UDK 911.53(985)+17.035.3+[81:39](045) Performance of an ethno cultural landscape of Arctic regions in global and regional measurements © Lukin Yury F., doctor of historical sciences, professor, director Institute of management and sciences about region, scientifically-educational centre «Institute of Arctic regions». The head of a scientific direction «Geopolitical, spiritually- tsivilizatsionnye, socially-economic, ethno cultural problems of Arctic regions and the North of Russia in global and regional measurements». The author of 235 publications, including 12 monographers «Great repartition of Arctic regions» (2010); «New Arkhangelsk annals» (2008); «Global society self- government of communities» (2006), etc., the textbook for high schools «Conflictology: management of conflicts» (2007), 5 manuals. E-mail:
[email protected]. Abstract Given article represents multiscientific research of ethnic and cultural landscape of Arctic in global and regional dimensions. Problems are studied: global context Arctic culture, southern border, population, disappearance of languages and cultures, status of the northern radical people, circumpolar civilization, and also modern trends of public opinion in sphere of international relations. Model of ethno cultural landscape of Arctic; cultural language variety; humanistic model of Arctic development. Key words: Arctic, southern border, North, performance, ethnoses, language, culture, landscape, population, global society, circumpolar civilization. The study of culture of different ethnic groups who had gone into the past and the surviving civilizations in the Arctic, of course, has to-date scientific and practical importance. Current circumpolar area, varying in time, remains in domestic science is still largely under- researched, a white spot. Justification proved by the centuries of civilization priority of Russia in the development of cold northern area in great redistribution of the Arctic becomes today a major geopolitical sense.