Chicago Knanaya Catholic Parish Bulletin Sacred Heart Knanaya , 611 Maple St., Maywood, IL 60153 St. Mary’s Parish Unit, 5212 W. Agatite Ave, Chicago, IL 60630 June 24, 2007, Vol. 2, Issue 39 All issues of our bulletin are available at


നെട സീേറാ മലബാ സഭെട തലവനും പിതാമായ അതത ക ിനാ മാ വക്കി വിതയി 2007 ജുൈല രാം തീയതി തിളാ ൈവകുേരം 6:30ന് നെട ഇടവക പി സശി് മാ േതാാീഹാെട തിാ കുാന അിതും നാം നിിവാനുേശി ് െസറിെ അടിാനശില ആശീദിതുമാണ് . നെട പതായ്ക്ഷ മാ േജക്കബ് അാടിയാ പിതാവിേനാ േടാ് നെട ഇടവക ൈദവാലയം സശിവാ ആദയ്മാെയ കിനാ തിേമനിെയ സീകരിവാനും രയി കുടുംബാംഗ േദിമാരായി നട തിാളി സംബി് ൈദവാനുഹം ാപിവാനും എാവെരം ക്ഷണി.


Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Youth Ministry is organizing the second retreat on popular demand from our youth. The program will be at Bishop Lane Retreat Center, Rockford from July 4 - 7, 2007. His Excellency Mar will be offering Holy Mass and giving message during the retreat. Registration is open for 8th grade and up. Please reserve your seat to assure your admission. Applications forms are available at Youth Coordinator: Sabu Mutholam 708-307-1795.

BLESSING ON THE FATHERS’ DAY AT S.H. CHURCH June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 2 Vol. 2, Issue 39 PASTOR / VICAR Fr. Abraham Mutholath NOVENAS 5212 W. Agatite Ave., Chicago, IL 60630. Our Lady of Perpetual Help after Saturday Mass at (773) 412-6254 (cell) [email protected] Sacred Heart Church. St. Jude Novena on Thursdays at 7:00 P.M. at Community Center. For a list of all Voluntary Staff, please visit: St. Michael 2nd Fridays of the month after Mass at Sacred Heart Church.

HOLY MASS PRAYER GROUP SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. at Sacred Heart Church ADULT: Sundays after Mass at S.H. Church

5:30 P.M. for St. Mary’s at OLV Church REL. EDU. TEACHERS: After Religious Education THURSDAY 7:00 P.M. Community Center Class at Sacred Heart Church. FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. at Sacred Heart Church SATURDAY 10:00 A.M. at Sacred Heart Church YOUTH: First Saturdays after mass at S. H. Church.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ON SUNDAYS 11:15 A.M. to 12:30 at S. H. Church Sundays after Mass 3:45 P.M. at OLV for St. Mary’s Unit LEGION OF MARY ADORATION Saturdays after Mass And one Sunday per month First Fridays after Mass at S.H. Church MEN’S & WOMEN’S MINISTRIES RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION First Friday evenings after Holy Mass First Saturdays from 10:00 A.M. at S. H. Church. INSTALLATION OF NEW VOLUNTEERS OF THE PARISH. BLESSING FOUNDATION STONE OF YOUTH CENTER BY THE CARDINAL.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 2007 YOUTH RETREAT AT ROCKFORD BEGINS. Holy Mass and Novena at S. H. Church at 10:00 A.M. Meet at Parish Church at 4:00 P.M.

SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2007 THURSDAY, JULY 5, 2007 HEALTH AWARENESS DAY IN THE PARISH. Holy Mass, Novena and Benediction at Community Holy Mass at 10:00 A.M. at Sacred Heart Church. Center at 7:00 P.M. Mass at OLV for St. Mary’s unit at 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2007 THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2007 Holy Mass and Adoration at Sacred Heart Church at Holy Mass, Novena and Benediction at Community 7:00 P.M. Center at 7:00 P.M. Meeting of Men’s and Women’s Ministry after Mass.

FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 SATURDAY, JULY 7, 2007 Holy Mass at Sacred Heart Church at 7:00 P.M. Holy Mass and Novena at S. H. Church at 10:00 A.M.

SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 2007 SUNDAY, JULY 8, 2007 Holy Mass and Novena at S. H. Church at 10:00 A.M. BIBLE DAY IN THE PARISH Holy Mass at 10:00 A.M. at Sacred Heart Church. SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2007 Mass at OLV for St. Mary’s unit at 5:30 P.M. NEW VOLUNTEERS TAKE CHARGE TODAY EDUCATION AND CAREER AWARENESS DAY. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2007 Holy Mass at 10:00 A.M. at Sacred Heart Church. Holy Mass, Novena and Benediction at Community Center at 7:00 P.M. Mass at OLV for St. Mary’s unit at 5:30 P.M.

MONDAY, JULY 2, 2007 FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2007 FEAST OF ST. THOMAS AT 6:30 P.M. Holy Mass and Novena of St. Michael at Sacred Heart Church at 7:00 P.M. RECEPTION TO CARDI- NAL MAR VARKEY VITHAYATHIL. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 2007 MASS BY MAR VITHAYATHIL AND MAR JACOB FEAST OF ST. KURIAKOSE ANGADIATH. Holy Mass and Novena at S. H. Church at 10:00 A.M. June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 3 Vol. 2, Issue 39

ഇടവക ഷ, ഒ ൈദവവിളി നായി ന ാ ിക്കാം. എെ ിയ സേഹാദരേള, njയറാ ൈവകുേരളി നെട ഇടവക പിയി നെട ഇടവകെട ശക്തിം ഐകയ്ം സാിക അ ിവാനി ദിവയ്ബലി ചിലെട താല് പരയ്െ രക്ഷിതതം അടിയിരിത് അനവധി െവാളിേയ കതി ഓ.എ .വി. പിയി അ ി് . അവിെട ിെ ആാ മായ സമ ണ ഷയിലാണ് . പതി മാം സഹകരിവെര െസ് േമരീസ് ണി് എ േപാെല ഈ വ ഷം ജുൈല ഒ ത െവാളിേയഷ്സി വിളിേപാെിം അത് ഇടവകയി നി േവറി െ നിയമനി മാം വി തിയ ലി് ഈ സഭാ ഘടകമ. പതായ്ക്ഷ ചിക്കാേഗായി ാേദശികാ ലക്കി സിെടുകയാണ് . ടിാനി മൊ മിഷ ാപി കഴിോ 2007-08 കാലഘം നെട മിഷ ഇടവകയായി വള മിഷെ സംവിധാന