" ._...... __•• __ ._ .4__ ...... __'''_ ... - "_ -_. -~_ ....._ ...... - .._ ._... ' ~_ ". ___• ____ •• __ ••, ....,, __ ' •• _ ..... _. __ •• _~ ___.. __ ••___ •••• __ • __ ,. __ , ___._._. ____ • ..--_.,_...... _._._ ,..._., ...... , __ •• _. __ ••_ ....._ Agricultufd.1 ClaBse:~ Non-agricuU,ural Cla88('K

, I. II. III. IV. Porl!lon'l (induding ti"'pfmdaut.s) who dt~rive t,hoil' Cultivators Cultivators Cu:lt,ivatillg Norl­ prirwjpa.i nl(~anH of livelihood from-- , of land wholly of land wllolly htbourOfs (lult,ivat,ing . - . -~.----~~-~..,.,.---- - _.. _. - ._ .. -- .. _ - ,_ .. __, ~ -. ~.- ..•,- ..... _ ... - _. Ht1l'ial or mainly" 01' ma,inly and OWlll'\J'S of' V. VI. VII, VIII. no. owne.d and un-{)wH£~d and tlwir' land, Production Ot.lwr t,heil' their dOI>sndantJ:.:I u"griculttil'al (ot.her Ulatl CotrlIllet'e(l Tru,nsport. ~orvief:)s depcndantR deptmdHJ:lt,8 nmt reeoiverR ('ul tivatiOIl) and and t.lH~ir J n iFinellan ~OllFl dOPJndalltfi sources

11 12 14 15 10 17 J8 1

P.-S. --BHABUA -conclcl. 63 4·0 381 220 1~n J 382 ;)8 :l4 , 14 383 J O!) I 384 .....) 3 385 247 ,;) i :i 3BO 42f) ]10 1 au :l87 5H :W 388 44 1 :um !n UO Hli a 1:3 4 ano 2.) 4 :!l 301 Vll 41 ... 392 145 7 !)H 21 I 3S}:'i 17!J :iU4 4 13 :.95 64 16 396 44 In :n :J97 78 43 51 3 398 188 21 309 122 f):l 400 P .·S.-CHAINPUH

109 228 12 1 62 6 31 2 81 30 211 10 3 162 24 U7 2 4 146 21 115 24 8 I) 5 89 11 30 I) 6 148 84 4 5 9 7 153 110 36 , " 1 8 394 331 3 1 , . {} 43 ·. 10 307 45 248 .... 8 5 11 275 101 16 2 · . 12 140 28 204 22 7 30 .. 49 13 69 14 1~2 40 1 3 7 15 173 120 29 16 160 3 101 11 17 437 212 3 15 92 18 154 8 254 18 10 8 19 48 20 276 53 121 8 51 4 67 21 148 21 104 8 13 10 22 113 68 .. . . · 23 205 15 76 11 4. 24 295 60 109 19 2 29 149 25 79 26 14r3 11 81 5 3 4 27 62 27 121 18 1 · . 28 93 26 •• 29 101 54: 86 24 ·. 30

B-Baaic Sehoul. SB-Senlor Baaio·, , School. S.....-sanekrit Pathahala. G-Gram Panohaya.t. R-Librariea. . t-Post.O.ftioe. 288


To~al number of persons Literat(~A enunlerated' Area No. of .. __ .. _.. __ ._. •.. _.- ..•...... _.•.. ..• ...... _..... Serial Name of village Thana in occupied --_._- - _.,,_._ -_ _., _ - no. no. acres houses Persons Malm~ Females Males }4~emal~8

---.-.. -.-.. -".-.- ..... -... -----.. _--.. -.... --,------.--~_._ ..... ". __ . _------...... _. " ...... -. _- -- "" ." _... _ .. _ .._ ... 1 3 4 7 JO ____.._, .... ~_._., .. ~ .. _~._ .... _C' .". _,_ .. __ -... _... ______~_,.._. __ ... _. ~_. ____ .. _._._ -___ .. -_. "'7'" ., ".- M'" _.~ _. __._ •• _ -_. _ ••'" ...... ~ _ ...... _ ••_


31 Kalianipur 154 114 66 3R6 ~03 183 24 I 32 Lohara .. 155 212 67 354 UJ4 220 3 33 Maj h uri .. 15i 305 161 966 500 4tl6 ·is 34 Udail'ampur u 151j 024 OJ 331 164 167 24 .:J. 35 Tigina. 15U 288 177 HUl 4:m 480 R~) 16 36 Madurni .. L 16] 344 27 162 ~.) 77 IB I 37 Kowriachak 163 105 16 88 41 47 38 Shahpur 164 OU 138 64 74- 12 3tl Sirsi 1f'.I) 306 54 42:3 215 20H 45 40 Madurmt 167 ),030 201 1,1)20 7U:l 727 123

41 Rata Hj1} t12U I :~fi H65 322 :-J43 20n 42 Saraiya 170 4Ul 44 247 121 . 12ti 17 43 Tiwui L 174 4n:l 202 1,184 577 607 175 :10 44 Lodipur .. U li5 44:1 160 7:18 :Ui:{ 3S[) 83 12 45 Karaundia 176 116 13 83 42 41 H 46 KharigawuH 177 436 95 4MH 232 2fi4 :m 12 47 Auukhar8 L 17M 7 Oil 1M" n4!~ 1)30 4JB 221 74 48 M080i khurrl 180 7B2 38 HH n:{ 98 17 49 Gangapur 18) 136 43 2aO 100 130 ].~ 50 Bhagwat,pur 183 2f)8 Hl 1:l4 6$. 6ll n

51 Sahe Bahe 184 236 13 U4 4{) 48 7 t52 Amawan u 185 7:J6 35H 1,877 960 HIH 267 1:1 53 Harkatha 188 125 22 116 1;) OJ) I 54 Sirbit L,M 203 1,288 293 ] ,534 767 707 141 14- 55 Rupin 204 252 53 328 168 JfiO 44- 6 56 Intoin 20f) 822 201 1,102 633 50H 44- H 57 Kllrain 207 686 96 '560 29H 261 8 58 Karjeb 208 754 196 1,189 6Hl 570 . 140 10 59 Karji L 20s.} 913 195 1,1 14 50J 513 IU7 21 60 Dobhl'i 225 330 30 251. 12!) 126 13

61 New"a 22s} 244 19 159 82 77 3 62 Babhaniawan 232 158 28 152 73 7n ]5 63 Ma.dra. 23:J 38J 2R 12,1) 70 4ft 2 64 Kharjipur 2:J4 60 11 67 84 33 4 (jo Deua 23f) 174- 13 sn 40 42 3 66 Na.inpura 236 128 127 '205 U8 107 12 J 67 Sonbrusa 238 233 4-4- 265 130 126 17 3 f)B Ami} 239 360 4fi 268 137 J31 3 6f. Isja 273 207 l5fi 90~ 467 441 103 11 70 BaraThi 27FS 42fJ 67 387 214 175 17

71 Danrwa 276 2l)S 2:l 124 7:l 51 72 Danrwa 278 142 47 321 159 162 . \ 60 13 '73 BhadauJ"8 27U 7H 64 454- 226 228 9 7 4 Fak harabad I .. 280 940 188 785 407 378 no 75 Man pur 29!l 702 238 1,247 561 686 80 38 76 Muri 300 787 191. 2,028 1.091 937 67 Hi t77 BiuT 302 509 177 886 437 449 55 28 78 Gajipur 303 194 , 20 127 61 66 79 Beddi 304 184- 65 417 822 195 35 I 80 Goani 305 94 26 ]37 69 08 6 I .------~-~ .... - ..... ~Lower' :PJ..unary \&.moo}. U--Upper. Primary.. ,School•.. ¥..,...Middle . School. H-High School. (' ),_Institution for OirhJr ., LU~ \ "(Ju.I ,, .~~(I~~~rd\1 "L: P., Urdu U. P. etc. • 1'" _ t • "", . j 289

"" ••,' ,.' \ I ITAnSTICS

.------~LIVELIHOOD CLASSES .. ------.. __ ._.. _-_ .. _- _",_ ... _~------.•. _.. _._-----_._-._ .. _._ .. _-.•.. _...... -_._-.. _.. _'-- Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classns .-._...... _ ...... "' .. -_._-_.. ,_._-- _ _ ._--_ __- _ ._------~,- -_.. , __._.~ •••, ...... ______... __ ,. __-_. __._ c __ I. lJ. Ill. IV. Persons (including dependants) who dorive t,h~it· Cultivato1'l1l Cult.ivators Cultiva.tin~ Non­ prinnipal means of livelihooll fl'om .. - of land wholly of land wholly hlbourerH . cUltivating . ... _... _. __ .. --.__ .. ~--.~- .__ ._ -,.. -----...... -.. ,,_ ... - -_ .. _- ~_._._ Seriu,1 or mainly or mainly and owrwrR of V. VI. VII. VIII. no. owned and un-owned and t,heil' hl.nd, Prociu('.LiOll Othf,,' their tiheir uopenda,nt,s n,gricuUural (other than Commm'ce 1'l'anapOt't ~lrviM~ dependo.nts dopendantR rellt re(,pivOl'~ oult.ivn.t,jon) rUld und their 1niRcnl1a.neoul'l doptmd8ntJ~

~ ...... _._-_ ----.---...... --..-- ...... --_ ...... --...._ ·__ · .. ·m. ___ .___ ... ___.~.,_" ______..... ,..... ______...... _ ... __ ... __ ....___ ._-. 1.1 12 14 If> 16 17 lH 1 - ...... ,.' ..,----, -_.,-_ .... ,.. __ . -.- ~--. -.- - _,_ ------.- - --..-.~-~-.~-.--- ...... ,----" --~· ____ ~' ____ n' .. __..• __._ •. ,_._ .• ___ .',,_.... _...• _____

P.-K--CHAINPUH --cot),td.

