Muzeológia Museology
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ISSN 1339-2204 e-ISSN 2453-9759 /2019 2019 2 MUZEOLÓGIA 2 vol. 7 MUSEOLOGY a kultúrne dedičstvo and Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage VEDECKÝ RECENZOVANÝ ČASOPIS PEER– REVIEWED SCHOLARLY JOURNAL MUSEOLOGY MUSEOLOGY Z OBSAHU ČÍSLA IN THIS ISSUE 07 Y. S. S. Chung: Museum Communication, Exhibition Policy and Plan: The Field Museum... 23 P. Verbytska – R. Kuzmyn: Between amnesia and the «war of memories»... a kultúrne dedičstvo a kultúrne 35 M. Hrubá et al.: Museum and gallery education and its aplication in the context... 49 D. Valachová et al.: Gallery as an explicit stimulation environment in the development... MUZEOLÓGIA 63 M. Szalbot: Toys within the collections of selected Cieszyn Silesia museums ... 77 J. Lubos-Kozieł: Ambiguous Heritage: ‘Plaster Saints’, Cast-iron Christ ... 95 O. Vakhromeeva: Graduates of the Higher Women’s (Bestuzhev) Courses in the Service... 109 J. Janto: Moderné mesto a jeho kultúrne dedičstvo – príklad Partizánskeho a Novej Dubnice ISSN 1339-2204 - print version e-ISSN 2453-9759 - online version EV 5516/17 Volume 7 (2019) No. 2 MUZEOLÓGIA a kultúrne dedičstvo VEDECKÝ RECENZOVANÝ ČASOPIS Redakčná rada/Editorial Board: prof. PhDr. Pavol Tišliar, PhD. (predseda), PhDr. Tibor Díte, PhDr. Jan Dolák, PhD., Mgr. Silvia Eliašová, PhD., doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD., PhDr. Peter Maráky, doc. PhDr. Michal Šmigeľ, PhD., Mgr. Lenka Ulašinová-Bystrianska, PhD., Mgr. Lenka Vargová Medzinárodná redakčná rada/International Editorial Board: Dr. Vitaly Ananiev, CSc., Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia); prof. Jože Hudales, PhD., University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Dr. Tone Kregar, Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje (Slovenia); assoc. prof. Franço- is Mairesse PhD. , Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 (France); prof. Eiji Mizushima, PhD., Univer- sity of Tsukuba (Japan); prof. Bruno Brulon Soares, PhD., Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); assoc. prof. M. A. Lynne Teather, M. A. PhD. (Canada) Výkonní redaktori/Executive Editors: doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD. – prof. PhDr. Pavol Tišliar, PhD. Jazyková redakcia/ Proofreading: Anglický jazyk: Mgr. Lenka Vargová Český jazyk: Mgr. Monika Mikulášková Slovenský jazyk: doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD. Vydavateľ/Published by: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave/Comenius University in Bratislava Filozofická fakulta/Faculty of Arts Gondova 2 814 99 Bratislava Slovak Republic IČO vydavateľa 00 397 865 Redakcia/Editorial Office: Odbor Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo Katedra etnológie a muzeológie FiF UK/Department of Ethnology and Museology e-mail: [email protected] Periodicita/Frequency: 2x ročne/Twice a year - (jar, jeseň) s uzávierkou 28. 2. a 30. 9. v príslušnom roku/(Spring, Autumn) with submission deadlines February 28th and September 30th for each calendar year ISSN 1339-2204 - print version e-ISSN 2453-9759 - online version, MKSR EV 5516/17 Dátum vydania: september 2019 Časopis je indexovaný v databázach/Journal is indexed by: Central and Easter European Online Library (CEEOL); Elsevier SCOPUS; Historical Abstrac- ts EBSCOhost; The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS); Directory of open access journals (DOAJ); Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection ESCI CONTENTS A r t i c l e s Yun Shun Susie Chung : Museum Communication, Exhibition Policy and Plan: The Field Museum as a Case Study .................................................................... 7 Polina Verbytska – Roman Kuzmyn: Between amnesia and the «war of memories»: politics of memory in the museum narratives of Ukraine .............................................. 23 Miriama Hrubá – Ľuboš Kačírek – Jana Nemcová – Róbert Osaďan – Lenka Szentesiová: Museum and gallery education and its aplication in the context of pre-primary education ............................................................. 35 Daniela Valachová – Ivana Lessner Lištiaková – Barbora Kováčová: Gallery as an explicit stimulation environment in the development of artistic talent ................................................................................................ 49 Magdalena Szalbot: Toys within the collections of selected Cieszyn Silesia museums as a source of knowledge of the former ludic culture of the youngest inhabitants of the region ...................................................................................................... 63 Joanna Lubos-Kozieł: Ambiguous Heritage: ‘Plaster Saints’, Cast-iron Christ and other Mould-made Catholic Sculptures from the Second Half of the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries .......................................................... 