െസ് േമരീസിനുേവി െചവാ േകല്ശേമറിയ വ ഷമായി. ളി പതറാെത, ൈദവി കഴിം. അതുവെര െസ് േമരീസ് ണിിെ ഗമമായ ക പതിേയാടു സഹകരി് , സം കുടുംബെോെലതെ വ ന ക്കാവശയ്മായ െവാളിേയിെന ചുമതലെടു ഇടവകെയ േഹി പരിപാലി എെ ിയെ എല്ാ ിയി് . കര്േമണ ചിക്കാേഗായി പതായ്ക്ഷ വഴി സഹവ കേരാടും ആാ മായ നി അ ി. മ് െസ് േമരീസ് മിഷ ാപിക്കെ് ആ മിഷന് സം ഏെതാ ഇടവകേയം അതിശയിിംവിധം നാം െച പിം മതേബാധന ം ൈവദികവസതിാക്കി ഇടവ കൂായ ഷ് ൈദവം തിഫലം ന്, ഇനിം കയായി വളവാ ന പരിമികം ാ ികം നം. നോെടാ സ ിേല സംവഹിവാനുത് െചാം. ൈദവം നിയി സമയ് എാം ഭമായി ഇരം സ വ ികളാണ് . അവയാണ് നെട മരണാന ഭവിം. ര ഉപേയാഗിനു നിേക്ഷപം. ഈ ിനി േപ േച ക്കെടാ അനവധിേപ സഭാ ഷ നിയമനം ബമതിേയാ അംഗീകാരേമാ ഈ ഇടവകെട സേസനയി ഉ െടു് . ല എതിപരി ൈദവവിളിയാണ് . അതു ാന േമാഹി പരിമിതിലം േനതൃത നിരയിവെട േപകളാണ് ക േക്കാ ജനീതിമാം േതടുവ േക്കാ േവിത. േച ിരിത് . സമയ പരിമിതിലം ആെരെയിം ത കര്ിനാഥ 72 ശിഷയ്ാെരം 12 അോലാെരം െട തിയ ചുമതലെയി കൂി അറിയിവാ സാധി െതരെടു് പരിശീലനം നി, സഹവ കരാക്കിയത് ക്കാെത േപാെയി സദയം ക്ഷമി് ൈദവിക പതിേയാടു െതരെടുിെടേയാ അസാധാരണ കഴിേനാക്കിേയാ സഹകരിക്കണെമ് അഭയ് ി. അ. തെ ശിഷയ്രാകുവാ ആഹിവ ചിലെര ഈേശാ എാ െവാളിേയം ജുൈല രാം തീയതി തിളാ തിരരികം െച. സഭയി ൈവദികെരം സനയ് ൈവകുേരം 6:30ന് നെട ഇടവക പിയി നട മാ േരം സഭാഷായി ൈദവം വിളിതുേപാെലയാണ് േതാാീഹെട തിാ കു ാനയി പെടു് ഇടവകയിെല അായ ഷേയം സഭ കാണുത് . സയം സമ ി ാ ിമോ. അെ ഖയ്കാ ിക സഭാ േസവനിനു േയാജിവരായി കാണെ വിവിധ നായ സീേറാ മലബാ സഭാതലവ ക ിനാ മാ വ ക്കി കഴികം സമ ണ മേനാഭാവവെരയാണ് ഈ ഷ വിതയിലിെം നെട പതായ്ക്ഷ മാ േജക്കബ് ായി നിയിിരിത് . ജുൈല ഒ ത ഒ അാടിയാ പിതാവിെം േതയ്ക ആശീ ാദം വ ഷെ നെട ഷ വഴി നെട ഇടവകം അതിെ തിക്ക െട സമാപനി തിയ െവാളിേയിനു ഭാഗമായ െസ് േമരീസ് ണിം സഭാപരമായി കൂടുത നതാണ് . വളരെെയ് തയ്ാശി. അതിനുേവ കൃപാവരി ഒിരി േഹോെട, ഫാ. ഏഹാം ോല്