::?~ ')'" :l:1I ... 1 31 338 11 a 32 {)76 n:l 134 7 .~J) 43 ... 54 33 15H 44 lJI 10 7 34 taB 111 :lH2 nO 7t~ 1ll 4:6 35 104 41 17 3(; H8 37 H4 t) :3:~ 5 3~ 1()i; 12) 107 H l4 f) 2 3V 4n:l :~44 ()!)ts ] J~ t) 4:0

1H 25 107 "Of) 4- J4- 48 4f) 8H fW 0 r, HS 4~ 43 80 II 50

~fl :l 51 H65 53(i .1)74- IH :{f) IH 2U 1)2 !)O 6J I) 53 4(iS 1)01 4H!) 13 B 5 4!) 54 18H 7 03 2n .10 . 56 311 382 4-01 ' 2'"I 4-0 81 56 347 60 141} 4- (j7 r,34- 200 30:J 50 50 38 14 58 510 104 334 J1 IH 4U 5n 97 25 107 5 J3 4- no

H4 f)3 .10 2 61 on 11 38 4 • • 62 24 101 63 67 64 24 20 47 ·. 66 103 8(; B ,.., 7 66 143 . ' .. 101 .. . I .5 9 07 208 55 fj 6S 394- J91 . 291 0 .26 . 69 104 87 14H 10 30 y 70 " .

14- 30 80 .,. , 71 193 I .. 98 14; 1(j , 72 454- 73, 80 96 348 43. 34; 13n 15 30 74- 891 21 184 13 63 75 75 .. 1,184- 204 .501 [;1 34 21 ·33 . 76 SOl) ,157 221 1 40 40 .118 , 77 121 6 " '78 237 144 '. ,26 10 . 7U, 110 24- .. • • 3 80

.. .•. _.... "._. ,_ ,~. _____. ___ ._._ .• ~ .... ~_._...._._ ,__ ,h _... -. __ ... -,'-.'"..... -.~ .... ~.--~ .... ~--....._,~-- .. , . ,~. B--Basie School. S.B ---Sonior Ba.sic School. to! -Sanskr·jt, P d-thshala. G-Oraln :Ps.nchayat. R -l.. ibl'aries. t-Post.Offica. 290


Total numhBl' or p(~rsona en u rneI'Ll t,oct No. of N luna of village Thalia. ill occupied .- -- "-- ., -~ _._, -, "" ,_ .. ------'--- - '- ".... '"-. ._ - -_ '_ -- no. acres hOUSf.'8 P~rsons MaleM Femnles Males ~'oma.le8

_ '.______•• _ '_pa __~_ .• _ •••. " ...... __~ __ ."_ r_'- __.. _____ ...... ___ • __ ._.___ •• ' , __ " .. '_ ...... , ... "~A _._ ._._.__ • ____' ___ '_'_"'___ • ____.., .".. ~ ___ rH,_ • .... __ ~ _- -~~, .. -- ..... - .. ~ .) 1 ... 3 4 .') () 7 ~ \) 10

, ...._.. . , ...... ~, " ,_,_, ",_-,_, ~, " , ...... __ - .~ ' -.----~-- . --,... _'-- -.-. __ -_ .. ..•. -.. -- - _-,_ -. ....-----...... --...... -----, _- ... - _._ -- .... --- ....- P.-S.-CHAINPUH -concl(l,

81 Paraottinpur 306 J48 33 J88 ,.7 HI 17 1 ~2 Bhuu,lpur :J07 148 20 13U 7(J 6fj :J 153 Bf:lur (L), L, U, G aJO :!7U .')37 3,515 1,7H:l 1,7:-l:.! 4Hfj 4H 80 Nowjhuru L :.ll ] HI2 S5 f)07 23H 268 UO 13 87 Kha.l'u,ura 312 (WI au ~20 Its 102 ....J 88 Hnlnrnpul' :11:1 IllS HI 102 .')4 4-8 2 8U 1811pU1' 314- :174 :m :!fi4- I :1I 12:l 4- 90 Gobindpur 3J5 f)2 14 !l4 ·HJ 4ll 91 Sherpur · . 31H U43 B3 .Hi 2!lO 2{)7 92 Lnhltl'a · . 317 .')23 fj4 :J72 11:17 175 4- 93 Juil'l1m pur 3J8 3tS3 45 2H4 137 W7 H 94 Nu,ndgo,wan 311) 332 64 452 237 2W II 95 Sohn,wtl.l 320 170 4-H 303 150 lila 15 2 06 Hupa.patti 321 3r,3 4fi 313 154 li'Ht 12 1 {)7 Nllt,i :122 lUi 7 .')6 25 :H 08 Damodurpur 323 246 36 166 71:1 87 2H 3 99 Pahladpul' 324 255 10 85 4K 37 2 100 B hugw tl.l1pUr 325 185 24 1(;4 81 83 19 101 JUlgnria · . 326 246 53 384 193 I Hl 38 8 102 Sherpur · , 327 237 66 371 191 180 15 1 103 Duln,rho. 328 289 58 320 1(1) 151 IH 104 N arsjngbpur :J3Z 352 40 254 .133 121 22 2 105 KlIwa 333 3UO 77 3H2 21H 173 35 2 106 Muhula · , :J34 495 67 320 178 142 26 107 Bu,urai 336 405 62 301 146 155 36 4 108 Oangudih 337 202 26 145 &4 81 109 Saraj~a · . 338 118 38 202 107 95 IH 110 Kharadih 339 37U 22 Ion 52 57 .111 Nimia Tanar 340 166 21 107 51 56 6 112 Bahhan Paro.sia 342 154 18 99 4-8 51 3 113 Parasia · . 343 224 64 2f)5 124 131 25 3 114 Isra.rhi 345 132 13 64 31 33 2 115 Basawanpur 346 129 15 74 39 35 2 116 Chanda 347 293 25 133 64 69 17 117 Birna 349 187 14 99 42 57 6 118 Kal'aundia 360 371 49 290 151 139 24 119 Majhgawan 913 24,161 38 199 101 98 6 120 Karatgarh 915 4,177 25 216 101 115 13 121 Gosara 916 2,161 6 28 16 12 122 Ka.rmllrhaia 017 3.621 20 1I6 59 57 11 .. 123 Jharia 918 3,293 20 IS4- 94 90 1 124 Mahauli 919 4,115 59 248 132 116 8 125 Bhurkura 920 6,237 0 31 14 17 .. 128 Masani I...M 921 2,071 12 54 23 31 2 12,. Dllmarkon . 923 2,867 71 332 169 163 3 128 Har80ti · 924 1,977 9 41 21 20 . ~ 129 Semra 925 8,419 60 266 143 123 18 I) 130 Baghaib · . 926 1,564 10 80 45 35 4: 131 Asandda ·. 927 934 .. 24 11 13 132 Dhumardeo 930 26,562 10 71 33 38 1 13S Bahdauda ·. 931 1,068 2 22 15 7 .. I'"

L--Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primacy School. K-Middle School. B-High School. ( )-IDat,ituiion for Girls. LV. W, etc,-Urdu Urdu U. P., ,etA). . '., L. P •• 291


Non-agricultural. Clustolt>1'!

