What do you mean 'Whn, is tht' Ne-..· Order in Eu,o~ tn !Ngin -' · !his IS the New Ordt'r." A ~AVOURITE QUOTATION OF 'COOJJ NEWS for yo':!Yfoiillft!'r o:.;,;,;;;i.~

. I MARTIN HAD MANAGED TO RfACH THf STATION AND h 1//1 v~ .11n Slr.s uV.: BRINli ™' COASTGUARDS IN TIME. ONE OF T'He>1 , U t½ e T J q, d e , J I RfCOGN15f0 THEIR PRISONER. Hf WM, A S P1~5 MAC, NOTORIOUS l'OREIGN AGENT. ~ - -S::::~~ ~~ vP .._

Soyikwa Theatre Glasgow Mayfest 83Music

Student Back in !Travel ~ (O/V\E JOIN~ T>

The 1983 elections drew to a close last Thursday with a count which veered NEW wildly between the sublime and the ridi­ culous. lain Cameron and Ray Clancy were there among the crowd. The election of the new Senior President, for example, featured TEAM one of the closest finishes in recent years. On the first ballot The hangovers cured, the Effective communication Steve Evans was just 50 votes between the SA Executive, the behind Ken Shoji. On the later frenzy quieted and the SRC and the student population as distributions the lead changed facades dropped, Student a whole, has often been a hands between them twice, and went down to the EUSA st umbling block in previous years, unsurprisingly neither Peter Dow yet there is plenty of confidence nor Nick Wailes-Fairbairn could Offices on Monday among this foursome for rectifying make any real impression, though morning to probe behind the problem. Heather's efforts will Wailes-Fairbairn rather huffily the faces and campaign certainly be concentrated on asked for at least one recount, closer contact with the House hoping for goodness knows what literature of our four new Committees, and intends to put an kind of miracle. sabbatical officers. end to the clashing of Uni-vents But finally, at 10.15, the lights which has been a regular feature were dimmed and the result was Possibly the most intriguing this year, especially at Chambers announced. And it was Ken Shoji aspect of the new Students' St and Potterrow. Mike intends to who squeezed home by just 72 Association Executive 1s their broaden the scope of Midweek by votes, heralding wild cheers from diverse political views. It seemed introdu cing more co ntributors the Tory section of the crowd as he natural that this subject should from around Edinburgh, and he edged forward to the strains of come up at the outset and this is stresses the need to avoid active "Turning Japanese". Eventually indeed what happened. Mike competition with Student. Ken the noise died down sufficiently Conway stressed that they are suggested the release of an from him to start his speech, until a good friends, despite the fact that Association report after General slanging match started in the Ken Sho11 ,s the only Conserva­ Meetings to provide greater crowd. The source of the fuss was tive working with three Socialists. ,nformation to the s t udent one of the debating hall balconies, Ken was quick to point out that population. where Ken Palframan, a Senior differing political outlooks could Presidential candidate last year, and would be a pos1t1ve factor ,n and various others of the Tory the coming year. He feels that, as faithful:had entered the restricted opposed to last year, when all four area with the full sanction of Executive members were rather Returning Officer Charles 'Unqu,et slumbers for the sleepers' left wing. the contrast between he Fishburne. There they unfurled a and his colleagues would lead to large banner proclaiming "NUS - Murray, who was last seeri tonic (probably with a large dose fresher, more dynamic debates on we're better off without it." staggering out of the Gents and of gin) that everybody needed as crucial issues such as education Consequently they called down attempting to stagger into the the night wore on. Finding one cuts and falling grants the wrath of the left-wing Ladies. particular three-syllable word N.U.S. spectators. After the SP results things beyond him, Mike admitted: Ken Shoji paused, apparently quietened down considerably "Okay, I'm pissed So would you Heather Lamont agreed saying embarrassed, and continued his until the result for Union President be 11 you'd been waiting as long as that the more diverse the political speech by vaguely suggesting that came through. The election of I have. And as for those waItIng for views w1th1n the SRC, the more he took a more circumspect view. Susan Deacon as Vice-President the Treasurer's result, they'll be representative ,t would be of the " It has been a very close race," he (Court) raised a cheer, but getting even more p,ssedI But student population as a whole. But said, "as we all knew it would be. I generallY.. the hall emptied and the seriously, I'd like to thank Kate what about the issue of aff1l1atIon don't have an overall maIority, and bar filled until Heather Lamont was Walter, the off1c1al left-wing to NUS? At this point all four I will bear that in mind over the returned by an absolute landslide. candidate-" committee members smiled wryly, next year." He will bear it in mind, When was the last time somebody "She's bigger than you are'" remembering, no doubt, their he revealed in a later conversation, got an overall majority on the first shouted a joker in the crowd. varyinj,l ideas on the ,ssue as 'Wosh'd ya shay?' to the extent that he desires a ballot in a three-cornered fight? "So are you'" came the quick­ expressed ,n their campaign referendum on NUS reaffiliation Heather Larr,ont herself seemed fire reply. "So are most people. In literature. next year "if only to settle the issue stunned by the scale of her victory, fact next year I'm going to ,nst,tute Diplomacy prevailed, and all THE RECTOR one way or the other, as happened and gave what must surely be one a policy of apart-height in the agreed that there should be a fair In view of th e fact that the out­ recently at Heriot-Watt." Ken of the shortest election speeches Unions." referendum on the subject next going committee's relations with Palframan and co., it seems, have on record: " I'd just like to thank all From then on the night went year. Teresa Bray stressed the the Re ctor were often far from under-estimated the integrity of those who helped me." steadily downhill, though Mike importance of keeping the issue a ideal, we pressed the cuddly their successful candidate. The contest for Honorary Conway seemed to be proved right strictly Edinburgh affair, thus quartet about their opinions of The tension proved too much for Secretary brought some of the about the candidates for Honorary avoiding tne poss1b1llty of a "dirty Ken Shoji however, and he later excitement back into the evening David Steel and the rectorship as Treasurer. Teresa Bray coasted campaign" as evidenced ,n the an office. declared his intention to "get very however. Mike Conway had built home well ahead of Peter recent attempts at Heriot-Watt drunk then go to sleep, because up a good lead on the first ballot, Heather feels that 'Mr Alliance' Chapman, and in her acceptance University to reach a decision on should be seen to be active around I've only had about two hours but through two redistributions he speech seemed to be having some the issue. the University much more than he sleep in the last couple of days." seemed unable to significantly trouble with her consonants. Not Poor Ken must have had quite a increase his lead over Zerina CONTACT has been to date. Sharing her that she could be heard above the opinion, Teresa added that the fight to get to the bar, judging by Haniff. In the end though, the drunken din anyway. "Contact and involvement" was position of Rector could be an the number of drunks wandering Poison Dwarf held out to win And with that the bar closed and a part icularly vague cl,che around. The most celebrated of easily, to the great relief of all his important one if it was exploited to the crowd slowly began to spouted out to us over and over its full potential. these was surely that Tory colleagues down here in the disperse. The count, as usual, had again during the election Mike made the interesting point everyone loves to hate, Ken basemen_\· His speech was just the consisted of long periods of campaign, so now that their seats that David Steel has to fulfil both alcohol interspersed with short are at last safely secured we asked the Chancellor's post and that of periods of excitement. Soon, no the foursome to be a little bit more Rec tor as a result of predictable doubt, the innovatory electric Results - Results - Results specific in their plans to bridge the Royal apathy. Stressing Steel's scoreboard would be going to legeridary gap between the This year's ·turnout was ·surprisingly high after a fairly quiet campaign popularity and his indubitable sleep. The counting staff consoled common student and EUSA week, dropping only 39 votes from last year to 3,698. The poll was held affection for the University, all four themselves with all their hard officials. There were vigorous up largely by a huge increase at Teviot Row of over _200 vot_es, while felt that he could be put to better ea rned cash. A new association replies from all around the table: activity also increased substnatially at several KB polling stations, and use, despite the little pressure he year would soon be on the way. "Create enthusiasm" (Mike); " It's the turnout remained high in Pollock Halls, David Hume Tower and the may be feeling at the moment' important for all of us to get our Student Centre. The major results were: PURDY WINS AT and about" (Teresa);" ... tell them DAY NURSERY Sabbaticals Vice-President (Senate)-J•II Carter what the Association ,s doing" Semor President-Ken ShoJt Academic Affairs-John Speir (Ken) ; " Provoke informal interest" Inevitably, the issue of the Day Union President-Healher Lamont Accommodation-Tim Parke HERIOT-WATT Nurse,ry was raised. The Hon Treasurer-Teresa Bray (Heather). Teresa's suggestion for Community Affairs-Emma Plant President-elect, when asked about Hon Secretary-Mike Conway Environment-Peter Dow Stuart Purdy overwhelmingly ·a regular open forum to travel the financial difficulties of th e. External Afla1rs--Peter Dow defeated his nearest rival Andrew around the University with Pollock Finance Committee National Affairs---Dav1d K11!1e project, replied, "The cost is Hately by 145 votes last week, to Halls and KB bei~g obvious Semor Member- Rory Macleod Trans11,on---S1uart Ball,ngall irrelevant - we have a moral Ordinary Members-Peter Dow win the Heriot-Watt Senior targets, was greeted enthus,ast,c­ Welfare-Carol Stobie -o bligation to keep it." Ann McCreath President election. Speaking to ally, yet Ken wisely pointed out his There should certainly be no Mark Smith SRC Faculty Conveners Student he said that he was intenticn "not to antogon,se KB Arts-Jerry Pratt lack of commitment and en thusi- particularly pleased with the result students by giving the imp­ Union Pos1t1ons Science-Simon N1cho1l s asm next year. after his disappointment with the pression of trying to take KB over Tevio1 Row Chairman-Ewan Hawthorne Social sc,ence-Eltzabeth Forbes M. Devlin and Tev1pt Row Secretary-Ta1n M Kirkwood University's decision not to which is not the case". The I. MacGregor Catering Convener· ·Sue Grant Law Students Council President reaffiliate with the NUS. Mr Purdy emphasis 1s o n improving Services Convener -Alastair Marshall Gordon w M Liddle emphasised his intention to facilities, especially on the SRC Pos1t1ons Medical Studen1s· Council President increase rapport between Heriot­ catering si de, where, in Teresa's V1ce·Pres1dent (Court)-Susan Deacon David Muir Ferguson Watt and Edinburgh University, words, the food is "appalling" News Kritique E.U.S.P.B. LUNGS 4%AND

David Steel returned to Edin­ where burgh last week when he officiall y opened the new Rayne Laboratory for respiratory diseases. The HARD THAT'S superbly equipped laboratory now? building at the City Hospital, In the week leading up to last Greenbank Drive, will ca rry out Th ursday's election, I spoke at a extensive research into such co mmon diseases as lung cancer, FINAL few hustings meetings about the present state and future of the chronic bronchitis and bronchial Publications Board I shall be asthma. Among the faci lities are Sir Keith Joseph has chairing next year. If you didn't two sleep laboratories which allow announced that student hear what I said then, this might be the study of breathing with grants are to increase by electrica l brain waves! Unfortun­ of some interest. TIMES 4%. Particularly of late. I get the ately, only a few of the 23 people impressions that a lot of people employed at the lab wi ll be funded On the whole it's been a good year for the !:5tudents· This figure is consistent with the pass off a lot of fairly empty state­ after two years, as Mr Steel Association's 1982-83 Executive. Ray Clancy gives a increase prefaced by Sir Keith last emphasised , "it Is th erefo re ments in gossip about EUSPB. A round-up of the achievements and an insight into the November. In real terms it means a rather small er number go and find essential that finance be found in rise of between £50 and £75 for out some facts about our activities the ve ry near future to enable the " Big 4". students in the 1983/84 academic and a yet smaller figure seek to get University to continue to employ year. involved in them. This is a great staff to ca rry out these important The living away from home studies. " One of the main aims was to compared with each other. But grant will increase from £1,595 to pity, because whatever image you keep students aware of and these fig ures illustrate that hard £1,975. Staying at home grants will may have of it, EUSPB is an involved in, the higher education work done by Allan Little, at the increase from £1,225 to £1,275. organisation which (like every debate. Motivation has been a expense of his social life and The NUS is outraged at such low other part of the Association) problem, not just in Edinburgh, sleep, and he must be con­ increases. They claim that the relies totally on student support but in Universities throughout the gratulated. term of Thatcher government has for its very existence. I hope you AUT country. Last year students seen an 11% fall in real terms for haven·t heard that phrase once too The Association of University worked hard in their campaign Due to education cuts a lot of student income. The NUS will often, but sometimes we feel Teachers have launched a against cuts and reaped little for SA's work has been defensive continue to fight for a non- pe ople forget that students just campaign to lobby voters in their trouble, so it is not surprising which has meant that great 1 contributory grant and oppose the like you make this newspaper. sit marginal seats on the effects of that there Is apathy this year. innovations have not been introduction of a loans scheme. on the Board and, with the University cuts . They have forthcoming. There has been invaluable advice of our pro­ Ray Clancy selected four marginals in Although the Executive has not heavy criticism of the Executive fession al staff, take decisions on Scotland - Glasgow Hillhead, succeeded In motIvatIng for staying in their offices too whether and how to publish manu­ Edinburgh Central, Stirling South thousands of students during the much and not getting out and scripts. And although we do try and Aberdeen South - and 13 In Week of Action it has kept about enough. They do, of course, our best to function like a small England in which they will students aware and made them admit this. But when the Executive business and there is a lot of work EXPAND conduct a door to door campaign. think more about higher is put on the scales their positive to be done, perhaps the most Along with the NUS, theAUTwant education, especially first year achievements outweigh their Glasgow University are to important thing is that our Tory voters to realise that they are students. In terms of student failings. ask the UGC for another activit ies can be very exciting and the principle sufferers from response Edinburgh has not too very rewarding. University cuts because It Is their £2 million and an extra bad a record, especially when Ray Clancy also asked the " Big And that is the way I hope we children who go to UnIversIty. compared with Heriot-Watt, 4" for their opinions of their year 700 students in an shall continue to be next year. Mr John Akker, Deputy General Aberdeen and Glasgow. and their future plans. lmogen expansion over the next Everyone involved with EUSPB Secretary of the AUT, said "Many Foulkes has enjoyed her year. "It's should have a useful and pollt1c1ans do not realise how key six years. There have been several posItIve been what I expected, having enjoyable role to play. With five or the Un1vers1ty vote 1s at the Glasgow is the first University in achievements. The decision to worked with the sA before. The six very promising titles in the General Election. Many marginals Britain to try for a share of the £20 close the Day Nursery has been only problem has been that people pipeline for the summer and are sited at or m University towns. million set aside by the UGC for reversed at least until Spring 1984 expect you to know all the answers autu mn seasons and a new intake Our aim 1s to force candidates to new developments. Dr Alwyn and the new Executive will fight all the time, which 1s 1ust not of no doubt frighteningly talented say where they stand on educat,on Williams, Principal of Glasgow hard to keep It open even longer. possible." The most important part youth due to swarm all over the cuts.·· University feels that after three The SA Playgroup has been of the year, as far as lmogen Is University in October, I am very Ray Clancy years of cuts a modest expansion started . The Playgroup Is not c oncerned Is that students' optim1st1c about EUSPB's future. of student places, teaching and intended to replace the Day awareness of cuts has been No one denies that we have made research is needed. The only way Nursery, it is something new that maintained and the Executive has mistakes and suffered the mis­ for Universities to claw back was needed. The Community worked as a team. She has been fortune of miscalculation not leasl money and students lost through Action Group has been set up. offered a place at an American in the recent past. But the aimless, cuts is by expanding.· The 1981 CHV Pubs Board has been saved and its University to do media studies, so nihilistic chatter that has been education cuts were not aimed at Most students have heard of but future now looks secure. The pending the availability of drifting around over the last few saving money but at the don·t know much about CHV. It Is a setting up of a Limited Company sufficient funds she will be "off weeks does no good to anyone. redirection of University very busy society witH both of its has been approved. Student west" in the autumn . We are hugely encouraged by the education away from arts t;:, vans being used nearly every representation on the Education great confidence in us expressed science and ti,chnology. evening of the week. It deals with Policy Committee, one of the most by th is year's Executive and, above Allan Little has worked well: " It's Glasgow University has recently some 180 children from deprived powerful committees In the all, some 600 students at last been hard." Allan is going to spend received money tci hire 10 areas of Edinburgh such as West University has been achieved November's General Election. the summer getting the SA out of researchers and lecturers in new Pilton. Craigmillar and Bingham. without a whimper of opposition. With the ideas, advice and his system and ·already areas of scientific development. These children are generally Staff conditions have been assi stance from you which we will philosophises about life: "When This had made up for about one underprivileged and often come improved. Union conditions have always need, we feel able and you can see the light at the end of third of the cuts suffered by their from low income or one-parent been improved. Chambers Street ready to justify that faith. the tunnel, for fuck's sake go for scfence budget. families . CHV takes them is to under go a complete Graham Gamble it swimming and on campus as well modernisation programme. These Ray Clancy as organising other activities. are all signs of the SA working well. Tony MIies nas also had a full Memories and This year, in order both to raise programme, but still " It's been money and celebrate 20 years' very good." He feels that most Midweek nas been another Realities existence, CHV is holding a party things have been achieved apart positive achievement. In April at the Pleasance on Saturday, 21st from the constitutional amend­ DUNDEE The Extra-Mural Department 1982 a su rvey was conducted in May. Three live bands including a ments due to General Meetings will host a day of lectures centring which students were asked , that if jazz group along with the Little being constitutionally inquorate. on British political history since either Midweek or Student had to Red Dufflecoats and Tell Me A Mr Miles is now "going back to th e last war (no , not the go, which would they prefer to Colour will be playing. There will surgery on July 18th". Falklands). In view of current be two bars and two discos along remain . 20% wanted Midweek to RECTOR events, and the party flak which is with videos and a cabaret. If you remain and 80% wanted Student to flyin g around, lectures such as want to come and en1oy yourself remain. This April the same survey Lawrence O'Donnell has also The Welfare State: Rise and Fall? while supporting a good cause was conducted. This time the had a good year. "It's been great,a and Government, Parties and tickets are available at Union figures were 45% in favour of real experience." He seems none Pressure Groups should be of shops. Information on CHV or Midweek and 55% in favour of the worse for his year under the SPEAKS considerable topical interest. The tickets can be obtained from Mark Student. It must be stressed that beady eye of Mr Fishburne and is cost is £2 and details can be Wickham-Jones 667 1172 or Student and Midweek are separate now looking forward to being a Mr Gordon Wilson SNP MP for obtained from Memories and Jenny Pratt 556 0591 . Please entities and should not be student again. Dundee East, and the new Rector Realities, Extra-Mural Depart­ support a worthwhile enterprise of Dundee University has praised ment , 11 Buccleuch Place which is in need of funds. the University for having had the courage to accept extra students last year despite the £40,000 cuts from the UGC. Atter nIs Insta11at1on as the "IT IS QUITE SIMPLY A fourth Rector of Dundee STUNNER .. . A Film to treasure." University, Mr Wilson launched a fANNYAND Daily Mail strong attack on the government's higher education policy. He said he was enraged by the cuts inflicted on Universities and other "A soaring, exultant higher education bodies in recent ALEXANDER" declaration of love for life." years. The enchanting story of a family's changing "We seem to five in a land Sunday Telegraph dommated by Philistines whose fortunes in turn-of-the-centur Sweden. breadth of vision can be measured SHOWING SUN DAY, MAY 22 to "EXTRAORDINARY by a micrometer. It is illogical to SATURDAY, JUNE 4 insist on the rights of parents to send their children to a school of 3.00-7.00 DAILY (4.00-800 SATURDAYS) CINEMATIC their choice and then deny them MAGIC." access to higher education by BOX OFFICE The Times reducing the number of places FILM HOUSE 031-228 2688 available and cutting student LOTHIAN RD, EDINBURGH. grants." Ray Clancy 4 The Student Thursday, 19th. May 1983