കുടുത നുെവം അംഗീകാരം നാം സയം നിെട മദയ്പാനം നിാെത നിെട മക്കെള േനടുകയ, നെട മദയ്വിക്തരാക്കാനാകുേമാ?

ആാതം കഠിനാാനം ക് മദയ്പാനം ലം ധന നം മാനഹാനിം നെ േതടിെയകയാണ്. അനാേരാഗയ്ം ഫലം. June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 4 Vol. 2, Issue 39

The following is the list of assignments of our volunteers with effect from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 unless further changes are made. They are welcome for their installation and blessing by His Eminence Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil on Monday July 2, 2007 after the Holy Mass at 6:30 P.M. Multiple names are given in the alphabetic order of family names. We thank the volunteers who did an outstanding service to our parish during the past year. May the Lord reward you for your work in His vineyard.

PARISH EXECUTIVE Vanchippura Jacob Thattarettu Jose (Children)

PROGRAM COORDINATOR AGAPE MOVEMENT CHRISTMAS AND EASTER (Reservations, maintenance, BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Special celebration after Christmas and coordination) (Social Service Dept. of the parish) and Easter mass) Kannachamparambil Alex Mutholath Fr. Abraham (President) Keezhangattu Cyriac (Coordinator) Thekkepparambil Sunny MSW Kannothara Jenny TRUSTEES (Secretary) Mullappally Betty (Parish administration in consultation Chemmachel Mathachan (Treasurer) with the vicar) CHRISTMAS CAROL Kannachamparambil Alex Aikkarapparambil Thomas (Leadership in organizing carol service Thottappuram George Chemmachel Mathachan at homes during Christmas season). Karickal Baby ALTAR SERVERS Padinjarel Alex (Coordinator) Varakalayil Joy (Coordinating, training, and guiding Poothura Binu Vettathukandathil Sunil (St. Mary’s) alter servers) Men’s Ministry Nellamattam Kurian (Sacred Heart) Youth Ministry PRO Aikkaraparambil Jose (St. Mary's) Fundraising Committee General (Master of Ceremonies, Media) Fundraising Committee Youth Center Thottappuram George AUDITOR (Auditor of Parish & Agape Movement DARASANA SAMOOHAM SECRETARY accounts including legal paper works) (Leadership of church festivals) Jose Thazhathuvettathu (Convener of Thottichirayil Kurian Chemmachel Thampy meetings and activities) Thannikkary Abraham Thekkepparambil Johny BETTER FAMILY MOVEMENT (Documentation and archives) (Facilitating programs that discourage DECORATION OF CHURCH addictions of alcohol, smoking, and (Interior decoration of the church for all PARISH COUNCIL drugs). special occasions). (Advisory council to the pastor) Thekkeparambil Sunny (President) Kannothara Roy (Coordinator) Parish Executive (Ex officio) Vettathukandathil Simon (Secretary) Chakkalathottiyil Pennamma DREs and Coordinator of DREs Chittalakkattu Philo Coordinators of Youth Ministry, Men’s BULLETIN Poothakkary Jiji Ministry, and Women’s Ministry. (Sunday Bulletin of the parish) Thattarettu Thresiamma Presidents of St. Vincent de Paul and Chathampadam Sunny (Typesetting Legion of Mary. and layout) DRUMS Coordinator of Sacristans. Chemmachel Marykkutty (Editor) (Training and coordination Indian Coordinator of General Fundraising Poothrukayil Saji (Editor and Proof drums by junior and senior teams for Coordinator of Fundraising for Building reader) church events and festivals). Project Thannikkary Abraham (Advertisement Elavumkal Sabu (Coordinator) Coordinator of Religious-Cultural Pro- Manager) Thekkepparambil Jomon

grams CEMETRY AND FUNERAL Thekkumkattil Saji Finance Officers Padinjarel Alex (Contact with cemetery, funeral home, Building Project Coordinator coordination of funeral arrangements ECUMENICAL COMMITTEE Coordinator of Koodarayogam of the parishioners) (Representing the parish in the Ecu- Chemmachel Joy Chammachel Mathachan menical Council of Kerala Churches in Kanjirathumkal Raju (Coordinator) Chicago) Kaniyaly Jose Njaravelil Jose Choottuvelil Joy Keezhangattu Mathew Varakalayil Joy Keezhangattu Cyriac

Nediyakalayil Joy CHOIR Kizhakkekuttu Saly Nellamattam Kurian Nellamattam Kurian (Leadership in church choir & special Pinarkayil Jose events of the church and parishioners) Poothura Mathew Malithuruthel Saji (Sacred Heart) Puthenpura Philip Edukkuthara Brenda (Syro-Malankara) Pullappally Tonny Kaimoolayil Maneesh (St. Mary's) (Continued on page 5) June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 5 Vol. 2, Issue 39

(Continued from page 4) Elekkatt John (Coordinator at St. Ellankiyil Jose EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM Mary’s) Idiyalil Mathew (FIRST AID) Kannothara Roy Kanjirappara Benny (Team to respond in case of emer- Muthukattil Joy Kattappuram Sabu gency health needs in the church) Njaravelil Chinnamma Kattappuram Simon Indikuzhy Lissy (Coordinator) Puthenpurayil Dolly Klakil Lukose Kanjirathumkal Dr. Tessy Thekkepparambil Johny Kooply Kurian (Coordinator) Thekkepparambil Sunny Mutholam Sunny

Chemmachel Lukson FAMILY COMMISSION Nedumakkal Mathew Klakkil Lukose (Team to organize Marriage Prepara- Ottappally Majo Mutholam Sunny tion Courses, Family Celebrations, Paranickal Jeeno Muthukattil Joy and seminars for couples). Pinarkayil Jose Poothakkary Thomas Poothruayil Binu Pullappally Tonny (Coordinator) EMPOWERMENT COMMITTEE Kanjirappara Benny Pullappally Mathias (Team to defend the parish and its Puthenpura Ajimol Thannikkary Abraham Thekkepparambil Sunny voluntary staff along with boosting the Thannikkary Jenny reputation of the parish). Thottichira Molamma HOSPITALITY

