John Gay's Dramatic Works,, Formula for Arranging the Songs: Introductions and Codas Vol
The Music of JohnGay's The Beggar'sOpera E,ditedand Arrangedfrom Eighteenth-Century Sources by JERE,MYBARLO\T MusicDepartment OXFORD UNIVERSITYPRE,SS Oxford and New York To Martin Best ()xford Llttir.'arsit1,Press, \X/alt<tn Strcat, Oxford ()X2 (tDP, b,nglartd ()xford Uttiucrsity,I'rcss,200 MLtdisonAt,cnuc, Ncrt,York, Ny 10()/6, IJSA ()rfrtrd is tt Irtda nttrk rtf ()xlbrd Llnit'crsit)' prcss @ ()xiord Unit'crsi4,Prcss 1990 1.\lJN0- t9-.i.i6.i06 2 Pcrntissiotrto pcrfornt 7fii511tork or dny pLtrt oi it drdnrtttit'tlly, or tba completc u'rtrk itr conccrt f<trm, trtust lta oltttrinctl in rtdurtrtccirom tbc puhlishcrs (rtr tbcir dgcnts tbrottl) u,bo util! Lluote tcrnts on apltlic,ttiorr.Pcrmissit,tr t() pL'rl()nu L'xL'L't'ptsirt concart fitrm ntust bc o[ilainctl irom tbc l'crfornring Right Socicty,29l.l3 llcrncrs Strcct, London WIP 1AA, or front thc Sociatlt'sreprcsentLrtiL,as tor parfrtrnttrrtccs otrtsidc tbc Unitcd Kingdottt. Stdge,rtdio, tclcuisiou, rrtotir;n lticture, t,idco, perforning, Lrnd,tll otbcr rigbts subsisting in this umrk arc strictly rcsarued. lxlo 1t,trtof tbis publictttiott ntay ltc reprotluced, st<trcdirr tr rctricual systent,or trttnsntittctl, in Llny fornt rtr l\',rtty' ntctuts,clcctronic, ntcc'brtttit-tl,photocopyirtg, rat'ording, or otberu'ise,tt,itbortt the prior ltcrntission oi thc publishcrs. A ptpcrbttck edition is dlso trtuilablc, cortttriuingi con(lense(luersiort of thc prcf'LtccLmd cditrtriol mcthod ltrouidcd bcra. All perfornting rrttttaritrl,including librctti, is ,tudiltblc for birc f'r<nn tbc ltultlishcr's
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