(Hugh Macdiarmid - apocryphal) J

When the 800th Anniversary of Edinburgh University comes round, no doubt the progress which it made during the first 400 years will be judged (by refugee historians living in underground beehives on the dark side of the moon) by scanning the bubble memory banks for what was· happening off-stage on campus at the time - as opposed to what ancestor worship rituals were being crankedoutforye400th Centenary celebrations. In this regard, a particularly prominent bench-mark for 1983 must surely be the Amnesty Gig at Pollock Halls. "PSYCHIATRISTS N THE BOYLE- ST GERMAIN Julian Goodare et al of within the British penal system I when Dick joined Jimmy on the Student Amnesty Inter­ c annot emphasise strongly synthesiser. after an hour it national are to be con­ enough the significance of outside stopped - as suddenly as a roller­ AND THE POLITICS OF groups - in this instance Amnesty coaster in a fun-fair. Exhalation gratulated therefore for International. I deal very much and post-orgasm relief all round. getting it on record (no with a lot of the disadvantaged The lights went on . More POP" pun intended) that not areas a few miles from here an ' I reminders of '83. Solidarity no less just wish we have the equivalent o' - a young Polish missionary from only is there "nowt so Amnesty tae look into the abuses Cracow appealing in an American queer as fowk" but there's that are going on in these areas by accent for prrntrng facrlrtres nowt so queet as the f ... .d the way: and so I'd just like tae (Preceded by a short history of the up fowk of 1983 (that's bring us back to the point that post-war Soviet butchery of outside the joy and the fun here Eastern Europe). For some, the - do we put people first or might get round to doing you and me). A pluralist there are a lot of people with truth was too much. After all, money first? When this something about it. Also one society behoves pluralist tremendous spiritual strength who where would Amnesty be if it question gets an answer, the psychiatric sacred cow need for Solidarity will (sc hool of thought) seems to visions of reality but try are resisting oppression in these wasn't for the Sovrets making jobs countries and it's they who have for them? And why printing cease. That's why we think be as good as another. Ours coping with all of them in brought everyone of us rnto this presses? To fight the Commies of we can help Solidarity best is the musical kind. If you the same room on the room - and that's fantastrc ... I'm course - wrth copres of St. by helping those who are can't find truth, try solance. same night ... ! not going to introduce the group. I Germain's 'Alchemy' translated sussrng out the problem on Suck us and see ." think - appropriately Sarah's a into Polrsh . (If you don't know who thrs srde of the Curtain - like psychiatrist - and she should St. Germain is you haven't been the Edrnburgh-Helsinki PS : " Th e Psychiatrrsts" will be introduce the group." reading the Summrt Lighthouse Group.·· releasing their first single Sarah spoke in de-plummed posters in Tev,ot and Student a "Why the rnterest rn Amnesty featuring two of their own r.s.e. - petite, brunette, with Centre - see Workshop 7, 22nd and Psychiatric abuse?" composrtions - "All of this A feeling of false security was laughing eyes and a ready smile. May). AA. "When you have a closed doesn't matter" and "On the edge" engendered by the warm up - "Yes, it's nice to come along with Later, back at the ranch, the political system that can - as soon as Jimmy gets out of local blues duo comprising Alan Jimmy. there are a lot of "Psychiatrrsts"astral agent wasn't only carry one type of hospital agarn. Distribution will be Jones and Donald McDougall - popular myths about psychiatrists so sure - message at a trme , rt's easy through Amnesty Branches, Trade two whiteys thumping and - one being that they are all off to see how anyone who Unrons and Churches and co­ whining Jim Crow' s black their heads - and this group 0. "Why the political kick?" wants it to carry two ordinated through Ed inburgh heartaches from some hell-hole in certainly are because they are AA. "The Beatles made a mint messages, or a different University Branch. a river detta 4,000 miles west -but giving half their profits to riding on the 'si xties flower­ message, ca n be shown to being social workers at the sharp Amnesty and Solidarity ... but I'd power surf-wave but be an idiot or a heretic or a end of the Athens of the North, you like to make the point like Jimmy crashed out when they wrecker. That's the log ic could see they knew it was the has - that abuses take place in started squabbling over the behind psychiatric abuse. same space - and were playing it this country as well ... becoming loot. Lennon's 'Imagine' was It's a good way to shut-up ** Appendix 1 for real. institutionalised is a frightening a requiem f or a lost free thinkers." Boyle liked it. He had slipped in experience for anybody. If you're innocence. We don't want to a. "Why was Jimmy there?" The Edinburgh- Helsinki Group unnoticed accompanied by dishy working on the side of the end up like that. Besides, we AA. "Both Jimmy Boyle and (Writers and Artists for Peace) are wife (former head-shrink Or Sarah professions, you have an haven't got the time. What Jimmy Robertson know an ecology-based Human Rights Tevelyan). Strange to see him in 3- enormous responsibility not to Tin-Pan Alley needs to do is what it's like to be on the Group concerned solely with the 0 - just another form of medium. abuse your authority rn_ that to give something back to other side of the wire and Right to Peace. Two nights before it had been the situation .... but I would like all of the kids who helped to build how vital it is to have even a They see the current pro­ box - "A Sense of Freedom" - you here to be aware of the rt - something that'll help minimum of rights. By tagonists for East and West not as covered in shit in Barlinnie - problems close to home as well as give them a future." exposing psychiatric abuse riva ls in truth but as partners in tomorrow, a Benin bronze profile ones which you are campaigning a. "What about this Alchemy we see Amnesty as giving e rr or, shaving a commo n in "The Sunday Times". In 1683 he about overseas." stuff?" the free-thinkers a lifeline exponential growth capital ist would have been six feet under in The connection had been made. AA. They're more into magic which is in fact often thei r financial system. They therefore some unmarked prison-yard When comparing con with loony, than Paul Daniels. I'm sure only h ope of coming out believe the solution for peace lies Golgotha. Yet here he was, alive an remember the latter has, in effect, we'll like it - 'not a lot' -but alive. " in both systems adopting a 'kickin', jeans and leather jacket, no rights at all once he's certified. we'll lik e it. Serious l y a. "Why the name 'Psychia­ common finite growth based the familiar James Dean asymetric That's why Jimmy said to the 'The though , will it help trists'?" economic ideology based on stance, tense as piano wire, lithe Times· ·1 was always terrified of Solidarity? At the moment, AA "Psychiatris t s are a na tura l law which would and wary as a cat. being certified, when you'd really Lech Walesa strikes me as symptom of our times. Their corroborate and be corroborated Introductions were superfluous. be in the world of no hope'. That's Arthur Scargill in a cassock. main function seems to be to by their common Christo-Judaic Dick Lee of " The Psychiatrists" why the other Jimmy (band leader The right to collective cloud the fact that the real tradition. simply brought him over to the of " The Psychiatrists" ) signs bargaining might seem a lot criminals and loonies are on There would then at least be no mike (Dick had played with Swing himself in and out of mental to them - but is it really this side of the wire - ideological basis for confrontation '83 at Jimmy's coming out party - hospital. progress? Look at us. And represented by those but a bridge to unity. the one with the white doves There they were then - two the west's not really behind governments who are quite NB The Group originated as a coming out of the icing sugar). travellers from no-nan's land - them anyway. Our banks happy to blow up the world research back-up for the British Spontaneous clapping - then the meeting over a mike in a jungle lent to the Poles on the basis ·to preserve our way of life'. team to the UNESCO International Gorbals accent - clear, brief and clearing - in the "real world" of that they had a tame labour We see our job th erefore as Art Assocration World Conference to the point. Baird House. force - and they're going to advertising humanity ' s being held in May '83, in Helsinki " Well I'm sure you don't want to Suddenly there was music - keep it that way until they get collective insanrty as a on the theme of 'Artists in Search listen to us talking all night - frenetic, urgent, punctuated by their money back. What species (hunter-gatherers of a New World Order: the Artist's there's been great sounds here - Jimmy's haunting, disembodied Solidarity did do was to ask excepted). Once modern Contribution to a New Relation­ but I would just like to say as tenor chanting - Sci-fi Rock out the question which we still industrial man recongises ship amongst Nations'. somebody who has suffered a lot of Dave Brubeck. Lilt off occurred haven't answered over here this syndrome in himself, he Boy Kerr George The Student 1 hursaay, rnth May 1983 5 • AN0THE~PA€E