I. n. 1n. TV. PONlOflS (inc· dt~P"IHiulll,l'!) who dt.~riv(' tlid" Cult.ivators Cult-ivai,m'l'! Cult.ivuting­ NOH­ fJl'itH~jpal IIlt1lUIS of livl'Jihood from·,

, -,-'~ .. ..,._ of land wholly of laud wholl v Inhoun.ll·s (·uUjvn.l iug "-- ._,...-- .. •. _ SN'it~l or main1y (lr mniuly , und OWII (' 1'1'1 or V. VI. VII, VIU, no. owned aUd ulI·owlu·'d and t hpi!' hmd. PI'O('tH't,ion ( )Uu'!' t,heir t.htlil' del )t·, 1I1n.J It.S u,gri('1l1t,u rul ( otlwr 1,}JH'1 ( '01 III o C't'l '(' TrlU lSI )(wt HOI'\-' i ("(1M dep<'lHhultA dept'mel tt II t,H I'(~n t ror-n j \'('r'l'l (·u1f.ivnt iOll) Ilnd nJl(I t,lwir HI is('I,IlIl,HPOUl'I d~~})lmdnlli,l'\ MOUl'(~PM

I I 12 14 Lf. H) 17 I~ 1

." , . - ." .. -- .• --,.- .. ,~,.-

l' "S, ('II ,\JNPll R· r.01/.(' lei .

UJ 4 .'it; 10 H lk HI ] O:~ :.4-4 ..•• , 8<·... 04 r; 40 17 86 sa :Wl 4~ 17 :l ) 18 8·1 ~,)" H':, t)7:! :!OH 47H HO:{ IVt :l7:J H5 :l] 7 'iH 114 :! ;) :l 86 :? I 1 II H7 at -4.0 II Rij :';; I =, 8H ~'4 un

1.1) a [Ii :!: Hi :W 10 10 HI 175 In:! :{O r. 02 7H IOi '4 -, U3 :! 1 J HI 101 :w Ij-J H4 118 :!Ii 1~'i !i 14 13 Hr. fj,i Kl IOH J!l 1 J r; BH :\1 IH H 1)7 HI :~ ... 2K 4 !l m~ 41 44- HH la~ 24 to< 100 :!34 2t UH () f. -10 ...... ) 10J 82 121 ;'11 J :{ Jor; 102 :!Ofi flO 411 JO (.I JOiJ 48 82 10(; r; J3 .104 214- I I f) J,~ ;!H ~I )05 lOU .) 200 1; J ~~ 106 172 14- 88 IS H 107 on SH 108 104- 84- a J J IOH 103 C) 11 C) 14 60 30 ..'.' III 10 fin 2f) :J fi !) I l!l 125 ]8 04 k HI JO II :1 54 ,', 114 31 4:l no 74- fiB 116 46 2A 2r. . , I J 7 70 71 137 3 11 Jl8 133 61 r, JIB 113 S4 !t ~, .1 J!lO .. :!s .. 121 15 RH Ii 7 122 147 18 In 123 230 ]3 .4 124- 11 20 ItS it 34- H 12n 286 4H ; , J27 20 21 1.28 148 4\4 01 8 12ft 18 10 'll II lao , '_,:I" t,' ~. ,. , ~. ,:" >, ' • 1 1 • ... ,,' ,. .' , 24: f, ~ .. '.'" .. . ' 131 15 .. 46 IS 6 132 22 133

"""":""""I-~-·--~·" --.... _ .... , ..... ;..."'- .. ~-....-.-.... B-Buic School. SB--Senior Baaic School. S ·-Sa.nskrit PatMhala. G--Gram. J'anchayat. ,R-Libraries. r ,.. Post. Office. ,"'~.G" , . .. ~ ~ ...


Tota.l number of persons cnllWAr&teci Art,a No. of Serial Nllme of village Thana in oClcupiecl-·---·--'·__ ·,_ ... _·_.... __ · .. -- .. -.~ ""~'''- .... _ ,._ ._-_ .... _. - .-.. '"--... ~ ..... - no. no. acres houses Persons Malos Fema.les MalAN Femaleft

• ____... _____~ •• _ ••• _____ ~_~_ ...... "' __ .. M ______• ____ ._._.. " ____ ,." •• ____..._. __ .~_- __ • ___ r_ ... ,__ .. ____ -_.-...... _ ._, _____._.' __ .__ ..... __ ~ __ . __ .~ ~-.-.~.- -- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ H lO

J •• --' ._••• ___ • __ .- • __~. ______,_ .... ___ "'_ -----,._... _ .. _-_._--._ .. -- _._ .. _-_ .. __ ...-'_ ...... _--" ._. -,_.,,_ ---_-_._-- -.-_ -" ...._,---_. __ ... --- - .... -- - -~-.--~ ...... P.-S.--ADHAURA

1 Barwan ks161l L 876 7,639 53 387 206 181 5 2 Bsrwsn khurd 877 2,U55 88 198 88 ) 10 3 3 Bhuruli . , 885 1,]00 19 ]07 50 57 4 Sarwu.nda.g L 887 1,189 28 11)0 76 74- 1 [, Surkur khurd 888 1,.53 J 6 23 10 J3 6 KIH~rki khurd 801 1,163 4 59 30 21l 7 Tala 893 1,573 17 ]00 1)2 4B 4- 8 Bhsnrehra 804 1,n.52 38 100 50 50 (j 9 Atara. 895 ],027 2 8 3 5 10 Dahar L 898 2,026 67 376 188 188 7 11 SU,lt)a. 899 4,867 46 152 7H 71 :1 12 Karar 900 4.2U7 17 70 39 31 1 13 Murrohra. UOI ),171 ]2 1)7 34 23 14 Katraur 902 22,726 18 77 43 34- 15 J a.munina.r L 928 4.tl41 95 443 216 !!27 40 2 16 Kanhanar 029 1,974 42 184 . no 94 4 17 AmhUora · . 9:12 2,m)} 21 102 f)2 50 18 ChaudharnUo 933 1,257 48 237 120 117 19 Khatkhari 934 1,234 43 174 91 83 3 20 KaruwOoEIot 935 1,450 32 156 79 77 21 Bhagawta 936 834 17 89 45 44- 2 22 Dumerkon 937 909 22 124 62 62 23 Digho.r · . L 938 2,967 ]01 400 200 200 32 24 Kham khurd 939 849 51 IH9 113 86 6 25 Khamkala.n U40 2,094 7 49 28 21 26 Pipri 941 1,699 16 107 57 50 1 27 Pipra ,. 942 1,128 27 199 100 99 14- 2 28 Gamh~l'i& 943 1,071 6 15 7 8 .29 Bargaon kalan L ·. 944 1,228 33 236 125 III 40 30 G&rke L 945 1,506 61 260 146 114 3 31 Dewri 947 3.324 75 299 159 140 3 32 Sikarwar 948 1,562 '18 79 42 37 2 3.3 Sikari ·. 949 1,222 49 234 119 115 13 34 Kolhu80 · . 950 720 95 498 253 245 7 · . $6 Darihara 952 1,090 19 83 46 87 2 36 Mahkaul 953 1,382 2 8 5 3 1 37 Harbhog ·. 956 1,366 36 168 80 78 1 38 Lewa 956 1,338 44 227 115 112 · . 39 Maraba L 957 1,529 40 190 III 79 12 4O Kon abhani ·. 958 593 6 36 19 J7 1 41 Babhani kalan L 959 1,723 34 204 102 102 15 42 Rawta. 960 1.839 44 238 128 110 · . 48 Chanaura L 966 1,694: 90 482 238 194: 18 44 Tiori a.g 968 1,248 4 18 8 10 ·. ' .. 45 Adhaura L ·. 971 2,365 115 494 .261 243 61 46 Bargha · . ·. 973 2,007 36 179 88 91 7 ·. Biduri 974 822 28 119 61 58 ·. ·. ·. 3 • • Baragaur khurd .. • • 976 2,156 73 339 167 172 12 "'8 Chorpanian • • 977 1,831 12 44 21 23 ·. '9 .. • • 50 Dhenw& .. • • ··978 1.143 IS 61 25 36 6 1

L-Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primary Sobool. M-Middle School. H-High School. ( )-Inatit,ution for Girla. LU, UU, eto.-Urdu L''P., Urdu U. P., etc. 293 '. ".TATIIJTICS