Pinarkayil Jose (Coordinator) FINANCE OFFICERS (Reception to those who come in the Indikkuzhy Sunny (In charge of handling collections and church). Kattappuram Sabu Pinarkayil Jose bank deposits) Mutholam Jacob Chathampadam Sunny (Sacred Heart) KOODARAYOGAM Nedumakil Mathew Elekkatt John (St. Mary's) (Coordinating ward meetings of the Nellamattam Kurian parishioners) Thottichirayil Kurian FLOWER ARRANGEMENT (Church decoration with flowers when- Thazhathuvettathu Jose (Coordinator) Vachachira Joy Chammachel Mathachan ever needed). ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE Nediyakala Thankamma (Coordinator) Chemmachel Thampichan (Technical assistance in keeping the Choottuvelil Tania Njaravelil Tissy church and its surrounding a healthy, Kannothara Jini Nediyakalayil Kunjumon safe, and clean). Kattappuram Jiji Nediyakalayil Joy Thannikkary Abraham (Coordinator) Muthukattil Jessy Padinjarel George Akkathara Sunny Mulayanikunnel Susmitha Pathiyil Tomy Chathampadam Sunny Puthenpura Joseph Ellankiyil Mathachan FUNDRAISING GENERAL Thattarettu Jose Idiyalil Mathew (Leadership in organizing fund raising Thekkpparambil Johny Illimoottil Manoj programs). Vanchippura Jacob Vachachira Gracy (Coordinator) Indikkuzhy Sunny LECTORS Kattappuram Simon Puthenpura Leelamma (Food) Indikuzhy Sunny (Ice cream) (Assigning and reporting readers of Korattiyil Jose Thomas Holy Mass) Naduveettil Sabu Thekkepparambil Valsa (Lemonade) Coordinators of Women Ministry Madayanakavil Regina (Sacred Heart) Panayapparambil Joby Kizhakkekuttu Saly (St. Mary's) Paranickal Gini Men’s’ Ministry Poothura Biju James Youth Ministry LIBRARY Poothura Binoy DREs (In charge of parish library). Pullappally Mathias Akkathara Reethamma Kannothara Roy (Coordinator) Thekkanatt Alex Kaniyaly Lucy Accathara Reethamma

Thekkepparambil Sunny Keezhangattu Sona LITURGICAL COMMITTEE FOR Theyil Kuriako Pinarkayil Mary ST. MARY'S UNIT Viruthikulangara Thomas Thannikkary Abraham (Advisory board in planning the pas- Vachachira Benny ENGLISH MASS toral needs of St. Mary’s Unit of the (Setup for monthly English Mass). FUNDRAISING FOR parish). Naduveettil Lizzy (Coordinator) BUILDING PROJECT Aikkarapparambil Jose (Sacristan) Kollalapparackal Suja (In charge of collection for the building Elakkatt John (Finance) Nediayakalayil Molamma project) Kaimoolayil Maneesh (Choir) Chemmachel Mathachan Kizhakkekuttu Saly (Religious-Cultural EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (Coordinator) programs) (Helping with the distribution of Holy Aikkarapparambil Mathai Kulangara Kunjachan (Sacristan) Communion). Chakkalathottiyil George Poothrukayil Saji (DRE) Nellamattam Kurian (Coordinator) Chakariamthadathil Jomon Vettathukandathil Sunil (Trustee) Chemmachel Mathachan Elavumkal Thomas (Continued on page 6) June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 6 Vol. 2, Issue 39 (Continued from page 5) Kallelumannil Abraham (Joint Secre- Alumkal Mary tary) Chemmachel Joy MINISTRIES Melandassery Thomas (Treasurer) Kaniyaly Jose (In charge of pastoral programs for Poothrukayil Saji special age or gender groups) NOVENA ST. JUDE (Setup for novena on Thursdays). REGIONAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS CHILDREN MINISTRY (KG - 3) Pinarkayil Jose (Promoters of Knanaya missions and Thekkepparambil Lissy (Coordi- parishes all over the U.S. and to help nator) ST. MICHAEL’S NOVE (Coordinate sponsors of St. Michael’s with the coordination of the Knanaya Kannothara Jenny Region in the United States). Novena) TEENS MINISTRY (4 - 8 GRADES) Maliekal Sinaj Chemmachel Joy Kattappuram Jessin (Coordinator) Pathiyil Jairose Indikkuzhy Beena (Women) Kannachanparambil Shefy Mutholam Sabu (Youth) PILGRIMAGE YOUTH MINISTRY (9 GRADE +) Naduveettil Sabu (Coordinators of pilgrimages to various Nediyakalayil Joy Mutholam Sabu (Coordinator) places) Kanjirathumkal Dr. Tessy Thottappuram George (PRO) Chemmachel Joy (Coordinator) Vachachira Joy YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Kaniyaly Jose (AGE 21-35) Nediyakalayil Joy RELIGIOUS-CULTURAL Chemmachel Lukson (Coordinator) Perikalathil Philip PROGRAMS COORDINATORS Keezhangattu Sona Vachachira Gracy (In charge of Cultural programs on all occasions). MEN’S MINISTRY PIOUS ACCOCIATIONS Alumkal Mary (Coordinator) Indikuzhy Sunny (Coordinator) ST. VINCET DE PAUL Madayanakavil Deepa Elavumkal Sabu Klakkil John (President) Muprappallil Shinu Santhosh Mullappally Saji Padinjarel George (Vice President) Kandarappally Titto Naduveettil Sabu Kannothara Philip (Secretary) Kizhakkekuttu Saly (St. Mary’s) Pathiyil Tomy Mathachan Ellankiyil (Joint Secre- Pullappally Tonny Poothara Binu tary) Thottam Chinnu Pullappay Mathias Chathampadam Sunny (Treasurer) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WOMEN’S MINISTRY LEGION OF MARY Thekkepparambil Johny (Coordinator) CENTRAL COORDINATORS Thekkepparambil Annama (Presid- Kunnassery Tomy (DRE, Sacred Indikuzhy Beena (Chief Coordinator) ent) Heart) Alumkal Mary (Entertainment) Chemmachel Marykutty Poothrukayil Saji (DRE, St. Mary's) Vachachira Gracy (Fundraising) Thottapuram Lizzy Machanickal Binoy (Assistant DRE