Freedom of Speech At a time when many people are general secretary of CND. The other opposing viewpoint must be beginning to run about the facts appear to be that the Roman wrong and therefore obnoxious country expelling lots of hot air Catholic Church is rather and, logically(?), that nobody insulting other people doing the concerned about the role of one of must be allowed to expound such same (i .e. it's general election time its ministers in a controversial views as they are not in agree­ again), isn't it appropriate to organisation which is now tending ment with CND's. wonder about the lack of tolerance towards a more political stance Such reactions are not dis­ with which most people nowadays than at the time when the Church similar to the hypocritical ex­ regard the views of those opposed originally gave its permission for Viscount Stansgate who, having By Peter the Squatting Rabbit to them. him to undertake such work. It heard about the Sun's opinion poll "We can live For instance, it is rumoured that now believes that a lay person in his constituency, immediately I can live the President-elect of Heriot-Watt would be more suitable to take on began to threaten legal action Celebrate University Students' Association, such a role - it is understandably against them in an attempt to Celebrate." Mr Stuart Purdy, is considering concerned that as not all of its censor any views contrary to his taking legal action against a fl ock are disarmers let alone own - is this what we can expect if Sh~ rag doll/She keeps him warm publication that appeared at HWU unilateral disarmers (nuclear of his party wins the election and In this cold light of the Student rag dungeon. a virgin pad of paper has around the time of the NUS course) some confusion may arise forms the next government? been waiting for me to touch it. It's more atrocious poetry time referendum with regard to certain as regards the Church's views on CND's cause, and the causes of comments made about him the matter. More controversy others such as Mr Purdy and those LIBERTY therein. Now I'm sure that the last arose over comments made by the cretins that got Nestle's products thing that would occur to anybody Pope's rep in the UK, Mgr. Bruno banned etc., would be much better Look, look at the faces around these blank walls is that this is a case of sour grapes Heim, about Mgr. Kent which served if they respected - or even How I long for a massage and an ice-cream. just because Mr Purdy's attempt to questioned the good faith of Mgr. just made an attempt to respect - In the library the students are studious, they want to pass have HWUSA reaffiliated to the Kent and his merry men and the right of others to hold opinions Exams so they can be happy and fulfilled. NUS (it was Fatman himself who described unilateralists as contrary to theirs. CND must Machines, mechanic, in a stainless glass tower. got Council to hold the referen­ blinkered idiots helping the Soviet realise that those who believe in D , and Smash the glass, scrunch it in the thighs dum) was soundly defeated - it Union . Immediatel y, CND multilateralism or even the nuclear Of the well-washed and fed faces must be because Mr Purdy did not supporters were up in arms (non­ deterrent are as equally entitled to Who swarm in this pool. like the views of those making the nuclear arms, I hasten to add) their views as CND are to theirs, _ That talk is not living, and that remarks methinks. surely anybody saying how offensive these and equally believe that CND are Living's not worth talking about. who plays (well nobody really accusations were, and how un­ as wrong and misguided as CND 0, and smash the raucous roundabout, takes student politics seriously, do believable and incredible they believe that they are. Mgr. Heim is Throw the piss back in their eyes, they?) at university/co llege were, and how people working for as entitled to his views as Mgr. For their love Is a graven Image, stuck between sweating thighs. politics leaves himself (or herself) peace wouldn't like to be called Kent - 1f both respected the right open to such behaviour - that is, idiots (actually I think what he of the other to hold differing views Light is not known here, for they've created their own: after all , part of the fun/game - meant was that unilaterla1sts that then things would be far more Self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-indulgent selves. and in the case of Mr Purdy, if the thought they were working for civilised - tolerance is far nrcer " But we are young!" comments were so potently peace were idiots - maybe has than any gutter tactics or one­ Yes, I know, so very very young untrue, then everybody would something there) etc sided dogmatism could ever be Your laughter betrlys realise this and all would be roses It must be obvious to any person Try 1t and see - ne:xt time a creep That fact. You cannot even live without destructions. again - unless of course this time with even a modicum of from the CND accosts you Iust say 0 , and I have grown old before it's due, they were just a little bit too true? intelligence (aha' that explains you agree to disagree - but of and my little heart fills up with sick, Another topical example of CND, et al) that what CND puts course he won't listen. after all he's And my Little Eyes are full of Acid Tears intolerance Is provided by the forward Is Just their point of view - right and everyone else Is wrong. and I don't even mean drugs, would you believe. future surrounding Mgr. Bruce not the definitive correct answer - rant, rant, rave, rave. Kent and his continuing role as the and that to their bigoted minds any Christopher Crass Jr. Ill 0 , hey, ho, I leave you to your darkness. ( That 's right - see Douglas Children, you deserve it all. Smith's letter on Letters Page.) • GOODBYE FROM THE BURROW THAT I SHAT IN ONCE • Peter Bunny

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Pin kerton's 30 Easter Drylaw Place I i Edinburgh EH 4 20T Editorial

'Strippers' make £228:47

Dear Sir, Last term eighteen valiants took Our Kritique Your Kritique part in a Sponsored Strip-the­ Wiliow in aid of the School of TV Kritique Scottish Studies Appeal for a Of our four newly elected sabbaticals, th ree are Million, and raised a total of nominally left, and one is nominally right. Their Dear Sir. £228.47. Professor MacOueen personal poli tical beliefs are however i rrelevent; How can one expect students to Dear Sir. f r o m t h e school, sent the running the Students' Association is not a partisan be anything but apathetic about I have j ust read Andrew following letter of th anks. the SRC elections after the kind of Mackichan's article on STV and affair (whatever the FCS and Labour Club might gross organising inefficiency find that I can add hypocrisy to "' D ear Stude n ts a n d believe ). many of us suf f ered on your paper's many faults. From a Sponsors, The jubilant cries of the right-wing fa ction on Wednesday night. publication that has no cohesion Many thanks for your hearing of Ken Shoji's victory last Thursday night at A great number of interested. far betVveen its various pages, is response to oe: Appeal. We from apathetic. students turned up unprofessiona l ly filled wit h are hoping to raise a sum Teviot were not only short-lived, with the subsequent at the Teviot Row " mega­ cliches and mistakes in g rammar which seems large, but if all election of Heather Lamont, Mike Conway and Teresa hustings" at 6.30 pm. as this was and is pre tentious to the point of friends of the School of Bray, but also short-sighted. For whoever was elected, the time Midweek informed us it calling its news page "News Scottish Studies respond would start. It was only by Kritique··. it's more than irritating with the generosity you have the tasks are the same: the efficient management of accident. and after having sa t to have our work dismissed as shown it will certainly be the SA, the monitoring of teaching standards, waiting for nearly half an hour, that "some amateur reading". a t t a i n e d . W e a r e a l l community involvement, and student welfare. we learnt that the Midweek time I am not alone in fi nding your part icularly grateful for th is had been a printing error, and the paper badly run. Your sales before splendid effort - and hope The only substantial matter of wider interest - hustings were due to start at 8. the bonanza of the SRC elections none of you were too campaigning against education cuts and for a realistic Annoyed, but stil l keen to see fell to a disastrous 400, according exha u s t e d a s a co n­ grant - can only be pursued on a national scale. And what the candidates for th e four to your former editor Caro line sequence! Yours si ncerely, the decision whether we should reaffiliate to NUS will sabbatical posts had to say for Bi nnie. Ye t you have the audacity themselves. we went down to t~e to suggest that with our small John MacOuee n.'" be decided by us, the students, in a referendum to be T eviot Bar to pass away the spare audience we are elitist. held next term. time. Returning at half-past seven, Or perhaps you think our elitism I would just like to add my own Therefore the only question to be asked for the new to be sure of a seat, we fi nd a derives from our small membe r­ thanks to ail who took part either scrappy piece of foolscap paper ship. But. sir, your newspaper (a nd as dancers or sponsors and I executive is how good they will be at their everyday sellotaped to the door informing I doubt if I'm using the right word) suggest that a few letters to jobs. Three of them have proven records of solid if not us that the hustings were now to is full o f indulgent cross­ George You nger at this crucial spectacular work for the SA. This, no doubt, will be start at 8.30. references between the writers point in the El ection Campaign This was the final straw, and not and petty schoolboy letters that might well produce results. continued. But it is debatable whether Ken Shoji, surprisingly, many were willing or the rest of us fail to understand Yours faithfully, Heather Lamont and Teresa Bray have the personal unable to wait around for another unless we read the whole paper Mairl Ann Cullen stature to force themselves and the significance of hour. And so those of us who were each week. As Caroline Binnie their work into the minds of students. If they do not we relying on making up our minds aptly put if, Student seems ··10 be about various candidates from going up its own arse· ·, and some Dear Ed, can expect dismally attended General Meetings, their performance at these of its pages look as if they have No one can clai m that Nick weakly supported education campaigns, and the hustings, were left totally un­ been smeared by this process, Wailes-Fairbairn, ca ndidate for perpetuation of the myth that student politics is for decided; I wouldn't be surprised if. ~esembiing more shit-plastered Senior Presi dent, failed fo r lack of like myself, they stayed far from posters than part of a newspaper. trying. Ubiq uitous would be an hacks. the polling stations the next day. Having said this, I hope that next understatement. for Pollock Hal ls Mike Conway is the one exception. He is lacking in Okay, I admit typing errors year through joint efforts STV and students at least, who were experience, but then Dr Fishbone has more than happen easily enough (Student the Student can work together to treated, in the weeks leading up to enough. Instead he has the charisma that is itself provides ample proof for break down the cliques that May 12th, to Nick in the refectory, that) but why were there so few (if plague this university and not Nick canvassing from room to necessary. He is approachable and vivacious. Perhaps any) attempts to correct it, with no provoke them. room, Nick at the JCR apres­ he may make the SA appear both nearer and more official notice of the error even on Yours, election piss-ups. One began to real. the night of the hustings. It's Rachel Anderson check in the wardrobe or under the enough to make you vote for bed at nights, fearful that just as Combined, these four could work well - we on ··scooby'" Dow ... almost! (I did­ . .. and the Reply you were dropping off to sleep, Student hope so. Ed.) Well, well, well. That is to say, Ms NWF would pop up asking, " Have Yours. Anderson, as the new editor of you read my latest leaflet?" Editor Simon Cartledge John Bowen Student. some defence is called The general consensus of Dlvertlssements Giles Su therland opinion in Pollock as regards for. Steve Forbes Fairbairn seemed to be. '"I'd vote Assistant Editor Andrew Penny Boreham Well , what do you think? Firstly. a drunken Caro/me MacKichan , for him ·cos he's put so much effort Alasdair Nagle Binnie ,s not a reliable source of into it ... if only he wasn"t so wetI" Dear Student, information. Student circulation Music Paul Wilson News Ray Clancy Having attended some of the has NEVER fallen to a '"disastrous But perhaps even more damaging Wendy Barrett Ian MacGregor hustings last week, I must say that 400 "". In the week ,n question, 1t to his chances than those I am disgusted by the treatment was somewhere around 1, 100, wimpishly pursed-lip photo­ Features Jane Lloyd Perspective Kerr the Eye received by Mr Paul Deacon. giving 1t a readership, based on the graphs was that his familiarity (d.-js. and Karen Ramsey. Storey attempts to illustrate the itself. where Noh is involved in a using her "Kinuta" (cloth-beater) complex net of emotions that are constant struggle to survive It Is speaks of her betrayal as she 8.00 pm Expo Dance fired when a family gets together the highest. most ritualistic of all whiles awav the time Eventually A new program me from a group of after a long separation extant Japanese theatre, ,s overcome with grief, she dies and women dancers p erfo rmi ng Like the best tragedy there ,s a essentially rle1g1ous, poetic and returns as a distracted and bitter modern and jazz pieces. lot of humour in this play The restrainedly stylised, and has spirit to haunt her husband. He characterisation 1s very well played a part in Japanese dramatic exorcises her resentment and 21 May 1.30-5.00 pm observed Take Mr Shaw (the evolution as important as class1cal torments through prayers. and sp1r1tual harmony ,s reached Can We Be Femi n ists an d father) for example. Dad's a hard­ Greek tragedy did in the West. And It was through the power Professionals? work,ng, hard-drinking, Labour­ yet It Is considered ,n ,ts home to of prayer, (see below) voting miner - never having heard be something of a dinosaur, whose the Beatles, the only music to his existence defies the laws of As when in her ltfe she ears 1s the scrape of the steel bear the Kmuta, 8.00 pm Expo Dance natural selection in the age of the shovel against the coal face and That the ghost has attained 11.00 pm Cloud Nine microchip. Its tempo is considered All in all, it was a deeply moving the chink of glass as the whisky too slow. its spiritual meditations her Enlightenment. bottle pours into the cup. He's a This simple story actually took and ser ious experience. These 26 May too esoteric and its dramatic timeless giants, acting out their witty man who's as proud as hell two hours to unfold' Because it is a 11 .00 A Chance Encounter conventions too obscure for eternal rituals were not dinosaurs and his only ambition in life is to meditative genre, action is slowed Point of Departure modern, industrial Japan. at all. but gods, heroes and complete his fifty years down 't p,t Despite this, Noh has survived down to a pace alien to Western Here Comes The Bride demons, moving towards a joyful " ... It'd be sissy to chuck it early " - partly grace la tourisme - but theatregoers . and yet the a enlightenment which the audience mainly through the avid support of emotional climate created within 28 May Stranded: S.W.H. FAIR There 1s also much humour in shared desp ite language, cultural David Storey's treatment of social a minority of loyal devotees. who the auditorium and the slow but and - arguably - time barrier. FOR FURTHER DETAILS habits - the way people react at enthusiastically study its art and relentless rhythm of the play was very infectious an d the aud ience Kerry Richardso n For further details contact: Lianne boring part ies w here there is bolster up its financial resources. Hackel (668 2174) or Annie absolutely no thing to say or do. The North Country dialogue fires MEN SHOULD WEEP hospital because the Mornsons Reddick (3431726). "Women Live" live in such unhealthy conditions. WOMEN LIVE FESTIVAL festival programmes are available quickl y and wittily from one 7:84 THEATRE CO. character to another. T he eldest daughter Jenny, a kept PERFORMING ARTS throughout Edinburgh. Churchill Theatre woman, returns and challenges Jasper CONFERENCE It's Glasgow 1932. "No Jobs for the family to accept her help. And men, but plen ty for women." The there the questions start to be "CAN WE BE FEMINISTS words of the play's central asked. When Jenny speaks of the & PROFESSIONALS?" character, Maggie Morrison, sum rats and lice ,n the close, Maggie SAT. 21st MAY up a good deal of Men Should interjects, "Oh, no, Jenny, we T his conference wi ll examine Weep. While her husband scours don't have beasties. We never had the advance feminism has made G lasgow for work, Maggie frets beasties." But when her husband within the performing arts. It takes her way through the exhausting John refuses Jenny's money as place at the NETHERBOW (43 ta.sk of bringing up a large family "whore's winnings", Maggie asks if High St) from 11 am-5 pm. with li ttle or no money. Pa trick sex before marriage was not the Admission £2 .50 (waged) and Hannaway as John Mornson is price she had to pay for John's £1 .50 (unwaged). This conference excellent, using the room in his love. is a WOMEN ONL y EVENT. part to rage that so little results Men Should Weep is not a Feminists face choices of either from all his efforts. But it ,s perfect production. Judith accepting standards felt by many El izabeth Macl en nan as Maggie Sweeney overplays the swagger­ women to be male-conceived, or who dominates the play Maggie ing daughter-in-law, and the of participating only in an open, rarely has time for anger or direction has characters whom the non-selective mix of professional despair, and El12abeth Maclennan dialogue indicates are facing each and amateur work ,s brilliant ,n capturing the other looking ,n quite absurdly "Can we be Feminists and Pro­ twitching nerves which olaaue different directions fessionals?" aims to give women m Maggie as she worries over a child But Men Should Weep makes its the arts an opportunity to listen ~ Ith a son and daughter-in­ point triumphantly. For the most TB , a and discuss this vital question. law w ho move in after their house part the cast is bril liant. and the Speakers include Catherine ltzin, falls down. and a chairbound design evokes the grim mother-in-law. surroundings perfectly with a Joyce McMillan. Jules Cranfield. Elaine C. Smith and the general The people of her slum close starkly grey, shambol,c set manager of Perth Theatre, battle to survive and maintain their throughout which the characters Cathenne Robins. will chair the sel f -respect , sustained by drift. enabling them to move out of conference. communit y spirit and humour, and one role and into another more Workshops/d1scuss1on sessions are continually being debased by easily, several of the cast having to in the afternoon w,11 give smaller circumstance. Isa. the daughter­ double parts. groups of women the opportunity ,n- law, disgusted by her weak­ The political message is made of discussing areas of interest wi lled husband Alec, says at one more overt by an apres-curta,n call mcluding Networking/ Training/ poin t " There's no love, not in this speech drawing our attention to Gaining Skills, Man Management part of town anyway." It 1s a the play's topicality, and the at Work, Standards and Finding a symptom of the erosion of self­ prox1m1ty of the election Men Voice. respect all the characters are Should Weep returns to Edin­ Advance bookings pos sible. Tel suffering And towards the end of burgh next week See ,t to 556 9579 the play this comes to a head. The remember that politics ,s about young son Bertie, suffenng from people Helen Marlin and Dick Godden: in rehearsal for'"ln Celebration" TB, cannot be returned from lain Cameron Kultur Kritique 8 The Student