.~ .,. . LIVELIHoon CLASSES . .. __ _._----- ,---._--_-_.,_------* .._ •• -_,..... _ ,_ ., ..... , .... ~...------.-.------.-- --'-'_"_ -...... _ •. --.--.-----..... ~ ...._., .--.--...... ,.._-~- ,"._ '-""-'~- -_--- ~griCl111tu~al Clas~e8 Non-agrioultural Ch\'ol~08 ...... -~ .... -.""'.---_._ ,-~ -.. -.-...... ~-- .,._".. - ._ .... __ .. _.... ,_ - -_. --- .. _ ----.~- ._ .... - ,~-- '._- .- '"_ .-.~- ... _ -_-.- _._--- - .. __ ,. __ '--- ... _... - - - . __ .--- ...... _...... _ .. _ .... -... ~ ... -_- ,-,-,_ -._._-- 1. II. IH. IV. l)el'8()1U~ (inOlucling dep(lnd8.l\t.~) who

--- ._.,.--.-~~--.~."~-.--.--~ .. ~.,--~-- ._ . __ - -- _ .." .. , ., .., .. 11 J2 13 14 In 17 18


08 283 1 105 3 ..." ~W 12 :) .100 8 10 .3..') 4- 13 10 r; ~3 Hi 10 t) 67 2!J 4 7 n6 3 I H 8 o 100 61 215 10 llO 24 16 11 (;2 6 2 12 34 ]4- 3 ...') 1 13 77 14 41 36J 20 :1 15 175 5 4 J(J 03 6 3 17 230 2 5 18 152 22 19 155 I 20

89 21 nH H 16 22 267 36 040 23 114 85 24 26 23 25 93 14 26 42 144 27 15 28 236 29 206 37 4, 30

250 17 30 31 79 f •• 3: 187 13 29 33 332 24 125 3f. 74 9 35 4 2 2 36 158 37 223 4 38 149 29 39 27 3 6 '0 103 .. 41 219 9 7 ,~ 298 46 88 16 2 "« 447 18 46 97 72 .s 84 14 9 47 334 5 '8 41 3 61 .. ••60

B-Baeie School. SB__ 'Jenior Basic 8chooL ~t Pat.b8bfa1a. O-G~ Pancbayat•. B-Librari.e&. t-P08t-01Bce. ' VILLl\GE

Tokl.l numher of' pArsons Literates onumerat.(Hi

Sel'jal Thantt in occupiQd -- .~. "... ' - .. ~ _._ ""- ._._ -.. -_-.-. . ... - ... ,.-.. ~----.-- ... ~ ".,,_ no. no. hOURes Persons MaJ(lf'! Femalt'A MaJos ....,orn 1-:1.)01'1

...... ~-...... _~---~.---. ~"" --~. ~.-. -.. _ ...... ---" -. .-.. -_. .._ , .... ~ -~ ._ __--,,, _ _ -_. -" .. - .. .- -- ,) I ... 3 4 [) 6 7 ~ B JII ..... --.---..... -.., . .... -p-"'-_- -_. -~.~'" '_"'-"---"_' ---._ - ._

P.-K-ADH A UH.A " -cor/.t~[ll,

51 Baudha • 0 U7n 2.252 13 nU 27 .3')- U 52 'rekt\nia .. H80 1.4Hft 12 71 4] ~w 6 53 Sal'ainar , , 982 l,4S.J In ns 48 {m 54 Bhuiphol' BR3 fl73 ;'0 1Bn 104 .~') - I 55 Khondhar HS[; 2,HRH ~:J J2f) H7 o!I .) 56 Goiyan B8n 1,3B:1 13 60 :·w 30 !l7 DOllll'awa.1\ L 087 2.108 72 283 144 13n 13 58 Pirro. BAS 3.322 21-) JH[) ]00 H!i

5H Holadih .0 UBO H08 4 IH !I H 60 'rod ~Hl 1,7St) al 12H H3 H:~ 61 Bttnodag 9U2 1,Ra:: 8 84 42 42 62 B a}md u.g Un4- 3,~4-() :12 12H fiB 60 63 Rural' nur; 3,8.17 3J Hi] 7[) 7H 64 Ka.dhu.1' khm'd fW6 1.12ti 14 rw 3:J :.W 65 K.adhar kll,ian UB7 5.082 38 hom 100 xu (i6 Londa !mS O,:.!OU 35 178 Sf) !):! 5 67 Paehmn,hut HIm J ,/)'8101 S 47 . :!4 :?:~ 68 Hobra 100) 2,4H; 60 ~S() lU5 110 4 69 Ha.r 1002 1,07.1 14 fHl 40 :W 70 Dugha Jooa :! ,fi:n H3 270 147 .123

71 Sa.hijSll 1004 ;'75 8 2H 14 If> 72 At.lltt.n 1005 1,tW4. 183 400 ~U HW 1 73 Oldag 1006 ] ,3:~3 20 74- 3S 3f) 74 Neuras 1007 1,678 2] 94- 4S 4() i) 75 ChathauB ]008 l,66H 29 120 72 48 :1 76 Kotamdag 100H 1,704 16 0:1 :1!) 28 77 Chulya 10lO 2,392 IH 7'2 a8 34 78 JOll 2,610 30 167 77 uo 79 Chikha 1012 2, I 7H 11 84 4·1 43 80 Parai 1013 ] ,tHO II 31 17 14

81 Chumrnkha. 10]4 1,291 11 36 18 If! 82 DUUlurka. lOll) 1,074 34 143 7() 67 83 " Sauraki .. 1018 4.275 78 373 ]05 178 1 84 }>arwa.nia 1021 Hl[; ] i 75 :l:l 42 f) 85 Ga.rle 1()23 J ,J 08 to 42 ..,'},) .. 20 86 Sarodag 1024 :4,410 !in 255 I:J8 117 1 87 Sari J025 558 .)"". 22 12 10 88 ·Kolhuu. lO2t) .961 20 103 5J 52 89 B(l.h(~l'a 1028 j ,121 fiH 214 Ita 10J no Pokhra )02H H14 2 12 7 5

91. Kesru.ura. khurd 1030 901 27 74 :14 40 J U2 Kosra.uTl\ ka.)an 103] 1.201 44 10] 63 ' :J8 3 98 Bandha , 0 .. J032 2,58H 50 2:i5 lIt) llO 1 94 Bari ka.r •.,k 1033 98~ ~ 52 26 26 '9'rs .' Sohdag • 0 1034 3,388 25 100 47 53 96 '~Tordag 10:~5 1,384 10 92 41 51 I 97 Saloa 1036 627 28 125 62 U3 o;,-~ .....iII 98 ~llllltlllllllaJI • • .. 1037 1,674 15 72 4:2 30 ...... _....,. .... _ __ -" .... '----,._-----. _', , .. --.,~ ...,--- .. ~.----,-...... ---.~-.--.-- " -_._._-_.", ... -l..--IAowei\,.··Primary ~hGO:I.·· U---Ul,peto Pl·'Y School. M·--Middle School. H·,,·-High 8ehool. ( ~' ... l'l,titut)BR~J'ol' Qirlj!J.:; I"4l.T, Uv. (.)tc.-·-1.1rd\1 1... J?.. ; ,'Crqu U. P., eteo . .. . . I. "t,1. '" :, "f. 295


.---.--.~.-.----.-- .. ---.-"-.-.--.----- .. ----.--.--.. -----_.__ .. _-_._-_ .. _-_ .. _..- .. - .. _...... _.._._-_ .. _- .-- .. _- ..... ---_._-_ .. _- AgrieultuJ·d.l Clttsses N'ieult.ul'ul Clf"'88(~B _< __ "__ .~ ....,. fl ___ < ______.... _ ... _ •• _ .. ____ ",_._,,_ , •• _.,,~ ___ • __ ,._ •••_ __ .~ .. , ... _ '._ ._.. __ ._ -_._._ ' ___ ._-._ .,._,.. _._ ... -_ --...... -.. • __... "_,,. •• _, .... 1. II, Ill. IV. P(WtllOHH (ineludiu~ depelidant.l>{) who d.eriVtl thojl' Culti vat·ot'S Culti vat·OT'S Cultivat,ing Non­ pri lleipU.l nWfl1l8 of livelihol)({ fr'om·- of lo.nd whollv of land wholly lu,boUI'ers (',dtivll.t ing 8~rii'" or' mainly' 01' nl~inl,\' and ownors of V. Yl, Vll, YIn. no. own6(1 atl~i un-owned alld thoi)' lu,nd Produf'tiOlI Ot.hc::w thoir tlwi I' d_llwndn.llt~ u,ln'j (" 11 Lm'll'} (00101' t.han COIn n1l'r('t~ Tr'anf'l} )(»)'t. 8eI'vil\l1~ depondltllts d('!Ipondants 1'BUt. l'E:~('oivm'l:I (~U It,j \' U. t,iOll) Itnd and t.hoir lniseollulwOUH (lor )(HHlun ts 80Ur(~f\S

11 12 14 Ifl Hi 17 IH 1

p, -8.--ADHAU ItA-conold.