Accathara Reethamma PRAYER GROUP Sacred Heart) Kandarappally Sherly (Leaders of prayer group after Sunday Kaimoolayil Maneesh (Assistant DRE Mullappally Betty mass). St. Mary's) Njaravelil Tissy Idiyalil Meril (Secretary, Sacred Heart) Madathilparambil Sabu (Coordinator) REGIONAL COORDINATORS OF Indikuzhy Joy Kuruppanparambil Neethu (Secretary, WOMEN MINISTRY Mannakulathil James St. Mary’s)

Akkathara Rosamma Mannathumakil Mary RELIGIOUS STORE Erappurath Pushpa Muthukattil Jessy Valacheril Santha Kattappuram Jessin Pullorkunnel George Melandassery Renju RETREAT COORDINATORS PROCESSIONS OUTSIDE Puthenpurayil Dolly (Coordinator) Njaravelil Chinnamma (Leaders of processions outside the Padinjarel Manju Aikkaraparambil Ancy church for feasts, reception to dignitar- Melandassery Renju Poothara Bincy ies, and funeral). Puthenpura Leelamma Njaravelil Chinnamma Thottichira Kurian (Coordinator) Thekkevilayil Jeemon Thekkepparambil Lissy Chemmachel Joy Vanchippurackal Sherly Vanchippurackal Sherly Elavumkal Sabu (Drums) Vennalassery Mini SACRISTIANS Kattappuram Sabu SENIOR CITIZENS’ MINISTRY Pullappally Mathias (In charge of church setup for all litur- Chemmachel Joy (Coordinator) Pullappally Tonny gical services inside and outside the Kannothara Jini (Coordinator) Puthenpura Philip (Security) church and to help as assistants at Vachachira Gracy (Coordinator) Vachachira Benny liturgy). Thekkepparambil Sunny (Coordinator) Pullappally Jacob (President) PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MEDIA Thekkepparambil Mary (Vice Presi- Idiyalil Jose (Contact with media for the parish) Parumanathettu Jojo dent) Thottappuram George (PRO & Coordi- Puthenpura Joseph (Secretary) nator) (Continued on page 7) June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 7 Vol. 2, Issue 39

(Continued from page 6) Aikkarapparambil Jose (St. Mary's) Kulangara Kunjachan (St. Mary's)