ABC (229 3030) DOMINION (447 2660) Local Hero 2.15, 5.00, 8.05 An Officer and a Gentleman Another gem from Bill Forsyth, 1.45 , 4.45, 7.45 man who gave us Gregory's Gir ithe haunting background to Richard Gere ,s a selfish loner who BEAUTIFUL recognise a lively and perceptive simple tale of an American wants to prove his worth by executive seeking to buy an en intelligence underneath. 0 becoming a US naval officer. Scottish coastal town and repl AND She enjoyed a sympathetic Debra Winger is a local girl caught reception from most critics, which it with a Knox Oi l refin in a working class rut, hoping to Basically telling us what gave her films an important snare an officer and escape her DAMNED validity among intellectuals as we!I already know, that money i hum-drum existence. The two everything. as the ordinary film-goers; but this meet and spark off one of the most In response to th e recent failed to obscure the fact that her series of Mari lyn Monroe sticky-sweet screen romances to Gregory's Girl producers saw her primaril,- as a appear in a long time. Best studio commodity, were J.qo, 5.20, s.15 fil m s fo r tele v isio n , performance, though, belongs to Young Glaswegians in love. Katherine Need takes a determinep to Play It Safe, and Lou Gosset, Jr., as the drill repeatedly assigned her to dumb­ look at the reality behind sergeant determined to make o r Living Apart Together b Ion d roles within rusty, break Gere at boot camp. the tropic and beautiful unoriginal scripts. Only four of her 2.45, 5.15, 8.00 Glasgow again. This time it' screen idol. 16 films with Twentieth Century Fox were truly worth doing: Bus musical comedy starri ng B. Stop, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Robertson. If ever a child was brought into Privates on Parade The 7 Year Itch and How to Marry the world ill-equipped to cope with 2.20, 5.05, 7 .55 a Millionaire, whilst her two most the blows it would deal her, this John Cleese's extraordinary chal lenging and successful roles FiLMHOUSE was true of the bastard daughter of farcical gifts just aren't enough to in The Misfits and The Prince and Gladys Pearl Baker, f6rmer film on the cards, and with mother save Privates. The plot meanders the Showgirl were both produced (228 2688) cutter for MGM, Paramount and always prowling in the vicinity to through the daily existence of outside her home studio. The Columbia Studios, now a paranoid keep him out of harms way, he British soldiers in the Pacific former probably gave r-;tari ly the schizophrenic. For Norma Jean would give her shy, hesitant smiles during World War II. It may be Fanny and Alexander most pforessional satisfaction, for inherited from her mother rather imploring forgiveness for his in­ advertised as a comedy, but it's_ 3.00, 7.00 Sun-Fri; 4.00, 8.00 she protested that in The Prince more than good looks: the legacy communicativeness off-camera. simply not funny. lngmar Bergman's last film. included an instinctive mistrust of and the Showgirl, Lawrence Her inability to have children of microscopic study of a Swedi nearly everyone, a fear of the Olivier -persistently held Vivien her own was perhaps a family at the turn of the centu insanity that ran like a dark thread Leigh's performance in the back of contributory factor to the failure of photog raphed with the sa through the family, the conviction his mind as he directed. her three marriages. By the time dreamy quality seen in Bergma that almost every man not a fool In 1951 she enrolled for a while Some Like It Hot was released in Friday the 13th, Part Ill previous works. was a philanderer and a fear of on a course given by Michael 1959, she was drinking heavily and 2.10, 5.00, 7.55 death. Add to this a childhood Chekhov (newphew of the Russian had become addicted to More of parts I and II. playwright) and within a few spent among 12 sets of foster barbiturates: Make-up had to be Batman months was playing Cordelia to 2.00 Sat parents, some of whom can at best undertake horizontally while be described as bizarre (she was at his King Lear. He was struck by the masseurs with large vats of black Batman and the Boy Won sensitivity of her performance, and one stage punished with a razor coffee attempted to inject some rescue Gotham City from the strap for "thinking impure predicted her future in roles of life into her prone, immobile body. clutches of a series of unlikely increasing depth and dimension thoughts"). a grandmother's Shooting was hopelessly behind CALEY (229 7670) not original, villains. attempt to smother her with a on the screen; he failed to see that schedule, and as much as $1 pillow and her inability to have the she had the misfortune to be million added to the productions around when the excitement and children she wanted so much, and costs, a fact to which The Draughtsman's Contract originality of Hollywood was 7 Brides For 7 Brothers & Ext the insomnia, barbiturates and remained completely indifferent. 6.00, 8.14 2.30, 5.20, 8.00 Mon dying. desperate yearning to be wanted To a Lde reporter in 1962 she said: Restoration who-dun-it of Few, moreover, recognised that The first is a full length Hollyw of her later years, suddenly " It might be a kind of relief to be exquisite style and complexity. the way Marlyn threw herself into extravaganza-musical of become all too explicable. finished. It's sort of like, I don't Visually, a film created with the her work was eroding her 1950s; the second is a 15 mi This need to be desired lay know what kind of a yard dash exact precision of the draughts­ emotional stibility: As Chekhov clip of a full length Hollyw behind Marilyn's ability to make youa·re running, but then you're at man's drawings and a juxta­ threatened to drop her, the strain extravaganza-musical of love even to a camera, and thus to the finish line, and you sort of s,gh position of black and white 1950s. of her lack of punctuality and generate the lust and adoration of - you've made it' But you never costumes to illustrate individual increasing beginning to tell on her, millions of film-goers. In Turkey a have - you have to start all over personalities. distraught admirer slashed his increasing beginning to tell on again." Not long after, she put a him, she tried to appease him with stack of Sinatra records on a Stray Dog wrists when she refused his postal 5.45, 8.1 5 Tue-Wed proposal of marriage and off duty a touching and revealing note to sp,ndler , swallowed all the the effect - Nembutals ,n her medicine CLASS IC Just one in a series of "Japan policeman cut his way through a Treasures" currently at screen door to reach her. She cabinet, and sank ,nto a lethal " Please don't give me up yet - I coma, leaving a note with precise (667 1839) F,lmhouse. The story ,s a thri positively exulted in their know (painfully so) that I try but Stray Dog ,s most grat,fyin InstructIons for her funereal make­ enthusiasm, and offended her your patience the glimpses It gives of Japan up, costume and hair style. rather conservative and dignified I need the work and your the immediate aftermath of Wo She has been described as the <,weet Body of the Bianco husband, no 7 for the New York friendship desperately I shall War II. symptom of a decayed American 12.30, 3.35, 6.35 Yankees' baseball team, Joe D, call you soon, society Judged on her Maggio, by straddling a New York Love. Marilyn sidewalk grating during the appearance rather than her quality Sexaphobia filming of The 7 year /eh until a She suffered two miscarriages as an actress, a brilliant A Question of Silence 1.45, 4.50, 7.55 gathering of cheering fans saw a rnd had to lavish her natural commercial success and a tragic 6.15, 8.30 Thurs-Fri; 3.30, 6. blast of air sweep her skirt above affection on the children of others, personal failure - "The Beautiful No. I don't know what either of 8.30 Sat her hips. Yet whilst instinctively_ developing a particularly close and the Damned" as Scott­ these are about, but rest assured Three Dutch women h that they contain mega-porn. If courting a response of either lust, rapport with the 10 year old child F,tzgerald has described the spontaneously murdered a m you honestly can't think of or ,ncreas_,ngly pity, from her actor Tommy Rett1? Informed by America of the '20s It may ,n part store owner and we are left anything better to do than walk audience. they really craved for h,s Catholic priest that fraternising be true, but ,t deceives the decide, through a series ,nto this theatre, then go home and something more: few managed to with the likes of uniqueness of her quality, and the flashbacks, the true extent oft revise your exams. get 'past the beautiful exterior anq between takes was very much not universality of her appeal. guilt or innocence.

intriguing ,t self-1nouIgen1 opportunity to catch a glimpse of British/Japanese co-production Coming Soon Draughtsman 's Contract is still the impressive pre-polemic work 'based on Van Der Post's' The FANNY AN filling Cinema 2 at the Filmhouse of Anan Wajda in The Young Seed and rhe Saver, concerning Bill Williamson takes a look at which will be giving further Ladies of Wilko (Tuesday 7-Sat 11 British serv icemen in a Japanese events coming to the Filmhouse coverage to British films shortly. June). POW camp, and is directed by the ALEXANDE while Student is out of print, and From Sunday 26 June to Saturday Of note among newer films are celebrated Nag,sia Asuma whose provides a few idiosyncratic 2 July Ascendency will be shown Hans Jurgen Syberbing's Parsifal other work will be featured Whil& such veteran Holywo comments. in Cinema 1. Starring Julie (Sunday 12, Monday 13 and throughout the festival. A rare directors as George Cukov a Covington and Ian (Chariots of Sunday 19 June) . Rejected by the opportunity, not to be missed. Fred Zinnemann churn out dr As commercial cinemas cease Fire) Charlestone, in Edward purists and too controversial to Further details of the 70-plus like Rich and Famous and F' with increasing rapidity, Edin­ Bennet's first narrative feature. discuss briefly I can only advise further films on view will be Days Last Summer, at 64 Ing burgh's manic art house, the Ascendency took first prize in the you to book now, or not if you like available at the end of June from Bergman, the Swedish gra Filmhouse, continues to expand recent Berlin Film Festival and is a your Wagner straight. From the Filmhouse, 88 Lothian Road, master, has given us a real gem its audiences. That success is a challenging examination of Sunday 12 to Saturday 18 June tel. 228 2688. Fanny and Alexander, his I result not of the preponderance of personal and political relation­ Cinema 1 features the latest from Finally, don't miss Leni feature fi lm. Though justly ado cultural snobs in Scotland's ships in the troubled Ireland of French luminary Jean-Luc Riefenstahl's classic propaganda by his thinking public, Bergma capital, but rather of the fact that 1920. Also highly recommended Goddard, Passion, a film about record of the 1936 Olympics unfortunately renewed for t the Filmhouse has in recent and recently shown at Cannes is film-making itself. With its Olympia on Sunday 5 June, and an heavy imagery, sexual metap months provided a wide variety of the return of the latest Shabvalla/ undisciplined- amalgam of riots event which must be the highlight and emotional claustrophobia films from all over the world of a Ivory feature Heat and Dust and over-reliance on the unusual of the pre-fes tival year on 30 June some of his classics, The Seve consistently high quality which (Sunday 24th July-Wednesday image the film not surprisingly, Nick Roeg will deliver The Sea-, Pe rsona and From the Lile would never find a home in 27th). has had a mixed reception. Finally, Guardian Lecture. Roeg's skill as a the Marionettes tor exam 'commerc1al' cinemas. NoW with Further films making a welcome Fassbinder's last film, Vernoica cinematographer earned him which reach at times an ai m the Edinburgh International Film return include YOL (Sunday 5 Voss, can be seen from Sunday 10 unanimous acclaim before his Kafkaesque "control led hysteri Festival approaching, it is not June-Friday 10), Yilmaz Guney's to Saturday 16 June. Described as assumption of 1he director's Moreover. in the director's o surprising that the summer mantle . His films remain crude buf compelling and moving his Sunset Boulevard, concerning words Fanny and Alexander months promise a further examination of Turkey's repres­ the tall of a film star, it follows 'Lili complicated, perhaps owing to the sum total of my life as a Iii selection of goodies to help us out sive state and society. Also one of marlene' in its melodramatic a lack, of discipline in plot maker ... ", but fun fi lm viewers of the pub at least one night a the hits of last year's festival, the nature, and is, in reality, a sadly development, but feature a wealth not deterred, F and A is a feast week. of visual imagery, epitomised by excellent American black comedy uninspiring farewell from the entertainment as well as food Ironically it is the Americanised Ealing Raoul (Tuesday 12 July greatest director of recent years. his latest Eureka , starring Gene thought. It is a "gobelin", dross which has given the British to Friday 15 C2) and Werne·r Of the festival itself all that has Hackmann and the incredible tapestry of Bergman's childh film industry its latest and biggest Herzog's grandiose tale of a been confirmed is that Merry Teresa Russell, a tale of the pursuit ·'ears and imagination, his m boost. However, a number of magnificent obsession, Fitz­ Christmas Mr Lawrence, starring of wealth, and the subsequent ,3 utobiographical work to date. British film-makers are presentlv carraldo (7-9 July C2) with opera David Bowie and Tom Conti. will loneliness, frustration and deceit producing excellent work on a in the Amazon, can be seen again. be the 'opening gala presenta­ whIcn w11I be screened before the The opening shots see the 1 smaller scale. Peter Greenaway's There is also a welcome tion'. Interestingly, the film is a lecture. ,,ear-old Alexander peeri The Student Thursday, 19th May 1983 9