[)-! f) I'll uo ti 5 !)2 [)!. 12 10 17 rm 140 14 18 1 2:~ 54 11 ~ 14 55 52 ~ n6 30 1 1)7 IH5 58 l~ 59 1.08 7 y 2 00

:m :~ Hi 3 1 ..,') ()J lOB ....) 1S 62 151 63 64 IS!) tIl> 143 35 (~6 47 07 ~15 51 6 (5 1 68 57 I:! 00 207 2 70

21) 71 400 72 6:3 11. 73 75 13 6 74 120 75 63 76 72 , .. .. 77 HS7 78 84 •• 79 3l 80 36 81 117 82 348 83 75 84 42 85 216 86 22 87 103 88 ISH 89 12 90 74 Ul 99 92 142 93 52 94 100 95 92 .. 96 125 97 72 •• 98

.-- ....• -.-~ .. -.....------B-Basic School. SB·-Senjor Baaic School. S-Sanskrit Pathsll,fJa. G-Gram Panchayat. R-Libraries. t-Post·Offl(}e.

I '" t' 296 ,,------_... ------1,':'1>;:~ , .. " • I', II'''' , .. ~ ... , ...

Total number or personA Literates

.enumeratod t . Area No. of' Nlltnf' of villu.g(· Thana in ocoupied Serial no. acres houses no. Persolls Male~ Females Malos ~"'em8lt1s

._< __.. '.. N_ ••• _...._....-...... _.,-.....-- ••~.-.---. ,.--- •• ------.... _-" ... '._ '_•• "--- -- "'- ".-. .. _---,._. --~.-. - .. -~-----~ ...... - _.--- -_-_ .... _.,-_ .... ,,_ .. _ 7 10 2 3 4- 6 1 .- _e" ." ___.... ,,_ ...... __..... ~~ ... - -,- - ... -~--... ---•••


105 I, IOU 601-l 5HO 134 10 tl Biuri (L.U), U 1 a30 88 !i58 291 267 48 f) 2 Silwata. 6 476 7 356 3] 317 168 140 ]2 1 3 Bir BhanpUl' 75 4HO 258 232 41 ... Shiv 10 522 11 214 14- ]30 7ii 5f) 14 5 KiAlmnpura 60 428 224 204 40 6 Nawhant .. 12 576 13 277 10 47 25 ..'>? - 7 7 Nawkata 84 404 231} 225 46 S Chhano8 .. 14- 802 15 336 23 130 58 4- 9 Brahni 404 :! 11 wa 47 I 10 Khu.rant,i .. 16 362 64 521 67 424 2()f:j 215 11 potlra ]J 17 18 338 20 141 75 Of) 12 Sendura !)4 :{20 160 ltW 13 Dugthuo. IH 417 20 164- 25 205 )02 103 1 14: Salauuja 30 210 11 () H4 15 Last.mri 23 24H 261) 57 286 147 I3H 2() 16 Baluhari 24- 25 ] ,IlH 70 462 2Hf-I 174- 47 17 Kuddi U 52 268 14t) 122 2R IS nhatt\ni 26 422 28 277 2H 114 5H 10 IH Khainti H46 :l3B 307 ]42 II 2() Goin L 30 1,038 117 31 541 55 34H 184: 16f) 51 21 Ziguna 1,824 1137 887 271 22 8ihori(t. L 32 47] 306 33 237 10 47 23 24 12 28 Kariara . " 90 [,1:} 40 12 24 Barawan 34 45H 17 35 280 35 183 84- HH 23 25 Bheri 36 15 21 1 2tl Auraiya. .. 36 211 6 38 23 15 7 27 Majhgnm 37 203 o 39 43H 50 35U 176 183 33 ]0 28 Dhewar .. J6G 171 31 7 29 Dhobaha. Purabpattli 41 130 66 336 46 322 161 161 40 1(} 30 Akauri 44 427 Hi6 87 OH 12 31· Karmapul' 45 143 36 4() 650 65 SHO ISH 201 27 1:l 32· Bablmniawan S16 425 301 88 20 33- Parhi L 47 1,01 S 142 198 1.188 56:J 107 26 Chand M.L 48 1.113 tal 1)0 SSH 28 188 ·89 99 12 35 Konahra 366 187 17H 25 1 36 KUl'hnu .. 52 422 71 68r. 59 461 2:J3 228 35 37; Ichawnn .. .. ' 53 45 230 100 .130 23 38~ Diwano .. !i4 3HO 3fi(~ ]76 180 IH J~ 55 272 51 :w Pahrni(lha ]60 82 78 4 .0; Mohmodpul' 57 5~ SO 60 I.3rlO 284- 1,604 83] 773 240 32 41' 8irihTI\ L, M 67 72 5 42 t\_lipur til 89 18 I3H 3]8 169 1.49 50 41 Ailac l'atna. 63 1.000 40 52 281 140 141 30 15 ~, Bah8iduTU 64 330 72 50 4~~ :J 45 Parasia .. 67 104 18 131 68 210 48 295 164 131 44 () 4:1 Bagchhara. 167 42 ., Digghi 69 144 46 367 200 1} 6] 31 30 9 4.8 Laho Pltker 70 122 71 108 42 26n 136 133 23 4~ Seha 151 47 1 50 Rsulpur Pathara 72 270 3\) 293 142

L-Lower l>rimary Sehool. U-Upp(.~r Primary School. oM-Middle Sch()o\' H -High School. ( )-lnst,it,ution for Girls. LU, UU, otc. -Urdu L. P., Urdu U. P., etc. 297


LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ._------_ -.-..-- .... --.-."'-.,---,,---~,--,- .. _-,.....,....._, ... ------.... - --_ .. _..-_, .. _--- AgrieuUul'al ClllBses Non.agrieultul'ul Cln.sses

-.---.---.... -.~~------,.--... ~ •• "'.-- - .• ~--.,..-- .~-- ...... ·_~I ___.- ...... - __ ... _._.___ ._._..... _.__ ... ___""_._ ._...... , ..... __- ___ ...... ,.._ .... __ ... ___ ' .... ___--._ ..... __ _ 1. II. Hl. IV. Pel'R01UI «ill<'lu

••.. _~ __.... ,. ______•.•. '. __ ~. _-,~" '. ~ ___ •••• , __" ... ____'r' -O' __ ""_"_" __,_--_' ______u" .. _ .• _ ...... ____ •• __ ..... ____.... _____ .?;,. __ ., J I ...J 13 J4 Hi J6 17 18 1

.p .. :-;. CHAND

5S3 :W :~S4 74 :W .:W 7($ 1 2(;) 62 lU7 20 3~ 10 2 i70 :J5 12 3 :WU 144 120 1:1 [) 2U 4: H5 35 5 I!)O 10:1 W7 t) .) n It) t5 () 7 J :~ti 174 SS 24 :W 10 S 130 \) 110 IO!) !IO HI :~4 4 10

231 1,1:1 20 :w J I HO GO 1.0 J J2 .) .) trw -- 120 ~ :'1 H (S 13 117 HH 14 01 :W 104- H 10 15 140 :!f) LJ 6 Hi :300 20 123 :l H H 17 !H) 7:{ H2 7 Us 64 50 19 267 i(S3 J :lG H 15 10 48 20

IS:? ~() 117 1:l 11 21 ) .100 GO :127 12 S7 45 4!1 154 22 :l5 10 r; .2 23 13 SI 24 47.., 78 20 :~3 /') 25 ... ., 34 26 18 18 27 15U 46 Jan 7 6 U 2t; ].1'>0 40 126 f.) .) 13 ., 2~ ') 201 3:.l 7L 7 .. 8 30 101 49 n 31 176 IHi 115 J 32 3W lao 330 JJ 1J 12 :i3 423 265 tH7 ij 77 :i:J 27 60 :J4 {)~ IU 117 :J5 ] 50 2H 1.87 :! at) 310 11 J08 ~ H -..,.).) 37 H5 6 12» 38 235 101 ;; 13 ....) 3» 160 4-0 U4H IOU 505 H 7 18 :l 7 41 IOU 30 .) 42 25U .. 66 43- 150 108 I,H !) 44 97 26 4- 2 1 I 45 242 46 ... I 46 Hm 4 140 H J4 12 47 JT, 28 13 4- I 4& 218 24- 20 4- 3 49 91 82 79 21 20 50

., ...... -._-~_.,'-~.---~ ,'., ~.- "...... ,~ -----.- ~ ...... - " .. .. " .. _...... _, . -.. , ... "'_ --_ ..... - -.... ,.~, .. ~ .... --. B -Basic School. SH---HenioJ' Basic Sdwol. S ·-Sallldcl'it !)atheha)a. ~ O-·--Gram Pu.nehsyat. _R --J... ihmrif>B. t·--Post.OffiCt~. '.' , ~:~" • I; • 298

Total number of peftltOll8 Literates tmumerat,od Area No. of Serial N arne of village Thana in occupied ------.,--­ ----_..__---- no. no. houses Persons Malm.. Females Males Females

~- , .~- ,'-~.-~-... ,~.~ -~.-- "_".",-,,_ -,' ----,-...,....---" ..,,_'.-_ ...... ,...... _..-.-.---.---.-. .-.-.. --- ... -...... -._, -_...... ---,- -- ~,- '----.,_ _ .. ,".-~------.-~---... -~~.------_.------.. ,--.- -- ._- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ H 10

...... _ '__ ._._-o _. ~ ___ '_""'_'" ,_ ,..._ .. __ _ ._-_.-,,,_ ... -_. ---_-_ . ."", ---.~--,. ,-._" _.. __ ._ ... _"....-,_ ~ .... -'--'--'- -_,_--_, ,,,_._._.- -_---_- -.-- --- }).-8. CHAND-concld.