77 Oksana Vakhromeeva: Graduates of the Higher Women’s (Bestuzhev) Courses in the Service in The State Hermitage (late 1910-1970-ies) ................................ 95 Juraj Janto: Modern City and Its Cultural Heritage – the example of Partizánske and Nová Dubnica ................................................. 109 I n P r a c t i c e Lyudmilla N. Bakayutova: Philately in the space of a museum: view from the standpoint of cultural theory ............................................................................................. 123 Zuzana Denková: Miners’ Folk Art in the Collections of Slovak Mining Museum ........................ 137 Veronika Kolaříková: The Use of Constructivist Learning Theories In a Museum Education Programme: Empiric Case Study ................................... 153 Karol Janas: Renovation of National Cultural Monument Považský Castle as an Example of Cultural Heritage Care Approach Proceeded by Považská Bystrica Municipality ... 169 Pavol Tišliar: On the Development of Museology in the Context of Further Training of Graduates - Example of Museology Studies at Comenius University in Bratislava .............................................................. 183 B o o k s r e c e i v e d a n d r e v i e w s Marta Botiková: „...if we do not marry, will we sell the bonnets?“ On the topic of the exhibition „ Krása pre ženu stvorená“ (Beauty Created for Women), Slovak National Museum, residential building, Vajanský embankment, Bratislava, 22.3.2019-29.9.2019 .................................................................. 195 OBSAH Š t ú d i e Yun Shun Susie Chung : Museum Communication, Exhibition Policy and Plan: The Field Museum as a Case Study .................................................................... 7 Polina Verbytska – Roman Kuzmyn: Between amnesia and the «war of memories»: politics of memory in the museum narratives of Ukraine .............................................. 23 Miriama Hrubá – Ľuboš Kačírek – Jana Nemcová – Róbert Osaďan – Lenka Szentesiová: Museum and gallery education and its aplication in the context of pre-primary education ............................................................. 35 Daniela Valachová – Ivana Lessner Lištiaková – Barbora Kováčová: Gallery as an explicit stimulation environment in the development of artistic talent ................................................................................................ 49 Magdalena Szalbot: Toys within the collections of selected Cieszyn Silesia museums as a source of knowledge of the former ludic culture of the youngest inhabitants of the region ...................................................................................................... 63 Joanna Lubos-Kozieł: Ambiguous Heritage: ‘Plaster Saints’, Cast-iron Christ and other Mould-made Catholic Sculptures from the Second Half of the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries .......................................................... 77 Oksana Vakhromeeva: Graduates of the Higher Women’s (Bestuzhev) Courses in the Service in The State Hermitage (late 1910-1970-ies) ................................ 95 Juraj Janto: Moderné mesto a jeho kultúrne dedičstvo – príklad Partizánskeho a Novej Dubnice ...................................................... 109 Č l á n k y z p r a x e Lyudmilla N. Bakayutova: Philately in the space of a museum: view from the standpoint of cultural theory ............................................................................................. 123 Zuzana Denková: Ľudové umenie baníkov v zbierke Slovenského banského múzea ................ 137 Veronika Kolaříková: Využití konstruktivistických teorií učení v edukačním programu muzea: empirická případová studie .............................................................................. 153 Karol Janas: Obnova národnej kultúrnej pamiatky Považský hrad mestom Považská Bystrica ako príklad starostlivosti samosprávy o kultúrne dedičstvo ................................ 169 Pavol Tišliar: K rozvoju muzeológie v kontexte ďalšieho budovania prípravy absolventov na príklade bratislavskej muzeológie ................................................................ 183 A n o t á c i e, r e c e n z i e, k r i t i k y Marta Botiková: „...keď sa nevydáme, čepce popredáme“? Na margo výstavy Krása pre ženu stvorená, Slovenské národné múzeum, sídelná budova, Vajanského nábrežie, Bratislava, 22. 3. 2019 – 29. 9. 2019 ........................ 195 Museum Communication, Exhibition Policy and Plan: The Field Museum as a Case Study Yun Shun Susie Chung Dr. Yun Shun Susie Chung, Ph.D. Southern New Hampshire University Liberal Arts Team Lead and Adjunct Faculty History (Public History) Program USA email: [email protected] Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2019, 7:2:7-21 Museum Communication, Exhibition Policy