c l ose knit team of fiv e actor/ directors and a technical crew. This play promises to be exciting since the team are all committed to an intense period of T~E~T~E close co-operation, to include all elements of the performance from often its tickets cost more than the beginning of the rehearsal EUTC's. ·r,eriod. 'The Moth er' by Brecht is This feeling is very difficult to to be the second play of the EUTC combat. Student theatre has season, directed by Patrick Evans always been an activity to be seen and with musicians and a new to be participating in for some score directed and arranged by This year EUTC seems to have people. The suggestion I make to Andrea Ha sse lgren. Finally had less criticism of its image than the new EUTC Committee is that towards the end of the season in the past, but I think that in fact they change the format of the 'Angels Three', a new play by Alon many people are rightly put off lunchtime show. Scrap the lunch Shoval, will be directed by Melissa coming to the theatre, and others and just provide a play, which James. come for the wrong reasons. And it should start promptly at 1.15. The This season presents a full is possible that as long as EUTC audience numbers might drop, but complement of plays and will continues to be a social club this some people who are currently put require considerable work.from all will not change. off by the thought of standing in a those taking part. It is envisaged This view is upheld by the fact room crowded with people they that the productions will be that the audiences at the don't know might come along produced and marketed as a lunchtime performances have on instead. At least EUTC would be season and thus a team will be the whole been quite good over drawina the riqht people. Si milarly required for the whole package the last two terms, when usually for the people who are put off, they rather than for an individual play. they fall off as the year progresses. ca n grit their teeth and put up with This is a new departure for EUTC But when the company has been the hangers-on, the atmosphere and one which should prove invited to take part in events solely will change. The more thea tre valuable to both the company and to do with theatre, such as Local Hero people who come to the shows, the individual. Ille workshops and trips to other 2.15, 5.00, 8.05 the more important the shows will The 1983/84 committee were 4.30, 7.40 theatres, the take-up has been low. See Dominion. become relative to the social side. elected on Wednesday 11 May at iOus reviews in the Student I may be wrong but I think that this The core of EUTC recognises this, the EUTC AGM, as follows. torn Tootsie to shreds but I is probably because our I think, and will be glad of help to Julia Morrice - President A it anyway - not as a audiences are more interested in achieve it. We have been striving to Susie Caird - Theatre Manager h nsome statement on modern talking before the lunchtime show place more emphasis on the Andrea Hasselgren - Secretary 1, roles that Dustin Hoffman PLAYHOUSE and seeing their friends up on the lunchtime play this year with some Susie Dufort - Business Manager e director Sydney Pol lock stage than they are in actual (557 2590) success. but perhaps from the Adam Maxwell Publicity 's Id like it to be, but as a purely theatre itself. When TAG, a highly wrong angle. Another attempt Manager rtaining comedy. Hoffman professional theatre company, might help some more. Becky Gardiner Lunchtime te mperamental actor who s a recently performed "Greek" at the Convener only find employment Class of '84 Bedlam, the audiences were small. Benjamin Twist - Past President. rsonat ing a female in a day 7.15 Thurs, 7.15, 11 .30 Fri / Sat Why? Quite possibly because the Anyone who feels compelled to At a meeting on Monday of a The post of technical director is drama. Havoc ensues as he evening wasn't a social event, a currently vacant. Jane Parker was Is to pursue one of the se_e Fnday the 13th, ///would enjoy part of the social week. I will be mixture of the 1982/ 83 and the this as well. America's future co-opted on to the committee. starlettes and hold onto his interested to hear how many 1983/ 84 EUTC committees a leaders portrayed as sadistic, English male chauvinists should all the while keeping his people go to the theatre workshop. decision was taken as to the plays brutal thugs dedicated toanarchy note that four of the seven identity a secret. to see the same play next week. to be produced by EUTC during and terrorisin9 anyone over 18. members are Scottish and five are The Theatre Workshop is a more the 1983 Autumn season. In the full of gratuitous violence fame - a new and valuable socially acceptable place to be fourth week of term 'The Maids' by and designed to t1t1late, It merely framework for EUTC to work from seen ,n than the Bedlam, although Jean Genet will be produced by a succeeds in repulsing the viewer with Ben Twist its senseless bru-tal1ty. delightfully macabre numoer, experience. and choreographer BASIC powerfully held together by the and company director Shelley Lee excellent Raymond Kaye as the is to be praised for her lack of Gnome, an impish Master of priggishness in this respect. SPACE Ceremonies who draws a number Everyone seemed to enjoy it - of nightmare figures (a vampire, hardly surprising; most of us love WOMEN LIVE FESTIVAL witches, effigies etc.) from his the macabre and the fantastic, FILM SOCIETY It's not often that you see a magic box. He really shone, particularly when performed with pac_ked George Square Theatre, twisting, flickering and spinning such skill and imagination. One but last Saturday's performance his way through the others, criticism: barring a brief moment Fri 20 May GST by the Basic Space Dance Theatre untouchable, so quick and fluid at the beginning there was only 6.45 Monsieur Verdoux (Charles was a just1f1ed exception. Basic were his movements. The piece one sequence employing more Chaplin, Charles Chaplin) Space is Edinburgh's only pro­ started in a grotesquely humorous than two dancers at a time in the 8.55 1 +1 =3 (He1d1 Ge nee, Adelhe1d fessional dance group, relatively vein: for instance, some guy hour-long performance. A shame, Arndt) recently transferred here from started dancing around in his as there is nothing more breath­ London. They are always a hit, and underwear and socks (is there a taking than a large, well-choreo­ this, I think, is more due to the fact more ridiculous sight, girls?). Still, graphed group of dancers. Was he got what he deserved in the end the stage too small perhaps? Sun 22 May GST that they have worked hard di - the vmapire ripped his head off. An interval, followed by a dance 6.45 Christine F (unconfirmed) ImagInat1vely and constructive!; 7.00 The humour(?) stopped before it to Laurie Anderson 's Let X Equal X 9.00 Taxi Zurn Kio (Frank R1pploh . to be entertaining, than to the fact ollywood insider attributes became too laboured, to be a deliberately bland and 5• 1di's popularity to the fact that Bernard Broaderup). Members that there ,s no compet,t,on. They only. may have a way to go yet before replaced by a variety of visually anonymous piece, choreographed ,e ;:~.~_':_~~~~h~gq:o~~ they become the best, and I don't frightening images - murder, blandly and anonymously to Xl ~I:~ suicide, dead babies etc . match. The effect was, unfortun­ Wed 25 May GST think that they have any such le ttlin. Granted, but this movie Tasteless, perhaps, but such ,s the ate I y , rather bland and to boasts a stunning perform- 6.45 Go Tell The Spartans (Ted pretens,ons, but they are good, no 01 tendency of dreams , and anonymous. ( Another walfy. - - by Ben Kingsley and Post, Burt Lancaster) doubt about 11. 8.45 They Were Expendable (John There was no live music; the everything was suggested, rather Ed.) Perhaps we were bound to ,ir ndio se crowd scenes than rubbed in deep. It worked; it feel let down after the dynamism of Ford, Robert Montgomery) sound came from a sound system, stible to any audience. was both entertaining and the previous. Finally, a stirring -t------1 and 1f you know the sound from the GST sound system, you'll frightening, particularly the old little solo number. (Why? Hadn't ifQh a toy theatre on to 'the cheerful snow of Christmas past know (I don't wish to sound off') "virgin murdered by masked we seen enough solo sequences ,fl'e of life'; in the otherwise has turned to dreary oppressive that ,t sounds, well, like sound killers" sketch. (How many of you already?) Well , who am I to rted froom, the art of a statue rain and where the servants are from a sound system. ( What a have the misfortune to be too well criticise? Everyone left the theatre It is Christmas Eve and the mirror-shatteringly ugly and wa/fy.-Ed.) balanced not to have dreamt that contented, proof enough that y Ekdahl household is unpleasant, deformed offspring or The opening piece, Conditions one?). Skilfully tasteless use of Basic Space had done it again. ring for the h9rdes of stifling religion. Bishop Vergerus are Different after Dark, was a special effects added to the A Phillips ,d lives soon to return from the is a suitably ambiguous Bergman d

Batalha Monastery. The people smell different (or the river to the Port Houses. Take Do go to Obidos, a perfectly PORTUGAL maybe just stronger?), they are your pick from Crofts, Cock burns, preserved walled medieval town. It Bairro Alto, a residential/ business· overwhelmingly ruddy-faced Sandemans or many others. You is built high up on a hill from where area where lovely antiques, books When most people think of peasants and though it might will be shown around and given you can see for miles around. You and prints are to be found. The Portugal they either think of it as sound trivial, they spit lncidently, free samples. can walk all around the wall and Alfama, by the river Tagus is the no more than an offshoot of everyone spits in Portugal. My next stop was Coimbra, the experience a sense of timeless­ oldest area of the city, potentially Spanish coastline - the endless The north of Portugal, the Minho main University town of Portugal. ness. Inside, the buildings are, if beautiful with tiled houses and beaches of the Algarve teeming region, is beautiful. A series of Overlooking the Mondego river on anything, overpreserved. The narrow, windy streets. But as with with tourists, basically a place to valleys run inland from the a steep slope it is predominantly town does attract tourists by the so much of Portugal it has been avoid, or they have a complete Atlantic, and everything is green white and quite spectacular. coachload, but it is usually empty neglected. The streets are smelly blank. I spent Easter finding out and quiet . There are also First of all climb up to the and very much worth a visit. and it has become almost slum­ that Portugal is an incredibly wonderful beaches all the way University quadrangle from where From there I went to Alcobaca, like. It is the most interesting but under-rated , neglected country. down the coast. I stayed near you can see the outlying region of best known for its monastery, a most disturbing part of the city. A word on the background of the Ancora-Praia, a resort with a huge rice fields and forests. Look spectacular mixture of archi­ Take a tram from the Praca do country. Portugal did not, in fact, beach, but the Ancora valley around the University, an tectural styles. The church itself Comercio to Selem just outside become a kingdom in its own right inland was blissful. There I interesting mixture of old and new, is a mixture of Gothic, Romanir central Lisbon. You can spend a and Renaissance styles, the overall until the middle of the 12th century discovered Ancora cheese, a bit good and bad taste. Go down the day, seeing the Mosterio dos when it broke away from the like Edam, broa, heavy maize road to the Machado de Castro. impression overwhelming. It is Jeronimos where Vasco da Gama Spanish kindom of Leon. Since bread delicious with local quince This 16th century building is also rumoured to contain the the great explorer is buried, and then it has been fighting to r.etain jam, and wine at about £1 for seven beautiful in itself. You can see tombs of the king Dom Pedroi and the Tower of Beleu, the departure its own independence and its own litres. However, be prepared for there a great deal of Portuguese Ines de Castro, mistress. She is point of all the voyages of character. Spanish invasions were the most garish, Swiss chalet-type art and European antique ·, n fact a national hero of Portugal. discovery. Make sure you visit the proudly resisted and such houses which seem to be furniture. But the outstanding She was assassinated by Pedro's Gulbenkian foundation which has victories as Aljubarrota in 1385 are springing up all over Portugal. thing is the Roman crypt under the father Alfonso IV as he did not like a very comprehensive museum. seen as great landmarks in Often bright pink or blue and building. It was only discovered the affair. However when Pedro Another must is the half hour Portuguese history. Not only in a usually adorned with bathroom fairly recently and you can go came to the throne in the middle of train ride from Rossio Station to mililary sense have they had to tiles. They are built as retirement down and walk around and see the the 14th century, he became Sintra, the home of the Portuguese fight; Portugal has always been homes by the estimated milion rr.osaics, pottery and stonework popular and when he declared he royal family for centuries and a subject to cultural domination by (10% of the population) found there. There are two had secretly married Ines before favourite place of Byron. It is a her death, her body was Spain. Many people do not even Portuguese who do menial work in cathedrals in Coimbra, the older town surrounded by spectacular realise the Portuquese have their France, Switzerland etc. one, the Se Velha being the more disinterred. She was dressed' as scenery and it really is like own language, which is almost as interesting, dating from the 12th Queen, all the nobles were made something out of a fairy tale. The different from Spanish as Italian. century. to hiss her rotting hands and she Palace in the centre has all kinds of The natural obsession the It is worth taking the half hour was moved to Alcobaca. The rest cylindrical shapes. Walk up the steep, forested hill into the Moorish Portuguese have with retaining bus ride from Coimbra lo the of the monastery is very their identity is immediately Conimbriga a site of very interesting, especially the castle from where you c· n see the noticeable. First, many Por­ interesting Roman ruins dating cloisters and the huge kitchen, but coast and the evt:n more Portuguese people are very proud of from the 2nd century BC. Among unfortunately much of it was spectacular palace higher up. their history and will insist on other things you can see some destroyed during the Napoleonic telling you all about it. Secondly, exquisite, complete mosaic floors. wars by the French. they all seem to have a common hatred of the Spaniards. So, Between Coimbra and Lisbon whatever you do, do not speak there is an area of enormous Spanish assuming they will historical importance. The only understand, because you will way to see it fully would be by car, offend. English and French are but bus is second best. Avoid widely spoken. but even better, trains in this area as the stations speak Portuguese and you will can be misleading. For example. it pleasantly surprise them. takes a bus 45 minutes to get to The best and cheapest way to Fatima station from the town get to Portugal is by plane if you centre. I would not recommend get a charter flight (look at the Fatima unless you have some back of the Sunday Times). particular motive for going. Three shepherds' children are said to I went have had apparitions of the Virgin on an Inter-rail card because I Bom Jesus-Braga. Mary there earlier this century, so wanted to see northern Spain on a shrine has been built and it has the way. However, a Portuguese See the capital of the region become a centre of pilgrimage for rail strike of more than a week. the the Catholic world. It struck me as the expense of passin9 Braga , with its interesting cathedral, but more importantly, devoid of anything spiritual. It is a through France on the way and the sad, almost ghostly town fact that the journey London to catch a bus from the centre to the Born Jesus just outside. This is a dependent on tourism . The Lisbon takes about two days, will church, or "Sanctuary" is certainly make flying seem much more very strange, Baroque church on built for the 20th century. appealing next time. Within the top of a hill. It is best known for Greenlights flash on by the The Tower of Betem. Portugal I am told renting a car is its immense Baroque stairway confession boxes when a priest is cheap and it would definitely make which is adorned with statues and Half an hour away on the bus, Some general things. Portugal is chapels at every turn. Even if you avai lable and each one has a things easier. Buses are good. notice up of the languages he the monastery of Batalha is surely very cheap. I managed on about £6 Trains are slow. do not like the style, you cannot one of the most intricate and a day for everything except travel. help being impressed by the speaks. Fatima was visited by the If you are passin through Spain Pope last year and someone tried beautiful buildings you are ever Really good coffee for examples on the way, it is worthwhile going concept. Then, also worth visiting likely to see. No description could only costs about 10p. Something in the region is the huge provincial to murder him. It seemed to me a by way of Galicia, the part directly corrupt place. do it justice. It was built to else you will notice from the start, above Portugal. Santiago de market at Barcelos. It is on commemorate the battle of especiall y in Lisbon is the racial Compostela, the centre of Thursdays only, but worth the AIJubarrota, an example of the mixture. It is similar to London, the Christian pilgrimages throughout inconvenience. It sells everything, distinctive Manueline style. Clearly Portuguese Empile having the Middle Ages (St. James the but the atmosphere is wonderful. defined arches are adorned with covered the same continents as Apostle's body was apparently Both these places, Braga and lace-like designs bearing various the British. There are Africans found there in the. 9th century) is Barcelos are best approached by symbols. Shells symbolise from Angola and Mozambique, without a doubt one of the most bus or train from a base in Oporto. patience; monkeys, pineapples Indians from Go~ and Chinese beautiful cities I have ever seen The second city of Portugal, and a twisted co rd effect from Macao. There are also native anywhere, dominated by the Oporto is perhaps best known for commemorate the 18th century blonds left over from the days of fascinating cathedral and its Port Wine industry and the voyages of discovery to Africa and Celtic domination. Be warned: surrounded by green hills. huge influence the English have Brazil. The immense lace arch of Portuguese men in general are Take the train from Santiago had there. Overlooking the Duro the Unfinished Chapel is carved more lecherous than any other down the Atl3ntic coast passing river, it has few monuments, but I out of one piece of stone and took nationality I've come across. They the famous rias, -high-sided loved it. It has a definite character 50 years to complete. (see pictures can make your life a misery. coastal inlets. Down past of its own; very busy, very above). Apart from that the Portuguese Pontevedra, Vigo, the countryside commercial but in parts very poor. Lisbon itself, is a rare mixture of are gentle and helpful. It is, I think becomes greener and there are Walk through the old area by the old and new, and has an almost the subtle mixture of colours, vineyards everywhere. Less and river where the streets are narrow tropical atmosphere even in April. smells and temperament that less Spanish is heard as Gallego and dark with washing hanging You can stay cheaply right in the makes the place so attractive. This and Portuguese take over. aut at pavement level. You cannot centre if you do not mind the subtlety may well be the reason for By the time you reach the help smelling the bacalhau salted noise. One of the first things you the relative obscurity of this Spanish-Portuguese frontier at dry cod a popular Portuguese will notice is that it is a city of culturally rich and very beautiful Valenca do Minho, you have dish, and the sight of chickens tied different heights. Overlooking the country, but this obscurity should moved back in time, and you to a post may seem a little strange city is the Castle, built originally by be short-lived. realise you are no longer in Spain. in a 20th century city centre. Cross Alcobaca Church. the Moors. On the other side is the Liz Lang TRAVfl TRAVll