51 Karaundia. (L); (L.U). U 74 280 143 830 :iBU 431 180 13 52 Chanda 75 108 84 4,1')6 IB2 264 ]I, 5 53 Pateri U 76 361 131 787 395 302 ]00 12 54 Zamo,lpur 77 372 88 478 23fi 242 70 6 55 Dugauli .. 78 15H 2H 288 ')4-3 ] 4,1) n 56 Shivrampur 70 218 80 488 2fiO 228 10 4 57 Nindur .. 80 116 15 82 4~ :i4 .58 .Hampur 8] 177 10 137 6U 08 2 59 Nandill Bujrug 82 1:l9 10 76 45 :H () 60 J agdisbpur 83 26 22 170 8H 81 12 61 Ma.hdaich 84- 205 31 200 107 03 26 62 Kota. 8f) 276 16 88 52 36 4 63 Kharanti khurd 87 197 36 270 ):17 13:-J 10 64 Mararea 89 18!) 11 24 14 10 :2 65 Patanpurwa. 00 84 9 48 25 23 5 66 Kharauli 91 799 53 :l50 184 .lOt} 2() 67 Basaha · . L 0:1 226 74 501 284 217 f36 3 68 l l ",soiya. · . 94 169 If) 153 80 73 14 69 Dharbua 95 454 71 4,00 215 104 20 2 70 Chhotaki Bhara.ri 96 597 113 664 366 298 61 10 71 Patasar · . 98 881 75 553 207 256 24 1 72 Spukhara 1)9 1,080 132 669 344 325 30 3 '73 Dba.ladih · . 100 376 12 93 !)O 43 74 Surha. ·. 106 351 66 368 180 188 6 75 Ha.mirpur ·. 108 297 44 207 105 102 28 76 Sonpar ., ·'. 109 442 70 359 181 178 8 I '77 Bhrari kala.n L ·. 110 849 243 1,081· 526 555 126 9 '78 Lohdan · . 172 1.118 91 555 263 29.2 96 12 "19 Hansr&w 173 505 70 514 270 244 87 2 80 Kekrha L 187 410 26 198 100 98 21 81 Na.uan 186 281 18 98 48 .50 10 8.2 RUui 189 1,108 91 698 411 287 46 ·. as PipMea 190 331 38 198 107 91 20 84i Sar~ila 191 2157 14 117 58 59 10 85 Baghaila L 193 605 78 549 333 216 59 ·. 88 Bairi L 194 1,520 68 467 226 241 27 2 87 Chouri 198 806 128 693 357- a86 81 20 88 SaB. 199 317 2 11 8 3 80 Gohuan U 200 602 186 703 336 367 104 17 9G Morawa 201 114- 20 178 98 80 10

91 Dulahi U 210 818 85 476 247 .229 79 16 92- Amawan L,M 211 1,085 187 1,022 519 503 158 86 9S Ba.rbaria 21.2 300 70 404 208 196 70 6 94 Kaaari 213 801 .54 357 186 171 1.2 ·. 96 K.a.lowa ·. ·. ·. 214 ID4 24 153 )00 47 . 96 Bararbi ·. ·. ·. 216 608 60 446 221 226 iS2 · 97 Ladari ·. ·. 216 495 93 673 360 313 ·". 91 Bahuara .• ·. 210 496 74 519 266 253 58 9 9i Darunpur ·. 227 247 34 238 108 130 12 JOO:. Sonao • • ·. • • 228 .&48 71 'I. 198 Jl6 23 ·.

L_,.Lower Primary School. U-Upper Primarl SchooL M-KidcDe Sol:lool. H.-Hi@h School. ( )-Institution for m..., LV. -nu, et.o..--Utdu L P .. , l1nia tr. P.f etc. .299



Agricultural Cl~es Non -u,grieult,urttl ClasHes

• __•___ ••••. ,.._.__ ._._.-._ •.•• __ . ___•. ", ._._.___ -._._ .-.• _ ... __. "_'4 ' __ '''___ .•.• ___ .. ___ • ___., .._ .•.••...~_ •. __.• ___ •__ • __ ~

I. II. III. IV. j'ltWIiIOnA (ineluding depHllda.lltS) who florive their Cultivo.tors Cultivat,ol'H Ncw· principal mea.U8 of livelihood fl'()m -. of land wholly of laud wholly lahourl'rR ellltiw" . "-_'--"_" '... _- '-_'. ---... _ .--._ .. -_ .... _ ". .. _." ... _... ----.- .. _ ..-.- Het'itt! or mainly or Inainlv and OW11(lJ'A of V. VI. vn, VIII. no. owned aud uu-owlwd u,;l(t thtlil' IIl,nd, Produet ion Othl.~r tht)ir their dnpnrldantH agrieult.ural (o1.hor tJUUI ConnntH'et' 'rl"ttJlspor·t Horvi<'H8 dependant'M dt'p<·mdant S rent recoivers eultivl:ltion) and and U1Ail' mito1(lellaJleOUH depeudautH sou l'N'to:I

11' l2 13 14 15 In J.7 18 .1

P. ~ -- CHAND···-conckl.

:lU4- Il.'i 124 ,) 65 4H 23 f,5 oj LR3 :!iW 23 62 Ii4H l:lB 1 1 U6 53 158 :.Wl B 41-1 2 64 . 165 4H 74 55 :Wl :17 06 if) R 10 56 62 17 3 67 ,::l7 58 7t) lill UJ :W 89 O(}

HO :14 tH t, 61 38 4ti ~ 2 t):! 17M 02 H3 I) IS .1 64 20 :~ 13 3 (Sr. 2tHJ 7f) H 1 06 :HH :i2 lUR 5 17 H7 43 40 7t> OS 264 106 3U 09 424 4 L5;, 4:! I :~ It) 10 70

:W2 80 17 J 7J ~4(; 7 J42 124 29 12J 72 35 51 7 73 226 no 26 12 n 74 125 17 50 6 3 75 L7l 144 30 14 76 421> 7~J 4')')"-I"" 97 164 77 a67 H 14 2:-1 14 2H 7S 295 19 176 11 3 10 70 ttlO 38 80

98 8J at6 332 to 40 82 J42 50 83 57 II 38 11 84 ~39] 36 227 [) 85 178 46 l79 H 40 1- • 18 86 328 10 212 15 35 55 38 87 3 8 88 :422 J40 47 83 22 80 8ft 68 21 68 17 4- $)0

239 107 US} 11 91 561 230 IUS r; I 1 '12 5 02 70 7 317 f) 5 ns 158 20 15H 16 4 94 69 68 1 I,; 96 243 108 1 4- 96 530 2 90 12 28 11 97 332 2 142 4- 11, 28 98 34- 67 123 8 U U9 236 4- 171 2 100

_ .. ,,, ...... --_ .. ,--_ .. ...-...~ ... "'"','-----,...... ,.~~_, ..... ,,"". _ ...... 'O ...... , •••••• ' ..... , ...... ___ ~.,'. '"·'''· .• ·, ... ''"'·,·_~· __... ··_,·.~ ... ".,~~~~_ ..... _,.'c· ...... ,_,__ .- ..... __..... ,.".~.".'" ._ ....._ ...... _ ... , ...... _ ..... ,' ... _.,. ___"""' ...... "'"-""" __.,.~ ...... ,~ B-Basio School. SB ·-Sonior Basio SchooL S·--Sanskrit Patbahala. Q-.. ~Grtml Panoba.yat, R,-Llbrarios. t-P08l.0fftCA.