SECURITY AND PARKING (Help with parking issues and safety of the people and their property). Puthenpura Philip (Coordinator) Chemmachel Joy Chemmachel Sunny Nediyakalayil Joy

SOUND ENGINEERS (In charge of sound system) Koladiyil Sooraj (Coordinator) Thannikkary Abraham Seminar on how to improve the families by avoiding alcohol by James

SOUVENIR COMMITTEE Joseph (Former Controller of Examinations in Kerala University), Dr. (Editors & publishers of souvenir). Roy P. Thomas, Saby Kolath, and Dr. Sindhu. Chemmachel Joy (Chief Editor) Kaniyaly Jose Pullappally Tonny

SUMMER PROGRAMS (Leadership in summer programs of the parish). Cheriyathil Shiju (Coordinator) Men’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Greetings to the fathers from children representatives: Justin Kollalap- Youth Ministry para and Jean Kudasseryil. Winners of Fruit Tray Competition: First SYRO-MALABAR DIOCESE place Valsa Thekkeparambil, Second place Lissy Naduveettil, Third FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Place Tissy Njaravelil. (Representing the parish in the dioce- san finance council). Kanjirathumkal Abraham (Raju) Nellamattam Kurian

SYRO-MALABAR DIOCESE PASTORAL COUNCIL (Representing the parish in he dioce- san pastoral council). Alumkal Mary Chemmachel Joy Winners of Speech Competition: Anissa Vachachira (1st) and Alex Kulangara Jaibu Mutholam (2nd). Winners of Essay Competition: Vimal Thottapuram

SYRO-MALANKARA LITURGY (1st), Anissa Vachachira (2nd), Shelley Kattapuram (2nd), and Sheryl (Coordinator of Liturgy in Syro- Thekkeparambil (3rd). Malankara rite). Ottathaickal Mathadas

THEOLOGY COURSE (Coordinators of Theology course for the adults). Muthukattil Joy (Coordinator) Puthenpura Dolly

USHERS (Coordinating and guiding the ushers). Mutholam Sabu (Sacred Heart)

YOUTH CENTER PROJECT COORDINATOR (In charge of the Youth Center building First Prize winners of Skit competition on the impact of addictions, re- project). ceiving cash awards from vicar Fr. Abraham Mutholath Mutholam Sabu June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 8 Vol. 2, Issue 39

Seminar by Dr. Sindhu to the young on how to avoid bad addictions to make the future families better.

Contest to select the best father from our parish.

Observers of the “Best Father” Contest.

Second prize winners of skit competition receiving their Agape Lemonade sales for charity by children. cash award from vicar Fr. Abraham Mutholath. They raised $102.90 last Sunday. June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 9 Vol. 2, Issue 39

No one wants to see their father or mother parents are alcoholic. This is not good, be- come home drunk. It just ruins your whole day. cause children can help their parents and Studies show that at least seven million chil- families by telling someone to help them. dren in the United States have alcoholic par- Since the children are too embarrassed, fami- ents, and are greatly affected by them. This lies continue to fall apart and children continue problem can lead to anxiety, embarrassment, to suffer. Many alcoholic families have been and depression among children with alcoholic turned around, because their children asked parents. These are problems normal children Vimal someone for help. No child should be embar- should not be experiencing. Thottappuram rassed of their parents and I can gladly say that I am not embarrassed of my parents. Children may experience anxiety. This can evolve from being worried about the situation of their par- Lastly, children may experience depression. De- ents. Many children already know about the diseases pression mostly happens to adults and children caused by alcohol and get over worried about their should not be experiencing it, but children of alcoholic parents’ health. They would also be worried about the parents may experience it. An unhappy home envi- peace at home. Studies show that alcoholic parents ronment can lead to depression for children, and can are more likely to fight or get into an argument with lead to series of problems. Children may feel lonely each other than non-alcoholic parents. Children could and helpless, because they don’t know what to do be worried about someone getting hurt or whether or about their alcoholic parents. This can lead to doing not their parents will get divorced. Also, children with poorly in school, being socially challenged, drugs, alcoholic parents get beat at home more than children and alcohol. Studies show that children with alcoholic with non-alcoholic parents. This could lead to many parents are most likely to drink or do drugs. Depres- children running away from home. Children should sion can lead to falling into peer pressure, which can not be going through these problems of anxiety. lead to drinking and doing drugs. This can lead to children moving farther away from their parents, and Children may also experience embarrassment. can break relationships. They may be embarrassed of their parents, because they are alcoholic. This can lead to not inviting friends Alcoholic parents cause their children to suffer. to their home. They are afraid of their parents doing Their children can suffer from anxiety, embarrass- something embarrassing when they are drunk. This ment, and depression. I’m glad that we have a Better can lead to children being unsocial. Children may Family Movement in our Sacred Heart Parish, and we also be embarrassed to ask anyone for help for their can avoid this problem among our Knanaya families. parents. They don’t want anyone to know that their