MOROCCO For about £120 Transalpine will of children and other things foul, Excitement, danger, sun, aet vou there and back on the train you might be forgiven for opting beaches, mountains, desert, via Paris, Madrid and Al~eciras out of your North African visit Tangier, Marrakesh, Casablanca. and then by ferry across the straits there and then. Perhaps the noise A week's hitch away or two days of Gibraltar to Tangier. If you're and smell, heat and hassle won't on the train for the "discerning" unlucky and time your journey to get through to you until you make traveller, Morocco also attracts coincide with one of the many Tangier but it is a common ever-increasing floods of package Muslim national festivals you'll get reaction for the unsuspecting holiday tourists. Before all is your glimpse rather soon than you visi tor to turn heel and fly off at destroyed by the Thomsons and thought. Probably having had to great expense for the "comfort" of Cooks of this world and their bribe the Spanish guard at Madrid Gatwick Airport. souvenir-hunting punters, why not to ::iet you into first class, to avoid Doing so will mean you miss a price. Health wise the in­ di 10 s10ry-tellers. It is a dangerous get over into this little kingdom on the dark-cloaked .arabs crammed marvellous experience and a capacitating "tunistar" can be place, however, and like Tangier it the north-west tip of Africa anq get in large numbers into the corridors chance to see some amazing avoided by careful selection of is prudent to be aware of over­ your own glimpse of the Morocco of the train alongside their cages sights, like the sun coming up over washed fruit, well-cooked kebabs friendly guides as well as pick­ the Sahara Desert from 13,000 feet and bottled water. If it does hit pockets and muggers . The upon Toubkar, the highest there are chemists in most small imperial city of Fez has strenuous climbing will take you to mountain in North Africa, as well towns who w,II be only too pleased supposedly the largest medina the top. If you want a small dose of as receive some of the equally to sell you their effective intestinal in the world and is possibly the game, the Nairobi Game Park is astounding and legendary " Arab cleansers. Gamaglobulin. jabs for highlight of any tour. Each of the adequate and particularly good for hospitality". This can either take hepatitis are advisable before you imperial cities of Rabat, Meknes lion, which periodically invade the form of a knifing and robbing go, also be aware that sex is quite Marrakesh and Fez have an local farms and schools. in the Medina or an invitation to tieavily on the agenda in the cities individual atmosphere but Fe7 Make a bee-line for the coast, relax by the courtyard fountain in and that homosexuals in all with its hundreds of mosques, lured by the glittering torquoise, medersas and relIgIous tradItIons warm ocean, coral reefs, and seems to hold visitors who mangoes. Because of rains, avoid become quite fascinated with it. August. The south coast is more Rabat is the rather dull capital and spectacular, with sweeping, flat Casablanca and Agadir are both KENYA beaches, but has more flabby avoidable and uninteresting. tourists filming each other running With a lot of time a complete tour Kenya is a country of extremes of through the surf. and beach of the kingdom would be wealth, climate," and landscape; a gigolos. Campsites cost about 50p tremendous fun and surprisingly country where Mercedes sports per head per night. Don't miss cheap; you could probably get by cars breeze past tin shanty towns mango milkshakes and passion on £30 a week living in two-star with no water supplies; where fruit ice cream, nor a chance to hotels eating well and travelling members of different tribes dislike visit Chale Island. an untouched second class. If pushed for time - each other - quite apart from mangrove island 20 miles south. lnterail or jeep - the desert racial tensions; where there is The best things to do at the coast is regions south of the High Atlas are snow on Mount Kenya, huge nothing. Drink lime juice. Absorb the least cosmopolitan and the deserts, endless savannah plains, heat. most unusual with camel markets, verdant highlands, and an idyllic Mombasa itself is interesting, for rock villages and oases .. If you can tropical coast. There is plenty to an old Portugese stronghold. Fort only step into Africa for a day at do, and it can be done cheaply. Jesus, and the very Swahili Old Tangier the experience will be Nairobi is provincial : visitors Town with its old and curious unforgettable. flock to the City Market for their shops. Lamu is a must: It Is an old, If you want a 1eep to do your baskets , opposite which is Arab town or an island off the /Durney In rmg 667 6552. Biashada Street, selling the north coast, whose tiny streets are La Menara, Marrakech Neil Canetty-Clarke indispensible East African version full of donkeys, mangy cats, of sarongs - kikoys and khangas. socnds of prayers and song, and in Both seethe with life ("Want ivory? which activity is incessant. You the house of a true Muslim and sip shapes and s,zes are rife. The Want a joint? Something else?"). take a boat to the island, which is mint tea while a meal of chicken cheapest foods are "la soupe" , Travellers meet at the Thorn Tree car-less, so you enter a past with almonds and lemon Is kebabs and couscous which can Cate (there is actually a tree), world. Because of transport prepared In your honour. The be eaten almost anytime In the where you go to be seen, but the problems, there is no fresh milk, so choice between these two hole-in- the-wall eating houses or coffee's dreadful.The Norfolk, you drink yoghurt or warm beer. extremes Is not always left to the even out on the quay side in the Kenya's first hotel and colonial Beyond Shela, a similar town, is a individual, but a humble and picturesque f1sh1ng illage of bastion, is now over-priced but deserted beach whose dunes and respectful attitude as well as an Essaouira. Here the freshly caught peaceful, and the Trendies sit on breakers stretch for miles in a effort to try and spea~ some sardines will be barbequed for the verandah ("Are you married or glorious unbroken sweep. If you French, however meagre, are your breakfast, half a dozen of do you live in Kenya?"). If you are drive up the coast to Lamu, you criteria tor a superbly interesting which with bread and Coca Cola starving, go to the Supreme, at the cross the Tana river on a ferry and rewarding holiday. won't cost you more than five Royal Palace, Fez. top of seedy River Road, where £2 powered by rope and men. Compared to somewhere like dirhams (about 50 pence). buys as much delicious vi,getable Lake Turkana is equally the US with little history and an Everyone and everything travels If you do brave all, this summer, curry as you can eat - but ignore rewarding. The 'Jade Sea' is a over-emphasis on culture , by bus, although no one seems to and take the road to Marrakech be the goats' heads being unloaded huge lake in a desert of barren Morocco has dusty old museums have heard of the queue and not warned, not all the stories one outside. rock: tribesmen live off fish, and poorly versed guides but a only the luggage loader, but also hears are exaggerated. Whilst Camping is always the cheapest 'shops' sell only tea, Fanta, and way of life steeped in tradition and sometimes the ticket clerk must be honestly trying to buy a genuine accommodation, but in Nairobi go soap . Sunsets over it are in the past. The contrasts are bribed to keep them happy. Of the Berbour rug your peace-loving to the YMCA, which has a pool. Be astonishing, and there are real continual and stimylating; from places to see the list is pretty travel correspondent was chased warned that hotel signs crocodiles. An organised safari Tangier nightclubs to Agadir exhaustive but a visit to the out of the shop by a (no doubt proclaiming 'Bar' often mean called 'The Turkana Bus' can take slums, ski resorts to Medi­ Atlantic coast at Essaouira is a bisexual) hammer-wielding Arab 'brothel'. Another warning is you there: you travel in converted terranean beaches, besuited relaxing experience, as is lazing in youth who added insult to injury necessary about tax!s, which are lorries, camp in exquisite places, bankers to blue men of the desert the sun down in the desert, eating with such choice intonations as dangerous, vastly expensive, and and fight for water. and from roman baths to imperial dates for breakfast, lunch and " Nazi shitface", not to mention whose drivers are violent if you Lakes Bringo and Begoria are Rabat palaces. The people are un­ dinner in Ouarzazte and further less delicate expletives. Moreover, disagree about the fare. Buses are both lovely, less arid. Baringo is believably friendly, willing to sell south in Rissaui. The sand-walled when his blood's up, an Arab always full, but cheap and fresh-water (fishing and hippos), you the inevitable "k if" anywhere city of Marrakesh is beautiful and simply will not listen to reason, frequent. 'Matatus' will sometimes Begoria a soda lake with boiling and anytime, and equally willing to exciting with a Medina/ old town " No, no, my dear fellow, the British take you directly where you want springs, pink with Flamingoes. An act as your personal guide tor a market of awesome variety and aren't nazis we're the goodies". to go. They are small, overloaded hour from Nairobi is· Lake small tee. Just make sure you an open square with stalls of vans (ever travelled with goats and Naivasha. As you drive there, you ascertain the fee before the eager almond sellers, snake charmers At times, particularly in the main chickens?), bearing slogans like descend the Rift Valley: take the Arab leads you off and be aware of cities, the hassle becomes just too see you in Heaven' or Apollo 2 'top road' for an exquisite the fact that you may well be much and you'll retire to your hotel which indicate accurately their panorama. guided into a carpet bazaar he has room with much relief - Morocco speed and degree of safety. Kenya has much to offer. The an interest in, and end up buyin9 a is a man 's world, even now few H itching is cheapest , but fare is expensive, but the colourful but ropey rug for two or Muslim women walk the streets depending how remote you are, experience of travelling round it three times its normal price. unveiled and since those men waits could last days. 'rough' is valuable as you meet far Haggling is a way of life, it's being lucky or clever enough to have If you want to look at animals, go more of its people . It is almost disrespectful not to offer wives usualy have three or four, to the Masai Mara in July or unforgettable: you will find a new the merchant only half his as king the rest must find less hygienic August, when thousands of herds perspective on other people's price. Be prepared to spend an areas for sexual release. We were migrate down to the Sevengeti in lifestyles, and that peculiar African amusing hour or so bargaining told an alarming story in Tanzania. In the Aberciares the beauty. over almost everything; prices Marrakech of how the army would Irish (White Highlands', the Ark has Alison Archer tend to get doubled even tor food lure the unsuspecting or '! un­ a floodlit salt lake where you might as soon as tourist is espied, but loving', as the case maybe, see the rare bongo: the nearby with a little French and an European into the bushes for a 'Country Club' is a reminder of indication that you've been in the gang-bang and then demand colonialism. It is a sumptuous country for three weeks and seen it payment! "They think you're only manor in superb grounds from all, the price should float down to here to get laid ..... and robbed. which (sipping cocktails) you can normal. see a vast sweep of hills, and Hotels start at 50 pence for a l:lut enough Morocco-bashing. Mount Kenya. If you ven ture up single room and escalate to £25 in If you can get off the beaten track the mountain. hire a porter so that the Mamouria, Winston Churchill's or befriend a trustworthy native, you can really enjoy its strange old favourite in Marrakesh, it's great tun. If not, it's all good and wonderful sights. Two days' although even that's cheap at the La Karaonine, Mosque in Fez. experience. feature The Student Thursday, 19th May 1983 13