In this t1able, details of the towns have been shown seperately. In cases of towns having Municipalities, Union Boards or Union Committees, the totals have been followed up by similar details for the constituent wards. 30'2


Total number of ptJI'Sons enumerated Literates

Serial N atne of Town and Area i 11 Sq. No. of ooou· --,-,,-----,-"" --,_------_._------_...... _- no. Number of MileR pied houses WardR


.. ~.. _· ___.... ·h .... " ...... ---.~.-----.--- ..... -'''-~ .... --- .. ~ ...... --.-.... ----.. ~---.--~,-.-----,~., .... _. ~-- -~-----...... "' ... .".-.. "..-~-----.----"' .. ~, ...... ,,--.. -.---.------_..-'" .... 1 2 3 4 [) 6 7 8 H

...... " _'---'-"-" ,_ ,~. , .. ,' -.~------_ __ _._, ...... __--- -.--'-,~-~-,-.-----, ...... _-, "._."._--.... __ ...... _... ,,,--_._------.-- -.. '...... __ -.... _-_._.,_. "._-, ...... -,_ ..... _.-_ ... ,,0' ...... ,/. 1. Arrah Municipality 8·00 10,Ot8 64,205 88,888 80,522 18,562 7,055

Ward no. I 883 6.H06 3,38~ 3.424 1,246 3:Ul Ward no. II 41H 2,44U 1,346 ],103 712 223

Ward no. In 337 :!.154 l,:140 814- 8tH 2H~

Ward no. IV 160 1,235 fiHO r.75 441 205

Ward no. V 334 1,Hr)f) 96H 887 567 304

Ward no. VI 228 1.H:-lH ) .OO~S 1)32 635 33a

W o.rd no. VIr 181 1,5t:t~ 83l) 757 (s31 43()

Ward no. VIII 300 1,6t} J H03 7[)8 !)70 :JOO

Ward no. IX 3nI 2,217 1,16() ],057 H~4 56:~

Ward no. X 370 2,120 1,036 1,084 786 426

Ward no. XI 487 3,749 1,980 l.76~ J ,3:30 52l

Ward no. XII 5tH 3,357 1,O:3:i 1,424 1,365 37a

Wa.rd no. XIII 36H 1,94H 1,144 804- 74:~ 23r,

Ward no. XIV ... 71.0 4,282 2,284 1,998 1,150 186

Ward no. XV 639 4,325 2,271 2,054 818 211 Ward no. XVI 293 1,030 H76 954 6')9..... 23a Ward no. XVII 336 2.808 1,302 1,003 867 453 Ward no. XVIII 193 1,743 861 882 461 241

Ward no. XIX 200 1,133 570 563 311 157

Wa.rd no. XX 318 1,680 820 860 537 165

Ward 110. XXI. 325 2,122 1,088 1.O3~ 522 150

Ward no. XXll 832 4,582 2,283 2.299 1,051 356 Ward no. XXIII 427 2.359 1,227 1,13f' (s33 252

V~ta.rd no. XXIV 803 ',6liD 2,307 2,352 770 114

2. Sasaram Muwclpality 0·54 5.209 29.285 14,782 14,483 6,448 1.877 Wa.rd no. I .. 286 1,308 881 517 lS43 176 Ward no. 11 899 2,234 1,186 1,049 746 )76 Ward no. III 1.69 730 400 330 269 67 Wa.rd no. IV .. 213 1,214 684 830 310 142 303


,-_._------LIVEI.UfOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural ClaBRea -----.----.------.~.,.- .---.~--,------Nam(~ of Town o,lld I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Number of Cltlti vators CulM VEt.tors Cultivating Non-culti- Production Commerce ~rrans- Other Wards of land of land la.bourers vating owners (other tlum port Servi(~es wholly or wholly or a.nd their of land, oulti vation) and ma.inly m~illl)T UIl­ dependants agl'i cultural l\f.i scollanc. ·()wned aud owned and reut OU8 their their rocoivers Sources

178 l25 50 366 678 120 ~TaJ'd no. II.

151 11 114 65 307 69 J ,377 'Vard lIO. 1.11.

38 68 127 65 236 13 68~ Ward no. IV.

13 67 67 194 H2 84H Ward no. V.

93 63 241 70H S04 W o.rd no. VI. 13 IHO 104 582 15 688 Wa.rd no. VIl:.

150 171 3tH 51 869 Ward 110. VIII.

135 107 18 244 50B 142 1,060 Wurd no. IX. 248 21 348 35 278 3li 1,155 Wurd no. X. 586 118 574 30 159 307 141 1,735 Ward no. XI. 303 2 47 113 25U IH4 1,547 Ward no. XII. 205 139 185 34 101 187 148 949 Ward no. XIII. 1,268 115 666 12 284 387 544 1,006 Wsrd no. XIV. 530 144 523 2 156 724 281 1,965 Ward no. XV. 132 142 21 132 312 136 1,055 Ward no. XVI. 145 182 87 229 578 151 956 Ward no. XVII. 42 4 31 103 752 48 763 Ward no. XVIII.

21 29 1 24 185 7.>4 5 114 Ward no. XIX.

91 34 1 290 524 132 608 Ward no. XX. 1 8 18 673 624 55 743 Ward no. XXI. 598 28 185 66 721 1,370 9'4 1,520 W 6rd no. xxn. 67 35 42 36 324 787 144 924 Ward no. XXIII.

897 151 1,961 16 265 963 53' 1,053 Ward no. XXIV eo

:1,784 812 1,788 798 1,715 8,288 906 8,886 Sasa,am MUDiCipa­ Itt)'. 457 32 41 18 18 159 55 618 Ward no. 1. 216 97 1 14 226 413 188 1,079 Ward no. II. 67 12 '8 25 38 205 81 256 Ward no. UI. 25 .. 15 101 219 101 81 522 Ward. no. IV. 304


'rota.1 nutnber of persons enumerated

Serial N arne of Town and Area in Sq. No. of occu· no. Number of Mi It'S pied bouse~ Wards

Pet'FlOlljol MaleE! FemaloR

~------.------.------.---- ...... -..." .... > ... __ ••• _-- ,~ ..,- ••••,- ... - " ...... " ...... ------~------. 1 2 3 4- [; fi i 8 U

_... _ .... n_ ... _.___ ..... _ .. __.•.. ,_ .. _._ ...... _____. __ ... ______~_~ .. ,.""_ ._L~'" ... ~ ... --'_. __ ..... _...... __ ._ .----.----~-.------.--.~-.... --

SASARAM MUNICIPALl'rY--,-(~o1'lcld.

Ward 110. V 164- 1,063 54,t) 517 204- J :-J:i

Ward no. VI 253 1,432 72(; 700 302 ;)0

'Ward no. VII 204 J ,4B4 75J 74-3 :wa til";,)

Ward no. VIII :-J04 2,2{)O ] ,08:? 1,16S 44:1 )06

Ward 110, IX 223 ] ,I 02 {)30 5B:-1 233 ;)H Ward no. X .. 20fi 1,2 I 5 610 (SOt) 225 4a

Wa.rd no. XI 436 2,80H 1,3H3 1,41 (i 557 J;; J

Ward no. XII 421 2,2H) 1,OS) 1,188 401 112

Ward no. XIII 1 U I, I,03:J 50!} ;;24· 101) 1(5

Ward 110. XIV 258 1);33 a]5 43S :?30 :J7

Ward no. XV 166 ] ,088 {)J2 ,,76 185 43 Ward no. XVI 258 1,284 617 OH7 2U:J 27

'\"a1'(l no. XVIl 183 1, l74 i)84 5HO 1+7 [W

Ward no. XVIII 349 2,102 ],064 1,038 27l 57

Ward no. XIX 217 1,:134- 66,) 6()U 310 Sf) Ward no. XX 249 l,l:17 538 599 251 73

I. Dumraon Municipality 3·50 2,996 16,605 8,486 8,119 3,469 907 Ward no. 1 1,610 8.944 4,560 4,378 1,74r. 472

Ward no. II 1,386 7,661 3,H20 3~741 L724 435

4. Buxar Municipality 8'04 3,221 18,087 9,742 8,845 4,702 1,309

Warn no. 1 486 2,25:1 1,241 1,012 604 17~

Wa.rd no. 11 204 1,0,1 4 862 652 5H4 220

\V Honi no. III 2t)1 1,641 83J 810 37U 140 Ward no. IV 410 2,747 1,324 1,423 500 114

