E Ue • !Garbage
What do you mean 'Whn, is tht' Ne-..· Order in Eu,o~ tn !Ngin -' · !his IS the New Ordt'r." A ~AVOURITE QUOTATION OF 'COOJJ NEWS for yo':!Yfoiillft!'r o:.;,;,;;;i.~ . I MARTIN HAD MANAGED TO RfACH THf STATION AND h 1//1 v~ .11n Slr.s uV.: BRINli ™' COASTGUARDS IN TIME. ONE OF T'He>1 , U t½ e T J q, d e , J I RfCOGN15f0 THEIR PRISONER. Hf WM, A S P1~5 MAC, NOTORIOUS l'OREIGN AGENT. ~ - -S::::~~ ~~ vP .._ Soyikwa Theatre Glasgow Mayfest 83Music Student Back in !Travel ~ (O/V\E JOIN~ T><L ~~~m1 i:r@~ ~oorn ~rn@ .,;Election fN5vR &-fN1 8'ASTF1R~P the BIUe • !Garbage News Kritique KEN'S The 1983 elections drew to a close last Thursday with a count which veered NEW wildly between the sublime and the ridi culous. lain Cameron and Ray Clancy were there among the crowd. The election of the new Senior President, for example, featured TEAM one of the closest finishes in recent years. On the first ballot The hangovers cured, the Effective communication Steve Evans was just 50 votes between the SA Executive, the behind Ken Shoji. On the later frenzy quieted and the SRC and the student population as distributions the lead changed facades dropped, Student a whole, has often been a hands between them twice, and went down to the EUSA st umbling block in previous years, unsurprisingly neither Peter Dow yet there is plenty of confidence nor Nick Wailes-Fairbairn could Offices on Monday among this foursome for rectifying make any real impression, though morning to probe behind the problem.
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