THE SQYIKWA TheSoyif:waCompany Both players were were formed in 197Bandis clearly allegorical. Pu/a AFRICAN dedicated to the Nigerian showed how a young man poet and playwright Wole was forced to leave home, THEATRE Soyinka. Soy1kwa 1s a his family and friends Xosa word which means because of a drought and COMPANY " We shall overcome". A move to the city, power truth from which there is relationships become The Soyikwa African no alternative, it is simply established enmeshed in Theatre Company are a matter of time. gangster politics. The from Soweto - a large Soyikwa comprises of cruel hard life which exists Black township of over a four men: Ronnie Mkhazi, in the city was contrasted million people on the Danny Moitse, David Sebe with the warm feeling of outskirts of Johannes­ and Makarious Sebe. On community which exists burg. Soweto is the Friday and saturday last in the homelands. The Afrikaaner answer to a week they performed two final part of Pu/a saw a town where Blacks Jive plays at the Theatre return to the ritual theme. separately from their rich Workshop Stockbridge: Here the most innovative white neighbours. The Pu/a (Rain Peace) and theatre took place. The people of Soweto have lmbumba (Shaka 's "birth" scene involved ~f AS'!'S't few facilities - there are national cry for unity). three of the players IS no large outdoor swim­ There is a bare stage forming thamselves into a 'Vl-fI TE ming pools in every back bathed in a blue light, four mother's body as she gave garden (there are no figures appear, their birth to a crying child. The Frcim one h·rnd Ir: the o ther gardens); there are no naked torsos are perfect in actions used in simulating extP-nds a whio (cracks triple Mercedes or Aud is parked every detail, their physical this event were sensitive reha l 1.Lr m t aug!1 t vni';'es dov-m in the driveways (there are beauty is breathtaking. and by no means vulgar: cnoe de ad ) no driveways). Instead, Everyline of every muscle they touched a part of me Soweto comprises of is visible beneath the thin which wanted to cry. thousands of small box taught skin. The tri­ lmbumba was a more rn the r oue9 houses where whole angular trapeziouses is of politically powerful piece. ·1re oakum· families must live their their backs are ribbed with We saw life on a farm ru0bed lives, sharing communal bands of muscles and where the workers were noose r. necK s facilities such as water arteries which gently prisoners and who were of sc-~ea'Tii.ng supply, with hundreds of spread like dark veins on a murdered if they dared to skull- me n others. Soweto could be plant leaf are clearly oppose the tyrannical described as an author­ visible. One wants to system of management. who r un only ised and partly organised touch them, to feel their The parallels are obvious. a s fa Shanty town. beauty. Afterwards, we met r as In South Africa, culture To describe what Ronnie, Danny, David and the r is deeply divided between ope s followed in ttie way of Makarious. We all had allow black and white, poor and action is impossible apprehensions I suppose them rich. "So as part of Black because to describe such but they were soon culture, Black theatre inextricably linked events dissipated. These men becomes a flame of of mind, body, voice and were conspicious in their resistance, a theatre of its movement immediately warmth and modesty and people, talking about forces one to com­ seemed full of joy that we them and belonging to promise. Perhaps it would should want to share in them, encompassing their be true to say that these what they had one. They love and passion - a men were not actors. But told us of the freedom of sharp instrume t of unity this may be misleading. this country compared and ultimate victory. " They were not actors in with their own. We were These are the words of the the conventional sense of curious to know what or Soyikwa Company them­ the word: they were where the Soyikwa selves and little can be dancers, singers, musi­ Theatre was, where they said to improve upon cians, mimers and actors. rehearsed - the reply: demands. We were left them, except to say that A great deal of the action "sometimes in a garage". guilty, exhilerated, happy they represent a tiny part was improvised: the Theirs is tryly the Theatre and sad almost in tears. of the passionate struggle direction was loosely of the People it is not in Giles Sutherland which is taking place in arranged, unencumbered "arty dustbins " such as Jane Lloyd South Africa NOW. And by strict movement the Theatre Workshop. Alastair Prentice which will eventually guidances. The move­ The Soyikwa Theatre culminate in a revolution ments came from their was a success because The Soyikwa Company which will completely souls, not from some their message was carried will be appearing in this overthrow the present shouting director, barking across to us (as it has been year's Edinburgh Fringe system of Apartheid the exact number of steps round the world) with the Festival. See 'Festival government which exists here, there and every­ full force and meaning Times' for details. today. where. that such a medium _M_U_SI_C ______We devote here an entire page to the good We sign off . . . sounds ot 1ga3 and the serious and growing debate: what is good? Andy Tobbs Review '83 LPs investigates both the recent LPs and the So boys and girls, the last ish of Student notion of quality. for this year: relief all round eh! Our include Lionel Ritchie's debut solo parting gift then, a quick round-up of the naturally if you like Culture Club, LP - commodore smoothness some months earlier so even if you Kajagoogoo etc. - u m, fine I and easiness makes for a romantic New Year vinyl . . . discs whose quality matches that don't buy many cassettes, flip evening. Michael Jackson gets of all bygone eras; viz it's in the through for a few bargains. Their noticeably heavier on Thriller (Van Hhmmm - how do we tackle meld. From Cherry Red Records. price is £3.99 I seem to remember, Halen guesting on guitar believe it this one: nay worry, there's been the other best indie label at which for say two smoochy Grover or not) but the funk lives on. plenty of class material released in present, The Passage and Felt Washlngtons is a good deal - go George Clinton, the wackiest the last five months have had less publicity than they for it! A few other tapes we·ve funster around, entertains at a Perhaps the most exciting news deserve - some more quality zany level with Computer Games. is the re-emergence of Howard I alternatives. Of the numerous re­ Toto IV has more to it than meets Devot o , former ' leader' o f releases a couple worth noting the eye from, yes, Tofo. Other Magazine, best New Wave band by are Robert Wyatt's Shipbuilding British releases are Robert miles. Well he's being charac­ 12", selected pieces from Palmer·s Pride and Dave teristically eni matic by depart- German band Can and a 12" Edmund·s Information. Other Magazine EP. categories? Well reggae for Due out in the next weeks (mind example - good to see Peter Tosh you, don't bet on it) is Durittl back with Mama Africa but Column·s third album, Another reggae's in general in a bad rut Setting. Factory products may (mourn the death o f Joe Gibbs). always be late but they're normally Highly Anglicised chart reggae worth waiting for and this should Eddy Grant or hypa dub John Peel be no exception. Then next mqnth suppose. But it's not really - It's pretty sad On the paper we hope types stand two opposite ends of a Eyeless in Gaza release their fifth depressing spectrum. Back to it. to show you different goodies - I LP Rusi Red September: again Jazz releases have been quite only despair that we can't get can't wait for what has become a healthy including Lester Bowie through, i.e. the above vinyl coverage represents classy stuff - but I almost know before I start that it's a wasted effort. Why do we bother? Do you therefore doubt our commitment and love and understanding of music? Oh well. Nothing personal really-it's good to get it out. Your criticisms are very welcome - I was glad to have a reaction - on the other hand our lack of communication with our public as it were is disheartening. lazer-electro wizard Bernard Goodness, that was longer than I Szajner, Brute Reason, and in intended - and strangely I feel as the pipeline is a debut solo LP though it'll probably clear nothing from Howard himself - got to up mmmm we tried. be worth hearing ... (mean­ while rumours of other ex­ Magazine members collaborat­ mentioned before in fact: Ben ing sounds too good to be true Watt 's North Mar,ne Or,ve is his continue ... they call themselves Armqury lovely debut LP; flip it over and you Show, playing in London, June get a bonus session with Robert 13, featuring McGeogh, Doyle very sophisticated and polished Wyatt: beautiful The Marine Girls Right, sorry, 1ers get back to ,t. I and Jobson ). I digress. Right. pair of musicians; they play mind nad their second LP on tape Lazy More obscurities (coz chart wanted to finish the vinyl reviews games and dance with ideas. Then Ways coupled with the first album with the commercial bracket. The muzak ,s mostly dispensable). Beach Party. Certainly BP 1s pretty Kevin Hewick has just released division of course between what awful, but I have higher hopes for we've had already and what we're some individual guitar treatments the other Shriekback's Care about to cover is a pretty arbitrary on his solo album Such Hunger Mea t Loaf sports an overworked oppressive one, tenuous and indeterminate, for Love. Another fairly un­ - All the Magic; Herbie Hancock image but is a cut above the but no denying there's an obvious - available record - as is the sad --Qu,ntet-; Do n Cherry - Cadena mediocre all the same - the tape difference 1f you can see 1t - not state of our ever less has two extra tracks including the Ill and several Miles Davis re­ comprehensive shops - anyway, always easy Fine, off we go There releases - could jazz survive single, My Spine 1s the Base/me. was the old brigade once more hope you can find it. Live in God bluff at £2. 79 ,s a budget without rereleases? OK, time for Prague features Frith and Cutler who never say die David Bowie Heavy Metal lads. Admittedly HM special of VDGG once more and released Let's Dance which was respectively. Don't know about has been badly neglected by us of The Complete Cather,ne Wheel is far from d1sappoint1ng when one the latter, but Fred Frith has had late. Often, however, it's difficult a brilliant addition to Davi d had accepted his foray into funk the important working relation­ separating one from another if you Byrne's armoury. territory. Oh, I should say at this ship with none other than Bob know what I mean, but the boys - ~ ~ Or_der Fri pp of deservedly mega fame stage that 1·m d1v1ding the with more leather than most this there's been the discs we've within Crimson, gentlemen, Eno, commercial/chart sounds into two year are Krokus (Headhunter); reviewed on the rock pages - discotronics contexts - thus a parts firstly. short reviews of very Saxon (Power and the Glory); don't forget New Order's Power, fine rarity. The M onochrome Set debate acceptable and often good Molly Hatchet (No Guts, No Corruption and Lies (what are material and secondly little more had an oddity out last week Glory); ZZ Top (Eliminator); Styx these boys indulging in - than a 11st of the Junk. As I say called Volume, Brilliance, Some­ (Kilroy Was Here). The best of this there's no climbing down or sitting thingorother, a collection of Well, as you can see, we've bunch, however, is the excellent on the fence - you·ve got to put previously unreleased stuff, pretty well neglected the charts Uli Roth , ex-Scorpion s who's got a junk where ,t belongs to serious, and half-completed music. Why is this I hear you say? new album out soon. If you continue with the goodies. Other projects which make this Did you read the letter James manage lo get to one of his only old boys include Pink Floyd with package an inviting catch. Of Barte r wrote last week-he sure four gigs in the UK. enjoy a fine The Final Cut which although not slagged us off some. Oh no, hang axe man. on, there was someone else as well breaking any new ground is still a That's that bit, and lastly just a powerful LP. Steve Mill er released the week before wanting Duran list of the geezers who monopolise Duran and other 'quality' material. his first live album in 13 years - the LP charts at the moment - a Th~t's it, he signs himself A probably a bit late now but still list of the shit which is harmless Disgruntled Student Reader. represenlat,ve of a great lost era. only when accepted at an arm's Actually, I didn't intend this as part Next wee category, the American length. The roc k staff manifesto of of an answers column but while bits. we·ve often been scathing Student might be to reject the we're on the subject. ... He asks .about Yanky products in the past following and their like: Men al - and little injustice I must say. personally they seem to be off the for "less slagging and more Work, Spandau Ballet, Euryth­ But useful and enjoyable releases rails) or Bill Nelson's Chimera. positive information" Firstly, mics, Kajagoogoo, Thompson / . . slagging is necessary to put shit in Twins, Heaven 17, Meatloaf, Tears lHE MONOCHROME SET Fine - a quick survey of cassettes is worth mentioninq. At ,ts place. If you think something's for Fears, Mark Knopfler, Joan course they're one of the best present Charisma are producing a shit you should say so Armafrading, A Flock of Seagulls, bands around so don't let them series of double play tapes for accepting the mediocre is the Marillion, Culture Club, Spear of pass by. From the same ilk, around a fiver of around 20 or 30 disease of our modern age. We're Destiny, OMO. Lester Square has made his own artists - I forget how many. not anarchic radical libs on the Just to finish off by saying that little bag of fun, Play Guitar With Anyway, some of the better names rock page. However, we hold this wasn't intended as bitter or LS. I haven't seen it yet, i.e. is it are Peter Hammill, with two early informed opinions and exercise dogmatic. We aim to serve as or 1s it not out on release? I can't albums. His collection of LPs is them in the name of our job - we somebody satd - so ta ra for now imagine a loonier disc coming both difficult to find and expensive want to guide you to the best and - have a great summer - listen to out this year. Rough Trade so this tape is a good offer. Brand turn you away from the worst some music - and if you care continue their list of recent X, jazz rock musicians of great sounds. As for positive informa­ enough - exercise a li ttle scrutiny excellent releases with Nipped (though often unrealised) tion - same thing really . . our and we may come closer together. in the Bud, a compilation of potential, have their first two criticism is not negative. Repres.s­ If you don't care then whoopee - Young Marble Giants, albums circa 1976 on tape. sing shit musl be healthy. forget it boys and girls - life's a The Gist and Weekend - a real Moroccan Roll and Unorthodox Additionally of course we do find ball - keep on swaning. winner. The Gist meantime had Behaviour are basically good. Van time to praise class products - I'd their own debut LP out, The der Graff Generator similarly have much rather be in the pos1t1on of Herd; more uncompromising a sample of early albums on their being able to enthuse about music provocative sounds. Something tape - a difficult and demanding than otherwise, after all it's always e n d band - but perseverance brings been my love ... but not condemn­ Wicked Th is Way Comes is an Question in fact, sorry, before album available post only as ,ts reward - the acquired taste is ing shit is to condone it - we do not condone shit. Lastly on this we go. Can you be serious about mentioned last week, by the some acquisition CBS for that "classical" music do you think? matter devised the same scheme one, I think - opinion. Well, wonderful Enid - one of those Can you be serious about contemporary music? MUSIK Rudel Hooked Who's on He? Classics Is this Jazz at the Singles Queen's Hall Massenet: Potterrow Ally McMillan sure confuses the issue. Werther Shattered Amnesty Where to now St. Loss of a family Duncan reveals the Peter? 01sconsolate. haggard and not surprisingly equally despondant, Andy Tobbs leapt out love facts about the of a shadow on Friday afternoon, pleas mmgted amindst sighs 91 "Oh. weary of Significant Zeros, weaving pleb1an pleasmg platitudes about Annabel's the hipsters. beau monde wathes, call them Architects of Fear, what you will , g1mme a break and stnng a few words togethe1 a prapos this late night Theatre Royal, Nitelife - and Tell Me A Colour 1azz at the Oueen·s this very evening" Sa turday's Amm1sty fn temat,onal evening a1 Glasgow fie beat goes on Whizzzz - several hours tater I found the Potterrow represented defm,te value for myself on the phone to that hallowed venue money in terms ol quantity, and almost of our sovereign lady to discover what or qualtty too. £1 bought generous se ts lrom rather whose leted effusions t would have There seems unfor1unately to be few good The guitar is ahve and well and hv1ng m three groups, none of which was the pleasure or mIslor1une of savouring On reason s tor resuscit ating M assen el 's Annabels. At least. this was the 1mpress1on excruciatmgly bad, and one which was heanng that it would be none other than the Werther. It translates 1n to feeble opera ~n on Sunday night Four bands here. and rather very good illustrious 'Clyde Valley Stompers' whose Goethe's novel, one of the heralds of the l'IOt a keyboard in s1gh1 How refreshing to The headhners were the Slinllicant Zeros. name the ong1nahty ol which would. I Romantic movement but Irntatmg reading .., 1hese local bands stick to the old rock ·n who seem to have been doing the CNO/Figt,t postulated, have a not ms1gn1f1cant bearing now The hero spends three acts m wretched roU fa vourite at a time when ifs becoming The Cuts/Al c1rciut forever. and goo luck to Big Country: upon the innovative nay creative aspec1s of so1I1oqu1es and amusing duets agonising eas and less fashionable to do so them. but no amount of youthlut bopping In the Big Country their music, I thought to my humble sell over the loss of a love he was too poor The fi rst band was Yitai Remains can hide the fact that they are gelttng on a Hot on the heels of Fields ol F,re. Fuck that for a laugh sp1nted to w,n when he had the chance. until Boasting two ex-members of The Visi tors b11. Theu experience has rehned their and soundmg pretty similar, it I arrested my d1s1llus1oned polemrc he summons the courage. as Thackeray Colm on vocals and Keith on drums) they performance and presentation to a level remembering that the over courageous PW thankfully noted. to blow his silly brains out did a short but ltvely set I particularly hked where their most outstanding srngle feature nevertheless retains 81g Country's rehed on a few words to dissolve the v1c1ous The music does little to revive the spmts lhl lead singers voice When he sang 1t had a 1s 1he1r profess1onahsm, but their 1s sharp. fresh sound I should think. murmurings that Edinburgh 's music scene Unusually low on melodic Insp1ra1Ion somethmg mdefmable missing Their q11lity s1m 1lar to Bono's. When he screamed however. that they will need to ·m t wot 11 coubbee1.. Massenet discovers two memorable tunes 1W sounded like the lead singer with Vital playmg had energy and exper1Ise, but 11 depart from their very homo­ Alter w1tness1ng the bacchanallan and tries to please by having them played Atma 1ns screammg at Annabels on a lacked that elusive spark of Inspira11on lhat Escogrille s 'La Caveme d Adu/lam I about fifteen and seven times respectively g,.nday night The guitar sound tended to be 1gmtes enthusiasm m an audience genous sound to create any returned to explore, (prelemng a cuppa and (and consecutively - no le1tmot1fs these) 11ittle over-crowded, with rhythm and lead At the other end of the bdl were the lasting success. a soft chair to the discordant and postuced a pity, because 1n other operas he had a constan tly upstaging one another. However, Architects 01 Fear, whose set began with the groanmgs of a bloody buddy and the vam !me 91ft for ·ia meloche eternelle', and even Ille band was good and .. Land's End" is a singer being earned on 1n a colhn They are attempts of a band to drown the here the brash Wagnerian sounds ot #flY good song obviously keen to cultivate a morbid side to 1naloremen11oned noises) the untapped and Esclarmonde' are more thr1U1ng than Nei t. we were treated toa C'I??? band and their set, wrth songs hke Slaughterhouse, profound plethora of music ava,lable to us anything 1n Werther, which fluctuates N poseurs all sat cross-legged on the floor The Swamp and Telegram From Beyond all between !he sweetly pastoral of the first 1wo ,ymg to look hke h1pp1es Whether the The Grave, as well as ded1ca1mg one number Geoff Rudel ·who·s he?) I hear you cry. acts and 1he heavy raspmgs of the third and 11me, the Hooch Maghandls, 1s to be to the master of the baroque horror story H. has got a new EP out on Harmonia Mund• fourth The Scottish Opera Orchestra under :ieheved or not. t don't kno..., The band P. Lovecrafl Musically too. they are also (HMS 398). mclud1ng classic tracks like Roderick Brydon seemed bored by1t all. so 11 tdmitled to betng ··as ethnic as luck' but a,mmg at darkness and horror with Jaufre Rudel. de Bla1a. loqwet plau genlll was left to the singers to tnJect some Irle 1-ty were good - 1I you hke that sort of thundering distorted bass and rumbhng ome With tyncal and sens1t1ve backing C y nthia Buchan·s Charlolte, warm . "ing 'did drums being the base for a self-consc1ously from the ??????????? consort Yves attractive and sympathetic. was as fair an Th en came the best band ol the evenmg demented vocahst and shredding twangy Rouquette cannot lad. with the help ol appraisal of the role as you might see or hear 1lle Little Red Outtle Coats have been guitar In all this their debt to Birthday party hypno11c declamation to produce a anywhere for the hm1ted poss1b1llt1es 11 ::igether for 1 '-'1 years It 1s d1fllcull to is huge and very obvious The mam thing magnil1cently emotional version of !his 13th con1ams her sister Sophie was sung w11h »scribe how they sounded Imagine the thal stopped lhem lrom being highly praise­ century Troubadours song Moving to the s,mple but effec11ve contrast. If imperfect ~aipenmenta!lon of Cream, the power of ·77 worthy was. unfortunately, not musical but sacred side of things, I listen to some of the French, by Deborah Rees. Werther 1s surely UCI the moodiness of Joy Division and you visual their ramshackle mixture ol black Russian Orthodox service broadcast from beyond redemp11on as a character, his solos ,ay have some tdea of what th,s band 1s like suits. Jeans. tee shirts and skinny ties was Kensington last week. This sincere 11 faulted were performed with heroic ardour by Tltey seemed lo be constantly 1mprovIsIng unfocused and incongruous The audience service illustrated the timeless power ol Dennis O'Neill. who spared us at least the Mltlin the framework of some very sound was farther pul oll by the singers clumsy modal music, the system of differing scales Juddering convulsions or the milksop which xtginal material. I part1cularty enJoyed the lloundenngs 1n the name of dance, and his (manifest m Gregorian chant) which a less discreet tenor might en1oy An !Ills playing which was loundmg and abommable hat through hundreds of years of development embarrassingly trad1t1ona1 picture-postcard OfOOding - each strmg being bent The acttv1ties of Tell Me A Colour have formed the tonal system as 11 Is today production. directed by Rhoda l e'