Ward no. V 146 734 386 348 144 33

Ward 110. VI 484 2,450 1,4UO 960 900 200 Ward no. VIr 466 2.64.2 ),436 1,2Q6 401 137 Wa.rd· 110. VIII 526 3,410 1.tnU 1,719 814- 93 , Ra.ilway colOny .. 190 643 369 1.74- 105 69 MUit&rr ~r.eo, •• 49 153 112 41 7.2 16 305


LIVELIHOOD- CLASSES ._------Agri oultura.l Classes Non.agricultura.l Classes -"---_._,------Name of "rOWll and I. II. III. IV. '7. ,rIo VII. VIII. Number of Cultivators Culti vators Cutti vat,j ng NOll-en lti- Product,ion Commercf' Trans­ Other \\Ta.rds. of land of la.nd labourers vaUng ownors (ot.her than ,)ort, ServiceA wholly 01' wholly or . and t,heir of land, cult,i. vation) and mainly InsiIll), \llt­ dependan ts agri cult,ural­ owned and owned u,ncl 1'ont, Olla their theil' l't~c(..,i vers Sourcos dependants depondant.!!'! and thei)' dependnnts __ .__ .--...... ---_ .. _-_. __ . __ ...... _, ...... -_._----_... _------_._-_.--_._._._-- 10 11 12 13 14 16 ]7 1 --__• _____.T' ______. ___•


12 31 130 43R 20 331 Ward no. V. 1{)0 9 384 ::J79 6R 434 Warcl no. VI.

l7H 1 441 137 U90 25 284 Ward no. VII. !JO 151 532 780 56 641 Ward no. VIII.

2 21 iH 02 376 70 485 WaI'd no. IX. 167 35 20 128 54-a 21 301 Ward no. X.

248 156 146 4{l3 1,07:i 24 66H Ward no. XI. 196 GO 17 33 920 .:S37 .102 364 Ward no. XII. ') 51 4... 41a 324 47 123 Wll.rd no. XUI.

IS 30 82 LBo 280 12 :J36 Ward no. XIV. 19 H7 209 398 Ward no. XV. 206 Of:) 390 7 185 130 73 224 Ward no, XVI.

50 76 17 410 374 2 245 Ward 110. XVII. 120 67 440 453 11 548 Ward no. XVIII. 99 In 194 284 48 547 Ward no. XIX. 25 21 14 293 446 12 326 Wal'd no. XX.

2,083 951 2,558 158 2,394 4,870 418 3,688 Dumraon MunleJ­ pallty. 1,847 604 1,437 70 1,278 2,251 196 1,761 Wa.rd no, I. 736 347 1,116 83 1,116 2,119 217 1,927 Ward no. II.

2,672 .249 270 140 1,651 4,488 1,870 7,297 B ilxar Municipality. 284: 20 29 187 824 18 04J. Ward no. I. 374 38 10 123 411 506 Ward no. II. 15 21 20 15 327 557 25 661 Ward no. III, 410 58 39 43 362 438 541 856 Ward no • IV. 49 373 130 182 Ward no. V. 202 78 .. 14 19 1,025 .. J,112 Ward no. VI . 1,095 5 137 5 86 178 .6 1,OSW Ward no. VH. 342 87 16 2' 498 632 32 1,779 'Wa.rd no. VIII.

.. • • .. 626 17 Railway colon!' •

.. .~ ...... • • 153 Military ·area• SOt) --eDAM

Tota.l number of porsons enumerated

Serial Name of Town and Area. in Sq. No.ofocou· ---.-.--.----­ no. Number of Miles pied houses Wards

Persons Males Females Males

---._------,-.. -. ___ •. _---_._-... _----,------,.". ,--, ------._-- --~--.------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 ,---,---"------_._---- "---_._- .-~-- -~,------

i. 'accllahpur .unlalpalltJ 2'00 1,989 11,822 5,595 5,727 2,197 456

Wa.rd no. I •• 265 1,538 769 769 339 61 Ward no. II 468 2,602 1,282 1,320 4-24 62 Ward no. III 231 1,672 879 793 325 39

Wo.rd no. IV 529 2,663 1,375 1,288 746 220 Wa.rd no. V 496 2,847 1,290 1,057 :J63 73

I. Dahrl Notified Area Com- S'25 4,978 24,496 14,826 9,670 7,590 1,208 mlttee.

Ward no. I • • 1,081 5,326 2,826 2,500 1,754 620 Ward no. II ·. ·. 1,595 8,620 4,892 3,728 2,141 481 Ward no. III ·. 2,297 10,550 7,108 3,442 3,695 1,267

7. Basrlganj :Notified Area S'4 1,245 8,745 4,232 4,509 :1,426 198 Committee.

Ward no. I • • 174 1,205 631 574- 164 61 Ward no. II 211 1,427 686 741 274 4:0 Ward no. III ·. 167 1,244 606 638 108 48 Ward no. IV 217 1,400 656 744 264 103 Ward no. V 200 1,429 608 821 146 26

Ward no. VI • • 122 978 487 491 158 32 Ward no. VII 154 1,058 558 500 312 9S,

8. Bha'bua lIunlcipaUty 1'47 1,457 '1;858 4,168 8,705 1,690 M8 Warel no. I 166 927 530 397 270 13 Ward no. n · . 239 1,322 678 644- .218 17 Ward no. ill 278 1,411 755 656 218 26 Ward no. IV 129 803 424- 379 253 lil} Ward no. V ·. 326 1,681 868 768 419 15;) Ward DO. VI ·. .. 819 1.764 898 866 812 16~ 307


•. ,\ \_ .I' /. _..... _.. __ ... __ .______...... _...... __ ._-_." ...~~~:~O~~~~~~~~~H __ -.-.. -__ .. _"._ .. __ ~_ '~_:- IV -' ~~~\>/" Agricultural Classes Non.agl'ioultural Olasses ~~~~ 'IN.' ...... ' ._. . . ______._------.. _-_._ .... __.-_._._ ._ .. ,... ~... "-''''-'---'-'-'~ "''''-_'_''-'''_ '_"--'_"_"_ Na.n16 of Town and I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Number of Cultivators CultivatorR Cultivating NOll·oulti· Produotion Comrnel'e(~ TraIls- Other Wards of land orland labourers vat,ing oV\'Tlors (other than port, ServlCt"s wholly or wholly or and their of land, cUltivation) and mainly Jnainl~ 1111· rlepmldants agrioult.ural Mi8ce)b.l.Ill~- owned and owned and rent OllS their their reoeivers Sources dependants dependantH and their dependa.nt.s ~-~~-.... -.... _-... _--- .... -~''' .... _------"_- ,------..... --_-_,_,,_ ~-... -.-,-,-~..._.....---- 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 1

---~~."--.- •. _ ..•. ,...... ,_--~ ______.__ .. _ -.-.-_.--_____ ---.-----_ -- ._ ..• _ .... __ ._. __ ...... - "~ ... ,._ .. _ ,-- ",_ .... _'*,,"_ .--~ .-~. __ -_ .--4.--_.__ -...... -_ .__ -_.-- _..._

1,733 870 2,059 489 1,180 2,551 116 1,325 Jagdlshpur Munlel­ paUty. 576 231 210 122 33 274 3 Ward no. I.

352 144 49U 1:13 574 778 125 ·Ward. no. II.

645 49 2H2 12 lIB 274 8 :!73 Wa.rd no. III.

587 335 484 79 45 748 390 WRrd no. IV.

573 III 577 143 409 482 104 448 'Val'd no. V.

1,850 389 1,483 40 2,022 3,865 3,262 11,635 Dehrl Notltled Area Committee. 110 8 3U7 626 1,403 2,505 368 Ward no. 1. 1,008 344 852 26 458 1,690 356 3,886 \Var

2,150 565 1,159 166 1,108 1,741 272 1,680 NasrlganJ MoUllecl Area Oommittee. 147 230 277 65 55 138 47 237 Ward no. I. 138 176 143 8 32{) 408 12 216 Ward no. II.

549 2 ]37 31 130 128 91 232 Ward no. III. 40f) 24 106 349 190 72 245 Ward no. IV.

385 123 152 53 123 286 281 Ward no. V. 234 1 292 9 70 169 193 Ward no. VI.

292 52 55 433 50 176 Ward 110. VII.

1,506 90 1,464 184 668 2,099 852 1,te5 Bhabua Munlelpa­ Hty. 318 17 161 64: 14 13 168 168 Ward no. 1. 4.5 17 37 78 584 31 530 Ward no. II. 206 710 21 323 5 142 Ward no. IU. 65 14 162 13" 50 287 84 128 Ward no. IV. 87 122 66 374 660 6' 268 Ward no. V.

785 69 292 131 228 • • 269 Ward no. VI..

BOP (Census) a-Mono~3.19fU-LNL" others.