Honoring Suraj Koladiyil, the winner of the best father in the competition held by Women Ministry. June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 10 Vol. 2, Issue 39 THEMES OF SUMMER PROGRAMS

June 24, Sunday HEALTH AWARENESS DAY June 17 July 1, Sun. EDU. & CAREER AWARENESS July 4 - 7 YOUTH RETREAT AT ROCKFORD St. Mary’s Unit 207.05 + 240 447.05 July 8, Sunday BIBLE DAY July 15, Sunday YOUTH DAY Regular Collection at S.H. Church 823.00 July 22, Sunday COMMUNITY AWARENESS July 29, Sunday FEAST OF ST. JACOB WITH MAR Building Fund for S.H. Church 2,075.00 JACOB ANGADIATH Ice Cream by Men’s Ministry 67.00 August 5, Sunday SOCIAL SERVICE DAY Saturday 12, Sunday PARISH DAY & CHURCH Food Committee 351.00 AWARENESS August 19, Sunday PRAYER DAY Agape Lemonade (for charity) 102.90 Aug. 25, Sat. REL. EDU. TEACHERS’ TRAINING. August 26, Sun. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DAY. Total Receipts at S.H. Church 3,418.90


- ഒ വിശാസി

June 24

Royce Njaravelil Second place winners in the Best Father competition Sunny Indikuzhy and Sunny JoAnn Puthenpurayil Mutholam receiving the prize from vicar Fr. Abraham Mutholath. Jerry Thekkeparambil Seejo Valacheril READERS / LECTORS ീഹാക്കാലം Savio Vanchipurackal

JUNE 24 PASSAGE S.H. CHURCH ST. MARY’S July 1 1st Reading Isaiah 49:1-6 Shirley Kizhakevlayil Fify Kizhakkekuttu Neethu Kaniyaly Kevin Kunnasseril 2nd Reading Acts 13:22-26 Jasmine Simon Liza Kizhakkekuttu Anto Pallikunnel JULY 1 Kevin Thottichira Aleta Varakalayil 1st Reading 1 Kings 19: 19-21 Simon Chathampadam Jinu Muriparampil July 2 2nd Reading Galatians 5:1, 13-18 Tina Pazahempally Shony Poozhikunnel Jithin Kaduthodil JULY 2 Sherry Kulathilkarottu Soumya Kulathilkarottu 1st Reading Genesis 2:8-15 Alvina Puthenpurayil NA Kichu Maliackalthara 2nd Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 Sonu Puthenpurayil NA Vinitha Padinjath June 24, 2007 Knanaya Parish Bulletin Page 11 Vol. 2, Issue 39 ഇടവക രണിക് േഫാോ നിേയാ?

നെട മിഷെം ഇടവകെടം കഴി് 25 വഷെ ചരിമട ബവ രണിക് കുടുംബ േഫാോക നാവ എം േവഗം പിയി ഏിക. നൂാക നിലനി ഈ ചരി ി ാനം പിടിവാനു വാവസരം േയാജനെടു മോ.

ക്നാനായ െസമിേരിെട ഡിൗ് ജു 30 വെര മാം നക്കായി നിയിിരി െസമിേരിയി ജു 30 വെര റിസ വ് െചവ േന: 1 ജുൈല ത വിലവധനാകു . 2. ഇോ 5% ഡിൗ് ലഭയ്മാണ്. 3. പലിശയിാെത തവണകളായി പണം അടാ മതിയാകും. The first burial in our parish cemetery: 4. നക്ക് ഇെ ഭാഗം തിരെടുക്കാം Mr. Lukose Koduvathara.

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