marred by the disintegration of NOEING WOMEN'S Edinburgh University Canoe trophy in the rain. Athletes Saturday dawned bright a Club were on a winning streak in BASKETBALL early (8 am bus) but that was both British and Scottish Uni­ Crush change by midday. T he cream veristies sl alom cham pionships Scottish universities was gathe this Easter. Allcomers there and to complete the chari The British Unis' champion­ By Jane Halligan of you-know-what image t ships were held on the River Lane by O'Griff were running on grass (hey ma near Sedburgh, Cumbria. Despite POR Last weekend EU Women's Yes , it's the end of another T he day kicked off with t adverse weather conditions and substituting our entire team. The Basketball Club took part in the final score was a disappointing 59- university athletics season, too sprint heats where Allan Jag the river being low, several medals finals of the British Colleges 26 to Thames. bad If you blinked and missed Ill (no relation) and Andy McCom together with the overall trophy Tournament in London. Unfortun- After lunch our opponents were Our last two fixtures o f the (age 5) turn ed in incredible ( came to Edinburgh. ately, ours was a "post-peak" season were against Glasgow their standards!) times. P The Scottish Unis' champron- Nottingham University. Our shrps were held at Fairnilee, near team, numerically depleted by the confidence had been undermined University at Grangemouth and Stackmun and Dave 'Groin' Grif Selkirk, on the River Tweed and escape of team-members to by Capt. Bridin's attempt to chart the Scottis h Unive r si t ies creditably qualified for the 400m individual championships at St hotly contes ted heats. run by EUCC. Thanks are due 10 asylum in the USA, or KB library. our team's scoring statistics Lorna's dietary deficiency showing an individual perform­ Andrews. Our indomitable men's A big upset was the refusal Allan Kerr for his organisation of caused by a lack of profiteroles ance on a scale of average to team powered their way to victory allow Donald Mc Millan, the ra the event and to all who helped aroused misgivings about her appalling, and by the knowledge in both competitions, but our favourite, to compete in the 800 erect the course and run the fitness. and the multi-talented that Nottingham had already ladies' team cam unstuck at St Alister Hargreaves (s ister slalom. Once more our paddlers Rachel seemed more committed beaten Thames. But suddenly Andrews due to lack o f quantity Fiona) ran well in this race but w did well, returning with all the gold to promoting racial links with against Nottingham our play rather than quality. beaten for speed in th e fi nal 200 medals. London's Italian-waiter corn- improved. Long shots from Lorna, Our traditional match against Don went on to run in the 1500 We didn't cheat, honest' munity than to discussing the Bridin and Karen built up our Glasgow for the Appleton Trophy and con f irmed the punte BUSF: Results mysteries of 1-3-1 defence. score until at half-time we were (a cardboard mock-up o f the predictions by wi nning from t Men's K1 Individual: Keith Inspired by a " moving" team actually leading 18-16. In the aforementioned building) was front. Ewan McAslane (brother Brown 5th, Tony Leaver 6th. talk, however, we arrived at second half though Nottingham held in typically windy conditions Alister of Scotsman fame) too Ladi es K1 ind ividual : Sue Ward Thames Polytechnic prepared to used therr height advantage to get at the scenic(?) Grangemouth nasty tumble at the first fen 1st do our best. Our old friends and through our defence and go stadium. Edinburgh were odds-on during a practice and had Men's team: S Ward. K. Brown, rivals, Leeds Polytechnic, were ahead. The furious pace began to favourites from the start, having receive attention from the resid T Leaver 2nd (disqualified on our opponents ,n the opening tell , and our determination was not already disposed of the opposition vet, Donald. Luckily he was able grounds that Sue is not male'). match. Leeds were under the enough for us to reclaim the lead. at Aberdeen but it was to be a run on and take the 400m hurdl La dies Team: S. Ward, L. Turner, pressure of being expected to w,n We lost by only 38 points to 32 close-run thing (in the words of to add to his triple jump title. B R. wolfe 3rd. their group but they eventually Before our final match we our illustrious captain himself). Thomson (ref page 347 1 in Wh SUSF: settled down. Their efficient certainly confused our opponents, Wrth spoilers fitted to counter­ Who) showed his versatility (a Men's K1 individual: Keith teamwork gave them a 38-25 Chester College, by our novel act the wind, Andy McCombe quite a bit more) in winning t Brown lst, Tony leaver 3rd. victory over our hard-working but warm-up technique - sprawling and Alan (Olive Oil) Jagger took high and long jumps. Mark Flims Ladies in dividu al: Sue Ward 1st. less disciplined mob. on the floor, munching Mars bars first and second respectively in Bayleaf, our captain, came good Lynda Turner 5th. Karen scored the first basket ,n and Krng Cones We ought to have 100m and 200m. Dave 'Groin' last, winning the 110m hurdles Men's Team: s. Robertson, K. the opening seconds of our next beaten the uninspired Chester on Grrffrn lagged behind in 200m but a good ten lengths. Our men in t Brown, T. Leaver 1st. match, against Thames Poly - the skill but we lacked the stamina to picked up a few vital points. Dan field, Dominic 'Crusher' Croll a a Ladies Team. s. Ward, L. Turner, hosts - who overreacted with a keep going after such an arduous (the bomb) pipped at the post by Peter Zulu had a bit o f an off-d R. Wolfe 1st. run of nine baskets in a row. An day. The scoreline, Chester 29, the flying Kraut in the 400m got his but Domo got a second in the sh Results just in from SUSF c1 English senior internationalist in Edinburgh 22, confirmed our revenge rn 800m and then went with a herculean effort. and C2 event held on the River their team frustrated our defence unbroken record of defeat. Well, at straight home to celebrate. Our In the 5000m, Stewp Teith, Callander: and mercilessly scored more least we were consistent! The much revered captain, Flimsy McMorran romped home in thi Men's C1: s . Robertson 2nd, K. points than our combined team tournament final on Sunday was Bayleaf, had a poor day, only place while Charley-far! Mcilroy 3rd. total. By the middle of the second between Leeds and Brighton Poly. winning four of his five events (a n · Hadoow was placed fifth after Congratulations to sue on her half we knew we had no hope of Brighton won convincingly by 20 unforgiveable second in the triple stewards' enquiry. The 4 x 400 selection for the British a team catching up so we introduced points. Overall we finished a Jump). Dominic 'don't mess wrth relay which sealed a victory for t me· Crolla engaged Glasgow's gorng 10 Bourg St Maurice. some variety (if not quality) by creditable eighth out of 52 men, was run at an as tonishi British teams. man mountain in mortal combat pace by our galaxy of sta France,thissummer SIDELINES and came off decidedly better in namely McA slan, Stockma the discus and hammer. John Thomson and McMillan. Scott and Pete 'Zulu' Sutherland The ladies' team, while small Pleasance took the honours in the javelin. number, had their successes. T The lassies completed a clean bionic Fiona Hargreaves (broth CHANGE? sweep on the track in all but the o f Alister) bo mbed to victory in t By Henry Winter Availability 100m hurdles, Flying Fiona taking 100 m, 200m and 400m and sa· the 200m and 400m, Kirsty afterwards she owed it all to h ff you've been to the Pfeasance time-saving ways of staying - or Unfortunately, during the fast­ 'dynamo' Ra msey the 1 00m, trainer, a certain E. McAslan. In t approaching exam period, parts of re cently you 'll have undoubtedly becoming - healthy. But, a word Marcella Robertson the 800m and 4 x 100m the ladies snatch sensed that tomething is in the air. of warning before you start make the Pleasance wfll not be up to 1500m and Maid Marian the 400m victory thanks to a good all-rou Dust mainly. But there's a very sure you have seen one of the much, bei ng full of sc ri bbling hurdles Judy 'Amazon' McDowell team effort plus a bit of ext good reason for thrs dust. It's experts down there - at certain st udents and prowli ng pro­ won the shot and was second ,n special 00mph' from the bion caused by the partial demolrtron times - who w tll advise you on fessors, so, if you intend to use the the discus A successful day only Frfr. and restructuring parts of the Old what type of load you are up to. Pleas ance be tween Monday, 30th Gym. Rumour has rt that the end Thrs ,s vrtal before you start May and Fri day, 17th June result wrll be seven sparkling new Perhaps, one of the most (inclusive) bear in mind these glass-backed Squash Courts Thrs excrtrng rumours to come from the following details so you won't development reflects two things. Pleasance rs the possrbrlrty of an clash with exam sittings. the phenomenal popularity of artrfrcial surface at Peffermrll a la The Sports Hall rs the marn squash and the new active QPR. There are apparently, two casually throughout the whole of approach to improving Unrversrty apparently, two stages to their the exam period (30th May-17th sports facilrtres If you only go rnto plan The first involves the laying June) rt rs Out o f Use However, the Pleasance occas,onally you down of an all-weather synthetic the Upper and Lower Gyms are not cannot farl to be struck by the turf surface where the present being used for exams, so they're radical changes going on. First, tennis courts are. There wrll be OK. From Wednesday, 1st June to the superb - and easily bookable tennis courts are These wrll be Thursday, 16th June (inclusive) - Sports Hall, capable of catering improved and accommodated the Sportscentre will operate as for most indoor sports, from elsewhere. Secondly, there are follows: football to volleyball The second plans to put up a pavillron adjacent Monday-Friday: 9 till 5.15 At a time wh en I keep boasting about the impressive depth of talent th maior acquisition was the Eric to the surface. Thrs wrll not only All the facrlitres are usable except there is in the Cricket Club this year, it becomes depressing to have I Liddell Fintness Room whrch at house spectators and players the Sports Hall, squash courts, report a succession of games cancelled by the appalling weather. In t first sight resembles a cross changing rooms but, also, social table tennis studios and the last fortnight we have managed just two matches, and any sun tan th between a dentists and a disco. amenrtres. So, having used the cellars. Enter by the Trust Annexe we can show off would be on account of the rust, as Fred Trueman on Li'ghts , mirrors and plush sports facrlitres you then retire for at 68 Pleasance. said. a post-match pie and prnt in the surroundings a la Annabels and Two weeks ago we had a match thus, shamefully, drawing t specialrsed chairs to tune minor pavrllron. Monday-Friday: 5.15 till 10 against Strathclyde University ma t ch. It was a d ism muscles explain this first So, when we return next All the facilities are fine except the whrch was a joke. It was really very penormance with only Andre impression. However, the room is October, hopefully, we will find Sports Hall. Enter rn the normal good of the opponents to have Younger managing to bat with t not just flash : rt represents one of ourselves with one of the best and fashion . managed to get out a side at all and concentration required. the most complete fitness and advanced sporting complexes in a pity that they had to be quite so Fortunately though, t h the country. Thrs rs all strll fairly wights centres in the cpuntry, Satu rday and Sunday badly mauled by us. We batted Championship Trophy will be ou private or public . More hypothetical, but rf the Unrversrty The Sports Centre rs open as frrst, and were it not for a foolish provided we don't do anything sill bigwigs have the sense to approve encouraging is the fact that rs n6t normal except the Sports Hall and sporting declaration, mrght against Glasgow or Heriot-Wa these long-awaited improvements iust used by fitness fanatrcs and which for the weekends of the 4th- have made well over 300 runs thrs week. Also it is impressive an feminists. The amount of ordinary we can look forward to rmprovrng 5th and the 11th-12th June will be which would have broken one or worth a note that 7 players w people like myself in there solely the standard of our sport, and unavailable. two records. As rt was we made went to Stirling last Sunday fort to keep 'in trim' rs substantial. So, widening rts access and appeal. So, the Pleasance rs strll fairly 267 runs for the loss of 6 wickets Universities 6-a-side tourname do go and five rt a try: a regular Thrs service to the students should functional throughout the exam after only 32 overs (Gamet 32, (which we would undoubted workout in there combined with a be the University's major - if not period. So, when you've spent a Rudd 51, and Keighley an have won had it not been for t fOg is one of the most effective overriding perogatrve: we awart hard day studying ,n the library go excellent 86) and it took a further rain) have all been selected fort October wrth baited breath. and sweat it all out at the JUDO CLUB AGM twelve overs of none too serious Scottish Universities Squad. Fo Pleasance cricket to bowl Strathclyde out for of them Malcolm Garn Although , for most , the The Judo Club AGM was held SKI GEAR 46 runs. (Rudd and Thorn couldn't Andrew Younger, Graham Ga on Tuesday, 10th May. The main University spor ts season is fail tD each take more than 3 and Alan Eisner - are fresher topic on the agenda was the Anyone interested in acauirina a finishing , many clubs still have wickets). which is encouraging; the other election of the new committee. parr of Rossignol Competitive skis important fixtures and national With our heads full of that, 10 are Graeme Sm ith, who wi The results were as follows: (length 1.70m) with brand new varsity commitments. So, good cricketl ess days later we played probably be captain of the si Captain - Jim Brown; Women's bindings should ring Elain Stuart luck to those on tour, competing in against St Andrews at Canal Fields again this year. James Thorn a Captain - Sarah Kibby; Secretary on 661 4148. She also has a pair of SU or BU events, still playing or and bowled them out for 96 runs myself. - Ralph H all ; and Treasurer - size 5 Nordica Boots for £25, and simply preparing for next year. with Graeme Smith taking 4 for 20: Equally impressive is the fa John Palmer, who kindly agreed to other equipment. Lastly, thanks to John Peters, the Then followed the most atrocious that on Sunday we had those 7 retain hrs post. All members would Any sports equipment you want Sports Union President, for his example o f team batting I hope I Stirling, and three other teams o like to take this opportunity to to buy, sell or swap can be done on hard work and commitment over shall ever have to report: over­ due to play matches, which se thank last year's committee of this page. Just leave a note of the the year. In his place we have the confidence, lack of applicati on, qurte a precedent and which n details in 'The Student' Office, 1 equally diligent Pete Lyall to look Alisdair Brown, Sally Allan and and general bad play saw us get other Scottish University cou forward to as our sporting John Palmer for their hard work Buccleuch Place. It makes sense ourselves out and crawl to a possibly rival. Guess whether all supremo next October. and effort. - and money. pathetic total o f 91 for 9 wickets games were rained o ff.